Chrono Cross

Chrono Cross

13.10.2013 09:20:23
Criosphinx FAQ
Chrono Cross

Criosphinx FAQ – Chrono Cross
Version 1.01

Author: John Eric Sy (krystalklyr)
E-mail Address:
ICQ Number: 87324141

// Author’s Note //

This FAQ contains information on how to beat the Criosphinx (an optional boss
in Chrono Cross) in an ordinary game (not New Game +) by means of attacking.

This FAQ does not hold any spoiler whatsoever unless mentioning a character’s
name is considered a spoiler by you.

This document may be shared to anyone as long as:

- Nothing is altered or ripped off in anyway or form
- The author and the people who helped are credited
- It is not used for profitable or commercial reasons

If you’re a webmaster and you like this document on your page then you must
follow those above guidelines and you must:

- As said above, it is not ripped off or altered in anyway, the author and
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- You will seek my permission (via e-mail etc.) before putting this FAQ on
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- Your site is open for updates

If you like to ask a question, give me a suggestion, complains, flames and
death threats, feel free to e-mail me.

// Version History //

Version 1.01 - Some additions, corrections and minor fixes.

Version 1.00 – FAQ at full version, everything not mentioned in my updates


Now, I will get on how to defeat the Criosphinx in a normal game (not New Game
+) by means of attacking it.

// Defeating Criosphinx //

The way to defeat the Criosphinx, supposedly was to answer his riddles.
According to [EWU internet sucks lemons] of , the answer
to his riddles are the exact combination of using the Chrono Cross equipment.
But still, besides that, there is nothing else so it can be considered

However, if you defeat Criosphinx by attacking it, you will get a real cool
stuff, the Sunglasses. The Sunglasses makes you deal damage as if your
character is strong against the element your fighting (like Blue attacking Red
always etc.).

I suggest you try answering the riddles first, listing down the combination
then re-loading your game and beating the Criosphinx by attacking it in order
to get the Sunglasses.

The earliest possible time you can beat the Criosphinx is with Lynx (Serge
comes later ... much later and you'll be missing the greatest accessory ever).
So for everyone's pleasure, this FAQ is optimized for use with Lynx but of
course, this FAQ is also applicable to Serge to a far extent.

\_ Yellow Plate

In order to beat the Criosphinx, you need this item, the Yellow Plate. The
Yellow Plate can be stolen (Pillage*d or any other command in order to steal
items from enemies [I just personally used Fargo for this]) from the Earth
Dragon Island (a desert island in the map) at the Another World (I know this
sounds awkard).

This armor absorbs Yellow Elemental attacks which is the Criosphinx elemental
magic attacks. By doing this, you need not bring a lot of HP restore Elements
(Actually, by following this guide, you don’t need HP restore elements).

If you missed this armor, then you will have a VERY hard time [not really
impossible] on defeating the Criosphinx unless you try solving the riddle
(which I said was useless). If you missed the Yellow Plate, check out the
Contributions section.

* - Pillage – Fargo’s LV3 Skill. Steals an item from an enemy.


Though not required but these things will help you a lot and make the battle

1. EagleEye Element – Boosts your attacks to the hit rate of 99%
- You can buy this at Another World’s Marbule for 430.
- You must have 10 (you need less but just to be sure)

2. Star Fragment - So that Sprain (from Earthquake) wouldn’t affect you
- Sprain reduces the damage you deal in battle
- Get this at the El Nido Triangle at the Home World

3. TurnGreen Elmnt. - Not a must but it will let you deal more damage to
Criosphinx (Criosphinx is Yellow and TurnWhite won’t
affect him [I tried it once])
- Buy 5 (10 is fine too) of these at Marbule for 75 each

4. Mastermune - So that you’ll have great attack power and deal
critical hits easy
- Beat Dario to get this. (See below for more details)
- If not, get the Stone Swallow for sakes!
But still, the Mastermune is a better idea

5. Stone Helmet - Criosphinx also does physical attacks
- This serves as your physical defense booster
- Forge this

6. Either a Power Seal or a Stamina Belt, if not, a Dragoon Gauntlet will do
- A Power Seal increases your strength by 5 and can be
acquired by stealing from the Tyrano* at the
Home World’s Gaea’s Navel.
- A Stamina Belt increases your Stamina restoration so
you can get more attacks in, thus, saving you time.
This can be rarely stolen from the Pterodact in Home
World’s Gaea’s Navel or by defeating Jeanice for one
round in the Grand Slam Tournament in the
S. S. Invincible (at Home World)

* This is a boss or a sub-boss (not a common monster at Gaea’s Navel)

That is optional stuff you need to own. But they are a must for a quicker
time (less than 30 minutes) and safer battle (I guarantee that one of your
character will be alive)

Preparation Part II:

Place those EagleEye and TurnGreen Elements in anyway (alternately is what I
suggest but give more importance to Eagle Eye) starting from the your highest
Element grid level to the lowest on Lynx’s Elements

Equip the following accessories (in any order) on Lynx
|--> Stone Helmet
|--> Star Fragment
|--> Power Seal/Stamina Belt/Dragoon Gauntlet

Equip the Yellow Plate and the Mastermune (or Stone Swallow) onto Lynx. I
really suggest you get the Mastermune for this battle.

If you like, let your other character be someone else and another one who can
steal like Fargo (as you can steal a @Rainbow Shell from Criosphinx) and
someone else. If possible, equip some Dreamer’s Scarf (start with +1 Element
LV on battle each) onto the stealer.

That’s everything, now is the time to fight!

Onto Battle:

First, you need to have gotten the Yellow Relic (you should have it by now
since you already have a Yellow Plate [but if you don’t have a Yellow Plate,
forget about fighting because you just wasted your time reading my guide].

I advice you fight him after defeating the Sky Dragon for further ease.

Now, go to the Another World’s Earth Dragon Island. Jump down the pit and
head for the place where you should supposedly meet the Earth Dragon. You’ll
meet the Criosphinx instead. It might be a good idea to save.

Battle Proper:

First move, have Lynx attack using a LV 2 attack (uses up 2 Stamina points)

Second move, have Fargo attack some to attain an Elemental LV 3 and after
that, let him use Pillage in order for you to get the @Rainbow Shell (This
isn’t really a must but if you fail, just reset and load your game [Ummm, you
saved right?])

dead etc. (Lynx should be alive because you equipped him with the Yellow

that is/are alive

----- Criosphinx’s Pattern -----
There is a basic pattern in this battle. Criosphinx will attack you with
ThundaStorm which will kill or damage your other characters (Lynx should be
ok). After that, he will cast Earthquake* for a number of turns. After that,
he will use Thunda Storm again and begin attacking.

He will attack for 3 turns which is his only chance of killing you (I suggest
you defend). The first attack will consist of 3 consecutive blows. The
second will be a single blow and the last will be 2 blows.

After that, he’ll use ThundaStorm again after that comes the Earthquake and so
on (and at that time, Lynx’s HP will be restored to the max). He will repeat
the same process until you die or he dies.

*Earthquake deals the status effect Sprain which reduces the damage you deal.
----- Criosphinx’s Pattern -----

it did, don’t bother healing

Third move, have Lynx max his Elemental bar and let him use EagleEye.

think your Stamina is 3 or below, DEFEND! [Not applicable if Stamina is less
than 0]

Forth move, have Lynx max his Elemental bar (Use LV 3 Attacks ONLY!) and let
him use TurnGreen.

----- NOTE: Further Steps -----
Continue on with your LV3 attacks, defending as I said at the above NOTE.
Using EagleEye or TurnGreen when effects wear off. If ever you have no
TurnGreen left, it doesn’t matter.

However if you don’t have EagleEye anymore, which is highly unlikely if you
equipped 10, use your own judgement whether to attack using LV 1, LV 2 or
LV 3. The attack only with LV 3 must be ignored if you wish to land hits on

The Criosphinx wouldn’t show whether he is weakened or not I think so just
follow the redundant method until you beat him, battle should last for less
than 30 minutes I assure you, even less than 25 I suppose.
----- NOTE: Further Steps -----

This concludes this section. Have fun with the Sunglasses!

// Getting the Mastermune//

I know this shouldn’t be a part of this FAQ but since I require you to get the
Mastermune, then better off get it.

First, you need to have beaten the Black Dragon and I suggest you steal the
Black Plate from him. Though I’ve seen someone not beating him with the
Black Plate, I still suggest you must have it for further ease.

You must have Riddel in your party and equip the Black Plate on her.

Your characters must have their Stone equipments (Complete from
Stone/Denadorite [whatever] Weapons, Armor and Helmets)

You need a lot of HealAlls. I suggest filling everyone’s Elemental Grids with
HealAll (I mean every single one). But put one Revive on Lynx and probably
another to Riddel or that other party member if you have more. Putting some
EagleEye or Strengthen would be nice too.

[Don’t e-mail me about where you can get more Revive because I don’t know]

How to fight him:

First, go to the small island with a smoking hut near Mt. Pyre in the
Home World. It is not marked. Put Riddel on your party and enter it then go
to the house. Talk.

After that, go to the Another World’s Isle of the Damned. Bring Karsh with
you and go to the place where you found the Elranzer in home. Defeat Solt and
Peppor and you will get the Memento Pendant.

Get on with your quest until you have stolen the Black Plate (for greater ease
as I mentioned above) from the Black Dragon.

Go back to the small island with a smoking hut near Mt. Pyre in the
Home World, prepare your party, as said somewhere above (equipping etc.) and
save before entering. Go inside the house and talk to Dario with Riddel in
front of your party.

Battle Advice:
Whack and use HealAll when necessary. Keep Riddel on defend. Have her attack
a few times if her Element LV is low for a few Element LVs immediately after
Dario has done his move.

You’ll deal little damage in this battle so I suggest using Strengthen and
Eagle Eye so you can thrash Dario real good.

When the battle is over, you will receive the Mastermune. The Mastermune is
Lynx’s/Serge’s strongest weapon and it deals critical hits often.

There are other ways to beat them, like using specific color of elements so
that Dario would not damage you, for more information on that, check out
Dingo_Jellybean's FAQ over at his web site or

// Contributions //

[The worth of beating the Crioshpinx]
from EWU internet sucks lemons
You can get the combination in order to pull off the Chrono Cross element.
Although you can get the combination at another place (Dragon Tower), the
Crioshphinx gives away the exact way on how to do it unlike that other place
which can be quite inaccurate.

[Beating the Crioshpinx without the Yellow Plate]
from _Greg
It is not impossible to defeat the Crioshpinx according to him if you don't
have the Yellow Plate. Here is his message regarding this.

| You must realise that I am divulging my secret, even if it is NOT
| published, without proof of it NOT been unique.
| Meaning, one "could" say that is idea is not unique or original; and
| say that this idea has already been published. However, I already
| have the satisfaction of accomplishing it without aid or knowledge of
| THIS technique! Here we go!
| "How to kill the Criosphinx without the Yellow Plate"
| (
| "Let those who disturb the peace of the land be punished..."
| EQUIPMENT: Best available armor,weapons, and Yellow brooches!
| ELEMENTS: Turn Red/Blue,Green/Yellow,White/Black, Eagle Eye (lv. 2
| grid x3), Recover All(lv. 3 grid x3), Heal All(lv4 grid x3), and
| Summons.
| STRATEGY: Answer 5 (five) of the Criosphinx questions with the
| appropriate colour summons, if you can; if not an AUXILIARY element.
| Use ALL SAINTS for the 6th (sixth) WILL NOT count, but
| inflicts damage (like ALL the other summons you've used so far!)
| BATTLE TECHNIQUE: Defend after each response until riddle six, to
| replenish your grid levels. The Criosphinx WILL repeat 'til the right
| TYPE of response is given.
| Turn 1: EAGLE EYE(to Serge), Attk: 3,3
| Turn 2: Recover as necessary(He will use ONLY ONE ATTACK per answer)
| Turn 3: 1-2 (Until he's given up the SUNGLASSES like he should!)
| If you think it ingenious, I do think so!, I have a detailed version
| USING RAZZLY in the team... I did this just after the sixth dragon!
| P.S.: I kicked Dario's butt just after getting the momento
| pendant...there's another story!

// Credits //

I’d like to thank Angry Scapula and zAuLt, both from the GameFAQs, Chrono
Cross Game board for some tips that I needed before lunging an attack on

Also to Dingo_Jellybean for his [and since he liked to say,
“super” then] I’d call it a super cool guide. Also to the help he gave me
while I was in chat. Your “super cool gotta have it alias” rules!

EWU internet sucks lemons for enlightening me that
beating the Criosphinx has some worth in it.

_Greg for offering his "How to beat the Criosphinx
without a Yellow Plate" guide to this FAQ.

// Legal Information //

“Chrono Cross,” is a registered trademark of SQUARE. Words or phrases found
in the game “Chrono Cross” is property of SQUARE.

This document is property of and copyright 2000 by John Eric Sy. This
document must stay as it is, nothing must be changed whatsoever. Nobody must
profit directly from this guide.

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