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-- Chrono Cross Character Recruiting FAQ --
-- by CB! (Christine Bomke, cb@positronrecords.com) --
-- Version 4.0, 12/3/01 --
DISCLAIMER: This guide is for PERSONAL USE ONLY, copyrighted to me,
Christine Bomke. Do not put this FAQ on your site without first emailing
me for permission. If permission IS granted, you are not permitted to
change a single word of this FAQ when you post it, and must leave it as a
.txt file unless I've explicitly told you otherwise that you may change
it. Do not steal information from this FAQ for your magazine, or other
form of media - printed, online, or otherwise. Do not pass GO, do not
collect $200. If you violate this disclaimer anyway, know that I have the
means and mettle to pursue this matter legally, and you _will_ regret it.
NOTE TO WEBMASTERS: If permission is granted to post this guide on your
site, it is _your_ responsibility to get the most recent version from my
site or GameFAQs.com periodically. If you can't be bothered to keep it
current, then you may not post it.
Avast ye matey, thar be spoilers ahead.
-- Table 'o Contents --
I. Version History
II. Contact Information
III. Quick & Dirty Branching Storyline Chart
IV. Character Encyclopedia
V. Combination Attacks
VI. Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why can't I get so-and-so?
2. Can I get all of my characters back in New Game+?
3. Can I get Harle back?
4. Can I recruit so-and-so? They have a character portrait!
5. Which characters do you recommend?
6. My [name of character] has lower stats than yours, and I'm at 99 stars!
What did I do wrong?
7. Is Glenn Frog from Chrono Trigger?
8. How do I equip Glenn with 2 Einlanzers?
9. I want Skelly in my party, where are his bones?
10. Is there any purpose to collecting Pierre's "Hero" equipment?
11. What's the deal with Pip?
12. What's all this Radical Dreamers stuff?
13. Is Guile who I think he is..?
14. Who was the "stranger from the mainland" who brought Kidd Hydra Humour
when she was ill? Was it Magus?
15. How do I defeat Dario? %@$#@!!
16. Can I change anyone's names?
17. Are those REALLY all the combination attacks?
18. I can't forge Prism weapons! What gives?
19. Is Kidd Harle? Is Harle Kidd?
20. The game won't let me change Serge's name to Crono!
21. Is that really the Epoch in the basement of Viper Manor?
22. I've heard a rumour about xyz, can you confirm/deny it for me?
23. Okay, so what were some of the Japanese to English changes?
24. I love the soundtrack, where can I get it?
25. I want Chrono Cross swag, where can I find it?
26. Where can I find a list of Chrono Trigger references?
27. Are there any known bugs?
28. What about Razzly's Level 7 skill?
VII. Thanks, Shameless Plugs, and Credits
-- I. Version History --
v4.0 12/3/01: Added a few more FAQs, and revised small bits of text here and
v3Final 7/4/01: Gave the character encyclopedia a BIG facelift. Added max stats
for each character, according to the Japanese Ultimania guide. This is as
accurate as it gets, folks. Also added several more frequently asked questions,
and contact information - please read this before emailing me.
v2Final 10/28/00: FAQ comes out of retirement and kicks butt like Jin Kazama
on a bender. BOO-YA! Section order rearranged, too many additions to list here.
vFinal 9/3/00: More skill names converted to the English release, and finally
filled in the blanks for Zappa's skills. Like you care. Added everyone's
fortunes as per the fortuneteller in Termina - nonessential information, but
it gives an interesting bit of background info if you miss optional cutscenes,
and don't complete anyone's sidequests. (That, and I haven't seen fortunes in
anyone else's guides yet.) Finished Branching Story Chart, added more FAQs.
This will probably be the last update, so if you have any corrections, don't
bother emailing me, unless it's to say how much you love the new DJ? Acucrack
v2.5 8/20/00: Small name corrections (Elranzer to Einlanzer, Gardov to Guldove,
etc), BIG overhaul on most of the text. Frequently Asked Questions added.
Branching Story Chart will be updated and FINISHED in the next version.
v2.4 8/15/00: Lots of character and skill names changed to their English ones.
New warm fuzzy disclaimer, and branching story path chart. Miscellaneous section
went poof, as everyone and their mother will be writing more in-depth FAQs soon
enough about that very subject.
v2.3 7/22/00: Character list changed to the order in which it appears in the
game. Some names changed to the ones in the North American release. My Dexdrive
ate my memory card.
v2.1 4/7/00: Done as it's going to be until the English release. Really. Cross
my heart. Added little revisions everywhere, how to get Lazzuli's & Tsumalu's
Level 7 Skills, a caveat about Lena's Level 7, a Did You Notice?, the location
of Skull's bones, and made the strategy for recruiting Kinoko less obtuse. Only
4 months until the North American release! Rejoice!
v2.0 and below: Who cares? Started on 12/26/99. Last updated on 7/4/01.
-- II. Contact Information --
You may email me at cb@positronrecords.com or circe@san.rr.com, or contact me
via AOL Instant Messenger as "Ceebsie". But before you do, make sure your
question hasn't already been answered in the FAQ, and please try to use a
modicum of grammar and proper spelling. If you don't, I can pretty much
guarantee your message will go ignored. My contribution to the Chrono Cross
community has been this FAQ, and I have neither the time nor desire to
regurgitate material from it when a simple Ctrl + F will find what you're
looking for. The latest revision of this document can always be found at
GameFAQs.com (http://www.gamefaqs.com/) and my own personal site
(http://home.san.rr.com/circe/). Please reference it before finding fault with
what is probably an outdated version. Thanks in advance.
Tu peux m'ecrire aussi en français, mais comprenez que ma français n'est pas
parfait au present. J'ai pris trois ans au lycée, mais j'ai un peu oublié.
D'accord? D'accord. Et maintenant, nous continuons avec la guide...
-- III. Quick & Dirty Branching Storyline Chart --
This is a chart of the branching storylines, and whom you can recruit in favor
of whom, when, for the player who doesn't want a bunch of character details.
This is wholly in chonological order, and based on the earliest point you can
recruit someone - if recruiting a particular character is optional, there'll
be a question mark (?) next to their name; if a character joins you
automatically, there'll be an exclamation point (!); and lastly, if you need
to recruit someone to advance the story, there'll be an asterisk (*). Simple
enough? Tally ho.
Characters are listed in the order they appear on the list accessable via the
menu (Triangle button). This FAQ is ideally for people who've already played the
game once, and want to pick up any characters they've missed in New Game+.
Spoilers have been minimized, but read at your own risk nonetheless.
Character evaluations have gone the way of the dodo since the last update. An
objective figure such as 90 strength points is better than a subjective opinion
saying so-and-so is stronger than so-and-so. Information on these maximum stats
was culled from the Japanese Chrono Cross Ultimania guide, which makes everything
published in North America seem rudimentary and inaccurate in comparison. If you
can read even a little Japanese, you'll definately want to pick up this book.
Name: Serge | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Silent Protagonist |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: White | HP | 50 | 850 |
When found: If you need to ask... | Strength | 9 | 88 |
Weapon: Swallow | Hit % | 85 | 95 |
Age: 17 | M. Power | 7 | 52 |
Origin: Arni | Defense | 5 | 78 |
Height: 5'7" | Evade | 8 | 25 |
Weight: 128 lbs | M. Defense | 7 | 43 |
Build: Ordinary
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: Dash & Slash (Serge dashes through an enemy. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Luminaire (Serge levitates, causing a glowing orb to descend on the enemy
party. Learned at 15 Stars.)
Level 7: Flying Arrow (Serge floats in the sky, and his aura shoots an arrow of
light at an enemy. This skill is inherent, and the size/shape of the aura
seems to depend on the weapon. Try it with the Mastermune, then try it
with the Silver Swallow. Learned at 35 Stars.)
Fortune: "You're not dead or anything, are you? Has anybody called you back from
the great beyond? Hmm...For some reason, I just can't read your future."
Name: Kidd | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: T&A |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Red | HP | 47 | 780 |
When found: On Another's Cape Howl | Strength | 6 | 82 |
at sunset, or in Termina if you | Hit % | 90 | 99 |
refused her three times at Cape | M. Power | 6 | 50 |
Howl, or after she recovers from | Defense | 4 | 74 |
poisoning if you refused her in | Evade | 10 | 30 |
Termina, or NEVER if you didn't | M. Defense | 8 | 40 |
help Kidd while poisoned and skip
returning to Guldove before going
to Fort Dragonia.
Weapon: Dagger
Age: 16
Origin: Unknown
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 99 lbs
Build: Slender
Dominant hand: Ambidextrous
Level 3: Pilfer (Kidd steals an item. Handy! Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Red Pin (Red pin is pin tat is red. Learned at 15 Stars.)
Level 7: Hot Shot (An invention of Lucca's falls from the sky, and Kidd fires
it at one enemy. Must be obtained via the side quest in the burning
house. In the first room, press the Action button next to the device
to the right of the door, and enter L1, Triangle, R1, Triangle for the
password. L A R A.)
Fortune: "In your eyes, I percieve...both the look of a beauty and the look of
a beast. Be mindful not to bring about your own end, my dear! A dream lies in
wait, reaching out to engulf you!"
Name: Guile | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Magician |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Black | HP | 49 | 880 |
When found: In Termina's bar in | Strength | 5 | 74 |
Another, prior to exploring Viper | Hit % | 80 | 95 |
Manor for the first time. You must | M. Power | 9 | 58 |
have witnessed the event at the | Defense | 5 | 75 |
statue of Lord Viper, and not have | Evade | 10 | 15 |
spoken with Nikki's manager or | M. Defense | 8 | 48 |
Weapon: Staff
Age: 26
Origin: Zenan Continent
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 154 lbs
Build: Tall & Slender
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: WandaIn (Guile makes his staff disappear, then materialize in one enemy's
body. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: WandaSwords (Guile's staff becomes many staves, which in turn become many
swords, and accost the enemy. Ph33r! Learned at 15 Stars.)
Level 7: LightninRod (Guile whirls around, and throws his staff into the air,
which causes purple lightning to strike the enemy. This skill is
inherently learned at 35 Stars.)
Fortune: "Hahah...! Sir Guile, the deadline has already passed!" [Guile
admits defeat, takes off his mask, and the fortuneteller flips out. The end.
Alternately, if you have the Dragon's Honor from Viper Manor in your inventory,
Guile will win the bet, and the fortuneteller will give him a Brass Rod.]
Name: Norris | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Captain of the Black Wind |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Yellow | HP | 55 | 800 |
When found: While exploring Home's | Strength | 9 | 85 |
Viper Manor, in the dungeon, he'll | Hit % | 85 | 99 |
join automatically. | M. Power | 5 | 46 |
Weapon: Gun | Defense | 5 | 75 |
Age: 26 | Evade | 8 | 20 |
Origin: Porre, on the Zenan Continent | M. Defense | 5 | 42 |
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 137 lbs
Build: Average
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: Spiral Ray (Norris fires a blast of yellow light at an enemy. Learned
at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Sunshower (Norris fires his gun into the air, and yellow energy rains
down on the enemy party. Looks like something out of Actraiser. Learned
at 15 Stars.)
Level 7: TopShot (Norris takes aim and blasts an enemy into next Tuesday. Talk
to Another's Norris with Home's Norris - he'll be in the far left
parlor on the ground floor of Viper Manor.)
Fortune: "You work to be more honest more straight...This world is distorted and
crooked. Trying to force your honesty on this crooked world may break you.
Beware of that."
Name: Nikki | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: ROCK STAR! |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Blue | HP | 45 | 750 |
When found: Before sneaking into | Strength | 5 | 83 |
Viper Manor, speak with Nikki's | Hit % | 90 | 95 |
manager on his ship, and rescue him | M. Power | 8 | 54 |
from the Cassowaries in the Shadow | Defense | 4 | 70 |
Forest. You must have witnessed the | Evade | 12 | 35 |
event at the statue of Lord Viper, | M. Defense | 8 | 40 |
and not have spoken with Guile or
Weapon: Guitar & Pick
Age: 19
Origin: S.S. Zelbess
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 115 lbs
Build: Thin
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: GrandFinale (Nikki smashes his guitar over one enemy's head. Learned
at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: ChillOut (Nikki freezes an enemy. How? He's just that cool. Learned at
19 Stars.)
Level 7: LimeLight (Spotlights illuminate Nikki, and he shoots evil dark energy
at the enemy party for big damage. Eat your heart out, Marilyn Manson!
Take Another's Nikki to meet Home's Nikki to find this skill. They'll
have a chat and jam together.)
Fortune: "The reading states that you are a bridge that connects to the other
side. Indeed. Two shores, that are separated by an unstoppable stream...It is
your role to connect them."
Name: Lord Viper | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Ruler of El Nido |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Yellow | HP | 60 | 860 |
When found: Automatically joins on | Strength | 10 | 88 |
Another's Zelbess after rescuing | Hit % | 80 | 95 |
Riddle from the Porre army. | M. Power | 8 | 43 |
Weapon: Sword | Defense | 8 | 75 |
Age: 57 | Evade | 4 | 15 |
Origin: El Nido | M. Defense | 5 | 38 |
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 216 lbs
Build: Solid
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: G-Force (Viper slices his sword up and down one enemy's body. Learned
at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Air Force (Viper swings his sword, and shoots a six pointed
star-shaped energy field at all enemies. Learned at 19 Stars.)
Level 7: FlagBearer (Viper folds his arms and stands majestically, while the
flag of Viper Manor is hoisted behind him, restoring a squidload of HP.
To recieve this skill, put Viper in your active party and speak with
the bar owner in Home's Termina. Go into the secret back room of the
bar and examine the tapestry on the far wall.)
Fortune: "You will continue to be the rightful lord that you are...This is no
fortune reading, it is my opinion as one who has lived longer than you."
Name: Riddel | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Pretty pretty princess! |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: White | HP | 42 | 730 |
When found: After rescuing her from | Strength | 4 | 73 |
the Porre troops running amuck in | Hit % | 85 | 95 |
Another's Viper Manor, she'll join | M. Power | 9 | 60 (!!) |
automatically at Hermit's Hideout. | Defense | 4 | 70 |
Weapon: Staff | Evade | 8 | 20 |
Age: 24 | M. Defense | 9 | 45 |
Origin: El Nido
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 104 lbs
Build: Slender
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: Snake Eyes (No, not the Nick Cage vehicle. Riddel heals your party for
many HP's, and cures any status ailments. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Snake Skin (Riddel protects one party member with the power of the
White Snake, for a 20% defense and 25% magic defense increase. Learned
at 19 Stars.)
Level 7: SnakeFangs (See Leena's Level 5 - like that, only with a 50% Element
revival rate. You must defeat Dario to acquire this.)
Fortune: "Deep devotion often makes the impossible possible. I suggest that you
keep holding on to your purity."
Name: Karsh | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Acacian Deva |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Green | HP | 62 | 910 |
When found: Joins automatically in | Strength | 10 | 90 |
the backroom of Termina's bar before | Hit % | 80 | 95 |
you explore Another's Viper Manor | M. Power | 4 | 51 |
for the second time, or on the | Defense | 9 | 80 |
Zelbess afterwards. You have a | Evade | 8 | 15 |
choice between he and Zoah. | M. Defense | 5 | 42 |
Weapon: Axe
Age: 27
Origin: El Nido
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 159 lbs
Build: Solid
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: Dragon Rider (Karsh rides a dragon and swings his axe at the enemy.
Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Axial Axe (Karsh throws his axe all over the battlefield, like a
boomerang. Learned at 19 Stars.)
Level 7: Axiomatic (Karsh hits an enemy many times with his axe; can only be
found after completing his side-quest with Solt & Pepper on the Isle
of the Damned.)
Fortune: "The reading says: A change in fashion will blossom a new love."
Name: ZOAH | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: BRAWNY ACACIAN DEVA |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: YELLOW | HP | 68 | 950 |
When found: JOINS AUTOMATICALLY IN | Strength | 10 | 90 |
THE... sorry, caps lock wearing | Hit % | 80 | 95 |
thin? Ahem. Joins automatically in | M. Power | 4 | 43 |
the backroom of Termina's bar before | Defense | 10 | 85 |
you explore Another's Viper Manor | Evade | 2 | 10 |
for the second time, or on the | M. Defense | 4 | 38 |
Zelbess afterwards. You have a
choice between he and Karsh.
Weapon: Glove
Age: 28
Origin: El Nido
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 203 lbs
Build: Mammoth
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: Dragon Rider (Zoah mounts a dragon, and jumps off, effectively
body-slamming one enemy. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Sweep Attack (Zoah's arms become charged with electricity, and he whirls
in the air, coming down hard on one enemy. Learned at 15 Stars.)
Level 7: Toss&Spike (Gotta love those volleyball puns. Can only be found if you
bring Zoah back to Viper Manor and open the chest in his room. It's the
furthest to the right on the ground floor.)
Fortune: "I sense deep sadness beneath that mask of yours...In the near future,
you, too, shall find your sanctuary of peace."
Name: Marcy | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Acacian Deva Diva |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Blue | HP | 40 | 750 |
When found: Joins automatically on | Strength | 5 | 86 |
the Zelbess, along with everyone | Hit % | 90 | 99 |
else in the free world. | M. Power | 9 | 53 |
Weapon: Glove | Defense | 4 | 75 |
Age: 9 | Evade | 15 | 40 |
Origin: Zenan Continent | M. Defense | 9 | 42 |
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 84 lbs
Build: Smallish
Dominant hand: Left
Level 3: Cat's Cradle (Marcy twirls a ball of string in the air, and throws her
line at the enemy, entangling them. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: String Phone (Marcy twirls a ball of string in the air, hefts individual
lines at the enemy, and shoots ice along them. Learned at 19 Stars.)
Level 7: Web Surfer (Marcy casts what looks like a Blue version of Final Fantasy
VIII's Quake. Learned at 40 Stars.)
Fortune: "The reading says, your wish will come true if you purge of your likes
and dislikes."
Name: Korcha | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Fisherman & Ferryman |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Blue | HP | 55 | 800 |
When found: Before Kidd recovers | Strength | 8 | 85 |
her health, you have a choice of he | Hit % | 85 | 95 |
or Macha. Say you want to save Kidd. | M. Power | 6 | 45 |
He'll join after he takes you to | Defense | 4 | 75 |
Termina. | Evade | 6 | 20 |
Weapon: Fishing implements | M. Defense | 7 | 38 |
Age: 16
Origin: Guldove
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 123 lbs
Build: Thin
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: Headbutt (Korcha does the breathstroke in the air, and headbutts an
enemy. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Hook&Sinker (Korcha casts his fishing rod at one enemy. Learned at
15 Stars.)
Level 7: Big Catch (Korcha casts his line, and reels in a big catch, hitting
one enemy. The big catch is a morph chosen randomly from Sprigg's
list, and will sometimes be a boot that does no damage. This Level 7
skill can be found by taking Korcha back to the small red display in
Termina, where you first met him, and examining it. Then talk to the
nearby person in purple, before heading down the road towards Greco's
home, and talking to the mermaid where you first talked to Korcha by
the beach.)
Fortune: "Your fortune reads that it is a hopeless love... I'm sorry, but you've
got to give up."
Name: Luccia | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Mad Scientist |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Black | HP | 42 | 720 |
When found: Go back to Viper | Strength | 4 | 80 |
Manor's balcony after Kidd is | Hit % | 80 | 95 |
wounded, and speak with Luccia | M. Power | 4 | 44 |
there and then at her lab. | Defense | 3 | 70 |
Weapon: Pin, Syringe | Evade | 10 | 35 |
Age: 28 | M. Defense | 4 | 40 |
Origin: Zenan Continent
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 97 lbs
Build: Thin
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: Pin-up Girl (Luccia jumps into the air and throws lots of pins and
needles at the enemy. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Mix&Match (Luccia throws two Erlenmeyer flasks at the enemy for a
status change. Learned at 19 Stars.)
Level 7: TestAmeba (Luccia throws her Test Amoeba at one enemy, which inhibits
oxidative phosphorylation on a cellular level, and inflicts wicked
damage. To find this skill, put her first in your party, and talk to
the slimy amoeba thing in the dungeon of Another's Viper Manor. You
need to go down through the grating in the kitchen.)
Fortune: "You shall always be under the watchful eye of your former master..."
Name: Poshul | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Species: Dog |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Yellow | HP | 58 | 900 |
When found: Either give her the | Strength | 10 | 86 |
Heckran Bone and recruit her in | Hit % | 80 | 95 |
Home before you speak with Leena | M. Power | 3 | 40 |
on the beach, or take the | Defense | 7 | 70 |
nescessary steps to recruit | Evade | 5 | 10 |
Another's Leena and she'll join | M. Defense | 3 | 35 |
automagically. PO-SHU-SHU!
Weapon: Glove
Age: Unknown
Origin: Arni
Height: 3'8"
Weight: 26 lbs
Build: Roly-poly
Dominant paw: Unknown
Level 3: K-9 Ball (Poshul curls into a ball and bounces on the enemy. Learned
at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Doggy Dunnit (Poshul spins around, creating a wind vortex, then
dispatches it at the enemy party. Learned at 15 Stars.)
Level 7: Unleashed (The Chrono Cross equivalent of Fat Chocobo! Poshul unlocks
her collar, grows bigger, and belly flops on one enemy. Can only be
found by speaking with Home's Leena at the dock, after Serge gets his
body back.)
Fortune: "Beware of fat and of over-eating...Well, I guess that goes without
Name: Razzly | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Species: Sprite (not 7up!) |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Green | HP | 40 | 740 |
When found: While on the quest for | Strength | 4 | 72 |
Kidd's medicine, in Hydra swamp, | Hit % | 85 | 95 |
if you choose to let her out of | M. Power | 8 | 55 |
the cage by the Pentapus. You | Defense | 3 | 70 |
can't get her if you chose Macha's | Evade | 20 | 45 |
branch, and went to the Zelbess in | M. Defense | 8 | 46 |
lieu of Hydra swamp, and you MUST
fight the Pentapus before killing
the Hydra.
Weapon: Staff
Age: Unknown
Origin: Water Dragon Island
Height: 3'7"
Weight: 11 lbs
Build: Tiny
Dominant hand: Unknown
Level 3: Raz-Star (Razzly makes a large, comicly proportioned star fall on an
enemy. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Raz-Heart (Razzly waves her wand, and restores a small amount of HP
to herself and boosts her defense. Learned at 15 Stars.)
Level 7: Raz-Flower (Don't include Razzly in the battle with the Hydra in Hydra
Swamp, let Rosetta die, and when the Terra Tower surfaces, go to Water
Dragon Island in the Home dimension and examine the flowers that grew
in the middle of the sprite village.)
Fortune: "Conflict can occur anywhere...The only way to be rid of conflict is
to remove its roots. Nothing will be resolved by just glancing at the surface."
Name: Zappa | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Blacksmith |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Red | HP | 60 | 820 |
When found: After returning to Home | Strength | 8 | 89 |
and going to Termina, keep speaking | Hit % | 80 | 95 |
with him in the Smithy until he | M. Power | 3 | 40 |
offers to join you. | Defense | 6 | 75 |
Weapon: Axe or Hammer | Evade | 3 | 15 |
Age: 52 | M. Defense | 3 | 37 |
Origin: Zenan Continent
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 181 lbs
Build: Solid
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: Hammerblow (Zappa beats the earth to rattle his foe. Learned at 3
Level 5: Hammerthrow (Zappa whirls like a dervish, and strikes all enemies on
the battlefield for decent damage. Learned at 19 Stars.)
Level 7: Balls of Iron (Stupid skill name, good skill. Zappa hits a red hot ball
of iron at the enemy, Tiger Woods style. Learned at 40 Stars.)
Fortune: "You shall encounter the two things you seek...But be careful, for one
of them is what you seek only in appearance."
Name: Orcha | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Cook |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Red | HP | 65 | 850 |
When found: While the Porre troops | Strength | 6 | 85 |
are ravaging Another's Viper Manor, | Hit % | 85 | 95 |
defeat his blue counterpart and | M. Power | 6 | 50 |
he'll join automatically. | Defense | 6 | 75 |
Weapon: Frying pan | Evade | 4 | 15 |
Age: 44 | M. Defense | 6 | 35 |
Origin: Guldove
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 203 lbs
Build: Chubby
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: Spice of Life (Orcha throws a jar of spice in the air, healing the party
for a couple hundred HP. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Mystery Menu (Orcha cooks and eats one enemy. Learned at 15 Stars.)
Level 7: DinnerGuest (Orcha has returned from the Dark World and is now BLUE Orcha!
With Orcha leading your party, speak with his brother, Home Arni's chef.)
Fortune: "Do not think your inner evil will just fade away...Remember that the
evil is secreted away inside everyone."
Name: Radius | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Arni Village's Chief |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Green | HP | 45 | 735 |
When found: Joins automatically | Strength | 7 | 83 |
after you defeat him in Arni Home. | Hit % | 90 | 99 |
Weapon: Staff | M. Power | 7 | 49 |
Age: 62 | Defense | 7 | 75 |
Origin: Zenan Mainland | Evade | 8 | 30 |
Height: 5'8" | M. Defense | 7 | 41 |
Weight: 119 lbs
Build: Thin
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: Longshot (Radius blasts an enemy with green energy from his staff,
similar to Glenn's Level 5. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: QuickDraw (Radius dashes at and through an enemy. Learned at 15 Stars.)
Level 7: Vital Energy (Radius leaps into the air, and green fire engulfs one enemy.
Learned at 35 Stars.)
Fortune: "The many lines laid before you, shall all merge into one..."
Name: Fargo | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Seafarin' pirate |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Blue | HP | 75 | 880 |
When found: On Another's Zelbess; | Strength | 8 | 88 |
joins with Marcy, Lord Viper, etc. | Hit % | 80 | 95 |
Weapon: Sword | M. Power | 3 | 44 |
Age: 40 | Defense | 8 | 85 |
Origin: Unknown | Evade | 2 | 10 |
Height: 6'0" | M. Defense | 3 | 40 |
Weight: 163 lbs
Build: Macho
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: Pillage (Fargo plunders an item. Arrr matey! Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: CannonBalls (Fargo whistles, and cannonballs from the Zelbess crash
down on the enemy party. Learned at 15 Stars.)
Level 7: Invincible (Fargo runs toward an enemy, brandishing his sword as he goes,
while kanji's flash on the screen. For those curious, they roughly
translante to "An Attack Unequaled Under Heaven", which is a fancy way
of saying "Invincible". He'll get this automatically before going to
Marbule to fight the Lagoonates, who have taken over the town.)
Fortune: "Take away the mirror of falsity and reflect your image on the mirror
of truth. You will then regain your true self."
Name: Macha | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Hausfrau |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Red | HP | 58 | 780 |
When found: In Guldove, when you're | Strength | 8 | 85 |
asked to undertake the quest for | Hit % | 85 | 95 |
Kidd's medicine. You have a choice | M. Power | 5 | 53 |
between she and her son, Korcha. | Defense | 5 | 90 |
Choose not to save Kidd if you want | Evade | 7 | 30 |
Macha. | M. Defense | 5 | 43 |
Weapon: Frying pan
Age: 38
Origin: Guldove
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 150 lbs
Build: Stout
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: Bottom's Up (Macha hits and wiggles her derriere, then launches herself
at the enemy for mediocre damage. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Folding (Macha turns the enemy into dirty laundry, folds it, and jumps
on top. Learned at 15 Stars.)
Level 7: Dirty Dishes (This brings new meaning to the urban colloquialism, "drop
some plates on your ass". Macha summons flatware to drop down on the
enemy party. Learned at 35 Stars.)
Fortune: "It reads that, as a mother, you should set an example for your
Name: Glenn | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Knight who says, "Nee!" |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Green | HP | 55 | 890 |
When found: After recruiting Macha | Strength | 9 | 90 |
and her boat in Another's Termina, | Hit % | 85 | 99 |
by the docks. | M. Power | 6 | 46 |
Weapon: Sword | Defense | 6 | 80 |
Age: 20 | Evade | 5 | 25 |
Origin: Termina | M. Defense | 6 | 42 |
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 141 lbs
Build: Average
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: Dash&Gash (Glenn dashes and gashes an enemy. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Sonic Sword (Glenn launches a blast of green light from his sword at one
enemy. Learned at 19 Stars.)
Level 7: Dive & Drive (Looks like Spire from Chrono Trigger. Learned at 40 Stars.)
Fortune: "If I were to equate you to something, you would be the moon. Yes,
the moon. The moon only shines when there is a sun to reflect. The moon does not
glow with its own light...But remember this! The moon's light is a guidepost to
those that search in the darkness of the night. A time will come when you will
carry out such a role...Sometime in the near future."
Name: Leena | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: The girl next door |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Blue | HP | 42 | 750 |
When found: In Another, if you | Strength | 5 | 81 |
refuse Kidd three times at Cape | Hit % | 90 | 95 |
Howl, Leena joins automatically | M. Power | 9 | 54 |
with Poshul when you return to | Defense | 5 | 70 |
Arni. She'll still join if you | Evade | 10 | 30 |
recruited Poshul in Home, | M. Defense | 9 | 45 |
Weapon: Frying Pan
Age: 16
Origin: Arni
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 93 lbs
Build: Ordinary
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: MaidenHand (Leena's hand glows and she smacks the enemy four times.
Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: MaidenHeart (Leena levitates and feathers make swirling blue light
around her. All of Leena's elements - except for stocked items - have
a 1/3 chance of being replenished. Learned at 15 Stars.)
Level 7: MaidenFaith (Leena kneels in prayer, and her attack power and hit
accuracy are increased, along with auto-resurrection for that battle.
You can get this by putting Leena at the head of your party, and
speaking with her grandmother in Home after you regain your body. You
may not be able to get Leena's Level 7 if you gave the wrong responses to
her early in the game. The correct responses are: (at the beach) "I
remember", then "We'll never forget this day!", and (on the dock) "I'm
Serge!". You need at least 2 out of 3.)
Fortune: "It says, you will not find a boyfriend for a long time. Fortunetelling
is such a merciless thing..."
Name: Dynamite Dancer Miki! | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Dancer |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Red | HP | 40 | 770 |
When found: After ridding Marbule | Strength | 5 | 80 |
of the Lagoonates, go back to the | Hit % | 90 | 95 |
Zelbess' restaurant and speak with | M. Power | 7 | 56 |
Miki. There's a very narrow window | Defense | 5 | 75 |
of time you can do this, so don't | Evade | 11 | 35 |
miss her. | M. Defense | 7 | 41 |
Weapon: Glove
Age: 19
Origin: S.S. Zelbess
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 95 lbs
Build: Slender
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: Head Bopper (Miki dances a jig on one enemy's head. Learned at 3
Level 5: Sexy Wink (Miki bats her eyes seductively, damaging all enemies. That
must be some powerful mascara! Learned at 15 Stars.)
Level 7: Dance on Air (Miki floats through the air like she did in Nikki's rock
opera, leaving sparkles as she goes. Learned at 35 Stars.)
Fortune: "You shall broaden your horizons in the open world."
Name: Harle | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Anthropomorphic Jester |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Black | HP | 43 | 850 |
When found: Joins automatically in | Strength | 4 | 87 |
Never Never Land after Sprigg does. | Hit % | 90 | 95 |
Weapon: Pin | M. Power | 7 | 58 |
Age: 18 | Defense | 4 | 80 |
Origin: Unknown | Evade | 10 | 25 |
Height: Unknown | M. Defense | 7 | 45 |
Weight: Unknown
Build: Unknown
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: Moon Beams (Harle leaps in front of the moon and launches crescents
at the enemy party. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Moonshine (Not the record label, unfortunately, but cool nonetheless -
magic defense up for your whole party. Learned at 19 Stars.)
Level 7: Lunairetic (Harle eclipses the moon, heavily damaging the enemy party.
Learned at 25 Stars.)
Fortune: "In your eyes, I percieve...both the look of a beauty and the look of
a beast. Be mindful not to bring about your own end, my dear! A dream lies in
wait, reaching out to engulf you!"
Name: Janice | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Monster Trainer |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Red | HP | 45 | 777 |
When found: Anytime after getting | Strength | 5 | 85 |
access to the Grand Slam Tournament | Hit % | 90 | 95 |
on Home's Zelbess. Beat her 3 times. | M. Power | 7 | 44 |
Weapon: Carrot | Defense | 5 | 77 |
Age: 22 | Evade | 13 | 22 |
Origin: S.S. Zelbess | M. Defense | 7 | 44 |
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 104 lbs
Build: Plumpish
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: Beat It (Janice flattens the enemy by hitting them over the head with
her drum. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: 24 Carrots (Janice throws lots of carrots at one enemy. Learned at 19
Level 7: What'sUpDoc (This takes the cake for bad puns. Janice beats her drum,
and water gushes out from the ground to damage the enemy party. Acquired
by putting her in the lead of your party, and talking to the land octopus
at the Bend of Time.)
Fortune: "It's very rare to see a demi-human like you living such a cheerful
life. Keep on living as cheerfully as you are now, and fortune will follow."
Name: Draggy | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Species: Dragon |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Red | HP | 40 | 900 |
When found: Anytime after acquiring | Strength | 4 | 85 |
the boat in Home. Kill the Dodo in | Hit % | 85 | 95 |
Fossil Valley, and steal one of the | M. Power | 7 | 46 |
eggs (key item) it was guarding. | Defense | 4 | 85 |
Then go to Fort Dragonia, flick the | Evade | 2 | 10 |
four elemental switches so that the | M. Defense | 7 | 42 |
pillar rises in the central room,
and go down the elevator. Place the
egg on the lit platform to hatch it.
Weapon: Glove
Age: 0 (you hatched him, remember?)
Origin: Fossil Valley
Height: 2'2"
Weight: 265 lbs
Build: Tiny
Dominant claw: Front left
Level 3: Cough Drop (Draggy belches a little fireball at one enemy. Learned at
3 Stars.)
Level 5: Cough Mix (Draggy belches aforesaid fireball, then fans it with his
wings towards the enemy party. Learned at 19 Stars.)
Level 7: BigBreath (Draggy summons the spirit of his mother to engulf the
battlefield in flames. Can be found by taking Draggy to Fossil Valley
in Another, and speaking with the dragon's skull on the northern screen.)
Fortune: "Seek coexistence with other species."
Name: Starky | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Species: Alien |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: White | HP | 41 | 765 |
When found: Get the starfish (key | Strength | 6 | 80 |
item) from the El Nido triangle in | Hit % | 85 | 95 |
Home, then defeat MegaStarky on | M. Power | 6 | 50 |
Sky Dragon Isle. | Defense | 6 | 70 |
Weapon: Gun | Evade | 15 | 40 |
Age: Unknown | M. Defense | 6 | 45 |
Origin: Another Planet
Height: 2'11"
Weight: 11 lbs
Build: Alien (not a Xenomorph!)
Dominant hand: Ambidextrous
Level 3: Starlight (Starky summons a Voltron-looking robot to attack one enemy.
Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Starburst (Starky summons a Voltron-looking robot to attack all enemies.
Learned at 19 Stars.)
Level 7: Meteor Zap (Starky summons the robot, who crashes down on the enemy
party like a meteor. What a misnomer! You need to bring Starky back to
the crashed UFO after you've obtained the anti-gravity device.)
Fortune: "My word! You are fated to make a grave choice. Whatever will be
selected will be decided from the actions of those around you."
Name: Sprigg | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Species: Little Green Woman |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Green | HP | 42 | 660 |
When found: After Serge's out-of- | Strength | 4 | 79 |
body experience, she'll join | Hit % | 85 | 95 |
automatically. | M. Power | 4 | 53 |
Weapon: Staff | Defense | 4 | 70 |
Age: 224 | Evade | 12 | 35 |
Origin: Dimensional Vortex | M. Defense | 4 | 40 |
Height: 4'4"
Weight: 86 lbs
Build: Dwarfish
Dominant hand: Left
Level 5: DoppelGang (Morph into another monster. Sprigg can learn new morphs
if she deals the killing blow to an enemy, or someone in your active
party is equipped with the Forget-Me-Not-Pot you find in Chronopolis.)
Fortune: "......! It's been a long time, Lady Sprigg. Have you been well?"
Name: Mojo (aka The Artist Formerly | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Known As Lucky Dan) |------------|------------|-------------|
Occupation: Cursed Voodoo Doll | HP | 40 | 888 |
Elemental affiliation: Black | Strength | 4 | 77 |
When found: Briefly after returning | Hit % | 90 | 95 |
from Cape Howl in Another. Offer the | M. Power | 4 | 42 |
Shark's Tooth pendant (key item) you | Defense | 4 | 70 |
recieved in the fishmonger's | Evade | 20 | 80 (!!) |
basement in Home to the Mojo- | M. Defense | 12 | 37 |
worshipping zealot who occupies the
same space in Another.
Weapon: Glove
Age: Unknown
Origin: The Far East
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 20 lbs
Build: Waistless
Dominant arm: Unknown
Level 3: Voodoo Dance (Mojo praces around in front of an enemy, and laughs
with derision. You'd laugh too if you had Mojo's mojo. Learned at 3
Level 5: Cartwheel (Mojo does cartwheels all over the battlefield, striking all
enemies. Learned at 19 Stars.)
Level 7: HoodooGooroo (Mojo squeals with morbid delight, and lifts one enemy
into the air with the sharp end of the voodoo nail stuck through his
heart. Can only be acquired by taking Mojo to the fishmonger's basement
in Home, then back to his shrine in Another, and speaking with the cat
statues in a certain order: first the cat that stares at you (lower left),
then the one that buzzes with electricity (right), then finally the one
that licks you (upper left).)
Fortune: "There is someone...No, a thatch of straw that is most dear to you in
this vicinity..." [Note from CB!: Check the practice dummy in Glenn's yard in
the Home dimension.]
Name: Turnip | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Species: Duck-billed platypus |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Green | HP | 70 | 789 |
When found: After completing the | Strength | 4 | 86 |
side quest in the burning house, go | Hit % | 85 | 95 |
to the solitary island in Another, | M. Power | 2 | 45 |
and use the Ice Gun (key item) on | Defense | 3 | 70 |
the burnt patch of earth. Then | Evade | 2 | 10 |
return to the same spot in Home, and | M. Defense | 2 | 36 |
Poshul will dig up the sprout.
Alternately, you can use the Freezing
Breath key item on the scorched spot,
if you never completed the orphanage
Weapon: Sword
Age: 3
Origin: Hermit's Hideout
Height: 4'4"
Weight: 62 lbs
Build: Round
Dominant hand: Right-rizomed
Level 3: Vege Chop (Turnip leaps into the air and comes down on the enemy, à
la Claude's Head Splitter. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Vegemight (Turnip spins in the air, and burrows into the ground,
reappearing underneath one enemy. Learned at 19 Stars.)
Level 7: VegOut (Turnip turns into a giant Turnip head, which splits in two to
reveal a smaller Turnip head, which also splits in two to reveal Turnip,
who leaps out. Bring him to the pond where you found NeoFio, at Viper
Manor, with NeoFio in your party. Turnip & NeoFio will exchange words,
and Turnip will jump into the pond and turn.. pink?)
Fortune: "As mysterious as your birth, there is an equally fascinating fate that
awaits you."
Name: NeoFio | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Species: Cuteness personified |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Green | HP | 35 | 720 |
When found: Anytime after leaving | Strength | 3 | 84 |
Guldove for medicine. A dwarf in the | Hit % | 90 | 95 |
bar at Guldove will give you a key | M. Power | 4 | 48 |
item called the Green Tinkler that | Defense | 3 | 70 |
can be used to manipulate the plants | Evade | 8 | 40 |
in Hydra Marsh. (Ie, use it directly | M. Defense | 4 | 38 |
in front of them, and they won't
slap you.) Get the Sparkle of Life
from Another's Hydra Marsh, take it
to Another's Viper Manor, and use it
on the flower in the pond.
Weapon: Glove
Age: 5
Origin: Viper Manor
Height: 4'0"
Weight: 44 lbs
Build: Undefinable
Dominant hand: Omnidextrous
Level 3: PopPopPop! (NeoFio shoots seeds out her sleeves at the enemy party.
Aww, so cute. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Slurp Slurp! (NeoFio siphons HP from one enemy. Learned at 15 Stars.)
Level 7: BamBamBam! (NeoFio does some impressive tumbling, and repeatedly
bodyslams one enemy. Put NeoFio in your active party, and waylay the
land octopus from chasing the butterfly on the crescent island in Home
a few times by talking to him. Go up the hill, and when you come back
down, the land octopus should have eaten the butterfly. Keep harassing
him until he lets it go, whereupon a bunch of butterflies will thank
NeoFio and she'll recieve BamBamBam!)
Fortune: "Whether your birth was by God's hand or random chance is unknowable...
In either case, treasure your life."
Name: Greco | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Psychic Ex-Wrestler |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Red | HP | 60 | 920 |
When found: After exploring Viper | Strength | 8 | 91 |
Manor, head over to the Termina | Hit % | 85 | 95 |
cemetary anytime until the end of | M. Power | 2 | 41 |
Disc 2. | Defense | 8 | 90 |
Weapon: Glove | Evade | 2 | 10 |
Age: 33 | M. Defense | 2 | 45 |
Origin: Zenan Continent
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 271 lbs
Build: Heavyweight
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: Clothesline (Greco gathers power, and punches the enemy. Learned at
3 Stars.)
Level 5: Flip-Flop (Greco does some gymnastics, and comes down on one enemy's
head. Learned at 19 Stars.)
Level 7: ? (Greco stands on somebody's grave, and jumps stomach-forward onto one
enemy. To find this, you must speak with the person in his shanty near
Dario's memorial in Home's Termina.)
Fortune: "When your long journey reaches its end...the heavy burden that rests
upon your shoulders will be lifted at last."
Name: Skelly | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Skeleton Clown |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Black | HP | 50 | 778 |
When found: After finding all of | Strength | 5 | 82 |
his bones, take them to his house | Hit % | 80 | 95 |
in Another Termina. | M. Power | 7 | 48 |
Weapon: Glove | Defense | 5 | 70 |
Age: 32 | Evade | 7 | 25 |
Origin: Zenan Mainland | M. Defense | 7 | 42 |
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 51 lbs
Build: Boney
Dominant hand: Left
Level 3: JugglerVein (Skelly throws a bubble at the ground, which makes
rainbow-colored bubbles crash down on the enemy party. Learned at 3
Level 5: LoneBalloon (Skelly blows a bubble, which rises into the air and
splashes down on him to recover some HP, and increase his attack power by
20%. Learned at 15 Stars.)
Level 7: Don't know, don't care (Skelly summons a giant ball with his picture on
it, and dances on it towards one enemy. Bring Skelly to the bar in Termina
in the Home dimension - he'll order some food and recieve his Level 7
skill. How is he supposed to eat when he doesn't have a gastrointestinal
Fortune: "You, who has been revived from the edge of despair, must share your
light of hope with all."
Name: Funguy | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Species: Mushroom. Fungi. Get it? |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Yellow | HP | 40 | 890 |
When found: After you've returned | Strength | 5 | 85 |
to Home as Lynx, go to the sewers | Hit % | 80 | 95 |
underneath Viper Manor, and defeat | M. Power | 7 | 45 |
the Headless. A man will pop out | Defense | 3 | 75 |
of the hole and give you a special | Evade | 11 | 15 |
red mushroom from Guardia. Bring | M. Defense | 7 | 38 |
this mushroom to the fruitcake
underneath the waterfall in Shadow
Forest, who will eat it and
transform into Funguy.
Weapon: Axe
Age: Unknown
Origin: Termina
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 66 lbs
Build: Light
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: Lumberjack (Funguy attacks an enemy with his axe. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Sporecloud (Funguy shoots spores into the air. Learned at 15 Stars.)
Level 7: Myconid something or other. Who cares. (Funguy shakes spores from his head,
which become lots of little mushroom paratroopers when they touch the
ground, and attack an enemy en masse. After the Terra Tower appears, bring
Funguy back to the cave whence he joined you, and there will be a junior
mushroom. Eat it.)
Fortune: "There might be a way for you to return to your original body, but...
It's a matter of which you prefer."
Name: Irenes | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Species: Mermaid |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Blue | HP | 50 | 760 |
When found: While you're a cat on | Strength | 4 | 79 |
the Zelbess, go across the rope | Hit % | 90 | 95 |
from the crow's nest and witness | M. Power | 8 | 53 |
the event between Irenes and Nikki | Defense | 4 | 70 |
in his dressing room. Then, after | Evade | 13 | 40 |
you defeat the Sage, go back to | M. Defense | 8 | 42 |
the dressing room and talk to
Irenes, who will join.
Weapon: Harp & Pick
Age: 16
Origin: The Ocean
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 115 lbs
Build: Mermaid
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: Water Breath (Irenes spits water at an enemy. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Mermelody (Irenes sings a song and heals one party member for lots of
HP. Learned at 19 Stars.)
Level 7: SirenSong (Irenes plays sour notes on her harp, while a wave knocks
down the enemy party. After Home's Marbule is cleared of the
Lagoonates, go into the first house and speak with the bug man with
the turquoise robe twice. He'll give her a package from her Motter and
Fortune: "When you can resolve your inner struggle...A new hope will be born."
Name: Mel | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Problem Child |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Yellow | HP | 35 | 770 |
When found: If you chose to save | Strength | 4 | 73 |
Kidd, after giving her the medicine | Hit % | 85 | 95 |
in Guldove, chase Mel down and | M. Power | 5 | 50 |
reclaim Kidd's stolen Element grid. | Defense | 3 | 75 |
Go to Termina, then IMMEDIATELY | Evade | 8 | 25 |
return to Guldove and talk to Mel | M. Defense | 5 | 38 |
with Kidd in your party several
times, whereupon she'll join.
Weapon: Boomerang
Age: 10
Origin: Guldove
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 84 lbs
Build: Thin
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: Snatch (Mel pilfers an item. Kids these days! Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Doodle (Mel draws on an enemy with very, very sharp crayons. Learned at
19 Stars.)
Level 7: Tantrum (Mel has a hissy fit, damaging the entire enemy party. Learned
at 40 Stars.)
Fortune: "There's no need to worry...Your love at heart can be hindered by no
Name: Leah | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Species: Cave Girl |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Yellow | HP | 30 | 999 (!!) |
When found: On Gaia's Navel in Home | Strength | 7 | 93 (!!) |
while looking for the Green Dragon, | Hit % | 80 | 95 |
she'll join automatically. | M. Power | 2 | 40 |
Weapon: Axe | Defense | 7 | 88 |
Age: 6 | Evade | 14 | 20 |
Origin: Gaia's Navel | M. Defense | 2 | 35 |
Height: 3'5"
Weight: 71 lbs
Build: Infantile
Dominant hand: Ambidextrous
Level 3: Rock Throw (Leah throws boulders at one enemy. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Tail Spin (Leah twirls the tail of her outfit, creating a tornado that
damages the enemy party. Learned at 15 Stars.)
Level 7: Triple Kick (Leah triple-kicks the enemy. Learned at 35 Stars.)
Fortune: "Wowzer!!! The reading says you'll become a glamour queen when you grow
Name: Van | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Professionally cranky |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Green | HP | 50 | 770 |
When found: Talk to him in his | Strength | 4 | 75 |
house in Home's Termina. His father | Hit % | 80 | 95 |
gives him a boomerang and he joins | M. Power | 7 | 48 |
your party. | Defense | 5 | 70 |
Weapon: Boomerang | Evade | 7 | 20 |
Age: 14 | M. Defense | 7 | 39 |
Origin: Termina
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 88 lbs
Build: Smallish
Dominant hand: Left
Level 3: Jump Throw (Van throws two boomerangs at an enemy. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: WetPaint (Van throws 3 bottles of paint in the air and makes the field
effect all one random color. Learned at 15 Stars.)
Level 7: Piggyboink (Van winds up his giant piggy bank, and sends it hurtling
towards the enemy. This skill is learned at 35 Stars, and if you take
Van to his room in Home, you can put money into his piggy bank. For every
100 gil that you put in, it adds 3% to the attack power of this skill.
The bank holds 900 gil, so the max you can boost it to is 127%. However,
the more gil you have in the bank, the higher chance that the piggy bank
will break, which may cause up to twice as much damage. When the bank
breaks, the money goes to zero.)
Fortune: "Take good care of the ones who love you, my boy."
Name: Sneff | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Ugly as sin magician |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Yellow | HP | 45 | 777 |
When found: After you've defeated | Strength | 4 | 77 |
the Sage on Home's Zelbess, speak | Hit % | 85 | 95 |
with Sneff in the casino, then in | M. Power | 4 | 44 |
the preformers' dressing room. | Defense | 3 | 70 |
Weapon: Cards | Evade | 5 | 33 |
Age: 53 | M. Defense | 4 | 37 |
Origin: Unknown
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 139 lbs
Build: Ordinary
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: Big Deal (Sneff throws his cards at an enemy. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: HP Shuffle (Sneff shuffles his HP, like a deck of cards. Learned at 15
Level 7: Sword Trick (Sneff puts the enemy into a steel box, and then shoves
some swords through it. Learned at 35 Stars.)
Fortune: "You shall once again open your wings in the free world, says the
Name: Steena | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Universal Disco Goddess |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: White | HP | 48 | 750 |
When found: She'll join automatically | Strength | 4 | 84 |
at the end of Disc 1, when you show | Hit % | 80 | 95 |
her a certain key item. | M. Power | 8 | 52 |
Weapon: Sword | Defense | 4 | 75 |
Age: 27 | Evade | 8 | 25 |
Origin: Guldove | M. Defense | 7 | 42 |
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 110 lbs
Build: Tall & Slender
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: Direa's Shadow (Steena summons Direa's eidolon to attack an enemy.
Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Hydra's Shadow (Steena doesn't have an inherent Level 5 skill, although
she can equip the Hydra Frame eidolon you win in Another Hydra Swamp.)
Level 7: Garai's Shadow (Steena summons the eidolon of Garai. To find this,
examine Garai's grave on Home's Isle of the Damned.)
Fortune: "Hmph, it's useless for a spiritualist to have their fortune read."
Name: Doc | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Surfer dude doctor |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: White | HP | 60 | 800 |
When found: If you chose not to save | Strength | 6 | 85 |
Kidd, and stop by Guldove before | Hit % | 80 | 95 |
going to Ft. Dragonia, he'll join | M. Power | 3 | 48 |
automatically. | Defense | 5 | 75 |
Weapon: Throwing knives | Evade | 6 | 20 |
Age: 27 | M. Defense | 6 | 43 |
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 146 lbs
Build: Ordinary
Dominant hand: Left
Level 3: High Five (Doc throws a knife into the air, which splits into many
knives and falls down, stabbing the enemy. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Gnarly (Gnaaaaaaaarly, dude! Doc gathers power, and rushes forward to
deal a bone-breaking blow. Better damage than his Level 3. Learned at
19 Stars.)
Level 7: Heal Shower (Doc heals your party for ~900 HP. In order to find this,
you need to bring Doc the Medicine Book. It's in a seemingly inaccessable
treasure chest in Chronopolis. Get the Station Pass key item from one of
the shadow men in the subway-looking room, and go through the northwest
Fortune: "Do not linger on your mistakes in the past. Humans must always look to
the future."
Name: Grobyc | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Cyborg Asassin |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Black | HP | 70 | 980 (!!) |
When found: After you defeat him in | Strength | 7 | 90 |
battle, he'll help you escape Viper | Hit % | 90 | 95 |
Manor while the Poore troops reign, | M. Power | 6 | 40 |
then offer to join. | Defense | 7 | 90 |
Weapon: Glove | Evade | 10 | 40 |
Age: 26 | M. Defense | 6 | 38 |
Origin: Unknown
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 301 lbs
Build: Bionic
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: Rocketfist (Grobyc fires his cyborg arm - like a rocket! - at one
enemy. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Haircutter (Aqua Net be damned, Grobyc jumps in the air and astrally
projects his hair to damage all enemies. Learned at 19 Stars.)
Level 7: Dark Burst (Grobyc detaches his arm, and grafts a new, larger, more
formidable-looking one in its place, which blasts the enemy. To find
this, put Grobyc in the lead of your party and search the coffin-like
container in the storage room on the second floor of Chronopolis.)
Fortune: "I'm sorry, but I cannot read your fortune."
Name: Pierre | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Self-proclaimed hero |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Blue | HP | 40 | 800 |
When found: Before sneaking into | Strength | 2 | 79 |
Viper Manor (or in his case, storming | Hit % | 80 | 95 |
the gates), get his badge from the | M. Power | 3 | 42 |
boy in Termina's training yard, then | Defense | 3 | 70 |
give him back the badge in Termina's | Evade | 5 | 20 |
smithy. You must have witnessed the | M. Defense | 3 | 36 |
event at the statue of Lord Viper,
and not have spoken with Nikki's
manager or Guile.
Weapon: Sword
Age: 23
Origin: Termina
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 130 lbs
Build: Weakling
Dominant hand: Right
Level 3: Medal Some (Another bad pun. Pierre brandishes his badge, restoring a
liliputian amount of HP. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Foiled Again (WILL THE BAD PUNS NEVER CEASE? Pierre slashes an enemy
twice with his sword. Learned at 15 Stars.)
Level 7: Cyrus Punch (Pierre tries to punch the enemy, but trips and falls flat on
his face. To recieve this skill, show Pierre - who is curiously running
laps around Termina's smithy - the prop sword (key item) you found in the
theater set in the Tower of Geddon.)
Name: Orlha | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Occupation: Xena with pigtails |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Blue | HP | 45 | 790 |
When found: Defeat her in Another's | Strength | 5 | 92 (!!) |
Guldove before finishing the quest | Hit % | 90 | 95 |
for the six dragon relics, then after | M. Power | 7 | 43 |
you've gotten your body back, speak | Defense | 5 | 80 |
with her in the bar and show her the | Evade | 11 | 25 |
blue brooch. | M. Defense | 7 | 41 |
Weapon: Glove
Age: 23
Origin: Guldove
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 119 lbs
Build: Muscular
Dominant hand: Left
Level 3: Multi Punch (Orlha leaps forward and kicks one enemy repeatedly, Chun-Li
style. Learned at 3 Stars.)
Level 5: Punchdrunk ("Legend of the Drunken Master", starring Orlha. Your Mickey Mouse
kung-fu is no match for her superior fighting style! Learned at 15 Stars.)
Level 7: SisterHoods (Orlha and her sister attack an enemy for big damage. Bring
Orlha to Home's Guldove and speak with that dimension's Doc to get her Level
7. This one tugs at the heartstrings.)
Fortune: "You will soon find your missing counterpart..."
Name: Pip | at 0 stars | at 99 stars |
Species: Pompadoured squirrel |------------|------------|-------------|
Elemental affiliation: Varies | HP | 50 | 750 |
When found: Speak with him and open | Strength | 5 | 80 |
his cage in Luccia's lab the first | Hit % | 85 | 90 |
time you explore Viper Manor, then | M. Power | 7 | 40 |
catch him aboard Another's Zelbess. | Defense | 5 | 70 |
Also, after you return to Another as | Evade | 20 | 25 |
Lynx, he'll rejoin if you find him | M. Defense | 7 | 35 |
on the Zelbess.
Weapon: Glove ** The stats in this table are for a
Age: Unknown regular, unevolved Pip. Stats and
Origin: Viper Manor Lab descriptions for Pip's transformations
Height: Unknown are in the tables below.
Weight: Unknown
Build: Unknown
Dominant paw: Unknown
* Key
| Regular | Beige fur, nothing else remarkable. Hops and waddles. No alignment. |
| Angel | Pink fur, small angel wings. Floats. Light aligned. |
| Devil | Red fur, small yellow horns. Hops. Dark aligned. |
| Archangel | White fur, large angel wings. Always flies. Light-light aligned. |
| Holy Beast | Beige fur, dragonfly wings and ram horns. Light-dark or dark-light. |
| Archdevil | Violet fur, bat wings, ram horns, and claws. Dark-dark aligned. |
Level 3: Pounce (Pip stands on his tail and launches himself at the enemy. Learned
at 8 Stars.)
Level 5: Soothe (Pip looks cute and dreams about a warm sunny meadow, replenishing
HP and stamina to all party members. Learned at 15 Stars.)
Level 7: Varies (The skill name and effect depend on what form of Pip you have, but
you'll get it between the 34th-37th star, if you've created Archangel Pip,
Holy Beast Pip, Archdevil Pip. The Skill names are as follows: Archangel =
Heaven Calls; Holy Beast = CanonCannon; Archdevil = Hell's Fury. If you're
starting a New Game+, it'll be Pounce + 4.)
Fortune: "You should seek the uncharted potential that lies within you..."
-- V. Combination Attacks --
In order to preform a combination attack, your characters need to have their
Element grid charged to the appropriate level, and at least 1.0 point of
stamina. Double techniques are listed first, then Triple techs. Unfortunately,
this appears to be the sum and total of combination attacks in Chrono Cross,
but feel free to experiment for hours nonetheless!
Serge (3) and Glenn (3): X-Strike, Red elemental (Serge and Glenn dash at an
enemy from opposite directions, dealing HUGE damage.)
Mel (3) and Kidd (3): DoubleTake, Red elemental (Mel and Kidd dash at an enemy
from opposite directions and steal an item.)
Miki (7) and Nikki (7): Flamenco, Red elemental (Miki and Nikki preform the
Flamenco, which boosts the hit accuracy and defense of all party members.)
NeoFio (7) and Turnip (7): Tossed Salad, Green elemental (Turnip turns into a
giant turnip head, which NeoFio then repeatedly crushes the enemy with.)
Karsh (3) and Zoah (7): DragonSpike, Green elemental (Zoah runs forward and
strikes the enemy, while Karsh follows suit on his dragon steed.)
Leah (7) and Draggy (7): DraggyRider, Yellow elemental (Leah hops on Draggy's
back and together they attack one enemy.)
Viper (5) and Radius (7): VitalForce, White elemental (Viper and Radius take
turns slashing an enemy with their sword and cane, respectively.)
Norris (7) and Grobyc (7): PitchBlack, Black elemental (Grobyc fires his arm
laser into the air, which Norris then shoots more energy towards, creating a
Black vortex that damages all enemies.)
Snef (7) and Guile (5): Sword Storm, Black elemental (Snef puts the enemy into a
box, then he and Guile shove swords through it.)
Sprigg (5, and morph into Slash), Serge (7), and Kidd (5): Z Slash, Blue
elemental (Serge, Kidd, and Slash dash at an enemy from all three directions,
and a large "Z" appears over the enemy.)
Serge (Level 5), Leena (Level 7), and Razzly (Level 7): Delta Attack, White
-- VI. Frequently Asked Questions --
1. Why can't I get so-and-so?
Chrono Cross is unique in that it has several branching storylines - talk to
someone when you shouldn't have, or give someone else an unsatisfactory
answer, and you just might end up with a character you didn't want. But don't
despair! See question #2...
2. Can I get all of my characters back in New Game+?
Yes! After getting the Chrono Cross, go to Hydra Swamp in the Home dimension,
and warp to Sprigg's place. Use the Chrono Cross (key item, not the Element)
as soon as you get to Sprigg's, and you should have all your characters back
from other saves on the memory card where you've beaten the game.
3. Can I get Harle back?
Not any more than you could get Aeris back in Final Fantasy 7 after Disc 1, and
for the same reason. Minus the shish-kebobbing. I've been informed with varying
degress of politeness (QUIT EMAILING ME NOW, THANKS) that you CAN get her back
using the Chrono Cross key item trick described in question #2, if you beat the
game with her in your party while you're Lynx.
4. Can I recruit so-and-so? They have a character portrait!
Probably not. For practicality's sake, there's a limited number of spaces for
characters on the list in the menu, and there aren't even Gameshark codes to
put them in your party. Marge, Lisa, Una, Rosetta, Dario, Miguel, Lord Van Gogh,
and anyone I'm forgetting have character portraits because they're part of the
story, and with the exception of Miguel and Dario (whom you fight anyway, so
they have to have stats), I doubt any of these characters have battle sprites
or stats like recruitable characters do.
5. Which characters do you recommend?
For comic relief, Poshul or Harle. If you want to make things hard on yourself,
Skelly or Pierre. Leah has the highest HP and strength, while Riddel has the
highest magic power, Mojoy has the best evade rate, Serge almost always does a
critcial hit with the Mastermune (more damage than with a Prism Swallow), Pip is
versatile beyond belief, and Glenn with 2 Einlanzers is just plain unfair to
your enemies. But don't take my word for it - look at everyone's max stats and
judge for yourself.
6. My [name of character] has lower stats than yours, and I'm at 99 stars! What
did I do wrong?
You don't get bonuses associated with stars if your character is knocked out at
the end of a boss battle. As far as I know, this is permanent. Sorry. Whereas
characters who've joined you but are never placed in your active party will miss
out in small incremental bonuses you get from fighting regular enemies, and can
make up the difference by fighting a few battles at the Bend of Time.
7. Is Glenn Frog from Chrono Trigger?
No, no, no, and NO. Frog lived in 600 AD. Chrono Cross takes place in 1020 AD.
Chrono Cross's Glenn was named after Chrono Trigger's Glenn, who was a
legendary hero in the Chrono universe.
8. How do I equip Glenn with 2 Einlanzers?
After Chronopolis, and having defeated Dario, go back to Dario's grave in
Termina Another, with Glenn leading the party, equipped with the Einlanzer
sword. There'll be a bit of heartwarming dialogue, and Glenn will become a
2-handed swordsman.
9. I want Skelly in my party, where are his bones?
First, all of Skelly's bones are in Another - his cranuim is in Fossil Valley;
his scapulas are beneath the waterfall in the Shadow Forest; his ribcage is
given to you by a fellow on Water Dragon Island; his sacro-iliac is given to
you by the Element splitter in Guldove; his spine is in Hydra Swamp; and
miscellaneous bone fragments are in the uppermost cave on the first screen of
the Isle of the Damned.
10. Is there any purpose to collecting Pierre's "Hero" equipment?
Yes and no. He's still pathetic, but not nearly as much. Collect the three pieces
of "Hero" equipment (prop sword, shield, and badge), equip him with them, and the
effect is as follows: Hero Sword goes from 11 to 22 in attack power, critical hit
percentage is doubled, evade percentage is 25 up, the Badge's spark power - in
addition to the HP recovery - gives Pierre +20% attack, defense, accuracy, magic
attack, and magic defense. Also, Cyrus Punch - which always fails - will now
11. What's the deal with Pip?
Cute little guy, isn't he? The short answer is, if you use a lot of white, blue,
or green Elements in battle, he'll evolve towards the Angel side. Whereas if
you use a lot of black, yellow, or red Elements, he'll evolve towards the Devil
side. (Seiken Densetsu 3 had a similar system, if you played that game.) The
longer answer is, read Boko Kun's Tsumalu/Pip FAQ on GameFAQs, he went into the
mechanics of Pip's transformations in much greater detail than I could here.
12. What's all this Radical Dreamers stuff?
Chrono Cross is based on a Japanese Satellaview (dialup service for the SNES /
Super Famicom, similar to Sega's ill-fated Sega Channel) game called Radical
Dreamers, which was a quasi-sequel to Chrono Trigger. The plot of Radical
Dreamers centers around three lovable young scamps named Kidd, Serge, and Gil,
who sneak into Yamaneko's ("Lynx", as per the English Chrono Cross name) manor
in order to steal the Frozen Flame.
There's lots of allusions to Radical Dreamers in Chrono Cross, the most
blantant of which is the computer on 4F in Chronopolis - it's the Radical
Dreamers opening text. Other similarites include the big stone face seen in
the Terra Tower, which is in the basement of Yamaneko's mansion, and gives
you lots of archaic information that would probably be useful if I'd known
more Japanese before my video card went kaput last spring, and consequently
ZSNES stopped working. Sigh! The stone face mentions Lavos once, and Riddel
a lot, as do a couple of NPCs. The big library from Viper Manor is present.
Your first encounter with Yamaneko (again, "Lynx") is set against a background
that looks like his FeralCats attack. Several music tracks from Chrono Cross
are lifted straight from RD - head to the SPC archive at Zophar's Domain
(http://www.zophar.net/) to download the soundtrack. Do not email me asking
for the ROM, as any and all requests for such will be deleted, unread.
There's currently a project in the works to translate Radical Dreamers, which
can be found here: http://demiforce.parodius.com/rd/. As of this writing,
however, the web page hasn't been updated for nearly a year.
13. Is Guile who I think he is..?
Depends, who you do think he is? Guile is similar to a character named Gil
from Radical Dreamers (see above), whom at the end of the game, was revealed
to be Magus, who'd been searching for Schala. However, while there are several
pieces of evidence pointing to Guile's being Magus in Chrono Cross (the long
hair, the Black/Shadow affiliation, the floating when he runs, etc), it's never
explicitly stated that he IS Magus. So he's probably not.
It also bears meantioning that Guile's name in the Japanese Chrono Cross was
Alf (A'ru'fu), perhaps a clever jab at Magus/Janus' cat Alfador, whose fur is
the same color as Guile's hair. Coincidence? At any rate, along with the
Chronopolis RD text that refers to "Magil", not "Guile", this pretty well
disproves the Magus/Magil/Gil/Guile theory...
14. Who was the "stranger from the mainland" who brought Kidd Hydra Humour when
she was ill? Was it Magus?
No, it was Norris. He happened to be gathering intel undercover as the
dishwasher in Viper Manor's kitchen when that nasty incident with Kidd happened,
and being a nice guy, he couldn't let her waste away in Guldove. It's explained
in one of the endings. Can we kill that rumour now?
15. How do I defeat Dario? %@$#@!!
Steal the Black Plate from the Black Dragon to absorb all of Dario's attacks,
and give his silly Eminem-looking self a thorough beating. This is much easier
to accomplish in New Game+, when you'll prospectively have two Black Plates to
distribute among your party members.
16. Can I change anyone's names?
Yes. After Lynx wounds Kidd, go to Viper Manor's Library, and look for a
hidden door to the basement behind the desk. There'll be a Nu-like monster who
will offer to change your name. You can't change Serge's name while he's in
Lynx's body, though.
17. Are those REALLY all the combination attacks?
Yup. Feel free to try comboing with all the characters anyway, though. And
if you do, I'd like to know how it is you have that much time on your hands,
since 44 x 43 x 3 is a lot of combinations...
18. I can't forge Prism weapons! What gives?
Oops! Looks like you didn't recruit Irenes and choose to rid Marbule of the
Lagoonates. Better luck next game.
19. Is Kidd Harle? Is Harle Kidd?
Not in the sense of being the same person from parallel worlds. But consider
that Harle looks like Kidd, who of course looks like Schala, who is merged with
Lavos, who controls the dragons, and thus Harle. Convoluted much?
20. The game won't let me change Serge's name to Crono!
It's just an interesting Easter Egg that was also in the Japanese version. You
could rename Serge "Crono" in Romaji (ie. English letters), however if you try
to name him "Crono" in katakana (ie. ku'ro'no) the game won't let you. Since
there's only one alphabet given in the North American - and presumably PAL -
Chrono Cross, you don't have that luxury.
21. Is that really the Epoch in the basement of Viper Manor?
Nope. The Epoch was a three-seater, while the aircraft in the basement of Viper
Manor quite clearly has only one seat. This could be the Neo Epoch Belthasar was
rambling about in the Terra Tower, though...
22. I've heard a rumour about xyz, can you confirm/deny it for me?
I've gotten so much email over the past few months about hare-brained, flat out
RIDICULOUS rumors, that I figured I'd better address this in my FAQ. The most
prevailing and silly rumour is that Serge is Janus, because of his blue hair,
and desire to help Kidd/Schala. Untrue. Then there's the rumours about Guile and
Norris being Magus. Again, untrue, and please see FAQ questions #13 and #14.
Another rumour I hear a lot is that Grobyc and Luccia are brother and sister. It
is vaguely, VAGUELY hinted at that they knew each other from Porre many years ago
if you speak to both of them during the course of the game at every opportunity,
and to the soldiers in the mess hall of Viper Manor before rescuing Riddel as
Lynx, however, vagueness is as far as it goes.
The final rumour I've seen circulating on message boards is that large portions
of the plot explaining various character relationships were cut from the North
American release of Chrono Cross. This is 100% fictitious, like the rest of the
rumours. This rumor could have stemmed from the fact that most characters'
backstories aren't as fleshed out as players would like, and according to
magazine interviews with various Square personnel, Chrono Cross isn't as big
and expansive in that regard as the programmers originally imagined. So perhaps
in a way this rumour IS true, but not exclusive to the North American release.
Unless you're Working Designs, there are release deadlines that need to be met.
Vagrant Story got this same treatment, and it was still a masterpiece.
Look at it this way - it is simply too much trouble to not only translate a game
of these porportions, especially with everyone's various dialects, but also
re-code sections - for example, eliminate an event or several lines of speech. If
Square changed Chrono Cross as much as people are insinuating, the game wouldn't
be out until November 2000, a full YEAR after the Japanese release.
And by the by, if you think I'm wrong, I have it on good authority that I'm not.
The most authoritative authority possible, in fact. Understand?
23. Okay, so what were some of the Japanese to English changes?
Gah, more name changes than you can imagine. Location wise, the biggest changes
are: Terra Tower was Star Tower, Viper Manor was the Snakebone Conservatory, and
the Tower of Geddon was the Vortex of Time. The Mastermune in the Japanese
version was called Grand Dream, and the Einlanzer was called the Elranzer Dragon
Sword. Character name wise, the fused dragons atop the Terra Tower were actually
called "Fused Dragons" instead of "Time Devourer" (big mistake considering they
called the final boss the same thing!), and nearly every single character name
and skill name were changed, usually for the worse - the pun is the lowest form
of humor. Where's Alexander O. Smith when you need him? To list all of these
would be a FAQ in itself, so if you have a question about a particular person
or skill, I suggest you email me. In terms of plot, not a heck of a lot was
changed, other than usual localizing. Certain in-jokes only amusing in Japanese
were re-tooled by a crack team of translators to make sense in English, and
that's about it.
24. I love the soundtrack, where can I get it?
I got mine from Gamemusic Online (http://www.gamemusic.com/), and I cannot say
enough nice things about that site. Other reputable e-stores that carry the
soundtrack are Animenation and Tokyopops, while at the very bottom of the list
is Gamecave/Express.com, which tends to stock pirate CDs from Taiwan, and not
specify that in the item description. Remember folks, if it doesn't say Digicube,
Yasunori Mitsuda isn't seeing a dime!
25. I want Chrono Cross swag, where can I find it?
If you have a browser that supports Japanese text, Square's Playonline site has
a list of what merchandise was made for Chrono Cross, and where to find it:
http://www.playonline.com/shop/goods/cro_goods.html. If all else fails, try eBay -
I purchased my "Missing Piece" artbook and the Ultimania guide through there.
26. Where can I find a list of Chrono Trigger references?
Jeremy Parish wrote a great Chrono Trigger "Flashback Guide", which you can find
at GameFAQs.com, or his site (http://www.toastyfrog.com/). He found Trigger
references in Chrono Cross that even _I_ didn't pick up!
27. Are there any known bugs?
There's something wrong with Pip's grids that thus far, no FAQ writer has been
able to decipher, and it's not even touched upon in the Ultimania guide.
Basically, if you transform Pip into his third and final form too early or too
late, you don't get any post-27th star grids. This means no Level 7 Skill, and
lots of other bad things. If you encounter this bug your first time through the
game, then transform Pip as soon as possible in your second play, he'll get all
of his missing grids after the next star.
28. What about Razzly's Level 7 Skill?
This isn't a bug, it's just hard to get. Apparently sometimes, Rosetta won't
die at Water Dragon Isle. Do not include Razzly in the battle with the Hydra.
In doing this, you never find out the Hydra was pregnant, and thus, the Dwarves
have a reason to leave the marshes and take over the fairy-ruled Water Dragon
Isle. While there on the quest for the Ice Breath, waste as much time killing
dwarves as possible, so that by the time you reach Rosetta, she's dead. I
cannot stress the "wasting time" part enough. I'm not sure whether you need to
leave Razzly out of your party when fighting the Hi-Ho Tank there, but you
might want to anyway, just to be on the safe side.
-- VII. Thanks, Shameless Plugs, and Credits --
Tronix (http://www.tronixweb.com/), for ALWAYS getting me imports expediently,
and at fair prices. Two very enthusiastic CB! thumbs up.
Game Music Online (http://www.gamemusic.com/) for consistent excellence in service
when it comes to ordering game soundtracks. No thanks to Gamecave/Express.com for
slothlike customer service and being so shady, nearby plants cannot preform
photosynthesis. Boo, hiss! Don't give your business to these fools.
J. Parish (http://www.toastyfrog.com/), for penning the definitive resource on
Chrono Cross, convincing me to import the game in the first place last year, and
making me laugh so hard that my liver hurts. Huge love and mad respect.
Everyone on the Chrono Cross boards at The GIA (http://www.thegia.com/), for
(mostly) intelligent discussion about the game.
Lord Odin (galvinchan@pacific.net.sg) for lots of information on Level 7 skills,
too much to list here, the Tsumalu Angel/Devil bit about the stars and
transformations, lots of combination attacks, and the Miscelleous tips about
stealing armor from the six dragons and getting Level 7 Summons from common
Whyte Tyger (whyttigr@mediaone.net) for information on Kinoko's, Fio's,
Korcha's, Bancliff's, Leah's, Pierre's, and Snef's Level 7 skills, the location
of the Lost Medicine Encyclopedia, and for a description of Lazzuli's Level 3.
Boko Kun (boko_kun@neteze.com) for lots of story and character relationship
information. All the quotes, hometowns, and physique shiznits for the Japanese
version. Praise be to Boko Kun, he is my FAQ savior. Read his Pip FAQ!
Leonard Wan (leowan@netvigator.ca) for the information on Bancliff, and for not
using the word "idiot" when he told me I'd forgotten him.
Pierre Tassetto (ptasset@free.fr) for the clue on Tsumalu Angel/Devil's Element
attacks, and the correct name of Marbule.
Square (http://www.square.co.jp/), for making Chrono Cross in the first place.
No thanks to sites who post and plagarize FAQs without permission. You know
who you are.