

13.10.2013 09:16:53

Version 1.0 by Ann Noble ( Jan 1997.

This walkthru gives you details of the major events in the game. There is
also a recruitment list for most of the characters (I only got 101 and any
suggestions would be gratefully received) plus a list of the Battle Combos.
This is an excellent game and the characterisation is such that you really
get involved with all the people. Death scenes are particularly affecting.

You start in the Emperor's Palace in Gregminster, meeting with The Emperor
and Lady Windy, the Court Magician. There you are introduced to Kraze and
Kasim Hazil. Go home and have a banquet after which Teo leaves for the
north. Wander round town and meet Sonya and Milich. Go to the Palace and
receive instructions from Kraze. Meet Futch outside the barn and fly to
Magicians Island, where you meet Luc and Lady Leknaat. Return to Gregminster
and deliver Astral Conclusions to Kraze. He tells you to sort out a tax
problem in Rockland and puts Kanaan in charge of the party. Walk to
Rockland, where the people are suffering under the corrupt Grady and
aggressive soldiers. Marco is running a game of chance. You are directed to
Mt. Seifu where bandits are hiding. In a fight with a Queen Ant Ted uses his
rune and Kanaan is very interested. Defeat Varkas and Sydonia and take them
back to Rockland. On returning to Gregminster, Kanaan takes Ted to the
Palace and you go home. After the meal Ted is discovered downstairs, badly
wounded. He has refused to hand over his rune to Lady Windy but passes it to
Hero. Pahn brings the Imperial troops to the house but you escape through
the kitchen leaving Ted behind. You take refuge in the Inn but bump into
soldiers. Viktor rescues you and offers to get you out of the city safely.
He takes you to Lenankamp to meet someone. In Lenankamp you meet Krin for
the first time. Soldiers try to capture you in the Inn but the clock moves
revealing a passage into the sewers where you meet Odessa, Humphrey, Flik
and Sanchez. You cannot decide whether to join the Liberation Army but after
finding a bandit at the entrance, you have to go and rescue Varkas and
Sydonia in Rockland. In Rockland Viktor sets fire to the mansion so you can
get in. After freeing Varkas and Sydonia you return to Lenankamp. Odessa
asks you to deliver the blueprint for the Fire Spears to Sarady and joins
you. On Mt. Tigerwolf you meet Ledon who tries to rob you after giving you
drugged tea. However Kessler arrives and, recognizing Odessa, gets Ledon to
administer an antidote. In Sarady, you deliver the blueprint to Kage, the
messenger from the Secret Factory. Odessa confesses that she may not be the
right leader for the Army. When you return to Lenankamp the hide-out at the
Inn has been attacked. Odessa is wounded. She asks you to take an earring to
Mathiu in Seika, and also to put her body into the water so that no-one
knows she is dead. Disguised you pass through the Fortress at Kwaba, meeting
Ain Gide. Chandler is standing at the other side. In Seika you meet Marie
and Antonio at the Inn, and Onil. Sheena is mentioned. Mathiu is reluctant
to talk to you until after you defeat the soldiers who are threatening the
children. He refuses to lead the Army but suggests that Hero is the right
person. He says you need an HQ and mentions the Castle at Toran. You go to
Kaku but the only person likely to sail to Toran is Tai Ho. You have to beat
him at dice before he will join you, along with Yam Koo. Meanwhile Camille,
a debt collector, has joined the group and you have met Sergei and Meg.
Gaspar appears in the village bar and will join you later. After defeating
the zombie dragon, you take over the castle and name it. Lady Leknaat
appears and gives you the Stone Tablets containing the 108 Stars. She also
wishes Luc on you. Mathiu tells you to recruit Lepant who lives in Kouan.
However when you try to see Lepant, Giovanni won't let you in. Krin suggests
you steal Lepant's sword and shows a way into the house through the roof.
Inside the house you recruit Rock and meet Juppo. When you return to Krin
with the sword, he tries to drug you but fails. However he has betrayed you
to Lepant who arrives at the Inn. While he is talking to you news arrives
that Eileen, his wife, has been taken by the Military Commander. You follow
him and help him to defeat the soldiers. Pahn reappears and deals with
Kraze. Lepant agrees to join and Pahn rejoins. Lorelai will join later. When
you return to the Castle, Varkas and Sydonia have arrived and join. On
leaving the Castle, you find Kirkis lying on the dock. He asks for help to
protect the elves. In the Great forest village Maas and Sansuke join. On the
way through the Forest you recruit Viki. The Kobold Village is deserted but
Kuromimi talks to you. When you arrive at the Village of the Elves, you find
Valeria trying to warn the Chief about the Burning Mirror but he won't
listen and throws her, and you, into the dungeon. There you meet Stallion.
Sylvina releases you. You decide to ask the dwarves for help and Valeria
accompanies you. On the Dwarf Trail you meet Kuromimi again. When you reach
the Dwarf Village the Chief challenges you to break into the Dwarf Vault and
get the Running Water Root. Meese joins. After defeating Gigantes in the
vault you can get to the chest with the Root. Then the Chief agrees to make
a weapon which will destroy the Burning Mirror. However on the way down the
Dwarf Trail you see flames in the direction of the Elf Village and discover
that the village has been burnt down. Templeton joins. In the Kobold Village
soldiers take Valeria but Kuromimi fights with you. Then the Liberation Army
arrives, warned by Sylvina and Stallion, and the first battle takes place.
After the battle, Hero, Gremio, Viktor, Cleo, Valeria and Kuromimi enter the
Castle. After defeating the Dragon, Hero fights singlehanded against Kwanda
Rosman. He has been controlled by a Black Rune given him by Windy. Recruit
him. Sylvina, Stallion, Kuromimi, Valeria and Kirkis join. When you return
to the Castle, Flik has arrived with Humphrey and Sanchez. He is very upset
at the news of Odessa's death but Hero and Viktor recruit him. He brings
news which leads to the next battle.
After the victory Flik presses on into the next battle.
Unfortunately Milich's roses defeat your army and you have to retreat. A
reconnaissance party is sent to try and find something that will counteract
the poison. Kai joins and Quincy will join later. In Teien, you meet Hellion
and she joins. However Gen and Eikei aren't interested and you can't see
Kamandohl. Go down to Rikon, meet Jabba, and learn about a famous
pharmacist, Liukan, who has retreated to a hermitage upriver. Unfortunately
the boat will not cross the rapids. Return to Teien and ask Gen about the
rapids. He and Kamandohl join and you have to carry the engine (Prodigy)
back to Rikon where the engine is fitted to the boat. Travel upstream to the
Hermitage and talk to Liukan. Unfortunately Milich flies in and captures
him. Go back to the Castle. Mathiu sends you to Antei with a letter for
Kimberly. In Antei you will meet Qlon, Jeane, Tesla, Mina, Kimberly and
Esmeralda. Return to the Castle where Mathiu gives you the fake orders which
will allow access to Soniere Prison. You rescue Liukan but Gremio dies. Back
at the Castle Liukan joins and prepares an antitoxin for
After the battle you search Scarletica and meet Ivanov and Kasios. Milich
also has a Black Rune given to him by Windy but can be recruited. Back at
the Castle Kasumi has arrived with news that leads to
Unfortunately he has armoured cavalry which defeat you. Pahn covers your
retreat and fights Teo. Fire Spears are needed to defeat the armoured
cavalry. Gen and Kamandohl create a speed boat that will take you north to
Kirov which is south of the Secret Factory. In Kirov you meet Sarah, Melodye
and Georges. Head north to Kalekka where Blackman joins. Talk to Leon
Silverberg. At the Secret Factory Ledon and Kessler join and so will Kage.
Mose agrees to supply the Fire Spears if you can find enough boats. Back at
the Castle Tai Ho mentions his friend Kun To who lives in Kirov so you
return there and he joins. When the boats are loaded, Mose and Ronnie Bell
The Fire Spears work well against the armoured cavalry. After the battle,
Hero has to fight Teo single-handed. As Teo is dying he tells Alen and
Grenseal to join the Liberation Army. Next the Army goes to Lorimar. Kirke
joins. A scouting party heads to Warriors Village. Marco will join. You
learn about Neclord who is demanding that Tengaar is handed over to him. The
next morning Neclord arrives and you try to fight him, a no-win battle. He
takes Tengaar to be his 70th bride. Go to the Temple at Qlon where Fukien
tells you what to do in order to get a weapon to defeat Neclord. Fukien and
Morgan join. Zen and Hugo will join later. Enter the Cave of the Past and
find the Star Dragon Sword. It will catapult you into the Village of the
Hidden Rune which is 300 years in the past. Talk to Ted and his grandfather.
Windy appears with Yuber and Neclord and tries to take the Soul Eater Rune.
The villagers disappear and Ted is left alone. Return to the Cave and get
the Sword. In Warriors Village the Chief and his men are about to storm
Neclord's Castle. However only Hero is invited to the wedding. Hix demands
to join the party. Fight your way up the Tower. In the picture gallery you
have to look at the paintings in the correct order to open a secret door.
Defeat Neclord. Viktor leaves the party. Hix and Tengaar join. Back at the
Castle Mathiu says you need more recruits and Humphrey accompanies you to
the Dragons Den via Antei. Unfortunately you are not allowed in and so
return to Antei. There you meet Vincent de Boule. Follow him back to the
Dragons Den and he will show you a secret entrance. Go through the cave
until you meet Milia and Futch and see the sleeping dragons. At the Dragon
Knights Fortress you meet Joshua who needs Liukan's help with the dragons.
Fuma and Kreutz join. Go back to the Castle and put Liukan in the party.
Then return to Joshua. Liukan tells you to go to Seek Valley for moonlight
weed. Milia joins you and flies you there on Thrash, her dragon. Meet Mace.
Defeat the Crystal Core and then go further to find the plant. Windy appears
and tries to get the Soul Eater Rune by using Ted. He sacrifices himself and
Windy is thwarted. Collect the plant and return to Joshua. There you learn
that Futch has flown to the Floating Garden in Gregminster to get the Black
Dragon Orchid, the second ingredient that Liukan needs for the antidote.
Futch meets the Emperor who allows him to take the flower but Windy appears
just as Futch and Black take off and blasts them. Futch is rescued but Black
dies, providing the third ingredient, a dragon's liver. After the dragons
recover Joshua agrees to help you and sends Futch to the Castle. Return to
the Castle to overhear talk of a spy. This is Taggart who has come to tell
you that Warren and Viktor have been captured and are held at Moravia Castle
by Kasim Hazil. Mathiu suggest training manoeuvres but then comes to your
room to warn you that there IS a spy in the Castle. At the Northern
Checkpoint Griffith doesn't believe there will be an attack but then you go
Griffith joins after the battle. Mathiu suggests a plan to get into Moravia
for a rescue. Krin and Kasumi accompany you as you make your way up to the
top where the prison is. Warren joins. Vincent is also imprisoned. After the
rescue, Mathiu persuades Kasim Hazil to join the Army. Maximilian and Sancho
are back at the Northern Checkpoint and join you. Back at the Castle Mathiu
plans to provide 500 boats for an attack on the Floating Fortress. The next
morning you find 500 ice boats at the dock and use them to get to
After the battle Viktor accompanies you into the fortress to close the
floodgates. On your way back out, after defeating the Venus Shell and
working the floodgate, you meet Sonya. Amid the flames you capture her and
take her back to the Castle. On exiting the fortress you discover Mathiu
wounded, and Sanchez exposed as the spy. Back in the Castle, go down into
the basement to overhear Cleo talking to Sonya who will join you if you go
into the cell and talk to her. Despite Mathiu's weakness he insists that now
is the time to fight the troops guarding Gregminster.
After winning Flik and Viktor accompany you into the Palace to confront the
Emperor. Ain Gide is defending the entrance and you have to kill him. Work
your way through the Palace defeating all the troops until you reach the
Floating Garden. The Emperor summons a dragon to defend him but when it is
defeated he comes to his senses. Windy appears and the Emperor destroys her
and himself. As the Palace collapses you have to fight your way out. A
republic is set up.


There were seven characters that I was unable to recruit, either because the
conditions were not fulfilled or because I never found them.
ALEN - after death of Teo.
ANJI (Pirate Fortress) Tai Ho and Yam Koo must be in the party, which must be strong enough to
defeat all three pirates in 3/4 rounds.
ANTONIO (Seika) joins after Marie says she is too busy to do the cooking.
APPLE (Seika) pupil of Mathiu.
BLACKMAN (Kalekka)
CLEO (Gregminster)
CLIVE (Rikon) lurking in the Inn. After the Battle at the Floating Fortress only?
EIKEI (Teien) Hero must be level 40.
EILEEN (Kouan) joins after being freed from Kraze.
ESMERALDA (Antei) joins when presented with Opal, which may be dropped by an enemy in Soniere
FLIK (Kaku) joins after he learns of Odessa's death.
FU SU LU (Kobold Village) pay Inn Keeper 10,000 bits.
FUMA (Dragon Knight Fortress) hiding outside the building, on the right.
FUTCH (Dragon Knight Fortress) joins after his dragon dies.
GASPAR (Kaku) will join if you beat him at the dice game.
GEN (Teien) joins after you fail to cross the rapids in the boat.
GEORGES (Kirov) will join if you win the card game.
GIOVANNI (Kouan) joins when Lepant does.
GON (Kobold Village) joins if Kuromimi is in the party.
GREMIO (Gregminster)
GRENSEAL - joins after Teo dies.
GRIFFITH (Northern Checkpoint) joins after the Battle there.
HIX (Neclords castle) joins just before you enter.
HUGO (Qlon) will join if you give him the War Scroll, from a chest in the Cave.
IVANOV (Scarletica) joins after Milich is defeated.
JABBA (Rikon) will join if you pick up a Namelss Urn from the Holly Fairies and ask hin to appraise
JEANE (Antei) will join if you have enough people, number not specified.
JOSHUA (Dragon Knights Fortress)
JUPPO (Kouan) joins when Lepant does.
KAGE (Secret Factory) will join for 20,000 bits.
KAI (Garan)
KAMANDOHL (Teien) joins when Gen does.
KANAK (Pirate Fortress) joins when Anji does.
KASIM HAZIL (Moravia) joins after the rescue of Warren and Viktor.
KASIOS (Scarletica) will join if Milich is in the party.
KASUMI (Castle)
KESSLER (Secret Factory)
KIRKE (Lorimar)
KIRKIS (Castle)
KREUTZ (Drogon Knights Fortress)
KRIN (Kouan) joins when Lepant does.
KUN TO (Kirov) joins after you have been to the Secret Factory.
KUROMIMI (Kobold Village) fights with you when Valeria leaves, joins after the Battle of Pannu
KWANDA - joins after being defeated at Pannu Yakuta.
LEDON (Secret Factory)
LEON (Kalekka) talk to him, get a letter from Mathiu, give him the letter. The Army needs to be
LEONARDO (Pirate Fortress) joins when Anji does.
LEPANT (Kouan) joins after Eileen is rescued.
LESTER (Moravia?) probably only if Pahn is still alive.
LIUKAN (Castle) after being rescued from Soniere Prison.
LORELAI (Kouan) will join when you are strong enough, try level 30.
LOTTE (Rikon) will join if you find her cat. Put Quincy in the party and go to Kaku to get the cat.
LUC (Castle)
MAAS (Great Forest)
MACE (Seek Valley) if the Castle gets bigger
MARCO (Warriors Village) will join if you win 5,000 bits from him.
MARIE (Seika) joins after you have got the Castle.
MATHIU (Seika)
MAXIMILIAN (Northern Checkpoint) joins after the rescue at Moravia.
MEESE (Dwarves Village)
MEG (Kaku) put Juppo in the party.
MELODYE (Kirov) will join if you give her the Sound Crystal.
MILIA (Dragon Knights Fortress)
MILICH (Scarletica)
MINA (Antei) hero must be wearing toe shoes.
MOOSE (Warriors Village) take Maas, Meese and Mose in the party.
MOSE (Kirov) on your second visit.
ONIL (Seika)
PAHN (Gregminster, Kouan)
QLON (Antei) after the defeat of Milich.
QUINCY (Garan) will join once you have 58 recruits.
ROCK (Kouan)
RONNIE BELL (Kirov) on your second visit.
RUBI (Kobold Village) Kirkis must be in the party, and around level 40.
SANCHO (Northern Checkpoint) joins when Maximilian does.
SANSUKE (Great Forest)
SARAH (Kirov) run errands.
SHEENA (Seika) collect him after the Battle of Pannu Yakuta. Lepant must be in the party.
SONYA - joins after the fight in the Floating Fortress.
STALLION - joins after the Battle of Pannu Yakuta.
SYDONIA (Castle)
SYLVINA - joins after the Battle of Pannu Yakuta.
TAGGART (Moravia) joins when Warren does.
TAI HO (Kaku) will take you to the Castle of Toran if you win at the dice game.
TEMPLETON (Burnt Village of the Elves)
TENGAAR (Neclords Castle) joins after you defeat Neclord.
TESLA (Antei) appears after Kimberly mentions the name Albert.
VALERIA (Village of the Elves) fights with you and joins after the Battle of Pannu Yakuta.
VARKAS (Castle)
VIKI - meet her in the Great Forest, between the village and the Kobold Village.
VIKTOR (Gregminster)
VINCENT DE BOULE (Moravia) imprisoned, go back upstairs after rescue of Warren and Viktor.
WARREN (Moravia) joins after being rescued from prison.
WINDOW (Warriors Village) if the Castle gets bigger?
YAM KOO (Kaku)
ZEN (Qlon) will join if you give him red, yellow and blue flower seeds.


Some of the characters are non fighting and this is indicated after their
names, and some of the groups are not complete as I didn't collect all 108

ADVENTURERS - Lorelai, Mina, Quincy.
ARCHERS - Georges (nf), Marco (nf), Rubi.
BANDITS - Kessler, Sydonia, Varkas.
BLACK GOLDS - Maas, Meese, Moose.
CARPENTERS - Gen, Kamandol, Tesla (nf).
COMMANDER'S TEAM - Gremio, Hero, Pahn.
COOKS - Antonio, Lester? Rock (nf).
DRAGON KNIGHTS - Futch, Joshua (nf), Milia.
ENGINEERS - Hugo (nf), Sergei, Templeton (nf).
EXPERTS - Clive, ?, ?
FELLOWS - Blackman, Ivanov (nf), Zen (nf).
FISHERMEN - Kimberly, Tai Ho, Yam Koo.
FORMER IMPERIALS - Griffith, Kasim, Valeria.
GOOD BUDDIES - Marie (nf), Onil (nf), Sansuke.
HUMPHREY'S TEAM - Alen, Grenseal, Humphrey.
INVULNERABLE DEFENSE - Eikei, Gaspar (nf), Kwanda.
KOBOLDS - Fu Lu Su, Gon, Kuromimi.
LEPANT FAMILY - Eileen, Lepant, Sheena.
MAGICIANS - Hellion, Jeane (nf), Viki (nf).
MAXIMILIANS KNIGHTS - Maximilian (nf), Qlon (nf), Sancho (nf).
MERCHANTS - Chandler (nf), Chapman (nf), Kun To (nf).
MUSICIANS - Kasios (nf), Melodye (nf), ?
NARCISTS - Esmeralda (nf), Milich, Vincent (nf).
NINJAS - Fuma, Kage, Kasumi.
OLD SOLDIERS - Fukien, Kai, Liukan.
PIRATES - Anji, Kanak, Leonardo.
PROTECTORS OF THE FOREST - Kirkis, Stallion, Sylvina.
SECRET FACTORY TEAM - Mose, Ronnie, Sarah.
SOLDIERS BEAUTIES - Camille, Cleo, Sonya.
STRATEGISTS - Apple (nf), Leon (nf), Mathiu (nf).
THIEVES - Giovanni (nf), Krin, Ledon (nf).
TRICKSTERS - Jabba (nf), Juppo, Meg.
VIKTOR'S TEAM - Taggart (nf), Viktor, Warren.
WILD GEESE - Kirke, Kreutz, Morgan.

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14.Oktober 2013
Ende des Spiels.

17.Oktober 2013

12.Oktober 2013
Tips and Tricks

13.Oktober 2013
Stars Guide

16.Oktober 2013
Special Items Guide

13.Oktober 2013
Magic Guide

18.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
English Version Guide

13.Oktober 2013
Duell Guide

11.Oktober 2013
Combination Attacks

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Character Combo Guide

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

09.Oktober 2013
engl. Lösung
10.Oktober 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Oktober 2008
Special Items
engl. Hinweise
10.Oktober 2008
General Tips
engl. Hinweise 2
10.Oktober 2008
Kampftips als HTML-Datei
engl. Hinweise 3
10.Oktober 2008
Infos über die 108 Sterne
engl. Hinweise 4
10.Oktober 2008
13.Mai 2008
Game Script

Beliebte Cheats
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11.Juni 2014
18.Februar 2014
19.Februar 2014
01.Dezember 2014
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24.März 2020
24.März 2020