

14.10.2013 16:19:14
Suikoden Walkthrough
Version 2.3
By Amar Kishan on 11/21/01
This is a complete walkthrough for Suikoden I (PSX). If you have anything to
add, just contact me at: I hope you enjoy the guide.
If you wish to use this guide for any purposes (other than use for help), please
email me first. This guide is not to be reproduced in anyway without my
permission first. This guide is copyright 2000-2001 Amar Kishan.
This guide covers several things in a particular format, which is useful to know
in order to use the guide.

Walkthrough Format: Chapter: (Name)

Section: (A,B,C, etc.) Name of place(s)
Characters: (if any)
Treasures: (If any)
Enemies: (name and level of enemies)
Boss: (If any)

Boss Format:
Name of Boss
Recommended Level: (Level I was at when I killed it)
Attacks: Name (I came up with the name based on the look of the attack)
Strategy: (how to kill it)

Status Format:

- Listed the location of the Rage Rune at Neclord's Castle
- Updated the Credits

- Complete Unite Attack List
- MInor Editing

- Hopefully fixed formatting problems

- Added Enemy Stats to Bestiary
- Finished Runes and Spells List
- Finished The 108 Stars of Destiny
- Finished Armor
- Removed Weapons
- Removed Shopping List

- Finished Walkthrough section.
- Finished Army Units, Art, Music, Paints, Books
- Finished Spell Combination Attacks
- Updated Bestiary

- Walkthrough up through Neclord.
- Bestiary update
- Shopping List update
- Character list update.

- Walkthrough up through Scarleticia

i.) Introduction

ii.) Version History

iii.) Format

iv.) Table of Contents

I.) Walkthrough
1. The Golden Age
2. Medieval IRS
3. The Soul Eater
4. The Path of Liberators
5. Unity
6. The Land of Rebels
7. Loyal to the End
8. Vampirical Bastion
9. There Be Dragons Here
10. Blue Moon Kasim
11. The Last General
12. The Fall of the Empire

II.) The 108 Stars of Destiny

III.) Runes and Spells List

IV.) Spell Combination Attacks

V.) Unite Attacks

VI.) Headquarters

VII.) Armor

VIII.) Bestiary

IX.) Secrets/Tricks

X.) Credits/Disclaimer

A.) Audience with the Emperor
Characters: Hero<1>, Ted, Gremio<>, Pahn<>, Cleo<>
Treasures:100 bits

You start of in the upper floor of Gregminster Palace. After talking to
Teo, you'll gain audience to the Emperor. You learn that Teo is going to the
North to settle a dispute with the Jowstone city-state, as Barbarossa entrusts
him with his sword, Prakk. You are also to begin service with the Empire.
Barbarossa will ask you to help him:

[?] Yes, your Highness.
{Agree to work for him}
I don't wanna.
{Agree anyway, apparently you were joking}

Choose either option when the emperor asks you to join. After the audience, you
are free to roam the place. Head downstairs. Teo will ask you to speak to
Kraze, who warns you that you will get no special treatment. Go to the armory
in the left, and examine the statue for 100 bits. Then exit the castle. Teo
will escort you home. After a brief chat, you will be free to wander around
Gregminster. Here are the stats for your hero:

Lv 1. 17/17 hp
W: 1/5 Wolf Fang Staff

If you please, you can go to Rockland and use your 1500 bits to win lots of
money from Marco, and outfit your hero. Otherwise, go upstairs and meet Ted.
He'll ask if he can join.

[?] Of course.
{Let him come with you}
Gee, I dunno.
{Listen to him whinge and then be asked again}

He joins.

Lv 1. 17/17 hp
W: 3/10 Steel Bow
???? Rune

Now, go to the hero's room. After the chat, save at his journal and go to the
dining room. Teo declares that he is heading north, and wishes everyone to
protect his son. The next day, Gremio wakes you up and joins:

Lv 1. 22/22 hp
W: 1/9 Axe

Head downstairs for Pahn and Cleo to join.

Lv 1. 25/25 hp
W: 1/6 Claws

Lv 1. 20/20 hp
W: 1/6 Air Sword

Now, attempt to leave and Ted will wake up. He joins again. Now, it is time to
visit Kraze. But first, outfit your characters a bit: Headbands and Leather
coats at Rockland work well. When you are ready, talk to Kraze, who will tell
you a Dragon Knight is waiting to take you to the Magician's Island. Your goal
is to retrieve Astral conclusions from Lenkaat the Seer, Windy's sister. Kraze
will then ask you to answer his questions about the mission:

[?] Northeast of Gregminster
{Show that you've been listening, continue getting briefed}
Northwest of Gregminster
{Make him think you're an idiot, continue getting briefed}
Somewhere on this earth.
{Make him think you're a pompous brat, continue getting briefed}

After the meeting, go outside and to the left. Talk to Futch, a dragon knight,
to go back and forth between Gregminster and the Island.

B.) Magician's Island
Treasures: Medicine, Leather Coat, Fire Crystal, Astral Conclusions, Wooden
Shoes (dropped by FurFur)
Enemies: Furfur, Holly Boy
Boss: Golem

From the docking point, head north, north, north, northeast, south, and
northwest. Here, you will meet Luc. He summons a creature to make you
miserable...not really.

Boss: Golem
Recommended Level: 3
Attacks: Normal
Strategy: Have everyone attack but Pahn and Gremio, who should do a Talisman
Attack. In two turns, he'll be dead.

Luc, astonished at your performance, will escort you to Lenkaat's mansion.
Ascend the staircase and speak with her. You will receive not only the Astral
Conclusions, but also a reading telling you of your weight in the flow of fate.
Leave the room. Cleo will receive a Fire Crystal from Lenkaat, and Luc will
warp you to the docking point. Once at Gregminster, attach the Fire Crystal to
Cleo, and follow Futch's advice and return to Kraze.

A.) Rockland

Kraze, and another man, Kanaan, will inform you that people in the town of
Rockland have not paid taxes. Your mission, which Kanaan joins, is to pay a
visit to Grady, the Imperial Legate of Rockland. In case you hadn't gone there
before, it is east of Gregminster.

At Rockland, go to the mansion and demand to see Grady. You'll learn that
bandits from Mt. Siefu have been pilfering tax money. Grady wants you to help
him take care of them:

[?] Of course.
{Go fight}
We should return home first.
{Get ordered by Kanaan to go fight}

You take up the new task of teaching them a lesson. Head southwest to
Lenankamp, and sharpen everyones weapons and pick up Pointed Hats. Now head
northeast to Rockland, and head east to Mt. Seifu.

B.) Mt Seifu
Treasures: Boots, Medicine [6x2], Defense Rune Piece, 1000 bits, Antique (vase),
Leggings, Thunder rune piece, Shoulder Pads (dropped by bandits)
Enemies: Bandits, Black Wild Boar, Soldier Ant
Bosses:Queen Ant, Soldier Ant x3, Varkas and Sydonia

From the foot of the mountain, go north. In this room, go northeast and pick up
the boots and medicine. Now go southwest. In the next room, the path second
from right gets you a Def. Rune Piece, the second from left gets you 1000 bits,
and the left (west) path gets you an antique (vase). The middle path is the
right way. In the next treasure room, pick up the medicine to the west, the
Escape Talisman to the northwest, the leggings to the southeast, and head north.
Go north again, then south, then north, Ant> then north, then northeast for a thunder rune piece.

Boss: Queen Ant, Soldier Antx3
Recommended Level: 6
Attacks: Normal (soldier), Magic (queen)
Strategy: Conserve magic, and hammer the front row. After a while, you'll give

Ted proposes an idea, which you can accept or reject:
[?] OK, Ted.
{Let him do his thing}
Don't be reckless, Ted.
{Warn him, then let him do it anyway}

He walks to up and challenges the beast alone, decimating it with a spell from
the Soul Eater Rune. Kanaan recognizes this, but lets you continue anyway.
Follow the path to the save, and heal up with medicines. Then go ahead. to
challenge the bandits. First, you will fight a group of five bandits. Then,
you will face Varkas the Whirlwind Axe and Marksman Sydonia.

Boss: Varkas and Sydonia
Recommended Level: 8
Attacks: Normal (17-20)
Strategy: Have Cleo use Flaming arrows on Varkas, while Pahn and Gremio use the
Talisman Attack on Sydonia. Everyone else should just attack. Next turn,
switch. Both thieves should die.

After the fight, you go to the foot of the mountain (world map). Then, head to
Rockland. Go to Grady's mansion and turn the bandits in. You'll receive 10,000
bits, but Kanaan takes it. You should then head to Gregminster.

A.) Lenankamp: The Seat of the Liberators
Characters: Viktor
Treasures: Antique [Hex Doll], 700 bits, 1000 bits, Brass Armor, Medicinex6
Enemies: Empire Soldiers, Captain

At the gates of Gregminster, Kanaan leaves with Ted for his report with
Kraze. Your gang will go home, where you have a nice dinner-without Ted.
Once they begin to say that Ted is late, go downstairs. Ted will be lying
there, horribly wounded. Gremio will give you a choice:

[?] Help
{Help move Ted}
Don't Help
{Convince them you're in shock}

After nursing him back to health, Ted will ask you for a favor.

[?] What is it, Ted?
{Ask him what he wants}
{Refuse and be asked again}

You learn that he has the Soul Eater rune, is being pursued by Windy, and
is 300 years old. Ted wishes you to have his rune:

[?] I'll take it, Ted. Don't worry.
{Take the Soul Eater}
{Don't take it, and get asked again}

Pahn wishes to turn him in, but you say no. Later, Pahn leaves to get
medicine. He returns, however, with the Imperial army. Make a break for it
once you take Ted's rune. Ted volunteers to act as a decoy:

[?] No.
{Refuse, and get Ted to ask again}
All right.
{Accept his offer}

Head for Marie's Inn. Talk to Cleo and Gremio, then try to head
downstairs. On your second try, Gremio will let you go. While you're
down, you can talk to Viktor. When you try to exit, Imperials will
confront you:

[?] Shut up, you fool.
{Insult him, and generally be conspicuous}
(We'd better try to be inconspicuous)
{Be conspicuous anyway}

Viktor will come to your aid, evidently to escape the inn. Talk to him later,
and he'll ask if you want to hear his plan.

[?] I'm not sure I can trust you.
{Refuse to hear him out}
All right. Help us out.
{Hear his plan}

Basically, you must here it; he'll join and help you leave Gregminster:

Lv. 7 148/148
W: 3/11 Taia Sword

First, appraise and sell your antique, then go to the gate. Viktor will bribe
the guard with your money, then ask you to go to Lenankamp:

[?] It's a promise.
{Agree to go to Lenankamp}
I've never heard of Lenankamp.
{Appear ignorant then go anyway}

Head south to Lenankamp, and upgrade all your characters. Now, head to the inn
and stay. After a long scene in which Imperials arrive, you will have to make a

[?] Let's fight.
{Do nothing, you were obviously joking}
I'm scared, let's run.
{Attempt to run away, but fail}

You flee with Viktor to the sewers, where you meet Odessa Silverburg, Flik,
Sanchez, and Humphrey-the main members of the Liberation Army. Odessa will ask
you to join:

[?] Who says I'll join?
{Appear to like the Imperials}
Maybe I should join the Liberation Army.
{Appear interested}

Gremio is hesitant to join, but once a bandit arrives telling Odessa of the
torture of Varkas and Sydonia, you are prompted to make a decision:

[?] It's our fault.
{Confess that you captured them}
This has nothing to do with us.
{Be an idiot and be reprimanded by Cleo and Gremio}

At Rockland, head for Grady's mansion (examine the area with the bandits.
Viktor will set Grady's house on fire, and you will enter it. Head west and
fight two Empire Soldiers. Grab the medicine and follow the path, fighting two
more soldiers. At a hall, the northeast door leads to 3 soldiers and a captain,
but gets you Brass Armor. The Southeast door gets you an antique. The west
door leads to three empire soldiers and a captain. They give a lot of gold.
Follow the hall, and go to the right for two chests of 700 and 1000 bits. Now,
go left and fight five soldiers and a captain. To the west, rescue the bandits.
Retrace your steps to the manor entrance and talk with Grady. Your business in
the town being done, return to Lenankamp.

B.) The Escort
Characters: Odessa
Treasures: Circlet, Medicinex2, Gloves, Wind rune piece, Antique, Clone
crystal, 1000 bits, Earring
Enemies: Giant Snail, Killer Slime, Slasher Rabbit

At Lenankamp, return to the sewers and speak with Odessa. She requests that you
will help her deliver Blue Prints of a Fire Spear to Sarady, where an agent will
take them to a secret factory:

[?] My father goes his way, I go mine.
{Agree to join}
Since I'm a member of the Imperial Army...
{Be stubborn}

If you refuse, she'll ask you again:

[?] I guess...
I mean...
{Don't join}

She then joins your party (provided you join):

Lv. 6 68/68
W: 5/18 Steel Bow

Head northwest of Lenankamp, cross the bridge, and go to Mt. Tigerwolf.
Immediately grab the circlet and give it to Odessa, then head east. Pick up the
medicine and go north. Snag the gloves and go north twice. Get the wind rune
piece, and head north three more times. Take the antique before going further
north, then get the medicine. Go northeast for a clone crystal, then go south
and northwest. Take 1000 bits and head north out side the mountain. along the
way (I forgot to note down where) you will be stopped by Ledon at his house. He
will ask if you want to stay:

[?] Me too.
{Agree to stop for the night}
We'd better go on.
{Stop anyway, since everyone else does}

He asks if you want tea:

[?] Not if it's bitter.
{Refuse and be asked again}
Just a taste, then.
{Taste the tea}

He will feed you poisoned tea after you agree to stay in his house. His boss
Kessler recognizes Odessa and punished Ledon. In the end, you are restored, and
given free access to an inn high in the mountains. Anyway, just remember to
return here much later to recruit these people.

After exiting the mountain, head north and enter Sarady. Buy a water crystal,
then head for the Inn. After renting a room, you will wake up in the night. Go
outside, and after a moving conversation with Odessa, Kage will arrive and take
the blue prints. Return to your bed.

In the morning, you will be faced with the journey home. Return to Lenankamp,
but before entering the Inn, make sure Odessa has nothing important equipped.
Now, enter the inn. A wounded soldier will be on the ground. Quickly enter the
secret passage. The top path leads to a fight with six Empire Soldiers. Take
them out. Now, move to the middle to fight five empire soldiers. Destroy them.
Finally, take the lower path. You will fight five more imperials.

Odessa is mortally wounded. She gives you her earring (party item), and you're
given a choice:

[?] I can't.
As you wish.
{Dump the corpse in the stream}

You can now cast Deadly Fingertips with the Hero. As the appointed leader of
the Liberation army, it is your duty to head south past Kwaba to Seika and speak
to Mathiu. Exit Lenankamp after saving, and head south for Kwaba. Here, you
will choose an alias and pass through the gates:

[?] Masamune.
{Call yourself Masamune, make everyone think you're an idiot}
{Call yourself Piisuke, make everyone think you're an idiot}
Schtolteheim Reinbach IV.
{Call yourself Schtolteheim Reinbach IV, make everyone think you're
an idiot}

Ain Gide will let you pass, feigning ignorance. However, he says something to
the effect of: protect your father. Gremio will ask for your forgiveness:

[?] Unforgivable!
{Don't forgive him}
I understand, Gremio.
{Forgive him}

From here, talk to Chandler then head south to Seika.

A.) The Fortress in the Lake
Characters: Camille, Tai Ho, Yam Koo, Mathiu
Treasures: Mega medicine, Toe Shoes, Antitoxin, 2000 bits, Power Rune Piece,
Medicine, Pointed Hat, Antitoxin, Wind Crystal, Hazy Crystal
Enemies: Oannes, Ghost Armor, Giant Slug
Boss: Zombie Dragon

Journey south from Kwaba to Seika, and talk the man in front of the
school, Mathiu. Apparently, he is Odessa's brother, and refuses the
Earring. He leaves. Follow him, and ask him again. Leave the school.
After a group convention, Imperials will burst through the town and attack
the school. Gremio will ask you what to do:

[?] Help them, of course.
{Fight the soldiers}
Wait. Let's see what's happening.
{Delay the fight}

Follow them, and help Mathiu (who is to be recruited by Imperials). The soldiers
will ask who you are:

[?] Survivors of the Rebel Army.
{Sound resilient and dangerous)
Just some good guys passing by.
{Sound cool and nonchalant}

Take them out with a 'free-will' spree. Talk to Mathiu about the earring:

[?] Why?
{Ask him why (duh)}
But Odessa...
{Attempt to honor Odessa's request. Let him explain about earring}

He will ask you to take over leadership of the Liberation Army:

[?] I can't do it.
{Refuse to accept}
I'll do it.

Mathiu finally agrees to help you. He will tell you to obtain a castle in the
middle of Toran lake. To get there, you have to go to Kaku and get a boat.
Thus, you should do that. Head southwest from Seika to get to Kaku.

In Kaku, forget the armor store and blacksmith. Head straight for the tavern.
Here, Gremio will be confronted by Camille, and asked for bills. Since you
can't pay them, you persuade her to lead you to Tai Ho. Camille joins at this

Lv. 9 93/93
W: 4/19 Galm

He's in the basement. With Camille in your party, go to the basement and talk
to Tai Ho. If you beat him at a dice game, he'll take you to Toran. Go to the
inn and save. Return to the basement, and play.

The object of this game is to get two dice with the same number(the third number
is your score). However, if you get 1-2-3, or 1-1-1, you pay Tai Ho triple. If
you get 4-5-6, you are paid double. If the dice go outside, you lose. With
this in mind, play against him. Good luck!

Eventually, you will beat Tai Ho, and get the boat. When that happens, Tai Ho
will agree to take you to the Toran Castle. Go to the docks and let him take
you there. At Toran, Tai Ho joins your party:

Lv. 10 125/125
W: 3/15 Satsuki

Talk to Yam Koo and return to the town of Kaku. Outfit everyone with Shoulder
Pads, Brass Armor, and anything else. Sharpen Camille and Tai Ho's weapons.
Pick up some medicines as well. Now, save, rest, and return to Toran. At the
southeast, take the mega medicine, then head north. In this room, get the Toe
Shoes from the southeast and go south. Pick up the Antitoxin and 2000 bits
before heading north twice. Go east, and take the power rune piece, medicine,
and Pointed Hat. Go south, north, west, get the antitoxin, and save. Go north,
north, east, and get the Wind crystal and Hazy crystal (you may have to fight
three giant slugs). Go south and follow the path until you fight the Zombie

Boss: Zombie Dragon-2000 bits
Recommended Level: 16
Attacks: Charge, Blue Fire Breath(all)
Strategy: Have Cleo use Firestorm and Flaming Arrows, while Viktor uses the
clone rune. Gremio should heal, and everyone else should attack. He should go
down quickly.

With the dragon dead, go north through the castle until you officially claim it.
After a big scene, you will get your next mission from Mathiu: recruit Lepant
from the town of Kouan.

B.) Old Pals
Characters: Sergei, Marie, Onil, Chandler, Antonio, Kai, Sansuke, Maas, Rock,
Lepant, Eileen, Krin, Juppo, Giovanni
Treasures: Shoulder Pads, Medicinex2, 700 bits, Counter Crystal, speed rune
piece, fire rune piece, leather armor, white paint, Kirinji, water rune piece,
Antique [Hex Doll]
Enemies: Robot Soldier, Slot Man, Empire Soldier

Once you have obtained your castle, you can recruit many people to your cause.
The first few can be obtained before going to Kouan. At Kaku, get Sergei, then
head north to Seika. Get Marie and Onil. Head farther north to Kwaba and get
Chandler. Now, go to Garan (southwest of Kouan) and get Kai. Swing by Great
Forest (southeast of Kouan) and get Sansuke and Maas. Return to the castle,
putting Tai Ho and Kai in your party. Now, talk to Marie three times, and she
will say she needs a cook. Head to Seika and recruit Antonio. Now head for

Once in Kouan, talk to Krin at the Inn, then talk to Giovanni in front of
Lepant's house. Talk to Krin once more, and ask for his help:

[?] Tell me what you have in mind.
{Hear his plan}
I can't trust you.
{Ignore him, with good cause}

He will help you get into to Lepant's house. First, though, outfit your party
members at the store. Once inside, go west and get Shoulder pads. Go southeast
and south. Recruit Rock and get the Medicine and 700 bits. Go east and snag
the Counter crystal, then head north and get a speed rune piece. Head south
and get a fire rune piece, leather armor, medicine, and white paint. Go north
three times for the party item Kirinji.

After exiting the mansion, go to the inn. Krin will offer you tea, and you will
realize that you were conned. Lepant will then confront you and ask for his

[?] .........
{Give him a blank stare and get your friends to fill him in}
Um, Mathiu recommended you.
{Tell him yourself}

Lepant will; leave you alone, but he still wants his sword:

[?] We need your help.
{Be stubborn and ask him again}
I understand. We'll return your sword.
{Give him his sword back}

After talking to Lepant, follow him to the Imperial Commander's house in the
north. Go southwest for a water rune piece. Go northwest and Lepant joins your

Lv. 18 180/180
W: 5/16 Kirinji

You will now fight six soldiers, which can be defeated easily. Go north, and
northwest for an antique. Go Northeast and fight six more soldiers. After
this, enter the command room. You will see*suprise*Kraze with Eileen. Pahn
will also show up, and beat down Kraze. You will be given the option of killing

[!] You're the one person I can't forgive.
{Kill Kraze, hehehe...}
Get the hell out of here.
{Let Kraze go}

He is the epitome of scum, so I say you do (it doesn't matter). After this,
you'll get Lepant, Eileen. Now, talk to Pahn. He wants to join:

[?] I can't forgive you.
{Refuse his plea}
Pahn, lend us a hand.
{Let him join}

After getting him, return to the castle.

A.) The Elves
Characters: Varkas, Sydonia, Kirkis, Meg, Sheena, Viki, Valeria
Treasures: Needle, Water Rune piece, fortune rune piecex2, Feather, Karate
Uniform, Sacrificial Buddha, Killer crystal, guard robe, medicine
Enemies: Kobold, Holly Boy, Holly Spirit, Death boar, Eagleman, Dwarf, Strong
Boss: Assassin

At Toran Castle, go to the first floor, where you will meet Varkas and Sydonia.
Mathiu will tell them that Odessa went north. You'll be asked to hold a

[?] Let's do it.
{Hold the banquet}
Now wait a...
{Attempt to refuse, but everyone will agree before you can}

After the meal, heal up your hero, then walk outside. An assassin will fight

Boss: Assassin-0 bits
Recommended Level: 22
Attacks: Normal attack, Shrike Rune attack
Strategy: Basically, you should just attack him. While he may seem to do
modest damage, you should note that, even if he had a million hit points, you
would still kill him first. In other words, he's easy.

After beating the assassin, he'll tell you he came from Lady Windy and run away.
Pahn and Gremio will guard your room. The next day, when you awake, nothing
eventful will happen, so go to the docks. Here, you'll see a wounded Kirkis.
After taking him to your bed, he'll tell you he came here for help: Kwanda
Rosman has began attacking the elves. Now, he'll beg you for help.

[?] Of course.
{Agree, in a way}
{Begin to point out that you're still microscopic}

Kirkis will join your party:

Lv.15 148/148
W: 5/18 Light Bow

Give him Cleo's Fire Rune, and give Cleo the water crystal. Put some Juppo and
Lepant in your party and head for Kaku. At Kaku, get Gaspar from the tavern
basement by winning 5000 bits. Get Meg near the inn with Juppo. Head for Seika
and talk to Sheena in the inn. Lepant and Sheena will return to the castle.
Now put Pahn, Viktor, Cleo in your party and head for Great Forest, where you
once got Maas and Sansuke. This time, save at the inn and head east. Go east,
then northeast and Viki will join. Continue e, then go southwest for a needle
and a water rune piece. Go back and go e for a fortune rune piece. Now go back
to the water rune piece area and continue east three or four times. You'll
emerge in an empty village. You will also run into Kuromimi, who is also headed
for the elf village. fortunately, he doesn't join yet (he's not good).
Alright, go south east until you see a large, green tree. Head for it, and save
at the entrance. Go to the town, and do some shopping if you have the gold.
However, don't buy anything for Pahn. De-equip Pahn if you want, and hand his
stuff to the others. Now, head for the main building.

Kirkis will try to explain himself to the elven leader, but the elder refuses to
pay heed. you are thrown in jail. Talk to stallion if you want, then talk to
Valeria a few times. You'll learn that Kwanda Rosman has manufactured a Burning
Mirror that can destroy the elves, Kobolds, and Dwarves, not to mention humans.
Now talk to the door, and Sylvina will come to check on Kirkis. She will free
you as well. Valeria joins as you escape the town:

Lv. 23 271/271
W: 7/33 Seven Star Sword
Falcon Rune

This is when Pahn leaves. Equip Valeria with anything that Pahn had, or sell
Pahn's stuff and buy her new equipment. Valeria asks you what to do:

[?] I agree.
{Head to the Dwarves}
Let's go back to the castle first.
{Be told to go to the Dwarves anyway}

Either way, you'll have to leave town and save. Now, go northeast to a mountain
pass called the Dwarven Trail.

From the entrance, go north and grab the feather (give it to someone in the
front row). Go north again and get the Karate Uniform. The northwest route
leads to a Sacrificial Buddha. Go down and go northeast. Get the Killer Crystal
and go northwest. Get the guard robe and go south, northeast, north, and get
the medicine. North lies a fortune rune piece. Go north two more times, save,
head east, and then north. Welcome to the Dwarven Valley.
B.) Worthless Human!
Characters: Meese
Treasures: Sunbeam Crystal, Blue Ribbon, Magic Robe, Medicine, thunder rune
piece, pointed hat, skill rune piece, medicine, mega medicine, 5000, Escape
Talisman, Defense Rune piece, Running Water Root
Enemies: Kobold, Death boar, Strong Arm, Crimson Dwarf, Death Machine
Boss: Gigantes

Head north to the Dwarven City. Here, go to the smithery and get Meese. Then,
go to the Chief's hut to get the mission: steal the running water root from the
Dwarven Vault, thus proving a sluggish human can break Dwarven Security. He
asks you if you will do this:

[?] Let's give it a try.
{Go to the vault}
Better not try.
{Don't go}

Now, sharpen Viktor's and the hero's weapon to level 9. If you have cash left
over, sharpen Cleo's to seven (don't worry about Gremio). Now, you need armor.
For this, look at the bestiary in this FAQ, and run around until you get the
most profitable encounter-probably in the vault or the trail. Regardless, you
need to get reasonable defense accessories -still, there is one magic robe in
the vault, so leave that for Viktor or the hero.

After you are ready, go north to the vault. The dwarf lets you in. Follow the
stairs until you get to the lever room. Flip the middle and right levers. Pick
up the Sunbeam crystal, then head back and flip the left lever. Go to the
south. Go south east for a blue ribbon, and southwest for a magic robe (told
you). The middle gets you a medicine. Take the right stone, the left stone,
and the down stone for a thunder rune piece Take the down stone on another
platform. Then go south. Eventually, you'll pick up a thunder rune piece.
Later on, you'll get a pointed hat and a skill rune piece. Also of note is the
medicine. Go north to a puzzle room.

Step on the tiles in this fashion-l,r,r,l l,l,r,r. Now head north. Go west
for a mega medicine, east for 5000 bits, and go north. In the maze area, go
southwest for an escape talisman, then take the middle staircase. Now, prepare
to fight Gigantes.

Boss: Gigantes-3000bits
Recommended Level: 27
Attacks: Normal attacks, defend
Strategy: For Gigantes, don't use too much magic. A clone rune attack from
victor, a falcon rune attack from Valeria, the hero's attack, Cleo's attack,
Gremio's attack, and a firestorm or two from Kirkis. Since Gigantes has a very
large defense (well, he can block at least one attack), you may take a while at
this one.

From Gigantes, go northwest for a Defense Rune piece, and take the middle path
for the running water root. Now use an Escape talisman, or if you want gold,
walk back to the surface.

Return to the Dwarves and tell them about the Running Water Root. The chief
will order the construction of the Firewind Cannon, which can break the Burning
Mirror. Time to go back to The Elven Village (get some armor first). Along the
Dwarven Trail, Kirkis will note that forest is on fire. Are you too late?

C.) Iron Wall Rosman
Characters: Kuromimi, Templeton, Kwanda
Treasures: Steel Shield, thunder rune piece, Old Book Vol. I, Half armor,
medicine, gauntlet, gale crystal
Boss: Dragon
Major Battle: Battle at Pannu Yakuta Castle
Duel: Hero vs. Kwanda Rosman

From the pass, head for the Elven village. Kirkis will say how it was all for
naught, and speak of his ring for Sylvina. Gremio will tell him to hold onto
it. Head for Great Forest after saving. At the Great Forest, you will be
confronted by six Veteran Soldiers-get them with a Firestorm or free will. More
soldiers will come, and Valeria will be forced to turn herself in exchange for
your safety, with your permission:

[?] Stop it, Valeria.
{Be given another of those talks about goals. Watch her leave}
I'm sorry, Valeria.
{Apologize. Watch her leave}

The Imperials will attack anyway, but Kuromimi will join (wow! What a

Lv. 26 259/259
W: 6/20 Sword

After killing six more soldiers, Mathiu will arrive with reinforcements. Kwanda
Rosman of Pannu Yakuta castle needs to be stopped, and you must give the order
to attack.

[?] All right, all troops forward.
{Go attack}
It's not time yet.
{Get Mathiu to say something profound, then attack anyway}

Imperial Troops: 9000
Liberation Army: 6895
This battle will unfold like a rock-paper-scissors game. You have four methods
of attacks, Charge, Bow, Magic, and Other. Charges will crush arrow attacks,
arrow attacks will crush magic attacks, and magic attacks will decimate charges.
Strategists will amplify attacks or conduct other activities. At this point, it
is best for you to rely on a slight imperfection in the AI to win the battle.
First, use Luc's magic attack. The enemy will begin to use an arrow attack the
next turn, so charge. They may try magic, so hit them with an arrow. This
usually works, and will help for this battle.

After crushing Kwanda's army, the general will attempt to use his Burning Mirror
on you. Fortunately, the dwarves attacked with the Windfire cannon (no, not the
Firewind cannon that can actually break the thing-that wasn't good enough for
them). You now form a recon party to capture the general, rather than send in
all your troops and burn the castle to the ground.

Kuromimi, Kirkis, the Hero, and Valeria must join. Take two others and enter
the castle. Go northwest for a steel shield, then go up and grab the thunder
rune piece. Go north, northwest, grab the treasure, then go northeast for the
Old Book Vol. I. Go down, get the Half Armor and gauntlet. Then rest, go up,
east, and get the Gale crystal. Go west, then go up into a large court. Make
sure your characters are ready for battle, then proceed north and fight the

Boss: Dragon-3500 bits, Half Armor
Recommended Level: 30
Attacks: Lightning, Red Breath, Charge.
Strategy: This boss is not as challenging as it may seem. In fact, it can be
easily vanquished provided you have an effective troop arrangement that can heal
and attack. Thus, if your healers die, you can't win, and if your attackers
die, you can't win. Cooperatively, however, it is easy for the party to kill
the Dragon. Use the Water Rune, Medicines, the Falcon Rune, and any high-class
attacks to finish the battle.

After the battle, outfit your hero with the best equipment and heal him. Then
head north, north, and south onto a terrace. Here, your hero will face Kwanda
Rosman in a 1-1 duel.

In the duel, you and your opponent, the Iron Wall, have three options: Attack,
Defend, and Desperate Attack. Attack works well against Defend, Defend Works
well against Desperate Attack, and Desperate Attack works well against Attack.
However, it may be wise, at this point, to use Defend against Attack. (In case
you are wondering, if you defend and Rosman attacks, you will dodge and

Kwanda Rosman, being the Iron Wall, has a high defense rating and a mediocre
attack rating. At level 30-32, your hero should be strong enough to gain the
upper hand, even if you foul up a bit. However, a guide, provided by A.
Nickerson (see credits), will give you the name of the attack Rosman will use
that goes with his monologue.


Heh, now it's my turn.
What's the matter? If you don't attack I will!
At a loss are you? But I'll show now mercy!
Taste the sharpness of my blade.
Well done. But can you take this?
Ha ha. You'll have to do better than that.
You're better than I thought. But how about this?


Can you break my invulnerable defenses?
Don't bore me. Show me what you can do.

Desperate Attack

Victory is near. I strike with all my might.
We're getting nowhere. Here I come!
Impossible! You can't avoid my blows!
Take that!

When you defeat Rosman, those who have been ruined by the general want to exact
revenge. Stunningly, Kwanda accepts. You are given a choice:
[!] Vengeance! Your time is up!
{Kill Kwanda. Don't do this}
Something's wrong.
{Don't kill him}

Since Kwanda is a playable Star, don't kill him. Listen instead. He'll tell
you about the Black Rune, which gives Windy power over her subjects. It was
given to Rosman after the War, and allowed him to control the Kobolds. After
this, you are given a second choice:

[!] You're right.
I want you to join us.
{Kill him. Again, don't do this}
{Recruit him}
With Kwanda recruited, you are done with this portion.

A.) The Herbalist
Characters: Gon, Fu Su Lu, Lorelai, Apple, Hellion, Gen, Kamandol, Lotte,
Chapman, Jeane, Mina, Jabba, Kimberly, Tesla, Luikan
Treasures: Blinking Mirror, Medicine, Yellow Paint, Blue Paint, Black Paint,
Fake Orders, Silver Necklace, Old Book Vol. VI, Antitoxin, Opal, Nameless Urn
Major Battles: Battle at Garan, Battle at Scarleticia Castle

First, there are several characters you are going to want to get. Go to the
Great Forest Village (entering from the east plateau, near Pannu Yakuta) and
enter the inn. Pay Fu Su Lu's meal price (10,000 bits) for him to join. Then,
go to the bottom house and grab Gon, Kuromimi's little brother. After getting
the warriors, head for Kouan and get Lorelai from the inn, if you hadn't done so
already. Now, head to Seika and get Apple from Mathiu's schoolhouse. Finally,
save and head for the castle.

You'll soon learn that your friend, Flik, has returned. Meet him at the castle
strategy room with Mathiu. Here, he will inquire as to Odessa's fate, and you
will be given a choice:

[?] But Odessa's last request...
{Be given a speech about something and he'll tell them anyway}
You're right.
{Allow him to tell them}

Flik will leave, bet Mathiu will send you after him. With Viktor, you must
head for Kaku and enter the house flanked by Liberation Guards. Talk to Flik
once you are inside. Flik wants to merge forces, and you are given a choice:

[?] No.
{Refuse to join him, but get asked again}
Of course.
{Accept his offer}

After accepting his offer, head back to the castle and save. A plan for
liberating the bottleneck of Garan and entering Milich's territory is broached,
and you, again, are given an option:

[?] Prepare to depart.
{Go and fight}
It's not yet time for battle.
{Wait for a while}

Imperial Troops: 6000
Liberation Army: 7785
Provided you recruited everyone you could have by now, you will outnumber the
Imperial forces, making this battle rather easy. Remember, however, that the AI
is better here than at Pannu Yakuta, so the trick may not work.

Immediately after you victory, your foolhardy forces will charge General Milich
Oppenheimer's Scarleticia Castle. Prepare for the third major battle.

Imperial Troops: 12000
Liberation Army: 7785
No matter how hard you try, your forces will be milled down by Milich's flower's
poison, throwing your campaign back.

After the fiasco, you should rendezvous in Garan, where you will form an
infiltration Party. Viktor cautions Gremio to stay back, but he asks you

[?] Stay here, Gremio.
{Try to get him to stay behind}
Okay. Come with us.
{Allow him to come along}

Well, Gremio must join anyway, so just let him come. Also, Viktor and Flik
should be in your party. Here are Flik's stats:

Lv. 33 381/381
W: 9/45 Odessa +
Lighting Rune

After this, exit Garan and head north to Teien. There are several good
characters here, so pay close attention. First, go to the inn and get Hellion.
Also, get the Blinking Mirror and Medicine. You may want to get the Yellow Pain
from the store. Now, go to the town south of here, Rikon. Here, get the Blue
Paint at the store. Now go to the docks. Board the boat and head out for see.
Follow the tributaries until they lead you to a whirlpool that you cannot pass.
Now, return to Rikon an head to Teien. Speak to Gen, the shipbuilder, about
your predicament:

[?] We have no business with you.
{Get told to go away}
We need a boat that can beat the rapids.
{Enlist his aid}

Pick choice two, and he will join your party:

Lv. 23 269/269
W: 9/49 Peguir Steel

After this, he'll take you next door to get Kamandol, his alchemist friend.
Consequently, this alchemist is working on an engine that will propel a boat
across the Rapids of Dunan (the whirlpools is called that). He will join your
party as well.

Lv. 22 204/204
W: 3/7 Steel Rod

These friends will ask you to take their precious engine to Rikon for them, so,
after saving, embark on the short trek. Unload the engine, and the two will get
to work, while your party rests at the inn. In the morning (after Gremio's
speech), the boat is ready to go. Take it back to the rapids, and you will
notice that this time, you can cross them. Dock at the small house, where
Luikan is, and enter. Grab the black paint, then exit. Mounted on a dragon,
General Milich will grab the hermit and take him to Soniere Prison. Use the
Blinking Mirror to return to the castle.

After a short conversation with Mathiu, in which you will learn of Kimberly, and
Tesla the Scrivener, you are free. Your mission is to retrieve Kimberly and
Tesla, master forgers, so you can bust Luikan out of Soniere under the imperial
guise. First, remove Gen and Kamandol and install two good characters. This
next saga will take time, but is necessary for the best ending.

Teleport to Rikon as quickly as you can, then talk to Jabba the appraiser, as
well as everyone in the town. You will be informed that there is an urn that
Jabba cannot appraise. In the upper floor of the inn, you can talk to Lotte,
who lost her cat. Now, head to Antei (west). Here, after asking around, you
will learn that the Holly Fairy carries this urn. Not too fast, though.
First, go to the armor shop and get Chapman. Then (making sure your hero has
toe shoes) head for the inn. Talk to Mina, the dancer, and she will ask the
hero to dance with her. Do so, and you can recruit her. At the rune store, get
Jeanne on your team, then outfit you troop. Now, leave Antei, and walk around
in the desert-like area a few screens east of Rikon (sandy area). Here, you may
run into the Holly Fairies who carry the Nameless Urn that you need to get
Jabba. After a while of slaughtering, you will get the Urn, some levels, and
money for sharpening and/or buying armor. After getting the urn, teleport to
Kaku. Do you notice the cat running around. With the Holy Rune equipped, Chase
it to the corner and press X to grab it. Now, teleport to Rikon. Go to the
appraisal shop and recruit Jabba. Then, go to the inn and recruit Lotte.
Finally, go back to Teien and sharpen your weapons. Now, after saving, return
to Antei.

Your business here is to find Kimberly. She is northeast of the Inn, in a
house. She agrees to read Mathiu's letter (actually, Flik reads it to her) if
Flik and her go out on a date. After this sequence, she tells you that Tesla
the Scrivener is masquerading as Albert. Go find Albert, and Viktor will trick
him into revealing that he is indeed Tesla. He will join you at the castle,
where you will get the Fake Orders. Now, save, and head to the Soniere Prison
facility. You will be able to enter with ease. Go right, save, then go through
the hall, getting the Silver Necklace and the Old Book Vol. 6. Go south, north,
south, north, south, get the antitoxin, head south and fight three Veteran
Soldiers. Then, fight three more when you attempt to continue. Go right and
fight five of the soldiers to get the Half Helmet, then return and go left.
Fight five more soldiers for the Sound Setting 0. Now, get Luikan.

Along your descent, you should have fought the Nightmare creatures. They drop
Opals. Opals, as you recall, are what Esmeralda, in the Antei Inn, would like.
If you don't have any, I suggest you get some. Also, de-equip Gremio. You will
know why soon enough. Return to the top floor of the Soniere Prison.

Here, tragedy strikes. As you walk through the lever door, you'll see Milich
Oppenheimer (bad news). However, he doesn't fight you. Instead, he releases
the spores of agony in the cell, leaves, and cranks the lever. These man-eating
spores will make short work of your party, so you need to escape. But someone
needs to hold the lever. That someone is Gremio. He sacrifices his life to
save your party here (yes, he dies, and is not coming back for a long time).
During this scenario, you are faced with a decision:

[?] Open the door, Gremio!
{Attempt to get him to open the door. Fail}
This is an order, Gremio!
{Attempt to order him to open the door. Fail}

Finally, Mathiu arrives to save you, and notices Gremio's robe and axe. Sadly,
your party leaves, but Viktor picks up these talismans. Fueled by revenge, and
with Luikan at your side, you're now ready to make short work of Milich's

B.) The Mystery Deepens
Characters: Milich, Qlon, Esmeralda, Ivanov, Kasios, Anji, Kanak, Leonardo
Treasures: Red paint, magic robe, magic rune piece, window setting 1, spark
Major Battles: Battle at Scarleticia Castle
Boss: Pirate Trio (Anji, Kanak, and Leonardo)

Luikan prepares the medicine that will save your army from the pollen attack.
You have the duty to give the order for attack:

[?] All right. Let's begin assembling the troops.
{Go fight}
I just don't feel like it right now.
{Be depressed and wait a while}

Now, it's time to take down Milich's army.

Imperial Troops: 12000
Liberation Army: 9395
There is no definite patter here, although predictability still exists. I
charged, fired arrows, charged, and fired arrows. Then, the army surrendered.

Now that the main attack has been launched, the infiltration team must be chosen
(Viktor and Flik are a must). Enter the castle at your own leisure. The
dungeon isn't difficult, and there's quite a bit of treasure lying around. In
the three door entrance, go northwest and grab the red paint. Return to this
hall and go northeast for a magic robe. Return and go through the middle door.
Go northwest for a magic rune piece and Window Setting 1. Go north, then
southeast. In this area, there is a large portrait ("Portrait of Milich").
Here, you are faced with a decision.

[?] Milich, too, is a victim...
{Open up the secret room}
What a creep.
{Ignore it}

Choose number one to open up a secret room where you can get the spark crystal.
Return to the portrait hall, and go south to the balcony. Here, Mathiu will
arrive and tell you to burn the flowers. As they are set on flames, Milich
arrives to try to stop you. As he sticks his hand near the fire, something in
his arm melts. It turn's out to be the black rune that Kwanda had. Realizing
what he's done, Milich kneels before you. Flik asks you what to do with him:

[!] Gremio must be avenged.
{Kill Milich. Bad thing to do}
This man is not at fault!
{Let Milich live}

This is important! Choose choice b, or else you can never save Gremio (ironic,
isn't it?). Now, Milich tells you he wants to join. Again, a choice arises:

[!] I can't.
{Refuse to let him join and never see him again}
I understand.
{Let him join}

Once again, choose B. Now Milich is part of your army. This...uh,
joyous...moment is destroyed when Stallion arrives with news of General Teo
McDhol's army arriving at Toran.

You immediately arrive at Toran, but rather than pursuing the plot, there's some
stuff you should do. First of all, take Pahn and Milich with you. Go to the
three towns in Milich's lands so Pahn can be outfitted to the top (if you
haven't already done so). Then, go on a recruiting quest. Swing by Antei to
pick up Qlon (who's overjoyed that she can pronounce the town name) and
Esmeralda (with the opal, of course). Then go to Scarleticia Castle and get
Ivanov and Kasios. Return to Toran now. Remove two characters (but leave Pahn
and some healer in). Put in Tai Ho and Yam Koo. Save, then warp to Rikon and
take the boat to the Pirate's Den (north of Toran, I believe).

Here, Tai Ho and Yam Koo will run into some old friends, namely some pirates.
Anji, their leader, challenges you to a battle after Tai Ho insults him:

[?] Fight.
{Rise to the challenge}
Don't fight.
{Be a wimp}

You must fight them in order to get all 108 stars, so go ahead.

Boss: Pirate Trio
Recommended Level: 33
Attacks: Physical Attack, Spin blow, Various Spells
Strategy: These three can be defeated in several ways: (1) magic attacks, (2)
physical attacks, (3) both. Methods one and three are the best ways to finish
off the pirates-actually, 1 is the best (if you bring all mages, they can
quickly eliminate all three). Chances are, though, that you'll beat them by
method three. Use Black Shadow, the Soul Eater Lv. 2 attack with your hero, he
Boar Rune w/ Pahn, and the Fishermen Attack with Tai Ho and Yam Koo. Killing
Anji won't end the battle, but he seems to be the lead fighter, with Kanak and
Leonardo hybrid warriors (i.e. they attack w/ magic and weapons). Kill them in
order of your weakest defensive ability.

With the pirates defeated, they acquiesce to join your movement. Double check
Pahn's stuff one more time, then go to the Castle (via the Mirror, of course).

A.) The Fire Spears
Characters: Kasumi, Georges, Sarah, Lester, Blackman, Ledon, Kessler, Kage, Kun
To, Ronnie Bell, Mose
Treasures: Earth rune piece, Old Book Vol. 8, Antique [Flower Painting], Sound
Crystal, Window Setting 0
Enemies: Siren, Grizzly Bear, Shadow, Demon Hound, Hawkman, Dragon
Major Battles: Battle with Teo
Duel: Pahn vs. Teo

As Stallion informed you before your spontaneous recruiting spree, Teo's legion
has gathered near Toran. A new character, Kasumi (your ninja ally from Rokaku),
has dropped in and joins your cause.
You know that Imperial Legion will make short work of your army. But the rebel
leaders are not so sure, and decide to test this. Mathiu gives you this choice:

[?] Fine.
{Go and fight}
But I'd rather not fight my father.
{Attempt to refuse, but be told about duty and so forth}
The liberation army challenges Teo's army, of course, near the shores of Toran.

Imperial Troops: 14000
Liberation Army: 11125
You have underestimated you father. The cavalry of the empire can easily crush
your army, causing massive casualties. Hold out for three turns, then retreat.

Its not over yet. Pahn volunteers to hold Teo off for you, and you are given a

[?] Pahn, I'll see you later.
{Apparently, this is telling him to come with you. He won't, though}
Good luck.
{Leave him and run off}

Obviously, Pahn will fight Teo.

Unlike the other duels in this game, THIS one is actually tough. Teo, the
famous Imperial Hero, fighting Pahn, his servant? Please! However, if you did
as I told, Pahn will have enough Def and attack to beat the crap out of Teo.
Again, you can judge Teo's next move through his speech:


Did you see me coming?
All you can do is defend yourself, Pahn? No mercy!
My sword's not rusty yet.
That was a good one, Pahn. Now it's my turn.
Is that all you've got? Now it's my turn!


Come on, Pahn. See if you can kill me.
Good work, Pahn. I'll have to be more careful.
I'll see that coming next time!
I'm losing my cool. Better be careful.
Strike me, Pahn!

Desperate Attack

My killer blade...
Finish me with a single blow!
Hmmm. Here I come again.
Impossible! Take that!
That' good.

If you desperate attack his attack, attack his defend, and defend his desperate
attack, you'll win. The only problem arises if you take too much damage
desperately attacking when Teo attacks. You need to win this battle, though, or
Pahn dies and Gremio dies for good.

Once Teo has been vanquished, he'll order a retreat. You'll appear in your
castle. Go to your quarters and rest. After a brief hiatus, Lenkaat will
appear and inform you that you have to fight, even without Gremio. You ask her

[?] Why must I?
{Ask her why, and be told about her sister}
Perhaps, but...
{Trail off and get the same answer}

You now learn that Lady Windy, the sister of Lenkaat, is looking for the Soul
Eater rune in order to obtain supreme power. Both sisters have portions of the
Rune of the Gate, Entry and Exit. Essentially, Windy wants to have supreme
power. Now, you'll wake up. When you get up, go to the strategy room. Here,
your Army will reveal plans to obtain the Fire Spear (a weapon that can defeat
Teo's Cavalry). Agents at the Secret Factory north of Kirov have been
manufacturing these. Of course, you're going to go get them. Make your party
(put Tai Ho in), save, rest, outfit yourselves, then head to the docks.

Tai Ho has made a faster boat with the help of Kamandol that may seem to have no
purpose, but it really will help. Tai Ho will ask you what to do:

[?] Yes, I'll take a test ride.
{Take it for a spin}
Correction Maybe later.
{Do a few other things first (eg. be grammatically challenged)}

Once you get the boat, head up and north to Kirov (a small town near the
coast, surrounded by little islands-you'll pass a whirlpool on the way).
Once inside the town, go straight to the inn. You'll notice a card player
named Georges lying around. Speak with him, and he'll challenge you to a
game. Here's how it works: You flip over a card to uncover a picture. As
you do this, all the cards surrounding the flipped card flip too
(redundant, I know). If any of these cards have the same picture as the
flipped one, they all flip again. To win, you have to match all cards
together. If you beat a record, Georges will join. Now save at the inn
and go into the center of Kirov. You should see a woman washing clothes.
Yes, this is the woman from the loading scene. Now, talk to her and say
"Recruit". She'll say she's out of soap. You need to find the soap. You
could ask around, but I'll tell you that the man standing near the armor
shop has some. But before he hands it over, he needs some soy sauce. So
go to the man on the left of Sarah. He has some sauce but he wants some
salt. Now, go to the girl near the corner of town (I think it's bottom
right, could be top). She wants a yardstick for her salt. Hence, go to
the inn and talk to the visitor in the right lodge. He wants sugar for
the yardstick. So go to the item store and buy the sugar. Then, deliver
the items in reverse order. When you get to Sarah, she'll say she found
soap, but is delighted that you helped. Recruit her.

To get another star, go to the houses on the left and right of Sarah.
Inside each is a cauldron of stew. Taste some, then go to Kun To's manor
(large house near the docks). Talk to the cook, Lester, for him to join.
Now that your recruiting frenzy is over, it's time to get back to
business. Head north of Kirov into the ruins of Kalekka. This town is
just a maze of brick, sprinkled with treasures and some worthy opponents.
Later, when you need to build up minor characters, this is a great place
to do it. The home on the southwest side is Leon Silverburg's abode
(can't get him yet). Go southeast and grab the Earth Rune piece and Old
Book Vol. 8. Work your way through the homes, and get the Sound Crystal
and Antique [Flower Painting] from the north east home. Near the exit,
you'll find Blackman, the farmer. Don't step on his seeds. Instead,
recruit him. With that accomplished, head north. After a short trip,
you'll arrive at the Secret Factory (note: the Dragon enemies around here
drop Dragon Armor). Once inside, you'll run into Ledon and Kessler (Mt.
Tigerwolf) and Ronnie Bell. You are given a choice of words:

[?] Hey, it's Ledon and Kessler.
{Get Ledon and Kessler's attention}
Hey, giant woman.
{Get Ronnie Bell's attention}

Either way, you'll get all three of them to turn. Tai Ho will ask you if you
know the thieves:

[?] Yes.
{Admit it}
I've never seen them before.
{Get Ledon to remind you}

Once Ronnie Bell realizes who you are, she talks about the Fire Spear
progress and goes in to tell Mose. Recruit Ledon and Kessler, then follow
her. Inside the main complex, find Kage and recruit him (at the hefty
price of 20,000 bits). If you don't have the money, fight in Kalekka to
earn it. Also, grab the Window Setting 0. Then go farther into the
interior. Talk to Mose and tell him about Odessa. Then he'll give you the
Fire Spears. Now, head back to Kirov.

Once you reach Kirov, save in the inn and head to the bottom left corner
of town. Give Melodye the sound crystal to recruit her. Now, go to Kun
To's manor (where you picked up Lester). Tai Ho will begin to talk about
old times with the merchant, and beg him to give you boats. Kun To agrees
and joins. Mose and Ronnie Bell load the spears on to the boat, and you
head back to the castle.

B.) Patricide
Characters: Alen, Grenseal
Treasures: None
Enemies: None
Major Battles: Battle with Teo
Duel: Hero vs. Teo

At the castle, Tai Ho heads for his pier house and you head for your
quarters. In the morning, get up and save. Check out your hero's equipment and
make sure it's at its max. Go to the strategy room and talk with Mathiu. It's
time to challenge Teo's Imperial army! (Yes, that was cheesy)

[?] Order all troops to advance.
{Go and fight Teo again}
Let's wait a while.
{Do some other stuff first}

You are launched into a major battle.

Imperial Troops: 14000
Liberation Army: 12395
Armed with the Fire Spears, you can crush the imperial phalanx. Since this
battle is mostly physical, be sure to boost your attack power before charging.
If you believe the enemy will try magic, use Kasumi and Kage to find out their
next move. Not a hard battle, but requires mild strategy

Despite the loss, Teo is not ready to give up. You'll find yourself
facing Teo and his lieutenants, Alen and Grenseal. Teo will challenge you to a

[?] I accept.
{Accept his challenge}
I'd rather not fight you.
{Be insulted, then fight anyway}

Prepare to kill your father.

You have the edge in this fight because Teo has only 1/2 his normal HP. Still,
he has a higher attack power than the hero, and you can die here. If you
calculate his next move via speech, you should win:


We're getting nowhere. Here I come!
Here I come, my son.
Do you see how much better I am?
Is defending yourself all you can do? You'll never win that way.
You're soft...soft! This is how you attack!
That was nothing. Now it's my turn.


Show me what you've learned.
Leader of the Liberation Army! No wonder you're careful.
Come on! Show me what a man you've become.
Is that all you've got?

Desperate Attack

My deadly sword...
My sword is the Emperor's sword. I'll show no mercy!
The next one will be more painful.

Sadly, Teo dies this time, but not before convincing Alen and Grenseal to
join your cause. The third imperial general has fallen.

A.) The First Breach
Characters: Kirke, Marco, Moose, Fukien, Morgan, Zen, Eikei (If you can), Rubi
(if you can)
Treasures: Old Book Vol. III
Enemies: Hellhound, Gravemaster, Sorcerer
Boss: Neclord

After your victory over Teo, the Liberation Army's morale is high. Many
uprisings across the Empire have also sparked the morale. Now, Lepant suggests
you to attack the fortress of Lorimar to gain the aid of the Warrior's Village.

[?] Let's attack the fortress of Lorimar!
{March to Lorimar}
Let's wait a little longer.
{Wait for nothing in particular}

When you reach the fortress, however, it is deserted. You decide to
investigate the fortress. In addition to Viktor and Cleo, you need to
take three characters. I took Pahn, Flik, and Kwanda (you'll need Flik
for lots of places, and Pahn you already leveled up). Your search bears
no fruits, so you decide to head on to the warrior's land. After exiting
the fortress, return and recruit Kirke, a gravedigger/executioner. Head to
the Warrior's Village (Flik's hometown), southwest of Lorimar. Once
inside, Zorak will greet you. Find Marco (who got there all the way from
Rockland), and play against him. If you win more than 5,000 bits, you
recruit him. Head for the items store and grab the flower seed. Now, go
to Zorak's home. After a courteous welcome, he'll go into the history of
his village (though no one cares). Now, go outside and to Tengaar, who is
worried about Hix and the foe of the castle. Go to Hix, who's worried
that he's not good enough for Tengaar. Go inside the bedroom and talk to
Viktor, who's staying up late- his family was killed by Neclord. Then go
to bed yourself. In the morning, you will find the vampire, Neclord,
waiting for you. He's taken Tengaar, and you can't let that happen.
Thus, after Zorak fails, Viktor leads the party at this undead beast.

Boss: Neclord-No Prize
Recommended Level: 40
Attacks: Bloodsuck, Lighting blast, slash
Strategy: I'll only say it once. You cannot win here! There is no conceivable
way for your motley band of rebels to overthrow a 400 year old man who wasn't
killed correctly in the first place. So don't try. Don't waste your items and
whatnot on this guy. Just let him be-until he decimates you.

Once you loose, Neclord vanishes (to his castle, of course) and you go to
Zorak's home. You'll learn that the monks at the Temple of Qlon can help
you defeat the vampire. Before heading to Qlon, teleport to the castle
and put the three blacksmiths in your party. Also, be sure to get all
three seeds (from Chandler, or from Teien, Rikon, and Warrior's Village).
Teleport back to the Warrior's Village and head for the smithery. Recruit
Moose, who can take your weapon to level 15 (second to best). Then, head
to the Temple of Qlon (west, like Zorak said). Inside, you'll talk to the
monk, Fukien, who'll join your entourage and lead you to the entrance of
the Caves of the Past. Of course, you don't go in yet. Rather, you talk
to Zen, who is raking nearby. Give him the seeds and he will join. Enter
the temple and locate Morgan, the blind monk. He'll join as well. Now
find Hugo the librarian. You can't recruit him yet, but check the
bookshelf to his left to get Old Book Vol. III. Exit the temple, then
warp to the castle and then to Antei. If you are level 40, pick up Eikei
near the docks. Warp back to the castle, and then head to the Great
Forest. Get Rubi if Kirkis is greater than Lv. 39. Finally, at the
castle, reformat your party and outfit them to a suitable level (12-15
weapons, at least one piece of new armor). Now, return to the Temple of
Qlon and enter the cave.

B.) A Trip Down Memory Lane
Characters: Hugo, Window, Hix, Quincy, Eikei (if you haven't), Rubi (if you
Treasures: Crimson Cape, medicine, Flowing Crystal, Headgear, Window Crystal,
Old Book Vol. II, 5,000 bits, escape talisman, War Scroll, Mega Medicine, Boar
Rune, Champion's Rune
Enemies: Clay Doll, Banshee, Red Elemental

This dungeon is full of treasure, and the enemies, while frequent, are easily
subdued. Go west, save, go north, go down, go upstairs, and grab the Crimson
Cape. Now, go northeast for a medicine and flowing crystal. Go southeast for
the headgear. There is a secret passage in this area below the entrance (forget
if it is in the main room or not). Follow it to get the Window Crystal. Return,
then go northeast for Old Book Vol. II. Head south, grab the 5,000 bits. Now
head north and get the escape talisman. Go down, south, and northeast for the
War Scroll. Go south, then northeast for the silverlet. Go down, north, north,
and get the skill rune piece and mega medicine. Go east, north, and down. Now
follow the path. Then, when you try to take the Black Dragon Sword, you'll be
sent to another time.

You arrive in a large wooden hut suspended over a village. Leave the tower and
walk northeast. Follow the boy to the well, and talk to him. He'll ask you if
you're here for...the treasure (oooo!)

[?] What treasure?
{Admit that you have no clue what he's talking about}
{Attempt to reassure him, I guess}

Obviously, you're not, so choose 1. The boy is called away. Cleo thinks the
boy reminds her of Ted and asks you if you share that opinion:

[?] He did remind me of Ted.
{Agree that something weird is happening}
No, it must be someone else.
{Attempt to deny that it was Ted you just spoke to}

Go meet the elder, who'll lead you to his home. Get the mega medicine from the
chest, then talk to him. Then, Windy arrives and the villagers run to stop her.
Yuber will destroy the village, torching it into flames. You'll end up in the
back room of the Elder's house, where the old man quickly passes the Soul Eater
down to Ted. Escape through the back. Yuber will confront you, but he shall be
unable to pick a fight when Neclord tells him that Windy is waiting. You'll
appear in the middle of the village. Grab the boar rune from the path that
Yuber blocked, and get the Champion's Rune from the house to the east of the
tower. At the foot of the tower, you'll be asked what to do with Ted:

[?] We'll take him along.
{Take him with you}
We can't take him along.
{Leave him behind}

Either way, Ted will disappear in the teleportation. You, on the other hand,
return to the caves, where you'll get the Black Dragon Sword. If you have a
reasonably strong party, walk back out the cave to earn money and experience.

At the temple, find the librarian, Hugo, and recruit him with the War Scroll.
At the Warrior's Village, you can grab Window with the Window Crystal. Rest at
the inn, and sharpen your weapons/buy armor. Now go to Zorak's abode and learn
of the attack on Neclord's bastion. The castle is southwest of the Warrior's
Village. Upon entering, Zorak will start talking about the attack. Neclord
will arrive, saying that only Viktor's group can enter the castle (now bound by
magic), and must save Tengaar by sundown (or she'll become Neclord's wife). The
vampire then teleports away. Hix will now try to join:

[?] You'll just be in the way.
{Attempt to refuse}
All right. Come with us.
{Take him along}

Hix joins:

Lv. 38 395/395
W: 10/59 Tengaar +

After he joins, exit the castle area and return to Toran. Outfit the newbie,
then make sure that someone in your party has the Flowing Rune (preferably with
the ability to cast 4th level spells). Now, warp to Garan and recruit Quincy.
If you haven't gotten either Eikei or Rubi, you can now (and also later). Now,
when you are ready, return to Neclord's bastion and begin the invasion.

C.) End of a Dark Legacy
Characters: Hix, Tengaar
Treasures: Full Helmet, Antitoxinx2, Medicine, Sound setting 1, Earth Boots,
Green Paint, Earth Rune Piece, Cape of Darkness, Magic Rune Piece, Rage Rune
Enemies: Larvae, Hell Unicorn, Demon Sorcerer
Boss: Neclord

This dungeon, like the caves before it, is full of good treasure. In the start,
go northeast, go down, then save. There is a man here that will sell you tips
for a price. Since your using the faq, don't bother. Then, go northwest, go
down, and get the Full Helmet. Now, head north, north, south, then north. Take
the left door for the antitoxin. The southeast door has a medicine, the far left
door has Sound Setting 1. At the hall of the paintings, you'll find a simple
puzzle. These paintings are aligned like this:
A, B, C, D

A-"King of the Knight"
B-"Peasant in the Early Afternoon"
C-"Chestnut Tree"
D-"Peasant Girl"

A man in the crypts of this castle (you may have met him earlier) gives you the
hints to this puzzle, for a hefty price. Here's the answer:


After you've bested this fearsome mind puzzle, head north out of the room. Go
north, south, and then southeast. You'll find a pair of Earth boots. Go
southwest for the Green Paint. Now go through the middle, go north, north, and
take the antitoxin. Go southwest for an earth rune piece. Now head northeast,
north, south, south, and go southeast. Get the Cape of Darkness. Go north for
a magic rune piece. Okay, now it's time to check yourself. Equip all the
equipment you've gotten in the castle (if you haven't), then hand Viktor some
Antitoxins and Medicines. Neclord is extremely easy given the right attention,
but if you get careless, he can effectively whoop you. Level 47 was my level
when I destroyed him, and I had no trouble at all. Go up. Follow until you
reach the chapel.

Boss: Neclord-10,000
Recommended Level: 47
Attacks: Bloodsuck, Lighting blast, slash
Strategy: On the first turn, have everyone attack. Since Neclord's shield is
still active, don't be surprised if you miss. Viktor, however, will destroy
this shield. Now, use Black Shadow with the hero, and, depending on your other
characters, runes or spells. Neclord doesn't seem to have any affinity, so fire
away. Some good spells are Raging blow and Dancing Flames. Remember to heal
poison when Viktor is unbalanced (after a clone attack), and use whoever has the
flowing rune for healing.

Once you send Neclord back to hell (till SU2), Tengaar joins.

Lv. ?? ???/???
W: 7/28 Ray Knife

Search the middle stained glass windows for a Rage Rune. Heal up, then
return to the bottom of the castle (long walk). At the entrance, Zorak
will thank you for rescuing Tengaar, Tengaar is impressed with Hix. They
both join your cause. Then Viktor, who has avenged his family, wishes to
visit his hometown of North Window. What do you do?

[?] That could be a problem.
{Tell him it could be a problem}
All right. Come back soon.
{Let him go}

He leaves anyway. Now, head back to Toran.

A.) The Disease
Characters: Fuma, Kreutz, Milia
Treasures: Goldlet, Old Book Vol. V, Power Gloves, Old Book Vol. IV, Window
Setting 2
Enemies: Black Elemental, Magic Shield, Sunshine King, Ivy, Shadow Man, Mirage
Boss: None

As soon as you come to the castle, you should head for the strategy room-don't
stop off at the stores yet. Here, talk to Mathiu. The board will suggest that
you visit the Dragon's Den and enlist the aid of their warriors.

[?] I'd rather not go.
{Attempt to refuse}
Let's go meet these Dragon Knights.
{Agree to go}

Since you need all the allies you can get, say okay (like you have a choice).
Since Humphrey and Flik have a connection with the Dragon Knights, they will
come with you for this mission. You've been using Flik, here are the stats for

Lv. 20 ???/???
W: 7/34 Murasame

Ouch! Humphrey is bad. Well, you really have no other choice. Put in a
character with the flowing rune, a good long distance attacker, and a character
with the lightning rune. If Flik has the lightning rune, throw in some other
character (I used: Hero, Flik, Humphrey, Cleo, Kwanda, and Kage). Now, save and
rest at the inn. Before rushing off to sharpen Humphrey's weapons, think about
it. You'll never use him again (unless you've been using him) it worth it
to blow your cash on him? Instead, sharpen the weapons of your other characters
(that you will be using) to Lv. 15. Also, outfit them to the newest stuff, and
give the old helms, armor, and accessories to Humphrey. You may want to give
him the Holy Rune so you can dash. Now, find Hellion and warp to Antei.

From Antei, head west into the mountains. You will reach the Dragon Gate.
Unfortunately, the Gatekeeper will not allow you inside. You must return to
Antei. Here, you'll notice a heated brawl between a "nobleman" Vincent de Boule
and the Innkeeper. Vincent hasn't paid for his meal. He'll turn to you:

[?] Greetings, sir.
{Pull off an imitation of an aristocratic fool}
Sure, I'll bet.
{Refuse to believe him, with good cause}

Vincent will run away and you'll pay 200 bits to the innkeeper. Now, save and
head back to the Dragon Gate. Here, Vincent will show you a secret passage
(that he found when he was a kid) that leads into the Den. He'll distract the
Gatekeeper while you go in.

Well, here you are-the Dragon's Den. If you look in the Bestiary, you'll see
that you can pick up some good shields (Earth Shields) from the Magic Shield
enemies, as well as Cyclone Crystals from the Sunshine King. Good deal.
Anyway, here's what you do. Go north, grab the goldlet. Now, go north, north,
and get the Old Book Vol. V. Go up and get the Power Gloves. Go southwest,
west, and south. During this time, you should have seen a large grotto full of
sleeping Dragons. Milia and Futch, both Dragon Knights, will lead you to the
Dragon Knight's Fortress.

Once at the fortress, talk to Fuma, who is at the northeast corner of the
entrance screen. Since you found him (he was supposed to be invisible, he'll
join you. Inside the complex, talk to Kreutz (first floor, northwest). He and
Humphrey fought on different sides of the War of Succession (I assume this was
when Barbarossa overthrew Gail and established himself as the Golden Emperor-
correct me if I'm wrong). However, Humphrey convinces him to join. Go into the
main room.

Joshua will be waiting for you. He'll asky why you are here:

[?] We need your help.
{Try to enlist his aid}
Please let me fly on a dragon.
{Sound like a silly little kid and force him to confess}

He will then proceed to inform you of the ailment that befalls the Dragons of
the Dragon Den. Here, there is a problem. The first time I played, Luikan was
already in the Dragon's Den. The second, third, and fourth times-he wasn't.
Strange. If he isn't there, go get him and bring him to Joshua. Then, you'll
go into the cave. Lukian will say he needs three ingredients in order to cure
the dragons. The first two are the Moonlight Grass and the Black Dragon Orchid.
The third...he'll wait on that one. Moonlight Grass grows in the isolated Seek
Valley, while the Black Dragon Orchid is only available in Barbarossa's hanging
gardens. Milia will join you (throw out your weakest character-probably

Lv. 52 601/601
W: 9/56 Valhalla

Unlike Humphrey, Milia is actually pretty good. Now, return to the Dragon's
Fortress, go to Joshua's room. Get the window setting 2 from the chest and
search the bookshelf on the right for Old Book Vol. IV. Head for the castle and
get a holy rune on someone (if you don't have one) and sharpen Milia's weapon to
Lv. 12-13. Equip her with either stuff from the guy you kicked out, or new
stuff. Now, save, rest, and head for the Dragon's Fortress.

B.) The Drakes' Panacea
Characters: Joshua, Futch
Treasures: Master Robe, Sound Setting 2, Mega Medicine, Cyclone Crystal, gold
Necklace, Moonlight Grass, Black Dragon Orchid
Enemies: Rockbuster, Queen Ant, Ivy, Wyvern
Boss: Crystal Core

Once you reach the Dragon's Fortress, get on Thrash (Milia's dragon) and head
for Seek valley (auto). One again, the dungeon isn't too hard, and there are
some good treasures here. Head east, grab the master robe, then head south. Go
up, northwest, and north. Get Sound Setting 2. Now, go through the middle and
get the mega medicine. Take a look at your party to see if they are reasonably
strong. Now, head north.

Boss: Crystal Core-70,000
Recommended Level: 50
Attacks: Crystal Jab (phys), Fire Pound
Strategy: At the beginning of the bout, six crystals will be revolving a blue
center-the core. They are all, however, the same enemy. Start out by slashing
away at the creature (Crystal Jab doesn't do that much). Once the surrounding
crystals disintegrate, the core becomes blood red. Now, it won't hesitate to
fry your party with Fire Pound. Thus, keep a healer on reserve. The hero
should use black shadow, while someone uses Raging Blow. Everyone else, use
whatever they got. If you heal, it's easy.

Once the foe is dead, grab the cyclone crystal and save. Now, head north, get
the gold necklace, and go north. When you attempt to get the Moonlight Grass,
Ted will arrive. As your friend, he'll ask you to return the rune to him.

[?] Return Soul Eater.
{Begin to give the rune to him}
Don't return Soul Eater.
{Begin to refuse to give it to him}

Whatever happens, you'll be sucked into the soul dimension. Ted will be there,
and so will you. Ted will tell you that Windy has taken control of his body
with the Conqueror Rune (sort of like the black rune), but his soul still has a
byway to enter the body. Also, he can control the soul eater as a past user.
With that said, he'll ask you to forgive him, and ask you for the rune again:

[?] I will not give you the Soul Eater.
{Refuse to give it to him}
All right. I'll give it to you.
{Agree to give it to him and get Windy's hopes up}

He'll take control of it and command it to kill himself. Windy will run up, but
you'll use the Soul Eater to imbue her with dark energy, and she'll vanish. As
Milia gets the grass, you'll learn Judgement, the 4th level soul eater spell.
Return to Thrash to rendezvous with Joshua.

You'll learn that Futch has left for the Imperial Capital. You'll see Black
flying there. When you land, dash down (as Futch-he can dash) and look at the
first plant on the right side of the gardens. This is the Black Dragon Orchid.
As soon as you get it, the golden emperor will arrive and tell the miscreant to
leave. Run north and get onto Black. As you take off, Windy will appear and
knock the dragon and rider out of the air.

Futch will wake up in the Dragon Fortress. Luikan will arrive and tell everyone
that the dragon's have been cured. In a quasi-emotional moment, he will tell
everyone that the third ingredient was Dragon's Liver-which he got from Black's
carcass. Black took the bullet for Futch, who can no longer be a Dragon Knight.
Joshua will join, and tell Futch to do the same. Milia will take you back to
Toran (if you accept the offer).

A.) Invasion
Characters: Taggart, Crowley, Pesmerga, Mace, Leon, Clive, Griffith, Max, Sancho
Treasures: Old Book Vol. VII
Enemies: Same as old dungeons
Boss: None
Major Battle: Battle at Northern Checkpoint

At the castle entrance (interior), Kasumi and Krin will be arguing about a plan
of attack and notification. They'll leave shortly after your arrival. Save at
the inn, then teleport to Kalekka. (Note: Leon Silverburg is a versatile
character, and to get him you to relay messages between him and Mathiu. This
can be very difficult if you delay it, so get him as soon as you can!) At
Kalekka, talk to Leon (he'll consider joining you because you are lv. 4 castle
size). Head back to the castle. At the strategy room, you'll find Taggart, who
will only talk to you. He'll tell you that Warren, a local rabble-rouser, and
Viktor, your pal, have been captured by General Kasim Hasil. Since they are
"instrumental to the revolution" you must rescue them from Moravia Castle.
However, Mathiu says your troops need for training. Do you agree?

[?] I don't know.
{Be told about how wrong you are, until you agree}
I agree.

He'll tell you that you need rest. Locate Mathiu again, before going to bed,
and talk to him (he's in his room). He'll give you a letter for Leon. Give the
character that has the holy rune (in your party) the champion rune (to ward off
attacks), then put Maas, Meese, Mose, and Moose in your party. Give the holy
rune to one of them. Save, then head down to the teleportation chamber. Go to
Qlon. Here is the path you should take: Go north, north, east, north, north,
south, east (until cave), south, upstairs, downstairs, south (through the wall)
to Crowley.

With him recruited, head back to the surface. Go to Neclord's Castle. Follow
the path all the way up to the organ (refer to the Vampiric Bastion chapter for
that). Here, recruit Pesmerga.

Return to the castle and go to the Dragon Knight's Fortress. Here, fly to seek
valley. Go east, south, west, east, east, and inside the house. Get Mace.

Return to the castle and go to Kalekka. Get Leon w/the letter.

Return to the castle and teleport to Rikon. Head into the inn. If there is a
man standing there (w/ a cloak) talk to him and recruit him-his name is Clive.
Otherwise, exit Rikon and try again. Keep trying (remember to exit the town)
until you get him.

Finally, you can get back to business. Go to your room (like Mathiu told you to
a while back) and Mathiu will enter. He'll tell you that there is a leak in the
system- a spy in the army. Thus, he wants to take over training tomorrow (you
know he'll do something radical):

[?] No.
{Refuse, but he'll just ask again anyway}
As you wish.
{Allow him to do what he wants}

In the morning, get up and save at the inn. Talk to Mathiu, and he'll say that
the troops are ready for training:

[?] Good. Let's go.
{Go to battle}
I forgot something.
{Do some other stuff first}

Surprise surprise! Mathiu launches a sudden attack on the weary troops at the
imperial garrison called Northern Checkpoint.

Imperial Troops: 3700
Liberation Army: 15365
There is no way to lose here, unless deliberately try to. Just use a ninja and
do the opposite attack to kill them in one, or at most, two turn(s).

With the garrison defeated, Griffith, who's grumbling about breakfast, captures
your attention. What to do with him?

[?] Recruit.
{Get him to join you}
Cut off his head.
{Get Mathiu to intervene before you can}

Of course, you recruit him. You'll go back to the castle, where you will review
an infiltration plan of Moravia (btw-isn't it strange that the dungeon is at the
top of the castle? Couldn't a dragon ride in and pick up the prisoners before
Kasim could react?). Griffith will take in Mathiu (as a supposed prisoner) to
see Kasim, while your forces (disguised as troops) free Viktor and Warren. Krin
and Kasumi have to come for this one, and they are not too good.

Krin-Lv. 7 59//59
W: 2/8 Needle

Kasumi-Lv. ?? ???/???
W: 6/31 Big Solera
Shrike Rune

Okay, you can outfit them later. You'll be warped to the Northern Checkpoint,
where Mathiu will review the plan. Now leave. Warp back to the castle and
outfit the two jokers (make sure that someone-not one of them-has the Flowing
Rune). It's best to have someone with the Holy Rune. Return to the Northern
Checkpoint and get the Old Book from the chest. Also, recruit Max and Sancho
(if they aren't there, forget it for now). Now, it's time to go on with the

B.) Rescue
Characters: Viktor, Warren, Kasim, Vincent
Treasures: Pink paint, Taikioku wear, Mega medicine, needle, mother earth
Enemies: Mirage, Ninja, Elite Soldier, Hell Hound, Magus
Boss: None

As you can see in the bestiary, the enemies in Moravia drop some really good
treasure and gold. Keep that in mind when you need to sharpen your weapons to
lv. 16 for the final battle.

Get the pink paint, save, rest, and go west. Get the Taikioku Wear, go north,
north, north, southwest, south, south, north, east, north, north, and get the
mega medicine. Now head south, northwest, and get the needle. Go southeast and
north to reach the prison facility. You'll release Viktor and Warren.

In the throne room, you'll see the generals convincing Kasim to join the army.
He finally does. Now, you might as well head back to the jail and recruit
Vincent and get the Mother Earth crystal. If you haven't gotten Max or Sancho
yet, get them from the Northern Checkpoint. Then head back to the castle.

A.) The Navies Clash
Characters: None
Treasures: Binoculars
Enemies: None
Boss: None
Major Battle: Battle at the Floating Fortress

Once at the castle, rest, save and give all the paints to Ivanov. You'll get
the Binoculars, after looking at the completed murals. They allow you to mess
around with the battle view. Now talk with Mathiu. He will say that the
floating fortress, Shasarazade, is the only real obstacle stopping the
Liberation Army from destroying the Empire (other than, of course, the standing
army at Gregminster). Thus, you must destroy it. Mathiu says he will have a
500 boat armada ready by tomorrow:

[?] That's impossible.
{Be dumbstruck along with the rest of them}
All right. Let's get to work.
{Agree to his plan}

After this, you will see old friends gathering and speaking across the castle.
After this, you'll be in your room. Viktor will give you Gremio's equipment
(i.e. the axe and cloak). When you wake up, save at Marie's inn. Go to the
docks and you can see the 500 boats (of ice) that were made overnight. Will you
give the order to strike?

[?] Wait a moment.
{Go and do some stuff first}
All Right. Move forward.

Imperial Troops: 17000
Liberation Army: 18380
You outnumber the Imperial Army here, so think of that as an advantage. Start
off by using the Dragon Knights (Sonya almost always uses her magic first).
This can take out anywhere from 5000-7000 troops. Next, use Kage to find out
what she is doing next. Counter it. Now, use Kasumi to find the next move.
Counter it. Finally, back it up with Fuma's spying tactic. Counter this move.
Remember, if you're charging, use the strategists.

You have destroyed the army, but you now need to find Sonya. Save, then talk to
Mathiu. You're going to have to form an infiltration team. Put in Viktor,
Flik, the Hero, and the three most used characters other than them. Make sure
that Viktor has the clone rune, Flik the lightining rune, someone the Flowing
Rune, another person the Mother Earth Rune, and finally, the Cyclone rune. Give
everyone a mega medicine (for emergencies). Head back to the castle, buy the
latest armor (for Viktor and others who don't have it). Blow the rest of your
cash on sharpening weapons. Now rest and return to the fortress.

B.) A Clam, an affair, and a spy
Characters: Sonya
Treasures: Chaos Shield, Guard Ring, Master Garb, Mega Medicine, Thunder Crystal
Enemies: Elite Soldier, Kerberos, Siren
Boss: Shell Venus, Sonya Shulen

Once you enter, go west and get the Chaos Shield. Go southeast, then southwest.
Get the guard ring and master garb. Then, head southeast, stroll southwest,
walk west, and get the medicine. Before going south at the fork, you might want
to fight around to get the Sound Setting 3 from Sirens. Also, make sure
everyone is ready. Now head south. You'll meet a clam guarding a chest.

Boss: Shell Venus-100,000 bits
Recommended Level: 56
Attacks: Lightning blast, pearl shot
Strategy: Start off with a protection spell from the Mother Earth Rune, and
follow up with earthquakes. Use on Judgement spell, the ball of lightning
spell, and mega medicines for healing. The others should attack or heal.
Though strong, the Shell Venus will die.

After destroying the beast, grab the Thunder Crystal as Viktor closes the
floodgate. During your return trip, Sonya Shulen, the fifth and last general of
the Imperial Army will confront you. She'll ask about your father, and how you
killed him:

[?] What you are saying is not true.
{Believe that you are right}
That is...
{Get interrupted by exploding oil barrels}

The oil was not supposed to be lit this early! Was it the spy? Gee, I wonder.
Anyway, Sonya will attack you.

Boss: Sonya Shulen-1500
Recommended Level: 57
Attacks: Attack, Tidal Wave
Strategy: Compared to the Shell Venus, she's fast but not strong-in terms of hit
points. If you have a guardian earth spell, use it. Use any remaining powerful
spells (3rd or 4th level), or just attack. Of course, the healer should heal.
This general is not that tough.

After her defeat (you know she loved Teo and he loved her, right?) she'll try to
jump into the fire over her loss, but is stopped by Viktor. You'll exit the
fortress, only to find Mathiu injured and Flik furious. It turns out that
Sanchez was the spy all along! He lit the barrels to try to kill you, and as
Mathiu tried to stop him, he injured Mathiu. Flik then tries to behead Sanchez,
but Mathiu says that morale can't be damaged before the final battle. Thus
said, you return to the castle.

Immediately go to the basement and to the jail. Talk to Sonya.

[?] I have no business with you.
{Don't talk to her}
I want you to join us.
{Attempt to enlist her}

She'll say that she hates you for killing Teo.

[?] You have a point there.
{Stop talking to her, and don't recruit her}
I don't mind.
{Allow her to join}

Now, with her recruited, you should have 107 stars-alive, that is. Go to the
tablet and look. If all spaces are full, and only Gremio's is dark, you're set.
Time to finish the game!

A.) The Sixth General
Characters: Gremio
Treasures: None
Enemies: Ninja Master, Simurgh, Orc
Boss: Ain Gide
Major Battle: The Last Battle

You should head to the strategy room and talk to Mathiu. He wants to attack the
capital city of Gregminster (remember that place?):

[?] Let's wait and see what happens.
{Get Mathiu to beg you to attack until you agree}
March to the capital.
{Go and attack}

This said, all the major troops will assemble. Lenkaat will arrive to give some
inspirational speech. Then, if all 107 stars are alive and in your army, she
will say something like "All 108 stars are gathered!" and resurrect Gremio!
Yeah, it's about time. But good nonetheless.

Now, go rest and save. Return and talk to Mathiu:

[?] Wait a minute.
{Do some stuff first}
All right. Let's go!

AS you prepare your troops near Gregminster, you'll see Yuber and Kanaan
(remember him?) gathered with the standing imperial army. Yuber will use his
rune to summon monsters from the netherworld, adding 80,000 troops to his army.
Kirkis will report this inflation to you.

Lenkaat, with the Enter (I think) portion of the Rune of the Gate, will attempt
to throw out the monsters. She'll fail. What shall you do?

[?] The Soul Eater...
{Suggest using the Soul Eater}
Then what...
{Trail off}

If you suggest the Soul Eater, she will tell you never to use the rune...Too
bad, it's the best damn rune in the game. To your luck, Joshua, who holds the
True Dragon Rune, will join forces with Lenkaat and destroy the monsters. When
the standing army is reduced to 20,000 troops, it's time to attack.

Imperial Troops: 20000
Liberation Army: 18710
This is the last, but not the most difficult, battle. Definitely use the Dragon
Knights first (kills of about 4500-5000 troops). Use Kage, then Kasumi, then
Fuma (with attacks in-between, of course). A popular attack is Yuber's Charge,
which is easily countered with Children of the Runes. Strategists help against
the enemy's arrow attacks when you charge.

Yuber will flee when he sees his phalanx crushed, and your troops will move in
to secure the town of Gregminster. But first, you'll meet Hanzo, the ninja lord
of Rokakku, Zorak, and the Chief of the Dwarves. These three leaders have loaned
you the troops that helped you get this far. Now, you get to Gregminster. Your
mission is to kill Barbarossa, the Golden Emperor...sure. Viktor, Flik, and of
course the hero are required. I took Cleo, Kwanda, and Pahn.

Pahn-Boar Rune
Viktor-Clone Rune
Flik-Mother Earth Rune
Hero-Soul Eater
Kwanda-Killer Rune
Cleo- Flowing Rune

I know, I know. You're thinking this party is lacking in magical prowess, such
unlike the mystical party you used to eliminate the foes in Shasarazade. The
truth is, you're right. But there is a reason. The last boss has several
magical affinities/immunities: Fire, Lightning. My party won't run into any
trouble here. Either way, you'll want to visit the armories in Gregminster to
buy the best armor. Give either Viktor or Pahn all mega medicines. Then, there
is a challenge. You must have everyone you're using at weapon lv. 16-very
expensive. Luckily for you, the new enemies around Gregminster are very
rewarding (see Bestiary). Use hell if you're in trouble. You'll soon rack up
the cash.

Once this is completed, rest, save, and head for Gregminster. Once inside,
stroll north past the broken fountain and into the bridge area. Here, you'll
find Ain Gide, another old pal-like Kanaan, who just ran off. He'll start
talking about being loyal to the emperor. You'll say that you don't want to
fight him, but he will say that he is the sixth Imperial General, loyal to the
reign of Barbarossa. Well, can't say you didn't warn him....

Boss: Ain Gide-2000
Recommended Level: 58
Attacks: Meteor Attack
Strategy: Even if he is a general, there is a reason that Ain Gide was stuck in
Kwaba-he's not that strong (well, he is fighting six troops). He'll open up
with a meteo-like attack that will hit everyone. In retaliation, cast
Jugdement, use the boar rune and clone rune, cast earthquake, and attack with
the others. The next turn, do the same-except for those who are unbalanced.
Finally, at the last turn, repeat turn one.

Despite the fact that you beat him as sorely as you beat Sonya, he'll die.
You'll walk pass his body onto the compound of the Imperial Palace. Note: if
you walk back, his body is gone. Rather than challenge the last dungeon, head
back and rest/save. Return to the grounds of the imperial palace.

B.) The Final Showdown
Characters: None
Treasures: Windspun Armor, Horned Helmet, Power Ring
Enemies: Phantom, Collosus, Ekidonna, Imperial Guard
Boss: Golden Emperor Barbarossa, in the form of Golden Hydra(x3)

This is it. The last strain. Once on the palace grounds, enter the palace
(that was profound). Go north and get the Windspun Armor after fighting 4
Imperial Guards. Go northwest, northeast, and fight two packs of Imperial
Guards, four each. Head north and defeat yet another group of Imperial Guards
(4). As you head through this room, you'll have to fight and decimate two more
factions of Imperial Guards. Head northwest. In this area, you will have to
fight five groups of Imperial Guards, five each. They'll be spaced apart. Now,
head upstairs and clash swords with another five-strong group of Imperial
guards. Thankfully, that was the last of the Palace patrols. Now grab the
horned helmet and go northwest (northeast leads to the final battle). Grab the
power ring and save. Head back to the cross roads and go northeast. You'll
enter a hall with no battles. Once you near the northern exit of this hall,
make sure that your characters are outfitted to the max and at reasonable
health. Take a deep breath and head north.

You will confront Barbarossa in the hanging gardens. You'll ask why he
continues to fight, despite the disadvantage. He'll give some stupid reply,
then use the Dragon King Sword (in the beginning, his trusted sword was Prakk-
though he gave it to Teo, I'm certain Teo dropped it off before hunting his son)
and the Sovereign Rune to fight you. He'll become a large, three headed Golden

Final Boss: Golden Hydra, Golden Hydra, Golden Hydra

Recommended Level: 60

Right Head-Earth/Fire attack (1), Fire attack (all)
Middle Head-Thunder attack (all)
Left Head-Resurrection

Right Head-Fire (immunity), Earth (affinity)
Middle Head-Lightning (immunity)
Left Head-All Magic (Very Slight Affinity)

Strategy: Well, this is essentially the hardest battle in the game. AN
email me saying: "Earth isn't the right head's weakness!" An affinity is
the elemental affiliation of an object or whatnot.

Notice that the left head is the healer-if you kill the right head, it
will heal all hp and bring the head back. So, kill it first. Start off
by using Judgement (only 1) on the head, following up with the Boar and
Clone attacks. Flik should use the Guardian Earth spell, and then hammer
it with earthquakes. Cleo should attack, only using spells when necessary,
and Kwanda should attack. Once he has used Judgement on the left head, the
hero should use Black Shadow on everyone (keep the two judgements for
later). Once the left head is defeated, take out the middle head. Start
with judgement, and follow up in the same way. Finally, take out the right
head with everything you've got.

Once the right head dies, Barbarossa reverts to his normal form. The four
surviving generals will arrive and plead the emperor to give up. Then Windy will
teleport in. She will try to take the soul eater from you, but will be thrown
away and imbued-the same thing happened in Seek Valley (can't teach an old dog
new tricks :)). Windy will turn on Barbarossa, but her magic can't hurt him-his
sovereign rune does not take damage to magic (wait, you just beat him and you
used some magic...). Windy will start crying, saying that Barbarossa only
trusted her because she resembled Claudia. This the Golden Emperor will deny.
He'll say that he was her friend, and then jump off the palace with her. The
explosion will rock the chambers, and you will have to run. Proceed out.
During this exodus, you'll face another squadron of Imperial Soldiers. Viktor
will offer to hold them off:

[?] Don't be ridiculous, Viktor.
{Attempt to dissuade him}
{Let him do what he wants}

AS you leave him behind, journey further into the castle. Flik will take an
arrow for you and tell you to be more careful. He'll then offer to hold off the

[?] I can't leave you here.
{Try to stop him}
Stay alive, Flik.
{Let him stay there}

You will automatically leave.

Now sit back and watch the ending.

Throughout the course of Suikoden, you'll come across many characters. 108 of
those characters are really Stars of Destiny, characters that can be recruited
and added to the rebellion.

1. Tenkai Star: Hero
Location: Gregminster
Description: The protagonist of Suikoden, the Hero is the son of Teo McDohl,
one of the five Imperial Generals. He lives with his father, his friend Ted,
and his attendants Pahn, Cleo, and Gremio.
Recruitment Criteria: N/A
2. Tengou Star: Lepant
Location: Kouan
Description: Mathiu's friend, an important nobleman.
Recruitment Criteria: Return the Kirinji to him in Kouan.
3. Tenki Star: Mathiu Silverberg
Location: Toran/Seika
Description: The chief strategist, Odessa's brother.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins automatically after you accept leadership of the
Liberation Army.
4. Tenkan Star: Luc
Location: Toran
Description: An apprentice magician.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins automatically after you capture Toran.
5. Tenyu Star: Humphrey
Location: Toran
Description: A rebel swordsman.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins autmatically after Kwanda's defeat, when Flik and
Sanchez show up.
6. Tenyu Star: Kasim Hazil
Location: Moravia
Description: Blue Moon Kasim, the Empire's most talented swordsman. Also an
Imperial General.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins after you spring Viktor and Warren.
7. Tenmou Star: Kwanda Rosman
Location: Pannu Yakuta
Description: The iron wall, he is planning to kill the Kobolds, Elves, Dwarves,
and everyone else with the Burning Mirror.
Recruitment Criteria: After defeating him, choose "Something's wrong." Then
choose to let him join.
8. Teni Star: Pesmerga
Location: Neclord's Castle.
Description: A knight who is searching for Yuber.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to Mathiu after defeating Neclord, then head to the
organ in Neclord's Caslte and recruit Pesmerga.
9. Tenei Star: Gremio
Location: Gregminster
Description: The hero's personal assistant.
Recruitment Criteria: If you have 107 stars before the last battle, then
Lenkaat will revive him (after his untimely death).
10. Tenki Star: Warren
Location: Moravia
Description: A Liberation Army sympathizer that is captured with Viktor by
Recruitment Criteria: Joins after you rescue him in Moravia.
11. Tenfu Star: Kun To
Location: Kirov
Description: A merchant who deals in the black market.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to him with Tai Ho after getting the Fire Spears
from Mose.
12. Tenman Star: Cleo
Location: Gregminster
Description: Teo's servant.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins automatically after Gremio.
13. Tenko Star: Viktor
Location: Gregminster
Description: A trickster and adventurer with the Liberation Army.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to him while trying to escape Gregminster.
14. Tensyo Star: Valeria
Location: Village of the Elves
Description: An ex-imperial who wants to foil Kwanda's plans.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins you after you escape the Elven Prison.
15. Tenritsu Star: Griffith
Location: Northern Checkpoint
Description: An imperial garrison commander.
Recruitment Criteria: Recruit him after his defeat at the Northen Checkpoint.
16. Tensyo Star: Clive
Location: Rikon's Inn
Description: Stalking somebody in the Scarleticia area.
Recruitment Criteria: Once your castle is maximum size, go to the Rikon Inn.
If he's not there, exit the town, and re-enter the Inn. He'll turn up
eventually, when he does, talk to him.
17. Tenan Star: Flik
Location: Kaku
Description: The vice-commander of the Liberation Army.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to him in Kaku with Viktor in your party.
18. Tenyu Star: Camille
Location: Kaku
Description: Knows Tai Ho well.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins automatically in Kaku's Tavern.
19. Tenku Star: Kreutz
Location: Dragon Knight's Fortress
Description: A veteran of the Kalekka Tragedy. Has a past with Humphrey.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to him with Humphrey in your party.
20. Tensoku Star: Stallion
Location: Pannu Yakuta
Description: The fastest man alive.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins automatically after defeating Kwanda.
21. Teni Star: Kage
Location: Secret Factory
Description: A ninja-for-hire.
Recruitment Criteria: Hire him at the Secret Factory for 20,000 bits.
22. Tensatsu Star: Fu Su Lu
Location: Great Forest
Description: A Kobold Warrior who wears a tiger mask.
Recruitment Criteria: Pay 10,000 bits for Fu Su Lu's meal and he joins.
23. Tenbi Star: Kirkis
Location: Toran
Description: An elven warrior.
Recruitment Criteria: Agree to help him after he turns up at Toran.
24. Tenkyu Star: Milich Oppenheimer
Location: Scarleticia
Description: The "Flower" General.
Recruitment Criteria: Spare his life at Scarleticia (i know, it's hard).
25. Tentai Star: Pahn
Location: Gregminster/Kouan
Description: Teo's servant.
Recruitment Criteria: After he leaves, locate him later at Kouan. Forgive him
and he'll join.
26. Teniyu Star: Sonya Shulen
Location: Toran
Description: The leader of the Imperial Navy
Recruitment Criteria: After beating her at the Floating Fortress, talk to her
in the cell of Toran. Tell her you don't mind her feelings.
27. Tenken Star: Anji
Location: Pirate's Island
Description: The king of the pirates.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to him with Tai Ho and Yam Koo in your party to
start a fight. (See Walkthrough)
28. Tenhei Star: Tai Ho
Location: Kaku
Description: A seasoned waterman.
Recruitment Criteria: Win 1000 bits from him in Kaku.
29. Tenzai Star: Kanak
Location: Pirate's Island
Description: A pirate.
Recruitment Criteria: Beat hinm, Leonardo, and Anji in battle (see
30. Tenson Star: Yam Koo
Location: Toran
Description: Tai Ho's best friend.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins after you capture Toran.
31. Tenpai Star: Leonardo
Location: Pirate's Island
Description: A pirate.
Recruitment Criteria: Beat hinm, Kanak, and Anji in battle (see walkthrough).
32. Tenrou Star: Hix
Location: Neclord's Castle
Description: A young Warrior.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins before you enter Neclord's Castle.
33. Tensui Star: Tengaar
Location: Neclord's Castle
Description: Hix's sweetheart, daughter of Zorak.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins after you kill Neclord and leave the area.
34. Tenbou Star: Varkas
Location: Toran
Description: The leader of the Mt. Seifu bandits.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins automatically after the Lepant sequence.
35. Tenkoku Star: Sydonia
Location: Toran
Description: Varkas' right hand thief.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins automatically with Varkas after the Lepant sequence.
36. Tenkou Star: Eileen
Location: Kouan
Description: Lepant's wife.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins automatically with Lepant.
37. Chikai Star: Leon Silverburg
Location: Kalekka
Description: A great strategist.
Recruitment Criteria: Once you castle is maximum size, talk to him and he'll
tell you to congratulate Mathiu on the Liberation Army's strength. Tell this
to Mathiu, and Mathiu should give you a letter. Take the letter to Leon and
he'll join.
38. Chisatsu Star: Georges
Location: Kirov
Description: A card shark.
Recruitment Criteria: Break a record while playing his game and you'll win.
It's pretty easy on any level.
39. Chiyu Star: Ivanov
Location: Scarleticia
Description: A painter who'll paint you a banner if you give him the paints.
Of he gets all the paints, he'll give you the binoculars. See walkthrough.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to him after defeating Milich.
40. Chiketsu Star: Jeane
Location: Antei's Rune Shop
Description: Opens a rune shop in Toran for you.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to her when you have 45 recruits.
41. Chiyu Star: Eikei
Location: Teien
Description: A trained martial artist.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to him once the hero is lv. 40 or higher.
42. Chii Star: Maximillian (Max)
Location: Northern Checkpoint
Description: A seasoned knight.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to him in Northern Checkpoint after rescuing Viktor.
43. Chiei Star: Sancho
Location: Northern Checkpoint
Description: Maximillian's servant.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins once you get Max.
44. Chiki Star: Grenseal
Location: Outside Toran
Description: A lieutenant.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins automatically after you kill Teo.
45. Chimou Star: Alen
Location: Outside Toran
Description: A lieutenant.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins automatically after you kill Teo, too.
46. Chibun Star: Tesla
Location: Antei
Description: A scrivener.
Recruitment Criteria: After getting Kimberly, talk to him (northern house).
Viktor tricks him into exposing his identity; then he joins.
47. Chisei Star: Jabba
Location: Rikon's Appraise Shop
Description: Opens up an appraise shop in the castle, if you can show him
something he can't appraise.
Recruitment Criteria: Give him the Nameless Urn. The man outside the shop will
tell you about a Nameless Urn, and someone in Antei mentions that Holly Faeries
carry it. Now, leave Antei, and walk around in the desert-like area a few
screens east of Rikon (sandy area). Here, you may run into the Holly Fairies
who carry the Nameless Urn that you need to get Jabba. After he fails to
appraise it, he joins.
48. Chikatsu Star: Lorelai
Location: Kouan's Inn
Description: Another warrior.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to her after the hero is lv. 25 or higher.
49. Chitou Star: Blackman
Location: Kalekka
Description: A farmer, protective of his crops.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to him _without_stepping_on_his_plants_ and he'll
50. Chikyou Star: Joshua
Location: Dragon Knight's Fortress
Description: The Commander of the Dragon Knights.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins automatically after the dragons are cured.
51. Chian Star: Morgan
Location: Qlon
Description: A blind monk/warrior.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to him.
52. Chiziku Star: Mose
Location: Secret Factory/Kirov
Description: A secret agent who makes firespears and can sharpen your weapons
to lv. 12.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins automatically once the Fire Spears are loaded.
53. Chikai Star: Esmeralda
Location: Antei's Inn
Description: Wants an opal.
Recruitment Criteria: Give her the Opal that you can recieve from butchering
Nightmare's in Soniere.
54. Chisa Star: Melodye
Location: Kirov
Description: Once she joins, she can change sound effects if you give her the
Sound Settings.
Recruitment Criteria: Give her the Sound Crystal from Kalekka (see walkthrough).
55. Chiyu Star: Chapman
Location: Antei
Description: Opens an armory that sells armor that armories that you've visited
sell. Visit all of them, and this shop becomes the ultimate armor shop.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to him in the armor shop.
56. Chirei Star: Liukan
Location: N/A
Description: A healer.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins after you get the ability to withstand Milich's
pollen attack.
57. Chijyu Star: Fukien
Location: Qlon
Description: A master priest who manages the tablet of Stars.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to him in the temple.
58. Chibi Star: Futch
Location: Dragon Knight's Fortress
Description: A young Dragon Knight who rides Black.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins with Joshua, after the Dragon Knight's portion of
the walkthrough.
59. Chikyu Star: Kasumi
Location: Toran
Description: A ninja who warns you about Teo's ambush.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins automatically.
60. Chibaku Star: Maas
Location: Great Forest Smithery
Description: An apprentice blacksmith who can sharpen your weapons to lv. 5.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to him.
61. Chizen Star: Crowley
Location: Caves behind Qlon
Description: The master wizard.
Recruitment Criteria: Hidden in the caves around Qlon, castle must be maximum
size. See walkthrough.
62. Chikou Star: Fuma
Location: Dragon Knight's Fortress
Description: Master ninja.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to him (eastern corner of the fortress, partially
63. Chikyou Star: Moose
Location: Warrior's Village Smithery
Description: A blacksmith who can forge your weapons to lv. 15 (penultimate).
Recruitment Criteria: Bring Maas, Meese, and Mose to him.
64. Chiki Star: Meese
Location: Village of the Dwarves Smithery
Description: A blacksmith who can forge your weapons to lv. 9.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins if Maas has been recruited.
65. Chisou Star: Sergei
Location: Kaku
Description: An inventor, puts an elevator in the castle.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to him after capturing Toran.
66. Chikou Star: Kimberly
Location: Antei
Description: A master forger (is that a word?).
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to her, let her have a date with Flik. Get the
Fake Orders to her for her to become a Star.
67. Chimei Star: Sheena
Location: Seika's Inn
Description: Lepant's son.
Recruitment Criteria: Interrupt his flirting with Lepant in your party (heh).
68. Chisin Star: Kessler
Location: Secret Factory
Description: A friend of the Liberation Army, Ledon's master.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to him at the Secret Factory.
69. Chitai Star: Marco
Location: Warrior's Village
Description: Allows you to play the cup game, which is a great source of money.
Recruitment Criteria: Win 5000 bits from him (piece of cake).
70. Chiman Star: Gen
Location: Teien
Description: A shipbuilder who's friends with Kamandol.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to him in Teien after trying to pass the Rapids of
71. Chisui Star: Hugo
Location: Qlon
Description: A librarian; he'll let you read the Old Books.
Recruitment Criteria: Give him the War Scroll (see walkthrough).
72. Chisyu Star: Hellion
Location: Teien's Inn
Description: A wise old wizard, who brings a Blinking Mirror along, which lets
you return to the castle at any time!
Recruitment Criteria: Accept her proposition and she'll join.
73. Chiin Star: Mina
Location: Antei
Description: A dancer.
Recruitment Criteria: Equip the hero with the Toe Shoes, then talk to her.
After the dance, she joins.
74. Chii Star: Milia
Location: Dragon Knights Fortress
Description: The second in command of the Dragon Knights who rides Trash.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins after Liukan examines the sick dragons.
75. Chiri Star: Kamandol
Location: Teien
Description: An alchemist who's Gen's friend, though they constantly argue.
Recruitment Criteria: After getting Gen, knock at Kamandohl's door to recruit
76. Chisyun Star: Juppo
Location: Lepant's Mansion
Description: A trickster who made the contraption in Lepant's Mansion.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins automatically during the 'Lepant' sequence
(thinking of original ways to repeat this, you'll see it as a common criteria.
I'll shut up now.)
77. Chiraku Star: Kasios
Location: Scarleticia
Description: A singer and Milich's lover, once she joins she'll play music from
the game.
Recruitment Criteria: After getting Milich, put him in your party and talk to
78. Chitatsu Star: Viki
Location: Great Forest (Path)
Description: She can teleport you to any city, dungeon, or area you've visited.
Recruitment Criteria: Recruit her when you meet her in the Great Forest.
79. Chisoku Star: Rubi
Location: Great Forest
Description: A warrior elf.
Recruitment Criteria: Once Kirkis is Lv. 40, put him in your party and talk to
Rubi to get him/her/it.
80. Chichen Star: Vincent de Boule
Location: Moravia
Description: A "nobleman."
Recruitment Criteria: After rescuing Viktor (and getting Kasim), retrace your
way to the cell area and get Vincent.
81. Chikei Star: Meg
Location: Kaku
Description: Juppo's niece.
Recruitment Criteria: With Juppo in your party, talk to her.
82. Chima Star: Taggart
Location: Toran/Moravia
Description: Warren's servant.
Recruitment Criteria: Shows up at Toran, but only appears as a star after
rescuing Viktor and Warren.
83. Chiyou Star: Giovanni
Location: Kouan
Description: Lepant's servant.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins automatically with his master.
84. Chiyu Star: Quincy
Location: Garan
Description: A powerful hunter.
Recruitment Criteria: She'll join you if you have at least 80 recruits.
85. Chifuku Star: Apple
Location: Mathiu's Schoolhouse, Seika
Description: Mathiu's pupil and a good strategist.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to her in Seika after defeating Kwanda, and choose
either response.
86. Chihi Star: Kai
Location: Garan
Description: The Hero's instructor.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to him after capturing Toran.
87. Chiku Star: Lotte
Location: Rikon's Inn
Description: A magician who lost her cat...
Recruitment Criteria: After having 45 recruits, go talk to her at Rikon's Inn
and she'll tell you that she lost cat. Her cat, Mina, is the cat running
around in Kaku. Go up and catch it (you'll have to run). Now talk to Lotte
88. Chiko Star: Mace
Location: Seek Valley
Description: *The* master blacksmith. He sharpens your weapons to Lv. 16.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to him at Seek Valley with Maas, Meese, Moose, and
Mose in your party.
89. Chizen Star: Onil
Location: Seika
Description: Spreads gossip.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to her (west of Mathiu's shcool) after capturing
90. Chitan Star: Kuromimi
Location: Great Forest
Description: A Kobold who was not swayed by Kwanda's Black Rune.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins automatically in Great Forest after the Village of
the Elves is burnt down.
91. Chikaku Star: Gon
Location: Great Forest
Description: Kuromimi's brother, wants to be a Kobold hero.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to him with Kuromimi in your party, after defeating
Kwanda. He's in the south house.
92. Chisyu Star: Antonio
Location: Seika's Inn
Description: A cook.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to Marie at your inn until she reveals that she
needs a cook to help out. That done, recruit him from Seika.
93. Chizou Star: Lester
Location: Kirov
Description: Another cook, who makes good stew.
Recruitment Criteria: Taste the stews in the houses to the left and right of
Sarah, then head into Kun To's mansion and tell Lester that the stews were
94. Chihei Star: Kirke
Location: Lorimar
Description: A gravedigger/decapitator.
Recruitment Criteria: After exiting Lorimar (after finding it deserted),
re-enter and locate Kirke, who is standing in the west. Tell him that you'll
accept him even though all he does is chop off people's heads (that's all you
do to).
95. Chison Star: Rock
Location: Lepant's Mansion, Kouan
Description: A storage guard, he'll manage the castle vault when he joins.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to him during your infiltration of Lepant's Mansion.
96. Chido Star: Ledon
Location: Secret Factory
Description: The trickster who attempts to steal from you in the beggining of
the game.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to him at the Secret Factory.
97. Chisatsu Star: Sylvina
Location: Pannu Yakuta
Description: Kirkis' girlfriend.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins after the defeat of Kwanda.
98. Chiaku Star: Ronnie Bell
Location: Secret Factory
Description: A strong rebel agent who has the Hate Rune.
Recruitment Criteria: Joins automatically after loading the Fire Spears.
99. Chisyu Star: Gaspar
Location: Basement of Kaku's Tavern
Description: A dice shark who's out to con you, but can be defeated at his own
Recruitment Criteria: After defeating Kwanda, win 5000 bits from him at his own
100. Chisu Star: Window
Location: Warrior's Village, Item Shop
Description: A windowmaker who has extreme talent at his job(...). He can
change window when you give him the various window settings.
Recruitment Criteria: Give him the Window Crystal (see Walkthrough).
101. Chiin Star: Marie
Location: Seika
Description: An innkeeper. After she joins, she opens up an inn at the castle.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to her after capturing Toran.
102. Chikei Star: Zen
Location: Qlon
Description: A gardener.
Recruitment Criteria: Have the Red, Yellow, and Blue seeds in your inventory.
You can pick them in Teien, Rikon, and the Warrior's Village.
103. Chisou Star: Sarah
Location: Kirov
Description: Does laundry.
Recruitment Criteria: Now, talk to her and say "Recruit". She'll say she's out
of soap. You need to find the soap. You could ask around, but I'll tell you
that the man standing near the armor shop has some. But before he hands it
over, he needs some soy sauce. So go to the man on the left of Sarah. He has
some sauce but he wants some salt. Now, go to the girl near the corner of town
(I think it's bottom right, could be top). She wants a yardstick for her salt.
Hence, go to the inn and talk to the visitor in the right lodge. He wants
sugar for the yardstick. So go to the item store and buy the sugar. Then,
deliver the items in reverse order. When you get to Sarah, she'll say she
found soap, but is delighted that you helped. Recruit her.
104. Chiretsu Star: Sansuke
Location: Westernmost house in Great Forest
Description: An experienced bathmaker(...). After joining, you can access the
castle bath.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to him in Great Forest.
105. Chiken Star: Qlon
Location: Antei
Description: He says the names of various places (wherever he is).
Recruitment Criteria: After defeating Milich, return to Antei. Qlon will join
out of gratitude for removing the difficult town names.
106. Chimou Star: Templeton
Location: Village of the Elves (Burnt)
Description: A mapmaker who loans you the Suiko Map (world map).
Recruitment Criteria: After the Village of the Elves is destroyed, eixt and
return. Talk to him.
107. Chizoku Star: Krin
Location: Kouan
Description: A thief who's infilitration abilities come in handy at certain
Recruitment Criteria: He joins automatically after Lepant joins.
108. Chikou Star: Chandler
Location: Kwaba
Description: A merchant who is looking for a place to sell his goods. He'll
sell you items that are offered in items shops you have visited; visit them all
and he'll become the ultimate items shop.
Recruitment Criteria: Talk to him after capturing Toran.

A.) Elemental Runes
Earth Rune: Rikon Item Shop, Eileen, Lotte
Clay Guardian: Defense +25% to one character
Voice Of Earth: Damages all enemies (300 maximum damage)
Copper Flesh: Defense +50% to one character
Earthquake: Damages all enemies (700 maximum damage)

Mother Earth Rune: Moravia, Hellion
Voice Of Earth: Damages all enemies (300 maximum damage)
Copper Flesh: Defense +50% to one character
Earthquake: Damages all enemies (700 maximum damage)
Guardian of Earth: Defense +50% to all characters

Fire Rune: Magician's Island, Kirov Item Shop
Flaming Arrows: Damages one enemy (100 maximum damage)
Firestorm: Damages all enemies (200 maximum damage)
Dancing Flames: Damages all enemies (400 maximum damage)
Explosion: Damages all enemies (700 maximum damage)

Rage Rune: Neclord's Castle, Alen
Firestorm: Damages all enemies (200 maximum damage)
Dancing Flames: Damages all enemies (400 maximum damage)
Explosion: Damages all enemies (700 maximum damage)
Final Flame: Damages all enemies (950 maximum damage)

Lightning Rune: Zombie Dragon, Flik, Sheena
Angry Blow: Damages one enemy (300 maximum damage)
Rainstorm: Damages all enemies (200 maximum damage)
Raging Blow: Damages an enemy (900 maximum damage)
Ball of Lightning: Damages an enemy (2000 maximum damage)

Thunder Rune: Shasarazade, Grenseal
Rainstorm: Damages all enemies (200 maximum damage)
Raging Blow: Damages an enemy (900 maximum damage)
Ball of Lightning: Damages an enemy (2000 maximum damage)
Thunder God: Damages all enemies (1000 maximum damage)

Resurrection Rune: Fukien
Scolding: Damages one enemy (70 maximum damage)
Yell: Cures one character's status
Scream: Cures all characters (300 maximum recovery)
Charm Arrow: Damages all enemies (500 maximum damage)

Soul Eater: Gregminster
Deadly Fingertips: Instant death to one enemy
Black Shadow: Damages all enemies (500 maximum damage)
Hell: Instant death to all enemies
Judgement: Damages one enemy (1500 maximum damage)

Water Rune: Sarady Item Shop, Seika Item Shop
Drops of Kindness: Fully heals one character
Fog of Deception: Power -20% to all enemies
Rain of Kindness: Heals 300 HP to all.
Water of Kindness: Completely heals the party.

Flowing Rune: Caves behind Qlon
Fog of Deception: Power -20% to all enemies
Rain of Kindness: Heals 300 HP to all.
Water of Kindness: Completely heals the party.
Mother Ocean: Completely heals the party and removes status ailments.

Wind Rune: Toran, Great Forest Item Shop, Luc
Wind of Sleep: Casts sleep on all enemies
The Shredding: Damages one enemy (400 maximum damage)
Healing Wind: Heals all HP of one ally
Storm: Damages all enemies (500 maximum damage)

Cyclone Rune: Seek Valley, Crowley
The Shredding: Damages one enemy (400 maximum damage)
Healing Wind: Heals all HP of one ally
Storm: Damages all enemies (500 maximum damage)
Shining Wind: Damages all enemies (500 maximum damage), heals the party fully

B.) Action/Ability Runes

Boar Rune: Pahn, Hidden Village
Allows your character to inflict twice the damage, if used the character is

Champion's Rune: Warrior's Village Item Shop, Hidden Village
Scares off weak enemies.

Clone Rune: Mt. Tigerwolf
Allows your character to inflict twice the damage, if used the character is

Counter Rune: Lepant's Mansion, Great Forest Item Shop, Morgan
Doubles the chance that your character will counter the enemy's attack.

Double Beat Rune: Eikei
Allows two attacks in a row.

Falcon Rune: Valeria
Performs an attack that deals double damage.

Fortune Rune: Kirov Item Shop
Double's experience gained.

Gale Rune: Pannu Yakuta
Doubles speed.

Hate Rune: Ronnie Bell
Performs an attack that deals double damage.

Hazy Rune: Toran, Kai, Great Forest Item Shop
Enemy hit rate-50%.

Holy Rune: Kaku Item Shop
Allows you to walk quickly.

Killer Rune: Dwarf Trail, Teien Item Shop
Doubles critical hit rate.

Phero Rune: Won from Beast Commanders
Makes characters of the opposite gender protect you in battle.

Prosperity Rune: Won from Sirens
Doubles bits recieved after battle.

Shrike Rune: Kasumi
Performs an attack that deals double damage.

Spark Rune: Scarleticia
Changes the order of attacks, I'm not sure how (yet).

Sunbeam Rune: Dwarf Vault
Gradually restores HP as you walk.

Trick Rune: Juppo, Death Machines
Performs a special attack. Not sure what it does (yet).

Turtle Rune: Dwarf Village Item Shop
Protection from status abnormalities.

True Holy Rune: Stallion
Allows you to walk quickly on the world map.

C.) Attribute Rune Pieces

Ocassionally, you'll be lucky enough to find these rune pieces, which increase
your attributes.

Defense: Increases Defense, Won from Snails on Mt. Tigerwolf

Fortune: Increases Luck, Won from the ? square at Lepant's Mansion(?)

Magic: Increases Magic

Power: Increases Strength

Skill: Increases Skill

Speed: Imcreases Speed, Won from Red Elementals at Qlon

D.) Elemental Rune Pieces

Sometimes, you'll find shards of runes, called rune pieces. Take them to the
blacksmith and have them attached to your weapons, as they have very useful

Earth: Occasionally casts Clay Guardian when attacked, Won from Black Wild Boars

Fire: Increases attack power

Lightning: Increases attack power

Water: Heals 5 HP per round, Won from Slimes on Mt. Tigerwolf

Wind: Ocassional Magic Protection, Def +3


In Suikoden, your characters have the ability to unite their attack with
another to create a more powerful blow. Below is a list of all the Unites.


Bandit Attack Sydonia, Varkas One
Beat 'Em Up Attack Pahn, Ronnie Bell One** (Pahn)
Beauty Attack Cleo, Eileen, Sonya All
Beauty Attack Cleo, Eileen, Valeria All
Blacksmith Attack(a) Mace, Maas, Meese, Moose One
Blacksmith Attack(b) Maas, Meese, Moose, Mose One
Blacksmith Attack(c) Mace, Maas, Moose, Mose One
Blacksmith Attack(d) Mace, Maas, Moose, Mose One
Blacksmith Attack(e) Mace, Meese, Moose, Mose One
Bumpy Attack Humphrey, Krin One
Carpenter Attack Gen, Sasuke One
Couple Attack Eileen, Lepant One
Dragon Knight Attack Futch, Milia One
Elf Attack Kirikis, Stallion, Sylvina One
Fatal Attack Gen, Kamandol One
Flash Attack Fukien, Kai, Liukan One*
Fisherman Attack Tai Ho, Yam Koo One*
Kobold Attack Gon, Kuromimi One
Kobold +1 Attack Fu Su Lu, Gon, Kuromimi One
Lepant Family Attack Eilenn, Lepant, Sheena One
Martial Arts Attack Eikei, Morgan, Pahn All
Master-Pupil Attack Hero, Kai All
Ninja Attack Fuma, Kage, Kasumi One
Pirate Attack Anji, Leonardo, Kanak One
Pretty Boy Attack Alen, Flik, Grenseal One
Pretty Girl Attack Camille, Kasumi, Tengaar One** (Kasumi)
Talisman Attack Gremio, Pahn One
Trick Attack Juppo, Meg All
Warrior Attack Hix, Tengaard One
Wild Arrow Attack(a) Kirkis, Rubi All*
Wild Arrow Attack(b) Kirkis, Stallion All*
Wild Arrow Attack(c) Kirkis, Sylvina All*

*: The characters involved in this attack are unbalanced afterwards
**: The named character is unbalanced afterwards


This section contains a list of the five spell combination attacks in
Suikoden, and gives them a name based on their description (I give them
the names, and also a description if you can't figure out the name).

Old Book Vol. II, "Ancient Teachings", says that Crowley revolutionized
magic methods by learning how to combine spells. The spells combine must
be the paramount, ultimate spells from two runes in harmony. Here is a
list of elements and their opposites:

Opposing Elements:

Here is a list of Harmonious Elements:

Harmonious Elements:

Here is a list of Rune-Element Correspondence:

Runes-Elements Affinity
Mother Earth-Earth

With that said, you should be able to figure out the spell combinations
you can use. Well, here's a list of the spell- combos and effects
(required spells must be cast in same turn):

Igneous Strike: A large, white ellipse illuminates the ground beneath the
enemies. Flame pillars will begin to shoot out of the ground, while
red-hot rocks smash into the enemy from above.
Possible Spell Combinations: Final Flame + Guardian of Earth, Final Flame
+ Earthquake, Explosion + Guardian of Earth, Explosion + Earthquake

Gaea's Gale: A large group of boulders hovers above the enemies, rotating
like a whirlwind. As the boulders amalgamate into a larger boulder, a gale
shatters it, pounding the enemies below.
Possible Spell Combinations: Shining Wind + Guardian of Earth, Shining
Wind + Earthquake, Storm + Guardian of Earth, Storm + Earthquake

Blessing of the Squall: A beam of light will illuminate your party, while
a dark ray will swing over the party. White snowflakes will sprinkle over
your party, healing it, as icebergs smash the enemies.
Possible Spell Combinations: Shining Wind + Mother Ocean, Shining Wind +
Water of Kindness, Storm + Mother Ocean, Storm + Water of Kindness

Shockwave of the Sea: Your party is protected by the glow of Mother Ocean,
while a large thunder bolt slams into one opponent, siphoning his hp to
your party. Not that strong (can't even kill the orcs outside of
Possible Spell Combinations: Thunder God + Mother Ocean, Thunder God +
Water of Kindness, Ball of Lightning + Mother Ocean, Ball of Lightning +
Water of Kindness

Thor's Inferno: A black triangle rotates into place below the enemies.
This triangle ignites and is strafed by red-hot lightning bolts.
Extremely strong.
Possible Spell Combinations: Thunder God + Final Flame, Thunder God +
Explosion, Ball of Lightning + Final Flame, Ball of Lightning + Explosion]

Finally, the book says that there is a way to unite three souls to release
the ultimate power of the rune. You can see this numerous times in story
points with the Soul Eater.

A.) Books
Scattered across the globe are volumes of an ancient collection (well,

Old Book Vol. I "27 True Runes and their Creation"
Location: Pannu Yakuta
Summary: In the beginning, there was Darkness. Out of loneliness,
Darkness shed a Tear. The Tear split into a Sword and a Shield. The
Sword cut anything, and the Shield could defend anything. They battled.
Finally, they were both destroyed. The parts of the Sword became the sky,
the parts of the Shield became the earth, and the sparks became the stars.
The 27 jewels decorating the two become the 27 True Runes and the world

Old Book Vol. II "Ancient Teachings"
Location: Caves of the Past
Summary: See Spell Combination Attacks

Old Book Vol. III "Strategy of War"
Location: Bookshelf to the left of Hugo at the Temple of Qlon.
Summary: See Army Units

Old Book Vol. IV "The Knights of the Dragon's Den"
Location: Bookshelf to the right of Joshua at the Dragon Knights' Fortress.
Summary: Joshua Levenhelt, commander of the Dragon Knights, possesses the
Dragon Rune. If a child does not bond with a Dragon by the age of six, they'll
never become a Dragon Knight. If the bond is made, it is un-breakable. If a
Knight dies, the dragon kills itself. If the Dragon dies, the Knight is exiled.

Old Book Vol. V "Craftsman's Profile"
Location: Dragon's Den
Summary: It lists some of the various craftsmen around the world, giving you
tips on recruiting.

Old Book Vol. VI "Black List"
Location: Soniere Prison
Summary: A list of the demi/super-secret characters in Suikoden (i.e. Pesmerga,
Clive), with hints as to where they are.

Old Book Vol. VII "Antique Prices"
Location: Northern Checkpoint
Summary: See Art

Old Book Vol. VIII "The Kalekka Tragedy"
Location: Kalekka
Summary: During the war between the Scarlet Moon Empire and Jowstone City-State,
the Jowstone forces were able to capture Kalekka. When forces under Barbarossa
and strategist Leon Silverberg recaptured the city, they found in ruins.
Spurred by the anger, the Imperial Troops pushed Jowstone's forces out of the

B.) Paints/Binoculars

If you collect all the various paints throughout the game and give them to
Ivanov, he will paint a banner for you and give you the Binoculars. Here is a
list of paints, as well as information on the Binoculars.

List of Paints, In order of collection
White Paint: Lepant's Mansion in Kouan

Yellow Paint: It can be bought from the item shop of Teien.

Blue Paint: Pick this one up at the item stroe in Rikon.

Black Paint: Stowed away in a box in Luikan's abode.

Red Paint: Located in Scarleticia Castle.

Green Paint: A chest in the rotting Neclord's Castle.

Pink Paint: Moravia Castle is the location of the final paint.


Once you give the paints to Ivanov, he'll give you the Binoculars. These nifty
tools allow you to change the perspective in the battle mode (party). To do
this, you must have a second controller plugged. BY pressing certain buttons in
this area, you can rotate the view. Here is a list :

Square: Rotates left
Triangle: Rotates up
Circle: Rotates right
X: Rotates down.

You can use this to see some pretty weird spell effects. For example, if
you cast hell, pan to the right and down. You'll see the view from behind
the characters. Some of their heads will be sucked into the vortex (now
an ellipse looking straight on). In addition, you can see more of the
enemy and characters. Fun to fool around with.

C.) Window Settings

You can give these window settings to Window to get new window options.

Window Setting 0:Secret Factory

Window Setting 1:Scarleticia

Window Setting 2:Dragon Knight's Fortress

Window Setting 3:Won from Sunshine Kings in the Dragon's Den.

D.) Sound Settings
You can give these sound settings to Melodye to get new sound effects.

Sound Setting 0:Cell next to Liukan in Soniere

Sound Setting 1:Neclord's Castle

Sound Setting 2:Seek Valley

Sound Setting 3:Won from Sirens in Shasarazade

W.) Army Units

In a major battle, the 108 companion characters are divided up into
prearranged groups for fighting. Each group consists of three characters:
one commander and two that are second in command. Some groups may be
missing characters who have not yet joined the party. In this case, the
fighting strength of the group will be lower.

Note: In "Strategy of War" (Old Book Vol. III), it has some useful
stratagems. If you are outnumbered by the army, merchant will work
extremely well. Also, magic will work better. If the enemy is few,
arrows will work well. If you are equal, all attacks will function at a
normal level.

Attacks are divided into four categories. Listed below are the groups in
each category, when seen at normal strength (no strategist or boosting).

Charge Groups
These attacks are good against arrow attacks, but are crushed by magical spells.

1.) Knights Party: Max, Sancho, and Qlon
Max Strength: 30

2.) Lepant Family: Lepant, Eileen, and Sheena
Max Strength: 26

3.) Commander's Team: Hero, Pahn and Gremio
Max Strength: 26

4.) Old Soldiers: Kai, Liukan, and Fukien
Max Strength: 24

5.) Wild Geese: Kreutz, Morgan, and Kirke
Max Strength: 24

6.) Humphrey's Team: Humphrey, Alen, and Grenseal
Max Strength: 24

7.) Viktor's Team: Viktor, Warren, and Taggart
Max Strength: 23

8.) Pirates: Anji, Leonardo, and Kanak
Max Strength: 23

9.) Former Imperial Team: Kasim, and Griffith, and Valeria
Max Strength: 22

10.) Invulnerable Defense: Kwanda, and Eikei, Gaspar
Max Strength: 21

11.) Fellows: Blackman, Zen, and Ivanov
Max Strength: 21

12.) Bandits: Varkas, Sydonia, and Kessler
Max Strength: 21

13.) Fishermen: Tai Ho, Yam Koo, and Kimberly
Max Strength: 19

14.) Warrior's Village Kids: Flik, Tengaar, and Hix
Max Strength: 17

15.) Good Buddies: Marie, Onil, and Sansuke
Max Strength: 16

16.) Black Golds: Maas, Meese, and Moose
Max Strength: 15

17.) Carpenters: Gen, Kamandol, and Tesla
Max Strength: 14

18.) Secret Factory Team: Mose, Ronnie, and Sarah
Max Strength: 14

19.) Kobolds: Fu Su Lu, Kuromimi, and Gon
Max Strength: 13

20.) Tricksters: Juppo, Jabba, and Meg
Max Strength: 6
Arrows Groups
These attacks decimate the enemy wizards, but die in the face of a good charge.

1.) Forest Protectors: Kirkis, Sylvina, and Stallion
Max Strength: 21

2.) Experts: Clive, Pesmerga, Mace
Max Strength: 19

3.) Adventurers: Lorelai, Quincy, and Mina
Max Strength: 17

4.) Cooks: Antonio, Lester, and Rock
Max Strength: 14

5.) Engineers: Sergei, Hugo, and Templeton
Max Strength: 12

6.) Archers: Rubi, Georges, and Marco
Max Strength: 8
These spell casters will destroy a charging foe, but the wizards are susceptible
to arrows.

1.) Children of the Runes: Crowley, Luc, and Lotte
Max Strength: 25

2.) Magicians: Jeane, Hellion, and Viki
Max Strength: 20

3.) Soldier Beauties: Sonya, Cleo, and Camille
Max Strength: 20

4.) Narcists: Milich, Vincent, and Esmeralda
Max Strength: 18

5.) Musicians: Kasios, Melodye, and Window
Max Strength: 14
There is a variety of special attacks for your troops:

1.) Strategists: Mathiu, Leon, and Apple
Effect: They boost the power of charging attacks over three-four turns.

2.) Ninja: Kage, Kasumi, and Fuma
Effect: Finds out the enemy's next move with 100% accuracy. (note: very useful!)

3.) Dragon Knights: Joshua, Milia, and Futch
Effect: Summons a dragon that ravages the enemy. However, arrows will kill the

4.) Merchant: Kun To, Chapman, and Chandler
Effect: They attempt to coerce the enemy into coming to your side.

5.) Thieves: Krin, Ledon, and Giovanni
Effect: They will either loot the opponents coffers or attempt to learn the next

F.) Music List

Once you recruit Kasios from Scarleticia Castle, she will be able to sing songs
from the game. She is located on the first floor. Take a left onto the rock
intersection-she'll be gazing over the sea.

Imperial Court-----Played in the Imperial Palace before you flee Gregminster.

Capital------------Played in Gregminster until you flee the area (i.e. post Ted)

Rock Rockland------Played in the city of Rockland.

Distant Hills------Played at Mt. Seifu and the Bandit Fort located therein.

Black Forest-------Played at the Magician's Island and Lenkaat's Mansion.

Eternal Flow-------Played in most towns: Kaku, Seika, Kouan (generic).

Mystic forest------The strange, foreboding tunes of the Village of the Elves.

Dwarf Mines--------Played at the village of the Dwarves (hmmmm...)

A Moment of Peace--Played in the town of Antei.

Gorgeous Scarleticia-Played in Scarleticia Castle (another tough one).

Gathering of Warriors-Played at the Warrior's Village

In the Stillness---Played at the Temple of Qlon.

Bride in Black-----The tunes echoing from the cursed organs of Neclord's Castle.

Dragon Knights-----Played at the Dragon Knights' Fortress (such confusing names)

Dancing Girl-------Played in Kirov.

Lost Days----------Played in the Village of the Cursed Rune.

G.) Art

In the world of Suikoden, there are many antiques you can acquire and appraise.
Some are trash, while others are extremely valuable. You can also place them in
Sansuke's bath area. They are all listed in Old Book Vol. VII, "Antique

Urns, Vases and Lamps
Failure Urn: 50
Octopus Urn: 500
Flower Urn: 2500
Wide Urn: 4000
Persian Lamp: 7500
Blue Dragon Urn: 8000
Celadon Urn: 10000
Black Urn: 20000
Fine China: 60000
Dishes, Figurines, and Constructions
Hex Doll: 60
Japanese Dish: 3000
Chinese Dish: 6000
Peeing Boy: 16000
Bonsai: 25000
Knight Statue: 30000
Goddess Statue: 100000
Graffiti: 100
Flower Painting: 7000
Landscape Painting: 40000
Nature Painting: 200000
Lover's Flower Garden: 29000


Here you will find a list of the various armor pieces found in Suikoden. There
are four types of armor: armor, helmets, shields, and accesories. If two
armors have the same defense value and no other effect, they are listed


Robe +1 Def
Tunic +2 Def
Leather Coat +4 Def
Brass Armor +5 Def, +Speed
Guard Robe +7 Def
Karate Uniform +10 Def
Leather Armor +14 Def
Half Armor +18 Def
Magic Robe +22 Def
Ninja Suit +28, +Magic
Dragon Armor +37 Def
Master Robe +37, Auto Hp-Recovery
Full Armor +45 Def
Taikoku Wear +48 Def
Master Garb +55 Def, +Speed
Windspun Armor +63 Def


Bandana +1 Def
Headband +2 Def
Pointed Hat +5 Def, Null-Balloon
Half Helmet +9 Def
Head Gear +14 Def
Full Helmet +20 Def
Silver Hat +27 Def, Auto Hp-Recovery
Horned Helmet +35 Def


Wooden Shield +2 Def
Steel Shield +13 Def
Chaos Shield +27 Def
Earth Shield +45 Def


Wooden Shoes +1 Def
Cape +2 Def
Gloves +2 Def
Leggings +2 Def
Boots +3 Def
Circlet +3 Def
Gauntlet +4 Def
Shoulder Pads +4 Def
Blue Ribbon +6 Def
Necklace +7 Def
Emblem +8 Def, +Magic
Fur Cape +8 Def
Feather +9 Def
Toe Shoes +9 Def
Silver Ring +11 Def
Silverlet +11 Def
Cape of Darkness +13 Def
Rose Broach +13 Def
Speed Ring +13 Def, +Speed
Guard Ring +15 Def
Power Gloves +16 Def, +Power
Silver Necklace +17 Def
Earth Boots +18 Def
Goldlet +18 Def
Crimson Cape +21 Def
Gold Necklace +25 Def


The world of Suikoden is full of secrets. Below is a list of some of them.

A.) Hidden Scenes
There are several sub-scenes in Suikoden that tell you some more about the
characters themselves.

1.) With Krin in your party, talk to the man in the northeast corner of the
second story in Lenankamp's Inn.

2.) With Meg in your party, go to the first house on the west.

3.) With Flik in your party, go to the Warrior's Village and talk to the man
near the building in the northeast corner.

4.) With Clive in your party, examine one of the tombstones in Rockland (I
think it is the southwestern one)


FurFur 18 50 Wooden Shoes Magicians' Island
Holly Boy 10 10 Robe Magicians' Island
Golem 300 1500 Medicine Magicians' Island
Bon Bon 15 70 North
Crow 30 50 Bandana? North
Mosquito 15 20 Medicine North
Red Soldier Ant 30 60 Pointed Hat North
Wild Boar 60 300 Bandana? North
Bandit (green) 34 70 Medicine Mt. Seifu
Bandit (red) 34 80 Shoulder Pads? Mt. Seifu
Bandit (yellow) 40 150 Shoulder Pads? Mt. Seifu
Black Wild Boar 60 300 Mt. Seifu
Soldier Ant 28 30 Pointed Hat Mt. Seifu
Giant Snail 120 250 Defense Rune Piece Mt. Tigerwolf
Killer Slime 40 100 Water Rune Piece Mt. Tigerwolf
Slasher Rabbit 90 70 Karate Uniform Mt. Tigerwolf
Beast Master 90 200 Blue Ribbon Kwaba-Garan
Flying Squirrel 100 Holy Crystal Kwaba-Garan
Killer Rabbit 30 Hex Doll/Japanese Dish Kwaba-Garan
Roc 70 Feather Kwaba-Garan
Robot Soldier (b) 150 400 Vase/Persian Lamp/Pointed Hat? Lepant's Mansion
Robot Soldier (r) 190 350 Vase/Persian Lamp/Pointed Hat? Lepant's Mansion
Slot Man 190 700 Lepant's Mansion
Holly Boy 150 Toe Shoes? Great Forest Path
Holly Spirit 500 Toe Shoes? Great Forest Path
Kobold (g) 150 Great Forest Path
Kobold (r) 150 200 Wooden Shield Great Forest Path
Death Boar Boar Crystal Dwarf Trail
Holly Fairy 400 800 Nameless Urn Garan West
Mad Ivy 200 Head Gear Garan West
Creeper 400 600 Garan West
Nightmare Opal Soniere Prison
Nightmare Opal Scarletecia
Siren 2000 Prosperity Crystal Kirov
Dagon 1100 Water Crystal Kirov
Grizzly Bear 360 1200 Kirov
Demon Hound 900 Kalekka
Hawk Man 300 1300 Kalekka
Shadow 280 2000 Silverlet Kalekka
Demon Sorceror Mega Medicine Neclord's Castle
Larvae Fine Bone China/Blue Dragon Urn Neclord's Castle
Black Elemental 120 1600 Dragons' Den
Magic Shield 190 2700 Earth Shield Dragons' Den
Sunshine King 1500 6000 Dragons' Den
Mirage 400 2400 Master Garb Checkpoint
Earth Golem 600 3000 Speed Ring Checkpoint
Rabbit Bird 300 2200 Sacrificial Buddha Checkpoint
Ninja 600 5500 Cape of Darkness Moravia
Magus 300 7000 Fortune Crystal Moravia
Hell Hound 300 700 Bonsai/Hex Doll Moravia
Whip Master 700 8000 Bonsai/Hex Doll Moravia
Elite Soldier 450 2800 Rage Crystal Moravia
Ninja Master 400 5500 Crimson Cape Late North
Orc 1500 7000 Lover's Flower Garden Late North
Simurgh 700 6500 Thunder Crystal Late North
Colossus 800 15000 Gregminster
Phantom 550 6500 Earth Boots Gregminster
Imperial Guards 600 4500 Gregminster
Imperial Guards(s)500 5000 Gregminster
Ekidonna 900 20000 Gregminster


Gregminster Area
Bonbon x3-70
Wild Boar-300
Red Soldier Ant-60

Mt. Tigerwolf
Killer Slimex3-300
Slasher Rabbitx6-420
Giant Snail-250
Giant Snailx2-500

Seika Area
Flying Squirrelx3,Beast Commander-500
Flying Suqirrelx2-200
Flying SquirrelX6-600
Flying Squirrelx3,Killer Rabbitx2,Beast Commander-600
Killer Rabbit x3,Beast Commander-440

Castle of Toran
Giant Slugx3,Ghost Armor-1350
Giant Snailx3-750, Defense Rune Piece
Ghost Armor-600
Oannesx3,Ghost Armor-1200
Giant Slugx2-500

Lepant's Mansion
Robot Soldierx6-2250, Pointed Hat
Robot Soldierx4-1500, Failure Urn
Robot Soldierx3-1150

Great Forest
Holly Boyx6-30
Holly Spirit, Holly Boyx5-950

Path of the Dwarves
Death Boarx3, Eaglemanx2-3500

Dwarf Area
Koboldx3,Strong Arm-1050

Dwarven Vault
(Red/Blue)Death Machine-400
(?Color) DeathMachinex3-1650
Crimson Dwarf-600
Crimson Dwarfx3,Death Machinex2-2900
Crimson Dwarfx3,Death Machine-2350

Pannu Yakuta


Kirov Area
Grizzly Bear-1200

Shadowx4-3000, Rose Brooch
Demon hound-900
Hawkmanx2, Shadowx4-6600

Secret Factory Area, Kalekka Area
Dragonx3-3300, Dragon Armor

Lorimar, Warrior Village Area

Caves of the Past
Clay dollx2-3000,Full Armor, Escape Talisman
Banshee, Clay doll-3700
Bansheex2, Clay Doll-5900, ? Painting [Landscape Painting]
Bansheex2, Red Elementalx3-8300
Clay Doll, Red Elementalx3-5400
Banshee, Red Elementalx3-6100

Neclord's Castle
Larvaex3, Hell Unicorn, Demon Sorcerer-14500, ?pot [Failure Urn]
Larvaex3, Hell Unicorn-11000
Larvaex3, Demon Sorcerer-9500

Dragon's Den
Black Elementalx3, Magic Shield-10200
Magic Shield-2700, Earth Shield
Black Elementalx3,Sunshine King-10800, Cyclone Crystal
Sunshine King-6000, Cyclone Crystal
Magic Shieldx2-5400

Dragon Knights Fortress Area
Ivyx3, Shadow Man, Mirage-10900

Seek Valley
Rockbusterx2, Queen Ant-11500
Ivyx3-8000, ? Ornament [?]
Ivyx2, Wyvern-9500, ? Ornament [?]

Moravia Castle
Miragex2-14000, Fortune Crystal
Ninjax3, Magusx2-30500
Elite Soldierx2, Ninja, Magusx2-25100
Hell houndx3, Whipmaster-18100
Nnjax3, Magus-23500
Ninja-5500, Cape of Darkness
Elite Soldier-2800, Rage Crystal
Hellhoundx3, Elite Soldierx2, Whip Master-15900
Elite Soldierx2-5600

Elite Soldierx2-7000, Mega Medicine, Horned Helmet
Sirenx3-18000, Sound Setting 3
Elite Soldierx3-10500

Gregminster Area (2)
Ninja Masterx2-11000
Ninja Masterx3, Simurgh-23000, Crimson Cape
Ninja Masterx3, Orc-23500
Ninja Masterx3, Simurghx2-29300
Orcx3-21000, ? Painting [Graffiti]
Ninja Materx3, Orcx2-30500
Ninja Master-5500

Imperial Palace
Phantomx3, Collosus-34500
Imperial Guardx3, Ekidonna-35000

A. Nickerson : He has written the best Suikoden walkthrough
thus far. Thanks to him for Duel Battle Quotes, Dialogue Boxes, and Binocular

Konami: For making an awesome game

Kurt : The location of the Rage Rune in Neclord's Castle.

Shinkuu and A great
source of information and a good Suikoden site where Shinkuu was kind enough to
lend me monster stats, some unite information, and some rune information.

Disclaimer: This guide is copyright 2000-2001 Amar Kishan, and Suikoden is
copyright 1996 Konami Entertainment. This guide is not official. Do not
distribute or upload at all without my permission. This FAQ cannot be
reproduced in any way without my permission.

Copyright 2000-2001 Amar Kishan.
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14.Oktober 2013
Ende des Spiels.

17.Oktober 2013

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Tips and Tricks

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Stars Guide

16.Oktober 2013
Special Items Guide

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Magic Guide

18.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
English Version Guide

13.Oktober 2013
Duell Guide

11.Oktober 2013
Combination Attacks

16.Oktober 2013

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Character Combo Guide

17.Oktober 2013

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engl. Cheats

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engl. FAQ
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Special Items
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10.Oktober 2008
General Tips
engl. Hinweise 2
10.Oktober 2008
Kampftips als HTML-Datei
engl. Hinweise 3
10.Oktober 2008
Infos über die 108 Sterne
engl. Hinweise 4
10.Oktober 2008
13.Mai 2008
Game Script

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