

09.10.2013 00:47:52


Recharge Items:
Place items, such as medicine, in the vault after they only have one charge remaining. Then when the
items are withdrawn, they will be fully charged.

Unlimited Money:
Go to Rockland and talk to Marc. Bet 100 and check where the coin is located. Repeat this a few
times and note the order of where the coin is placed each time. Quit the game, then talk to Marc
again and bet 10,000. The coin will appear in the same order as it was the first time through.
Repeat this procedure to build your wealth. The coin will always be in the same place as long as you
only bet once per visit, or leave town.

Easy Money:
On Suikoden go to Rockland and bet however much gold and always pick the middle
cup for quick money. Then just quit, talk to the woman (I forget her name but
she's around) and bet again.

(-male-) Matheny

Another Easy Money:
When you have your castle and the pirate Gracey (I think that's him) go talk to
him and bet 9900 bucks. u'll win. might even when if u challenge him. quit.
save. talk again. :) you'll 90%+ win the first try and about 70%+ win the next
time. If you challenge a third time though, you're likely to loose your bits.
anyways, it works good. Get ya a lot of money and sharpen those swords!

(-male-) Matheny

Recharge Items:
You dont need to keep buying mega medicines, etc...
Any item that you can use, stick in the vault when you have one charge left.
When you withdraw it, it will have all its charges back.
This way you can save your gold for more important things.
108 Stars:
Need to have Phan beat Teo so you can have all 108 stars? Heres how I did it. I
raised Phan's level to 32, gave him the Ninja Suit, Feather, and Guard Ring.
Then I had his weapon upgraded to level 12. The key to winning is to watch Teo's
remarks. DEFEND is the best weapon! When you defend and Teo does a DESPERATE
ATTACK you attack him and do Double Damage!!!! So, First, DEFEND. Then watch
what Teo says. If he says he will not be so easy next time...he will DESPERATE
ATTACK, so you DEFEND! If he tells Phan to come and attack him, ATTACK (don't
DESPERATE ATTACK). Teo will defend and still take damage. If your not sure about
all this, jus DEFEND every time. You will propably win.

Maximum Money:
Her's a better trick to get the MAX money so you can spend it. Play dice
with Gracer (might be mispelled) and keep on betting until you have 999999
in gold!!! Make sure you save the game first though before playing,
because this will only work 90% of the time. And make sure you carry
100,000 or less to play with him also, just in case. Well, see if you can
top my 20 million in Gold (and still getting more).


To compare with the walkthrough from Ver 1.0 and all the
tips and tricks.

1. Do not kill all the captured Imperial general, u must let them all
go , and if possible recruit them.

2. In the duel battle between PAHN & TEO, PHAN must win

3. After u recuit and release SONIA from the prison at Basement 1
get all the remaining characters like Clive in the hotel in Rikon
(Go to the hotel/liquor store. You can randomly find CLIVE
there. If you do happen to find him there, consider yourself
very lucky. If not, repeatedly come back there until
you do.)

4 After that, go to your third floor and characters' st ne and ensure
all the characters' name filled up the 108 space except Gremio's
who is

5 Now go to speak to Mash who is on the 4th floor with Liukan, speak to
him and say u are ready for war.

6 A sequence will follow and LEKNAUT (Windy's sister) will appeared
and using her magic, Gremio will be ALIVE ! Another sequence will

7 During the battle with the 20000 soilder troops, u must not get
your general killed in battle. (Use the other options and check on

8 U may not need to train to very high level to kill the last king,
just equip all with flowing crystal or water crystal and heal when
injured. Also kill the left head first, that all.

On Suikoden go to Rockland and bet however much gold and always pick the
middle cup for quick money. Then just quit, talk to the woman (I forget
her name but she's around) and bet again.

When you have your castle and the pirate Gracey (I think that's him) go
talk to him and bet 9900 bucks. u'll win. might even when if u challenge
him. quit. save. talk again. :) you'll 90%+ win the first try and about
70%+ win the next time. If you challenge a third time though, you're
likely to loose your bits. anyways, it works good. Get ya a lot of money
and sharpen those swords!

PS I went to the castle with 600 bits and left with 50k. and once I had
26k and left with 600k. it rules.

here's really neat way of building your cash flow in suikoden.

have a least 20,000 bits on your group, then go to ROCKLAND talk to the old
lady that runs the cup, and coin game, and bet 10,000. (don't bother watching
the cup the coin is under when she shuffles them, she does it at warp 10)
pick a cup, any cup, if you pick the right one you got lucky, if not don't
worry that's why you have 20,000 bits. quit, and then talk to her again. bet
10,000, and pick the same one the coin was under last time. you've won! now
quit, talk to her again, bet 10,000, and pick the same one. now just keep
repeating this, and you can build up your bits as far as you want to. the
coin will always be in the same spot as long as you only bet once per visit,
or leave town. if you leave town you'll have to start all over again because
the coin will start appearing under another cup. but with this method you
can even work with that.

SUBJECT: Genso Suikoden Tips & Tricks Post
EDITOR's NOTE: Here is version 1.00 of the Tips & Tricks Guide
for Genso Suikoden.

** [CONFIGURING YOUR GROUP ALIGNMENT] **********************************

Each character in the game is given an "alignment status", which
determines whether the character can only attack from the front row, the
back row, or both. This is represented by the letters: S, M, and L.

[S] - Short Range attacker. Usually uses close combat arms such
as swords, clubs, etc. You need to have these characters
in the front row.

[M] - Medium Range attacker. Usually uses medial weapons such as
knives, staffs, short swords, etc. These characters can be
placed either in the front or back row. Very flexible.

[L] - Long Range attacker. Usually uses ranged weapons such as
bows, arrows, etc. These characters must be placed on the
back row.

** [COMBINATION ATTACKS] ***********************************************

During battles sequences in Genso Suikoden, you can combine various
characters to form a "combination" attack. Simply recruit the specific
characters into your group and you will have an option "Iishonni", whereby
the specific characters will attack one enemy (or more depending on the
combination) together, resulting in afflicting devasting damage.

Here are a list of characters you can combine:

CLEO & PAN | 2x Damage
TAI-HO & YAMUKU | 3x Damage, Paralyzed 1 Round
LEBANTO & AILEEN | 2x Damage
JUPO & MEGU | 1.5 Damage, Attacks all
YOUR CHARACTER & KAI | 2x Damage, Attacks all
KILKIS & SILVINA | Attacks all, Paralyzed 1 Round
KILKIS & STALION | Attacks all, Paralyzed 1 Round
KILKIS & LUBY | Attacks all, Paralyzed 1 Round
KUROMIMI & GON | 2x Damage
BALCUS & SHIDONIA | 2.5 Damage
GEN & KAMANDOORU | 2x Damage
GEN & SANSUKE | 2x Damage
KURIN & HUMFRY | 2x Damage
HICKS & TENGARU | 2x Damage
HOOCH & MILIA | 2x Damage
RYOOKAN, HOOKEN, KAI | 3x Damage, Paralyzed 1 Round
KASUMI, KAGE, FUUMA | 2.5x Damage
KAMIYU, TENGARU, KASUMI | 2.5x Damage, Paralyzed 1 Round
CLEO, AILEEN, BALERIA | 3x Damage, Attacks all
CLEO, AILEEN, SONIA | 3x Damage, Attacks all
PAN, EIKEI, MORGAN | 3x Damage, Attacks all
(NOTE: Try combining other characters as well.
You just might some more combinations attacks.)

** [SPELLS / MAGIC] ****************************************************

Although there are tons of magical relics & stones that will produce
various spells for your characters, the 7 primary spell categories

Here is a list of spells categorized in their own genre:

SOUL EATER | 1 | Casts "Death" on any 1 enemy.
SOUL EATER | 2 | Inflicts 300 Damage points on all enemies.
SOUL EATER | 3 | Casts "Blackhole" on all enemies.
SOUL EATER | 4 | Inflicts 1500 Damage points on 1 enemy.
FIRE | 1 | Inflicts 100 Damage points on 1 enemy.
FIRE | 2 | Inflicts 300 Damage points on all enemies.
FIRE | 3 | Inflicts 400 Damage points on all enemies.
FIRE | 4 | Inflicts 700 Damage points on all enemies.
WATER | 1 | Heals 1 of your party members.
WATER | 2 | 20% decrease of enemy's attack level.
WATER | 3 | Heals 300 Damage points of your entire group.
WATER | 4 | Completely heals your entire group.
WIND | 1 | Casts "Sleep" on all enemies.
WIND | 2 | Inflicts 400 Damage points on 1 enemy.
WIND | 3 | Heals 1 of your party members.
WIND | 4 | Inflicts 500 Damage points on all enemies.
EARTH | 1 | Increases 1 of your character's defense.
EARTH | 2 | Inflicts 300 Damage points to all enemies.
EARTH | 3 | Highly increases 1 of your character's defense.
EARTH | 4 | Inflicts 700 Damage points on all enemies.
LIGHTNING | 1 | Inflicts 150 Damage points on 1 enemy.
LIGHTNING | 2 | Inflicts 100 Damage points on all enemies.
LIGHTNING | 3 | Inflicts 600 Damage points on 1 enemy.
LIGHTNING | 4 | Inflicts 1000 Damage points on 1 enemy.
UNDEAD | 1 | Inflicts 70 Damage points on 1 undead enemy
UNDEAD | 2 | Heals 1 of your character's status.
UNDEAD | 3 | Heals 300 Damage points of all your members.
UNDEAD | 4 | Inflicts 500 Damage points on all undead enemies.

[!TIP ALERT!]: If 5 of your venturing characters are equipped with
the 5 magical stones - FIRE, WATER, WIND, EARTH, and
LIGHTNING - you will be able to combine magical spells
to inflict devasting damages to the enemy!
But note that the characters must be at levels 3-4
in magic. Potential Damage: 2000+

** [GUARDIAN CHARACTERS] ***********************************************

From the 108 characters, various characters will have a special
"relationship" or bonding with another character. When one of the
character is close to dying (5-20 hps), the other will guard that
character and take the hit. Note that you must have both characters
in your venturing party in order for them to protect each other.

Here are some characters that will have special bondings with
each other:

GREMEO ==> Your character
PAN ==> Your character
CLEO ==> Your character
KASUMI ==> Your character

** [BATTLES] ***********************************************************

For those of you who cannot read the options, here they are:

o Tatakau (Fight)
o Nigasu (Flee)
o Okane (Bribe the enemy to spare your life)
o Omakase (Auto Battle - let the computer fight for you)

In choosing to fight, here are the sub options:

o Koogeki (Attack)
o Boukyo (Defend)
o Monshuu (Magic/Special Skills)
o Item
o Iishonni (Combination Attack) - This option is only available
when you have the specific
combination characters in your

** [ARMY BATTLES] ******************************************************

During Army Battles, you will have 4 Options: o Front Attack
o Bow & Arrow Attack
o Magic Attack
o Other Options

[FRONT ATTACK]: Strong against arrow attacks.
Use front attack when you learn that the enemy
is about to use bows & arrows.

[BOW & ARROW ATTACK]: Strong against magic attacks.
Use the bow & arrow attack when you learn that
the enemy is about to use magic.

[MAGIC ATTACK]: Strong against front attack.
Use when you learn that the enemy is about to
use front attack.

[OTHER OPTIONS]: Here you will be given various options such as
spying on the enemy, stealing the enemy's money,
convincing some enemy troops to join your side,
powering up your frontal attack, and a dragon

It will be given to you in this order:

o Power up your frontal attack
o Spy on enemy moves (50% success rate)
o Ninja Spy on enemy moves (100% success rate)
o Convince enemy troops to join your side
o Dragon attack (available once your have the
dragon lord on your side)

[!TIP ALERT!]: Constantly use the Ninja spy or the regular spying
options. This will tell you what the enemy is about
to do next. Use this to your advantage.

** [DUEL BATTLES] ******************************************************

There will be 3 duel battle sequences in the game, where you will
have to fight your enemy 1-on-1.

You will be given 3 options to choose from.

o Attack
o Defend
o Expect (the enemy's move - something like a counter attack)

[ATTACK]: Your usual attack. Use this when you think the enemy
is about to Defend.

[DEFEND]: Raises your defensive skills. Use this when you think the
enemy is about to Expect & Counter Attack.

[EXPECT & COUNTER]: Use this when you think the enemy is about
to Attack.

[!TIP ALERT!]: In the duel battle between PAN & TEO, TEO will usually
triumph. But, if PAN is powered up at a fairly high
level and if you choose the right decisions during the
duel battle, you may just come out victorious.
If you do win with PAN, you will be able to keep him
in your party, rather than losing PAN forever.

** [VARIOUS MISCELLENEOUS ITEMS] ***************************************

Throughout your journeys in Genso Suikoden, you will obtain various
miscelleneous items from fighting enemies, in treasure chests, and
from various characters. These items, such as books 1-8, paint
cells 1-7, music cells 1-6, window cells 1-6, clay pots, dishes, pictures,
and statues, are more novelty & extra - so you do not need them to finish
the game. But, nonetheless, they do have their each & own uses.

[PAINT CELLS]: Give these to IWANOFU (after he joins your castle).
He will need these to paint an art of you & the
rest of the main party members.

[BOOKS]: These are basically information guides to Genso Suikoden.
Give these to UGO (after he joins your castle). He will
place them in the castle library for you.
Some books will contain info on the kingdom & its history.
Others will contain simply useless info.

[WINDOW CELLS]: Give these to WINDOW (after he joins your castle).
This will allow you to change the colors & styles
of the text window.

[MUSIC CELLS]: Give these to MELODY (after she joins your castle).
This will allow you to change the sound effects of
the game. Some are interesting, while others are
outright wacky.

These items are novelty & extra items. You will find tons
of these items throughout your journeys. But before they
can be sold/used, they must first be identified.

When you first obtain one of these novelty items, they will have
a "?" mark. Take it to a nearby inspection shop (store with the
magnifying glass sign). After identfying the item, you can
sell it or you can keep it and place it in your castle bath.

[!TIP ALERT!]: Some novelty items are worth a lot more than others.
Items worth vary from 100gps to 100,000gps.

** [SECRETS] ***********************************************************

[UNACCESSABLE AREA]: In the village of DAISHIRIN, there is a
hotel where you will find stairs.
The hotel recipient will not let you through.
Even after getting all 108 characters, or
taking the RYOOKAN with you, or finishing the
game in less than 10 hours, he will not let you
through....what exactly is up those stairs???

(Unfortunately, I have yet to hear of anyone finding a way to get
up the stairs. If anyone does find out, please let me know.)

Unlimited Money (Japanese version):
Go to Rockland, talk to the old lady that runs the cup and coin game, and bet 100. Then, pick any
cup. If you lose, quit the game, then talk to her again. Bet 10,000 and pick the cup that hid the
coin in the previous game. You will win the game. Quit, talk to the woman again, bet another 10,000,
and pick the same cup. Repeat this procedure to build your wealth. The coin will always be in the
same cup as long as you only bet once per visit, or leave town.

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14.Oktober 2013
Ende des Spiels.

17.Oktober 2013

12.Oktober 2013
Tips and Tricks

13.Oktober 2013
Stars Guide

16.Oktober 2013
Special Items Guide

13.Oktober 2013
Magic Guide

18.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
English Version Guide

13.Oktober 2013
Duell Guide

11.Oktober 2013
Combination Attacks

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Character Combo Guide

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

09.Oktober 2013
engl. Lösung
10.Oktober 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Oktober 2008
Special Items
engl. Hinweise
10.Oktober 2008
General Tips
engl. Hinweise 2
10.Oktober 2008
Kampftips als HTML-Datei
engl. Hinweise 3
10.Oktober 2008
Infos über die 108 Sterne
engl. Hinweise 4
10.Oktober 2008
13.Mai 2008
Game Script

Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
18.Februar 2014
19.Februar 2014
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020