Final Fantasy Tactics

Final Fantasy Tactics

18.10.2013 06:08:54


To duplicate weapons:
You must have the ninja skill (Two Swords) get a person and equip them with this
skill; then eqiup a shield in the right hand, and the item you wish to duplicate
in the other, when you go to a shop choose best fit. You should have two of the
same items you had in the left hand.

Submission: jenova@cswnet.comjenova@cswnet.comAlternate Duplicate Weapons:
Set the "Two swords" skill on anyone and equip a sheild in the right hand, and
the item you want duplicated in the left. Go to a shop and choose "best fit" and

then buy it. Next go to the formation screen and remove the items. You should
now have 2 of the item you had in the left hand. This works great with Excalibur
and other 1 of a kind swords.

Adam Lanthier and Mark (

Duplicate Weapons Revised:
This is a revision of the duplicate weapons technique. Do the technique as
it says above, but don't buy anything. Instead, choose "Quit Fitting" and
select whatever is in your left hand, plus anything else you don't want, and
THEN select "End Fitting".
Go into the shop at Igros (or any other castle) with a Knight who has the
"Two Swords" support ability, a shield in the right hand, Excalibur in the
left hand, (the names of the items will be in black) and choose best fit.
The game should put Excalibur in your right hand (the name will be in red
letters), and a rune blade in your left. Choose "Quit Fitting" and select
the rune blade. Your should have Excalibur in your left hand (name in black
letters). Choose to buy it and the shop will only charge you 10 gil
(providing you didn't upgrade any other equipment). When you go to your
formation screen, that character should now have two Excaliburs.

Adjust screen brightness:
In the Sound Novel, press L1 to increase brightness, R1 to decrease

Hidden Mode in the Book of Life:
After getting the Book of Life In Chapter 2, stop reading the book before the Good Ending, then
read through
the Book of Life again, a hidden mode "Score Challenge Mode" will appear, in which you can play
Chocobo Race to earn gold coins.

BGM Test Mode:
At the beginning, enter "BGMXXXX" as your name, then you will enter the BGM Test Mode.

Get Cloud:
This tip must be done during Chapter Four. Not that you should have about six empty
spaces in your formation screen before attempting this.

1.Go to Zeltennia Castle and listen to the rumor called "Cursed Island"
2.Buy a flower from Aeris at Zarghidas Trade City then go to Goug machine city with
Mustadio. The screen will fade and go to a scene of Mustadio, Ramza and a steel
3.Go to the bar in Goland Coal City and listen to the rumor of the "Ghost of
4.After this, go to Lesalia Imperia and the screen should shown a scene of a bar.
When you leave, invite Beowulf to join your party.
5.Now that you have Beowulf, go to Goland Coal City and you will fight 4 battles
here and save Reis. After you save Reis you will get a Zodiac Stone that will trigger
the steel ball.
6.Return to Goug Machine City again and add the Robot to your party.
7.Now that you have the robot, go to Nelveska Temple. You will fight another robot
kill him and you will recieve a stone that will bring Cloud to your world.
8.Now go back to Goug Machine City and you will trigger the time portal machine
and it will suck Cloud from the future bringing him to your world.
9.Now go to Zarghidas Trade City and save Cloud from the thieves that are punking
Aeris. Note: if this part didn't work make sure that you killed Dycerag and his
Zodiac Soul Adramelk.
When Cloud joins your party all he can do is defend and attack. You'll need to find his
Materia Blade so that he can use all of his limit attacks from Final Fantasy VII.
The Materia Blade is located in the Bervania Volcano. Set your party's on Move-Find
Item Then go to the highest tall rock and go to the top of it.

Stephen Pastor

Alternate :How to get Cloud:
In chapter four, Someone to Love, after battle #53= Nelveska Temple go to Goug
Machine City where Cloud will appear then disappear. Then go to Zarghidas Trade
City where you will see and fight with Cloud. This is a pretty easy battle
against 2 squires 3 thieves and 1 monk. I recommend using Beowolf, Meliadoul,
Ramza, and Orlandu for this battle.

Marcucus Stroud []

Instantly Kill Undead:
To instantly kill an undead (ghouls, skeletons, etc), simply throw them a
pheonix down. You will never miss and they'll die instantly!

Rebel1031 (

Mime Job:
The requirement for the job mime is level 8 item user, level 8 beginner knight, level 5
summoner, level 5 talker, level 5 Fu-sui-shi (Element user) and level 5 dragon knight.

Hiro Kanno (

Sometimes when you go to the bar and accept a mission, you will get a book. You
can use that book to play a little mini game. There are four books in all.

Hiro Kanno (

Quick Level Up and Job Points:
To level up fast, first learn the squire skill "accumulate" for 300 jobpoints.
Then learn the job skill "jp up", then go into a battle. Note: you can re-enter
monster battles and keep fighting them as long as you want, just find a green
dot on the main map and walk over it until you fight, but be careful because the
monsters level up each battle. Once you have the battle under control, kill all
but 1 enemy. Then use the "accumulate" skill over and over again until you have
your desired level.

Mark (

Ultimate Summon:
After beating the battle in the holy land of Myurond, go to the seaport Wo-jirius.
Following an short event you can go into Dieve dungeon, and from the tenth floor of the
basement you will be able to learn the ultimate summon (equivalent to Knights of the
Round from FFVII.)

Hiro Kanno (

Zodiac Stones:
Aries, acquired after defeating Wiegraf.
Taurus, Found hidden in Goug Machine city.
Gemini, acquiered after beating Duke Elmdor in Limberry castle.
Cancer, acquired after beating the steel giant.
Libra, in the possession of thunder god Cid.
Scorpio, acquired after vanquishing Draclau.
Sagittarius, The high priest gives this stone to Meliadoul.
Capricorn, Acquired after defeating Dycedarg.
Aquarius, found in the deep coal mine in Goland.
Pisces, given to Alma by Izlude while he was dying.
Leo, Elidibs has it in the last deep dungeon level.
Virgo, Altima possess the last stone in the Graveyard of Airships.

Mark (
Building the Perfect
Have some of your party members learn the Monk skill and Move HP. Next, change
them to Lancers and learn the Level and Vertical Jumps. Then, switch them to
ninjas and learn the Two Swords skill. When they become Samurais, your party
members will now be able dodge arrow attacks, gain hit points while moving, and
deliver two powerful sword attacks to an enemy. Learning a Counterstrike skill
is also recommended.

Building the Perfect Magic User:
When you start the game, be sure to have all your Squire's JP points and skills
up. Switch them to Chemists and learn the Potion and Phoenix Down skills. When
the Chemists get to level two, switch them all to Wizards and equip the Item
skill as your secondary power. Be sure to keep your party members as Wizards
until they have reached third level Fire, Ice, and Bolt spells. Then, turn your
Wizards back into Priests until they reach level two. Next, turn them all into
Oracles and learn the Move MP Up skill. After that, turn all of your Oracles
into Time Mages. After a while, you'll be able to turn your Time Mages into
Summoners. Learn the skill, Half Mp. After all this has been done, your party
members should be regenerating Mp while they walk, and you should be able to use
spells at a lower casting rate. For example, a Wizard with 43 Mp can cast Fire
4, twice in a row. Another example is the Summoners. Get all these skills lined
up and you'll be able to cast spells like Titan and Bahamut multiple times. And
when you have three, even five, members doing this, the end results are

Four Dancers and a Mime - a fun party:
When you start the game, switch Ramza to a Chemist, and make sure you have four
other female soldiers -- hire them if you have to. Turn the female soldiers into
Squires. When Ramza learns the Chemist skills Potion, Phoenix Down, Antidote,
and High Potion. By then his level should be at around level eight. Now, get all
four of the female Squires and turn them into Geomancers -- make sure they learn
a lot of the skills like Hell Ivy, etc. Keep changing their classes until they
become dancers, keeping the Elemental spells as a secondary skill. Be sure to
learn all the dances. Now, it's going to be a while until Ramza becomes a Mime,
so be sure to keep changing the female soldiers classes around so that they can
all become Calculators, keeping the Dance spells as their secondary skill.

Now here's where the action starts. When you have four Dancers and a Mime,
you'll now be able to attack a lot faster than most of your enemies. For
example, if you use Slow Dance, you can knock off as many as eight speed points
-- they're slow pokes! And since all the Elemental spells are free, meaning they
take no magic points, this team is especially lethal.

By this time, you should have at least one player that's eligible to become a
Bard or Dancer. As a mental note, Bards and Dancers gain JP really quickly and
learn their skills a little faster than everyone else. Be sure to build one of
the female Squires into a Calculator, and be sure to make one of the other one a
Mime. As a warning, you'll never make it through Chapter Four without one of the

Getting and Using Guns:
When you get to Irgos Castle, buy be sure to get a couple archers built up -- be
sure to learn Concentrate and all the Charges as soon as you can. When you get
to Chapter Two, you should come across a guy name Mustadio in Goug, the Machine
City. Buy some guns and change your Archers to Mediators. This will allow them
to use guns, and with the Concentrate and Charge abilities at your disposal,
you'll be able to pick off your enemies one by one.

Preparing for Chapter Four:
Without a Calculator, you will be defeated. So before going into the final
battle at Orbonne Monastery, be sure to have Demi 2 (Time Mage) and Petrify
(Oracle). These spells will help you out immensely. Math skills rule. The more
you have, the better off you are. Also, be sure to have a Mime. They're perfect
back-up for your Calculators.

Making the preparations:
Now that you have your party lined up, make sure your levels are built up and
your supplies are stocked. The best place to do this is after the battle at
Murond Holy Place. In fact, this is the time where you can acquire Cloud.

Be sure to keep those Holy Knights beefed up, especially Orlandu. His sword
skills are unmatched and super strong.

Past Chapter Four:
Once you get past Chapter Four, the maps and terrain get a little tougher. If
you have Lancers, their Ignore Height ability is really useful against any
hand-to-hand combatant.

Ninjas are also good to have, or at least some of their skills. Especially if
you rely in sword users. The Two Swords ability allows a player to equip two
swords at once.

Obtaining the Ultima Spell:
Once you get to Chapter Four, make sure Ramza is a Squire. He cannot be in any
other job class. When you battle the assassins on the roof at Riovanes Castle,
they need to cast the Ultima spell on Ramza before he can learn it. Be careful,
though, if you kill the assassins, they'll turn into Ultima Demons. Eventually,
Ramza will learn the spell.

Here's How to Get Cloud in Your Party:

1. Go to the bar in Zeltennia Castle located in the Northeast part of the map.
Listen to the rumor of the Cursed Island, Nelveska. When you get back to the
World Map, you should see a path extend to the island to the north. You won't be
able to enter it yet.

2. Go to Trade City Zarghidos and buy a flower from the girl (Aeris).

3. Go to Goug Machine City with Mustadio in your party. He and Basrodio should
discover a ball-shaped machine.

4. Go to the bar in Goland Coal City and listen to the Ghost of Colliery rumor.
There should be a reward posted.

5. Go to Lesalia Imperial Capital. When you talk with Beowulf, choose the second
answer and he should join your party along with his Holy Dragon.

6. Go to Goland Coal City, which should now be an orange dot, and there will be
three battles you'll have to face in the underground floors of Colliery. Now,
when the fourth battle begins, you will need to protect the Holy Dragon. At the
end of the battle, Band will join your party and you should receive the Zodiac
Stone from Beowulf.

7. Go back to Goug. When you enter the town, Basrodio and Mustadio will be
messing around with a machine, which will turn into a robot and join your party.

8. Go to the Nelveska Temple. You'll fight a robot and you'll get another Zodiac
Stone and The Holy Dragon should transform into the Dragoneer.

9. Go to Goug again and the strange machine should be working now with the
Zodiac Stone. Cloud will be summoned and he'll take off for now.

10. Fight your brother Dycedarg and then the monster he transforms into,

11. Go back to Zarghidas Trade City. Your goal will be to protect Cloud, who is
unarmed, from the same gang that attacked Aeris. Cloud should join your party
after this victory.

12. Go to the active volcano at Bervenia and keep walking back and forth until
you get into a battle. In this battle, have someone with the Move Item Find
skill. Have that person climb the highest rock tower in the battlefield. (Must
possess a level 3 Jump or higher)You will receive the Materia Blade. This will
allow you to use Cloud's Limit skill. And you'll be surprised to see that all of
his limit breaks are from Final Fantasy VII. *Note: Cloud will not be able to
use his Limit skills if you don't find his sword and equip it.

Using Fur Shops and Poached Items:
Thieves are really underrated. Not only can they steal your
weapons and armor, but they can also steal the skin off your
back. The Thief class can earn a skill called the Secret Hunt
that allows you to steal animal skins. You can sell these
poached items at the Fur Shop located in various towns.

Animal Item

Ahriman Magic Shuriken
Behemoth Defense Armlet
Black Chocobo Eye Drop
Black Goblin Small Mantle or Hi-Potion or
Blue Dragon Cashmere
Bomb Fire Ball
Bone Snatch Hi-Potion or Partisan
Bull Demon Battle or Giant Axe
Chocobo Phoenix Down
Cocatoris Soft
Cuar Soft
Dark Behemoth Wizard Rod
Dragon Jade Armlet
Explosure Lightning Ball
Ghoul Ether
Goblin Potion
Great Morbo Ice Sheild or Elixir
Grenade Hi-Potion or Water Ball
Gust Hi-Potion or Mind Gauche
Hydra Blood Sword
Juravis Potion
King Behemoth Cherche (Always: Float and
Reflect, Women's Perfume)
Living Bone Wizard or Elf Mantle
Mind Flare Hi-Ether
Minitaurus Coral Sword
Morbol Platina Messer
Ochu NKai Armlet
Pisco Demon Echo Grass
Red Chocobo Barette
Red Dragon Salty Rage (Always: Protect and
Shell, Women's Perfume)
Revnant Hi-Ether
Red Panther Antidote
Sacred Holy Lance or Ivory Rod
Skeleton Holy Water or Ether
Squidlarkin Small Mantle or Sleep Sword
Steel Hawk Phoenix Down
Taiju Defense Ring
Trent Gold Staff or Fairy Harp (Attack
Power: 15 Evade: 10% Range: 3
Add: Charm Equip: Bard)
Vampire Holy Water or C Bag
Woodman Eye Drop

Chocobo Guide:
Chocobos vary in many ways -- they're not just a bunch of useless birds. We've
compiled a Chocobo guide showing the strengths and weaknesses of each kind of

The Yellow Chocobo:
The Yellow Chocobo is used for defensive purposes only. It has unlimited Chocobo
cures. This guy comes in handy when you're all out of healing spells and items.
This one is very useful when you're first starting off.

The Black Chocobo:
The Black Chocobo has the most hit-points and striking power out of all the
Chocobos -- need we say more.

The Red Chocobo:
The Red Chocobo is the best one out of them all. There are two ways of getting
it: having it born into your party or inviting (Mediators - Invite skill) it
into your party during battle. And once these suckers start gaining spells, they
become a pretty lethal force.

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Stealing Guide

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US Version: All Characters at Level 99 at Boss Stage.

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Dancer Guide

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Speed Guide

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Character Setups

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Job Requirements

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