NeverWinter Nights - Hordes of the Underdark

NeverWinter Nights - Hordes of the Underdark

16.10.2013 09:55:21
Hordes of the Underdark Merchant Guide
Game Version: 1.61.8042
Guide Version: 1.55
By: Jake Zahn
Date: 1/24/2004

Table of Contents

Chapter 1
White Thesta (Temple)
Argali Arms (Weapons/Armour)
Blacksmith (Crafting)
Sobrey (Magic)
Chapter 2
Lith My'athar
Rizolvir (Weapons/Armour)
High Wizard Gulhrys (Magic)
Isle of the Maker
Duergar Merchant (Scrolls/Miscellaneous)
Artuur (Magic)
Drearing's Deep
Duergar Merchant (Crafting)
Cult Knight (Potions)
Chapter 3
Quarry Office
Gru'ul (Weapons/Armour/Scrolls)
Hellbreath Tavern
Tavern Keeper (Potions/Miscellaneous)
Rizolvir (Weapons/Armour)


This guide's basic purpose is to show you where to sell your stuff for the best
prices. In some cases, with a high enough appraise skil, you can acualy buy for
less then you sell.


Any websites wishing to post this guide may do so as long as no content is
altered in any way, shape, or form.
Copyright 2004 Jake Zahn


Version 0.4 - 1/14/04
First version
Most chapter 1 merchants tested
1 chapter 2 merchant tested
Basic statistics for chapters 1, 2, & 3 merchants

Version 0.7 - 1/15/04
Chapter 2 merchants tested
Minor formating fix
Minor spelling fix
Fixed Overview section
Added Making Money section
Updated F.A.Q. section
Fixed margins

Version 0.9 - 1/16/04
Chapter 3 merchants tested
Updated Overview, F.A.Q, Request, & Making Money sections

Version 1.0 - 1/17/04
Volkarion Tested
Updated Requests, F.A.Q, and Overview Sections
Added Game Version

Version 1.15 - 1/18/04
Added Inventory Lists for chapter 1 merchants
Spelling/wording fixes

Version 1.3 - 1/19/04
Added Inventory Lists for most chapter 2 merchants

Version 1.4 - 1/20/04
Added White Thesta's inventory
Finished chapter 2 inventories
Yet more spelling fixes

Version 1.5 - 1/21/04
Removed Volkarion's chapter 2 inventory
Finished chapter 3 inventories
Fixed armor list spelling errors
Slight format fix

Version 1.55 - 1/24/04
Gave Volkarion his own section
Finished Volkarion testing
Updated Legal section
Fixed some spelling errors


Each entry will look something like this:
Merchant Name: 100%/50% Stolen: 25% Max Sale: 7500
Low: 1(1%) Avg: 10(8%) High: 20(17%)
Expanded: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20

Merchant Name: = Name of merchant being described
100%/50% = Selling/Buying multiplier for items, multiply the base cost of the
item by the percentile listed here to get the (pre-appraise roll)
merchant cost/price
Stolen: = Percentile applied when selling (not buying) trap kits
Max Sale = Highest value they will buy an item at
*!Low: = Lowest sale value I've gotten
*!Avg: = The average of the 20 values I've gotten
*!High: = Highest sale value I've gotten
*Expanded: = The acual 20 sale values, in order, that i've gotten in my testing

*These values are based on selling a Potion of Endurance (Base Cost=120) with
an appraise skill modifier of +12 (10 ranks plus 2 for INT 14). Higher
appraise values will translate into better sale prices (the reverse is also

!The percentiles in parenthesis show aproximately what percentage of the base
cost your selling the item at.

MERCHANTS - Chapter 1


White Thesta: 150%/12% Stolen: N/A Max Sale: 7500
Low: 30(25%) Avg: 36(30%) High: 40(33%)
Expanded: 40,40,30,37,34,38,39,30,31,40,40,40,30,32,36,39,38,33,38,38

Argali Arms: 150%/35% Stolen: N/A Max Sale: 7500
Low: 44(37%) Avg: 55(46%) High: 64(53%)
Expanded: 55,60,56,56,56,48,48,61,44,61,49,55,52,49,55,58,64,52,58,61

Blacksmith: 100%/65% Stolen: N/A Max Sale: 500
Low: 85(71%) Avg: 92(77%) High: 100(83%)
Expanded: 99,90,96,86,96,85,91,91,94,97,94,91,91,88,100,88,99,97,86,91

Sobrey: 150%/35% Stolen: N/A Max Sale: 7500
Low: 57(47%) Avg: 63(53%) High: 68(57%)
Expanded: 67,60,66,58,62,57,57,63,62,64,68,68,64,62,64,67,66,67,57,67

MERCHANTS - Chapter 2

Lith My'athar

Rizolvir: 150%/35% Stolen: N/A Max Sale: 10000
Low: 46(38%) Avg: 54(45%) High: 62(52%)
Expanded: 58,56,55,44,56,52,54,55,50,60,57,46,52,58,57,60,46,55,57,62

High Wizard Gulhrys: 150%/35% Stolen: N/A Max Sale: 10000
Low: 40(33%) Avg: 50(42%) High: 57(47%)
Expanded: 49,57,44,49,44,40,51,46,56,56,49,50,44,52,50,51,52,56,54,46

Isle of the Maker

Duergar Merchant: 100%/65% Stolen: N/A Max Sale: 10000
Low: 80(67%) Avg: 91(76%) High: 96(80%)
Expanded: 88,91,86,80,94,88,92,91,97,93,92,96,96,88,88,86,96,90,94,96


Artuur: 150%/35% Stolen: N/A Max Sale: 10000
Low: 40(33%) Avg: 52(43%) High: 60(50%)
Expanded: 50,56,52,56,57,44,57,46,43,60,58,49,57,58,51,55,45,46,55,40

Drearing's Deep

Duegar Merchant: 100%/65% Stolen: N/A Max Sale: 10000
Low: 81(67%) Avg: 90(75%) High: 102(85%)
Expanded: 81,86,85,90,97,92,96,90,99,88,81,88,90,93,102,90,87,90,82,88

Cult Knight: 100%/65% Stolen: N/A Max Sale: 10000
Low: 81(67%) Avg: 91(76%) High: 99(82%)
Expanded: 94,92,96,94,92,88,99,85,98,88,84,88,98,85,97,90,98,90,86,81

MERCHANTS - Chapter 3

Quarry Office

Gru'ul: 100%/50% Stolen: 25% Max Sale: 50000
Low: 60(50%) Avg: 60(50%) High: 60(50%)
Expanded: Not effected by appraise value, always 60

Hellbreath Tavern

Tavern Keeper: 100%/50% Stolen: 25% Max Sale: 50000
Low: 60(50%) Avg: 60(50%) High: 60(50%)
Expanded: Not effected by appraise value, always 60

Rizolvir: 100%/50% Stolen: N/A Max Sale: 50000
Low: 67(56%) Avg: 72(60%) High: 79(66%)
Expanded: 70,67,76,70,72,75,78,70,73,70,69,79,75,75,75,68,75,69,74,69


For characters with an appraise value less then 5, it is best to sell to either
the Tavern Keeper or Gru'ul in chapter 3. Since their prices are not affected
by appraise.

For characters with an appraise value of 5-20, the best merchants to sell items
that are worth less then 10,000g are the two chapter 2 Duergar Merchants. For
traps, sell to either Gru'ul or the Tavern Keeper. For everything else, sell
to Rizolvir in chapter 3.

For chacters with a 21+ appraise value it is best to sell items that are worth
less then 10,000g to either the Duegar Merchants or Cult Knights in chapter 2.
Traps should go to Gru'ul or the Tavern Keeper. Everything else goes to
Rizolvir in chapter 3.


Chapter 1

Volkarion: 150%/25% Stolen: 15% Max Sale: 5000
Low: 27(22%) Avg: 38(32%) High: 48(40%)
Expanded: 38,43,27,43,30,40,45,32,42,48,38,37,43,36,43,28,42,40,32,39

Chapter 2

Volkarion: 150%/25% Stolen: 15% Max Sale: 10000
Low: 27(22%) Avg: 38(32%) High: 48(40%)
Expanded: 38,38,34,43,43,34,27,34,37,38,38,36,43,39,46,45,40,48,36,32

Chapter 3

Volkarion: 150%/25% Stolen: 15% Max Sale: 15000
Low: 28(23%) Avg: 38(39%) High: 46(38%)
Expanded: 32,43,28,39,39,36,43,37,34,38,42,38,40,36,44,40,37,46,37,46

Volkarion's store adds new items each chapter as long as you've played through
the chapter in question. If you just start a new game in chapter 2 then he will
only have his chapter 2 inventory, the same thing goes for starting a new game
in any other chapter.

Also, each time you summon him the game does a new appraise check, even if it
hasn't changed since the last time he was summoned.

His inventory list is also interesting. It seems to be run by a unique script
that checks what chapter your in, what's currently in the inventory, and your
character class and level to determine what acualy shows up. Due to this fact,
the inventory lists presented below are only the items that are garenteed to
show up. Other items will appear depending apon the variables listed earlier.


As you may or may not have noticed, certain merchants in the game will sell
things for cheaper then they'll buy them for. This basically lets you earn
unlimited gold.

The merchants to go to depend on your appraise score. The Blacksmith, Duegar
Merchants, and Cult Knight all seem to require an appraise skill of at least
12. Rizolvir in chapter 3 will require it to be a bit higher, as of
yet I don't know the exact amount required.

Merchants are listed in alphabetical order, so just use the find/search command
of your browser/word processor to jump to specific merchants.

Layout - Merchant Name: Chapter, Area, Building
Potions & Scrolls
Rings & Amulets

The number in paraenthesis is the base cost of the item multiplyed by the
merchant's base mark up value (Basically this is what the item would cost you
if you got a "neutral" on the appraise roll).

Volkarion - The items listed here are only the items he's garunteed to have.
Depending upon your level and class more items are added.


Argali: Chapter 1, Waterdeep, Argali's Arms
Banded Mail +1 (1284g)
Banded Mail +2 (4686g)
Banded Mail +3 (10518g)
Breastplate +1 (1209g)
Breastplate +2 (4611g)
Breastplate +3 (10443g)
Chain Shirt +2 (4536g)
Chain Shirt +3 (10368g)
Chainmail +2 (4611g)
Chainmail +3 (10433g)
Full Plate +1 (3234g)
Full Plate +2 (6636g)
Full Plate +3 (19441g)
Half Plate +1 (1884g)
Half Plate +2 (5286g)
Half Plate +3 (12468g)
Leather +2 (4401g)
Leather +3 (11118g)
Padded +2 (4393g)
Padded +3 (10225g)
Scale Mail +2 (4536g)
Scale Mail +3 (10368g)
Splint Mail +1 (1284g)
Splint Mail +2 (4686g)
Splint Mail +3 (10518g)
Studded Leather +2 (4408g)
Studded Leather +3 (10240g)
Greater Archer's Belt (28711g)
Greater Brawler's Belt (28711g)
Greater Swordsman's Belt (28711g)
Boots of Striding +1 (2161g)
Boots of Striding +2 (8641g)
Boots of Striding +3 (19441g)
Bracers of Dexterity +1 (2161g)
Bracers of Dexterity +2 (8641g)
Bracers of Dexterity +3 (19441g)
Gauntlets of Ogre Power (8641g)
Eyes of Petrification (93705g)
Pot Helmet (25g)
Watchman's Helm (15172g)
Large Shield +2 (4461g)
Large Shield +3 (10293g)
Small Shield +3 (10231g)
Tower Shield +2 (4536g)
Tower Shield +3 (10368g)
Bolt (1g)
Bolt +1 (409g)
Bolt +2 (1137g)
Bolt +3 (4548g)
Bolt, Frostbite (1137g)
Bolt, Piercing (2910g)
Bolt, Poison (23760g)
Bullet (1g)
Bullet +1 (409g)
Bullet +2 (1137g)
Bullet +3 (4548g)
Bullet, Fire (2910g)
Bullet, Screaming (5220g)
Club +1 (2430g)
Club +2 (10830g)
Club +3 (25233g)
Dagger +2 (10833g)
Dagger +3 (25236g)
Dart +1 (606g)
Dart +2 (2706g)
Dart +3 (6306g)
Heavy Crossbow +2 (2856g)
Heavy Crossbow +3 (6456g)
Light Crossbow +2 (2811g)
Light Crossbow +3 (6411g)
Mace +2 (10842g)
Mace +3 (25245g)
Morningstar +2 (10851g)
Morningstar +3 (25254g)
Quarterstaff +2 (10830g)
Quarterstaff +3 (25233g)
Sickle +2 (10845g)
Sickle +3 (25248g)
Sling +2 (2709g)
Sling +3 (6309g)
Spear +2 (10380g)
Spear +3 (25233g)
Arrow (1g)
Arrow +1 (409g)
Arrow +2 (1137g)
Arrow +3 (4548g)
Arrow, Acid (2910g)
Arrow, Ice (2910g)
Arrow, Poison (23760g)
Battleaxe +2 (10857g)
Battleaxe +3 (25260g)
Breath of the Maiden (25260g)
Cold Iron Blade (25014g)
Composite Longbow +2 (11340g)
Composite Longbow +3 (21690g)
Composite Shortbow +2 (11205g)
Composite Shortbow +3 (21555g)
Elven Court Bow (14415g)
Greataxe +2 (10887g)
Greataxe +3 (25290g)
Greatsword +2 (10977g)
Greatsword +3 (25380g)
Gruumsh Hand (19719g)
Halberd +2 (10857g)
Halberd +3 (25260g)
Handaxe +2 (10845g)
Handaxe +3 (25248g)
Heavy Flail +2 (10872g)
Heavy Flail +3 (25275g)
Light Flail +1 (2451g)
Light Flail +2 (10851g)
Light Hammer +1 (2430g)
Light Hammer +2 (10830g)
Light Hammer +3 (25233g)
Longbow +2 (2931g)
Longbow +3 (6531g)
Longsword +2 (10872g)
Longsword +3 (25275g)
Rapier +2 (10887g)
Rapier +3 (25290g)
Scimitar +2 (10872g)
Scimitar +3 (25275g)
Short Sword +2 (10857g)
Short Sword +3 (25260g)
Shortbow +2 (2796g)
Shortbow +3 (6396g)
Throwing Axe +1 (606g)
Throwing Axe +2 (2706g)
Throwing Axe +3 (6307g)
Warhammer +2 (10863g)
Warhammer +3 (25266g)
Woodcutter's Axe (25509g)
Bastard Sword +1 (2532g)
Bastard Sword +2 (10932g)
Bastard Sword +3 (25335g)
Dire Mace +2 (10947g)
Dire Mace +3 (25350g)
Double Axe +2 (10917g)
Double Axe +3 (25320g)
Dwarven Waraxe +3 (25320g)
Kama +2 (10833g)
Kama +3 (25236g)
Katana +2 (10947g)
Katana +3 (25350g)
Krotan's Sckullcrusher (9837g)
Kukri +2 (10851g)
Kukri +3 (25254g)
Scythe +2 (10881g)
Scythe +3 (25284g)
Shuriken +1 (606g)
Shuriken +2 (2706g)
Shuriken +3 (6307g)
Two-Bladed Sword +2 (11127g)
Two-Bladed Sword +3 (25530g)
Amulet of Natural Armor +3 (10219g)
Ring of Protection +2 (5484g)
Ring of Protection +3 (12774g)
Bomb, Acid (2250g)
Bomb, Fire (2250g)
Metal Dye, Black (150g)
Metal Dye, Bright Copper (150g)
Metal Dye, Light Gold (150g)
Torch (9g)

Artuur: Chapter 2, Zorvak'Mur, Main Area
Adventurer's Robe (9376g)
Greater Battle Robe (23641g)
Mage's Battle Robe (3286g)
Master Adventurer's Robe (43741g)
Robe of Acid Resistance (931g)
Robe of Cold Resistance (1216g)
Robe of Electrical Resistance (1539g)
Robe of Fire Resistance (1899g)
Robe of Light (241g)
Belt of Guiding Light (21660g)
Boots of Striding +4 (34561g)
Boots of Striding +5 (54001g)
Boots of Striding +6 (77761g)
Cloak of Fortification +4 (105463g)
Cloak of Fortification +5 (166480g)
Nymph Cloak +4 (34561g)
Nymph Cloak +5 (54001g)
Nymph Cloak +6 (77761g)
Bracers of Armor +4 (18481g)
Bracers of Armor +5 (29173g)
Bracers of Armor +6 (87784g)
Nasher's Gloves of Discipline (540g)
Bolt (1g)
Bolt +1 (409g)
Bolt +2 (1137g)
Bolt +3 (4548g)
Bolt, Fire (2910g)
Bolt, Frostbite (1137g)
Bolt, Lightning (1137g)
Bolt, Paralytic (1485g)
Bolt, Piercing (2910g)
Bullet (1g)
Bullet +1 (409g)
Bullet +2 (1137g)
Bullet +3 (4548g)
Bullet, Ice (2910g)
Bullet, Lightning (2910g)
Bullet, Smiting (2910g)
Club +3 (25233g)
Club +4 (45633g)
Club +5 (72033g)
Dagger +1 (2433)
Dagger +2 (10833g)
Dagger +3 (25236g)
Dagger +4 (45636g)
Dagger +5 (72036g)
Dart (1g)
Dart +3 (6306g)
Dart +4 (11406g)
Dart +5 (18006g)
Heavy Crossbow +3 (6456g)
Light Crossbow +3 (6411g)
Mace (15g)
Mace +3 (25245g)
Quarterstaff +3 (25233g)
Quarterstaff +4 (45633g)
Quarterstaff +5 (72033g)
Sickle +3 (25248g)
Sickle +4 (45648g)
Sickle +5 (72048g)
Sling (3g)
Cure Critical Wounds (420g)
Cure Serious Wounds (99g)
Potion of Antidote (450g)
Potion of Bull's Strength (180g)
Potion of Cat's Grace (180g)
Potion of Clarity (180g)
Potion of Eagle's Splendor (180g)
Potion of Endurance (180g)
Potion of Fox's Cunning (180g)
Potion of Heal (1980g)
Potion of Invisibility (180g)
Potion of Lore (180g)
Potion of Owl's Wisdom (180g)
Potion of Speed (450g)
Acid Fog (3565g)
Animate Dead (810g)
Chain Lightning (3565g)
Circle of Death (3565g)
Cloudkill (2431g)
Cone of Cold (1800g)
Control Undead (4915g)
Delayed Blast Fireball (4915g)
Dismissal (1512g)
Dominate Person (1512g)
Ethereal Visage (2431g)
Feeblemind (2431g)
Finger of Death (4915g)
Globe of Invulnerability (3565g)
Greater Dispelling (1890g)
Greater Planar Binding (6483g)
Greater Shadow Conjuration (2431g)
Greater Spell Breach (3565g)
Greater Spell Mantle (8265g)
Greater Stoneskin (3565g)
Hold Monster (1512g)
Horrid Wilting (6483g)
Incendiary Cloud (6483g)
Lesser Mind Blank (2431g)
Lesser Planar Binding (2431g)
Lesser Spell Mantle (2431g)
Mass Blindness/Deafness (6483g)
Mass Charm (6483g)
Mass Haste (3565g)
Mind Blank (6483g)
Mind Fog (2431g)
Mordenkainen's Sword (4915g)
Planar Binding (3565g)
Power Word, Stun (4915g)
Premonition (6483g)
Prismatic Spray (4915g)
Protection from Spells (4915g)
Shades (3565g)
Spell Mantle (4915g)
Summon Creature V (2431g)
Summon Creature VI (3565g)
Summon Creature VII (4915g)
Summon Creature VIII (6483g)
Tenser's Transformation (3565g)
True Seeing (2431g)
Amulet of Natural Armor +4 (18481g)
Amulet of Natural Armor +5 (29173g)
Amulet of Natural Armor +6 (87784g)
Amulet of Will +4 (9640g)
Amulet of Will +5 (15217g)
Amulet of Will +6 (45789g)
Scarab of Protection +4 (35649g)
Scarab of Protection +5 (56247g)
Scarab of Protection +6 (169336g)
Ironskin Ring (81676g)
Ring of Clear Thought +4 (43201g)
Ring of Clear Thought +5 (67501g)
Ring of Clear Thought +6 (97201g)
Ring of Protection +4 (23101g)
Ring of Protection +5 (36466g)
Ring of Protection +6 (109729g)
Ring of Resistance +3 (30376g)
Coldstone (30g)
Healer's Kit +3 (91g)
Healer's Kit +6 (141g)
Light Gem, Green (15g)
Light Gem, Red (15g)
Light Gem, Purple (15g)
Quartz Crystal (15g)
Skeleton's Knuckle (1g)
Thunderstone (60g)

Blacksmith: Chapter 1, Waterdeep, Argali's Arms
Bar of Iron (10g)
Bar of Steel (10g)
Bolt of Cloth (3g)
Cloth Dye, Dark Blue (50g)
Cloth Dye, Dark Red (50g)
Feathers (6g)
Leather Hide (11g)
Leather Dye, Light Blue (50g)
Leather Dye, Light Red (50g)
Metal Dye, Bright Green (100g)
Metal Dye, Dark Gold (100g)
Metal Dye, Dark Iron (100g)
Plank of Elm Wood (8g)
Plank of Oak Wood (6g)

Cult Knight: Chapter 2, Drearing's Deep, Main Area
Potion of Antidote (300g)
Potion of Cure Light Wounds (20g)
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (33g)
Potion of Lesser Restoration (120g)
Healer's Kit +1 (51g)
Torch (6g)

Duergar Merchant: Chapter 2, Drearing's Deep, Main Area
Potion of Antidote (300g)
Potion of Clarity (120g)
Potion of Lesser Restoration (120g)
Potion of Lore (120g)
Acid Flask (20g)
Alchemist's Fire (20g)
Bar of Iron (10g)
Bar of Mithral (970g)
Bar of Steel (10g)
Choking Powder (40g)
Caltrops (20g)
Healer's Kit +1 (51g)
Healer's Kit +3 (61g)
Healer's Kit +6 (94g)
Healer's Kit +10 (172g)
Tanglefoot Bag (60g)
Thieves' Tools +1 (15g)
Thieves' Tools +3 (140g)
Thieves' Tools +6 (562g)
Thieves' Tools +12 (2250g)

Duergar Merchant: Chapter 2, Isle of the Maker, Main Area
Magical Potion Bottle (5g)
Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (66g)
Potion of Lore (120g)
Blank Scroll (5g)
Greater Sanctuary (3277g)
Greater Spell Breach (2377g)
Minor Globe of Invulnerability (1008g)
Prismatic Spray (3277g)
Summon Creature VII (3277g)
True Seeing (1621g)
Bone Wand (1g)
Acid Flack (20g)
Alchemist's Fire (20g)
Bag of Holding (2265g)
Bar of Mithral (970g)
Bar of Iron (10g)
Bar of Steel (10g)
Bomb, Acid (1500g)
Bomb, Fire (1500g)
Coldstone (20g)
Light Gem, Blue (10g)
Skeleton's Knuckle (1g)
Thieves' Tools +3 (140g)
Thieves' Tools +10 (1562g)
Thunderstone (40g)

Gru'ul: Chapter 3, Cania, Quarry Office
Chain Shirt +6 (58622g)
Chainmail +6 (58672g)
Full Plate +5 (20948g)
Half Plate +5 (20048g)
Hide Armor +6 (58537g)
Leather +6 (58532g)
Padded +6 (58526g)
Robes of the Shining hand +5 (19449g)
Robes of the Shining hand +7 (98010g)
Studded Leather +6 (58537g)
Belt of Agility +10 (256001g)
Belt of Storm Giant Strength (144001g)
Boots of Reflexes +10 (285610g)
Boots of Striding +6 (51841g)
Boots of Striding +7 (70561g)
Boots of the Shifting Sands (66251g)
Dragon Slippers (23523g)
Gargoyle Boots (22375g)
Bracers of Armor +10 (547560g)
Bracers of Dexterity +6 (51842g)
Bracers of Dexterity +7 (70561g)
Gloves of the Hin Fist +7 (60451g)
Gloves of the Hin Fist +10 (255201g)
Gloves of the Long Death +10 (255201g)
Gloves of the Yellow Rose +7 (40641g)
Gloves of the Yellow Rose +10 (272251g)
Crown of thorns (377315g)
Eyes of Petrification (62470g)
Large Shield +6 (58572g)
Shield of Prator (177206g)
Small Shield +6 (58531g)
Tower Shield +5 (19548g)
Aiedo Wither-Stick +8 (544502g)
Bane of the Undead (189006g)
Bolt +1 (273g)
Bolt +2 (758g)
Bolt +3 (3032g)
Bolt, Piercing (1940g)
Bullet +1 (273g)
Bullet +2 (758g)
Bullet +3 (3032g)
Bullet, Fire (1940g)
Bullet, Screaming (3480g)
Club +6 (144502g)
Dagger +6 (144504g)
Dart +6 (36124g)
Drone +8 (537934g)
Fey Spear +8 (605520g)
Fiery power Quarterstaff (346148g)
Gladiator's Club +8 (528126g)
Heavy Crossbow +6 (36224g)
Leech +8 (541208g)
Light Crossbow +6 (36194g)
Mace +6 (144510g)
Mace of Disruption +8 (503246g)
Morningstar +6 (144516g)
Quarterstaff +6 (144502g)
Sickle +6 (144512g)
Sling +6 (36126g)
Spear +6 (144502g)
Aramil's Blade (1188650g)
Arrow +1 (273g)
Arrow +2 (758g)
Arrow +3 (3032g)
Arrow, Ice (1940g)
Axe for the Tall Kin +8 (564538g)
Battle Legion Bow (557840g)
Battleaxe +6 (144520g)
Composite Longbow +6 (120274g)
Composite Shortbow +6 (120184g)
Desert Wind +8 (576330g)
Feyduster +8 (578020g)
Foundation +8 (578016g)
Greataxe +6 (144540g)
Greatsword +6 (144600g)
Halberd +6 (144520g)
Handaxe +6 (144512g)
Harbringer Kin +8 (576400g)
Heavy Flail +6 (144530g)
Ice Reaver +8 (531390g)
Ironwood Mace +8 (524960g)
Light Flail +6 (144516g)
Light Hammer +6 (144502g)
Longbow +6 (36274g)
Longsword +6 (144530g)
Namarra (Neversleep) +8 (578040g)
North Wind Bow +8 (505768g)
Rapier +6 (144540g)
Ravager +8 (521664g)
Reaver +8 (576330g)
Scimitar +6 (144530g)
Sentinal +8 (556264g)
Short Sword +6 (144520g)
Shortbow +6 (36184g)
Stonefire Axe +8 (576340g)
Storm +8 (574606g)
Throwing Axe +6 (36125g)
Warhammer +6 (144524g)
Axe of the Dwark Lord (646980g)
Bastard Sword +6 (144570g)
Cutting Star +8 (571234g)
Dire Mace +6 (144580g)
Double Axe +6 (144560g)
Harvest Axe (1152060g)
Imaskari Kama +8 (512004g)
Kama +6 (144504g)
Katana +6 (144580g)
Kukri +6 (144516g)
Scythe +6 (144536g)
Sea Reaver +8 (502148g)
Shuriken +6 (36125g)
Sword Saint Legacy (466730g)
Two-Bladed Sword +5 (48220g)
Two-Bladed Sword +6 (144700g)
Potion of Antidote (300g)
Potion of Cure Critical Wounds (280g)
Potion of Heal (1320g)
Potion of Lesser Restoration (120g)
Potion of Lore (120g)
Black Blade of Disaster (5510g)
Blackstaff (4322g)
Mestil's Acid Sheath (960g)
Meteor Storm (5510g)
Resurrection (3277g)
Time Stop (5510g)
Undeath to Death (2377g)
Amulet of Natural Armor +7 (98010g)
Amulet of the Master (43560g)
Scarab of Protection +8 (306251g)
Scarab of Protection +9 (400001g)
Scarab of Protection +10 (1056251g)
Ring of Fortitude +10 (357012g)
Ring of Major Sonic Resistance (15313g)
Ring of Protection +6 (73153g)
Ring of Protection +7 (122512g)
Ring of Protection +8 (198450g)
Ring of Protection +9 (259200g)
Rod of Resurrection (30713g)
Velox Berry (500g)
Bomb, Acid (1500g)
Bomb, Fire (1500g)
Alchemist's Flask (20g)
Torch of the Velox berry (32767g)

Gulhrys, High Wizard: Chapter 2, Lith My'athar, City Core
Adventurer's Robe (9376g)
Greater Battle Robe (23641g)
Mage's Battle Robe (3286g)
Master Adventurer's Robe (43741g)
Robe of Acid Resistance (931g)
Robe of Cold Resistance (1216g)
Robe of Electrical Resistance (1539g)
Robe of Fire Resistance (1899g)
Robe of Light (241g)
Belt of Guiding Light (21660g)
Boots of Striding +4 (34561g)
Boots of Striding +5 (54001g)
Boots of Striding +6 (77761g)
Cloak of Fortification +4 (105463g)
Cloak of Fortification +5 (166480g)
Nymph Cloak +4 (34561g)
Nymph Cloak +5 (54001g)
Nymph Cloak +6 (77761g)
Bracers of Armor +4 (18481g)
Bracers of Armor +5 (29173g)
Bracers of Armor +6 (87784g)
Bolt (1g)
Bolt +1 (409g)
Bolt +2 (1137g)
Bolt +3 (4548g)
Bolt, Fire (2910g)
Bolt, Frostbite (1137g)
Bolt, Lightning (1137g)
Bolt, Paralytic (1485g)
Bolt, Piercing (2910g)
Bullet (1g)
Bullet +1 (409g)
Bullet +2 (1137g)
Bullet +3 (4548g)
Bullet, Ice (2910g)
Bullet, Lightning (2910g)
Bullet, Smiting (2910g)
Club +3 (25233g)
Club +4 (45633g)
Club +5 (72033g)
Dagger +1 (2433)
Dagger +2 (10833g)
Dagger +3 (25236g)
Dagger +4 (45636g)
Dagger +5 (72036g)
Dart (1g)
Dart +3 (6306g)
Dart +4 (11406g)
Dart +5 (18006g)
Heavy Crossbow +3 (6456g)
Light Crossbow +3 (6411g)
Mace (15g)
Mace +3 (25245g)
Quarterstaff +3 (25233g)
Quarterstaff +4 (45633g)
Quarterstaff +5 (72033g)
Sickle +3 (25248g)
Sickle +4 (45648g)
Sickle +5 (72048g)
Sling (3g)
Forever (269550g)
Cure Critical Wounds (420g)
Cure Serious Wounds (99g)
Potion of Antidote (450g)
Potion of Bull's Strength (180g)
Potion of Cat's Grace (180g)
Potion of Clarity (180g)
Potion of Eagle's Splendor (180g)
Potion of Endurance (180g)
Potion of Fox's Cunning (180g)
Potion of Heal (1980g)
Potion of Invisibility (180g)
Potion of Lore (180g)
Potion of Owl's Wisdom (180g)
Potion of Speed (450g)
Acid Fog (3565g)
Animate Dead (810g)
Bigby's Clenched Fist (6483g)
Bigby's Crushing Hand (8265g)
Chain Lightning (3565g)
Circle of Death (3565g)
Cloudkill (2431g)
Cone of Cold (1800g)
Control Undead (4915g)
Delayed Blast Fireball (4915g)
Dismissal (1512g)
Dominate Person (1512g)
Ethereal Visage (2431g)
Feeblemind (2431g)
Finger of Death (4915g)
Globe of Invulnerability (3565g)
Greater Dispelling (1890g)
Greater Planar Binding (6483g)
Greater Sanctuary (4915g)
Greater Shadow Conjuration (2431g)
Greater Spell Breach (3565g)
Greater Spell Mantle (8265g)
Greater Stoneskin (3565g)
Hold Monster (1512g)
Horrid Wilting (6483g)
Incendiary Cloud (6483g)
Lesser Planar Binding (2431g)
Lesser Spell Mantle (2431g)
Mass Blindness/Deafness (6483g)
Mass Charm (6483g)
Mass Haste (3565g)
Mind Blank (6483g)
Mind Fog (2431g)
Mordenkainen's Sword (4915g)
Planar Binding (3565g)
Power Word, Stun (4915g)
Premonition (6483g)
Prismatic Spray (4915g)
Protection from Spells (4915g)
Raise Dead (2431g)
Resurrection (4915g)
Shades (3565g)
Spell Mantle (4915g)
Summon Creature V (2431g)
Summon Creature VI (3565g)
Summon Creature VII (4915g)
Summon Creature VIII (6483g)
Tenser's Transformation (3565g)
Time Stop (8265g)
True Seeing (2431g)
Amulet of Natural Armor +4 (18481g)
Amulet of Natural Armor +5 (29173g)
Amulet of Natural Armor +6 (87784g)
Amulet of Will +4 (9640g)
Amulet of Will +5 (15217g)
Amulet of Will +6 (45789g)
Scarab of Protection +4 (35649g)
Scarab of Protection +5 (56247g)
Scarab of Protection +6 (169336g)
Ironskin Ring (81676g)
Ring of Clear Thought +4 (43201g)
Ring of Clear Thought +5 (67501g)
Ring of Clear Thought +6 (97201g)
Ring of Protection +4 (23101g)
Ring of Protection +5 (36466g)
Ring of Protection +6 (109729g)
Ring of Resistance +3 (30376g)
Rod of Resurrection (46069g)
Cloth Dye, Black (75g)
Cloth Dye, Bleach (75g)
Cloth Dye, Dark Blue (75g)
Cloth Dye, Dark Brown (75g)
Cloth Dye, Dark Green (75g)
Cloth Dye, Dark Grey (75g)
Cloth Dye, Dark Orange (75g)
Cloth Dye, Dark Red (75g)
Cloth Dye, Dark Turquoise (75g)
Cloth Dye, Gold (75g)
Cloth Dye, Light Blue (75g)
Cloth Dye, Light Green (75g)
Cloth Dye, Light Grey (75g)
Cloth Dye, Light Orange (75g)
Cloth Dye, Light Red (75g)
Cloth Dye, Light Turquoise (75g)
Cloth Dye, Pink (75g)
Cloth Dye, Purple (75g)
Cloth Dye, Yellow (75g)
Coldstone (30g)
Healer's Kit +3 (91g)
Healer's Kit +6 (141g)
Healer's Kit +10 (258g)
Quartz Crystal (15g)
Skeleton's Knuckle (1g)
Thunderstone (60g)

Rizolvir: Chapter 2, Lith My'athar, City Core
Banded Mail +1 (1284g)
Banded Mail +2 (4686g)
Banded Mail +3 (10518g)
Breastplate +1 (1209g)
Breastplate +2 (4611g)
Breastplate +3 (10443g)
Chain Shirt +1 (1134g)
Chain Shirt +2 (4536g)
Chain Shirt +3 (10368g)
Chainmail +1 (1209g)
Chainmail +2 (4611g)
Chainmail +3 (10433g)
Full Plate +1 (3234g)
Full Plate +2 (6636g)
Full Plate +3 (19441g)
Half Plate +1 (1884g)
Half Plate +2 (5286g)
Half Plate +3 (12468g)
Leather +1 (999g)
Leather +2 (4401g)
Leather +3 (11118g)
Padded +1 (991g)
Padded +2 (4393g)
Padded +3 (10225g)
Scale Mail +1 (1134g)
Scale Mail +2 (4536g)
Scale Mail +3 (10368g)
Splint Mail +1 (1284g)
Splint Mail +2 (4686g)
Splint Mail +3 (10518g)
Studded Leather +1 (1006g)
Studded Leather +2 (4408g)
Studded Leather +3 (10240g)
Greater Archer's Belt (28711g)
Greater Brawler's Belt (28711g)
Greater Swordsman's Belt (28711g)
Bracers of Dexterity +3 (19441g)
Gauntlets of Ogre Power (8641g)
Gloves of Hin Fist +6 (47884g)
Gloves of Hin Fist +7 (90676g)
Gloves of the Balanced Hands (13501g)
Horse Hair Helmet (25g)
Pot Helmet (25g)
Spike Helmet (25g)
Stag Helmet (25g)
Winged Helmet (25g)
Large Shield +1 (1059g)
Large Shield +2 (4461g)
Large Shield +3 (10293g)
Small Shield +1 (997g)
Small Shield +2 (4399g)
Small Shield +3 (10231g)
Tower Shield +1 (1134g)
Tower Shield +2 (4536g)
Tower Shield +3 (10368g)
Bolt (1g)
Bolt +1 (409g)
Bolt +2 (1137g)
Bolt +3 (4548g)
Bolt +4 (10233g)
Bolt +5 (18192g)
Bolt, Fire (2910g)
Bolt, Frostbite (1137g)
Bolt, Lightning (1137g)
Bolt, Mild Poison (5940g)
Bolt, Paralytic (1485g)
Bolt, Piercing (2910g)
Bolt, Poison (23760g)
Bullet (1g)
Bullet +1 (409g)
Bullet +2 (1137g)
Bullet +3 (4548g)
Bullet +4 (10233g)
Bullet +5 (18192g)
Bullet, Farel's Gold (5220g)
Bullet, Fire (2910g)
Bullet, Giant's Bane (4293g)
Bullet, Ice (5220g)
Bullet, Lightning (2910g)
Bullet, Screaming (2910g)
Bullet, Smiting (2910g)
Club +1 (2430g)
Club +2 (10830g)
Club +3 (25233g)
Dagger +1 (2433g)
Dagger +2 (10833g)
Dagger +3 (25236g)
Dart +1 (606g)
Dart +2 (2706g)
Dart +3 (6306g)
Heavy Crossbow +1 (756g)
Heavy Crossbow +2 (2856g)
Heavy Crossbow +3 (6456g)
Light Crossbow +1 (711g)
Light Crossbow +2 (2811g)
Light Crossbow +3 (6411g)
Mace +1 (2442g)
Mace +2 (10842g)
Mace +3 (25245g)
Morningstar +1 (2451g)
Morningstar +2 (10851g)
Morningstar +3 (25254g)
Quarterstaff +1 (2430g)
Quarterstaff +2 (10830g)
Quarterstaff +3 (25233g)
Sickle +1 (2445g)
Sickle +2 (10845g)
Sickle +3 (25248g)
Sling +1 (609g)
Sling +2 (2709g)
Sling +3 (6309g)
Spear +1 (2430g)
Spear +2 (10830g)
Spear +3 (25233g)
Arrow (1g)
Arrow +1 (409g)
Arrow +2 (1137g)
Arrow +3 (4548g)
Arrow +4 (10233g)
Arrow +5 (18192g)
Arrow, Acid (2910g)
Arrow, Fire (2910g)
Arrow, Ice (2910g)
Arrow, Lightning (2910g)
Arrow, Mild Poison (5940g)
Arrow, Petrification (33105g)
Arrow, Piercing (2910g)
Arrow, Poison (23760g)
Arrow, Vampire (1339g)
Battleaxe +1 (2457g)
Battleaxe +2 (10857g)
Battleaxe +3 (25260g)
Breath of the Maiden (25260g)
Cold Iron Blade (25014g)
Composite Longbow +1 (4365g)
Composite Longbow +2 (11340g)
Composite Longbow +3 (21690g)
Composite Shortbow +1 (4230g)
Composite Shortbow +2 (11205g)
Composite Shortbow +3 (21555g)
Elven Court Bow (14415g)
Greataxe +1 (2487g)
Greataxe +2 (10887g)
Greataxe +3 (25290g)
Greatsword +1 (2577g)
Greatsword +2 (10977g)
Greatsword +3 (25380g)
Gruumsh Hand (19719g)
Halberd +1 (2457g)
Halberd +2 (10857g)
Halberd +3 (25260g)
Handaxe +1 (2445g)
Handaxe +2 (10845g)
Handaxe +3 (25248g)
Heavy Flail +1 (2472g)
Heavy Flail +2 (10872g)
Heavy Flail +3 (25275g)
Light Flail +1 (2451g)
Light Flail +2 (10851g)
Light Flail +3 (25254g)
Light Hammer +1 (2430g)
Light Hammer +2 (10830g)
Light Hammer +3 (25233g)
Longbow +1 (831g)
Longbow +2 (2931g)
Longbow +3 (6531g)
Longsword +1 (2472g)
Longsword +2 (10872g)
Longsword +3 (25275g)
Rapier +1 (2487g)
Rapier +2 (10887g)
Rapier +3 (25290g)
Scimitar +1 (2472g)
Scimitar +2 (10872g)
Scimitar +3 (25275g)
Short Sword +1 (2457g)
Short Sword +2 (10857g)
Short Sword +3 (25260g)
Shortbow +1 (696g)
Shortbow +2 (2796g)
Shortbow +3 (6396g)
Throwing Axe +1 (606g)
Throwing Axe +2 (2706g)
Throwing Axe +3 (6307g)
Warhammer +1 (2463g)
Warhammer +2 (10863g)
Warhammer +3 (25266g)
Woodcutter's Axe (25509g)
Bastard Sword +1 (2532g)
Bastard Sword +2 (10932g)
Bastard Sword +3 (25335g)
Dire Mace +1 (2547g)
Dire Mace +2 (10947g)
Dire Mace +3 (25350g)
Double Axe +1 (2517g)
Double Axe +2 (10917g)
Double Axe +3 (25320g)
Kama +1 (2433g)
Kama +2 (10833g)
Kama +3 (25236g)
Katana +1 (2547g)
Katana +2 (10947g)
Katana +3 (25350g)
Krotan's Sckullcrusher (9837g)
Kukri +1 (2451g)
Kukri +2 (10851g)
Kukri +3 (25254g)
Scythe +1 (2481g)
Scythe +2 (10881g)
Scythe +3 (25284g)
Shuriken +1 (606g)
Shuriken +2 (2706g)
Shuriken +3 (6307g)
Two-Bladed Sword +1 (2727g)
Two-Bladed Sword +2 (11127g)
Two-Bladed Sword +3 (25530g)
Whip (3g)
Whip +1 (2487g)
Whip +2 (10947g)
Whip +3 (25407g)
Whip +4 (45867g)
Whip +5 (72327g)
Whip +6 (217263g)
Nasher's Ring of Strength (24301g)
Healer's Kit +3 (91g)
Healer's Kit +6 (141g)
Healer's Kit +10 (258g)
Torch (9g)

Rizolvir: Chapter 3, Cania, Hellbreath tavern
Banded Mail +5 (19648g)
Banded Mail +6 (58722g)
Breastplate +5 (19598g)
Breastplate +6 (58672g)
Chain Shirt +5 (19548g)
Chain Shirt +6 (58622g)
Chainmail +5 (19598g)
Chainmail +6 (58672g)
Full Plate +5 (20948g)
Full Plate +6 (60022g)
Half Plate +5 (20048g)
Half Plate +6 (59122g)
Leather +5 (19458g)
Leather +6 (58532g)
Padded +5 (19453g)
Padded +6 (58526g)
Scale Mail +5 (19548g)
Scale Mail +6 (58622g)
Splint Mail +5 (19648g)
Splint Mail +6 (58722g)
Studded Leather +5 (19463g)
Studded Leather +6 (58537g)
Boots of Striding +5 (36001g)
Boots of Striding +6 (51841g)
Bracers of Dexterity +5 (36001g)
Bracers of Dexterity +6 (51842g)
Bracers of Dexterity +7 (70561g)
Horse Hair Helmet (17g)
Pot Helmet (17g)
Spike Helmet (17g)
Stag Helmet (17g)
Winged Helmet (17g)
Large Shield +5 (19498g)
Large Shield +6 (58572g)
Small Shield +5 (19457g)
Small Shield +6 (58531g)
Tower Shield +5 (19548g)
Tower Shield +6 (58622g)
Bolt (1g)
Bolt +1 (273g)
Bolt +2 (758g)
Bolt +3 (3032g)
Bolt +4 (6822g)
Bolt +5 (12128g)
Bolt, Fire (1940g)
Bolt, Paralytic (990g)
Bolt, Piercing (1940g)
Bullet (1g)
Bullet +1 (273g)
Bullet +2 (758g)
Bullet +3 (3032g)
Bullet +4 (6822g)
Bullet +5 (12128g)
Bullet, Fire (1940g)
Bullet, Giant's Bane (2862g)
Bullet, Screaming (3480g)
Club +5 (48022g)
Club +6 (144502g)
Dagger +5 (48024g)
Dagger +6 (144504g)
Dart +5 (12004g)
Dart +6 (36124g)
Heavy Crossbow +5 (12104g)
Heavy Crossbow +6 (36224g)
Light Crossbow +5 (12074g)
Light Crossbow +6 (36194g)
Mace +5 (48030g)
Mace +6 (144510g)
Morningstar +5 (48036g)
Morningstar +6 (144516g)
Quarterstaff +5 (48022g)
Quarterstaff +6 (144502g)
Sickle +5 (48032g)
Sickle +6 (144512g)
Sling +5 (12006g)
Sling +6 (36126g)
Spear +5 (48022g)
Spear +6 (144502g)
Arrow (1g)
Arrow +1 (273g)
Arrow +2 (758g)
Arrow +3 (3032g)
Arrow +4 (6822g)
Arrow +5 (12128g)
Arrow, Ice (1940g)
Arrow, Lightning (1940g)
Arrow, Mild Poison (3960g)
Arrow, Petrification (22070g)
Arrow, Piercing (1940g)
Arrow, Poison (15840g)
Arrow, Vampire (893g)
Battleaxe +5 (48040g)
Battleaxe +6 (144520g)
Composite Longbow +5 (27160g)
Composite Longbow +6 (120274g)
Composite Shortbow +5 (27070g)
Composite Shortbow +6 (120184g)
Greataxe +5 (48060g)
Greataxe +6 (144540g)
Greatsword +5 (48120g)
Greatsword +6 (144600g)
Halberd +5 (48040g)
Halberd +6 (144520g)
Handaxe +5 (48032g)
Handaxe +6 (144512g)
Heavy Flail +5 (48050g)
Heavy Flail +6 (144530g)
Light Flail +5 (48036g)
Light Flail +6 (144516g)
Light Hammer +5 (48022g)
Light Hammer +6 (144502g)
Longbow +5 (12154g)
Longbow +6 (36274g)
Longsword +5 (48050g)
Longsword +6 (144530g)
Rapier +5 (48060g)
Rapier +6 (144540g)
Scimitar +5 (48050g)
Scimitar +6 (144530g)
Short Sword +5 (48040g)
Short Sword +6 (144520g)
Shortbow +5 (12064g)
Shortbow +6 (36184g)
Throwing Axe +5 (12005g)
Throwing Axe +6 (36125g)
Warhammer +5 (48044g)
Warhammer +6 (144524g)
Bastard Sword +5 (48090g)
Bastard Sword +6 (144570g)
Dire Mace +5 (48100g)
Dire Mace +6 (144580g)
Double Axe +5 (48080g)
Double Axe +6 (144560g)
Dwarven Waraxe +4 (30480g)
Dwarven Waraxe +5 (48080g)
Dwarven Waraxe +6 (144560g)
Kama +5 (48024g)
Kama +6 (144504g)
Katana +5 (48100g)
Katana +6 (144580g)
Kukri +5 (48036g)
Kukri +6 (144516g)
Scythe +5 (48056g)
Scythe +6 (144536g)
Shuriken +5 (12005g)
Shuriken +6 (36125g)
Two-Bladed Sword +5 (48220g)
Two-Bladed Sword +6 (144700g)
Resurrection (3277g)
Rod of Resurrection (30713g)
Healer's Kit +6 (94g)
Healer's Kit +10 (172g)

Sobrey: Chapter 1, Waterdeep, Magic Shoppe
Adventurer's Robe (9376g)
Robe of Acid Resistance (931g)
Robe of Blending (8640g)
Robe of Cold Resistance (1216g)
Robe of Electrical Resistance (1539g)
Robe of Energy (7410g)
Robe of Fire Resistance (1899g)
Sequencer Robe (34224g)
Belt of Guiding Light (21660g)
Lesser Belt of Guiding Light (4035g)
Boots of Striding +2 (8641g)
Boots of Striding +3 (19441g)
Cloak of Fortification +2 (25032g)
Cloak of Fortification +3 (58314g)
Nymph Cloak +2 (8641g)
Nymph Cloak +3 (19441g)
Bracers of Armor +2 (4387g)
Bracers of Armor +3 (10219g)
Bolt (1g)
Bolt +1 (409g)
Bolt +2 (1137g)
Bolt +3 (4548g)
Bolt, Fire (2910g)
Bolt, Frostbite (1137g)
Bolt, Lightning (1137g)
Bolt, Paralytic (1485g)
Bolt, Piercing (2910g)
Bullet (1g)
Bullet +1 (409g)
Bullet +2 (1137g)
Bullet +3 (4548g)
Bullet, Ice (2910g)
Bullet, Lightning (2910g)
Bullet, Smiting (2910g)
Club +1 (2430g)
Club +2 (10830g)
Club +3 (25233g)
Dagger +1 (2433)
Dagger +2 (10833g)
Dagger +3 (25236g)
Dart (1g)
Dart +1 (606g)
Dart +2 (2706g)
Dart +3 (6306g)
Heavy Crossbow +1 (756g)
Heavy Crossbow +2 (2856g)
Heavy Crossbow +3 (6456g)
Light Crossbow +1 (711g)
Light Crossbow +2 (2811g)
Light Crossbow +3 (6411g)
Mace +1 (2442g)
Mace +2 (10842g)
Mace +3 (25245g)
Negastaff (17283g)
Quarterstaff +1 (2430g)
Quarterstaff +2 (10830g)
Quarterstaff +3 (25233g)
Sickle +1 (2445g)
Sickle +2 (10845g)
Sickle +3 (25248g)
Sling +1 (609g)
Sling +2 (2709g)
Sling +3 (6309g)
Arrow, Fire (2910g)
Arrow, Lightning (2910g)
Arrow, Piercing (2910g)
Arrow, Vampire (1339g)
Magical Potion Bottle (7g)
Potion of Antidote (450g)
Potion of Bull's Strength (180g)
Potion of Cat's Grace (180g)
Potion of Clarity (180g)
Potion of Eagle's Splendor (180g)
Potion of Endurance (180g)
Potion of Fox's Cunning (180g)
Potion of Invisibility (180g)
Potion of Lore (180g)
Potion of Owl's Wisdom (180g)
Potion of Speed (450g)
Acid Fog (3565g)
Animate Dead (810g)
Bestow Curse (810g)
Blank Scroll (7g)
Bull's Strength (324g)
Burning Hands (108g)
Chain Lightning (3565g)
Charm Monster (810g)
Circle of Death (3565g)
Cloudkill (2431g)
Cone of Cold (1800g)
Confusion (810g)
Contagion (810g)
Control Undead (4915g)
Delayed Blast Fireball (4915g)
Dismissal (1512g)
Dispel Magic (810g)
Dominate Person (1512g)
Electric Jolt (36g)
Elemental Shield (1512g)
Enervation (1512g)
Ethereal Visage (2431g)
Evard's Black Tentacles (1512g)
Fear (810g)
Feeblemind (2431g)
Finger of Death (4915g)
Gedlee's Electric Loop (324g)
Ghostly Visage (324g)
Globe of Invulnerability (3565g)
Greater Dispelling (1890g)
Greater Shadow Conjuration (2431g)
Greater Spell Breach (3565g)
Greater Stoneskin (3565g)
Hold Monster (1512g)
Ice Dagger (108g)
Improved Invisibility (1512g)
Inferno (2431g)
Lesser Dispel (324g)
Lesser Mind Blank (2431g)
Lesser Planar Binding (2431g)
Lesser Spell Breach (1512g)
Lesser Spell Mantle (2431g)
Magic Missile (72g)
Mass Haste (3565g)
Mind Fog (2431g)
Minor Globe of Invulnerability (1512g)
Mordenkainen's Sword (4915g)
Owl's Insight (2431g)
Phantasmal Killer (1512g)
Planar Binding (3565g)
Polymoph Self (1512g)
Power Word, Stun (4915g)
Prismatic Spray (4915g)
Remove Curse (810g)
Shades (3565g)
Shadow Conjuration (1512g)
Spell Mantle (4915g)
Stoneskin (1512g)
Summon Creature IV (1512g)
Summon Creature V (2431g)
Summon Creature VI (3565g)
Summon Creature VII (4915g)
Tasha's Hideous Laughter (324g)
Tenser's Transformation (3565g)
True Seeing (2431g)
Wall of Fire (1944g)
Amulet of Natural Armor +2 (4387g)
Amulet of Natural Armor +3 (10219g)
Amulet of Will +2 (2289g)
Amulet of Will +3 (5331g)
Scarab of Protection +2 (8461g)
Scarab of Protection +3
Ring of Clear Thought +2 (10801g)
Ring of Clear Thought +3 (24301g)
Ring of Protection +2 (5484g)
Ring of Protection +3 (12774g)
Ring of Resistance +1 (4360g)
Ring of Resistance +2 (14431g)
Staff of Command (33654g)
Staff of Defense (13317g)
Staff of Power (13641g)
Bone Wand (1g)
Wand of Lightning (7594g)
Wand of Paralyzation (14176g)
Wand of Sleep (2251g)
Wand of Summoning (14176g)
Cloth Dye, Black (75g)
Cloth Dye, Dark Turquoise (75g)
Cloth Dye, Light Orange (75g)
Cloth Dye, Purple (75g)
Coldstone (30g)
Healer's Kit +1 (76g)
Quartz Crystal (15g)
Skeleton's Knuckle (1g)
Spider Venom, Deadly (450g)
Spider Venom, Mild (75g)
Spider Venom, Weak (45g)
Thunderstone (60g)

Tavern Keeper: Chapter 3, Cania, Hellbreath Tavern
Ale (2g)
Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (66g)
Potion of Death Armor (120g)
Potion of Ironguts (40g)
Spirits (4g)
Wine (6g)
Velox Berry (500g)

Volkarion: Chapter 1, Undermountain, Level 2 - South
Breastplate +4 (18705g)
Scale Mail +3 (10368g)
Noble's Tunic (1g)
Chain Shirt +4 (18630g)
Twin Fists of Fire (40396g)
Major Circlet of Blasting (19410g)
Bolt +3 (2251g)
Bolt, Paralytic (1485g)
Bolt, Teleportation (705g)
Bullet +3 (4548g)
Bullet, Fire (2910g)
Bullet, Giant's bane (4293g)
Dart +3 (6306g)
Arrow +3 (4548g)
Arrow, Lightning (2910g)
Arrow, Poison (23760g)
Throwing Axe +3 (6307g)
Shurikan +3 (6307g)
Magical Potion Bottle (7g)
Potion of Cure Critical Wounds (420g)
Potion of Clarity (180g)
Potion of Invisibility (180g)
Potion of Lesser Restoration (180g)
Potion of Lore (180g)
Potion of Speed (450g)
Spirits (9g)
Wine (6g)
Ball Lightning (1440g)
Bigby's Interposing Hand (2431g)
Blank Scroll (7g)
Find Traps (324g)
Greater Spell Mantle (8265g)
Greater Stoneskin (3565g)
Improved Invisibility (1512g)
Isaac's Greater Missile Storm (3565g)
Knock (324g)
Mass Haste (3565g)
Mass Heal (6483g)
Power Word, Stun (4915g)
Restoration (1510g)
Spell Mantle (4915g)
Spell Resistamce (2431g)
Stone to Flesh (3565g)
Undeath to Death (3565g)
Bone Ring (4219g)
Purple Dragon Ring (12423g)
Ring of Protection +4 (23101g)
Ring of Scholars (1876g)
Wand of Missiles (1500g)
Bag of Holding (3397g)
Brooch of Shielding (2587g)
Centipede Venom, Mild (75g)
Cloth Dye, Dark Red (75g)
Cloth Dye, Gold (75g)
Cloth Dye, Light Red (75g)
Diamond (3000g)
Dust of Appearance (2251g)
Dust of Disapearance (4203g)
Fire Agate (15g)
Greater Magic Bag (2365g)
Greenstone (10g)
Healer's kit +10 (258g)
Horn of Blasting (4051g)
Lantern of Revealing (50626g)
Large Box (22g)
Leather Dye, Black (75g)
Leather Dye, Light Green (75g)
Leather Dye, Light Orange (75g)
Lich Lyrics (45000g)
Light Gem, Blue (15g)
Light Gem, Green (15g)
Light Gem, Purple (15g)
Light Gem, Red (15g)
Light Gem, White (15g)
Light Gem, Yellow (15g)
Magic Electrifier (35437g)
Metal Dye, Black (150g)
Metal Dye, Bright Blue (150g)
Metal Dye, Dark Copper (150g)
Rogue Stone (7500g)
Spider venom, Average (150g)
Torch (9g)

Volkarion: Chapter 2, Your Inventory
Armor of Faith (g)
Dancer's Silhouette (g)
Fletcher's Friend (g)
Isaac's Sequencer Robe (g)
Last Words (g)
Lesser Golem Armor (g)
Robes of the Dark Maiden (g)
Spellchain (g)
The Gilded Defender (g)
Lothar's Last Belt (g)

Volkarion: Chapter 3, Your Inventory
Mantle of Epic Spell Resistance (g)
Chaos Shield (g)
Shiver-ring (g)
Rod of Resurrection (g)

White Thesta: Chapter 1, Waterdeep, Well Room
Banded Mail +2 (4686g)
Banded Mail +3 (10518g)
Breastplate +2 (4611g)
Breastplate +3 (10443g)
Chainmail +2 (4611g)
Chainmail +3 (10433g)
Improved Robes of the Old Order (26587g)
Half Plate +2 (5286g)
Half Plate +3 (12468g)
Robes of the Dark Moon (18376g)
Robes of the Old Order (9376g)
Robes of the Shining Hand +1 (985g)
Robes of the Shining Hand +2 (4387g)
Robes of the Shining Hand +3 (10215g)
Scale Mail +1 (1134g)
Scale Mail +2 (4536g)
Scale Mail +3 (10368g)
Splint Mail +2 (4686g)
Splint Mail +3 (10518g)
Lesser Belt of Guiding Light (4035g)
Boots of Striding +1 (2161g)
Boots of Sun Soul +1 (985g)
Boots of Sun Soul +2 (4387g)
Boots of Sun Soul +3 (10219g)
Cloak of Fortification +1 (5617g)
Bracers of Dexterity +1 (2161g)
Bracers of Armor +1 (985g)
Gloves of the Yellow Rose +1 (1426g)
Gloves of the Yellow Rose +2 (3264g)
Gloves of the Yellow Rose +3 (5851g)
Large Shield +1 (1059g)
Large Shield +2 (4461g)
Small Shield +2 (4399g)
Small Shield +3 (10231g)
Tower Shield +2 (4536g)
Tower Shield +3 (10368g)
Bolt (1g)
Bolt +1 (409g)
Bolt +2 (1137g)
Bolt +3 (4548g)
Bullet (1g)
Bullet +1 (409g)
Bullet +2 (1137g)
Bullet +3 (4548g)
Club +1 (2430g)
Club +2 (10830g)
Kiss of Sune (25245g)
Mace +1 (2442g)
Mace +2 (10842g)
Morningstar +1 (2451g)
Morningstar +2 (10851g)
One of Many (9582g)
Quarterstaff +1 (2430g)
Quarterstaff +2 (10830g)
Sling +1 (609g)
Sling +2 (2709g)
Arrow (1g)
Arrow +1 (409g)
Arrow +2 (1137g)
Arrow +3 (4548g)
Heavy Flail +1 (2472g)
Heavy Flail +2 (10872g)
Light Flail +1 (2451g)
Light Flail +2 (10851g)
Light Hammer +1 (2430g)
Light Hammer +2 (10830g)
Warhammer +1 (2463g)
Warhammer +2 (10863g)
Dire Mace +1 (2547g)
Dire Mace +2 (10947g)
Kama +1 (2433g)
Kama +2 (10833g)
Whip +3 (25407g)
Potion of Aid (180g)
Potion of Antidote (450g)
Potion of Bless (60g)
Potion of Clarity (180g)
Potion of Cure Critical Wounds (420g)
Potion of Lesser Restoration (180g)
Bane (108g)
Continual Light (324g)
Divine Favor (108g)
Entropic Shield (108g)
Inflict Critical Wounds (810g)
Inflict Light Wounds (108g)
Inflict Minor Wounds (36g)
Inflict Moderate Wounds (324g)
Lesser Restoration (324g)
Neutralize Poison (810g)
Raise Dead (2431g)
Remove Blindness/Deafness (810g)
Remove Disease (520g)
Restoration (1512g)
Silence (324g)
Sound Burst (324g)
Amulet of Natural Armor +2 (4387g)
Amulet of Natural Armor +3 (10219g)
Lesser Amulet of Health (6001g)
Lesser Amulet of the Master (9376g)
Periapt of Wisdom +2 (8641g)
Periapt of Wisdom +3 (19441g)
Ring of Protection +2 (5484g)
Ring of Protection +3 (12774g)
Acid Flask (30g)
Cloth Dye, Bleach (75g)
Cloth Dye, Dark Red (75g)
Cloth Dye, Light Red (75g)
Cloth Dye, Pink (75g)
Holy Water (45g)
Healer's Kit +6 (141g)
Rogue Stone (7500g)


Q. Why did you use the potion of Endurance to test the prices?
A. It has a nice, even base price and I was garenteed to have one on my
character the whole game.

Q. Why did you use such an odd appraise value?
A. It seems to be the lowest value to start making money at.

Q. Why did you use only 20 tries for the averages?
A. Because I don't have enough patience to re-load the game more then 20 times
for each merchant.

Q. Will you add a formula for the appraise roll?
A. If someone manages to figure it out and send it to me.

Q. Will you add merchant lists for NWN and SoU?
A. No.


If you happen to have any of the things listed below, and would like to share
them, please E-mail me with the information and whatever name you'd like it
credited to. The first person that sends the information will get full credit
in the next update that features the sent information.

1. Where are the chapters 2 & 3 versions of Volkarion's store located in the

2. The acual formula for the appraise roll.

3. Appraise value needed to start making money off of Rizolvir in chapter 3.


Please notify me of any errors that may have appeared in this guide
I will also answer most questions about this guide

I can be reached by E-mail or AIM
AIM: Offkorn69


All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

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Engl. Leitfaden

18.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

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Dwarven Defender Character Build Guide
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Champion Of Torm Character Build Guide
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Weapon Master Character Creation Guide
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Engl. Lösung

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Aurora Toolset Item Creation FAQ
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Engl. FAQ

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Engl. FAQ

09.Октябрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018