NeverWinter Nights - Hordes of the Underdark

NeverWinter Nights - Hordes of the Underdark

17.10.2013 03:54:42
UNOFFICIAL Champion Of Torm Character Build Guide

For use with Hordes of the Underdark
(c)2004 Perrin Miller

Version: 1.0

This was written for submission to:

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[1.0] Introduction
[2.0] Champion of Torm Class Description
[2.1] Description
[2.2] Stats and Requirements
[2.3] Special Abilities
[2.4] Bonus Feat List
[3.0] Race Choices
[3.1] Dwarf
[3.2] Elf
[3.3] Gnome
[3.4] Half-elf
[3.5] Half-orc
[3.6] Halfling
[3.7] Human
[3.8] Preferences
[4.0] Ability Scores
[5.0] Weapon Choices
[6.0] Class Combinations
[6.1] Basic Classess
[6.2] Prestige Classes
[7.0] Skills
[7.1] Class Skills
[7.2] Cross-class Skills
[8.0] Feats
[8.1] Champion of Torm Bonus Feats
[8.2] Useful General Feats
[8.3] Optional Feats
[8.4] Feats To Avoid
[8.5] Useful Epic Feats
[9.0] Epic Levels
[10.0] Sample Characters
[10.1] Barbarian/Fighter/Champion of Torm
[10.2] Bard/Red Dragon Disciple/Champion of Torm
[10.3] Cleric/Paladin/Champion of Torm
[10.4] Fighter/Rogue/Champion of Torm
[10.5] Fighter/Weapon Master/Champion of Torm
[10.6] Paladin/Champion of Torm
[10.7] Paladin/Fighter/Champion of Torm
[11.0] Final Thoughts
[12.0] Version History
[13.0] Credits

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This guide is written to examine the different possibilities of the
Champion of Torm (CoT) prestige class for Neverwinter Nights. It was
mostly focused on the character development starting from 1st level
going through to about 20th or a little beyond, on the assumption a
player will be using the character for any of the NWN campaigns or
community designed modules. A specific section discusses epic levels
and such.

The guide also assumes that a player reading it is planning
primarily a melee based character. Let's face it; the Champion of Torm
just leaves you with the impression of a holy warrior running around in
plate armor hacking away at evil while empowered with divine might
laying waste to the hordes of evil. One doesn't obviously equate the
CoT as providing a balanced build for the versatility of a solo, do
everything adventurer. Their special abilities are geared for dealing
out more punishment and increasing survivability. However any multi-
class character needing some extra punch in the melee department can
certainly benefit, much like many characters taking tertiary levels in
fighter to boost their melee abilities.

When considering a character to primarily be a champion of Torm,
one often ends up comparing them to paladins. But by nature CoT are
going to be multi-classed and there a few good builds that capitalize
on those benefits when making comparisons. Often these can make strong
cases against sticking with the same basic class from levels 1 to 20.

As for powergaming, there are some definite possibilities of making a
Champion of Torm to be one of the best melee machines. Of course
trying claim the title as "the number one heavy weight" can spark
plenty of debate, however there are definitely some solid arguments if
favor of Champion of Torm builds being contenders. However this guide
looks at playing the character from the start at level 1, not level 40,
and as such these considerations are looking at character maturity
around levels 18-25. Personally that was one of the reasons I looked
at the Champion of Torm class originally.

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[2.1] Description
The Champion of Torm (CoT) is one of the prestige classes
introduced in the Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark (HotU)
expansion set. The manual describes the class:

"Champions of Torm are mighty warriors who dedicate themselves to
Torm's cause, defending holy ground, destroying enemies of the church
and slaying mythical beasts. Paladins gain some of the fighter's
combat abilities by choosing to become a champion of Torm. Conversely,
fighters gain paladin-like abilities by playing this prestige class."

Taking levels as a champion of Torm will provide some unique feats,
but taking full advantage of those bonuses depends on which Ability
Scores are emphasized and the basic class the character is started or
centered around. They have modest requirements and can be combined
with various classes without huge amounts of sacrifice to meet them.
The numbers of levels can vary, and the special abilities are available
in the first 5 levels, getting better as more levels of CoT are taken.

Like all character builds, creating a CoT requires at least a
little prior planning from the start to fully utilize the effectiveness
of those levels and abilities.

[2.2] Stats and Requirements
Hit die: d10
Proficiencies: Armor (Light, Medium), Shields, Weapons (Martial,
Skill points: 2 + Intelligence modifier/level
Class skills: Craft Armor, Craft Trap, Craft Weapon, Discipline, Heal,
Lore, Parry, Spot
Base Attack Bonus: uses Fighter table
Primary Saving throws: Fortitude, Reflex
Primary Ability: Charisma
Bonus Feats: 1 per 2 levels like fighters (no weapon specialization)
Alignment: Must be any non-evil
Required Base Attack Bonus: minimum +7
Required Feat: Weapon Focus (melee weapon)

[2.3] Special Abilities

[2.3.1] Lay on Hands (CoT level 1)
With this feat, the character can heal damage equal to their
Charisma modifier times their level. When used against undead
creatures, it is treated as a touch attack spell that delivers damage
instead of healing. This ability can be used 1x/day and stacks with
the paladin's Lay on Hands ability.

[2.3.2] Sacred Defense (CoT level 2)
This feat adds a +1 bonus to all Saving Throws for every 2 levels
of CoT. It is not dependent on Ability Scores, and it stacks with
other bonuses and it keeps accumulating into epic levels of CoT.

[2.3.3] Smite Evil (CoT level 3)
This feat allows the character to make a special attack against
evil creatures. The character applies their Charisma modifier to their
attack roll, and their class level to the damage (divine) delivered.
Smite evil can only be used 1x/day (without the Extra Smiting Feat),
only affects evil creatures, and stacks with the paladin's Smite Evil
ability. Keep in mind that just because someone is hostile, it doesn't
mean they're evil.

[2.3.4] Divine Wrath (CoT level 5)
The character is able to channel a portion of their deity's power
1x/day giving them a +3 bonus on attack rolls, damage (divine), and
Saving Throws for a number of rounds equal to their Charisma modifier.
They also gain damage reduction of 5/+1. At CoT level 10 the attack,
damage and Saving Throw bonuses increase by another +2 (note this is
not clear in the manual and in-game explanation, but was true when
tested). Every five levels of epic CoT increases the attack, damage,
and Saving Throw bonuses by a further +2.

[2.4] Bonus Feats List
These are the feats that can be selected every second level of the
CoT first 10 levels. They can also be taken during the epic levels.

Blind-Fight, Called Shot, Cleave, Disarm, Dodge, Expertise, Great
Cleave, Improved Critical, Improved Disarm, Improved Expertise,
Improved Knockdown, Improved Parry, Improved Power Attack, Improved
Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Unarmed Strike, Knockdown, Mobility,
Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Rapid Shot, Spring Attack, Stunning
Fist, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus, Weapon Proficiency Exotic,
Whirlwind Attack

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* [3.0] RACE CHOICES *
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There really isn't a race that is restricted from becoming a
Champion of Torm, but some races are better than others as when it
comes to making melee characters.

[3.1] Dwarf
The biggest disadvantage for a dwarven CoT is the Charisma penalty.
However a build that does not emphasize Charisma still offers some
benefits. Dwarves excel at fighting and their special prestige class,
the Dwarven Defender(DD) can make a formidable melee character on its
own. Their +2 Constitution bonus is good for any melee character, and
the -2 Charisma penalty can be a non-issue if the CoT levels are just
substitutes for fighter levels for the bonus feats and Saving Throws.

[3.2] Elf
If you intend to make a finesse (high-Dexterity) fighter, elf is a
pretty good race. The +2 Dexterity bonus is helpful to push your
attack and AC up in the early levels, but the -2 Constitution penalty
can be tough to compensate for if emphasizing other Ability Scores.
There may be some good builds that focus on dual-wielding feats
combined with the finesse.

[3.3] Gnome
As a melee class the gnome offers two disadvantages: small stature
and the -2 Strength penalty. Small stature prevents the use of large
weapons and medium weapons have to be wielded two-handed. Beginning
with a -2 penalty to Strength is tough to overcome and will likely more
than cancel out the +2 Constitution bonus trying to spend the ability
points you save to increase Strength.

[3.4] Half-elf
There are no racial ability adjustments for the half-elf, and the
special abilities don't really offer enough advantages for a melee
character. Most people probably prefer human to gain the extra skill
point and bonus feat instead.

[3.5] Half-orc
The half-orc also suffers from the big disadvantage of the -2
Charisma penalty, but also takes a hit to skill points with the -2
Intelligence penalty. However, to some you can capitalize on the +2
Strength bonus and still make a formidable melee character multi-
classing with the barbarian class. Again the -2 Charisma penalty can
be a non-issue if the CoT levels are just substitutes for fighter
levels for the bonus feats and Saving Throws.

[3.6] Halfling
The halfling can be a bit better as a small-race melee character
than compared to the gnome. The -2 Strength penalty is painful, but
the +2 Dexterity bonus can be used to build a finesse fighter where
Strength is less important. However, with the small stature
limitations, probably better to be an elf for the finesse fighter

[3.7] Human
With 3rd Edition rules, it is most likely that most builds will be
centered on being human. The extra feat, skill points and flexibility
in multi-classing make it the most obvious choice for most people.

[3.8] Preferences
In order of preference, I would list the races like so:
1) Human
2) Half-elf
3) Elf
4) Dwarf
5) Half-orc
6) Halfling
7) Gnome

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Most pure melee specialists concentrate on Strength and
Constitution. However, similarly to Paladins, the Champion of Torm
uses Charisma as well. Depending on the basic class used at the start,
Wisdom and Dexterity may not be neglected either for certain builds.
Generally Ability Scores will likely start out pretty average, similar
to most Paladin builds (several scores around 13 or 14, possibly a
15/16 in one), and depend upon increasing key Ability Scores with magic
spells or items.

Sample initial Ability Scores are provided when examining the class
combinations and are focused on being a Champion of Torm eventually.
Ability scores for multi-classed characters that are using CoT levels
as their tertiary minor class would really depend on the primary class
the build is centered around and not really reflected in the sample
Ability Scores or this guide in general.

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Weapon choice really is going to come down to personal preference,
and one of the requirements is to have a weapon focus in at least one
melee weapon. However the extra feats allow CoT to have a little
versatility and have a couple for different combat packages, like two-
hand weapons and weapon-shield combinations. Of course, if you are
multi-classing with Weapon Master or planning to use the Holy Avenger
then this decision may be considerably more important.

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Since Champion of Torm is a prestige class, the character will have
to have at least one other class to start with. Any class, or two-
class combination, that emphasizes melee combat can gain additional
usefulness from CoT levels. Initially the guide covers the basic
classes and then the other prestige classes, discussing how the CoT
levels will fit with that particular class. Multi-class combinations
are covered where appropriate, but not a lot of focus is spent on using
CoT as a tertiary minor class. For some classes, sample starting
Ability Scores and race selections are provided for consideration and
covered in more detail in the Sample Characters Section.

[6.1] Basic Classes

[6.1.1] Barbarian
The Barbarian's special abilities are designed increase
survivability and delivery of heavy punishment. Using the class as the
primary base class has its advantages for any good melee specialist
with extra hit points (1d12 vs. 1d10) for each level. The Barbarian
Rage always helps and the uncanny dodge can be capitalized with the
good reflex saves the CoT will generate. Neither class has Heavy Armor
Proficiency included so that may take an extra feat unless picked up
with a tertiary class. The CoT reliance on Charisma doesn't synergize
well however, but is also not necessarily critical. Combining the two
classes with either four Fighter levels for Weapon Specialization or
seven levels of Weapon Master make for some good possibilities as well,
but I suspect most fans of the Barbarian class would be better off
sticking with single class or multi-classing with Fighter and/or Weapon
Master instead. Since Barbarians are kind of asking to be centered
around high Strength and two-handed weapon builds take a look this
Half-orc Barbarian
STR 17 (15 + 2 race bonus), DEX 14 (to take dodge), CON 14, INT 10
(12 - 2 race penalty), WIS 8 (saves will get boosted), CHA 12 (14 - 2
race penalty).
If not interested in the Dodge feat and planning to use heavy armor,
Dexterity can be dropped to 12, putting the points into Strength for an
18. In leveling up points can be spread between Strength and Charisma.
With Nymph cloaks and potion of Eagle's Splendor boosting Charisma, the
Charisma should be high enough to make using the Divine Wrath ability
viable for short durations. See Sample Characters Section for more
details on a Half-orc Barb/Fighter/CoT build.

[6.1.2] Bard
Bards are not really a melee class, being arcane spellcasters, but
they are more suited to melee combat than Sorcerers and Wizards.
Disadvantages to overcome are the medium BAB progression (takes level
10 to get BAB +7), lower hit points, and missing Martial Weapon and
Heavy Armor Proficiencies. Bards do make good "jack-of-all-trades"
adventurers for those solo adventurers. They also have some special
abilities that can help boost their melee prowess; class skills of
Tumble (AC bonus), Spellcraft (saves versus spells), and Use Magic
Device (scrolls and class specific items), bard song, and access to
2nd level buff spells (Bull's Strength and Eagle's Splendor). The Bard
also uses Charisma, so there is some Ability Score synergy. However
the real shining point would be the ability to multi-class with Red
Dragon Disciple class. This build would take some time to reach
maturity and be a weak melee fighter at the lower development levels.
However, balancing the advancement properly to get BAB +16 at level 20
and saving some skill points to maximize certain skills when taking the
6th level of Bard can see a potent melee character at level 22 being a
Bard-6/RDD-10/CoT-6. Here is the starting sample Ability Scores for a
Bard/RDD/CoT combination:
Elven Bard
STR 14, DEX 15 (13 + 2 race bonus), CON 12 (14 - 2 race penalty),
INT 14, WIS 10, CHA 13
Dexterity is at 15 for taking the Ambidexterity Feat to go the
dual-wield route. Elven race provides access to the longsword
proficiency right away to make that the Weapon Focus choice. Ability
points at level-up should be spread between Charisma and Constitution.
With +8 going to Strength through RDD levels, you probably would be
better served boosting those abilities for better hit points and longer
Divine Wrath. The Intelligence of 14 is to take advantage of the
bard's class skills, but can be sacrificed. See Sample Characters
Section for more details.

[6.1.3] Cleric
Clerics and Champions of Torm can go well together. They are more
melee-oriented than Bards; they have more spells (which are able to be
cast in full armor) and some complementary special abilities depending
on the Domains chosen. A few things to overcome are the medium BAB
progression (takes level 10 to get BAB +7) and reliance on Wisdom.
There is some Charisma synergy as clerics need Charisma for Turning
Undead. However the advantages far out shine the negative. Cleric's
have access to many long duration buffing spells that can help them
lay waste to the hordes of evil, and there are also several short
duration ones as well. Certain domains can also provide even more
power. The Divine Might and Divine Shield Feats are definitely another
added plus as Charisma is pushed higher. Adding in some levels in a
third melee class can really round them out; Barbarian (Barbarian Rage
and Uncanny Dodge), Fighter (Weapon Specialization), Monk (free Cleave
and Evasion, Tumble as a class skill), Paladin (stackable and other
special abilities), and Weapon Master (massive criticals after all the
extra damage from buffs). Here is some sample starting Ability Scores:
Human Cleric
STR 14, DEX 12, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 14, CHA 14
Pretty average start, but as a Cleric this character will have
access to some decent buffing spells to help Strength, Constitution,
and Charisma fairly quickly. During later level-ups Wisdom should be
increased first to 15 for 5th level spells and then optionally to 16
for the extra 3rd level spell and access to 6th level spells.
Otherwise only increasing Charisma is probably best. See Sample
Characters for a more detailed build of the Cleric/Paladin/CoT

[6.1.4] Druid
Compared to Clerics, Druids are kind of a poor substitute. They
have the same disadvantages of medium BAB progression and reliance on
Wisdom, but also don't have any Charisma synergy, limited initial
weapon selection and no Heavy Armor Proficiency at the start. They do
have access to buffing spells, but not nearly as many a Cleric and no
Domain special spells. Druids, as a melee oriented class, are better
off mixing with Monk, Fighter, and of course the Shifter prestige class

[6.1.5] Fighter
The Fighter is the basic tank class, with the advantages of plenty
of bonus feats and Weapon Specialization. Past level 4 though there is
nothing special and the character would likely be better off multi-
classing with another class. However for some 20 feats at level 20
(going with Ftr-10/CoT-10) might hold some attraction. Fighters have
no specific synergy with Charisma, but should have no problem starting
with 14 without major sacrifices. One thing does standout however, is
the extra feats can be used to make a Fighter/Weapon Master combination
that can work well with the Champion of Torm. Here is the sample
starting Ability Scores for this combination:
Human fighter
STR 15, DEX 13, CON 14, INT 14, WIS 8, CHA 13
Dexterity is at the minimum needed for Weapon Master, but
Intelligence is at 14 to provide that extra skill point to make the
Intimidate skill level easier to obtain. The low Wisdom makes will
saves tougher, but the extra saves from CoT levels will more than
compensate. Level-up ability points will probably be used for Strength
and Charisma. See Sample Characters Section for more details.

[6.1.6] Monk
Monks are not really great for multi-classing, except as a minor
tertiary class. Monks don't have any Charisma synergy and need to take
the benefits from Strength, Dexterity, and Wisdom as much as possible.
Without Charisma, the other advantage of Sacred Defense is really not
that necessary with Monks excellent saves and Spell Resistance. For
extra bonus feats, Monks would better off with the three extra feats
from four levels of Fighter to get Weapon Specialization. With all of
the special feats and abilities, Monks are better off staying a single-
classed character through level 20, and giving CoT a pass.

[6.1.7] Paladin
The Paladin becoming a Champion of Torm is the most obvious
combination and a good choice. The only downside of a Paladin becoming
a CoT is the disruption of their limited spell progression. The
Paladin and CoT are both reliant on Charisma, so good synergy there
and the special abilities, Lay on Hands and Smite Evil are stackable.
The extra feats can help pickup some of those other handy feats that
most Paladin's have to skip when prioritizing. Like the Cleric, Divine
Might and Divine Shield are really effective. The Paladin's spells
also provide some unique buffs that are not available to Clerics, Aura
of Glory and Deafening Clang. Also paying through the NWN SoU Campaign
means the Holy Avenger as well. Paladin/CoT combinations can also
consider some good tertiary class options; Cleric (additional buffs
and more spells), Fighter (Weapon Specialization, extra damage for
your Holy Avenger), and Weapon Master (massive criticals after all the
extra damage from buffs). Here is some sample starting Ability Scores
for a split Paladin/CoT build:
Human paladin
STR 14, DEX 10, CON 12, INT 10, WIS 14, CHA 16
Wisdom is at 14 for access to 4th level spells at epic levels,
but also gives a key bonus 2nd level buff spell. All of the level-up
points are put into Charisma to pump the Charisma bonus as high as
possible. Leaving the Strength at 14 is going to be compensated by
the extra damage from Charisma bonus-based abilities and the Bull's
Strength spell. Constitution is balanced with Dexterity, and for some
a Dexterity of 8 (-1 penalty) can be trade-off in favor of more hit
points, but really that's personal preference. An occasional Cat's
Grace Potion or item with a Dexterity bonus can compensate. See Sample
Characters Section for more details.

[6.1.8] Ranger
Considering the Ranger as the base class is probably the least
attractive of the melee classes. There is no Charisma synergy as
Rangers don't use it and their spell casting relies on Wisdom. Some
of the Rangers abilities really become watered down when not sticking
with the class for the long haul, mainly the animal companion and the
lack of additional Favored Enemies. Getting the Bane of Enemies Epic
Feat for the five or more Favored Enemies of the 21st level Ranger is
what makes the class really excel at dishing out the punishment. A big
advantage would be the Dual Wield Feat at level 1 that is worth 2 feats
without needing the Dexterity of 15 requirement. However dual-wielding
Rangers cannot be in Medium or Heavy Armor so they tend to lend
themselves to be finesse fighters instead, which makes the Dexterity
of 15 a non-issue. At 9th level, waiting for the free Improved Two-
Weapon Fighting Feat and the one decent 2nd level buff spell (Cat's
Grace) requires some dedication to the class. Considering that a
Fighter could have had 4 free bonus Feats by 9th level and Weapon
Specialization as well, really reduces the attractiveness of the
Ranger/CoT. A duel-wielding Strength-based Fighter with Weapon
Specialization in both right hand and left hand weapons would probably
be better. My advice for fans of the Ranger would be to stick with
single-classed Ranger builds and forget about multi-classing with CoT.

[6.1.9] Rogue
The Rogue is really not a melee class, and probably would not make
the best choice as the primary base class for multi-classing with the
Champion of Torm prestige class. Rogues already have two other
prestige classes they combine with much better. However, taking Rogue
levels as a tertiary class would offer some attractiveness; sneak
attacks for extra damage, significantly more skill points, access to
the class skills of Tumble (AC bonus) and Use Magic Device (scrolls
and class specific items), and the class feats of Evasion and Uncanny
Dodge. For those solo adventurers, having the luxury of more skill
points allows them to have more skill levels in handy rogue class
skills (like Search and Open Lock) without having to pay the cross-
class penalties. Here are some sample starting Ability Scores for a
Fighter/Rogue that would dual-wield:
Human Fighter/Rogue
STR 15, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 14
Decent ability score distribution, just keeping Wisdom from being
a negative and not worrying about extra skill points from Intelligence
because there are plenty of skill points during level-ups with Rogue.
Starting as a Rogue at level 1 would maximize the initial skill points,
but thereafter four additional Rogue levels could be spaced out during
the progression to level 20. During level-up the first ability point
should probably go Strength and then Dexterity. From level 12 would
probably go with Constitution and/or Charisma, depending on items for
boosting Strength. See Sample Characters Section for more details.

[6.1.10] Sorcerer
Sorcerer as a primary class for a melee character wouldn't be
considered. If you were building a Sorcerer/Red Dragon Disciple, you
probably would be better off with a Bard combination instead. Don't
really see any advantage for trying to combine Sorcerer and Champions
of Torm, despite the common need for Charisma. Sorcerers are better
off combining with something else or staying single-classed.

[6.1.11] Wizard
See Sorcerer above, but you can't even make a Wizard/RDD and you
lack the Charisma synergy, even worse choice.

[6.2] Prestige Classes
Since all prestige classes rely on a basic class to start, some
multi-class combinations are not possible or practical when building
our divine warrior of devastation. However there are some interesting
possibilities combining two prestige classes and reaping the benefits
of both. Most builds are going to carry into the epic levels to reach
maturity in the special abilities because it is impossible to take 20
levels of prestige classes before reaching level 25.

[6.2.1] Arcane Archer
The only way to make this combination would be to take all your
pre-Arcane Archer levels in an arcane class. Although a Bard/AA/CoT
could be possible; there are much better choices for Arcane Archer
builds. For bonus feats, Fighter allows for Weapon Specialization
where CoT does not. Since they are all about the bow and ranged
combat, no real reason to ever go hand-to-hand with a secondary weapon,
why bother?

[6.2.2] Assassin
Like the Rogue, the assassin gets bonus damage from sneak attacks.
However the alignment restrictions and skill requirements would likely
make this combination a non-event. Strictly speaking you can combine
them, but there is no real advantage for the CoT build, much better
leaving your alignment alone and consider the Fighter/Rogue build
instead; see the Rogue Section above.

[6.2.3] Blackguard
Like the Assassin you have alignment restrictions preventing the
Blackguard and Champion of Torm levels to be taken without changing it.
Like the fallen-Paladin concept it is possible to combine them.
Blackguards do offer some advantages, but these abilities do not stack
and can be gotten with other build combinations. Even with role-playing
aside I would still give it a pass; play around with your fallen-
Paladin/Blackguards combinations instead. If you want the sneak attack,
see the Rogue Section.

[6.2.4] Dwarven Defender
The Dwarven Defender is an indomitable melee character on its own.
The Champion of Torm abilities don't easily mesh well as Dwarves take
a hit with the -2 Charisma penalty. Without an effective Divine Wrath,
really the bonuses to saves and the extra feats are the only attraction.
The bonus feats can be gotten from Fighter levels (Fighter probably
being the basic class chosen at start) and both DD and CoT need a BAB +7
before taking levels. From a playing style the classes probably don't
go well together. The Dwarven Defender is the stone mountain that wears
down the enemy through attrition, rather than stacking up offensive
power to rip through the enemy. Dwarven Defender builds would be better
off leaving Charisma at minimum possible (-6) and getting their
Constitution to 21 to capitalize on Epic Damage Reduction. Then in the
epic levels taking their fist 10 CoT levels for the bonuses to saves
and gaining bonus feats every 2nd level instead every third, just like
Epic Fighters. However, most Dwarven Defenders would probably not want
to give up the increases to Dwarven Defender Damage Reduction as they
progress into the epic levels.

[6.2.5] Harper Scout
The Harper Scout is more a pure role-playing class and is limited
to only five levels, leaving them as a possible tertiary class. The
Harper Scout requirements for the Iron Will and Alertness Feats are
probably not high on the priority list for Champion of Torm builds,
but can be picked because of the bonus feats. The skill requirements
are also not extremely hard and are not necessarily wasted. Charisma
synergy really depends on the starting basic class, but Harper Scout's
requirements don't conflict. Taking levels in Harper Scout bring the
following advantages to the character; Tumble (AC bonus) as a class
skill, special abilities that provide bonus to Saving Throws, and two
2nd level buffing spells as class abilities. However, these advantages
can be also found other ways, without taking the penalties of lower hit
points and medium BAB progression. Except from a role-playing
perspective, I'd recommend giving it a pass.

[6.2.6] Pale Master
Pale Master is an enhancement for arcane spellcasters; but not a
melee-oriented one. There's little sense in trying to combine CoT
levels to a pale master character.

[6.2.7] Red Dragon Disciple
Red Dragon Disciple is a melee-oriented option for Sorcerers and
Bards; as such it can make a good combination with Champions of Torm.
The Draconic Abilities for increasing Ability Scores (STR+8, CON+2,
INT+2, & CHA+2) and the additional AC bonuses are very attractive to
all players that enjoy melee characters. As discussed in the Bard
Section, a good combination would be the Bard/RDD/CoT build. It would
take some time to reach maturity and be a weak melee fighter at the
lower development levels. However, balancing the advancement properly
to get BAB +16 at level 20 and saving some skill points to maximize
certain class skills when taking the 6th level of Bard can see a potent
melee character at level 22 being a Bard-6/RDD-10/CoT-6. There may be
other RDD combinations that are better; a character built
Ftr-10/Bard-1/RDD-10 would be a stronger melee fighter during early
level-up and possibly better overall, tough call. See the Bard Section
for some starting sample Ability Scores and the Sample Characters
Section for the Elven Bard/CoT/RDD combination:

[6.2.8] Shadowdancer
The Shadowdancer prestige class is all about sneaking around which
is kind or hard to do wearing full plate armor. Without any Charisma
synergy there is not a big call to try and combine the two together.
Meeting Shadowdancer requirements without starting as either a Rogue or
Ranger is very difficult with limited skill points and will take longer.
Singly both of those basic classes are not good choices for Champions
of Torm combinations, see those two sections. A Fighter/Shadowdancer
build would be better taking levels of CoT versus more than 8 levels of
Fighter, but that probably is not a very popular build. Shadowdancers
would be better off staying away from CoT levels and picking a
different combination.

[6.2.9] Shifter
Shifters start out as Druids, and as such really not suited to
combine with Champions of Torm for the same reasons. See the Druid

[6.2.10] Weapon Master
This is an excellent match with a couple of possible combinations.
Combining divine damage and attack power to massive criticals means a
trail of destruction through the massed evil hordes. The requirements
for Weapon Master can be met using the extra feats gained from CoT
levels. However, without the Charisma synergy, Ability Scores are going
to be spread a little thin and can really depend on the basic class used
at the start. Only the Fighter and the Barbarian can ignore Wisdom to
allow for a little extra in other areas. Combinations with Paladins and
Clerics have to balance all six Ability Scores. See the Fighter Section
for the Ftr/CoT/WM combination starting Ability Scores and the Sample
Characters Section for the sample build.

* *
* [7.0] SKILLS *
* *

[7.1] Class Skills

[7.1.1] Craft Armor
Champion's of Torm are all about melee combat. With only 2 base
skill points per level there too few points to waste in the crafting
area. Almost all CoT characters will be giving the crafting skills a

[7.1.2] Craft Trap
See Craft Armor above.

[7.1.3] Craft Weapon
See Craft Armor above.

[7.1.4] Discipline
The most important skill for any melee character is Discipline.
This skill helps resist combat feats such as Knockdown, Disarm and
Called Shot. All melee characters will frequently find themselves on
the front lines, often surrounded, they definitely need this skill.
Can't be laying any holy smackdown while flat on your back.

[7.1.5] Heal
Heal is a decent skill, as it increases the effectiveness of
healing kits. However, if the adventures are plentiful in various
healing potions and such for loot; then it becomes increasing less
important. A few points can't hurt and can make a difference when
using the healing kits to cure disease and poison. With skill points
at a premium it can be sacrificed, or only given slight attention.

[7.1.6] Lore
Lore can save you money getting items identified, and allow you to
use newfound items immediately. A few Rings of Scholars can also be
equipped to significantly augment the ability and save some skill
points. However, only spending a few points doesn't really help
without the items to boost it. If you are going to rely on it, some
investing is going to be required. The choice really depends on the
adventures and modules you are playing. If money is not a problem then
it may not be necessary to have more than a few points in this skill.

[7.1.7] Parry
Personally, I have never put any points into Parry. With the
offensive style of a Champion of Torm, you probably will not want to
sit around dueling with an opponent waiting for the Divine Wrath to
expire. Best to give this skill a pass.

[7.1.8] Spot
Spot is skill that really depends on the adventure or module being
played. If the enemy is making frequent use of the stealth skills
(Hide and Move Silently), then this skill is useful. However in the
original campaigns I have gotten by without it. Magic items and spells
can compensate. Considering at higher levels the stealthy rogues are
going to have high stealth skills and probable magic augmentation, most
CoT will not have the skill points to keep Spot at sufficient level.

[7.2] Cross-class Skills
Spending points in the other cross-class skills really depends on
what other classes the CoT has in combination. Decisions to spend on
cross-class skills may be influenced by saving the points to spend when
taking levels in classes where the skill is no longer cross-class.
Everything really depends on the build itself. However some of the
cross-class skills are useful to the Champion of Torm, and should be
considered, even when having to spend double points to increase their

[7.2.1] Search
If this skill is not a class skill in the CoT combination’s other
classes then most likely the character will be investing points here
anyway. All adventurers benefit from being able to see traps before
walking into them and it is necessary to find secret doors.

[7.2.2] Spellcraft
If the character is not multi-classing with a spell-caster class,
then this will be a cross-class skill. Even if not casting spells, the
bonuses to saves versus spells for every 5 levels in this skill (before
modified) make it worthwhile when affordable. However, a CoT will have
pretty good Saving Throws anyway, so the choice will likely come down
to priorities.

[7.2.3] Tumble
Tumble is one of those skills that every melee character needs.
For every 5 levels of this skill (before modified) the character gets a
+1 AC Dodge bonus. Unfortunately most melee characters will have to
spend points on Tumble as a cross-class skill. Getting level 5 or 10
is usually the best one can do unless you know you character is going
to get to level 27 and be able to get level 15 in the skill.

* *
* [8.0] FEATS *
* *

When meeting the requirements for a Champion of Torm, there is only
one required feat, Weapon Focus in a melee weapon. After that feat
selections really depend on personal preferences and the build
combination. Certain feats are definite priorities for certain builds
and all melee characters. With the bonus feats that are awarded every
2nd CoT level, most builds are capitalizing on this to ensure they get
all of their desired feats.

[8.1] Champion of Torm Bonus Feats
These are the feats that can be selected every second level of the
CoT first 10 levels. They can also be taken during the epic levels.

Blind-Fight, Called Shot, Cleave, Disarm, Dodge, Expertise, Great
Cleave, Improved Critical, Improved Disarm, Improved Expertise,
Improved Knockdown, Improved Parry, Improved Power Attack, Improved
Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Unarmed Strike, Knockdown, Mobility,
Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Rapid Shot, Spring Attack, Stunning
Fist, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus, Weapon Proficiency Exotic,
Whirlwind Attack

These are the Feats that are counted as the Epic Bonus Feats for
a CoT:

Armor Skin, Automatic Quicken, Automatic Silence Spell, Automatic
Still Spell, Devastating Critical, Epic Damage Reduction, Epic
Prowess, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Toughness,
Epic Weapon Focus, Great Wisdom, Improved Combat Casting, Improved
Stunning Fist, Improved Whirlwind Attack, Overwhelming Critical,
Planar Turning, Superior Initiative

The feats themselves are discussed under various sections below
and are marked with a "(CoT)".

[8.2] Useful General Feats

[8.2.1] Ambidexterity
One of the three feats needed for any character that wants to
effectively dual-wield (including using a double weapon). Utility
really depends on the build, but taking this feat without planning
to take the other two (Two-Weapon Fighting and Improved Two-Weapon
Fighting) would be pointless. Keep in mind neither Ambidexterity and
Two-Weapon Fighting are on the CoT Bonus Feat list and Ambidexterity
has a Dexterity of 15 requirement.

[8.2.2] Blind Fight (CoT)
Blind Fight is very useful to any character that has to melee in
the same area as casters. When playing the NWN Original Campaigns it
certainly appears to be a must for any melee character that can afford

[8.2.3] Cleave (CoT)
A chance at a free attack, what's not to like. However, it
requires Power Attack as a pre-requisite which also requires a 13 in
Strength. It is pretty much standard in my feat selection within the
first few levels for all my melee characters.

[8.2.4] Divine Might
This feat is excellent for Champions of Torm. It makes a great
compliment to Divine Wrath and also is based on the Charisma modifier.
Not all CoT builds have access though, requiring the ability to Turn
Undead and be either a Cleric or Paladin. It also requires Power
Attack, but most melee characters will have that by the time they are
eligible to really make effective use of Divine Might. This feat is a
considered a Paladin or Cleric Class Feat and can only be taken when
leveling up in one of those two classes during a usual General Feat
selection (i.e. 6th or 9th character level).

[8.2.5] Divine Shield
Like Divine Might, it has the same requirements regarding Power
Attack, Turn Undead and being either a Cleric or Paladin. Being able
to apply that Charisma modified as a Dodge bonus to AC is great. It
is definitely another excellent feat for those builds that meet
requirements. For those builds that went with two-handed weapons or
sacrificed Constitution, this can really make a huge difference in
tough fights. Like Divine Might, this feat is a considered a Paladin
or Cleric Class Feat and can only be taken when leveling up in one of
those two classes.

[8.2.6] Dodge (CoT)
An extra +1 AC bonus is always useful, but sometimes the Dexterity
of 13 requirement may not be practical. Really depends on preference
and build. If the Dexterity is going to be there, take it. It is also
required for some other feats and the Weapon Master prestige class.

[8.2.7] Extra Smiting
This feat is good for all Champions of Torm, increasing the number
of times per day the character can use Smite Evil. Only downside is
that it is not a CoT Bonus Feat for some reason and requires a little
extra planning. However, it is still a General Feat and can be taken
during CoT level-ups.

[8.2.8] Extra Turning
For those characters making maximum use of the Divine Might and
Divine Shield Feats, this feat is a definite plus to increase the
numbers of times per day to use those abilities. However unlike
Divine Might and Divine Shield it is not a Class Feat so it can be
taken during CoT level-ups whenever the General Feats are available.

[8.2.9] Great Cleave (CoT)
Of course it requires Cleave as pre-requisite and it is required
if a character wants Overwhelming Critical in the epic levels. Overall
usefulness is mixed. Often at higher levels the chances of being able
to deliver more than one killing blow per round can become less when
fighting those higher level enemies, but then again a CoT tends to have
enough extra feats to afford this one and can dish out some high
damage. Even high level bad guys can get mowed down pretty quickly
if they were softened up by some area effect damage spells ahead of

[8.2.10] Improved Critical (CoT)
Since Champions of Torm already are required to have a Weapon
Focus, it only makes sense to also have Improved Critical in the same
weapon. Usually this is not a question of whether or not to get this
feat, but what priority it has. Until the bonus feats start coming,
the General Feats at levels 9 and 12 can be needed for other useful
feats that are not CoT Bonus Feats, like Divine Might and Extra

[8.2.11] Improved Knockdown (CoT)
If you've got the available feat slots this feat it can be nice
to have, making the enemy's attempts to resist being knockdown that
much harder. Since it is a CoT Bonus Feat it can be picked up without
making any sacrifices. However with the Intelligence requirement of 13,
this feat might be harder to get for some builds.

[8.2.12] Improved Power Attack (CoT)
This feat is not always that useful. It can be handy for
overcoming the damage reduction of doors and chests, but in combat the
-10 penalty to your attack rolls versus the benefit of +10 damage can
be a questionable trade off. However with an over abundance of bonuses
to attack rolls, the extra damage could be most welcome in some cases,
especially when needing to overcome damage resistances. As a CoT Bonus
Feat it can be taken without sacrificing other more critical feats.

[8.2.13] Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (CoT)
The last of the three feats necessary for any character that wants
to effectively dual-wield (including using a double weapon). When it
becomes available the character can be getting close to having three
attacks per round with their primary weapon and adding in this feat can
mean a jump from three attacks per round to five within a span of 1-2
level-ups. Timing for getting this feat really depends on the build,
but after already taking the other two dual-wielding feats
(Ambidexterity and Two-Weapon Fighting) getting this feat would likely
be priority. Even at higher levels when the BAB penalties can be
compensated without Ambidexterity, the Two-Weapon Fighting and Improved
Two-Weapon Fighting might be desirable for secondary weapons packages.

[8.2.14] Knockdown (CoT)
This feat can be very useful, especially against spellcasters and
sneak attacking Rogues. Those enemies cannot use their offensive
abilities while flat on their back, and traditionally they do not have
significant levels of Discipline to resist. It doesn't have any pre-
requisites but the character will be getting this in later levels when
the -4 penalty to BAB can be compensated. Since it is a CoT Bonus Feat
it can be picked up with making any sacrifices and most likely be
included in the majority of CoT builds.

[8.2.15] Power Attack (CoT)
By itself Power Attack is not necessarily that useful. However it
is almost necessary as a pre-requisite for other good feats, like
Cleave, Divine Might, and Divine Shield. Since most melee characters
will have it anyway it can be handy for overcoming the damage reduction
of doors and chests, but in combat the -5 penalty to your attack rolls
versus the benefit of +5 damage can be a questionable trade off.
However with an over abundance of bonuses to attack rolls, the extra
damage could be welcome in some cases, especially when needing to
overcome damage resistances. With some builds that had to delay taking
Power Attack and Cleave in the early levels, Power Attack is a CoT Bonus
Feat and can be taken later when there are more feats being available.

[8.2.16] Toughness
One extra hit point per level is a definite must for any melee
character, if not every character. The real question is when to take
it. For starting characters, the utility of a few extra hit points is
not that earth shattering, but once a character reaches 6th level it
really starts making a difference. However at 6th level, other feats
start becoming available and it can be a question of priorities. Many
builds are taking it very early, or otherwise having to wait until
level 15 or higher. Unfortunately, for some reason Toughness is not one
of the CoT Bonus Feats (even though it is for Fighters) and it may
require some planning on when exactly to take it.

[8.2.17] Weapon Finesse (CoT)
This feat is definitely required for the Dexterity based melee
characters. When using a dagger, handaxe, kama, kukri, light hammer,
mace, rapier, short sword, sickle or unarmed strike, the character
uses their Dexterity bonus (if it is higher than their Strength bonus)
for their attack rolls. Note that the Strength, not Dexterity, bonus
is still used for damage. Most high Dexterity, finesse Fighter builds
are based using this feat and most likely using one or two of the
applicable melee weapons, often dual-wielding to capitalize on more
attacks with lower damage weapons. Keep in mind six successful attacks
can apply the special ability damage six times. At higher levels this
can mean enough extra damage to more than compensate for the smaller
base damage of a 1d6 weapon versus a 1d8 or even a 1d10 weapon.

[8.2.18] Weapon Focus (CoT)
To even be a Champion of Torm requires this to be taken at least
once beforehand. However the fact that it is a CoT Bonus Feat as well
allows for some builds to develop a secondary weapon package.

[8.2.19] Weapon Proficiency: Exotic (CoT)
Some of the nicer weapons (bastard sword, dire mace, double axe,
dwarven waraxe, katana, kukri, scythe, and two-bladed sword) are only
useable by a character with this feat and none of the basic classes
grant this feat automatically. If the desired weapon of choice is one
of these you will likely be getting this early on to take the Weapon
Focus in that weapon before taking CoT levels. However like Weapon
Focus it is a CoT Bonus Feat and can be used to develop a secondary
weapon package to use a cool weapon that you acquired as part of your

[8.2.20] Weapon Specialization
What's not to like about +2 to damage when using your weapon of
choice? However, this is only available to the Fighter class and
requires at least four levels. On level-up it is only available when
taking a Fighter level, which can add some difficulty when making
secondary weapon packages as well. Of course epic characters would be
eligible for the Epic Weapon Specialization to gain another +4 to
damage. Luckily the epic version only requires Weapon Specialization
and it is available to any class that meets the requirement, not
requiring further Fighter levels.

[8.3] Optional Feats
There are several General and CoT Bonus Feats that are questionable
in their usefulness and can really depend on the other classes in the
combination. These are: Combat Casting, Disarm, Expertise, Extra Music,
Improved Disarm, Improved Expertise, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes,
Lingering Song, Luck of Heroes, Mobility, Skill Focus, Spring Attack,
and Whirlwind Attack. There are also some class specific feats (like
Evasion and Uncanny Dodge) that are only accessible from certain
combinations and often have varied usefulness.

As for the Metamagic Feats, the only really good spellcasters that
combine with the CoT is the Bard and Cleric. Empower Spell and Extend
Spell with a buffing spell can really be useful. It is hard not to like
Eagle's Splendor or Bull's Strength empowered or extended.

[8.4] Feats To Avoid
This is the list of feats that will probably be avoided: Alertness,
Artist, Blooded, Bullheaded, Called Shot, Circle Kick, Courteous
Magocracy, Deflect Arrows, Dirty Fighting, Extra Stunning Attacks,
Great Fortitude, Greater Spell Focus, Greater Spell Penetration,
Improved Initiative, Improved Parry, Improved Unarmed Strike, Point
Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Rapid Reload, Resist Disease, Resist Energy,
Resist Poison, Silver Palm, Skill Focus, Snake Blood, Spell Focus,
Spell Penetration, Spring Attack, Stealthy, Strong Soul, Stunning Fist,
Thug, and Zen Archery.

Many of the first level only feats are related to skills that are
not a priority for CoT builds or they are providing bonuses to Saving
Throws. Some of the bonuses could be useful in the weakest of the
three, possibly Will because CoT have both Fortitude and Reflex as
primary. But pretty much all of these can be sacrificed for other
feats that are more beneficial. Any of the feats that really fit
basic classes that do not make good CoT combinations can be avoided as

[8.5] Useful Epic Feats
Many of the Epic Feats are great for obvious reasons, they are
epic. These are the most noteworthy ones that are realistic for a
CoT to take.

[8.5.1] Armor Skin (CoT)
Armor Skin is good, adds +2 to the character's natural AC before
applying any modifications. It stacks with everything.

[8.5.2] Devastating Critical (CoT)
Devastating Critical has tough requirements fro CoT builds;
Strength of 25 and Overwhelming Critical (and its requirements).
However, with this feat any critical hit successfully delivered
(assuming the enemy is not immune) can deliver automatic death unless
successfully making a Fortitude save. It is nice to deliver killing
blows and goes well with a Weapon Master combination, but in the epic
levels it may not be as effective when high level enemies are immune.

[8.5.3] Epic Damage Reduction I-III (CoT)
This feat is nice providing natural damage reduction that cannot
be bypassed with magic weapons. It can be taken up to three times to
provide 3, 6, or 9 points of reduction respectively. This will also
stack with other forms of damage reduction. However it requires a
little planning for a CoT to meet the Constitution of 21 requirement.

[8.5.4] Epic Prowess (CoT)
This feat adds a +1 to all attacks with weapons. It is not bad,
but it may not be high on the priority list since the extra +1 may not
be that big of a deal in epic levels.

[8.5.5] Epic Toughness (CoT)
This feat adds +20 to hit points. It does not add 1 point per level
like the Toughness Feat. Also Epic Toughness can be selected multiple
times, for a maximum of +200 hit points. After picking up the other CoT
Epic Bonus Feats, many epic characters will be getting this multiple
times from lack of a better choice when spending epic bonus feats.

[8.5.6] Epic Weapon Focus (CoT)
This feat will add another +2 bonus to attack with the chosen weapon
of choice. It requires a prior Weapon Focus, which the CoT should
already have.

[8.5.7] Epic Weapon Specialization
This feat is only available to the CoT if they have Weapon
Specialization and Epic Weapon Focus beforehand. However, having an
additional +4 to damage with the weapon of choice is nice and usually
a priority for CoT combinations that have at least 4 levels of Fighter.
The other nice thing is that it can be taken as a General Feat once the
requirements are met. It is not a requirement to take further levels of
Fighter in the epic levels. Some builds capitalize on the CoT Bonus
Feats and plan for taking this feat and Epic Weapon Focus on the 21st
level to get both as soon as possible.

[8.5.8] Great Charisma
This feat adds another point to Charisma and can be taken up to 10
times. However it is a General Epic Feat and is not a Bonus Feat for
CoT. It is definitely useful to continue to boost Charisma higher and
almost a necessity for any CoT that wants to get Great Smite.

[8.5.9] Great Constitution
This feat adds another point to Constitution and can be taken up to
10 times. However it is a General Epic Feat and is not a Bonus Feat for
CoT. It is definitely useful to boost Constitution higher for more hit
points and almost a necessity for any CoT that wants to get Epic Damage

[8.5.10] Great Smite
This has a requirement of a Charisma of 25, which is not wasted on
any CoT build. However, this can take some time and extra effort. CoT
already have Smite Evil, so this feat adds an additional 1x the
character level (CoT and Paladin) to the damage when successfully
hitting. It can be selected multiple times to make a total of 10x the
character level for successful Smite Evil attacks.

[8.5.11] Great Strength
This feat adds another point to Strength and can be taken up to 10
times. However it is a General Epic Feat and is not a Bonus Feat for
CoT. It is definitely useful to boost Strength higher for increasing
the bonus to hit and damage. It is almost a necessity for any CoT that
wants to get the Overwhelming and Devastating Critical Feats.

[8.5.12] Overwhelming Critical (CoT)
Overwhelming Critical has some tough requirements for CoT builds
to meet, mainly the Strength of 23. The other feat requirements are
most likely already part of the build by the time the character is
eligible as they have usefulness in their own right. With successful
critical hits, this feat provides additional damage depending on the
weapon's modifier, ranging from +1d6 to +3d6.

* *
* [9.0] EPIC LEVELS *
* *

Making epic characters really have tons of possibilities and it is
really hard to compare them all. Most epic characters are a force to be
reckoned with regardless of what character class they are. Even the
builds in the Sample Characters Sections are only going into the epic
levels a short ways to complete the combination.

The choice whether to continue to take the Champion of Torm levels
after the first 10 really depends on personal preference. The special
abilities all continue to get stronger as the levels progress. 30 levels
of CoT mean a Divine Wrath of +13 Attack/Damage/Saves. However, taking
some of the basic classes in the CoT combination all the way to level 20
provides benefits as well, particularly for any class with spells.

Another issue to note is that CoT levels are not epic until level 11,
which means that epic characters taking non-epic levels of CoT are still
getting access to the CoT Bonus Feats every 2nd level, but can take the
feats from the Epic Feats. For this reason some may choose to delay CoT
levels to take advantage of this.

In any case this guide focuses more on pre-epic characters and
builds that are not carried much past the initial epic levels. For
those people who like level 40 characters, knock yourself out, but most
of the community modules I have seen are not written for characters
past 20. Finding good epic level modules is almost as challenging as
trying to decide your ultimate 40th level character build. Personally
I am not interested in player vs. player so I am not even going to
address those issues.

* *
* *

These sample character builds are just that, sample characters.
Some people made find variations they like better. Even with some of
the combinations there are little tweaks that can be made, but I tried
to provide some variety rather than make every build a human whose
preference was longswords and shields. And if you don't like a
particular sample character, well don't make it, choice is yours.

[10.1] Barbarian/Fighter/Champion of Torm
Race: Half-orc
Alignment: Neutral or Chaotic Good, True Neutral, or Chaotic Neutral
Classes: Barbarian(8+)/Fighter(4)/Champion of Torm(10)
1st Level Ability Scores*:
STR 17, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 8, CHA 12
* Racial adjustments already applied

Build Progression
| Char | | | Ability | |
| Levels | Class | Feats | Scores | Skills |
| 1 | Barb | Weapon Focus Greatsword | | Discipline, Heal, |
| | | | | Search, Tumble |
| 2 - 5 | Fighter | Power Attack, Cleave, | STR +1 | Discipline, |
| | | Dodge, Weapon Spec | | Tumble |
| | | Greatsword | | |
| 6 - 8 | Barb | Toughness | STR +1 | Discipline, Heal, |
| | | | | Search, Tumble |
| 9 - 17 | CoT | Improved Critical | STR +1 | Discipline, |
| | | Greatsword, Knockdown, | CHA +1 | Tumble |
| | | Lightning Reflexes, | | |
| | | Great Cleave, Iron Will | | |
| | | Blind Flight | | |
| 18 - 20 | Barb | Improved Power Attack | CHA +1 | Discipline, Heal, |
| | | (or optional choice) | | Search, Tumble |
| 21 | CoT | Epic Weapon Focus and | | Discipline, Heal |
| | | Epic Weapon Spec with | | |
| | | Greatsword | | |
| 22 | Barb | | | Discipline, Heal, |
| | | | | Search |

22nd Level Statistics:
STR 20, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 8, CHA 14
AC Bonuses: +2 minimum
+2 Dexterity (+1 in Heavy Armor)
+1 Dodge
+2 Tumble
-2 Barbarian Rage
Hit Points: 302
+44 Barbarian Rage
Fortitude: 23, Reflex: 19, Will: 13
+2 Fortitude with Barbarian Rage
+2 Will with Barbarian Rage
+1 Reflex versus traps with Uncanny Dodge II
+5 All with Divine Wrath
BAB: +21 Attacks: +21/+16/+11/+6
Attack Bonuses: +15
+5 Strength
+3 Greatsword Weapon Focuses
+2 Barbarian Rage Strength
+5 Divine Wrath
+2 Using Smite Evil
Damage Bonuses (base 2d6): +22
+8 Strength
+6 Greatsword Weapon Specializations
+3 Barbarian Rage Strength
+5 Divine Wrath (Divine damage)
+10 Using Smite Evil (Divine damage)
Skill Levels Taken:
25 Discipline
8 Heal
10 Search
10 Tumble

During level-up, priorities are given to Fighter levels early on to
get Weapon Specialization at 5th level. Delaying CoT levels to 9th level
means getting the increase in uses of Barbarian Rage to 2x/day. Saving
the 10th level of CoT until advancing to 21st level means the 10th level
CoT Bonus Feat can be used to get both Epic Weapon Focus and Epic Weapon
Specialization on the same level. The 22nd level choice of getting the
8th level of Barbarian is to gain another use per day of Barbarian Rage.
Beyond level 22, I probably would continue to advance as a Barbarian to
continue to get those special abilities.

[10.2] Bard/Red Dragon Disciple/Champion of Torm
Race: Elf
Alignment: Neutral or Chaotic Good, True Neutral, or Chaotic Neutral
Classes: Bard(6)/Red Dragon Disciple(10)/Champion of Torm(6)
1st Level Ability Scores*:
STR 14, DEX 15, CON 12, INT 14, WIS 10, CHA 13
* Racial adjustments already applied

Build Progression
| Char | | | Ability | |
| Levels | Class | Feats | Scores | Skills |
| 1 - 5 | Bard | Weapon Focus | CHA +1 | Discipline, Lore, |
| | | Longsword, Power | | Perform=7, Search, |
| | | Attack | | Spellcraft=5, Tumble, |
| | | | | Use Magic Device |
| 6 - 13 | RDD | Cleave, Heavy | CON +4 | Discipline, Persuade, |
| | | Armor Proficiency, | STR +4 | Search, Spellcraft=15, |
| | | Toughness | | and save points for |
| | | | | Bard level |
| 14 - 17 | CoT | Improved Critical | CHA +1 | Discipline and save |
| | | Longsword, Dodge, | | points for Bard level |
| | | Two-Weapon | | |
| | | Fighting | | |
| 18 | Bard | Ambidexterity | | Discipline, |
| | | | | Perform=10, Tumble=20, |
| | | | | Use Magic Device=17 |
| 19 - 20 | CoT | Improved Two- | CHA +1 | Discipline, Search |
| | | Weapon Fighting | | |
| 21 - 22 | RDD | Armor Skin or Epic | INT +2 | Discipline, Search |
| | | Weapon Focus | STR +4 | Spellcraft |
| | | Longsword (option) | CHA +2 | |
| 23+ | CoT | | CHA | Discipline, Search |

Key Spells:
Cantrips: Cure Minor Wounds, Resistance, Light
1st: Mage Armor, Magic Weapon, Prot From Alignment, Cure Light Wnds
2nd: Bull's Strength, Eagle's Splendor, Cat's Grace, Owl's Wisdom
22nd Level Statistics:
STR 22, DEX 15, CON 16, INT 16, WIS 10, CHA 18
AC Bonuses: +11 minimum
+2 Dexterity (+1 in Heavy Armor)
+1 Dodge
+4 Tumble
+4 Draconic Armor
+1-4 Mage Armor spell (only +1 Dodge AC stacks)
+2 Protection from Alignment spell (Deflection)
+1-3 Dexterity from Cat's Grace spell when in medium or light armor
Hit Points: 268
Fortitude: 20, Reflex: 18, Will: 17
+1 All with Bardsong
+3 All with Divine Wrath
+1 All Resistance spell
+1-2 Will from Owl's Wisdom spell
+1-3 Reflex from Cat's Grace spell
+2 All with Protection from Alignment
+2 Racial Bonus versus mind-affecting spells
+5 versus spells from Spellcraft
BAB: +17 Attacks: +15/+10/+5/+0/+15/+10
Attack Bonuses: +12-16 with longsword, +11-13 with light off-hand weapon
+6 Strength
+1-2 Strength from Bull's Strength spell
+3 Longsword Weapon Focuses
+1 Bardsong
+3 Divine Wrath
+1 Magic Weapon spell
-2 With Longsword as off-hand Weapon instead of light weapon
+5-6 Smite Evil with Eagle's Splendor spell
Damage Bonuses (base 1d8): +12-13
+6 Strength
+1-2 Strength from Bull's Strength spell
+2 Bardsong
+3 Divine Wrath (Divine Damage)
+6 Using Smite Evil (Divine Damage)
Skill Levels Taken:
25 Discipline
8 Lore
10 Perform
5 Persuade
10 Search
25 Spellcraft
20 Tumble
17 Use Magic Device

This build makes an effective dual-wielding Strength based character,
maintaining a good AC despite not having a shield. During level-up the
character will be restricted to chainmail as the best armor available
until gaining Heavy Armor Proficiency. However if Chainmail of Speed is
available then changing that feat in favor of Knockdown or something is
an option, picking up the Heavy Armor Proficiency in the epic levels when
much better armor is available. When taking the last Bard level at 18th
level, the Magic Weapon spell will likely become far obsolete and changed
for something else. Also exchanging Owl's Wisdom for Cat's Grace will
probably be desirable.

The build will likely continue the CoT levels until 26th level to
gain the additional saves, bonus feats, and increase to Divine Wrath.
Picking up levels 7-10 of CoT in the epic levels provides access to the
Epic Feats as well. With the synergy with Charisma carrying Bard to
higher levels can offer some attractiveness with some good spells and
continuing to increase the power and number of Bard Songs. Also RDD
continue to increase effectiveness of their Breath Weapon (unfortunately
still only 1x/day) and bonuses to AC. Generally it is probably best to
pick one and max it out or balance CoT and RDD.

[10.3] Cleric/Paladin/Champion of Torm
Race: Human
Alignment: Lawful Good
Classes: Cleric(10)/Paladin(2)/Champion of Torm(10)
1st Level Ability Scores:
STR 14, DEX 12, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 14, CHA 14
Domains: (Built with Strength and War, but Earth* as an Optional choice)
Strength: Divine Strength, Divine Power Spell(3rd), Stoneskin Spell(5th)
War: Battlemaster, Cat's Grace(2nd), Aura of Vitality (7th)
* Earth: Turn Elementals, Stoneskin Spell(4th), Energy Buffer Spell(5th)

Build Progression
| Char | | | Ability | |
| Levels | Class | Feats | Scores | Skills |
| 1 | Cleric | Power Attack, Cleave | | Concentration, |
| | | | | Persuade, Tumble |
| 2 | Paladin | | | Discipline |
| 2 - 6 | Cleric | Weapon Focus Longsword, | CHA +1 | Concentration, |
| | | Divine Might | | Search, Tumble |
| 7 | Paladin | | | Discipline |
| 8 - 11 | Cleric | Divine Shield | WIS +1 | Concentration, |
| | | | | Persuade, |
| | | | | Spellcraft, Tumble|
| 12 - 19 | CoT | Empower Spell, Improved | CHA +2 | Discipline, |
| | | Critical Longsword, | | Search, Tumble, |
| | | Knockdown, Toughness, | | and save points |
| | | Great Cleave, Extra | | Cleric levels |
| | | Smiting, Blind Fight | | |
| 20 - 21 | CoT | Epic Weapon Focus, | CHA +1 | Discipline |
| | | Armor Skin, Great | | |
| | | Wisdom I or Charisma I | | |
| | | (choose two) | | |
| 22 | Cleric | | | Concentration, |
| | | | | Spellcraft |

Key Spells:
Cantrips: Cure Minor Wounds, Resistance, Light
1st: Bless, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, Prot From Alignment, Endure
Elements, Remove Fear, Cure Light Wounds
2nd: Aid, Endurance, Silence, Owl's Wisdom, Cure Moderate Wounds, Cat's
3rd: Darkfire, Divine Power, Prot From Elements, Prayer, Dispel Magic,
Cure Serious Wounds
4th: Empower Bull's Strength, Empowered Eagle's Splendor, Death
Ward, Empowered Endurance, Cure Critical Wounds
5th: Stoneskin, Spell Resistance, Battletide, True Seeing, Monsterous
22nd Level Statistics:
STR 14, DEX 12, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 15, CHA 18
AC Bonuses: +5 minimum
+1 Dexterity (max in heavy armor)
+2 Tumble (Dodge)
+2 Armored Skin Feat
+5-7 Divine Shield (Dodge) with Empowered Eagle's Splendor spell
+3 Shield of Faith spell (Deflection)
+2 Prot From Alignment spell (Deflection)
+1-2 Dexterity from Battlemaster War Domain power(n/a in Heavy Armor)
+1-3 Dexterity from Cat's Grace spell(n/a in Heavy Armor)
Hit Points: 268
+1d8 Aid spell
+10 Divine Power spell
+22-66 Empowered Endurance spell
+22 Battlemaster War Domain power
Fortitude: 27, Reflex: 20, Will: 21
+1-3 All with Charisma boosted from Empowered Eagle's Splendor spell
+5 All with Divine Wrath
+2 All with Battletide Spell
+1 All with Prayer
+1 All Resistance spell
+1-2 Reflex with +3 Dexterity from Battlemaster War Domain power
+1-3 Reflex from Cat's Grace spell
+2 versus spells from Spellcraft
BAB: +18 Attacks: +18/+13/+8/+3
Attack Bonuses: +28-30 (using all the abilities and spells at once)
+2 Strength
+1-3 Strength with Empowered Bull's Strength spell
+2-3 Strength with Divine Strength Domain power
+2 Strength with Divine Power spell (n/a unless STR is 14 when cast)
+3 BAB bonus with Divine Power spell
+3 Longsword Weapon Focuses
+5 Divine Wrath
+3 Divine Favor spell
+1 Bless spell
+1 Aid spell
+1 Prayer spell
+2 Battletide spell
+3 Battlemaster War Domain power
+5-7 Using Smite Evil with Empowered Eagle's Splendor spell
Damage Bonuses (base 1d8): +30-40
+2 Strength
+1-3 Strength with Empowered Bull's Strength spell
+2-3 Strength with Divine Strength Domain power
+2 Strength with Divine Power spell (n/a unless STR is 14 when cast)
+5 Divine Wrath (divine damage)
+5-7 Divine Might with Empowered Eagle's Splendor spell (divine damage)
+3 Divine Favor spell (magical damage)
+1 Prayer spell (slashing damage)
+2 Battletide spell (magical damage)
+3 Battlemaster War Domain power (bludgeoning damage)
+6-11 Darkfire spell (fire damage)
+12 Using Smite Evil (divine damage)
Skill Levels Taken:
10 Concentration
25 Discipline
5 Persuade
5 Search
10 Spellcraft
10 Tumble

At 8th level Wisdom should be increased to 15 for 5th level spells.
Later it can be increased again to 16 during a level-up selection or
taking Great Wisdom (CoT Epic Bonus Feat) for the extra 3rd level spell
(to make 5 total at Cleric level 10) and access to 6th level spells.
Otherwise increasing Charisma is probably best all around since it ties
to so many extra abilities.

The two levels of Paladin help provide a little boost to Smite Evil
and Lay on Hands, but more importantly it provides the Divine Grace,
Divine Health, and Aura of Courage Class Feats. 3rd level Paladin
abilities of Turn Undead and Remove Disease are redundant to Cleric
abilities. Granted more Paladin levels stack with CoT, but after level
22, stick with the CoT levels instead to keep increasing Sacred Defense
and Divine Wrath. Paladins do have 3 unique spells that come in very
handy, Deafening Clang, Aura of Glory, and Holy Sword. Deafening clang
is easily obtainable at level 4 Paladin, but would have short duration
and would cost significantly more in Cleric spells if not taking the
Cleric levels instead. Aura of Glory and Holy Sword are great, but the
number of levels of Paladin needed for just those spells would probably
not be worthwhile when stacked against equivalent levels of Cleric.

The 9th level of Cleric is key for getting two important spells
despite taking the hit to the BAB bonus; most people will find Stoneskin
and Spell Resistance as worth the sacrifice. The 10th level of Cleric is
nice to gain additional spell slots at 4th and 5th level, but it also
increases the bonuses of the Battlemaster War Domain power.

Alternatively some may prefer to choose the Earth Domain over the
War Domain. Having the Stoneskin spell at level 4 versus level 5 and
the Energy Buffer spell can really balance the buffing spells better.
War Domain's Cat's Grace spell really only helps the Reflex saves when
in heavy armor, but once using the main 2nd level buffs Empowered in
level 4 slots, you might as well throw it on as there are plenty of 2nd
level slots available. However if taking more levels of Cleric during
the epic levels to actually use Aura of Vitality, then sticking with War
is probably a better choice.

After level 22 deciding whether to advance further as a Cleric or
Champion of Torm can be a tough decision. Both are going to receive the
same number of Epic Bonus Feats, increases to saves, and increases to
BAB. Carrying Cleric levels to gain 9th level Spells can really make a
huge impact in abilities, plus access to Epic Spells. Champion of Torm
levels continue to increase the special abilities and can keep Ability
Score Point focused more on Charisma without sharing with Wisdom.
Unfortunately Great Wisdom is a CoT Epic Bonus Feat, but Great Charisma
is not, which doesn't make sense to me. Going for the Great Smite Feat
though requires a Charisma of 25, and requires planning as it will most
likely be desirable to be maxed as much as possible. Perhaps most
people will consider leveling up both after 22nd level, really depends
on how far the character is planning to go.

Overall this is my favorite CoT build and possible a contender for
the heavy weight champ of melee characters. There are almost too many
buffs and abilities to use all at once. However several are fairly long
lasting (hour or turn per level) for a Cleric level 10. With items
(like the Greater Mask of Persuasion and a +5 Nymph Cloak) and an
Empowered Eagle's Splendor spell, the Charisma Bonus can realistically
be from +9-11. That means the four buffs of Divine Strength,
Battlemaster, Divine Might, and Divine Shield can all be put on before
combat and probably last through its duration. With usual Strength
increasing belt and gloves (+5 Strength) and wielding a Holy Avenger
against an evil boss, and you could be looking at 43-65 points of
damage per hit, without the 12 extra points for the Smite Evils.
Without criticals (tough bosses tend to be immune anyway) this Champion
of Torm should be able to dish out at least 850 points of damage in 5
rounds (4 rounds if hasted). Even with some immunities and damage
reduction, the magical and divine damage (20-27 points per hit) should
still get through. I haven't taken this build through the HotU Campaign
yet (I beat it with a Bard/Ftr/RDD combination using only Aribeth in the
end), but wielding an augmented Enserric Longsword (Holy Avengers cannot
be augmented enough), Mephistopheles should be mine possibly won't even
need a henchman to help.

[10.4] Fighter/Rogue/Champion of Torm
Race: Human
Alignment: Any Good or Neutral
Classes: Fighter(6)/Rogue(6)/Champion of Torm(10)
1st Level Ability Scores:
STR 15, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 14

Build Progression
| Char | | | Ability | |
| Levels | Class | Feats | Scores | Skills |
| 1 | Rogue | Power Attack, | | Disable Trap, Open |
| | | Cleave | | Lock, Persuade, Search,|
| | | | | Set Trap, Spellcraft, |
| | | | | Tumble, Use Magic |
| | | | | Device |
| 2 - 3 | Fighter | Exotic Weapon | | Discipline, Spellcraft |
| | | Proficiency, Weapon| | |
| | | Focus Katana, Dodge| | |
| 4 | Rogue | | STR +1 | Disable Trap, Open |
| | | | | Lock, Persuade=5, |
| | | | | Search, Set Trap=5, |
| | | | | Spellcraft, Tumble, |
| | | | | Use Magic Device |
| 5 - 6 | Fighter | Toughness, Weapon | | Discipline |
| | | Specialization | | |
| | | Katana | | |
| 7 | Rogue | | | Disable Trap=10, Open |
| | | | | Lock=9, Search=10, |
| | | | | Spellcraft, Tumble=10, |
| | | | | Use Magic Device |
| 8 | Fighter | | DEX +1 | Discipline, Spellcraft |
| 9 - 11 | CoT | Ambidexterity, | | Discipline, Spellcraft |
| | | Improved Critical | | |
| | | Katana | | |
| 12 | Rogue | Two-Weapon Fighting| CON +1 | Spellcraft, Tumble=15, |
| | | | | Use Magic Device |
| 13 | CoT | Weapon Focus | | Discipline, Spellcraft |
| | | Shortsword | | |
| 14 | Fighter | Weapon | | Discipline, Spellcraft |
| | | Specialization | | |
| | | Shortsword | | |
| 15 - 17 | CoT | Knockdown, Improved| CON +1 | Discipline, Spellcraft |
| | | Two-Weapon Fighting| | |
| 18 | Rogue | Improved Critical | | Tumble=20, Use Magic |
| | | Shortsword | | Device |
| 19 - 21 | CoT | Great Cleave, Epic | CHA +1 | Discipline |
| | | Weapon Focus and | | |
| | | Specialization | | |
| | | Katana | | |
| 22 | Rogue | | | Tumble=25, Use Magic |
| | | | | Device |

22nd Level Statistics:
STR 16, DEX 15, CON 16, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 15
AC Bonuses: +11 minimum
+2 Dexterity (+1 in Heavy Armor)
+1 Dodge
+5 Tumble (dodge)
Hit Points: 284
Fortitude: 22, Reflex: 21, Will: 12
+5 All with Divine Wrath
+2 versus spells from Spellcraft
+1 Reflex versus traps with Uncanny Dodge II
BAB: +19 Attacks: +17/+12/+7/+2/+17/+12
Attack Bonuses: +9-13 with katana, +9 with off-hand katana or shortsword
+3 Strength
+3 Katana Weapon Focuses
+1 Shortsword Weapon Focus
+5 Divine Wrath
+2 Using shield and katana instead of dual-wielding with a shortword
-2 With katana as off-hand weapon instead of shortsword
+2 Using Smite Evil
Katana Damage Bonuses (base 1d10): +14
+3 Strength
+6 Katana Weapon Specializations
+5 Divine Wrath (Divine Damage)
+10 Using Smite Evil (Divine Damage)
+3d6 Sneak Attack
Shortsword Damage Bonuses (base 1d6): +12-13
+3 Strength
+2 Shortsword Weapon Specialization
+5 Divine Wrath (Divine Damage)
+3d6 Sneak Attack
Skill Levels Taken:
10 Disable Trap
25 Discipline
9 Open Lock
5 Persuade
10 Search
5 Set Trap
10 Spellcraft
25 Tumble
20 Use Magic Device

Decent starting Ability Score distribution, just keeping Wisdom from
being a negative and not worrying about extra skill points from
Intelligence because there are plenty of skill points during level-ups
with Rogue. Starting as a Rogue at level 1 would maximize the initial
skill points, but thereafter four additional Rogue levels could be
spaced out during the progression to level 22 to keep Tumble maximized
for the AC bonus. During level-up the first ability point should
probably go Strength and then Dexterity. From level 12 I would probably
go with Constitution and/or Charisma and depend on items for boosting

[10.5] Fighter/Weapon Master/Champion of Torm
Race: Human
Alignment: Any Neutral or Good
Classes: Fighter(6)/Weapon Master(7)/Champion of Torm(10)
1st Level Ability Scores:
STR 15, DEX 13, CON 14, INT 14, WIS 8, CHA 13

Build Progression
| Char | | | Ability | |
| Levels | Class | Feats | Scores | Skills |

| 1 - 6 | Fighter | Exotic Weap Proficiency,| STR +1 | Discipline, Heal, |
| | | Dodge, Weapon Focus, | | Intimidate, |
| | | Bastard Sword, Mobility,| | Search, |
| | | Expertise, Weapon | | Spellcraft, Tumble|
| | | Specialization Bastard | | |
| | | Sword, Spring Attack, | | |
| | | Whirlwind Attack | | |
| 7 | Weapon | Weapon of Choice | | Discipline, Heal, |
| | Master | Bastard Sword | | Intimidate, |
| | | | | Search, |
| | | | | Spellcraft, Tumble|
| 8 - 9 | CoT | Power Attack, Cleave | STR +1 | Discipline, Heal, |
| | | | | Intimidate, |
| | | | | Search, |
| | | | | Spellcraft, Tumble|
| 10 - 13 | Weapon | Improved Critical | STR +1 | Discipline, Heal, |
| | Master | Bastard Sword | | Search, |
| | | | | Spellcraft, Tumble|
| 14 - 16 | CoT | Great Cleave, Toughness | CHA +1 | Discipline, Heal, |
| | | | | Search, |
| | | | | Spellcraft, Tumble|
| 17 - 18 | Weapon | Knockdown | | Discipline, Heal, |
| | Master | | | Search, |
| | | | | Spellcraft, Tumble|
| 19 - 23 | CoT | Improved Knockdown, | CHA +1 | Discipline, Heal, |
| | | Epic Weapon Focus | | Search, |
| | | Bastard Sword, Epic | | Spellcraft, Tumble|
| | | Weapon Specialization, | | |
| | | Bastard Sword, Armor | | |
| | | Skin | | |

23rd Level Statistics:
STR 18, DEX 13, CON 14, INT 14, WIS 8, CHA 15
AC Bonuses: +5 minimum
+1 Dexterity (max in heavy armor)
+2 Tumble (Dodge)
+2 Armored Skin Feat
+5 Expertise Feat (when needed)
Hit Points: 299
BAB: +21 Attacks: +21/+16/+11/+6
Fortitude: 20, Reflex: 19, Will: 12
+5 All with Divine Wrath
+2 versus spells from Spellcraft
Attack Bonuses: +13
+4 Strength
+4 Bastard Sword Weapon Focuses
+5 Divine Wrath
+2 Using Smite Evil
Damage Bonuses (base 1d10): +15 (w/out Critical Hit)
+4 Strength
+6 Bastard Sword Weapon Specializations
x4 Damage with Critical Hit Range 15-20
+5 Divine Wrath (divine damage)
+10 Using Smite Evil (divine damage)
Max Using Ki Damage ability
Skill Levels Taken:
26 Discipline
18 Heal
8 Intimidate
12 Search
13 Spellcraft
13 Tumble

Dexterity is at the minimum needed for Weapon Master with no reason
to increase to 14, but Intelligence is at 14 to provide that extra skill
point to make the Intimidate skill level easier to obtain early on. The
low Wisdom makes Will saves tougher, but the extra saves from CoT levels
will more than compensate. When considering the Weapon of Choice,
katanas and bastard swords are the same and allow use of a shield.
Going with a two-handed weapon, greatswords are going to be your best

In the epic levels, the most likely option is to continue on with
Champion of Torm levels, as the advantages to saves and increasing
Divine Wrath probably outweigh Attack bonuses of Superior Weapon Focus
and Epic Superior Weapon Focus. Overall a Barb/Ftr/WM combination would
probably dish out more damage wielding a greatsword, particularly having
a significantly higher Strength and can get Overwhelming and Devastating
Critical Feats that much faster.

[10.6] Paladin/Champion of Torm
Race: Human
Alignment: Lawful Good
Classes: Paladin(16)/Champion of Torm(6)
1st Level Ability Scores:
STR 14, DEX 10, CON 12, INT 10, WIS 14, CHA 16

Build Progression
| Char | | | Ability | |
| Levels | Class | Feats | Scores | Skills |
| 1 - 7 | Paladin | Power Attack, Cleave, | CHA +1 | Discipline, |
| | | Weapon Focus Longsword, | | Persuade, Search, |
| | | Toughness | | Tumble |
| 8 | CoT | | CHA +1 | Discipline |
| 9 | Paladin | Divine Might | | Discipline, |
| | | | | Persuade, Tumble |
| 10 - 11 | CoT | Improved Critical | | Discipline, |
| | | Longsword | | Tumble |
| 12 | Paladin | Divine Shield | CHA +1 | Discipline, |
| | | | | Search, Tumble |
| 13 - 14 | CoT | Blind Fight | | Discipline, |
| | | | | Search, Tumble |
| 15 - 20 | Paladin | Extra Smiting, Extra | CHA +2 | Discipline, |
| | | Turning | | Search, Tumble |
| 21 | CoT | Armor Skin, Great | CHA +1 | Discipline, |
| | | Charisma I | | Search, Tumble |
| 22 | Paladin | | | Discipline, |
| | | | | Search, Tumble |

Key Spells:
1st: Bless, Divine Favor, Deafening Clang, Endure Elements
2nd: Bull's Strength, Eagle's Splendor, Aura of Glory,
3rd: Prayer, Cure Moderate Wounds, Dispel Magic
4th: Holy Sword, Death Ward
22nd Level Statistics:
STR 14, DEX 10, CON 12, INT 10, WIS 14, CHA 22
AC Bonuses: +2 minimum
+2 Tumble (Dodge)
+9-10 Divine Shield (Dodge) with Eagle's Splendor and Aura of Glory
Hit Points: 264
Fortitude: 24, Reflex: 19, Will: 18
+3-5 All with Charisma boosted from Aura of Glory and Eagle's Splendor
+3 All with Divine Wrath
BAB: +21 Attacks: +21/+16/+11/+6
Attack Bonuses: +20-21
+2 Strength
+1-2 Strength from Bull's Strength spell
+1 Longsword Weapon Focus
+5 Divine Favor spell
+1 Bless spell
+1 Deafening Clang spell
+1 Prayer spell
+3 Divine Wrath
+5 Holy Sword
+9-10 Using Smite Evil with Aura of Glory and Eagle's Splendor spells
Damage Bonuses (base 1d8): +28-29
+2 Strength
+1-2 Strength from Bull's Strength spell
+5 Divine Favor spell (magic damage)
+1 Prayer spell (slashing damage)
+3 Deafening Clang spell (sonic damage)
+3 Divine Wrath (divine damage)
+9-10 Divine Might (divine damage) with Eagle's Splendor and Aura of
Glory spells
+5 Holy Sword
+22 Using Smite Evil (divine damage)
Skill Levels Taken:
25 Discipline
5 Persuade
10 Search
12 Tumble

Wisdom is at 14 for access to 4th level spells at epic levels, but
also gives a key bonus 2nd level buff spell. All of the level-up points
are put into Charisma to pump the Charisma bonus as high as possible.
Leaving the Strength at 14 is going to be compensated by the extra damage
from Charisma bonus-based abilities and the Bull's Strength spell.
Constitution is balanced with Dexterity, and for some a Dexterity of 8
(-1 penalty) can be desired in favor of more hit points, but really
that's personal preference. An occasional Cat's Grace Potion or item
with Dexterity bonus can compensate.

Paladins really need three 2nd level spells at once and won't get
three spell slots (with the Wisdom bonus) until reaching 16th level
Paladin at 22nd level. Having all three buffs compensates for only
having Divine Wrath at +3. Of course with a potion of Bull's Strength,
the Paladin/CoT characters that already have a Holy Avenger may prefer
to be built as Paladin(12)/CoT(10). Then they will have better Saving
Throws and a +5 Divine Wrath, and 2 more Bonus Feats (Great Cleave and
Knockdown). Of course those players should also consider the Paladin/
Fighter/CoT combination as well.

Carrying this character past level 22, would probably see getting
CoT levels to 10 first and then increasing the Paladin levels to 20, and
ultimately end up with a 20/20 split. The alternate build might decide
to go with a 15/25 split. Some may even to decide to mix in a third
class, there really are many combinations.

[10.7] Paladin/Fighter/Champion of Torm
Race: Human
Alignment: Lawful Good
Classes: Paladin(12)/Fighter(4)/Champion of Torm(6)
1st Level Ability Scores:
STR 14, DEX 13, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 13, CHA 14

Build Progression
| Char | | | Ability | |
| Levels | Class | Feats | Scores | Skills |
| 1 | Paladin | Power Attack, Cleave, | | Discipline, |
| | | | | Persuade, Tumble |
| 2 - 5 | Fighter | Weapon Focus Longsword, | STR +1 | Discipline, |
| | | Dodge, Toughness, | | Search, Tumble |
| | | Weapon Specialization | | |
| | | Longsword | | |
| 6 - 7 | Paladin | Knockdown | | Discipline, |
| | | | | Persuade, Search, |
| | | | | Tumble |
| 8 | CoT | | STR +1 | Discipline |
| | | | | Search, Tumble |
| 9 | Paladin | Divine Might | | Discipline, |
| | | | | Search, Tumble |
| 10 - 11 | CoT | Improved Critical | | Discipline, |
| | | Longsword | | Search, Tumble |
| 12 | Paladin | Divine Shield | CON +1 | Discipline, |
| | | | | Search, Tumble |
| 13 - 14 | CoT | Blind Fight | | Discipline, |
| | | | | Search, Tumble |
| 15 - 20 | Paladin | Extra Turning, Great | CON +1 | Discipline, |
| | | Cleave | WIS +1 | Search, Tumble |
| 21 | CoT | Epic Weapon Focus | | Discipline, |
| | | Longsword, Epic | | Search, Tumble |
| | | Weapon Specialization | | |
| | | Longsword | | |
| 22 | Paladin | | | Discipline, |
| | | | | Search, Tumble |

Key Spells:
1st: Divine Favor, Deafening Clang, Endure Elements, Bless
2nd: Aura of Glory, Bull's Strength, Eagle's Splendor
3rd: Prayer, Cure Moderate Wounds, Dispel Magic
22nd Level Statistics:
STR 16, DEX 13, CON 16, INT 10, WIS 14, CHA 14
AC Bonuses: +4 minimum
+1 Dexterity (max in heavy armor)
+1 Dodge Feat
+2 Tumble (Dodge)
+5-6 Divine Shield (Dodge) with Eagle's Splendor and Aura of Glory
Hit Points: 308
Fortitude: 26, Reflex: 17, Will: 15
+3-5 All with Charisma boosted from Aura of Glory and Eagle's Splendor
+3 All with Divine Wrath
BAB: +21 Attacks: +21/+16/+11/+6
Attack Bonuses: +16-17
+3 Strength
+1-2 Strength from Bull's Strength spell (instead of Eagle's Splendor)
+3 Longsword Weapon Focuses
+4 Divine Favor spell
+1 Deafening Clang spell
+1 Prayer spell
+3 Divine Wrath
+5-6 Using Smite Evil with Aura of Glory and Eagle's Splendor spells
Damage Bonuses (base 1d8): +25-26
+3 Strength
+1-2 Strength from Bull's Strength spell (instead of Eagle's Splendor)
+6 Longsword Weapon Specializations
+4 Divine Favor spell (magic damage)
+1 Prayer spell (slashing damage)
+3 Deafening Clang spell (sonic damage)
+3 Divine Wrath (divine damage)
+5-6 Divine Might (divine damage) with Eagle's Splendor and Aura of
Glory spells
+18 Using Smite Evil (divine damage)
Skill Levels Taken:
25 Discipline
5 Persuade
10 Search
12 Tumble

Wisdom is increased during level-up to 14 for access to 4th level
spells at epic levels, but also gives a key bonus 2nd level buff spell.
The rest of the level-up points are split between Strength and
Constitution. The Charisma bonus will still be decent with items and
buffing. Dexterity given attention to take the Dodge Feat, with extra
feats this will be easy to pick up. Without a Holy Avenger the player
may opt for a Greatsword or Bastard Sword build.

Paladins really need three spells slots in both 1st and 2nd level,
but will have to settle for only two (with the Wisdom bonus) given the
level of Paladin. However with Bull's Strength and Bless potions being
readily available, this may not be that difficult of a decision. This
build really anticipates having the Holy Avenger making the Holy Sword
spell unnecessary, so really the lack of a few spells will likely not
be missed.

Most people will probably continue to advance CoT to at least 10th
level to increase the Saving Throws by +2 and bump the Divine Wrath to
+5. But also the additional 2 bonus feats at epic levels can be useful.
After 26th level options are based on preference. This was the first
CoT build I tried and was reasonably happy with it believing it to be
slightly better than the straight Paladin/CoT combination, when I
started the character in SoU and carried on into the first 2 chapters
of HotU.

* *
* *

I enjoyed making the guide and hope others will find it useful.
Considering how long HotU has been out many people may not be too
interested in reading these anymore. In any case I still wanted to make
it and use it for my own comparisons of different melee character builds.

Considering the time I have spent with this first version I cannot
foresee any major changes and revisions. I will welcome comments,
constructive please, and I certainly plan to correct any mistakes that
are brought to my attention. Since I haven't play tested everything
100% on some of the sample character builds, it is possible that some
things won't stack together like I thought.

If you are on the committee for judging the heavy weight champion
of the melee characters, please let me know if I actually created a
contender. Happy adventuring.

* *
* *

Version 1.0
- Initial Version

* *
* [13.0] CREDITS *
* *

BioWare for the Game itself.
Sorcerer's Place, GameFaqs, GameBanshee, and PlanetNeverwinter for
providing a wealth of information for the community.

Written and (c)2004 by Perrin Miller

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