Adventures Of Lolo

Adventures Of Lolo

16.10.2013 18:08:16
_ _
/\ | | | |
/ \ __| |__ __ ___ _ __ | |_ _ _ _ __ ___ ___
/ /\ \ / _` |\ \ / // _ \| '_ \ | __|| | | || '__|/ _ \/ __|
/ ____ \| (_| | \ V /| __/| | | || |_ | |_| || | | __/\__ \
/_/ \_\__,_| \_/ \___||_| |_| \__| \__,_||_| \___||___/
__ _ _
/ _| | | | |
___ | |_ | | ___ | | ___ FAQ/Walkthrough by Brickroad
/ _ \ | _| | | / _ \ | | / _ \
| (_) || | | |____| (_) || || (_) | completed 9/11/02
\___/ |_| |______|\___/ |_| \___/

+--------------------+ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\
| | { PART ONE: INTRODUCTION }---> Basic game instructions.
| YOUR MISSION: SAVE | \________________________/
| THE CAPTURED | /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\
| PRINCESS LALA FROM | { PART TWO: KEY }---> All the goodies and baddies.
| THE GREAT DEVILS | \________________________/
| EVIL EMPIRE!! | /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\
| | { PART THREE: WALKTHROUGH }---> Maps, directions, and passwords.
| YOU ARE THE ONLY | \________________________/
| ONE WHO CAN SAVE | /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\
| PRINCESS LALA. | { PART FOUR: CONCLUSION }---> Thanks for reading!
| | \________________________/
+--------------------+ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯


| |
| PART ONE: INTRODUCTION | Welcome to my Lolo FAQ. Downloading this FAQ is an indication
| | that you're interested in playing Adventures of Lolo for the
+--------------------------+ NES. Or maybe you're playing it on an emulator, but emulation
is stealing and that's bad and shame on you. But whatever.
Either way, you're reading this FAQ, so you're probably stuck in a puzzle somewhere in the
game and need my help solving it. I'm happy to help out. But if you're on an emulator, you
are going to have a harder time using this FAQ, since you'll have to keep switching back and
forth between your web browser and your emulator, whereas if you have an NES you can just
read this while you play. So buy the game! It's a cool game, and it's only like $2.50 or
whatever on eBay.

Anyway, you've probably noticed that this game's abbreviation is AOL. Don't worry, it's not
lame at all. If you've never played before, Adventures of Lolo is a very simplistic yet
highly addicting puzzle game for the NES that involves a little round blue dude pushing
blocks around so he can save his girlfriend, Princess Lala, from an evil demon king. You
can tell Lolo and Lala apart because Lolo is blue and Lala is pink. That's about as gender
specific as this game gets.

A quick disclaimer, because I guess those things are necessary in FAQs: Adventures of Lolo,
and all the goodies therein, are copyright or trademark or whatever to Hal. The game is
like fifteen years old, but whatever. I'm not affiliated with them in any way, except that
I like their game. I'm also not affiliated with Nintendo, either. However, I did write this
FAQ and I don't want you stealing it from me. You can go ahead and ask me for it if you want,
but I'll probably say no, so you should save the time and not ask.

# This is sort of what an NES controller looks like,
# except not nearly as ugly. You might have one of
________ # ________ the old ones that are all rectangular and boxy,
/ \______#______/ \ but I like the newer one better because it's more
/ _ A \ comfortable and your hands don't cramp up when you
| _|^|_ B _ | use it. And since Lolo is a pretty long game if you
| |< >| /> /> _ {_} | play it without a FAQ, comfort is a good part of your
\ _____________ / The controls in Lolo are very simple. The D-pad
\________/ \________/ (that's the cross-shaped thing on the left, there)
makes Lolo walk in four directions. The A and B
buttons (over here on the right) are Lolo's action buttons; A makes him fire a shot (if he has
one), and B lets him use a PW ability (if he has one). In the middle are Start and Select.
Start doesn't do much of anything except start the game, and Select is your panic button.
Press it and Lolo will commit suicide, letting you restart the level you're on. Only use this
if absolutely necessary!

Each Lolo level is made up of 121 tiles; 11 tiles wide and 11 tiles deep. Objects of all
sorts, including Lolo, are always made up of exactly one tile. Lolo can move around in
half-tile increments, though, so he can move BETWEEN tiles if he wants. There are ten floors
in the Great Devil's castle, and five rooms on each floor, so there are fifty puzzles total.
I've named all the rooms, just for fun, but really they don't have names.

The goal of every room in Lolo is to make him walk around and collect all the hearts in a
level, which will open a treasure box. Then you have to take the jewel from inside the
treasure box, which will solve the room and unlock the door (or, on the last room of every
floor, make a staircase appear). Then go through the door (or climb the stairs) to move
on to the next room. To stop him are a bunch of bad guys and obstacles that he must

Sometimes picking up a heart will grant Lolo a magic shot. Shooting a bad guy with a shot
will cause the bad guy to turn into an egg. Lolo can push these around and even ride them
like rafts. If Lolo has two magic shots, he can use the first to turn the monster into an
egg, then use the second to blow the egg off the screen, effectively destroying the monster.
However, monsters will regenerate after a while. Also, sometimes picking up a heart will
give Lolo a PW ability, which lets him interact with his level in some way. Between shots
and PW abilities, Lolo has everything he needs to rescue the princess from the Great Devil.

In most rooms Lolo will encounter green blocks, which he can push around to either clear
paths or act as shields or whatever. These blocks are the most important thing needed to
solve a lot of puzzles, too.

Every single room has a four-letter password you can use to jump right to that room. I give
these passwords out throughout the FAQ, so if you're stuck on a puzzle you can't solve and
don't want to follow my directions, just use the password for the next level and skip it.

ABCDEFGHIJK This is what a typical Lolo room looks like. Actually, this is the first
+------=----+ room in the game. You won't see the A-K or 0-X on the screen, though,
0 |@@@@@@ @@**|{} I just use those for reference coordinates. (I know X isn't a number,
1 |@**@h @@**| 5 but I didn't want any two-digit coordinates, and I couldn't put 0 at
2 | **@@@ @@@*| both ends!) Don't worry about what all those symbols mean yet; I'll
3 |! @@ @@*h|<> explain them all in Part Two. You WILL see the stuff on the right
4 | s @ | 0 hand side, though; the {} is a little picture of Lolo, and the number
5 | | underneath him is how many lives he has left. He starts with five,
6 | ** |PW and when he runs out the game is over. However, even if you get a game
7 |**** ** |[] over you can continue right on the level you died in, so really you
8 |**** *** |[] have infinite lives. And you'll need them all!
9 |@**@o ** |[]
X |@@@@@@ | The <> thing below that is a picture of a magic shot. This shows how
+-----------+ many magic shots Lolo has left. He always starts with zero, and gains
more as he collects certain hearts. Not all levels have magic shots,
though, but some levels give him more than he needs. Below that are three boxes (the []
things) labeled PW. These are special abilities that Lolo gets. I think PW is supposed to
stand for POWER, or something, but I don't really know. It doesn't matter. There are
three kinds of PW abilities: PW-Hammer (which breaks rocks), PW-Arrow (which changes the
direction of an arrow tile), and PW-Bridge (which builds a bridge over one tile of water).

Throughout the FAQ I'll reference certain tiles by coordinates, letter first. So (A,3) would
be the ! symbol in the room above. (A,0) is the topleft corner, (K,0) is the topright,
(A,X) is the bottomleft, and (K,X) is the bottomright. Always. This way I can give you
precise directions and you always know right where I'm talking about. Since ASCII characters
are taller than they are wide, it looks like the rooms are stretched a bit; on the screen
though they're perfectly square. Don't worry, they'll make more sense if you reference to
the maps as you play the game.

I think that's all you need to know about this FAQ. Now that you know how to play, let's take
a look at all the cool stuff in the game.


| |
| PART TWO: KEY | There are lots of different types of blocks, obstacles, goodies, and
| | enemies Lolo can interact with or get killed by in the game. And for
+-----------------+ the sake of this FAQ, they all have a different symbol for use in the
maps in Part Three. So try and familiarize yourself with what's here,
so you don't have to constantly jump back and forth when you try to follow my directions
later. I made everything as simple as I possibly could, so I hope they're all easy to follow.

[ ] Tile - An empty space is just a normal, walkable tile. Here, anything goes.

[ / ] Grass - Lolo can walk on grass, but monsters cannot. Otherwise it is a normal tile.

[ $ ] Sand - Lolo walks twice as slow through sand as through normal tiles, but monsters move
through it at regular speed.

[ @ ] Rock - These cannot be walked through or shot through. However, they can be destroyed
with PW-Hammer.

[ * ] Tree - Monsters can shoot through these, but Lolo cannot. Neither monsters nor Lolo
can walk through them.

[ # ] Block - Lolo can push these around, but not pull them. They cannot be walked or shot

[ ^ ][ < ] Arrows - Lolo can walk across arrows, but not against the direction the arrowhead
[ > ][ v ] points. He can change the direction of arrows with PW-Arrow. Monsters can walk
across arrows as if they were normal tiles.

[ : ] Water - Lolo cannot walk across water, but he can shoot through it and so can monsters.
Lolo can cross water by pushing an egg into the current or by creating a bridge over it
using PW-Bridge. On floors 9 and 10 the water changes to lava, but behaves exactly
the same way.

[ % ] Bridge - These are simply normal tiles. Lolo can create bridges over water using

[ h ] Heart - Lolo must collect all of the hearts before the treasure box will open.
Collecting hearts will sometimes give Lolo shots or PW. Collecting all the hearts
on a level will also trigger certain enemies.

[ o ] Treasure Box - After collecting all the hearts, Lolo must open this treasure box in
order to escape the room.

[ - ][ | ] Walls - These are the walls to the room. Lolo cannot interact with them in any way,
[ + ] shape, or form, and neither can monsters.

[ = ] Door - The door opens up after Lolo opens the treasure box, and always appears in one
of the top walls.

[ ! ] Lolo - This is where Lolo starts in the room.

[ s ] Snake - Monsters that don't do much. They're basically rocks that can be turned into
an egg and pushed or floated upon.

[ e ] Sleeper - As soon as Lolo moves, the sleepers in the room will start to chase him. If
they touch him, they'll fall asleep and won't ever wake up. This can trap Lolo if he
isn't careful.

[ u ][ d ] Dragons - Pink dragons that face one of the four directions (up, down, left, or
[ l ][ r ] right). After all the hearts have been collected, they wake up and will shoot
fireballs at Lolo if he crosses their path.

[ k ] Skulls - Skulls are harmless until you grab the last heart, at which point they'll
chase Lolo down to devour him.

[ g ] Golem - These square grey golems will follow Lolo around and stop if they get close to
him. They can push him around, too, and love blocking him into corners where he can't

[ a ] Armadillos - Armadillos are nasty creatures that act very much the same way as skulls,
but they run around the entire level without having to be triggered.

[ m ] Medusae - Medusae are nasty critters that petrify Lolo with their evil gaze. If Lolo
steps in their line of sight, he gets blasted. They can't shoot through rocks, blocks,
hearts, or other monsters though.

[ ~ ][ { ] Don Medusae - The nastiest monsters in the whole game. They work just like regular
medusae, except they move back and forth. The ~ ones move horizontally, and the { ones
move vertically.

And now you know what everything is and what everything does. The next part of the FAQ is
pretty long, but details how to solve all fifty rooms. I suggest trying to solve each room
on your own first, and if you can't figure it out after a while to read the FAQ.


| |
| PART THREE: WALKTHROUGH | Below are maps and detailed walkthroughs to every single room
| | in the whole game. I try to make my instructions as simple
+---------------------------+ to follow as possible by using coordinates and symbols and
easy-to-follow instructions. To jump right to a room that's
giving you trouble, try searching the document (Ctrl + F on most browsers) for the room
number that you need. Room numbers are in the format of, so floor 6 room 4
would be 6.4. That should jump you straight down to where you need to be. I gave all the
rooms cute names, just for fun, but they all use the same graphics and have the same music.
The music is cool and catchy though. You'll find the password for each room right next to
the room's name. Passwords are always four letters. On levels where you can get a PW, you
can see which PW you get, and how many hearts you need to get it, right next to the password.
Anyway, on with the walkthrough!

+------=----+ 1.1 - The Entryway (BBBV)
0 |@@@@@@ @@**|
1 |@**@h @@**| Get the heart at (K,3) to earn two shots. Egg the snake at (G,4) and push
2 | **@@@ @@@*| it to (F,4). Get the heart at (E,1). Open the treasure box at (E,8) and exit
3 |! @@ @@*h| the door.
4 | s @ |
5 | |
6 | ** |
7 |**** ** |
8 |**** *** |
9 |@**@o ** |
X |@@@@@@ |

+---------=-+ 1.2 - The Castle Moat (BCBT)
0 | d @@@ |
1 | h @@@ h | Collect the hearts in this order: (A,X), (B,1), (I,1), (H,8). Push the box
2 | ** | from (G,9) to (B,8) to block the fireballs shot by the dragon, then open
3 |::::%::::%:| the treasure box at (A,5). Exit the room.
4 |::::%::::%:|
5 |o ** :|
6 | ** ** :|
7 | @@** :|
8 |l @@h :|
9 | # :|
X |h ! :::::|

+-----=-----+ 1.3 - Guardian Sleeper (BDBR)
0 | | Collect the heart at (E,6) to collect two shots. Kill the snakey at (F,4) and
1 | **** ::: | collect the next heart at (G,6). Stand at (I,4) until the sleeper comes by
2 | :****h::: | and falls asleep safely, without obstructing your path. Run around and
3 | ::::::::: | get the last three hearts (K,9), (G,2), and (H,X), then open the box at (C,4)
4 | :o* s * | and exit the room.
5 | % @ @ * |
6 | : @h@h |
7 | : @ @*::: |
8 |e: * !::: |
9 | :%:::::::h|
X | h *|

+-----=-----+ 1.4 - The Boneyard (BBBQ)
0 | k | Start off by blocking in the bottom skull by pushing the blocks from (H,9) and
1 | @@@@@@# | (C,8) to (G,X) and (A,X). Now do the same thing to the top skull; block him
2 | # @ | in using the blocks at (H,1) and (C,2). Get the two hearts by the bridge on the
3 | @@@@ | left side of the map. The bottom one will give you two shots. Go to the right
4 |h:::: @h # | side and push the top and bottom blocks inward, and the middle one upward to
5 |%:::o @hk# | open a straight shot to the skull. Blast him twice, then quickly take his
6 |h:::: @h # | three hearts. Run and open the treasure box before the skull respawns. When
7 | @@@@ | you open the treasure box the door will jump to column E for some reason, but
8 | # @ | you can still use it.
9 | @@@@@@# |
X | k ! |

+-----------+ 1.5 - Golem's Playground (BHBP)
0 |@@@@ # @| The goal here is to collect the four hearts without letting the golems block
1 |@h # @h@@| you in the small corner areas. First, take the hearts in the topright and
2 |@@ @ @@@@| bottomright corners; that's where the golems can block you in. Be quick about
3 | @@@| it. After that, the rest is easy. Take the remaining two hearts and head for
4 | | the treasure box. The stairway appears at (F,9).
5 | g o g |
6 | |
7 |@#@ |
8 |@ @@ @@#@|
9 | # @h @|
X |@h@@ ! @@ @|

+---------=-+ 2.1 - The Runaround (BJBM)
0 |@ hoh @| There's no solution to this level, per se. You just have to run around and
1 | | collect all six hearts without getting tagged by the armadillo. You can try
2 | * * | to box him in one of the side areas if you wish, but this is an unnecessary
3 |h a h| precaution.
4 |h @ @ h|
5 | # # |
6 | ** ** |
7 | ** ** |
8 | @ @ |
9 | @# #@ |
X |* ! *|

+--------=--+ 2.2 - Introducing Medusa (BKBL)
0 |@@@@@@@@ @@| This is where you'll begin learning the fine art of blocking off medusae. Push
1 |@@ h*o*h @@| the two outside blocks up one space each; this will allow you to take your first
2 |* *| heart (F,4). Now push the two remaining blocks in between each medusa and the
3 | | tree directly underneath it. This will allow you to take the two hearts at
4 | m h m | (C,8) and (I,8). Now you're free to take the rest of the hearts, bearing in
5 | # # | mind the outsides of the room are not safe. Stick to the middle and you'll
6 | * # # * | be able to take the remaining four hearts and the treasure box easily.
7 |h h|
8 |* h h *|
9 |@@ @@|
X | @ ! @@@@|

+---------=-+ 2.3 - Here's Donny (BLBK)
0 |:::::::::%:| The goal here is to block off the single Don Medusa in the middle of the room
1 | | so you can safely collect the hearts along the sides. Push each block so it's
2 | h@ @h | in row 4, in between Don Medusa and the two hearts. Now collect the hearts
3 | @ @ | along either side, taking care not to step in Don's path. The top of the room
4 | @h ~ h@ | is not safe! After this feel free to head to the door.
5 | @@ @@ |
6 | h@ * * @h |
7 | @@@ |
8 | * #o# * |
9 | |
X | ! |

+-----=-----+ 2.4 - Hammer Time (BMBJ) [7 - Hammer]
0 | g *| This is the first level you'll be able to use a PW-Ability. Specificially,
1 | @ @ h@ | PW-Hammer. Start off by circling the room collecting all the hearts out in
2 | * @@@@@ | the open. Careful with (G,1), (K,7), and the two hearts in row X, however -
3 | h @h@@h h| golem can block you in the crevices there. The last heart you collect will give
4 | * @@@** *| you PW-Hammer. Use it on the rock at (E,3), so you can grab the heart enclosed
5 | o@h* | in the rocky area (golem will trap you here, too, if you aren't careful). This
6 | * s@* *| heart gives you two shots. Use them to blow away the snakey and collect your
7 |! h| final heart. The rest is history.
8 | @|
9 | |
X | *h*@h@* |

+-----------+ 2.5 - One Way Road (BPBH) [3 - Arrow]
0 |@@@*a*@@ | The first heart you'll want to collect is the one in the bottomleft corner,
1 |k h*k*h | guarded by the armadillo. Don't worry, he can't run on the grass. Just wait
2 |@ * | until you've got a good opportunity then rush in and grab it. Then take the
3 |o !| two hearts along the top wall. The third one will give you PW-Arrow, and one
4 |@ s | of them will give you two shots. Egg the snakey and push him into the topleft
5 |k | corner to block in the skull. Change the direction of the sole arrow to get
6 |/////@@@@^@| into the lowerright section of the room. Push the top block all the way in, and
7 |/////@ # *| the third block one space in. This will allow you to push the second block up
8 | //@ # *| and out into the main section of the room; use it to block off the bottom skull.
9 | a //@h # h| Now take the heart at (G,9), and push the remaining free block out into the
X |h //@ #**| main area. Use this one to block off the last skull in the top (and the
+-----------+ armadillo behind him). With all the monsters blocked, take the last heart and
open the treasure box. The stairs show up at (C,3).

+--------=--+ 3.1 - A River Runs Through It (BQBG) [5 - Bridge]
0 |kh ::: o| This is the firt appearance of PW-Bridge. Start off by grabbing the heart at
1 | # : | (F,8), which will give you two shots. Egg the snakey and position him one space
2 | ::: *| to the left of the bottom medusa. You'll now be able to take the four hearts in
3 |h : m| the center of the room without fear of being shot. You'll also be granted
4 |k :h h *| PW-Bridge. Place the bridge at (D,6) and cross the river. Block off the
5 | *: * | medusae by pushing the three blocks to (K,9), (J,3), and (K,1), in that order.
6 | :h h *| Now it's safe to take the two hearts on the left side of the room next to the
7 | #: m| skulls. When you're done, take the last heart in the bottomright corner, then
8 | ::h@ s *| race to the treasure box before the skulls have a chance to cross your bridge.
9 |@ # : |
X |@ : ! h|

+--------=--+ 3.2 - Floatation Device (BRBD)
0 | h %h # | You'll have to solve this level while being harassed by an armadillo. Quickly
1 | ::::: @ | take the heart at (E,7) which will grant you two shots. Egg the armadillo and
2 |h:::*: @a| push him into the water somewhere in column F. He'll start to float around the
3 | ::: : *| small center island. Use him as a bridge to collect the heart on the island,
4 |k: h : * | then quickly reboard the egg and ride him around along the left side.
5 |*: s : s | Disembark at (A,3) and collect the three hearts on your way out. You should
6 |o::::: * *| be able to make it to the treasure box without being bothered by the bottom
7 | @h@ @| skull, but if he gets in your way you've still got a shot left. Take the
8 | k #@| treasure and leave.
9 | |
X | ! @|

+-----=-----+ 3.3 - Sleeper's Forest (BTBC)
0 |o e | Before you start collecting any hearts, you'll want to put the two sleepers
1 | * *@@@# | out of comission. Quickly run to (I,4) and wait for the first sleeper to take
2 | h@ @ h | the bait. Then run around the top of the room, down the left wall, and stop at
3 |e @@ *h@@@ | (F,7) to wait for the other one. Now you can leisurely collect your hearts
4 | @@ | and solve this room.
5 | *@* *@h |
6 | @ h@@@@@@ |
7 | @ @@h@* h |
8 | @h@ @ ** |
9 | # @ @h** |
X | !|

+---------=-+ 3.4 - Skull Corridors (BVBB)
0 | h h@@ | Start off by pushing the block at (H,2) left one space, then the block at (J,1)
1 | @ @@@ @ # | all the way down into the bottomright corner of the room. Take the two hearts
2 | @ @ @ #!@ | at (G,X) and (E,6). Push the block at (F,6) right one space, blocking in the
3 | @ @ @ @ @ | right skull. Take the two hearts along the left wall. Push the block at (C,8)
4 | @ @ @ @ @ | down one space, then circle back around and push it right two spaces. This
5 | @ @k@k # | blocks off the left skull. Take the final heart. Remember to approach the
6 | @ @h# @ @ | treasure box from the right, not the top, otherwise you'll block it in and
7 | @ @ @ @ @ | you'll have to start over.
8 | @#@ @ @o@ |
9 | h @ @@ |
X | # h |

+-----------+ 3.5 - Desert Dragon's Den (BYZZ)
0 |$$$ h h $$$| This is the first level with sand, though it doesn't do much to hinder you
1 |$$$**d**$$$| right now. First, grab all the hearts. Make sure you take the two on the top
2 | @ @ | last (otherwise you'll get fried by dragons). Come down the left side of the
3 | h | room, where the block will protect you from the dragon. In order to get past
4 |* * u * *| the dragon at (D,X), you'll have to use a move called peeking. Take a very
5 |h # lor h h| quick half step out in front of the dragon, then just as quickly pull back.
6 |* * * *| The dragon will fire, but the fireball will miss Lolo. As the fireball makes
7 | * * | it's way across the screen, Lolo's free to walk in front of the dragon without
8 |* h h *| getting hurt. From there he can easily take the treasure box and move up to
9 |*@ *| floor 4. The stairs appear at (F,X).
X | @u u@! |

+--------=--+ 4.1 - A Don For Every Direction (BZZY)
0 | ~ @ | Four Don Medusae seems sort of unfair, but this is still a relatively easy
1 | h* @ h | level. Each Don has two blocks nearby, and two hearts. Use the block at (C,6)
2 | h## @ h* | to peg the bottomleft Don into the bottomleft corner, and take his hearts.
3 | # | Be careful on row 5; Lolo isn't protected from the Don on the opposite side
4 |@@@ # {| in that row. Be sure you're safe before you meander there. You aren't safe in
5 | o | column F either, yet. At any rate, now trap the bottomright Don in the
6 |{ # @@@| bottomright corner with either of the nearby blocks. Take his hearts. Trap
7 | # | the topright Don in the topright corner and take his hearts too. Trap the
8 | *h @ ##h | last Don in the last corner and take the last hearts. Now it's perfectly safe
9 | h @ *h | to take the treasure and exit the room.
X | !@ ~ |

+-----=-----+ 4.2 - Lake Snakey (CBZV)
0 | | Collect all three of the hearts that are openly available to you. The bottom
1 | s:::::::s | one will net you two shots. Shoot the topright snakey and push him left into
2 | ::::::::: | the water. Ride him down in between the two islands. The idea is to jump
3 | :///:///: | off onto one island, get the heart, cross the egg over to the other island, get
4 |$://h:h//:$| the other heart, and hop back on the egg to ride it to the bottom heart. This
5 |$:///:///:$| is easier than it sounds. Once there, you'll have five shots - more than enough
6 |$:::::::::$| to blow away the bottom snakey and collect the treasure.
7 |$h:::::::h$|
8 | ***h*** |
9 | ***s*** |
X |o h !|

+----=------+ 4.3 - Confined Corridors (CCZT)
0 |h@ @ @ @ @d| There's only one heart in this level, so first you'll have to block off all the
1 | @ @ @ @ | monsters. In the topright corner, use the top block to barricade the dragon,
2 | @ @ @ # | and use the bottom block to trap the medusa in the bottomright corner. Use the
3 | @ @ @ @ # | block at (J,7) to block the dragon facing the treasure box. Push the block at
4 | @k@ @ # | (F,5) one space left and the one at (B,6) one space right; this will trap the
5 | @ @ # @^@ | skull. Now you're safe until you get to (F,5). Use the peeking technique
6 | # @ @ @d@ | described above (from level 3.5) to get past the dragon, and make your way to
7 | @ @ @ # | the treasure box. To get to the door, just push the leftmost box all the way
8 | @ @ @ @ | against the top wall.
9 | @ @ @ |
X | @ @! u@o@m|

+-----=-----+ 4.4 - Full Contact Peekaboo (CDZR) [3 - Bridge]
0 | ~ | One slip-up here and Don will have you for breakfast, so take care. Start off
1 |h * * | by getting the heart in the bottomright corner; hang out at (G,8) until Don is
2 |k h| on his way to the left wall, then run for it. You can make it back before he
3 |::::::::*^*| does. Now hang out again until he's out of your way, and push the block up
4 |: ****:: *| to the bridge. Before trapping Don in the topright corner, be sure to grab the
5 |: k:::%:| heart there. Don safely trapped, take the third heart in the topleft corner
6 |: d*::%:| in order to earn PW-Bridge. Put the bridge at (B,3). The last heart will give
7 |: # *| you two shots - plenty enough to take out the dragon in the bottomleft corner
8 |: @ | and get the treasure box before the skulls make their way to your area.
9 |: *@o@ ** |
X |:hr ! **h|

+-----------+ 4.5 - Medusa's Honeymoon (CGZQ)
0 |h *:#:#:* h| This level features the only useless Don Medusa in the game; he doesn't move
1 | *:m:~:* | anywhere. Therefore, he's more or less just a regular medusa. Push the block
2 | * h * | from (J,3) up two spaces to block off Don and gain access to the first heart.
3 |##**%%%**##| This gives you two shots. Egg one of the snakeys and push him into Don's face.
4 | @l r@ | Now go back for the other snakey and use your other shot to egg him and shove
5 | @l r@ | him in the medusa's face. Take the heart in between Don and the medusa.
6 | @l r@ | Finally, push the block at (B,3) up two spaces to block off medusa from the left
7 | s@@ @@s | and take the last heart. The treasure is yours for the taking. The stairs
8 | s s | materialize at (A,5).
9 | |
X |o !|

+--------=--+ 5.1 - Block Garden (CHZP)
0 | :::::::%: | Push the blocks from (B,2) and (B,4) to the right, then (B,3) up to gain access
1 | #::::*% # | to the first heart. Now press (B,6) and (B,8) right and (B,7) down to get the
2 | # ::::: # | second heart. Push the blocks out of your way (push them onto the tiles the
3 | #h#:::# #d| hearts were just on) so you can get into the next layer. Push (D,4) and (D,6)
4 | # # h# # | right, then (D,5) down and take the next heart. Press (F,5) right and take the
5 |!# #h# #h#o| next two hearts. Push (H,4) and (H,6) right, then (H,5) down to take the final
6 | # # h# # | heart. Now push (J,4) and (J,6) right to barricade yourself from the dragons.
7 | #h#:::# #u| Push (J,5) down to take the treasure. Push the block above you all the way to
8 | # ::::: # | the topright corner, then (J,1) all the way left to the small tree island to
9 | #:::::::# | gain passage to the door.
X | ::::::::: |

+----=------+ 5.2 - Importing Materials (CJZM) [4 - Arrow]
0 |@@ * h @| The following hearts can be taken quite easily without touching any blocks:
1 |@h h | (B,1), (H,1), (F,7), and (K,5). Just be sure that you always keep a rock or
2 | * @ m o| some other form of protection in between you and the medusa as you collect them.
3 | * * *| The fourth heart will give you PW-Arrow. Use this on the arrow near the
4 |! s @*v@| medusa. Now head to the bottom of the screen. Push the block at (G,8) down to
5 | s h| the bottom wall, then use the block at (I,9) as a wall between the medusa and
6 | @ @ | the treasure box. You'll have to do some rearranging until you can get it out.
7 |#@#@ h | Now return to the bottom area and collect the three hearts. Use the block at
8 | h # @#@@ | (C,7) as a wall between the medusa and the final heart. Take your treasure
9 |h h@@@ <# | and exit.
X | @ |

+---=-------+ 5.3 - Snakeys on Parade (CKZL)
0 | !*d m | Take the heart at (C,1) to get two shots. Blow away the snakey in (A,1), take
1 |s@h@v@@ | the next heart for two more shots, blow away the next snakey, take the next
2 | h@ @ | heart, etc, until Lolo reaches the bottom of the room. Push the block up a
3 |s@h *s@h# h| space to get it out of your way, and take the heart at (C,7). You have four
4 | h@*@ @@@ *| shots now. Blow away the next two snakeys and take the next two hearts. Now
5 |s@h s o* k| pass over the treasure box onto the right side of the room. Push the block
6 | h*** @ * *| up into the medusa's face and take the heart in front of the dragon. You have
7 |s*h @ @ * k| four shots now. Egg all three skulls then take the final heart. Quickly make
8 | h* @ * @#*| your way to the treasure box before they revive, and you're done with this
9 |s# * @ k| monster-filled room.
X | h@ @ *|

+--=--------+ 5.4 - Bring Your Own Bridge (CLZK) [3 - Bridge][5 - Bridge]
0 |o ::::: l| There are only two hearts you can get to start with - (D,X) and (H,3). Get them
1 | ! :h#h: | to acquire two shots. Use them to destroy the snakey at (B,7). Take the heart
2 | %#h#::%| he was guarding (for two more shots) and quickly egg the snakey at (B,8). Push
3 |:::%:h#h::%| the egg into the water and use it as a bridge to take the heart at (B,X). The
4 |:::%:::%::%| third heart will give you PW-Bridge. Push the block out of your way and place
5 |:::%:::%::%| your bridge at (J,8). You'll have three shots left, so use two to blow away
6 |ss:%::: % | the skull an take the next heart. This will give you a second PW-Bridge. Place
7 |hs% %%% ::| this one at (I,1) for the next heart. Push the block down a space and take
8 |ss:%::::%::| the middle heart on the small island. Circle back around to where the treasure
9 |:::%::::kkk| box is and push the last block out of your way to get the last two hearts. You
X |:h#h khk| should have no trouble getting to the treasure box before the skulls nail you.

+-----------+ 5.5 - Happy Static Arrow Maze (CMZJ)
0 |h > 1 |@ @ @ @ # h| to the bottom of the level by going in through (D,5), down through three arrow
2 | @v > # @| tiles, right to the block (don't push it!), up across another arrow, right to
3 | h@ @ m < | the wall, down to the corner (you'll push a block on the way), left one, and
4 | @@^ @@@| down two. Take the heart at (H,9). Push the block in your way all the way up
5 |> <@! > | to the right of the medusa. Retrace your steps back down to (H,X). Take the
6 |> <@@@^@v#| heart in the bottomleft corner now. Being careful not to get stuck in (A,9),
7 |#@@ ># <| from which there's no return, push the block on the left wall all the way up to
8 |v @@#@@#@^v| the topleft corner. Take both of the hearts. To take the heart at (G,0) you
9 | <# ^ @h@>#| have to step in the topleft arrow, walk down to the bottomleft arrow, then to
X |^ h @ ^ @| the bottomright arrow, then to the topright. Otherwise you'll get trapped.
+-----------+ Take the heart. Push the block at (I,1) to the right, and (I,2) down. Now push
the last block out of your way and take the final heart, conveniently located next door to the
treasure box. The stairs materialize at (E,4).

+-------=---+ 6.1 - Quintuplets (CPZH)
0 | @hhh@hhh@ | Five medusae in one stage! Luckily you have plenty of blocks. Start by using
1 | @ @ @ | (D,9) and (H,9) to block the two bottom medusae. Then use (B,6) and (J,6) to
2 | @#######@ | block the two on the side. The four hearts at center stage are all guarded by
3 | h | the center medusa. Use the bottom block to take the bottom heart. Push (C,2)
4 |* * o * *| and (E,2) up, then (D,2) left to take the three hearts in the topleft corner,
5 |m m| then use block now at (E,1) to take the heart to the left of the center medusa.
6 | # h m h # | Do the same thing on the other side - take the top three hearts and use the
7 | | extra inside block to take the heart on the medusa's right. Now there's just
8 |* h *| one block left - the center one on top. Push it in between the medusa and the
9 | # # # | treasure box, take the last heart, and that's that! Isn't it nice to see a
X | *m@ ! @m* | medusa all boxed in like that?

+---=-------+ 6.2 - Double Edged Sword (CQZG)
0 |@! **** h*| Take the heart at (F,3); it's the only one you can get safely. Push the block at
1 |@ # hh| (E,5) to the bottom of the room to get it out of your way (it'll also shield you
2 |@ @@@@ *| from those medusae later on). You have to use (D,5) very creatively to solve
3 |@ @h o | this room - specifically, you have to position it in between the two bottom
4 |@ | medusae. Push the block so it's halfway on the space underneath the treasure
5 |***##* s | box (the medusa on the left will be agitated, but won't fire), then push it all
6 | * * | the way downwards to block off both medusae at once. You can now safely take
7 | * sm| the two hearts in J column in the topright corner, but not (K,1). Return to the
8 |###* * @| bottomleft and take the three hearts; you'll acquire two shots. Egg the top
9 | * * | snakey and push it in to shield you from the medusa as you take (K,1). Now push
X |hhh* mm h| the block from (G,1) dow to (J,X), blocking off the last medusa and taking your
+-----------+ last heart.

+--------=--+ 6.3 - Snare the Sleeper (CRZD)
0 | @@h | You'll now learn a new use for sleepers - shields! First, push the block from
1 | @ o@h e | (F,5) to (I,7) to block off the medusa. Take both hearts. Push the next block
2 | @@@ | one space up and wait until the sleeper is a good distance from Lolo. Now push
3 | m h @@#@| it another block up and hightail it to (C,4) and wait. The sleeper will chase
4 | /// @h h| you, and it'll be forced to fall asleep on (C,3) since it can't walk on grass.
5 | /// # @ @| Now it's safe to take the heart at (D,3). Go back up and get the block out from
6 | @ * *| where the sleeper was, taking the two hearts in the process. Put it at (G,7)
7 |/* h* m | so you can safely take the last heart, then finish the level.
8 |//! @*@ |
9 |:: |
X |::: *|

+-------=---+ 6.4 - Medusa's Island (CTZC) [3 - Bridge]
0 |@@@@@@@ @@@| Take the two safe hearts, (C,2) and (C,9). You'll have two shots. Egg the
1 |k@@@* !@| snakey and push him into the water, but don't ride him. Instead, run down and
2 | h@ s **@| wait at (J,6) for him. When he arrives, step over him to the left, pushing the
3 | : @ :: @*@| block in front of medusa. You can now safely take the heart at (G,4), giving
4 | : @ :h @| you PW-Bridge. Place the bridge at (K,8), take the last heart, and open your
5 | : ::::#@| box.
6 | ::::: #: |
7 | # :::m : |
8 | :::::::|
9 |*@h :::::o#|
X |**@ h |

+-----------+ 6.5 - Extreme Eggrafting (CVZB)
0 |:::::::::::| Take the safe heart to start with, giving Lolo two shots. Egg the snakey and
1 |:::::::::::| push him to the right. Ride the snakey to (J,3), then disembark to the left so
2 |::h : m *::| you can push the block in front of the medusa. Very quickly take the other
3 |::h : #::| block and push it to the left of the medusa. Wait for the egg to come around
4 |::::: ::| and use it as a bridge to the two hearts on the island. Eventually it will come
5 |:: *::| full circle to the treasure box, and the stairs at (I,X).
6 |:: # :::::|
7 |::@ :::::|
8 |::*@ s::o!:|
9 |::::::::hs:|
X |:::::::: ::|

+-----=-----+ 7.1 - The Green Diamond (CYYZ)
0 | * * * * | Start off taking that safe heart. Egg the dragon, push the two first blocks out
1 | * @ @ * | of the way, and push the egg left then down. This gives you access to all of
2 |* @ #d# @ *| the hearts except the one on the far left, so take them all. Push the two far
3 | @ #h h# @ | left blocks to the left, then egg the dragon and push him down. Take the last
4 |* #h#h#h# | heart. Don't worry about the two remaining dragons; you'll grab the treasure
5 | hr hoh lh!| before their fire reaches you.
6 |* #h#h#h# |
7 | @ #h h# @ |
8 |* @ #u# @ *|
9 | * @ @ * |
X | * * * * |

+-------=---+ 7.2 - In the Line of Fire (CZYY)
0 |@ ~@o@ ~@| While solving this room, it's important to keep an eye on that golem - it loves
1 | g | to push you around into the line of fire of a medusa or one of the four Dons.
2 | m # m | Take both of the hearts straight off, then use the two bottom blocks to trap
3 | # # # # # | the two vertical-moving Dons in the bottom corners. Now comes the challenge
4 | @ @ | of opening a pathway to the treasure box. Start on the left side by blocking
5 | # m # | the medusa on the bottom with (B,3), then blocking her on the right using (D,3).
6 | @l r@{| From here you should be able to grab the treasure, notwithstanding any golem
7 | | problems.
8 | # |
9 | # # |
X |{@ h!h @ |

+--=--------+ 7.3 - Cruel Symmetry (DBYV)
0 | rol | Start off by grabbing the two safe hearts, which gives you four shots. Head up
1 |m *h* m| the middle path, and egg the bottom dragon on each side, pushing it in front of
2 | r l | the medusa as a shield on either wall. Now egg both the top dragons. Before
3 | k * * k | they revive, very quickly grab the last heart and the treasure box.
4 |/ * * /|
5 |// * * //|
6 |//h * * h//|
7 |// * * //|
8 |/ * * /|
9 | k * * k |
X | ! |

+-----=-----+ 7.4 - Happy Dynamic Arrow Maze (DCYT) [3 - Arrow][4 - Arrow]
0 |o > | A reprise of 5.5, except this time you'll have two PW-Arrows to play with. Oh
1 | @v@@@s@@| joy. Start off by grabbing the safe heart above you. Enter the maze at (H,9)
2 |v@vkh >h <| and take the heart at (I,6). Head left and take the heart at (G,6), giving you
3 | >h<> @^@h| the first PW-Arrow. Use it on the tile at (E,7) and take the heart underneath.
4 | @ @^@@@ @^| This gives you a second PW-Arrow. Head to the right wall and take the heart at
5 |v 6 |^<^@ h@h@h| PW-Arrow on the tile at (G,2). Take the two hearts by the skull (first (E,2)
7 |h@h@^@@@ >v| then (C,3). From here, it's down two spaces, left one, down one, right one, and
8 | < @ | down one to get the last heart. Quickly retrace your steps along the bottom,
9 |!@@@@@@^@@ | then the right of the level to get the treasure box. This part's tricky because
X | | you have to race through the arrow maze with a skull chasing you.

+-----------+ 7.5 - Circle of Skulls (DDYR) [3 - Arrow][7 - Arrow]
0 |* *| Start out by taking three of the four hearts on the outside of the circle; any
1 | h@@@@@h | three will do. The third one will grant you a PW-Arrow. Change the topright
2 | #@@k@k@@# | arrow, and grab all four hearts inside the circle. The last one will give you
3 | *kh hk* | a second PW-Arrow. Change the bottom left one. Move the two blocks on the
4 | | right side across the top changed arrow, pinning the top four skulls. Now do
5 |* *| the same thing with the left two boxes on the bottom four skulls. Due to the
6 | | way each skull is situated against the rocks and the grass, one block will trap
7 | *kh hk* | two of them. When all is well, take the last heart, then the treasure, then hit
8 | #@@k@k@@# | the stairs at (D,X).
9 | h@@@@@h |
X |* ! *|

+--------=--+ 8.1 - Trick Shot (DGYQ) [5 - Hammer]
0 | @h#h @h| Start off by taking the heart on the far left. Now take the three hearts on
1 |m @ @ | top. Move the block at (E,0) exactly one space right - this will be important
2 | @ h@ @ | in a few minutes. Move the block at (K,7) up two spaces, then the block at
3 |*@@*@@@ @ | (J,4) up two spaces to open the path to the last heart and the PW-Hammer. Put
4 | h***@@ @##| the block at (J,7) in front of the dragon, then use the PW-Hammer on the rock at
5 | ** # @ | (C,2). Very carefully edge the block at (F,5) up into the top, through the hole
6 | ** @ | you just broke, and in front of the medusa. Now that she can't get you through
7 | #d // @##| the tree, go ahead and take the treasure box.
8 | // @ |
9 | * |
X |o*@@ ! |

+--=--------+ 8.2 - Medusa's Stash (DHYP)
0 |h # # h| Start off getting the heart in the topright corner. Now press (G,0) and (G,2)
1 |s #o# s| to the left, (G,1) down, and push (E,1) down to row 5 where it will shield the
2 | r # # !l | left medusa. Take the heart in the topleft. The block now in (F,2) can be
3 | @# #* | pushed down and to the right, shielding the right medusa. You can take all the
4 | * @ | hearts now except (F,X). Push (E,8) and (G,8) out of the way, so you can bring
5 |m m| (E,2) and (G,2) down to shield the bottom medusae. Now take the treasure; the
6 |@**@@ @@**@| dragon's fire won't have time to reach you if you run right up the middle.
7 |h @h@ h|
8 |@** #h# **@|
9 | h |
X |m h m|

+---=-------+ 8.3 - Two Birds, One Stone (DJYM)
0 |** ho **| Take the safe heart in the bottomright corner. Move (G,8) to (E,7), then move
1 |* *| (H,7) to (H,5). For your next trick, you need to position (G,7) in between
2 |* # @ | the top two medusae, so when you circle around the top you won't get shot.
3 |*h* m@ | Thus, the block will be sitting in between (G,4) and (H,4). Move (E,2) one
4 | @ | space left, then one space down. This will protect you as you take the last two
5 | * m | hearts. Now take your treasure and leave in style.
6 | @ @ |
7 | @m ## |
8 |* * # *#|
9 |** *h |
X |*** ! # |

+--------=--+ 8.4 - Four Corners (DKYL)
0 | @ | Positioning the blocks just so in this level can be difficult thanks to the
1 | ### < @@ | arrow tiles, but it shouldn't be too tough to manage. Lolo can only move around
2 | # @ k@ | the room in a clockwise motion. Wander up to the corner with the four blocks.
3 | h< | Move the first one in position above the medusa and take the first heart. Move
4 | v | the next one to the medusa's left and take the second heart. Circle back around,
5 |@v@h m h@^@| take a third block and move it underneath the medusa. Claim the third heart.
6 | ^ | Put the last block to the medusa's right and take the last heart. Now the fun
7 | >h | part - you have to outrun the skull in one last clockwise mad dash to the
8 | @! @ o@ | treasure box. As long as you don't trip up on one of the arrows, you'll be
9 | @@ > @@ | alright.
X | @ |

+-----------+ 8.5 - Block Quarry (DLYK)
0 | h > h < h | Take the first two safe hearts at (J,0) and (F,0). You can easily move the
1 | @@@###@@@ | block at (E,1) down across the arrow and into the main section of the room.
2 | @ # # # @ | Push it all the way into column A, but be careful as you're pushing it. Don
3 | ^@v@^@^ !| Medusa on the opposite side of the room can get you if you don't pay attention
4 |h h| to his location. Take the next two hearts at (A,4) and (B,0). Go back into the
5 | {| quarry area. Push (G,1) down so you can take (F,1) left and down across the
6 | *** | arrow tile. Push this one all the way against the right wall to trap the right
7 | h *o* h | Don. Take the heart at (K,4). Push both Dons all the way down until they're
8 | | trapped, but be careful the opposite one doesn't shoot you as you're doing so.
9 |{* * | Push the block at (G,2) up one, so you can push (F,2) left and out of the
X |@@m h m@@| quarry. Push this one to (D,9). Now enter the quarry through the rightmost
+-----------+ arrow, and push (H,2) out into play. Put it at (H,9). Thus protected, you can
now use those two blocks to shield the top side of the medusae and take the two hearts they were
guarding. Re-enter the quarry from the topright entrance, push (G,1) down, and leave again.
Now go back in through the bottomright entrance and take the block out of the quarry. Guard the
side of the left medusa with it. Use the last block in the quarry to shield the side of the
right medusa. Now you can take the final heart, the treasure, and climb the stairs which
appear at (F,5).

+-------=---+ 9.1 - Chase Scene (DMYJ)
0 |:::::::%:::| No tricks or gimmicks to this level, just good old footwork. Dash to (G,7)
1 |:h a :: o:| and wait there until the armadillo gets close. Once he reaches (E,9),
2 |::%:%:::%::| run left and make your way up to the heart. When you go to the heart, make sure
3 |:: :: ::| you go up the right bridge and down the left one; that way the armadillo will
4 |:::%:::%:::| follow you. From then it's just a race to the treasure box. Don't slip up!
5 |: % ::: % :|
6 |:%:::::::%:|
7 |: : % : :|
8 |::%:%:%:%::|
9 |::! % ::|
X |::%::::::::|

+--------=--+ 9.2 - The Onion (DPYM)
0 |r *o* l| Starting with (K,8) and working your way left, push every other block one space
1 | r * * l | up. Afterwards, starting with (J,8), push all the remaining blocks in row 8 one
2 |* r * * l *| space right. Take all five hearts. Now starting with (J,6) and working to the
3 | | left, push every other block in row 6 one space up (the two at the ends should
4 | @@@@@ @@@ | end up on the arrow tiles). Then, starting with (I,6) and working left, push
5 |hh| the remaining blocks in row 6 one space right, taking hearts as you go. The
6 |###########| only hearts left now are (A,5) and (K,5). Press the block that's in (G,7) to
7 | h h h h h | the right so Lolo can get into the upper half of the level. Take the last two
8 |###########| hearts. With the two shots you obtain, egg the bottommost dragons. Running up
9 | | the middle to the treasure box, the others won't be able to hit you.
X |* * *!* * *|

+---------=-+ 9.3 - Sleepwalking (DQYG)
0 |//@$$$$h< l| Wait until the four sleepers are off on the right side of the level, then take
1 |//@v@@@@/ @| the heart at (A,9) to let them loose. Stand at (A,5) to cause the first sleeper
2 |// | to stop, then at (B,5) for the second. Stand at (C,3) to wait for the third,
3 |// | which should fall asleep in front of the medusa. Stand on the left-pointing
4 |//@ @ @h@ | arrow in the topright corner for the fourth, which should fall asleep right in
5 |//@ @ @o@ !| front of the dragon. Take the heart by the treasure box, and egg the dragon
6 | @m@ @u@ | there. Then very quickly (as quickly as you can through sand) run along the
7 | @@@ @@@ | top area to grab the last heart. You have to get back to the treasure box
8 | | before the dragon comes around. When he's in sight, blast him with your second
9 |h@@@@@@@@@@| shot to blow him away, then finish the level.
X | e e e e |

+---=-------+ 9.4 - The Waiting Game (DRYD) [3 - Bridge]
0 |h # **:*ro | Push the top and bottom of the three blocks in the topleft corner in, and press
1 |h # : @ | the middle one upwards. Take the three hearts to get your PW-Bridge and two
2 |h # % @ | shots. Take the bottom block and set it in front of the dragon in the
3 |@@@@@*: @ | bottomright corner to act as a shield later. Use your PW-Bridge at (G,6).
4 |@ **:* @ | Push the block out of your way as you make your way down. Blast the snakey
5 |@#@ *:* @ | but don't take the heart yet! You have to sit and wait for the snakey to
6 | @@ : | reappear so he acts as a shield from the dragon on the other side. Once he's
7 | @*:! | back, it's safe to take the last heart, which grants two shots. Use one of them
8 |@@ @@*::#@u| to egg the snakey and shove him in the dragon's face. Use the other one on the
9 |r s h#: **| dragon in the topright corner. As long as you grab the treasure box before
X |@ @@@*::::| that dragon wakes up, you're home free.

+-----------+ 9.5 - Precision (DTYC)
0 |*** o @@@| The blocks in this level have to be pushed into exact locations in order to
1 |** m **| clear the stage. Many of them have to be pushed on half-spaces, to make things
2 |** m * *| worse. Start out by taking the safe heart near the bottomright medusa. Push
3 |* @ # l| the bottomright block one-and-a-half spaces up, so it will block both the
4 |r * m **| medusa and the dragon. Take the last two hearts. Push the bottomleft block up
5 | @m ## @ *| so it blocks both the medusa and the dragon on the left. Now push (E,5) up one
6 |* h **| space, and (F,5) right one, then up one-and-a-half. Now the bottom four
7 |* h l| medusae and all three dragons are blocked, and you still have two usable blocks
8 | # m *| in the middle path. Press the left usable block up until it only covers the
9 | m@ #h@ *| bottom half of the topleft medusa. Press the right usable block up until it
X | ! *| covers only the upper half of the topright medusa. Now Lolo will have just
+-----------+ enough room to squeeze through his blockage and get to the treasure box. Phew!
The stairs show up at (C,1).

| |
| |
| |

+-----=-----+ 10.1 - The Sandlot (DVYB)
0 | !////kk h| This level can be frusterating because it depends largely on where the skulls
1 | //// s| decide to go. The first thing you need to do is get the heart at (K,0). Just
2 |@# #@@@ | be careful you don't walk into Don Medusa's line of fire. Egg the top snakey
3 |@ # @o@ | and push him to (K,4), so he's even with the bottom two skulls. Now go back to
4 |*# #@$@kk | the five blocks and bring one out. Push it down to row 8, even with the snakey
5 |* @$@@@ | and Don Medusa. Egg the snakey, push it down one space, push the block one
6 |@h h@$$$$ | space, then push snakey up two spaces. This way, you'll maneuver around the egg
7 |@***@@@@@ | and he should end up at (K,7), even with the rocks just below the sand area.
8 | ~ s| Push Don Medusa back against the left wall. Go get another block. Put this one
9 | | below Don Medusa so you can nab the heart at (A,X). Now go back and get the
X |h l *** | last two hearts to wake the skulls up. Wait until all the skulls are down in
+-----------+ the bottom area, then very quickly push a block to (J,4). It's okay if they're
in the sand at this time. However, once they've all left the sand area and are down by Don
Medusa, push the block so they're all trapped in the bottom three rows. Only then can you march
through the sand to the treasure box in peace.

+-----=-----+ 10.2 - Alcatraz (DYVZ)
0 |*///// l / | Start off getting the heart in the topleft corner. Be sure to push the block
1 |h# * | upwards. The trick is to get the other four hearts without getting trapped by
2 |@ l * | the sleepers. Egg the topleft snakey and push him once to the left. Once the
3 | r*v * | sleeper is all the way left, push him another space and then run up to the
4 |r **//*o| grassy area at the topleft of the map. Get him to fall asleep all the way to
5 |*** ******| the left. Then go get the heart. Now do the topright snakey; this heart has
6 |h s * e| two more shots in it. Now do the bottomleft (there are two shots here as well).
7 |e * s h| Finally, the bottomright. Before you take the last heart, egg the dragon at
8 |**** ****| (C,3) and push him in front of his brother at (H,2). This way, neither of them
9 |h s * e| will bother you en route to the treasure box. On your way back you can get
X |e * ! s h| past the remaining bottom dragon by peeking out, then stepping back in and
+-----------+ egging him. The path to the treasure box should be nice and open now!

+----=------+ 10.3 - Work That Snakey (DZVY) [7 - Hammer]
0 |hl o rh| Take the heart in front of you to get things moving. There's very little room
1 | @@ { @@ | for error in this level. Use one of the shots you get on the right snakey.
2 | @ @ | Push him against the right wall, then into the water. Quickly grab the topright
3 |::::@ @::::| heart and cross back to the bottom when the egg reaches (H,3). This way, you
4 | # @ # | put a block into play. Push it to (I,8) and take the heart the medusa was
5 | | guarding. Do the same thing on the other side; egg the left snakey, push him
6 | s s | into the water, grab the topleft heart, and push the block at (D,4) into
7 | h@@h@@h | position so you can take the medusa's top heart. You'll now have four shots.
8 | @ @ | Egg the right snakey again, then quickly push it to (J,X) so you can grab the
9 | @ @ | bottomright heart. Before snakey wakes up, get above it and destroy it. Again,
X |h m@ ! @m h| mirror this activity on the left side, only this time do not destroy the snakey.
+-----------+ You'll need one last shot for this level. When you grab the last heart, you'll
get a PW-Hammer. Wait for the snakey to reappear, then sit in waiting at (G,4). When Don
Medusa is on his way up, smash the rock at (F,4) and quickly dash behind snakey so he can't kill
you on the rebound. Then, when the time's right, egg that snakey a third time and trap Don
Medusa in the small bottom area of the stage. This gives you a free path right to the treasure

+-----=-----+ 10.4 - The DMV (GBVV) [4 - Hammer]
0 |m@/ k k /<{| Grab the two hearts in the bottom row by blocking off the medusae in the corners
1 | ***@ @*** | with the two blocks. You can also safely grab the heart at (A,5), which gives
2 | *@o@* | you two shots. Very quickly egg snakey and push him to (A,2) so you can take
3 |h **v** h| the heart at (A,3). Jump back to safety and destroy him, then wait for him to
4 | | reappear. The fourth heart gives you PW-Hammer. When snakey comes back, egg
5 |h s @| him again and push him to (K,2), trapping Don Medusa in the top corner so you
6 | | can take the last heart. Again, destroy snakey, but this time be sure to run
7 | | downwards directly afterwards so Don doesn't get you. Stand ready at (J,5)
8 |@ # # | until snakey comes back. Then, when Don is moving up, very quickly smash the
9 | | rock and run and hide behind snakey. Egg snakey again and push him up against
X |m h ! h m| the right wall, pinning Don Medusa between himself and the medusa in the
+-----------+ bottomright corner. With your last shot, egg the right skull in the top area
and pin the left skull with him, providing you with easy access to the treasure box.

+-=---------+ 10.5 - The Great Devil's Room (GCVT)
0 | @@@ | Grab the heart to get two shots. Run along the top of the room and stand in
1 | :: vh | front of the door. Egg the topleft dragon. Now very quickly stand on the
2 | r::%%: l | arrow and egg the topright dragon. Push him one space right, then all the way
3 | r:: ::l | down in front of the medusa. Now here's the fun part - stand just above the
4 | r:: ::l | bridge tiles, halfway in between them, and run downward. You'll just narrowly
5 | r:: ::l @| be missed by the dragons' fireballs, and get the last treasure box. Now just
6 | r:: ! :l | walk through the door to finish the game!
7 | r:: :l @|
8 | r: ::l |
9 | r * :*l |
X | r o m|

After that, you're done! Lolo will automatically lay the smack down on the Great Devil, and
you're treated to a happy ending where Lolo and Lala share a classic pixelated romantic
moment. Then all the trees around the Great Devil's (former) castle grow back, and all's
peachy again. Schway.


| |
| PART FOUR: CONCLUSION | Unfortunately, that's the whole game. I know, you want more.
| | Well, there's always Adventure of Lolo II, which is lots more
+-------------------------+ levels (and a few PRO levels which are so insanely difficult I've
never solved them), and Adventure of Lolo III, which is about
three times as big as this one, and you can even play as Lala. They're all pretty much the
same game, so if you liked this one give the others a shot! I don't have FAQs for the other
two, however.

If you want to contact me and thank me for writing this FAQ, or to lavish praise on me, or
something of that nature, feel free to drop me a line at I am not
accepting any contributions for this FAQ. It's 100% complete, and does not require updating.
I don't care if you have alternate solutions to any of the levels; the ones I have are
complete and valid, and are good enough to get you through the game. So please don't
e-mail me telling me I left anything out, because I didn't.

I hope you found this FAQ helpful and informative, and I hope you enjoyed this classic
piece of block-pushing fun.
| |
| |


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