Adventures Of Lolo

Adventures Of Lolo

16.10.2013 05:50:48
Adventures of Lolo FAQ V1.05
Copyright (c) 2000 by Dalez (
Last updated 01/06/2001 9:26 PM

The latest version of this FAQ can ALWAYS be found at...


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Adventures of Lolo

Year: 1989
Publisher: Hal Laboratory Inc.
Genre: Puzzle

The first game in the Lolo series, incidentally named "Adventures
of Lolo" was released in 1989 by Hal, and was quite a hit for puzzle
game enthusiasts. You play as Lolo, a little round blue guy from the
Kingdom of Eggerland. The wicked Devil of Eggerland has kidnapped
Princess Lala, and it is up to you to venture into the Devil's castle
and get her back. But first, you must get through the ten floors of
his castle, solving five rooms on each floor (that's 50 rooms total
:P). Sound easy? It isn't. There are tons of enemies and traps in
your way to make things (more) difficult. Fortunately Lolo also has a
few tools of his own to defend himself with.

This first section covers the traps, enemies, and tools you will
encounter on your trip.

- Lolo's Tools -

Basic Tools

Heart Framers (HFs) -- These resemble... well, hearts! Your basic
objective in each room is first to collect all the HFs in the room.
Once all the HFs are collected, the Jewel Box will open.

Jewel Box -- Every room contains a Jewel Box that contains a Magic
Jewel that you must find to break the curse on the castle. When all
the HFs are collected, the box will open, and you can take the Jewel.
Once the Jewel is taken, all monsters in the room will disappear, and
the exit door will open. There are 50 jewels total.

Emerald Framers (EFs) -- Emerald Framers are blocks that can be
pushed, and these will be essential in many of the puzzles. One
thing to note is that though EFs can be pushed, they cannot be
pulled, so if you accidentally push one into a corner, it essentially
becomes useless. If this happens, you may have to restart the level
by pressing the 'Select' button (though at the cost of one of Lolo's
lives!) EFs can be used to trap monsters, or block blasts from
Medusa or Don Medusa.

Magic Shots -- Magic Shots are sometimes obtained upon collecting
HFs. These are Lolo's only means of defense against enemies. By
shooting an enemy with a magic shot, they will turn into an egg,
which may be pushed like an EF. This will last only temporarily, and
when time runs out the monster will return to normal. If you shoot
an egg with another magic shot, it will be blown away, out of the
room. Note that the monster will come back after a few moments, so
use the time wisely!

Eggs -- Eggs can be pushed around like EFs, but they can also be
pushed into water. Some of the water bodies in the puzzles have
currents flowing in them such that the egg will be carried around in
the water. If Lolo jumps onto an egg while it's in the water, he can
use it as a boat to get from one place to another. However, there is
no way to control what direction the egg flows (it's determined only
by the water currents), and when the egg reaches the end of the
current (or if there is no current), it will sink. If Lolo is still
on the egg when it sinks, it's good-bye Lolo. :(

Special Tools

Special tools are tools that are available only on certain
puzzles. They will appear in the boxes denoted by 'PW' on the right
hand side of the screen. To activate these, you must first collect
a certain number of HFs in the room. Then you'll hear a chime an
the tool will start blinking. It can then be used. If there are
multiple tools available, you must use them in the order they appear
in the list.

Hammer -- The hammer will allow you to break one rock.
Arrow -- This tool will change the direction of one arrow tile.
Bridge -- This tool will allow you to make a bridge across one
tile of water.

- Landscapes -

There are several different types of ground scattered around in the
rooms. This section explains them.

Basic Ground -- Nothing special here. It's just ground! -_-
Grass -- Grass serves as a 'safe haven' from mobile monsters such
as Skull and Alma. It does not protect against projectiles fired
from Gol or Medusae however!
Desert -- Desert slows Lolo down, making him move only half as fast
across it. Unforunately, enemies can travel across it at full
speed! Beware!!
Water -- Water is un-crossable without the aid of a bridge tool or
an egg. Most bodies of water have currents that carry eggs
around in a specified path.
Lava -- Found in the upper levels of the castle, lava serves as
water, but any bridges built over water will disintegrate after
a few moments. Be careful.
Rocks -- These can be broken with a hammer, but otherwise cannot be
manipulated. Serves as protection from blasts from Medusa or
Don Medusa.
Trees -- Trees serve mainly to get in your way, and they cannot be
pushed, shot, or otherwise destroyed. Also note that trees do
NOT protect you from Medusa/Don Medusa.
Arrow Tiles -- Arrow tiles cannot be crossed in the direction
_opposite that of which they are facing_. However they can be
traversed from the back or the sides. Pushing EFs over these
tiles works in the same manner.

- Baddies -

The game just wouldn't be complete without a set of baddies out to
make Lolo's task more difficult than ever. Here's a list of them, and
how to avoid or out-smart them.

Snakey -- Snakey, a snake-like creature,is harmless to Lolo. They
will just sit there and swing back and forth. When you grab the
jewel, they'll enter a "panic mode" and swing faster (No! Don't
grab the jewel.. Noooo! :P), but they are really just there to
be turned into eggs or get in your way. Snakey will usually be
used to block an enemy or serve as a bridge across water.

Skull -- Skulls just sit there and lie motionless... until you
grab the jewel, when they will awaken and start to chase you
down! Skulls can be turned into eggs (when either mobile or
immobile), and since they run about as fast as Lolo, it's best
to trap them before they awaken.

Gol -- Gol, like the Skulls, lie motionless until you grab the
jewel. However, they won't chase you. When a Gol is awake and
you cross it's line of sight, it will shoot a fireball at you.
Put simply, get out of the way!

Rocky -- Rocky, who resembles a giant block of stone, lumbers
around the room aimlessly until you cross it's line of vision,
when it will charge at you. If it runs into you, it will
continue to push Lolo until you hit a wall or you move out of
the way. Though they can't actually harm you, Rocky has an
extremely bad habit of pushing you into a corner, trapping you.
If you are less than 2 steps away from a Rocky, they won't
budge an inch (unless of course you change them into an egg).
If a Rocky traps you, you've no choice but to suicide and
restart the level.

Alma -- Alma, an armadillo-like creature, behaves somewhat like
Skull in that it tries to chase you down, only Alma is alert
and awake for the whole duration. It's best to trap them or
shoot them and make a quick getaway.

Leeper -- Leepers are green lizards that hop around the room,
and have a tendency to chase you down. Leepers are harmless,
but once they touch Lolo they will fall asleep and WILL NOT
BUDGE no matter what you do. Once a Leeper falls asleep, it's
there permanently (unless of course you re-start the level).
Leepers also have a bad habit of trapping Lolo or making a
certain part of the level inaccessible.

Medusa -- One of the most frustrating and dangerous monsters in
Lolo is the Medusa. Medusa will stay in the same place and
won't move, but when you cross her line of sight she will shoot
you with an un-avoidable beam. The only way to defend against
Medusa is to get an obstacle in between her and Lolo so that
her shot won't reach you. Medusa cannot shoot through eggs,
HFs, EFs, other enemies, or rocks, but it can shoot through

Don Medusa -- The Don Medusa is a rarer form of Medusa, and
probably the most dangerous of the monsters. Like the Medusa,
Don Medusa will shoot you with an un-avoidable attack when you
cross his line of fire, however the Don Medusa moves back and
forth in a confined area. They will move either horizontally
or vertically, and follow the same obstacle rule as the Medusa.
It's best to trap these guys in a corner whenever possible.

- Controls -

The controls are simple. The control pad moves Lolo in all four
directions. The A button lets you fire magic shots or use tools, and
the SELECT button lets you re-start the level at the cost of one of
Lolo's lives. Lolo starts with 5 lives, and when they are all
depleted, you will be given a password and the option to continue.
You can continue as many times as you want, so the lives don't make
much of a difference other than getting your password. -_-

- Walkthrough -

Now that all the information that you probably already knew is
out of the way, here are the solutions to each of the fifty puzzles.
Lolo is a fun and time-consuming game, but I feel it is best to play
through the game yourself and resort to the FAQ only when a particular
level has you stumped. That way, the enjoyment of the game won't be
ruined just by following the FAQ from beginning to end and not figuring
out anything for yourself. =p

Floor 1, Room 1
Password: (Err... just start the game! :P)

The first several rooms are designed to help get you accustomed to
the gameplay, and needless to say, aren't very challenging. The first
level shows you the basic basics and introduces you to Snakey.

Solution: First grab the only accessible HF to get 2 Magic Shots.
Shoot Snakey and push him all the way up, to the door, then grab the
other HF. Then run down and pick up the Jewel Box!

Floor 1, Room 2
Password: BCBT

The second room makes things a little more difficult by introducing
an EF as well as Gol.

Solution: First grab all the HFs except for the one in the
upper-right. Push the lone EF in front of the Gol near the Jewel Box,
then go and grab the last HF, and the Gol's will awaken. Proceed to the
jewel box, but watch out for the above Gol... he is far enough away so
that you should be able to easily avoid his fireball. Collect the Jewel
at your leisure, then proceed to the next room. ;)

Floor 1, Room 3
Password: BDBR

In this room you will be introduced to Leeper and learn a lesson
about where and where not to put him to sleep. =D

Solution: Grab the nearby HF, then shoot Snakey twice to get him
out of the way. Grab the HF, and you will notice a wider open area to
the right. This is where you want to put Leeper to sleep, as most of
the stage consists of narrow passages that is an open invitation for
Leeper to trap you with. Stand in the lower-left corner of this area,
near the trees, and wait for Leeper to come to you. Once he falls
asleep, you are free to grab the remaining HFs and the Jewel.

Floor 1, Room 4
Password: BGBQ

In this room you will be introduced to Skull. Not exactly a
pleasant introduction, but ah well....

Solution: It is essential to trap the skulls before you grab all
the HFs, as they can (and probably will) hunt you down before you get a
chance to snag the Jewel from the Jewel Box. There are two EFs near
the bottom skull, and two near the top skull. Situate these so that
the Skull is trapped by the EFs and the rocks. Do the same for the top
and bottom ones, then grab the two HFs near the bridge. Run over to
the Skull on the right, and push the top and bottom EFs over, and the
middle one up. Shoot skull twice to get him out of your way, then snag
the three remaining HFs. Now high-tail it to the Jewel Box before the
other Skull re-appears!

Floor 1, Room 5
Password: BHBP

This room introduces Rocky, the harmless lumbering Rock that can
be a pain in the butt when he traps you in a corner... :/

Solution: There isn't much to this level, but do take care to
avoid the Rockies. Make sure they are a good distance away before
taking each HF as each one is in a good position for a Rocky to come up
and trap you. Push the EFs out of the way to get the ones in the
upper-left, upper-right, and lower-right, and push the lower EF to the
left to get the one in the lower-left. Then, grab the Jewel and climb
the stairs. Floor 1 is complete! =D

Floor 2, Room 1
Password: BJBM

As has been the trend, this level introduces you to yet another
new enemy, Alma.

Solution: At the beginning of the level, you are directly in
Alma's path, so you'll need to be a bit quick on your feet. As she runs
down in an attempt to bowl you over, quickly run to the left and up the
side of the trees and rocks, and grab the two HFs. Continue around in
a clockwise circle around the room, collecting the two HFs next to the
Jewel Box, then the ones on the right side of the room. Once you get
back to the bottom, make a break up the middle and dash for the Jewel Box!

Floor 2, Room 2
Password: BKBL

This is the first room to feature the Medusa. Learn to hate them
now. =)

Solution: First walk up to the HF in between the Medusas (don't
take it yet), then push the EFs to the left and right under the Medusas.
Then push the other EFs up, to block them from the sides. Grab the HF
in between, then go back down and collect the four HFs at the bottom. Go
back up and grab the last two HFs near the Jewel Box, then take up the

Floor 2, Room 3
Password: BLBK

This room introduces you to the last (and most dangerous) enemy,
Don Medusa.

Solution: The Don Medusa is your only threat in this room. He moves
left-to-right, so push the EFs out and up beside him to confine him to a
smaller area. Then, collect the HFs on the left side, run back around to
the bottom and continue around to collect the HFs on the right side.
Then, go back down to the Jewel Box and take the jewel!

Floor 2, Room 4
Password: BMBJ

This is the first room to feature a special tool, the Hammer.

Solution: First run around and collect all the accessible HFs, but
be sure to keep an eye on Rocky so that he doesn't trap you. After
collecting them all, your Hammer will be activated. Use it on one of the
rocks near the enclosed HF to open a path to it, and grab it. Use the
magic shots acquired to blow away Snakey and grab the final HF, as well as
the Jewel.

Floor 2, Room 5
Password: BPBH

This room gets you acquainted with your Arrow Tile tool.

Solution: Start by grabbing the two HFs near the Skulls up top, then
by getting the HF in the lower-left (shoot Alma turn her into an egg, then
grab the HF). Also, shoot Snakey and push him up to the block the Skull in
the upper-left. Now use the Arrow tool to change the direction of the lonely
arrow tile on the right side of the room. Run down, but don't pick up
the HF on the right just yet! Push the upper and lower EFs left, then the
middle one down to gain access to the last HF. Grab it, then push the EF up
top over, and up out of the little area, then over to block the Skull that is
trapping Alma. Run back down into the EF area, and push another EF out to
block the last remaining skull. Now grab the final HF and collect the Jewel
at your leisure. Floor 2 is complete! ;)

Floor 3, Room 1
Password: BQBG

This room features the first bridge tool, and marks the starting point
of the 'real' puzzles. From here on the going will be a lot tougher!

Solution: First grab the HF above you to obtain some Magic Shots, then
shoot Snakey and slide him up next to the first Medusa. Run up and collect
the four HFs to activate your bridge tool. Run down and place the bridge one
square up from the south end of the river. Cross, then push the EF to the
left back right across the bridge, and up to block the upper Medusa from the
side. Go back across the bridge, and push the other EF back across and push
it all the way up to block the upper medusa from the top, to make the Jewel
Box accessible. Cross the bridge once more, and run up and collect the two
HFs by the skulls. Push the last EF back down, across the bridge, and slide
it under the lower medusa, and pick up the final HF. Now, beat a hasty
retreat to the Jewel Box and take the Jewel!

Floor 3, Room 2
Password: BRBD

This is the first room in which you will have to put your egg-sailing
skills to use. :P

Solution: The Alma in this room makes things a bit hairy. First grab
the HF in between the two rocks to get some Magic Shots, then move down and
stay in the lower part of the area until Alma comes down to you. When she
does, shoot her, then push her into the little nook in the lower-right, then
shove the EF in front of her. That oughta keep her out of our way. ;)
Then go up, grab the HF at the top, then cross the bridge and grab the two
others. Go back down to the skull at the bottom, shoot him, and shove him
into the water between the two rocks. Quickly cross to the other side, grab
the HF, then cross once more as Skull sails along the current. If you're
not quick enough, you'll miss the egg and be stuck on the island! Once
you're back on solid ground, take the jewel and exit this room!

Floor 3, Room 3
Password: BTBC

Solution: There are two Leepers in this room, both of which pose
immediate threats to trap you within the narrow passages of this room.
First run up to the open area above you, grab the HF, then move one space
right. Let a Leeper come to you and fall asleep. Now quickly make your
way down to the other open area near the bottom, and do the same
procedure... grab the HF, move one space down, and let Leeper come to you
and fall asleep. Once both Leepers are asleep in safe places, you're free
to collect the other HFs and the Jewel.

Floor 3, Room 4
Password: BVBB

Solution: This level is a chain of narrow passages and Skulls/EFs.
One wrong move can trap you, so be careful! First push the EF to your left
left, then push the EF above you right and all the way down into the lower
right corner. Push the EF near the Jewel Box left, then run down and take
the HF at the bottom. Take the HF by the other skull, and push the EF to
the right to completely enclose Skull. Grab the HF in the lower-left, then
go up and collect the HF in the upper-left. Go down along the narrow passage,
push the EF one space down, then circle all the way back up and around, and
shove it in front of the other skull. Now that both skulls are blocked,
grab the last HF and make your way to the Jewel Box!

Floor 3, Room 5
Password: BYZZ

Solution: This level is a matter of which HFs to take and which one
to save for last. First, grab all the HFs except for the one directly in
front of the Gol in the lower right. Now, push the lone EF in this stage
in front of that same Gol, then grab the last HF. Now, proceed to the
Jewel Box and watch as one Gol repeatedly fries another with fireballs.
Hehehe! Floor 3 is complete!

Floor 4, Room 1
Password: BZZY

Solution: There are four Don Medusas in this level and eight EFs
to block them with. First, quickly move up to avoid the first Don Medusa
coming down to blast you. Push one of the EFs over to the left and down
to trap him in the corner (be sure to watch out for the other Dons while
doing this!), then grab the two HFs. Shove the other EF down beside him
if you will, though it isn't necessary. Now, do essentially the same
thing for the other three Don Medusas. Once all four are trapped in
their respective corners, feel free to grab the Jewel Box!

Floor 4, Room 2
Password: CBZV

Solution: How cute... this level's design is a representation of
Lolo himself! This is a rather simple level... first grab the three
accessible HFs, then run up and shoot one of the Snakeys and shove him
into the water. The current will carry you down between Lolo's eyes.
You'll have to be a bit quick here... jump off to the left as soon a
you can, then run down and pick up the HF. Jump back on the egg and
jump off to the right to pick up the other HF. Run down and jump back
onto the egg once again and it will drop you off at the last HF. Blow
Snakey away with 2 shots then pick up the Jewel Box. Yay!

Floor 4, Room 3
Password: CCZT

Solution: There is only one HF in this level, but there is a bit
of work to do before you safely grab it. First use the two EFs near the
Skull to trap him (push the left EF right one space and the right
EF left and up one space). Make your way to the upper-right, and push
the upper and lower EFs right and the middle one down to get by. Shove
the upper EF up against Gol, and the lower one down against Medusa. Use
the other EF to block the other Gol against the south wall. Go back down
to the lower-right and shove the last remaining EF in front of the last
Gol to protect your path to the Jewel Box. Now that everything is blocked,
grab the last HF and the Jewel Box. Be careful you do not accidentally
block the path to the exit with an EF! It sucks to complete a level but
not be able to reach the exit! :(

Floor 4, Room 4
Password: CDZR

Solution: This one looks tricky at first, but is actually quite
simple. First, position the lone EF in front of the bridge (be sure to
watch out for Don Medusa while doing in this). Grab the EF in the lower
right, then push the EF all the way up past the arrow tile, but stop
before you hit the wall. Make sure Don is out of the way then grab
the HF to the right, then wait for Don to come by and trap him in the
upper-right corner with the EF. Run over and collect the HF to the
left, then use your bridge tool to make a bridge across the narrow
section of river next to the skull. Grab the last HF, then shoot
Gol from behind and slide him over to the right, out of your way. Now,
grab the Jewel! :)

Floor 4, Room 5
Password: CGZQ

Solution: The layout of this room is quite interesting... there
is a Medusa and Don Medusa in makeshift thrones on the north end of the
room, with a line of Gols serving as guards. First go up and push the
left-hand EF up two spaces, then grab the HF. Run back down and shoot
one of the Snakeys, and shove him up in front of Don Medusa. Do the
same with the other Snakey, and shove him up in front of Medusa. Grab
the HF, then go down and around up to the left side. Push the
right-hand EF up two spaces, grab the last HF, and then take up the
Jewel. Floor 4 is complete!

Floor 5, Room 1
Password: CHZP

Solution: Whoa! With all these EFs you'll have to be careful not
to trap yourself! Basically this stage is just a matter of manipulating
the three EFs in front of each HF (i.e push the upper and lower ones
to the right, then the middle one out of the way). By using this
strategy, you should be able to easily get all the HFs, and use two of
the EFs near the Jewel Box to block the Gols. To get to the exit, push
the EF above you all the way up, then push the EF to the left over onto
the bridge.

Floor 5, Room 2
Password: CJZM

Solution: First take the HF in the upper-left, then go to the right
and get the HF to the left and up of the medusa. Go back down and take
the other two accessible HFs, then activate your arrow tool to change the
direction of the arrow nearest the medusa. Walk down to the other arrow
tile, and you'll see two EFs near it. Push the one to the upper-left of
the tile down two spaces, then go around and push the other one left two
spaces. Push the bottom one all the way over to the left and grab the
three HFs. Use the EF still near the arrow tile to block Medusa from the
right (push it up two squares, loop around the arrow tile and Snakey and
push it three spaces right, then loop around the arrow tile again and push
it the rest of the way up). Now, use one of the EFs that is near the three
HFs you just got to block medusa from the north. Grab the last HF, and
finally the Jewel!

Floor 5, Room 3
Password: CKZL

Solution: You'll be using quite a bit of Magic Shots in this level.
First go left and get the first HF, and notice the line of Snakeys to the
left. Blast each Snakey with two Magic Shots, grab the next HF, then repeat
the process until you reach the bottom. Push the EF to the right, under
the rocks, then get rid of the other two Snakeys, but grab only the HF
closest to the arrow tile! Leave the other one be for the time being, and
head for the right side of the room. Push the EF near the Skulls straight
up to block Medusa, then take the two HFs nearby. Run back to the other HF,
blow Snakey away once more (poor guy :P), then get the final HF and the

Floor 5, Room 4
Password: CLZK

Solution: You are given two bridge tools to use in this stage, yet you
only need to use one of them. First grab the only two accessible HFs to get
a few magic shots, then head for the herd of Snakeys on the left. Shoot the
one blocking the HF twice to get rid of him, then grab the HF. Before Snakey
re-appears, shoot the Snakey on the lower-right and shove him into the water.
Quickly cross, grab the HF, then cross back for the egg sinks. Now head for
the lower-right and blow away the Skull blocking the HF. Grab it and both
your bridge tools should now be activated. Head for the upper-right and
construct a bridge across the narrow section of river near Gol. Grab the HF,
shove the EF down one space, then grab the HF in the middle. Now loop back
around to the Jewel Box, shove the EF blocking the last two HFs right one
space, then get the last two HFs and the Jewel. =D

Floor 5, Room 5
Password: CMZJ

Solution: Arrow tiles, everywhere! And the Medusa sure doesn't help
things. Since this is mainly a stage of moving around in the right direction,
here's what to do (U = Up, D = Down, L = Left, R = Right).
1U, 2L, 3D, 4R, 2U, 3R, Push the EF all the way down. 1L, 2D, 2L, grab the HF
and push the EF all the way up beside Medusa. 1D, 3R, 3D, 1L, 2D, 4L, 1U, 3L,
push the EF all the way left, then grab the HF. 1U, 1L, 1U, 1L, Push the EF
all the way up and grab the HF nearby, then the one in the upper-left. 3R, 2D,
2R, 2U, grab the HF. 1R, 1D, push the EF to the right, then push the other one
down onto the arrow tile. 1R, push the EF the rest of the way up, then grab
the final HF and the jewel. Whew! Floor 5 is complete!

Floor 6, Room 1
Password: CPZH

Solution: With five Medusas, you'll have to be extremely careful where
you walk. There are three EFs near where Lolo starts... push the ones on the
left and right over to block the medusas from the north. Use the other EF to
block the medusa in the middle from the south, then grab the HF. Push the
two EF's on the left and right sides up to block the side medusas, then head
for the north part of the room. Use the ever-familiar three EF strategy to
gain access to the HFs (push the left/right EF's up and the in the middle to
the left or right, depending on which side you are on), then push the leftover
EF down to block the middle medusa from the side. Do this on both sides, then
use the last remaining EF to block the middle medusa from the north. Grab the
final HF and then the Jewel!

Floor 6, Room 2
Password: CQZG

Solution: First grab the only accessible HF, then head for the two EFs
nearby. Push the one on the right all the way down to block Medusa from the
side, then pull the ever-popular EF strategy to get the three in the lower
left. Use the other EF (the one that was on the left) to block the Medusas
from the north (if you push the EF halfway in between both Medusas, it will
block them both!), then push the EF in the north over to the left, down, and
back to the right, then use it to block the medusa at the bottom from the side.
Get the HF in the lower right, then use a magic shot to shoot the Snakey on
top, and slide him over to block Medusa. Now you're free to grab the final
three HFs and the Jewel.

Floor 6, Room 3
Password: CRZD

Solution: There are two medusas and only two EFs, so you are going to
have to put the Leeper in this room to good use. First shove the nearby EF
left two spaces, down 4, then over to the right and block the lower medusa
from the right. Take the two HFs, then wait for Leeper to bounce in the
other direction, then push the EF up 2 spaces (allowing Leeper to get out)
and quickly hightail it to the grassy area near the other Medusa. Stand
on the grass directly under the space between the Medusa and the HF, and
wait for Leeper to come bounding up in between. He will fall asleep
between the Medusa and HF, blocking it! Grab the HF, then run back up to
the upper-right and take the two HFs nearby. Now, shove the nearby EF
down and around to block the lower medusa from the left. Now you can
take the last HF and the Jewel! =D

Floor 6, Room 4
Password: CTZC

Solution: Start by pushing the EF below Lolo down to block the
Medusa from the side, then run around and pick up the two accessible HFs.
Now run back to the starting point, shoot Snakey and shove him down into
the water, but don't board the egg! Run down and stand in front of the
EF you pushed down beside Medusa before, and wait for the egg to come
around to you. When it does, board the egg and push the EF on the island
over to block Medusa from the north. Cross back over again, then take
the HF to activate your bridge tool. Use it to cross the narrow section
of river above the EF next to the Jewel Box. Cross, shove the EF down
to the lower-right corner, then run left and pick up the last HF. Now
grab the Jewel!

Floor 6, Room 5
Password: CVZB

Solution: Most of this stage is water-logged, so you'll have to
do quite a bit of egg-floating. Grab the HF on the island you start on
to get some Magic shots, then shoot Snakey and shove him down into the
water. Board the egg and wait for it to pass by the EF on the large
island in the middle. Push it over to block Medusa from the south, then
quickly run down and shove the other EF up beside her to block her from
the left. Now go back and wait for the egg to pass through the narrow
channel separating the large island with the smaller one containing the
last two HFs. Cross, grab the last two HFs, then board the egg once
more and wait for it to carry you on a leisurely cruise back to the
Jewel Box. Floor 6 is complete!

Floor 7, Room 1
Password: CYYZ

Solution: Lots of HFs, tons of EFs, and four Gols guarding the
Jewel Box. First grab the HF to your left, then shoot Gol and shove
him one space left. Push the EFs above and below you out of the way,
then grab the two HFs and shove Gol one more space down before he
re-appears. Now run around and pick up all the rest of the HFs,
leaving only the one behind the Gol on the left. Shove EFs in front
of the top and bottom Gols to block them, then move the EFs next to
the Gol on the left out of the way. Shoot him, shove him one space
down, then grab the last HF and the Jewel.

Floor 7, Room 2
Password: CZYY

Solution: A monster convention! With 4 Don Medusas, 3 Medusas,
2 Gols and a Rocky, you'll have to watch yourself on this one! The
two nearby HFs are the only ones in the level, but don't get them just
yet. First push the EF above you up against the Medusa, then use the
other two to trap the Don Medusas on the left and right down in the
corner. Run up to the upper-right and shove the EF to the right of
the Medusa to the left to block her from the south, then shove the one
on the left up to block her from the side. Do the same for the Medusa
on the left as well. Once that's done, there will be two EFs left
in the middle. Move the one on top of your way, and push the lower one
down against Medusa. Push the EFs above the Gols up against the middle
Medusa, and now (finally) grab the two HFs. Now carefully make your
way up to the Jewel Box.

Floor 7, Room 3
Password: DBYV

Solution: This is a rather simple level, actually. First grab
the HFs on the left and right to get 4 magic shots. Now run up the
middle (don't get the last HF yet), and shoot the first set of Gols
and push them in front of the medusas to block them from the side.
Now, quickly egg both of the Gols guarding the Jewel Box, then grab
the last HF and the jewel before they break free. Yay!

Floor 7, Room 4
Password: DCYT

Solution: Another room full of arrow tiles, wonderful. As
before, I'll guide you step-by-step through this level. First grab
the HF above you, then go 3D, 7R, 2U, 1R, 2U to get another HF. 1D,
2R, 1U to get another HF. This also should activate your first arrow
tool. 4D, 3L, 2U, 1R, 3U, 2L, 1D to get another HF, and to activate
your second arrow tool. 2L, then change the arrow tile to the south
with your first arrow tool. 2D, grab the HF, then 4L, 2D, 7R, 2U, 1R,
6U, 1L to get another HF, then use your other arrow tool to change the
arrow in front of you. 3L, grab the HF in front of the skull, then 1D,
2L to get another HF. Now go 2D, 1L, 1D, 1L, 4D, 7R, 2U, 1R, 1U, 2R,
4U to get yet another HF, and lastly go 1U, 6L, 1D, 2L, 2D, 1L, 1D, 1R,
and 1D to get the last one. Now Skull will awaken so you'll have to be
quick at this part. Quickly run 1D, 2L, 2D, 7R, 1U, 1R, 6U, 6L, 2U, and
2L to the Jewel Box before Skull can catch you. Phew!

Floor 7, Room 5
Password: DDYR

Solution: After what we just went through, it's nice to see
another rather simple stage. First run around the outside and collect
three of the four HFs to enable your first arrow tool. Change the top
arrow on the left side, then go inside and take up the four HFs in the
middle to activate your second arrow tool. Use it to change the bottom
arrow on the right side. Now shove the four outside EFs into the middle
area via the arrows you just changed, and place them in front of the
sets of skulls to block them. Now grab the last HF and finally the
Jewel. Floor 7 is complete!

Floor 8, Room 1
Password: DGYQ

Solution: First run around and grab all the HFs excetpt for the
one below the Medusa. To get the one in the upper-right, push the right
hand EF up two spaces, then go up and push the left-hand EF of the next
row up two spaces. Use the free EF to block Gol from the front, then
take the last HF to activate your hammer tool. Now go up to the rocks
blocking the Medusa from the right. First push the nearby EF one space
right to get it out of your way, then break the lower-most rock with your
hammer. Push the EF above the grass area over and up, then shove it
through the space you just created, under the Medusa. Now you're free
to go and pick up the Jewel.

Floor 8, Room 2
Password: DHYP

Solution: First, grab the HF in the upper-right, then walk over
to the EFs enclosing the jewel box. Push the outer ones in and the middle
one down to get them out of your way, then push the EF to the left of the
jewel box left and down to block the left medusa. Go back and push the
EF below the jewel box down, and over to the right to block the right
medusa. Now grab the HF in the upper-left. Now head for the lower part
of the room, grabbing all the HFs except for the one at the very bottom.
Near here are two EFs... there are two medusas to be blocked but these
two blocks won't get the job done. Push them in the narrow passages
nearby to get rid of them. There are two free EFs near the Jewel Box,
so bring one down and place it in front of the lower-left medusa, then
bring the other one down and place it in front of the lower-right one.
Now grab the last HF and dash straight up to the Jewel Box (the Gols are
far enough away that their fireballs shouldn't be able to reach you).

Floor 8, Room 3
Password: DJYM

Solution: There are several medusas in this room and very few EFs
to block them with. First grab the HF in the lower right. Now, there
are three EFs to the up and right from where you start... push the
upper-right one up 2 spaces to block both medusas, and push the
upper-left one to the left against the other medusa. Now push the
remaining EF to the right and up, and place it halfway in between the
two Medusas to block one from the north and the other from the south.
Run around to the top of the room, push the isolated EF left one space
and down one space to block in two different places, then grab the last
two remaining EFs and the Jewel.

Floor 8, Room 4
Password: DKYL

Solution: There are four EFs and four places where you need them
to block Medusa. However, the arrow tiles in the room limit your
movement to a counter-clockwise spiral pattern around the outside of
the room. First make your way to the EFs in the upper-left, then push
the right one down onto the arrow tile, then over to block medusa from
the north. Shove the bottom EF to the right and down to block her from
the left. Now shove the left EF down across the arrow tile, and place
it under medusa to block her from the south. Now, circle back around
to the EFs, and shove the last remaining one down across the arrow tile,
down and right across another arrow tile, and up to block medusa from
the right. Now that Medusa is blocked in all four directions, run around
and pick up the HFs (it would be a good idea to save the bottom one for
last to reduce the risk of Skull catching you) and the Jewel!

Floor 8, Room 5
Password: DLYK

Solution: There are 2 medusas and 2 Don Medusas in this level, as
well as 6 EFs, and you'll need to use every one. First go up and grab
the HF above you, then walk left across the arrow tile, grab the other
HF, then push the left-hand EF down across the arrow tile. (Carefully)
move it to the right, over Don Medusa. Go back up and around, across
the arrow, and push the right-hand EF down over top of the arrow tile
(to get it out of the way for the time being). Push the EF to the left
of Lolo left, then down across the arrow and stick over the left Don
Medusa. Now (again, carefully), push the EFs over the Dons down to trap
them. They can still shoot you through the tree, so we'll need to take
care of that problem next. Take another EF out of the 'pile', shove
it down across the arrow, and put it one space up and right from the
left Medusa. Keep it here for now, then go up, grab another EF, and
take it down and put it one space up and left from the right Medusa.
Now push both EFs over so that they are blocking the medusas from the
north and the Dons from shooting you through the trees. Now, use the
last two EFs to block the medusas from the side. Now you can pick up
the remaining HF(s) and the Jewel. Floor 8 is complete!

Floor 9, Room 1
Password: DMYJ

Solution: As you can see, this level is basically a race to outrun
and outwit the Alma that is running around. Walk over to the 'loop' to
the right and let Alma come to you. Once she nears the loop, run around
and get on the other side of her, then run like mad to the HF. Once you
get there, wait for her again, then lose her again by faking her out
(if she goes up the left side, run down the right, or vice versa). Then,
it's a mad scramble for the Jewel Box. Since Alma runs just as fast as
you, if you mess up you'll probably get clobbered. Be careful!

Floor 9, Room 2
Password: DPYH

Solution: This level is basically a matter of using the 'three EF'
strategy you have used so many times before. Start from the left of the
first long row of EFs, then push every other EF up, then go back down and
move the others right to get them of out of the way. Grab the first five
HFs, and basically it's the same thing again. Starting from the left, push
every other HF up (the outer two will be pushed onto the arrow tiles), then
going back left, push the remaining ones right, out of your way. Grab the
four accessible HFs, then make your way to the top where the Gols and final
two HFs are. Take the two HFs to get two magic shots and wake the Gols up.
Now, shoot the lower Gols on the left and right, then dash like mad up the
middle to grab the Jewel (only the lower Gols are close enough to you to
fry you with fireballs, this is why you shoot them beforehand! =p).

Floor 9, Room 3
Password: DQYG

Solution: Leapin' Leepers! Two of the Leepers running back and forth
at the bottom are essential to completing the stage, while the other two are
just there to get in the way. First grab the HF blocking the Leepers' exit,
then head for the grassy part in the upper-left. Put one Leeper to sleep in
front of the Medusa, then head for the upper-right, stand on the arrow tile,
and put on to sleep in front of Gol. The other two can put to sleep anywhere,
just make sure they're out of the way. Now, grab the HF in front of the Jewel
Box. Timing is a bit crucial here, as if you mess up, you'll be ruined.
Shoot the Gol guarding the jewel box twice to blow him away, then run up,
across the arrow tile, grab the HF, go through the desert, exit across the
other arrow tile, then dash for the Jewel Box before Gol re-appears. Grab
the Jewel then proceed to the next room! =D

Floor 9, Room 4
Password: DRYD

Solution: As you can see, the placement of the Gols in this room is
going to give you a hard time. First head for the upper-left and use the
same ol' three EF strategy (outers in, inner up) to get the three HFs and
activate your bridge tool. Now push the loose EF across the bridge, down,
and over to the right to block one of the Gols. Make the bridge at the
narrow section of river separating the right from the lower-left, then
cross and push the EF down and right into the little nook. Blow away
Snakey, then move one space right, but wait until Snakey re-appears before
taking the HF (else Gol will fry you!). Once he re-appears, grab the last
HF, shoot Snakey, and shove him to the left in front of Gol. Now go back
across your bridge, and shoot the Gol in front of the Jewel Box. Now,
make dash to the Jewel before he hatches!

Floor 9, Room 5
Password: DTYC

Solution: Wow! 6 Medusas and 3 Gols, and only 5 EFs to block them
with! Leave the HF to the right be for the time being, and push the EF
up one space to block the nearby medusa from the left. Walk up and grab
the two HFs. Now, push the lower-left EF up three spaces to block medusa
from the right, then push the EF to the right of that up one space. Push
the EF to your right 1 space right and 1 space up. Move 2 spaces left,
push the EF above you one-and-a-half spaces up, then push the EF to your
right two-and-a-half spaces up. Now that you have cleared a path to the
Jewel, go back down, take the last HF, and dash back up to the Jewel Box.
Floor 9 is complete!

Floor 10, Room 1
Password: DVYB

As you would expect, the 10th and final floor boasts the most
difficult rooms of all. Get ready!

Solution: You will see a group of five EFs near you as you start
this room. Push the middle one down against the trees, but don't grab
the two HFs just yet. Now push the upper-right EF up, and over to the
right and place it in under the right Skull. Grab the HF above Snakey,
then shoot Snakey and push him down 5 spaces to get him out of the way
(and serve another purpose shortly). Push the EF over one more space,
then down and set it in front of the other Snakey. Shoot this Snakey,
move him down a few spaces, then shove the EF the rest of the way over
to the left to trap Don Medusa. Now go back, get another EF, and place
it under Don Medusa. Now grab the HF. Now go back and grab the other
two HFs. Now that all four skulls are awake, getting to the Jewel Box
will be a problem. Take an EF and push it as far over as you can while
still standing on the grass. Wait for all four skulls to meander over
into the bottom area, then quickly shove the EF over, and down into the
gap between Snakey and the desert. Push the EF one more space down,
and this will trap all four skulls in the lower area of the level. Now
you can head to the Jewel Box at your leisure. =D

Floor 10, Room 2
Password: DYVZ

Solution: First head for the upper left and grab the only
accessible HF by pushing the EF one space south. Once you've done this
and grabbed the HF, shoot the Gol facing the arrow tile, and push him
up one space and over in front of the other Gol, then push the EF the
rest of the way down to block the other one (that's three Gols out of
the way!). Run down to the lower area and shoot the Snakey in the
upper-right, and push him two spaces right (though don't let Leeper touch
you yet!), allowing Leeper to escape. Let him follow you up to the top
of the room somewhere where you can safely put him to sleep. Do this
same procedure for the Snakeys in the lower-right, lower-left, and
upper-left (in that order). Once you've taken care of the Leepers and
grabbed all the HFs, take a leisurely walk to the Jewel Box and take
the Jewel. ;)

Floor 10, Room 3
Password: DZVY

Solution: This level is a bit tough, as you will have to use the
Snakeys several times in order to complete the room. First grab the
nearby HF to get some magic shots, then run up, shoot the left Snakey,
and shove him all the way left and up into the water. Quickly run up
and grab the HF, then jump back on board the egg and wait for it to
take you to the other side of the channel, where it will sink. Once
it does, jump off, pushing the EF along with you. Push it down and
left, and use it to block the lower-left medusa from the _north_. Do
the exact same thing for the east side, shoot Snakey, shove him in
water, grab HF, re-board the egg, push EF down in front of lower-right
medusa. Wait for the Snakeys to re-appear, then shoot the left Snakey,
and shove him left and down beside the lower-left Medusa. Quickly grab
the HF, then shoot the egg again before it disappears to blow it away
(make sure you are in a safe place before doing this! Move to the north
side of the egg to avoid getting blasted by Medusa as the egg
disappears! :P). Then shoot the right Snakey and shove him right and
down beside the other medusa (though don't blow him away like you did
the other). Now that you have all the HFs, your Hammer tool will
activate. Wait for the other Snakey to re-appear once again, then quickly
break the rock in front of Don Medusa, then run like mad behind the
Snakey to avoid his blast as he comes down (obviously, you'll have to
break the rock from the side). Once he goes down into the area where
you started, shoot Snakey and shove him into the little gap, trapping
Don Medusa in the enclosed area you started in. Now you can march right
up and grab the Jewel!

Floor 10, Room 4
Password: GBVV

Solution: There's more to this level than there might seem at first
glance. Like in the stage before, Snakey will get quite a workout in this
room. First use the two EFs in the room to block the lower medusas from
the side, then grab the HFs. Also get the lower of the two HFs along
the left-hand wall. Now, (quickly) shoot Snakey and shove him left and up,
under the Medusa in the upper-left. Snag the HF and then blow Snakey away
before he has a chance to hatch (timing is very crucial here). This will
also activate your Hammer tool. Wait for Snakey to re-appear, then shoot
him again, and push up between the Don Medusa and the HF. Grab the HF,
blow Snakey away again, then quickly retreat down past the rock before Don
Medusa can blast you. Once again, wait for Snakey to re-appear. Now,
(again quickly), break the rock (from the side) with your hammer, then
retreat to the very bottom of the room where Don can't reach you. As he
moves back up, creep up and hide behind Snakey. Wait for Don Medusa to
start going back down again then, shoot poor old Snakey once more, and
shove him right, above Don Medusa, and push him down to the bottom, trapping
him. You should have one magic shot left, so go up, cross the arrow tile,
and stand on the section of grass. Shoot one of the Skulls, then shove him
over to the left, taking the other Skull with him. Then grab the Jewel!
One more room to go!!

Floor 10, Room 5
Password: GCVT

This is the final room! Are you ready? ^_^

Solution: Actually, there isn't a whole lot to this level. It
consists of a Medusa in the lower-right, and a long line of Gols guarding
the path to the Jewel Box. Grab the only HF in the level, then (quickly)
run over and shoot the upper-most Gol on the left to shut him up for a
few moments. Now run over and shoot the upper-most Gol on the right, and
quickly shove him over and down beside the medusa in the lower-right. Now
go back to the bridges and prepare for a mad dash. Stand halfway in
between the two bridges, and dash downwards like a maniac. When you reach
the bottom, quickly make right to take the Jewel and clear the stage.

Congratulations, you've reached the end of the game! Lolo blows
the wicked devil away with two swift magic shots and Lolo and Lala live
happily ever after... or at least until Lolo II that is! :P



And there you have it! Note that my solutions may not be the fastest,
easiest, or best solution (as many puzzles have multiple solutions)...
but hey, it gets you through the level, eh? (hopefully?) However, if
you do have any solutions to share that you think may be easier/better,
or saw something was missing, wrong, badly explained, etc in the FAQ,
feel free to E-mail me at ( Though like I said,
I'd be surprised if anyone still plays these games anymore... -_-

FAQ Information and Technical Babble

* This Adventures of Lolo FAQ is (C) Copyright 2000 by Dalez. It may be
distributed freely/placed on sites/etc AS LONG AS the guide remains
unchanged and the author is given proper credit for his work.
* Adventures of Lolo is a trademark of Hal Laboratory, (c) 1987, 1989.


* Obviously, big thanks go out to Hal America for creating this great and
innovative puzzle series!

Other FAQs by the same author (or, lame advertisement)

* Battle of Olympus (NES)
* Dragon Warrior (NES)
* Dragon Warrior II (NES)
* Dragon Warrior III (NES)
* The 7th Saga (SNES)
* Cosmic Spacehead (GENESIS)
* Grandia (PSX)
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engl. Handbuch

18.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Sehr gutes Walkthrough
engl. FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Walkthrough (1. bis 6. Level)
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17.Октябрь 2013
Walkthrough (7. Level)
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Game Genie Cheats

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engl. FAQ

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engl. FAQ

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Levelcodes und Cheat
Levelcodes + Cheat

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Levelcodes und Cheat
Levelcodes + Cheat

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
01.Декабрь 2014
25.Июнь 2019
04.Март 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016