Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

17.10.2013 20:15:40

Walk-thru for Wizard Cards
[PC version]

version 1.3.1
Compiled February 5, 2003

Welcome second-year students to Hogswarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
I, your humble tour guide, shall lead you through the corridors, passageways,
and school grounds. Along the way I'll try to point out all of the areas in
the school which are hidden away. With a bit of exploration and observation,
you should be able to collect all one-hundred-and-one wizard cards along our
way! I'll note these as BWC and SWC for Bronze and Silver Wizard Cards,
respectively speaking of course. The Gold Wizard Cards are only available to
those students who have shown great cunning and skill to collect all forty
Silver Wizard Cards. But I'm getting ahead of myself and shall explain those

Instead of being a linear path through the timeline surrounding the events of
The Chamber of Secrets, we'll progress through the various sections of the
school as you come across them. There are second-year requisite spells that
you will need to learn before you can get to some of the secret areas. These,
too, will be listed with each of the secrets. Shall we begin? Yes, let's!
Have your wand at the ready...

I. Whomping Willow
II. School Grounds - Night
III. Entrance Hall & Corridors
IV. Grand Staircase
V. Rictusempra Challenge
VI. School Grounds - Day
VII. Skurge Challenge
VIII. Bicorn Horn Quest
IX. Diffindo Challenge
X. Boomslang Skin Quest
XI. A Bit Of Goyle Quest
XII. Slytherin Common Room Quest
XIII. Spongify Challenge
XIV. The Forbidden Forest
XV. The Chamber Of Secrets - Part I
XVI. The Chamber Of Secrets - Part II
XVII. The Final Battle
XVIII. Gold Wizard Card Challenge
XIX. Legal Notices & Acknowledgements
XX. Contact Information
XXI. Revision History

I. WHOMPING WILLOW (2 secrets)
The game begins with Harry and Ron flying Mr. Weasley's enchanted Ford Anglia
into the Whomping Willow. There is no way back to the Willow after you leave
the level so get its two secrets right away.

1 Bronze Wizard Card
- courtyard past Secret 2

0 Silver Wizard Cards

1) REQUIRED: Alohomora
Next to the trunk where Harry gets the chocolate frog is a large crack in the
wall. Cast Alohomora on it to reveal the secret.

2) REQUIRED: Alohomora
You'll see a small courtyard in front of you and an alcove to the right after
the Flipendo stairway. Cast Alohomora on the alcove for its secret.

You'll be outside of the school after escaping the willow. Later in the game,
Harry and Ron go through the grounds at night to see Hagrid. These are the
only times you'll be outside at night so be sure to get everything you can on
the second trip. Note that any Wizard Cards you get in this area also
appear -- but are NOT repeated -- when on the grounds during the daytime. For
example, if you collect a BWC from Secret 2 during the day, it will not be
there when you revisit the area at night and vice versa et cetera, et cetera.

3 Bronze Wizard Cards
- Secret 2
- Secret 4
- on the taller stump outside Hagrid's

3 Silver Wizard Cards
- Secret 1
- Secret 5
- Secret 6

1) REQUIRED: Alohomora
^>From the dragon statue, head right to the locked gates (which lead to to the
Quidditch pitch). Cast Alohomora on the two banners hanging from the towers to
each side of the gate. This opens a section of the wall next to the chest on
the left. Inside is a chest with a SWC.

2) REQUIRED: Spongify
Just to the left of the main entrance is a BWC and some beans. Cast Spongify
on the marked ground and bounce up above.

3) REQUIRED: Alohomora
^>From Secret 2, turn left and head to the wall with the carven image. Cast
Alohomora on it and another section opens up to you. You can also come back
here with Diffindo to open another area to get more beans.

4) REQUIRED: Alohomora, Diffindo
^>From Secret 3, turn right and head down to the Diffindo door. Cast Alohomora
on the crack in the wall to the right of the door. Next cast Diffindo on the
vines. Open the chest and get a BWC.

5) REQUIRED: Lumos
After opening Secret 4, cast Lumos on the gargoyle. Run back to the front of
the main entrance. With the entrance to your left, head straight so that the
other wall is on your right (this is the backside of Secret 1). You'll see a
section of wall glowing. Go inside and take the stairs to the top. There's a
SWC in the chest.

6) REQUIRED: Spongify
After opening Secret 5 and going up, look to the left of the stairs. There is
a grey square that doesn't fit in with the rest of the ground. Jump on it and
it opens a secret wall in the side of the school. Run back down the stairs and
under the wall. Cast Spongify on the ground and bounce up to the secret alcove
for a SWC.

The main corridors shall become very familiar to you as you run to and from
your classes, house common rooms, and other areas of the school. We'll do this
in a floor-by-floor fashion.

3 Bronze Wizard Cards
- Gryffindor Common Room
- chest in back of Potions classroom
- Secret 6

8 Silver Wizard Cards
- Secret 3
- Secret 4
- Secret 5
- Secret 7
- Secret 9
- Secret 10
- Secret 11
- Secret 12

A. First Floor & Dungeon

1) REQUIRED: Alohomora
Head right into the corridor leading to the Great Hall. Cast Alohomora on the
mirror hanging on the left wall. Go through the hole and open the chest for
some beans.

2) REQUIRED: Alohomora (Spongify recommended)
Head down to the dungeons. Where the corridor turns right, cast Alohomora on
the left wall. Cast Spongify on the floor to get a chest of beans.

3) REQUIRED: Skurge, Lumos, Diffindo
^>From the main dungeon hall, go down the right passage. In the next room, cast
Skurge on the ectoplasm in the far right corner. Cast Lumos on the gargoyle it
uncovered. Head over to the opposite corner and cast Diffindo on the newly
revealed rope. Drop down below and open the chest for a SWC.

4) REQUIRED: Alohomora, Lumos, Skurge
^>From the main dungeon hall, go straight and into the other part of the hall.
Cast Alohomora on the section of the wall on the right. Cast Lumos on the
gargoyle next. Run to the end of the hall and drop into the floor. Grab the
beans and cast Skurge on the ectoplasm. Jump back up and go into the new room.
The chest contains a SWC.

5) REQUIRED: Alohomora, Skurge
^>From the main dungeon hall, go down the left passage and into the Potions
classroom. On the left wall of the classroom proper, cast Alohomora on the
crack. Cast Skurge on the ectoplasm on the floor. Jump on the revealed floor
tile to raise some platforms. Go out and jump on those and then open the chest
for a SWC.

B. Second Floor
Hint: Be sure to open up the chest in the Gryffindor Common Room for a BWC

6) REQUIRED: Spongify
At the top of the stairs, cast Spongify on the floor to get up to some beans
and the chest with a BWC.

7) REQUIRED: Alohomora (Skurge and Diffindo recommended)
^>From the top of the stairs, head left and around to the House Points Ceremony
Chamber. Just inside the doorway, face left and cast Alohomora on the wall.
You can collect some beans inside here, but be wary of the ectoplasm on the
floor. Cast Skurge on it and then Diffindo on the underlying web. Drop down
below for a chest of goodies, including a SWC.

8) REQUIRED: Alohomora
^>From the top of the stairs, go left and follow the corridor. After passing the
doorway from the stairs, turn right and cast Alohomora on the mirror. Inside
is a chest of beans.

9) REQUIRED: Diffindo
^>From the top of the stairs, go right and follow the corridor. After passing
the doorway from the stairs, turn left and cast Diffindo on the web covering
the mirror. Inside is a chest with a SWC.

10) REQUIRED: Alohomora, Skurge
Follow the corridor past the Witch. Just before you reach the stairs going to
the Grand Staircase, look to the right. Cast Alohomora on the oddly shaped
brick. Once opened, cast Skurge on the ectoplasm. Open the chest for a SWC.

11) REQUIRED: Alohomora
Continue down the corridor to the statue outside the Skurge challenge. Step on
the newly revealed stone to open the wall behind the statue. Inside you'll
find some beans and a SWC. There's also a cauldron in case you need to make a

12) REQUIRED: Flipendo, Diffindo
In the Gryffindor Common Room, head through the portrait and up the stairs to
where Percy is usually standing. Look up and cast Flipendo on the ceiling
tile. A panel nearby should open and reveal a rope. Cast Diffindo on it and
then head down the stairs to the main common room area. Go through the new
opening to the right at the bottom of the stairs. There's a chest inside with
some beans and a SWC.

IV. GRAND STAIRCASE (10 secrets)
The Grand Staircase leads to most classrooms, the Medical Wing, and Moaning
Myrtle's Bathroom. This is another common area of the school that you'll pass
through many times. You can also find the entrance to the Gold Wizard Card
Challenge here -- that is, if you've recovered all forty Silver Wizard Cards!

7 Bronze Wizard Cards
- chest on ground floor
- chest on ledge in Hospital Wing
- chest in Madame Pomfrey's office
- chest in alcove behind Dumbledore's desk
- chest in Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom
- chest in Charms classroom in the back alcove
- chest in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom

5 Silver Wizard Cards
- Near ceiling in central area (use Spongify on center floor tile)
- Secret 6
- Secret 7
- Secret 9
- Secret 10

1) REQUIRED: none (Spongify recommended)
Take the staircase to the first floor, where you'll find the GWC Challenge.
Just inside the entrance you can turn left and head through the wall. Go
inside and collect all the beans. Cast Spongify on the floor to head on up to
the higher level for more goodies.

2) REQUIRED: Alohomora
On the second floor, head down the corridor to the right-hand turn. Face left
and cast Alohomora on the carven image.

3) REQUIRED: Alohomora (Spongify recommended)
Continue down the second floor corridor. Just past the Charms classroom you
can cast Alohomora on a section of wall. Cast Spongify on the floor to bounce
up to the chest on the ledge above.

4) REQUIRED: Alohomora
Just past the left-hand turn, look at the wall on the left. Cast Alohomora on
the odd brick. Stun the gnome and throw him in the hole for extra beans.

5) REQUIRED: Alohomora
There is a crack in the wall just outside the Defense Against The Dark Arts
classroom. Cast Alohomora on it.

6) REQUIRED: Flipendo
Inside Dumbledore's study, go around to the right side of the room. Whatever
you do, do NOT approach Fawkes the phoenix on the left side of the room until
you are ready to leave. Go up the stairs and cast Flipendo on the carven
symbol under the window. This opens a section of the bookcase. Go insides and
ride the lift up to the catwalk. Follow it around and collect the SWC.
NOTE: You will not be back to this room ever again so get the SWC, the BWC from
the chest, and all the beans you can before approaching Fawkes.

7) REQUIRED: Alohomora, Skurge, Diffindo, Spongify
Take the stairs to the fourth floor. Cast Alohomora on the carved image on the
right. Next cast Skurge on the ectoplasm inside the opening, then cast
Diffindo on the rope. Finally, cast Spongify on the newly visible floor and
jump across to the other side of the hall. There's a SWC in the first chest.

8) REQUIRED: Alohomora
Just inside the archway on the fourth floor, cast Alohomora on the painting of
the man on the left wall. The chest contains some beans.

9) REQUIRED: Flipendo
Go inside the Hospital Wing. Cast Flipendo on all four of the paintings (two
on each opposite walls). This reveals a staircase that leads to a chest and a

10) REQUIRED: Spongify
Follow the Hospital Wing corridor into Madame Pomfrey's office. Jump on the
large tile on the balcony. This opens the ceiling. Cast Spongify on the floor
and bounce above. Get the SWC from the chest.

Rictusempra is a very handy spell against creatures, which is used to stun
them. This works against fire crabs, orange snails, Cornish pixies, and
spiders. You can come back and play the Rictusempra Challenge as many times as
you like, so don't worry if you don't get all of the secrets or cards on your
first try.

5 Bronze Wizard Cards
- chest in stairwell near start
- chest in right alcove past Secret 1
- chest in alcove just past and below Secret 3 in the right alcove
- chest just before "fire crab trap" room
- chest in right alcove just past "fire crab trap" room

4 Silver Wizard Cards
- chest lowered in room with fire crabs & orange snails
- Secret 3
- Secret 6
- Secret 7

1) REQUIRED: Alohomora
After the gnome, there is a picture of Lockhart on the wall at the top of the
stairs. Cast Alohomora on it and out pop some beans.

2) REQUIRED: Alohomora, Lumos
In the room with the two fire crabs that lower the walls on either side, go up
the wall on the left side. Cast Alohomora on the Lockhart profile portrait.
Cast Lumos on the gargoyle inside. Go left and head through the glowing wall
to find a challenge star.

3) REQUIRED: Flipendo
In the same room as Secret 2, go up the other wall and follow it around to the
challenge star and chocolate frog. Cast Flipendo on the symbol on the wall.
Open the chest for a SWC and some beans.

4) REQUIRED: Lumos
After the portrait-flipping room, take the elevator to the top. Cast Lumos on
the gargoyle in the left alcove. Follow the corridor and go right into the
glowing wall. Inside is a chest with beans.

5) REQUIRED: Alohomora
Just past Secret 4, cast Alohomora on the Lockhart portrait on the right wall.
Go inside and up the stairs to the chest with beans.

6) REQUIRED: Flipendo
^>From the "fire crab trap" room, head right and look on the right wall just
before the save book. Cast Flipendo on the symbol. There is a chest with a
SWC and beans inside.
(NOTE: There appears to be a bug where the chest won't always open. If this
happens, go into the spiral ramp room ahead, cast Rictusempra on a fire crab,
and then come back to the chest)

7) REQUIRED: Alohomora
In the spiral ramp room at the end of the challenge, cast Rictusempra on the
first two fire crabs, then Flipendo them into the central pit. Look in the pit
and cast Alohomora on the wall with the portrait. Jump into the pit and go
through the door. Follow the stairs to the Lockhart portrait and cast
Alohomora on it. Stand on the two foot plates to free the chest which has a
SWG and more beans. Beware of the gnome.

VI. SCHOOL GROUNDS - DAY (8 secrets)
The school grounds lead to the Quidditch pitch, Professor Sprout's, Hagrid's
Hut, and the Forbidden Forest. As mentioned in the nighttime section, any
Wizard Cards collected in this area will not show up when you visit this area
again at nighttime.

2 Bronze Wizard Cards
- chest to the left of Professor Sprout's classroom
- Secret 8

1 Silver Wizard Cards
- Secret 7







7) REQUIRED: Flipendo
Head towards Professor Sprout's classroom. As soon as you go through the arch
from the main courtyard, turn around and cast Flipendo on the carved face way
up on the wall. This opens the wall to the right of the student bean trader.
There's a SWC in this area.

8) REQUIRED: Diffindo
Head back to Professor Sprout's classroom. Go through it and follow the path
to the right. Cast Diffindo on the vines and then open the chest for a BWC.

The Skurge spell is used to remove ectoplasmic residue. It's also useful
against Peeves when he pops out of some of the chests you may open. As with
the other challenges, you can come back to this as many times as you like and
don't have to worry about finding all of the cards on your first try.

4 Bronze Wizard Cards
- Secret 1
- chest in corridor after the second flip/flop blocker
- chest in left alcove by Secret 3
- chest in room with two gnomes above see-saw device

2 Silver Wizard Cards
- Secret 4
- Secret 6

1) REQUIRED: Alohomora
In the room with the beam across the floor, jump down below and towards the
right. Cast Alohomora on the crack. Open the chest for a BWC.

2) REQUIRED: Alohomora (Skurge recommended)
After fighting Peeves, go out of the room and cast Alohomora on the dragon
statue. Come back into the room and follow the path, casting Skurge where
needed. Make sure to pick up the challenge star.

3) REQUIRED: Lumos
This secret requires that you have reversed the flip-flop blocker. In the room
with the gargoyle and the witch statue, cast Lumos on the gargoyle. Continue
down the new corridor and go through the door on arch on the left. Turn left
again to see the shimmering wall. Go inside and open the chest for some beans.

4) REQUIRED: Skurge, Rictusempra, Flipendo
When you come across the orange snail, cast Skurge on the ectoplasm and then
cast Rictusempra on the snail. Get behind it and cast Flipendo several times
to move it to the newly exposed snail-plate. This opens a wall where you find
a chest with a SWC.

5) REQUIRED: Lumos, Alohomora
Just before the room where you first face a pixie, cast Lumos on the gargoyle.
Inside the room there is a picture of The Headless Hunt group on the right
wall. Cast Alohomora on it and go inside. Drop down through the glowing floor
for a challenge star and more beans.

6) REQUIRED: Flipendo
There will be some swinging platforms that are released when casting Skurge on
the ectoplasm holding them together. Jump on to one or the other of them. On
the far wall below there is a carving where you can cast Flipendo. Do so then
turn around and jump back to where you came from. Go through the now open
wall. Below there is a SWC.

7) REQUIRED: Lumos, Alohomora
After going up the see-saw device, follow the corridor and cast Lumos on the
gargoyle. Continue down the corridor and jump up to the glowing platform.
Cast Alohomora on the wall ahead and above. Jump up to the room and collect a
challenge star.

Harry needs to gather some bicorn horn for the Polyjuice Potion. This is one
of the quest missions that Harry must complete in the game. Keep in mind that
you cannot come back to these quests so find all of the secrets you can.

4 Bronze Wizard Cards
- chest across from Secret 1
- chest in room with two orange snails after the Skurge stairs puzzle
- chest in storage room past flipping doors puzzle
- chest in right alcove past swinging cog platforms

2 Silver Wizard Cards
- Secret 1
- Secret 2

1) REQUIRED: Alohomora
After the room where the green water pours in to raise a bridge, follow the
corridor the to chest in the left alcove. Cast Alohomora on the scary-faced
wall in the right alcove. There's a SWC in the chest.

2) REQUIRED: Alohomora
In the room past the one with the orange snails, cast Alohomora on the wall
opposite the gnome hole. There's a chest with a SWC inside.

3) REQUIRED: Alohomora
4) REQUIRED: Alohomora
5) REQUIRED: Alohomora
In the room with the various Flipendo switches, swing the doors to so that you
can get to each of the three alcoves on the floor below. Play around with the
switches until a clear path is available. Go to each one and cast Alohomora
on the ring hanging from the wall. Each colour (blue, red, yellow) has a
secret behind the wall.

6) REQUIRED: Flipendo, Lumos
There is a room where you must jump and climb a series of platform ledges
around the room. On the right side of the room is a section of wall that
sticks out. Cast Flipendo on the symbol on its side to move it. Cast Lumos on
the gargoyle behind this section of wall. This makes a wall in the other room
become visible. Jump across to the other side and cast Skurge and then go
around the left side of the room. A chest with beans is in this area.

7) REQUIRED: none
^>From secret 6, go back to the floating bridge. Make your way across and a
section of wall to the right reveals a chest with beans.

You can cast Diffindo against binding objects to release them. This works
against webs, vines, and ropes. It also takes care of the annoying bowtruckles
and horklumps.

4 Bronze Wizard Cards
- chest in room with pixies and orange snail
- Secret 5
- Secret 9
- Secret 10

4 Silver Wizard Cards
- Secret 2
- Secret 6
- Secret 7
- Secret 11

1) REQUIRED: Alohomora
Just past the first set of vines you remove, there is a corridor with a flower
pattern on a section of wall to your left. Cast Alohomora on it to reveal a

2) REQUIRED: Flipendo
In the courtyard with the three orange snails just past Secret 1, stand in the
open area of the courtyard. Cast Flipendo on each of the four of the carved
wall tiles. This opens part of a wall. Open the chest for a SWC.

3) REQUIRED: none
After opening the drawbridge from the orange snails area, drop down to a ledge
from the bridge. Continue downward and go into the alcove with the chest.
Peeves is hiding in the chest so just walk into the area to trigger the secret.

4) REQUIRED: Lumos
In the room where the hanging beam is located, cast Lumos on the gargoyle.
Follow the stairs up but do NOT cast Diffindo on the rope. Go across the beam
to the other side and you'll see the glowing wall. Go through it to collect
the challenge star.

5) REQUIRED: Lumos
^>From Secret 4, cast Diffindo on the rope to drop the beam. Go along the beam
and into the corridor. Go through the right archway and forward to go through
the wall. If it is not lit up, go back and cast Lumos on the gargoyle. Get
the BWC from the chest.

6) REQUIRED: Flipendo
^>From Secret 5, follow the stairs up. Cast Flipendo in the block to push it
through the hole. GO back down to the gargoyle on the other side of the beam.
Cast Flipendo to push the block through the other hole in the wall to open the
wall on the right. Open the chest and be awarded a SWC.

7) REQUIRED: Alohomora
Above the courtyard where the bowtruckles are introduced there is a large
carved image on the wall. Cast Diffindo on the farthest rope from the wall's
ledge that is holding up a plank so that it angles toward you. Go up the board
ramp to the ledge and follow it to the left. Cast Alohomora on the carving.
Follow the secret corridor and get the challenge star and the SWC from the

8) REQUIRED: Flipendo, Diffindo
After passing the area with the orange snails and snail-plates, cast Flipendo
on the carved image above and forward. This opens a section of the ceiling's
eaves. Cast Diffindo on the newly exposed rope to drop the platform with the
challenge star. Jump on the platform to get the star.

9) REQUIRED: Alohomora (Skurge recommended)
There is a bridge whose crank is being held by two ropes that need cutting by
Diffindo. Cross the bridge and cast Alohomora at the flower-patterned wall
straight ahead. Go down the ledges and open the chest for a BWC.

10) REQUIRED: Alohomora
After the courtyard with the venomous tenaculas, go through the doorway and
down the hall to the flower-patterned wall. Once again, cast Alohomora on it.
Inside is a chest with a BWC.

11) REQUIRED: Alohomora
In the corridor where you get trapped with three orange snails cast Rictusempra
and Flipendo at two of them. Flip them into the grate and onto the snail-
plate. Go back the other direction and pass the solitary snail. Cast
Alohomora on the crack in the wall. Cast Rictusempra on the snail and then
Flipendo to flip it into the open room. After a tedious process, flip it onto
the snail-plate to reveal a chest with a SWC inside of it.

This is another Polyjuice Potion ingredient quest. Harry cannot come back to
this area after completing this quest so get all of the secrets and cards.

1 Bronze Wizard Card
- chest inside greenhouse

1 Silver Wizard Card
- Secret 2

1) REQUIRED: Flipendo
After turning the L-joint bridge once, go into the far room with the next set
of ropes. On the floor is a tile that doesn't look like the others. Cast
Flipendo on it and the wall to the right will drop away.

2) REQUIRED: Lumos
If you haven't cast Diffindo on the ropes yet outside of Secret 1, do so now.
Go inside Secret 1 and cast Lumos on the gargoyle. Run across the bridge into
the next corridor. Head right and go through the glowing wall to get the SWC
from the chest.

3) REQUIRED: Alohomora
Follow the top ledge by the greenhouse all the way around and past the
bowtruckles. Cast Alohomora on the carven image on the wall.

XI. A BIT OF GOYLE QUEST (8 secrets)
The final ingredient needed for the Polyjuice Potion is something from Goyle.
This is once again a quest where Harry cannot return to so grab all that you

4 Bronze Wizard Cards
- chest in yard with bowtruckles near the start
- chest in "trap" room with lift, fire crabs, and orange snails (by ramp path
with orange snails)
- Secret 5
- "Red" alcove just past Secret 5 (rotate all beams to have red tips and go
into the left alcove from the bridge above)

2 Silver Wizard Cards
- Secret 1
- Secret 7

1) REQUIRED: Flipendo, Lumos
In the study, climb up the inside of the chimney. At the top, cast Flipendo on
the loose block. Climb back down and cast Flipendo on the block until it is
against the bookcase. Go into the alcove on the left and cast Lumos on the
gargoyle. Head back and climb up the block and bookcase. Jump into the
glowing alcove and open the chest. There's a SWC inside.

2) REQUIRED: Diffindo
Go into the corridor opened with the foot-plate where the large fire crab was
sitting. Turn left and cast Diffindo on the web in the niche. Climb up and
open the chest.

3) REQUIRED: Diffindo, Flipendo, Lumos
Outside in the area where there is a ramped pathway to one side and a wall to
the other, cast Diffindo on the web. Go inside and climb up to the large
block. Cast Flipendo on it so that it falls out the hole. Climb back down and
cast Flipendo to put it against the wall. Climb up the block and then up again
on the right side ledges. Cast Lumos on the gargoyle. Enter the large window
and go left and follow the hall to the glowing wall. If the wall is no longer
glowing, cast Lumos on the gargoyle in that same hallway.

4) REQUIRED: Diffindo, Lumos, Alohomora
In the library, cast Diffindo on the web covering the bookcase. This reveals a
gargoyle. Cast Lumos on it and then head back and forward through the glowing
bookcase. Cast Alohomora on the lock. Move forward and then cast it again on
the chest for some beans.

5) REQUIRED: Diffindo
Just past the library, turn right and cast Alohomora on the lock in the niche
above the wall. Follow the stairs up and then the ledge around to the
gargoyle. Go behind it and open the chest for a BWC and beans.

6) REQUIRED: Lumos
Go into the room with the pits of green goo. In the second room, cast Lumos on
the gargoyle and then go into the wall on the left and open the chest for three
chocolate frogs.

7) REQUIRED: Diffindo
Once outside from above the stable rafters, jump up to the platform on the left
and then follow the ledge around and to the right. Cast Diffindo into the hole
with the rope to lower the draw bridge. Drop down below and go through the
open door. Cast Diffindo again on the rope to the right above the wooden
platform and open the chest. You'll get a SWC from it.

8) REQUIRED: Lumos
Once outside, follow the stream to the right. Around the corner is a gargoyle
guarded by a fire crab. Cast Lumos on the gargoyle then turn around to see the
glowing wall with the chest behind it.

All that work of gathering potion ingredients has finally paid off. As a look-
alike of Goyle, Harry can move freely to the Slytherin Common Room and find out
some answers from Malfoy. Grab what you can in this quest because you won't be
back to this area.

3 Bronze Wizard Cards
- Secret 3
- Secret 5
- Secret 6

2 Silver Wizard Cards
- Secret 1
- Secret 7

1) REQUIRED: Flipendo (Skurge recommended)
After seeing the taunting boy cause the bridge to fall away, face right and
cast Flipendo on the ring on the wall. Next cast Flipendo through the hole and
onto the carved symbol. Go past the save book and then right. Follow the
stairs down. Cast Flipendo on the three snake head carvings. Go back up the
stairs and to the right. Jump across the new ledges and open the chest for a

2) REQUIRED: Lumos
In the open corridor chamber, cast Lumos on the gargoyle. Go right and down
the hall to the rail. Jump over the rail and onto the floating platforms.
Follow them down until you see the glowing wall. Jump through it and open the

3) REQUIRED: Lumos
^>From Secret 2, go back to the gargoyle and cast Lumos on it again. Head left
this time and then jump on the floating platforms to the left of the railing.
Follow these down to the other glowing door. Inside is a chest with a BWC.

4) REQUIRED: Alohomora, Diffindo
Once inside the main corridors, head down past some of the students and cast
Alohomora on the yellow painting of the inverted triangle and symbols. Follow
this passageway and cast Diffindo on the webs. The end of the hall empties
into the Slytherin library. Cast Alohomora to open the wall.

5) REQUIRED: Flipendo
In the library, cast Flipendo on the ring hanging on the wall. This will lower
some bookcases. Climb and jump to the highest on that side of the room to open
a hidden niche. There's a BWC inside the chest.

6) REQUIRED: Alohomora
Go out of the corridor to the next hallway. There's a room with a fountain to
the right. Go inside and cast Alohomora on the fountain's head. A chest with
a BWC is waiting inside.

7) REQUIRED: Alohomora
Outside of the Slytherin Common Room is a dragon statue and two Slytherin
banners. Cast Alohomora on each banner to open the next secret area. Its
chest contains a SWC.

8) REQUIRED: none
After talking to Malfoy, head back to the Boys' dorm room. Go up the stairs and
open the chest at the top for some beans.

Spongify is a handy spell that allows the caster to turn specific floor areas
into trampoline-like platforms. Jumping on these helps the person to reach
those high places. As with the other spell challenges, come back any time to
try and beat your score or find things that you missed the first time through.
This is the final spell class for the school year.

4 Bronze Wizard Cards
- Secret 1
- Secret 5
- chest near Secret 14
- Secret 15

4 Silver Wizard Cards
- Secret 2
- Secret 6
- Secret 8
- Secret 11

1) REQUIRED: Flipendo, Lumos, Spongify
In the first room with the Spongify floor, cast Flipendo at the two gnomes and
throw them in the holes. A wall opens after this and a gargoyle is in the
alcove. Cast Lumos on it. Now climb back up and cast Spongify on the floor.
Bounce up to the challenge star and then jump across to the glowing platform.
Inside the wall is a chest with a BWC.

2) REQUIRED: Alohomora
^>From Secret 1, turn right and cast Alohomora on the odd brick in the upper
wall. This pushes out a ledge on the left. Climb it and jump across into the
wall opening. Get the SWC from the chest.

3) REQUIRED: Flipendo
In the room with the gnome and imp, stun each of these with Flipendo then throw
them into their holes. After both have been dealt with, the wall to the left
opens up to reveal a chest of beans.

4) REQUIRED: Spongify, Alohomora
^>From Secret 3, bounce up to the next ledge with Spongify. Now from here, do
not cast Spongify. Go left and along the ledge instead. Cast Spongify on the
floor here and bounce across the length of the room. Cast Alohomora on the
wall to your left and collect the challenge star.

5) REQUIRED: Flipendo, Lumos
In the room with the three imps, stun each of these and dispose of them in
their hole. This opens up a section of the wall to the left. Inside is a
gargoyle where you can cast Lumos. Do so, then go around and behind the
Flipendo pillar. Inside the glowing wall is a chest with a BWC.

6) REQUIRED: Flipendo
Use Flipendo on each of the four fire crabs in the room after Secret 5. Flip
them into the four niches. This opens a stairway above the chasm. Drop down
below and open the chest to collect a SWC.

7) REQUIRED: none
After Secret 6, collect the challenge star and head down the corridor to the
portrait hall. On the left side is a large portrait with no occupant. Jump
up and into the frame. Inside is a chest.

8) REQUIRED: Flipendo
^>From Secret 7, look at the opposite wall and look for an upside down picture.
Cast Flipendo on it to lower the stairs. Open the chest for another SWC.

9) REQUIRED: Flipendo, Lumos, Spongify, Alohomora
^>From Secret 7, head down the hallway to the room with the pixies. Go farther
into the room and drop below to the lower level. On the wall near the middle
of the room, cast Flipendo on the ring. A gargoyle is behind the wall so cast
Lumos on it. Climb back up the ledges to where you first entered the room.
Cast Spongify on the floor tile. On the next level there is a revealed
Spongify floor so cast Spongify on it, too. This tosses you backwards so
quickly turn around and grab the ledge. Jump to the ledge on the left and then
cast Alohomora on the crack. Drop down below and collect the challenge star.

10) REQUIRED: Alohomora, Spongify
In the room with the Spongify pillars and the portraits, look up and try to
find Hedwig flying around. Cast Alohomora on her to open a section of the wall
on the other side of the room. Bounce across and onto the platform with the
challenge star. Jump into the room and open the chest.

11) REQUIRED: Lumos, Flipendo, Spongify
^>From Secret 10, drop down below and cast Lumos on the gargoyle. Follow the
glowing ledges to the right. There is a carving in one of the Spongify pillars
so cast Flipendo at it. Continue down the ledges and into the newly opened
alcove. Cast Spongify on the floor and bounce across to the other alcove.
Open the chest for a SWC.

12) REQUIRED: Flipendo
In the "spider trap" room, cast Flipendo on one of the carved switches. Stand
in the other niche so that you are off of the main floor area. Cast Flipendo
on the other switch. After the floor goes up, drop through the hole in the
floor to find a chest with beans.

13) REQUIRED: Lumos
^>From the "spider trap" room, cast Lumos on the gargoyle in the left alcove.
Follow the right doorway into the next room and go through the glowing wall to
the right. Go through it and open the chest for more beans.

14) REQUIRED: Flipendo
^>From Secret 13, follow the corridor into the next large room. Drop down below
and cast Flipendo on the carving in the left wall. Go behind and collect the

15) REQUIRED: Flipendo, Spongify
There is a spider hanging above on its web in a corner hallway before the end
of the challenge. After taking it out, cast Flipendo on the carving in the
right wall. Cast Spongify on the new floor and bounce up to the alcove above.
Get the BWC from the chest.

16) REQUIRED: Flipendo, Spongify
Before grabbing the end-of-challenge star, cast Flipendo on the carving above
and behind it. This opens part of the wall on the other side of the room.
Cast Spongify on the floor and bounce across to it.

As menacing as it is dark at night, the Forbidden Forest is not the safest
place for a student to be. Search well for the secrets since you will not have
another chance to come back. Be sure to also have plenty of Wiggenweld potion
handy as you may need it when you reach your destination.

4 Bronze Wizard Cards
- large branch near Spongify ledges
- chest in room with Secret 2
- chest above bowtruckle clearing
- Secret 4

2 Silver Wizard Card
- Secret 1
- Secret 2

1) REQUIRED: Lumos, Spongify, Diffindo, Flipendo
At the start of the level, cast Lumos on the gargoyle to reveal a spongify pad
to the right side of the other Spongify pad. Cast Songify on it and bounce up
to the log on the left. Cast Diffindo on the web holding the log then cast
Spongify on the pad that was under the log. Do the same to the log on the
right side (and don't forget the chest of beans behind the webbing). Cast
Spongify on the next pad and bounce down to the logs. Jump back to the first
log (towards the gargoyle) and look to the right where a symbol is etched on
the wall. Cast Flipendo on it and go through the hole. Inside is a chest with
a SWC.

2) REQUIRED: Diffindo, Rictusempra
In the cave with the many webs and a few spiders, cast Diffendo at all the webs
holding back the spiders. Cast Rictusempra at the spiders once they are free.
After defeating the last one, a section of the wall will open. Unlock the
chest for a SWC.

3) REQUIRED: none
In the area with the three imps, follow the river's source to a cave under the
imp landing. Inside is a chest with beans.

4) REQUIRED: Diffindo
After dropping down the pit on the log, turn around and face the other
direction. Cast Diffindo on the vines and then open the chest. Inside is a

The chamber has been opened! You cannot return so gather all that you can --
and get out alive!

0 Bronze Wizard Cards

0 Silver Wizard Cards

1) REQUIRED: Skurge, Lumos
^>From the starting location, go left and remove the ectoplasm from the doorway
with Skurge. Cast Lumos on the gargoyle inside. Cast Skurge on the next batch
of ectoplasm and jump out the doorway to the ledge on the left. Cast Skurge
once again to open the next doorway and go inside. Head left and go through
the glimmering wall for a chest with a chocolate frog.

2) REQUIRED: none
When in the room where the walls are closing in, make your way to the other
side. Do NOT drop down and out of the room. There will be a small area where
you can stand and not get crushed. Turn around and face the way from which you
came. Go behind the left wall and open the chest for some beans.

3) REQUIRED: Flipendo
At the top of the room with the fire crab and pixies, do not stand on the grate
in the center of the bridge. Instead, cast Flipendo on the carvings of the
snakes on the opposite wall. This will cause the wall to slide back. Drop
down on the lift which takes you to a chest with beans. Make sure you cast
Diffindo on the rope to your right before going down the lift.

Harry continues ever onward in hopes of finding Ginny and defeating the monster
of the chamber. Be prepared for the final fight!

1 Bronze Wizard Cards
- on first beam in orange snails trapdoor room

0 Silver Wizard Cards

1) REQUIRED: Flipendo
In the room with the two imps, cast Flipendo on them and then toss their
stunned bodies into the holes. This will open a wall on your right that was
hiding a gargoyle and some goodies.

2) REQUIRED: Lumos, Spongify, Flipendo
^>From Secret 1, cast Lumos on the gargoyle. Quickly run to the grate down the
opposite hall. Cast Flipendo on the switch and then Spongify on the floor.
Bounce up to the catwalks (which appear after using the fire crabs on the crab-
plates below). Jump across to the other side and then repeat the Flipendo and
Spongify spells on the next switch and floor. Mind the pixie, though! At the
top, run down the corridor and go into the left room for a chest of beans. Get
the chocolate frog from the other hidden room if you need it.

3) REQUIRED: Flipendo
In the room with the orange snails and trapdoor, head towards the trapdoor.
Turn around and look up on the wall behind you. Cast Flipendo on the carving
to reveal a gargoyle in the wall behind you. Cast Lumos on it and two
invisible beams will appear by the trapdoor triggers.

The Chamber of Secrets does live up to its name. This was one that I could not
find. Look around and see if any of you can locate one of the secrets in the

There's nothing to find here. Just avoid the serpent and you'll do fine for a
second-year student. If you need to mix some potion ingredients, there is a
cauldron in an alcove off to the left in the fire snake heads area and some
more ingredients to the right.

0 Bronze Wizard Cards

0 Silver Wizard Cards

This challenge is only available to those students who have collected (or
purchased) all forty of the Silver Wizard Cards. Head up to the first floor on
the Grand Staircase to unlock the door with your four keys. The challenge is
fairly simple and there are no secrets so I'll leave this for you to figure
out. There are eleven cards to collect and a clock to beat. My only advice is
not to hang around and fight any of the creatures that Hagrid may have placed
in the rooms.

This document is copyright 2002 by Ed Miller (aka "The Dormouse") under the
Surfers, Ltd. group. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances
except for personal or private use. It may not be placed on any web site or
otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this
guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly
prohibited, and a violation of copyright. I give permission to any gaming
websites to post in part or in full this document as long as credit is given to
Ed Miller (its author) and that I am contacted before the fact (see contact
info below).

As of this writing (v1.3.1), the following sites have permission to post this
walkthru document:
- www.gamefaqs.com
- www.a2zcheats.com
- www.actiontrip.com
- www.gamesdomain.com
- www.cheatportal.com
- www.911codes.com
- www.911cheats.com
- www.fastcheater.com
- www.25000cheats.com
- www.pc-cheats.org
- www.skali.com
- www.neoseeker.com
- dlh.net

Special thanks to:
- Kris "Skweek" Bryan (for edits to this doc and getting me hooked on Potter)
- EA Games (for publishing the HP title games)
- J.K. Rowling (for creating such wonderful characters and locations)
- Warner Bros. Studios (for doing a great job on the movies)
- the late Richard Harris (for such a memorable Dumbledore! You'll be missed!)
- "neeneepoopoo" for needing help (which got me off my duff to write this!)
- "koos" (XIV Secret 1)
- "vasagi" (III Secret 12; XIII Secret 7, XVI Secret 1)
- Amber "APPark" Park (VIII Secret 7)
- Laurel "Cathairetic" Glasco (VIII Secret 7)
- "Dvo8chick" (VIII Secret 7)
- Aamir "Duddoo" Bilvani (VIII Secret 7)
- Nicole "JaydenPhoenix" Smith (various version-to-version corrections)
- everyone else in the GameFAQs HPCoS forums and those who emailed me about
the secrets not included in v1.0 or v1.1 of this walkthru

If you have any information for secrets and card locations that I have not
included in this version of the document, please email me at the address below.
Please send it in this format:
- Section of the game (based on this walkthru)
- What spells are needed to open the secret
- What items are found in the secret
- A brief description of how to find it
The more detailed the better! Once I verify the location, I'll include your
name in this document in the Special Thanks section.

Send comments, complaints, compliments, and/or walkthru information to:

Please do NOT ask me for help with any platform other than the PC version.

Thanks and have fun!


Version 1.3.1 (Feb 5, 2003)

- Added another site allowed to carry my walkthru (see above list)


Version 1.3 (Jan 14, 2003)

- Corrected or expanded on some of the secrets; mostly in the summary for
where cards are found


Version 1.2.3 (Jan 7, 2003)

- Added another site allowed to carry my walkthru (see above list)


Version 1.2.2 (Dec 11, 2002)

- Added more sites allowed to carry my walkthru (see above list)


Version 1.2.1 (Dec 10, 2002)

- Added www.actiontrip.com to sites who can carry my walkthru

- Added www.gamesdomain.com to sites who can carry my walkthru


Version 1.2 (Dec 3, 2002)

- Locations for all BWCs and SWCs have been documented!

- Added Secret 7 to Section X

- Corrected some information in Sections III, XIII

- Removed erroneous report of fifth BWC in Section XI


Version 1.1 (Nov 16, 2002)

- corrected several typos, punctuation errors, grammar errors, and other edits

- included missing secrets to Sections III, XIII, XIV

- made note that this is for the PC version
[if anyone can confirm that the game is identical for any of the platform
versions, please let me know]

- Added www.a2zcheats.com to sites who can carry my walkthru


Version 1.0 (Nov 13, 2002)

- Original draft

(c) 2002, 2003 Surfers, Ltd.
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Engl. Lösung

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Engl. Hinweise

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Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013

10.Октябрь 2008
Walkthrough, Lost Items & Hints, Card List

17.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
25.Июнь 2019