Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

17.10.2013 12:39:37
H----R H H A A R R R R Y Y P P O O T T E R R
R---O T T E H H A A R R R R Y P O O T T E R R
R---------R H H A A R R R R Y P OOO T T EEEE R R
Y H A-----P
R---O d t h
Y---T aa n n d ttt h ee
H--T aa nn n dd t hh e e
A--E a a n n d d t h h ee
R-R aa n n ddd t h h eee
O ff SSS
S CC h b f S t
C h aa m m m b ee rr oo fff S ee cc rr ee ttt sss
C hh aa mm mm bb e e rr o o f S e e c rr e e t s
C h h a a m m b b ee r o o f S ee c r ee t s
CC h h aa m m bb eee r oo f SSS eee cc r eee t sss

=================== For PC ===================

<<<< version 2.1 >>>>

Thanks to Alan Thorne in Salome, AZ for this logo

All Harry Potter names, characters, and related indicia
are trademarks of WarnerBros.


Sites where you can find this walkthrough :

- http://www.gamefaqs.com
- http://cheatcc.com
- http://www.flashstand.com
- http://www.a2zcheats.com
- http://www.cheatportal.com
- http://www.911codes.com
- http://www.fastcheater.com
- http://www.25000cheats.com
- http://www.pc-cheats.org
- http://www.skali.com
- http://www.cheathappens.com
- http://www.actiontrip.com
- http://www.gamesover.com
- http://LoneGamers.com
- http://www.oddworldz.com/t3b
- http://www.gamesdomain.com
- http://www.ggmania.com


A. Introduction
1. History
2. About Me
B. Game Basics
1. Controls
2. Spells
3. Characters
4. Items
5. Enemies
C. Walkthrough
=> Whomping Willow
=> Hogwarts Grounds (night)
=> Main Entrance
=> Moving Stairs Area
=> First spell : Rictusempra
=> Rictusempra Challenge
=> Rictusempra Challenge - 2nd Time
=> Weekly House Points
=> Wiggenweld Potion
=> Second Spell : Skurge
=> Skurge Challenge
=> Skurge Challenge - 2nd Time
=> Weekly House Points
=> First Ingredient : Bicorn Horn
=> The Duel Club
=> Third Spell : Diffindo
=> Diffindo Challenge
=> Diffindo Challenge - 2nd Time
=> Weekly House Points
=> Lets play Quiddich!
=> Second Ingredient : Boomslang Skins
=> Check on the Potion
=> Third Ingredient : bit of Goyle
=> Polyjuice Potion
=> Intruder
=> Fourth Spell : Spongify
=> Spongify Challenge
=> Spongify Challenge - 2nd Time
=> Weekly House Points
=> Forbidden Forest
=> Aragog' Lair
=> Final Encounter : path to Chamber of Secrets
=> Final Encounter : Basilisk
1. The Famous Witches and Wizards Cards
2. Bean Trading
3. Dueling Club
4. Quiddich
5. Secrets
6. Gryffindor Challenge Area
6. Cheats
7. Frequently Asked Questions
8. Mails
E. Credits

A. Introduction >>

1. History

01/12/2003 - Add Misc Useful Cheats in cheats section
01/05/2003 - Add another letter and gave credit to
01/04/2003 - Add a few more letters and a FAQ (ver 2.1)
12/31/2002 - Add a new note about debug mode, add a new FAQ
12/18/2002 - Added Appendicies for Dueling Club and Quiddich.
Re-wrote Secrets Appendix. Added missing secret from Diffindo challenge.
(version 2.0a)
12/15/2002 - Added missing secrets to Bicorn Horn quest, Added Dumbledores office
and classrooms, added secrets in Boomslang Skin quest, and
Lets play Quidditch! (version 2.0).
12/14/2002 - Add three more letters
12/11/2002 - Add a new cheat and a secret walkthrough to secret section (ver 1.9)
12/08/2002 - Clean up grammar, added several hints, add missing secrets in some of the
challenges, added '2nd Time' for challenge walkthru's
(version 1.9)
12/05/2002 - Fix the Bicorn Horn quest, add a new mail, add 2 more tips of duelling
12/01/2002 - Fix the Skurge challenge, add a new cheat, add secret section (ver 1.8)
11/30/2002 - Try to find and write down all the secrets
11/26/2002 - Add a cheat in cheat section (version 1.7)
11/25/2002 - Fixing a minor mistake (thanks to ), add mail section,
add some explanations about 'unfriendly creatures' and how to beat them.
thanks to Nathan for this. (version 1.6)
11/20/2002 - Add the Dueling Club section and tips on bean trading (ver 1.5)
11/18/2002 - Finished writing the walkthrough (ver. 1.2)
11/17/2002 - Continue writing, minor fix on Diffindo Challenge (ver 1.0)
11/15/2001 - Start writing this walkthrough (version 0.5)
11/15/2002 - Bought the game

2. About me

Hi, I'm Danny (but not Daniel Radcliffe).
This is my second walkthrough after the first Harry Potter game in PC.

EAGames really did a great job this time.
The game is more challenging. The fields are more 'free' and the environments are huge.

I will keep trying to write this even though I have a lot of tasks to do.
So please excuse me if you find parts of this walkthrough 'unreliable'.
Even so, I want all of you to help me this time.
Please send me any secrets you find. I'll give you a full credit.


First things first. You can read about the system requirements in the Read Me file.

I played this game with Celeron2 1.2GB processor, NVidia GeForce2 MX 200,
192 MB RAM, Sound Blaster Live 5.1 Sound Card with screen 800x600 resolution,
high textures, color depth 32 bit under Windows 98 Second Edition and using
DirectX 8.1. It did fine.

1. Controls

Here are the default controls. Most keys are the same as in the first game :

Arrow keys : Move Harry
Alt key : Cast magic
Control key : Jump

You can also configure controls as you please.

There's a 'special key' in this game: Enter.
(For me, it was 'special')
Just press it if you want to skip the cutscenes.

WITH one exception : this time you can use your joystick or any
'gaming devices' you have.

When you run the application, there will be a window with 4 buttons

- New Game => start a new game
- Load game => Load the last saved game
- Options => change the video, sounds, controls, etc
- Quit => Quit the game

2. Spells

Just like in the first game, you have to learn a spell before you can use it.
You learn the spells in class. You already know the Lumos, Alohomora, and
Flipendo spells from last year. and can use them right away.

This time, mastering a magic is easier than the first game.
All you have to do is press the correspondent arrow keys as the wand
moves through the spell pattern.
Each spell lesson can give you 30 house points in total.
Each spell consists of 3 levels.

You'll be given 3 chances to fail the magic which means if you fail the
magic 3 times, you won't get the house points AND you won't advance to the
next level of the magic. But if you pass at least the first level,
you can still use the spell.
The only way to pass the magic learning is through concentration.

Just as in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in
PSX version, you are now able to mix Wiggenweld Potion.
(after the potions lesson)

This potion is useful to replenish your health, especially in the
dungeons. However, if you don't really need the potion, don't use it. Use
the chocolate frogs instead. Check the options menu to ensure that you
deselect the Automatically Drink Potions option.

(This time the frogs can avoid you, and it can be very annoying
especially when you encounter the gnomes, snails, fire crabs, etc)

There is also a map that shows your current location in the option menu's
(To get to maps, hit Esc to go to the options, then select the Map icon.),
but I didn't find the maps to be very useful.

3. Characters
This is the list of characters in the game:

- Harry Potter
- Ron Weasley
- Hermione Granger
- Fred Weasley
- George Weasley
- Draco Malfoy
- Goyle
- Albus Dumbledore
- Minerva McGonagall
- Severus Snape
- Gilderoy Lockhart
- Professor Flitwick
- Rubeus Hagrid
- Lucius Malfoy
- Oliver Wood
- Filtch
- Madame Pomphrey
- Professor Sprout
- some other 'unknown' students

- Mrs. Norris (Filtch's cat)
- Nearly Headless Nick
- Moaning Mertile
- some other ghosts.

Thanks to laurakay76@juno.com for reminding me about these.
Even my editor had put it in, you still have the credit.

4. Items
These are items you can find around Hogwarts :

- Chocolate Frogs : replenish health
- Wiggentree Bark : ingredients for Wiggenweld Potion
- Flobberworm Mucus : ingredients for Wiggenweld Potion
- Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans : collect these to exchange them for
Wiggentree Bark, Flobberworm Mucus,
Silver Cards, Nimbus 2001, or Quidditch
- Bicorn Horn : ingredient for Polyjuice Potion
- Boomslang Skins : ingredient for Polyjuice Potion
- Nimbus 2001 : Faster broom. Catch the Snitch easier
- Quiddich Armour : Reduces damage from Bludgers and other players

These are containers found around Hogwarts :

- Caldrons : Usually contain 1 to 4 beans
- Water Cans (Looks like oil can) : Contain a lot of beans, hit them several times
- Flower Pots (no soil) : Usually contain one or two beans
- Chests : Contents vary
- Jewery Boxes : Contain a lot of beans, hit them until lid stays open
- Potion Caldrons : Used to mix Wiggenweld Potion
- Armors : Usually contain beans. Hit them more than once
- Statues : Usually contain beans. Hit them more than once

5. Enemies

- Gnomes : hit them with Flipendo then throw them into the hole to get more
- Giant Orange Snails : Hit them with Rictusempra then push them with Flipendo to
nearby pattern/platform (if there any)
- Fire Crabs : same as Giant Orange Snails
- Big Fire Crabs : Requires two hits to flip over.
- Spiky Prickly Plants : Cast Diffindo on them (formerly Spiky Bushes)
You can also throw a mushroom top at them.
- Pixies : cast Rictusempra
- Big Pixies : Requires two hits to knock them down.
- Venoumous Tentaculas : Diffindo all of its 'arms' for disable them permanently
- Norklup Mushrooms : cast Diffindo on them or let the gnomes turn it into beans
or pick up one you cut with Diffindo and throw it at others
- Bowtuckles : cast Rictusempra to get Wiggentree Bark
- Little Spiders : They are anoying and can cause a little bit of damage
when they hang on. Just step on them.
- Spiders : cast Rictusempra
- Big Spiders : Requires two hits to disable.
- Imps : cast Rictusempra then throw them into hole
- Ectoplasms : cast Skurge (I put it here since it can reduce your health)
- Arogog : Cast Rictusempra (POWERED UP) when it shows it's belly
- Basilesk : Cast Rictusempra (POWERED UP) when it's mouth is open


=> Whomping Willow :

The Whomping Willow challenge is not timed, and you can not return.
So take your time and get everything.

Once you can control Harry, run to your left,
pass under the Whomping Willow's root, and enter the room.

Cast Alohomora to the chest, and continue to the right and climb up
the steps. Cast Lumos on the Gargoyle and go through the glowing wall.
Touch the save game book to save your game.
When you get closer to the dragon statue and it will move.
Cast Alohomora on it. Go out the opened way,

Cast Flipendo on the block and climb up. Jump down to the next area.

The next Whomping Willow's root is a little bit faster.
Go under, open chest and take the chocolate frog.
You can cast alohomora to the lightning-like crack in wall
to open a secret way. Open chest and then go back.

The next root is even faster. Pass under the next root,
then cast Flipendo to the Whomping Willow.
There will be a cutscene where the car flies away.

Enter the room where Ron runs, Cast Lumos to the gargoyle to
reveal a hidden block. Continue and save game.

In the next room, collect all the Bertie Bott's before you jump down.
After you jump, cast Flipendo to the block (with a pattern on it) twice.
Jump up, then jump over to Ron.

In the next area, cast Lumos on the gargoyle, go to the next area.
Then cast Flipendo to the wall to raise the stairs.

Before you enter the next area and get your first Wizard Card,
there is an alcove on your right.
Cast Alohomora to the secret door, then open the chest.

In the small courtyard where you get the Wizard Card,
cast Flipendo twice on each of the armors. Each armor
should give you 4 Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Bean.

Now follow Ron. Rain stopped, cutscene.

=> Hogwarts Grounds (night)

Go in front of the dragon statue, cast Flipendo twice on it's head.
Now, go to your left. There's a chest. Open it.
Now go on to the gate.
This gate will be the entrance to the Quiddich Pitch.
Look up at the banners.
Cast Alohomora on each to open a secret area to your left.
Get the beans and a Silver Card, then follow Ron.

Before you enter the castle, go to the right, take the chest then
go back. Now check out the left side of the castle. You can see
a Wizard Card up on a ledge. Ignore it for now. You can't get it
until after you know the Spongify spell.

Keep going to the left. there's a symbol on the wall. Cast Alohomora
on it. Take everything inside (you can't go through the branches
yet. You need Diffindo spell for that.)

Now go back.

Go down the stairs, take the chest, cast Alohomora on the wall if you wish
(but it's useless since you cannot pass through the branches).
Go back up. Enter the castle.

=> Main Entrance

After the cutscene, check the left side of the stairs. There's a chest
there. Go up the stairs, cast Flipendo twice on each of the armors.
It's best to stand in front of them. Back up to the railing to keep the
beens from bouncing over the ledge. If they do, they sometimes
get stuck in mid-air.

Now check the area on the left side of the armors. Cast Alohomora on
the mirror, take all the beans, then continue up the stairs.

Cast Flipendo on the Witch statue three times. Then go to the other side
and cast another Flipendo to the statue. Step on the switch on the floor,
take the chest, it contains a Silver Wizard Card. Now, it's time
to follow Ron.

There will be a long cutscene.
After you are able to control Harry, go through the northern most door in
the castle and you'll be in 'the moving stairs' area.

=> Moving Stairs Area :

Before you go up, you can trade the beans you have collected with
the other students below (Traders are holding and tossing a bean).
There is also a chest with a bronze card, a save game book, and a
potion caldron. (You can use the potion caldrons after your first
potion lesson.)

Go up the stairs and it will move. You'll find Nearly Headless Nick.
He'll show you the Gold Challenge locks.
After the cutscene, hit all the cauldrons and take the beans.
On the way out, there is a room on the right. Go in and collect beans
and a silver card. You need to come back her after you learn Spungify.
Now go up the stairs again.

Check the boxes on the tables. Keep opening them until they stay open.
Check the symbol in the next room. Open the chest, then go back
and up two flights of stairs.

There will be a statue at the end of a hall. Cast Alohomora on the
picture to your left and enter secret area. You can cast Flipendo
on the statue three times before you enter the infirmary. Inside
the infirmary cast Flipendo on all 4 pictures to open a secret.
Open the chest for a silver card. Continue

There's a gargoyle here. Cast Lumos on it, then you can see a block in
the stair case in front of it. Climb it, open chest and take a bronze

Now you can go down and check all the cauldrons
(don't forget the chest) then go back and down the stairs one floor.

Goodness, this place is so huge!

Go back to the floor where you saw Ron. A vase will fall and a cutscene
with Filtch. Before continuing, look at the suspicious wall on your left.
Hit it with Flipendo. There is a Gnome and chest at bottom.
Then take the cauldron near Mrs. Norris.

Before you enter the class, open the secret crack on the right.

=> First Spell: Rictusempra

After the cutscene, Professor Lockhart will ask you to input some commands
with the arrow keys to complete the spell, Rictusempra. You have only three
chances to fail it. Remember, if you succeed, you'll get house points (30
house points in total).

=> Rictusempra Challenge

First, put the Fire Crab into the hole that contains it's pattern.
Proceed to the next area. Get the challenge star and stand on
the footprints. Put the crab in his hole, and ride the platform up.
Jump over and get the chest, then go back to the platform and across
and jump onto the balcony.

The next room is large with a some blocks and jailed crabs and two
roaming snails. Put the Giant Orange Snails in their holes.
A challenge star will lower with each.
Hit all of the Fire Crabs until their 'jails' close.
This will lower a chest in the center of the room.
Flipendo the blocks to move them into position.
then Grab the Challenge Stars and the Wizard Card.

Ignore the next two snails. It takes too much time to put them
in their holes, and all you get is a couple of beans.

Put away the Gnome, proceed and save.

Cast Flipendo to the portrait of Lockhart and take the chest. Go upstairs,
take the chocolate frog if needed and grab the chest.

Next, cast Rictusempra on the Fire Crabs and hit them until they
fall in the other side. Keep going and take the challenge star.

Ignore the falling snails, just keep going to the next area.
Now, hit the crabs and put them into the green holes.
The walls will move down.
Climb up the left wall, hit the cauldron,
cast Rictusempra to the fire crab,
cast Alohomora on the wall with Lockhart's portrait,
cast Lumos to the gargoyle.

You should notice a hidden door to the left.
Take the challenge star inside it, then jump down.

Now, up to the right wall, follow the path,
take the challenge star and go across to the other side.
Cast Flipendo on the pattern in the top of the wall.
Take the chest for a silver card.

Now go back to the exit, hit the block with Flipendo and jump down.
Take the chest for a bronze card and move to the next area.

Ignore the snails, and continue to the next room.
There are 3 Flipendo patterns here.

Low, middle, and high.

At this point, you have to turn the portraits
until they match the ones on the doors below.
Do the left door first, enter it, step on the foot prints, and take
the chest. Then do the right door, step on the foot prints, and take
the chest. Now take the challenge star and
turn the portraits again to open the middle door. Proceed.

Step on the foot print and go up,
take the chest behind you, then proceed and save.

Cast Lumos on the gargoyle as you pass by, ignore the snails
and proceed to next room. Look for the hidden area,
take the chest then continue your journey.

Cast Alohomora to the portrait in the wall, enter and take the chest.
Go back down and to the right. Make your way to the other side,
put the crab into the hole. Follow the path, ignore the snails,
hit cauldrons and chest for a bronze card.
Take the challenge star along your way.

When get trapped with two crabs, you know what to do.
Proceed, look for the chest on the right side, then continue and take
challenge star. Before the next save, there is a caldron on the left
and a secret room on the right side of the save game book.
Cast Flipendo to the pattern up on the wall.
Take the chest and the silver card, save and continue.

In the next area, put two crabs into the hole, then jump in the hole.
Flipendo the door and go through. Once in passageway, quickly turn
Around and jump in and on to the floor below the platform.
The star will lower again.

You may need to Flipendo the door again to get out.
Go up in the secret passage and follow the path. Cast Flipendo on
Lockhart's portrait, step on both of the footprints, defeat the gnome,
and take a silver card. Finally, go up and take the challenge star.
Continue through the door back to the spiral ramp.

Now put another crab in the hole.
(you will need to put two if you missed the jump under the platform trick.)

(All of this can be very time consuming, since the crabs will sometimes not
fall directly to the pattern. It can take several Flipendo spells.
If the star doesn't go down when you knock the crabs in,
you will have to go down and zap them again.)

If you already put in at least 4 of the crabs, or 3 crabs and performed
the under the platform jump trick, the big challenge star will be reachable.

Avoid the moving beams by timing your jumps. They get faster as you go.
Your remaining time will become your personal High Score.

After the class, if you move out, you'll meet a girl that will tell you
about the weekly house points. However, I suggest you turn around
and go back through the challenge. If you better your time you will
get more house points. That will give you more beans in the weekly
house points run. There are a lot of things you can ignore on the
second time through, so you will very probably get a better time.

=> Rictusempra Challenge - 2nd Time

This time your purpose will be to finish as fast as possible.

Put the fire crab in the hole. Proceed
Get the star, stand on the prints, knock the crab in the hole, ride up.
Go across and jump onto the balcony. Proceed to large room.
Ignore or stun only as needed. Knock the snails into each of the holes.
Two stars will lower. Stun crabs as needed. Flipendo the blocks into
place. Get your stars and head out of the room.
(don't bother with putting the crabs in their holes)

Ignore the snails. Save. Continue.
Ignore the falling snails. Continue.
Hit the crabs into their holes. Continue.
Go up the left wall. Zap the crab.
Flipendo the picture. Lumos the gargoyle
Get the star in new room.
jump down and go up the right side.
Get the star, Flipendo the beam and jump down. Proceed.

Do the portraits as before.
- Left. Step on footprints, ignore chest, go back.
- Right Step on footprints, ignore chest, go back.
- Take the Challenge Star.
- Do the center and go out.

Keep going ignoring everything until you get trapped with crabs.
Knock them in their holes. Take the star
Proceed to the save game book and to the spiral ramp room.

Put two crabs in the hole. Jump down. Flipendo door.
Jump in passage, turn around, jump on floor below the platform.
Star will lower again. Proceed through to get the challenge star.
go out and up. Put another crab in the hole.
(two if you missed the trick)
Jump avoiding the beams and then jump the final star.
You should have beaten your last time and will get more
house points.

=> Weekly House Points

Now you can go to the weekly house point ceremony.
If Gryffindor wins the house points, you'll
get a limited time to collect beans.
The bigger the difference between your points and the next
lower score determines the time you will have.
If you do not have the highest score, you will not get to go.
Collect as many beans as you can. These will be useful for trading.

After, you're done with your bean collecting, Wood will meet you outside and
ask you to follow him.

NOTE : you can access the Great Hall now, through the only opened door
in the first floor. There is a secret room on your left behind a
picture. There are two chests in the Great Hall.

The weekly house points occurs after finished a challenge.

=> School Grounds - Day :

Don't follow Wood to the Quiddich Pitch right away.
Many of the chests outside are re-filled. Go get them.
As you're facing away from the door towards the dragon,
one on the left, new chest to the right, symbol on wall to right,
down the stairs on the right.

Now follow Wood to statue of the dragon. Cast Flipendo twice.
Get the chest to the left, then hit the two banners above gate.
You can also go in the open door on right on the way to the gate.
This path leads to Hagrid's Hut. You can collect beans and a bronze card.
Behind his hut is a save game, a potion caldron, and a chest.

You should have over 500 beans at this point, so go back to George and
buy the Quiddich Armor. It really helps.

Go back through the gate and take your Quiddich practice.

You can control your broom with the arrow keys or with your mouse.
When the bar shows full red, click the left mouse button to catch.
When the other seeker gets near, click the left mouse button repeatedly
to knock them away.

After Quiddich practice will be a long cutscene.

=> Wiggenweld Potion :

After that, you have to go to Potion Class (Oh, no!). Follow Hermione to the
dungeon. Open the second hidden place with the beans (you can see
through it). Check the area before enter the class. Hit the armors,
take the chest, cast Lumos on gargoyle, and take the beans below.
(Come back here when you have Skurge.)

Go down to the classroom. (It was the first tunnel on the left when
you entered the main dungeon hall.)

Snape will ask Harry to open the chest and mix the potion. Watch out!
Don't cast any spells to the potion ingredients on the table,
unless you want to loose house points. You can will them and the other
chest later.

After the class, there will be a cutscene.

After that, you'll should follow Hermione to the Charm Class.

=> Second Spell : Skurge :

After Flitwick answers Hermione's question, you will learn Skurge.
Like before, just follow the pattern and press the appropriate arrow keys.
You'll get 30 points in total if you can complete all 3 levels.

Then, you have to enter the Skurge Challenge.

=> Skurge Challenge :

Cast Skurge to the Ectoplasm in the door.
Follow the path to a door blocked with ectoplasm.
Go to left for a caldron. Remove the ectoplasm on the next door and

Remove the ectoplasm in the left and right side blocking the beam, then
cast Flipendo move the beam until it falls. Jump down. Alohomora the
crack, open the chest for a bronze card, go back and jump across to take
the challenge star, save.

Follow the path. In the next room, take the chest then go right, avoid all
the crabs. Just follow the path until you encounter Peeves.
Hit him with Skurge until he loses all of his stamina.
Proceed, cast Alohomora to the dragon statue. Save.

Go back to the previous room and take the newly opened path. Skurge blobs,
follow the ledge, up the stairs, Take the challenge star and the beans,
go left, back down stairs and back through the room where you met Peeves.
Pass the statue and go on.

Hit the Flipendo pattern to open the gate. From the floor, hit the Witch
Statue twice. Ignore the beans and go half way up the stairs to Lumos
the gargoyle.

Go down the stairs and to the right (get the beans later).

Go through the open door and through the newly opened secret door,
follow the path, take the Wiggentree Bark. Take the chest .

Flipendo the gate.

Cast Skurge to the blocked way and keep moving. Stun the crabs and keep going.
You will come back to the room that had many ectoplasms. Go strait across
and enter the door in front of you. (it was blocked before).

Cast Lumos on the gargoyle once again then follow
the opened path. You can now take the beans from the witch statue.

In the left is a chest that contains a bronze card.
There is also a secret room. But you only can pass through it while Lumos is
still active.

Follow the path and save.

In the left there's ectoplasm. Remove it, then put a snail in it.
Grab the chest with a silver card, proceed.

In room to the left, two large plates are covered with ectoplasm.
Skurge the first one and put the snail in it.
Then keep moving to the other end of the room on the right side.
Look to the right.

In the next room there is a Flobberworm Mucus on a ledge.
Cast Flipendo on it to break the jar.

Skurge the ectoplasm on the second plate and then step on.
This will open the door to the challenge star, but will also lower
you down. Go through gate and take the Flobberworm Mucus and beans
to the right then climb back out. Stun the snail and go back into
the big room. Proceed to the next room.

Take the challenge star, and the chest.

Go down, knock down the cauldron, hit the box on the table 3 times, then cast
Lumos to gargoyle.

Defeat the pixie, hit the pattern on the right wall with Alohomora, follow the
path, take the beans and the challenge star, jump down.

Stun the crabs, Open the box two times. Stun the crabs again if needed.
Cast Skurge on top of the door, then exit this room.

Cast Skurge to the ectoplasm. The platforms start swinging.
Jump and move to the far end of the first swinging platform.
Cast Flipendo to the square with no pattern low on the far side.
This opens a secret room behind you.

Go back, take the beans and the silver card. Climb back out to the swinging
platforms, proceed to the other side.

Defeat the pixie. You are in a room with a see-saw. Go up the stairs and follow
the path. You will come to a room with a block stuck with ectoplasm. In the end,
you have to hit the block until it falls on the see-saw. Remove the ectoplasm.
defeat the gnomes, Open the chests and take the bronze card. Before you jump
down, don't forget the jewelry box on the table.

Jump down, take the challenge star, open the next chest and caldron,
pass the snail.

If you notice, there should be a gargoyle here. Cast Lumos on it.
It will show you a hidden ledge above the stairs.

There's another chest below, but don't open it, it only contains Peeves.
Jump up to the new ledge and then cast Alohomora on the upper wall
to reveal the last secret room. Take the star and the beans,
go through the opened way, then jump down to take the Completion
(thanks to and for this last star)

After the challenge, there will be another weekly house points.
But first, turn around and go back through for a second time.
This will increase your house points.

=> Skurge Challenge - 2nd Time :

Follow the path, Skurge the door. Skurge another door.

Remove the ectoplasm blocking the beam.
Flipendo the beam until it falls. Jump, take the challenge star, save.

Follow the path. Ignore the chest then go right,
avoid all of the crabs.

Just follow the path until you encounter Peeves.
Hit him with Skurge until he loses all of his stamina.
Proceed, then cast Alohomora to the dragon statue. Save.
Go back to the previous room and take the newly opened path.

Skurge blobs, follow the ledge, up the stairs.
Take the challenge star, go left, down stairs and back through
the room and proceed.

Hit the Flipendo pattern to open the gate. Go half way up the stairs and
Lumos the gargoyle. Go down the stairs and to the right
through the open door and through the newly opened secret door, follow
the path, Cast Skurge to the blocked way and keep moving.

Ignore all crabs, back to the room with many ectoplasm and strait across.
Enter the door in front of you (it was blocked before).
Go down the steps and to the left take the star and save.

Ignore the next ectoplasm. Stun the next snail.
Go into the big room with the two switches. Avoid the snail.
Remove the ectoplasm on both switches. Run across a corner on
each switch to activate them, but not drop in. This will open the next
door. Take the challenge star and proceed.

Go down then cast Lumos to gargoyle. Defeat the pixie,
hit the pattern on the right wall with Alohomora, follow the path, take the
challenge star, jump down. Stun the crabs. Cast Skurge on top of the door,
exit this room. And proceed

Cast Skurge to ectoplasm. The platforms start
swinging. Go on across.

Defeat the pixie. You are in a room with the see-saw.
Go up the stairs and follow the path.
Skurge ectoplasm stopping the block.
Take the star and knock the block in the hole.

Jump down and go across to the next star. Avoid the next snail.

Cast Lumos on the gargoyle. It will show a hidden ledge above the stairs.

Jump up, (forget chest below) Alohomora on the upper wall, take star and
proceed through opened way, then jump down to take the Completion Star.

You should gain some more house points.

=> House Points Ceremony :

You know what to do.

=> First Ingredient: Bicorn Horn :
This challenge is not timed and you do not get house points for it.
So take your time and get everything you can.

Remember the gargoyle at the far right side? Now, you can get the
chest that contains a silver card by casting Skurge into the ectoplasm below.
Then go in the tunnel on the left side of the hall and find the door
with the green blob. Cast Skurge on it then enter.

Follow the path, cast Alohomora on the door. In the end, cast Flipendo
on patterns on the further wall. Ride up, take the chests with frogs.
There is another room here with a gargoyle. If you cast Lumos on it it
will reveal the path in the next opening. Take the elevator down to
the lowest level. Remove the blobs and proceed.

Skurge the blob covering the carving up high. This will start water flowing
and will lift a bridge. Proceed

Watch for a chest on the left. Look on the right side and find a
strange design. Flipendo the design.
Open the chest for a bronze card. Now go in the secret area and open the
chest for a silver card.
You should now have your first key to the gold cards challenge.

In the room with two snails, stun both then go into the cells in each side
of the room for goodies. Hit the caldron. Now put the snails on their
plate and then go hide in one of the cells looking through the window.
Watch the crabs. When they are out of the box, come out and stun them both
then put them in their cells. Now Lumos the Gargoyle and go to the next

Knock down the Pixies. Go get the caldron, then Skurge the blob to
extend steps around the room to the exit.

You will come to another room with two snails. Again, stun them and
check their cells for goodies. Then open the chest for a bronze card.
Now put the snails in their cells and proceed.

In the next room is a Gnome. Put him away, then look opposite the chest
for strange pattern. Flipendo the pattern then open the chest for some
beans. Now go in the secret passage and open the chest for a silver card.
Save and proceed.

Skurge blob holding the curved stairs up. Then go down. Knock the snail
over the edge. Get the beans, but do not open the chest. It only
contains Peeves.

Now solve the puzzles. I think it's easy.
There are 4 Flipendo patterns in red, purple, green, and blue.
Below is a maze with three secret rooms and the exit.

First, cast Flipendo to the red switch. Go down, defeat the Gnome, jump
across and open chests in two of three secret rooms.
(green and blue doors)

Now go back up and this time cast Flipendo to red, purple and green.
Open the last secret room (red door) then proceed out.

** NOTE : The secret areas with chest inside have special 'mark' on the walls.
You can see it from above.

You will come to a room with shelves. There is a chest with a bronze card.
Get the goodies off the shelves then cast Flipendo on the switch to open
the door out.

As soon as you exit, there is a crab on the left. Knock him over the edge,
then go up the stairs. Skurge the blob on the door. Knock down the pixie.
Then Skurge the blob on the gears to start the machine that moves the rotating
platforms. Make your way through three of these rooms.
There is a caldron on the landing after the last one.

Save game and Alohomora door.

There should be another chest in the following area with a bronze card.

In the next area defeat the gnome and the crab, take the caldron, go up,
Skurge the first blob, then go up, turn right and go up again.
Then turn around and jump across. Skurge the next blob and go left to
take the next bean. Turn around and go back to where blob was and climb up.

Defeat the Gnome and then Skurge blob. Step inside the door and knock down
all four pixies. Skurge the left blob. Now, turn around and go to the right
side of the room.

Jump down to the ledge. Skurge the blob and go across. Turn left and jump
across and up. Flipendo the strange block to get to the gargoyle behind it.
Now Lumos the gargoyle. Now jump across to the other side again
(using right side) go through the door and to the left through glowing wall.
Open chest and then go back to the moving bridge.

** Note: You could Skurge the second blob back near the chest and avoided
the bridge, but you would miss a secret if you do.
If you cross the bridge a room will open to the right with a chest
and some beans.

Alohomora the locked door, then continue.

Take beans and a Flobberworm Mucus here before going to the very end of the room.

You will fall down on the far end of the room.
Stun the crabs and then move to the right and knock them off.
Move back to the center and Skurge all the ectoplasm's. Then back to right and hop
your way across to the next area.

Keep going, and before take the horn there are 4 more beans in the left side room of
the horn.

After taking the horn, then you will be automatically move through the exit,
into Snape's classroom.
(thanks to for helping me writing this part)

Now you are in Snape’s Potions classroom.

Open the chest for a bronze card. Also get the Flobberworm Mucus and Wiggentree Bark
on the table. As you are leaving walking towards the exit of the room, notice the
lightening shaped crack near Snape’s chair. Alohomora to open a secret room, Skurge
the blob and jump to the switch below to reveal some steps. Go up and take a silver
card from the chest.

=> The Duel Club :

Now, you can to go to the Great Hall to attend the Duel. It's a simple game.

The controls: space bar / right mouse button = select magic
Alt key / left mouse button = cast magic

You can 'power up' your magic by holding the cast button.

One technique is to simply reflect their spells back at them.
They can reflect them back again, but they are not that good at keeping up
with you.

Another technique is to cast a spell then immediately start charging
if they reflect the spell, side step, then right after the spell passes,
step back into its trail and let another fly. I got a high hit rate using
this technique.

After the cutscenes, it's the time for Herbology class.
But before you leave the castle, go back into the Great Hall
and open the two chests. Now do some dueling until you have 700+ beans.
Also, there is a secret room. It is the last picture on the way out to
the Main Entrance.

=> Third Spell : Diffindo :

Follow Ron. He'll show you Herbology class.
Complete the spell pattern in correspondent keys and take the challenge.

=> Diffindo Challenge :

Cut the branches that block your path.
Take the chest, follow the path.
Hit the cauldron, chest, and the pot.
The wall with the yellow flower pattern can be opened.
It contains a bronze card. Now go to the next area.

Diffindo the branches away and then Hit the snails onto their patterns.

Knock down the pots and the water can's (no sprinkler heads) if you like.

Before leaving, Flipendo the four carved tiles up on the walls to open a secret area.
Open chest for a silver card.

Take the challenge star, hit the cauldron, cut the rope, then save.

Don't go all the way across the dropped bridge.
Diffindo the vines over the Gnome hole.
Turn left and jump down. There is a secret room under the bridge.
Enter the room, but don't take the chest. It contains that wretched Peeves.

Go up the other side. If the Gnome is finished with the mushrooms, zap him
and take the beans. Then pick him up and throw him in his hole.
Step on the square on the left side of the exit.
Cast Diffindo to the rope in front of you to release the block and ride up.
Jump to the ledge. Take the beans, cut the rope behind the wall, then jump
down. Enter the next area.

Take another bronze card in the chest, then cast Flipendo on the box 3 times,
take the beans and the Flobberworm Mucus. Cut the ropes, push the block
until it falls and open the way to the next area.

Cast Diffindo to Spiky Prickly Plants (previously Spiky Bushes), hit the block,
cut the rope then use the elevator to move up. Cast Diffindo to the branches,
cut the rope, and then follow the path.
Jump down, go to the next area.

Hit the all armors you meet and don't forget about the water cans.
Cast Diffindo to the spider web, then save.

Jump down then cut the rope, Diffindo the web and jump across.
Cast Lumos on gargoyle then follow the path up.
When you find a rope DO NOT cut it yet. Keep going and take the challenge star
then get back and cut the rope. Ride sown. Turn around and take the challenge
star. Turn right and go into secret room. Open chest for a bronze card. Now
go up the stairs and knock the block until it falls.

Go back down and back across the bridge to the place you found the gargoyle.
Hit the block to open a secret room. Open the chest for a silver card.
Continue your journey.

Ignore the snail and the crab, get the caldron and flower pot. Remove all
Ectoplasms and then Flipindo block so you can climb through the door above.
Proceed, defeat the pixie, jump over the hole, jump on the block, Diffindo
the rope and ride the block down.

Knock down the two pixies, then hop across the platforms, hit the cauldron
then save your game.

You will come to a room with more mushrooms. Cut stems to make a path
through the left side. Release the Gnomes to harvest the mushrooms. When
they are done. Put them away. Climb over the far wall to the next area
to the field with venomous tentacula.

Avoid all the venomous tentacula, don't forget to grab the chest on the left.
Go up, take the challenge star and cut the nearest rope,
fight the Bowtuckles to get Wiggentree Barks, go on for flower pot and water can.

Now come back to the plank and climb up.

About half way across the ledge to the next plank held by ropes is a symbol on the wall.
Hit it with Alohomora to open a secret area with a silver card and a challenge star.
On the next bridge, cut the further rope so you can cross it. Move up again,
fight the Bowtuckles. Hit the water can. Then save.

Remove the branches that blocked the pattern on the floor, then move a snail into it.
There is another pattern on the opposite side.
There is also a Flobberworm Mucus opposite the pattern on the other side.
Put snails in the patterns on both sides of the yard to open the door to the house.

Enter the house, cast Flipendo on the pattern near the roof.
Aim your spell to the upper side of the challenge star then cast Diffindo spell on it.
The star will fall down.

There's a gargoyle to your right, but it appears to only be for illuminating
the tunnels, so you don't really need it. No special rooms seem to appear.
Go to your left, Skurge the blob, Diffindo the roots, defeat the Bowtuckle,
keep going.

After the next challenge star and frog is a crank device with two ropes.
Diffindo the ropes to extend a bridge.

Flipindo the next door with a yellow flower. Open the chest for a bronze

Now you come to another area with venomous tentacula. Avoid them and
continue on to challenge star and caldron. Cut the webs and go through
to a chest with a bronze card. Cut the webs and continue to a caldron
and save game.

In the next room is a snail, Gargoyle, flower pot and a frog. Get the
flower pot and Lumos the gargoyle. Go the new opened way, across and
get the challenge star. Go to the right and you will be trapped with
a snail. Put the snail in its hole. Continue.

Hit the crack on the wall and go get the four beans. Now head down
the hall until you become trapped again. There are three snails.
Two in front of you and one coming up fast from behind.

Put two snails in their hole, then move the other snail all the way
back to the hole in the room that opened from the crack. Open
chest for a silver card.

Now continue to 2 flower pots and a frog. Then will be the final
challenge star. But don’t take the star just yet. There is
Flubberworm Mucus on left and a chest on the right.
Now take the star and get your house points.

After the challenge, go up the stairs, but don't follow Ron.
Turn around, go down and Diffindo the vines on the left.
Enter the door to run the challenge again for more house points.

=> Diffindo Challenge - 2nd Time:

This time you want the best time possible.
Cut the branches that block your path, follow the path.
Ignore the cauldron, chest, and the pot.
Ignore the wall with the yellow flower.
Just go on to the next area.

Diffindo the branches away and then Hit the snails onto their patterns.

Then go to the next area.

Take the challenge star, cut the rope, then save.

Diffindo several of the mushrooms. Pick one up and throw at the others.
Use this method to quickly clear the mushrooms.

Step on the square on the left side of the exit.
Cast Diffindo to the rope in front of you to release the block and ride it up.
Jump to the ledge, go right, cut the rope, then jump down. Enter the next area.

Keep going. Hit the pixies and avoid the snail. Diffindo the ropes
and move the block to open the door.
Take the challenge star.

Cast Diffindo to Spiky Prickly Plants, hit the block, climb up, cut the rope
then use the elevator to move up. Cast Diffindo to the branches, cut the rope,
Cast Diffindo to the branches. Jump down, go to the next area and get
challenge star.

Cast Diffindo to the spider web, then save.

Jump down, cut the rope, Diffindo Web, then jump up.
Cast Lumos on gargoyle then follow the path up.

When you find a rope DO NOT cut it yet.
Keep going and take the challenge star, then come back and cut the rope.
Turn around and take the next challenge star.

Continue your journey.

Ignore the snail and the crab, remove all ectoplasms, move the block,
climb up, hit the pixie, jump the hole, stand on block, cut the rope,
ride down and save your game.

Take the challenge star, defeat the pixies, then hop across the 3
platforms. Save game.

Another mushroom room. Cut a bunch of them. Then pick up one and throw
at the others. Do this to quickly clear your path. Climb over far wall
to the field with venomous tentacula. Avoid all the venomous
tentacula, ignore the chest on the left. Go up, cut the nearest rope,
fight the Bowtuckles to get Wiggentree Barks, then move up.
(If you don’t fight them, they will cause you some damage.)

Half way to the next bridge, Flipendo symbol on wall, go in and get a star.

On the next bridge, cut the further rope so you can cross it.
Move up again, fight the Bowtuckles, get the bark, (you will probably want
to at least get the far one because you will spend a little time in his
line of fire.

Remove the branches that block the pattern on the floor, then move a snail
into it. Do this on both sides to open the door to the house.

Enter the house. Cast Flipendo on the pattern near the roof.
Aim your spell to the upper side of the challenge star then cast Diffindo
spell on it. The star will fall down. Take the star and go out the tunnel.
Skurge the blob, Diffindo the roots, zap the Bowtuckles, take the bark, go on.

Cut the webs and keep going to a challenge star and frog. Cut two ropes
and bridge will extend. Go across and keep going to some venomous
tentacula. Avoid them and go on through to a challenge star. Cut the
webs and keep going to a save game. Zap the snail, Lumos the gargoyle,
go across to a challenge star.

You get trapped with a snail. Put him in his hole and continue.

You get trapped with three snails. Put two of them in their hole and continue.

Now continue and take the final star.

=> Lets play Quiddich! :

Before following Ron to the Boomslang Skin quest, open the secret
door (on the ground where you showed up after the 2nd run.)
Alohomora the crack, Diffindo the branches, take the beans and the
card in the chest.

Then cast Lumos to the gargoyle. Now, before the light in your wand
disappears, go to the most right wall in the right side of the castle
and locate the secret hidden way. Climb up the stairs, take the items,
and before you go back down, do regular jump to the switch on the ground
(you can see something different on the floor)
A secret room high on the castle will open.
You can’t get there yet, you need the Spungify spell for that.
But now you know where it is.

Now go back down and back to the other side of the castle and open the
pattern on the wall. You can now open the extra room in back with Diffindo.
Take the beans and open the chest.

Now go to Fred and buy the Nimbus 2001.
(If you don’t have the 700 beans you can go duel some more.)

Go in the Quiddich Pitch gate. The first three games are available to you.
Play them to gain house points.
You can use the arrow keys to control the broom, but I liked the mouse
control better. Just like in practice, when the bar is full red, use the
left mouse button to catch. When the other seeker is near, click the
left mouse button repeatedly to knock them away.

=> Second ingredient : Boomslang Skins

This challenge is not timed and no house points are awarded,
so take your time and collect everything you can find.

Now follow Ron. He'll show the way to
the Green House to find another ingredient for Polyjuice Potion.

When you pass through the first gate, there is a trader on the left and a
chest on the right. Turn around and cast Flipendo on the pattern over the
gate. This will open a secret behind the trader. Go in and Diffindo the
Gnome hole. Let the Gnome harvest the mushrooms then zap him and put him
away. Now open the chest for a silver card. Proceed.

If you didn’t get the chest before the next arched gate, do so.

Go left of first Green House and open chest for a bronze card.
Then walk around the walkway outside of the first Green House to get
the beans. Go out the other side and turn left.
Go around until you find a Gnome Hole covered by vines.
Diffindo the vines so the Gnome will harvest the mushrooms.

Go to the opposite side. Open the chest, Diffindo the vines,
open the other chest for another bronze card.

Now go back and zap the Gnome and pick him up to carry him to the
other mushrooms you saw on your way to the 2nd chest.
Throw him near them then go back and get the beans he dropped.
Now go back and zap the Gnome again and take him and throw him in his hole.
Walk up to Ron and he will point you to a vine covered gate.
(Remember this is not timed, you can wait for the Gnome to do his job.)

Diffindo the vines and go through. Disable the venomous tentacula.
Diffindo the vines to release the Gnome.

Continue around and zap the spikey bushes, then go back and zap
the Gnome. Cary him to the other platform, jump and while in air,
throw gnome to get him up there.

Now Diffindo the vines and go up. Avoid the Crabs and go half
way across the bridge. Jump down on left and get the beans.
Get back on the bridge and continue across.

You will find a crank with ropes. Before you cut the ropes, Flipendo
strange tile on the floor to reveal a secret. Get the beans and then
cut the rope. Lumos the gargoyle. Cross the bridge for save game and
a secret room. Open chest for a silver card.

Diffindo the vines to open the door. Hit the Spiky Bushes then the
water can. Around the corner are two venomous tentacula and a few
mushrooms. Clip the mushrooms and avoid the venomous tentacula.

Pick up a mushroom and carry it on around to throw it between the
next two spiky bushes. Cool!

Diffindo the vines and webs and defeat the spiders. Continue and
defeat the Bowtuckles. Continue to square plate. Step on it to
extend a bridge to the inner greenhouse. But don’t go in yet.
Continue on, defeat Bowtuckles, continue, hit flower pot and
symbol on wall to open secret room. Now go back but again
don’t go inside yet. Instead climb up the side of the opening
and over the roof for a bunch of beans.

Once you jump down, go to the right and get everything.
(Two water cans with a lot of beans and a Flobberworm mucus.)
Don't forget to take the wizard card in a chest on the other side
before you take the boomslang skin.

This quest isn't hard. You'll get the ingredients in no time.

After the cutscene, there's another Weekly House Points.
Before you go in, open the secret just outside.
Flipendo the symbol on the left before you enter the Weekly House Point
room. Skurge blob, take beans, Diffindo web, jump down, open the chest for
a silver card.

Now go for the house points. You should be quite a bit ahead.
Now you have Skurge and Diffindo, you can use the time and collect a
lot of beans.

=> House Points Ceremony :

You know what to do.

=> Check on the Potion :

Now you are supposed to go up to Moaning Myrtles bathroom and check
on the potion. However, as soon as you see Nearly Headless Nick
petrified, you get escorted to Dumbledore’s office.

So, before you get to there, lets do some more collecting. Remember the
Spider web on the mirror outside your common room? Well we can open it now.

Diffindo the web, go in for beans and a chest. Now go up to the common room.
Open the chest for a bronze card. Now go on up the stairs to the balcony and
look up. See the bare square patch, Flipendo it. This opens a hole with
a rope. Diffindo the rope and go down and into a secret room.
Open the chest for a silver card.

If you need it, use the caldron in the common room, and don't forget the save
game book.

Now exit the common room and go up to the second floor. Go across heading
towards the Witch statue. Before you get there look up, there is an odd
shaped brick up on the wall. Alohomora the brick to open a secret passage.
Skurge your way up. Open the chest for a silver card.

You could go down and do some more dueling now, or buy some cards and stuff.

Once you work your way to the moving stairs, you are fairly committed.

Go up to the next landing. Nearly Headless Nick is petrified. McGonagall
takes you to Dumbledore’s office. Go up and take the chest.
Go in the office, but stay to the right, away from Falkes.
Don't go near Falkes until you have done everything else.
Go up to Dumbledore’s desk and approach the hat. Short cutscene.
Go behind the desk. Open chest for bronze card.
Go up the stairs and hit the box 2 times.

Flipendo the carving under the window to open a secret passage.
Go in the passage and ride up. Follow the path around and take the
silver card. You can't take the elevator back down, you have to jump.
There is a bottle to the right of Falkes. Flipendo to release its beans.
Then approach Falkes. Long Cutscene, then you exit.

Go to the Lockhart’s Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.
There are several items you can get in here.
1st left = Armor 1st right = Jewelry Box.
2nd left = Nothing 2nd right = Chest with a bronze card.
3rd left = bottle 3rd right = bottle.
Now jump on Lockhart's desk, then jump on the chair's back,
then jump to the balcony for a load of beans.
Ignore the skeleton hanging above. It only contains spiders.

Now lets go to Flitwick’s Charms classroom.
Go strait through to get the bean, then open the chest
for a bronze card.

Now lets go to the Transfiguration classroom
(across from Flitwick’s classroom)
There are two jewelry boxes and a caldron inside.
Also, use the potion caldron if you have ingredients.

There are two more caldrons along your way to the bathroom.

After another long cutscene, you'll have to follow Goyle.

=> Third Ingredient : the bit of Goyle

This quest is not timed and you do not get house points, so take your time
and try to get everything you can.

This quest can be pretty tricky. So here we go!

You will be in the Dungeon hall. There is a trail of food leading to Goyle
ahead. Before you follow him, take the tunnel to the right. Go to far
right and Skurge the blob. Lumos the gargoyle and then go to the
opposite side of the room. Step up to the hidden corner and Diffindo
the rope. Floor will loser reveal a chest with a silver card.

Now follow Goyle into the next area. Hit the block so it gets closer to
the higher blocks. Defeat the Bowtuckles, Diffindo the vines, Flipindo
the pattern switch, and open the chest for a bronze card. Go back to the
block that you moved and climb up.

From the last block, jump down to the stairs and go to the top. Then
jump over to another set of blocks and work your way around.
From this last block, jump to the landing.

Remove all the branches, take all the beans, then work your way into the
next area (don't forget the chest).

Jump to the beam, cast Diffindo to remove the spider web, then jump into it.
Go and cast Flipendo to the block above. Go down, take everything you can get.
Hit the luggage to the bookshelves, then cast Lumos on the hidden gargoyle.
Go up the bookshelves, there should be a secret room. Open the chest for a
silver card.

You will come to a room with a big crab. Hit him three times to knock him
off. Jump on the platform and step on the footprints to open the way out.
Proceed, defeat the Gnome, Diffindo the web, climb up and in for a chest.

Go out and to the left. Go across and Diffindo the web. Then go up the
stairs. Save.

Continue walking through the door (with spider web), climb up hit the block
until it falls then go back. Flipendo the block to the right.

Climb up the block, hit the spiky bushes, and release the Gnome.

Climb up until you can reach the gargoyle on the left side. Cast Lumos
on it, then on the other side and take the beans and chocolate frog if
you like. Now go back down and harvest the mushrooms, and capture the
Gnome. Pick him up and throw him over the edge toward the other side.
Then go back and climb up and through the window.

Check the surrounding for beans and potion ingredients, cast Lumos on the gargoyle,
and look for a secret hidden chest in nearby wall (in front of the exit). Then exit.

Defeat the tentaculas, spiky bushes, take the items below if you want, then jump to
the opened window.

Follow the path then cast Diffindo on the window. The other area should be open.
But don't be so hasty to enter it. Jump down (be careful, because if its too high,
you'll lose your health) When you go down, avoid the snails, then enter the
opened door below.

Fight the 2 crabs and then 2 snails then open the chest that contains a card.
Go out and enter the window. Save.

Follow the path, look for a shelves with spider web on your left.
Cast Diffindo on it then cast Lumos to gargoyle. Take the chest in hidden room,
then go back, release the other shelves with Spider web then continue your journey.
You'll encounter a crab before you pass this library, so be careful.

Cast Lumos on the gargoyle. Before you go down the secret stairs, look up to
the right and Alohomora the lock to open a secret passage. Go up and around
to behind the gargoyle. Open the chest for a silver card. then go down the
secret stairs.

Now, all you must do is to flip the woods so all are the same colour (red or blue)
This will open rooms up stairs on the left and right sides.
Take the chests on left and right side, then go to the next area.

Remove all ectoplasm, but don't open the chest. It contains Peeves.
Go to the next room.

Cast Lumos on gargoyle to open the secret chest on the left, then keep going on.
Save your game.

Follow the path, remove any spider webs on your way, defeat the pixie, take all
the beans on the right, then go down through the way on the floor.

Jump onto the block then cut the rope.

Work your way to the other side, follow the path to the right, to the area
with a snail and venomous tentaculas but don't jump down yet.

Keep following the path until you can see a rope on the floor. Cut it.
Enter the new opened door, defeat the Bowtuckles, look up and cast
Diffindo on the rope to reveal a chest. Take the wizard card then go back.

If you want, you can go to the secret area with a gargoyle just on the
left side of this room. Cast Lumos on gargoyle, then take the secret
chest across the stream in front of the gargoyle.

Go by the snail around the wall the snail, open the door, and enter it.
Before you reach Goyle at the end, be sure to take all the beans on the
right and the left door.

OK, follow Ron up to the bathroom. There are two caldrons you can get
in the hall outside the bathroom. Once inside the bathroom, there is
a cutscene and you change into Goyle.

=> Polyjuice Potion :

This quest is not timed. I know the book said they had only one hour,
but no such timing here. You turn back into Harry after you meet Malfoy
and then leave the common room. Not before, regardless of how long it
takes to get there. After that you have to run and avoid everyone.
But other than that, take your time and get everything you can.

** NOTE : For more secrets, check the secrets section

After you can control 'Goyle', check out the whole room. grab the chest,
then go Flipendo the toilet for some beans. Now wait for Moaning Mertle
to float by the second door on the left and it will open. Run in, jump
on seat, jump on tank, then jump on the wall. Now walk and hop along
the walls and zap the toilets below for some surprises including spiders,
gnomes, pixies, Flobberworm mucus, Wiggentree Bark, and Beans.

Now go to the dungeons and enter the Slytherin common room.

Follow the path, step on compass on the floor, and keep going.
Flipendo to the armors and the statue here.
A pattern of Flipendo will show up. Stand in the pattern on the
floor, then hit the pattern under the statue.

You will come to a room with a crank held by ropes.
Diffindo the ropes and defeat the gnomes.
Keep going until you reach another compass,
then follow the way to the save game book.

There is a cutscene before you get to a bridge. After the cutscene, turn to
your right and open the pattern on the wall. Now Flipendo the symbol inside
the opening. This reveals a stairs going down on the right. Go down Skurge
as needed. Hit the patterns on the wall to move out blocks outside. Open
chest and go back up.

Now hop across the blocks to the platform and open the chest for a silver card.
Hop back up. Just past the bridge there is a Flipendo
pattern. Hit it to activate the elevator. Hop over and go up.

Remove ectoplasm that covers the Flipendo pattern, then hit the pattern. Cast
Lumos on the gargoyle then jump down.

Step onto the footprint to raise the bridge, go across and take two caldrons.

You will come to a gargoyle. First turn left and defeat all four pixies.
Now go back to the gargoyle. Lumos, then go to your right (ignore cutscene).
Jump up on railing and then to blocks and hop across to a secret room.
Take everything inside.

Now go back to the gargoyle and Lumos again. This time go left and watch
for a block to your left. Hop across and down for another secret room.
Take everything then go back to the gargoyle. Lumos and now go left to
the end of the walk way and into the secret room. And on to the Slithern
Entrance Hall.

In the Slytherin hall, cast Alohomora to the Sun-like painting on the
left and in the middle. Enter, follow the path until you reach the library.

When you enter the library, there's a block (with a ring) in your left side.
Cast Alohomora to it. The shelves should go down. climb up, a secret item will
reveal. Open it then take the bronze card. Go out.
Skip the Witch statue, she only gives you spiders.

Before going anywhere, go to the opposite side, in the room with a fountain and
2 armors. Cast Alohomora to the fountain take the bronze card, then go to
the common room.

Before you enter the common room, turn around and look at the gargoyle.
Alohomora the banners on each side to reveal a room.
Open the chest for a silver card. Now go in the common room.

There's a Flobberworm Mucus and Wiggentree Bark on the tables on the
common room. Take them. Now go to the dorms, and turn right. You'll
meet Malfoy.

After the cutscene, go to the place where you met Malfoy then go up the
stairs and open the chest.

After that, go out the common room. You'll be turned back into Harry.

** NOTE : I found a bug here. If you skip the cutscene, quit the game, then load it,
all you can see is nothing except Harry's health bars. If this happens, there
is no way to continue your game. Play once again from the beginning.
I hope EA Games can fix this bug.

=> Intruder

All you can do is hid behind pillars and stuff, until you are close enough to the
exit. If someone calls for Snape, it's the time to run.
Run, and avoid all students along your way.
Because if you get caught, you have to start over again.
If you just keep running and avoiding everyone, you will make it.

=> Fourth Spell : Spongify :

OK. This is the spell we've been wanting. Those symbols and carpets are all
over the place. So lets go learn it now.

Follow Hermione to Defense Against Dark Art class.
As before follow the pattern and try to get 30 points.

=> Spongify Challenge

Follow the path, defeat 2 gnomes and a wall between
the 2 gnomes holes will open a secret with a gargoyle. Cast Lumos to the gargoyle
then go up again where you found the carpet Spongify the carpet then go up.
Don't proceed yet, look back again where you've been, look up to your left
and you'll find a secret room here.

Jump to the room and you'll get a silver wizard card.
There's another secret room in this room. Look up on your right side and
you'll see an indented block. Cast Alohomora to it.

Find your way up to get beans.
Then jump down and to the landing for your 1st challenge star then move to
the next area. Defeat the gnome and the imp here to open a secret room on
your left side. Open the chest and proceed.

Next area, don't cast Spongify on the first carpet,
look at your left side of the room, there are beans in there, Work your way
up there. Cast Spongify to the carpet to jump to the opposite side. Cast
Alohomora to the wall on your left to get your 2nd star.

Look at the opposite side again, Use the moving platform to work your way
over there to open the chest. Now back to the moving platform and jump
up to get the 3rd star. Proceed then save..

OK, this is quite hard. Defeat three imps and throw them into the hole.
A secret wall will open. Cast Lumos on the gargoyle, and enter the room
behind the chocolate frog. Open the chest for a bronze card.
Go back to the platform you used to get to the gargoyle.
Turn and Flipendo the block as far as it will go.

Spongify the carpet and jump to the block. Climb, Spongify the carpet
and jump to take the 4th challenge star. Turn around and walk off
(if you jump Spongify will knock you back), then proceed to the next room.

This is really hard. since you must deal with 4 crabs at once.
Don't Spongify the carpet yet. Instead, Stun two of the crabs and jump
down. Now defeat all the crabs and put them into the holes on the wall.
A secret room will open. Jump down and take a silver card.
Then Spongify the carpet to throw you up.
Now go back to the Spongify carpet near the entrance then Spongify it.

When you are already up on a wood beam, cast Flipendo to the pattern
behind you. Jump higher to the next beam. Now cast another Flipendo
to the other pattern. Jump up to the next beam and over to the
platform with the 5th challenge Star.

Next cast Skurge to the ectoplasm, go down, and proceed.
Before going down the stairs, turn left and jump through the painting.
Open the chest, then jump back out. Now cast Flipendo to the
upside-down painting on the right side of the wall.
The stairs will move down. Open the chest for a silver card, then proceed.

Take right path, go down and cast Alohomora on the middle part of the
stage, then cast Lumos to the gargoyle, go up again, jump to upper
level, cast Spongify to revealed carpet and Flipindo the block until it falls.
Now use Spongify carpet to throw you to the ledge. Cast Flipendo on the
Flobberworm Mucus and Wiggentree Bark on the either side of the wall then
jump to the left to cast Alohomora to the wall with a mark of lightning.

Go in and take the 6th star and the chocolate frog.
Proceed and don't forget to get the Flobberworm Mucus and Wiggentree Bark.
Go back to the stage.

Move the block until you can move up get the 7th star then save.
Proceed to the next room.

Spongify the carpet then jump to the higher level.
Cast Rictusempra on giant crab just inside to the right,
remove the ectoplasm, and climb up.

If you need some health, there is a room ahead with another crab that
Also contains chocolate frogs

Spongify up and go upstairs, cast Spongify from the carpet,
then jump to the other side & get your 8th star.

In the next area, defeat the pixie, cast Alohomora on the flying Owl
then take the 9th challenge star, and the chest inside the secret
area. Go down where you saw the gargoyle first before saving.
Cast Lumos to the gargoyle a stair will appear on your left side,
go down cast Flipendo carving on the wall on one of the posts, 2
rooms will open. Go inside the 1st room on your right side, cast
Spongify to the carpet to go to the other side. Open chest for a
silver card, then Spongify the carpet to go back across.
Climb your way back up. Spongify to go on up then Save then proceed.

When you are trying to take the chest you'll encounter 2 spiders.
Defeat them, then cast Flipendo on both sides.

Cast Lumos on the gargoyle then continue follow the path.
Enter the room with 2 pixies on the right through the secret area.
Grab the chest, then go back, continue your challenge.
In the next room, jump on the foot print, grab the chest, cast Alohomora
to the pattern on the wall and take the 4 beans, then use Spongify to
throw you to the upper level.

Follow the path, cut the rope, defeat crab and spiders, go up, cross the bridge
to the other side get 10th star. Save.

Jump to the carpet. Use it to get to the other side.
Enter the next room.

Use the last Spongify to the other side.
And before taking the Completion Star, hit the pattern on the upper wall behind
the big star with Flipendo. Use the Spongify pattern here to throw you to back to
the other side. Take the Flobberworm Mucus and Wiggentree Bark here, then jump
across to the other side, and take the chest (you will need a running jump here).

You should see a web and spider below. Zap the spider, then jump on the web.
And in the hole in the wall. Take the chest for a bronze card then go back on
the web. Now Diffindo the web then continue on.

Spongify the carpet, and jump back over to take the Completion Star.

(Thanks to for fixing some stuffs here. NOTE :
Since your mail was truncated, I added the rest of this challenge on my own)

=> Spongify Challenge - 2nd Time

Follow the path, to the Spongify carpet. Hit it and jump up.
Take your 1st challenge star then move to the next area.

Ignore the Gnome, Zap the Imp, Spongify and jump up.

Next area, don't cast Spongify on the first carpet.
Go around to your left side of the room. Work your way up there.
Cast Spongify to the carpet to jump to the opposite side. Cast
Alohomora to the wall on your left to get your 2nd star.

Use the moving platform to work your way up to get the 3rd star.
Proceed then save..

OK, this is quite hard. Zap the three imps.
Flipendo the block over. Go to the platform, and Flipendo the
block as far as it will go.

Spongify the carpet and jump to the block. Climb, Spongify the carpet
and jump to take the 4th challenge star. Turn around and walk off
(if you jump Spongify will knock you back), then proceed to the next room.

Forget the crabs below. Spongify the carpet and jump to the wooden beam.
When you are already up on a wood beam, cast Flipendo to the pattern
behind you. Jump higher to the next beam. Now cast another Flipendo
to the other pattern. Jump up to the next beam and over to the
platform with the 5th challenge Star.

Next cast Skurge to the ectoplasm, go down, and proceed.

Take right path, go down and cast Alohomora on the middle part of the
stage, then cast Lumos to the gargoyle, go up again, Spongify to upper
level, cast Spongify to revealed carpet and Flipindo the block until it falls.
Now use Spongify carpet to throw you to the ledge.
Cast Alohomora to the wall with a mark of lightning.

Go in and take the 6th star and the chocolate frog.
Go back to the stage.
Move the block until you can move up get the 7th star then save.
Proceed to the next room.

Spongify the carpet then jump to the higher level.
Cast Rictusempra on giant crab just inside to the right,
remove the ectoplasm, and climb up.

Spongify up and go upstairs, cast Spongify from the carpet,
then jump to the other side & get your 8th star.

In the next area, defeat the pixie. Spongify your way across
and take your 8th star. Jump down then Save then proceed.

When you are trying to take the chest you'll encounter 2 spiders.
Defeat them, then cast Flipendo on both sides.

Cast Lumos on the gargoyle then continue follow the path.
Defeat 2 pixies on the right and enter the secret area.
Take frogs if needed. Continue your challenge.
In the next room, jump on the foot print, ignore the chest,
ignore Alohomora pattern on the wall, just use Spongify to
throw you to the upper level.

Follow the path, ignore the chest, cut the rope, defeat crab and
spiders, go up, cross the bridge to the other side get 10th star.

Jump to the carpet. Use it to get to the other side.
Enter the next room.

Use the last Spongify to the other side and take the Completion Star.

There will be another weekly House Points.

Before you go to the house points, go play some more Quiddich to get
even more points.

=> House Points Ceremony :

You know what to do. The Spongify carpets give you beans fast!
Your extra points will give you more time.

When you come out of the chamber, Ron will meet you and tell you about Moaning Myrtle.

Before following him, you can use your ability to take items.
There are 2 Spongify patterns outside the castle, another one near the dungeon,
one on the last room of infirmary, one outside the infirmary, inside the room near
secret silver card's room (that Nick showed you), in front of main stair cases in
main hall, the center Spongify carpet on the hall with moving staircases.
And the closet on right just before the writing on the wall

There will be a long cutscene after you meet the Moaning Myrtle. Save the game
then go through the castle entrance to Hagrid's Hut.

=> Forbidden Forest :

This quest is not timed and you do not get house points, so take your time
and try to find everything you can.

There will be a cutscene. After that, take all the beans you find, take the
wizard card if you didn't before, then save. Enter the forbidden forest.

Inside the forbidden forest, after Ron helped you up, cast
Lumos on the gargoyle.

Use the upper Spongify carpet to throw you up.
Defeat the spider, release the log, then use Spongify to move to the
other side. Defeat the Bowtuckles, to release the log, take the chest, then use
Spongify to help you go down.

Go back to the first log. On the side should be a Flipendo Pattern.
Open it to enter the first secret room.

In the next area, cast Diffindo on the giant tentacula then run to the other side
before it awakes.

When you are crossing the bridge you'll fall.
Release the gnomes and let them harvest of the mushrooms.
You can take the beans after the gnomes change the mushrooms.

Save your game then proceed.

Follow the path, remove all spider webs, defeat all spiders, enter the
newly opened room, then go to the next area.

Now you have to use the Spongify magic to jump. Keep following the way
until you reach the entrance of center tree.

From the entrance, jump down, use Spongify to throw you up. Then take
the card on the branch. Jump to the nearby cliff, then use the Spongify
path once again to go to the center tree.

** NOTE : never jump all the way down on the outside of the tree!
It can cause instant death!

Go to the way you passed before onto the next area. Save.

Defeat all the Bowtuckles, cut the rope, go up, cast Flipendo on the
Stalactite (or stalagmite? Whatever). Jump up, take the chest behind
the spider web, go to the last area.

Open the chest contain a gnome and let it eat the mushrooms for you.

Go straight then enter the Aragog's Lair.

=> Aragog's Lair :

After the cutscene, go around the lair (ignore all the spiders, they are
limitless). Ccut all the 'pillar' spider webs. Aragog will drop down,
then you have to face him.

Cast Flipendo only when he rise himself up. It's the only way for you to
hurt him.

After you beat Aragog, there will be another cutscene

=> Final Encounter : path to Chamber of Secrets

Go to the Moaning Myrtle's bathroom to trigger another cutscene.

** NOTE : I ssuggest you not to skip the cutscenes, if you want make an access to
Moaning Myrtle's closet. Look at the mail section for more info.

After that, jump down to the Chamber of Secrets.

Another cutscene will appear, and finally you are on your own in a room
with a lot of ectoplasms.

Take the right path, follow the path until you can jump onto the middle
'elevator'. But don't jump yet. In the room on your right there's a
gargoyle. Hit it with Lumos and go back to the previous room. On your
way down, don't forget to take the beans on the chests. Then use the
elevator again to go down.

At the bottom there is a switch that opens way to the caldrons.

Remove the spider web then jump down. Watch out for the spiders here.
Zap them then take the Flubberworm Mucus and Wiggentree Bark.
Remove the ectoplasm, then continue. Save.

The rocks will fall down when you approaching the chest. Cast
Flipendo to the upper pattern. Take the right path, and follow it.
In a room with moving walls, run to the end. Just stand in the far
end of it (Don't jump down!) then take the right path outside of the
wall and enter another secret room.

Remove the ectoplasm and spider webs that blocking your way, don't
forget to take the chest on the right side. Continue on. Save.

Take the 2 cauldrons then jump down. Take another cauldron and the
chocolate frog, then try to eliminate all pixies before you continue.
These pixies can block your way and make you fall.
Watch out for the crab.

Enter the next room then take the right path. Cast Spongify and
Lumos, then jump to the other side. Jump up, cast Lumos and
Spongify again, jump to the other side, defeat the imps then continue
on. I found that if you can get their attention and then run back
and around the hole, they will just run and fall in the hole.

If you notice, there will be a elevator in the center and a wall the
other side. Cut the rope on the right side, cast Flipendo to the
wall then go down and take the chest. Defeat the crab, then use the
Spongify carpet to throw you to the next room.

This one is hard. You have to defeat the crabs and put two of them
Onto their plates to open the way out. But you have to cast Flipendo
on the pattern first to reveal the plates. The crabs are vicious,
and no matter how many are stunned, when you put one on a plate all
the others wake up and start blasting.

Go to the exit then cast Flipendo to the other pattern on the wall.
Use Spongify carpet below to jump.

Defeat all the imps then throw them into the hole. A gargoyle will
show up. Before using the gargoyle, cast Flipendo on the wall
opposite the gargoyle and then Spongify the carpet below.
This should save some time until you are in the upper level.

Follow the path, jump, then use another Spongify carpet to go up.
Take the items, then continue.

Jump down, cut the ropes on both sides. You'll drop down.
Hit the Flipendo patterns on the floor first, take the chocolate frogs, then
save you game. Continue.

Before enter the next room, try to lure one of the snail to come near
you. Stun him inside and run out. A short cutscreen takes a place.
This should close the door behind trapping the first snail.

Now, before going anywhere, push the other snail into the trap.
Then go to the other side with Spongify pattern.
Hit the pixies above you before you jump, then jump up then cut the rope.
Go to the other side then do the same thing before.

Jump down, and you can go through the way to the next room.
Take the bronze card and proceed.
Take the cauldron then save.

Run from the boulder, Steer with the left and right arrow keys and remove
any branches blocking your way, go to the end then jump down.

Take the Wiggentree Bark and Flobberworm Mucus here then save.

In the next room, you have to cut the rope, use the wood as your bridge
to the other side. Let the bridge swing into the other side and break
the barrier first then jump on and ride across.
(I wonder is there any secret below?)

In the final chamber, avoid the fire (run right after fire blows,
while still red. In cross road take the Wiggenweld Potion's
ingredients on the left then use the cauldron on the right to mix
some potion. Go through the rest of the fire, then save.

This is the final boss.

=> Basilisk

Hold your cast button to make a powerful spell. Hit the snake with it
(the cursor is 'invisible' but you can manage it).

** NOTE : Beware of it's poison. Watch out for it's bites too.

When it's health are gone this is the time for the difficult one.
The snake will show up in 4 holes near Ginny and throw you some poison.
Gather your energy then hit it when it mouth is open.
If you try to hit it before its mouth is open, it will dodge your magic.

** NOTE : Usually, the head moves left, then right, then it opens it's

Use as many potions as you need.
This boss needs a lot of patience and potions.

* Congratulations! * You have just finished the game!
After this, you can go anywhere and do anything you want around Hogwarts.

Why don't you try the Dueling Club and the Quiddich game? You can still re-enter
the spell challenges but you won't get house points as much as the first one.


1. Famous Witch and Wizard Cards :
I never expected to see this many Wizard Cards.
There are so many (101).

There are 3 kinds of cards: Bronze (50), Silver (40), and Gold (11).

Collect 10 Bronze Cards, you'll get permanent additional health
for Harry. You can have up to 5 of these power-ups or 6 lightening

Collect 10 Silver cards and you will get a key to the Gold Card challenge.
You need four keys to open the challenge.

The Gold cards don't have any use, but if you got all the 40 Silver Cards,
go to the secret door Nearly Headless Nick told you to collect the Gold Cards
(those are 11 in total). Then you can see the card in 3D view in the room!

Cards to find :
These are cards that I found:
| Bronze | Silver |
- Whomping Willow | 1 | |
- School Grounds - Night | 3 | 3 |
- Entrance Hall & Corridors | 3 | 8 |
- Grand Staircase | 7 | 5 |
- Rictusempra Challenge | 5 | 4 |
- School Grounds - Day | 2 | 1 |
- Skurge Challenge | 4 | 2 |
- Bicorn Horn Quest | 4 | 2 |
- Diffindo Challenge | 4 | 4 |
- Boomslang Skin Quest | 1 | 1 |
- A Bit Of Goyle Quest | 4 | 2 |
- Slytherin Common Room Quest | 3 | 2 |
- Spongify Challenge | 4 | 4 |
- The Forbidden Forest | 4 | 2 |
- The Chamber Of Secrets - Part I | | |
- The Chamber Of Secrets - Part II | 1 | |
- The Final Battle | | |
- Gold Wizard Card Challenge | | |
Total Found | 50 | 40 |

2. Bean Trading :

You can change your beans with Silver Cards, Bronze Cards, Wiggentree Bark,
Flobberworm Mucus, Nimbus 2001 or Quiddich Armor.

I suggest you to save your beans for items beside Wiggentree Bark and
Flobberworm Mucus since you can found them around Hogwarts.
Silver Cards and Gold Cards are quite rare, so concentrate on these two AND
Quidditch items (if you want)

I'll locate a few students with 'rare items' such as cards and Quidditch

Person | Location | Item to trade | Beans Required |
George | Hogwarts Ground | Quidditch Armor | 500 |
Fred | Hogwarts Ground | Nimbus 2001 | 700 |
Boy | Near the exit of | | |
| Rictusempra Challenge | Silver Card | various |
Girl | In front of witch | | |
| statue | Silver Card | various |
Boy | Behind the witch | | |
| statue | Bronze / Silver Card | various |
Boy | Portrait room with | | |
| moving staircases | Silver Card | various |
Boy | Portrait room with | | |
| moving staircases | Silver / Bronze Card | various |
Girl | In front of Castle | | |
| Entrance | Silver Cards | various |
Boy | Hogwarts Ground | | |
| On right after dragon | Flobberworm Mucus | 50 |
Boy | Portrait room with | | |
| moving staircases | Flobberworm Mucus | 50 |
Boy | Near entrance to | | |
| greenhouses | Bronze Card | various |
Girl | Dungeon outside | | |
| Snape's Classroom | Wiggentree Bark | 70 |
Boy | Dungeon outside | | |
| Snape's Classroom | Flobberworm Mucus | 50 |
Girl | Hogwarts Ground right | | |
| side near symbol | Wiggentree Bark | 70 |

These I can find for now. Tell me if you find any.

TIPS: When you want to trade your beans with cards, don't be so hasty.
Sometimes the person who wants to trade with you can give lower price.
For example:
In my case, (when I trade beans with the boy near Rictusempra
Challenge room with Silver Cards- he offered me 205 - 299 beans.
When the price was too high, I declined the trade, then talked to him
again. I did this many times. Before you do this I suggest you
collect the beans as many as you can. The traders sometimes have
several items to sell. You can get them all at the same price.

3. The Dueling Club

Here are the default controls when you have a duel.
Alt key : cast magic
Space bar : select magic

You cannot use jump on duel.


I have a tip for easy winning. I'll give an example for it.

When the duel starts, don't just stand in the middle. Go the most right
or to the most left, whichever you like. Don't stand too close or too
far from the opponent.

When you are in position, start gathering your power. When the other dueler
starts to move to in front of you, release the magic.
Then go to the other side. You need a perfect timing here so that they
won't be able to reflect your magic.

Another technique is send a spell and gather magic. When they reflect
your spell, side step and just after is passes, step back into its trail
and let another one fly. It seems to catch them off-guard.

There are several tips from other peoples:

- From

Here's a tip for dueling I learnt on my own:
Charge a power full Rictusempra attack, let it go, then wait
until the opponent hits it back (if it doesn't hit him),
then quickly take a step or two to the side, quickly power up
some of the Rictusempra meter, then fire. If timed exactly,
it will hit.

- From

In dueling, use Expelliarmus only. Let your opponent choose
the spell and simply send it back. Sometimes they send it
back, just keep casting. You will get through all the duels
in no time.

4. Quidditch

You can use the arrow keys to control the broom, but I liked the mouse
control better. Use the left mouse button to catch.

When the other seeker is near, click the left mouse button repeatedly
to knock them away.

The faster you catch the snitch, the higher your points will be.

The last match is for the quiddich cup. You will be playing against Slytherin.
This match includes a the scene where Harry and Malfoy race under the structure
around the outside of the field just like in the movie.

5. Secrets

Whomping Willow (2 secrets)
1 - After the chest where Harry gets the chocolate frog, open the crack.
2- When you see the bronze card in front of you cast Alohomora on the alcove
to the right.

Outside at Night(6 secrets)
1- Cast Alohomora on the two banners hanging from the towers to
each side of the gate. This opens a section of the wall next to the chest on
the left. Inside is a chest with a SWC.
2- Spongify to reach BWC and some beans to the left of the main entrance.
3- Far left from main entrance cast Alohomora on pattern on wall.
4- Down the steps to the left of the main entrance.
Alohomora crack and Diffindo vines.
5- Lumos gargoyle in 4 above, then run to far right of castle to find secret opening.
6- Grey square patch on roof during 5 above. Jump to open room in side of castle.

Entrance and Halls (12 secrets)
First Floor & Dungeon
1- Picture just inside corridor to the dueling and Great Hall.
2- Strange window on left as you head to the dungeon. Alohomora window,
Spongify carpet.
3- First passage on right in main dungeon. Skurge blob, Lumos Gargoyle,
Diffindo rope.
4- Further down the main dungeon hall on right. Alohomora window, Lumos
Gargoyle, Skurge blob
5- Potions classroom, Alohomora crack, Skurge blob, step on plate.
Second Floor
6- Top of main stairs, Spongify carpet.
7- Outside house points, Alohomora pattern on wall, Skurge blob, Diffindo web.
8- Alohomora mirror to the left of the armors.
9- Diffindo the web covered mirror to the right of the armors.
10- Alohomora indented brick to the right of the witch. Skurge blobs.
11- Flipendo statue on other side of door to moving stairs. Step on switch.
12- In the Gryffindor Common Room, up the stairs to the balcony. Look up
cast Flipindo, then Diffindo rope.

Moving Stairs (10 secrets)
1- Just inside hall to Gold Card challenge. Spongify carpet.
2- Next floor up, after two jewelry boxes, Alohomora pattern on wall.
3- At far end of hall near where writing appears, Alohomora closet door,
Spongify carpet.
4- Next floor up, just after turn where vase falls and breaks. Alohomora
indented brick.
5- Alohomora a crack in the wall just outside the Defense Against The Dark Arts
6- Flipendo on the carven symbol under the window upstairs from Dumbledore’s desk.
7- Next floor up, Alohomora pattern on wall, Skurge blob, Diffindo rope,
Spongify carpet.
8- Just inside the door from the landing, Alohomora painting to left.
9- Cast Flipendo on all four of the paintings in Infirmary
10- Jump on square on landing above Madame Pomphry’s office.
Spongify carpet below.

Rictusempra Challenge (7 secrets)
1- Alohomora picture of Lockhart on the wall at the top of the stairs after
the gnome.
2- Alohomora Lockhart’s picture above room with two crabs that lower the walls
into steps. Lumos gargoyle to see secret room to the left.
3- After 2, Flipendo symbol after challenge star near exit
4- After the portrait-flipping room, take elevator up. Cast Lumos on
gargoyle, Flipendo glowing wall.
5- Alohomora on the Lockhart portrait just after 4.
6- just before Spiral Ramp room, Flipendo symbol above and right of save game.
7- Spiral Ramp room, Flipendo two crabs into hole, jump in, Alohomora door,
jump thru, jump back to floor below, go up. Alohomora portrait, step on
foot plates.

Outside Daytime (2 secrets)
1- Flipendo pattern above archway on the way to the greenhouse.
2- Diffindo vines past and to the right of Sprout’s class.

Skurge Challenge (7 secrets)
1- Alohomora crack below beam blocked by two blobs.
2- Alohomora dragon after you encounter peeves. Skurge blobs.
3- Lumos the gargoyle again in room with gate and the witch
statue as you go down the stairs. Go left and look for secret on left.
4- Skurge blob covering snail plat and move snail onto plate.
5- Lumos gargoyle, defeat pixie then Alohomora blue picture on right.
6- Skurge blob sticking swinging platforms, Flipendo pattern low on far
side, go back.
7- Before final challenge star, Lumos gargoyle, Alohomora wall, take star,
then final star.

Bicorn Horn Quest (7 secrets)
1- Alohomora strange pattern to right of chest after bridge that floats up
from water flowing.
2- Alohomora the wall opposite the gnome hole and chest just past the
orange snails.
3- Alohomora
4- Alohomora
5- Room with four switches. First red, then red green, purple.
6- Flipendo symbol on side of strange looking wall. Lumos gargoyle
behind strange wall. Enter secret in next room.
7- Cross the moving sections bridge.

Diffindo Challenge (11 secrets)
1- Alohomora Flower door past the first set of vines.
2- In the room with the three orange snails just past 1 above, Flipendo
all four of the carved tiles.
3- Jump down from drawbridge to mushroom field. Enter room but don’t
open chest.
4- Lumos gargoyle and go up stairs and cross bridge held with rope.
Don’t cut rope yet, continue for a star.
5- Diffindo on the rope to drop the bridge. Turn around and go to
right through secret wall.
6- Go upstairs. Flipendo block to fall, go back down and back
across bridge. Flipendo block again.
7- Above the first bowtruckles you fight, Alohomora pattern on wall.
8- After you put snails on plates and open door to house. Alohomora
pattern up on ceiling, Diffindo rope holding up star.
9- Alohomora flower door strait after bridge crank with two ropes.
10- Alohomora flower door after venomous tenaculas.
11- You get trapped with three orange snails (one behind you) put two in
hole, then the third all the way back to the room that you opened
from the crack. Put the snail down the steps and on the plate.

Boomslang Skin Quest (3 secrets)
1- After turning the L-bridge, go into the far room with the next set
of ropes. Flipendo tile on the floor.
2- With #1 above open, cut the ropes, Lumos on the gargoyle. Run across
bridge and into the next corridor. Go in right side for secret.
3- End of ledge around outside of greenhouse, Alohomora pattern on wall.

Bit of Goyle Quest (8 secrets)
1- In the study, climb up chimney, Flipendo loose block to fall, climb
back down, Flipendo block until to the bookcase, Lumos gargoyle.
Climb bookcase. Jump through the open wall.
2- After big crab on footplate. Go in opened way, Diffindo web, climb through.
3- Ramped pathway on right and wall to the left. Diffindo web and go in door.
Climb up and Flipendo block to fall. Climb back down. Flipendo block
to ledge. Climb all the way up and enter the window and go left.
Lumos the gargoyle to secret area in the wall.
4- In the library, Diffindo on the web on bookcase. Lumos the gargoyle.
Defeat pixie, enter secret bookcase
5- After library, Alohomora on the lock up on the right. Climb up and
around to behind the gargoyle.
6- Pits with green goop. Lumos gargoyle, ngo into the wall on the left.
7- Outside, follow the ledge around and to the right. Cast Diffindo
rope in the hole. Go in the opened door Cast Diffindo on rope to
the above.
8- Follow stream to the right. Zap the crab. Lumos on the gargoyle.
Go in glowing place across the stream.

Slythern Quest (8 secrets)
1- After the boy causes the bridge to fall, turn right, Flipendo ring
on wall. Flipendo symbol through hole, go down, Skurge blob, Flipendo
three symbols below, go back up, hop over to chest
2- Gargoyle, green carpet, four pixies. Defeat all the pixies. Lumos
on the gargoyle. Go to the right, over the rail, over and across.
3- Go back, Lumos the gargoyle, go to the left to block and across and down.
4- Go back, Lumos the gargoyle, go to left to end of carpet and through wall.
5- In the library, Flipendo ring on the wall. This will lowers bookcases.
Climb to the highest to open a secret.
6- Go to the opposite side to fountain room with armors. Alohomora fountain.
7- Before you go in Slytherin Common Room turn around and Alohomora the banners
on each side of the dragon
8- After talking to Malfoy, go back to the Boys’ dorm and up the stairs.

Spongify Challenge (16 secrets)
1- When you get to the first Spongify carpet, put the gnomes in their holes.
Lumos gargoyle, Spongify up, jump to new ledge
2- Inside #1, Alohomora the indented brick to the right. Climb and jump up
3- Gnome and imp, stun both and throw into the holes. Opens a wall to the left.
4- From #3, but don’t Spongify. Go left and along ledge, Spongify to the other
end, Alohomora the wall on the left.
5- Three imps and blob. Stun each and put them in the hole. This opens up a
gargoyle Lumos and go behind tall block to secret
6- Defeat four fire crabs. Go down new stirs.
7- After #6, go to portraits. On left is large on with nobody. Jump through.
8- After #7, look on opposite wall and Flipendo upside-down picture to lower
9- After #8, you’ll come to a room with pixies. Go to lower level. Flipendo
pattern on wall. Climb back up. Spongify carpet. Flipendo block to fall.
Spongify carpet, jump to ledge. Alohomora crack.
10- Spongify pillars room and portraits. Alohomora Hedwig. Zap the pixie.
Spongify across to star and then jump to secret
11- From #10, drop down below, Lumos gargoyle. Follow the glowing ledges.
Flipendo pattern on pillar, enter new room, Spongify carpet and jump
to secret.
12- Spider Trap room. Instead of just hitting both Flipendo switches.
Flipendo one and go in. Then Flipendo the other to reveal secret room.
13- After #12, Lumos gargoyle on the left go to the right to the next room
and into the glowing wall.
14- After #13, go to next large room. Jump to footprints. Flipendo pattern
on wall Go behind.
15- Go to end star. Flipendo carving above. Turn around. Spongify across.
16- From #15, jump to chest. Then look down. Zap the spider. Jump down
and go in hole.

Forbidden Forest (4 secrets)
1- Lumos on the gargoyle Spongify (with upper one) to left log.
Zap the spider, release the log, Spongify across, defeat bowtuckles,
release log, take chest, Spongify down, jump back to first log, Flipendo
symbol on bank.
2- Cave full of webs and spiders. Diffindo webs defeat spiders, a section
of the wall will open.
3- Three imps ahead. Jump in water and wade to the source
4- After the log your crossing drops, turn around. Diffindo blockage

Chamber Of Secrets (7 secrets)
1- Go left, Skurge blob, Lumos gargoyle, Skurge blobs Jump to ledge on
left. Skurge next blob, enter lit wall.
2- The walls are closing in. Go to the end but don’t drop down. Turn
right and go around the closing wall to secret room.
3- Fire crab and pixies. Don’t stand on the grate. Flipendo snake
carvings on opposite wall. Wall slides back. Go down on the lift.
Be sure to Diffindo rope on right before you go down.
4- Defeat the imps and throw them in their holes. Wall opens with Gargoyle
5- Go to grate opposite gargoyle. Flipendo switch and Spongify carpet,
but don’t jump yet. Go back Lumos gargoyle then jump.
Go to the walkways. Jump to other side, and then repeat the Flipendo
switch, defeat the pixie, Spongify floor.
6- Room with two snails and trap door. head towards the trap
door. Turn around and look up on the wall behind you.
Flipendo the pattern. Lumos the gargoyle.
Two invisible beams will appear by the trapdoor triggers.
7- Go to left side. Defeat Pixies. Spongify up to beam. Cut rope.
Jump to next beam. Cut rope. Jump down and go to other side and do
the same thing. This lowers the beams in the cent hall with a
bronze card.

Final Battle (0 secrets)
There are no secrets in the Final Battle

Gold Card Challenge (0 secrets)
This challenge doesn’t become available until you have collected all forty of
the Silver Wizard Cards. Head to the moving stairs area and up on floor where
Nick showed you the secret locks. Approach the locked door and you will remove a
lock for every 10 silver cards you have.

The challenge is simple. Best advice is do not waste time on the creatures.
Defeating them doesn’t help you. Plow your way through and you will be fine

6. Gryffindor Challenge Area

You can access this area only if you are activating the debug mode
(look at the cheat section for further information about debug mode)

First things first. After activating the debug mode, press F9 to activate
all spells.

there are two ways to access the Gryffindor Challenge Area :
1. Press F4 to open the level select window.
Choose Ch7Gryffindor_pa.usa then launch it.
2. Just stand in front of the only door (that cannot
be opened) in Gryffindor Common Room, press Del, press the up button until you can
see through the door, then press Del again. You'll access Gryffindor's Challenge Area
(thanks to for this)

** NOTE : There's no time limit here, so don't worry.
There are 9 secret areas, 10 challenge stars,
but there's no Wizard Cards here

OK. Here's the walkthrough :

Take the chests on your left and right side. Jump and take your first
challenge star then continue until you reach the higher area.

See the cauldron here? Behind it there's a secret area. There is another one
inside too. After taking all the beans.

Cut the rope so the bridge falls down, go to the next area.

Work your way into the area full of gnome holes. Cut the rope, jump up, and
take all the beans here. At the end of the path of the beans there should
be a secret Flipendo pattern that will automatically reveal when you come

Jump up again and work your way to the next area, until reach the save point.

In the next room, arrange the blocks so the tallest one in front of the
locked door. Remove the ropes on the side of the door to open it. Take
the star inside this room then cast Alohomora on both sides of the challenge
star that you just took. 2 secret rooms there.

Go back, arrange the blocks again so you can get to the ledge with beans
(not the other one with a challenge star). Jump to the ledge, cast Alohomora
to the wall in front of you. Then make your way up to the most highest part
of this room. There should be another challenge star. After taking all the
beans, jump down, and move the blocks once again so you can get to the
ledge with a challenge star. Take it, cast Alohomora to the door first,
then go down.

In the next room, defeat all the gnomes here then search every area of this
room to find a chest and another challenge star. Go up, to the previous area.

Take the challenge star in front of the portrait, cast Alohomora to the
portrait, cut the rope, then enter the newly opened area. Take the
challenge star in the end, cast Alohomora on both sides, then go back.

Go to your right in the area where you can see the Completion Star. There
are 3 portraits on the wall. Cast Alohomora on the left and right portrait,
then cut the rope to open the last secret area. Jump down, enter the secret
area, take the star and the beans, then go back.

Jump all the way (follow the beans) to get the Completion Star.

That's all!

7. Cheats :

=> Easy Bonus Beans

I got the letter from . I'll just paste it here.

Hiya Danny!
Okay,the only sure fire way to get into the bean room (There is another way
acrodding to my brother,But I've try it,my game was deleted).To make sure you
have enough points to enter(and normally this'll also get you a LONGER time
in the bean room- relearn how to play quidditch.Now each time it's time to go
get to a class,go to the quidditch field.
Be sure how many points you need to tie or get over Slytherins points. Play
the one of the matches until you get to that number. You must win the matches
of course (N2001 and Quidditch armor help a lot). Then go to the class and
try to get all 30 points for the spell. Then go through the Challenge as
quickly as possible,grabbing as many Challenge stars as you can.Ignore
chests, cauldrons (except to make Wiggenweld potions- and secrets as best
you can. The Quid. Matches gets you tied, the spell completion will put
you ahead and the challenges clinches it. From there you know what to do.

=> Super Harry

Hiya Danny,
I came across your Walkthrough for this game when
I got stuck and decided that it was time to cheat. The Walkthrough didn't
help me solve my problem, but I did find it interesting when I played the game

I got stuck twice. The first time I solved by cheating shamelessly, the second
I couldn't solve at all.. I had to quit the game.

First the shameless cheat: I was busily heading towards Aragog's lair with
not very much left in the way of health. I had 43 Bronze cards which gave me
4 health bars, but only one of them was showing any health - and that one was
only 1/2 full. Not a good situation to be in when you have to defeat Bowtuckles
and a giant spider. So I cheated. In the system directory where the game was
installed, I found a file called DefUser.ini. I openend it with Notepad and
had a squiz. The last 3 lines in the file were:


I changed the numbers to


and re-started the game. Later I tried changing them to all 0.0. The effect
was that whenever I got bitten or did something else that I shouldn't have done,
my health bar only dropped a tiny bit. Think of it as armour. Even with all
values set to 0, if you let a Fire Crab blast you repeatedly, your health will
still diminish. Just more slowly than with the stock numbers.

I felt like such an awful schmuck with this artificial armour that I put things
back they way they were supposed to be after I found some frogs and the immediate
health danger was over. But still - I thought you would like to know about
this little nefarious dodge.

The second time I got stuck was when I decided to be greedy. It was right after
I had defeated Aragog and should have been on my way to the Chamber. I decided
to have a look around outside in the grounds. To my delight, all of the chests
had been re-filled and there were a whole bunch more Wizard cards to be found.
I gorged myself on Bertie Bott's Beans and found lots more cards, then headed
back inside. This is where it all turned to custard. While I could open the
front door to Hogwarts, the main entrance was just a blank wall with a picture
of the entanceway on it. Try as I might, I couldn't find a way back inside.
Serves me right for being greedy, but it is surely worth a hint: DON'T GO OUTSIDE
AT NIGHT unless you are supposed to.

Defeating the Basilisk only takes a minute or two if you twiddle the damage
settings - kind of making it too easy.

Just thought you'ld like to know what I found.

Below just a few little 'trick' from me when executing the program:
If you are tired looking at the EA logo and WB logo when starting the program,
all you can do is find game.ini in
...\Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets\system folder then change this




** Note : don't change this when you are executing the program.
Exit the program first, then change it.
I won't responsible if there's something wrong on your game

After applying this codes, maybe you can still view WB logo run in the background.
It's OK. But never click on it. It will crashes your program and you have to restart
the program once again.

=> Debug mode
(from -
** Note : I change some parts of the mail

Find game.ini in system folder and then change:




Now, when you play you can press these buttons:

F4 = choose level.
Delete ghost mode.
(When you press Delete one more time, game will be back to normal.-
PageUP / PageDown = change game speed.
~ = toggle console window.
F6 = full health
F9 = learn all spells

** Note : The delete button is not really for Ghost mode. It's just to
'unlock' your view from Harry. I recommend you not to try this, especially
when learning spells because somehow your point of view will 'broken'
and you cannot return it to normal.

But you can use this mode to enter the Gryffindor secret room without pressing
F4 (look at the Secret Section). Just stand in front of the only door (that cannot
be opened) in Gryffindor Common Room, press Del, press the up button until you can
see through the door, then press Del again. You'll access Grydffindor's Secret room
But before doing it, I suggest you to find


and change bDebugMode=False into bDebugMode=True

Just for incase if there's something wrong happen.
(thanks to for telling me about this)

** Note : Like the first one, there's sound room in HPatCoS Game (press backspace).
But somehow in my case there's nothing inside the window that showed up.

=> Misc useful cheats
(From )
(1) When you press ` in Debug mode a menu comes up.
(2) Then write some of these things in.
(3) set statusitemjelly ncount # (replace the # with a number to get that amount of beans).
(3b) set statusitemflobbermucus ncount # (replace the # with a number to get
that amount of flobberworm mucus).
(3c) set statusitemwiggenbark ncount # (replace the # with a number to get
that amount of Wiggentree Bark).
(3d) set statusitemwiggenwell ncount # (replace the # with a number to get
that amount of Wiggen Well Potion).
(3e) set statusitemgryffindorpts ncount # (replace the # with a number to
get that amount of points)(You can do it with other houses as well).
(3f) quit/exit (quit the game quickly).

8. Frequently Ask Questions :

Several people have had questions:

1- Q: How can I throw the first crab in Rictusempra Challenge in to the platform?
A: Simple. Just knock it with Rictusempra, then hit it with Flipendo to push
it over

2- Q: in the Diffindo Challenge, just after the yard with the Spiky Bushes
and Snails, you go in the house and drop the star.
To your right, there is a gargoyle. What is it for?
A: Nothing. It is just to give you light in the tunnel. You don’t need it.

3- Q: Something's wrong with my game. When I hold the cast button on objects (e.g Fire
Crabs, cauldrons, etc) the pattern of magic didn't show up. What's happen?
A: It's the game's bug. Can be fixed by looking for some other object with different
magic pattern. Reload the game sometimes cannot solve this problem.
If this doesn't work, I think the last thing you can do is play the game from the
all the way from the beginning once again.

4- Q: I can't pass the first Fire Crab in Rictusempra Challenge. The spell somehow
throw the crab to the corner but not into the crest. Can you help me?
A: Well, sometimes this happen. There are 2 ways to solve it. First, don't be rush while
taking the challenge (sometimes this kind of "bug" will occur if you are hasty).
Second, reload the game. If these still not work, the last solution is replay the game
all over again.
Actually there's still one more way to solve it. Try to find any kind of target with
different spell pattern and cast it at them. (But since the there's no other object
beside the first fire Crab in Rictusempra Challenge, you can't do this)

9. Mails :

These are mails that sent to me. Most of them telling me about secrets.
I just paste it here.

1> From
A part you can add is in Myrtles bathroom.
You can go into the bathroom stall that opens as she flies over it.
Left side of room second door, there is a puddle of water on the floor in
front of the door.

You go in and jump on the toilet and then on top of the tank.
Next jump up and you will climb on top of the stall.
All the toilets are accessible from here, jump to each on one side. Shoot out
the toilets and collect your prizes.

To get to the row of stalls across from here jump from the top of the stall
with the puddle of water to the other side. All these have prizes too, beans,
trolls, fairies etc...

Now I think there may be another secret here at the back of the bathroom.
On the wall is a silver hanging, looks kind of like a mirror. I threw a troll
through it and the troll disappeared. I did this at the end of the game during
Harry's Last Try. I am not sure if this was a glitch or not but
it seems odd.

2> From and
I know where the missing Challenge star is in the Skurge Challenge.
As you approch the end near the peeves box(hall before it- there should be
a gargoyle, cast lumos then jump on the block that appears by the
stairs then cast Alohomora at the top of the wall,
walk in and collect the last star.

** NOTE : There are several people sent mails and told me about this. but since these
are the first one, I'll just put this here. Sorry.
*Both letters use different explanation, but I used

3> From
The gold wizard cards dont really have a use but when you gat all the silver
cards and you open the locked door, run through and you will see blue curtains
along a wall with a wizard card symbol on them in gold. You keep going and
there will be an entrance to a door and you will see a timer appear. You can
really only do the gold wizard card challenge if you know all the spells for
all of them are used with in the challenge.

4> From
Bicorn Horn: answer to your gargoyle question: the gargoyle lights up a ledge in
the other room- this gives you access to the cauldron.

5> From
In order to get any gold cards, you must get ALL the silver cards. This unlocks
a special area where you go through a "gold card challenge" You play through this
challenge and collect the special gold cards. There are 11 in all and they appear
in a special room in 3D! Of course the 11'th card is Harry potter. To get all
the silver cards make sure you buy all the silver cards you can. It helps to
develope your dueling skills untill you can beat Peter fairly consistantly.

** NOTE : I missed some letters in 11/25/2002 by accident
including tips from Nathan (forgot his email address)

6> From
After you finish the game, go to duel with the children who are next to the
great hall. It is best to duel with the one that gives you 200 points, but it
is also the hardest one (Train and you should have no difficulty). Then when you
get a lot of beans, go outside the castle, and talk to the girl you see just
outside. She will have silver wizard cards. (About 270 beans per one). Get as
many as you can but if you still have to get more beans to reach 40 silver
wizard cards, make sure you leave around 210 beans so you can go again and duel.

When you get 40 silver cards enter the secret room, and enter through the door
in the secret room. You will be timed. Try to be quick and get all the gold
wizard cards you can. It isn't so hard. If time passes and you still have
some more cards to get, re-enter through the door. The gold wizard cards
will be shown in the secret room, and of course, the last one is Harry Potter.

** NOTE : I'll add something here about trading beans with Silver Cards.
I think the boy who stand near the Rictusempra Challenge is the only
one who can trade cards with lowest sum of beans. I myself ever got
205 - 299 beans. About how to trade, please look at bean trading

7> From
There are two Silver Wizard cards, in the Gryffindor common Room, not one.
The first card is in the chest is SWC & beans, "in the common Room" which I got
before the Rictusempra challenge.

The Second One is , (this is my walk through- after you do the Diffindo Challenge,
and when you have to time do this, go to the common room, I did it right after
the challenge, you will see an other set of stairs, go up the stairs, walk over
to the landing (where you can look down at the room), now look up to the ceiling
there a block that does NOT look like the others, cast Flipendo on it, the side
of the wall of the staircase will open, you will see it because it is right next
to you, you will see a rope, cast Diffendo on it, this will open a section of a
wall under the staircase, (walk back down stairs & and under the stairs), there
you will see a chest with the SWC and beans, this is also one of the 12 secrets
in the Entrance hall and corridors section.

8> From
In slytherin common room..When the effect of the polyjuice potion doesn't work
anymore and you have to run without anyone see you.. I think it's easier if
you go through that secret area.. after the cutscene and when you have
Harry's control again..go to your right.. enter the library and cast Alohamora
on the wall to go back through the secret area with makes your path much easier

9> From
Okay,There isn't anything I can help you when the Basilisk is in Salazaars
mouth (Though I've noticed that if you hit the Basilisks head after he trys to
bite you and is stunned,it seems to do a little more damage.This could just
be me- but when he starts popping up from the floor I've found a way to have
better aim at him and makes it so that sometimes you hit him before he
dodges.Okay just go up near one of the grates he pops out of and start
charging the sword.He will 9 times out of 10 appear right in the hole right
in front of you(the one your near,the other 1 out of ten he just won't bother
popping up until you back away).You can release it just as he pops out,gives
you a 75% of hitting him and 25% of him dodging or you can wait for him to
open his mouth and start spewing poison to attack.The first option means he
still has a chance to dodge and if you hit him you could still damage while
the other you are practically guarentted to hit him,but you'll probably take
.more damage than the other option or staying back. Hope you like

10> From
I have read your walkthrough for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and found it
very useful in completing the game. But one new thing I found that after you set the
bDebugMode=True in Game.ini file then you can use Delete Button to separate yourself
from Harry's view.And when you again press delete on some other location in game then you
will find that Harry id placed at that place.

So for anyone who wants to finish the game quickly can use this cheat to quickly finish
the game.They can use this trick while taking any challenges and after reaching to the
main Star they can press delete key and finish the challenge very quickly.Like wise after
pressing delete key they can move in any direction and in all 3D environment. They can
press up arrow key and from top see all the rooms in the fame.And can directly land into
secret areas of the game.I found this very useful to finish off the game in 8 hours.

11> From
Well, thats not the only use of the cheat, what you can do with it is, even if you don't
have all the cards you need for the Gold Wizard Challenge, you can still go to the Grand
Staircase go to the entrance of the Gold Wizard Challenge (first floor), and aim your
wand into the door (which is supposed to be locked, then press delete, press the forward
button and move in....)

12> From
If you turn on Debug Mode, during the game, go to the grand staircase room
and press DELETE. you'll go inside a type of ghost mode. While youre in
ghost mode go the entrance of the grand staircase room and go through the
door and you can see all the characters in the game. NOTE:none of them can
talk except Filch. Also, when you go to the slytherin common room, use ghost
mode and go to the GIRLS dormitory. Then, you can get PAST the girls and go
up the stairs. Note: there's nothing up there. YOU CAN GO TO DIAGON ALLEY if
you use level select. Press F4 and scroll down until you something called
privet drive. Highlight it and press launch. You'll be in DIAGON ALLEY. You
have close the level select window then press Esc. Wait for a moment and you
can go wherever you want. If you want to meet Lucius Malfoy you have to into
the bookstore and you'll just have to look around.


13> From


I shall give my gratitude to :
- Mrs J.K. Rowling for all of her hard works
- Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson: your second movie is great!
- To Richard -Albus Dumbledore- Harris, we will miss you, Professor.
- EA Games. They really did a great job. I hope they will make the third one.
- My editor : Alan Thorne of Salome, AZ .
what can I do without you? I owe you so much.
- My friends that support me.

If you have any problems, tips, cheats, or you notice something I don't
and know how to solve it, please mail me at: dannydjk@yahoo.com
You'll get full credit.

** NOTE : You can send me mail using Indonesian. Why? Because I'm an Indonesian.
But I won't reject any mails in English.

Thanks for reading my walkthrough.

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17.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013

10.Октябрь 2008
Walkthrough, Lost Items & Hints, Card List

17.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
25.Июнь 2019