Grandia 2

Grandia 2

17.10.2013 03:14:44
Walkthrough/FAQ by

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- GameArts
- UbiSoft

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Game: Grandia II (English release)
Players: 1
Genre: RPG
Platform: Personal Computer (PC)
FAQ: Complete Walkthrough/FAQ
Format: Plain Text, Courier New (Size: 10), 79 characters per line.
Author: KingK
E-mail: kamangren(at)yahoo(dot)com
Version: FINAL+ (2004-01-07)



I. Revision History

II. Introduction

III. Game Tutorial

IV. Walkthrough

V. Complete Item List


VII. Credits


I. Revision History

- Version 1.0 (2002-08-25): Wrote the FAQ (finally) finished all lists.

- Version 2.0 (2003-01-05): Added the FAQ section and corrected some minor
grammatical errors. Also added some small things
here and there.

- Version Final (2003-03-22): Added the missing second items for Valmar Fly
and Devil from Morraen, Over Fiend and Chen

Well, this is the final version of my FAQ. I
probably won't be updating it any time soon
unless someone will submit me a completely
unexpected information like: 'You can use
Carro in combat!!!'O_o. I believe that the
guide covers pretty much everything in the
game. So I'll see you in my next FAQ! <:E

- Version Final+ (2004-01-07): Well that 'probably' did not happen. ^_^ As
this is the Final+ version. As always
contributions came after the final version
thus forcing me to update the Final version.

Nothing changed that big. Corrected question 7
in the FAQ section. Thanks to all of you who
mailed me about it. Fixed an error on Melfices
regenerator for the Dreamcast version. Deleted
some of my useless ranting, added some more
questions to the FAQ section... fixed the item
listing tables to look nicer. Changed the ASCII
logo. Did some serious layout changes.

Rest assured that I will never update this FAQ
again. If you have something to contribute then
sorry but you'll have to send it to someone
else. Same goes for small questions, everything
I know about Grandia II is in my guide. If you
can't find what you're looking for then I don't
know, check other FAQs, visit the Message

II. Introduction



Welcome to my Grandia II FAQ for the PC. As soon as this game was released on
PC I've decided to write FAQ for a grand sequel to a grand game. I hope you
like it, but most importantly I hope it will help you.

Grandia II was originally released on the Dreamcast. Four months after its
Japanese release, Grandia II was available in North America thanks to Ubi Soft.
The voice acting team was the same in the Metal Gear Solid. Most importantly
after a huge seccess of the original, which became classic, everyone expected
no less from Grandia II. Even though it's not a direct sequel. Did Grandia II
became classic? Hard to say, probably not. Although it was released on the DC,
PC and PS2. Grandia II is a great game but in my personal opinion Grandia I was
better. Estimated retail price was $40 for this game.

If you liked my FAQ then please rate it. To check my other FAQs on GameFaqs
follow this link:


This FAQ is my property and is protected by copyright and other intellectual
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have any other rights, express or implied, in the FAQ other than those
specified in this Disclaimer. You shouldn't remove anything from this FAQ. You
strictly are not allowed to sell or rent it. Don't edit, plagiarize, transform
or translate this FAQ into other languages, convert into .HTML .DOC or any
other format except .TXT. You cannot execute nothing of the above except and
only to the extent that it is expressly permitted by myself. In no event shall
I be liable for any damage consisting of direct, indirect, special, incidental,
consequential or any kind of physical or mental harm arising from the use of or
inability to use my FAQ.

All of the names, items, characters and all other parts of these games are
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will burn in hell. Period.

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Don't swear or send rude or offensive e-mails, don't send hate mails, flames
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I will only accept/reply letters in ENGLISH, RUSSIAN and LITHUANIAN.

Like my FAQ? Rate it! To check my other work on GameFaqs follow this URL:

WARNING: This FAQ has spoilers. Don't read further if you don't want to get
spoiled. That's your warning. Don't blame me if you get spoiled!

III. Game Tutorial

There are two kinds of Tutorial in my guide: Quick Tutorial and Game Tutorial.
You'll find Quick Tutorial throughout the guide and it will contain some useful
tips and hints. And Game Tutorial is the in-game Tutorial that you'll find it
in every general store. Miscellaneous Tutorial was written by me and it
contains some information that you won't find in the in-game Tutorial. So if
you have experience with Grandia then you should skip this section and go
straight for the Walkthrough, because you'll just fly through the game system.

Miscellaneous Tutorial

- LEVELS ARE IMPORTANT! They are. Try to follow my level advices or try to get
a high levels by yourself. You have to understand that with high levels all
(most) of the Bosses are an easy kill, plus when you train your characters
for levels you also gain SC, MC and G which are vital for move and magic
learning and for buying things because prices in later shops are quite high.

- Normal Battle - If Ryudo encounters enemy while it's red (it saw you) then it
will be a normal battle.

- You have the Initiative - If Ryudo encounters enemy while it's not red (it
can't see you) then you'll have the initiative. Always aim for initiative.

- You were surprised - If the enemy is red (it saw you) and encountered someone
besides Ryudo while you were fleeing, then it's a surprise encounter.

- If you are about to loose to an enemy you can't defeat then choose [Escape]
and you'll flee like a rabbit. You can escape from every battle except, of
course, the Boss battles.

- Millenia acts different in battle. See those colors on her picture during the
fight? That's how she's feeling. The color depends on various aspects during
battle. When she's feeling fine there will be nothing there. If she gets
excited then it's green. When starts getting annoyed its light green and
yellow. Orange is when she feels angry. Moreover, when it's Red she's in
Rage. When she's in Rage two things will happens, Berserk + Haste which
Means that her IP starts moving faster and you'll lose control over her.
She'll use Taint of Wind and then her most powerful moves and spells while
she has the SP and MP for that.

- After you kill a monster you can get 1 of 2 items for it. One is normal
item and the other is the rear. Chances to get the rear item are small but
most of the time the rear items will be more valuable. You can find the
list of all monster items in this FAQ.

- Abnormal Stats are abnormalities caused by magic or special attacks. They
include the following:

[Poison]: Poisoned target gradually loses HP.
[Magic cure]: Cure
[Item cure]: Antidote, Poison Antidote, Purifying Herb, Fresh Sandwich,

[Sleep]: Target is asleep and can't do anything, awakens if attacked.
[Magic cure]: None
[Item cure]: Eye Drops, Torte's Reedpipe, Panacea

[Paralyze]: Paralyzed target is stunned and can't take action for some time.
[Magic cure]: Cure
[Item cure]: Paralysis Salve, Fresh Sandwich, Paralysis Salve, Purifying
Herb, Panacea

[Confusion]: Confused target attacks random targets on the battle screen even
[Magic cure]: None
[Item cure]: Smelling Salts, Panacea, Oracle's Staff (weapon)

[Plague]: Pagued target gradually loses a lot HP and gains various status
disorders. Also decreases stats. Effect carry's over to the next
battle if not cured.
[Magic cure]: None
[Item cure]: Vaccine, Caterpillar Soup, Panacea

[Magic block]: Magic blocked target can't use any Magic Spells.
[Magic cure]: Refresh
[Item cure]: Magic Blessing, Blessing Scroll, Panacea

[Move block]: Move blocked target can't use any Moves.
[Magic cure]: Refresh
[Item cure]: Move Blessing, Blessing Scroll, Panacea

[Death]: Character can't do anything nor anything affects the character until
the revival.
[Magic cure]: Resurrect, Droplets of Life (Move)
[Item cure]: Yomi's Elixir, Miracle Elixir, Hero's Elixir

Beginning Tutorial


There are two kinds of attacks you can use at any time: Combo and Critical. The
Combo is a pretty ordinary attack, good for inflicting a lot of damage on the
enemy. It is a combination of several attacks in succession, so you can cause
extra damage. The Critical attack causes less damage than the Combo, but it can
Cancel enemy attacks. Here, Cancel means to halt an enemy attack or magic spell
and cut an enemy's IP. If you hit with a Critical attack while the enemy's icon
is between COM and ACT, the enemy's attack can be canceled. You can also cancel
enemy moves and magic. Cancel effects all enemies.

The order in which commands are entered and take effect is determined by IP
(initiative points). The IP gauge also shows you the current status of action
for each character. When a party member's icon comes to the COM position on the
IP gauge, you can enter a command and when the icon comes to the ACT position,
the command takes effect.

A victory in combat earns you gold (G) and experience (EXP) points along with
'skill coins'. There are two kinds of skill coins: 'Special Coins' (SC) and
'Magic Coins' (MC).

Intermediate Tutorial

Moves (Special Abilities)

Moves are special abilities that each individual character possesses. Some
moves attack the enemy and some restore the health of your party. Using a move
consumes a number of SP (Special Points). To learn new moves and power-up the
moves you already have, you need SC (Special Coins).

Each party member can learn a certain number of moves. Moves are more powerful
than Combo or Critical, but they use up SP. You can't use a move without enough
SP. Staying at an Inn restores all SP, but using Combo and Critical also
restores a little of your SP. Getting hit by an enemy attack also restores SP.

You cannot learn new moves simply by earning Experience Points (EXP) in battle.
You can only learn moves by using Special Coins (SC) earned in battle on
[Learn Moves] screen. Select [Power Up] command then [Learn Moves] from the
learning categories, select the character you want. Select a move not yet
learned to learn it. You may not know exactly what the move does until you
learn it. But the help messages at the bottom serves as a guide for selecting
moves. Be careful, because different moves require different numbers of SC to
learn them. Moves you have just learned take a long time to execute. You can
use Special Coins (SC) to raise the acting speed of the moves you have learned.
This is how you 'power-up' moves. To power-up moves, use Special Coins (SC) on
[Learn Moves] screen on the moves you have already learned. As the move levels
go up, the acting speed goes up and so does its power, but Special Coins (SC)
required also increases. Level 5 is the maximum level of each move.


Magic can be used to attack the enemy or restore the HP of friends. To use
magic, naturally you need MP (Magic Points), but a party character must be also
equipped with a Mana Egg in advance. Magic is contained in Mana Eggs, so magic
can only be used after a character is equipped with a Mana Egg. To learn new
magic spells or power-up existing spells, you need MC (Magic Coins), MC are
used not on the individual party member, but on the Mana Egg. Mana Eggs are
equipped on [Equip Menu] like weapons and armor. This means that each
individual party member can be equipped with only one Mana Egg at a time.

When you want to use magic, use the Move/Magic command. Using magic depletes
MP. You cannot use magic without enough MP. MP can be restored by staying at an
Inn. The magic spells that can be used are different depending on the Mana Egg.
By equipping a party member with a different Mana Egg, the same character can
then use different magic spells. Mana Eggs can be switched not only in the
field but in battle also. Some magic is more effective on certain monsters.

You can only learn magic by using Magic Coins (MC) earned in battle on
[Learn Magic] screen. The number of Magic Coins (MC) required to learn a magic
spell is displayed for items not yet learned. You may not know exactly what the
magic spell does until you learn it. But the help messages at the bottom serve
as a guide for selecting magic. Magic you have just learned takes a long time
to act, but you can use Magic Coins (MC) to raise the acting speed of the magic
you have learned. This is how you 'power-up' magic.

To power-up magic, from [Learn Magic] screen, use Magic Coins (MC) on the magic
spells you have already learned. As the level of the magic spells go up, the
level of the Mana Egg also goes up. Once a Mana Egg gets up a level, you can
then learn even more powerful new spells.

Advanced Tutorial


Skills help increase the abilities of party members separate from going up
Experience levels. Equipping a party character with a skill can raise the
character's HP, MP, STR (Strength) or MAG (Magic) parameters. Skills are
'written' in Skill Books so you must first obtain a Skill Book before you can
acquire skills. For skills, 'Power Up' means to use Special Coins (SC) or Magic
Coins (MC) to 'read' a Skill Book and learn a skill. Any party member can be
equipped with the skill thus learned, so the skills are a sort of 'knowledge'
shared by members.

A Skill Book is needed to use skills. Skills are broadly divided into move-type
skills and magic-type skills. SC are needed to learn move-type skills and MC
are needed to learn magic-type skills. You may not know exactly what the skill
does until you learn it. The help messages at the bottom serve as a guide for
selecting skills.

Like moves and magic, skills can also be 'powered-up'. To power-up skills, use
coins on [Learn Skills] screen on the skills you have already learned. As when
they are learned, SC are needed to power-up move-type skills and MC are for
magi-type skills. AS the level go up, new skills may be added into the same
Skill Book.

You can only use skills after you Equip individual party members with them.
Equipping skills is performed with the [Skill Equip] command. Each party member
can be equipped with a different number of skills. He or she can be equipped
with more than one skill up to their maximum number of skills. The number of
skills a character can be equipped increases as their experience point level
goes up. If one party member is already equipped with a skill, other members
cannot be equipped with that skill. To equip another party character with that
skill, you must either use 'Remove' or learn the same skill from another Skill


Counter, Defend and Evade are slightly more advanced tactics:

Counter - A 'counter' is when your attack hits just before an enemy attack. If
your attack hits just when your enemy's icon on the IP gauge reaches ACT, a
Counter results. If a Counter hits, additional damage is inflicted. You can
score a Counter not only with a Combo but also with Critical attacks, moves
and magic too. But if your Counter timing is off, you may suffer additional
damage yourself. If you are aiming to score a Counter, you need to think about
the distance to the enemy, and the time it takes from when the party member is
poised to attack until the attack hits. When aiming to score a Counter watch
the progress of the IP gauge. Aim for the space between COM and ACT. If a
Counter doesn't seem possible, you might try to bide your time with a Defend or

Defend - Defend is a method of reducing the damage from enemy attacks. When you
select Defend, the party member takes a defensive stance for a fixed length of
time. Defend can also reduce the chances of status changes. Furthermore, more
SP is recovered when you are attacked while Defending than when you are not

Evade - Use Evade to move to another location to keep an enemy attack from
hitting. You can move to the selected evasion point to try to evade an attack.
Evade is effective in escaping from normal attacks and range attacks, but if
the evading party member is 'target' of a special attack or magic attack, it
cannot be evaded. Party members do sometimes avoid normal enemy attacks on
their own. Evade increases the chances of this happening.

Treasure Icon

The Treasure Icon (yellow bells) indicates the rough probability of that
monster dropping a good item. Treasure Icons sometimes appear in a window. When
Treasure Icon appear, there is a good chance that the monster will drop an item
when slain. The more Treasure Icons that appear, the better the chance of a
good item. But even if there is no icon, the chances of a good item are still
not zero.

IV. Walkthrough

- Ryudo -

Ryudo is a young Geohound who travels the land with his best and only friend
Skye. He has been trained swordplay in his home village Garlan. He's wearing a
mask of 'whatever' attitude and never trusts anybody besides himself and Skye.
He also doesn't care about nothing except for a job-well-done and a payment for
it. His heart is full of pain, pain of memories about his tragic past which he
only desires to forget. However, his easygoing life as well as his hidden pain
go upside-down when he meets a young Songstress of Granas...

- Special Moves -

_______________________ __________ _______ ____________________________________
_______________________ __________ _______ ____________________________________

Tenseiken Slash 24 One Upward slash from below Cancel
Flying Tenseiken 40 One Uppercut slash with Skye's help
Purple Lightning 32 One Deadly slash with a lightning-lit
lit sword
Sky Dragon Slash* 99 All The ultimate esoteric deadly slash

* You'll get this move after the death of Melfice.

_______________________ __________ _______ ____________________________________



Items: 1 Wound Salve
1 Poison Antidote
Enemies: Mottled Spider
HP - 250
SC - 15
MC - 5
EXP- 8
Drop items - Medicinal Herb or Slowpoke Nut or 2G
Special attacks - Web Trap (move -1, one)
Shops: None

As soon as you get control of Ryudo do what a respected RPG player should do
before venturing into unknown, check the MENU SCREEN and get used to the
controls. Now you're ready to head to the pond to collect Wound Salve and
Poison Antidote hidden behind the bushes. Continue down the path until you come
across ladders and the SAVE POINT use it. Notice the blue arrow pointing up.


== also the only point in the game where you can save your progress. Unlike
Grandia I here SAVE POINTS won't give you useful hints.


After your first ladders, you'll find your first treasure. Get the Blizzard
Charm. Go down the ladder and encounter your first enemy in Grandia II the
mottled spider. Spider is an easy foe just kill him with your combo. And his
skill web trap that does -1 move is nothing to worry about. Open yet another
TREASURE CHEST to find Wound Salve, Hand Grenade and Yomi's Elixir. There is
nothing else to do here so continue to Carbo Village.


Items: None
Enemies: None
Falx - 500G
Shamshir - 620G
Cuir Bouilli - 500G
Leather Armor - 750G
Climbing Boots - 200G
Heavy Stone - 120G
Medicinal Herb - 10G

Wound Salve - 24G
Poison Antidote - 14G
Paralysis Salve - 14G
Eye Drops - 14G
Mushroom Cloud - 20G
Goblin Toadstool - 30G

As you enter the village you'll see conversation between the Granas sisters.
They are talking about some ceremony and that they have hired bodyguard (that's
you) for Elena. After they retire a man tells you about preparations for the
ceremony to 'Drive away the Evil Spirits'(God bless Granas Church!). After that
it's all up to you to explore the village. Talk to the townsfolk and visit the
shop (if you have the money that is). After that there is nothing much to do so
prepare yourself and walk straight into the church.

As you walk up to the church you'll hear a song. Who could it be? Well it's
none other than Songstress Elena herself singing. Unable to resist the song
Ryudo decides to check things out from the inside.

In the church Elena is still singing and then Ryudo abruptly interrupts her.
She freaks out at the site of lowly Geohound and asks Ryudo to leave. Before
things could get hot Carius enters calms Elena and sends her away to prepare
for the trip. He then asks you to wait him at the inn. So that's what you
should do.

Exit the church and enter the inn. At the inn choose 'The priest told me to
wait here...'. When Carius arrives he will tell you about the ceremony in
Garmia Tower. He explains he needs a bodyguard for one sister. Carius suggests
you prepare yourself and come to the church, however as you are already
prepared just go strait to the church. You meet Carius and Elena at the front
of the church. Elena of course is not happy about the company of filthy
Geohound but Carius convinces her so she joins the party.

She isn't actually in your party, just for the looks. You are her bodyguard so
you'll have to do all the killing by yourself. Exit the village and enter the
World Map.

- Elena -

Elena is a young songstress in Carbo village. She has a kind heart and is very
naive. She has spent all her life singing and helping Carius in a local church.
She loves everybody and everything but most of all Granas, and she's ready to
give up her personal life just to follow the will of Granas. She is in a
constant fear of loosing herself. She always has to fight the Dark curse that
is lurking in her pure soul. She soon finds comfort she needs in a young
Geohound named Ryudo...

- Special Moves -

_______________________ __________ _______ ____________________________________
_______________________ __________ _______ ____________________________________

Impact Bomb 25 One Ball of light pounds enemy Cancel
Nightmare Ball 18 Some Bubbles from staff put enemy to
Droplets of Life* 90 All Water of life restores all
White Apocalypse 80 All Intense light reduces enemy to dust

* This move is life itself. It has a unique ability to heal all the party
to max, cure all abnormalities and also it can REVIVE ALL DEAD characters.
This skill should be maxed out ASAP. Use it as a last resort only.
_______________________ __________ _______ ____________________________________


== the place you want or need to go and then press Action. The places where you
can or have to go are in white, while the places that are closed are in gray.
In Grandia exploration of the World Map is extremely limited because of
specific World Map. You can't go where you want and visit the places you want
so most of the time you'll have to go just where you need to.


Select The Black Forest 1 because that's where you'll need to go.



Items: 1 Medicinal Herb
Enemies: 2 Dodo
HP - 230
SC - 20
MC - 16
EXP - 12
Drop items - Medical Herb or Healing Herb or 7G
Special attacks - None
Shops: None

Go down the path and pick up Medicinal Herb continue walking until you get
attacked by 2 Dodos. Again, not much of an enemy just use combos on them and
heal if you must. After the fight continue to the Black Forest 2.


Items: 50G
1 Myriad Power Nut
Enemies: 2 Dodo
HP - 230
SC - 20
MC - 16
EXP - 12
Drop items - Medical Herb or Healing Herb or 14G
Special attacks - None
Shops: None

Again 2 Dodos will attack you. Kill them quick and with no suffering. It
doesn't matter which road you take but be sure to collect 2 items on both sides
of the road. On the left 50G and right Myriad Power Nut. Leave the forest go to
World Map and enter the Garmia Tower.

When you arrive all the sisters enter the Tower to perform their ceremony. And
you are left outside to wait until their done. But something goes wrong and
Ryudo decides to check things out. Prepare yourself for the tower.



Items: 1 Hand Grenade
1 Wound Salve
1 Wind Charm
Enemies: Mottled Spider
HP - 250
SC - 15
MC - 5
EXP - 8
Drop items - Medicinal Herb or Slowpoke Nut or 2G
Special attacks - Web Trap (move -1, one)
Shops: None

Enter the Tower and save your progress without hesitation. Make your way
through those pesky spiders and go get Hand Grenade. Then collect Wound Salve.
Now go further and take the Wind Charm. After you've killed the last spider and
collected all 3 items make your way to the second floor.


Items: 50G
Enemies: None
Shops: None

Go through the only path you have, pick up 50G and head up to the 3 floor.


Items: 150G
1 Wound Salve
Enemies: Gargoyle
HP - 380
SC - 54
MC - 21
EXP - 18
Drop items - Holy Ashes or Sword of Purity or 12G
Special attacks - Howl (damage depends on hits, one)

Mottled Spider
HP - 250
SC - 15
MC - 5
EXP - 8
Drop items - Medicinal or Herb Slowpoke Nut or 2G
Special attacks - Web Trap (move -1, one)

Go trough the path that is open to you. Enter the room with the broken Gargoyle
statues and encounter your first Gargoyle. Gargoyle is a fairly easy enemy if
you're careful. Easy to kill one but watch out when there's 2 or more, because
they have a special attack called Howl, more hits it does more damage so watch
it! If you see them casting it use Critical and don't forget to heal.

After the fight you'll notice treasure lying but you can't take it yet so go
through a couple of Gargoyles and spiders and take that treasure that you
couldn't get before 150G. Reach the SAVE POINT recover, save. Don't go up yet
take a moment go through the other way to get Wound Salve. And this floor is
done, so save again head up to the top floor of the Tower and prepare for a
Mini Boss battle.


Items: None
Enemies: 2 Gargoyles
Shops: None


Boss: 2 Gargoyles
HP - 380
SC - 54
MC - 21
EXP - 18
Drop items - Holy Ashes or Sword of Purity or 12G
Special attacks - Howl (damage depends on number of hits, one)
Shops: None

Quickly attack a couple of times the first Gargoyle with combo until he's dead
or nearly dead. After that they'll start using Howl. Be careful don't let them
both cast it let 1 Gargoyle use Howl and finish the other one with Critical.
After that the 1 that's left should be an easy kill.

After the fight Ryudo checks half-dead Tessa lying on the floor. She tells you
that the ceremony went wrong and that you should save Elena. Then she's dead
meat. Try to go through the only door but it won't budge so Skye will try to
look for another way. He then points you the window. See the ! mark? Press


(!) Action Mark. Press an action button to trigger an event like climbing a
ladder or breaking a window.


Ryudo then smashes the window with his blade and jumps through it. In the next
room he discovers strange Darkness and Elena floating with Dark wings attached
to her. After Ryudo snaps out his flashback memories, he rushes to save Elena.
They escape the Tower by rope into the woods. And the Tower is covered by the

In the woods when Elena regains consciousness she feels depressed and wants to
die. All her friends are dead and she believes that they have already lost to
Valmar. But Geohound Ryudo the cold, unfeeling brute convinces her that she
can't bring anyone back from the dead and that they have to go back to the

CARBO VILLAGE (second visit)

Items: 1 Gold Statue
Enemies: Millenia
SC - None
MC - None
EXP - None
Drop items - None
Special attacks - Zap! (Lightning attack, some)
Burn! (Fire attack, one)
Stram! (ATK -2, one)
Falx - 500G
Shamshir - 620G
Cuir Bouilli - 500G
Leather Armor - 750G
Climbing Boots - 200G
Heavy Stone - 120G
Medicinal Herb - 10G
Wound Salve - 24G
Poison Antidote - 14G
Paralysis Salve - 14G
Eye Drops - 14G
Mushroom Cloud - 20G
Goblin Toadstool - 30G

Enter the village. Everything looks calm nothing new or out of the ordinary.
It's evening so all the doors are closed and everyone is sleeping. Save and
visit the shop. Nothing to do so just escort Elena back to the church. At the
entrance Carius is already waiting for you. Ryudo, Elena and Carius proceed to
the inside of the church to have conversation there. Ryudo briefly explains
what happened. Carius then sends Elena to rest and explains Ryudo what really
happened in the Tower.

Those Dark wings were actually the wings of Valmar. During battle between
Valmar and Granas, Valmar was not destroyed but only defeated. He grows in
power and seeks to break the seals which have kept him bound. And now the day
of Valmar's rebirth and thus destruction of the world is near. Even the
'innocent' Pope Zera Innocentius is not enough to stop Valmar. Carius then
explains that Elena is going to die because of the accursed wings of Darkness.
Well Ryudo doesn't care of course and is about to leave but Carius suggests him
yet another job offer. He wants him to be a bodyguard (again) for Elena. Carius
wants to send her to the Granas Cathedral, because he thinks that Zera might
help Elena. Ryudo plays hard to get but after hearing that the payment will be
gold statue he says that he'll think about it.

Before this conversation could come to an end Ryudo and Carius hear some noise
coming from the outside so they ran to look what's happened. Outside they find
some strange woman with dark wings (hmmm... looks familiar). The woman plays
innocent but with the dark wings sticking out from her back she hardly
convinced anyone. Carius realizes what's cooking and sends a magic ball at her
but with a zero affect. The strange woman will find that the statue the church
along with the townsfolk is most irritating. Then she goes crazy and decides to
burn everything. Ryudo stops her from doing it and asks her if she is really a
good person. Strange woman feels offended and decides to kick Ryudo's ass.

If you think that you can defeat her than think again. Notice her HP it's
????/???? that means that her HP is beyond your imagination and ability. Anyway
when she is tired of you she'll just Zap! you and you're toast (paralyzed). She
then introduces herself as Millenia. After this kind of Shock Ryudo comes into
senses and accepts the job offer.

And for those few of you who actually defeated her: nice job! I can imagine how
hard it was. And for those of you who defeated her using cheats shame--on you!

So you're back at the inn. After a little conversation with Skye, Carius and
Elena join you. Carius then hands you the Gold Statue (500G that's a fortune!
And the ability to restore 5HP that must be heaven sent!). Now you're prepared
for the journey and Elena is actually joining your party. Just look at her
Status, level 7, (that's what you get for singing instead of fighting) a lousy
level but it's all up to you to make it better. Go to the World Map and choose

== choose apart from Recover, Cancel and Save. It's Spend the Night. This option
goes back to Grandia I where you could sit with your party at the dinner table
and discuss your adventures or just chat. When you select someone that
character speaks others may speak to. When you choose Ryudo you can end the
dinner and thus the conversation. This feature is not vital for the game but
helps you to know your characters better.




Items: Muscle Mushroom
Goblin Toadstool
Mushroom Cloud
1 Poison Antidote
Enemies: Mottled Spider
HP - 250
SC - 15
MC - 5
EXP - 8
Drop items - Medicinal or Herb Slowpoke Nut or 2G
Special attacks - Web Trap (move -1, one)

Grag Snake
HP - 280
SC - 24
MC - 20
EXP - 12
Drop items - Poison Antidote or Snake Earrings or 27G
Special attacks - None

HP - 230
SC - 10
MC - 8
EXP - 6
Drop items - Medical Herb or Healing Herb or 7G
Special attacks - None
Shops: None

As you enter the mountains smash those mushrooms and grab Muscle Mushroom.
Continue walking until you find a SAVE POINT save. Now explore this forest and
kill the spiders and the snakes. You can see that there are a lot of mushrooms
here take your time and squash them all. But be careful you never know what may
be inside the next mushroom it can be 50G or it can be an enemy or an item.
Head all the way to the southern end and grab 150G. When you're done with the
mushroom slaughter continue up the mountain path. Then choose the path with
Poison Antidote on it. Continue heading up the mountain until you come across
another fork. Take the path with 150G. Then take the other path to INOR


Items: 50G
1 Poison Antidote
1 Yomi's Elixir
1 Crystal Brooch
1 Climbing Hat
Enemies: Mottled Spider
HP - 250
SC - 15
MC - 5
EXP - 8
Drop items - Medicinal Herb or Slowpoke Nut or 2G
Spcial attacks - Web Trap (move -1, one)

Grag Snake
HP - 280
SC - 24
MC - 20
EXP - 12
Drop items - Poison Antidote or Snake Earrings or 27G
Special attacks - None

HP - 230
SC - 10
MC - 8
EXP - 6
Drop items - Medical Herb or Healing Herb or 7G
Special attacks - None
Shops: None

Elena is tired so they decide to camp. The tent is built (man, where did they
get that huge tent?!) and they sit by the fire arguing. After that Elena goes
to sleep and Ryudo chats with Skye a little. Then he also goes to sleep. Elena
wasn't actually sleeping, she overheard everything and had a sudden change of
heart towards Ryudo.

It's morning Ryudo is sleeping but Elena wakes him up and she's feeling happy
and perky and everything. She apologizes to Ryudo and Skye for misjudging them
and asks them to get her to Granas Cathedral.

Go up the incline until those huge stones collapse. Head down where they have
fallen and collect 50G. Go back and continue until you reach the ladders climb
them. Notice the TREASURE CHEST you can't have it yet. Keep walking until you
find 3 rocks some gold and spiders kill the spiders guarding 150G take it.
Enable the first rock you see it'll roll down the path and smash those rocks
surrounding the TREASURE CHEST. Go down and open the BIG TREASURE CHEST in it
you'll find Poison antidote, Yomi's Elixir and the Crystal Brooch. Now take
care of the hole that's keeping you from getting Climbing Hat. And the third
rock will reveal hidden enemy Grag Snakes. Climb down the ladders head down
along the path and secure those about-to-fall stones. When you find ladders use
them and head down. Collect 50G make your way into the World Map and choose
Agear Town.

== fight some random battles. Believe me it will help you in the future.



Items: 1 Poff Nut
Enemies: None
Falx - 500G
Shamshir - 620G
Army Saber - 750G
Iron Rod - 720G
Leather Jacket - 650G
Quilted Silk - 800G
Leather Armor - 750G
Chain Mail - 950G
Traveler's Hat - 300G
Leather Bandana - 350G
Climbing Boots - 200G
Heavy Stone - 120G
Sleep Charm - 250G
Medicinal Herb - 10G
Wound Salve - 24G
Poison Antidote - 14G
Paralysis Salve - 14G
Eye Drops - 14G
Smelling Salts - 20G
Mushroom Cloud - 20G
Hand Grenade - 60G

Enter the town. Ryudo and Elena watch the town view. Elena is puzzled whether
this is a town in a first place. Because it's completely trashed. Talk to the
guards and visit the shop. Guards tell you what happened. It appears that this
town was attacked by monsters and was completely ruined only Vyx the innkeeper
and the guards remain. Nothing else to do so head straight to the inn.

At the inn you meet up with an old friend of Ryudo. You chat a little bit about
this and that. Then you notice young boy talking to some clowns. Boy's name is
Roan and he lost some kind of medal and that medal was a memento of his mother.
He begs the clowns to help him find it but they are to scared to do it and tell
him to ask a Geohound. The boy then starts begging Ryudo the Geohound for help.
Ryudo says he's busy with one job already and that the boy should give it up.
Elena tells Ryudo that they could help Roan but Ryudo quickly shuts her up by
feeding her Kuko berries. He then starts complaining about the company of Elena
and that he could just cut his way through those monsters if it wasn't for her.

Meantime Elena stuffed herself with Kuko berries and is totally drunk. After
Ryudo takes Elena upstairs to sleep he returns to his room and decides to go
clear the monsters out by himself.

And then all of a sudden Ryudo hears a laugh. From nowhere appears Millenia and
paralyzes both Ryudo and Skye. She then tries to, well you know, take advantage
of poor Ryudo. But her attempt was interrupted by Rissoto the clown. He tells
that Roan has gone somewhere. Well after that Millenia unparalyzes Ryudo and
Skye and magically decides to join your party, just like that! Go down the
stairs where clowns have gathered. They're wondering whether to go save the boy
or not. In the end they decide that they should go and rescue him. But then
Ryudo says that he is going to hunt some monsters and that he can bring the boy
back if he'd find him. The clowns will want to go along but Ryudo refuses their
offer but takes Millenia with him (smart move).

Save, leave the inn and head through the town to the DURHAM CAVE 1.

- Millenia -

Millenia is the most mysterious character of all. She occupies Elena's body and
has enormous magical power. Millenia is a part of Valmar and therefore she is
on a mission to gather all the pieces of Valmar and then be reborn as a
complete Valmar. But little did she knew that a simple encounter with Ryudo
will change all her plans...

- Special Moves -
_______________________ __________ _______ ____________________________________
_______________________ __________ _______ ____________________________________

Arrow Shot 25 One A single surefire shot Cancel effect
Heel Crush 20 One Deadly heel attack saps enemy spirit
Fallen Wings 75 All Attack with wing power
Starving Tongue* 55 All Absorb HP with tongue power
Spellbinding Eye* 60 One Block enemy movement
Grudging Claws* 42 One Split enemy with claw power

* You will acquire these last three skills after you defeat the appropriate
Bosses. They are The Tongue of Valmar (for the Starving Tongue), The Eye
of Valmar (for the Spellbinding Eye), and The Claw of Valmar (for Grudging
Claws). Don't worry you can't miss them!
_______________________ __________ _______ ____________________________________



Items: 1 Firebomb
2 Medicinal Herb
1 Yomi's Elixir
1 Sleeping Charm
1 Poff Nut
Enemies: Grag Snake
HP - 280
SC - 24
MC - 20
EXP - 12
Drop items - Poison Antidote or Snake Earrings or 27G
Special attacks - None

Frost Frog
HP - 400
SC - 26
MC - 17
Exp - 11
Drop items - Eye Drops or Toad Oil or 37G
Special attacks - None
Shops: None

After the general overview of the cave you'll see how stagnate rocks come
falling down and create a sort of stairs use them to go down. Save at the SAVE
POINT and continue through the ark where you'll find a strange creature called


== you have at least 3 Poff Nuts then you can feed them to Carro and he will join
your party to light the way. Carro leaves the party when you finfish the
dungeon. Carro can't be used in battle.


You don't have any Poff Nuts so leave him be and take Firebomb. Keep walking up
and then jump down. See the stone, which is like, ten times larger than Ryudo?
Push it with ease and it will smash path in a wall for you. Go through that
path and take Medicinal Herb. Use the lever and cross the bridge. Take
Medicinal Herb. Go through the ark and push the stone to create path for you
don't forget to take Yomi's Elixir behind the boxes. Go back to the lever and
use it notice how bridges changed their position one got down and the other got
up. Go through the ark with a gate and kill 4 Grag Snakes now just keep walking
down the path and use that stone you pushed. Cross the bridge and collect 100G.
Go through the gate and after it closes fight the Frost Frogs to open it again.

Toads, nothing to worry about they have lots of HP but that's the only thing
that they have really. After an easy kill the gates reopen and you should grab
for Sleeping Charm and Poff Nut. Go back to the room with frogs and take the
other path to DURHAM CAVE 2 and prepare for a Mini Boss battle.


Items: 1 Calming Harp
1 Medicinal Herb
1 Stone Head
1 Poff Nut
1 Torte's Reedpipe
Enemies: Grag Snake
HP - 280
SC - 16
MC - 27
EXP - 16
Drop items - Poison Antidote or Snake Earrings or 40G
Special attacks - None

Frost Frog
HP - 400
SC - 26
MC - 17
Exp - 11
Drop items - Eye Drops or Toad Oil or 37G
Special attacks - None
Shops: None

When you enter you'll a scene where Roan is being attacked by Troglodytes x3
Ryudo and Millenia decide to help and that's where your Mini Boss battle


Boss: 3 Troglodyte
HP - 980
SC - 40
MC - 10
EXP - 23
Drop items - Whirlwind scroll or 160G and Mist Egg
Special attacks - Sleep Spawn (sleep effect, one)

Troglodytes are easy they have lots of HP but are very slow. So that's your
biggest advantage hit them quick and hard with most deadly attacks you have.
Don't mind their special attack Sleep Spawn it won't help them. You should
defeat them with ease.

After the fight the boy thanks Ryudo and wishes to come along to find the medal
which was left by his mother who died. Ryudo refuses of course. The boy is
stubborn and goes hysterical. Millenia will think that the boy is cute she'll
hug him and decide to take him along. The boy introduces as Roan. Ryudo says
that the boy will only be a burden and that they should send him home. Millenia
says that she can protect Roan and that everything will be OK. Roan promises
that he will not cause any trouble and joins the party. After Ryudo sends a
couple of rude remarks about the boy you gain control of the party.

- Roan -

Roan is a young boy on a quest to find the truth. He comes from a distant
Kingdom of Cyrum. Having lost his mother, this boy roams the land in search of
whatever knowledge he can find about Light and Darkness and Battle of Good and
Evil. He's worried about his people, the past of his people is haunting him. In
his young age, he has to rise up to the past sins of his people and help them
to overcome them. But he soon finds out that he's not alone in this...

- Special Moves -

_______________________ __________ _______ ____________________________________
_______________________ __________ _______ ____________________________________

Golden Hammer 22 One Attack with hammer cancel effect
Dragon Raise* 38 One Legendary esoteric attack
True Dragon Raise 42 One True legendary esoteric attack
Snowball Fight* 40 Some Huge snowball, Blizzard based
Ice Prison 30 Some Deadly slash, Blizzard based
Vitality March 30 All Cures all status disorders

* Dragon Raise and Snowball Fight are replaced with True Dragon Raise and
Ice Prison when Prince Roan rejoins your party as King Roan.
_______________________ __________ _______ ____________________________________

Go through the gate as always it closes and you'll have to defeat some Grag
Snakes to continue. Take the Calming Harp and go through another gate kill some
toads and take Medicinal Herb. Step on the right square to open the right gate
get 300G and use the box near the left square to open the middle gates and use
the lever to drain the water. In the left gate you should get Stone Head.
Collect 100G near the big hole and go through the drained river. Grab another
Poff Nut walk up to the edge and jump down to kick some Troglodyte ass. After
the fight use the lever to raise the bridge cross it take the Torte's Reedpipe.
Push the stone into the hole so you could pass. Use the SAVE POINT and continue
to DURHAM CAVE DEPTHS and welcome your first Boss battle.


Items: 1 Roan's Medal
Enemies: Boss
Shops: None


Boss: Durham Minotaur
HP - 4200
SC - 720
MC - 0
EXP - 210
Drop items - Adventure Book
Special attacks - Tornado Horn (confusion effect, one)

2 Troglodyte
HP - 980
SC - 40
MC - 10
EXP - 23
Drop items - Whirlwind Scroll or 160G
Special attacks - Sleep Spawn (sleep effect, one)
Shops: None

The Troglodytes are the first thing you should deal with, because they can get
really annoying with their Sleep Spawn. Use a skill (any skill) with Ryudo on
the first Troglodyte and Golden Hammer with Roan on the other Troglodyte.
Finally cast Fallen Wings with Millenia that should finish Troglodytes and
damage the Minotaur. After the Troglodytes are wasted the Minotaur won't be a
problem. Should he cast his Tornado Horn use Critical.

After the battle Troglodytes are gone but the Minotaur is still standing.
Not for long though Millenia casts some fire magic on the Minotaur and he
becomes toast, literally! To Ryudo's amazement she will call herself 'The
Wings of Valmar'. She then tells Roan to find his medal. He searches the
Minotaur and finds his medal. When regain control leave the cave.

At the cave entrance Millenia tells that she's feeling tired. Then Millenia
will disappear and Elena will appear, so Millenia actually transformed into
Elena! Well it figures Elena WAS possessed by the Dark Wings. Elena of
course doesn't know or remember anything.

At the inn Ryudo explains all that's happened while Elena was unavailable.
Elena is shocked. Some clowns show up and start arguing. They talk about
Millenia a little more and then decide to continue their quest to Granas
Cathedral as quickly as possible. Roans feels a bit lonely and wants to join
your party. With the party of three leave the inn visit the shop if you
need, take Poff Nut from the guy standing in the town ruin and exit to the
World Map. Choose BAKED PLAINS.




Items: 200G
1 Seed of Running
1 Seed of Psyche
1 Dash shoes
Enemies: Giant Mantis
HP - 420
SC - 11
MC - 18
EXP - 5
Drop items - Wound Salve or Seed of Defense or 23G
Special attacks - None

HP - 230
SC - 10
MC - 8
EXP - 6
Drop items - Medical Herb or Healing Herb or 7G
Special attacks - None
Shops: None

Enter the plains and smash those rocks blocking SAVE POINT save and continue.
Watch out for the steam and get 200G. When you're about to go up take the
Seed of Running and up the mountain kill some Giant Mantises and take 600G.
Take the only path that's left and grab the Seed of Psyche on the tree and
near the tree take 200G. Go down brake through some stones and take Dash
Shoes. Take another 600G. Kill all the enemies that's left and then continue
to the BAKED PLAINS 2.


Items: 1 Seed of Power
1 Seed of Defense
1 Seed of Swift
1 Healing Herb
1 Northwind Cape
1 Poison Charm
1 Poff Nut
1 Seed of Magic
Enemies: Sandman
HP - 340
SC - 16
MC - 15
EXP - 13
Drop items - Hand Grenade or Sandman Whiskers or 25G
Special attacks - Sand Spray (move -1, one)
Earth Brake (cancel effect, one)

HP - 230
SC - 10
MC - 8
EXP - 6
Drop items - Medical Herb or Healing Herb or 7G
Special attacks - None

Many items here. Dodge or just ignore that rock head up and take Seed of Power
from the tree. Go right and take Seed of Defense. Go up brake the rock that's
covering 600G take it. Go a bit up and take the Seed of Swift. Go back to where
you started and head right to take 200G then up brake the rock and take the BIG
TREASURE CHEST in it you'll find Healing Herb, Northwind Cape and Poison Charm.
Go along the steams and take 200G. Go up and take Poff Nut. Go to a tree next
to a wall and get the Seed of Magic from that point go up to the BAKED PLAINS 3.


Items: 1 Shell Armor
1 Swiftness Nut
Enemies: Boss

HP - 230
SC - 10
MC - 8
EXP - 6
Drop items - Medical Herb or Healing Herb or 7G
Special attacks - None

Giant Mantis
HP - 420
SC - 11
MC - 18
EXP - 5
Drop items - Wound Salve or Seed of Defense or 23G
Special attacks - None

Shops: None

Save at the SAVE POINT. Roans runs somewhere then comes back and invites
them to enjoy the view of the Granacliffs. Man, this really reminds me
Grandia I. Granacliffs are somewhat like End of The World in Grandia I, big
and splits something into two.

So anyway, Elena have never seen Granacliffs so she gets all sentimental and
all. Ryudo, the more experienced one, finds that the name 'Battle of Good and
Evil' is kind of old. They still have to cross it and there is no bridge. What
should they do?

AND THEN SUDENNLY! Some hilarious unidentified flying object bursts from the
clouds. Roan explains that that's the Skyway and they should ride it. After
that St. Heim Papal State is only a stone throw away according to Roan.
Elena gets excited but it seems like there is nothing that would surprise
Ryudo. They decide to spend the night here.

At the evening meal by the fire the party talks about 'The Battle of Good
and Evil' Darkness and light, Millenia and what to do next. In the middle of
the night Elena wakes up from a nightmare and wakes up Ryudo. He wants to go
outside but suddenly Ryudo feels that something is wrong because everything
is to quite. They hear unpleasant sound and all the party goes outside to
check it out. Outside the tent you find some kind of giant bumbling
something about teaching someone a lesson and that he found you. Whatever!
Just beat the crap out of this stupid lamo!


Boss: Beast-Man
HP - 4800
SC - 100
MC - 0
EXP - 150
Drop items - None
Special attacks - Beast Fang Cut (cancel effect, one)

This guy has a lot of HP also he's very fast. He has a very powerful attack
called Beast Fang Cut that deals major damage and has a cancel effect
(ouch!). If that's not enough for you, he's normal attack is actually a
combo of two successive hits, also big damage. You have one advantage in
this fight, there are three of you and he's only one. So let Elena do cancel
all the time and let her heal if necessary. Meantime Ryudo and Roan should
use their most powerful skills (Tenseiken Slash and Dragon Raise, right?).
Enjoy the victory.

After the fight the Beast-Man comes to his senses and tells Ryudo that he's
not the one he's looking for. Although he doesn't have a death smell, he has
smell of Melfice the destroyer of hid village. Beast-Man calls Melfice the
Demon-Man. It seems that Ryudo and Skye knows this Melfice fellow. Mareg
(the Beast-Man) then apologizes to Ryudo for attacking him and walks away
into the bushes. Ryudo than explains that Melfice is his brother. Strangely
but Ryudo explains nothing more and then you regain control.

Go along the edge and then turn right and up to take the Shell Armor. Go
down take 200G. Continue walking until you reach several trees there you can
get Swiftness Nut. Nothing to do here so go to the World Map and select



Items: None
Enemies: None
Army Saber - 750G
Samurai Blade - 900G
Iron Rod - 720G
Flame Staff - 1250G
Battle Rod - 960G
Multiple Knife - 650G
Hunter's Knife - 880G
Quilted Silk - 800G
Guardian Robe - 1200G
Chain Mail - 950G
Plate Mail - 1400G
Guardian Hat - 450G
Iron Bandana - 480G
Iron Helm - 600G
Hunter's Boots - 400G
Gauntlet - 800G
Fire Charm - 400G
Wind Charm - 400G
Earth Charm - 400G
Lightning Charm - 400G
Blizzard Charm - 400G
Medicinal Herb - 10G
Wound Salve - 24G
Healing Herb - 50G
Poison Antidote - 14G
Paralysis Salve - 14G
Eye Drops - 14G
Smelling Salts - 20G
Yomi's Elixir - 500G
Hand Grenade - 60G
Insecticide Bomb - 60G
Fireball Scroll - 50G

Whirlwind Scroll - 60G
Patience Nut - 20G
Swiftness Nut - 20G
Kuko Berry - 10G

After the general overview of the city your party enters and you witness a
conversation between a family of three. They are about to leave the city
because it is cursed by Darkness. Ryudo asks is the Skyway available but they
say that it is closed to the public. The Skyway is for Gadan's personal use
only. Ryudo and Roan are surprised by this unexpected turn of events. Family
leaves the city. Elena feels tired and wants to rest. Roan says that they
could try this regions delicacy if he could remember its name. Visit the shop
and go to the inn just the opposite of the shop.

At the inn the innkeeper tells you that the only thing they have is Arum
root, the delicacy Roan mentioned. The party is hungry and decides to take
it anyway. Choose to spend the night. At the inn room party is talking about
how horrible Arum root is. It's not edible it tastes like sand. After the
'meal' party decides to go visit Gadan tomorrow.

The next morning party sets out to visit Gadan. As you walk through the city
Elena notices a boy sitting next to the huge stone pillar. Elena asks the
boy what's the matter and the boy says he's hungry. Elena then try's to feed
him an apple but he runs away. A man walks up to you and says that you
shouldn't give the boy any food because it's to tempting. The he explains
that people of this city cannot eat normal food even if they wanted to. They
can only bear the disgusting Arum root. Ryudo gives a good advice, not to
talk to strangers because they could be diseased. But Elena still wants to
help these people and runs away. Ryudo and Roan fallow her to the Engineer's
home. The family is arguing whether to leave city or not because they cannot
eat Arum root any more. Elena asks what is happening to this city Engineer
says that the people of this city have lost their sense of taste so they can
eat only Arum root. Ryudo doesn't give a damn about the problem and asks
Engineer about the Skyway. Engineer tells that you should go to Gadan's
mansion and ask him. Gadan's house is at the back of the city near the tree,
go there.

As you enter you'll see a really fat guy sitting and stuffing himself with
food (man, he must be a mutant just look at him, that tongue, Shlurp! And
look at this place, nice statue). Guess what, that's Gadan himself. He
informs you that they are not taking people with Skyway right now because it
drops their business efficiency. Then he notices that you have a sister with
you and decides that this is also a business. Ryudo asks how much does he
want for the ride. 10000G that's the price. Ryudo agrees without a single
thought about the money. Ryudo wants to leave as soon as possible but Gadan
says that the last tram has already left and the next should be tomorrow.
Elena starts arguing about the food, Gadan says that he is blessed and that
he has nothing to do with it and everything. Anyway leave. When they leave
Gadan's house Elena is still angry but Ryudo has a bigger problem, the
money. Where could they find that kind of money? I like Skye, always
straight as an arrow, he gives a damn good advice that they should just
waste that fat ass (but he forgot one thing: this is an RPG). Elena is still
concerned about the townsfolk and wants to go to the church. Ryudo on the
other hand doesn't, but after a while he agrees. So the party sets out for
the church.

The church is on a small mountain near the city. Enter the church and speak
with Holy father. Elena asks father about the tasteless problem. The Holy
Father doesn't know a thing about it and wants to know himself. He thinks
that maybe Lord Granas has turned his face away from the unholy sinners of
this city. Ryudo as always cracks some jokes about Gadan and Father says
that Gadan used to be a good person and was loved by everyone, but then he
changed. Father then invites them to go upstairs to see the truth for
themselves from above. Go upstairs and talk to him.

Upstairs you look through the window and Elena notices that those pillars
might be a part of single ruined temple. Those pillars were damaged when the
city was built but they are still standing. Roan says that people here are
blessed because the city was built on the ruins of the Granas Temple. Ryudo
then will come to a conclusion that this temple might be a temple of Valmar.
Well either way Ryudo doesn't care but Elena does she wants to investigate
because the seal may be broken. Ryudo explains that he's not being paid for
this and that they should get to the Cathedral as soon as possible. Elena
plays stubborn and finally says that either way she's going and there's no
stopping her. Ryudo as her bodyguard has to go along and protect her. You're
back downstairs Father tells you that you should be careful the dungeon is
dangerous. Whatever, as that could stop you! Leave the church.

When you leave the church you meet up with Mareg. Ryudo asks Mareg
what's up. The Beast-Man tells that the smell of this place is somewhat
offending to the earth. Ryudo then starts asking various questions about his
brother Melfice. He hasn't got a clue. Elena then simply asks Mareg to join
their party. He's always ready to fight the Evil and joins.

- Mareg -

Mareg is a Beast-Man warrior. He comes from a distant Nanan village. He's
battle skills are very high and he never lets down a party member in need.
Though he may look like a barbaric-savage-brute, but the power of his body is
only surpassed by the power of his mind. He is very intellectual and has a
deep connection with the earth. Only one thought keeps him on his journey, the
thought of revenge. He looks for a Demon-Man who burnet his village. Mareg,
being the strongest of his people, must search him out and avenge. However
when he meets Ryudo he discovers that his Demon-Man is closer than he

- Special Moves -

_______________________ __________ _______ ____________________________________
_______________________ __________ _______ ____________________________________

Beast-Fang Cut 26 One Spirited axe attack Cancel effect
Beast-King Smash 44 One Killer blow with all mind and body
Beast-King Blast 52 Special Blast enemy with beast-soul power
Lion's Roar 18 All Heartening roar ups attack power

* Later in the game Mareg will leave your party for good, once he does all
the points spent on his skills can be returned by using the Missanga. It
is a special item.
_______________________ __________ _______ ____________________________________

Go back to Gadan's house and open the hatch near it. Go to LILIGUE CAVE 1.



Items: 400G
1 Healing Herb
2 Mogay Bomb
1 Purifying Herb
Reflection Ring
Enemies: Giant Mantis
HP - 420
SC - 11
MC - 18
EXP - 5
Drop items - Wound Salve or Seed of Defense or 23G
Special attacks - None

Grag Snake
HP - 280
SC - 16
MC - 27
EXP - 16
Drop items - Poison Antidote or Snake Earrings or 40G
Special attacks - None

Frost Frog
HP - 400
SC - 26
MC - 17
Exp - 11
Drop items - Eye Drops or Toad Oil or 37G
Special attacks - None
Shops: None

Go straight up use the SAVE POINT and light the fire. Keep walking up and keep
lighting all the fires. At the fork turn left and take 400G return to the fork
and head up. At another fork go left all the way to take Healing Herb return to
the fork and take the right path. Then at another fork take again right path to
take Mogay Bomb return to the fork and take the other path that will lead you
to yet another fork. Light the fire and take the right path in the end of which
you'll take Purifying Herb go back to the fork and take the left turn that will
bring you to another fork (damn those forks!). There is nothing at the left
path so don't take it instead use the right path and reach another fork. The
right path will be the path of 1200G while the left will be the path of LILIGUE
CAVE 2. Take 1200G and go to LILIGUE CAVE 1. Go forward at the fork take
Reflection Ring go right and grab Mogay Bomb. Go the left path and discover
another fork. Left path - nothing, right path - LILIGUE CAVE 2.


Items: 1200G
1 The Bonds of Trust
1 Confusion Charm
1 Holy Wound Salve
1 Fire Pendant
1 Flamberge
1 Poff Nut
Enemies: Gargoyle
HP - 380
SC - 54
MC - 21
EXP - 18
Drop items - Holy Ashes or Sword of Purity or 12G
Special attacks - Howl (damage depends on hits, one)

Giant Mantis
HP - 420
SC - 11
MC - 18
EXP - 5
Drop items - Wound Salve or Seed of Defense or 23G
Special attacks - None

HP - 670
SC - 19
MC - 30
EXP - 15
Drop items - Weakness Nut or Sword of Purity or 34G
Special attacks - Ice Prickle (cancel effect, some)
Gravity (gathers enemies)
Power Drain (Drains HP, one)
Shops: None

Go through the only available path until you reach some kind of altar with
three pillars left blue middle green and right red. Read the platform it
says 'If you wish to open the portal, light the red, blue and green
candlesticks.' So that's what you'll have to do hit square to open hidden
paths. First visit room with the green orb and take The Bonds of Trust and
Confusion Charm, activate the orb leave the green orb room through the other
path. Near the entrance to the red orb don't forget to take BIG TREASURE
CHEST which has Holy Wound Salve, Fire Pendant and Flamberge. Enter the red
orb room and push the box so that you could get the Poff Nut behind those
boxes. Try to leave and the box will get back in its primary position go
back and push the so you could get to the red orb. Activate the red orb and
leave the room through the other way jump down and take 400G. Go to the blue
orb room and activate it. Go back to the altar with the pillars and activate
the golden orb to open the gate to LILGUE CAVE 3.


Items: None
Enemies: None
Shops: None

Use the SAVE POINT and continue to LILGUE CAVE, CAVERNS.


Items: 1 Smelling Salts
1 Burning Bow
1 Flare Dress
Enemies: None
Shops: None

In the caverns they discover an orb-like object, which seems to be a broken
seal of Lord Granas. The seal should have kept a Piece of Valmar at bay but
now that it's broken the piece is free.

Suddenly a Spider-Crab-like monster jumps out of nowhere and eats Elena
without a word of warning (Yum!Yum!). But what monster didn't know is that
Elena can morph herself into Millenia. So that's what happened, Millenia
blasted out of that monsters belly and became quite angry with this kind of
poor treatment towards her. The monster chickened out and ran from the
battlefield. Millenia tells you that you should chase it. Collect Smelling
Salts, Burning Bow and Flare Dress and only then chase after him to the


Items: None
Enemies: Boss
Shops: None


Boss: Valmar's Tongue Left Hand Right Hand Head
HP - 8000 HP - 4000 HP - 4000 HP - 5000
SC - 1200
MC - 800
EXP - 500
Drop items - Ancient Cuirass, Revival Gem, Book of Wizards, 800G
Special attacks - Flamethrower (Fire damage, some)
Spew Venom (poison effect, some)
Burn Flame (Fire damage, some)
Huge Leap (damage, all)
Gluttony (Def -1, some)
Starving Tongue (drain HP, all)
Snooze (sleep effect, all)
Freeze! (move -1, all)

The monster is actually Gadan himself, fat bastard! He wants to eat you
again! (See the tongue?) Anyway prepare yourself because he's hungry!

There are 2 ways to kill him either way you'll get all the items.

1 - This guy has lots of different attacks. First attack his head will your
most powerful attacks (Flying Tenseiken, Beast-King Smash Fallen Wings and
Dragon Raise). Next turn, finish the head and that should cancel his Snooze
and Burn Flame skills. Then deal with his hands use which moves you've left
and destroy his hands one by one, that should cut of his Spew Venom and
Flamethrower abilities. And he'll be left only with his body. But don't get
comfortable because that's his most deadly part. His 4 body skills are more
than enough to defend himself AND kick your but, so be careful. Your SP and
MP should be pretty much used up but if you have something left use it, if
not just attack him with combo or items. But always let 1 character do
Critical all the time, it won't cancel all his skills but will give some
time. If you're in a stable position keep attacking him and keep using
Critical that should be enough to kill him.

2 - Or you just focus on his body only. Use Flying Tenseiken, Beast-King Smash
Fallen Wings and Dragon Raise only on his body and when you kill the body the
monster also dies.

(Always remember that any multi-part Boss doesn't have to be killed completely
to get all the items. Killing the main body should be enough, but it's all up
to you)

After the fight Millenia absorbs The Tongue of Valmar and feels full of power.
Gadan is dead. Then Millenia shifts back to Elena.

LILGUE CITY(second visit)

Items: None
Enemies: None
Army Saber - 750G
Samurai Blade - 900G
Iron Rod - 720G
Flame Staff - 1250G
Battle Rod - 960G
Multiple Knife - 650G
Hunter's Knife - 880G
Quilted Silk - 800G
Guardian Robe - 1200G
Chain Mail - 950G
Plate Mail - 1400G
Guardian Hat - 450G
Iron Bandana - 480G
Iron Helm - 600G
Hunter's Boots - 400G
Gauntlet - 800G
Fire Charm - 400G
Wind Charm - 400G
Earth Charm - 400G
Lightning Charm - 400G
Blizzard Charm - 400G
Medicinal Herb - 10G
Wound Salve - 24G
Healing Herb - 50G
Poison Antidote - 14G
Paralysis Salve - 14G
Eye Drops - 14G
Smelling Salts - 20G
Yomi's Elixir - 500G
Hand Grenade - 60G
Insecticide Bomb - 60G
Fireball Scroll - 50G
Whirlwind Scroll - 60G
Patience Nut - 20G
Swiftness Nut - 20G
Kuko Berry - 10G

You're back at the city, Ryudo shortly explains to Elena what happened.
Mareg tells that the smell of Tongue of Valmar is the same as smell of
Melfice. Ryudo then asks Mareg if he could join him on his quest after the
job. Mareg agrees. After The Tongue of Valmar was defeated the city was
cured of the tasteless curse. The party decides to go to Granas Cathedral as
soon as possible. When you gain control go to the inn recover and spend the
night there. In the morning proceed to the Skyway. When you enter the Skyway
Station toy meet Engineers family, they thank and leave. Measure for
measure, all's well that ends well the townsfolk have been saved. When
you're ready board the Skyway.

== you'll be making a big step further into the game. I strongly recommend you
go and train. Try to level up your characters. To do so go back to BAKED PLAINS
2 and keep encountering Sandman, they'll give you about 90 SC and MC and about
80 exp, plus 150G. After that your characters will be pumped up with a lot of
SC and MC.


The party is in the Skyway discussing events in the Ruined Temple. But before
they could finish it something happens. Elena says that Valmar is inside her.
Everything starts shaking and Elena says that Darkness is coming. You'll see
a red flash and an ominous shine of the Valmar moon in the sky. After that the
Skyway crashes down into the woods.

After the Skyway crashes Ryudo says that they've got problems, Mareg then
asks everyone to check for injuries. Ryudo then notices that Elena is gone.
Ryudo starts to panic. But Mareg calms him down by saying that he can smell
her and points the way. They run to find Elena.

You now see Elena unconscious on the ground. Some familiar voice wakes her
up. The voice then tells Elena to look into the shiny plate near her. Elena
does so and discovers that the mysterious voice belongs to Millenia. Elena
recognizes the Wings of Valmar in Millenia and tells she's a Dark One and a
devourer of souls. Millenia says that Elena should be thanking her because
she saved Elena's life. Elena doesn't understand anything.

The rest of the party then finds Elena sitting on the ground and mumbling
something about the Day of Darkness and such nonsense. Elena then wakes up
and tells that she's ok. The party then decides to head for St. Heim
Mountains and after that straight for the Granas Cathedral.


Items: 1 Lumir Flower
1 Insecticide Bomb
Enemies: Big Foot
HP - 750
SC - 47
MC - 35
EXP - 29
Drop items - Myriad Power Nut or Lumir Flower or 46G
Special attacks - None
Shops: None

Start walking the only path you've got until you come across the snowdrift.
Walk into the snowdrift, move around a bit, then continue your quest (:E.
Go right through another snowdrift and then another snowdrift (this is fun!)
until you reach the edge of Granacliffs, walk along the edge to take Lumir
Flower. Go back to the fork and take the other path. At another fork take
the left turn and take 400G. Keep walking to LUMIR FOREST.

Save at the SAVE POINT and go encounter some Big Foots. In the area with
that huge stone take a TREASURE CHEST that has Insecticide Bomb. And watch
out for the falling snow, it's cold. Just behind the TREASURE CHEST will be
the entrance to the LUMIR FOREST, CAVERN 1 but don't go there yet. Instead
go and grab 1200G first. Then continue to LUMIR FOREST, CAVERN 1.


Items: 1200G
1 Lumir Flower
Enemies: Giant Crab
HP - 560
SC - 37

MC - 37
EXP - 36
Drop items - Healing Herb or Quake Stone or 12G
Special attacks - Attack (multi hit attack, one)
Sleep Dance (sleep effect, one)
Shops: None

Cut through the plant which blocks your way and head forward until you reach
a fork. Go right and take 1200G. Go back to the fork and take the other
road. Take 400G and kill those jumping crabs. Go up and left, behind the
corner take another 400G. Keep going left all the way to the end and take
Lumir Flower. Then return to where you took the first 400G and head down.
This path will take you to LUMIR FOREST where you can take 400G. Also near
the big tree with the entrance to LUMIR FOREST, CAVERN 2 you can take 1200G.
Take all the G and make your way to the cavern through the tree.


Items: 1 Oracle's Staff
1 Insecticide Bomb
Enemies: Huge Caterpillar
HP - 630

SC - 33
MC - 36
EXP - 21
Drop items - Poison Antidote or Pretty Ring or 5G
Special attacks - Attack (poison effect, one)
Shops: None

See those roots in water? When you hit one a certain path will open. Hit the
closest to the entrance to open it again. Then hit them all to open all the
paths. All the paths will be hollow except two, one will contain Oracle's
Staff. Other will be an extended one, that's where you'll have to go. Pick
up 400G from the right path. Go alongside the right wall until you reach
Insecticide Bomb. Keep walking along that wall until you reach a fork, left
path will be closed by the root, but no matter because it's empty. Instead
take the right path that will take you to LUMIR FOREST. But before you go
notice a hidden root in the right wall, see it? Cut it and take 1200G. Then

LUMIR FOREST (second visit)

Items: 1 Blueberry
1 Icefang Stone
1 Arctic Cape
1 Ice Pick
Enemies: Big Foot
HP - 750
SC - 47
MC - 35
EXP - 29
Drop items - Myriad Power Nut or Lumir Flower or 46G
Special attacks - None
Shops: None

You're back at the forest. There are 3 items in this area, they are easy to
find. The Blueberry is in the middle of 3 trees, 400G to the right, and
you'll have to hit the snow near the big rock to get the BIG TREASURE CHEST
and Icefang Stone, Arctic Cape and Ice Pick in the chest. After the treasure
hunting go down the path. It will start getting foggy, and soon it'll be
hard to see. At this point if you'll want to return you won't be able to,
because some magical trees will be blocking your way back (how did those get
there???). Anyway you don't need to go back so just keep going until you


Items: None
Enemies: None
Shops: None

Ryudo comes to a conclusion that the party is lost. Mareg finds that there
is absolutely no smell of life here. Then the fog will clear out, you'll
see a strange flying ball-like creature. It'll ask what are you doing here
and tell you that this is its garden. The ball-like creature is actually a
girl, she calls this place Garden of Happiness. Anyone who comes here
forgets his problems and feels happy (brainwash). The girl tells you that
her eyes are bad but thanks to Granas she can see. The girl hoped that
Elena would understand how beautiful this place really is, and if she
doesn't that she should ask girl with the black wings.

I guess the girl is pretty much nuts because then she asks Elena not to eat
her and then disappears. Ryudo suggests to move on. No monsters no items
nothing, weird place it is. Just get the hell out of there from where you

The garden disappeared and the party doesn't know what's happened. You're
back near the BIG TREASURE CHEST and the path is once again open. So
through it again until you reach a fork. The left path is closed with a
fence (where did THAT came from???) but the right is open, so use it to
get yourself to EAST SILESIA and select MIRUMU VILLAGE.

== good SC and MC.



Items: None
Enemies: None
Swordfish Sword - 2200G
Oracle's Staff - 1800G
Flying Fish Bow - 2400G
Flint Knife - 2200G
Hammer Axe - 2200G
Pixie's Robe - 2600G
Swordfish Armor - 2800G
Feathered Hat - 1120G
Magnolia Bandana - 1080G
Swordfish Helmet - 1250G
Crampons - 420G
Arctic Cape - 800G
Earth Charm - 400G
Poison Charm - 250G
Paralysis Charm - 250G
Medicinal Herb - 10G
Wound Salve - 24G
Healing Herb - 50G
Poison Antidote - 14G
Paralysis Salve - 14G
Purifying Herb - 40G
Torte's Reedpipe - 30G
Smelling Salts - 20G
Lumir Flower - 40G
Blueberry - 40G
Mogay Bomb - 250G
Insecticide Bomb - 60G
Sleeping Harp - 250G

When you enter the village some villagers will spot you and will be happy
because you have a sister with you. They quickly go ran and ring the
Chief of this village. When the chief arrives he starts begging Elena to
save his village. The party doesn't know what's going on. So anyway when
everything clears out the chief invites to inside to explain things.

So guess what's bothering this village? Curse (surprise!). The villagers
keep falling asleep and can't wake up for days. And they all keep dreaming
the same dream, some horrible eye keeps watching them. You can't help them
because your party's just passing through. The chief then asks you to spend
the night. Ryudo agrees.

Eventually you should go to the Inn, but I suggest you explore the village
first. Then when you're done, go to the Inn. There will be a woman at the
Inn called Irina. She's happy that the sister has finally arrived, and asks
her to help her son Nicolas, he's also asleep. But you're just a traveler so
you can't help her, tough for her but life goes on. Irina the invites you to
look at her son. You're at the back room and Nicolas is sleeping like a
baby. Irina then suggests that he maybe in the Garden of Dreams. Elena says
that this must be the place they past through on their way here. Irina tells
you that Garden of Dreams is just a fairy tale, a Fantasy (poor Irina,
little does she know that Fantasy is reality!). Elena then tells Irina that
they met a girl at the garden with a scar above her eye. Irina says that
that was Aira, Sandra's daughter.

Irina leaves and Elena tells Ryudo she wants to meet the girl ones more.
Ryudo starts joking around, as always.

Leave the Inn and cross the village to see Aira again. Elena then asks
Aira what did she mean by asking her not to eat her. Elena meant just
that. Then Sandra shows up and gets angry with Aira. She then tells the
party to leave Aira alone. Mareg explains that she shouldn't mind his
brute appearance. Sandra then invites the party inside.

You're inside Sandra's house. Ryudo asks what's with the secrecy. Sandra
tells that Aira is not liked by everyone. Aira then asks Roan to show her
his medal. Sandra says that for years she has been looking for medicinal
herbs, and she prayed for Aira's sight, but everyone called her mixtures
'witch's brews' and her prayers 'summonings'. But because of the prayer
Aira's blindness has been cured. Anyway Ryudo then suggests they head back
to the Inn and spend the night.

When the party was about to leave Aira tells that some really scary people
have come. Mareg suggests they should investigate and Ryudo agrees. Leave
the house and cross the bridge. You'll then see that someone has arrived to
the village. Go towards the entrance and you'll a scene where The Cathedral
Knights arrive. Their leader Selene says that she shall dispel the darkness
and that this village is fool of it. She then keeps on talking some
religion-fanatic stuff. But most important thing is that the village is now
closed and none shall leave nor enter. When you gain control talk to Selene,
she recognizes a Granas sister in your party. Elena says that she is a
songstress of Granas and is on her way to the Cathedral to report to his
holiness Zera. Selene tells that Elena's mission must be very important and
her is as well. Talk to her again and then she'll finally notice Ryudo.
Ryudo introduces as Ryudo and says that Elena is under his protection. Ryudo
wants to leave the village but Selene can't let them trough. Ryudo tries to
convince her but she is stubborn. Selene tells that should she find a sinner
in this village, then it's her holy duty to purify this entire village
through fire. Then she leaves with the villagers to discuss the matter. The
party decides to spend the night here because security is very tight.

When you regain control go to the Inn and spend the night. At the table
party discusses the current situation and the holy knights. After the meal
Elena is in her room and Ryudo shows up. He asks her what's up. She tells
that the moon looks eerie. She starts talking about Millenia, Ryudo says
that she's ok. Elena tells that it can't be because Millenia is the darkness
itself. Elena thinks that Millenia wants to restore Valmar to life. Ryudo
try's to cheer her up but she's dead serious. Ryudo then gets the picture
and decides to put an end to it, draws a knife at her. Elena then drops to
her knees and asks Ryudo to make it quick. Ryudo can't belief her stupidity,
he was just joking. Ryudo says that Elena should go to bed. When she leaves
Ryudo decides to go to bed himself.

Ryudo is having a nightmare. He is in a blue space and it is full of
Eyeballs. He runs bet there's no end to the Eyeballs. Then Ryudo stops and
turns around to find that he's being watched by a Big Eyeball. He then tells
that this is his soul and that the Eyeball should get the hell out of here.

Ryudo wakes up. Skye asks him what's the matter. Ryudo tells him that he
wants to forget his past. When you'll want to leave Ryudo will say that he
can't shake the feeling that he's still being watched. And he's right. Check
the window, and you'll find that some floating eyeball is watching Ryudo.
The eyeball will then fly away. Roan and Mareg will run into Ryudo's room
and say that they also have had nightmares. Ryudo then tells that those
eyeballs must be the cause. Elena will come to and the party decides to
check up on Irina. Go to Irina's room. When the party arrives the eyeball is
already floating over Irina. They're to late. Skye tells that he'll follow
the eyeball and that the party should keep up. Go outside.

Outside you'll see lots of flying Eyeballs. The Eyeballs will then flee to



Items: 1 Raincoat
1 Wing Boots
1 Bone Harp
1 Purifying Herb
Enemies: Giant Crab
HP - 560
SC - 37
MC - 37
EXP - 36
Drop items - Healing Herb or Quake Stone or 12G
Special attacks - Attack (multi hit attack, one)
Sleep Dance (sleep effect, one)

Twin Ogre
HP - 680
SC - 52
MC - 29
EXP - 27
Drop items - Hand Grenade or Ogre Helm or 38G
Special attacks - Throw Buddy (def -1, one)

HP - 830
SC - 48
MC - 38
EXP - 33
Drop items - Paralysis Salve or Seed of life or 48G
Special attacks - Giga Spread (stun effect, some)
Shops: None

Go straight left and take Raincoat. Keep going left along the edge to take
500G. Return to the entrance and take the right path. Go down and then left
to take the TREASURE CHEST with Wing Boots in it. Go back and up to take the
Bone Harp. Continue left until you reach Purifying Herb take it and go up,
under some huge bones you'll find 1500G. Keep going down the path until you
reach a spiral rock, climb it.

Save at the SAVE POINT and prepare for a Mini Boss battle.


Items: None
Enemies: None
Shops: None

The party will discover another broken Granas seal. And then The Eyeballs
will attack.


Boss: 4 Eyeball Bat
HP - 3000
SC - 225
MC - 225
EXP - 50
Drop items - Book of Warriors and 195G
Special attacks - Delta Burst (damage, one)

An easy fight. Well you can either kill one by one using your most powerful
moves, or you use your most destructive magic on all the Eyeballs, it's up
to you. But all they really do is make a lot of noise, that's all.

After the fight Ryudo tells that these must have been small fish and that
the real villain is somewhere else.

The party is back at the Inn discussing status of the village and the
situation. Ryudo says that he's been having bad dreams about his past, Mareg
and Roan have also had some nightmares. Ryudo thinks that this is all Aira's
doing. Elena disagree. Villager arrives to inform you that Selene is
conducting some kind of experiment and wants everyone in the town hall. Go

You meet Selene in the town hall. Ryudo then tells her that the she should
be chasing after the flying Eyeballs not people. Selene agrees but thinks
that those Eyeballs were merely servants of the real darkness, and that she
should look for a person. She talks crap and then leaves. The party then
decides to find the thing that is controlling the Eyeballs in the fissure
before Selene can do anything. Go back to the fissure.

As you walk up to the fissure Aira calls you. She wants Elena to go to a
happy place where there is no pain and no suffering. When she runs to the
shed, follow her. In the shed Aira falls down into the hole, follow her.

You're back at the seal room. Aira keeps talking about love and happiness.
She then invites you to The Garden of Dreams.

You're back at The Garden of Dreams. Aira still keeps talking about
happiness when a third eyeball pops out of her forehead. Aira says that
this is the eye that Granas gave her (uhu, right!). Elena tells her to
stop it. Aira then will feel that her mother is in trouble and will run
away. You'll have to go back to the village.

In the village Sandra is being pushed around by Selene. Selene wants to
know where Aira is, but Sandra won't tell. Selene can't decide what she
should with the sinners. She then turns to villagers for advice. The crowd
as always side with the stronger. Sandra begs Selene for mercy, but she
won't listen. Then Aira shows up with her happiness. Selene spots the eye
and comes to a conclusion that Aira is the true Evil.

When you gain control head to where all the action is going on. You'll
find Sandra lying on the ground. You hear a voice of Selene. Ryudo tells
Roan and Mareg to wait here while he and Elena check it out.

Selene is after the little girl, and the eye. Ryudo comes and tries to
rescue Aira. Selene then tells Elena to bring Aira to her, Elena can't do
it and wonders if there is another way. Selene says that there isn't. Aira
then sees her mother and runs to her, Sandra is terrified by the third eye,
she thinks Aira is a monster. Aira then disappears.

With no one to purify Selene leaves. Ryudo checks up on Elena, and then
Millenia appears. Sandra says that Aira is beyond help and that she should

be killed. Ryudo gets angry and tells that he will save Aira no matter what
(what's wrong with him?). Millenia has a good idea, to rip the eye out of
her. But Aira's soul will die. Millenia then tells Ryudo to give it up.
Ryudo then gets really, really angry (damn, he's angry). Then the eyeballs
come flying all over the place. Ryudo decides to check out The Garden of

You're back at the garden. There is no one here, but Millenia says that
she's here and opens a portal on the ground. Hit the portal.

You're back at the seal room, but now it ahs a portal of some sort. Millenia
explains that this is an entrance to Aira's soul. Go through the portal to
explore Aira's soul.



Items: 1 Silver Feather
1 Yomi's Elixir
1 Red Shoes
Enemies: Star Mirage
HP - 720
SC - 39
MC - 19
EXP - 16
Drop items - Eye Drops or Seed of Running or 73G
Special attacks - Power Press (damage, one)

Twin Ogre
HP - 680
SC - 52
MC - 29
EXP - 27
Drop items - Hand Grenade or Ogre Helm or 38G
Special attacks - Throw Buddy (def -1, one)

HP - 830
SC - 48
MC - 38
EXP - 33
Drop items - Paralysis Salve or Seed of life or 48G
Special attacks - Giga Spread (stun effect, some)
Shops: None

Go right to take the Silver Feather. Then go all the way down for 500G.
Turn right to take Yomi's Elixir, and them go up and right and use the
disappearing bridge. At the bridge fork go right (the only option) and take
Red Shoes. Go back to the fork and continue the usual way, take 500G behind
some pillars and keep going until you reach a strange bell. Use it and a
whale will come and transport you to another location (whale?).

Go forward and take 1500G behind a strange telescope-like device. And then
continue to AIRA SPACE 2.


Items: 1 Illusion Clothes
1 Mirage Earring
1 Bonds of Trust
1 Battle Manicure
1 Moebius Ring
Enemies: Hellhound
HP - 580
SC - 22
MC - 53
EXP - 19
Drop items - Fire Bomb or Ogre Slayer or 49G
Special attacks - WOW!(attack +2, one)
Burnflame (fire damage, some)

Huge Caterpillar
HP - 630
SC - 33
MC - 36
EXP - 21
Drop items - Poison Antidote or Pretty Ring or 5G
Special attacks - Attack (poison effect, one)
Shops: None

Cross the bridge and then cross the Eyeball bridge and go left to take the
BIG TREASURE CHEST with Illusion Clothes, Mirage Earring and Bonds of Trust
in it. Go left and cross the bridge to get Battle Manicure on the island.
Near the treasure chest behind those trees there is another bridge, cross it
and take 500G. Go along the Eyeball Volcano and cross yet another bridge.
Climb the ladders and take Moebius Ring. Take 1500G from the tree, and don't
miss 500G near the fence. Keep maneuvering through those weird islands until
you reach a SAVE POINT, save and prepare for a BOSS BATTLE.


Items: None
Enemies: Boss
Shops: None

Aira's angry at the world, she then shifts into a weird eyeball-like-plant
and attacks.


Boss: Valmar's Eye Left Tendril Right Tendril
HP - 12000 HP - 6000 HP - 6000
SC - 1800
MC - 1800
EXP - 800
Drop items - Warp Knife, Gravity Egg, Demon's Tears and 1200G
Special attacks - Pollen Spew (cancel effect, some)
Crackle (ice damage, one)

4 Eyeball Bat
HP - 3000
Special attacks - Delta Burst (damage, one)

Here's how to kill him. First deal with those flying eyeballs, they are
just annoying. But don't kill them with your best moves, instead use
powerful magic on all ore some enemies. After eyeballs are wasted, Valmar's
Eye is left. After your magic his tendrils should be half-dead by now, but
anyway you'll have to finish them next. After all his minions are gone,
he's almost defenseless. It's time to kick Valmar's Eye's but by using your
most deadly single enemy move. He won't last long.

After the fight you're back at the Garden. Millenia is about to devour Aira
but Ryudo stops her. He says that there should be another way, but there
isn't. Then Aira's mother shows up. Sandra tells that she loves Aira and
that it's all her fault. Millenia then devours Aira's soul and Aira dies
along with the Garden of Dreams. Sandra says that she can't live without
Aira anymore. Millenia then tells that she doesn't care and that nobody
cares. Ryudo gets angry. Millenia then points to a flower and says that this
is Aira's heart, and if Sandra can make this place a blooming garden again
then maybe Aira may return.

You're back at Sandra's house. Sandra is dead serious about reviving that
garden. Leave the house and cross the ridge. You meet Selene, she tells you
that she deal with Sandra and Aira but Ryudo says that it's enough purifying
for today. Selene leaves and you regain control, go to the World Map and

== Forest.



Items: 1 Guard Mushroom
1 Scattering Stone
1 Seed of Life
1 Mogay Bomb
1 Scroll of Alheal
1 Lion Field Garb
1 Battle Manicure
1 Silver Feather
1 Godspeed ring
1 Yomi's Elixir
1 Mach Boots
1 Dragonslayer Axe
1 Holy Wound Salve
Enemies: Hammerhead
HP - 830
SC - 48
MC - 38
EXP - 33
Drop items - Paralysis Salve or Seed of life or 48G
Special attacks - Giga Spread (stun effect, some)

HP - 780
SC - 27
MC - 13
EXP - 14
Drop items - Purifying Herb or Mirage Earring or 25G
Special attacks - None

Giant Crab
HP - 560
SC - 37
MC - 37
EXP - 36
Drop items - Healing Herb or Quake Stone or 12G
Special attacks - Attack (multi hit attack, one)
Sleep Dance (sleep effect, one)

Twin Ogre
HP - 680
SC - 52
MC - 29
EXP - 27
Drop items - Hand Grenade or Ogre Helm or 38G
Special attacks - Throw Buddy (def -1, one)

Big Foot
HP - 750
SC - 47
MC - 35
EXP - 29
Drop items - Myriad Power Nut or Lumir Flower or 46G
Special attacks - None
Shops: None

Use the SAVE POINT and grab that mushroom near the river, it's Guard
Mushroom. Continue up the path and take 500G. Keep walking until you reac
the caverns. In the caverns go up and take the Scattering Stone. Then go
right and collect 500G. Keep going right until you reach mountain base.
Take the Seed of Life there and go back. Take the path that goes under the
bridge, take Mogay Bomb and continue to the base. Enter the waterfall,
through the bridge and take 500G, then go right and take the Scroll of
Alheal. Go left down the path into the mountain base and take there the
Lion Field Garb. Go back to the waterfall. Keep going up the mountain until
you reach the caverns. Go left and take 1500G and then go up to spend the
night here. Party will discuss their resent adventures and Millenia.

In the mourning use the SAVE POINT and then go left to the waterfall. Take
the BIG TREASURE CHEST there, which has Battle Manicure, Silver Feather and
Godspeed Ring in it. Go back and take the other path to mountain base. Take
1500G along the way and jump across the river. Then continue to the caverns.
Get Yomi's Elixir, push the stone and go all the way down to take the Mach
Boots, go back. Take the other path and grab 500G keep walking until you
reach the halfway up. The party decides to camp here.

At the camp Roan and Mareg went to get some water while Ryudo and Elena
stayed. Elena thanks Ryudo for being there, and for his help during this
trip. Ryudo says that he actually enjoyed the job. Ryudo then asks her why
is she so nice all the time. Elena tells him that it's because the souls of
the people are weak and that she must bring them to light. Mareg and Roan
return, Ryudo asks them where were they. Mareg then starts talking some wise
stuff (damn, that brute). Anyway he meant that they were lost. At the
evening meal the party discuses the Cathedral and the Pope.

Use the SAVE POINT and proceed. Take 500G along your way up and notice an
axe in the little waterfall. Go up the mountain and push the stone. Go back
and take the Dragonslayer Axe. Continue up the mountain, take Holy Wound
Salve and go to the mountain base. Keep going up until you reach the
waterfall. Go left round the rock to the halfway up. Keep going, take 500G
and go left and up the mountain but watch out for those teams, they can push
you. Take 1500G and go up and make your way to the World Map. Select


Items: Book of Priests
Enemies: None
Claymore - 3600G
Sister's Staff - 3500G
Halberd - 4400G
Sister's Robe - 4500G
Sister's Hat - 1750G
Heavy Boots - 800G
Healing Ring - 500G
Poison Charm - 250G
Sleep Charm - 250G
Confusion Charm - 250G
Paralysis Charm - 250G
Move Block Charm - 400G
Magic Block Charm - 400G
Wound Salve - 24G
Holy Wound Salve - 60G
Healing Herb - 50G
Scroll of Alheal - 120G
Poison Antidote - 14G
Paralysis Salve - 14G
Purifying Herb - 40G
Torte's Reedpipe - 30G
Smelling Salts - 20G
Move Blessing - 50G
Magic Blessing - 50G
Yomi's Elixir - 500G
Butter Roll - 120G
Fresh Sandwich - 100G
Mogay Bomb - 250G
Holy Ashes - 200G
Myriad Power Nut - 20G
Patience Nut - 20G
Sympathy Nut - 20G
Swiftness Nut - 20G

They did it! Finally ST. Heim Papal State. Guard approaches you and tells
that this is the place. Ryudo asks is the Cathedral here? Guard then asks
you what business do you have. Elena then explains that she came with a
mission from Carbo village to see his holiness Zera. Guard understands
that it must be important so he wants to escort them to the Cathedral. But
Elena wants to tomorrow. Guard says that he'll inform Zera. Elena then asks
what Ryudo is going to do. He doesn't know but he is concern about his
brother. Roan and Mareg both decide to go along with Ryudo.

When you gain control I suggest you explore the town, visit the shop, talk
to the townsfolk and check out the Library(just love that librarian).
Eventually you'll want to spend the night at the Inn. At this evening meal
everyone says goodbye to Elena. Then some priest shows up and tells that
Zera is waiting for Elena right now. Elena thanks everyone for their help
and leaves.

Action shifts to the Cathedral where Zera tells Elena that in order to
dispel the Darkness and prevent the resurrection of Valmar, she has to find
the legendary sword the Granasaber. Should she fail the world will be

Back at the Inn Ryudo, Mareg and Roan are talking about religion. Then a
priest arrives and tells that Zera has a special request for Ryudo. Leave
the village and head for the Cathedral.

The party likes the building even Ryudo. Enter the Cathedral and talk to the

man that is standing in front of the door. The man tells you that only Ryudo
can go inside. Roan wants to wait somewhere interesting, priest tells him
that their library is most fascinating. Roan then tells Ryudo that he shall
check the library for info. Roan and Mareg leave. Head through the door.

In the main hall Zera is talking to the priests. They are concerned about
the rumored revival of Valmar. Zera tells them that they should be strong.
They start to panic. Zera calms them down. He then talks to Selene about
her brutal methods. All the priests leave. Zera then invites you to the next
room. Go to the next room. In the next room Zera explains that he wants
Ryudo to find the holy sword Granasaber. Ryudo still not sure if he should
take the job but the Pope tells that in return Ryudo may ask for anything
he desires. Ryudo likes the idea, but he has to take Elena with him. Ryudo
asks where this sword might be but Zera says all they know is that it
'rests with the Legion of Darkness'. Zera says that he has prepared a room
for Ryudo and that he should rest. Leave the next room.

In the main hall you meet Cardinal Oro. He asks Ryudo what did he hear from
Zera. Ryudo tells him about the sword. Oro thinks that Ryudo isn't cut for
the job. Ryudo starts mocking the Cardinal. Oro gets angry and leaves. You
should do the same.

Go to the library and meet Roan and Mareg. Ryudo shortly explains them
what's happened. Roan suggests Ryudo read some of the books here, but Mareg
has a better idea - eat. So leave the library and go to your room.

Oro is in his room mumbling about the day of Darkness and that Zera has
absolutely zero tolerance towards matters of this weight. He must consult
his auguries. Then Valmar's moon starts to shine through the window. He
looks through the window and discovers Millenia outside. Then Millenia
breaks through the window without a warning. Oro is totally afraid.

Back in the room. The party eats peacefully. Ryudo then tells that he shall
look for that damned sword. Roan and Mareg will help him. Then a priest
comes and tells that Valmar has taken a human form and entered the
Cathedral. Ryudo realizes that it must be Millenia.

Leave the room and go to the balcony. Ryudo says that Millenia is Stupid
because she's practically standing on the dinner plate of Granas. Millenia
says that she doesn't care as long as she can follow Ryudo around (what a
nice person!). She also tells that time is in short supply.

You're back at your room. Leave the room and head to the main hall. Zera
and Elena are already there. Ryudo tells Zera that he'll do the job. Zera
then wishes them luck and gives the Book of Priests. Leave the Cathedral.
Outside the party decides to find clues in the Cyrum Kingdom. As soon as
you regain control leave the city, enter the World Map and select St. HEIM


Items: 1 Holy Wound Salve
1 Seed of Moves
1 Magic Blessing
1 Poisoned knife
1 Poff Nut
1 Bravery Bandana
Enemies: Twin Ogre
HP - 680
SC - 52
MC - 29
EXP - 27
Drop items - Hand Grenade or Ogre Helm or 38G
Special attacks - Throw Buddy (def -1, one)

Big Foot
HP - 750
SC - 47
MC - 35
EXP - 29
Drop items - Myriad Power Nut or Lumir Flower or 46G
Special attacks - None

HP - 780
SC - 27
MC - 13
EXP - 14
Drop items - Purifying Herb or Mirage Earring or 25G
Special attacks - None
Shops: None

Well of course, you could just cross the bridge and that's it. But if you're
thinking that, then you have got it all wrong! This is an RPG, so get your ass
down those ladders. Use the ladders near people. Go down and head left for Holy
Wound Salve, then go up round the rock to take 500G. Go straight right and take
1500G. Go up and take 500G. Keep going up then right to take 500G, then go
round those trees and take the Seed of Moves. Go all the way back and walk
under the bridge. Keep walking up the path, ignore ladders up, and continue.
Take Magic Blessing. Go up and then right to take Poisoned Knife. Go left up
the path and use the ladders. See you're back where you started. But before you
leave see the ruined part of the bridge near the exit? Go though it and take
Poff Nut, keep going down the path all the way and in the end take Bravery
Bandana. Now you can cross the bridge to the World Map and select RAUL HILLS.



Items: 1 Thunder Ring
1 Buster Flail
1 Black Quartz Helm
1 Earthen Cuirass
Enemies: Land Cougar
HP - 1000
SC - 17
MC - 49
EXP - 25
Drop items - Scroll of Alheal or Gale Stone or 22G
Special attacks - Shhh! (blocks magic with a vacuum)
Howl (damage depends on hits, some)
Runner (move +2, one)
Howlslash (wind damage, line)

Twin Ogre
HP - 680
SC - 52
MC - 29
EXP - 27
Drop items - Hand Grenade or Ogre Helm or 38G
Special attacks - Throw Buddy (def -1, one)

HP - 780
SC - 27
MC - 13
EXP - 14
Drop items - Purifying Herb or Mirage Earring or 25G
Special attacks - None

HP - 960
SC - 31
MC - 42
EXP - 31
Drop items - Seed of Power or Flame Stone or 63G
Special attacks - Burnflame (fire damage, some)
Fireball (def -2, one)
Shops: None

Use the SAVE POINT and go get TREASURE CHEST near the fence; in it,
you'll find Thunder Ring. Take the main path until you reach destroyed
bridge. You can't cross it so instead go along the river until you reach a
tree surrounded by a fence. Take the Buster Flail and continue the path
until you reach normal bridge. Don't cross it yet, go along the river and
take 1500G. Go back and cross the bridge. Go left up the stairs and take
Black Quartz Helm. Go round the right tower and take 500G. Go up to a small
ruined room to take Earthen Cuirass. Go left until you reach a line of
ruined stone pillars, then go down and take 1500G. No thing much to do here
so maneuver yourself to the bridge and cross it. Go left and take 500G. Then
make your way to RAUL HILLS 2.


Items: Golden Nut
Weakness Nut
Myriad Power Nut
Exhaustion Nut
Patience Nut
Seed of Psyche
Seed of Life
Seed of Defense
Seed of Magic
Seed of Power
Revival Gem
1 Quake Stone
1 Scroll of Alheal
1 Rage Ring
Enemies: Land Cougar
HP - 1000
SC - 17
MC - 49
EXP - 25
Drop items - Scroll of Alheal or Gale Stone or 22G
Special attacks - Shhh! (blocks magic with a vacuum)
Howl (damage depends on hits, some)
Runner (move +2, one)
Howlslash (wind damage, line)

Twin Ogre
HP - 680
SC - 52
MC - 29
EXP - 27
Drop items - Hand Grenade or Ogre Helm or 38G
Special attacks - Throw Buddy (def -1, one)

HP - 780
SC - 27
MC - 13
EXP - 14
Drop items - Purifying Herb or Mirage Earring or 25G
Special attacks - None

HP - 960
SC - 31
MC - 42
EXP - 31
Drop items - Seed of Power or Flame Stone or 63G
Special attacks - Burnflame (fire damage, some)
Fireball (def -2, one)
Shops: None

See those ball-like plants? Smash them to get Nuts, Seeds and Gems. Keep
walking the path until you reach a fork with a big stone and a BIG TREASURE
CHEST on it. Smash the first stone, climb it, smash the second stone and
take the Quake Stone, Scroll of Alheal and Rage Ring. At the fork if you
take right path it'll lead you to a dead end. So take the left one and use
the SAVE POINT. Cross the stone bridge and keep going down the path until
you reach a fork. Take the path that leads up to RAUL HILL 1. Waste some
plants and take 1500G, then return to the fork. At the fork go down the
path and board the boat. Cross the river and make your way to the World



Items: 1 Poff Nut
Shadowblade - 4000G
Blazing Staff - 4200G
Whirlwind Staff - 4200G
Quarry Staff - 4200G
Arbalest - 4500G
Main Gauche - 4600G
Halberd - 4400G
Purple Robe - 4500G
Black Quartz Mail - 5500G
Wizard's Hat - 2000G
Black Quartz Helm - 2200G
Magic Hi-Heels - 1100G
Magical Brace - 1500G
Anklet - 1000G
Fire Charm - 400G
Wind Charm - 400G
Earth Charm - 400G
Lightning Charm - 400G
Blizzard Charm - 400G
Wound Salve - 24G
Holy Wound Salve - 60G
Healing Herb - 50G
Scroll of Alheal - 120G
Poison Antidote - 14G
Paralysis Salve - 14G
Purifying Herb - 40G
Torte's Reedpipe - 30G
Smelling Salts - 20G
Move Blessing - 50G
Magic Blessing - 50G
Yomi's Elixir - 500G
Flame Stone - 200G
Gale Stone - 200G
Quake Stone - 200G
Electrum Stone - 250G
Icefang Stone - 150G
Powerless Nut - 50G
Weakness Nut - 50G
Exhaustion Nut - 50G
Slowpoke Nut - 50G

Now that's what I call a Big City. It's huge! The party admires the city
view. Roan tells that this lovely scenery is fake and that true face of this
is bound to appear. He then explains that they the people of Cyrum are all
descendents of people of Darkness. Ryudo asks is Granasaber in this place but
Roan apparently doesn't know. Then he says that they should go and find a
room. Of course you should visit the shop first. Then I suggest you explore
this big city, talk to the people here. And when you're done go to the Inn.

At the Inn the innkeeper tells you that a festival will soon take place.
And King himself will make a speech. Roan is somewhat troubled by the news
and runs home to check things out. Ryudo and the rest will have to spend
the night at the Inn. At the dinner party decides to explore a town and ask
people about the sword. The innkeeper suggests you visit the bazaar and
find a man named Hemble. But Hemble is a strange one so Ryudo and Elena
will have to pretend that they are a happy couple. Elena gets angry at this
turn of events and retires to her room.

In her room, she's sitting and thinking. She feels uneasy and angry with
only God knows who. She then realizes that this is pointless and goes to
sleep. Elena got overexcited and lost control so Millenia appeared.
Millenia knows that something is going on so she writes something on the

You now see King of Cyrum in his castle. He says that he no longer can hide
something from the people. He then notices a strange figure. The figure asks
King what is the matter. King thanks the figure for what he has done to his
people. The figure says that all fears of the people of Darkness have

It's morning. Elena is still sleeping, Ryudo tries to wake her up (damn, why
are they sleeping with their clothes on?). She wakes up and looks at the
mirror. There are some words written on the mirror, they say 'Elena, I know
you like Ryudo! Let him know it!'. Downstairs Mareg makes a fantastic
conclusion that more than 2 a couple does not make. So he decides to check
the harbor. Elena is afraid to be alone with Ryudo (is he a maniac or
something?). Anyway, leave the Inn and hit the bazaar. Play the goldfish
game to get a Poff Nut. When you're done with the bazaar visit Hemble. He
tells you that he won't talk without a proper introduction. So Elena and
Ryudo decide to play a couple. Hemble then invites them into the tent.
Inside Hemble starts mocking Ryudo and hitting on Elena. He then tells that
they should play a game of hand wresting to see who's better.


== to your arm. Pulling the R Trigger hard makes your 'POWER' greater than
Hemble's, but saps your 'ENDURANCE'. If your ENDURANCE drops to 0 you can't
push against Hemble's arm. Keep pushing the A Button (your assigned button)
to restore your ENDURANCE. You can't use the A Button and the R Trigger
(your assigned buttons) at the same time. When 'GO' appears, the game

Well if it were a normal story-mini-game then you'd be on your way after
defeating Hemble, however don't forget that this is an RPG after all. Hemble
has some items up his sleeve and in order to get them you'll have to defeat
him in his mini game again, again and again. Again, it would be nothing if
the prize items would be all normal, but of all 5 items 3 you already have
(or will have) and you don't have Glass Slippers and Silver Freeze. Now
that's the items you should play for, because you won't get them anywhere
else. So, after the fifth defeat, Hemble will refuse to wrestle with you.
Here are the items:

1 time - Revival Gem
2 times - Hero's Elixir
3 times - Silver Freeze
4 times - Gold Feather
5 times - Glass Slippers
6-oo times - Unavailable (Hey, give the poor guy a brake! OK?!)


You will get help from Elena on this one. She'll tell Hemble that his nose hair
are sticking out. He can't believe it and he'll want his mirror. That should
help you beat him.

After the 'battle' Hemble is devastated and very unhappy. He wanted to teach
Skye how to tell that he is magnificent and wonderful. Ryudo asks him about
the Granasaber, but he doesn't know (jerk!) so it was just a waste of time.
Ryudo and Elena leave the tent. Elena got overexcited (as always) and is
feeling quite tired. She decides to sit for a while. Ryudo tells her that he
will buy her a drink. Near Hemble's tent there is a drink tent go there and
buy a drink. You'll have a choice of four different drinks, Love potion,
Power-up, Flower water and hidden. Ryudo will only buy hidden so choose the
fourth option.

All of a sudden Millenia pops up. Ryudo is not very pleased. Millenia says
that she can't stand being left out and gets all over poor Ryudo. He tells
her to stop (stupid!). Millenia then makes some seductive moves and Ryudo
surrenders. Millenia joins the party. Go and listen how Mau sings Millenia
will like it very much, then Roan and Mareg will come. Roan says that there
are some problems in the castle so they must hurry. Also he tells that they
should take the waterway around and get into the castle from the rear gate.

When you gain control cross the bridge. When you do Roan will point to the
boat, board the boat. Your party is in the back of the castle. You meet up
with Paulk. He will tell Prince (?) Roan to be careful and that Menory is
waiting. Roan tells him that he has his friends with him. Enter CYRUM


Items: 1 Move Blessing
1 Lightning Tiara
1 Electrum Stone
1 Silver Feather
1 Magical Brace
Enemies: Chameleon
HP - 780
SC - 27
MC - 13
EXP - 14
Drop items - Purifying Herb or Mirage Earring or 25G
Special attacks - None

HP - 960
SC - 31
MC - 42
EXP - 31
Drop items - Seed of Power or Flame Stone or 63G
Special attacks - Burnflame (fire damage, some)
Fireball (def -2, one)
Skull Snail
HP - 920
SC - 25
MC - 46
EXP - 30
Drop items - Icefang Stone or Bone Harp or 40G
Special attacks - Bloodsucking (HP drain, one)
Poizn (poison effect, some)
Shops: None

Enter the passage and head forward. You'll meet Carro take him if you
have the nuts. Take the Move Blessing and use the SAVE POINT. Move the box
to get through. Get through. Go right use the ladders to go down and take
the TREASURE CHEST with Lightning Tiara in it. Go back and head up, take
2100G from the right and move the box to pass. Push another box to create a
bridge box. Go thorough the bridge and take Electrum Stone, keep going until
you reach the ladders go down. Go through the bridge and use the switch.
It'll create a bridge. Cross it and go left until you reach some boxes, take
Silver Feather. Go back and take the other way to reach a closed doors and
another switch. But before using it, keep going to take 700G. Now use the
switch. The doors are still closed but another ridge has been formed, cross
it. Don't mind the broken ladder since you can't use it anyway, instead use
the other near the broken one. Keep going up until you reach another switch,
use it and it'll create bridge so you could use the SAVE POINT. Use it and
take Magical Brace. Go back and take the right path to use the switch near
the broken ladders. This switch opened those closed doors, so go back and
use the doors. Keep going until you reach a dead end. There is actually a
hidden path in the wall find it and use it to get yourself to CYRUM CASTLE.


Items: None
Enemies: None
Shops: None

You can explore the castle but you won't find anything useful so I
suggest you head to the room of Demon-Sealing. In that room you'll meet
Menory a Gate Guardian. Roan asks him is everything OK, Menory tells that
the Gate is safe but he feels a strange power behind it. Roan then
introduces Menory to the party. Ryudo asks what is this gate for. Roan
explains that this is the Gates of Darkness and it is said that it'll open
when the people of Darkness will regain their pride. He also tells that a
great power lies beyond those Gates. Menory then tells that King said that
soon there will be no need for the Guardian of the Gate. Roan tells that
his father won't be able to open the Gate without the key. And the key is
his medal. Millenia suggests they go and ask the King. Menory tells you that
he must be in his office on the top floor.

Leave the room and go up the stairs. Continue to Audience Chamber and take
the stairs up to King's office. In the office you meet the king. Roan asks
him about the Gate. King tells Roan that their people are near to regaining
their lost pride and the Gate shall be opened. Roan gets angry and says that
it'll bring the Day of Darkness and that they don't have to be bound by
history nor be the people of Darkness. His father says that the hope for
their people is beyond that Gate. Roan tells that will never hand over the
medal to open it. But the King says that his medal is no longer required and
leaves the room. Ryudo asks about the people of Darkness. Roan then shows

that the true symbol of their country is Valmar's Crest. He tells that his
people fought alongside Valmar long ago, but now no one worships him
anymore. The ground shakes, Roan tells that this must have been the gates.
When you regain control run back to the Demon-Sealing room.

You find Menory dead and the Gate opened. Go through the Gate to UNDERGROUND



Items: 1 Icefang Stone
1 Soul Eater
1 Paralysis Salve
Enemies: Dragonoid
HP - 960
SC - 31
MC - 42
EXP - 31
Drop items - Seed of Power or Flame Stone or 63G
Special attacks - Burnflame (fire damage, some)
Fireball (def -2, one)
Skull Snail
HP - 920
SC - 25
MC - 46
EXP - 30
Drop items - Icefang Stone or Bone Harp or 40G
Special attacks - Bloodsucking (HP drain, one)
Poizn (poison effect, some)
Fiora (magic symbol blocks enemy moves)

Warp Warrior
HP - 850
SC - 59
MC - 3 (yes only 3!)
EXP - 28
Drop items - Dark Ring or Move Blessing or 41G
Special attacks - Power Crush (move block effect, one)
Air Slash (damage, some)

Vein Brain
HP - 800
SC - 8 (yep 8!)
MC - 65
EXP - 17
Drop items - Seed of Magic or Electrum Stone or 46G
Special attacks - Stram (attack -2, one)
Zap! (stun effect, some)
Shops: None

Inside you find a big machinery system. Use the SAVE POINT and keep
going up until you bump into a wall, then head right. Go down then again
right and take the Icefang Stone. Go down take 700G and then head right
until you reach a wall, head left from there. Watch out for the steam, take
the Paralysis Salve and the Soul Eater go left. Take 700G and go down the
steps. Take 2100G and use the switch to activate the bridge. Take the Mana
Harp and Move Blessing and then go down the steps, then make your way into


Items: 1 Dynamite
1 Forbear Necklace
1 Paralysis Salve
1 Fine Broadsword
1 Flame Stone
1 Miracle Elixir
Enemies: Skull Snail
HP - 920
SC - 25
MC - 46
EXP - 30
Drop items - Icefang Stone or Bone Harp or 40G
Special attacks - Bloodsucking (HP drain, one)
Poizn (poison effect, some)
Fiora (magic symbol blocks enemy moves)

Warp Warrior
HP - 850
SC - 59
MC - 3
EXP - 28
Drop items - Dark Ring or Move Blessing or 41G
Special attacks - Power Crush (move block effect, one)
Air Slash (damage, some)

Vein Brain
HP - 800
SC - 8
MC - 65
EXP - 17
Drop items - Seed of Magic or Electrum Stone or 46G
Special attacks - Stram (attack -2, one)
Zap! (stun effect, some)
Shops: None

Take the left pipe to get to Dynamite. Go back then up the pipe. Head left
through the pipe. Cross the other pipe and then the one that is near this
one to take 2100G. Go back and head up all the way across the pipe. Then
take another pipe. Take 700G and hit yet another pipe, use the SAVE POINT
and go down. Take the right pipe to get the TREASURE CHEST and Forbear
Necklace, go back and take the other pipe. Cross it and hit another pipe.
Take 700G and use the switch, take Paralysis Salve and cross another pipe.
Go left and take 2100G, go right and cross the pipe. Use the switch and
it'll create another path for you, take it. Take 700G and keep going
through the pipe. Take the middle pipe to get Fine Broadsword. Return and
go through the other pipe. Then cross the pipe and take the Flame Stone. Go
down, take the Miracle Elixir and cross the pipe to get to UNDERGROUND


Items: 1 Holy Wound Salve
1 Warp Shoes
Enemies: Skull Snail
HP - 920
SC - 25
MC - 46
EXP - 30
Drop items - Icefang Stone or Bone Harp or 40G
Special attacks - Bloodsucking (HP drain, one)
Poizn (poison effect, some)
Fiora (magic symbol blocks enemy moves)

Warp Warrior
HP - 850
SC - 59
MC - 3
EXP - 28
Drop items - Dark Ring or Move Blessing or 41G
Special attacks - Power Crush (move block effect, one)
Air Slash (damage, some)

Vein Brain
HP - 800
SC - 8
MC - 65
EXP - 17
Drop items - Seed of Magic or Electrum Stone or 46G
Special attacks - Stram (attack -2, one)
Zap! (stun effect, some)
Shops: None

Go round the green-wall-thing and take Holy Wound Salve. Go up round another
green-wall-thing and take 700G. Go right until you reach the wall, walk
alongside the wall until you reach 2100G. Find the SAVE POINT and save your
progress. Go up and take the Warp Shoes. Return to the SAVE POINT and hit
the door to get yourself to UNDERGROUND PLANT, CONTROL ROOM and prepare for
a Boss.


Items: None
Enemies: Boss
Shops: None

It is a huge factory. Once you gain control just go up. Roan spots
something. It is some kind of security bot. Millenia sys that it's possessed
by the Claws of Valmar. The bot then decides that you are no more than an
intruder and must be eliminated and completely exterminated.


Boss: Valmar's Claw Left Arm Right Arm
HP - 14000 HP - 8000 HP - 8000
SC - 2400
MC - 1200
EXP 1000
Drop items - Mana Insignia, Book of Gales and 2100G
Special Attacks - Gravity (draws party close to one point, all)
Thunder Bullet (cancel effect, some)
Ice Bullet (cancel effect, some)
Healer (healing, one)
Tail Piercer (cancel effect, one)
Avenging Claw (powerful attack, one)
Infernal Sigh (fire damage, some)
Fiora (magic symbol blocks enemy moves)

This one is more annoying than anything else. You see, he can heal himself,
but he only can do this if he has his arms, and you know what that means?
Right! Hit his arms quick and hard, all the usual - Flying Tenseiken,
Dragon Raise, Beast-King Smash and Fallen Wings (maxed out preferably). To
quickly deal with each hand use only the moves that effect one enemy. Kill
one arm, then another. And without his arms his pathetic. He won't be able
to heal, he'll use his Piercing tale and cast the Avenging Claw, now that's
what you should watch out for. His Claw can do a whooping 800HP damage, so
if he damaged some one your character or characters then heal with
Alhealer. When there's only his body left, you'll probably be out of SP,
however your MP should fine. So to finish his body use your most
destructive magic and if someone doesn't have powerful magic you can even
use simple Combos.

After the battle Millenia devours Vslmar's Claw. The bot is lying on the
ground. Roan says that this bot is actually an Automata a fighting machine
created to fight in a war between Good and Evil. Roan is angry with this
factory and with his life. Therefore he goes crazy with his knife and starts
cutting around with it (damn, that's what you get if you give a cold weapon
to children). Thanks to Roan the factory id about to collapse, Ryudo says
that they should get the hell out of there. Now one disagrees. Mareg tells
that this Automata is a victim of Melfice and brings her along.

You're back at the castle. Roan and Ryudo wants to get to the bottom of
this. Then Automata gets up and speaks. Roan says that she will do nothing
without a proper command. Ryudo tells her that she is free (Invalid Command)
but can't compute that. Well they don't care and leave.

Use the SAVE POINT and go to the office. No one is in the office, but you
hear some voices in the next room. Charge the next room. And guess what!
You find Melfice himself in there. Mareg gets all excited as well as Ryudo.
Melfice, on the other hand is cool. The party charges. Melfice beats the
crap out of you with his Wailing Soul Slash. He starts mocking everybody.
Ryudo can't believe his brother. Melfice then hits the king with his
blade (cool blade by the way) and the poor King collapses. Melfice then
says that dreams and hopes are for losers and tells Ryudo that he can prove
it if Ryudo will come to their birth village. Then he escapes through the
window. Millenia is disappointed by the fact that she couldn't get the Horn,
but at least she got the Claw.

Roan talks with his father. The king looks pathetic. Roan decides that this
country needs a true leader and wants to stay home.

Roan makes an announcement to the people. He says them all the truth behind
the Gates of Darkness and the people of Darkness. Then he raises Valmar's
crest. Ryudo says that he couldn't do what Roan does. Elena says that they
should accept the world as it is.

When you gain control leave the castle. When you're about to leave, Roan
calls you. He asks Ryudo if he wants to go to the Garlan Island, Ryudo tells
he does. Roan then tells that he has prepared a ship for them. Everyone
says goodbye to Roan.

Leave the castle. You find Automata standing outside. Mareg tells her again
that she is free. She doesn't get it. Ryudo explains - zero effect. Mareg
then suggests they take her along. Everyone agrees. And so welcome Tio the
automaton to your party.

- Tio -

Tio is an Automaton built in the Cyrum Kingdom Factory in the ancient days to
fight in the battle of Good and Evil. Not a mindless machine nor an AI, a robot
apparently with a soul, nothing more is known about Tio. Possessed by the Claws
of Valmar, her soul was torn apart and now she can't do anything without a
master. Rescued by Ryudo and party she finds her only friends in them and Mareg
as her master. But she soon will have to learn how to trust her own judgment...

- Special Moves -

_______________________ __________ _______ ____________________________________
_______________________ __________ _______ ____________________________________

Lotus Flower 28 Line A splendid attack Cancel effect
Fast Dance-Whirl 38 One A legendary attack dance
Tornado 48 All A dance move that stops wind
Whisper to Stars* 36 All Power of stars raise all variable

* You'll get this skill after Mareg leaves your party for good.
_______________________ __________ _______ ____________________________________

Hit the port and find a ship. The ships captain Bakala tells you that when
you're ready he'll take you to the Garlan Island.


== you'll be making a big step further into the game. I strongly recommend you
go and level up. Choose whatever place you think is best for that.


You're in the boat. Elena is talking to Ryudo. She asks him about the Garlan
Island. He tells her that it's north of Camille Sea across the Granacliffs.
Elena than asks about the Granacliffs, Ryudo explains. Bakala showa up and
tells that his boat is good. Mareg starts complaining about some strange
mechanism. It appears to be some kind of pumping device, Bakala says that it'll
help then cross the Granacliffs and that they should keep pumping it for five

When you gain control go and talk to Tio. Ryudo asks her about the Claws
and Melfice but she can't remember anything.

Elena is in her bed and can't sleep. Ryudo shows up and tries to comfort
her. Elena starts complaining about the ship. Ryudo tells that he'll go
and speak with the captain to stop the ship somewhere. Leave the room and
go to the deck to speak with Bakala.

Ryudo tells him that Elena can't take much more of this and that he should
stop. Bakala says that there is no choice and that they can stop at Ceceile
Reef. When party leaves the ship Ryudo tells that they should spend the
night here. Bakala says that it's OK but if the wind picks up than they
should return.

When you gain control just keep going, no forks and no enemies here, only
one path. Ryudo spots some strangely polished stones, Mareg says that he
can't smell the sea in them. Elena tells that she's tired and that thy
should get a move on.

They camp here. At the evening meal conversation, party discuses Ryudo's
family. His parents died long ago, he and his brother Melfice were raised
by the village chef. Then they go to sleep.

In the middle of the night Ryudo wakes up. He's worried about Elena, Skye
tells him that she's back there. When you gain control go back there.

Ryudo finds Elena sitting and watching the sea. She says that Valmar's
moon is haunting her. Elena tells him that she's not so naive anymore
and Ryudo will praise her for that. Elena loves the world and the people
that live in it. Ryudo proclaims that they will cross the Granacliffs
tomorrow. They talk a little bit more and then go to sleep.

In the morning something is wrong. It's the monsters. Thy hatched from
those 'polished stones' that actually were eggs. The party can't escape
because the tide came so you'll have to fight.



Items: 1 Dragonfly Slayer
1 Gale Stone
1 Scroll of Alheal
1 Flame Shoes
1 Flame Bandana
1 Flame Armor
1 Healing Fruit
Enemies: Crimson Claw
HP - 1230
SC - 41
MC - 28
EXP - 31
Drop items - Patience Nut or Blessing Scroll or 65G
Special attacks - Attack (a multi hit attack, one)
Move block step (move block effect, one)

Flame Toad
HP - 940
SC - 20
MC - 32
EXP - 26
Drop items - Dynamite or Pretty Bracelet or 18G
Special attacks - None
Shops: None

Start walking alongside those lovely flowers. And soon you'll reach
CECEILE REEF 1. Use the SAVE POINT and continue the path. See the an axe
up there? Go get it. Then go down the path and take the Gale Stone. Go
alongside the edge until you reach 1000G, take and keep going. Jump to
the other side and continue up the path, take the Scroll of Alheal and go
take the BYG TREASURE CHEST that's hidden in the cave, it has the flame
set - Flame Shoes, Flame Bandana and the Flame Armor. Keep going down the
path until you reach the edge, jump to the other side take 1000G and
continue. Go up through the ark and take the Healing Fruit and make your
way to CECEILE REEF 2.


Items: 1000G
1 Coral Necklace
1 Lullaby Staff
1 Electrum Stone
1 Mermaid Harp
Enemies: Crimson Claw
HP - 1230
SC - 41
MC - 28
EXP - 31
Drop items - Patience Nut or Blessing Scroll or 65G
Special attacks - attack (a multi hit attack, one)
Move block step (move block effect, one)

Flame Toad
HP - 940
SC - 20
MC - 32
EXP - 26
Drop items - Dynamite or Pretty Bracelet or 18G
Special attacks - None

Scaly Warrior
HP - 1160
SC - 51
MC - 23
EXP - 54
Drop items - Holy Wound Salve or Seed of Moves or 93G
Special attacks - Lunacy Egg (confusion effect, one)
Shops: None

Keep going the only path you've got and then you reach the edge jump across.
Keep going until you reach 1000G take it and jump across. Keep going and
take 3000G then jump across. Maneuver through the shallow water and take 2
TREASURE CHESTS containing Coral Necklace and Lullaby Staff. Go round the
rocks and keep going until you reach Electrum Stone take it and go round the
rocks to use the SAVE POINT. Go back to where you've taken Electrum Stone
and walk alongside the edge then past the shallow water and take the Mermaid
Harp. Go back to the SAVE POINT, save and prepare for the Boss Battle.


Boss: 2 Crimson Tail
HP - 9800
SC - 2400
MC - 600
EXP - 500
Drop items - Soul Egg
Special attacks - Scissors Storm (stun effect, one)
Phantom Echo (damage, line)

Damn, these crabs are ridiculously and pathetically easy. Use whatever
destructive one-enemy moves you've got, to kill one. And then just finish
the other. The only thing that you should watch out is Scissors Storm, but
it hits only one character so heal if necessary.

After the fight make your way back to the ship. Board it. You approach the
Granacliffs. Bakala explains that in order to cross those cliffs they'll
have to glide. The pump that Mareg was pumping was for that purpose.
You'll se an CG movie where 50/50 transforms into gliding 50/50 and glides
through the Granacliffs. So finally you've reached the Garlan Island.


Items: 1 Friends Necklace
Enemies: Everyone (but you can't fight them :P)
Fine Broadsword - 4500G
Sword of Mikage - 6900G
Silver Flail - 6800G
Dread Bow - 7400G
Mithril Dress - 8000G
Warrior Mail - 8500G
Mercury Bandana - 3200G
Battle Helm - 3400G
Warrior Leggings - 1400G
Talisman - 1500G
Crescent Jade - 1500G
Holy Wound Salve - 60G
Healing Fruit - 100G
Scroll of Alheal - 120G
Healing Incense - 400G
Poison Antidote - 14G
Paralysis Salve - 14G
Purifying Herb - 40G
Torte's Reedpipe - 30G
Smelling Salts - 20G
Move Blessing - 50G
Magic Blessing - 50G
Yomi's Elixir - 500G
Grail Fruit - 120G
Makibishi - 150G
Dynamite - 240G
Silence Lute - 250G

When you enter the village Ryudo tells that nothing have changed. Elena
thinks that this is a quiet village. Some boy shows up and starts talking
crap about Ryudo (No! you can't waste him). Go up the stairs and will get
a warm welcome from the village chief and Gatta Ryudo's 'best friend'. They
tell him to get out. Ryudo says that as soon as he finishes the business he
will. They leave. Elena is offended by such poor treatment towards Ryudo.
Ryudo doesn't care. Ryudo then suggests they search for Melfice in his old
house. Go there, it's the house with the nailed doors (is it plagued or
something?). Mareg and Tio leaves for the Inn.

Gatta shows up and starts remembering the past. Then he attacks but Ryudo
beats him down. Ryudo says that he can't change a thing and leaves. Elena
tries to comfort Gatta but he says that she doesn't understand and tells her
to beat it.

Go to the Inn and choose 'Let us stay just for tonight...'. Mareg and Tio
show up and tell that Melfice is in the village. The innkeeper chickens
out and blaims Ryudo for bringing Melfice here. Anyway he lets them stay

Elena is in her room. She can't get to sleep and keeps thinking about Ryudo
and What has happened with him in the past. Skye appears and flies towards
the window. He tells Elena that he'll tell her about Ryudo and his past.

Ryudo and Melfice were both born in this village and when their parents
died the village chief took them in and trained them to become a swordsmen.
Eventually Melfice became the greatest swordsmen in the village. Ryudo had
a friend called Gatta, and both Ryudo and Gatta envied Melfice his
abilities. Reena (hmm... Reena eh? Yes well (:E) was the chiefs daughter
and she was to become Melfice's wife. The future seemed bright for them
all until one fatal day. A huge storm began and ground trembled beneath
the Temple where Idol was. Reena went there to check things out but never
returned. Then the village chief sent Melfice and a few others to look for
her. Ryudo also wanted to go but he was not allowed, instead he secretly
followed them. When Ryudo got there he became the witness of a terrible
tragedy, Melfice, his brother slaughtered everyone including Reena and
stole the idol the Justice Sword. Ryudo could not believe it, in a flash
of a moment his hopes and dreams were broken and because of his brother he
was banished from the village and from lives of the villagers. He then met
Skye and became a Geohound, since then he was always afraid to trust
anyone or anything (man, that's what I call a hard youth...).

The next morning party decides to go to the Grail Mountain to look for
Melfice. Leave the Inn and the village. Hit the World Map and choose GRAIL



Items: 1000G
1 Makibishi
1 Double Moon
1 Face Paint
1 Potion of Azure
1 Grail Fruit
1 Healing Fruit
Enemies: Crimson Claw
HP - 1230
SC - 41
MC - 28
EXP - 31
Drop items - Patience Nut or Blessing Scroll or 65G
Special attacks - Attack (a multi hit attack, one)
Move block step (move block effect, one)

Flame Toad
HP - 940
SC - 20
MC - 32
EXP - 26
Drop items - Dynamite or Pretty Bracelet or 18G
Special attacks - None

Clay Bird
HP - 1800
SC - 89
MC - 127
EXP - 72
Drop items - Scattering Stone or Silver Feather or 119G
Special attacks - Feather Needle (cancel effect, some)
Def-Loss (def -1, all)

Man-Eating Tree
HP - 1340
SC - 63
MC - 51
EXP - 54
Drop items - Healing Incense or Divine Talisman or 70G
Special attacks - Apple Hurl (one)
Shops: None

This place is horrible. Mareg says that his village looks the same.
Then Gatta comes and gives Ryudo a message from Melfice saying that Ryudo
should come to the Plateau of Memories.

Use the SAVE POINT and go up round the rock to take 1000G. Go back and
round the crack in the ground and all the way through the path, across the
stone bridge and take Makibishi. Keep going until you reach 3000G, take it
and head left. Watch out for the steams. Take the Double Moon and activate
the grave. Now you can cross the lake, cross it and head up and left round
the rocks, through the steams. Keep going left and cross the crack to the
other side. Don't go up yet, instead go all the way left and take the Face
Paint near the broken bridge. Then return and go up. Go up and then to the
left to take the Potion of Azure. Then go right and near the broken bridge
go up. Activate the grave switch and the river will sink. Go back to the
broken bridge and cross it to the other side. Take the Grail Fruit,
continue up the road, round the crack and take the Healing Fruit. Go up,
take 1000G and proceed to GRAIL MOUNTAIN ROAD 2.


Items: 3000G
1 Dark Armor
1 Grail Fruit
1 Move Blessing
1 Bonds of Trust
1 Earthen Axe
1 Dynamite
Enemies: Flame Toad
HP - 940
SC - 20
MC - 32
EXP - 26
Drop items - Dynamite or Pretty Bracelet or 18G
Special attacks - None

Pit Viper
HP - 1080
SC - 45
MC - 47
EXP - 52
Drop items - Purifying Herb or Red Goblin Toad or 47G
Special attacks - Attack (stun effect, one)

Man-Eating Tree
HP - 1340
SC - 63
MC - 51
EXP - 54
Drop items - Healing Incense or Divine Talisman or 70G
Special attacks - Apple Hurl (one)
Shops: None

Go left and then go up, keep maneuvering through the steam holes. Continue
all the way up and take 3000G. Go right then down round the rock to take the
Dark Armor. Go up take the Grail Fruit and then head left. Use the
purple-slime-thing to cross, but one will break so use the other one. Then
use it again to get the BIG TREASURE CHEST and Move Blessing, Bonds of Trust
and Earthen Axe in it. Take 1000G and use the purple-slime-thing again to
continue. Go all the way left and take the Dynamite, then return go up and
use the SAVE POINT. Make your way to GRAIL MOUNTAIN, SHRINE SQUARE, nothing
here. Proceed to the SHRINE.


Items: None
Enemies: None
Shops: None

Go down the stairs and up to the big hole. Ryudo tells that this is where it
all began. Party goes down into the sealing room. The seal is broken. Ryudo
will tell that Melfice actually wanted the power of Valmar so he killed
Reena for that. Leave the shrine. You meet Melfice outside, he talks for a
bit and then runs away. Follow him into the GRAIL MOUNTAIN ROAD 3.


Items: 1 Fairy Ribbon
1 Grail Fruit
1 Golden Feather
Enemies: Pit Viper
HP - 1080
SC - 45
MC - 47
EXP - 52
Drop items - Purifying Herb or Red Goblin Toad or 47G
Special attacks - Attack (stun effect, one)

Man-Eating Tree
HP - 1340
SC - 63
MC - 51
EXP - 54
Drop items - Healing Incense or Divine Talisman or 70G
Special attacks - Apple Hurl (one)
Shops: None

Go up round the crack and take the TREASURE CHEST containing Fairy Ribbon,
and also take the Grail Fruit. Go left and down the mountain path. When
you'll reach the SAVE POINT, use it. Then go down the path and take 1000G
and Golden Feather. Then go back to the SAVE POINT and save. Head to GRAIL


Items: None
Enemies: None
Shops: None


Boss: Melfice Regenerator Sword
HP - 19000 HP - 13000 HP - 11000
SC - 3600
MC - 1800
EXP - 1500
Drop items - Maken Valborg, Book of Swords and Soul of Asura
Special attacks - Demon Horde Slash (massive damage, some)
Wailing Soul Slash (major damage, one)
Evil Horn Attack (big damage, all)
Quake (serious earth damage, all)
Tremor (earth damage, some)
Gravity (gathers enemies)
Poizn (poison effect, some)
Shhh (blocks magic, one)
Wow! (atk +1, one)
Diggin'(def +1, all)
Runner (mov +1, all)
Speedy (act +1, one)

Melfice, a respectable enemy. Here's what you got to do. There are three
targets here, Melfice, Sword and the Regenerator. Forget the sword and the
Regenerator, don't waste your SP and MP on them, instead concentrate on
Melfice. Use Flying Tenseiken, Beast-King Smash and Fast Dance-Whirl, while
Elena should use nothing but healing and recovery magic, like Alheal, Cure
and Droplets of life, because Melfice is very unpredictable, he can blast
you with his Wailing Soul Slash and Demon Horde Slash or he can just hit
you with his normal attack. Try to reach stability in this battle, keep
using those moves on Melfice and watch very closely your HP, if it gets
less then 1000 heal immediately. His Wailing Soul Slash is the most
dangerous move, it can do a major 1000HP damage, also his Demon Horde
Slash can do about 700~800HP damage to a number of characters. His magic
spells are crappy and useless, they only give you time to prepare your
attacks. With a little luck I'm sure you'll do it.

After the battle (No! Millenia didn't devour the Horns of Valmar) Melfice
realizes his mistake and apologizes to Ryudo for everything and tells him
that the Granasaber lies to the east from here. Ryudo can see that Melfice
is back to normal and doesn't want him to die. But still, Melfice dies.
Then something strange happens to Ryudo. He grabs his arm and some weird
purple magic surrounds him, Ryudo can't control himself and points his
blade on Elena. He's about to slice her up but stops and drops unconscious.

Back at the village. Melfice has been buried. The village chief says that
it is improper to be glad of someone's death, even Melfice's. Gatta then
starts lecturing them.

Back at the Inn Tio says that Ryudo has been infected with Valmar's Horns.
Tio wants just to exterminate Ryudo. Mareg on the other hand doesn't.

In the room you can see that Ryudo is completely possessed y the Horn.
Elena is worried about him and calls Millenia for help. Millenia says that
she doesn't care for Ryudo and wants only to devour the Horn. Millenia
appears and she is dead serious about doing it. She spreads her wings,
prepares the magic and... she can't do it. She decides to help Ryudo after
all. Millenia summons Elena and tells her that they have to help Ryudo both.

You see a vision from Ryudo's past. He and Gatta are practicing. Melfice is
also there. Then Gatta and Melfice disappear. Then it's the scene where
Ryudo discovers how Melfice kills everyone. However, Melfice tells him that
Reena was possessed be the Horn and thus had to be killed. Then Millenia
appears and says that Melfice is the one who wanted the power of the Horn.
Millenia then tells Ryudo to fight Melfice because he's in control of the

Now it's the scene where Reena lies on the ground pierced by the sword of
Melfice. She starts to speak with Ryudo. Then Elena joins the conversation.

Now Ryudo fights Melfice. He's dead serious on defeating Valmar. Elena and
Millenia appear. Ryudo then cuts through Melfice and thus relieves him of
his suffering. Melfice is back to normal and thanks Ryudo for saving him.
He tells that he wanted power to destroy Valmar so badly, that he gave into
it and it devoured his soul.

The dream ends and Elena is praying to Lord Granas to save Ryudo. Then he
wakes up and tells that he is fine. Mareg and Tio show up. Tio says that
they are like family now, therefore she stayed.

Everyone's back at the grave of Melfice. Then everyone makes a dramatic
speech and Gatta gives Ryudo a Friends Necklace. The party then decides to
go find the Divine Sword. Go back to the port and speak with Bakala. Ryudo
says that they once again need his ship. Bakala says he's ready. Ryudo
tells him that they need to go east alongside the Granacliffs. Bakala then
tells them that they'll be heading then to the Great Cleft Island of Arachna.

Elena is on the deck of 50/50 in the middle of the night. She feels uneasy
for accepting help from Millenia the Wings of Valmar. Ryudo shows up and
ask her what is the matter. She says that it's OK. Elena then asks Ryudo
why Millenia saved him, but he doesn't know. Ryudo tells her that Millenia
will show up tonight anyway, so he'll thank her then. Elena goes wild when
she hears that (is she jealous or something?). But she realizes that she's
a bit out of line here and runs away. Ryudo doesn't know what to think.



Items: 3000G
1 Aromatic Root
1 Healing Incense
1 Sylph's Robe
Enemies: Flame Toad
HP - 940
SC - 20
MC - 32
EXP - 26
Drop items - Dynamite or Pretty Bracelet or 18G
Special attacks - None

Scaly Warrior
HP - 1160
SC - 51
MC - 23
EXP - 54
Drop items - Holy Wound Salve or Seed of Moves or 93G
Special attacks - Lunacy Egg (confusion effect, one)
Shops: None

Party reaches shores of the Arachna (now this shore reminds me Grandia
I). Ryudo thanks the captain for everything he has done to help them. Mareg
says that he knows these places so there is nothing to be worried about.
Before you leave, Bakala gives Ryudo advice.

Walk along the shore and save at the SAVE POINT. Mareg says that he's from
around here and that he wants to visit his home village. Ryudo says that
they'll come along and asks him what will he do after that. Mareg doesn't
know until he speaks with the chief.

Continue the path and you'll see a huge plant biting the other side of the
river. Go across using this plant and head up. Open the tree gate and take
3000G. Keep going until you see another huge plant, cross to the other side.
Dead end to the left so go right (and don't mind those weird plants, their
just stupid). Avoid the steaming tree (it'll poison you) and near the big
rock open the tree gate to take the Aromatic Root. Continue the path until
you reach another huge hungry plant, using the plant get yourself across.

Now it's time for an upward mobility. Get the Healing Incense and go by that
huge root, don't mind those minor branches they're useless. Climb down and
near the huge rock open the tree gate to bit the crap out of some Scaly
Warriors (for SC, MC, EXP and fun). Take the other root. When you reach a
root-fork, take the down path to get Sylph's Robe. Go back, take the other
path and go down. Take the left path through the poisonous plant and go to


Items: 1000G
1 Divine Talisman
1 Quake Stone
1 Baobab Fruit
1 Super Mogay Bomb
Enemies: Pit Viper
HP - 1080
SC - 45
MC - 47
EXP - 52
Drop items - Purifying Herb or Red Goblin Toad or 47G
Special attacks - Attack (stun effect, one)

Giga Mantis
HP - 1460
SC - 49
MC - 16
EXP - 42
Drop items - Healing Fruit or Dragon Bone Helm or 53G
Special attacks - None
Shops: None

Go through the root and when you'll see a root-fork, go down to activate
the flower bridge. Climb the root and cross that flower bridge to get
1000G. Don't go up, it's a dead end, instead go down. Activate the lower
bridge, take Divine Talisman and climb the root to use the bridge you've
activated. Go down the root and activate the green plant to make another
bridge, go through that bridge. Open the tree gate and take the Quake Stone,
then take the thinner root, because the other one is a dead end. Activate
the flower bridge and take the Baobab Fruit hidden within. Go back and keep
walking until you reach another green plant, activate it to make a bridge
and go down.

You reach a place destroyed by the Claws. Mareg tells that it's the job of
Melfice. Mareg doesn't understand how can darkness bring misfortune and
destruction. Elena, OF COURSE, protest with all her little might. She says
that Darkness is naturally the source of all evil. Mareg then smacks down
all that she believes by saying that Light and Darkness are no different
than Wind and Fire both bring happiness and suffering. But Mareg wants to
puzzle them no further until they reach the village.

When you regain control climb the root. When you reach the root-fork, take
the left path to get the Super Mogay Bomb. Go back, take the right path and
make your way into the World Map. Choose NANAN VILLAGE.


Items: 1 Nut of Light
1 Ring of Guardian
1 Bloody Saucer
1 Miracle Scales
1 Platinum Feather
1 Book of War
Enemies: None
Silence Sword - 8500G
Golden Flail - 82000G
Bardiche - 8000G
Dragon Vest - 9500
Red Fur Coat - 9200G
Dragonscale Mail - 9800G
Azure Barrette - 3400G
Dragon Bone Helm - 4000G
Battle Boots - 1800G
Plague Charm - 600G
Titan's Ring - 1800G
Holy Wound Salve - 60G
Healing Fruit - 100G
Scroll of Alheal - 120G
Healing Incense - 400G
Poison Antidote - 14G
Paralysis Salve - 14G
Purifying Herb - 40G
Torte's Reedpipe - 30G
Smelling Salts - 20G
Blessing Scroll - 150G
Yomi's Elixir - 500G
Baobab Fruit - 360G
Dynamite - 240G
Red Goblin Toad - 120G
Muscle Mushroom - 50G
Guard Mushroom - 50G
Speed Mushroom - 50G
Runner Mushroom - 50G

When you enter, the villager immediately recognizes Mareg. Mareg tells
that Ryudo and the others are his friends. Villager says that if it is so
then they are friends of the village. Mareg tells that they should make
haste to the village Elder.

When you gain control explore the village and visit the shop. Then go meet
the village Elder. He's glad that Mareg has returned and invites you to come
inside. The village Elder asks Ryudo why does he search for the blade, Ryudo
says that it's because he doesn't know anything, he wants to start feeling
things. The Elder says that it's the same with his people, they think that
life must be felt and that not all Light is good and not all Darkness is
evil. Elena stars getting out of hand, Ryudo calms her down. Mareg tells
that things are getting restless these days and that they should investigate
it. Village Elder agrees. He asks Ryudo and the party stay here tonight.
Ryudo agrees. The village Elder sends Mareg and Tio to the square and asks
Ryudo and Elena for a favor. They accept.

You're at the Forbidden Hut. The village Elder says that in order to enter
one must be strong both of mind and of body. Therefore, he asks you to do
this honor. Ryudo and Elena enter the Forbidden room.


== fun. But get this. Each time you pass the 'trial' you'll get different
items, but you have to be successful. Here are the items:

1 time - Nut of Light and Ring of Guardian
2 times - Bloody Saucer
3 times - Miracle Scales
4 times - Platinum Feather
5 times - Book of War
6-oo times - Pointless

Don't forget to take the Book of War, don't say I didn't warn you!


Anyway, when you finish with your nuts, I mean the nut-hunting, go and speak
with the village Elder. He tells Ryudo that they should participate in the
feast as well. Ryudo says that he has got no talents, however Elena can

Elena starts her song and everybody is impressed. Skye starts pestering
Ryudo about women.

In the meantime, Mareg teaches Tio how to be her own master. Mareg tells her
to call him Mareg from this point on. She tries to do it and she's
successful. Mareg then suggests they get a drink.

Elena finished her song. Everyone thanks her and they feel like they need to
sing also. So the villagers start their song. Then Elena invites Ryudo to
visit the spring.

When you gain control head to the Nanan Spring. At the spring Elena tells
that she liked singing to the villagers. In addition she feels very
exciting about it (she's getting excited!). Ryudo then thanks for helping
him with the Horns and says that he felt her in his heart. She's very
special to him. Elena is startled and says that she's thirsty. She runs to
the springs to get some water. Ryudo feels confused.

At the spring, Elena feels that she can't respond to Ryudo. Millenia appears
and starts mocking Elena. She says that Elena could not love anyone else but
Lord Granas. Millenia says that she loves Ryudo and gives him her life and
body. Ten Millenia takes over Elena's body.

Ryudo is tired of waiting. He decides to check things out. Go check it out
but you won't find anything. When Ryudo returns Millenia appears. She says
that she's been dying to see Ryudo. Ryudo says that Millenia is here one
second and gone the other, so there is not enough time. Millenia says that
she's here now and that Ryudo should speak. Then she grabs his arm and just,
you know, wants to do it or something (damn, I'm not good at this). She
keeps telling him how in love she is. Then Ryudo finally cracks and says
that he actually does love Millenia, but he feels the same way about Elena.
(man, it's like 2 in 1 for him). Ryudo says that he can't choose (Oi! poor
him). Then Millenia does a smart move. She kisses Ryudo and quickly shifts
back into Elena, so that Elena could see what happened. Elena thinks that
Ryudo chose Millenia and runs away.

In the morning, party leaves the village. The village Elder thanks then and
says that they can return here whenever they wish. The party sets out for
the Great Rift. Leave the village and select GHOSS FORST EAST.


Now that you have the Miracle Scales all the monster stats will contain
doubled G. If you want to know the actual G earned you'll have to divide it
by 2.




Items: 1 Revival Gem
1 Wolf Boots
1 Smelling Salts
1 Yomi's Elixir
Enemies: Pit Viper
HP - 1080
SC - 45
MC - 47
EXP - 52
Drop items - Purifying Herb or Red Goblin Toad or 47G
Special attacks - Attack (stun effect, one)

Fenny Bird
HP - 1570
SC - 14
MC - 76
EXP - 49
Drop items - Seed of Swift or Silver Feather or 52G
Special attacks - None

Giga Mantis
HP - 1460
SC - 49
MC - 16
EXP - 42
Drop items - Healing Fruit or Dragon Bone Helm or 53G
Special attacks - None

Man-Eating Tree
HP - 1340
SC - 63
MC - 51
EXP - 54
Drop items - Healing Incense or Divine Talisman or 70G
Special attacks - Apple Hurl (one)
Shops: None

Use the SAVE POINT. Round the red flower take the TRASURE CHEST and
Revival Gem in it. Go round another flower and go across the mud. Keep going
until you reach 1000G surrounded by flowers, take the G and also take the
Wolf Boots in the mud. Take the flower path and reach another line of
flowers, go round them and climb the huge tree roots. Take the root that
leads to 300G, take the G. Take the root that will take you to the other
side, where there's a lot of mud. Take the Smelling Salts from the root
island. Then go alongside the red flowers and they will take you to a fork.
Go right and take Yomi's Elixir. Continue left to reach GHOSS FOREST,


Items: Mushroom Fruits and Seeds (Baobab Fruit, Seed of Spells, Red Goblin
Toad, Seed of Running, Runner Mushroom, Speed Mushroom)
1 Dragon Scales
1 Vaccine
1 Black Belt
Enemies: Man-Eating Tree
HP - 1340
SC - 63
MC - 51
EXP - 54
Drop items - Healing Incense or Divine Talisman or 70G
Special attacks - Apple Hurl (one)

Pit Viper
HP - 1080
SC - 45
MC - 47
EXP - 52
Drop items - Purifying Herb or Red Goblin Toad or 47G
Special attacks - Attack (stun effect, one)

Giga Mantis
HP - 1460
SC - 49
MC - 16
EXP - 42
Drop items - Healing Fruit or Dragon Bone Helm or 53G
Special attacks - None
Shops: None

Look who's back! It's the mushrooms. They are a bit changed, but they still
got lodes of goodies for you. Go up until you reach a rock; go left from
there and you should reach another rock. Take the path that's near the rock.
When you reach a fork go left and take the TRESURE CHEST with Dragon Scales
in it. Then go up, alongside the rock and through the tree ark. Climb the
root near a huge rock and kick some Man-eating Tree butt, climb down and
waste those mushrooms that block your way. Go down and take a Vaccine
behind a small hill. Go round the small hill and waste some mushrooms to
make your way. Keep going down until you reach a huge cut down tree.
There's a huge stone with 2 roots around it, take one and get 3000G, the
other one will take you to some mushrooms. Go round that huge cut down
tree, take 1000G from in between the 2 hills. Go right then up the root.
From that root go down to take and left to take 3000G, then go all the way
right, smash the mushroom and take the TRASURE CHEST with Black Belt in it.
Then go back, climb the root again, take 1000G, and make your way into the
World Map. Choose THE GREAT RIFT, 1.



Items: 1 Healing Fruit
1 Seed of Moves
1 Man iron Clogs
1 Man's Headband.
1 Magic Blessing
1 Vaccine
Enemies: Giga Mantis
HP - 1460
SC - 49
MC - 16
EXP - 42
Drop items - Healing Fruit or Dragon Bone Helm or 53G
Special attacks - None

Fenny Bird
HP - 1570
SC - 14
MC - 76
EXP - 49
Drop items - Seed of Swift or Silver Feather or 52G
Special attacks - None
Shops: None

Party admires the view of the Tower of Purple Cloud. Mareg says that
this place is horrible. Elena tells this must be the place where the
Granasaber fell.

Use the save point to the left, then go right and start your downward
mobility. Go down the stairs and keep going left until you reach the edge,
jump across, watch out you may fall, take the Healing Fruit. Go back, jump
across and use the ladders to go down. Go left then right, if you fell then
use the ladders to go up, keep going right until you reach ladders up, use
them. Head right, jump across, and keep going right, get into the cave and
take the BIG TREASURE CHEST containing Seed of Moves, Man iron Clogs and
Man's Headband. Go back and jump down, then again jump down and then again
jump down. Go right al the way then up to take 3600G, then jump down, down,
down and head left. Use the ladders to go up and push the big rock to make a
path. Head all the way left then right and use the ladders down. Go right,
down the ladders and then left to push the big rock. Return and go left,
through the cave and use the ladders to go up and then jump down to take
Magic Blessing. Fall down and use the ladders down. Go right and use the
ladders to go up and push down the big rock to form a path. Continue right
and then all the way left to take the Vaccine, then go down and keft to make
your way into THE GREAT RIFT, 2.


Items: 1 Demon's Tear
1 Healing Incense
1 Seed of Swift
1 Blessing Scroll
1 Discus
Enemies: Giga Mantis
HP - 1460
SC - 49
MC - 16
EXP - 42
Drop items - Healing Fruit or Dragon Bone Helm or 53G
Special attacks - None

Fenny Bird
HP - 1570
SC - 14
MC - 76
EXP - 49
Drop items - Seed of Swift or Silver Feather or 52G
Special attacks - None
Shops: None

Go all the way down and then turn right through some bushes to take the
Demon's Tear. Go back and head down to grab Healing Incense. Return and head
left, keep going all the way left then round the huge rock and head down to
take the Seed of Swift. Then go right through some smaller stones and keep
going down the path. Then go right round the huge rock and then down through
some more bushes and keep going left until you reach a huge rock, head down
from there and take 1200G. Go right and then down into the rocky area. Go
right alongside the wall and take the Blessing Scroll. Go back and head left
all the way, take the Discus and use the SAVE POINT. Continue to THE GREAT
RIFT, 3.


Items: 1200G
1 Energy Ring
1 Serpentine
Enemies: Desert Diver
HP - 1300
SC - 58
MC - 44
EXP - 56
Drop items - Vaccine or Revival Gem or 252G
Special attacks - Acid Spray (plague effect, one)
Terra Break (cancel effect, one)
Shops: None

Head up alongside the edge, then turn left, take 1200G and go all the way
up until you reach a wall of clouds.

Ryudo charges it with all his might! Bad idea, the wall won't even budge.
The Tio spots something and runs away. This place appears to be an atomaton
graveyard. Tio takes a head of one of her sisters and copies the data. Tio
says that her sisters charged this wall of wind just like Ryudo did, and
they were all wiped put. Then Tio suggests to head for the Demon's Law and
there she will be able to turn off this wall of wind.

To do so just head alongside the wind wall ant then turn left and make your
way to the end and take the Energy Ring and 1200G. Then take the Serpentine,
near the entrance to the Law and head into the DEMON'S LAW.


Items: 3600G
1 Red Bird Stone
1 Panacea
1 Phoenix Hat
1 Hero's Elixir
1 Exorcism Bow
1 Halo Armor
1 Mystic Potion
Enemies: 2 Boss
Shops: None

Hit left and take 3600G. Then all the way right to take the BIG TRASURE
CHEST and Red Bird Stone, Panacea and Phoenix Hat in it. Go back and then
up, go down the stairs. Go left or right no matter, and climb the ladders
into the other bridge and take the Hero's Elixir. Climb down and encounter
a Boss.


Boss: Leck Guardian
HP - 15000
SC - 1600
MC - 320
EXP - 700
Drop items - Inferno Battleax and 300G
Special attacks - Buster Horn (move block effect, one)

2 Snow Leopard
HP - 4600
Special attacks - Crackle (ice damage, one)
Cold (act -2, one)

This 'Leck Guardian' is actually some kind of Minotaur zombie. And those cats
must be Troglodytes in disguise. Anyway they are easy. First, make sure that
Ryudo's max SP are at least 198 so you could do 2 Sky Dragon Slashes in a row.
After those the cats should be wasted leaving the Guardian all alone. When that
happens brutally attack him with all your might! He's done.

After the fight use the SAVE POINT and then go up. Activate the red pillar
in the middle. Go all the way left, take 1200G and go up to activate another
red pillar. Return to the main room and go right from there. Go up into the
room, take the Exorcism Bow and activate third and the last of the red
pillars. The door in the main room has opened, go through it and prepare for
yet another Boss Battle.


Boss: 2 Naga Queen
HP - 12500
SC - 0
MC - 1280
EXP - 750
Drop items - Star Egg and 1600G
Special attacks - Freezing Eye (Mov -2, line)
Fiora (move block effect, one)
Blizzard Edge (low damage, some)

Is this a joke Boss Battle or something? They are nothing! Just pump em up
with the following moves exactly 2 of each and they won't be able to do
anything at all (well that's what happened with me anyway): Sky Dragon
Slash, Tornado, White Apocalypse and Beast-King Blast. That should do to
waste them.

After the battle go up the stairs. Then head left (watch the lasers) and
into the room to take the Halo Armor. Then go to the right room and take the
Mystic Potion. Then go back and go into the DEMON'S LAW CONTROL ROOM.


Items: None
Enemies: Boss
Shops: None

You find yourself in the control room. Another automaton is there and she
tells that Tio should waste the party and resurrect Valmar. Tio won't. Then
automaton tells that Tio needs repairs and repairs Tio with new orders to
eliminate the threat. Tio is ready to do it but behold Mareg's magical
voice! Apparently with mechanical properties his words simply un-repair Tio
right back into her senses! Magic non other! Anyway the automata decides
that Tio is defective and that it's time for DECOMISSIONING!


Boss: Tio Clone
HP - 32500
SC - 4000
MC - 4000
EXP - 900
Drop items - Balor
Special attacks - Lotus Flower (cancel effect, line)
Tornado (high damage, all)
Shhh! (magic block effect, all)
Howl (some)

Now this battle can be long and tiresome but it can be short and easy. You
see, attacking her physically is a brainless act, because whenever you
attack her with combo she'll usually evade->shift->counter. Plus she has a
high evade, MOV and speed. Here's what you've got to do: Use Flying
Tenseiken, Beast-King Smash, Fast Dance-Whirl and Impact Bomb (yes! Impact
Bomb because you'll need the SP for Droplets of Life) she can't dodge those.
Don't try to dispel her Shhh! She will do it again and again, just leave it
be, you'll manage without magic. Tornado is the move that you should watch
out for, it can hit you with about 800~1000HP damage, so heal with Droplets
of Life if needed. Keep using those moves, your SP should be enough, but if
it runs out you could actually use simple combos but only with the whole
party, remember that!

After the fight Tio Clone is wasted. Tio says that in order to turn off the
barrier you'll have to smash the control panel. Go up and do it. Tio says
that barrier should be down now. Leave the Demon's Law.

Outside the party finds that the wind barrier is gone. And the almighty
Granasaber is in all it's beauty. Everyone is amazed.

When you gain control proceed to THE GREAT RIFT 4. There party can get a
better view of the saber. And then Selene appears! She goes talking her
crazy-fanatic stuff, but now not about Granas but about revival of Valmar.
I just knew it, she's crazy! Then she cuts her hand and you'll see an
CG movie where the Body of Valmar is revived through the blood of Selene.
Then she sacrifices her Holy Knight and goes away.

Well now she's done it! The body is revived and the party is left to deal
with it. Elena then calls for Millenia's help. Millenia appears and says
that she is going to take on that huge behemoth, and that she needs your
help. So without any further delay Millenia just grabs the rest of the
party and flies into the VALMAR'S BODY.



Items: None
Enemies: None
Shops: None

You're inside the body. Millenia tells you that in order to defeat it
you'll have to destroy it'd core. Ryudo says that it's time for some serious
damage, and that's exactly why you're here! Nothing in this part except a
lonely SAVE POINT, but you should use it and proceed to the TENTACLE


Items: 1 Golden Potion
1 Potion of Azure
1 Resist Dress
1 Thor Stone
1 Panacea
Enemies: Venomous Larva
HP - 1620
SC - 72
MC - 52
EXP - 57
Drop items - Healing Incense or Caterpillar Soup or 112G
Special attacks - None

HP - 1270
SC - 94
MC - 43
EXP - 53
Drop items - Panacea or Spiderweb or 90G
Special attacks - Plague Net (plague effect and MOV -2, one)
Shops: None

Go all the way up until you reach the BIG TREASURE CHEST, open it and
receive Golden Potion, Potion of Azure and Resist Dress. Turn left then
down and then left again. When you reach the eyeball-switch (ehh! creepy)
don't use it, instead keep going left all the way and take 1500G. Then
return and activate the switch. Take that path until you reach some
ball-like-thing or something, anyway activate it. Take the left path and
grab the Thor Stone, then return and take the right path. Activate another
ball and go down to take 4500G. Return and go up. Activate the ball and go
left to activate another ball, but that's all there is to it for now, so

return and head right. Take the lower path to take Panacea. Then take the
upper path, jump across and make your way into VALMAR'S BODY, VEIN PASSAGE.


Items: 2 Pretty Bracelet
1 Revival Gem
1 Sage's Hat
1 Ninja Clothes
Enemies: Brain Bat
HP - 1480
SC - 32
MC - 135
EXP - 60
Drop items - Yomi's Elixir or Seed of Spells or 206G
Special attacks - Howlslash (line)
Howlnado (confusion effect, all)
Shhh! (magic block effect, all)

Immune Cell
HP - 1540
SC - 84
MC - 41
EXP - 64
Drop items - Sympathy Nut or Binding Circle or 128G
Special attacks - Spark Press (stun effect, one)
Shops: None

Go right all the way and take the TREASURE CHEST with Pretty Bracelet in it.
Go back and take the left path, then go up and then right into the room with
the orb don't use it instead go up and left to take the TREASURE CHEST
containing the Revival Gem. Then go back and activate the orb. Take the path
that is now open to you all the way into the next room with an orb. Activate
the orb and go up, in the next room activate the orb and head left to take
the TREASURE CHEST with Sage's Hat in it. Go back and then go right, then up
to reach a fork. Go right and grab the TREASURE CHEST and another Pretty
Bracelet in it. Go back and head left, keep going left all the way left and
then turn up and then go right into the room with the orb. Activate the orb,
go right and take the TRAESURE CHEST with Ninja Clothes in it. Then return


Items: None
Enemies: None
Shops: None

Get into the room and activate the yellow orb. The room starts to turn, when
it stops exit the room into the VALMAR'S BODY ARTERY PASSAGE.


Items: 2 Pretty Bracelet
1 Adamantine Helm
1 Pretty Necklace
1 Fire Charm
Enemies: Brain Bat
HP - 1480
SC - 32
MC - 135
EXP - 60
Drop items - Yomi's Elixir or Seed of Spells or 206G
Special attacks - Howlslash (line)
Howlnado (confusion effect, all)
Shhh! (magic block effect, all)

Immune Cell
HP - 1540
SC - 84
MC - 41
EXP - 64
Drop items - Sympathy Nut or Binding Circle or 128G
Special attacks - Spark Press (stun effect, one)
Shops: None

Head right and then up, you should reach a fork. Go all the way right and
take the TREASURE CHEST with Pretty Bracelet in it. Return to the fork and
head left all the way, then turn up, then right and you should reach a room
with the orb. Don't use it, go right and take Adamantine Helm. Go back and
activate the orb, go up. In the next room go left and take the TREASURE
CHEST with Pretty Bracelet in it. Go back and activate the orb, head all the
way right until you reach the room with the orb. Activate the orb and go
down to take the TRASURE CHEST with Pretty Necklace in it. Go back and
activate the orb again, head right and then up. Then go left all the way
until you reach another orb room. Activate the orb and go left to take the
TRASURE CHEST and Fire Charm in it. Go back and head up to return to


Items: 1 Silence Lute
1 Magical Medicine
1 Gold Feather
1 Bond of Trust
1 Rainbow Hi-Heels
Enemies: Dino Freezer
HP - 1830
SC - 122
MC - 48
EXP - 78
Drop items - Dynamite or Tundra Battleax or 268G
Special attacks - Freezing Breath (ACT -1, some)

HP - 1270
SC - 94
MC - 43
EXP - 53
Drop items - Panacea or Spiderweb or 90G
Special attacks - Plague Net (plague effect and MOV -2, one)

Venomous Larva
HP - 1620
SC - 72
MC - 52
EXP - 57
Drop items - Healing Incense or Caterpillar Soup or 112G
Special attacks - None
Shops: None

Follow the only path you have, ignore the fork, keep going until you reach a
dead end. Then go up, ignore the eye-switch, and follow the upper path to
take the Silence Lute. Return and activate the eye-switch, take the opened
path and push the thing. Go up and at the fork visit every direction for
1500G and Magical Medicine. Return and head down. Push another thing and go
right to open the BIG TREASURE CHEST and find Gold Feather, Bond of Trust
and Rainbow Hi-Heels in it. Go back and head left to push another thing.
Take the down path, jump across and then jump across again, keep going down
the path and when you reach a fork take whatever path you like because it
makes no difference, jump down and use the SAVE POINT and proceed to VALNR'S
BODY, CORE. The Core awaits.


Items: None
Enemies: Boss
Shops: None

Millenia says that huge and ugly thing is the Core and that you should waste
it to kill the Body.


Boss: Valmar's Core Left Tentacle Right Tentacle
HP - 24000 HP - 14000 HP - 14000
SC - 6000
MC - 6000
EXP - 1600
Drop items - Angel Circle and Relief Tag
Special attacks - Zap (lightening damage, some)
Zap All (lightning damage, all)
Suck in (draws enemies, all)
Strangulation (ATK -1, DEF -1, ACT -1, MOV -1, one)

The almighty Valmar Core is an easy foe. Start using your most deadly All
moves and soon his tentacles will be history. And when that happens
concentrate on the Core with you most powerful One moves only. Spells like
Zap, Zap All and Suck In totally suck. However he has a very good and
powerful One move, it's the Strangulation, it does a major damage plus it
decreases all your stats by 1. But it won't help him because it is a One
skill and he doesn't use it so often.

He he... 'Suck in' sounds kind of perverted, no? *ahem*... well...forget it!

After the battle Valmar's Body is about to fall apart.

Outside, Millenia devours the Body and shifts back into Elena. The party is
overjoyed that they finally found the Granasaber, but they don't know how to
carry it. Then Tio tells that she can operate the Granasaber (Saber my ass!
This thing is an outer space starship and none other). The party shifts into
the Granasaber.

Inside, Tio operates it and you'll see a very cool CG movie how the
Granasaber blitz away into horizon.

The party is in the Granasaber; everyone is amazed by the flight. Tio
tells Ryudo that she has set an auto-landing on St. Heim Papal State. Ryudo
says that's OK. Ryudo is still thinking about what Selene said and about
Zera, but Elena doesn't know about either of them. She feels tired and
wants to rest somewhere. Tio takes her to a room.

Elena is in her room, she's worried about Ryudo. She fears what Zera might
do to Ryudo should he present himself with the Horns of Valmar. Then
Millenia appears and tells Elena that Zera is actually a bad person and
that she should not listen to him. Elena thinks that Millenia lies (damn,
is she naive or what?). Millenia tells her that she should think about
Ryudo and that she can't be happy and safe at the same time. Elena of
course disagrees. Then Elena starts screaming around that Millenia is
Wings of Valmar and that she hates her, then she tries really, really hard
and Millenia disappears. Elena is convinced that they shall not meet again.

Ryudo is worried about Elena. He thinks that she should be a little happier.
Mareg tells him to cool down. Tio serves the tea.

AND THEN SUDDENLY! The Day of Darkness! It is here. Everyone, especially
Elena, freaks out. Ryudo doesn't even understand what-a-hell is happening

Anyway the party lands in St. Heim Papal State to check things out.

ST. HEIM PAPAL STATE (second visit)

Items: None
Enemies: Boss

Granas Knight
HP - 2430
SC - 150
MC - 0
EXP - 90
Drop items - Paladin Helmet or Paladin Armor or 400G
Special attacks - None
Holy Soul Blade - 14000G
Priest's Staff - 12000G
Rune Axe - 13500G
Priest's Robe - 16000G
Priest's Hat - 5800G
Heracle's Belt - 6200G
Shogun's Brace - 5000G
Relief Tag - 4000G
Healing Ring - 500G
Poison Charm - 250G
Sleep Charm - 250G
Confusion Charm - 250G
Paralysis Charm - 250G
Move Block Charm - 400G
Magic Block Charm - 400G
Wound Salve - 24G
Healing Fruit - 100G
Scarlet Potion - 250G
Healing Incense - 400G
Potion of Azure - 750G
Purifying Herb - 40G
Torte's Reedpipe - 30G
Smelling Salts - 20G
Blessing Scroll - 150G
Vaccine - 100G
Panacea - 500G
Yomi's Elixir - 500G
Butter Roll - 120G
Fresh Sandwich - 100G
Mogay Bomb - 250G
Holy Ashes - 200G
Myriad Power Nut - 20G
Patience Nut - 20G
Sympathy Nut - 20G
Swiftness Nut - 20G

The townsfolk tell you that the Day of Darkness came and that the
Cathedral Knights, the righteous protectors of the God's children and
Holy guardians of the peace are slaughtering people left and right in
Front of the Cathedral!!!

It's time for some Knight-ass kicking time. When you gain control, leave
the pastures and make your way into the town. Hey, check out the local
shop it's got some new goods. He he, I guess no Day of Darkness will stop
the business!

You'll see a scene where the Knights are having fun with the townsfolk.
Ryudo understands that something is wrong here and decides to interfere.
After the fight (which probably ended after one Sky Dragon Slash) the
party discovers that those Knights are not human. Elena tells that they
should hurry to the Cathedral to meet Zera. She speaks truly.

At the Cathedral you are warm welcomed by a bunch of Knights, but they are
called off by Selene. Ryudo asks if Selene ordered the murder, she says
that it wasn't her, unfortunately? Sigh, she's totally lost it, then she
starts her Selene-style-fanatical-crap I won't be writing it because I
don't understand what's she talking about. Anyway, after her 'speech' she
drops herself right onto the swords of her minions. All that's left is a
Dark Valmar's Heart with an evil desire to kill!


Boss: Valmar's Heart Left Eye Right Eye
HP - 21000 HP - 13000 HP - 13000
SC - 8000
MC - 8000
EXP - 1800
Drop items - Goddess Hi-Heels and Holy Clothes and 9000G
Special attacks - Snooze (sleep effect, all)
Freeze! (MOV -1, all)
Cold (ACT -2, one)
Def-Los (DEF -1, all)
Stram (ACT -1, one)
Black Spew (damage, some)
Tremor (earth damage, some)
Burn (fire damage, one)
Burnflame (fire damage, some)
Healer (heal HP, one)

This guy shouldn't be much of a problem. You could eliminate his eyes first,
but you could also leave them be. You see, later when his HP will be low his
eyes will start healing him, and that's annoying. So by destroying his eyes
you would be doing yourself a favor. Well either way, concentrate Sky Dragon
Slash, Fast-Dance Whirl and Beast-King Smash on the Heart. And leave Elena
for healing and status dispelling only. He doesn't have a big-damage spells,
but he's full of status disorder spells, so one character assigned for
healing-dispelling-strengthening is good idea. That should do the trick.

After the fight Elena absorbs the Heart of Valmar. Ryudo is amazed, how
could she do that? Elena then explains that Zera sent her on a mission to
collect all the pieces of Valmar and then he would use the Granasaber to
destroy Elena and Valmar within her. Ryudo thinks this plan suck. Elena says
that she doesn't want his heart to be destroyed so he shouldn't come and
rescue her. But Ryudo is Ryudo, when you gain control hit the Cathedral.

In the main hall you meet Oro, he starts talking about Zera and some Holy
Door. Anyway, he's dead meat and you should proceed into the door behind the
altar to use the lift to go up inside Zera's secret room.

Elena and Zera are already there. Elena asks Zera about the Heat of Valmar
inside Selene and he says that he knew. Then Ryudo and others show up.
Elena tells Zera to get it over with, but has something to show to Ryudo.
He invites you to the Forbidden Room. Follow him.

In the room, Zera explains the 'truth' behind Granas, Valmar and the Battle
of Good and Evil. Well can't say much about it. You'll get an excellent CG
movie about it, explaining 'everything'. So that's the deal, Granas was
defeated in that distant Battle and now Valmar is about to be reborn. Mareg
is angry that they searched for Granasaber for nothing. Zera tells him that
you can never defeat a God with a saber of a dead God. Thus, the
resurrection of Valmar is inevitable. Elena is devastated, all her hopes
are lost and she is convinced that this is not the Pope Zera she knew. Zera
then gets wild and tells that his ultimate goal from the very start was
the ***_THE REVIVAL OF VALMAR!!!_***. And he's going to use Elena
for that (fat jerk!). He grabs her and they teleport to the Moon.

Ryudo is furious; Zera has kidnapped Elena. Tio tells that they could use
the Granasaber to get to the Moon, but there is not enough energy and
Ryudo's Horns might awaken. Nevertheless, Ryudo is determined on saving

Leave the cursed and useless Cathedral and board the Granasaber. You'll see
a CG movie how the party flies to the Valmar's Moon.


VALMAR'S MOON, SURFACE (first visit)

Items: None
Enemies: None
Shops: None

You're at the Moon. Mareg starts complaining about the SMELL. Tio says that the
Valmar hasn't been revived yet, but Ryudo doesn't care! He wants to save Elena.

Keep going down the only path that is available to you. You will encounter
no monsters and you won't find any items, so just jump down to VALMAR'S MOON 1.


Items: 1 Lion Harp
1 Lion Boots
1 Leo Rex Battleax
1 Potion of Azure
1 Thor Stone
1 Silver Feather
Enemies: Nyarmot
HP - 1670
SC - 67
MC - 39
EXP - 81
Drop items - Panacea or Tight Dress or 194G
Special attacks - Burning Sun (cancel effect, one)

HP - 1500
SC - 30
MC - 84
EXP - 70
Drop items - Red Bird Stone or Salamander Tail or 136G
Special attacks - Attack (plague effect, one)

Evil Maneuver
HP - 1950
SC - 114
MC - 59
EXP - 105
Drop items - Thor Stone or Seed of Psyche or 64G
Special attacks - Zap! (some)
Block Needle (cancel effect, one)
Shops: None

Make use of the SAVE POINT. When you reach the first turn take it, and cut
through the thing that blocks your way. When you reach a fork go right and
take The BIG TREASURE CHEST with Lion Harp, Lion Boots and Leo Rex Battleax
in it. Return to the fork and take the other path. When you reach a fork go
left and grab 2000G. GO back and head up and then left to reach another
fork. Go left and take the Potion of Azure, return and head right. Eventually
you'll reach a fork, go left to take 6000G then continue down the path. Cut
through the thing and reach yet another fork, ignore it and continue to
another fork, go right to take the Thor Stone. Go back and head left.

Now you'll have to do some trick here in order to proceed. When you reach a
fork head down the right tunnel and activate the blue-brain-thing. That
thing made one portion of the bridge for you. Go back and through the left
tunnel to do the same with another part of the blue-brain-thing. After the
bridge has been completed, cross it.

Take the Silver Feather and continue up to Valmar's Moon 2.


Items: 2000G
1 Demon Ash
1 Silver Feather
1 Miracle Elixir
1 Mystic Veil
1 Indigo Potion
1 Panacea
Enemies: Nyarmot
HP - 1670
SC - 67
MC - 39
EXP - 81
Drop items - Panacea or Tight Dress or 194G
Special attacks - Burning Sun (cancel effect, one)

HP - 1500
SC - 30
MC - 84
EXP - 70
Drop items - Red Bird Stone or Salamander Tail or 136G
Special attacks - Attack (plague effect, one)

Evil Maneuver
HP - 1950
SC - 114
MC - 59
EXP - 105
Drop items - Thor Stone or Seed of Psyche or 64G
Special attacks - Zap! (some)
Block Needle (cancel effect, one)
Shops: None

Some bizarre thing blocks your way. You know what to do, cut it! Go up. If
you cut that thing to your right and go through the tunnel... there will be
nothing, so don't do it. Instead, go left, cut through the thing and take
2000G then head all the way down and take the Demon Ash. Return and head up
through the tunnel. When toy reach a fork go right to take the BIG TREASURE
CHEST containing Silver Feather, Miracle Elixir and Mystic Veil. Go back and
take the other way. When you reach a fork go left in order to get the Indigo
Potion. Then go all the way right. Cutting through the right thing near the
wall is pointless so don't do it. However you'll need to cut through the
middle thing to continue, but it's blocked by a wall. So go down and through
the left tunnel. You'll reach the other side of the wall, grab Panacea and
cut the thing. Return, use the SAVE POINT and make your way into the
Valmar's Moon 3.


Items: 1 Moonstone Armor
1 Reflect Helm
1 Golden Potion
2 Scarlet Potion
1 Scattering Stone
1 Meteor Scroll
1 Moonlight Tiara
Enemies: Nyarmot
HP - 1670
SC - 67
MC - 39
EXP - 81
Drop items - Panacea or Tight Dress or 194G
Special attacks - Burning Sun (cancel effect, one)

HP - 1500
SC - 30
MC - 84
EXP - 70
Drop items - Red Bird Stone or Salamander Tail or 136G
Special attacks - Attack (plague effect, one)

Evil Maneuver
HP - 1950
SC - 114
MC - 59
EXP - 105
Drop items - Thor Stone or Seed of Psyche or 64G
Special attacks - Zap! (some)
Block Needle (cancel effect, one)

Dragon Knight
HP - 2130
SC - 98
MC - 73
EXP - 92
Drop items - Scarlet Potion or Dragon Wand or 342G
Special attacks - Stram (ACT -2, one)
Lightning Ball (cancel effect, one)
DragonZap (cancel effect, line)
Shops: None

See those purple things on the floor? By stepping on them you activate
various mechanisms, but some maybe hollow. Anyway to be sure step on each
you come across. Go all the way right and step on the purple thing to lower
the pillar and take the Moonstone Armor. Then go straight up and step on
another purple thing to construct a bridge, cross it. Go right and activate
the purple thing to take the Reflect Helm. Go up and activate another purple
thing to lower the pillar and take the Golden Potion. Then head left and
take the Scarlet Potion along the way. Go through the ark and up the path.
Take 2000G and activate the purple switch that will create a bridge, cross
it. Go down the path, see the Evil Maneuver standing on the pillar like he
owns the place? Activate the purple thing near him and he'll encounter you.
So instead take 6000G and proceed. Keep walking until you reach a Scarlet
Potion. Take it and activate the purple switch, Huge rock will create a
bridge. Cross to the other side. Take 2000G and proceed the path. Take the
BIG TREASURE CHEST that has Scattering Stone, Meteor Scroll and Moonlight
Tiara in. Jump across the ark and go use the SAVE POINT. Then jump down to
Valmar's Womb.


Items: 1 Elena
Enemies: Boss
Shops: None

The party is in a weird room. Mareg spots Elena and Zera below. Zera is
explaining Elena that the world is doomed because there is no Light and in
order to save the world Valmar has to be revived. Elena sees no point in
living any further, Zera tells her that he'll relief her of her pain by
removing the Wings of Valmar within her.

Ryudo gets really angry (wow!) but can't do anything about it. Then some
bizarre thing comes from below and attacks the party. Prepare for a Boss


Boss: Egg Guardian
HP - 28000
SC - 10000
MC - 10000
EXP - 2000
Drop items - Angel's Robe and 3600G
Special attacks - Runner (ACT +1, one)
Speedy (ACT +2, one)
Diggin'(DEF +1, all)
Howlnado (wind damage and confusion effect, all)
Wailing Sickle (damage, all)
Demon Summoning (revives all Bits)

4-oo Bit
HP - 4800
Drop items - 900G
Special attacks - Desperate Blow (damage, one)

This 'Egg Guardian' gives me the creeps! Ignore the Bits! You might want to
waste them after they hit you with their Desperate Blow, but it's useless,
he'll use the Demon Summoning and revive them again. His magic like Runner,
Speedy and Diggin' are useless, plus he's slow you should have plenty time
for Flying Tenseiken, Fast Dance-Whirl and Beast-King Smash. Wailing Sickle
is the only attack you should watch out for, because it does a fair damage
to all your characters. Of course, you could substitute Flying Tenseiken
with Sky Dragon Slash, but it will eventually kill all the Bits, and after
he revives them you'll have to deal with them again. So the choice is up to
you, but always watch you HP.

After the fight Ryudo calls Elena but she doesn't ant him to be here, she
just wants to die. Zera says that all the preparations for the revival are
complete. Then he 'summons' Millenia into the green sphere. Zera proclaims
that the time has come, but apparently Millenia has second thoughts. She
starts lecturing Elena about this and that (watch the event dammit!). Well
anyway Millenia doesn't want to become a Valmar anymore, instead she just
wants to be with Ryudo (unlike some songstress that I know!). Zera, of
course, is confused. He believes that her wrong decision is because of the
feeble souls that she has devoured. Anyway, Zera doesn't seem to care, he
says that all will be as planned. You'll se a CG movie how the Moon starts
spitting fire and monsters are coming from the craters. Zera wants to become
the WILL of Valmar and create the perfect world. Millenia can't do anything
because she's paralyzed and is being devoured. Ryudo keeps screaming
pointlessly. Millenia then casts her final magic to save Elena from Valmar.
She tells that she loves Ryudo and that they should live, then she sends
them all away from here.

VALMAR'S MOON, SURFACE (second visit)

Items: None
Enemies: Valmar Fly
HP - 3600
SC - 375
MC - 0
EXP - 75
Drop items - Scarlet Potion or Blueberry or 250G
Special attacks - None

Valmar Young
HP - 7200
SC - 750
MC - 0
EXP - 300
Drop items - Yomi's Elixir or Soul of Asura or 600G
Special attacks - Berserk Launch (plague effect, one)
Leg Drill (cancel effect, one)
Tremor (earth damage, some)
Shops: None

The party is outside. Ryudo is devastated by the loss of Millenia. Mareg
brings him to his senses and they all decide to go back to the Granasaber.

When you gain control follow the only fork-free path towards the Granasaber.
Along the way you'll encounter various Valmar monsters. Eventually the
enemies will get really pesky and Mareg stays behind to hold them while the
rest of the party tries to board the Granasaber. You'll see a CG movie. Well
Mareg is dead, but the power of his will gave the rest of the party a chance
to live. He was indeed a brave warrior. The rest of the party escapes home.

CYRUM KINGDOM, SOUTH (first visit)

Items: 1 Missanga
Enemies: None
Shops: None

The Granasaber crashes-in near the Cyrum Kingdom. The ship is wasted however
nobody's hurt, but everyone is down because Mareg and Millenia are both dead.
Ryudo understands that still have to do something. When you gain control take
Missanga and leave this place.

But when you'll want to leave you'll see a CG movie about the town being
attacked by Valmar's monsters! Ryudo is determined on stopping all this
madness. When you regain control leave this place and choose Cyrum Kingdom.

CYRUM KINGDOM (second visit)

Items: 1 Roan
Enemies: Valmar Young
HP - 7200
SC - 750
MC - 0
EXP - 300
Drop items - Yomi's Elixir or Soul of Asura or 600G
Special attacks - Berserk Launch (plague effect, one)
Leg Drill (cancel effect, one)
Tremor (earth damage, some)
Blazing Sword - 17000G
Icefang Sword - 18000G
Thor Sword - 19000G
Decalogue Staff - 11800G
Guardian Staff - 15500G
Huge Flail - 17000G
Sword Breaker - 14500G
Wind Cutter - 18000G
Demon Shuriken - 19800G
Aura Armor - 19800G
Charisma Helm - 8000G
Magic Hi-Heels - 1100G
Battle Boots - 1800G
Heracle's Belt - 6200G
Shogun's Brace - 5000G
Godspeed Ring - 2500G
Anklet - 1000G
Fire Charm - 400G
Wind Charm - 400G
Earth Charm - 400G
Lightning Charm - 400G
Blizzard Charm - 400G
Holy Wound Salve - 60G
Healing Fruit - 100G
Scarlet Potion - 250G
Healing Incense - 400G
Potion of Azure - 750G
Purifying Herb - 40G
Torte's Reedpipe - 30G
Smelling Salts - 20G
Blessing Scroll - 150G
Vaccine - 100G
Panacea - 500G
Yomi's Elixir - 500G
Baobab Fruit - 360G
Magical Medicine - 360G
Super Mogay Bomb - 1000G
Flame Stone - 200G
Gale Stone - 200G
Quake Stone - 200G
Electrum Stone - 250G
Icefang Stone - 150G
Thor Stone - 750G
Red Bird Stone - 250G
Serpentine - 500G

When you enter the city it's totally wasted. Almost everyone is dead.
Visit the shop for some new goods. Then proceed towards the castle, there
you'll meet Roan and his guards being attacked by a Valmar Young x2. After
a short greeting battle starts. Waste em quick.

After the fight Roan wants some answers. Ryudo can't tell anything. Roan
understands that the situation is not very bright, so he invites everyone
to the castle to talk.

You're in the castle. Ryudo and Elena are in the room. Elena starts fer talk
about the poor Granas. She can't get over his death and Zera's betrayal.
Well, she needs a reality check and Ryudo tries to comfort her. Anyway, a
soldier comes and tells you that Roan is waiting in his office.

When you gain control hit the office.

In the office Roan and his consul are talking about something. Then the
consul leaves the room and Roan starts chatting with Tio about her heart
and about love?

When Ryudo and Elena arrive Roan decides to decide their next move. Roan
believes that Valmar is still incomplete; therefore he suggests they......
... run away!!! Ryudo obviously disagrees (me to!). Roan tells that the
Horns inside Ryudo might awaken and then all is lost. But Ryudo is still
stubborn, he wants to avenge the deaths of Millenia and Mareg. Elena cheers
everyone up by saying that the Day of Darkness has passed, Valmar is
revived and the Granasaber is lost (gee, thanks sister!).

Ryudo believes that the Horns that are inside him is the only thing that can
do battle with Valmar and that Millenia and Mareg gave their lives to
protect that weapon. However everyone's afraid that Ryudo will end up like
Melfice. Also they don't know how to activate the Horns. The party decides
to leave this place. Please do so.

On your way out you'll encounter various peasants asking for help, ignore
them. However, when you'll reach the bridge Valmar will SPOT you (wow! now
that's an EYE!).Valmar Young x2 will appear out of nowhere, kill them.

Leave the city and choose Raul Hills.


__________________________** Special Stage **_____________________________
| |
| This field area is a place where you can enjoy combat without regard to |
| the progress of the story. And some good and useless items, I might add! |

Items: 1 Useless Staff
1 Zero Broadsword
1 Rusty Hoop
1 Dull Knife
1 Lore of Magic
1 Platinum Feather
1 Energy Charm
1 Sonic Belt
1 Demon Necklace
1 Astral Miracle
1 Soul of a Hero
1 Fairy Egg
Enemies: Chameleon
HP - 780
SC - 27
MC - 13
EXP - 14
Drop items - Purifying Herb or Mirage Earring or 25G
Special attacks - None

HP - 1670
SC - 67
MC - 39
EXP - 81
Drop items - Panacea or Tight Dress or 194G
Special attacks - Burning Sun (cancel effect, one)

Dragon Knight
HP - 2130
SC - 98
MC - 73
EXP - 92
Drop items - Scarlet Potion or Dragon Wand or 342G
Special attacks - Stram (ACT -2, one)
Lightning Ball (cancel effect, one)
DragonZap (cancel effect, line)

Snow Leopard
HP - 4600
SC - 175
MC - 160
EXP - 150
Drop items - Icefang Stone or Pretty Necklace or 300G
Special attacks - Crackle (ice damage, one)
Cold (ACT -2, one)
Freeze! (MOV -1, some)

HP - 5800
SC - 270
MC - 320
EXP - 20
Drop items - Demon Ash or Jet-Black Cape or 480G
Special attacks - Attack (cancel effect)
BOOM! (high damage, some)
BA-BOOM! (unbelievable damage, all)
Burnstrike (fire damage, one)
Burnflame (fire damage, some)
Shops: None

As it was in GRANDIA I, there is a special stage here also; the Raul Hills.

OK, here you'll have 2 objectives and 2 places to go. The first objective
is to practice. This place is actually a great place for practice, the
Devils are great for SC, MC and G and Snow Leopards are excellent for EXP.
Try reaching level 55. The second objective is to collect all the items
and 1 Mana Egg.

And the 2 places are Raul Hills 1, where you find the first 4 (useless)
items and the maze area, also in Raul Hills 1 where you'll find the rest of
the items and the Fairy Egg.

Use the boat ant then head left to Raul Hills 1. Take the 'Ultimate' set of
'Ultimate' weapons (man, those must have been left behind by 'Ultimate'
warriors when they fled the enemies). Useless Staff, Zero Broadsword, Rusty
Hoop and Dull Knife .I mean, what's up with those weapons? They are only
good for your item collection. Anyway you're done here, leave and make your
way to the maze.

In the maze area you'll find the rest of items (it's a good thing they're
not junk, but on the contrary their most useful). Keep exploring the maze
and collecting one item at a time: Lore of Magic, Platinum Feather, Energy
Charm, Sonic Belt, Demon Necklace, Astral Miracle and Soul of a Hero. In
the end climb on the tower and grab the Fairy Egg.

In this area you'll encounter the Devil creatures. Umm... what's the deal? I
keep reading the other FAQ's that these monsters are EXTRA difficult, but I
really don't think so. They have 2 very dangerous spells, BOOM! And
BA-BOOM!. While you'll probably get over BOOM! The BA-BOOM! Spell will most
definitely kill your party or at least they'll be half-dead. So how do I
avoid it? You ask? Easy it's the Tight Dress. Yes! The Tight Dress. Remember
this peace of equipment that you could get by defeating Nyarmot? Well, it
can neutralize any spell directed towards the wearer, which means that any
BOOM! or BA-BOOM! spell that might be cast on the wearer will be nullified.
Useful, eh? This item has only 2 minor disadvantages. First, it can only be
equipped by the females (Elena and Tio) and second, it also disables the
spells of the wearer. But you can still use the moves. So anyway, even if
the guys will drop dead the chicks will be fighting! Plus, if that happens
you'll be able to use Droplets of Life to restore and revive all.

And for the majority of you, who don't have any Tight Dresses: GO GET SOME!
Nyarmots can be encountered right here in Raul Hills!

After all the items have been collected, you're done! Leave this place and
choose Cyrum Kingdom, South (unless you want to practice some more).

Now that you have the Astral Miracle all the monster stats will contain
doubled SC. If you want to know the actual SC earned you'll have to divide
it by 2.

Now that you have Soul of a Hero all the monster stats will contain doubled
EXP. If you want to know the actual EXP earned you'll have to divide it
by 2.


CYRUM KINGDOM SOUTH (second visit)

Items: None
Enemies: None
Shops: None

Elena is down; Ryudo says that he'll kill everyone for violating the dead.
Tio says that Ryudo should calm down or the Horns within him will be

Then you'll se a CG movie how Valmar is swallowing up the Cathedral and
some nasty looking creature is being born.

Ryudo tells that running away is pointless, everyone agrees. Then Roan
comes up with an idea, he says that Cyrum royals have a mausoleum and that
they could find something useful about the people of Darkness and Valmar
from there.

When you regain control hit the Mausoleum.

At the mausoleum Roan starts snooping around, but nothing happens. Then Tio
walks up the stairs and tells that this is the door but in order to open it
a medal is required. Apparently Roan's Medal is the key, Tio takes it and
opens the door. Leave the mausoleum and enter BIRTHPLACE OF THE GODS.


Items: 2500G
1 Hero's Cuirass
1 Flame Stone
1 Quake Stone
1 Scarlet Potion
1 Panacea
1 Gale Stone
1 Valkyrie Dress
1 Angel's Ring
1 Indigo Potion
1 Hero's Elixir
2 Super Mogay Bomb
1 Mystic Potion
1 Sun Robe
1 Holy Crown
1 Gold Feather
1 Hyper Mogay Bomb
1 Kojin Charm
1 Illusion Bandana
1 Ethereal Miracle
1 Dragon Egg
1 Book of Sages
Enemies: 2 Mini Boss

Death Doberman
HP - 1790
SC - 26
MC - 115
EXP - 166
Drop items - Yomi's Elixir or Red Hair Ribbon or 212G
Special attacks - Howlslash (some)
Howlnado (confusion effect, all)
Shhh! (silence effect, some)

Hp - 2130
SC - 18
MC - 4
EXP - 148
Drop items - Serpentine or Charming Heels or 234G
Special attacks - None

Emerald Bird
Hp - 1860
SC - 192
MC - 156
Exp - 216
Drop items - Magical Medicine or Gold Feather or 542G
Special attacks - Cold (ACT -2, one)
Crackle (one)

Ancient Warrior
HP - 2040
SC - 172
MC - 14
EXP - 194
Drop items - Golden Potion or Reflect Mail or 392G
Special attacks - Hyper Buster (cancel effect, one)
Beat Spiral (some)
Shops: None

The SAVE POINT, use it. Go up and read the statue. It says:

He who worships Light shall gather around the wonder
of the Blue Earth, the Red Sun, and the Yellow Moon,
then scatter. However, O he who falsely worships Light
and is discontent in its power, he shall know only
permanent midnight.

Go right and collect 2500G, return and head left through the tunnel. Keep
going the only path you've got until you reach a fork. Take the right path
and grab 7500G. Return and head the other way. Follow the path and then go
down the stairs. There will be entrance to the Birthplace of the Gods 2 but
you cannot enter yet. Instead go right and use the blue ball, it will open
and close some doors. Ignore stairs up, instead go left and activate the
device near the pillar with armor. The device will shoot something and
eventually the pillar will lower and you'll be able to take Hero's Cuirass.
Go all the way back to the SAVE POINT and trough the path with 2500G. When
you reach the bridge take the right path and in it's end take the Flame
Stone. Return and cross the bridge. Follow all the way through the only
path you have until you reach the room with the entrance to the Birthplace
of the Gods 2. Enter it.

Go straight up but don't use the stairs, instead go right in the room with
4 big pillars take the Quake Stone. Return and go up the stairs and through
the yellow door then go through the blue door and take the Scarlet Potion.
Return and take the other path. Past the yellow doors will be stairs, go
down abuse the SAVE POINT and continue to the Birthplace of the Gods 3.

Take the stairs up and then go left. In the next room you will encounter
Mini Boss x2.


Boss: 2 Dual Fist
HP - 19000
SC - 6400
MC - 0
EXP - 1800
Drop items - Elf King Boots and 2400G
Special attacks - Blizzard Rise (ACT -1, some)
Freeze Down (sleep effect, one)

Umm... they suck. Use all the destructive moves like Sky Dragon Slash,
Tornado, White Apocalypse and whatever magic with Roan. They shouldn't be
any problem.

After the 'hard' battle proceed through the blue door and across the bridge.
Activate the Yellow Ball. Return to the blue door and enter the yellow door
next to it. In the end of the path take the Panacea and return to the Yellow
Ball. Cross the bridge and take the yellow door. Ignore the path to the
right it's totally useless. Move the block and activate the shooting device
to open the hidden door. (Gee... that's a 'difficult' puzzle isn't it? My
head still hurts after those brain-damaging Wild Arms puzzles, I tell ya)
And in the hidden door there are even 4 TREASURE CHESTS! Loot them all!
They include the following: Gale Stone, Valkyrie Dress, Angel's Ring and
Indigo Potion. Go back all the way and through the blue door, take 2500G and
go aaal the way back to the Birthplace of the Gods 2.

Go through the yellow door and this time YOU! will be encountered by a Mini
Boss x2. Oh, the irony!


Boss: 2 Guardian
HP - 17000
SC - 0
MC - 4000
EXP - 2000
Drop items - Phoenix Ring, Omnipotent Seed or 3200G
Special attacks - Freezing Eye (all stats -1, line)
Gravity (all)
Snooze (sleep effect, all)
Blizzard Edge (special)

Well, this Boss battle is pretty much the same as the last. But nevertheless
it is a bit more challenging. Use the best moves and everything should be
fine. However, watch out for their status-lowering attacks because they use
them a lot. As always heal if necessary.

After the battle go through the yellow door and into the room with the Red
Ball. Activate it. It'll open 2 doors. Go through the left one. GO left
through the arc and in the end of the path take the Hero's Elixir. Return
and go alongside the edge till you come across Super Mogay Bomb, take it and
return to activate the device. This device will shoot out a small light and
eventually red door will open, go through it. It's another treasure room,
and the items are: Mystic Potion, Sun Robe, Holy Crown and Gold Feather.
After that return aaal the way back to the Birthplace of the Gods 3.

The red door to the right, which was closed, is now opened, enter it and
take the BIG TREASURE CHEST containing Super Mogay Bomb, Hyper Mogay Bomb
and Kojin Charm. Go to the Birthplace of the Gods 2, from there use the
elevator to go back to the Birthplace of the Gods 1.

Go straight up and then use the stairs up into the room. Go through the red
doors and down the stairs. Through the big blue doors and into the room
with the Blue Ball, deactivate it. The door leading to the elevator is
useless so don't go there, instead go through the other door and into the
room with the reflecting blocks. Now push the middle block ones in the
middle and push the block near the wall ones, after that go and activate
the device. It'll shoot out a beam and the BIG TREASURE CHEST will lower so
you could take it. And inside the Dragon Egg, Book if Sages and the Ethereal
Miracle are waiting for you!

Go back to the room with the Blue Ball and activate it again. Now you'll
have to deactivate the Yellow Ball and return to where you received Hero's
Elixir and enter the yellow door, then you can take the Illusion Bandana.
After that go back to the Birthplace of the Gods 2 and use the elevator to
go down to the Birthplace of the Gods 3. Go up and use the SAVE POINT.

When you'll want to enter the control room Elena will spot something. It's
the power cells from an ancient civilization. Inside those cells there are
mummified people of the ancient civilization. Anyway, Tio doesn't know
anything about it so just proceed to the control room.

Inside the room, party notices a strange crest, it appears to be a
combination of symbols of Granas and Valmar.

Tio gets some kind of message and tells everyone that Elmo wishes to speak
with them. Elmo is caretaker of the Birthplace of the Gods.

Go and speak with him (or is it her...?). Roan asks Elmo if it knows
something and Elmo says it does, because Granas and Valmar ones used this
place for their experiments. Ryudo asks Elmo how could they destroy Valmar
or trap it in the seals. Elmo doesn't know what seals Ryudo is talking
about. Elena explains that he is talking about the 'Seals of Granas' which
trap Valmar. Elmo says that those 'seals' are actually a system that
collects individual of Valmar to prepare a human body for Valmar's
possession. Those 'seals' were never meant to trap anyone let alone Valmar;
they were meant to activate it. (ironic isn't it?)

Anyway, the party doesn't have a clue about Valmar, Granas and everything
else what's going on here, so Elmo shoes them an ancient record that
explains everything. Here's what's really happened: (as I see it anyway, I
could be wrong and if I am then do please correct me)

In the ancient days when the world was still young Granas came.
(came?...whatever) He brought light and happiness into the world, the people
were given the power of creation and everyone worshiped Granas. However,
soon humanity lost their ambitions, they stopped dreaming. (boil in their
own juice, you know?) A core of people who grew tired of Granas and saw no
point in worshiping him any further found the power they needed in a being
called Valmar. Valmar is a true potential it occupies humans body and gives
a power he needs, power of humanity. Valmar gave people the power to change
the world. Soon a great battle waged across the world and in the end Granas
died and Valmar's body was lost. With each passing century the darkness and
hatred within the human hearts grew stronger and now the New Valmar is
about to consume the entire World.

After that Ryudo realizes that the only way to fight Zera-Valmar is to
activate the Horns within him.

When you gain control go into the center of the system. As you start going
up, Elena approaches Ryudo and she wants him to share his strength with her
(what? must be Ryudo's new move). And then they kiss (Elena! Granas will
never forgive that!!!(:E) Anyway she sticks around a bit and then jumps down
without a second thought about the height! (Must be magic, no other)

Ryudo is in the system; he's falling. After a little chat with himself Skye
shows up. Ryudo is angry but can't do anything about it. Ryudo is falling.

You end up in some cave. Ryudo will be tested here. Gee, you don't need
guidance through this 'test'. No matter which choice you will make Ryudo
will still loose and will be sleeping with the fishes. I mean, there isn't
even a choice here; you'll always have to choose the 'correct' answer, the
first option. If you choose the second nothing will happen.

Back outside. Valmar is attacking and you'll get a CG movie for proof of
that. Everyone is terrified. Roan, Tio and Elena try to help the people but
things don't look very bright. And then Elena decides to............SING!
Jesus Christ and it actually worked! It's a miracle!

Back in the abyss? Ryudo has regained consciousness and is able to move.
The voice says that he has been reborn. Light goes on and a...a...a I tell
you Ryudo has changed somewhat must be the hair. He says that he doesn't
want to look like this. He says that he'll protect everyone. And then with
the POWER OF HIS WILL and of course the miraculous song he turned himself
into Ryudo again and flew off to save the world.

Back outside. Elena is still singing. Everyone gathered to hear her singing.
Then Ryudo appears. The party is together again and Ryudo has a Granasaber.
You'll get a CG movie how Ryudo swings the sword and night becomes day. He
mocks Zera-Valmar a bit and then you regain control.

The people outside are useless except one guy who sells some good staff. He
has some good regional goods.

Now that you have the Ethereal Miracle all the monster stats will contain
doubled MC. If you want to know the actual MC earned you'll have to divide
it by 2.


Blazing Sword - 17000G
Icefang Sword - 18000G
Thor Sword - 19000G
Decalogue Staff - 11800G
Guardian Staff - 15500G
Huge Flail - 17000G
Sword Breaker - 14500G
Wind Cutter - 18000G
Demon Shuriken - 19800G
Aura Armor - 19800G
Charisma Helm - 8000G
Magic Hi-Heels - 1100G
Battle Boots - 1800G
Divine Talisman - 6000G
Black Belt - 2200G
Rune Necklace - 750G
Revival Gem - 5000G
Heracles' Belt - 6200G
Shogun's Brace - 5000G
Godspeed Ring - 2500G
Anklet - 1000G
Holy Wound Salve - 60G
Healing Fruit - 100G
Scarlet Potion - 250G
Healing Incense - 400G
Potion of Azure - 750G
Purifying Herb - 40G
Torte's Reedpipe - 30G
Smelling Salts - 20G
Blessing Scroll - 150G
Vaccine - 100G
Panacea - 500G
Yomi's Elixir - 500G
Silver Feather - 500G
Seed of Life - 10000G
Seed of Spells - 10000G
Seed of Moves - 10000G
Seed of Power - 10000G
Seed of Defense - 10000G
Seed of Swift - 10000G
Seed of Running - 10000G
Seed of Magic - 10000G
Seed of Psyche - 10000G
Lore of Moves - 10000G
Lore of Magic - 10000G

OK, after you've purchased everything you need and done all that has to be
done proceed into the magic crest and enter the final dungeon.



Items: 3000G
1 Scarlet Potion
1 Gold Feather
1 Loving Ribbon
1 All-Around Seed
1 Dirk
1 Potion of Azure
Enemies: Killer Tree
HP - 2310
SC - 68
MC - 12
EXP - 234
Drop items - Omnipotent Seed or All-Around Seed or 372G
Special attacks - Napalm Fruit (one)

Dragon Knight
HP - 2130
SC - 196
MC - 146
EXP - 184
Drop items - Scarlet Potion or Dragon Wand or 342G
Special attacks - Stram (ACT -2, one)
Lightning Ball (cancel effect, one)
DragonZap (cancel effect, line)

Evil Maneuver
HP - 1950
SC - 228
MC - 118
EXP - 210
Drop items - Thor Stone or Seed of Psyche or 64G
Special attacks - Zap! (some)
Block Needle (cancel effect, one)
Shops: None

Use the SAVE POINT and go up. Keep going the only path you have until
you reach the 'elevator'. Use it. On your way to the next 'elevator' take
3000G. Use the 'elevator' to go up. Start walking the only path available
to you until you reach the 'elevator' use it. Again, no forks here just
keep going until you reach yet another 'elevator' and use it to go up. Go
through the tunnel until you reach an edge with 3 paths, like this:

__ __ __
(1 ) (2 ) (3 )
| | ~| |` / /
| | ~~~ | | ` / /
\ \ ~ | | ` `~~ / /
\ \~~~~ ~ | | `~~~~~~~~` / /
\ \ `~~~` | | / /
\ \_____________| |______________/ \
____| \____
/ \
/ \

Hit the path number 3 to get the BIG TREASURE CHEST with Scarlet Potion,
Gold Feather and Loving Ribbon in it. Now take the path number 1 and
eventually you'll come across the All-Around Seed. Return and take the
remaining path number 2. It'll take you to a room with 6 yellow balls.
Pressing different balls will result in different events:

- Room with 6 yellow balls -
_______________ / Dirk \ __________________
: \.---------.~.--------------.~.-------./ |
: Boss ___________ |
:_____________ / / \
/ \___/ \ |Potion|
/ _/___\_ \ | of |
/ \_4_/ \ |Azure |
/ / \ \ |______|
/ \
: :
| \___/ \___/ |
: _/___\_ _/___\_ :
| \_3_/ \_5_/ |
: / \ / \ :
| |
: :
| |
: :
| |
: \___/ \___/ :
| _/___\_ _/___\_ |
: \_2_/ \_6_/ :
| / \ / \ |
: :
| |
: :
\ \___/ /
\ _/___\_ /
\ \_1_/ /
\ / \ /
\ /
\ /
'---------~-----. .------~---------'
| |
/ \

Touching ball number 1: Nothing
Touching ball number 2: Encounter with Evil Maneuver
Touching ball number 3: Opens path to Mini Boss
Touching ball number 4: Opens path to Dirk
Touching ball number 5: Opens path to Potion of Azure
Touching ball number 6: Encounter with Evil Maneuver

Eventually you'll have to go through the path to encounter the Mini Boss.


Boss: Valmar Magna
HP - 20000
SC - 100
MC - 600
EXP - 1400
Drop items - Mystic Potion or Brave Dirk or 3000G
Special attacks - Magna Boring (Move Block, Magic Block effects, one)
BOOM (some)
Magna Ripper (cancel effect, one)

2 Valmar Moth
HP - 3200
SC - 120
MC - 100
EXP - 200
Drop items - Yomi's Elixir or Meteor Scroll or 160G
Special attacks - None

After the battle proceed to the New Valmar 2.


Items: 1 Holy Sword Armor
2 Yomi's Elixir
1 Indigo Potion
1 God of War Helm
1 Holy Ghost Staff
1 Mystic Potion
1 Scattering Stone
Enemies: Killer Tree
HP - 2310
SC - 68
MC - 12
EXP - 234
Drop items - Omnipotent Seed or All-Around Seed or 372G
Special attacks - Napalm Fruit (one)

Valmar Moth
HP - 3200
SC - 120
MC - 100
EXP - 200
Drop items - Yomi's Elixir or Meteor Scroll or 160G
Special attacks - None

Evil Maneuver
HP - 1950
SC - 228
MC - 118
EXP - 210
Drop items - Thor Stone or Seed of Psyche or 64G
Special attacks - Zap! (some)
Block Needle (cancel effect, one)

Mind Eater
HP - 2200
SC - 24
MC - 54
EXP - 256
Drop items - Magical Medicine or Mana Crystals or 284G
Special attacks - Mana Capture (MP drain, one)
Spark Spine (stun effect, some)
Zap All! (stun effect, all)

Dragon Knight
HP - 2130
SC - 196
MC - 146
EXP - 184
Drop items - Scarlet Potion or Dragon Wand or 342G
Special attacks - Stram (ACT -2, one)
Lightning Ball (cancel effect, one)
DragonZap (cancel effect, line)
Shops: None

Watch the CG movie how Valmar is flying into space. Go up and use the
SAVE POINT. Take the left path and take the path through the egg room which
will eventually lead you to Holy Sword Armor, take it and return to the

Now go right, take Yomi's Elixir and continue into the tunnel. Inside is
another room with yellow balls:

- Room with 6 yellow balls -

.------.________ /God of War Helm\ __________________
:Indigo \.---------.~.--------------.~.-------./ |
:Potion ______ ___________ |
'------' \ / / \
/ \___/ \ | |
/ _/___\_ \ |9000G |
/ \_4_/ \ | |
/ / \ \ |_ _|
/ \ | |
: :
| \___/ \___/ |
: _/___\_ _/___\_ :
| \_3_/ \_5_/ |
: / \ / \ :
| |
: :
| |
: :
| |
: \___/ \___/ :
| _/___\_ _/___\_ |
: \_2_/ \_6_/ :
| / \ / \ |
: :
| |
: :
\ \___/ /
\ _/___\_ /
\ \_1_/ /
\ / \ /
\ /
\ /
'---------~-----. .------~---------'
| |
/ \

Touching ball number 1: Nothing
Touching ball number 2: Encounter with Evil Maneuver and Mind Eater
Touching ball number 3: Opens path to Indigo Potion
Touching ball number 4: Opens path to God of War Helm
Touching ball number 5: Opens path to 9000G and to the egg room
Touching ball number 6: Encounter with Evil Maneuver and Mind Eater

Eventually you'll want to go into the room with 9000G, take it and proceed
into the egg room. Take Yomi's Elixir inside and continue through the room.
Push the yellow ball and the floors will change. (what a hell? Maybe there
is a bus stop here inside the body, eh?) Press another yellow ball and
you'll gain entrance to the New Valmar 3 and the SAVE POINT. Also take
3000G near the SAVE POINT and go into the room near 3000G. Go into another
room inside this room and take the Holy Ghost Staff. Go back touch the
yellow ball and grab Mystic Potion and Scattering Stone.


Items: 1 Meteor Scroll
1 Face Paint
1 Priestess' Robe
1 Omnipotent Seed
2 Mystic Potion
1 Golden Potion
1 Battle Manicure
1 Ogre Shoes
Enemies: Valmar Moth
HP - 3200
SC - 120
MC - 100
EXP - 200
Drop items - Yomi's Elixir or Meteor Scroll or 160G
Special attacks - None

Killer Tree
HP - 2310
SC - 68
MC - 12
EXP - 234
Drop items - Omnipotent Seed or All-Around Seed or 372G
Special attacks - Napalm Fruit (one)

Evil Maneuver
HP - 1950
SC - 228
MC - 118
EXP - 210
Drop items - Thor Stone or Seed of Psyche or 64G
Special attacks - Zap! (some)
Block Needle (cancel effect, one)

Mind Eater
HP - 2200
SC - 24
MC - 54
EXP - 256
Drop items - Magical Medicine or Mana Crystals or 284G
Special attacks - Mana Capture (MP drain, one)
Spark Spine (stun effect, some)
Zap All! (stun effect, all)
Shops: None

OK, start walking the only path you've got and don't forget to outmaneuver
those chopping cucumbers and cut through those piles.

There are 3 levels of pipes, from lowest to the highest. Enter the first level.

[ Level 1 pipe system ]

|Meteor Scroll |
|Priestess' Robe|
|Face Paint |
'----. .--------'
| |
| |
| |
/''\----------------------------' |
''/-----. .--------------------. |
Valmar Moth | | | |
deploy point| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| '--------------------' '-------------------------------------.
| .-----------------------------------------. .--------------. |
\ | | | |Valmar Moth | |
' | | | '----/''\ | |
'-----------' | | .----''/ | |
'-------------' | |deploy point | |
' Point of entry .-----------------------------' '--------------' |
/ | .------------------------------------. .-------'
| | | |
| | Valmar Moth | |
| | deploy point/''\
| | ''/
| |
| |
| |
| |
.--------' '---. .--.Entrance to Level 2 purple pipe system
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

Hit the room with the BIG TREASURE CHEST with Meteor Scroll, Face Paint and
Priestess' Robe in it and then just proceed to the entrance to the Level 2
pipe system. As easy as that.

[ Level 2 pipe system ]

| |
| * |
| Golden Potion |
'---. .-----. .------------'
Entrance to Level 3 pipe system | |
| |
.-------------------------' |
| .-------------------------'
| |
| '--------------------------------------.
'--------------------------------------. |
Mystic Potion |*|
| |
| |
/''\------------------------------------' |
Valmar Moth deploy point ''/-------------. .--------------------. |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
.---------' '--------------------' |
| .-----------------------------. |
| | /''\
| | Valmar Moth deploy point ''/
| |
.----------. | |
|Omnipotent| | |
| '------------------------' '-------------------.
| Seed .--------------------------------------------. |
| | | |
'----------' | |
| |
| |
| |
Point of entry /- - - -\

Head straight to level 3 entrance and collecting items on the way.
Omnipotent Seed in the room, and Mystic and Golden Potions on the floor.

- Level 3 pipe system -

.----------. .---------------.
| /\ | |Mystic Potion |
| /__\ | |Battle Manicure|
|Save Point| |Ogre Shoes |
'---. .-. .' '----. .--------'
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
.----| |-' | | |
| .--| |---' | |
| | | | | |
| | | '---------------------------------------' |
| | '-------------------. .---------------------'
.------' | | |
| .------' | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
.----.| | | |
|Mini'' | | |
| | | |
|Boss.--' | |
'----' | |
| |
/- - - -\ Point of entry

Grab the BIG TREASURE CHEST with Mystic Potion, Battle Manicure and Ogre
Shoes in it. Then save at the SAVE POINT and prepare for a Mini Boss battle.


Boss: 2 Valmar Magna
HP - 20000
SC - 100
MC - 600
EXP - 1400
Drop items - Mystic Potion or Brave Dirk or 3000G
Special attacks - Magna Boring (Move Block, Magic Block effects, one)
BOOM! (some)
Magna Ripper (cancel effect, one)

2 Valmar Magna's? Have BOOM! spell? Whatever! They still suck. Pump em up
with your best moves and they're toast.

After the battle the 'door' to the Core will open. Enter it.


In the Core room you meet Valmar and have a little chat. Valmar tries to
desperately seduce all the characters. They refuse and are dead serious to
kill Valmar. Valmar also eager to show them his power so the battle begins!


Boss: Valmar's Core Left Head Middle Head Right Head
HP - ~49000 HP - ~35000 HP - ~32000 HP - ~28000
SC - 0
MC - 0
EXP - 0
Drop items - NOTHING
Special attacks - Hammer Claw (special)
Dead Claw (move block effect, one)
Spellbinding Eye (magic and move block effects, one)
Avenging Claw (one)
Destruction Light* (line)
Day of Judgment (Valmar Special, -1 ATK, all)
Howl (some)
Howlslash (line)
Burn Flame (some)
Burnstrike (one)
Alhealer (all)
Crackle (one)
Zap all (all)
Tremor (some)
Quake (all)
Snooze (sleep effect, all)

Yeah baby, finally some kind of a challenge! Just look at this thing! It's
huge and ugly.

As you can see it's a multipart Boss, but you can divide them all into 2
main parts: His Core and his Heads. Of course you can go for his heads but
that's a long and painful path. By destroying his heads you will disable
his recovery magic as well as his simple magic such as Howl, Crackle,
Tremor. But all the destructive moves are done by his Core, so things like
Hammer Claw, Spellbinding Eye, Avenging Claw and the supa-dupa Day of Judgment
still be coming at you.

In any case, it's as usual, hit him with all the best like Sky Dragon Slash,
Fast Dance Whirl, True Dragon Rise and White Apocalypse. He will heal
occasionally but it's ~1200 HP of healing compared to your 4000-5000 HP of
damage per character. Keep hitting his Core and watch for his heads as they
can get annoying sometimes, heal with magic like Alheal and use Droplets of
Life if the situation is critical.

*Here's a notice from Pano about the Destruction Light:

Destruction Light comes from the three heads. If one of them casts it while
the three heads are alive you'll see that it hits only those which are
directly in front of of one of the heads. Like this: If Tio, Roan and Elena
for example are directly in front of one of them (For exp.: Tio is in front of
the left head, Roan in front of the right head nd Elena in front of the
central head) while Ryudo is behind the three heads, it will only hit Tio,
Roan and Elena while Ryudo will remain unharmed. That's why it not quite a
complete waste of time, killing the heads, and for some reason he casts Day of
Judgement rarer.

Oh yeah, by the way. Fight this battle with the regard of the next one.
Because no one will let you heal, save or recover, whatsoever.

After the battle. Valmar cannot believe the power of humanity and sends out
a false Millenium to take care of the party. This Millenia is an imposter
so kick her ass!


Boss: Millenia
HP - 23000
SC - 6000
MC - 0
EXP - 0
Drop items - Black Angel Bow
Special attacks - Fallen Wings (Valmar attack, all)
Dragon Zap (Bolt attack, line)

Keep your HP high that's the most important thing in this battle. Millenia
suppose to use her Valmar attacks, but she only uses the Fallen Wings.
Anyway, you may do as I did: Just brutally attack her with only combos;
it's 4 to 1 after all. And watch your HP.

After the battle Elena says that she understands everything. She tells
Millenia to appear. And Millenia............appears! Just like that! Of
course everyone is happy to see her.

Zera-Valmar cannot believe this kind of turn of events. He stars screaming
some crazy things and sends a flash. Tio and Roan end up on the other side
of the crack with 2 Valmar Moths for a company. While Ryudo, Elena and
Millenia have to finish Zera-Valmar.

When you gain control reequip Millenia and head for the mark on the ground.
You will be teleported to some bizarre room.


Teleport save at the SAVE POINT and encounter the Tongue of Valmar again.
This guy is back! And he is hungry! Well I guess he needs to be taught a
lesson once again!


Boss: Valmar's Tongue Left Hand Right Hand Head
HP - 27000 HP - 18000 HP - 18000 HP - 9000
SC - 8000
MC - 2000
EXP - 6000
Drop items - Golden Potion, Potion of Azure, Indigo Potion and
Starlight Tiara
Special attacks - Eat em' alive (confusion effect, one)
Gluttony (special)
Huge leap (cancel effect, all)
Burn (Fire damage, one)
Spew Venom (Poison damage, special)
Hellburner (Fire damage, all)
Flamethrower (Fire damage, special)

Although he's back with upgraded, updated and graduated stats and moves
he's still kind of lame. Your tactics are quite obvious, Sky Dragon Slash,
Fallen Wings and White Apocalypse. His had has only 9000 HP so it's going
down the first. Just keep using those moves until he's over. But do watch
for his Eat em' alive, Gluttony and Huge Leap. Heal if necessary.

After the battle go back and save. Then proceed to encounter the second
Boss the Eye of Valmar. She's also back and she's staring at you!


Boss: Valmar's Eye Left Tendril Right Tendril
HP - 20000 HP - 20000 HP - 20000
SC - 8000
MC - 2000
EXP - 6000
Drop items - Queen Heels, Mystic Potion and Indigo Potion
Special attacks - Seed of Sleep (sleep effect, special)
Seed of Poison (poison effect, special)
Runner (MOV +1, all)

4 Eyeball Bat
HP - 20000
Drop items - Potion of Azure
Special attacks - Delta Burst (one)

This is easy! Forget about the Eyeball Bats. Use Sky Dragon Slash, Fallen
Wings and White Apocalypse once and they are all half-dead. Then just finish
them with whatever move.

After the battle save once again and continue. Now it's time for the heart.


Boss: Valmar's Heart Left Eye Right Eye
HP - 25000 HP - 16000 HP - 16000
SC - 8000
MC - 2000
EXP - 6000
Drop items - Tenma's Dress, Mystic Potion, Potion of Azure
Special attacks - Speedy (Act +1, one)
Def-Loss (DEF -1, All)
Freeze! (MOV -1, all)
Quake (all)

She's a joke! Use the same strategy as before and she will be a dead meat
even faster!

After the battle save and then continue to meet Zera-Valmar.

He's nuts! The party tells him that he's no God, but no, he doesn't listen.
Zera says that he'll show them his true divine power. Prepare for the final
battle of the game.


Boss: Zera Valmar
HP - 36000
Drop items - NA
Special attacks - Ba-Boom! (all)
GadZap (paralyze effect, one)
Crackle (one)
Poizn (poison effect, all)

What a hell is this lovely flower!? I mean c'mon go easy on poor Zera,
he's old! Mua ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Cracle, Poizn nad everything else suck,
he's BA-BOOM! is no where near the BA-BOOM! of the Devils. And this is the
final battle? Final battle my ass! Anyway, brutally slaughter this plant.

Well, this is it, but check out the cool epilogue. I think that it's
important for RPG's to have an epilogue. I don't like when some games just
end suddenly with raw credits... I know I will shut up now and let you enjoy
the ending. You don't need a strategy guide for the ending it's up to you
from here. (:E

V. Complete Item List

Here is the list of ALL available items and equipment in Grandia II. It also
includes all the Skill Books and Mana Eggs. Well, I hope my guide helped you
get them all. Enjoy!

Recovery Items
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________

Golden Statue One Ally Restores 5 HP. Statue of Granas.
Golden Nut One Ally Restores 75 HP.
Medicinal Herb One Ally Restores 200 HP.
Calming Harp Some Allies Restores 200 HP. Chance of breaking.
Healing Herb All Allies Restores 250 HP.
Toad Oil One Ally Restores 300 HP. +2 DEF level.
Wound Salve One Ally Restores 400 HP.
Scroll of Alheal All Allies Restores 500 HP.
Fresh Sandwich One Ally Restores 600 HP. Cures poison/paralysis.
Holy Wound Salve One Ally Restores 800 HP.
Healing Incense All Allies Restores 1000 HP.
Caterpillar Soup Some Allies Restores 1000 HP. Cures plague.
Healing Fruit One Ally Restores 1200 HP.
Scarlet Potion One Ally Restores 1600 HP.
Potion of Azure All Allies Restores 1500 HP.
Mystic Potion One Ally Restores all HP.
Lumir Flower One Ally Restores 25 MP.
Mana Harp One Ally Restores 25 MP. Might break.
Grail Fruit One Ally Restores 50 MP.
Magical Medicine One Ally Restores 100 MP.
Indigo Potion One Ally Restores all MP.
Blueberry One Ally Restores 25 SP.
Lion Harp One Ally Restores 25 SP. Might break..
Butter Roll One Ally Restores 50 SP.
Baobab Fruit One Ally Restores 100 SP.
Golden Potion One Ally Restores all SP.
Nut of Light All Allies Restores all SP. Glows Faintly.
Yomi's Elixir One Ally Revives a fallen character.
Miracle Elixir One Ally Revives character right to COM.
Hero's Elixir One Ally Revives character +5 all levels.
Poison Antidote One Ally Cures poison.
Paralysis Salve One Ally Cures paralysis.
Purifying Herb One Ally Cures poison and paralysis.
Smelling Salts One Ally Cures confusion.
Vaccine One Ally Cures plague.
Torte's Reedpipe Some Allies Awakens sleeping characters.
Eye Drops One Ally Awakens sleeping characters.
Move Blessing One Ally Releases move blocks.
Magic Blessing One Ally Releases magic blocks.
Blessing Scroll One Ally Releases move/magic blocks.
Panacea One Ally Cures all status disorders.
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________

Attack Items
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________

Goblin Toadstool One Foes Power: 250. Poison effect.
Hand Grenade Some Foes Power: 300.
Whirlwind Scroll Some Foes Power: 300. Wind-based attack.
Firebomb Some Foes Power: 300. Fire-based attack.
Mushroom Cloud One Foe Power: 400. Fire-based.
Fireball Scroll One Foe Power: 400. Fire-based attack.
Sandman Whiskers One Foe Power: 500. -1 DEF. Expensive.
Mogay Bomb Some Foes Power: 500. IP damage effect.
Makibishi Some Foes Power: 600. -1 MOV.
Flame Stone Some Foes Power: 650. Fire-based attack.
Quake Stone Some Foes Power: 650. Earth-based attack.
Insecticide Bomb One Foe Power: 650. Fire-based Good vs. bugs.
Gale Stone Enemy Line Power: 700. Wind-based attack.
Electrum Stone Some Foes Power: 750. Lightning-based +Paralysis.
Holy Ashes Some Foes Power: 700. Good vs. undead.
Red Goblin Toad One Foe Power: 900. Poison effect.
Dynamite Some Foes Power: 1000.
Super Mogay Bomb Some Foes Power: 1000. Powerful IP damage effect.
Spiderweb Some Foes Power: 1200. -1 MOV level.
Red Bird Stone One Foe Power: 1200. Fire-based attack.
Icefang Stone One Foe Power: 1200. Blizzard-based attack.
Thor Stone All Foes Power: 1500. Lightning-based.
Serpentine All Foes Power: 1500. Bombs launched on arrows.
Hyper Mogay Bomb All Foes Power: 2000. Cancel effect.
Meteor Scroll One Foe Power: 2500. Like Meteor Strike.
Kuko Berry One Foe Confusion effect. Causes intoxication.
Sleep Harp Some Foes Sleep effect. Might Break.
Silence Lute Some Foes Magic block effect. Chance of breaking.
Mermaid Harp Some Foes Confusion effect. Might Break.
Powerless Nut Some Foes -1 ATK.
Weakness Nut Some Foes -1 DEF.
Exhaustion Nut Some Foes -1 ACT.
Slowpoke Nut Some Foes -1 MOV.
Demon Ash One Foe -1 All variable levels.
Bone Harp Some Foes -2 DEF level. Might Break.
Myriad Power Nut Some Allies +1 ATK.
Patience nut Some Allies +1 DEF.
Sympathy Nut Some Allies +1 ACT.
Swiftness Nut Some Allies +1 MOV.
Muscle Mushroom Some Allies +2 ATK.
Guard Mushroom Some Allies +2 DEF.
Speed Mushroom Some Allies +2 ACT.
Runner Mushroom Some Allies +2 MOV.
Battle Manicure One Ally +5 ATK level.
Face Paint One Ally +5 ACT level.
Silver Feather One Ally Great Increases IP.
Gold Feather Some Allies Great Increases IP.
Platinum Feather All Allies Great Increases IP.
Scattering Stone Special Scatters bunched-up friends.
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________


Ryudo's Swords
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________

Zero Broadsword 0 Powerless curved sword.
Geoblade 18 A common Geohound sword.
Falx 22 A scythe shaped curved sword.
Shamshir 26 Liontail shaped curved sword.
Army Saber 32 Sword used in the army.
Samurai Blade 38 Samurai Sword.
Sword of Purity 40 Effective on the undead.
Flamberge 44 Fire-based Sword [Burn!].
Shadowblade 44 -5 MOV Sudden death power.
Swordfish Sword 52 Made from a swordfish.
Ogre Slayer 55 Effective on humanoids.
Claymore 60 Huge two-handed sword.
Fine Broadsword 70 Forged by a craftsman.
Sword of Mikage 77 Prized 1st-class katana.
Silver Freeze 80 Blizzard based.
Silence Sword 85 Magic Block ability.
Maken Valborg 100 Drains HP as 10% damage.
Holy Soul Blade 112 Attack drops enemy's DEF lv.
Blazing Sword 120 Fire-based.
Icefang Sword 122 Blizzard-based.
Thor Sword 125 Lightening-based.
Granasaber 150 Cuts SP consumption by 15%.
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________

Elena's Staffs
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________

Useless Staff 0 Useless.
Prayer Staff 22 An acolytes defensive staff.
Iron Rod 30 A heavy iron rod.
Flame Staff 40 Fire-based [Burn!].
Battle Rod 45 A light nimble combat staff.
Oracle's Staff 50 [Cures Confusion].
Sister's Staff 55 [Cure].
Whirlwind Staff 60 Wind-based [Howlslash].
Blazing Staff 60 Fire-based [Burnflame].
Quarry Staff 60 Earth-based [Tremor].
Lullaby Staff 65 Sleep effect.
Buster Flail 70 -5 MOV Very destructive.
Aromatic Root 75 [Refresh] Aromatic tree root.
Silver Flail 82 -5 MOV.
Golden Flail 92 -5 MOV. WAY too heavy.
Priest's Staff 99 [Halvah].
Decalogue Staff 108 Magic/move block effect.
Dragon Wand 111 Lightening-based [DragonZap].
Guardian Staff 118 Earth-based [Diggin'].
Huge Flail 128 -5 MOV An enormous flail.
Holy Ghost Staff 138 Cuts MP consumption by 1-%.
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________

Millenia's Crossbows
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________

Crossbow 35 A powerful missile weapon.
Burning Bow 45 Fire attribute.
Flying Fish Bow 55 Good on birds.
Arbalest 70 A huge crossbow.
Dread Bow 85
Exorcism Bow 105 Effective on the undead.
Black Angel Bow 135 Drains MP as 10% of damage.
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________

Roan's Knives
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________

Dull Knife 0 Knife that cannot cut.
Multiple Knife 28 A multi-function knife.
Hunter's Knife 36 Effective against animals.
Ice Pick 44 Blizzard effect.
Flint Knife 48 Knife made of Obsidian.
Poisoned Knife 50 Poison effect.
Warp Knife 55 Warps during combat.
Main Gauche 62 +10 DEF.
Soul Eater 75 Drains HP as 10% of damage.
Sword Breaker 110 Attack drops enemy ATK level.
Gladius 125 A royal treasure.
Dirk 140 A large dagger [Wow!].
Brave Dirk 145 +5 recovery during combat.
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________

Mareg's Axes
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________

Battleax 42 A Broadax used in combat.
Hammer Axe 52 Huge ax used by strongmen.
Dragonslayer Axe 58 Effective on reptiles.
Halberd 68 Large Long-shafted axe.
Dragonfly Slayer 60 Effective on bugs/crustaceans.
Earthen Axe 78 10 DEF Earth-based.
Bardiche 86 Battleax with a long blade.
Inferno Battleax 98 Fire-based [Burnstrike].
Tundra Battleax 101 Blizzard-based [Crackle].
Rune Axe 107 Reduces IP slowing.
Leo Rex Battleax 120 +3 SP recovery during combat.
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________

Tio's Rings
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________

Rusty Hoop 0 Rusty iron hoop a child's toy.
Moon Claw 68 Crescent-shaped blade weapon.
Discus 68 Effective on bugs/crustaceans.
Double Moon 77 Weapon with 2 bladed discs.
Bloody Saucer 90 Drains HP as 10% of damage.
Binding Circle 92 Lightning-based Paralysis.
Balor 108 -5 SP consumption.
Angel Circle 116 Effective on the undead.
Wind Cutter 122 Wind-based.
Demon Shuriken 128 +5 ACT.
Phoenix Hoop 142 +1 SP recovery.
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________

_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________

Tight Dress 0 Nulls magic of friends & foes.
Cuir Bouilli 12 Boiled leather armor.
Leather Jacket 14 A cowhide jacket.
Adventure Suit 16 A heavy suit for adventuring.
Leather Armor 17 Tanned leather armor.
Quilted Silk 18 A magical suit made of silk.
Chain Mail 20 Armor made of woven chains.
Crimson Bolero 22 Passionate red jacket.
Guardian Robe 22 Gives poison resistance.
Shoulder Guards 23 Huge shoulder pads.
Plate Mail 25 Full-body steel armor.
Pixie's Robe 26 Sleep/Confusion resistance.
Shell Armor 26
Flare Dress 30 Level 2 fire resistance.
Swordfish Armor 30 Swordfish scalemail.
Illusion Clothes 32 +32 DEF Up's evasion by 5%.
Ancient Cuirass 32 Reduces IP slowing.
Lion Field Garb 35 +5 ATK.
Sister's Robe 35 Poison resist.
Purple Robe 35 Gives paralysis resistance.
BlackQuartz Mail 38 Block magical armor.
Ancient Suit 40 Worn by automata.
Mithril Dress 40
Earthen Cuirass 42 Level 2 earth resistance.
Warrior Mail 45
Flame Armor 46 Level 2 fire resistance.
Red Fur Coat 46 Level 2 blizzard resistance.
Dragon Vest 48 +5 MOV.
Sylph's Robe 48 Level 2 Wind resistance.
Dragonscale Mail 50 Made of dragonscale.
Dark Armor 52 +1 SP Recovery when damaged.
Ninja Clothes 54 +Evasion by 10%.
Priest's Robe 54 Poison/Paralysis/Plague resistance.
Halo Armor 55 Level 2 lightening resistance.
Resist Dress 56 Level 1 all attack resistance.
Holy Clothes 58 Gives plague resistance.
Paladin Armor 60 Poison/paralysis/plague resistance.
Imperial Garb 60 Cyrum royal family toga.
Angel's Robe 62 Restores some HP in combat.
Aura Armor 64 Ups power of moves.
Moonstone Armor 65 +Magic block resistance.
Priestess' Robe 68 All status disorder resistance.
Reflect Mail 68 Sometimes reflects damage.
Sun Robe 70 Reduces IP slowing.
Hero's Cuirass 72 Restores some HP in combat.
Tenma's Dress 72 Level 2 all attack resistance.
Valkyrie Dress 74 +5 ACT Pure white dress.
Holy Sword Armor 75 Raises power of moves.
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________

_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________

Red Hair Ribbon 0 Restores some HP in combat.
Silk Hair Band 2 Elena's Favorite hair band.
Hair Band 2 A band for tying your hair back.
Climbing Hat 4 A hat for mountain climbing.
Bandana 5 Helps you concentrate.
Traveler's Hat 6 Worn by travelers.
Leather Bandana 8 Made of Tanned leather.
Ruby Barrette 8 Level 1 Fire Resistance.
Guardian Hat 10 Gives Sleep Resistance.
Stone Head 11 Knock-Back.
Iron Bandana 12 Has iron plates on forehead.
Hide Turban 14 Made of demon beast hide.
Iron Helm 15 Helmet made of Ironplate.
Magnolia Bandana 16 Level 1 Earth resistance.
Feathered Hat 18 With waterfowl feather.
Sister's Hat 20 Paralysis resistance.
Swordfish Helmet 20 Swordfish Scale Helmet.
Bravery Bandana 22 +5 ACT Banishes fear.
Black Band 22 Sleep resistance.
Wizard's Hat 22 Magic block resistance.
Ogre Helm 25 -5 MOV A helm with huge horns.
BlackQuartz Helm 25 Block magical helmet.
Lightening Tiara 26 Level 1 lightening resistance.
Mercury Bandana 26 +10 MOV.
Flame Bandana 30 Level 1 fire resistance.
Battle Helm 30 A combat helmet.
Azure Barrette 30 Lapis lazuli hair ornament.
Fairy Ribbon 32 Confusion resistance.
Phoenix Hat 34 Reduces IP slowing.
Dragon Bone Helm 36 Helm carved of dragon backbone.
Man's Headband 36 10 ATK Suppresses IP slowing.
Priest's Hat 36 Magic/move block resistance.
Sage's Hat 38 Cuts MP consumption by 5%.
Charisma Helm 38 +5 ACT Cyrums's finest.
Adamantine Helm 42 Reduces IP slowing.
Moonlight Tiara 42 Level 1 conf./blizzard resistance.
Paladin Helmet 44 Gives magic block resistance.
Reflect Helm 45 Sometimes reflects damage.
Starlight Tiara 45 Cuts MP consumption by 15%.
Loving Ribbon 46 Restores some HP in combat.
Illusion Bandana 48 Sometimes evades attacks.
Holy Crown 48 Suppresses IP slowing.
God of War Helm 50 Reduces IP slowing.
_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________

_________________ _____ ______ _____________________________________________
_________________ _____ ______ _____________________________________________

Man's Iron Clogs -5 0 +10 ATK Negates knock-back.
Charming Heels 0 0 Ups Evasion by 25%.
Leather Leggings 0 4 Light Leather.
Flame Shoes 5 5 Level 2 fire resistance.
Warp Shoes 0 10 Warp movement.
Hi-heels 2 0 Red women's shoes.
Pumps 4 0
Crampons 4 0 Level 2 Blizzard resistance.
Giant's Shoes 5 5 Huge shoes.
Goddess Hi-Heels 5 10 Level 1 attack resistance.
Elf King's Boots 5 20 Level 2 attack resistance.
Climbing Boots 6 2 Sturdy climbing shoes.
Children's Shoes 8 0 Comfy sneakers.
Hunter's Boots 8 4 Lace-up Boots.
Red Shoes 10 0 +5 ACT Bright Red Shoes.
Dash Shoes 10 4 Give dash power.
Heavy Boots 10 6 Negates Knock-Back.
Warrior Leggings 10 10
Queen Heels 10 10 Reduces IP slowing.
Magic Hi-heels 12 8 Magical shoes.
Battle Boots 12 12 Warrior's boots.
Rainbow Hi-heels 14 14
Wing Boots 15 5 Level 2 Earth Resistance.
Shadow Shoes 15 10 Ups evasion by 10%.
Wolf Boots 15 15 Ups Evasion by 5%.
Royal Boots 18 18 The King's boots.
Mach Boots 20 6 Supersonic speed.
Glass Slippers 10 20
Ogre Shoes 50 10 Move like an ogre
Lion Boots 20 20 Has a lion insignia.
_________________ _____ ______ _____________________________________________

_________________ ________ _________________________________________________
_________________ ________ _________________________________________________

Holy Egg Water/Earth/Forest Priestly Mana Egg.
Chaos Egg Fire/Wind/Lightning Demonic Mana Egg.
Mist Egg Wind/Water/Blizzard Airy Mana Egg.
Gravity Egg Fire/Earth/Explosion Earthy Mana Egg.
Soul Egg Wind/Water/Lightning Sagacious Mana Egg.
Star Egg Lightning/Explosion Ultimate Mana Egg.
Fairy Egg Recovery/Assistance Defensive Mana Egg.
Dragon Egg All attack magic Offensive Mana Egg.
Angel's Ring 5 DEF Restores some HP in combat.
Energy Ring 15 DEF Damage ups SP recovery by 5.
Dark Ring Negates damage under 100.
Godspeed Ring 15 ACT
Healing Ring 5 DEF [Heal].
Pretty Ring Very valuable ring.
Rage Ring 10 ATK Damage ups SP recovery by 3.
Reflection Ring 10 DEF Sometimes reflects damage.
Thunder Ring 10 DEF Level 3 Lightning paralysis resistance.
Titan's Ring 20 ATK
Moebius Ring +2 ATK/DEF/ACT/MOV.
Ring of Guardian 5 DEF Poison/Sleep/Par./Conf./Plague resistance.
Mirage Earring 10 MOV Ups Evasion by 15%.
Meteor Earring 20 MOV Ups Evasion by 25%.
Snake Earrings 10 DEF Poison resistance.
Revival Gem 5 DEF Revives character once.
Talisman 15 ATK Poison/Paralysis resistance.
Energy Charm Cuts SP consumption by 25%.
Jade Charm +2 ATK/DEF.
Crescent Jade 15 DEF Sleep/Confusion resistance.
Mana Insignia Cuts MP consumption by 15%.
Coral Necklace 10 DEF Poison/Sleep/Confusion resistance.
Demon Necklace Cuts MP consumption by 25%.
Forbear Necklace 10 ACT Suppresses IP slowing.
Friends Necklace 25 DEF Symbol of earnest friendship.
Rune Necklace 5 ACT Suppresses IP slowing.
Pretty Necklace Very valuable necklace.
Crystal Brooch 10 DEF Level 3 earth resistance.
Fire Pendant 10 DEF Level 3 fire resistance.
Fire Charm Level 5 fire resistance.
Earth Charm Level 5 earth resistance.
Blizzard Charm Level 5 blizzard resistance.
Wind Charm Level 5 wind resistance.
Lightning Charm Level 5 lightning resistance.
Move Block Charm Move Block resistance.
Magic Block Charm Magic Block resistance.
Sleep Charm Sleep resistance.
Paralysis Charm Paralysis resistance.
Poison Charm Poison resistance.
Confusion Charm Confusion resistance.
Plague Charm Plague resistance.
Kojin Charm Level 3 all attack resistance.
Relief Tag Restores some HP in combat.
Divine Talisman Cuts SP consumption by 15%.
Anklet 40 MOV
Hercules' Brace 5 ATK
Gauntlet 15 DEF
Magical Brace 20 DEF
Silver Bracelet 8 DEF
Shogun's Brace 40 DEF
Pretty Bracelet Very valuable bracelet.
Leather Brace 4 DEF
Arctic Cape 10 DEF Level 3 blizzard resistance.
Raincoat 10 DEF Sleep resistance.
Mystic Veil All status disorder resistance.
North Wind Cape 10 MOV Level 3 resistance.
Black Belt 15 ATK Ups power of moves.
Heracle's Belt 40 ATK
Sonic Belt 40 ACT
Salamander Tail 20 ATK Level 10 fire resistance.
Demon's Tear +1 Combo attacks.
Soul of Asura +2 Combo attacks.
Heavy Stone 5 DEF -5 MOV Nulls knock-back.
Dragon Scales Negates damage under 200.
King's Pride 25 ATK Ups power of moves.
Bonds of Trust 5 ACT [Raises IP].
Mana Crystals Restores some MP in combat.
Jet-Black Cape All status immunity & Level 5 all elemental
_________________ ________ _________________________________________________

_____________________________ ______________________________________________
_____________________________ ______________________________________________

Adventure Book Lets you learn combat skills.
Book of Wizards Lets you learn wizardry skill.
Book of Warriors Lets you learn warrior skills.
Book of Priests Lets you learn priestly skills.
Book of Gales Lets you learn wind-control skills.
Book of Swords Lets you learn swordsmanship skills.
Book of War Lets you learn martial art skills.
Book of Sages Lets you learn magical skills.
Seed of Life +10 Maximum HP.
Seed of Moves +10 Maximum SP.
Seed of Defense +3 VIT.
Seed of Spells +10 Maximum MP.
Seed of Power +3 STR.
Seed of Swift +3 AGI.
Seed of Running +3 SPD.
Seed of Psyche +3 MEN.
Seed of Magic +3 MAG.
All-Around Seed +10 Maximum HP/Maximum MP/Maximum SP.
Omnipotent Seed +3 STR/VIT/AGI/SPD/MAG/MEN.
Lore of Moves +1000 Special Coins (SC).
Lore of Magic +1000 Magic Coins (MC).
Miracle Scales Carrying it doubles gold earned.
Astral Miracle Carrying it doubles SC earned.
Ethereal Miracle Carrying it doubles MC earned.
Soul of a Hero Carrying it doubles EXP earned.
Poff Nut A fuzzy nut. Not edible.
Missanga Returns SC used on Mareg's moves.
Roan's Medal A memento of Roan's mother.
_____________________________ ______________________________________________

Skill Books

Here are all the Skill Books. Six of them you get in the course of the game
and two are hidden, see the walkthrough on how to get them. Enjoy!

Adventure Book (Lets you learn combat skills)
____________________ _______________________________________________________
____________________ _______________________________________________________

Life up +50 to +800 Maximum HP.
Strength +10 to +50 STR.
Toughness +10 to +50 VIT.
Dash +10 to +50 SPD.
Skilled Item Use Cuts execution times for item commands.
Pirate's Ring Ups chances to get items after combat.
_____________________ ______________________________________________________

Book of Wizards (Lets you learn wizardry skill)
____________________ _______________________________________________________
____________________ _______________________________________________________

Magic Power +10 to +50 Maximum MP.
Intelligence +10 to +50 MAG.
Zapfire Chant Ups fire/lightning spell power by 10-50%.
Boomflame Chant Ups fire/explosion spell power by 10-50%.
Quakeblast Chant Ups earth/explosion spell power by 10-50%.
Magic Recover Cuts IP recovery time after using magic.
_____________________ ______________________________________________________

Book of Warriors (Lets you learn warrior skills)
____________________ _______________________________________________________
____________________ _______________________________________________________

Life up +50 to +800 Maximum HP.
Toughness +10 to +50 VIT.
Speed +10 to +50 AGI.
Abandonment Ups chances of evading enemy attack.
Defensive Slows reduction in IP.
Item Recover Cuts IP recovery time after using items.
_____________________ ______________________________________________________

Book of Priests (Lets you learn priestly skills)
____________________ _______________________________________________________
____________________ _______________________________________________________

Life up +50 to +800 Maximum HP.
Mentality +10 to +50 MEN.
Leafwater Chant Ups water/forest spell power by 10-50%.
Glacier Chant Ups water/blizzard spell power by 10-50%.
Woodland Chant Ups earth/forest spell power by 10-50%.
Absorb Magic Makes magic damage restore MP.
_____________________ ______________________________________________________

Book of Gales (Lets you learn wind-control skills)
____________________ _______________________________________________________
____________________ _______________________________________________________

Dash +10 to +50 SPD.
Stormcloud Chant Ups wind/lightning spell power by 10-50%.
Northwind Chant Ups wind/blizzard spell power by 10-50%.
Aim for Counter Lets you sometimes counter after evasion.
Skilled Item Use Cuts execution times for item commands.
Decoy Ups chances to be target of enemy attack.
_____________________ ______________________________________________________

Book of Swords (Lets you learn swordsmanship skills)
____________________ _______________________________________________________
____________________ _______________________________________________________

Special Power +10 to +50 Maximum SP.
Strength +10 to +50 STR.
Abandonment Ups chances of evading enemy attack.
Defensive Slows reduction in IP.
Fighting Spirit Increases SP recovery from damage.
Move Recover Cuts IP recovery time after using moves.
_____________________ ______________________________________________________

Book of War (Lets you learn martial art skills)
____________________ _______________________________________________________
____________________ _______________________________________________________

Life up +50 to +800 Maximum HP.
Special Power +10 to +50 Maximum SP.
Speed +10 to +50 AGI.
Aim for Counter Lets you sometimes counter after evasion.
Fighting Spirit Increases SP recovery from damage.
Full-Body Blow Ups IP damage from critical attack.
_____________________ ______________________________________________________

Book of Sages (Lets you learn magical skills)
____________________ _______________________________________________________
____________________ _______________________________________________________

Magic Power +10 to +50 Maximum MP.
Intelligence +10 to +50 MAG.
Mentality +10 to +50 MEN.
Wizardry Chant Ups fire/wind/lightning/explosion spell power.
Mystic Chant Ups water/earth/forest/blizzard spell power.
Magica Esoterica Adds cancel effect to some attack spells.
_____________________ ______________________________________________________

Mana Eggs

Here are all the Mana Eggs. Six you get in the course of the game and two
are hidden, see the walkthrough on how to get them. Enjoy!

Holy Egg (Water/Earth/Forest Priestly Mana Egg)
____________________ ___ _______ ___________________________________________
____________________ ___ _______ ___________________________________________

Heal 6 One Restores a little HP.
Healer 12 One Restores a lot of HP.
Healer+ 24 One Restores a whole lot of HP.
Alhealer 18 All Restores a lot of HP.
Tremor 15 Some Call up earth energy and attack.
Quake 40 All Attack all enemies with earth rage.

Crackle 16 One Attack enemy with icicle knives.
Crackling 52 All Attack enemies with diamond dust.
Snooze 5 All Puts enemies to sleep with bubbles.
Shhh! 10 Some Blocks magic with a vacuum.
Fiora 12 Some Magic symbol blocks enemy moves.
Gravity 8 Some Use gravity to gather enemies.

Cure 4 One Green power cures poison and paralysis.
Refresh 12 One Unblocks magic/moves.
WOW! 5 One Ups attack power.
Diggin' 4 All Ups defense with the power of earth.
Speedy 7 One Forest life-force ups movement ability.
Runner 3 All Boosts movement with a tailwind.
____________________ ___ _______ ___________________________________________

Chaos Egg (Fire/Wind/Lightning Demonic Mana Egg)
____________________ ___ _______ ___________________________________________
____________________ ___ _______ ___________________________________________

Heal 6 One Restores a little HP.
Healer 12 One Restores a lot of HP.
Burn 6 One Attack enemy with fireballs.
Burnflame 16 Some Attack with a huge pillar of fire.
Burnstrike 20 One Attack enemy with countless fireballs.
Hellburner 42 All Burn up enemy with hellfire.

Howl 9 Some Attack with tornado energy.
Howlslash 14 Line Attack with sharp wind blades.
Howlnado 45 All Tornado attack engulfs all enemies.
Zap! 24 Some Attack by shooting balls of lightning.
Zap All 36 All Lightning attack Burns all enemies.
Dragon Zap 58 Line Attack with dragon lightning.

Snooze 5 All Puts enemies to sleep with bubbles.
Fiora 12 Some Magic symbol blocks enemy moves.
Runner 3 All Boosts movement with a tailwind.
Stram 6 One Robs strength and drops enemy defense.
Cold 7 One Drops movement with soul-shilling cold.
Freeze! 5 All Drops action with bone-chilling cold.
____________________ ___ _______ ___________________________________________

Mist Egg (Wind/Water/Blizzard Airy Mana Egg)
____________________ ___ _______ ___________________________________________
____________________ ___ _______ ___________________________________________

Heal 6 One Restores a little HP.
Healer 12 One Restores a lot of HP.
Healer+ 24 One Restores a whole lot of HP.
Howl 9 Some Attack with tornado energy.
Howlslash 14 Line Attack with sharp wind blades.
Howlnado 45 All Tornado attack engulfs all enemies.

Crackle 16 One Attack enemy with icicle knives.
Crackling 52 All Attack enemies with diamond dust.
Poizn 15 Some Covers a range with a poisonous gel.
Shhh! 10 Some Blocks magic with a vacuum.
Gravity 8 Some Use gravity to gather enemies.
Cure 4 One Green power cures poison and paralysis.

Refresh 12 One Unblocks magic/moves.
Resurrect 40 One Revives a fallen character.
Diggin' 4 All Ups defense with the power of earth.
Speedy 7 One Forest life-force ups movement ability.
Runner 3 All Boosts movement with a tailwind.
Def-Loss 5 All Drops defense with the power of earth.
____________________ ___ _______ ___________________________________________

Gravity Egg (Fire/Earth/Explosion Earthy Mana Egg)
____________________ ___ _______ ___________________________________________
____________________ ___ _______ ___________________________________________

Heal 6 One Restores a little HP.
Alhealer 18 All Restores a lot of HP.
Burn 6 One Attack enemy with fireballs.
Burnflame 16 Some Attack with a huge pillar of fire.
Hellburner 42 All Burn up enemy with hellfire.
Tremor 15 Some Call up earth energy and attack.

Quake 40 All Attack all enemies with earth rage.
BOOM! 22 Some Attack with an explosion.
BA-BOOM! 75 All Attack with a huge explosion.
Snooze 5 All Puts enemies to sleep with bubbles.
Poizn 15 Some Covers a range with a poisonous gel.
Craze 10 Some Confuse enemy by dropping spores.

Fiora 12 Some Magic symbol blocks enemy moves.
Halvah 24 One Cures all status abnormalities.
WOW! 5 One Ups attack power.
Def-Loss 5 All Drops defense with the power of earth.
Cold 7 One Drops movement with soul-chilling cold.
Freeze! 5 All Drops action with bone-chilling cold.
____________________ ___ _______ ___________________________________________

Soul Egg (Wind/Water/Lightning Sagacious Mana Egg)
____________________ ___ _______ ___________________________________________
____________________ ___ _______ ___________________________________________

Heal 6 One Restores a little HP.
Healer 12 One Restores a lot of HP.
Alhealer 18 All Restores a lot of HP.
Howl 9 Some Attack with tornado energy.
Howlslash 14 Line Attack with sharp wind blades.
Howlnado 45 All Tornado attack engulfs all enemies.

Zap! 24 Some Attack by shooting balls of lightning.
Zap All 36 All Lightning attack Burns all enemies.
GadZap 55 One Attack with holy lightning from heaven.
Poizn 15 Some Covers a range with a poisonous gel.
Craze 10 Some Confuse enemy by dropping spores.
Shhh! 10 Some Blocks magic with a vacuum.

Halvah 24 One Cures all status abnormalities.
Resurrect 40 One Revives a fallen character.
Stram 6 One Robs strength and drops enemy defense.
Def-Loss 5 All Drops defense with the power of earth.
Cold 7 One Drops movement with soul-shilling cold.
Freeze! 5 All Drops action with bone-chilling cold.
____________________ ___ _______ ___________________________________________

Star Egg (Lightning/Explosion Ultimate Mana Egg)
____________________ ___ _______ ___________________________________________
____________________ ___ _______ ___________________________________________

Burn 6 One Attack enemy with fireballs.
Burnflame 16 Some Attack with a huge pillar of fire.
Burnstrike 20 One Attack enemy with countless fireballs.
Hellburner 42 All Burn up enemy with hellfire.
Tremor 15 Some Call up earth energy and attack.
Quake 40 All Attack all enemies with earth rage.

BOOM! 22 Some Attack with an explosion.
Meteor Strike 50 One Meteor attack from the sky.
Zap! 24 Some Attack by shooting balls of lightning.
Zap All 36 All Lightning attack Burns all enemies.
Snooze 5 All Puts enemies to sleep with bubbles.
Craze 10 Some Confuse enemy by dropping spores.

Cure 4 One Green power cures poison and paralysis.
Resurrect 40 One Revives a fallen character.
WOW! 5 One Ups attack power.
Diggin' 4 All Ups defense with the power of earth.
Speedy 7 One Forest life-force ups movement ability.
Stram 6 One Robs strength and drops enemy defense.
____________________ ___ _______ ___________________________________________

Fairy Egg (Recovery/Assistance Defensive Mana Egg)
____________________ ___ _______ ___________________________________________
____________________ ___ _______ ___________________________________________

Heal 6 One Restores a little HP.
Healer 12 One Restores a lot of HP.
Healer+ 24 One Restores a whole lot of HP.
Alhealer 18 All Restores a lot of HP.
Craze 10 Some Confuse enemy by dropping spores.
Gravity 8 Some Use gravity to gather enemies.

Cure 4 One Green power cures poison and paralysis.
Refresh 12 One Unblocks magic/moves.
Halvah 24 One Cures all status abnormalities.
Resurrect 40 One Revives a fallen character.
WOW! 5 One Ups attack power.
Diggin' 4 All Ups defense with the power of earth.

Speedy 7 One Forest life-force ups movement ability.
Runner 3 All Boosts movement with a tailwind.
Stram 6 One Robs strength and drops enemy defense.
Def-Loss 5 All Drops defense with the power of earth.
Cold 7 One Drops movement with soul-shilling cold.
Freeze! 5 All Drops action with bone-chilling cold.
____________________ ___ _______ ___________________________________________

Dragon Egg (All attack magic Offensive Mana Egg)
____________________ ___ _______ ___________________________________________
____________________ ___ _______ ___________________________________________

Burn 6 One Attack enemy with fireballs.
Burnflame 16 Some Attack with a huge pillar of fire.
Burnstrike 20 One Attack enemy with countless fireballs.
Hellburner 42 All Burn up enemy with hellfire.
Tremor 15 Some Call up earth energy and attack.
Quake 40 All Attack all enemies with earth rage.

Howl 9 Some Attack with tornado energy.
Howlslash 14 Line Attack with sharp wind blades.
Howlnado 45 All Tornado attack engulfs all enemies.
BOOM! 22 Some Attack with an explosion.
BA-BOOM! 75 All Attack with a huge explosion.
Meteor Strike 50 One Meteor attack from the sky.

Zap! 24 Some Attack by shooting balls of lightning.
Zap All 36 All Lightning attack Burns all enemies.
GadZap 55 One Attack with holy lightning from heaven.
Dragon Zap 58 Line Attack with dragon lightning.
Crackle 16 One Attack enemy with icicle knives.
Crackling 52 All Attack enemies with diamond dust.
____________________ ___ _______ ___________________________________________


This section will answer some questions that may pop up during your play
time. These questions are not necessarily frequently asked but they may help
you clear out some things.

Q: What are the minimum System Requirements for Grandia II on the PC?

A: These are the official requirements from the 'Readme' file and
the Ubisoft web site. As always--for better results you should try
using a bit better hardware than listed below.

- Supported OS: Windows 95/98/ME
- Processor: Pentium II 300 MHz (Pentium III or AMD Athlon recommended)
- RAM: 64 MB of system RAM (128 MB or higher recommended)
- Video Card: DirectX 8-compatible video card with 16 MB video RAM with
at least 8 MB texture memory (32 MB video RAM with at
least 16 MB of texture memory recommended)
- Sound Card: DirectX 8-compatible sound card
- DirectX Version: DirectX 8 (included on CD)
- CD-ROM: 8X CD-ROM drive (16X or higher recommended)
- Hard Drive Space: 850 MB uncompressed hard drive space
- Peripherals Supported: Mouse and keyboard (DirectX 8-supported game
pad recommended)


Q: What are the differences between DC, PS2 and PC versions?

A: Although I own PS2 and have Grandia II I only played PC version so the
credits for this answer goes to various FAQ writers on Gamefaqs:

- PC version has a small Gmconfig application that lets you configure
Grandia II settings.

- In the PC version, only CD 2 is the game play disc, CD 1 is only an

- The Millenia Zap! bug is not in the DC version. She is able to
knockout Ryudo out with Stram.

- Melfice's Regenerator is _not_ invincible in the DC version as I
originally thought. It has about 15000 HP.

- Items you get from mushrooms are random in the DC version.

- Certain things aren't as smooth on the PS2 version as they are on the
DC version. Slowdowns during certain parts of the game and
transparency problems during certain spells and on certain screens.


Q: What is 'Millenia Zap!' bug anyway?

A: Apparently this bug happens at the beginning of the game. When you first
encounter Millenia in Carbo village you have to fight her and in order to
progress through the game she has to cast Zap! on Ryudo. But sometimes it
never happens. Millenia simply beats the crap out of Ryudo with normal
attacks or moves and the game ends.

There are different ways to fix this error like reloading your save or
actually defeating Millenia. Also try to open/close the cover of your
console if your playing the DC or the PS2 version. If you still have
this problem then I suggest to start all over again using the New Game,
yeah, I know it sucks but it's the beginning just play through it again


Q: Is it true that if I complete the game the items will be placed in
different locations?

A: Yes. If you complete Grandia II then save and start a new game all the
items will be placed in different locations.


Q: Can this FAQ be used on the DC or PS2 versions of the game?

A: Yes. As you can see the differences between PS2, DC and PC versions are
quite insignificant so you can use this FAQ for any version.


Q: Where can I get all the Music from this game?

A: I knew this trick a long time ago, but Dabestgamer was the first one to
bring it up on the Message Boards. So credits go to him and I hope he
doesn't mind that I posted his text. Anyway if you want the music you'll
need the game CDs. If you don't have them and still want the music then
your best bet would be progs like Kazaa.

There are two sources from where the game gets its music during the game:
from the play disc and the files where you chose to install the
installation disc. So you'll have to go to play disc folder 'vms', copy
the folder to your hard drive, and in there should be files with a
extension of '.adx'. So a file there should look like this:
'Valmar02.vms.adx'. OK, then just delete the vms and adx extensions and
change to wav, so the file should look like this 'Valmer02.wav' You
can also do the same for the folder where you installed the game (for
example: C:\Program Files\Grandia2) and in there should be a folder that
reads 'vms' also. Copy the folder to not mess with the game and change
the extension on those to wav, too. After that, just burn the desired
wav files onto an Audio CD and you can listen to it on a CD Player.


Q: Is Grandia II plot related to other Grandia games?

A: No. Grandia II has a completely different world with it's own storyline.
Although I _STRONGLY_ recommend playing Grandia I first. Grandia Xtreme
is a dungeon-explorer though it has also a good story. Other Grandia
titles include Grandia: Parallel Trippers and Grandia: Digital Museum.


Q: What is Grandia: Parallel Trippers?

A: It's an RPG for Game Boy Color. The game's story is based on the original
Grandia. In Grandia: Parallel Trippers, three school students named
Yuuhi, Mizuki and Shirou are somehow carried over to the world of
Grandia. In this world, they meet Liete, who tells them that to return to
their own world, they will require the help of Justin, Feena and Sue
(all from Grandia I), as well as Sweats. However, as the story
progresses, they find themselves as the only ones who can save the world.
There is a new 'synthesis card battle' system now. It will involve
collecting cards and trading them with other players.

Grandia: Parallel Trippers was scheduled for a December 22nd in Japan,
and was on a 32MB cartridge. The game was 4500 yen (~$40).

Is there an English version? You ask? Of course not, my naive friend!
The English version of this game simply does not exist. Where do you
think you live, in Wonderland or something!?


Q: What is Grandia: Digital Museum?

A: It's a ESP/GAME ARTS released game for the fans who brought Grandia...
although I think around 40000 copies were sold. It was intended to be
released on the Mega CD and took around 5 years untill it was finally
released on Saturn. It's basically a CD which shows stuff from the
original game, like production art, game info, enemy data, music tracks,
character avatars and save files of the important events (for this
option you will need the original CD to view). You'll have to explore
dungeons which are NOT in the original game, so its really a new game in
its own right. But there is lots of menus and stuff in Japanese so it's
hard navigating.

You start of with Justin, Feena and Sue (who are around lvl 25 and with
most of their magics and attacks intact) but these enemies (which are
also in the original game) are really HARD! Find stuff to unlock the
above mentioned goodies and view them in some theatre (not in the
original game btw).


Q: What is Grandia Xtreme?

A: Grandia Xtreme is the next installment in Grandia series. However Grandia
Xtreme is not Grandia III, it is a dungeon crawler with entirely
independant world and story, although the game system is based on Grandia
II it has improved graphics along with gameplay. Rather than
concentrating on the story developers decided that it's time for players
to feel the taste of battle. And thatýs what this game is mostly all
about-fighting countless battles, building up your characters and hunting
for items.

It was released pretty much at the same time in Japan as Grandia II,
January 2002. However the Western players, along with us, Europeans had
to wait a bit to play this game. It was scheduled to be released
worldwide September 2002.

This game is only for the PS2.


Q: Will someone leave my party?

A: Yes. At one point in the game Roan will leave your party. However, fret
not because he will rejoin your party later in the game. Also at the end
of the game Mareg will leave the team for good. Don't worry however,
because there will be an item that will let you restore all the SC you
used on Maregs moves.


Q: If I missed the Book of War, can I get it later?

A: No. Unfortunately if you missed it the first time you won't be bale to
take it later. :/


Q: Is there any web sites for Grandia that I could lurk about?

A: If you want some really good and in depth info on Grandia series then you
should definitely check out this one:

If you want some pics then check this:


Q: Carro? Why do I need it?

A: Granas only knows... Carro is quite useless. The only use from it is that
you can light your way through the dungeon. But Grandia II dungeons are
not that dark.


Q: Can I defeat Millenia when I encounter her for the first time.

A: Yes. Formerly it was considered that she is invincible. However numerous
people have emailed me stating otherwise.

You see technically she can be beaten but it is almost impossible to do
so without a cheating device like PAR (Pro Action Replay) or GS (Game
Shark 2) for the PS2. Or a save hacking program for the PC.

If you can make yourself invincible or make her helpless using on of the
methods above then you can defeat her. But there is no point in doing so.
Because either way after you beat her to submission the game continues as
if Ryudo had lost! Yeah, there is nothing you can do here; it simply
wasn't programmed into the game code. Ryudo must loose even though he can
win. 0_o


Q: Where is the best place to lvl up?

A: Well I gave a number of suggestions in my FAQ about the levels and where
to lvl up. But I guess if you're near the end of the game you could try
to fight the Devils in Raul Hills Special Stage. Creatures like Snow
Leopard, Killer Tree and Mind Eater give a good Exp. And you could
always buy some seeds from a guy's shop if you have enough cash. It's
not like you can run around the world map anytime you want so you'll
have to choose carefully where and when and how to lvl up your
characters. I think you'll have no problems with levels of your
characters should you choose to follow my suggestions.


Q: I get a GameOver when I lose to Melfice first time I encountere him in
battle, why?

A: You have to combat him for a while without dying. He then hits you with
his Wailing Soul Slash and beats you down. After that the story should

VII. Credits

That's it, the end. I hope you've enjoyed the guide and I hope it was most
useful. This was my first FAQ and it did came out OK on the Gamefaqs.
Thanks for all your letters of contributions I was glad to help a fellow
gamer in need. <:E

General Thanks

- UbiSoft and GameArts, for making it possible for me to play this grand
- DTurner, psycho_k41, Wulfson their Grandia II guides helped me out
especially with the FAQ section, and all FAQ-writers out there, for
inspiring me to write my own guide. Thanks!
- Of course CJayC (, for posting my FAQ and for his
inhuman devotion to his site, the greatest FAQ site ever! Ever!
- Console-makers and game developers like Sony, Sega, Microsoft, Nintendo
and many more! For making my life worth living, without them I would not

Special Thanks

- Morraen for Valmar Fly's second item. Thanks!
- Over Fiend and Chen Guojun for Devil's second item. They both contributed
it pretty much at the same time. Thanks!
- All the people who e-mailed me about Millenia. Thanks guys!
- Thanks to Matt for Melfices Regenerator fix on the DC.
- Dabestgamer, for the music trick.
- Pano for the Destruction Light correction.
- You, for reading my hard work.
- And myself, for creating this FAQ. <:E


Like this sword without a cloud...

Like this blade pure and true...

We shall become swordsmen strong of heart!

(C) 2003-2004 KingK

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17.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

18.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Hervorragender Charaktereditor

17.Октябрь 2013
Spielstand vor dem letzten Boss-Fight. Genug Energie und Waffen sind vorhanden.

17.Октябрь 2013
Boss/Character/Skill FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

12.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
11.Февраль 2016
30.Июнь 2014