Grandia 2

Grandia 2

14.10.2013 21:36:18
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Boss/Character/Skill FAQ - PlayStation 2 version

Version 1.0

By: Tricrokra -

Version history
-.-- 04-06-2002 The day I started to write this FAQ
1.00 04-14-2002 First release of this FAQ

I'm planning on writing a complete walktrough with good gameplay hints...
But I want to play the game a few more times for that... But I already
have a point of view about other things, I'd like to share in this FAQ...
This FAQ will talk about bosses, characters, and skills/spells...
I'll try to be as complete as possible.
If you think I missed very vital parts please write me...

Some notes about contacting me
- Only mail me in English or Dutch... Those are the languages I
know best...
- Don't forget (it seems so obvious, but everyone forgets it), to
tell me in your mail WHICH game your talking about... I've
written so many FAQs, that it's sometimes guessing work which
game you ask about... I won't be answering any mails when you
don't tell me the name of the game...
- Refrain from calling me names... Mails like that will NOT be

What you may do with this FAQ
- Download it from the sites you can find this FAQ
- Post it on your site, with if you got my permission
- Print it...

What you may NOT do with this FAQ
- Post it on your site, without my permission
- Sell it
- Post it in magazine or something like that without my permission
- Change anything in this FAQ and repost it somewhere
- Hold me responsible for anything that's written in this FAQ!
- Copy things from this FAQ to yours without my permission

The Characters:

Name: Ryudo
Description: Pessimistic Geohound
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Victory Quote: You'd better practise if you wanna beat me
Perfect Victory: Heh, these guys are no real challenge
Victory with dead: Poh, that was a close one

Ryudo is the hero of the game... He's the only character that takes
part in ALL the battles of the game... Having him equipped with the best
of the best, can be a wise thing to do, and letting him have the right
skills... For his magic, I personally go for the eggs that provide him
good healing spells, since he's pretty quick...
Ryudo is an all-round stats character...
He's pretty still strong, and not ultra-weak... Just fine...

My favorites specials: Flying Tenseiken

Name: Elena
Description: Granas Songtress
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown to me
Victory Quote: Gotta work even harder
Perfect Victory: I'll pray we'll be safe ahead
Game Over: Ryudo! Don't give up!

Elena is the weakest partymember... Never ignore that or she'll be dead...
Since her specials are not that strong either, I prefer to use her for
the healing only... And she does a very good job on that...
Sometimes, she's replace by Millenia... Keep that in mind.

My favorite specials: Impact Bomb

Name: Millenia
Description: She scares me
Gender: Female
Age: Known to noone
Victory Quote: That was beautiful, you guys!
Perfect Victory: This was boring!
Game Over: Incompetate good for nothing SLACKERS!!

Millenia is easily hurt, but still pretty quick...
Most of the time she'll replace Elena... Millenia is pretty good with
attacking and healing magic, but for the last thing you have to think
about one thing... Millenia will get mad every times she's hurt and when
it happens too much she'll go berserk. She won't try to kill you if she's
berserk, but she'll throw away all her special points and magic
points to use her most powerfull moves on the enemy... That can be
in your advantage, as well your disadvantage... Mostly her berserk stops
after three rounds or when the battle is over...
As long as she's berserk you can't control her...

My favorite specials: Fallen Wings, Grudging Claws

Name: Roan
Description: Very polite boy
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Victory Quote: We won!
Perfect Victory: That was a breeze
Victory with dead: Pfwew... That was close

Roan is not that strong, but not as weak has he looks. His speed is very
acceptable... Roan can do pretty powerfull moves and can be a savior when
you are hurt... Roan will not take part in all battles...
After defeating the claw of Valmar, he'll leave for a short
while to come back near the end. He won't take part in the final battles...

My favorite specials: Blue Dragon Rise

Name: Mareg
Description: Beast man with good heart
Gender: Male
Age: At the end of his thirties
Victory Quote: Nothing wistands my blade
Perfect Victory: Hmpf... Hardly worthy of my notice...

Mareg is supposed to be the powerhouse of the bunch...
He may be pretty slow but his power has to make it up for it...
I use him more for brute strength than for anything else...
Alas he's not as strong as the game pretends him to be...
Still he's pretty strong. For reasons I won't tell in order not to
spoil the story Mareg will leave in after completing Valmar's moon...
You won't have him back.

My favorite specials: Beast King Slash

Name: Tio
Description: Android, who'll learn to become human
Gender: Take it for female
Age: Unknown
Victory Quote: Tag eliminated
Perfect Victory: You picked on the wrong people

Tio is not superweak, but easily hurt however... Her speed is very
good and makes her the right choice to act as a healer... Tio has a few strong
specials, and I advise to use them whenever you get the chance to do so....

This section handles all specials of person. You can boost your specials or
learn new ones by using special coins

Collums: 1 - Move name
2 - Coins to learn
3 - and further... coints to level move up

Str = You'll have this move at the start
* = Special Requirement for learning this move (See skill list)

| Tenseiken Slash | Str | 250 | 500 | 1000 | 2000 |
| Flying Tenseiken | 800 | 400 | 800 | 1600 | 3200 |
| Purple Lightning | 700 | 350 | 700 | 1400 | 2800 |
| Sky Dragon Slash* | 1500 | 750 | 1500 | 3000 | 6000 |

| Impact Bomb | Str | 250 | 500 | 1000 | 2000 |
| Nightmare Ball | 600 | 300 | | | |
| Droplets Of Life | 1400 | 700 | | | |
| White Apocalype | 1200 | 600 | | | |

| Arrow Shot | Str | 250 | | | |
| | 500 | | | | |
| Fallen Wings | Str | 400 | 800 | | |
| Starving Tongue* | 600 | 300 | | | |
| Spellbinding eye* | | | | | |
| Grudging Claws* | 700 | 350 | 700 | 1400 | 2800 |

| Golden Hammer | Str | 250 | | | |
| Dragon Rise | 800 | 400 | 800 | 1600 | 3200 |
| | 700 | | | | |
| | 400 | | | | |

| Beast-Fang-Cut | Str | 250 | | | |
| Beast-King-Smash | 800 | 400 | 800 | 1600 | 3200 |
| Beast-King-Blast | 1000 | 500 | | | |
| | | | | | |

| Lotus Flower | Str | 250 | 500 | 1000 | 2000 |
| Fast Dance Whirl | 800 | 400 | 800 | 1600 | 3200 |
| Tornado | 1000 | 500 | | | |
| Whisper to Stars* | 600 | 300 | 600 | 1200 | 2400 |

Special list - See if the specials work out
Arrow Shot Attack on one target. Stronger than normal but
not ultra impressive
Beast-Fang-Cut Strong attack on one enemy
Beast-King-Smash Very strong attack on one enemy.
Dragon Rise Roan strongest special on one person. When
Roan comes back (after being away from awhile)
this move is replaced by "True Dragon Rise"
No real diffrence, and costs are as high to
boost this move.
Droplets of Life Healing and status change healing on all
Fallen Wings Powerfull attack on all enemies... One of
Millenia's best moves
Fast Dance-Whirl Strong attack on one target. Tio's strongest
Flying Tenseiken Very powerfull move on one enemy. Ryudo's best
move for one enemy
Grudging Claws VERY POWERFULL attack on one target. You must have
defeated Valmar's Claw to get this one.
Impact Bomb Powerfull attack on one enemy. Not really
Lotus flower Attack everyone in range, but the damage is not
really impressive :(
Nightmare Ball Attack that put enemies to sleep
Purple Lightning Ryudo splits up into 4 versions of himself
striking the enemy.
Spellbinding Eye Freezes movement of opponent for a short while.
You must have defeated Valmar's Eye to get this
Sky Dragon Slash Very powerfull attack on all enemies... Like
"Dragon Cut" in Grandia 1. You must have defeated
Melfice before you can learn this one
Starving Tongue Drains VERY much HP from enemies...
You must have defeated Valmar's Tongue to
learn this move
Tenseiken Slash Powerfull move of Ryudo on one enemy
Tornado Same as the spell "Howlnado"
Whisper to Stars Increases all statistics... I'm not quite sure
when you can learn this one.

Magic spells can be acquired on a rather unique way in Grandia II. You'll find
"Mana Eggs" all the way... Having a mana egg equipped can provide you the mana
egg's respective spells... If you remove the egg from someone, (s)he can no
longer access those spells... If you give the egg to another character, then
that new character can access those spells... Comprenez-vous...

Boosting out spells works the same as boosting up specials... Only this time
you need magic coins...

For some spells it's required that your mana egg also has a certain level...
The level of the mana egg itself will increase everytime you learn or boost a
spell of that egg at random.

Here are all the mana eggs I found with their respective spells
Collumns: 1 - Spell Name
2 - Required Egg Level
3 - Coins required to learn
4 - And rest collumns - Coins for boosting the spell...

Str = Already available at the start

Holy Egg - Standard equipped on Elena
| Heal | Str | Str | Str | 90 | 150 | 240 |
| Healer | Str | Str | 80 | 120 | 200 | 320 |
| AlHealer | ??? | 200 | 100 | 150 | 250 | 400 |
| Tremor | 12 | 160 | 80 | | | |
| Crackle | 29 | 240 | | | | |
| Snooze | Str | 60 | 30 | | | |
| Shhhh | Str | Str | 30 | | | |
| Fiora | 14 | 90 | | | | |
| Gravity | 29 | 80 | | | | |
| Cure | Str | Str | 30 | 45 | 75 | 120 |
| Refresh | 12 | 80 | 40 | 60 | 100 | 160 |
| WOW! | 6 | 80 | 40 | 60 | 100 | 160 |
| Diggin' | Str | 60 | 30 | 45 | 75 | 120 |
| Speedy | ??? | 80 | 40 | 60 | 100 | 160 |
| Runner | 6 | 60 | | | | |

Chaos Egg - Standard Equipped on Millenia
| Heal | Str | 120 | 60 | 90 | 150 | 240 |
| Healer | 12 | 160 | 80 | 120 | 200 | 320 |
| Burn! | Str | Str | 90 | | | |
| Burnflame | ??? | 160 | | | | |
| Howl | Str | 120 | 60 | | | |
| Howlslash | ??? | 160 | 80 | | | |
| Zap! | Str | Str | 120 | | | |
| Snooze | Str | Str | 30 | | | |
| Fiora | 12 | 80 | | | | |
| Runner | Str | 60 | 30 | 45 | | |
| Stram | Str | Str | 40 | | | |
| Cold | Str | 80 | | | | |

Mist Egg
| Heal | Str | Str | 60 | 90 | 150 | 240 |
| Healer | 12 | 160 | 80 | 120 | 200 | 320 |
| Healer+ | 30 | 240 | 120 | | | |
| Howl | Str | Str | Str | 90 | 150 | 240 |
| Howlslash | 14 | 160 | 80 | 120 | 200 | |
| Howlnado | 30 | 320 | | | | |
| Crackle | ?24 | 240 | | | | |
| Poizn | ?24 | 160 | | | | |
| Shhh | 6 | 60 | 30 | 45 | 75 | |
| Gravity | ?24 | 80 | 40 | 60 | 100 | 160 |
| Cure | 6 | 60 | 30 | 45 | 75 | 120 |
| Refresh | Str | Str | 40 | 60 | 100 | 160 |
| Resurrect | ?30 | 240 | 120 | 180 | 300 | 480 |
| Diggin' | Str | 60 | 30 | 45 | 75 | 120 |
| Speedy | ??? | 80 | 40 | | | |
| Runner | Str | Str | 30 | | | |
| Def-Loss | Str | 60 | | | | |

Gravity Egg - Dropped by Valmar's Eye
| Heal | Str | 120 | 60 | 90 | 150 | 240 |
| Alhealer | 20 | 200 | 100 | 150 | 250 | 400 |
| Burn! | Str | 120 | 60 | 90 | 150 | 240 |
| Burnflame | 12 | 160 | 80 | 120 | 200 | 320 |
| Tremor | Str | Str | 80 | | | |
| BOOM! | ??? | 240 | 120 | | | |
| Snooze | Str | Str | 30 | 45 | | |
| Poizn | ??? | 160 | | | | |
| Craze | 6 | 60 | | 45 | 75 | |
| Fiora | 12 | 80 | 40 | 60 | 100 | 160 |
| Halvah | 30 | 200 | 100 | 150 | 250 | 400 |
| WOW! | Str | Str | 40 | 60 | | |
| Def-Loss | Str | Str | Str | 45 | | |
| Cold | ??? | 80 | | | | |
| Freeze | 6 | 60 | | | | |

Soul Egg - Dropped by Crimson Tales - Start Level 19
| Heal | Str | Str | Str | Str | 150 | 240 |
| Healer | Str | Str | Str | 120 | 200 | 320 |
| Alhealer | 20 | 200 | 100 | 150 | 250 | 400 |
| Howl | Str | Str | Str | Str | 150 | 240 |
| Howlslash | Str | Str | Str | 120 | 200 | |
| Howlnado | 40 | 320 | 160 | | | |
| Zap! | 20 | 240 | | | | |
| Zap All | 30 | 320 | 160 | | | |
| Poizn | 20 | 160 | 80 | | | |
| Craze | Str | Str | Str | 45 | 75 | |
| Shhh! | Str | Str | 30 | | | |
| Halvah | 30 | 200 | 100 | 150 | 250 | 400 |
| Resurrect | 30 | 240 | 120 | 180 | 300 | 480 |
| Stram | Str | Str | Str | 60 | | |
| Def-Loss | Str | Str | Str | 45 | | |
| Cold | 20 | 80 | 40 | | | |
| Freeze! | Str | Str | Str | 40 | | |

Star Egg - Dropped by Naga Queen - Start Level 19
| Burn | Str | Str | Str | Str | 150 | 240 |
| Burnflame | Str | Str | Str | 120 | 200 | 320 |
| Tremor | Str | Str | Str | 120 | 200 | 320 |
| Snooze | Str | Str | Str | 45 | | |
| Craze | Str | Str | Str | 45 | | |
| Cure | Str | Str | Str | 45 | | |
| WOW! | Str | Str | Str | 60 | | |
| Diggin' | Str | Str | Str | 45 | | |
| Stram | Str | Str | Str | 60 | | |

Meaning of all spells if you wanna know if they are worth bothering to get.
Alhealer Heals all party members
Burn Fire attack on one target
Cold Reduces walking speed and range on one enemy
Crackle Ice attack on one target
Craze Confuses enemies in range
Cure Cures poison and paralysis
Def-Loss Reduces all enemies defense
Diggin' Ups everyone's defense
Fiora Prevents enemies within rage from using specials
Freeze Slows down entire group
Gravity Sucks everyone in range to the selected target
Halvah Cures all status changes except "Fallen"
Heal Weak healing spell on one target
Healer Strong healing spell on one target
Healer| Ultra Strong healing on one target
Howl Wind attack - Range
Howlnado Wind attack - All (will put everyone (allies included)
on a random position)
Howlslash Wind attack - Line
Poizn Poisons all enemies in range
Refresh Cures "Silence" and "Move Blocks"
Runner Ups walking speed and range on whole party
Shhhh Silences some enemies
Snooze Make all enemies fall asleep
Tremor Earthquake attack on enemies within certain range
WOW! Ups one target's power

Skills are something that requires a more close explanation...
Skills are neither moves nor spells, so you cannot call on them in battle
as you can do with a spell... Skills are basically power-ups that can aid
you in battle... You can learn skills from skills books some boss enemies
drop... You can learn skills with or special coins or magic coins...
They can also be upgraded all to level 5 like spells and specials...
You can take advantage of skills by equipping them on a character...
How many skills you can equip depends on your level (as far as I found out)...

Note: This list may be far from complete... As soon as I can provide more info
on this I'll upgrade the FAQ

S = Special Coins
M = Magic Coins

Adventure Book - Dropped by Durham Minotaur
| Life Up | S 240 | S 120 | S 180 | S 300 | S 400 |
| Strength | S 160 | S 80 | S 120 | S 200 | S 320 |
| Toughness | S 160 | S 80 | S 120 | S 200 | S 320 |
| Dash | S 80 | S 40 | S 60 | S 100 | S 160 |
| Skilled Item Use | S 80 | S 40 | S 60 | S 100 | S 160 |
| Pirate's Ring | S 320 | S 160 | S 240 | S 400 | S 640 |

Book Of Wizards - Dropped by Valmar's Tongue
| Magic Power | M 240 | M 120 | M 180 | M 300 | M 400 |
| Intelligence | M 160 | M 80 | M 120 | M 200 | M 320 |

Book Of Warriors - Dropped by Eyeball Bats
| Life Up | S 240 | S 120 | S 180 | S 300 | S 400 |
| Toughness | S 160 | S 80 | S 120 | S 200 | S 320 |
| Speed | S 320 | S 160 | S 240 | S 400 | S 640 |
| Abandonment | S 80 | S 40 | S 60 | S 100 | S 160 |
| Defensive | S 120 | S 60 | S 90 | S 150 | S 240 |

Book Of Priests - Dropped by ???
| Life Up | S 240 | S 120 | S 180 | S 300 | S 400 |
| Mentality | M 160 | M 80 | M 120 | M 200 | M 320 |
| Leafwater Chant | M 400 | M 200 | M 300 | M 500 | M 800 |
| Glacier Chant | M 400 | M 200 | M 300 | M 500 | M 800 |
| Woodland Chant | M 400 | M 200 | M 300 | M 500 | M 800 |
| Absorb Magic | M1000 | M 500 | M 750 | M1250 | M2000 |

Book Of Gales = Dropped by Valmar's Claw
| Dash | S 80 | S 40 | S 60 | S 100 | S 160 |
| Aim for Counter | S 120 | S 60 | S 90 | S 150 | S 240 |
| Skilled Item Use | S 80 | S 40 | S 60 | S 100 | S 160 |

Book Of Swords - Dropped by Melfice
| Special Power | S 240 | S 120 | S 180 | S 300 | S 400 |
| Strength | S 160 | S 80 | S 120 | S 200 | S 320 |
| Abandonment | S 80 | S 40 | S 60 | S 100 | S 160 |
| Defensive | S 120 | S 60 | S 90 | S 150 | S 240 |
| Fighting Spirit | S 120 | S 60 | S 90 | S 150 | S 240 |

List of skills
Abandonment Increases parry rate
Aim for Counter Chance of counter after evading an attack
Dash Increases your speed
Defensive Slows reduction in IP
Fighting Spirit Increases SP recovery by damage
Glacier Chant Ups power of Water and Blizzard Spells
Intelligence Raises magic powers
LeafWater Chant Ups power of Water and Forest Spells
Life Up Can increase your ammount of hitpoints
(by high level drasticly)
Magic Power Increases Maximum MP
Mentality Unknown
Pirate's Ring Increase chance of finding items
Skilled Item Use Less time needed to use items
Special Power Increases maximum of SP
Speed Ups Agility
Strength Increases attacking power
Woodland Chant Up power of Earth and Forest Spells

Now for the bosses... They are there in all kind o' difficulties...
Whoever read my other Boss Guides will know how this one will work :)

Boss 01: Millenia
Difficulty: You won't win
Location: ??? (Forgot the name) :)
My Levels: Ryudo 11
Preperations: Nothing in particular

Millenia won't really go hard on you... However you can never win this fight...
Don't know what happens if you die, but after awhile she'll cast a very
powerfull spell (Zap!) and break off the fight...

Boss 02: Durham Minotaur
Difficulty: Not that hard
Location: Durham Cave
My Levels: Ryudo 14, Millenia 15, Roan 13
Preperations: Have the specials and magic you may need

This fight is not very hard, but what did you expect from the first
real boss (if we forget about you first fight against Millenia)...
When Elena left the party she dropped her "Holy Egg"... Equip it to
anybody you want... And also equip the "Mist Egg" you should have by
now... Attack with your strongest specials and heal when needed.
This fight is rather easy... Be prepared for Millenia who might
go berserk... Not that she'll harm you, but since you can't control
her then, you can't use her for healing if needed then...
"Falling Wings" can be a good move to hurt the boss and
his allies at the same time :)

Boss 03: Beast Man
Difficulty: Rather easy
Location: Baked Plains
My levels: Ryudo 16, Elena 14, Roan 15
Preperations: -

Most of the time the Beast Man will go for Ryudo only...
In fact I don't think he'll attack anyone else...
Don't know what happens when Ryudo would happen to die...
Just keep Ryudo's HP up and you've nothing to fear...
The Beast Man could use "Beast Fang Cut" which hurts Ryudo pretty bad,
but if you keep Ryudo's HP as high as possible you'll easily survive that.

Boss 04: Valmar's Tongue
Difficulty: ¨Huh?
Location: ???
My Levels: Ryudo 18, Millenia 18, Roan 17, Mareg 19
Preperations: Full HP and SP and MP... Not that hard since
there's a savespot nearby :D
Alhealer may be a very handy spell here

I was not impressed by this beast at all... As long as you keep doing
killer moves and heal in time there's nothing to fear... Unless this
guy has killer moves I don't know of ;)
He might drain your HP greatly... As far as I discovered that's
all that's dangerous about this guy...
If you really want you can go for the right and left hand,
But it's only the main part "Valmar's Tongue" that really counts...
If you got that the rest will die with it...

Boss 05: Eyeball Bat (4x)
Difficulty: Pretty Easy (right now)
Location: Mysterious Fissure
My Levels: Ryudo 21, Elena 20, Roan 20, Mareg 21
Preperations: -

Just use your most powerfull moves to get rid of them...
Now they are no real problem... But they'll be back,
and not that they are stronger then, but there's
another reason why they'll cause a lot of trouble then :(

Boss 06: Valmar's Eye
Difficulty: Very extreemly fucking terrible mega hard!
Location: Aira Space
My Levels: Ryudo 23, Millenia 23, Roan 23, Mareg 24
Preperations: Spells like "AlHealer" and "Resurrect" are HOLY

Problem 1: He's extreemly strong
Problem 2: He's accompanied by 4 Eyeball Bats...
Problem 3: The eye has some attachment that are also VERY strong!
Technically this guy is just impossible... You'll need very luck to beat him...
Best you can do now is kill the eyes first... And when they are gone, don't
have the illusion that the battle is much easier... It makes a significant
diffrence but even then the battle is hard...
But once the eyebats are gone you have a big problem less to worry about...
Party members may die easily in this battle... That can be without a chance
since all the parts of this boss are very fast, you can get from full HP
on all party members to everybody dead, without the computer asking you
commands... I really wonder how sick in mind the game creators were to
put this guy in here...
Go for the eyeball bats first... Let Millenia do her "Fallen Wings" to
do much damage on them all... Chances are great that she'll go berserk
in this fight (Oh great)... Keep it in mind... If she's berserk she can
deal much damage, but you can't use her for emergency healing in that
time :(
When you don't have "AlHealer", "Yohmi' Potions" or "Ressurrect" you're
This is definatly one of the hardest bosses in the game...
(But alas not the only one) :(

Boss 07: Valmar's Claw
Difficulty: Medium
Location: Underground Plant
My Levels: Ryudo 24, Millenia 25, Roan 24, Mareg 25 (Not sure)
Preperations: Boost whatever needs to be boosted...

Fortunately enough, this guy is not even half as hard as Valmar's eye...
That makes a big problem less... Still underestimating this guy can be the
cause of big trouble... There are no real impressive attacks here...
Except for one attack that really hurts you bad (Millenia will copy
that move after the fight)... It's pretty important to keep your HP
as far up as possible... And that's the only important thing, just
use your best specials on the main part every time you see the
chance... Don't waste your time on it's body parts...

Boss 08: Melfice
Difficulty: You won't win, anyway
Location: Royal Castle
My Levels: Ryudo 29, Millenia 29, Roan 29, Mareg 30
Preperations: Don't bother...

YOu can hurt him, no matter how hard you try... Don't bother using specials or
attacking spells... Halfaway Melfice will use a supermove and break off the

Boss 09: Crimson Tale (2x)
Difficulty: No big worry
Location: ??? (Island where you go because of Elena's
My Levels: Ryudo 31, Elena 31, Mareg 31, Tio 31
Preperations: Whatever you think is needed

This is the first of the DNS-Bosses (Dual Non-Scenario Bosses)... These bosses
are not part of the scenario, they are just blocking your way, and there's
always two of them... You'll meet pretty much of them on the road... Nearly all
of them are no real big worry...
Use your strongest attacks on them, and heal when needed... Most of their
attacks are pretty well-survivable, and as long as you keep an eye on your HP
you're in no danger... Because there are always 2 of them, can make that you
run out of SP pretty quickly... Be aware of that. This goes for nearly all

This one's biggest problem is that "Phantom Echo" can drop your defense and
does pretty much damage on everybody in range...
They also have a pretty powerfull paralyzer attack...
It's nothing to worry about... If one of them is gone, the fight is even more

Boss 10: Melfice (2)
Difficulty: Not to be underestimated
Location: Grail Mountain
My Levels: Ryudo 32, Elena 32, Mareg 33, Tio 33
Preperations: Have good and strong healing spells ready.

Second round... This time you do have to defeat him... He's not really hard,
but underestimating him can cause big trouble... Melfice has 3 parts... The
main part, his sword and his regenerator... His regenerator will constantly
power him up with "WOW!"... That's a real problem since Melfice goes crazy with
"Demon Horde Slash", a move semiliar to Gadwin's "Dragon Cut" in Grandia 1. A
very powerfull attack on all party members... Alhealer is HOLY in this
battle... If Melfice has the chance he'll go crazy with "Demon Horde Slash"...
Concentrate only on the main part, going for his sword and regenerator will
only raise your risks...
If you don't have to heal (and only when you don't have to heal) throw your
best specials on Melfice... If you got the right preperations this can be a
short fight...

Boss 11: Leck Guarder
Difficulty: Medium
Location: Demon's Law
My Levels: Ryudo 36, Elena 36, Mareg 36, Tio 36
Perperations: Be at full health... There's no recovery spot nearby
(not until you beat this one), keep that in mind.
"Resurrect" can be handy

This guy has allies, and that's the only really big problem... He has a very
strong attack ("Buster Horns") that block your specials, and does very much
damage... His allies are also pretty strong, but easily dealt with, still they
can give you a hard time... Go for his allies first, since they are MUCH
weaker... Once they are gone, you should have no more trouble getting past the
big guy himself.

Boss 12: Naga Queen
Difficulty: Pretty Easy
Location: Demon's Law
My Levels: Ryudo 36, Elena 36, Mareg 36, Tio 36
Preperations: "Halvah" and "Refresh"

Another DNS boss (see boss 09). That there are two of them is your only really
big problem. Use your strongest specials on them and heal when needed. They
don't have that much HP, so that's one big problem less to worry about. Their
"Blizzard Edge" is (as far as I could figure out" an attack on anyone closeby
(but I was never close enough, so far)... They might try to block your specials
with "Fiora"... If you have spells like "Refresh" or "Halvah" then you got a
big problem less to worry about.

Boss 13: Tio's Clone
Difficulty: Dangerous
Location: Demon's Law
My Levels: Ryudo 37, Elena 36, Mareg 37, Tio 36
Preperations: Whatever you think is needed

This boss can cause confusion and who is the boss and who is Tio. Since the
computer always tells the diffrence and doesn't let you attack Tio, that
problem is easily dealt with, but it's pretty annoying.
Tio's Clone has the same specials as Tio, but also a few moves that are not
nesecarily in Tio's list. That makes it easy to predict what some moves can do,
and some of them are killers. Not to mention that Tio's Clone is AWFULLY fast!
If you keep on using your strongest specials and heal when needed you should be
okay, but the the clone's speed can be your biggest problem! Especially since
her specials are pretty strong! Her never missing "silence" spell on all party
members makes things even worse...

Boss 14: Valmar's Body
Difficulty: Only hard when you still don't understand the
Grandia battle interface!
Location: Valmar's Body
My levels: Ryudo 38, Millenia 38, Mareg 38, Tio 38
Preperations: Whatever

If you are lucky you may even defeat this one without being hurt, but that's
only with a luck... His tentacles have no attacks of significance, and he
hardly uses his supermoves, if he even has some... All moves I could figure out
where "Suck-In" (HAHAHAHA), and "Fiora"...

Boss 15: Cathedral Knights
Difficulty: Hardly worthy of my notice
My Level: Ryudo 38, Elena 38, Mareg 39, Tio 38
Preperations: Hahaha!

Little HP and not strong.... These guys are hardly wortly of being noted in a
boss guide.

Boss 16: Valmar's Heart
Difficulty: Easy
Location: The Granas Cathedral
My Levels: Ryudo 39, Elena 38, Mareg 39, Tio 39
Preperations: Whatever you think you need

Valmar's heart has a few killer moves, but since he wastes most of his time
with power-down moves, there's little to fear... Def-loss, cold and freeze are
his favorite spells, and that's more in your advantage than your disadvantage.
I managed to win this fight without even using one healing spell... That shows
how easy this fight can be...

Boss 17: Egg Guardian
Difficulty: Not really that hard
Location: Valmar's Moon
My Levels: Ryudo 41, Mareg 42, Tio 41
Preperations: Whatever you think you need

Don't bother is allies... He keeps summonning new ones, and they do suicidal
attacks if you hurt them, which are pretty strong... In spite of the fact that
there are many of them this guy is no big thread...
You can use all your specials, but you don't have a recoveryspot before the
next boss...

Boss 18: Valmar Fly
Difficulty: Not super hard
Location: Valmar's Moon
My Levels: Ryudo 42, Elena 42, Mareg 42, Tio 42
Preperations: Revive Elena!!!!!

If you've forgotten to revive Elena before the battle start, she'll be dead
even before the battle started, SO DON'T FORGET THAT!!!
Two problems... There are four of them... And because of their fast movement
you'll easily miss them with combos... But that's all... Oh yeah, you couldn't
recover before this battle... At least not with a recovery spot... Hey this
battle is easy enough to do it without it!

Boss 19: Valmar Young, and Valmar Fly
Difficulty: Leetle bit harder
Location: Valmar's moon
My Levels: Ryudo 42, Elena 42, Mareg 42, Tio 42
Preperations: Heal everyone... There's no recoveryspot here :(

The 2 Valmar Flies are working on the same way... The Valmar Young is a bit
stronger and also has more HP... But no worries... His strongest move is only
800+ and that's a big laugh... When the Valmar Flies are gone (which I suggest
to kill first) you can keep on try to cancel him, and that's easily done,
thurst me!
Beware of the fact that the young can "plague" you

Boss 20: Valmar Young (2x)
Difficulty: Yawn... Again????
Location: Valmar's moon
My Levels: Ryudo 42, Elena 42, Mareg 42, Tio 42
Preperations: Heal everyone.... There's still no savespot here :(

This is the last one of this boring boss-sequence... And also Mareg's last
fight... You're probably out of SP... Doesn't matter... Go all out, use all
that you have... After this battle you can recover...
Try to cancel them as much as possible, but you already this guys strength and
weaknesses... GO FOR IT!

Boss 21: Valmar Young
Difficulty: You already know.... Right?
Location: Cyrum Kingdom
My Levels: Ryudo 42, Elena 42, Roan 42, Tio 42
Preperations: Use the inn, for God's sake...

Same thing as before, but now Mareg has been replaced by Roan... And that's the
only diffrence... Boring, ain't it?

Boss 22: Valmar Young
Difficulty: Guess......
Location: Cyrum Kingdom
My Levels: Ryudo 43, Elena 42, Roan 42, Tio 42
Preperations: LALALALA DA DA DA DA.... Do I really need to tell

Okay, here we got the ultimate prize for the most original boss in RPG
history... We never saw a guy like this before, and it's soooo hard to say what
he can do... I saw him sooo little that I can hardly remember what he does....
Am I sarcastic, or what?????

Boss 23: Dual Fist
Difficulty: HAHAHA
Location: Birthplace of gods
My Levels: Ryudo 44, Elena 44, Roan 44, Tio 44
Preperations: Be fully recovered

To the point
This DNS-Boss Fight (see boss 09) is just a big laugh... They are pretty easily
cancelled, and their powerfull moves are easily healed with in, since they are
very slow...

Boss 24: Guardian
Difficulty: Medium
Location: Birthplace of gods
My Levels: Ryudo 44, Elena 44, Roan 44, Tio 44
Preperations: Be fully recovered (obvious, eh)

Another DNS boss... Just like all other DNS bosses, this one is pretty easy...
Their speed is avarage, and they got strong moves, but they are easily
healed... beware of the fact that they got "Snooze"...
As soon as one is gone, it's easy to kill the other...

Boss 25: Valmar Magna + Valmar Moth
Difficulty: Easy actually
Location: New Valmar
My Levels: Ryudo 46, Elena 36, Roan 46, Tio 46
Preperations: Don't go crazy with specials on the enemies you meet
before... There's no recovery spot nearby (not
before defeating him)

Hmmm... Looks familiar.... Where did I see this one before.... Can't remember
(Bad joke alert)...
Kill the Moths first... They only got 3200 HP, and that's extreemly little for
a boss in this part of the game...
Most party members (except Elena) may be able to kill them in one turn by using
their strongest special (Flying T., T. Dragon R., F. Dance W.)
When that is taken care of it's just you and him... Since this this guy has a
few very strong attacks, you may need it to have him alone...
Once he is alone, and you go crazy with specials, he has very few chances to
bring you into really big trouble...

Boss 26: Valmar Magna (2x)
Difficulty: Not that hard
Location: New Valmar
My Levels: Ryudo 48, Elena 48, Roan 48, Tio 48
Preperations: Fully Recoverd :)

Nice fantasy on the bosses here... Yawn...
Allright, they're as strong as the one you met before... There's now two of
them, in stead of Moths as allies...
Just keep an eye on your HP...


Boss 27: Valmar Core
Location: New Valmar
My Levels: Ryudo 48, Elena 48, Roan 48, Tio 48
Preperations: Fully recovered in HP, SP and MP
If you have skills like "Life Up" and any other
skills that can help you, for God's sake
equip them

One warning, there is a boss right after this one, and you can't recover
between that boss and this boss... But DON'T KEEP THAT IN MIND OR YOU'LL ALWAYS
This boss has everything that could make that you'll never win this fight.
- Strong healing spells
- Millenia's supermoves
- Strong attacking spells
- Dispells all your assist magic
- Throws with status changes
- Is so fast that you hardly stand a chance to do something at all
Cut short, you are in a no-win situation... You can go for the main body, since
that is the only thing required to win this fight, but that's not in all cases
the best path to follow... Since he keeps healing that can take forever. You
can try to kill the right head first, since that head, has not extreemly much
HP and is the healer... Once that head is gone, you got one VERY big problems
The left one is the attack spellcaster... Once the right one is gone, you may
want to kill that head first and then the middle one. Personally I think that's
a waste of time, and recommend to go directly for the core once the right head
is gone...
In spite of the "Vanish" move I mostly let Tio "Whisper to Stars" once... If
you don't have that move, then forget about it...
If you have the right skills equipped a lot of trouble can be saved

Boss 28: Millenia
Difficulty: Rather easy
Location: New Valmar
My Levels: Ryudo 48, Elena 48, Roan 48, Tio 48
Preperations: Don't care about that!!!!

This battle will start immidiatly after Valmar Core... You have no chance to
recover. Luckily, this is a rather easy battle...
If you still got some MP or SP left from the previous battle you can use it
all, since you'll have a recovery spot, right after this battle, so go crazy
with whatever you've left... Just keep enough MP for healing, just in case...
There IS a chance that you don't need that :D
Most of the time Millenia will use combos which are rather weak.
I never saw her doing anything else in this battle :D

Boss 29: Valmar's Tongue
Difficulty: Very hard!!!
Location: New Valmar
My Levels: Ryudo 48, Elena 48, Millenia 48
Preperations: Be fully recovered. Equip Millenia with a Mana Egg
and needed skills :)

Basically the tongue is the same as before, only a bit stronger. A note about
Millenia... Her "Berserk" system does not work anymore, so no worries about
that any more...
Just go straight for the tongue itself and ignore its body parts... This can be
a very hard job, since its attacks are now super mega strong, not to mention
that it's awfully fast.

Boss 30: Valmar's Eye
Location: New Valmar
My Levels: Ryudo 49, Elena 49, Millenia 49
Preperations: Be fully recovered for God's sake...

He's BAAAACK!!! The worst part of Valmar's body parts... Okay, diffrently from
the first time where I recommended to take the eyebats first I say now not to
do so... Why? Because that got almost as much HP as the main Eye, so going for
them first means you could have the main Eye by the time you killed one eyebat,
and that works the same as the Chewbacca defense method... IT DOES NOT MAKE
So concentrate all your powers solely on "Valmar's Eye"... An almost impossible
job, with all those "Eyebats" around... In fact, it's impossible...
Anyone who thinks to be able to beat this one on either levels lower than 55
(only manman will go for that) or "Revival Rings", is a natural born dreamer,
or was extreemly lucky.
I choose for the "Rivival Ring" strategy...
This fight can take extreemly long... You hardly get a chance to do anything,
and when you get the chance it will mostly only be to recover and nothing
else... You need very much luck to get the chance to do at least one attack...
When you defeated this one, at least you know that the bosses that are left are
MUCH easier!!!

Boss 31: Valmar's Heart
Difficulty: Easiest of the three parts you're gonna meet here
Location: New Valmar
My Levels: Ryudo 50, Elena 50, Millenia 50
Preperations: Full recovery :)

The concept is one and the same... In stead of attacking, the heart spends most
of the fight in powering himself up and you down, giving you all chance to kill
him easily :D

Boss 32: Zera Valmar * FINAL BOSS *
Difficulty: Not super hard
Location: New Valmar
My Levels: Ryudo 50, Elena 50, Millenia 50
Perperations: Full Recovery

Compared with some bosses we met before, this boss is a laugh as a final boss,
but you won't hear me complain about that... This boss is still not to be
underestimated, so don't loose your head.
It's almost impossible to cancel this boss, since he's pretty fast, and that's
a big problem. The biggest problem, however. Zera Valmar has pretty powerfull
attack spells... However, you mostly get chances to recover... He only has one
part, and that makes things also very easy... Just keep an eye on your HP and
go crazy with specials whenever you get the chance...

Grandia II is copyrighted by UbiSoft and GameArts
This FAQ is copyrighted by JBC Soft, Jeroen Broks (Tricrokra), All Rights

Other FAQs by Tricrokra
Breath Of Fire III - Walktrough
Breath Of Fire IV - Boss Guide / Combo Guide
Grandia - Boss Guide / Skill Guide
Granstream Saga - Boss Guide
Wild Arms - Boss Guide / Walktrough
Wild Arms II - Boss Guide / Location Guide

Official Sites Where You Can Get Tricrokra's Guides

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17.Октябрь 2013

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Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

18.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Hervorragender Charaktereditor

17.Октябрь 2013
Spielstand vor dem letzten Boss-Fight. Genug Energie und Waffen sind vorhanden.

17.Октябрь 2013
Boss/Character/Skill FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

12.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

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