Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny

Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny

15.10.2013 09:35:27
Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny

Guide Author & Crew
Author/Editor/Compiler: Victor "Railven" Sanchez
Supportive Editor/Proof Reader: Marie "Sakuya Aki" Christner
Supportive Editor/Proof Reader: Arturo "Latin Shogun" Gobin
E-mail: railven@hotmail.com
Guide Information
Started: 12:30AM September 12, 2002
Ended: Still active
AIM: railven3
Version: .95
File Size: 342KBS
Pages: 144
Requirements: Best viewed on 1024x768 with DirectX 9
Game Information
Developer: Capcom
Released: August 27, 2002
Genre: Action/Adventure
Platform: Playstation2

A. Jubei Yagyu
B. Ekei Ankokuji
C. Magoichi Saiga
D. Kotaro Fuma
E. Oyu
A. Controls
B. Strafing
C. Back/forward steps
D. Absorbing souls
E. Blocking
F. Onimusha Form
A. How to use my Walkthroughs
B. Ekei
C. Magoichi
D. Kotaro
E. Oyu
A. All 100 Chapters
B. Default Scenarios
C. Ekei
D. Magoichi
E. Ekei & Magoichi
F. Kotaro
G. Oyu
H. Kotaro & Oyu
A. Jubei
i. Weapons
ii. Armors
B. Ekei
i. Weapons
ii. Armors
iii. Magic
C. Magoichi
i. Weapons
ii. Armors
iii. Magic
D. Kotaro
i. Weapons
ii. Armors
iii. Magic
E. Oyu
i. Weapons
ii. Armors
iii. Magic
A. Reasons to Issen
B. Types
i. Timed Issen
ii. Block Issen
iii. Dodge Issen
iv. 7-Hit Issen/Issen Combo
A. Ginghamphatts 1
B. Gogandantess 1
C. Ginghamphatts 2
D. Jujudormah
E. Gogandantess 2
F. Gogandantess 3
G. Ekei
H. Mother Sucker
I. Ginghamphatts 3
J. Nobunaga
K. Evil Golden Statue
A. Circles and Double Circles
B. Number Grid
C. Rubix's Cube
D. Diamonds and Circles
A. Red Phantom Realm
B. Blue Phantom Realm
C. Green Phantom Realm
D. Purple Phantom Realm
A. Gifts
B. Cure Items
C. Key Items
i. Weapon Secrets and Tech Books
ii. Bracelets, Keys, Wedges, and Other
iii. Orbs
iv. Files
v. Maps
vi. Store Items
A. Art Books
B. Fossils
C. Hidden Demon Treasure Chests
D. Hidden Soul Pools
E. History Book Collection
F. What to trade for what?
i. Ekei
ii. Magoichi
iii. Kotaro
iv. Oyu


Well here it goes all this stuff is copyrighted to the person who wrote,
stated, and
contributed. I can't be held responsible for stuff someone would have
contributed, so if
they wronged you…seek their blood, nah just contact that person.

This Guide/FAQ/Walkthrough/Cheat Sheet/etc… is for public use. I hereby give
the right to read, print, and distribute, however I do not allow it to be
used for means of
profit, self-glorification, toilet paper, or stuff.

Stuff can be borrowed from this guide for other's use as long as all credit
is given to the
person, either someone or I who contributed.

Remember, videogames are fictional, and as much as I want to go slay some
demons, I
won't. Play safely, enjoy.


This is my very first attempt at writing an FAQ, so I figured I would go to
the extents that
I can possibly go. I debated the layout of the walkthrough portion and
decided that an
individual character walkthrough [note there will be tons of cut and paste]
would better
help players find a specific scenario, or event that they are looking
forward to. Also these
descriptions have been written by me, not many of them are from the game.

Items, and stuff like gifts will probably never make it to my Guide since I
don't have the
time and patience to go hunt them all down at the moment. I am a full time
student, so
whatever makes it to this guide be happy.



V.95 Everything is basically done. The walkthroughs, the Items sections, the
the equipment sections…EVERYTHING IS LITERALLY DONE! I just want to see if I
can finish the Mini-Games and write done some info on the. Till then, this
guide might
stay like this until I get around to doing it. Who knows…might do it sooner
then I
thought. September 18, 2002.
V.9 HUGE UPDATE!!!!!! Bigger then V.8, got Magoichi's Walkthrough in, BOSSES
section complete, the ITEM section got lots of work, NECKLACES section
actually got
finished, I kept forgetting the Purple Necklace, did lots of work on the
everything is basically done, the Kotaro walkthrough is half finished, and
since I forgot to
write Magoichi's equipment while I played him, it is coming along. The Final
will include a Scenario Breakdown for each Walkthrough, a Mini-Game FAQ, and
finished ITEM section…maybe even more, who knows. I only plan 2 more updates
then I
am finished with this FAQ FOREVER!!!! September 17, 2002
V.8 HUGE UPDATE!!! Finished Oyu and Ekei's walkthroughs, recreated the
section, created a boss section with my advice, and worked a little on the
format in some
spots. September 15, 2002
V.6 Added Scenarios, character information, and basically finished the whole
except for the Walkthroughs. I will add those in over the weekend. September
13, 2002
V.5 Added in information on Oyu's equipment, and got half of her walkthrough
Listed all the chapters and their titles, added my conclusion, some of the
credits, and am
now dead tired with class in a few hours, so finishing touches coming over
the weekend
so relax. September 12, 2002.
V.4 Getting closers and closers to release date, so I fixed a little bit on
the format, added
in how to get the Artworks, Fossils, and started some work on Oyu's
Walkthrough. I also
added in a few more sections to the already existing parts. The Guide is
finally taking
shape. I will finish Oyu's Walkthrough and then finish the other ones ASAP.
V.03 Added in Necklaces, and rewrote the WEAPONS section to WEAPONS AND
ARMORS. I also noted some information, but still need to get the correct
September 12, 2002
V.2 Added in some stuff to the BASICS and ISSEN INFORMATION sections.
September 12, 2002
V.1 Put in an outline, and will start putting in sections. September 12,
V.0 Just beginning it…oh God I don't know what I am doing. September 12,


A. Jubei Yagyu

"An ambitious young warrior and the hero of this story. The first leader of
the Yagyu
Clan and originator of Shin-in style sword combat. Also known as Sougen
Yagyu or
Sekisyusau. All leaders of the Yagyu clan are given a childhood name of

You will control Jubei, depending on your friendship with others, just about
all the time,
except for when Oyu steps in. Jubei is the "Master of the Blade," and to be
honest, he
looks damn cool when you max out his armor.

B. Ekei Ankokuji

"A master spear-fighter in the Houzouin style. He is a monk who loves money,
liquor and
good times."

Ekei is a softhearted warrior. Ekei's fighting style is a lot similar to
Jubei with the
Hyoujin-Yari, in the fact that they swing their weapon the same, so you can
feel right at
home with him. He isn't to fast and since Jubei isn't to fast either, you
will end up liking
how he fights, I did, especially with his magic. Ekei is all about good
times, and chasing
around girls.

C. Magoichi Saiga

"The leader of the "Saiga Shu" gun troop in Kii prefecture. Bold, bright,
and cool-
headed, he is good at handling both a gun and a sword."

Although in the manual description it mentions sword, Magoichi wouldn't
probably be
caught dead with one, as he says, "You are to old fashion." Magoichi is an
character, sort of fun for people who like going gun-ho. Magoichi makes
himself appear
hard and callous, but when it comes down to it, he is very soft and proud.

D. Kotaro Fuma

"A Fuma Ninja who works for the Hojo Clan. He confounds his opponent with
his agile
movement and countless Ninjutsu."

Kotaro is an interesting character. He is rather reckless at the beginning,
but his child-like
manner makes him loveable. Kotaro is rather fast and skilled, so it might
take a second to
adjust to his fighting style after countless hours with Jubei. Kotaro's
magic is very useful
for his kind of character.

E. Oyu

"A fencer who wears western style armor and wields a western sword. She is
taking but mysterious. Her past is shrouded in mystery."

Oyu is the Kaede of this game. Her portion is a must, so you get to
experience her often.
Her fighting style is a lot like Jubei's as well, though many consider her
weaker. Once
you get her strongest weapon, she is very destructive, and her magic is
useful when she
offers help. As the game story develops, Jubei and her become little more
then allies.


A. Controls:

For Battlefield:
Square: Attack with equipped weapon. Except for sub weapons (Kotaro,
Magoichi, Oyu,
and Ekei), bow, and guns
Triangle: Use magic and Cancel decisions
Circle: Absorbs souls
X: Check and make decisions
R1: [Hold] Lock onto target, plus Square to use bow and guns
L1: [Hold] Block
R2: Quick 180 turn
L2: Use sub weapons (Kotaro, Magoichi, Oyu and Ekei).
L3: No use
R3: Display map
Right Analog: Use it to aim bow and guns [hold R1]
Left Analog: No use
Start: Go into inventory menu
Select: Pause, options, and quit game

For Inventory Menu:
Square: No use
Triangle: Cancel or back one.
Circle: No use
X: Select or move forward
R1: No use
L1: No use
R2: No use
L2: No use
L3: No use
R3: No use
Right Analog: No use
Left Analog: No use
Start: Return to battlefield

B. Strafing

While holding R1 [targeting] you can make Jubei, or sub characters, strafe
to avoid
downward attacks. It is a rather simple technique that can be very vital.

Holding R1 and double tapping left or right will cause Jubei to 'sidestep'
in that
direction. If you target, you can circle strafe, which is useful to maneuver
around the
enemy and even set them up for an Issen or magic attack.

C. Back/forward steps

Back/forward steps work the same as strafing except you move towards or away
your target [hold R1]. Steps are useful to avoid swing attacks.

Holding R1 and double tapping up or down will cause Jubei, and sub
characters, to either
jump towards or away from the target. Dodge Issens can be used with

D. Absorbing Souls

Holding down the Circle button in the battlefield will allow Jubei, and sub
when they get their bracelets, to absorb souls. Souls are then used to
restore health,
restore magic, and upgrade armors and weapons for Jubei.
Yellow Souls – Restore HP
Blue Souls – Restore Magic
Red Souls – Give points for upgrading weapons and armors.
Large Bluish-White Souls – Ogre souls, when enough collected will cause
Onimusha form

E. Blocking

All the sub characters can block. Gamers will find that blocking will be a
big portion of
their game. To block you just hold L1, to block targeting hold R1 and L1.

Blocking has its weaknesses though. Note that the characters cannot block
consecutive hits. Characters cannot block attacks coming directly from
behind. Strong
enemies can cause your character to fumble when he/she is blocking. Kicks
cannot be
blocked. So always keep this in mind.

F. Onimusha Transformation

As you play, you will notice that hitting enemies will cause a large
bluish-white soul float
around. When you try to absorb it, you will notice it can be difficult.
These are Ogre
Souls, and absorbing 5 of them will cause Jubei to transform into his
Onimusha form.

In Onimusha form, Jubei is invulnerable to attacks, and his magic attack
consists of 5
souls like balls that shoot out and lock on to any near by enemy. Note, that
transformation is limited, you can see the bar where your health bar would
be, and by
using the magic attack, the bar decreases faster.

In Onimusha form you can still do all of the regular things, except weapon
magic attacks,
that you could do in regular Jubei form; Issens, blocking, strafing,
stepping, and
absorbing souls.

VI. Walkthroughs

A. How to use my walkthroughs

I wrote these walkthroughs in the order that I played through the game. I
can't clearly tell
you how to get all necklaces in one game. However, I wrote these guides with
intention of making one sub character the Story Character and Character with
the highest
level of friendship. This will ensure that you would get all of that
Character's scenarios,
except for specific ones. If you use this guide, and follow it as it is
written (for each
character) at the end there will be listed what scenarios you should obtain.
Remember, I
play the games as I go, so what I get I write, but that doesn't mean that
even if you follow
my guides to the letter you will get the same results. I only intend to

If you are playing, and have Magoichi as your story character but still get
to play as
Kotaro in the Fog Valley, I recommend you go looking through that particular
Character's section. I will not write events that didn't happen as I played

Also, I won't go into detail on the trading in my guides. I will only trade
to get a certain
Character's friendship to its highest. These guides are written to walk you
through the
game, and help you attain 100% scenario. If you have specific questions,
refer to the
and what ever other section I might add.

Simple terms:
If you need something for a character, look in his section.
If you find anything wrong with my guide, like I misspelled something or
listed the
wrong item to trade, or something that should be in here contact me, contact
is at the top of the guide.
I will try my best to guarantee a 100% Scenario within 4 games, one for each
character, but if I notice that it isn't possible, I will try to note what
to do in another
Character's game to complete the first Character's Scenario.
Good Luck.

B. Ekei

Introduction: Deadly Attack by Oda's Army

A well-done FMV of what exactly happens to Yagyu Village, the main reason
why Jubei
returns home.

Yagyu Village

Chapter 1-1: Evil Attack on Yagyu Village

The narrator tells us why Jubei has returned home. Jubei just walks into a
Yagyu Village in disbelief. The graphics are beautiful.

Nothing special, just follow the path and avoid being killed. As you walk
forward, you
will encounter a short cinema of Jubei's friend, Yasuke, being killed right
before he
explains what has happened. In the second area, where the river and bridge
are, you can
find a chest with the map for Yagyu Village. Once you enter the pond, a
cinema will
show stepping stones explode from the water. Directly to Jubei's right there
will be some
bamboo trees you can cut to find a chest that will bear an herb. Cross the
into the corridor cave. For now ignore the Soul Pool since you can't absorb
souls just yet.
At the end of the corridor cave you will find a door.

Chapter 1-2: Meeting Takajo

Takajo will explain who had wrong Jubei and destroyed Yagyu village, but
Jubei is at
first disbelieving. Later we discover that more happened then we are shown.
explains the legend of the Oni and the purpose of the 5 Orbs. Jubei learns
that it is his
destiny to stop the demons, as one with the blood of the Oni.

Now that you have the Charity Orb you can absorb souls, by holding Circle,
but after the
scene with Takajo there is a chest with an herb. Turn around and proceed to
leave the
same way you came, but this time the corridor cave will contain some bad
guys. So
prepare to battle, and don't forget to absorb souls. As you exit the cave
and pass the
stepping-stones, take Jubei's right (opposite direction of first Herb). You
should try to
catch the frog Ekei will love it. As you continue through this direction you
will find a
little shrine…show your identity.

Chapter 1-3: A New Power

Jubei is now blessed with the Thunder Sword Buraitou, his new power. Nice
little scene
as he swings it around and promises to get revenge on Nobunaga.

Now the narrator tells of a short historical background for Imasho Town.

Chapter 1-4: Meeting Oyu

To me it was rather amusing when they show the man dying after he has found
Jubei walks in and witness a few guys pick on Oyu. As Oyu defends herself,
Jubei comes
to her rescue. The guys ignore Oyu and she walks off [note I have Oyu's
costume, man its weird] and Jubei is left to deal with the men.

Imasho Town

First let's visit the friendly store [second door on the right, first being
the bar], remember
this is a walk through for Ekei designed just to get the majority of his
scenarios, so we are
only going to buy a few select items. The 1,000 Gold you have should be
sufficient. You
can get the White Necklace from the storeowner, for directions go to the
section. Now at the store we want; The Egg, Grilled Fish, Blue Parrot, and
Vodka total
cost 950. You can buy Artwork #16 if you are attempting to collect all the
Artworks, but
in order to get the others that are held by characters you must trade with
them. I won't go
into detail on that in this guide, since I don't want to ruin the chances of
lowering your
Friendship with Ekei. Check the SEARCHING ITEMS sections to see more on the

Now for our chase after Oyu, leave the store and follow the path to the end
where there is
a big doorway, before entering you can get the Imasho Town map on the right
of the
door. Enter it to get yourself your Bow. First break the barrels that block
the way to the
elevator [right of doorway], and then return to the start [left of doorway]
there is a switch.
Hit it, run all the way back to the elevator and board it to the top floor
to get your bow.
Head back out and take left path to find the Gold Mine pathway.

This is straight forward, just run up the stairs killing monsters as you go.
Try practicing
some Issens; they produce more souls, which are vital to upgrading your
equipment. Just
ignore it, since Ekei doesn't need it. Once you reach the top of the stairs
you will
encounter a goofy guy who won't let you pass without a permit. So was this
all in vain?
Course not.

Back track down the pathway, back to the Imasho Town, and this time enter
the bar.

Chapter 1-5: Meeting Ekei and Magoichi

As you enter the bar, you will see a spear cross you and a stranger path and
cut the
vase/bottle in half. Magoichi is introduced by another angry stranger, and
after a few
offensive comments, a battle is initiated. Who are these strangers? Well
watch the cinema
and then Jubei will stop the petty fighting and introduce both characters.

After the cinema you should now be able to exchange gifts, so head over to
Ekei and give
him the following, Blue Parrot, Frog, Grilled Fish, and Vodka. Now he
returns, Power
Jewel, The Analects, Music Box, and a Magic Jewel. Now travel into the bar
and talk to
the guy that is leaning against the door in the top of the screen. Buy a
permit from him for
100 Gold. You should have enough.

Back track back up the pathway, and make sure to kill some more monsters.
You want to
be able to upgrade your equipment soon. As you get to the top, proceed and
Jubei will
show the permit, oh and just ignore the chest, it isn't required for Ekei.
Walk towards the
entrance to the Gold Mine and a cinema will start where some guys are
scared. They will
tell you they saw Oyu walking deeper into the Gold Mine.

Once in the cave, you will see a fork in the road. Take the left path first
so you can get
yourself a Demon Wall Scroll and a chest with a puzzle.

The answer to the puzzle is: 4 and 6. [If you don't understand this, please
refer to the
PUZZLES section]

Inside you should find the Buraitou Secret, a special attack for your new
sword. Walk
back to the fork in the road and proceed to the right. Follow the path and
open the chest
along the way to get the Gold Mine Map. As you keep going through the linear
path, you
can find nuggets of gold lying around.

Chapter 2-1: Eerie Monsters

As you keep walking, a cinema will start where red eyes catch Jubei's
attention. Watch
the new enemies spawn and get ready to kick some monster butt, oh and a
perfect time to
practice your new Buraitou Secret [up, down + square].

Keep walking till you come to another fork in the road. This time take the
left, and as you
enter a red force field should appear behind you. Kill the 4 monsters.

Chapter 2-2-3: Ekei Helps Jubei

After you killed the monsters and absorbed their souls, Ekei will run in and
kill a
monster. He yells at Magoichi for not doing anything and then begins to help
you battle
the Monsters. Pretty straightforward, just kill the monsters.

Chapter 2-3-3: A Missing Baby (For Ekei)

A miner will run in and request your help, the monsters kidnapped his
daughter and Ekei
offers to help. Ekei runs along with the Miner and Magoichi comments, and
then you
return to your game.

Walk into the now accessible path. Inside you can get the Five Oni Orbs
scroll and the ice
lance Hyoujin-Yari, you can decide which weapon to use, and both are great
weapons. Now you must return to the fork in the road before you got trapped
in this room
this time take the left path.

Chapter 2-4-2: Dreams of Men

Again Magoichi and Ekei are at it again. Fighting over such small things.
Ekei explains
how Magoichi makes fun of his dreams. "I laughed because it is silly."
Magoichi makes a
comment about a "vengeful ghost" and walks off Ekei of course follows.

With control of Jubei again, step forward and you will find your first
Mozun. Just equip
the Hyoujin-Yari and take a whack it. It should explode in a cinema. Now
walk forward
make sure you pick up the medicine within the chest. You will find a magic
mirror, use it
to save your game, upgrade your equipment, and make sure to make it useful
since you
will be facing a boss. On the right of the magic mirror you can put the
Charity Orb, once
you put it in the wall will collapse in a cinema. Ready? If so, enter.

Chapter 2-5: Meeting Ginghamphatts

Well here is Boss #1, Ginghamphatts. What a weird name, don't you think so
too? Well
of course like all demons, he is cocky and will give you a lecture about
your humanity.
Get ready to smack him around.

Check the BOSSES section for some advice.

After you have defeated Ginghamphatts, absorb his souls and run into the
next area.
There is a guy lying on the floor, don't talk to him just yet. Walk past him
into the next
room and get yourself some Gold, ignore the chest since it isn't for Ekei,
and behind the
crates there is a puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 5, 3, 6 and 4. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to the
PUZZLES section]

Inside the puzzle you should find the Hyoujin-Yari Secret. Now walk back out
and talk to
the man on the floor.

Chapter 2-6: The Exhausted Factory Owner

You will return to the second floor of the Bar, the old man will give you
information on the demons and then tell you that Oyu was taking deeper into
the cave. He
will give you a Red Ring and tell you he found it inside the Gold Mine. He
will rise up,
thank you again and leave.

Check the chest to find the Folding Fan. You will notice someone in the
front of the
screen lying down, so go over to him and try to talk to him.

Chapter 2-7: Meeting Kotaro 2

In a cinema he will attack Jubei and run off. Jubei is now in front of a
Statue and a voice
calls out to him. Kotaro walks out and introduces himself. Kotaro tells
Jubei that they are
friends against Nobunaga. Kotaro also tells Jubei not to trust Oyu and that
he will figure
out who she really is.

Now you are in the back of the bar so go in and head back into the store. If
you want to
get the White Necklace from the storeowner, refer to the NECKLACES section,
I am
only guiding you to get the majority of Ekei's scenario. You can also get
the ball rolling
on the Orange Necklace this time around; again refer to the NECKLACES
section. At the
store buy the following; Fudo Leg Guard and Love Potion total cost 1300
Gold. You can
buy Artwork #17 if you are attempting to collect all the Artworks, but in
order to get the
others that are held by characters you must trade with them. I won't go into
detail on that
in this guide, since I don't want to ruin the chances of lowering your
Friendship with
Ekei. Check the SEARCHING ITEMS sections to see more on the Artworks.

This will be the only time you trade with other characters, so go to the
second floor at the
bar. Trade the Music Box with Kotaro to get the Ashura Garment for Ekei.
heading down stairs talk to the man on the right of Kotaro to get the Pick.
Now head
down stairs and talk to Ekei. He will mention something about a woman
After talking to him, head to the stables, along the way ignore the chest at
the market.
When you reach the stable, ignore the chest, and talk to the lady that is
behind the stables.
She will then run away from you denying any accusations. Return to the
second floor bar
and head out to the balcony to talk to her again. After she runs away again,
go to the
forgery, next to where you found the Imasho Town Map, and talk to her. Again
she ran
away, this time head back to the stables, where you first found her, and
talk to her again.
She will admit of what she stole and hand back to you a Broken Bell.

Now go back to the bar and give Ekei the following, Ashura Garment, Broken
Bell, Fudo
Leg Guard, and the Love Potion and he returns Super M. Liquid, Buraitou
Tech. 1,
Hyoujin-Yari Tech. 1, and Medicine. Leave the bar and head back towards the
Mine. Along the pathway to the Mine, you will see a cinema introducing a new
These monsters aren't that hard. Hack and slash and get some precious souls.
For now
return to where you got the Hyoujin-Yari. Ekei should be there and down in
the rain
about not finding gold. Give him the Pick in exchange for Normal Bullets.
Now just run
all the way back to where you found the Factory Owner. Along the way there
will be a
battle where some tough monsters pick on you, but Magoichi will be present
to help you
out and also, you will see Kotaro around, just ignore him.

Once you get back to where you found the Factory Owner, go up to the odd
shape on the
floor and use the Red Ring. A light path should open up and you should enter
it. When
you get down, you will walk towards a door and a cinema will start where
some monsters
bad talk you. Two monsters will appear first one then when you kill it the
other, just
dispose of them and head into the unsealed door.

In the room with the twisted stairwell, before you go up it you can find the
Crystal Ball
on the left side of screen. Now head up it, at the very top there will be a
monster swing
his sword. Just rid the world of him and head out. You are now in front of
Gifu Castle a
cinema will show it off (Ibayama in Onimusha Warlords), so now just go up to
the door.

Chapter 2-10-2: Magoichi Talks about Ekei

Magoichi will kill a monster and then jump into the screen. He will tell you
a little about
Ekei's dreams and how they are stupid. Then he tells you why Jubei is a
"vengeful ghost"
since when Nobunaga is destroyed, another will take his place. "It never

Once you get Jubei back, enter the door. Some archers and monsters will be
pesky, rid
them, get the two treasure chests containing the Gifu Keep Tower Map and
Incenses, and
then enter the door on the left, not the big doors. Here you will find a
number puzzle.
They are rather simple.

The answer to the puzzle is: 6, 8, 2, and 4. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to
the PUZZLES section]

You will get the Bronze Mask (right). Take it and go back into the main
room, prepare
for some more pesky demons. After their souls are drained enter the big
doors. In this
room Ekei will be fighting some enemies, DON'T LEAVE EKEI WITHOUT KILLING
THE MONSTERS. You want to have your friendship high with Ekei, so make sure
wait and kill all the monsters. After killing them talk to Ekei and trade
him the Crystal
Ball for Normal Bullets. Now take the Herb from the treasure case and
proceed through
the unlocked door. Here you will find another puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 4, 2, and 8. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to the
PUZZLES section]

You should get a Power Jewel, so just use it when you want. Head into the
next set of
doors and you will come across a doorway with a blue alter on it. Examine
it, then use
your Bronze Mask (right) but you will notice that you can't just yet open
the door.
Proceed on, careful with these monsters and in the next room ignore the
chest and enter
the door under the stairwell. A man will tell you he has something for you,
but the evil
energy won't let him, so he asks you find the Purify Charm. Behind him is
the Demon's
History. After exiting the room, head up the stairwell. Ekei will come in
and help you
fight the monsters.

Chapter 2-11: The Digger's Baby is Found

Once the monsters are gone, the baby will begin to cry and the Miner will
run in. You
have just rescued the Miner's baby. Ekei will have a flash back of his child
and snatch the
Miner's baby. Ekei will explain his history a little and he begins to cry,
kudos on the tears
Capcom, kudos.

After the scene, you can leave through the only useable door. Here you will
find yourself
with a few archers, so just kill the archers and proceed into the next door.
In the next
room, there is an herb in the chest, the Earth Mozun, and the Purify Charm
on the table
sparkling. Take the herb and the Purify Charm and head back to the room
under the

Once you are there, give the man the Purify Charm, he will be grateful and
something sparkling. Lift the Bronze Mask (left) and head back to where you
first put the
Bronze Mask (right). Remember, as you walk there is a magic mirror, save,
enhance your
equipment, so just be ready.

Chapter 3-1: Meeting Tokichiro

A cinema should start with Tokichiro's funny laugh. Tokichiro will assault
Oyu, and then
Jubei comes in and orders Oyu to leave. Tokichiro summons some monsters, and
Jubei is
left to defeat them as Oyu escapes.

After you defeat the monsters, head back, and get an herb in the chest. Now
proceed into
the unsealed doors.

Chapter 3-2: Gogandantess Battle 1

Meet Gogandantess, the Greatest Swordsman of all Demons. Gogandantess will
introduce himself and then challenge Jubei. You can't win this fight, so
just keep yourself
on your toes. Block, dodge, and try not to use cure items.

Chapter 3-3: Oyu Assists Jubei

After some time Oyu will come and rescue you, Gogandantess will call you a
coward and

Just follow the path; there isn't anywhere to go. Once you get outside
examine the big
metal orb.

Chapter 3-5: Borrow the "Faith" Orb

A cinema will start where Jubei asks Oyu for the Orb she wears around her
neck. Oyu
will hand it over, examine the Metal Orb again and now insert the Faith Orb.

Chapter 3-6: Ride an Iron Horse

Jubei will tell Oyu to get on the Iron Horse, and they both ride it over
Gifu Castle's walls.
Ride off into the sunrise and back to Imasho Town.

Chapter 3-7: Obtain the "Faith" Orb

Once in Imasho Town, Oyu will introduce herself and tell her story of why
she was in
Gifu Castle. She also tells a little bit of her background and Jubei of his.
Right off the bat
you can see some attraction that Oyu has for Jubei.

Once you gain control of Jubei, walk towards the bar, just ignore the
treasure chest.

Chapter 3-8-1: Kotaro's Warning about Oyu

Kotaro calls you from the back. Kotaro explains his distrust for Oyu and
then runs off
saying he will prove it that she is not trust worthy.

Head back to the store, along the way in the market there should be a man
wearing a round hat near the entrance to the main town. If he isn't there,
head towards the
town, then return to the market and talk to him to get Taizo Mandala. At the
store buy the
following, Pocket Watch, Calligraphy Kit, Naughty Novel, Houtengeki, and the
Pair Ring
total cost 5100 Gold. You can buy Artwork #18 if you are attempting to
collect all the
Artworks, but in order to get the others that are held by characters you
must trade with
them. I won't go into detail on that in this guide, since I don't want to
ruin the chances of
lowering your Friendship with Ekei. Check the SEARCHING ITEMS sections to
more on the Artworks. If you chose to follow how to get the Orange and White
by referring to the NECKLACES section, then talk to the store owner again
and look for
the man's father who gave you the chalk, if you didn't do any of this just
go to bar. Now
run into the bar and give Ekei the following, Calligraphy Kit, Folding Fan,
Naughty Novel, Pair Ring, Pocket Watch, and the Taizo Mandala and he will
Fancy Paper, Power Jewel, Hyoujin-Yari Tech.2, Hien Kyahan, Normal Bullet,
And Normal Bullet.

After trading with him, these items should guarantee that Ekei will be the
Story Character
and the Majority of his scenarios will open up, remember not to trade with
others, you
don't want to jinx yourself. Note, read the HOW TO USE MY WALKTHROUGHS of
the WALKTHROUGHS section for better understand.

Head out of the bar and into the market, there should be someone holding a
rather weird
umbrella so go up to her.

Chapter 4-1: Meeting Jujudormah

This ugly demon thinks she is the hottest thing alive. She tells you of her
love for
Nobunaga and how she will stop Jubei and Takajo. So the chase is on,
Jujudormah is
after Takajo, and Jubei rushes back to Yagyu Village to protect her.

Yagyu Village 2

Welcome back to Yagyu Village. This is again straightforward. Take control
of Jubei and
head to where you first met Takajo, but along the way…

Chapter 4-2-4: Ekei Helps Jubei 2

As soon as you cross the bridge a cinema will show Ekei coming out to help
Jubei. Ekei
will tell you to leave this to him, BUT!!! NEVER EVER leave Ekei alone
during battles.
Since he is your major character, leaving him will lower your friendship
with him, so stay
and fight till all the monsters are dead; this will help your friendship.

After you killed the monsters go to Takajo. Cross the stepping-stones, go
through the
corridor cave and come out where Takajo gave you the Charity Orb.

Chapter 4-4: Takajo's End

You made it just in time to see Jujudormah kill Takajo. Jubei goes to Takajo
and holds
her as her dying breaths are used up.

Chapter 4-5: Mother & Father

Oyu walks in and asks what is wrong. Jubei explains that when he first met
Takajo, she
explained to him how she met his father and fell instantly in love.

Chapter 4-6: The Oath

Takajo reminds Jubei of his destiny and importance. Jubei now even angrier
and is so set
on destroying Nobunaga. Jubei is half Oni, there for it is his destiny to
stop the demons.

After the Cinema pick up the sparkling item, Ring of Takajo, and now you
have to return
to where you started. Back track through the corridor cave, over the
stepping-stones, but
you will notice Ekei. Talk to him if you wish. Walk past the bridge, killing
all the
monsters allowing the way for their souls. Once you are back at where you
started, go
into the door.

Once you are in the house, travel straight, hop onto the next level, and
whack at the
screen door. Run straight and then turn left hop on and kill the monsters.
Run to the end
of the corridor to find a puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 2 and 4. [If you don't understand this, please
refer to the
PUZZLES section]

You should get a Power Jewel use it when you want. Travel back and knock
down the
screen doors. You should be able to see a chest, go to it and inside there
is a
Kaleidoscope. Now run into the room that was exposed by you slashing at the
doors. There are two paths to go, one away from the camera and another
towards it. Head
towards the camera first and follow the u-turn path. Artwork #10 should be
on a shelf, at
the end of the u-turn path hack at the wall to expose a little secret Jubei
never knew
about, and inside collect half of the Four Guardians Art. Now head to the
other path and
leave through the only path.

There will be some annoying archers and silver samurais, so be cautious.
After clearing
the area take Jubei and all the way down the green grass path, at the end
search for the
Wasabi. Hop on the ledge and hack at the screen doors. Take the second half
of the map
from the chest and hack at the next set of screen doors. Inside the chest
take the Oolong

Now return back to where you had entered from and examine the Drawer like
object. It is
saying an object is missing, use Ring of Takajo to unveil a puzzle. To solve
the puzzle hit
start, go to File, to the sub-menu PICTURE, and examine the Four Guardians
Art. The
answer is [Left] point it to white, [top] point it to black, [right] point
it to blue, and
[bottom] point it to red. As the machine reacts a stairwell should appear.
Travel down it.

In the underground cave, as you are walking you notice that the floor
shakes. Jubei jumps
off before the floor gives ways and reveals a deadly set of spikes. Just
push the
directional button towards the spikes and Jubei will jump and grab on to the
ledge. Push
up and he will climb up. As you proceed you will see lots of ropes, cut them
and a big
spike will come down in a cinema. When you get control of Jubei, quickly hit
R2 and run
back to the spikes, jump across, if you are daring get up on the ledge and
then jump
across and wait till the spike goes over you. If you are not daring, after
jumping across
the first time, the spike is chasing you, just wait till it passes over you,
when it does push
up and then jump across. Follow the path to the exit, and you will find
yourself in Fog

Ignore the chests and just move forward. Kill all the monsters that get in
your way, and as
you pass another Mozun, ignore it since you don't have the right magic yet.
Once you
pass all three ladders, you are at a bridge. Ekei will pop up to help so you
must stay and
kill the monsters with him. After the monsters are all dead go and trade
with him. Give
him the following, Oolong Tea, and the Wasabi. Ekei will then return; an
Herb and
another Herb. After you have finished trading with him continue along the
path. Two
treasure chests lay ahead, one with the Fog Valley Map and another with an

^>From the Wind Shrine get your Senpumaru and back track to where you saw the
Across the bridge, down the ladder, down the second ladder, and there it
should be. Use
the Senpumaru to get Nobunaga's Knowledge. As you are walking back, you will
encounter Ekei again in the bridge

Once you are back to where you got the Senpumaru, save it and enhance your
since you will have to head into the Forest Maze. There are monsters along
the way so
kill them and gather some souls. After the first straight area, you will
come to a fork with
a little floating bug demon. Will it quickly, for they disappear. After you
kill it a cinema
will make the fork turn into a straight path. Follow it, again more
monsters, and again a
fork, this time the little bug guy got protection. Quickly dispose of the
back up or just aim
for the bug guy, killing him will return the fork to a straight path and
eliminate all the
monsters. Go into the new area, another straight path with monsters, keep
going, another
fork with the bug guy and monsters. Same as before, this time as it turns
into one path,
follow it and…

Chapter 5-5: Jujudormah and Ginghamphatts

Jujudormah should appear laughing at you as she threats you. She is about
ready to duel
you when Ginghamphatts appears Ginghamphatts and Jujudormah argue like
siblings and
Ginghamphatts gets the honor of fighting you. Say hello to boss #2.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

After the boss is dead you get Nobunaga's Reign, take it and leave.

Chapter 5-6: Reasons to Fight

As you come out of the Maze Forest you find Magoichi and Ekei fighting.
Magoichi tells
Jubei that he understands how Jubei feels after the death of Takajo. Ekei
Magoichi's claim and says not to trust him, that Magoichi might be serving
and out to kill both Jubei and Ekei. Magoichi leaves and Ekei chases after

After the cinema take the left path to a grassy area. Ekei should be there
and don't leave
till you kill the monsters, once that is done talk to him to get a Medicine.
You will see
another Mozun so go dispose of it with the Buraitou. After you get
Nobunaga's Dignity.
Don't go in direction that is the opposite of the pond since it is a dead
end. At the pond,
cross it and enter the door. On the side towards the camera, Jubei's left,
is a puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 9 and 5. [If you don't understand this, please
refer to the
PUZZLES section]

You should get Senpumaru Secret. After the puzzle go into the room with the
spikes and
examine the middle. You should be asked if you want to pull a lever, pull it
and quickly
an image will flash. It is an image of the three Nobunaga statues you have.
Memorize the
image, order of statues, and then place the statues in the same order to

My game: Order Nobunaga's Knowledge, Nobunaga's Dignity, and Nobunaga's

After the doors open run through and get ready for some monster bashing.
Remember if
Ekei shows up you can't leave until all the monsters are dealt with. Enter
the door and
kill the monster blocking the door. Near the Magic mirror is Jujudormah's
Diary, at the
magic mirror enhance and save since…

Chapter 5-9: A Last Kiss of Jujudormah

Jujudormah will be sweating a picture of Nobunaga. Jubei offends her and she
gets angry.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

After you slay the beast Jujudormah, you will get the Honesty Orb, and now
you should
see a red switch. Hit it and the wall will open up. Follow the path; open
the chest to get
an herb, then run to run because soon afterwards the cave will fill with
poisonous gas.

Chapter 5-10: Jump Over a Cliff

When you get to the end of the cliff, you will watch a cinema of Jubei jump
off into the
water. The cinema looks pretty nice.

In the underwater cave, you will find a chest with the Oni's Sacred Place.
Save and then
go examine the other pool of water. Put in the Orb of Honesty in to move

Chapter 5-11: To Oni's Sacred Place

A cool cinema shows Jubei going to the Oni Sacred Place. I like how he
almost falls off.
Then Gogandantess shows up for, with the cool quote: "Your eyes betray you.
That you
are thrilled to see a warrior greater then you."

Chapter 6-1: Gogandantess Battle 2

Once again you can't defeat him. So I recommend you try to conserve your
energy and
cure items. Try to dodge and attack when you can. Don't be scared of using
your magic,
since it will get restored after the battle. After some time, Gogandantess
will tell you
Odani Castle will fall and then head off. Oyu will come to your aid and will
go ahead of

Chapter 6-2: Takajo's Advice

As Oyu enters the Oni Sacred Place, Takajo will appear in front of her.
Takajo will thank
Oyu for helping Jubei in his time of need and will then tell Oyu how to find
the Sacred
Flute, so that Jubei can defeat Gogandantess.

Now that you got control of Oyu, head around the object in the middle [earth
shrine] and
behind it to a staircase next to the magic mirror. Head down it and up the
other side, you
should be careful because as you walk along the path two monsters will come
up and
attack you. Since Oyu has her level 3 charge, you should use it on them and
they should
fall easily. Run and get the Key Plate. With it, you can now return to where
you met
Takajo and use it on the Earth Shrine to unlock the doors.

Kill all the monsters that get in your way, use Oyu's magic since it allows
you to release
souls of monsters with simple attacks. You don't have to kill them. This is
great to get
some extra souls and restore life when you are low.

You should must to the path on the right of the Earth Shrine, since the
other is a dead
end. As you enter the first corridor, get ready to fight some monsters from
here till the
end, because it is going to be hard. Since Oyu has a small life bar, she can
die easily, but
using her level 3 charged you can make the big monsters suffer. I warn you
to be careful
of the silver armored samurais, because they can gang up on your and their
attacks can prevent you from getting close enough to unleash your level 3
attacks. As you
go through the rooms, you won't find items or chests, only in the room with
the Silver
Samurai's, where there is a greenish-yellow pool in the middle, will you
find the Oni's
Sacred Place Map #1 in the chest and on the other side of the big mouth
statue, a
Medicine sparkling on the floor.

You should know be in a room with glass tiles, blue colored, where fish
explode from the
bottom. Just block, evade, kill what you can, and eventually the red force
field on the
ladder would disappear. As you go down the ladder, you will have to find a
annoying monster watch out for the crocodile like monsters who will distract
you and the
monster's tentacles. After you kill it there will be a hole in the wall,
make sure to get the
Adarga from the chest.

Enter the hole in the wall and travel down the Fog Bridge. Be careful with
the monsters
for they can cause serious damage on the narrow walk way. When you get to
the magic
mirror, save and equip the Gladius that is in the chest. The next area
contains some very
strong monsters, so be ready. The first monster, the yellow bull, can be
taken down with
one level 3 charged attack, the next monster, the red bull, can actually
kill you easily, and
it will take you around 3 or 4 level 3 charged attacks. If the red bull hits
you, roll out of
the way as you get up, or lay there till you get an open chance, because if
he cheats you
like he did me, then he will hit you as you try to get up and basically kill

Chapter 6-3: Oyu Finds the Sacred Flute

Congratulations, you just defeated the bulls and got your hands on the
Sacred Flute.

Now, you must venture back to where Jubei was and handed it over. There is
nothing else
to do with Oyu, you can either fight and get some souls for Jubei using
Oyu's cool magic,
or just head straight for him and get on with the game.

Chapter 6-4: Oyu Hands Over the Sacred Flute

Oyu returns to Jubei with the Sacred Flute that Takajo told her to find.
Jubei tells Oyu
that his wounds have healed. Now Jubei must go into the Oni's Sacred Place
himself and
find the rest of the secrets that are hidden. Oyu departs.

First's things first, make sure to step up to the Earth Shrine and get your
Dokoutsui. I've
gone ahead twice before without it only to venture back. Head in the same
direction that
you did with Oyu and eventually…

Chapter 6-7: Ekei's Weakness

As you walk into the room after the room with the mouth statue, Ekei walks
up to you
and tells you that you can't stay, that it is to dangerous. Suddenly you
hear the squeaking
of a mouse as Ekei starts to scream and runs off to fight the monsters.

Just kill the monsters, don't leave Ekei till you kill them all, after you
clear the monsters
talk to Ekei, tell him you promise not to tell anyone that he is scared of
mice and he'll
give you the Senpumaru Tech.1, also if you say no you won't get credit for
the chapter or
the Tech book. After exiting this room, head down the ladder. Once you get
to that area
where the Earth Mozun is, kill all the monsters, break the Earth Mozun, and
then kill the
monster in the next area but don't forget the Circle Key on the floor. Head
up the ladder
and back track back to where you got the hammer.

Chapter 6-9: Tokichiro Sets a Trap for Magoichi

As you enter, you see Magoichi asking Tokichiro where he hid the gold. Jubei
walks in
and asks Magoichi if it is true. Magoichi doesn't answer, but in walks in
Ekei and starts
to accuse Magoichi. Magoichi doesn't care and walks away; Ekei gets angry
and chases
after him.

Back in the main corridor use the magic mirror effectively. After using the
mirror, turn
into that door immediately to the left. You will find yourself in a blue
u-turn corridor, so
kill the monsters, collect the Lift Instructions, and then head to the end
of the corridor.
You will find a ceiling fan, just switch over to Senpumaru and use the magic
There is a sparkling item, a Magic Liquid, just in case you don't have
enough magic.

As the cinema shows the ceiling spin, you will notice that the elevator now
has power.
Take it down, and pick up the Oni's Place #2 Map in the treasure chest. As
you walk into
the next room you hear some weird noises and voices. Follow the wall on the
right of the
doorway to a dead end.

Chapter 6-5: Ekei Finds a Hidden Room

Jubei walks in to find Ekei punching a wall. Ekei tells Jubei that he
followed Magoichi to
that place, but he disappeared. Suddenly the door slides open, and Magoichi
walks out.
Magoichi tells them that there is treasure and a monster grabs Ekei by the
head. Ekei gets
angry towards Magoichi and chases after him, leaving you to fight the

Quickly dispose of the monster and head into the room to collect your a
Necklace. For more information on the necklace check the NECKLACES section.
walk back to the room and look the for puzzle box located in the corner.1

The answer to the puzzle is: 12, 2, and 6. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to the
PUZZLES section]

You should get a nice Tanegashima for your efforts. With that in your
inventory, climb
up the ladder, follow the path to another ladder, and climb down. Enter the
door to find a
magic pool and next to the operating table there is number grid puzzle.

The answer to the puzzle is: 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, and 16. [If you don't
understand this, please
refer to the PUZZLES section]

Solving the puzzle will give you the Golden Key. Now we must head back to
the room
with the elevator and map. Just exit through the door, climb the ladder,
follow the path,
climb down the ladder, kill the robots if you wish, and exit through the
door. As you enter
the room again, you should see a ladder in the bottom-right corner. Climb it
to find a
panel, examine it and accept to use the Golden Key. A cinema will show the
boxes stopping, so now you can cross them just like the stepping-stones in
Village. On the other side, examine the door and accept to use the Circle

You can find a Tokichiro's Memo #1 on the floor. Examine the statue to open
up a

Check the PUZZLES section for the answer.

Solving the puzzle will make a Light Path appear. Enter it and soon you
should appear on
top of a tower. Turn around, hit R2, and walk forward. Some people
complained that they
didn't know how to get off the top of the tower. Follow the path to a
ladder, and then just
go down it. As you go down you will find a puzzle box on your left.

The answer to the puzzle is: 2, 4, 6, 8, 1 and 7. [If you don't understand
this, please refer
to the PUZZLES section]

You should get a Talisman, very useful, and now you can down track the
stairwell. If you
follow this guide there should be monster archers, dispose of them. Walk
down the path
and open the treasure chest to attain the Green Wedge, and use the magic
mirror to save,
especially if you will want to go to the Green Phantom Realm. When you check
the door.

Chapter 7-1: Ekei Does a Favor for Jubei

Jubei will realize that the door is locked, and then turn away. Suddenly
Jubei can hear
Ekei walking by and calls out to him. Ekei goes to the door and responds to
Jubei. Ekei
laughs at Jubei since he is locked in. Ekei asks to tell him where the key
is, but Jubei
doesn't know either.

Now as Ekei you must go right, enter the door, and in the hallway get the
Gifu East Area
Map open the black treasure chest to get the Yellow Bracelet. Move forward
and exit
through the door. Once you enter this area, there will be some monsters.
After killing the
monsters, travel along the path, don't take the first turn, and you will
come to a treasure
chest, which contains the Cherry Key. Exit through the door on the right,
after you unlock

This should all look familiar. You can either leave to the next area,
entering the Gifu
Castle, or kill the monsters. Once you enter the castle, there will be some
more pesky
monsters. Deal with them and enter the double doors. You can fight the
monsters here, or
enter the door on the right, using the Cherry Key. Once in the new room,
walk inside to
find the Crescent Key, Human as Food, Artwork #12, Nioh Protector and
another puzzle

The answer to the puzzle is: 11, 1, and 4. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to the
PUZZLES section]

You should get a Magic Jewel, so use it. Once you get everything you just
need to back
track to where you found the Cherry Key. Just exit through the door, exit
through the
double doors on the right of the screen, run through the wrecked room and
exit to the
keep. You should now be where there is a path that leads in a circle.
Dispose of the
monsters and then leave through the door back to the East Area. With the
Crescent Key,
you can now open the door that we first ignored. Kill the monsters and head
for the door
to unlock it.

You should go straight through, just kill the monsters as they come. In the
next room you
will find yourself in a pond with more monsters, just keep killing them.
Keep going
killing monsters as you go, along the way absorb the Soul Pool. Final you
should find
yourself at the waterfall. You should just be killing monsters, and make
sure to grab the
black treasure chest behind the door that contains Halberd. With that
equipped, head into
the little shack and down the stairs. Examine the boat to cross the lake.
You should now
find yourself in front of a building; just kill the monsters and head
inside. You will find a
big red bull monster, I recommend you stay in the corner and use your charm
After you kill it you should get the Snake Key.

Now you just simply have to head back, get out of the building, cross the
lake by
examining the boat, head past the waterfall, down the stairwell, across the
courtyard, past
the pond, straight across the walkway, take a left at the first
intersection, and through the
small corridor. Just simply examine the door in which Jubei is trapped.

Chapter 7-2: Ekei and Jubei Talk

Ekei finally unlocks the door and walks in. Ekei tells Jubei that he knows
what he wants.
Jubei knows that he wants liquor and women. Ekei walks away satisfied and
Jubei just
looks at him.

Now that you have control of Jubei, exit the room; you will come to a split.
Go to the
right, only if you are collecting the artworks or want to visit the Green
Phantom Realm,
other wise go to the left.

If you go right, equip Buraitou and break the Mozun. Enter the door and
examine the
shelves to find Artwork #11, and use the Green Wedge on the light to open up
the Green
Phantom Realm, for more information on it just go check the PHANTOM REALMS

If you go right pass through the small corridor, once you enter this area,
there will be
some monsters. Ekei should appear to help you, so remember to kill all the
monsters and
then she leaves. After he leaves, travel along the path, don't take the
first turn, and exit
through the door on the right.

This should all look familiar. You can either leave to the next area,
entering the Gifu
Castle, or kill the monsters. Once you enter the castle, there will be some
more pesky
monsters. Deal with them and enter the double doors. Fight the monsters, and
instead of
entering the door on the right, head out through the doors directly in front
of the door you
came through. We want to return to where you found the Purify Charm your
first time
here. Keep going through, ignore the door with the blue alter, pass the
magic mirror, and
into the door. Ignore the treasure chest and just head upstairs. Kill
monsters as you, now
just enter the only doors here; you should now be in the wrecked room's top
floor. Enter
the door on the top and you will find a Mozun. Whip out Dokoutsui and take
care of it.
Enter the room to find a medicine in the far corner, and a puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 6, 7, 9, 5, 8, and 4. [If you don't understand
this, please refer
to the PUZZLES section]

You should find the Dokoutsui Secret. With that in your inventory, let's
back track. Exit
the room, cross the path and exit. Fight the monsters, and head down the
stairs. Ignore the
chest and run out the door across the door underneath the stairs. Pass the
magic mirror,
pass the blue alter door, and exit through the door in the hallway. Exit the
small room,
and you are back to where you noticed the locked door.

Since Ekei already took the stuff from the other room, head back out the
double door.
Pass the wrecked room and out into the keep. You should now be where there
is a path
that leads in a circle. Dispose of the monsters and then leave through the
door back to the
East Area. Enter the door that Ekei had first unlocked with the Crescent

Do not leave through the door that is directly in front of the door you
enter. As you enter,
take the path to the right to the Mozun. Switch over to the Hyoujin-Yari so
that you can
break the Mozun, and then enter the door. In the room you can get the Gourd
from the
chest, and follow the path behind the vases to find a Light Path.

After entering the Light Path, you will find yourself in a cave. You are now
next to a
magic mirror, run straight and you should catch a glimpse of a treasure
chest, open it to
get a Medicine. Many people get stuck here, so just return to the Light
Path, since a statue
blocks the obvious route. Facing the magic mirror turn to Jubei's left, walk
straight, and
you should find yourself facing a dark tunnel, now follow it.

This room contains more statues and a black treasure chest, so just ignore
them. Keep
heading forward; in this room Ekei should appear to help you. Remember to
kill all the
monsters and once they are dead give Ekei the Gourd in exchange for Fire
Arrows. You
will encounter lots of monsters as you go, so be prepared to fight. There is
important in these rooms, so just keep moving. Finally you should reach a
room with a
bridge, which is open, so just kill all the monsters. After all the monsters
are dead, to the
left there should be a switch. Examine it to lower the bridge down.

After crossing the bridge and entering the next room; you should see a magic
mirror. Use
the mirror, and then notice directly in front of the mirror a statue, on the
left of that statue
is Tokichiro's Memo #2. Follow the path; get the treasure chest with the
Demon Cave
Map, and exit on the other side. Follow the path and fight the monsters,
eventually you'll
reach the end. Be prepared to fight some bulls, be cautious because there
are objects that
can interfere with your fighting.

After killing the bulls, or running away, you can exit the room. The next
room has pesky
archers and strong demons, so be on guard. After you exit the room, you will
find a
treasure chest that contains the Great Powder Tube, ignore the black chest.
Run to the end
of the path to find a Mozun, careful, because monsters rise as you reach the
Mozun. Kill
the monsters and then switch over to Senpumaru to take care of the final
Mozun. Once
you pass the Mozun take the Herb from the chest, and walk forward to a
puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 6, 7, 5, 4, and 1. [If you don't understand
this, please refer to
the PUZZLES section]

You should get a Power Jewel, so use it. Walk forward to find the statue
that was
blocking the original path. Use the Great Powder on him and he will give you
a Secret
Medicine. Walk past him and you should be at the start of the cave, use the
Great Powder
on the men to get some medicines, so now you can just enter the Light Path
and be on
your way. After you get back from the caves, exit the room, and follow the
path to the
door you haven't entered yet.

Chapter 7-10: Magoichi Tells the Truth

As you walk in you find Magoichi killing some monsters. Magoichi gets
injured and then
you must fight the monsters. Quickly take care of them. After they are gone,
begins to tell you the truth about his past. How he is here to stop Nobunaga
before he gets
to Saiga Village. Magoichi doesn't want it to happen since that is the
village where he
was raised after his mother's death. The people of the village raised him as
if he were one
of their kids, so now Magoichi will do what he can to protect their good
nature. Ekei is
ease dropping and begins to cry at Magoichi's callous front.

Exit through the door and fight the monsters in the next room. After you
clear them, just
enter the room with the stairwell and head up. You should find yourself in
the room with
the waterfall. Just run to the shack on the other side of the waterfall. In
the shack take the
Hunting Schedule, and use the mirror to your liking. Walk down the stairs
and examine
the boat. Cross it to the area across the lake. Once you arrive, there will
be some monsters
so just take care of them. After killing the monsters enter the building and
get ready since
two strong monsters will be waiting. Dispose of them with either magic or
level 3
charged attacks. Before leaving this room collect the following; Artwork
#13, Fortinbras
Book, and Golden Evil Statue.

Upon entering the next room, you will find two statues. Use the Great Powder
on the
statues to rescue the men. Talk to the man on the left 3 times to get a
Secret Medicine,
and then just walk between them into the door. Examine the statues to unveil
a puzzle.

Check the PUZZLES section for the answer.

After finishing the puzzle, a Light Path should open up behind Jubei, so
enter it. You
should know appear in The Oni's Sacred Place: Blood Pond. Take the Special
M. Liquid
from the treasure chest and exit through the door. In the next room, the
door directly to
the left can be opened with the 3 fossils to attain the Black Necklace.
Refer to the
NECKLACES section and SEARCHING ITEMS for more information. Ekei will pop,
just dispose of the monsters and head towards the door. The next room
contains a magic
mirror and in the chest is the Oni's Place Map #3. Head toward the door, but
ready since
more monsters are awaiting you, a lot more. Prepare to fight, or just run
past them to the
door in the back corner.

After exiting the circular room, you should find yourself in a room with
lots of turns.
Taking the first turn will lead you to two dead ends, but one contains a
puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 4, 6, 1, and 7. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to
the PUZZLES section]

You should get a Magic Jewel. Turn around and there will be a monster that
Dispose of it and head back towards the hallway where you took the turn.
Back in the
hallway continue forward to find a split in the path. Taking the route away
from the
camera will lead to a chest, which bears an herb, and a monster will again
appear behind
you. Kill the monster and return to the split. This time head towards the
camera follow
the path and you will find a ceiling fan and elevator again. Switch over to
Senpumaru and
use the wind magic to activate the elevator.

Once the cinema shows the elevator being powered up, ride it up. As soon as
you are in
the next room there is a sparkling item, pick it up to get the Scarlet Key.
Among the trash
there is also Artwork #14. Now exit through the door and take the path away
from the
camera. You should find yourself in the main corridor, where you got the
Take the door on the left of the magic mirror to the blue u-turn room. Ekei
should be on
the floor, so talk to him and he will mention his Stamina Drink. Check your
your gifts, and see if your egg has hatched into a chicken, if that chicken
has laid a brown
egg, if that brown egg hatched into a brown chick, if that chick grew into a
chicken, if that brown chicken laid a gold egg, if that gold egg hatched
into a gold chick,
and if that gold chick grew into a gold chicken. If so, trade the Golden
Chicken to Ekei to
boost your friendship; this is the last chance you have to trade.

Ride the elevator down and walk forward to the door. Kill monsters if you
wish along the
way. In this room go to the ladder by the open chest and climb it. Follow
the path to
another ladder then climb it down, now enter the door. Inside walk forward
and you
should see something sparkling; examine it to get the Stamina Drink. Simply
run back to
where Ekei was resting and had it over to him in exchange for Normal Bullet.

Again ride the elevator down and walk forward to the door. Kill monsters if
you wish
along the way. In this room go to the ladder by the open chest and climb it.
Follow the
path to another ladder then climb it down, now enter the door. Inside walk
forward, turn
right and you will find a red glowing door. Use the Scarlet Key on it to
unlock it. Enter it
and walk forward.

Chapter 8-4: Tokichiro's Trap

Jubei walks in on Tokichiro trying to capture Oyu. As Jubei rescues Oyu,
Tokichiro pulls
on a lever that makes the floor beneath Jubei and Oyu retracts and they fall
Tokichiro's trap.

Chapter 8-5: From Oyu to Oichi

Jubei and Oyu have time to talk, so Oyu tells Jubei of her plans to return
to Odani Castle.
She also tells him of her true identity, in which she is Oichi, the sister
of Nobunaga. Oyu
tells of her husband having 3 daughters from his ex-wife, and how she felt
betrayed. She
felt it was her responsibility to stop Nobunaga from killing, but she got
caught in Gifu
Castle. Oyu confess how she feels for Jubei, and she admits in being
selfish. Oyu decides
to return to Odani Castle because of her daughters, "blood or no blood."
Jubei moves in
on Oyu and is about to kiss her when Tokichiro starts to laugh and sets off
an explosion.

So the explosion that seems to have destroyed the wall failed to kill you.
Walk through the cracked door, and away from the camera there is a magic
mirror. Use
it, and save since you will fight a boss. Walking towards the camera are two
which bear a Secret Medicine and Gogandantess' Shield. When you are ready
open the
door on the right of the last treasure chest.

Chapter 8-6: Gogandantess Final battle

As Jubei and Oyu are walking in, an explosion knocks Jubei away and Oyu into
a hole.
Oyu clings for life when suddenly Gogandantess steps in to save her.
boasts about men wanting to save weak women. Well now Gogandantess again
boasts his
great swordsmanship and challenges Jubei to "the final round." Jubei rushes
Gogandantess to hurry it up, since Gogandantess likes stating his name.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

After killing Gogandantess, you will get a cinema of him asking Jubei to
state his name.
When Gogandantess turns into souls you should get the Respect Orb, and then
just absorb
his souls. Walk out through the door that is right there.

You should find yourself in a burning room. Run forward and climb that
ladder, there are
a few items worth of interest. Once you climb the ladder, on the pathway
walk all the
way to the end, and take the path that leads towards the camera. Jump across
the flames
and go forward to find a chest that bears an herb. Now run back to the
pathway. On the
pathway you can find a pathway in the middle of the ladder, and the pathway
you just
took to find the herb. You can take the path to find a puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 6, 7, 1, 12, and 2. [If you don't understand
this, please refer
to the PUZZLES section]

You should find a Power Jewel so use it. Now turn around and head back to
the pathway,
but as you hope onto the path, hold forward to hop onto another pathway with
a treasure
chest behind two metal objects. Swing at the objects and then find some
cover because
they explode. The treasure chest should bear a Medicine. Walk back to where
you climb
the ladder and walk towards the camera, Jubei should start jumping across
like he did the
stepping-stones and boxes. Now just climb the ladder and exit. You should
remember this
room in the Oni's Sacred Place. Walk to the middle and examine the huge
statue, you can
talk to Oyu if you want, when prompt to insert the Respect Orb, accept.

Chapter 8-7: Ancient Flying Boat Flies

As Jubei inserts the Orb, a chain of events should start. Tokichiro starts
to laugh as the
place seems to fall apart and monsters attack Jubei and Oyu. Tokichiro ends
up stealing
the Oni Genbu, so Jubei and Oyu are left to think of how to chase after it.
As the building
starts to collapse, Jubei and Oyu run upstairs to seek shelter.

Now that you can control Jubei, use the magic mirror effectively. Walk
forward and
examine the flying object from the cinema.

This can be a little tricky. There are lots of different means of doing
this; you must
simply rotate the left analog stick counter-clockwise, and the right analog
clockwise. Do it at an even pace, because if you notice one side might still
be lower then
the other. If this happens, you have to rotate the side that is highest in
the opposite
direction that you were rotating it, this will lower it, and then you can
rotate the lower
side some more to catch up. You are timed to do this, so you must try hard
and be fast.

Chapter 8-8: Chase the Flying Boat

After completing the event and opening up the door, Jubei and Oyu will get
on the flying
thing. They will start to fly after the flying Oni Genbu, and jump on to it
to get on. Oyu
of course falls and Jubei has to reach out and save her. Jubei and Oyu now
themselves on the Oni Genbu and break a window to get in.

Time to find Tokichiro, Oyu runs off and you are left with Jubei. First
follow the path to
the end, ignore the magic mirror, don't enter the door, ignore the chest,
and you will find
a sparkling item. With the Magic Liquid in your inventory, you can return to
the treasure
chest, which happens to be another puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 5, 2, 6, 8, 11, and 3. [If you don't understand
this, please
refer to the PUZZLES section]

You should get a Magic Jewel, so use it. You can now return back to the
magic mirror to
save or upgrade your weapon. Now you are ready to enter the door. This room
archers that are out of view and silver samurais so be cautious. After
killing them, in
opposite corner of the corner on the right of the door you enter, you should
find some
crates, destroy and get a chest that bears a Medicine and now just exit
through the door in
the corner opposite the corner with the chest. Just follow the path up and
fight the
monsters if you wish, but they keep returning. Enter the door at the end of
the hallway.

Chapter 9-1: Battle with Tokichiro

Jubei will enter in on Tokichiro. Demons that are helping Tokichiro attack
Jubei, but
Jubei deals with them. As one of the demons falls, he hits the "steering
wheel" and the
whole Oni Genbu is thrown of balance. Tokichiro then feels as Oyu enters.
Jubei tells
Oyu to take control as he chases Tokichiro. In the final confrontation with
Jubei attempts to kill him, but Tokichiro kicks the door open and jumps off
all while
laughing at Jubei.

Chapter 9-2: Attack of Oda's Horse Soldiers

Jubei and Oyu will notice that Oda's army is storming Odani Castle, so they
need to think
of a way to stop them.

When you get control of Jubei, just examine the glowing red light.

Chapter 9-3: Ruin of Oda's Horse Soldiers

Jubei will activate laser cannons, or something, that will attack Oda's
horsemen. Jubei
and Oyu think they have finished and are safe now but…

Chapter 9-4: Crash of Flying Boat

A sudden explosion caused by Tokichiro's "surprise" cause the engine for Oni
Genbu to
go out. As Oni Genbu loses power, it falls from the sky and slams right into
Gifu Castle.
Jubei jumps off as the ship goes down, but Oyu isn't as lucky and falls back
into the
burning wreckage.

You should now have control of Jubei and walking forward will reveal a magic
On the left of the magic mirror should be Tokichiro's Memo #3. With that in
inventory, go and enter the double doors. As you walk forward…

Ekei will come out and tell you that his dream will finally come true. He
met with
someone and they both had an eye for women and booze and now that person
will make
him a feudal lord. Jubei is of course proud for Ekei. Ekei tells you he
shall show you how
elegant the Hozoin fighting style is. Monsters appear and you and Ekei must

Chapter 10-1-1: Parting for Ekei

After destroying the monsters Ekei says his final fair well and walks away.

With control back on Jubei, just exit the room. There should be a monster
waiting by the
stairs in the next room. Kill it, collect the Normal Arrows, and head
upstairs. There will
be a few monsters on the balcony. Enter the first double door to collect a
few items; open
the chest to receive the Purple Wedge, Artwork #15 should be on the table to
the right of
the door, and a soul pool should be waiting. If you were collecting the
congratulations you should have all 18 now. Refer to the SEARCHING ITEMS for
information on the Artworks. You have two choices now; with the Purple Wedge
you can
enter the Purple Phantom Realm and attempt to complete it to collect the
strongest sword
in the game, the Rekka-Ken, or you can continue with the guide.

If you choose to enter the Phantom Realm, just exit the room and follow the
path, you
should find a bridge, take the right and there will be another door, if you
can't find it
check your map. Inside there will be a light, use the Purple Wedge to open
up the portal
and then enter the Purple Phantom Realm. For more information, refer to the

If you chose to continue, in the room there should be a back way. Enter it
and climb the
ladder. Make sure you are ready, since you will face a boss.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

After killing it and absorbing its souls, you should be given the Gold
Scale. Examine the
big gold fish statue and use the Gold Scale. This should destroy the barrier
that prevented
you from crossing the bridge. Just climb down the ladder, and exit the room.
You can still
go to the Purple Phantom Realm if you wish. Regardless, cross the bridge.
Once you
enter the room across the bridge, turn to the right to see the magic mirror,
and if you need
to refill your magic go for it. There are still 3 more bosses to fight, and
climbing the
ladder next to the magic mirror will lead to another one. So be ready, once
you are ready
climb the ladder.

Chapter 10-2: Ginghamphatts' Final Battle

A familiar voice should start laughing at you. Ginghamphatts swears to kill
Jubei, but of
course Jubei won't let him.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

Chapter 10-4-1: Ginghamphatts' Final Moment

After you defeat Ginghamphatts' his upper body will grab on to his lower
body in hopes
of pulling himself up from the fire pit he hangs over. His lower body will
start to step on
Ginghamphatts' head and eventually both halves fall into the flames. Jubei
watches and
then receives the Strength Orb.

Absorb the souls and then head back down the ladder. Use the magic mirror,
there is no coming back from the next battle. Remember you can still go into
the Purple
Phantom Realm incase you want Rekka-Ken, or just to kill monsters. As you
towards the elevator in the circular room, examine it. When prompted to use
the Strength
Orb, accept.

Chapter 10-6-2: Their Lines Crossed

As the doors swing open, Oyu will come in and call out for Jubei. A cheap
event starts and they embrace in each other's arms. Jubei had thought that
Oyu perished
in the burning Oni Genbu. Jubei tells Oyu that she has got to go home, that
he will finish
it himself. Jubei reminds Oyu that Nobunaga is still her brother and that
she must go
home. Oyu stops Jubei before he leaves and starts to cry. Jubei tells Oyu,
before leaving,
he hopes she finds happiness. Finally, Jubei descends on the elevator and
Oyu is left in
sadness and begins to cry.

Chapter 10-7: Battle against Nobunaga

Jubei storms in on Nobunaga as he is transferring his power into the Golden
Evil Statue.
Jubei tells Nobunaga that no one will ever fear his statue, this enrages
Nobunaga and he
transforms into his demon form.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

Chapter 10-8: Advent of Golden Evil Statue

After Nobunaga falls, his body will shoot 5 orbs into the mouth of the
Golden Evil
Statue. I think it is funny how the statue says "You will die" and you hear
the elephant
noise. Jubei will then get caught in some snake like things and fall through
a light to the

Jubei will get up and use the power of the orbs to transform himself into a

It is time for the very last battle. I hope you are ready for something for
some isn't hard,
and for other is impossible.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

Chapter 10-9: Settlement

The Statue should fall apart and then Nobunaga's face should appear cursing
Jubei. It
suddenly switches over to Jubei running trying to get out of Gifu Castle
before it

The credits should start to roll, congratulations you have just beat
Onimusha 2: Samurai's
Destiny. Let the credits roll so you can get your last Default Scenario and
save your

Final Chapter: Love & Sorrow

Jubei is looking towards Odani Castle on his horse from a long distance. Oyu
walks out
into the balcony and looks over into the mountains. Jubei whispers Oyu, and
Oyu, as if
hearing him, whispers out Jubei.

Conclusion: Scenarios completed 61. If you followed this guide 59/100 = 61%
Ranking is what you should get. You can check which scenarios were covered
in the

C. Magoichi

Introduction: Deadly Attack by Oda's Army

A well-done FMV of what exactly happens to Yagyu Village, the main reason
why Jubei
returns home.

Chapter 1-1: Evil Attack on Yagyu Village

The narrator tells us why Jubei has returned home. Jubei just walks into a
Yagyu Village in disbelief. The graphics are beautiful.

Yagyu Village:

Nothing special, just follow the path and avoid being killed. As you walk
forward, you
will encounter a short cinema of Jubei's friend, Yasuke, being killed right
before he
explains what has happened. In the second area, where the river and bridge
are, you can
find a chest with the map for Yagyu Village. Once you enter the pond, a
cinema will
show stepping stones explode from the water. Directly to Jubei's right there
will be some
bamboo trees you can cut to find a chest that will bear an herb. Cross the
into the corridor cave. For now ignore the Soul Pool since you can't absorb
souls just yet.
At the end of the corridor cave you will find a door.

Chapter 1-2: Meeting Takajo

Takajo will explain who had wrong Jubei and destroyed Yagyu village, but
Jubei is at
first disbelieving. Later we discover that more happened then we are shown.
explains the legend of the Oni and the purpose of the 5 Orbs. Jubei learns
that it is his
destiny to stop the demons, as one with the blood of the Oni.

Now that you have the Charity Orb you can absorb souls, by holding Circle,
but after the
scene with Takajo there is a chest with an herb. Turn around and proceed to
leave the
same way you came, but this time the corridor cave will contain some bad
guys. So
prepare to battle, and don't forget to absorb souls. As you exit the cave
and pass the
stepping-stones, take Jubei's right (opposite direction of first Herb). As
you continue
through this direction you will find a little shrine…show your identity.

Chapter 1-3: A New Power

Jubei is now blessed with the Thunder Sword Buraitou, his new power. Nice
little scene
as he swings it around and promises to get revenge on Nobunaga.

Now the narrator tells of a short historical background for Imasho Town.

Chapter 1-4: Meeting Oyu

To me it was rather amusing when they show the man dying after he has found
Jubei walks in and witness a few guys pick on Oyu. As Oyu defends herself,
Jubei comes
to her rescue. The guys ignore Oyu and she walks off [note I have Oyu's
costume, man it's weird] and Jubei is left to deal with the men.

Imasho Town

First lets visit the friendly store [second door on the right, first being
the bar], remember
this is a walk through for Magoichi designed just to get the majority of his
scenarios, so
we are only going to buy a few select items. Since you only have 1000 Gold,
you might
want to go to pathway to get some gold. You can get the White Necklace from
storeowner, for directions go to the NECKLACES section. Now at the store we
The Egg, Grilled Fish, Conch Shell, Blue Parrot, Plant Book and History Book
vol.5 total
cost 1250. You can buy Artwork #16 if you are attempting to collect all the
Artworks, but
in order to get the others that are held by characters you must trade with
them. I won't go
into detail on that in this guide, since I don't want to ruin the chances of
lowering your
Friendship with Magoichi. Check the SEARCHING ITEMS sections to see more on

You can head into the bar to collect the treasure case in the back
containing a Pipe. Now
for our chase after Oyu, leave the store and follow the path to the end
where there is a big
doorway, before entering you can get the Imasho Town map on the right of the
Enter it to get yourself your Bow. First break the barrels that block the
way to the
elevator [right of doorway], and then return to the start [left of doorway]
there is a switch.
Hit it, run all the way back to the elevator and board it to the top floor
to get your bow.
Head back out and take left path to find the Gold Mine pathway.

This is straight forward, just run up the stairs killing monsters as you go.
Try practicing
some Issens; they produce more souls, which are vital to upgrading your
equipment. Just
ignore it, since Magoichi doesn't need it. Once you reach the top of the
stairs you will
encounter a goofy guy who won't let you pass without a permit. So was this
all in vain?
Course not.

Back track down the pathway, back to the Imasho Town, and this time enter
the bar.

Chapter 1-5: Meeting Ekei and Magoichi

As you enter the bar, you will see a spear cross you and a stranger path and
cut the
vase/bottle in half. Magoichi is introduced by another angry stranger, and
after a few
offensive comments, a battle is initiated. Who are these strangers? Well
watch the cinema
and then Jubei will stop the petty fighting and introduce both characters.

Before heading back to the Gold Mines, walk over to Magoichi and give him
following Blue Parrot, Conch Shell, Grilled Fish, History Book vol.5, Pipe,
and the Plant
Book and he will return Magic Jewel, Medicine, Sponge Cake, Wine, Power
Jewel, and
European Hat. Back track back up the pathway, and make sure to kill some
monsters. You want to be able to upgrade your equipment soon. As you get to
the top,
proceed and Jubei will show the permit, check the chest to get the History
Book vol.4 for
Magoichi. Walk towards the entrance to the Gold Mine and a cinema will start
some guys are scared. They will tell you they saw Oyu walking deeper into
the Gold

Once in the cave, you will see a fork in the road. Take the left path first
so you can get
yourself a Demon Wall Scroll and a chest with a puzzle.

The answer to the puzzle is: 4 and 6. [If you don't understand this, please
refer to the
PUZZLES section]

Inside you should find the Buraitou Secret, a special attack for your new
sword. Walk
back to the fork in the road and proceed to the right. Follow the path and
open the chest
along the way to get the Gold Mine Map. As you keep going through the linear
path, you
can find nuggets of gold lying around.

Chapter 2-1: Eerie Monsters

As you keep walking, a cinema will start where red eyes catch Jubei's
attention. Watch
the new enemies spawn and get ready to kick some monster butt, oh and a
perfect time to
practice your new Buraitou Secret [up, down + square].

Keep walking till you come to another fork in the road. This time take the
left, and as you
enter a red force field should appear behind you. Kill the 4 monsters.

Chapter 2-2-3: Magoichi Helps Jubei

After you killed the monsters and absorbed their souls, Magoichi will run in
and kill a
monster. He yells at Ekei for not doing anything and then begins to help you
battle the
Monsters. Pretty straightforward, just kill the monsters.

Chapter 2-3-3: A Missing Baby (For Magoichi)

A miner will run in and request your help, the monsters kidnapped his
daughter and Ekei
offers to help. Ekei runs along with the Miner and Magoichi comments, and
then you
return to your game.

Walk into the now accessible path. Inside you can get the Five Oni Orbs
scroll and the ice
lance Hyoujin-Yari, you can decide which weapon to use, and both are great
weapons. Now you must return to the fork in the road before you got trapped
in this room
this time take the left path.

Chapter 2-4-2: Dreams of Men

Again Magoichi and Ekei are at it again. Fighting over such small things.
Ekei explains
how Magoichi makes fun of his dreams. "I laughed because it is silly."
Magoichi makes a
comment about a "vengeful ghost" and walks off Ekei of course follows.

With control of Jubei again, step forward and you will find your first
Mozun. Just equip
the Hyoujin-Yari and take a whack it. It should explode in a cinema. Now
walk forward
make sure you pick up the medicine within the chest. You will find a magic
mirror, use it
to save your game, upgrade your equipment, and make sure to make it useful
since you
will be facing a boss. On the right of the magic mirror you can put the
Charity Orb, once
you put it in the wall will collapse in a cinema. Ready? If so, enter.

Chapter 2-5: Meeting Ginghamphatts

Well here is Boss #1, Ginghamphatts. What a weird name, don't you think so
too? Well
of course like all demons, he is cocky and will give you a lecture about
your humanity.
Get ready to smack him around.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

After you have defeated Ginghamphatts, absorb his souls and run into the
next area.
There is a guy lying on the floor, don't talk to him just yet. Walk past him
into the next
room and get yourself some Gold, check the chest for the Mirror, and behind
the crates
there is a puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 5, 3, 6 and 4. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to the
PUZZLES section]

Inside the puzzle you should find the Hyoujin-Yari Secret. Now walk back out
and talk to
the man on the floor.

Chapter 2-6: The Exhausted Factory Owner

You will return to the second floor of the Bar, the old man will give you
information on the demons and then tell you that Oyu was taking deeper into
the cave. He
will give you a Red Ring and tell you he found it inside the Gold Mine. He
will rise up,
thank you again and leave.

There will be a treasure chest, just ignore it since Magoichi won't like it.
You will notice
someone in the front of the screen lying down, so go over to him and try to
talk to him.

Chapter 2-7: Meeting Kotaro 2

In a cinema he will attack Jubei and run off. Jubei is now in front of a
Statue and a voice
calls out to him. Kotaro walks out and introduces himself. Kotaro tells
Jubei that they are
friends against Nobunaga. Kotaro also tells Jubei not to trust Oyu and that
he will figure
out who she really is.

Now you are in the back of the bar, as you walk in talk to the man who is
wearing green
to the left of Jubei. He will offer to sell you a map that has markings of
where you can
find Potassium Nitrate, so buy it from him.

Now go back head back into the store. If you want to get the White Necklace
from the
storeowner, refer to the NECKLACES section, I am only guiding you to get the
of Magoichi's scenario. You can also get the ball rolling on the Orange
Necklace this
time around; again refer to the NECKLACES section. At the store buy the
History Book vol.10 and Western Boots total cost 900 Gold. You can buy
Artwork #17 if
you are attempting to collect all the Artworks, but in order to get the
others that are held
by characters you must trade with them. I won't go into detail on that in
this guide, since
I don't want to ruin the chances of lowering your Friendship with Magoichi.
Check the
SEARCHING ITEMS sections to see more on the Artworks.

Now go back to the bar and give Magoichi the following, History Book vol.4,
Book vol.10, Mirror and Western Boots and he returns Wind Bell, Normal
Bullet, Herb,
and Hyoujin-Yari Tech.1. Leave the bar and head back towards the Gold Mine.
Along the
pathway to the Mine, you will see a cinema introducing a new monster. These
aren't that hard. Hack and slash and get some precious souls. As you enter
the Mines, you
will see a man walking around, talk to him a few times to get the Dice.

Chapter 2-8: Picture Map for Potassium Nitrate

Remember the map for Potassium Nitrate you bought? Hit start, go to file,
PICTURE and click on Map: P. Nitrate. It should show you a map of the Gold
with X's. Remember these, for we must visit them to collect the Potassium
Nitrate. Once
you've collected all three spots, head back to Magoichi who should be in the
room in the Gold Mine, screen on the right of the very first fork, and give
him all three
Potassium Nitrates. In return he will give you three burst bullets and the
completion of
the Chapter.

Now just run all the way back to where you found the Factory Owner. Along
the way
there will be a battle where some tough monsters pick on you, but Magoichi
will be
because you don't want to ruin your friendship with Magoichi and also, you
will see
Kotaro around, just ignore him.

Once you get back to where you found the Factory Owner, go up to the odd
shape on the
floor and use the Red Ring. A light path should open up and you should enter
it. When
you get down, you will walk towards a door and a cinema will start where
some monsters
bad talk you. Two monsters will appear, first one then when you kill it the
other, just
dispose of them and head into the unsealed door.

In the room with the twisted stairwell now head up it, at the very top there
will be a
monster swing his sword. Just rid the world of him and head out. You are now
in front of
Gifu Castle a cinema will show it off (Ibayama in Onimusha Warlords), so now
just go
up to the door.

Chapter 2-10-2: Magoichi Talks about Ekei

Magoichi will kill a monster and then jump into the screen. He will tell you
a little about
Ekei's dreams and how they are stupid. Then he tells you why Jubei is a
"vengeful ghost"
since when Nobunaga is destroyed, another will take his place. "It never

Once you get Jubei back, enter the door. Some archers and monsters will be
pesky, rid
them, get the two treasure chests containing the Gifu Keep Tower Map and
Incenses, and
then enter the door on the left, not the big doors. Here you will find a
number puzzle.
They are rather simple.

The answer to the puzzle is: 6, 8, 2, and 4. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to
the PUZZLES section]

You will get the Bronze Mask (right). Take it and go back into the main
room, prepare
for some more pesky demons. After their souls are drained enter the big
doors. In this
room Ekei will be fighting some enemies, you can leave if you wish, since we
focusing on Ekei. Now take the Herb from the treasure case and proceed
through the
unlocked door. Here you will find another puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 4, 2, and 8. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to the
PUZZLES section]

You should get a Power Jewel, so just use it when you want. Head into the
next set of
doors and you will come across a doorway with a blue alter on it. Examine
it, then use
your Bronze Mask (right) but you will notice that you can't just yet open
the door.
Proceed on, careful with these monsters and in the next, examine the chest
to get History
Book vol.1, and enter the door under the stairwell. A man will tell you he
has something
for you, but the evil energy won't let him, so he asks you find the Purify
Charm. Behind
him is the Demon's History. After exiting the room, head up the stairwell.
Ekei will come
in and help you fight the monsters.

Chapter 2-11: The Digger's Baby is Found

Once the monsters are gone, the baby will begin to cry and the Miner will
run in. You
have just rescued the Miner's baby. Ekei will have a flash back of his child
and snatch the
Miner's baby. Ekei will explain his history a little and he begins to cry,
kudos on the tears
Capcom, kudos.

After the scene, you can leave through the only useable door. Here you will
find yourself
with a few archers, so just kill the archers and proceed into the next door.
In the next
room, there is an herb in the chest, the Earth Mozun, and the Purify Charm
on the table
sparkling. Take the herb and the Purify Charm and head back to the room
under the
stairwell. As you are heading back, Magoichi should appear in the first
floor killing some
monsters. Dispose of the archers and you can equip your bow to help out
Otherwise, don't leave till all the monsters have been cleared.

Once you are there, give the man the Purify Charm, he will be grateful and
something sparkling. Lift the Bronze Mask (left) and head back to where you
first put the
Bronze Mask (right). Remember, as you walk there is a magic mirror, save,
enhance your
equipment, so just be ready.

Chapter 3-1: Meeting Tokichiro

A cinema should start with Tokichiro's funny laugh. Tokichiro will assault
Oyu, and then
Jubei comes in and orders Oyu to leave. Tokichiro summons some monsters, and
Jubei is
left to defeat them as Oyu escapes.

After you defeat the monsters, head back, and get an herb in the chest. Now
proceed into
the unsealed doors.

Chapter 3-2: Gogandantess Battle 1

Meet Gogandantess, the Greatest Swordsman of all Demons. Gogandantess will
introduce himself and then challenge Jubei. You can't win this fight, so
just keep yourself
on your toes. Block, dodge, and try not to use cure items.

Chapter 3-3: Oyu Assists Jubei

After some time Oyu will come and rescue you, Gogandantess will call you a
coward and

Just follow the path; there isn't anywhere to go. Once you get outside
examine the big
metal orb.

Chapter 3-5: Borrow the "Faith" Orb

A cinema will start where Jubei asks Oyu for the Orb she wears around her
neck. Oyu
will hand it over, examine the Metal Orb again and now insert the Faith Orb.

Chapter 3-6: Ride an Iron Horse

Jubei will tell Oyu to get on the Iron Horse, and they both ride it over
Gifu Castle's walls.
Ride off into the sunrise and back to Imasho Town.

Chapter 3-7: Obtain the "Faith" Orb

Once in Imasho Town, Oyu will introduce herself and tell her story of why
she was in
Gifu Castle. She also tells a little bit of her background and Jubei of his.
Right off the bat
you can see some attraction that Oyu has for Jubei.

Once you gain control of Jubei, walk towards the bar, just ignore the
treasure chest.

Chapter 3-8-1: Kotaro's Warning about Oyu

Kotaro calls you from the back. Kotaro explains his distrust for Oyu and
then runs off
saying he will prove it that she is not trust worthy.

Head back to the store and buy the following, Pocket Watch, Calligraphy Kit,
Book vol.8, Naughty Novel, Goraishinki, and the Pair Ring total cost 5200
Gold. You
can buy Artwork #18 if you are attempting to collect all the Artworks, but
in order to get
the others that are held by characters you must trade with them. I won't go
into detail on
that in this guide, since I don't want to ruin the chances of lowering your
Friendship with
Ekei. Check the SEARCHING ITEMS sections to see more on the Artworks. If you
chose to follow how to get the Orange and White Necklace, by referring to
NECKLACES section, then talk to the store owner again and look for the man's
who gave you the chalk, if you didn't do any of this just go to bar.

Now run into the bar, before trading with Magoichi buy a Black Beer from the
man in
green. Go to Magoichi and give him the Pair Ring in exchange for the Rouge.
This is the
only time we trade with others, so run upstairs to the balcony and trade Oyu
the Rouge
for the Pirate Costume. Head back down stairs and give Magoichi the
following, Black
Beer, Calligraphy Kit, Dice, Goraishinki, History Book vol. 1, History Book
vol. 8,
Incenses, Naughty Novel, Pirate Costume, and the Pocket Watch and he will
Normal Bullet, Herb, Normal Bullet, Buraitou Tech.1, Cameo, Normal Bullet,
Fossilized Bone, Secret Medicine, and Normal Bullet.

After trading with him, these items should guarantee that Magoichi will be
the Story
Character and the Majority of his scenarios will open up, remember not to
trade with
others, don't want to jinx yourself. Note, read the HOW TO USE MY
WALKTHROUGHS of the WALKTHROUGHS section for better understand.

Head out of the bar and into the market, there should be someone holding a
rather weird
umbrella so go up to her.

Chapter 4-1: Meeting Jujudormah

This ugly demon thinks she is the hottest thing alive. She tells you of her
love for
Nobunaga and how she will stop Jubei and Takajo. So the chase is on,
Jujudormah is
after Takajo, and Jubei rushes back to Yagyu Village to protect her.

Yagyu Village 2

Welcome back to Yagyu Village. This is again straightforward. Take control
of Jubei and
head to where you first met Takajo, but along the way…

Chapter 4-2-4: Magoichi Helps Jubei 2

As soon as you cross the bridge a cinema will show Magoichi coming out to
help Jubei.
Magoichi will tell you to leave this to him, BUT!!! NEVER EVER leave
Magoichi alone
during battles. Since he is your major character, leaving him will lower
your friendship
with him, so stay and fight till all the monsters are dead; this will help
your friendship

After you killed the monsters go to Takajo. Cross the stepping-stones, go
through the
corridor cave and come out where Takajo gave you the Charity Orb.

Chapter 4-4: Takajo's End

You made it just in time to see Jujudormah kill Takajo. Jubei goes to Takajo
and holds
her as her dying breaths are used up.

Chapter 4-5: Mother & Father

Oyu walks in and asks what is wrong. Jubei explains that when he first met
Takajo, she
explained to him how she met his father and fell instantly in love.

Chapter 4-6: The Oath

Takajo reminds Jubei of his destiny and importance. Jubei now even angrier
and is so set
on destroying Nobunaga. Jubei is half Oni, there for it is his destiny to
stop the demons.

After the Cinema pick up the sparkling item, Ring of Takajo, and now you
have to return
to where you started. Back track through the corridor cave, over the
stepping-stones, but
you will notice Magoichi.

Chapter 5-1: Magoichi Gives a Bomb

Talk to him to get the Saiga Bomb, now run to where you first got the
Buraitou. On the
left of it examine the rocks, then use the Saiga Bomb to expose a chest that
contains the
Green Necklace, for more information check the NECKLACES section.

Run back to the door, along the way pick up the frog and exit. Walk past the
killing all the monsters allowing the way for their souls. Once you are back
at where you
started, go into the door.

Once you are in the house, travel straight, hop onto the next level, and
whack at the
screen door to reveal a chest that contains the Abacus. Hop on to the next
ledge and run
straight and then turn left hop on and kill the monsters. Run to the end of
the corridor to
find a puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 2 and 4. [If you don't understand this, please
refer to the
PUZZLES section]

You should get a Power Jewel use it when you want. Travel back and knock
down the
screen doors. You should be able to see a chest, go to it and inside there
is a
Kaleidoscope. Now run into the room that was exposed by you slashing at the
doors. There are two paths to go, one away from the camera and another
towards it. Head
towards the camera first and follow the u-turn path. Artwork #10 should be
on a shelf, at
the end of the u-turn path hack at the wall to expose a little secret Jubei
never knew
about, and inside collect half of the Four Guardians Art. Now head to the
other path,
break the barrels to reach the chest that has the Fork, and leave through
the only path.

There will be some annoying archers and silver samurais, so be cautious. Hop
on the
ledge and hack at the screen doors. Take the second half of the map from the
chest and
hack at the next set of screen doors. Inside the chest take the Oolong Tea.

Now return back to where you had entered from and examine the Drawer like
object. It is
saying an object is missing, use Ring of Takajo to unveil a puzzle. To solve
the puzzle hit
start, go to File, to the sub-menu PICTURE, and examine the Four Guardians
Art. The
answer is [Left] point it to white, [top] point it to black, [right] point
it to blue, and
[bottom] point it to red. As the machine reacts a stairwell should appear.
Travel down it.

In the underground cave, as you are walking you notice that the floor
shakes. Jubei jumps
off before the floor gives ways and reveals a deadly set of spikes. Just
push the
directional button towards the spikes and Jubei will jump and grab on to the
ledge. Push
up and he will climb up. As you precede you will see lots of ropes, cut them
and a big
spike will come down in a cinema. When you get control of Jubei, quickly hit
R2 and run
back to the spikes, jump across, if you are daring get up on the ledge and
then jump
across and wait till the spike goes over you. If you are not daring, after
jumping across
the first time, the spike is chasing you, just wait till it passes over you,
when it does push
up and then jump across. Follow the path to the exit, and you will find
yourself in Fog

Ignore the chests and just move forward. Kill all the monsters that get in
your way, and as
you pass another Mozun, ignore it since you don't have the right magic yet.
Once you
pass all three ladders, you are at a bridge. Magoichi will pop up to help so
you must stay
and kill the monsters with him. After the monsters are all dead go and trade
with him.
Give him the following, Abacus, Fork, Frog, Kaleidoscope and Oolong Tea and
he will
then return; Fire Arrow, Fire Arrow, Fire Arrow, Normal Bullets, and Fire
Arrow. After
you have finished trading with him continue along the path. Two treasure
chests lay
ahead, one with the Fog Valley Map and another with an herb.

^>From the Wind Shrine get your Senpumaru and back track to where you saw the
Across the bridge, down the ladder, down the second ladder, and there it
should be. Use
the Senpumaru to get Nobunaga's Knowledge.

Once you are back to where you got the Senpumaru, save it and enhance your
since you will have to head into the Forest Maze. There are monsters along
the way so
kill them and gather some souls. After the first straight area, you will
come to a fork with
a little floating bug demon. Will it quickly, for they disappear. After you
kill it a cinema
will make the fork turn into a straight path. Follow it, again more
monsters, and again a
fork, this time the little bug guy got protection. Quickly dispose of the
back up, or just
aim for the bug guy, killing him will return the fork to a straight path and
eliminate all the
monsters. Go into the new area, another straight path with monsters, keep
going, another
fork with the bug guy and monsters. Same as before, this time as it turns
into one path,
follow it and…

Chapter 5-5: Jujudormah and Ginghamphatts

Jujudormah should appear laughing at you as she threats you. She is about
ready to duel
you when Ginghamphatts appears Ginghamphatts and Jujudormah argue like
siblings and
Ginghamphatts gets the honor of fighting you. Say hello to boss #2.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

After the boss is dead you get Nobunaga's Reign, take it and leave.

Chapter 5-6: Reasons to Fight

As you come out of the Maze Forest you find Magoichi and Ekei fighting.
Magoichi tells
Jubei that he understands how Jubei feels after the death of Takajo. Ekei
Magoichi's claim and says not to trust him, that Magoichi might be serving
and out to kill both Jubei and Ekei. Magoichi leaves and Ekei chases after

After the cinema take the left path to a grassy area. Ekei should be there
and don't leave
till you kill the monsters, once that is done talk to him to get a Medicine.
You will see
another Mozun so go dispose of it with the Buraitou. After you get
Nobunaga's Dignity.
Don't go in direction that is the opposite of the pond since it is a dead
end. At the pond,
go about half way and walk towards the big yellow like rock.

Chapter 5-8: Magoichi Shoots a Cannon

As Magoichi setups up his cannon, you must simply protect him from the bad
Don't let Magoichi get hit to many times, or he will miss when he fires his

After the cannon breaks the rock collect the two sparkling things, one a
Power Jewel the
other a Magic Jewel, and cross the pond. As you enter the next room on the
side towards
the camera, Jubei's left, is a puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 9 and 5. [If you don't understand this, please
refer to the
PUZZLES section]

You should get Senpumaru Secret. After the puzzle go into the room with the
spikes and
examine the middle. You should be asked if you want to pull a lever, pull it
and quickly
an image will flash. It is an image of the three Nobunaga statues you have.
Memorize the
image, order of statues, and then place the statues in the same order to

My game: Order Nobunaga's Rein, Nobunaga's Knowledge, and Nobunaga's

After the doors open run through and get ready for some monster bashing.
Remember if
Magoichi shows up you can't leave until all the monsters are dealt with.
Enter the door
and kill the monster blocking the door. Near the Magic mirror is
Jujudormah's Diary, at
the magic mirror enhance and save since…

Chapter 5-9: A Last Kiss of Jujudormah

Jujudormah will be sweating a picture of Nobunaga. Jubei offends her and she
gets angry.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

After you slay the beast Jujudormah, you will get the Honesty Orb, and now
you should
see a red switch. Hit it and the wall will open up. Follow the path; open
the chest to get
an herb, then run to run because soon afterwards the cave will fill with
poisonous gas.

Chapter 5-10: Jump Over a Cliff

When you get to the end of the cliff, you will watch a cinema of Jubei jump
off into the
water. The cinema looks pretty nice.

In the underwater cave, you will find a chest with the Oni's Sacred Place.
Save and then
go examine the other pool of water. Put in the Orb of Honesty in to move

Chapter 5-11: To Oni's Sacred Place

A cool cinema shows Jubei going to the Oni Sacred Place. I like how he
almost falls off.
Then Gogandantess shows up for, with the cool quote: "Your eyes betray you.
That you
are thrilled to see a warrior greater then you."

Chapter 6-1: Gogandantess Battle 2

Once again you can't defeat him. So I recommend you try to conserve your
energy and
cure items. Try to dodge and attack when you can. Don't be scared of using
your magic,
since it will get restored after the battle. After some time, Gogandantess
will tell you
Odani Castle will fall and then head off. Oyu will come to your aid and will
go ahead of

Chapter 6-2: Takajo's Advice

As Oyu enters the Oni Sacred Place, Takajo will appear in front of her.
Takajo will thank
Oyu for helping Jubei in his time of need and will then tell Oyu how to find
the Sacred
Flute, so that Jubei can defeat Gogandantess.

Now that you got control of Oyu, head around the object in the middle [earth
shrine] and
behind it to a staircase next to the magic mirror. Head down it and up the
other side, you
should be careful because as you walk along the path two monsters will come
up and
attack you. Since Oyu has her level 3 charge, you should use it on them and
they should
fall easily. Run and get the Key Plate. With it, you can now return to where
you met
Takajo and use it on the Earth Shrine to unlock the doors.

Kill all the monsters that get in your way, use Oyu's magic since it allows
you to release
souls of monsters with simple attacks. You don't have to kill them. This is
great to get
some extra souls and restore life when you are low.

You should must to the path on the right of the Earth Shrine, since the
other is a dead
end. As you enter the first corridor, get ready to fight some monsters from
here till the
end, because it is going to be hard. Since Oyu has a small life bar, she can
die easily, but
using her level 3 charged you can make the big monsters suffer. I warn you
to be careful
of the silver armored samurais, because they can gang up on your and their
attacks can prevent you from getting close enough to unleash your level 3
attacks. As you
go through the rooms, you won't find items or chests, only in the room with
the Silver
Samurai's, where there is a greenish-yellow pool in the middle, will you
find the Oni's
Sacred Place Map #1 in the chest and on the other side of the big mouth
statue, a
Medicine sparkling on the floor.

You should know be in a room with glass tiles, blue colored, where fish
explode from the
bottom. Just block, evade, kill what you can, and eventually the red force
field on the
ladder would disappear. As you go down the ladder, you will have to find a
annoying monster watch out for the crocodile like monsters who will distract
you and the
monster's tentacles. After you kill it there will be a hole in the wall,
make sure to get the
Adarga from the chest.

Enter the hole in the wall and travel down the Fog Bridge. Be careful with
the monsters
for they can cause serious damage on the narrow walk way. When you get to
the magic
mirror, save and equip the Gladius that is in the chest. The next area
contains some very
strong monsters, so be ready. The first monster, the yellow bull, can be
taken down with
one level 3 charged attack, the next monster, the red bull, can actually
kill you easily, and
it will take you around 3 or 4 level 3 charged attacks. If the red bull hits
you, roll out of
the way as you get up, or lay there till you get an open chance, because if
he cheats you
like he did me, then he will hit you as you try to get up and basically kill

Chapter 6-3: Oyu Finds the Sacred Flute

Congratulations, you just defeated the bulls and got your hands on the
Sacred Flute.

Now, you must venture back to where Jubei was and handed it over. There is
nothing else
to do with Oyu, you can either fight and get some souls for Jubei using
Oyu's cool magic,
or just head straight for him and get on with the game.

Chapter 6-4: Oyu Hands Over the Sacred Flute

Oyu returns to Jubei with the Sacred Flute that Takajo told her to find.
Jubei tells Oyu
that his wounds have healed. Now Jubei must go into the Oni's Sacred Place
himself and
find the rest of the secrets that are hidden. Oyu departs.

Firsts things first, make sure to step up to the Earth Shrine and get your
Dokoutsui. I've
gone ahead twice before without it only to venture back. Head in the same
direction that
you did with Oyu and just kill the monsters. Once you get to that area where
the Earth
Mozun is, kill all the monsters, break the Earth Mozun, and then kill the
monster in the
next area but don't forget the Circle Key on the floor. Head up the ladder
and back track
back to where you got the hammer.

Chapter 6-9: Tokichiro Sets a Trap for Magoichi

As you enter, you see Magoichi asking Tokichiro where he hid the gold. Jubei
walks in
and asks Magoichi if it is true. Magoichi doesn't answer, but in walks in
Ekei and starts
to accuse Magoichi. Magoichi doesn't care and walks away; Ekei gets angry
and chases
after him.

Back in the main corridor use the magic mirror effectively. After using the
mirror, turn
into that door immediately to the left. You will find yourself in a blue
u-turn corridor, so
kill the monsters, collect the Lift Instructions, and then head to the end
of the corridor.
You will find a ceiling fan, just switch over to Senpumaru and use the magic
There is a sparkling item, a Magic Liquid, just in case you don't have
enough magic.

As the cinema shows the ceiling spin, you will notice that the elevator now
has power.
Take it down, and pick up the Oni's Place #2 Map in the treasure chest. Just
follow the
path into the door and as you walk in a cinema will show a robot flying in.
You can
choose to fight and kill it, if you do another one will appear, if not you
can just avoid it
and the other one. In the corner, next to the ladder and first robot, there
is a puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 12, 2, and 6. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to the
PUZZLES section]

You should get a nice Tanegashima for your efforts. With that in your
inventory, climb
up the ladder, follow the path to another ladder, and climb down. Enter the
door to find a
magic pool and next to the operating table there is number grid puzzle.

The answer to the puzzle is: 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, and 16. [If you don't
understand this, please
refer to the PUZZLES section]

Solving the puzzle will give you the Golden Key. Now we must head back to
the room
with the elevator and map. Just exit through the door, climb the ladder,
follow the path,
climb down the ladder, kill the robots if you wish, and exit through the
door. As you enter
the room again, you should see a ladder in the bottom-right corner. Climb it
to find a
panel, examine it and accept to use the Golden Key. A cinema will show the
boxes stopping, so now you can cross them just like the stepping-stones in
Village. On the other side, examine the door and accept to use the Circle

You can find a Tokichiro's Memo #1 on the floor. Examine the statue to open
up a

Check the PUZZLES section for the answer.

Solving the puzzle will make a Light Path appear. Enter it and soon you
should appear on
top of a tower. Turn around, hit R2, and walk forward. Some people
complained that they
didn't know how to get off the top of the tower. Follow the path to a
ladder, and then just
go down it. As you go down you will find a puzzle box on your left.

The answer to the puzzle is: 2, 4, 6, 8, 1 and 7. [If you don't understand
this, please refer
to the PUZZLES section]

You should get a Talisman, very useful, and now you can down track the
stairwell. If you
follow this guide there should be monster archers, dispose of them. If there
are no
monster archers, then you will have to do Ekei's sub quest, refer to Ekei's
for that. At the bottom there will be a few monsters, kill them, open the
treasure chest to
attain the Green Wedge, and use the magic mirror to save, especially if you
will want to
go to the Green Phantom Realm.

As you exit the room, you will come to a split. Go to the right, only if you
are collecting
the artworks and want to visit the Green Phantom Realm, other wise go to the

If you go right, equip Buraitou and break the Mozun. Enter the door and
examine the
shelves to find Artwork #11, and use the Green Wedge on the light to open up
the Green
Phantom Realm, for more information on it check the PHANTOM REALMS section.

If you go right pass through the small corridor, once you enter this area,
there will be
some monsters.

Chapter 7-4: Magoichi Hands a Gun to Jubei

Magoichi will appear and hand you the Tri-Barrel. You will have it equipped
so either
change equipment or start firing at the monsters. Remember you can't leave
till you kill
all the monsters, and if you leave prior to that you won't get credit for
the chapter.

After killing all the monsters, travel along the path, don't take the first
turn, and you will
come to a treasure chest, which contains the Cherry Key. Exit through the
door on the
right, after you unlock it.

This should all look familiar. You can either leave to the next area,
entering the Gifu
Castle, or kill the monsters. Once you enter the castle, there will be some
more pesky
monsters. Deal with them and enter the double doors. Fight the monsters, and
instead of
entering the door on the right, head out through the doors directly in front
of the door you
came through. We want to return to where you found the Purify Charm your
first time
here. Keep going through, ignore the door with the blue alter, pass the
magic mirror, and
into the door. Ignore the treasure chest and just head upstairs. Kill
monsters as you, now
just enter the only doors here, you should now be in the wrecked room's top
floor. Enter
the door on the top and you will find a Mozun. Whip out Dokoutsui and take
care of it.
Enter the room to find a medicine in the far corner, and a puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 6, 7, 9, 5, 8, and 4. [If you don't understand
this, please refer
to the PUZZLES section]

You should find the Dokoutsui Secret. With that in your inventory, lets back
track. Exit
the room, cross the path and exit. Fight the monsters, and head down the
stairs. Ignore the
chest and run out the door across the door underneath the stairs. Pass the
magic mirror,
pass the blue alter door, and exit through the door in the hallway. Exit the
small room,
and you are back to where you noticed the locked door.

You can fight the monsters here, or enter the door on the right, using the
Cherry Key.
Once in the new room, ignore the black treasure chests and walk inside to
find the
Crescent Key, Human as Food, Artwork #12, and another puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 11, 1, and 4. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to the
PUZZLES section]

You should get a Magic Jewel, so use it. Once you get everything you just
need to back
track to where you found the Cherry Key. Just exit through the door, exit
through the
double doors on the right of the screen, run through the wrecked room and
exit to the
keep. You should now be where there is a path that leads in a circle.
Monsters appear and
so does Magoichi. Dispose of the monsters and then leave through the door
back to the
East Area. With the Crescent Key, you can now open the door that we first
ignored. Kill
the monsters and head for the door to unlock it.

Do not leave through the door that is directly in front of the door you
enter. As you enter,
take the path to the right to the Mozun. Switch over to the Hyoujin-Yari so
that you can
break the Mozun, and then enter the door. In the room you can ignore the
chest, and
follow the path behind the vases to find a Light Path.

After entering the Light Path, you will find yourself in a cave. You are now
next to a
magic mirror, run straight and you should catch a glimpse of a treasure
chest, open it to
get a Medicine. Many people get stuck here, so just return to the Light
Path, since a statue
blocks the obvious route. Facing the magic mirror turn to Jubei's left, walk
straight, and
you should find yourself facing a dark tunnel, now follow it.

Chapter 7-5: Magoichi Works to Help Jubei

Magoichi is examining one of the statues when a figure from the shadows
shoots a bullet.
Jubei walks in on time to intercept the bullet. Being hit from the bullet
Jubei turns to
stone. Magoichi reacts and shoots the gun out of Tokichiro's hand and
destroys it. As
Tokichiro runs away satisfied with petrifying Jubei, Magoichi tells Jubei
that he will find
a way to reverse the petrifaction.

As you take control of Magoichi, you get Tokichiro's Memo #2. First open the
treasure chest to receive the Green Bracelet. This is all pretty straight
forward, just run
through the tunnels with Magoichi. Since Magoichi has unlimited ammunition,
you can
go gun-ho. Just be careful since Magoichi is rather slow at turning when he
is aiming,
monsters can come up behind you and take a whack at you. As you go through
tunnels you will eventually reach a spot where there is an open bridge. Just
kill the
monsters and hit the switch on the left to bring it down. Keep moving to
find a magic
mirror. There is a chest that will bear the Demon Cave Map, and along the
wall there is a
hidden black chest that has the Rasha Gloves.

As you leave the room with the magic mirror, you will find yourself in a
u-turn like path.
Kill the monsters and try to restore your life and magic since the next room
will contain a
tough red bull and some rolling monsters. You can't exit this room; so make
sure you
won't die upon entering it. The next room will contain some hard to kill
silver samurais.
Be ready, Magoichi is really slow to attack and to target, these samurais
can easily kill
you. After clearing that room, you will find two chests; one bears the Great
Powder Tube,
and the other the Flamethrower+Fuel.

Chapter 7-6: Magoichi Finds Great Powder Tube

Magoichi will hold the tube in his hand and realize that he can save Jubei
with it.

If you follow this room to the end, you will notice a wind Mozun won't let
you pass. You
have to back track all the way, as you enter the room with the magic mirror,
use the Great
Powder Tube on the frozen guy to get a Medicine. Unfortunately when you
reach the
bridge again a monster, like the one from Fog Valley, will steal the Great
Powder Tube.
You have to kill it, but with all the other monsters in the room, it is hard
to target it. If
you hear it make a squealing noise, step over where it fell and died to
recollect the Great
Powder Tube, otherwise if it escapes, exit the room and return to try again.
After this
ordeal is done, just return to where Jubei was left petrified. Kill and
absorb souls as you

Chapter 7-7: Magoichi Releases Jubei

Magoichi uses the Great Powder Tube on Jubei. Jubei isn't too sure of what
happened and thanks Magoichi. Magoichi tells Jubei he should thanking him
and then
hands him the Great Powder Tube.

With the Great Powder Tube in your position, use it on the petrified people
in the room to
get a Medicine. Leave the room and turn around, don't just use the Light
Path yet, to
where you will see other petrified men. Use the Great Powder Tube and get
their items.
Now travel down the path that was before blocked, use the Great Powder Tube
to get a
Secret Medicine. Enter the room and you will find a chest that contains an
Herb and a
puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 6, 7, 5, 4, and 1. [If you don't understand
this, please refer to
the PUZZLES section]

You should get a Power Jewel, so use it. If you walk into the next room, you
will find the
Wind Mozun, but Magoichi has already been there, so there is no need for you
to bother.
Just turn around and head back out the Light Path. Leave the room and go
through the
path to the door that is away from the camera.

Chapter 7-10: Magoichi Tells the Truth

As you walk in you find Magoichi killing some monsters. Magoichi gets
injured and then
you must fight the monsters. Quickly take care of them. After they are gone,
begins to tell you the truth about his past. How he is here to stop Nobunaga
before he gets
to Saiga Village. Magoichi doesn't want it to happen since that is the
village where he
was raised after his mother's death. The people of the village raised him as
if he were one
of their kids, so now Magoichi will do what he can to protect their good
nature. Ekei is
ease dropping and begins to cry at Magoichi's callous front.

Exit through the door and fight the monsters in the next room. After you
clear them, just
enter the room with the stairwell and head up. You should find yourself in
the room with
the waterfall. Just run to the shack on the other side of the waterfall. In
the shack take the
Hunting Schedule, and use the mirror to your liking. Walk down the stairs
and examine
the boat. Cross it to the area across the lake. Once you arrive, there will
be some monsters
so just take care of them. After killing the monsters enter the building but
be ready since
two strong monsters will be waiting. Dispose of them with either magic or
level 3
charged attacks. Before leaving this room collect the following,
Guildenstern Letter,
Artwork #13, Fortinbras Book, and Golden Evil Statue.

Upon entering the next room, you will find two statues. Use the Great Powder
on the
statues to rescue the men. Talk to the man on the left 3 times to get a
Secret Medicine,
then just walk between them into the door. Examine the statues to unveil a

Check the PUZZLES section for the answer.

After finishing the puzzle, a Light Path should open up behind Jubei, so
enter it. You
should know appear in The Oni's Sacred Place: Blood Pond. Take the Special
M. Liquid
from the treasure chest and exit through the door. In the next room, the
door directly to
the left can be opened with the 3 fossils to attain the Black Necklace.
Refer to the
NECKLACES section and SEARCHING ITEMS for more information. The next room
contains a magic mirror and in the chest is the Oni's Place Map #3, and

Chapter 8-1: Magoichi's Pride

Talk to Magoichi and he will ask if you really thing that the sword is
stronger then the
gun. If you select the sword, the chapter will begin and you have to defeat
20 monsters
before Magoichi does. Doing so will earn you the Senpumaru Tech.1, and the
completion. If you chose the gun, then this chapter will be bypassed and
Magoichi will
basically say of course the gun is stronger.

Check your inventory, your gifts, and see if your egg has hatched into a
chicken, if that
chicken has laid a brown egg, if that brown egg hatched into a brown chick,
if that chick
grew into a brown chicken, if that brown chicken laid a gold egg, if that
gold egg hatched
into a gold chick, and if that gold chick grew into a gold chicken. If so,
trade the Golden
Chicken to Ekei to boost your friendship; this is the last chance you have
to trade. After
exiting the circular room, you should find yourself in a room with lots of
turns. Taking
the first turn will lead you to two dead ends, but one contains a puzzle

The answer to the puzzle is: 4, 6, 1, and 7. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to
the PUZZLES section]

You should get a Magic Jewel. Turn around and there will be a monster that
Dispose of it and head back towards the hallway where you took the turn.
Back in the
hallway continue forward to find a split in the path. Taking the route away
from the
camera will lead to a chest, which bears an herb, and a monster will again
appear behind
you. Kill the monster and return to the split. This time head towards the
camera follow
the path and you will find a ceiling fan and elevator again. Switch over to
Senpumaru and
use the wind magic to activate the elevator.

Once the cinema shows the elevator being powered up, ride it up. As soon as
you are in
the next room there is a sparkling item, pick it up to get the Scarlet Key.
Among the trash
there is also Artwork #14. Exit through the door at the end of the hallway,
in the direction
away from the camera. You should know be in the place where you got the
run to the corner and use the magic mirror. Take the door to the left of the
mirror, back
into the U-turn corridor, and follow it to the elevator.

Ride the elevator down and walk forward to the door. Kill monsters if you
wish along the
way. In this room go to the ladder by the open chest and climb it. Follow
the path to
another ladder then climb it down, now enter the door. Inside walk forward,
turn right
and you will find a red glowing door. Use the Scarlet Key on it to unlock
it. Enter it and
walk forward.

Chapter 8-4: Tokichiro's Trap

Jubei walks in on Tokichiro trying to capture Oyu. As Jubei rescues Oyu,
Tokichiro pulls
on a lever that makes the floor beneath Jubei and Oyu retracts and they fall
Tokichiro's trap.

Chapter 8-5: From Oyu to Oichi

Jubei and Oyu have time to talk, so Oyu tells Jubei of her plans to return
to Odani Castle.
She also tells him of her true identity, in which she is Oichi, the sister
of Nobunaga. Oyu
tells of her husband having 3 daughters from his ex-wife, and how she felt
betrayed. She
felt it was her responsibility to stop Nobunaga from killing, but she got
caught in Gifu
Castle. Oyu confess how she feels for Jubei, and she admits in being
selfish. Oyu decides
to return to Odani Castle because of her daughters, "blood or no blood."
Jubei moves in
on Oyu and is about to kiss her when Tokichiro starts to laugh and sets off
an explosion.

So the explosion that seems to have destroyed the wall failed to kill you.
Walk through the cracked door, and away from the camera there is a magic
mirror. Use
it, and save since you will fight a boss. Walking towards the camera are two
which bear a Secret Medicine and Gogandantess' Shield. When you are ready
open the
door on the right of the last treasure chest.

Chapter 8-6: Gogandantess Final battle

As Jubei and Oyu are walking in, an explosion knocks Jubei away and Oyu into
a hole.
Oyu clings for life when suddenly Gogandantess steps in to save her.
boasts about men wanting to save weak women. Well now Gogandantess again
boasts his
great swordsmanship and challenges Jubei to "the final round." Jubei rushes
Gogandantess to hurry it up, since Gogandantess likes stating his name.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

After killing Gogandantess, you will get a cinema of him asking Jubei to
state his name.
When Gogandantess turns into souls you should get the Respect Orb, and then
just absorb
his souls. Walk out through the door that is right there.

You should find yourself in a burning room. Run forward and climb that
ladder, there are
a few items worth of interest. Once you climb the ladder, on the pathway
walk all the
way to the end, and take the path that leads towards the camera. Jump across
the flames
and go forward to find a chest that bears an herb. Now run back to the
pathway. On the
pathway you can find a pathway in the middle of the ladder, and the pathway
you just
took to find the herb. You can take the path to find a puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 6, 7, 1, 12, and 2. [If you don't understand
this, please refer
to the PUZZLES section]

You should find a Power Jewel so use it. Now turn around and head back to
the pathway,
but as you hope onto the path, hold forward to hop onto another pathway with
a treasure
chest behind two metal objects. Swing at the objects and then find some
cover because
they explode. The treasure chest should bear a Medicine. Walk back to where
you climb
the ladder and walk towards the camera, Jubei should start jumping across
like he did the
stepping-stones and boxes. Now just climb the ladder and exit. You should
remember this
room in the Oni's Sacred Place. Walk to the middle and examine the huge
statue, you can
talk to Oyu if you want, when prompt to insert the Respect Orb, accept.

Chapter 8-7: Ancient Flying Boat Flies

As Jubei inserts the Orb, a chain of events should start. Tokichiro starts
to laugh as the
place seems to fall apart and monsters attack Jubei and Oyu. Tokichiro ends
up stealing
the Oni Genbu, so Jubei and Oyu are left to think of how to chase after it.
As the building
starts to collapse, Jubei and Oyu run upstairs to seek shelter.

Now that you can control Jubei, use the magic mirror effectively. Walk
forward and
examine the flying object from the cinema.

This can be a little tricky. There are lots of different means of doing
this; you must
simply rotate the left analog stick counter-clockwise, and the right analog
clockwise. Do it at an even pace, because if you notice one side might still
be lower then
the other. If this happens, you have to rotate the side that is highest in
the opposite
direction that you were rotating it, this will lower it, then you can rotate
the lower side
some more to catch up. You are timed to do this, so you must try hard and be

Chapter 8-8: Chase the Flying Boat

After completing the event and opening up the door, Jubei and Oyu will get
on the flying
thing. They will start to fly after the flying Oni Genbu, and jump on to it
to get on. Oyu
of course falls and Jubei has to reach out and save her. Jubei and Oyu now
themselves on the Oni Genbu and break a window to get in.

Time to find Tokichiro, Oyu runs off and you are left with Jubei. First
follow the path to
the end, ignore the magic mirror, don't enter the door, ignore the chest,
and you will find
a sparkling item. With the Magic Liquid in your inventory, you can return to
the treasure
chest, which happens to be another puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 5, 2, 6, 8, 11, and 3. [If you don't understand
this, please
refer to the PUZZLES section]

You should get a Magic Jewel, so use it. You can now return back to the
magic mirror to
save or upgrade your weapon. Now you are ready to enter the door. This room
archers that are out of view and silver samurais, so be cautious. After
killing them, in
opposite corner of the corner on the right of the door you enter, you should
find some
crates, destroy and get a chest that bears a Medicine, and now just exit
through the door
in the corner opposite the corner with the chest. Just follow the path up
and fight the
monsters if you wish, but they keep returning. Enter the door at the end of
the hallway.

Chapter 9-1: Battle with Tokichiro

Jubei will enter in on Tokichiro. Demons that are helping Tokichiro attack
Jubei, but
Jubei deals with them. As one of the demons falls, he hits the "steering
wheel" and the
whole Oni Genbu is thrown of balance. Tokichiro then feels as Oyu enters.
Jubei tells
Oyu to take control as he chases Tokichiro. In the final confrontation with
Jubei attempts to kill him, but Tokichiro kicks the door open and jumps off
all while
laughing at Jubei.

Chapter 9-2: Attack of Oda's Horse Soldiers

Jubei and Oyu will notice that Oda's army is storming Odani Castle, so they
need to think
of a way to stop them.

When you get control of Jubei, just examine the glowing red light.

Chapter 9-3: Ruin of Oda's Horse Soldiers

Jubei will activate laser cannons, or something, that will attack Oda's
horsemen. Jubei
and Oyu think they have finished and are safe now but…

Chapter 9-4: Crash of Flying Boat

A sudden explosion caused by Tokichiro's "surprise" cause the engine for Oni
Genbu to
go out. As Oni Genbu loses power, it falls from the sky and slams right into
Gifu Castle.
Jubei jumps off as the ship goes down, but Oyu isn't as lucky and falls back
into the
burning wreckage.

You should now have control of Jubei and walking forward will reveal a magic
On the left of the magic mirror should be Tokichiro's Memo #3. With that in
inventory, go and enter the double doors. As you walk forward Ekei starts
swing at Jubei.
Ekei tells that his dream was to become a feudal lord, and if he brings
Jubei's head then
he will be granted his dream. Jubei warns Ekei that he will not take it
easy, and a fight

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

Chapter 10-1-2: Ekei's Last Moment

Ekei tells you how he has no wife and child, only "booze and women." I get a
Jubei feels sorry for him, and as Ekei dies, Jubei collects Ekei's Keepsake
[which is equal
to a Perfect Medicine].

With control back on Jubei, just exit the room. There should be a monster
waiting by the
stairs in the next room. Kill it, collect the Normal Arrows, and head
upstairs. There will
be a few monsters on the balcony. Enter the first double door to collect a
few items; open
the chest to receive the Purple Wedge, Artwork #15 should be on the table to
the right of
the door, and a soul pool should be waiting. If you were collecting the
congratulations you should have all 18 now. Refer to the SEARCHING ITEMS for
information on the Artworks. You have two choices now, with the Purple Wedge
you can
enter the Purple Phantom Realm and attempt to complete it to collect the
strongest sword
in the game, the Rekka-Ken, or you can continue with the guide.

If you choose to enter the Phantom Realm, just exit the room and follow the
path, you
should find a bridge, take the right and there will be another door, if you
can't find it
check your map. Inside there will be a light, use the Purple Wedge to open
up the portal
and then enter the Purple Phantom Realm. For more information, refer to the

If you chose to continue, in the room there should be a back way. Enter it
and climb the
ladder. Make sure you are ready, since you will face a boss.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

After killing it and absorbing its souls, you should be given the Gold
Scale. Examine the
big gold fish statue and use the Gold Scale. This should destroy the barrier
that prevented
you from crossing the bridge. Just climb down the ladder, and exit the room.
You can still
go to the Purple Phantom Realm if you wish. Regardless, cross the bridge.
Once you
enter the room across the bridge, turn to the right to see the magic mirror,
and if you need
to refill your magic go for it. There are still 3 more bosses to fight, and
climbing the
ladder next to the magic mirror will lead to another one. So be ready, once
you are ready
climb the ladder.

Chapter 10-2: Ginghamphatts' Final Battle

A familiar voice should start laughing at you. Ginghamphatts swears to kill
Jubei, but of
course Jubei won't let him.

After you do some damage to Ginghamphatts, Magoichi will come in.

Chapter 10-4-2: Parting for Magoichi

Magoichi kills Ginghamphatts with one shot of his new weapon. Magoichi tells
you that
Nobunaga will attack Saiga Village at the same time as Odani Castle, so he
must leave to
help protect it.

After you get the Strength Orb, just head back down the ladder. Walk over to
the elevator
and examine it, when prompted to select yes to insert the Strength Orb.

Chapter 10-6-2: Their Lines Crossed

As the doors swing open, Oyu will come in and call out for Jubei. A cheap
event starts and they embrace in each other's arms. Jubei had thought that
Oyu perished
in the burning Oni Genbu. Jubei tells Oyu that she has got to go home, that
he will finish
it himself. Jubei reminds Oyu that Nobunaga is still her brother and that
she must go
home. Oyu stops Jubei before he leaves and starts to cry. Jubei tells Oyu,
before leaving,
he hopes she finds happiness. Finally, Jubei descends on the elevator and
Oyu is left in
sadness and begins to cry.

Chapter 10-7: Battle against Nobunaga

Jubei storms in on Nobunaga as he is transferring his power into the Golden
Evil Statue.
Jubei tells Nobunaga that no one will ever fear his statue, this enrages
Nobunaga and he
transforms into his demon form.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

Chapter 10-8: Advent of Golden Evil Statue

After Nobunaga falls, his body will shoot 5 orbs into the mouth of the
Golden Evil
Statue. I think it is funny how the statue says "You will die" and you hear
the elephant
noise. Jubei will then get caught in some snake like things and fall through
a light to the

Jubei will get up and use the power of the orbs to transform himself into a

It is time for the very last battle. I hope you are ready for something for
some isn't hard,
and for other is impossible.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

Chapter 10-9: Settlement

The Statue should fall apart and then Nobunaga's face should appear cursing
Jubei. It
suddenly switches over to Jubei running trying to get out of Gifu Castle
before it

The credits should start to roll, congratulations you have just beat
Onimusha 2: Samurai's
Destiny. Let the credits roll so you can get your last Default Scenario and
save your

Final Chapter: Love & Sorrow

Jubei is looking towards Odani Castle on his horse from a long distance. Oyu
walks out
into the balcony and looks over into the mountains. Jubei whispers Oyu, and
Oyu, as if
hearing him, whispers out Jubei.

Conclusion: Scenarios completed, 63. If you followed this guide 63/100 = 63%
Ranking is what you should get. You can check which scenarios were covered
in the

D. Kotaro

A well-done FMV of what exactly happens to Yagyu Village, the main reason
why Jubei
returns home.

Chapter 1-1: Evil Attack on Yagyu Village

The narrator tells us why Jubei has returned home. Jubei just walks into a
Yagyu Village in disbelief. The graphics are beautiful.

Yagyu Village:

Nothing special, just follow the path and avoid being killed. As you walk
forward, you
will encounter a short cinema of Jubei's friend, Yasuke, being killed right
before he
explains what has happened. In the second area, where the river and bridge
are, you can
find a chest with the map for Yagyu Village. Once you enter the pond, a
cinema will
show stepping stones explode from the water. Directly to Jubei's right there
will be some
bamboo trees you can cut to find a chest that will bear an herb. Cross the
into the corridor cave. For now ignore the Soul Pool since you can't absorb
souls just yet.
At the end of the corridor cave you will find a door.

Chapter 1-2: Meeting Takajo

Takajo will explain who had wrong Jubei and destroyed Yagyu village, but
Jubei is at
first disbelieving. Later we discover that more happened then we are shown.
explains the legend of the Oni and the purpose of the 5 Orbs. Jubei learns
that it is his
destiny to stop the demons, as one with the blood of the Oni.

Now that you have the Charity Orb you can absorb souls, by holding Circle,
but after the
scene with Takajo there is a chest with an herb. Turn around and proceed to
leave the
same way you came, but this time the corridor cave will contain some bad
guys. So
prepare to battle, and don't forget to absorb souls. As you exit the cave
and pass the
stepping-stones, take Jubei's right (opposite direction of first Herb). You
can catch the
frog if you please, but since this is Kotaro's Walkthrough, it really isn't
important. As
you continue through this direction you will find a little shrine…show your

Chapter 1-3: A New Power

Jubei is now blessed with the Thunder Sword Buraitou, his new power. Nice
little scene
as he swings it around and promises to get revenge on Nobunaga.

Now the narrator tells of a short historical background for Imasho Town.

Chapter 1-4: Meeting Oyu

To me it was rather amusing when they show the man dying after he has found
Jubei walks in and witness a few guys pick on Oyu. As Oyu defends herself,
Jubei comes
to her rescue. The guys ignore Oyu and she walks off [note I have Oyu's
costume, man its weird] and Jubei is left to deal with the men.

Imasho Town:

First turn around and head to the market place, you should find a chest
containing the
Globe. Now just head back and go towards the store. You can get the White
from the storeowner, for directions go to the NECKLACES section. Now at the
store we
want; The Egg and the Magnetic Compass total cost 350 Gold. You can buy
Artwork #16
if you are attempting to collect all the Artworks, but in order to get the
others that are
held by characters you must trade with them. I won't go into detail on that
in this guide,
since I don't want to ruin the chances of lowering your Friendship with
Kotaro. Check
the SEARCHING ITEMS sections to see more on the Artworks.

Now for our chase after Oyu, leave the store and follow the path to the end
where there is
a big doorway, before entering you can get the Imasho Town map on the right
of the
door. Enter it to get yourself your Bow. First break the barrels that block
the way to the
elevator [right of doorway], and then return to the start [left of doorway]
there is a switch.
Hit it, run all the way back to the elevator and board it to the top floor
to get your bow.
Head back out and take left path to find the Gold Mine pathway.

This is straight forward, just run up the stairs killing monsters as you go.
Try practicing
some Issens; they produce more souls, which are vital to upgrading your
equipment. You
see a chest along the path; get the telescope from within Kotaro will love
it. Once you
reach the top of the stairs you will encounter a goofy guy who won't let you
pass without
a permit. So was this all in vain? Course not.

Back track down the pathway, back to the Imasho Town, and this time enter
the bar.

Chapter 1-5: Meeting Ekei and Magoichi

As you enter the bar, you will see a spear cross you and a stranger path and
cut the
vase/bottle in half. Magoichi is introduced by another angry stranger, and
after a few
offensive comments, a battle is initiated. Who are these strangers? Well
watch the cinema
and then Jubei will stop the petty fighting and introduce both characters.

After the cinema, you must head out of the bar and run to the forgery, near
where you got
the Imasho Town Map. You should see two men talking, talk to both of them at
once, and you will notice Kotaro's name is mentioned. Now run back to the
bar, head
upstairs to the second floor and walk forward.

Chapter 1-6: Meeting Kotaro

The men from the forgery will rush in and start to argue with Kotaro. Kotaro
will jump
out the window and the men will follow. Suddenly you are outside and the men
running, but they step on some tacks. Kotaro starts to laugh, but suddenly a
man holds a
gun to his head and that is when Jubei steps in. Jubei beats up the men and
then introduce
himself to Kotaro, and vice versa. Jubei will tell Kotaro to stop playing
games, and this
will make Kotaro angry.

After the cinema, just head back inside the bar and go upstairs you will see
a chest, open
it to get the Folding Fan. Kotaro will be there, and give him the following
Folding Fan,
Globe, Magnetic Compass and the Telescope and he will return Fossilized
Medicine, Power Jewel, and Normal Bullet. Head down stairs and buy a permit
from the
man in the far back against the door, MAKE SURE NOT TO TRADE WITH EKEI OR

Back track back up the pathway, and make sure to kill some more monsters.
You want to
be able to upgrade your equipment soon. As you get to the top, proceed and
Jubei will
show the permit, oh and just ignore the chest, it isn't required for Kotaro.
Walk towards
the entrance to the Gold Mine and a cinema will start where some guys are
scared. They
will tell you they saw Oyu walking deeper into the Gold Mine.

Once in the cave, you will see a fork in the road. Take the left path first
so you can get
yourself a Demon Wall Scroll and a chest with a puzzle.

The answer to the puzzle is: 4 and 6. [If you don't understand this, please
refer to the
PUZZLES section]

Inside you should find the Buraitou Secret, a special attack for your new
sword. Walk
back to the fork in the road and proceed to the right. Follow the path and
open the chest
along the way to get the Gold Mine Map. As you keep going through the linear
path, you
can find nuggets of gold lying around.

Chapter 2-1: Eerie Monsters

As you keep walking, a cinema will start where red eyes catch Jubei's
attention. Watch
the new enemies spawn and get ready to kick some monster butt, oh and a
perfect time to
practice your new Buraitou Secret [up, down + square].

Keep walking till you come to another fork in the road. This time take the
left, and as you
enter a red force field should appear behind you. Kill the 4 monsters.

Chapter 2-2-1: Kotaro Helps Jubei

Kotaro will come in and shout that he is here to rescue you. Just kill the
monsters along
with Kotaro.

Chapter 2-3-1: Kotaro Goes Ahead

Kotaro goes ahead to clear the monsters that wait, Kotaro calls out to
Kotaro not to leave,
but Kotaro leaves anyways.

Walk into the now accessible path. Inside you can get the Five Oni Orbs
scroll and the ice
lance Hyoujin-Yari, you can decide which weapon to use, and both are great
weapons. Now you must return to the fork in the road before you got trapped
in this room
this time take the left path.

Chapter 2-4-1: Kotaro Won't Listen to Jubei

As you walk in, the monsters are kicking around Kotaro, but luckily he
responds in time
to kill the monster that attacked him. Jubei tells Kotaro that he shouldn't
act to rationally,
that others are waiting for him to return safely, but Kotaro tells Jubei
that he is acting
irrational by trying to take on Nobunaga by himself. Both argue some more
and Kotaro
runs off.

With control of Jubei again, step forward and you will find your first
Mozun. Just equip
the Hyoujin-Yari and take a whack it. It should explode in a cinema. Now
walk forward
make sure you pick up the medicine within the chest. You will find a magic
mirror, use it
to save your game, upgrade your equipment, and make sure to make it useful
since you
will be facing a boss. On the right of the magic mirror you can put the
Charity Orb, once
you put it in the wall will collapse in a cinema. Ready? If so, enter.

Chapter 2-5: Meeting Ginghamphatts

Well here is Boss #1, Ginghamphatts. What a weird name, don't you think so
too? Well
of course like all demons, he is cocky and will give you a lecture about
your humanity.
Get ready to smack him around.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

After you have defeated Ginghamphatts, absorb his souls and run into the
next area.
There is a guy lying on the floor, don't talk to him just yet. Walk past him
into the next
room and get yourself some Gold, the Mirror, and behind the crates there is
a chest.

The answer to the puzzle is: 5, 3, 6 and 4. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to the
PUZZLES section]

Inside the puzzle you should find the Hyoujin-Yari Secret. Now walk back out
and talk to
the man on the floor.

Chapter 2-6: The Exhausted Factory Owner

You will return to the second floor of the Bar, the old man will give you
information on the demons and then tell you that Oyu was taking deeper into
the cave. He
will give you a Red Ring and tell you he found it inside the Gold Mine. He
will rise up,
thank you again and leave.

We got Jubei back, now you want to head down the stairs and back into the
store. If you
want to get the White Necklace from the storeowner, refer to the NECKLACES
section, I
am only guiding you to get the majority of Kotaro's scenario. You can also
get the ball
rolling on the Orange Necklace this time around; again refer to the
section. At the store buy the following, Lemon, Fairy Tale Book, and Keimyo
total cost 1200. You can buy Artwork #17 if you are attempting to collect
all the
Artworks, but in order to get the others that are held by characters you
must trade with
them. I won't go into detail on that in this guide, since I don't want to
ruin the chances of
lowering your Friendship with Kotaro. Check the SEARCHING ITEMS sections to
more on the Artworks.

Head back upstairs to the second floor to give Kotaro the following Fairy
Tale Book,
Keimyo Hachimaki, Lemon, and the Mirror and he will return Magic Jewel,
Yari Tech.1, Strategy Book, and Fire Arrow. Leave the store and head back
towards the
Gold Mine. Along the pathway to the Mine, you will see a cinema introducing
a new
monster. These monsters aren't that hard. Hack and slash and get some
precious souls. At
the Gold Mine talk to the man who is walking around as you enter and he will
give you
the Dice. You now run all the way back to where you found the Factory Owner,
but as
you go you will find Kotaro being choked by a monster help Kotaro out and
LEAVE UNTIL ALL THE MONSTERS ARE DEAD, you want to maintain a good
friendship with Kotaro.. Along the way there will be a battle where some
tough monsters
pick on you, but Magoichi will be present to help you out.

Once you get back to where you found the Factory Owner, go up to the odd
shape on the
floor and use the Red Ring. A light path should open up and you should enter
it. When
you get down, you will walk towards a door and a cinema will start where
some monsters
bad talk you. Two monsters will appear first one then when you kill it the
other, just
dispose of them and head into the unsealed door.

In the room with the twisted stairwell, before you go up it you can find the
Crystal Ball
on the left side of screen. Now head up it, at the very top there will be a
monster swing
his sword. Just rid the world of him and head out. You are now in front of
Gifu Castle a
cinema will show it off (Ibayama in Onimusha Warlords), so now just go up to
the door.

Chapter 2-10-1: Kotaro's Confession

Kotaro will jump in and apologize for the events that happened earlier.
Kotaro then asks
Jubei to let him work with him, that he hates Nobunaga as much as Jubei
does. Kotaro
doesn't want Fuma Village to be attacked, so he wants to help Jubei. Jubei
doesn't say
anything, but Kotaro says he won't be reckless and I guess that means a yes.

Once you get Jubei back, enter the door. Some archers and monsters will be
pesky, rid
them, get the two treasure chests containing the Gifu Keep Tower Map and
Incenses, and
then enter the door on the left, not the big doors. Here you will find a
number puzzle.
They are rather simple.

The answer to the puzzle is: 6, 8, 2, and 4. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to
the PUZZLES section]

You will get the Bronze Mask (right). Take it and go back into the main
room, prepare
for some more pesky demons. After their souls are drained enter the big
doors. In this
room Ekei will be fighting some enemies; you can either help Ekei or just
leave by going
out the doors you had just walked through. I recommend you leave, this will
lower your
friendship with Ekei and will allow you to attain Chapter 10-1-2: Ekei's
Last Moment in
this game. Back into the room take the Herb from the treasure case and
proceed through
the unlocked door. Here you will find another puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 4, 2, and 8. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to the
PUZZLES section]

You should get a Power Jewel, so just use it when you want. Head into the
next set of
doors and you will come across a doorway with a blue alter on it. Examine
it, then use
your Bronze Mask (right) but you will notice that you can't just yet open
the door.
Proceed on, careful with these monsters, they are tough, and in the next
room ignore the
chest and enter the door under the stairwell. A man will tell you he has
something for
you, but the evil energy won't let him, so he asks you find the Purify
Charm. Behind him
is the Demon's History.

After leaving the room, head upstairs and Kotaro should appear to help you.
Kill all the
monsters, but don't leave Kotaro. After Killing the monsters, you can leave
through the
only useable door. Here you will find yourself with a few archers, so just
kill the archers
and proceed into the next door. In the next room, there is an herb in the
chest, the Earth
Mozun, and the Purify Charm on the table sparkling. Take the herb and the
Purify Charm
and head back to the room under the stairwell.

Once you are there, give the man the Purify Charm, he will be grateful and
something sparkling. Lift the Bronze Mask (left) and head back to where you
first put the
Bronze Mask (right). Remember, as you walk there is a magic mirror, save,
enhance your
equipment, so just be ready.

Chapter 3-1: Meeting Tokichiro

A cinema should start with Tokichiro's funny laugh. Tokichiro will assault
Oyu, and then
Jubei comes in and orders Oyu to leave. Tokichiro summons some monsters, and
Jubei is
left to defeat them as Oyu escapes.

After you defeat the monsters, head back, and get an herb in the chest. Now
proceed into
the unsealed doors.

Chapter 3-2: Gogandantess Battle 1

Meet Gogandantess, the Greatest Swordsman of all Demons. Gogandantess will
introduce himself and then challenge Jubei. You can't win this fight, so
just keep yourself
on your toes. Block, dodge, and try not to use cure items.

Chapter 3-3: Oyu Assists Jubei

After some time Oyu will come and rescue you, Gogandantess will call you a
coward and

Chapter 3-4: Kotaro Meets Oyu

As Jubei climbs the ladder, Kotaro will enter and tell Jubei to leave, as he
will take care
of the Monsters. Kotaro will then notice Oyu and think to himself that he
has seen her

Just follow the path; there isn't anywhere to go. Once you get outside
examine the big
metal orb.

Chapter 3-5: Borrow the "Faith" Orb

A cinema will start where Jubei asks Oyu for the Orb she wears around her
neck. Oyu
will hand it over, examine the Metal Orb again and now insert the Faith Orb.

Chapter 3-6: Ride an Iron Horse

Jubei will tell Oyu to get on the Iron Horse, and they both ride it over
Gifu Castle's walls.
Ride off into the sunrise and back to Imasho Town.

Chapter 3-7: Obtain the "Faith" Orb

Once in Imasho Town, Oyu will introduce herself and tell her story of why
she was in
Gifu Castle. She also tells a little bit of her background and Jubei of his.
Right off the bat
you can see some attraction that Oyu has for Jubei.

Once you gain control of Jubei, walk towards the bar, just ignore the
treasure chest.

Chapter 3-8-1: Kotaro's Warning about Oyu

Kotaro calls you from the back. Kotaro explains his distrust for Oyu and
then runs off
saying he will prove it that she is not trust worthy.

Head back to the store, Black Pill, Pocket Watch, Pandora's Box, Calligraphy
History Book vol.8, Naughty Novel, Gabishi, and Pair Ring total cost 6000
Gold. You
can buy Artwork #18 if you are attempting to collect all the Artworks, but
in order to get
the others that are held by characters you must trade with them. I won't go
into detail on
that in this guide, since I don't want to ruin the chances of lowering your
Friendship with
Kotaro. Check the SEARCHING ITEMS sections to see more on the Artworks. If
chose to follow how to get the Orange and White Necklace, by referring to
NECKLACES section, then talk to the store owner again and look for the man's
who gave you the chalk, if you didn't do any of this just go to bar. Note,
this will be the
only time you trade with anyone other then Kotaro if you didn't do the
Necklaces, so give
Ekei the Naughty Novel to get the Hien Kyahan. After that run upstairs again
and give
Kotaro the following Black Bill, Calligraphy Kit, Crystal Ball, Dice,
Gabishi, Hien
Kyahan, History Book vol.8, Incense, Pair Ring, Pandora's Box, and the
Picket Watch.
He will then return; Fire Arrow, Fire Arrow, Herb, Dumpling Cake, Buraitou
Super M. Liquid, Medicine, Normal Bullet, Normal Bullet, Normal Bullet, and
Bullet. Note your egg should of hatched by now, keep the chicken, let it lay
a brown egg,
which will hatch and lay a gold egg which will hatch too.

After trading with him, these items should guarantee that Kotaro will be the
Character and the Majority of her scenarios will open up, remember not to
trade with
others, you don't want to jinx yourself. Note, read the HOW TO USE MY
WALKTHROUGHS of the WALKTHROUGHS section for better understand.

Head out of the bar and into the market, there should be someone holding a
rather weird
umbrella so go up to her.

Chapter 4-1: Meeting Jujudormah

This ugly demon thinks she is the hottest thing alive. She tells you of her
love for
Nobunaga and how she will stop Jubei and Takajo. So the chase is on,
Jujudormah is
after Takajo, and Jubei rushes back to Yagyu Village to protect her.

Yagyu Village 2

Welcome back to Yagyu Village. This is again straightforward. Take control
of Jubei and
head to where you first met Takajo, but along the way…

Chapter 4-2-2: Kotaro Helps Jubei 2

Kotaro runs in to help you. Don't leave till you kill all the monsters,
after that is done just

Chapter 4-3-2: Kotaro Spies on Oyu

Kotaro will stay behind to cover you, when he hears someone coming. He jumps
on the
shed and spies on Oyu as she is looking for Jubei.

After you killed the monsters go to Takajo. Cross the stepping-stones, go
through the
corridor cave and come out where Takajo gave you the Charity Orb.

Chapter 4-4: Takajo's End

You made it just in time to see Jujudormah kill Takajo. Jubei goes to Takajo
and holds
her as her dying breaths are used up.

Chapter 4-5: Mother & Father

Oyu walks in and asks what is wrong. Jubei explains that when he first met
Takajo, she
explained to him how she met his father and fell instantly in love.

Chapter 4-6: The Oath

Takajo reminds Jubei of his destiny and importance. Jubei now even angrier
and is so set
on destroying Nobunaga. Jubei is half Oni, there for it is his destiny to
stop the demons.

After the Cinema pick up the sparkling item, Ring of Takajo, and now you
have to return
to where you started. Back track through the corridor cave, over the
stepping-stones, but
you will notice Kotaro. Walk past the bridge, killing all the monsters
allowing the way
for their souls. Once you are back at where you started, go into the door.

Once you are in the house, travel straight, hop onto the next level, and
whack at the
screen door. Inside the chest is the Abacus, now hop off and turn to the
next level, hop on
and kill the monsters. Run to the end of the corridor to find a puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 2 and 4. [If you don't understand this, please
refer to the
PUZZLES section]

You should get a Power Jewel use it when you want. Travel back and knock
down the
screen doors. You should be able to see a chest, go to it and inside there
is a
Kaleidoscope. Now run into the room that was exposed by you slashing at the
doors. There are two paths to go, one away from the camera and another
towards it. Head
towards the camera first and follow the u-turn path. Artwork #10 should be
on a shelf, at
the end of the u-turn path hack at the wall to expose a little secret Jubei
never knew
about, and inside collect half of the Four Guardians Art. Now head to the
other path, the
one that was away from the camera, and break the barrel that is blocking the
Fork in the
treasure chest, after getting the Fork, leave through the only path.

Chapter 5-2: Jubei and Oyu Talk by Fireside

Entering the room will start a cinema where Jubei and Oyu talk about Jubei's
Oyu is concerned in how Jubei still considers Takajo to be his mother. Oyu
then asks if it
is still the same if they are not blood related, and Jubei gets confused.
Oyu walks out.

Take Jubei out the door and all the way down the green grass path, at the
end search for
the Wasabi. Hop on the ledge and hack at the screen doors. Take the second
half of the
map from the chest and hack at the next set of screen doors. Inside the
chest take the
Oolong Tea.

Now return back to where you and Oyu where talking and examine the Drawer
object. It is saying an object is missing, use Ring of Takajo to unveil a
puzzle. To solve
the puzzle hit start, go to File, to the sub-menu PICTURE, and examine the
Guardians Art. The answer is [Left] point it to white, [top] point it to
black, [right] point
it to blue, and [bottom] point it to red. As the machine reacts a stairwell
should appear.
Travel down it.

In the underground cave, as you are walking you notice that the floor
shakes. Jubei jumps
off before the floor gives ways and reveals a deadly set of spikes. Just
push the
directional button towards the spikes and Jubei will jump and grab on to the
ledge. Push
up and he will climb up. As you precede you will see lots of ropes, cut them
and a big
spike will come down in a cinema. When you get control of Jubei, quickly hit
R2 and run
back to the spikes, jump across, if you are daring get up on the ledge and
then jump
across and wait till the spike goes over you. If you are not daring, after
jumping across
the first time, the spike is chasing you, just wait till it passes over you,
when it does push
up and then jump across. Follow the path to the exit, and you will find
yourself in Fog

Ignore the chests and just move forward. Kill all the monsters that get in
your way, and as
you pass another Mozun, ignore it since you don't have the right magic yet.
Once you
pass all three ladders, you are at a bridge. Cross over to find yourself in
a place with 2
chests and the Wind Shrine. Collect the Fog Valley Map and Herb from the
chests and
Senpumaru from the shrine. From the Wind Shrine get your Senpumaru and back
track to
where you saw the Mozun. Across the bridge, down the ladder, down the second
and there it should be. Use the Senpumaru to get Nobunaga's Knowledge. Now
return to
where you found Senpumaru.

Once you are back to where you got the Senpumaru, save it and enhance your
since you will have to head into the Forest Maze. Walk forward; there will
be some
monsters so be careful.. At the first intersection take the left, and keep
proceeding, at the
second intersection take the right. As you keep walking forward Jubei will
realize that he
is lost.

Chapter 5-3: Kotaro with Firm Friendship

Kotaro will start in the same place Jubei walked in, and he will notice that
Jubei is
heading east from the tracks. Kotaro thinks Oyu set a trap for him.

With control over Kotaro, open the black chest to receive the Blue Bracelet.
Follow the
path and take advantage of Kotaro's fast moves. As you pass where the Wind
was, open the black chest to get the Red Wedge. Climb the ladder and then
climb the
second ladder.

You will notice a red spot on the floor, walk over to it and use the Red
Wedge to open up
a Light Path. Entering will take you to the Red Phantom Realm, for more
information on
it check the PHANTOM REALMS section, just make sure not to leave this area
till you
have the Red Stone Pole and the Blue Wedge.

After leaving the Red Phantom Realm and crossing the bridge, you will find
where the Wind Shrine is. Kotaro won't dare to enter the Maze Forest, so
examine the rock areas on the left of the Wind Shrine. Kotaro will do some
climbing and
reach the top in no time. Along the way you will find yourself at a river,
kill the monsters
and move forward to find a black chest with the Stealth Costume. With that
just keep moving, you will see a Mozun but ignore it, and after two screens
you should be
at the pond area. Cross the pond and enter the room, on the side away from
the camera
you will find a blue spot. Use the Blue Wedge to open up a light path, be
ready to enter
the Blue Phantom Realm, for more information check the PHANTOM REALMS
Make sure not to leave without the Blue Stone Pole.

After you exit the Blue Phantom Realm, just exit the room and cross the
pond. Next to
the magic mirror is a statue, examine it and then use the Red and Blue Stone
Poles to
clear it. Enter the new area and kill the monsters, now just exit this area.

Chapter 5-4: Kotaro Saves Jubei

Jubei will hear some voices and then yell at the person to come out. Kotaro
walks in
holding a stick and making a weird voice. Jubei isn't too happy to see
Kotaro. Kotaro
tells Jubei that he knows the way out, and to follow him.

After he leaves you will receive the Blue Bracelet and its soul. Just walk
forward to find
your way out.

Chapter 5-5: Jujudormah and Ginghamphatts

Jujudormah should appear laughing at you as she threats you. She is about
ready to duel
you when Ginghamphatts appears Ginghamphatts and Jujudormah argue like
siblings and
Ginghamphatts gets the honor of fighting you. Say hello to boss #2.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

After killing Ginghamphatts you get Nobunaga's Rein, just exit and you will
yourself at the pond with the magic mirror. Take the left pathway to find
Kotaro, but
don't talk to him yet. Go around him to the Mozun and dispose of it and get
the third
statue Nobunaga's Dignity. Now return to Kotaro and he will mention that his
with an import message is missing. Run to the right of the screen and you
will get to the
river area. Keep moving and you will run into a bull that is eating
something. After
seeing the feathers you get the idea, so just kill it and collect the
sparkling item. Return to
Kotaro and give him the Tube for Pigeon's Leg.

Chapter 5-7-2: Kotaro's Pigeon

Kotaro will be happy to hear that you found the Pigeon, and asks to see it.
Jubei tells
Kotaro that he found the pigeon and got the message and let the Pigeon go.
Kotaro is very
pleased to hear it; I guess the pigeon meant a lot to Kotaro.

After the scene, Kotaro will hand you the Senpumaru Tech.1 book. Now you
must go
back to the magic mirror located by the pond. Don't go in direction that is
the opposite of
the pond since it is a dead end. At the pond, cross it and enter the door.
On the side
towards the camera, Jubei's left, is a puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 9 and 5. [If you don't understand this, please
refer to the
PUZZLES section]

You should get Senpumaru Secret. After the puzzle go into the room with the
spikes and
examine the middle. You should be asked if you want to pull a lever, pull it
and quickly
an image will flash. It is an image of the three Nobunaga statues you have.
Memorize the
image, order of statues, and then place the statues in the same order to

My game: Order Nobunaga's Knowledge, Nobunaga's Dignity, and Nobunaga's

After the doors open run through and get ready for some monster bashing.
Remember if
Kotaro shows up you can't leave until all the monsters are dealt with.
Before moving
forward give Kotaro the following Fork, Kaleidoscope, and Oolong Tea and he
return Raw Fish, Normal Bullet, and Fossilized Bone. Enter the door and kill
the monster
blocking the door. Near the Magic mirror is Jujudormah's Diary, at the magic
enhance and save since…

Chapter 5-9: A Last Kiss of Jujudormah

Jujudormah will be sweating a picture of Nobunaga. Jubei offends her and she
gets angry.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

After you slay the beast Jujudormah, you will get the Honesty Orb, and now
you should
see a red switch. Hit it and the wall will open up. Follow the path; open
the chest to get
an herb, then run to run because soon afterwards the cave will fill with
poisonous gas.

Chapter 5-10: Jump Over a Cliff

When you get to the end of the cliff, you will watch a cinema of Jubei jump
off into the
water. The cinema looks pretty nice.

In the underwater cave, you will find a chest with the Oni's Sacred Place.
Save and then
go examine the other pool of water. Put in the Orb of Honesty in to move

Chapter 5-11: To Oni's Sacred Place

A cool cinema shows Jubei going to the Oni Sacred Place. I like how he
almost falls off.
Then Gogandantess shows up for, with the cool quote: "Your eyes betray you.
That you
are thrilled to see a warrior greater then you."

Chapter 6-1: Gogandantess Battle 2

Once again you can't defeat him. So I recommend you try to conserve your
energy and
cure items. Try to dodge and attack when you can. Don't be scared of using
your magic,
since it will get restored after the battle. After some time, Gogandantess
will tell you
Odani Castle will fall and then head off. Oyu will come to your aid and will
go ahead of

Chapter 6-2: Takajo's Advice

As Oyu enters the Oni Sacred Place, Takajo will appear in front of her.
Takajo will thank
Oyu for helping Jubei in his time of need and will then tell Oyu how to find
the Sacred
Flute, so that Jubei can defeat Gogandantess.

Now that you got control of Oyu, head around the object in the middle [earth
shrine] and
behind it to a staircase next to the magic mirror. Head down it and up the
other side, you
should be careful because as you walk along the path two monsters will come
up and
attack you. Since Oyu has her level 3 charge, you should use it on them and
they should
fall easily. Run and get the Key Plate. With it, you can now return to where
you met
Takajo and use it on the Earth Shrine to unlock the doors.

Kill all the monsters that get in your way, use Oyu's magic since it allows
you to release
souls of monsters with simple attacks. You don't have to kill them. This is
great to get
some extra souls and restore life when you are low.

You should must to the path on the right of the Earth Shrine, since the
other is a dead
end. As you enter the first corridor, get ready to fight some monsters from
here till the
end, because it is going to be hard. Since Oyu has a small life bar, she can
die easily, but
using her level 3 charged you can make the big monsters suffer. I warn you
to be careful
of the silver armored samurais, because they can gang up on your and their
attacks can prevent you from getting close enough to unleash your level 3
attacks. As you
go through the rooms, you won't find items or chests, only in the room with
the Silver
Samurai's, where there is a greenish-yellow pool in the middle, will you
find the Oni's
Sacred Place Map #1 in the chest and on the other side of the big mouth
statue, a
medicine sparkling on the floor.

You should know be in a room with glass tiles, blue colored, where fish
explode from the
bottom. Just block, evade, kill what you can, and eventually the red force
field on the
ladder would disappear. As you go down the ladder, you will have to find a
annoying monster watch out for the crocodile like monsters who will distract
you and the
monster's tentacles. After you kill it there will be a hole in the wall,
make sure to get the
Adarga from the chest.

Enter the hole in the wall and travel down the Fog Bridge. Be careful with
the monsters
for they can cause serious damage on the narrow walk way. When you get to
the magic
mirror, save and equip the Gladius that is in the chest. The next area
contains some very
strong monsters, so be ready. The first monster, the yellow bull, can be
taken down with
one level 3 charged attack, the next monster, the red bull, can actually
kill you easily, and
it will take you around 3 or 4 level 3 charged attacks. If the red bull hits
you, roll out of
the way as you get up, or lay there till you get an open chance, because if
he cheats you
like he did me, then he will hit you as you try to get up and basically kill

Chapter 6-3: Oyu Finds the Sacred Flute

Congratulations, you just defeated the bulls and got your hands on the
Sacred Flute.

Now, you must venture back to where Jubei was and handed it over. There is
nothing else
to do with Oyu, you can either fight and get some souls for Jubei using
Oyu's cool magic,
or just head straight for him and get on with the game.

Chapter 6-4: Oyu Hands Over the Sacred Flute

Oyu returns to Jubei with the Sacred Flute that Takajo told her to find.
Jubei tells Oyu
that his wounds have healed. Now Jubei must go into the Oni's Sacred Place
himself and
find the rest of the secrets that are hidden. Oyu departs.

First's things first, make sure to step up to the Earth Shrine and get your
Dokoutsui. I've
gone ahead twice before without it only to venture back. Head in the same
direction that
you did with Oyu and eventually…

Chapter 6-6: Kotaro Uncovers Oyu's Secret

Kotaro will pop up and tell you he knows who Oyu really is, as he is about
to tell you
who she is then he hears something. Kotaro tells Jubei to go on ahead of
him, and then
Kotaro and Oyu have a confrontation. Oyu is trying to tell Kotaro something,
but Kotaro
won't listen.

Well do you remember where Oyu got the Adarga? Or where Oyu found that big
hole in
the wall? Go there, where the Earth Mozun was, nothing special on the way,
you should
of covered it all with Oyu. As you go kill monsters.

Once you get to that area where the Earth Mozun is, kill all the monsters,
break the Earth
Mozun, and then kill the monster in the next area but don't forget the
Circle Key on the
floor. Head up the ladder and back track back to where you got the hammer.
Back in the
main corridor use the magic mirror effectively. After using the mirror, turn
into that door
immediately to the left. You will find yourself in a blue u-turn corridor,
so kill the
monsters, collect the Lift Instructions, and then head to the end of the
corridor. You will
find a ceiling fan, just switch over to Senpumaru and use the magic attack.
There is a
sparkling item, a Magic Liquid, just in case you don't have enough magic.

As the cinema shows the ceiling spin, you will notice that the elevator now
has power.
Take it down, and pick up the Oni's Place #2 Map in the treasure chest. Just
follow the
path into the door and as you walk in a cinema will show a robot flying in.
You can
choose to fight and kill it, if you do another one will appear, if not you
can just avoid it
and the other one. In the corner, next to the ladder and first robot, there
is a puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 12, 2, and 6. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to the
PUZZLES section]

You should get a nice Tanegashima for your efforts. With that in your
inventory, climb
up the ladder, follow the path to another ladder, and climb down. Enter the
door to find a
magic pool and next to the operating table there is number grid puzzle.

The answer to the puzzle is: 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, and 16. [If you don't
understand this, please
refer to the PUZZLES section]

Solving the puzzle will give you the Golden Key. Now we must head back to
the room
with the elevator and map. Just exit through the door, climb the ladder,
follow the path,
climb down the ladder, kill the robots if you wish, and exit through the
door. As you enter
the room again, you should see a ladder in the bottom-right corner. Climb it
to find a
panel, examine it and accept to use the Golden Key. A cinema will show the
boxes stopping, so now you can cross them just like the stepping-stones in
Village. On the other side, examine the door and accept to use the Circle

Chapter 6-10: Kotaro doesn't Open up to Oyu

As you enter the door, Oyu will walk win and Kotaro will launch some of his
knives at
her. A monster suddenly appears and hurts Kotaro, so Oyu steps in to save
him. Kotaro
isn't very thankful, and yells at Oyu. Oyu explains to Kotaro that she will
return home to
attend to her daughters, and also tells more of Kotaro's past. Kotaro isn't
too happy to
hear all this and just walks out on Oyu after yelling at her, so Oyu walks
after him.

Back with Jubei, you can find a Tokichiro's Memo #1 on the floor. Examine
the statue to
open up a puzzle.

Check the PUZZLES section for the answer.

Solving the puzzle will make a Light Path appear. Enter it and soon you
should appear on
top of a tower. Turn around, hit R2, and walk forward. Some people
complained that they
didn't know how to get off the top of the tower. Follow the path to a
ladder, and then just
go down it. As you go down you will find a puzzle box on your left.

The answer to the puzzle is: 2, 4, 6, 8, 1 and 7. [If you don't understand
this, please refer
to the PUZZLES section]

You should get a Talisman, very useful, and now you can down track the
stairwell. If you
follow this guide there should be monster archers, dispose of them. If there
are no
monster archers, then you will have to do Ekei's sub quest, refer to Ekei's
for that. At the bottom there will be a few monsters, kill them, open the
treasure chest to
attain the Green Wedge, and use the magic mirror to save, especially if you
will want to
go to the Green Phantom Realm.

As you exit the room, you will come to a split. Go to the right, only if you
are collecting
the artworks or want to visit the Green Phantom Realm, other wise go to the

If you go right, equip Buraitou and break the Mozun. Enter the door and
examine the
shelves to find Artwork #11, and use the Green Wedge on the light to open up
the Green
Phantom Realm, for more information on it go check the PHANTOM REALMS

If you go right, enter the door, and in the hallway get the Gifu East Area
Map also ignore
the black treasure chest. Move forward and exit through the door. Once you
enter this
area, there will be some monsters. Kotaro should appear to help you, so
remember to kill
all the monsters and then she leaves. After she leaves, travel along the
path, don't take the
first turn, and you will come to a treasure chest, which contains the Cherry
Key. Exit
through the door on the right, after you unlock it.

This should all look familiar. You can either leave to the next area,
entering the Gifu
Castle, or kill the monsters and enter the Keep Tower.

Chapter 7-3: Kotaro Uses a Fuma Bomb

As you enter, Jubei will run into Kotaro. Kotaro will then sense that lots
of enemies are
coming, and they are. As the monsters come out, Kotaro will start throwing
bombs, be
careful and don't get killed by them. DON'T LEAVE THE ROOM. Wait for all the
monsters to be killed, there is a lot of them.

After all the monsters are dead Kotaro will hand you Dokoutsui Tech.1 and
completion of the chapter. Last chance to trade? Now head out through the
doors directly
in front of the door you came through. We want to return to where you found
the Purify
Charm your first time here. Keep going through, ignore the door with the
blue alter, pass
the magic mirror, and into the door. Ignore the treasure chest and just head
upstairs. Kill
monsters as you, now just enter the only doors here; you should now be in
the wrecked
room's top floor. Enter the door on the top and you will find a Mozun. Whip
Dokoutsui and take care of it. Enter the room to find a medicine in the far
corner, and a
puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 6, 7, 9, 5, 8, and 4. [If you don't understand
this, please refer
to the PUZZLES section]

You should find the Dokoutsui Secret. With that in your inventory, let's
back track. Exit
the room, cross the path and exit. Fight the monsters, and head down the
stairs. Ignore the
chest and run out the door across the door underneath the stairs. Pass the
magic mirror,
pass the blue alter door, and exit through the door in the hallway. Exit the
small room,
and you are back to where you noticed the locked door.

You can fight the monsters here, or enter the door on the right, using the
Cherry Key.
Once in the new room, ignore the black treasure chests and walk inside to
find the
Crescent Key, Human as Food, Artwork #12, and another puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 11, 1, and 4. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to the
PUZZLES section]

You should get a Magic Jewel, so use it. Once you get everything you just
need to back
track to where you found the Cherry Key. Just exit through the door, exit
through the
double doors on the right of the screen, run through the wrecked room and
exit to the
keep. You should now be where there is a path that leads in a circle.
Monsters appear and
so does Kotaro. Dispose of the monsters and then leave through the door back
to the East
Area. With the Crescent Key, you can now open the door that we first
ignored. Kill the
monsters and head for the door to unlock it.

Do not leave through the door that is directly in front of the door you
enter. As you enter,
take the path to the right to the Mozun. Switch over to the Hyoujin-Yari so
that you can
break the Mozun, and then enter the door. In the room you can ignore the
chest, and
follow the path behind the vases to find a Light Path.

After entering the Light Path, you will find yourself in a cave. You are now
next to a
magic mirror, run straight and you should catch a glimpse of a treasure
chest, open it to
get a Medicine. Many people get stuck here, so just return to the Light
Path, since a statue
blocks the obvious route. Facing the magic mirror turn to Jubei's left, walk
straight, and
you should find yourself facing a dark tunnel, now follow it. This room
contains more
statues and a black treasure chest, so just ignore them. Keep heading

Chapter 7-8: Kotaro Finds a Hidden Door

As you enter, Kotaro and Oyu will be fighting. Jubei will be rather
surprised, and as he
tells them to stop, Oyu runs away. Kotaro will chase after her and so does
Jubei. They
both run into a dead end until Kotaro finds a switch.

Upon entering, Kotaro isn't very happy of how Oyu got away. There is a chest
that will
bear the Blue Necklace, for more information check the NECKLACES section.
Now just
keep moving through the cave, you will encounter lots of monsters as you go,
so be
prepared to fight. There is nothing important in these rooms, so just keep
moving. Finally
you should reach a room with a bridge, which is open, so just kill all the
monsters. After
all the monsters are dead, to the left there should be a switch. Examine it
to lower the
bridge down.

After crossing the bridge and entering the next room; you should see a magic
mirror. Use
the mirror, and then notice directly in front of the mirror a statue, on the
left of that statue
is Tokichiro's Memo #2. Follow the path; get the treasure chest with the
Demon Cave
Map, and exit on the other side.

Chapter 7-9: Kotaro Tells How to Avoid Traps

Kotaro will tell you that the demons laid traps to get you. He will walk a
path; it's a
strange path so try to memorize it. If you succeed in getting across without
setting any
traps he will give you a Magic Liquid.

Enter the next room, but be careful because of the bulls and the objects, it
is hard to fight.
After killing the bulls, or running away, you can exit the room. The next
room has pesky
archers and strong demons, so be on guard. After you exit the room, you will
find a
treasure chest that contains the Great Powder Tube, ignore the black chest.
Run to the end
of the path to find a Mozun, careful, because monsters rise as you reach the
Mozun. Kill
the monsters and then switch over to Senpumaru to take care of the final
Mozun. Once
you pass the Mozun take the Herb from the chest, and walk forward to a
puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 6, 7, 5, 4, and 1. [If you don't understand
this, please refer to
the PUZZLES section]

You should get a Power Jewel, so use it. Walk forward to find the statue
that was
blocking the original path. Use the Great Powder on him and he will give you
a Secret
Medicine. Walk past him and you should be at the start of the cave, use the
Great Powder
on the men to get some medicines, so now you can just enter the Light Path
and be on
your way. After you get back from the caves, exit the room, and follow the
path to the
door you haven't entered yet.

Once you enter, you will find Kotaro fighting some monsters. Quickly help
him and kill
the monsters, after they have been cleared Kotaro will leave. Run after him,
as you enter
the next room there will be monsters weight. Dispose of them and absorb the
souls from
the soul pool. Ext through the door on the left of the soul pool, walk up
the stairs, and
leave through the door.

Just follow the path and enter the shack after the waterfall. In the shack
take the Hunting
Schedule, and use the mirror to your liking. Walk down the stairs and
examine the boat.
Cross it to the area across the lake. Once you arrive, there will be some
monsters so just
take care of them. After killing the monsters enter the building but get
ready since two
strong monsters will be waiting. Dispose of them with either magic or level
3 charged
attacks. Before leaving this room collect the following; Artwork #13,
Fortinbras Book,
and Golden Evil Statue.

Upon entering the next room, you will find two statues. Use the Great Powder
on the
statues to rescue the men. Talk to the man on the left 3 times to get a
Secret Medicine,
and then just walk between them into the door. Examine the statues to unveil
a puzzle.

Check the PUZZLES section for the answer.

After finishing the puzzle, a Light Path should open up behind Jubei, so
enter it. You
should know appear in Oni's Sacred Place: Blood Pond. Take the Special M.
Liquid from
the treasure chest and exit through the door. In the next room, the door
directly to the left
can be opened with the 3 fossils to attain the Black Necklace. Refer to the
section and SEARCHING ITEMS for more information. Kotaro will come out to
just dispose of the monsters and head towards the door. The next room
contains a magic
mirror and in the chest is the Oni's Place Map #3. Head toward the door, but
ready since
more monsters are awaiting you, a lot more. Prepare to fight, or just run
past them to the
door in the back corner.

After exiting the circular room, you should find yourself in a room with
lots of turns.
Taking the first turn will lead you to two dead ends, but one contains
puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 4, 6, 1, and 7. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to
the PUZZLES section]

You should get a Magic Jewel. Turn around and there will be a monster that
Dispose of it and head back towards the hallway where you took the turn.
Back in the
hallway continue forward to find a split in the path. Taking the route away
from the
camera will lead to a chest, which bears an herb, and a monster will again
appear behind
you. Kill the monster and return to the split. This time head towards the
camera follow
the path and you will find a ceiling fan and elevator again. Switch over to
Senpumaru and
use the wind magic to activate the elevator.

Once the cinema shows the elevator being powered up, ride it up. As soon as
you are in
the next room there is a sparkling item, pick it up to get the Scarlet Key.
Among the trash
there is also Artwork #14. Exit through the door at the end of the hallway,
in the direction
away from the camera. You should know be in the place where you got the
run to the corner and use the magic mirror. Take the door to the left of the
mirror, back
into the U-turn corridor, and follow it to the elevator.

Ride the elevator down and walk forward to the door. Kill monsters if you
wish along the
way. In this room go to the ladder by the open chest and climb it. Follow
the path to
another ladder then climb it down, now enter the door. Inside walk forward,
turn right
and you will find a red glowing door. Use the Scarlet Key on it to unlock
it. Enter it and
walk forward.

Chapter 8-4: Tokichiro's Trap

Jubei walks in on Tokichiro trying to capture Oyu. As Jubei rescues Oyu,
Tokichiro pulls
on a lever that makes the floor beneath Jubei and Oyu retracts and they fall
Tokichiro's trap.

Chapter 8-5: From Oyu to Oichi

Jubei and Oyu have time to talk, so Oyu tells Jubei of her plans to return
to Odani Castle.
She also tells him of her true identity, in which she is Oichi, the sister
of Nobunaga. Oyu
tells of her husband having 3 daughters from his ex-wife, and how she felt
betrayed. She
felt it was her responsibility to stop Nobunaga from killing, but she got
caught in Gifu
Castle. Oyu confess how she feels for Jubei, and she admits in being
selfish. Oyu decides
to return to Odani Castle because of her daughters, "blood or no blood."
Jubei moves in
on Oyu and is about to kiss her when Tokichiro starts to laugh and sets off
an explosion.

So the explosion that seems to have destroyed the wall failed to kill you.
Walk through the cracked door, and away from the camera there is a magic
mirror. Use
it, and save since you will fight a boss. Walking towards the camera are two
which bear a Secret Medicine and Gogandantess' Shield. When you are ready
open the
door on the right of the last treasure chest.

Chapter 8-6: Gogandantess Final battle

As Jubei and Oyu are walking in, an explosion knocks Jubei away and Oyu into
a hole.
Oyu clings for life when suddenly Gogandantess steps in to save her.
boasts about men wanting to save weak women. Well now Gogandantess again
boasts his
great swordsmanship and challenges Jubei to "the final round." Jubei rushes
Gogandantess to hurry it up, since Gogandantess likes stating his name.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

After killing Gogandantess, you will get a cinema of him asking Jubei to
state his name.
When Gogandantess turns into souls you should get the Respect Orb, and then
just absorb
his souls. Walk out through the door that is right there.

You should find yourself in a burning room. Run forward and climb that
ladder, there are
a few items worth of interest. Once you climb the ladder, on the pathway
walk all the
way to the end, and take the path that leads towards the camera. Jump across
the flames
and go forward to find a chest that bears an herb. Now run back to the
pathway. On the
pathway you can find a pathway in the middle of the ladder, and the pathway
you just
took to find the herb. You can take the path to find a puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 6, 7, 1, 12, and 2. [If you don't understand
this, please refer
to the PUZZLES section]

You should find a Power Jewel so use it. Now turn around and head back to
the pathway,
but as you hope onto the path, hold forward to hop onto another pathway with
a treasure
chest behind two metal objects. Swing at the objects and then find some
cover because
they explode. The treasure chest should bear a Medicine. Walk back to where
you climb
the ladder and walk towards the camera, Jubei should start jumping across
like he did the
stepping-stones and boxes. Now just climb the ladder and exit. You should
remember this
room in the Oni's Sacred Place. Walk to the middle and examine the huge
statue, you can
talk to Oyu if you want, when prompt to insert the Respect Orb, accept.

Chapter 8-7: Ancient Flying Boat Flies

As Jubei inserts the Orb, a chain of events should start. Tokichiro starts
to laugh as the
place seems to fall apart and monsters attack Jubei and Oyu. Tokichiro ends
up stealing
the Oni Genbu, so Jubei and Oyu are left to think of how to chase after it.
As the building
starts to collapse, Jubei and Oyu run upstairs to seek shelter.

Now that you can control Jubei, use the magic mirror effectively. Check your
your gifts, and see if your egg has hatched into a chicken, if that chicken
has laid a brown
egg, if that brown egg hatched into a brown chick, if that chick grew into a
chicken, if that brown chicken laid a gold egg, if that gold egg hatched
into a gold chick,
and if that gold chick grew into a gold chicken. If so, trade the Golden
Chicken to Oyu to
boost your friendship; this is the last chance you have to trade. Walk
forward and
examine the flying object from the cinema.

This can be a little tricky. There are lots of different means of doing
this; you must
simply rotate the left analog stick counter-clockwise, and the right analog
clockwise. Do it at an even pace, because if you notice one side might still
be lower then
the other. If this happens, you have to rotate the side that is highest in
the opposite
direction that you were rotating it, this will lower it, and then you can
rotate the lower
side some more to catch up. You are timed to do this, so you must try hard
and be fast.

Chapter 8-8: Chase the Flying Boat

After completing the event and opening up the door, Jubei and Oyu will get
on the flying
thing. They will start to fly after the flying Oni Genbu, and jump on to it
to get on. Oyu
of course falls and Jubei has to reach out and save her. Jubei and Oyu now
themselves on the Oni Genbu and break a window to get in.

Time to find Tokichiro, Oyu runs off and you are left with Jubei. First
follow the path to
the end, ignore the magic mirror, don't enter the door, ignore the chest,
and you will find
a sparkling item. With the Magic Liquid in your inventory, you can return to
the treasure
chest, which happens to be another puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 5, 2, 6, 8, 11, and 3. [If you don't understand
this, please
refer to the PUZZLES section]

You should get a Magic Jewel, so use it. You can now return back to the
magic mirror to
save or upgrade your weapon. Now you are ready to enter the door. This room
archers that are out of view and silver samurais so be cautious. After
killing them, in
opposite corner of the corner on the right of the door you enter, you should
find some
crates, destroy and get a chest that bears a Medicine and now just exit
through the door in
the corner opposite the corner with the chest. Just follow the path up and
fight the
monsters if you wish, but they keep returning. Enter the door at the end of
the hallway.

Chapter 9-1: Battle with Tokichiro

Jubei will enter in on Tokichiro. Demons that are helping Tokichiro attack
Jubei, but
Jubei deals with them. As one of the demons falls, he hits the "steering
wheel" and the
whole Oni Genbu is thrown of balance. Tokichiro then feels as Oyu enters.
Jubei tells
Oyu to take control as he chases Tokichiro. In the final confrontation with
Jubei attempts to kill him, but Tokichiro kicks the door open and jumps off
all while
laughing at Jubei.

Chapter 9-2: Attack of Oda's Horse Soldiers

Jubei and Oyu will notice that Oda's army is storming Odani Castle, so they
need to think
of a way to stop them.

When you get control of Jubei, just examine the glowing red light.

Chapter 9-3: Ruin of Oda's Horse Soldiers

Jubei will activate laser cannons, or something, that will attack Oda's
horsemen. Jubei
and Oyu think they have finished and are safe now but…

Chapter 9-4: Crash of Flying Boat

A sudden explosion caused by Tokichiro's "surprise" cause the engine for Oni
Genbu to
go out. As Oni Genbu loses power, it falls from the sky and slams right into
Gifu Castle.
Jubei jumps off as the ship goes down, but Oyu isn't as lucky and falls back
into the
burning wreckage.

You should now have control of Jubei and walking forward will reveal a magic
On the left of the magic mirror should be Tokichiro's Memo #3. With that in
inventory, go and enter the double doors. As you walk forward Ekei starts
swing at Jubei.
Ekei tells that his dream was to become a feudal lord, and if he brings
Jubei's head then
he will be granted his dream. Jubei warns Ekei that he will not take it
easy, and a fight

Chapter 10-1-2: Ekei's Last Moment

Ekei tells you how he has no wife and child, only "booze and women." I get a
Jubei feels sorry for him, and as Ekei dies, Jubei collects Ekei's Keepsake
[which is equal
to a Perfect Medicine].

With control back on Jubei, just exit the room. There should be a monster
waiting by the
stairs in the next room. Kill it, collect the Normal Arrows, and head
upstairs. There will
be a few monsters on the balcony. Enter the first double door to collect a
few items; open
the chest to receive the Purple Wedge, Artwork #15 should be on the table to
the right of
the door, and a soul pool should be waiting. If you were collecting the
congratulations you should have all 18 now. Refer to the SEARCHING ITEMS for
information on the Artworks. You have two choices now; with the Purple Wedge
you can
enter the Purple Phantom Realm and attempt to complete it to collect the
strongest sword
in the game, the Rekka-Ken, or you can continue with the guide.

If you choose to enter the Phantom Realm, just exit the room and follow the
path, you
should find a bridge, take the right and there will be another door, if you
can't find it
check your map. Inside there will be a light, use the Purple Wedge to open
up the portal
and then enter the Purple Phantom Realm. For more information, refer to the

If you chose to continue, in the room there should be a back way. Enter it
and climb the
ladder. Make sure you are ready, since you will face a boss.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

After killing it and absorbing its souls, you should be given the Gold
Scale. Examine the
big gold fish statue and use the Gold Scale. This should destroy the barrier
that prevented
you from crossing the bridge. Just climb down the ladder, and exit the room.
You can still
go to the Purple Phantom Realm if you wish. Regardless, cross the bridge.
Once you
enter the room across the bridge, turn to the right to see the magic mirror,
and if you need
to refill your magic go for it. There are still 3 more bosses to fight, and
climbing the
ladder next to the magic mirror will lead to another one. So be ready, once
you are ready
climb the ladder.

Chapter 10-2: Ginghamphatts' Final Battle

A familiar voice should start laughing at you. Ginghamphatts swears to kill
Jubei, but of
course Jubei won't let him.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

After doing some damage Oyu will appear and help you battle.

Chapter 10-3: Kotaro's Tragedy

Ginghamphatts knocks Oyu off onto the ledge, and when Jubei runs into help
he gets
knocked down too. Oyu can't hold on much longer, suddenly Kotaro runs in to
help. He
helps Oyu pull herself up when suddenly Ginghamphatts strikes Kotaro in the
back with
the tip of his hammer, impaling him. Kotaro falls down and Jubei gets pissed

The battle continues…so be alert.

Chapter 10-4-1: Ginghamphatts' Final Moment

After you defeat Ginghamphatts' his upper body will grab on to his lower
body in hopes
of pulling himself up from the fire pit he hangs over. His lower body will
start to step on
Ginghamphatts' head and eventually both halves fall into the flames. Jubei
watches and
then receives the Strength Orb.

Go talk to Oyu and Kotaro.

Chapter 10-5: Kotaro's Last Moment

Kotaro is seriously injured, and neither Oyu nor Jubei can help him. Kotaro
starts to tell
Oyu the truth about his path. His mother never wanted him to become a ninja
so she tried
to escape Fuma Village. She was caught and then killed. Kotaro has been
living alone,
missing his mother. Kotaro pleads Oyu to return to her daughters because
they are
probably missing her so much. Oyu tells Kotaro that she will return back
home. Before
dying, Kotaro calls out for his mother and then closes his eyes forever. Not
sure about
you, but I felt…sad.

Now just head back down the ladder. Use the magic mirror, because there is
no coming
back from the next battle. Remember you can still go into the Purple Phantom
incase you want Rekka-Ken, or just to kill monsters. As you walk towards the
elevator in
the circular room, examine it. When prompted to use the Strength Orb,

Chapter 10-6-2: Their Lines Crossed

As the doors swing open, Oyu will come in and call out for Jubei. A cheap
event starts and they embrace in each other's arms. Jubei had thought that
Oyu perished
in the burning Oni Genbu. Jubei tells Oyu that she has got to go home, that
he will finish
it himself. Jubei reminds Oyu that Nobunaga is still her brother and that
she must go
home. Oyu stops Jubei before he leaves and starts to cry. Jubei tells Oyu,
before leaving,
he hopes she finds happiness. Finally, Jubei descends on the elevator and
Oyu is left in
sadness and begins to cry.

Chapter 10-7: Battle against Nobunaga

Jubei storms in on Nobunaga as he is transferring his power into the Golden
Evil Statue.
Jubei tells Nobunaga that no one will ever fear his statue, this enrages
Nobunaga and he
transforms into his demon form.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

Chapter 10-8: Advent of Golden Evil Statue

After Nobunaga falls, his body will shoot 5 orbs into the mouth of the
Golden Evil
Statue. I think it is funny how the statue says "You will die" and you hear
the elephant
noise. Jubei will then get caught in some snake like things and fall through
a light to the

Jubei will get up and use the power of the orbs to transform himself into a

It is time for the very last battle. I hope you are ready for something for
some isn't hard,
and for other is impossible.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

Chapter 10-9: Settlement

The Statue should fall apart and then Nobunaga's face should appear cursing
Jubei. It
suddenly switches over to Jubei running trying to get out of Gifu Castle
before it

The credits should start to roll, congratulations you have just beat
Onimusha 2: Samurai's
Destiny. Let the credits roll so you can get your last Default Scenario and
save your

Final Chapter: Love & Sorrow

Jubei is looking towards Odani Castle on his horse from a long distance. Oyu
walks out
into the balcony and looks over into the mountains. Jubei whispers Oyu, and
Oyu, as if
hearing him, whispers out Jubei.

Conclusion: Scenarios completed 64. If you followed this guide 64/100 = 64%
Ranking is what you should get. You can check which scenarios were covered
in the

E. Oyu

Introduction: Deadly Attack by Oda's Army

A well-done FMV of what exactly happens to Yagyu Village, the main reason
why Jubei
returns home.

Chapter 1-1: Evil Attack on Yagyu Village

The narrator tells us why Jubei has returned home. Jubei just walks into a
Yagyu Village in disbelief. The graphics are beautiful.

Yagyu Village:

Nothing special, just follow the path and avoid being killed. As you walk
forward, you
will encounter a short cinema of Jubei's friend, Yasuke, being killed right
before he
explains what has happened. In the second area, where the river and bridge
are, you can
find a chest with the map for Yagyu Village. Once you enter the pond, a
cinema will
show stepping stones explode from the water. Directly to Jubei's right there
will be some
bamboo trees you can cut to find a chest that will bear an herb. Cross the
into the corridor cave. For now ignore the Soul Pool since you can't absorb
souls just yet.
At the end of the corridor cave you will find a door.

Chapter 1-2: Meeting Takajo

Takajo will explain who had wrong Jubei and destroyed Yagyu village, but
Jubei is at
first disbelieving. Later we discover that more happened then we are shown.
explains the legend of the Oni and the purpose of the 5 Orbs. Jubei learns
that it is his
destiny to stop the demons, as one with the blood of the Oni.

Now that you have the Charity Orb you can absorb souls, by holding Circle,
but after the
scene with Takajo there is a chest with an herb. Turn around and proceed to
leave the
same way you came, but this time the corridor cave will contain some bad
guys. So
prepare to battle, and don't forget to absorb souls. As you exit the cave
and pass the
stepping-stones, take Jubei's right (opposite direction of first Herb). You
can catch the
frog if you please, but since this is Oyu's Walkthrough, it really isn't
important. As you
continue through this direction you will find a little shrine…show your

Chapter 1-3: A New Power

Jubei is now blessed with the Thunder Sword Buraitou, his new power. Nice
little scene
as he swings it around and promises to get revenge on Nobunaga.

Now the narrator tells of a short historical background for Imasho Town.

Chapter 1-4: Meeting Oyu

To me it was rather amusing when they show the man dying after he has found
Jubei walks in and witness a few guys pick on Oyu. As Oyu defends herself,
Jubei comes
to her rescue. The guys ignore Oyu and she walks off [note I have Oyu's
costume, man its weird] and Jubei is left to deal with the men.

Imasho Town:

First let's visit the friendly store [second door on the right, first being
the bar], remember
this is a walk through for Oyu designed just to get the majority of her
scenarios, so we are
only going to buy a few select items. The 1,000 Gold you have should be
sufficient. You
can get the White Necklace from the storeowner, for directions go to the
section. Now at the store we want; The Egg, Plant Book, and the Wonder
Flower total
cost 450 Gold. You can buy Artwork #16 if you are attempting to collect all
Artworks, but in order to get the others that are held by characters you
must trade with
them. I won't go into detail on that in this guide, since I don't want to
ruin the chances of
lowering your Friendship with Oyu. Check the SEARCHING ITEMS sections to see
more on the Artworks.

Now for our chase after Oyu, leave the store and follow the path to the end
where there is
a big doorway, before entering you can get the Imasho Town map on the right
of the
door. Enter it to get yourself your Bow. First break the barrels that block
the way to the
elevator [right of doorway], and then return to the start [left of doorway]
there is a switch.
Hit it, run all the way back to the elevator and board it to the top floor
to get your bow.
Head back out and take left path to find the Gold Mine pathway.

This is straight forward, just run up the stairs killing monsters as you go.
Try practicing
some Issens; they produce more souls, which are vital to upgrading your
equipment. You
see a chest along the path, get the telescope from within, you will use it
go get something
nice for Oyu. Once you reach the top of the stairs you will encounter a
goofy guy who
won't let you pass without a permit. So was this all in vain? Course not.

Back track down the pathway, back to the Imasho Town, and this time enter
the bar.

Chapter 1-5: Meeting Ekei and Magoichi

As you enter the bar, you will see a spear cross you and a stranger path and
cut the
vase/bottle in half. Magoichi is introduced by another angry stranger, and
after a few
offensive comments, a battle is initiated. Who are these strangers? Well
watch the cinema
and then Jubei will stop the petty fighting and introduce both characters.

After the cinema you should now be able to exchange gifts, but don't worry
since you
want Oyu's friendship to be high. You can now travel into the bar and talk
to the guy that
is leaning against the door in the top of the screen. Buy a permit from him
for 100 Gold.
You should have enough.

Back track back up the pathway, and make sure to kill some more monsters.
You want to
be able to upgrade your equipment soon. As you get to the top, proceed and
Jubei will
show the permit, oh and just ignore the chest, it isn't required for Oyu.
Walk towards the
entrance to the Gold Mine and a cinema will start where some guys are
scared. They will
tell you they saw Oyu walking deeper into the Gold Mine.

Once in the cave, you will see a fork in the road. Take the left path first
so you can get
yourself a Demon Wall Scroll and a chest with a puzzle.

The answer to the puzzle is: 4 and 6. [If you don't understand this, please
refer to the
PUZZLES section]

Inside you should find the Buraitou Secret, a special attack for your new
sword. Walk
back to the fork in the road and proceed to the right. Follow the path and
open the chest
along the way to get the Gold Mine Map. As you keep going through the linear
path, you
can find nuggets of gold lying around.

Chapter 2-1: Eerie Monsters

As you keep walking, a cinema will start where red eyes catch Jubei's
attention. Watch
the new enemies spawn and get ready to kick some monster butt, oh and a
perfect time to
practice your new Buraitou Secret [up, down + square].

Keep walking till you come to another fork in the road. This time take the
left, and as you
enter a red force field should appear behind you. Kill the 4 monsters.

Chapter 2-2-3: Ekei Helps Jubei

After you killed the monsters and absorbed their souls, Ekei will run in and
kill a
monster. He yells at Magoichi for not doing anything and then begins to help
you battle
the Monsters. Pretty straightforward, just kill the monsters.

Chapter 2-3-3: A Missing Baby (For Ekei)

A miner will run in and request your help, the monsters kidnapped his
daughter and Ekei
offers to help. Ekei runs along with the Miner and Magoichi comments, and
then you
return to your game.

Walk into the now accessible path. Inside you can get the Five Oni Orbs
scroll and the ice
lance Hyoujin-Yari, you can decide which weapon to use, and both are great
weapons. Now you must return to the fork in the road before you got trapped
in this room
this time take the left path.

Chapter 2-4-2: Dreams of Men

Again Magoichi and Ekei are at it again. Fighting over such small things.
Ekei explains
how Magoichi makes fun of his dreams. "I laughed because it is silly."
Magoichi makes a
comment about a "vengeful ghost" and walks off Ekei of course follows.

With control of Jubei again, step forward and you will find your first
Mozun. Just equip
the Hyoujin-Yari and take a whack it. It should explode in a cinema. Now
walk forward
make sure you pick up the medicine within the chest. You will find a magic
mirror, use it
to save your game, upgrade your equipment, and make sure to make it useful
since you
will be facing a boss. On the right of the magic mirror you can put the
Charity Orb, once
you put it in the wall will collapse in a cinema. Ready? If so, enter.

Chapter 2-5: Meeting Ginghamphatts

Well here is Boss #1, Ginghamphatts. What a weird name, don't you think so
too? Well
of course like all demons, he is cocky and will give you a lecture about
your humanity.
Get ready to smack him around.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

After you have defeated Ginghamphatts, absorb his souls and run into the
next area.
There is a guy lying on the floor, don't talk to him just yet. Walk past him
into the next
room and get yourself some Gold, the Mirror, and behind the crates there is
a chest.

The answer to the puzzle is: 5, 3, 6 and 4. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to the
PUZZLES section]

Inside the puzzle you should find the Hyoujin-Yari Secret. Now walk back out
and talk to
the man on the floor.

Chapter 2-6: The Exhausted Factory Owner

You will return to the second floor of the Bar, the old man will give you
information on the demons and then tell you that Oyu was taking deeper into
the cave. He
will give you a Red Ring and tell you he found it inside the Gold Mine. He
will rise up,
thank you again and leave.

We got Jubei back, run to the treasure chest and get your Folding Fan. You
will notice
someone in the front of the screen lying down IGNORE HIM! Now you want to
down the stairs and back into the store. If you want to get the White
Necklace from the
storeowner, refer to the NECKLACES section, I am only guiding you to get the
of Oyu's scenario. You can also get the ball rolling on the Orange Necklace
this time
around; again refer to the NECKLACES section. At the store buy the
following, Hair
Ornament, Silver Armor, Red Parrot, and the Love Potion total cost 2100. You
can buy
Artwork #17 if you are attempting to collect all the Artworks, but in order
to get the
others that are held by characters you must trade with them. I won't go into
detail on that
in this guide, since I don't want to ruin the chances of lowering your
Friendship with
Oyu. Check the SEARCHING ITEMS sections to see more on the Artworks.

Leave the store and head back towards the Gold Mine. Along the pathway to
the Mine,
you will see a cinema introducing a new monster. These monsters aren't that
hard. Hack
and slash and get some precious souls. At the Gold Mine, there is really
nothing new
except for all new monsters, just run all the way back to where you found
the Factory
Owner. Along the way there will be a battle where some tough monsters pick
on you, but
Magoichi will be present to help you out.

Once you get back to where you found the Factory Owner, go up to the odd
shape on the
floor and use the Red Ring. A light path should open up and you should enter
it. When
you get down, you will walk towards a door and a cinema will start where
some monsters
bad talk you. Two monsters will appear first one then when you kill it the
other, just
dispose of them and head into the unsealed door.

In the room with the twisted stairwell, before you go up it you can find the
Crystal Ball
on the left side of screen. Now head up it, at the very top there will be a
monster swing
his sword. Just rid the world of him and head out. You are now in front of
Gifu Castle a
cinema will show it off (Ibayama in Onimusha Warlords), so now just go up to
the door.

Chapter 2-10-2: Magoichi Talks about Ekei

Magoichi will kill a monster and then jump into the screen. He will tell you
a little about
Ekei's dreams and how they are stupid. Then he tells you why Jubei is a
"vengeful ghost"
since when Nobunaga is destroyed, another will take his place. "It never

Once you get Jubei back, enter the door. Some archers and monsters will be
pesky, rid
them, get the two treasure chests containing the Gifu Keep Tower Map and
Incenses, and
then enter the door on the left, not the big doors. Here you will find a
number puzzle.
They are rather simple.

The answer to the puzzle is: 6, 8, 2, and 4. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to
the PUZZLES section]

You will get the Bronze Mask (right). Take it and go back into the main
room, prepare
for some more pesky demons. After their souls are drained enter the big
doors. In this
room Ekei will be fighting some enemies; you can either help Ekei or just
leave by going
out the doors you had just walked through. I recommend you leave, this will
lower your
friendship with Ekei and will allow you to attain Chapter 10-1-2: Ekei's
Last Moment in
this game. Back into the room take the Herb from the treasure case and
proceed through
the unlocked door. Here you will find another puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 4, 2, and 8. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to the
PUZZLES section]

You should get a Power Jewel, so just use it when you want. Head into the
next set of
doors and you will come across a doorway with a blue alter on it. Examine
it, then use
your Bronze Mask (right) but you will notice that you can't just yet open
the door.
Proceed on, careful with these monsters, they are tough, and in the next
room ignore the
chest and enter the door under the stairwell. A man will tell you he has
something for
you, but the evil energy won't let him, so he asks you find the Purify
Charm. Behind him
is the Demon's History. After exiting the room, head up the stairwell. Ekei
will come in
and help you fight the monsters.

Chapter 2-11: The Digger's Baby is Found

Once the monsters are gone, the baby will begin to cry and the Miner will
run in. You
have just rescued the Miner's baby. Ekei will have a flash back of his child
and snatch the
Miner's baby. Ekei will explain his history a little and he begins to cry,
kudos on the tears
Capcom, kudos.

After the scene, you can leave through the only useable door. Here you will
find yourself
with a few archers, so just kill the archers and proceed into the next door.
In the next
room, there is an herb in the chest, the Earth Mozun, and the Purify Charm
on the table
sparkling. Take the herb and the Purify Charm and head back to the room
under the

Once you are there, give the man the Purify Charm, he will be grateful and
something sparkling. Lift the Bronze Mask (left) and head back to where you
first put the
Bronze Mask (right). Remember, as you walk there is a magic mirror, save,
enhance your
equipment, so just be ready.

Chapter 3-1: Meeting Tokichiro

A cinema should start with Tokichiro's funny laugh. Tokichiro will assault
Oyu, and then
Jubei comes in and orders Oyu to leave. Tokichiro summons some monsters, and
Jubei is
left to defeat them as Oyu escapes.

After you defeat the monsters, head back, and get an herb in the chest. Now
proceed into
the unsealed doors.

Chapter 3-2: Gogandantess Battle 1

Meet Gogandantess, the Greatest Swordsman of all Demons. Gogandantess will
introduce himself and then challenge Jubei. You can't win this fight, so
just keep yourself
on your toes. Block, dodge, and try not to use cure items.

Chapter 3-3: Oyu Assists Jubei

After some time Oyu will come and rescue you, Gogandantess will call you a
coward and

Just follow the path; there isn't anywhere to go. Once you get outside
examine the big
metal orb.

Chapter 3-5: Borrow the "Faith" Orb

A cinema will start where Jubei asks Oyu for the Orb she wears around her
neck. Oyu
will hand it over, examine the Metal Orb again and now insert the Faith Orb.

Chapter 3-6: Ride an Iron Horse

Jubei will tell Oyu to get on the Iron Horse, and they both ride it over
Gifu Castle's walls.
Ride off into the sunrise and back to Imasho Town.

Chapter 3-7: Obtain the "Faith" Orb

Once in Imasho Town, Oyu will introduce herself and tell her story of why
she was in
Gifu Castle. She also tells a little bit of her background and Jubei of his.
Right off the bat
you can see some attraction that Oyu has for Jubei.

Once you gain control of Jubei, walk towards the bar, just ignore the
treasure chest.

Chapter 3-8-2: Meeting Kotaro 3

As you walk away a voice will call after you. A cinema will show Jubei walk
back and
meet Kotaro. Kotaro explains his distrust for Oyu and then runs off saying
he will prove

Head back to the store, Pocket Watch, Phirangi, and the Pair Ring total cost
4300 Gold.
You can buy Artwork #18 if you are attempting to collect all the Artworks,
but in order to
get the others that are held by characters you must trade with them. I won't
go into detail
on that in this guide, since I don't want to ruin the chances of lowering
your Friendship
with Oyu. Check the SEARCHING ITEMS sections to see more on the Artworks. If
chose to follow how to get the Orange and White Necklace, by referring to
NECKLACES section, then talk to the store owner again and look for the man's
who gave you the chalk, if you didn't do any of this just go to bar. At the
bar go talk to
the man that is standing where the man who sold you the permit was. Buy the
Black Beer
from him and head upstairs. Note, this will be the only time you trade with
anyone other
then Oyu if you didn't do the Necklaces, so give Kotaro the Telescope, take
the Strategy
Book to Magoichi downstairs, and get yourself some nice Hard Boots. After
that run
upstairs again and head out the balcony. Oyu should be there, so start
giving her the items
we specified. Notice as you give her them, she will get all happy and smile.
Here are the
items you should have; Silver Armor, Phirangi, Hair Ornament, Red Parrot,
Black Beer,
Crystal Ball, Folding Fan, Love Potion, Hard Boots, Plant Book, Pair Ring,
Pocket Watch, and the Mirror. She will then return; Buraitou Tech.1,
Hyoujin-Yari Tech
1, Medicine, Normal Bullet, History Book vol.3, Sake from Kaga, Chinese
Medicine, Secret Medicine, Herb, Normal Bullet, Fire Arrow, Herb, and more
Bullet. Note your egg should of hatched by now, keep the chicken, let it lay
a brown egg,
which will hatch and lay a gold egg which will hatch too.

After trading with her, these items should guarantee that Oyu will be the
Story Character
and the Majority of her scenarios will open up, remember not to trade with
others, you
don't want to jinx yourself. Note, read the HOW TO USE MY WALKTHROUGHS of
the WALKTHROUGHS section for better understand.

Head out of the bar and into the market, there should be someone holding a
rather weird
umbrella so go up to her.

Chapter 4-1: Meeting Jujudormah

This ugly demon thinks she is the hottest thing alive. She tells you of her
love for
Nobunaga and how she will stop Jubei and Takajo. So the chase is on,
Jujudormah is
after Takajo, and Jubei rushes back to Yagyu Village to protect her.

Yagyu Village 2

Welcome back to Yagyu Village. This is again straightforward. Take control
of Jubei and
head to where you first met Takajo, but along the way…

Chapter 4-2-1: Oyu Helps Jubei

As soon as you cross the bridge a cinema will start where Kotaro is standing
on top of the
shed watching. As a monster swings to attack Jubei, Oyu appears and deflects
it. She then
tells Jubei to go to Takajo, BUT!!! NEVER EVER leave Oyu alone during
battles. Since
she is your major character, leaving her will lower your friendship with
her, so stay and
fight till all the monsters are dead; this will help your friendship.

After you killed the monsters go to Takajo. Cross the stepping-stones, go
through the
corridor cave and come out where Takajo gave you the Charity Orb.

Chapter 4-4: Takajo's End

You made it just in time to see Jujudormah kill Takajo. Jubei goes to Takajo
and holds
her as her dying breaths are used up.

Chapter 4-5: Mother & Father

Oyu walks in and asks what is wrong. Jubei explains that when he first met
Takajo, she
explained to him how she met his father and fell instantly in love.

Chapter 4-6: The Oath

Takajo reminds Jubei of his destiny and importance. Jubei now even angrier
and is so set
on destroying Nobunaga. Jubei is half Oni, there for it is his destiny to
stop the demons.

After the Cinema pick up the sparkling item, Ring of Takajo, and now you
have to return
to where you started. Back track through the corridor cave, over the
stepping-stones, but
you will notice Kotaro. If you wish talk to him just don't trade him
anything, because it
might change the game. Walk past the bridge, killing all the monsters
allowing the way
for their souls. Once you are back at where you started, go into the door.

Once you are in the house, travel straight, hop onto the next level, and
whack at the
screen door. Inside the chest is the Abacus, now hop off and turn to the
next level, hop on
and kill the monsters. Run to the end of the corridor to find a puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 2 and 4. [If you don't understand this, please
refer to the
PUZZLES section]

You should get a Power Jewel use it when you want. Travel back and knock
down the
screen doors. You should be able to see a chest, go to it and inside there
is a
Kaleidoscope. Now run into the room that was exposed by you slashing at the
doors. There are two paths to go, one away from the camera and another
towards it. Head
towards the camera first and follow the u-turn path. Artwork #10 should be
on a shelf, at
the end of the u-turn path hack at the wall to expose a little secret Jubei
never knew
about, and inside collect half of the Four Guardians Art. Now head to the
other path, the
one that was away from the camera, and break the barrel that is blocking the
Fork in the
treasure chest, after getting the Fork, leave through the only path.

Chapter 5-2: Jubei and Oyu Talk by Fireside

Entering the room will start a cinema where Jubei and Oyu talk about Jubei's
Oyu is concerned in how Jubei still considers Takajo to be his mother. Oyu
then asks if it
is still the same if they are not blood related, and Jubei gets confused.
Oyu walks out.

Take Jubei out the door and all the way down the green grass path, at the
end search for
the Wasabi. Hop on the ledge and hack at the screen doors. Take the second
half of the
map from the chest and hack at the next set of screen doors. Inside the
chest take the
Oolong Tea.

Now return back to where you and Oyu where talking and examine the Drawer
object. It is saying an object is missing, use Ring of Takajo to unveil a
puzzle. To solve
the puzzle hit start, go to File, to the sub-menu PICTURE, and examine the
Guardians Art. The answer is [Left] point it to white, [top] point it to
black, [right] point
it to blue, and [bottom] point it to red. As the machine reacts a stairwell
should appear.
Travel down it.

In the underground cave, as you are walking you notice that the floor
shakes. Jubei jumps
off before the floor gives ways and reveals a deadly set of spikes. Just
push the
directional button towards the spikes and Jubei will jump and grab on to the
ledge. Push
up and he will climb up. As you proceed you will see lots of ropes, cut them
and a big
spike will come down in a cinema. When you get control of Jubei, quickly hit
R2 and run
back to the spikes, jump across, if you are daring get up on the ledge and
then jump
across and wait till the spike goes over you. If you are not daring, after
jumping across
the first time, the spike is chasing you, just wait till it passes over you,
when it does push
up and then jump across. Follow the path to the exit, and you will find
yourself in Fog

Ignore the chests and just move forward. Kill all the monsters that get in
your way, and as
you pass another Mozun, ignore it since you don't have the right magic yet.
Once you
pass all three ladders, you are at a bridge. Oyu will pop up to help so you
must stay and
kill the monsters with her. After the monsters are all dead go and trade
with her. Give her
the following; Abacus, Fork, Kaleidoscope, Oolong Tea, and the Wasabi. Oyu
will then
return; Playing Cards, Normal Bullet, Fire Arrow, Crown, and Fire Arrow.
After you
have finished trading with her continue along the path. Two treasure chests
lay ahead,
one with the Fog Valley Map and another with an herb.

^>From the Wind Shrine get your Senpumaru and back track to where you saw the
Across the bridge, down the ladder, down the second ladder, and there it
should be. Use
the Senpumaru to get Nobunaga's Knowledge. As you are walking back, you will
encounter Oyu again in the bridge. Make sure to kill all the monsters, when
they are dead
you can talk to Oyu to get an herb.

Once you are back to where you got the Senpumaru, save it and enhance your
since you will have to head into the Forest Maze. There are monsters along
the way so
kill them and gather some souls. After the first straight area, you will
come to a fork with
a little floating bug demon. Will it quickly, for they disappear. After you
kill it a cinema
will make the fork turn into a straight path. Follow it, again more
monsters, and again a
fork, this time the little bug guy got protection. Quickly dispose of the
back up or just aim
for the bug guy, killing him will return the fork to a straight path and
eliminate all the
monsters. Go into the new area, another straight path with monsters, keep
going, another
fork with the bug guy and monsters. Same as before, this time as it turns
into one path,
follow it and…

Chapter 5-5: Jujudormah and Ginghamphatts

Jujudormah should appear laughing at you as she threats you. She is about
ready to duel
you when Ginghamphatts appears Ginghamphatts and Jujudormah argue like
siblings and
Ginghamphatts gets the honor of fighting you. Say hello to boss #2.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

After killing Ginghamphatts you get Nobunaga's Rein, just exit and you will
yourself at the pond with the magic mirror. Take the left pathway to find
Oyu, but don't
talk to her yet. Go around her to the Mozun and dispose of it and get the
third statue
Nobunaga's Dignity, go and save you game before talking to Oyu. Once you are
for the challenge, go and talk to Oyu.

Chapter 5-7-1: Fencing Lessons for Oyu

She will ask you for a Fencing Lesson, say yes. It is rather tricky since I
only did it once.
^>From what I can collect, when she is attacking do everything in your power
to evade and
not get hit, oh also when she charges her weapon the attack is unblockable
so get out of
the way. When it is your turn to attack, hit her until she collapses, but
then don't hit her
till she gets back up. Repeat this till the lesson is over, if you succeed
you will get a tech
book, if not, then she will be angry and you get nothing. Reload your save
if you want to
attempt it again.

After doing the lesson, if you got your tech book congratulations I did it
also and got the
Senpumaru Tech 1 book, go back to the magic mirror located by the pond.
Don't go in
direction that is the opposite of the pond since it is a dead end. At the
pond, cross it and
enter the door. On the side towards the camera, Jubei's left, is a puzzle

The answer to the puzzle is: 9 and 5. [If you don't understand this, please
refer to the
PUZZLES section]

You should get Senpumaru Secret. After the puzzle go into the room with the
spikes and
examine the middle. You should be asked if you want to pull a lever, pull it
and quickly
an image will flash. It is an image of the three Nobunaga statues you have.
Memorize the
image, order of statues, and then place the statues in the same order to

My game: Order Nobunaga's Knowledge, Nobunaga's Dignity, and Nobunaga's

After the doors open run through and get ready for some monster bashing.
Remember if
Oyu shows up you can't leave until all the monsters are dealt with. Enter
the door and kill
the monster blocking the door. Near the Magic mirror is Jujudormah's Diary,
at the
magic mirror enhance and save since…

Chapter 5-9: A Last Kiss of Jujudormah

Jujudormah will be sweating a picture of Nobunaga. Jubei offends her and she
gets angry.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

After you slay the beast Jujudormah, you will get the Honesty Orb, and now
you should
see a red switch. Hit it and the wall will open up. Follow the path; open
the chest to get
an herb, then run to run because soon afterwards the cave will fill with
poisonous gas.

Chapter 5-10: Jump Over a Cliff

When you get to the end of the cliff, you will watch a cinema of Jubei jump
off into the
water. The cinema looks pretty nice.

In the underwater cave, you will find a chest with the Oni's Sacred Place.
Save and then
go examine the other pool of water. Put in the Orb of Honesty in to move

Chapter 5-11: To Oni's Sacred Place

A cool cinema shows Jubei going to the Oni Sacred Place. I like how he
almost falls off.
Then Gogandantess shows up for, with the cool quote: "Your eyes betray you.
That you
are thrilled to see a warrior greater then you."

Chapter 6-1: Gogandantess Battle 2

Once again you can't defeat him. So I recommend you try to conserve your
energy and
cure items. Try to dodge and attack when you can. Don't be scared of using
your magic,
since it will get restored after the battle. After some time, Gogandantess
will tell you
Odani Castle will fall and then head off. Oyu will come to your aid and will
go ahead of

Chapter 6-2: Takajo's Advice

As Oyu enters the Oni Sacred Place, Takajo will appear in front of her.
Takajo will thank
Oyu for helping Jubei in his time of need and will then tell Oyu how to find
the Sacred
Flute, so that Jubei can defeat Gogandantess.

Now that you got control of Oyu, head around the object in the middle [earth
shrine] and
behind it to a staircase next to the magic mirror. Head down it and up the
other side, you
should be careful because as you walk along the path two monsters will come
up and
attack you. Since Oyu has her level 3 charge, you should use it on them and
they should
fall easily. Run and get the Key Plate. With it, you can now return to where
you met
Takajo and use it on the Earth Shrine to unlock the doors.

Kill all the monsters that get in your way, use Oyu's magic since it allows
you to release
souls of monsters with simple attacks. You don't have to kill them. This is
great to get
some extra souls and restore life when you are low.

You should must to the path on the right of the Earth Shrine, since the
other is a dead
end. As you enter the first corridor, get ready to fight some monsters from
here till the
end, because it is going to be hard. Since Oyu has a small life bar, she can
die easily, but
using her level 3 charged you can make the big monsters suffer. I warn you
to be careful
of the silver armored samurais, because they can gang up on your and their
attacks can prevent you from getting close enough to unleash your level 3
attacks. As you
go through the rooms, you won't find items or chests, only in the room with
the Silver
Samurai's, where there is a greenish-yellow pool in the middle, will you
find the Oni's
Sacred Place Map #1 in the chest and on the other side of the big mouth
statue, a
medicine sparkling on the floor.

You should know be in a room with glass tiles, blue colored, where fish
explode from the
bottom. Just block, evade, kill what you can, and eventually the red force
field on the
ladder would disappear. As you go down the ladder, you will have to find a
annoying monster watch out for the crocodile like monsters who will distract
you and the
monster's tentacles. After you kill it there will be a hole in the wall,
make sure to get the
Adarga from the chest.

Enter the hole in the wall and travel down the Fog Bridge. Be careful with
the monsters
for they can cause serious damage on the narrow walk way. When you get to
the magic
mirror, save and equip the Gladius that is in the chest. The next area
contains some very
strong monsters, so be ready. The first monster, the yellow bull, can be
taken down with
one level 3 charged attack, the next monster, the red bull, can actually
kill you easily, and
it will take you around 3 or 4 level 3 charged attacks. If the red bull hits
you, roll out of
the way as you get up, or lay there till you get an open chance, because if
he cheats you
like he did me, then he will hit you as you try to get up and basically kill

Chapter 6-3: Oyu Finds the Sacred Flute

Congratulations, you just defeated the bulls and got your hands on the
Sacred Flute.

Now, you must venture back to where Jubei was and handed it over. There is
nothing else
to do with Oyu, you can either fight and get some souls for Jubei using
Oyu's cool magic,
or just head straight for him and get on with the game.

Chapter 6-4: Oyu Hands Over the Sacred Flute

Oyu returns to Jubei with the Sacred Flute that Takajo told her to find.
Jubei tells Oyu
that his wounds have healed. Now Jubei must go into the Oni's Sacred Place
himself and
find the rest of the secrets that are hidden. Oyu departs.

First's things first, make sure to step up to the Earth Shrine and get your
Dokoutsui. I've
gone ahead twice before without it only to venture back. Head in the same
direction that
you did with Oyu and eventually…

Chapter 6-6: Kotaro Uncovers Oyu's Secret

Kotaro will pop up and tell you he knows who Oyu really is, as he is about
to tell you
who she is then he hears something. Kotaro tells Jubei to go on ahead of
him, and then
Kotaro and Oyu have a confrontation. Oyu is trying to tell Kotaro something,
but Kotaro
won't listen.

Well do you remember where Oyu got the Adarga? Or where Oyu found that big
hole in
the wall? Go there, where the Earth Mozun was, nothing special on the way,
you should
of covered it all with Oyu. As you go kill monsters.

Once you get to that area where the Earth Mozun is, kill all the monsters,
break the Earth
Mozun, and then kill the monster in the next area but don't forget the
Circle Key on the
floor. Oyu will appear to help, so remember not to leave till you are sure
there are no
more monsters. Head up the ladder and back track back to where you got the
hammer. As
you are heading back to the place where you found the hammer, you will run
into Oyu so
talk to her.

Chapter 6-8: Oyu Hesitates in Speaking

When you talk to Oyu, she mentions that she can't stay with Jubei. As Jubei
asks why,
Oyu can't seem to say it. Suddenly two monsters appear. After you kill both
Jubei continues and asks what Oyu wanted to say. Oyu says nothing and then
away…but another monster appears, this one exploding out of a wall.

After you kill the monster behind him there is a chest that bears the Red
Necklace, for
information on the Red Necklaces go to the NECKLACES section. Back in the
corridor use the magic mirror effectively. After using the mirror, turn into
that door
immediately to the left. You will find yourself in a blue u-turn corridor,
so kill the
monsters, collect the Lift Instructions, and then head to the end of the
corridor. You will
find a ceiling fan, just switch over to Senpumaru and use the magic attack.
There is a
sparkling item, a Magic Liquid, just in case you don't have enough magic.

As the cinema shows the ceiling spin, you will notice that the elevator now
has power.
Take it down, and pick up the Oni's Place #2 Map in the treasure chest. Just
follow the
path into the door and as you walk in a cinema will show a robot flying in.
You can
choose to fight and kill it, if you do another one will appear, if not you
can just avoid it
and the other one. In the corner, next to the ladder and first robot, there
is a puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 12, 2, and 6. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to the
PUZZLES section]

You should get a nice Tanegashima for your efforts. With that in your
inventory, climb
up the ladder, follow the path to another ladder, and climb down. Enter the
door to find a
magic pool and next to the operating table there is number grid puzzle.

The answer to the puzzle is: 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, and 16. [If you don't
understand this, please
refer to the PUZZLES section]

Solving the puzzle will give you the Golden Key. Now we must head back to
the room
with the elevator and map. Just exit through the door, climb the ladder,
follow the path,
climb down the ladder, kill the robots if you wish, and exit through the
door. As you enter
the room again, you should see a ladder in the bottom-right corner. Climb it
to find a
panel, examine it and accept to use the Golden Key. A cinema will show the
boxes stopping, so now you can cross them just like the stepping-stones in
Village. On the other side, examine the door and accept to use the Circle

Chapter 6-10: Kotaro doesn't Open up to Oyu

As you enter the door, Oyu will walk win and Kotaro will launch some of his
knives at
her. A monster suddenly appears and hurts Kotaro, so Oyu steps in to save
him. Kotaro
isn't very thankful, and yells at Oyu. Oyu explains to Kotaro that she will
return home to
attend to her daughters, and also tells more of Kotaro's past. Kotaro isn't
too happy to
hear all this and just walks out on Oyu after yelling at her, so Oyu walks
after him.

Back with Jubei, you can find a Tokichiro's Memo #1 on the floor. Examine
the statue to
open up a puzzle.

Check the PUZZLES section for the answer.

Solving the puzzle will make a Light Path appear. Enter it and soon you
should appear on
top of a tower. Turn around, hit R2, and walk forward. Some people
complained that they
didn't know how to get off the top of the tower. Follow the path to a
ladder, and then just
go down it. As you go down you will find a puzzle box on your left.

The answer to the puzzle is: 2, 4, 6, 8, 1 and 7. [If you don't understand
this, please refer
to the PUZZLES section]

You should get a Talisman, very useful, and now you can down track the
stairwell. If you
follow this guide there should be monster archers, dispose of them. If there
are no
monster archers, then you will have to do Ekei's sub quest, refer to Ekei's
for that. At the bottom there will be a few monsters, kill them, open the
treasure chest to
attain the Green Wedge, and use the magic mirror to save, especially if you
will want to
go to the Green Phantom Realm.

As you exit the room, you will come to a split. Go to the right, only if you
are collecting
the artworks or want to visit the Green Phantom Realm, other wise go to the

If you go right, equip Buraitou and break the Mozun. Enter the door and
examine the
shelves to find Artwork #11, and use the Green Wedge on the light to open up
the Green
Phantom Realm, for more information on it go check the PHANTOM REALMS

If you go right, enter the door, and in the hallway get the Gifu East Area
Map also ignore
the black treasure chest. Move forward and exit through the door. Once you
enter this
area, there will be some monsters. Oyu should appear to help you, so
remember to kill all
the monsters and then she leaves. After she leaves, travel along the path,
don't take the
first turn, and you will come to a treasure chest, which contains the Cherry
Key. Exit
through the door on the right, after you unlock it.

This should all look familiar. You can either leave to the next area,
entering the Gifu
Castle, or kill the monsters. Once you enter the castle, there will be some
more pesky
monsters. Deal with them and enter the double doors. Fight the monsters, and
instead of
entering the door on the right, head out through the doors directly in front
of the door you
came through. We want to return to where you found the Purify Charm your
first time
here. Keep going through, ignore the door with the blue alter, pass the
magic mirror, and
into the door. Ignore the treasure chest and just head upstairs. Kill
monsters as you, now
just enter the only doors here; you should now be in the wrecked room's top
floor. Enter
the door on the top and you will find a Mozun. Whip out Dokoutsui and take
care of it.
Enter the room to find a medicine in the far corner, and a puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 6, 7, 9, 5, 8, and 4. [If you don't understand
this, please refer
to the PUZZLES section]

You should find the Dokoutsui Secret. With that in your inventory, let's
back track. Exit
the room, cross the path and exit. Fight the monsters, and head down the
stairs. Ignore the
chest and run out the door across the door underneath the stairs. Pass the
magic mirror,
pass the blue alter door, and exit through the door in the hallway. Exit the
small room,
and you are back to where you noticed the locked door.

You can fight the monsters here, or enter the door on the right, using the
Cherry Key.
Once in the new room, ignore the black treasure chests and walk inside to
find the
Crescent Key, Human as Food, Artwork #12, and another puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 11, 1, and 4. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to the
PUZZLES section]

You should get a Magic Jewel, so use it. Once you get everything you just
need to back
track to where you found the Cherry Key. Just exit through the door, exit
through the
double doors on the right of the screen, run through the wrecked room and
exit to the
keep. You should now be where there is a path that leads in a circle.
Monsters appear and
so does Oyu. Dispose of the monsters and then leave through the door back to
the East
Area. With the Crescent Key, you can now open the door that we first
ignored. Kill the
monsters and head for the door to unlock it.

Do not leave through the door that is directly in front of the door you
enter. As you enter,
take the path to the right to the Mozun. Switch over to the Hyoujin-Yari so
that you can
break the Mozun, and then enter the door. In the room you can ignore the
chest, and
follow the path behind the vases to find a Light Path.

After entering the Light Path, you will find yourself in a cave. You are now
next to a
magic mirror, run straight and you should catch a glimpse of a treasure
chest, open it to
get a Medicine. Many people get stuck here, so just return to the Light
Path, since a statue
blocks the obvious route. Facing the magic mirror turn to Jubei's left, walk
straight, and
you should find yourself facing a dark tunnel, now follow it.

This room contains more statues and a black treasure chest, so just ignore
them. Keep
heading forward. You will encounter lots of monsters as you go, so be
prepared to fight.
There is nothing important in these rooms, so just keep moving. Finally you
should reach
a room with a bridge, which is open, so just kill all the monsters. After
all the monsters
are dead, to the left there should be a switch. Examine it to lower the
bridge down.

After crossing the bridge and entering the next room; you should see a magic
mirror. Use
the mirror, and then notice directly in front of the mirror a statue, on the
left of that statue
is Tokichiro's Memo #2. Follow the path; get the treasure chest with the
Demon Cave
Map, and exit on the other side. Follow the path and fight the monsters,
eventually you'll
reach the end. Be prepared to fight some bulls, be cautious because there
are objects that
can interfere with your fighting.

After killing the bulls, or running away, you can exit the room. The next
room has pesky
archers and strong demons, so be on guard. After you exit the room, you will
find a
treasure chest that contains the Great Powder Tube, ignore the black chest.
Run to the end
of the path to find a Mozun, careful, because monsters rise as you reach the
Mozun. Kill
the monsters and then switch over to Senpumaru to take care of the final
Mozun. Once
you pass the Mozun take the Herb from the chest, and walk forward to a
puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 6, 7, 5, 4, and 1. [If you don't understand
this, please refer to
the PUZZLES section]

You should get a Power Jewel, so use it. Walk forward to find the statue
that was
blocking the original path. Use the Great Powder on him and he will give you
a Secret
Medicine. Walk past him and you should be at the start of the cave, use the
Great Powder
on the men to get some medicines, so now you can just enter the Light Path
and be on
your way. After you get back from the caves, exit the room, and follow the
path to the
door you haven't entered yet.

Once you enter, you will find Oyu fighting some monsters. Quickly help her
and kill the
monsters, after they have been cleared Oyu will leave. Run after her, as you
enter the
next room there will be monsters weight. Dispose of them and absorb the
souls from the
soul pool. Ext through the door on the left of the soul pool, walk up the
stairs, and leave
through the door.

Chapter 7-11: Jubei Helps Oyu

As you enter, Oyu is hurt, and you run to help her. After killing the
monster talk to Oyu.
Jubei and Oyu will look at each other like lovers do. Oyu will extend your
magic and life
bar as if you took a Magic and Power Jewel, and fill it up.

Just follow the path and enter the shack after the waterfall. In the shack
take the Hunting
Schedule, and use the mirror to your liking. Walk down the stairs and
examine the boat.
Cross it to the area across the lake. Once you arrive, there will be some
monsters so just
take care of them. After killing the monsters enter the building but get
ready since two
strong monsters will be waiting. Dispose of them with either magic or level
3 charged
attacks. Before leaving this room collect the following; Artwork #13,
Fortinbras Book,
and Golden Evil Statue.

Upon entering the next room, you will find two statues. Use the Great Powder
on the
statues to rescue the men. Talk to the man on the left 3 times to get a
Secret Medicine,
and then just walk between them into the door. Examine the statues to unveil
a puzzle.

Check the PUZZLES section for the answer.

After finishing the puzzle, a Light Path should open up behind Jubei, so
enter it. You
should know appear in Oni's Sacred Place: Blood Pond. Take the Special M.
Liquid from
the treasure chest and exit through the door. In the next room, the door
directly to the left
can be opened with the 3 fossils to attain the Black Necklace. Refer to the
section and SEARCHING ITEMS for more information. Just dispose of the
monsters and
head towards the door. The next room contains a magic mirror and in the
chest is the
Oni's Place Map #3. Head toward the door, but ready since more monsters are
you, a lot more. Prepare to fight, or just run past them to the door in the
back corner.

After exiting the circular room, you should find yourself in a room with
lots of turns.
Taking the first turn will lead you to two dead ends, but one contains
puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 4, 6, 1, and 7. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to
the PUZZLES section]

You should get a Magic Jewel. Turn around and there will be a monster that
Dispose of it and head back towards the hallway where you took the turn.
Back in the
hallway continue forward to find a split in the path. Taking the route away
from the
camera will lead to a chest, which bears an herb, and a monster will again
appear behind
you. Kill the monster and return to the split. This time head towards the
camera follow
the path and you will find a ceiling fan and elevator again. Switch over to
Senpumaru and
use the wind magic to activate the elevator.

Once the cinema shows the elevator being powered up, ride it up. As soon as
you are in
the next room there is a sparkling item, pick it up to get the Scarlet Key.
Among the trash
there is also Artwork #14. Now exit through the door and take the path
towards the
camera. As you walk near the door you will hear a loud scream. Dispose of
the monsters
and head towards the door again you will hear a scream. Once in the door
walk forward,
but make sure you half your life ¾ full since this scene will drain you.

Chapter 8-2: Release at the Risk of a Life

You will find Oyu strapped to the wall, and next to here there is a glowing
rod. Walk next
to it and hold down X after examining it. Your life bar will slowly reduce,
you will have
to do this 3 times, but you can break to restore life. After you lower it
completely, Oyu
will be free.

After freeing her, talk to Oyu. I got a Dokoutsui Tech 1 book. Now return
through all the
doors you came from. Just don't enter to where you got the Scarlet Key,
instead exit
through the door at the end of the hallway. You should know be in the place
where you
got the Dokoutsui, run to the corner and use the magic mirror. Take the door
to the left of
the mirror, back into the U-turn corridor, and follow it to the elevator.

Ride the elevator down and walk forward to the door. Kill monsters if you
wish along the
way. In this room go to the ladder by the open chest and climb it. Follow
the path to
another ladder then climb it down, now enter the door. Inside walk forward,
turn right
and you will find a red glowing door. Use the Scarlet Key on it to unlock
it. Enter it and
walk forward.

Chapter 8-4: Tokichiro's Trap

Jubei walks in on Tokichiro trying to capture Oyu. As Jubei rescues Oyu,
Tokichiro pulls
on a lever that makes the floor beneath Jubei and Oyu retracts and they fall
Tokichiro's trap.

Chapter 8-5: From Oyu to Oichi

Jubei and Oyu have time to talk, so Oyu tells Jubei of her plans to return
to Odani Castle.
She also tells him of her true identity, in which she is Oichi, the sister
of Nobunaga. Oyu
tells of her husband having 3 daughters from his ex-wife, and how she felt
betrayed. She
felt it was her responsibility to stop Nobunaga from killing, but she got
caught in Gifu
Castle. Oyu confess how she feels for Jubei, and she admits in being
selfish. Oyu decides
to return to Odani Castle because of her daughters, "blood or no blood."
Jubei moves in
on Oyu and is about to kiss her when Tokichiro starts to laugh and sets off
an explosion.

So the explosion that seems to have destroyed the wall failed to kill you.
Walk through the cracked door, and away from the camera there is a magic
mirror. Use
it, and save since you will fight a boss. Walking towards the camera are two
which bear a Secret Medicine and Gogandantess' Shield. When you are ready
open the
door on the right of the last treasure chest.

Chapter 8-6: Gogandantess Final battle

As Jubei and Oyu are walking in, an explosion knocks Jubei away and Oyu into
a hole.
Oyu clings for life when suddenly Gogandantess steps in to save her.
boasts about men wanting to save weak women. Well now Gogandantess again
boasts his
great swordsmanship and challenges Jubei to "the final round." Jubei rushes
Gogandantess to hurry it up, since Gogandantess likes stating his name.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

After killing Gogandantess, you will get a cinema of him asking Jubei to
state his name.
When Gogandantess turns into souls you should get the Respect Orb, and then
just absorb
his souls. Walk out through the door that is right there.

You should find yourself in a burning room. Run forward and climb that
ladder, there are
a few items worth of interest. Once you climb the ladder, on the pathway
walk all the
way to the end, and take the path that leads towards the camera. Jump across
the flames
and go forward to find a chest that bears an herb. Now run back to the
pathway. On the
pathway you can find a pathway in the middle of the ladder, and the pathway
you just
took to find the herb. You can take the path to find a puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 6, 7, 1, 12, and 2. [If you don't understand
this, please refer
to the PUZZLES section]

You should find a Power Jewel so use it. Now turn around and head back to
the pathway,
but as you hope onto the path, hold forward to hop onto another pathway with
a treasure
chest behind two metal objects. Swing at the objects and then find some
cover because
they explode. The treasure chest should bear a Medicine. Walk back to where
you climb
the ladder and walk towards the camera, Jubei should start jumping across
like he did the
stepping-stones and boxes. Now just climb the ladder and exit. You should
remember this
room in the Oni's Sacred Place. Walk to the middle and examine the huge
statue, you can
talk to Oyu if you want, when prompt to insert the Respect Orb, accept.

Chapter 8-7: Ancient Flying Boat Flies

As Jubei inserts the Orb, a chain of events should start. Tokichiro starts
to laugh as the
place seems to fall apart and monsters attack Jubei and Oyu. Tokichiro ends
up stealing
the Oni Genbu, so Jubei and Oyu are left to think of how to chase after it.
As the building
starts to collapse, Jubei and Oyu run upstairs to seek shelter.

Now that you can control Jubei, use the magic mirror effectively. Check your
your gifts, and see if your egg has hatched into a chicken, if that chicken
has laid a brown
egg, if that brown egg hatched into a brown chick, if that chick grew into a
chicken, if that brown chicken laid a gold egg, if that gold egg hatched
into a gold chick,
and if that gold chick grew into a gold chicken. If so, trade the Golden
Chicken to Oyu to
boost your friendship; this is the last chance you have to trade. Walk
forward and
examine the flying object from the cinema.

This can be a little tricky. There are lots of different means of doing
this; you must
simply rotate the left analog stick counter-clockwise, and the right analog
clockwise. Do it at an even pace, because if you notice one side might still
be lower then
the other. If this happens, you have to rotate the side that is highest in
the opposite
direction that you were rotating it, this will lower it, and then you can
rotate the lower
side some more to catch up. You are timed to do this, so you must try hard
and be fast.

Chapter 8-8: Chase the Flying Boat

After completing the event and opening up the door, Jubei and Oyu will get
on the flying
thing. They will start to fly after the flying Oni Genbu, and jump on to it
to get on. Oyu
of course falls and Jubei has to reach out and save her. Jubei and Oyu now
themselves on the Oni Genbu and break a window to get in.

Time to find Tokichiro, Oyu runs off and you are left with Jubei. First
follow the path to
the end, ignore the magic mirror, don't enter the door, ignore the chest,
and you will find
a sparkling item. With the Magic Liquid in your inventory, you can return to
the treasure
chest, which happens to be another puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 5, 2, 6, 8, 11, and 3. [If you don't understand
this, please
refer to the PUZZLES section]

You should get a Magic Jewel, so use it. You can now return back to the
magic mirror to
save or upgrade your weapon. Now you are ready to enter the door. This room
archers that are out of view and silver samurais so be cautious. After
killing them, in
opposite corner of the corner on the right of the door you enter, you should
find some
crates, destroy and get a chest that bears a Medicine and now just exit
through the door in
the corner opposite the corner with the chest. Just follow the path up and
fight the
monsters if you wish, but they keep returning. Enter the door at the end of
the hallway.

Chapter 9-1: Battle with Tokichiro

Jubei will enter in on Tokichiro. Demons that are helping Tokichiro attack
Jubei, but
Jubei deals with them. As one of the demons falls, he hits the "steering
wheel" and the
whole Oni Genbu is thrown of balance. Tokichiro then feels as Oyu enters.
Jubei tells
Oyu to take control as he chases Tokichiro. In the final confrontation with
Jubei attempts to kill him, but Tokichiro kicks the door open and jumps off
all while
laughing at Jubei.

Chapter 9-2: Attack of Oda's Horse Soldiers

Jubei and Oyu will notice that Oda's army is storming Odani Castle, so they
need to think
of a way to stop them.

When you get control of Jubei, just examine the glowing red light.

Chapter 9-3: Ruin of Oda's Horse Soldiers

Jubei will activate laser cannons, or something, that will attack Oda's
horsemen. Jubei
and Oyu think they have finished and are safe now but…

Chapter 9-4: Crash of Flying Boat

A sudden explosion caused by Tokichiro's "surprise" cause the engine for Oni
Genbu to
go out. As Oni Genbu loses power, it falls from the sky and slams right into
Gifu Castle.
Jubei jumps off as the ship goes down, but Oyu isn't as lucky and falls back
into the
burning wreckage.

You should now have control of Jubei and walking forward will reveal a magic
On the left of the magic mirror should be Tokichiro's Memo #3. With that in
inventory, go and enter the double doors. As you walk forward Ekei starts
swing at Jubei.
Ekei tells that his dream was to become a feudal lord, and if he brings
Jubei's head then
he will be granted his dream. Jubei warns Ekei that he will not take it
easy, and a fight

Chapter 10-1-2: Ekei's Last Moment

Ekei tells you how he has no wife and child, only "booze and women." I get a
Jubei feels sorry for him, and as Ekei dies, Jubei collects Ekei's Keepsake
[which is equal
to a Perfect Medicine].

With control back on Jubei, just exit the room. There should be a monster
waiting by the
stairs in the next room. Kill it, collect the Normal Arrows, and head
upstairs. There will
be a few monsters on the balcony. Enter the first double door to collect a
few items; open
the chest to receive the Purple Wedge, Artwork #15 should be on the table to
the right of
the door, and a soul pool should be waiting. If you were collecting the
congratulations you should have all 18 now. Refer to the SEARCHING ITEMS for
information on the Artworks. You have two choices now; with the Purple Wedge
you can
enter the Purple Phantom Realm and attempt to complete it to collect the
strongest sword
in the game, the Rekka-Ken, or you can continue with the guide.

If you choose to enter the Phantom Realm, just exit the room and follow the
path, you
should find a bridge, take the right and there will be another door, if you
can't find it
check your map. Inside there will be a light, use the Purple Wedge to open
up the portal
and then enter the Purple Phantom Realm. For more information, refer to the

If you chose to continue, in the room there should be a back way. Enter it
and climb the
ladder. Make sure you are ready, since you will face a boss.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

After killing it and absorbing its souls, you should be given the Gold
Scale. Examine the
big gold fish statue and use the Gold Scale. This should destroy the barrier
that prevented
you from crossing the bridge. Just climb down the ladder, and exit the room.
You can still
go to the Purple Phantom Realm if you wish. Regardless, cross the bridge.
Once you
enter the room across the bridge, turn to the right to see the magic mirror,
and if you need
to refill your magic go for it. There are still 3 more bosses to fight, and
climbing the
ladder next to the magic mirror will lead to another one. So be ready, once
you are ready
climb the ladder.

Chapter 10-2: Ginghamphatts' Final Battle

A familiar voice should start laughing at you. Ginghamphatts swears to kill
Jubei, but of
course Jubei won't let him.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

Chapter 10-4-1: Ginghamphatts' Final Moment

After you defeat Ginghamphatts' his upper body will grab on to his lower
body in hopes
of pulling himself up from the fire pit he hangs over. His lower body will
start to step on
Ginghamphatts' head and eventually both halves fall into the flames. Jubei
watches and
then receives the Strength Orb.

Absorb the souls and then head back down the ladder. Use the magic mirror,
there is no coming back from the next battle. Remember you can still go into
the Purple
Phantom Realm incase you want Rekka-Ken, or just to kill monsters. As you
towards the elevator in the circular room, examine it. When prompted to use
the Strength
Orb, accept.

Chapter 10-6-1: A World for Two

As the doors swing open, Oyu will come in and call out for Jubei. A cheap
event starts and they embrace in each other's arms. Jubei had thought that
Oyu perished
in the burning Oni Genbu. Jubei tells Oyu that she has got to go home, that
he will finish
it himself. Jubei reminds Oyu that Nobunaga is still her brother and that
she must go
home. Oyu stops Jubei before he leaves and starts to cry. Jubei should grab
a hold of Oyu
and embrace her with a kiss. As this all happens, stars will fill the
background and the
camera pans around them. My girlfriend thought it was beautiful. Jubei tells
Oyu, before
leaving, he hopes she finds happiness. Finally, Jubei descends on the
elevator and Oyu is
left in sadness and begins to cry.

Chapter 10-7: Battle against Nobunaga

Jubei storms in on Nobunaga as he is transferring his power into the Golden
Evil Statue.
Jubei tells Nobunaga that no one will ever fear his statue, this enrages
Nobunaga and he
transforms into his demon form.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

Chapter 10-8: Advent of Golden Evil Statue

After Nobunaga falls, his body will shoot 5 orbs into the mouth of the
Golden Evil
Statue. I think it is funny how the statue says "You will die" and you hear
the elephant
noise. Jubei will then get caught in some snake like things and fall through
a light to the

Jubei will get up and use the power of the orbs to transform himself into a

It is time for the very last battle. I hope you are ready for something for
some isn't hard,
and for other is impossible.

Check the BOSSES section for my advice.

Chapter 10-9: Settlement

The Statue should fall apart and then Nobunaga's face should appear cursing
Jubei. It
suddenly switches over to Jubei running trying to get out of Gifu Castle
before it

The credits should start to roll, congratulations you have just beat
Onimusha 2: Samurai's
Destiny. Let the credits roll so you can get your last Default Scenario and
save your

Final Chapter: Love & Sorrow

Jubei is looking towards Odani Castle on his horse from a long distance. Oyu
walks out
into the balcony and looks over into the mountains. Jubei whispers Oyu, and
Oyu, as if
hearing him, whispers out Jubei.

Conclusion: Scenarios completed 58. If you followed this guide 58/100 = 58%
Ranking is what you should get. You can check which scenarios were covered
in the

VII. Scenario Information

There is a total of 100 Chapters in the game. I list all the Scenarios that
go to a character,
and if you add up the total scenes for the characters, it is well over 100.
The reason is,
lots of characters share scenes, Ekei and Magoichi, and Oyu and Kotaro. I
only list the
scenarios for each character so you can see from your Scenario Route if you
are missing
one, then go to the walkthroughs and find what how to get that specific

A. All 100 Chapters

Introduction: Deadly Attack by Oda's Army
Chapter 1-1: Evil Attack on Yagyu Village
Chapter 1-2: Meeting Takajo
Chapter 1-3: A New Power
Chapter 1-4: Meeting Oyu
Chapter 1-5: Meeting Ekei and Magoichi
Chapter 1-6: Meeting Kotaro
Chapter 2-1: Eerie Monsters
Chapter 2-2-1: Kotaro Helps Jubei
Chapter 2-2-2: Magoichi Helps Jubei
Chapter 2-2-3: Ekei Helps Jubei
Chapter 2-3-1: Kotaro Goes Ahead
Chapter 2-3-2: A Missing Baby (For Magoichi)
Chapter 2-3-3: A Missing Baby (For Ekei)
Chapter 2-4-1: Kotaro Won't Listen to Jubei
Chapter 2-4-2: Dreams of Men
Chapter 2-5: Meeting Ginghamphatts
Chapter 2-6: The Exhausted Factory Owner
Chapter 2-7: Meeting Kotaro 2
Chapter 2-8: Picture Map for Potassium Nitrate
Chapter 2-9: Search for the Woman Pickpocket
Chapter 2-10-1: Kotaro's Confession
Chapter 2-10-2: Magoichi Talks about Ekei
Chapter 2-11: The Digger's Baby is Found
Chapter 3-1: Meeting Tokichiro
Chapter 3-2: Gogandantess Battle 1
Chapter 3-3: Oyu Assists Jubei
Chapter 3-4: Kotaro Meets Oyu
Chapter 3-5: Borrow the "Faith" Orb
Chapter 3-6: Ride an Iron Horse
Chapter 3-7: Obtain the "Faith" Orb
Chapter 3-8-1: Kotaro's Warning about Oyu
Chapter 3-8-2: Meeting Kotaro 3
Chapter 4-1: Meeting Jujudormah
Chapter 4-2-1: Oyu Helps Jubei
Chapter 4-2-2: Kotaro Helps Jubei 2
Chapter 4-2-3: Magoichi Helps Jubei 2
Chapter 4-2-4: Ekei Helps Jubei 2
Chapter 4-3-2: Kotaro Spies on Oyu
Chapter 4-4: Takajo's End
Chapter 4-5: Mother & Father
Chapter 4-6: The Oath
Chapter 5-1: Magoichi Gives a Bomb
Chapter 5-2: Jubei and Oyu Talk by Fireside
Chapter 5-3: Kotaro with Firm Friendship
Chapter 5-4: Kotaro Saves Jubei
Chapter 5-5: Jujudormah and Ginghamphatts
Chapter 5-6: Reasons to Fight
Chapter 5-7-1: Fencing Lessons for Oyu
Chapter 5-7-2: Kotaro's Pigeon
Chapter 5-8: Magoichi Shoots a Cannon
Chapter 5-9: A Last Kiss of Jujudormah
Chapter 5-10: Jump Over a Cliff
Chapter 5-11: To Oni's Sacred Place
Chapter 6-1: Gogandantess Battle 2
Chapter 6-2: Takajo's Advice
Chapter 6-3: Oyu Finds the Sacred Flute
Chapter 6-4: Oyu Hands Over the Sacred Flute
Chapter 6-5: Ekei Finds a Hidden Room
Chapter 6-6: Kotaro Uncovers Oyu's Secret
Chapter 6-7: Ekei's Weakness
Chapter 6-8: Oyu Hesitates in Speaking
Chapter 6-9: Tokichiro Sets a Trap for Magoichi
Chapter 6-10: Kotaro doesn't Open up to Oyu
Chapter 7-1: Ekei Does a Favor for Jubei
Chapter 7-2: Ekei and Jubei Talk
Chapter 7-3: Kotaro Uses a Fuma Bomb
Chapter 7-4: Magoichi Hands a Gun to Jubei
Chapter 7-5: Magoichi Works to Help Jubei
Chapter 7-6: Magoichi Finds Great Powder Tube
Chapter 7-7: Magoichi Releases Jubei
Chapter 7-8: Kotaro Finds a Hidden Door
Chapter 7-9: Kotaro Tells How to Avoid Traps
Chapter 7-10: Magoichi Tells the Truth
Chapter 7-11: Jubei Helps Oyu
Chapter 8-1: Magoichi's Pride
Chapter 8-2: Release at the Risk of a Life
Chapter 8-3: Source of Vitality for Ekei
Chapter 8-4: Tokichiro's Trap
Chapter 8-5: From Oyu to Oichi
Chapter 8-6: Gogandantess Final battle
Chapter 8-7: Ancient Flying Boat Flies
Chapter 8-8: Chase the Flying Boat
Chapter 9-1: Battle with Tokichiro
Chapter 9-2: Attack of Oda's Horse Soldiers
Chapter 9-3: Ruin of Oda's Horse Soldiers
Chapter 9-4: Crash of Flying Boat
Chapter 10-1-1: Parting for Ekei
Chapter 10-1-2: Ekei's Last Moment
Chapter 10-2: Ginghamphatts' Final Battle
Chapter 10-3: Kotaro's Tragedy
Chapter 10-4-1: Ginghamphatts' Final Moment
Chapter 10-4-2: Parting for Magoichi
Chapter 10-5: Kotaro's Last Moment
Chapter 10-6-1: A World for Two
Chapter 10-6-2: Their Lines Crossed
Chapter 10-7: Battle against Nobunaga
Chapter 10-8: Advent of Golden Evil Statue
Chapter 10-9: Settlement
Final Chapter: Love & Sorrow

B. Default Scenarios
Chapter 1-1: Evil Attack on Yagyu Village
Chapter 1-2: Meeting Takajo
Chapter 1-3: A New Power
Chapter 2-1: Eerie Monsters
Chapter 2-5: Meeting Ginghamphatts
Chapter 2-6: The Exhausted Factory Owner
Chapter 3-2: Gogandantess Battle 1
Chapter 4-1: Meeting Jujudormah
Chapter 4-4: Takajo's End
Chapter 4-5: Mother & Father
Chapter 4-6: The Oath
Chapter 5-5: Jujudormah and Ginghamphatts
Chapter 5-9: A Last Kiss of Jujudormah
Chapter 5-10: Jumper Over a Cliff
Chapter 5-11: To Oni's Sacred Place
Chapter 6-11: Gogandantess Battle 2
Chapter 8-6: Gogandantess Final Battle
Chapter 9-1: Battle with Tokichiro
Chapter 9-2: Attack of Oda's Horse Soldiers
Chapter 9-3: Ruin of Oda's Horse Soldiers
Chapter 9-4: Crash of Flying Boat
Chapter 10-2: Ginghamphatts' Final Battle
Chapter 10-4-1: Ginghamphatts' Final Moment
Chapter 10-7: Battle against Nobunaga
Chapter 10-8: Advent of Golden Evil Statue
Chapter 10-9: Settlement
Final Chapter: Love & Sorrow

There is a total of 28 Default Scenarios. All 28 Default Scenarios can be
unlocked in one

C. Ekei

Chapter 1-5: Meeting Ekei and Magoichi
Chapter 2-2-3: Ekei Helps Jubei
Chapter 2-3-3: A Missing Baby (For Ekei)
Chapter 2-4-2: Dreams of Men
Chapter 2-9: Search for the Woman Pickpocket
Chapter 2-10-2: Magoichi Talks about Ekei
Chapter 2-11: The Digger's Baby is Found
Chapter 4-2-4: Ekei Helps Jubei 2
Chapter 5-6: Reasons to Fight
Chapter 6-5: Ekei Finds a Hidden Room
Chapter 6-7: Ekei's Weakness
Chapter 6-9: Tokichiro Sets a Trap for Magoichi
Chapter 7-1: Ekei Does a Favor for Jubei
Chapter 7-2: Ekei and Jubei Talk
Chapter 7-10: Magoichi Tells the Truth
Chapter 8-3: Source of Vitality for Ekei
Chapter 10-1-1: Parting for Ekei
Chapter 10-1-2: Ekei's Last Moment

There is a total of 18 Scenarios for Ekei. 17 Scenarios can be unlocked in a
game, but you
would have to choose between Chapters 10-1-1 and 10-1-2 per game. If you
follow my
guide, you should be able to unlock Chapter 10-1-2 with Oyu or Kotaro's
game, and
Chapters 10-1-1 with Ekei's game.

D. Magoichi

Chapter 1-5: Meeting Ekei and Magoichi
Chapter 2-2-2: Magoichi Helps Jubei
Chapter 2-3-2: A Missing Baby (For Magoichi)
Chapter 2-4-2: Dreams of Men
Chapter 2-8: Picture Map for Potassium Nitrate
Chapter 2-10-2: Magoichi Talks about Ekei
Chapter 2-11: The Digger's Baby is Found
Chapter 4-2-3: Magoichi Helps Jubei 2
Chapter 5-1: Magoichi Gives a Bomb
Chapter 5-6: Reasons to Fight
Chapter 5-8: Magoichi Shoots a Cannon
Chapter 6-9: Tokichiro Sets a Trap for Magoichi
Chapter 7-4: Magoichi Hands a Gun to Jubei
Chapter 7-5: Magoichi Works to Help Jubei
Chapter 7-6: Magoichi Finds Great Powder Tube
Chapter 7-7: Magoichi Releases Jubei
Chapter 7-10: Magoichi Tells the Truth
Chapter 8-1: Magoichi's Pride
Chapter 10-4-2: Parting for Magoichi

There are a total of 19 Scenarios for Magoichi. Following my guide for
Magoichi, you
should be able to unlock all 19 in one game. Doing Magoichi first will give
you a nice

E. Ekei & Magoichi

Chapter 1-5: Meeting Ekei and Magoichi
Chapter 2-4-2: Dreams of Men
Chapter 2-10-2: Magoichi Talks about Ekei
Chapter 2-11: The Digger's Baby is Found
Chapter 5-6: Reasons to Fight
Chapter 6-9: Tokichiro Sets a Trap for Magoichi
Chapter 7-10: Magoichi Tells the Truth

There are a total of 7 Scenarios that Ekei and Magoichi share.

F. Kotaro

Chapter 1-6: Meeting Kotaro
Chapter 2-2-1: Kotaro Helps Jubei
Chapter 2-3-1: Kotaro Goes Ahead
Chapter 2-4-1: Kotaro Won't Listen to Jubei
Chapter 2-7: Meeting Kotaro 2
Chapter 2-10-1: Kotaro's Confession
Chapter 3-4: Kotaro Meets Oyu
Chapter 3-8-1: Kotaro's Warning about Oyu
Chapter 3-8-2: Meeting Kotaro 3
Chapter 4-2-2: Kotaro Helps Jubei 2
Chapter 4-3-2: Kotaro Spies on Oyu
Chapter 5-3: Kotaro with Firm Friendship
Chapter 5-4: Kotaro Saves Jubei
Chapter 5-7-2: Kotaro's Pigeon
Chapter 6-6: Kotaro Uncovers Oyu's Secret
Chapter 6-10: Kotaro doesn't Open up to Oyu
Chapter 7-3: Kotaro Uses a Fuma Bomb
Chapter 7-8: Kotaro Finds a Hidden Door
Chapter 7-9: Kotaro Tells How to Avoid Traps
Chapter 10-3: Kotaro's Tragedy
Chapter 10-5: Kotaro's Last Moment

There are a total of 21 Scenarios for Kotaro. You can unlock up to 19 at in
one game,
since you can only meet Kotaro once per game, and he has 3 introductions.
Also, in the
same matter, Chapters 3-8-1 and 3-8-1 cannot be both triggered in a game,
but if you
follow the guides, you can get all of Kotaro's Scenarios in just 3 games,
and in those 3
games come pretty close to 100%

G. Oyu

Chapter 1-4: Meeting Oyu
Chapter 3-1: Meeting Tokichiro
Chapter 3-3: Oyu Assists Jubei
Chapter 3-5: Borrow the "Faith" Orb
Chapter 3-6: Ride an Iron Horse
Chapter 3-7: Obtain the "Faith" Orb
Chapter 3-8-1: Kotaro's Warning about Oyu
Chapter 4-2-1: Oyu Helps Jubei
Chapter 5-2: Jubei and Oyu Talk by Fireside
Chapter 5-7-1: Fencing Lessons for Oyu
Chapter 6-2: Takajo's Advice
Chapter 6-3: Oyu Finds the Sacred Flute
Chapter 6-4: Oyu Hands Over the Sacred Flute
Chapter 6-6: Kotaro Uncovers Oyu's Secret
Chapter 6-8: Oyu Hesitates in Speaking
Chapter 6-10: Kotaro doesn't Open up to Oyu
Chapter 7-11: Jubei Helps Oyu
Chapter 8-2: Release at the Risk of a Life
Chapter 8-4: Tokichiro's Trap
Chapter 8-5: From Oyu to Oichi
Chapter 8-7: Ancient Flying Boat Flies
Chapter 8-8: Chase the Flying Boat
Chapter 10-3: Kotaro's Tragedy
Chapter 10-5: Kotaro's Last Moment
Chapter 10-6-1: A World for Two
Chapter 10-6-2: Their Lines Crossed

There is a total of 26 Scenarios for Oyu. Up to 25 Scenarios can be unlocked
in one
game, since you have to decide between Chapters 10-6-1 and 10-6-2. With this
you should be able to get them all in 2 games.

H. Kotaro & Oyu

Chapter 3-8-1: Kotaro's Warning about Oyu
Chapter 6-6: Kotaro Uncovers Oyu's Secret
Chapter 6-10: Kotaro doesn't Open up to Oyu
Chapter 10-3: Kotaro's Tragedy
Chapter 10-5: Kotaro's Last Moment

There is a total of 5 Scenarios that Oyu and Kotaro share.

A. Jubei

i. Weapons

Yagyu Sword: Jubei's initial weapon. Many claim that the Yagyu Sword can
Issens better.
Location: Initial.
Buraitou: 'A sword with the power of thunder. With quick stroke and
sharpness, it is easy
to handle.'
Magic: This sword's magic attack is a multi-hit combo that is finished by a
strike. It is very effective against bosses to cause them to release souls.
Location: You attain this sword after first meeting Takajo.
Techs: Tech 1 is a powerful swing that can knock down enemies with in range.
Tech 2 is
a powerful uppercut followed by a down strike. Tech 3 is a 4-swing attack
similar to tech
one, effective to push a crowd of enemies away.

Hyoujin-Yari: 'A spear with the power of ice. With its long reach, you can
pierce an
enemy at a distance.'
Magic: This spear's magic is a straight ice attack. It can freeze multiple
enemies, but they
all have to be directly in front of it. It is very effective in tight
corridors where the
enemies are in a row.
Location: You find it in the Gold Mine near Imasho Town.
Techs: Tech 1 is a powerful swing that can knock down enemies within a
range. Tech 2 is
a powerful uppercut followed by a direct impalement. Tech 3 consists of 3
swings, followed by impalement.

Senpumaru: 'A long-handled sword with the power of wind. You can quickly
enemies with this.'
Magic: This sword's magic is a destructive tornado/hurricane that sucks in
enemies then
cuts them to pieces. As you upgrade your weapon, the size of the
tornado/hurricane is
bigger and it draws in enemies faster causing more damage.
Location: You find it before entering the maze forest in Fog Valley.
Techs: Tech 1 is a simple but hurtful swing with medium range. Tech 2 is a
uppercut followed by a downward strike. Tech 3 is 3 twirls of the sword
followed by one
big swing overhead the enemy.

Dokoutsui: 'An iron hammer with the power of earth. Formidable enough to
shake the
Magic: This hammer's magic is an earthquake that causes massive damage to
all enemies
on the screen. As you upgrade the hammer, the destructive power gets
immense; this is
by far the strongest weapon.
Location: You find it in the main corridor at the first floor in the Oni
Sacred Place.
Techs: Tech 1 is a powerful swing that would knock over any sized monster.
Tech 2 is a
combination of 2 uppercuts. Tech 3 is an unstoppable spinning of the hammer
damages all enemies that are near you. While you are spinning you can still
take damage,
but until you kill the monster the swinging was targeted on, it won't stop
until Jubei is
dizzy. ?

Bow, arrows, and fire arrows: 'A handy bow with strong elasticity.'
Magic: There is no magic for the normal arrows, but if you equip the fire
arrows, your
arrows are fire elemental and cause more damage.
Location: Forgery in Imasho Town.

Tanegashima and Normal Bullets: 'Improved version of Matchlock.'
Magic: This gun doesn't have any magic or elemental status, however it is
powerful and
faster then the bow.
Location: Oni's Sacred Place #2, in room with dead end/Yellow Necklace.

Tri-barrel and burst bullets: 'A gun that allows you to shoot 3 burst
bullets at once time.'
Magic: This gun doesn't have any magic or elemental status, however it is
powerful and
faster then the bow. With the burst bullets it can shoot 3 times
consecutively and have a
wider target range.
Location: Given to you be Magoichi if you have a high level of friendship
with him.

Rekka-Ken: 'A sword with the power of flame. The most powerful ultimate
Magic: A ring of fire emits from the sword and spreads outwards, and then it
acts as a
temporal barrier as it surrounds Jubei. All enemies that approach you while
the flames are
lit will burn and take severe damage.
Location: 20th floor of the Purple Phantom Realm.
Techs: [note: all techs are acquired instantly, no books required] Tech 1 a
powerful swing
with an above average range. Tech 2 is a powerful uppercut followed by a
strike. Tech 3 consists of a powerful downward strike, followed by a half
circle uppercut,
and then a full impalement. This sword is the claimed to be the strongest,
but the
Dokoutsui does more damage to smaller enemies.

ii. Armors
Yagyu Armor: 'A jacket weaved with a special technique by the Yagyu clan.'
Upgrading: Upgrading the Yagyu Armor will reduce the damage taken by enemies
bosses, plus it looks AWESOME at level 3.
Location: Initial.

Yagyu Foot Armor: 'These protectors are handed down by the Yagyu clan. They
provide high mobility.'
Upgrading: Upgrading the Yagyu Foot Armor, from what I see, doesn't increase
but it does increase the power of Jubei's kick. With it at level 3 you can
kick down big
sized monsters, except red bulls.
Location: Initial.

Yagyu Arm Armor: 'These gauntlets are handed down by the Yagyu clan. They
can help
to swing a sword.'
Upgrading: Upgrading the Yagyu Arm Armor, from what I see, doesn't help you
you sword faster, but it does reduce the charge time require for techs by
the weapons.
Location: Initial.

There are 8 necklaces; Red, Blue, Green, White, Black, Orange, Purple, and
scroll to the NECKLACE SECTION for more information.

B. Ekei

i. Weapons

Normal Spear: 'This type of spear is commonly used among the Hozoin monks.'
Location: Initial.
Houtengeki: 'This has two crescent-shaped blades at its head.'
Location: Bought at Imasho Town Store on third visit.
Halberd: 'Weapon that has both features of a spear and battle-axe.'
Location: Found behind the waterfall in Gifu East Area.

Charm: 'This charm can be detonated from a distance.'
Location: Initial.

ii. Armors

Hozoin Garment: 'Garment made of straw that keeps you very warm.'
Location: Initial.
Ashura Garment: Garment made of silk that is very comfortable.'
Location: Give Ekei the Grilled Fish to get the Music Box and give Kotaro
the Music
Box to get the Ashura Garment.

Hozoin Leg Guard: 'These protectors are mostly cloth, but iron parts are
used in some
Location: Initial.
Fudo Leg Guard: 'These protectors are made of iron.'
Location: Bought at Imasho Town Store on second visit.

Hozoin Protector: 'These shoulder protectors are made of iron and leather.'
Location: Initial.
Nioh Protector: 'These shoulder protectors are made of steel and are very
solid and
Location: Found in Cherry Locked room in Gifu Keep Tower.

iii. Magic

Ekei's magic is rather simple. He makes a round circle appear and as it
expands, those
monsters caught in its radius are instantly paralyzed and can't move. This
magic doesn't
work against big monsters and bosses, but if Jubei starts to get cornered,
Ekei usually
steps in to use it.

C. Magoichi

i. Weapons

Tri-Barrel Gun: 'A weapon that can shoot three bullets at a time.'
Location: Initial.
Goraishinki+Ammo: 'A powerful weapon that can shoot five needle bullets at
Location: Bought at Imasho Town Store on third visit..
Flamethrower+Fuel: 'You can burn your enemies with this weapon.'
Location: Found in Demon Cave, same room where Great Powder Tube is found.

Combat Knife: 'A knife for short range attacks.'
Location: Initial.
Flash Bomb: 'This item shines brightly to dazzle enemies.'
Location: Initial.

ii. Armors

Saiga Costume: 'A long battle dress that is made of strong materials.'
Location: Initial.
Pirates Costume: 'This battle dress is designed to work like armor.'
Location: Give Magoichi an A Rank Item, I gave the Pair Ring, to get the
Rouge, now
take the Rouge to Oyu to get the Pirates Costume.

Saiga Boots: 'These boots are made of metal and leather parts are used at
the joints.'
Location: Initial.
Western Boots: 'These boots are made of metal and the front parts are
enhanced by iron.'
Location: Bought at Imasho Town Store on second visit.

Saiga Gloves: 'These gloves are made of iron and cloth, and are very light.'
Location: Initial.
Rasha Gloves: 'These gloves are made of alloy and are very strong.'
Location: Found in Demon Cave, same room with magic mirror..

iii. Magic

Magoichi's magic is rather useful for him since he can go berserker with his
ammo. Using it causes his gun to turn red, sort of like Oyu's Sword with her
magic, and
this allows Magoichi to shoot rapidly for a period of time. Using it with
the Goraishinki
will give you basically turbo for that time period. Use it when there are a
lot of monsters
in a narrow corridor, or to take out the red bull in Magoichi's sub quest.

D. Kotaro

i. Weapons

Kunai: 'Twin knives commonly used by ninjas for a short range combat.'
Location: Initial.
Gabishi: 'Iron stilettos with rings for fingers to handle.'
Location: Bought at Imasho Town Store on third visit.
Roga-Kunai: 'Specially crafted twin knives for a close range combat.'
Location: Found on 5th floor of Red Phantom Realm.

Shuriken: 'Skilled ninjas can throw up to five of these at a time.'
Location: Initial.

ii. Armors

Fuma Costume: 'This is made of cloth. It is very light and flexible.'
Location: Initial.
Stealth Costume: 'Iron strings are braided inside of this cloth. It's good
to camouflage
yourself at night.'
Location: Found in black chest in river area at Fog Valley.

Fuma Kyahan: 'Leg protectors for ninjas that can help you move lightly.'
Location: Initial.
Hien Kyahan: 'Leg protectors for ninjas that have iron parts to inflict
great damage on
your enemy.'
Location: Give Ekei the Naughty Novel to get the Hien Kyahan.

Fuma Hachimaki: 'A headband and a scarf.'
Location: Initial.
Keimyo Hachimaki: 'A headband with a scarf with an iron plate for
Location: Bought at Imasho Town Store on second visit.

iii. Magic

Kotaro's magic is lots of fun to play with. Kotaro makes a decoy of himself
while he runs
around invisible, well you can see him. The monsters go and attack his decoy
while you
can run around and open chests, leave the area, or go behind them and start
hacking at
them. Pretty fun, specially since Kotaro has a close combat weapon, you
might have to
use it a lot.

E. Oyu

i. Weapons

Broad Sword: 'A slim western sword that is very light and easy to handle.
Location: Initial.
Phirangi: 'A long western sword that looks heavy but is actually very
Location: Bought at Imasho Town Store on third visit.
Gladius: 'A legendary western long sword that is easy to handle and is very
Location: Found at Fog Bridge, fourth section next to magic mirror.

Daggers: 'An iron dagger that is good for a distant attack.'
Location: Initial.

ii. Armors

Plate Armor: 'An armor made of iron and leather. It is reasonably strong.'
Location: Initial.
Silver Armor: 'An armor made of silver. This is extremely durable.'
Location: Bought at Imasho Town Store on second visit.

Leather boots: 'Long boots made of leather that are very light and soft.'
Location: Initial.
Hard Boots: 'Long boots made of metal that are lighter then they look.'
Location: Give Kotaro an A Rank Item, I gave the Telescope, to get the
Strategy Book,
now take the Strategy Book to Magoichi to get the Hard Boots.

Round Shield: 'It's so light that it can be handled with one hand.'
Location: Initial.
Adarga: 'It's light enough for a female warrior to handle.'
Location: Found at Oni's Place #1 in room with entrance to Fog Bridge and

iii. Magic

I'm not very sure on the name of Oyu's magic attack, but it makes her sword
turn orange-
red. With the sword in this state, it can release souls from monsters
without even having
to kill them. If you got a hefty supply of magic restore items or blue
souls, this magic
spell is perfect for gathering red souls in a hurry.


Jubei's Leather Outfit: This is a tricky one to get, not as hard as Oyu's
costume, but just as annoying for novices. First you must get an S-Ranking
[looked up
Ranking System Section], you must get the Fashionable Goods from the 21
floor of the
Purple Phantom Realm [look up Phantom Realm Section], and that is it. Is
that simple
enough for you?

Oyu's Dalmatian? Hooker? Alternative Outfit: For some it will take 4+ games
to attain,
for others less. If you follow the Walkthrough portion of this guide, you
can do it in 4
games. To unlock this outfit, you must get 100% Scenario. That means 100%
for Ekei,
Magoichi, Kotaro, and Oyu.

Easy Mode:
Method 1: Continue 3 times in a row before fighting Ginghamphatts 1.
Method 2: Continue 3 times while fighting Ginghamphatts 1.

Hard Mode: Beat the game, no requirements, once to unlock Hard Mode.
[Monsters are
more in numbers, more frequent; produce fewer souls, more souls to upgrade

Ultimate Mode: Beat the game, no requirements, once on Hard Mode to unlock
Mode. [Start with all armor at max, the Rekka-Ken, 30 Perfect Medicines, 10
Bow, gun1, gun2, unlimited magic, unlimited arrows, fire arrows, bullets,
and burst

Oni Team: Beat the game, no requirements, once on Normal Mode to unlock Oni
[Mini-game where you must kill certain number of monsters before you
vitality runs out.
You can only use the characters that you have so far been able to use during
the game.]

Man in Black Suite: Beat the game, no requirements, once on Normal Mode to
Man in Black Suite. [Mini-game where you were you are to collect as many
films, there
are 20, within a certain time limit.]

Critical Mode: Beat the Oni Team mini-game to unlock Critical Mode.
[Monsters take
damage from weapons, but can only be killed with an Issen/critical attack.]

Onimusha 3 Trailer: Beat the game, no requirements, once in Normal Mode to
unlock the
Onimusha 3 Trailer. [Then you can join the million of discussions revolving
around who
is in it.]

Puzzle Phantom Realm: Obtain all 18 Artworks to unlock Puzzle Phantom Realm.
information on the Artworks, look to the SEARCHING ITEMS section.


Issens are generally one hit kills. They have a damage level, since most
Bosses won't die
from an Issen attack. Issen's are unique and rather difficult to do at
times. For others they
are easy due to better judge of movement, and better overall reaction time.
Most gamers
say that the chances of Issen are higher with the Yagyu sword, but I've
found through my
experience, the chances are equal with other weapons. I have yet to do a
7-hit Issen/Issen
Combo using the Yagyu sword, for reasons that it can't charge.

A. Reasons to Issen

When the screen is full of monsters, and you are trapped in a corner, an
Issen can actually
eliminate all of the monsters. Monsters who are killed by an Issen also give
out more
souls, of all colors. Issens must be learned to acquire an S-Ranking (you
need 450+
Issens/critical) to attain an S-Rank.

B. Types

i. Timed Issen
The timed Issen basically makes you a sitting duck. When the enemy starts to
lift his
weapon, or hand, to attack you have to hit square right before the attack
makes contact
with your character. Not having any luck? It takes some time to learn it,
even I can only
do it to a select few, but after mastering it is very useful since it Bosses
will most likely
do attacks you can block or dodge.

ii. Block Issen
The Block Issen is almost the same as the Timed Issen, where your reaction
time is vital.
When the enemy swings their weapon, or hand, to attack you must tap L1
moments before the attack reaches. If it is done right, a white spark and a
different sound
then the ordinary blocking will emit. At this point you quickly hit square
to execute the
Issen. From my experience, this Issen doesn't produce as many souls as the
Timed Issen.

iii. Dodge Issen
This Issen requires lots of time, and a quick hand. Targeting your enemy
[hold R1] and
wait for it to swing. I believe this only works with and downward/upward
strike then it
does with a swing. When the weapon, or hand, is in mid-flight you must
quickly strafe
[double tap left or right] to move out the way, then quickly hit square.
Like the Timed
Issen, this Issen doesn't give you a signal that it will execute, where the
Block Issen gives
off a white spark and different blocking noise.

iv. 7-Hit Issen/Issen Combo
The 7-Hit Issen/Issen Combo is as difficult to perform as the Timed Issen,
since from my
experience only a Timed Issen can unleash it. You must have both tech books
for the
weapon you plan on using the Issen with. Once you have the requirements, you
your weapon [hold R1 tightly] to its level 3, and prepare to Issen. As your
weapon is
charged [must hold R1] you can execute the Timed Issen, and instead of
killing the
enemies in the range of your weapon, it will actually kill all enemies
within a certain
range. I've killed up to 7 at once, and with bosses, it hits 7 times instead
of once.


A. Ginghamphatts 1

Whip out the Buraitou and start with the lighting magic, you should be able
to do 2 or 3.
This attack will cause him to dispense souls; if you are lucky they will be
blue. Absorb
them quickly, and if they are blue commence the lighting magic. Once you
have run out
of magic back step and whip out the Hyoujin-Yari and start attacking him
magically. He
should dispense souls again, but not that many. After you run out of magic
you will have
to fight him with whatever weapon you choose. Careful with his attacks, his
dash attack
is unblockable, his jump attack is also unblockable, and so you will have to
depend on
running away from those. When he swings his axe you can block, but once he
lifts it up
over his shoulder, run or strafe. Just keep whacking away at him, if you are
Buraitou then use the new technique. Absorb any souls he dispenses. If you
take to much
damage, you Story Character will come out to offer some help. If you want,
only attack
Ginghamphatts when he is targeting your Story Character. Run in and hack
then run
away to safety. Careful because when Ginghamphatts does his jump attack,
parts of the
ceiling will fall and they can be destructive.

B. Gogandantess

This battle can't be won, so you just have to stick it out. Try to hold him
back by using
your magic. Block, evade, and run away from him. I'm sure this battle is
timed, because
after some time Oyu will come out to rescue you. You're main objective is to
get through
this without having to use cure items.

C. Ginghamphatts 2

This battle with Ginghamphatts is very similar to the first battle except
the area is more
confined. Start hacking away with Buraitou and use the lighting combo. Make
dispense souls, and absorb any yellow and blue he lets go off. Keep using
the lighting
combo until you run out of magic. If you have the level 3 charged for
Buraitou, and then
unleash it. Once Buraitou is out of magic switch over to Hyoujin-Yari to
unleash some
more magic. After some time he starts to run through the trees and then
rushes out. It is
sort of hard to dodge, but always keep moving. When you see leaves ruffling,
move out
of the way. As he takes more and more damage, he will start to do it faster.
Just use
Senpumaru's magic when he comes to stop him in his tracks. Attack physically
you want to save Senpumaru's magic to stop him from charging. After taking
damage your Story Partner should come out. I recommend you let Ginghamphatts
him/her and then you come up from behind with a charged level 3 attack.

D. Jujudormah

Keep moving. If you have any Tech.2 books, be sure to use them here. Your
best strategy
is to take some hits to allow your Story Partner to come in. Let her target
your Story
Partner then dash in to do some damage, and then run out. If you want to do
it solo, the
best strategy I can think of is to charge your attack, hold R1, and then
strafe left and right
as she shoots her ice attack. While you dodge move towards her and unleash
the charged
attack on the first half of the battle it should be enough to knock her
back, unfortunately
after some damage it won't be enough to stun her. When she turns red she is
about to
unleash a stupid attack of her moving her hands pretty quickly, just block
since you can't
stun her anymore. Sometimes she will attack you by swing her huge rear at
you, just
block it, and be careful with her double umbrella attack since it has a
rather long reach
and the first hit will stun you and the second will hit you.

E. Gogandantess 2

This battle can't be won, so you just have to stick it out. Try to hold him
back by using
your magic. Block, evade, and run away from him. I'm sure this battle is
timed, because
after some time Oyu will come out to rescue you. You're main objective is to
get through
this without having to use cure items.

F. Gogandantess 3

First start off by using the Sacred Flute, doing this will allow your magic
to hit more
efficiently. If you chose to fight him the hard way, good luck. After the
flute has been
played, you will notice your magic doesn't hit his force field. Just unleash
what you can,
focus on him with Senpumaru when he is close to get some souls. Alternate
Dokoutsui and Buraitou to do major damage. Since the Buraitou combo makes
invulnerable, you can keep swinging until you land some hits.

G. Ekei

Ekei isn't that hard, and consider you have been limited to only using the
Yagyu Sword;
you will have to be swift. When Ekei starts to block, just kick him and
attack, if you are
fast enough you should land the hits. If Ekei starts to charge his attack,
either take cover
or kick him to stop him from doing it. Sometimes kicking him won't work, and
if you are
in a rush with plenty of cure items, just whack at him what he charges.
After a few hits,
Ekei should fall.

H. Mother Sucker

Get underneath it and unleash the magic of Senpumaru. Of course you won't
enough magic to take it down, so if you got the Purple Necklace equip it,
and if you got
any Magic Liquids you want to use, go for them. As you do Senpumaru, the
suckers will release souls, do your best to absorb then and you just might
get some blue
souls. Keep using Senpumaru until you run out of magic. If you did enough
damage the
sucker will start to chase after you, you should whip out Buraitou and do
the magic
combo. If you don't have anything else, use your bow and fire arrows or the
Tanegashima or Tri-Barrel.

I. Ginghamphatts 3

He is very similar to the first 2 times at the beginning. Just attack with
Buraitou to start
off, and make him release many souls. Absorb what you can, hopefully they
are blue
souls, keep going with the Buraitou combo, once you run out of magic switch
over to
Dokoutsui and do the level 3 charged attack. After some hits Ginghamphatts
will split in
half and his top half will fly around, his bottom half will run around and
stomp on you.
Try to get both halves together and use Rekka-Ken's Fire Magic or
Senpumaru's Wind
Magic. This way you can hit lots of times and make him release tons of
souls. Absorb
what you can to restore magic and life.

J. Nobunaga

Be strong, and don't fear Nobunaga. He has two forms of fighting, one on the
another in the air. As you keep hurting him, he will begin to fly higher and
use his magic
more often. Use Buraitou on his ground form once that runs out of magic us
When he takes a certain amount of damage, or uses up all his magic, he will
then return
to the alter and regain his magic. While he does this you can land a few
hits, but after the
red field glows, he can't be hurt. After the field disappears you can hurt
him before he
starts to fly. When he is flying try to use Senpumaru right under him.
Whatever souls he
releases, cautiously try to get blue and yellow souls. When he does his
magic attacks, try
to memorize the patterns and dodge/strafe out of the way. Most of the times
he does his
direct attacks, where he runs into you either in a drill form or with a
slash, if you move
out of the way he is open for some attacks. With time and practice he should
be nothing. I
would give more advice, but face it…we all have our own limits and
capabilities. Use
what works best. Note, that the Rekka-Ken's secret move [down, up and
square] is a jump
slash that can hit him while he is in mid level flight height. Use it if you
have Rekka-Ken.

For your sake, some of his moves:
When Nobunaga glows blue he has the lighting element. He will make lighting
orbs fly
and strike the ground with lighting; you can easily avoid them by not
standing on the blue
shadows. He will also charge at you like a drill, think of M. Bison's Psycho
Crusher, so
just block it and after he is done spinning nail some hits. He can do this
up to 2 times in
row well most I've seen him do. He does also sometimes slash at you if you
are close by.
Blocking this slash can give you time to do a magic attack or a slash, but
be prepared to
block again because he will either slash in a combo or slash and follow it
with magic or
his drill attack.
When Nobunaga glows green he has the wind element. He will start to unleash
after you, just run around and dodge them. They are unblockable so be
careful if you get
caught in a corner. He will also charge at you like a drill, think of M.
Bison's Psycho
Crusher, so just block it and after he is done spinning nail some hits. He
can do this up to
2 times in row well most I've seen him do. He does also sometimes slash at
you if you are
close by. Blocking this slash can give you time to do a magic attack or a
slash, but be
prepared to block again because he will either slash in a combo or slash and
follow it
with magic or his drill attack.
When Nobunaga glows yellow he has the earth element. He will make big rocks
fall from
the sky, and they can't be blocked. Not that any of his magic attacks can
be. They are so
easy to avoid, just stand underneath him and if you got Rekka-Ken it is a
good time to do
the jump slash [down, up, square]. I haven't seen him do the drill attack,
but he does also
sometimes slash at you if you are close by. Blocking this slash can give you
time to do a
magic attack or a slash, but be prepared to block again because he will
either slash in a
combo or slash and follow it with magic or his drill attack.
When Nobunaga glows red he has the fire element. He will slash and a red
fire like flame
will move through the floor in the direction he slashed. It is unblockable
and does great
damage. After he loses some life, he will do this three times in a row, if
you get hit by
one, don't get up so soon, because then you won't be left with much time and
consecutive hits will also hit you. These are the best time to do strafing
and dodging,
since he is low to the ground, you can make your way towards him to unleash

K. Golden Evil Statue

This monster shouldn't be too hard if you are quick with the controls. I
recommend you
always hold down R1; this is better for strafing and aiming and to always be
as far away
as possible from him. To defeat him, you should know his attacks and how to

Fire balls: if you are holding R1, you will always be facing him, so the
fireballs won't be
a problem because when they are about to hit you, hold L1 to block and they
won't hurt
Mouth and Feet: the reason I say being fast, is because my strategy involves
a lot of
double tapping. If you get to close to the Statue, it will grab you in its
mouth and chew on
you, or its legs can crush you and you lose lots of life. So keep double
tapping back as it
gets close to you, and if you aren't using my strategy, then RUN!!!!
Flame: when his mouth starts to show a little flame he will start to walk
towards you with
a flame shooting out moving from left to right. Easy, just keep double
tapping back and
attack when you can. If you aren't using my strategy, then just run away
from it, and
attack when you can.
Pillars: His hand will rise to the mid section of his body and the floor
will have spots that
are red-white. When this happens, just strafe left or right, double tap back
or forward, to
move out of the way. If you are standing on one of the spots, a pillar will
come out and
hurt you.
Lasers: The lasers are easy to dodge, the move in a pattern that intersect.
All you need to
do is be as far away from the Statue as possible, my strategy includes that,
and be either
all the way to the left, the right, or directly in the middle. The lasers
won't intersect in the
far back at the middle.
Lasers 2: After he loses 2 or 3 pieces of armor, he has 5 in total, he will
start to shoot a
laser directly after the first one and sometimes on it's on. This laser is
aimed, directly at
Jubei. It won't curve like the first laser, but to avoid it simply strafe.
If he does it after the
first laser, if you are to the right or left, strafe in the opposite
direction, if you are in the
middle strafe either left or right.
White Masks: These Masks make a funny laughter and will start to circle the
Statue and
are annoying but easy to avoid. Holding R1 and shooting will destroy a few
of them, but
after some time they will start twirling, showing their brown side, and then
zoom towards
you. If you keep strafing these shouldn't be a problem. Start on one end of
the arena, left
or right, and then strafe to the other side and back. They should all miss
Brown Masks: These masks make a mess of things since they get in your view.
They also
produce a yellow gas that can throw your strafing off pattern. So if you are
strafing to
avoid the white masks and suddenly get hit, the white masks will probably
get you too.
Be careful and keep strafing to avoid their gas, as you attack some of them
will get

Good luck.


White Necklace: This Necklace allows your life to restore slowly if you
stand still, and
not move.
Where to find: When you visit Imasho Town, you must buy all the items in the
store 3
times. The first being your first time there, the second being after you
rescue the miner,
and the third being when you rescue Oyu. After buying everything the last
time, talk to
the storeowner again to get the White Necklace.

Orange Necklace: This Necklace allows you to see Soul Pools that are located
out the game.
Where to find: Your second time in Imasho, being after you rescue the miner,
you can go
to the store and find a man next to the salesman who has a sick father. He
will then
entrust you to find a Melon for his dying father and hand you chalk to start
you off. Trade
the chalk with Ekei, Ekei will give you the Tale of the Heike that you can
trade with
Magoichi, Magoichi will give you an emblem you can trade with Kotaro, Kotaro
give you the melon that you can take back to the man that gave you the
chalk. Proceed
with your game, and the third time you return to Imasho, being after you
rescue Oyu, go
back and talk to the man's father, right next to the man, and he will give
you the Orange

Green Necklace: This Necklace helps you see demon chests, or secret treasure
Where to find: On your second trip to Yagyu Village and witness Takajo get
killed, must
be well of with Magoichi friendship wise, when you are returning back to the
Magoichi would be waiting by the rock path in the pond. Talk to him and he
will give
you a Saiga Bomb. Use it on the flimsy rocks next to where you got the
lighting sword. A
chest will bear the Green Necklace.

Yellow Necklace: This Necklace allows you to absorb yellow souls from
enemies when
targeted by holing R1, even though they are still alive. Very useful if you
are low on life
and don't want to use curative items.
Where to find: On your first trip to Oni Palace, you must be well of with
Ekei friendship
wise, after you have gotten the Circle Key and proceed to get the Gold Key,
you will
encounter Ekei at a dead end. Magoichi will come out of the dead end, Ekei
Magoichi will have a discussion then a monster will appear. Kill the monster
and enter
the new room to a chest that will bear the Yellow Necklace.

Red Necklace: This Necklace produces red souls all the time. Rather useful
when you
need to upgrade your equipment.
Where to find: After you get the Circle Key in the Oni Palace, you must be
well off with
Oyu friendship wise, a scene will take place when you run into Oyu as you
head back to
the main corridor. Talking to her will produce to demons to appear, killing
them will lead
to Oyu exiting another demon crashing through the wall. After you kill the
demon, the
chest will bear the Red Necklace.

Blue Necklace: This Necklace allows you to absorb souls remarkably fast. It
helps a lot
specially when you Issen Combo.
Where to find: Once at the eastern part of Gifu castle, you will enter the
demon cave, you
must be well off with Kotaro friendship wise, via the path light in the room
blocked by an
ice Mozun. Here you will travel the path, if you are stuck look through the
and will encounter Kotaro and Oyu battling. Oyu will run off and Kotaro will
chase her,
Jubei will go after Kotaro. Both Jubei and Kotaro will come across a dead
end, but
Kotaro will find a switch. Enter the new room to a chest that will bear the
Blue Necklace.

Purple Necklace: This Necklace allows you to use less magic when you use
your magic
attacks. I'd say roughly 30% less then you usually need.
Where to find: You must enter the Green Phantom Realm, on the 10th floor you
will find
the Purple Necklace. For information on the Green Phantom Realm, check the

Black Necklace: This Necklace allows you to do a critical hit every time at
the expense of
some life. It is very useful if you are trying to attain S-Rank and aren't
too good at Issens.
Where to find: Once you have removed the petrifaction from the two men
inside the
tower, use the boat to access, at East Gifu Castle you will solve a puzzle.
A light path will
open up and you take it to the Oni Sacred Place Blood Pond. Enter the first
door and
immediately to your left there will be a locked door. To unlock the door
with fingers on it
you will be required to place the missing three fingers. The fingers are
actually the fossils
you can collect by trading. Put the three fossils in to reveal a chest that
bears the Black
Necklace. For information on how to get the fossils, go to the SEARCHING
section, and the solution to the puzzle box.

The answer to the puzzle is: 3, 6, 9, and 11. [If you don't understand this,
please refer to
the PUZZLES section]


I've decided to redo my puzzles. I noticed an easier way to explain them,
thanks to Kouli,
so if you are reading the old guide, that still has the numbers, the numbers
resort to a
direction. I will start labeling the puzzles with directions instead of
numbers. Remember
there are still 4 types of puzzles, the puzzles where you have to put
numbers into a grid to
get find a solution, a puzzle with a circle on tiles that you have to
complete, a variation of
the circle instead it is a double circle and the tile grid is larger, a
puzzle where the titles
don't move but only the direction, like a Rubix's cube, and a puzzle with
diamonds and
circles that you must move to match an example.

A. Circle and Double Circle puzzles.

The first thing you notice with the Circle puzzle is that you can only move
a few spots.
As you click a spot, the tiles will move in the opposite direction. The size
of the board is
4x4 and the tiles are in a 1x3 order. When you move the tiles, they move
together (the 3
that are adjoined in that direction) and they can't be moved unless there is
an open space
in that direction. Off the bat, there are two options for each direction,
since the Circle is a
2x2 tile set. The answers I use to explain the puzzles are simple. I will
give the number
version of my answers as well.

Top-left = 1
Top-right = 2
Right-top = 3
Right-bottom = 4
Bottom-right = 5
Bottom-left = 6
Left-bottom = 7
Left-top = 8.

You will notice that it goes clockwise. Simple? I would draw a picture to
better illustrate
it, but my ASCII art is bad.

The Double Circled puzzles is exactly the same, instead since the Double
Circle Tile Set
is a 3x3 tile set, there are more options. Think of the basics of the Circle
puzzle and then
just apply the new rules and directions.

Top-left = 1
Top-middle = 2
Top-right = 3
Right-top = 4
Right-middle = 5
Right-bottom = 6
Bottom-right = 7
Bottom-middle = 8
Bottom-left = 9
Left-bottom = 10
Left-medium = 11
Left-right = 12

B. Number Grid

The second types of puzzles are number grids with empty spots. There are
empty spots on
the grid and you have to fill them in using the numbers you are given. As
you put them
in, the numbers must sum up to the big number on the top. I will use the
first grid Puzzle
for my example.

You must make it equal 15 in all directions
X-1-X <-- first number grid, X's are empty spots
6 4 2 8 <-- the numbers on the bottom are the numbers you can use.

Answer [the way I give it.]: 6, 8, 2 and 4. So in that order, you put them
into the blanks.

C. Rubix's Cube

This puzzle is identical to the Double Circle puzzle, except the tiles don't
move in the
traditional way. They move like a Rubix's cube. Instead of sliding the whole
1x3 set, it
moves the tile set in the selected direction, making the last go to the
first position. Since it
is a double circle, the tile set is a 3x3.

Example, use this and the terms used are from the Double Circle Puzzle
If we move 4 [right-middle] we get:
If we move 2 [top-middle] we get:

D. Diamonds and Circles

These puzzles are rather simple. You must just move the tiles so that they
match the little
picture on the top. There are two versions, one with 4 tiles, and one with 6
tiles. When
you move a tile to an open slot, you can either slide one over, or make one
jump over
another to the open slot [think of Checkers].

First Diamonds and Circles Puzzle
D = Diamond O = Circle
Move #1: D D _ O O
Move #2: D _ D O O
Move #3: D O D _ O
Move #4: D O _ D O
Move #5: D O O D _
Move #6: D O O _ D
Move #7: D O _ O D
Move #8: _ O D O D
Move #9: O _ D O D
Move #10: O O D _ D
Move #11: O O _ D D

SecondDiamonds and Circles Puzzle
D = Diamond O = Circle

Move #1: D D D _ O O O
Move #2: D D D O _ O O
Move #3: D D _ O D O O
Move #4: D D O _ D O O
Move #5: D _ O D D O O
Move #6: D O _ D D O O
Move #7: _ O D D D O O
Move #8: O _ D D D O O
Move #9: O D _ D D O O
Move #10: O D D _ D O O
Move #11: O D D O D _ O
Move #12: O D D O _ O D
Move #13: O D _ O D O D
Move #14: O _ D O D O D
Move #15: O O D _ D O D
Move #16: O O D O D _ D
Move #17: O O D O _ D D
Move #18: O O _ O D D D
Move #19: O O O _ D D D

If you don't understand this, I'm sorry. It was the only way I knew how to
explain it, so
just practice at them.


Ranking Elements:

Play Time:
4 hours 59 minutes or less = 10 points
5 hours to 6 hours 59 minutes = 7 points
7 hours to 8 hours 59 minutes = 5 points
9 hours or more = 3 points

Number of souls absorbed:
12,000 or more = 10 points
80,000 to 119,999 = 7 points
40,000 to 79,999 = 5 points
39,999 or less = 3 points

Number of enemies killed:
900 or more = 10 points
600 to 899 = 7 points
300 to 599 = 5 points
299 or less = 3 points

Number of successive Issen/Critical hits executed:
450 or more = 10 points
300 to 449 = 7 points
150 to 299 = 5 points
149 or less = 3 points

Number of Phantom Realm Levels cleared:
41 = 10 points
30 to 40 -> 7 points
20 to 29 -> 5 points
19 or less -> 3 points

Percentage of scenario you've triggered on the particular game:
65% or more -> 10 points
60% to 64 % -> 7 points
55% to 59% -> 5 points
54% or less -> 3 points

[Note you need at least 54 points to attain an S-Rank]
[Information here is found on the Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny FAQ written
by Ng
Kian Sen (NKS) at http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/onimusha_2_a.txt]

[Note: To get to the Red Phantom Realm, you must have a good relationship
with Kotaro.
You will know you have this relationship if you get a cinema where Jubei
realizes he is
lost in Fog Valley. You will then get control of Kotaro. The Purple and
Green Phantom
realms can be acquired with Jubei.]

A. Red Phantom Realm: Recover the Red Wedge in one of the black boxes (can
only be
opened by Kotaro) and use it on the red spot near the bridge at Fog Valley.
Advice: Rather simple, just kill the monsters as they appear. Kotaro should
be strong and
fast enough to make this place a snap. If you are getting crowded, then use
magic, and if the stronger demons are giving you a hard time, use Kotaro's
Items: Red Stone Pole, Roga-Kunai, Medicine, and Blue Wedge.
Floors: 5

B. Blue Phantom Realm: Obtain the Blue Wedge from the Red Phantom Realm.
you are in the room where you must place the Nobunanga statues in the Fog
Valley, you
will find a blue spot on the floor. Use the Blue Wedge to enter the Blue
Phantom Realm.
Advice: Rather simple, just kill the monsters as they appear. Kotaro should
be strong and
fast enough to make this place a snap. If you are getting crowded, then use
magic, and if the stronger demons are giving you a hard time, use Kotaro's
Items: Blue Stone Pole and a Medicine.
Floors 5

C. Green Phantom Realm: After traveling in the Light Path your first time in
Oni Palace,
you will find yourself on top of the East Tower at Gifu Castle. Travel down
the stairwell
and in the chest you should find the Green Wedge, note that if you have a
relationship with Ekei you will have to do his side-quest before proceeding.
After exiting
the tower, immediately to the right there will be a Lighting Mozun. Enter
the room and
there will be a green spot on the floor, use the Green Wedge and enter the
Green Phantom
Items: Purple Necklace, Medicine, and others.
Floors: 10

D. Purple Phantom Realm: Once you have finished crashing the Oni Genbu into
Castle, go up the floors. You will find yourself on a balcony walk way,
enter the first
door you find and open the chest to find the Purple Wedge. Leave the room
and follow
the walkway to find another door, use your map if you must, where you will
find a purple
spot on the floor, and use the Purple Wedge to enter the Purple Phantom
Items: Rekka-Ken on the 20th floor, Fashionable Goods on the 21st floor
(plunge Rekka-
Ken back into the floor), and others.
Floors: 21


A. Gifts

This is a compiled list of items found in the Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny
world. It is a
simple list, with a ranking level for each character.

How it works:
Characters are listed Oyu/Kotaro/Magoichi/Ekei and the item is listed with
its rank for
each character, such as Abacus – CZBC.

So it is read like, Abacus for Oyu Rank C, Abacus for Kotaro Rank Z, Abacus
Magoichi Rank B, and Abacus for Ekei Rank C.

Rank A adds 50 points to the character you give the item to.
Rank B will add 30 points.
Rank C will add 10.
Rank D will minus 10 points.
Rank X will minus 70 points.
Rank Y will minus 50 points.
Rank Z will minus 30 points


Abacus - CZBC
Ancient Coin - XZAZ
Ancient Documents - DYAD
Ashura Garment - ZXZA
Beetle - BDDY
Black Beer - CDAD
Black Pill - BBDZ
Blue Parrot - DDAA
Bouquet - ADZC
Bread - XDDC
Broken Bell - YZZA
Brown Chick - ZBDZ
Brown Chicken - DZBZ
Brown Egg - BBAD
Calligraphy Kit - ZCBA
Chalk - CDDD
Chick - BABY
Chicken - ZBBY
Chinese Fiddle - XZBC
Cloth - CBCY
Comb - AZDZ
Conch Shell - ZDAC
Confetti - BBYC
Copper Coin - CZXC
Crown - XBBA
Crystal Ball - ABZA
Dead Flowers - DYZC
Deer Horn - BCAX
Dice - CBAD
Dumpling Cake - DXYB
Egg - CDBZ
Emblem - YAXC
European Hat - ZAXD
Fairy Tale Book - DAYD
Fancy Paper - BBAX
Fish Rice - AXZD
Folding Fan - CBDA
Fork - ACBD
Frog - BDBB
Fudo Leg Guard - YZYA
Fur Skin - ADDA
Gabishi - YAZZ
Glass - ADDC
Globe - YADC
Golden Chick - AAAA
Golden Chicken - AAAA
Golden Egg - AABA
Goraishinki - ZYAZ
Gourd - CCZB
Green Parrot - DAAD
Grilled Fish - DDBA
Hair Oil - BXBZ
Hair Ornament - AZDZ
Hard Boots - AYXZ
Hien Kyahan - YAYX
History Book, All Vol. - YDAC
History Book, Vol. 1 - YDCC
History Book, Vol. 2 - BDCA
History Book, Vol. 3 - XZCB
History Book, Vol. 4 - ZZCC
History Book, Vol. 5 - CDCC
History Book, Vol. 6 - DCCX
History Book, Vol. 7 - DXCD
History Book, Vol. 8 - DACZ
History Book, Vol. 9 - YCCZ
History Book, Vol. 10 - DYCD
Houtengeki - ZYZA
Incense - BADC
Kaleidoscope - BACZ
Keimyo Hachimaki - ZAYZ
Koban - ZCZA
Lemon - CBDD
Loaded Dice - YDZA
Love Potion - AYZA
Magnetic Compass - ZADC
Melon - BXAA
Mirror - ABBD
Music Box - AAAX
Naughty Novel - ZZBA
Oolong Tea - BBBB
Pair Ring - AAAZ
Pandora's Box - DADD
Persian Carpet - BBZX
Phirangi - AYYY
Pick - ZZZC
Pickled Plum - BDXA
Pickled Vegetables - CXAB
Pipe - ZZAD
Pirate's Costume - XYAY
Plant Book - BDBZ
Playing Cards - XACD
Pocket Watch - BAAB
Potassium Nitrate - ZZBZ
Raw Fish - DXBA
Recorder - XABD
Red Parrot - ADDD
River Fish - CZCC
Rotten Fish - DCBC
Rouge - AZXD
Sake from Kaga - XDAA
Salt - CCCC
Scarf - ACYX
Silver Armor - AZZZ
Silver Coin - AXCB
Sponge Cake - CBXB
Stamina Drink - ZYCA
Strategy Book - DXAC
Taiheiki - XCAZ
Taizo Mandala - YDDA
Tale of Heike - DDAX
Tea - AXCC
Telescope - CABA
Tengu Mask - ZZDA
Textile Fabrics - ADYX
The Analects - DYBX
Tube for Pigeon Leg - YAZD
Unique Mushroom - Random
Vodka - DDBA
Wasabi - BDDB
Watermelon - YCDX
Western Boots - YYAZ
Wind Bell - AZXC
Wine - BDXA
Wonder Flower – CCCC

B. Restore Items

Herb: Restores a small portion of your life.
Medicine: Double restore power of an Herb.
Secret Medicine: Completely restores your life.

Magic Liquid: Restores a small portion of your magic.
Special M. Liquid: Double restore power of a Magic Liquid.
Super M. Liquid: Completely restores your magic.

Perfect Medicine: Completely restores your life and magic.
Ekei's Keepsake: Completely restores your life and magic.

Power Jewel: Slightly increase life bar.
Magic Jewel: Slightly increases magic bar.
Talisman: Recovers from death once.

C. Key Items

If I found the items and listed them in the walkthroughs, please just do
CTRL + F, control
and f key, to find them.

i. Weapon Secrets and Tech Books.

Buraitou Secret: Allows down, up, and square move for Buraitou.
Location: Gold Mine left of first intersection.
Hyoujin-Yari Secret: Secret: Allows down, up, and square move for
Location: Gold Mine, at the end past where Exhausted Worker is found.
Senpumaru Secret: Allows down, up, and square move for Senpumaru.
Location: Fog Valley, lower end of where Blue Phantom Realm location is, or
entering Nobunaga Statue puzzle, on bottom side of screen.
Dokoutsui Secret: Allows down, up, and square move for Dokoutsui.
Location: In Gifu Keep Tower second floor, you must travel back after you
Dokoutsui, second floor behind Earth Mozun where you find the Purify Charm.

Buraitou Tech.1: Allows charge, hold R1, up to level 2.
Buraitou Tech.2: Allows charge, hold R1, up to level 3.
Hyoujin-Yari Tech.1: Allows charge, hold R1, up to level 2.
Hyoujin-Yari Tech.2: Allows charge, hold R1, up to level 3.
Senpumaru Tech.1: Allows charge, hold R1, up to level 2.
Senpumaru Tech.2: Allows charge, hold R1, up to level 3.
Dokoutsui Tech.1: Allows charge, hold R1, up to level 2.
Dokoutsui Tech.2: Allows charge, hold R1, up to level 3.

ii. Bracelets, Keys, Wedges, and Other

Red Bracelet: Given to Oyu on her sub quest. You receive after Oyu finishes
her sub
Yellow Bracelet: Ekei finds it in the same room that the Gifu East Area Map
is found.
You receive it after Ekei finishes his sub quest.
Green Bracelet: Magoichi finds it in the Demon Cave after Jubei is
petrified. You get it
when Magoichi finishes his sub quest.
Blue Bracelet: Kotaro gives finds it next to the magic mirror in Fog Valley.
You get it
after Kotaro finishes his sub quest.

Cherry Key: Used to unlock Cherry marked door in Gifu Keep Tower first
floor. Found
in treasure chest next to door that heads out from Gifu Keep Tower to Gifu
Castle East
Area, or vice versa.
Crescent Key: Used to unlock Crescent marked door in Gifu East Area. Found
in treasure
chest in room locked by Cherry Key in Gifu Keep Tower first floor.
Snake Key: Used to unlock East Tower in Gifu East Area when Jubei is locked
in. Found
by Ekei after killing Red Bull at Lake Tower in Gifu East Area.
Golden Key: Used to stop boxes from moving in Oni's Sacred Place #2. Found
in Oni's
Sacred Place #2 in Grid Puzzle at the Operation Room.
Circle Key: Used to unlock the Circle Lock in Oni's Sacred Place #2. Found
in Oni's
Sacred Place #1 behind the Earth Mozun where Oyu found the entrance to the
Key Plate: Used to open gate blocking Earth Shrine and other doors in Oni's
Place #1, found in Oni's Sacred Place #1 in room with Oni Genbu Statue in

Mountain Permit: Used to gain access to Gold Mine, bought at bar for 100
Great Powder Tube: Used to remove petrify status from men. Found in Demon
Gold Scale: Used to remove barrier that prevents access to Nobunaga's
Collected after defeating Mother Sucker.
Fossilized Bone: 3 to collect used to open up door in Oni's Sacred Place:
Blood Pond to
access Black Necklace puzzle box. Check NECKLACES and SEARCHING ITEMS
Bronze Mask (right): One of two pieces to unlock door to underground of Gifu
Tower. Found in room on the left of the wrecked room in a grid puzzle at
Gifu Keep
Bronze Mask (left): One of two pieces to unlock door to underground of Gifu
Tower. Found in room with well and spirit; give the spirit the Purify Charm.
Purify Charm: Used to cleanse the area. Found on second floor of Gifu Keep
where Earth Mozun is. Give to Spirit at the well to receive Bronze Mask
Fashionable Goods: Used to unlock Jubei's alternative costume with S-Rank.
Found on
21st floor of Purple Phantom Realm. Check SECRETS and PHANTOM REALMS
sections for more information.
Nobunaga's Knowledge: Used to solve puzzle and gain entrance to Jujudormah's
found in Fog Valley behind Wind Mozun.
Nobunaga's Rein: Used to solve puzzle and gain entrance to Jujudormah's
lair, received
after defeating Ginghamphatts 2.
Nobunaga's Dignity: Used to solve puzzle and gain entrance to Jujudormah's
lair, found
in Fog Valley behind Electric Mozun.
Blue Stone Pole: Used to remove the statue that is blocking the entrance to
Maze Forest.
Found by Kotaro in Blue Phantom Realm.
Red Stone Pole: Used to remove the statue that is blocking the entrance to
Maze Forest.
Found by Kotaro in Red Phantom Realm.
Red Ring: Used to enter gain entrance to underground passage to Gifu Keep
given to you by Exhausted Worker.
Sacred Flute: Used to remove Gogandantess defense shield, found by Oyu in
last room of
Fog Bridge after killing red bull.
Scarlet Key: Used to open the door found in the Operating Room in Oni's
Sacred Place
#2, found among trash in room accessed by elevator after Oni's Sacred Place:

Red Wedge: Used to access Red Phantom Realm. Found by Kotaro in Fog Valley.
Blue Wedge: Used to access Blue Phantom Realm. Found by Kotaro in Red
Green Wedge: Used to access Green Phantom Realm. Found in room blocked by
Mozun in Gifu East Area, right after you step out of Gifu East Area Tower.
Purple Wedge: Used to access Purple Phantom Realm. Found in room before top
floor of
Gifu Keep Tower.

iii. Orbs

Charity Orb: Given to you by Takajo.
Faith Orb: Given to you by Oyu.
Honesty Orb: Given to you after defeating Jujudormah.
Respect Orb: Given to you after defeating Gogandantess final time.
Strength Orb: Given to you after defeating Ginghamphatts final time.

iv. Files

Album: Initial equipment, "An Album that can hold artworks you have
collected. A page
holds nine artworks."
Four Guardian Arts: Both pieces can be found in Jubei's house in Yagyu
Village, "A
turtle, a dragon, a phoenix, and a tiger are drawn."
Play Instructions: Given to you by Takajo, "This document explains the
basics of the
Gift Exchange: Given to you after meeting Ekei and Magoichi, "This document
how to exchange items with your partners."
Demon Wall Scroll: Found in the Gold Mines, "This document explains how to
the nasty demons called 'Mozun.'"
Fortinbras Book: Found in Gifu East Area Lake house, "This book explains the
history of
Fortinbras and Nobunaga."
Jujudormah's Diary: Found in room before Jujudormah's chamber, "This diary
Jujudormah's love for Nobunaga."
Oni's Sacred Place: Found in underwater cave after jumping off cliff, "This
explains the Sacred Place of the Oni Clan."
Oni's Super Weapon: Found in Oni's Place #2, "This document explains the
weapon of the Oni Clan."
Lift Instruction: Found in U-turn room at Oni's Place #1, "This document
explains how
to operate the lift device."
Gogandantess Shield: Found in hallway before Final Fight with Gogandantess,
document explains how to defeat Gogandantess incredible shield of defense."
Five Oni Orbs: Found in Gold Mine where Hyoujin-Yari is found, "This
explains the legendary five orbs of Oni Clan."
Demons' History: Found in Gifu Keep Tower where well and soul are, "This
explains the
history of the demons."
Hunting Schedule: Found in Gifu East Area where magic mirror and boat are,
document explains the timing for the invasion plans of Nobunaga."
Human as Food: Found in Gifu Keep Tower Cherry locked room, "This document
explains humans as demon's food."
Golden Evil Statue: Found in lake house at Gifu East Area, "This document
explains the
significance of the Golden Evil Statue."
Tokichiro's Diary: "This explains the rise of Tokichiro's perspective."
Guildenstern Letter: Found in lake house at Gifu East Area, "A letter to
regarding the Golden Evil Statue."
Tokichiro's Memo #1: Found in Oni's Place #1, "Tokichiro's mentions the
power to activate the lift."
Tokichiro's Memo #2: Found in Demon Cave in area with second magic mirror,
"Tokichiro mentions the connection between the petrifaction Bullet and the
Tokichiro's Memo #3: Found in room where you land after crashing at Gifu
Keep Tower,
"Tokichiro's mentions the connection between the fog and the golden fabulous

v. Maps

Yagyu Village: Found in chest next to bridge.
Imasho Town. Found in chest next to forgery.
Gold Mine: Found in chest in area second after first intersection, and take
the right.
Demon Cave Map: Found in Demon Cave.
Gifu Keep Tower Map: Found in wrecked room in one of the two chests [left
Gifu East Area: Found in small corridor to the left of the East Area Tower.
Fog Valley: Found in one of two chests [closest to wind shrine] where
Senpumaru is
Oni's Place #1: Found in chest at room with big mouth statue.
Oni's Place #2: Found in chest next to the elevator.
Oni's Place #3: Found in chest next to magic mirror in room where Magoichi
you to a test.

vi. Store Items

First Visit:

Egg - 50
Grilled Fish - 100
Salt - 50
Vodka - 300
Conch Shell - 300
Magnetic Compass - 300
Plant Book - 200
History Book vol. 5 - 100
Blue Parrot - 500
Wonder Flower - 200
Artwork #16 - 100

Second Visit:

Lemon - 200
Hair Ornament - 300
Fairy Tale Book - 200
History Book vol. 10 - 100
Silver Armor - 800
Keimyo Hachimaki - 800
Western Boots - 800
Fudo Leg Guard - 800
Red Parrot - 500
Love Potion - 500
Artwork #17 - 100

Third Visit:

Black Pill - 100
Pocket Watch - 300
Pandora's Box - 700
Calligraphy Kit - 300
History Book vol. 8 - 100
Naughty Novel - 500
Phirangi - 1000
Gabishi - 1000
Goraishinki - 1000
Houtengeki - 1000
Green Parrot - 500
Pair Ring - 3000!!!
Artwork #18 - 100


A. Artworks

Artwork #1: Oyu
Artwork #2: Oyu
Artwork #3: Kotaro
Artwork #4: Kotaro
Artwork #5: Magoichi
Artwork #6: Magoichi
Artwork #7: Ekei
Artwork #8: Ekei
Artwork #9: Ekei
Artwork #10 - Yagyu House, back wall of the western room
Artwork #11 - Castle Gifu East Area, in the room where you can get to the
Green Purple
Phantom Realm.
Artwork #12 - Royal Bedroom in Gifu Castle
Artwork #13 - East Lake Area, One room before the room with two stoned men.
Artwork #14 – Oni's Sacred Place in the same place where you get the Scarlet
Artwork #15 – In the place where you get the Purple Wedge
Artwork #16 – Imasho Town Shop First Visit
Artwork #17 – Imasho Town Shop Second Visit
Artwork #18 – Imasho Town Shop Third Visit

B. Fossils

^>From Magoichi
Give Him: Grilled Fish, Plant Book, Abacus, P. Nitrate, Frog, Oolong Tea,
Kit, Chicken, Chick, Telescope, Hair Oil, Naughty Novel, Recorder, Crown,
Analects, Unique Mushrooms, Chinese Fiddle, Mirror and Fork.
Receive: European Hat, Fire Arrow, Herb, Sponge Cake, *Fossilized Bone*

^>From Ekei
Give Him: Frog, Globe, Pocket Watch, Pickled Vegetables.
Receive: *Fossilized Bones* and others.

^>From Kotaro
Give Him: Oolong Tea, Chicken, Cloth, Ancient Coin, Folding Fan, Sponge
Crown, Black Pill, Mirror, Dice, Fancy Paper, Crystal Ball and Lemon.
Receive: *Fossilized Bone*, Dumpling Cake, Hair Oil, Normal Arrow, and Herb.
(Somewhat random, so save first, and if he doesn't give you what you want,
reload and
try again.)

C. Hidden Demon Treasure Chests

You need the Green Necklace to find these items.

1. Yagyu Village, near the place where you get the Lighting Sword
2. Oni Place Fog Bridge, third section down
3. Gifu Lake Tower, near fence entrance
4. Gifu Castle Demon Gate Ruins, near the gate
5. Castle Gifu Well Room, behind well
6. Castle Gifu Tunnel, tunnel to west courtyard
7. Castle Gifu Coal Room, near coal chute
8. Demon Cave East Path, 3rd cave to the east, in niche
9. Oni Place Mountain Path, near breakable stone lantern
10. Oni Place Fossil Passage, by east door
11. Oni Place maze Corridors, Northeast corner of maze
12. Oni place treasure storage, near throne
13. Oni Place Furnace, on entrance platform
14. Oni Genbu Cargo Hold, in exit alcove
15. Hallway on the 4th floor in Gifu Castle, right at entry point

D. Hidden Soul Pools

You need the Orange Necklace to find these.

1. Imasho Town Mine Entrance
2. Gold Mine Entrance
3. Gold Mine Gold Storage
4. Gold Mine Northwest Storage
5. Yagyu Village Open Space
6. Yagyu Village Dragon Pond
7. Fog Village Log Bridge
8. Fog Village Path
9. Fog Village Rocky Cave Entry
10. Fog Village Mountain Stream
11. Fog Village Rocky Cave 1
12. Fog Village Poison Gas Trap
13. Oni Place Shore
14. Oni Place Grand Hall
15. Oni Place Sulfuric Acid Pond
16. Oni Place Lower Water Room
17. Oni Place Parcel Room
18. Oni Place Robot Factory
19. Gifu Lake Star Tower
20. Gifu Lake Star Tower Ramp
21. Gifu Lake Tower Passage
22. Castle Courtyard
23. Castle Gifu Dragon Tail
24. Castle Gifu Destroyed Room
25. Castle Gifu Demon Gate
26. Castle Gifu West Commons
27. Castle Gifu Upper Entrance
28. Demon Cave West Path
29. Demon Cave Draw Bridge
30. Demon Cave East Storage
31. Gifu Lake Front Shore
32. Gifu Lake Boat Dock
33. Gifu Lake house passage
34. Oni Place Blood Pond
35. Oni Place Fossil Passage
36. Oni Place Coliseum
37. Oni Genbu Engine Room
38. Castle Gifu Roof

E. History Book Collection

You have to trade gifts with the character listed at the listed time frame
to get the books.

When you arrive at Imasho
History Book 5:Shop 1{Imasho, first time}

After Meeting Ekei and Magoichi
History Book 6:Ekei

After Meeting Kotaro 1
History Book 7:Kotaro
History Book 9:Man sleeping on the balcony of the second floor of the bar
{Must have
Meeting Kotaro 1}

After you got the permit, pass the guard, and open the box before you enter
the mine
History Book 4:Gold Mine Entrance, in a treasure box

After returning from the mines
History Book 10:Shop
History Book 2:Yellow Dressed Woman in Imasho

Saving Oyu in Castle Gifu
History Book 1: Gifu Castle 1F stairs

After saving her and arrive back at Imasho Town
History Book 3:Oyu
History Book 8:Shop

F. What to trade for what?

i. Ekei

Rank A items to get Music Box
Ashura Garment, Loaded Dice, Vodka, Crown, Blue Parrot, Naughty Novel, Fudo
Guard, Telescope, Houtengeki, Love Potion, Melon, Grilled Fish, Wine, Sake
from Kaga,
Pickled Plum, Golden Egg, Golden Chick, Golden Chicken, Fur Skin, Gold Coin,
Calligraphy Kit, Crystal Ball, Stamina Drink, Folding Fan, Taizo Mandala,
Tengu Mask,
Raw Fish, and Broken Bell.

Rank D items to get Artwork #7, Artwork #8 and Artwork #9 and History Book
Red Parrot, Green Parrot, Fairy Tale book, Lemon, Fish Rice, Fork, Recorder,
Tube for
Pigeon Leg, Chalk, European Hat, Brown Egg, Pandora's Box, Dice, Ancient
Black Beer, Rouge, Pipe, Playing Cards, Cameo, and Mirror.

ii. Magoichi

Rank A items to get Rouge
Blue Parrot, Music Box, Pirates Custom, Pocket Watch, Green Parrot, Sake
from Kaga,
Pipe, Gold Chick, Golden Chicken, Melon, Conch Shell, Tale of Heike, Pair
Rings, Black
Beer, Ancient Coin, Ancient Documents, Goraishinki, Dice, Deer Antler, Fancy
Strategy Book, Taiheiki, Brown Egg, Pickled Vegetables, Western Boots, and
History Books.

Rank D Items for Magoichi to get Artwork #5 and Artwork #6
Wasabi, Lemon, Magnetic Compass, Red Parrot, Incense, Beetle, Hair Ornament,
Glass, Fur Skin, Watermelon, Folding Fan, Black Pill, Taizo Mandala,
Pandora's Box,
Globe, Brown Chick, Tengu Mask, Chalk, and Bread.

iii. Kotaro

Rank A items to get Strategy Book
Emblem, Green Parrot, Incense, Fairy Tale Book, Music Box, Pocket Watch,
Cameo, Playing Cards, Golden Egg, Golden Chick, Golden Chicken, Keimyo
Pandora's Box, Globe, European Hat, Tube for Pigeon leg, Hien Kyahan, Chick,
Recorder, Pair Rings, Telescope, Kaleidoscope, Magnetic, and Magnetic

Rank D items to get Artwork #3, Artwork #4 and History Book vol.7
Loaded Dice, Wine, Wasabi, Vodka, Blue and Red Parrot, Frog, Sake from Kaga,
Pickled Plum, Glass, Black Beer, Fur Skin, Plant Book, Taizo Mandala, Egg,
Bouquet, Bread, Tale of Heike, Conch Shell, and Grilled Fish.

iv. Oyu

Rank C Items for Oyu to get History Book vol.3
Sponge Cake, River Fish, Black beer, Dice, Folding Fan, Abacus, Egg, Pickled
Vegetables, Salt, Copper Coin, Cloth, Chalk, Gourd, Telescope, Lemon, and

Rank D Items for Oyu to get Artwork #1 and Artwork #2
Vodka, Blue Parrot, Green Parrot, Fairy Tale Book, Dead Flowers, Rotten
Fish, Ancient
Documents, Strategy Book, Pandora's Box, Dumpling Cake, Brown Chicken, Raw
Tale of Heike, Grilled Fish, and The Analects.


The following people have contributed, and their help is very grateful.

Marie "Sakuya Aki" Christner, my girlfriend, has sat down with me as I wrote
this and
corrected all 1,000+ typos, and stuff that I write. Thanks to her, it is
legible. HAHA.

Arturo "Latin Shogun" Gobin for his contributions of Pepsi and food that
kept me alive
long enough to play Onimusha 2, and for the fact that the game is his and he
has let me
borrow it for the last 2 weeks.

Kouli's Topic at the GameFAQs message board [profile @
5] provided the SEARCHING ITEMS section.

Some Sections, such as the SEARCHING ITEMS and ITEMS, have information that
couldn't really find the creator so I couldn't give proper credit. If you
find information
here that is yours and would either wish for me to credit you or remove it
from the guide,
please contact me. Thank you.


This being my first FAQ, I must say it is coming along nicely. I enjoyed
writing some of
it, but dreaded going back to the game again after I had completed it. Well
I guess there is
always a reason to go back. I was originally supposed to write the Guide a
week before it
was started, but I guess school interfered. Thank God the weekend is coming
up, so I can
finally finish this and see if anyone even enjoys or uses it. HAHA. Good
luck everyone,
and happy gaming.

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