Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny

Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny

17.10.2013 10:32:23


I. Introduction & Revision History
This is my first FAQ. Since I decided to do it, I might as well do it
on the best game that I've ever played for the PS2. Onimusha 2 is sure
to "WOW" you in every way. It may be short but believe me you will like
it. On-Im-us-haaaaaaaaaaa!!! J/k. Anyway here is the per....er.....next
to perfect guide u will need to get through this game.

=========================== Revision History ==========================

v.1.0 (9-4-02): FAQ first started, Around 80kb overall. Did up to the
Gold Mine

v.1.05(9-7-02): First version wasn't complete enough, made a new one
and up to Gifu Castle. 43 kb now

v.1.2 (9-8-02): Did up to Oni Sacred Place 1. Reformatted this
FAQ/Walkthrough. About 57 kb now

v.1.3 (9-18-02): No Walkthrough updates today, Some additions to the
Outline like an Item FAQ and more Red Soul cluster locations

II. Table of Contents


1. Game Basics
2. Characters
3. Characters Weapons/Armor
4. The Guys who REALLY Hate You.
5. The Common Enemy
6. The Soul Types
7. The Gift System Basics
8. Advanced Combat Tactics
1. Yagyu Village 1
2. Imasho Town 1
3. The Gold Mine 1
4. Imasho Town 2
5. Gifu Castle
6. Imasho Town 3
7. Yagyu Villiage Revisited
8. Fog Valley
9. Oni Sacred Place
10. East Gifu Castle
11. The Demon Cave
12. Oni Sacred Place 2
13. Oni Genbu
14. Gifu Castle Final
1. White Necklace
2. Orange Necklace
3. Purple Necklace
4. Blue Necklace
5. Yellow Necklace
6. Green Necklace
7. Red Necklace
8. Black Necklace
1. Kotaro
2. Magoichi
3. Ekei
4. Oyu
1. Ginghamphatts I
2. Gogandantess I
3. Ginghamphatts II
4. Jujudormah
5. Gogandantess II
6. Gogandantess III
7. Ekei
8. Gyaran Leader
9. Ginghamphatts III
10. Nobunaga
11. Golden Evil Statue
XI. ITEMS & GIFT GIVING *Gift giving coming soon*
1. Health and Magic recovery items
2. Gift Items
3. Jubei's Weapons


1. Game Basics

Yeah im pretty sure you all know what I mean here. The basic punch and
kick right? WRONG! You get to use a sword! Lets go over the controls.

L1: Block while using Melee weapon
L2: Use Secondary Characters Secondary Weapon
R1: Strafe/Charge Weapon
R2: Quick 180°
Square: Swing Sword
Down + Square: Kick enemy
Triangle: Magic Attack
O: Absorb Souls
X: Open Chests / Talk / Search the Ground.
R3: View Map
Start: Character Menu
Select: Pause Menu
D-Pad: WHAT? You haven't played a game in your life? You should already
know what this is for.

2. Characters

Jubei Yagyu

The young hero of the Yagyu clan of Japan. Born from a Yagyu father and
a Oni mother, Jubei was a human with supernatural powers. With the
power to absorb souls and turn into the Legendary Onimusha, He can be
quite powerful and a deadly adversary.


This is the woman fighter that Jubei first sees in Imasho town. She
wears one of the orbs that Jubei seeks as a pendant and likes western
style equipment. One of the most powerful sub characters in the game,
how can you refuse to be allies with her?

Kotaro Fuma

A ninja, and a chief of the Fuma clan, He is extremely skilled as a
warrior. He hates Nobanuga as much as you and would like to be allies
with you. But could his ninja skills be of any possible use to you? (As
a side note he HATES Oyu)

Magoichi Saiga

The Captain of the gun team that Jubei first finds fighting with Ekei
outside the bar, Expertises in ultra powerful guns. He LOVES history
related items and he HATES Ekei. This could possibly be the best
alliance opportunity in the game?

Ekei Ankokouji

Just your local drunkard here. You first see him fighting Magoichi
outside the bar. The Most powerful character of the game, and the
slowest at that. Could this be the alliance you have been waiting for?
My guess: Probably not. (As a side note he HATES Magoichi)

3. Characters Weapons/Armor

You're Eager to hear this part aren't you
Most characters carry 4 weapons, with the exception of Magoichi and
I wont state the Amount required to upgrade them all

Character Weapon 1 Weapon 2 Weapon 3 Weapon 4 Weapon 5
Weapon 6

Jubei Y. Sword Buraitou Hyoujin-Yari Senpamaru Doukutsui

Oyu B. Sword Phirangi Gradius Dagger XXXXXXXXXX

Kotaro Kunai Gabishi Roga Kunai Shuriken XXXXXXXXXX

Magoichi Tri-Barrel Goraishinki F.Thrower Canon C. Knife
Flash Bomb

Ekei Spear Houtengeki Halberd Charm XXXXXXXXXX

You want to know about armor too? Its not really that important but if
you say so...

Character 1st piece of armor 2nd piece of Armor 3rd Piece of

Jubei Yagyu Armor Yagyu Foot Armor Yagyu Arm

Oyu Plate/Silver Armor Leather/Hard Boots Round/Adarga

Kotaro Fuma/Stealth Armor Fuma/Hien Kyahan Fuma/Keimyo

Magoichi Saiga/Pirates Armor Saiga/Western Boots Saiga/Rasha

Ekei Hozoin/Ashura Armor Hozoin/Fudo Leg Guards

There have been some spelling changes to keep these on one line. Keep
this in mind.

4. The guys who REALLY HATE you!

Nobunaga: THE bad guy of this game. He burnt down Jubei's Village at
the beginning of the game. Also known as the king of demons, he will
stop at nothing to kill Jubei and his friends.

Ginghamphatts: The labor manager of the demon clan and awfully powerful
warrior, Ginghamphatts is first seen at the gold mine on Imasho. Surely
he cant be as powerful as he says, can he? Well..the fact that he is
immortal must state the fact that he is, and will kill any human he

Gogandantess: The Famous and Noble demon swordsman, He is the one that
destroyed the Oni clan. Now that a new Oni warrior has risen,
Gogandantess has risen to the task to destroy him. Yet he is almost
impossible to defeat because he cheats. Yes, you heard it from me, he
cheats. He uses a magic shield to become invulnerable. Can you defeat
this possibly powerful foe?

The last one is really annoying so I wont bother. But man SHES UGLY!

5. The Common Enemy

The Oda Family Enemies

{Oda Soldier/Archer/Samurai/Bodyguard}

The easiest enemies in the game along with the Jaido Family, All it
takes is 3-4 strokes with the Buraitou sword or 2 with it at level 3 to
take down soldiers and archers. The Samurai are a bit tougher and might
require another stroke. Bodyguard are quite armored, tough to knock
down, and require 2 more hits than soldiers.

The Jaido Family

{Jaido Soldiers/Archers & Bajaido Soldiers/Archers}

Little green men with crocodile heads, some argue that these are even
easier than the Oda Soldiers. Most Jaido only require 3-4 hits and
Bajaido 6-7 hits. The archers are literally a pain in the ass and you
most likely have to shoot them with an arrow or shoot them with a gun.
These take them down very fast though so no worries.

The Musaido Family


These mutant ninja guys wear masks so they look like dolls. Pretty
tough, but light, these require about 4-5 hits with a normal weapon and
are hard to hit with an Issen attack. The Gira versions require about 3
more hits and can use a jump slash after the initial attack. Joda are
more dangerous though, since they can spit poison from their mouths.

The Gaidorazu Family

{Gaidorazu/Red Gaidorazu & Zedan/Red Zedan}

When translated it basicly means meat puppet. These are the much
tougher breed of enemies that take about 8-9 hits each and don't fall
back each time you hit them. The only way to get them to flinch is with
a kick, secret combo, or a charged attack. These give out MUCH more
souls than most of the weaker enemies. Red versions are tougher and
take 2-3 more hits each. Zedan is the more tough of this family.

The Gozaresu Family.


This is argueably the toughest common enemy in the game. Though not
seen much, these are EXTREMELY powerful and take about 5-12 hits for
the Gozaresu, 6-15 for the Baigozaresu, and 7-19 for the Raigozaresu.
Their attacks do a HUGE amount of damage and it's hard to score an
Issen. The only way to get these to stagger are the kick, secret
technique, or a level 2+ charged attack.

The Hyukan Family


The family you would love to hate, these are really annoying. They
don't show up much and don't have much hitpoints (2-12 depending on
weapon and level), but they pack a punch. They cant be damaged unless
you use the Dokoutsui hammer or their cores are exposed. They use
spinning blade attacks, They dig out from the ground under you
(Dorahyukan and Derahyukan) and they can shoot projectiles at you
(Derahyukan only). Avoid these if possible.

Battooyako (Fish Demon Family)

{Battobone and Battoyaika}

These are fish like demons that inhabit water filled areas. Having
about the same amount of hitpoints (2-7 each), they can be quite deadly
at times. Battobone is the more fierce, but they are a larger target.
Battoyaika can latch on to Jubeis hand and drain his energy. Both can
fire water projectiles (Battobone: Medium range, unblockable, high
damage. Battoyaika: Unlimited range, blockable, medium damage)

Bazu Family:


This is the only real family that deserves to have more. REALLY weak
creatures (1-6 hitpoints) They are really slow and use machetes. Its
only true attack comes when it rolls up in a ball and starts rolling
towards you. Either block or move out of the way and immediately
counter attack.

Oowashya Family:

{Oowashya and Barawashya}

Very large monsters with large axes, They are also EXTREMELY tough to
kill (3-35 hit points). Use level 3 charged attacks with a level 3
weapon to kill these easily. The Barawashya is MUCH harder (the 35 hit
point part) And required 4 level 3 charged attacks with a level 3
weapon. Barawashyas give out a HUGE amount of souls but are very very
rare. The knockdown is almost impossible here and the Barawashya CANNOT
be knocked down no matter what.


You can call this class the soul stealers. Once you kill an enemy these
will steal their souls making it impossible for you to get them.
However, once you kill a Gyaran, and these are REALLY easy (2-4 hp)
They will give back all the souls they stole. They will attack you and
latch to you to steal your magic power. However, they also run away

The Dorogando Family

{Dorogando & King Dorogando}

These machines shouldn't have existed back then, but they exist here,
in the world of Onimusha! Really strong (10-50 hit points) they have a
variety of attacks. The best way to get rid of them is with the
Dokoutsui attack magic.

Gerohone Family

{Gerohone & Gerogone}

Your basic wall mounted 5 headed snake with a skeleton in the middle
controlling it. These are strong (8-25 hit points) and have a variety
of attacks. The easiest way to deal with them is the Buraitou attack
magic and quick reflexes while avoiding those other distracting

Kachecha Family

{Kachecha & Ketyara}

The demons of illusion have EXTREMELY low hit points (Around 2-4) but
are really really hard to hit. Your character will always focus on them

{Babys and Mozun}

These demons are latched to walls. Babys have average strength (4-12
hit points) and are REALLY easy to kill. Mozun are invulnerable to all
weapons except for the color of their elemental bodies. They only take
one hit to kill and will never reappear in that area again.

6. The Soul Types

Ah yes the souls. Here's what they do.

Red Souls: These are the souls that you use to upgrade Jubei's weapons
and armor. They come in two sizes, small and large. Small souls give 10
points and large gives 100. If you collect more than one at the same
time you get a bonus! Look for part VII for more on this.

Blue Souls: These blue souls recharge your magic meter. Magic depletes
everytime you use a magic attack on an enemy. These souls are the third
hardest to come by as you use magic often. These also some in small and
large. Small recovers 3% and Large recovers 15%.

Yellow Souls: The yellow souls recharge your health. As recovery items
are very hard to come by, these are your best bet at recovery, but they
don't appear often. Also comes in small and large. Small recovers 3%
and Large recovers 15%.

Purple Souls: YES!! The almighty onimusha mode is unlocked with 5 of
these souls. These are collected and are carried over to the next area.
Onimusha mode is on Part III #7. Once you exit you must collect 5 more.
These only appear when you deal a huge amount of damage and come in
only one size.

7. The Gift System Basics

Along the game you will encounter a number of sub characters. By giving
them gifts, they may help you with fights later on in the game and they
also give you items in return. Giving them gifts may also let you play
as them for a short time as well as working their scenario route. I
will make a separate In-Depth FAQ for this at an unannounced date.

8. Advanced Combat Tactics

Yay! Haven't you been waiting for this part the entire time you were
reading this?

Fatal Stab: When an enemy is down, Press square to administer the
fatal stab, a one hit kill option. Note that many enemies are very hard
to knock down unless you kick them or administer the following

Running Attack: This is very simple like the name sounds. Run at the
enemy and press square. This attack carries momentum and might knock
the enemy down.

Boxed in? Cant run anywhere? Why bother, press up-up-square to do the
running attack while stationary. I know, you're jealous right. J/k onto
the next tactic.

Archers and Larger Enemies: These guys aren't encountered very much but
they are a pain in the ass...literally. The archers are usually on a
balcony that cant be hit with normal weapons and constantly shoot
arrows at you. Shoot them with arrows or use magic to bring them down.
Large enemies are even worse as they have some unblockable attacks. To
deal with them use Lv. 2 or 3 charged attacks or use the weapons secret

The Blades lock: Usually occurs when fighting a larger enemy and
striking at the same time. The swords will lock and it becomes a test
of strength. Press the 4 shoulder and the 4 symbol buttons to push the
favor to your side and win the test of strength.

Magic Attacks: If you read the Game Basics above you would know how to
perform these. Each magic attack depletes your magic meter and you must
find blue souls or use a Magic potion to recover your magic.

Charging attacks: Again, If you are a moron who didn't know the game
basics go read them now...either that or you already know how to do
this. Charged attacks are acquired by trading with characters.
Different charged levels do more damage, but they require time...and
sometimes you don't have time. Try doing this with the secret technique
(Down -> Up -> Square) to inflict HUGE damage.

Issen (Critical Hit): This is VERY VEERRY hard to do. To accomplish
this you must strike at the SAME TIME your opponent raises his weapon
to strike you. If done correctly, The enemy will die instantly and any
enemies near him will also die, releasing 2x souls. Very useful.

Onimusha mode: YES!!! This is the ultimate combat tactic but also the
one of the hardest. To accomplish this you must collect 5 purple souls.
When Jubei enters onimusha mode, he becomes invincible and does 2x
damage. This starts a new bar starting at the maximum health point and
constantly decreases until the bar is depleted and Jubei returns to
normal. You can extend this using more purple souls.

And..for the #1 combat tactic...

Zen: Can you guess what this means? PATIENCE? You MUST and I must say
MUST have tons of this to complete the game. If you do not have Zen
return the game right now.

IV. Walkthrough

1. Yagyu Villiage 1

After returning to village to find it in total ruins, go and check the
magic mirror for instructions on how to use it to save your game and
enhance your weapons and armor. Take some time to practice with your
sword. Since you cannot enter your house now, walk down the stairs and
keep walking in that direction. Yasuke will appear and talk to Jubei
about the great danger of some army. Before he tells who did this, he
is felled by an Oda Soldier's weapon. Your first combat will now occur.
Fight them however you like and hope you don't die. Head through the
gate. The next area is a bridge guarded by even more Oda Soldiers and
some Oda Samurai. Be wary of the samurai as they tend to do more damage
and they cannot be knocked down as easily. When you have killed every
enemy that spawns here, open the red box to get the Yagyu Village Map.
Go to the next area. In this area you will here a voice calling for
Jubei, also rocks will rise. Do NOT cross them yet. First chop down the
bamboo to find a Herb. Then, search near the pond to find your first
trade item, a Frog. NOW you can cross the pond. Don't do anything
yet...you cant anyway, and enter the double doors at the back.

WOAH!!! What's that? The woman reveals herself as Takajo and will give
Jubei the power of the Oni. This power can absorb souls and retrieve
magical weapons. She also tells Jubei to seek 5 Oni orbs to be able to
defeat Nobunaga. You will receive Play Instructions here. Before
leaving, search the box for a Herb. When going back through the caves,
let the enemies follow you. Why you ask? Remember the red glowing
gauntlet? Kill all the enemies around the gauntlet and use the soul
absorbing power. Notice that red souls also come from the gauntlet and
you get a HUGE bonus, especially if u Issen the enemies. Exit the cave
and jump across the stones. You MAY be tempted to take that weapon from
the dragon statues mouth right now huh. BUT there's some more things to
do here. Go back to your house, dealing with enemies along the way.
Jubei is now willing to enter his house. Jeez enemies have infested his
own house...how horrible! Kill them and search around. Slice through
the doors at the entrance to find an Abacus! Search behind the dividers
to find a Kaleidoscope! Also take note of the Trick Treasure Box there.
I'll tell how to solve at the end of this part. The center room has
Oolong Tea and the NW corner of the backyard has Wasabi. Now, return to
the dragon shrine and obtain the Buraitou!!!


1. Use the Top right arrow
2. Use the Bottom arrow in the right side

The prize is a Power Jewel. If you don't know what these do, use it and
you might be surprised!

2. Imasho Town 1

After a cutscene involving a mysterious girl and 3 drunk guys. Speak to
the man directly to your left 2-3 times to get Confetti. Head north to
the blacksmith's shop and get the Imasho Town Map. Head inside and
whack the barrels till you find a red box containing...Cloth? You were
expecting a cool weapon right? Well head back to the entrance and pull
the level next to it. An elevator will drop and you will have a limited
time to climb on it before it goes back up. If you succeed, Get the Bow
and Arrows from the box. You get 10 arrows...not much in my eyes *Gets
shot in the eyes* OW! Head back and cross the bridge, heading for the
stairs near where you first appeared here. Enter the marketplace and
get the Globe. Now, enter the stables and speak to the man with the hat
2-3 times to get Ancient Documents. Continue into the back and search
for a hidden red box to get a Tengu Mask. Head to the bar (yay!
Drinks!). They wont sell you drinks yet, or ever for that matter. Talk
to the two men standing near the door argueing over a gold mine permit.
I wonder what that means? Head to the backyard to find a magic mirror
and a magic fountain. Also, check the red box to find a Pipe. Go to the
upper level and open the red box to find a Folding Fan. Unfortunately
you cannot keep the kitty. Awww and it looks so cuuuute.

Go to the store next to the Bar to find the General Store. Here you can
buy all the gift and artwork items that are currently in stock. Now
here are the prices for all the items in stock at this time.

Egg - 50
Grilled Fish - 100
Salt - 50
Vodka - 300
Conch Shell - 300
Magnetic Compass - 300
Plant Book - 200
History Book vol. 5 - 100
Blue Parrot - 500
Wonder Flower - 200
Artwork #16 - 100

You will need 2200 gold to clean out the entire store for now. This is
not necessary but it will REALLY help you later on in the game. Go to
the mountain path next to the blacksmiths shop. Very short area and has
the easiest enemies in the entire game. The first types of enemies you
encounter here are Oda Soldiers and Oda Samurai. Your first objective
here, and its recommended, Collect 7000+ red souls to level up your
Buraitou & try to collect 2200 gold here as well to clean out the
General Store & an extra 100 to get an important item later. Head up
the mountain to eventually find a Unique Mushroom and a Beetle. If you
try to enter the gold mine at this point a man will stop you asking for
a permit. Remember those 2 men argueing at the bar? Time to head back
to town. Your first order of business is to clean out the General
Store. That's right, blow all your gold now. Now, head to the bar. Here
you will find Magoichi. Ekei will challenge him to a duel. Magoichi
will introduce him to firearms and after you break it up you will get
the Gift Exchange instructions. One more ally you ask, ok then. Go
talk to two men outside the blacksmiths shop and they will tell you
about some thief. Head to the second floor of the bar to encounter
Kotaro. After a short cutscene, Kotaro will be here from now on and you
can trade with him. Talk to the man sitting next to him multiple times
to get a Fur Skin and the guy on the balcony to get History Book vol.
9. Hopefully you still have 100 gold left. Go talk to the guy next to
the bartender and buy a Gold Mine Permit for 100 gold. One more
thing...move to the magic mirror and save your game and level up your
Buraitou. Go to the gold mine and the man will move aside and let you
enter. First, pick up the History Book vol. 4 in the red box next to
the entrance.

3. Gold Mine

(Look for Gold Deposits here and check buckets often, but don't smash

Some miners flee for their lives saying monsters now infest the caves.
Once you enter, take the left path. Inside that lonesome room, open the
red box to find the Demon Wall Scroll. No, this isn't the one that you
hang inside your room admiring it for hours. Also there is a trick
treasure box, but I wont cover it till the end of this section. Head
out of this room and take the right hand path. Ekei is here, so if you
want to be friends with him, trade now. Get the Gold Mine Map in the
red box next to him and look for gold deposits and continue to the
exit. Inside the next room you will fight Jaido for the first time.
These are really easy to kill, but don't give much gold. Light green
are easier and give 10 or 20 gold. Dark green are a little harder and
give out 10-50 gold. At the next intersection, more Jaido and buckets!
Do NOT smash the buckets or let the enemies do the same. Once you clear
the room head down the southern end. The exits will be sealed. After a
short time, an ally will help you, and the exits will unseal. Head out
the opposite way u came in. Get the Five Oni Orbs scroll and the
Hyoujin-Yari spear. Stick with the Buraitou sword for now and head back
to the Y-intersection. Head through the north exit this time and you
might find an ally fighting. Hit the Mozun demon with the Hyoujin-Yari
to kill it instantly and kill the other enemies. Head through the Mozun
door. Open the red box to find a Medicine. Save your game for now you
have two options.

1. Continue fighting to try and level up your Hyoujin-Yari for the Boss
Battle ahead. If you choose this, try and collect 4 purple souls before
the fight.
2. Head through the door that you need the Charity Orb for

Unlock the next door to find.

BOSS: Ginghamphatts I

This large four legged demon uses a HUGE pickaxe to swipe and damage
you. Also he uses some unblockable attacks. First off, use the
Buraitou's magic to attack Ginghamphatts. This will cause medium damage
to him and causes him to release some souls. Keep doing this till you
run out of magic. Switch to the Hyoujin-Yari and keep hitting him with
magic. If for whatever reason you run out of magic, use the Buraitou
secret on him. It might cause him to stagger if u hit him with the
secret fourth hit at the end. If you inject a blue soul, use magic
again. If you listened to #1 above and collected four purple souls,
inject a fifth after you deplete all your magic and enter onimusha
mode. Keep whacking him doing double damage each time and eventually he
will start leaping into the air. This is where the battle gets
tough/easy. He will be impossible to hit in the air, land either far
away from you or on top of you, and on top of that boulders will crash
down. The easy part about this is when you reach below 50% health, your
best ally will enter. The one you want for this is Magoichi. Keep
trying to hit him and eventually he WILL die.

When he does die, inject all the souls for a +40 red soul bonus and
collect the 1000 gold he leaves behind. Enter the next room. Check for
gold deposits and the weird looking hatch on the ground. DO NOT TALK TO
THE WOUNDED MINER YET! Head to the last cave and open the red box for
the Mirror and bust the barrels for another trick treasure box. Now
talk to the wounded miner and you will go to Imasho Town 2.


1. East path of the entrance
a. Bottom arrow on the right
b. Left arrow on the bottom

You will receive the Buraitou secret from this.

2. The end of the mine, past the weird hatch
a. Right arrow on the bottom
b. Top arrow on the right
c. Left arrow on the bottom
d. Bottom arrow on the right

You will receive the Hyoujin-Yari secret from this box.

4. Imasho Town 2

Your back here after that horrible mine incident. The man you rescued
feels better now and gives you a Red Ring in appreciation. This is the
thing you will use for the hatch in the mines. There are some things to
do before going to the hatch again though. First of all, notice that
the door to the general store from the bar is now open! Also, if you
wish to trade now, save your game first for the sub-characters might
give you crappy items. The general store owner has some powerful new
items, many of which are sub-character specific items. If you give them
these great items, you may get weapon techs to charge your weapons past
level two. So here are the new items.

Lemon - 200
Hair Ornament - 300
Fairy Tale Book - 200
History Book vol. 10 - 100
Silver Armor - 800
Keimyo Hachimaki - 800
Western Boots - 800
Fudo Leg Guard - 800
Red Parrot - 500
Love Potion - 500
Artwork #17 - 100

Without adding up any items that you didn't purchase last time, this is
all worth 5100 gold. Where do you get this much gold? The mines of
course. But first, some more important things.


Talk to the man in the back of the general store. He will say that his
father is ill and wishes for a legendary Melon. He gives you some Chalk
hoping you can get a Melon with it. Trade the Chalk to Ekei, who wont
like it, to get a Tale of the Heike. Magoichi is a history fanatic, so
give it to him for an Emblem. Trade that to Kotaro for a Melon. Give
the man the Melon. You will like the gift his father gives you later

For an additional bonus, IF your more Magoichi's ally then Ekei, there
is a man in the back of the bar. He will give you a Potassium Nitrate
Map for 50 gold. Look in the mines for Potassium Nitrate and give them
to Magoichi for 5 Burst Bullets each. Pretty damn good deal if you ask

IF Ekei helped you out against Ginghamphatts, He will tell you
something was stolen from him if you speak to him in the bar. Go to the
stables, where the thief is in the shadows. IT'S A GIRL! She runs off
to the second floor of the bar. Speak to here again there and she runs
to the blacksmiths. Speak to her again and she runs to the stables to
get the BROKEN BELL!?! This is one crappy item but if u give it to Ekei
he will be grateful and give you a tech manual.

Other Items: Speak to the woman wearing a yellow outfit near the
stables multiple times to get History Book vol. 2

Talk to a man who walks in and out of the area multiple times to get a
bouquet. Also, pester the man sitting near the stables to get a Magic

Theres a woman who says Jubei is her type. Speak to her 3 more times to
get a Secret Medicine.

Speak to the Bald man on the second floor of the Bar three times to get
a Pick.

======================Inside the Gold Mine Again=======================

Talk to the man at the entrance to the mine to receive some Dice.
Magoichi is in the eastern cave if you want to trade items with him.
After the next room, you will encounter Kotaro as he fights through
some demons. Help him and absorb all the souls. After he leaves, he
will take up a spot at the magic mirror just before the Ginghamphatts
fight location. Ekei is at the spot where you got the Hyoujin-Yari.
Trade items with any of these and be sure you have your weapons at
level 2. Try and get at least one armor up to level 2 as well. Now go
to the strange hatch and use the Red Ring to enter...

5. Gifu Castle

Upon exiting from the beam of light, Walk up to the door. The statues
will say something and a few Gozaresu will appear. Use charged attacks
to defeat it easily, or else it will drive you to the ground. In the
next room, get the crystal ball just to the south of the spiral
staircase, then start to climb it, being careful of the Zedan somewhere
at the top. Enter here to finally be at the base of the castle. Move
north for an ally event and enter the double doors. You MIGHT want to
equip your bow and arrows because there are Jaido archers in here on a
balcony which is pretty much impossible to hit otherwise. Inside this
room is a red box containing a Gifu Keep Tower Map. Also, the Incense
trading item is here. Head through the western door and charge your
magic through the magic fountain. Solve the puzzle at the back of the
room to get the Bronze Mask. If you want the satisfaction of solving
this yourself, don't look at the solution below.



Head back through the door and kill the Jaido creatures if you want the
red souls and head through the other set of double doors. Here, you
will find Ekei fighting some Musaido and a baby. After you collect the
Herb from the box and trade items with Ekei, head through the north
double doors (The east is locked). The next corridor contains a trick
treasure box. Again, look at the end of this section for this solution.
In the next corridor, kill the Oda Soldiers and Oda Bodyguards and
insert the right half of the bronze mask. You will need the other half
it seems, so use the magic mirror to save and level up your equipment
and go through the east door. Get the History Book vol. 1 from the red
box and go through the door below the staircase. The dead ghost will
offer you the left half of the bronze mask for a purify charm. Oh btw..
did you ever notice that the dead ALWAYS give you some of the most
important items in Capcom games? Anyway, in the back of the room is the
Demons History file. Go out of the room and go up to 2F. Clear out the
Joda and the Baby and if you're strongly allied with Ekei or Magoichi,
watch the colorful little event and head through the next door, walk
across the balcony, and into the door (which will now be refered to as
the coal room). Inside the room, collect the Herb and the PURIFY CHARM!
Theres nothing else you can do here because none of your current
weapons can damage the Mozun. Musaido will attack if you stay too long
so exit. If you're allied with Magoichi, he will be fighting against
the odds in the starting chamber, so help him out by killing the
archers on the balcony and firing arrows down at his level. Go to the
well area and give the ghost the Purify Charm and you will receive the
left half of the Bronze Mask. Go open the door that requires that item
and open the door. Inside you will find Tokichiro for the first time.
He is torturing the girl named Oyu. After you rescue here, Tokichiro
exclaims that he thought you were dead and he summons two Gaidorazu
demons to kill you. Use Magic, secret techniques, or charged attacks to
kill them. After you kill them, open the red box to find Medicine and
enter the door beyond the (Onimusha 1?) Phantom Realm gate.

Boss Battle: Gogandantess I

Here is where you will fight Gogandantess, the greatest swordsman of
all demons. He is like normal demons, by that I mean attacks for about
the same damage, but has a lot more hit points and for not has an
invulnerability shield. There are two ways to end this battle.

1. Repeatedly attack Gogandantess for about one minute. At this point
an ally will rescue you.

2. Lock Blades with Gogandantess 2 or 3 times. Oyu will rescue now

Some people say that waiting for a really long time will end the
battle, but I haven't proven that yet. If you stop attacking
Gogandantess, he will become more fierce and you will have to repeat #1
over and over again.

When Oyu rescues you, she will lead you through a tunnel and outside,
where you find a mechanical horse. Use the Faith orb on the horse and
it will start to move and will carry you out of the area and into...


1. Gifu Castle, The room 3 doors north of the entrance.
a. Bottom arrow right side
b. Right arrow on the top
c. Top arrow on left side

You will receive a Power Jewel.

6. Imasho Town 3

Welcome back to Imasho town. After saying goodbye to Oyu and the
mechanical horse, Head for the General Store. Surely you know where
that is by now. The owner has more items in now, but if u didn't buy
any last time then they wont be here this time. Heres the new list of

Black Pill - 100
Pocket Watch - 300
Pandora's Box - 700
Calligraphy Kit - 300
History Book vol. 8 - 100
Naughty Novel - 500
Phirangi - 1000
Gabishi - 1000
Goraishinki - 1000
Houtengeki - 1000
Green Parrot - 500
Pair Ring - 3000!!!
Artwork #18 - 100

For some reason I believe the Pair Ring is priced at least double what
it should be. Anyway if you cleaned him out every time including this
time before you leave for the last time, talk to the owner again to
receive the WHITE NECKLACE. Also, if you gave the Melon to that guy
earlier, speak to his dad to receive the ORANGE NECKLACE. Read the
necklace section to find out what these necklaces do to affect your
adventure. Elsewhere, enter the bar and talk to the bartender and pay
200 gold to receive Black Beer. All the characters are in their usual
places for trading and with the addition of Oyu on the second floor
balcony, you can trade with everyone. Other items to receive in town
are the Taizo Mandala, given to you by a drunk monk walking though the
market area 3 times. Also, in the stables, speak to the man with the
backpack look at your horse twice to receive Glass. If you don't have
enough gold to sell out the store read the next section


The mountain path is now infested with Jaido and Bajaido. Cut through
them like butter since they are really easy and go into the mine. Talk
to the man still searching in the entrance to get the Loaded Dice.
Also, gold is found in HUGE amounts now and at the end of the mind
Dorogando enemies give out 300-350 gold. This will be enough to sell
out the store in about 2 trips. Sell out the store, trade with all the
characters you want and talk to the ugly demon woman, Jujudormah in the
market. Upon talking to her you may NEVER return here again. Next up

7. Yagyu Village 2

This area is very short so I'll rush through it. This place is now
infested with Oda Bodyguards, Jaido, and Bajaido, along with the
Musaido family in the caves. From the start, head towards the cave
where you first started this. In the bridge area, which is guarded by
Jaido and Bajaido enemies, your best ally will appear to help you.
After clearing this area, head into the cave and into Takajo's shrine.
Jujudormah has done her dirty deed for the day, but Takajo will give
you her ring. Where have we seen this before? Head back through the
cave. Outside, if you encounter Magoichi, he might give you Saiga
bombs. Use these to blow up the loose rocks near the Thunder Dragon
shrine. Inside you will find the GREEN NECKLACE. This will reveal the
demon treasure boxes. Equip it now, hey look, theres one right there
that contains a Secret Medicine! Anyway...cut through everything until
you enter Jubei's house. IF you didn't collect the items I mentions in
the very first part of the walkthrough, DO SO NOW! Check the Bureau in
the back section and use the Ring of Takajo. This will reveal the four
guardians puzzle.


Top: Black
Bottom: Red
Left: White
Right: Blue

Completing this puzzle will cause the trap door to open and one of the
dresser drawers to pull out revealing a ladder. Climb down the ladder
and into the pit of "nothingness". Moving along down here causes a trap
door to open revealing a pit of spikes. Climb up and cut the ropes
which causes a spinning blade device to come down and move towards
Jubei. Don't these people know these can hurt us! Quickly run back to
the pit of spikes and jump across and hang on the other side till the
blades pass over you. Then, climb up and jump to the other side, climb
up again, and run towards the exit like you were saying "OH MY GOD,

8. Fog Valley

You start here next to a magic mirror. Save your game and level up your
weapons and armor. Run across the ledge and fight any enemies that
spawn and climb up the ladder. Keep fighting your way to the next
ladder, and note the green mozun blocking a hole in the mountain. Climb
up the ladder, then climb the next one. Coming to the bridge, an ally
will help you kill the Gozaresu enemies. Thank them by trading
favorable items and head into the next area to fimd a Herb, the Fog
Valley Map, and be sure to check the Wind Dragon shrine to obtain the
Senpamaru. Run back to the cliff, maybe receiving help from Oyu on the
bridge, and break the Mozun seal to get Nobunaga's Knowledge. Now go
back to the Wind Dragon shrine and head into the area just past the
magic mirror *hint..save and upgrade NOW..YES NOW!!!* to go to the
mysterious forest.
I am warning you now that you do not have to fight in the first area
since its so easy, but i recommend it for the red souls. The first area
is really easy, so fight and kill the enemies here and advance to the
next. Now, only one enemy is actually real and its the Kechacha. Its
the floating, transparent demon floating. The other enemies still
damage you as if they were real. If you dont kill the Kechacha fast
enough, it will float away and you will have to take one of the two
paths, though they both lead back to the start. So kill the Kechacha
and all the enemies will disappear and the two paths will merge into
one. Go up that path into the next area to encounter Gyarans. These
arent that tough, so go to the next area and find some Joda ninja
demons. Kill them and head into the next area. This is very difficult,
since there are Gaidorazu demons and Joda ninja demons, and on top of
that, a Kechacha. If it gets scared off here, you will return not to
the previous area, but to the very first. Kill it, and head up the lone
path that is revealed, into a patch of Hyukans. Up north, try to ignore
the tough Baigozaresu demons and hit the Kechacha demon and make them
all disappear. Here you will encounter Jujudormah again. She wants to
kill Jubei, but Ginghamphatts interferes and Jujudormah lets him have
his way and lets him try to kill Jubei himself.

Boss fight: Ginghamphatts II

Prefered weapon levels

Buraitou: 2
Hyoujin-Yari: 2
Senpamaru: 1

Recommended weapon: Buraitou

Once again, you must fight this four legged immortal. He now wields an
Axe, but this time, no rocks will drop from the sky! He has a little
bit more hit points and deals more damage. Start this fight by double
and triple charging your weapon and hitting him to knock him back. He
should not hit you at all if you block after attacking him. Eventually,
after taking a lot of damage, he will run into the forest. Use the R1
button to track his position. If you get rammed by him at this point,
you will take godly amounts of damage. This can be good, if you take a
ton of damage an ally will help you. If you manage to avoid his
charging for a while he will run into a tree and stun himself. This is
your chance to get some hits in. Soon, he will run off into the forest
again. Keep your guard up, and eventually he will die. After the fight,
you will receive the Nobunaga's Dignity Statue and 970 souls (including
the bonus).

Head in the direction you're facing to escape from this area. You'll
love this area...tons of Battoyako demons here and maybe Magoichi. Kill
them if you want to and advance to the east path...yes my friend, save
the double doors for later. Here you might find Oyu or Kotaro and you
will have the chance to help them. Either way, break the blue Mozun
seal with the Hyoujin-Yari to find Nobunaga's Dignity. Go to the area
just beyond there to find a lake. Of course, Battoyako are here and
Magoichi might be here too. If you help him, he will give you a
Medicine. Also, if you see a fish, try to stab it to get the River Fish
trading item. Head back to the marsh with the magic mirror and go
through the double doors. Inside here is a Trick Treasure Box...once
again stated at the end of this section. Now, go inside that building
and solve the statue puzzle. You are given a screen with the statues
order for 5 seconds, then it vanishes. You must put the statues in the
order on the screen. If you fail, the spiked walls on the sides of you
move closer. If you are right, a door opens in front of you. The
combination is random, so figure this out yourselves. Once you DO solve
this, go through the door that appears. The enemies in here depend on
your ally. If Magoichi, you will fight Jaido archers and Gozaresu. If
your ally is anyone else, you will fight Oowashya and a Barawashya.
After clearing this room and trading with your ally, head into the next
room and attack the Gerohone with lightning magic to finish it quickly.
Enter the next door to find Jujudormah's diary. Be sure to save, level
up your weapons, etc. Inside the next room, Jujudormah challenges you
to a fight to the death!

Boss fight: Jujudormah

Prefered weapon levels

Buraitou: 2
Hyoujin-Yari: 2
Senpamaru: 2

Recommended weapon: Hyoujin-Yari or Buraitou, whichever one you like

Jujudormah, the ugliest demon ive EVER seen, wields a parasol and uses
magic bolts. She runs away at the start, so take this chance to hit her
with magic or give chase to her. She has multiple attacks from this
point on.

1. She fires 3 projectiles in a row.
2. She extends her parasol *UNBLOCKABLE*
3. Defense position
4. Runs around the room, spinning, doing damage repeatedly

She will use these attacks for the remainder of the fight. If you have
an ally, he/she will come in when you're at 25% max health. She uses #4
a lot when being double teamed, so watch out. When she uses it, slide
around to her back and slice away. Always use magic and you will win
easily. When she dies, she reveals a switch which reveals a secret
door. You gain the Honesty Orb from this fight and 720 souls.

Enter the new room. Immediately collect the herb. Moving far into the
cave causes a poison trap to spring. Run to the end of the cave and
jump off the cliff. After entering the new cave, open the red box to
get the Oni Sacred Place map and save using the Magic Mirror (Upgrade
your weapons NOW!) Examine the Waverider to enter...

9. Oni Sacred Place 1

V. 8 Hidden Necklaces

1. White Necklace: This necklace will slowly recover your health while
you are standing still.
OBTAINED: Repeatedly sell out the general store owner

2. Orange Necklace: This necklace allows you to see hidden red soul
OBTAINED: Give the Melon to the father at Imasho and get this after
Castle Gifu

3. Purple Necklace: Magic attacks cost 1/2 the normal value.
OBTAINED: The last level of the purple phantom realm

4. Blue Necklace: Allows you to absorb souls twice as fast.
OBTAINED: Kotaro will reveal this location at the demon caves if you're
his best ally at the time

5. Yellow Necklace: Allows you to siphon yellow souls from alive
OBTAINED: Ekei finds this is he's Jubei's best ally at the Oni Sacred

6. Green Necklace: Finds hidden demon treasure boxes
OBTAINED: Magoichi blasts a wall near the thunder dragon shrine to
reveal this.

7. Red Necklace: Causes enemies to drop 2x more red souls, but no other
OBTAINED: Oyu will reveal this if she's your best ally when u enter the
Oni Sacred Place

8. Black Necklace: Always score a critical hit at a cost of health
OBTAINED: Must have all 3 fossilized bones when you enter the
subterranean corridor of the Oni Sacred Place. Solve the Trick Treasure
Box in my walkthrough to get it.

VI. Demon Chest Locations and Contents

Yes...The demon chests have good items like you think. Here's a table
for you.

Yagyu Villiage-Pond
Secret Medicine

Oni Place- Fog Bridge
N. Bullets x10

Gifu Lake: Star Tower
N. Bullets x10

Castle-Evil Gate Ruins
Perfect Medicine

Gifu Castle-Well Room
Special M. Liquid

Gifu Castle-Tunnel
Super M. Liquid

Gifu Castle-Coal Room
N. Bullets x10

Demon Cave-East Path
N. Bullets x10

Gifu Lake-Mountain Path

Oni Place-Fossil Passage
Secret Medicine

Oni Place-Maze Corridors
N. Bullets x10

Oni Place-Treasure Storage

Oni Place-Furnace
Secret Medicine

Oni Genbu-Cargo Hold

Gifu Castle-4F Hallway

VII. Hidden Red Soul Clusters

Use the Orange necklace with these. 38 in all but I'll only list 10.
Collect them all. (Look at disclaimer for e-mail to tell me of hidden
souls and I MIGHT put more up. I wont believe you found them yourself
unless you give me a description of the area)

Room-Where to Find

Imasho Town: Mine Entrance
Look near the guard post

Gold Mine entrance
Near first save point

Gold Mine Gold Storage
Above Exit

Gold Mine Northwest Storage
Northeast Corner

Yagyu Village: Open Space
Above house entrance

Yagyu Village: Pond
Above Lightning Dragon shrine

Fog Valley: Log Bridge
Near north Exit

Oni Place: Shore
East Side

Fog Valley Stream
Near the broken ladder

Oni Place: Grand Hall
Above Earth Dragon shrine

VIII. Hidden Difficulties and Mini-Games

Easy Mode: When you die 3 times in normal mode. This is the most useful
mode as it takes less souls to power up your weapons. Enemies are also
easier. The best use of this though is the ability to get 100% scenario
route easily.

Hard Mode: Beat normal difficulty to get this much harder mode. This
has more enemies, which are stronger, and faster. They also give less
souls and health items give 25% less to you too. Believe me this isn't
the hardest mode.

Critical Mode: Same as normal EXCEPT you cant kill ANYTHING except
with a critical hit. YES even bosses cannot be killed without scoring a
critical. Can you say HARD ASS DIFFICULTY! I knew you could do it.

Ultimate mode: This basicly takes the fun out of the adventure by
giving you:

Unlimited Magic
Tangashima + Unlimited Normal Bullets
Tri-Barrel Gun + Unlimited Burst Bullets
Bow + Unlimited Arrows
Bow + Unlimited Fire Arrows
All Armors at level 3
Perfect medicine x30
Talisman x10

Did I say it takes away the fun. BRING ON THE ENEMIES!!

Man in black minigame: Beat the game once to get this. While defeating
enemies get 20 tapes to view 20 scenes from the game as Jubei dressed
in a black suit!

Team Oni minigame: Dunno the details yet. Use the E-mail in the
disclaimer to send the details on this and I might write a section

IX. Sub Character Quests

1. Kotaro

You can achieve this Sub-Characters scenario by going into the woods in
Fog Valley and if there isn't a Kechacha in the second area, Kotaro
will help Jubei get out of the forest.

Kotaro's Equipment:


Gabishi (Gabishi is defaultly equipped if you bought it in town)

Roga Kunai (Found in Red Phantom Realm)


Fuma Costume

Stealth Costume (Found in Fog Valley)

Fuma Kyahan

Hien Kyahan (Hien Kyahan is defaultly equipped if obtained by trading)

Fuma Hachimaki

Keimyo Hachimaki (Keimyo Hachimaki is defaultly equipped if bought in

To start off this young ninja's scenario, Open the first black box to
get the BLUE BRACELET. This will enable Kotaro to absorb souls and give
tthem to Jubei later on. Cut through the enemies to the top of the
cliff and open the 2nd black box to find the RED WEDGE. Next to the log
bridge, you will notice a ray of light. Step into it and open the Red
Phantom Realm. Look below for the details on this.

========================= RED PHANTOM REALM ===========================

Level 1: Here is your basic Jaido enemy. Weak, fragile, need I say
more? Cut through them and enter the ray to the next level.

Level 2: Joda AND Musaido ninja demons. These guys are much tougher.
Wait for them to strike, dodge, and strike back. Hopefully you knock
them to the ground. Kill all of them and enter to the next level.

Level 3: Bajaido enemies. These are tougher than level one since they
take more hits to kill and they use that spin attack more often. But
still, pretty easy to cut through and advance to the next level.

Level 4: Here's where it gets tough. Zedan combined with Bajaido
enemies. Zedans require triple charge attacks to kill and you've dealt
with Bajaido before, so you can kill them easily by now. Enter the
final level.

Level 5: Gaidorazu skull knights and Musaido ninja demons are quite a
deadly pair if you don't watch your back. Triple charge to kill the
Gaidorazu demons and kill the Musaido like you always have. Collect the
Blue Wedge and the Red Stone Poll and exit the realm.

========================= RED PHANTOM REALM ===========================

When you return, head across the bridge, killing any enemies and head
to the Wind Dragon shrine. Kill the Musaido ninja demons and examine
the warning sign to leap up to the cliff. Kill the Battoyako fish
demons and open the black box to get the Stealth Costume. Head into the
marshland and kill the demons there. Examining the giant tribal statue
reminds you of that stone pole you got. Enter the double doors at the
north end of the marsh. (Hint: GET THE SENPAMARU SECRET NOW!). Enter
the Blue Phantom Realm using the blue wedge on the other side of the
spike trap.

========================= BLUE PHANTOM REALM ==========================

Level 1: Gyaran and Bazu. The annoying duo is back from the gold mine
for some revenge. But they aren't gonna get it! Shurikens are the way
to go here. Kill them all and advance to...

Level 2: Hyukan...the enemy you will LOVE to hate. Kick them to reveal
their cores and hopefully knock them down. Use the Fatal Stab move and
move on to the next level which is...

Level 3: Hyukan and Gozaresu. I should have stayed in Kansas because I
HATE this area. Use stealth magic and you will do fine. Enter...

Level 4: Oowashya and Bazu aren't that tough. Use triple charged
attacks on the Oowashya and Shuriken on Bazu. Enter the final level...

Level 5: Oowashya and Barawashya. Oowashya aren't very hard but the
Barawashya is a different story. I mean, THAT THING HURTS. Most of its
attacks are unblockable, but as long as you keep doing triple charged
attacks, run, and do another triple charged attack, you will do fine.
Collect the Blue Stone Pole and exit this Phantom Realm.

========================= BLUE PHANTOM REALM ==========================

Now that you're done here, exit to the marsh and use the Red and Blue
stone poles on the demon totem. Head into the forest, fighting off the
Oowashya and Bazu with whatever shurikens you have left, or use Triple
charged attacks. Kotaro will rescue Jubei from that UGLY Jujudormah
when you enter the next area. Kotaro transfers all his souls to Jubei
and gives him the Senpamaru secret if you got it. I hope you enjoyed
this side quest. See my REAL FAQ for the answer to the Trick Treasure

2. Magoichi

How to get: Be his best ally when you enter the second chamber of the
Demon Caves. Tokichiro will attempt to shoot Magoichi with a bullet
that turns people to stone, but Jubei blocks it. Magoichi will now go
find a way to turn Jubei back to normal.

Magoichis Equipment:

Tri-Barrel Gun

Goraishinki (Goraishinki is default equipped ONLY of you bought at

Flamethrower (Flamethrower is Found in Caves)

Combat Knife and Flash Bombs

Saiga Costume

Pirates Costume (Pirates Costume is equipped only if obtained through

Saiga Boots

Western Boots (Western Boots is equipped only if bought at shop)

Saiga Gloves

Rasha Gloves (Rasha Gloves is found in Caves)

You start in the room where Jubei is frozen. You automatically receive
Tokichiro's Memo #2. Open the Black Box to get the GREEN BRACELET for
Magoichi to absorb souls with. Head into the next area to encounter
Joda and Gyaran enemies. Black them with either one of your guns and
move on. Fighting through the Hyukans, you find yourself against
Bajaido and a Gerohone. Concentrate all your firepower on the Gerohone
and you should kill it in no time. Kill the Bajaido and then operate
the bridge controls to lower the bridge. Go across the bridge to enter
an area with a magic mirror. Save the game and open the black box to
get Rasha Gloves. Equip them and open the other box for the Demon Cave
Map. The next area has Dorahyukans and Gyarans. Kill them to enter the
next area which is the toughest room here. Inside you will encounted
Bazu and a Barawashya. The key is to not move from the entrance. Use
your rapid-fire magic with the Goraishinki to easily take out the
Barawashya and use the triple charge attack to take out anything else
in the room. After you enter the next chamber open the black box to get
the Flamethrower + Fuel and open the red box to get the Great Powder
Tube. Now you can de-petrify Jubei! Head back the way you came until
you come across the room with the magic mirror and the petrified man.
Use the Great Powder Tube on him (It has unlimited usage) to de-petrify
him. Talk to him twice to get a Medicine. When you get to the
drawbridge area, a Ketyara will steal the Great Powder Tube from you.
To kill it quickly use the flamethrower on it. If it retreats, go to
the next area and try to kill it there. It will keep going back and
forth till you kill it. Once you get the Great Powder Tube back, head
back to Jubei's room. De-petrify the other men first, and talk to the
man behind Jubei to get a Medicine. Return to the very first room, and
take the western path. De-petrify the man and talk to him to get a
Secret Medicine. Solve the Trick Treasure Box (Look in my main FAQ for
the answer and the prize) and open the red box for an Herb. Return to
Jubei's room and de-petrify him. Magoichi will hand over the Green
Bracelet, transferring any souls and any healing items he received.
Magoichi's quest is now over. Hope you enjoyed.

3. Ekei

To obtain this guy's scenario, you must be highly allied to Ekei when
you enter the Gifu Star Tower.

Ekei's Equipment:


Houtengeki (Houtengeki is default equipped if bought in town)

Halberd (Halberd is found in the Castle)


Hozoin Garment

Ashura Garment (Ashura Garment is default equipped if obtained through

Hozoin Leg Guard

Fudo Leg Guard (Fudo Leg Guard is default equipped if bought in town)

Hozoin Protector

Nioh Protector (Nioh Protector is found in the Castle)

You start out with a scene where Ekei mocks Jubei for getting trapped,
but Ekei promises to get him out. The first thing you should do is head
west and collect the Gifu East map and the YELLOW BRACELET from the
Black Box. This will enable Ekei to absorb souls and give them to Jubei
later. Head into the bridge area and kill the Bajaido and Joda demons
and collect the Cherry Key near the slope. Enter the castle courtyard
and go back to the dragon tail ramp you used to enter this castle for
the very first time. Open the black box to get Medicine. Now go back to
the castle entrance and enter. Your hands are full dealing with Jaido
and a Dorogando. Use triple charge attacks to defeat it and head
through the double doors, or head through the west to save. Inside the
double doors, kill the Gerohone, which is NOT necessary since that is
the area that you Don't need to explore. Unlock the door to the east
with the Cherry Key. Open the black box to get the Nioh Protector, and
search for the Crescent key, the Human as Food document, and Artwork
#12. Return to the bridge area and run to the north door and unlock it
with the crescent key. Quickly run to the northern door and try not to
get hit. Head up the mountain path and smash a lantern to get a
Medicine. Kill all enemies here while circling around the Waterfall and
open the next black box to get the Halberd. Equip it immediately and
open the door to the boathouse. Pick up the Hunting Schedule document
and ride the boat. Kill or avoid the Oda Bodyguards and enter the
house. Beware the Barawashya and use triple charged attacks, your
charms, or the Paralyze spell to kill it. Get the Snake Key, Artwork
#13, The Golden Evil Statue document, and the Fortinbras Book document.
Return to where Jubei is trapped and Ekei will transfer all souls and
items to Jubei. Here ends Ekei's Scenario.

4. Oyu

This automaticly occurs after the Second Gogandantess fight.

Oyu's Equipment:

Broad Sword

Phirangi (Phirangi is default equipped if bought at town)

Gradius (Gradius is found in the Oni Sacred Place)

Throwing Daggers

Plate Armor

Silver Armor (Silver Armor is default equipped if bought at town)

Leather Boots

Hard Boots (Hard Boots is default equipped if obtained in trade)

Round Shield

Adarga (Adarga is found in the Oni Sacred Place)

You start out in the Oni Sacred Place main hall. You see the spirit of
Takajo in front of you. She begs you to find the Sacred Flute to help
Jubei, and she gives Oyu the RED BRACELET. This will enable Oyu to
absorb demon souls. Examine the gate to the Earth Dragon shrine, then
save your game at the Magic Mirror since I don't think you want to
fight Gogandantess again. Head into the dirt pit and up the opposite
stairs. Head past the goddess like statue and kill the Gozaresu by
triple-charging your weapons. Grab the Key Plate and quickly escape
back into the main hall. Use the Key Place on the Earth Dragon shrine
to unlock two doors in the hall. Go through the door behind you to
enter a wall with a creepy looking picture. Head through the door at
the end of the hall to enter a hall with a green pond (Acid). Double-
Charge your weapon to defeat the Oda Bodyguards and open the chests to
get the Oni's Place Map #1, Oni's Secret Weapon document, and a
Medicine. Enter the next room and triple charge to quickly defeat the
Gaidorazu and kill the Joda as if you were Jubei. In the next room,
quickly run across the glass panels to avoid being hit by water beams.
After waiting it out for about a minute, climb down the ladder. Your
main target in this room is the Gerohone. Use triple-charged attacks to
kill it, kill the Bajaido if you like, pick up the Adarga, and enter
the wall behind the Gerohone. This is preparation for the fight at the
end of the bridge. I'm sure this will be no problem. Once you reach the
Magic Mirror, save your game and grab the Gradius from the box. Equip
it and enter the final area. An Oowashya will drop. Use triple-charged
attacks or Oyu's secret technique (Down, Up, []). Quickly inject the
souls because a Barawashya will drop now. You MUST either strike it
with Triple Charged attacks or stay away from it's unblockable attacks.
Once you kill it, you get the SACRED FLUTE. Return to the beach,
killing all enemies by remembering from previous encounters. There is
no barrier in the Battoyako glass room. Once you reach Jubei, Oyu's
quest ends. All souls will now transfer to him and so will all her
healing items. Hope you enjoyed.

X. Boss Strategies

BOSS: Ginghamphatts I

Prefered Weapon levels:

Buraitou: 2
Hyoujin-Yari: 1

Recommended Weapon: Buraitou

This large four legged demon uses a HUGE pickaxe to swipe and damage
you. Also he uses some unblockable attacks. First off, use the
Buraitou's magic to attack Ginghamphatts. This will cause medium damage
to him and causes him to release some souls. Keep doing this till you
run out of magic. Switch to the Hyoujin-Yari and keep hitting him with
magic. If for whatever reason you run out of magic, use the Buraitou
secret on him. It might cause him to stagger if u hit him with the
secret fourth hit at the end. If you inject a blue soul, use magic
again. If you listened to #1 above and collected four purple souls,
inject a fifth after you deplete all your magic and enter onimusha
mode. Keep whacking him doing double damage each time and eventually he
will start leaping into the air. This is where the battle gets
tough/easy. He will be impossible to hit in the air, land either far
away from you or on top of you, and on top of that boulders will crash
down. The easy part about this is when you reach below 50% health, your
best ally will enter. The one you want for this is Magoichi. Keep
trying to hit him and eventually he WILL die.

When he does die, inject all the souls for a +40 red soul bonus and
collect the 1000 gold he leaves behind.


Boss Battle: Gogandantess I

Prefered Weapon levels:

Buraitou: 2
Hyoujin-Yari: 2

Recommended Weapon: Hyoujin-Yari

Here is where you will fight Gogandantess, the greatest swordsman of
all demons. He is like normal demons, by that I mean attacks for about
the same damage, but has a lot more hit points and for not has an
invulnerability shield. There are two ways to end this battle.

1. Repeatedly attack Gogandantess for about one minute. At this point
an ally will rescue you.

2. Lock Blades with Gogandantess 2 or 3 times. Oyu will rescue now

Some people say that waiting for a really long time will end the
battle, but I haven't proven that yet. If you stop attacking
Gogandantess, he will become more fierce and you will have to repeat #1
over and over again.


Boss fight: Ginghamphatts II

Prefered weapon levels

Buraitou: 2
Hyoujin-Yari: 2
Senpamaru: 1

Recommended weapon: Buraitou

Once again, you must fight this four legged immortal. He now wields an
Axe, but this time, no rocks will drop from the sky! He has a little
bit more hit points and deals more damage. Start this fight by double
and triple charging your weapon and hitting him to knock him back. He
should not hit you at all if you block after attacking him. Eventually,
after taking a lot of damage, he will run into the forest. Use the R1
button to track his position. If you get rammed by him at this point,
you will take godly amounts of damage. This can be good, if you take a
ton of damage an ally will help you. If you manage to avoid his
charging for a while he will run into a tree and stun himself. This is
your chance to get some hits in. Soon, he will run off into the forest
again. Keep your guard up, and eventually he will die. After the fight,
you will receive the Nobunaga's Dignity Statue and 970 souls (including
the bonus).


Boss fight: Jujudormah

Prefered weapon levels

Buraitou: 2
Hyoujin-Yari: 2
Senpamaru: 2

Recommended weapon: Hyoujin-Yari or Buraitou, whichever one you like

Jujudormah, the ugliest demon ive EVER seen, wields a parasol and uses
magic bolts. She runs away at the start, so take this chance to hit her
with magic or give chase to her. She has multiple attacks from this
point on.

1. She fires 3 projectiles in a row.
2. She extends her parasol *UNBLOCKABLE*
3. Defense position
4. Runs around the room, spinning, doing damage repeatedly

She will use these attacks for the remainder of the fight. If you have
an ally, he/she will come in when you're at 25% max health. She uses #4
a lot when being double teamed, so watch out. When she uses it, slide
around to her back and slice away. Always use magic and you will win
easily. When she dies, she reveals a switch which reveals a secret
door. You gain the Honesty Orb from this fight and 720 souls.

XI. Items and Gift Exchange *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*

Read Carefully, under construction. Only the Gift exchange is under
construction but you can get all other item information here.

1. Health and Magic Related Items

Herb - This is the basic healing item. It restores about 15% health to
your health bar. These are the most plentiful item found in the game.

Medicine - More powerful than an herb, this restores about 40% health
to your health bar. You can get a lot of these via trade.

Secret Medicine - One of the more powerful healing items, this restores
you to full health. Use these scarcely, since there aren't that many in
the game.

Perfect Medicine - The most powerful medicine of all, this restores
full health AND magic to both bars. There are only about 2 of these per
game, unless you use ultimate mode.

Magic Liquid - I don't use these much, so I don't really have any idea
how much they restore, so im guessing around 30%. If you have an idea
give me an E-mail telling me.

Super Magic Liquid - This is the same as a Secret Medicine, except it
restores all your magic instead of all your health. These are VERY hard
to come by.

Ekei's Keepsake - You only get this once, and can only use it once to
restore ALL your health and magic. You get this if you fight and defeat
Ekei in the final castle Gifu.

Power Jewel - You get these by solving Trick Treasure Boxes. They add
on to your life bar.

Magic Jewel - The same exact thing as a Power Jewel, except these add
to your magic bar.


The only thing that will be here now are the items that you can trade,
and where to find them, NOT who to trade them to, and their reactions.

Item - Where to find item

Abacus - Yagyu Village, Jubei's House
Ancient Coin - Trade with Oyu
Ancient Documents - Speak to a person at the Imasho Stables
Ashura Garment - Trade with Ekei, Kotaro, then give this to Ekei
Beetle - Randomly appears on a tree in the mountain path
Black Beer - Buy from the Bartender in Imasho Bar
Black Pill - Buy from the third shop list ONLY
Blue Parrot - Buy in the first shop list ONLY
Bouquet - Talk to a man in stables after the gold mine
Bread - Trade with Oyu
Broken Bell - Get this from the girl thief
Brown Egg, Chick, Chicken - Get from Chicken, grows over time.
Calligraphy Kit - Get from third shop list ONLY
Cameo - Trade with Magoichi
Egg, Chick, Chicken - Buy from first shop list, grows over time.
Chalk - Get from the son of a sick man
Chinese Fiddle - Trade with Oyu
Cloth - Find in the blacksmith's shop, Red Box
Comb - Get this from a merchant in Imasho Town 3
Conch - Get from first shop list
Confetti - Get from merchant to your left, Imasho Town 1
Copper Coin - Trade with Magoichi
Crown - Trade with Oyu
Crystal Ball - Get it from Red Box behind dragon ramp - Gifu Castle.
Dead Flowers - Keep Bouquet for a long period of time
Dice - Get from gold miner in your second trip


3. Jubei's Weapons

I don't have the hard mode soul upgrades for magic weapons, so if you
can send me an e-mail telling me how much, I will Appreciate it.

Jubei's Weapons:

Yagyu Sword - The basic sword you get at the beginning of the game.
This is the Yagyu clan weapon and Jubei always carries it with him.
This sword cannot charge nor can you level it up, or perform a secret
technique with it.

Buraitou - The lightning elemental sword is both swift and powerful.
This is obtained by "Proving yourself" at the lightning dragon shrine
after visiting Takajo. This is the first chargable weapon, can use
magic attacks, and can use secret techniques

Level 2: 7000 souls - Normal: ???? souls - Hard (E-mail me)
Level 3: 15000 souls - Normal: ????? souls - Hard

Hyoujin-Yari - This is the ice elemental spear. Obtained from the Ice
dragon shrine in the gold mine. Use this weapon for powerful, long
reach attacks.

Level 2: 7000 souls - Normal: ???? souls - Hard
Level 3: 15000 souls - Normal: ????? souls - Hard

Senpamaru - This weapon is the wind elemental twin blade used for quick
strikes. This weapon is not that powerful though. Obtained by visiting
the wind dragon shrine in Fog Valley.

Level 2: 7000 souls - Normal: ???? souls - Hard
Level 3: 15000 souls - Normal: ????? souls - Hard

Dokoutsui - The earth elemental hammer. You will use this weapon
against larger enemies and armored enemies. Obtained by visiting the
earth dragon shrine in Oni's Sacred Place

Level 2: 9000 souls - Normal: ????? souls - Hard
Level 3: 21000 souls - Normal: ????? souls - Hard

Rekka-Ken - The legendary fire sword. This is a heavy sword that is
extremely powerful and has a magic attack to match. Use this to fight
large enemies. Obtained by battling through all 20 levels of the purple
phantom realm. This weapon is already fully upgraded with all charge
techs and its secret technique.

Bow & Arrows/Fire Arrows - As you can guess, this shoots arrows. Press
R1 to aim and square to fire at the closest target. This is designed to
hit the closest enemy and use these to hit those pesky archers on
balconies. Find this in the blacksmiths shop.


XII. FAQ/Walkthrough Reviews

Read the Disclaimer in the next section to find my E-mail to send me
your personal review of the guide, how it is helpful to you, if you
want me to make one for another game, how to make it better, etc.

HangMe2002: Taking a quick glance around it, it looks pretty good. One
problem: The ASCII art. If you want me to make you a better one, or use
E-Mail Effects, using something else. Like...Slant or something.
Otherwise, its great. If I ever get the game, you can bet I'll use it

Mastermind2k: My rating- 8/10 (A little bit more seriousness would be
good, a better disclaimer maybe) I would use it, and if never posted,
I'll bother you every 10 minuets if/when I get the game :P

XIII. Disclaimer

This FAQ MIGHT be allowed to be posted on sites with my permission. E-
mail me at Still420@msn.com and I will decide if your site is worthy.
You must state that I, Ryan J. Logan, is the owner of this FAQ
somewhere on the site. Also...you can e-mail me when I put up the first
boss fight for strategies separate from my own. This FAQ will be
updated every 3 days until its near final version.

I have changed the rule for Cheat Code Central, but ONLY if you ask me

These sites are currently authorized to use my FAQ

www.GameFAQs.com - Without this site, what other sites could see this?
www.neoseeker.com - Your normal site. My FAQ is also available here.
www.psxcodez.com - The English/German site. Come to find my FAQ here

XIV. Credits

CjayC for making such a great site for me to post this on.

Capcom for making the best game ever!

Caromsyr AkA. Neo-Warshark for writing this FAQ.

Mastermind 2k for helping me keep my cool and not get angry when I was
killed by Nobunaga 15+ times in a row and his review of this.

Yuffie 4 Life for his support.

Hangme2003 for his support of this guide and helping me keep my cool
and his review.

NcRdrg for his support in this project.

And anyone else who makes a contribution to this guide will be posted.
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