Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

14.10.2013 17:08:15

M E T A L G E A R S O L I D (r) 2


by Packing Heat ( Include the difficulty
if you email asking about tags.

This guide was written using the European (PAL) Playstation(r)2 version of
Metal Gear Solid 2. The American/Japanese NTSC version of the game may
contain different dog tags.

If you're looking for the Plant walkthrough, then look on the Metal Gear Solid 2 FAQs section for it.


:: Version History ::

:: Version 2.1 :: 11th June 2002 ::
Quick update. Added a new way to do pull-ups quicker, thanks to an
email. See the holdup FAQ just below the table of contents.

:: Version 2 :: 9th April 2002 ::
Corrections. Plant walkthrough is complete. If you e-mail me
asking for a specific tag, say which difficulty it's in.

:: Version 1.7 :: 27th March 2002 ::
New information about Gackt, the guard in Deck-2 moshing to some music.
Neoseeker added to authroized site list. Corrected the [Stealth] and
[Bandana] requirements. Look out in a few days for the Plant

:: Version 1.6 :: 26th March 2002 ::
AWOL soldier cleared up! It now appears that if you enter the Engine
Room under Alert, or cause an Alert before you have his tag, then he
disappears off with the patrol team that comes through the Engine Room
to see what the deal is. Also new information about the Grip Levels.
Thanks to CJS28 for all the info in this update!

:: Version 1.5 :: 25th March 2002 ::
Damn Wordpad sucks. Past something in and it converts it to TMR font,
"No, I never said to do that, I need Courier New!" Anywho, every tag
on the tanker is now accounted for and walkthrough'ed. Few corrections
added, plus we seem to have a glitch. I wasn't going to mention it
until someone else was missing the same guard...He's the first guard
you encounter as you enter the Engine Room. Sometimes, he's just AWOL.

:: Version 1.0 :: 21st March 2002 ::
All the tags for Tanker on Very Easy and Easy difficulties are listed,
as well as a walkthrough for each of those. Also have a whole guide just
below this about hold-up situations. Along with some secret stuff... I
was intending to finish the guide completely before releasing it, but
everyone asks about Hold 1 & Hold 3, so here they are. Don't ask me
about Plant, or anything that isn't here, I'm working on those. Best to
ask the message board if you have questions not covered. :) Oh, NTSC? No
idea, all I know is that they have a few less tags.

:: Welcome to the tour... ::

This is a tour around the tanker DISCOVERY. Please beware of lethal
guards, a hairy Russian lady, a gruff-sounding man with a revolver, and
some guy in a grey sneeking suit. During the tour you may select some
souveniers from the patrons. Shiny dog-tags are popular gifts, but don't
forget to frisk, or otherwise persuade, the locals to hand over
their food or weaponage. Enjoy your stay.

:: Ships Log ::

:: 001 :: How do I hold up a guard? ::
:: 002 :: Hold-up situation Q&A ::
:: 003 :: [Stealth] & [Bandana] ::
:: 004 :: Special Tags ::
:: 005 :: Tanker :: Very Easy :: 24 Tags ::
:: 006 :: Tanker :: Very Easy :: Walkthrough ::
:: 007 :: Tanker :: Easy :: 26 Tags ::
:: 008 :: Tanker :: Easy :: Walkthrough ::
:: 009 :: Tanker :: Normal :: 33 Tags ::
:: 010 :: Tanker :: Normal :: Walkthrough ::
:: 011 :: Tanker :: Hard :: 35 Tags ::
:: 012 :: Tanker :: Hard :: Walkthrough ::
:: 013 :: Tanker :: Extreme :: 34 Tags ::
:: 014 :: Tanker :: Extreme :: Walkthrough ::
:: 015 :: Extreme Olga ::
:: 016 :: Not more credits! ::
:: 017 :: Legal Stuff ::

:: How do I hold up a guard? ::

:: How do I hold up a guard? ::

Well, first you need a gun. At first you have your M9 tranquilizer gun.
This works fine for those guards that beg for their life and hand over
their tags with no "persuasion". But soon you will encounter guards that
call your bluff, act the tough guy as it were. So more means of
persuasion are needed to relinquish them of their belongings. The
USP/SOCOM handguns are the standard choice for achieving this. Simply
implant a hot piece of led in a guard's kneecap or hand, and he will be
more willing to co-operate with your demands. But point something more
powerful at him - a grenade launcher, Stinger missile launcher etc - and
the results are a little more amusing...

First, weapon drawn, you need to sneak up behind a (preferably
stationary) guard. Go into first person view (R1), now point the gun at
your the guard. If you're close enough, your character (Snake or Raiden)
will order the guard to "freeze!" If the guard raises his hands, then
you're in business. He's not going to be scared of you from behind (I
should hope), so we need to get in front of him. Hold L1, and release
R1, but still hold square. Now walk around in front of the
guard. Hold R1, release L1, and now we're pointing a gun at his face.

If he's a cowardly (or sensible, as it were) guard, then he will beg for
his life. Aiming at his crotch and face is a good way to scare him into
dropping goodies, and his tag will be the first thing he drops - if he
has one. You can usually see the tag sparkling on his chest now. Watch
him shake and drop his tag. After he has done so, you can either - 1.
Torture him some more, if he will drop some ammo or [RATION]s, or 2.
Tranquilize him, safest way, no noise, 3. Kill him, which
is usually noise, and rather messy.

Now the other type of guard you will encounter are the tougher ones.
Upon pointing a USP/SOCOM/M9 at their face/crotch, they will say
something like "If you're going to shoot, then shoot!" Ooh, what a tough
guy! He won't give you anything, and tranquilizing him will either do
nothing, or put him to sleep. Kneecapping him, or shooting his arm with
the SOCOM/USP (or maybe a quick round from a machine gun) will deliver a
non-fatal wound. Now he's more than happy to co-operate, so you can
proceed with your threats. But beware - if you put your gun away, he
will kick your arse. And after a little while, he will kick your arse
anyway if you just stand there with a gun at his crotch.

:: Hold-up Situation Q&A ::

Q :: The guard won't hand over his tag, and I only have an [M9]. Help?
A :: Okay, if you put your gun down while in front of him, he will
kick you, then call for backup. You need to get behind him, so
hold L1, release R1, and walk behind him, still pointing your gun
at him. Now drop your gun, he won't notice, and knock him out
with some punches.

Q :: How do I switch weapons while in first person view, without the
guard kicking my arse?
A :: Hold L1, release R1. Now you can hit L2, and select a new weapon
from your inventory. Hold R1, now release L1, and you're back in
first person view, with your diferent weapon.

Q :: I got the guard to freeze, but the fool is right by a
railing/wall and I can't get in front!
A :: While trying to get in front of him, purposely walk into him. He
will make a noise "Uugh" and stumble back a few steps. Beware
that his "uugh" could be heard by other guards. Or use the choke
hold to drag him to a place where you can work.

Q :: The dude is standing too close to other guards/Marines/laser
A :: This is useful for getting Marine's tags on the Hold rooms of the
tanker. You may need to tranquilize some other Marines first, now
sneek up behind the guy you want, grab him round throat, and drag
him to a place where you can work. Be careful not to snap his
neck though.

Q :: Aaaghh! He turned around and spotted me before I could get him to
A :: That's not a question. But killing the dude will not help, he
needs to be alive to be able to hand over his tag. The best way
to deal with him is to punch/kick combo him down until he has
little stars above his head. You can come back for him. Now, if
he's down, and getting up, stand behind him, point your gun, and
hold him up.

Q :: I hear you can use [Thermal Goggles] to aid your quest...
A :: Yes you can. Equip the [Thermal Goggles] to your bonce, go into
first-person view, and look at a guard. His tag should be glowing
white as it is colder than his body, which is glowing red. This
isn't a very effective method though. You need to be quite close
to see the tag, and in front of him, and the [Thermal Goggles]
don't have a zoom function. They're good for the Marines sections

Q :: How do I look at the tags I've collected?
A :: On the title screen, select Special, then Dog Tag Viewer. Load
them from your memory card.

Q :: Have I collected that guy's tag...or not?
A :: If you equip something with a zoom/scope attached, zoom in on a
guard, and hit triangle, you can see his details...only if you
have his tag though.

Q :: Oops! My finger slipped. He won't wake up!
A :: Need the tag off a sleeping guard? 3 options -
1. Spook another guard, and lead him to your sleeping friend. He
will kick him awake. Hmm.
2. Got [Coolant]? Spray a sleeping guard with your [Coolant]
spray, he will wake up faster. Hooray!
3. Try exiting the area, then re-entering (also known as
"Window's has crashed, what do I do?" solution. Only
kidding. This only works in certain areas...Deck 2, port is a
good place to do this.
4. Just thought of this one, can't be bothered changing that "3"
up there. If you drag your sleeping guard into the patrol line
of another guard, hide yourself, then the guard should wake up
his snoozing comrade with a swift kick in the scrutux. Or
5. Drag your sleeping friend onto some steps, then repeatedly
pummel his head until he wakes up (various e-mails about this)
6. Keep picking up the guy, then dropping him right back down
again. It will take a while, but is handy if there are no
steps around, and you don't have some Coolant. I found this
out when looking for Rations on Extreme mode.

Q :: Any way to do pullups quicker?
A :: Having a full health guage means your grip level depletes slower.
If you're wounded, it drips away like your blood. Stock up on
[Ration]s then...

NEW :: A quicker way to do pull-ups (this works best in Engine
Room on the tanker, you don't need to do pull-ups on the
Plant anyway), is to hang off a railing that has a railing
Below it. Then hit X to drop to the lower railing. This
Will count as 10 pull-ups for some reason. (Thanks to
Yusef El-Sokby)

:: [Stealth] & [Bandana] ::

:: [Bandana] ::

:: After acquiring 47 tags, you are rewarded with the [Bandana] for
use on the Tanker level. This grants you infinite ammo when

:: [Stealth] ::

:: Acquire 78 tags on the Tanker, and you get [Stealth]. This
camoflauges your body, making you invisible to the enemy. It is
useless when battling Olga, and for the gunfight outside Hold
No.1. Very useful for Extreme difficulty, although I did the
Extreme walkthrough for those without [Stealth]

:: Special Tags ::

:: When you log into the first node with Raiden on the Big Shell,
you are asked for your details. These will be displayed on the
dog tag that Raiden is holding in the end credits...

:: Enter one of the following names and their statistics will
magically appear...

:: Hideo Kojima :: You know who he is
:: Yoji Shinkawa :: The dude who designed all the characters
:: Ken Ogasawara :: He's a translator

:: Who's this Gackt fellow? ::

Just to let you know, Gackt is a really popular Japanese singer/rock
idol, and he's done the commercials to MGS2 in Japan. He's kinda
eccentric, and claims to be a 400 old vampire in a past life or
something weird like that. Anyway, he's a celebrity endorser, and an
avid video game player, so that's why they put him in. Also, since he's
in the music industry, that explains the headphones.
(Thanks to Anindo Mukhurjee for the Gackt information)

:: Tanker :: Very Easy :: 24 Tags ::

ID Name DoB BLD Location
000 Olga Gurlukovich 0923 A Navigational deck, wing
001 Ross E Bowman 0616 B Aft deck
002 Abraham Carrillo 0704 ? Aft deck
003 Kaissar Ag Agnouche 0120 O Aft deck
004 Arnaud Delaunay 0430 O Navigational deck, wing
005 Ryoji Makimura 1206 B Deck-A, Crew's quarters
006 Kumi Sato 0513 B Deck-B, Crew's Quarters
007 Kevin S Purvis 1114 B Deck-A, crew's lounge
008 Yasuhiro Miyamoto 0225 AB Deck-A, crew's lounge
009 Michael C Anthony 0307 O Deck-A, crew's lounge
010 Carlos Garci Garcie 1230 A Deck-D, crew's quarters
011 Mineshi Kimura 0618 AB Deck-D, crew's quarters
012 Jonathan Hancock 0208 AB Deck 2, port
013 Bryn T Kershaw 0304 O Deck 2, port
014 Michael Hurkmans 1205 B Deck 2, port
015 Ken Ogasawara 0630 B Engine room
016 Petro Kyrylenko 0218 ? Engine room
017 Aaron F Kopf 0624 AB Engine room
018 James P Fitzgibbons 0513 ? Engine room
019 Alexander Strigi 0403 A Engine room
020 Dave Cox 0803 O Hold No. 1
021 Cory A Noll 0406 AB Hold No. 1
022 Andreas Ebeler 0323 AB Hold No. 3
023 Gary J Davidson 0712 O Hold No. 3

:: Walkthrough :: Tanker :: Very Easy ::

001 :: Ross E Bowman is patrolling the door to the left
002 :: Abraham Carrillo is guarding the door to the right
003 :: Kaisser Ag Agnouche is strutting along the top balcony

*** :: Enter the door on the right into Deck-B, crew's quarters
starboard. Enter the door in the corridor to go to Deck-A,
crew's lounge, starboard

009 :: Michael C Anthony is patrolling along the corridor

*** :: Enter the door into Deck-A, crew's quarters, starboard. Now turn
around and go back through

007 :: Kevin S Purvis is chilling out, sitting at the bottom of the
steps outside the crew's lounge

*** :: Up the stairs, enter the right door. Follow the corridor south,
enter the door on the west side to Deck-C, crew's quarters,
port. Go up the next stairs to Deck-D, crew's quarters

010 :: Carlos Garcie is that geezer standing by the laser trap with the
C4 wired to it

*** :: Up the stairs. Now fight Olga and put her to sleep with your

000 :: Olga Gurlukovich's sleeping body is to be frisked until she
relinquishes her tag

*** :: Get the [USP Surpressor] and [Thermal Goggles] from the mast

004 :: Arnaud Delauny appears out of the door on the other side

*** :: Back down to Deck-D, crew's quarters now

011 :: Mineshi Kiruma is now walking around the corridors outside the
room with watermelons
006 :: Kumi Sato can now be kneecapped to get his tag in Deck-B, crew's
008 :: Yasuhiro Miyamoto is hiding down the stairs to the west of the
crew's lounge. Kneecap!
005 :: Ryoji Makimura is available for kneecapping in Deck-A, crew's

*** :: Off to the Engine Room we go (headshot the guy sitting on the
steps for some fun). *** Don't enter the Engine Room with the
guards on Alert, or the next guy won't appear ***

018 :: James P Fitzgibbons is just through the next door, don't kick
him over the edge this time. Don't cause an alert, or he'll
disappear with the assault team that shows up.
015 :: Ken Ogasawara is the geezer patrolling on the next floor down
016 :: Petro Kyrylenko is at the bottom of the steps. Drag him out a
little first to get behind
017 :: Aaron F Kopf is the next bloke you see, up some stairs. He's
staring at a girly poster...

*** :: ***IMPORTANT*** Before you exit this room, get yourself up to at
least Grip Level 2.

019 :: Alexander Strigl now, he's that bloke that comes out of the
door. He's been fixing a door

*** :: Now you gotta shoot the C4 control thing. You should now have 16
dog tags in your pocket. Deck-2, port. Hide in the second
opening until the guard passes, sneek up behind him and rob
Funny scene...when hiding behind this wall, knock the metal bar
down and watch... "I am not stupid!"

012 :: Jonathan Hancock is the first guard. Hide in opening 2, stalk
him back to opening 1

*** :: Frisk this guard for [Grenades]. If the alarm goes, run back to
Engine room, port. If you get caught, run back down to Engine
room, port. Now re-enter for a resetted radar

013 :: Bryn T Kershaw can be seen moshing to some music at the corner.
Don't bump him!
014 :: Michael Hurkmans is the next guard. He would have heard if you
bumped Bryn.

*** :: Michael may be sleeping, or not. Either way, just get him from
the side, it's easier. Now through the door to Deck-2,
starboard. A gun fight ensues... You have 19 tags. Yes?

Hold No.1 .Climb down to the floor. To the left of the projector
is a dude with a helmet...

021 :: Cory A Noll is that dude's name. He's not part of the crowd.
Don't wound these Marines!

*** :: Climb back up your ladder, to the middle floor. Now jump the
railing, and shimmy to the left. This is why you need Grip Level
2. Flip yourself back up at the far end by the guy.

020 :: Dave Cox is that guy's name. Take his tag and tranquilize him.
None of the Marines resist.

*** :: Now go through the door into Hold No.2. Flip over the railing,
and shimmy to the other end. Go through the door into Hold No.3.
See that dude standing there? He may be in his kecks...

022 :: Andreas Ebeler is next on your hitlist. He's this guy on the
platform. Rob his tag

*** :: Slide down the firemans pole. See that guy, sort of asleep? May
also be in his kecks...

023 :: Gary J Davidson is this Marine's name. Plenty of space to sneek
behind and hold him up

*** :: Now you have all 24 dog tags? Good. Get your 4 photos of RAY,
load them up and your done!

:: Tanker :: Easy :: 26 Tags ::

ID Name DoB BLD Location
000 Olga Gurlukovich 0923 A Navigational deck, wing
001 Nicholas M Capone 1217 O Aft deck
002 Donal L Gilliland 1228 O Aft deck
003 Joe T Holdren 0915 AB Aft deck
004 Shaun P Wilson 0513 O Navigational deck, wing
005 Jeff K Hui 1031 B Deck-A, Crew's quarters
006 Nobuyoshi Nishimura 0218 A Deck-B, Crew's Quarters
007 Tomomi Kato 0101 AB Deck-A, crew's lounge
008 Anders E Leiro 1122 ? Deck-A, crew's lounge
009 Skraktus Mercio 0209 O Deck-A, crew's lounge
010 Gavin S Nash 1206 B Deck-D, crew's quarters
011 David S Eastwick 1108 A Deck-D, crew's quarters
012 Kozaka Kh Henri 0502 ? Deck 2, port
013 Gackt 0704 AAA Deck 2, port
014 Thomas P Dohm 0207 AB Deck 2, port
015 Enrique Camacho 0513 O Engine room
016 Takashi Ohari 0512 A Engine room
017 Max C Wood 0210 ? Engine room
018 John W Flemming 1123 AB Engine room
019 Edward B Elston 0108 B Engine room
020 Christopher D Dadah 0303 O Engine room
021 Rodrigo Spinetti 0918 A Hold No. 1
022 Frank Gther 1109 B Hold No. 1
023 James N Janovsky 0504 O Hold No. 3
024 Abigail G Sanshez 1017 O Hold No. 3
025 Rafael Estaregue 1113 B Hold No. 3

:: Walkthrough :: Tanker :: Easy ::

001 :: Nicholas M Capone is the bloke patrolling the door to the left
002 :: Donal L Gilliland is guarding the door on the right side
003 :: Joe T Holdren can be found strutting along the top level balcony

*** :: Enter the door on the right side of the ship into Deck-B, crew's
quarters. Avoid the guard, and enter the door on the far left to
Deck-C, crew's quarters. Up the stairs now to Deck-D, crew's

010 :: Gavin S Nash is the bloke standing dangerously close to the
lasers and C4. Watch the camera though

*** :: Run into the room with the melons. A guard will walk up the
stairs. Be quick... He don't stay long. You can punch-kick him
unconscious, then drag him to the canteen where you can work

011 :: David S Eastwick is his name. He goes down again quickly, so
sneak up behind and get him/get him into the canteen. You have
one shot at this, don't screw it up!

*** :: Up the stairs, fight Olga Gurlukovich.

000 :: Olga Gurlukovich, frisk her sleeping body for her tag. Keep
frisking for some ammo

*** :: Re-enter Deck-E, The Bridge for some [USP] ammo. Get the
[Surpressor] from the mast

004 :: Shaun P Wilson is the bloke that comes out of the other door and
walks around the boxes

*** :: Back down to the laser trap and the C4. Shoot the camera and the
C4 control box. Kill the guard that's by the stairs. He has no
tag, but he may give some ammo...Back down to Deck-B, crew's
quarters, port

006 :: Nobuyoshi Nishimura needs to be kneecapped before he will hand
his tag over. Take him down!

*** :: Go down into Deck-A, crew's lounge. See that guard?

009 :: Skraktus Mercio is the patrolling guards name. Hold him up to
the east, not the other end, or the guard down the stairs will

*** :: Exit the door to Deck-A, crew's quarters. Look for the guard

005 :: Jeff K Hui is the guard patolling just west of the locker room

*** :: Re-enter Deck-A, crew's lounge. There's a new guard sitting on
the steps...

007 :: Tomomi Kato is his name. He needs a bullet in the knee to
persuade him to hand over his tag
008 :: Anders E Leiro is the geezer standing - half asleep - down the
stairs, surrounded by flies

*** :: To the Engine Room. Don't enter with an Alert!

019 :: Edward B Elston is the first guard. Tell him to "freeze" then
bump him to get in front. Don't cause an Alert though, or he
will probably disappear with the assault team that shows up.
015 :: Enrique Camacho is next, just down the steps
016 :: Takashi Ohari is to the left at the bottom of the next steps.
Jump him from the side
017 :: Max C Wood is standing up the next flight of steps. Look
directly where he was looking...
018 :: John W Flemming is up the last set of stairs

*** :: ***IMPORTANT*** Before you leave the Engine Room, get up to Grip
Level 2! ***IMPORTANT***

*** :: Let the next guy finish talking into the radio before you hold
him up

020 :: Christopher D Dadah is the bloke who comes out of a door
bragging that he fixed said door. He sounds proud...

*** :: Shoot the laser control boxes and go through the door to Deck-2.
You should now have 18 tags (43 accumulated). Run up and hide in
the second opening on the right. Wait for the guard to pass you

012 :: Kozaka Kh Henri is his name. Sneak up behind him when he has
gone past

*** :: If you get caught, run back down into the Engine Room, then re-
enter to reset the alarm. Don't hold up the next 2 guards with
the [USP], they will see the light. Use the [M9]

013 :: Gackt is the guard at the corner, moshing to some music. Stange
name... AAA blood. Is he a vampire? ***See - Special Tags***
014 :: Thomas P Dohm is the next guard. You will have to get him from
the side, be careful

*** :: Now you have a gunfight, and end up in Hold 1. Got 21 tags (46
accumulated)? Climb down to the floor. The second row from the
front, third from the right...It's underpant season!
022 :: Frank Gther is that guy in the underpants. He's very difficult
to get, so follow this... Sneak around the west side of the room
to the north-west corner. From here, tranquilize every guard
that can see him (use the radar to see this). Now carefully walk
up the the bloke standing infront of our man (both are
tranquilized), and drag him off to the front, out of the way.
Now tranquilize him again. Go and grab our underpant man, drag
him off to the front. When you release him, point your gun at
him and hold him up as normal. :)

*** :: Now you will need to let them catch you. Reason - you will start
Hold No.1 again, _with_ the tag you just got, you will have full
time limit, and you will also have full [M9] ammo... Now climb
down to the middle balcony. Flip over it, and shimmy across the
the other end where a guard is. Jump back up behind him

021 :: Rodrigo Spinetti is the guard on the other end of this balcony

*** :: Through the door to Hold No.2. Same trick with the railing
again, right to the other end. Pull yourself up, and go through
into Hold No.3

023 :: James N Janovsky is the next guy, on the balcony in Hold No.3.

*** :: A good tactic now is to tranquilize all the Marines from the
balcony, you can see better than you can from the floor. Now
slide down the pole

024 :: Abigail G Sanshez is the guard at the bottom of the pole, may be
sleeping. Easy pickings

*** :: This is a good time to demonstrate the [Thermal Goggles]'
ability to sniff out tags. Get in the little passage under
Dolph, equip the goggles, and use first-person view to see the

025 :: Rafael Estaregue is in the front row of the Marines, third from
the right. They should all be tranquilized by now (from the
balcony). Walk round the front of them, and walk up to him. His
arms are folded. Grab him in the choke-hold, and drag him under
the platform that Dolph is on (the guy giving the speech). Now
release him, and hold him up as normal.

*** :: That's them all. Now take some photos of RAY, and get the hell
outta there!

:: Tanker :: Normal :: 33 Tags ::

ID Name DoB BLD Location
000 Olga Gurlukovich 0923 A Navigational deck, wing
001 Kazuya Ikeno 1025 A Aft deck
002 Kim K Christensen 0928 AB Aft deck
003 Larry D Lionberger 1021 ? Aft deck
004 Chul Kwon 0727 A Navigational deck, wing
005 Hirosuke Moritomo 0829 O Deck-C, Crew's quarters
006 Hoshiko Kamata 0423 A Deck-A, Crew's quarters
007 Marco G Brunato 0330 ? Deck-B, crew's quarters
008 Jesus Bibian Jr 0116 ? Deck-B, crew's quarters
009 Jordi C Aldea 0508 ? Deck-A, crew's lounge
010 Sadaaki Kaneyoshi 0517 A Deck-A, crew's lounge
011 Anthony D Callaghan 0407 ? Deck-A, crew's lounge
012 Craig M Weldon 0426 AB Deck-D, crew's quarters
013 Daizo Shikama 1229 B Deck-D, crew's quarters
014 Shinta Nojiri 0408 A Deck-D, crew's quarters
015 Jun Tanaka 0812 B Deck 2, port
016 Bernard A Reeves 1221 O Deck 2, port
017 Evan M Martin 1120 A Deck 2, port
018 Bruno A Montenegro 1123 B Engine room
019 Almerindo Lemke 0909 A Engine room
020 Satoshi Hirano 0211 A Engine room
021 Jusin C Cunley 0625 O Engine room
022 Kristian Lindin 0930 ? Engine room
023 Mike Abe 0602 A Engine room
024 Tatsuya Takada 0731 O Engine room
025 Pawel Majewski 0208 O Hold No. 1
026 Mark W Bruce 0806 O Hold No. 1
027 Youssef Fassi-Fihri 0817 O Hold No, 1
028 Christian Nordstr 0726 B Hold No. 2
029 Hiro Miyajima 0510 AB Hold No. 2
030 Nathaniel Lord 0604 O Hold No. 3
031 Carlos Kiho 1229 O Hold No. 3
032 Tim U Chan 0619 ? Hold No. 3

:: Walkthrough :: Tanker :: Normal ::

001 :: Kazuya Ikeno is the guard over to the left, guarding a door
002 :: Kim K Christensen is the one guarding the door over to the right
003 :: Larry D Lionberger is the bloke strutting along the top balcony

*** :: Enter the door on the right into Deck-B, crew's quarters

007 :: Marco G Brunato is the guard on the north corridor
008 :: Jesus Bibian Jr is the other guard on the south corridor

*** :: Go up the stairs on the west to Deck-C, then go up the next
stairs to Deck-D, crew's quarters. Tranquilize the guard in
the canteen - he ain't giving up his tag.

012 :: Craig M Weldon is the guard by the C4 laser trap. If you get him
while he's close to the trap, bump into him to move him back a
bit so you can get in front without hitting the lasers

*** :: Go up the stairs into Deck-E, the bridge. Now defeat Olga

000 :: Olga Gurlukovich is to be frisked until she drops her tag

*** :: Re-enter The Bridge for some [USP] ammo, exit back out to the
Navigational Deck, wing. We have un-finished business... First,
climb the mast for the [Surpressor] and [Thermal Goggles]

004 :: Chul Kwon is the guard that comes out of the other door, should
give up his tag without a kneecapping

*** :: Go back down to Deck-D, crew's quarters. The guy you put to
sleep in the canteen is awake, and there's a new guard in the
corridor just north of the laser trap. Go for the one in the
canteen first, and be careful of the surveillance camera...

013 :: Daizo Shikama is that un-fortunate guy in the canteen, and he
needs to be kneecapped before you can relinquish his tag

*** :: Kill the other guard out in the corridor, and drag him quickly
into the small room with the boxes and watermelons and such. A
new guard is now coming up the stairs, but he goes straight back
down. That's the guard that has the tag, and this is a one-time
chance to get it. When he turns to go back down, punch-kick him
to the ground. Now point your gun and wait for him to get up

014 :: Shintra Nojiri is that guard's name. Remember, be quick about
this. Punch-kick him down, then rob his arse. Not literally!

*** :: Go down to Deck-C.

005 :: Hirosuke Moritomo is the guard pacing by the surveillance
camera. Knock the wall to get his attention, then hide by the
locker. When he comes to investigate, ambush him

*** :: Now go down into Deck-B, then cut through the east door to
Deck-A, crew's lounge. Kill any guards in Deck-B, you have their
tags already

011 :: Anthony D Callaghan is the guard pacing up and down outside the
crew's lounge. Follow him when he goes east, and ambush him at
the end. If you jump him down the other end, the guard down the
stairs will hear

*** :: Exit the door to Deck-A, crew's quarters

006 :: Hoshiki Kamata is pacing up and down just west of the locker
room. He will need some persuasion from your [USP] though...

*** :: Go back to Deck-A, crew's lounge. The mess you made of that
guard has gone, and a new guard is standing by the steps...

009 :: Jordi C Aldea is that guard. Follow him into the lounge area and
ambush him
010 :: Sadaaki Kaneyoshi is sleeping down the stairs to the west. Creep
slowly down the stairs. Notice the flies :( You will have to
fulfil his wish to be shot with a bullet in his arm/kneecap

*** :: Enter the Engine Room now, it's down the stairs on the east. Do
not enter with the guards on Alert, or the next guy may not show

023 :: Mika Abe is the first guy. Bump him to get between him and the
barrier. Shoot him in the head after getting his tag, and watch
him fall over the railings... If you cause an alert, he could
disappear off with the assault team that shows up
018 :: Bruno A Montenegro is the guard down the flight of stairs. Sneek
behind him as he heads off in the other direction
019 :: Almerindo Lenke is hiding down the next stairs. He's just by a
pillar, so when he looks to his left, jump out and ambush him
from his right hand side, then get infront to get his tag
020 :: Satoshi Hirano is just up the next flight of stairs. Kneecap
him for his dog tag, then head shot him and he'll fall over the
railings to a comical Looney Tunes stylee death. All we need
then is a puff of white smoke indicating he landed

*** :: Go back down those stairs and look for the next guard...

022 :: Kristian Lindin is the guard's name. Wait until he walks along
north, then sneak up behind him
021 :: Justin C Cumley is up the last flight of stairs

*** :: ***IMPORTANT*** Get up to Grip Level 2 before you leave the
Engine Room

024 :: Tatsuya Takada comes out of a door that he fixed. Jump him as
soon as he finishes his speech into his radio. You must get him
as he doesn't appear any other time

*** :: Shoot out the laser control boxes (3 of 'em), and enter Deck-2,
port. Leg-it to the second opening, and hide there. Notice that
while in Deck-2, you should only be using [M9]. The [USP] has
a light attached, and the guards see the shadow before you can
shout "freeze". You can switch to [USP] if the guard needs
kneecapping while holding him up - hold L1, and change guns! If
you get caught by the guards, run back the the Engine Room, then
re-enter for a resetted radar and guards

015 :: Jun Tanaka is the first guard walking towards you. You should be
hiding in the second opening on the right. When he passes,
heading south, follow him and ambush him
016 :: Bernard A Reeves is the guard boppin' his 'ead to muzik at the
bottom corner. Sneak past with your [M9] and hold him up
017 :: Evan M Martin is the geezer a bit futher down, sleeping. Walk
beside him as he sleeps to get him

*** :: Enter Deck-2, starboard. Have your gunfight, then enter Hold 1.
Your [Bandana] is good for the gunfight. Climb down to the floor
in Hold No.1

*** :: As soon as you enter Hold No.1, climb down to the floor

026 :: Mark W Bruce is standing just to the west of the projector. He
is all alone, and wearing a helmet
027 :: Yousser Fassi-Fihri is easy as well. He's on the west wall, all
alone, again wearing a helmet. Careful of the metal floor...he's
standing on the metal plated floor by a cube thingy...

*** :: Climb back up the ladder in the south-east corner, up to the
middle balcony.

025 :: Pawel Majewski is on the other end of the middle balcony. To get
to him, flip over the railing on the middle balcony, and hold L2
to shimmy all the way to the other end, then flip yourself back
up when you reach him. This is why you needed Grip Level 2

*** :: Now exit through the door to Hold No.2. We shall have to work
backwards here! Flip over the railing and again grab hand-to-
hand to the other end, then pull yourself up. Go through the
door into Hold No. 3

030 :: Nathaniel Lord is that guard ahead of you on the balcony. Take
his tag, then slide down the pole
031 :: Carlos Kiho is the guard standing near the bottom of the pole,
sleeping. Let's wake him up...
032 :: Tim U Chan is the guard on the far left of this room. Crawl
along through the passage under Dolph to the other side. Our man
is standing on his own on the far left, easy to spot

*** :: Now go through the left door (the door on the south-west wall)
into Hold No.2. There's 2 tags on the ground floor that we
couldn't get before, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to
get 030... anywho...

028 :: Christian Nordstr is the guard on the far left (west) of the
room. He paces around. Tranquilize the 2 guards at the very
front, and the whole first 2 rows of Marines. Then sneek up on
our man, be careful of the metal plated flooring - tread softly.
You should be using your [Bandana] while tranq'ing the guards

029 :: Hiro Miyajima is standing at the back by the projector. You will
need to work your way round the room clockwise, tranquilizing
any guards whose field of vision you need to cross. He's on his
own, with a helmet on his bonce.

*** :: Now go back to Hold No.3 and take the 4 photos of RAY, upload
them to Otacon, and you're done. Hooray!

:: Tanker :: Hard :: 35 Tags ::

ID Name DoB BLD Location

000 Olga Gurlukovich 0923 A Navigational deck, wing
001 Markus A Lindqvist 0209 ? Aft Deck
002 Kenichi Takashima 0103 A Aft Deck
003 Thiago S Parra 0801 O Aft Deck
004 Chris j Matzdorf 0819 ? Navigational deck, wing
005 Adriaan B Scholvinck 0102 A Deck-C, crew's quarters
006 Julius Jun 0228 B Deck-A, crew's quarters
007 Kazuki Nisimura 0302 A Deck-B, crew's quarters
008 Zhang Chao 1030 ? Deck-B, crew's quarters
009 Vishal Kapur 1007 O Deck-A, crew's lounge
010 Victor A Cruz 0107 B Deck-A, crew's lounge
011 Toshio Noguchi 0301 O Deck-A, crew's lounge
012 Celeste D Sauls 0602 O Deck-D, crew's quarters
013 Danielle E Ford 0714 O Deck-D, crew's quarters
014 Jennifer A Mauck 0925 O Deck-D, crew's quarters
015 Daniel A Olsson 0624 O Deck-D, crew's quarters
016 Achim Amann 0821 A Deck 2, port
017 Sean P Cullen 0315 ? Deck 2, port
018 Tommy Blunt 0101 O Deck 2, port
019 David Chau 1230 B Engine room
020 Philippe Ah Mouritzen 0102 A Engine room
021 Yoko Niiyama 0315 B Engine room
022 John V Teves 0128 B Engine room
023 Shintaro Naka 0330 O Engine room
024 Natsuyo Tanaka 0814 A Engine room
025 Yuji Korekado 1222 A Engine room
026 Bryan D Scheibe 0331 ? Hold No.1
027 Yukho Wong 0123 B Hold No.1
028 Lars Crama 0525 AB Hold No.1
029 Jonathan Murphy 1230 AB Hold No.2
030 Gary K Yong 0309 ? Hold No.2
031 Yuki Miyata 1011 O Hold No.3
032 Evan A Ball 0213 B Hold No.3
033 Jason B Wray 0530 A Hold No.3
034 Andrew J Baker 0316 ? Hold No.3

:: Walkthrough :: Tanker :: Hard ::

*** :: Now you should have [Stealth] so use it to sneak up on the
guards. When you get infront of them though, and are not in
first person view, unequip it with L2, otherwise they won't
see you aiming at their groin with your gun...

001 :: Marqus A Lindquist is over to the left side
002 :: Kenichi Takashima is guarding the door over to the right
003 :: Thiaggo S Parra is patrolling along the top balcony

*** :: Enter the door on the left into Deck-A, crew's quarters

006 :: Julius Jun is the guard patrolling in the corridor just east
of the locker room

*** :: Enter the door into Deck-A, crew's lounge

009 :: Vishal Kapur is walking around in the lounge. Get him when he's
nearest to the bar, or the other guy will see you. Hide him
behind the bar when you've got his tag

*** :: Go up the stairs and enter Deck-B, crew's quarters

007 :: Kazuki Nisimura is the guard on the north corridor
008 :: Zang Chao is his comrade patrolling the south corridor

*** :: Go up the west stairs do Deck-C, then up the next stairs to
Deck-D. Careful of the surveillance camera

013 :: Danielle E Ford is the guard standing outside the pantry room.
Wait until the guard by the laser trap goes away, then hold her
(first female guard?) up. Use the pantry room to conceal the

*** :: A guard just came up the stairs. Be quick about this one!

015 :: Daniel A Olsson is his name. He walks up towards the lasers then
goes back down. If you miss him, then you're screwed, cos he
doesn't appear again. Wait outside the pantry room, and when he
turns back around, sneak up behind him. You can even punch-kick
him down, then wait until he gets up then hold him up. Add him
your collection of sleeping guards in the pantry room
014 :: Jennifer A Mauck is the guard in the canteen. She (another
female :) ) paces between the 2 tables
012 :: Celeste D Sauls is the one standing dangerously close to the C4
laser trap. If you hold up this guard too close to said lasers,
then bump them to move them away a little. Careful that upon
administiring the tranquilizer that the guard doesn't fall back
into aforementioned lasers and blow the C4 up

*** :: Go up the stairs, and defeat Olga Gurlukovich

000 :: Olga Gurlukovich is the next one. Pick her up while she sleeps
and drop her so she releases her tag
004 :: Chris J Matzdorf comes out of the door on the other side, and
walks around the boxes. Sneek up behind as he goes up the steps

*** :: Get the [Surpressor] and [Thermal Goggles] from the mast. Now go
through the ship until you are back at Deck-C, crew's quarters.
Be careful - you may be sneezing...but luckily we have all the
tags from Deck-D, so as you pass through there en-route to
Deck-C, you can take out the guards by any means necessary...

005 :: Adrian B Scholvinck is the guard patrolling in Deck-C by the
surveillance camera. Hide by the locker, and ambush him when he
comes your way

*** :: Go back down to Deck-A, crew's lounge. Dispatch of any guards in
Deck-B, you have their tags.

011 :: Toshio Noguchi is the one that walks up and down the corridor.
When he goes to the right (east) end of the corridor, silently
take out the guard walking around in the lounge. Then follow our
guard to the east end of the corridor and ambush him when he
stops. He will need to be kneecapped before he will hand over
his tag
010 :: Victor A Cruz is asleep down the bottom of the steps at the west
end of the lounge. Creep down quietly and surprise him... if you
need [Ration]s, then frisk him for some, he had 2 when I killed

*** :: Enter the door at the bottom of the steps on the east of the
lounge into the Engine Room. Don't enter if you have the guards
on Alert, or the next guard may not appear...

024 :: Natsuyo Tanaks is the first guard. Use the choke-hold to drag
him back to the lockers, then rob him. Don't cause an alert, as
he may run off with the assault team that show up
019 :: David Chau is pacing up and down at the bottom of the stairs
020 :: Philippe Ah Mouritzen is the geezer at the bottom the next
stairs. If he's standing in by the pillar, then use the jumpshot
to get him to freeze
021 :: Noko Yiiyama is the bloke up the next set of stairs
023 :: Shintaro Naka is the guard patrolling at the bottom level, just
under 021. Wait until he walks back to the north, then follow...
022 :: John V Teves is up the final set of stairs. Wait in the alcove
halfway up the stairs until his is near the top step, and then
ambush him

*** :: ***IMPORTANT*** Get yourself up to Grip Level 3 before you leave
the Engine Room, it's your last chance to do so. And you need it

025 :: Yuji Korekado appears in the next room, he comes out of the door
at the bottom, and talks into his radio. Let him finish talking,
then jump him

*** :: Shoot out the 3 laser control boxes, and enter Deck No.2. Beware
that Snake may be sneezing now... and use the [M9], or they will
see the light from your [USP]. If you get spotted, exit back
into the Engine Room, then re-enter Deck No.2 for a resetted
radar and guards

016 :: Achim Amann is the guard walking towards you halfway down. Hide
in the second opening for him to pass, then follow him...
017 :: Sean P Cullen is the next guard, at the corner. He's moshing to
music. Use the [M9], not the [USP]!
018 :: Tommy Blunt is a little further down, half asleep. Sneek up and
ambush him from the side.

*** :: Through the next door. Have a gunfight. Into Hold No.1. Right? 9
more tags left. 3 in Hold 1, 2 in Hold 2, and 4 in Hold 3...
let's roll...

027 :: Yukho Wong is on the west of the room. As you pass the
projector, Yukho is the first guard on the west wall, on his own
and wearing a helmet. Be careful of the metal plate on the floor
028 :: Lars Crama is the guard just north of 027. He's also on the west
wall, on his own, wearing a helmet. When he walks forward a
little, sneek up behind - careful of the metal floor - and rob
him of his tag

*** :: Climb back up the ladder you came down in the south-east corner,
but only up 1 level to the middle balcony. Now I hope you have
Grip Level 3...if not, you're screwed

026 :: Bryan D Scheibe is at the other end of the middle balcony. Flip
over the railing, and shimmy to the other end, then flip up
behind him.

*** :: Pass through this door to Hold No.2. We're gonna have to work
backwards a little to get the other one in Hold 2, so bear with
me... Now go through the door into Hold No.3, we're still on the

031 :: Yuki Miyata is the guard on the balcony as you enter Hold No 3.
Once you have his tag, slide down the pole

032 :: Evan A Ball is the dude in his kecks at the bottom of the pole,
he's also asleep. Use the choke-hold to drag him in the more
open area by the pole, then rob him of his tag

033 :: Jason A Wray is the guard on the other side of the room on his
own, also in his undies. Beware of that other guard walking
around the room

034 :: Andrew J Baker is the underpant patrol. Wait by the box where
you ambushed 033 (Mr. Wray), and when Mr. Baker stands just
north of your box, wait for him to turn and face the Marines,
then sneek up behind

*** :: Now go back through the door on the south-east (the one on the
right of the room) back into Hold No 2. Now we're on the floor,
and can get the last tag...

030 :: Gary K Yong is the guard walking around at the north east
corner. He walks up to the Marines, then back towards the wall.
First, tranquilize some Marines that will have their field of
vision on Mr. Yong. Now wait until he's by the wall, then sneek
up behind him. That's the last tag :D

029 :: Jonathon Murphy is over at the north-west, pacing around on his
own. Work your way round to him (you can't go the south way by
the projectors!). Hide behind the container by the west wall and
ambush Mr. Murphy when the Marines are facing the other way

*** :: Now go back into Hold No.3 and take your 4 photos of RAY, get
Ocelot's approval on your work, and get outta there. Job done!

:: Tanker :: Extreme :: 34 Tags ::

ID Name DoB BLD Location

* indicates the guard is carrying a Ration(s)

000 Olga Gurlukovich 0923 A Navigational deck, wing
001 Sanae Shintani * 1221 A Aft Deck
002 Aki Hitachi 1024 O Aft Deck
003 Mathieu Trepanier 0609 B Aft Deck
004 Yoshinori Onodera 0909 A Navigational deck, wing
005 Joshua D Casnocha 0429 ? Deck-C, crew's quarters
006 Louis K Stevenson 1031 ? Deck-A, crew's quarters
007 Michael D Rogers 0818 O Deck-B, crew's quarters
008 Gianluca Peruzzo 1121 O Deck-B, crew's quarters
009 Travis J Lujan 1230 A Deck-A, crew's lounge
010 Brendan M Randall **** 1014 B Deck-A, crew's lounge
011 Chris D Bernd 1029 O Deck-A, crew's lounge
012 Chantelle M Blair 1224 B Deck-D, crew's quarters
013 Eduard V Fernandez 1031 A Deck-D, crew's quarters
014 Yoji Shinkawa 1225 AB Deck-D, crew's quarters
015 Niko Ionixx Horn 0215 B Deck-D, crew's quarters
016 Adnan Hadzic 0403 B Deck 2, port
017 Shu Tajima 0928 O Deck 2, port
018 Stuart J Batchelar 0307 ? Deck 2, port
019 Masataka Nishiyama 0402 O Engine room
020 Michael W Wong 0307 ? Engine room
021 Manuba Nakamura 0327 A Engine room
022 Simon P Sargent 0601 A Engine room
023 Yosuke Kamezaki 1225 O Engine room
024 Clarke A Baldwi 0531 O Engine room
025 Hideki Sasaki 1116 AB Engine room
026 Ho Yeung Tsang 0215 AB Hold No.1
027 Ulf T Lundh 0803 B Hold No.1
028 Christopher J Uzdanovich 0908 A Hold No.2
029 Alex C Wilson 0810 ? Hold No.2
030 Michael A Hare 1222 O Hold No.3
031 Andrew N Bartlett 0406 AB Hold No.3
032 Iiro Karvinen 0713 A Hold No.3
033 Marcin A Cieslinski 0630 A Hold No.3

* indicates the guard is carrying a Ration(s)

:: Walkthrough :: Tanker :: Extreme ::

*** :: Okay, this is a lot tougher. If you have [Stealth], then use it!
I'll show you how to get the tags without [Stealth] though.
Guards will hear your footsteps from a long distance, and get
suspicious of any footprints. Most of them are "tough guys" that
need to be kneecapped before they give up their tag. Remember -
[Ration]s are only found by robbing guards/frisking them after
killing/tranq'ing them, so rob them for all they have, then
frisk them.

First tranquilize the guard on the top level from your starting
point. Now administer some tranquilizer to the guard over to the
left. Get up to the top balcony and get the [Medicine]. Now go
through the door on the left of the screen into Deck-
A, crew's quarters. The Aft Deck guards need kneecapping, so
leave them until you have the [USP].

006 :: Louis K Stevenson is the guard patrolling in here. He walks all
the way around, so follow him back down towards the locker room,
and jump him at the corner just outside the locker room door

*** :: Go through into Deck-A, crew's lounge. There's a guard pacing up
and down the corridor, and one in the lounge... that guard down
the stairs on the west of the lounge now walks up and down the
stairs, sleeping at each point before carrying on...

As soon as you sneeze, take the [Medicine]. Should be just
before entering the lounge

009 :: Travis J Lujan is the guard walking about by the bar. Jump-shot
the guard at the other end of the corridor. Wait until he's
asleep. Then Travis should walk out into the corridor, then back
into the lounge a little, staring east. While he's staring east,
move a little way down the corridor with your back up against
the wall. When Travis turns and heads north towards the bar,
make your move quickly and ambush him

*** :: Frisk the guard that you tranquilized in the corridor for a much
needed [Ration]. Now exit up the stairs into Deck-B

007 :: Michael D Rogers is the guard on the north of Deck-B. Move to
the edge of the wall with your back pressed up against it. Then
use the jump-shot technique to get him to freeze (when he looks
left). Now you need to get in front of him - quickly unequip
the [M9] - he won't notice - then re-equip it and hold L1 and
get in front of him.
008 :: Gianluca Peruzzo is the other guard on the south of Deck-B.
Approach by the east corridor, then hide in that little gap at
the corner. When he moves west, follow him and ambush him

*** :: Go up the stairs on the west to Deck-C. Be quick under the
surveillance camera - it can see you if you're east of it up
against the wall... Then go up the next stairs to Deck-D

012 :: Chantelle M Blair is the first guard in Deck-D. She (with a
man's voice :S ) patrols up to the pantry, then back to the
stairs. Stay at the top of the stairs until she walks near them,
then make your move. Jump her as she turns to head back towards
the pantry. DO NOT go near the entrance to the pantry!

*** :: Now stick your head through the door to the canteen and put the
geezer wandering around in there to sleep. He needs to be
kneecapped to hand his tag over

013 :: Eduard V Fernandez is the guard out the other door by the C4
laser trap. Wait inside the door (careful of the camera), then
when he's looking north run out and hold him up. Now (still
behind him) put the choke hold on him and drag him away from
the lasers. Choke him a little (don't snap his neck), then
hold him up when he pulls himself to his feet. Frisk him 3
times for a [Bandage]

*** :: Go back through the canteen to the sleeping guard you left by
the stairs. Drag him round the corner and leave him in the
pantry doorway. Now a new guard will come up the stairs...

015 :: Niko Ionix Horn is that guard's name. He goes back down straight
away and that's the only chance you have. So wait outside the
pantry with your back up agains the wall so you can see the door
to the canteen - he doesn't come all the way to the end - then
follow him when he turns around. If you need to, punch-punch-
kick him down, then wait with your gun until he gets up to rob
him of his tag. When he's tranq'd, frisk him a little for a

*** :: Now go up the stairs to Deck-E, the bridge. Defeat Olga. I
suggest you read the Boss FAQ on GameFAQs for tips on this...

000 :: Olga Gurlukocich gives up her tag after you frisk her sleeping
body for it

*** :: You now have a [USP] with which to cripple guards that give you
beef when you ask them for their tag. Now go in The Bridge, and
get some ammo for your new toy. Go back out and climb the mast
for the [Surpressor] and [Thermal Goggles]

004 :: Yoshinori Onedara will walk out of The Bridge onto the
Navigational Deck through the door on the other side. He walks
over to the steps, so sneek up behind him when he does and hold
him up. You will have to shoot him in a non-vital area to get
his tag

*** :: Go back into The Bridge, then down the stairs to Deck-D. At the
bottom of the steps, use the wall for a jump-shot on the guy
standing by the laser trap. The other guard will see it, but
just keep firing until he's dead. Now stay on the bottom of the
stairs where you shot from. When the other guard comes to check
out what's happening, head shot him as he passes the stairs. Now
crawl under the lasers, and head for the canteen north door...

014 :: Yoji Shinkawa is the guy in the canteen. After crawling under
the lasers, look on your radar until he walks south between the
2 tables, and enter the room. Crawl under the first table, and
when you reach the other end, look right. The guy is standing in
the south-west corner. He then walks north along the west wall.
As he does, crawl to the south end of the other table. Then the
guard will walk east. Quickly stand up and after him, following
the same route that he took. You will catch him when he's on the
east of the room, staring at the north door. He will need to be
shot in the knee/arm to get his tag

*** :: Get some more [USP] ammo - under west table, and shoot the
surveillance camera to get the ammo in front of it. Go back down
the stairs to Deck-C, crew's quarters

005 :: Joshua D Cashnocha is now patrolling the corridor in Deck-C. He
will be walking west towards the camera when you arrive. Hide by
the locker, and wait for him to come towards you. He will stop
near the bottom of the stairs, when he does so, ambush him

*** :: Head down the stairs now to Deck-B, shooting out the security
camera en-route. Take down any guard in Deck-B that gets in your
way - you have their tags already. Or rob them if you missed
them earlier. After you're done with them, enter the door
leading to Deck-A, crew's lounge... Hopefully you got the guy by
the bar earlier on, as I told you to... :)

You need a distraction to get you to the east end of the
corridor. As the corridor guard is down the west end of the
corridor, from your perch, take down the guard by the bar with
a headshot (with [USP]) when he steps into the corridor

011 :: Chris D Bernd is the guard pacing up and down the corridor. When
he walks back east and spots his comrade dead on the floor, he
will stop by him to investigate. That's your chance. Run down
the stairs, and hold him up from behind

010 :: Brendan M Randall is the guard covered in flies. He walks up and
down the stairs at the west of the lounge, then walks along
towards your corridor. He falls asleep each time he stops. When
he's asleep at the top of the stairs, move up to him and ambush
him. This geezer can be frisked for 4 [Ration]s, so stock up...

*** :: Exit through the door on the east to Deck-A, crew's quarters.
You should already have this guards tag, so dispatch of him.
Exit out to the Aft Deck, back where you started

001 :: Sanae Shintani is the guard right near the door when you exit
it. He will be facing the other way, just down the side, so
quickly sneek up behind him. You're gonna have to persuade him
to hand over his tag with Mr. USP. Dispose of him in the water.
He will also drop a [Ration] if you frisk him 3 or 4 times...

003 :: Mathieu Trepanier is the guy strutting along the top balcony.
Careful he doesn't spot you - he's very observant O_O He walks
all along, so just sneek up behind him when he stops at a
corner. Frisk him 3 times for a [Bandage]

002 :: Aki Hitachi is the dude on the left of the Aft Deck, by the door
that leads to Deck-B, crew's quarters (it's locked). If you're
coming at him from above, then wait until he moves south and
stares out to sea. Also a good spot to get him if you're coming
from below. There's a [Bandage] in the corner by him

*** :: Now work your way back through Deck-A, crew's quarters. Then
into Deck-A, crew's lounge. Go down the stairs on the east of
the lounge and enter the Engine Room. Be careful - you may be
sneezing. Don't enter if you have the guards on Alert, the next
guard sometimes doesn't appear if you do...

024 :: Clarke A Baldwi is the first guard. Use the choke hold to drag
him back by the lockers, then rob him. Otherwise he will fall
over the balcony and cause an alert. If you cause an Alert and
don't have his tag, then he will probably disappear off with the
assault team that shows up to deal with you

019 :: Masataka Nishiyama is down the stairs. Wait until he faces west,
then use the choke hold to drag him back to the bottom of the
stairs. Then just rob his arse

020 :: Michael C Wong is standing down the bottom of the next steps.
He's by a pillar, so when he faces his left, use the jump shot
to get him to freeze. When he raises his hands, quickly double
tap R2 to holster/pull out your gun, now move in front of him
and proceed as normal

021 :: Manabu Nakamura is next. Cross over the little bridge bit, then
stop at the bottom of the next set of (4) steps. Hide just next
to them. Wait a few seconds and a guard will come down, and stop
at the of the same steps. Now just ambush him. (You may need to
run up the stairs then back down to provoke him to come down)

*** :: Go up these stairs to the top level balcony. Work your way round
to the other side then go down the next steps

023 :: Yosuke Kamazake is the guard's name. His patrol route comes up
the stairs by where you're hiding, then he stops at the top
corner. You should be hiding in the gap on the wall where the
[USP] ammo is. When he stops on the corner just south of your
position, run out and rob him
022 :: Simon P Sargent is the guard up the next set of stairs. Wait in
the gap halfway up the stairs until the guard is at the top of
said stairs facing east, then make your move

*** :: ***IMPORTANT*** Now, before leaving the Engine Room, you MUST
get your grip up to level 3. Last chance... Yeah it sucks, but
you need it for the Holds

025 :: Hideki Sisaka is the guard that comes out of the door in the
next room. Wait up against the wall opposite the door you just
walked through for him to come out, and ambush him before he can
talk into his radio

*** :: Now shoot out the laser traps, and go through the door into
Deck-2. If you get caught anywhere in Deck-2, then run back to
through the door you came from by the laser trap, then re-enter
Deck-2. Run up to the second opening and hide there. You should
only be using your [M9] in Deck-2, the [USP] has a light on it
that they spot before you can hold them up

016 :: Adnan Hadzic is the guard approaching you down the corridor.
From your position in the second opening, wait until he starts
moving south again then follow him

017 :: Shu Tajima is the next guard at the corner moshing to music.
Hide in the gap on the left wall by a pipe. The guard will then
start walking about 5 steps towards you, stop, then turn and go
back. As soon as he turns to head back, run out and get him from
behind. You have to be careful the other guy doesn't hear you,
so while behind Mr. Tajimi, holster your [M9] and use the choke
hold to drag him back down the corridor a little, then work your
magic and get his tag

018 :: Stuart J Batchelar is the next guard down the corridor. He's
facing north, so quietly walk up to his side and ambush him

*** :: Head through now to Deck-2, starboard. You have a huge gunfight
with some guards, here's some tips for it...

1) Get behind the second box, and stay crouched
2) If a grenade sails over and lands by you, leg it behind the
first box
3) Stay in first person view, and use L2 to peek out the side,
then fire
4) Only shoot if there's 1 guard on the screen, or the others
will kill you
5) Don't worry if you use your [Ration]s, you won't need them
after this bit

Anywho, you're now in Hold No.1. 8 more tags left - 2 in Hold 1,
2 more in Hold 2, and 4 in Hold 3

027 :: Ulf T Lundh is on the ground, over to the north-west corner.
He's walking around. First, crawl under the projector. Then walk
down the west wall, hide in the 3rd alcove in the wall (it has a
container thing in it, the others don't) behind the container.
When the guard is standing just on the other side of the
container, walk up behind him and hold him up

*** :: Climb back up the ladder to the middle balcony. Flip over, and
shimmy to the other end

026 :: Ho Yeung Tsang is the guard at the other end of the middle
balcony. When you reach that end, wait for him to move out
of the way then flip up and ambush him

*** :: Go through this door to Hold No.2. The 2 tags in Hold No 2 are
walking around on the floor, but we'll come back for them later.
Flip over the railing and move to the other end, then go through
the door into Hold No 3

030 :: Michael A Hare is that guard you see in his undies as you enter
Hold No. 3 on the balcony. Easy pickings. Then slide down the
031 :: Andrew N Bartlett is standing at the bottom of the pole, looking
at RAY. Choke hold him back to the bottom of the pole so you
have room to work. If he's pacing up and down, then hide behind
the wall until he comes near, then ambush him
033 :: Marcin A Cieslinski is the guard walking around near the front
in his kecks. Wait by the container next to the computer, then
when he comes near you, run out and hold him up
032 :: Iiro Karvinen is on the west of the room, on his own. Crawl
under Dolph's platform to get there. Use the choke hold to drag
him away so the Marines don't see you hold him up

*** :: Go through the door on the south-west (the one on the left) to
Hold No.2. Time to get those 2 tags...

028 :: Christopher J Uzdanovich is the guard pacing around in the
north-west corner. Wait behind the wall, then ambush him from
behind. Easy.

*** :: Now go back into Hold 3 through the door you just came through.
Once in there, go out the other door on the right back into Hold
No. 2 again. I haven't gone mad - the last guy is on the east,
and that's the easiest way of getting there

029 :: Alex C Wilson is the guard pacing around in the north-east
corner. Use pretty much the same tactics as the other guard, but
this time you have less cover. Tranquilize as many Marines that
can see him, then when he moves in towards them, dash past and
hide by the container crate. When he comes back and stands by
the wall, choke him and drag him closer to the wall then rob him

*** :: That's it. Go get your 4 photos of RAY, load them up to Otacon,
then save your game. Hooray!

:: Extreme Olga ::

On Extreme mode, the fight with Olga differs from the other difficulty
levels on these points:

1. You can't shoot out the search light
2. You can't shoot the tarpaulin
3. She takes less damage from your shots
4. You take much more damage from her shots
5. You're dangerously low on [Ration]s

Before the fight, make sure you have some [Ration]s. The guy down the
steps in Deck-A, crew's lounge, has 2 [Ration]s. The greedy sod!
Liberate them from him.

:: Strategy::

Keep getting your shots in by confusing her. Dive between the crates so
that she is shooting one way, and you're over the other side for a clean
shot. Crawling is also an effective method of transport, stay down
behind the crates and she won't see you - but she can shoot through the
gap on the right.

When she shoots the tarpaulin and it's flapping around, save your ammo.
Don't even bother firing, she's just too hard to hit. If a grenade lands
by you, run over the other side and take refuge there. Eventually,
she'll get bored of it all and shoot the tarpaulin free.

Now you should stay on the far right behind the boxes. She'll be using
the spotlight now. As soon as you hear her throw a grenade over, run
over to the far left. She'll be standing by the spotlight, having thrown
the grenade, and is now repositing the light to direct it at you. Now
just shoot away. Don't worry where you hit her, you can keep repeating
this technique until she's dead. Or asleep. Happy hunting.

:: And that concludes our tour of the tanker DISCOVERY ::

:: Not more credits! ::

:: CJS28 - supplied the info about the grip levels, and about the
guard that goes AWOL in the Engine Room. Nice one geezer
:: Anindo Mukhurjee - supplied the info about Gackt, the mosher guard
in Deck-2 with the mysterious name and AAA blood. I thought
AAA only existed for batteries.

:: Legal Stuff ::

:: I am in no way affilliated with Konami or Sony. Metal Gear Solid is
a registered trademark of Konami. Sony Playstation 2 is a registered
trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment. You may not use this guide on
a website without author's permission.

:: Authorized sites ::
The following websites are authorized to host this FAQ:
:GameFAQs (
:Neoseeker (
:PXSCodes (
:: Contact me if you wish to host also

:: This document is Copyrighted to Packing Heat
( Include the difficulty level if you
email me about tags, or just anything else about MGS2.

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14.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Ending Analysis, AI & Evolution

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Script (Tanker Chapter)

14.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Savegame zur PAL Version

17.Октябрь 2013
Walkthrough for the PAL Version

15.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
MGS 2 Dog Tags List LV - Tank

17.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
Big Boss Rank and Boss Guide

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13.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
FAQ für Boss Kämpfe im EXTREME Modus

17.Октябрь 2013
FAQ/Walkthrough für den EXTREME Modus

14.Октябрь 2013
Starte im Strut L Oil Fence

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
Das Level "Betrieb" ist beendet auf dem Extrem Modus und alle dog tags sind freigeschaltet.

15.Октябрь 2013
Musik und Lyrik Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
25.Июнь 2019
04.Март 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
07.Июнь 2019