Tekken 4

Tekken 4

15.10.2013 01:09:18
Tekken 4
Julia Chang Command List and FAQ (Version 2.1 - Text Version)

Current Update: Wednesday, 3 April 2002
Previous Update: Wednesday, 27 March 2002
Created: Friday, 28 September 2001

By Don "Gamera" Chan (crs1219@hotmail.com)

Note: This FAQ is primarily based on the arcade
version Tekken 4, not the PlayStation 2 version
Tekken 4.

0. Wanted
1. Acknowledgements
2. Introduction
3. Nutrition Information
3.1 1st Impression
3.2 2nd Impression
4. Commands
4.1 Basic Commands
4.2 Advanced Commands
4.3 Other Commands
5. Strategies
5.1 Julia Strategies
5.2 Anti-Julia Strategies
6. Links

"Setsunasa!" (*1)


I'm looking for:
- Julia strategies and combos, from Julia players.
- Anti-Julia strategies and combos, from Julia and
non-Julia players.
- Descriptions of Julia's costumes, poses, quotes,
and taunt before, during, and after a match.
- Voice actor list of Tekken 4.
- A Greek translation of the Disclaimer (see below).
- Osama bin Laden, dead or alive.

Disclaimer: I send the newest version of this file
to only four Websites:
- http://www.gamefaqs.com/coinop/arcade/game/12145.html
- http://vgstrategies.about.com/
- http://DLH.Net/
- http://www.gamesover.com/
If you downloaded or read this file at other
Websites, the SysOps of the other Websites probably
leeched it from one of the above Websites.

Dementi: J'ai envoye la plus recente version de ce
fichier a seulement quatre sites webs.
- http://www.gamefaqs.com/coinop/arcade/game/12145.html
- http://vgstrategies.about.com/
- http://DLH.Net/
- http://www.gamesover.com/
Si vous avez telecharge ou lu ce fichier a partir
d'autres sites, les responsables de ces sites l'auront
probablement pompe a partir de l'un des sites ci-dessus.


Thanks to these sierra hotel persons/organisations:
- Cara Jones, who voiced Michelle in Julia's ending
in Tekken 3 for PlayStation, for being one of the few
anime or game voice actors with whom I've direct contact.
- Catlord, for allowing me to borrow from his Tekken
4 Movelist.
- Douglas Cootey, for helping me acquire a movie file
of the circa March-April 1998 Segata Sanshirou (Fujioka
Hiroshi) TV CM of Sakura Taisen 2 for SS that co-starred
Yokoyama Chisa as Shinguuji Sakura.
- Jean-Luc Barbera of France, for the French
translation of the Disclaimer, and the English translation
of the NOIR foreword. (After all, Canada's official
languages are English and French.)
- Justin Panarelli, for his Tekken 4 Julia FAQ.
- Philip In of Hong Kong, for being yet another
non-Japanese friend who works in Japan.
- Project TK4 Julia FAQ contributors (that is, anyone
who contributes anything constructive and educational to
this FAQ):
Armor king, BEEFY, la4s, Raw Talent, and shingo
fan, for Julia's poses and quotes.
Ingus, for anti-Julia strategies.
MilitentMind, for Q&A.
Mini King, for Julia and anti-Julia strategies.
- NATO personnel participating in Operation Enduring
Freedom. The Empire Strikes Back.

(Social democracy in action.)

No thanks to these lima delta persons/organisations:
- The EVIL terrorists responsible for the attacks in
the USA in the morning on (Tuesday) 11 September 2001 (local
- Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda.

In memory of:
- The victims of the terrorist attacks in the USA in
the morning on 11 September 2001. God bless America.

"Le noir, ce mot designe depuis une epoque lointaine le
nom du destin.
"Les deux vierges regnent sur la mort.
"Les mains noires protegent la paix des nouveaux-nes."
- NOIR (TV: 2001)


Title: Tekken 4
Genre: 3D fighting
Rating: Life-like violence - mild
Players: 1-2
OS: System 246 (arcade)
Maker: Namco

On Sale: 1 August 2001 (arcade), 28 March 2002
(PlayStation 2)


Note: To paraphrase the anime studio KSS, all
characters, stock prices, and three sizes in this game are

Name: Julia CHANG
Nickname: ?
Martial Art: Shin'i Rokugou Ken, Hakkyoku Ken, other
Chinese martial arts, pro-wrest
Debut: Tekken 3
Sex: Female
Height: 165 cm (5'5")
Weight: 54 kg (119 lb)
B/W/H: ?
Blood Type: B
Date of Birth: ?
Age: 20
Nationality: American
Family: Foster mother (Michelle Chang)
Occupation: University student of archaeology and ecology
Hobby: Hunting
Likes: Buffalo
Dislikes: Mishima Zaibatsu
Voice Actor: ?

1P Colour (1 or 2): Reddish brown hair in two braids
behind her back. Red-rimmed glasses. Light blue denim shirt
with long sleeves. Light yellow, embroidered gloves. Light
blue denim pants. Slim gap between shirt and pants. Brown
belt with white buckle. Two white feathers with black tips
at her right hip, and a brown string hangs down from her
left hip. White shoes.
2P Colour (3 or 4): Reddish brown hair in two braids
behind her back. Grey sleeveless top. Bead necklaces. Light
green shorts (hot pants). Brown gloves. White wrist-bands.
Green wide leg-band with pocket around right thigh. Green
and grey boots with light blue laces. White socks.
(Right now, I can't remember whether 2P Julia wears a
head-band or glasses?)

(AFAIK, her glasses can't be knocked off. IMO, at
first glance, 1P Julia dresses like Amuro Rei of First
Gundam, and 2P Julia dresses like Lara Croft. IIRC, Julia's
not as bouncy (and full of life) as Christie or Nina.)

Stage: ?
Size: ?
Walls: Yes
Ring Out: No
BGM: ?


[Ramble ON]

What's with the Japanese arcade fighting game
programmers' current fascination with the names Christie and
New characters in DOA3 and Tekken 4 are named Christie,
and new characters in KOF2000 and VF4 are named Vanessa.
There must be a conspiracy somewhere in this.

Given the 3D fighting games of DOA3 (Tecmo), Soul
Calibur 2 (Namco), Tekken 4 (Namco), and VF4 (Sega), I'm now
more interested in Cassandra Alexandra of Soul Calibur 2.

Besides the voice actor list of Tekken 4, I'm also
looking for the complete voice actor lists of Soul Calibur
2 and VF4.


Julia's portrait looks a bit like the idol Kelly Chen,

Even in the Japanese version of Tekken 4, the Xiaoyu
who wears a pink one-piece has limited panchira. In the
Japanese version, the pink Xiaoyu also wears a grey bloomer
with a white stripe on each side. Tekken 4 isn't DOA after
OTOH, I'm relieved that in Soul Calibur 2, Cassandra
and Ivy's costumes still have enough fan service.
(To quote an ancient Roman proverb, "Semper ubi sub
ubi." In English: "Always where under where.")

When a cheering bystander is knocked down, such as
after a chara is knocked back or thrown into the bystander,
the bystander lays on the floor for a second or two, gets
up, and continues to cheer.

In Tekken 4, Julia speaks in English before and after
a fight. Unless Namco Japan re-uses voice effects from
Tekken 3 and Tekken Tag, then Tekken 4 Julia's voice
actress is probably not Tsuru Hiromi sama. Tekken 3 Julia's
voice actress is Tsuru Hiromi sama.

Revision history of this file:

Version 0.5 (Limited Edition): Thursday, 18 October 2001
Version 1.0: Sunday, 21 October 2001
Version 1.5: Monday, 29 October 2001
Version 2.0 [27 KB]: Friday, 9 November 2001

Number of times I've played the arcade version of TK4: 3

[Ramble OFF]


The data in this section are derived from:
- Catlord's TK4 FAQ.
- Tekken 4 official HP at the Namco Japan HP.
- Tekken Zaibatsu HP.
- Various Japanese Websites (see the Links section).

See Catlord's TK4 FAQ for explanations of the
standardised abbreviations used in this section.

Note: Some hit levels are incorrect or missing. Correct
me if I'm wrong.
I'll re-order the attacks after Namco Japan or Namco
USA publishes Julia's official command list. I haven't
deduced the logic, if any, by which the attacks are sorted
at other sources.


(Under construction!)

u or U
Side step into background.

d or D
Side step into foreground.

DF or DB
Crouch or crouching block. D isn't crouch.

Small jump. u and ub aren't small jump.

Big jump. U and UB aren't big jump.

Move forwards.

Step in (dash forwards).

Run forwards.

Move backwards or standing block.

Step out (dash backwards).

Gedan sabaki, parry low attacks.

1 or 2 Variable H
Basic punch.

3 or 4 Variable H
Basic kick.

2+4 Variable Ht
Basic throw. 2 to escape.

F+2+4 Variable Ht
Basic throw. 2 to escape.

(while landing) 1 or 2
Button ukemi, recovery into background.

(while landing) 3 or 4
Button ukemi, recovery into foreground.

(while landing) B
Stick ukemi, roll backwards.

(while landing) F
Stick ukemi, quick recovery.


(Under construction!)

The Advanced Commands below are divided into
these groups:
- Throws
- Regular Attacks
- Special Attacks
- Ten Strings


2+4 30 Ht
Side Buster. 2 to escape.

F+2+4 35 Ht
Death Valley Bomb. 2 to escape.

B+2+4 0 or 25 Wall-Ht
See Saw Whip (Slingshot). 2 to escape. Must throw enemy into wall for

(while enemy's left side)
2+4 40 Side-Ht
Bull Docking Head Lock (Running Bulldog). 1 to escape.

(while enemy's right side)
2+4 45 Side-Ht
Juliarana (Twisted Sister). 2 to escape.

(while behind enemy)
2+4 50 Back-Ht
German Suplex (Spinning Air Neckbreaker). No escape.

(while behind enemy)
F+2+4 50 Back-Ht
Calf Branding (Spinning Air Neckbreaker). No escape.

DF+1+2 37 Ht
Full Nelson Suplex (Armlock Suplex). 1+2 to escape.

qcb,F+2 14,14,14 Side-Ht
Mad Axe. 1+2 to escape.

d,DB+1+3 30 Ht
Front Suplex (Waist Suplex). 1 to escape.

D,db,d,DB+1+2 45 Ht
Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex (Cross Arm Lock). 1+2 to escape.

(while enemy is behind Julia)
2+4 Ht
2 to escape.

(F or D or B or U)+1+3 0 Ht
Position Change. 1 to escape.


1~1 10,5 HM
(G Clef, Club Fist). When stopped at first hit, damage is 5.

1~1,1 10,5,21 HMM
Tsuutenhou (G Clef, Club Fist, Flash Uppercut). Juggles. When stopped at
first hit, damage is 5.

1~1,2 10,5,21 HMM
Tsuuten Reppa (G Clef, Club Fist, Palm Explosion). Stuns if CH. When stopped
at first hit, damage is 5.

1~1,4 10,5,12 HML
(G Clef, Club Fist, Bow Leg). Recovers crouching. When stopped at first hit,
damage is 5.

1~1,4,3 10,5,12,15 HMLH
Soukyuutai (G Clef, Club Fist, Bow Leg, Arrow). When stopped at first hit,
damage is 5.

1~2 5,8 HM
Renken (G Clef, Gut Punch). When stopped at first hit, damage is 5.

1~2~1 10,15,21 HMM
Renken Daiten Housui (G Clef, Gut Punch, Skyscraper Cannon). Juggles. When
stopped at first hit, damage is 5. When first hit is CH, all three strikes
will hit.

1~2,3 10,8,10 HML
Renken Gedankyaku (G Clef, Gut Punch, Low Kick). Recovers crouching. When
stopped at first hit, damage is 5.

1~2,4 10,8,20 HMH
Renken Joudankyaku (G Clef, Gut Punch, High Kick). When stopped at first
hit, damage is 5.

(2~b or b+2) 12 H
Haimen Tori (Arm Whip). The strike must hit for Julia to end behind enemy.

(2~b or b+2),1+2 12,0 HH
(Arm Whip, Back Push). High break guard. First strike must hit for Julia to
end behind enemy.

WS+2 15 M
Zansui (Tequila Sunrise). When followed by a string that begins with 1,
damage is 18.

WS+2,1,1 18,5,21 MMM
Zansui Tsuutenhou (Tequila Sunrise, Club Fist, Flash Uppercut).

WS+2,1,4 18,5,12 MML
(Tequila Sunrise, Club Fist, Bow Leg). Recovers crouching.

WS+2,1,4,3 18,5,12,15 MMLH
Zansui Soukyuutai (Tequila Sunrise, Club Fist, Bow Leg, Arrow).

WS+2,2 15,21 MM
Zansui Rakuchuu (Tequila Sunrise, Axe Elbow). Second hit is chargeable. When
charged, damage is 25.

WS+2,4 15,12 ML
(Tequila Sunrise, Razor Sweep). Recovers crouching.

WS+2,4,1 15,12,21 MLM
Zansui Zensou Juujiha (Tequila Sunrise, Razor Sweep, Razor Edge). Juggles.

WS+2,4,4 15,12,23 MLH
Zansui Zensou Rentai (Tequila Sunrise, Razor Sweep, High Kick).

WS+2,4,D+4 15,12,10 MLL
Zansui Zensou Sentai (Tequila Sunrise, Razor Sweep, Low Kick). Recovers

3~2 15 M
Zangeki (Tequila Sunrise). When followed by a string that begins with 1,
damage is 18.

3~2,1,1 18,5,21 MMM
Zangeki Tsuutenhou (Tequila Sunrise, Club Fist, Flash Uppercut).

3~2,1,4 18,5,12 MML
(Tequila Sunrise, Club Fist, Bow Leg). Recovers crouching.

3~2,1,4,3 18,5,12,15 MMLH
Zangeki Soukyuutai (Tequila Sunrise, Club Fist, Bow Leg, Arrow).

3~2,2 15,21 MM
Zangeki Rakuchuu (Tequila Sunrise, Axe Elbow). Second hit is chargeable.
When charged, damage is 25.

3~2,4 15,12 ML
(Tequila Sunrise, Razor Sweep). Recovers crouching.

3~2,4,1 15,12,21 MLM
Zangeki Zensou Juujiha (Tequila Sunrise, Razor Sweep, Razor Edge). Juggles.

3~2,4,4 15,12,23 MLH
Zangeki Zensou Rentai (Tequila Sunrise, Razor Sweep, High Kick).

3~2,4,D+4 15,12,10 MLL
Zangeki Zensou Sentai (Tequila Sunrise, Razor Sweep, Low Kick). Recovers

4,4 20,12 HL
(Spinning Razor Kicks). Recovers crouching.

4,4,1 20,12,21 HLM
Jinkyaku Zensou Juujiha (Spinning Razor Kicks, Razor Edge). Juggles.

4,4,4 20,12,23 HLH
Jinkyaku Zensou Rentai (Spinning Razor Kicks, High Kick).

4,4,D+4 20,12,10 HLL
Jinkyaku Zensou Sentai (Spinning Razor Kicks, Low Kick). Recovers crouching.

f+1 15 M
Tenhou (Flash Uppercut). Juggles.

f+1~2 21 M
Ponken (Flash Uppercut, Palm Explosion). Stuns if CH.

f,F+1 10 M
Koshinchuu (Party Crasher).

f,f+1,4 10,15 MM
Koshin Renkou (Party Crasher, Skyscraper Kick). Juggles. Second hit is

f,F+2 25 H
Sen Shippo (Lashing Arrow).

df+1 8 M
(Club Fist).

df+1,1 8,21 MM
Tsuutenhou (Club Fist, Flash Uppercut). Juggles.

df+1,4 8,12 ML
(Club Fist, Bow Leg). Recovers crouching.

df+1,4,3 8,12,15 MLH
Soukyuutai (Club Fist, Bow Leg, Arrow).

df+2 10 M
Housui (Gut Punch). When input as df+2,1, damage is 15.

df+2,1 15,21 MM
Daiten Housui (Gut Punch, Skyscraper Cannon). Juggles. When only second
strike hits, damage is 16.

df+2,3 10,10 ML
Housui Gedankyaku (Gut Punch, Low Kick). Recovers crouching.

df+2,4 10,20 MH
Housui Joudankyaku (Gut Punch, High Kick).

df+3 17 M

df+4,2,b,F+1 12,15,25 MMM
Kouranhi Houchuu (Mountain Crusher). Third hit is delayable.

d+2~3,1 8,9,25 M*MM
(Ultimate Cannon). Juggles.

d,DF+1 14 M
Shippo Shouken (Flash Punch).

d,DF+1,2 14,21 MM
Shippo Renchuu. Stuns if CH. Second hit is delayable.

(D,DF or WR)+2 20 M
Shippo Houchuu (Flash Elbow). Stuns if CH.

(d or db)+4 10 L
Zensoutai (Razor Sweep). Recovers crouching.

(d or db)+4,1 10,21 LM
Zensou Juujiha (Razor Sweep, Razor Edge). Juggles.

(d or db)+4,4 10,23 LH
Zensou Rentai (Razor Sweep, High Kick).

(d or db)+4,D+4 10,10 LL
Zensou Sentai (Razor Sweep, Low Kick). Recovers crouching.

db+3 12 L
Sweep Kick.

b+3 12 L
Senshin Kousoutai (Liquid Sweep). Recovers crouching.

b+3,4 12,10 LL
Senshin Kousou Rentai (Liquid Sweep, Bow Leg). Recovers crouching.

b+4 17 H
Rigoutentai (Heaven Shatter Kick). Stuns if CH.

uf+4 ? ?
(Jumping Boot). Juggles.

WS+4 15 M
Soukuuhou (Skyscraper Kick).

FC,df+4 12 L
Kousoutai (Bow Leg).

FC,df+4,3 12,15 LH
Senkyuutai (Bow Leg, Arrow). Input the 3 before the
FC,df+4 hits.

1+2 21 H
Kouran Soushou (Rouge Orchid Palm).

f+1+2 28 M
Unpei Nichigetsuha (Shove It Up). Juggles if CH.

b+1+2 23 M
Totsusoushou (Twin Arrow).

1+4 12,12 ML
(Club Fist, Bow Leg). Recovers crouching.

1+4,3 12,12,15 MLH
Soukyuutai (Club Fist, Bow Leg, Arrow).

2+3 8,9 M*M

2+3,1 8,9,25 M*MM
Shoutai Tsuutenhou (Ultimate Cannon). Juggles.

3+4 0 -
(Counter Clockwise Spin).

3+4,4 20 H
Tenshintai (Counter Clockwise Spin, Kick).

3+4,4,4 20,12 HL
(Counter Clockwise Spin, Spinning Razor Kicks). Recovers crouching.

3+4,4,4,1 20,12,21 HLM
(Counter Clockwise Spin, Spinning Razor Kicks, Razor Edge). Juggles.

3+4,4,4,4 20,12,23 HLH
(Counter Clockwise Spin, Spinning Razor Kicks, High Kick).

3+4,4,4,D+4 20,12,10 HLL
(Counter Clockwise Spin, Spinning Razor Kicks, Low Kick). Recovers

uf+3+4 35 M
Resshintou (Earthquake Stomp).

SS+2 21 M
Chuusui (Parting Fist).

SS+3~4 16,18 MH
Nikikyaku (Twin Waking Kicks). Juggles.

b,b~ub ? ?
(Jumping Overhead Bomb). Against wall.

2+3+4 0 -
Chouhatsu (Wave Taunt).


F+1+4 50 U
Zesshou Tsuutenhou. B to cancel. Juggles. Unblockable.

----------- 8,6,6,6,6,6,6,7,8,25 HMMM*LHMH*HL
Ten String 1. 8,6,6,6,6,6,7,5,5,30 HMMMLHM*L*MM
Ten String 2. 8,6,6,6,6,6,7,7,10,25 HMMMLHML*LM
Ten String 3.



In a two-player game, the challenger can reportedly
choose the stage. Tap the stick left or right to choose a
stage. Also, tap the stick up or down to choose the start
Before a match, when the screen displays "READY", both
chara can move forwards, backwards, or sidewards; but can't
attack. The players can buffer special movement, crouch,
jump, and side step. As soon as the match begins, the chara
can immediately execute attacks from the buffered positions.


Each TK4 chara has reportedly up to eight poses after
winning a match.
The player can choose Julia's pose and quote before or
after a match by pressing 1, 2, 3, or 4, or by holding the
stick U, F, D, or B.

Press: Before-match poses and quotes:

? Julia crosses her arms before her chest, bows
once, and looks up.
"Spirits, please give me strength."

? Julia is kneeling on one knee, and checking her
boot or shoe laces. Then she stands up and
readies to fight.

Press: After-match poses and quotes:

? Julia claps her hands together before her chest
and looks up.
"Thank you, spirits."

? Julia flips forwards.

? Julia does a back flip. After she lands, she
stands up and places her hands on her hips.

Press: Taunt:

2+3+4 (Pose? Quote?)

During "Continue?" countdown:

Julia looks down and kneels on her right knee. The
knuckles of her left fist is touching the ground. Her
right hand is on her right thigh.

Julia looks down and sits on the ground. Her legs are
flat on the ground and form an "M". Her hands slaps
her thighs twice, then stays on her thighs.


(Under construction!)

"Quot homines, tot sententiae."
- Ancient Roman proverb

First, I invited the players who wrote the other TK4
chara guides to share their strategies for fighting as Julia
and fighting against Julia.


From Mini King, writer of the TK4 Craig and King guides

Fighting against Craig as Julia, do what everybody else
does. Rush him. You can quote me on this: "If you're not in
Craig's face, you're on his ass." Craig is weak against
pitbulls and that's how Julia is best played. She shouldn't
have to worry about getting jabbed out of anything since her
jab is faster than Craig's. Never turtle against Craig
'cause that's where his strength is.


"The enemy invariably attacks you under one of two
conditions. One, when you're ready for them. Or two, when
you're not ready for them."
- Murphy's Laws of Combat

From Ingus, writer of the TK4 Jin and Nina guides

1. Julia's attacks are not very confusing, nor very
fast. Learn to block these because she has major lag after
a lot of moves. On some slow executing moves, such as the
d+4,1, there is enough time for a counter or reversal.
2. Learn to sidestep Julia's attacks. Many of her
strings are very slow, and doesn't track her opponent well.
If your character has a SS move that hits mid, go for it.
3. Julia is extremely deadly when she traps you
against a wall. Learn to use tech rolling techniques to get
out of it. If your character has wall leaping moves (such
as Nina), by all means use those to get yourself out of the
position. During a normal round, try to position yourself
in the centre of the ring when fighting Julia (or anyone
else, really).
4. When fighting Julia, it is usually safer standing
up than crouching down, since she has quite a bit more
launching mid/high attacks. Her low attacks, while
effective, doesn't have much damage potential.
5. Be aware of Julia's 10 strings. Her 10 strings
are more dangerous as opposed to other characters', since
most of the hits in Julia's 10 strings hits mid. The good
part is her 10 strings are fairly slow. Learn where the
pauses are and SS/counter accordingly. (After all, not
much variaty here. She's only got three 10 strings.)
6. One of Julia's moves, the f,F+2 Lashing Arrow, has
great range. Just remember that she has this move at her
disposal, and don't let your guard down just because she's
8 steps away from you.
7. Julia's unblockable has a really good range, but
it doesn't track her opponent well. SS/parry/reverse as you
see fit, just don't stand in the way of the hit.

From Mini King, writer of the TK4 Craig and King guides

Fighting Julia as Craig is really difficult. Other than SSing
Julia's linear moves followed by the extra SS from db+1+2, there
isn't much Craig can do. Since the majority of Julia players like to
use a 1 jab after her elbow, use the high reversal to Mount. When
fighting Julia scrubs, the high reversal to Mount will be handy.
In conclusion, a good Julia player should always beat a good
Craig player. The main factor is the mixing up and predicting 1~1 or


The Tekken 4 category in Yahoo! Japan.

- http://www.interq.or.jp/orange/stop/tekken-webstop/
TEKKEN-WebSTOP. A Tekken link list.

- http://tekkenls.tripod.co.jp/
TLS (Tekken Link Station!!). A Tekken link list. No
relation to True Love Story.

- http://www.tekkenzaibatsu.com/
Tekken Zaibatsu, the tourist information centre of
the Tekken series.

- http://www.tekkenbbs.com/
Tekken BBS, a collection of message boards dedicated to
the Tekken series and its characters. One of the message
boards, titled "International", is for non-Japanese Tekken

- http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/yellow/tekken4/index.html
sunlight yellow. A Tekken 4/Tag/3 and Soul Calibur 1 fan
page. Its Tekken 4 section has all chara's command lists, plus
some IMO interesting and useful Tekken 4 data (WRT system,
stages, &c).

- http://catlord.com/
Catlord's personal HP.

- http://www.carajones.com/
Cara Jones's personal HP. Miss Jones voiced Michelle
in Julia's ending in Tekken 3 for PlayStation.

- http://capoeira.room.ne.jp/faq/t3.htm
Japanese translation of the GamePro Online interview
with Marcelo Pereira, the Capoeirista tasked with the
motion capture for Eddy Gordo in Tekken 3.

- http://ca.mixnet.to/~online/soul/index.htm
- http://www.kozou.net/sc/news/index.html
- http://www.max.hi-ho.ne.jp/b-t-e/soulcalibur2.html
Soul Calibur 2 fan pages that track Soul Calibur 2 news.

[Ramble ON]

- http://selios.free.fr/
Selios' Lairs, by Jean-Luc Barbera of France.
"Selios' Lairs is primary a fan site on different
things I enjoy a lot, some of which are not well known
outside Japan or by rare fans worldwide.
"Les Antres de Selios sont avant tout un site de fan
sur differentes choses que j'apprecie beaucoup, dont
certaines sont tres meconnues en dehors du Japon hormis
de rares fans de part le monde."

- http://www.cootey.com/D/index.html
The Absentminded Artist, by Douglas Cootey of USA.

Don "Tsuru Hiromi Inochi" Chan (aho)

PS Someday, I'll finish typing up the command list of
Vitamin, a chara in Toy Fighter, another recent 3D
fighting game for arcade by Sega.

*1 "Sakuretsu!"

[Ramble OFF]

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17.Октябрь 2013
Lee “Violet” Chaolan Character Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Yoshimitsu FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
Advanced Bryan Fury Strategy FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Julia Chang Command List and FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Julia Chang FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Nina Williams Character Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
Jin Kazama Character Guide

15.Октябрь 2013
Kazuya Mishima Faq and Strategy Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
King FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Cheesin' Jin Kazama FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Craig Marduk FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
25.Июнь 2019
04.Март 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
07.Июнь 2019
01.Декабрь 2014