Tekken 4

Tekken 4

15.10.2013 01:08:52

*Cheesin' Jin Kazama*

Author: Kent Dela Pena
Email: diamond_dela_pena@hotmail.com
Version 1.1

This FAQ is copyrighted (c) Kent Dela Pena 2001. All rights reserved.

I can't really believe I have to say this, but this work is not to be used for
profit and doing so bequeaths you the title of poor sad loser who must find a
real job. Really, there's better ways to make money out there.

Don't try to reproduce this and write it off as yours. You'll never amount to
anything in life if you're out there copying FAQs and saying it's yours. There
are better and more important things to plagiarize. Do not go out there
claiming to be me either, or an FAQ writer for that matter. Although I know
these moves, I am not the greatest player, nor should I recommend living my
life. It's something you don't wanna do. If you knew me, you wouldn't wanna
be me.

This FAQ is in English and the only foreign language I can speak is French.
I'm sorry if you can't understand it or get any of the jokes (there's jokes?)
Also, do not email me in any languages other than French or English. They
will be deleted if I can't read it. Also put "Jin FAQ" as the subject.

This FAQ should be posted on www.gamefaqs.com unless you ask me for permission
to post it on your site (chances are, I'll say yes, especially if you baked

This FAQ can also be found on the following sites:


*Table of Contents*

1. Version History
2. Introduction
3. Legend
4. Who is this "Mishima"?
5. Move list
6. In depth moves
7. The Game
9. Credits
10. Main Contributors
11. Final Words

*Version History*

1.0 - Oct 22, 2001 - The birth of this sorry excuse for an FAQ. (If this FAQ
was a real kid, I'd abandon it! j/k)
1.1 - Oct 30, 2001 - Corrected errors and falsified strats
Added some juggles


This FAQ is for all those players want to learn to use Jin in my cheesy way.
If you're expecting to play with honour, I suggest you stop reading, unless
you're practicing your reading skills...you should stop reading for that too.
If you're an expert Jin player, I suggest you press the Back button. There's
nothing to see here...

I wrote this FAQ due to the number of requests I've been receiving. I have
no right to call myself a Jin player, nor do I aspire to become one. I find
that Jin is really easy to learn and to win with once you've figured out that
his game is based on string mixups rather than juggling. In other words,
cheese. I know that Jin can be played with what people call skill and style.
Don't bother trying to flame me because I'm teaching how to be cheap (Let's
see you write a better FAQ!). I'm sure when you picked up your first Tekken
character, you were a scrub yourself.

Jin is really easy to learn and it only took Strider Yoshi 1 day to win
consistently with the Kazama brand of dairy produce. I spent 2 days to learn

This is an early version of the FAQ. There are many things still to sort out
and a lot of aspects of the game that is still to be developed. If there are
errors, holes, or strats to add, you are more than welcome to kindly send an


I'm assuming that you know the conventions such as 1_2 and so on. Here's just
a rundown on all the buttons and directions. I think the illustration below
insults your intelligence, but if ya stil need them...

1P 2P

\|/ (1) (2) \|/ (1) (2)
/|\ (3) (4) /|\ (3) (4)

I'm guessing that you're aware of the PS2 buttons, so I won't use an
here. Plus, everyone has their own button layout.

u,d,f,b: Tap direction U,D,F,B: Hold direction
CD: Crouch Dash (f,N,d,df) N: Neutral(no joystick
WS: While Standing from crouch
*: Hold the button SS: Side step (u_d)
CH: Counter hit (interrupt an opp's move) ~: Input next command
1: Left Punch 2: Right punch
3: Left Kick 4: Right Kick

*Who is this "Mishima"?*

If you think you're gonna be using the "old" Jin Kazama, you're all wrong.
are, you found that out the hard way. He "unlearned" his Mishima style karate
has gone back to traditional karate. You won't see him use moves like 112 or
That's all you need to know about him. Wanna know his story? What do you
this is? The Jin's Story FAQ?! Read that in some other FAQ or Tekken site.

Since he's not a Mishima anymore. He's not about juggling. He can juggle just
like any character, but don't expect damaging ones like Kazuya. Basically, you
to mix up high, mid, and low hit strings with him.

*Move list*

Okay, maybe not. There is no movelist on this FAQ. Honestly, if you need one
badly, check out www.tekkenzaibatsu.com; www.tekkencentral.com; and many other
that lists Jin's moves (Specifically Catlord's. You do know Catlord, don't
Tekken websites also gives you frame rates, damage properties, and such
detailed info
as well. Please check there if you need it that badly. I'm just assuming you
all of Jin's moves and just want to know how to play him (or at least how I

*In depth moves*

The following are moves I use the majority of my matches. If some moves I find
pretty useless, I won't mention it, unless it's so bad I gotta say why. In no
particular order, here are Jin's moves that I use a lot during his fights.
of advice: These moves are what I consider to be good moves, but do not pick
move and stick with it the entire match a la deathfist.

Jab String Setup (1,2...)

Jabbing has become an essential part of Tekken 4. Every character has a string
is set up by 1,2. Jin is no different. After 1,2 Jin can do the following:

- 3 - Nice guard breaking mid kick. If this is blocked, you can mix up with
a mid hitting 3, or a low hitting d+4. If this kick connects, a d+4 is
- 4 - More powerful high hitting kick. Better use this in juggles.
- uf+1+2 - Not listed in any movelist, but Jin's throw flow easily from the
strings. Maybe not like King's, but just like everybody else.

You are not limited to those moves after doing 1,2...use your imagination for

Alternate Jab String Setup (2,1...)

I find this to be the better setup. The 2nd hit hits mid and the kick followup
either mid or low. You can start with the mid hit by pressing df+1 and
continue with
the mixups as well. Here's what you can do from this setup:

- 4 - Mid kick
- 4~4 - Low kick. Try not to abuse this. When opponents see this coming,
they may
interrupt with a jab or SS this kick altogether.
- uf+1+2_2+4 - Once again, though not listed, throws go into this string
fairly well.
This is the one sequence I abuse the most.

You are not limited to those moves after doing 2,1...use your imagination for

Laser Series (b,f+2>1>...)

People complain that this isn't effective anymore. That's because this can't
be used
in juggles...get over it. This still has it's uses in fights. Mix up this bad
and you'll be starting juggles often. The first 2 hits begin the same, but you
use the following finishes (all moves except the Just Frame are delayable):

- 2 - This punch knocks your opponent back whether it's blocked or not. Use
for breathing room.
- d+2 - Best done delayed so you mix up between this and the Just Frame. You
have to delay if your opponent tries SSing too early to avoid the Just Frame.
- d+2* - Unblockable launcher. Try not to do this version since it's SSable
interruptable, but try the following version of this move.
- JF d+2* - To execute this, you can't delay the b,f+2,1,d+2*. Release 2 when
fist is about to glow. If done right, there won't be much of a windup time
on his
unblockable launcher. Good for mixing up this and d+2. This sounds like BS
scrubbing, but if there's one move to abuse, it's this move. Learn it!!

If ya wanna be really sneaky, sneak in a throw instead of a punch at any time
the series.

Lead Thrust, Vertical Kick to Blade Kick (1,3~3,3) After press d+1+2 for
Glowing Fists

I don't really care if this move connects. I just use this as a custom string
and a setup for the Alternate Jab String Setup. You don't have to do the last
3, but
switch up with a d+4 for a low kick or restart your custom string. Watch out
who you
use this against. If you're playing a reversal capable character, prepare to
buffer a Chicken...don't even bother completing this against King. If some
reason, you
successfully connected with the entire series, do the Glowing Fists for special

Quick uppercut (df+2)

Hits mid, launches on a CH. Mix this within your Jab String Setups and maybe
get lucky to launch on a CH. Nothing wrong with this move.

Rising uppercut (WS+2)

If you duck a move, this will guarantee to launch. Nothing wrong with that!

Electric Wind Hook Fist (EWHF) (CD~2)

I hope you are familiar with the EWGF concept because I really don't wanna
If you don't do this properly, but CDed correctly, you'll get the WHF. This
has the same properties as Jin's old EWGF, but this move is used to knock away
opponents rather than launch them into juggles.

Foot Sweep (CD+4) ~3_3+4 for Spinning Heel kick. ~d+1+2 for Glowing Fists

Range is kinda small, but causes knock down if this lands. You have the option
of doing the Spinning Heel kick (guaranteed!) or Glowing Fists (special FX)
this move connects.

Foot Slice (d+4)

Quick low hitting move. Good in customs and mixing up highs and lows.

Spinning Heel Kick (4~3)

A move he's changed but kept from TTT. This doesn't have the range it used to
This move causes a guard stun, so throw this out and roll back for some space.
is best used at walls, okizeme, or guaranteed hits.

Can Can kicks (d+3+4)

A move he's kept from his previous Tekken adventure. If the 2nd kick connects,
will launch...which is good at certain situations.

Regular throws (2+4_f+2+4)

A throw is a throw and it's essential in every Tekken game. If you don't have
enough time to use a command throw, go for one of these.

Choke Slam (uf+1+2)

This is your alternative to a regular throw. The damage is the same, but this
a double punch escape, longer range, better animation, and leaves you in better
position for okizeme.

Change Position (1+3+f_u_d_b)

Something new added in Tekken 4. Get yourself out of a corner and put your
opponent into one by forcing a side switch with this command. You may shove
opponent into a wall by pushing them into one. Your opponent is stunned
which can set you up for quick jabs or some throws.

*The Game*

As you fight, you'll be put into various situations. Here are some moves that
suggested during each scenario.

Pre fight - What you do right off the bat can determine the outcome and flow of
match. Now that can move before throwing out moves, it's good to
some good positioning before duking it out.

Before the announcer says fight:

- SSing - A good idea to move yourself into open area and not close to a
- F dash - Show your aggressiveness before a fight. Also an indication that
you'll go for a throw. Watch out for jabs or a throw when the fight
- B dash - Shows defensiveness and turtling. Watch out for throws.
- Hop over - If you can time this right, just when the announcer shouts
you can find yourself behind your opponent and with a free kick.

When the announcer says "Fight":

- Throw - Command throw or regular throw, if you've caught your opponent
at the start of the match, here's some good instant damage.
- Pokes/Custom - Use some annoying but quick tick damage to start the match.
opponent would've probably have done the same. Best way to start on
- Idle - Stand still, block, then retaliate. Starting on defense can be
rewarding at times. There's no risk of receiving a CHed attack from your
opponent and you have the opportunity to read some tendencies and patterns
one string or series. Watch out for throws though.

Pokes/Custom - Now that everybody fights without a partner, ticking and
chipping away at
your opponent's life is more important than ever. Poking and
jabbing is a
big part of Jin's game. This is the key part of my cheese game.
Here are
some of the things you can chain together to make cheese:

- Jab String Setups - No explanation, is there?
- Alternate Jab String Setups - See the move above this.
- Laser Series - Setup and mix up launchers, throws, or push your opponent
- Lead Thrust, Vertical Kick to Blade Kick(1,3~3,3) - Just a filler
- Quick Uppercut (df+2) - If your opponent tries interrupting.

Just remember that you do not have to complete each string before going into
the next
one. Be creative and your opponent will have many problems vs. your Jin

Whiff punisher - If your opponent does a move from too far and completely
you've successfully dodged it, or you blocked a move with lots
recovery, try these:

- Throws - Usually devastating and spirit breaking. Most opponents hold B
reaction, raising the chances of success 100%...unless they duck on
which can be a blessing in disguise...if you don't always go for the throw.
- Launchers - You're guaranteed some hits after knocking them in the air.
- Pokes/Custom - Start your barrage of annoyances and cheese with this.
- EWHF - Knock your opponent away from you and hopefully into a wall with

Okizeme - Sure, hitting people when they're down is cheap (by scrubs), but it's
So, that should apply here. Jin shouldn't be depending on okizeme to
deal a
lot of damage, but he can still do it. These are the moves that I use
okizeme and their situations:

- Foot Sweep (CD+4) - Good vs. opponents who remain lying down.
- Foot Slice (d+4) - Good vs. opponents who remain lying down.
- Spinning Heel Kick (4~3) - If you're real close and your opponent tries

Launchers - Jin has amazing launchers to initiate a juggle game.
he doesn't have good moves for high damaging juggles. Anyways, here
Jin's best launchers:

- CH df+2
- WS 2 - Always do this after ducking a move
- b,f+2>1>d+2* - Not as reliable as the next two.
- b,f+2>1>d+2 - Make a deadly launcher game by mixing it up between this and
next move.
- b,f+2,1,JF d+2* - See the previous move.
- d+3+4 - Hey! A move he's kept from Tekken 3 & TTT. Good punisher.

If you want to be successful with juggles, you have to have the mentality that
your launchers will connect. That way when you see your opponent in the air,
won't be caught off guard.

Juggles - Even though it's not the same as in the previous Tekkens, Jin Kazama
possess some ability to juggle, even if it is toned down. All juggles
been toned down in T4. Here are a few simple juggles that I use:

- Any launcher,1,1,2,4
- Any launcher,1,1,1,EWHF
- Any launcher,1,1,1,f+4
- Any launcher,1,fdash,1,2,3,d+4
- WS+2,1,3,1,3~3,d+4
- WS+2,1,1,1,3~3,d+4

That's all I need since the majority of my game consists of mixups from
cheese, I mean strings.

Guaranteed stuff - While these aren't juggles, the followups after the moves
guaranteed. Here they are:

- uf+1+2,d+4
- 1,2,3,d+4 - If the 3 connects, the sweep is guaranteed. Be quick.
- 1,2,3,df+2,1,f,f+2 - The 3 in the Jab String has to connect for this to

Walls - With the addition of walls, Tekken has taken an interesting twist.
Punishing your cornered opponent seems to be the focus of this Tekken.
Catching somebody beside a wall or structured object can be so much fun.
Slamming them into one is even more fun. Here are some useful moves
in certain situations:

- Throws - Bust these out since the majority of players will opt for a
- Can Can kicks (d+3+4) - Best launcher in this situation. Perhaps you can
add more damage by juggling your opponent into a wall. Better yet, you may
finally be able to land the Laser series as a wall juggle.
- Laser series - Be fast and maybe each hit will connect. The first 2 will
at least.
- EWHF (CD~2) - Powerful and hopefully, you'll knock your opponent back into
another wall.
- Foot Sweep (CD+4) - Use when your opponent collapses or is blocking high.
- Custom/jab strings - Continue your punishing cheese offense. Be careful
wall techs.


I would like to thank the following:

Avex Honda NSX - Giving me those mercy rounds so I could practice TTT on
It's a real pity that you've "left" the Tekken scene. Well,
life goes
Every opponent - Challenging me. Nobody likes to play the CPU all the time.
This is the only way we get better.
Game sites - Posting this up.
Korea - Having players who found out about this "cheapness"
Me - Need I explain?
Namco - Making a great game to a great series with a great character
Pascal - See Avex Honda NSX and also for getting me into Tekken
Strider Yoshi - Showing me the Kazama fromage first hand
Tekkencentral - Having that forum for Canadian players and other useful info.
Hilarious posts...you should read some crazy stuff I've posted.
Tekkenzaibatsu - Information on move lists and such.
Tekken_Toronto - Like Tekkencentral but with Canadians only. Funny yet useful
stuff, well only for T.O. www.geocities.com/tekkentoronto
T_T Crew - Showing me that there are many people better than me in Toronto.
Video Amusements - For having this game and for being 15 minutes away from my
York University - Having this game on campus so that I could find some time to
play when I'm not studying or getting drunk on campus. But no
thanks for charging us a loonie to play!
You, the reader - Giving a purpose for this FAQ.

*Main Contributors*

These guys had some major input when it came to this FAQ. Although I started
this, these people helped out on some strats regarding Jin Kazama:

G B (i_luv_u_vrus@wanted.ph) - Suggested some Jin juggles

*Final Words*

This FAQ wasn't that difficult to write, nor long. I just took my Craig FAQ
added Jin and his moves plus a few adjustments. Always feel free to write
at the top of the page) and you will receive credit for any worthwhile
I am only teaching how to cheese and get started with Jin. I really hope that
a real
Jin player writes an FAQ on him soon.

I am not the greatest Jin player in the world or even in Toronto for that
Nor do I intend to be. He's not my kinda guy. There should better be some
readers out
there who can beat me using Jin. In the Tekken Central, GameFAQs,
Toronto_Tekken, Tekkenzaibatsu, or any Tekken related forums my screen name is
Mini King. If you're
from Toronto and you know Avex, Pascal, or the rest of the Tekken Crew, then
can tell you who I am. If I ever come across an establishment with this game,
be there playing. Currently, my source for Tekken 4 has been on Campus Cove at
University. You'll know you're playing me since I'm the only guy who uses
Craig Marduk.

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