Allows Game to Play in a Mod-Chip System:
D014957E 1040
8014957E 1000
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
Infinite Health:
800AE1DC 04B0
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
Infinite Bullets:
D0062708 0000
80062708 2821
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
Turbo Shooting:
D0049208 0007
80049208 0001
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
All Weapons (Press Select + L2):
D00B71B8 0101
800B6210 07FE
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
Save Anywhere (Press Select + L1):
D00B71B8 0104
800AC6B0 0007
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
Faster Special Move (Press X):
D00B71B8 0040
800AE108 0100
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
Infinite Items Slot 1 (Press L1 + L2):
D00B71B8 0005
300B6535 0060
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
Infinite Items Slot 2 (Press L1 + L2):
D00B71B8 0005
300B6539 0060
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
Infinite Items Slot 3 (Press L1 + L2):
D00B71B8 0005
300B653D 0060
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
Infinite Items Slot 4 (Press L1 + L2):
D00B71B8 0005
300B6541 0060
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
Infinite Items Slot 5 (Press L1 + L2):
D00B71B8 0005
300B6545 0060
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
Infinite Items Slot 6 (Press L1 + L2):
D00B71B8 0005
300B6549 0060
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
Infinite Items Slot 7 (Press L1 + L2):
D00B71B8 0005
300B654D 0060
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
Infinite Items Slot 8 (Press L1 + L2):
D00B71B8 0005
300B6551 0060
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
Infinite Items Slot 9 (Press L1 + L2):
D00B71B8 0005
300B6555 0060
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
Infinite Items Slot 10 (Press L1 + L2):
D00B71B8 0005
300B6559 0060
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
Infinite Time WipeOut Missions:
800B696C 2330
800B6970 1C2C
800B6974 1520
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
View First Ending (Press L2 + Select):
D00B71B8 0101
800AC6B0 000A
D00B71B8 0101
300AC6C3 0000
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
View Second Ending (Press R2 + Select):
D00B71B8 0102
800AC6B0 000A
D00B71B8 0102
300AC6C3 0001
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
View Third Ending (Press L2 + R2 + Select):
D00B71B8 0103
800AC6B0 000A
D00B71B8 0103
300AC6C3 0002
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
Create Bonus Saved Game:
D00BC8A2 0003
800BC8A2 0503
D00B695C 0001
800B695C 000F
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
Status After Finishing Game Clear Time = 0:00:00:
800B612C 0000
800B612E 0000
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
Continues = 0:
300B6132 001E
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
Saves = 0:
300B612B 0000
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

Munitions- und Medipacktrainer (für Demoversion)
16.Октябрь 2013
17.Октябрь 2013
15.Октябрь 2013
17.Октябрь 2013
Ende des Spiels und fast alles freigeschaltet
16.Октябрь 2013
11.Октябрь 2013
18.Октябрь 2013
15.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats
18.Октябрь 2013
15.Октябрь 2013
Dt. Trainer, der alles in unendlicher Menge zur Verfügung stellt
14.Октябрь 2013
15.Октябрь 2013
11.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung
14.Октябрь 2013
Mod-Patch and for the Italian Version
17.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor, Mod-Patch für die japanische Version
15.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor, Mod-Patch für die US Version.
17.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor, Mod-Patch für die US Version, fixed Rel.
18.Октябрь 2013
Mod-Patch für die [deutschsprachig]e Version
17.Октябрь 2013
Mod-Patch und +5 Trainer für die [deutschsprachig]e Version*Fixed*
17.Октябрь 2013
Mod-Patch and for the UK Version
17.Октябрь 2013
Mod-Patch and for the French Version
17.Октябрь 2013
engl. FAQ
10.Октябрь 2008
engl. Hinweise
10.Октябрь 2008