Dino Crisis

Dino Crisis

17.10.2013 19:18:22



Final Version
Latest Updates: 28/02/2002


A. Introduction
B. Legal Matters
C. Revision History
D. Game Review
E. Tips, Hints & Strategies
F. Walkthrough: Operation Doctor Kirk
G. Walkthrough: Operation Wipeout
H. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
I. Japanese Codes
J. Puzzle Answers
K. Gameshark
L. Contact & Contribution
M. Author's Note
N. Special Challenge
O. Credits
P. Acknowledgements



"Raw instinct takes over in this new, adrenaline-pumping journey into
Survival Horror. Something is terribly wrong. Your covert mission to
infiltrate an isolated, research compound has gone haywire. Now you
find yourself pursued by a relentless, pre-historic terror. Suddenly,
your mission becomes a desperate fight for survival."

This is the intro given in the cover of one of the best games ever to
hit on the market for the console Playstation. The director and
producer of this game is Shinji Mikami and is developed by Capcom
Entertainment INC. For the complete details, go to www.capcom.com

This entire FAQ is done in the normal mode, but the easy mode is hardly
different. This is my first time writing a walkthrough. Reading this
may or may not spoil the game for you. I am not giving the solutions to
the puzzles in the game in the walkthru. Please try to solve them
yourself using the hints I've given. Really, the game will mean nothing
if you don't solve the puzzles yourself. It's what makes the game
unique. But if you feel really stumped, look up the answers on the
section (Puzzle Solutions).

For more information, go to www.geocities.com/dinocrisisone

The most updated version of this FAQ will be at www.gamefaqs.com

Note: Push every box and shelf you come across. Also check and remember
every dead body you see.



This FAQ is prepared entirely by me and can only be used for private
and personal reasons. It can only be reproduced electronically. This
FAQ cannot be used for PROFITABLE means in any way. This FAQ cannot be
in any way printed in books, cds, magazines, etc. Copyright rules
apply. If I find this in any other website without my permission, then
I will be forced to take legal action. If you want to use this in ANY
way, then please let me know. My E - Mail address is given below.


NOTE: A lot of people have helped me with this FAQ, giving me hints,
codes, help, etc. If anything in this document is ripped of from
someone else's work, then please mail me. I will remove the offending
item at once and give you the e-mail of the guy who sent it to me.



Version 13 ( Final Version )

i. 28/02/2002
ii. Update after 1.5 years
iii. Excite mail is malfunctioning.
iv. New address is night_007_flier@yahoo.com

Version 12

i. 10/07/2000
ii. Updated Credits section
iii. Updated Acknowledgements section
iv. Added Author's Note section
v. Updated FAQ section
vi. Cleared all mistakes from walkthrough
vii. That's it. Goodbye.

Version 11

i. 8/07/2000
ii. Finished walkthrough of Operation Wipeout
iii. Added Special Challenge section

Version 10

i. 5/07/2000
ii. Started walkthrough of operation Wipeout
iii. Added Game Review section
iv. Added Japanese Codes section

Version 9

i. 3/07/2000
ii. Finished walkthrough of operation Dr. Kirk
iii. Updated Tips, Hints & Strategies section. Added files list.

Version 8

i. 30/06/2000
ii. Made walkthrough spoiler free.
iii. Added Puzzle Answers section.
iv. Updated FAQ section

Version 7

i. 26/06/2000
ii. Updated walkthrough
iii. Updated FAQ section

Version 6

i. 23/06/2000
ii. Updated walkthrough
iii. Updated FAQ section
iv. Added Gameshark codes.

Version 5

i. 19/06/2000
ii. Updated walkthrough
iii. Updated Tips, Hints & Strategies section. Added the stuff
found in each of the emergency item boxes.
iv. Updated FAQ section

Version 4

i. 18/06/2000
ii. Updated walkthrough
iii. Updated Tips, Hints & Strategies section. Added ammo list and
emergency items box locations.
iv. Added FAQ section

Version 3

i. 15/06/2000
ii. Updated walkthrough
iii. Updated Tips, Hints & Strategies section. Added enemies list.
iv. Completed Contact & Contribution section

Version 2

i. 13/06/2000
ii. Updated walkthrough
iii. Updated Tips, Hints & Strategies section

Version 1

i. 11/06/2000
ii. Just started walkthrough. Most of the sections empty.



Dino Crisis is undoubtedly one of the best games in the world. What
makes it unique is it takes the genre survival/horror to a new level.
There are lots of puzzles to solve that require great thinking and
luck. Then there are the many options you have to make throughout the
game that may or may not affect the ending. The plot of the story is
great and you will stay in suspense till the very end.

The audio is just superb. You have to hear it to believe it. When you
walk on metal, you will hear a clang. When you touch a laser beam, you
can hear a zap. The sounds of the dinosaurs are very realistic too.

The video, especially the FMV sequences are also great. The graphics
are pretty good, but not that good.

The controls are only the main problem. Even though the player's
movements are smooth, it takes a long time for a person to master those
moves. You will come to know about them as soon as you start playing.

The replayability of this game is a must. Actually, to know the game
from all the angles, you must finish the game at least three times. But
it won't be boring as you get a different ending with each decision you

The gameplay is also good. As I have mentioned before, the different
choices you have to make throughout the game makes you more intent on
it. Also, each time you play, the items you find on the floor are
different and in a different location. But what makes the game really
stand out is the high amount of enemy A.I. The dinosaurs in the game
try everything to kill you. They sleep, pretend to be dead and even try
to sneak up behind you!

But there are some minor flaws. The puzzles just drag the game along.
Some puzzles are just plain too tough and meaningless. A key to a room
close by will seem like a million galaxies away. The camera, even
though is great in some places, blocks the view in others. You can save
only in specific rooms. But outside these things, playing Dino Crisis
will be a brand new experience.

All in all, Dino Crisis is an awesome game. A must buy, even if you are
not a survival/horror fan!

My ratings:

Audio: 10/10
Visual: 8/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Overall: 9/10

Rating: Mature because there are scenes of animated blood and gore and
animated violence.
For more info, go to www.esrb.com

"If Resident Evil made you jump out of your seat, then Dino Crisis is
going to make you hide in your closet."-PSM




Triangle: Cancel/run
Square: Cancel/run
Circle: Menu Screen
Cross: Action (also shooting while holding L1)
Select: Options
Start: Pause
R1: Aim
L1: Aiming at a different target while holding R1
R2: Turning in the opposite direction
L2: N/A
D-Pad: Up-Move forwards
Left-Turn Left
Right-Turn Right
Down-Move Back


In this game, you will get 5 times to continue, but try not to, because
then you won't get any dino treats in the game. There are four endings
and lots of treats in the end.

If you finish the game for the first time in any difficulty under 5:00
hours, you get the Army and Battle costumes, along with the Extinction
Agenda. If you finish the game for the second time, you will get the
third costume. It is the Ancient type, where your guns and clothes are
different. After you play the third and last ending, you will get the
Super Grenade Launcher with unlimited ammo.


You may only save at the "Save Rooms" They are marked "S" on the map.
When you view a map Blue means that's where you are and Red means
that's where your going. Grey areas are the ones you haven't been to
yet. You will not find save rooms frequently, but there is one before
every important point in the game.


You get Medical Packs (red, green, blue, yellow) and Cylinders
(red, green, blue, yellow). The colours are significant as they show
the level of concentration of the item. Red has the most concentration
and blue has the least.
The Medical Packs consists mainly of the Hemostat (stops bleeding but
doesn't recover health) and Resuscitations, which are your extra life.
With it, you can return to life with a 100% health and no bleeding. The
yellow Med. Packs heals, but does not stop the bleeding. The green one
stops your pain temporarily. The red on stops the bleeding and heals
you completely.

The cylinders consist of An. Aid (increases the concentration of items
with anesthetic properties), Recovery Aid (increases the concentration
of items with recovering properties), Intensifier (intensifies the
item) and the Multiplier (multiplies the item).

There are no health bars in this game. Your health is determined by
the way Regina walks. If she walks upright and steady, then her life is
fine. If you see blood dripping, then you have to stop it. If she is
limping, losing blood and catching her stomach, then she is critical.
You'll get the hang of it quite fast.


A. Enemies List

All the dinos in Dino Crisis are very realistic and have high predatory
A.I. When a dino attacks you, you will see the word 'DANGER' on your
screen. Bash all your buttons to escape. The different types of
dinosaurs that you will encounter throughout this game are given below.
Hey Flash The Splash, thanks for this section.


Raptors are the most common dinos you will meet. They are relentless
and will chomp, bite, scream and even swipe you with their tail. They
are very cunning as they pretend to be dead. You can only be sure that
they are dead if you see a pool of blood coming from their sides.

Killing raptors are relatively easy; as they will die when about 7-8
handgun shots are pumped into them. The shotgun will take them out
with 3-4 shots.


Raptors mutate into Super Raptors, which are pink and black in colour.
These guys are basically the same as the previous raptors, except they
are tougher and more dangerous. They usually attack you in a group,
which makes them harder to kill.

They take a LOT of handgun bullets to die, more than 15. Using the
shotgun would be the best idea. Using the grenades won't be a bad idea


These dinos are mean and savage. They can kill you with one single
swipe. Be sure not to get too close to them. One advantage is that they
move very slowly and you can easily dodge them. You will meet these
guys only at the later stages of the game, where they are a real pain
in the a$$. The real problem is that you will be in a really small
space with them and they are really tough to kill.

Forget killing them with the handgun, its too puny. Slag bullets will
be really useful against them and grenades will be bliss.


These guys are very small and won't do any damage to you. But they will
annoy you plentifully and its quite fun to watch them die. Just keep
shooting away with your handgun. I hope that you won't use your Shotgun
or your Grenade Gun at them. Only one handgun shot is needed for them
to rest in peace forever.


The winged brats. If they get hold of you, they will take a significant
amount of your life away. Shooting at them will be a total waste of
ammo and time as they reappear. The best strategy around them is to
zigzag as you run.


The ultimate boss of this game. The creature that had your team member
Cooper, for a light snack. You can't kill the T-Rex, until the end, but
mostly you can drive it away. The handgun or the darts are useless
against the T-Rex and the only weapon that really works is the Grenade
Gun and the shotgun.

B. Weapons List

You will start the game with a Handgun and some 9mm Parabellum
Bullets. You only have 3 weapons to choose in this game. You are
however able to upgrade your weapons. Each upgrade will probably be
hidden in a safe or in a room.

Glock 34

A pistol like handgun made by Glock of Austria that has little force.
It uses the 9mm Parabellum bullets and when attached with the Handgun
Slides, it can be used with 40S&W Bullets. Use it mainly against the
raptors and the compies.

Shotgun Model PA3

A pump action shotgun made by L. Franchi that is quite useful. It uses
the SG and Slag Bullets along with the darts.

40mm HK Grenade Pistol

The most powerful gun in the game made by Hecklerand Koch of Germany.
Even though it has huge stopping power, its reloading time is too much.
It uses the heat and grenade bullets. Use it against the T-Rex and the

Weapon locations

Weapon Location

Handgun Default Weapon

Shotgun Facility 1F,Management Office

Grenade Gun Facility Outdoors, Hangar

Handgun Sights Facility B1, Library

Handgun Slides Facility 2F, Lounge

Shotgun Parts Facility B3, Stabilizer Experiment Room

Shotgun Stocks Facility B1, Experiment Simulation Room

Grenade Gun Parts Facility B3, Parts Storage (Level A Door)

C. Ammunitions List

I. 9mm Parabellum: Bullets for the handgun, which can be found

II. 40S&W Bullets: Ammo for the handgun, when equipped with handgun

III. Grenade Bullets: Ammo for the grenade gun, which is quite powerful.

IV. Shotgun Shells: Bullets that are powerful and handy.

V. Slag Bullets: Bullets for the shotgun that is more powerful than
the Slag Bullets.

VI. Heat Bullets: Ammo for the grenade gun that explodes into a ring of

VII. Darts: Ammo for the shotgun.


You can make a variety of darts by mixing various items. Darts makes
the enemy sleep. It can tranquilize with a single shot but the effect
of the darts depends on its concentration. You can find darts or you
can make them by mixing An. Aids. Then keep on mixing it with other
stuff such as An. Aids, Intensifiers, etc., to increase its
concentration. Dart Ls and Dart Ms are good. The best is the poison
dart, which kills the enemy with one shot. The more the darts you make,
the more the ammo you can save, as one dart is enough for one enemy.
It's best for rooms with dinos that you don't have to visit later on.

D. Emergency Item Slot Locations

The following gives the locations of each of the Emergency Item
Slots/Boxes in the game. It also indicates how many plugs you need to
be able to have access to the slots. For more information on these
slots proceed to the next section.
Note: Big Thanx to Brian for providing me with this section!

GREEN SLOTS (Medical Supplies)


Control Room Hall 1

Research Area Hall 2

Experiment Room Hall 1

Central Stairway 1

Power Freq. Room 1



Strategy Room 1

Control Room B3 1

Underground Heliport 1

Hovercraft 1



Elevator Hall 2

Main Hallway 2

Communication Room 1

Control Room B3 3

Experiment Room Hall 2

Hovercraft Storage 1

Central Stairway 3

Power Freq. Room 2

E. Emergency Box Items
Green Emergency Boxes. (Medical Supplies)
The following reveals the items found in each of the Green Emergency
boxes in the game, so you won't ever waste a plug on an E-Box that
doesn't have what you need.
Control Room Hall:
Hemostat 2
Med. Pack M 2
Rec. Aid 2
Resuscitation 2

Research Area Hall:

Recovery Aid 1
Intensifier 2
Resuscitation 2

Experiment Room Hall:

Resuscitation 1
Recovery Aid 1
Intensifier 1
Med. Pack M 2
Hemostat 2

Central Stairway:

Hemostat 1
Intensifier 1
Recovery Aid 2
Resuscitation 1

Power Frequency Room:

Resuscitation 1
Recovery Aid 4

Red Emergency Boxes (Ammo)

The following reveals the items found in each of the Red Emergency
Boxes in the game, so you won't ever waste a plug on an E-Box that
doesn't have what you need.

Elevator Hall:

9mm Parabellum 34
SG Bullets 10
Poison Dart 1
Intensifier 1

Main Hallway B1:

40S&W Bullets 18
Slag Bullets 10
SG Bullets 10
Poison Dart 1

Communication Room:

9mm Parabellum 17
SG Bullets 10
An. Aid 1
Multiplier 1

Control Room B3:

Grenade Bullets 3
Heat Bullets 3
SG Bullets 5
An. Aid 1
Intensifier 1

Experiment Room Hall:

Poison Dart 1
Slag Bullets 10
40S&W Bullets 18
An. Aid 1
Multiplier 1

Central Stairway:

Poison Dart 1
Heat Bullets 3
Intensifier 2
Multiplier 1
An. Aid 2

Power Frequency Room:

Heat Bullets 3
Grenade Bullets 3
Slag Bullets 10
An. Aid 3
Intensifier 1


Intensifier 1
Multiplier 1
An. Aid 1
Yellow E-Boxes (Med. supplies & ammo)
The following reveals the items found in each of the emergency boxes in
the game, so you won't ever waste a plug on an E-Box that doesn't have
what you need.
Strategy Room:

Med Pack M 1
Hemostat 1
Intensifier 1
Slag Bullets 5
Resuscitation 1

Control Room B3:

Hemostat 2
An. Aid 2
Multiplier 1
Resuscitation 1


Slag Bullets 10
Recovery Aid 1

Underground Heliport:

Med. Pack M 2
An. Aid 1
Recovery Aid 1
Resuscitation 1

F. Character List

Regina: She is the main playable character. She is a weapons expert
with a vast knowledge about nothing. Basically, Regina's a Jack-of-all-

Gail: He is the leader of your team. Hard and uncaring, Gail will
sacrifice anything, including his life for the mission.

Rick: Computer and security expert. His character is the opposite of
Gail's. He looks after the welfare of his comrades and will sacrifice
the entire mission for the life of his team members.

Tom: He is the spy who was sent to Ibis Island undercover and who sent
you all the reports.

Cooper: Communications expert who disappears at the start of the

Dr. Kirk: The point of the entire operation. A sly and cunning man, who
betrayed his own country for the sake of his research.

G. Files List

This is the list of all the files in the game. It will be really useful
for solving puzzles and codes.


Please inform the new employee assigned to this department about the
"DDK" system as follows :
The Digital Disc Key or DDK is a system that secures our most important
areas with an advanced locking device. To release the locks protected
by the DDK, prepare and set the following two data discs at the locking
device near the door :


The type of the DDK you need is indicated on the door: "A", "B", etc.
If the DDK type you use does not match, you cannot release the lock.
Before operating the system, make sure that your DDK type matches the
door you wish to unlock.


Before tonight's experiment, the chief and Dr. Kirk will be having a
meeting at the 2nd floor lounge from 1:00 p.m. Those who are scheduled
to guard should keep a preponderant eye on the area in front of the
Chief's Room, and the surrounding vicinity.

Before taking positions, be sure to re-supply your ammunition in the
custody room. The weapon storage in the custody room can be opened
with the combination "0426". Also, we have received information that
spies have sneaked into the facility recently.

If anything happens, you may have to enter the rooms of the chief and
the professor in order to insure their safety. You will find the disk
that contains the information you will need to access their rooms on
top of the locker.

That's all for now.


New Product Descriptions:

I. Recovery Aid
II. An. Aid
III. Intensifier
IV. Multiplier

The four chemicals listed above feature our company's latest
advancements. They are designed to perform exceptionally, particularly
on the front lines, where only the minimum amount of equipment is


By mixing chemicals, the following 2 types of supplies can be created:

I. Recovering Type: It quickly recovers lost vitality.
II. Anesthetic Type: Applied to the head of a bullet or needle, it
can put the target to sleep.

Supplies that are produced by chemical mixing can be made even more
effective with additional mixing.


As a result of tonight's experiment, a strong magnetic storm may occur.
Consequently, the Communication Department will close at 6 PM. At that
time, the antenna will be temporarily stored.

To prepare for the emergency, be sure to check the weapons storage
locker in the lounge. You can unlock it with the combination, "8159".

Recently, inexperienced guards have been assigned here, and a common
problem is that they do not know how to use the DDKs. Here are some
points that may not be clear in the manual.

Make sure that your staff becomes familiar with this important
information. After you set the DDK to the door's locking device, you'll
be asked to enter the password code. You will then need to derive the
code by using the basic elimination rule. Eliminate the key letters to
reveal the correct code. Be sure to try this out by setting an actual
DDK to the door-locking device.

For example:

In the above case, the correct password would be "OPEN".


"Personnel Changes of Researchers"

Section: Special Aircraft Experiment Room

Section: Third Energy Physics Laboratory

Registration Number: 57036

Name: Mark Doyle


Three years have passed since the tragic disaster. The performance of
the newest Stabilizer will be tested in tonight's experiment.

Three years ago, the Third Energy destroyed the facility and killed as
many as 150 personnel, just from a single overflowing accident. So, to
prevent a similar disaster from happening, we will take every possible
precaution to reinforce our security.

One more thing...

We recently had a case in which someone used the terminal in this room
and forged a fake ID to gain unauthorized access. Today, we are going
to have a meeting in the strategy room on how to cope with the problem.
In any case, all personnel should protect the security of the terminal.
Anyone leaving this room unattended should lock the door without fail.


The change of personnel documents for this individual have not been
turned in yet:

Paul Baker
Pager Number: 1123

Researcher Personnel Changes:

Section: Special Aircraft Experiment Room

Section: Third Energy Stabilizer Experiment Room

Registration Number: 58104

Name: Paul Baker


"Today's to do"

Prepare the DDKs needed to enter the Laboratory Area. Tomorrow I have
to go to the Computer Room to do maintenance on Dr. Kirk's computer.
But, I think I left a DDK at the Large Size Elevator Control Room when
I went there yesterday to do the elevator maintenance. I'll have to
check it later today.

As for the other DDK, I think the rookie guy Tom, who was recently
assigned to the Laboratory Area, has it. I'll have to borrow it from
him. I have no idea how that jerk approached Kirk, but he seems to have
gained his complete trust. It's weird how nobody knows his past


Dr. Sherwood,

The ID Card on the desk belongs to one of my patients.
Please hand it to Colonel Clay when he shows up. He told me that he was
going to hold a meeting in the Strategy Room on the 1st floor to make
preparations for tonight's experiment.

Please make sure to hand the card to him since one is required to enter
the Strategy Room.


Subject: Reinforcement of ID Management

Earlier in the week, there was a case in which someone used the
terminal that rewrites the ID Cards to gain unauthorized access.

This person acquired the fingerprint data from the corpse of a staff
member who had died in the accident. He forged the dead man's ID by
using the fingerprint data, and entered the laboratory area by way of

The problem is that the Fingerprint Collecting Device can acquire
usable fingerprint data, even from a corpse. Since we will be having an
experiment today, there will be many outsiders visiting this facility.

When creating the ID Cards for the guests, keep a careful eye on the


"DDK", the electronic lock system of this facility, has been updated. A
more intricate code system has been introduced, and the security level
has been improved.

You will need to be aware of the following information when entering
the password.

Number-Based "KEY" Decoding, Part 1

In a case where numbers are written instead of letters in the "KEY"
field, the numbers could represent the codes for the corresponding
characters. Here is an example of a corresponding chart between the
letters and the code numbers. A=1, B=2, C=3....



"Third Energy"...

It is the system that can produce infinite energy from the air. The
completion of this system will signify the end of one of society's
greatest problems...

It is true that the system was initially developed for military use,
but we took part in the project because there is a silver lining in it
for our future.

But something is terribly wrong. The military has been giving us
excessively favorable treatment for the simple development of a
fundamental energy system. I must discover the true purpose of this
project, before irreparable harm is done. What on earth is that kid
planning to do...?

...I haven't found any clues in the past month. He is indeed a genius.
He seems to have noticed our secret investigation activities. I heard
that he established a secret lab in this floor somewhere. The only way
to learn of his true intentions will be to find that lab.


At long last, Mike has found a clue pertaining to the location of the
secret laboratory. He said that he hid the clue in our secret place
inside the Library Room.

Kirk has been meeting frequently with Colonel Clay, the leader of the
project, in the Computer Room lately. What are they up to...?


"DDK", the electronic lock system of this facility, has been updated. A
more intricate code system has been introduced which improves the level
of security.

You will need to be aware of the following information when entering
the password.

Number-Based "KEY" Decoding, Part 2
In a case where numbers are written instead of letters in the "KEY"
field, the numbers could indicate the rows to be deleted.
For example, if "2" is in the "KEY" word, you should delete all of the
letters from the second row of the "CODE".

Dear Paul,
I finally found the clue. This is the key card that you need
to enter his secret lab. The only chance to enter it is during
tonight's experiment. Obtain the other key card without hesitation.

The other key card is in the Chief's Room. I heard the secret codes for
the safe are written on the Panel Keys.

Now, if we find out where the laboratory is, everything will be solved.
I'll leave that to you.

Good luck.



It is easy to unleash any kind of power. The real task is keeping the
power under control. The improvement of the "Initializer" ignition
device has enhanced energy efficiency to the maximum.

Despite that progress, we have been unable to advance the development
of the "Stabilizer" safety valve since the accident that happened three
years ago.

The "Third Energy Theory" will surely alter human history drastically.
But as long as there is an uncertain element regarding the control of
this power, even if it is only 0.1% of a probability, my work will be
nothing but a terrible failure. The restraining power of the
"Stabilizer" we used in tonight's experiment was insufficient. The area
affected by the excess energy is estimated to be a radius of 3,300

The result of tonight's experiment may please the military people in a
sense. The giant creatures that emerged just after the experiment have
given me much inspiration.

The most important thing to do right now is to leave here safely. As
soon as I finish analyzing the data, I'll evacuate via the bottom


Where the heck did these monsters come from? I managed to slip away,
but I've been cornered here in the basement ever since. The only way I
can get out is through the port on level B3. I should be able to find a
boat or something used to transport research materials.

The only problem is getting there in one piece...


Attention: Alan

The weapon container at the General Weapon Storage will be carried out
from the port next week. Please finish the maintenance of the crane
within the week.

I will hand you the DDK to enter the port so that you can finish the

Make sure that you keep it on you at all times.


Since we are going to move the experimental generator outside today, we
expect to see external staff within the test area. As a final reminder,
if the "overload" occurs in this laboratory, it will mean the
obliteration of the entire facility.

If you don't want to be evaporated, guard the area with extreme caution
today. The staff has been working double overtime recently. Dr. Kirk in
particular has locked himself in his private quarters for nearly a
week. Nobody has seen him. Take good care of the researchers and
remember that the experiment's success depends upon their ability to

Recently the credibility gap of Dr. Kirk has been varied among the
staff. Keep your eyes on the ID Rewriting Device here to prevent
illicit use. There has been an instance of someone abusing the
Rewriting Device on the first floor.

Keep your eyes open.


Those who attend the activation of the Generator for the first time in
tonight's experiment should remember the following procedures :

To activate the Generator, the following two devices have to be set in


The functions of the two devices are as follows.

Initializer: Generates the necessary energy for the first reaction when
activating the Generator.

Stabilizer: The Third Energy reaction takes in the air and generates
the energy in a chain reaction under a certain level.

You will find the models of the two parts in the case set at the
center. If you have not seen them, be sure to check and see what they
look like. If you split the numbers that you use when obtaining the
Core Parts and add "0" to each of the split numbers, they will give the
pass numbers you'll need when obtaining the other two protective parts.
Be careful when handling the pass numbers of the Core Parts.


The kid pointed out the mistake in my calculations of the estimated
value. The simulation of the Stabilizer, I mean. It seems that I
miscalculated the timing of the energy reaction at its critical point
by 6 nanoseconds.

I admitted that I made a mistake, but he has a serious attitude
problem. He doesn't seem to understand we're all exhausted from having
to work all day and night on a regular basis.

From: M

To M,

Everyone feels the same way about Kirk as you do. It's time to let him
know how we feel. I heard that you could create a lethal poison by
mixing certain drugs together. They said you just have to mix the
strongest anesthetic with something else.
...Well, that may be going a bit too far, I suppose...

From: K

To K,

You are pathetic. Can't you see Dr. Kirk devotes himself to the
experiment without a care of anything else? Blaming others for your
mistakes only exemplifies your cowardice.

I hold all of you responsible should the experiment go wrong thanks to
your blundering. Maybe you should be the one watching your back in
case someone should "accidentally" inject you with poison.

From: ???


Since I was assigned to this department, all I've done is sample the
simulation data of the Generator. Even a college student could handle
these tasks. Why doesn't Kirk want us to operate the Generator? Doesn't
he trust our ability and skill?

From: O

To O,

I don't think the problem is so simple. Because his ID Card is required
to operate the Generator, once an accident occurs, Kirk is the only
person who can stop it. I don't see what the military is planning to do
with this conniving nonsensical procedure...

From: N

To N,

I have an idea. It's about that guy Tom who was recently assigned to
the B1 area. He often comes to me to ask about our job...

I guess he can't resist my charming personality. Why don't we invite
him into our group and have him spy on Dr. Kirk? This should work, as
he is good at gaining the confidence of other people.

From: B

To B,

Don't be so simpleminded. Have you already forgotten how you'd been
trying to get Kirk's attention until recently? Learn to think a bit
more logically first. At any rate, the male researchers here don't
seem to know much of anything beyond research. Maybe you ought to try
showing the next one you become close friends with the wonders of
shampoo and the washing machine.

From: C


"How to activate and control the generator"

1. Prepare to activate the Generator by operating the main panel on the
upper floor of the Control Room.

2. Move to the B3 area of the Generator to set an Initializer.

3. Operate the panel near the Initializer to connect the "inhale shaft"
to the Generator.

4. Move to the B2 area to set a Stabilizer.

5. Activate the Generator.

6. Go back to the Control Room and adjust the output on the lower

When activating the Generator, make sure the Doctor is present. To
avoid accidents, the Generator cannot be activated without Dr. Kirk's
ID Card.


Kirk has been hiding everything from the researchers recently. In a
demonstration of solidarity, the B1 lab area staffs have decided to
investigate what Kirk and the military personnel are up to.

As a start, we managed to set a wiretapping device at the Parts Storage
area where they've been holding meetings. The device is sound activated
and records automatically. It can also play back the recordings. It may
be the best way to come up with some clues. We need Kirk's ID Card to
check the Generator. We already know his registration number. It is

All we need now to forge his ID Card is his fingerprint data...


Preparing the Stabilizer and the Initializer.

Make sure these two devices are ready in time for the experiment.
Each of these two devices consist of the following three parts
Core Parts
Protect Part A
Protect Part B

This means six parts are needed in all. These parts are separately
stored in the Experiment Room, the Stabilizer Design Room and the Parts
Storage Room. Once you have acquired all 6 parts, you can assemble
them in the Experiment Room. The Weightless Manipulator must be
operated by staff of level A class.


"Third Energy as the Final Weapon"
By Edward Kirk

If the Third Energy reaction exceeds the critical point, it evokes the
"overload" phenomenon. When this happens, we can't control it. The huge
amount of energy creates chain reactions and begins to disintegrate the
surrounding air. The ensuing explosion will vaporize anything in the
near vicinity.

If we could control the area where the "overload" occurs, the Third
Energy will literally become the "Ultimate Weapon."

The power of the weapon depends on how much energy we can restrain
before the explosion occurs. In other words, the capability of the
Stabilizer is the key to everything.

The Third Energy was supposed to be the project of the development
policy: "Create the basic power source for the Permanently Stationed

If we change the policy of the project here and now, this government
will be able to obtain the most deadly destructive device in the world.
However, our current budget is completely out of the question. You'll
find my estimate of the budget in the next chapter. Please review and


* Use the shutters to shield yourself from the dinos. You can use
the laser shutters to trap the Dinosaurs and then shoot them.
This becomes very useful when you play Operation Wipeout given
that you will be given a lot of 9mm and 40SW bullets, which
doesn't even scare the dinosaurs.

* Learn to mix items in order to create deadly darts. When mixing,
lay more emphasis on level than volume. The more level the dart
has the deadlier it is. In my opinion, darts are much better than
bullets. You can use the anesthetic darts on rooms you don't have
to visit later and save your bullets.

* Only kill enemies that are in rooms that you will need to revisit
later on.

* Save your ammo so that you don't have to hunt for them later on.

* Keep running, as this will enable you to dodge predators faster
and lessen the game time.





You got mail.
Three years ago, a Research Scientist in the name of Doctor Edward Kirk
died in an explosion during one of his experiments. He was one of the
country's top leading man in the field of energy research.
Earlier this year, Agent Tom was sent to Ibis Island on a secret
assignment. His mission was to infiltrate the facility under the guise
of one of the researchers. The mission had been more than successful,
as Tom had found Dr Kirk, who had earlier thought to be dead. The
Doctor was the head of a non-military research on the island.
Your mission as Regina is to infiltrate the island, locate, secure and
repatriate Dr Kirk swiftly. You will be accompanied by an Elite Task
Force (whatever the hell that means!).
Next, you are in the air and in parachutes. You land with Gail and
Rick. Gail orders the team to go ahead without Cooper. You are the Ammo
and weapons expert, Rick is the security and computer expert, Gail is
leader and Cooper is the communications expert.
You will never see Cooper again because he becomes dino dinner in the
next scene you watch.
Let the Operation Dr. Kirk begin...


{Okay, this is the First Checkpoint. Playtime is officially over,
kiddies. Something's wrong. The lights in the Guard House are out. }
Regina will start at the gate of the Backyard of the facility with
Gail and Rick. {After a brief conversation, Gail gets bossy and goes
off to investigate by himself. Rick will now go infiltrate the facility
and occupy the Control Room to gain access the security system.} Once
Rick goes off to the Control Room, you will gain control of Regina.

Turn left and go see what Gail is up to. Watch the puzzling cut scene.
{There is a large hole in the fence as if something powerful ripped
through it. Also, the guards were shooting at something.}
Once you regain control of Regina, go inside the green door in front of
you. You are now in the Material Storage room. Head to the shelf on
your left and pick up the Back-up Generator Area Key. Push the shelf
next to you to gain access to the item at the back. Now exit the room.
Now go right and look for a box you can push to get an item. Look
behind and you will find a locked gate. The gate leads to
a Back-up Generator for the Underground Area. Now go to where you first
started. The game will take over.

{Rick will call you. The place is deserted. All the power in the
facility has been cut. You need to gain access to the Back-up
Generator. Gail over-heard the last part of the conversation. He will
grab the key from you and take charge. Man, this guy has a serious
attitude problem}. Once you regain control of Regina, follow Gail and
head out to the Backyard. Go to the gate on your right and you should
be at the passageway to the Back-up Generator. The game will take over
when you reach Gail.
{You will see Gail checking a human corpse. It is completely torn in
half}. This is your first corpse. Check the body and take the item.
Then talk to Gail again. He will tell you that he will stand guard and
you to take a look around. Now, enter the Backup Generator Room 1F (the
room behind Gail).

Inside the Backup Generator Room 1F, go to the end where you will
see two panels; one in front of you (first panel) and the other on
your right (second panel). This is the first puzzle you must solve and
it's very easy. HINT: notice the colours in the first and second panel
(see Puzzle Answers, Colour Puzzle Solutions for the answer).
That should activate the generator. Now exit this room and......
{Before that you will hear a yell and gunshots}. Continue to exit this
room. Outside, the game will take over. You will notice that Gail is
missing. Walk forward and you will see another cut scene.


This is your first encounter. You have a choice of shooting or running.
You can kill it, but it's not necessary. There is no point in killing
it, as you won't meet him again unless you decide to come back here
(now why would someone want to do that, huh?). Just run to the other
end and exit the Passageway to the Backup Generator. After you arrive
at the Backyard, another scene takes place. Quickly enter the door and
you will be back where you started. If you decide to kill it, well... I
can only say that it takes a helluva lot of bullets to kill a raptor.
If you are playing for the first time, you will only have a handgun and
this miserable little peashooter doesn't even scare the dinos!
After all that, the game will take over again. {Rick will call you.
Rick finds out you have lost Gail. (He will be heart broken). Then you
will tell him that you saw some kind of dinosaur but he thinks that
you're playing April fool's on him. He tells you to go to the Control
Room.} Head to the small passage in front of you and enter the door. Go
down the hallway and turn left until you reach a Ventilation Outlet. Go
up the Ventilation Outlet and proceed forward in the shaft. Go down the
first hole you see. Proceed forward and turn left. Pick up the item and
you will notice an Item Emergency Box on the wall. You need a plug to
access the box so you can't open it yet. Now enter the Control Room in
front of you. The game will take over.
Regina will have a brief conversation with Rick. {You now need to gain
access to the Underground Area. To do that you need to first restore
the power to the area. For now you need to explore the current area for
any useful items and information.}

Get out and go to the other room at the end of the passage. This is the
Management Office and it's a Save Room. Inside the Management Office,
take the Shotgun (finally, a useful weapon). Then walk to the door in
front of you. Next to the door, there's a red blinking switch. Press
it. Then take the DDK Input Disc H from the table and also the plug.
(Inside the cardboard box). Now read the info from the computer, and
then enter the other part of this room. There, you will see another
dead man. Take the Panel Key 2 near it. Then open the safe. The
combination number is (0426). Take the Entrance Key and the
Resuscitation. Exit through the door near the switch you just pressed
and save if you have to. You will be at the Management Office Hallway.
Another scene will take place. {Rick will say he just unlocked the
laser shutters.}
Quick! Open the laser fence and enter it, then shut the fence behind
you. Now, you can easily kill the raptor with even the puny handgun
without getting a scratch. After you have disposed the raptor enter the
opposite room (Locker Room).
Take the stuff on the floor and read the manual, but the most important
thing in this room is the DDK Code Disc H on top of the locker. Exit
from this room.

Now enter the double doors in front of you. This is the Main Entrance.
Take all the items on the floor. Go to the big blue double doors and
head outside. Go around the divider till you reach a dead body. Collect
all the stuff lying around here and check the body. I will introduce
him to you later. Now head back inside and go to the second floor
upstairs. There's an An. Aid hidden in the crate. Push it and take the
item. Enter the Hall 2F. Go ahead and use a dart on the raptor. Take
the stuff on the floor and enter the door in the left. It is the
lounge. Use another dart on the Dino in this room. Open the safe at the
wall on the back room. The combination number is (8159). Take the
Handgun Slides. Before exiting from this room take the Resuscitation
and read the file. Right now you should have 2 DDK-H Disc; one is the
input disc and the other is the code disc. Go to the door leading to
the Chief's Room. Press X on the switch beside that door. HINT:
eliminate the key from the code.

Enter the Chief's Room once you have unlocked the door. The game will
take over.
{Regina will meet a survivor. To make things easier for him, Regina
lies to him about being there with a rescue team. Before he dies, he
passes you the Panel Key 1 with the words "SOL" written on it.}

Once you regain control of Regina, look for an item on the floor. Pick
up the DDK input disc "N" from the shelf. Do not go to the direction of
the door. Look for a framed picture on the wall with two medals on it.
Insert Panel Key 1 into the left slot and the other one into the right
slot. It will now prompt for a numeric code. Even if you read the clues
to this puzzle, you will not get it, as the clues are very very vague.
It is not even a puzzle. The names on the panel key (SOL & LEO) are not
letters but numbers turned upside-down. Enter: [705037]. Once you
have opened the safe, take out Key Card L. Now stock up your shotgun
with SG shells and head for the door. The game will take over.


{You will be introduced to the Boss of the game, the one and only
Tyrannosaurus Rex. It should take four shots to drive him away}. Exit
the room if you survive. Go down to the Main Hall on the First Floor.
Once you are at the Main Hall, go to the double door underneath the
stairs on the south wall. The game will take over. {Rick will call you
and tell you to look up a room on the first floor.}
Examine the panel next to the door and you will be prompt to use the
DDK disks "N". Accept and solve the puzzle. HINT: again eliminate the
key from the code.

Go into the Elevator Hall. Pick up any item on the floor and push a box
on the left to get an item. Record the map data from the board. There
is an Emergency Box in this room and also a dead guy. I will introduce
him also to you later.

Unlock the other door and go in the corridor. Deactivate the laser
shutters and go in the first door on your left. If you go any further
than this door, you will be trapped by two raptors. Dispose of the
Raptor in the office room. I need you to come back here later. Read the
memo from the Whiteboard. Use the phone on the desk and it will prompt
you to page Paul Baker. Head to the computer on the far side of the
room. It is a device that can rewrite the data of an ID Card. Unlock
the double door but don't go through it. Exit the room the same way you
came in.

Continue follow the path until you reached another dino and you see a
dead man. Take the plug from the dead man. You can access the Red Item
Slot now. Enter the Lecture Room. Take the BG Room B1 Key on the end of
this room (near the whiteboard). A cut scene will take place.

{After Gail saves your sorry little ass, he tells you that he has to go
talk to Rick to fix something.} Hmmm, guess Gail's not so bad anymore.
After the scene you can go back to the Control Room 1F, but I suggest
you save time and head outside the building where you started from. The
easiest way of doing that is to head out through the double doors from
the office room. Deactivate the laser shutters on your left. You may
get surprised here and there or while coming back.
Go back to the Backyard of the Facility. Enter the door near the site
where you pushed the wooden box. Take the item if necessary. Go down
the stairs to the Backup Generator Room B1. On the West wall of this
room you will see a panel with a flashing green light. It's the
battery charger. Take the Startup Battery Red. Then use the Battery
on the panel on the wall left of you. Play the colour game again to
switch on the power. Don't forget to take the plug (you must move the
shelf first).

Rick will ask you to meet him at the Control Room 1F. Go there. After
arriving at Control Room 1F, the game will take over. {Gail will say
that he saw something on the basement, then Regina will receive a
distress signal from someone, maybe Cooper or Tom. Rick wants to save
him, but Gail wants to search the basement for the survivor, coz it
might be Dr. Kirk. Gail and Rick will argue. You will then be given an
option. Choose whatever you want because it doesn't affect the

Exit from the Control Room 1F. Turn left to go down the stairs to the
underground. You're now in the Medical Room Hallway. Walk forward to
meet our tiny little friends in this cut scene.


Use your handgun to take care of the little pests. Now enter the door
on your right, the Medical Room (Save Room). Take the items on the
shelf and the ID Card on the desk. Enter the other half of this room
and take the stuff here and note the small boxes on the table. Before
exiting the room, don't forget to take the plug next to the files.
Check the dead dinosaur and continue down the passage. Enter Hall B1.
Here, you will meet Gail. The game will take over. {Gail saw someone
and chased him, but the gate between Gail and Regina closed before
Regina could get across. So Gail tells you to find another way, which
is through the elevator from the first floor.}

Now, go through the other door and to the door at the end of the
passage. Before you get there, you might be jumped. Deactivate the
laser fence and continue to go through the door. Get the stuff and read
the memo. Then go through the other door and you will be in the other
part of the Hallway for Carry In Materials. Go through the door
straight ahead of you. You will be back where you played the colour
puzzle. Head back outside and go to the place where you first started.
{Rick will call you saying that Tom didn't make it.} Enter the Large
Size Elevator Passageway. Two Dinos are waiting for you. You don't have
to kill them, as you won't see them again. In this area there are lots
of items to take. Enter the Large Size Elevator. [Note: don't come back
here or you will die.] Another scene, where you meet the winged things
from Hell.


After the scene, take back your weapon. It is useless trying to kill
these birds as they reappear later. The best way to avoid these birds
is to run zigzag. Enter the Large Size Elevator Control Room. Inside,
take the DDK Input Disc L and check Tom's body to receive the DDK Code
Disc L.
Enter the second part of this room. Take the Facility Outdoors Map on
the wall. Enter the Passageway to the Power Room. Avoid the bird and
take the item. Enter the Elevator Power Room. Descend the ladder.
Take the B1 Crane Card and stuff after pushing the shelf. In the center
of this room, you will see six panels. HINT: fit the pipes in the right
colour (check Puzzle Solutions, Pipe Puzzles for the answer). After
solving this puzzle exit this room. Then .........
If you survive, you will see a great scene. If you don't you will still
see a great scene. Go back to the Large Size Elevator. Press the green
switch to activate the elevator. There will be some more scenes. You
are now in the Carrying Out Room B1. Ascend the ladder. Use the B1
Crane Card on the crane machine. Now you must solve another puzzle.
HINT: move the boxes to make a way to the other side of this room
(check Puzzle Solutions, Crane Puzzles for the answer).

Take the stuff (push the shelf) and exit to the Hallway for Carrying in
Materials. Go to the door down the hallway and enter, the place where
you saw Gail last. Now make your way up to the save room next to the
Control Room (Management Office).


Go back to the Backyard of the Facility and to the place where you
started from.. Enter the Large Size Elevator Passageway. There are two
Dinos in this area. You don't have to kill them, as you won't see them
again. In this area there are lots of items to take. Enter the Large
Size Elevator. [Note: don't come back here or you will die.] Another
scene, where you meet the winged things from Hell.


After the scene, take back your weapon. It is useless trying to kill
these birds as they reappear later. The best way to avoid these birds
is to zigzag. After the scene, take your weapon and enter the Large
Size Elevator Control Room. Inside, you will meet with Rick and Tom.
Tom is dying. He will give you the DDK Code Disc L. Take the DDK Input
Disc L from the table. Enter the second part of this room. Take the
Facility Outdoors Map on the wall. Enter the Passageway to the Power
Room. Avoid the bird and take the item. Enter the Elevator Power Room.
Descend the ladder. Take the B1 Crane Card and stuff after pushing the
shelf. In the center of this room, you will see six panels. HINT: fit
the pipes in the right colour (check Puzzle Solutions, Pipe Puzzles for
the answer). After solving this puzzle exit this room. Then.. .. ..

If you survive, you will see a great scene. If you don't, you still
will see a great scene. Go back to Rick. Activate the Large Size
Elevator by pressing the green switch. Go back to Tom. There will be
some more scenes. You are now in the Carrying Out Room B1. Ascend the
ladder. Use the B1 Crane Card on the crane machine. Now you must solve
another puzzle. HINT: move the boxes to make a way to the other side of
this room (check Puzzle Solutions, Crane Puzzles for the answers).
Take the stuff (push the shelf) and take An Dart M (near the door)
Exit to the Hallway for Carrying in Materials after checking the body.
You will see a scene where Tom tries to save Rick !!??? Deactivate the
laser shutters and take more stuff. Go to the door down to the hallway.
There's a surprise along the way.
Continue to the Medical Room Hallway. You will see a scene.


Use your handgun to take care of the pests. Check the dead dinosaur.
Now enter the Medical Room (save room). Tom is dead. This is the time
you will start to feel like clobbering Rick with your shoe. Get the
plug near the files and stuff near the bed. Take note of the small
boxes on the table. You can also get stuff in the shelf. Take the ID
Card from the table next to the shelf. Now go back to the save room
next to the Control Room (Management Office).

Back to the Management Office. . . .

Enter the Management Office Hallway. Deactivate the Laser fence and
enter the left door, the Toilet. Inside the Toilet there's some stuff.
Exit and enter the other room, the Strategy Room. Inside the Strategy
Room take the DDK Code Disc E, plug, and the Fingerprint Collecting
Now you have two choices for collecting fingerprints.

John Doyle.
Go back to the main hall with the stairs and head outside through the
big blue double doors. Remember when I said I would introduce him? This
is John Doyle. Go around the divider till you reach him and then use
the Fingerprint Device on his body. Now, go back to the Office in the
lift lobby (the office with the phone and computer). Use the ID Card on
the computer. The combination number is (57036). The lifts are working

Paul Baker.
Go to the lift lobby. You will hear a beeping noise near the body. This
is Paul Baker (you paged him, remember?). Deactivate the beeper and use
the Fingerprint Device on the corpse. Then head to the office (the one
with the telephone) and use the computer. Input the ID card and the
code (58104). The lifts are working now.

Go back to the Elevator Hall. Use the left elevator. After you reach
the bottom ... Look out! A Dino will pop-out from the top of the
elevator. Put it to sleep. There is stuff here and there. Get the map
on the wall and unlock DDK lock door. HINT: A more intricate code
system has been introduced. In this case, numbers are written instead
of letters in the "KEY" field. The numbers represent the codes for the
corresponding letter. Example,
A = 1, B = 2, C = 3. Eliminate those from the code.

Enter the Main Hallway B1. Deactivate the laser fence. Two Dinos are
waiting to be killed. Enter the Library Room and be careful. There's a
Dino lurking in this room. There are also some stuff and handgun
sights in this room. Enter the Research Area Hall. Two more Dinos.
Deactivate the laser fence and enter the Research Meeting Room. Take
the DDK Input Disc E and a plug from the shelf. Exit from this room as
you can't open the gas chamber yet.
Continue to follow the path and enter the Computer Room (Save Room).
Take a plug and a screwdriver. Activate the computer near the yellow
files. The combination number is (7248). The lock to the gas chamber is
open. While heading out, take note of the big CTV on the wall. Go out
through the other door. In this way, you can access the Red Item Slot.
Go back to the Research Meeting Room and open the brown door. You're
now in the Gas Experiment Room. Take the stuff. Push the panel in
front of the gas chamber. Push the buttons in this order to unlock the
gas chamber. HINT: look at the rules sheet in the whiteboard in the
Research Meeting Room (check out Gas Chamber solutions). Enter the gas
chamber. Another scene. {You will say to the dying man that you are
from the rescue team. He will give you a B1 Key Chip.} Check the dead
man to receive a Small Size Key. (If you kill that man with the gas,
you will not receive the key. You can use the key in the Medical Room.
Inside the Medical Room you will see two small boxes. You can only open
one. The left contains one Resuscitation and one Med Pak M. The right
contains one Multiplier and one Med Pak M. So decide which one that
you need most). Exit from the gas chamber and.. .. Trap the useless
thing in the gas chamber and gas him to death by pressing any colour.
Go back to the Library Room. Use the B1 Key Chip on the computer on
your left side. The combination number, of course, is (3695). It's on
the B1 key chip. Here's another puzzle for you. HINT: match those two
images (check Puzzle Solutions, Match Puzzles for the Answers).

Now use the B1 Key Chip on the locker with the green light. You will
receive Key Card R. Go back to the Computer Room. Use the Key Card R on
the right switch of the big CTV I was talking about earlier. The game
will take over. {Say yes when it asks if you will call Gail. After a
while Gail will enter the room and help you with the computer. Unlock
the door. }
HINT: From this point onwards, the security level has been upgraded.
In a case where numbers are written instead of letters in the "KEY"
field, the numbers represent the columns to be deleted. If "1" is
displayed, you should delete the letters on the first column (by this
time you must have known where to check)

Enter the Experiment Simulation Room. Push the shelf for a weapon
upgrade and take the items. Take note of the computer at the end with
an Emergency Exit just next to it. Press the panel you pressed earlier
to switch off the vortex if you want to learn more about it. Exit the
room the same way you came in and the game will take over.
{A Security Lock Down has been activated. Someone has tripped over one
of the sensors; it must have been Dr Kirk. You now need to find a way
out of there. You need to release the lock.}
Approach the small panel next to the red toolbox. Open it with your
screwdriver and you will have to play another puzzle. HINT: you will be
faced with three panels. You must turn them to match the image in your
lower left corner (check Puzzle Solutions, Grid Puzzles). Another
scene, and as usual Rick and Gail argued (Boy, was that a mistake or
what to put them in the same team!) {There is another problem. The
emergency bypass of the lock lasts only for ten minutes. If you are not
out of there, the entire area will be sealed off completely. Gail wants
to break out of the area relying on his skill, but Rick wants you to go
through the escape hatch by solving another puzzle.} Choose well.. ..
A) Gail's Way !

Make sure you are fully loaded. Exit this room and enter the Research
Area Hall. There are two Dinos in this room. Kill them. Go to the
Library Room. Again, two Dinos in this room. Exit to the Main Hallway
B1. Two Dinos in this room. Go back to the Hall B1. One Dino in this
room. Now, go to the Carrying Out Room B1. Make your way to the area
with the ladder and the game will take over. You will meet up with Gail
again and your future 'pain in the a$$.''
B) Rick's Way !

Now, I want you to pause the game and get a pen and paper. Just obey
Rick and you will be fine. It is so simple.
Enter the Experiment Simulation Room and use the computer at the end.
You will be given a code. Each code you input will unlock one of the
safety locks on the Emergency Escape Hatch. The catch is, you are down
to two chances. Don't worry, because even if you screw up, you won't be
sealed in. You can always follow Gail and get the Hell outta there.
Once you opened the hatch, go down the ladder and you will be in a
small underground tunnel. When you come up at the other end, the game
will take over. You will meet up with Gail again and your future 'pain
in the a$$.''


{Gail would have found Doctor Kirk. Now you will notice that Gail is
acting mighty strange. The Doctor will give you the access key to the
lift in the control room. Then Gail will go off with Doctor Kirk to
take care of some 'unfinished business'. Your job is to go to the
Communications Room and call in the extraction chopper.}
Go back to the Control Room 1F. On the way there you can get the stuff
from the medical room I was talking about. Use the elevator inside the
Control Room 1F. You are now in the Communication Room (Save Room). In
this room, there are ammunition and a Red Item Slot. Then take the
Antenna Key inside the emergency box next to the door. Exit to the
Passageway to the Communication Area. Enter the Communication Antenna
Room. Use the Antenna Key on the emergency box. Then there is a small
scene where you activate the Satellite. Exit from this room. But
before that, do whatever you have to, coz the T-Rex is back to say
hello to you. Rick will contact you, and the T-Rex will try to have you
for dessert. All the exits have been locked down. You need to make a
run for the Communication Room. At the end, make your stand. You need
to shoot the T-Rex at least 5 times with the SG shells.
IF you survive, the game will take over.
{You will call the chopper and tell it to pick you up at the Heli-Port.
Rick will say that he will meet you there with Doctor Kirk. The Heli-
Port is on the map if you're lost.}

Once you regain control of Regina, take the elevator back to the 1F
control room, then head over to the Main Hall. Now go through the big
double door. Avoid the birds out here, and run around the bend and
through the large door at the end. Run through the passage, and take
care of the raptors that ambush you. Take the items on the floor. Run
into the next room and ascend the ladder. Run to the end of the metal
walkway and get the grenade gun and other stuff.
Now go down the stairs and it's time to do another puzzle. HINT: push
the boxes to make a passage. If you make a mistake, don't worry, just
go outside and the boxes will reset (check the Push-A-Box Puzzle in
Puzzle Answers).
After your passage is finally secured, pick up any other item that you
find and exit the room. The game will take over.


{Your plans are ruined. Dr. Kirk has escaped and there is a big huge
hungry lizard on your tail. Yes, it's the T-Rex again and this time, he
really means business. First, you must find Rick. He is at the lift at
the top right corner. Check the lift and Rick will ask you wait a
little while longer.}

You now must run with the T-Rex on your tail. You do not have to shoot
Him for it would be in vain. Just run around the fallen chopper at
least six times before Rick will call for you. Run to the lift the
moment Rick calls for you and the game will take over.

{We are screwed!! The chopper is history!! We have to find another way
out of here}. Once you regain control of Regina, go forward until the
game takes over. Kill the little scavengers or ignore them. There is a
small door on your right.

Enter the Material's Room and look for a dead body. Pick up the C. O.
pass card, pick up any other item of use and above all you must read
the memo from the dead guy, otherwise you can't leave. After that exit
the room and move to the other end of the passage. Enter the lift and
the game will take over. {You have found a way out through the port.
After the scene you will be at the Basement level 3.}

{The power has been cut. Your first priority is to get the power back.
One of the batteries on the main generator is damaged. You need to find
a replacement.}
Go to the Basement 3 Back-up Generator room on your left. Push the
shelf to get an item. Go to the main battery case. Take out the white
battery and bring it back to Rick. He will put it in for you. Once the
power is back on, Rick will go off to work on the security system while
you will have to handle the escape route. Once you regain control of
Regina, follow Rick into the B3 Control Room (Save Room). Read the
staff memo; pick up the B3 crane card 1 and 2 and whatever item of use.
There are two Item Emergency Box in this room. This is also a save
room. Prepare yourself and exit the room via the next door.


You will be in the General Weapon Storage area. Move forward and you
will be introduced to them, the meanest dinos ever. Run to the shutters
and don't kill the two dinos. Kill that damn Dino inside or put it to
sleep. Take the C. O. Area Key and the B3 Crane Card 3. Quickly get
out and head straight to the ladder. Ascend another ladder. Use the B3
Crane Card 1 on the crane machine. Now you have another puzzle to
solve. Hint: make a way so you can get to the dead man (check Puzzle
Solutions, Crane Puzzles For the answers).

Go back down the ladder and follow the newly opened path and get the
DDK Input Disc W from the dead guy. Note that the dinos have
disappeared. Go back through the Save Room and into the other room. Use
the C.O Area Key on the western double door.

Run through the hallway, and kill the 2 dinos here. Go through the door
at the end. Get the Map on the here, and check the body. Then enter the
next door and into the greenish hallway (Central Stairway). Dispose of
the 2 more dinos here, and then go up the stairs. Kill the raptor at
the top, and head through the door at the end of the hallway (which is
a save room). This is a very important room and is called as the
Security Pass Room. I need you to come back here later. Access the
computer and shut-off the alarm. Now grab the B2 Key Chip and the DDK
Input Disc S. There is also a plug in the boxes.

Leave the room and go into the vent near the door. Follow the vent to
the next opening, and drop down into the T-Junction. This is a very
important area of the game so remember it well. Now enter the room
straight ahead of you at the end of this hallway. In here, blast the
mutated raptor that attacks you, and then grab the Key Card Level C off
of the ledge. Now enter the room and blast the second raptor that
attacks. In this room, take the DDK Code Disc W from the counter, and
then exit back into the hallway, and into the room at the other end.
You will meet Gail in here. He is really upset looking for Doctor Kirk.
After the cut-scene, grab the items here. This is actually the
Researchers Rest Room and I want you remember the panel on the wall.
Leave and use the vents again to get back to the stairs. At the stairs,
go down them and into the green hallway, and you will get a call from
Rick saying that he unlocked the shutters.
Head back into the Lounge to the door next to the dead body. Set the
DDKs. HINT: B=2, C=3, D=4, etc. Eliminate those from the code.

Enter this save room. The game will take over. {You'll talk with Rick
ASAP. The radio in the dead guy's hand will beep and someone will ask
him to meet him at the Large Size Elevator. Grab the B2 Key Chip, check
the body, and then go back into the large room where you put the
battery in. Head towards the elevator and the game will take over.
{AAAGGGHHHH!!!!! It's that @#!@**$ T-Rex again ! No, wait, you killed
it. Yeah right! Now you need to get the power back online again.}

Grab the battery you took earlier and then head into the Back Up
Generator Room B3 to put in the back up generator. You will find
another simple battery puzzle. Hit the switch to start the power, and
then head into the Large Size Elevator. Search all of the corpses to
get the DDK Input Disc D, the Port Card Key, and a plug. Leave the
elevator and go back where Rick is. The game will take over. {You will
give the Port Card Key to Rick who will then open a door. You will see
a strange vortex, which is the side effect of the Third Energy, and
it's blocking your escape route.} Before exiting, grab the DDK Code
Disc S then head back to the Green hallway. Now go to the Security Pass
Room. Now place the B2 key chips into the computer in the wall. Enter
(0392), solve the puzzle and receive the data. HINT: match the images
(check Puzzle Solutions, Match Puzzles).
After solving this puzzle, go to the other door and set the DDK and
enter. HINT: Delete the columns (same as DDK E Puzzle).
This is the Parts Storage and this is also a very important room. Take
note of the door that has Level A on it and the other door which uses
the DDK discs D. Then exit from this room by going straight. You will
find you are in the T-Junction. Head to the door with the laser fence
and deactivate it. Enter the Stabilizer Experiment Room. Take care of
the Super Raptor. Take the DDK Code Disc D. Open the locker in the far
side of this room. The combination number is 1281. Take the Shotgun
Parts. Go back to the Parts Storage. Unlock the other door with the
last DDKs (finally, the nightmare's over!). HINT: each number in the
code stands for a letter. (Egs), 1=A, 2=B,3=C, etc. Then minus the key
from the code.

Enter the Passageway. Use the B2 Key Chip 2 on the green switch.
Next, use the B2 Key Chip 1 on the next switch. Take the items. Enter
the Third Energy Area B2. Press the switch on your right to activate
the bridge. Enter the Third Energy Control Room. Descend the stairs.
Take the Key Card Lev B on the computer on the wall. Ascend the stairs
and take the plug in front of the smoke screen. Enter the Power Freq
Room. Take the Facility B2 map on the North wall. Examine the board on
the wall that looks almost like a computer.. Here comes another puzzle.
HINT: match the image. You have already solved a puzzle similar to this
(for the answer, check the Grid Puzzle answers).
Go back to the Third Energy Control Room. Activate the computer in
front of you. After the scene, go back to the Power Freq Room and you
will see that she's dead. Examine the corpse and you will receive the
Researcher Memo. Use the Fingerprint Collecting Device on the circuit
box near the corpse. Walk forward and a scene will take over. You are
now in the Passageway to Personal Lab. Enter Dr. Kirk's Personal Lab.
Move forward. The game will take over. {Dr. Kirk will put his gun to
your head, but fortunately Gail comes to save you're a$$ yet again.
Doctor Kirk will go on blabbering about his research, but finally, you
will get to control Regina and you will receive the Key Card Lev A.

Yeeesh ! Those two are at it again! I wonder if they will ever stop!
Yes, you guessed it right, Rick and Gail are arguing again. And again,
this choice won't affect your ending. }

A) Choose Gail

Well, you chose an easy way out. Yeah right!! Truthfully, you did
chose an easy way if you have managed your ammo well. Exit the room
via the other door. Now you must go to the Arsenal Storage (the place
where you first met the Theizinos) to get the Stabilizer and
Initializer. There will be A LOT of Dinos on your way, especially the
Theizinos. On your way there, go back to the Security Pass Room and
upgrade your ID card at the computer next to the corpse. Enter (31415).
After arrive at the Arsenal Storage in one piece, enter the laser
shutters and get the plug so you can enjoy the Item Slots that were
previously denied. Now go to the shutters with the Level A on them and
enter the Special Weapons Storage. The Initializer and the stabilizer
are upstairs. Take the elevator in the next room. After all that
proceed to the Third Energy Control Room.

B) Choose Rick

If you agreed with Rick, you will receive a Planning Disc. Even though
you chose not to fight Dinos, you will run into one or two. I'm going
to be very brief about this. Every thing you need is at the Parts
Storage and at the T-Junction. Go to the Parts Storage. Enter the door,
which require a Level A card to enter it. Use the Planning Disc on the
computer. The combination is (367204). And where is the clue to it?
Push the shelf and listen to the conversation. The beeping at the end
of it is actually the code. Take the items and the Core Parts 1 and the
Core Parts 2. Don't forget to take the Grenade Gun Parts in the other
part of this room. Now, go back to the Stabilizer Design Room. Use the
Planning Disc on the computer on the wall. The combination number is
(0367). Take the Protect Parts 1-B. Use the disc on another computer
on the opposite wall. The combination number is (0204). Take the
Protect Parts 1-A and the Protect Parts 2-A. Now go to the Stabilizer
Experiment Room. Enter the Level A door. Use the Planning Disc on the
glass shelf on the corner of this room. Take the Protect Parts 2-B.
Now use all the parts on the computer in front of you. This is NOT a
scene; it's an easy puzzle. You just have to fit the parts together.
You will then receive the Initializer and the Stabilizer

Go back to the Security Pass Room. Use the ID Card on the computer near
the corpse. The combination number is (31415). Go back to the Third
Energy Control Room.

Back at the Third energy Control Room.

Activate the computer which you had used earlier and where you heard
the gunshot, in front of the door. Go back to the Third Energy Area B2.
Go to the two doors on the East wall past the bridge. Once there, look
right and you will see an elevator. Go down to the Third Energy Area
B3. Follow the path. Press the green switch near the box like thing
and use the Initializer here. Continue following the path till you
reach a computer. Take the plug and activate it. Now go back up the
elevator and cross the bridge. Press the green switch and use the
Stabilizer. Activate the computer alongside it. Now the game takes over
for a really long time. Sigh.. ......

Once you regain control over Regina, go to Doctor Kirk's Library Room.
Again, the game takes over.

Now the choices you make determines the endings you get.


Go back to the Stabilizer Experiment Room. The game will take over.
{Gail will give you some kind of disk and then he dies.}
Once on the hover boat, the T-Rex comes back. Take the grenades and
there is a yellow item slot on the boat. Get out and just do it.


At the end you would have saved Rick and Doctor Kirk, but Gail dies.
You also managed to retrieve a disc.




Enter the Hovercraft Storage and descend the stairs. Take all the stuff
you find on the way. Rick will say that he needs fuel. Go back to the
Port and use the Energy Tank on the barrels you just passed. Go back to
the Hovercraft Storage and descend the stairs. Take the grenade
bullets. Exit from this room. Man, this thing just won't give up. This
is your last battle with the T-Rex. Now, the T-Rex seems faster in this
final part. Don't stand there and fire at will. Every time the words
'FIRE' appear on your monitor, quickly shoot the T-Rex. After a couple
shots, it's all over.
At the end, you would have saved Rick and Gail, but Dr. Kirk dies.


There are two ways to gain the third ending.

1. Agree with Gail

Don't go to the red area. You must go to the Underground Heliport.
There are three ways to reach the Underground Heliport (from the
hardest to the easiest):


Enter the Passageway to the Carrying Out Room. There are two Dinos in
this room. Another pair of Dinos in the General Weapons Storage.
One Dino in the Transport Passageway. Enter the Heliport Transport
Passageway. Press the green switch to activate the elevator. Enter
the Underground Heliport.


Go to the Researcher Rest Room. On the East wall of this room, you will
see a computer on the wall; activate it and you must solve the puzzle.
After you solve it a door will open and if you enter it you will arrive
at the Heliport Transport Passageway. Press the green switch to
activate the elevator. Enter the Underground Heliport.


Enter the Central Stairway. There are two Dinos in this room. Enter
the security Level A door. You're now in the Port Transport
Passageway. Enter the Heliport Transport Passageway and enter the
Underground Heliport.


Back to the Underground Heliport.

Go to the center of this room, and you will see a helicopter. Now exit
and go to the red area on your map (it different depending from your
choice on how to get the Stabilizer and the Initializer). You will see
a scene and after the scene, exit the room and ride the elevator. You
will see another scene and you must deal with the T-Rex one last time.
After a couple shots, it's over.

At the end, you would have saved everyone.

2. Agree with Rick

Don't go to the red area; instead use your Pulse Receiver to locate Dr.
Kirk. He's in the Underground Heliport. There are three ways to reach
the Underground Heliport (from the hardest to the easiest):


Enter the Passageway to the Carrying Out Room. There are two Dinos in
this room. Another pair of Dinos are waiting in the General Weapons
Storage. Another Dino is in the Transport Passageway. Enter the
Heliport Transport Passageway. Press the green switch to activate the
elevator. Enter the Underground Heliport.

Go to the Researcher Rest Room. On your right, you will see a computer
on the wall; activate it and you must solve the puzzle. After you solve
it, a door will opened and if you enter it you will arrive at the
Heliport Transport Passageway. Press the green switch to activate the
elevator. Enter the Underground Heliport.


Enter the Central Stairway. There are two Dinos in this room. Enter
the security Level A door. You're now in the Port Transport Passageway.
Enter the Heliport Transport Passageway and enter the Underground


Go to the center of this room. You will see Dr. Kirk trying to escape
with the helicopter. You try to sneak out behind him, but Rick blew it
all, that f##&@r. (You will see another scene. Take the bullets. Exit
this room. Some more scenes. Now you must fight the T-Rex for the last
time (Yeesh! Can't it take a hint?) After a couple shots it's finally
over. This is the best ending ever.


At the end, you would have saved everyone.







In Operation Wipeout, you have to kill dinosaurs with limited ammo and
stuff. You can't save and you can't use your maps. Use mine if you are
confused. Not only is this a walkthrough, but also I am giving you
hints to complete the mission successfully as well.

Note: Remember, in all maps, # represents a Dinosaur. And all maps are
not 100% accurate. I have only drawn what is necessary. Also to view
the maps properly, your font must be Courier New and size 12.

1. Shotgun
2. Handgun Custom
3. Grenade Gun
4. Raptors
5. Med Pak M 02
6. Hemostat 02
7. 9mm Parabellum 68
8. 40S&W Bullets 30
9. SG Bullets 05
10. An Dart M 03
11. An Dart S 03
12. Poison Dart 01
13. Grenade Bullets 01

INSTRUCTIONS : Eradicate all dinosaurs within the time limit, and then
return to the drop zone and escape.

You're in the Medical Room Hallway. No Dinos here. Enter the Hall B1.
Two Dinos are there in this room. Shoot one dino with An Dart M and
take care of the other one with the 40S&W bullets. By this time, the
other dino should have woken up. Treat it with another dart and take
care of it too.
Go to the Main Hallway B1. Two Dinos are in this room. Take care of
them with the handgun as the laser fence protects you. Enter the
Computer Room through the passage right of you. Exit this room through
the other door and enter the Research Meeting Room. There are no dinos
here, but there's one waiting for you in the Gas Experiment Room.
Annihilate him by the grenade and 9mm Parabellum.
Then exit the two rooms to the Research Area Hall. There are two Dinos
in this room past the laser fence. Use your Handgun. Then enter the
Library Room, where there are two creatures. Use the Poison Dart on one
of them and the SG Bullets on the other. Exit, and go back to the Hall
There is only one dino left and he is lurking in the Hallway for
Carrying in Materials. Unload whatever ammo you have on it. Then
quickly run back to the place where you started from and ascend the
stairs to finish this mini-level.


| |
| |
_____________________|_____/ __ |
| 1 / | |
| __/______________| |_____|
| | | | 4 |
| | 2 \ 3 | |
|# #|_________|_#_____| |
| / | |
|________| # |_/_______|
| | |
| # 5 | |
| | |
_|_/__________| |
| |
| 6 _______|
\ /
\ # # /
\ /
| |
| |
| |
_______| |
| | 7 #|
|_/_ / # |
| | |____________|
| | | LIFTS
| | |_______________
| | /8
__________| |___|_________#_____
| 9 |
| _______/__|
| | |
| | 10 |
| | |
| |__________|
| |__
| Escape Point

Map Legends:

1. Research Area Hall
2. Research Meeting Room
3. Gas Experiment Room
4. Computer Room
5. Library Room
6. Main Hall B1
7. Hall B1
8. Hallway For Carrying In Materials
9. Medical Room Hallway
10. Medical Room


1. Shotgun + Stock
2. Handgun + Sight
3. Grenade Gun
1. Med Pak S 02
2. Hemostat 02
3. 9mm Parabellum 68
4. SG Bullets 05
5. Slag Bullets 05
6. An Dart S 09
7. Heat Bullets 01

INSTRUCTION: Smarter and stronger enemies lie just ahead. Finish
this mission ASAP!

You're in the Passageway to the Experiment Area. A raptor is in the
corner of this room. Kill with the handgun. Enter the Security Pass
Room. Enter the Parts Storage. No Dinos in this room.

Quickly run to the Experiment Room Hall. Two Dinos are present in this
room. One is in your right and the other is in your far left. Use the
dart technique.

Go to the Stabilizer Design Room. One Dino is in this room. Use the SG
ammo. Exit and walk to the Research Rest Room. On your way there, a
dino will attack you. Kill it with the Slag bullets.

Go to the Passageway to the Third Energy Area through the Parts
Storage. Kill the last Dino with the heat bullet and the handgun. Go
back to the Passageway to the Experiment Area and descend the stairs.


| | | | |
| | \ 5 | 6 |
| | | # | |
| | | | |
| ______| |_______|_____ \____|
| \ # 4 # # |
| |
| |
| 3 |
| |
| |
| |
_______| _________/_|
| | | | |
| | | | # |
____________________| 2 | | | |
| 1 # \ \ | | 7 |
| ________________|_______|___| | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| |____________________________________|___|
Escape Point

Map Legends:

1. Passageway To The Experiment Area
2. Security Pass Room
3. Parts Storage
4. Experiment Room Hall
5. Stabilizer Design Room
6. Researcher's Rest Room
7. Passageway To The Third Energy Area


1. Shotgun Custom
2. HG Custom + Sight
3. GG Custom
1. Med Pak M 02
2. Hemostat 02
3. 40S&W Bullets 60
4. Slag Bullets 60
5. An Dart M 03
6. An Dart S 03
7. Poison Dart 01
8. Heat Bullets 02

INSTRUCTION: Your new targets are large and vicious. Be careful at
all times so you can return alive!

This is the final and the hardest mission. All the Dinos here are the
Theizinos. (They can kill you with one hit). The time limit is also
very short. You have hardly any ammo. Thus, you are screwed. Royally.
Good luck.

You're in the Central Stairway. There are two Dinos in this room.
Quickly avoid the two dinos and trap them behind the laser shutters.
Then take care of the first one with your handgun and the next with the
Slag bullets. Enter the Rest Station. No Dinos in this room.

Enter the Passageway to the Carrying Out Room. Two more Dinos are in
this room. Take care of the first one with the Poison Dart. Hit the
other one with An Dart M. Then finish it off with the Slag Bullets.

Then go to the Carrying Out Room B3. Go all around to the Control Room
B3 and through it into the General Weapons Storage. Avoid the dino that
charges at you and quickly run to the shutters and put the dino inside
to sleep. Then deactivate the laser shutters and activate them once you
are through. Take care of the two dinos safely.

After that, take care of the remaining dino outside with the Heat
Bullets. Now quickly run back to the stairway and escape.
You did it!!!! Congratulations!!!! You have officially completed DINO


_____ ___________
| |___ | # |
| | ______|_/_ 7 |
| # # 1 | | # | # |
| | *| |______ 6 |_______|
| | | | \ |
|____/_|__|___________| 5 |____|_______
| | | | \ |
|__ 2 \ | |_____| |
| | | | |
|_________| # | | |
| | | |
| # | | 4 |
| | | |
| |_______| |
| 3 \ |

Map Legends:

1. Central Stairway
2. Rest Station
3. Passageway To The carrying Out Room B3
4. Carrying Out Room B3
5. Control Room B3
6. General Weapons Storage
7. Transport Passageway

* = Escape Point




Q : What should I do when the word "DANGER!" appears?

A : Bash all your buttons like crazy.

Q : How do I save a game?

A : You can save only in certain save rooms. A S in your map marks
them. When you try to exit a save room, an option will come up asking
if you want to save or not.

Q : Do I use bullets or darts to kill dinos?

A : I personally prefer darts, as the enemy will go down in one shot.

Q : Should I follow the good guy, Rick and forget about that
(**CENCORED**) Gail?

A : No. Gail, even though he has some problem with the world, is your
leader and does everything for the mission. Think carefully, Gail saves
your a$$ two times during the game, but all Rick has done is get you
into trouble and disagree with Gail. Gail's ways are actually easier
than Rick's.

Q : Is Dino Crisis any different From the Resident Evil series?

Dino Crisis, contrary to people's beliefs, it is just not a
substitution of dinos for zombies. Even though it is based on Resident
Evil game play, its story is very different.

Q : How many endings are there in this game?

There are four endings and loads of dino treats at the end of this

Q : What's the difference between DDK-L disks and the L-Card?

A : The DDK-L Disks are used for opening the lock on a door with the
password DOCTORKIRK. The L-Card is used to open the doorway in the
Computer Room.

Q : Do darts work on the T-Rex?

A : No, they don't. Don't ask me why not.

Q : Which is the easiest ending in the game?

A : I personally think that the first ending is the easiest, where Dr.
Kirk dies, but Gail survives.

Q : How do you know if Regina's injured without a health bar?

A :If Regina is healthy, she will walk and stand straight. If she's a
little hurt, she will begin to limp and bleed a little. If the bleeding
doesn't stop, then she will start bleeding like crazy and will start
crawling almost. This is her critical condition.

Q : How come your Gameshark codes are not working?

A : You must have the wrong version.

Q : What's with all these choices?

A : The choices you make throughout the game are a great innovation
from the game makers. It will make the game more interesting and you
will get more fun when you play the game a second time, as with each
different choice, you will get a different ending. Actually to know the
entire story from all angles, you should play the game at least 3

Q : What is the whole concept behind mixing stuff?

A : The concept about mixing stuff is to create more deadlier or
powerful darts so you can save your bullets for the later stages of the
game and to design you own meipacks according to the situation at hand.

Q : What are the boxes on the walls?

A : The boxes on the walls are the Emergency Item Slots. You can open
them with plugs and take any items you need and leave behind the ones
you don't want. The good thing about them is that you can access any
Item Slot you have already opened from any other Slot.

Q : How did you get the code 705037?

A : The codes are actually in the SOL and LEO keys. Put them upside
down and you will get the code (LEOSOL).

Q : How did you get the code 367204?

A : Push the shelf in the Parts Storage room and listen to the beeps at
the end of the conversation. The beeps are the code. YEAH, I know, it's
pretty dumb. I wasted about 30 min. just to figure out what the beeps

Q : Does the phone in office have any significance?

A : Yes, the phone in the office is used to identify Paul Baker. First
read the memo in the board right of the phone. Then activate the phone
and press yes to call Paul Baker. But no one will answer, so press yes
to put it on hold. Then if you go back to the Elevator Hall, you will
hear a beeping sound coming from the corpse near the map board. Go near
it and press yes to turn of the beeper. Thus it's proved that this is
the body of Paul Baker.

Q : What are DDK disks? How can I find their codes?

A : The DDK disks are keys which open doors locked with DDK locks.
You have to study the notes, files and books lying around to get a clue
to the answer. Then you have to solve the puzzle.

Example :

Key: X Y Z
Remove the XYZ to get OPEN

Q : Why is Dino Crisis so hard to play?

A : All the codes and finding their keys make Dino Crisis a very hard
game to play, not mentioning the controls. But that's why I made a
walkthrough of the game; to help you.

Q : Is there any way I can escape these cut scenes?

A : No, not in any way I know. They can be a real pain in the a$$
sometimes, especially if you are playing the game for the second or
third time.



For the benefit of the people having the Japanese version of the game,
I have included the Japanese codes and where to use them.

Management Office
Office with phone. (Doyle)
Office with phone. (Baker)
Computer Room
Security Pass Room.



Well, well, well. We are finally here. As I've said many times before,
please refer to this section only after you tried solving the puzzles
by yourself.

1. Colour Puzzle Answers:

This is one of the easiest puzzles. All you have to do is to match the
colours of the batteries in front of you with the colours of the levers
in the side of you in the same order, i.e., arrange the batteries in
this order:

And then hit the switch to bring the generator to life!

For the puzzle in the Backup Generator Room 1F, press Right, Center,

For the puzzle in the Backup Generator Room B1, press Right, Center,
Center, Right, Center, Right

The Backup Generator Room B3 puzzle is slightly different. You have to
press A, C, D.

2. DDK Solutions

DDK H Solution: Head
DDK N Solution: Newcomer
DDK L Solution: Laboratory
DDK E Solution: Energy
DDK W Solution: Waterway
DDK S Solution: Stabilizer
DDK D Solution: Doctorkirk

iv. Pipe Puzzles

In the middle of the room, you will see six panels.

___ ___ ___
| | | | | |
| A | | B | | C |
|___| |___| |___|

___ ___ ___
| | | | | |
| D | | E | | F |
|___| |___| |___|

First : Choose A and press red
Second : Choose B and press green
Third : Choose C and press blue
Fourth : Choose F and press red
Fifth : Choose E and press green
Sixth : Choose D and press blue

4. Crane Puzzles

For the crane in the Carrying Out Room B1, put the B1 Crane Card in and
perform the following moves:

First : Choose left, Up, Down, Hook, Right, Release
Second : Choose Up, Hook
Third : Choose Exit

For the crane in the General Weapons Storage Area, put the B3 Crane
Card 1 in the slot and perform the following moves:

First : Choose Right, Hook, Left, Release
Second : Choose Up, Hook, Left, Release
Third : Choose Right, Up, Hook, Left, Down, Release
Fourth : Choose Right, Up, Down, Hook
Fifth : Choose Exit

5. Match Puzzles

For the puzzle in the Library Room, do the following steps:

_________________ _______g
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \

First : Press B thrice
Second : Press E once

For the puzzle in the Security Pass Room, press:

_________________ _______g _________________ _______n
/ \ / \
\_________________/_______G \_________________/_______N
/ \ / \
\_________________/_______F \_________________/_______M
/ \ / \
\_________________/_______E \_________________/_______L
/ \ / \
\_________________/_______D \_________________/_______K
/ \ / \
\_________________/_______C \_________________/_______J
/ \ / \
\_________________/_______B \_________________/_______I
/ \ / \
\_________________/_______A \_________________/_______H
/ \ / \
\_________________/_______a \_________________/_______h

First : Press D twice First : Press K twice
Second : Press C once Second : Press J twice
Third : Press B once Third : Press I once
Fourth : Press C twice Fourth : Press L once
Fifth : Press H twice

Then just exchange the blocks to get the pattern.

6. Grid Puzzles

For the puzzle in the Computer Room, where you used the screw driver :

Panel A : Don't do anything on panel A
Panel B : Turn right once
Panel C : Turn right once

You must put the panel in order, which is C, A, then B.

For the Puzzle in the Power Frequency Room :

Panel A : Turn left once
Panel B : Turn left once
Panel C : Don't do anything on Panel C

You must put the panel in order, which is B, C, then A.

7. Gas Chamber Puzzle

This is very easy. Just push the puzzles in the following order :


8. Push-A-Box Puzzle

Even though this puzzle is relatively easy, it is one of the hardest to
explain. Still I will try.... If you make a mistake, just go out and the
boxes will reset.

There are big, small and medium sized boxes. You can push only the
medium sized ones. .

First : Come down the stairs and walk forwards. There will be two
boxes in front of you. Push the second box in front of you, which is a
little behind of the first box. This will create a small passage. Run
through it.
Second : You should be facing two more boxes. Push the box you first
reached front. Stand exactly in the same position.
Third : Turn right and push the other box up, which was perpendicular
to the last box you pushed.
Fourth : Go down. Face the box touching the wall and push it forwards.
Stand in that same position.
Fifth : Turn left and push the other box downwards.


NOTE: If I forgot to add the solutions to ANY puzzle, please e-mail me
and tell me about it. I will add it at once.


And for those with the benefit of Gameshark, here are the codes for

Clear Time is 0:00:00
Enable All Maps
Regina - All Items
Walk Thru Walls
Save Anywhere
Mod Chip Disable Code
Enable Costume Change
Infinite Ammo & Items
8006AC06 2400
Infinite Time
Have Custom Shotgun, Handgun and
Grenade Guns
Used 0 Continues
Extra Missions (Press R1+R2)
Haven't Saved
Infinite Health

Total = 15 Codes



Dear readers,

If you have any information that is not in this FAQ and you
think is important, then please mail me with it. If I put it here, I
will definitely give you credit right here in this FAQ.

If you have any doubts, then please mail me too. I will
answer every question that is not already answered in the walkthrough.

If you see this FAQ/walkthrough in any other site, please
mail me at once and I will see that the guy who ripped off my work is
properly punished. To see in which all websites this walkthrough should
appear, click on the link below or copy-paste it in your search engine
address bar.


If you spot any mistake or any information that is
incorrect in this FAQ, please mail me and tell me about it.

Dear Webmasters,

If you want to put this walkthrough on your site, then
please mail me and ask me. I will definitely give you permission to do
so, under four conditions:

1. You will not alter anything in this FAQ and especially not change
my name.
2. You will NOT use it for making money.
3. You will not distribute it in any magazines, papers, books, etc.
4. You will not give it to any other website without my permission.

Note: Before sending me any type of mail, please write the name of the
game in the subject field.



Well, that's it. My time is up. This game is not that hard to play. So
first, please try to play this on your own. Try to solve all the
puzzles on your own. Only in the most ' WHAT THE @#*& ' moments should
you refer to this piece of work.

This is probably the final version of this FAQ. I won't be making any
more updates unless I get good, solid information.

I have ideas of making a MAPS section, but haven't started working on
that yet. I can't see how that section can help you.

I had a lot of fun playing Dino Crisis. It's truly one of the most
engrossing games I've ever played. One final warning: when you just
start to get bored with the game, BEWARE! That's when something or the
other in the game occurs.



My friend Roxy completed Dino Crisis in 52min and 4sec in the easy
mode. He defeated me by 7 seconds. In the normal mode, my clear time is
1hr 2min and 2sec. I defeated him there by 12sec. But that guy is still
strutting around saying that he is the best in the easy mode and that
no one can defeat him!!! We both didn't use any continues of course.

Thus, I am issuing a challenge to everybody out there to beat our high
scores, especially Roxy's. If you do so, and send us proof of your
achievement, such as a snapshot of the points screen, big prizes are
coming your way!!

Contact either Roxy or me at roxytheangel@hotmail.com when you defeat
us. If you don't have a photo, then mail Roxy anyway and just tell him
(and if you call him some obscene words, I don't mind either).



A. Capcom, for releasing this great game.
B. All of you for reading this FAQ.
C. My friend Roxy.
D. My family who thought I wasn't going crazy after all.
E. This website for posting my FAQ.
F. All the people who gave me mailed me with their help.
G. Most of all, ME !!!!



A. Flash The Splash, who helped me with the enemies list.

B. Brian, who mailed me the Emergency Item Box Locations and the
stuff you find inside them.

C. Sher Shah, who gave me the idea to make a spoiler free
walkthrough and create a separate section called Puzzle answers.

D. Fijo Boje, for giving me the Files List.

E. Wayne Jackson, for helping me with the maps.

F. Strong Man, for giving me some of the Gameshark codes.


COPYRIGHT (c) 2000 The Night Flier. All rights reserved.

Other FAQs by me:

Ninja: Shadow of Darkness
Mortal Kombat: Special Forces
Metal Gear Solid: Integral

'MAY YOU LIVE IN INTERESTING TIMES'- ancient Chinese curse.

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18.Октябрь 2013
Munitions- und Medipacktrainer (für Demoversion)

16.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Ende des Spiels und fast alles freigeschaltet

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13.Октябрь 2013
Speed Game Guide

11.Октябрь 2013
Am Ende des Spiels

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15.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats

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15.Октябрь 2013
Dt. Trainer, der alles in unendlicher Menge zur Verfügung stellt

14.Октябрь 2013
10.Октябрь 2008
Operation WipeOut

15.Октябрь 2013
Flash FAQ

11.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

14.Октябрь 2013
Mod-Patch and for the Italian Version

17.Октябрь 2013
10.Октябрь 2008
PAL/NTSC Selektor, Mod-Patch für die japanische Version

15.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor, Mod-Patch für die US Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor, Mod-Patch für die US Version, fixed Rel.

18.Октябрь 2013
Mod-Patch für die [deutschsprachig]e Version

17.Октябрь 2013
Mod-Patch und +5 Trainer für die [deutschsprachig]e Version*Fixed*

17.Октябрь 2013
Mod-Patch and for the UK Version

17.Октябрь 2013
Mod-Patch and for the French Version

17.Октябрь 2013
engl. FAQ
10.Октябрь 2008
engl. Hinweise
10.Октябрь 2008
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
11.Февраль 2016
30.Июнь 2014