Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!

Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!

16.10.2013 04:33:37
SeanKelson's Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage Walkthrough
~Full Version~


By SeanKelson

Copyright, 2001 SeanKelson

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Table Of Contents
3---Orb Locations
A. Summer Forest
B. Glimmer
C. Idol Springs
D. Colossus
E. Hurricos
F. Sunny Beach
G. Aquaria Towers
H. Ocean Speedway
I. Autumn Plains
J. Skelos Badlands
K. Crystal Glacier
L. Breeze Harbor
M. Zephyr
N. Scorch
O. Fracture Hills
P. Magma Cone
Q. Shady Oasis
R. Metro Speedway
S. Icy Speedway
T. Winter Tundra
U. Mystic Marsh
V. Cloud Temples
W. Robotica Farms
X. Metropolis
Y. Canyon Speedway
4---Other Information
A. Author's Note
B. Contact Information
C. Future Versions
D. Credits & Copyright
---File Summary---

Note: If you find an error, please report it to me.

Section 1: Introduction

Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage is a game about a dragon named Spyro. The dragon gets
summoned into a world called Avalar and must defeat Ripto, who is causing
trouble in the land.
To get through Spyro 2, you must collect talismans and orbs throughout the
game. This walkthrough described what you must do to get through the game and
lists the locations of all the talismans and orbs in the game.
This walkthrough will cover all aspects of Spyro 2. It will describe how to
get from beginning to end of the game, as well as describe bonus games and such
that you can do.

Section 2: Walkthrough

This section will describe how to get from beginning to end of Spyro 2:
Ripto's Rage. However, it will not tell you where to find the specific orbs,
only the talismans in each level. For specific orb locations, check the 'Orb
Locations' section.
The main objectives of the game are listed in a short list above the
detailed descriptions on how to complete each objective.

1. Get the Glimmer Talisman.
2. Get the Idol Springs Talisman.
3. Get the Colossus Talisman.
4. Get the Hurricos Talisman.
5. Get the Sunny Beach Talisman.
6. Get the Aquaria Towers Talisman.
7. Defeat Crush.
8. Get the Skelos Badlands Talisman.
9. Get the Crystal Glacier Talisman.
10. Get the Breeze Harbor Talisman.
11. Get the Zephyr Talisman.
12. Get the Scorch Talisman.
13. Get the Fracture Hills Talisman.
14. Get the Magma Cone Talisman.
15. Get the Shady Oasis Talisman.
16. Defeat Gulp.
17. Defeat Ripto.

Objective #1: Get the Glimmer Talisman.
Go forward from the area you start in and youll find a creature named Pogo.
Pogo is upset, as lizards have been stealing their gems. He asks you to defeat
the lizards. Go forward into the field and take out the lizrds there as well as
grabbing gems. Go beyond the first structure and down towards the cave. There,
you will meet Zoe, who will act as a continue point for you. Proceed into the
cave and take out the lizard. This should be the third one you've killed. Go
straight through the cave and into the next opening. Go to the right and take
out the lizard. Go forward and talk to Moneybags, the tax collector. He will
charge you 100 gems to cross the bridge. If you don't have the gems to pay the
fee, jump down and collect some there. Go into the next cave and talk to the
gemcutter. He will give you the Glimmer Talisman. Go through the portal to the
Summer Forest.

Objective #2: Get the Idol Springs Talisman.
Go forward from the portal to Glimmer and over the gap to go into the next
field. Go slightly to the right to find the entrance to the Idol Springs. Talk
to the person near the beginning and he will tell you that their idols have come
to life. Go to the right and defeat the idol and go into the building that the
creature opens up for you. Defeat the next idol with a head bash and go over
the bridge. The creature will open the next door for you. Go through to the
next clearing and defeat the idols there. After defeating the idol near the
door, follow the creature throught he door as he opens it. Follow the tunnel to
the next idol. Defeat it and the creature will open the next door for you. Go
into the next clearing and up towards the temple. Defeat the idol and the
creature will open the door. Inside you will get the Idol Springs Talisman.

Objective #3: Get the Colossus Talisman.
Behing the entrance to Idol Springs is a lake. In the middle of the lake is
the entrance to Colossus. Walk up to the first gate and the person there will
open it for you. Cross the bridge and go to the left to get the next gate
opened. Go over the gap and to the right to find another creature who will
cause the statue to levitate. Ride the statue up and go over to the door.
Glide across the gap to the next passage. Go around and into the chamber where
the yeti is. Part of the roof will collapse and kill the yeti and you will get
the Colossus Talisman.

Objective #4: Get the Hurricos Talisman.
In front of the entrance to Colossus is Moneybags. Pay him 500 gems to
learn how to swim underwater. Go underneath the entrance to Colossus and
through the underwater passageway. You'll go up into a new clearing. Go to the
right and into Hurricos. In Hurricos talk to the creature. Go forward and pick
up the diode. Use the diodode to go forward. Go left and get the next diodode.
GO to the right to gab another device. Use them to go through the passageway.
Go to the right and grab a diodode. There's another by the passageway to the
next area, which you should go through. Go to the right and down for another
diodode. Use it to go through the passage on the left. In the passage you will
recieve the Hurricos Talisman.

Objective #5: Get the Sunny Beach Talisman.
To the righ of the entrance to Hurricos is the enctrance to Sunny Beach. Go
into Sunny Beach. Talk to the person in front of you. Go forward and burn the
turtle. Go through the water, following the turtles. Burn the large turtle you
see once you come out of the water. Through the gate there is another large
turtle to burn. This turntle will need several burns to get it on the switch.
Follow the turtles up the stairs and over the bridge then through the water.
Push the turtle to the switch when you come out of the water. Go through the
last gate to get the Sunny Beach Talisman.

Objective #6: Get the Aquaria Towers Talisman.
To the right of the entrance of Sunny Beach are some stairs. Head up them
and go to the right. You'll find Moneybags. Pay him 400 gems and he will
reveal the entrance to Aquaria Towers. Enter the new course. Talk to the
creature in front of you. Go forward, take out the enmies, and push the switch.
Swim to the right of the switch and go through the tunnel. Go out of the water
and press the switch. Go forward and up onto land. Go down the hole and swim
through and back up onto land. Pay Moneybags the gems to rent his submarine.
Once you complete your voyage, push the next switch and swim up into the passage
and get the Aquaria Towers Talisman.

Objective #7: Defeat Crush.
After you get all six talismans, you'll be able to go into Crush's Dungeon.
Drop down the hole and you'll see a cutscene. Then you'll fight Crush. Jump
over Crush's wave attacks then blow fire at him and rum away quickly before
rocks start falling from the roof. Crush's yellow waves will be a beam aimed at
you, so run left or right to dodge that. After several hits, Crush will be
defeated and you can continue now to the Autumn Plains.

Objective #8: Get the Skelos Badlands Talisman.
Go straight from the starting point in the Autumn Plains to find the portal
to the Skellos Badlands. Go straight from the beginning of the badlands until
you reach the first skull. Go through the tunnel in the first skull and out the
other end of the tunnel into the next clearing. Go around to the left and
you'll get the Skelos Badlands Talisman.

Objective #9: Get the Crystal Glacier Talisman.
Go right from the entrance of Autumn Plains and you will find the portal to
the Crystal Glacier. Go forward and melt the first person. Melt the other two
people with your fire breath. Get on the catapult and the people will launch
you over the chasm. Melt the four people in this area and they will make steps
for you to climb up the wall and go into the next clearing. Cross the gap and
go to the right to see Moneybags. Pay him the money to cross the bridge. Cross
the bridge and go into the next clearing. Go to the right in the next clearing.
Free the three people from their ice prisons and they will open the cage for you.
Inside the cage you'll get the Crystal Glacier Talisman.

Objective #10: Get the Breeze Harbor Talisman.
Across from Crystal Glacier is the portal to Breeze Harbor. Talk to the
creature at the beginning. Activate the fire then use the wind current it
enables to fly up to the ledge. Go down the stairs from the ledge and over to
the edge of the water and light the fire. Go through the water and up the steps
on the other side. Light the fire there and then ride a boat across the gap.
Follow the path to the ship. Light the fire near it then let the catapult throw
you onto the ship. Light the fires on the ship and then the ship will rise,
letting you reach the person who will give you the Breeze Harbor Talisman.

Objective #11: Get the Zephyr Talisman.
Across from the entrance to Breeze Harbor is a stucture. On top, Moneybags
will charge you a fee to open a portal to Zephyr. From the beginning of Zephyr,
talk to the person. Go forward until you see a person on a cannon. He'll let
you use the cannon. Blast the door open with it and go through unti you come
out of the cave and find another cannon. Use the cannon to blast open the next
door and go through. Go straight adn then left to the next cannon. Blast open
the door with it. Talk to the person inside for the Zephyr Talisman.

Objective #12: Get the Scorch Talisman.
Go around the area from Zephyr until you find a ladder. Moneybags is buy it.
Pay him to teach you how to climb the ladder. Climb the ladders up to the
portal to Scorch. Talk to the person at the entrance to Scorch. Go forward and
press the switch then left throught the door. Go forward and around the
platform and press the button. Then go left and through the door. Go around
the platofrms and press the button in this next area. Go over the bridge and
find the person, who will give you the Scorch Talisman.

Objective #13: Get the Fracture Hills Talisman.
From the portal to Scorch, go forward and to the righ down the stairs.
You'll find a portal to Fracture Hills at the bottom. Talk to the person at the
beginning. Blow fire on the Satyr at the beginning to free it. Go to the left
without going off the ledge and to the left to find the next Satyr. Hug the
cliffside and continue along it to find the third Satyr. Go along the cliff and
then you'll notice another Satyr to the right. Go down the hill along the cliff
to another Satyr. Now hug the cliffside and you'll come to the last Satyr. Go
backwards a little and you'll find the entrance to the temple. Go in to get the
Fracture Hills Talisman.

Objective #14: Get the Magma Cone Talisman.
From the portal to Fracture Hills, go forward and right to find the entrance
to Magma Cone. Talk to the person at the beginning. Go forward and to the
right then up the ladder. Go to the right and kill the Earthshaper by pushing
it onto the target. Go over the target to the next area. Go to the right and
up the volcano. Follow the path until you reach Moneybags. Pay him to activate
the elevator. Go down the elevator and climb up the volcano on the ladders
while dodging the falling boulders. You'll get the Magma Cone Talisman once you
make it to the top.

Objective #15: Get the Shady Oasis Talisman.
From the portal to the Magma Cone, go left and pay Moneybags to open the
bridge. Cross it and enter Shady Oasis. Talk to the person at the beginning
and flame the tree to get the person to open the gate. Follow the person to the
next tree. Go up the ledge to the left and jump from it to flame the tree. Go
up the ledge beyond the gate and follow the person to the next tree. Get a
berry down from the tree and proceed through the next gate. Follow the person
until you reach the next berry tree. Go back one room and grab a lava rock to
spit at the tree. Once the berry has fallen, go through the gate that is now
open. You'll get the Shady Oasis Talisman.

Objective #16: Defeat Gulp.
With all fourteen Talismans, you can now open the door to fight Gulp. Gulp
has several attacks he uses. Use the objects dropped to attack Gulp. After a
while, Gulp will have perished and you can continue in the game.

Objective #17: Defeat Ripto.
Go forward from the beginning of Winter Tundra. Ask Moneybags the headbash.
Headbash the rock in front of the door and the door will open. Go through and
to the left and up the wind current. Go forward to the top of the stairs in the
air. With the necessary orbs (see the 'Orb Locations' section), you will be
able to fight Ripto.
Pick up the powered up orbs. For collecting three, you'll get a temporary
power up that you can hurt Ripto with. By making it through Ripto's three forms,
you'll be able to get Ripto defeated and win the game.

Section 3: Orb Locations

This section lists locations for all of the orbs in the game. There are
three orbs to each level. This section is organized by level.

A: Summer Forest

Orb #1: Hunter's Challenge
Right to the entrance of Idol Springs is Hunter. Talk to him and he'll
challenge you to fly from platform to platform. Listen to his instructions to
know how to get over each gap. Once you reach the last platform you'll get an

Orb #2: On a Secret Ledge
Submerge into the pool near Glimmer and go through. When you come out the
other end of the tunnel, you'll find an orb at the top of the stairs.

Orb #3: Atop a Ladder
There is a ladder in the same room as the entrance to Sunny Beach. Climb up
it once you learn how to climb ladders and grab the orb atop it.

Orb #4: Behind the Door
From the exit of Hurricos, go straight across the room and left. Make sure
the door in the same room as the Ocean Speedway entrance is closed. Fly out the
window over to the next window and go through the door for an orb.

B: Glimmer

Orb #1: Lizard Hunt
Enter Glimmer. Go all the way to the room with the portal back to the
Summer Forest, then look to the left side of the room and you'll see a tunnel.
Go through the tunnel and out onto the plains. Go right around the area until
you see a cave. Go into the cave and talk to the gemcutter to initiate the
challenge of shooting lizards with rocks.
Shoot the first lizard in the cave and then follow the gemcutter to the next
lizard. Use the triangle button to aim for this lizard. Aim a little above its
head and follow the gemcutter to the next lizard. Follow the gemcutter around
to the next several lizards and take them out. Once you defeat all six lizards,
you will get an orb.

Orb #2: Gem Lamp Flight Outdoors
After getting enough spirit particles to charge the powerup, go back to the
field after the portal back to the Summer Forest. Go left around the field past
the wind current to a gemcutter by a magical powerup. Talk to him to get a
challenge of lighting all the lamps.
Take off by going through the powerup. Fly around the area, lighting the
lamps by breathing on them. Fly around the area and light the six lamps. Once
you light all of them in a limited time, you'll get an orb from the gemcutter.

Orb #3: Gem Lamp Flight In Cave
This orb cannot be gotten until you can climb ladders. In the cavern in
Glimmer is a ladder. At the top lies a powerup. Talk to the gemcutter by the
powerup and he will ask you to light the lamps in the cave.
Use the powerup to fly around the cave and light the lamps with your breath.
If you light all six lamps in a limited time, you'll get an orb.

C: Idol Springs

Orb #1:
In the first area of Idol Springs is an underwater passage. Go through it
and talk to the person there to initiate a puzzle challenge.
For the first puzzle, just step on all the corner blocks. The second puzzle
is located by the idol in the first clearing. Feed the idol only blue and
yellow fish. Now go all the way to where you got the Talisman for the third
puzzle. Jump on the green tile, then on the orange rhombus (diamond), then on
the orange moon, then on the white tile, then the last tile. You'll be rewarded
with an orb for solving the puzzles.

Orb #2: Hula Girl Rescue
Go to the portal leading back to Summer Forest. Go through the passage
across from the portal. Hop over platforms until you are on a large platform.
Go down the stairs leading off this platform. Go to the left and talk to the
person chained to the rock. Now you will start the challenge.
Charge through the powerup and hit the statues the people are on top of as
you charge. Once you destroy all six statues, you will recieve an orb.

D: Colossus

Orb #1: Hockey Vs. Goalie
Go out the windows across the room from the portal to Summer Forest in the
building where the yeti was. Climb up to the second ice field, where you will
be challenged to a game of hockey.
Swallow the hockey puck and spit it out into the red goal. Do this five
times and you'll get an orb.

Orb #2: Hockey One On One
Go to the ice field again and you'll be challenged to a game of one on one.
Burn the enemy hockey player and just score against the goalie like you did
previously. Five goals earns you an orb.

Orb #3: Evil Spirit Search
In the area before the room with the yeti, there is a powerup. Use it to
bounce up onto the building before that clearing. Go into the room on top of
the building to find the Professor. You will scare the evil spirit, but then
have to go find it in the statues of the area.
Two statues are outside the room with the Professor. Another is behind the
structure in the clearing beneath the room with the Professor. Use the powerup
to get on top of the structure and glide over to on top of the room with the
yeti. Go forward to the cave where you will find another statue. Go backwards
and you'll find another statue before you enter the clearing. In the clearing,
use the powerup to get up to a ledge, where there is another statue on an
elevated platform. Go back through the opened gate and to the right for another
statue. Go forward and to the left to get two more statues. Now go up on top
of the building with the yeti in it again and jump down onto a lower platform
and get the last statue burnt. You'll get an orb.

E: Hurricos

Orb #1: Stone Thief Chase
In the second clearing, climb up to the base of one of the fans and glide
over to a passage in the wall. Go forward and kill the creatues. Talk to the
You must replace the lighting platforms with the lighting stones. When the
alarm rings, check the platforms you've lit up and burn the thieves trying to
take the stones. Once all the thieves are dead and you've lit up all the
platforms, you'll get an orb.

Orb #2: Factory Glide 1
Go through the powerup in the second clearing and smash the small windmill.
Hit the button. Go through the powerup the other way and hit the other button.
Now go through the powerup again and into the next area. Crash into both
windmills there. Press the button behind one and go up the path behind the
other. Talk to the creature on top of the ledge.
Glide over to the fan and over from the fan to the platform. Cross the path
of moving blocks. Go up the steps to the creature for an orb.

Orb #3: Factory Glide 2
Continue from where the second orb left you. Cross the gap to the fans.
Jump over to the two gates. Cross over to the platform a little right. Cross
the moving platforms and talk to the creature. Go in the building and press the
button to get an orb.

F: Sunny Beach

Orb #1: Blasting Boxes
Two clearings before where you recieve the Sunny Beach Talisman is a powerup.
Talk to the person near it and it will start a challenge.
There are seven boxes you must open with the enhanced flame breath you get
from the powerup. Two are in the same clearing as the powerup. Another is
behind a gate near the powerup. You must stand on the pad and breath towards
the box to open this one. One box is in the clearing right before the area you
get the Talisman in. Two boxes are in the clearing before the powerup. Further
back underneath a pond is the last box. You'll get an orb for opening all the

Orb #2: Turtle Soup 1
In the clearing before the place where you get the Talisman is a ladder.
Climb up if and talk to the chef. Slam into the turtles and try to knock them
back in the water for an orb.

Orb #3: Turtle Soup 2
Go where the second ord was found. This is the same as getting the second
orb except there are many more turtles and they come much quicker. Try to get
the turtles as soon as they appear.

G: Aquaria Towers

Orb #1: Seahorse Rescue
By going up from the first room and through the hole in the roof, you'll
find a seahorse who needs help finding his children. Go around and find the six
towers. (The first two are above and the other four are in the cavers below.)
Make your way to the top of each of them to get the door of another tower
blasted off. Once you reach the top of all six towers, you'll be rewarded with
an orb.

Orb #2: Manta Ride 1
In the same area as the person that gave you the first orb is, is Hunter.
Talk to him and you'll ride on his manta ray's back through all the rings. Once
you get through the course, you'll be rewarded with an orb.

Orb #3: Manta Ride 2
Talk to Hunter again. You'll be able to take the manta ray through a harder
course for an orb.

H: Ocean Speedway

Orb #1: Follow Hunter
Go left from where you start after beating the speedway once. Land in the
audience and talk with Queen Finny. You'll race against Hunter. Follow him
through all 20 rings and you'll be rewarded with an orb.

I: Autumn Plains

Orb #1: The End of the Wall
Climb up to the wall around the field. Go to the end of the wall and bash
the wall. Grab the orb inside.

Orb #2: Long Glide!
Right before the door to the boss is a cracked wall. Bash it and go through.
Make your way up to the highest tower. Glide down towards a distant ledge you
can see far away near the entrance to the Autumn Plains. Glide all the way to
there for an orb.

J: Skellos Badlands

Orb #1: Lava Lizards 1
In the first cleraing of the badlands are steps up to a person who needs
help saving his village. Cross the bridge and take out the creatures as they
hatch. Defeat all the creatures before they eat the villagers for an orb.

Orb #2: Lava Lizards 2
This is the same as the first orb. But this time the eggs hatch faster,
which will make getting the orb for squashing the creatures harder to get. Once
you do defeat all the creatures, you'll get an orb.

Orb #3: Dem Bones
Right before the place where you get the Talisman is a person who has a
friend who has lost it's bones. One bone is off the side of the bone tunnel.
Another is inside the bone tunnel. One is up the bone steps in the clearing
where you got the challenge. Another is on the cliff that those steps surround.
Two are inside the cave above the clearing where you recieved the challenge.
Another bone can be gotten by shooting the creature on top of the entrance to
the bone tunnel. The final bone is near the end of the bone tunnel. Go up the
steps and shoot the cage across the gap to open it and open access to get the
last bone. Once all the orbs are collected you'll be rewarded with an orb.

K: Crystal Glacier

Orb #1: Draclet Cave
In the second to last clearing is a powerup below the main ground. Go down
and find it and talk to the person by it. Talk to the person. Do as he asks
you to. Take out all the ceatures in the cave using the powerup quickly for an

Orb #2: George the Snow Leopard
From the portal back to Autumn Plains, go forward and to the right. Cross
the bridge and there will be a person who lost his snow leopard. Follow the
tracks of the leopard until you see it trying to catch a fish in a pond. Burn
the fish and follow the leopard to the next two pons. Burn the fish from those
ponds. Walk slowly back to the person who lost the leopard and the leopard will
follow you. You'll get an orb for bringing the leopard back.

L: Breeze Harbor

Orb #1: Mine Blast
In the area of the harbor after the first water pond is a person who is
annoyed because of the mines over the place and wants you to take them out. Two
mines are over the ledge at the beginning of the course. Two are near the
person asking you to rid the harbor of mines. Four are across the gap you must
ride a small boat across. For ridding the area of mines, you'll get an orb.

Orb #2: Gear Grab
In a cave by the ship is a powerup that will let you bounce up to a higher
platform. Up there is a person who wants you to recover his gears. Ride the
trolley and recover 50 gears. Shoot switches to find all the gears. You'll be
rewarded with an orb for recovering the gears.

M: Zephyr

Orb #1: Cowlek Corral 1
Fall down from the platform beyond the first cave and go forward. You'll
find Little Bo Peep, who has lost his cowleks. He asks you to find five of them.
Three cowleks are in the same area as Bo Peep. Push them into the pen. The
other two are up the ladder near Bo Peep. Use the powerup to blow the cowleks
up to the hole that leads down to the pen. By rounding up five cowleks, you'll
recieve an orb.

Orb #2: Cowlek Corral 2
After getting the first orb, Bo Peep will ask you to find his last two
cowleks. The two cowleks are in the areas where you get the third and fourth
orb. Push them back to Bo Peep. There is one large gap you have to cross with
the cowleks. To cross it, the cowlek must be very close to the edge and you
must bash into it. For getting the other two cowleks, you'll get another orb
from Bo Peep.

Orb #3: Sowing Seeds 1
Fall down from the platform beyond the first cave and turn around. Go
through the cave. There is a person there who wants you to find the Professor.
Go around the area and you'll find the Professor. He'll give you a seed.
Go around to the right, then to the far left corner in the next area. Plant
a seed there and climb up to get the seed. Take the seed and plant it in the
ground nearest to the Professor. Go back and burn the first plant and get your
seed back. Go and plant it in the ground closest to the other plant. Use the
two plants to get the seed on the ledge. Plant the seed on the third piece of
ground near the Professor. Use the plants to get up to the platform. Grab the
seed and plant it to the left. Get to the farthest platform you can using the
plants you have. Grab the seed and plant it in the ground in front of where the
seed was. Use the plants you have to get over to the Professor. You'll be
halfway through. You'll get an orb.

Orb #4: Sowing Seeds 2
Start from where the third orb left off. Cross the platform to the stairway
and drop off one seed there. Plant a seed in the platform in the middle of the
Professor and the stairway. Jump over to the stairs quickly. Climb the stairs
and cross the gap to the next patch of ground. Plant the seed that you dropped
off at the stairs there to reach Juliet and get another orb.

N: Scorch

Orb #1: Barrel of Monkeys
Hunter is in the area beyond the first door. He needs help catching monkeys.
Make sure you pound the tree when Hunter is under to catch the monkey but before
they hit Hunter with coconuts. You'll get an orb for helping catch the monkeys.

Orb #2: Capture the Flags
In the last area of Scorch is a powerup. Talk to the person by it and he'll
ask you to get the flags by taking out the flagkeepers. Go to the first
flagkeeper you come to and knock him off the pole. Run back to the powerup
while avoiding the flagkeeper's bombs. Repeat the process of shooting
flagkeepers and avoiding bombs until you have all the flags. You'll be rewarded
for finding the flags with an orb.

O: Fracture Hills

Orb #1: Free the Faun
There is a person by a building behind the temple who needs your help
opening up a door. To the left of the building is a powerup. Follow the path
while charging until you reach the door. Knock it down and you'll get an orb

Orb #2: Alchemist Escort
Behind and to the left of the temple is a cave containing an alchemist.
Escort him by the Earthshakers. The alchemist takes a strange path, so you'll
probably be whacking some Earthshakers several times. Once you reach Hunter
you'll get an orb.

Orb #3: Earthshaper Bash
Talk to Hunter after completing the second orb. He'll want help taking out
some Eathshapers. Help him for an orb.

P: Magma Cone

Orb #1: Party Crashers
Near the portal back to Autumn Forest is a powerup. Talk to the person by
it. He needs help killing the lava monsters. Spit rocks at the monsters. Once
all 12 are dead, you'll get an orb.

Orb #2: Crystal Geysers 1
Get to the ledge above the beginning of the level and glide across to the
ladder across the gap at the end of the ledge. Climb up and go down the hole
and you'll find Hunter. He wants to play a game. Play with him. You must grab
ten pieces of crystal popcorn before he does. Do this by following the smoke in
the ground to a hole and grabbing the crystal as it comes out. By collecting 10
pieces before Hunter does, you'll get an orb.

Orb #3: Crystal Geysers 2
This is the same as the second orb, except Hunter is much better at getting
crystal popcorn. The easiest way to do this is grab the popcorn from the
geysers Hunter is trying to get it from before Hunter grabs it. For getting 15
pieces, you'll recieve an orb.

Q: Shady Oasis

Orb #1: Catch 3 Thieves
Near the exit of the course is a person who needs help recovering his magic
lamps. Help him by chasing after the three thieves. Cut corners and you'll get
close enough that you can kill each of them. Return the lamps for an orb.

Orb #2: Save Hippos
Beneath the exit is a powerup and a person who wants you to save his
brothers by headbashing their stonified bodies. Do this easy task for an orb.

R: Metro Speedway

Orb #1: Grab the Loot
Inside a waterfall in the area is a hidden cave containing the Mayor. He's
been having some problems with some crooks. Follow Hunter around and catch all
the loot the crooks drop to be rewarded with an orb.

S: Icy Speedway

Orb #1: Parasail Through Rings
Charge into the igloo on the speedway to reveal Hunter. He wants to take
you paragliding. Carefully maneuver through each of the rings. Once you pass
through all 50, you'll get an orb.

T: Winter Tundra

Orb #1:
Go into the fortress and up onto the wall. Go to the right to find the
river outside the fortress. Go through it to find an orb.

Orb #2:
Through the gate into the fortress, go up the air current and go left. Land
on the wall and walk to the end for an orb.

Orb #3:
Near the entrance to Mystic Marsh is a large rock. Smash it with the
headbash to find an orb inside.

U: Mystic Marsh

Orb #1: Fix the Fountain
Go down and right from the beginning of Winter Tundra to find the entrace to
Mystic Marsh. Talk to the person at the beginning of Mystic Marsh. Go forward
and to the left over the second bridge. Go to the left and into the building.
Take the wind current up and jump from platform to platform. Jump over to the
tree then to the ledge. Go to the left underwater through the bridge and
surface again. Go under through the next pool and come up. The person will fix
the fountian and give you an orb.

Orb #2: Very Versatile Thieves!
Above where you get orb #1 is a person who needs help recovering some items.
Catch the four thieves and return the items for an orb.

Orb #3: Retrieve Professor's Pencil
Behind the building with the wind current is a building with the Professor.
Talk to him and you'll get an egg. Place the egg in the next around the first
and second orb areas. Plant the seed you get in the pot to the left for a duck.
Go to the end of the river and give the duck to the ducks. Take the item you
get to a cave near the pot you placed the seed in. Take the coin and throw it
in the fountain to get the pencil. Take it back to the Professor to recieve an

V: Cloud Temples

Orb #1: Break Down Doors
From the beginning of the level, go forward and defeat the first warlock.
Go forward until you reach a four way room. Go to the left and up the wind
current. Hop across the gaps and defeat the next warlock. Go through the
passage that is opened. Hop across the next gap to the next warlock. Gothrough
the passage that defeating him opens. Go to the left and defeat the next
warlock. Go through the next passageway that opens. Go forward an to the left.
Defeat the last warlock for an orb.

Orb #2: Agent Zero's Secret Hideout
Go to where the third warlock was. Go to the left and find a person. He's
going to his secret hideout, and you must secretly follow him. Follow him after
he begins moving and hide behind the next tree. Go forward following him once
he begins moving again and hide behind the next tree. Now follow him into the
building, staying at a distance. Follow him and hide behind the trees in the
last area. Follow him into his hideout for an orb.

Orb #3: Ring Tower Bells
Go through the second gate and to the right. Talk to the person adn then
use the powerup. Freeze the trolls in the previous room and jump on them to get
up to the next level. Recharge your powerup and freeze the troll to the left
when he's a little above midway of his jump. Go to the level above the frozen
troll and then freeze the troll in this room. Jump on top of him and ring the
first bell. Go back one room. Freeze the jumping troll that is now across the
room near the bottom of his jump. Freeze the circling troll near the frozen
troll. Jump up, freeze the troll, and ring the bell. Now it's time for the
third troll. Grab the ice powerup and go up the wind current that you are now
by. Go up. Freeze the circling troll, then the jumping troll and get up to the
bell tower. Now freeze the circling troll then the jumping troll to reach the
bell. You'll get an orb for your troubles.

W: Robotica Farms

Orb #1: Switch on Bug Light
Go straight forward until you reach a see-saw type device. Use it to jump
up the next level. Use another to get up to the next level. Go straight
through the rest of the course to turn on the bug lamp and get an orb.

Orb #2: Clear Tractor Path
Across from where you got the first orb is a person. Steer through the
track with the powerup. Get to the end of the course for an orb.

Orb #3: Exterminate Crow Bugs
In the middle of the course is a person who needs the bugs off his
scarecrows. Jump on the hills and flame the bugs as they leave the scarecrows
to get an orb.

X: Metropolis

Orb #1: Conquer Invading Cows
Talk to the person at the beginning of the level. Go forward and headbash
the elevator to go down. Go forward to the next elevator and pound it. Go
pound the next elevator and go up it. Go forward to the next elevator and go up
it for an orb.

Orb #2: Shoot Down Sheep Saucers 1
Talk to the person who gave you the first orb and he will ask you to take
out the sheep saucers by going through the combination powerup. Defeat the
three sheep saucers for an orb.

Orb #3: Shoot Down Sheep Saucers 2
Talk to the person who gave you the second orb after getting the second orb.
Take out five more sheep saucers for another orb.

Orb #4: Ox Bombing
In the middle of the course up some ladders is a person who needs help
taking out an ox. Breath on the bombs he spits at you. You'll get an orb for
destroying the beast.

Y: Canyon Speedway

Orb #1: Shoot Down Balloons
Above the clearing the vultures are in is a ledge containing Hunter. He
wants you to fly on his remote controlled plane and shoot 25 targets. For
taking out all 25 targets, you'll get an orb.

Section 4: Other Information

This section includes contact information and copyright information. This
section does not have any information pertaining to Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage, only
to information about my walkthrough and me.

A: Author's Note

The first site I contributed to is www.gamefaqs.com. Thanks to their
great site, other sites have also accepted my walkthroughs. All of my
walkthroughs can be found at GameFAQs.

Walkthroughs written by me:

NES (Nintendo):
A Boy and His Blob Walkthrough
Deadly Towers Walkthrough
The Legend of Zelda Walkthrough
Romance of the 3 Kingdoms Walkthrough

PSX (Playstation):
Chrono Cross Walkthrough
Final Fantasy IX Walkthrough
Legend of Mana Walkthrough
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage Walkthrough

SNES (Super Nintendo):
Earthbound Walkthrough
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Walkthrough
Metal Marines Walkthrough
Secret of Evermore Walkthrough

Send any suggestions for new FAQs to me, please, and I will consider writing

Please place the site you found this FAQ on in any e-mail you send to me.

B: Contact Information

My e-mail is SeanKelson@aol.com. I read all my e-mail, and attempt to
reply to all of it as soon as possible. I appreciate it if you don't ask a
question that is answered in the walkthrough, but I will answer all questions,
since it isn't always easy to find things in an FAQ.

I don't like advertisements in my e-mail. The:
FREE E-mail at hotmail.com
that your e-mail service puts is OK, I just don't want 100%
advertisement e-mail. No ads.

Please include the address of the site you found this on in your e-mail.

C: Future Versions

There will be no future versions of this walkthrough. Unless somebody tells
me about something not in the walkthrough or a find an aspect Spyro 2 that I
have not yet explored, I will not update the walkthrough.

D: Credits and Copyright

Thanks to Sony for the Playstation console for production of Spyro 2:
Ripto's Rage.
Thanks to Universal Studios and Insomniac Games for creation of Spyro 2:
Ripto's Rage.
Thanks to GameFAQs for being a great site.

The rest:
My e-mail:

SenKelson's Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage Walkthrough Copyright 2001
You must adhere to all the mumbo-jumbo copyrights give.
You've probably heard it before, but...
You can't sell this or any of that stuff, this is my work!!! Not yours.
OK? Good.

The following sites have permission to use this walkthrough as of 12/21/01:
** NOTICE **
Occasionally, I forget to add sites to this list. Just e-mail me and I'll
fix this.
** ------ **

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15.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
10.Октябрь 2008

13.Октябрь 2013
100\% komplett.

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats
10.Октябрь 2008

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und +3 Trainer für die US Version

17.Октябрь 2013
Patch for the European PAL-Multilanguage Version

17.Октябрь 2013
engl. Hinweise
10.Октябрь 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Октябрь 2008
30.Июнь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018