Chocobo Dungeon 2

Chocobo Dungeon 2

17.10.2013 14:13:03
Chocobo's Dungeon 2 Steal List & Room Codes

Contents---- Disclaimer
---- The Steal List
---- The Big Room: The Room Code and where you can go to
---- Double, Double, Toil And Trouble!
---- The Keepers
---- Wark elhe?

This list is compiled by me, ZC Liu, and all copyright issues
belong to their respective companies, corporations and the sort.
Mainly, I think they would include Squaresoft, and InterAct, and I
hope nobody curses me for putting this up. No trade secrets here,
only game secrets. If I accidentally offend anyone, it's really
unintended. Enjoy and benefit. :)

I think that all I can add is already in here, so unless anyone
cares to correct me for glaring mistakes, I guess this is a one-time
post. Probably there won't be more.

Ooops. There was! Note the corrected address for
I added an extra 's', which was carelessness on my part. Sorry to
them and to all readers who took a wrong turn.

Well, this is now up at:

and maybe somewhere else that nobody told me of. Hope you would be
courteous enough to notify me for that, but pass around this guide
anyways. Well, this is ZC Liu, signing off. Once again. Nothing much
that's too new. If there are any comments on the game, try your luck

|The Steal List|
Errm, the idea for this came because I saw a steal list for the
Final Dungeon, and thought it somewhat lacking if there isn't a
complete steal list around. So this came out. I would say that most,
at least, if not all of this, is correct. There are some obvious gaps
here, but I really can't bear to correct them; unless you happen to
know what it should be, that is.

The list is rather like the monster list in Chocobo Clyde's faq,
read it for info on the HP and moves part, and there's a lot of hard
work on the descriptions in Desmond Xie's list, so peek there too.
The list is arranged by creature type, and includes Doom and Omega,
just for fun. I never tried stealing on all the bosses, but those I
did never had any items to be stolen from. A bit more to say:

* : I really just can't get this item out! Then again, this might
be an exception to the four items rule
----: I dunno; I mean, I stole a (blank) and got nothing but the

Creature Type (Essence Type)
Level 1 Form- Items to be stolen
Level 2 Form- Items to be stolen
Level 3 Form- Items to be stolen

Normally, enemies have four different items to be stolen, infinitely
so far as you have the capacity to steal.
Note, this is not for the Omega enemy.

There's one word left...


Bat (Wing Essence)
Werebat--- Amnesia Tonic, Blind Tonic, Remedy, No-Magic Collar
Giant Bat- Blind Tonic, Haste Tonic, Slow Tonic, Endure Collar
Steel Bat- Amnesia Tonic, Remedy, Spell Tonic, Endure Collar
Behemoth (Creature Essence)
Behemoth------ Damage Tonic, Hi-Potion, Slow Tonic, King's Saddle
King Behemoth- Nitro, Remedy, X-Potion, King's Saddle
Evil Behemoth- Haste Tonic, Slow Tonic, X-Potion, King's Saddle
Black Mage (Mage Essence)
Black Mage----- Blizzard Book, Fire Book, Thunder Book, Silent Claws
Black Sorceror- Blizzard Book, Fire Book, Thunder Book, Silent Claws
Black Wizard--- Blizzard Book, Fire Book, Thunder Book, Silent Claws
Bomb (Bomb Essence)
Bomb---- Nitro, Potion, Flame Saddle, Crash Stone
Grenade- Fire Book, Nitro, Flame Saddle, Crash Stone
Napalm-- Damage Tonic, Elixer, Nitro, Flame Saddle
Cactus (Plant Essence)
Cactus------- Energy Nut, Lethargy Nut, Peanut, No-Poison Saddle
Cactaur------ Energy Nut, Lasan Nut, Lethargy Nut, No-Poison Saddle
Crazy Cactus- Confusion Card, Geyser Card, Verify Card,
No-Poison Saddle
Dark Titan (Giant Essence)
Dark Titan-- Quake Book, Invis Tonic, Nitro, Kiai Claws
Grim Titan-- Quake Book, Blind Tonic, Eye-drops, Kiai Claws
Blood Titan- Quake Book, Amnesia Tonic, Verify Card, Kiai Claws
Demon (Demon Essence)
Demon-- Lasan Nut, Tasty Nut, Tired Nut, Chaos Claws
Balrog- Energy Nut, Lasan Nut, Lethargy Nut, Chaos Claws
Mephis- Energy Nut, Feast Nut, Lethargy Nut, Absolute Claws
Doom (None)
Store Keeper- Nothing; oh yeah, those items in the shop...
Loot Keeper-- Nothing; what did you expect? It's after YOU!
Life Keeper-- Still nothing; well, your life, if you're lucky enough
Dragon (Dragon Essence)
Holy Dragon-- MegaSpell Book, Thunder Book, Holy Claws, Crash Stone
Dark Bahamut- Fire Book, MegaSpell Book, Crystal Claws, ----
Red Dragon--- MegaSpell Book, Quake Book, Absolute Claws,
Teleport Tag
Eater (Critter Essence)
Nut Eater--- Peanut, Tasty Nut, Tired Nut, Wood Saddle
Skull Eater- Lasan Nut, Rotten Nut, Tasty Nut, Iron Saddle
Item Eater-- LevelDown Nut, LevelUp Nut, Life Nut, Mythril Saddle
Elephant (Creature Essence)
Elephant------ Hi-Potion, Lasan Nut, Stamina Collar,
Strikeout Collar
Mammoth------- Hi-Potion, Lasan Nut, Burden Collar, Life Collar
Rabid Mammoth- Burden Collar, Life Collar, Stamina Collar,
Strikeout Collar
Fishman (Merman Essence)
Sahagin- Blizzard Book, Ice Saddle, Waterwalk Collar, Stone
Merman-- Blizzard Book, Cantrip Book, Ice Saddle, Power Stone
Triton-- Blizzard Book, Ice Saddle, Waterwalk Collar, Crash Stone
Floating Eye (Floateye Essence)
Floating Eye- Slowpoke Nut, Speed Nut, Wind Seed, No-Dwarf Saddle
Ahriman------ Energy Nut, Lethargy Nut, Wind Seed, No-Dwarf Saddle
Flying Eye--- LevelDown Nut, LevelUp Nut, Dwarf Claws,
No-Dwarf Saddle
Gargoyle (Wing Essence)
Gargoyle- Confusion Card, Polish Card, Repair Card, Rust Card
Margoyle- Polish Card, Repair Card, Rust Card, *
Doomwing- Dull Card, Polish Card, Repair Card, Rust Card
Ghost (None)
Neon---- Thunder Book, LevelDown Nut, LevelUp Nut, Lite Saddle
Shadow-- Thunder Book, LevelDown Nut, LevelUp Nut, Lite Saddle
Phantom- Identify Card, LevelDown Nut, LevelUp Nut, Grudge Claws
Gnome (Thief Essence)
Gnome---- Eye-drops, Potion, Energy Collar, Penalty Collar
Kobold--- Eye-drops, Hi-Potion, Energy Collar, Penalty Collar
Spriggan- Eye-drops, Hi-Potion, No-Traps Collar, Penalty Collar
Goblin (Critter Essence)
Goblin------- Identify Card, Map Card, Iron Saddle, Wood Saddle
Dark Goblin-- Identify Card, Lost-Child Card, Iron Claws,
Iron Saddle
Black Goblin- Peanut, Rotten Nut, Mythril Claw, Crystal Saddle
Golem (None)
Clay Golem- Polish Card, Repair Card, Earth Saddle, Crash Stone
Golem------ Repair Card, Rust Card, Earth Saddle, Crash Stone
Iron Golem- Repair Card, Earth Saddle, Crash Stone, Power Stone
Guz (Critter Essence)
Guz- Identify Card, Lost-Child Card, Map Card, Weak Saddle
Kuz- Repair Card, Digging Claws, Lite Claws, Weak Saddle
Buz- Repair Card, Digging Claws, Lite Claws, Weak Saddle
Hill Gigas (Giant Essence)
Butcher---- Confusion Card, Repair Card, Rust Card, Genji's Claws
Hill Gigas- Repair Card, Rust Card, Warp Card, Genji's Claws
Gigas Boss- Doom Card, Repair Card, Rust Card, Genji's Claws
Imp (Imp Essence)
Imp-------- Mirage Saddle, Crash Stone, Stone, Warp Stone
Gremlin---- Lost-Child Card, Warp Card, Mirage Saddle, Teleport Tag
Baby Demon- Mirage Saddle, Teleport Box, Whistle, *
Imp Robo (None)
Imp Robo #1-- Repair Card, Rust Card, Gambling Claws, Crash Stone
Imp Robo #55- Repair Card, Rust Card, Warp Card, Gambling Claws
Imp-Robo #88- Dull Card, Polish Card, Reflect Card, Gambling Claws
Lamia (Lamia Essence)
Lamia------- Fire Book, Silence Tonic, Bargain Collar, Cursed Collar
Lamia Queen- Fire Book, Bargain Collar, CrazyClaw Collar,
Cursed Collar
Lamadonna--- Bargain Collar, CrazyClaw Collar, Cursed Collar,
Pink Tag
Magic Pot (None)
Magic Pot---- Damage Tonic, Potion, Recover Collar, Unlucky Collar
Sorceror Pot- Hi-Potion, Poison, Recover Collar, Unlucky Collar
Wizard Pot--- Spell Tonic, X-Potion, Recover Collar, Unlucky Collar
Malboro (Plant Essence)
Malboro------- Antidote, Poison, Slow Tonic, Calm Saddle
Malboro Ghoul- Hi-Potion, Poison, Remedy, Calm Saddle
Great Malboro- Confusion Card, Frog Card, Mini Card, Calm Saddle
Mask (Mask Essence)
Mask------- Doom Card, Reflect Card, Cursed Collar, Memory Collar
Stone Mask- Cantrip Book, MegaSpell Book, No-Magic Collar,
Strikeout Collar
Doom Mask-- MegaSpell Book, Spell Book, Cursed Collar, Magic Collar
Mini-Mage (Minimage Essence)
Mini Mage--- Cantrip Book, Drain Book, Identify Card, Demon Collar
Mini Druid-- Drain Book, Spell Book, Identify Card, Demon Collar
Mini Wizard- Drain Book, Spell Book, MegaSpell Book, Demon Collar
Mist Dragon (Dragon Essence)
Mist Dragon--- Blizzard Book, Rotten Nut, Tasty Nut, Crystal Saddle
Shadow Dragon- Aero Book, Blind Tonic, Invis Tonic, Reflect Saddle
Spirit Dragon- Drain Book, Amnesia Tonic, Elixer, Absolute Saddle
Mole (Mole Essence)
Mole----- Earth Seed, Lasan Nut, Rotten Nut, Digging Claws
Badger--- Earth Seed, Energy Nut, Lethargy Nut, Digging Claws
Jet Mole- Earth Seed, Lasan Nut, Rotten Nut, Digging Claws
Mousse (Mousse/Pudding/Jelly Essence)
Mousse-- Blizzard Book, Divide Card, Ice Seed, Ice Saddle
Pudding- Fire Book, Divide Card, Fire Seed, Flame Saddle
Jelly--- Aero Book, Divide Card, Wind Seed, Wind Saddle
Mudman (Magman/Iceman/Mudman Essence)
Magman- Map Card, Repair Card, Rust Card, Fire Seed
Iceman- Confusion Card, Map Card, Verify Card, Ice Seed
Mudman- Doom Card, Geyser Card, Map Card, Earth Seed
Mummy (Undead Essence)
Mummy--------- Drain Book, Confusion Card, Identify Card,
No-Silence Saddle
Grand Mummy--- Drain Book, Doom Card, Warp Card, No-Silence Saddle
Pharoah Mummy- Drain Book, Morph Card, Reflect Card,
No-Silence Saddle
Octopus (Octopus Essence)
Devilfish- Merge Seed, Tasty Nut, Tired Nut, Slowpoke Claws
Octopus--- Lasan Nut, Merge Seed, Tasty Nut, Slowpoke Claws
Kraken---- Merge Seed, Slowpoke Nut, Speed Nut, Slowpoke Claws
Ogre (Giant Essence)
Ogre--------- Vibro Claws, Crash Stone, Power Stone, Stone
Berserk Ogre- Vibro Claws, Crash Stone, Power Stone, Stone
Ogre Chief--- King's Claws, Crash Stone, Power Stone, Stone
Omega (None/Omega Essence)
Komega- Nothing; mini-beeper doesn't even have an essence
Omega-- Nothing too; really too bad, but it might drop something...
Onion (None)
Onion-------- Haste Tonic, Potion, Slow Tonic, Counter Saddle
Toy Soldier-- Hi-Potion, Nitro, Remedy, Counter Saddle
Metal Hitman- Amnesia Tonic, Blind Tonic, X-Potion, Counter Saddle
Porcupine (Critter Essence)
Hedgehog------ Lost-Child Card, Map Card, Critical Claws, Iron Claws
Gatlinghog---- Dull Card, Polish Card, Cross Claws, Crash Stone
Needle Master- Confusion Card, Divide Card, Reflect Card,
Multi Claws
Puppeteer (Mage Essence)
Puppeteer---- Blizzard Book, Quake Book, Thunder Book, Calm Saddle
Necromancer-- Drain Book, Thunder Book, Identify Card, Calm Saddle
Summoner Hag- Aero Book, Quake Book, Reflect Saddle,
CrazySaddle Collar
Rat (Critter Essence)
Wild Rat-- Haste Tonic, Slow Tonic, Wood Claws, Memory Tag
Sewer Rat- Haste Tonic, Slow Tonic, Digging Claws, Iron Claws
Giant Rat- Blind Tonic, Haste Tonic, Slow Tonic, Mythril Claws
Roller (None)
Grand Roller- Lightning Saddle, Crash Stone, Warp Stone,
Teleport Tag
Drum Roller-- Lightning Saddle, Crash Stone, Warp Stone,
Teleport Tag
Grim Roller-- Lightning Saddle, Crash Stone, Warp Stone, Carry Tag
Skeleton (Undead Essence)
Skeleton------- Doom Card, Geyser Card, Repair Card, Poison Claws
Blood Skeleton- Poison, Doom Card, Sleep Card, Poison Claws
Doom Knight---- Confusion Card, Doom Card, Sleep Card, Poison Claws
Slug (Slug Essence)
Rock Slug--- Invis Tonic, Potion, Slow Tonic, No-Slow Saddle
Garden Slug- Damage Tonic, Remedy, Slow Tonic, No-Slow Saddle
Slimy Slug-- Amnesia Tonic, Slow Tonic, X-Potion, No-Slow Saddle
Thief (Thief Essence)
Thug---- Lost-Child Card, Warp Card, Guard Collar, Thief Key
Thief--- Frog Card, Verify Card, Guard Collar, Thief Key
Burglar- Haste Tonic, Slow Tonic, Guard Collar, Thief Key
Tonberry (Tonberry Essence)
Tonberry Jr.- Damage Tonic, Hi-Potion, Potion, Critical Claws
Tonberry----- Amnesia Tonic, Hi-Potion, Potion, Critical Claws
Tonberry Sr.- Amnesia Tonic, X-Potion, Critical Claws, Grudge Claws
Turtle (Turtle Essence)
Land Turtle-- Merge Seed, Peanut, Rotten Nut, No-Sleep Saddle
Large Turtle- Doom Card, Geyser Card, Verify Card, Genji's Claws
Huge Turtle-- Doom Card, Map Card, Verify Card, Crystal Claws
Toad (Toad Essence)
Toad-------- Frog Card, Geyser Card, Map Card, Frog Claws
Poison Toad- Poison, Frog Card, Polish Card, Frog Claws
Giant Toad-- Poison, Frog Card, Frog Claws, No-Frog Saddle
Treeman (Plant Essence)
Mamon----- Geyser Card, Sleep Card, Verify Card, Memory Collar
Wood Eyes- Hi-Potion, Lost-Child Card, Warp Card, Memory Collar
Mandrad--- Doom Card, Repair Card, Rust Card, Memory Collar
Vampire (Vampire Essence)
Vampire-- Level Seed, LevelDown Nut, LevelUp Nut, Healing Claws
Lich----- Level Seed, LevelDown Nut, LevelUp Nut, Healing Claws
Demilich- LevelDown Nut, LevelUp Nut, Healing Claws,
Brandname Collar
Vulture (Wing Essence)
Vulture--- Lost-Child Card, Map Card, Hurricane Claws, Wind Saddle
Condor---- Repair Card, Rust Card, Hurricane Claws, Wind Saddle
Cokatolis- Dull Card, Polish Card, Hurricane Claws, Wind Saddle
Worm (Worm Essence)
Worm-------- Hi-Potion, Invis Tonic, Poison, No-Sleep Saddle
Blood Worm-- Hi-Potion, Poison, Remedy, Slow Tonic
Poison Worm- Damage Tonic, Poison, Remedy, No-Sleep Saddle
Zombie (Undead Essence)
Zombie--- No-Sleep Saddle, Burden Collar, Endure Collar,
Memory Collar
Revenant- No-Sleep Saddle, Energy Collar, Recover Collar,
Unlucky Collar
Ghoul---- No-Sleep Saddle, Stamina Collar, Strikeout Collar,
Unlucky Collar
* A tip to get essences: Stock up on lots of Crash Stones and Empty
Bottles. Crash Stones do damage equal to ~a quarter of the targets'
present HP, up to a maximum of 50 damage. And as you might know,
Empty Bottles always deal 4 damage to hit targets. So, lob some
empty bottles at your target when a Crash Stone you kick does less
than 4 damage. I think you'll find getting essences easier. Uses less
inventory space than Identify Cards, too. Just take care not to get
hit from the explosion yourself. Not quite easy, though.

Saw what you were looking for? In fact, practically every item in
the game can be stolen with the help of Mog. The good stuff that
aren't there would be the:

*2x-Edge Claws, if it exists
*Gil Claws, if it exists
*Vampire Claws
*Genji's Saddle
*Ribbon Saddle
*Superior Seed

as I know it, anyways. Who wants to fill in the blanks?

|The Big Room: The Room Code and where you can go to|

800D8B04 XX??

That's the Room Code, for those of you out there who are lucky
enough to have a Gameshark or similar device. Read the 'Debug Room'
guide by King Edgar for simple explanation. Generally, the code
displaces the definition of the current room you are in, so if the
code is activated before you start or load your game, you appear in
the defined room. Use it at your own risk. I would suggest backing up
your game before trying. Hope it makes the game more interesting. The
appropriate digits replace the ? marks, while the XX seems to make no
difference whatsoever. Hope it's easy to understand. If you can load
the code while in a dungeon room, the stairs lead next to the room
with the following digits.

For those new to the Gameshark:

is how the sequence goes. So what comes after 09 is 0A, and BF is
before C0. Right? So, to reach your target room, you might have to
add 1 to the modifier digit if you're presently in a dungeon.

World Map 14

Event--------------------0F (Discover Cape Dungeon)
Cape Dungeon 01-09-------01
Cape Dungeon 'World Map'-10
Shiroma's Cliff House----11 (Inside it)
Event--------------------0E (Chubby chickens out...)
Boss: Skullhammer--------0A
Event--------------------0B (Outside Glass Room)
Event--------------------0C (Glass room, Guz)

Events at: 5F, 6F, 10F, 11F

Shiroma's Village House--25
Mrs Bomb's House 1F------23
Mrs Bomb's House 2F------30
Gamedon's House----------28 (Gamedon's House, still small)
Gamedon's House----------2F (Gamedon's House, enlarged)
Titan's Statue-----------2B
Asura's Statue-----------0D
Chubby Chocobo's Store---29
Black Mage's Lab---------2A (Hard at work)
Black Mage's Basement----37 (3 rooms worth of statues)
Tree of Life-------------27
Ben's House--------------2C
Juice Bar----------------2E

Event--------------------24 (1st visit to village)
Event--------------------26 (Mrs Bomb's 1F event)
Event--------------------31 (Mrs Bomb's House, 2F; lots of odd
32 visitors)
Event--------------------2D (Restaurant, Drunk Malboro)
Event--------------------1F (Restaurant, Gobly and Gobbie...)
Event--------------------20 (Restaurant, now G & G' stay for good)
Event--------------------19 (Give Chip a Teleport Tag!)

Cid's Tower 01-10a-------3D
Cid's Tower 10b----------47 (meet Bahamut 1)
Cid's Tower 10c-14-------48
Boss: Imp Robo Boss------4D
Event--------------------4E (Return to village from Cid's Tower)

Shortcut to 6F-----------12

Events at: 3F, 10bF, 14F, 15F

Event--------------------50 (Outside Sea Floor Dungeon)
Sea Floor Dungeon 01-26--51
Underwater level---------75
Event--------------------5F (Stove of dungeon, meet Bahamut 2)
Event--------------------6E (Time machine, meet Bahamut 3)
Event--------------------71 (Looong Bahamut talk)
Event--------------------6F (Blood Skeleton fright)
Event--------------------70 (Sea Floor chat)
Boss: Ultros-------------6B
Event--------------------6C (outside Cape Dungeon mechanism)
Event--------------------6D (Glass room, Glass Goth)

Shortcut to 6F-----------15

Events at: 15F, 22F, 25F, 27F

Snow Mountain 01-22----- 79
Event--------------------94 (Mrs Bomb detonates!)
Outside Hut--------------78
Inside Hut---------------93
Event--------------------8F (Glass Goth!)
Boss: Glass Goth---------90
Event--------------------91 (meet Bahamut 4)
Event--------------------92 (Future Weapon returns)

Shortcut to 10F----------1C

Events at: 12F, 17F, 23F

Cid's Tower 2 01-10a-----95
Cid's Tower 2 10b--------A1 (meet Bahamut 5)
Cid's Tower 2 10c-14-----A2
Boss: Imp Robo Boss------A7
Event--------------------A8 (Cidwind launch activated!)

Events at: 10bF, 14F, 15F

Event--------------------AA (Mog finallly moves his bulk!)
Final Dungeon 01-25------AB
Glass Room level---------B8
Event--------------------CB (meet Bahamut 6; duh!)
Event--------------------CC (So... it's all Mog's fault, eh?)
Stove level--------------BF
Glass Goth!--------------C4
Boss: Glass Goth X-------C5
Boss: Glass Goth Z-------C6
Event--------------------C7 (Chocobo to the rescue! He fails?!)
Event--------------------C8 (Is she lost for good?)

Shortcut to 10F----------21

Events at: 14F, 18F, 21F, 26F

Chip! Alright!-----------CA (Chip gets the last word?)

Secret Dungeon 01-23-----D3
Boss: Omega--------------EA
Secret Dungeon 25-29-----EB
Boss: Leviathan----------F0
Event--------------------F1 (Last Realm...)

Events at: 24F, 30F

Assorted Items Room------FC (Not very good, but Titan Saddles appear
Misc stuff---------------FD (Stove+ springs+ torch+ generator+
recycle box+ selling post)
Debug Room---------------FF (The reason this work's here is because
of this! Read the appropriate faq!)

Most of the event rooms are simply for fun, as they usually have
no permanent effect on the game, meaning once you leave the room, and
wherever else, you're back where you were in the game. Dungeon rooms
are for beating new enemies, getting more Exp and items and the usual
stuff; beware of the event levels though, as you may forget about
them and mess up your game unwittingly.

And the reason I could make the Steal List is because of this. I
played around with the Debug Room code and got everything here. Hail
Hacken for the code! What happened was: I got Mog to run around on my
command to steal items.

Sounds odd? Well, you can consider this only if you are playing
the second part of the game, with all the rebuilt dungeons, so you
can play as Mog in the Final dungeon. Or, until someone makes a code
to alter your current character, that is. :)

First, I recommend expanding your storage space at Gamedon's to
100. Better rescue Chip early on, and have lots of cash. Now, stuff
one of whatever you deem the most important in it. Other than claws,
saddles, seeds, and of course summon stones, I don't recommend you
being too extravagrant.

After all, you're on a hunt for better items, right?

So, trot down the road towards the Final Dungeon with Mog, which
requires you to toss off everything you have. Items only, not your
hard-earned feathers. Well, no storage space means no go. Sell off
the extra stuff for missing cash. You can afford it later on.

Okay, you're in the Final Dungeon with Mog, who can easily go on
a pilfering spree; pity about the feathers part, though. Now, your
essential task is to get at one of the most basic items in the game:
a Memory Tag. This lets you save while in the dungeon, and you need
to do just that. Otherwise, your hopes are simply dashed. It's not
that hard, though. But once you save, you're about done.

Now the world tour begins. I would recommend these locations
before going elsewhere:

*Memory Tags from the Wild Rats in Cape Dungeon's upper floors;
you're going to need them frequently
*Carry Tags from the Grim Rollers in the Secret Dungeon, ~5F; you're
going to get a lot of unwanted stuff along the way before you get
what you want. Try to reach a maximum capacity of 64.
*LevelUp Nuts from the Item Eaters very early on in the Secret
Dungeon; you don't want to collapse halfway. Life Nuts are good, and
if you want to know what it is, kick it at somebody. Level 83 is the
number for Mog.
*Verify Cards from Mamon in the start of the Snow Mountain
*Divide Cards from Needle Masters in early on in the Secret Dungeon,
also ~1F-3F like the Item Eaters. Back up copies of good stuff.

Now, feel free to roam the land for whatever you're hankering for
all the while, but I advise at least one Teleport Tag and some Memory
Tags, as you're going to save really often. Never try stealing from
shops, or "Doom is upon you." You can easily afford whatever there
is, and you can steal it most of the time somewhere. Well, that's

Uhh Oh. There's a mistake...

|Mog may appear normally in *Cape Dungeon |
| *Sea Floor Dungeon|
| *Snow Mountain |
| *Final Dungeon |
| *Secret Dungeon |
| *Assorted Items |
| Room |
| *Misc stuff |

While using a character other than Chocobo, the game tends to hang
for certain places, especially at event checkpoints. And that
includes most bosses, too. For dungeon events, sometimes you can get
over this by using a Warp Card, which places you in a possible spot
on the map. Non-dungeon rooms are off limits for most instances. And
don't count on Warp Cards if the room doesn't have enemies in it,
which means it's not really a dungeon room, but an event room.

Thus, I think any non-event dungeon room is possible, as long as
you have a Warp Card to shift you out from the place you happen to be
stuck in. In this way, you can steal from virtually any enemy with
Mog, though the bosses don't seem to even have anything on them. An
easy source for Warp cards is the Wood Eyes near the start of the
Final Dungeon; net some if you wish at the start.

A note-worthy point: Mog cannot equip any item at all, and so it
goes for all non-Chocobo characters. Which also means you cannot
happily equip whatever you steal along the way. Boo hoo. Ahh well.
That makes it more interesting, no?

|Double, Double, Toil And Trouble!|
One of the most common tasks to perform in this game is mixing
equipment. It gets incredibly routine after a while, so I'll leave
out the steps; suffice to say you need 2 claws or saddles and a
ready stove. Essences and seeds are the crux to better equipment, and
if you've helped out at the Black Mage's Lab, you can save on a
fueling Book for 300 Gil. That's it.

A few claw recipes:
|Order Claw + Arc Claw + Fusion Seed | Multi Claw |
|Order Claw + Order Claw + Fusion Seed | Cross Claw |
|Cross Claw + Arc Claw + Fusion Seed | Spinkick Claw |
|Multi Claw + Order Claw + Fusion Seed | Spinkick Claw |
|Any 2 Claws + Thief Essence | Claw with 'Gil' |
| | attribute |
|Any 2 Claws + Vampire Essence | Claw with 'Suck Blood' |
| | attribute |
Prominently known are the Brandname and Omega Essences, which make
whatever claws or saddles you mix into a Brandname and Titan items.
For raw stats, the Titan items are virtually the best; mix in Lite
and Gamble Claws with Superior Seeds to get a big nasty scratcher. On
the whole, the Brandname set doesn't seem to be really that useful. I
didn't observe anything interesting, either :|

-These are separate attributes of a claw or saddle as a whole, and
each item may have up to 2 separate attributes

*Element symbols: Inflicts or protects against damage of that element
*Status symbols: Increases protection against getting inflicted by
that status ailment
*5-way atk: Attack to front view and sides; Multi Claw has it
*All dir atk: Attack on all sides; Spinkick Claw has it
*Damage: Return 1/4 of physical damage to source; Counter Saddle has
*Fwd+Rear atk: Attack directly in front and back; Order Claw has it
*Fwd 3-way atk: Attack to front view; Arc Claw has it
*Confusion: Causes confusion occassionally; Chaos Claws has it
*Cross atk: Attack to sides, directly in front and back; Cross Claws
has it
*Frog: Causes frog occassionally; Frog Claws has it
*Gamble: Causes any status ailment occassionally; Gamble Claws has it
*Gil: Supposedly steals Gil from hit enemy occassionally; I think Gil
Claws were supposed to have it
*Heal: Supposedly increases your HP recovery rate; Healing Claws has
*Magic Damage: Returns 1/4 of magical damage to source; Reflect Saddle
has it
*Mini: Causes mini occasionally; Dwarf Claws has it
*Null Magic: Causes silence occassionally; Silent Claws has it
*Poison: Causes poison occassionally; Poison Claws has it
*Sleep: Causes sleep occassionally; Sleep Claws has it
*Slow: Causes slow occassionally; Slowpoke Claws has it
*Suck Blood: Supposedly sucks out essence from enemy occassionally;
Vampire Claws has it

By the way, through the aid of some cheating devices, I think that
the Gil Claws and 2x-Edge Claws are red herring items. Sure, they
exist in the game, have stats of their own, albeit no attributes. But
when I tried to get more of them with Divide Cards, all I got was a
Stone. And more Stones. So, I'll conclude that they aren't real items
or the game treats them real special. This information was possible
courtesy of help from using PSEmu Pro and PSX Emulation Cheater. :)
And of course the GSCCC website.

[The Keepers]
I thought to add this for fun, since there wasn't much else to put
down in this work. This is just to give a brief account on my
experience with Keepers, of Life, Loot, and not to forget the Store.
And no, there are no Chocobo Keepers, fortunately. One gentle
reminder: the three cowls of doom, greed, and dusty shelves are all
able to float over any terrain, barring obstacles like walls.
-'I see... Teleport Tag.'

Store Keeper
3200 HP
-Shoplift Alarm

Basically only a figurehead of Death, Store Keepers are commonly
found in... shops!, acting as the menacing everpresent proprieter.
Floating to and fro as you pace restlessly in its domain, they're
considered friendly enough, if tacit and grim. You can choose to
converse with it by pressing the attack button to its face, after
several times the converstion drifts to a harmless warning about
your friskness. That is if you were talking. Should you choose to
attack it in some way, summons, Order claws, magic or otherwise,
you'll get about nine substantial warnings while the cowl of dusty
shelves flutters away from you (yeah, it flies about), and if you
push your luck still (really!), the Store Keeper gives way to its
nastier incarnation of a Life Keeper. Better hope the stairs are

If you're lucky enough to destroy the physical manifestation of the
Store Keeper, a disembodied whisper still echoes about you to pay
for any goods you've picked up. Shoplifting has several dire
consequences. Once the cry for 'Thief...!' starts, all monsters on
the level get polymorphed permanently into Life Keepers; probably a
whole horde of the things now stand between you and safety, while
your Teleport Tag malfunctions for the moment in their presence. And
no use throwing down everything you took, cause to them you gave up
your rights when you took something you shouldn't have. If you really
want to steal something, make sure no obstacles stand between you and
the nearest stairs.

A small point of note: should you ever decide to kick something like
Polish Cards at them, for some obnoxious reson or other, they WILL
level up into Loot and Life Keepers, but cannot level down into their
weaker forms. The bad news is that pressing the attack button to
their face results in not a possibly earth-shattering attack, but a
chat with the former Store Keeper entity. I don't think you'll find
the prospect of facing them nice at all, since they come at you with
hostile intentions once they level up.

Loot Keeper
32000 HP
-Doom Scythe

The odd-coloured one out of the three, Loot Keepers appear most
common in some 'lucky' chests, and when you use or kick a Doom Card.
Its yellow eyes glitter with the shine of gold as it chases after
you. Not that it accepts peace offerings of gold in its trail of
destruction, but most probably that it thinks of you, Chocobo, as an
animated gold avian statue.

Life Keeper
32000 HP
-Doom Scythe

The most feared enemy of the game (Omega, Leviathan?), Life Keepers
are the emergency signal that you're about to lose all your items and
maybe game progress. Similar in appearance to the Store Keeper, you
can tell the obvious difference when it homes in on you, and run away
at top speed when that long ATB bar of it activates for a big swing.
It's so much stronger than the Loot Keeper that you'll probably get
k.o.ed with at most two hits, and I don't suppose your attacks deal
what you call damage to 32000 HP (unless you sharked!). Thankfully,
death isn't a permanent recourse in this game.

Life Keepers keep their appearances rare, and when you meet one, most
probably you asked for it in someway. What you probably did was to:
*Shoplift (naughty bird!)
*Stay for too long on a dungeon level (those WERE warnings)
*Repeatedly provoke a Store Keeper
*Use a particular four-letter card you shouldn't have (Wark...!)

with the former two actions having disastrous results. What happens
simply, is that all the monsters you face from then on while on that
dungeon level are Life Keepers, with the second mistake having
particularly virulent results. I don't think you'd like to try it out
for yourself.

Well, whether you like them or hate them, the Keepers are a principle
gear to this game, and you just can't do without them around. Hope
that they become a powerful ally in some future FF or Squaresoft
game. Not that THAT would be fair.

|Wark elhe?|
Basically a credits section. So, there are:

*Gamefaqs for being the most complete host of game guides I know of
*All other game guide sites for providing aid to us gamers
*Hacken and King Edgar for the Debug Room code and guide
*Fextreme and DXie for having a monster list at all
*Myself for making this without actually having asked the above-
related personal :p
*Your kind attention for reading this at all
*And Time for allowing me to finish this peacefully in a month
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Stehl Liste & Raum Codes

17.Октябрь 2013
Fast alles ist freigeschaltet

12.Октябрь 2013

12.Октябрь 2013
Das verstecke Ende erreicht Ihr mit diesem Save.

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die japanische NTSC Version.

14.Октябрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
25.Июнь 2019