Chocobo Dungeon 2

Chocobo Dungeon 2

12.10.2013 11:10:53

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/_____//_____//_/ |__//_____//____//_____//_/ |__/ /____/

/ \
| +---------------------------+ |
| | | |
| | Chocobo's Dungeon 2 | |
| | FAQ/Walkthrough v1.8 | |
| | | |
| +---------------------------+ |
| | | |
| | -Created by Chocobo Clyde | |
| |Email:| |
| | | |
| +---------------------------+ |

Best Viewed with 800x600 Screen Setting

Page Count: Around 78

*Note: If you are going to e-mail me on how to play 2 players in Chocobo's Dungeon 2, I will
not answer that. If you would be just so kind to look in the FAQ section which will
explain everything on how to do it, do so. Thank you and please don't bother me
about that question.

+---------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
| | | |
| Table of Contents | | For the Ultimate GAME! |
| | | |
+---------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------------+

1.0 FAQ/Walkthrough History
1.1 FAQ/Walkthrough News (different each FAQ/Walkthrough)
1.2 Introduction
1.3 Credits aka Acknowledgements
1.4 Story (they gave you in the instruction booklet)
1.5 Controls
1.6 Frequently Asked Questions
1.7 Info on Magic
1.8 Info on Summons
1.9 Info on Merging Equipment
2.0 Characters
3.0 Basics of a Dungeon
4.0 Tips and Tricks
5.0 Walkthrough
5.1 The Ending (Contains Spoilers!)
5.2 The Second Adventure (Contains Spoilers!)
6.0 Item List
6.1 Spell Books
6.2 Potions and Tonics
6.3 Essences
6.4 Cards
6.5 Nuts
6.6 Misc. Items
6.7 Magic Stones
7.0 Equipment
7.1 Claws
7.2 Saddles
7.3 Collars
7.4 Stones, Bottles
8.0 Equipment Break List for Feathers
8.1 Feather List
9.0 Mog's Stealing List
10.0 Monster List
10.1 Generic Monsters
10.2 Bosses
10.3 Summoned Allies
11.0 Strategies
11.1 General Strategies
11.2 Monster Strategies
11.3 Boss Strategies
12.0 Misc.
12.1 How to Get Omega Essence
12.2 How to Kill "Doom" (for all those people who have time)
12.3 Secrets
12.4 GameShark Codes
12.5 Coming Up

Section 1.0 - FAQ/Walkthrough History

1.1 - I removed the ASCII art since I forgot the "o" in Chocobo. I didn't want to bother
making another one.
- I added FAQ History.
- I added to Frequently asked questions.
- I moved the Frequently asked questions area from section 12 to 1.4
1.2 - Fixed up the TRAPS section. I accidently placed an * on the Level UP trap rather
than the lost-child trap.
- Gave information about the Energy UP feather. Look in the Equipment Break List.
- Gave information about the feathers you get after clearing a dungeon.
- I'm planning on making a monster list. It will take some time so don't expect to
find in the current FAQ. Expect it some time or another.
- I editted the looks of the title. I know it isn't that graphic but oh what the
- I removed my other email address since I wouldn't want it used for anything else
other than school.
1.3 - Added a Feather section.
- Still didn't add any monster list yet. Hope I will soon.
- More FAQs
- New Logo... WOO HOO!!!
- 2 New GS Codes
- New tip
- Updated information on the Gambling Claw
- Added comments on some items.
1.4 - New e-mail. My computer had the CIH virus so I had to get another acount but who
- Placed a note in the beginning of the FAQ.
- More FAQ questions.
- Starting on the monster list layout.
1.5 - Finished the monster list! YAY!!!
- Changed the format of the FAQ/Walkthrough.
- Added a Strategy section.
- Added more ways on defeating Omega and obtaining it's legendary essence.
- Added more information on Doom as it is called.
- More FAQs answered.
- Added the Bosses section in the Monster area.
1.6 - Fix the double "me" in Mog's Quote.
- Fixed the typo in the Poison Claw.
- Fixed the space in Mini Mage.
- Fixed the typos in the FAQ/Walkthrough. If you guys find typos, please email me.
- Fixed some of the typos and misprints in the Monster Lists.
- Changed layout once more but not that much.
- Gave more info on what kinds of feathers you get when you finish bonus dungeons.
- Added more FAQ's.
- Added comments for Stones/Bottles.
- Added Info on Magic section.
- Added Info on Summons section.
- Added Info on Merging Equipment section.
- Added many Strategy sections.
- Didn't realize that I took out the GameShark codes section when I sorta remodeled
the FAQ/Walkthrough. It's back now.
- Added a Summoned Allies section in the Monster List.
- Added new GameShark codes that I didn't have in before.
1.7 - New Email changed. UPDATE YOUR EMAIL LISTINGS!
1.8 - Fixed a few grammar errors

Section 1.1 - FAQ/Walkthrough News

Version 1.6 is the biggest change for this FAQ/Walkthrough! Enjoy!

As of now, I'm just putting in the other minor details of Chocobo's Dungeon 2. I really
want a complete FAQ/Walkthrough. I'll be glad if you guys help. Don't worry, I won't
steal your information. I promise.

As of now, I've worked on new sections. They include information on merging claws and
saddles. That also includes information on summoned allies. You'll find so much more
in this FAQ/Walkthroug this time. Also, I went through and checked for any typos. I'm
not surprised and I found quite a couple. Well, at least this time, it's not that
embarrassing as that typo I did in the first FAQ/Walkthrough's logo :P.

I'm adding a strategy section that will also grow over time. Anybody that would like to
help out in the strategy section please email me. I'm planning strategies on how to
defeat bosses, enemies, etc. If you've got anything to help out with, please do so...

Speaking of strategy, I'm also adding a Boss Strategy Section (as if I didn't when I made
the FAQ/Walkthrough). This also includes Monster Strategies and General Strategies.
Give the strategy section a visit and help out.

Oh yeah, I put back the GameShark section. I didn't realize that I took it out in
version 1.5 of this FAQ/Walkthrough. I feel like an idiot. :P Well, anyway, there are
some new GameShark codes that I didn't have in the previous version. Now, they're here!

I'm keeping the sections on how to kill Doom and getting Omega Essence separate from the
strategy section since these are oftenly asked and I don't want people to go through the
trouble of having to search for them in the strategy sections.

Section 1.2 - Introduction

Chocobo's Dungeon 2 is a very addictive game once you get use to it. It's very much like
Secret of Mana. However, the battles are turn based. What also makes this game cool is
how two players can play. Chocobo's Dungeon 2 is definitely worth it. There's millions
of items to obtain, thousands of possible weapon/armor combinations to make, and a huge
group of feathers to collect. Without a guide, it would be almost impossible to beat the
game alone (that's why I wrote this guide).

The first time I played Chocobo's Dungeon 2, it seemed like the easiest thing ever until
an hour later. Everything requires patience, skill, and a bunch of items!!! I think that
even with a guide, it would still be hard since all the dungeons are randomly made (yep,
all of them). What's good is there's always a new challenge! Also don't expect me to
write how to get through a dungeon especially since all dungeons are random!

It took me quite a while to beat Chocobo's Dungeon 2 (around 2 weeks but I played almost
12 hours a day). What's also fun is how you can have your partner help you through 2P.
I've nearly played until I had the largest radiation bath ever so I risked this all for
you guys. (Feel proud)

Section 1.3 - Credits aka Acknowledgements

I do not own Chocobo's Dungeon 2 or use it to make money. This FAQ/Walkthrough here is
used for the public for free. I give all people the credit who gave me information on
this FAQ including Squaresoft and GameShark. Mwahahaha! You can't sue me now!
Nah-Nah-Nah!!! :-P

Thanks to all these guys!!!

(not much yet) (Gaidin) for Lamia Essence info for info on Phoenix Stone
-For whoever sent me the Pink Tag info, please tell me bcuz I forgot your email!
-Chocobo's Dungeon 2 and all else related (c) 1999, 2000 Squaresoft, Ltd.
-Brandy Games (c) 1999 for making a guide for Chocobo's Dungeon 2.
-GameShark (c) 1999 InterAct

Section 1.4 - Story (they gave in the instruction booklet)

Once again, Chocobo has decided to embark on a journey with Mog.

Passing through the forests and moving up the coastline, they find an entrance to a
dungeon on a cape with a spectacular view. On the bank across the cove, the companions
see a small, beautiful village.

Although peaceful in appearance, it has been said that there are many impernetrable
buildings, indecipherable ruins, and mysterious dungeons within the Village.

What adventure aways.

Section 1.5 - Controls

The controls are different from what I expected. However, it's not that bad once you get
used to them. They, however, are a little different from other Final Fantasy RPG's which
usually confuses me after I play one RPG and then switch to this game.

Button Action
------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
D-Pad Moves Chocobo in that direction.

X Button Attack/Speak with characters or examine area one step ahead.
On the menus screen, press to execute.

Circle Button Dash (hold it down and press the D-Pad)
On menus, press to cancel.
Square Button Change facing direction (Hold down and press D-Pad)

Triangle Button Display menu screen.

Start Button Display status screen.

Select Button Magnify floor map (hold down Select Button)

L1 Kick equipped stones or bottles.

L2 Speed through messages.

R2 Speed up cursor (hold down and press UP/DOWN.)

Section 1.6 - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I play 2 Player?
A: Go to the menu. Go to Settings. You'll see it there.

Q: When I play as a partner, how do I do special attacks?
A: Apparently, I haven't figured this out yet. If anybody finds a way, e-mail me.

Q: How do you pronounce Chocobo?
A: Cho-ko-bo (all long o's)

Q: How do I level up claws or saddles?
A: You can use Polish Cards or just combine them with other claws or saddles.

Q: How do I make claws or saddles?
A: First of all, you need at least two claws or two saddles and a magic book of fire or
lightning (unless you are doing this in the black mage's lab). First, select the two
items you want to combine and then use a fire or lightning book. In the Black Mage's
lab, she'll automatically combine it for you without having to waste any magic books.
Now, you can check the Info on Merging Equipment section.

Q: How do I get feathers?
A: There are many ways of getting feathers. Some you receive by events. Others are
received by breaking equipment.

Q: How do I break equipment?
A: When you check an equipment's stats, look for DUR. If it reaches zero, it breaks. It
usually takes quite a few hits before it breaks.

Q: Are there optional quests?
A: Yes. After you beat the game, wait until the credits are done rolling. You'll see
Chip and a doll appear. There, you can select whether or not you want the optional

Q: Can I kill Doom? If I can, how?
A: First of all, its not called Doom. That's just its kin name. Yes, you can kill them
but I wouldn't really spend that much time. I've killed him once before (not the easy
one) and it took me well over three hours just trying to damage the dumb thing. If
you really want to know, look it up in the area on how to kill "Doom".

Q: How do I get Omega Essence?
A: There's a section in the FAQ about it. Go there. :)

Q: Do you lose your summon feather if your summon partner dies?
A: Yes. Unless you are using the Random Summon feather.

Q: How do I use Fireball, Blizzard Storm, Thunder Cross, etc.?
A: First, select the appropiate spell book. Then press L1 or R1. You'll then have a
choice to make. To return back to the normal spell casting system, press L1 or R1

Q: How do I get Mog (as a partner) to steal?
A: First of all, you'll need to have room in your inventory. Then, just bring Mog up
to an enemy and he'll do it himself.

Q: What does the Tree of Life do?
A: Eats up feathers for good! I personally hate that thing! All you ever get back is
a couple of nuts. People say you get feathers back but I don't know. All who think
the Tree of Life is pointless, go cheer! (((CHEERS!)))

Q: How do I find good equipment?
A: If you mean that it is lying around, probably not. If you mean that it is stolen,
yes. The best way to find good equipment is to probably steal it by using Mog.

Q: It's so easy to kill Doom when he's in the shop, why is he so hard when I fight him
out of the treasure chest or when he starts chasing me?
A: The version you fought in the shop is the easier version which only has 3,200 HP so
only a few a Bahamut or Odin Stones can kill him easily. As for the others, they
have 30,000+ HP so... that will take some more time especially if your attacks only
1 to 3 HP of damage.

Q: What's the point of the bonus dungeons?
A: If you manage to complete one, you get a feather. If you complete all of them and
then fight Leviathan, you'll get a secret ending plus something special to put in
your town.

Q: Where do I find Chip?
A: Chip's found in the Chubby Chocobo's shortcut area. Make sure you bring two of the
Teleport Tags: one for him and one for you.

Q: What does the Phoenix Feather do?
A: The Phoenix Feather saves your butt when you are about to die. It does so
automatically and you can't do it manually.

Q: What does the Critical UP Feather do?
A: The Critical UP Feather increases your chances of getting a Critical Hit.

Q: Where is Omega at?
A: Omega is located on the 24th floor of the secret dungeon. Good luck trying to beat

Q: What's in place for the empty statue in the last room in the basement?
A: I have no clue whatsoever! I've cleared all the monsters, used all the summon stones,
and defeated all the bosses (including all three Dooms). However, there's still one
extra space. I'm guessing it's the original space for the Phoenix Stone. The Phoenix
Stone, I believe, is a dummied item. However, it still works.
has told me about the Phoenix Stone. As of now, I'm not putting it in the FAQ since
the item isn't supposed to exist.

Q: What is the Phoenix Stone supposed to do?
A: You can't use it manually like the Phoenix feather but it acts like the Phoenix
feather. When you are about to die, Phoenix is automatically summoned and takes you
out of the dungeon.

Q: If you summon an ally and he/she dies, will the feather disappear?
A: Yes and I've learned this through personal experience (bye Bahamut). So this is the
reason why you should never let your ally summon die. When your ally is about to die,
talk to him/her and select YES for them to disappear. This way, you'll keep the
feather. However, if you've used the Random Summon feather and the ally dies, the
feather will not disappear.

Section 1.7 - Info on Magic

This section is detailed on magic for all those who are curious about it.

First of all, there are five types of magic in this game. They are elemental magic (it
consists of Fire, Blizzard, Aero, Thunder, and Earth), Drain magic (consists of Drain),
Cantrip magic (various status effects), Spell magic (consists of powerful focused magic
attacks), and Megaspell magic (which consists the ultimate magic spells that Chocobo can
use in the game). The more simple magics are elemental magic and drain magic. I'll
start there first.

Elemental magic contain Fire, Blizzard, Aero, Thunder, and Earth. These spells are easy
to cast and easy to find. Red books indicate Fire; blue books indicate Blizzard; etc.
Whenever you use an elemental spell book, it disappears from your inventory. But each
time you use one, it also brings you closer to leveling up that spell. The more times
you use a spell, it brings you closer to leveling it up. Once you do level it up, the
spell will become more powerful. Here's a chart that shows how many times you need for
a level up.

To check your current spell levels, go to the Spell Settings section on the Main Menu

Level | Times Needed to Use
1 | 3 +--- Once this level is reached, your spells level up
2 | 3 _____ | into another form. For example, Fire becomes Fira,
3 | 4 | / | Blizzard becomes Blizzara, etc. Not only that, the
4 | 4 | /_ | graphics become a lot better too. No more of that
5 | 5 |__ / | cheezy ice cube falling on the enemy. This time,
6 | 5 |/ | your gonna say, "Ouch! Now's that gotta hurt!"
7 | 6 / |
8 | 8 +--------+
9 | 10 <---+
10 | 12
11 | 14 +------------ Just like leveling up to Level 9, the spells level
12 | 16 | up into another form once more. This time, Fira
13 | 18 | becomes Firaga, Blizzara becomes Blizzaga, every
14 | 20 | spell up to this level will have an "aga" at the
15 | 20 | end of it.
16 | 20 |
17 | 20 <---+
18 | 20
19 | 20
20 | 20

Another cool thing about elemental spells is that they can have different targeting
systems rather than the default one. If you have a feather that corresponds to a certain
spell, you can press L1/R1 to switch between the two targeting effects. Plus, you'll see
another graphic, too. Fire spells are accompanied by the Fireball feather, Thunder is
with Thunder Cross, etc. These spells give more of a variety of attacks. Learn how to
use them.

Now, about Drain magic. Drain magic works a bit different than the elemental spells but
works very similar, too. When you use a Drain spell on an enemy, you'll do damage to it,
but you'll also receive an HP recovery equal to the damage you drained, not the remaining
HP the enemy has. This means if you do 100 damage to an enemy with only 50, you will
recover 100 HP instead of just 50. Drain spells don't work on undead monsters, robotic
monsters, and a few bosses, too.

Drain spells, once used, disappear from the item inventory. This is one of the ways that
the Drain spells are similar to the elemental spells. However, another way they are
similar is that they also level up too. They use the same level up system as the chart
for the elemental spells that I've put above.

The Cantrip, Spell, and Megaspell magics all are very similar. However, there quite a
few differences in them which will be very easy to notice. One thing that they all share
(other than the fact that once you use a spell book, it disappears) is that they all come
through the use of feathers. The feathers aren't necessary, but they are if you want to
have a specific effect. For those people who don't like taking gambles, don't select
random cuz most of the time, it's gonna fail and a pot or something will fall on Chocobo
causing damage.

Cantrip magic consists of status effects. These range from Slow to Power UP. Each of
these spells affect all enemies on the screen (not on the map or else these would be the
ultimate spells!). Here's a list of what they do.

Cantrip | What it does.
Slow | Makes all enemies slower. This means you'll act twice before they can.
Poison | Poisons enemies. They lose 1 HP each turn. Not that useful...
Sleep | Puts enemies to sleep. Very good when you made a monster call.
Mini | Shrinks the enemies reducing their defense and offense.
Frog | Changes them to frogs which run away.
Confusion | Makes enemies move and attack in random directions.
Silence | Mutes all enemies on the screen and prevents them from casting spells.
Power UP | Random Cantrip spell without fail (meaning falling pot).
Random | Selects a random spell and may fail.

The Spell magics are the more powerful magics of the game. However, these usually focus
on one enemy or ally. Like Cantrip spells, select Random can also fail and you've wasted
a perfectly fine Spell book. Spell magics range from Haste to Bio. Haste is the only
one that affects you and not the enemy.

Spell | What it does.
Haste | Gives Chocobo the Haste status.
Remove | The same as kicking Teleport Tags at enemies or Warp Stones.
Gravity | Removes a set amount of HP.
Meteorite | Medium amount of damage done to one enemy.
Doom | Instantly kills target.
Flare | Unelemental focused attack. (I selected this feather from the Head Mage)
Bio | Unelemental attack but also poisons enemy.
Random | Selects a random spell and may fail.

The Megaspell magics are the most powerful spells that Chocobo may cast in the game. The
Megaspell feathers are suggested since you'll fail most of the time if you try Random.
The Head Magician won't give you any Megaspell feathers so break some Claws or Saddles to
get them. It's very easy to get Holy since you'll find lots of Holy Claws and/or Saddles
lying around. Like the other spells, you lose one book when you use the spell. This
also goes for failing too as if you didn't know.

Megaspell | What it does.
Meteor | Unelemental damage that hits all enemies on the screen. Massive damage!
Ultima | Unelemental damage that hits all enemies on the screen. Lots of damage!
Holy | Holy elemental damage that hits one enemy. Powerful but others are better.
Random | Selects a random spell and may fail.

Well, that wraps it up for magic! I hope this section cleared things up a bit. If you
have questions still unanswered, please email me at

Section 1.8 - Info on Summons

Summons, what a favorite RPG term. There are two types of summons in the game. Magic
summons and ally summons. Magic summons require a stone to use. Once the stone is used,
it will disappear. Don't worry, you can always find more. But for ally summons, the
ally will stay with you until he/she/it dies. The ally summons require a feather. The
ally summon will only leave by 3 reaons: 1) dies (and you lose the feather, to), 2) you
enter the next dungeon floor, 3) you talk with your ally and force him/her/it to leave.

Summon Stones are oftenly found inside Magic Boxes (the treasure chests that require
magic to open) and inside dungeon shops (the ones Doom operate). Summon Stones are very
hard to find and are very costly too! You'll want to save Summon Stones for bosses, hard
enemies, etc. Usually, if you have a Teleport Box, send a summon back to the storage
where you can use it when you're ready.

Summoned Allies may and may not be as strong as the Summon Stones. But all the damage
total that the summoned ally may do may outset the Summon Stones. Summoned allies are
very powerful and may be much more powerful than you are even with the best claws and
saddles. All allies don't do exactly what you want but they sure help out when you need
it. For instance, Carbuncle doesn't cast Reflect on you when you want him to but he does
so only when you're in deep $#!%. The only problem with the Summoned Ally is that if
he/she/it dies, you lose his/her/its feather. In order to get it back, you must break a
Claw/Saddle again and hope you get that feather. This doesn't apply when you use the
Random Summon feather however.

Section 1.9 - Info on Merging Equipment

Lots of people are having trouble on the making and creation of new Claws and Saddles.
This section is sorta an In-Depht section on making claws and such. Although Shiroma
would have taught you how to merge Claws and/or Saddles, this guide here will help you
out furthur more.

There are a couple of things you'll need to have before you mix equipment.
1) Two Claws or Saddles
2) A stove
3) A Fire or Thunder spellbook (only in dungeons)
4) Nuts or Essences (optional but only to make them stronger)

When you have two claws or saddles, it's time to find a stove. Usually, you'll find a
stove on every two floors but I can't guarantee that. I rather use the one in the
village since you wouldn't need to use any Fire or Thunder spell books. Anyways, when
you've selected your two claws or saddles, go up to the stove and examen it. Select the
items that you want to combine (claws or saddles). If you have any Nuts or Essences to
combine with them, select those if you want to. If you're inside a dungeon, you'll have
to select a Fire or Thunder book. Once you do that, a screen will appear.

In this next screen, there are two patterns that you may follow. Each pattern will be
different unless you used certain Nuts or Essences. For example, your first pattern is
a Wood Claw+1 and an Iron Claw+2, you'll get a Wood Claw+3. Your second pattern would
then be an Iron Claw+2 and a Wood Claw+1, and you'll get an Iron Claw+3. Usually, you'll
want to choose the combination with better stats and such. The stats below tell you what
they have effects they have on the claws/saddles.

ATK = Attack Power - The more the ATK, the more damage you'll do. Some claws will
have different effects. Less HP = More ATK.
DEF = Defense Power - The more the DEF, the less damage you'll receive. Some saddles
have different effects. Less HP = More DEF.
DUR = Durability - How much longer the claw/saddle can take. This can be fixed at
repair shops or Repair Cards.
ENERGY = Energy - This affects Energy deduction. Usually, this isn't too much of
a matter and won't matter at all with the Endure Collar.
Toughness = 'Nuff Said - This shows how many hits the claw/saddle can do/receive before
the DUR goes down 1.
LV Limit = Level Limit - What is the max level of this claw/saddle. Usually, the Titan,
Weak, and King's claws/saddles have high LV Limits.
DODGE = Dodge - States your chances of dodging enemy attacks. You'll want a
higher dodge!
SP DEF = Special DEF - Special Defense. States your defense against enemies' special
abilities. More you have, more protection from magic.
Hit Rate = Hit Rate - States chances of making a direct hit. Lower Hit Rate means
you will miss more often!
Critical = Critical % - Chances of scoring a critical hit. Usually, you'll want more
Hit Rate than Critical.

If you have a claw like a Blitz Claw, it will have the lightning element. However, if
you combine it with a Hurricane Claw (with an air element), you'll lose either the
lightning or the air element. Some people, who want to keep both, will need the help of
either essence or a nut. Generally, I'd used nuts since they are more plentiful and get
you better effects that you'd want. For the example above, you'd need a nut called a
Merge Seed that will let you have both elements. Here's a list of what the nuts/seeds
help you add to your claws.

Nut/Seed | What effects...
Earth Seed | Adds the Earth element.
Fire Seed | Adds the Fire element.
Fusion Seed | Lets you fuse to abilities.
Holy Seed | Adds the Holy element.
Ice Seed | Adds the Ice element.
Level Seed | Lets you add a level to the claw/saddle.
Lightning Seed | Adds the Thunder element.
Merge Seed | Lets you combine elements.
Remove Seed | Lets you remove elements.
Set Seed | Stats of a particular claw/saddle cannot go down.
Superior Seed | Lets only the best stats be available.
Wind Seed | Adds the Aero element.

For cool combinations, mix the following items together and you'll get some pretty neat

Item 1 | Item 2 | Item 3 | Result
Order Claw | Arc Claw | Fusion Seed | Multi Claw (5 way attack!)
Order Claw | Multi Claw | Fusion Seed | SpinKick Claw (8 way attack!!!)
Any Item | Any Item | Lamia Essence | A Brandname item! Now break it!
Any Item | Any item | Omega Essence | You get a Titan item! YAY!
Any Claw | Any Claw | Thief Essence | You get a Claw that steals Gil!

I'm pretty sure I'm missing some other good combinations, too! If you have any, please
let me know and I'll post them up! Email me at! Thanks!

Section 2.0 - Characters

Name: Chocobo
Specialty: Kick stones and/or bottles.
Quote: "Wark!"

The courageous main character.

Inquisitive by nature, Chocobo can be reckless. Though claiming to be tough and
unafraid of failure, Chocobo has been known to cry at times.

Chocobo can kick equipped stones or empty bottles. When items are kicked at a
target, they receive the effects of the item or take damage. For example, you kick
a stone at a target, they receive damage. If you kick a Sleep Card at a target,
they fall asleep.

Name: Mog
Specialty: Steal
Quote: "If it's about money, just ask me!"

Chocobo's closest (?) companion.

Mog joins Chocobo in order to travel around the world. Although he may be selfish
at times, Chocobo can usually rely on him.

Mog has the ability to steal items from enemies (YES!). However, you don't know
what you are going to get (DOH!). Even so, Mog can help you get enough treasures
and such. Mog's also a very powerful fighter. I noticed one thing, in the begin-
ning of the game, Mog stole quite a lot. At the end, he didn't steal as much. I
don't know why though.*

*Note: I realized what happened. In the end dungeon, I stocked up fully on items. Oops.

Name: Shiroma
Specialty: Heal
Quote: "You can count on me for white magic!"

A kindhearted White Mage.

This young girl is known to use holy power for healing. Being human, she is
generally distrusted by non-humans.

Shiroma only heals Chocobo if Chocobo's HP is low and when it's coloured yellow.
Don't expect too much healing from her. However, Shiroma's very powerful and can
be an awesome partner. Shiroma's also very important in the plot of the game.

Name: Cid
Specialty: Landmine
Quote: "I don't wanna hear none o'yer complaints about my machines!"

A passionate engineer with dreams of greatness.

A talented, well-known creator, he and his vehicle inventions may assist Chocobo
during the journey.

Cid's slow but powerful. His landmine ability is really good if you use it in a
hallway (heh heh heh). Just make sure that you don't step on it yourself. If
you want Cid to plant a landmine, just turn around and talk to him. He'll place
one right where he is. This is great if an enemy is tailing behind you.

Name: Black Magician
Specialty: Magic
Quote: "Stop by my lab sometime."

An expert in magic attacks who is proud of the quality spells he crafts.

A powerful sorcerer, the Black Magician can wipe out a large number of enemies with
a single stroke.

Although the description above sounds like he joins you, he doesn't. I just took
that right off the manual book. However, you'll be fighting against millions of
Black Mages. However, listen to his quote. The Black Mages in the village are
willing to help you. Give them whatever they need and they'll repay you back with
no harm.

Name: Chubby Chocobo
Specialty: Sell Items
Quote: "I'm hungry!" (I'm not surprised)

A pudgy Chocobo who loves to eat.

He's been called Chubby Chocobo for as long as he can remember. He loves to eat and
hates any form of exercise.

The Chubby Chocobo doesn't join you but does help you out every now and then. For
example, he gives you the key to Cid's tower, sells you items, and breaks the fall
for Chocobo and Cid in a battle with a big dungeon. Like said in his description,
he HATES exercise and that means walking.

Name: Golem
Specialty: Water Trees
Quote: "Small attacks no hurt me. Nope, not at all."

A stone giant created by magic.

A giant monster brought to life in order to protect his party. Since Golem's body
is made of stone, he is extremely strong.

Golem doesn't join you which makes me wonder why Squaresoft placed all these
characters into the manual and stating (or sounding like) they'll join you. The
Golem does protect some tree. Help him out and give up a couple of feathers. The
tree can live and the Golems can give you some items and possibly more feathers.
Golems are also enemies that you'll have to fight against. Don't worry. Even if
they have a huge defense, it usually takes them around two turns to attack.

Name: Behemoth
Specialty: Carve Sculptures
Quote: "You'll regret talking back to ME!"

A giant creature who boasts amazing powers.

Behemoth has a body the size of a mountain with mighty arms full of destructive

There aren't that many good Behemoths in the game. However, there is one that can
make scultptures and you can get feathers from them. This is the only useful known
purpose. However, when you fight Behemoths, prepare for quite a fight. They pack
a lot of HP and can kill!

Name: Goblin
Specialty: Annoy people
Quote: " 'Ere, I'm not like them dungeon geezers!"

Really a lonely monster?

The Goblin loves to play tricks, but when he returns to the Village, he behaves
himself - or so they say.

The Goblin (his name is really Gobly) doesn't play much in the role of the plot but
does get you cool items (like Dragon Essence). However, you'll fight against so
many of these things that it becomes annoying!

Name: Bahamut
Specialty: Breath Weapon
Quote: "......"

The King of the Dragons

A mystical dragon with great powers and fortitude. He only provides aid to those
who have his approval. His presence is shrouded in mystery.

Bahamut (a.k.a. the Keeper of Time) plays a major role in the plot. When you get a
Bahamut summon feather, feel lucky. This guy can "POW" and "BOOM" everywhere. You
don't get Bahamut normally if you go through the game but you do get him as a
feather under certain conditions (there are many).

Name: Mrs. Bomb
Specialty: Self Destruct
Quote: ???

Mrs. Bomb doesn't have any kind of descriptin given from the book. However, she is
really important. Thanks to Mog, you are able to rest and save at her house as
well as Shiroma's. Mrs. Bomb use to raise Shiroma but all the sudden had a change
in attitude.

Name: Kuz
Specialty: Laser Thingy
Quote: ???

Kuz doesn't appear until you've beaten the game through once. When you get the 2nd
adventure, you will be able to use Kuz. He's a freaky doll who has a laser shooting
head (cool!). He's rather weak unless you pair him up with Chocobo.

Section 3.0 - Basics of a Dungeon

One thing you should know is that each time you enter a dungeon, it's randomly made. If
you think that's a bad thing, think again. It's fun traveling new dungeons each time. A
hard-core RPG player will definitely love it (I do). And in the dungeons, there are many
things and devices.

Saving - How you save depends where you are. When you are in the village, visit either
Mrs. Bomb or Shiroma's house. Just walk up to the bed and you'll be asked if you
want to save or not. However, when you are inside of a dungeon, you'll need an item
called a Memory Tag in order to save. when you save inside a dungeon, you must go
to the next floor in order to receive that option of saving.

Fighting - Fighting in Chocobo's Dungeon 2 is different than any other RPG that most of
you have played. There is a turn based game. You'll have to get use to it. If
you move, enemies move. If you don't move, nothing happens. Also, when you attack,
you attack the direction you are currently facing unless you have some kind of claw.

Magic - Magic in this game is used through books, feathers, and stones. Whenever you
use a magic book, one gets used up. Whenever you use a magic stone, you summon
some kind of creature to attack. Whenever you use some summon feather, you'll get
a magical ally who will help you out.

Traps - Traps get really annoying sometime. They never happen when you expect them to
happen. There are many kinds of traps which I listed out below.

Trap What it does
-------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
Level UP Trap Levels up Chocobo by one level.
Lost-Child Trap Forgets the map.*
Spinning Trap Unequips all equipment and may throw some around.*
Warp Trap Warps Chocobo somewhere else.*
Landmine Landmines blow up and cause damage.
Nest Trap Drops your character to a lower floor.
Spike Trap Causes damage whenever you step on it.*
Sleep Trap Puts you to sleep.*
Frog Trap Makes Chocobo into a frog.
Invisible Trap Makes you invisible.
Confusion Trap Cause temporary confusion.
Poison Trap Poisons Chocobo.*
Attribute Traps Raises or cancels certain attributes (haste or slow).

Note: The ones with * don't disappear after you step on them.

Geysers - You can fill up empty bottles or exchange tonics for others. What you get
is random (I think). When you exchange or fill up a couple of times, the geyser
will run out of water. You can always refill with the geyser with a Geyser Card.

Stoves - You can combine weapons and saddles with this thing! You can either make a
claw or saddle stronger or weaker depending on what you do. All you need to com-
bine a claw or saddle is to have two claws or saddles and have either a fire or
lightning magic book. However, if you certain nuts or essences, you can make a
claw or saddle more powerful and advanced.

Dying - When you die (or faint) in a dungeon, you lose all your items (that's right,
even equipped ones). However, you won't lose Gil, your partner, or your feathers.
Even so, dying can get really annoying.

Section 4.0 - Tips and Tricks

* Kick cards at enemies to see various effects. For example, Poison cards poison enemies
and you might have known that. However, did you know if you kicked an Identify card at
an enemy, it will show its name and current HP? A Rust Card will reduce mechangical
monster's HP by 1/4. A Lost-Child Card makes an enemy scared to fight.
* Warp Stones, Teleport Tags, Warp Cards, and Teleport Boxes may be kicked at enemies to
make them warp somewhere else.
* Divide cards can split Claws and Saddles into two but their stats will be halved.
* Use Rust Cards when you want a Claw or Saddle to break faster so you can get the rare
feather inside.
* When you are in the frog condition, you can attack organic enemies and change them into
frogs as well! And if you are in a watery dungeon, you can move around in the water.
Sometimes you'll find an alternative exit as well!
* When you morph into a monster, you can use that monster's abilities by pressing L1.
Unlike the monster, you don't have to charge up so many turns. Instead, the action
happens immediately.
* Sometimes items and powerful equipment can be found in walls! Make sure you have a map
card to find out where and some Digging claws. Don't use Crash Stones or Nitro since
they have a good chance of blowing up the item (that's right, you can blow up items).
* When you morph into enemies, your movement type will be the same as theirs. If the
enemy could walk in water, you can walk in water. If the enemy can fly, you can fly.
If the enemy hovers, you can hover over traps.
* Amnesia Tonics paralyze targets so they are actually useful for something.
* Empty Bottles always do 4 damage. Power Stones and etc. are random and weak.
* If you want to get a feather from a claw or something, fuse it with an Earth Nut or
Digging Claw to give it the earth attribute. Just make sure when you fuse it, it is
not a Digger Claw and IS what you want it to be. Then, just go and kick through some
walls. It will break without having to go through the trouble of finding enemies and
monsters to kill.

Section 5.0 - Walkthrough

Location: Cape Dungeon
Party: Chocobo, Mog
Floors: 6
Enemies: Goblin, Guz, Dark Goblin, Wild Rat, Hedgehog, Nut Eater, Black Mage
Where you go when you die: Outside the dungeon

1F - On the first floor, Mog will introduce to you what a mysterious dungeon is. However,
don't expect the first floor to be a cakewalk. Search around and look for items and
the stairs going down. I would try to get to level 2 by the time I find the stairs
so I think you should, too. Also, try to save up on spells and such.

2F - On the second floor, Mog will notice a Goblin beating the lights out of a Guz and
then level up into a Dark Goblin. Mog suggests that you run away. However, if you
want to duke this guy out, launch some spells at it from a distance. I'd try to get
up to level 3 by now.

4F - When you reach the fourth floor, Chocobo thinks that they're stuck. Mog tells him
that you can move diagonally. Just press down and left at the same time and you'll
move diagonally (Whoa! Really HARD!). Afterwards, I'd try to level up by level 4.

6F - You can't do much here. Chocobo and Mog are automatically controlled. Mog finds a
switch but is too nervous to pull it. Chocobo wanders off and disappears. After
Mog hits the switch, Chocobo goes flying out of the dungeon, and Shiroma will nurse
Chocobo back to health.

Location: Shiroma's House
Party: Chocobo

After Shiroma introduces herself and leaves, you are free to do whatever you want. Make
contact with the bed in order to save. If you examine the bookshelf, you'll get a tonic
which you should name a Nitro Tonic when you get into the dungeon. That's just to give
you and idea what the Tonic is.

Location: Cape Dungeon
Party: Chocobo, Shiroma (but later)
Floors: 10
Enemies: Black Mage, Skeleton, Goblin, Guz, Kuz, Nut Eater, Hedgehog
Where you go when you die: Shiroma's House
Boss: Skullhammer

If you get killed, you can get some items in Shiroma's bookshelf. That's just to let you
know so you don't reenter the dungeon empty handed.

While you are in the dungeon, you might stumble across some bookshelves and such. Go up
to the bookshelves and you'll pick up a spell book. If you find a junk shelf, you can
get some random items.

1F - On the first couple of floors, you'll find yourself pretty familiar with the place.
Just explore around. i'd get up to level 5 by now.

2F - Start saving up on Fire books. Get up to level 6.

3F to 4F - Start collecting some claws and saddles and level up to 7.

5F - When you reach the fifth floor, you'll see a small scene of Shiroma and the Chubby
Chocobo. Shiroma wants to go on while the Chubby Chocobo chickens out (no pun

6F - You'll meet Shiroma here. If you've gotten any claws or saddles (at least two of
either) and a fire or thunder spell book, Shiroma can teach you how to combine claws
or saddles. Afterwards, she'll join you. If you have a Teleport Tag and you're low
on HP, teleport out now. It's always good to go back out of the dungeon and come
back more leveled up than ever. Level up to 8.

Note: Shiroma has the ability to heal. Whenever you are low on HP (when it's
yellow), Shiroma will heal you. However, don't expect her to do it every time.

10F - On the last floor, you'll meet Skullhammer, the boss of this dungeon. This is a
pretty hard fight. If you've gotten some good claws and saddles, don't worry. If
you have some Fire Books, it's time to use time.

Boss Fight: Skullhammer

Note: Skullhammer is weak against fire.

Skullhammer is quite a tough boss for a first boss. I died three times from this guy so
don't feel bad if you got killed quite a couple of times. Keep attacking him when he's
in his first form. Shiroma will heal you when you lose a lot of HP. Keep using those
Potions on yourself and blasting away with fire spells. When Skullhammer splits into
four parts: the skull, the 2 arms, and the heart, chase after the heart because that's
where Skullhammer will pull himself back together. However, you might receive a lot of
damage if you go around the skull and two arms. When Skullhammer pulls himself back
together, it's time to start attacking again.

Skullhammer can cast Quakara. When you see his ATB is long as heck, pound away while you
still can. When he casts Quakara, it's not a nice thing. Do around 250+ damage and
Skullhammer bites the dust.

11F - You'll see Mog here. He tries to open up the door to the treasure room. Inside,
Mog chases away the Guz and tries to get the treasure. However, the dungeon sinks
and the group is thrown out of the dungeon onto a beach. Oh great, there's goes
Shiroma's house!

Location: Beach
Party: Chocobo, Shiroma, Mog

This is just a short scene. Not much happens here. You learn that everybody's fine and
Mog hasn't gotten the treasure. After that chat is over, leave the beach and head to the
village. You'll be confronted by Mrs. Bomb and her kids.

Location: Village
Party: Chocobo, Shiroma (she leaves though), Mog (he leaves though)
Areas of Interest: Item Shop, Black Mage Lab, Chef le Tonberry's Restaurant, Gamedon's
Storage Shack, Mrs. Bomb's House, The Tree of Life, Beach, Shiroma's House, Ben's
House, Ben's Titan Sculpture

Mog agrees to stay with Mrs. Bomb for a while. When you go to speak with them, you'll
learn that Mog will want to get the treasure but puts the mission into the hands of our
hero. Mrs. Bomb mentions something about Cid and a submarine. However, the gate to
the man's tower is locked.

Go to Shiroma's house after the talking is over. Shiroma will tell you that only one
person has the key: Chubby Chocobo. Well, let's pay Chubby Chocobo in the item shop a

In the item shop, you'll see that Chubby Chocobo is working in the back. Talk to him
and he'll tell you why he has the key: to get deliver stuff to Cid's tower. He goes to
unlock the gate and becomes exhausted from walking a few feet. Walk diagonally out of
the item shop and explore the village.

--- Black Magic Lab: Talk to everybody here and you'll learn that they each need
something. If you talk to the head magician, he'll give you a feather out of
three: Fireball, Blizzard Storm, or Thunder Cross. If you want to get the feathers
you will have to reply yes to his question.

When you come back with a Cantrip Book, he'll offer some more feathers for the
Cantrip book. Like before, you can only choose one out of the selection: Slow,
Sleep, or Confusion. I would go for Sleep.

When you have a Spell Book, come back and he'll give you one out among five of some
feathers: Gravity, Meteorite, Doom, Flare, or Bio. I took Flare but whatever you
choose should be up to you.

In the magic lab, give Jesse any kind of Essence and give Biggs either a Fire or
Thunder Book. Man, Biggs should of just learned from Shiroma.

--- When you visit the basement of the magic shop, you'll find statues of all the
enemies you've fought.

--- If you visit Chef le Tonberry's restaurant, you'll learn that a drunk Malboro is
keeping all the customers away. Give the Malboro seven Thunder Books to shock it
in order for the Malboro to remember it's real form. Once you use the seven
Thunder Books (whew), you'll get the Ramuh feather! WOO HOO!

Later, Chef le Tonberry will have two new customers: Gobly and Gobbie. Talk to
them both a couple of items. Enter and reenter a couple of times also. When
Gobly is thinking about what he should give Gobbie, give him a summon stone. When
you come back, you learn that it hasn't worked. Chef le Tonberry is going to make
them a dish which can help them out. Give him either a Worm Essence or Octopus
Essence. Come back and Gobly and Gobbie will eat it. A dramatic scene occurs.
When you return, you'll have access to the Juice Bar which is in the upper left
corner of the restaurant.

In the Juice Bar, you'll find Lamy, a Lamia. She's looking for a Plant Essence.
Help her out and give her a Plant Essence. She'll give you a Dragon Essence and
access to the Juke Box which plays all the music in the game.

--- If you visit Ben the sculptor, he'll ask what you think is missing. Say an earthy
smell. Visit some time later and he'll ask for a Quake Book. Give it to him.
When you come back after you visit a dungeon, you'll meet Titan and get the Titan

When he returns home, he'll need some Crash stones. Give him a Crash Stone or a
Nitro tonic.

Later, Ben will be looking at another sculpture. Give him a Bahamut magic stone
and come back later. You'll get the Asura feather and meet Asura face to face!

--- The Tree of Life needs feathers to continue living. You can give up some or not.
I wouldn't since most of the items you get are nuts and stuff.

--- Buy some space in Gamedon's storage if you have enough. Once you do have enough
and has gone through the sixth floor in Cid's Tower, buy two Teleport Tags. Go
through the shortcut in the item shop and you'll meet Chip. Give him a Telpeort
Tag and when you return to Gamedon's storage, he'll increase the amount of space
to 20 items. Now, Gamedon can repair your claws or saddles for 1500 Gil or 2000.

--- In the item shop, you buy items (Gee). And whenever you reach a certain point in
the current dungeon you're in, a shortcut may appear. You can use the shortcut
to your will.

--- When you collect some items washed up on the beach, there is a counter. When you
have got the last one, a small little friend will meet you. The Sylph will now
join you and give you the Sylph feather!

Location: Cid's Tower
Party: Chocobo, Cid (he joins you later)
Floors: 15
Enemies: Cactus, Clay Golem, Imp, Onion, Roller, Floating Eye, Imp Robo #1, Thug, Thief,
Land Turtle, Gnome, Bomb, Hedgehog, Puppeter, MiniMage, Tonberry Jr.
Where you go when you die: Mrs. Bomb's House
Boss: Imp Robo #55

Unlike the other dungeons, you go up a floor instead of going down a floor in Cid's
Tower. The floors get harder and more confusing. You'll probably want some Crash Stones
and such.

There are strange machines in Cid's Tower. If you light them up with a Thunder Book and
they act as a torch. However, you can only activate them with Thunder Books.

If you run into Bombs (big red fireballs), don't use Nitro or Crash Stones on them or
they will divide into two. No, they can't fuse back.

Since you are able to get Gil now, you can finally buy stuff in dungeon shops which are
managed by Doom.

There are new treasure chests in Cid's Tower and going on. They are the Magic Sealed
Chests and the Thief Chests. To open a Magic Chest, you can either cast the Drain spell
or a specific type of spell. If the spell you choose (other than drain) is used and
you see a reaction like a small fireball, cast fire on the chest and you'll open it.
You'll need to get used to the reactions. However, there are some magic chest that
can only be opened by Thief Keys. Thief Chests requires a Thief Key which is dropped
from a Thief or Thug. In either one of these chests, you get awesome items.

1F to 2F - Level up to 9. Kill as many Cacti as you can to get more Gil.

3F - You'll meet up with Cid. He tells you what happened to his tower. When you see
an Imp climb into a robot vehicle, destroy it before they fuse. Help Cid get rid
of the Imps in the castle. Level up to 10.

4F to 9F - Collect as many items, equipment, etc. as you can. Save up on Thunder Books.
Level up to 15. It's worth it.

10F - There's an exit to the side of this dungeon. You'll appear in a peaceful stop
where you'll meet Bahamut for the first time. He mumbles something about time and
junk. Afterwards, he disappears. Also, you can buy Octopus Essence here for 3000
Gil which you might have gotten fron the cacti. You can give it to Jesse later.
Level up to 16.

11F to 13F - Collect and save up on Thunder Books and Ramuh stones if you have any. Go
and level up to 19.

14F - Cid will introduce you to his tank, the Cidtank. That's what he's going to use
against the boss on the next floor. Save and go up.

15F - You'll see two Imp Robo #1, and a boss robo. Here's the boss battle of the tower.
If you've gotten the Ramuh feather, you're fine. Just let Cid pound away until he's
wasted and then call out Ramuh.

Boss Fight: Imp Robo #55

Imp Robo #55 and Imp Robos #1 have weakness to lightning so that's why you should've
saved up on those Thunder Books!

Cid should be attacking from the very start. These guys shouldn't be too hard if you
are at level 19. If you are planning to cast spells, stay away from the Imp Robos.
Imp Robo #55 can attack from a long distance so becareful. I'd try to defeat Imp Robo
#55 first and then go after the two #1's. Imp Robo #55 has around 500+ HP meanwhile
his two sidekicks have 400+ each. Don't worry, if things get nasty, pull out Ramuh
and let him beat the nuts and bolts out of the three.

Once you win, Cid will reclaim his tower and the two start heading back to the village
since Chocobo forgot why it was supposed to find Cid. Shiroma reminds it and that
they need a submarine to reach the dungeon. Cid is pleased to use the submarine but
Chocobo makes such a big deal out of it.

Location: Sea Floor Dungeon
Party: Chocobo, Shiroma
Floors: 27
Enemies: Sahagin, Bomb, Puppeteer, Octopus, Land Turtle, Gatlinghog, Lamia, Pudding,
Magic Pot, Mudman, Ogre, Neon Magman, Necromancer, Blood Skeleton, Mummy,
Zombie, Gargoyle, Margoyle
Where you go when you die: Mrs. Bomb's House

1F to 3F - The area is mostly covered with water. Using a Waterwalk Collar will make
traveling easier for you. However, just because you can walk on water doesn't
mean Shiroma can. Level up to 22.
4F to 14F - Gather as many Thunder Books and Drain Books as possible. Level up to
Level 25.
15F - You will be at the stove of the dungeon. Here, you'll find Bahamut waiting for
Shiroma. He warns her that she should go back into her own time. After the
chatting is over, go down to the next floor.
16F to 21F - Start saving up on spells. Make sure you've got some Magic Stones as
well. Anything that is powerful should be saved. Level up to 30. Gather as
many Thunder Books and Drain Books as possible.
22F - You'll meet Bahamut for the second time in this dungeon. You'll learn about
Shiroma's past a little bit more. She was brought from the future in the machine
but monsters took over. This all happened when Shiroma was a baby. Afterwards,
Bahamut leaves Chocobo and Shiroma and it's time to continue on.
23F to 24F - Gather as many Thunder and Drain Books as possible. Level up to 32.
25F - Shiroma takes a while to get a breath. She looks at the ocean view. She talks
about Mog and why Chocobo travels with him.
26F - Level up to 33. Gather as many books as possible. Save and go on.
27F - Meet Ultros! The guy I hated so much in Final Fantasy 6! He's back, thankfully
without Chupon. This is a rather tough fight so prepare yourselves!

Boss Fight: Ultros

Ultros has a weakness to Thunder. Be sure that you have anything that hits them hard!

Ultros has three attackable parts: the head and two arms... er, tentacles. Focus all
your attention onto the head. Once the head dies, the tentacles die. The main reason
why you had to stock up on Drain Books is because Ultros loves to cast Drain. By
countering with your Drain attack, Ultros is more likely to lose HP than recover it.
When Ultros is filling up on Drain, hit him with a couple of Thunders. If you can, get
Shiroma close enough to attack. If you need to, summon Ramuh and let him attack.

Magic Stones are also very useful in this battle. They do around 250-300 damage at the
suggested level which is 33. Pound away Ultros and you'll be fine. If you have a
Carbuncle Stone, use it on yourself. You'll be shielded from many attacks. Once the
head is gone, you win.

As you procede into the next room, Shiroma gets kidnapped. However, they can't access
the future yet. When you find Shiroma's pendant, you exit.

You go back to the village and Cid decides to help out Chocobo look for Shiroma. He
reveals that Bahamut had the time to tell him but not the time to help prevent Shiroma's
kidnapping. Either way, Bahamut directed the group to go to the Snow Mountains.
Before you go, stock up on items, save, and then go.

Location: Snow Mountain
Party: Chocobo, Cid
Floors: 23
Enemies: Malboro, Mamon, Toad, Rock Slug, Worm, Giant Bat, Behemoth, Mole, Dark Titan,
Mousse, Elephant, Vulture, Gremlin
Where you go when you die: Mrs. Bomb's House

Try to get the Holy feather if you can. In order to cast Holy, you'll need a MegaSpell
Book. If you can, stock up on them. When you find a Holy Claw, use Polish cards on it
until it is +6 or higher. Then break the claw. You'll have a chance of getting the
Holy Feather. You'll need this feather. Also, save up on Fire Books and Spell Books
(if you have the Flare Feather).

1F to 3F - Fill up your empty bottles in the spring and use a Verify Card to see what
all those items are. You don't want to drink a Nitro Tonic on accident. The
Mamons in the forest occasionally drop Gil when defeated. Always kill them when
you can. You can fatten your wallet this way.
4F to 11F - You'll notice that the terrain and background changes a bit. Don't worry.
This doesn't really mean anything. By the way, the higher the dungeon floor, the
more likely you'll find items hidden in walls. Use your Map Card to figure it
out. Sometimes, you'll see little grey dots outside the dungeon floors. Use a
Diggin Claw or Crash Stone to get near them. If you are using a Crash Stone, be
sure not to blow it up.
12F - You'll learn that Mrs. Bomb was following you. She decides to help clear away
the block of ice that prevents you from continuing. After she tells why she wants
to help Shiroma, he'll blow up the ice and split into two. Now, it's time to go
on. By this floor, you should be level 38.
13F to 16F - Continue collecting spells. You'll notice that the terrain shifts into
ice. The Fire Books work wonders here but save them. That's not why you started
saving in the first place. Level up to 40.
17F - You'll find a small hut here. Inside is a Feast Nut which can refill your Energy
and life.
18F to 22F - You're probably all out of energy by now. Use a couple of Peanuts and
restore that energy! Make sure you've packed plenty of Hi-Potions too! If you
have any Summon Stones at this point, save them too! Level up to 42 at least.
23F - Meet the Glass Goth! He's the big, bad boss of this dungeon. He's pretty hard
to defeat, too! He asks for something you have but you don't know exactly what
it is.

Boss Fight: Glass Goth

Glass Goth is weak against Fire and Holy. If you are capable of casting those, you're
definitely prepared. It's time to go for it and dish it out!

Let Cid be the head on attacker. If you have a couple of Summon Stones, use it on the
Glass Goth. It will hinder his HP greatly. Afterwards, dish out with Fire, Flare, or
Holy. The Glass Goth has quite a number of strong attacks. If Cid dies and fails you,
summon Ramuh or Asura. Both of these are great powerful attackers. The Glass Goth
has many status spells so be sure to plan your strategies carefully! The Glass Goth
has around 2200+ HP.

Once the Glass Goth disappears, you'll head back into the maze. You receive another
visit from Bahamut and become more clear on Shiroma's background. Bahamut reveals that
the item which the Glass Goth needed was Shiroma's pendant. Chocobo wanders off and
finds Shiroma's image. Shiroma gets from Chocobo her pendant and leaves for the future.
When she disappears, you'll return to the future and get some visits inside Shiroma's
house. Chubby Chocobo comes in. Afterwards, you'll rush to the window and learn that
the sea dungeon is lifted into the air. Chocobo says that it recognizes it. Cid
decides that they should go back to Cid's Tower and get the Cidwind to battle the

Location: Cid's Tower
Party: Chocobo, Cid
Floors: 15
Enemies: Cactuar, Cactus, Golem, Toy Soldier, Gremlin, Drum Roller, Malboro,
Thief, Tonberry, Mini Druid, Imp Robo #55 (not the boss)
Where you go when you die: Mrs. Bomb's House

The good thing about Cid's tower is that it's relatively easy. It's also easy to gain
levels in. Once again, stock up on Thunder Books and have a couple of Ramuh Stones.
By now, the Chubby Chocobo should be selling some Hi-Potions for 200 Gil! Make sure
you have the Asura feather by now. Otherwise, scroll back up and look at the village
events with Ben.

Note: There's a new kind of trap: the nest trap. Whenever you step on it, you go down
a floor. This is advantageous in other dungeons but not in Cid's Tower since you go
up floors.

1F to 3F - Kill the Cactuars to fatten your wallet. If you want, teleport out and buy
some Hi-Potions to aid you on your journey. You might run into a bunch of blue
Imps that are called Gremlins. Don't let them teleport you elsewhere in a dungeon
since it gets really annoying. Level up to 41.
4F to 9F - There's not much here that's new. However, beef up your experience points
and kill some enemies. You'll need it but not for this dungeon. Keep those
Thunder Books rolling and you'll be fine. Level up to 45.
10F - You'll meet Bahamut (again) and you'll talk about Shiroma and the villagers.
After some weird talking, go on.
11F to 13F - Go kill as many things as you can. Once you've saved on the 13th floor,
get ready to rumble! Make sure you are level 47 by now.
14F - You'll see Cid climbing onto his Cidtank again.
15F - You'll meet Imp Robo #99 and two Imp Robo #55's. Like before, the robos are all
weak against thunder so Thunder Books, Ramuh Stones, and Ramuh himself makes good
pancake out of them.

Boss Fight: Imp Robo #99

Th Imp Robos have weakness to thunder. You'll want to whip their butts this time!

Pack flenty of Thunder Books. If you have the Thunder-Cross feather and the Imp Robos
are lined up, make it a chance to use it. Try to take out #99 first and then go for
#55's. The #99 can attack from a long distance so becareful. #55's can lay bombs on
the ground so go around them. You'll want to get out of a bomb's way before it's ATB
bar is completely red. You can also toast the bombs but I suggest saving the trouble.
Ramuh Stones can damage all the robos if you are positioned correctly. Dealing around
300-400 damage, using the Ramuh Stone is definitely worth it.

If Cid dies, replace him with Ramuh and continue pounding away. Once Robo #99 is gone
go take out the two sidekicks. #99 should have around 2500+ HP and the two sidekicks
should each have around 1000+ HP.

Once you win, you'll see an awesome cinema which I won't mind watching again. The Sea
Floor Dungeon has crashed near the forest and you'll have to go in there yourself to
save Shiroma. When you return to the village, Mog will ask to aid you in the finding
of Shiroma.

Location: Final Dungeon
Party: Chocobo, Mog
Floors: 26
Enemies: Mask, Stone Mask, Mudman, Butcher, Hill Gigas, Badger, King Behemoth, Demon,
Vampire, Malboro Ghoul, Wood Eyes, Garden Slug, Blood Worm, Poison Toad, Mist
Dragon, Shadow Dragon, Spirit Dragon, Grand Mummy, Metal Hitman, Holy Dragon,
Dark Bahamut, Red Dragon, Slimy Slug

Note: You'll meet the powerful dragons of this dungeon above the twenty-second floor.
The best way to defeat them is to stay in a distance and cast magic.

1F to 13F - In the first couple of floors, you'll go through the forest. Unlike some
of the other dungeons, you don't go down stairs in the first couple of floors.
Instead, you go up some entrances (you'll see what I mean). Also, the Wood Eyes
can drop Gil so grab and kill them. Level up to 55. Stock on up as many spells
of any kind as you can.
14F - You'll see the doors to the treasure here. Also, check the left side to get the
treasure chest with a saddle in in. Afterwards, use the stairs on the right side
to go up.
15F to 17F - You'll need to pound your way through these enemies. When you encounter
the slug like things, don't step on the puddles that they made. They'll cast slow
on you which isn't very good in this dungeon. By the way, break through some walls
and look for items. I've found a Gengi's Saddle once. Hopefully, you'll find it
too! By now, you should have high level claws and saddles. I had an Order Claw+25
with every element inside it and I think you should try to get one, too! It really
helps! Once again, get as many spells as you can and level up to 56.
18F - You'll see Bahamut again (again). This time, he adds Mog into the story. You'll
learn that in the beginning, the Guz that Mog chased away in the first dungeon had
became the Glass Goth. When Mog and Chocobo are thrown out of the dungeon, the
Guz returned and was asked a wish. The Guz immediately asked for power. Over the
years, the Guz became the powerful Glass Goth.
19F to 20F - Make sure you have a Memory Tag when you reach the 20F. However, don't
save there yet! Also, avoid the Masks for they can make you forget the names of
the items you had. Also level up to 57!
21F - You'll find the stove again! There should be a chest with a nut. Also, be sure
to save 'cause you'll be fighting some awefully hard enemies!
22F to 25F - You'll find lots of dragons here! Stay away from them or they'll blast
you with their breath. The dragons are best dealt with using magic. However,
don't waste all your magic! Save before you go to the 26th floor. I'd go to level
60 and be prepared as heck!
26F - He's the Glass Goth X! This guy's a nasty boss so prepare yourselves!

Boss Fight: Glass Goth X

The Glass Goth X is weak against fire and holy. Make sure you've got tons of Fire Books,
Spell Books for Flare, Ifrit Stones, Bahamut Stones, Hi-Potions, X-Potions, and even
other spell books!

Glass Goth X puts a hard battle into place! Becareful of his Jump attack! It's really
powerful and can do 80-100 damage unless you have a good saddle. Let Mog dish out the
attacks while you stay back and unload the Fire and Flare spells one right after the
other. Don't use the Ifrit and Bahamut Stones yet. Use Hi-Potions when you're low on
HP and use X-Potins when you really need them! If you ran out of Thunder books which I
did, use your strongest spells. You'll have to do 4500+ damage in order to kill Glass
Goth X. However, dealing that much doesn't mean you won yet!

Boss Fight: Glass Goth Z

Glass Goth Z has the same weakness as Glass Goth X so use the same attacking strategy.
However, Glass Goth Z has a Mouth Beam which shoots in a straight line. Well, when you
see his ATB bar go up, get away from the straight line. Continue hitting away with
Fire, Flare, Holy, etc. This time, use Ifrit and Bahamut as much as you can in the
beginning. If you have Carbuncle, use it on yourself to shield yourself from receiving
too much damage.

If Mog bites the dust, summon Ramuh, Asura, Ifrit, or anybody that has high attack
power. It's very important to have a partner in any boss battle. Summon Bahamut and
Ifrit when you can and let him have it. Don't let Glass Goth Z move around too much or
he'll aim the Mouth Beam at you and your partner. Keep an eye on your HP and if you're
low, run off and heal. If you stand in the same place and heal, the Glass Goth Z will
start charging the Mouth Beam or get close enough to attack.

The Glass Goth Z has around 4000+ HP so it's a pretty long fight. Once you win, you
beat the game! Once you do beat the game and finished watching the ending, don't turn
it off yet! Read the following after you've watched the ending.

Section 5.1 - The Ending

Warning: Contains spoilers!

Chocobo finds Shiroma in the room where Mog was trying to get the treasure. Shiroma hops
onto Chocobo's back and they both make a run for it to get out of the dungeon! Shiroma
falls off Chocobo's back and Chocobo goes tumbling down.

Chocobo then finds itself in Shiroma's house. Cid appears and says he found a little
critter. It's the Guz that Mog chased away! Shiroma appears and tells the Guz that
there's always another chance to start over. The Guz then transfers itself into the doll
that Shiroma has made earlier.

Later that day, Mog is leaving. Shiroma goes running over. Mog tells Shiroma that
Chocobo should stay behind. As Mog starts heading in his own direction, something stops
him. He turns around to see Chocobo behind. The two then start going away. Later that
night, the Guz inside the doll goes looking for Chocobo and Mog. This is the scene where
Chocobo and Mog was sleeping. The doll notices that both of them are asleep so it rests
itself by a tree. This is before the intro in Chocobo's Dungeon 2. Have fun waiting
through the credits!

Believe me, you'll want to wait after the credits are over. That's because there's more
to the game who think Chocobo's Dungeon 2 is so short! Welcome to the hardest part of
the game!

Section 5.2 - The Second Adventure

Now, you can replay each of the dungeons that you've finished before! Each one is harder
than the ones you've played since there are new rules and new stuff. There's even a
secret dungeon!

Before you start, you get to name the doll that was once the Guz. His default name is
Kuz so that's what I'll call him in this FAQ/Walkthrough.

All the dungeons that you've played in the game are accessable now except for the Cape
Dungeon. However, when you enter a certain dungeon, you'll only enter as either Shiroma,
Cid, Mog, or Kuz. And when you enter a dungeon, you'll lose the items you had in hand
and the character you entered the dungeon with has its level dropped to 1. However, this
doesn't affect Chocobo in the secret dungeon.

Whenever you clear a bonus dungeon, you automatically get a feather whether you have
it or not! The feather you get is random but seems to fall in categories. I,
however, don't know about these categories but you do seem to get certain kinds of

Dungeon Who goes Difficulty (out of 5) Feather Category
--------------------- -------------------- --------------------- -----------------------
Sea Floor Dungeon Shiroma 3/5 - Medium Magic Feather
Cid's Tower Cid (duh) 2/5 - Easy Stat/Magic Feather
Snow Mountain Kuz 4/5 - Difficult Summon Feather
Final Dungeon Mog 5/5 - Insane! Stat Feather
Secret Dungeon Chocobo + Partner 3/5 - Medium Random

The secret dungeon's entrance is said to be in the village. Take some time to explore.
When you give up, look below.

Secret Dungeon Entrance: Chubby Chocobo's Workshop (It's what you used as shortcuts

Location: Secret Dungeon
Party: Chocobo, Partner (either Mog, Shiroma, Cid, or Kuz)
Floors: 30
Enemies: Enough
Where you go when you die: Mrs. Bomb's House

10F - You'll run across two Skullhammers here. They're easier to kill than before. A
lot easier! However, you don't have to kill them. The exit is already open.
24F - You'll find Omega on this floor! I suggest running away from it. It can deal
200+ damage in one hit! Also, if you kill it with Empty Bottles, you get the Omega
Essence. However, I'll explain how to do it later.
30F - You'll find Leviathan here who doesn't want to be a boss. Just kill it off and
get the experience points.

Boss Fight: Leviathan

Don't bother casting ice spells on Leviathan. He's strong against it. Instead, cast
a rarity of Fire attacks including Ifrit.

Leviathan can cast Blizzard and Drain. Becareful! Have some Drain books to counter
Leviathan's Drain. If you decide to engage into physical combat, make sure you have the
Waterwalk Collar plus a good amount of Hi-Potions. Leviathan has a Gnaw attack that
pretty much "hurts" you. Also, Leviathan has two parts, a head and the tail. Don't
worry too much about the tail. If the head goes, so does the tail.

Leviathan can put up a pretty good fight. Make sure you have enough HP to begin with.
After that, make sure you have a good saddle and a good claw if you decide to be physical
about the fight. I suggest turning your partner into Ifrit if you have it. Otherwise,
get your partner close enough to attack Leviathan.

I believe Leviathan has around 6000+ HP for the head (!) and 2000+ HP for the tail (!).
If you have the Fireball feather, use it. Leviathan and its tail is likely to be close
enough to each other so you'll be able to hit two targets at once. I came with around
10 Fire Books the first time and realized that it wasn't enough. The second time, I
came around with 50 and it still wasn't enough! I suggest you pump out those Bahamut,
Asura, and Ifrit Stones at the very start. Then pump out Flare and Fire. This is a
darn hard battle! Stay in the inner land unless you have to go out and fight. Even if
you do, switch to 2 player mode, move your partner up, wack him, and move your partner
back. That ought to do the trick but becareful even still.

If you've beaten all the other dungeons and this one, you'll receive a secret ending
plus a prize in town which I won't spoil for you.

Section 6.0 - Item List

Note: I may be missing some items on this list. If you find any, tell e-mail me.

Section 6.1 - Spell Books

You'll find a rarity of spell books in the game. They each do different things. Here's
a small list of them.

Book Color Element??? Description
------------------ ----------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------
Fire Book Red Fire Book of Fire Magic.
Blizzard Book Light Blue Ice Book of Ice Magic.
Thunder Book Yellow Lightning Book of Lightning Magic.
Aero Book Green Wind Book of Wind Magic.
Quake Book Brown Earth Book of Earth Magic.
Drain Book Purple (none) Book of Life Magic.
Cantrip Book Light Grey (none) Book of Tricks. (statuses)
Spell Book Dark Grey (varies) Book of Spells.
MegaSpell Book Peach (varies) Book of Hard Spells.

Section 6.2 - Potions and Tonics

There are a number of Potions and Tonics out there. You'll have to see through the list
to make sure you've seen them all.

Item Description
----------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Potion Restores some HP. (around 30)
Hi-Potion Restores lots of HP. (around 100)
Elixir Restores all HP, Energy.
Antidote Removes Poison.
Remedy Cures all physical ailments.
Nitro Cause explosive damage.
Invis Causes invisibility. (temporary)
Damage Reduces HP by half. (current)
Poison Poisons target. (temporary)
Slow Slows down target. (temporary)
Haste Speeds up target. (temporary)
Silence Can't use magic (temporary)
Eye-Drops Traps become visible.
Dispel Removes curses.
Spell Equipment becomes cursed.
Amnesia Forget all item names.
Blind Can't see around you. (temporary)
X-Potion Restores all HP.
Morph Turns you into a monster. (temporary)

Section 6.3 - Essences

Essences are captured when you kill a monster with an Empty Bottle. Empty Bottles only
do 4 damage each hit, just to let you know.

Name: Bomb Essence
Description: Cause explosive damage.
Effect on Claw: Adds Fire
Effect on Saddles: Resists Fire
Comments: Useful for making those multi-elemental claws or saddles.

Name: Creature Essence
Description: Increases Max HP
Effect on Claw: Durability to 50
Effect on Saddles: Durability to 50
Comments: This stuff is great! Drinking or mixing has no cons!

Name: Critter Essence
Description: Restores some energy.
Effect on Claw: Reduces chance of missing.
Effect on Saddles: Raises Dodge.
Comments: I suggest you mix this with equipments.

Name: Demon Essence
Description: Raises one magic level.
Effect on Claw: None
Effect on Saddles: None
Comments: Judging from above, drink it.

Name: Dragon Essence
Description: Useful for combining.
Effect on Claw: Fire Element
Effect on Saddles: Acts as a superior and merge seed.
Comments: I suggest mixing it with saddles.

Name: Floateye Essence
Description: Puts target to sleep.
Effect on Claw: Adds Sleep.
Effect on Saddles: Resists Sleep.
Comments: Mixing it would be more rewarding.

Name: Giant Essence
Description: Restores lots of HP.
Effect on Claw: Raises toughness.
Effect on Saddles: Raises toughness.
Comments: Mix it.

Name: Goblin Essence
Description: Restores lots of Energy
Effect on Claw: None
Effect on Saddles: None
Comments: Drink it since there's nothing better to do with it.

Name: Iceman Essence
Description: Adds Ice element
Effect on Claw: Adds Ice
Effect on Saddles: Resists Ice
Comments: Mix it for the ice element.

Name: Imp Essence
Description: Restores lots of Energy
Effect on Claw: Raises Critical
Effect on Saddles: Raises SPDEF.
Comments: This inceases stats better.

Name: Jelly Essence
Description: Adds Wind element.
Effect on Claw: Adds Wind.
Effect on Saddles: Resists Wind.
Comments: This makes it easier to get the wind element.

Name: Lamia Essence
Description: Causes Confusion
Effect on Claw: Makes claw a Brandname Claw. Thanks to
Effect on Saddles: Makes saddle a Brandname Saddle. Thanks to
Comments: Kick it at enemies.

Name: Mage Essence
Description: Can't use any magic.
Effect on Claw: Adds Silence.
Effect on Saddles: Resists Silence.
Comments: Mix it with a saddle. That way, you don't have to worry about being mute.

Name: Magman Essence
Description: Adds Fire element
Effect on Claw: Adds Fire
Effect on Saddles: Resists Fire
Comments: Mix it. Better that way.

Name: Mask Essence
Description: Adds Reflect ability.
Effect on Claw: Raises toughness.
Effect on Saddles: Raises toughness.
Comments: I suggest you save this until you reach bosses.

Name: Merman Essence
Description: Adds Ice element.
Effect on Claw: Adds Ice.
Effect on Saddles: Resists Ice.
Comments: Mix it with items.

Name: MiniMage Essence
Description: Shrinks target.
Effect on Claw: Adds Mini
Effect on Saddles: Resists Mini.
Comments: Mix it onto the saddle. That protects you from being shrunk.

Name: Mole Essence
Description: Can't see around you.
Effect on Claw: Adds Earth/Digging.
Effect on Saddles: Resists Earth.
Comments: Use this to blind enemies or just make equipment stronger.

Name: Mousse Essence
Description: Adds Ice element.
Effect on Claw: Adds Ice.
Effect on Saddles: Resists Ice.
Comments: Use this for equipment.

Name: Mudman Essence
Description: Slows down target
Effect on Claw: Adds Slow
Effect on Saddles: Resists Slow
Comments: I suggest placing this in a saddle.

Name: Octopus Essnece
Description: Restores some HP, Energy.
Effect on Claw: Adds Confuse
Effect on Saddles: Same as using Set and Fusion seeds.
Comments: Place in any item.

Name: Omega Essence
Description: Restores all HP, Energy
Effect on Claw: Makes it a Titan Claw.
Effect on Saddles: Makes it a Titan Saddle.
Comments: Make a claw or saddle! It's more rewarding since you worked your butt off.

Name: Plant Essence
Description: Restores lots of HP, Energy.
Effect on Claw: Adds Poison.
Effect on Saddles: Resists Poison.
Comments: Place it in a saddle so you don't have to worry about being poisoned.

Name: Pudding Essence
Description: Adds Fire element.
Effect on Claw: Adds Fire.
Effect on Saddles: Resists Fire.
Comments: Add it an item.

Name: Slug Essence
Description: Slows down target.
Effect on Claw: Adds Slow.
Effect on Saddles: Resists Slow.
Comments: Place it in a saddle. Better off that way.

Name: Thief Essence
Description: Speeds up target.
Effect on Claw: Steals Gil when attack.
Effect on Saddles: Raises Dodge
Comments: Place in a claw to have the effects of a Gil Claw.

Name: Toad Essence
Description: Turns target into frog.
Effect on Claw: None
Effect on Saddles: None
Comments: Kick 'em!

Name: Tonberry Essence
Description: Restores lots of Energy.
Effect on Claw: Raises Critical.
Effect on Saddles: Raises SP Defense.
Comments: Place it in a claw to have better effects.

Name: Turtle Essence
Description: Slows down target.
Effect on Claw: Raises toughness.
Effect on Saddles: Raises toughness.
Comments: Mix 'em with items.

Name: Undead Essence
Description: Causes Confusion.
Effect on Claw: Adds Confuse.
Effect on Saddles: Resists Confuse.
Comments: Place it in a saddle.

Name: Vampire Essence
Description: Restores all HP, Energy
Effect on Claw: Adds Drain
Effect on Saddles: Resists Drain
Comments: Place it in a saddle to prevent those deadly drain attacks.

Name: Wing Essence
Description: Adds Wind element.
Effect on Claw: Adds Wind.
Effect on Saddles: Resists Wind.
Comments: Mix it.

Name: Worm Essence
Description: Restores some HP, Energy
Effect on Claw: Reduces chance of missing.
Effect on Saddles: Same as Level UP and Merge seed.
Comments: Place it in either a claw or saddle. No cons!

Whew! That's over with! Have fun looking!

Section 6.4 - Cards

There are a varity of cards found in Chocobo's Dungeon 2. And most of the time, they
don't seem like good things. However, use this list to figure out what they do.

Card Name Description
---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Identify Identifies one item.
Verify Identifies all items.
Confusion Causes Confusion. (temporary)
Sleep Puts target to sleep. (temporary)
Frog Turns target into a frog. (temporary)
Mini Shrinks target. (temporary)
Doom Calls Doom. (not good)
Geyser Refills springs. (you must be in front of an empty geyser)
Map Displays level map.
Warp Warps target somewhere.
LostChild Makes you forget map. (kick to make target not want to fight)
Divide Causes item to divide.
Polish Improves equipment. (kick to increase monster's level)
Dull Degrades equipment. (kick to decrease monster's level)
Repair Raises DUR.
Rust Lowers DUR. (useful for breaking equipment)
Reflect Adds Reflect ability.
Morph Causes item to change. (risky)

You can also kick cards at targets too. For example, a Sleep Card can cause a monster to
fall asleep. A Warp Card can send a target elsewhere. An Identify Card will see what's
the target's name and it's remaining HP.

Section 6.5 - Nuts

There are a whole bunch of nuts in the game. Most of the time, they're advantageous in
both battle and equipment making. However, there are exceptions.

Nut Description
---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Peanut Restores some Energy. (around 30)
Lasan Restores lots of Energy. (around 100)
Tired Reduces Energy. (around 40)
Energy Raises MAX Energy. (by 10)
Lethargy Reduces MAX Energy. (by 10)
Tasty Restores some HP, Energy. (around 30)
Feast Restores lots of HP, Energy. (around 100)
Rotten Reduces some HP. (10)
Life Raises MAX HP.
LevelUp Raises level by one.
LevelDown Reduces level by one.
Wisdom Raises magic level by one. (only one magic level)
Speed Speeds up target.
Slowpoke Slows down target.
Fire Seed Adds Fire Power. (for equipment making)
Ice Seed Adds Ice Power. (for equipment making)
Wind Seed Adds Wind Power. (for equipment making)
Lightning Seed Adds Lightning Power. (for equipment making)
Holy Seed Adds Holy Power. (for equipment making)
Earth Seed Adds Earth Power. (for equipment making)
Merge Seed Can merge elements. (for equipment making)
Remove Seed Removes special effects. (for equipment making)
Fusion Seed Fuses two special effects. (for equipment making)
Level Seed Useful for combining. (for equipment making)
Superior Seed Useful for combining. (for equipment making)
Set Seed Useful for combining. (for equipment making)

Whew! There goes another list! You can also kick some of the nuts around such as the
Slowpoke seed. Save most of the Merge Seeds and Fusion Seeds. Those tend to be really
useful in the process of making equipment.

Section 6.6 - Misc. Items

There are also items that don't go into really any category so I just placed them into
the Misc. section.

Name Description
---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Whistle Get item from storage. (you don't choose)
Teleport Box Send item to storage.
Thief Key Opens Thief Chest.
Mystery Tag Raises all magic levels.
Teleport Tag Exit the dungeon. (or kick at enemies to make them warp)
Carry Tag Increases inventory. (by 1)
Memory Tag Save at stairs. (only)
Pink Tag (I don't know the description but it makes text in the game pink).

Section 6.7 - Magic Stones

Magic Stones are also known as Summon Stones. They contain great power and all. Use
them only when you need to or if you want to place a statue in the Black Mage's basement.

Esper Description
---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Ramuh Lightning summon magic.
Shiva Ice summon magic.
Ifrit Fire summon magic.
Titan Earth summon magic.
Sylph Wind summon magic.
Carbuncle Invincible summon magic.
Unicorn Restores all summon magic.
Odin Powerful ally summon.
Bahamut Breath attack summon.
Asura Elemental/heal summon.

Section 7.0 - Equipment

There's a huge number of equipment on the list. However, I fear that I may be missing
some. If you do find any that I don't, I'll put them in.

There are four things that you may equip. They include Claws (your weapon), Saddles
(your armor), Collars (your accessory), and Stones (your... missiles). Each one of the
claws, saddles, collars, and stones do different effects. That's why they would have to
be told about.

Section 7.1 - Claws

Claw Name: Absolute
Description: Strong, but no level up
Comments: This stinks since you can't level it up.

Claw Name: Arc
Description: Perm a forward sweep
Comments: useful for attacking multiple enemies.

Claw Name: Blitz
Description: Contains Lightning power
Comments: BTZZZZ!!!

Claw Name: Brandname
Description: Strong with brandname set
Comments: Change it to a feather.

Claw Name: Chaos Magic
Description: Contains Confusion magic
Comments: Boom! Enemies are confused!

Claw Name: Critical
Description: Easier to get critical
Comments: More critical hits!

Claw Name: Cross
Description: Perform a cross-shape attack
Comments: Nice claw!

Claw Name: Crystal
Description: Made of crystal
Comments: Good defense.

Claw Name: Digging
Description: Can dig through walls
Comments: Mine through the dungeons!

Claw Name: Dwarf
Description: Contains Shrink magic
Comments: Shrinks them enemies!

Claw Name: Flame
Description: Contains Fire power
Comments: I rather break this for the Ifrit summon.

Claw Name: Frog
Description: Contains frog magic
Comments: Changes enemies to frogs. Then they run away.

Claw Name: Genji's
Description: Pretty good claw
Comments: Very strong claw!

Claw Name: Gil
Description: Get more Gil
Comments: Money!!!!

Claw Name: Gambling
Description: See what happens (it just causes a lot of status effects)
Comments: Nice since it causes status effects.

Claw Name: Grudge
Description: Cursed powerful item
Comments: I don't like this thing.

Claw Name: Healing
Description: Attack enemy and heal HP
Comments: Heals you randomly.

Claw Name: Holy
Description: Contains Holy power
Comments: Break it for a feather. There's lots of Holy Claws, too!

Claw Name: Hurricane
Description: Contains Wind power
Comments: Wind elemental!!!

Claw Name: Iron
Description: Made of iron
Comments: Break it for feathers! There's plenty!

Claw Name: Kiai (in Cantonese, that means idiot)
Description: Gets you tired fast
Comments: Not useful unless you have the Endure Collar.

Claw Name: King's
Description: High MAX level
Comments: No special attribute, really.

Claw Name: Lite
Description: Lightweight, easy to use
Comments: Just a claw...

Claw Name: Multi
Description: Perform a 5-way attack
Comments: Enemies! Beware!

Claw Name: Mythril
Description: Made of Mythril
Comments: Nothing special.

Claw Name: Order
Description: Attacks forward and back
Comments: You in the back of me? Die!

Claw Name: Poison
Description: Contains Poison magic
Comments: They got poisoned... sucks for them!

Claw Name: Silent
Description: Cancels Spell casting
Comments: Adds mute! Bye bye, mages.

Claw Name: Sleep
Description: Contains Sleep magic
Comments: zzzzz...

Claw Name: Slowpoke
Description: Contains Slow magic
Comments: Let enemies know how painful it is to be slow.

Claw Name: Spin-Kick
Description: Attack in all directions
Comments: Awesome claw!!! Keep it!!!

Claw Name: Titan
Description: Made of titanium
Comments: Very hard to get. Also, very strong!

Claw Name: Vampire
Description: Sucks out Essence
Comments: A hard to get but worth it claw.

Claw Name: Vibro
Description: Strong but misses a lot
Comments: I don't like it.

Claw Name: Weak
Description: As HP are lost, ATK increases
Comments: Only put this on when you are critical.

Claw Name: Wood
Description: Made of wood
Comments: Break them for feathers! There's plenty to go around!

A large list right? I definitely agree! That makes me wonder why I even bothered to
try and get the claws. Oh yeah! The FAQ!

Section 7.2 - Saddles

Saddle: Absolute
Description: Strong but no level up
Comments: Strong...

Saddle: Brandname
Description: One of the Brandname set
Comments: I just collect the Brandname set...

Saddle: Calm
Description: Hard to be confused
Comments: Mix it!!!

Saddle: Counter
Description: Returns 1/4 damage
Comments: Place it against Doom!

Saddle: Crystal
Description: Made of crystal
Comments: Nice and strong!

Saddle: Earth
Description: Strong against Earth
Comments: Nice... saddle.

Saddle: Flame
Description: Strong against Fire
Comments: Strong for fire.

Saddle: Genji's
Description: Pretty good saddle
Comments: Hard to find but worth it!

Saddle: Grudge
Description: Cursed but strong item
Comments: Get them from Tonberries.

Saddle: Holy
Description: Strong against Holy
Comments: Not really useful since there aren't many holy attacks from enemies.

Saddle: Ice
Description: Strong against Ice
Comments: Good protection v.s. Ice!

Saddle: Iron
Description: Made of iron
Comments: Very simple saddle.

Saddle: Lightning
Description: Strong against Lightning
Comments: Lightning doesn't do much damage to you any more!

Saddle: Mirage
Description: Causes enemy to miss
Comments: Nice but I rather use Thief essences!

Saddle: Mythril
Description: Made of Mythril
Comments: Typical.

Saddle: No-Dwarf
Description: Hard to be shrunk
Comments: Mix it!

Saddle: No-Frog
Description: Hard to be turned into a frog
Comments: Mix it!

Saddle: No-Poison
Description: Hard to be poisoned
Comments: Mix it more!

Saddle: No-Silence
Description: Hard to be silenced
Comments: Mix it!

Saddle: No-Sleep
Description: Hard to be put to sleep
Comments: No more sleepy traps!

Saddle: No-Slow
Description: Hard to be slowed
Comments: Mix it!

Saddle: Reflect
Description: Reflects 1/4 magic
Comments: Not as I hoped that it will give the reflect status.

Saddle: Ribbon
Description: Helps avoid bad effects
Comments: Easier than mixing all those No-etc. saddles.

Saddle: Titan
Description: Made of titanium
Comments: This is a really worth it strong saddle!

Saddle: Weak
Description: As HP are lost, DEF decreases
Comments: I don't suggest you use this unless you are in critical.

Saddle: Wind
Description: Strong against Wind
Comments: Fairly good but little enemies use wind.

Saddle: Wood
Description: Made of wood
Comments: Generic saddle.

Yep! There's also a huge list for the equipment list also! It's a shame that your
partner cannot equipment these. However, it makes sense.

Section 7.3 - Collars

The various collars do various things. They could be either advantageous or deadly. It
is hard to find out what a collar does. Because if you equip it, it doesn't say what the
Collar is unless you identify it.

Collar: Bargain
Description: Buy items cheaper (Sorry, Chubby Chocobo)
Comment: Heh heh heh...

Collar: Burden
Description: Easy to get tired
Comment: Usually cursed.

Collar: Brandname
Description: One of the Brandname set
Comment: None, really.

Collar: CrazyClaw
Description: Freezes DUR
Comment: Awesome for those cool claws!

Collar: CrazySaddle
Description: Freezes DUR
Comment: Awesome for those cool saddles!

Collar: Cursed
Description: Cures all equipment
Comment: I hate this thing.

Collar: Demon
Description: Know monsters' locations
Comment: Map cards are more useful.

Collar: Endure
Description: Freezes HP and Energy (this is awesome! Whip those summons out!)
Comment: Summoned partners can now whip butt!

Collar: Energy
Description: Tire slowly, heals quickly
Comment: Really useful especially in a long dungeon!

Collar: Guard
Description: Protects against theft
Comment: Not really useful since there are little enemies who steal.

Collar: Life
Description: Nulls level Drain
Comment: Useful v.s. Ultros and Leviathan.

Collar: Magic
Description: Improves magic
Comment: More power!

Collar: Memory
Description: Won't forget map
Comment: Don't worry about those Lost-Child cards!

Collar: No-Magic
Description: Strong against magic
Comment: Magic can't harm you now!!!

Collar: No-Traps
Description: Never get caught in traps
Comment: Okay unless you step past those level up traps.

Collar: Penalty
Description: Always get caught in traps
Comment: Throw or sell this.

Collar: Recover
Description: Easy to recover HP
Comment: Get HP faster!

Collar: Stamina
Description: Hard to get tired
Comment: Lose energy slower.

Collar: Strikeout
Description: Misses more often
Comment: Sell this.

Collar: Unlucky
Description: Hard to recover HP
Comment: Sell this.

Collar: Waterwalk
Description: Can walk on water
Comment: Water only. Not lava!

Section 8.4 - Stones, Bottles

You can also equip Stones and Bottles too. Press L1 to kick the equipped Stone or Bottle
that you have.

Item Name: Crash Stone
Description: Kick to break walls
Comment: These become useless once you have the Power Shoot and Drill Shoot Feathers...

Item Name: Empty Bottle
Description: For water and Essence
Comment: These are essential for capturing Essences. They always do 4 damage.

Item Name: Power Stone
Description: Hurts when it hits
Comment: Use with Power Shoot and Drill Shoot.

Item Name: Stone
Description: Kick at monsters
Comment: I perfer Power Stones but these come early in the game.

Item Name: Warp
Description: Go to new location
Comment: Only use when you're stuck in a group of enemies or facing annoying enemies.

That's about it for the equipment! There's quite a lot of equipment. You just got to
learn how to use it wisely. You don't want to use a Waterwalk Collar in a lava filled
area. That doesn't work!

Section 8.0 - Equipment Break List for Feathers

Whenever you break a Claw or Saddle, you have a chance of getting a really cool feather.
However, sometimes you just don't know what kind of feather you are going to get. If you
break a Claw or Saddle and don't receive any feather, that Claw or Saddle might not be
over level +1 or may be a result of a combination. However, don't rely on the list below
for complete accuracy. To ensure that you get the feather you want, always go a level or
two higher to get a better chance.

Note: This list applies for both claws and saddles. For example, you can the same thing
from a Holy Claw and a Holy Saddle so why bother putting it twice?

Name: Arc
LV+1: -
LV+2: -
LV+3: -
LV+4: -
LV+5: -
LV+6: Summon UP
LV+7: Summon UP
LV+8: Summon UP
LV+9: Summon UP
Over: Summon UP

Name: Blitz
LV+1: Thunder Cross
LV+2: Thunder cross
LV+3: Thunder Cross
LV+4: Thunder Cross
LV+5: Thunder Cross
LV+6: Ramuh

Name: Brandname (Claw)
LV+1: -
LV+2: -
LV+3: -
LV+4: -
LV+5: -
LV+6: Meteorite
LV+7: Meteorite
LV+8: Meteorite
LV+9: Meteorite
Over: Meteor

Name: Brandname (Saddle)
LV+1: -
LV+2: -
LV+3: -
LV+4: -
LV+5: -
LV+6: Meteorite
LV+7: -
LV+8: -
LV+9: -
OVER: Bahamut

Name: Calm
LV+1: Confusion
LV+2: Confusion
LV+3: Confusion
LV+4: Confusion
LV+5: Confusion
LV+6: Ramuh
LV+7: Ramuh
LV+8: Ramuh
LV+9: Ramuh

Name: Chaos
LV+1: Confusion
LV+2: Confusion
LV+3: Confusion
LV+4: Confusion
LV+5: Confusion
LV+6: Ramuh
LV+7: Ramuh
LV+8: Ramuh
LV+9: Ramuh

Name: Counter
LV+1: Bio
LV+2: Bio
LV+3: Bio
LV+4: Bio
LV+5: Bio
LV+6: Odin
LV+7: Odin
LV+8: Odin
LV+9: Odin

Name: Critical
LV+1: Critical UP
LV+2: Critical UP
LV+3: Critical UP
LV+4: Critical UP
LV+5: Critical UP
LV+6: Gravity

Name: Cross
LV+1: Remove
LV+2: Remove
LV+3: Remove
LV+4: Remove
LV+5: Remove
LV+6: Holy
LV+7: Holy
LV+8: Holy
LV+9: Holy

Name: Crystal
LV+1: Flare
LV+2: Flare
LV+3: Flare
LV+4: Flare
LV+5: Flare
LV+6: Carbuncle
LV+7: Carbuncle
LV+8: Carbuncle
LV+9: Carbuncle

Name: Digging
LV+1: Quake All
LV+2: Quake All
LV+3: Quake All
LV+4: Quake All
LV+5: Quake All
LV+6: Titan

Name: Dwarf
LV+1: Mini
LV+2: Mini
LV+3: Mini
LV+4: Mini
LV+5: Mini
LV+6: Sylph
LV+7: Sylph
LV+8: Sylph
LV+9: Sylph

Name: Earth
LV+1: Quake All
LV+2: Quake All
LV+3: Quake All
LV+4: Quake All
LV+5: Quake All
LV+6: Titan
LV+7: Titan
LV+8: Titan
LV+9: Titan

Name: Flame
LV+1: Fireball
LV+2: Fireball
LV+3: Fireball
LV+4: Fireball
LV+5: Fireball
LV+6: Ifrit
LV+7: Ifrit
LV+8: Ifrit
LV+9: Ifrit

Name: Frog
LV+1: Frog
LV+2: Frog
LV+3: Frog
LV+4: Frog
LV+5: Frog
LV+6: Super Shoot
LV+7: Super Shoot
LV+8: Super Shoot
LV+9: Super Shoot

Name: Frozen
LV+1: Blizzard Storm
LV+2: Blizzard Storm
LV+3: Blizzard Storm
LV+4: Blizzard Storm
LV+5: Blizzard Storm
LV+6: Shiva
LV+7: Shiva
LV+8: Shiva
LV+9: Shiva

Name: Gambling
LV+1: Critical UP
LV+2: Critical UP
LV+3: Critical UP
LV+4: Critical UP
LV+5: Critical UP
LV+6: Random Summon
LV+7: Random Summon
LV+8: Random Summon

Name: Genji's (Claw)
LV+1: -
LV+2: -
LV+3: -
LV+4: -
LV+5: -
LV+6: Ultima
LV+7: Ultima
LV+8: Ultima
LV+9: Ultima

Name: Genji's (Saddle)
LV+1: Def UP
LV+2: Def UP
LV+3: Def UP
LV+4: Def UP
LV+5: Def UP
LV+6: Def UP
LV+7: Def UP
LV+8: Def UP
LV+9: Def UP

Name: Grudge (Claw)
LV+1: Atk UP
LV+2: Atk UP
LV+3: Atk UP
LV+4: Atk UP
LV+5: Atk UP
LV+6: Bio
LV+7: Bio
LV+8: Bio
LV+9: Bio

Name: Grudge (Saddle)

Name: Healing
LV+1: Drain UP
LV+2: Drain UP
LV+3: Drain UP
LV+4: Drain UP
LV+5: Drain UP
LV+6: Unicorn
LV+7: Unicorn
LV+8: Unicorn
LV+9: Unicorn
Over: Unicorn

Name: Holy
LV+1: Magic UP
LV+2: Magic UP
LV+3: Magic UP
LV+4: Magic UP
LV+5: Magic UP
LV+6: Holy
LV+7: Holy
LV+8: Holy
LV+9: Holy
Over: Holy

Name: Hurricane
LV+1: Aero All
LV+2: Aero All
LV+3: Aero All
LV+4: Aero All
LV+5: Aero All
LV+6: Sylph
LV+7: Sylph
LV+8: Sylph
LV+9: Sylph

Name: Iron
LV+1: Max HP UP
LV+2: Max HP UP
LV+3: Max HP UP
LV+4: Max HP UP
LV+5: Max HP UP
LV+6: Exp UP
LV+7: Exp UP
LV+8: Exp UP
LV+9: Exp UP

Name: Kiai
LV+1: Atk UP
LV+2: Atk UP
LV+3: Atk UP
LV+4: Atk UP
LV+5: Atk UP
LV+6: Doom
LV+7: Doom
LV+8: Doom
LV+9: Doom
Over: Doom

Name: King's
LV+1: Max HP UP
LV+2: Max HP UP
LV+3: Max HP UP
LV+4: Max HP UP
LV+5: Max HP UP
LV+6: Holy
LV+7: Holy
LV+8: Holy
LV+9: Holy
Over: Holy

Name: Lite (Claw)
LV+1: Haste
LV+2: Haste
LV+3: Haste
LV+4: Haste
LV+5: Haste
LV+6: Phoenix
LV+7: Phoenix
LV+8: Phoenix
LV+9: Phoenix

Name: Lite (Saddle)
LV+1: Haste
LV+2: Haste
LV+3: Haste
LV+4: Haste
LV+5: Haste
LV+6: Random Summon
LV+7: Random Summon
LV+8: Random Summon
LV+9: Random Summon

Name: Mirage
LV+1: Remove
LV+2: Remove
LV+3: Remove
LV+4: Remove
LV+5: Remove
LV+6: Meteor
LV+7: Meteor
LV+8: Meteor

Name: Multi
LV+1: Recover UP
LV+2: Recover UP
LV+3: Recover UP
LV+4: Recover UP
LV+5: Recover UP
LV+6: Odin
LV+7: Odin
LV+8: Odin
LV+9: Odin

Name: Mythril (Claw)
LV+1: Critical UP
LV+2: Critical UP
LV+3: Critical UP
LV+4: Critical UP
LV+5: Critical UP
LV+6: Atk UP
LV+7: Atk UP
LV+8: Atk UP
LV+9: Atk UP

Name: Mythril (Saddle)
LV+1: Critical UP
LV+2: Critical UP
LV+3: Critical UP
LV+4: Critical UP
LV+5: Critical UP
LV+6: Defense UP
LV+7: Defense UP
LV+8: Defense UP
LV+9: Defense UP

Name: No-Dwarf
LV+1: Mini
LV+2: Mini
LV+3: Mini
LV+4: Mini
LV+5: Mini
LV+6: Sylph
LV+7: Sylph
LV+8: Sylph
LV+9: Sylph

Name: No-Silence
LV+1: Silence
LV+2: Silence
LV+3: Silence
LV+4: Silence
LV+5: Silence
LV+6: Ifrit
LV+7: Ifrit
LV+8: Ifrit
LV+9: Ifrit

Name: No-Sleep
LV+1: Sleep
LV+2: Sleep
LV+3: Sleep
LV+4: Sleep
LV+5: Unicorn
LV+6: Unicorn
LV+7: Unicorn
LV+9: Unicorn

Name: Order
LV+1: Miss Down
LV+2: Miss Down
LV+3: Miss Down
LV+4: Miss Down
LV+5: Miss Down
LV+6: Shiva
LV+7: Shiva
LV+8: Shiva
LV+9: Shiva
Over: Shiva

Name: Poison
LV+1: Poison
LV+2: Poison
LV+3: Poison
LV+4: Poison
LV+5: Poison
LV+6: Power UP
LV+8: Power UP
LV+9: Power UP
Over: Power UP

Name: Reflect
LV+1: Gravity
LV+2: Gravity
LV+3: Gravity
LV+4: Gravity
LV+5: Gravity
LV+6: Phoenix
LV+7: Phoenix
LV+9: Phoenix
OVER: Phoenix

Name: Ribbon
LV+1: Ultima
LV+2: Ultima
LV+3: Ultima
LV+4: Ultima
LV+5: Ultima
LV+6: Bahamut
LV+7: Bahamut
LV+8: Bahamut
LV+9: Bahamut

Name: Silent
LV+1: Silence
LV+2: Silence
LV+3: Silence
LV+4: Silence
LV+5: Silence
LV+6: Ifrit
LV+7: Ifrit
LV+8: Ifrit
LV+9: Ifrit

Name: Sleep
LV+1: Sleep
LV+2: Sleep
LV+3: Sleep
LV+4: Sleep
LV+5: Sleep

Name: Slowpoke
LV+1: Slow
LV+2: Slow
LV+3: Slow
LV+4: Slow
LV+5: Slow
LV+6: Titan
LV+7: Titan
LV+8: Titan
LV+9: Titan

Name: Spin-Kick
LV+1: Meteor
LV+2: Meteor
LV+3: Meteor
LV+4: Meteor
LV+5: Meteor
LV+6: Bahamut
LV+7: Bahamut
LV+8: Bahamut
LV+9: Bahamut
Over: Bahamut

Name: Titan
LV+1: Ultima
LV+2: Ultima
LV+3: Ultima
LV+4: Ultima
LV+5: Ultima
LV+6: Asura
LV+7: Asura
LV+8: Asura
LV+9: Asura

Name: Vibro
LV+1: Max HP UP
LV+2: Max HP UP
LV+3: Max HP UP
LV+4: Max HP UP
LV+5: Max HP UP
LV+6: Drill Shoot
LV+7: Drill Shoot
LV+8: Drill Shoot
LV+9: Drill Shoot
Over: Drill Shoot

Name: Weak (Claw)
LV+1: Power Shoot
LV+2: Power Shoot
LV+3: Power Shoot
LV+4: Power Shoot
LV+5: Power Shoot
LV+6: Phoenix
LV+7: Phoenix
LV+8: Phoenix
LV+9: Phoenix

Name: Weak (Saddle)
LV+1: Slow
LV+2: Slow
LV+3: Slow
LV+4: Slow
LV+5: Slow
LV+6: Phoenix
LV+7: Phoenix
LV+8: Phoenix
LV+9: Phoenix

Name: Wind
LV+1: Aero All
LV+2: Aero All
LV+3: Aero All
LV+4: Aero All
LV+5: Aero All
LV+6: Sylph
LV+7: Sylph
LV+8: Sylph
LV+9: Sylph

Name: Wood
LV+1: Dodge UP
LV+2: Dodge UP
LV+3: Dodge UP
LV+4: Dodge UP
LV+5: Dodge UP
LV+6: Recover HP UP
LV+7: Recover HP UP
LV+8: Recover HP UP
LV+9: Recover HP UP
Over: Recover HP UP

*Note: The Energy UP feather can't be retrieved through breaking any equipment. Instead,
you'll have to finish a bonus dungeon in order to get it. Then, you only have a
random chance of getting it. Sigh...

Section 8.1 - Feather List

There's probably tons of things in the game. However, most of the things that people
want to collect are the feathers. There are many feathers. However, the each contain
different attributes and such. The following list down below will provide information on
the feathers for. Hope they'll help ya out!

Note: Any feather with a * means it's really useful.

Feather Name Page No. What it does...

Fireball* 1 Press L1/R1 to enlarge the targeting area.
Blizzard Storm 1 Press L1/R1 to target all that you are facing.
Aero All* 1 Press L1/R1 to target all enemies on the screen.
Thunder Cross 1 Press L1/R1 to make effect area into a cross.
Quake All* 1 Press L1/R1 to target all enemies on the screen.
Drain UP* 1 It increases how much HP you'll drain from enemies.
Slow 1 Gives the Cantrip spell Slow. Adds slow to enemies.
Poison 1 Gives the Cantrip spell Poison. Poisons enemies.

Sleep* 2 Gives the Cantrip spell Sleep. Puts enemies asleep.
Mini 2 Gives the Cantrip spell Mini. Shrinks enemies.
Frog* 2 Gives the Cantrip spell Frog. Changes enemies to frogs.
Confusion 2 Gives the Cantrip spell Confusion. Makes them confused.
Silence 2 Gives the Cantrip spell Silence. Prevents magic.
Power UP 2 Gives the Cantrip spell Power UP. Powers you up.
Haste* 2 Gives the Spell magic Haste. Gives you Haste.
Remove 2 Gives the Spell magic Remove. Takes away an enemy. No exp.

Gravity* 3 Gives the Spell magic Gravity. Damage magic.
Meteorite 3 Gives the Spell magic Meteorite. Damage magic.
Doom* 3 Gives the Spell magic Doom. Instant kill. Very useful!
Flare* 3 Gives the Spell magic Flare. Non-elemental damage!!!
Bio 3 Gives the Spell magic Bio. Casts Bio on enemies.
Meteor* 3 Megaspell magic Meteor. Very powerful meteor attack!
Ultima* 3 Megaspell magic Ultima. Powerful unelemental attack!
Holy 3 Megaspell magic Holy. Not as good as in other RPG's.

Max HP UP* 4 Max plus 10% more. Woo hoo!
Attack UP 4 Increases attack power.
Defense UP* 4 Increases defense power.
SPDef UP 4 Increases special defense. Meaning magic and stuff.
Critical UP* 4 Better chance of critical attacks!
Miss DOWN* 4 Misses suck. This helps a lot!
Dodge* 4 Enemies miss more often!!!
Recover UP 4 You restore more HP faster when walking!

Exp UP* 5 Very good for gaining levels quicker!
Energy UP***** 5 Energy goes down slower. Must have for summoners.
Magic UP 5 Raises magic attack power.
Summon UP 5 Raises summon magic power.
Power Shoot 5 Increases power of items that are kicked.
Drill Shoot* 5 Kicked items don't stop until they hit something.
Super Shoot* 5 Kicked items just won't stop. :)
Ramuh* 5 Replaces your partner with thunder god Ramuh!

Shiva 6 Replaces your partner with Shiva.
Ifrit 6 Replaces your partner with Ifrit.
Titan 6 Replaces your partner with Titan!
Sylph 6 Replaces your partner with Sylph.
Carbuncle 6 Replaces your partner with Carbuncle.
Unicorn 6 Replaces your partner with Unicorn.
Odin 6 Replaces your partner with Odin!
Bahamut 6 Replaces your partner with Bahamut!

Asura 7 Replaces your partner with Asura.
Phoenix* 7 Calls Phoenix to help you escape.
Random Summon 7 Replaces your partner with a random summon!

Section 9.0 - Mog's Stealing List

Mog can steal a varity of things. However, some items can only be stolen from certain
enemies. Take not that you can't steal everything. When Mog steals, he only has a 1/4
chance to stealing. Plus, the less items you have, the better the chance also!

This list is for the Final Dungeon which Mog goes to.

Monster: Badger
Items: Earth Seed, Energy Nut, Lethargy Nut, Digging Claws

Monster: Blood Worm
Items: Poison, Slow Tonic, Remedy, Hi-Potion

Monster: Butcher
Items: Confusion Card, Repair Card, Rust Card, Genji's Claws

Monster: Dark Bahamut
Items: Fire Book, MegaSpell Book, Teleport Tag, Absolute Claws

Monster: Demon
Items: Tired Nut, Tasty Nut, Lasan Nut, Chaos Claws

Monster: Doom Mask
Items: Spell Book, MegaSpell Book, Cursed Collar, Magic Collar

Monster: Evil Behemoth
Items: Slow Tonic, Haste Tonic, X-Potion, King's Claws

Monster: Giant Bat
Items: Blind Tonic, Slow Tonic, Haste Tonic, Endure Collar

Monster: Grand Mummy
Items: Drain Book, Doom Card, Warp Card, No-Silence Saddle

Monster: Holy Dragon
Items: Thunder Book, MegaSpell Book, Crash Stone, Digging Claws

Monster: Jet Mole
Items: Earth Seed, Lasan Nut, Rotten Nut, Holy Claws

Monster: King Behemoth
Items: Nitro, Remedy, X-Potion, King's Saddle, (map Card, Aero Book)

Monster: Lich
Items: Level Seed, Level Up Nut, Level Down Nut, Healing Claws

Monster: Malboro Ghoul
Items: Poison, Remedy, Hi-Potion, Calm Saddle

Monster: Magic Pot
Items: Poison, Hi-Potion, Unlucky Collar, Recover

Monster: Mask
Items: Doom Card, Reflect Card, Memory Collar, Cursed Collar

Monster: Mist Dragon
Items: Blizzard Book, Tasty Nut, Rotten Nut, Crystal Saddle, Lost-Child Card, Map Card,
Geyser Card

Monster: Mudman
Items: Doom Card, Map Card, Geyser Card, Earth Seed, Sleep Card

Monster: Pharoh Mummy
Items: Drain Book, Morph Card, Reflect Card, No-Silence Saddle

Monster: Poison Toad
Items: Poison, Frog Card, Polish Card, Frog Claws

Monster: Shadow Dragon
Items: Aero Book, Invis Tonic, Blind Tonic, Reflect Saddle

Monster: Slug
Items: Damage Tonic, Slow Tonic, Remedy, No-Slow Saddle

Monster: Sorcero Pot
Items: Spell Tonic, X-Potion, Unlucky Collar, Recover Collar

Monster: Spirit Dragon
Items: Drain Book, Amnesia Tonic, Elixir, Absolute Saddle, Rotten Nut

Monster: Steel Bat
Items: Spell Tonic, Remedy, Amnesia Tonic, Endure Collar

Monster: Stone Mask
Items: Cantrip Book, MegaSpell Book, Strickout Collar, No-Magic Collar

Monster: Summoner Hag
Items: Aero Book, Quake Book, Reflect Saddle, CrazySaddle Collar, Thunder Book, Memory Tag

Monster: Vampire
Items: Level Seed, LevelUP Seed, Level Down Seed, Healing Claws, Hi-Potion

Monster: Wizard Pot
Items: Damage Tonic, Potion, Unlucky Collar, Recover Collar

Monster: Wood Eyes
Items: Hi-Potion, Warp Card, Lost-Child Card, Memory Collar

Section 10.0 - Monster List

The monster list can also be found in the basement of the Black Wizard. But for those
who are too lazy or just want to be able to print out the list, look here. I will not
include any quotes for that will take forever to make. However, I might put them up in
the future versions.

F=Fire A=Aero Class = Level of the monster.
I=Ice H=Holy Weakness = Monster's weakness.
L=Lightning N/A=none Strength = Monster's immunity.
E=Earth All=all Abilities = Monster's various abilities.

Section 10.1 - Generic Monsters
Monster Class Weakness Strength Abilities
Bat (38-60 HP)
Werebat 1 F,H N/A Quick Escape, Vampire Form
Giant Bat 2 A N/A Slow Bite
Steel Bat 3 A N/A Slow Bite
Behemoth (120-24 HP)
Behemoth 1 N/A N/A Tackle
King Behemoth 2 N/A N/A Tackle
Evil Behemoth 3 N/A N/A Tackle
Black Mage (5-15 HP)
Black Mage 1 N/A N/A Cast Magic
Black Sorceror 2 N/A N/A Cast Magic
Black Wizard 3 N/A N/A Cast Magic
Bomb (100-200 HP)
Bomb 1 I F Explode, Build Steam
Grenade 2 I F Explode, Build Steam
Napalm 3 I F Explode, Build Steam
Cactus (20-100 HP)
Cactus 1 F N/A Throw Gil, Drop Gil
Cactuar 2 F N/A Throw Gil, Drop Gil, Poison Spines
Crazy Cactus 3 F N/A Throw Gil, Drop Gil, Confusion
Dark Titan (70-250 HP)
Dark Titan 1 N/A A Earth's Cry, Break Wall
Grim Titan 2 N/A A Earth's Anger, Break Wall
Blood Titan 3 N/A A Earth's Revenge, Break Wall
Demon (150-300 HP)
Demon 1 H N/A Suck Energy
Balrog 2 H N/A Suck Energy
Mephis 3 H N/A Suck Energy
Dragon (150-180 HP)
Holy Dragon 1 N/A N/A Quake Breath
Dark Bahamut 2 A L Blitz Breath
Red Dragon 3 I F Fire Breath
Eater (16-60 HP)
Nut Eater 1 N/A N/A Throw Nuts, Eat Nuts
Skull Eater 2 N/A N/A Curse Nut, Eat Nuts
Item Eater 3 N/A N/A Chaos Nut, Eat Nuts
Elephant (90-160 HP)
Elephant 1 F I Strike, Charge
Mammoth 2 F I Strike, Charge
Rabid Mammoth 3 F I Strike, Charge
Fishman (32-80 HP)
Sahagin 1 F I,W Blizzard, Water Walk
Merman 2 F I,W Blizzara, Water Walk
Triton 3 F I,W Blizzaga, Water Walk
Floating Eye (25-150 HP)
Floating Eye 1 A N/A Mini Attack, Flap Around
Ahriman 2 A N/A Mini Attack, Flap Around
Flying Eye 3 A N/A Mini Attack, Flap Around
Gargoyle (65-135 HP)
Gargoyle 1 N/A N/A Aero Attack, De-Petrify
Margoyle 2 N/A N/A Aero Attack, De-Petrify
Doomwing 3 N/A N/A Aero Attack, De-Petrify
Ghost (60-150 HP)
Neon 1 A,H L Thunder, Possess, Levitate
Shadow 2 A,H L Thundara, Possess, Levitate
Phantom 3 A,H L Thundaga, Possess, Levitate
Gnome (25-80 HP)
Gnome 1 N/A N/A Landmine
Kobold 2 N/A N/A Landmine
Spriggan 3 N/A N/A Landmine
Goblin (8-50 HP)
Goblin 1 N/A N/A Head Butt, Bully a Guz
Dark Goblin 2 N/A N/A Head Butt, Bully a Kuz
Black Goblin 3 N/A N/A Head Butt, Done Bullying
Golem (30-100 HP)
Clay Golem 1 N/A N/A Spin Hit, Break Doors
Golem 2 N/A N/A Spin Hit, Break Door
Iron Golem 3 N/A N/A Spin Hit, Break Door
Guz (8-50 HP)
Guz 1 H N/A Whimper, Squealin' Mad, Scamper
Kuz 2 H N/A Whimper, Squealin' Mad, Scamper
Buz 3 H N/A Whimper, Squealin' Mad, Scamper
Hill Gigas (130-250 HP)
Butcher 1 N/A N/A Chain Scythe, Guard Stairs
Hill Gigas 2 N/A N/A Chain Scythe, Guard Stairs
Gigas Boss 3 N/A N/A Chain Scythe, Guard Stairs
Imp (20-75 HP)
Imp 1 N/A N/A Forced Warp, Ride Robo
Gremlin 2 N/A N/A Forced Warp, Ride Robo
Baby Demon 3 N/A N/A Forced Warp, Ride Robo
Imp Robo (65-200 HP)
Imp Robo #1 1 L N/A Drop Bomb, Self Detonate
Imp Robo #55 2 L N/A Drop Bomb, Self Detonate
Imp Robo #88 3 L N/A Drop Bomb, Self Detonate
Lamia (35-100 HP)
Lamia 1 I F Charm, Fire Magic
Lamia Queen 2 I F Charm, Fira Magic
Lamadonna 3 I F Charm, Firaga Magic
Magic Pot (35-96 HP)
Magic Pot 1 N/A N/A Teleport, Throw Potion, Peek-A-Boo!
Sorcerer Pot 2 N/A N/A Teleport, Throw Potion, Peek-A-Boo!
Wizard Pot 3 N/A N/A Teleport, Throw Potion, Peek-A-Boo!
Malboro (55-76 HP)
Malboro 1 F N/A Chaos Breath
Malboro Ghoul 2 F N/A Chaos Breath, Poison Grasp
Great Malboro 3 F N/A Chaos Breath, Poison Grasp
Mask (103-210 HP)
Mask 1 N/A N/A Amnesia, Reflect!
Stone Mask 2 N/A N/A Amnesia, Reflect!
Doom Mask 3 N/A N/A Amnesia, Reflect (without the !)
MiniMage (18-100 HP)
Mini Mage 1 N/A N/A Drain Novice, Hit Tonberry
Mini Druid 2 N/A N/A Practice Drain, Hit Tonberry
Mini Wizard 3 N/A N/A Cast Drain, Hit Tonberry
Mist Dragon (130-150 HP)
Mist Dragon 1 F I Icy Breath
Shadow Dragon 2 L A Aero Breath
Spirit Dragon 3 N/A N/A Drain Breath
Mole (47-136 HP)
Mole 1 N/A N/A Dig Thru Walls, Find Stones
Badger 2 N/A N/A Dig Thru Walls, Find Stones
Jet Mole 3 N/A N/A Dig Thru Walls, Find Stones
Mousse (65-110 HP)
Mousse 1 F I Jump Attack, Split in Two
Pudding 2 I F Jump Attack, Split in Two
Jelly 3 L A Jump Attack, Split in Two
Mudman (50-100 HP)
Magman 1 I F Throw Magma, Ambush
Iceman 2 F I Throw Ice, Ambush
Mudman 3 N/A N/A Throw Mud, Ambush
Mummy (45-90 HP)
Mummy 1 F,H N/A Drain Energy
Grand Mummy 2 F,H N/A Drain Energy
Pharaoh Mummy 3 F,H N/A Drain Energy
Octopus (42-80 HP)
Devilfish 1 L A Spurt Ink
Octopus 2 L A Spurt Ink
Kraken 3 L A Spurt Ink
Ogre (75-100 HP)
Ogre 1 N/A N/A Bash
Berserk Ogre 2 N/A N/A Bash
Ogre Chief 3 N/A N/A Bash
Onion (20-120 HP)
Onion 1 L I Peel Equipment
Toy Soldier 2 L I Peel Equipment
Metal Hitman 3 L I Peel Equipment
Porcupine (12-36 HP)
Hedgehog 1 N/A N/A Ball Defense, Spin Needle
Gatlinghog 2 N/A N/A Ball Defense, Needleburst
Needle Master 3 N/A N/A Ball Defense, Needle Blast
Puppeteer (25-78 HP)
Puppeteer 1 N/A N/A Release Bird, Call Monster
Necromancer 2 N/A N/A Bird Chase, Call Undead
Summoner Hag 3 N/A N/A Bird Attack, Call Demon
Rat (10-48 HP)
Wild Rat 1 N/A N/A Cast Haste
Sewer Rat 2 N/A N/A Cast Haste
Giant Rat 3 N/A N/A Cast Haste, Poison Fangs
Roller (60-240 HP)
Grand Roller 1 L A Kamikaze, Explode
Drum Roller 2 L A Kamikaze, Explode
Grim Roller 3 L A Kamikaze, Explode
Skeleton (25-75 HP)
Skeleton 1 F,H N/A Poison Gas, Regenerate
Blood Skeleton 2 F,H N/A Poison Gas, Regenerate
Doom Knight 3 F,H N/A Poison Gas, Regenerate, Chaos Gas
Slug (53-140 HP)
Rock Slug 1 F I Slime!, Cause Rot
Garden Slug 2 F I Slime!, Rot Equipment
Slimy Slug 3 F I Slime!, Rot Items
Thief (35-80 HP)
Thug 1 N/A N/A Steal Item, Warp Escape
Thief 2 N/A N/A Steal Item, Warp Escape
Burglar 3 N/A N/A Steal Item, Warp Escape
Tonberry (25-100 HP)
Tonberry Jr. 1 N/A N/A Lantern, Getting Even
Tonberry 2 N/A N/A Lantern, Getting Even
Tonberry Sr. 3 N/A N/A Lantern, Getting Even
Turtle (40-118 HP)
Land Turtle 1 N/A N/A Spin Attack, Hide in Shell
Large Turtle 2 N/A N/A Spin Attack, Hide in Shell
Huge Turtle 3 N/A N/A Spin Attack, Hide in Shell
Toad (48-182 HP)
Toad 1 F,I N/A Frog Water, Cross Swamp
Poison Toad 2 F,I N/A Frog Water, Cross Swamp
Giant Toad 3 F,I N/A Frog Water, Cross Swamp
Treeman (55-100 HP)
Mamon 1 F I Tree Form
Wood Eyes 2 F I Tree Form
Mandrad 3 F I Tree Form
Vampire (50-150 HP)
Vampire 1 F,H N/A Level Drain, Bat Form, Suck Blood
Lich 2 F,H N/A Level Drain, Bat Form, Suck Blood
Demi-Lich 3 F,H N/A Level Drain, Bat Form, Suck Blood
Vulture (90-150 HP)
Vulture 1 F,W N/A Dive Attack, Prey on Weak
Condor 2 F,W N/A Dive Attack, Prey on Weak
Cokatolis 3 F,W N/A Dive Attack, Prey on Weak
Worm (53-146 HP)
Worm 1 F W Sleep Spittle, Burrow
Blood Worm 2 F W Sleep Spittle, Burrow
Poison Worm 3 F W Sleep Spittle, Burrow, Poison
Zombie (75-280 HP)
Zombie 1 F,H N/A Slow Gas
Revenant 2 F,H N/A Slow Gas
Ghoul 3 F,H N/A Slow Gas

*Komega (550 HP) N/A L N/A **Komega Beam

*Note: This enemy doesn't show up in the Black Mage's statue basement.
**Note: I'm only guessing what this is called.

Section 10.2 - Bosses
Boss Weakness Strength Abilities

Skullhammer (910 HP) F N/A Hammer, Quakara, Split Apart, Recombine
Imp Robo #55 (500 HP) L N/A Punch, Steelball, Kick Bomb
Ultros (1500 HP) L N/A Munch Munch, Drain, Tentacle
Glass Goth (2200 HP) F,H N/A Scratch, Jump Slash, Silence Flash, Mini Flash
Imp Robo #99 (2500 HP) L N/A Punch, Steelball, Kick Bomb
Glass Goth X (4500 HP) F,H N/A Scratch, Slash, Jump
Glass Goth Z (4000 HP) F,H N/A Bite, Mouth Beam
Omega (8000 HP) L N/A Omega Beam
Leviathan (Head)(6000 HP) F I Gnaw, Drain, Blizzard, Tail Attack
*Leviathan (Tail)(2000 HP) F I Tail Attack

*Note: This enemy doesn't show up in the Black Mage's statue basement.

Section 10.3 - Summoned Allies
Ally Weakness Strength Abilities

Ifrit I F Fist of Fire, Fire
Ramuh A L Thunder Rod, Thunder
Shiva F I Slap, Blizzard
Titan N/A N/A Earth's Fist, Quake
Sylph L A Slap, Aero
Carbuncle N/A N/A Head Butt, Reflect
Unicorn N/A N/A Horn Attack, Esuna, Cure
Odin N/A N/A Fenris-Bane, Grungir
Bahamut N/A N/A Bahamut Claw, Breath

Section 11.0 - Strategies

These couple of sections here are for strategies. If you have any strategies that I
don't have and that are really good, send them in. I'll place them here with the credit
that you've helped out. Just send this to Sorry, no more of that
funny email address. I lost it. :P

Just use this form out below...

Send to:
Your Name (optional):
Your Email (if you want credit):
Strategy Name: (if for General)
Monster: (if for monsters)
Boss: (if for bosses)
Strategy Category:
And Your Strategy:

Be sure to explain how your strategy works. Thanks!

Section 11.1 - General Strategies

This place lists the general strategies inside a dungeon. These don't involve specific
monster strategies or anything. Just regular run-of-the-mill strategies. If you have
any cool general strategies, send them in with the form in the primary strategy section.

Strategy Name: Easy EXP
Creator: Me (
And to do it: This is very easy. All you need is a Divide Card. When you found an
enemy that gives you quite a lot of EXP, bring it's HP down a little and kick the
Divide Card at it. It'll split in half but the half will have the exact same number
of HP! But you'll kill both for the same amount of EXP!

Strategy Name: No more Traps!
Creator: Me (
And to do it: Whenever you enter a new floor, use Eye Drops. They reveal all the hidden
traps on a floor!
Note: I'm sure many people have discovered this but I found this before I knew others
have discovered it. Sorry.

Send in your strategies! I'll be happy to post them!

Section 11.2 - Monster Strategies

This section is dedicated to certain strategies on how to go against certain monsters. I
am sure there are many strategies that I haven't uncovered so send them in! I wouldn't
want to miss out on anything! If you have any strategies, use the form in section 11.0
and send it in to me.

(currently empty now so help out)

Send in your strategies! I'll be happy to post them!

Section 11.3 - Boss Strategies

This section is given to all those boss strategies. Unlike other game FAQ's, Chocobo's
Dungeon 2's Boss Strategy section will prove to be useful since you'll most likely face
the bosses again and again. This section will help out all those who are stuck on the
bosses too.

(currently empty now so help out)

Send in your strategies! I'll be happy to post them!

Section 12.0 - Misc.

Here's the section used for putting down all those "other" stuff. If you didn't find it
in the FAQ/Walkthrough above up to this point, you'll most likely find it down below. If
you don't, e-mail me and I'll answer it for you.

Section 12.1 - How to Get Omega Essence

This is no laughing matter! Trying to get the Omega Essence is really hard! Here's a
list of items you should have before you come.

Shiroma as a partner.
30+ Thunder Books
20+ Hi-Potions
10+ X-Potions
10+ Haste Tonics
10+ Bahamut Stones
5+ Carbuncle Stones
80+ Empty Bottles
30+ Warp Stones

You're probably thinking WOW once you've looked through the list. However, you shouldn't
need to kill Omega. Having Shiroma as a partner can benefit you since she'll heal.

Here's what you do. As soon as you see Omega, use the Haste Tonic. Afterwards, use
Carbuncle on yourself. Use up your Bahamut Stones. They should do around 5000+ damage
to Omega which leaves around 3000 left. Afterwards, pound away with Thunder Books.
When Haste runs off, use another Haste Tonic. Once Carbuncle is gone, use Carbuncle
again. Shiroma should heal you when you are low on HP. If the Komega's get too annoying,
use the Warp Stones and send them somewhere else. Once Omega has around 50 or less HP
left, start kicking empty bottles. If you are unsure, use Identify Cards and kick them
at Omega to see how much HP is left. Once Omega dies from the Empty Bottle, you'll get
your own Omega Essence which is necessary to get the Titan Claw or Titan Saddle! Whew!

This took over fifteen tries for me! I hope it's better for you!

Section 12.2 - How to Kill "Doom"

Doom is a very powerful enemy who can be considered a boss. I wouldn't suggest that you
actually try to kill this sucker! It wastes a lot of time, you don't get that much exp.,
you waste a lot of items, etc. This, however, is for all those people who DO have time
and DO have a lot of items.

*Note: There are three different Dooms. The first Doom, which is the easiest to kill,
lies in the dungeon shops. It only has around 3000+ HP and only a few Bahamut or
Odin stones can kill it. However, the other two Dooms are harder with 30000+ HP!
There's quite a difference.

Yes, I have killed Doom before but I wasn't really that happy afterwards. It wasted me
a lot of time and a lot of items.

First of all, you'll need lots of the following.

1) Carbuncle Stones
2) Quake Books (he isn't immune to Quake if you have the Quake All feather)
3) Lots of Spell Books (and the Flare Feather)
4) Lots of Megaspell Books (and the Ultima Feather)
5) Odin Stones, Bahamut Stones, Asura Stones
6) Invisble Tonics
7) Potions, Hi-Potions, X-Potions, Elixirs (lots of them!)
8) Summon Feathers (in case you lose your partner)
9) The Counter Saddle (so Doom will damage himself also)
10) A good Claw
11) Lots of Energy (use Energy Nuts)
12) Lots of HP (use Life Nuts)

Now, here's what you do. First, encounter Doom. Then use a Carbuncle Stone when he gets
near you. Pump out your Summon Stones first! After you do all that, use Spell Books and
MegaSpell Books. If your Carbuncle protection wears off, use another Carbuncle Stone!
If you run out of those, use Invisible Tonics although this may make him run away unless
your partner is there. If your partner dies, use a Summon Feather. Just make sure your
partner doesn't die. When you run out of Spell Books and MegaSpell Books, pump out your
Quake Books with Quake All. If you've really leveled your Quake spells up, they should
do more than enough damage. However, this could last a while. When you run out of Quake
Books (which I did. I had 99 and then had nil), wait until the Carbuncle protection will
wear off. Equip the Counter Saddle and your good claw. Have your partner by your side
attacking Doom. When Doom attacks you with 200+ damage, 50+ damage will be returned back
to Doom! Use your Potions, Hi-Potions to recover this damage. I'd have more than two
Counter Saddles if I were you since some of mine broke. Either that or bring lots of
Repair Cards with you. Eventually (I agree), Doom will die.


Section 12.3 - Secrets

Here's the Secrets section that I've composed (or reserved for). However, I don't know
that many secrets. If you do have any, please send them in. Please don't send rumors
because I'm no doubt going to check those secrets.

Section 12.4 - GameShark Codes

Here's the section of GameShark Codes.

Chocobo Codes
Infinite HP..................................801026B8 03E7
Max HP.......................................80102FB2 03E7
Quick Level gain.............................801026D6 0000
Infinite energy..............................80103FAE 6464
Max Attack...................................801055FA 0063
Max Defense..................................801055FC 0063
Max SpellDefense.............................801055FE 0063
Max Stats (GS 2.2 Or higher).................50000302 0000
801055FA 0063
Max Level 301026BB 0063
Quick Level Up all Spells (GS 2.2 Or higher).50000302 0000
80104022 0000
Quick level Up Fire Spell....................30104022 0000
Quick level Up Blizzard Spell................30104023 0000
Quick level Up Aero Spell....................30104024 0000
Quick level Up Thunder Spell.................30104025 0000
Quick level Up Quake Spell...................30104026 0000
Quick level Up Drain Spell...................30104027 0000
Max Level All Spells(GS 2.2 Or higher).......50000302 0000
8010401C 6262
Max Level Fire Spell.........................3010401C 0062
Max level Up Blizzard Spell..................3010401D 0062
Max level Up Aero Spell......................3010401E 0062
Max level Up Thunder Spell...................3010401F 0062
Max level Up Quake Spell.....................30104020 0062
Max level Up Drain Spell.....................30104021 0062

Partner Codes
Infinite HP..................................80102844 03E7
Max HP.......................................80102860 03E7

Misc Codes
Max Gil......................................80103FA8 967F
80103FAA 0098
Infinite Spell Books/Stones( On pickup)......800282D2 2400
800282E6 2400
All Infinite Items*..........................30103FB0 00DC
5000DC08 0001
301045A7 0001
50000908 0000
301045A9 0000
Now this code is a BIG code. 50001308 0000
I tried this code in with 301045F1 0001
version 2.2 GameShark and the 50002108 0000
Game won't even start up! 30104689 0002
This was how Zeroxomegax got 50001208 0000
the Phoenix Stone information. 30104791 0003
If you guys know why this code 50001908 0000
wouldn't start up, please tell 30104821 0004
me what's wrong. E-mail me at 50000B08 0000 If you 301048F1 0005
have AOL, just IM me and tell 50002608 0000
me there. THANKS!!! :) 30104949 0006
50001D08 0000
30104A79 0007
50001608 0000
30104B61 0008
50000F08 0000
30104C11 0009
Zero Knock Outs (for those perfectionists)...800D8AFA 0000
Max Item Capacity (useful!)..................80103FB0 01FF

Note: I haven't tried any of these Game Shark codes so don't complain to me about your
Chocobo's Dungeon 2 game screwed up or your Play Station blew up or something. No,
I will not be responsible for this. Hey, you choose to use them!

* - With this code, it gives you certain items, that are glitchy, perfect example would
be Set, don't use that, you will lock the game up. Also, when you start out, go to the
card section and pick the second card and use it, this will be the verify all items
card, this will change all unknown items to known items.

Section 12.5 - Coming Up

I'm pretty much done with the Chocobo's Dungeon 2 FAQ/Walkthrough. However, there will
be things coming up for this walkthrough in order to make it complete. Here's a list of
things that will be coming up.

-Monster Quotes (I already got all the monstesr, I just need time to put them in)
-Strategies (Which I'll need help from you guys)
-Secrets of the Game (I know there aren't that many but oh well)

This is Chocobo Clyde here and have a great day!
End of File

Thanx to all these people... er, companies too!

If I missed anything, had typos, or if you'd like to add stuff, please e-mail me at the
following e-mail address: (Gaidin) for Lamia Essence info for info on Phoenix Stone
-For whoever sent me the Pink Tag info, please tell me bcuz I forgot your email!
-Chocobo's Dungeon 2 and all else related (c) 1999, 2000 Squaresoft, Ltd.
-Brandy Games (c) 1999 for making a guide for Chocobo's Dungeon 2.
-GameShark (c) 1999 InterAct

Version 1.6
Date June 22, 2000

< ~ Spoiler Section (Hidden) ~ >

Section 12.5 - Quotes

Here's the Quote section that you've all been waiting for! Enjoy!

Monster Quote

Goblin Bullyin' Guz's is better than sumptin' me own size.
Dark Goblin I've bumped lottsa Guzzies it's time for sumptin' good!
Black Goblin I'm in touch wid me inner child. No more bullyin'.

Cactus I got Gil, got a ton. Better hurry or you get none!
Cactuar Needles pack poison prick, just a touch, you get sick!
Crazy Cactus If you think my flower's sweet, you're in for a nasty treat!

Black Magician I not chicken! I just need a little space to cast magic!
Black Sorcerer Dead end! I'd rather run. Fighting is so uncivilized!
Black Wizard Brute! Weren't you taught not to throw stones?

Bomb Stuck? Just one blast from me will do the trick.
Grenade Run away, very fast! Better run or I'll go BLAM!
Napalm Get plug a hole with a Geyser Card, ya might get something!

Magman Ya never know when I'm on the prowl. Look back...
Iceman Ya won't know I'm there til I strike, then it's too late!
Mudman Ya wouldn't know where I wuz 'cept for the minimap...

Malboro Whatcha say? Bad breath? Ya hurt my feelings...
Malboro Ghoul Still got bad breath ya say? But I brush every day!
Great Malboro Bad breath 'n my tentacles drip poison ...scared yet?

Lamia Alas, no comely lads around... Wait, who might you be?
Lamia Queen You'll roast nicely, once you get my burning kiss.
Lamadonna I'm a charming vixen. The men don't know what hit them.

Sahagin I'm king of the waves, you can't get me, I won't let you!
Merman Think you can top me? I run circles around water-bugs!
Triton In the deep, we hide our watery keep... find it if you dare!

Puppeteer See, I've never been too fond of humans. Including you.
Necromancer What, you're still around? I guess that's your bad luck.
Summoner Hag I've got big friends in high places, so scram!

Hedgehog Take that, n'that. Hunh? Not one hit? Boy, I stink!
Gatlinghog Blam! Blam! Want more? Neddles hurt if I don't miss.
Needle Master Not a miss! How's that? What? I hit a friend or two?

Mask Heh! I sucked yer brain dry! Thanks for the memories!
Stone Mask I'm rubber and you're glue! Spells cast return to you!
Doom Mask Here I am! Gimme a shot! If you can remember how!

(More to come you sneak-peekers!)
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Stehl Liste & Raum Codes

17.Октябрь 2013
Fast alles ist freigeschaltet

12.Октябрь 2013

12.Октябрь 2013
Das verstecke Ende erreicht Ihr mit diesem Save.

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die japanische NTSC Version.

14.Октябрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
11.Февраль 2016
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Июнь 2014