Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy X

13.10.2013 22:51:30
-- Final Fantasy X (US) Equipment Remodeling Guide --
-- by CB! (Christine Bomke, --
-- Final Version, 2/20/02 --

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This guide is for PERSONAL USE ONLY, copyrighted to me,
Christine Bomke. Do not put this FAQ on your site without first emailing me
for permission. If permission IS granted, you are not permitted to change a
single word of this FAQ when you post it, and must leave it as a .txt file
unless I've explicitly told you otherwise that you may change it. Do not steal
information from this FAQ for your magazine, or other form of media - printed,
online, or otherwise. If you violate this disclaimer anyway, believe me when I
say that I _will_ find out, pursue the matter legally, and you will regret it.

NOTE TO WEBMASTERS: If permission is granted to post this guide on your site,
it is _your_ responsibility to get the most recent version from my site or periodically. If you can't be bothered to keep it current, then
you may not post it.

Avast ye matey, thar be spoilers ahead.

-- Table 'o Contents --

I. Version History
II. Foreword / Contact Information
III. Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I customize my equipment?
2. How do the auto-abilities relate to the equipment's appearance and
3. Once I've put an auto-ability into my equipment, is there any way to
remove it?
4. What are the maximum number of slots equipment may have?
5. Where can I buy empty weapons and armor?
6. Where can I find pictures of everyone's equipment?
7. How many weapons and armor are there total?
8. Where can I find rare items with which to remodel?
9. I'm playing Final Fantasy X in Japanese, do you still have the
Japanese-language version of this FAQ?
10. Is there any way to auto-organize equipment?
11. What are the best auto-abilities to put in weapons and armor?
12. So what do you have on _your_ armor, CB!?
13. If I customize a weapon with the same auto-abilities as that
character's Ultimate Weapon, will I end up with the Ultimate Weapon?
14. If there are Ultimate Weapons, are there Ultimate Armors?
15. I heard the AP trick was "capped" in the US release - is there any
use for [Overdrive -> AP] anymore?
16. Which is better, [Auto Phoenix] or [Auto Med]?
17. What's the [No Encounters] glitch?
18. Where can I get Wings to Discovery?
19. I have [Gillionaire], [Double AP], or [Triple AP] on a weapon, but I
didn't get the post-battle bonus I should have! Why?
20. The Great Marlboro keeps ambushing and killing me! ARGH!
21. If I have several characters equipped with [Gillionaire], does it
22. If I have [Double AP] and [Triple AP] on the same weapon, will I get
six times as much AP?
23. What are the new equipment auto-abilities in FFX International?
24. Is there any way to get [Ribbon] in the US release?
IV. Auto-Abilities of Weapons
V. Auto-Abilities of Armor
VI. Alphabetical Rare Item Locations
VII. Weapon and Armor Names, Appearances, and Auto-Abilities
A. Tidus' Swords
B. Tidus' Shields
C. Yuna's Staves
D. Yuna's Rings
E. Wakka's Blitzballs
F. Wakka's Armguards
G. Lulu's Dolls
H. Lulu's Bangles
I. Kimahri's Spears
J. Kimahri's Armlets
K. Auron's Blades
L. Auron's Bracers
M. Rikku's Claws
N. Rikku's Targes
VIII. Thanks, Credits, Shameless Plugs

-- I. Version History --

vFinal 2/20/02: Three million gil's worth of bribery later, every single
equipment name has been translated. Revised a few of the Frequently Asked
Questions, added a twenty-fourth F.A.Q., added Chocobo Wing to Rare Items,
cleaned up typos, and added a note about [Ribbon] at the beginning of section
VII. This will be the final revision, unless I've made a huge mistake somewhere.

v1.95 2/11/02: Thanks to FFX International's English language option, nearly
all of the armor names are translated. Added three new Frequently Asked
Questions, and the new equipment auto-abilities exclusive to FFX International.
The Ribbon is back, baby. Happy Chinese New Year to those who celebrate it.

v1.75 1/28/02: Lots more armor names converted to the US release, and two more
Frequently Asked Questions have been added to the growing list. Changed
everyone's "#1" weapon description to "Celestial Weapon" instead of listing
the auto abilities, to further squelch the misconception that
Ultimate/Celestial Weapons can be made through customizing. Reformatted the
Rare Items section slightly.

v1.5 1/11/02: Added a metric ton of US weapon names, thanks to Ouchmyface, and
Jaag Brown. Only a very few weapon names, and all of the armor names remain
untranslated now, which are denoted with asterisks next to them. Cut a lot of
weight off the Version History, and condensed the thankyous.

v1.3 12/21/01: Changed ALL auto-ability and a few more equipment names to
English. Huge thanks to AceofSpades and Shivan on the GameFAQs FFX board, and
the Brady strategy guide. (See? I didn't have to suffer through the English
voice acting after all!) The only thing left is to convert weapon and armor
names totally to English, which will be done over the course of the next
few months. PS - My birthday is the 25th, so try to hold off on the hate mail
that day, 'kay?

-- II. Foreword / Contact Information --

First, this is not a gameplay FAQ. This is a complete guide to making any
kind of equipment in the game, and what that particular equipment looks like,
and is called. If you need help figuring out the Sphere Grid system, or want
a walkthrough, look elsewhere.

If you have a question regarding equipment customizing that I haven't covered
in this document, you may email me at, or contact me via AOL
Instant Messenger as "Ceebsie". I'm also on the GameFAQs boards as "Ceebs"
occasionally. If your question is already answered in this FAQ, or one of my
FAQs, I can pretty much guarantee that I'll delete your email. I hate to be
strict like this, but I currently recieve between 20-40 letters per day about
Final Fantasy X, most of which are from people who didn't abide by this email
policy. I don't exist to be a free tip line, and I've done my best to make this
document as complete and self-explanatory as possible, so please respect that,
and don't ask me to regurgitate material from it. Pretty please? The latest
version of this FAQ, and all the other ones I've written, can always be found
at GameFAQs ( and my site
( Please take a look at them before finding
fault with what may be an out-of-date version.

-- III. Frequently Asked Questions --

1. How do I customize my equipment?

When the character Rikku joins your party, about a third of the way through
the game, you may customize weapons and armor as you see fit with ANY auto-
ability, so long as you have the nescessary items, and there is at least one
open slot on the equipment you're customizing. This may seem familiar to
anyone who played Final Fantasy VIII and IX, which had "remodeling" shops,
but Square has overhauled the system to give the player limitless
customizing options, not to mention greater ease in finding the components
to customize. (Anyone else have nightmares about hunting down Energy
Crystals in Esthar? Shudder.) Prior to Rikku joining your party, however,
you may only buy equipment in shops, find it in treasure chests, or win it
the old-fashioned way from monsters.

2. How do the auto-abilities relate to the equipment's appearance and name?

This is probably THE most misunderstood aspect of the remodeling system -
all weapons and armor are unremarkable until you add certain combinations of
auto-abilities. Think of each piece of equipment as a blank slate, devoid of
any special powers. Unlike previous Final Fantasy games, the auto-abilities
make the weapon, the weapon doesn't make the auto-abilities.

Below in Section VII, you'll see numbered names of weapons and armor, and
auto-abilities associated with them. The highest number on the list
dominates the other auto-abilities. You can add any combination of auto-
abilities you want to your equipment, but again, the highest auto-ability on
the list will dominate the name and appearance. You may want to scroll down
to Section VII before you read any further...

For example (you knew one was coming, right?): [Triple AP] is the #11 auto-
ability on all of the weapon lists, [One MP Cost] is the #15 auto-ability,
and [Icestrike] is the #51 auto-ability. If you had a weapon with all three
of these auto-abilities on it, because #11 is the lowest number of these
auto-abilities, the weapon would be named whatever the eleventh weapon is.
In Tidus' case, it's the Durandal; in Yuna's, the Wonder Wing; in Wakka's,
the Triple Score; in Lulu's, the Cactuar Comet, and so on and so forth.

Another example: if you had a weapon with any two of [Firestrike],
[Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or [Icestrike], which together are #40 on
the list, plus any two of [Darktouch], [Silencetouch], [Sleeptouch],
[Poisontouch], [Stonetouch], [Deathtouch], [Zombietouch] or [Slowtouch], #41
on the list, what would it be? Because 40 is higher on the list than 41, it
would be whatever that character's fortieth weapon is. Is this beginning to
make sense?

And now, an armor example: if you had an armor with the [Break MP Limit]
auto-ability, which is #4 on the list, [MP Stroll], #21, [Lightning Eater],
#46, and [Silenceproof], #57, what armor would you have? It would be the
fourth armor, because the [Break MP Limit] auto-ability is highest on the
list, and therefore dominates all other auto-abilities. In Tidus' case, it's
called Emblem; in Auron's, it's the Dragon Lord; in Kimahri's, it's Shaman
Armlet, etc.

Yet another armor example: if you had any 3 of [Fire Eater], [Water Eater],
[Lightning Eater], or [Ice Eater], which together are #19 on the list, plus
[Auto Haste], #34, making up an armor, the armor would be the nineteenth one
on the list.

One more armor example: if you had an armor with the [HP Stroll] and [MP
Stroll] auto-abilities, which together are #17 on the list, as well as any
other auto-abilities that are lower on the list (and therefore do not
dominate the combination of [HP Stroll] and [MP Stroll]), you would have an
"...of Hope" armor. In Yuna's case, it's the Ring of Hope; in Auron's, it's
the Bracer of Hope; in Rikku's, it's the Targe of Hope, etc.

I hope this explains the remodeling system abundantly well, but if not,
write in with auto-abilities you want to put into a piece of equipment, and
I'll tell you what it's called. Probably.

3. Once I've put an auto-ability into my equipment, is there any way to remove

No, so remodel wisely. I've observed that monsters drop equipment so often -
every third fight or so - that you're almost never low on things to remodel.
Your mileage may vary.

4. What are the maximum number of slots equipment may have?

The maximum number of empty slots per weapon or armor is 4.

5. Where can I buy empty weapons and armor?

After the Great Bridge event with Maester Mika regarding Yuna's traitor
status, you can buy these from Wantz at the southern entrance of Macalania
Forest. If you didn't ever donate to O'aka, or skipped over talking to Wantz
on your climb up Mt. Gagazet, Wantz will not be there. If Wantz isn't there,
you're best off fighting Varunas and Adamantoises in Sin and the Omega Ruins,
both of whom periodically drop empty 4-slotted equipment.

6. Where can I find pictures of everyone's equipment?

I used to have them on my site, but shortly after having posted them, they
were immediately leeched and doctored without giving credit to the Ultimania
guide from which they were scanned, so I took them down. So in short, you can
either import the Ultimania guide from Japan, or buy the Bradygames strategy
guide, which has most of them - it's only missing two of Tidus' sword designs,
and one of his bucklers. The Bradygames guide also has equipment listed in
alphabetical order, not by auto-ability, and doesn't go into much depth about
customizing, but I suppose we all have release dates to meet. Besides, that's
what you're reading this FAQ, right? If you choose to import the Ultimania
books from Amazon Japan, I have a "walkthrough" of the checkout process on my
site at

7. How many weapons and armor are there total?

Tidus has 64 weapon names, and everyone else has 63, so that's 442 weapons
total - 443 if you count Seymour's wand the one time he joins you. If you
mean in terms of weapon appearances, each person has between 5 and 7
different weapon designs. As for armor, every character has 84 different
armor names, which makes 588 different armors - 589 if you count Seymour's
armor. Likewise, each character has either 4 or 5 different armor designs.

8. Where can I find rare items with which to remodel?

Skip ahead to Section VI. ;)

9. I'm playing Final Fantasy X in Japanese, do you still have the Japanese-
language version of this FAQ?

Yes I do, it's still on my site. It's not actually in Japanese, it just has
English translations of the Japanese words, because I am a silly gaijin who
does not know how to save an NJStar Nihongo word processor document as a
plain txt file. Yuutsu yuutsu, woe is me.

10. Is there any way to auto-organize equipment?

In the initial Japanese release, no. You can however auto-organize equipment
in the US release, and FFX International.

11. What are the best auto-abilities to put in weapons and armor?

The best auto-ability for weapons is without a doubt [Break Damage Limit].
[Deathtouch] and [Deathstrike] are astondingly helpful even up until the end
of the game, if you don't mind not getting an Overkill, and watching a
Wicked Cait Sith prance up to a Iron Giant and knock it down with one hit
never ceases to amuse me. [Piercing] is good against the armored mole-type
enemies, and dragons, early in the game, but you may find that once you get
your Strength statistic past 100, or Auron learns Armor Break, it just
wastes a valuable slot that could go to [Str +x%].

With regard to armor, the best auto-abilities depend on what kinds of
monsters you're fighting. If you're up against a Great Marlboro,
[Confuseproof], [Berserkproof], and [Auto Med] are NESCESSITIES. Whereas if
you're fighting a monster that hits very hard, say 9999+ per round, [Auto
Phoenix], [Auto Protect], [Break HP Limit], and [Auto Regen] may be more
valuable. [Break MP Limit] with your mages is only useful until you've
obtained a weapon with [One MP Cost] - Yuna's and Lulu's Ultimates come
already equipped with this - after that, [Break MP Limit] becomes kind of
excessive. [Alchemy] on a weapon used in conjunction with [Auto Potion] is
expensive, but if you can spare the two slots on an armor, and the gil to
keep yourself stocked in High Potions, it's better than [Auto Regen].

All said, the best auto abilities to customize weapons and armor with are
the ones that keep you alive.

12. So what do you have on _your_ armor, CB!?

You mean what am I wearing? If I had a dime for every stranger on the
internet who asked me that... ;) I have a couple different armors which I
swap between; one is for fighting monsters that use status abnormality
attacks, such as the Demonolith and Marlboro, and the other is for regular

The "status" armor consists of [Auto Med], [Blindproof], [Confuseproof], and
[Poisonproof] - this is fantastic against Demonoliths and their "Pharoah's
Curse" counterattack. I could have added [Berserkproof] in lieu of
[Poisonproof], but aside from the fact that I get poisoned more often than
berserked, here's my reasoning: the worst thing that can happen while you're
berserked is to also be confused, poisoned, and blinded. (Ie, you keep
attacking team members without being able to hit them, while your HP whittles
itself down to zero.) Confusion, Poison, and Blind are already taken care of
by the [...proof] abilities, so you're pretty much set. Even a moderately-
leveled berserked team can take out a Great Marlboro as long as they have
protection against these three status afflictions.

The armor I use for fighting normal monsters consists of [Break HP Limit],
[Auto Protect], [Auto Shell], and either [Auto Haste] or [Auto Phoenix].
With [Auto Protect] and high defense, [HP +30%] would merely be decorative.
Anything that can take off more than 15,000 HP in one hit while you're in
Protect status with 255 defense would probably kill you in one hit regardless
if how many HP you have. That's just my opinion, though - you did ask for it.

13. If I customize a weapon with the same auto-abilities as that character's
Ultimate Weapon, will I end up with the Ultimate Weapon?

No, you'll just have a weapon with the name and appearance of whichever
everyone's [Break Damage Limit] weapon is, because [Break Damage Limit]
dominates all other auto-abilities except [Capture]. Reread question #2 if
you don't understand this. Additionally, self-customized weapons won't have
the special damage properties of Ultimate Weapons. In other words, a weapon
for Tidus that contains all of the abilities of his Caladbolg will do the
same damage at 2000/9999 HP as it will at 9999/9999 HP, and in the case of
Yuna's, Wakka's, Lulu's, Kimahri's, and Auron's Ultimate Weapons, you need
to power them up with at least the Crest to get a [Break Damage Limit]
effect for some of your Aeons. Sorries!

14. If there are Ultimate Weapons, are there Ultimate Armors?

There aren't Ultimate Armors in the sense of finding pre-customized armor in
clandestine locations, but everyone does have a "best" armor. Kind of. The
only remarkable thing about the "best" armor is the fact that it contains
[Break HP Limit] and [Break MP Limit]. You don't find this armor anywhere,
you simply customize it yourself, and when you add these two auto-abilities,
the name the game gives it will be the "best" one. The other slots on the
armor could contain anything, and it would still have the "best" name,
because it posesses [Break HP Limit] and [Break MP Limit]. All of the
weapons and armor are like this - unremarkable until you add certain
combinations of auto-abilities. Reread Frequently Asked Question #2 if you
still don't understand. Some people would argue that [Break MP Limit] is
useless once you have [One MP Cost], so it's up to you whether having the
armor with the "best" name is worth sacrificing one of the slots in it for a
useless auto-ability.

15. I heard the AP trick was "capped" in the US release - is there any use for
[Overdrive -> AP] anymore?

Yes. Although the "AP Trick" was capped at about 35,000 AP per battle in the
US release, if you have the [Triple AP] and [Triple Overdrive] modifiers on
the same weapon, you should get much, much more AP at the end of each fight,
depending on what enemies you're fighting, and what Overdrive type you've set.
The AP trick is nowhere near as exploitable as it was in the Japanese import,
but if you want quick, cheap AP, this is the way to go. Check out CronoRye's
and ORCA782 / Gamepro2817's AP Trick FAQs for ways to exploit uncapped

16. Which is better, [Auto Phoenix] or [Auto Med]?

Both of these auto-abilities will not activate if you're Confused, Berserk,
Petrified, asleep, or dead. If you're afflicted by any other negative status,
such as Blind, Silence, Poison, or Curse, they will activate. So they're
equally useful or useless, depending on your point of view.

17. What's the [No Encounters] glitch?

This isn't a glitch in that it prevents you from playing the game, but it's
a little strange nonetheless. Although normally you may only customize the
[No Encounters] auto-ability into an armor, you may find one or two weapons
with [No Encounters] over the course of the game. Geosgaeno sometimes drops
one, and there's another in a treasure chest at the back of the shop nearby
Djose Temple. [No Encounters] weapons keep the monsters away as efficiently
as armors bearing that auto-ability.

18. Where can I get Wings to Discovery?

(Moved to Section VI.)

19. I have [Gillionaire], [Double AP], or [Triple AP] on a weapon, but I
didn't get the post-battle bonus I should have! Why?

All three of these auto-abilities won't activate if your character is not in
the active party when the battle is won. [Double AP] and [Triple AP] won't
activate if the equipped character did not preform an action in battle to
earn AP. [Gillionaire] is an exception to this - a character with
[Gillionaire] only needs to be in the battle, they don't need to have
preformed an action to get double the gil after battle.

Here are two examples: (1) if Yuna were equipped with a [Triple AP] weapon,
killed a monster, then you swapped her out for another character and won the
battle, Yuna would not get the AP bonus after the battle. This is the same
if you win a battle with an Aeon - bad news to anyone hoping to squeak by
with the Magus Sisters. (2) If you encountered a Mimic in the Omega Ruins
without someone equipped with [Gillionaire] immediately in your active party,
then swapped a [Gillionaired] character in before you won the battle, you
would recieve twice as much gil, regardless of whether the swapped
character had preformed an action during the battle.

20. The Great Marlboro keeps ambushing and killing me! ARGH!

Only the Great Marlboro in the Omega Ruins will always ambush you - the Great
Marlboro in Sin has the same ambush rate as any other monster. Anyway, there
are two ways to prevent him from using Bad Breath right off the bat, both of
which require a character in your active party to be equipped with a weapon
with [First Strike]. The first way is to have the bearer of [First Strike]
use the Provoke special on the Great Marlboro - instead of using Bad Breath,
he'll chew up and spit out that character. The second method of avoiding Bad
Breath is to have the [First Strike]'d character use the Delay Buster skill,
which will drop-kick (or Delay Bust, if you want to get technical) the Great
Marlboro's turn into next Tuesday! Sneaky!

21. If I have several characters equipped with [Gillionaire], does it stack?

No, unfortunately, [Gillionaire] is not cumulative.

22. If I have [Double AP] and [Triple AP] on the same weapon, will I get six
times as much AP?

No, and you cannot put [Double AP] and [Triple AP] on the same weapon anyway.
The same goes for [SOS Overdrive], [Double Overdrive], and [Triple Overdrive].
But by all means, try. :)

23. What are the new equipment auto-abilities in FFX International?

There are four new weapon auto-abilities, and one new armor auto-ability. The
weapon auto-abilities are called [Distill Power], [Distill Mana], [Distill
Speed], and [Distill Ability], and serve the same function as Sphere
Distiller items, that is, to force an enemy to drop a particular type of
sphere after battle. (Sadly, there's still no such distiller for Fortune
Spheres.) The new armor auto-ability is a godsend to anyone fighting monsters
who use status ailments - it's the old Final Fantasy standby, [Ribbon]! For
those new to the series, the Ribbon was an absolutely invaluable piece of
armor that protected against all kinds of status abnormalities 100% of the
time. Unfortunately, [Ribbon] is a pain in the rear to customize, requiring
99 Dark Matter, and the only monsters that drop equipment with it are the
incredibly difficult "Dark" Aeons. Good luck getting a full set of [Ribbon]
armor for your party...

24. Is there any way to get [Ribbon] in the US release?

No, sorry - [Ribbon] is exclusive to FFX International and the PAL release,
which will be based on FFX International. The closest you can get to [Ribbon]
in the US release is armor with [Berserkproof], [Confuseproof], [Stoneproof],
and [Auto Med]. And before you start grousing about how the US is screwed out
of extras, consider that the release date kept getting pushed forward - from
March to January, then January to mid-December - and that perhaps if it
wasn't, the US release would have contained things like [Ribbon] and all of
the bells and whistles in the question above.

-- IV. Auto-Abilities of Weapons --

Ability: Sensor
Effect: Allows you to see an enemy's HP and elemental weaknesses.
Requires: Ability Sphere x2

Ability: Piercing
Effect: Pierces through armored enemies.
Requires: Level 2 Key Sphere x1

Ability: First Strike
Effect: Allows you to attack first, irrespective of speed or having been
ambushed by the enemy.
Requires: Return Sphere x1

Ability: Initiative
Effect: Increases the chances of a pre-emptive strike.
Requires: Chocobo Feather x6

Ability: Firestrike
Effect: Adds the fire element to an attack.
Requires: Bomb Fragment x4

Ability: Thunderstrike
Effect: Adds the thunder element to an attack.
Requires: Electro Marble x4

Ability: Waterstrike
Effect: Adds the water element to an attack.
Requires: Fish Scale x4

Ability: Icestrike
Effect: Adds the ice element to an attack.
Requires: Antarctic Wind x4

Ability: Darktouch
Effect: Occasionally blinds the enemy.
Requires: Eyedrops x60

Ability: Darkstrike
Effect: Always blinds the enemy.
Requires: Smoke Bomb x20

Ability: Silencetouch
Effect: Occasionally silences the enemy.
Requires: Echo Screen x60

Ability: Silencestrike
Effect: Always silences the enemy.
Requires: Silence Grenade x20

Ability: Sleeptouch
Effect: Occasionally puts an enemy to sleep.
Requires: Sleeping Powder x10

Ability: Sleepstrike
Effect: Always puts an enemy to sleep.
Requires: Dream Powder x16

Ability: Poisontouch
Effect: Occasionally poisons the enemy.
Requires: Antidote x99

Ability: Poisonstrike
Effect: Always poisons the enemy.
Requires: Poison Fang x24

Ability: Stonetouch
Effect: Occasionally turns the enemy to stone.
Requires: Petrify Grenade x10

Ability: Stonestrike
Effect: Always turns the enemy to stone.
Requires: Petrify Grenade x60

Ability: Deathtouch
Effect: Occasionally instantly kills the enemy.
Requires: Farplane Shadow x30

Ability: Deathstrike
Effect: Always instantly kills the enemy.
Requires: Farplane Wind x60

Ability: Zombietouch
Effect: Occasionally zombifies the enemy.
Requires: Holy Water x70

Ability: Zombiestrike
Effect: Always zombifies the enemy.
Requires: Candle of Life x30

Ability: Slowtouch
Effect: Occasionally slows the enemy.
Requires: Silver Hourglass x16

Ability: Slowstrike
Effect: Always slows the enemy.
Requires: Gold Hourglass x30

Ability: Distill Power (FFX International _only_!)
Effect: Causes the enemy to drop Power Spheres.
Requires: Power Sphere x2

Ability: Distill Mana (FFX International _only_!)
Effect: Causes the enemy to drop Mana Spheres.
Requires: Mana Sphere x2

Ability: Distill Speed (FFX International _only_!)
Effect: Causes the enemy to drop Speed Spheres.
Requires: Speed Sphere x2

Ability: Distill Ability (FFX International _only_!)
Effect: Causes the enemy to drop Ability Spheres.
Requires: Ability Sphere x2

Ability: Strength +3%
Effect: Increases attack power by 3%.
Requires: Power Sphere x3

Ability: Strength +5%
Effect: Increases attack power by 5%.
Requires: Stamina Spring x2

Ability: Strength +10%
Effect: Increases attack power 10%.
Requires: Skill Sphere x1

Ability: Strength +20%
Effect: Increases attack power by 20%.
Requires: Supreme Gem x4

Ability: Magic +3%
Effect: Increases magic attack power by 3%.
Requires: Mana Sphere x3

Ability: Magic +5%
Effect: Increases magic attack power by 5%.
Requires: Mana Spring x2

Ability: Magic +10%
Effect: Increases magic attack power by 10%.
Requires: Black Magic Sphere x1

Ability: Magic +20%
Effect: Increases magic attack power by 20%.
Requires: Supreme Gem x4

Ability: Counterattack
Effect: Automatically counterattacks when attacked by the enemy.
Requires: Friend Sphere x1

Ability: Evade & Counter
Effect: Avoids an attack by the enemy and automatically counterattacks.
Requires: Teleport Sphere x1

Ability: Magic Counter
Effect: Automatically counterattacks when attacked by an enemy spell.
Requires: Shining Gem x16

Ability: Magic Booster
Effect: Increases magic attack power, expending more MP doing so.
Requires: Ether Turbo x30

Ability: Alchemy
Effect: Doubles the effectiveness of medicine in battle.
Requires: Healing Water x4

Ability: Half MP Cost
Effect: Halves the amount of MP required to preform magic, skills, or special
Requires: Twin Stars x20

Ability: One MP Cost
Effect: Makes all magic, skills, and special techniques only require 1 MP to
Requires: Three Stars x20

Ability: No AP
Effect: Recieve no AP after battle.
Requires: N/A

Ability: Double AP
Effect: Doubles the amount of AP recieved after battle.
Requires: Mega Elixir x20

Ability: Triple AP
Effect: Triples the amount of AP recieved after battle.
Requires: Wings to Discovery x50

Ability: Overdrive -> AP
Effect: Overdrive gauge doesn't rise, but you recieve more AP after battle,
depending on what Overdrive type you've set.
Requires: Door to Tomorrow x10

Ability: SOS Overdrive
Effect: Makes Overdrive gauge rise faster when in critical condition.
Requires: Gambler's Spirit x20

Ability: Double Overdrive
Effect: Makes Overdrive gauge rise twice as quickly.
Requires: Underdog's Secret x30

Ability: Triple Overdrive
Effect: Makes Overdrive gauge rise three times as quickly.
Requires: Winning Formula x30

Ability: Gillionaire
Effect: Doubles the amount of gil recieved after battle.
Requires: Designer Wallet x30

Ability: Break Damage Limit
Effect: Allows you to do more than 9,999 damage, up to a max of 99,999
Requires: Dark Matter x60

Ability: Capture
Effect: Sends the monster to the Monster Arena to the east of the Calm Lands,
if a killing blow is dealt with this ability equipped.
Requires: N/A (Bought from monster trainer at the Arena.)

-- V. Auto-Abilities of Armor --

Ability: Fire Ward
Effect: Halves fire damage; includes spells and regular attacks.
Requires: Bomb Fragment x4

Ability: Fireproof
Effect: Nullifies fire damage; includes spells and regular attacks.
Requires: Bomb Core x8

Ability: Fire Eater
Effect: Absorbs fire damage as HP; includes spells and regular attacks.
Requires: Fire Gem x20

Ability: Lightning Ward
Effect: Halves thunder damage; includes spells and regular attacks.
Requires: Electro Marble x4

Ability: Lightningproof
Effect: Nullifies thunder damage; includes spells and regular attacks.
Requires: Lightning Marble x8

Ability: Lightning Eater
Effect: Absorbs thunder damage as HP; includes spells and regular attacks.
Requires: Lightning Gem x20

Ability: Water Ward
Effect: Halves water damage; includes spells and regular attacks.
Requires: Fish Scale x4

Ability: Waterproof
Effect: Nullifies water damage; includes spells and regular attacks.
Requires: Dragon Scale x8

Ability: Water Eater
Effect: Absorbs water damage as HP; includes spells and regular attacks.
Requires: Water Gem x20

Ability: Ice Ward
Effect: Halves ice damage; includes spells and regular attacks.
Requires: Antarctic Wind x4

Ability: Iceproof
Effect: Nullifies ice damage; includes spells and regular attacks.
Requires: Arctic Wind x8

Ability: Ice Eater
Effect: Absorbs ice damage as HP; includes spells and regular attacks.
Requires: Ice Gem x20

Ability: Dark Ward
Effect: Occasionally protects against blindness.
Requires: Eyedrops x40

Ability: Darkproof
Effect: Always protects against blindness.
Requires: Smoke Bomb x20

Ability: Silence Ward
Effect: Occasionally protects against silence.
Requires: Echo Screen x30

Ability: Silenceproof
Effect: Always protects against silence.
Requires: Silent Grenade x10

Ability: Sleep Ward
Effect: Occasionally protects against sleep.
Requires: Sleeping Powder x6

Ability: Sleepproof
Effect: Always protects against sleep.
Requires: Dream Powder x8

Ability: Poison Ward
Effect: Occasionally protects against poisoning.
Requires: Antidote x40

Ability: Poisonproof
Effect: Always protects against poisoning.
Requires: Poison Fang x12

Ability: Stone Ward
Effect: Occasionally protects against petrification.
Requires: Soft x30

Ability: Stoneproof
Effect: Always protects against petrification.
Requires: Petrify Grenade x20

Ability: Death Ward
Effect: Occasionally protects against instant death.
Requires: Farplane Shadow x15

Ability: Deathproof
Effect: Always protects against instant death.
Requires: Farplane Wind x60

Ability: Zombie Ward
Effect: Occasionally protects against zombie.
Requires: Holy Water x30

Ability: Zombieproof
Effect: Always protects against zombie.
Requires: Candle of Life x10

Ability: Slow Ward
Effect: Occasionally protects against slow.
Requires: Silver Hourglass x10

Ability: Slowproof
Effect: Always protects against slow.
Requires: Gold Hourglass x20

Ability: Confuse Ward
Effect: Occasionally protects against confusion.
Requires: Musk x16

Ability: Confuseproof
Effect: Always protects against confusion.
Requires: Musk x48

Ability: Berserk Ward
Effect: Occasionally protects against berserk.
Requires: Hypello Potion x8

Ability: Berserkproof
Effect: Always protects against berserk.
Requires: Hypello Potion x32

Ability: Curseproof
Effect: Always protects against curse.
Requires: Tetra Elemental x12

Ability: SOS NulBlaze
Effect: Automatically puts the character in NulBlaze status when in critical
Requires: Bomb Core x1

Ability: SOS NulShock
Effect: Automatically puts the character in NulShock status when in
critical condition.
Requires: Lightning Marble x1

Ability: SOS NulTide
Effect: Automatically puts the character in NulTide status when in critical
Requires: Dragon Scale x1

Ability: SOS NulFrost
Effect: Automatically puts the character in NulFrost status when in critical
Requires: Arctic Wind x1

Ability: SOS Shell
Effect: Automatically puts the character in Shell status when in critical
Requires: Lunar Curtain x8

Ability: SOS Protect
Effect: Automatically puts the character in Protect status when in critical
Requires: Light Curtain x8

Ability: SOS Reflect
Effect: Automatically puts the character in Reflect status when in critical
Requires: Star Curtain x8

Ability: SOS Haste
Effect: Automatically puts the character in Haste status when in critical
Requires: Chocobo Feather x20

Ability: SOS Regen
Effect: Automatically puts the character in Regen status when in critical
Requires: Healing Spring x12

Ability: Auto Shell
Effect: Automatically puts the character in Shell status.
Requires: Lunar Curtain x80

Ability: Auto Protect
Effect: Automatically puts the character in Protect status.
Requires: Light Curtain x80

Ability: Auto Reflect
Effect: Automatically puts the character in Reflect status.
Requires: Star Curtain x40

Ability: Auto Haste
Effect: Automatically puts the character in Haste status.
Requires: Chocobo Wing x80

Ability: Auto Regen
Effect: Automatically puts the character in Regen status.
Requires: Healing Spring x80

Ability: Defense +3%
Effect: Increases defense power by 3%.
Requires: Power Sphere x3

Ability: Defense +5%
Effect: Increases defense power by 5%.
Requires: Stamina Spring x2

Ability: Defense +10%
Effect: Increases defense power by 10%.
Requires: Special Sphere x1

Ability: Defense +20%
Effect: Increases defense power by 20%.
Requires: Blessed Gem x4

Ability: Magic Defense +3%
Effect: Increases magic defense power by 3%.
Requires: Mana Sphere x3

Ability: Magic Defense +5%
Effect: Increases magic defense power by 5%.
Requires: Mana Spring x2

Ability: Magic Defense +10%
Effect: Increases magic defense power by 10%.
Requires: White Magic Sphere x1

Ability: Magic Defense +20%
Effect: Increases magic defense power by 20%.
Requires: Blessed Gem x4

Ability: HP +5%
Effect: Increases HP by 5%.
Requires: X-Potion x5

Ability: HP +10%
Effect: Increases HP by 10%.
Requires: Soul Spring x3

Ability: HP +20%
Effect: Increases HP by 20%.
Requires: Elixir x5

Ability: HP +30%
Effect: Increases HP by 30%.
Requires: Stamina Tonic x1

Ability: MP +5%
Effect: Increases MP by 5%.
Requires: Ether x5

Ability: MP +10%
Effect: Increases MP by 10%.
Requires: Soul Spring x3

Ability: MP +20%
Effect: Increases MP by 20%.
Requires: Elixir x5

Ability: MP +30%
Effect: Increases MP by 30%.
Requires: Mana Tonic x1

Ability: Auto Potion
Effect: Automatically uses a potion when attacked.
Requires: Stamina Tablet x4

Ability: Auto Med
Effect: Automatically uses a status-restorative item when attacked.
Requires: Remedy x20

Ability: Auto Phoenix
Effect: Automatically uses a phoenix down when a party member dies.
Requires: Mega Phoenix x20

Ability: Pickpocket
Effect: Steal or mug rare items first.
Requires: Amulet x30

Ability: Master Thief
Effect: Recieve only rare items when stealing, despite however many common
items the enemy may be carrying.
Requires: Pendulum x30

Ability: HP Stroll
Effect: Regenerates HP when walking in the field.
Requires: Stamina Tablet x2

Ability: MP Stroll
Effect: Regenerates MP when walking in the field.
Requires: Mana Tablet x2

Ability: No Encounters
Effect: Eliminates random monster encounters.
Requires: Purifying Salt x30

Ability: Break HP Limit
Effect: Allows you to have more than 9,999 HP, up to a max of 99,999 HP.
Requires: Wings to Discovery x30

Ability: Break MP Limit
Effect: Allows you to have more than 999 MP, up to a max of 9,999 MP.
Requires: Three Stars x30

Ability: Ribbon (FFX International _only_!)
Effect: Protects against every single status ailment, except for Curse, all
of the time.
Requires: Dark Matter x99

-- VI. Alphabetical Rare Item Locations --

Item: Amulet
Drop: Stratavis (Monster Arena)
Steal: N/A
Bribe: Tonberry - Amulet x2 for 270,000 gil (Cavern of the Stolen Fayth)
Misc: N/A

Item: Blessed Gem
Drop: Cactuar King (Monster Arena)
Steal: Coeurl Regina (Monster Arena), One-Eye (Monster Arena), Barbatos (Sin)
Bribe: N/A
Misc: N/A

Item: Chocobo Wing
Drop: N/A
Steal: Cactuar (Sanubia Desert), Cactuar King (Monster Arena), Fenrir (Monster
Arena), Ornitholestes (Monster Arena)
Bribe: Machea - Chocobo Wing x60 for 360,000 gil (Omega Ruins)
Misc: N/A

Item: Dark Matter
Drop: Every monster at the Monster Arena, as a rare drop.
Steal: N/A
Bribe: Land Worm - Dark Matter x2 for 1,600,000 gil (Sin's Nucleus)
Misc: Capture at least 5 of EVERY monster for the Monster Arena, and the
trainer will give you 99, or win them one at a time randomly from
Blitzball Leagues and Tournaments.

Item: Designer Wallet
Drop: N/A
Steal: Cactuar King (Monster Arena), Don Tonberry (Monster Arena)
Bribe: Defender Z - Designer Wallet x5 for 846,000 gil (Omega Ruins, Yevon Dome)
Misc: Capture at least 1 of each monster from the Omega Ruins for the Monster
Arena, and the trainer will give you 60.

Item: Door to Tomorrow
Drop: Bomb King (Monster Arena)
Steal: Ultima Weapon (Omega Ruins)
Bribe: Mech Scouter - Door to Tomorrow x1 for 55,000 gil (Calm Lands)
Mech Leader - Door to Tomorrow x2 for 74,000 gil (Mt. Gagazet)
Misc: Capture the nescessary number of monsters to unlock 6 Area Creation
bosses at the Monster Arena, and the trainer will give you 99.

Item: Elixir
Drop: Oblitzerator (Luca), Crawler (Lake Macalania)
Steal: Seymour (Macalania Temple), Seymour Flux (Mt. Gagazet)
Bribe: YKT-63 - Elixir x8 for 84,000 gil (Bevelle Highbridge)
YKT-11 - Elixir x12 for 124,000 gil (Yevon Dome)
Misc: Open 1 treasure chest in the Remiem Temple chocobo race without touching
any poles, and you'll recieve 1 (ONE TIME ONLY!), or be struck by 80
lightning bolts at Thunder Plains and you'll recieve 1, or hit the right
spot on a Magic Urn (Cavern of the Stolen Fayth).

Item: Farplane Wind
Drop: N/A
Steal: Coeurl Regina (Monster Arena), Espada (Monster Arena), Sleep Sprout
(Monster Arena), Varuna (Omega Ruins), Wraith (Omega Ruins or Sin),
Yunalesca (Yevon Dome)
Bribe: Epaaj - Farplane Wind x25 for 174,000 gil (Cavern of the Stolen Fayth)
Ahriman - Farplane Wind x6 for 56,000 gil (Gagazet Cavern, Zanarkand
Freeway, or Sin)
Wraith - Farplane Wind x60 for 444,440 gil (Sin or Omega Ruins)
Misc: Capture at least 1 of each monster from the Calm Lands for the Monster
Arena, and the trainer will give you 60.

Item: Friend Sphere
Drop: Biran Ronso (Mt. Gagazet), Yenke Ronso (Mt. Gagazet), Spirit (Omega
Ruins), Master Coeurl (Omega Ruins), Vorban (Monster Arena)
Steal: Neslug (Monster Arena)
Bribe: Couerl - x2 for 120,000 gil (Calm Lands or Cavern of the Stolen Fayth)
Misc: N/A

Item: Healing Spring
Drop: Kottos (Monster Arena)
Steal: Catoblepas (Monster Arena), Vorban (Monster Arena), Achelous (flooded
portion of Gagazet Cavern)
Bribe: Octopus - Healing Spring x20 for 90,000 gil (Via Purifico)
Phlegyas - Healing Spring x6 for 33,600 gil (Via Purifico)
Achelous - Healing Spring x16 for 102,000 gil (Gagazet Cavern)
Misc: Capture at least 5 of each monster from the Fungus species for the
Monster Arena, and the trainer will give you 99.

Item: Light Curtain
Drop: Fafnir (Monster Arena)
Steal: Gemini (Sin or Omega Ruins), Ironclad (Monster Arena), Iron Giant
(Thunder Plains), Tanket (Monster Arena)
Bribe: N/A
Misc: Capture at least 5 of each monster from the Horned species for the
Monster Arema, and the trainer will give you 99.

Item: Lunar Curtain
Drop: N/A
Steal: One Eye (Monster Arena), Jumbo Flan (Monster Arena), Tanket (Monster
Arena), Juggernaut (Monster Arena), Crawler (Lake Macalania), Defender
(Cavern of the Stolen Fayth), Defender X (north Calm Lands), Defender Z
(Yevon Dome or Omega Ruins), Larva (Thunder Plains)
Bribe: N/A
Misc: Capture at least 1 of each monster from Sin for the Monster Arena, and
the trainer will give you 99, or hit the right spot on a Magic Urn
(Cavern of the Stolen Fayth).

Item: Mega Elixir
Drop: N/A
Steal: N/A
Bribe: Xiphos - Mega Elixir x1 for 54,000 gil (Macalania Forest)
Varuna - Mega Elixir x20 for 1,120,000 gil (Omega Ruins)
Misc: Open 2 treasure chests in the Remiem Temple chocobo race without
touching any poles, and you'll recieve 2 (ONE TIME ONLY!), or dodge 150
lightning bolts consecutively at Thunder Plains for 4.

Item: Mega Phoenix
Drop: Extractor (Moonflow), YAT-99 (Bevelle Highbridge), Mech Hunter (Cavern
of the Stolen Fayth), Mech Defender (Mt. Gagazet), YAT-97 (Yevon Dome)
Steal: N/A
Bribe: Alcyone - Mega Phoenix x2 for 8,600 gil (Sanubia Desert)
Ghost - Mega Phoenix x38 for 199,980 gil (Cavern of the Stolen Fayth)
Misc: Capture at least 4 of each monster from the Bird species for the Monster
Arema, and the trainer will give you 99.

Item: Pendulum
Drop: Neslug (Monster Arena)
Steal: N/A
Bribe: Master Tonberry - Pendulum x3 for 960,000 gil (Omega Ruins)
Ultima Weapon - Pendulum x99 for 1,400,000 gil (Omega Ruins)
Misc: Open 4 treasure chests in the Remiem Temple chocobo race without
touching any poles, and you'll recieve 30 (ONE TIME ONLY!).

Item: Purifying Salt
Drop: N/A
Steal: Abadon (Monster Arena), Fallen Monk (Yevon Dome), Warrior Monk (Bevelle
Bribe: N/A
Misc: Capture at least 4 of each monster from the Dragon species for the
Monster Arema, and the trainer will give you 99.

Item: Star Curtain
Drop: N/A
Steal: Nega Elemental (Monster Arena), Barbatos (Sin), Dark Flan (Gagazet
Cavern), Sinspawn: Genais (on Sin's exterior)
Bribe: N/A
Misc: Defeat Belgemine's Shiva at Remiem Temple twice or more, and you'll
recieve 6 at a time, or capture at least 3 of each monster from the
Element species for the Monster Arema, and the trainer will give you 99.

Item: Supreme Gem
Drop: Jormungand (Monster Arena)
Steal: Sin's Left Fin (Airship), "Overdrive" Sin (Airship), Seymour Omnis (Sin)
Bribe: Halma - Supreme Gem x20 for 260,000 gil (Omega Ruins)
Misc: Capture the nescessary number of monsters to unlock 2 Species Creation
bosses at the Monster Arena, and the trainer will give you 99.

Item: Three Stars
Drop: Catoblepas (Monster Arena)
Steal: Jormungand (Monster Arena), Shinryu (Monster Arena)
Bribe: Behemoth King - Three Stars x14 for 1,350,000 gil (Sin)
Misc: Open 5 treasure chests in the Remiem Temple chocobo race without
touching any poles, and you'll recieve 60 (ONE TIME ONLY!), or capture
the nescessary number of monsters to unlock 2 Area Creation bosses at
the Monster Arena, and the trainer will give you 60.

Item: Underdog's Secret
Drop: Th'uban (Monster Arena)
Steal: N/A
Bribe: Chimera B - Underdog's Secret x15 for 180,000 gil (Al Bhed Home)
Misc: Recieve 99 from Rin if you collect all of the Al Bhed Primers, or win
them one at a time randomly from Blitzball Leagues and Tournaments.

Item: Wings to Discovery
Drop: Shinryu x1-2 (Monster Arena)
Steal: N/A
Bribe: Marlboro - Wings to Discovery x4 for 540,000 gil (Calm Lands or Cavern
of the Stolen Fayth)
Great Marlboro - Wings to Discovery x8 for 1,280,000 gil (Sin or Omega
Misc: Open 3 treasure chests in the Remiem Temple chocobo race without
touching any poles, and you'll recieve 30 (ONE TIME ONLY!).

Item: Winning Formula
Drop: Ultima Buster (Monster Arena)
Steal: N/A
Bribe: Sand Worm - Winning Formula x15 for 900,000 gil (Sanubia Desert)
Misc: Capture at least 1 of EVERY monster for the Monster Arena, and the
trainer will give you 99.

-- VII. Weapon and Armor Names, Appearances, and Auto-Abilities --

NOTE: The weapons in this section never would have been finished with all of
the English names if not for Ouchmyface (, and Jaag Brown
( Jaag contributed pretty much every weapon name except
for Auron's Blades, which were done by Ouchmyface. If you have any comments
on the following section, like shameless praise for their hard work, please
direct them towards these two fine people. Most of the armor names were done
by me, after having played the US release at a friend's house, except for
the "ultimate armors", and a few negative status protective armors, which were
compiled by AceofSpades, and about 30 assorted armors by Steel Phoenix.

NOTE THE SECOND: If you're playing the original Japanese or US releases,
ignore the [Ribbon] auto-ability. It is only found in FFX International and the
European release.

As stated at the top of this document, if a piece of equipment has not been
converted to its US release name, there's an asterisk before it.

- A. Tidus' Swords -

Equipment Appearance:

1: Cobalt and aquamarine blue sword with gold gilt near the hilt and towards
the tip.
2, 5, 51, 53: The infamous "water sword" from the cover of the North American
box art.
3, 38, 39, 49, 56, 60, 62, 64: Magenta hook shaped sword with silver edging.
4, 22, 40, 50, 52: Slightly curved cobalt blue sword with silver edging, and
lots of baroque criss-crossing silver lines near the hilt.
6-15, 21, 24-27, 54: Flat yellow sword with no pointy protrusions, and three
holes at the tip.
16, 20, 23, 31-37, 41-48: Black cyber-looking sword that splits in two at the
17-19, 28-30, 55, 57-59, 61-63: Light blue curved rectangular sword with
Yevon writing along the blade.

Equipment name and auto-abilities:

1. Caladbolg; Celestial Weapon - cannot be made through Customizing!
2. Brotherhood; [Str +5%] + [Str +10%] + [Sensor] + [Waterstrike]
3. Taming Sword; [Capture]
4. Crystal Sword; [Firestrike] + [Thunderstrike] + [Waterstrike] + [Icestrike]
5. Excalibur; [Break Damage Limit]
6. Ragnarok; [Triple AP] + [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
7. Balmung; [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
8. Save the Queen; [Double AP] + [Double Overdrive]
9. Heartbreaker; [Triple Overdrive]
10. Lionheart; [Double Overdrive]
11. Durandal; [Triple AP]
12. Ascalon; [Double AP]
13. Ambitious; [Overdrive -> AP]
14. Hrunting; [SOS Overdrive]
15. Astral Sword; [One MP Cost]
16. Apocalypse; Any 4 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Sleepstrike],
[Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike], or
17. Master Sword; [Attack +x%] in 4 slots
18. Runemaster; [Magic Attack +x%] in 4 slots
19. Warlock; [Magic Booster] + [Magic Attack +x%] in the other 3 slots
20. Arc Sword; [Half MP Cost]
21. Gilventure; [Gillionaire]
22. Tri-Steel; Any 3 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
23. Helter-Skelter; Any 3 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Sleepstrike],
[Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike], or
24. Vendetta; [Magic Counter] + [Counter] or [Evade & Counter]
25. Avenger; [Counter] or [Evade & Counter]
26. Prism Steel; [Magic Counter]
27. Mirage Sword; [Magic Booster]
28. Lifesaver; [Alchemy]
29. Sonic Steel; [First Strike]
30. Vigilante; [Initiative]
31. Danse Macabre; [Deathstrike]
32. Largamente; [Slowstrike]
33. Gravestone; [Stonestrike]
34. Sidewinder; [Poisonstrike]
35. Nightmare; [Sleepstrike]
36. Mage Masher; [Silencestrike]
37. Nightbringer; [Darkstrike]
38. Knight Sword; [Attack +x%] in 3 slots
39. Wizard Sword; [Magic Attack +x%] in 3 slots
40. Double-Edge; Any 2 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
41. Razmatazz; Any 2 of: [Darktouch], [Silencetouch], [Sleeptouch],
[Poisontouch], [Stonetouch], [Deathtouch], [Zombietouch] or [Slowtouch]
42. Deathbringer; [Deathtouch]
43. Stunning Steel; [Slowtouch]
44. Basilisk Steel; [Stonetouch]
45. Poison Steel; [Poisontouch]
46. Lullaby Steel; [Sleeptouch]
47. Muted Steel; [Silencetouch]
48. Twilight Steel; [Darktouch]
49. Hunter's Sword; [Sensor]
50. Flametongue; [Firestrike]
51. Ice Brand; [Icestrike]
52. Lightning Steel; [Thunderstrike]
53. Liquid Steel; [Waterstrike]
54. Variable Steel; All empty slots on a 4-slotted weapon
55. Force Saber; [Attack +x%] + [Magic Attack +x%]
56. Baroque Sword; 2 or 3 empty slots on a 2, 3 or 4-slotted weapon
57. Sorcery Sword; [Magic +10%] or [Magic +20%]
58. Soldier's Saber; [Str +10%] or [Str +20%]
59. Rune Steel; [Magic +5%]
60. Enchanted Sword; [Magic +3%]
61. Fencing Saber; [Str +5%]
62. Warrior's Sword; [Str +3%]
63. Slasher; [Piercing]
64. Longsword; Starting weapon

- B. Tidus' Shields -

Equipment Appearance:

1-3, 10-15, 26: Shield with an intricate navy and cobalt blue design,
reinforced with gold banding, and an odd spiky shape that branches out four
4, 5, 18, 23, 28, 41, 43-46, 58-65: Primarily gold and silver shield with blue,
orange, and purple between the banding, in an upside down trapezoid shape.
6-9, 21, 22, 25, 27, 42, 47-57: Spiky dark blue and silver shield with three
red diamond shaped stones in the center, and a large silver point
protruding from each stone.
16, 17, 19, 20, 24, 29-40, 66-77: Blue and bronze eight pointed star shaped
78-83: Blue round shield with a gold-edged green cloverleaf design in the

Equipment name and auto-abilities:

1. Endless Road; [Break HP Limit] + [Break MP Limit]
2. Sanctuary; [Ribbon]
3. Genji Shield; [Break HP Limit]
4. Emblem; [Break MP Limit]
5. Crystal Shield; [Fire Eater] + [Water Eater] + [Lightning Eater] +
[Ice Eater]
6. Aegis Shield; [Fireproof] + [Waterproof] + [Lightningproof] + [Iceproof]
7. Golem Shield; [Auto Shell] + [Auto Protect] + [Auto Reflect] + [Auto Regen]
8. Revive Shield; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med] + [Auto Phoenix]
9. Rescue Shield; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med]
10. Paladin Shield; Any 4 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof],
[Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof],
[Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof]
11. Diamond Shield; [Defense +x%] in 4 slots
12. Ruby Shield; [Magic Defense +x%] in 4 slots
13. Dynasty Shield; [HP +x%] in 4 slots
14. Magister Shield; [MP +x%] in 4 slots
15. Collector's Shield; [Master Thief]
16. Treasure Shield; [Pickpocket]
17. Shield of Hope; [HP Stroll] + [MP Stroll]
18. Assault Shield; [Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect], [Auto Regen],
[Auto Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted
19. Phantom Shield; [Fire Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater], or [Ice
Eater] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
20. Recovery Shield; [HP Stroll]
21. Spiritual Shield; [MP Stroll]
22. Phoenix Shield; [Auto Phoenix]
23. Curative Shield; [Auto Med]
24. Rainbow Shield; [SOS NulBlaze] + [SOS NulTide] + [SOS NulShock] + [SOS
25. Shining Shield; Any 4 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS
Haste], or [SOS Regen]
26. Faerie Shield; Any 3 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof],
[Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof],
[Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] in a 3 or 4-slotted armor
27. Peaceful Shield; [No Encounters]
28. Shaman Shield; [Auto Potion]
29. Barrier Shield; any 3 of [Fireproof], [Waterproof], [Lightningproof], or
[Iceproof] in a 3 or 4-slotted armor
30. Star Shield; [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste], or
[SOS Regen] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
31. Marching Shield; Any 2 of: [Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect],
[Auto Regen], [Auto Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix]
32. Moon Shield; Any 2 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS
Haste], or [SOS Regen]
33. Regen Shield; [Auto Regen] or [SOS Regen]
34. Haste Shield; [Auto Haste] or [SOS Haste]
35. Reflect Shield; [Auto Reflect] or [SOS Reflect]
36. Shell Shield; [Auto Shell] or [SOS Shell]
37. Protect Shield; [Auto Protect] or [SOS Protect]
38. Platinum Shield; [Defense +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
39. Sapphire Shield; [Magic Defense +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
40. Knight's Shield; [HP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
41. Wizard Shield; [MP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
42. Elemental Shield; Any 2 of: [Fireproof], [Waterproof], [Lightningproof],
[Iceproof], [Fire Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater], or [Ice Eater]
43. Savior Shield; Any 2 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof],
[Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof],
[Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof]
44. Crimson Shield; [Fire Eater]
45. Snow Shield; [Ice Eater]
46. Ochre Shield; [Lightning Eater]
47. Cerulean Shield; [Water Eater]
48. Medical Shield; [Curseproof]
49. Lucid Shield; [Confuseproof] or [Confuse Ward]
50. Serene Shield; [Berserkproof] or [Berserk Ward]
51. Light Shield; [Slowproof] or [Slow Ward]
52. Soul Shield; [Deathproof] or [Death Ward]
53. Blessed Shield; [Zombieproof] or [Zombie Ward]
54. Soft Shield; [Stoneproof] or [Stone Ward]
55. Serum Shield; [Poisonproof] or [Poison Ward]
56. Alert Shield; [Sleepproof] or [Sleep Ward]
57. Echo Shield; [Silenceproof] or [Silence Ward]
58. Bright Shield; [Darkproof] or [Dark Ward]
59. Red Shield; [Fire Ward] or [Fireproof]
60. White Shield; [Ice Ward] or [Iceproof]
61. Yellow Shield; [Lightning Ward] or [Lightningproof]
62. Blue Shield; [Water Ward] or [Waterproof]
63. NulTide Shield; [SOS NulTide]
64. NulBlaze Shield; [SOS NulBlaze]
65. NulShock Shield; [SOS Thunder]
66. NulFrost Shield; [SOS NulFrost]
67. Adept's Shield; Any 2 of: [HP +x%] and [MP +x%]
68. Tetra Shield; All empty slots on a 4-slotted armor
69. Mythril Shield; [Defense +x%] + [Magic Defense +x%]
70. Gold Shield; Any 2 of: [Defense +3%], [Defense +5%], [Defense +10%], or
[Defense +20%]
71. Emerald Shield; Any 2 of: [Magic Defense +3%], [Magic Defense +5%], [Magic
Defense +10%], or [Magic Defense +20%]
72. Soldier Shield; Any 2 of: [HP +5%], [HP +10%], [HP +20%] or [HP +30%]
73. Mage's Shield; Any 2 of: [MP +5%], [MP +10%], [MP +20%] or [MP +30%]
74. Silver Shield; [Defense +10%] or [Defense +20%]
75. Onyx Shield; [Magic Defense +10%] or [Magic Defense +20%]
76. Sorcery Shield; [MP +20%] or [MP +30%]
77. Warrior's Shield; [HP +20%] or [HP +30%]
78. Glorious Shield; All empty slots on a 3-slotted armor
79. Metal Shield; [Defense +3%] or [Defense +5%]
80. Pearl Shield; [Magic Defense +3%] or [Magic Defense +5%]
81. Magic Shield; [MP +5%] or [MP +10%]
82. Seeker's Shield; [HP +5%] or [HP +10%]
83. Shield; Both empty slots on a 2-slotted armor
84. Buckler; Starting armor

- C. Yuna's Staves -

Equipment Appearance:

1: Peach and gold butterfly shaped headed rod with three jewels, red tassles
tied in a bow, and a blue haft.
3, 20, 64: Yellow circular headed rod with three carved ovals, and a blue haft.
4, 22, 23, 31-37, 40-48, 50-54: White and purple headed rod with a
"feathered" appearance, with one blue jewel and gold rings around the base,
gold tassles, and a magenta haft.
5-16, 21: Green and teal highly stylized rod, and a blue and gold diagonally
striped haft.
17, 24-26, 29, 30, 38, 58, 61-63: Cotton candy pink scalloped headed rod, blue
and red braided midsection, and coral lower haft.
18, 19, 27, 28, 39, 49, 55-57, 59, 60: Turquoise ball headed rod with white
and purple designs on it, two small ball tassles, dark blue midsection, and
a light green lower haft.

Equipment name and auto-abilities:

1. Nirvana; Celestial Weapon - cannot be made through Customizing!
2. N/A
3. Herding Staff; [Capture]
4. Arc Arcana; [Firestrike] + [Thunderstrike] + [Waterstrike] + [Icestrike]
5. Abraxas; [Break Damage Limit]
6. Heavenly Axis; [Triple AP] + [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
7. Judgement; [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
8. Seraphim Rod; [Double AP] + [Double Overdrive]
9. Rod of Roses; [Triple Overdrive]
10. Nimbus Rod; [Double Overdrive]
11. Wonder Wing; [Triple AP]
12. Wing Wand; [Double AP]
13. Wonder Wand; [Overdrive -> AP]
14. Laevatein; [SOS Overdrive]
15. Astral Rod; [One MP Cost]
16. Chaos Rod; Any 4 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Sleepstrike],
[Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike], or
17. Power Staff; [Attack +x%] in 4 slots
18. Shining Staff; [Magic Attack +x%] in 4 slots
19. Faerie Staff; [Magic Booster] + [Magic Attack +x%] in the other 3 slots
20. Magistral Rod; [Half MP Cost]
21. El Dorado; [Gillionaire]
22. Tri-Rod; Any 3 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
23. Wicked Hand; Any 3 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Zombiestrike],
[Sleepstrike], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike]
24. Nemesis Rod; [Magic Counter] + [Counter] or [Evade & Counter]
25. Defender; [Counter] or [Evade & Counter]
26. Prism Rod; [Magic Counter]
27. Mirage Rod; [Magic Booster]
28. Healing Rod; [Alchemy]
29. Wind Rod; [First Strike]
30. Conductor; [Initiative]
31. Punisher; [Deathstrike]
32. Impasse; [Slowstrike]
33. Calcite Staff; [Stonestrike]
34. Bizarre Staff; [Poisonstrike]
35. Staff of Thorns; [Sleepstrike]
36. Reticent Staff; [Silencestrike]
37. Darkness Staff; [Darkstrike]
38. Monk Staff; [Attack +x%] in 3 slots
39. Mage's Staff; [Magic Attack +x%] in 3 slots
40. Dual Rod; Any 2 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
41. Ominous Rod; Any 2 of: [Darktouch], [Silencetouch], [Sleeptouch],
[Poisontouch], [Stonetouch], [Deathtouch], [Zombietouch] or [Slowtouch]
42. Death Wand; [Deathtouch]
43. Entangling Rod; [Slowtouch]
44. Break Rod; [Stonetouch]
45. Belladona Wand; [Poisontouch]
46. Lullaby Rod; [Sleeptouch]
47. Rod of Silence; [Silencetouch]
48. Rod of Darkness; [Darktouch]
49. Rod of Wisdom; [Sensor]
50. Rod of Flame; [Firestrike]
51. Rod of Ice; [Icestrike]
52. Rod of Thunder; [Thunderstrike]
53. Rod of Water; [Waterstrike]
54. Malleable Staff; All empty slots on a 4-slotted weapon
55. Force Rod; [Attack +x%] + [Magic Attack +x%]
56. Ductile Rod; 2 or 3 empty slots on a 2, 3 or 4-slotted weapon
57. Sorcery Rod; [Magic +10%] or [Magic +20%]
58. Full Metal Rod; [Str +10%] or [Str +20%]
59. Rune Rod; [Magic +5%]
60. Enchanted Rod; [Magic +3%]
61. Rod of Striking; [Str +5%]
62. Rod of Beating; [Str +3%]
63. Spiked Rod; [Piercing]
64. Staff; Starting weapon

- D. Yuna's Rings -

Equipment appearance:

1-3, 6-8, 14, 15, 26: Pink to yellow gradiented (is that a word?) symmetrical
flame shaped glowing shield with cobalt blue splotches.
4, 5, 18, 23, 28, 41, 43-46, 58-65: Putple, light green, yellow, and orange
glowing shield in the shape of a perfect circle.
9, 25, 42, 47-57: Green to teal to violet gradiented glowing shield in an
upside down fleur-de-lis shape.
10-13, 16, 17, 19-22, 24, 27, 29-40: Pink, orange, yellow, and cobalt blue
glowing shield in the shape of a breaking wave.
66-83: Purple and pink glowing oval shaped shield.

Equipment name and auto-abilities:

1. Solomon Ring; [Break HP Limit] + [Break MP Limit]
2. Holy Ring; [Ribbon]
3. Arcane Ring; [Break HP Limit]
4. Mystical Ring; [Break MP Limit]
5. Sophia Ring; [Fire Eater] + [Water Eater] + [Lightning Eater] + [Ice Eater]
6. Aegis Ring; [Fireproof] + [Waterproof] + [Lightningproof] + [Iceproof]
7. Blessed Ring; [Auto Shell] + [Auto Protect] + [Auto Reflect] + [Auto Regen]
8. Saviour Ring; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med] + [Auto Phoenix]
9. Healing Ring; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med]
10. Forbidding Ring; Any 4 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof],
[Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof],
[Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof]
11. Diamond Ring; [Defense +x%] in 4 slots
12. Ruby Ring; [Magic Defense +x%] in 4 slots
13. Fortitude Ring; [HP +x%] in 4 slots
14. Magical Ring; [MP +x%] in 4 slots
15. Collector Ring; [Master Thief]
16. Treasure Ring; [Pickpocket]
17. Ring of Hope; [HP Stroll] + [MP Stroll]
18. Assault Ring; [Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect], [Auto Regen],
[Auto Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix] in 3 slots of a 3 or
4-slotted armor
19. Phantom Ring; any 3 of: [Fire Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater],
or [Ice Eater] in a 3 or 4-slotted armor
20. Recovery Ring; [HP Stroll]
21. Spiritual Ring; [MP Stroll]
22. Phoenix Ring; [Auto Phoenix]
23. Curative Ring; [Auto Med]
24. Rainbow Ring; [SOS NulBlaze] + [SOS NulTide] + [SOS NulShock] + [SOS
25. Shining Ring; Any 4 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS
Haste], or [SOS Regen]
26. Faerie Ring; Any 3 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof],
[Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof],
[Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] in a 3 or 4-slotted armor
27. Peaceful Ring; [No Encounters]
28. Shaman Ring; [Auto Potion]
29. Barrier Ring; [Fireproof], [Waterproof], [Lightningproof], or [Iceproof]
in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
30. Star Ring; [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste], or [SOS
Regen] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
31. Marching Ring; Any 2 of: [Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect],
[Auto Regen], [Auto Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix]
32. Moon Ring; Any 2 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste],
or [SOS Regen]
33. Regen Ring; [Auto Regen] or [SOS Regen]
34. Haste Ring; [Auto Haste] or [SOS Haste]
35. Reflect Ring; [Auto Reflect] or [SOS Reflect]
36. Shell Ring; [Auto Shell] or [SOS Shell]
37. Protect Ring; [Auto Protect] or [SOS Protect]
38. Platinum Ring; [Defense +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
39. Sapphire Ring; [Magic Defense +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
40. Guardian Ring; [HP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
41. Wizard Ring; [MP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
42. Elemental Ring; Any 2 of: [Fireproof], [Waterproof], [Lightningproof],
[Iceproof], [Fire Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater], or [Ice Eater]
43. Defending Ring; Any 2 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof],
[Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof],
[Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof]
44. Crimson Ring; [Fire Eater]
45. Snow Ring; [Ice Eater]
46. Ochre Ring; [Lightning Eater]
47. Cerulean Ring; [Water Eater]
48. Medical Ring; [Curseproof]
49. Lucid Ring; [Confuseproof] or [Confuse Ward]
50. Serene Ring; [Berserkproof] or [Berserk Ward]
51. Light Ring; [Slowproof] or [Slow Ward]
52. Soul Ring; [Deathproof] or [Death Ward]
53. Blessed Ring; [Zombieproof] or [Zombie Ward]
54. Soft Ring; [Stoneproof] or [Stone Ward]
55. Serum Ring; [Poisonproof] or [Poison Ward]
56. Alert Ring; [Sleepproof] or [Sleep Ward]
57. Echo Ring; [Silenceproof] or [Silence Ward]
58. Bright Ring; [Darkproof] or [Dark Ward]
59. Red Ring; [Fire Ward] or [Fireproof]
60. White Ring; [Ice Ward] or [Iceproof]
61. Yellow Ring; [Lightning Ward] or [Lightningproof]
62. Blue Ring; [Water Ward] or [Waterproof]
63. NulTide Ring; [SOS NulTide]
64. NulBlaze Ring; [SOS NulBlaze]
65. NulShock Ring; [SOS NulShock]
66. NulShock Ring; [SOS NulFrost]
67. Adept's Ring; Any 2 of: [HP +x%] and [MP +x%]
68. Tetra Ring; All empty slots on a 4-slotted armor
69. Mythril Ring; [Defense +x%] + [Magic Defense +x%]
70. Gold Ring; Any 2 of: [Defense +3%], [Defense +5%], [Defense +10%], or
[Defense +20%]
71. Emerald Ring; Any 2 of: [Magic Defense +3%], [Magic Defense +5%],
[Magic Defense +10%], or [Magic Defense +20%]
72. Soldier's Ring; Any 2 of: [HP +5%], [HP +10%], [HP +20%] or [HP +30%]
73. Mage's Ring; Any 2 of: [MP +5%], [MP +10%], [MP +20%] or [MP +30%]
74. Silver Ring; [Defense +10%] or [Defense +20%]
75. Onyx Ring; [Magic Defense +10%] or [Magic Defense +20%]
76. Sorcery Ring; [MP +20%] or [MP +30%]
77. Sheltering Ring; [HP +20%] or [HP +30%]
78. Glorious Ring; All empty slots on a 3-slotted armor
79. Metal Ring; [Defense +3%] or [Defense +5%]
80. Pearl Ring; [Magic Defense +3%] or [Magic Defense +5%]
81. Magic Ring; [MP +5%] or [MP +10%]
82. Seeker's Ring; [HP +5%] or [HP +10%]
83. Wide Ring; Both empty slots on a 2-slotted armor
84. Ring; Starting armor

- E. Wakka's Blitzballs -

Equipment Appearance:

1: Red, yellow, and black ball with numerous blades around the middle and two
3-16, 20, 21, 24-27: Purple and black striped ball with three rows of silver
spikes encircling it.
17-19, 38, 39, 55-64: Regulation blitzball, the same kind you play the
minigame with.
22, 40, 50-53: Red and silver striped ball with silver studs, and two large
spikes at either end.
23, 31-37, 41-48: Black inner ball with dark blue outer ringed supports. Looks
a little like a big blue pumpkin.
28-30, 49, 54: Cheap-looking brown and tan striped ball with a thick band of
green reinforced stitching along the middle.

Equipment name and auto-abilities:

1. World Champion; Celestial Weapon - cannot be made through Customizing!
2. N/A
3. Catcher; [Capture]
4. Four-on-One; [Firestrike] + [Thunderstrike] + [Waterstrike] + [Icestrike]
5. Grand Slam; [Break Damage Limit]
6. Blowout; [Triple AP] + [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
7. Rout; [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
8. Tie Breaker; [Double AP] + [Double Overdrive]
9. Winning Streak; [Triple Overdrive]
10. Scoring Spree; [Double Overdrive]
11. Triple Score; [Triple AP]
12. Double Score; [Double AP]
13. Rookie Star; [Overdrive -> AP]
14. Buzzerbeater; [SOS Overdrive]
15. Overtime; [One MP Cost]
16. Penalty Master; Any 4 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Sleepstrike],
[Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike], or
17. Ace Striker; [Attack +x%] in 4 slots
18. Ace Wizard; [Magic Attack +x%] in 4 slots
19. Over the Top; [Magic Booster] + [Magic Attack +x%] in the other 3 slots
20. Halftime; [Half MP Cost]
21. Free Agent; [Gillionaire]
22. Tricolor; Any 3 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
23. Triple Penalty; Any 3 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Zombiestrike],
[Sleepstrike], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike]
24. Turnover; [Magic Counter] + [Counter] or [Evade & Counter]
25. Rematch; [Counter] or [Evade & Counter]
26. Prism Ball; [Magic Counter]
27. Mirage Ball; [Magic Booster]
28. Comeback; [Alchemy]
29. Breakaway; [First Strike]
30. First Goal; [Initiative]
31. Sudden Death; [Deathstrike]
32. Timeout; [Slowstrike]
33. Stone Cold; [Stonestrike]
34. Violation; [Poisonstrike]
35. Sleeper; [Sleepstrike]
36. Muffler; [Silencestrike]
37. Blackout; [Darkstrike]
38. Power Play; [Attack +x%] in 3 slots
39. Virtuoso; [Magic Attack +x%] in 3 slots
40. Double Header; Any 2 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
41. Double Penalty; Any 2 of: [Darktouch], [Silencetouch], [Sleeptouch],
[Poisontouch], [Stonetouch], [Deathtouch], [Zombietouch] or [Slowtouch]
42. Rough Play; [Deathtouch]
43. Delay of Game; [Slowtouch]
44. TKO; [Stonetouch]
45. Rulebreaker; [Poisontouch]
46. Dream Team; [Sleeptouch]
47. Noisebreaker; [Silencetouch]
48. Blind Pass; [Darktouch]
49. Scout; [Sensor]
50. Fire Ball; [Firestrike]
51. Ice Ball; [Icestrike]
52. Thunder Ball; [Thunderstrike]
53. Water Ball; [Waterstrike]
54. All-Rounder; All empty slots on a 4-slotted weapon
55. Ovation; [Attack +x%] + [Magic Attack +x%]
56. Switch Hitter; 2 or 3 empty slots on a 2 or 3-slotted weapon
57. Trickster; [Magic +10%] or [Magic +20%]
58. Striker; [Str +10%] or [Str +20%]
59. Rune Ball; [Magic +5%]
60. Magic Ball; [Magic +3%]
61. Hyper Ball; [Str +5%]
62. Power Ball; [Str +3%]
63. Center Forward; [Piercing]
64. Official Ball; Starting weapon

- F. Wakka's Armguards -

Equipment Appearance:

1-3, 10-15, 26: Sturdy-looking red bracer with stitching between sides, and
a navy blue strip down the middle.
4, 5, 18, 23, 28, 41, 43-46, 58-65: Sturdy-looking deep red bracer with
silver edging and vertical stitching between each "scale".
6-9, 21, 22, 25, 27, 42, 47-57: Medium blue bracer in three sections, with
silver edging and bronze clamps framing each section.
16, 17, 19, 20, 24, 29-40, 66-77: Green bracer in two sections, with orange
stitching down the center of each section, and white edges.
78-83: Flimsy-looking dark blue and brown leather bracer, with green stitching
around the outer edge of the brown leather section.

Equipment name and auto-abilities:

1. Indomitable; [Break HP Limit] + [Break MP Limit]
2. Shutout; [Ribbon]
3. Super Goalie; [Break HP Limit]
4. High Spirits; [Break MP Limit]
5. Final Four; [Fire Eater] + [Water Eater] + [Lightning Eater] + [Ice Eater]
6. Great Four; [Fireproof] + [Waterproof] + [Lightningproof] + [Iceproof]
7. Keeper; [Auto Shell] + [Auto Protect] + [Auto Reflect] + [Auto Regen]
8. Automatic; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med] + [Auto Phoenix]
9. First Aid; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med]
10. Keeper; Any 4 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof], [Poisonproof],
[Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof], [Confuseproof], or
11. Power Armguard; [Defense +x%] in 4 slots
12. Magic Armguard; [Magic Defense +x%] in 4 slots
13. Power Ace; [HP +x%] in 4 slots
14. Magic Ace; [MP +x%] in 4 slots
15. Best Play; [Master Thief]
16. Great Play; [Pickpocket]
17. Benchwarmer; [HP Stroll] + [MP Stroll]
18. Triple Guard; [Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect], [Auto Regen],
[Auto Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted
19. Element Save; [Fire Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater], or [Ice Eater]
in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
20. Recovery Armguard; [HP Stroll]
21. Spiritual Armguard; [MP Stroll]
22. Miracle Comeback; [Auto Phoenix]
23. Top Shape; [Auto Med]
24. Pep Talk; [SOS NulBlaze] + [SOS NulTide] + [SOS NulShock] + [SOS NulFrost]
25. Last-Ditch; Any 4 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste],
or [SOS Regen]
26. Triple Guard; Any 3 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof],
[Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof],
[Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] in a 3 or 4-slotted armor
27. Off Season; [No Encounters]
28. Shaman Armguard; [Auto Potion]
29. Hat Trick; [Fireproof], [Waterproof], [Lightningproof], or [Iceproof]
in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
30. Danger Armguard; [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste], or
[SOS Regen] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
31. Auto Armguard; Any 2 of: [Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect],
[Auto Regen], [Auto Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix]
32. Danger Armguard; Any 2 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS
Haste], or [SOS Regen]
33. Second Wind; [Auto Regen] or [SOS Regen]
34. Fast Break; [Auto Haste] or [SOS Haste]
35. Reflect Armguard; [Auto Reflect] or [SOS Reflect]
36. Shell Armguard; [Auto Shell] or [SOS Shell]
37. Protect Armguard; [Auto Shell] or [SOS Shell]
38. Platinum Armguard; [Defense +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
39. Sapphire Armguard; [Magic Defense +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
40. Power Armguard; [HP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
41. Energy Armguard; [MP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
42. Elemental Armguard; Any 2 of: [Fireproof], [Waterproof], [Lightningproof],
[Iceproof], [Fire Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater], or [Ice Eater]
43. Low Risk; Any 2 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof],
[Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof],
[Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof]
44. Crimson Armguard; [Fire Eater]
45. Snow Armguard; [Ice Eater]
46. Ochre Armguard; [Lightning Eater]
47. Cerulean Armguard; [Water Eater]
48. Medical Armguard; [Curseproof]
49. Lucid Armguard; [Confuseproof] or [Confuse Ward]
50. Serene Armguard; [Berserkproof] or [Berserk Ward]
51. Light Armguard; [Slowproof] or [Slow Ward]
52. Soul Armguard; [Deathproof] or [Death Ward]
53. Blessed Armguard; [Zombieproof] or [Zombie Ward]
54. Soft Armguard; [Stoneproof] or [Stone Ward]
55. Serum Armguard; [Poisonproof] or [Poison Ward]
56. Alert Armguard; [Sleepproof] or [Sleep Ward]
57. Echo Armguard; [Silenceproof] or [Silence Ward]
58. Bright Armguard; [Darkproof] or [Dark Ward]
59. Red Armguard; [Fire Ward] or [Fireproof]
60. White Armguard; [Ice Ward] or [Iceproof]
61. Yellow Armguard; [Lightning Ward] or [Lightningproof]
62. Blue Armguard; [Water Ward] or [Waterproof]
63. NulTide Armguard; [SOS NulTide]
64. NulBlaze Armguard; [SOS NulBlaze]
65. NulShock Armguard; [SOS NulShock]
66. NulFrost Armguard; [SOS NulFrost]
67. Adept's Armguard; Any 2 of: [HP +x%] and [MP +x%]
68. Tetra Armguard; All empty slots on a 4-slotted armor
69. Mythril Armguard; [Defense +x%] + [Magic Defense +x%]
70. Gold Guard; Any 2 of: [Defense +3%], [Defense +5%], [Defense +10%], or
[Defense +20%]
71. Emerald Guard; Any 2 of: [Magic Defense +3%], [Magic Defense +5%], [Magic
Defense +10%], or [Magic Defense +20%]
72. Soldier's Guard; Any 2 of: [HP +5%], [HP +10%], [HP +20%] or [HP +30%]
73. Mage's Guard; Any 2 of: [MP +5%], [MP +10%], [MP +20%] or [MP +30%]
74. Silver Guard; [Defense +10%] or [Defense +20%]
75. Onyx Armguard; [Magic Defense +10%] or [Magic Defense +20%]
76. Sorcery Armguard; [MP +20%] or [MP +30%]
77. Warrior's Armguard; [HP +20%] or [HP +30%]
78. Glorious Guard; All empty slots on a 3-slotted armor
79. Metal Armguard; [Defense +3%] or [Defense +5%]
80. Pearl Armguard; [Magic Defense +3%] or [Magic Defense +5%]
81. Magic Armguard; [MP +5%] or [MP +10%]
82. Seeker's Armguard; [HP +5%] or [HP +10%]
83. Guardian Armguard; Both empty slots on a 2-slotted armor
84. Armguard; Starting armor

- G. Lulu's Dolls -

Equipment Appearance:

1: A cute little onion knight doll with yellow pants, a yellow cape, and an
orange onion hat. Check out the sprite detail on his shield! From Final
Fantasy IIIj.
3, 5, 19, 28, 38, 39, 54, 56, 59-64: A cute little moogle doll with X's
stitched over its eyes. (Really, does anyone NOT know what a moogle looks
like?) From numerous Final Fantasy and Seiken Densetsu games.
4, 22, 40, 50-53, 55, 57, 58: A cute little spiky-headed moomba doll. From
Final Fantasy VIII.
6-10, 14, 17, 18, 21: A cute little blue space alien Pupu doll. Also from
Final Fantasy VIII.
11-13, 15, 20, 24-27, 29, 30, 49: A cute little green Cactuar doll with a
permanently surprised look on its face. From any recent Final Fantasy.
16, 23, 31-37, 41-48: A cute little Cait Sith doll, sans moogle golem and
megaphone. From Final Fantasy VII.

Equipment name and auto-abilities:

1. Onion Knight; Celestial Weapon - cannot be made through Customizing!
2. N/A
3. Trapper Mog; [Capture]
4. Moomba Quartet; [Firestrike] + [Thunderstrike] + [Waterstrike] +
5. Soul of Mog; [Break Damage Limit]
6. Space Soul; [Triple AP] + [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
7. Space Master; [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
8. Space King; [Double AP] + [Double Overdrive]
9. Space Force; [Triple Overdrive]
10. Space Energy; [Double Overdrive]
11. Comet Cactuar; [Triple AP]
12. Star Cactuar; [Double AP]
13. Lord Cactuar; [Overdrive -> AP]
14. Space Power; [SOS Overdrive]
15. Magical Cactuar; [One MP Cost]
16. Chaotic Cait Sith; Any 4 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Sleepstrike],
[Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike], or [Zombiestrike]
17. Space Warrior; [Attack +x%] in 4 slots
18. Space Mage; [Magic Attack +x%] in 4 slots
19. Mana Mog; [Magic Booster] + [Magic Attack +x%] in the other 3 slots
20. Cactuar Wizard; [Half MP Cost]
21. Space Bandit; [Gillionaire]
22. Moomba Trio; Any 3 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
23. Abaddon Cait Sith; Any 3 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Zombiestrike],
[Sleepstrike], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike]
24. Vengeful Cactuar; [Magic Counter] + [Counter] or [Evade & Counter]
25. Raging Cactuar; [Counter] or [Evade & Counter]
26. Prism Cactuar; [Magic Counter]
27. Booster Cactuar; [Magic Booster]
28. Medical Mog; [Alchemy]
29. Swift Cactuar; [First Strike]
30. Cactuar Spy; [Initiative]
31. Wicked Cait Sith; [Deathstrike]
32. Chronos Cait Sith; [Slowstrike]
33. Stone Cait Sith; [Stonestrike]
34. Toxic Cait Sith; [Poisonstrike]
35. Dreamy Cait Sith; [Sleepstrike]
36. Mute Cait Sith; [Silencestrike]
37. Dark Cait Sith; [Darkstrike]
38. Power Mog; [Attack +x%] in 3 slots
39. Magician Mog; [Magic Attack +x%] in 3 slots
40. Moomba Duo; Any 2 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
41. Ominous Cait Sith; Any 2 of: [Darktouch], [Silencetouch], [Sleeptouch],
[Poisontouch], [Stonetouch], [Deathtouch], [Zombietouch] or [Slowtouch]
42. Fatal Cait Sith; [Deathtouch]
43. Late Cait Sith; [Slowtouch]
44. Fossil Cait Sith; [Stonetouch]
45. Noxious Cait Sith; [Poisontouch]
46. Sleepy Cait Sith; [Sleeptouch]
47. Quiet Cait Sith; [Silencetouch]
48. Blinding Cait Sith; [Darktouch]
49. Cactuar Scope; [Sensor]
50. Fire Moomba; [Firestrike]
51. Ice Moomba; [Icestrike]
52. Thunder Moomba; [Thunderstrike]
53. Water Moomba; [Waterstrike]
54. Morphing Mog; All empty slots on a 4-slotted weapon
55. Moomba Force; [Attack +x%] + [Magic Attack +x%]
56. Variable Mog; 2 or 3 empty slots on a 2 or 3-slotted weapon
57. Moomba Mage; [Magic +10%] or [Magic +20%]
58. Moomba Warrior; [Str +10%] or [Str +20%]
59. Rune Mog; [Magic +5%]
60. Magical Mog; [Magic +3%]
61. Buster Mog; [Str +5%]
62. Attack Mog; [Str +3%]
63. Stinger Mog; [Piercing]
64. Moogle; Starting Weapon

- H. Lulu's Bangles -

Equipment Appearance:

1-8, 14, 15, 26: Black, purple, and light blue butterfly shaped stained glass-
like glowing shield.
9, 25, 42, 47-75: Cobalt blue and violet flower shaped glowing shield.
10-13, 16, 17, 19-22, 24, 27, 29-40: Fucshia, purple, and dark blue nautilus
shaped glowing shield.
18, 23, 28, 41, 43-46, 58-65: Pale pink and lavender fang-esque rorschach
shaped glowing shield.
66-83: Dark blue to violet gradient flame shaped glowing shield.

Equipment name and auto-abilities:

1. Samantha Soul; [Break HP Limit] + [Break MP Limit]
2. Eternity; [Ribbon]
3. Minerva Bangle; [Break HP Limit]
4. Mythical Bangle; [Break MP Limit]
5. Draupnir; [Fire Eater] + [Water Eater] + [Lightning Eater] + [Ice Eater]
6. Elemental Bangle; [Fireproof] + [Waterproof] + [Lightningproof] + [Iceproof]
7. *Gorgeous Bangle; [Auto Shell] + [Auto Protect] + [Auto Reflect] + [Auto
8. Imperial Bangle; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med] + [Auto Phoenix]
9. Auto Bangle; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med]
10. Black Ribbon; Any 4 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof],
[Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof],
[Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof]
11. Diamond Bangle; [Defense +x%] in 4 slots
12. Ruby Bangle; [Magic Defense +x%] in 4 slots
13. Queen's Bangle; [HP +x%] in 4 slots
14. Magister Bangle; [MP +x%] in 4 slots
15. Collector Bangle; [Master Thief]
16. Treasure Bangle; [Pickpocket]
17. Bangle of Hope; [HP Stroll] + [MP Stroll]
18. Assault Bangle; [Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect], [Auto Regen],
[Auto Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix] in 3 slots of a 3
or 4-slotted armor
19. Phantom Bangle; [Fire Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater], or
[Iceeater] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
20. Recovery Bangle; [HP Stroll]
21. Spiritual Bangle; [MP Stroll]
22. Phoenix Bangle; [Auto Phoenix]
23. Curative Bangle; [Auto Med]
24. Rainbow Bangle; [SOS NulBlaze] + [SOS NulTide] + [SOS NulShock] + [SOS
25. Shining Bangle; Any 4 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS
Haste], or [SOS Regen]
26. Faerie Bangle; Any 3 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof],
[Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof],
[Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] in a 3 or 4-slotted armor
27. Peaceful Bangle; [No Encounters]
28. Shaman Bangle; [Auto Potion]
29. Barrier Bangle; [Fireproof], [Waterproof], [Lightningproof], or [Iceproof]
in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
30. Star Bangle; [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste], or
[SOS Regen] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
31. Marching Bangle; Any 2 of: [Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect],
[Auto Regen], [Auto Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix]
32. Moon Bangle; Any 2 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS
Haste], or [SOS Regen]
33. Regen Bangle; [Auto Regen] or [SOS Regen]
34. Haste Bangle; [Auto Haste] or [SOS Haste]
35. Reflect Bangle; [Auto Reflect] or [SOS Reflect]
36. Shell Bangle; [Auto Shell] or [SOS Shell]
37. Protect Bangle; [Auto Protect] or [SOS Protect]
38. Platinum Bangle; [Defense +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
39. Sapphire Bangle; [Magic Defense +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
40. Power Bangle; [HP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
41. Wizard Bangle; [MP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
42. Elemental Bangle; Any 2 of: [Fireproof], [Waterproof], [Lightningproof],
[Iceproof], [Fire Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater], or [Ice Eater]
43. Savior Bangle; Any 2 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof],
[Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof],
[Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof]
44. Crimson Bangle; [Fire Eater]
45. Snow Bangle; [Ice Eater]
46. Ochre Bangle; [Lightning Eater]
47. Cerulean Bangle; [Water Eater]
48. Medical Bangle; [Curseproof]
49. Lucid Bangle; [Confuseproof] or [Confuse Ward]
50. Serene Bangle; [Berserkproof] or [Berserk Ward]
51. Light Bangle; [Slowproof] or [Slow Ward]
52. Soul Bangle; [Deathproof] or [Death Ward]
53. Blessed Bangle; [Zombieproof] or [Zombie Ward]
54. Soft Bangle; [Stoneproof] or [Stone Ward]
55. Serum Bangle; [Poisonproof] or [Poison Ward]
56. Alert Bangle; [Sleepproof] or [Sleep Ward]
57. Echo Bangle; [Silenceproof] or [Silence Ward]
58. Bright Bangle; [Darkproof] or [Dark Ward]
59. Red Bangle; [Fire Ward] or [Fireproof]
60. White Bangle; [Ice Ward] or [Iceproof]
61. Yellow Bangle; [Lightning Ward] or [Lightningproof]
62. Blue Bangle; [Water Ward] or [Waterproof]
63. NulTide Bangle; [SOS NulTide]
64. NulBlaze Bangle; [SOS NulBlaze]
65. NulShock Bangle; [SOS NulShock]
66. NulFrost Bangle; [SOS NulFrost]
67. Adept's Bangle; Any 2 of: [HP +x%] and [MP +x%]
68. Tetra Bangle; All empty slots on a 4-slotted armor
69. Mythril Bangle; [Defense +x%] + [Magic Defense +x%]
70. Gold Bangle; Any 2 of: [Defense +3%], [Defense +5%], [Defense +10%], or
[Defense +20%]
71. Emerald Bangle; Any 2 of: [Magic Defense +3%], [Magic Defense +5%], [Magic
Defense +10%], or [Magic Defense +20%]
72. Vita Bangle; Any 2 of: [HP +5%], [HP +10%], [HP +20%] or [HP +30%]
73. Mage's Bangle; Any 2 of: [MP +5%], [MP +10%], [MP +20%] or [MP +30%]
74. Silver Bangle; [Defense +10%] or [Defense +20%]
75. Onyx Bangle; [Magic Defense +10%] or [Magic Defense +20%]
76. Sorcery Bangle; [MP +20%] or [MP +30%]
77. Tough Bangle; [HP +20%] or [HP +30%]
78. Glorious Bangle; All empty slots on a 3-slotted armor
79. Metal Bangle; [Defense +3%] or [Defense +5%]
80. Pearl Bangle; [Magic Defense +3%] or [Magic Defense +5%]
81. Magic Bangle; [MP +5%] or [MP +10%]
82. Seeker's Bangle; [HP +5%] or [HP +10%]
82. Guardian Bangle; Both empty slots on a 2-slotted armor
84. Bangle; Starting armor

- I. Kimahri's Spears -

Equipment Appearance:

1: Large golden-headed spear with yellow and blue feather trim.
3-16, 20, 21, 24-27: Red arrowhead shaped spearhead with gold tassles.
17-19, 38, 39, 55, 57-59, 61: Wing-shaped double pole axe with white padding
around the middle of the haft.
22, 28-30, 40, 50-54: Pole axe with an extra long spear point, and a bamboo-
looking haft.
23, 31-37, 41-48: 5-pointed spearhead with a hole in the middle, red tassles,
and green and yellow braided haft.
49, 56, 60, 62-64: Plain pole axe with a brown wooden haft.

Equipment name and auto-abilities:

1. Spirit Lance; Celestial Weapon - cannot be made through Customizing!
2. N/A
3. Taming Spear; [Capture]
4. Quadforce; [Firestrike] + [Thunderstrike] + [Waterstrike] + [Icestrike]
5. Gungnir; [Break Damage Limit]
6. Luin; [Triple AP] + [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
7. Gae Bolg; [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
8. Venus Gospel; [Double AP] + [Double Overdrive]
9. Highwind; [Triple Overdrive]
10. Berserker; [Double Overdrive]
11. Horn of the Ronso; [Triple AP]
12. Chariot; [Double AP]
13. Transmuter; [Overdrive -> AP]
14. Kain's Lance; [SOS Overdrive]
15. Astral Spear; [One MP Cost]
16. Chaos Lance; Any 4 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Always
Sleeptouch], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike],
[Slowstrike], or [Zombiestrike]
17. Giant Spear; [Attack +x%] in 4 slots
18. Titan Lance; [Magic Attack +x%] in 4 slots
19. Eldritch Lance; [Magic Booster] + [Magic Attack +x%] in the other 3 slots
20. Shamanic Spear; [Half MP Cost]
21. Prospector; [Gillionaire]
22. Trident; Any 3 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
23. Vicious Lance; Any 3 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Zombiestrike],
[Sleepstrike], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike]
24. Dragoon Lance; [Magic Counter] + [Counter] or [Evade & Counter]
25. Rebel Lance; [Counter] or [Evade & Counter]
26. Prism Spear; [Magic Counter]
27. Mirage Lance; [Magic Booster]
28. Healer Spear; [Alchemy]
29. Sonic Lance; [First Strike]
30. Detector; [Initiative]
31. Thanatos Lance; [Deathstrike]
32. Net Spear; [Slowstrike]
33. Rock Buster; [Stonestrike]
34. Venom Spike; [Poisonstrike]
35. Hypno Spear; [Sleepstrike]
36. Mage Hunter; [Silencestrike]
37. Darkbringer; [Darkstrike]
38. Knight Lancer; [Attack +x%] in 3 slots
39. Wizard Lance; [Magic Attack +x%] in 3 slots
40. Twin Lance; Any 2 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
41. Calamity Spear; Any 2 of: [Darktouch], [Silencetouch], [Sleeptouch],
[Poisontouch], [Stonetouch], [Deathtouch], [Zombietouch] or [Slowtouch]
42. Matador Spear; [Deathtouch]
43. Web Lance; [Slowtouch]
44. Break Lance; [Stonetouch]
45. Snakehead; [Poisontouch]
46. Dream Lance; [Sleeptouch]
47. Silent Spear; [Silencetouch]
48. Dusk Lance; [Darktouch]
49. Hunter's Spear; [Sensor]
50. Heat Lance; [Firestrike]
51. Ice Lance; [Icestrike]
52. Thunder Spear; [Thunderstrike]
53. Tidal Spear; [Waterstrike]
54. Shapeshifter; All empty slots on a 4-slotted weapon
55. Force Lance; [Attack +x%] + [Magic Attack +x%]
56. Halberd; 2 or 3 empty slots on a 2 or 3-slotted weapon
57. Magic Lance; [Magic +10%] or [Magic +20%]
58. Full Metal Spear; [Str +10%] or [Str +20%]
59. Rune Lance; [Magic +5%]
60. Enchanted Lance; [Magic +3%]
61. Striking Spear; [Str +5%]
62. Heavy Spear; [Str +3%]
63. Harpoon; [Piercing]
64. Spear; Starting weapon

- J. Kimahri's Armlets -

Equipment Appearance:

1-8, 19, 20: Native American-looking shield with gold serrated edging, a
banded green and yellow center, and maroon feathers along the bottom.
9, 14-16, 42, 44-57: Masai tribal-looking shull shield with red and blue
hanging beads along the bottom.
10-13, 17, 21-27, 29-40: Aztec-looking brown, light gray, and dark green
carved stone shield.
18, 28, 41, 43-46, 58-65: Mayan-looking dark silver and purple shield with
gold serrated edges along the top.
66-83: Grecian-looking gold and bronze shield with 4 blue tassels hanging from
the bottom.

Equipment name and auto-abilities:

1. Pride of the Ronso; [Break HP Limit] + [Break MP Limit]
2. Acropolis; [Ribbon]
3. Genji Armlet; [Break HP Limit]
4. Shaman Armlet; [Break MP Limit]
5. Crystal Armlet; [Fire Eater] + [Water Eater] + [Lightning Eater] +
[Ice Eater]
6. Aegis Armlet; [Fireproof] + [Waterproof] + [Lightningproof] + [Iceproof]
7. Adamantite; [Auto Shell] + [Auto Protect] + [Auto Reflect] + [Auto Regen]
8. Orihalcum; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med] + [Auto Phoenix]
9. Safe Passage; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med]
10. Ronso Armlet; Any 4 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof],
[Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof],
[Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof]
11. Diamond Armlet; [Defense +x%] in 4 slots
12. Ruby Armlet; [Magic Defense +x%] in 4 slots
13. Enhanced Armlet; [HP +x%] in 4 slots
14. Magical Armlet; [MP +x%] in 4 slots
15. Collector Armlet; [Master Thief]
16. Treasure Armlet; [Pickpocket]
17. Armlet of Hope; [HP Stroll] + [MP Stroll]
18. Assault Armlet; [Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect], [Auto Regen],
[Auto Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted
19. Phantom Armlet; [Fire Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater], or [Ice
Eater] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
20. Recovery Armlet; [HP Stroll]
21. Spiritual Armlet; [MP Stroll
22. Phoenix Armlet; [Auto Phoenix]
23. Curative Armlet; [Auto Med]
24. Rainbow Armlet; [SOS NulBlaze] + [SOS NulTide] + [SOS NulShock] + [SOS
25. Shining Armlet; Any 4 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS
Haste], or [SOS Regen]
26. Faerie Armlet; Any 3 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof],
[Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof],
[Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] in a 3 or 4-slotted armor
27. Peaceful Armlet; [No Encounters]
28. Shaman Armlet; [Auto Potion]
29. Barrier Armlet; [Fireproof], [Waterproof], [Lightningproof], or [Iceproof]
in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
30. Star Armlet; [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste], or
[SOS Regen] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
31. Marching Armlet; Any 2 of: [Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect],
[Auto Regen], [Auto Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix]
32. Moon Armlet; Any 2 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS
Haste], or [SOS Regen]
33. Regen Armlet; [Auto Regen] or [SOS Regen]
34. Haste Armlet; [Auto Haste] or [SOS Haste]
35. Reflect Armlet; [Auto Reflect] or [SOS Reflect]
36. Shell Armlet; [Auto Shell] or [SOS Shell]
37. Protect Armlet; [Auto Protect] or [SOS Protect]
38. Platinum Armlet; [Defense +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
39. Sapphire Armlet; [Magic Defense +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
40. Warrior's Armlet; [HP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
41. Wizard Armlet; [MP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
42. Elemental Armlet; Any 2 of: [Fireproof], [Waterproof], [Lightningproof],
[Iceproof], [Fire Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater], or [Ice Eater]
43. Defending Armlet; Any 2 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof],
[Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof],
[Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof]
44. Crimson Armlet; [Fire Eater]
45. Snow Armlet; [Ice Eater]
46. Ochre Armlet; [Lightning Eater]
47. Cerulean Armlet; [Water Eater]
48. Medical Armlet; [Curseproof]
49. Lucid Armlet; [Confuseproof] or [Confuse Ward]
50. Serene Armlet; [Berserkproof] or [Berserk Ward]
51. Light Armlet; [Slowproof] or [Slow Ward]
52. Soul Armlet; [Deathproof] or [Death Ward]
53. Blessed Armlet; [Zombieproof] or [Zombie Ward]
54. Soft Armlet; [Stoneproof] or [Stone Ward]
55. Serum Armlet; [Poisonproof] or [Poison Ward]
56. Alert Armlet; [Sleepproof] or [Sleep Ward]
57. Echo Armlet; [Silenceproof] or [Silence Ward]
58. Bright Armlet; [Darkproof] or [Dark Ward]
59. Red Armlet; [Fire Ward] or [Fireproof]
60. White Armlet; [Ice Ward] or [Iceproof]
61. Yellow Armlet; [Lightning Ward] or [Lightningproof]
62. Blue Armlet; [Water Ward] or [Waterproof]
63. NulTide Armlet; [SOS NulTide]
64. NulBlaze Armlet; [SOS NulBlaze]
65. NulShock Armlet; [SOS NulShock]
66. NulFrost Armlet; [SOS NulFrost]
67. Adept's Armlet; Any 2 of: [HP +x%] and [MP +x%]
68. Tetra Armlet; All empty slots on a 4-slotted armor
69. Mythril Armlet; [Defense +x%] + [Magic Defense +x%]
70. Gold Armlet; Any 2 of: [Defense +3%], [Defense +5%], [Defense +10%], or
[Defense +20%]
71. Assault Armlet; Any 2 of: [Magic Defense +3%], [Magic Defense +5%],
[Magic Defense +10%], or [Magic Defense +20%]
72. Soldier's Armlet; Any 2 of: [HP +5%], [HP +10%], [HP +20%] or [HP +30%]
73. Mage's Armlet; Any 2 of: [MP +5%], [MP +10%], [MP +20%] or [MP +30%]
74. Silver Armlet; [Defense +10%] or [Defense +20%]
75. Onyx Armlet; [Magic Defense +10%] or [Magic Defense +20%]
76. Sorcery Armlet; [MP +20%] or [MP +30%]
77. Warrior's Armlet; [HP +20%] or [HP +30%]
78. Glorious Armlet; All empty slots on a 3-slotted armor
79. Metal Armlet; [Defense +3%] or [Defense +5%]
80. Pearl Armlet; [Magic Defense +3%] or [Magic Defense +5%]
81. Magic Armlet; [MP +5%] or [MP +10%]
82. Seeker's Armlet; [HP +5%] or [HP +10%]
83. Guardian Armlet; Both empty slots on a 2-slotted armor
84. Armlet; Starting armor

- K. Auron's Blades -

Equipment Appearance:

1: Wide forked katana with gold, fucshia, and red embellishment on the blade,
and a red braided hilt.
3, 5-14, 17, 21: Bronze double-edged katana with a stylized lion's head above
the green braided hilt. (Matches his jade green Bracer quite nicely!)
4, 15, 18-20, 22, 39, 40, 50-55, 57-60: Dark silver katana that's a lighter
silver along the cutting edge, and widens substantially at the tip.
16, 23, 31-37, 41-48: Dark silver katana with red and orage embellishments
along the blade and at the tip, and has a hook shaped cutting edge at the
24-30, 38, 49, 56, 61-64: Plain straight katana that comes to a point at the
tip, with a green braided hilt.

Equipment name and auto-abilities:

1. Masamune; Celestial Weapon - cannot be made through Customizing!
2. N/A
3. Beastmaster; [Capture]
4. Conquerer; [Firestrike] + [Thunderstrike] + [Waterstrike] + [Icestrike]
5. Heaven's Cloud; [Break Damage Limit]
6. Muramasa; [Triple AP] + [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
7. Alkaid; [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
8. Peacemaker; [Double AP] + [Double Overdrive]
9. Genji Blade; [Triple Overdrive]
10. Dragon Killer; [Double Overdrive]
11. Painkiller; [Triple AP]
12. Divider; [Double AP]
13. The Nameless; [Overdrive -> AP]
14. Ogrekiller; [SOS Overdrive]
15. Murasame; [One MP Cost]
16. Riot Blade; Any 4 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Sleepstrike],
[Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike], or [Zombiestrike]
17. Master Ogre; [Attack +x%] in 4 slots
18. Master Djinn; [Magic Attack +x%] in 4 slots
19. Matoya's Blade; [Magic Booster] + [Magic Attack +x%] in the other 3 slots
20. Inducer; [Half MP Cost]
21. Gilmonger; [Gillionaire]
22. Ichimonji; Any 3 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
23. Corruptor; Any 3 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Zombiestrike],
[Sleepstrike], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike]
24. Ashura; [Magic Counter] + [Counter] or [Evade & Counter]
25. Kotetsu; [Counter] or [Evade & Counter]
26. Prism Blade; [Magic Counter]
27. Mirage Blade; [Magic Booster]
28. Lifegiver; [Alchemy]
29. Sonic Blade; [First Strike]
30. Sentry; [Initiative]
31. Assassin Blade; [Deathstrike]
32. Blockade; [Slowstrike]
33. Still Blade; [Stonestrike]
34. Venomous Blade; [Poisonstrike]
35. Dozing Blade; [Sleepstrike]
36. Tacit Blade; [Silencestrike]
37. Dark Blade; [Darkstrike]
38. Ogre Blade; [Attack +x%] in 3 slots
39. Djinn Blade; [Magic Attack +x%] in 3 slots
40. Dual Blade; Any 2 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
41. Chaos Blade; Any 2 of: [Darktouch], [Silencetouch], [Sleeptouch],
[Poisontouch], [Stonetouch], [Deathtouch], [Zombietouch] or [Slowtouch]
42. Critical Blade; [Deathtouch]
43. Stunner; [Slowtouch]
44. Gorgon Gaze; [Stonetouch]
45. Spider's Kiss; [Poisontouch]
46. Peaceful Slumber; [Sleeptouch]
47. Soundless Scream; [Silencetouch]
48. Blurry Moon; [Darktouch]
49. Hunter's Blade; [Sensor]
50. Fire Blade; [Firestrike]
51. Frost Blade; [Icestrike]
52. Thunder Blade; [Thunderstrike]
53. Water Blade; [Waterstrike]
54. Shiranui; All empty slots on a 4-slotted weapon
55. Basara Blade; [Attack +x%] + [Magic Attack +x%]
56. Shimmering Blade; 2 or 3 empty slots on a 2 or 3-slotted weapon
57. Spiritual Blade; [Magic +10%] or [Magic +20%]
58. Nodachi; [Str +10%] or [Str +20%]
59. Rune Blade; [Magic +5%]
60. Magic Blade; [Magic +3%]
61. War Blade; [Str +5%]
62. Knight Blade; [Str +3%]
63. Katana; [Piercing]
64. Blade; Starting weapon

- L. Auron's Bracers -

Equipment Appearance:

1-3, 6-8, 10-17, 19-22: Gold lion-headed bracer with red and blue banded
4, 5, 18, 23, 28, 41, 43-46, 58-65: Gold and dark green striped bracer with
a dark blue fleur-de-lis patch on it, and light blue feathering below that.
9, 24, 25, 29-36, 42, 47-57: Jade green bracer with a round teal gem on
either end.
37-40, 66-83: Dark blue bracer with copper trim around either end, and an
intricate raised silver design in the middle.

Equipment name and auto-abilities:

1. Overlord; [Break HP Limit] + [Break MP Limit]
2. Solidity; [Ribbon]
3. Genji Bracer; [Break HP Limit]
4. Dragon Lord; [Break MP Limit]
5. Glutton; [Fire Eater] + [Water Eater] + [Lightning Eater] + [Ice Eater]
6. Resistant; [Fireproof] + [Waterproof] + [Lightningproof] + [Iceproof]
7. Warder; [Auto Shell] + [Auto Protect] + [Auto Reflect] + [Auto Regen]
8. Immortal; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med] + [Auto Phoenix]
9. Healer; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med]
10. Undefeated; Any 4 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof],
[Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof],
[Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof]
11. Diamond Bracer; [Defense +x%] in 4 slots
12. Ruby Bracer; [Magic Defense +x%] in 4 slots
13. Battle Bracer; [HP +x%] in 4 slots
14. Magical Bracer; [MP +x%] in 4 slots
15. Collector Bracer; [Master Thief]
16. Treasure Bracer; [Pickpocket]
17. Bracer of Hope; [HP Stroll] + [MP Stroll]
18. Assault Bracer; [Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect], [Auto Regen],
[Auto Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted
19. Phantom Bracer; [Fire Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater], or [Ice
Eater] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
20. Recovery Bracer; [HP Stroll]
21. Spiritual Bracer; [MP Stroll]
22. Phoenix Bracer; [Auto Phoenix]
23. Curative Bracer; [Auto Med]
24. Rainbow Bracer; [SOS NulBlaze] + [SOS NulTide] + [SOS NulShock] + [SOS
25. Shining Bracer; Any 4 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS
Haste], or [SOS Regen]
26. Faerie Bracer; Any 3 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof],
[Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof],
[Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] in a 3 or 4-slotted armor
27. Peaceful Bracer; [No Encounters]
28. Shaman Bracer; [Auto Potion]
29. Barrier Bracer; [Fireproof], [Waterproof], [Lightningproof], or
[Iceproof] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
30. Star Bracer; [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste], or
[SOS Regen] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
31. Marching Bracer; Any 2 of: [Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect],
[Auto Regen], [Auto Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix]
32. Moon Bracer; Any 2 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS
Haste], or [SOS Regen]
33. Regen Bracer; [Auto Regen] or [SOS Regen]
34. Haste Bracer; [Auto Haste] or [SOS Haste]
35. Reflect Bracer; [Auto Reflect] or [SOS Reflect]
36. Shell Bracer; [Auto Shell] or [SOS Shell]
37. Protect Bracer; [Auto Protect] or [SOS Protect]
38. Platinum Bracer; [Defense +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
39. Sapphire Bracer; [Magic Defense +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
40. Warrior's Bracer; [HP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
41. Wizard Bracer; [MP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
42. Elemental Bracer; Any 2 of: [Fireproof], [Waterproof], [Lightningproof],
[Iceproof], [Fire Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater], or [Ice Eater]
43. Defending Bracer; Any 2 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof],
[Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof],
[Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof]
44. Crimson Bracer; [Fire Eater]
45. Snow Bracer; [Ice Eater]
46. Ochre Bracer; [Lightning Eater]
47. Cerulean Bracer; [Water Eater]
48. Medical Bracer; [Curseproof]
49. Lucid Bracer; [Confuseproof] or [Confuse Ward]
50. Serene Bracer; [Berserkproof] or [Berserk Ward]
51. Light Bracer; [Slowproof] or [Slow Ward]
52. Soul Bracer; [Deathproof] or [Death Ward]
53. Blessed Bracer; [Zombieproof] or [Zombie Ward]
54. Soft Bracer; [Stoneproof] or [Stone Ward]
55. Serum Bracer; [Poisonproof] or [Poison Ward]
56. Alert Bracer; [Sleepproof] or [Sleep Ward]
57. Echo Bracer; [Silenceproof] or [Silence Ward]
58. Bright Bracer; [Darkproof] or [Dark Ward]
59. Red Bracer; [Fire Ward] or [Fireproof]
60. White Bracer; [Ice Ward] or [Iceproof]
61. Yellow Bracer; [Lightning Ward] or [Lightningproof]
62. Blue Bracer; [Water Ward] or [Waterproof]
63. NulBlaze Bracer; [SOS NulBlaze]
64. NulFrost Bracer; [SOS NulFrost]
65. NulShock Bracer; [SOS NulShock]
66. NulTide Bracer; [SOS NulTide]
67. Adept's Bracer; Any 2 of: [HP +x%] and [MP +x%]
68. Tetra Bracer; All empty slots on a 4-slotted armor
69. Mythril Bracer; [Defense +x%] + [Magic Defense +x%]
70. Gold Bracer; Any 2 of: [Defense +3%], [Defense +5%], [Defense +10%], or
[Defense +20%]
71. Emerald Bracer; Any 2 of: [Magic Defense +3%], [Magic Defense +5%],
[Magic Defense +10%], or [Magic Defense +20%]
72. Soldier's Bracer; Any 2 of: [HP +5%], [HP +10%], [HP +20%] or [HP +30%]
73. Mage's Bracer; Any 2 of: [MP +5%], [MP +10%], [MP +20%] or [MP +30%]
74. Silver Bracer; [Defense +10%] or [Defense +20%]
75. Onyx Bracer; [Magic Defense +10%] or [Magic Defense +20%]
76. Sorcery Bracer; [MP +20%] or [MP +30%]
77. Warrior's Bracer; [HP +20%] or [HP +30%]
78. Glorious Bracer; All empty slots on a 3-slotted armor
79. Metal Bracer; [Defense +3%] or [Defense +5%]
80. Pearl Bracer; [Magic Defense +3%] or [Magic Defense +5%]
81. Magic Bracer; [MP +5%] or [MP +10%]
82. Seeker's Bracer; [HP +5%] or [HP +10%]
83. Guardian Bracer; Both empty slots on a 2-slotted armor
84. Bracer; Starting armor

- M. Rikku's Claws -

Equipment Appearance:

1: Oversized red and black boxy forked claw with numerous iron blades.
3-16, 20, 21, 24-27: Teal claw with a large blade on either side, that covers
most of Rikku's forearm.
17-19, 38, 39, 55-64: Small iron claw with a small iron blade on either side,
that covers up to Rikku's elbow with an orange and navy blue sleeve.
22, 28-30, 40, 49-54: A standard "spiked knuckle" with four silver spines
that go over Rikku's actual knuckles, and a tan leather sleeve that covers
up to her elbow.
23, 31-37, 41-48: A knuckle with nine navy blue blunt spikes along the cutting
surface, with armor-like iron "scales" that cover most of Rikku's forearm.

Equipment name and auto-abilities:

1. Godhand; Celestial Weapon - cannot be made through Customizing!
2. N/A
3. Iron Grip; [Capture]
4. Deus Ex Machina; [Firestrike] + [Thunderstrike] + [Waterstrike] +
5. Kaiser Knuckles; [Break Damage Limit]
6. Victorix; [Triple AP] + [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
7. Unlimited; [Overdrive -> AP] + [Triple Overdrive]
8. Warmonger; [Double AP] + [Double Overdrive]
9. Overload; [Triple Overdrive]
10. Override; [Double Overdrive]
11. Golden Arm; [Triple AP]
12. Golden Hand; [Double AP]
13. Ironside; [Overdrive -> AP]
14. Battle Freak; [SOS Overdrive]
15. Infinity; [One MP Cost]
16. Tempest Claw; Any 4 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Always
Sleeptouch], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike],
[Slowstrike], or [Zombiestrike]
17. Spartan; [Attack +x%] in 4 slots
18. Brunhilde; [Magic Attack +x%] in 4 slots
19. Valkyrie; [Magic Booster] + [Magic Attack +x%] in the other 3 slots
20. Magical Rave; [Half MP Cost]
21. Stickyfingers; [Gillionaire]
22. Rising Sun; Any 3 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
23. Typhoon Claw; Any 3 of: [Darkstrike], [Silencestrike], [Zombiestrike],
[Sleepstrike], [Poisonstrike], [Stonestrike], [Deathstrike], [Slowstrike]
24. Untouchable; [Magic Counter] + [Counter] or [Evade & Counter]
25. Tit-for-Tat; [Counter] or [Evade & Counter]
26. Prism Claw; [Magic Counter]
27. Mirage Claw; [Magic Booster]
28. Survivor; [Alchemy]
29. Vanguard; [First Strike]
30. Sonar; [Initiative]
31. Executioner; [Deathstrike]
32. Clockwork; [Slowstrike]
33. Colossus; [Stonestrike]
34. Manticore Claw; [Poisonstrike]
35. Lights Out; [Sleepstrike]
36. Mage Husher; [Silencestrike]
37. Jammer; [Darkstrike]
38. Iron Claw; [Attack +x%] in 3 slots
39. The Ogre; [Magic Attack +x%] in 3 slots
40. Dual Claw; Any 2 of: [Firestrike], [Thunderstrike], [Waterstrike], or
41. Hurricane Claw; Any 2 of: [Darktouch], [Silencetouch], [Sleeptouch],
[Poisontouch], [Stonetouch], [Deathtouch], [Zombietouch] or [Slowtouch]
42. Ninja Claw; [Deathtouch]
43. Clock Hand; [Slowtouch]
44. Break Knuckles; [Stonetouch]
45. Poison Claw; [Poisontouch]
46. Daydreamer; [Sleeptouch]
47. Tongue Holder; [Silencetouch]
48. Eye Poker; [Darktouch]
49. Hawkeye; [Sensor]
50. Hot Knuckles; [Firestrike]
51. Ice Claw; [Icestrike]
52. Shocking Fist; [Thunderstrike]
53. Tidal Knuckles; [Waterstrike]
54. Flexible Arm; All empty slots on a 4-slotted weapon
55. Force Knuckles; [Attack +x%] + [Magic Attack +x%]
56. Devastator; 2 or 3 empty slots on a 2 or 3-slotted weapon
57. Magic Knuckles; [Magic +10%] or [Magic +20%]
58. Buster Knuckles; [Str +10%] or [Str +20%]
59. Magic Claw; [Magic +5%]
60. Magic Glove; [Magic +3%]
61. Buster Claw; [Str +5%]
62. Buster Glove; [Str +3%]
63. Barbed Knuckles; [Piercing]
64. Claw; Starting weapon

- N. Rikku's Targes -

Equipment Appearance:

1-9, 14-16: Black and iron shield with intricate copper reinforcing in a star
pattern, and five large blades and five small spikes protruding from each
point of the star.
10-13, 18, 23, 26, 28, 41, 43-46, 58-65: Green pentagonal shield with silver
17, 19-22, 24, 25, 27, 29-36, 42, 47-57: Red, black, silver, and gold starburst
shield with five small blades at the silver points, and a gold star in the
37-40, 66-83: Black and iron circular shield with a single thick gold stripe
from the center outwards.

Equipment name and auto-abilities:

1. Dreadnought; [Break HP Limit] + [Break MP Limit]
2. Impervious; [Ribbon]
3. Atlas; [Break HP Limit]
4. Celestial; [Break MP Limit]
5. Invincible; [Fire Eater] + [Water Eater] + [Lightning Eater] + [Ice Eater]
6. Armada; [Fireproof] + [Waterproof] + [Lightningproof] + [Iceproof]
7. Triumph; [Auto Shell] + [Auto Protect] + [Auto Reflect] + [Auto Regen]
8. Intrepid; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med] + [Auto Phoenix]
9. Golaith; [Auto Potion] + [Auto Med]
10. Argonaut; Any 4 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof],
[Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof],
[Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof]
11. Diamond Targe; [Defense +x%] in 4 slots
12. Ruby Targe; [Magic Defense +x%] in 4 slots
13. Warlord; [HP +x%] in 4 slots
14. Dominator; [MP +x%] in 4 slots
15. Buccaneer; [Master Thief]
16. Corsair; [Pickpocket]
17. Targe of Hope; [HP Stroll] + [MP Stroll]
18. Assault Targe; [Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect], [Auto Regen],
[Auto Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix] in 3 slots of a 3
or 4-slotted armor
19. Phantom Targe; [Fire Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater], or [Ice
Eater] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
20. Recovery Targe; [HP Stroll]
21. Spiritual Targe; [MP Stroll]
22. Phoenix Targe; [Auto Phoenix]
23. Curative Targe; [Auto Med]
24. Phalanx; [SOS NulBlaze] + [SOS NulTide] + [SOS NulShock] + [SOS NulFrost]
25. Tercio; Any 4 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste],
or [SOS Regen]
26. Talisman; Any 3 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof],
[Poisonproof], [Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof],
[Confuseproof], or [Berserkproof] in a 3 or 4-slotted armor
27. Peaceful Targe; [No Encounters]
28. Shaman Targe; [Auto Potion]
29. Victorious; [Fireproof], [Waterproof], [Lightningproof], or [Iceproof] in
3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
30. Star Targe; [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS Haste], or
[SOS Regen] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
31. Marching Targe; Any 2 of: [Auto Shell], [Auto Protect], [Auto Reflect],
[Auto Regen], [Auto Potion], [Auto Med], or [Auto Phoenix]
32. Moon Targe; Any 2 of: [SOS Shell], [SOS Protect], [SOS Reflect], [SOS
Haste], or [SOS Regen]
33. Regen Targe; [Auto Regen] or [SOS Regen]
34. Haste Targe; [Auto Haste] or [SOS Haste]
35. Reflect Targe; [Auto Reflect] or [SOS Reflect]
36. Shell Targe; [Auto Shell] or [SOS Shell]
37. Protect Targe; [Auto Protect] or [SOS Protect]
38. Centurion; [Defense +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
39. Echelon; [Magic Defense +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
40. Knight's Targe; [HP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
41. Wizard Targe; [MP +x%] in 3 slots of a 3 or 4-slotted armor
42. Elemental Targe; Any 2 of: [Fireproof], [Waterproof], [Lightningproof],
[Iceproof], [Fire Eater], [Water Eater], [Lightning Eater], or [Ice Eater]
43. Reliant; Any 2 of: [Darkproof], [Silenceproof], [Sleepproof], [Poisonproof],
[Stoneproof], [Deathproof], [Zombieproof], [Slowproof], [Confuseproof], or
44. Crimson Targe; [Fire Eater]
45. Snow Targe; [Ice Eater]
46. Ochre Targe; [Lightning Eater]
47. Cerulean Targe; [Water Eater]
48. Medical Targe; [Curseproof]
49. Lucid Targe; [Confuseproof] or [Confuse Ward]
50. Dauntless; [Berserkproof] or [Berserk Ward]
51. Light Targe; [Slowproof] or [Slow Ward]
52. Soul Targe; [Deathproof] or [Death Ward]
53. Blessed Targe; [Zombieproof] or [Zombie Ward]
54. Soft Targe; [Stoneproof] or [Stone Ward]
55. Serum Targe; [Poisonproof] or [Poison Ward]
56. Alert Targe; [Sleepproof] or [Sleep Ward]
57. Echo Targe; [Silenceproof] or [Silence Ward]
58. Bright Targe; [Darkproof] or [Dark Ward]
59. Red Targe; [Fire Ward] or [Fireproof]
60. White Targe; [Ice Ward] or [Iceproof]
61. Yellow Targe; [Lightning Ward] or [Lightningproof]
62. Blue Targe; [Water Ward] or [Waterproof]
63. NulTide Targe; [SOS NulTide]
64. NulBlaze Targe; [SOS NulBlaze]
65. NulShock Targe; [SOS NulShock]
66. NulFrost Targe; [SOS NulFrost]
67. Adept's Targe; Any 2 of: [HP +x%] and [MP +x%]
68. Tetra Targe; All empty slots on a 4-slotted armor
69. Mythril Targe; [Defense +x%] + [Magic Defense +x%]
70. Gold Targe; Any 2 of: [Defense +3%], [Defense +5%], [Defense +10%], or
[Defense +20%]
71. Emerald Targe; Any 2 of: [Magic Defense +3%], [Magic Defense +5%], [Magic
Defense +10%], or [Magic Defense +20%]
72. Soldier's Targe; Any 2 of: [HP +5%], [HP +10%], [HP +20%] or [HP +30%]
73. Mage's Targe; Any 2 of: [MP +5%], [MP +10%], [MP +20%] or [MP +30%]
74. Silver Targe; [Defense +10%] or [Defense +20%]
75. Onyx Targe; [Magic Defense +10%] or [Magic Defense +20%]
76. Sorcery Targe; [MP +20%] or [MP +30%]
77. Warrior's Targe; [HP +20%] or [HP +30%]
78. Glorious Targe; All empty slots on a 3-slotted armor
79. Metal Targe; [Defense +3%] or [Defense +5%]
80. Pearl Targe; [Magic Defense +3%] or [Magic Defense +5%]
81. Magic Targe; [MP +5%] or [MP +10%]
82. Seeker's Targe; [HP +5%] or [HP +10%]
83. Guardian Targe; Both empty slots on a 2-slotted armor
84. Targe; Starting armor

-- VIII. Thanks, Credits, Shameless Plugs --

- Big thanks go out to Tronix ( and National
Console Support, Inc ( for selling me Final Fantasy X
and a Japanese Playstation 2, respectively. Best import shops on the web,
they are!
- Thanks to FinalFantasyer, and errortest on the GameFAQs FFX board for
meticulously listing weapon and auto-ability names they'd found in the demo,
and BIGGER thanks to AceofSpades for replaying the demo God knows how many
times to keep finding weapons, and emailing me with a list thereof.
- Thanks to Ouchmyface for providing me with all of Auron's English Blade
- Thanks to Jaag Brown ( for providing me with all of
the English weapon names.
- Thanks to SteelPhoenix for a good many US armor names.
- Thanks to Nathan Mallory for putting up with my whining, teaching me lots of
fun and exciting Japanese words, and for being a pal.
- Thanks to Shivan (Tom Cheng) on the GameFAQs FFX board for providing me
with lots of equipment names, specifically Tidus and Kimahri's ultimate
weapon names.
- Thanks to Ben "Bishonen-Kun!" Sponholtz ( for
helping to translate some of Yuna's rods and Finger Rings in the Japanese
version of this document, and being a source of levity while doing so. I'M
- Thanks to KeRoChAn ( for correcting me about the
availability of empty 4-slotted weapons and armor.
- Thanks to Christopher Schempp for telling me that you can auto-organize
equipment in the US release.
- Thanks to Chris Ball for Fortitude Ring and Armada.
- Thanks to for Atlas.
- Special thanks to J. Parish (, without whom I'd
never have begun importing games, and FAQs like these wouldn't have been
- Much respect to Alexander O. Smith for his fantastic localizations of
Vagrant Story, Parasite Eve 2, Final Fantasy X, et al. Thank you for
elevating video game dialogue to fine literature.
- Thanks to Muni Shinobu ( for his excellent FFX
walkthrough and numerous other guides on the game. Without him, we would
not know wairo from Shinola.
- Extra special thanks to Square ( for creating
FFX and many other quality titles, and GameFAQs (
for hosting FAQs on every game imaginable, and respecting FAQ author's
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Walkthrough Spanish

15.Октябрь 2013
The Story

15.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
International FAQ/Walkthrough

17.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Monster Arena FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Original Soundtrack List

14.Октябрь 2013
FAQ/Walkthrough Part One

14.Октябрь 2013
FAQ/Walkthrough Part Two

16.Октябрь 2013
Aeon In-Depth FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Sphere Grid FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013
Blitzball Database

14.Октябрь 2013
12 Random Chests FAQ | Omega Ruins Side-Quest FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Walkthrough and FAQ Part 1/2

14.Октябрь 2013
Monster Encyclopedia

16.Октябрь 2013
Walkthrough und FAQ Part 2/2

14.Октябрь 2013
Chocobo Racing Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Item List

14.Октябрь 2013
Character/Aeon Overdrive In-Depth FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Item List

16.Октябрь 2013
Equipment Remodeling Guide

13.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Ultimate Weapons Guide

15.Октябрь 2013
In den Macalania Woods kurz vor der FMV Sequenz mit Tidus und Yuna.

17.Октябрь 2013
Blitzball Techniques FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Bribe FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Secrets FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Spoiler-Free Walkthrough

17.Октябрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
25.Июнь 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
04.Март 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016