Syphon Filter 2

Syphon Filter 2

16.10.2013 23:06:27
- Syphon Filter 2 Complete Version 1.5 -
- Submitted 12/09/01 -

Table of Contents

Part 1: Introduction
-Revision History

Part 2: Lists
-Recap of the Original Game

Part 3: Walkthrough

Mission 1

Level 1: Colorado Mountains
Level 2: McKenzie Airbase Interior
Level 3: Colorado Interstate 70
Level 4: I-70 Mountain Bridge
Level 5: McKenzie Airbase Exterior
Level 6: Colorado Train Ride
Level 7: Colorado Train Race
Level 8: C-130 Crash Site

Mission 2

Level 9: Pharcom Expo Center
Level 10: Morgan

Mission 3

Level 11: Moscow Club 32
Level 12: Moscow Streets
Level 13: Volkov Park
Level 14: Gregorov

Mission 4

Level 15: Aljir Prison Break-in
Level 16: Aljir Prison Escape

Mission 5

Level 17: Agency Bio-Lab
Level 18: Agency Bio-Lab Escape
Level 19: New York Slums
Level 20: New York Sewers
Level 21: Finale

Part 4: Disc 1 Full Script

Part 5: Unlocking Secrets
-Bonus Movies

Part 6: Conclusion


Part 1: Introduction

My first strategy guide! Get SF2 and get this guide. Up ahead I will show
you everything you could ever want to know about Syphon Filter 2, including
a walkthrough, weapon lists, character description, and just about how to
kill every single guy in SF2. All I can say is, HAVE FUN!
And remember, this guide was written by an absolute Syphon Filter master and
die-hard! I have beaten this game 25+ times using these steps! Once I
finish the script, it is likely that there will be no more updates.

Revision History:

Version 1.0: (10-27-2001) This includes the full walkthroughs for Levels
1-5, 8-21, the weapons and characters list, and the conclusion.

Version 1.1: (10-30-2001) I added the Syphon Filter 1 recap, edited my guide
for mistakes, rewrote the conclusion, and added the missing two
walkthroughs, Levels 6-7.

Version 1.2: (11-01-2001) HUGE UPDATE! I added this revision history, Disc
1 of the full Syphon Filter 2 script, (that took a good dent out of my week)
and the entire Unlocking Secrets area.

Version 1.3: (12-04-2001) Added the ASCII art at the top. Knowing me I
won’t ever get around to adding the Disc 2 script.

Version 1.4: (12-05-2001) Fixed the ASCII art formatting problem.

Version 1.5: (12-09-2001) I thought I’d fixed the problem with the art, but
it turns out I haven’t. I’ve taken it out for the time being.

Part 2: Lists

I’ll start with the weapon lists and everything you would want to know about
them. There is the excerpt from the manual first and my comments second.
Max rounds are the maximum spare rounds plus the current clip ammunition.

Scale: 1-5

Note: Some Damage amounts have been slightly edited because the manual is
pretty much lying to you.


1. 9mm Handgun, possibly silenced

This standard military sidearm is an excellent short-range weapon. It is a
lethal weapon in the hands of a trained professional.

Fire Rate: 3
Damage: 2
Clip Size: 15
Max Rounds: 90

This is a pistol that is second to the 45 in almost every way. Although it
is deadly accurate, it requires 3 to 4 shots to kill a non-flak jacketed
person, so it has little stopping power.

2. .45 Automatic Handgun

Developed in the days of trench warfare, this 1911 vintage design is a
double-action semi-auto with strong recoil but tremendous stopping power.

Fire Rate: 2
Damage: 4
Clip Size: 10
Max Rounds: 60

No matter what, two to three rounds should always, always take down a guy
without a jacket. A brilliant and useful weapon, so much that I often
choose it over the M16 and HK-5.

*Machine Pistols*

3. HK-5 Machine Pistol

Favored by special forces and terrorists alike for its compactness, the HK-5
is fast becoming the most popular machine pistol around. There are more
than 23 recognized variants and other customized versions, some fitted with

Fire Rate: 4
Damage: 4
Clip Size: 32
Max Rounds: 192

The HK-5 is usually silenced in SF2. You will often need it. Its fast fire
rate will allow you to get head shots off much more easily.

4. BIZ-2 Machine Pistol

This machine pistol is designed to maintain law and order in tight
situations. The horizontal clip design keeps the weapon compact and easy to
fire while holding enough ammo to pin down a platoon.

Fire Rate: 4
Damage: 3
Clip Size: 66
Max Rounds: 396

The BIZ-2 is one of the best weapons in the game. Its insanely fast rate of
fire will take down guards instantly. Headshots are made easier too. Use
it often and well.

5. G-18 Machine Pistol

A furious 60 round per second fire rate makes this machine pistol the most
lethal ever made. Note that the 33 round clip will be spent in half a
second of continuous fire. Don’t get caught with an empty weapon.

Fire Rate: 5
Damage: 2
Clip Size: 33
Max Rounds: 198

The G-18 is the third best weapon in the game, only to the K3G4 and M-79.
It is faster than the BIZ-2. Make sure to conserve your ammo and use this
only when you really need it. But the interesting thing is that this is the
only other machine gun besides the K3G4 that you can fire at the chest of
flak-jacketed enemies and take them down easily.

*Assault Rifles*

6. M16 Assault Rifle

Standard issue for U.S Military personnel, this combat proven lightweight
weapon is accurate and easy to control. M16’s fire a specially designed
small caliber, high velocity round.

Fire Rate: 4
Damage: 2
Clip Size: 30
Max Rounds: 180

The M16 will be by your side for over half of Syphon Filter 2.
It is better than the HK-5 and is extremely useful at long range. Ammo is
always plentiful, so don’t feel afraid to fire large amounts at everybody
you see.

7. PK-102 Assault Rifle

This weapon is a variant of the popular Kalashnikov system (one of the most
widely used and modified designs in the world). This is a full-featured
assault rifle, but is easy to conceal which makes it popular with

Fire Rate: 4
Damage: 3
Clip Size: 30
Max Rounds: 180

The PK-102 packs a punch of high-powered rounds that quickly take out
anything they see. (Except flak-jackets)
It is extremely useful but I don’t believe is as important as it was during
the first game.

8. K3G4 Assault Rifle

High fire rate and Teflon coated bullets designed to punch through most flak
jackets make this a weapon to fear and respect.

Fire Rate: 4
Damage: 2
Clip Size: 20
Max Rounds: 120

This is by far the best machine gun in the game. Its Teflon coated bullets
penetrate the flak, so basically, it acts as if the flak jacket wasn’t even
there. And, when you kill a flak-jacketed enemy with it, you can pick up
his undamaged flak.


9. 12 Gauge Shotgun

This fully choked version maximized accuracy and minimizes collateral damage
out to 25 yards. It is commonly issued to law enforcement, DEA, and Secret
Service agents. At close range, nothing you could carry hits harder.
Note: This is crap because both the combat shotgun from SF1 and the UAS-12
far better this in every way, even at close range.

Fire Rate: 2
Damage: 4
Clip Size: N/A
Max Rounds: 25

This gun is basically useless at long range. The amazing combat shotgun
from Syphon Filter is missing but this returns. Use it when playing Lian
Xing because since it is your only option sometimes.

10. UAS-12 Rapid Fire Shotgun

Delivers a pounding in close range combat against multiple targets.
Collateral damage was not considered in developing this weapon.

Fire Rate: 2
Damage: 4
Clip Size: N/A
Max Rounds: 12

Unfortunately, you use this weapon only in the last level. If you want to
know how truly powerful it is, watch Teresa in level 20. Not counting the
short ammo, this is a masterpiece.

*Sniper Rifles*

11. Sniper Rifle

This silenced rifle comes equipped with a classified digital scope using
basic optical character recognition. It is capable of classifying human
impact points prior to firing.

Fire Rate: 2
Damage: 2 (But you’ll get a head shot)
Clip Size: 10
Max Rounds: 30

The powerful sniper rifle is extremely useful is most sections of the game.
Use it wisely.

12. Nightvision Rifle

This rifle is capable of extreme accuracy. It is designed to strike moving,
stationary, or camouflaged targets from great distances without compromising
the shooter’s position. This model uses the SVDN2 night scope and silencer.

Fire Rate: 1
Damage: 3 (But you’ll get a head shot)
Clip Size: 10
Max Rounds: 30

This rifle, useful in the first game, is basically useless in SF2. The only
time I used it was two shots fired near the end of level 13. Don’t worry
too much about it.

13. H11 Sniper Rifle

The H11 is a full auto-fire sniper rifle with a large clip and a non-zooming
scope. It combines excellent accuracy with a punishing rate of fire.

Fire Rate: 5
Damage: 2
Clip Size: 50
Max Rounds: 300

The H11 will rarely be by your side, but when it is, those guards better
well watch out. The H11 is one of the best weapons in the game. Simply go
into manual aim and quickly fire ten bullets from side-to-side, and you will
be guaranteed a head shot.


14. M-79 Grenade Launcher

This deadly single-shot, break-barreled weapon was used in the Vietnam War
and nicknamed the “Blooper.” It fires 40mm high explosive grenades capable
of producing more than 300 fragments within a five-meter kill radius. Its
range is up to 300 meters.

Fire Rate: 1
Damage: 5
Clip Size: N/A
Max Rounds: 15

This is by far the best weapon in the game. One shot is capable of killing
five enemies at the same time. It can be found in very few levels, however.
Crucial to your success.

15. Tear Gas Launcher

Fires cartridges containing tactical CS riot agent. Use this weapon to
create confusion in situations where the opposition cannot be attacked with
lethal force.

Fire Rate: 1
Damage: 5
Clip Size: N/A
Max Rounds: 5

Twice it is an objective to acquire and use one of these launchers. They
are to be used mainly on militia in level 12 and prisoners on level 16, but
if you have any shells left, save them for a big group because this gun is
capable of taking three enemies down simultaneously.


16. Incendiary Grenade

Upon detonation, this incendiary weapon spreads ammonium perchlorate three
meters outward from the blast point. It is instantly ignited by the
explosion and quickly burns out, torching anyone within the blast area, but
leaving minimal collateral damage.

Fire Rate: 1
Damage: 5
Clip Size: N/A
Max Rounds: 10

This is a common weapon. It can be useful in situations involving wide,
open areas. If an enemy doesn’t see you coming it is even better. Can take
out a couple at once.

17. Nerve Gas Grenade

Releases trace amounts of Soman nerve agent. After exposed targets are
rendered unconscious, fatality follows in fifteen minutes unless an antidote
is administered. The gas dissipates swiftly for fast entry into the area.
This will stun the operative briefly if walked into.

Fire Rate: 1
Damage: 5
Clip Size: N/A
Max Rounds: 10

This renders targets unconscious instantly… but let’s face it. No one is
going to administering an antidote to these men. This kills, pure and
simple. Absurdly useful for a grenade.


18. Hand Taser

This non-lethal weapon delivers 80,000 volts of neural chaos and will drop a
man instantly. This weapon is used on people you want to incapacitate
without harming. You must get very close to the target with this weapon and
the element of surprise is crucial. It is best to blindside the target.

Fire Rate: 1
Damage: 5
Clip Size: N/A
Max Rounds: Infinite

This will be at your side for 5 out of 6 of the stealth levels. It sucks,
and is the weapon that you will also grow to hate more and more as you try
the stealth missions. You are required to basically be touching the target
and the fire rate is absurdly bad.

19. Air Taser

Fire the CO2 powered Air Taser to lodge a probe into the target’s body. A
wire from the weapon to the probe delivers a 500,000 volt shock.

Fire Rate: 5 (Adjusted, because you never stop firing)
Damage: 5
Clip Size: N/A
Max Rounds: Infinite

Now this is fun! You will use it only once in Syphon Filter 2, but watching
the targets explode into flames is cool! I love this weapon!


20. Crossbow

Quieter than a silenced firearm, this is the weapon of choice for stealth
operations. It fires a narcotics-laced bolt that can kill if fired at the
head. In manual targeting mode, a laser provides excellent accuracy.

Fire Rate: 1
Damage: 5
Clip Size: N/A
Max Rounds: 5

Why the heck does every shooter have to have a stupid crossbow! We want big
miniguns, not 17th Century crap!
We’ll stick to the silenced 9mm if we want no sound! This is to be used
only on the people you aren’t allowed to kill, only in missions 9 and 16.

21. Combat Knife

This U.S. Marine weapon is designed for hand-to-hand combat. Use the knife
when you want to eliminate an enemy quietly.

(No stats were provided)

You will only swing it five times, because it sucks. But anyway, it’s a
knife. Any questions?

22. C-4 Explosive

Called plastic explosive, C-4 can be molded and stuck to objects. It is
then wired to a fuse and friction igniter for detonation from a remote or
protected position.

Fire Rate: N/A
Damage: 5
Clip Size: N/A
Max Rounds: N/A

You can’t use this during gameplay, you stupid manual!

Next are the character descriptions.


Covert Operative

Sex: Male
Age: 36
Birthplace: Camden, NJ
Nationality: American
Height: 6 ft. 3 in.
Weight: 185 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black

Background: The top Agency operative, now hunted by members of his own
organization. Averted a disaster by destroying an ICBM nuclear missile
targeted on Kazakhstan while pursuing those responsible for producing the
Syphon Filter virus.

1986-1987: United States Army.
1987-1992: U.S. Army Special Operations.
1989: Silver Star.
1991: Presidential Citation.
1993-1999: Agency operative.
Present: Fugitive.

Intelligence Communications Expert

Sex: Female
Age: 30
Birthplace: Kashi, China
Nationality: Chinese
Height: 5 ft. 7 in.
Weight: 120 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black

Background: Agency Operative (Communications). Partnered with Gabriel Logan.
Originally an agent for the Chinese intelligence service, she was
recruited in 1996 by the Agency and given a new identity as an American
citizen including fake biographical information, recently exposed to the
Syphon Filter virus. Presently kidnapped by Agency for testing. Branded
terrorist by Agency for cover story.

1989-1995: Chinese MSS agent.
1995-1999: Agency operative.
Present: Fugitive.

Ex-Agency Special Operative

Sex: Female
Age: 25
Birthplace: Phoenix, AZ
Nationality: American
Height: 5 ft. 6 in.
Weight: 118 lbs.
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown

Background: Former Agency operative who now operates a low profile freelance
spy operation from a trailer deep in the Arizona desert. Functions
primarily as an underground intelligence assistant for Gabe Logan and Lian

1992-1994: ATF agent.
1994-1997: Agency operative.
1997-Present: Freelance intelligence operative.

U.S. Army, Chemical and Biological Defense Command

Sex: Male
Age: 31
Birthplace: Reno, NV
Nationality: American
Height: 6 ft. 3 in.
Weight: 214 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown

Background: A top flight West Point grad with distinguished combat service
in the Gulf War. Presently attached to CBDC. His attack and maneuver
skills are top-notch. Headed up the CBDC response to the Washington D.C.
subway attack and the Kazakhstan missile incident.

1991: Bronze Star.
1991-1996: United States Army.
1996-Present: CBDC.

Career Agency Man

Sex: Male
Age: 49
Birthplace: San Francisco, CA
Nationality: American
Height: 6 ft. 2 in.
Weight: 221 lbs.
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Gray

Background: Progressed to the top echelon through ruthless execution of his
superiors’ orders. Politically savvy, brutal and expert at damage control.
Presently overseeing the neutralization of Gabe Logan and Lian Xing.

1969-1971: United States Navy.
1971-1975: U.S. Navy Seal Team.
1980: Masters in Politics, Princeton University.
1981-1988: Agency operative.
1989-1999: Agency Deputy Director.
Present: Director of the Agency.

Agency Special Ops Commander

Sex: Male
Age: 40
Birthplace: Alexandria, VA
Nationality: American
Height: 6 ft. 1 in.
Weight: 192 lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: White

Background: Trained by Israeli Army Intelligence and used for cross-boarder
counter-terrorism operations. Specializes in the usage of high explosives.

1987-1990: Israeli Army.
1990-1996: Agency operative.
1997-Present: Agency operations commander.

Dillon Morgan Second-in-Command

Sex: Male
Age: 31
Birthplace: Topeka, KS
Nationality: American
Height: 5 ft. 11 in.
Weight: 178 lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black

Background: An Agency operative reporting directly to Dillon Morgan.
Functions as an elite assassin and is responsible for killing at least 10
foreign agents or other Agency liabilities. Keeps an extremely low profile.
Information about his activities prior to joining the Agency is minimal.

Creator Of The Syphon Filter Virus

Sex: Female
Age: 32
Birthplace: Frankfurt, Germany
Nationality: German
Height: 5 ft. 8 in.
Weight: 134
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black

Background: A former researcher for Pharcom, she was the head of the team
that created the Syphon Filter bioweapon.
Following Pharcom’s dissolution, she was recruited into the Agency to
continue her work on the virus. Doesn’t get along the Agency
administration, especially Director Lyle Stevens.

1990-1999: Pharcom scientist.
1999-Present: Agency scientist.

Russian Nationalist

Sex: Male
Age: 55
Birthplace: Stalingrad, Soviet Union
Nationality: Russian
Height: 5 ft. 11 in.
Weight: 216 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Grey

Background: Russian Army officer and top-ranking post-Soviet intelligence
official. Head of SVR- Russian foreign intelligence service. Member of the
Russian U.N. delegation and a contact for Gabe. Holds information vital to
stopping Syphon Filter.

1970-1981: Russian Army officer.
1981-1996: KGB officer.
1996-1997: SVR Deputy Director.
1997-Present: Director of SVR.

Professional Assassin

Sex: Female
Age: 33
Birthplace: Novgorod, Russia
Nationality: Russian
Height: 5 ft. 11 in.
Weight: 137 lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Auburn

Background: Cunning and ruthless assassin who is linked to Russian organized
crime. Highly skilled in all types of weaponry.

1984-1986: Member of Black Baton terrorist organization.
1986-1989: KGB operative.
1989-Present: Freelance killer, has assassinated 17 people.

Freelance Bio-Chemical Expert

Sex: Male
Age: 38
Birthplace: Queenstown, South Africa
Nationality: South African
Height: 6 ft. 2 in.
Weight: 207 lbs.
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Black

Background: South African refugee and gifted medical expert and pathologist.
Runs illegal medical laboratory out of the front of Whispering Woods
Mortuary in Virginia.

1986: Mastered in Bio-Chemistry at Rhodes University.
1987-Present: Freelance bio-chemical expert.


Right now I’m going to present to you a full recap of the original game’s
plot so that if you are too stubborn to buy and play the original game first
(don’t know why you would, because the first is even better!) you won’t be
completely lost.


Gabe Logan and Lian Xing went to Costa Rica, hoping to find Erich Rhoemer
and take him out. Rhoemer escaped, their informant “Ellis” was shot, and
the place was torched. Logan reported back to the Agency and was dispatched
to D.C. (where he already was, actually) to stop Rhoemer from killing
everyone in the city with his new viral weapon. Gabe helped the Chemical
and Biological Defense Command (CBDC) agents disarm the bombs, then
proceeded to the park, where he killed Anton Girdeux and disarmed the final
bomb. Afterwards, Gabe went to the Pharcom Expo Center, discovered that
Deputy Director Edward Benton was a mole working for the creators of the
virus. Gabe killed Benton, then chased Pharcom (the virus Syphon Filter
creators) CEO Jonathan Phagan through the museum, past the security office,
and all the way back down to the original starting point of the mission,
where he found Mara Aramov and Phagan. Gabe needed information from both of
them, so he stopped Aramov while Phagan ended up escaping. Gabe then went
to Rhoemer’s base, where he assassinated his chief of security Vladimir
Gabrek, disarmed his SS-23 ballistic missiles, and then listened to Lian be
killed be Rhoemer. After fending off an attack helicopter, he escaped the
base and detonated his charges, leveling the base. He then headed to
Rhoemer’s stronghold to get the location of the deadly virus Syphon Filter’s
labs from a captured Phagan. Gabe eliminated Rhoemer’s research scientist
team, gave all of the Syphon Filter test subjects a vaccine, then made his
way to the catacombs and eventually found Phagan, who told him and his boss
Thomas Markinson where the Syphon Filter labs were. He also told Gabe alone
that Lian was still alive, imprisoned in the catacombs. Phagan led Gabe to
her cell, fled, and then Gabe learned that Lian had been infected with
Syphon Filter. He and Lian escaped to the surface, where Aramov killed
Phagan and told them that they needed to stop Rhoemer or Kazahkstan would be
gone. She choppered Gabe to the Syphon Filter labs, where then he planted
markers on the viral bombs, found information about parts for an R-9 Devyaka
nuclear missile that had shipped here. Lian then informed him that the
so-called vaccine that Gabe gave those test subjects was in reality filled
with potassium chloride, which in case the reader doesn’t know is what they
use in lethal injections. Gabe got to the Warehouse 76 leading to the
Missile Silo Access Tunnels, where he got to the descending elevator via the
burning warehouse, then got eventually to the Missile Silo, where he
discovered a completed R-9 Devyaka sitting, ready for launch. Gabe got the
access codes for the missile, then discovered Markinson, who had betrayed
him and immediately admitted that Rhoemer had been working for him since
Costa Rica and that he had wanted Syphon Filter for the Agency all along,
but now Rhoemer was about to fire this missile that Markinson had every
intention of stopping, for obvious purposes. Rhoemer then head-shot
Markinson from behind, and activated the missile. Gabe hid behind a blast
door, and headed to the control room with only three minutes before the
missile detonated and wiped out half the country. He managed to
self-destruct the missile, and then Rhoemer challenged him with an M-79
grenade launcher, but Gabe killed him with a gas grenade. Escaping the
silo, Gabe found Lian, and brought a CBDC team in to disarm the viral bombs,
led by Lieutenant Jason Chance. Neither Gabe or Lian knew what to make of
this, and Lian said, “What has happened here?” Gabe responded, “With
Markinson dead, I don’t know if we’ll ever know.” Credits roll.
Afterwards, back in Agency headquarters, an unknown man, (you’ll find out
who he is in Syphon Filter 2) is told something by Mara Aramov, and he tells
her “Well done.” The camera zooms out, and you can see boxes off Syphon
Filter on his desk. They didn’t have a To Be Continued… after that but I
think they should have.

Note. The lists are done. On to the most important part of the game- the
Note: You will be given comments on some of the cutscenes, or to tell you
what’s coming next.
All Right, This Is The Final Note: I will skip a space at every checkpoint
so you will be able to tell how long the sequence between those specific
checkpoints are.
Just One_More_Note! People who diss this guide will be charged 14.99 for
One More! I’ll Do Anything For This Note: Screw the 14.99, if you don’t like
this guide, you owe me the 14.99… per minute!


Crouch-Walk: Holding the X button while moving around.

Crawl: Same as crouch-walk, just faster to say and write.

Hand-to-hand position: Hanging from a ledge.

Climb left or right: Push the left or right buttons on a ledge to move in
that direction while in a hand-to-hand position.

Climb up: Pull yourself up to the ledge above you.

DAQ: Don’t ask questions, just do it!

Peek-a-boo: An extremely useful technique in many shooters where you lean up
against a wall, then activate manual aim. While in it, press and hold the
strafe button in the direction that the wall ends (this must be done on a
corner for it to make a difference) and Logan’s body will shoot out around
the corner suddenly, already in manual aim. You can immediately shoot the
guy, or if your aim is messed up and the guy is about to shoot you, just let
go of the strafe button and Logan will move back behind the wall. It is
used in frequent shooters like the Syphon Filter Trilogy, Perfect Dark,
Goldeneye 007, etc.

Part 3: Walkthrough

Disc 1

Mission 1

Level 1: Colorado Mountains

After the cutscene, parachute over to the small fire to your right and walk
up to the wounded guy for a cutscene. When it ends, do a 180. If you look
hard enough, you can see a second fire a ways away, to your right. Run over
to the ledge near it and climb up. Go into the cave near the fire. Davies
is inside. He will lead you to the next cave. Go inside where he points
and head downhill for a pointless cutscene. Run ahead and you will see
Lieutenant Chance on your screen so go up to him for your checkpoint.

Immediately run ahead to where you came from and look above you. You will
see a parachuting guard. Empty a few bullets into him and head back into
the cave. The CBDC agents will yell, “Behind you!” DO NOT TURN AROUND. Run
forward and out of the cave before it collapses. After the cutscene, run
ahead out of the cave and you will be warned of guards. Immediately turn
right and climb up the ledge. Head to the next one and climb it up. Turn
right and head that way. Take a left. You will hear a sentence spoken.
Headshot the guard in front of you and kill the one on the left. A guard
lies around the other side, but he likes to run. You will need to chase him
from left to right and shoot him with your M16. Once he is dead, climb up
onto the highest ledge in the area. Climb up to the top and press triangle
when you see the words: Use Transponder Here. There’s a checkpoint.

Run back towards where you heard, “We’ve got incoming!” and return to the
giant area where you started the level. You will hear Kwalski get shot
again (he must really suck) Run over to the very first fire, and activate
the cutscene and checkpoint.

Run back to the second fire. On the way you will see guards parachute down
towards you. Only shoot the ones that get in your way, but don’t stop. Go
into the cave, reload your M16, and head back to the cave-in. Plant the C4
and run with the CBDC agent back to edge of the cave. After the bomb blows,
you’ll get a checkpoint.

Go ahead to where you met Chance and after the cutscene, immediately turn
right. Climb up and turn left. Shoot the guard. Kill the parachuting
guards in the order of left, right, middle.
(Note: If you go exactly to where you met Chance and crouch-climb off the
ledge, you can drop down into an area where you’ll get an H11 that unlocks
the Caves.)
A Flak Jacket lies on the very right ledge next to one of the guards. Grab
it if you need it and head into the only unseen area. You’ll get a

Climb up onto the ledge on your left and run forward. As soon as you hear,
“Snipers! Get down!” roll forward and roll again to trigger a cutscene.
After it, run right and climb up the ledge. You’ll hear, “I’m being
flanked!” Follow the guard until you’re under cover and headshot him. Grab
his H11 and use the peek-a-boo technique on the guard to your right. It’s a

Go over to the dead guard and turn right. Run ahead and Objectives
Incomplete will flash across your screen and you’ll hear shots. Go back and
headshot the guards. Shoot the two on the ground before you kill the ones
on your level.
Head back to where you saw Objectives Incomplete to end the first level.

(God, Logan must have wings!)

Level 2: McKenzie Airbase Interior

(Note: As said above, crawl means crouch-walk in this walkthrough.)
After the cutscene, crouch and crawl immediately to your right behind the
guard. Turn right and head to the end of the hallway, but DO NOT go into
the next corridor. Position yourself so you can see around the right wall
but not be seen. You will hear a conversation. After you hear, “Let me
check on Lian Xing first,” head towards the middle of your hallway and wait
there until Dr. Weissenger and her escort passes. Then go into the room the
doc came out of and grab the adrenaline shot for a checkpoint.

Leave the room and turn left. Go to the end of the hallway, turn left, and
about halfway through this hallway, crouch. Crawl forward and turn the
corner left. You will see two guards. Follow the one next to you until you
see a red-lit room on your, well, (left, of course.) Go inside the room for
a cutscene and a checkpoint.

After the interesting FMV, hit the switch on the right side of the window.
It opens the glass. Head through and exit the room. Turn right to see a
fork in the path. Head left, and left again, and you will see a guard.
Crouch and follow him forward until he stops. You will hear him talking to
another guard. He will exit the room. When the door shuts, run on the
right wall towards the window. Right before you would be seen, roll forward
and you will go directly under the window and out of sight. Turn right and
enter the room marked B1, then turn left and grab your Combat Gear from the
end of the locker for a very interesting cutscene. (If only she’d turned
around!) A checkpoint is here.

Crawl forward, make sure your taser is out, and practice the technique on
the guard. Knock him out and activate the switch to the right. Instantly do
a 180 and run towards the door that the guard went into. Go into the
corridor and immediately roll into the second dark alcove on the left and
crouch. A guard will walk by. Zap him, then position yourself so you can
see the next corridor. When the guard turns to go the other way, run
forward and go into the final alcove on the left. When he comes back (how
does he not see you?) crawl out and head down the corridor. Don’t run until
you’re out of hearing range. The end of the corridor is the end of the

Level 3: Colorado Interstate 70

Run forward and turn into the tunnel on your right and run forward. (Note:
If you kick down the door to your left and head left to the end of corridor,
you’ll find binoculars which open up a multiplayer arena.)
Return to the tunnel, and keep going farther inward. DO NOT stop to kill
any guards, just proceed to the back of the truck. DO NOT kill the guard
here, just grab the equipment for a nice flak jacket and checkpoint.

Empty your pistol into the guard next to you, then head back the way you
came and switch to your M16. Kill any guards in your way, then exit the
tunnel and kill the two near the boulders. After you wipe out the guard
high above you, follow Chance for a pointless checkpoint.

Run forward and follow Chance, opening fire with your M16 on any guards you
see. When you reach a part where Chance yells, “We’ve got trouble!” run up
to him and Gabe will pick up the flamethrower. Aim it at any near guards
and roast them. Follow any directions Chance gives you. When the guards are
dead, proceed down to end of the tunnel. You’ll get a checkpoint after the

Headshot the guard and immediately turn 45 degrees left.
Two snipers will pop up. You must shoot them in the head as fast as you
can. When the nearest two are dead, go against the wall for cover. Let
Chance deal with the other sniper, then proceed to the right side of the
truck. Another guy will pop up. Use peek-a-boo on him, kill the guard to
your right, and head for the second truck, letting Chance stay ahead of you.
He will kill the guard and any near snipers. Peek-a-boo the remaining
sniper and head into the tunnel. You’ll get a checkpoint.

Turn left and headshot the guard. Kick open the door behind him, but don’t
go inside. Instead, follow Chance for a cutscene. (Good voice acting!)
After it ends, head to the front bumper. WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT FIRE YOUR
GUN. Strafe to the right and look ahead. You’ll see two guards pop up and
head towards Chance. Let them capture him, then go around the side of the
truck to the back. Grab the grenades.
Return to the door that you kicked open, head inside, and turn right.
Proceed to the end of the corridor, but don’t go into the power room.
Instead, throw a grenade in and switch to your M16. When it blows, you’ll
get the final checkpoint of the level.

Return to the tunnel. Luckily, these guards are blind now and can’t see
you. Don’t worry about the tanks.
The rest of the level is easy and straightforward. Kill any guards who get
in your way as you run to the tunnel’s exit.
When you reach the end, the level ends.

Level 4: 1-70 Mountain Bridge

Walk forward and turn left, then go onto the tiny ledge on your left, crawl
off the side you’re hanging, and swing hand-to hand out of sight of the
commander and guard. When you’re past the car, climb up onto the road.
Head around the right side of the truck in front of you, making sure you’re
out of sight of the two patrolling guards, and grab the weapons for a

Head around the other side of the truck, staying out of sense of the guards.
Go back to the first car and position yourself so you can see the
commander and guard. Throw the gas grenade onto the hood of the car and it
will knock them out for a checkpoint.

Go to the right side of the bridge and get back into the hand-to-hand
position you were in before, except now you’re on the other side of the
road. Climb to the right until there is a ledge right beneath you. Drop
down onto it, and drop down one more floor to land on the second floor.
Take out your silenced sniper rifle and headshot the guard 45 degrees to
your left. Run over to him and drop down onto his floor, then defuse the
first charge. A checkpoint is yours.

Return to the road exactly where you came down and run over to the left side
of the road. Get into a hand-to-hand position and climb over to the truck.
You’ll see a charge. Defuse it for a checkpoint.

You’ll hear a conversation, giving you another objective. Climb up to the
top, staying in a hand-to-hand position, and wait for the guards to come
around to your side. Climb up and follow the around to the right side of
the bridge. Go over to the car, not worrying about the guard ten yards
ahead, and climb into a hand-to-hand position. Climb towards the other side
of the bridge until there’s a ledge beneath you. Drop down, then drop down
again and turn 45 degrees right. You should see a guard. He’s a moving
target. Headshot him with the rifle and turn to your left, looking at
another guard. Headshot him and run over to him. Drop down to the bottom
floor and defuse the third charge for a checkpoint.

Return to the second floor and run over as far as you can get towards the
moving target you had killed. Look downwards. You’ll see a ledge you can
drop down on. Do that, and run over to the guard. On the right side of the
bridge, if you look hard, you’ll see the final charge. Go to it and defuse
it for another checkpoint.

Return to the road, going to exactly where you came down, (I’ll let you
figure out how to get back there) and kill the guard next to you. Stealth
is no longer required after you defuse the final charge. You’ll hear, “It’s
Logan! Blow the bridge now!” “We can’t! The charges are dead!” Go to the
end of the bridge, kill the guard, switch to your rifle, and go in for a

Strafe to your left and you’ll see two GI’s and two guards. Get as close as
you can without being seen and aim the rifle towards the right nonmoving
guard. Get him in the exact center of your crosshair. The other guard will
pass into the center of your aim. At that exact second, you will have both
guards lined up. Fire. It will kill them both. If you succeed, you’ll
hear, “What the hell?” Run over to the guards for the final checkpoint.

Equip your M16 and run farther into the tunnel. A truck will pull up and
three flak-jacketed guards will come out. Headshot the guy with the shotgun
first, then another guy, and the final guy will be killed for you by the
GI’s. Repeat this process twice more, and head to the exit.

(Right, he somehow survives a missile by jumping 100 feet onto a train and
doesn’t die.)

Level 5: McKenzie Airbase Exterior

You’re back to Lian Xing. Get ready for a winding, twisting level of
stealth. I can’t stand this one compared to the other levels.

Crawl forward and hide in the bushes to your left and listen to the
conversation. When the airman runs off, crawl up to the sergeant and zap
him. Follow the airman.
(Strangely enough, he will wait for you.) Follow him into the open area for
a cutscene. When it ends, run as fast as you can for the unmoving truck’s
right window. You will see the other truck drive off. Leave it alone.
Look towards the back of the truck and you will see a guard. Crawl up and
zap him, then grab the silenced sniper rifle from the truck for a

Turn left and look at the guard and the entrance he is protecting. When the
guard goes past it, leave him alone and run in the dark alley. Climb up the
pillar and on to the top, then run to the other side and jump down. A guard
will hear you and come to investigate. Run behind the pillar near the front
bumper. When the guard passes the bumper, crawl up to him and zap him. Now
stay on the left wall and crawl towards the entrance he came out of. Climb
over the boxes he stands next to and come down behind him. Zap him. Now go
farther into the corridor, stopping when you see Morgan and Falkan. Listen
to them. An airman will walk up and notify them of something. When you
hear, “That’ll be all, Airman,” run to the back of the large set of boxes
you’re standing near. Hang on it. When the guard stops, climb up and climb
down near him. Zap him, then follow the two Agency commanders who strangely
haven’t left yet. When you reach the open area, you’ll get a comm and a

Turn right and head to the closed door. You’ll see a switch. Activate it
and run inside the warehouse. When you reach the plane you’ll hear a guy
talking. Position yourself so you can see his head. Shoot him for a

Go under the plane and push triangle when you see F-22 access panel to get
another checkpoint.

Wait for the guard to come out into the open, then zap him and leave the
building, not worrying about the switches. Crouch behind the first crate
you see. Two guards will come around a big crate. When they drop out of
sight, run right towards the direction they came from and go to the truck.
Stay on the right side. You’ll see a searchlight. Run as close as you can
to it. When it passes to the left, run past it for a checkpoint.

A truck will come from your left. Run right next to it and use it for cover
from the guards. When you can go no farther without being seen, stop and
look left. You’ll see another way to go. Go that way and eventually you
will see Morgan and Holman. Hide behind the truck out of sight of the
airman. Run to where he was for a cutscene and checkpoint.

Go to where you came from and hide in front of the truck. Holman will get
rid of his escort. When the airman passes onto the other side of the truck,
run to where Holman went.
There is an unseen timer. Quickly crawl behind him before he reaches the
guards for another cutscene and checkpoint.

Go back in the direction you came and go to the other side of the truck.
The airman will still be there. Zap him and run back out to where you saw
Dr. Weissinger. Run down that corridor and you will see an airman. Zap him
before he turns around and hide behind the boxes. Wait for the guard to
turn to your right. When he does, crawl up behind him and wait for him to
stop. Don’t worry about the searchlights. Zap him and run over to the left
window of the truck. When you activate the ignition, IMMEDIATELY strafe to
your left behind cover. When the truck explodes, the airmen will run off.
Go into the tower for a checkpoint.

At the fork, take a right and ride the elevator upwards. When it opens, go
out and turn right. Circle around to the other side and zap the guy looking
at the map. Then crawl over to the talking guard and zap him. Do a 180.
You will see a tiny switch on the wall. Activate it for the final

When the cutscene ends, head back down the elevator and go down the
remaining path. You will see Falkan and a guard. After the cutscene, crawl
up to the airman and zap him. Then take out your silenced HK-5 and headshot
Falkan. Run around the front side of the chopper to the driver’s seat to
end the level.

Level 6: Colorado Train Ride

After the cutscene and comm, look in the direction of the seemingly endless
path to the end of the train by turning around, and head that way. Run
forward past a couple crates about fifty times as big as Logan, in other
words what he is running on, and a helicopter will fly over you and drop a
couple guards onto the train. Leap forward off the end into the same place
they dropped, then target lock and blast them with your M16, the only weapon
you need in this level. Climb up and run past the large green crate, then
jump off the end to see two guards, one who is throwing grenades at you.
Take them both, and keep going forward. Remember, for the next two levels
you will be going in only one direction. In the next part, two more come,
and two more die, but one guard will position himself behind you. Turn and
blast him, then resume your running. Past the green crate, once you jump
onto the yellow crate, two more will come at you. Take them. Run forward
and stop at the smokestack, but don’t climb onto it until you kill both the
guards behind it. Run forwards and jump onto the red crate. Halfway across
it, you will get the level’s only checkpoint.

Run forward, and this time climb onto the smokestack. This will trigger two
guards to come at you, so jump off the stack, target and shoot them both.
Proceed, jumping onto the yellow crate. Run to the end, jump off, and there
will be two more for you to kill. Climb up and the train will enter a
tunnel. Take no notice. Jump forward, ignoring the two firing guards
beneath you, where the single flak-jacketed guard throwing grenades is.
Quickly headshot him and move on. Climb up onto the (I’ll call it from now
on a dark board) and move across to the next board. Jump onto the green
crate, proceed onto the yellow crate, make sure your clip is full, and the
train will enter a tunnel, where you will suddenly get night-vision and four
guards will run at you. Stand absolutely still, switch to manual aim, and
open fire, headshooting them. When they are all dead move on, and make sure
to grab their ammunition. Jump onto the first red crate, go to the second
and shoot the guard, then reload. Head to the end of the third red crate to
end the level.

Level 7: Colorado Train Race

This level is like 6, except it is longer, harder, and has an eight minute
time limit. This shouldn’t be too hard, even for first-timers. It usually
takes me four minutes or so.
Climb up onto the roof of the train, then blast the two guards. Proceed
past the red crates, jump forward onto the tan thing on the floor, and
remember that there is a flak-jacket in a box to the left if you need it.
Run forward and nail the attacking guard, then round the corner, target
lock, and kill the other two. Climb upwards and head on. (Note: ALWAYS
STRATEGIES WILL NOT WORK.) Go to the end of the green crate, jump off onto
the tan crate, then the blue, then the tan crate right in front of the
grenade-throwing guard. Headshot him, and move on by climbing up onto the
blue crate, then jumping onto the green crate. Kill the next two guards, go
to the end of the red crate, jump off onto the floor, and immediately
headshot both of the guards. Climb up onto the board, then jump to the red
crate as the train enters a tunnel. Again, take no notice. Jump forward
onto the tan crate, then the blue one, then climb up the board and jump onto
the red crate for a checkpoint.

Pursue and blast those two guards, then jump off, kill the next one, climb
up onto the board, then jump onto the red crate. (If you didn’t have the
routine down by halfway through Level 6, you have issues.) At the end of
it, jump off onto the tan crate, and you will see a guard run away around
the corner. Switch to your shotgun, then go around the corner and nail him
with a shell. Switch back to your M16 assault rifle, then climb up and
continue on. Jump so you land on the blue crate, and jump again, ignoring
the guards, even when your DANGER meter is high. Roll to evade them if you
need to. Run past the green crate onto the black train car, then wait for
the two flak-jacketed guards to get set up before you poke the first one in
the head with a couple rounds. Move forward so you can see the second and
take him, too. Proceed to the end of the car, and the train will enter a
tunnel. Gabe will contact Lian, but your immediate attention should be the
flak-jacketed guard in front of you. Headshot him with the M16, reload,
then run off the end of the train onto a partially hidden platform (like I
CAR!) then wait for the comm to end, because when it does, so will the

Level 8: C-130 Crash Site

Parachute into the middle of the two guards, turn and kill them with Mr.
M16. Grab the jacket if you need it, then run forward. Don’t worry about
the guards here. Just run forward and keep going until you come to a large
pipe. Go on the right side and position yourself behind one of the trees.
When the sniper pops up, do peek-a-boo on him and proceed. Stay on the
right wall. At the end, you will see a white box that has the data disks.
Don’t grab it yet. Go behind the large pipe and grab the M-79. Then switch
to it and open the white box for a checkpoint.

Do a 180 and run forward, killing all four guards. Use absolutely no more
than two grenades. You’ll get a checkpoint.

Go forward until you see the next pipe. Stay on the left side as you hear
Archer speak. Run forward and strafe to the right and roll as the guards
attempt to headshot you. Leave them alone and stay on the right side of the
next pipe. Archer will order snipers onto the ridge. Fire your grenades up
at them as they aim. When all three are dead you’ll get the final

Keep running forward. As soon as you hear the chopper, go to the left side
of the big piece of debris you should be next too and make sure your M16 is
out. When you see Archer, aim at him. This is the only difficult part of
the level. Headshot Archer before he gets away to recover the data disks
and end the 8-level mission. (Note: If you kill Archer with your very first
shot, “Jungle,” will be unlocked in multiplayer.) (Note: If you beat this
entire level in under three minutes, you will unlock Syphon Filter 1
characters in 2P.)

Congrats – Disc 1 is complete!

Disc 2

Mission 2

Level 9: Pharcom Expo Center

You will see two guards in front of you. Headshot the one of the left, then
normally kill the guy on the right off. Jump off the thing, collect their
ammo, and head into the place they were guarding. When your NVG’s go out,
do the peek-a-boo on the one guard. Three guards will come out near the top
of the stairs. Wait for two to come down. Don’t worry about the guy at the
top. Peek-a-boo both guards, then run out into the open and turn right.
Kill the guard there and collect all the ammo. Go up the stairs on the left
side. When you reach the flak-jacketed guard, peek-a-boo him and move
inside the next room. Turn left and shoot out the vent. Climb inside. Get
out at the end and turn right into the dark area. Checkpoint.

Kill the guard inside the dark area. When you reach the end back into the
light, take out your HK-5 and blast all three of the guards inside the space
exhibit. Climb up the shuttle to top like you did in the sixth level of
Syphon Filter 1. In this level you will see many familiar places from the
sixth level of 1, except they have been partially changed. Anyway, turn
right, shoot out the vent for a checkpoint, then climb in.

This is an extremely long vent. Eventually you will see a vent cover.
Leave it alone. Instead, turn left and go to the next one. Shoot it out
with a silenced weapon and aim your crossbow at the chest of the Army guy.
Fire and knock him out. Continue down to the vent’s exit. Shoot it out
with your pistol, switch to your taser, and immediately jump out and head to
the pillar dividing the hallway to your left. Two guards will run up to the
guy you crossbowed. Don’t panic.
When one guy runs off, stay against the wall and crawl over to the back of
the remaining guy. Climb up and zap him, then follow the guy who ran off.
Zap him. Do a 180 and look at the stack of boxes to your left in the big
room. Climb up, and MAKE SURE YOU STAY TO THE VERY LEFT. Climb down, crawl
up behind the guard and taser him. Then kick down the camouflaged door for
a checkpoint.

Crawl forward and position the camera so you can see down the corridor to
your right. Two guards will have an interesting conversation. When one
walks off, crawl up behind the kneeling guy and zap him. (Note: you can
grab the magazine from the locker to unlock this level as a two-player
arena.) Turn left and follow the other guard. Taser him, then turn right
and go out the door. Turn left and climb up onto the lone box. Don’t worry
about the GI. Turn right and climb up. Stand behind the last box. When
the guard goes behind the pillar, climb up and jump to the walkway. Go to
the guard and zap him. Then go down the path and shoot out the vent. Climb
in, then go to the end. When you get out, turn right for a comm and

Use your 9mm to kill the guard in front of you while avoiding his grenades.
Run forward, turn left, and shoot the next guard. MAKE SURE to grab the
grenades from the box. Then shoot out the vent to your right and climb in.
At the end, take a left and go down the hallway. Headshot the guard next to
you, then kill the unmoving guard far away. The third guard often sees you,
but this doesn’t matter. Kill him, then climb down by means of boxes near
the end. There is flak-jacketed guard in the middle of the floor. Kill
him, then proceed to where you went next in the first Syphon Filter. (And I
mean after you hit Gate Control.) Kill the next guard, then switch to
crossbow and go down the next corridor, but stop before you go out into the
open. A checkpoint awaits.

When the GI turns around, hit him with a bow and crawl to your left. Around
the pillar lies a second guard. Nail him and go to the tiny table between
the two pillars. Plant the decoy for another checkpoint.

Turn left and climb up onto the box. Shoot out the vent and climb in.
Eventually you will reach a cutscene. When it ends, DO NOT MOVE. Switch to
your grenades and throw one inside the room. It will kill both guards. Go
inside for a checkpoint.

SHAFT. OTHERWISE, THE GRENADES WILL KILL YOU. When you reach the end, turn
right and take out you taser. Recognize this room? Climb down and zap the
guard. Do the exact same thing to the second guard. Exit the room and
remove your crossbow. The final checkpoint is yours.

Hide behind the box closest to the ramp upwards. When the guard going
horizontally goes to the right for the second time, crossbow the other guard
and run up into where he was going into. Keep going and you will see
another vent. (Don’t worry, this is the last one.) Silenced pistol it out.
Climb up and go in. Eventually you’ll reach another cutscene. Shoot out
the vent and switch to your crossbow. You should have one bow left. Climb
out as the Army guy passes. Crawl at 45 degrees to the left. You will see
an unmoving guard in that direction. Crossbow him, switch to your HK-5 and
run down that hallway. You will hear Agency men speak. Three armored
guards will run inside. You need to headshot these guards. When they are
dead climb up the pillar near the middle of the room. When you reach the
top look around. You will have to jump onto each statue to reach the other
side of the room. Watch your angle as you position yourself. When you
reach the other side, shoot out the vent and reload. Jump over to it.
Climb up and in to end the level. (Finally!)

(Yes, Morgan is very second-rate.)

Level 10: Morgan

Jump off, run around the statue and forward. After the comm, shoot the
guard and go into the hallway.
Take a right and continue to follow the path downwards. At the end of this
corridor, turn right and go forward for a short cutscene. Afterwards, you
will hear and see Teresa come up to the bomb and try to defuse it. Look in
the direction of where Morgan ran through the gate. A guard will run up.
Headshot him and do a 180 so you can look in the other direction. Two
un-armored guards will rush up. Fire your M16 at them and look in the
WILL HEADSHOT TERESA AND LOGAN. After he is dead, Teresa will finish with
the bomb. After the cutscene, you get a checkpoint.

Follow Teresa back in the direction you came from and follow her as she
heads back into the main room and goes left. She will open the gate and
head in. Kill the guard on the way. When she reaches the next bomb,
position yourself so you can see in both directions. Three or four guards
total will run up. Use any gun you wish, but spend no more than two seconds
with each guard. After she finishes, a checkpoint is yours.

Follow her again. She will yell, “There’s Morgan!” Follow her into that
room and in cutscene, Logan will somehow miss Morgan. “Tricky,” Teresa
reports. Follow her back to the main room and kill any guards along the
way. Once she reaches the next bomb, look back in the direction you came
from. One flak-jacketed guard will run up. Headshot him for a cutscene.
Go back into the main room to see Morgan and get a checkpoint.

You must evade Morgan without killing him for about sixty seconds. Don’t
worry about the timer. Take out your M16 and target Morgan. Strafe in the
other direction and shoot out the glass. (Don’t ask why, it helps you see
Keep the statue between you and Morgan, and it is best if you go up against
it, but don’t climb onto the central platform. After about thirteen seconds
left on the timer, Teresa will defuse the bomb for a checkpoint.

Hit manual aim and aim to the left. Morgan will run onto the screen.
Headshot him to end the mission.

Mission 3

Level 11: Moscow Club 32

(What the heck! They didn’t even show Aramov attacking!)
Strafe to the left and hide behind the small bit of cover. The BIZ-2 armed
guard will hide in front of you. Headshot him and hold target lock down as
you run to his position. Three guards will run from the bottom floor.
(Note: If you kill all three before they throw grenades, you will unlock
Disco Basement arena.) Kill at least one guard and grab the Biz 2. Run
down the path off onto the bar and drop down to the guards. Hide behind the
little table and use the peek-a-boo technique on them. Run over and another
should rush in.
MAKE SURE you grab all the ammo, then run out into the hallway for a

Once you take a couple steps forward, a guard will strafe out. Kill him and
go to where he came from. At the bottom of the stairs will be two more.
Kill them and proceed. Around the next corner will be another. Drop him
and go down the stairs. Turn left. A guard will be there. After him is
another. When they’re dead turn the corner to see two guards. The one that
isn’t moving is the one you want to take out first since he has a flak
jacket. Headshot him and quickly kill the second before he throws grenades.
Grab the flak jacket from the dead guy and go down the stairs for a

Do peek-a-boo on the guy behind the bar and proceed to the bottom of the
stairs. Peek-a-boo the two flak-jacketed guards and go to the next room.
Eventually you will see an open vent. Go against the wall and peek-a-boo
the guy before he headshots you. When he’s dead, climb up into the vent and
go to the end. Headshot the guy on the left and quickly shoot the guy on
the right in the chest. (The 45. works best here.) Grab the ammo and go
down the corridor for a cutscene. Don’t worry about the two guys here, let
the Militia get them. When they are dead roll to the other side of the bar.
Headshot the guy and activate the switch behind the bar. It will open a
door. Go down for a checkpoint.

Headshot the guy behind the bars and try to kill another before he runs off.
Follow the other guy and kill him. Two guys will pop up in the next
hallway. Finish them and take a right. Kill the guy guarding the stairs
and head down, not worrying about the guy to the left. The second you reach
the bottom, IMMEDIATELY TURN LEFT AND MOVE so the grenade doesn’t get you.
Follow the guard as he retreats and headshot him, then grab the grenades out
of the box. Now go in the other direction on this floor. Use the
peek-a-boo technique on the two guards here, then switch to your grenades
and run up to the door for a checkpoint.

Kick open the door. (I call this the “Seizure Room” but don’t worry about
seizures, I’ve never gotten any.) Take one step forward and toss a grenade,
without manual aiming. If you are lucky, the grenade should kill all three
guards. The only important thing is that it kills the guy on the top floor.
If there are any remaining guards, use your Biz-2 on them and climb up
onto the post. Shoot the flashing and hella irritating light out if you
wish. Climb up onto the next floor and head into the red-lit room. QUICKLY
kill the guard before he headshots you and move on. Up ahead you will see a
Moscow Militia guard. Move behind the crates and leave him alone as the
enemies kill him. Let the Militia kill the next two guys, then go forward
and roll under cover into the next room. On the other side of the stalls is
the final guard. Kill him, then climb up onto the lockers. A bullet into
the glass ends the level.

Level 12: Moscow Streets

Go right and stay against the wall as the grenade kills the Moscow soldiers.
Go forward and kill the guard. Make sure you have your BIZ-2 out and go
for cover next to one of the small posts as two guards pop out. Kill them
both and move on. Don’t worry about Gregorov. Kill the next guard and take
the police car and grab the tear gas launcher for a checkpoint.

Switch to it and go back in the opposite direction. Keep going that way.
Make sure you are out of the way when the car crashes. Keep going that way.
A sniper will fire from your left. Keep going straight and roll to avoid
the bullets.
Three militia guards will run onto your screen. Use no more then two tear
gas grenades on them. Turn right and target the guy on the streets. When
he is out target the guy on the roof. Nail him. You should have one
grenade left. Switch to your shotgun so you can save the grenade for level
13. Run forward. Gregorov will fire at you. Roll into the alcove on your
left and Gregorov will move on. Follow him. A car will drive at you from
behind. Roll into the alcove on your right. When the car crashes, you’ll
get a checkpoint.

Keep that shotgun out and wait for some of the fire to disappear. Climb
onto the car and climb upwards. Go forward and take a left. At the end
take a right. At the end of here take a left and you will see Gregorov.
Leave him alone and follow him. Jump off all the way to the other side,
then turn right and roll forward and downwards. Immediately turn left and
go forward. When you see a pole above you, stop. Two cars will drive at
you. Jump onto the pole and wait for them to pass under. Let go and go
(Note: If you return to those crashed cars, one of them will have a PK-102
that will unlock some Syphon Filter 1 arena’s in multiplayer.) Gregorov
will fire again. Roll into the alcove to the right. When Gregorov moves
on, you’ll get a checkpoint.

The shotgun must be out here. Go after him and stay against the left wall.
Hold target lock down. Fire at the guy while moving forward so you can
drive him back over the wall. Do this twice more and reach the end of the
road. Crouch behind the second red car. Strafe to the right so Gregorov
will come out. He will run on. Go to the right wall and run forward.
Cross to the other side of the street as Uri shoots at you. Now hide behind
the car. Gregorov will run off. Stay on the sidewalk but follow him. Hold
down L2 but roll, so Gregorov will miss. Do this all the way to the red
car. When you get there, Gregorov will run into Volkov Park. Cross the
street, take out your Biz-2 and follow him in to end the level.

Level 13: Volkov Park

(Note: If you headshot the guard in front of your before he destroys the
car, you can grab a Biz-2 from it that will unlock the “Surreal arena” in
Headshot him anyway. Another guard will come out from the wall to the
right. Headshot him and move forward. Roll and strafe towards Gregorov to
avoid the incoming fire and position yourself at the head he stops at.
Touch it to get a checkpoint.

Gregorov will run off and scream at you. Hide behind the headstone so he
will miss, then take out your remaining tear gas shell and run after him.
Four guards will run at you down the corridor. Target one of the middle
guys and fire. If you are lucky, three will be down. Nail the survivors
and continue on. At the end of the road is another guard. Kill him and
turn 90 degrees right. Go that direction down the path. At the end you
will enter a night-vision area. Immediately turn left and head to the wall.
Stay on it and follow it all the way to the exit of the dark area. Don’t
worry about the guards. Head down the next path to get a checkpoint.

At the end turn right and go into the small dark area. Let Gregorov run
off, then follow after him and roll to avoid his fire. At the end, go to
the left wall and turn right. Headshot the guard, run over and grab his
nightvision rifle. Return to where you entered the area. Stay on the left
wall like you did in the night-vision area, but if you get a guy on your
radar, (and you will) stop. Aim the rifle and headshot the guy. Move on
and there should be one more guy. Headshot him. Pause and check your map.
You will see where to go. Go there and head down the path for the final

Take out your BIZ-2 and walk forward. Four guards will run at you.
Headshot at least one and strafe to the left down the ramp. A guard will
follow. Headshot him and run back up. Take out the grenade-thrower quickly
and run forward. Headshot the remaining guy and head forward to the gate to
end the level.

Level 14: Gregorov

This is an easy level. Skip the comm and crawl to the tree closest to you.
Now peek-a-boo to the left and watch Uri. Make sure you can see both
overhead lights to the left in your view. Wait a while. When Uri walks
behind the monument (or whatever it is) look up and shoot the light out. Do
the same with the back left one. Then look to the right without peekabooing
and shoot the front right light out. And then strafe to the left while
still behind the tree and shoot the final light out. Switch to your taser
and follow him. He will run around, blinded. Stay CLOSE BUT NOT TOO CLOSE.
Eventually he will crouch still. Crawl up to him and zap him to end the

Mission 4

Level 15: Aljir Prison Break-in

Note: If you beat this entire level without using the crossbow, you will
unlock Aljir Prison in 2P, but first-timers, I wouldn’t recommend it. Do it
the second time around.

Final Note: Don’t worry about the 1-hour timer. It is possible to beat it
in seven minutes.
(This cutscene is about five minutes long. Have fun!)
After it ends, switch to your taser and run to the hallway. Crawl forward
and wait for the man to walk out into the hallway. Crawl out and right.
Listen to the really pointless conversation with an amusing ending. Up
ahead you will reach an entrance into a room on the right wall. Take it.
You’ll see a hallway in front of you. Run down it and about halfway down
the second corridor, go into crawl mode. Crawl out and zap the guy to your
left. Don’t worry about the prisoner. Run all the way back to the main
hallway, and take a right, in the direction you had been going in before.
Make sure you are crouch-walking. Keep crawling and you will see a guard to
the right. Crawl up and zap him, then IMMEDIATELY STRAFE TO THE RIGHT
AGAINST THE WALL. The woman will walk up towards the man you just dropped.
Don’t worry about being seen, just make sure you go up to her. When she
passes into plain view, crawl up and zap her for a checkpoint.

Turn left and run down the long hallway until you see the entrance to a
corridor on the left. DO NOT GO OUT INTO THE OPEN YET. Position the camera
so you are facing the entrance and you can see the guard coming out. As
soon as the guard enters your hallway, drop him with the taser.
(Note: I will sometimes provide two ways to beat the next section, such as
in this level, with one being with the crossbow, and the other using the
taser. This is so you will know how to get Aljir Prison in 2P if you intend
Crossbow Way: Run to where the wall curves to the right and position
yourself so you can see the next corridor. When the guard turns around, run
out and drop him. Then run until you see guards ahead.
Taser Way: Start the same way as the crossbow. When the guard turns around,
run and crawl after him. He will walk into the open cell. Crawl up behind
him and zap him. Then run to where you stopped when using the crossbow.
Take out the taser and watch the four people talk. Eventually two will walk
away. Listen to the other two. When you hear the words, “Why do I always
get the worst jobs?” crawl forward until you see the break in the railing to
your left. Crawl over the edge into a hand-to-hand position. Climb all the
way to the left until the railing is back together and you can’t go left
anymore, and then climb up. Run to the left into the corridor. You will
see a woman chasing a prisoner and a guard tailing them. Run and crawl up
to the man and zap him. Then crawl up to the woman and zap her for a

Turn around and run down the hallway until you see a large entrance to your
left. Walk forward for a cutscene. Make sure you let the cutscene play to
its entirety. (DAQ!) Let the guards walk past. When they do, run back into
the hallway and go in the direction they came from. Take the elevator
downwards. Get off and run forward. As soon as you hear the elevator go
POSITION. Hold the manual targeting button and move the camera up so you
can see in front of you. As soon the guard comes towards you, let go of the
camera button and drop down onto the floor. When the guard says, “It’s
Valery. Everything’s quiet,” jump up and climb up back to the floor. The
guard will walk away. Crawl down the path where they came from. Watch for
a guard on the right. Blindside him and zap him, then continue in the
direction you had been going in for a checkpoint.

Walk a step forward for a cutscene. In it, you will notice the camera has a
red light on. After the cutscene passes, the red light will be off. Run
forward and crouch down next to the pillar on the right of the door. A
guard will walk through the guardstation. As soon as the gate opens and the
guard passes you, crawl forward and go right to the back of the woman. Zap
her for the final checkpoint.

Immediately strafe right and flip the switch to open to open the gate that
you didn’t come from. Crawl behind the pillar like you did last time, then
crawl up and zap the guard. Run to where he came from. You will see a
corridor on the left.
Crossbow Way: Immediately make sure you are not too close to the guard, and
aim and shoot him in the chest.
Taser Way: Position yourself so you can see him. Don’t worry about the
timer, but wait for him to come towards you and turn around. Then crawl up
behind him and zap him.
Now head into the next corridor in front of you. Turn right.
Crossbow Way: Shoot the guard in the back.
Taser Way: Crawl up and zap him.
Now enter the dark room and head around the bars to end the level.
(Note: If you didn’t use the crossbow, you should hear Lian say, got it!)

Level 16: Aljir Prison Escape

Note: This is a very difficult level. Flex your arms, kick out the girl,
shut up the dog, and get out your .45, and prepare for a very long first
sequence! As soon as the cutscene ends, take out your 45 and aim it
towards the two guys on your right. Headshot both of them and crouch down
before the guy on the left kills you. Let go of the X button and headshot
the remaining guy. Do a 180. A guard has sneaked up behind you. Kill him,
and then grab his ammo. Make sure to grab the three guns from the guys you
killed, then go down the corridor that you did not go down last level. Run
out into the open, and run back around the corner as two guards rush out.
Peekaboo the guy on the lower level, then round the corner and look upward.
Blast the guy and look 45 degrees to the left. Blast the guy and run down
the next corridor. A guy will pop out and try to headshot you. Kill him,
grab his ammo, and switch to your shotgun. Run until you reach stairs. A
guard will rush up at you. Shotgun him and the other guard. Go down. Two
more wait at the bottom. Kill them, go to the bottom, and turn left. Kill
the guy before he headshots you, grab the ammo surrounding you, and head to
the end of the corridor. Kick open the door. Don’t worry about the guards
on top of the building. Stay against the left wall and head for the stairs.
The door will be kicked open by two guards. Shotgun them both and go
inside. At the end of the path you will reach a cutscene. Watch it. At
the end of it, immediately turn left and go forward down the next corridor.
You will see a hole in the wall and a dead guard. Take the path. At the
end you will rescue Gregorov and find Aramov, but the best part is your
gleaming checkpoint.

At the end of the cutscene, do a 180. Shotgun the guy, do another 180, and
wait for two guards to come out. Shotgun them for a cutscene. At the end,
take out your 45 and go to where the two guards came from. Round the
corner. Go into manual aim and blast all three guards. Lian will order Uri
inside. Don’t wait up for him. Continue on. Around the corner is a
flak-jacketed guy. Headshot him, then go to where he died and round the
corner. Go to the end and turn left. Two women will be slaughtered by
guards. Kill the guards for a cutscene and checkpoint.

Do a 180 and head to the door for a cutscene. Kick down the door. Do
another 180 and walk slowly backwards into the area. As soon as you hear
Gregorov say, “Snipers! Get back!” run forward back under cover for ANOTHER
CUTSCENE. But watch it. At the end, Uri will toss in a smoke grenade.
When it blows, follow him past the snipers until he stops. Aim the 45 to
the right of the door and shoot the tiny panel on the frame surrounding it.
Follow Gregorov past the door and let him run up to the hole in the ledge
for a cutscene. At the end, turn around and run back to the fried door.
This time, go in the other direction. Make sure not to get caught in the
fire, but quickly headshot the burning guard and run forward. Headshot the
guy with the tear gas launcher, then grab his gun. Return to Gregorov and
strafe to the left side of the crack. Switch to the tear gas gun. You have
one shot. When you are ready, peekaboo out and shoot the gal on the left.
The gas will nail both women and knock them out. You will receive a

Jump down and grab the women’s PK-102’s. Switch to the 45. Leave Gregorov
alone. Run forward and go to the left corridor. Stay on the wall with the
objects. Do a 180 and walk slowly backwards 5 steps, then go into manual
aim and QUICKLY headshot the guard who comes out. Run forward and turn left
back under cover, then switch to the PK-102.
Run back out and try to headshot at least two of the guards. Now this is an
irritating part, because the other guy likes to run. Chase him down and
headshot him, make sure your armor meter is at max, and then return to
Gregorov. After the cutscene, take out your shotgun. Go back down the path
where you killed the running guy. Go to the only path you haven’t gone
down, and round the corner. Shoot the two guards in front of you, turn 45
degrees left, and kill the other two. Go down that corridor. Gregorov will
shout, “Die, you bastards!” Two guards will pop out, and the one on the
right will try to headshot you. Kill them both and take the path to the
left. Kill the guard. Take Gregorov’s warning and kill the guards behind
you. Then return to Uri, and head for the door. Kick it open and go
outside for the final checkpoint of mission 4.

Go down the stairs to your left. Don’t fire your weapons yet. Go on the
right wall so you can stay out of sight of the searchlight. Once past it,
walk forward and look 45 degrees to your left. Make sure your shotgun is
out for the rest of the level. Headshot the guy on the left and body shot
the guy on the right. The alarm will sound, but don’t worry about it or
Gregorov. Run forward as far as you can while leaving the guards alone.
You will see an entrance at the end. Go inside and walk up to the switch.
When Uri enters the small shaft, flip it to take the elevator to the top.
Follow him out. Leave the guards on the building alone, since they are
infinite. However, if you see any guards on the small path (and you will)
shotgun them to death. When you reach the endless-looking path, you will
finish the mission.

(C’mon Uri, why would Logan want to keep Lian in a Russian hospital over our
esteemed Lawrence Mujari?)

Mission 5

Level 17: Agency Bio-Lab

(Note: This is the best mission in Syphon Filter 2, and I mean mission, not
This is by far the longest level of the game. It is half stealth, half
combat. Guards can see you, but if they recognize you, the alarm will
sound. This is a good change over the normal take-a-glance, sound-the-alarm
stealth missions. And when I say walk in this level, I mean holding the X
button down, because it is impossible to crawl. Leave the room and head
into the hallway. Turn right and go forward. At the fork, continue to the
right until you reach a door. Walk up and a cutscene will play.
Afterwards, walk forward past the door. Wait for the lab dude to round the
corner. Walk past the guard and wait for the lab guy to take a left. Run
up to the corridor. Turn around and walk three steps back so the guard
coming from the right doesn’t see you, then walk to where he came from. Run
and roll immediately for the edge of the boxes to your left. Face them.
When the guard goes past, strafe-walk to the right around the corner.
Continue to walk forward until you see a guard pop out. When he turns,
follow him around the corner. He will go around the right side of the boxes
on his return trip. Take the left path past him and continue forward. Now
you should see a path to the right and forward. Don’t worry about the
guard. Go through the door to the right. At the end of the room is a

When the door opens, you will see a guard walk from right to left. Turn
left and face the wall so he doesn’t see you. He will walk back to the
right. Walk down the left path past the immobile guard. At the end of the
corridor on a table is a knife. Grab it. Return to the guard facing the
window. Slit his throat. Return to the table where you grabbed the knife.
Go down the next corridor. Look for a locked door on the left. You will
know because Teresa will call. Note this and continue on to the next door
in the middle of the hallway. When the door opens, do a 180. Watch your
radar. When the little dot stops, go back through the door and slit the
man’s throat. He is standing in front of a door. Go through it and enter
the room. On the other side is a security net terminal. Access it for a

Go back out the way you came and return to the locked door. It will open
now. Go through it for a pointless cutscene. After it, go through the
other door. Walk 45 degrees to the left and slit the guard. Take a step
forward and you will see Ramirez! But not yet. Take a right and you will
see elevator doors. Before them on the left is another short hallway and
door. Go through them and let the scientist run. When he surrenders, kill
him. Walk to the lockers. If you watch the entire cutscene, Gabe will make
a remark as you kill the man. When he is dead, grab your gear from the
lockers for a cutscene and checkpoint.

Leave the room and return to the hall. Switch to your silenced sniper
rifle, then look out into the big room. Aim and headshot the guy next to
the door, then headshot the man on the bottom floor. Automatically, a
cutscene will play. After it, make sure to grab the K3G4 from the dead
guard. Return to the upper floor and walk past the door where you killed
the second-to-last guard. Listen to the radio comm,
then walk on further. Run through the door at the end of the hall. You
will see a path to the left, middle, and right. Don’t worry about the
camera. Take the middle path, and stay on the right wall and push triangle
to scramble it. Continue down that path. Around the corner you should see
another camera. Make sure your 9mm is out, then go up and disable the
device. Round the corner and you should see a guard.
Headshot him and walk to the end of the hall. Blast out the vent for a

Climb up in and proceed all the way to the end. Shoot out the cover and
jump out. Walk forward. On the other side of the room you will get a
cutscene and checkpoint.

Make sure your 9mm is out, then leave the room with Gershon by walking.
When he is about halfway down the first corridor, run up ahead and round the
corner. QUICKLY kill the technician before he runs and sounds the alarm.
Return to Gershon. Until he reaches the door to the security room, stay a
step behind him the rest of the short way.
Walk into the security room behind Gershon for a cutscene.
Headshot Gershon. Look around and you will see an L-shaped console. It is
large. Go to the middle of it and the words “Data Uplink” will flash on to
your screen. Push the action button (triangle) for a cutscene and

Note: This is one of my least favorite parts in Syphon Filter 2. Keep your
Immediately strafe to the left until you clear the console. Start running
and rolling forward until you get past the bullets. There is a tiny pillar
blocking the other guards from you on the left that is between the guard on
the upper floor and the stairs. Next, a guard should run over in a position
parallel to going straight forward after leaving the stairs. Headshot him.
Switch to your sniper rifle and peekaboo around the pillar. Headshot the
guy at the top of the ramp.
Grab your 9mm. A guard will run down the ramp. Kill him before he reaches
the bottom. 3 down. Switch to your K3G4. If you grabbed the other piece
of ammo your clips should read 20/20. Stand against the middle of the tall
pillar surrounding you and the flak-jacketed guard on the upper floor.
Quickly peekaboo out and fire into his chest. Then, IMMEDIATELY run and put
your back against the wall the stairs are on. A guard will jump over the
railing. Use your K3G4 and target lock him and FIRE for a checkpoint.

Switch to your 9mm and return to the door you came in. Exit the room and
run back in the general direction of where you met Gershon. Take the very
first right turn and go through the door. You will recognize your location.
You are now in the big room with Ramirez and the locked door. Go through
the locked door and pass through a large door marked B1. Past that on the
left is a tiny door. Take a deep breath, then go through. IMMEDIATELY
STRAFE LEFT. Target lock the very first guy you see and pump 9mm lead into
him. Chase him. When he is dead kill the second guard also. Go to the top
of the ramp and you will see a technician and a switch. Pull the switch to
kill the lab dude. You have freed Chance. You have gotten a cutscene. You
have gotten a checkpoint.

Look around the ramp and you will see a door. Take it. Go in. Keep going
down that path. Eventually you will see a guard. Headshot him. At the end
of this corridor you will get a cutscene. One technician will remain.
Headshot him for a comm with Teresa. Jump down to the lower floor. Exit
the room. Go to the end of this path and you will find a vent and locked
door. Shoot out the vent and climb in. At the end you’ll get another
cutscene. Shoot out the vent and jump out. Headshot the buyer’s aide. Go
through the door in the back wall to end the longest level of Syphon Filter

(The place is on alert, but you’ve got the vaccine!)

Level 18: Agency Bio-Lab Escape

Note: Don’t even try to shoot the guards until you get an
M-79 grenade launcher. They are invulnerable to everything except
explosives. After the opening cutscenes, take a step back. Your 9mm should
still be out. Quickly shoot the yellow jar on the table. It will explode
and kill the first guard.
Grab the silenced HK-5 from the box behind you and exit through the door you
entered this room in. You will see two vents.
(Note: If you take the vent you used last level, you can return to the room
where you jumped down. In there is an M-79 grenade launcher that if
received, will unlock Agency Computer Lab in 2P. Here’s how. Take the
vent. Get out. Run forward, avoiding the guard to your left. Take two
rights. Roll past the guard who tries to block you into the room. Run over
to the computer and climb up to the upper floor. Strafe-roll to the left.
You probably have taken heavy damage by now. Run into the tiny room and
grab the M-79, and then use it to battle your way out back to the room with
two vents.)
Take the second vent, the one with the cover still intact. Go to the end
and climb out. Take a right and run to the end. Keep going. Go right,
left in succession until you find the room where you started last level. Go
inside. Look right and shoot out the vent. Climb up and go in. Crawl to
the end of the vent, or actually, most of the way, because the exit was a
little door to the left right before the exit. Get out there.
(Hello, Anton, its been a while.) Checkpoint.

After the cutscene, go right past the dead (thank god) Anton Girdeux.
Follow the lockers to the end and look left to find (guess what?) another
Shoot it out and climb in. About in the middle of the vent, you will be
attacked. Don’t worry, and don’t get caught in the middle of the fan. Once
at the end, exit, and grab your stuff from the lockers (again) for a
Note: The exit is right outside this room, but the door strangely doesn’t
unlock for a while. Its so they could sneak another cutscene on us.

Find the next (you know) vent, and shoot it out. Climb in, shoot out the
exit. Don’t climb out yet. Switch to your new (or if you got the M-79 near
the start of the level, not so new)
M-79 Grenade Launcher, and jump out of the vent. Turn 90 degrees right and
target lock, then fire 1 grenade and two people will be knocked down. Run
down that hallway and turn left. Run forward. You will see a locked door
with a large hole in it. A guard will come close. Shoot him, wait for the
flames to clear, and run forward and roll around the next corner as a guard
sneaks up behind you. Go to the end of the corridor and turn left. Nuke
the guard. You should have 2 grenades left. Turn right to see a vent. Use
the 9mm to blast it out and climb in. Go all the way to the shaft to reach
a cutscene. Afterwards, position yourself forward, and hold down the up
button. Gabe will jump off the vent and land in another vent. Climb to the
end of the vent. Shoot out the cover and switch to your M-79. Climb out to
see Ramirez.
He’s dead, but you got the final checkpoint of level 18.

Immediately grab the box of grenades to the right to give you seven shots
for your launcher. Run forward and shoot the guard on the ramp in front of
you. Board the ramp and shoot the two guards on the run to give you four
shots left. Turn towards where you got your gear in level 17. A guard will
run under cover, then run back into the open. Target lock and fire. Round
the corner to the left, and target and fire. Run to the now open door and
run back. This triggers a guard to come out of the door. Nuke him and enter
the familiar room. Access the computer to activate the elevator shaft.
After the cutscene, do a 180. Shoot the final guard with your last shell.
Switch to your HK-5, and head for the elevator doors to end the level.

Level 19: New York Slums

Note: This is the coolest level of the game, dude!
After the cutscene, turn left and walk a few steps forward. A guard will
rush out of an alley. Kill him. If you don’t have max flak, go down the
alley and grab the box. Return to where you started the level. Go right
towards the truck. Take the large right turn in the open street. Two
guards will pop up on each side and one behind you. Kill the one on the
right first and go to his cover. Turn left and shoot the other guard in his
head because he has a flak jacket. Run over and grab it if you need it.
Then proceed to the end of the street. Look around and you will see a pawn
shop. Go over to the door. Aim and shoot off the lock. The doors will
open. Enter. Strafe to the left and run to the glass. Two guards will pop
up from each direction again. They will shoot the glass. Use the time
before they break one of the shields to headshot them. Kill the other then
climb over onto the other side. Go to the left around, and go further into
the building. Eventually on your right you will see a guard. Kill him.
Keep going in to reach an empty storeroom. Walk forward and checkpoint is
yours. Grab the M16.

Leave by means of the back entrance and turn to the right. Headshot the
guard on the upper deck. The end of this alley has a flak if you need it.
Switch to your G-18. When ready, climb up onto the dumpster and climb up.
A marksman guard will run towards you. Kill him for a comm and checkpoint.
Listen to the comm.

Grab his ammo, then climb up from where he did. Walk forward a couple steps
and look 45 degrees left. A flak-jacketed guard will come running.
Headshot him, then target the guy above him and fire. Grab his ammo.
Proceed to the right and crawl over the edge down. A flak jacket is around
if you need it. Now look around. You’ll find a small alley. Note it.
Look around more until you find a ramp leading downwards. Take it into the
abandoned building. Go around the left side of the box, and keep going
forward until you find a ramp to the left leading up so take it. You should
see a row of washing machines. Gabe will tell Teresa he can’t get to the
snipers because the fire is blocking the entrance. So now to find the
sprinklers. Easy.
(Note: If you grab the “Dirty Laundry” from the rightmost washer, this
building will be unlocked in 2P.) Look to the right of the entrance and
you’ll see a row of black tiles. Stand on one and you will fall down one
floor. In this room is the red sprinkler switch. Pull it for a checkpoint.

Go up the ramp and kill the two guards. A third lies at the second ramp,
which leads back up to the washing machines. Kill him and take the newly
open entrance. Note: The burning pieces of wood in this area will fall down
and crash. So be careful. Proceed out into the building as flaming wood
comes crashing down behind you. There is a room to your left. Let the wood
come down blocking it. Now strafe out into the open, then strafe back.
This may sound weird, but it always works. The first sniper will roll out
into the hallway through the flames and sizzle to death. Ha-ha! Strangely,
his flak-jacket hasn’t been burned. Grab it and continue forward. At the
end of this path you will find a second room. Enter it and kill the two
guards who will drop down from the ceiling. Grab their ammo. If you have
picked up all clips and conserve ammo, you should have at LEAST 33/99 by now
in the G-18. Continuing on, climb up onto the table, jump and climb to the
upper floor and head towards the hallway for a checkpoint.

Go out into the hallway. You will see a SWAT officer. Don’t shoot him,
just let him sit there like an idiot and get shot to death by two Agency
men. Headshot the guy to the right and quickly kill the guy to the left
before he throws grenades. Grab the flak-jackets and move on. Up ahead you
will find a room to the left. Enter it and kill both guards. Grab their
ammo. Leave the room and go forward. The next guard will charge you. You
know what to do. Go ahead, but don’t enter the next room yet. Go to the
wall. Peekaboo the sniper for a checkpoint.

Grab his jacket and guns and jump out the window. You should recognize this
alley because it was the same one you entered the abandoned building and
noted an alley. Run back to that dark alley, rolling away from the gunfire
of the guards. Turn the corner left and target lock and G-18 him. Grab his
gun, and roll through the gate for a comm and checkpoint.

Go forward into the street. Leave the SWAT officer alone, just watch him
get run over by a unmarked black van!
Headshot the guy on the left and the guy on the right quickly, then run out
into the open. Push the target lock button. You should lock onto the guy
above you on the building. Kill him with your high-rate-of-fire gun before
he bombs you. Grab the surrounding flak jackets and go into the tunnel the
flak-jacketed guys came out from. Aim and headshot the guy behind the bar.
Continue on in. In the next room behind the bar is a G-18 complete refill.
No matter. Switch to your K3G4. If you are lucky, you should have at least
60 bullets total. Continue in the direction of the SWAT officer and exit
the building. Go left and walk up to her for a cutscene and checkpoint.

Immediately go into manual aim and headshot the sniper on the right. MAKE
you’ll get a cutscene and checkpoint.
Note: Jeez! What a *****!

Proceed up the stairs in front of you and go forward. If you didn’t kill
either of the two snipers, simply go in their respective rooms and kill
them. When ready, proceed to the end of the hall. Use anything you need on
this guy to end the level.

(Gee, and somehow the bombs miss Logan and Stevens.)

Level 20: New York Sewers

Guess what! You start this level with… a 45! And Teresa gets a UAS-12.
What fun!
Grab the flak jacket if you need it. At the end of the hallway is a guard.
Use two bullets on him and turn right. More guys. Kill the guy on your
path AND MAKE SURE to grab his H11 rifle. Keep the 45 out for now.
Continue following Teresa, and use two 45 bullets on only the guards that
are necessary to die, such as the ones blocking your path. When you reach
the pit, you will get a cutscene and checkpoint, and be on your own for a
little while.

Turn around and headshot the guys on both paths. Switch to the left path,
and continue forward. Target and shoot the chest of any obstructers. Round
the corner. A guard should pop up and he should be given a bullet or two.
Keep going forward and turn around to the next corridor. Look for an
entrance in the wall. Take it and go forward. Turn the corner and switch
to manual. Headshot the guard and watch as another comes out of the back.
Use the 45 to headshot him, then switch to the H11, grab their ammo, and
flip the drainage switch in back for a comm and checkpoint. Run, Teresa,
run! Stop, Teresa, stop!

Do a 180 and go into H11 manual aiming mode. Headshot both guards and grab
their flak jackets. Switch to your 45. Stay on the right wall, leave, and
take this path until you are in the area of the first checkpoint. Switch to
that path and jump off where Teresa was standing after the 1st checkpoint.
Follow the path left for another checkpoint.

Climb up, 45 the guard, and switch paths. Run forward but don’t stop for
anything. Empty your 45 into anything you see on your path. Eventually
you will reach a little electronic-looking place. Headshot the first guard
and run over to his station. Peekaboo the other guard and look behind him
to see a guard run your way. Headshot him and run to where he originated
for a checkpoint.

Grab the flak jacket if you need it. Note the area in which the box is in,
then climb up onto the pole and swing to the left. Watch the platform
beneath you. When you’re halfway across, a guard will run out. Aim your
H11 and make his chest red. Now look in the area of that box. A guard will
run up, and do to him what you did to the first guard. Continue to climb to
the left. Leave the third guard alone. Teresa will UAS-12 him for you.
(And yes, we are REALLY cutting back the Agency’s payroll.) Reach the end
and jump off onto the ledge. Go where she went up the stairs and past the
dead bodies. When you reach the bottom floor of the parking garage, you
will get a cutscene and checkpoint.

Aim your H11 and headshot the guy on the right. Look left.
One of the two remaining men should be running in the open. Headshot him,
then find and headshot the third. Grab the flak jacket from one of the dead
guys, and then take the ramp upwards. DON’T GO INTO THE NEXT FLOOR YET IF
THIS IS YOUR FIRST-TIME AROUND. Instead, stop, take a breath, then run
forward and roll 45 degrees to the left and forward. The incoming van will
miss you and so will the shockwave. Follow her around the corner, then look
at the van to the left and IMMEDIATELY go into manual aim mode. Aim at the
center of the van. A guard will run up. If you don’t headshot him before
he stops running, he will kill Teresa with one quick shot. Grab his ammo
and go over to Teresa. Watch the cutscene. Follow her to the front of the
van and go into manual aim. It doesn’t matter if you use up your whole H11
clip here, just make sure you headshot all four guards before they launch
grenades. GRAB ALL of the four M-79’s, then go to where they came out of
for the final checkpoint of Syphon Filter 2.

Run forward and up one set of stairs. Aim and headshot the first guard,
then switch to your M-79. Go up two sets. Target lock and fire one
grenade. That should take out both guards. Switch to your H11. Up one
flight is one guard. Headshot him and go up one more flight. Headshot this
guy, then switch to your M-79 and walk up slowly to the top of the flight
you are standing on. Fire the second of your four grenades to dispatch both
guys. Grab their ammo and walk up until you see the door where a black van
pulls out to the left. (Note: If you are a first-timer, skip the next
(Note: If you continue up to the top of the stairs, you can grab a weapon
out of a box that unlocks this place in multiplayer.
Simply use your M-79 to dispatch each of the guards on the way, and be
careful of the grenade one guy throws. And make sure to grab EVERY SINGLE
guy's ammo.)
(Note: Idiot first timers! Why did you read that?)
Go through the door and kill the guard hiding on the right side of the van
with the H11. Walk 45 degrees to your right. A guard will jump out. Kill
him, then do a 180 and take out your M-79. Nuke the guard. Walk forward.
A guard will run down the ramp. Use your final grenade to trigger a
cutscene. (She is one bad shot! Holy crap!)
Now, take out your 45, and fire three shots into his back to end Level 20
and the life of Lyle Stevens!

(I won’t spoil the cutscene, but get ready for a surprise.)

Level 21: Sykes Parking Garage

This can be done in fifteen seconds if you hurry. Run 45 degrees to the
right out the door and roll towards the door around the wing. Grab the
UAS-12. Strafe right for 1 second. Roll forward under the chopper. Turn
left and run forward. You will likely get hit. Grab the flak jacket,
switch to the UAS-12, and watch as Chance rolls under after you and looks
around, not seeing you. Let him walk forward 3 steps, then run forward and
blast him to knock him backwards. Quickly position yourself so Chance is
between your shotgun and the right side of the rotor blades. Fire and wait
.5 seconds. Repeat that short shotgunning process two or three times more
and Jason Chance is toast!

Congratulations! You have beaten Syphon Filter 2!
Watch the cutscene after the credits to see one of the most shocking
sequences in video gaming history!
(Note: HARD difficulty is slightly different, especially on level 16, and
yes, you can figure the differences out by yourself.)

----End of Walkthrough----

Part 4: Full Syphon Filter 2 Script
Now that your game is complete and nothing will be spoiled, I present a
complete script of every conversation that takes place in Syphon Filter 2,
all the way from Kazahkstan to Vince Hadden’s chopper. Here we go!

----Start of Syphon Filter 2 Script----

(The camera starts in China, where citizens are gunned down and blown up
fleeing their houses, running down the street, then goes to a news reporter,
signaling the picture is from the evening news show.)

News Reporter: Tensions between the U.S. and the People’s Republic of China
are on the rise today as the administration answers allegations that it
allowed sensitive U.S. technology to be sold to a dissident group in
Hielongjiang. (Pause) In other news, we now go live to the White House Press
Room, where Secretary of State Vince Hadden is expected to comment on the
Kazahkstan missile incident.

SOS Hadden: As many of you already know, four hours ago a nuclear missile
detonated over Kazahkstan. The Kazahkstan government assures us that this
was an accidental launch and that the missile was destroyed via their own
safety countermeasures. An investigation is underway.

All On-Site Reporters: Mr. Secretary! Mr. Secretary!

SOS Hadden: I cannot answer any more questions at this time.

News Reporter: The entire area has been closed off amid reports of possible
contamination. Local news stations report that precautions are being taken.

(White Mountain Apache Reservation, Arizona)

Teresa: You guys made the news! The Agency doesn’t like it when their
operations go public. Or so I thought.

Lian: If we have our way, it’s going to get a lot more public than this.
You ready for us?

Teresa: Smugglers use single-engine planes, not C-130 transports you know.
This old gravel road you call an airstrip’s never tried to land anything
this big before. You sure you want to bring it here?

Lian: We don't have a choice. Estimated Time of Arrival: 16 hours.

(Alma-Ata, Kazahkstan, PHARCOM Warehouses)

Lian: Gabe, the transport's here.

Gabe: Chance, get up to the landing strip. I want that transport ready to go
in half an hour.

Chance: You got it. I'm already there.

Lian: (coughs)

Teresa: Lian, you okay? You don't sound so good.

Lian: I'll be fine. Just make sure that airstrip is ready. Teresa, you're
the only one we can count on now.

Teresa: I'll be ready. Out.

Lian: (sees chopper) What the…

Gabe: I've found the mainframe with PHARCOM's backup data and Phagan's
personal files.

Lian: Gabe, the transport has an escort. Two Blackhawks running silent.
It's Morgan and Falkan!

(At the Blackhawk)

Morgan: Okay, got it. Out. She's at the second hangar. Falkan, take the
second squad and get her. First squad, get Logan and those disks. U.N.
forces are on their way and we have to be finished before they get

Falkan: Concussion grenades only. We need her alive.

Lian: Dobson, get those guys out of there. Tell them to move now!

Gabe: Pull your men back to the hangar and tell them to wait. I'm on my way.

Lian: Already on it.

Gabe: We just have to hold them off until Gregorov gets here. Ramirez, get
these disks into the silo. I'll signal you when the landing strip's clear.

Ramirez: Yes sir.

(Lian is hit from behind and knocked down)

Gabe: Lian? Lian, do you copy?

(Logan kills all of the Agency soldiers except those two in a totally
kick-ass cutscene, and gets to the chopper, just a little too late.)

Dr. Weissinger: She's the one.

Morgan: We have her. Logan is still alive.

Pilot: The Russians are here.

Morgan: We're out of time. We'll finish Logan later.

(Morgan and Falkan leave the place as the chopper takes off, and SVR trucks
pull up to the base.)

Gregorov: Move those vehicles out of here! I want the airfield secured!

Chance: That's it, everything's locked down tight.

Gregorov: (in a slightly saddened tone) Logan. Your request for aid it came
too late, yes?

Gabe: They've taken her.

Gregorov: I am sorry. She and I are old friends. They will kill her?

Gabe: As long as I have the disks, the Agency won't harm her.

Gregorov: The Kazakhs are on their way. You must be gone before they arrive.
I never saw you.

Gabe: I understand. Okay Chance, let's get moving. (End of Cutscene)

(Over the Rocky Mountains, Colorado)

Gabe: You got that airstrip ready, Teresa? Estimated Time of Arrival: 2

Teresa: Yeah, it's clear. Might be a little bumpy. Make sure you're strapped
in tight.

Gabe: You okay, Chance?

Chance: Damn concussion grenades, my ears won't stop ringing.

CBDC Agent: Hey, are we expecting an escort?

Gabe: What?

Pilot: What the hell?

(2 fighter planes attack, and one shoots a missile into the C-130’s left

Gabe: Get moving! They're bringing this bird down hard!

Chance: The data disks!

Gabe: No time! Kwalski, grab the C4!

Kwalski: Yes sir!

Gabe: Grab the transponder locator! We'll need it!

Chance: You got it!

Gabe: Come on! Move it! Jump! Keep moving! Go! Go! Go! Teresa, I'm not going
to need your landing strip after all! Coming down the hard way!

(He jumps out as the plane explodes.)

Gabe: Teresa, I made it.

Teresa: Was there ever any doubt? The Agency pays a lot for its training.

Gabe: I'm not out of this yet. I've got to find Chance and get the
transponder locator from him. See if you can find an Agency channel and
break into it. I want to find out how big this operation is.

Teresa: You got it.

Gabe: Radio me if you hear from Lian.

Teresa: Okay. Hey Gabe, good luck.

Gabe: Right.

(Gabe lands, then goes over to part of the CDBC agents.)

Gabe: Kwalski, how's the leg?

Kwalski: Definitely broken sir. Two places, pretty sure. I don't think I can
support my weight.

Gabe: All right, I want you men to stay here. Find cover if you can. I need
to find Chance. Do you know what happened to him?

Kwalski: I know he made it off the transport. I think he touched down
somewhere south of here.

Gabe: Got it.

(Gabe climbs a ledge, finding another soldier.)

Soldier: Do you copy? Come in, do you copy? Over.

Gabe: Have you been able to raise anyone on that thing?

Soldier: No luck so far, sir. Interference is pretty bad. I don't think we
can get a signal off this mountain.

Gabe: Well don't waste your time. The Agency doesn't want anyone else to
know we're up here.

Soldier: Sir?

Gabe: I'm looking for Chance.

Soldier: Let me see what I can do. Lieutenant Chance, come in. Do you read

Davis: This is Davis. I saw the Lieutenant a few minutes ago. He's out
looking for more survivors. I think his comm is down.

Gabe: Private, I need you to take me to him. Do you copy that?

Davis: Yes, sir. I'm on my way to your location now.

Gabe: Roger that. Let's go.

Soldier: Yes sir.

(Logan meets up with Davis.)

Davis: He went into that cave.

Gabe: Right. You stay here and stay alert.

Davis: Are you expecting trouble, sir?

Gabe: (Probably smiles) Always.

(Logan continues, finding two more soldiers.)

Gabe: Hesselman, have you seen Chance?

Hessleman: Yes sir. I just saw him come through here about five minutes ago.

Gabe: This cave isn't stable. Watch yourself.

Hesselman: Yes sir.

(Moving on, Gabe finds Chance.)

Gabe: Chance, I've been looking all over for you. You've got the
transponder locator?

Chance: Yeah, it's right here. I got all turned around. Damn, it's easy to
get lost up here.

Gabe: I know. I've gotta go back and find some high ground so I can get a
reading on the transport's location. You go ahead down the mountain and find
the highway. See if the Agency's moving in any heavy artillery.

Chance: Yes sir. I'm on it.

Gabe: Teresa, have you heard anything from Lian yet?

Teresa: No, but I'm following Agency radio traffic. They've set up shop in
an old civil air patrol base in Colorado pushing the locals around. At least
that's where the F-22s that shot you down scrambled from.

Gabe: That's where they've taken her.

Teresa: Watch your back, Gabe. They've got a convoy on the way up there now
and have mobilized a couple of squadrons of spook air commandos. They'll be
dropping in on you any minute.

Gabe: Who's commanding them?

Teresa: Morgan's issuing the orders, but an old friend is commanding the
ground troops. Archer.

Gabe: I served with him in Guatemala. He was a young brown-noser bucking for

Teresa: Well, looks like he made it.

Gabe: Keep me posted. Out.

(Gabe retreats to the cave where the two soldiers are, is shot at by
grenades, and the cave collapsed behind him, burying Hesselman, but Ramirez
gets out in time, fortunately.)

Ramirez: Hesselman! Hesselman! Answer me! Hesselman, are you alive?

Gabe: Forget about it. He's gone.

Ramirez: But he might be alive in there!

Gabe: Save it. I've got to get to Kwalski. He had a few C4 charges on him.

Ramirez: But…

Gabe: Do you want to get off this mountain?! We're gonna have to blow our
way out of here. I want you to stay here. Keep everyone else out of this
cave. Understood?

Ramirez: Yes, sir…

(Under heavy fire, Gabe makes it to the highest ground possible for them on
the mountain.)

Commando: Archer says we'll have the place locked down
within an hour, but they're putting up a fight. No sir
no sign of him, our contact says he's up here though.
Yes sir, I'll pass it on.

(Gabe kills the commando, then uses the transponder locator for its

Gabe: Teresa, I've got a lock on the transport's location and I'm heading
down the mountain. Hear anything yet?

Teresa: You're gonna love this one. The Agency's leaked a story saying the
transport plane was blown up by terrorists. Special agents have closed down
half of Colorado to help quarantine off a potential biohazard at the crash
site. They're covering their butts good.

Gabe: Misinformation. That's one thing the Agency's good at.

Teresa: Gabe, once you find the crash site and get the disks, how are you
gonna get out of there alive?

Gabe: Not sure. I'm making this up as I go. Out.

(Gabe returns to where he first landed, and retrieves the C4 charge from
Kwalski’s corpse.)

Teresa: Gabe, how you doing out there?

Gabe: Not good. We're under heavy fire. I've lost six men already!

Teresa: What are you going to do?

Gabe: I'm not gonna let anymore of these men die on this mountain. Out.

(Gabe blows the cave back open, then leads Ramirez to its exit.)

Gabe: Hold up.

Ramirez: What is it?

Gabe: I'm picking something up.

Archer (on the radio): We're making the drop now. Morgan says you got two
hours to finish the operation.

Commando (on the radio): That's not enough time. These guys aren't just
falling over dead.

Archer: Morgan's ordered the F-22s back for refueling and ordinance. This
entire mountain's going up in a cloud of gas. You've gotta be ready to clear

Gabe: Ramirez, get down the mountain and meet up with Chance. I'll handle

(Gabe kills the next three guards, proceeds to the area next to the
terrain’s exit, is shot at, but makes it to cover with Ramirez and Ferguson.

Gabe: Give me a sit rep.

Ramirez: We've got two snipers, one on either bluff. They've got us pinned
and we're low on ammo. Ferguson took one in the shoulder, but he'll make it.

Gabe: Right. Here's what we're gonna do: you lay down some cover fire while
I move around to flank them. I'll take 'em from the south and signal you
when it's clear. Understood?

Ramirez: Yes sir.

Ferguson: Yes sir.

Gabe: Good. All right, ready? Move!

Ramirez: Go! Go! Go!

(Gabe uses their cover fire to kill the two snipers.)

Gabe: Clear!

Ramirez: Kick-ass!

Gabe: Stand your ground! I'm gonna scout ahead.

(He moves a few feet, then whirls around, hearing gunfire.)

Ramirez: We've got trouble! Incoming from all sides! Heavily armed!

Gabe: Dammit!

(Gabe snipes the attackers.)

Gabe: Ramirez, you stay here with Ferguson. Arm yourselves and you should be
fine. As soon as I find a clear way to the highway, I'll come back for you.

Ramirez: Yes sir.

Ferguson: I'll be fine, sir.

Gabe: Okay, hang on. Won't be long.

(He moves down the mountain toward the highway stopping at a small cliff,
but stops after both seeing and hearing Archer’s chopper.)

Archer: Sorry Logan. If it were up to me, I'd let you live. Agency orders.

Gabe: Sure you would!

(Gabe jumps off the cliff to the ground as a missile is fired toward him.
The missile explodes, sending tons of rocks down near him.)

(Council of Foreign Relations, Washington D.C.)

Cochran: W-We're working on it now. You'll have your shipment by the end of
the week.

(Unknown Man on phone) You have three days! If I don't have it by then,
there may be a leak to the American press.

Cochran: I'm sorry, but (click)

Mystery Man (in room): Most unfortunate.

Cochran: Stevens' men have the woman now. As soon as they get the plasma-

Aramov: What about Logan?

Stevens: There wasn't time. The U.N. peacekeeping forces had already

Aramov: Another Agency screwup! Do you have any idea how close your
incompetence has come to killing us all?

Stevens: I am not responsible for the actions of my predecessor. Markinson
was not in control.

Aramov: Markinson was your man!

Stevens: As Rhoemer was yours. And what about Gregorov? You were supposed to
keep the Russians away from the Pharcom warehouses at Kazakhstan.

Aramov: You're not going to blame me for your incompetence! The SVR is not
under my control any more than Rhoemer's terrorists were!

Mystery Man: Enough. We all have much at stake.

Stevens: Logan was one of our best agents. He has the highest level of
training and years of field experience. It won't be easy.

Mystery Man: I see. Perhaps I'm not being clear. Success is everything. Is
it not, Mr. Cochran?

Cochran: It will be impossible to get the plasma from the woman as long as
Logan is still alive!

Mystery Man: I think you overestimate Mr. Logan's abilities. You were given
Mr. Phagan's job because you promised to have Phase Two of the virus ready

Cochran: It's not my fault that Rhoemer lost the girl before we could
extract the-

Mystery Man: But like Markinson and Rhoemer, you have failed.

Cochran: All right look, I'm sorry that things didn't go according to plan,

(Aramov reaches over and snaps Cochran’s neck with a vicious twist.)

Mystery Man: You see, Mr. Stevens? A simple demonstration. Mara has proven
her usefulness, Mr. Cochran has not. Logan will be taken care of. We will
have the female's plasma soon.

Stevens: I have an army on the way to Colorado now, and my men are at the
airbase with Lian Xing.

Mystery Man: There will be no more delays.

(McKenzie Air Force Base, Colorado)

Morgan: You can take a break, airman. We'll be done in ten minutes.

Airman: I'll need to see your I.D. sir.

Falkan: We're with FEMA. Do we need to refer to your commander?

Airman: Uh, no sir.

(The airman leaves, slightly curious about them)

Morgan: We'll check on Phagan. You finish the other CDBC agent. Stevens
wants us back in New York.

Dr. Weissinger: Watch her. She's been unconscious for much longer that I
would have expected. The virus should not have weakened her so much this
early in its development cycle.

Holman: I'll head over to the secured hangar and see if the F-22s are back
for refueling and ordinance.

Morgan: No. You get over to the main gate and make sure our package gets
through unhindered. I'll take care of the pilots personally.

(Over in Lian’s room)

Doctor: Let's see… Two bags of plasma ought to be enough. You won't feel a
(She hits him and he quickly crumples)

Lian: No, you're the one who won't feel a thing. (coughs) Okay, now let's
find my gear.

(Lian sneaks out of the room and over to Dobson’s room, where she noticed
Dr. Elsa Weissinger and Agent Falkan.)

Falkan: Doctor.

Dr. Weissinger: Yes?

Falkan: Are you finished with him?

Dr. Weissinger: I've given him the injection. It will take a moment for it
to work.

Falkan: Morgan wants you to come check Phagan. I think the last of the serum
bags are filled.

Dr. Weissinger: Let me go check on Lian Xing first.

Falkan: No. Morgan said to come now.

(Lian sneaks past them into Dobson’s room, where she gives herself a boost
of adrenaline and finds Dobson shot to death.)

Lian: Dobson, I told you to get back! Why didn't you listen to me?

(She sneaks out down a couple of hallways, and into a room with a one-way
mirror that allows her to see inside Phagan’s room.)

Falkan: I've relieved the guard. We won't be disturbed.

Morgan: Good. Doctor, is your work with him done?

Dr. Weissinger: Yes, that's the last we need from him. We get the rest from

Morgan: Then let's tie up a loose end. Unplug him.

Dr. Weissinger: Wait! I can still use him back at the lab. We still have
not fully studied the long-term effects of the virus on certain genetic
structures. I can use him!

Morgan: My orders are to make Phagan disappear when you have finished
extracting his plasma. The Agency can't risk the government finding
Pharcom's CEO infected with an unknown virus.

Dr. Weissinger: I see. It doesn't help that he has Aramov's bullet in his
brain, does it?

Morgan: You can use the girl for your other tests.

(Morgan personally cuts off the life support, and Phagan immediately dies)

Dr. Weissinger: Fine, if you insist. I'll call the New York labs and see if
they're ready for us.

Morgan: I'll go with you. You go on ahead and check on the F-22s. Make sure
they have the Sarin canisters loaded and ready for a run on the survivors.

Falkan: I'll see what's keeping Holman.

(She opens the mirror, goes down a couple more corridors to the guard
station, and sees a guard attempting to have the gate guard buzz him out so
he can get a breath of fresh air)

Airman: Buzz me out, Carter.

Carter: Where you goin’?

Airman: I've gotta get some air. Those government guys are giving me the
creeps. Something's going on in there.

Carter: Yeah, I know what you mean. They just brought up a couple of body
bags, and I just got a call from my CO saying the entire base has been
quarantined and locked down tight.

Airman: I'll be back up in a few.

(After the guard leaves, Lian rolls past the gate, around the back entrance
and into the locker room, where she removes her clothes and changes into an
armored black jumpsuit, complete with guns and a radio. She uses the

Lian: Gabe? Are you there? Gabe?

Teresa: Lian, where are you? Are you all right?

Lian: Teresa? It's good to hear a familiar voice. I'm fine. They're holding
me at some civil airbase in Colorado. Where's Gabe?

Teresa: He's run into trouble. Transport's down somewhere in the mountains.

Lian: Gabe's in trouble?

Teresa: Yeah, but what else is new? I think he's more worried about you than

Lian: Gabe knows better than to worry about me.

Teresa: Lian, are you okay?

Lian: I'm running on an adrenaline booster right now. Winding down fast.
Get this information to him right away. He was right about Phagan. They were
keeping him alive incubating some new strain of the virus. Probably the
same strain I'm infected with. They must've injected us both while we were
imprisoned in the catacombs.

Teresa: Oh my God!

Lian: I'm sure that's why they brought me here. They were using this airbase
to fly infected test subjects in and out of the states bypassing
international quarantines.

Teresa: The Agency's also using it to shut down air routes all over the

Lian: Makes for a good front. Tell Gabe that the Agency lab complex is
somewhere in New York. I'm gonna try to find out where. Okay, (coughs) I'm
gonna get a chopper and I'm gonna get out of here. Does Gabe have an EVAC
plan yet?

Teresa: No, he's having me monitor Agency radio traffic while he gets to the
crash site. I think he's gonna try to requisition a chopper there.

Lian: Tell him not to, I'll give him a ride myself. Do you have his

Teresa: No.

(Morgan and the female arrive at the gate)

Morgan: We're ready to leave airman. Buzz us out.

Carter: Yes sir.

Lian: Never mind, I'll get them from the tower.

Dr. Weissinger: I'm going to head over to the other infirmary and make sure
that the rest of the plasma has been properly refrigerated.

Morgan: Okay, our F-22s are coming in now. As soon as I deal with them I'll
meet you at the tower.

(After zapping Carter with her hand taser, she buzzes herself out, zaps
another guards and finds an exit door to the inner perimeter of the airbase,
where an armed airman tells her to put her hands up from behind)

Airman: All right hold it, Miss. Stop right there.

Lian: You don't understand. I'm not a prisoner. You don't know who these men

Airman: You're right. I don't know who they are, but I know they're not from
FEMA, over here. I overheard two of them. They're planning to kill you. You
can get out here.

Lian: Thanks.

Airman: If you're trying to get to the airfield, it's southwest of here.
I'll check in at the security office and cover your absence as long as I
can. Good luck.
Lian: You're taking a huge risk, airman.

Airman: I took an oath to uphold the law. Who are these people? CIA? NSA?

Lian: Not exactly.

Airman: You don't have much time. Good luck.

Lian: Thanks again.

(Gabe has landed at the entrance to the highway, surrounded by bits of
rubble and with nothing but a hunting knife.)

Chance: Over here!

Gabe: Chance, you made it.

Chance: This is crazy. A whole convoy of troops is moving up the highway.
How are we gonna get out of here?

Gabe: We're not, unless we get some gear. I lost everything in the
rockslide. What are you packing?

Chance: An M-16, but I'm low. There's a bunch of supply trucks in the
tunnel. I saw 'em back up like crazy when the road collapsed.

Gabe: Okay, here's what we do: you move across the road and create a
diversion. I'll get into the tunnel and find a supply truck. When I'm armed,
I'll come back and get you.

Chance: All right, if you say so, but I'm not gonna be able to hold 'em off

Gabe: You'll do fine. If something moves, shoot it.

(Chance climbs up to a ledge while Logan sneaks over to the tunnel entrance)

Chance: Hey! You want some of this?

(Chance fires his M16 at the Agency operatives)

Commando: Over there! Get him!

Commando: On that wall! Go! Go!

Chance: Get moving, I can hold them.

(Gabe enters the tunnel, evades a firing guard to reach the supply truck,
grabs a bunch of guns, kills the attackers, then rejoins Chance at the

Chance: That was close.

Gabe: I told you you'd do fine. Now listen, the tunnel's gonna be crawling
with troops, so stay with me and keep your eyes open.

Chance: Yes sir.

(After shooting their way halfway through the tunnel, they come to seven
flak-jacketed guards.)

Chance: Dammit, they've all got flak jackets. I hope you've got a plan.

Gabe: Stay low.

(He picks up a flamethrower and cooks them all, and then they move to the
tunnel exit, noticing only one guard out in the open.)

Chance: There's just one guard out there. Does that seem right to you?

Gabe: Yeah, it seems right. For an ambush.

Chance: That's what I was thinking. What'll we do?

Gabe: Stay back. I'll let you know when it's safe to come up.

(Gabe shoots the guard, then him and Chance return fire at the snipers who
pop up, and they manage to kill all of them and get to the next tunnel.)

Gabe: You okay?

Chance: Yeah. Let’s get outta here.

(They move forward to the back of a supply truck.)

Chance: Damn. There's two APC’s sitting in the middle of the roadway.
They'll cut us in half.

Gabe: Right. But they can't hit what they can't see.

Chance: The lights! If we can get them out, we can make it past the APCs in
the dark. If this tunnel is anything like the first one, we'll find a
power-room back the way we came.

Gabe: We'll need explosives.

Chance: We found gear in trucks before!

Gabe: Yeah, great. You got any idea how to search the truck without taking a
couple of dozen slugs?

Commando: There's no escape Logan! Come out with your hands in the air!

Chance: Hold your fire! I'm coming out!

Gabe: Are you crazy?! Get back here!

Chance: You've got a better idea? No matter what happens, stick to the plan.
Find some explosives and take out that power room.

(Chance walks forward and surrenders)

Commando: You, stay down!

Commando: This isn't Logan.

Commando: Where's Logan?

Commando: If Logan isn't out here in two minutes, you're a dead grunt.

Chance: Don't listen to 'em, Gabe!

(Logan steals the supplies, returns to the power room at the start of the
tunnel, and detonates a grenade inside, frying the lights. Gabe activates
his night-vision-goggles.)

Chance (on the radio): Power's out, Gabe. It worked. I can't see five
feet in front of me but I can hear plenty of voices and lots of spooks
walking around down here.

Gabe: All right, I want you to pull back, find someplace safe and hide
there. I'll send back help when I can.

Chance: Gabe, what if those APCs have IR gear?

Gabe: They don't. If they did, we wouldn't be talking.

Chance: Roger. Don't forget about me, man.

(Gabe shoots his way past the blind APC’s and exits the tunnel, where he
sees Archer and another Agency commander.)

Commander: Several GIs have made it to the highway and are heading this way.
We've lost contact with half the convoy.

Archer: Leave ‘em. Morgan's ordered the air strike. Within an hour, every
living thing on this mountain will be dead. As soon as the charges are set,
pull your men back to the other side of the bridge. I wanna make sure that
nothing gets past here.

Commander: They're setting the charges now.

Archer: Everyone's expendable here, Lieutenant. If they're not off the
bridge when I give the order, blow it anyway.

Commander: Yes, sir.

Archer: Let's get outta here.

(Archer leaves with his pilot in his chopper.)

Commander: When the charges are set, I'm gonna call for an evac of the
bridge and then we blow it. Until then, everyone keep watch for Logan. Out.

(Using the side of the bridge to hide himself, Gabe steals gas grenades and
a silenced sniper rifle from a supply truck, takes out the commander, and
managed to navigate the huge underparts of the bridge and disarm the first
two explosives.)

Commando #1: What's going on back up the road?

Commando #2: Blue team caught a couple of GI hero wannabes. They're
questioning them now.

Commando #1: They're not gonna last long.

(Gabe manages to disarm to the other two charges, then reveals himself and
attacks the commandos, killing them.)

Commando #1: It's Logan! Blow the bridge now!

Commando #2: We can't! The charges are dead!

(He enters the next tunnel and sees the two GI’s hostage.)

Thompson: Why don't you just kill us now?

Commando #3: Shut up!

Thompson: Is that all you got?

Commando #3: I said shut up!

(He ingeniously fires a bullet through both Commando #3 and Commando #4’s
head at the same time, killing them both instantly.)

Thompson: What the hell?

Gabe: Ramirez, where's Ferguson?

Ramirez: Ferguson bought it on the mountain.

Gabe: Thompson, you okay?

Thompson: I'm okay, sir. A little banged up, but I can make it. We tried to
fight them off, but they hit us hard.

Gabe: All right, stay with me and stay close. It's gonna be tight getting
out of here alive. Teresa, I'm past the bridge. Give me a route.

Teresa: Just east of you is the rail line. Follow it south. It cuts directly
through the mountains to the crash site. And Gabe, I've heard from Lian.

Gabe: Is she all right?

Teresa: She's okay for now. Once you're clear I'll give you a report, but
she's safe.

Gabe: Copy. Okay, let's go.

(They move down the road to the end of the tunnel, killing nine guards from
three different trucks along the way, and stop on the middle of the next

Gabe: Okay, I'm leaving you guys here. I left Chance back in the first
tunnel. I want you to get him and get off this mountain.

Thompson: Will do.

Gabe: Radio me when you get to a safe place. I'll try to-

Ramirez: Look out!

Archer: (Fires another missile, devastating the bridge in 10 seconds.)

(Logan immediately rappels down the bridge and has to jump off halfway to a
running train because the bridge collapses, but Logan survives. The fate of
the GI’s is unknown.)

(Back at McKenzie Air Force Base)

Morgan: Commander, Stevens wants me to personally thank you for the job
you've done here.

(He pulls out a handgun.)

Pilot #1: W-Wait a minute!

(Morgan casually fires once into the pilot’s forehead.)

Morgan: Now Commander, we will try again. Get this plane refueled. We have
another mission for you to fly. No one gets off that mountain alive.

Pilot #2: Yes sir!

(At the entrance to the outer perimeter)

Lian: Teresa, come in. I'm out of the holding complex.

Teresa: I read you. What's your plan?

Lian: First, I'm gonna find a decent silenced weapon in case I run into any
Agency operatives. Then I'll have to find some way to get into that air
traffic control tower.

Teresa: After all that, finding a chopper to hitch a ride on should be a
piece of cake. How you holding up?

Lian: I've been better. Out.

Sergeant: Vallery, one of the feds needs a lift over the main gate. I want
you to double-time it over to Admin and drive the truck for him.

Vallery: Who are these guys, Sarge? What the hell are they up to?

Sergeant: Don't ask questions, airman. Just move.

Vallery: Yes, sir.

(Lian zaps Sarge, then follows Vallery to an open area where she notices

Holman: What took you so long? I've been waiting here for ten minutes.

Vallery: Yes sir.

Holman: I'm supposed to be at the main gates clearing a shipment. If I'm
late, I'll have you busted down, airman.

Vallery: Sorry sir. I'll get you there.

(Vallery drives off with Holman in one of the trucks)

Lian: Teresa, I've got something. I think I just saw Thomas Holman here at
the base. We went through Agency training together.

Teresa: Holman… Don't know him.

Lian: He was assigned to the FEMA unit. I'm betting he'll know where the
labs are.

Teresa: So what are you gonna do?

Lian: I'm gonna get him to tell me.

(After stealing a silenced sniper rifle from the back of the remaining
supply truck, Lian climbs over a rooftop and jumps down a little too loudly
into the next area.)

Airman #1: Did you hear that?

Airman #2: Hear what?

Airman #1: I thought I heard something. I'll go check it out.

(Lian zaps both airmen, then proceeds down the path where she sees Morgan
and Falkan talking.)

Morgan: I want my chopper cleared for immediate takeoff. Put the second
chopper on standby. I'll be there shortly.

Falkan: The rest of the cargo looks secure. Everything from PharCom West is
now accounted for.

Airman: Sir, the F-22 is refueled and ready for takeoff, but the payload you
are waiting for hasn't gotten here yet. Your pilot seemed anxious that I
tell you.

Morgan: That will be all, airman. Get on the radio and ask Holman what the
delay is. We can't afford any more screw-ups.

(Lian zaps the airman as he walks toward her, and Morgan and Falkan continue
towards the air control tower)

Teresa: Lian, I've confirmed it with Gabe. The Agency is going to carpet
bomb the mountain with nerve gas. You've gotta stop 'em.

Lian: I know. I'm gonna take out that pilot and sabotage the plane. That
should buy Gabe enough time to get off the mountain with any GIs he can

Teresa: Right, I'll let him know. Out.

(Lian enters a secured but unguarded hangar, where she notes the Agency
pilot talking frantically into his radio.)

Pilot #2: No sir… I'm sorry sir… Yes, I have the transport's location and
the tower has cleared me. I'm still waiting for the payload. Evidently
Holman had trouble getting it through the main gates. I'm told it's on its
way now!

(Lian patiently waits for him to finish, then shoots him in the head with
the rifle, then removes a critical part from the F-22, disabling it.)

Lian: Teresa, radio Gabe and tell him I'm almost clear. He may have a ride

Teresa: You'd better hurry or he's not gonna need one. He's catching a

Lian: What?

Teresa: I'll explain later. ETA on the chopper?

Lian: I'm on my way to the tower now. I… Wait! Someone’s coming!

Teresa: You can't let him find that pilot's body!

Lian: I know. Out.

(Lian stuns the guard, leaves the hangar, proceeds farther into the airbase,
uses a truck to hide her from a few guards, then enters another storage room
where she heads to the exit and sees the Agency men.)

Morgan: What's the holdup on that F-22 payload?

Holman: It should be there. I cleared it through the gates myself.

Morgan: Well, let's go see what's holding them up.

Dr. Weissinger: No! We must leave for New York now if the lab is going to
have the time it needs to process this plasma.

Morgan: We don't have the samples from the girl yet!

Dr. Weissinger: We can begin processing Phagan's sample and do hers when it
arrives. Otherwise the shipment will be delayed.

Morgan: Understood. Get to that other airstrip pronto and check on that F-22
personally. Then get over to the infirmary and see what's holding up that
medic. He should be finished with her soon.

Holman: Right.

Falkan: Should I wait here?

Morgan: Okay, you get the other chopper cleared and ready for takeoff. As
soon as Holman gets back I want you to personally deliver the girl's plasma
to the labs.

Falkan: Understood.

Lian: Teresa, Holman's separated from the others. This may be my one chance
to get to him. I'm gonna make my move now.

Teresa: Great. Just don't kill him before you get the information, okay?

Lian: Got it. Out.

(Lian follows Holman to an empty hallway and hits him down to the ground
from behind with her 45.)

Lian: Hello, Holman. Standard silenced HK-5. Good. Remember me?

Holman: Lian, you escaped! Thank God!

Lian: Don't even try. I know what you're planning.

Holman: No, I was trying to stall them. Trying to find a way to get you off
the base without-

Lian: You just loaded two missiles with Sarin gas payloads into an F-22
meant for the survivors of a plane crash.

Holman: No, that's not true! I-

Lian: You're a liar, Holman, and not a very good one. Another Agency course
you failed in training? You want to beg for your life, you tell me where
Morgan is taking that plasma.

Holman: I don't know what you're talking about.

(Lian shoots Holman in the leg with his machine gun.)

Lian: I’m dying, Holman! Syphon Filter is killing me and I am running out of
patience! Where are they taking Phagan's plasma, and where were they
planning to take mine?

Holman: I can't help you. I don't know where they're taking the plasma. All
I know is I was assigned to Morgan. He said we were picking up biomaterials
for transport!

Lian: Transport to where?

Holman: I don't know! I only know that our next assignment was to pick up
some disks from the Pharcom Exposition Center in New York. They don't tell
me anything. I was just following orders.

Lian: Yeah? Well we were all just following orders.

Holman: Just make it quick.

(Lian fires an empty gun, then reveals that she had removed the clip.)

Lian: You have no idea what you're involved in. Maybe you'll learn, if you
live long enough. I'd suggest not going into work tomorrow. Your boss might
not be as forgiving as I am.

(Note: That was taken directly from Return of the Jedi, I assume.)

(After creating a diversion to sneak into the air control tower, Lian lets
the airman clear Falkan’s chopper for takeoff, then zaps the airman. She
then accesses the train’s coordinates and the crashed C-130.)

Lian: All right, (coughs) I've got a transponder frequency of the downed

Teresa: Now all you need is that ride.

Lian: I think the Agency's provided for me on that one. Falkan's chopper is
cleared for takeoff. If I can stop him, I can take the chopper and no one's
the wiser.

Teresa: Nice plan. Good luck.

(Lian leaves the control room and heads to the helipad, where she sees
Falkan waiting impatiently.)

Falkan: All right, I'm through waiting. You stay here. When Agent Holman
arrives, tell him to contact me directly and I'll give him further

Airman: Yes sir.

(After zapping the airman, Lian shoots Falkan in the head with the silenced
HK-5 and steals the chopper.)

Lian: Teresa, I've got a ride and clearance all the way to the crash site.

Teresa: GSED's reporting a huge fire. Probably caused by the crash, but who
knows? Big smoke is shutting down all flights into the area, so be careful.

Lian: (coughs) Well considering what those guys could've been breathing, a
little smoke won't hurt 'em. Patch me through to Gabe and wish me luck.

Teresa: You got it.

(Colorado Mountain Train, Back End)

Lian: Gabe, are you there?

Gabe: Lian, you okay? It's about time you checked in.

Lian: (coughs) I've been better. My adrenaline shot is wearing off, but I've
got enough strength to come and get you.

Gabe: All right, I'm almost to the crash site now. Once we have those data
disks, we can bargain with the Agency for your vaccine.

Lian: (coughing) I'm on the way.

(Gabe shoots his way to the middle of the train, then stares at a guard who
is just sitting there, seemingly doing nothing.)

Gabe: NO! IDIOT!

(The commando then tosses a grenade at Gabe, who jumps forward onto the
other half of the train just as the bomb blows, cutting the train in half
and killing the stupid commando.)

(At a bridge ten miles ahead)

Archer: Blow it.

Pilot: But we still have agents on the train!

Archer: They're expendable! I don't want Logan to get off this mountain, and
we've got to get to that crash site now! Blow it!

(The pilot fires a missile, detonating the bridge.)

(Logan then shoots his way to the end of the train, where he jumps onto the
little platform sticking out in front.)

Gabe: Lian, I've made it to the engine but this train isn't gonna stop in
time! Time for that backup plan!

Lian: Right, I'm in position now. Are you ready?

Gabe: As ready as I'll ever be!

(Gabe jumps forward off the train just as it falls hundreds of feet to smash
into the ground below, and Gabe manages to grab onto the safety bar of the
helicopter, then pulls himself up inside.)

(Above the crash site)

Lian: The transport crashed into this box canyon, but I'm not gonna be able
to get this bird in there.

Teresa (on the radio): Gabe, Lian, I've intercepted a radio message from
Archer. Let me patch it in.

Archer: What's the ETA on the drop? I need those men now!

Morgan: There won't be a drop. Choppers can't get in until the fires died
down. I've sent in our best squad via the highway to the south. They should
be there by now. There's been a security breach at the base. Xing has
escaped. Be in mind that she may also be en route
to your locale. Go to coded channel 641.

Archer: Copy.

Lian: Archer's bringing in his elite hit squad.

Gabe: Climb to four thousand feet. They're gonna be expecting me to come in
from the north, where the tracks cut into the canyon, but I've got a better

Lian: You're gonna jump?

Gabe: I'm getting good at it. I'll parachute through the smoke right on top
of them. It's the one thing they won't expect.

Teresa: Lian, DOPL shows a clearing in the smoke, one click south.

Lian: (coughs) Okay, as soon as you're clear, I'll head there and wait.

Gabe: Good. I'll be there as soon as I get the disks.

Teresa: Gabe, those are likely Archer's best men down there. Try to keep
your head down, okay?

Gabe: Right.

(Gabe jumps out, nearly landing on top of two unsuspecting commandos.)

Commando: Hey, look up there!

Commando 2: It's Logan! We need some backup! This is Arkin, we need some
assistance now! Logan's here!

(Gabe fights through about ten operatives and finds an empty data disk box,
then whirls around and sees Archer.)

Archer: Logan! Looking for these?

Gabe: Dammit!

Archer: Take him out now!

(Gabe launches a couple grenades off, fighting past a couple guards and
moving past a large piece of wreckage.)

Archer: Red team, he's south of your position! Move in now!

(Gabe runs past them.)

Archer: Get some snipers on that south ridge!

(Gabe fires a grenade at the snipers, killing them, then proceeds back to
where he dropped down to see Archer’s chopper taking off. Pulling out his
M16 assault rifle, Gabe fires without mercy and hits Archer in the head,
knocking him out of the chopper to the ground. He then retrieves the data
disks as Lian lands the chopper.)

Gabe: So long, Archer.

Lian: Need a lift?

Gabe: Got the disks. Let's go get Chance and the rest of the survivors.

Lian: Teresa lost radio contact with them an hour ago.
I don't think anyone else made it, Gabe. (coughs)

Gabe: Let's get outta here before we lose you too.

(Agency Bio-Lab, New York City)

Aramov: How long until we have Lian Xing?

Stevens: It will take some time, but we'll get the information we need.

Aramov: I have to leave for China today. He wanted me to remind you that
Shi-Hao is not a patient man.

Stevens: Still cleaning up your Gregorov mess. If the Agency had handled it,
of course, it would already be done.

Aramov: Oh yes, of course. Just as your agents handled Lian Xing. After all,
who could have foreseen that a sick woman would outsmart and outfight an
entire military base full of trained secret agents? I would
have killed the lot of you and replaced you all with commoners.

Stevens: Yet here I am. The problem, Mara, is that you are mistaking me for
some stupid Euro-trash terrorist who actually cares what you think. Are we
done yet?

Aramov: No, at least not for now.

(She leaves, and an Agency operative walks up to Stevens.)

Commando: Archer's dead.

Stevens: Logan?

Commando: Gone.

Stevens: Get a team together and get to the Pharcom Exposition Center. NSA
has already got a cleanup crew in there and I want to make sure Phagan
didn't have any other backup disks laying around.

Commando: On the way.

(Elsa Wessinger opens her lab door, having heard everything.)

Dr. Weissinger: You don't have her?

Stevens: No.

Dr. Weissinger: We won't have much time to finish processing the plasma we
need as it is. We have to-

Stevens: You will get your plasma, Doctor. Now get back to work.

(At some DC news station)

News Reporter: The FBI is looking for these fugitives (shows pictures of
Gabe and Lian) in connection with a rash of terrorist crimes that have
struck the U.S. in recent weeks. Our inside sources tell us that these
fugitives are the focus of the FBI's investigation into the subway and park
bombings in Washington D.C. as well as the downing of a CBDC transport plane
over Colorado last night.

(White Mountain Apache Reservation, Arizona)

Lian: So much for going to the authorities.

Gabe: The Agency has moles in every major enforcement agency. We knew we
were on our own anyway.

Teresa: I think you should sue 'em. Those were awful pictures of you.

Gabe: Any luck yet?

Teresa: No. These are third generation encryption codes. Lian?

Lian: It'd take me at least a week to hack these codes. I'm gonna need the
keys or there's no way to break into there data before… (coughs)

Gabe: You feeling any better?

Lian: I feel fine.

Teresa: The serum I've given you will only slow the virus's effects. It
won't stop it.

Gabe: How long do we have?

Teresa: Don't know. Never seen anything like this before. I'm no doctor, but
the blood work up I've just done doesn't make any sense.

Lian: All right look, there's only one place to go from here. The Pharcom
Exposition Center. Holman said that the Agency was getting ready to do a
sweep of the Pharcom files there.

Gabe: It makes sense. If Phagan was smart enough to make a complete set of
backup data on the Syphon Filter project, he wouldn't have been stupid
enough to store the encryption codes in the same place. The
codes must be there somewhere. Do you still have a safe house in Virginia?

Teresa: Lawrence Mujari. Runs a lab out of a mortuary.

Lian: Hey! I'm not dead yet.

Teresa: No, the place is a front. He runs the med-lab there. Freelancer.
Mows the lawns to keep in shape.

Gabe: You trust him?

Teresa: With my life. He spent ten years as a refugee from apartheid rule in
South Africa. I helped him get into the States, and he's responsible for
that serum you're taking now. He'll help us.

Gabe: Then let's go. We're running out of time.

Lian: Look on the bright side: you won't have to wear a tux this time.

----(Disc 2 Script Coming Soon)----

Part 5: Unlocking Secrets
Here are my lists to unlocking generally every secret, cheat, multiplayer
function, and code in Syphon Filter 2.

*Multiplayer Arenas*

Level 1: Colorado Mountains:
When you complete your first objective and shoot the first guard, go to the
edge a couple feet on the right side of the side where you met Chance.
Crawl off the edge, then drop down and you will enter a cave. Pick up the
H11 automatic sniper rifle inside to unlock the “Colorado Mountains” arena
in multiplayer.

Level 3: Colorado Interstate 70:
In this level’s very first tunnel, there is an alcove to the left holding a
door. Kick it open, then go in, turn left, and proceed to the end of the
corridor into the next room, then pick up the Binoculars from the box to
unlock the “Caves” arena.

Level 8: C-130 Crash Site:
This is by far the most difficult arena to unlock. At the end of the level,
when you headshot Archer to end the level, you will need to hit him in the
head with your very first and only shot if you want to unlock the “Jungle”

Level 9: Pharcom Expo Center:
After you get out of the super-long vent after the second checkpoint, and
then later climb over the huge stack of crates into the locker room, you
will see two guys talking about a girlie (probably Playboy) magazine in a
locker. After you zap them with the taser, grab the magazine to unlock the
“Pharcom Incubator Lab” arena.

Level 11: Moscow Club 32:
This is also difficult. If you manage to kill all three guys on the ground
floor before the one throws even one grenade, you will unlock the “Disco
Basement” arena.

Level 12: Moscow Streets:
I’m sure everyone well remembers the part in this level where the two cars
come at you and you have to jump onto the railing to avoid them. After they
pass, turn around, run to where they crashed, quickly headshot the M-79
toting guy before he blows you away, then grab the PK-102 assault rifle from
one of the cars to unlock the “Base Bunker” arena from the original Syphon

Level 13: Volkov Park:
Easy. Make sure your BIZ-2 is what you have equipped at the end of the
level 12, then immediately aim and headshot the first guy you see before he
can blow up the car he’s stupidly firing at. If you succeed, grab the BIZ-2
ammunition from the probably still-smoking car to unlock the “Surreal

Level 15: Aljir Prison Break-in:
The way to do this by not using the crossbow is published in my Level 15
walkthrough. Refer to it so will succeed and you’ll unlock the “Aljir
Prison” arena.

Level 18: Agency Bio-Lab Escape:
After you receive the comm where Teresa says, “That’s bad,” run back to the
vent you came from last level and take it to the end. Follow it back to the
room where you killed Heng-Su’s assistant and use the computer to climb up
to the top, rolling to evade their relentless gunfire. IMMEDIATELY roll to
the left, and if you’re still alive, you’ll see an M-79 grenade launcher in
a box placed in a little alcove. Grab it to unlock the “Agency Computer
Lab” arena.

Level 19: New York Slums:
Right before you stand and purposefully fall on the black tiles so you can
activate the sprinklers, you’ll see a row of washers and dryers on the
opposite side of the room. The rightmost washer has dirty clothing inside
that if you pick up you’ll get the “D.C. City Park” arena unlocked for you.

*Multiplayer Characters*

Level 2: McKenzie Airbase Interior:
Simply finish the level in three minutes to unlock characters CBDC agent,
Corpse, Monk, Bag Lady, and Viral Test Subject.

Level 8: C-130 Crash Site:
Like level 2, finish this level in three minutes (this is easy to do) to
unlock characters Anton Girdeux, Jonathan Phagan, Vladimir Gabrek, Marcos,
Erich Rhoemer, and the Evil Scientist.

Level 20: New York Sewers
Right before you go into the final room where you kill Stevens, you will
notice that the staircase does not stop at the last room. Continue on up,
M-79ing all of your opponents and CONSERVING YOUR AMMO. At the top is a box
with M-79 ammunition inside. Open it to unlock characters Unit One, Uri
Gregorov, Scuba Lian, Ninja Gabe, SWAT officer, Lawrence Mujari, and Dr.
Elsa Weissinger.

*Cheat Codes*

HARD difficulty: Go to the main menu, highlight “New Game,” and
simultaneously press and hold Square, Circle, L1, R2, Up, X.

Skip to next level: In gameplay, pause and highlight the map.
Simultaneously press and hold L2, R2, Circle, Square, X. Go to options and
manually end the level.

SUPER AGENT mode: In gameplay, pause and highlight Weaponry.
Simultaneously press and hold Square, Circle, L2, Select and X. Go to
cheats and turn on One-Shot Kill.

*Bonus Movies*

Movie 1: To access this, turn on HARD difficulty, and beat the game up to
the end of Level 5. Go to the theater on Disc 1 and select the Bonus Movie
1. It shows Gabe running through a completely different missile silo from
the finalized one in SF1.

Movie 2: Beat HARD up to the end of Level 10. Go to the theater on Disc 1
(you’ll have to change discs) and select Bonus Movie 2. This shows a first
draft of Gabe and Lian running through the Costa Rican jungle, and then to
the final version that we saw at the start of SF1.

Movie 3: Beat HARD up to the end of Level 16. Go to the the theater on Disc
2 and select Bonus Movie 3. This shows four deleted scenes that never made
it into Syphon Filter 2, and the one with Gabe and Teresa pushing the van
shows me why.

Movie 4: Beat the entire game on HARD difficulty. (Only the end of Level 16
really should give you too much trouble.) Go to the theater on Disc 2 and
select Bonus Movie 4. This shows the characters that appear on the main
menu screen dancing on Moscow Club 32, doing the disco.

Part 6: Conclusion

The Syphon Filter series will stay with me forever. It is the best there
is. If you have beaten this game I assume you have beaten the original
Syphon Filter, which I must admit is a better game and takes the crown as my
absolute favorite game of all time. (Until Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of
Liberty comes out, that is.) Well, I will look forward to obtaining Syphon
Filter 3 in five days, the final Syphon Filter ever, the conclusion to this
epic trilogy. I can’t wait!

Since I wrote this guide single-handedly, and its not an RPG where the
author needs loads of info from other people, I don’t have anyone to thank
but CJayC, for running the best site on the Internet and for posting this

Actually, on second thought, I would like to thank Saabdu for submitting
some great ASCII art to me. I didn’t use it because of technical
difficulties, no other reason then that.

JoshX42 signing off.

Note: If you copy any part of this guide, oh **** you’ll be sorry!

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Portuguese Walkthrough

16.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
engl. FAQ
10.Октябрь 2008

14.Октябрь 2013

11.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Mission 1

17.Октябрь 2013
Mission 02

18.Октябрь 2013
Mission 3

16.Октябрь 2013
Mission 4

12.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und +2 Trainer für die Europäische italienische PAL Version.

16.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats

14.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats
10.Октябрь 2008
10.Октябрь 2008
30.Июнь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018