Syphon Filter 2

Syphon Filter 2

13.10.2013 19:41:12
An FAQ / Walkthrough for...

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Syphon Filter 2
Platform: PlayStation
Version 0.3
Brett "Nemesis" Franklin

: : : : : : : :

4. Controls
5. Mission Background
6. Game Basics
7. Weapons
8. Gadgets
9. Game Characters
10. Walkthrough
a) Mission 01: Colorado Mountains
b) Mission 02: McKenzie Airbase Interior
c) Mission 03: Colorado Interstate 70
d) Mission 04: 1-70 Mountain Bridge
e) Mission 05: McKenzie Airbase Exterior
f) Mission 06: Colorado Train Ride
g) Mission 07: Colorado Train Race
h) Mission 08: C-130 Wreck Site
i) Mission 09: Pharcome Expo Center
j) Mission 10: Morgan
k) Mission 11: Moscow Club 32
l) Mission 12: Moscow Streets
m) Mission 13: Volkov Park
n) Mission 14: Gregorov
o) Mission 15: Aljir Prison Break-in
p) Mission 16: Aljir Prison Escape
q) Mission 17: Agency Bio-Lab
r) Mission 18: Agency Bio-Lab Escape
s) Mission 19: New York Slums
t) Mission 20: New York Sewer
u) Mission 21: Finale
11. Secrets / Codes
12. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
13. Credits
14. Contact Info

Hello, and welcome to my Syphon Filter 2 FAQ / Walkthrough for the PlayStation.
Even though there are some high-quality Syphon Filter 2 Guides out there
(DBlake's being one of them), I decided to do one myself. I got this great game
a few days ago, and I love it so far. If you've played the first Syphon Filter,
then you know the deal. It's almost exactly the same, but with new weapons,
characters, and missions for you to play with. It also comes on two Discs, and
you actually get to play as Ling Xing for a few missions, which is pretty cool.
If you liked the first Syphon Filter, then you can do no wrong with Syphon
Filter 2.



This FAQ can only appear on the following sites:

-Cheat Code Central

If anyone finds it on any other site, please inform me ASAP.

E-Mail Address:

© Copyright 1999-2000 Brett "Nemesis" Franklin. It may not be stolen, altered,
or used for any type of profit. It may be reproduced electronically, and printed
for PRIVATE, PERSONAL use. It may not be placed on a CD, printed in a magazine
or any type of publication. If you would like to contribute to this FAQ (you
will be credited,) please e-mail me, as well as any questions, comments, or
corrections, to the address above.


Version 0.3 (04/02/00)

* First Version

4. Controls

Directional Buttons...............Move character
-Manual aim
Analog Stick......................Move character

Start............................Pauses game
Select...........................Inventory/Weapon select

Square...........................Use weapon/inventory item
X................................Walk/Crouched walk/Climb down
Triangle.........................Throw switches, open doors
-Jump up to ledges
-Reload weapon
-Zoom while in sniper mode
-Exit menus
-Zoom out of sniper mode

R1...............................Target Lock
L1...............................Manual aim
R2 & L2..........................Strafe left/right

5. Mission Background

Seemingly unrelated and troubling events headline international news reports.
Innocent civilians are gunned down in the Hielongjiang Province of China. A
nuclear missle is destroyed seconds before detonating over Kazahkstan. Tensions
surge between the U.S and China when sensitive data is leaked to a dissident
Chinese group.

Corrupt elements within the Agency, a super-secret U.S. intelligence group, are
the driving force behind all these dangerous events. Using the biotech firm
Pharcom, they developed a virus names Syphon Filter. Syphon Filter is the
ultimate biological weapon and it's for sale. The buyer will become the first
terrorist superpower. Agency operatives Gabe Logan and Lian Xing discovered the
plot within their own organization. They are now attempting to expose the Syphon
Filter conspirators and stop the sale. In response, the Agency has alerted the
military and law enforcement that Gabe Logan and Lian Xing should be eliminated.

Agency motives become clearer as Gabe Logan discovers Pharcom CEO Jonathon
Phagon's private files on the virus. Then Ling Xing, herself infected with
Syphon Filter, is kidnapped for use as an Agency guinea pig. Gabe must find the
vaccine to save Lian Xing's life as she attempts an escape from her captors.

Branded as criminals by their own government, Gabe and Lian Xing must stricke
with deadly effiecency while leaving innocent personnel unharmed. Ex-agent
Teresa Lipan, who operates a clandestine spy network, will assist both Gabe and
Lian Xing by coordinating missions from her desert base. The agents make every
move knowing that a traitor could turn the knife at any moment.

6. Game Basics

There are three types of targeting in Syphon Filter 2: Default, Lock and Manual.
Don't use default because it's the least accurate of the three, and is hard to
use. Target Lock is the best of the three because it automatically locks on the
nearest enemy, and locks onto the enemy while they are moving. This the the best
one. The Manual aiming mode is best for sniping people from afar. Never, EVER
use this mode while near an enemy, or if they know you are there.

Screen Info
Armor Meter: The meter on the top of your screen and shows how much
armor you have left. When it is empty, you are out of

Health Meter: This meter is located right below the Armor Meter, and
shows you how much health you have left over.

Danger Meter: The newest addition to the meters, the Danger Meter
shows how much danger your character is in. The higher
the bar, the more danger you are in. This meter is
located below the other two meters.

7. Weapons

Nerve Gas Grenade
Fire Rate: /
Damage: /////
Clip Size: N/A
Maximum Number of Rounds: 10

Tear Gas Launcher
Fire Rate: /
Damage: /////
Clip Size: N/A
Max Rounds: 5

Hand Taser
Fire Rate: /
Damage: /////
Clip Size: N/A
Max Rounds: N/A

Fire Rate: /
Damage: /////
Clip Size: N/A
Max Rounds: 20

Combat Knife
Fire Rate: N/A
Damage: N/A
Clip Size: N/A
Max Rounds: N/A

Air Taser
Fire Rate: /
Damage: /////
Clip Size: N/A
Max Rounds: N/A

Incendiary Grenade
Fire Rate: /
Damage: /////
Clip Size: N/A
Max Rounds: 10

C-4 Explosive
Fire Rate: N/A
Damage: /////
Clip Size: N/A
Max Rounds: N/A

M-79 Grenade Launcher
Fire Rate: /
Damage: /////
Clip Size: N/A
Max Rounds: 15

Nightvision Rifle
Fire Rate: /
Damage: ///
Clip Size: 10
Max Rounds: 30

Sniper Rifle
Fire Rate: //
Damage: //
Clip Size: 10
Max Rounds: 30

.45 Handgun
Fire Rate: //
Damage: ///
Clip Size: 10
Max Rounds: 60

12 Gauge Shotgun
Fire Rate: //
Damage: ////
Clip Size: N/A
Max Rounds: 25

9mm Handgun
Fire Rate: ///
Damage: //
Clip Size: 15
Max Rounds: 90

H11 Sniper Rifle
Fire Rate: ////
Damage: /
Clip Size: 50
Max Rounds: 30

K3G4 Assault Rifle
Fire Rate: ////
Damage: //
Clip Size: 20
Max Rounds: 120

M-16 Assault Rifle
Fire Rate: ////
Damage: //
Clip Size: 30
Max Rounds: 180

PK-102 Assault Rifle
Fire Rate: ////
Damage: //
Clip Size: 30
Max Rounds: 180

BIZ-2 Machine Pistol
Fire Rate: ////
Damage: ///
Clip Size: 66
Max Rounds: 396

HK-5 Machine Pistol
Fire Rate: ////
Damage: ///
Clip Size: 32
Max Rounds: 192

VAS-12 Rapid Fire Shotgun
Fire Rate: //
Damage: ////
Clip Size: N/A
Max Rounds: 12

G-18 Machine Pistol
Fire Rate: /////
Damage: //
Clip Size: 33
Max Rounds: 198

8. Gadgets

Nightvision Goggles
These goggles are capible of illuminating nearby bodies and lets you see in the

Camera Scrammbler
Cool gadget that can be attached to cameras sending them a fake picture.

Used to view far away objects.

9. Game Characters

Gabriel Logan- Operative (Covert)
Sex: Male
Height: 6'3"
Age: 36
Weight: 185 lbs
Birthplace: Camden, NJ
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Nationality: American

Lian Xing- Intellegence Comunications Expert
Sex: Female
Height: 5'7"
Age: 30
Weight: 120 lbs
Birthplace: Kashi, China
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Nationality: Chinese

Teresa Lipan- Ex Agency Special Operative
Sex: Female
Height: 5'6"
Age: 25
Weight: 118 lbs
Birthplace: Phoenix, AZ
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blue
Nationality: American

Lietenant Jason Chance- U.S Army, Chemical and Biological Defense
Sex: Male
Height: 6'3"
Age: 31
Weight: 214 lbs
Birthplace: Reno, NV
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Nationality: American

Lyle Stevens- Career Agency Man, Deputy Director
Sex: Male
Height: 6'2"
Age: 49
Weight: 221 lbs
Birthplace: San Francisco, CA
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Grey
Nationality: American

Dillon Morgan- Agency Commander
Sex: Male
Height: 6'1"
Age: 40
Weight: 192 lbs
Birthplace: Alexandria, VA
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: White
Nationality: American

Michael Archer- Elite Assasin, Dillon Morgan Lieutenant
Sex: Male
Height: 5'11"
Age: 31
Weight: 178 lbs
Birthplace: Topeka, KS
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Nationality: American

Dr. Elsa Weissinger- German Scientist
Sex: Female
Height: 5'8"
Age: 32
Weight: 134
Birthplace: Frankfurt, Germany
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blonde
Nationality: German

Uri Gregorov- Russian Nationalist
Sex: Male
Height: 5'11"
Age: 55
Weight: 221 lbs
Birthplace: Stalingrad, Soviet Union
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Grey
Nationality: Russian

Mara Aramov- Professional Assasin
Sex: Female
Height: 5'11"
Age: 33
Weight: 137 lbs
Birthplace: Novgorod, Russia
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Auburn
Nationality: Russian

Lawrence Mujari- Freelance Bio-Chemical Expert
Sex: Male
Height: 6'2"
Age: 38
Weight: 207 lbs
Birthplace: Queenstown, South Africa
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Black
Nationality: South African

10. Walkthrough
This is the walkthrough for every mission in the game, all 21 of them. It
shouldn't take me very long to complete these mission walkthroughs, although it
might, because I am also working on my Resident Evil Code: Veronica FAQ /
Walkthrough. So, without further ado:

a) Mission 01: Colorado Mountains
Operative: Gabe Logan
Mission Objectives:
- Find Chance and the Transponder Locator
- Reach High Ground to get a fix on the Transponder Signal
- Recover C-4
- Clear Cave-In
- Take Out Snipers
- Defend GIs
- Reach Highway

Mission Parameters:
- Do not kill any GIs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
After the FMV cut-scene, you'll take control of Gabe. Land him safely onto the
snow. Run to your right and help out the wounded man. When you talk with the
other two guys, they'll tell you that Chance went somewhere south of here. Now
run over to your left and over to the other guy that's on top of the small
cliff. Talk to him and he'll take you to Chance. Follow him through the cave,
and you'll eventually leave the cave. He'll tell you that Change went into the
nearby cave. Run past the flare, and climb up the the cave, and you'll
eventually meet Chance. He'll give you the Transponder Locater. After getting
this, run back through the cave. As you try to enter the cave, a soldier will
fire at you with his M-16. Kill him with a head shot, then take the M-16. This
will be your primary weapon for this mission. Now enter the cave. As you do
this, the cave will suddenly collapse, forcing you to find some C-4 to blow it
back open again.

Exit the collapsed cave, and you'll meet up with some more terrorists. Dispose
of them with as many Head Shots as you can, then head forward until you reach
the box with the Shotgun. Grab it, then climb up the cliff behind it, and look
for another flare. There is a box with a flak jacket in it, if you need it.
After getting the flak jacket, run past the flare, and through the small
passage, and you'll hear some guards talking. Kill them all, then look for a
mini-peak that's in the middle of this area (use your map if you have to), and
climb up it twice to get to the top. Once at the top, press Triangle to use the

Now after using the Transponder, get back to the ground, and leave the way you
came, passing the box where you got the shotgun, and head through the cave. This
is where you started your mission. After exiting the cave, veer right, until you
see another flare far away. You should see some terrorists near the flare. Snipe
them with your M-16 (head shots), then run over to the wounded man near the
flare. Grab all the ammo you can from the dead terrorists, then walk near the
wounded GI. Here you'll get the C-4. After getting it, kill the terrorits that
are dropping in from the sky. Just for laughs, shoot them while they are still
in mid-air, and they'll fall to the ground with a giant "thud"! Funny stuff.
Anyways, after getting the C-4, head back through the cave and go to the
collapsed cave.

Once at the collapsed cave, use the C-4 to blow it open. Make sure you're clear
of the explosion though. After the cave is clear, exit it through the now open
end. Now you'll see some more terrorists coming in from above, so be prepared to
kill them all. Some of them have grenades, so be careful. There's a flak jacket
just past the waterfall if you need it. After knocking them off, run past the
waterfall, and into the next cave. Once you get to the end of this cave, you'll
be at a checkpoint, and you'll have to kill some snipers soon. Now turn left,
and climb up the small cliff and continue through the next cave until you hear
shots firing. You'll see two GI's firing at two snipers, but you can't reach
them from here. Head out of the cave, but you'll have to roll to the GI's,
because if you run, the snipers have clean head shots at you.

Now you have to kill of the snipers yourself. First you'll have to kill the one
nearest to you, on the cliff. Get the the side with the flare, and climb up the
cliff. You'll hear the sniper shout, and he'll run away. This is your chance to
get a head shot in. Kill him off with a head shot, then run over the the box in
the middle of the cliff, and you'll find some grenades. Now it's time for the
other sniper. Use the box as protection, and when he comes out of hiding, nail
him with a head shot. After you've killed them both, run to your left and around
the bend and run past the second sniper. Now go back a few feet, and turn right
and run towards the ledge. However, you hear the GI's calling for help. Turn
around and you'll see some more terrorists, but this time they have flak jackets
on, so you'll have to kill them with head shots. Find a good spot to snipe, and
protect the GI's. After killing all the terrorists, head back to the ledge to
finish the Mission.

b) Mission 02: McKenzie Airbase Interior
Operative: Ling Xing
Mission Objectives:
- Find Adrenaline Booster
- Get Combat Gear
- Escape Holding Facility

Mission Parameters:
- Get Adrenaline before you black out in two minutes
- Do not kill any airbase personnel
- Do not allow yourself to be detected

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
When you begin this mission, you will be by yourself in a room. You are not to
be detected by anyone. Now wait until the guard has passed by, then leave the
room and go right, then take another right down this hallway. Keep to the right
side of this hallway, but stop when you hear Dr. Elsa and Lyle Stevens talking.
Stay in the crouched position until they pass by, then run over to the room they
just left. In here is the Adrenaline Booster. Take it, then leave the room and
go left.

Follow the hallway to the barred window, then go left again. Get into the crouch
position again, and walk down this hallway and go to the end and go left. You
should see a guard. Wait for him to start walking, then follow him (in the
crouch position), but stay far enough away from him to avoid being caught, then
go into room A6 to your left. After viewing the short FMV, hit the switch to
your right, and enter Phagan's room. Now lean out the door, in the crouch
position. You should see a guard to your left at the end of the hallway. Wait
for him to leave, then run to your left, down the hall, but stop right before
the red light. Get back into the crouched position, then peek around the corner
to the left. You should see another gaurd. He'll start to walk away, and follow
him slowly until he stops to talk to a friend. He'll then go through an open
window and leave. Now while crouched, slowly walk past the tiny window to your
right, and go down the hallway to your right, and go into the room at the end on
the right, B1. In the lockers here, you'll find your combat gear.

Now after the FMV scene, equip the Hand Taser, and crouch and walk towards the
guard near the window. Once behind him, shoot him with the taser, and he'll go
unconsious. After he's down, hit the switch that's to the right of the window.
Now run quickly out the door, to your left, and through the open door that the
guard went through earlier. Now head down the stairs, and through the open door.
If you take too long and get trapped in between the two doors, you'll have to
restart from the last checkpoint. Once out the door, go left and into the small
doorway, and stay crouched to stay out of the guard's view. A guard will be
coming down the hallway in seconds. Wait for him to ask Carter to buzz him back
in, then use the hand taser on him.

Now run down to the end of this hall, but peek around the corner to the right.
There's another guard here. Sneak up on him and use the taser on him. Now run
towards the Exit sign to end the level.

c) Mission 03: Colorado Interstate 70
Operative: Gabe Logan
Mission Objectives:
- Obtain weapons while Chance distracts guards
- Use grenade to cut tunnel power
- Reach C-130 crash site

Mission Parameters:
- Protect Chance

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Once the guards are distracted, head into the tunnel and go into the small
opening in the tunnel to your left and go down the hallway to your left. Kick
down this door, and in here you'll find some Binoculars. This is a secret. Now
leave the room and head out of the small opening in the tunnel. Now head down
the tunnel and run towards the second truck. In the back, you'll find your
supplies, and complete the first objective. Now head back out of the tunnel to
help Chance. First take out the guy closest to Chance, then the next one. After
killing them, run out of the tunnel, turn around, and kill the guy that's on top
of the tunnel. Now run towards Chance to get a Checkpoint. Now head back into
the tunnel.

Kill the terrorists as they come by to protect Chance. After awhile, Chance will
tell Gabe that there's trouble. You will now control Gabe with with a
Flamethrower. Flame all of the terrorists, then follow chance to the end of the
tunnel. You will notice that there's only one guard. Equip your knife, then wait
for the guard to walk to the right side of the truck, then run over to the left
side of the truck. Crouch and wait for the guard to turn around and then kill
him. Gabe will tell Chance to move. Now it's time to take care of the next
guard. Walk over to the left side of the truck again, and stay crouched. Wait
for him to get under the sign, then when he starts walking away, run towards him
and when he stops, crouch again and slash him. Now walk forward and walk onto
the other side of the guardrail. Follow it until you see another guard just
sitting there, then sneak up on him and kill him. Now walk ahead some and you'll
see two guards talking. Wait for one of them to leave, then kill the one that

Now run around the back of the truck and kill the last guard. Once you and
Chance are safely in the tunnel, you'll get a checkpoint. Now follow Chance into
the tunnel. You'll find some ACPs that are in your way. Chance will give himself
up. Now sneak around the right side of the nearby truck and grab the grenades in
the back. Now run back the way you came until you find another alcove to your
right. Go through this door, and take the right hallway to find the power room.
Throw a grenade into the room, and run away. You will now see in night-vision.
Head back to Chance. On the way back, you'll see some more terrorists. Take them
out with head-shots, then leave the tunnel. Mission complete.

d) Mission 04: I-70 Mountain Bridge
Operative: Gabe Logan
Mission Objectives:
- Find a silenced weapon
- Quietly eliminate Commandar
- Disarm Four C-4 charges
- Reach Plane Crash site
- Rescue captured GIs

Mission Parameters:
- Protect all GIs
- Do not get discovered on bridge before C-4 is disarmed
- Eliminate the commander before he detonates the C-4

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You only have 2:00 to complete the first objective, so you'll have to be quick.
You'll need to find a silenced weapon first, so crouch-walk past the right side
of the Weight Limit sign, and walk towards the edge of the bridge. Hold forward
and Gabe will lower himself down the the side of the bridge and you'll need to
go across the bridge hand by hand. Do this until the Commander and the other guy
are off your radar, then pull yourself back up to the bridge. Now crouch-walk
along the side of the bridge. When you reach the first truck, wait until the
guards are on the other side of the truck, then hop over the other side of the
bridge, and run to the back of the truck and grab the equipment.

Now run back to the truck near the commander, and hide next to the truck so that
they don't see you, and toss a tear gas grenade at them. If you did it right,
your first objective will be completed and the timer will stop.

Now take their ammo, and go backwards to the side of the bridge, and lower
yourself again. Now shimmy over left a little bit, then lower yourself down the
the next catwalk, and use the knife to kill the guard here. Now disarm the
explosive. 3 more left. Pull yourself back up to the upper catwalk, then move
your way down the bridge until you can't go any further. Now pull yourself back
up again, so that you are hanging off the side of the bridge, and move across
the side until you see two flashing squares on your radar, and a catwalk below
you. Now drop yourself down, and disarm this C-4 explosive. Now pull yourself
back up to the side of the bridge again, and start going left again. Keep on
going left until you pass the guard below you, and until you get to the next
single guard above you and a catwalk below you. Once there, lower yourself down,
and then get into the crouch position. Equip the Sniper Rifle, and take out the
guard that's to your lower left quickly before he spots you. Now lower yourself
down twice, and onto the lowest portion of the catwalk.

Once you are at the lowest point, walk along the catwalk forward, then to the
left, then to the right side of the bridge, and pull yourself up twice to get to
the thrid C-4 charge. Disarm it, then face the front of the bridge (the
direction from where you started from), and use the Sniper Rifle to kill the
guard who's wandering around the catwalk. Now stay to the right side of the
bridge, and drop yourself down to the last set of beams. Now take the middle set
of beams up, then back over to the right side of the bridge (your left). Now
pull yourself up twice, then run up the middle set of beams. Once at the top of
these beams, drop Gabe down, and when his shadow is over the catwalk below, drop
down. Now run up the bridge to the last C-4 explosive to your right.

Now head back to the center of the catwalk where you just dropped down from, and
pull yourself back up one level. Now run forward, then go left and up, then pull
yourself up to the next set of beams. Now pull yourself back up to the bridge,
and back onto the main street on the bridge. A good thing is that now you don't
have to be stealthy anymore. Go on and kill some guards. When you're ready, go
into the tunnel at the end of the bridge.

Stay to the right side of the tunnel, and equip the Sniper Rifle. Now when you
see the two guards on your radar, get them in your sites with the sniper rifle.
Wait for the guard who's walking around to walk in front of the other guard, and
when their heads are lined up, shoot them both with one shot. Now run towards
the GI's.

After talking with Teresa, walk forward and have your M-16 equipped and ready.
When you see the trucks, and stop. All of the incoming guards have flak jackets
on, so you'll need to kill them with head shots. Watch out for the guards with
Shotguns, because they seem to kill the GI's the easiest. After clearing out all
three trucks, run out of the tunnel to exit the mission.

e) Mission 05: McKenzie Airbase Exterior


f) Mission 06: Colorado Train Ride


g) Mission 07: Colorado Train Race


h) Mission 08: C-130 Wreck Site


i) Mission 09: Pharcom Expo Center


j) Mission 10: Morgan


k) Mission 11: Moscow Club 32


l) Mission 12: Moscow Streets


m) Mission 13: Volkov Park


n) Mission 14: Gregorov


o) Mission 15: Aljir Prison Break-in


p) Mission 16: Aljir Prison Escape


q) Mission 17: Agency Bio Lab


r) Mission 18: Agency Bio-Lab Escape


s) Mission 19: New York Slums


t) Mission 20: New York Sewer


u) Mission 21: Finale


11. Secrets / Codes

*Mission select
Pause the game, highlight the "Map" option, then hold Right + L2 + R2 + Circle +
Square + X (simultaneously). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a
sound. Then, enter the options screen and choose the "Cheats" selection.
Alternately, successfully complete the game to unlock the level select option. -

*Super Agent mode
Pause the game, highlight the "Weaponry" option, then hold L2 + Select + Circle
+ Square + X (simultaneously). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear
a sound. Then, enter the options screen and choose the "Cheats" selection. -

*Movie theater
Pause the game, highlight the "Briefing" option, then hold Right + L1 + R2 +
Circle + X (simultaneously). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a
sound. Then, enter the options screen and choose the "Cheats" selection.
Alternately, successfully complete the game to unlock all but four of the game's
movies. The final four movies are unlocked when the game is successfully
completed on the hard difficulty setting. -From:

The first bonus movie is unlocked after Mission 5 (McKenzie Airbase Exterior) on
the hard difficulty setting. Lian will say "Got it" as she is flying away in the
helicopter to confirm the secret. The movie is called "Before and After I" and
is on Disc 1. It has some behind-the-scenes footage of an early rendition of
Gabe. It contains CG footage of Gabe running through the missile silo from the
first Syphon Filter. Gabe does not look very detailed and the silo looks
completely different. Then the movie transitions to the finished version seen in
the game, with Gabe confronting Markinson.

The second bonus movie is unlocked after Mission 10 (Morgan) on the hard
difficulty setting. Gabe will say "Got it" after he finishes receiving the
incoming radio call to confirm the secret. The movie is called "Before and After
II" and is on Disc 1. It has some behind-the-scenes footage of a later version
of Gabe and an early version of Lian. It shows Gabe and Lian sneaking through
the Costa Rican rain forest from the opening movie of the first Syphon Filter.
Gabe has a gray short-sleeved shirt on and camouflage pants and Lian is dressed
in a black tank top and camouflage pants. Then the movie transitions to the
finished version seen in the game, with Gabe and Lian sneaking through the
forest and coming across the burnt out lab.

The third bonus movie is unlocked after Mission 16 (Aljir Prison Escape) on the
hard difficulty setting. Lian will say "Got it" after she and Gregorov reach the
escape point to confirm the secret. The movie is called "Deleted Scenes" and is
on Disc 2. It has four FMV clips that were not used in the game. The first one
shows the Chinese general demanding shipment of the Syphon Filter virus. The
second shows Archer in the Blackhawk swooping low over Gabe, who is on the back
of the burning United Pacific train. The third shows Gabe and Teresa in the
beat-up rental van they use during the Moscow missions (where Lian is chasing
Gregorov), the van will not start and Gabe gets out to push. The fourth shows a
bag lady pushing a shopping cart across the street in the New York Slums
district, Mara Aramov's limousine smashes the shopping cart and then screeches
around a corner.

The fourth bonus movie is unlocked after completing the game on the hard
difficulty setting. The movie is called "Congratulations! Party time!" and is on
Disc 2. It shows all the major characters dancing on the floor of the Moscow
disco, Club 32.

*Expert mode
At the title screen, highlight the "One Player" option. Then, hold Up + L1 + R2
+ Select + Circle + X + Square (simultaneously).

*Agency Computer Lab multi-player stage
In the second room at the start of the Agency Bio-Lab Escape level, (after
receiving the incoming radio traffic) are two vents that you can crawl through.
The one on the left is the correct exit out of the Bio-Lab. The other vent leads
back the way you came toward the Operating Room where you overheard Dr.
Weissinger in the previous level. Head down this second vent back the way you
came from. When you exit the vent, there will be one Unit 1 trooper on the left
in an alcove. Run past him down the U-shaped hallway which leads to the
Operating Room. You should be able to see the autopsy table through the door.
There are three more armored troopers in the operating theater, one low by the
door and two on either side up in the theater seats. Roll into the room past the
low trooper. If this is not done, when you get near the door he will run in
front of it to block your path. Run immediately toward the table with the
computer. Climb up on to the table, and then up onto the balcony (you will
probably get shot up pretty bad while climbing up). Then, roll toward the center
of the back wall and into a small room. There is an M-79 grenade launcher in
this little room which unlocks the Agency Computer Lab map. Gabe will say "Got
it" to confirm that it has been collected. You do not have to finish the level
for the map to be unlocked.

*Bunker multi-player stage
Find the PK-102 in the Moscow Streets level. There is a point where two cars
will try to run you over at the same time, and you have to leap and grab a pole
above you to avoid them. After this happens, drop down, and go back and search
the two newly crashed cars. Face the tail ends of the cars. The car on the right
has the PK-102 inside. The cars are on fire, so search carefully. Additionally,
after the cars crash an enemy will get out of each car. At least one of them has
a M-79 grenade launcher.

*Caves multi-player stage
Find the binoculars in the Colorado Interstate 70 level. They are located behind
the first closed door on your left that you reach. Press Triangle to open the
door. This reveals a passage. Go left, open another door, and enter the room.
The box containing the binoculars is in this room.

*D.C. City Park multi-player stage
Find the dirty laundry in the New York City Slums District level in one of the
washing machines in the first Sniper Building of the level. This is the building
that is similar to the slums district level in multi-player mode.

*Disco Underground multi-player stage
In the Disco 32 level, after killing the bodyguard on the catwalk, three more
guards will run in the door. Kill all three before they can throw a grenade at
you. None of them have flak jackets. When you kick open the doors to the next
dance floor with big speakers in the corners, you will need to kill these three
guards before the guard above you can throw a grenade. Save your BIZ-2 ammo for
him, run to the right, and hide behind the speaker. Kill the two guards on the
floor. As the guard above you runs around so he can throw a grenade, use the
BIZ-2 for a head shot. He does have a flak jacket.

*Jungle multi-player stage
Kill Archer at the very end of the C-130 Wreck Site level with one shot (head
shot). It is recommended that you use the silenced sniper rifle to kill him
because of its zooming capabilities.

*Pharcon Site multi-player stage
Find the girlie mag in the Pharcon Lab, after you taze the guards. It is located
after you go through the Mars exhibit.

*Prison multi-player stage
Complete the Aljir Prison Break-In level without using the crossbow. You will
have to sneak and roll up to the first man before he makes it out in the open.
Roll a lot, but do not roll into him. You also cannot run or he will turn
around. You should be able to run up very close to the male guard and the female
guard who chased down the second prisoner. The last guard turns and looks around
quite a bit. Walk against the left wall, and hide behind the support. He will
walk out past you, and then you can get him.

*Rockies multi-player stage
Find the H11 sniper rifle on the first level (Colorado Rockies) to unlock the
Rockies multi-player map. The H11 is near the waterfall and ice arch where you
first meet Chance. Instead of jumping over the waterfall chasm, hang from the
edge of the chasm and drop down into the tunnel. The H11 is in there.

*Surreal multi-player stage
In Volkov Park, kill the first guard to the left very quickly before he destroys
the car. After you kill him, collect the BIZ-2 in the car he did not destroy.

*Additional multi-player characters
Find the M-79 grenade launcher on the second to last level (New York Sewers) to
unlock the following seven multi-player characters: Ninja Gabe, Scuba Lian, Unit
1 (armored trooper from the Bio-Lab Escape level), Dr. Elsa Weissinger, Uri
Gregorov, Lawrence Mujari, and SWAT officer (helped in the New York Slums
level). The M-79 is near the end of the level (in the parking garage). Near the
top of the stairs is an open doorway into the parking garage, where a black van
is driving past. Instead of exiting the stairwell at that location, keep
climbing up the stairs. There will be five Agency operatives scattered on the
landings above armed with silenced HK-5s, grenades, and M-79s. Use the M-79 to
clear them out. The M-79 is on the top landing.
Complete the C-130 Wreck Site level in under three minutes to unlock the
characters from the original Syphon Filter game in multi-player mode. The
additional multi-player characters from the original Syphon Filter are: Girdeux,
Phagan, Gabrek, Marcos, Rhoemer, and Evil Scientist.

12. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1) Q: Is Syphon Filter 2 better than the first one?

A: Yes it is. It's an awesome action game.

*More questions when people e-mail me!*


CJayC- For accepting all of my FAQS, and for creating the best web site on the

Cheat Code Central - For the codes.


Shameless Self-Promotion: Other FAQs by me:
-Ape Escape
-Brave Fencer Musashi
-Crash Team Racing
-Gran Turismo 2
-Medal Of Honor
-NBA Live 2000
-Need for Speed: High Stakes
-Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
-R4: Ridge Racer Type 4

-NBA Live 2000
-Mario Party 2

-Crazy Taxi
-Hydro Thunder
-MDK 2
-Sega GT: Homologation Special
-Sega Rally 2
-Sega Swirl
-Resident Evil Code: Veronica


E-Mail Address:


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- Small questions that are NOT answered in the FAQ
- Comments
- Any types of contributions that can be HELPFUL to others
- Corrections for this FAQ

Types I will NOT accept:
- Hate mail
- Small contributions that will NOT help anyone
- Chain letters
- Any mail that is in ALL CAPS
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Portuguese Walkthrough

16.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
engl. FAQ
10.Октябрь 2008

14.Октябрь 2013

11.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Mission 1

17.Октябрь 2013
Mission 02

18.Октябрь 2013
Mission 3

16.Октябрь 2013
Mission 4

12.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und +2 Trainer für die Europäische italienische PAL Version.

16.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats

14.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats
10.Октябрь 2008
10.Октябрь 2008
30.Июнь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018