R-Type Delta

R-Type Delta

17.10.2013 04:26:53

/_/_/_/_ /_/_/_ /_ /_ /_/_ /_/_
/_ /_ /_/_ /_ /_ /_/_ /_=
/_ /_ /_ /_ /_ /_/_
/_ /_ D E L T A
/_ /_ FAQ/Walkthrough
/_ /_ By FFrulez
/_ /_ copyright 2001
/_ /_ optimus9@dolfijn.nl

[ Table of Content ]
1] Introduction
2] Controls
3] Ships and weapons
4] Walkthrough
5] Tips and cheats
6] Credits and legal stuff

1. Introduction

This game is simply the best shooter available on playstation.
The graphics are great and the game is very hard, so you'll play
this for months.

In this guide I will help you through the seven levels of the game
and give you some cheats as well.

2. Controls
Adjust the controls in the option screen.
My config was this.

X - rapid fire
[](hold) - wave cannon
O - fire probe
/_\ - use delta weapon
r2 - speed up
r1 - speed down
arrows - move ship

Hint: keep your speed on speed level 3.

3. Ships and weapons
R-type delta has four ship all, with 4 weapons.
But first the pickups.

Redpod - gives you red weapon upgrade(to level3)
Bluepod - gives you blue weapon upgrade(to level3)
Yellowpod - gives you yellow weapon upgrade(to level3)
Misllepod - gives you missles
Orbs - fly with you, offers protection as well as firepower( can get 2)

Ship: R9
Probe: Standard type
Wave cannon: fires rays that burst over a wide radius.
Missle: fires two homing missles
Delta weapon: lightning scoches around the screen.
Yellow weapon: fires two firerays that scroll aside the surface and ceiling.
Blue weapon: fires blue lasers that deflect on the ceiling or surface.
Red weapon: fires two(one blue, one red) half circles in a line.
My opinion: if you are a newbie use this ship. It has good weapon and
a good wave cannon.

Ship: RX
Probe: Tentacle type
Wave cannon: fires a precise, powerful ray straightfroward.
Missle: drobs a missle on the ground, that burst into green flames.
Delta weapon: a warphole in the middle destroys everything.
Yellow weapon: fires two energy whips that you can control.
Blue weapon: fires two laser that stay on a target once it hits one.
Red weapon: fires a wide or concentarted red energy beam.
My opinion: very destructive weapons, but not that useful. The weapons
don't fire behind you.

Ship: R13
Probe: Anchor type
Wave cannon: fires a lightning flash that homes in on the enemy.
Delta weapon: line in different colours move(afterimage) around the screen
Missle: fires one big missle, very powerful.
Yellow weapon: fires rays from down to above.
Blue weapon: fires two blue lasers that bend and home in on the enemy.
Red weapon: fires a precise red laser straigtforward.
My opinion: just like the R9. A good ship with very useful weapons.
The wave cannon is not that powerful, too bad.

Getting the POWarmour: complete the game.

Ship: POWarmour
Probe: Bydo type
Wave cannon: fires out images of mechs in blue that destroy everything.
Missle: fires two homing missles that don't get destroyed
Delta weapon: images - of - mech - in - blue - storm
Yellow weapon: fires the same as the R9 but then the beam is larger.
Blue weapon: fires the same as R9 but the 6 beams insted of 3.
Red weapon: fires a laser, that moves up an down.
My opinion: powerful weapons and a good wave cannon. The best ship
in the game, probably.(but not my favorite, it's the R13)

4. Walkthrough
The game has seven levels, so here we go.

Contact 1 \
Overall strategy:
Keep avoiding shots and keep shooting at ships. Save your delta weapon for the
big guys. If you get stuck in this level, well.... your helpless.

Miniboss 1: Mech with cannon
After flying like 6 seconds you get a miniboss(whow??,fast)
He flys up and down. When he stans still he will charge and fire his cannon.
Avoid this by flying in front of him, but just below the cannon. Follow him up
and down while shooting. Or charge up your wave cannon and wait for him to
charge his gun, then fire!!!! and he's history. By the way don't waste your
weapon on him.

Miniboss 2: Big ship with cannons
After a while you'll encounter this fella. He can be though if you're not
prepared. When get to see him, fire your probe and attach it to the back.
Destroy the first 3 cannons at the right and underbelly of the ship. Fire
your probe and attach it before you. Destroy the left cannon and blow the ship
part of. Then destroy the last two cannons on top of the ship. Now just fire
and he's dead in no time. If you get in trouble use your delta weapon and it
be dead at once.

Miniboss 3: Mechsnake
You can't hurt him while he's in the background. Hide in the left lower corner
the screen when he first attacks. Fire away while he's scolling aside of you.
Then fly to the middle and avoid him. While he's curling around you, charge
wave cannon and fire at it's core(the big red flashything in the middle). After
do it agian and he's dead. Once again when you get in trouble use your delta
when he's on the forground.

Boss: Boostership
A relatively easy boss compared with what's still to come. Avoid his burster by
staying in the middle and keep shooting. Once he has finished it's attack it
turn around. There the ship fires a beam that moves down. You go down at well
and avoid the beam. Then dstroy the two cannons( one high, one low), before
the core. If you don't get time for this he will use burst attack again. For a
win fire your delta weapon when he shows his core.

Contact 2 \
Overall strategy:
When above watch out for the fishes that dive out like a mad. When you see them
swim, do not stay above them. Avoid fire and keep your eye on the enemies that
try to shoot you in the back. The first hard part is when you under water.
Attach your
probe on your back and destroy all cannons as soon as possible. The second hard
is after you've just come out of the water. There will be "things" hanging on
the ceiling
that keep spawning bee-like enemies. Destroy them fast, but it's better to use
your delta

Boss: Larve and Octopuspod
Start flying right into the "mouth" of the octopus and fire like a mad. Keep
fire and destroying the outside cannons on the octopus, cause they respawn
after a
while. When he picks up the larve, get out there immidietly and fire on the arm
like a mad.
When you get rid of the octopus, fly below and keep your probe between you and
the larve. Shoot a lot with your wave cannon and use rapid fire when the larve
fires his
atack.(yellow blobs). The boss can be quite hard, I use my delta weapon on this
guy. Just
fire your probe and make sure it's in the middle of the octupus before you fire
the delta
weapon. The octopus will be dead, allthough the larve will stay alive, so be
careful and don't
get killed, or you have just wasted a delta weapon.

Contact 3 \

Boss: Very big Mech
This mech is like a million times bigger than the other one you fought back at
level one.
Actually you it's a long fight fighting the different parts of the boss, with a

The boss will apear behind you. Attach your probe from the back and destroy the
middle cannon
in time. Keep an eye on enemies coming in from the front, cause you'll have to
kill them at once
or else they get a chance to attack. Once the cannon is destroyed wait until
the bot steps on
a red block and increase yuor speed to 4. Then when he steps of fly underneath
him and still
keep your probe behind you to get rid of three enemies. Attach the probe from
the front again
and fire at the big afterburner. Detsroy it or it will fire and you'll have to
hide on the
right. Once it is destroyed a other thing comes out. It will shove back and
forth with lines.
These are sensors, so if you hit them the thing will fire. Wait for it to shove
to the right.
Go past the beams to the left and keep shooting until it's destroyed. After
that the leftfoot
of the mech will come on screen. When it's one step after the middle fly
beneath it to the other
end. There avoid al the parts coming from above and destroy the mechpart. When
going to the right
watch out for a group of enemies that will suddenly come out. Then you will
encounter a
shootinginstallation. Just fire until it gets destroyed. Ohh and be carefull
when the gun fires
those orange things, cause they go through your probe. After the last part will

There's another shooting-installation and it will fire blue rays. It will
anounce where it will
fire so don't fly there. Keep between the beams while shooting or simply use a
delta weapon.

After that increase your speed to 4 again, cause the orb below will fire a
beam(when touch
it's sensor) that almost covers half the screen. Get out of the way and when
the beam is
fired on the right fire at the orb. Repeat until it is destroyed. Or use a
delta weapon.

Contact 4 \
Overall strategy:
Just avoid pieces that fall down and fire at the purple ship or use your wave
cannon. The blue
bots are destroyed by shooting with a full wave blast so be sure you get two
with one shot.
When you see cannons take care of them first and then the enemies. After a
while you'll need
to move through a maze of blocks and cannons, while being attacked by blue
Sounds complicated huh???????????
Well there an easy way and a hard way. The easy way is delta weapon and the
other is attach
your probe behind your ship and keep the fire-button pushed. Try to get lucky
and finish of
three blue robots with one wave cannon shot. When your almost there, move lower
with your ship
cause lots of blocks and other pieces of wall start to fall. Blast them to

Boss: Medium fast mech
A irritating boss. When he flys around, fire one wave cannon shot when he's one
the forground.
Then wait until he returns. He will start shooting ver big missles from above
that fly down
and home in. Keep destroying missles and when he's is to the right of the
screen, move up,
while still shooting. Repeat this, until his attack is over. His second attack
is this, he
fly at the right of the screen and stays still in the middle where he will
fire. Circling
halve circles. This very *&&^(&*(&%^(%^%&^*(&( frustrating. So if you have one
fire a
delta weapon and he's a goner. If you don't move up and down like a mad and
keep shooting,
until the attack is over. Concentrate more on evading fire then damaging the
mech with this

Contact 5 \
Overall strategy:
STAY I THE MIDDLE. Attacks can come from anywhere now and they will kill you
easily. The scorpion
like monsters can easily be destroyed, but watch out for where they come from.
Once reator
tubes start to come avoid them or blast at the opening of the tube to destroy
them. If there
an enemy attack move your to a safe place, but not into a corner.
After you had the first part, you'll have to fly through a set of tubes. Kill
the beats on the
tubes and keep your speed on 3. Fly fast through the tubes and watch out for
wrecked parts. In
other words don't stay in corners too long. Near the end of this two tubes with
beasts will
come(one from above and one from below) use your delta weapon or move from left
to right, while
charging a wave cannonshot. Then move to the left again and fire it. It will
take out most
beasts. Then fly out of there very fast with speed 4. If you thought this was
hard, you
just wait.....

Boss 1: Ring of death
This is the first of 3 bosses you will encounter right after
To bring you a relieve the first one is not hard. Simply fire your probe right
into the
center of the ring and let it destroy all the cannons. When only the core is
intact, you
gou in and finish the job. Very easy.


Fire in your probe and launch a.....Delta weapon!!! and it's dead.

Boss 2: Mechfish and snakes
Fire at the first snake and wait for the fish to fly by. When it does fire a
wave shot and
fire at the second fish. At the second raid, move your ship to the upperright
corner and
wait. Attack the snake and when it's passed equip your probe on the back fast
to give
the second snake a surprise. Then fire wave shots at the fish. At the last raid
be on the left
and fire at the fish. Wait for the frist snake to come out and destroy it,
after that destroy
the second snake, leaving the fish ready to be toasted. If you have one use a
delta weapon
when you're in a tight spot.

Boss 3: Multipart-ship
As the name would expect this ship can divide into two parts. First of all
equip your probe
behind your ship and move your ship below, cause the enemy will start with a
big blue beam
that will kill you if your not below. Then fire at it's cannon, which is easy
to destroy and
wait until you get to see the second part containing the core. Use your delta
weapon or fly
aside it while shooting and while the probe is hitting it. If the core moves
in, concentrate
on destroying the cannons until the core comes out again. Keep in mind that
you'll have
to dodge lots of fire too. Good luck.

If you die when on the second or third boss you'll start at the beginning

Contact 6 \
Overall strategy:
Stay in the middle and finsih of the dogs on the ceiling first. Keep shooting
and dodging.
If you have a delta weapon just fire away and hope you make it. Neer the end
two bis streams
of ships will appear behind you and in front of you. Equip your probe behind
your ship and
let the enemy ships behind you crash into it, while shooting at the stream of
ships in front
of you. Keep avoiding fire. To make this easy use your delta weapon after a few
ships appear
and they're all destroyed.

Miniboss 1: Big blob with armor
The problem with this miniboss is that you'll be facing enemies and the boss at
one time.
Keep flying above it and fire a delta weapon if you have one. Once it reveal
his behind,
fire your probe at it and keep shooting until it is dead.

Miniboss 2: R9-clone with ships
Fire at the ships and destroy them easily. Don't use the wave cannon, cause
else the boss
will use it too and his is more powerful. Simply destroy the boss at once and
the other
ships are destroyed to. Or fire a delta weapon to kill them all. Very easy

Boss: Very large alien with tail
Stay in the middle, cause the alien will appear on the right very fast. Watch
out for it's
tail on the left and fire at his (blue) core. When he spits out 4 of those
"things", destroy
them and avoid there remains. Use a delta weapon at near the end. Then the
alien screams and
the core open's his mouth. The tail will curl up to the left, so stay between
the core and the
tail. Avoid the first string of balls he spits by staying beneath it and fire
like a mad on
the core. At the second string stay above and avoid the fire. Repeat this until
he's a goner.
Try to save a delta weapon for this, you'll need it.

Contact 7 \
Overall strategy:
Simply stay in the middle and watch out for enemies that appear from all sides.
Detsroy them
fast. Keep on the move, cause alienbabycells will try to hit you. Use a delta
weapon when you

Final boss: Dark moon
The final boss will appear with a red circle of energy around him. Fire at will
and when
starts shooting blue tings, simply move around. Switch your probe to the other
end and keep
shooting. Move anti-clockwise slowly till, keeping your probe between him and
you. Or use a
delta weapon twice and he's destroyed. After that the dark moon will draw in
your probe and
reduce your delta points to 0%. Then the probe will emit dark lightning that
will not hurt
you. After that your delta points start to rise and the drak moon moves around,
while a
lot of alienbaby's try to kill you. Avoid them or destroy them and avoid the
dark moon.
Two orbs will make it easier for you.
Once your delta weapon is at 100% fire it away.

Congratulations you have completed the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5. Tips and Cheats


Here are the notes which are stored in the war record.
NOTE. This chapter is a GAME SPOILER! You have been warned.

Over 20 hours total engaged in combat.
Over 100 hours totaltime engaged i9n combat.
Over 1,000 hours total time engaged in combat.
Over 100 times played.
Over 1,000 times played.
Use of ship number 4 allowed.
Cleared easy mode.
Cleared normal mode.
Cleared hard mode.

Over 10,000 points using the wave cannon energy.
Over 100,000 points using the wave cannon energy.
Delta Weapon used over 100 times.
Delta Weapon used over 1,000 times.
Cleared a mode with only one credit.
Cleared a mode with only one ship.
Cleared a mode without using the force.
Cleared a mode with cannon only.
Cleared a mode without using the wave cannon.


- stay kalm and don't move to fast
- keep the fire button pressed
- let small fire get absorbed by the probe
- save delta weapons for bosses and hard parts
- don't throw your controller against your screen if your frustrated. Simply
put on
relaxing music.(hahaha)
- use speed three or two(which you prefer)

These make the game easier:

99.9%(delta weapon):Pause the game, keep hold of L2 and press:
Left, Right, Up, Down, Right, Left, Up, Down, Triangle.

Red Power up : pause the game and hold L2 and press:
and missles Left, Right, Up, Down, Right, Left, Up, Down, Square.

Blue Power up : pause the game and hold L2 and press:
and missles Left, Right, Up, Down, Right, Left, Up, Down, X.

Yellow Power up : pause the game and hold L2 and press:
and missles Left, Right, Up, Down, Right, Left, Up, Down, Circle.

You also get the two orbs on each weapon-cheat.

6.Credits and legal stuff

These sites can post my walkthrough:


I would like to thank:

- myself
- irem for making awesome r-type games
- gamefaqs for posting this
- my local store for selling this game at budget-price
- Mwalsh for the cheats and the notes

Other faqs by mine are:

Zone of the Enders(PS2): vs-guide
Alien resurrection(PSX): weapon-guide
Aqua Aqua(PS2): walkthrough/FAQ

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17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Alle Missionen, alle Schiffe und alle Waffen sind freigeschaltet.

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16.Октябрь 2013

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engl. Cheats

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+14 und PAL/NTSC Selektor für die japanische NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
+13 Trainer für die Europäische PAL Version

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engl. Cheats
10.Октябрь 2008
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
25.Июнь 2019