

15.10.2013 18:54:32
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Grandia - Skill Guide
Version 1.01
Done By: Tricrokra (

Data of Grandia version I played.
System: PlayStation
Region: PAL (Europe)

Legal Notics.
You're free to download and copy this FAQ to anyone you know as long as it's
unprofitable and this FAQ is unmodified.
When uploading this FAQ to please let me know. In most cases it won't be a
problem if you do.
(C) Copyright JBC-Soft, Jeroen Broks (Tricrorka), 2001, All rights reserved

1.00 08-11-2001 - This whole guide
1.01 09-18-2001 - Some moves for Sue added and the escape phrases for
Rapp and Milda added. With thanks to spongebob

- Introduction
- Hints per character
- Justin
- Sue
- Feena
- Gadwin
- Rapp
- Milda
- Guido
- Liete
- Mana Eggs
- Important hint on water training
- Skill and spell list per character
- Skills and spells detailed

*** Introduction ***
Watching the Forums at GameFAQs and Neoseeker I discovered, that many players
did not fully understand the skill system of Grandia. That is what this FAQ is
all about. The most important things about skills are here.

Grandia has 2 types of experience. General experience and skill experience.
The general experience is nice, but the true powers lies in the skill experience.
Skill experience are also categorized. Weapon skills and magic skills.

Weapon skill categories:
Description: Used by: Boost by gaining*:
Sword Justin, Gadwin, Rapp, Milda, Guido Str+1, Wit+2
Mace Justin, Sue, Milda, Liete Def+2, HP+1
Axe Justin, Milda Str+2, HP+1
Throw Sue, Rapp, Guido Str+2, HP+1
Whip Feena Wit+2, ?
Knife Feena, Rapp, Guido Agl+1, ?

* = I could be wrong on the boost by gaining... I'll update it ASAP

By using a kind of weapon much it's skill experience will grow and you'll gain
levels on that. Weapon skills are much easier to train then general experience,
especially when you use the right moves. By gaining levels your statistics will
be changes as I noted by "Boost by gaining". And much handy moves can get
available by that.

The magic skills have 4 categories:
Magic skill categories
Description Boost by gaining:
Earth Str+1
Water HP +1
Wind Agl+1
Fire Wit+1

Using a spell will increase the EXP for the element(s) it uses. Using them much
will not only allow you to acquire new spells, but it will also change your
statistics. The changes seem little, but if you use them much and when you know
how to increase the levels quickly you'll see that the statistic changes will
really pay off somehow.

*** Hints per character ***

* Justin
General winning quote: All right! We won!
Perfect victory: What a finish!
Boss victory: All right! Big win for us!
Special boss victory: YEAH! We won guys!
Victory with a dead one: That was close!
Escape: We're in trouble! Retreat!

Joins: Start game
Leaves: End game
Advantage: You can make him REALLY strong
Disadadvantage: None in particular

Justin is the hero and so the most important character for the gameplay too.
Justin is the only character who will take part in ALL the battles. That makes
very much reasons to make him ULTRA-strong and there are ways for that. One of
the first things I do is to train his mace level high enough to reach the
"MidAir Cut" requirement. I start with that as soon as I get in New Parm (before
that I use the sword). Now I really go to train his sword to level 16 (after
that I switch to the axe and keep on using it). As soon as I can I train his
fire level to 6 and his earth level to 7. When this is done
Justin will be able to use "Dragon Cut". One requirement is that Gadwin must
teach him that move first. But that will be done anyway, just be patient.
When I got that move I keep on using it on big ammounts of normal enemies. 3 or
more is recommended. When you do this with an axe very soon Justin will beat
Gadwin and Milda in strength easily and those two are meant to be the strongest.
Finishing the optional dungeon "Soldier's Graveyard" is of big help and equip
the energry ring you can get there on Justin to halve his SP usage. Now there's
no stopping of making Justin terribly strong.
Since Justin is also the only one who takes part in all battles it's important
to train your water too. Justin can learn very cool healing spells. I recommend
to boost at least to level 16 were he learnes "Resurrect".
A nice method to do this is to use "Snooze" on large ammounts of enemies. I do
this much in the Dom Ruins and when I'm training Feena (for Zap! whip) in the
Lama Mountains.

* Sue
General winning quote: Hip hip hooray!
Perfect victory: Pretty easy, right Puffy? (Puff-puff)
Boss victory: Big win, Puffy!
Victory with dead one: Hey, Puffy? You okay? (Puff-Puff)
Escape: Bye-bye! See ya!

Joins: Start game
Leaves: After completing the Twin Towers
Advantage: Attack from distance. And "Rah-Rah" cheer is handy for a long time
Disadvantage: Weak and slow. Needs much times after damage.

Sue is a handy party member in the beginning, but as much as the game continues
she'll suck more and more, and half the game her health obliges her to leave
you. I usually let Sue only use a bow, to be able to attack from distance.
Her bow experience will increase rather quickly and after she leaves I write
over her experience to Rapp. Sue's "Rah-Rah" Cheer is nice in the beginning,
but later in the game spells like "Alheal" can take it over. I never give Sue
much magic, since I need the mana eggs for Justin and Feena first and when I've
eggs left over, it won't take so long any more before Sue leaves. I do give Sue
Water sometimes to have her healing magic as a back up and for nothing else

* Feena
General winning quote: Not bad, eh?
Perfect victory: Hahaha, pretty easy
Boss victory: That was pretty
Victory with dead one: Is everyone okay?
Escape: Drop back!

Joins: During your steamer voyage to Elencia
Leaves: End game
Advantage: Pretty agile. Good as a healer.
Disadvantage: Not really that strong, but acceptable
Game over: Justin: Oh no we're not gonna make it!
Feena: Come on, Justin!

Feena can serve as a healer, and next to Justin she'll be part of most battles.
Feena will leave the scene three times, but she'll always come back.
Feena has a true advantage when she goes fast over the time guage which can be
achieved by increasing her Wit. That's why I go for Fire Whip as soon as I can.
Using this much will increase Feena's fire and Whip level giving her much of
Wit points. On the Lama Mountains I train much for Whip, Fire and Wind to obtain
"Zap! Whip". That move really kicks ass on boss enemies, in the mean time I'll
let Justin increase his water level to obtain "Resurrect".
When Justin is training with his "Dragon Cut" it's nice to let Feena use
"Snooze" in order to raise her water skills.
Feena will obtain a special power during the game (I won't say what in order not
to spoil the game) allowing her to obtain super spells. You can go for them if
you like, but it's pretty senseless, since it's requirements are way to high.

* Gadwin
General winning quote: Come! Try again!
Perfect victory: You're no match for me!
Boss victory: Like master, like man!
Victory with dead one: Hohoho, you guys need more practise
Escape: You dare to run away?
Game over: FOOLS!

Joins: Soon after crossing the End Of The World
Leaves: When you send Sue back home
Advantage: Pretty strong
Disadvantage: Lack of magic skills, not exactly fast

Gadwin's prensence is temporary, so no sense in boosting him too much. You can
it since you can write over his skills to Justin and Feena. That's why I do use
Dragon Cut from time to time on serval normal enemies, but not to much, since
Justin and Feena need their skills much more badly.

* Rapp
General winning quote: Heh... Not bad, eh?
Perfect victory: Come back with reinforcements!
Boss victory: Seen that shot o' mine?
Victory with dead one: Phwew! We just got out of that one
Escape: Come on, let's get outta here

Joins: When going through the virgin forests (start of disc 2)
Leaves: End of game
Advantage: Pretty fast, pretty strong
Disadvantage: Weaker than Justin, but still very usable

It's a pity Rapp joins so late in the game, which makes you loose the will to
boost his magic out. Well, if he, Justin and Feena have all magic groups you
don't need any more mana eggs, since Milda and Guido have no magic powers and
Liete got them all.
Rapp can made a little stronger by letting him use a sword all the time. Later
it's recommended to let him continue with a knife to make him more agile.
My favorite move with him is "Doppelganger". That move does lots of damage and
will increase Rapp's weapon EXP very fast. The only bad thing of this move is
that it's not available when Rapp uses throw weapons. Sue's and Guido's bow
levels are best transferrred to Rapp after they leave... That is for sure.
Giving Rapp water is wise, but boosting it out is senseless, since Rapp will
be allright without much water levels and he won't ever get the cool healing

* Milda
General winning quote: Heh heh heh.... TADAAAAAA!!!
Perfect victory: No problem.... Whooo!
Victory with dead one: Heh heh, oh, oh eh, oh...
Escape: Come y'all! RUN!
Game Over: Justin you fool, you damn fool!

Joins: When investigating the Tower Of Doom
Leaves: When returning to Laine after obtaining Dorlin's lost horn
Advantage: Strong
Disadvantage: No magic and pretty slow

Boosting Milda is the same as the Chewbacca defense method: IT DOES NOT MAKE
SENSE!!! Why since Milda will leave the party to soon. I normally have her only
equipped with an Axe and never with a mace of sword. Her Axe Level will be
transferred to Justin after she leaves, but hey... He's the only one you'll be
able to transfer it to :)

* Guido
General winning quote: Hmmmm.... we won, WE WON!!
Perfect victory: Piece o' cake!
Boss victory: WE WON! WE WON! BIG-A WIN!!
Victory with dead one: ?
Escape: ?

Joins: When you must go to the shrine of Zil Padon
Leaves: When you reach the gateway to Alent
Advantage: Combo will always be three times. For the rest none!
Disadvantage: All

For Guido counts the same story as for Milda. Guido's "Mogay Hypo" is very handy
to enable Justin to do one more Dragon Cut. In the battle against Nana, Saki and
Mio this move can also be very handy. I prefer to let Guido use a bow, to be
able to attack at distance. Bow skills can after he leaves only be transferred
to Rapp.

* Liete
General winning quote: That was rather simple
Perfect victory: That was an easy victory
Boss victory: Sigh... the evil ones are gone
Victory with dead one: ?
Escape: Let's retreat... for now
Game over: It seems we lost... oh well... these things happen

Joins: After defeating the three bosses at Alent
Leaves: End of game
Advantage: Nice magic
Disadvantage: She's ain't as special as she appears to be.

One good thing is that you don't need any mana eggs on her. She'll have all
magic groups initially. She joins soooo late that boosting her will be more
trouble then it's worth. But she has nice healing spells so she can take over
healing and stuff from Feena and Justin when needed.

*** Mana eggs ***
To obtain magic skills you'll need mana eggs and you'll have to take them to a
store to obtain a magic group. In this section I'll tell you where to find all
mana eggs I found and in which order you can use them best.

1 - Will be obtained after defeating Giant Squid. Be sure that Sue or Justin
will have it and that you get at least a free inventory spot
2 - Merryl road. On the west side.
3 - Tunnel under the church where you go to rescue Feena. Hard to get.
You'll find one sluice that can be used from both sides of the water flow.
Close it again after crossing this flow. Go further. Ignore the lower square
(for now) you'll find another sluice. Close it. Go down the lower square.
GO more down (now you can, it was filled with water before). Here's a
tunnel (hard to spot but it's really there). Go trough it and you can reach
the mana egg. Turning the camera can be required to spot it.
4 - Rangle Mountains somewhere at the west (if I haven't mistaken
5 - Rangle Mountains, left side of the exit
6 - Dom ruins. In a chest near the boss
7 - Valley of the flying dragon. Where the plant forms a going-around-stairs
8 - Valley of the flying dragon. Hidden near a turning flower (near exit)
9 - Mount Typhoon. On a little island surrounded by poison
10 - Typhoon tower. Left hall from the entrance. Can't miss it
11 - Petriefied Forest. Keep going left after entering the petrified Cafu
12 - Alent. At the stone pillars right next to the entrance. Before the sand
13 - Gaia. I also found some by fighting a certain enemy. But then they are
worthless since you can't reach a store anymore when you reached that

Now for the recommended order:
1 - Justin, water
2 - Justin, earth
3 - Feena, water
4 - Justin, fire
5 - Feena, wind
6 - Feena, earth
8 - Justin, wind
9 - Rapp, water
10 - Rapp, earth
11 - Rapp, wind

*** Important hint on water training ***
This goes for all characters that obtain the water element skill. If you want
that character to raise much in water level you mustn't be to eager to recover
at save spots. First use the cheapest healing spell to heal everybody. When the
save spot is near a trap, fall into in on purpose and you got a reason to heal
again. Every healing spells will bring you extra EXP.

Another thing is to use Snooze often on large ammount of enemies. Can work out
to increase your level!

*** Skill and spell lists ***
These lists contain most of the spells and skills a character can acquire.
Left collumn is the skill/spell name, the right collumn is the required levels.

If a skill is marked with for example "(Knife only)" you can only use that
skill if your equoipped with a knife

* = Justin can only acquire these skills after Gadwin has thought him
Dragon Cut
** = Feena can only use these spells when she obtained her secret powers

* Justin *
| V-Slash | Sword 1 |
| W-Break | Sword 6, Mace 4 |
| Shockwave | Mace 7, Axe 12 |
| Midair Cut | Mace 10, Axe 12 |
| Lotus Cut | Sword 12, Fire 8 |
| Ice Slash | Axe 16, Wind 10, Water 10 |
| Thor Cut | Sword 23, Fire 27, Wind 17 |
| Immortal Aura | Sword 20, Mace 25, Axe 22 |
| Dragon Cut * | Sword 16, Fire 6, Earth 7 |
| Heaven and Earth Cut * | Sword 32, Mace 29, Axe 30 |
Level 1 magic
| Burn | Fire 1 |
| Zap! | Fire 5, Wind 4 |
| Howl | Wind 1 |
| Crackle | Wind 3, Water 2 |
| Freeze | Wind 6, Water 5 |
| Heal | Water 1 |
| Snooze | Water 3 |
| Cure | Water 3, Earth 2 |
| Diggin' | Earth 1 |
| BOOM! | Earth 7, Fire 6 |
Level 2 magic
| Burnflame | Fire 4 |
| Burnstryke | Fire 18 |
| Zap! All | Fire 10, Wind 9 |
| Howlslash | Wind 6 |
| Cold | Wind 10, Water 8 |
| Crackling | Wind 10, Water 12 |
| Alheal | Water 5 |
| Healer | Water 8 |
| Tremor | Earth 3 |
| BOOM-POW! | Earth 10, Fire 10 |
Level 3 magic
| Burnflare | Fire 9 |
| Fireburner | Fire 25 |
| Dragon Zap! | Fire 21, Wind 19 |
| Gadzap! | Fire 19, Wind 15 |
| Howlnado | Wind 23 |
| Resurrect | Water 16 |
| Alhealer+ | Water 20 |
| Halvah | Water 19, Earth 16 |
| Quake | Earth 19 |
| BA-BOOM | Earth 20, Fire 19 |

* Sue *
NOTE! I'm sure that I won't cover all the spells for Sue. Reason for that is
since she'll leave so soon I never boosted her out. If you did and want to update
the FAQ. Fine with me, e-mail me and I'll see if I can update her lists

| Puffy Kick | Throw 1 |
| "Rah-Rah" - Cheer | Throw 1, Mace 1 |
| Round Wacker *** | Mace 7 |
| Fire Away (Throw/Bow Only) | Throw 10 |
| Yawn *** | Mace 10, Water 3 |
| Fight Cheer *** | Mace 8, Earth 2, Fire 3
Level 1 Magic
| Heal | Water 1 |
| Snooze | Water 3 |
| The rest is unknown. Sorry | |

*** = Never tested by me. Somebody sent it to me. I won't test if it's correct
anyway. I'll trust that they are real. I know nothing about what these
moves do, so don't ask me, OK?

* Feena *
| Knifehurl (Knife only) | Knife 3 |
| Randomhurl (Knife only) | Knife 10 |
| Paralyze Whip (Whip only) | Whip 4 |
| Fire Whip (Whip only) | Whip 14, Fire 12 |
| Zap! Whip (Whip only) | Whip 24, Fire 15, Wind 15 |
Magic level 1
| Burn | Fire 1 |
| Howl | Wind 1 |
| Runner | Wind 2 |
| Crackle | Wind 3, Water 2 |
| Heal | Water 1 |
| Snooze | Water 3 |
| Cure | Water 3, Earth 2 |
| Diggin' | Earth 1 |
| WOW! | Earth 1, Fire 1 |
| ?? ** (It'll be in this FAQ!! Check | Water 99, Wind 99 |
| my updates) | |
Magic level 2
| Burnflame | Fire 4 |
| Howlslash | Wind 6 |
| Shhh! | Wind 12 |
| Crackling | Wind 10, Water 12 |
| Alheal | Water 5 |
| Healer | Water 12 |
| ?? | Water 12, Earth 10 |
| Tremor | Earth 3 |
| Tree of Life ** | Water 23, Earth 22 |
Magic level 3
| Burnflare | Fire 9 |
| Dragon Zap! | Fire 21, Wind 19 |
| Fiora | Wind 8, Water 10 |
| Protect | Wind 20, Water 23 |
| Resurrect | Water 16 |
| Alhealer+ | Water 20 |
| ?? | Water 13, Earth 13 |
| Halvah | Water 19, Earth 16 |
| ?? | Water 20, Earth 18 |
| End of the World ** | Fire 27 |

* Gadwin *
Note: Gadwin has magic, but he can only use Fire and Earth. You can't use
mana eggs on him.
| Fly Cut | Sword 4 |
| Eruption Cut | Sword 8, Earth 3, Fire 3 |
| Dragon Cut | Sword 16, Earth 7, Fire 6 |
Magic level 1
| Burn | Fire 1 |
| Diggin' | Earth 1 |
| Def-Loss | Earth 6 |
| WOW! | Earth 4, Fire 5 |
| BOOM! | Earth 7, Fire 6 |
Magic level 2
| Burnflame | Fire 4 |
| Burnstryke | Fire 18 |
| Tremor | Earth 3 |
| Gravety | Earth 12 |
| ?? | Earth 13, Fire 13 |
| BOOM-POW! | Earth 10, Fire 10 |
Magic level 3
| Burnflare | Fire 9 |
| Fireburner | Fire 25 |
| Quake | Earth 19 |
| BA-BOOM! | Earth 20, Fire 18 |

* Rapp *
| Mist Hide | Knife 5 |
| Doppelganger (Sword and knife only) | Knife 5, Sword 9 |
| Death Sword (Sword and knife only)?| Knife 16, Sword 14 |
| Missile (Throw only) | Throw 7 |
| Fireball (Throw only) | Throw 12, Fire 10 |
| Sidethrow (Throw only) | Throw 22 |
| Discutter | Knife 10, Sword 17, Throw 15 |
| Demon Ball | Knife 20, Sword 18, Throw 23 |
| Neo Demon Ball | Knife 24, Sword 25, Throw 32 |
Magic level 1
| Burn | Fire 1 |
| Howl | Wind 1 |
| Runner | Wind 2 |
| Heal | Water 1 |
| Snooze | Water 3 |
| Poizn | Water 5, Earth 3 |
| Stram | Water 6, Earth 5 |
| Diggin' | Earth 1 |
| Def-Loss | Earth 6 |
| WOW! | Earth 5, Fire 5 |
Magic level 2
| Burnflame | Fire 4 |
| Burnstryke | Fire 18 |
| Zap! All | Fire 18, Wind 8 |
| Shhh! | Wind 12 |
| Crackling | Wind 10, Water 12 |
| Healer | Water 8 |
| Craze | Water 10, Earth 10 |
| Gravity | Earth 12 |
| Meteor Stryke | Earth 15, Fire 13 |
| BOOM-POW! | Earth 10, Fire 10 |
Magic level 3
| Burnflare | Fire 9 |
| Fireburner | Fire 25 |
| Dragon Zap | Fire 21, Wind 19 |
| Howlnado | Wind 23 |
| Fiora | Wind 8, Water 10 |
| Alhealer+ | Water 20 |
| ?? | Earth 13, Water 13 |
| Halvah | Earth 19, Water 16 |
| Quake | Earth 19 |
| BA-BOOM! | Earth 20, Fire 18 |

* Milda *
NOTE! Milda has can't learn magic
| Milda Kick | Forgot the levels, but Milda has all|
| Splitter | moves by default and won't learn new|
| Milda Hit | ones, so it doesn't matter! |

* Guido *
NOTE! Just like Milda he can't learn magic
| Mogay Shot (Throw/Bow Only) | Throw 5 |
| Mogay Bomb | Throw 12 |
| Mogay Hypo | Knife 15, Sword 6 |
| Power Up | Knife 19, Sword 10 |
| Mogay Pickpocket | Knife 13, Sword 8, Throw 15 |

* Liete *
| Redshock | Mace 10 |
| Enchanters Dance | Mace 18 |
Magic Level 1
| Burn | Fire 1 |
| Zap! | Fire 5, Wind 4 |
| Howl | Wind 1 |
| Freeze | Wind 6, Water 5 |
| Heal | Water 1 |
| Poizn | Water 5, Earth 3 |
| Stram | Water 6, Earth 5 |
| Diggin' | Earth 5 |
| BOOM! | Earth 7, Fire 6 |
| Magical Art | Fire 12 |
Magic Level 2
| Burnflame | Fire 4 |
| Zap! All | Fire 10, Wind 9 |
| Howlslash | Wind 6 |
| Cold | Wind 8, Water 8 |
| Crackling | Wind 10, Water 12 |
| Alhealer | Water 12 |
| Craze | Water 10, Earth 10 |
| Gravity | Earth 12 |
| Meteor Stryke | Earth 15, Fire 13 |
| Star Symphony | Water 20, Earth 20 |
Magic Level 3
| Fireburner | Fire 25 |
| Dragon Zap | Fire 21, Wind 19 |
| Gadzap | Fire 19, Wind 15 |
| Howlnado | Wind 23 |
| Protect | Wind 20, Water 23 |
| Resurrect | Water 16 |
| Alhealer+ | Water 20 |
| Quake | Earth 19 |
| BA-BOOM! | Earth 20, Fire 18 |
| ?? | Fire 23, Wind 24 |

*** Skills and spells detailed ***
Here they go in alphabetic order:

- Alheal (Water)
Heals all allies

- Alhealer (Water)
Strong healing on all allies

- Alhealer+ (Water)
The normal Alhealer can do much of the healing already, and this spell
is soooooo slow that enemies will use the fact that you cast this spell
against you (mostly causing "Game Over")
It's function is very strong healing over all allies.

- BA-BOOM!!! (Explosion)
Explosion on all enemies. Nice to use when you're out of SP for Dragon Cut

- BOOM! (Explosion)
Exlosion in range

- BOOM-POW! (Explosion)
Strong explosion move that hits all enemies

- Burn (Fire)
Burns one target and everybody too close to the targets (except allies)
Nice starting move. Boosting with it is possible though...

- Burnflame (Fire)
Fire attack on large range. Also nice to boost fire levels quickly

- Burnflare (Fire)
Fire attack on all enemies.

- Burnstryke (Fire)
Fire attack on one target. Requirements are higher than its worth

- Cold (Blizzard)
Slows down an enemy

- Crackle (Blizzard)
Cold attack on one enemy

- Crackling (Blizzard)
Cold attack on ALL enemies

- Craze (Forest)
Confuses one target

- Cure (Forest)
Cures poison.

- Death Sowrd (Non-Elemental) (Skill: Rapp)
"I'll kill you in one blow". Possible instant kill attack.

- Def-Loss (Earth)
Lowers all enemies defense. Nice to boost Gadwin's and Rapp's earth level

- Diggin' (Earth)
Increases everybody's defense for this battle. Nice to boost earth levels for
Justin in order to obtain Dragon Cut

- Discutter (Non-Elemtnal) (SKill: Rapp)
Will attack all enemies on one row seen from Rapp to target

- Demon Ball (Non-Elemental) (Skill: Rapp)
Heavy attack on one enemy

- Doppelganger (Non-Elemental) (Skill: Rapp)
Rapp will divide into three forms of himself and they will all hit one single
enemy. Good for boosting and my favorite boss-move for Rapp.

- Dragon Cut (Explosion) (Skill: Gadwin/Justin)
Strong explosion will hurt all enemies REALLY bad. And when used on much and
strong enemies this move will be a blessing in your training.
Justin can acquire this move when Gadwin teaches it to him

- Dragon Zap! (Lightning)
Very strong lightning attack on all enemies

- End of the World
All enemies will have 999 damage. Most normal enemies won't
survive it. (Bosses will if they got enough HP)
Only available when Feena obtains her secret power

- Eruption Cut (Explosion) (Skill: Gadwin)
Explosion attack on one target. Worthless move

- Fiora (Blizzard)
Makes an enemy unable to use his skills

- Fire Away (Non-Elemental) (Skill: Sue)
Sue will fire arrows all around causing pretty much damage.
Use only when you want to miss a lot of EXP!

- Fireburner (Fire)
Strong fire attack on one target

- Fire Whip (Fire) (Skill: Feena)
Feena will whack everybody in range on a chosen target with fire

- Fly Cut (Non-Elemental) (Skill: Gadwin)
Er... Never used this one... An attack on one target if I remember it well

- Freeze (Blizzard)
Makes the movement of all enemies much slower

- Gadzap (Lightning)
Very strong lightning attack on one enemy

- Gravity (Earth)
Makes one enemy almost unable to walk in any direction

- Halvah (Forest)
Cures all status changes. I think the requirements for this
spell are way too high.

- Heal (Water)
Heals one target a little. See my water-boost note

- Healer (Water)
Heals one target a lot

- Heaven and Earth Cut
(Non-elemental) (Skill: Justin)
Justin's strongest attack on all targets. Not really usefull since it requires
too much SP.
Justin can only learn this one if Gadwin taught him "Dragon Cut"

- Howl (Wind)
Wind attacks on all in rage. Nice to boost for Zap! Whip (Feena) and since
the alligators in the petrified forest are only vulnerable to wind.

- Howlnado (Wind)
Alies and enemies will be be blown all over the screen. But only you enemies
will get hurt

- Howlslash (Wind)
Strong wind attack on all targets. Nice to boost Feena for Zap! Whip and for
fighting alligators

- Ice Slash (Blizzard) (Skill: Justin)
Ice atttack. Requirements to get this one are way too high

- Immortal Aura(Non-Elemental) (Skill: Justin)
Justin will be immortal for a short while. Not really usefull since Justin
mostly needs his SP elseway.

- Knifehurl (Non-elemental) (Skill: Feena)
Don't know. Never tried it!

- Lotus Cut (Fire) (Skill: Justin)
Attack with flame power. Not very usefull

- Magical Art (Fire)
Liete will draw a dragon who spits fire on one enemy.
Looks funny, but not very usefull.

- Meteor Stryke(Explosion)
Heavy meteors will crush one enemy

- MidAir Cut (Non-elemental) (Skill: Justin)
Ultimate move for bosses. Not really handy for training. Heavy attack on
one target

- Milda Hit (Non-Elemental) (Skill: Milda)
Super Combo on one target. My favorite for Milda on bosses!

- Milda Kick (Non-Elemental) (Skill: Milda)
Milda will kick an enemy. Not really impressive

- Missile (Non-Elemental) (Skill: Rapp)
Heavy attack on one target

- Mist Hide (Non-Elemnntal) (Skill: Rapp)
Rapp could move to another spot. Pretty worthless, but I use it when he
has nothing else to do. It still grants EXP, y'know!

- Mogay Bomb (Non-Elemental) (Skill: Guido)
A wise player uses Guido's SP better. It's an attack on one target

- Mogay Hypo (Non-Elemental) (Skill: Guido)
Guido will transfer 45 SP to somebody else. I use this pretty often on
Justin. Nice for Justin's Dragon Cut training and nice to hold it a little
longer in the fight against Nana, Saki and Mio.

- Mogay Shot (Non-Elemental) (Skill: Guido)
Attack with bow on one target. Not really impressive

- Neo Demon Ball
(Non-Elemental) (Skill: Rapp)
Rapp's strongest move. Will hurt all enemies. Personally I seldom use it!

- Paralyze Whip(Non-Elemental) (Skill: Feena)
Damages one enemy, which could possibly get paralyzed

- Poizn (Forest)
Poisons all enemies in range of the target

- Power Up (Non-Elemental) (Skill: Guido)
Makes one ally stronger

- Protect (Blizzard)
Makes one character invincible for a short while.

- Puffy Kick (Non-Elemental) (Skill: Sue)
Sue will throw Puffy to the enemy who'll get hurt pretty bad. Be carefull,
When you don't got healing spells yet, "Rah-Rah" Cheer is holy!

- Quake (Earth)
Earthquake. Hurts all enemies.

- "Rah-Rah" Cheer
(Non-Elemental) (Skill: Sue)
In the beginning of the game this move is HOLY!!! When you got healing
spells I recommend them in stead of this.
Sue will act as a cheerleader cheering her allies up which heals them
all a little.

- Randomhurl (Non-elemental) (Skill: Feena)
Don't know. Never tried it!

- Resurrect (Water)
Revives a dead party member and put him/her back on full HP

- Round Wacker (Non-elemental) (Skill: Sue)
Unknown. Spongebob has told me about this move. I never boosted
Sue up to get this move.

- Runner (Wind)
Will increase the walking speed of all allies in range of a chose target.
The target him/herself will increase even more.
Nice to boost Feena's wind power.

- Shhh! (Wind)
Could make an enemy unable to use magic

- Shockwave (Non-elemental) (Skill: Justin)
Strong attack on all targets whitin a range. Not used much by me, since it
ain't that great. But you can get a nice ammount of EXP for it.

- Sidethrow (Non-Elemental) (Skill: Rapp)
Er... I honestly don't know. I could check it for my update

- Snooze (Water)
Makes all enemies fall asleep. Nice to boost your water level when you meet
much enemies.

- Splitter (Non-Elemental) (Skill: Milda)
Milda will knock the ground causing an earthquake hurting all enemies bad.
Nice to boost if you want. (Not that it makes that much sense)

- Star Symphony(Forest)
Liete will do a little dance guided by stars... Looks funny.
Will increase all statistics. Should be useful if not ALL the bosses dispell
this with "Vanish"

- Stram (Forest)
I tried this move over and over, but it's purpose still remains a mystery
to me

- Thor Cut (Lightning) (Skill: Justin)
Lightning attack on one target. Requirements are way too high

- Tremor (Earth)
Earth attack on all targets. I personally use it for two purposes.
1 - To get rid of Nana's and Mio's helpers in the millitary base
2 - To train Justin's earth level, when diggin' brough everybody to def
level 7

- Tree Of Life (Forest)
All characters will be at full HP and all statusses restored.
Can only be learned if Feena has obtained her secret powers.

- V-Slash (Non-elemental) (Skill: Justin)
Strong attack on one target. Nice as long as you don't have Mid Air Cut

- W-Break (Non-elemental) (Skill: Justin)
Same a V-Slash, but supposed to be stronger. Didn't really notice.

- WOW! (Explosion)
Increases strength of one ally. NOT TO BE USED FOR BOOSTING EXP!

- Yawn (Water) (Skill: Sue)
Without a doubt something with sleep. But I never boosted Sue
to the this move. Spongebob told me about this.

- Zap! (Lightning)
Lightning attack on targets within range

- Zap! All (Lightning)
Lightning attack on all targets

- Zap! Whip (Lightning) (Skill: Feena)
My favorite boss-move for Feena. Strong attack with lightning power

Other FAQs by Tricrokra
Breath Of Fire III - Manillo Trading Shops
Breath Of Fire III - Fishing list
Breath Of Fire IV - Boss Guide
Breath Of Fire IV - Combo Guide
Grandia - Boss Guide
Grandia - Skill Guide
Granstream Saga - Boss Guide
Wild Arms - Boss Guide
Wild Arms 2 - Boss Guide

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15.Октябрь 2013
Skill Guide

15.Октябрь 2013
Bosses and Spells Guide

15.Октябрь 2013
Bonus Dungeon Guide

15.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
engl. Hinweis
10.Октябрь 2008

10.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018