

15.10.2013 18:48:08


Grandia Bonus Dungeon Walkthrough


1. Intro.
2. Bonus dungeons-
Castle Of Dreams
Soldiers Grave
Tower of Temptation
3. Extra Tid-bits

1. Intro

This walkthrough is written by Zero (

One reason that I'm writing this is that I think this is one of the best
games of the year, next to Star Ocean and you should be able to enjoy it
more with this walkthrough because these bonus areas can be annoying.

This is my first walkthrough, but I'm pretty sure it'll help you out. I
decided to write this because I haven't found any other good walkthrough
for the bonus areas in this game. And if your thinking of buying the
official walkthrough for Grandia don't, I did and it sucks, it has nothing
on the bonus dungeons except how to get to a couple of them and that's it.
Their strategy guide barely has anything on items, weapons or even the
characters, it's just a picture guided straight up walkthrough. Boring...

Anyway I'm sure I'll be making an update on this mainly for my direction
use, sorry about left and right dir. instead of east and west type of
direction. Now to the bonus dungeons...

To start off, a big warning. These dungeon are not part of the game and
aren't necessary for any plot advancement a they make sure you know that.
All of the monsters are fairly hard to beat without good magic and will
give nearly nothing for experience for level you are on, including
experience for your weapons and magic.

Also I would recommend getting to these dungeons before finishing the
J base area. Once you have finished that area the desert is no longer
accessible so you lose two of the dungeons.

I'm also writing this in the order I would recommend you doing the bonus
dungeons. From easiest to hardest, of course.

An extra note: I've read in a couple places that there is a fourth bonus
dungeon located in the desert and it looks like a pyramid. I don't
believe it because I have searched the entire desert or so I think I did.
If you find it please email me

2. Bonus Dungeons

Castle of Dreams

The first bonus area you visit should probably be the Castle of Dreams.
It is the easiest of the bonus dungeons and the quickest to beat with a
nice weapon that can help with the other dungeons. To get to the castle
you need to go to the exit of the southern part of the Zil Desert on the
second disk.

Facing towards the broken pillars with the exit behind you head right
along the rocky wall on the left, stay on that wall and you'll run right
into the entrance to the castle. Once you're in you'll notice a weird
setting, just go up the stairs and talk to the girl, that'll lower the
gate to the castle and head in. Make use of the save in the main hall of
the castle.

Head to the left to the castles cemetery. Nothing too special in the
cemetery, stay away from the walls if you get too close some spikes come
out and do damage, not much though. There's some money on the floor and
to get the treasure on the platform in the water you can cross over on
the legs of the of the half turtle like platform and it's easily reached.

Next area, head back out and recover if needed, the next room is the
knights room and it is just right of the cemetery. Once in you'll notice
some statues, if you walk along a certain path, i.e. straight up the
middle or straight up side ect., the statues will hop and mage like
monsters will appear. They are really annoying so just avoid them and
head to the door on the left.

This is just a small room with little treasure and one monster. Next room,
head up the stairs and go right to your left, you'll probably have to
fight those butterfly like monsters, easily dealt with, keep heading to
the left and get the knife then go in the dinning hall doors. Again
there's nothing much in this room grab any treasure and head back out.
Recover and head back up the stairs.

The next room is up another little flight stairs and on the left. There
are some nice treasures in this room and they're hidden fairly well
behind all the junk in the room. Back out again. You don't need to recover
for the next room at the end of the hall. It has a save point and take
full advantage of it. Behind the save is some more fallen stuff with a
good whip under it, get it.

Now the dresser in front of the save opens up to go to the roof. Go across
the vine and into the room, down the vine and talk to the lady. She
whines about the cursed sword and sends her dead dad out to kill you. Hope
you saved...

Make sure to bring a couple of resu potions because the experience you get
from him is around 10000 and after the experienceless monsters that's hard
to pass up on any character. I was on level 30 with Justin and around that
with my other three characters and it took me three tries to beat him. The
main thing to keep in mind is to keep your characters as far away from
each other as possible. He has the zap attack with takes off around 70 hp
and his eye beam does about the same and if it's hitting a bunch of your
characters than it'll kill you quick.

Just kill his staff really quick and his head and body are the same so
just use some good magic and you'll be fine. Don't attack with physical
hits except Justin's Thor Cut, because it groups your characters together
and he usually dodges then anyway.

Once you beat him you'll get a nice sword and just leave.

Soldiers Grave

Another dungeon with really annoying monsters. Magic works very well, but
I was around level 33 and was able to kill them fairly easily with my
weapons. Make sure and bring a couple weapons for each character because
some of the weapons they have take off zero hp on most monsters. And they
give barely anything for experience again.

To get to this dungeon go to the entrance of the Zil desert on the north
part from where you first enter the desert. Head to the right side of the
entrance and follow that wall all the way to about the middle of the desert
wall. There should be an entrance to the soldiers graveyard, it's pretty
easy to spot. Once inside save and search around if you want some little
treasures. There isn't anything special on this floor, mostly money.

Now from the entrance go to the path on the left. When this path splits
take the right path. You should be at a spot with a large crevice and two
pads for jumping across. Don't jump just fall. When you fall down head to
the right, shortly after that the area should open up a little and in the
wall on the right there is an opening, slightly hidden. Once in it is
about the same as the previous floor, again not much for treasures.

Once your done looking around the entrance to the next floor is pretty easy
to find because the rest of the floor has dead ends. The next floor is a
lot more like a temple. Just head straight down the corridor till you
reach some stairs. Now this floor has a few treasures on it and mostly
money again. One room has another big crack across that, just fall again.

Now these next floors have a lot of treasures and even more monsters. There
are also lot of false walls. Just walk right against the walls and if it's
fake it'll disappear. On about the 3rd or 4th floor there is a boss. He is
really easy. I beat him with him only attacking me once. All you need to
do is just keep hitting him or even using some magic. Justin's Thor Cut
works well again.

After you beat him you might find a treasure chest that's too high to get.
To get it to lower you must find four soldiers souls. They are all behind
some false walls on multiple levels. None are above the second level though.
Be careful too, because when you get those treasures more monsters will
appear. Mainly the wolf guys, they're really annoying but pretty easy to
beat with even your weapons.

After you get the fourth soul the picture should flash to the raised chest
and it should lower. It didn't for me though I may have just gone too quick,
but I went back to the chest nearest to the raised treasure and just touched
it and the picture flashed to the treasure then it lowered, I'm not sure why.
That's it for this dungeon, the way out for the temple area is always the
stairs then to get back up you need to just find the path back out, it's
pretty easy. The monsters don't come back until you leave the entire

Now the hard part....

Tower of Temptation

Make sure and bring some resu, blue and ultra potions and drinks. You'll
need them towards the top of the tower. I was on level 35 to 39 my second
time through and the monsters where still as annoying as the first time I
went through seven levels lower. Now to get to the tower if you've all
ready been to Alent in space go to where you crashed the rocket.

From that entrance nearest the rocket head east and you should pass the
rocket on your left. Shortly after that you should run in to a mountain
with one of those paths that go up the side of it, go up it. You should
still be heading east and if you can't tell which way east is, that little
direction thing in the corner has a little knob like thing and that is
north and the red part is south, just go off that.

Once you get off the mountain path head west and stay right along the wall,
you should be going right under the path you just got off also. If you
stay along that wall you'll eventually be heading north and should pass
some scorpion and bird like monsters. Just a little after the mountain
path goes out of sight you should be able to see a hole in the wall your
walking along. It is kind of hidden, if your not loking for it you really
won't see it.

When you go in you wont be able to see where you're going but the exit is
towards the North east and there's a little treasure in one of the paths
that go left once your in it.

Once out of that go in the building and to the transport, the item thing
has some nice rare items for sale in it and they kind help with the tower.
Get on the teleport and push X, you'll be teleported to another area, I
don't know where. There are a lot of weapons around you but dont get them.
They are the zero weapons, for training only, they take off zero damage
and you need the room in your item inventory anyway. Just get them after
you finish the tower or if you dont mind going back looking for an item
save in a town.

Now off the teleporter and head North, watch out there are a few sets of
Dragon knights and they aren't much fun to fight. Go into the first door
you see, it's blue. Once inside just head up, there are two sets of bats
in the cross kind of parts of the hall. I was able to take them out pretty
easily with just regular attacks. Next up is a four way with some dragon
knights. Try to avoid them, they're just a waste of time and have 558 hp.
Only one of the monsters in this tower give any good exp.

The south path has the teleporter from the fourth floor which will be
available later. The north path has a plus on the floor, just touch it
and it'll disappear. The east path has the rock that the plus disappears
to and that opens another door.

Head back out and go to the east and there should be a red door. Go in and
a ways up there is another four way. the west path has another set of bats
and a treasure at the dead end. The east path is another dead end. Back
out once your done with that one and head North east to a green door. This
room has a bunch of chared walls. If you push X on them they blow in and
some have treasures. One has a tablet with writing on it and I haven't
been able to tell what it's for. If you have any idea please email me,
it's up top, it would be very appreciated and I would credit you for any
info you gave me.

Back out again and heading to the North West to the main entrance with a
Grey-green door. Once in open the red/black door if you put the plus in
the rock. Go up the stairs then out to the rampart. There are two more
sets of bats. Don't try to run form them because they are really fast and
it'll just end up in an ambush. Back in and then another four way. The
path to the north has an elevator to the 2nd floor and so does the east
path. The south path is a dead end, I think with treasure, maybe not :).

Go to the east elevator and there are more bats once you go up then
another elevator to a red and black door that goes out to another rampart.
This also has two sets of bats and because of the space if you stay along
the wall you can run from them. Now the fourth floor. Theres a soldiers
statue just go past it he helps later. All the way up the hall, don't
worry about the walls shutting behind you. The wolf guys have six for
each battle and there's two or three sets of them up this hall and you
pretty much have to fight them.

At he end pull the lever and the dirt walls open it doesn't matter which
you take it's a circle but make sure and pull the lever in the middle of
the circle. The next wall falls that popped up behind you after you go
back. Open the dirt walls with X again and take the north path, the
others a trap. Push the blue button on the head thing and keep pushing
till he turns all the ay back to you. The north path is another trap but
the wall with the animal on it falls to get out.

Go to the west path and pull the lever at the end of that. Go back and
again the walls go down, take the south path and pull the lever then go
north and you'll wind around back to the entrance with the soldier, he'll
help you out a bit and take that path he opens. A lot of walls should
open up in front of you. At the three way the path to the Northwest is
an elevator to the 7th floor and to the south is and teleport back to the
1st. You might want to go back out and save, the teleport still works to
get back up and the monsters stay gone as long as you don't turn the game

Now up to the seventh floor. There are a lot of locked doors in this
floor, once you wind around to going north west and pass a green door the
wall a little ways in front is almost black and opens up. Go in and push
the blue button, just walk on it. Watch out for the mages, they disappear
and circle the button. Really annoying to fight. Now go back and turn
south west the blue door is now open just go under and down the stairs.

Take the east turn and own more stairs. Go north and the wall on the
northeast side of the next stairs opens get the goodie and go back push the
button next to the stairs go up the stairs you came down. Go north at the
turn and fall down the hole. Go east and watch out for ghosts only magic
really hurts them and if you do fight the zap attacks work well.

Keep going till you get to more stairs and push the button next to it go
up the stairs. The wall on the south west of the hole opens for an item.
Fall down the hole and go south and up the stairs, around again to the
next stairs and go up push the button next to the stairs go own and push
the button next to those stairs and now take the diaganol path through to
the next stairs, it should go to a hall with some bigger rooms down it
with holes in the middle, watch out for the holes they will set you back
a ways if you fall.

Ghosts are in the hall just past that hole and after that some more
stairs up to the 7th floor. Head east and hit the black button, go back
a little ways and there should be all the black and red doors open, head
north east and then an opening and head south east to open a wall. You
should be by a red door thats locked with ghosts guarding that wall that
opens, you'll probably have to fight them a then open the wall and push
the button to open the red door. Go under the red door to get the purple
button, hit that button the go back a under the purple door. It's right
next to the red door.

Right after the purple door at another cross section in the hall there
are some gaia brains, they are the only monsters that give any good
experience. They're just like the bats so just beat em up with regular
attacks and they're worth about 850 exp. Wind around the halls again and
hit the gold button. Go back under the red door to the purple button and
head north when the hall comes to a split head west shortly to an indent
in the wall, it opens for a treasure. Go back and around the circle a
little more to under the gold door. Hit the green button.

Go back to the red door and head south west then north west at a turn and
then northeast. You should be back by the first wall you opened and this
time go under the green door to the stairs and go up. You can also go
back to the elevator and back to the fourth floor then teleport to the
first to get the save and recover. If you do the elevator stays active
and all the doors you opened stay open.

Another fun part, more repetitive if any thing. The stairs lead up to
the 9th floor which is a large circle. It has five or six hall ways all
with trap doors near the begining of them. I fyou fall down them you go
to the 8th floor which is a little maze with one way back up to the ninth.
The eighth floor has a couple treasures, but nothing special, including a
lot of monsters. I would just skip it.

To get over the trap doors, just walk right up to the edge of the doors
and let them open. The holes are really easy to see even before they open,
a couple of them shake when you get near and the rest you can see the edges
at a good angle. Once they close you have quite a bit of time to run over
them. All of the halls have some little treasure or monster, but no way out
or up.

To get to the next floor go to the hall to the south east and fall down the
first hole you see. ---- Just a quick warning though. Once you fall down
this hole there is no way back to the other floors till you beat it. Make
sure you brought a few resu potions or anything else that ressurects and
some ultra drinks and blue or gold potions. If your low on magic I would
definitly recommend getting back to the save and recovering, you will need
all the magic you can get.----

Once you fall down the hole there is only one way to go and no secret
passages. On the 10th floor is the first of three bosses. They are all
just like previous bosses except a bit more powerful. The first one is
pretty easy, just take out the mace pretty quickly and pound away at the
rest of him. There is a door to the right of the boss once you beat him
same with the rest.

The 11th floor boss is like the mermaids fish thing and has very similar
attacks. Stay away from him if possible and try to keep your characters
apart. It has a couple of range attacks. The 12th floor boss is a bit
hard and just like the squid in the ghost ship. Take care of the arms as
quick as possible with attacks like thor cut or any large range magic
attacks. The body heals itself automaticly so it makes it easy if you take
out the arms first. If you used range attacks against the arms the body
should be down to about 2 or 3 thousand and you can just use regular attacks.
If your fast enough and constantly hit it, it'll barely be able to attack.

After you beat it there is another red and black door that easily opens.
Not sure why they even put it there, effect i guess. Once your outside
don't go up the stairs, go around the edges because there is some treasures.
After you get those go on up to the middle and collect your rewards. Don't
use the teleport behind the big stand unless you feel like doing all that
over again.

There is an item stasher at the back of the platform with all the tresures
and if you don't have room make sure and stash a couple of items there.
When your done getting what you want just use the teleport and if you
didn't get the zero weapons you can still go back through the original
teleport to get them anytime you want.

Once you have left all of the doors shut and the monsters come back, except
the bosses, so there's really no need to return.

3. Extra Stuff

Warning--minor spoilers

Here's some extra tid-bits I thought might be usefull for the game, mainly
the end.

1. The mana eggs can be hard to find but if you search each area
fairly well you'll end up with enough. I have all of my
character possible to get and I have three extra eggs. Sue
leaves permently so you should probably only give her two
eggs at most, because you might not be able to find all of
them. Your final team is Justin, Feena, Rapp and Riete. So
give them all you want. Riete actually starts off with all
of the elemtents so she doesn't need any.

2. A really good place to level up on the second disk right after
gaia attack everything and all the monsters are turned to gaia
monsters is the savannah. The gaia birds give around 1100 exp.
and if you attack them with Justin's dragon cut it'll give you
98 exp for weapon and half that for fire and earth and it kills
all of them. That was with out the exp. doubler!!! The other
monsters in the savannah give over 500 exp also, most around
800 with the groups they're in. This should be taken advantage
of mainly for Feena. Her final attack requires level 99 water
and wind and if you put the magic exp. doubler on her and
attack those groups of five and six with crackling it'll build
up quick.

3. After Zil Padon is attacked by gaia one of the still colorful
smashed buildings has a rare item selling chest in it, there
was one really good item in it and some other useful attack

Hope you enjoyed this and found it useful. If you found any mistakes or
have something cool to add please email me at

Thanx :)

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