Star Ocean

Star Ocean

14.10.2013 18:15:24
Star Ocean: The Second Story
for the Sony Playstation (English)

Claude Kenni - Walkthrough ver 1.3
Copyright 1999 Michael C. Francisco

Date first written: July 6, 1999
Date first submitted: July 11, 1999 (GMT+800)
Last updated: September 11, 1999 (GMT+800)

Update (ver 1.3):
- Revised TOC
- Added sections on Claude Kenni Disc 2 walkthrough

Legal stuff, blah blah:

- This FAQ/walkthrough is for the reader's personal use, provided
that you do not modify the content in any way, except for MINOR
MINOR formatting. Use of this guide for commercial purposes is

- These are the only sites which officially carry this FAQ:
- Game FAQS
- RPG Fan
- RPG vortex
- Project-K (still under construction)

For those who e-mailed me for request to post my FAQ whose site(s)
didn't appear in the above list, pls. send me the URL of your list
via e-mail so I can add it in my next update.

If you want to make this guide available on your website, you may
do so provided you e-mail me for notification purposes. Reply on my
part is not necessary so long as you just let me know that you're
hosting the guide on your site, it's ok.

- Any errors (except for typos) ? Pls. mail me about'em and I'll check
and revise (if need be). It goes to show that this thing's being
read. For comments, critics (constructive only, I beg you), mail
them to

- Table of Contents: -

A. Game controls/other info

B. Disc 1 Walkthrough

1. Landing in Miliconia
2. Village of Arlia
3. Town of Salva
4. Abduction of Rena
4.1 Return to Arlia and Salva
4.2 Salva Drift
4.3 Return to Arlia
5. Town of Cross
6. Cross Cave
7. Port of Clik
8. Town of Mars
9. Mars Forest
10. Port of Herlie
11. Port of Hilton
12. Town of Lacour
13. Town of Linga
13.1 First visit
13.2 Linga Sanctuary
13.3 Return to Lacour
14. Hoffman Ruins
14.1 Refugees at Lacour Castle
14.2 Hoffman Ruins - get the energy stone
15. Lacour Front Line
15.1 Return to Lacour Castle
15.2 Lacour Front Line
16. Eluria Siege
17. Eluria Colony
18. Eluria Tower

C. Disc 1 Specials (Private Action)

D. Disc 2 Walkthrough (Still under construction)

19. Central Nede
20. North City
21. Noel's house (1)
22. Red Crystal Cave / Endangered Species Preserve
23. Field of Intelligence
24. Field of Power
25. Field of Courage
26. Field of Love

E. Disc 2 Specials (Private Action) - under construction

F. Other pending updates / Acknowledgements

A. - - - - - - - - GAME CONTROLS/OTHER INFO - - - - - - - - -
What is Star Ocean: The Second Story ?
Star Ocean: TSS is an innovative RPG produced by Enix, Tri-Ace
and Links Japan. It has graphics and story comparative to Final
Fantasy VII (previously released on PlayStation). This guide is
about the first of the two characters that you can choose to
play - Claude Kenni.

How to Play:

D-pad = directional pad
L1, R1 = toggle-camera view
L2, R2 = no use
X = X button
O = O button
Tri = Triangle button
Squ = Square button
Sel = Select button
Str = Start button

Game screen (non-battle)
D-pad - move around (walk)
X - action button (open chests, talk)
O - press with D-pad to run
Squ - private action (when close to a town)
Tri/Sel - Toggle camp screen
L1/R1 - camera angle switch

Game screen (battle)
D-pad (+ squ) - move your chosen character around
- switch through characters (when paused)
- scroll through action to perform (in action menu)
O - Pause
X - select action to perform/accept (when paused)
- selects target to attack (when pressed once)
then attacks the target (when pressed a second time)
Tri - bring up action menu (also pauses game)
Squ - pressed together with D-pad to move
L1/R1 - scroll further up/down in item/spell/menu (paused)
- killer move execute (for non-spell casting chars only)
L2/R2 - switch from auto->manual control/vice-versa

Camp screen
D-pad - scroll through menus
X - select/accept
O - cancel/return to game screen
Tri - Toggle talent/skills of current character
Squ - Toggle Descriptions
L1/R1 - scroll further up/down
L2/R2 - switch to/from character

Battle Tips:
- Attack from behind whenever you can.
This way, you minimize the chance of getting hit while still
clobbering your opponent.

- Plan your tactics
If the enemy party consists of a a mage and a fighter, take out the
mage first (with your own mages or just run up to the mage) since
the mage can damage you even when afar while the enemy fighter still
has to move closer to you or your other parties to inflict damage.

- Use your killer moves in a combo-like manner to prevent your enemy
from attacking with his/her own moves.

Notations used:
To make your reading a little easier (for those who just want to
skim through, and for those only after tips), the following nota-
tions have been made.

> - main objective
- - narrative
* - playing tips, hints, stgy, etc.
~ - item/shop/boss information
! - extras
+ - additional info.

B. - - - - - - - - - CLAUDE KENNI DISC 1 WALKTHROUGH - - - - - -

1. Landing in Miliconia

> Find the control panel to the door on the left.

- The game starts with you, Ronnixis and some science officers
exploring the entrance of a cavern. Ronnixis will give you a
Phase Gun, your most powerful weapon during the start of the
game. Inspect the panel at the left of the entrance. A science
officer will take it from there and open the door. You and the
others enter. Ronnixis will order everybody to scout the area,
so walk around and talk to the other officers exploring. There
is a save point on the southwest part of the screen if you want
to save the game now. Continue walking north until you see a
strange device near the north wall. Inspect it and Ronnixis
will order you to stop and look elsewhere. Unfortunately, you
accidentally activate the device and in the next instant, you
disappear from the group.

When you wake up, you find yourself in Shingo Forest (somewhere
far off from Miliconia) in a planet you don't know yet. Run south
to find a girl being chased by a monster. Your first battle
starts (Claude vs. this monster).

* This is a good opportunity to get the hang of your phase gun.

After defeating the monster, you'll catch up with the girl you
just saved. You find out that her name is Rena and she takes
you on a tour of her town - the village of Arlia.

2. Village of Arlia

~ Items: 200 FOL, Leather Armor, Resurrection Bottle
Strawberry Jam -> Carpenter's house
Rose Hips, Blueberry -> Newly Wed Couple's house
Blackberry -> Rena's room

> Go to Rena's house (southewest part of east Arlia)
> Go to the town of Salva

~ --- Hearn's General Store ---
Sandals 10
Rose Hips 230
Lavender 490
Aquaberry 105
Blackberry 200
Blueberry 60
Spectacles 8

- When you reach Arlia, Rena will tell you to look around while
she goes home first. Talk to the people in the village to learn
about the recent earthquakes and other natural disturbances.

* Just look around the village and get information. Don't buy
anything yet.

Go to Rena's house - it's on the southwest corner of the east
part of Arlia village. Here, you meet Westa, Rena's mom and she
offers you to stay for dinner. After dinner, she offers you to
rest for the night before continuing on your journey. Upstairs,
she'll mention about the warrior of legend, thinking that it
might be Claude. When she realizes this, she goes downstairs to
apologize to Rena for mentioning to Claude about the warrior.
You go down to see Regis, the mayor of Arlia with Rena and Wes-
ta. Regis explains to you about the Sorcery Globe and the pro-
phecy about the 'warrior'. You politely clarify things, telling
him that you are not the foretold 'warrior' and that you just
got to Arlia by accident. Regis offers you to rest at his place
before resuming on your journey.

The following day, Regis sends you off to the town of Salva,
where you might get information.

* Don't waste money buying anything for now. Buy blueberries in
the meantime since you can easily return to and from Regis'
place to rest. This is also a good time to level up a bit since
your phase gun inflicts way too much damage for enemies in the
area and you won't be able to use it pretty soon.

3. Town of Salva

> Ask for information about Alen, Salva Drift and the Sorcery Gb.

~ Items: Portrait B -> Alen's room in Alen's mansion (2F)

~ --- Dolphin Kick Jam Store ---
Strawberry Jam 50
Raspberry Jam 60
Apple Jam 70

~ --- Fergusson's Weapon Shop ---
Long Sword 200
Both Shaver 850
Knuckles 110
Leather Helm 50
Leather Armor 300
Sandals 10
Leather Gloves 50

~ --- Fairy Tear Jewelry Store ---
Necklace 1200
Ruby Earing 6000
Silver Barette 1300
Iron 200
Silver 200
Gold 300
Rose Hips 230
Aceras 660
Aquaberry 105
Blackberry 200
Blueberry 60
Spectacles 8

- To the north of Arlia is Salva. It's visible from Arlia, so you
won't get lost on the way. Visit the bar and talk to the people
on the street to learn about the Salva drift, Barnes - mayor of
Salva and his son, Alen-Tax. Return to the village of Arlia af-
ter acquiring information.

* Still don't buy anything aside from blueberry (and blackberry)
since you'll need to save up on cash if you want to buy tougher
weapons and armor later.

4. Abduction of Rena

4.1 Return to Arlia and Salva

> Return to Arlia to find Rena kidnapped
> Return to Salva and go to Alen's mansion to uncover secret
passage to Salva Drift.

- Upon your return to Arlia, you find Regis, Westa and the Priest
by the entrance of the town. They tell you that Rena has been
abducted by Alen-Tax, the son of Salva's mayor. You volunteer
to rescue Rena. Return to Salva again. Head for Alen's mansion
on the southeast corner of the northern part of Salva. Go to
east room of the first floor and look for Rena's hairpin on the
floor. Then, Claude will notice a glowing statue on the upper-
right corner of the room. Touch it to uncover a secret passage
leading to..

4.2 Salva Drift

> Explore Salva Drift and rescue Rena

Items: Rose Hips, Blackberry, Blueberry(2), Silver, Iron, Gold(2)

* Salva drift contains a lot of iron and other minerals, so be
sure to get them before meeting the boss.

- The caverns of Salva drift aren't very confusing, so you should
not be having any problems exploring it. There are 2 save pts.,
1 at the secret entrance, and another before the first boss.
You won't be able to cross the "Dragon's Nest" section, so just
leave that alone for now. It's on the southwest part of the ca-
vern. The boss room is in the Northeast part of the mine just
beside the save point. You'll find Rena strapped to a table and
Alen-Tax. Alen will turn into a monster and you'll do battle
with him.

~ Boss: Alen-Tax (HP: 400)

* This boss is too easy. Slash away with your sword and dodge as
he attacks you. He'll be done in about 10-12 regular attacks.

4.3 Return to Arlia

> Learn more about Rena and the Sorcery Globe
> Go to town of Cross

- After defeating Alen, he'll return to his normal self. He says
that he doesn't remember anything aside from the strange rock
he had found in the mine. You become interested in the "Sorcery
Globe" even more after hearing this. You return to Arlia with
Rena, and Regis thanks you once again. He asks you to investi-
gate the Sorcery Globe. Rena announces that she wants to join
you, and Regis sends her home for the night to get her mother's
permission. Regis requests to talk to you some more after Rena
leaves. You learn that Westa is not Rena's real mother and that
she has mysterious healing powers. After Regis leads you to the
upstairs room to rest, Rena gets your attention by throwing a
stone at the Balcony. She asks you to go down and talk with her
for a while. When you get out of Regis' house, she is nowhere
to be found. She's at the bridge just near the north entrance.
She'll tell you that she knows that she's only an adopted child
which is one of the reasons as to why she wanted to go with you
on your investigation.

* If you go solo to Salva for a 2nd time (after the flashback you
have when you talk with Rena by the house), you'll see a little
girl by the house where you saw Rena. Talk to her and you'll be
given 3 choices. Select 'Maybe' (3rd) and she'll give you a har
monica. This will work only if you pick the 1st ("So, you are a
girl.." or 3rd ("I also want to get married in a place") answer
when you talk to Rena in the Cross cathedral (private action).

5. Town of Cross

> Have an audience with the King
> Ask all the questions presented; get passport and money
> Meet Celine and have her join your party; go to cross cave

~ --- Royal Hunt Weapon Shop ---
Broad Sword 400
Smaller 2000
Rod 10
Leather Helm 50
Banded Helm 120
Banded Mail 600
Robe 10
Wooden Shield 120
Boots 40
Iron Greaves 110

~ --- Royal Hunt Weapon Shop ---
Broad Sword 400
Smaller 2000
Rod 10
Leather Helm 50
Banded Helm 120
Banded Mail 600
Robe 10
Wooden Shield 120
Boots 40
Iron Greaves 110

~ --- Skillie Skill Guild ---
Knowledge 1 300
Sensibility 1 400
Technique 1 400

~ --- Forum Restaurant ---
Seafood 500
Fruit 80
Grain 145
Meat 300
vegetables 30
Egg/Dairy Products 10

~ --- Budabing Budaboom Tool Shop ---
Aquaberry 105
Blackberry 200
Blueberry 60
Cure Paralysis 180
Resurrection Bottle 3600
Rose Hips 230
Spectacles 8
Cure Stone 450

- The following morning, Regis informs you that you should start
your journey by going to the town of Cross to have an audience
with the king and obtain any new information about the sorcery
globe. Cross is further north of Salva. Just follow the pathway
and check the map if you get lost. You'll come across an inter-
section before reaching Cross. You can tell by the big castle
looming in the distance. Rena will persuade you to rest at the
in first since it got dark on your way to Cross. Rena's aunt
owns the inn there so she'll let you stay for free for once. In
the morning, head for the castle and talk to the receptionist
in charge of royal audiences. She'll ask you look around for a
while. After talking to people in the castle, talk to the recep
tionist again or to the guards blocking the stairs leading up.
They'll say that it's your turn to have an audience with the
king and let you pass. Ask the king all the questions shown in
the menu to proceed further in the game. He'll give you a pass-
port and money to be able to travel to the continent of El.

- When you reach central Cross, you'll find 2 people arguing. You
will side with the lady. When the other person leaves, she says
that she overheard your audience with the king and invites you
to go with her to cross cave to search for treasure since you
might find something related to the Sor Globe there. Regardless
of what choice is presented in the menu, you'll be forced to
agree on her plan anyway. She'll introduce hersef as Celine.

* At the first time you rest at the inn, Rena will talk about Di-
as Flac, one of the best swordsmen in Arlia. You'll get to meet
him later.

* Now would be a good time to stock up on berries, weapons and ar
mor since it will be a while until you get to buy better wea-

6. Cross Cave

> Get the ancient writings

- Cross cave is southeast of cross. From cross intersection, go
east (coming from Salva). You'll see a signboard not so far frm
the town. Cross cave is southeast of it. There are a lot of i-
tem chests to be found as well as monsters to fight, so do take
your time there. From the entrance of the cave keep going north
then some rooms to the right. You'll come across a room with a
big rock with glowing lights around it and a save point near-
by. Claude will ask Celine to look at the map again and she'll
notice that a spell must be cast in order to continue past the
rock. A passage will open leading to a room with star-shaped
rock in the center. The ancient writings are in the upper left
box. Exit the cave after finding the writings.

* You have the option to fight a group of gargoyles by opening
the upper right item box. It is recommended that you take them
on to gain more exp, FOL and skill points.

7. Port of Clik

~ Items found:
Lyre -> The House on the Hill
Vegetables, Grain, Seafood -> Big Potato Restaurant

~ --- Milly's Antique shop ---
Aquaberry 105
Blackberry 200
Blueberry 60
Anklet 400
Mandrake 150
Wolfsbane 360
Resurrection Bottle 3600
Gold 300
Harmonica 500
Magic Canvas 1000
Magic Clay 600

~ --- International Trading Weapon shop ---
Sinclair Sabre 860
Hard Knuckles 300
Rod 10
Banded Mail 600
Robe 10
Wooden Shield 120
Round Shield 500
Boots 40
Secret Boots 80
Iron Greaves 110

~ --- Crepe store ---
Banana Crepes 90
Chocolate Crepes 115

~ --- Ice Cream stand ---
Orange Sherbet 16
Vanila ice cream 30

~ --- The Clik Bakery ---
Pancakes 340
Egg Sandwich 250
Grain 145
Vegetables 30
Egg/Dairy Products 10

~ --- Clik Skills Skill Guild ---
Knowledge 1 300
Sensibility 1 400
Tecnhique 1 400
Combat 1 400

> Go to the port; talk to captain
> Ketil steals your wallet; find him
> Talk to the kids at the pier to ask where the kid is
> Head for the old warehouse just after bridge connecting east
and central Clik to find Ketil.
> After getting your money back, have him give you a tour of Clik
> Talk with the kids playing at the pier to have Ketil join them
> Talk to the captain again to learn that preparations for sail
are almost ready. Go to central Clik
> After an earthquake and tsunami, the Clik is destroyed; get
back your passport from the captain and leave for Mars (town)

- The town of Clik is further north of cross. From the sign on
the road, head north. Youi'll come across coastline with a city
at the end of it - you've made it to Clik. The town may be
huge, but the only thing you really have to do is to talk to
captain at the port. He'll ask for identification and Claude'll
give him the passport. The captain will ask you to wait a while
since supplies are still being loaded, and that you should look
around the city. As you return to central Clik, a boy will run
and knock you off your feet. When you get to your feet, you'll
realize that the kid stole your money. Search for him by tal-
king to the people nearby and at the entrance of Clik. One will
say that he often plays near the old warehouse. It's the buil-
ding after the bridge you came across when you first entered
Clik. After talking to Ketil (the boy who stole your money) you
ask him to show you around Clik. After touring the town, talk
children playing at the pier to let Ketil play with them. Then,
talk to the captain again. He'll say that last minute prepara-
tions are being made. He'll ask you return to central Clik for
one last time. An earthquake will ensue and you'll have a FMV
scene of all of Clik crumbling. You'll end up at the bayside
of Clik. Talk to the people and you'll have a FMV of a tsunami
this time. Talk to the captain and he'll give you back your
passport. He'll advise you to go to the Hilton Port to get to
the town of Lacour; and that you pass by the town of Mars on
the way there.

8. Town of Mars

~ Items: Silk Robe -> Celine's Room in Celine's House

> Go to the Elder's house (first house on left); talk to Celine
(if you decided not to let her join you after Cross cave) and
the elder; meet Dias
> Journey to the Mars forest and defeat the leader of the Bandits

- The town of Mars is just after the bridge you crossed on your
way to Clik. You'll learn that the children of the village have
been kidnapped and want money and a secret book kept by the vil
lage for ransom. The elder has called on Dias Flac, the swords-
man Rena was talking about back in Cross, to help. Celine in-
sists that they be the ones who check out the forest instead of
Dias. Dias leaves and Claude talks to the elder and Eglas, Ce-
line's father. When you leave the house, Rena decides to go
with Dias to the forest. Go back into the house and talk to the
elder for some last instructions and mud boots so allow you to
pass the thick marshes of the forest. Then, you are led to the

9. Mars Forest

> Defeat the bandits' leader

- The forest is not confusing as there is only one path to follow
except for dead ends which lead to items. You'll come across
groups of thieves who will mistake you for Dias and Rena. When
you reach the end of the forest, you'll find out that the ban-
dits' leader is actually one of the people at the elder's house
who disguised himself as one of the victims. The real target
was Eglas, Celine's father and that the kidnapping was just a

* It is best to get the toughest weapons and armor since the ban-
dits here inflict a lot of damage attack rather quickly. By
this time, you should have learned the Headsplitter killermove,
which attacks with a downthrust of your sword. Use Celine's ma-
gic to make short work of the mages and flying opponents. Use
Headsplitter on the boss as well since attacking it directly is
quite risky.

- After you defeat the bandit leader, you'll end up with Rena and
Dias. You also find out that they saved the children, so you
all return to the Eglas' house to check on his injuries. Rena
uses her healing spells to speed up Eglas' recovery. As you
and Rena leave town for Hilton port, Celine stops you and asks
you to stay for the night as guest at her place. When you leave
for Hilton the next day, she joins your party again.

10. Port of Herlie

> Board the ship to Hilton
+ Get Opera or Ashton to join you (only one of them)

~ --- Red Dragon Manor Delicatessen ---
Seltzer var
Seafood 500
Fruit 80
Grain 145
Meat 300
Vegetables 30
Egg/Dairy Products 10
Sweet Dumpling 140
Potstickers 280
Shu-mai 280
Toro Tuna 2000
Sashimi 2800

~ --- Premia Weapon shop ---
Ruby Wand 600
Silk Robe 1800
Knight's Shield 1000
Secret Boots 80
Plate Greaves 800
Brigadine 3500

~ --- The Grasping Hand Antique Shop ---
Aquaberry 105
Blackberry 200
Blueberry 60
Magic Canvas 1000
Magical Clay 600
Bandit's Gloves 40000
Anklet 400
Spectacles 8
Cure Paralysis 180
Cure Stone 450

~ --- Giono Vallon Skill Guild ---
Knowledge 2 1500
Sensibility 2 1600
Technique 1 400
Combat 1 400

- Herlie Port is east of Mars. There isn't much to do in this
area aside from talking to some people. Just board the ship for
Lacour. You'll arrive at the other Hilton port near Lacour.

* Talk to the person who mentions something about a Dragon in the
Salva drift. Talk to him again if you want him to join your
party. If you want to get Opera to join, use private action.

11. Hilton Port

> Stock up and head for Lacour

~ --- Skill Power Skill Guild ---
Knowledge 2 1500
Sensibility 2 1600
Technique 2 1600
Combat 2 1600

~ --- Munchies Food Store ---
Seltzer var
Meat Dumpling 360
Sweet Dumpling 140
Chicken Skewers 500
Seafood 500
Fruit 80
Grain 145
Meat 300
Vegetables 30
Egg/Dairy Products 10
Root Beer 300

~ --- Gerencer Weapon Shop ---
Smaller 2000
Cestus 1400
Splinter 1300
Iron Helm 1200
Ringed Mail 1200
Silk Robe 1800
Round Shield 500
Leather Boots 105
High Heels 120
Brigandine 3500

~ --- Seaside Music Shop ---
Harmonica 500
Cembalo 8000
Feather Pen 20
Conductor's Baton 85

~ --- Rosso's Tool Shop ---
Aquaberry 105
Blackberry 200
Blueberry 60
Iron 200
Silver 200
Gold 300
Ruby 400
Sapphire 800
Green Beryl 500
Feather Pen 20
Bandit's Gloves 40000
Spectacles 8
Mandrake 150
Rose Hips 230
Artemis Leaf 720
Wolfbane 360
Lavender 490
Aceras 660
Resurrection Bottle 3600
Cure Poison 140
Cure Paralysis 180
Cure Stone 450

- When you get off at Hilton, you're just a short distance from
the town of Lacour. This is the only town which sells the best
musical instruments. So buy some instruments if you had any of
your characters improve in their music talent.

12. Town of Lacour

~ Item: Star Ruby -> Princess' Chambers

> Join the Tournament of arms

~ --- Lacour Skill Skill Guild ---
Sensibility 3 2700
Combat 1 400
Combat 2 1600
Combat 3 4500

~ --- Pellen Nor Tool shop ---
Aquaberry 105
Blackberry 200
Blueberry 60
Poison Check 5000
Fountain Pen 460
Mandrake 150
Rose Hips 230
Artemis Leaf 720
Wolfsbane 360
Lavender 490
Aceras 660
Attack Vial 230
Cure Paralysis 180
Pet Food 10
Smith's Hammer 250
Cure Stone 450

- In Lacour, you hear of the great Tournament of Arms and you de-
cide to join in hopes to get an audience with the king. The wea
pon shops are prohibited to sell any weapons before the tourna-
ment, while the other shops are running business as usual. Go
to the castle (north Lacour) and sign up for the tournament w/
the 2nd receptionist. She'll tell you to find a weapon shop to
sponsor you. You have 4 choices of weapon shops to choose from-
the Counterpunch, Knockout, Slayer and Straight weapon shops.

* Don't forget to purchase the Sensibility 3 skill set since this
is the only town in Disc 1 where you'll be able to acquire such
skills. There is a skill in the set - Effort, which will lower
the required experience points to level up. Learning the Effort
skill will also earn you the "Practice" talent.

* The choice of weapon shop sponsor is up to you. It does not af-
fect the game ending, just affects your stats during the tour-
nament. If you want to go heavy on defense go for Counterpunch.
If you're hot on attacking go for Slayer. Knockout and Straight
are fair on both attack and defense.

* After getting your sponsor is your last chance to level up be-
fore the tournament.

- Go to the inn at central Lacour once you're ready for the tour-
nament. When you wake up the next day, head for the collisseum
in the castle (it's on the left past the receptionists, then go
one floor up). You'll get your weapons with the receptionist
stationed there. Then suddenly Dias will show up and ask if his
weapon has arrived. Rena talks to Dias about the weapon but he
says that it has not arrived yet. Rena goes with Dias. Claude
picks on Rena because of Dias and she runs off to catch up with
Dias. Go to the waiting room on left and talk with any 4 figh-
ters there. After talking to the 4th figther, a guard will ann-
ounce the first match - it's you vs. a figther from other wea-
pon shops which you didn't pick. Win 2 matches in a row and you
will fight Dias in the championship match.

* It doesn't matter whether you win or lose in the tournament. I
made it up to figthing Dias but he's too strong or my level was
not high enough to beat him. It's rather difficult to connect
a Headsplitter attack or a knuckle attack, since his Air Slash
move creates a projectile wave and he blocks most of your nor-
mal attacks. Depending on your place, you'll get prize money
and the equipment that you used in the tournament.

- After the tournament, your party decides to have the ancient
writing you found in Cross Cave. Head for the town of Linga.

13. Town of Linga

13.1 First visit

> Go to Keith Klanser's house (east Linga)
> Go to Jean Medicine Home Pharmacy and talk to Bowman
> Go to Linga Sanctuary, get the Clarisage
> Show Clarisage to Bowman, talk to Klanser
+ have Bowman join your party
+ have Prceis join your party

~ --- Le Skill Skill Guild ---
Knowledge 1 300
Knowledge 2 1500
Knowledge 3 2700
Technique 3 3600

~ --- Academy Co-op ---
Material Kit 1200
Reference Book 2300
Amber Robe 4000
Magic Canvas 1000
Magical Clay 600
Feather Pen 20
Magical Camera 9800
Magical Film 900
Spectacles 8
Foutain Pen 460
Pet Food 10
Bandit's Gloves 40000
Smith's Hammer 250
Resurrection Bottle 3600
Aquaberry 105
Blackberry 200
Blueberry 60
Vellum Paper 150

~ --- Jean Medicine Home Pharmacy ---
Mandrake 150
Rose Hips 230
Artemis Leaf 720
Wolfsbane 360
Lavender 490
Aceras 660
Cure Poison 140
Cure Paralysis 180
Cure Stone 450
Attack Vial 230

~ --- Tsuyoshi Takemoto Pharmacy ---
Apple Jam 70
Aloe Jam 80
Aquaberry 105
Blackberry 200
Blueberry 60

- When you first arrive at Linga, you'll bump into Precis chasing
her bobot around. After some chat, she'll leave and chase her
bobot again. Go to Keith Klanser's place (the linguist) beside
the Academy co-op shop. His assistant will say that he's too
busy and that you'll have to make an appointment. Talk to the
around town and you'll find out that there's a pharmacist named
Bowman at Jean's Medicine Home who offers solutions to problems
other than prescriptions. His shop is the west two-story house
in North Linga. When you first talk to him, he'll ask you to
prove yourselves by getting him a rare herb in the Linga Sanc-
tuary just outside Linga. After stocking up on berries, proceed
to Linga Sanctuary opposite Linga.

* You have the choice to ask Precis to join your party now. If
you decide to do this, you'll lose your chance to have Bowman
join your party. To have Precis join, enter Linga via private
action and go to Bowman's place. You'll find Precis and her bo-
bot in front of the house. Talk to her and you'll end up as a
guest in her house. You'll meet Precis' dad and Rena there, and
Precis will ask you to take her with you on your journey. This
is your last chance to change your mind about getting Precis if
you want Bowman. If you don't get Precis, you can still get Bow
man later. Bowman although slower has stronger physical attacks
while Precis moves faster but does less damage. This should
somewhat help in your decision on who to pick.

* If you've got enough cash, buy a reference book to be used by a
new ally later so that you'll save time returning to Linga.

13.2 Linga Sanctuary

> Get the Clarisage
> Return to Linga and show it to Bowman

~ Items: Might Chain, Aceras(2), Lavender (2), Ruby, Wolfsbane,
Mandrake, Rainbow Diamond, Clarisage, Mixed Syrup, Bubble Lo-
tion, Straight Punch, Poison check, Rose Hips, Twin-edge

- The Linga Sanctuary is a good place to level up, as the mons-
ters are beatable yet leave a fair amount of EXP and FOL. You
don't have to go the end of the Sanctuary to find the Clari-
sage, it's down in the middle section of the cavern. After
defeating a good number of monsters, go back to Linga to show
the Clarisage to Bowman.

13.3 Return to Lacour

> Show the Clarisage to Bowman
> Talk to Keith Klanser
+ have Bowman join your party
> Go to Lacour

- Go back to the Jean Medicine Home Pharmacy and show the Clari
sage to Bowman. He'll agree to help you to see Keith. You go
to Keith's place and show him the ancient writings. He says
that it's going to take time for the writings to be decrypted
so you'll have to come back again. Bowman offers you to stay
at his place for the night. The following morning, you return
to Lacour.

* If you haven't picked Precis to join you, you'll find Bowman
at his room on the 2nd floor. He'll ask you if you would want
to take him as part of your party. His knowledge of herbal
medicine is a versatile tool in your travels. At high levels,
he can transform herbs into more expensive and useful items,
such as Resurrection Bottles, Smelling Salts, just from Rose
Hips mixed with some other herb.

* If you have Precis in your party already, you'll find Bowman
in the guest room (where there are 4 beds - one for you, Rena
and Celine plus Precis). Bowman will just bid you goodnight,
and see you off the following morning.

14. Hoffman Ruins

14.1 Refugees at Lacour Castle

~ Items: Plate Mail -> Gamgee
Link Combo -> from Leon

> Go to Lacour Castle
> Go to the basement and overhear King's conversation
> Go to Hoffman Ruins via Hilton Port

- When you return to Lacour, you'll find all the people gone,
except for the guards. Monsters from El have invaded town so
most of the people have taken refuge in the castle. Go to
Lacour Castle, then to the basement where Leon, Florice, Mur
doch and the king are. The guard catches you eavesdropping
and the Leon accuses you of being spies. TO prove your inno-
cence (this will depend on who you picked to join your party
before going to Lacour), you are sent to help Leon get the
Energy Stone from the Hoffman Ruins, a remote island near
Hilton. Leon joins your party. Go to Hilton and board the
boat for Hoffman Ruins.

* If you bought the Reference book in Linga, equip it on Leon.

14.2 Hoffman Ruins

> Get the energy stone

~ Items: Cure Stone, Recoil Bracelet, Lightbox, Green Beryl(2)
Angel Hair, Holy Mist, Blackberry, Cure Paralysis(2),
Aquaberry, Hexagram Card, Hyperball, Paralysuis check
Fruit Syrup, Sour Syrup, ? HERB, Spring, Sturm Ring,
Spring water, Diamond, Energy Stone

- When you reach the ruins, go up the long flight of stairs.
Then go inside and straight ahead. There are several doors
with item chests to collect loot from. Then go back to the
entrance then go east where there is a save point and an e-
levator leading downstairs to the ruins.

* If you want to get the energy stone pronto and forget about
leveling up, just go straight down (south) the first path
you find. Then go east and then up one screen when you reach
a dead end in going south (you must pass a rail bridge). IT
IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you get the Hexagram card, since
you'll find it very difficult to defeat the next boss w/o it
in your inventory. You'll find a room with a huge green rock
in it. Leon will walk toward it and try to get a sample of
the energy stone, then suddenly a monster will appear from
behind Leon and attack.

~ Boss: Harfainx HP 36700/36700
MP 100/100

They come in pairs and both can cast highly damaging thunder
storm spells (which pack about 1400+ damage per character).
If you have a Hexagram card or a silence card, use it imme-
diately on them since there is a high probability that their
spell casting will be blocked by any of these two items. If
you don't have these items (or want to save them for later),
you can also have Rena cast Silence and Celine cast Forget
or Mind Absorber. Magic isn't their only strength. They also
attack fast and tend to corner a character, so avoid being
cornered. Recommended Killer moves for Claude are the shoo-
ting star and the Head Slash or Burst Knuckle. Corner one of
them and use Shooting Stars to inflict multiple damage in 1
shot of S. Stars. If you get cornered or need to dash to an
enemy attacking your party member, use Head Slash. If you've
also attained high levels in combat skill such as Parry and
Counterattack, you won't have any problems taking hits since
Rena will heal you when your HP is low and you'll block 9/10
of their attacks (depending on your skill level). Have Leon
cast Shadow Flare (if you've learned it already - his major
damaging spell - about 3500+ HP), while have Celine Mind ab-
sorb, then cast Thunderstorm attacks of her own ( if you've
learned that spell too). After defeating them, return to the
boat waiting by the shore and back to Lacour.

15. Lacour Front Line

15.1 Return to Lacour Castle

> Go to the throne room in the castle
> Talk to the king and get sent to Lacour Front

- When you reach Lacour, head for the throne room (straight up
the castle floor) and you'll be asked by the king to help
fight the monsters attacking at the Lacour Front. Proceed to
the Lacour front while Leon works on the Lacour Hope.

* In 15.2 make sure you get the most powerful weapons for your
party since you won't be able to buy any more powerful wea-
pons in the meantime.

15.2 Lacour Front Line

> Go to the commander's office for the briefing
> Talk to Rena about Dias
> Encounter Shin

~ --- Weapons Arsenal ---
Long Edge 12300
Crest Rod 1200
Plate Helm 7000
Brigandine 3500
Knight's Shield 1000
Buckler 650
Silver Greaves 5200
Plate Mail 13400
Fine Shield 6800
Resurrection Bottle 3600

~ --- Lacour Store ---
Walloon Sword 3900
Gusguine 4500
Bagh Nakh 1400
Hard Whip 3000
Aquaberry 105
Blackberry 200
Blueberry 60
Spectacles 8
Resurrection Bottle 3600
Pet Food 10
Crystal 500
Green Beryl 500
Sapphire 800
Ruby 400

- First thing to do is to go to the commander's office for the
briefing. You'll meet up with Dias since he was also asked to
help fight off the monsters. After the briefing, you'll ask Re-
na why Dias treats her as his sister. You learn about Dias'
past and understand why he acts that way toward him and Rena.
Go back to the Weapon Arsenal weapon shop (not the gen. store,
since the weapons sold at the arsenal are more powerful than
the ones at the gen. store). Buy only items at the gen. store.
Return to the front line bridgeway (past the infirmary) where
a monster is threatening to attack. You'll have a battle with
Shin (a flying beast). You won't be able to damage it this bat-
tle, so just use your items recovering your party's HP. The ob-
ject of the scene is to stay alive until the time runs out. The
moment this happens, the battle will end and Shin will leave.
You'll end up in the bridgeway beside the weapons arsenal. Talk
to the left guard beside you to be informed that you're needed
at the Front line. Make your way to the infirmary and you'll be
informed that all remaining soldiers are to proceed to the line
since a huge horde of monsters are on their way to attack. Just
in the nick of time, Leon arrives with the Lacour Hope comple-
ted. He destroys the attacking monsters with one shot and the
incoming siege comes to an end.

16. Eluria Siege

- You're back in Lacour - The king decides that the time has come
to be on the offensive and launch an attack on Eluria. You have
been chosen as the commando team to land on Eluria for recon.
You journey with Florence, Murdoch and Leon with the Lacour
Hope on board a ship. Then, Shin and two other monsters attack.
Leon fires the Lacour Hope but the beam doesn't even scratch
Shin. You'll fight Shin again and you won't be able to damage
him in the previous fight. This time, don't waste your items or
MP on healing. Just let your party get beaten ( the game won't
end, don't worry ). Shin will throw all of you overboard.

17. Eluria Colony

> Talk to the elder
> Talk to the man at the item shop to get the ID card
> Head for Eluria tower

~ Items: ID Card. Metal Fangs, Silver Robe(2), Giant Fists,
Silver Greaves(2), Rune Cap, Plate Mail(2), Shield Sword
Veil Piercer, Fine Shield,

~ --- Eluria Arsenal ---
Aquaberry 105
Blackberry 200
Blueberry 60
Spectacles 8
Resurrection Bottle 3600
Cure Paralysis 180
cure Stone 450
Pet Food 10
Seafood 500
Fruit 80
Grain 145
Meat 300
Vegetables 30
Egg/Dairy Products 10

- You regain consciousness at the shore of Eluria. You find Leon
shortly. Head for the Eluria colony (it's the dot in the forest
from your map). You'll meet Rena and the others there. Talk to
everybody there, then to the elder of the village. His house
is on the top-right area of the scree. You have a choice to
have Leon wait with the elder or not. It's better to take him
with you since you really could use all the help you could get.
Go the item shop and talk to the vendor. He'll give you an ID
which will gain you access to Eluria Tower. After stocking up
on berries and other items, you're now ready for Eluria Tower.

18. Eluria Tower

> Make your way up the tower

~ Items: Sapphire, Cure Paralysis, Aquaberry, Crestier Guard(2),
X-box, Holy Mist, Stone Check, Steel Helm, Ultra Punch,
Cure Stone, Star Ruby, Crystal, Fresh Syrup, Trickster,
Musical Software, Emerald Ring, Murasame Sword, Giant
Fists, Gale Earring, Splinter, Spring Water

~ Enemies: Goathead, Coldlizard, Timekeeper, Defender, Eldermagius

- Make your way up to Eluria Tower by getting the codes listed on
the glass statues on you come across. Once you deactivate the
barriers blocking the remaining paths, proceed to the left side
first. You'll leave your party for a while and get teleported
back to your ship. After a short reunion with Ronnixis, Claude
will request to be beamed back down to Exel. Claude will leave
his communicator behind and stay with his friends. Now proceed
to the transport tube on the right, you'll find a save point
before a narrow passageway. It's recommended that you save be-
fore taking on..

~ Boss: Shin (HP: 40000)

* Shin casts group damaging spells so make sure you have Rena or
Celine 'silence' or 'mind absorb' him so he won't be able to
cast spells. He can also absorb a part of a characters HP and
MP, so be sure to use the MP of your physical-attacking charac-
ters, instead of just having their MP stolen. Claude's head-
slash is the most effective air assault since he lands on the
monster's head instead of just executing a regular jump attack.

- After defeating Shin, continue through the passageway. You'll
find a transporter leading to 3 doors. The left and the right
door leads to items while the center leads to another 2 doors.
The left door just connect the room an item from the left door
you first encountered while the right door leads to another
transporter which marks the end of Disc 1.

You will learn about the existence of the Ten Wise Men and Rena
being a Nedian (person from the planet Nede). One of them, Ber-
le fights you (but you are unable to harm him at this time, so
don't bother putting up a fight - just stay alive). They tell
that Expel is on a collission course with Nede and the truth
about the Sorcery Globe. Then they teleport and you are left
behind. You'll see a short scene with Ronnixis on his ship and
this ends Disc 1.

C. - - - - - - - - - - Disc 1 Specials (Private Action): - - - - - -


Before you leave the Cross cave after you find the writings,
Celine will leave your group. You've got the option to let
her join or not.

If you let her leave:

If you select solo action and go to the Cross Cathedral, you
will find Rena there. Talk to her and you'll get 3 choices
of what to say.

1. So you are a girl after all
2. What ? I thought you had your wedding already ?
3. I'd like to marry someone in a place like this too.

If you select 1 or 3

When you return to Salva for a first time. You'll meet a
little girl by the closed house just after the bridge. She
will ask you if you're the warrior or not. 3 choices:

1. Yes I am
2. No I'm not
3. Maybe

If you select 3, she'll give you a harmonica. The others
don't get you anything.

When you return to Salva from Arlia, you'll find Rena in
the Fairy Jewelry Store. She'll eye an emerald. 3 choices:

1. Wow, it's pretty
2. I don't know much about jewelry
3. Let me buy it for you (spend 200 FOL)

If you (3) buy her the pendant, she'll give you a leaf
pendant (Luck +10). Options 1 & 2 won't get you anything

! --- TOWN OF CROSS ---

If you ask Celine to join:

If you return to Cross and select private action. Go to the
east alley of Cross. You'll find Rena and Celine having an
argument. Three choices:

1. But in

Celine and Rena will stop their conversation and say that
they're only talking about girl stuff. If you return to
Salva, you'll find Celine in the Jam store with the
shopkeeper missing. Talk to Celine and you can either:

1. Look for the shopkeeper

You'll find her at the entrance to Salva Drift
practicing her singing.

2. Leave Celine alone
Nothing happens.

2. Eavesdrop

If you eavesdrop on them, you'll hear Celine talk about
you being incapable of leading the group all the time.

3. Leave them alone

Nothing happens. You just walk away.

! --- TOWN OF LACOUR ---

There are 2 scenes that you can get (random occurence). If you
want both scenes, return a second time.

Mole the old woman - at the top-right corner of west Lacour,
talk to an old woman who will you to run an errand for her.
You have 2 choices.

1. yes

If you do the errand for her, she'll reward you with a Star
Ruby and a Rainbow Diamond.

2. no

Return to Lacour a second time. You'll meet a little girl
in the east part of Lacour. She'll think you're there to
kidnap her (she's the paranoid type). After explaining
things, you have 2 choices:

1. Leave her alone
2. We can't leave her here

If you try to help her, she'll run away.
Nothing happens if you leave her be.

! --- Herlie Port ---

Go to the house where the girl with an incurable disease lives.
You'll follow Bowman and overhear a conversation with the girl's
mother and Bowman. It seems that he has volunteered to find a
cure to the girl's sickness but still has found none.

! --- Hilton Port ---

Go to the Hilton Island Inn. You'll overhear Celine talking
about her weight. You'll trip and she'll ask if you overheard
her talking. 2 choices:

1. No. What was that you were talking about ?
2. You don't really have to concern yourself with your weight..

If you answer (2), she'll give you a kiss. If you answer (1),
she'll tell you to keep quiet and threaten you if you say a

D. - - - - - CLAUDE KENNI DISC 2 WALKTHROUGH - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION- - - - -

19. Central Nede

> Talk to the Mayor
> Head for North City

* By the

~ --- Weight Lawyer Restaurant ---
Searfood 500
Fruit 80
Grain 145
Meat 300
Vegetables 30
Egg/Dairy Products 10
Steak 600
Berry Juice 200

~ --- Reverse Edge Tool shop ---
Lezard Flask 120000
Aquaberry 105
Blackberry 200
Blueberry 60
Mandrake 150
Rose Hips 230
Artemis Leaf 720
Wolfsbane 360
Lavender 490
Aceras 660
Resurrection Bottle 3600
Magic Canvas 1000
Magical Clay 600
Fountain Pen 460
Beret 40000
Spectacles 8
Poison Check 5000
Cure Paralysis 180
Cure Stone 450
Vellum Paper 150
Bandit's Gloves 40000
Pet Food 10
Conductor's Baton 85
Magical Film 900

~ --- Skill Guild ---
Knowledge 1 300
Knowledge 2 1500
Sensibility 1 400
Technique 1 400

~ --- Hyper-on-Hyper weapon shop ---
Ignite Sword 17000
Scyther 18000
Pain Cestus 15000
Hecatoncheire 16200
Silver Rod 9800
Great Punch 14000
Light Whip 14000
Heraldry 7000
Electro Gun 15000
Steel Helm 16000
Silver Robe 10000
Plate Mail 13400
Fine Shield 6800
Silver Greaves 5200

- Once you regain consciousness, Rena realizes that you are now
on the planet Nede. After some discussion, you further the path
that leads to a transporter. Get in the transporter and you'll
be transported to the mayor's office in Central Nede. He'll in-
troduce himself as Narl. He will tell you about the history of
Nede and how the 10 wise men came to be. He'll also ask you to
stop them since you are their only hope.

20. North City

> Go to the Synard plant
> Talk to Artis, the director

~ --- Smiley's Grocery ---
Searfood 500
Fruit 80
Grain 145
Meat 300
Vegetables 30
Egg/Dairy Products 10
Aquaberry 105
Blackberry 200
Blueberry 60

~ --- Account Weapon Store ---
Eagle's Claws 20000
Pain Cestus 15000
Hecatoncheire 16200
Light Whip 14000
Steel Helm 16000
Jeanne's Helm 8600
Mithrill Coat 15000
Steel Armor 52000
Crestier Guard 36600
High-laced shoes 4100
Silver Greaves 5200
Steel-toed Boots 3200

~ --- Blue Flask Tool shop ---
Lezard Flask 120000
Mandrake 150
Rose Hips 230
Artemis Leaf 720
Wolfsbane 360
Lavender 490
Aceras 660
Attack Vial 230
Cembalo 8000
Harmonica 500
Organ 12000
Piano 30000
Lyre 5000
Violin 21000
Feather Pen 20
Conductor's Baton 85
Spectacles 8
Material Kit 1200
Seltzer var
Smith's Hammer 250
Iron 200
Gold 300
Silver 200
Green Beryl 500
Sapphire 800
Ruby 400
Crystal 500
Diamond 9000

- North City is the place where you'll find most of the items you
buy for item creation, so you'll be visiting this city often.
The places of real interest however are the Synard plant and
the Library. When you reach the stairway before turning right
on your way to the library, you'll find a red-haired girl snoo-
ping on you; the girl will run away (you'll meet her later).

Visit the library to gain information all about Nede. After all
your information browsing, head for the Synard plant on the far
northeast part of North City. There are members of the North
City skill guild there so you might want to purchase skills w/c
you still haven't acquired. Talk to the receptionist and she'll
inform you to see Artis, the Synard plant's director.

Synards are flying creatures which are on the brink of extinc-
tion. However, they are your only means of travel in Nede. The
director will reluctantly let you get a Synard by having the
assistants read your data for input in the Synard. Suddenly the
Synard rejects Claude's data and becomes violent. You'll have
to kill the Synard.

~ Boss: Synard (25000/25000)

* You'll need more muscle than magic to win this battle. Set an
air-to-ground killer move for Claude together with Dragon Howl
or Shooting Stars to hit the Synard repeatedly when it's cor-
nered. Have the Heraldic users spell cast healing and attack
spells. No need for any spellblocking.

- Now that you've killed the Synard you're supposed to have, the
director gives you one last alternative. He opens up a trans-
porter beside his office and tells you to go through. You're on
way to..

21. Noel's house (1)

> Meet Noel and head for the endangered species preserve.

~ Items: Nature's life force, 50 thousand FOL, Pet Food

- When you get out of the room with the transporter that you just
came from, you find yourself in a house with 3 item chests. As
you go downwards, the curator of the endangered species pre-
serve will introduce himself as Noel Chandler and will tell you
that he would take you to the endangered species preserve even
if there is only one wild synard left. The endangered species
preserve is also known as the Red Crystal cave west of Noel's
place. As this point, Noel temporarily joins your party.

* It's a good idea to go back and forth Noel's house and the cave
if you want to level up since you can rest up for free.

22. Red Crystal Cave / Endangered Species Preserve

~ Items: Resurrection Bottle, Dream bracelet, Heraldry,
? Mineral(2), Cinderella Glass, Flying Hawk Robes,
Fruit Syrup, Chisato's ID.

~ Enemies: Helhound, Raystinger, Bang, Otif, Dteriton

- Once you enter the Red Crystal cave, Noel will sense that the
atmosphere in the cave has changed and that someting is wrong.
Proceed through the cave with caution even though the cave is
only 3 levels down. Once down in the 3rd level, you'll encoun-
ter the red-haired girl who ran away from you back in North Ci-
ty. She'll drop her ID. Pick it up on your way out or before
proceeding further in the cave. Once you go past the screen
where encounter the girl, you'll see the Synard at the other
end of the path you're travelling at. Go further through the
path down to the pink muck. There's a save point just before
the path (going up) which leads to the Synard. You'll find the
Synard with two creatures trying to capture it.

* Once you've found the red-haired girl's press ID, you can go
back to the Nede Chronicle on the 3rd floor of Central Nede Ci-
ty Hall and give the ID to the red-haired girl. She'll intro-
duce herself as Chisato - a reporter for the Nede Chronicle and
tell you that she's been following you around to write about
your quest to stop the 10 wise men. Talk to her a second time
to invite her to join your party. Her Jujitsu-martial art is a
big help for fighting off enemies (both physical and mage-type)
so you'd might want to take her in your party. She's even bet-
ter than Bowman in physical attacks and she's a journalist, so
copying (item duplication) and authoring are her primary stren-

~ Boss: Arcmene (40000/40000)

* This multi-legged pair is a combination of speed & spells, like
the boss pair in the Hoffman ruins. Have someone drain their MP
while keep on wearing down their defenses with Shooting Stars
and Head Splitter. Dragon Howl can also be used for cornering
them since it scores multiple hits in one shot, but also uses a
lot of MP. When Claude gets cornered have him use Head Splitter
and aim it at the farther Arcmene to jump away to safety.

- After defeating the Arcmene pair, Rena will communicate with
the Synard and say that the Synard is willing to take you where
you want to go. Also, Noel will ask you if you want to take him
permanently along as one of your party members. He doesn't do
much physical damage but his spells make him worth having in
your party.

23. Field of Intelligence

> Get the Jewel of Intelligence

~ Items: Jeanne's Helm, Alpha Box, Mirror of Wisdom, Rune Metal
Fruit Syrup, Great Punch, Fairy Glass, Rare Gauntlets,
Cinderella Glass, Jewel of Intelligence

- The Field of Intelligence is located on an island near North
City. It's the island with only one square stone structure.
Land your Synard and enter.

The Field of Intelligence is divided in 3 dimensions connected
via mirrors and green and red areas on the floor. The room lea-
ding to the Jewel of Intelligence is invisible until you acti-
vate all the panels in the sub-dimensions of the FOI. Upon en-
tering, you'll come across 3 mirrors. The one in the center
is where you'll go when you're about to take the Intelligence
Jewel. The one on the right leads to some of the panels that
you have to activate. This area is also easy to navigate so you
would have no trouble activating the

~ Enemies: Wizard, Rict, Controller

~ Boss: Magic Hand - (HP - 60000/60000, MP - 100/100)
Work Box (HP - 30000/30000, MP - 100/100)
Guard Box (HP - 30000/30000, MP - 100/100)
Magic Box (2) (HP - 30000/30000, MP - 100/100)

* Although the boss in this area may be easy, don't get careless.
The Magic hand occasionally shoots a light ray which instantly
kills anything it hits, so avoid it as much as possible. Unlike
any of the previous bosses, they don't run after any of your
characters. Just set the physical-attackers to manual and have
the magic-users cast spells a some place far from the enemy's
reach and use Claude or Chisato to bust the Work, Guard and Ma-
gic Boxes. You'll be able to destroy the Magic Hand after you
destroy all the other boxes. Once you have defeated the guar-
dians of the Jewel of Intelligence Claude will have a flash-
back of his childhood. Then it's off to the Field of Power.

24. Field of Power

> Get the Jewel of Power

~ Enemies: Darkcrusader, Atulatul, Insaneload, Ghast, Yety

~ Items: Marvel Sword, Blackberry, Melting Lotion, Jeanne's
Armor, Rune Full Moon, ? Guard, Atlas Ring, Jewel
of Power

- The Field of Power is on a mountain range a short distance from
North city. Land the Synard at the shore and make your way up
the mountains. You'll come across a fork which leads northeast,
north and east. The east path leads to items. The northeast way
leads to a save point and is one of the ways to reach the top
of the mountain. The north path is an alternative path to the
mountain top. Most of the paths are blocked by Yetys (big tough
furry creatures). To proceed further, you'll have to fight them
and defeat them.

* When fighting Yetys your party will always be at the right pro-
tecting a switch, while the Yetys will be at the left marching
towards you. They generally won't attack you and will just go
for the swtich. You have to make sure that none of them touches
the switch for if they do, the battle ends and you end up tele-
ported to a random location in the mountain range.

- Once you've made your way to the summit, save your game ( there
is a save point nearby ) before crossing the bridge. Once you
reach the other end of a bridge, a guardian will appear to test
you before you can get the Jewel of Power.

~ Boss: Guardian (100000/100000)

* The Guardian of power packs strong blows but only attacks a
few times when it does attack. You can either avoid the attacks
or make sure you've got a high parry skill level so you won't
take so many hits if it catches you. Suggested killer moves for
Claude are Shooting Stars and Dragon Howl. Use shooting stars
more often since it uses less MP and the guardian can't block
all of them. And if it does hit, the attack will inflict multi-
ple hits on the guardian.

- Once defeated, the guardian will let you have the Jewel of Po-
wer. You'll have another flashback - during Claude's first days
as a space cadet. You're now on your way to the Field of Cou-

25. Field of Courage

> Get the Warrior Statue
> Get the Jewel of Courage

~ Items: Sour Syrup, Spring Wate, Stone Check, Mithril Greaves,
Scyther, Warrior Statue, Jeanne's Shield,
Protection Ring, Jewel of Courage

~ Enemies: Otif, Rikilo, Peril Beast

- The Field of Courage is located on another remote island close
to North City. This time, the entrance to the Field is moun-
tain cavern. Upon entering, there are 4 paths to choose from.
You can only take the 2 paths leading upward and path to the
right to proceed further since the left path will just keep on
repeating unless you return to the starting point (right). The
first thing to do is to go to the northwest part of the cavern
and get the Warrior Statue. You'll need it to get the Jewel of
Courage later. You also might want to get the items in the bo-
xes lying around. Proceed to the east part of the cavern where
you will see an elevator. You'll find a save point after exi-
ting the elevator and an altar on the right. After saving, walk
up to the altar and prepare for another battle. The guardian of
courage will appear and challenge you.

~ Boss: Guardian (100000/100000)

* This guardian looks pretty much the same as the guardian of po-
wer. Use Shooting Stars to inflict multiple hits on the guar-
dian. Stay clear of its killer moves and gang up on it. You'll
be awarded the Jewel of Courage after defeating the guardian.
Claude will have another flashback.

26. Field of Love

> Get the Jewel of Love

~ Enemies: Rikiha, Masterwizard, Reflectguard,
Controller, NiquaHG

~ Items: Serpent's Tooth, Resurrection Mist, Holy Rod,
Hot Syrup

- Unlike the Field of Intelligence, Power and Courage, the Field
of Love is on a floating island which is also near North City.
Once you approach the island, the synard will land automatical-
ly. Follow the path directed by the arrow after getting the i-
tems you find on your way. The enemies in this field are defi-
nitely tougher than the ones in the previous 3 fields so make
sure that you've brought enough black and blue berries and pet
food. At the end of the field, you'll meet Lover, pretending to
be the spirit of the fountain (the room you're in) and kidnap
one of your party members. She'll ask you for the Rune Codes in
exchange for the kidnapped member's life. You'll end up challe-
nging her and her guardians.

~ Boss: Breakwing x 2 (30000/30000)
Lover (60000/60000)

* Lover's guardians, a pair of goathead-mummies are just like the
ones in Hoffman ruins and in Eluria tower. They also cast party
damaging spells so make sure you have Rena cast Silence or use
any MP absorbing items on them. They are the real threat, since
Lover just walks around and slashes any party member she comes
across. Suggested killer moves for Claude are Dragon Howl and
Mirror Slice. Once you defeat Lover, you'll get the Jewel of
Love. Claud will also have another (sort of) flashback.



~ --- Travelling Salesnman Tool Shop ---
Aquaberry 105
Blackberry 200
Blueberry 60
Spectacles 8
Smith's Hammer 250
Material Kit 1200
Iron 200
Silver 200
Gold 300
Ruby 400
Sapphire 800
Green Beryl 500
Crystal 500
Diamond 9000
Magic Canvas 1000
Magic Clay 600
Bandit's Gloves 40000
Fountain Pen 460
Pet Food 10
Lilith Tonic 150

~ --- Milword's Weapons and Tool Shop ---
Force Sword 50000
Ruin's Fate 190000
Lotus Eater 188000
Rune Full Moon 50000
Grizzly Claps 140000
Ruby Rod 80000
Atomic Punch 170000
Spark Whip 160000
Encyclopedia 50000
Lightning Gun 158000
Alpha Box 139900

~ --- Skill World Skill Guild ---
Combat 1 400
Combat 2 1600
Combat 3 4500
Sensibility 3 2700

~ --- Yamato-ya Restaurant ---
Seafood 500
Fruit 80
Grain 145
Meat 300
Vegetables 30
Egg/Dairy Products 10

Fun City

~ --- Gift Box Souvenir Shop ---
All-purpose knife 12000
Feather Pen 20
Fountain Pen 460
Magical Camera 9800
Magical Film 900
Vellum Paper 150
Material Kit 1200
Conductor's Baton 85
Beret 40000
Aquaberry 105
Blackberry 200
Blueberry 60
Crown 1600
Harmonica 500
Spectacles 8
Evening Dress 5000
Pin Heels 300
Cure Poison 140
Cure Paralysis 180
Cure Stone 450
Strawberry Jam 50
Raspberry Jam 60
Apple Jam 70
Aloe Jam 80

~ --- Light Step Restaurant ---
Seltzer var
Chicken Doria 520
Orangeade 110
Apple Crepes 200
Pancakes 340
Chicken Skewers 500
Fried Rice 300
Potstickers 280
Strawberri Mochi 2250
Root Beer 300

~ --- Fanzine Spot Sale ---
Fanzine 800
Fanzine (music note) 3000
Fanzine (exclamation pt) 10000
Fanzine (female symbol) 10000


~ --- Rokumondo's Secondhand Shop ---
Cure Poison 140
Cure Paralysis 180
Cure Stone 450
Resurrection Bottle 3600
Fairy's Statue 400
Mirror of Wisdom 1200
Poison Check 5000
Paralysis Check 6000
Stone Check 7000
Pet Food 10

~ --- Fresh Meat Dining Hall ---
Seafood 500
Meat 300
Egg/Dairy Products 10
Hamburger 200
Beef Croquettes 420
Steak 600

~ --- Salesman in the Snow ---
Dictionary 20000
Holy Cloak 30000
Beret 40000
Aquaberry 105
Blackberry 200
Blueberry 60
Magic Canvas 1000
Magic Clay 600
Feathered Pen 20
Conductor's Baton 85
Magical Camera 9800
Magical Film 900
Spectacles 8
Fountain Pen 460
Pet Food 10
Bandit's Gloves 40000
Smith's Hammer 250
Iron 200
Vellum Paper 150
Material Kit 1200
Hard Ring 800

~ --- Giveaway University
Items: Fairy Glass

E. - - - - - - - - - - Disc 2 Specials (Private Action): - - - - - -

! --- North City ---

* This happens after you've passed the Field of Courage.

- When you already have Chisato in your party, go to the Blue
Flask Tool Shop (which is actually Chisato's place). When
you enter the shop with the owner (Chisato's mom) gone, go
upstairs to Chisato's room. You'll find Chisato and her mo-
ther talking about something. Chisato tells her mother to
keep quiet but you inquire about they were just talking
about. You can say any of these 3 things:

1. What in the world are you talking about ?
2. Ah, I don't need to know about it anyway..
3. I'm sorry to have intruded.

If you say #1 Chisato will refuse to tell you what she and
her mom are talking about. But her mother will hint that it
is about you.

Saying #2 will make Chisato's mother tease Claude and Chisa-
to. Her mom will mention that Chie was talking about Claude.
Chisato's mom will go downstairs and you and Chisato will
be stammering at each other. Go back down to the shop, talk
to Chisato's mother and she'll ask you if Chisato still has
a chance at being Claude's (your) girlfriend.

Saying #3 will make Claude apologize and go downstairs. Chi-
sato's mother comments on how nice Claude is and Chisato af-
firms it.

! --- Town of Giveaway ---

- Go to Noel's house and you'll meet Chermes, a student of Noel.
Noel will offer you tea, which Chermes will offer to make. She
goes downstairs and Noel will talk to you about her.

! --- Town of Armlock ---

- Go to Mirage's House and talk to Leon. He'll mutter about how
how far you have all been travelling. You can say one of three

1. Are you homesick
2. I know what you mean, I can't believe it myself.
3. Well, lots of things have happened.

Answering #1 will make Leon admit that he's homesick and you
will give Leon words of encouragement.

Answering #2 will have Leon say that he wished that they could
finally return to Expel and that it's his first time to ever
been in an advanced civilization.

Answering #3 will make Leon think that you're aloof of the
adventures that you've had.

F. - - - - - OTHER PENDING UPDATES / INFO - - - - - -
I plan to have the ff. added when I get the time to work on this
thing again.
- Mixing Guide (to Item Creation, Minearology, Alchemy, Music,
- Short, short, short character info sheet
- Claude Kenni Disc 2 Walkthrough
- Rena Walkthrough (that would probably be another file already)

- to whoever's reading this - Thanks for d/l / reading this guide.
Hope you enjoy reading it as I did typing it. This is my
first-ever FAQ !
- To Enix/Tri-Ace and Links for this great game.

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The Second Story Claude Boss Guide

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FAQ für/for Star Ocean (Intro)

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The Second Story
engl. Cheats

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FAQ für/for Star Ocean Teil/Part 1

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FAQ für/for Star Ocean Teil/Part 2

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FAQ für/for Star Ocean Teil/Part 3

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engl. FAQ für/for Star Ocean
engl. FAQ

30.Сентябрь 2013
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11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
25.Июнь 2019