Star Ocean

Star Ocean

30.09.2013 21:43:19


Game System
Private Actions
Approval Ratings (A.R)
Status Screen
"Full Motion Active Battle" system
Hissatsuwaza and Spells
Ougis and Secret Hissatsuwaza
Status Ailments
"Anger Explosions"
Ratix Ferrence
Milly Kiliet
Dorn Marto
Ronixis J. Kenny
Iria Silvestolie
Cius Warren
Joshua Jerand
Fear Mell
Marvel Frozen
Ashlay Barnbelt
Tinek Arukena
Spells and Techniques
Ougi Techniques
The Arena


Private Actions are optional mini-events set into the game. You never need to
use one, but there are some events, items, and secret characters you will never
get if you don't. Private Actions can occur right outside the gates to
most towns.
When you can start a Private Action, a little dialog saying "Private
Action" will
appear in the upper-right hand corner. Pressing Y will start the Private
and disperse the entire party, each character entering the town on his or her
own for a little rest and relaxation. You then control Ratix, and you can
enter the
town yourself and interact with the rest of your party members who are doing
their thing in the town. Before the party disperses some characters will say
various things, and sometimes they will ask you questions as well. If the
so dictates, sometimes Private Actions will not occur, and trying to enact
one will
get reactions like "Let's explore the town together" from the rest of your
and everyone will stay together.

Private Actions have a large influence on the Approval Ratings of each member
of your party. Your actions will affect how your fellow party members see you,
and whether or not they like or dislike you. In addition, special events
to further
the story and unravel the various mysteries throughout the game are viewable
only through Private Actions. Also, sometimes the other characters in your
will provide items and/or information you would not be able to get otherwise.
So it's a good idea to enact Private Actions whenever you can. On the other
hand, there are some events in towns that will only occur if your party is
together, so it is a wise idea to explore the town as a group as well.
for the most part, it is a good idea to explore each town once as a group and
once through a Private Action. It is also possible to return to old towns,
enact a
Private Action, and have different events from those that had occurred there

Approval Rating, or A.R. for short, is what I call the variable the game
stores for
each character that represents that character's attitude towards the other
characters. Each character has a seperate AR for each other character. For
example, Cius will have an AR representing his attitude towards Rati, and
another AR representing his attitude towards Iria. These ratings range
from low
(negative) values to high (positive) values. Measuring exactly when and how
AR changes is a difficult thing to do in this game. But it's a good thing
to keep
tabs on, because the effects of AR, while very subtle, can also be extremely

Ways to change AR:

1) Through actions towards other characters. This can be done either through
Private Actions or other choices you normally have to make throughout the
game. As a general rule, the nicer you are to your allies, the more their AR
towards you will increase, and the meaner you are, the more their AR will
decrease. However, be careful: Actions that might seem appropriate at the time
might end up blowing up in your face, or coming back to haunt you in a negative
way later in the game. Conversely, actions that may seem to be mean or
thoughtless can end up turning around and actually helping you. Also, actions
towards one character can also affect ARs of other characters, in a positive or a
negative way. For example, if you had to choose to help either character A
or B,
and you help character A, A's AR towards you will increase, while B's AR
towards you might similarly decrease. There are also similar situations where
helping character A will ultimately make BOTH character A and charater B's AR
values decrease towards you, or make them BOTH decrease. As a rule of
thumb, before making any "social decision" in the game, you should consider
the other characters' personalities and potential reactions, and how your
actions might affect them indirectly
2) In battle. If a character is wounded and somebody heals them, occasionally
the healed character will thank whoever cast the spell or used the item that
healed them. This is an indication of an AR increase in the healed character.
Similarly, if a character is getting beaten up badly and cries for help, any
characters who rush in and attempt to save their life will get an attitude
towards them. On a similar note, if a character is being whaled on or is
injured, and nobody comes to their aid, their AR for the other characters
in battle
might decrease.

Starting AR levels for each of the characters in the game:
Each character comes in the game with various attitudes towards his or her
comrades. It's difficult to exactly measure for sure, but here are my best
estimates for each of the characters. Any characters not mentioned for each
character have an Average level AR.

Ratix: Average for everybody, slightly higher for Dorn, Milly, Iria, and
Maybe Cius too?
Milly: Very high for Ratix, high for Dorn and Marvel, low for Iria.
Dorn: High for Ratix and Milly, slightly higher for Milly.
Ronixis: High for Iria, Marvel, and Milly, low for Cius.
Iria: High for Ronixis, Ratix, and Cius. Low for Marvel.
Cius: High for Fear, Ratix, and Iria. Low for Joshua.
Ashlay: High for Ratix, average for everyone else.
Joshua: Average for everyone, low for Cius and Marvel. Slightly higher for
and Iria.
Marvel: Very high for Joshua, slightly high for Ronixis and Milly.
Perisie: Low for everybody except Ratix and Milly, who are higher.
Tinek: Low-to-average for everybody except the character who defeats him,
who is higher.

And how exactly does AR affect the game? There are several ways. First, and
most obvious, is the attitude that characters in the game will take toward
you in
social situations in the game. They may be warm and friendly, or frigid and
unkind, depending on how you treat them. This often can affect the outcome of
certain situations. In battle, ARs make a subtle but enormous effect on your
party. Characters who like each other perform better in battle than those
antagonistic towards each other. Also, it effects AI; characters are more
likely to
protect characters they have high ARs for than characters they don't like.
Similarly, they will run to other characters' rescue depending on their AR.
biggest impact AR has on battle though is that each character's AR rating is
directly proportional to the chance of getting and effectiveness of an "Anger

The Star Ocean Character Status screen is more complicated than most RPGs
are, so I'll go into detail on each of the attributes.

Name: Self-explanatory
LV: Your character's current level
Race: Your character's race
Class: Your character's class

HP: Your current and maximum Hit Points.
MP: Your current and maximum Mental Points.
EXP: Your current experience
NEXT: The amount of experience you need to make your next level up.
STR: Strength. Your basic attack power.
INT: Intelligence. Affects your Hissatsuwaza and Magic Spell damage
AGL: Agility. Affects your accuracy and evasion ability.
CON: Constitution. Affects how many HP you gain each level up.
GUTS: Guts is a measure of your character's spirit and determination. It
your character in several different ways. In the middle of battle it can
give your
character an adrenaline rush and increase his/her attack + defense levels. Also,
it sometimes will allow you to survive what would be fatal attacks, leaving you
with 1 HP instead of killing you outright.
STM: Stamina. This is a measure of your character's lasting power in a
fight. At
the start of a fight you start with this base level. As you attack, cast
spells, or use
Hissatsuwaza, your Stamina will drop, and as you just sit still and do
nothing it
will heal. After the fight is over, your character will "catch his breath"
and if any
Stamina is left over your HP and MP will heal a little, depending on how
much is
left. If no Stamina is left, you won't regenerate any HP or MP.

Note: The following four values can be altered by accessories, special armor,
and other items.
Kougeki: Attack. This is your current attack power, and is a combination of
weapon power and STR value.
Bougyo: Defense. This is your current defense power, and is a combination of
your armor's power and your CON value.
Meichuuritsu: Accuracy. This measures your ability to break the enemy's
defenses and inflict damage on the enemy when you attack. Its base value is
the same as your Agility.
Kaihi: Evasion This is your ability to block attacks outright. Its value is
determined by what shield you are using, but other pieces of armor and base
ability also play a role.

Buki: Weapon. Your weapon.
Karada: Body. Your body Armor
Tate: Shield. Your Shield
Atama: Head. Your head armor
Ashi: Legs. Your Leg Armor
Sono ta 1: Other 1. One of your current Accessories
Sono ta 2: Other 2. Your other current Accessory.
Koubutsu: Liked Thing, lit. Your character's favorite food/drink. When a
character eats or drinks his or her Koubutsu, their HP and MP are refilled
to their
maximum values. These foods/drinks are constant from game to game, but
except for Ratix, Dorn, and Milly, this value will be empty until you
actually feed
that character his or her favorite food/drink.

Star Ocean's battle system is different from most RPGs in its use of a
system. Unlike Chrono Trigger and the Super Famicom Final Fantasy games,
which use a semi-real time system, Star Ocean's battle system is in true real-
time. In other words, not only do the enemies not wait for you to enter your
commands before they attack, but they *all* attack at the same time.
all of your characters attack at the same time as well. The game also
a real battlefield by making your characters and the enemies have to run
around the battlefield before they can actually attack. Therefore, unless
you are
using a long-range weapon, once you target a certain enemy, your character
will have to run up to said enemy before they can attack. Similarly, if you
want to
change targets in the middle of a battle, you'll have to run to a new
position to
attack your new enemy. This makes you have to think strategically about which
enemies you'd like to attack and from where. It also opens the ability to
let you
use strategies such as running behind an enemy and striking him from behind,
or sandwiching a monster between two characters. (Of course, the monsters
can use these same tactics on you as well.) All of this makes battles very
paced. Due to this fact, you can only control one character at a time. The
characters will be handled by the computer AI.

Due to all of this, battles can seem very frenzied and almost haphazardly
random at first, but just a random "run in and destroy everything that moves"
strategy will not work unless you are very powerful. Therefore you have to
to use special tactics and pay attention to everything that's going on on the
screen at once. It can be difficult at first, but it's also what makes SO
such a
great game, IMO. :)

A Button: Target. When you press the A button, your target arrows appear over
the nearest enemy. You can then select which enemy you would like to attack.
Pressing A again will cause the character to run up to your target and
attack, or
in Ronixis' case, fire an arrow. Pressing L or R when targeting an enemy will
cause your character to use whatever Long or Short-range, depending on the
distance to your target, Hissatsuwaza assigned to that button. Pressing B will
cancel the targeting phase.

B Button: Character select. Pressing B once will pause the battle and you can
select a character you'd like to control. Once you're on the character
you'd like
to control, press B again to confirm your selection. While controlling
other than Ratix, Ratix will sit still giving directions to said character,
and will be
vulnerable to attack, so be careful. Of course, trying to direct a petrified,
paralyzed, or unconscious character will do nothing.

Y Button: Free targeting. Pressing Y will create Free-targeting arrows
which you
can move anywhere on the screen. Pressing A will confirm your target. If your
arrows are over an enemy, you will attack that enemy. If your arrows are over
another character, you will run in front of that character and guard
him/her. (Of
course, trying to guard yourself is useless. ^_^) If your arrows are over
an empty
area when you press A for confirmation, your character will run to that area of
the battlefield.

X Button: Menu. This will pause the battle and bring up a menu for the selected
character. You can choose from the following choices:
ITEM: Make the selected character use an item. Items you can use have an O in
front of them, those you can't have an X.
RUN: Flee from battle. Your characters will all try to run off the nearest
edge of
the screen. The more powerful your enemy is, the longer it will take for your
characters to get themselves together and conduct an organized retreat. While
running, your characters' defense power is reduced to 0, so they take more
damage. Running can be extremely dangerous, especially when fighting strong
enemies; sometimes it is safter to stay and stick it out. If you have to
run, make
sure your party is in a situation conducive to doing so; trying to run away
surrounded by enemies on all sides is a really stupid idea.
TACTICS: Change your character's Tactics. This allows you to change each
character's basic AI battle plan in the middle of a battle. Ratix cannot be
controlled by the computer, so he cannot use this command.
CHANGE: Swap a character for another character not participating in a battle.
Swapping characters is a good idea when someone's HP and MP are running
low; it's faster and safer than running away. Ratix must always be in the
so you can't use this command on him.
SPECIAL: Direct a character to cast a spell. This will pull up a list of
Jumon you
can cast, and, if applicable, the game will ask you to select a target. Milly,
Joshua, and Ronixis are the only spellcasters in the game, so this command is
not available to the other characters.

L Button/R Button: By themseves, nothing. During target select phase, this will
cause you to use any Hissatsuwaza assigned to the button.

Start/Select Buttons: Not used

As your character's levels increase, he or she will learn new Hissatsuwaza,
Special Techniques, and Jumon, Spells. During combat, any spell is
accessable via the Special command, but you can only use the Hissatsuwaza
that you pre-assign to your character in battle. There are 4 maximum
Hissatsuwaza that you can use at any one time: two short-range and two long-
range. Some Hissatsuwaza can be used as both short-range and long-range.
Under the "Tokugi" menu in the main subscreen, you can assign Hissatsuwaza
you have learned to the L or R buttons. Pressing the corresponding button
during battle will let you use them.

Original Combos: Once you get the battle skill "Link Combos," and build it up,
you can create combos of techniques ranging from two to four Hissatsuwazas
long, depending on how high your skill level is. When a character executes an
Original Combo, as soon as he/she executes their first Hissatsuwaza, they will
immediately follow up with the proceeding Hissatsuwaza, providing that the
target was not killed outright in the first attack. To assign Hissatsuwaza in an
Original Combo, from the first Hissatsuwaza-assigning screen, press left and
right to scroll through the 2nd-4th slots. In the second through third
slots in a
combo, either long-range or short-range techniques can be used regardless of
what type of Hissatsuwaza came right before it. This can be useful when
designing your combos; for example, if you follow up a long-range attack with a
short-range attack, your character will run up to the enemy as his/her long-
range attack is flying through the air and attack short-range immediately after
the first attack hits. In this way you can protect yourself from getting
hit while
executing a short-range attack. In any case, you can arrange the techniques in
any way you'd like to find combos you find that work especially well.

The techniques that your character will learn on his or her own will become
more powerful as you gain levels, but with the exception of Ashlay, you will
never learn any of the super-powerful legendary techniques from leveling up
alone. These must all be learned from Ougis, legendary books of knowledge
scattered throughout the world somewhere. Once you find an Ougi and give it
to a character, it will appear on his or her Skills screen. It actually
requires more
than an Ougi alone to learn the powerful techniques described in it. There are
several factors that determine how and when you will learn one of the super-
powerful secret Hissatsuwaza described within the Ougis.
1) Base Combat skill ability. On the Skills screen, each character starts
with a
skill individual to his or her own fighting style. For example, Ratix has
Swordfighting, Iria has Martial arts, and so forth. The more Skill Points
(SP) you
put into this skill, the more proficient you become in your personal
fighting style,
and the better a chance you will learn the techniques unique to that style that
are described in the Ougi.
2) Practice of the attack that the Secret (Ougi) Hissatsuwaza is based
upon. All
of the secret techniques described in the Ougis are more powerful or improved
versions of techniques the characters normally use. By practicing the
fundamental technique, the chance of learning the more powerful version is
improved. For example, if Ratix practices the technique "Souhazan" a lot, the
chance of his learning the technique "Shichiseisouhazan" from the Shichisei
Ougi is increased.
3) Personal and Situational Factors. Usually, characters first learn how to use
Ougi Hissatsuwazas at the beginning of a fight with particularly tough
However, if another character that you especially care about (ie have a high AR
for) gets defeated in battle, there is a chance that in a surge of anger and
adrenaline you will learn one of the Ougi Hissatsuwaza. Also, the higher your
level, the higher the chance of your learning an Ougi Hisssatsuwaza. Your
character's GUTS rating might also have to do something with it.
4) Luck. Despite all the other factors that go into learning an Ougi
Hissatsuwaza, the most important factor is just dumb luck. Even if the chances
are really high, there's still no guarantee that you'll learn an Ougi
in any battle. Learning Ougi Hissatsuwazas are uncommon events, and are few
and far between.

How to tell if you've learned an Ougi Hissatsuwaza:
The action will stop completely, the learning character's graphic will turn
his/her "angry" state, and he/she will let out a battle cry while the words
"Learned (technique name)!" appear at the top or bottom of the screen. Then the
character will yell "Ougi!" and execute whatever new technique he or she just
learned on the nearest enemy.

The Ougis and who can use them:

Shichisei Ougi (Seven-Star Ougi): Ratix, Cius, Ashlay, Marvel, Tinek
Shiseijuu Ougi (Four Holy Beasts Ougi): Ratix, Cius, Ashlay, Iria
Kouryuu Ougi (Emperor Dragon Ougi): Ratix, Ashlay
Bunshin Ougi (War God Ougi): Fear
Hakkake Ougi ([Type of cloth] Ougi): Iria, Tinek
Uraouka Ougi (Reverse Cherry Blossom Ougi): Iria
Neko Ougi (Cat Ougi): Perisie

There are four different types of status ailments.
Doku (Poison): Your HP reduces slowly, faster in battle. Curable by the spells
Antidote and Dispel, and the items Aquaberry and Recure Bottle
Mahi (Paralysis): You are frozen in place and cannot move or attack. Paralyzed
characters do not receive EXP after battles. Curable by the spell Dispel,
and the
items Cure Paralyze and Recure Bottle.
Sekika (Petrified): You are turned to stone, and cannot move or do anything
else. Pertrified characters do not receive EXP after battles. Curable by
the spell
Dispel, and the items Cure Stone and Recure Bottle
Sentou Funou (Incapacitated): Your HP have been reduced to 0, and you are
unconscious, incapable of doing anything. Curable by the spell Raise Dead, the
items Resurrect Bottle and Resurrect Mist, and by resting in an inn.

This is a special state that occurs in battle when a character's allies'
get killed.
The surviving character gets really mad, turns red (usually) and says "I'm
kill you!" or "I'll make you regret doing that!" or something along those
lines. He
or she will get an adrenaline rush, and their attack power will increase by
a lot. If a character has a high AR for another character, the greater a chance
that he or she will go through an "anger explosion" when their friend gets
incapacitated. Furthermore, the more important a character is to someone who
undergoes an "anger explosion," the more their attack power will rise.
Sometimes the increase will double or even triple your attack power!

There are two types of Battle Tactics: Formation and Battle Plans. Formations
are the way you can organize your party members to optimize the way you plan
your battles. Here are cheesy ASCII diagrams of all 8 Formations.

Linear Motion Astral Shift
------------------------ ------------------------
1 3

4 4
------------------------ ------------------------

Tri-Shift 1 Tri-Shift 2
------------------------ ------------------------
1 2

2 4 1 3

3 4
------------------------ ------------------------

Free Fight Upper Square
------------------------ ------------------------
1 1 3
2 4

------------------------ ------------------------

Lower Square Diamond Shift
------------------------ ------------------------


2 3
1 3
2 4
------------------------ ------------------------

Reccomendations for each of the 8 Formations:
LINEAR MOTION: In this formation, it is a good setup to put four equal fighter-
type characters in the row, with your most powerful of the two towards the
middle. This way they can each take care of an equal part of the screen.
ASTRAL SHIFT: This is probably the most balanced Formations. It's good to use
for a party of two strong characters. (usually fighter-types) and two weaker
characters (often spellcasters) The spellcasters are protected from enemies,
and the fighters are free to attack the way they'd like.
TRI-SHIFT 1: An excellent choice for three fighters of equal power to protect 1
spellcaster that is slightly weaker or even level. The three front-runners
get a
chance to hack at the enemies while acting as shields for character #4.
TRI-SHIFT 2: A good choice when you have 1 character much stronger than all
of the others in the party. The character in the front will take care of
most of the
fighting while the members in the rear back him/her up. This is a good
choice for
a Ratix/Milly/Joshua/Ronixis combination.
FREE FIGHT: This is a good choice for a powerful party. The front two fighters
get up close and personal right from the outset of the fight, while the other two
characters serve as back-up. Kind of like an Astral Shift for powerful
The only problem is if you get in a back attack, the two powerhouses up front
will be far from the enemies; they will have to run to get to the enemies,
the two backups will be vulnerable and right in front of the enemy. So only use
when you've got a powerful party.
UPPER/LOWER SQUARE: Upper and Lower Squares are ideal formations for
protecting character numbers 3 and 4 respectively. They will be completely
shielded from the enemy by the other characters. Best used when the character
being protected is much weaker than the other three.
DIAMOND SHIFT: A good pattern to use when you have 1 very strong fighter,
(usually this will be Ratix) two slightly weaker fighters, and a weaker
in the back. Like Free Fight, however, the fourth character will be extra
vulnerable if you get caught in a back attack, so use with caution!

AI Battle plans:
Here are a list of the battle plans in the game.

Fighter-type character battle plans:
For each one of the fighter-type characters, their AI battle plans are all
the same.
Therefore, for the following four plans, the characters who can use them are:
Iria, Cius, Ashlay, Fear, Marvel, Perisie, and Tinek.

Chikara o Tsukaikire: (Use all your power)
Go all-out. Don't worry about MP consumption, and use Hissatsuwaza
whenever necessary. Don't worry about where you are in comparison to your
allies, and attack anything that moves. For the most part, characters under
plan will use regular attacks for weaker enemies, but will not hesitate to use

Hissatsuwaza o Tsukau na (Don't use Hissatsuwaza)
Conserve your MP, and stick only to physical attacks. This plan is like
Chikara o
Tsukaikire in that your fighters constantly are attacking without regards
to their
location in comparison to their companions, but they won't use Hissatsuwaza.

Mikata o Mamore (Protect your friends)
For the most part, stay still and do not attack unless an enemy actively
approaches. If there is a weaker or wounded comrade, stay by them and attack
any enemies that come near them. Hissatsuwaza are OK if necessary.

Mizukara o Mamore (Protect yourself)
Do not participate actively in the battle unless you absolutely need to.
Keep as
much distance as possible between yourself and the enemies, and only fight
when cornered, using Hissatsuwaza if necessary.

Spellcaster Plans:
The plans of each spellcaster differ from person to person, although some plans
are shared.

Kaifuku o Juuji ni (Healing is most important)
Cast attack and defense spells as necessary, but concentrate more on healing
your allies when they need it
Who uses: Joshua

Tooku o Nerae (Get them from far away)
Get as far away from the enemy as possible, using attack or healing magic (or
fire the bow as well in Ronixis' case) as necessary.
Who uses: Joshua, Ronixis

Kougeki o Juuji ni (Attack is most important)
The opposite of Kaifuku o Juuji ni, use attack magic more than healing magic.
Who uses: Joshua

Juumon o Tsukawazu ni (Try not to use Spells)
Cast no spells whatsoever. However, if you are being beaten badly, or if
somebody's about to die or gets incapacitated, petrified, etc., cast attack
to back up the outclassed fighters, heal hurt characters, or revive
incapacitated/poisoned/etc. characters.
Who uses: Milly, Joshua, Ronixis

Sentou o Yuuri ni (Favor the Battle)
Cast primarily spells to power-up the rest of your party, and offensive
spells to
make the enemy weaker, using healing spells only if necessary.
Who uses: Milly

Wareware o Daiichi ni (We are most important)
Concentrate primarily on healing, using power-up magic on your party
Who uses: Milly

Hodo o Yoku Kangaete (Think well about the situation)
A fairly well balanced battle plan; judge which spells are most important
depending on the situation, focusing on different types of spells for different
Who uses: Milly

Dorn's Battle plans:
You only have Dorn for a short time, and he has no Hissatsuwaza, so he has
two different plans instead of Chikara o Tsukaikire and Hissatsuwaza o Tsukau

Senjin o Tore (Take the Initiative)
Run up and attack continuously

Maai o Tore (Take any opportunities)
Attack enemies, jump back and avoid any counter attacks, and repeat.


Ratix Farrence
Age: 19
Clan/Race: Fellpool
Country of origin: Clatos Village, in the country of Moore.
Class: Kenshi
Height: 174cm
Weight: 68kg
Favorite food/drink: Hoikoro

Story/Personality type:
Ratix is the main character and hero of the story. He is from the village of
Clatos, and his job is to protect the village along with Milly and Dorn.
His father
was formerly the leader of the town protectors, but died at his post. Ratix now
lives alone with his mother, but has two very close friends, Dorn and
Milly. He is
fairly easygoing, and is somewhat the type to sit back, take in the
situation, but
keep his mouth shut. This is quite apparent in his relationship with
Milly, as he
seems to pay little heed to her constant fawning over him. For the most
part, he
is calm, cool, and reasonable, but can get very angry when people that he cares
about are on the line, and has a strong sense of justice. The interesting
about Star Ocean is, as you play Ratix, you can alter his personality through
Private Actions and the choices you make throughout the game.

Good points about Ratix:
--Ratix has a very fast, damaging normal attack with very little recovery time;
best overall fighter in the game.
--Lots of extremely powerful secret Hissatsuwazas.
--One word--Shichiseisouhazan!!!
--Looks really cool!

Bad points about Ratix:
--Except for one or two techniques, Ratix's normal Hissatsuwaza aren't too
effective overall; often his normal attack is better.

Milly Kiliet (Note: Kiliet pronounced "Kill-leet")
Age: 18
Clan/Race: Fellpool
Country of origin: Clatos Village, in the country of Moore.
Class: Houjutsushi
Height: 164cm
Weight: 46kg
Favorite food/drink: Fruit Parfait

Story/Personality type:
Milly is a childhood friend of Ratix. Her father is the best Houjutsushi
healer) of Clatos, and she is just beginning to study under him, but is a real
slacker in her Houjutsu studies, and hasn't learned very much yet. She uses
what powers she has to back up Ratix and Dorn's physical power. Despite her
girlish-sounding voice, Milly is somewhat of a tomboy, and is anything but
passive and submissive. She is nuts about Ratix, and is constantly fawning
over him, although he seems to pay little attention. She is emotional, short-
tempered, and VERY jealous. In general, she is extremely emotionally attached
to her friends, and this serves as her primary motivation. Milly usually
serves as
magical backup, but if forced to fight, uses a staff.

Good points about Milly:
--Is a fantastic healer, the most powerful in the game. Is also the only
that can cast Raise Dead, Dispel, and Antidote.
--In addition to her healing powers, Milly can enhance party members' and
decrease enemies' strength, speed, and defense.
--Has high MP, and usually starts out with a slew of useful Talents.

Bad points about Milly:
--Is a lousy fighter and doesn't have many damage-dealing attacks.
--Dies *really* easily. Keep her in the back ranks at all times.
--Has a kind of ditzy voice. :)

Dorn Marto
Age: 19
Clan/Race: Fellpool
Country of origin: Clatos Village, in the country of Moore.
Class: Kenshi
Height: 181cm
Weight: 75kg
Favorite food/drink: Steak 240

Story/Personality type:
Dorn is Ratix's best friend, and a fellow member of the town protectors.
He is an
excellent fighter, better than even Ratix. His younger sister, who was
close to him, was killed by a raid from the thieves that often attack
Clatos, which
is why he chooses to defend the town. He keeps his sister's musicbox with him
as a special memento, which he treasures with his life. Despite the loss
of his
sister, Dorn has a really light-hearted and optimistic personality, and is
liked by
practically everyone. Although he pretends not to like Milly all that much, in
reality he has extremely strong feelings for her, and is even more important to
him than Ratix. In battle, Dorn wields a big longsword, and his fighting
style is
similar to Ratix's

Good points about Dorn:
--Is fast like Ratix and does a lot of damage
--Has a really big sword!

Bad points about Dorn
--No Talents or Hissatsuwaza
--You only get to play him for about 15 minutes

Ronixis J Kenny (Note: Ronixis rhymes with "Roa-nyx")
Age: 38
Clan/Race: Human
Country of origin: Earth
Class: Monshoutsukai
Height: 179cm
Weight: 64kg
Favorite food/drink: Matsutake (Dried Mushrooms)

Story/Personality type:
Ronixis is the captain of the Federation Starship Kalnas. (Yes, this game does
rip off of Star Trek) He is currently fighting a turncoat ship, Rezonia,
and is
called to investigate Roak (Ratix and everyone else's planet) upon Rezonia's
moves there, and it is there that he meets Ratix and the others. He has
excellent leadership skills and is the leader of the party's expedition.
Ronixis is
a man of pure reason, and is coolheaded in practically every situation.
Although he is taught to use magic by Milly, he distrusts anything
he lost his wife to a disease uncurable by science and doesn't want to
think that
something like magic could have saved her. In addition to being able to use
attack magic, Ronixis is an excellent marksman and fights with a bow in battle.

Good points about Ronixis:
--Can cast a wide range of powerful attack spells.
--In addition to his attack magic, his bow is really powerful, has little
time, and can keep enemies at bay well. On the other hand, depending on
which weapon he is using, he has only a set number of arrows per battle; if he
runs out he has to run up and punch the enemy, which isn't too effective. :)

Bad points about Ronixis:
--Dies really easily if enemies manage to get close to him.
--The AI sometimes controls him like a total idiot, making him cast spells that
heal the enemies!

Iria Silvestolie
Age: 23
Clan/Race: Human
Country of origin: Earth
Class: Kakutouka
Height: 171cm
Weight: 48kg
Favorite food/drink: Tama no Hikari (Sphere's Light--alcoholic drink)

Story/Personality type:
Iria is the first officer and chief science officer aboard Ronixis' ship.
In addition,
she is an expert in the martial arts. She goes with Ronixis in the
investigation of
Rezonia's actions, and meets up with Ratix at that time. Like Ronixis,
Iria is a
very rational person, but is much less "robotic" than her captain, and is much
better at speaking to civilians. She can "let her hair down" a lot easier
than he
can, and enjoys socializing, small talk, and especially fine alcoholic
a lot better than he does. Although she is very rational and intelligient, she
often lets her emotions get the better of her, and gets irritated and/or
Being a martial artist Iria uses her hands and feet in battle.

Good points about Iria:
--Her regular Hissatsuwaza are really powerful, and useful too
--Has a good Stamina.

Bad points about Iria:
--Can't equip a lot of very good armor
--Slow to pull off hits in battle

Cius Warren
Age: 20
Clan/Race: Highlander
Country of origin: The country of Astral
Class: Kenshi
Height: 190cm
Weight: 90kg
Favorite food/drink: Kokuryuu (A kind of alcohol)

Story/Personality type:
Cius is the son of the head of the Astral army. He lost his mother at an
early age.
When his father talked about handing the job down to him, Cius didn't like the
idea, and left Astral to journey around the world to improve his swordsmanship
and find treasure. While Cius is very strong, is a fantastic swordsman and is
always willing to demonstrate it, he lacks self-confidence, and his journey
is as
much to build up his confidence as it is to find treasure. While Ratix is less
skilled when Cius meets up with him, Cius sees potential in him, and knows that
Ratix will eventually surpass himself, and travels with him to see how he turns
out. Cius is loud, brash, and often foul-mouthed, but he is really a nice guy and
is always willing to stick his neck out to help his friends. He has a special
fondness for strong alcoholic drinks and can often be found hanging out in
taverns. Cius wields a big-ass two-handed sword when he fights, for lots of

Good points about Cius:
--Cius is one hell of a powerhouse, and can deal tons of damage.
--He gains some incredible secret Hissatsuwazas, like Genbushourai.
--Is really cool, especially in battle! ("Zako, zako!")

Bad points about Cius:
--Slow to attack; it takes a long time to swing that massive thing!
--Low MP; they go down really quick in battle.

Joshua Jerand (Note--name pronounced "Yo-shu-a")
Age: 20
Clan/Race: Featherfolk
Country of origin: Silvalant
Class: Monshoutsukai
Height: 172cm
Weight: 20kg
Favorite food/drink: Escargot

Story/Personality type:
Joshua is a member of the Featherfolk, a race of beautiful, somewhat
introverted, winged people that live in the mountains. While adventuring
Featherfolk are practically unheard of, Joshua is an exception. When he was
younger, his parents were killed by a strange group of people, and his younger
sister, Eris, was abducted. Joshua was wounded and was nursed back to
health by a kind human, and is now searching the world for his sister.
Joshua is
a very quiet, shy, pacifistic man, and hates violence of any sort. While he is
extremely polite, refined, and difficult to anger, if anyone stands in the
way of his
mission to save his sister, he gets angry easily and can become very abusive.
While Joshua is weak physically, he has a heightened magical sense, and
posesses strong magical powers, both offensive and defensive, although he is
a better offensive magician than a healer. If forced into physical combat,
Joshua fights with a staff.

Good points about Joshua:
--Can cast both healing and attack spells
--Has one of the nastiest spells in the game, Extension
--High MP and intelligence

Bad points about Joshua:
--Not as good an offensive character as Ronixis is, nor is as good a
defensive/healing magician as Milly
--Physically weak and dies really easily when attacked.
--Has the same complex as Ronixis in that the AI often makes him cast attack
spells that heal the enemies

Fear Mell
Age: Doesn't say, but I'd guess around 20-23
Clan/Race: Highlander
Country of origin: The country of Astral
Class: Kishi
Height: Doesn't say
Weight: Doesn't say
Favorite food/drink: Sazae Tsuboyaki (Baked Turban Shell)
Story/Personality type:
Fear is the top general of the Astral Army, and is fiercely loyal to her
commander, Warren. (Cius' father) She is a childhood friend of Cius, and he
rubbed off a lot on her; she is fairly masculine and uses male speech. In
general, she is somewhat forceful and is the type of person that usually gets
what she wants. While she is an old friend of Cius, she is angry about how he
left Astral and thinks he is a coward, and somewhat selfish. Put simply, their
relationship is not exactly good at the moment. Fear is someone who puts the
good of the many above the good of the individual, which is why she dislikes
Cius' solitary attitude. She will fight doggedly for her friends and her
and is a powerful ally. When in battle, Fear fights with "Raven Swords," short
dagger-like swords that, when thrown return like boomerangs to their thrower.

Good points about Fear:
--Is a fantastic fighter, probably second only to Ratix; her twin swords
can hit the
enemies up to four times in a single attack, and are pretty powerful too.
--Can equip lots of good weapons and armor
--Has high HP and fairly good MP too.

Bad points about Fear:
--Doesn't have a lot of variety or large numbers of Hissatsuwazas; while
they aren't often much more effective than a normal attack.

Marvel Frozen
Age: She looks like she is in her early 20s, but unknown.
Clan/Race: Unknown
Country of origin: Unknown
Class: Ancient Master
Height: Doesn't say
Weight: Doesn't say
Favorite food/drink: Wine

Marvel is a character who is shrouded in mystery. She meets Ronixis and Milly
when they first get separated from the rest of the party, and journey with
Her quest is to kill a mercenary, "Shinku no Tate" who killed her parents and
older brother. However, nothing much is known about who she is, where she is
from, or about any of her past. She is beautiful, refined, and polite, but
is an
introvert and is very secretive about her past. Something about Joshua bothers
her, and there is something that is "just not right" about her. However,
she is
loyal and more than willing to fight for her friends. Marvel uses a unique
form of
combat using a magical weapon known as a "Raven Orb." She fights using her
bare hands and with a Raven orb which she psychically controls while it darts
around her body.

Good points about Marvel:
--Infuses magic in her normal attacks for increased elemental damage.
--Has really powerful secret Hissatsuwazas.

Bad points about Marvel:
--As a fighter, she is weaker than all of the other "fighter-type"
characters and a
lot of her normal Hissatsuwaza are not very useful
--She dies more quickly than most of the other fighter characters.

Age: Probably around 10-12.
Clan/Race: Lesser Fellpool
Country of origin: Moore
Class: Neko Kakutouka
Height: Short
Weight: Doesn't say
Favorite food/drink: Ootoro

Story/Personality type:
Perisie is a Lesser Fellpool, an all-but-extinct race of cat-like humanoids
lives on the continent of Moore. She has the ability to change into a cat, and
possesses a musical talent present in many of the Lesser Fellpools. She fell
prisoner to the pirate tribe of Velcants, and spent most of her life
growing up in
their dungeons. She is very introverted and her social skills are practically
nonexistant, but is encouraged to join by Rati and Milly, and slowly begins to
learn how to interact with other people as well. Perisie fights with the "Neko
Kakutou" fighting style; she uses her claws to fight as well as kicks with her
flexible legs, and can summon cat spirits to help her fight.

Good points about Perisie:
--Is fast as hell and can reach the enemies with lightning speed, also dodges
--Has some unique and useful Hissatsuwazas.
--Is really cute and says really funny things in combat. :)

Bad points about Perisie:
--Has to get up close and dirty to inflict any damage, and cannot equip much
--A lot of her Hissatsuwazas are kind of useless.
--Some of her battle cries are really annoying!

Ashlay Barnbelt
Age: Probably in his late 50s or early 60s.
Clan/Race: Highlander
Country of origin: Astral
Class: Kenshi
Height: Doesn't say
Weight: Doesn't say
Favorite food/drink: Sensou Jelly

Story/Personality type:
Ashlay is an old war hero of the war against the demons of the Makai. He is
very proficient in the Edarl Kenjutsu Swordfighting style, and thinks of it
as as
much of an art as a way to defeat his enemies. As an aging warrior, Ashlay
spends a lot of time in the Tatoroy Arena, trying to promote the "true way of
fighting." He is irritated at the attitude taken towards fighting by most
people; he
sees them fighting with just a raw bloodthirstiness rather than with
finesse and
appreciation of the art. Seeing Ratix and his very similar style of
Ashlay instantly sees his potential and becomes somewhat of a surrogate
teacher for Ratix, trying to teach him the true way of a fighter. In
reality, Ashlay is
extremely excited to see someone with such an appreciation for the art. Ashlay
is very kind and loyal, although he gets cranky when people call him an old
man. Ashlay is a very experienced warrior, and fights in a style almost
to Ratix's, although he can't use shields since his shield arm has been injured
in such a way that he cannot use it effectively. His techniques are almost
identical to those of Ratix's, and he learns many techniques normally that
needs special circumstances to learn.

Good points about Ashlay:
--Starts out extremely powerful, more so than everyone else, and starts with
three Ougis already equipped. (although he can't use two of them)
--Has high HP and powerful techniques
--Has a personality you just can't hate!

Bad points about Ashlay:
--Has fewer MP than any other character and likewise can rarely use
--Will eventually be surpassed by Ratix, and a few other fighters as well.

Tinek Arukena (Pronounced Tineek)
Age: Probably around 15-16
Clan/Race: Lycanthrope
Country of origin: ???
Class: Kakutouka
Height: As a man, short. As a wolf, tall. :)
Weight: Doesn't say
Favorite food/drink: Omusubi (Rice ball)

Story/Personality type:
Tinek is pure fighter, through-and-through. He lives for the fight and nothing
else. He spends all his time in the Tatoroy Arena making a name for himself
and improving his fighting skills. Tinek is a short boy, but he is also a
Lycanthrope and in battle turns into a huge, powerful wolf. Rather than being
an agressive or violent fighter, Tinek is unbelievably focused and calm. After
being defeated in the arena by the party, Tinek wishes to join them and learn
from their fighting ability. Tinek is from a far-off exotic country, and
speaks with a
heavy accent. (During the fights, he sometimes speaks in Mandarin Chinese)
He is also so focused and driven that it turns him into somewhat of an
and a loner. His social interactions with the rest of the party are few and far
between. When in battle, Tinek fights with bo staves or long pole arms like
halberds and spears.

Good points about Tinek:
--Has a killer range with that stick and can often wipe out enemies before they
even get a chance to get within striking range.
--Has some really useful techniques
--Is calm and cold as steel!

Bad points about Tinek:
--Is vulnerable to taking damage because he cannot equip much good armor
--Way too introverted!


Note: For all the skills, the MP consumption listed here is for a base
level of 0 in
the character's weapon proficiency. As you increase a character's weapon
proficiency, his or her MP requirements will decrease.

The user of this skill uses his sword to create a ring of shockwaves around his
body. (Ratix, Ashlay, Cius)
Who uses:
Ratix: LV 3 MP 3
Cius: LV 9 MP 5
Ashlay: LV NA MP 5

The user of Gurenken jumps up in the air, adding the power of fire to his sword
and landing on his opponent for a double-hit of fire damage, (Ratix) or swings
his sword around, harnessing the power of fire to shoot fire projectiles (Cius,
Who uses:
Ratix: LV 7 MP 6
Cius: LV 27 MP 11
Ashlay: LV NA MP 11

There are two types of Senkouken: one where the user gathers the power of
light on his sword and then releases it to fire many projectiles around him,
(Ratix) and one that shoots a bolt of light energy in front of the weilder
Who uses:
Ratix: LV 10, MP 5
Cius: LV 27, MP 12
Ashlay: LV 28, MP 13

The user of the Raimeiken calls down a bolt of lightning onto his blade to
the enemy with a shocking wave.
Who uses:
Ratix: LV 12, MP 5
Cius: LV 22, MP 9
Ashlay: LV NA, MP 8

The Souhazan is a jumping double-slice with a sword.
Who uses:
Ratix: LV 20, MP 11
Cius: LV 18, MP 10
Ashlay: LV NA, MP 7

The Kuuhazan is a distance attack of a speeding line of shockwaves generated
by the speed of the user's sword.
Who uses:
Ratix: LV 16, MP 9

This technique creates a wide shockwave with your sword that shoots out in
front of you, entrapping the enemy in it and dealing damage.
Who uses:
Ratix: LV 25, MP 8
Cius: LV 13, MP 7

With this technique, Rati jumps up into the air and turns into a dragon, then
breathes a bolt of energy down onto his enemy for high damage.
Who uses:
Ratix: LV 29, MP 13

This technique is used by martial artists, who use their ki to create a
very similar to the Shoureiha.
Who uses:
Iria: LV 9, MP 5

With this technique, Iria jumps up into the air, charging ki around her
fist and
then coming down with a straight-down punch into the enemy.
Who uses:
Iria: LV 15, MP 7

Iria puts her hands on the ground and uses them as a pivot to execute a slicing
kick with both legs which does a double attack on the enemy.
Who uses:
Iria: LV 20, MP 8

This technique is much like the Ryuuseishou in that it charges ki around the
fists, but it is a rapid succession of four punches on the ground that will
do large
amounts of damage to the enemy, especially if all four punches connect.
Who uses:
Iria: LV 25, MP 10

Raven Sword
This is Fear's basic technique of throwing her swords; rather than just
hitting the
enemy once as normal, this techniques allows the swords to hit their target on
the way back for extra damge.
Who uses:
Fear: LV 16, MP 6

Dancing Sword
This is Fear's answer to the Souhazan; she does a double hit with her swords
while jumping around in the air.
Who uses:
Fear: LV 20, MP 9

3 Way
With this technique, Fear throws three swords spreading out at different angles
away from her, to hit multiple targets at a greater range.
Who uses:
Fear: LV 24, MP 14

3 Volley
Fear throws three swords very quickly in front of her to make multiple hits
on the
enemies, to do strikingly high damage.
Who uses:
Fear: LV 28, MP 12

Aqua Spread
This attack does water damage; Fear throws a sword with a trail of water
bubbles shooting out from it. It does quite a lot of damage, especially to fire-
base monsters!
Who uses:
Fear: LV 32, MP 17

Galaxy God Breath (Galaxy GB)
This is Fear's most powerful normal technique; she summons the power of light
to her sword and shoots a powerful spread of light beams from it. This attack
does light-based damage.
Who uses:
Fear: LV 37, MP 22

Raven Orb
This is Marvel's most basic technique; she commands her Raven Orb to flare up
with energy, shoot out and strike her opponent.
Who uses:
Marvel: LV NA, MP 6

Flare Orb
Marvel summons a fire spirit to charge her Raven orb with flame energy and
shoots it out, striking the enemy. Does fire-based damage.
Who uses:
Marvel: LV 23, MP 8

Hail Orb
Similar to the Flare Orb, except that Marvel summons a water spirit to charge
her Raven Orb. Does ice-based damage.
Who uses:
Marvel: LV 27, MP 9

Thunder Orb
Marvel's most powerful spirit summoning technique; she summons a lightning
spirit to do electrical damage to her enemies.
Who uses:
Marvel: LV 30, MP 11

Arc Cystal
This technique charges Marvel's Raven Orb with a special energy which saps
the enemy's strength. Enemies struck by the Raven Orb charged with this
energy do less damage for a short time.
Who uses:
Marvel: LV 34, MP 18

Seal Crystal
The energy that Marvel charges her Raven Orb with for this technique is a
shocking paralyizing force. Enemies struck with a Seal Crystal are paralyzed
and cannot move for a short time.
Who uses:
Marvel: LV 38, MP 23

Death Crystal
The Death Crystal is Marvel's most deadly attack. Enemies struck by a Death
Crystal will die instantly if affected. It doesn't always work though.
Who uses:
Marvel: LV 52, MP 40

Like the name of the technique, (Senpuu=whirlwind) Tinek stabs his staff or
spear into the ground and swirls around it with a whipping kick. It can do
damage to enemies on all sides of him.
Who uses:
Tinek: LV NA, MP 4

With this technique, Tinek swings his staff/spear in front of him to do a
Who uses:
Tinek: LV 22, MP 6

Tinek raises his spear/staff in the air and shoots several ice bolts from
it out in a
wave formation.
Who uses:
Tinek: LV 26, MP 10

This technique is a stab with a staff/spear that is sharp enough to "slice the
image of the moon reflected in a pool of water in half." In any case, the
technique creates such an image and has the ability to kill its target
Who uses:
Tinek: LV 30, MP 12

This is sort of a more advanced form of the Shippukon; Tinek does a quadruple
strike with his staff.
Who uses:
Tinek: LV 35, MP 18

Multiple Punch.
With this technique, Perisie summons the "Torimaki Cat Sisters" who all punch
the enemy together.
Who uses:
Perisie: LV 10, MP 5

Shining Dance:
Perisie summons two cat familiars, they all jump up into the air, do a funny
dance, and create a "cat-field" of energy which damages enemies nearby and
far away.
Who uses:
Perisie LV 13, MP 7

Ei! Yaa! Toh!
This technique is a 3-hit slicing combo with Perisie's sharp claws.
Who uses:
Perisie: LV 17, MP 15

Charming Pose
Perisie strikes a "charming pose" and creates several large hearts which home
in on their targets and do substantial amounts of damage.
Who uses:
Perisie: LV 20, MP 16

Prismic Dance
Perisie does a strange dance that causes prismatic polygons to fly around and
heal the party.
Who uses:
Perisie: LV 25, MP 15

Sora o Miro
Perisie points up into the air at something nonexistant, causing the
monsters to
all look in that direction to see what she is pointing at, distracting them
so you
can get a hit in.
Who uses:
Perisie: LV 27, MP 6

Spread Missile
With this technique, Perisie throws a spread of vegetable (?) missiles which
explode and do damage to enemies in a large range.
Who uses:
Perisie: LV 30, MP 13

Perisie jumps in the air and down on the enemy with an axe kick.
Who uses:
Perisie: LV 34, MP 17

Panic Dance
Perisie spins around and does a dance which creates a "cat field" that
stuns any
enemies that fall into its range.
Who uses:
Perisie: LV 36, MP 16

Souryuu "Sei" Raizan
This technique is a much more powerful version of the Shoureiha; the user uses
his or her sword to create a large dragon of blue energy at the enemies to
massive damage.
Who uses:
Rati: Shisei Ougi Technique [Shoureiha], MP 12
Ashlay: LV 32, MP 16

Suzaku "Shou" Gekiha
With this technique, the user taps the power of the Suzaku (a legendary bird)
and charges it to his sword. There are three different forms of this technique;
one is a beefed-up version of the Shouretsuha, where the bird of energy travels
in a circular motion around the user to create a wave of force (Rati), one
that is
in the form of a projectile, and one where the user jumps into the air,
turns into a
Suzaku, and swoops down on the enemy. (Iria) All three have devastating
Who uses:
Rati: Shisei Ougi Technique [Shouretsuha], MP 14
Iria: Shisei Ougi Technique [Ryuuseishou], MP 11
Ashlay: LV 36, MP 19

Like the Raimeiken, this technique charges the user's sword with a powerful
bolt of lightning. There are several forms of this technique; one which
causes a
double hit of lightning of extremely destructive force (Rati), or one that
fires a
ball of electricity in addition to the normal strike (Ashlay.)
Who uses:
Rati: Shichisei Ougi Technique [Raimeiken], MP 15
Cius: Shichisei Ougi Technique [Raimeiken]
Ashlay: Shichisei Ougi Technique [Raimeiken], MP 23

This legendary technique charges an intensely powerful energy into the user's
sword as he jumps up in the air to do a double-powered strike many times more
powerful than a normal Souhazan. Some users of this technique will also fire
incredibly damaging plasma waves upon landing in addition to the strike. (Rati)
Who uses:
Ratix: Shichisei Ougi Technique [Souhazan], MP 27
Cius: Shichisei Ougi Technique [Souhazan], MP 25
Ashlay: Shichisei Ougi Technique [Souhazan]

One who wishes to use this technique must have the ultimate control of the
Dragon before they are able to use it. The user throws his sword in the air and
summons a powerful three-headed dragon who breathes a blast of dark force
on all the wielder's enemies to do strong darkness-based damage.
Who uses:
Ratix: Kouryuu Ougi Technique [Kouryuuha], MP 30

Hiryuutenraiha is another of the three legendary techniques taught by the
Kouryuu Ougi, and only the most powerful swordsmen can master it. Its form is
identical to that of the Kokuryuutenraiha, except the user summons a three-
headed dragon that breathes fire upon all enemies to do fire damage.
Who uses:
Ratix: Kouryuu Ougi Technique [Suzaku "Shou" Gekiha], MP 30

The final of the three techniques of the Kouryuu Ougi, this technique is
like the other two in form, but the dragon summoned with this technique
breathes a cold blast of freezing breath to do ice damage to all enemies facing
the user.
Who uses:
Ratix: Kouryuu Ougi Technique [Souryuu "Sei" Raizan], MP 30

Souryuu "Sei" Raiha
This technique is identical to that of the Souryuu "Sei" Raizan, except
that the
dragon wave of force is not created by the user's sword but by a ki explosion
from the user's palms
Who uses:
Iria: Shisei Ougi Technique [Kikoushou], MP 9

Genbu "Ha" Ouken:
The user of this technique executes a Kikoushuu, but at the same time,
summons a Genbu to come at the target from the opposite direction,
sandwiching it between two attacks to do heavy damage.
Who uses:
Iria: Shisei Ougi Technique [Kikoushuu], MP15

Byakko "Kou" Hadan
This technique is a powered-up version of Renkiken; the user turns him or
herself into a Byakko and charges at the enemy, doing a double headbutt.
Who uses:
Iria: Shisei Ougi Technique [Renkiken], MP 12

With this technique, Iria sends out a flurry of punches towards the enemy,
stunning them and hitting them multiple times for very high damage.
Iria: Hakkeshou Ougi Technique [Genbu "Ha" Ouken], MP 18

This more powerful version of Oukahakkeshou is similar in that the user attacks
with a flurry of punches, but in addition the flurry of punches is followed
up by a
slicing kick with both legs.
Iria: Uraouka Ougi Technique [Oukahakkeshou], MP 23

The user of this technique slashes his sword onto the ground, summoning a
Genbu, a legendary warrior spirit, and creates a huge explosion that does
heavy damage to enemies in a wide range.
Who uses:
Cius: Shisei Ougi Technique [Shouretsuha], MP 16

The Byakkoshourai is a technique that turns the user into the Byakko, a
legendary white tiger, and fires a series of powerful energy bolts from his
at the enemies.
Who uses:
Cius: Shisei Ougi Technique [Shoureiha], MP 18

This technique is similar to the Souryuu "Sei" Raizan in that the user summons
the blue dragon Souryuu to fly at the enemy to do damage; however, rather
than being created through the force of the sword, the blue dragon in this
technique is born from the energy bolt created by the user's Senkouken.
Who uses:
Cius: Shisei Ougi Technique [Senkouken], MP 14

Southern Cross
With this technique, Marvel summons the power of the cross constellation to
attack all enemies facing her.
Marvel: Shichisei Ougi Technique [Flare Orb], MP 16

Seven Star
This technique summons the power of the seven stars of the Shichisei Ougi.
With it, Marvel creates a linking set of seven stars which damages all enemies
fighting the party.
Marvel: Shichisei Ougi Technique [Hail Orb], MP 19

This technique is Marvel's most powerful that utilizes that of the
Shichisei Ougi's
star power; Marvel summons the power of the universe to create a small rift
opens a doorway to a meteor shower, which attacks all enemies.
Marvel: Shichisei Ougi Technique [Thunder Orb], MP 26

Sylvan Shot:
With this technique, Fear throws a flurry of her Raven Swords at the enemy in a
straight line, hitting them multiple times for lots of damage.
Fear: Bushin Ougi Technique [3 Way], MP23

Unholy terror
Fear jumps high up in the air, and fires four energy blasts from her hands down
at her target.
Fear: Bushin Ougi Technique [Galaxy God Breath], MP 29

Victory Terror
This technique is essentially the same as Unholy Terror, except that the blasts
that Fear fires are more powerful.
Fear: Bushin Ougi Technique [Unholy Terror[, MP 31

Magical Dance
For a massive tradeoff in MP, Perisie summons a host of witch-cats to
regenerate the party's MP.
Perisie: Neko Ougi Technique [Prismic Dance], MP 60

Jump-Punch-Somersault (JP Somersault)
Perisie jumps at her target, striking down with her claw, follows up with a
crouching slash, and finishes by doing a flip-kick in midair.
Perisie: Neko Ougi Technique [Nerichagi], MP 18

Dream Combo
With this technique, Perisie pulls out a gigantic hammer and starts pounding on
her target, stunning it and doing as many as 20+ hits.
Perisie: Neko Ougi Technique [Ei! Yaa! Toh!], MP 28

This technique is essentially the same as Tinek's Senpuukon, except that Tinek
spins around his staff/spear so fast that his feet start blazing with fire,
additional fire damage to any enemies falling within range.
Tinek: Hakkeshou Ougi Technique [Senpuukon], MP 10

Shippuu Hariken (Hurricane-it's a pun, sort of)
This is Tinek's answer to Rati's Shichiseisouhazan: he does a double strike
his staff/spear (albeit standing rather than jumping) and fires a plasma
beam out
at his target.
Tinek: Hakkeshou Ougi Technique [Shippuukon], MP 14

Tinek's incarnation of Oukahakkeshou is different than Iria's; it is
essentially the
same as a Kikoushou, only much more powerful, and creates an explosion of
cherry blossoms when it connects with its target.
Tinek: Hakkeshou Ougi Technique [Haoushippuukon], MP 19

Possibly Tinek's most powerful technique, with Shichiseiranbu, Tinek jumps
towards his target, slashing his staff/spear down towards the enemy with
blinding speed to hit multiple times for lots of damage.
Tinek: Shichisei Ougi Technique [Oukahakkeshou], MP 23

This spell heals one character slightly. It doesn't heal much, but it comes in
handy, especially towards the beginning of the game when you have few
MP 3
Who uses:
Milly: Level 2
Joshua: Level NA

Deep Mist
This spell encases all of the enemies in a deep mist, obscuring their
vision and
making it more difficult for them to hit their targets.
MP 2
Who uses:
Milly: Level 4

This spell drops a big weight on the target to do damage. If there are other
enemies near the target, they will get hit too.
MP 5
Who uses:
Milly: Level 6

This spell cures one character of poison.
MP 5
Who uses:
Milly: Level 8

This spell prevents all enemies facing the caster from casting spells.
MP 7
Who uses:
Milly: Level 10

Cure All
This spell is like "Heal," except it affects all characters. Again, it
doesn't heal
much damage, but is useful at the beginning of your journey.
MP 10
Who uses:
Milly: Level 13

This spell is an assist spell that increases the entire party's defense
level. It is
very useful, especially towards the end of the game when the monsters dish out
unbelievable amounts of damage.
MP 18
Who uses:
Milly: Level 13
Joshua: Level NA

Acid Rain
This spell reduces the attack strength of all the enemies facing the character.
Again, this spell is really useful against enemies towards the end of the game.
MP 9
Who uses:
Milly: Level 16

Cure Light
This spell is a more powerful version of "Heal"-it can cure up to several
thousand hit points of damage to a single character.
MP 12
Who uses:
Milly: Level 22
Joshua: Level 27

This spell will cure one character ailing from paralysis or petrification.
This spell
is indispensable in the later stages of the game, especially in the bonus
dungeon, where enemies who can petrify you are everywhere.
MP 16
Who uses:
Milly: Level 25

This spell reduces the speed that enemies run at. Some enemies are very fast
and difficult to catch up with; this spell is effective when you need to
stop them.
MP 22
Who uses:
Milly: Level 28

Fairy Heal
The most powerful healing spell, Fairy Heal summons several fairies to heal a
single character. This spell will usually heal you completely, unless your max
HP are very high and you are very hurt.
MP 24
Who uses:
Milly: Level 31

This spell hastens your entire party so that they run faster around the
Cast it on Perisie or Tinek and watch how they blaze across the screen!
MP 18
Who uses:
Milly: Level 34

This spell increases a single character's size a bit to give them a burst
of energy
and increase their attack power. This spell is very useful when going up
tough bosses or monsters with lots of HP.
MP 14
Who uses:
Milly: Level 36

Fairy Light
This spell is like a much more powerful version of Cure All; it summons a
host of
fairies to heal the entire party. It doesn't heal each character quite as much as
Fairy Heal would, but it can heal several thousand HP for each character.
MP 30
Who uses:
Milly: Level 42

Raise Dead
When one of your party falls in battle, cast this spell to bring them back.
You will
probably learn it late in the game, but by the time you do, your characters
will be
dying considerably more often, so it comes quite in handy.
MP 35
Who uses:
Milly: Level 46

Fixed Cloud
This spell causes a huge cloud in the shape of a hammer and falls upon the
battlefield, stunning all enemies facing the caster. This spell is really
useful in
the bonus dungeon, especially against those eyes and other monsters that can
petrify you.
MP 20
Who uses:
Milly: Level 50

Gravity Press
With this spell, the caster increases the force of gravity around an enemy so
much that it sustains heavy physical damage. Like "Press," it will affect
any other
monsters near the target, but it does much more damage.
MP 25
Who uses:
Milly: Level 54

Ice Needle
This spell freezes the water molecules in front of the caster to create a large
spike of ice, which fires at his target. It can be dodged, but travels so
that it usually finds its mark and does reasonable ice-based damage.
MP 3
Who uses:
Joshua: Level NA

Mp 4
This spell causes the ground under an enemy to form huge earthen spikes and
impale them for earth-based damage. This spell can also damage other
monsters near the target if the spikes hit them too.
Who uses:
Joshua: Level NA
Ronixis: Level NA

Wind Blade
With this spell, the caster creates a small whirlwind and directs it at the
enemy to
do wind-based damage. Unfortunately, the speed at which the whirlwind travels
is not great and thus quite often misses the target, who has already moved out
to f the way. This is the most powerful (only!) Wind Spell.
MP 5
Who uses:
Joshua: Level NA
Ronixis: Level NA

The caster of this spell summons a small blizzard to hit all enemies facing him
with a water-based attack. This is the most powerful Ice Spell.
MP 8
Who uses
Joshua: Level NA

Earth Grave
This spell is just like Grave, except the spikes that come from the ground do
more damage and have a larger area of effect.
MP 9
Who uses:
Joshua: Level 17
Ronixis: Level NA

Thunder Bolt
This spell creates a thunder cloud over the target, and summons a bolt of
lightning down to strike for electrical damage, and do lots of damage.
MP 10
Who uses:
Joshua: Level 20
Ronixis: Level NA

This spell summons a ball of light and several mirrors; the ball of light
shoots out
rays of light, and the mirrors reflect them across the entire battlefield
to attack all
enemies to do light-based damage.
MP 12
Who uses:
Joshua: Level 23
Ronixis: Level 23

Tractor Beam
This spell does physical-based damage; it creates a tractor beam over a section
of the battlefield and then sucks all enemies within that section high in
the air,
and turns them upside-down, dropping them onto their heads on the ground.
MP 14
Who uses:
Joshua: Level 31
Ronixis: Level 27

This spell causes a rain of huge boulders to fall upon all enemies to do huge
amounts of earth-based damage to them. This is the most powerful Earth Spell.
MP 19
Who uses:
Joshua: Level 36
Ronixis: Level 36

Word of Death
The caster of this spell says a word of death directed towards a single
target. If
the spell takes effect, that target dies instantly.
MP 19
Who uses:
Joshua: Level 40

Thunder Storm
This spell causes three massive bolts of lightining to strike the
battlefield and
strike all enemies facing him with lightning-based damage. This is the most
powerful Eletricity Spell.
MP 22
Who uses:
Joshua: Level 45
Ronixis: Level 40

Light Cross
With this spell, the caster creates several spheres of light, which he
directs high
up into the air. The spheres then descend on the battlefield, exploding on
impact to do light-based damage to all enemies facing him.
MP 26
Who uses:
Joshua: Level 50
Ronixis: Level 45

Fire Bolt
The caster of this spell fires a small bolt of flame at a single enemy. It travels
reasonably slow though, so it often fails to meet its mark.
MP 2
Who uses:
Ronixis: Level NA

Shadow Bolt
This spell causes bubbles of darkness to sprout from a pool of darkness under
the target. They pop and do darkness-based damage to any enemies in its area
of effect.
MP 6
Who uses:
Ronixis: Level NA

With this spell, the caster summons a huge blast of magma from up under the
earth to spurt out and damage all enemies within its area of effect with fire-
based damage.
MP 8
Who uses:
Ronixis: Level NA

This darkness-based attack spell causes the target's own shadow to gain a
mind of its own; the shadow then slices him in the back with a darkness-based
cut. This is the most powerful Darkness spell.
MP 9
Who uses:
Ronixis: Level NA

This spell causes a huge explosion in the center of the battlefield, doing
massive amounts of fire damage to all enemies facing the character. This is the
most powerful Fire Spell.
MP 16
Who uses:
Ronixis: Level 50

Star Flare
This spell is similar to Explode in that it creates a huge explosion on the
battlefield, but this explosion is one of light, and consequently does
damage. This is the most powerful Light Spell.
MP 28

Dark Circle
This spell preys upon all of the weakened enemies facing the caster; it opens a
hole in space, sucking in all enemies that have less than a quarter of
their full
MP 40
Who uses:
Joshua [Secret Spell]
Ronixis [Secret Spell]

Gremlin Lair
This spell does opens a portal to a lair of gremlins who come out and
attack all
enemies of the caster to do physical damage.
MP 30
Who uses
Ronixis [Secret Spell]

Meteor Swarm
This is the most powerful attack spell, which is a physical -based attack, and
causes a swarm of meteors to strike all enemies facing the caster
MP 32
Who uses:
Joshua [Secret Spell]
Ronixis [Secret Spell]

This powerful spell is a physical-based attack, and affects all enemies
facing the
character. Enemies that do not resist the attack are completely atomized.
MP 45
Who uses:
Joshua [Secret Spell]

H Rank:
Round 1: Bushwhacker
Round 2: Kobold
Round 3: Slime
Round 4: Rover Axe
Final Round: Velcant
Okusuri Set. (Medicine Set) Sweet Syrup, Mix Syrup, Blueberry

G Rank:
Round 1: Fuddo
Round 2: Sand Worm
Round 3: Armed Knight
Round 4: Mandrake
Final Round: Stroper
Okimono Set: (Ornament Set) Pretty Idol, Kaeru (Frog)

F Rank:
Round 1: Priscilla
Round 2: Magius
Round 3: Sargwen
Round 4: Killer Bee
Final Round: Velcant Boss
Ongaku Set: (Music Set) Trumpet, Gakuten (Musical Dictionary)

E Rank:
Round 1: Prettybell
Round 2: Lizard Axe
Round 3: Dire Wolf
Round 4: Kobold King
Final Round: Petro-gerel
Yakuso Set: (Herb Set) Lavender, Shadowflower, Artemis Leaf

D Rank:
Round 1: Froad Sherry
Round 2: Pile Sherry
Round 3: Savage
Round 4: Giant
Final Round: Saber Bunny
Houseki Set: (Jewel Set) Iron, Green Beryl, Mithril

C Rank:
Round 1: Slayer
Round 2: Slayer
Round 3: Slayer
Round 4: Saber Bunny
Final Round: Skyura
Bougu Set: (Armor Set) ?GUARD, (Dwarven Mail/Mithril Mesh, depends on
winner) ?GUARD (Star Guard)
The Shichisei Ougi will also be awarded as a bonus prize to anyone that wins
the C rank and can use it.

B Rank:
Round 1: Slayer
Round 2: Ogre
Round 3: Ogre
Round 4: Icchel
Final Round: Star Seraph
Neko Set: (Cat Set) ?GUARD, (Neko Band) Ruby Persia

A Rank:
Round 1: Hill Giant
Round 2: Star Seraph
Round 3: Star Seraph
Round 4: Chinke Thief
Final Round: Dragon Eye (Nasty!)
Koukyuu Houseki Set: (Top-class Gem Set) Rainbow Diamond, Orihalcon.

Do not remove the following from this FAQ!
For any additions, corrections, or questions, please email me (Ian
Kelley at Thanks. If you want to put any
or all of this FAQ on your page, please let me know first. I don't mind
at all if you use this FAQ on your page, in fact I encourage you to do
so if you wish, but if you let me know first I can keep a running tab
on who's got it so I know who to email when I update it. Plus I can
look at your page too. :)
Do not use this FAQ for ANY kind of profit, be it selling it, using it as
incentive to buy games, or anything else AT ALL! While it may be
common sense that doing this is illegal, there are many people who
will do it anyway. This is a warning to those people! I *WILL* sue
you if you do and I find out!
Thanks to:
Enix and Tri-Ace! Hats off to them for making what is quite possibly
the best console RPG ever!
Celica, ( for telling me how to get
Ashlay and Perisie to join my party, among other useful tips.
Jason Murata ( for filling me in on many
items I missed.

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The Second Story Customizing Guide

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Wepaons Guide

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The Second Story

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The Second Story Spell Combining

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The Second Story Claude Kenny

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FAQ für/for Star Ocean

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The Second Story Rena's Scenario

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Second Story North American

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The Second Story Claude Boss Guide

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The Second Story Claude

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The 2nd Story Plot Summary

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FAQ für/for Star Ocean (Intro)

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The Second Story
engl. Cheats

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FAQ für/for Star Ocean Teil/Part 1

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FAQ für/for Star Ocean Teil/Part 2

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FAQ für/for Star Ocean Teil/Part 3

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engl. FAQ für/for Star Ocean
engl. FAQ

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30.Декабрь 2013
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11.Февраль 2016
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