Street Fighter Alpha 3

Street Fighter Alpha 3

14.10.2013 10:37:16
World Tour Guide
Version 2.0

By Jerrold Ng

1) Explanation of World Tour
2) Setting Up
3) Levels and Skills Gained
4) World Tour Missions
5) Explanations of ISM Pluses
6) Acknowledgements & Miscellaneous

Updated in Version 2.0
- Realized most of the characters have random ISMs, doh!
- Added info on Power Type, Hyper Type, and Team Battle
- Added addition descriptions here and there
- Corrected info on how to get to the last three stages
- Added a short Japan to US name change list

1) Explanation of the World Tour

The World Tour is one of the many modes introduced to the PSX version
of Street Fighter Zero 3. It is certainly one of the more interesting
modes of the game, and pretty vital to master if you are trying to get
your hands on the three secret characters of the game, Guile, "Evil" Ryu
and Shin Gouki.

This walkthrough is written for the Japanese version of the game,
Street Fighter Zero 3. Thus, the names will be in the Japanese order.
The actual US names are as follows :-

Japan Names US Names
----------- --------
Nash Charlie
Gouki Akuma
M.Bison Balrog
Balrog Vega
Vega M.Bison

The basis of the mode is this - you pick a character, and then choose
the ISM (you do know what is an ISM, right?), and choose the speed. Don't
worry, you can change all that once you are into the game. You are sent to
a number of places around the world where you fight against a certain few
characters, and, once you have cleared it, more and more stages start
opening up. There are a total of 19 locations to visit, each with 1-3
different stages. Clear these, and if you are good enough, you get to 3
other "secret" locations where you get the chance to pick up a secret
character in each stage.

Every time you beat a stage in a location, you get a score, which is
translated into experience points, which in turn raises you character's
level, as well as the level of the ISM you are using. The distribution of
these points seem somewhat confusing, but generally, your character levels
raise with experience, while your ISM levels raise with experience only
if you use them. The maximum level for your character is 32, and the maximum
level of each ISM is 6. Once you reach these levels, you will see the
word MASTER written where your EXP for next level usually is - that means
you have, well, mastered that particular ISM or character.

The best thing about the world tour is, once you have build yourself a
real kick-ass character, you can import him into any other via entry mode.
You can get some really powerful (and cheap) characters this way!

2) Setting Up
Since most of the menu of the game is in English, and really easy to
understand (hmm... now what does "Save" mean?), I won't bother explaining
them. Just a little bit on setting up, before combat.

Just before you tackle any stage, you have a chance to "Set Up" your
character. Just choose the "Set Up" option instead of "Battle" (which sends
you into the fray straight away). In the set up screen, you get to choose
you ISM (very important for certain stages), the speed of the game (not so
important), your ISM pluses and your Power Balance.

ISM Pluses are special skills that your character can acquire once they
start going up in levels. You have three slots to fill these in - the green
colored skills take up one slot, and the red colored skills take up two.
More explanation on each skill is listed below.

Power Balance is another ability you pick up once your character starts
going up levels. It basically lets you adjust your characters Damage to
Defense ratio. If you increase your character's damage, his defense will
go down, and vice versa. Feeling a little aggressive? Toss in more points
to Attack, which will in turn reduce your Defense. Scared stiff of your
next opponent? Toss in more points to defense, but you won't hit as hard...
The extent that each can increase/decrease will go up with more Power
Balances you gain, which is obtained once your character reaches certain

3) Levels and Skills Gained
Rather self explanatory really, these are charts showing your characters
level, and the experience needed to go up another level, and the stuff you
pick up when you reach that level. The ISM + marks the level where you get a
random ISM Plus option from the given list. Power Balance Up means your Power
Balance level goes up, letting you have one more level to increase either
your attack or defense at the expense of the other.

Also, at certain ISM Levels, you pick up specific ISM Pluses. These are
also marked below.

Total Level EXP to Next Level Extras
----------- ----------------- ------
1 60000 -
2 120000 ISM +
3 180000 -
4 240000 -
5 300000 ISM +
6 360000 -
7 420000 -
8 500000 -
9 580000 Power Balance Up
10 640000 -
11 700000 -
12 760000 -
13 820000 ISM +
14 900000 -
15 980000 Power Balance Up
16 1060000 -
17 1140000 ISM +
18 1220000 -
19 1300000 ISM +
20 1400000 ISM +
21 1500000 -
22 1600000 Power Balance Up
23 1700000 ISM +
24 1800000 -
25 1900000 ISM +
26 2000000 -
27 2100000 ISM +
28 2200000 -
29 2300000 ISM +
30 2400000 -
31 2600000 -
32 Master Power Balance Up

Z ISM Level EXP to Next Level Extras
----------- ----------------- ------
1 50000 -
2 100000 -
3 300000 Air Guard ISM +
4 500000 -
5 800000 -
6 Master -

X ISM Level EXP to Next Level Extras
----------- ----------------- ------
1 50000 -
2 100000 Hard Body ISM +
3 200000 -
4 400000 -
5 700000 -
6 Master -

V ISM Level EXP to Next Level Extras
----------- ----------------- ------
1 50000 -
2 150000 Zero Counter Plus ISM +
3 350000 -
4 550000 -
5 850000 -
6 Master -

ISM Plus Random List
Auto Guard
Damage Plus
Gauge Plus
Gauge Power Plus
Infinite Guard
Original Combo
Super Guard
Super Zero Cancel
Zero Cancel
Zero Combo

4) World Tour Missions
The list below shows the various locations you can go to, how to open up
new locations, and the explanation of the stages in each location. This will
also tell you the number of rounds you need to win in a particular stage, as
well as the number of rounds you lose to lose the battle. Also, the amount of
life of the opponent will given as well. For example, if the stage is :-

2) Vs. X-M.Bison - Two round win/loss, life 95%

It means that in the second stage of the particular location, you will take on
M.Bison who is using X-ISM. You will need to beat him two rounds to win, or lose
if he beats you two rounds (much like the arcade mode, actually). He also starts
all the rounds with 95% of the full life bar. Note that if the ISM is not
mentioned, it is randomly picked by the computer.

Certain battles require more than just pure fighting to win. These are marked
with an *, and I will add notes accordingly.

Japan #1 (Dan's Stage)
Opened with - Available from the start
1) Vs Dan - One round win/loss, Life 100%
Notes : If you can't beat this stage, I suggest giving up on Street
Fighting forever! ^_^

USA #1 (M.Bison's Stage)
Opened with - Clear Japan #1
1) Vs X-M.Bison - One round win/loss, life 30%
2) Vs. Ken - Two round win/loss, life 85%

USA #2 (Nash's Stage)
Opened with - Clear USA #1
1) Vs. Sodom - Two round win/loss, life 80%
2) Vs. Nash - One round win/loss, life 20% * (Combo Attack)
Notes : Only combos that are more than two hits can damage him. These
include Super Combos that do more than two hits.

China #1 (Chun-Li's Stage)
Opened with - Clear USA #1
2) Vs. Dan - Two round win/loss, life 80%
3) Vs. Gen, Chun-Li - Two round win, one round loss, life 85% each *
(Team Battle)
Notes : You will fight Gen for the first round, and Chun-Li for the
second round. Lose just one round to either of them and you're
done for!

USSR (Zangief's Stage)
Opened with - Clear China #1 and USA #2
1) Vs. R.Mika - Two round win/loss, life 50%
2) Vs. Zangief - One round win/loss, life 45% * (Super Combo Attack)
Notes : Only Super Combos do damage to him. So if you enter the battle
in V-ISM, you're pretty much screwed, unless you can outlast
him with the timer. Incidently, blocking a Super Combo really
hurts him as well.

Hong Kong (Fei-Long's Stage)
Opened with - Clear China #1 and USA #2
1) Vs. Chun-Li x2 - One round win/loss, life 50% each * (Survival)
Notes : You fight two Chun-Lis at the same time! They will both be
on-screen at the same time, and have separate life bars, but
share one super bar. When they call this mode Survival, they
sure aren't kidding!
2) Vs. Gen - One round win/loss, life 100% * (Time Attack)
Notes : The timer will start at 30s here - you will need to be quick
if you're going to beat him, but usually, just make sure you
have more life than he does at the end of the battle to win.
3) Vs. Fei-Long - Two round win/loss, life 100% * (Hyper Type)
Notes : Fei moves a little faster than usual, but nothing too tough

Thailand #1 (Sagat's Stage)
Opened with - Clear China #1 and USA #2
1) Vs. Adon x2 - Round win/loss, life 70% each * (Survival)
Notes : Two Adons with 70% life each will assault you at the same
time. Can get a little hectic, but not overly difficult.
2) Vs. Sagat - Two round win/loss, life 95% * (Power Type)
Notes : Sagat does 50% more damage to you, so those Tiger Uppercuts
will REALLY hurt. But not that difficult nevertheless

Point 48106 (Vega's Stage)
Opened with - Clear USSR, Thailand #1, Hong Kong
1) Vs. X-Juli&Juni - One round win/loss, life 100% each
Notes : You fight the Juli&Juni combo that occurs for certain
characters in arcade mode. They have all their special
moves that only appear when they are together, so be
2) Vs. Cammy x4 - Survival x4, One round win/loss, life 40% each * (Survival)
Notes : You still fight two at a time, but once one of them have been
defeated, another will jump in to take its place. You'll need
to conserve your life here.
3) Vs. X-Shin Vega - Two round win/loss, life 100%
Notes : Beware of Huge Psycho Torpedo Super. Beat him and you'll recieve
Survival Mode in you main game menu.

India (Dhalsim's Stage)
Opened with - Clear Point 48106
1) Vs. Adon - Two round win/loss, life 95% * (Time Attack)
Notes : Yet another 30s limit battle.
2) Vs. Dhalsim - Two round win/loss, life 100% * (Power Type)
Notes : A more damaging version of Dhalsim. No problem, right?

Greece (Cammy's Stage)
Opened with - Clear Point 48106
1) Vs. Cammy - Two round win/loss, life 70%
2) Vs. Birdie - One Round win/loss, life 50% * (Original Combo)
Notes : Only the VCs of V-ISM will damage him. So if you choose
other ISMs, you are pretty much dead, unless you can
outlast him with a timer.

Italy (Rose's Stage)
Opened with - Clear Point 48106
1) Vs. Balrog - Two round win/loss, life 95% * (Hyper Type)
Notes : Hyper Speed? As if he wasn't fast enough to begin with!
2) Vs. Rose x2 - One round win/loss, life 50% each * (Survival)
Notes : Two Roses? No problem, right?

Mexico (T-Hawk's Stage)
Opened with - Clear India, Greece, Italy
1) Vs. X-M.Bison - Two round win/loss, life 95% * (Power Attack)
Notes : More damage? As if his damage wasn't high enough to
begin with!
2) Vs. T-Hawk - One round win/loss, life 40% * (Combo Attack)
Notes : Another combo attack round.

Brazil (Blanka's Stage)
Opened with - Clear India, Greece, Italy
1) Vs. Blanka - One round win/loss, life 100% * (Time Attack)
Notes : Yet another 30s time limit battle
2) Vs. Blanka x4 - One round win/loss, life 45% each * (Survival)
Notes : FOUR Blankas!? Finally, some challenge!

Jamaica (DeeJay's Stage)
Opened with - Clear Mexico, Brazil
1) Vs. V-E.Honda x2 - One round win/loss, life 100% * (Survival)
Notes : Having two huge sumo wrestlers slapping at you can be
tough! Don't get sandwiched or you're dead meat.
2) Vs. Z-DeeJay - One round win/loss, life 50% * (Original Combo)
Notes : Another VC-only fight.

USA #3 (Guy's Stage)
Opened with - Clear Mexico, Brazil
1) Vs. Guy x3 - One round win/loss, life 50% each * (Survival)
Notes : Three Guy battle, you get the idea now, right?
2) Vs. Cody - One round win/loss, life 40% * (Super Combo Attack)
Notes : Another battle that only can be won with Super Combos or
a real tough hide.
3) Vs. Sodom, Rolento - Two round win, one round loss, life 80% each *
(Team Battle)
Notes : You take on a different Final Fight villain each round. They
only need to beat you once to win, be careful!

USA #4 (Ken's Stage)
Opened with - Clear USA #3
1) Vs. Sakura - One round win/loss, life 100%
2) Vs. Cody, Guy, Ken - Three round win, one round loss, life 90% each *
(Team Battle)
Notes : You need to beat Cody, Guy and Ken one round each to win. It's
tough, especially once you get to Ken. Just lose one round and
you're through.

Japan #2 (Ryu's Stage)
Opened with - Clear USA #3
1) Vs. E.Honda - Two round win/loss, life 100% * (Power Type)
Notes : A very damaging Honda. Dangerous!
2) Vs. Z-Ryu - Two round win/loss, life 100% * (Max Type)
Notes : Looks simple enough, until you realize Ryu here has an INFINITE
super bar. And the fact that he does level 3s at the slightest
opportunity makes this a pretty tough battle.

Japan #3 (Karin's Stage)
Opened with - Clear USA #3
1) Vs. Dan x5 - One round win/loss, life 30% * (Survival)
Notes : Despite the fact you have to fight five Dans two at a time here,
it's still a somewhat easy battle simply because, hey, it's Dan
you're fighting. ^_^
2) Vs. Sakura, Karin - Two round win, one round loss, life 100% each *
(Team Battle)
Notes : It's the wrath of the sailorscout school girls! ^_^

Thailand #2 (Special Stage)
Opened with - Clear USA #4, Japan #2, Japan #3
1) Vs. Sagat x2 - One round win/loss, life 90% each * (Survival)
Notes : Two Sagats!? It's gonna be a tough fight...
2) Vs. Balrog, Cammy - Two round win, one round loss, life 100% each *
(Team Battle)
Notes : You fight two of the fastest street fighters, one each round.
Make sure you've got good defense.
3) Vs. X-Shin Vega - Two round win/loss, life 90% *
Notes : The Final Battle, if you didn't satisfy the secret location
conditions. It's Shin Vega and his screen-filling psycho torpedo
super. And if that isn't bad enough, he has an infinite super
bar to boot. A ridiculously tough battle; make sure you are
really defensive or suffer a quick and painful defeat. Your
reward? An Extra M.Bison, basically the pathetic arcade version
of him is now selectable with L2 + Any Button on M. Bison's

Thanks to some help from a few people in newsgroup, the
actual way to access the follow stages are given below. To meet Guile,
get your Main or Character Level up to 27 or more after beating Thailand #2.
To meet Evil Ryu, get your Main or Character Level up to 30 or more after
beating USA #5. Finally, to meet Shin Gouki, Master your Main or Character
Level (ie. above Level 32) after beating Japan #4.

USA #5 (Guile's Stage)
Opened with - Clear Thailand #2, Character Level >= 27
1) Vs. Rolento x4 - One round win/loss, life 45%
2) Vs. Nash - One round win/loss, life 40% * (Guard Crush Mission)
Notes : Difficult, since you can only injure him after you have
emptied his guard bar. You'd probably have more luck trying
to beat him with the timer. By the way, when his guard is
crushed, he suffers double damage.
3) Vs. Guile - Two round win/loss, life 80% * (Super Combo Attack)
Notes : Only damaged by Super Combos. And to dish out enough to
beat him is tough, so let him eat a level 3 (it does big
damage even if he blocks) and then try to outlast him.
If you succeed, you'll get to use him in any mode!

Japan #4 (Training Stage)
Opened with - Clear USA #5, Character Level >= 30
1) Vs. X-Ryu - Two round win/loss, life 100%
2) Vs. Ryu x3 - One round win/loss, life 50% each * (Survival)
Notes : Very tough. Be prepared for a fireball barrage as soon
as the battle starts!
3) Vs. Vs. Z-"Evil" Ryu - One round win/loss, life 100%
Notes : Beat "Evil" Ryu and he's yours in every other mode.

Japan #5 (Gouki's Stage)
Opened with - Clear Japan #4, Master Character
1) Vs. Z-Gouki x4 - One round win/loss, life 70% each * (Survival)
Notes : FOUR Goukis??? Is anyone suppose to actually win this?
2) Vs. Z-Shin Gouki - Two round win/loss, life 100%
Notes : A straight up, normal match. Except its Shin Gouki. And
he is one tough nut to beat. But once you beat him, you'll
get to use him in any mode - just highlight Gouki, hold
L2, and press any button.

5) Explanations of ISM Pluses
Listed below are the effects of equipping the various ISM pluses
in the game. These are from personal experience, and some internet
references, so some of these may be wrong. Also in the bracket is
the number of slots it takes up out of the three you are given.

Air Guard - [1]
Lets you block in air - useless unless you are using X-ISM, since the
other two modes already have this as default.

Auto Guard - [1]
Automatically blocks attacks for you as long as you are not attacking.
However, it only blocks up, so you are still vulnerable to an occasional
sweep attack.

Damage Plus - [2]
Moves do slightly (and I mean very slighty) more damage. If the opponent
blocks, the block damage he suffers increases too.

Gauge Plus - [1]
The Super Meter recharges slowly by itself. It will recharge even faster
if you are actively attacking!

Gauge Power Plus - [1]
Moves do 50% more guard damage if blocked.

Hard Body - [1]
This is not super armor! Basically, the character cannot be dizzied, and
guard damage is reduced.

Infinite Guard - [1]
Your Guard meter will never deplete.

Original Combo - [2]
Gives you the ability to do Original Combos (VCs) in X-ISM and Z-ISM.
Useless in V-ISM.

Super Guard - [2]
Zero block damage for any move, even hard hitting super moves.

Super Zero Cancel - [2]
Allows you to cancel special moves into super moves ala Street Fighter 3.
Definitely an excellent addition.

Zero Cancel - [2]
Enables your character to cancel normal moves into special move even when
they normally don't. This can open up tons of new combos!

Zero Combo - [2]
Remember the chain combos of Street Fighter Zero/Alpha? They're back if you
put on this option. It seems a lot harder to do now, though, since you
are given less time to do them.

Zero Counter Plus - [1]
A Zero counter does about twice the usual damage.

6) Acknowledgements & Miscellaneous
- Thanks to Capcom, for making the best SF arcade to home conversion ever!
- Myself, for playing through World Tour almost eight times to write this
even though I doubt much people will have trouble with it.
- Some nice folks at for supplying additional info about the
secret locations, Power and Hyper Types and Team Battle. Thanks a lot!
- Some ideas for the ISM Pluses come from GPOW, i.e.

Newest versions of this walkthrough can be found at

Street Fighter Zero 3 is a copyright of Capcom of Japan

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15.Октябрь 2013
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