Street Fighter Alpha 3

Street Fighter Alpha 3

17.10.2013 19:51:04

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F E I - L O N G C H A R A C T E R G U I D E

Sony Playstation/ Version 1.2/ 10/22/00

Author ----------- Matt Hulbert {}
Created ---------- 8/22/00 - 2:25 AM EST
Version ---------- 1.2
Last Updated ----- 10/22/00 - 10:10 AM EST
Ok, that didn't work out quite how I thought it would, so it will now
Be a FAQ done by myself alone. I still plan to do a strategy section
For battling each of the characters, but that will come in about two to
Three weeks, so hang in there with me for a while. If anyone has any
Contributions, please send them to me and I will gladly add them to the
FAQ - Thanks for anything you have sent!
This document is the property of the author, Matthew Hulbert. It may not be
posted at any web site or single web page, by anyone, without the permission of
the author. This document may only be recreated electronically, because is for
your personal and private use only. This document may not be altered or
modified and then distributed in anyway, and it may not be given away as a gift
or bonus for buying something. Pieces of this document may not be copied and
pasted into another document without the permission of the author, and even
then credit must be given, and the copied section must remain unaltered. I have
heard rumors about certain companies, especially Game Cave and Brady Games
stealing FAQs, copying FAQs, and also giving FAQs away as bonuses for buying
their products. That is not allowed, and if it is done, it will be in breach of
this disclaimer. All of the information in this document was compiled by the
author, unless separate credit is given, and in order to use those certain
sections which were not compiled by the author, but contributed by others, you
must contact the actual author of that certain piece of information. That is
all I ask of you.

This Document is Copyright 2000; Matt Hulbert.

Do to the recent mass theft of Guides over the internet, this Disclaimer is at
The bottom of this guide as well as here at the top, so the I did not see your
Disclaimer line is an unusable excuse. If you find this guide anywhere besides or, please let me know about it ASAP.

If you have any questions about this guide, or need help with any a section or
Need more in depth help than is given in this guide, please feel free to email
Me at the address listed above. If you have any comments about this FAQ or you
Believe you have found something that is incorrect or wrong in this guide, you
Should feel free to email me for that too, and it would be greatly appreciated
Because if the information is wrong, this guide is useless. Now, if you happen
To have something that you would like to contribute, a list or tip that I just
Happened to have missed or don't have, please email it to me, and I would love
To put it in and make this guide even more complete, and you will be given the
Proper credit in the credits section - those kinds of emails are fine, but the
Author of this FAQ would greatly appreciate it if you do not email him just so
You can say how much you dislike this game because that type of immature email
Will be disregarded and never responded too, that is what the reviews are for.
-CJayC: The sole owner and webmaster of, he is excellent
at what he does. He even finds the time to write a few of the
better FAQ's at, particularly in my opinion, his
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure FAQ/Movelist.

-Dan Mason: We are always playing games together,so naturally we each
learn from each other. He helps with some stuff, and is a
great player himself, particularly Mario Kart 64.

-DJellybean: He is currently 3rd on the prolific FAQ writers list. He
is also the one who inspired me to write my first FAQ on
Dragonball Z Super Butouden. He's also helped with other
Things, such as txt. forms and things like that. He also
Allowed me to use his biography info on Fei-Long, so all
Biography information was provided BY HIM.

-Mike Mason: Don't quite play as much as we used to, because he is at
work most of the time, but when we do, he is pretty good
at wrestling games, and as is Daniel, he is always ready
for one last game.

-Myself: I Don't deserve to much credit, I only typed up the document.
A lot more people deserve more credit than I do, but you can
Still feel sorry for me, for playing a game for 5 hours when
I could have been doing something constructive.

-Kao Megura - For allowing me to use his ASCII art.

The character Fei-Long and all Capcom Logos are copyrighted to Capcom
U.S.A INC 1999 All Rights Reserved. All other trademarks {SF A3 } are
Property of Capcom CO. LTD Fighters Edge.
1.-------- Setting Up --------.1
2.------ Basic Controls ------.2
3.-------- Game Rules --------.3
4.------ Menu and Modes ------.4
-Main Menu Guide.
-Starting a Game.
5.----- Basic Movements ------.5
-Universal Moves
6.-------- Biography ---------.6
-Fei-Long Biography
-Jeet Kune Do FAQ
7.-------- Move List ---------.7
-Fei-Longs Move List
8.------ Strategy Guide ------.8

I guess I should start off by saying why Fei Long is my favorite
Character out of the entire bunch. It is mostly because of his -
Resemblence to the late Bruce Lee [1940-1973]. Basically the two
Are the same, except for the fact that they have different names
But they dress the same, and it looks to me that they use about-
The same type of martial arts style. Now on to the FAQ.-Gamer003
|Setting Up|
First of all, set up your Sony Playstation, like it is shown in your
Instruction manual. Always remember to make sure that it is turned -
OFF, before you insert or remove a disc from you game console. Now -
Insert the Street Fighter Alpha III game disc into your Playstation-
Trying not to get your fingers on the actual disc. Your controllers-
Should be in the Playstation game console before it is turned on and
You should try to keep the Analog Stick straight, if you have that -
Type of controller.

^SAVING^: The game Street Fighter Alpha III does require a memory --
card to save your games and game results. The card must be
in slot # 1 of the Playstation game console BEFORE it is -
turned on. [ memory cards can be purchased at alomost any-
store that sells gaming merchandise. ]
|Basic Controls|

Start Button: Start Game, Skip Demo, Pause;Unpause, P2 Join in game.
Select Button: Taunt.
Start+Select: Go back to title screen.
Directions: [ Analog or Game Pad ]

Up - Vertical Jump
URD - Diagonal Forward Jump
R - Forward
DRD - Crouch
D - Crouch
DLD - Crouch/Block
L - Backwards
ULD - Back Diagonal Jump

Abbreviation Key =

X - Light Kick
L2 - Triple Kicks(3)
O - Average Kick
R2 - Heavy/Power Kick

SQ - Light Punch
R1 - Heavy/Power Shot
TG - Average Punch
L1 - Triple Punch(3)

Note* - X Confirms selections on the menu.
|Game Rules|
Draw Game - No winner, both players have equal vitality at time limit.
Win Mark -- The Marking that appears when a player wins a round.
Winning --- When you outlast the other players vitality gauge.
Match ----- Player who wins overall of 3 Fights [ best of 3 ]
|Menu and Modes|
Arcade Mode: Defeat 10 CPU controlled players to win. (1P or 2P)
VS. Mode: Head to head 2 player competition.
Training: Practice Moves and combos -

Training Settings
GP Gauge --- Opponents Guard Power.
Action ----- Adjust opponents stance.
Guard ------ Adjust opponents Block.
Breakfalls - Opponents defensive fall.
World Tour: Go around to all of the street fighting arenas, and at the
Same time you are building up your characters powers/abilities.

World Tour Stages
Team Battle
Survival Stage

**Setting Up World Tour**
Choose: Load Game or New Game
Then just go through all of the stages, there are 3 in every country, you will
become stronger after each victory, can you go the distance?
Entry Mode: Use your World Characters in other Modes.
Ism Guide:
The Ism are selected at the character selection screen.

A-Ism: The super combos in this mode are judged on a scale of 3 levels, light,
medium and heavy, the higher up you go the more powerful. The button you use
which corresponds to the name of the scale level determines how powerful the
Move you perform will be.

V-Ism: - Only Ism that Custom Combos are available in.

X-Ism: A super combo may only be performed when the super combo gauge is full,
and then after the move is performed your gauge will be completely empty.
Combo Section:
Custom Combo - This is my favorite kind of combo, which can be done in V-Ism.
Once your gauge is up to 50% or higher you can just push all of the punch/kick
buttons and simultaneously perform combos, and this tight shadow thing follows
the player like they're moving so fast all you can see is an after image.

Super Combo - Super combos are simply a larger and more powerful move, usually
a chain of moves done continuously. Some of these moves can be devastatingly
powerful. On your screen there is a super combo gauge and when its full you may
perform them. The gauge is filled when you perform moves on your opponent.
Options Mode:
Time--Set Round Time.

Difficulty--Adjust skill level.

Rounds--Set number of rounds for each match.

Auto Save-Automatically save game [ must turn ON ]

Sound-Stereo or Monaural.

SC Damage-Set Super Combo Damage.

Gauage-Set base number on super combo gauge.

Damage-Adjust all moves damage levels.

Speed--Set Game Speed.

Music Volume-Set music loudness.

Default-Return all options to original settings.
|Basic Movements|
Standing - Press direction away from opponent.
Air - Press direction away from opponent.
Crouching - Press Diagonal down away from your opponent.

Alpha Counter - Press toward opponent + kick or punch of same strength.
Judo Escape (throw) - Left or right + punch or kick x 2.

Fei Long, master of several styles of Shaolin Kung Fu, the expert martial
artist dedicated his entire life to hard training and perfection of the style
after meeting one of Hong Kong's most reknowned masters of Jeet Kune Do. Soon
Fei Long began creating his own styles and even opened up a school to teach his
style to others. It wasn't long before Fei Long stared in numerous movies while
doing his own stunts at the same time. Fei Long never liked living his life as
a movie star and he still doesn't know why he started in the first place. Fei
Long doesn't like losing very often because sometimes he will he even attack an
unprepared opponent. Fei Long also knows that he does not know how good he is
unless he test his own skills against other opponents.

This Information was contributed by DingoJellybean. I am in no way taking
credit for this information, and I was given his permission to use this
(thanks again Dingo)

|Move List|

Rekkaken - D,DR,R + P

Shienkyaku - L,D,DL + K

Rekkuyaku - L,DL,D,DR,R,UR + K


Rekka Shinken - D,DR,R,D,DR,R + P

Shien Renkyaku - D,DL,L,D,DL,L + k

DR - Down + Right
DL - Down + Left
UR - Up + Right

|JKD FAQ| J E E T * K U N E * D O

Jeet Kune do is the form of Martial Arts that Fei-Long practices, so I though I
would include some information on it, just to brief you in the subject.

The Tao of Jeet Kune Do, is Bruce Lee's style of fighting, which he
Created because he no longer believed in schools and styles. That is
Why he created Jeet Kune Do, which he didn't even want to name because
It implied that it was a form or style, which was the whole thing that
Lee was trying to get away from. He believed that the highest form of
Martial arts was to have no form. Lee believed that the basic styles
That are usually taught, all lack some sort of fighting, Karate, lacks
Low blows and hair pulling and things like that. You might think, well
That's fighting dirty. But Lee believed that when your life is in threat
Anything is legal to defend yourself and defeat your attacker or adversary.
So, in a nut shell, its basically doing what you have to do to get the job

Tao Of Jeet Kune Do

Into a soul absolutely free
>From thoughts and emotion,
Even the tiger finds no room
To insert its fierce claws.

One and the same breeze passes.
Over the pines on the mountain
And the oak trees in the valler;
And why do they give different notes?

No thinking, no reflecting,
Perfect emptiness
Yet therein something moves,
Following its own course.

The eye sees it,
But no hands can take hold of it -
The moon in the stream.

Clouds and mists,
They are midair transformations;
Above them eternally shine the sun and the moon.

Victory is for the one,
Even before the combat,
Who has no thought of himself,
Abiding in the no-mindness of Great Origin.

- Bruce Lee

[ this passage was taken from Tao Of "Jeet Kune Do" By: Bruce Lee
I Gamer003 take no credit in the writing or publishing of that
Tao Of Jeet Kune Do (c)1975 Linda Lee
All Rights Reserved

=Strategy Guide=

- Against Adon
Well Adon is a pretty good athlete, and he has a little bit more of a powerful
array of moves than you do, I wold suggest that you go about fighting him like
this. Let him come to you, and then once he does, jump back over him and pin
him in the corner, and then its combo city. Try your longest combo, just to
keep him In the corner where he can't do any damage, then finish him off with a
Super combo of your choice. In my Juli FAQ, I explained his stance flaw, but
that does not apply to Fei Long, because he cannot teleport, so don't think
that it was a universal thing.

- Against Akuma
Akuma, to sum it up quick, I would have to say one word, dangerous. He is
obviously missing a few stories in the old building upstairs, but this just
makes him harder to fight. He has a few very devastating moves, that you can
retaliate against, at least with a move that is of the same magnitude. Now,
what you can do, is try to lure him out into the middle of the arena or stage,
or whatever you wanna call it. Then sweep him, and just don't allo whim to get

- Against Balrog
In my opinion, Balrog should be no match for you. He is big, but he is also as
slow as a tortoise and has extremely slow reaction time. Just get him caught up
in a corner and don't let him out. I used the same kick 5 times and got a
perfect KO. He is weak for a prize fighter, and you should use your speed to
your advantage. You might even wanna play a couple games with him, like how
slow can a person possibly be. I was disappointed at his lack of challenge.
When he did manage to attempt an attack, it is a jab or a punch, so it can be
blocked and countered easily.

- Against Birdie
Birdie is large, strong and kind of dumb, but he is still a very formidable
opponent. I would not advise you to go right after him head on, but use your
speed to lure him into certain situations that you can dominate. Use your punch
kick combo to get trapped in a corner, and if you do it right you can do it
fast enough to keep him stuck there without a response. It is not a good idea
to go shot for shot with him, because his arm is a little bit bigger than
yours. Use your super combo to finish him off, I would save it till the end
because he has a nasty of habit of always blocking my stuff.

- Against Bison
Well Bison is pretty good, but he is certainly beat able. He offered about the
level of challenge Zangief, Blanka and Ryu did, but he as well as everyone else
has weaknesses to be exploited, and make him pay for them. Bison is strong and
has decent speed, and has some great move, but you are strong by now, and are
much faster, and have some great moves. So your just going to have to wear him
down until you can pull something big. Make him come to you, because that will
be his mistake, sweep him when he walks towards you, and then as he gets up
pull a combo and a special.

- Against Blanka
Blanka has a much lower center of gravity, which can do either of 2 things for
you. It can A, allow you more shots to the upper body, or B it can allow him to
block everything you attempt. Blanka does block a lot, and then when you least
expect it, he gives you the old electric shock. So, here is what I would
recommend. Stay away from him in the beginning, and make him get out of his low
ready position to attack you, then you must be ready to strike with something
big. Sometimes when you do that he will also shoot at you in a canonball form
with you must always be ready for, to block or jump over. Blanka is beatable
with Fei Long, it just isn't all that easy.

- Against Cammy
Well, hands down you should be able to destroy Cammy with Fei Long, and that is
exactly what you are going to do, because you are a kung fu fighting machine.
Now, right at the beginning of the match, run up to her and sweep her legs out
from under her, then use your punch and kick combo to build up your super combo
meter. She will put a small fight, but not enough to cause alarm, she is pretty
weak, but when she really gets going you need to watch out for her super
combos, even if she gets one, you should be able to avoid it.

- Against Charlie
Charlie is an above average strength fighter, but he as well as all the others
has a weakness that when exploited causes his downfall. I must say I am
impressed with is speed for someone that size, but his moves did not have much
affect, and he quickly fell to my combo. He is more of a brawler than a marital
artist. Do not go right up and attack head on, wait for him to come to you and
then exploit his speed disadvantage with a quick but powerful quick, followed
by a big combo, which is a very nice way to start out the match, don't you

- Against Cody
Cody is not exactly the best guy on the game, but if he gets going he'll knock
you out like Mike Tyson on steroids. He is semi aggressive, so you are going to
want to go right after him at the beginning of the match, otherwise you could
allow him to do something that I think you might regret. He has a couple very
strong super combos, and he seems to pull them right when you are saying "oh
man, please don't do a SC." So, sweep him and then switch sides and get set up
for your own super combo. Do not and I repeat, he is VERY dangerous if you let
him get behind you, so keep an eye on him.

- Against Chun-Li
An admirable opponent for any fighter, she is the total package. She is a great
martial artist and has very strong special powers which make her an extremely
difficult challenger. You can take her kick for kick, which is just what I
would do. Except, mix the types up a little. If she goes high, sweep. Basically
counter her until she makes a big mistake, and then pull out all the stops and
let her have it. She won't make many of these mistakes, but every once in a
while she will try to get across you by jumping over you from behind, well this
leaves her back completely open, and is where you should strike.

- Against Dan
Dan is another solid martial artist, but he has a very obvious weakness. His
dependency on that annoying little flying kick combo he uses repetitively. So
you are going to have to do what Bruce Lee would have done. Out kick his sorry
butt. Use your strong kicks and just keep going at him, never allowing him an
inch of space. He will come after you if you fall away from him, so you might
as well not try to escape. Use your walking front kick and pound on his head,
this should not be that difficult of a fight for you.

- Against Dee Jay
Ok, Dee Jay is an arrogant boxer, and he has kind of an odd way of fighting.
One minute you are just chain comboing him off the wall, and then the next he
pulls super and you are laying on the ground with birds flying around your
head. You have to be careful of him, because right when you think you have him
dead, is the time that he is most likely to get a second wind and make a come
back, believe me, It has happened to me before. Now, at the beginning of the
match, go full steam at him and then once he is down to about 40% health, back
off some and let him mess around for a while before you finish him off.

- Against Dhalsim
Dhalsim is not exactly an easy guy to have to fight because he has the ability
to expand his arms arms legs. So you are going to take a different approach to
him than the others, where you usually storm them and just use your speed. That
is what you are going to do to, you just have to find a way inside first. So,
at the beginning of the match, do a super move, it doesn't even matter if he
gets hit by it, just do one to distract him. Because, if you get close enough
his big punches and kicks will not hit you. But then when you are using mid
length combos on him, you have to keep an eye out for the Yoga Flame.

- Against Gen
Wow, I didn't know the old man had it in him. We were going old school Gung Fu
style until I finally decided I had had just about enough of his inculence. He
is a very strong martial artist, and do not try to go head to head with him.
You are going to have to play the escape and counter game, or his block and
countering will tear you to shreads. He is very strong and has different ISM's
which makes him that much more dangerous. Do not try to jump at him, because he
will cut you down out of the air so fast its not even funny, this old man is

- Against Guy

- Against Honda
Well this is a duel strategy for Honda and Zangief since they are both
wrestlers and they are both massive compared to your size. Now at the beginning
of the match they usually come at you strong, but then as the match goes on
they seem to slow down a little bit, so if you can make it to that point
without really losing a lot, which shouldn't be that hard. Then you can use all
of you speed at once and just go for the fastest and hardest combo you know how
to do. If they happen to do one of their super or even a special move, just
block and keep going at them, you must exploit their slowness in order to win.

- Against Juli
Juli, another one of my favorite characters will put up quite a struggle if you
don't dispose of her quickly. She is a part of Shadaloo, not that it matters,
but that should give you some incentive to give her a beatdown. Use things like
your super speed punch and specials at the beginning of the match, and then at
it progress' use things like feint then high kick, then low and really just
wear her down, before she can even do anything about it.

- Against Juni
Juni, another one of my not so favorite characters will put up quite a struggle
if you don't dispose of her quickly. She too is a part of Shadaloo, not that it
matters, but that should give you some incentive to give her a beatdown. Use
things like your super speed punch and specials at the beginning of the match,
and then at it progress' use things like feint then high kick, then low and
really just wear her down, before she can even do anything about it. Now keep
in mind her and Juli are almost identicle, but Juni still does have her
teleportion powers, so you have to watchout.

- Against Karin

- Against Ken
Wow I was surprised at how my fight with Ken turned out. The first time you
fight him, he seems like he is as fast as you are, but he isn't. He has some
very devastating moves but has a couple of weaknesses that you can easily
exploit. One, he tends to jump over you a lot and try to switch sides on you,
so if you aren't paying attention, you can get knocked up pretty good. So,
whenever he goes to the air, use a big jump kick. Never allow him to just stand
behind you, always turn with him. And last but not least, he seems to slow down
when he gets hit pretty good, so try to keep up the pace the whole match.

- Against Rolento

- Against Rose

- Against Ryu
Wow I was surprised at how my fights with Ryu and Ken turned out. The first
time you fight him, he seems like he is as fast as you are, but he isn't. He
has some very devastating moves but has a couple of weaknesses that you can
easily exploit. One, he tends to jump over you a lot and try to switch sides on
you, so if you aren't paying attention, you can get knocked up pretty good. So,
whenever he goes to the air, use a big jump kick. Never allow him to just stand
behind you, always turn with him. And last but not least, he seems to slow down
when he gets hit pretty good, so try to keep up the pace the whole match.

- Against R. Mika
She is quite possible the most annoying competitor on the game. She basically
only used a headbutt and a low kick against me the entire time. She is weak in
the upper body, and does have some speed you should watch out for, though she
is no Chun LI she is an average fighter. I do however like here dressing
apparel, very snazzy. She has some moves to be cautious of, but the main thing
is to just use your speed and not allow her to use them.

- Against Sagat

- Against Sakura
Sakura is a martial artist like Fei Long, she doesn't rely on special moves and
things like that to win. That is why she is an easy opponent for him to easily
defeat. He is a much stronger martial artist than she is, and he has a definite
speed advantage. Although you should never under estimate an opponent if you do
these things you won't lose to her. One, don't allow her to gain momentum, if
she pulls a big move, cut her back down before she can start a very devastating
combo to follow it. Second, Never let up, keep trying to get her stuck with no
more room to go back and then let her have it. And last, go for her head with
your big kicks, she is very vulnerable there.

- Against Sodom
Well, is it possible that anyone can be slower than Balrog? I think we have a
winner. Sodom is much slower than you, which makes for quick and deadly
movements. Use big kicks and sweep moves to get him off his feet, then when he
gets up, which seems like slow motion, hit him as hard as you can. He does have
one decent move he managed to pull on me, he splits into shadows and hyper
attacks, but this does little damage and was not signifigant in the fight.
Just use your speed to keep him turning around constantly and he will be
tripping all over himself.

- Against T. Hawk

- Against Vega

- Against Zangief
Well this is a duel strategy for Honda and Zangief since they are both
wrestlers and they are both massive compared to your size. Now at the beginning
of the match they usually come at you strong, but then as the match goes on
they seem to slow down a little bit, so if you can make it to that point
without really losing a lot, which shouldn't be that hard. Then you can use all
of you speed at once and just go for the fastest and hardest combo you know how
to do. If they happen to do one of their super or even a special move, just
block and keep going at them, you must exploit their slowness in order to win.

$~$ Well, other than my Dragonball z character guides, this is my first
one, especially for a game as popular as Street Fighter Alpha 3. I
think it is a good basic model so far, but I have big plans for this
document, so please come back soon. I would also like to thank Dingo
Jellybean for agreeing to do this in a joint fashion.

- Matt Hulbert

This document is the property of the author, Matthew Hulbert. It may not be
posted at any web site or single web page, by anyone, without the permission of
the author. This document may only be recreated electronically, because is for
your personal and private use only. This document may not be altered or
modified and then distributed in anyway, and it may not be given away as a gift
or bonus for buying something. Pieces of this document may not be copied and
pasted into another document without the permission of the author, and even
then credit must be given, and the copied section must remain unaltered. I have
heard rumors about certain companies, especially Game Cave and Brady Games
stealing FAQs, copying FAQs, and also giving FAQs away as bonuses for buying
their products. That is not allowed, and if it is done, it will be in breach of
this disclaimer. All of the information in this document was compiled by the
author, unless separate credit is given, and in order to use those certain
sections which were not compiled by the author, but contributed by others, you
must contact the actual author of that certain piece of information. That is
all I ask of you.

This Document is Copyright 2000; Matt Hulbert.

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15.Октябрь 2013
Taschenspiel "Pocket Zero" mit allen auf maximalen Level.

16.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
US Version: All Hidden Characters and all Modes unlocked.

15.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Cammy A-Ism Ace FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Chun Li A-ISM Ace Guide

13.Октябрь 2013
Sakura A-Ism Ace Guide FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Z-Ism Combo FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Ryu Z-Ism FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
Juni Z-Ism FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Guy Character FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013

11.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

11.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Chun Li Ace FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013

12.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
07.Июнь 2019