Tales of Phantasia

Tales of Phantasia

17.10.2013 03:27:21
Tales of Phantasia Translation Guide! (PSX Version)
By: WooJin Lee( leew5@earthlink.net )

Version 0.22

Hi and welcome to my first published FAQ! ^^...this means that I've started about a dozen others
but never got it released... oh well! ^_^
Anyway I started the tranlations from where you enter the Forest...I'll translate the beginning
in some other time....and corrections will be helpful since Im not perfect, but then who is?
BTW I decided not to go crazy over getting the translations totally right since they take
forever to word right even when you know what they say...so dont mail to nitpick!
Update notes

Version 0.1- 4/1/99 - Translated from the Forest to the Jail
Version 0.11-4/2/99 - Minor Name Changes
Version 0.12-4/3/99 - Divided the game into Chapters
Version 0.20-4/5/99 - Extended Chapter Division, added more info
Version 0.21-4/17/99- Added more translations(I'm still playing catch-up), added Opening Song
I'll translate it later...for now sing along! ^^
Version 0.22-4/19/99- Finished Typing up Chapter 4...4 more chapters, then I could translate more
You can theoretically use this as a walkthru but I didnt write it to be one so dont be surprised
if you get stuck ^_^
One last note
Im not out to win awards on Scripts , but hey, its better quality then most US RPGS out
there...sad actually...
Oh, I decided to add the Dialogs you get when you press select. I've tried to get all of them in.
These dialogs are denoted by a -Select- on top of the Dialog. Remember! If I have a few of them
in a row, you have to press it that many times!
Table of Contents

OP . Mitsukete Yo Dream -Go Find Your Dream-

0 . Prologue
I . The Hunt
II . To Euclid!
III. Escape from the Dungeon!
IV . Who is this person???
V . Dhaos Revivial
VI . Where are we now?
VII. To Euclid...again!
VIII. Summon Magic: Slyph!

Opening Song. Mitsukete Yo Dream -Go Find Your Dream-
Mitsukete Yo Dream
Doko e itte mo
Toki o koete Kiss, Kiss, Kiss

Maki no kibu sono tsuki ga
anata no me o sarabu
zutto matte ta kono toki
nonami ga owaraseru yo ake ni
maruda tokeru hizashi
tooi asu no jioku
koko ni mezame no toki oriru

Mitsukete yo dream
koware kaketa
tori no iu mo naka
sono chikara ni kizuite
mitsukete yo dream
doko ni itte mo
omoizutai kiss, kiss, kiss

Chapter I. The Hunt
At the Forest.....

Chester: Hey, its a Boar!
Chester: Lets follow it!
Cless : Found it! There!

The boar runs away

Chester: We're not letting you get away!
Cless : Huh?
Cless : I guess it got away....
Chester: Since theres no way out, it should be around here somewhere....
Chester: I'll go have a look see!
Cless : I thought it came this way.....


Mysterious Girl:Dont...harm the tree...


Chester: It wasnt where I looked
Chester: how about you?
Chester: Hey WooJin, something wrong?
Cless : No.....
Chester: Found him!

Boss FIGHT! Choroi mon da ze! ^^

Cless : Its a big one!
Chester: This alone will be enough for a while
Chester: Well, lets return to the village!

Bell sounds from the Village

Chester: Wha, what's that?
Cless : Thats...
Cless : Its the towns alert signal!
Cless : Did something happen?
Chester: Lets get outta here!

Return to village

Cless : Holy...
Chester: I...
Chester: I'm gonna go check my house!
Chester: Amy!
Cless : Father...
Miguel : WooJin...
Miguel : Is your mother...safe?
Cless : Dad, did something happen?
Miguel : Arghh!
Cless : Dad!
Cless : Mom!!
Cless : Mom, hang in there!
Maria : Cless, run!
Maria : Go to the Nothern capital of Euclid, where your grandfather lives
Maria : That person will, your pendant...
Cless : Who do you mean by 'that person'?
Cless : Who the hell...
Cless : would do something like...
Maria : Father would've... If I wasnt taken hostage...
Maria : Aah...
Cless : Mother, Mother!
Maria : .......
Cless : Open your eyes
Cless : Mother!
Cless : UWAAAAA!!
Cless : ......
Cless : Chester
Cless : Chester, its dangerous here.
Cless : Lets go to grandpa's place in Euclid.
Chester: ......
Chester: Are you trying to tell me to leave, leaving the villagers and Amy like this?
Chester: I dont like it!
Chester: If you're going to leave go by yourself!
Chester: .......
Chester: I have to bury everyone...
Chester: Even if I have to do it myself...
Cless : You might be killed if they guys tht attacked the town come back!
Chester: .......
Chester: Sorry, Cless
Chester: Even so, I...
Cless : Chester...
Chester: you go ahead
Chester: Its dangerous to move in pairs
Chester: I'll follow you once I'm done
Cless : You'd better...
Chester: Yeah, Definately...
Chester: We shall get our revenge!
Cless : Right!

FlashBack to previous statement

Maria : That person will...your pendant
Cless : Those guys that attacked the town were after the pendant that my father gave me...
Cless : .......
Cless : Gotta get outta here fast!
Cless : If I do, They probbly wont go after Chester...


Cless : Anyway, lets get to Euclid, Maybe Grand Pa Orsen will tell me what to do

Cless : Like mother said, lets ask Grand Pa Orsen about what happened
Chapter II. To Euclid!
At Euclid!

Cless : Lets see...grand pa's house was to the notrh west...

At the house

Cless : Excuse me
Cless : GrandPa, are you in?
GPOrsen: Cless!
Cless : Grand Ma, Grand Pa, its been a while.

Orsen : It seems you've been healthy as well, Cless
Orsen : By the way, I've heard a disturbing rumor, but is it true that the Town of Tortis
has been sacked?
Cless : Its true.
Cless : Mom and dad...
Orsen : So, then that rumor was true...
Cless : yes...
Orsen's Wife, Joanne: Cless, dont get so down, ok?...
Joanne : You'd better stay at house house for the time being
Cless : Thank you for your support
Orsen : Dont worry about it
Cless : Thank you very much.

That Night

Cless : Grand Pa, whats this?
Orsen : ......
Orsen : I'm sorry...
Orsen : If I didn't do this, we would be...
Orsen : Euclid would've been the second coming of the horrors that happened in Tortis.
Orsen : Please forgive me ...
??? : Come, follow us quietly
Cless : Damn
??? : WALK!!!

Cless is taken away

Orsen : Cless, I'm sorry...
Orsen : What?
Orsen : You still want something?
??? : ......
Orsen : ......
Orsen : No... You cant ...
??? : Don't blame me ...
Orsen : Stop, please stop!


Chester: Amy...
Chester: .......
Chester: There is someone coming...
Chester: are they coming back?
Chester: Amy....
Chester: I'll get revenge for you soon...


Soldier: We've arrivd with Miguel's son!
???: you've done well
???: Hmmph, to think that you'd have the holy crystal...
Cless: So you're the one that attacked the village!
???: And if we were, what would you do about it, weakling?
Cless: damn...

??? takes the Pendant

Cless: Hey give that back!
???: I'll be taking this pendant...
???: You, take his weapons and put it in storage.
???: Hmmph
???: With this, first...

Cless sees the reflection on the mirror

Cless: What, What the heck is that!?

III. Escape from the Dungeon!

Guard: Alright, get in!
Guard: Don't go walking around!
Guard: If you want to live long, you'd better behave
Cless: DAMN IT!!

Cless looks around

???: Do you...hear my voice?
Cless: What was that?
Cless: Just now...
Cless: want that a female voice?
Cless: a female voice from the direction of the hole!
???: put your hand through
Cless: Who...are you?
???: put your hand through
???: please cooperate with me...
???: I want to rescue you

say yes

Cless: .......
Cless: this is an...earring?
???: use that on the door to escape...
???: and free the girl in the cell next to you
???: If its you...I'm sure you'll be able to get out of this jail
Cless: Wa, wait a sec!
Cless: you are...
???: ...... please.....
Cless: ............
Cless: anyway, lets try to use the earring
Cless: this is....
Cless: I'd better thank that person...

Cless: OH MY G...
Cless: I wonder whose hand that was...

Cless: A sword is stuck through her body...
Cless: WHat a horrible thing

Say yes to the Question

Cless: Please bear with me.....excuse me.

Leave and then go rescure the other girl

Cless: You OK?
Cless: No Injuries?
??? : .......!
Cless: Dont worry, I'm here to save you
Cless: I'm Cless, you?
???: ........Mint
???: I'm Mint Ardnade
Mint: Thank you for saving me
Cless: I have to say the same thing .
Cless: Well lets get out of here together!
Mint: OK
Cless: We cant afford to stay here much longer
Mint: Umm......
Mint: PLease rescure my mother as well...
Mint: She should be in the cell over there
Cless: Huh??

We see the dead body once again

Cless: There wasnt anyone there in that direction
Cless: C'mon quickly
Mint: bu, but.....
Mint: I thgought I heard my Mother's voice!
Mint: The voice that Soothed me...
Mint: I thought I heard...
Cless: We don't have the time, and if we don't go now, we might get found
Mint: ......
Mint: I understand

Check the Grates to the right

Mint: There seems to be a stream from this direction.
Mint: I wonder if theres some way to open it?

Equip that Battle Axe, hit the Grate with it

Cless: There!
Cless: The ways open
Mint: you did it

Battle Axe breaks, Equip the long sword again ^^
Go to the save spot

Cless: I Wonder what that is?
Mint: Thats a saving point
Cless: Saving POint?
Mint: While you're on top of it, you can record your adventures thus far


Crazy Demon: Did you think you could run?
Crazy Demon: You're not getting any further!


Cless: We should be okay now...
Cless: Mint Lookout!!!
Cless: Arrgh!!
Mint : Cless!
Cless: Damn, I'm poisoned!
Mint : Cless, hang in there!
Mint : Cless!
Mint : The sound of hooves...
Mint : Have to get out of here...

Fade to black
IV. Who is this person?
Cless: Mother, Father....
??? : You alright?
Cless: This is...
??? : This is my home
??? : The name is Torinicks D. Morrison
Cless: I... got taken down by poison...
Cless: Morrison, were you the one that saved me?
Morrsion: Well, something like that
Cless: Thanks
Morrison: You're Cless right?
Morrison: I heard it from your friend.
Morrison: Your sister asked me to let you stay here until you get better.
Morrison: You should be well soon...
Mint : Cless, are you up?
Mint : Thank Goodness...
Morrison: You should say thank you to her as well
Morrison: She carried you in here.
Mint : Morrison...you don't have to...
Cless: Thanks Mint.
Mint : No its....
Mint : Ah, um.... Cless
Mint : Eat this and try to get back on your feet

Cless eats the food

Cless: Its Delicious!
Cless: Mint, this is really good!
Cless: Could you tell me how to make it?
Mint : Take this too.
Cless: Whats this?
Mint : I think it would be of use to you
Morrison: Oh yeah, Cless, why dont you have a look outside?
Cless: Uh. sure

Cless goes out, and almost gets hit by an arrow

Cless: Whoa!
??? : Cless, I see you're up!
Cless: .......
Cless: Chester!

Morrison comes out

Morrison: I told you I got your name from your friend, didn't I?
Morrison: You didn't realize?
Chester : Morrison came into town right after you left, Cless.
Chester : He helped bury the villagers.
Cless : So thats what happened
Morrison: If I was a bit faster, I might've been able to save the town...
Morrison: But to think that Miguel would get killed...
Morrison: And Maria as well...its all going to hell
Cless : You know about my mother and father?
Morrison: Yeah, I was an old friend of those two
Morrison: And that young lady's mother... I know Merille very well too
Morrison: Probably more than what you guys know...
Mint: Mother...
Cless: ........
Morrison: By The way, there should be a crystal that miguel should've been treasuring...
Morrison: Cless, do you know anythin about it?
Cless: I recieved it as a present on my birthday...but...
Morrison: Do you have it?
Cless: Thats....
Cless: I dont have it anymore...
Morrison: WHAT!?
Cless: When I was captured, a black hooded man took it from me
Cless: Is there something about the crystal in the pendant?
Morrison: .......
Morrison: this is bad...
Morrison: Everything is being taken to the other side...
Morrison: This isn't good...
Morrison: I have to go back to the underground crypt
Morrison: You guys stay here.
Cless: The hooded man is there isn't he?
Cless: We're going with you!
Cless: Let us take take revenge!
Chester : What!
Cless: Please!
Morrison: You guys right now won't even scratch them.
Chester : Don't go deciding that by yourself!
Cless: How do you know if we don't...
Morrison: Could you best Miguel in a fight?
Cless: Thats....
Morrison: Sorry
Morrison: I didn't want to treat you guys this way...
Morrison: We're not strong enough to face those guys tht attacked before
Morrison: So I'm begging you, stay here and wait for me to come back

Morrison leaves, fade

Mint: What should we so now?
Chester: Even with what Morrison said, I don;t like waiting like this
Mint:I'm .....
Cless: ........
Chester: What do you think, Cless?
Chester: You going to wait?
Chester: Those guys that got the village...

to Cless

Chester:GET A GRIP!
Chester: We made a promise didn't we?
Chester: We promised to get everyone's revenge!
Chester: But then, it might be as Morrison said
Chester: We might not win...
Chester: But even so, now's the time to fight!
Chester: Come on!

Mint becomes alarmed

Mint: Please don't start a fight!!
Mint: Please....

???: Huh? Why is it so noisy here?
Tortistan: Morrison, you in?
Tortistan: Well, what do you know, he's not in
Cless: Chief Tortistan!?
Cless: what are you doing here?
Tortistan: Ahh, its you Cless!
Tortistan: I come here to drink often.
Tortistan: What are you guys doing here?
Cless: Well.....


Cless: And thats what happened
Tortistan: Hmmmmm...
Tortistan: To think such a thing would happen
Tortistan: Miguel lost because Maria was taken hostage...
Cless: It might've been those guys who called you out of town back then...
Tortistan: no...even if didn;t leave the village...
Tortistan: such a tragedy....not even one survivor.
Cless: ........
Tortistan: But even so, MOrrison told you that you're too weak...
Mint: yes...
Tortistan: ho ho ho .....
Tortistan: he's trying to buy you guys time with his magic
Mint: Morrison is also a Magician?
Tortistan: Also?...
Tortistan: ........
Tortistan: Ah, I see, you're Merille's daughter aren't you?
Tortistan: You look exactly alike.
Tortistan: You're going to be a Beaut

Mint gets embarrassed ^^ kawaii na....

Cless: But, why?
Cless: Why does everyone seem to know so much about us two?
Tortistan: You want to know?
Cless: Yes, please tell us.
Cless: And, we're going to get revenge!
Chester: Cless!
Mint: Cless!
Cless: I know what Morrison is saying but...
Cless: I'm not going to run anymore!
Cless: Chief, please!!
Tortistan: Very well
Tortistan: However.....
Tortistan: It's going to be hard with that equipment
Tortistan: I'll have the Shop Clecks to come by.
Tortistan: When you're ready, go to the caves to the southeast
Tortistan: I'll go ahead and wait.
Cless: Huh?
Chester: Cless, what is it?
Cless: (The Earring)
Cless: (The Earring that I got in the cell isn't here?)
Cless: (Did I lose it?)
Mint : Cless. is something wrong?
Cless: Uh, Nah....
Cless: Its nothing, lets go!

Talk to the clerks
Upgrade Equipment and buy Items.
Exit Morrison's House


Cless: We can't just leave it to morrison
Chester: We'll get revenge for Amy and Everyone else!
Mint: Lets go help Morrison!


Chester: How did you get caught anyway?
Cless: Soldiers came into my room while I was sleeping
Chester: That's Horrible! Orsen gave you away?
Cless: seems like it...I trused him too...
Chester: Well, there's all types of people out there


Cless: Alright, lets go to the Crypt by the South East!
Mint: Morrison should be in the Crypt somewhere...
Chester: Right. Him and the guys that killed Amy!
Chapter V. Dhaos Revival

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Part 1 FAQ

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Guide FAQ

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17.Октябрь 2013
engl. Walkthrough für/for Tales of Phantasia
engl. Walkthrough

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