Tales of Phantasia

Tales of Phantasia

11.10.2013 22:45:51
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|| PART II ||
|| [joaquinpuga@infovia.com.ar] ||
|| Copyright (©) 2000 Joaquin Puga ||
|| ||

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Unpublished work Copyright 2000 Joaquin Puga

This FAQ and everything included within this file cannot be reproduced
in any way, shape or form (physical, electronical, or otherwise) aside
from being placed on a freely-accessible, non-commercial web page in
it's original, unedited and unaltered format. This FAQ cannot be used
for profitable purposes (even if no money would be made from selling
it) or promotional purposes. It cannot be used in any sort of
commercial transaction. It cannot be given away as some sort of
bonus, gift, etc., with a purchase as this creates incentive to buy
and is therefore prohibited. Furthermore, this FAQ cannot be used by
the publishers, editors, employees or associates, etc. of any company,
group, business, or association, etc., nor can it be used by game
sites and the like. It cannot be used in magazines, guides, books,
etc. or in any other form of printed or electronic media (including
mediums not specifically mentioned) in ANY way, shape, or form
(including reprinting, reference or inclusion), without the express
written permission of the author, myself. This FAQ was created and is
owned by me, Joaquin Puga. All copyrights and trademarks are
acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned in this

The above Copyright Notice was developed by Kao Megura (with a tiny
bit of helping from Ignacio de Lucas). It is self-affecting, meaning
that it cannot be reproduced without crediting its author (for all
purposes, Kao Megura). A lot of FAQ writers out there are starting to
be aware of the need to protect their work from plagiarism. This is
Good. However, there's been an increasing trend among some of them do
so by just copying and pasting Kao Megura's copyright notice, without
crediting him at all. This is Wrong. He's too good a guy and is more
happy about these people protecting their work (and doing so with
something he has devoted a lot of time to perfect) than concerned
about his own protection being transgressed. Thus, he'll say nothing,
but I won't. If you're going to just copy his Copyright Notice (one
that warns against plagiarism, for goodness' sake) at least have the
decency of thanking him properly!

| THANKS A LOT TO IGNACIO DE LUCAS for letting me use the disclaimer |
| from his Xenogears FAQ. THANKS TO KAO MEGURA because he is the one |
| who made it in the first place. Remember that, if you want to use |
| the above disclaimer you MUST ask for permission from Kao Megura or|
| Ignacio de Lucas, not from me. |
| |
| Ignacio de Lucas Kao Megura |
| |

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Version 0.1 [08/14/00] - Decided to make a walkthrough for Tales of
Phantasia. Made the ASCII art of the FAQ and
wrote the introduction. The design used is
the same from my FF IX FAQ project.

Version 0.2 [08/30/00] - The FAQ covers as far as the Moria Gallery
and a little more. More to come soon!

Version 0.3 [09/07/00] - Walkthrough up to The Tower of the Twelve
Stars. Added the Norse Mythology Section (I'm
not even near finishing it, but it's there).

Version 0.4 [09/14/00] - Expanded the walkthrough up to the end of
Dhaos' Fortress. Added lots of information to
the Norse Mythology section. This is the
largest Tales of Phantasia FAQ that I know of
already, and I'm not even half done yet! (is
this good or bad?...).

Version 0.5 [09/21/00] - The walkthrough is done until right before
going to the Fire Tower and the Ice Cavern.
Added a new part to the introduction. The
file now is as big as 242 KB, that's 54 KB
more than last week!

Version 0.6 [09/28/00] - The walkthrough is almost complete, I'm right
before going after Dhaos. I'm almost sure
that the walkthrough will be complete by next

Version 0.7 [10/08/00] - I know I almost promised the complete
walkthrough, but I was busy half the time
last week, and the other half I was... well,
just lazy. I had to delay the release of this
revision to include the full walkthrough of
the Moria Gallery and the Treasure Quest.

Version 0.8 [11/05/00] - Okay, I'm really sorry about taking so long,
but the walkthrough is complete now and the
Coliseum section has been added. The next
revision will include cheats!

Version 0.9 [11/29/00] - And yet again I'm late! This time I added the
'Cheats and Codes' section, check it out!
Last AND least, I completed the 'Menu
Explanation' section, but it's huge, so I
might move it somewhere below the

Version 1.0 [12/15/00] - Made the list of skills for Mint, Klarth and
Arche. Added more information in section 8.3
Created the 'Voice Actors' Section and added
the 'Patch Related Questions' to the
Frequently Asked Questions.

Version 1.1 [12/22/00] - Hooray! We just overcame the 500 KB barrier!
This time I made the list of skills for Cless
(Combos are still missing though) and
completed sections 2.3 and 2.4. I also
finished the 'Voice Actors' section.

Version 1.2 [02/03/01] - After Dejap's Final Patch release, seeing how
big the file would get, I decided the divide
the FAQ. I changed all the item names in the
walkthrough and added a few minor things
(such as the combos you can get in each
section) in Part I. The list of Cless' combos
was finally added. There are some new cheats
as well (most of them are courtesy of Jeffrey

Version 1.3 [03/29/01] - The huge increase in file size comes from the
fact that the Item and Shop Lists are done!
There were also many changes in the
walkthrough and the mini-quests, but they are

Version 1.4 [07/14/01] - It was about time! This revision includes the
List of Enemies and a new section for extra
tactics sent by contributors. I am pleased to
announce that this is the Complete Version of
the FAQ (for more info, see section 1.4 of
Part I). There won't be any more updates
unless I realize there is a big flaw
somewhere in the guide... Thanks for reading.

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I.1 List of Skills for Cless
I.2 List of Skills for Mint
I.3 List of Spirits for Klarth
I.4 List of Spells for Arche

II.1 Supply List
II.2 Food List
II.3 Weapon List
II.4 Armor List
II.5 Accessory List
II.6 Treasure List

III.1 Shops in the Present
III.2 Shops in the Past
III.3 Shops in the Future

IV.1 List of Monsters per Location
IV.2 List of Enemies

V.1 Toying with Characters' Level and Status
V.2 General Toying
V.3 Skill Activation Codes
V.4 Item Modification Codes

VI.1 Yume Wa Owaranai Lyrics
VI.2 Norse Mythology in Tales of Phantasia
VI.3 Some Other Interesting Things
VI.4 Voice Actors
VI.5 Extra Tactics

VII.1 Clearing Things Out
VII.2 Game Related Questions
VII.3 Patch Related Questions


- PART I -

1.1 About this Walkthrough
1.2 About Tales of Phantasia
1.3 About the Game and the Translation Patch
1.4 A Short Message from the Author

2.1 Characters Introduction
2.2 Gameplay basics
2.3 The Controls
2.4 The Battles
2.5 Menu Explanation

3.1 Totus Town and the Southern Forest
3.2 Betrayal in Euclid
3.3 Escaping Jail
3.4 Awakening of Dhaos
3.5 A New World, or an Old Time?
3.6 Euclid in the Past
3.7 The Valley of the Sylphs
3.8 Yggdrasill and the Destruction of Harmel
3.9 Venezia and Demitel's Island
3.10 On the Way to Alvanista
3.11 The Kingdom of Alvanista
3.12 Undine's Water Cave
3.13 Ifrit, the Fire Elemental Spirit
3.14 Gnome, the Spirit of Earth
3.15 The Moria Gallery
3.16 Looking for Edward
3.17 Maze! Treant's Forest
3.18 The City of Midgard
3.19 The Tower of Twelve Stars
3.20 War! The Valhalla Plains and the Aerial Battle
3.21 Dhaos' Fortress
3.22 Unicorn! Help us Save the Yggdrasill
3.23 Thor, the sunken Hi-Tech City
3.24 Future Times are Better!
3.25 Lightning Spirit! Volt's Cave
3.26 The Future of Alvanista and the Grand World Tour
3.27 Freeze! Fenrir's Ice Cavern
3.28 Burn! Odin's Fire Tower
3.29 Spirit of Creation, Origin
3.30 Before Taking on Dhaos
3.31 The Final Confrontation

4.1 Elwyn and Nancy, a Love Story
4.2 Mini-Games at Alvanista
4.3 The Ninja Village
4.4 Ayflite's Treasure
4.5 Moria Gallery, the Lower Levels
4.6 The Coliseum
4.7 Ninjas at Euclid
4.8 Cookin' 'n Stuff
4.9 Cless' Classes
4.10 Combo Command Combinations

5.1 Clearing Things Out
5.2 Game Related Questions
5.3 Patch Related Questions


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I.1- List of Skills for Cless

Being the main character and all, it's obvious that Cless skills are
always useful. Just be careful, because if you are not careful you
might end up wasting all of his TP and running out of TP recovering

Cless skills will be listed in the following order: Short-Range
skills first, then Long-Range skills and finally Combos. Each section
will be sorted alphabetically.

NOTE: In the list of characteristics of each Skill: 'Master' refers
to whether the skill can be mastered (i.e. has a % counter).

- S h o r t R a n g e -

B l a d e S t o r m
Description: Attack the enemy with a shower of stabbing attacks.
TP Cost: 15
Type: Physical Damage
Master: Yes
What it does: Stabs the enemy about ten times. Since this attack
uses the Thrust value of the weapon, it is not very
effective while using axes.
Acquire: Cless gets this skill at level 12

D u a l K i c k
Description: Kick the enemy then strike them with your weapon
TP Cost: 4
Type: Physical Damage
Master: Yes
What it does: Cless runs to the target and jump, kicking as he goes
up. He kicks again when he reaches the top, then uses
his weapon on the way down.
Acquire: Cless gets this skill at level 5

E i r ' s L o v e
Description: Asks the goddess Eir to heal you.
TP Cost: 6
Type: Healing
Master: No
What it does: Cless stands holding his sword near the floor,
recovering a good amount of HP.
Acquire: Cless gets this skill at level 34

F i r e b r a n d
Description: Wrap your sword in flames then throw it at an enemy.
TP Cost: 10
Type: Fire Damage
Master: No
What it does: Cless jumps holding is weapon enveloped in fire in
front of him, then throws it to the floor. The weapon
appears back in Cless' hands afterwards.
Acquire: Cless gets this skill at level 45

F o c u s
Description: Boost your speed and attack.
TP Cost: 6
Type: Offensive Boost
Master: No
What it does: Cless jumps high up in the air, creating green
sparkles around him.
Acquire: Cless gets this skill at level 20

F o c u s M o r e
Description: Boost your speed and attack even more than Focus.
TP Cost: 20
Type: Offensive Boost
Master: No
What it does: Cless raises his weapon, liberating fiery waves of
Acquire: Cless gets this skill at level 50

F u r y S l a s h
Description: Gather energy and focus into one extra powerful slice.
TP Cost: 12
Type: Physical Damage
What it does: Cless holds his sword back while gathering power, then
releases a powerful blow of long reach.
Acquire: Cless gets this skill at level 31

G a l e S h i e l d
Description: Create a barrier that enemies cannot pass through.
TP Cost: 5
Type: Defense
Master: No
What it does: Cless sticks his sword into the floor, then energy
arising from around it. This skill is quite slow, but
is great if you have cornered an enemy, especially if
if flies.
Acquire: Cless gets this skill at level 27

M a g m a R i f t
Description: Open a hole from the center of the earth, creating a
sudden lava sprout.
TP Cost: 9
Type: Fire & Physical Damage
Master: Yes
What it does: Cless creates a powerful flame in front of him, he
attacks with his weapon afterwards. The first part of
this attack has the Fire elemental property, the
second part is non-elemental.
Acquire: Cless gets this skill at level 41

S o u l W a v e
Description: Gathers your soul's energy, then releases it towards
the enemies.
TP Cost: 30
Type: Energy Damage
Master: Yes
What it does: Blue sparkles ascend around Cless in spiral, dealing
Water Elemental damage to the enemies around him.
Cless then releases a powerful energy wave that hits
the enemy several times.
Acquire: Cless receives this skill after beating the Fire Tower
- See section 3.28 of Part I

T e l e p o r t
Description: Teleport to the enemy, scoring up to four hits.
TP Cost: 30
Type: Energy & Physical Damage
Master: Yes
What it does: Cless holds his weapon pointing up while energy surges
from the floor around him (very much like Wind
Barrier) and he begins to float. Cless appears over
the enemy afterwards, hits it four times and goes back
to where he was standing before.
Acquire: Cless receives this skill from Origin, after defeating
him - See section 3.29 of Part I

T i g e r T e e t h
Description: Attack the enemy with two strong slices.
TP Cost: 7
Type: Physical Damage
Master: Yes
What it does: Slices the enemy upwards, then slices downwards.
Acquire: Cless gets this skill at level 15

- L o n g R a n g e -

E i r ' s L o v e
Description: Asks the goddess Eir to heal you.
TP Cost: 6
Type: Healing
Master: No
What it does: Cless stands holding his sword near the floor,
recovering a good amount of HP.
Acquire: Cless gets this skill at level 34

F o c u s
Description: Boost your speed and attack.
TP Cost: 6
Type: Offensive Boost
Master: No
What it does: Cless jumps high up in the air, creating green
sparkles around him.
Acquire: Cless gets this skill at level 20

F o c u s M o r e
Description: Boost your speed and attack even more than Focus.
TP Cost: 20
Type: Offensive Boost
Master: No
What it does: Cless raises his weapon, liberating fiery waves of
Acquire: Cless gets this skill at level 50

G a l e S h i e l d
Description: Create a barrier that enemies cannot pass through.
TP Cost: 5
Type: Defense
Master: No
What it does: Cless sticks his sword into the floor, then energy
arising from around it. This skill is quite slow, but
is great if you have cornered an enemy, especially if
if flies.
Acquire: Cless gets this skill at level 27

L i g h t n i n g B o l t
Description: Create a lightning bolt to strike nearby enemies.
TP Cost: 8
Type: Electrical Damage
Master: Yes
What it does: Cless runs and jumps. He kicks in the air once he
reaches the top, creating a blade of energy that goes
straight into the target. Once the blade hits ground,
a powerful lightning follows.
Acquire: Cless gets this skill at level 9

L i o n h e a r t
Description: Creates a physical being from your courage to attack
TP Cost: 14
Type: Physical Damage
Master: Yes
What it does: Cless tackles the enemies in front of him. He then
stabs them, releasing energy in the form of a lion
Acquire: Cless gets this skill at level 37

P h o e n i x
Description: Transforms your body into the flaming bird of legend.
TP Cost: 8
Type: Fire Damage
Master: Yes
What it does: Cless holds his weapon near the floor while energy
surges from his body. He then jumps and gets
completely enveloped in flames, becoming a fire bird
that flies into the target in a kamikaze attack.
Acquire: Cless gets this skill at level 23

P s i o n B o l t
Description: Fires a bolt of energy along the ground at the enemy.
TP Cost: 2
Type: Energy Damage
Master: Yes
What it does: Cless swings his sword, releasing a wave of energy
that goes through the battlefield.
Acquire: Cless gets this skill at level 2

S o u l E d g e
Description: Uses your soul's power to extend the length of your
TP Cost: 25
Type: Energy Damage
Master: Yes
What it does: Cless runs over to the target. He jumps next to it,
holding his weapon in front of him and creating a
blast of energy. As he falls, Cless slashes the target
Acquire: Cless receives this skill after beating the Ice Cavern
- See section 3.27 of Part I

T e l e p o r t
Description: Teleport to the enemy, scoring up to four hits.
TP Cost: 30
Type: Energy & Physical Damage
Master: Yes
What it does: Cless holds his weapon pointing up while energy surges
from the floor around him (very much like Wind
Barrier) and he begins to float. Cless appears over
the enemy afterwards, hits it four times and goes back
to where he was standing before.
Acquire: Cless receives this skill from Origin, after defeating
him - See section 3.29 of Part I

- C o m b i n a t i o n s -

B o l t C r a s h
Combines: Lightning Bolt/Dual Kick
TP Cost: 17
Type: Electrical & Physical Damage
Acquire: Cless learns this combo from a book bought for 18,000
Gald from a man in Midgard (Past only) - See section
3.18 of Part I

B u r n i n g S o u l
Combines: Phoenix/Blade Storm
TP Cost: 21
Type: Fire & Physical Damage
Acquire: Cless learns this combo from a book received from a
woman in a camp south-west of Alvanista - See section
3.11 of Part I

C i n d e r H a w k
Combines: Phoenix/Magma Rift
TP Cost: 18
Type: Fire & Physical Damage
Acquire: Cless learns this combo from a book bought for 50,000
Gald from a swordswoman in Ary in the future - See
section 3.26 of Part I

E a r t h ' s R a g e
Combines: Lightning Bolt/Magma Rift
TP Cost: 17
Type: Electrical & Fire Damage
Acquire: Cless learns this combo from a book bought for 50,000
Gald from a swordsman in the Valhalla Plains - See
section 3.21 of Part I

F l a r e T a l o n
Combines: Phoenix/Tiger Teeth
TP Cost: 20
Type: Fire & Physical Damage
Acquire: Cless learns this combo from a book bought for 20,000
Gald from a swordswoman in Miguel in the future - See
section 3.24 of Part I

L i o n C l a w s
Combines: Lionheart/Blade Storm
TP Cost: 28
Type: Physical Damage
Acquire: Cless learns this combo from a book received after
beating the Coliseum in Euclid (future) for the first
time - See section 4.6 of Part I

L i o n F l a r e
Combines: Lionheart/Magma Rift
TP Cost: 13
Type: Physical & Fire Damage
Acquire: Cless learns this combo from a book bought for 33000
Gald from a swordsman in Freezekill (future) - See
section 3.26 of Part I

L i o n L u n g e
Combines: Lionheart/Dual Kick
TP Cost: 12
Type: Physical Damage
Acquire: Cless learns this combo from a book bought from a man
camping south of the Moria Galley for 1,2000 Gald
- See section 3.11 of Part I

L i o n T e e t h
Combines: Lionheart/Tiger Teeth
TP Cost: 13
Type: Physical Damage
Acquire: Cless learns this combo from a book received after
beating the Coliseum in Euclid (future) for the first
time - See section 4.6 of Part I

M a g m a B o l t
Combines: Psion Bolt/Magma Rift
TP Cost: 10
Type: Energy & Fire Damage
Acquire: Cless learns this combo from a book received from a
swordswoman in a camp south of Midgard - See section
3.18 of Part I

M e c h a B l a d e
Combines: Psion Bolt/Tiger Teeth
TP Cost: 15
Type: Energy & Physical Damage
Acquire: Cless learns this combo from the kid in Beladum's
weapon store or from an old man's drawers in Miguel in
the future if you forget to get it the first time- See
section 3.5 or 3.24 of Part I

O d i n ' s W r a t h
Combines: Phoenix/Tiger Teeth
TP Cost: 25
Type: Fire & Physical Damage
Acquire: Cless learns this combo from a book bought for 40,000
Gald from a swordsman in one of the oases in Freland
in the future - See section 3.26 of Part I

P s i o n K i c k
Combines: Psion Bolt/Dual Kick
TP Cost: 9
Type: Energy & Physical Damage
Acquire: Cless receives this combination from Tristan, at the
mausoleum cave at the beginning of the game - See
section 3.4 of Part I

P s i o n S t o r m
Combines: Psion Bolt/Blade Storm
TP Cost: 16
Type: Energy & Physical Damage
Acquire: Cless learns this combo from a book bought for 6000
Gald in the Adventurer's Guild in Alvanista - See
section 3.11 of Part I

T e m p e s t
Combines: Lightning Bolt/Blade Storm
TP Cost: 21
Type: Electrical & Physical Damage
Acquire: Cless learns this combo from a book bought for 3,000
Gald from a woman in Venezia's Armor Shop - See
section 3.9 of Part I

T h o r ' s W r a t h
Combines: Lightning Bolt/Tiger Teeth
TP Cost: 20
Type: Electrical & Physical Damage
Acquire: Cless learns this combo from a book found in a chest
in the 21st level of the Moria Gallery (Future) - See
section 4.5 of Part I

S o u l F o r g e
Combines: Soul Edge/Soul Wave
TP Cost: 50
Type: Energy Damage
Acquire: Cless learns this combo in the Treant's Forest in the
future, after the battle against Origin - See section
3.26 of Part I

S o u l S t r i k e
Combines: Teleport/Soul Wave
TP Cost: 40
Type: Energy & Physical Damage
Acquire: Cless learns this combo in the Treant's Forest in the
future, after the battle against Origin - See section
3.26 of Part I

I.2- List of Skills for Mint

Being Mint the only healer in the group, her spells will ALWAYS be
useful. Of course not all of her spells are that good, you will mostly
use healing and power boosting spells, rather than any others.

Note that after a status modifying spell has been cast (like Acid
Rain or Valkyrie) the enemies/allies affected by it are denoted by a
little wave of energy over them being blue and going down (when
affected by a bad status, like Slow) or being red and going up (when
affected by a good status, like Haste).

F i r s t A i d
Description: A simple spell to recover HP.
TP Cost: 5
Range: One Ally
What it does: A few light-blue sparkles appear over the character
healing a few hundreds HP.
Acquire: Mint gets this spell at level 3
Comments: Mint's very first healing spell. Obviously very
useful until you acquire a more powerful healing

D e e p M i s t
Description: Blinds enemies, causing their melee attacks to be less
TP Cost: 3
Range: All Enemies on the Screen
What it does: A white mist covers the battlefield.
Acquire: Mint gets this spell at level 8
Comments: I personally don't use this spell much, since it
doesn't work on powerful enemies, which are the ones
you want to weaken.

H a m m e r
Description: Stuns an enemy.
TP Cost: 4
Range: One Enemy
What it does: Mint throws a hammer at an enemy. It may or may not
get to hit the target. Obviously, if it does, the foe
gets stunned.
Acquire: Mint gets this spell at level 5
Comments: A good spell that can be useful even near the end of
the game. Watch out though, if you let her, Mint might
waste all of her TP using this.

H e a l
Description: Restores a fair amount of HP.
TP Cost: 10
Range: One Ally
What it does: A magic seal appears over the character.
Acquire: Mint gets this spell at level 14
Comments: Another healing spell, which means it is really
useful, at least until you get a better one.

A n t i d o t e
Description: Remove the poison from an ally's body.
TP Cost: 8
Range: One Ally
What it does: Tree red triangles appear over the character sprite,
then separate and vanish.
Acquire: Mint gets this spell at level 20
Comments: Very useful when facing those nasty monsters that
just love to poison Cless.

S i l e n c e
Description: Prevents an enemy from casting spells.
TP Cost: 6
Range: One Enemy
What it does: Mint throws a black strip of paper (a Japanese mystic
seal) at an enemy.
Acquire: Mint gets this spell at level 29
Comments: I never actually used this one, and I doubt it works
on powerful enemies, which makes it almost useless.

A c i d R a i n
Description: Lowers enemies' defence.
TP Cost: 7
Range: All Enemies on the Screen
What it does: A crimson rain falls all over the battlefield.
Acquire: Mint gets this spell at level 17
Comments: You may use this one in some battles when Mint has
nothing to do.

C u r e
Description: Restores large amount of HP.
TP Cost: 22
Range: One Ally
What it does: Many light blue sparkles form a circle around the
target and converge at him/her.
Acquire: Mint gets this spell at level 38
Comments: Mint's most powerful individual healing spell.

V a l k y r i e
Description: Summons a war goddess to bless all allies.
TP Cost: 15
Range: All Allies on the Screen
What it does: A Valkyrie flies through the screen, raising the
attack power of the characters on the screen.
Acquire: Mint gets this spell at level 44
Comments: Very useful in many boss battles, especially if you
like to use Chester, as it will affect him and Cless
at the same time.

R e c o v e r
Description: Removes allies' status ailments (e.g. Stone,
TP Cost: 18
Range: All Allies on the Screen
What it does: Very much like the Antidote spell, to big, red
triangles appear in the center of the screen, removing
all status ailments from the characters on the screen.
Acquire: Mint gets this spell at level 47
Comments: You will be using this one constantly while facing
those nasty monsters that just love to Paralyze Cless.

B a r r i e r
Description: Magically creates a shield around one ally to defend.
TP Cost: 15
Range: One Ally
What it does: Creates a blue energy blast in the center of the
screen, dispersing stars that surround the characters
Acquire: Mint gets this spell at level 35
Comments: I didn't use this one too often, but it may be useful
in some cases.

D i s p e l
Description: Restores an ally to normal. (e.g. Silenced or Slowed)
TP Cost: 14
Range: One Ally
What it does: A green pyramid appears over a character.
Acquire: Mint gets this spell at level 32
Comments: Your characters are rarely affected by Silence or
Slow, which makes this spell almost unnecessary.

N u r s e
Description: Summons angels to heal the party.
TP Cost: 20
Range: All Allies on the Screen
What it does: One nurse per party member on the screen appears over
the battlefield and fly towards them to heal medium
amount of HP.
Acquire: Mint gets this spell at level 23
Comments: Obviously a great spell, as it allows you to heal the
whole party at once.

H a s t e
Description: Increase an ally's speed.
TP Cost: 16
Range: All Allies on the Screen
What it does: Several clocks appear on the screen and start to move
forward, quickly acquiring speed.
Acquire: Mint gets this spell at level 26
Comments: Very useful, you will probably want to use this
whenever Mint isn't busy healing.

D e l a y
Description: Slows an enemy down.
TP Cost: 14
Range: All Enemies on the Screen
What it does: Several clocks appear on the screen and start to move
backwards, diminishing speed.
Acquire: Mint gets this spell at level 11
Comments: Not as useful as it may seem, since it doesn't work
on most powerful enemies or bosses.

H a m m e r H e a d
Description: Stuns the enemies.
TP Cost: 16
Range: All Enemies on the Screen
What it does: A huge hammer falls over the battlefield.
Acquire: Mint gets this spell at level 41
Comments: Almost useless, unless you are facing a big group of
annoying foes.

R e s u r r e c t i o n
Description: Holy power restores the party's HP.
TP Cost: 32
Range: All Allies on the Screen
What it does: Many stars converge at the center of the screen, then
a powerful healing light emanates from there.
Acquire: Mint gets this spell at level 54
Comments: Mint's most powerful group healing spell. You don't
need me to tell you how useful it is.

R a i s e D e a d
Description: Revives an ally who has been slain.
TP Cost: 26
Range: One Ally
What it does: A beam of light descends over the slain ally, the
ally's spirit enters his/her body afterwards.
Acquire: Mint gets this spell at level 50
Comments: If reviving slain allies in battles is not useful, I
don't know what is... ^_^

I.3- List of Spirits for Klarth

Klarth doesn't seem to be really useful when you first meet him, but
once you start acquiring spirits to summon, he becomes an essential
member of your party.

NOTE: If you want to know the meaning of the names of the Spirits,
look at section 8.3

S y l p h s
Description: Summons the Spirit of Air. Sylphs are Wind Fairies.
TP Cost: 5
Range: One enemy
Element: Wind
What it does: A group of Sylphs surround the enemy for little
Acquire: Get in Lawn Valley, see section 3.7 of Part I.
Comments: The very first Spirit you get. Sylph is useful until
you find the others Elemental Spirits. After that, you
will probably just forget about Sylph.

U n d i n e
Description: Summons the Spirit of Water. Undine is a war goddess.
TP Cost: 8
Range: All enemies on the screen
Element: Water
What it does: Undine crosses the screen holding her sword.
Acquire: Get in Undine's Cavern in the past - See section 3.12
of Part I.
Comments: One of the four Elemental spells which you need to
meet Maxwell in Moria Gallery. Undine is quite
powerful and comes in handy in a certain fire dungeon
later in the game.

G n o m e
Description: Summons the Spirit of Earth. Gnome is an enchanted
clay beast.
TP Cost: 14
Range: All enemies on the screen
Element: Earth
What it does: Missiles come out of the ground and fall over the
Acquire: Get in Cave east of Beladum in the past - See section
3.14 of Part I.
Comments: One of the four Elemental spells which you need to
meet Maxwell in Moria Gallery. Gnome is really
powerful and amusing to watch, too bad he is pain in
the... head when you fight him ^_^

I f r i t
Description: Summons the Spirit of Fire. Ifrit is a fire genie.
TP Cost: 16
Range: One Enemy
Element: Fire
What it does: Ifrit commands several fire balls to hit the enemy
Acquire: Get in Molten Cavern in the past - See section 3.13 of
Part I.
Comments: One of the four Elemental spells which you need to
meet Maxwell in Moria Gallery. Ifrit is powerful, but
just like the other Elementals, he becomes outdated
once you contract with Maxwell.

M a x w e l l
Description: Summons the Spirit of judgement. Maxwell is an ancient
TP Cost: 20
Range: One Enemy/All Enemies on the screen
Element: N/A
What it does: Several images of Maxwell in his bubble appear and
bounce around the screen, doing random damage to the
enemies in their way. This attack may not hit anyone,
but happily this doesn't happen often.
Acquire: You get Maxwell in the 10th Level of the Moria Gallery
- See section 3.15 of Part I.
Comments: A very powerful summon. Since the damage is basically
random, he is never really outdated. Maxwell is
specially useful when facing some nasty bosses near
the end of the game.

L u n a
Description: Summons the Spirit the Moon. Luna is an ancient Queen.
TP Cost: 24
Range: All Enemies on the screen
Element: Light
What it does: Luna commands huge beams of light to fall over the
Acquire: You get Luna in the top floor of the Tower of the
Twelve Stars in the past - See section 3.19 of Part I.
Comments: This is a very powerful spirit, specially useful
almost immediately after you get it, when you enter
Dhaos' Fortress about halfway through the game. Too
bad, soon after that you get a better Light elemental.

S h a d o w
Description: Summons the Spirit of Darkness. Shadow is of a long
forgotten race.
TP Cost: 25
Range: All Enemies on the screen
Element: Darkness
What it does: Shadow envelops the battlefield in darkness, damaging
your foes.
Acquire: You can get Shadow in the cave south-east of Ary in
the future if you have the Amethyst Ring - See section
3.26 of Part I.
Comments: This is one of the optional spirits you can get, but
unlike the others, Shadow is not very useful. Even
though this is the only Darkness Elemental you have,
you will probably just use him once or twice to see
his animation and just banish him into the oblivion
together with Sylph and Luna :(

A s k a
Description: Summons the Spirit of Light. Aska is the eagle of the
rising sun.
TP Cost: 25
Range: All Enemies on the screen
Element: Light
What it does: Several images of Aska fly through the screen, dealing
light elemental damage to all enemies on the screen.
Acquire: You can get Aska in the city of Thor in the future if
you have the Topaz Ring and talked to an elf woman in
Alvanista - See section 3.26 of Part I.
Comments: One of the most useful spirits you can get. Aska does
heavy light-elemental damage, which is really useful
when you are in the Lower Levels of the Moria Gallery
to get a better summon. Unlike Shadow, Aska is very

V o l t
Description: Summons the Spirit of Electricity. Volt is a being of
pure energy.
TP Cost: 32
Range: All Enemies on the screen
Element: Lightning
What it does: Three images of Volt converge in the center of the
screen and summon a huge lightning that hits the
Acquire: You get Volt in the cave south-west of Miguel in the
future after talking to Harrison in Euclid - See
section 3.24 & 3.25 of Part I.
Comments: Volt is powerful, but even though his power is great,
Aska is a whole lot better. You will summon this
spirit every once in a while, but not really often.

O r i g i n
Description: Summons the Spirit of Creation. Origin is the lost
king of dwarves.
TP Cost: 40
Range: All Enemies on the screen
Element: N/A
What it does: Two images of Origin appear on both sides of the
screen and create powerful flow of energy.
Acquire: You get Origin in Treant's Forest in the future - See
section 3.29 of Part I.
Comments: The most powerful of the non-optional spirits. Origin
is quite useful until you get Gremlin, the best non
elemental spirit.

G r e m l i n
Description: Summons a hungry Gremlin and his friends.
TP Cost: 45
Range: All Enemies on the screen
Element: N/A
What it does: Several Gremlins appear (one per foe on the screen)
and jump over the enemies, dealing heavy non elemental
Acquire: You can get Gremlin in the 21st level of the Moria
Gallery in the future if you have the Sapphire Ring -
See section 4.5 of Part I.
Comments: THE BEST spirit in the game. Gremlin does lots of
damage on all the enemies on the screen. To prove you
are worthy of such power, you must enter the Lower
Levels of the Moria Gallery.

C h a m e l e o n
Description: Summons the Spirit of Death. Chameleon swallows his
prey whole.
TP Cost: 40
Range: One Enemy
Element: N/A
What it does: A Chameleon's head appears on top of the screen and
tries to devour an enemy.
Acquire: You can get Chameleon in the 16th Level of the Moria
Gallery in the future if you have the Emerald Ring -
See section 4.5 of Part I.
Comments: The lowest of the lowest, not only his summoning
animation is bad, he also misses most of times. It can
even make the game crash if you try to eat certain
big sized enemies.

I.4- List of Spells for Arche

The only party member who can use real magic to attack. She is just
as powerful as Klarth, but she has about twice as many spells, meaning
that you get new spells more often.

F i r e b a l l
Description: Fires three fireballs at the target.
TP Cost: 3
Range: One Enemy
Element: Fire
What it does: Three fireballs appear over Arche's head and then hit
an enemy.
Acquire: Arche already knows this spells when she joins you -
See section 3.10 of Part I.
Comments: A basic spell, you won't use it much since you can
better ones almost immediately.

L i g h t n i n g
Description: Zaps an enemy with lightning.
TP Cost: 4
Range: One Enemy
Element: Lightning
What it does: A small lightning appears near the enemy and strikes
Acquire: You can buy this spell from a woman in Venezia in the
future for 200 Gald - See section 3.10 of Part I.
Comments: A basic spell, you won't use it much since you can
better ones almost immediately.

I c e N e e d l e
Description: Drops icicles on the enemy.
TP Cost: 4
Range: One Enemy
Element: Water
What it does: Creates ice needles that hit an enemy.
Acquire: Arche already knows this spells when she joins you -
See section 3.10 of Part I.
Comments: A basic spell, you won't use it much since you can
better ones almost immediately.

G r a v e
Description: Stone spikes pierce the enemies.
TP Cost: 4
Range: One Enemy
Element: Earth
What it does: A big stone spike comes out of the ground under the
Acquire: You can get this spell by checking a bookcase in
Klarth's house (past) - See section 3.10 of Part I.
Comments: A basic spell, you won't use it much since you can
better ones almost immediately.

E r u p t i o n
Description: Lava sears the enemies.
TP Cost: 8
Range: Area
Element: Fire
What it does: Creates an eruption around the target, damaging also
the other foes in the area.
Acquire: You can get this spell by talking to Lenios in Beladum
after Arche joins - See section 3.10 of Part I.
Comments: A mid level fire spell. Useful when fighting Jahmir

S t o r m
Description: Blows chunks of debris into the enemies.
TP Cost: 10
Range: All Enemies on the screen
Element: Wind
What it does: A powerful wind blows rocks into the enemies dealing
wind elemental damage.
Acquire: You can buy this spell from a woman in Venezia in the
future for 1000 Gald - See section 3.10 of Part I.
Comments: A good option when fighting lots of weak foes. You
get it right after Arche joins, which is good.

I c e T o r n a d o
Description: Blows a freezing wind onto your foes.
TP Cost: 10
Range: One Enemy
Element: Water
What it does: Creates an ice vortex over an enemy, freezing it.
Acquire: You can get this spell by checking a bookcase in
Klarth's house (past) - See section 3.10 of Part I.
Comments: Actually, you won't be using this spell very much,
not even against Ifrit.

S t o n e W a l l
Description: Buries the enemy in stone.
TP Cost: 10
Range: One Enemy
Element: Earth
What it does: Big chunks of rock completely surround the target,
creating a square-shaped wall.
Acquire: You get this spell in the cave east of Beladum in the
past right after defeating Gnome - See section 3.14 of
Part I.
Comments: A nice spell, but you won't use it much though.

T r a c t o r B e a m
Description: Lifts the enemies off the floor and drops them.
TP Cost: 12
Range: Area
Element: N/A
What it does: A beam lifts the enemies in the area around the target
and then drops them. This spell doesn't affect flying
Acquire: You can buy this spell from a woman in Alvanista's
Magic Research Room in the past for 4,000 Gald - See
section 3.11 of Part I.
Comments: Quite a powerful spell, you will find yourself using
it every once in a while.

F i r e W a l l
Description: Burns an enemy in a wall of flame.
TP Cost: 12
Range: One enemy
Element: Fire
What it does: A column of fire rises from the ground under the
Acquire: You get this spell in the Fire Cavern east of Olive
Village in the past after defeating Ifrit - See
section 3.13 of Part I.
Comments: This another of those spells that you don't use very

T h u n d e r B l a d e
Description: Strikes all enemies with a wave of thunder.
TP Cost: 12
Range: All Enemies on the screen.
Element: Lightning
What it does: Four lightnings converge at the center of the screen
creating a powerful shockwave that damages all foes.
Acquire: You can buy this spell from a woman in Alvanista's
Magic Research Room in the past for 12,000 Gald - See
section 3.11 of Part I.
Comments: A really powerful spell. You will use this for a long
time after you get it. Too bad it's so expensive.

I c e W a l l
Description: Drops a large chunk of ice on an enemy.
TP Cost: 12
Range: One Enemy
Element: Water
What it does: A big block of ice falls over an enemy.
Acquire: You can get this spell in Undine's Cavern in the
future - See section 3.26 of Part I.
Comments: This spell can be useful if you visit the Fire Tower
before the Ice Cavern.

F l a r e T o r n a d o
Description: Waves of fire course through the enemies.
TP Cost: 15
Range: All Enemies on the screen
Element: Fire
What it does: Powerful flames surge from the ground.
Acquire: You can get this spell in the forest around the Ninja
Village in the future - See section 4.3 of Part I.
Comments: A weak spell, considering that by the time you get it
you already have a more powerful Fire elemental spell.

R a y
Description: Fires lasers at all the enemies.
TP Cost: 15
Range: All Enemies on the screen
Element: Light
What it does: Rays of light hit the battlefield.
Acquire: You get this spell in the Tower of the Twelve Stars in
the past - See section 3.19 of Part I.
Comments: Arche's only Light elemental spell. It comes in handy
in Dhaos' Fortress in the past.

F i r e S t o r m
Description: Blows burning debris into enemies.
TP Cost: 18
Range: All Enemies on the screen
Element: Fire
What it does: Hot air blows through the battlefield, crashing
burning pieces of magma into the enemies.
Acquire: You can get this spell in Dhaos' Fortress in the past
- See section 3.21 of Part I.
Comments: This spell can be useful if you visit the Ice Cavern
before the Fire Tower.

G o d B r e a t h
Description: Summons a freezing wind from the heavens.
TP Cost: 18
Range: All Enemies on the screen
Element: Wind
What it does: A powerful air stream hits the battlefield in the
middle of the screen.
Acquire: You can get this spell in the City of Thor - See
Section 3.23 of Part I.
Comments: A powerful spell, you will use this every once in a

D i s t o r t i o n
Description: Slowly rips an enemy apart from the inside out.
TP Cost: 18
Range: One Enemy
Element: N/A
What it does: The effect is not as violent as its description. A
transparent rectangle appears and the enemy is drawn
to it. Then the rectangle rotates a few times and
Acquire: You can get this spell in Dhaos' Fortress in the past
- See section 3.21 of Part I.
Comments: Arche's first death spell. Whether you use it or not
depends on how fond of death spells you are. Note that
death spells can fail anytime and will NEVER work on

E x p l o d e
Description: Drops a fire bomb on the enemies.
TP Cost: 25
Range: All Enemies on the screen
Element: Fire
What it does: A huge explosion occurs in the middle of the
Acquire: You can get this spell in the Fire Tower in the future
- See section 3.28 of Part I.
Comments: One of the most powerful spells you can have. This
one is specially useful in the Ice Cavern and
generally everywhere.

I n d i g n a t i o n
Description: Induces the wrath of the gods upon the enemies.
TP Cost: 30
Range: All Enemies on the screen
Element: Lightning
What it does: Several sparks appear over the battlefield and
converge in the center to make one powerful
Acquire: You get this spell in Midgar, right after the aerial
battle - See section 3.20 of Part I.
Comments: A awesome spell when you get it. It is your main form
of attack when you first fight Dhaos, taking an
incredible amount of his HP each time.

T i d a l W a v e
Description: Creates a huge tsunami to crush the enemies.
TP Cost: 25
Range: All Enemies on the screen
Element: Water
What it does: A huge wave crashes on the battlefield.
Acquire: You can get this spell in the Ice Cavern in the future
- See section 3.27 of Part I.
Comments: One of the most powerful spells you can have. This
one is specially useful in the Fire Tower and
generally everywhere.

D e a t h C l o u d
Description: Envelops an enemy in the very substance of death.
TP Cost: 25
Range: One Enemy
Element: N/A
What it does: Clouds appear and a black circle surges from them. The
circle places itself behind the target and tries to
make it disappear.
Acquire: You can get this spell in Demitel's Mansion in the
future - See section 3.26 of Part I.
Comments: Another death spell. This one works a little more
often that Distortion, but still doesn't work on

M e t e o r S t o r m
Description: Summons the meteors around the planet to smash into
TP Cost: 40
Range: All Enemies on the Screen
Element: ???
What it does: Several small meteorites followed by a big one crash
against the battlefield.
Acquire: You can get this spell in Dhaos' Flying Castle in the
future - See section 3.31 of Part I.
Comments: The best spell you can have. Once you get it, it will
be the only one you will use.

B l a c k H o l e
Description: Warps an enemy to another dimension.
TP Cost: 35
Range: All Enemies on the Screen
Element: N/A
What it does: A very simple effect. A black circle appears over the
battlefield and absorbs one or more enemies.
Acquire: You can get this spell in the Lower Levels of the
Moria Gallery (future) - See section 4.5 of Part I.
Comments: Your first massive death spell. Works quite often,
making it useful against some enemies that come in
big groups inside the Moria Gallery. Remember that
death spells NEVER work on bosses.

E x t i n c t i o n
Description: Eradicates enemies.
TP Cost: 50
Range: All Enemies on the Screen
Element: N/A
What it does: A powerful energy flows to the center of the screen,
then the screen goes white. When you see the
battlefield again, the affected enemies disappear.
Acquire: You can get this spell in the Lower Levels of the
Moria Gallery (future) - See section 4.5 of Part I.
Comments: The best death spell. This one has the best success
rate, you will most likely not use it much anyway.
Finally, do not try to use this spell on bosses, as it
will NEVER work.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

II.1- Supply List

NOTE: · The easiest way to get the uncommon items will be displayed
next to 'Acquire'.
· 'Use' refers to where you can use the item. Some of them
can't be used at all and are just meant for trading.
· 'Buy' and 'Sell' show the price of the item when (guess what)
buying and selling.
· 'Transforms' refers to what you get by using a Rune Bottle on
the item.

A p p l e G u m m y
Description: An apple flavored gelatin medicine. Restores 30% of
your HP.
Use: Battle/Field
Buy: 60 Gald
Sell: 30 Gald
Transforms: Lemon Gummy
Comments: The first healing item you can get. Since the amount
of HP recovered depends on your Maximum HP, this item
is always useful.

B a s i l i s k S c a l e
Description: A scale of the basilisk beast. They can be used as
What it does: Completely recovers HP.
Acquire: · Receive sometimes after fighting a Basilisk in the
Use: Field
Buy: N/A
Sell: 160 Gald
Comments: Not as useful as it may seem to be, since they can
only be used in the field screen, where you don't need
fast healing...

B l u e C a n d l e
Description: A candle with a blue flame. Gives off a soft blue
What it does: When used, it gives the field screen a bluish look.
This may help you see some things in the dark rooms of
the Moria Gallery.
Acquire: Get it from the 'Ayflite's Treasure' quest (see
section 4.4 of Part I).
Use: Field
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1,000 Gald
Comments: Besides what I mentioned above, there's no real use
for this item...

C a t ' s E y e
Description: A trading good. It's a beautiful, reflective jewel.
What it does: This item (just like all the other trading goods) is
valuated differently in every town.
Acquire: · Choose as your prize after beating the racing kid in
Alvanista in the past (see section 4.1).
· Get one from the 'Ayflite's Treasure' quest (see
section 4.4 of Part I).
Use: N/A
Buy: N/A
Sell: Depends on the city. You get the best deal at the
Elven Village (70,000 Gald in the past and 300,000
Gald in the future).
Comments: A life saver if you don't have too much money to buy
weapons at Midgard.

C h a r m B o t t l e
Description: Makes you more attractive. Use it to get 30% discounts
at stores!
Acquire: · Receive quite often after fighting the Ninjas
outside the town of Ary in the future.
· Find some in chests in dungeons.
· Get one as a prize for beating the coliseum six
times in the future (see section 4.6 of Part I).
Use: Field
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1,250 Gald
Transforms: Lotus Perfume
Comments: Very useful when you need to get expensive equipment.
However, you should always transforms these into Lotus
Perfumes, so you get greater discounts...

C h r o n o G l a s s
Description: Cronus' hourglass. It can be used to stop time in
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on a Hourglass. Note that you should
always do this, as the Chrono Glass is much more
effective than the Hourglass.
Use: Battle
Buy: N/A
Sell: 3,000 Gald
Comments: A great item, especially for the final boss, as he
has some annoying abilities...

C o m b o C o u n t e r
Description: Edit the setting of this in the Custom menu.
What it does: While you have this with you, a special option appears
in the Custom menu, allowing you to set the combo
count On of Off. When it is turned On and you hit an
enemy several times in a short time, the name of the
enemy and the amount of hits will be displayed.
Acquire: You can get this item in the Lower Levels of the
Moria Gallery (see section 4.5 of Part I).
Use: N/A
Buy: N/A
Sell: 61,278 Gald
Comments: There's no real use for this item, except that you
must have it to get on of Cless' jobs. It's kind of
fun anyway.

D a r k B o t t l e
Description: A bottle containing evil essence to entice enemies.
What it does: When a Dark Bottle is used, a black light surrounds
the party, augmenting the random encounter rate. Its
effect wears off in time.
Use: Field
Buy: 82 Gald
Sell: 41 Gald
Comments: Very useful indeed when you are trying to raise a few

D r u m S e t
Description: You can play the drums!
What it does: Just as the description reads, you can play the drums.
Simply press the confirm button when this item is
selected and you will be taken to a special screen
where you can play with the different sound effects.
Acquire: · Get one in Edward's House in the future (see section
3.26 of Part I).
· Get one from the 'Ayflite's Treasure' quest (see
section 4.4 of Part I).
Use: Field
Buy: N/A
Sell: 50,000 Gald
Comments: There's no real use for this item, they are there
just for fun.

E l i x i r
Description: Restores an ally to full HP and TP.
Acquire: The only way to get Elixirs is by finding them in
chests in dungeons.
Use: Battle/Field
Buy: N/A
Sell: 10,000 Gald
Comments: The ultimate healing item. Although you rarely need
them, always try to keep a few of them with you.

F l a r e B o t t l e
Description: Increases attack power 30% in battles.
Use: Battle
Buy: 150 Gald
Sell: 75 Gald
Comments: Very useful for boss battles, at least until Mint
learns the Valkyrie spell. Always try to have a few of

G r e e n T o r c h
Description: A torch with a green flame. Gives off a soft green
What it does: When used, it gives the field screen a greenish look.
This may help you see some things in the dark rooms of
the Moria Gallery.
Acquire: Get it from the 'Ayflite's Treasure' quest (see
section 4.4 of Part I).
Use: Field
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1,000 Gald
Comments: Besides what I mentioned above, there's no real use
for this item...

G u i n n e s s
Description: A trading good. Now THIS is beer. "A Guinness a day is
good for you".
What it does: This item (just like all the other trading goods) is
valuated differently in every town. It can also be
in battle to completely recover an ally's HP, TP and
Acquire: · Get one as a prize for beating the coliseum twice
in the future (see section 4.6 of Part I).
Use: Battle
Buy: N/A
Sell: Depends on the city. You get the best deal at
Alvanista in the future (400,000 Gald).
Comments: Great for the last battles. You should try to avoid
selling this if possible...

H o l y B o t t l e
Description: A bottle containing holy essence to ward off enemies.
What it does: When a Holy Bottle is used, a white light surrounds
the party, diminishing the random encounter rate. Its
effect wears off in time.
Use: Field
Buy: 80 Gald
Sell: 40 Gald
Comments: Since the encounter rate in Tales of Phantasia can
sometimes be a little annoying, this item is like a

H o u r g l a s s
Description: Use this to stop enemies from moving around for a
Acquire: The only way to get Hourglasses is by finding them in
chests in dungeons.
Use: Battle
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1,500 Gald
Transforms: Chrono Glass
Comments: A great item, especially for the final boss, as he
has some anoying abilities... Of course it's better to
use Chrono Glasses in the last battle, which you get
by using a Rune Bottle on a Hourglass.

I v o r y T u s k
Description: A trading good. The ivory from a dead boar.
What it does: This item (just like all the other trading goods) is
valuated differently in every town.
Acquire: Receive sometimes by fighting Bigfoots in the lower
levels of the Moria Gallery (see section 4.5 of Part
Use: N/A
Buy: N/A
Sell: Depends on the city. You get the best deal at Venezia
in the future (32,000 Gald).
Transforms: Mah Jong Tile
Comments: It would be a waste to sell these. The money you get
is pretty insignificant. You should transform all of
your Ivory Tusks into Mah Jong Tiles, which are really
useful against the last boss.

L a v e n d e r
Description: This mystical herb increases one's Strength rating by
Acquire: · Find the herbs in chests in dungeons.
· Get one as a prize for beating the coliseum five
times in the future (see section 4.6 of Part I).
Use: Field
Buy: N/A
Sell: 900 Gald
Transforms: Red Lavender
Comments: Quite a good item, but it would be a waste to use it
as it is. By transforming it into a Red Lavender, you
can double its effect.

L e m o n G u m m y
Description: A lemon flavored gelatin medicine. Restores 60% of
your HP.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on an Apple Gummy or a Pine Gummy.
Use: Battle/Field
Buy: N/A
Sell: 250 Gald
Transforms: Pine Gummy
Comments: A great item to get you out of some icky situations.
Too bad you don't find them too often, and you have to
use a Rune Bottle to make them.

L i f e B o t t l e
Description: The water of life revives a dead ally.
Use: Battle/Field
Buy: 300 Gald
Sell: 150 Gald
Comments: Obviously, anyone in his/her right mind would know
that these are a MUST when entering any dungeon.

L i p s t i c k
Description: Use this to make your lips sexy! Try flirting at
What it does: Gets you a 30% discount at stores when used!
Acquire: · Get it as a prize for beating the coliseum seven
times in the future (see section 4.6 of Part I).
Use: Field
Buy: N/A
Sell: 11,000 Gald
Comments: Quite a good item, too bad you should be already
swimming in a pool of money by the time you get it.

L o t u s P e r f u m e
Description: Makes you more alluring. Use it to get a 50% discount
at stores!
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on a Charm Bottle.
Use: Field
Buy: N/A
Sell: 10,500 Gald
Comments: Very useful when you need to get expensive equipment.

M a h J o n g T i l e
Description: Great for a quick game or to throw at some enemies!
What it does: Several pieces of Mah Jongg (a Chinese game) will be
dropped on the enemy, each hurting the enemy for about
2,000 HP.
Acquire: · Use a Rune Bottle on an Ivory Tusk.
· Take an Ivory Tusk to the ivory carver at Aegis'
Workshop (see section 3.26 of Part I).
Use: Battle
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Comments: A great item, especially for the last couple of

M e d i c i n a l H e r b
Description: A trading good. An ancient Chinese remedy.
What it does: This item (just like all the other trading goods) is
valuated differently in every town.
Acquire: · Pick six of them in the White Forest in the past and
six more in the future (see sections 3.22 and 3.26
of Part I).
Use: N/A
Buy: N/A
Sell: Depends on the city. You get the best deal at Euclid
in the past (21,000 Gald) and Alvanista in the future
(30,000 Gald).
Comments: Great for selling, since they have no other use and
you can get twelve of them.

M e d i c i n e B o t t l e
Description: Cures poison, but reduces your strength by 20% if used
in battle.
What it does: Not only it cures poison, it also prevents
Use: Battle
Buy: 60 Gald
Sell: 30 Gald
Comments: A good item, just not too useful once Mint learns the

M i x e d G u m m y
Description: A strange flavored gelatin medicine. Restores 30% of
your HP & TP.
Use: Battle/Field
Buy: 2,000 Gald
Sell: 1,000 Gald
Transforms: Miracle Gummy
Comments: Great for quick healing and regaining TP in though

M i r a c l e G u m m y
Description: A great flavored gelatin medicine. Restores 60% of
your HP & TP.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on a Mixed Gummy.
Use: Battle/Field
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1,000 Gald
Comments: Just plain great... Almost as effective as an Elixir,
but you can have as many as you want.

O r a n g e G u m m y
Description: An orange flavored gelatin medicine. Restores 30% of
your TP.
Use: Battle/Field
Buy: 200 Gald
Sell: 100 Gald
Transforms: Pine Gummy
Comments: A great item during the whole game. Even though its
price seems a little high in the beginning, it quickly
becomes inexpensive.

P a i n t i n g
Description: A trading good. A traditional Japanese painting.
What it does: This item (just like all the other trading goods) is
valuated differently in every town.
Acquire: · Buy one from a man in the Ninja Village for 30,000
Gald (see section 4.3 of Part I).
· Get one from the 'Ninjas at Euclid' quest (see
section 4.7 of Part I).
Use: N/A
Buy: N/A
Sell: Depends on the city. You get the best deal at Venezzia
(47,000 Gald).
Comments: Actually, it's not really profitable to sell this,
but since there's no other use for it...

P i c k - a x e
Description: Use to break down thin stone walls.
Acquire: You can buy Pick-axes at several stores. The first
place where you can get one is Harmel Village, and you
MUST buy one there in order to advance in the game.
Use: N/A
Buy: 150 Gald
Sell: 75 Gald
Comments: You can't get past a certain part of the game without
one of these, that makes it a must-have. Don't sell
it, you never know when you need to break a stone

P i n e G u m m y
Description: A pine flavored gelatin medicine. Restores 60% of your
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on an Orange Gummy or a Lemon Gummy.
Use: Battle/Field
Buy: N/A
Sell: 500 Gald
Transforms: Lemon Gummy
Comments: Twice as good as an Orange Gummy. My only complaint
is that they should be available at stores.

R e d L a n t e r n
Description: A lantern with a red flame. Gives off a soft red
What it does: When used, it gives the field screen a reddish look.
This may help you see some things in the dark rooms of
the Moria Gallery.
Acquire: Get it from the 'Ayflite's Treasure' quest (see
section 4.4 of Part I).
Use: Field
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1,000 Gald
Comments: Besides what I mentioned above, there's no real use
for this item...

R e d L a v e n d e r
Description: This mystical herb increases one's Strength rating by
Acquire: · Use a Rune Bottle on a Lavender.
· Get one as a prize for beating the coliseum five
times in the future (see section 4.6 of Part I).
Use: Field
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1110 Gald
Comments: A great item. Note that since the effect of these
herbs is always the same, you should use them as soon
as you get them.

R e d S a g e
Description: This mystical herb increases one's HP rating by 10%.
Acquire: · Use a Rune Bottle on a Sage or Red Savory.
· Get one as a prize for beating the coliseum five
times in the future (see section 4.6 of Part I).
Use: Field
Buy: N/A
Sell: 600 Gald
Transforms: Red Savory
Comments: Great item. However, you should try to save until you
really need the extra HP.

R e d S a v o r y
Description: This mystical herb increases one's TP rating by 10%.
Acquire: · Use a Rune Bottle on a Savory or Red Sage.
· Get one as a prize for beating the coliseum five
times in the future (see section 4.6 of Part I).
Use: Field
Buy: N/A
Sell: 600 Gald
Transforms: Red Sage
Comments: Great item. However, you should try to save until you
really need the extra TP.

R e d V e r b e n a
Description: This mystical herb increases one's Agility rating by
Acquire: · Use a Rune Bottle on a Verbena.
· Get one as a prize for beating the coliseum five
times in the future (see section 4.6 of Part I).
Use: Field
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1255 Gald
Comments: A great item. Note that since the effect of these
herbs is always the same, you should use them as soon
as you get them.

R e m e d y B o t t l e
Description: A cure-all medicine for ailments.
What it does: Heals every single status ailment. During and after
Use: Battle/Field
Buy: 105 Gald
Sell: 52 Gald
Comments: One of the most useful items in the whole game. Never
enter a dungeon without a few of them.

R o p e
Description: A must-have for anyone venturing into caves or
climbing mountains!
Acquire: You can buy Ropes at several stores. The first place
where you can get one is Harmel Village, and you MUST
buy one there in order to advance in the game.
Use: N/A
Buy: 100 Gald
Sell: 50 Gald
Comments: You can't get past a certain part of the game without
one of these, that makes it a must-have. You should
always have one with you, just in case...

R u n e B o t t l e
Description: Use this to identify unknown items or transform some
What it does: Using a Rune Bottle on certain items will transform
them, usually for the better.
Use: Field
Buy: 3,500 Gald
Sell: 1,750 Gald
Comments: One of the greatest items in the game. You should
always have a few of them with you.

S - F l a g
Description: A trading good. A flag with a large 'S' painted on it.
What it does: This item (just like all the other trading goods) is
valuated differently in every town. It can also be
used to revive an ally with full HP in battle.
Acquire: · Choose as your prize after beating the racing kid in
Alvanista in the future (see section 4.1 of Part I).
· Get one from the 'Ayflite's Treasure' quest (see
section 4.4 of Part I).
Use: Battle
Buy: N/A
Sell: Depends on the city. You get the best deal at Venezia
(382,500 Gald).
Comments: If you are going to sell these, try to keep at least
one of them for the last battles, just in case.

S a g e
Description: This mystical herb increases one's HP rating by 5%.
Acquire: · Find the herbs in chests in dungeons.
· Get one as a prize for beating the coliseum five
times in the future (see section 4.6 of Part I).
· Receive sometimes after fighting a party of a Hell
Lord and two Yuinarus in the lower levels of the
Moria Gallery.
Use: Field
Buy: N/A
Sell: 300 Gald
Transforms: Red Sage
Comments: A great item. However, you should transform them into
Red Sages and save them for when you really need them,
as the effect will be greater.

S a k e
Description: A trading good. An excellent Japanese plum wine.
What it does: This item (just like all the other trading goods) is
valuated differently in every town. It can also be
in battle to completely recover an ally's HP, TP and
Acquire: · Get nine from the 'Ayflite's Treasure' quest (see
section 4.4 of Part I).
· Get one from the 'Ninjas at Euclid' quest (see
section 4.7 of Part I).
Use: Battle
Buy: N/A
Sell: Depends on the city. You get the best deal at Miguel
in the future (150,000 Gald).
Comments: Great for the last battles. You should try to avoid
selling these if possible...

S a v o r y
Description: This mystical herb increases one's TP rating by 5%.
Acquire: · Find the herbs in chests in dungeons.
· Get one as a prize for beating the coliseum five
times in the future (see section 4.6 of Part I).
Use: Field
Buy: N/A
Sell: 250 Gald
Transforms: Red Savory
Comments: A great item. However, you should transform them into
Red Savories and save them for when you really need
them, as the effect will be greater.

S c o u t O r b
Description: An orb that can repel or attract enemies.
What it does: When you use it, it gives you the option raise or
diminish the random encounter rate. It can be used
infinite times and doesn't wear off like the Holy and
Dark Bottles.
Acquire: You can get this item in the Lower Levels of the
Moria Gallery (see section 4.5 of Part I).
Use: Field
Buy: N/A
Sell: 382,500 Gald
Comments: This item is especially useful when you get it, since
it is found at the end of the Moria Gallery, and you
have to leave there on foot!

S e f i r a
Description: Increases your EXP and gold gained in battle by 10%.
What it does: As long as you have this item, you will get bonus EXP
and Gald in battles.
Acquire: Get it from the 'Ayflite's Treasure' quest (see
section 4.4 of Part I).
Use: N/A
Buy: N/A
Sell: 11,000 Gald
Transforms: Sefira+1
Comments: Mighty useful, but you should use a Rune Bottle on it
to get a 20% bonus in EXP and Gald.

S e f i r a + 1
Description: Increases the gold and EXP you gain in battle by 20%.
What it does: As long as you have this item, you will get bonus EXP
and Gald in battles.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle to transform the Sefira you get from
the 'Ayflite's Treasure' quest (see section 4.4 of
Part I).
Use: N/A
Buy: N/A
Sell: 2,500 Gald
Comments: Well, what can I say...

S k e l e t o n K e y
Description: Opens several doors in Thor.
Acquire: You can find it in one of the eight chests in the
'Common Room' in Thor.
Use: N/A
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Comments: The Skeleton Key is part of the annoying random door
system in the 'Common Room' in Thor. You will have to
try several times to get where you want to go...

S o u p P o t
Description: A trading good. A soup pot.
What it does: This item (just like all the other trading goods) is
valuated differently in every town. It can also be
used as an ingredient for Oden.
Acquire: · Get one from the 'Ayflite's Treasure' quest (see
section 4.4 of Part I).
· Get one as a prize for beating the coliseum twice
in the future (see section 4.6 of Part I).
Use: N/A
Buy: N/A
Sell: Depends on the city. You get only 1 Gald everywhere
but at the Ninja Village, where you get 50,000 Gald.
Comments: You don't get much money by selling this, it's better
to use it to make Oden at the Ninja Village.

S p y L e n s
Description: Use this to see the HP, TP and other information on
Use: Battle
Buy: 10 Gald
Sell: 5 Gald
Comments: A good item for boss battles, as knowing the enemy's
HP and elemental weakness will get you one step closer
to victory.

V e r b e n a
Description: This mystical herb increases one's Agility rating by
Acquire: · Find the herbs in chests in dungeons.
· Get one as a prize for beating the coliseum five
times in the future (see section 4.6 of Part I).
Use: Field
Buy: N/A
Sell: 750 Gald
Transforms: Red Verbena
Comments: Quite a good item, but it would be a waste to use it
as it is. By transforming it into a Red Verbena, you
can double its effect.

W h a l e M e a t
Description: A trading good. Whale meat is a delicacy!
What it does: This item (just like all the other trading goods) is
valuated differently in every town.
Acquire: Get twelve from the 'Ayflite's Treasure' quest (see
section 4.4 of Part I).
Use: N/A
Buy: N/A
Sell: Depends on the city. You get the best deal at the
Elven Village in the future (200,000 Gald).
Comments: There's not much to say about this. It's sad that by
the time you get this item, you probably don't have
anything to buy.

Y e l l o w C a k e
Description: A trading good. Careful! It's really explosive stuff!
What it does: This item (just like all the other trading goods) is
valuated differently in every town. It can also be
in battle to create an explosion that hurts enemies.
Acquire: The only way to get Yellow Cakes is by finding them in
chests in dungeons.
Use: Battle
Buy: N/A
Sell: Depends on the city. You get the best deal at Olive
Village in the future (240,000 Gald).
Comments: Not much to say... Using it in battle is kind of a
waste unless you are fighting desperately.

II.2- Food List

NOTE: · The easiest way to get the uncommon items will be displayed
next to 'Acquire'.
· 'Food Value' shows how much the item adds to your Food Sack.
· 'Buy' and 'Sell' show the price of the item when (guess what)
buying and selling.
· 'Transforms' refers to what you get by using a Rune Bottle on
the item.

A p p l e
Description: A delicious apple!
Food Value: 60
Buy: 1 Gald
Sell: 1 Gald
Transforms: Japanese Apple
Comments: A great food item! You get 60 points for your Food
Sack for each Gald spent. This is very useful when
filling your Food Sack early on...

B e e f
Description: Beef. It's what's for dinner.
Food Value: 700
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on a Sirloin Steak.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 550 Gald
Comments: Just a normal food item...

B o a r R o a s t
Description: Try it cajun style!
Food Value: 120
Acquire: Receive after fighting certain beast-type enemies (the
Coyotes near Midgard in the past, for example).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 20 Gald
Transforms: Pork Roast
Comments: Just a normal food item...

B r e a d
Description: Try not to fill up on bread.
Food Value: 10
Buy: 5 Gald
Sell: 2 Gald
Transforms: Burger
Comments: Just a normal food item. You get 2 points for your
Food Sack for each Gald you spent.

B u r g e r
Description: A good old greasy burger.
Food Value: 200
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on a Bread.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 3050 Gald
Comments: Just a normal food item...

B u t t e r
Description: Just pop this up and watch yourself gain 10 pounds!
Food Value: 2,000
Acquire: · Use a Rune Bottle on a Twinkie.
· Buy at the Ninja Village.
Buy: 900 Gald
Sell: 450 Gald
Comments: Just a normal food item. You get about 2 points for
your Food Sack for each Gald you spent.

C h e e s e
Description: A standard hunk of cheddar.
Food Value: 400
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on a Creamy Cheese.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1050 Gald
Comments: Just a normal food item...

C h i c k e n
Description: A meat for the health conscious.
Food Value: 100
Acquire: Receive sometimes after fighting some bird-tipe
Buy: N/A
Sell: 75 Gald
Comments: Just a normal food item...

C r e a m y C h e e s e
Description: A nice camembert.
Food Value: 20
Buy: 10 Gald
Sell: 5 Gald
Transforms: Cheese
Comments: Just a normal food item. You get 2 points for your
Food Sack for each Gald you spent.

D r a g o n S t e a k
Description: This beef has been spiced to taste like dragon meat.
Food Value: 2,000
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on a Steak
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1250 Gald
Comments: Just a normal food item...

E g g
Description: An egg. One of the ingredients of oden.
Food Value: 80
Acquire: Buy from a person standing near the item shop in Olive
Village in the future (see section 3.26 of Part I).
Buy: 80 Gald
Sell: 3,140 Gald
Comments: This item is needed to make Oden at the Ninja Village
and can also be used to make money, since each egg
costs 80 Gald and can be sold for lots of money.

J a p a n e s e A p p l e
Description: This is a very special apple!
Food Value: 1,000
Acquire: · Buy at the Ninja Village.
· Use a Rune Bottle on an Apple.
Buy: 600 Gald
Sell: 300 Gald
Comments: A nice food item. You get about 3 points for your Food
Sack every two Gald you spent.

M a c k e r e l
Description: A mackerel. Smells kinda funny.
Food Value: 2,000
Buy: 3,400 Gald
Sell: 1,700 Gald
Transforms: Tuna
Comments: A quite bad food item. You get about 1 point for your
Food Sack every two Gald you spent.

M i s o
Description: It's miso. One of the ingredients of oden.
Food Value: 1,000
Acquire: Buy at the Ninja Village.
Buy: 80,000 Gald
Sell: 40,000 Gald
Comments: This item is needed to make Oden at the Ninja Village.

O d e n
Description: A tasty bowl of oden!
Food Value: 22,200
Acquire: Take Miso, Radish, Seaweed, Pudding, an Egg and a Soup
Pot to an old lady at the Ninja Village (see section
4.8 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 300,000 Gald
Comments: This is the ultimate food item. It can fill up your
Food Sack at once, too bad you probably don't rely
much in the Food Sack system by the time you get it.
It's still useful though, as it can be sold for lots
of money.

P o r k R o a s t
Description: Pork. The other white meat.
Food Value: 1,000
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on a Boar Roast.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 50 Gald
Comments: Just a normal food item...

P u d d i n g
Description: A potato based pudding. It's very sweet!
Food Value: 60
Acquire: Buy at the Ninja Village.
Buy: 10,030
Sell: 5,015 Gald
Comments: A quite bad food item. You get about 1 point for your
Food Sack every 169 Gald you spent.

R a d i s h
Description: A potent flavored vegetable. One of the ingredients of
Food Value: 100
Acquire: Buy at Euclid in the future.
Buy: 20,000 Gald
Sell: 10,000 Gald
Comments: This item is needed to make Oden at the Ninja Village.

S e a f o o d
Description: A sushi grab-bag!
Food Value: 300
Acquire: Buy at Venezzia.
Buy: 60 Gald
Sell: 30 Gald
Comments: Just a normal food item. You get 5 points for your
Food Sack for each Gald spent.

S e a w e e d
Description: It's seaweed. One of the ingredients of oden.
Food Value: 2
Acquire: Buy at Venezzia in the future.
Buy: 1,580 Gald
Sell: 790 Gald
Comments: This item is needed to make Oden at the Ninja Village.

S i r l o i n S t e a k
Description: This is top of the line beef.
Food Value: 80
Buy: 40 Gald
Sell: 20 Gald
Transforms: Beef
Comments: Just a normal food item. You get 2 points for your
food bag for each Gald you spent.

S t e a k
Description: Grade A sirloin... yum!
Food Value: 260
Buy: 180 Gald
Sell: 90 Gald
Transforms: Dragon Steak
Comments: Just a normal food item. You get about 3 points for
your food bag every 2 Gald you spent.

T u n a
Description: Raw Tuna. Where's the wasabi?
Food Value: 3,000
Acquire: · Use a Rune Bottle on a Mackerel.
· Buy at the Ninja Village.
Buy: 2,100 Gald
Sell: 1,050 Gald
Comments: Just a normal food item. You get about 3 points for
your Food Sack every two Gald you spent.

T w i n k i e
Description: There's more BHT in this that you can shake a stick
Food Value: 150
Buy: 100 Gald
Sell: 50 Gald
Transforms: Butter
Comments: Just a normal food item. You get 3 points for your
Food Sack every two Gald you spent.

V e a l
Description: For a gourmet meal, how about some kiddie cow?
Food Value: 1,000
Acquire: Receive sometimes after fighting certain enemies,
especially the Baby Boars at the Spirit Forest (in the
Buy: N/A
Sell: 200 Gald
Comments: Just a normal food item...

V e g g i e s
Description: Nothing like some fresh greens to pep you up!
Food Value: 220
Acquire: · Buy at the store in the ninth level of the Moria
· Receive sometimes after fighting certain enemies,
like the D. Flowers just outside of the town of Ary.
Buy: 340 Gald
Sell: 170 Gald
Comments: A quite bad food item. You get about 1 point for your
Food Sack every 2 Gald you spent.

II.3- Weapon List

Note that swords, spears and axes can only be equipped on Cless, bows
can only be used by Chester, rods by Mint, books by Klarth and brooms
by Arche.

NOTE: · Next to 'Equip' will be displayed the characteristics of the
weapon (i.e. how much it adds to certain stats).
· The easiest way to get the weapons will be displayed next to
· 'Buy' and 'Sell' show the price of the item when (guess what)
buying and selling.
· 'Transforms' refers to what you get by using a Rune Bottle on
the weapon.

- S w o r d s -

D a m a s c u s
Description: A light, quick sword. It is flexible but durable.
Acquire: You can buy this weapon at Miguel Village in the
Buy: 22,700 Gald
Sell: 11,350 Gald
Equip: Slice 350 Acy 5
Stab 315

D e m o n H a n d
Description: This sword gets blacker with every deadly blow it
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on the ?Weapon dropped by some of
the enemies in the lower levels of the Moria Gallery
(see section 4.5 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 162,500 Gald
Equip: Slice 1300 Acy 10
Stab 1100
Element: Darkness

D e s t r o y e r
Description: A sword the consumes TP, but increases critical hit
Acquire: Buy at Freezekill in the future.
Buy: 60,000 Gald
Sell: 30,000 Gald
Equip: Slice 630 Acy 10
Stab 290

D r a g o n T o o t h
Description: A sword made from the tooth of a giant dragon.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on the ?Weapons dropped by some of
the enemies in Volt's Cavern.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 31,000 Gald
Equip: Slice 220 Acy 30
Stab 750
Element: Earth

D u e l i s t ' s S w o r d
Description: A sword presented by kings in knighthood ceremonies.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on one of the ?Weapons you get in
the 'Ayflite's Treasure' quest (see section 4.4 of
Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 34,750 Gald
Equip: Slice 800 Acy 10
Stab 780
Element: Earth

E p e e
Description: A rapier. It is sharper and lighter than most.
Acquire: You can buy this sword at Alvanista in the Past.
Buy: 1,400 Gald
Sell: 700 Gald
Equip: Slice 8 Acy 25
Stab 26

E t e r n a l S w o r d
Description: A sword that embodies all the mysteries of time and
Acquire: Take the Flamberge and Vorpal swords to the Heimdal
Stone in the Treant's Forest in the future (see
section 3.29 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Equip: Slice 910 Acy 10
Stab 910
Comments: This sword is needed to access the final dungeon. It
is quite powerful and is non-elemental, making it
great for some of the rounds in the Coliseum.

E x c a l i b u r
Description: A sword given to an ancient paladin by God.
Acquire: Find as a ?Weapon at the bottom of the Moria Gallery
in the future (see section 4.5 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Equip: Slice 1390 Acy 50
Stab 1390
Element: Darkness
Comments: The best sword for Cless in the whole game. Its only
flaw is that it is a Darkness elemental, which a
problem during some of the rounds of the Coliseum.

F l a m b e r g e
Description: Odin's legendary weapon. Fire envelopes the blade.
Acquire: Receive after fighting Flambelk at Odin's Tower (see
section 3.28 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Equip: Slice 900 Acy 10
Stab 900
Element: Fire
Comments: A great weapon, especially if you go to Fenrir's
Cavern after visiting Odin's Tower. You lose this
sword after Origin combines it with the Vorpal sword.

F l a m i n g S w o r d
Description: This blade burns victims with a searing flame.
Acquire: Buy as a ?Weapon for 100,000 Gald at Olive Village in
the future.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 50,000 Gald
Equip: Slice 580 Acy 20
Stab 595
Element: Fire

H o l y S w o r d
Description: A sword enchanted by high priests.
Acquire: Buy as a ?Weapon for 50,000 Gald at Alvanista in the
Buy: N/A
Sell: 25,000 Gald
Equip: Slice 480 Acy 30
Stab 480
Element: Light

I c e C o f f i n
Description: A sword containing the soul of a slain ice dragon.
Acquire: Buy as a ?Weapon for 100,000 Gald at Ary in the
Buy: N/A
Sell: 70,000 Gald
Equip: Slice 595 Acy 10
Stab 580 Def 5
Element: Water

I c e S c i m i t a r
Description: A sword with a blade as cold as ice.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on the ?Weapon you get after the
fight with Meia.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 5,500 Gald
Equip: Slice 108 Acy 15
Stab 60
Element: Water

K n i g h t ' s S a b r e
Description: A sword used by Euclid's elite black armored guards.
Acquire: Get it at Cless' house, upstairs, after Totus is
attacked (see section 3.4 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Equip: Slice 15 Acy 10
Stab 8
Element: Fire
Comments: Although you can get this great weapon right before
going to Euclid, you should wait until you are going
to the mausoleum cave. Otherwise, you lose this weapon
when you are jailed.

L a s e r B l a d e
Description: A technological creation that creates a blade of light
Acquire: This weapon can be bought at Freezekill in the future.
Buy: 200,010 Gald
Sell: 100,005 Gald
Equip: Slice 850 Acy 60
Stab 650
Element: Light

L o n g s w o r d
Description: A standard longsword about three feet in length.
Acquire: Cless' initial weapon, you can buy it at Euclid in the
Buy: 140 Gald
Sell: 70 Gald
Equip: Slice 5 Acy 0
Stab 5

L u c k y B l a d e
Description: A sword that increases the holder's luck.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on one of the ?Weapons you get in
the 'Ayflite's Treasure' quest (see section 4.4 of
Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 60,000 Gald
Equip: Slice 800 Acy 80
Stab 800 Luck 50

M o o n F a l u x
Description: A sword with a faint glow to it.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on the ?Weapons dropped by some of
the enemies in Dhaos' Fortress in the Past.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 28,300 Gald
Equip: Slice 260 Acy 10
Stab 200
Element: Light

M u r a m a s a
Description: This blade is so sharp, no pain is felt from the
wounds it inflicts.
Acquire: Receive from Lanzo at the Ninja Village (see section
4.3 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 112,800 Gald
Equip: Slice 910 Acy 100
Stab 780 Def 5
Element: Earth

R a p i e r
Description: A sword designed to stab enemies.
Acquire: You can buy this sword at Euclid in the present.
Buy: 180 Gald
Sell: 90 Gald
Equip: Slice 2 Acy 20
Stab 9

S a b r e
Description: A slashing sword.
Acquire: This weapon can be bought at Euclid in the Present.
Buy: 200 Gald
Sell: 100 Gald
Equip: Slice 8 Acy 0
Stab 5

S a i n t ' s R a p i e r
Description: A holy sword used by crusading paladins.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on the ?Weapon dropped by some of
the enemies in the final dungeon.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 144,500 Gald
Equip: Slice 300 Acy 10
Stab 1600
Element: Light

S h a r p S a b r e
Description: A sabre capable of delivering a thin slice.
Acquire: This weapon can be bought at Beladum and Harmel in the
Buy: 700 Gald
Sell: 350 Gald
Equip: Slice 25 Acy 0
Stab 18

S i n c l a i r
Description: A well-made sabre.
Acquire: This weapon can be bought at Venezzia in the Future.
Buy: 23,700 Gald
Sell: 11,850 Gald
Equip: Slice 424 Acy 0
Stab 220

S l a y e r S w o r d
Description: A sword used by barbarians to cut down three people at
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on the ?Weapon dropped by some of
the enemies outside of Midgard in the past.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 5,000 Gald
Equip: Slice 200 Acy 30
Stab 200
Element: Earth

S p i n e s h e a t h
Description: A rapier used by assassins for backstabbing victims.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on the ?Weapon you find in the
second floor of the final dungeon.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 34,000 Gald
Equip: Slice 700 Acy 10
Stab 1200
Element: Darkness

V e r d a n
Description: A rapier. It is made of high quality steel.
Acquire: This weapon can be bought in Harmel Village in the
Buy: 700 Gald
Sell: 350 Gald
Equip: Slice 4 Acy 0
Stab 28

V o r p a l
Description: Fenrir's legendary weapon. It is as cold as ice.
Acquire: Receive after fighting Fang Wolf at Fenrir's Cavern
(see section 3.27 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Equip: Slice 900 Acy 10
Stab 900
Element: Water
Comments: A great weapon, especially if you go to Odin's Tower
after visiting Fenrir's Cavern. You lose this sword
after Origin combines it with the Flamberge sword.

W a r r i o r S w o r d
Description: A sword longer than most.
Acquire: You can buy this sword at Beladum and several other
places in the past.
Buy: 1,600 Gald
Sell: 800 Gald
Equip: Slice 50 Acy 3
Stab 50

- S p e a r s -

A r c W i n d
Description: A spear with a torrent of air swirling about it.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on the ?Weapon dropped by some of
the enemies in Fenrir's Cavern.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 75,000 Gald
Equip: Slice 860 Acy 50
Stab 720 Def 1
Element: Wind

C o r s e s q u e
Description: A triple prolonged spear.
Acquire: You can buy this weapon at Venezzia in the past. You
can also get one from a chest in Demitel's island.
Buy: 2,400 Gald
Sell: 1,200 Gald
Equip: Slice 50 Acy 0
Stab 156

G l a i v e
Description: A pole with a sabre blade on the tip.
Acquire: You can buy this weapon at Miguel Village in the
Buy: 22,500 Gald
Sell: 11,250 Gald
Equip: Slice 210 Acy 0
Stab 424

G u n g n i r
Description: Odin's spear used duting Ragnarok. It seems to have a
life of its own...
Acquire: You get this weapon as part of the storyline after
defeating Jahmir at Alvanista. Note that you also lose
it as part of the storyline later.
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Equip: Slice 96 Acy 5 Run 5
Stab 122 Def 1

H a l b e r d
Description: The halberd combines the best qualities of the axe and
Acquire: You can buy this weapon at Alvanista and Midgard in
the past.
Buy: 4,000 Gald
Sell: 2,000 Gald
Equip: Slice 105 Acy 5
Stab 105

M e c h a - H a l b e r d
Description: A strange mechanical weapon of unique design.
Acquire: You can buy this weapon at Midgard in the past. You
can also find two of them at Dhaos' Fortress in the
same period.
Buy: 22,000 Gald
Sell: 11,000 Gald
Equip: Slice 200 Acy 6
Stab 210

N a g i n a t a
Description: A lightweight polearm in the Japanese style.
Acquire: You can buy this weapon at the Ninja Village.
Buy: 180,000 Gald
Sell: 90,000 Gald
Equip: Slice 600 Acy 60
Stab 900

P o l e a r m
Description: A blade on the end of a pole.
Acquire: You can buy this weapon at Alvanista in the future.
Buy: 44,600 Gald
Sell: 22,300 Gald
Equip: Slice 850 Acy 0
Stab 150

T i d a l A x e
Description: A halberd with enchanted water forged into its steel.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on one of the ?Weapons you get in
the 'Ayflite's Treasure' quest (see section 4.4 of
Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 45,000 Gald
Equip: Slice 840 Acy 10
Stab 640
Element: Water

- A x e s -

B a h a m u t ' s T a i l
Description: The legendary axe used to slay the King of Dragons.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on the ?Weapon you find in the
bridge area of the 19th level of the Moria Gallery in
the future.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 497,500 Gald
Equip: Slice 1290 Acy 10
Stab 1290
Element: Darkness

B a r d i s h
Description: A more sophisticated version of the Crescent Axe.
Acquire: You can buy this weapon at Alvanista in the past.
Buy: 2,980 Gald
Sell: 1,490 Gald
Equip: Slice 115 Acy 10
Stab 15

B a t t l e A x e
Description: A barbarian's axe.
Acquire: You can buy this weapon at Harmel village in the past.
Buy: 700 Gald
Sell: 350 Gald
Equip: Slice 35 Acy 10
Stab 2

C r e s c e n t A x e
Description: An axe with a blade shaped like a crescent moon.
Acquire: You can buy this weapon at Harmel village in the past.
Buy: 1,800 Gald
Sell: 900 Gald
Equip: Slice 65 Acy 0
Stab 10

H a r d C l e a v e r
Description: A light, speedy axe forged by the famous blacksmith
Acquire: You can buy this weapon at Venezzia in the future.
Buy: 32,000 Gald
Sell: 16,000 Gald
Equip: Slice 500 Acy 10
Stab 100

- B o w s -

B e r s e r k e r B o w
Description: A quick bow used to repel armies of enemy invaders.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on a ?Weapon dropped by certain
enemies at the lower levels of the Moria Gallery in
the future (see section 4.5 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 240,000 Gald
Equip: Attack 1820
Acy 95
Comments: This bow is GREAT. Although it is the second most
powerful bow (after the Soul Stealer), it is THE BEST.
Why? Well, it shoots two arrows at once, that's why!

C o m p o s i t e B o w
Description: A bow made from many different materials.
Acquire: This bow can be bought at Alvanista in the future.
Buy: 3,000 Gald
Sell: 1,500 Gald
Equip: Attack 500
Acy 10

C r e s c e n t B o w
Description: A bow that glows faintly.
Acquire: This bow can be bought at Freezekill and Aegis'
Workshop in the future (see section 3.26).
Buy: 74,000 Gald
Sell: 37,000 Gald
Equip: Attack 1320
Acy 10
Element: Thunder

D o u b l e B o w
Description: A bow that can shoot two arrows in the time normal
bows shoot one.
Acquire: This bow can be bought at Miguel Village and several
other places in the future.
Buy: 7,000 Gald
Sell: 3,500 Gald
Equip: Attack 620
Acy 10

E l v e n B o w
Description: It is said that elven bows never miss their mark.
Acquire: Pay 20,000 Gald to the owner of the Bow Store at the
Elven Village to have the Broken Bow repaired. Go to
the inn and stay there, then go to the Bow Store to
receive the Elven Bow.
Buy: 20,000 Gald
Sell: 20,000 Gald
Equip: Attack 1590
Acy 200

F l a r e S p r e a d
Description: A bow enchanted with fire. Effective against water
Acquire: · Beat the racing boy at Alvanista (in the future) and
choose the third prize, then use a Rune Bottle on
it. This can be done up to three times only, and the
other prizes are much better.
· Use a Rune Bottle on the ?Bow dropped by certain
enemies at the Molten Cavern and Odin's Tower.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 53,600 Gald
Equip: Attack 800
Acy 50
Element: Fire

G a l e S p r e a d
Description: A bow enchanted with air. Effective against earth
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on the ?Bow found in Fenrir's Cavern
in the future.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 53,600 Gald
Equip: Attack 800
Acy 50
Element: Wind

L o n g b o w
Description: A wooden longbow.
Acquire: This bow can be bought at Euclid in the past.
Buy: 200 Gald
Sell: 100 Gald
Equip: Attack 20
Acy 10

S a n d S p r e a d
Description: A bow enchanted with earth. Effective against air
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on a ?Bow dropped by certain enemies
at the lower levels of the Moria Gallery in the future
(see section 4.5 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 53,600 Gald
Equip: Attack 800
Acy 50
Element: Earth

S h o r t b o w
Description: A wooden shortbow.
Acquire: Chester's initial weapon, it can be bought at Euclid
in the past.
Buy: 50 Gald
Sell: 25 Gald
Equip: Attack 8
Acy 10

S o u l S t e a l e r
Description: Drain's the user's life to deliver extra damage.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on the ?Bow you get after the fight
with Origin.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 140,000 Gald
Equip: Attack 1700
Acy 60
Element: Darkness

W a v e S p r e a d
Description: A bow enchanted with water. Effective against fire
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on the ?Bow bought at Ary for
100,000 Gald.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 70,000 Gald
Equip: Attack 800
Acy 50
Element: Water

- B o o k s -

B o o k S e a l s
Description: A book of true black magic.
Acquire: To get this book, use a Rune Bottle on the ?Book found
in the second floor of the final dungeon.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 150,000 Gald
Equip: Attack 700 Run 30
Acy 50

E x M o r t i s
Description: A book with black pages filled with dark incantations.
Acquire: To get this book, use a Rune Bottle on the ?Book found
at Fenrir's Cavern in the future (see section 3.27 of
Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 64,000 Gald
Equip: Attack 500
Acy 60

G r i m o r u m
Description: A book filled with arcane runes scrawled all over.
Acquire: You find this book in Volt's Cavern in the future.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 4,000 Gald
Equip: Attack 350
Acy 10

N a m c o G a m e r
Description: Don't waste your time reading this magazine!
Acquire: You can get this weapon from the 'Ayflite's Treasure'
quest (see section 4.4 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Equip: Attack 765 Def 1
Acy 1 Run 1
Comments: This is a shameless plug AND Klarth's ultimate weapon.

O p u s c u l e
Description: A book from a subterranean library destroyed millennia
Acquire: You get this weapon after defeating Jahmir at
Alvanista in the past.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1,000 Gald
Equip: Attack 60
Acy 30

P o r n o M a g a z i n e
Description: Better hide this from your parents!
Acquire: To get this, use a Rune Bottle on the ?Book found at
the harbor in Demitel's island. There are other places
to get it, but it's completely worthless.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 9000 Gald
Equip: Attack 3
Acy 10
Comments: No, this is not the same as the Porno Magazine in
Final Fantasy IV, you can't use it. It's just a
weapon, and it's not even as good as Klarth's initial

R a b i o n i s
Description: A book with pages yellowed by age. Its text is written
in blood.
Acquire: To get this book use a Rune Bottle on the ?Book you
find in Demitel's chamber (see section 3.10 of Part
I). You can get another one by using a Rune Bottle on
the ?Book you get after the fight with Undine.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 16,000 Gald
Equip: Attack 70
Acy 10

S e v e n t h S u n
Description: A book written in a long forgotten eastern language.
Acquire: To get this book, use a Rune Bottle on the ?Book found
in Odin's Tower in the future (see section 3.28).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 64,000 Gald
Equip: Attack 500 Run 50
Acy 10

T o m e
Description: A book full of notes and magical research.
Acquire: This is Klarth's initial weapon.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 500 Gald
Equip: Attack 20
Acy 10

T r a c t a t e
Description: A book covered in the hides of various animals.
Acquire: You find this book in the second floor of the Tower of
Twelve Stars.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 2,000 Gald
Equip: Attack 120
Acy 10

Y e l l o w K i n g s
Description: A book with red pages written in a bright yellow ink.
Acquire: To get this book, use a Rune Bottle on the ?Book you
get after the fight with Demitel.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 4,000 Gald
Equip: Attack 60
Acy 1

- R o d s -

B l u e C r y s t a l R o d
Description: A blue crystal on this staff houses the very soul of
Acquire: You can get this rod at the forest around the Ninja
Village in the future(see section 4.3 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 100,000 Gald
Equip: Attack 420
Acy 10
Comments: The Blue Crystal Rod is Mint's ultimate weapon.

G e m R o d
Description: A staff with a fake jewel at the top.
Acquire: You can buy this weapon at Venezzia and Alvanista in
the past.
Buy: 600 Gald
Sell: 300 Gald
Equip: Attack 15
Acy 10

H o l y R o d
Description: A staff of high priests.
Acquire: You can buy this weapon at Freezekill in the future.
Buy: 6,000 Gald
Sell: 3,000 Gald
Equip: Attack 180
Acy 10
Element: Light

R o d
Description: A traveler's walking stick.
Acquire: You can buy this weapon at Euclid and Morrison's house
in the present.
Buy: 10 Gald
Sell: 5 Gald
Equip: Attack 2
Acy 10

R u b y R o d
Description: A staff with a gold encrusted ruby at the top.
Acquire: You can buy this weapon at Alvanista in the past.
Buy: 1,240 Gald
Sell: 620 Gald
Equip: Attack 30
Acy 10

R u n e R o d
Description: A staff with a series of runes carved in the ebony
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on the ?Rod you find in the treasure
room of the Moria Gallery after defeating Maxwell in
the past.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1,500 Gald
Equip: Attack 85
Acy 10
Element: Darkness

S t a r R o d
Description: The tip of this staff glows like the stars at night.
Acquire: Get it as a prize for beating the coliseum eight times
in the future (see section 4.6 of Part I). You can
also get one by using a Rune Bottle on a ?Staff found
at the second floor of the final dungeon.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 21,000 Gald
Equip: Attack 330
Acy 10

U n i c o r n H o r n
Description: The Unicorn's horn. You can feel immense power
radiating from it.
Acquire: You get this rod as part of the storyline in the past
(see section 3.22 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Equip: Attack 135 Def 12
Acy 10

- B r o o m s -

B r o o m
Description: Just an average broom.
Acquire: This is Arche's starting weapon.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 15 Gald
Equip: Attack 20
Acy 10

M a g i c a l B r o o m
Description: This broom was brought here by a mage from another
Acquire: You find this broom in a chest in Dhaos' Fortress in
the past (see section 3.21 of Part I). You can also
get one as prize for beating the coliseum seven times
(see section 4.6 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 9,000 Gald
Equip: Attack 200
Acy 10

M y s t i c B r o o m
Description: A broom made with enchanted silver bristles.
Acquire: You find this broom in a chest in the seventh level of
the Moria Gallery (see section 3.15 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 2,800 Gald
Equip: Attack 100
Acy 10

S t a r B r o o m
Description: Stardust drops from the bristles of this broom.
Acquire: You get one of these by talking to the owner of the
inn at the Elven Village in the future. You can also
get one as a prize for beating the Coliseum eight
times (see section 4.6 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1,000 Gald
Equip: Attack 640
Acy 10

S y l p h B r o o m
Description: Wind spirits enchanted this broom with their magic.
Acquire: You find this broom in a chest in Volt's Cavern (see
section 3.25 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 2,800 Gald
Equip: Attack 380
Acy 10
Element: Wind

W i t c h B r o o m
Description: A brooms witches ride on.
Acquire: You can buy this broom at the Elven Village in the
Buy: 1,980 Gald
Sell: 990 Gald
Equip: Attack 500
Acy 10

II.4- Armor List

NOTE: · Next to 'Equip' will be displayed the characteristics of the
equipment (i.e. how much it adds to certain stats).
· The easiest way to get the items will be displayed next to
· 'Buy' and 'Sell' show the price of the item when (guess what)
buying and selling.
· 'Transforms' refers to what you get by using a Rune Bottle on
the item.
· The names of the characters who can be equipped with the item
will be displayed next to 'On Who?'.

- H e l m e t s -

A r m e t H e l m
Description: This helm protects both the head and the face from
being crushed.
Acquire: This helmet can be bought at Venezzia, Alvanista and
Olive Village and Midgard (all of them in the past).
It can also be bought at Olive Village in the future.
Buy: 1,320 Gald
Sell: 660 Gald
Equip: Def 5
Run 0
On Who?: Cless

B e r e t
Description: A cloth cap.
Acquire: This is Mint's initial helmet.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 150 Gald
Equip: Def 1
Run 0
On Who?: Mint and Klarth

B l u e R i b b o n
Description: A blue ribbon.
Acquire: This helmet can be bought at Alvanista and Olive
Village in the past. It can also be bought at Olive
Village in the future.
Buy: 840 Gald
Sell: 420 Gald
Equip: Def 5
Run 5
On Who?: Arche

F e s t i v e R i b b o n
Description: A bright red ribbon.
Acquire: This helmet can be bought at Venezzia, Alvanista,
Freezekill and Ary (all of them in the future).
Buy: 7,500 Gald
Sell: 3,750 Gald
Equip: Def 18
Run 20
On Who?: Arche

G o l d H e l m
Description: The gold helm of Gilgamesh of the Ishtar Legend.
Acquire: Get it from the 'Ayflite's Treasure' quest (see
section 4.4 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Equip: Def 28
Run 20
On Who?: Cless
Comments: This is the best Helmet Cless for Cless.

I r o n C i r c l e t
Description: A guard's steel cap.
Acquire: This helmet can be bought at Beladum, Euclid, Harmel
and Venezzia (all of them in the past).
Buy: 840 Gald
Sell: 420 Gald
Equip: Def 3
Run 0
On Who?: Cless

K n i g h t H e l m
Description: A standard issue helm for knights.
Acquire: This helmet can be bought at Miguel, Euclid, Venezzia,
Alvanista, Freezekill and Ary (all of them in the
Buy: 5,000 Gald
Sell: 2,500 Gald
Equip: Def 10
Run 0
On Who?: Cless

L e a t h e r H a t
Description: A leather cap.
Acquire: This helmet can be bought at Euclid in the present and
Beladum in the past.
Buy: 600 Gald
Sell: 300 Gald
Equip: Def 1
Run 0
On Who?: Cless

M a g e R i b b o n
Description: An imbued ribbon.
Acquire: Get one as a prize for beating the coliseum seven
times in the future (see section 4.6 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 100,000 Gald
Equip: Def 25
Run 0
On Who?: Arche

M i t r e
Description: A hat worn by priests and clerics.
Acquire: This helmet can be bought at Harmel and Venezzia (both
of them in the past).
Buy: 800 Gald
Sell: 400 Gald
Equip: Def 3
Run 5
On Who?: Mint and Klarth

P a l a d i n H e l m
Description: A helm kings give to knights who have been decorated
in battle.
Acquire: You get this helmet as a ?Helm at Odin's Burning Tower
and Fenrir's Ice Cavern.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 20,000 Gald
Equip: Def 19
Run 0
On Who?: Cless

P a n a m a H a t
Description: A hat for naturalists.
Acquire: This helmet can be bought at Alvanista and Olive
Village in the past. It can also be bought at Olive
Village in the future.
Buy: 1,420 Gald
Sell: 710 Gald
Equip: Def 5
Run 5
On Who?: Mint and Klarth

R a r e H e l m
Description: Houses the soul of Aegis, an ancient blacksmith.
Acquire: This helmet can be bought at Aegis' Workshop in the
future (see section 3.26 of Part I).
Buy: 31,000 Gald
Sell: 15,500 Gald
Equip: Def 20
Run 0
On Who?: Cless
Element: Thunder

R i b b o n
Description: A pink ribbon.
Acquire: This helmet can be bought at Venezzia, Alvanista and
Freezekill (all of them in the future).
Buy: 10 Gald
Sell: 5 Gald
Equip: Def 2
Run 0
On Who?: Arche

S i l k H a t
Description: A stylish, well-made hat.
Acquire: This helmet can be bought at Midgard in the past.
Buy: 3,600 Gald
Sell: 1,800 Gald
Equip: Def 12
Run 0
On Who?: Mint and Klarth

S t a r C a p
Description: An enchanted cap to protect the wearer.
Acquire: Get three as ?Helms at Odin's Burning Tower, the lower
levels of the Moria Gallery and the final dungeon
(sections 3.28, 4.5 and 3.31 of Part I). You also get
one of these after beating the coliseum eight times in
the future (see section 4.6 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 90,000 Gald
Equip: Def 16
Run 0
On Who?: Mint and Klarth

S t a r H e l m
Description: A helm made from an unfamiliar alloy.
Acquire: Get one as a prize for beating the coliseum nine times
in the future (see section 4.6 of Part I) and one as a
?Helm in the final dungeon (see section 3.31 of Part
Buy: N/A
Sell: 40,000 Gald
Equip: Def 26
Run 0
On Who?: Cless

S t r i p p e d R i b b o n
Description: A candy cane ribbon.
Acquire: This helmet can be bought at Midgard in the past.
Buy: 4,000 Gald
Sell: 2,000 Gald
Equip: Def 9
Run 10
On Who?: Arche

- A r m o r -

A m b e r C l o a k
Description: An amber colored amber cloth cloak.
Acquire: This cloak can be bought at Beladum, Euclid, Harmel
and Venezzia (all of them in the past).
Buy: 610 Gald
Sell: 305 Gald
Equip: Def 6
Run 20
On Who?: Mint, Klarth and Arche

B r e a s t P l a t e
Description: A thick metal plate covering the torso of the wearer.
Acquire: This piece of armor can be bought at Alvanista (in the
past) and Olive Village (past and future).
Buy: 3,600 Gald
Sell: 1,800 Gald
Equip: Def 13
Run 0
On Who?: Cless and Chester

C h a i n M a i l
Description: Small interlocking metal rings form chain mil shirts.
Acquire: This piece of armor can be bought at Euclid (present),
at Morrison's house (present & future) and at Beladum
Buy: 900 Gald
Sell: 450 Gald
Equip: Def 4
Run 0
On Who?: Cless and Chester

C l o a k
Description: A thick warm cloak.
Acquire: This is Mint's initial armor.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 6 Gald
Equip: Def 3
Run 0
On Who?: Mint, Klarth and Arche

D a r k R o b e
Description: The dark robe of a witch.
Acquire: This robe can be bought at the Elven Village in the
Buy: 10,000 Gald
Sell: 5,000 Gald
Equip: Def 50 Acy 15
Run 15
On Who?: Arche
Element: Earth, Water, Fire, Thunder and Wind
Comments: This is the best armor for Arche. Even though its
defensive power is not a good as that of the Star
Cloak, it absorbs five elements.

G a i a A r m o r
Description: Gilgamesh of Ishtar's golden armor.
Acquire: You get two of these as ?Armors at the final dungeon
(see section 3.31 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 400,000 Gald
Equip: Def 60
Run 0
On Who?: Cless and Chester
Element: Water, Fire, Thunder, Light, Darkness

G o l d e n A r m o r
Description: Gilgamesh of Ishtar's golden armor.
Acquire: You get this piece of armor as a ?Armor in the 19th
level of the Moria Gallery in the future (see section
4.5 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Equip: Def 65
Run 0
On Who?: Cless
Element: Fire, Thunder, Wind, Darkness
Comments: This is Cless' best armor. It has the highest defense
rating of all his armors and absorbs several elements.

H o l y C l o a k
Description: This type of cloak is worn by high priests and
Acquire: This cloak can be bought at Miguel, Euclid, Venezzia,
Alvanista, Freezekill and Ary (all of them in the
Buy: 56,000 Gald
Sell: 28,000 Gald
Equip: Def 25
Run 0
On Who?: Mint and Klarth
Element: Thunder

M i t h r i l M e s h
Description: Chain mail made of Mithril, an enchanted silver.
Acquire: Two of these can be found as ?Armors at the 10th level
of the Moria Gallery after defeating Maxwell, in the
past (see section 3.15 of Part I). You can also buy
them at Miguel, Euclid, Venezzia, Alvanista,
Freezekill and Ary (all of them in the future).
Buy: 30,000 Gald
Sell: 15,000 Gald
Equip: Def 18
Run 0
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche
Element: Light

M i t h r i l P l a t e
Description: Plate mail made of Mithril, an enchanted silver.
Acquire: This piece of armor can be bought at Venezzia,
Alvanista, Freezekill and Ary (all of them in the
Buy: 50,000 Gald
Sell: 25,000 Gald
Equip: Def 28
Run 0
On Who?: Cless and Chester
Element: Light

P l a t e M a i l
Description: Interlocking metal plates to cover the entire body.
Acquire: This piece of armor can be bought at Midgard in the
Buy: 24,500 Gald
Sell: 12,250 Gald
Equip: Def 18
Run 0
On Who?: Cless

R a r e P l a t e
Description: Houses the soul of Aegis, an ancient blacksmith.
Acquire: This piece of armor can be bought at Aegis' Workshop
in the future (see section 3.26).
Buy: 82,000 Gald
Sell: 41,000 Gald
Equip: Def 38
Run 0
On Who?: Cless, Chester and Klarth
Element: Fire

R e f l e c t P l a t e
Description: Magically reflective armor.
Acquire: Two of these can be found as ?Armors at Odin's Burning
Tower and the lower levels of the Moria Gallery (see
sections 3.28 and 4.5 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 100,000 Gald
Equip: Def 35
Run 0
On Who?: Cless and Chester
Element: Water, Thunder, Wind, Darkness

R i n g M a i l
Description: Discs of metal woven together provide excellent
Acquire: This piece of armor can be bought at Beladum, Euclid,
Harmel and Venezzia (all of them in the past).
Buy: 1,200 Gald
Sell: 600 Gald
Equip: Def 7
Run 0
On Who?: Cless and Chester

S i l v e r C l o a k
Description: A cloak woven from silver threads.
Acquire: This cloak can be bought at Alvanista, Olive Village
and Midgard (all of the in the past). It can also be
bought at Olive Village in the future.
Buy: 2,500 Gald
Sell: 1,250 Gald
Equip: Def 12
Run 25
On Who?: Mint, Klarth and Arche

S i l v e r P l a t e
Description: Plate armor made of pure silver.
Acquire: This piece of armor can be found at Fenrir's Ice
Cavern in the future (see section 3.27 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 20,000 Gald
Equip: Def 37
Run 0
On Who?: Cless and Chester

S p l i n t M a i l
Description: A shirt of plates and rings to cover the upper body.
Acquire: This piece of armor can be bought at Venezzia and
Alvanista (both of them in the past).
Buy: 1,900 Gald
Sell: 950 Gald
Equip: Def 9
Run 0
On Who?: Cless and Chester

S t a r C l o a k
Description: A cloak that glows like the clouds in the night sky.
Acquire: You get 4 of these as ?Armors at Volt's Cave, Fenrir's
Ice Cavern, Odin's Burning Tower and the final dungeon
in the future (see sections 3.25, 3.27, 3.28 and
3.31). You can also get one as a prize for beating the
Coliseum eight times (see section 4.6 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 450,000 Gald
Equip: Def 55
Run 0
On Who?: Mint, Klarth and Arche
Element: Water, Darkness

T u n i c
Description: A leather tunic.
Acquire: This piece of armor can be bought at Euclid in the
Buy: 120 Gald
Sell: 60 Gald
Equip: Def 2
Run 0
On Who?: Cless, Chester and Klarth

- S h i e l d s -

A n k h S h i e l d
Description: A paladin's shield, forged of iron blessed by priests.
Acquire: You can find two of these shields, one at Odin's
Burning Tower and the other at Fenrir's Ice Cavern
(see sections 3.27 and 3.28 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 17,500 Gald
Equip: Def 5
Run 95
On Who?: Cless

B l u e L i n e S h i e l d
Description: The Blue Line Shield raises the user's courage and
Acquire: You can get this shield from the 'Ayflite's Treasure'
quest (see section 4.4 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 200,000 Gald
Equip: Def 25
Run 100
On Who?: Cless
Comments: This is the best shield for Cless.

F i n e S h i e l d
Description: A sturdy, yet lightweight shield.
Acquire: This shield can be bought at Midgard in the past.
Buy: 15,800 Gald
Sell: 7,900 Gald
Equip: Def 0
Run 80
On Who?: Cless

K i t e S h i e l d
Description: A practical, lightweight shield.
Acquire: This shield can be bought at Euclid, Harmel and
Venezzia (all of them in the past).
Buy: 600 Gald
Sell: 300 Gald
Equip: Def 0
Run 60
On Who?: Cless

K n i g h t S h i e l d
Description: A well-made soldier's shield.
Acquire: This shield can be bought at Venezzia and Alvanista
(both of them in the past).
Buy: 1,150 Gald
Sell: 575 Gald
Equip: Def 0
Run 70
On Who?: Cless

R a r e S h i e l d
Description: Houses the soul of Aegis, an ancient blacksmith.
Acquire: This shield can be bought at Aegis' Workshop in the
future (see section 3.26 of Part I).
Buy: 48,500 Gald
Sell: 24,250 Gald
Equip: Def 15
Run 100
On Who?: Cless

R e d L i n e S h i e l d
Description: The Red Line Shield raises the user's courage and
Acquire: You can get this shield from the 'Ayflite's Treasure'
quest (see section 4.4 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 200,000 Gald
Equip: Def 15
Run 100
On Who?: Cless

R o u n d S h i e l d
Description: A round, metal shield.
Acquire: This shield can be bought at Euclid (present) and
Morrison's house (present and future) and at Beladum
Buy: 300 Gald
Sell: 150 Gald
Equip: Def 0
Run 40
On Who?: Cless

S h i e l d R i n g
Description: This magic ring creates an invisible shield around the
Acquire: There are four of these. One at Volt's Cave, another
at Fenrir's Ice Cavern and two more at Odin's Burning
Tower (see sections 3.25, 3.27 and 3.28 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 150,000 Gald
Equip: Def 20
Run 100
On Who?: Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche
Comments: This is the only shield that your non-fighting
characters can wear.

S t a r S h i e l d
Description: A shield made of a strange metal taken from a fallen
Acquire: You can get one of these shields at the final dungeon
(see section 3.31 of Part I) and as a prize for
beating the Coliseum nine times (see section 4.6 of
Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 30,000 Gald
Equip: Def 23
Run 100
On Who?: Cless

W o o d e n S h i e l d
Description: A round, wooden shield.
Acquire: This shield can be bought at Euclid in the present.
Buy: 50 Gald
Sell: 25 Gald
Equip: Def 0
Run 30
On Who?: Cless

- G l o v e s -

C u t e M i t t e n s
Description: Pretty to keep your hands warm in the cold weather.
Acquire: There are two pairs of these. One at Fenrir's Ice
Cavern and the other one at Odin's Burning Tower (see
sections 3.27 and 3.28 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 25,250 Gald
Equip: Def 15
Run 0
On Who?: Mint and Arche
Comments: These are the only gloves that Mint and Arche can

G a u n t l e t
Description: Iron plated gloves.
Acquire: These gloves can be bought at Alvanista, Olive Village
and Midgard (all of them in the past). It can also be
bought at Olive Village in the past.
Buy: 1,200 Gald
Sell: 600 Gald
Equip: Def 4 Attack 5
Run 0 Acy 5
On Who?: Cless and Chester

H y p e r G a u n t l e t
Description: These gauntlets give your hands a life of their own.
Acquire: You can get these gauntlets from the 'Ayflite's
Treasure' quest (see section 4.4 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Equip: Def 26
Run 0
On Who?: Cless
Comments: These are the best gloves for Cless.

I r o n G l o v e s
Description: Mesh gloves to protect hands.
Acquire: These gloves can be bought at Venezzia in the past.
Buy: 600 Gald
Sell: 300 Gald
Equip: Def 2
Run 0
On Who?: Cless and Chester

L e a t h e r G l o v e s
Description: A pair of leather work gloves.
Acquire: These gloves can be bought at Euclid (present and
past), Morrison' House (present and future), Beladum
(past), Harmel (past) and Venezzia (past).
Buy: 150 Gald
Sell: 75 Gald
Equip: Def 1
Run 0
On Who?: Cless

M i t h r i l G l o v e s
Description: Gauntlets made from Mithril, an enchanted silver.
Acquire: These gloves can be bought at Venezzia, Alvanista,
Freezekill and Ary (all of them in the future).
Buy: 10,000 Gald
Sell: 5,000 Gald
Equip: Def 10
Run 0
On Who?: Cless and Chester

R a r e G a u n t l e t
Description: Houses the soul of Aegis, an ancient blacksmith.
Acquire: These gloves can be bought at Aegis' Workshop in the
future (see section 3.26 of Part I).
Buy: 59,400 Gald
Sell: 29,700 Gald
Equip: Def 15
Run 0
On Who?: Cless and Chester
Element: Earth

S t a r G l o v e s
Description: Gloves made from a strange alloy.
Acquire: These gloves can be found at the final dungeon. You
also get a pair of these as a prize for beating the
Coliseum nine times (see section 4.6 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 15,000 Gald
Equip: Def 24
Run 0
On Who?: Cless and Chester

II.5- Accessory List

NOTE: · Next to 'Equip' will be displayed the characteristics of the
accessory (i.e. how much it adds to certain stats).
· Next to 'Equip' will be displayed the special characteristics
of the accessory.
· The easiest way to get the accessories will be displayed next
to 'Acquire'.
· 'Buy' and 'Sell' show the price of the item when (guess what)
buying and selling.
· 'Transforms' refers to what you get by using a Rune Bottle on
the accessory.
· The names of the characters who can be equipped with the
accessory will be displayed next to 'On Who?'.

A m e t h y s t R i n g
Description: A Summoner's ring. The wearer is shielded from earth.
Acquire: You find this ring in a chest at Long Valley in the
future (see section 3.26 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Special: Klarth will absorb Earth elemental damage while
equipped with this ring.
On Who?: Klarth
Comments: This ring is needed to make a contract with Shadow,
the Spirit of Darkness (see section 3.26 of Part I).

A q u a M a n t l e
Description: Marked with the sign of the Ocean. Water and Air are
30% absorbed.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on a Leather Mantle or a Flame
Mantle to get this accessory.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 800 Gald
Equip: Def 1
Special: The wearer will take less damage from Water and Wind.
It also gives you a good chance of totally avoiding
damage from those elements.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche
Transforms: Flame mantle

A q u a m a r i n e R i n g
Description: A Summoner's ring. The wearer is shielded from water.
Acquire: You receive this ring from Runeglom at Alvanista in
the past (see section 3.11 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Special: Klarth will absorb Water elemental damage while
equipped with this ring.
On Who?: Klarth
Comments: This ring is needed to make a contract with Undine,
the Spirit of Water (see section 3.12 of Part I).

A r m l e t
Description: Decreases the amount of time one is rendered
unconscious by half.
Acquire: These are commonly found in chests through the game.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 12,150 Gald
Special: The wearer will recover consciousness twice as fast if
stunned in battle.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche

B a t t l e R u n e
Description: Increases your attack power by 10%.
Acquire: These can be bought at Alvanista and Olive Village in
the past and at most towns in the future.
Buy: 7,200 Gald
Sell: 3,600 Gald
Equip: Acy 8
Special: Attack + 10%.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche

B l a c k O n y x
Description: A jewel that increases the user's maximum HP by 30%.
Acquire: You find this accessory in chests through the game.
You get the first one after defeating Jahmir at
Alvanista (see section 3.11 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 10,600 Gald
Special: The character equipped with this will be granted 30%
extra HP.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche
Transforms: Moon Crystal

B l u e T a l i s m a n
Description: This magical talisman increases your defense by 10%.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on a Talisman to get this accessory.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 2,100 Gald
Special: Def + 10%.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche

B o d y A m u l e t
Description: Protects the wearer from paralyzation.
Acquire: These can be bought at Alvanista in the past and at
most towns in the future.
Buy: 26,200 Gald
Sell: 13,100 Gald
Special: The wearer can't be paralyzed.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche

C o m b o C o m m a n d
Description: With the right controller movements, any skill can be
used in battle!
Acquire: This accessory can only be bought at Aegis' Workshop
in the future (see section 3.26 of Part I).
Buy: 5,000,000 Gald
Sell: 2,500,000 Gald
Special: You will be able to use any of Cless' skills in battle
by pressing the right combinations of buttons.
On Who?: Cless

D a r k S e a l
Description: This allows you to receive 50% more EXP but renders
skills useless.
Acquire: You can get this from the 'Ayflite's Treasure' quest
(see section 4.4 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1,000 Gald
Special: Cless gets extra experience points, but he can't use
his skills.
On Who?: Cless
Transforms: Demon Seal

D e d i s E m b l e m
Description: The use and origin of this item aren't known.
Acquire: You get one from a soldier in Ary and you must find
another four in a certain section of the final dungeon
(see section 3.31 of Part I). Note that some of the
enemies in the final dungeon may drop these
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1 Gald
Special: You can't get past a certain part of the final dungeon
without one of these equipped on each character.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche

D e f l e c t R i n g
Description: This ring absorbs magic attacks, but has a 50% chance
of disintegrating.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on a Resist Ring or a Force Ring.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1,030 Gald
Special: Protects the user from magical attacks, but has a 50%
chance of breaking after negating a spell.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche
Transforms: Force Ring

D e m o n S e a l
Description: Doubles the EXP you gain in battle but prevents you
from using skills.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on the Dark Seal to get this
Buy: N/A
Sell: 5,150 Gald
Special: Cless gets extra experience points, but he can't use
his skills and his defense drops to zero.
On Who?: Cless

D i a m o n d R i n g
Description: A Summoner's ring. The wearer is shielded from magic.
Acquire: You get this ring at Thor in the past, after beating a
boss (see section 3.23 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Equip: Attack 100 Acy 40
Def 200 Run 40
Special: Klarth won't take damage from certain elements while
equipped with this ring.
On Who?: Klarth
Comments: This ring is needed to make a contract with Origin,
the Spirit of Creation (see section 3.29 of Part I).

E l v e n B o o t s
Description: Elven boots are made to increase your speed by 20%.
Acquire: One pair of these can be found at the final dungeon
and other two pairs can be gotten from the 'Ayflite's
Treasure' quest (see sections 3.31 and 4.4 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 6,200 Gald
Special: Battle Speed + 20%.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint and Klarth
Transforms: Nightmare Boots

E l v e n M a n t l e
Description: Allows you to escape battles 10% faster.
Acquire: These can be bought at the Elven Village in the
Buy: 9,560 Gald
Sell: 4,780 Gald
Equip: Def 12
Special: Run + 10%
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche

E m e r a l d R i n g
Description: A Summoner's ring. The wearer is granted bonus HP.
Acquire: You find this ring inside a chest at the Cave of
Spirits in the future (see section 3.26 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Special: Klarth's maximum HP will be increased by 30% while he
he is equipped with this ring.
On Who?: Klarth
Comments: This ring is needed to make a contract with Chameleon,
the Spirit of Death (see section 4.5 of Part I).

E v i l R u n e
Description: Makes you immune to the effects of the Death Cloud
Acquire: There appears to be no way to get this accessory
through normal gameplay. It was found using cheats.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1,000 Gald
Special: The character equipped with this should be immune to
the Death Cloud spell, but there are no enemies that
use that spell, so it remains unconfirmed.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche

F a i r y R i n g
Description: Decreases the TP needed to use magic by half.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on a Jade Ring to get this
Buy: N/A
Sell: 38,410 Gald
Special: Reduces the TP cost of spells by a third.
On Who?: Mint, Klarth and Arche

F i g h t R u n e
Description: A rune to summon a monster.
Acquire: There appears to be no way to get this accessory
through normal gameplay. It was found using cheats.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1,000 Gald
Special: The use of this accessory is unknown, but there's
probably no use for it anyway.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche

F l a m e M a n t l e
Description: Marked with the sign of Magma. Fire and earth are 30%
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on a Mantle or an Aqua Mantle to get
this accessory.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 750 Gald
Equip: Def 1
Special: The wearer will take less damage from Fire and Earth.
It also gives you a good chance of totally avoiding
damage from those elements.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche
Transforms: Aqua mantle

F o r c e R i n g
Description: This ring absorbs melee attacks, but has a 50% chance
of disintegrating.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on a Protect Ring or a Deflect Ring
to get this accessory.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1,030 Gald
Special: Protects the user from physical attacks, but has a 50%
chance of breaking after taking a hit.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche
Transforms: Deflect Ring

G a r n e t R i n g
Description: A Summoner's ring. The wearer is shielded from fire.
Acquire: You receive this ring from Runeglom at Alvanista in
the past (see section 3.11 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Special: Klarth will absorb Fire elemental damage while
equipped with this ring.
On Who?: Klarth
Comments: This ring is needed to make a contract with Ifrit,
the Spirit of Fire (see section 3.13 of Part I).

G o r g o n A m u l e t
Description: Protects the wearer from petrification.
Acquire: These can be bought at Alvanista in the future.
Buy: 46,200 Gald
Sell: 23,100 Gald
Special: The wearer can't be petrified.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche

H e a v y S t o n e
Description: Makes you immune to the effects of the Tractor Beam
Acquire: You can get a few of these from chests and enemies
through the game. You get the first one at Morrison's
house in the present.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1 Gald
Special: The wearer will be immune to the Tractor Beam spell.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche

H o l y R u n e
Description: Increases your max HP by 5%.
Acquire: This accessory can be bought at most shops in the past
and the future.
Buy: 10,000 Gald
Sell: 5,000 Gald
Special: The character equipped with this will be granted 5%
extra HP.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche

I r o n B o o t s
Description: Iron Boots make you heavier, decreasing your speed by
Acquire: These can be bought at Euclid (present and past),
Harmel (past), Venezzia (past and future) and Ary
Buy: 1,010 Gald
Sell: 505 Gald
Special: Halves your Battle Speed.
On Who?: Cless, Chester and Klarth
Transforms: Persian Boots
Comments: This accessory seems to be useless by itself. Its true
purpose seems to be becoming a pair of Persian Boots
when you use a Rune Bottle on it.

J a d e R i n g
Description: Reduces your TP costs by a third.
Acquire: You get these at certain dungeons and from some
bosses. You get your first one from Dhaos in the past.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 3,500 Gald
Special: Reduces the TP cost of skills by a third.
On Who?: Cless, Mint, Klarth and Arche
Transforms: Fairy Ring

J e t B o o t s
Description: You can run faster by pressing and holding the
'Cancel' button.
Acquire: These can be bought at most towns through the game.
Buy: 210 Gald
Sell: 105 Gald
Special: While one of your characters is equipped with these,
you can sprint by pressing the 'Cancel' button.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche

L e a t h e r M a n t l e
Description: Leather mantles are waterproof.
Acquire: These can be bought at most stores in the past and
Buy: 100 Gald
Sell: 50 Gald
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche
Transforms: Aqua mantle
Comments: This accessory seems to be useless by itself. Its true
purpose seems to be becoming an Aqua Mantle when you
use a Rune Bottle on it.

M a g i c P o u c h
Description: A pouch that will spout items while you are walking!
Acquire: You can get this at the final dungeon (see section
3.31 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 6,000 Gald
Special: Random items will appear in your inventory while you
walk with this equipped.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche
Transforms: Magical Pouch

M a g i c a l P o u c h
Description: When walking, this pouch may add random items to your
Acquire: You get this as a prize for beating the Coliseum seven
times (see section 4.6 of Part I). You can also get it
by using a Rune Bottle on the Magic Pouch.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 40,000 Gald
Special: Random items will appear in your inventory while you
walk with this equipped.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche

M a n a E a r r i n g
Description: The unicorn symbolizes Mana. Enhances one's Mana
Acquire: You get this accessory after a special scene at Ary in
the future, right before entering the final dungeon
(see section 3.30 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Equip: Attack 100 Acy 50
Def 20 Run 50
On Who?: Mint

M a n t l e
Description: A plain traveler's mantle.
Acquire: These can be bought at Euclid in the present and
Beladum and Euclid in the past.
Buy: 20 Gald
Sell: 10 Gald
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche
Transforms: Flame mantle
Comments: This accessory seems to be useless by itself. Its true
purpose seems to be becoming a Flame Mantle when you
use a Rune Bottle on it.

M e n t a l R i n g
Description: Gradually restores TP in battle.
Acquire: You get one of these from a mini-game in Alvanista
(see section 4.2 of Part I). You also find some of
these in dungeons.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 16,000 Gald
Equip: Attack 5
Run 5
Special: The character equipped with this will recover 1 TP
every a few seconds in battle.
On Who?: Cless, Mint, Klarth and Arche

M i s t R u n e
Description: Allows you to escape battles 50% faster.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on a White Mist to get this
Buy: N/A
Sell: 2,500 Gald
Special: Halves the time needed to escape battles.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche

M o o n C r y s t a l
Description: A jewel that increases the user's maximum TP by 30%.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on a Black Onyx to get this
accessory. You can also get one at Odin's Tower and
from the 'Aiflite's Treasure' quest.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 10,600 Gald
Special: The character equipped with this will be granted 30%
extra TP.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche
Transforms: Black Onyx

M o o n s t o n e R i n g
Description: A Summoner's ring. The wearer is shielded from light.
Acquire: You get this ring in the Treant's Forest, at the
Heimdall stone (see section 3.17 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Special: Klarth will absorb Light elemental damage while
equipped with this ring.
On Who?: Klarth
Comments: This ring is needed to make a contract with Luna, the
Spirit of the Moon (see section 3.19 of Part I).

M y s t i c a l R u n e
Description: Halves the time needed to cast a magic spell.
Acquire: These can be bought at Alvanista, Olive Village and
the Elven Village in the past and at most towns in the
Buy: 65,800 Gald
Sell: 32,900 Gald
Special: Reduces spell-casting time by half.
On Who?: Mint, Klarth and Arche

N i g h t m a r e B o o t s
Description: This pair of boots is enchanted by dream magic. Ups
speed by 50%.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on a pair of Elven Boots or Persian
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1,550 Gald
Special: Battle Speed + 50%.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint and Klarth
Transforms: Persian Boots

N y m p h ' s R i n g
Description: A ring with a watery stone. Renders the bearer immune
to heat.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on a Salamander's Ring.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1 Gald
Special: The wearer becomes immune to fire, even the magma on
the floor of some rooms at Odin's Tower won't hurt
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche
Transforms: Salamander's Ring

O p a l R i n g
Description: A Summoner's ring. The wearer is granted extra
Acquire: You get this ring from Bart at Long valley (see
section 3.7 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Equip: Def 15
On Who?: Klarth
Comments: This ring is needed to make a contract with Sylph, the
Spirit of Wind (see section 3.7 of Part I).

P e r s i a n B o o t s
Description: This pair of boots looks like cat paws. Increases
defense by 30%.
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on a pair of Iron Boots or Nightmare
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1,400 Gald
Special: Decreases damage taken by 30%.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint and Klarth
Transforms: Nightmare Boots

P o i s o n A m u l e t
Description: Protects the wearer from poison.
Acquire: These can be bought at Alvanista in the past and at
most towns in the future.
Buy: 6,200 Gald
Sell: 3,100 Gald
Special: The wearer is immune to poison.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche

P r i n c e s s C a p e
Description: This translucent silk hood has a 50% chance to negate
Acquire: Use a Rune Bottle on a Silver Cape to get this
Buy: N/A
Sell: 2,025 Gald
Equip: Def 8
Run 15
Special: The wearer will take less damage from Fire. It also
gives you a good chance of totally avoiding Fire
On Who?: Mint and Arche

P r o t e c t R i n g
Description: This ring absorbs melee attacks, but has a 99% chance
of disintegrating.
Acquire: These are commonly found in chests in dungeons.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 600 Gald
Special: Protects the user from physical attacks, but has a 99%
chance of breaking after taking a hit.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche
Transforms: Force Ring

R a b b i t ' s F o o t
Description: Increases the bearer's luck.
Acquire: This accessory can be bought at most towns in the past
and the future.
Buy: 200 Gald
Sell: 100 Gald
Special: Luck + 10%.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche

R e s i s t R i n g
Description: This ring absorbs magic attacks, but has a 99% chance
of disintegrating.
Acquire: These are commonly found in chests in dungeons.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 600 Gald
Special: Protects the user from magical attacks, but has a 99%
chance of breaking after negating a spell.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche
Transforms: Deflect Ring

R e v e r s e D o l l
Description: Revives you if knocked out, but has a 99% chance of
Acquire: These are commonly found in chests through the game.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1,000 Gald
Special: The wearer is revived with 25% of his/her HP
immediately after being killed, but the accessory has
a 99% chance of breaking.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche

R u b y R i n g
Description: A Summoner's ring. The wearer becomes a stronger
Acquire: Arche gives you this ring when she joins the party
(see section 3.9 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Equip: Attack 50
On Who?: Klarth
Comments: This ring is needed to make a contract with Gnome, the
Spirit of Earth (see section 3.14 of Part I).

S a l a m a n d e r ' s R i n g
Description: A ring with a fiery stone. Renders the bearer immune
to cold.
Acquire: This accessory is dropped by the Karys at Odin's
Tower. You can also get it by using a Rune Bottle on a
Nymph's Ring.
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1 Gald
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche
Transforms: Nymph's Ring
Comments: This accessory seems to have no effect by itself. Its
true purpose is becoming a Nymph's Ring when you use
a Rune Bottle on it.

S a r d o n y x R i n g
Description: A Summoner's ring. The wearer is shielded from wind.
Acquire: You get this ring from doctor Stanley at future Euclid
(see section 3.24 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Special: Klarth will absorb Wind elemental damage while
equipped with this ring.
On Who?: Klarth
Comments: This ring is needed to make a contract with Volt, the
Spirit of Electricity (see section 3.25 of Part I).

S a p p h i r e R i n g
Description: A Summoner's ring. The wearer is shielded from
Acquire: You get this ring from a chest at Undine's Cavern in
the future (see section 3.26 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Special: Klarth will absorb Thunder elemental damage while
equipped with this ring.
On Who?: Klarth
Comments: This ring is needed to make a contract with Gremlin,
the Spirit of Pain and Panic (see section 4.5 of Part

S i l v e r C a p e
Description: This girl's mantle has a 30% chance of negating fire
Acquire: These can be bought at Alvanista and Olive Village in
the past and at most towns in the future.
Buy: 3,300 Gald
Sell: 1,650 Gald
Special: The wearer will take less damage from Fire. It also
gives you a good chance of totally avoiding Fire
On Who?: Mint and Arche
Transforms: Princess cape

S i l v e r M a t t o c k
Description: Renders the wearer immune to many common magic spells.
Acquire: Choose as your prize after beating the racing kid in
Alvanista in the future (see section 4.1 of Part I).
You can also get one from the 'Ayflite's Treasure'
quest (see section 4.4 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: 1,000 Gald
Special: The wearer will be immune to the Ice Wall, Stone Wall
and Fire Wall spells.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche

S o r c e r e r ' s R i n g
Description: This ring shoots sparks! Use it with the 'Target'
Acquire: This ring is found at the Molten Cavern in the past
(see section 3.13 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Special: While one of your characters is equipped with the
Sorcerer's Ring, you can press the 'Y' button to shoot
sparks in the field screen.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche

T a l i s m a n
Description: A magic charm to raise all your resistances by 5%.
Acquire: This accessory can be bought at most towns in the past
and the future.
Buy: 2,000 Gald
Sell: 1,000 Gald
Special: Def + 5%.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche
Transforms: Blue Talisman

T h i e f ' s M a n t l e
Description: Wool mantles help you run away 5% faster.
Acquire: These can be bought at Alvanista, Olive Village and
Midgard in the past and at most towns in the future.
Buy: 2,000 Gald
Sell: 1,000 Gald
Special: Run + 5%
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche

T o p a z R i n g
Description: A Summoner's ring. The wearer becomes a smarter
Acquire: You get this ring in the Treant's Forest, at the
Heimdall stone (see section 3.17 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Special: Klarth's critical hit rate increases.
On Who?: Klarth
Comments: This ring is needed to make a contract with Aska, the
Spirit of Light (see section 3.26 of Part I).

T u r q u o i s e R i n g
Description: A Summoner's ring. The wearer is granted bonus TP.
Acquire: You find this ring in a chest at the Moria Gallery in
the past (see section 3.15 of Part I).
Buy: N/A
Sell: N/A
Special: Klarth's maximum TP will be increased by 30% while he
is equipped with this ring.
On Who?: Klarth
Comments: This ring is needed to make a contract with Maxwell,
the Spirit of Judgement (see section 3.15 of Part I).

W h i t e M i s t
Description: Allows you to escape battles 30% faster.
Acquire: These can be bought at Venezzia, Alvanista, Olive
Village and the Elven Village in the past and at most
towns in the future.
Buy: 5,100 Gald
Sell: 2,550 Gald
Special: Reduces the time needed to escape battles by 30%.
On Who?: Cless, Chester, Mint, Klarth and Arche
Transforms: Mist Rune

II.6- Treasure List

P e n d a n t
Description: The pendant Miguel gave you for your fifteenth
Acquire: You start the game with this in your 'Treasure List'.
Use: Malice takes it from you at Euclid and uses it to
release Dhaos.

E a r r i n g
Description: The mysterious earring from the Euclid dungeon.
Acquire: You receive the Earring while you are in jail at
Euclid (see section 3.3 of Part I).
Use: The Earring helps Cless escape from jail. You lose it
soon after that, at Morrison's House.

L a c e R u b y
Description: A living gem. It is used as a key for enchanted doors.
Acquire: You find the Lace Ruby at the mausoleum near the
beginning of the game (see section 3.4 of Part I).
Use: This is used to open some doors in the mausoleum near
the beginning of the game (see section 3.4 of Part I).

T o r n i x ' s B o o k
Description: The book given to you by Tornix D. Morrison.
Acquire: You receive this from Tornix at the mausoleum after
Dhaos' revival (see section 3.4 of Part I).
Use: By reading this book, Cless and Mint learn that their
parents and Tornix had sealed Dhaos.

B r o k e n B o w
Description: The broken bow that belonged to your best friend.
Acquire: Cless finds Chester's bow on the ground after he and
Mint are sent to the past by Tornix D. Morrison (see
section 3.5 of Part I).
Use: By paying 20,000 Gald at the Ninja Village in the
future, you can have this transformed into the
powerful Elven Bow (see section 3.26 of Part I).

E l e m e n t a l O r b
Description: A magic orb that enables one to speak to Mana Spirits.
Acquire: You get the Elemental Orb from Sylph at Long Valley,
before forging a contract (see section 3.7 of Part I).
Use: This allows you to talk to Martel, the Spirit of the
Tree of Life.

M a g i c K e y
Description: A key from Demitel's castle.
Acquire: You get the Magic Key at Demitel's castle (see section
3.9 of Part I).
Use: This key is used to open a door at Demitel's castle
(see section 3.9 of Part I).

M o r i a P a s s
Description: A permit from Alvanista's King to enter the Moria
Acquire: You get the Moria Pass at the Adventurer's Guild in
Alvanista (see section 3.11 of Part I).
Use: This pass is needed to enter the Moria Gallery.

R o y a l E m b l e m
Description: A permit from Alvanista's King to enter the Ymir
Acquire: You get the Royal Emblem from Runeglom at Alvanista,
after you meet Edward (see section 3.17 of Part I).
Use: This is needed to enter the Ymir Forest.

S m a l l S a c k
Description: A food sack. It can hold a maximum of 200 food units.
Acquire: You start the game with this in your 'Treasure List'.
Use: If you put food in this sack, your party will regain
HP by eating from it while walking.

M e d i u m S a c k
Description: A food sack. It can hold a maximum of 2000 food units.
Acquire: You get this from Lenios' wife at Beladum (see section
3.5 of Part I).
Use: If you put food in this sack, your party will regain
HP by eating from it while walking.

L a r g e S a c k
Description: A food sack. It can hold a maximum of 20,000 food
Acquire: You can buy this from a woman at Miguel in the future
for 30,000 Gald (see section 3.24 of Part I).
Use: If you put food in this sack, your party will regain
HP by eating from it while walking.

L e t t e r
Description: A letter from Runeglom to Edward.
Acquire: You get this from Runeglom at Alvanista after visiting
the Moria Gallery (see section 3.16 of Part I).
Use: This is needed to speak to Edward's wife, Lilith.

B r o k e n R i n g s
Description: Two broken contract rings found in the Moria Gallery.
Acquire: You get these at the Treasure Room of the Moria
Gallery (see section 3.15 of Part I).
Use: With Rambard's help, these are be transformed into the
Moonstone and Topaz Rings at the Heimdall Stone (see
section 3.17 of Part I).

M a g m a K e y
Description: A key found in the Molten Cavern.
Acquire: You get this at the Molten Cavern in Freland (see
section 3.13 of Part I).
Use: The Magma Key is used to open a locked door in the
Molten Cavern.

M a g n e t i c C a r d
Description: A magnetic card found in a building in the city of
Acquire: You get this at Thor in the past (see section 3.23 of
Part I).
Use: The Magnetic Card is used to open a special door at

M a g i c M i r r o r
Description: This mirror feels like it can pull you into another
Acquire: You get this at Dhaos' castle in the past (see section
3.21 of Part I).
Use: The Magic Mirror is used to go through certain mirrors
at Dhaos castle.

G o l d K e y
Description: A golden key from Dhaos' castle.
Acquire: You get this at Dhaos' castle in the past (see section
3.21 of Part I).
Use: The Gold Key is used to open several doors in Dhaos'

W i n g P a c k
Description: A pack containing the Airbirds.
Acquire: You get this from Stanley at Euclid in the future
after you forge a contract with Volt (see section 3.25
of Part I).
Use: This allows you to fly on the world map by pressing
the 'A' button.

A y f l i t e ' s N o t e s
Description: A book of pirate treasure.
Acquire: You get this from Graham at Freezekill in the future
(see section 4.4 of Part I).
Use: Once you have this, you can find Ayflite's Treasure
(see section 4.4 of Part I).

R o s a ' s D r e s s
Description: Ayflite the Pirate King's wife's dress.
Acquire: You find this as part of the 'Ayflite's Treasure'
quest (see section 4.4 of Part I).
Use: There's no real use to this. You can give it to
Graham, but you won't get anything in exchange.

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III.1- Shops in the Present


| Mountain Pass: Variety Store \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Apple Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP 60 |
| Orange Gummy Restores 30% of a character's MP 200 |
| Remedy Bottle Restores all status ailments 105 |
| Flare Bottle Temporarily increases attack by 30% 150 |

| Euclid: Variety Store \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Longsword Sword for Cless (Slice 5, Stab 5) 140 |
| Sabre Sword for Cless (Slice 8, Stab 5) 200 |
| Rapier Sword for Cless (Slice 2, Stab 9) 180 |
| Shortbow Bow for Chester (Attack 8, Acy 8) 50 |
| Longbow Bow for Chester (Attack 20, Acy 10) 200 |
| Rod Rod for Mint (Attack 2, Acy 10) 10 |
| Chain Mail Armor for Cless and Chester (Def 4) 900 |
| Leather Gloves Gloves for Cless (Def 1) 150 |
| Round Shield Shield for Cless (Run 40) 300 |
| Bread Food Item (Food Value 10) 5 |
| Creamy Cheese Food Item (Food Value 20) 10 |
| Apple Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP 60 |
| Orange Gummy Restores 30% of a character's MP 200 |
| Flare Bottle Temporarily increases attack by 30% 150 |
| Mantle Accessory (useless by itself) 20 |
| Iron Boots Accessory (halves your speed) 1,010 |
| Euclid: Items Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Apple Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP 60 |
| Orange Gummy Restores 30% of a character's MP 200 |
| Remedy Bottle Restores all status ailments 105 |
| Flare Bottle Temporarily increases attack by 30% 150 |
| Euclid: Grocery Market \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Bread Food Item (Food Value 10) 5 |
| Creamy Cheese Food Item (Food Value 20) 10 |
| Sirloin Steak Food Item (Food Value 80) 40 |
| Euclid: Armor Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Tunic Armor for male characters (Def 2) 120 |
| Chain Mail Armor for Cless and Chester (Def 4) 900 |
| Leather Hat Helmet for Cless (Def 1) 600 |
| Leather Gloves Gloves for Cless (Def 1) 150 |
| Wooden Shield Shield for Cless (Run 30) 50 |
| Round Shield Shield for Cless (Run 40) 300 |
| Jet Boots Accessory (allows sprinting) 210 |
| Euclid: Weapons Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Longsword Sword for Cless (Slice 5, Stab 5) 140 |
| Sabre Sword for Cless (Slice 8, Stab 5) 200 |
| Rapier Sword for Cless (Slice 2, Stab 9) 180 |
| Shortbow Bow for Chester (Attack 8, Acy 8) 50 |
| Longbow Bow for Chester (Attack 20, Acy 10) 200 |

| Morrison's House: Variety Store \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Apple Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP 60 |
| Orange Gummy Restores 30% of a character's MP 200 |
| Remedy Bottle Restores all status ailments 105 |
| Flare Bottle Temporarily increases attack by 30% 150 |
| Sabre Sword for Cless (Slice 8, Stab 5) 200 |
| Rapier Sword for Cless (Slice 2, Stab 9) 180 |
| Longbow Bow for Chester (Attack 20, Acy 10) 200 |
| Chain Mail Armor for Cless and Chester (Def 4) 900 |
| Leather Gloves Gloves for Cless (Def 1) 150 |
| Round Shield Shield for Cless (Run 40) 300 |
| Rod Rod for Mint (Attack 2, Acy 10) 10 |
| Jet Boots Accessory (allows sprinting) 210 |

III.2- Shops in the Past

| Beladum: Items Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Apple Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP 60 |
| Orange Gummy Restores 30% of a character's MP 200 |
| Mixed Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP & MP 2,000 |
| Remedy Bottle Restores all status ailments 105 |
| Flare Bottle Temporarily increases attack by 30% 150 |
| Life Bottle Revives a slain ally 300 |
| Medicine Bottle Prevents and cures poisoning 60 |
| Spy Lens Shows an enemy's HP, TP and weakness 10 |
| Mantle Accessory (useless by itself) 20 |
| Leather Mantle Accessory (useless by itself) 100 |
| Jet Boots Accessory (allows sprinting) 210 |
| Beladum: Weapons Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Longsword Sword for Cless (Slice 5, Stab 5) 140 |
| Sabre Sword for Cless (Slice 8, Stab 5) 200 |
| Sharp Sabre Sword for Cless (Slice 25, Stab 18) 700 |
| Rapier Sword for Cless (Slice 2, Stab 9) 180 |
| Verdan Sword for Cless (Slice 4, Stab 28) 700 |
| Battle Axe Axe for Cless (Slice 35, Stab 2) 700 |
| Chain Mail Armor for Cless and Chester (Def 4) 900 |
| Ring Mail Armor for Cless and Chester (Def 7) 1,200 |
| Leather Hat Helmet for Cless (Def 1) 600 |
| Iron Circlet Helmet for Cless (Def 3) 840 |
| Leather Gloves Gloves for Cless (Def 1) 150 |
| Round Shield Shield for Cless (Run 40) 300 |
| Amber Cloak Armor for Mint, Klarth and Arche (Def 6) 610 |

| Euclid: Grocery Market \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Bread Food Item (Food Value 10) 5 |
| Creamy Cheese Food Item (Food Value 20) 10 |
| Sirloin Steak Food Item (Food Value 80) 40 |
| Apple Food Item (Food Value 60) 1 |
| Euclid: Weapon Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Sharp Sabre Sword for Cless (Slice 25, Stab 18) 700 |
| Verdan Sword for Cless (Slice 4, Stab 28) 700 |
| Battle Axe Axe for Cless (Slice 35, Stab 2) 700 |
| Ring Mail Armor for Cless and Chester (Def 7) 1,200 |
| Iron Circlet Helmet for Cless (Def 3) 840 |
| Leather Gloves Gloves for Cless (Def 1) 150 |
| Kite Shield Shield for Cless (Run 60) 600 |
| Amber Cloak Armor for Mint, Klarth and Arche (Def 6) 610 |
| Jet Boots Accessory (allows sprinting) 210 |
| Euclid: Item Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Apple Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP 60 |
| Orange Gummy Restores 30% of a character's MP 200 |
| Mixed Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP & MP 2,000 |
| Remedy Bottle Restores all status ailments 105 |
| Life Bottle Revives a slain ally 300 |
| Spy Lens Shows an enemy's HP, TP and weakness 10 |
| Mantle Accessory (useless by itself) 20 |
| Leather Mantle Accessory (useless by itself) 100 |
| Iron Boots Accessory (halves your speed) 1,010 |
| Rabbit's Foot Accessory (increases Luck by 10%) 200 |
| Talisman Accessory (increases Defense by 5%) 2,000 |

| Harmel: Item Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Apple Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP 60 |
| Orange Gummy Restores 30% of a character's MP 200 |
| Mixed Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP & MP 2,000 |
| Remedy Bottle Restores all status ailments 105 |
| Life Bottle Revives a slain ally 300 |
| Flare Bottle Temporarily increases attack by 30% 150 |
| Medicine Bottle Prevents and cures poisoning 60 |
| Leather Mantle Accessory (useless by itself) 100 |
| Iron Boots Accessory (halves your speed) 1,010 |
| Rabbit's Foot Accessory (increases Luck by 10%) 200 |
| Talisman Accessory (increases Defense by 5%) 2,000 |
| Holy Bottle Diminishes random encounter rate 80 |
| Dark Bottle Augments random encounter rate 82 |
| Pick-axe Used to break certain rocks 150 |
| Rope Used to go down into certain holes 100 |
| Harmel: Weapon Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Sharp Sabre Sword for Cless (Slice 25, Stab 18) 700 |
| Warrior Sword Sword for Cless (Slice 50, Stab 50) 1,600 |
| Verdan Sword for Cless (Slice 4, Stab 28) 700 |
| Battle Axe Axe for Cless (Slice 35, Stab 2) 700 |
| Crescent Axe Axe for Cless (Slice 64, Stab 10) 1,800 |
| Harmel: Armor Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Ring Mail Armor for Cless and Chester (Def 7) 1,200 |
| Iron Circlet Helmet for Cless (Def 3) 840 |
| Leather Gloves Gloves for Cless (Def 1) 150 |
| Kite Shield Shield for Cless (Run 60) 600 |
| Amber Cloak Armor for Mint, Klarth and Arche (Def 6) 610 |
| Mitre Helmet for Mint and Klarth (Def 3) 210 |

| Venezzia: Grocery Market \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Bread Food Item (Food Value 10) 5 |
| Creamy Cheese Food Item (Food Value 20) 10 |
| Sirloin Steak Food Item (Food Value 80) 40 |
| Apple Food Item (Food Value 60) 1 |
| Steak Food Item (Food Value 260) 180 |
| Twinkie Food Item (Food Value 150) 100 |
| Seafood Food Item (Food Value 300) 60 |
| Venezzia: Item Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Apple Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP 60 |
| Orange Gummy Restores 30% of a character's MP 200 |
| Mixed Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP & MP 2,000 |
| Remedy Bottle Restores all status ailments 105 |
| Life Bottle Revives a slain ally 300 |
| Flare Bottle Temporarily increases attack by 30% 150 |
| Medicine Bottle Prevents and cures poisoning 60 |
| Leather Mantle Accessory (useless by itself) 100 |
| Iron Boots Accessory (halves your speed) 1,010 |
| Spy Lens Shows an enemy's HP, TP and weakness 10 |
| Rabbit's Foot Accessory (increases Luck by 10%) 200 |
| Talisman Accessory (increases Defense by 5%) 2,000 |
| Holy Bottle Diminishes random encounter rate 80 |
| Dark Bottle Augments random encounter rate 82 |
| White Mist Accessory (escape battles 30% faster) 5,100 |
| Venezzia: Weapon Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Sharp Sabre Sword for Cless (Slice 25, Stab 18) 700 |
| Warrior Sword Sword for Cless (Slice 50, Stab 50) 1,600 |
| Verdan Sword for Cless (Slice 4, Stab 28) 700 |
| Corsesque Spear for Cless (Slice 50,Stab 156) 2,400 |
| Battle Axe Axe for Cless (Slice 35, Stab 2) 700 |
| Crescent Axe Axe for Cless (Slice 64, Stab 10) 1,800 |
| Gem Rod Rod for Mint (Attack 15, Acy 10) 600 |
| Venezzia: Armor Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Ring Mail Armor for Cless and Chester (Def 7) 1,200 |
| Splint Mail Armor for Cless and Chester (Def 9) 1,900 |
| Iron Circlet Helmet for Cless (Def 3) 840 |
| Armet Helm Helmet for Cless (Def 5) 1,320 |
| Leather Gloves Gloves for Cless (Def 1) 150 |
| Iron Gloves Gloves for Cless and Chester (Def 2) 600 |
| Kite Shield Shield for Cless (Run 60) 600 |
| Knight Shield Shield for Cless (Run 70) 1,150 |
| Amber Cloak Armor for Mint, Klarth and Arche (Def 6) 610 |
| Mitre Helmet for Mint and Klarth (Def 3) 210 |
| Jet Boots Accessory (allows sprinting) 210 |
| Vendor in the Ship at Demitel's Island: Variety Store \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Apple Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP 60 |
| Orange Gummy Restores 30% of a character's MP 200 |
| Mixed Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP & MP 2,000 |
| Remedy Bottle Restores all status ailments 105 |
| Life Bottle Revives a slain ally 300 |
| Bread Food Item (Food Value 10) 5 |
| Creamy Cheese Food Item (Food Value 20) 10 |
| Sirloin Steak Food Item (Food Value 80) 40 |

| Alvanista: Pharmacy \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Apple Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP 60 |
| Orange Gummy Restores 30% of a character's MP 200 |
| Mixed Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP & MP 2,000 |
| Remedy Bottle Restores all status ailments 105 |
| Life Bottle Revives a slain ally 300 |
| Flare Bottle Temporarily increases attack by 30% 150 |
| Medicine Bottle Prevents and cures poisoning 60 |
| Alvanista: Grocery Market \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Bread Food Item (Food Value 10) 5 |
| Creamy Cheese Food Item (Food Value 20) 10 |
| Sirloin Steak Food Item (Food Value 80) 40 |
| Apple Food Item (Food Value 60) 1 |
| Steak Food Item (Food Value 260) 180 |
| Twinkie Food Item (Food Value 150) 100 |
| Mackerel Food Item (Food Value 2,000) 3,400 |
| Alvanista: Weapon Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Warrior Sword Sword for Cless (Slice 50, Stab 50) 1,600 |
| Corsesque Spear for Cless (Slice 50,Stab 156) 2,400 |
| Crescent Axe Axe for Cless (Slice 64, Stab 10) 1,800 |
| Halberd Spear for Cless (Slice 105, Stab 105) 4,000 |
| Epee Sword for Cless (Slice 8, Stab 26) 1,400 |
| Bardish Axe for Cless (Slice 115, Stab 15) 2,980 |
| Gem Rod Rod for Mint (Attack 15, Acy 10) 600 |
| Ruby Rod Rod for Mint (Attack 30, Acy 10) 1,240 |
| Alvanista: Armor Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Splint Mail Armor for Cless and Chester (Def 9) 1,900 |
| Breast Plate Armor for Cless and Chester (Def 13) 3,600 |
| Armet Helm Helmet for Cless (Def 5) 1,320 |
| Gauntlet Gloves for Cless and Chester (Def 4) 1,200 |
| Knight Shield Shield for Cless (Run 70) 1,150 |
| Silver Cloak Armor for Mint, Klarth and Arche (Def 12) 2,500 |
| Panama Hat Helmet for Mint and Klarth (Def 5) 1,420 |
| Blue Ribbon Helmet for Arche (Def 5) 840 |
| Jet Boots Accessory (allows sprinting) 210 |
| Alvanista: Supply Store \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Holy Bottle Diminishes random encounter rate 80 |
| Dark Bottle Augments random encounter rate 82 |
| Leather Mantle Accessory (useless by itself) 100 |
| Thief's Mantle Accessory (increases Run by 5%) 2,000 |
| Spy Lens Shows an enemy's HP, TP and weakness 10 |
| Rabbit's Foot Accessory (increases Luck by 10%) 200 |
| Talisman Accessory (increases Defense by 5%) 2,000 |
| White Mist Accessory (escape battles 30% faster) 5,100 |
| Holy Rune Accessory (increases MAX HP by 5%) 10,000 |
| Battle Rune Accessory (increases Attack by 10%) 7,200 |
| Mystical Rune Accessory (halves spell-casting time) 65,800 |
| Silver Cape Accessory (may annul fire attacks) 3,300 |
| Pick-axe Used to break certain rocks 150 |
| Rune Bottle Used to transform certain items 3,500 |
| Poison Amulet Accessory (prevents poisoning) 6,200 |
| Body Amulet Accessory (prevents paralyzation) 26,200 |
| Vendor in the Ship at Glaciated Cavern: Variety Store \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Apple Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP 60 |
| Orange Gummy Restores 30% of a character's MP 200 |
| Mixed Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP & MP 2,000 |
| Remedy Bottle Restores all status ailments 105 |
| Life Bottle Revives a slain ally 300 |
| Bread Food Item (Food Value 10) 5 |
| Creamy Cheese Food Item (Food Value 20) 10 |
| Sirloin Steak Food Item (Food Value 80) 40 |
| Warrior Sword Sword for Cless (Slice 50, Stab 50) 1,600 |
| Corsesque Spear for Cless (Slice 50,Stab 156) 2,400 |
| Crescent Axe Axe for Cless (Slice 64, Stab 10) 1,800 |
| Gem Rod Rod for Mint (Attack 15, Acy 10) 600 |


| Olive Village: Grocery Market \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Bread Food Item (Food Value 10) 5 |
| Creamy Cheese Food Item (Food Value 20) 10 |
| Sirloin Steak Food Item (Food Value 80) 40 |
| Steak Food Item (Food Value 260) 180 |
| Olive Village: Pharmacy \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Apple Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP 60 |
| Orange Gummy Restores 30% of a character's MP 200 |
| Mixed Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP & MP 2,000 |
| Remedy Bottle Restores all status ailments 105 |
| Life Bottle Revives a slain ally 300 |
| Flare Bottle Temporarily increases attack by 30% 150 |
| Medicine Bottle Prevents and cures poisoning 60 |
| Olive Village: Supply Store \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Holy Bottle Diminishes random encounter rate 80 |
| Dark Bottle Augments random encounter rate 82 |
| Leather Mantle Accessory (useless by itself) 100 |
| Thief's Mantle Accessory (increases Run by 5%) 2,000 |
| Spy Lens Shows an enemy's HP, TP and weakness 10 |
| Rabbit's Foot Accessory (increases Luck by 10%) 200 |
| Talisman Accessory (increases Defense by 5%) 2,000 |
| White Mist Accessory (escape battles 30% faster) 5,100 |
| Holy Rune Accessory (increases MAX HP by 5%) 10,000 |
| Battle Rune Accessory (increases Attack by 10%) 7,200 |
| Mystical Rune Accessory (halves spell-casting time) 65,800 |
| Silver Cape Accessory (may annul fire attacks) 3,300 |
| Olive Village: Weapon Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Corsesque Spear for Cless (Slice 50,Stab 156) 2,400 |
| Halberd Spear for Cless (Slice 105, Stab 105) 4,000 |
| Bardish Axe for Cless (Slice 115, Stab 15) 2,980 |
| Ruby Rod Rod for Mint (Attack 30, Acy 10) 1,240 |
| Breast Plate Armor for Cless and Chester (Def 13) 3,600 |
| Armet Helm Helmet for Cless (Def 5) 1,320 |
| Gauntlet Gloves for Cless and Chester (Def 4) 1,200 |
| Silver Cloak Armor for Mint, Klarth and Arche (Def 12) 2,500 |
| Panama Hat Helmet for Mint and Klarth (Def 5) 1,420 |
| Blue Ribbon Helmet for Arche (Def 5) 840 |

| Elven Village: Grocery Market \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Creamy Cheese Food Item (Food Value 20) 10 |
| Sirloin Steak Food Item (Food Value 80) 40 |
| Apple Food Item (Food Value 60) 1 |
| Steak Food Item (Food Value 260) 180 |
| Elven Village: Pharmacy \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Apple Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP 60 |
| Orange Gummy Restores 30% of a character's MP 200 |
| Mixed Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP & MP 2,000 |
| Remedy Bottle Restores all status ailments 105 |
| Life Bottle Revives a slain ally 300 |
| Flare Bottle Temporarily increases attack by 30% 150 |
| Medicine Bottle Prevents and cures poisoning 60 |
| Elven Village: Supply Store \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Holy Bottle Diminishes random encounter rate 80 |
| Dark Bottle Augments random encounter rate 82 |
| Spy Lens Shows an enemy's HP, TP and weakness 10 |
| Talisman Accessory (increases Defense by 5%) 2,000 |
| White Mist Accessory (escape battles 30% faster) 5,100 |
| Holy Rune Accessory (increases MAX HP by 5%) 10,000 |
| Mystical Rune Accessory (halves spell-casting time) 65,800 |

| Midgard: Pharmacy \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Apple Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP 60 |
| Orange Gummy Restores 30% of a character's MP 200 |
| Mixed Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP & MP 2,000 |
| Remedy Bottle Restores all status ailments 105 |
| Life Bottle Revives a slain ally 300 |
| Flare Bottle Temporarily increases attack by 30% 150 |
| Medicine Bottle Prevents and cures poisoning 60 |
| Midgard: Supply Store \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Leather Mantle Accessory (useless by itself) 100 |
| Thief's Mantle Accessory (increases Run by 5%) 2,000 |
| Spy Lens Shows an enemy's HP, TP and weakness 10 |
| Rabbit's Foot Accessory (increases Luck by 10%) 200 |
| Talisman Accessory (increases Defense by 5%) 2,000 |
| Midgard: Grocery Market \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Bread Food Item (Food Value 10) 5 |
| Creamy Cheese Food Item (Food Value 20) 10 |
| Sirloin Steak Food Item (Food Value 80) 40 |
| Apple Food Item (Food Value 60) 1 |
| Steak Food Item (Food Value 260) 180 |
| Twinkie Food Item (Food Value 150) 100 |
| Mackerel Food Item (Food Value 2,000) 3,400 |
| Midgard: Weapon Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Mecha-Halberd Spear for Cless (Slice 200, Stab 210) 22,000 |
| Halberd Spear for Cless (Slice 105, Stab 105) 4,000 |
| Midgard: Armor Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Plate Mail Armor for Cless (Def 18) 24,000 |
| Fine Shield Shield for Cless (Run 80) 15,800 |
| Armet Helm Helmet for Cless (Def 5) 1,320 |
| Gauntlet Gloves for Cless and Chester (Def 4) 1,200 |
| Silver Cloak Armor for Mint, Klarth and Arche (Def 12) 2,500 |
| Silk Hat Helmet for Mint and Klarth (Def 12) 3,600 |
| Stripped Ribbon Helmet for Arche (Def 9) 4,000 |
| Jet Boots Accessory (allows sprinting) 210 |

III.3- Shops in the Future

| Miguel: Supply Store \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Holy Bottle Diminishes random encounter rate 80 |
| Dark Bottle Augments random encounter rate 82 |
| Leather Mantle Accessory (useless by itself) 100 |
| Thief's Mantle Accessory (increases Run by 5%) 2,000 |
| Spy Lens Shows an enemy's HP, TP and weakness 10 |
| Rabbit's Foot Accessory (increases Luck by 10%) 200 |
| Talisman Accessory (increases Defense by 5%) 2,000 |
| White Mist Accessory (escape battles 30% faster) 5,100 |
| Holy Rune Accessory (increases MAX HP by 5%) 10,000 |
| Battle Rune Accessory (increases Attack by 10%) 7,200 |
| Mystical Rune Accessory (halves spell-casting time) 65,800 |
| Silver Cape Accessory (may annul fire attacks) 3,300 |
| Pick-axe Used to break certain rocks 150 |
| Rune Bottle Used to transform certain items 3,500 |
| Poison Amulet Accessory (prevents poisoning) 6,200 |
| Body Amulet Accessory (prevents paralyzation) 26,200 |
| Miguel: Weapon Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Damascus Sword for Cless (Slice 350, Stab 315) 22,700 |
| Glaive Spear for Cless (Slice 210, Stab 424) 22,500 |
| Composite Bow Bow for Chester (Attack 500, Acy 10) 3,000 |
| Mithril Mesh Armor for anyone (Def 18) 30,000 |
| Knight Helm Helmet for Cless (Def 10) 5,000 |
| Holy Cloak Armor for Mint and Klarth (Def 25) 56,000 |

| Euclid: Grocery Market \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Bread Food Item (Food Value 10) 5 |
| Creamy Cheese Food Item (Food Value 20) 10 |
| Sirloin Steak Food Item (Food Value 80) 40 |
| Apple Food Item (Food Value 60) 1 |
| Steak Food Item (Food Value 260) 180 |
| Twinkie Food Item (Food Value 150) 100 |
| Mackerel Food Item (Food Value 2,000) 3,400 |
| Radish Food Item (Food Value 100) 20,000 |
| Euclid: Pharmacy \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Apple Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP 60 |
| Orange Gummy Restores 30% of a character's MP 200 |
| Mixed Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP & MP 2,000 |
| Remedy Bottle Restores all status ailments 105 |
| Life Bottle Revives a slain ally 300 |
| Flare Bottle Temporarily increases attack by 30% 150 |
| Medicine Bottle Prevents and cures poisoning 60 |
| Euclid: Supply Store \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Holy Bottle Diminishes random encounter rate 80 |
| Dark Bottle Augments random encounter rate 82 |
| Leather Mantle Accessory (useless by itself) 100 |
| Thief's Mantle Accessory (increases Run by 5%) 2,000 |
| Spy Lens Shows an enemy's HP, TP and weakness 10 |
| Rabbit's Foot Accessory (increases Luck by 10%) 200 |
| Talisman Accessory (increases Defense by 5%) 2,000 |
| White Mist Accessory (escape battles 30% faster) 5,100 |
| Holy Rune Accessory (increases MAX HP by 5%) 10,000 |
| Battle Rune Accessory (increases Attack by 10%) 7,200 |
| Mystical Rune Accessory (halves spell-casting time) 65,800 |
| Silver Cape Accessory (may annul fire attacks) 3,300 |
| Pick-axe Used to break certain rocks 150 |
| Rune Bottle Used to transform certain items 3,500 |
| Poison Amulet Accessory (prevents poisoning) 6,200 |
| Body Amulet Accessory (prevents paralyzation) 26,200 |
| Euclid: Weapon Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Damascus Sword for Cless (Slice 350, Stab 315) 22,700 |
| Glaive Spear for Cless (Slice 210, Stab 424) 22,500 |
| Composite Bow Bow for Chester (Attack 500, Acy 10) 3,000 |
| Euclid: Armor Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Mithril Mesh Armor for anyone (Def 18) 30,000 |
| Knight Helm Helmet for Cless (Def 10) 5,000 |
| Holy Cloak Armor for Mint and Klarth (Def 25) 56,000 |
| Jet Boots Accessory (allows sprinting) 210 |

| Venezzia: Supply Store \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Apple Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP 60 |
| Orange Gummy Restores 30% of a character's MP 200 |
| Mixed Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP & MP 2,000 |
| Remedy Bottle Restores all status ailments 105 |
| Life Bottle Revives a slain ally 300 |
| Flare Bottle Temporarily increases attack by 30% 150 |
| Medicine Bottle Prevents and cures poisoning 60 |
| Leather Mantle Accessory (useless by itself) 100 |
| Iron Boots Accessory (halves your speed) 1,010 |
| Spy Lens Shows an enemy's HP, TP and weakness 10 |
| Rabbit's Foot Accessory (increases Luck by 10%) 200 |
| Talisman Accessory (increases Defense by 5%) 2,000 |
| Holy Bottle Diminishes random encounter rate 80 |
| Dark Bottle Augments random encounter rate 82 |
| White Mist Accessory (escape battles 30% faster) 5,100 |
| Venezzia: Grocery Market \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Bread Food Item (Food Value 10) 5 |
| Creamy Cheese Food Item (Food Value 20) 10 |
| Sirloin Steak Food Item (Food Value 80) 40 |
| Apple Food Item (Food Value 60) 1 |
| Steak Food Item (Food Value 260) 180 |
| Twinkie Food Item (Food Value 150) 100 |
| Seafood Food Item (Food Value 300) 60 |
| Seaweed Food Item (Food Value 2) 1,580 |
| Venezzia: Weapon Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Damascus Sword for Cless (Slice 350, Stab 315) 22,700 |
| Glaive Spear for Cless (Slice 210, Stab 424) 22,500 |
| Sinclair Sword for Cless (Slice 424, Stab 220) 23,700 |
| Hard Cleaver Axe for Cless (Slice 500, Stab 100) 32,000 |
| Composite Bow Bow for Chester (Attack 500, Acy 10) 3,000 |
| Venezzia: Armor Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Mithril Mesh Armor for anyone (Def 18) 30,000 |
| Mithril Plate Armor for Cless and Chester (Def 28) 50,000 |
| Mithril Gloves Gloves for Cless and Chester (Def 10) 10,000 |
| Knight Helm Helmet for Cless (Def 10) 5,000 |
| Festive Ribbon Helmet for Arche (Def 18) 7,500 |
| Holy Cloak Armor for Mint and Klarth (Def 25) 56,000 |
| Jet Boots Accessory (allows sprinting) 210 |
| Ribbon Helmet for Arche (Def 2) 10 |

| Morrison's House: Variety Store \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Apple Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP 60 |
| Orange Gummy Restores 30% of a character's MP 200 |
| Remedy Bottle Restores all status ailments 105 |
| Flare Bottle Temporarily increases attack by 30% 150 |
| Sabre Sword for Cless (Slice 8, Stab 5) 200 |
| Rapier Sword for Cless (Slice 2, Stab 9) 180 |
| Longbow Bow for Chester (Attack 20, Acy 10) 200 |
| Chain Mail Armor for Cless and Chester (Def 4) 900 |
| Leather Gloves Gloves for Cless (Def 1) 150 |
| Round Shield Shield for Cless (Run 40) 300 |
| Rod Rod for Mint (Attack 2, Acy 10) 10 |
| Jet Boots Accessory (allows sprinting) 210 |

| Alvanista: Grocery Market \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Bread Food Item (Food Value 10) 5 |
| Creamy Cheese Food Item (Food Value 20) 10 |
| Sirloin Steak Food Item (Food Value 80) 40 |
| Apple Food Item (Food Value 60) 1 |
| Steak Food Item (Food Value 260) 180 |
| Twinkie Food Item (Food Value 150) 100 |
| Mackerel Food Item (Food Value 2,000) 3,400 |
| Alvanista: Pharmacy \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Apple Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP 60 |
| Orange Gummy Restores 30% of a character's MP 200 |
| Mixed Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP & MP 2,000 |
| Remedy Bottle Restores all status ailments 105 |
| Life Bottle Revives a slain ally 300 |
| Flare Bottle Temporarily increases attack by 30% 150 |
| Medicine Bottle Prevents and cures poisoning 60 |
| Alvanista: Supply Store \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Holy Bottle Diminishes random encounter rate 80 |
| Dark Bottle Augments random encounter rate 82 |
| Leather Mantle Accessory (useless by itself) 100 |
| Thief's Mantle Accessory (increases Run by 5%) 2,000 |
| Spy Lens Shows an enemy's HP, TP and weakness 10 |
| Rabbit's Foot Accessory (increases Luck by 10%) 200 |
| Talisman Accessory (increases Defense by 5%) 2,000 |
| White Mist Accessory (escape battles 30% faster) 5,100 |
| Holy Rune Accessory (increases MAX HP by 5%) 10,000 |
| Battle Rune Accessory (increases Attack by 10%) 7,200 |
| Mystical Rune Accessory (halves spell-casting time) 65,800 |
| Silver Cape Accessory (may annul fire attacks) 3,300 |
| Pick-axe Used to break certain rocks 150 |
| Rune Bottle Used to transform certain items 3,500 |
| Poison Amulet Accessory (prevents poisoning) 6,200 |
| Body Amulet Accessory (prevents paralyzation) 26,200 |
| Gorgon Amulet Accessory (prevents petrification) 46,200 |
| Alvanista: Weapon Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Polearm Spear for Cless (Slice 850, Stab 150) 44,600 |
| Destroyer Sword for Cless (Slice 630, Stab 290) 60,000 |
| Double Bow Bow for Chester (Attack 620, Acy 10) 7,000 |
| Holy Rod Rod for Mint (Attack 180,Acy 10) 6,000 |
| ?Weapon Transforms into a Holy Sword for Cless 50,000 |
| Alvanista: Armor Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Mithril Mesh Armor for anyone (Def 18) 30,000 |
| Mithril Plate Armor for Cless and Chester (Def 28) 50,000 |
| Mithril Gloves Gloves for Cless and Chester (Def 10) 10,000 |
| Knight Helm Helmet for Cless (Def 10) 5,000 |
| Festive Ribbon Helmet for Arche (Def 18) 7,500 |
| Holy Cloak Armor for Mint and Klarth (Def 25) 56,000 |
| Jet Boots Accessory (allows sprinting) 210 |
| Ribbon Helmet for Arche (Def 2) 10 |
| Store at the Moria Gallery - Ninth Level: Variety Store \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Apple Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP 60 |
| Orange Gummy Restores 30% of a character's MP 200 |
| Mixed Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP & MP 2,000 |
| Remedy Bottle Restores all status ailments 105 |
| Life Bottle Revives a slain ally 300 |
| Flare Bottle Temporarily increases attack by 30% 150 |
| Medicine Bottle Prevents and cures poisoning 60 |
| Bread Food Item (Food Value 10) 5 |
| Creamy Cheese Food Item (Food Value 20) 10 |
| Sirloin Steak Food Item (Food Value 80) 40 |
| Seafood Food Item (Food Value 300) 60 |
| Veggies Food Item (Food Value 220) 340 |
| Rune Bottle Used to transform certain items 3,500 |
| Spy Lens Shows an enemy's HP, TP and weakness 10 |

| Elven Village: Grocery Market \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Creamy Cheese Food Item (Food Value 20) 10 |
| Sirloin Steak Food Item (Food Value 80) 40 |
| Apple Food Item (Food Value 60) 1 |
| Steak Food Item (Food Value 260) 180 |
| Elven Village: Pharmacy \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Apple Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP 60 |
| Orange Gummy Restores 30% of a character's MP 200 |
| Mixed Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP & MP 2,000 |
| Remedy Bottle Restores all status ailments 105 |
| Life Bottle Revives a slain ally 300 |
| Flare Bottle Temporarily increases attack by 30% 150 |
| Medicine Bottle Prevents and cures poisoning 60 |
| Elven Village: Variety Store \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Elven Mantle Accessory (Run +10%, Def +12) 9,560 |
| Holy Bottle Diminishes random encounter rate 80 |
| Dark Bottle Augments random encounter rate 82 |
| Spy Lens Shows an enemy's HP, TP and weakness 10 |
| Talisman Accessory (increases Defense by 5%) 2,000 |
| White Mist Accessory (escape battles 30% faster) 5,100 |
| Holy Rune Accessory (increases MAX HP by 5%) 10,000 |
| Mystical Rune Accessory (halves spell-casting time) 65,800 |
| Witch Broom Broom for Arche (Attack 500, Acy 10) 1,980 |
| Dark Robe Armor for Arche (Def 50) 10,000 |

| Ninja Village: Variety Store \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Naginata Spear for Cless (Slice 600, Stab 900) 180,000 |
| Tuna Food Item (Food Value 3,000) 2,100 |
| Japanese Apple Food Item (Food Value 1,000) 600 |
| Butter Food Item (Food Value 2,000) 900 |
| Miso Food Item (Food Value 1,000) 80,000 |
| Pudding Food Item (Food Value 60) 10,030 |
| Apple Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP 60 |
| Life Bottle Revives a slain ally 300 |
| Medicine Bottle Prevents and cures poisoning 60 |
| Holy Bottle Diminishes random encounter rate 80 |

| Olive Village: Grocery Market \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Bread Food Item (Food Value 10) 5 |
| Creamy Cheese Food Item (Food Value 20) 10 |
| Sirloin Steak Food Item (Food Value 80) 40 |
| Steak Food Item (Food Value 260) 180 |
| Olive Village: Pharmacy \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Apple Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP 60 |
| Orange Gummy Restores 30% of a character's MP 200 |
| Mixed Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP & MP 2,000 |
| Remedy Bottle Restores all status ailments 105 |
| Life Bottle Revives a slain ally 300 |
| Flare Bottle Temporarily increases attack by 30% 150 |
| Medicine Bottle Prevents and cures poisoning 60 |
| Olive Village: Supply Store \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Holy Bottle Diminishes random encounter rate 80 |
| Dark Bottle Augments random encounter rate 82 |
| Leather Mantle Accessory (useless by itself) 100 |
| Thief's Mantle Accessory (increases Run by 5%) 2,000 |
| Spy Lens Shows an enemy's HP, TP and weakness 10 |
| Rabbit's Foot Accessory (increases Luck by 10%) 200 |
| Talisman Accessory (increases Defense by 5%) 2,000 |
| White Mist Accessory (escape battles 30% faster) 5,100 |
| Holy Rune Accessory (increases MAX HP by 5%) 10,000 |
| Battle Rune Accessory (increases Attack by 10%) 7,200 |
| Mystical Rune Accessory (halves spell-casting time) 65,800 |
| Silver Cape Accessory (may annul fire attacks) 3,300 |
| Pick-axe Used to break certain rocks 150 |
| Rune Bottle Used to transform certain items 3,500 |
| Poison Amulet Accessory (prevents poisoning) 6,200 |
| Body Amulet Accessory (prevents paralyzation) 26,200 |
| Olive Village: Weapon Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Corsesque Spear for Cless (Slice 50,Stab 156) 2,400 |
| Halberd Spear for Cless (Slice 105, Stab 105) 4,000 |
| Bardish Axe for Cless (Slice 115, Stab 15) 2,980 |
| Ruby Rod Rod for Mint (Attack 30, Acy 10) 1,240 |
| Breast Plate Armor for Cless and Chester (Def 13) 3,600 |
| Armet Helm Helmet for Cless (Def 5) 1,320 |
| Gauntlet Gloves for Cless and Chester (Def 4) 1,200 |
| Silver Cloak Armor for Mint, Klarth and Arche (Def 12) 2,500 |
| Panama Hat Helmet for Mint and Klarth (Def 5) 1,420 |
| Blue Ribbon Helmet for Arche (Def 5) 840 |
| ?Weapon Transforms into a Flaming Sword 100,000 |

| Aegis' Workshop: Sammy \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Rare Plate Armor for male characters (Def 38) 82,000 |
| Rare Shield Shield for Cless (Run 100) 48,500 |
| Rare Helm Helmet for Cless (Def 20) 31,000 |
| Rare Gauntlet Gauntlet for Cless and Chester (Def 15) 59,400 |
| Crescent Bow Bow for Chester (Attack 1320, Acy 10) 74,000 |
| Aegis' Workshop: Ten \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Combo Command Accessory for Cless only 5,000,000 |
NOTE: You can't have more than one Combo Command at the same time.
That means that once you buy it, you can't buy another one
until you sell the last one.

| Freezekill: Pharmacy \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Apple Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP 60 |
| Orange Gummy Restores 30% of a character's MP 200 |
| Mixed Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP & MP 2,000 |
| Remedy Bottle Restores all status ailments 105 |
| Life Bottle Revives a slain ally 300 |
| Flare Bottle Temporarily increases attack by 30% 150 |
| Medicine Bottle Prevents and cures poisoning 60 |
| Freezekill: Grocery Market \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Bread Food Item (Food Value 10) 5 |
| Creamy Cheese Food Item (Food Value 20) 10 |
| Sirloin Steak Food Item (Food Value 80) 40 |
| Apple Food Item (Food Value 60) 1 |
| Steak Food Item (Food Value 260) 180 |
| Twinkie Food Item (Food Value 150) 100 |
| Mackerel Food Item (Food Value 2,000) 3,400 |
| Freezekill: Supply Store \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Holy Bottle Diminishes random encounter rate 80 |
| Dark Bottle Augments random encounter rate 82 |
| Leather Mantle Accessory (useless by itself) 100 |
| Thief's Mantle Accessory (increases Run by 5%) 2,000 |
| Spy Lens Shows an enemy's HP, TP and weakness 10 |
| Rabbit's Foot Accessory (increases Luck by 10%) 200 |
| Talisman Accessory (increases Defense by 5%) 2,000 |
| White Mist Accessory (escape battles 30% faster) 5,100 |
| Holy Rune Accessory (increases MAX HP by 5%) 10,000 |
| Battle Rune Accessory (increases Attack by 10%) 7,200 |
| Mystical Rune Accessory (halves spell-casting time) 65,800 |
| Silver Cape Accessory (may annul fire attacks) 3,300 |
| Pick-axe Used to break certain rocks 150 |
| Rune Bottle Used to transform certain items 3,500 |
| Poison Amulet Accessory (prevents poisoning) 6,200 |
| Body Amulet Accessory (prevents paralyzation) 26,200 |
| Freezekill: Weapon Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Laser Blade Sword for Cless (Slice 850, Stab 650) 200,010 |
| Destroyer Sword for Cless (Slice 630, Stab 290) 60,000 |
| Crescent Bow Bow for Chester (Attack 1320, Acy 10) 74,000 |
| Holy Rod Rod for Mint (Attack 180,Acy 10) 6,000 |
| Mithril Mesh Armor for anyone (Def 18) 30,000 |
| Mithril Plate Armor for Cless and Chester (Def 28) 50,000 |
| Mithril Gloves Gloves for Cless and Chester (Def 10) 10,000 |
| Knight Helm Helmet for Cless (Def 10) 5,000 |
| Festive Ribbon Helmet for Arche (Def 18) 7,500 |
| Holy Cloak Armor for Mint and Klarth (Def 25) 56,000 |
| Jet Boots Accessory (allows sprinting) 210 |
| Ribbon Helmet for Arche (Def 2) 10 |

- ARY -
| Ary: Grocery Market \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Bread Food Item (Food Value 10) 5 |
| Creamy Cheese Food Item (Food Value 20) 10 |
| Sirloin Steak Food Item (Food Value 80) 40 |
| Apple Food Item (Food Value 60) 1 |
| Steak Food Item (Food Value 260) 180 |
| Twinkie Food Item (Food Value 150) 100 |
| Mackerel Food Item (Food Value 2,000) 3,400 |
| Ary: Variety Store \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Apple Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP 60 |
| Orange Gummy Restores 30% of a character's MP 200 |
| Mixed Gummy Restores 30% of a character's HP & MP 2,000 |
| Remedy Bottle Restores all status ailments 105 |
| Life Bottle Revives a slain ally 300 |
| Flare Bottle Temporarily increases attack by 30% 150 |
| Medicine Bottle Prevents and cures poisoning 60 |
| Leather Mantle Accessory (useless by itself) 100 |
| Iron Boots Accessory (halves your speed) 1,010 |
| Spy Lens Shows an enemy's HP, TP and weakness 10 |
| Rabbit's Foot Accessory (increases Luck by 10%) 200 |
| Talisman Accessory (increases Defense by 5%) 2,000 |
| Holy Bottle Diminishes random encounter rate 80 |
| Dark Bottle Augments random encounter rate 82 |
| White Mist Accessory (escape battles 30% faster) 5,100 |
| Ary: Weapon Shop \
| I t e m S h o r t D e s c r i p t i o n P r i c e |
| Destroyer Sword for Cless (Slice 630, Stab 290) 60,000 |
| ?Weapon Transforms into an Ice Coffin sword 100,000 |
| ?Weapon Transforms into a Longsword for Cless 150 |
| ?Bow Transforms into a Wave Spread bow 100,000 |
| ?Bow Transforms into a Shortbow for Chester 50 |
| Mithril Mesh Armor for anyone (Def 18) 30,000 |
| Mithril Plate Armor for Cless and Chester (Def 28) 50,000 |
| Mithril Gloves Gloves for Cless and Chester (Def 10) 10,000 |
| Knight Helm Helmet for Cless (Def 10) 5,000 |
| Festive Ribbon Helmet for Arche (Def 18) 7,500 |
| Holy Cloak Armor for Mint and Klarth (Def 25) 56,000 |
| Jet Boots Accessory (allows sprinting) 210 |

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

IV.1- List of Monsters per Location

NOTE: Bosses and enemies that only appear in special battles are
denoted by a '¤'.


Euclid Continent:
¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
World Map - Bugbear, Bee, Owl, Wolf
Spirit Forest - Bugbear, Bee, Owl, ¤Boar, ¤Baby Boar
Cave of Spirits - Bugbear, Bee, Wolf, Falcon
Mountain Pass - Bugbear, Bee
Sewers - Bugbear, Leech, Slime, ¤Slug, ¤Devil
Mausoleum Cave - Bugbear, Slime, Slug, ¤Skeleton, ¤Ghoul
Mausoleum - Skeleton, Ghoul, Zombie, ¤Golem, Falcon

- PAST -

Euclid Continent:
¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
World Map - Bugbear, Boggle, Hornet, Falcon,
Lone Wolf
Spirit Forest - Bugbear, Bee, Owl
Cave of Spirits - Bugbear, Bee, Falcon, Clay Idol, ¤Gnome
Mountain Pass - Bugbear, Bee, Owl

Venezia Area:
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯
World Map - Bugbear, Boggle, Lone Wolf, Falcon,
Slug, Hornet
Long Valley - Harpy, Sylph, Ghast, Hell Lord
Demitel's Manor - Harpy, ¤Oak Root, Bone, ¤Golem,
¤Lilite, ¤Demitel
Glaciated Cavern - Red Slug, Nymph, Calamari, ¤Undine
Ship to Alvanista - ¤Meia
Abyss of Thor - 3000R, 4400R, Evil Vine, ¤2SH,
¤Dhaos (2)

Alvanista Area:
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯
World Map - Bugbear, Boggle, Osprey
Alvanista Castle - ¤Alice, ¤Jahmir
Moria Gallery - B 1-2: Bat, Midget
B 3-4: Bat, Doom Toad, Gargoyle,
Vamp Bat
B 5-6: Huge Fly, Ogre, Bat, Doom Toad
B 7: Aza, Gargoyle, Huge Fly, Ogre
B 8-9: Red Slug, Nymph, Calamari
B 10: ¤Maxwell

Ymir Forest Area:
¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯
World Map - Giant, Toad, Osprey, Boggle
Ymir Forest - Snake Man, Lily, Oak Root
Treant's Forest - Snake Man, Lily, Oak Root, Drake

World Map - Fire Bug, Harpy, Agumi, Deela, Basilisk
Molten Cavern - Ogre, Aza, ¤Ifrit

Midgard Area:
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯
World Map - Lily, Oak Root, Giant, Hornet, Brigand,
Coyote, Agumi
Tower of 12 Stars - Mud Golem, Dark Mage, Corpse, Brigand
Valhalla Plains - Old Oak, Chimera, Agumi, ¤Drake,
Aerial Battle - Vultura, Charon, Demon, ¤Ishrantu
Northern World Map - Coyote, Agumi, Owl, Old Oak, Chimera
Dhaos' Fortress - Draygen, Druid, Charon, Vine, Iron Man,
Adept, Dullahan, ¤Evil Lord, ¤Dhaos(1)


Euclid Continent:
¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
World Map - Mole Man, Volt Fly, Eagle, Dark Vine,
Spirit Forest - G. Wasp, Boar, Baby Boar
Cave of Spirits - Karona, Doom Gaze, Frog Moss, Fiend,
Mountain Pass - Ooze, Dino Bug, G. Wasp, Eagle,
Mole Man
Volt's Cave - Arcane, Skull, Bone Bow, Volt Fly,
Dino Bug, ¤Aruroun, ¤Volt
Euclid's Coliseum - Bugbear, Krakken, Mandrake, Dark Vine,
Draygen, Oak Root, Fe. Golem, Gorgon,
¤Wyvern, Evil Weed, Komodo, Bear Man,
Ukdala, Big Foot, Fast Star, Blue Soup,
Solomond, Kemazotz, Mimm, ¤Dozo, ¤Okiyo

Venezia Area:
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯
World Map - Mole Man, Volt Fly, Eagle, Dark Vine,
Long Valley - Ghast, Vultura
Demitel's Manor - Harpy, Spectre, Fiend, Doom Gaze, Lich
Glaciated Cavern - Squid, Krakken, Karona
Abyss of Thor - Evil Vine, Krakken, 3SH, 10000R, 4400R

Alvanista Area:
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯
World Map - Grim Rock, Foot, Troll, Bleeb, Jelly
Ymir Forest - Drake, Mandrake, Branch
Treant's Forest - Asashim, Branch, Heretic, Priest,
¤Seraphim, ¤Origin
Moria Gallery - B 1-2: Bat, Midget
B 3-4: Bat, Doom Toad, Gargoyle,
Vamp Bat
B 5-6: Huge Fly, Ogre, Bat, Doom Toad
B 7: Aza, Gargoyle, Huge Fly, Ogre
B 8-9: Red Slug, Nymph, Calamari
B 11-20: Sokuram, Ishisu, Ice Child,
Big Foot, Manticor, Beast Man,
Hell Lord, Yuinaru, Tusk Boar,
Wild Wolf, Banshee, D. Flower,
Mimm, Ahlakola, Urchin,

Freezekill Area:
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯
World Map - Ekim, Eagle, Branch, Sendam, Krakken,
Warrior, Priest
Fenrir's Cavern - Sendam, Druid, Kunoichi, Ekim,
Karticar, ¤Fang Wolf

Ary Area:
¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯
World Map - Eagle, D. Flower, Ninja
Final Dungeon - ¤Dark Eye, Seraphim, Komodo, Destelar,
Asassin, Roam Eye, Cardinal, Hanzo,
Fe. Golem, Gorgon, ¤Seal Eye, ¤Dhaos,
¤Neo Dhaos, ¤Dhaos Arm

World Map - Dark Wing, Basilisk, Clyde, Neo Clyde
Molten Cavern - Djinn, Skeleton, Aza
Odin's Tower - D. Sword, Cerberus, Kary, Druid,
Yochole, Djinn, ¤Flambelk

Midgard Area:
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯
World Map - Lily, Oak Root, Giant Brigand, Coyote,
Agumi, Hornet
Tower of 12 Stars - Brigand, Corpse, Dark Mage, Mud Golem

IV.2- List of Enemies

1 0 0 0 0 R
Area: Venezia Area - Abyss of Thor (Future only)
HP 10,000 Weak: Thunder
TP 50
EXP 10 Items: ---
GALD ---

2 S H
Area: Venezia Area - Abyss of Thor (Past only)
Comments: This enemy only appears as a boss.
HP 18,600 Weak: Fire, Thunder
TP 0
EXP 6,000 Items: ---
GALD ---

3 0 0 0 R
Area: Venezia Area - Abyss of Thor (Past only)
HP 3,000 Weak: Thunder
TP 0
EXP 1,800 Items: ---
GALD ---

3 S H
Area: Venezia Area - Abyss of Thor (Future only)
HP 15,600 Weak: Thunder
TP 0
EXP 6,000 Items: ---
GALD ---

4 4 0 0 R
Area: Venezia Area - Abyss of Thor
HP 4,400 Weak: Thunder
TP 0
EXP 2,000 Items: ---
GALD ---

A d e p t
Area: Midgard Area - Dhaos' Fortress (Past only)
HP 3,600 Weak: Light
TP 150
EXP 1,300 Items: ---
GALD 680

A g u m i
Area: Freland - Overworld Map (Past only)
Midgard Area - Overworld Map
Midgard Area - Valhalla Plains (Past only)
HP 860 Weak: Earth, Air
TP 2
EXP 230 Items: Sirloin Steak

A h l a k o l a
Area: Moria Gallery - Lower Levels (Future only)
HP 22,150 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 14,000 Items: ---
GALD 9,200

A l i c e
Area: Alvanista Area - Alvanista Castle (Past only)
Comments: The individual amounts of EXP and GALD for this enemy
cannot be calculated. The figures presented here
correspond to Jahmir and two Alices.
HP 2,500 Weak: Fire
TP 0
EXP 3,300 Items: Verbena
GALD 10,528

A r c a n e
Area: Euclid Continent - Volt's Cave (Future Only)
Spells: Ice Wall, Ray
HP 2,420 Weak: ---
TP 135
EXP 1,630 Items: Resist Ring, Basilisk Scale
GALD 1,600

A r u r o u n
Area: Euclid Continent - Volt's Cave (Future Only)
Comments: This enemy only appears in the boss fight against Volt,
hence the amount of EXP and GALD it gives by itself
cannot be calculated. The figures presented here
correspond to Volt plus 3 Arurouns.
HP 2,200 Weak: ---
TP 100
EXP 23,000 Items: Protect Ring
GALD 32,767

A s a s h i m
Area: Ymir Forest Area - Treant's Forest (Future only)
Comments: This enemies give a total of 32,767 EXP points when in
groups of four.
HP 5,580 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 4,000 Items: ---
GALD 9,000

A s a s s i n
Area: Final Dungeon - Dhaos' Castle (Future only ^_^)
HP 8,500 Weak: Light
TP 0
EXP 8,000 Items: Twinkie, Battle Rune
GALD 5,000

A z a
Area: Freland - Molten Cavern
Moria Gallery - Floor 7
Spells: Fireball, Eruption, Tractor Beam
HP 1,200 Weak: Water
TP 55
EXP 150 Items: Heavy Stone
GALD 100

B a b y B o a r
Area: Euclid Continent - Spirit Forest (Present and Future)
Comments: You meet this enemy as a boss in the Present.
HP 30 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 2 Items: Veal

B a n s h e e
Area: Moria Gallery - Lower Levels (Future only)
HP 20,000 Weak: Light, Earth
TP 150
EXP 10,000 Items: ?Bow [Sand Spread]
GALD 2,000

B a s i l i s k
Area: Freland - Overworld Map
HP 4,850 Weak: Water
TP 0
EXP 2,150 Items: Basilisk Scale
GALD 520

B a t
Area: Moria Gallery - Floors 1 to 6
HP 420 Weak: Fire, Light
TP 0
EXP 100 Items: ---

B e a r M a n
Area: Euclid Coliseum - 2nd, 4th and 7th to 9th rounds
HP 24,160 Weak: Fire, Thunder
TP 2
EXP 8,230 Items: ---
GALD 3,150

B e a s t M a n
Area: Moria Gallery - Lower Levels (Future only)
Comments: The individual amounts of EXP and GALD for this enemy
cannot be calculated. The figures presented here
correspond to a Manticor and a Beast Man together and
a Beast Man with 3 Tusk Boars.
HP 20,700 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 34,000-65,535 Items: ?Bow [Shortbow]
GALD 11,270-12,020 ?Bow [Berserker Bow]

B e e
Area: Euclid Continent - Almost everywhere! (Present and Past)
HP 10 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 3 Items: Apple Gummy

B i g F o o t
Area: Euclid Coliseum - 3rd, 7th, 8th and 9th rounds
Moria Gallery - Lower Levels (Future only)
HP 36,000 Weak: Fire
TP 100
EXP 20,000 Items: Ivory Tusk
GALD 12,000

B l e e b
Area: Alvanista Area - Overworld Map (Future only)
HP 3,120 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 1,200 Items: Remedy Bottle
GALD 1,200

B l u e S o u p
Area: Euclid Coliseum - 5th and 7th rounds
HP 33,250 Weak: Fire
TP 0
EXP 6,000 Items: ---
GALD 4,500

B o a r
Area: Euclid Continent - Spirit Forest (Present and Future)
Comments: You meet this enemy as a boss in the Present.
HP 200 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 20 Items: ---

B o g g l e
Area: Euclid Continent - Overworld Map (Past only)
Venezia Area - Overworld Map (Past only)
Alvanista Area - Overworld Map (Past only)
Ymir Forest Area - Overworld Map (Past only)
HP 160 Weak: Fire, Thunder
TP 2
EXP 30 Items: Spy Lens
GALD 150

B o n e
Area: Venezia Area - Demitel's Manor (Past only)
HP 450 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 120 Items: ---
GALD 212

B o n e B o w
Area: Euclid Continent - Volt's Cave (Future Only)
HP 3,150 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 1,230 Items: ?Bow [Shortbow]
GALD 1,200

B r a n c h
Area: Ymir Forest Area - Ymir Forest (Future only)
Ymir Forest Area - Treant's Forest (Future only)
Freezekill Area - Overworld Map (Future only)
HP 16,451 Weak: Fire
TP 0
EXP 6,000 Items: ---
GALD 2,000

B r i g a n d
Area: Midgard Area - Overworld Map
Midgard Area - Tower of Twelve Stars
HP 1,800 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 300 Items: ?Weapon [Longsword]
GALD 200 ?Weapon [Slayer Sword]

B u g b e a r
Area: Euclid Continent - Everywhere! (Present and Past only)
Venezia Area - Overworld Map (Past only)
Alvanista Area - Overworld Map (Past only)
Euclid Coliseum - 1st, 2nd and 4th rounds
HP 70 Weak: Fire
TP 0
EXP 5 Items: Creamy Cheese

C a l a m a r i
Area: Venezia Area - Glaciated Cavern (Past only)
Moria Gallery - Floors 8 and 9
HP 2,243 Weak: Fire
TP 0
EXP 350 Items: Seafood
GALD 200

C a r d i n a l
Area: Final Dungeon - Dhaos' Castle (Future only ^_^)
Spells: Hammer Head, Barrier, Resurrection
HP 4,400 Weak: Thunder
TP 350
EXP 4,000 Items: ---
GALD 2,000

C e r b e r u s
Area: Freland - Odin's Tower (Future only)
HP 6,500 Weak: Water
TP 0
EXP 2,750 Items: ---
GALD 2,200

C h a r o n
Area: Midgard Area - Aerial Battle (Past only)
Midgard Area - Dhaos' Fortress (Past only)
Spells: Thunder Blade
HP 2,000 Weak: ---
TP 60
EXP 1,000 Items: Mixed Gummy
GALD 400

C h i m e r a
Area: Midgard Area - Overworld Map (Past only)
Midgard Area - Valhalla Plains (Past only)
HP 2,250 Weak: Light
TP 0
EXP 1,350 Items: ---
GALD 200

C l a y I d o l
Area: Euclid Continent - Cave of Spirits (Past only)
Comments: These guys have an extremely high defense. Cless won't
be able to hurt them (unless you have an absurdly high
level at that point). The one way to kill the Clay Idols
is to cast Tractor Beam (I still recommend avoiding
these guys, though).
HP 1 Weak: ---
TP 1
EXP 1 Items: ---

C l y d e
Area: Freland - Overworld Map
HP 7,550 Weak: Water
TP 0
EXP 4,000 Items: ---
GALD 1,225

C o r p s e
Area: Midgard Area - Tower of Twelve Stars
HP 1,550 Weak: Fire
TP 0
EXP 280 Items: Rune Bottle
GALD 340

C o y o t e
Area: Midgard Area - Overworld Map
HP 1,000 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 320 Items: Boar Roast

D . F l o w e r
Area: Ary Area - Overworld Map (Future only)
Moria Gallery - Lower Levels (Future only)
Comments: This enemy uses a skill called 'Death Scream', which may
kill your characters instantly.
HP 9,200 Weak: Fire
TP 100
EXP 3,250 Items: Veggies
GALD 2,800

D . S w o r d
Area: Freland - Odin's Tower (Future only)
HP 12,280 Weak: Water
TP 0
EXP 3,200 Items: ---
GALD 2,020

D a r k E y e
Area: Final Dungeon - Dhaos' Castle (Future only ^_^)
Spells: Tidal Wave, Resurrection
Comments: This enemy is actually a boss.
HP 56,600 Weak: ---
TP 100
EXP 24,000 Items: Gorgon Amulet
GALD 9,800

D a r k M a g e
Area: Midgard Area - Tower of Twelve Stars
Spells: Grave, Tractor Beam
HP 1,100 Weak: ---
TP 100
EXP 280 Items: Resist Ring, Heavy Rock
GALD 234

D a r k V i n e
Area: Euclid Continent - Overworld Map (Future only)
Euclid Coliseum - 1st, 3rd and 5th Rounds
Venezia Area - Overworld Map (Future only)
HP 3,250 Weak: Fire
TP 20
EXP 2,000 Items: Spy Lens, Orange Gummy
GALD 500

D a r k W i n g
Area: Freland - Overworld Map
HP 2,520 Weak: Water
TP 0
EXP 1,500 Items: Spy Lens
GALD 1,200

D e e l a
Area: Freland - Overworld Map (Past only)
HP 600 Weak: ---
TP 100
EXP 150 Items: ---

D e m i t e l
Area: Venezia Area - Demitel's Manor (Past only)
Comments: This enemy is actually a boss.
HP 2,700 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 1,512 Items: ?Book [Yellow Kings]
GALD 5,600

D e m o n
Area: Midgard Area - Aerial Battle (Past only)
HP 1,150 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 1,030 Items: Life Bottle
GALD 1,000

D e s t e l a r
Area: Final Dungeon - Dhaos' Castle (Future only ^_^)
HP 9,950 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 4,000 Items: Life Bottle
GALD 2,800

D e v i l
Area: Euclid Continent - Sewers (Present only)
Comments: This enemy is actually a boss.
HP 250 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 60 Items: ---
GALD 500

D i n o B u g
Area: Euclid Continent - Mountain Pass (Future only)
Euclid Continent - Volt's Cave (Future Only)
HP 950 Weak: ---
TP 50
EXP 10 Items: Holy Bottle, Dark Bottle
GALD 620

D j i n n
Area: Freland - Molten Cavern (Future only)
Freland - Odin's Tower (Future only)
Spells: Explode
HP 11,200 Weak: Water
TP 40
EXP 2,550 Items: ?Bow [Shortbow]
GALD 1,900 ?Bow [Flare Spread]

D h a o s ( 1 )
Area: Midgard Area - Dhaos' Fortress (Past only)
Spells: God Breath, Fire Storm, Thunder Blade
Comments: These are the stats of Dhaos when you first fight him.
He only appears as a boss, of course.
HP 49,900 Weak: Thunder, Light
TP 1,000
EXP 9,000 Items: Jade Ring
GALD 9,000

D h a o s ( 2 )
Area: Euclid Continent - Mausoleum (Present only)
Spells: God Breath, Fire Storm, Thunder Blade, Explode
Comments: These are the stats of Dhaos when you fight him the
second time (after your return from the Past). He only
appears as a boss, of course.
HP 16,250/65,000 Weak: ---
TP 1,000
EXP 25,000 Items: ---
GALD 25,000

D h a o s ( 3 )
Area: Final Dungeon - Dhaos' Castle (Future only ^_^)
Spells: God Breath, Fire Storm, Thunder Blade, Explode
Comments: These are the stats of Dhaos when you fight him the
third time. He only appears as a boss, of course.
HP 56,000 Weak: ---
TP 1,000
EXP 50,000 Items: ---
GALD 32,000

D h a o s A r m
Area: Final Dungeon - Dhaos' Castle (Future only ^_^)
Comments: These are the stats of Dhaos when you fight him the
fourth (and final) time. The individual EXP and GALD
ratings for this boss cannot be calculated. The figures
detailed here correspond to Neo Dhaos and Dhaos Arm.
HP 40,765 Weak: ---
TP 1,765
EXP 30,765 Items: ---
GALD 30,765

D o o m G a z e
Area: Euclid Continent - Cave of Spirits (Future only)
Venezia Area - Demitel's Manor (Future only)
Comments: This enemy's attacks may induce poison or paralysis. Its
'Doom Gaze' attack can kill you automatically if you are
within range.
HP 42,500 Weak: Light
TP 0
EXP 20,000 Items: ---
GALD 6,800

D o o m T o a d
Area: Moria Gallery - Floors 3 to 6
HP 820 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 110 Items: ---
GALD 100

D o z o
Area: Euclid Coliseum - First time you finish the coliseum
after visiting the Ninja Village.
Comments: This enemy is actually a boss. Since Dozo only appears
with Okiyo, his individual EXP and GALD cannot be
calculated. The figures included here correspond to Dozo
and Okiyo together.
HP 28,500 Weak: Light
TP 0
EXP 16,500 Items: Sake, Painting
GALD 11,000

D r a k e
Area: Ymir Forest Area - Treant's Forest (Past only)
Midgard Area - Valhalla Plains (Past only)
Ymir Forest Area - Ymir Forest (Future only)
HP 1,500 Weak: Fire, Thunder
TP 0
EXP 600 Items: ---
GALD 201

D r a y g e n
Area: Midgard Area - Dhaos' Fortress (Past only)
Euclid Coliseum - 1st, 4th and 6th Rounds
HP 2,000 Weak: Fire, Light
TP 5
EXP 1,200 Items: ?Weapon [Longsword]
GALD 600 ?Weapon [Moon Falux]

D r u i d ( 1 )
Area: Midgard Area - Dhaos' Fortress (Past only)
HP 3,300 Weak: ---
TP 80
EXP 1,000 Items: ---
GALD 300

D r u i d ( 2 )
Area: Freezekill Area - Fenrir's Cavern (Future only)
Freland - Odin's Tower (Future only)
HP 8,300 Weak: Water, Fire
TP 60
EXP 2,800 Items: Apple Gummy
GALD 1,401

D u l l a h a n
Area: Midgard Area - Dhaos' Fortress (Past only)
HP 3,550 Weak: Light
TP 0
EXP 1,660 Items: ---
GALD 400

E a g l e
Area: Euclid Continent - Overworld Map (Future only)
Euclid Continent - Mountain Pass (Future only)
Venezia Area - Overworld Map (Future only)
Freezekill Area - Overworld Map (Future only)
Ary Area - Overworld Map (Future only)
HP 1,800 Weak: Fire
TP 0
EXP 1,200 Items: Chicken
GALD 400

E k i m
Area: Freezekill Area - Overworld Map
Freezekill Area - Fenrir's Cavern
Spells: God Breath
HP 8,000 Weak: Fire
TP 400
EXP 3,200 Items: ?Weapon [Longsword]
GALD 1,650 ?Weapon [Arc Wind]

E v i l L o r d
Area: Midgard Area - Dhaos' Fortress (Past only)
Midgard Area - White Forest (Past only)
Comments: This enemy only appears as a boss.
HP 10,500 Weak: Light, Fire
TP 60
EXP 8,000 Items: Rune Bottle
GALD 8,000

E v i l V i n e
Area: Venezia Area - Abyss of Thor
HP 2,250 Weak: ---
TP 2
EXP 2,000 Items: Mixed Gummy

E v i l W e e d
Area: Euclid Coliseum - 2nd, 4th, 8th and 9th rounds
HP 19,200 Weak: Fire
TP 100
EXP 7,250 Items: ---
GALD 2,800

F a l c o n
Area: Euclid Continent - Cave of Spirits (Present and Past)
Euclid Continent - Mausoleum (Present only)
Euclid Continent - Overworld Map (Past only)
Venezia Area - Overworld Map (Past only)
HP 80 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 25 Items: Chicken

F a n g W o l f
Area: Freezekill Area - Fenrir's Cavern (Future only)
Comments: This enemy is actually a boss.
HP 30,000 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 12,000 Items: ---
GALD 9,000

F a s t S t a r
Area: Euclid Coliseum - 4th and 7th rounds
HP 23,150 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 8,230 Items: ---
GALD 2,200

F e . G o l e m
Area: Euclid Coliseum - 1st to 6th, 8th and 9th rounds
Final Dungeon - Dhaos' Castle (Future only ^_^)
HP 20,250 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 9,000 Items: Heavy Stone
GALD 10,000

F i e n d
Area: Euclid Continent - Cave of Spirits (Future only)
Venezia Area - Demitel's Manor (Future only)
HP 5,150 Weak: Fire, Light
TP 0
EXP 1,230 Items: ---
GALD 1,200

F i r e B u g
Area: Freland - Overworld Map (Past only)
HP 900 Weak: Water
TP 20
EXP 225 Items: Flare Bottle
GALD 141

F l a m b e l k
Area: Freland - Odin's Tower (Future only)
Spells: Indignation, Explode
Comments: This enemy is actually a boss.
HP 45,700 Weak: ---
TP 300
EXP 30,000 Items: ---
GALD 19,800

F o o t
Area: Alvanista Area - Overworld Map (Future only)
HP 3,920 Weak: Fire
TP 0
EXP 1,200 Items: Life Bottle, Holy Bottle

F r o g M o s s
Area: Euclid Continent - Cave of Spirits (Future only)
HP 6,520 Weak: Light
TP 0
EXP 1,600 Items: ---
GALD 521

G . W a s p
Area: Euclid Continent - Spirit Forest (Future only)
Euclid Continent - Mountain Pass (Future only)
HP 884 Weak: Fire, Thunder
TP 0
EXP 1,200 Items: ---
GALD 223

G a r g o y l e
Area: Moria Gallery - Floors 3, 4 and 7
HP 1,250 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 180 Items: ---

G h a s t ( 1 )
Area: Venezia Area - Long Valley (Past only)
HP 260 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 85 Items: Medicine Bottle
GALD 106

G h a s t ( 2 )
Area: Venezia Area - Long Valley (Future only)
HP 3,050 Weak: Fire, Light
TP 0
EXP 1,000 Items: Dark Bottle
GALD 720

G h o u l
Area: Euclid Continent - Mausoleum Cave (Present only)
Euclid Continent - Mausoleum (Present only)
HP 110 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 15 Items: Remedy Bottle

G i a n t
Area: Ymir Forest Area - Overworld Map (Past only)
Midgard Area - Overworld Map
HP 1,050 Weak: Fire
TP 2
EXP 150 Items: ---
GALD 161

G n o m e
Area: Euclid Continent - Cave of Spirits (Past only)
Comments: This enemy is actually a boss.
HP 3,400 Weak: ---
TP 150
EXP 9,200 Items: ?Book [Porno Magazine]
GALD 13,003

G o l e m
Area: Euclid Continent - Mausoleum (Present only)
Venezia Area - Demitel's Manor (Past only)
HP 280 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 201 Items: Holy Bottle
GALD 410

G o r g o n
Area: Euclid Coliseum - 1st to 3rd and 5th to 7th Rounds
Final Dungeon - Dhaos' Castle (Future only ^_^)
HP 21,850 Weak: Water
TP 0
EXP 6,000 Items: Basilisk Scale
GALD 6,000

G r i m R o c k
Area: Alvanista Area - Overworld Map (Future only)
HP 2,555 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 900 Items: ?Book [Porno Magazine]
GALD 2,900 Holy Bottle

H a n z o
Area: Final Dungeon - Dhaos' Castle (Future only ^_^)
HP 17,500 Weak: Light
TP 0
EXP 6,000 Items: ---
GALD 8,000

H a r p y
Area: Venezia Area - Long Valley (Past only)
Venezia Area - Demitel's Manor (Past and Future)
Freland - Overworld Map (Past only)
HP 200 Weak: Fire, Thunder
TP 10
EXP 66 Items: Apple Gummy
GALD 155

H e l l L o r d ( 1 )
Area: Venezia Area - Long Valley (Past only)
Comments: RUN! You meet this enemy randomly in the lower part of
the caves at Long Valley. This guy is almost impossible
to defeat at that point, since Cless' attacks won't hurt
him (except for Psion Bolt). By the way, The EXP and
GALD it gives suck.
HP 4,700 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 12 Items: ---

H e l l L o r d ( 2 )
Area: Moria Gallery - Lower Levels (Future only)
Comments: The individual amounts of EXP and GALD for this enemy
cannot be calculated. The figures presented here
correspond to a Hell Lord and 2 Yuinarus together (which
is the only way you will ever meet them anyway).
HP 24,700 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 34,000 Items: ---
GALD 9,220

H e r e t i c
Area: Ymir Forest Area - Treant's Forest (Future only)
Spells: Grave, Explode
HP 5,100 Weak: ---
TP 40
EXP 5,520 Items: ---
GALD 3,200

H o r n e t
Area: Euclid Continent - Overworld Map (Past only)
Venezia Area - Overworld Map (Past only)
Midgard Area - Overworld Map
HP 120 Weak: Fire, Thunder
TP 0
EXP 33 Items: ---

H u g e F l y
Area: Moria Gallery - Floors 5 to 7
HP 870 Weak: Water, Light
TP 50
EXP 250 Items: ---
GALD 230

I c e C h i l d
Area: Moria Gallery - Lower Levels (Future only)
Spells: Tidal Wave
HP 20,000 Weak: ---
TP 100
EXP 12,000 Items: ---
GALD 9,000

I f r i t
Area: Freland - Molten Cavern (Past only)
Comments: This enemy is actually a boss.
HP 5,500 Weak: Water
TP 0
EXP 4,000 Items: Flame Mantle
GALD 8,000

I r o n M a n
Area: Midgard Area - Dhaos' Fortress (Past only)
HP 7,150 Weak: Light
TP 0
EXP 1,750 Items: Iron Boots
GALD 820

I s h i s u
Area: Moria Gallery - Lower Levels (Future only)
Spells: Meteor
HP 20,000 Weak: Light
TP 200
EXP 30,000 Items: ?Weapon [Saint's Rapier]
GALD 8,000

I s h r a n t u
Area: Midgard Area - Valhalla Plains (Past only)
Midgard Area - Aerial Battle (Past only)
Spells: Thunder Blade, Fire Storm
Comments: This enemy is actually a boss.
HP 5,000 Weak: ---
TP 100
EXP 12,000 Items: Poison Amulet
GALD 15,000

J a h m i r
Area: Alvanista Area - Alvanista Castle (Past only)
Comments: The individual amounts of EXP and GALD for this boss
cannot be calculated. The figures presented here
correspond to Jahmir and two Alices.
HP 3,400 Weak: Fire, Air
TP 100
EXP 3,300 Items: Black Onyx
GALD 10,528

J e l l y
Area: Alvanista Area - Overworld Map (Future only)
HP 10,005 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 8,000 Items: ---
GALD 8,000

K a r o n a
Area: Euclid Continent - Cave of Spirits (Future only)
Venezia Area - Glaciated Cavern (Future only)
Spells: Fire Wall
HP 3,650 Weak: Light
TP 200
EXP 2,500 Items: ---
GALD 2,020

K a r t i c a r
Area: Freezekill Area - Fenrir's Cavern (Future only)
HP 13,150 Weak: Fire
TP 0
EXP 4,050 Items: ---
GALD 3,600

K a r y
Area: Freland - Odin's Tower (Future only)
HP 13,200 Weak: Water
TP 0
EXP 4,500 Items: Salamander's Ring
GALD 2,600

K e e s e
Area: Euclid Continent - Cave of Spirits (Future only)
HP 2,120 Weak: Light
TP 0
EXP 1,220 Items: ---
GALD 601

K e m a z o t z
Area: Euclid Coliseum - 6th, 8th and 9th rounds
Comments: This guy looks a lot like Gnome!
HP 21,000 Weak: ---
TP 400
EXP 6,200 Items: ---
GALD 6,020

K o m o d o
Area: Euclid Coliseum - 2nd to 9th rounds
Final Dungeon - Dhaos' Castle (Future only ^_^)
Comments: This enemy's attacks may poison you.
HP 12,500 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 6,000 Items: Apple Gummy
GALD 4,080

K r a k k e n
Area: Euclid Coliseum - 1st to 6th Rounds
Venezia Area - Glaciated Cavern (Future only)
Venezia Area - Abyss of Thor (Future only)
Freezekill Area - Overworld Map (Future only)
HP 10,250 Weak: Fire
TP 0
EXP 5,050 Items: ?Bow [Shortbow]
GALD 1,200 ?Bow [Wave Spread]

K u n o i c h i
Area: Freezekill Area - Fenrir's Cavern (Future only)
HP 3,500 Weak: Fire
TP 0
EXP 2,800 Items: Mackerel
GALD 1,200

L e e c h
Area: Euclid Continent - Sewers (Present only)
HP 60 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 6 Items: ---

L i c h
Area: Venezia Area - Demitel's Manor (Future only)
HP 7,280 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 4,000 Items: Mixed Gummy
GALD 4,200

L i l i t e
Area: Venezia Area - Demitel's Manor (Past only)
Spells: Storm, Stone Wall, Ice Tornado
HP 600 Weak: ---
TP 20
EXP 250 Items: Rune Bottle

L i l y
Area: Ymir Forest Area - Ymir Forest (Past only)
Ymir Forest Area - Treant's Forest (Past only)
Midgard Area - Overworld Map
HP 820 Weak: Fire
TP 100
EXP 200 Items: Life Bottle
GALD 181

L o n e W o l f
Area: Venezia Area - Overworld Map (Past only)
HP 280 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 80 Items: ---

M a n d r a k e
Area: Euclid Coliseum - 1st, 2nd and 3rd Rounds
Ymir Forest Area - Ymir Forest (Future only)
Comments: This enemy can use 'Drain' to make you loose TP quickly.
Also, it's attacks may cause petrification.
HP 10,200 Weak: Fire
TP 100
EXP 6,050 Items: Gorgon Amulet, Body Amulet
GALD 1,000

M a n t i c o r
Area: Moria Gallery - Lower Levels (Future only)
Comments: The individual amounts of EXP and GALD for this enemy
cannot be calculated. The figures presented here
correspond to a Manticor and a Beast Man together (which
is the only way you will ever meet this enemy, anyway).
HP 32,500 Weak: Light
TP 100
EXP 34,000 Items: ---
GALD 11,270

M a x w e l l
Area: Moria Gallery - Tenth Level (Past only)
Comments: This enemy is actually a boss.
HP 7,500 Weak: ---
TP 400
EXP 12,000 Items: Heavy Stone
GALD 25,005

M e i a
Area: Venezia Area - Ship to Alvanista (Past only)
Comments: This enemy is actually a boss.
HP 2,400 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 450 Items: ?Weapon [Ice Scimitar]
GALD 4,000

M i d g e t
Area: Moria Gallery - Floors 1 and 2
HP 750 Weak: Fire, Thunder, Light
TP 0
EXP 80 Items: Apple

M i m m
Area: Euclid Coliseum - 7th, 8th and 9th
Moria Gallery - Lower Levels (Future only)
Spells: Indignation
HP 32,300 Weak: ---
TP 100
EXP 21,500 Items: ---
GALD 8,500

M o l e M a n
Area: Euclid Continent - Overworld Map (Future only)
Euclid Continent - Mountain Pass (Future only)
Venezia Area - Overworld Map (Future only)
HP 2,150 Weak: Fire
TP 0
EXP 2,500 Items: Seafood
GALD 540

M u d G o l e m
Area: Midgard Area - Tower of Twelve Stars
HP 2,270 Weak: Water
TP 0
EXP 420 Items: ---
GALD 405

N e o C l y d e
Area: Freland - Overworld Map
HP 2,460 Weak: Water
TP 10
EXP 1,620 Items: Charm Bottle
GALD 980

N e o D h a o s
Area: Final Dungeon - Dhaos' Castle (Future only ^_^)
Spells: Meteor Storm, Tidal Wave, Acid Rain
Comments: These are the stats of Dhaos when you fight him the
fourth (and final) time. The individual EXP and GALD
ratings for this boss cannot be calculated. The figures
detailed here correspond to Neo Dhaos and Dhaos Arm.
HP 64,765 Weak: ---
TP 3,765
EXP 30,765 Items: ---
GALD 30,765

N i n j a
Area: Ary Area - Overworld Map (Future only)
HP 2,000 Weak: Light
TP 0
EXP 5,000 Items: Charm Bottle
GALD 3,200

N y m p h
Area: Venezia Area - Glaciated Cavern (Past only)
Moria Gallery - Floors 8 and 9
Spells: Ice Tornado, Acid Rain
HP 1,000 Weak: Fire
TP 50
EXP 350 Items: ---
GALD 180

O a k R o o t
Area: Venezia Area - Demitel's Manor
Ymir Forest Area - Ymir Forest (Past only)
Ymir Forest Area - Treant's Forest (Past only)
Midgard Area - Overworld Map
Euclid Coliseum - 1st, 6th and 7th Rounds
HP 2,250 Weak: Fire, Thunder
TP 3
EXP 200 Items: Apple, Japanese Apple
GALD 620

O k i y o
Area: Euclid Coliseum - First time you finish the coliseum
after visiting the Ninja Village.
Comments: This enemy is actually a boss. Since Okiyo only appears
with Dozo, her individual EXP and GALD cannot be
calculated. The figures included here correspond to Dozo
and Okiyo together.
HP 15,500 Weak: Light
TP 0
EXP 16,500 Items: Sake, Painting
GALD 11,000

O l d O a k
Area: Midgard Area - Overworld Map (Past only)
Midgard Area - Valhalla Plains (Past only)
HP 3,050 Weak: Fire, Thunder
TP 0
EXP 1,550 Items: Apple, Japanese Apple
GALD 305

O g r e
Area: Moria Gallery - Floors 5 to 7
Freland - Molten Cavern (Past only)
Comments: Its attacks may produce Paralysis
HP 1,300 Weak: Water
TP 2
EXP 200 Items: ---
GALD 251

O o z e
Area: Euclid Continent - Overworld Map (Future only)
Euclid Continent - Mountain Pass (Future only)
Venezia Area - Overworld Map (Future only)
HP 2,820 Weak: Fire, Light
TP 0
EXP 2,500 Items: Flare Bottle, Life Bottle
GALD 382

O r i g i n
Area: Ymir Forest Area - Treant's Forest (Future only)
Spells: Indignation
Comments: This enemy is actually a boss.
HP 45,000 Weak: ---
TP 1,000
EXP 40,000 Items: ?Bow [Soul Stealer]
GALD 9,000

O s p r e y
Area: Alvanista Area - Overworld Map (Past only)
Ymir Forest Area - Overworld Map (Past only)
HP 620 Weak: Fire, Thunder
TP 0
EXP 180 Items: ---
GALD 150

O w l
Area: Euclid Continent - Overworld Map (Present only)
Euclid Continent - Spirit Forest (Present and Past)
Euclid Continent - Mountain Pass (Past only)
Midgard Area - Overworld Map (Past only)
HP 50 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 5 Items: ---

P r i e s t
Area: Ymir Forest Area - Treant's Forest (Future only)
Freezekill Area - Overworld Map (Future only)
Spells: Acid Rain, Thunder Blade
Comments: This enemy's attacks may cause paralysis.
HP 7,531 Weak: ---
TP 60
EXP 2,500 Items: Leather Mantle
GALD 2,800

R e d S l u g
Area: Venezia Area - Glaciated Cavern (Past only)
Moria Gallery - Floors 8 and 9
HP 650 Weak: Fire, Thunder
TP 0
EXP 320 Items: Remedy Bottle

R o a m E y e
Area: Final Dungeon - Dhaos' Castle (Future only ^_^)
Spells: Indignation, God Breath, Cure
HP 30,000 Weak: Light
TP 100
EXP 24,000 Items: Dedis Emblem, Miracle Gummy
GALD 12,345

S e a l E y e
Area: Final Dungeon - Dhaos' Castle (Future only ^_^)
Spells: Meteor Storm, Cure
Comments: This enemy is actually a boss.
HP 62,600 Weak: ---
TP 50
EXP 10,000 Items: ---
GALD 10,000

S e n d a m
Area: Freezekill Area - Overworld Map (Future only)
Freezekill Area - Fenrir's Cavern (Future only)
Comments: This enemy can absorb your HP & TP.
HP 8,350 Weak: Fire
TP 0
EXP 2,250 Items: Mixed Gummy, Apple Gummy
GALD 3,000

S e r a p h i m
Area: Ymir Forest Area - Treant's Forest (Future only)
Final Dungeon - Dhaos' Castle (Future only ^_^)
Spells: Fire Storm, God Breath
Comments: This enemy appears with Origin when you face him.
HP 12,700 Weak: ---
TP 300
EXP 9,800 Items: ---
GALD 4,280

S k e l e t o n
Area: Euclid Continent - Mausoleum (Present only)
Freland - Molten Cave (Future only)
HP 100 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 12 Items: Longsword, Apple Gummy

S k u l l
Area: Euclid Continent - Volt's Cave (Future Only)
HP 3,780 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 1,300 Items: ?Weapon [Longsword]
GALD 1,251 ?Weapon [Dragon Tooth]

S l i m e
Area: Euclid Continent - Sewers (Present only)
Euclid Continent - Mausoleum Cave (Present only)
HP 80 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 9 Items: Apple Gummy

S l u g
Area: Euclid Continent - Sewers (Present only)
Euclid Continent - Mausoleum Cave (Present only)
Venezia Area - Overworld Map (Past only)
HP 120 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 11 Items: ---

S n a k e M a n
Area: Ymir Forest Area - Ymir Forest (Past only)
Ymir Forest Area - Treant's Forest (Past only)
HP 1,270 Weak: Fire
TP 0
EXP 220 Items: ?Weapon [Longsword]
GALD 182 Holy Bottle

S o k u r a m
Area: Moria Gallery - Lower Levels (Future only)
Spells: Explode
HP 16,400 Weak: Light
TP 100
EXP 32,000 Items: ?Bow [Shortbow]
GALD 15,000 ?Bow [Berserker Bow]

S o l o m o n d
Area: Euclid Coliseum - 5th and 7th rounds
Comments: This guy looks a lot like Ifrit!
HP 33,900 Weak: Water
TP 0
EXP 8,200 Items: ---
GALD 9,500

S p e c t r e
Area: Venezia Area - Demitel's Manor (Future only)
Comments: This enemy's attacks may cause paralysis.
HP 6,250 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 3,000 Items: Remedy Bottle
GALD 2,700

S q u i d
Area: Venezia Area - Glaciated Cavern (Future only)
HP 2,550 Weak: Fire
TP 0
EXP 250 Items: ---
GALD 200

S y l p h ( 1 )
Area: Venezia Area - Long Valley (Past only)
Comments: There are two kind of Sylphs, these being the weakest
ones. They fly close to the ground and cast only the
Lightning spell.
HP 100 Weak: ---
TP 20
EXP 40 Items: ---
GALD 184

S y l p h ( 2 )
Area: Venezia Area - Long Valley (Past only)
Comments: There are two kind of Sylphs, these being the strongest
ones. They fly high up and are capable of casting both
the Lightning and Storm spells.
HP 150 Weak: ---
TP 50
EXP 60 Items: Rune Bottle
GALD 120

T o a d
Area: Ymir Forest Area - Overworld Map (Past only)
HP 620 Weak: Fire
TP 0
EXP 120 Items: ---
GALD 141

T r o l l
Area: Alvanista Area - Overworld Map (Future only)
HP 5,150 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 2,000 Items: Sirloin Steak
GALD 2,000

T u s k B o a r
Area: Moria Gallery - Lower Levels (Future only)
Comments: The individual amounts of EXP and GALD for this enemy
cannot be calculated. The figures presented here
correspond to a Beast Man and 3 Tusk Boars together
(which is the only way you will ever meet this enemy).
HP 20,150 Weak: Fire, Thunder
TP 0
EXP 65,535 Items: ---
GALD 12,020

U k d a l a
Area: Euclid Coliseum - 3rd, 6th, 8th and 9th rounds
HP 32,250 Weak: Fire, Thunder
TP 0
EXP 12,200 Items: ---
GALD 12,620

U n d i n e
Area: Alvanista Area - Glaciated Cavern (Past only)
Comments: This enemy is actually a boss.
HP 6,450 Weak: Fire
TP 300
EXP 9,800 Items: ?Book [Rabionis]
GALD 8,600

U r c h i n
Area: Moria Gallery - Lower Levels (Future only)
Comments: There is no way to kill this enemy (at least to my
knowledge). Touching it results in immediate death, no
matter your level or equipment. Attack spells do zero
damage and death spells don't work... My only advice
here is: RUN!
HP 765 Weak: ---
TP 765
EXP N/A Items: ---

V a m p B a t
Area: Moria Gallery - Floors 3 and 4
HP 320 Weak: Fire, Light
TP 0
EXP 100 Items: ---

V i n e
Area: Midgard Area - Dhaos' Fortress (Past only)
HP 1,400 Weak: Fire
TP 10
EXP 850 Items: Orange Gummy
GALD 200

V o l t
Area: Euclid Continent - Volt's Cave (Future Only)
Comments: Volt only appears in a boss fight together with other
enemies, hence the amount of EXP and GALD it gives by
itself cannot be calculated. The figures presented here
correspond to Volt plus 3 Arurouns.
HP 28,000 Weak: ---
TP 400
EXP 23,000 Items: Jade Ring
GALD 32,767

V o l t F l y
Area: Euclid Continent - Overworld Map (Future only)
Euclid Continent - Volt's Cave (Future only)
Venezia Area - Overworld Map (Future only)
HP 2,000 Weak: ---
TP 50
EXP 1,500 Items: ---
GALD 320

V u l t u r a
Area: Midgard Area - Aerial Battle (Past only)
Venezia Area - Long Valley (Future Only)
HP 1,800 Weak: Fire, Thunder
TP 100
EXP 1,100 Items: Chicken
GALD 1,320

W a r r i o r
Area: Freezekill Area - Overworld Map (Future only)
HP 9,200 Weak: Fire
TP 0
EXP 3,050 Items: Holy Bottle, Dark Bottle
GALD 3,600

W i l d W o l f
Area: Moria Gallery - Lower Levels (Future only)
HP 50,000 Weak: Fire, Thunder
TP 0
EXP 12,000 Items: ?Weapon [Longsword]
GALD 9,000 ?Weapon [Demon Hand]

W o l f
Area: Euclid Continent - Overworld Map (Present only)
Euclid Continent - Cave of Spirits (Present only)
HP 110 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 6 Items: Sirloin Steak

W y v e r n
Area: Euclid Coliseum - Optional fight after every round
Moria Gallery - Twenty First level
Spells: Explode
Comments: This enemy is actually a boss.
HP 41,100 Weak: ---
TP 400
EXP 50,000 Items: ---
GALD 10,000

Y o c h o l e
Area: Freland - Odin's Tower (Future only)
Comments: This enemy can absorb your HP & TP from afar or paralyze
you with hits.
HP 8,550 Weak: Water
TP 0
EXP 3,200 Items: Spy Lens, Flare Bottle
GALD 1,500

Y u i n a r u
Area: Moria Gallery - Lower Levels (Future only)
Spells: Hammer
Comments: The individual amounts of EXP and GALD for this enemy
cannot be calculated. The figures presented here
correspond to a Hell Lord and 2 Yuinarus together (which
is the only way you will ever meet them anyway).
HP 14,200 Weak: ---
TP 100
EXP 34,000 Items: Sage
GALD 9,220

Z o m b i e
Area: Euclid Continent - Mausoleum (Present only)
HP 130 Weak: ---
TP 0
EXP 24 Items: Medicine Bottle

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

How could I call this a complete guide for Tales of Phantasia if
didn't had cheats for you people! Specially since there are almost no
cheats out there for this great game.

All of these cheats were made by me, so please don't distribute them
separated from this file without my authorization. Feel free to send
codes made by yourself or suggestions about codes and you will be
given proper credit.

To use this codes with Zsnes simply go to the 'Cheat' menu of the
emulator and choose 'Add Code'. Many of the cheats here consist of two
or three codes, to make them work, just input all the codes separately
and write the same description for each, so that you know that they
all have the same purpose.

By the way, there are no 'o's in the codes, only '0's (zero). Have
that in mind while copying the codes.

V.1- Toying with Characters' Level and Status

I'll explain something before getting on with the cheats. The codes
work by modifying the number that represents a character's attribute
(strength, agility, etc). The thing is, the game doesn't store the
attributes of each character by their name, it stores them by the
position of the character in the menu screen, like this:

___________ ___________
| | | The first slot always corresponds to
| Character | Character | Cless, but the others can be switched from
| 1 | 2 | the 'Formation' menu once you get Chester
|___________|___________| to rejoin your party after the first half
| | | of the game.
| Character | Character |
| 3 | 4 |

So, to use cheats for a certain character, say Mint, look at her
position in the menu and use cheats for that slot. It's pretty easy,
so I won't go into more detail.


These codes modify the total amount of experience points for a
character. When the character gains some experience points, the game
checks if he/she fulfills the requirements for a new level, since the
character has tons of experience points, he/she goes up to level 99
immediately. The only thing that's bad about this code is that the
game will notify you for EVERY level gained, but it's still worth it.

Character 1: 7E6B1A7F Character 2: 7E6C1A7F
7E6B1B96 7E6C1B96
7E6B1C98 7E6C1C98

Character 3: 7E6D1A7F Character 4: 7E6E1A7F
7E6D1B96 7E6E1B96
7E6D1C98 7E6E1C98


Note that you still can die with these codes on. If an attack takes
9999 HP, you are dead. However, there's only one enemy capable of
doing that, and it's invincible anyway, so...

Character 1: 7E6AD00F Character 2: 7E6BD00F
7E6AD127 7E6BD127

Character 3: 7E6CD00F Character 4: 7E6DD00F
7E6CD127 7E6DD127


Yep, Very useful. You won't always have 999 TP, but you can't run out
of it. There's not much else to say about this...

Character 1: 7E6AD6E7 Character 2: 7E6BD6E7
7E6AD703 7E6BD703

Character 3: 7E6CD6E7 Character 4: 7E6DD6E7
7E6CD703 7E6DD703


Obviously, this code works for Cless only. When at some points, Cless
is not the first character on the menu (when Mint goes into the
Unicorn Forest, for example), you should turn off this code, just in

Even though these two codes are awesome, using them will destroy the
fun of fighting, since a few hits can kill even the last boss. My
advice is to use them only if you are plain sick of getting your
behind kicked by a boss or if you are replaying the game to review the

9999 Slash: 7E6ADB0F

9999 Thrust: 7E6ADF0F


Have you ever wondered 'What if Mint kicked ass?'. Well, no more
wondering, for this codes will make her "kick Dhaos' sorry arse so
hard he'll kiss the moons" (sorry about that, I've been playing Chrono
Cross ^_^).

Character 2: 7E6BDB0F Character 3: 7E6CDB0F
7E6BDC27 7E6CDC27

Character 4: 7E6DDB0F


Yes! Nothing can hurt you when these babies are on, but again, using
these will make the game just plain boring. As tempting as being a
god sounds, it is really boring...

Character 1: 7E6AE50F Character 2: 7E6BE50F
7E6AE627 7E6BE627

Character 3: 7E6CE50F Character 4: 7E6DE50F
7E6CE627 7E6DE627

9999 HIT

You will NEVER miss a hit with these, but it's boring again...

Character 1: 7E6AF60F Character 2: 7E6BF60F
7E6AF727 7E6BF727

Character 3: 7E6CF60F Character 4: 7E6DF60F
7E6CF727 7E6DF727


And to complete what I like to call the 'God Code Pack', no one will
be able to hit you! However, it's not recommended that you use these.

Character 1: 7E6AF10F Character 2: 7E6BF10F
7E6AF227 7E6BF227

Character 3: 7E6CF10F Character 4: 7E6DF10F
7E6CF227 7E6DF227


These codes will make the game believe you have used Cless' skills a
hundred times (i.e. you mastered them). Have in mind that if you
haven't learned a skill, you won't be able to use it just because you
input the code. You'll have to use one of the Skill Activation Codes
to do that (see section V.3).

=============== ==============
- Short Range - - Long Range -
=============== ==============

Tiger Teeth: 7E715664 Psion Bolt: 7E715764
Blade Storm: 7E715A64 Lionheart: 7E715C64
Dual Kick: 7E716264 Phoenix: 7E716164
Magma Rift: 7E716464 Soul Edge: 7E716864
Soul Wave: 7E716564 Lightning Bolt: 7E716364
Teleport: 7E716664

V.2- General Toying


This is my personal favorite; too bad I learned how to make codes
after I had finished the walkthrough. I'll explain how it works: after
every battle, the number of steps you can take before fighting is
decided. For each step you take, the number is reduced by one. When
the number reaches zero, you enter a battle. This code locks that
number in ten (it could have been any other number), hence you NEVER
have to enter a random battle. Now enjoy!

WARNING: Turning this code off while in a town or a place where there
aren't random encounters will cause a random battle to take
place after you walk a few steps. If it is in a town, you'll
have to fight the boss from Fenrir's Ice Cavern that will
most likely kill your characters in a few hits. The cool part
is, that the background will be a ruined castle, which is
something you can't normally see. Thanks a lot to Tyson
Anderson for telling me this.

No Random Fights: 7E143C0A

Game Genie Version: CDF7-FE7B

9,999,999 GALD

Just the regular lots-of-money cheat. Thanks a lot to Tyson Anderson,
who pointed out that I had forgotten to add this cheat.

Lots of Gald: 7E14B37F


And what's the use of that you might wonder. Well, in order to get
some things (such as one of Cless' jobs), you need to have fought a
certain amount of times. This solves the problem for those who just
use the 'No Random Battles' code all the time.

9999 Fights: 7E143D7F


Yep, this code will keep your food sack better than filled, however,
the amount of food is weird and is not as much as I'd like it to be
but... whatever!

Tons of Food: 7E14867F

V.3 Skill Activation Codes

All of these codes where created by Jeffrey Tam, who kindly allowed
me to include them here. If you want a code for Tales of Phantasia
that does not appear in this FAQ, you can probably find it in his
guide, be sure to check it out!


Even though you can get most of Cless' skills by taking him to level
99 with codes, three of his skills are only acquired at certain story
points. Now enjoy!

========== ==========
- Skills - - Combos -
========== ==========

Tiger Teeth 7E709181 Psion Kick 7E70A481
Psion Bolt 7E709281 Mecha Blade 7E70A581
Gale Shield 7E709301 Psion Storm 7E70A681
Blade Storm 7E709581 Magma Bolt 7E70A781
Fury Slash 7E709601 Lion Lunge 7E70A881
Lionheart 7E709781 Lion Teeth 7E70A981
Firebrand 7E709801 Lion Claws 7E70AA81
Eir's Love 7E709901 Lion Flare 7E70AB81
Focus More 7E709A01 Bolt Crash 7E70AC81
Focus 7E709B01 Thor's Wrath 7E70AD81
Phoenix 7E709C81 Tempest 7E70AE81
Dual Kick 7E709D81 Earth's Rage 7E70AF81
Lightning Bolt 7E709E81 Flare Talon 7E70B081
Magma Rift 7E709F81 Odin's Wrath 7E70B181
Soul Wave 7E70A081 Burning Soul 7E70B281
Teleport 7E70A181 Cinder Hawk 7E70B381
Soul Edge 7E70A381 Soul Forge 7E70B481
Soul Strike 7E70B581


All of Mint's healing spells can actually be gotten by leveling up,
but for the sake of completeness of the guide, I will include these
codes as well...

First Aid 7E70B601 Recover 7E70BF01
Deep Mist 7E70B701 Barrier 7E70C001
Hammer 7E70B801 Dispel 7E70C101
Heal 7E70B901 Nurse 7E70C201
Antidote 7E70BA01 Haste 7E70C301
Silence 7E70BB01 Delay 7E70C401
Acid Rain 7E70BC01 Hammer Head 7E70C501
Cure 7E70BD01 Resurrect 7E70C601
Valkyrie 7E70BE01 Raise Dead 7E70C701


These codes are really useful, since you can't acquire the Spirits by
just leveling up. There's not much more to say about them, they just
plain great!

Sylphs 7E70D601 Shadow 7E70DC01
Undine 7E70D701 Aska 7E70DD01
Gnome 7E70D801 Volt 7E70DE01
Ifrit 7E70D901 Origin 7E70DF01
Maxwell 7E70DA01 Gremlin 7E70E001
Luna 7E70DB01 Chameleon 7E70E101


Just like the codes that activate the Spirits, these codes are really

Fireball 7E70F601 Flare Tornado 7E710201
Lightning 7E70F701 Ray 7E710301
Ice Needle 7E70F801 Fire Storm 7E710401
Grave 7E70F901 God Breath 7E710501
Eruption 7E70FA01 Distortion 7E710601
Storm 7E70FB01 Explode 7E710701
Ice Tornado 7E70FC01 Indignation 7E710801
Stone Wall 7E70FD01 Tidal Wave 7E710901
Tractor Beam 7E70FE01 Death Cloud 7E710A01
Fire Wall 7E70FF01 Meteor Storm 7E710B01
Thunder Blade 7E710001 Black Hole 7E710C01
Ice Wall 7E710101 Extinction 7E710D01

V.4- Item Modification Codes

All of this codes were made and tested by Chris Morgan. He kindly
submitted his codes to be included in this guide and I can't thank him

The updated list of the items' PAR values (with the correct names for
the items) is courtesy of Jeffrey Tam.

Note #1: Item ID - 3 hex digits
- first 2 digits goes in ?? of the ITEM ID CODE
- third digit goes in the first ?? of the ITEM
Item Quantity - 1 hex digit
- goes in the second ?? of the ITEM QUANTITY CODE

Ex #1)
ITEM ID is "0B8". Place 9 of this item in the item slot (1,1).

HINT: ITEM ID CODE for slot (1,1) is 7E8989 ??, and
ITEM QUANTITY CODE for slot (1,1) is 7E8AA9 ??.


7E8969 0B
7E8AA9 89

enabled. Instead, enable the ITEM MOD CODES, reload the game,
save the game, turn ITEM MOD CODES off, and reload the game
again. Now, you can sort the items without causing errors.


________________________ ________________________
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Slot (1,1) - 7E8969 ?? Slot (1,1) - 7E8AA9 ??
Slot (1,2) - 7E896A ?? Slot (1,2) - 7E8AAA ??
Slot (2,1) - 7E896B ?? Slot (2,1) - 7E8AAB ??
Slot (2,2) - 7E896C ?? Slot (2,2) - 7E8AAC ??
Slot (3,1) - 7E896D ?? Slot (3,1) - 7E8AAD ??
Slot (3,2) - 7E896E ?? Slot (3,2) - 7E8AAE ??
Slot (4,1) - 7E896F ?? Slot (4,1) - 7E8AAF ??
Slot (4,2) - 7E8970 ?? Slot (4,2) - 7E8AB0 ??
Slot (5,1) - 7E8971 ?? Slot (5,1) - 7E8AB1 ??
Slot (5,2) - 7E8972 ?? Slot (5,2) - 7E8AB2 ??
Slot (6,1) - 7E8973 ?? Slot (6,1) - 7E8AB3 ??
Slot (6,2) - 7E8974 ?? Slot (6,2) - 7E8AB4 ??
Slot (7,1) - 7E8975 ?? Slot (7,1) - 7E8AB5 ??
Slot (7,2) - 7E8976 ?? Slot (7,2) - 7E8AB6 ??
Slot (8,1) - 7E8977 ?? Slot (8,1) - 7E8AB7 ??
Slot (8,2) - 7E8978 ?? Slot (8,2) - 7E8AB8 ??
Slot (9,1) - 7E8979 ?? Slot (9,1) - 7E8AB9 ??
Slot (9,2) - 7E897A ?? Slot (9,2) - 7E8ABA ??
Slot (10,1) - 7E897B ?? Slot (10,1) - 7E8ABB ??
Slot (10,2) - 7E897C ?? Slot (10,2) - 7E8ABC ??
Slot (11,1) - 7E897D ?? Slot (11,1) - 7E8ABD ??
Slot (11,2) - 7E897E ?? Slot (11,2) - 7E8ABE ??
Slot (12,1) - 7E897F ?? Slot (12,1) - 7E8ABF ??
Slot (12,2) - 7E8980 ?? Slot (12,2) - 7E8AC0 ??
Slot (13,1) - 7E8981 ?? Slot (13,1) - 7E8AC1 ??
Slot (13,2) - 7E8982 ?? Slot (13,2) - 7E8AC2 ??
Slot (14,1) - 7E8983 ?? Slot (14,1) - 7E8AC3 ??
Slot (14,2) - 7E8984 ?? Slot (14,2) - 7E8AC4 ??
Slot (15,1) - 7E8985 ?? Slot (15,1) - 7E8AC5 ??
Slot (15,2) - 7E8986 ?? Slot (15,2) - 7E8AC6 ??
Slot (16,1) - 7E8987 ?? Slot (16,1) - 7E8AC7 ??
Slot (16,2) - 7E8988 ?? Slot (16,2) - 7E8AC8 ??
Slot (17,1) - 7E8989 ?? Slot (17,1) - 7E8AC9 ??
Slot (17,2) - 7E898A ?? Slot (17,2) - 7E8ACA ??
Slot (18,1) - 7E898B ?? Slot (18,1) - 7E8ACB ??
Slot (18,2) - 7E898C ?? Slot (18,2) - 7E8ACC ??
Slot (19,1) - 7E898D ?? Slot (19,1) - 7E8ACD ??
Slot (19,2) - 7E898E ?? Slot (19,2) - 7E8ACE ??
Slot (20,1) - 7E898F ?? Slot (20,1) - 7E8ACF ??
Slot (20,2) - 7E8990 ?? Slot (20,2) - 7E8AD0 ??
Slot (21,1) - 7E8991 ?? Slot (21,1) - 7E8AD1 ??
Slot (21,2) - 7E8992 ?? Slot (21,2) - 7E8AD2 ??
Slot (22,1) - 7E8993 ?? Slot (22,1) - 7E8AD3 ??
Slot (22,2) - 7E8994 ?? Slot (22,2) - 7E8AD4 ??
Slot (23,1) - 7E8995 ?? Slot (23,1) - 7E8AD5 ??
Slot (23,2) - 7E8996 ?? Slot (23,2) - 7E8AD6 ??
Slot (24,1) - 7E8997 ?? Slot (24,1) - 7E8AD7 ??
Slot (24,2) - 7E8998 ?? Slot (24,2) - 7E8AD8 ??
Slot (25,1) - 7E8999 ?? Slot (25,1) - 7E8AD9 ??
Slot (25,2) - 7E899A ?? Slot (25,2) - 7E8ADA ??
Slot (26,1) - 7E899B ?? Slot (26,1) - 7E8ADB ??
Slot (26,2) - 7E899C ?? Slot (26,2) - 7E8ADC ??
Slot (27,1) - 7E899D ?? Slot (27,1) - 7E8ADD ??
Slot (27,2) - 7E899E ?? Slot (27,2) - 7E8ADE ??
Slot (28,1) - 7E899F ?? Slot (28,1) - 7E8ADF ??
Slot (28,2) - 7E89A0 ?? Slot (28,2) - 7E8AE0 ??
Slot (29,1) - 7E89A1 ?? Slot (29,1) - 7E8AE1 ??
Slot (29,2) - 7E89A2 ?? Slot (29,2) - 7E8AE2 ??
Slot (30,1) - 7E89A3 ?? Slot (30,1) - 7E8AE3 ??
Slot (30,2) - 7E89A4 ?? Slot (30,2) - 7E8AE4 ??
Slot (31,1) - 7E89A5 ?? Slot (31,1) - 7E8AE5 ??
Slot (31,2) - 7E89A6 ?? Slot (31,2) - 7E8AE6 ??
Slot (32,1) - 7E89A7 ?? Slot (32,1) - 7E8AE7 ??
Slot (32,2) - 7E89A8 ?? Slot (32,2) - 7E8AE8 ??
Slot (33,1) - 7E89A9 ?? Slot (33,1) - 7E8AE9 ??
Slot (33,2) - 7E89AA ?? Slot (33,2) - 7E8AEA ??
Slot (34,1) - 7E89AB ?? Slot (34,1) - 7E8AEB ??
Slot (34,2) - 7E89AC ?? Slot (34,2) - 7E8AEC ??
Slot (35,1) - 7E89AD ?? Slot (35,1) - 7E8AED ??
Slot (35,2) - 7E89AE ?? Slot (35,2) - 7E8AEE ??
Slot (36,1) - 7E89AF ?? Slot (36,1) - 7E8AEF ??
Slot (36,2) - 7E89B0 ?? Slot (36,2) - 7E8AF0 ??
Slot (37,1) - 7E89B1 ?? Slot (37,1) - 7E8AF1 ??
Slot (37,2) - 7E89B2 ?? Slot (37,2) - 7E8AF2 ??
Slot (38,1) - 7E89B3 ?? Slot (38,1) - 7E8AF3 ??
Slot (38,2) - 7E89B4 ?? Slot (38,2) - 7E8AF4 ??
Slot (39,1) - 7E89B5 ?? Slot (39,1) - 7E8AF5 ??
Slot (39,2) - 7E89B6 ?? Slot (39,2) - 7E8AF6 ??
Slot (40,1) - 7E89B7 ?? Slot (40,1) - 7E8AF7 ??
Slot (40,2) - 7E89B8 ?? Slot (40,2) - 7E8AF8 ??
Slot (41,1) - 7E89B9 ?? Slot (41,1) - 7E8AF9 ??
Slot (41,2) - 7E89BA ?? Slot (41,2) - 7E8AFA ??
Slot (42,1) - 7E89BB ?? Slot (42,1) - 7E8AFB ??
Slot (42,2) - 7E89BC ?? Slot (42,2) - 7E8AFC ??
Slot (43,1) - 7E89BD ?? Slot (43,1) - 7E8AFD ??
Slot (43,2) - 7E89BE ?? Slot (43,2) - 7E8AFE ??
Slot (44,1) - 7E89BF ?? Slot (44,1) - 7E8AFF ??
Slot (44,2) - 7E89C0 ?? Slot (44,2) - 7E8B00 ??
Slot (45,1) - 7E89C1 ?? Slot (45,1) - 7E8B01 ??
Slot (45,2) - 7E89C2 ?? Slot (45,2) - 7E8B02 ??
Slot (46,1) - 7E89C3 ?? Slot (46,1) - 7E8B03 ??
Slot (46,2) - 7E89C4 ?? Slot (46,2) - 7E8B04 ??
Slot (47,1) - 7E89C5 ?? Slot (47,1) - 7E8B05 ??
Slot (47,2) - 7E89C6 ?? Slot (47,2) - 7E8B06 ??
Slot (48,1) - 7E89C7 ?? Slot (48,1) - 7E8B07 ??
Slot (48,2) - 7E89C8 ?? Slot (48,2) - 7E8B08 ??
Slot (49,1) - 7E89C9 ?? Slot (49,1) - 7E8B09 ??
Slot (49,2) - 7E89CA ?? Slot (49,2) - 7E8B0A ??
Slot (50,1) - 7E89CB ?? Slot (50,1) - 7E8B0B ??
Slot (50,2) - 7E89CC ?? Slot (50,2) - 7E8B0C ??
Slot (51,1) - 7E89CD ?? Slot (51,1) - 7E8B0D ??
Slot (51,2) - 7E89CE ?? Slot (51,2) - 7E8B0E ??
Slot (52,1) - 7E89CF ?? Slot (52,1) - 7E8B0F ??
Slot (52,2) - 7E89D0 ?? Slot (52,2) - 7E8B10 ??
Slot (53,1) - 7E89D1 ?? Slot (53,1) - 7E8B11 ??
Slot (53,2) - 7E89D2 ?? Slot (53,2) - 7E8B12 ??
Slot (54,1) - 7E89D3 ?? Slot (54,1) - 7E8B13 ??
Slot (54,2) - 7E89D4 ?? Slot (54,2) - 7E8B14 ??
Slot (55,1) - 7E89D5 ?? Slot (55,1) - 7E8B15 ??
Slot (55,2) - 7E89D6 ?? Slot (55,2) - 7E8B16 ??
Slot (56,1) - 7E89D7 ?? Slot (56,1) - 7E8B17 ??
Slot (56,2) - 7E89D8 ?? Slot (56,2) - 7E8B18 ??
Slot (57,1) - 7E89D9 ?? Slot (57,1) - 7E8B19 ??
Slot (57,2) - 7E89DA ?? Slot (57,2) - 7E8B1A ??
Slot (58,1) - 7E89DB ?? Slot (58,1) - 7E8B1B ??
Slot (58,2) - 7E89DC ?? Slot (58,2) - 7E8B1C ??
Slot (59,1) - 7E89DD ?? Slot (59,1) - 7E8B1D ??
Slot (59,2) - 7E89DE ?? Slot (59,2) - 7E8B1E ??
Slot (60,1) - 7E89DF ?? Slot (60,1) - 7E8B1F ??
Slot (60,2) - 7E89E0 ?? Slot (60,2) - 7E8B20 ??
Slot (61,1) - 7E89E1 ?? Slot (61,1) - 7E8B21 ??
Slot (61,2) - 7E89E2 ?? Slot (61,2) - 7E8B22 ??
Slot (62,1) - 7E89E3 ?? Slot (62,1) - 7E8B23 ??
Slot (62,2) - 7E89E4 ?? Slot (62,2) - 7E8B24 ??
Slot (63,1) - 7E89E5 ?? Slot (63,1) - 7E8B25 ??
Slot (63,2) - 7E89E6 ?? Slot (63,2) - 7E8B26 ??
Slot (64,1) - 7E89E7 ?? Slot (64,1) - 7E8B27 ??
Slot (64,2) - 7E89E8 ?? Slot (64,2) - 7E8B28 ??
Slot (65,1) - 7E89E9 ?? Slot (65,1) - 7E8B29 ??
Slot (65,2) - 7E89EA ?? Slot (65,2) - 7E8B2A ??
Slot (66,1) - 7E89EB ?? Slot (66,1) - 7E8B2B ??
Slot (66,2) - 7E89EC ?? Slot (66,2) - 7E8B2C ??
Slot (67,1) - 7E89ED ?? Slot (67,1) - 7E8B2D ??
Slot (67,2) - 7E89EE ?? Slot (67,2) - 7E8B2E ??
Slot (68,1) - 7E89EF ?? Slot (68,1) - 7E8B2F ??
Slot (68,2) - 7E89F0 ?? Slot (68,2) - 7E8B30 ??
Slot (69,1) - 7E89F1 ?? Slot (69,1) - 7E8B31 ??
Slot (69,2) - 7E89F2 ?? Slot (69,2) - 7E8B32 ??
Slot (70,1) - 7E89F3 ?? Slot (70,1) - 7E8B33 ??
Slot (70,2) - 7E89F4 ?? Slot (70,2) - 7E8B34 ??
Slot (71,1) - 7E89F5 ?? Slot (71,1) - 7E8B35 ??
Slot (71,2) - 7E89F6 ?? Slot (71,2) - 7E8B36 ??
Slot (72,1) - 7E89F7 ?? Slot (72,1) - 7E8B37 ??
Slot (72,2) - 7E89F8 ?? Slot (72,2) - 7E8B38 ??
Slot (73,1) - 7E89F9 ?? Slot (73,1) - 7E8B39 ??
Slot (73,2) - 7E89FA ?? Slot (73,2) - 7E8B3A ??
Slot (74,1) - 7E89FB ?? Slot (74,1) - 7E8B3B ??
Slot (74,2) - 7E89FC ?? Slot (74,2) - 7E8B3C ??
Slot (75,1) - 7E89FD ?? Slot (75,1) - 7E8B3D ??
Slot (75,2) - 7E89FE ?? Slot (75,2) - 7E8B3E ??
Slot (76,1) - 7E89FF ?? Slot (76,1) - 7E8B3F ??
Slot (76,2) - 7E8A00 ?? Slot (76,2) - 7E8B40 ??
Slot (77,1) - 7E8A01 ?? Slot (77,1) - 7E8B41 ??
Slot (77,2) - 7E8A02 ?? Slot (77,2) - 7E8B42 ??
Slot (78,1) - 7E8A03 ?? Slot (78,1) - 7E8B43 ??
Slot (78,2) - 7E8A04 ?? Slot (78,2) - 7E8B44 ??
Slot (79,1) - 7E8A05 ?? Slot (79,1) - 7E8B45 ??
Slot (79,2) - 7E8A06 ?? Slot (79,2) - 7E8B46 ??
Slot (80,1) - 7E8A07 ?? Slot (80,1) - 7E8B47 ??
Slot (80,2) - 7E8A08 ?? Slot (80,2) - 7E8B48 ??
Slot (81,1) - 7E8A09 ?? Slot (81,1) - 7E8B49 ??
Slot (81,2) - 7E8A0A ?? Slot (81,2) - 7E8B4A ??
Slot (82,1) - 7E8A0B ?? Slot (82,1) - 7E8B4B ??
Slot (82,2) - 7E8A0C ?? Slot (82,2) - 7E8B4C ??
Slot (83,1) - 7E8A0D ?? Slot (83,1) - 7E8B4D ??
Slot (83,2) - 7E8A0E ?? Slot (83,2) - 7E8B4E ??
Slot (84,1) - 7E8A0F ?? Slot (84,1) - 7E8B4F ??
Slot (84,2) - 7E8A10 ?? Slot (84,2) - 7E8B50 ??
Slot (85,1) - 7E8A11 ?? Slot (85,1) - 7E8B51 ??
Slot (85,2) - 7E8A12 ?? Slot (85,2) - 7E8B52 ??
Slot (86,1) - 7E8A13 ?? Slot (86,1) - 7E8B53 ??
Slot (86,2) - 7E8A14 ?? Slot (86,2) - 7E8B54 ??
Slot (87,1) - 7E8A15 ?? Slot (87,1) - 7E8B55 ??
Slot (87,2) - 7E8A16 ?? Slot (87,2) - 7E8B56 ??
Slot (88,1) - 7E8A17 ?? Slot (88,1) - 7E8B57 ??
Slot (88,2) - 7E8A18 ?? Slot (88,2) - 7E8B58 ??
Slot (89,1) - 7E8A19 ?? Slot (89,1) - 7E8B59 ??
Slot (89,2) - 7E8A1A ?? Slot (89,2) - 7E8B5A ??
Slot (90,1) - 7E8A1B ?? Slot (90,1) - 7E8B5B ??
Slot (90,2) - 7E8A1C ?? Slot (90,2) - 7E8B5C ??
Slot (91,1) - 7E8A1D ?? Slot (91,1) - 7E8B5D ??
Slot (91,2) - 7E8A1E ?? Slot (91,2) - 7E8B5E ??
Slot (92,1) - 7E8A1F ?? Slot (92,1) - 7E8B5F ??
Slot (92,2) - 7E8A20 ?? Slot (92,2) - 7E8B60 ??
Slot (93,1) - 7E8A21 ?? Slot (93,1) - 7E8B61 ??
Slot (93,2) - 7E8A22 ?? Slot (93,2) - 7E8B62 ??
Slot (94,1) - 7E8A23 ?? Slot (94,1) - 7E8B63 ??
Slot (94,2) - 7E8A24 ?? Slot (94,2) - 7E8B64 ??
Slot (95,1) - 7E8A25 ?? Slot (95,1) - 7E8B65 ??
Slot (95,2) - 7E8A26 ?? Slot (95,2) - 7E8B66 ??
Slot (96,1) - 7E8A27 ?? Slot (96,1) - 7E8B67 ??
Slot (96,2) - 7E8A28 ?? Slot (96,2) - 7E8B68 ??
Slot (97,1) - 7E8A29 ?? Slot (97,1) - 7E8B69 ??
Slot (97,2) - 7E8A2A ?? Slot (97,2) - 7E8B6A ??
Slot (98,1) - 7E8A2B ?? Slot (98,1) - 7E8B6B ??
Slot (98,2) - 7E8A2C ?? Slot (98,2) - 7E8B6C ??
Slot (99,1) - 7E8A2D ?? Slot (99,1) - 7E8B6D ??
Slot (99,2) - 7E8A2E ?? Slot (99,2) - 7E8B6E ??
Slot (100,1) - 7E8A2F ?? Slot (100,1) - 7E8B6F ??
Slot (100,2) - 7E8A30 ?? Slot (100,2) - 7E8B70 ??
Slot (101,1) - 7E8A31 ?? Slot (101,1) - 7E8B71 ??
Slot (101,2) - 7E8A32 ?? Slot (101,2) - 7E8B72 ??
Slot (102,1) - 7E8A33 ?? Slot (102,1) - 7E8B73 ??
Slot (102,2) - 7E8A34 ?? Slot (102,2) - 7E8B74 ??
Slot (103,1) - 7E8A35 ?? Slot (103,1) - 7E8B75 ??
Slot (103,2) - 7E8A36 ?? Slot (103,2) - 7E8B76 ??
Slot (104,1) - 7E8A37 ?? Slot (104,1) - 7E8B77 ??
Slot (104,2) - 7E8A38 ?? Slot (104,2) - 7E8B78 ??
Slot (105,1) - 7E8A39 ?? Slot (105,1) - 7E8B79 ??
Slot (105,2) - 7E8A3A ?? Slot (105,2) - 7E8B7A ??
Slot (106,1) - 7E8A3B ?? Slot (106,1) - 7E8B7B ??
Slot (106,2) - 7E8A3C ?? Slot (106,2) - 7E8B7C ??
Slot (107,1) - 7E8A3D ?? Slot (107,1) - 7E8B7D ??
Slot (107,2) - 7E8A3E ?? Slot (107,2) - 7E8B7E ??
Slot (108,1) - 7E8A3F ?? Slot (108,1) - 7E8B7F ??
Slot (108,2) - 7E8A40 ?? Slot (108,2) - 7E8B80 ??
Slot (109,1) - 7E8A41 ?? Slot (109,1) - 7E8B81 ??
Slot (109,2) - 7E8A42 ?? Slot (109,2) - 7E8B82 ??
Slot (110,1) - 7E8A43 ?? Slot (110,1) - 7E8B83 ??
Slot (110,2) - 7E8A44 ?? Slot (110,2) - 7E8B84 ??
Slot (111,1) - 7E8A45 ?? Slot (111,1) - 7E8B85 ??
Slot (111,2) - 7E8A46 ?? Slot (111,2) - 7E8B86 ??
Slot (112,1) - 7E8A47 ?? Slot (112,1) - 7E8B87 ??
Slot (112,2) - 7E8A48 ?? Slot (112,2) - 7E8B88 ??
Slot (113,1) - 7E8A49 ?? Slot (113,1) - 7E8B89 ??
Slot (113,2) - 7E8A4A ?? Slot (113,2) - 7E8B8A ??
Slot (114,1) - 7E8A4B ?? Slot (114,1) - 7E8B8B ??
Slot (114,2) - 7E8A4C ?? Slot (114,2) - 7E8B8C ??
Slot (115,1) - 7E8A4D ?? Slot (115,1) - 7E8B8D ??
Slot (115,2) - 7E8A4E ?? Slot (115,2) - 7E8B8E ??
Slot (116,1) - 7E8A4F ?? Slot (116,1) - 7E8B8F ??
Slot (116,2) - 7E8A50 ?? Slot (116,2) - 7E8B90 ??
Slot (117,1) - 7E8A51 ?? Slot (117,1) - 7E8B91 ??
Slot (117,2) - 7E8A52 ?? Slot (117,2) - 7E8B92 ??
Slot (118,1) - 7E8A53 ?? Slot (118,1) - 7E8B93 ??
Slot (118,2) - 7E8A54 ?? Slot (118,2) - 7E8B94 ??
Slot (119,1) - 7E8A55 ?? Slot (119,1) - 7E8B95 ??
Slot (119,2) - 7E8A56 ?? Slot (119,2) - 7E8B96 ??
Slot (120,1) - 7E8A57 ?? Slot (120,1) - 7E8B97 ??
Slot (120,2) - 7E8A58 ?? Slot (120,2) - 7E8B98 ??
Slot (121,1) - 7E8A59 ?? Slot (121,1) - 7E8B99 ??
Slot (121,2) - 7E8A5A ?? Slot (121,2) - 7E8B9A ??
Slot (122,1) - 7E8A5B ?? Slot (122,1) - 7E8B9B ??
Slot (122,2) - 7E8A5C ?? Slot (122,2) - 7E8B9C ??
Slot (123,1) - 7E8A5D ?? Slot (123,1) - 7E8B9D ??
Slot (123,2) - 7E8A5E ?? Slot (123,2) - 7E8B9E ??
Slot (124,1) - 7E8A5F ?? Slot (124,1) - 7E8B9F ??
Slot (124,2) - 7E8A60 ?? Slot (124,2) - 7E8BA0 ??
Slot (125,1) - 7E8A61 ?? Slot (125,1) - 7E8BA1 ??
Slot (125,2) - 7E8A62 ?? Slot (125,2) - 7E8BA2 ??
Slot (126,1) - 7E8A63 ?? Slot (126,1) - 7E8BA3 ??
Slot (126,2) - 7E8A64 ?? Slot (126,2) - 7E8BA4 ??
Slot (127,1) - 7E8A65 ?? Slot (127,1) - 7E8BA5 ??
Slot (127,2) - 7E8A66 ?? Slot (127,2) - 7E8BA6 ??
Slot (128,1) - 7E8A67 ?? Slot (128,1) - 7E8BA7 ??
Slot (128,2) - 7E8A68 ?? Slot (128,2) - 7E8BA8 ??
Slot (129,1) - 7E8A69 ?? Slot (129,1) - 7E8BA9 ??
Slot (129,2) - 7E8A6A ?? Slot (129,2) - 7E8BAA ??
Slot (130,1) - 7E8A6B ?? Slot (130,1) - 7E8BAB ??
Slot (130,2) - 7E8A6C ?? Slot (130,2) - 7E8BAC ??
Slot (131,1) - 7E8A6D ?? Slot (131,1) - 7E8BAD ??
Slot (131,2) - 7E8A6E ?? Slot (131,2) - 7E8BAE ??
Slot (132,1) - 7E8A6F ?? Slot (132,1) - 7E8BAF ??
Slot (132,2) - 7E8A70 ?? Slot (132,2) - 7E8BB0 ??
Slot (133,1) - 7E8A71 ?? Slot (133,1) - 7E8BB1 ??
Slot (133,2) - 7E8A72 ?? Slot (133,2) - 7E8BB2 ??
Slot (134,1) - 7E8A73 ?? Slot (134,1) - 7E8BB3 ??
Slot (134,2) - 7E8A74 ?? Slot (134,2) - 7E8BB4 ??
Slot (135,1) - 7E8A75 ?? Slot (135,1) - 7E8BB5 ??
Slot (135,2) - 7E8A76 ?? Slot (135,2) - 7E8BB6 ??
Slot (136,1) - 7E8A77 ?? Slot (136,1) - 7E8BB7 ??
Slot (136,2) - 7E8A78 ?? Slot (136,2) - 7E8BB8 ??
Slot (137,1) - 7E8A79 ?? Slot (137,1) - 7E8BB9 ??
Slot (137,2) - 7E8A7A ?? Slot (137,2) - 7E8BBA ??
Slot (138,1) - 7E8A7B ?? Slot (138,1) - 7E8BBB ??
Slot (138,2) - 7E8A7C ?? Slot (138,2) - 7E8BBC ??
Slot (139,1) - 7E8A7D ?? Slot (139,1) - 7E8BBD ??
Slot (139,2) - 7E8A7E ?? Slot (139,2) - 7E8BBE ??
Slot (140,1) - 7E8A7F ?? Slot (140,1) - 7E8BBF ??
Slot (140,2) - 7E8A80 ?? Slot (140,2) - 7E8BC0 ??
Slot (141,1) - 7E8A81 ?? Slot (141,1) - 7E8BC1 ??
Slot (141,2) - 7E8A82 ?? Slot (141,2) - 7E8BC2 ??
Slot (142,1) - 7E8A83 ?? Slot (142,1) - 7E8BC3 ??
Slot (142,2) - 7E8A84 ?? Slot (142,2) - 7E8BC4 ??
Slot (143,1) - 7E8A85 ?? Slot (143,1) - 7E8BC5 ??
Slot (143,2) - 7E8A86 ?? Slot (143,2) - 7E8BC6 ??
Slot (144,1) - 7E8A87 ?? Slot (144,1) - 7E8BC7 ??
Slot (144,2) - 7E8A88 ?? Slot (144,2) - 7E8BC8 ??
Slot (145,1) - 7E8A89 ?? Slot (145,1) - 7E8BC9 ??
Slot (145,2) - 7E8A8A ?? Slot (145,2) - 7E8BCA ??
Slot (146,1) - 7E8A8B ?? Slot (146,1) - 7E8BCB ??
Slot (146,2) - 7E8A8C ?? Slot (146,2) - 7E8BCC ??
Slot (147,1) - 7E8A8D ?? Slot (147,1) - 7E8BCD ??
Slot (147,2) - 7E8A8E ?? Slot (147,2) - 7E8BCE ??
Slot (148,1) - 7E8A8F ?? Slot (148,1) - 7E8BCF ??
Slot (148,2) - 7E8A90 ?? Slot (148,2) - 7E8BD0 ??
Slot (149,1) - 7E8A91 ?? Slot (149,1) - 7E8BD1 ??
Slot (149,2) - 7E8A92 ?? Slot (149,2) - 7E8BD2 ??
Slot (150,1) - 7E8A93 ?? Slot (150,1) - 7E8BD3 ??
Slot (150,2) - 7E8A94 ?? Slot (150,2) - 7E8BD4 ??
Slot (151,1) - 7E8A95 ?? Slot (151,1) - 7E8BD5 ??
Slot (151,2) - 7E8A96 ?? Slot (151,2) - 7E8BD6 ??
Slot (152,1) - 7E8A97 ?? Slot (152,1) - 7E8BD7 ??
Slot (152,2) - 7E8A98 ?? Slot (152,2) - 7E8BD8 ??
Slot (153,1) - 7E8A99 ?? Slot (153,1) - 7E8BD9 ??
Slot (153,2) - 7E8A9A ?? Slot (153,2) - 7E8BDA ??
Slot (154,1) - 7E8A9B ?? Slot (154,1) - 7E8BDB ??
Slot (154,2) - 7E8A9C ?? Slot (154,2) - 7E8BDC ??
Slot (155,1) - 7E8A9D ?? Slot (155,1) - 7E8BDD ??
Slot (155,2) - 7E8A9E ?? Slot (155,2) - 7E8BDE ??
Slot (156,1) - 7E8A9F ?? Slot (156,1) - 7E8BDF ??
Slot (156,2) - 7E8AA0 ?? Slot (156,2) - 7E8BE0 ??
Slot (157,1) - 7E8AA1 ?? Slot (157,1) - 7E8BE1 ??
Slot (157,2) - 7E8AA2 ?? Slot (157,2) - 7E8BE2 ??
Slot (158,1) - 7E8AA3 ?? Slot (158,1) - 7E8BE3 ??
Slot (158,2) - 7E8AA4 ?? Slot (158,2) - 7E8BE4 ??
Slot (159,1) - 7E8AA5 ?? Slot (159,1) - 7E8BE5 ??
Slot (159,2) - 7E8AA6 ?? Slot (159,2) - 7E8BE6 ??
Slot (160,1) - 7E8AA7 ?? Slot (160,1) - 7E8BE7 ??



¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
0B8 Knight's Sabre
0E0 ?Sword 0F0 ?Sword 100 ?Sword 110 ?Sword 120 ?Sword 130 ?Sword 140 ?Sword 150 ?Sword 160 ?Sword 170 ?Sword 180 ?Sword 190 ?Sword 1A0 ?Sword 1B0 ?Sword 1C0 ?Sword 2F0 ?Sword 350 ?Sword 390 ?Sword 670 Long Sword
680 Warrior Sword
690 Damascus Sword
6A0 Rapier
6B0 Steel Rapier
6C0 Epee
720 Sabre
730 Sharp Sabre
740 Sinclair
780 Ice Scimitar
790 Moon Falux
7A0 Duelist's Sword
7C0 Demon Hand
7D0 Lucky Blade
7E0 Laser Blade
800 Slayer Sword
810 Holy Sword
820 Ice Coffin
830 Dragon Tooth
840 Spine Sheath
850 Saint's Rapier
860 Flaming Sword
8B0 Excalibur
8C0 Flamberge
8D0 Vorpal
8E0 Eternal Sword
B10 Muramasa
C50 Destroyer
0D0 Naginata
6D0 Corsica
6E0 Glaive
750 Halberd
760 Mecha-Halberd
770 Polearm
880 Gungnir
890 Tidal Axe
8A0 Arc Wind
6F0 Battle Axe
700 Crescent
710 Baldish
7B0 Hard Cleaver
7F0 Thunderclap
870 Bahamut's Tail
1D0 ?Bow 1E0 ?Bow 1F0 ?Bow 200 ?Bow 210 ?Bow 220 ?Bow 3A0 ?Bow 8F0 Short Bow
900 Long Bow
910 Berserker Bow
920 Composite Bow
930 Double Bow
940 Elven Bow
950 Crescent Bow
960 Sand Spread
970 Wave Spread
980 Flare Spread
990 Gale Spread
9A0 Soul Stealer
270 ?Book 280 ?Book 290 ?Book 2A0 ?Book 2B0 ?Book 2C0 ?Book 3B8 Namco Gamer
A30 Tome
A40 Opuscule
A50 Tractate
A60 Grimorum
A70 Yellow Kings
A80 Rabionis
A90 Seventh Sun
AA0 Ex Mortis
AB0 Book of Seals
AC0 Porno Magazine
230 ?Rod 250 ?Staff 260 ?Staff 9B0 Rod
9C0 Gem Rod
9D0 Ruby Rod
9E0 Rune Rod
9F0 Holy Rod
A00 Unicorn Horn
A10 Star Rod
A20 Blue Crystal Rod
240 Witch Broom
AD0 Broom
AE0 Star Broom
AF0 Mystic Broom
B00 Sylph Broom
B20 Magical Broom


¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
310 Gold Helm
370 ?Helm 380 ?Helm 3B0 ?Helm 3C0 ?Helm D10 Leather Hat
D20 Iron Circlet
D30 Fine Helm
D40 Knight Helm
D50 Beret
D60 Mitre
D70 Panama Hat
D80 Silk Hat
D90 Ribbon
DA0 Blue Ribbon
DB0 Striped Ribbon
DC0 Festive Ribbon
DD0 Paladin Helm
DE0 Star Helm
DF0 Rare Helm
E00 Mage Ribbon
E10 Star Cap
2D0 ?Armor 2E0 Dark Robe
300 ?Armor 320 ?Armor 330 ?Armor 340 ?Armor 360 ?Armor B30 Tunic
B40 Chain Mail
B50 Ring Mail
B60 Splint Mail
B70 Breast Mail
B80 Plate Mail
B90 Cloak
BA0 Amber Cloak
BB0 Silver Cloak
BC0 Silver Plate
BD0 Mithril Mesh
BE0 Mithril Plate
BF0 Rare Plate
C00 Reflect Plate
C10 Holy Cloak
C20 Star Cloak
C30 Golden Armor
C40 Gaia Armor
C60 Wooden Shield
C70 Round Shield
C80 Kite Shield
C90 Knight Shield
CA0 Fine Shield
CB0 Ankh Shield
CC0 Star Shield
CD0 Rare Shield
CE0 Shield Ring
CF0 Red Line Shield
D00 Blue Line Shield
E20 Leather Gloves
E30 Iron Gloves
E40 Gauntlet
E50 Mithril Gloves
E60 Star Gloves
E70 Rare Gountlet
E80 Hyper Gauntlet
E90 Cute Mittens


¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
020 Amethyst Ring
040 Diamond Ring
050 Emerald Ring
010 Garnet Ring
030 Aquamarine Ring
060 Moonstone Ring
0A0 Opal Ring
070 Ruby Ring
080 Sardonyx Ring
090 Sapphire Ring
0B0 Topaz Ring
0C0 Turquoise Ring
168 Jade Ring
500 Fairy Ring
5D0 Moon Crystal
610 Mental Ring
138 Holy Rune
5C0 Black Onyx
510 Force Ring
178 Protect Ring
198 Mantle
1A8 Leather Mantle
540 Aqua Mantle
530 Flame Mantle
1C8 Silver Cape
560 Princess Cape
188 Resist Ring
520 Deflect Ring
258 Silver Mattock
248 Heavy Stone
238 Evil Rune
288 Body Amulet
278 Gorgon Amulet
268 Poison Amulet
580 Blue Talisman
1F8 Talisman
148 Battle Rune
158 Mystical Rune
398 Mana Earring
228 Fight Rune
208 Elven Boots
590 Nightmare Boots
218 Iron Boots
5A0 Persian Boots
2A8 Rabbit's Foot
640 Nymph's Ring
630 Salamander's Ring
1E8 Reverse Doll
600 Armlet
1B8 Wool Mantle
550 Elven Mantle
298 White Mist
5B0 Mist Rune
650 Combo Command
3A8 Jet Boots
3F8 Sorcerer's Ring
1D8 Dark Seal
570 Demon Seal
0F8 Magic Pouch
4F0 Magical Pouch
5F0 Dedis Emblem


¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
F20 Apple Gummy
3D0 Lemon Gummy
F30 Orange Gummy
3E0 Pine Gummy
F40 Mixed Gummy
3F0 Miracle Gummy
F00 Medicine Bottle
F10 Remedy Bottle
FB0 Elixir
EC0 Life Bottle
EE0 Flare Bottle
EA0 Spy Lens
EB0 Hourglass
440 Chrono Glass
F60 Sage
410 Red Sage
F50 Savory
400 Red Savory
F70 Lavender
420 Red Lavender
F80 Verbena
430 Red Verbena
108 Lipstick
ED0 Charm Bottle
450 Lotus Perfume
660 Basilisk Egg
2F8 Cat's Eye
308 Ivory Tusk
318 Whale Meat
328 Yellow Cake
338 Sake
348 Guiness
358 Medicine Herb
368 S-Flag
378 Painting
388 Soup Pot
3D8 Pick-Axe
3E8 Rope
620 Skeleton Key
2B8 Blue Candle
2C8 Red Lantern
2D8 Green Torch
F90 Holy Bottle
FA0 Dark Bottle
0E8 Scout Orb
118 Sefira
4E0 Sefira+1
EF0 Rune Bottle
2E8 Combo Counter
128 Drum Set
5E0 Mah Jong Tile


¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
088 Miso
098 Radish
0C8 Seaweed
0D8 Egg
3C8 Oden
038 Seafood
4B0 Tuna
058 Mackerel
048 Veggies
0A8 Pudding
078 Twinkie
4D0 Butter
FC0 Bread
470 Cheese
FD0 Creamy Cheese
068 Apple
4C0 Japanese Apple
460 Burger
480 Beef
008 Chicken
028 Veal
4A0 Pork Roast
018 Boar Roast
FF0 Steak
FE0 Sirloin Steak
490 Dragon Steak

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

VI.1 Yume Wa Owaranai Lyrics

Yume Wa Owaranai is the J-Pop song of Tales of Phantasia. The lyrics
are for the short version included in the game.

Lyrics by: Syoko Fujibayashi
Composer: Toshiyuki Sekiguchi
Arranger: Hiroya Hatsushiba
Singer: Yukari Yoshida

Mahiro no sora tsuki ga
Anata no me wo sarau
Zutto matteta kono toki
Mo namida owaraseru no akeni

Mabuta tokeru hizashi
Tooi ase no kioku
Koko ni mezame no toki oriru

Mitsukete your dream kowarekaketa
Toki ni umoreta
Sono chikara ni kizuite

Mitsukete your dream doko e itemo
Kikoeteru omoi tsutai kiss kiss kiss

VI.2 Norse Mythology in Tales of Phantasia

Tales of Phantasia has a lot of Norse Mythology, this section will
try to cover as much of it as possible, please send any other info you
can add.

Fenrir - A wolf son of Loki. It reached Asgard (the world of the
gods) and had to be bound. The Gods tried many times to
control him, but the wolf broke all fetters, until the
Gods used a fetter called Gleipnir, which had been made
by dwarves. Sadly the God Tyr lost his hand in the
process. Fenrir will break free during Ragnarok and
devour Odin. In Tales of Phantasia, Fenrir is one of
the ancient civilizations that destroyed each other
long ago.

Gungnir - Odin's spear, made by the dwarves, it never missed it's
mark. In Tales of Phantasia the Gungnir is the weapon
given to Cless after the party saves the prince of
Alvanista from Dhaos' control.

Heimdall - The god who guards the rainbow bridge called Bifrost,
which connects the realm of gods (Asgard) with the
realm of humans (Midgard). He was chosen to be guard
for his incredible talents: being able to hear the
the grass as it grows and seeing hundreds of miles even
in darkness. In Tales of Phantasia, Heimdall is the
name of the place inside the Treant's Forest where
Origin resides.

Midgard - The world of mankind in Norse mythology. Midgar means
middle earth or middle garden, it was created by Odin
and his brother's out of the eyebrows of the defeated
giant Ymir. Actually, in Japanese, the name of the city
is written like Mid Galds, but judging by the amount of
references to Norse Mythology in the game, Midgard
seems more sensible.

Odin - The highest of the Norse gods. He possessed a spear
which never missed it's mark, called Gungnir, a horse
with eight legs which could run through the seas and
the skies and a magic ring which created nine of itself
each night. Odin once hanged himself on the Yggdrasill
for nine nights to learn the runes, he also gave up one
of his eyes for wisdom. Odin would die during Ragnarok,
swallowed by the Fenris Wolf, but even knowing that, he
chose to battle. In Tales of Phantasia Odin is one of
the three civilizations that destroyed each other long
ago (together with Thor and Fenris).

Ragnarok - The end and the beginning of the world. The Fenris wolf
locked by the gods shall break free and swallow Odin,
the nine worlds under the Yggdrasill will be destroyed,
the sun and the moon will be swallowed, leaving the
world in absolute darkness. After the battle, Odin's
sons shall reappear and the world shall flourish again.

Sleipnir - Odin's eight legged horse. Sleipnir could run through
the seas and the skies. This horse was the offspring of
Loki, a Giant that lived with the Gods until he killed
Odin's son and was bound until Ragnarok. Sleipnir is a
personification of the wind and his eight legs
represent the eight cardinal points (N, E, S, W, N-W,
N-E, S-E and S-W). Sleipnir is not actually in the
game, but he should. Near the middle of the game, you
get to ride on Odin's horse, but you are given a
Pegasus for some reason. However, Sleipnir does appear
in some art of the game, like the image in the package.

Thor - The God of Thunder, he possessed the mighty hammer
Mjollnir, which was so powerful that he needed a steel
gauntlet and a belt that gave him strength (the tighter
he pulled it, the more powerful he got). Thor would be
at Odin's side during Ragnarok, but he could not save
Odin, for his hands would be full fighting the Midgar
Serpent. Thor would defeat the Serpent, but he would
die after walking nine steps. In Tales of Phantasia,
Thor is one of the ancient civilizations, it was
sunk into the sea by a meteor when the war between Odin
and Fenrir was just beginning.

Valhalla - The place where Odin gathered the dead warriors chosen
by the Valkyries. The Valhalla Plains are named after
this place in the game.

Valkyrie - They were female warriors which served the slain
warriors in the Valhalla. They are sent by Odin to
battles and they choose the warriors to die in battles
and join Odin's Army. In Tales of Phantasia Valkyrie is
one of Mint's spells, it summons a Valkyrie which
raises the party's attack power. Also, the person who
lets you ride on Odin's horse near the middle of the
game is a Valkyrie.

Yggdrasill - It's the World Tree, it keeps the world's balance. The
Tree keeps the many worlds of the Norse Mythology,
Midgar (the realm of humans) in the middle, Asgard (the
realm of gods) at the top, at the bottom is Nifelheim,
also called Hel by some people (the land of the dead).
In Tales of Phantasia the Yggdrasill is more like the
Mana Tree, if the tree dies the magic disappears, but
in Norse Mythology the Yggdrasill is the universe
itself, so if the tree dies there is no more world.

Ymir - The first Giant to exist. He was killed by Odin and his
brothers. The blood spilt drowned almost the whole race
of Giants. After the battle Odin and his brothers used
Ymir's body to make the world, his blood became the sea
and lakes, his flesh became earth, his skull became the
sky, his hair became the trees, and so on. In Tales of
Phantasia, Ymir is the name of a forest.

VI.3- Some Other Interesting Things

Euclid - Famous Greek mathematician, considered father of the
Geometry. He lived about 300 years before Christ. In
Tales of Phantasia, Euclid is the name of a city, more
exactly the one in which Klarth lives.

Moria - In 'Lord of the Rings' (a book by J.R.R. Tolkien), the
Dwarves lived in the Moria Mines. They dug up mithril
in the mine until the excavations released a demon
called Balrog. Most of the dwarves were killed and the
rest where expelled by Balrog. In Tales of Phantasia,
there's a dungeon where the Dwarves used to live. It is
called Moria Gallery... Note that Moria is also the
name of the mount were Abraham was supposed to
sacrifice his son, Isaac.

Treant - A mythical creature, better known as an Ent, that
resembles a large and moving tree. (I think the first
"appearance" of this creature is in JRR Tolkien's "Lord
of the Rings"). In Tales of Phantasia, there's a forest
named after this being.

Sylph - Paracelsus, a 16th century alchemist, believed that
Syplhs were elemental beings without a soul, inhabiting
the air and influencing Man's temperament (usually
badly). Other definitions just say a Sylph is a nymph
of the air. In Tales of Phantasia, Sylph is one of the
four Elemental Spirits that make a contract with

Undine - A nymph of the water. In Tales of Phantasia, Undine is
one of the four Elemental Spirits that make a contract
with Klarth.

Ifrit - A fire elemental or djinn in Arabic mythology. In Tales
of Phantasia, Ifrit is one of the four Elemental
Spirits that make contracts with Klarth.

Gnome - A fantastic creature thought to have the figure of a
dwarf. They are said to work on the veins of metal in
the mines. In Tales of Phantasia, Gnome is one of the
four Elemental Spirits that make contracts with Klarth.

Maxwell - James Clerk Maxwell, a Scottish Physicist whose main
works was 'Electricity and Magnetism'. Mr. Maxwell said
once that if a small being could use low and high
energy particles to transport itself by creating a
cushion of hot air, it would be able to achieve
perpetual motion.
- 'Maxwell's Demon' was theorized by James Clerk Maxwell.
The theoretical power of 'Maxwell's Demon' is to
control the supposedly-random movement of atomic
particles across a boundary (e.g. between 2 sealed
chambers); thus in ToP Maxwell (when summoned) appears
as a number of randomly-bouncing "atomic-looking"

Luna - Luna means 'Moon' in Latin (and in its derivatives,
such as Spanish). In Tales of Phantasia, Luna is
the name of one the spirits that make a contract with
Klarth. She lives in the Tower of the Twelve Stars with
her helper Artemis.

Artemis - The Greek goddess of hunting. She was the twin sister
of Apollo and daughter of Zeus. She never married, nor
had a partner. She was also the goddess of childbirth
because she is said to have helped her mother as a
midwife during the birth of her brother. Artemis was
also a moon deity and Apolo's counterpart. Apolo's
arrows represented sun light, while Artemis' where the
moon light. The Romans identified Artemis with Diana.
In Tales of Phantasia, Artemis is the name of Luna's

Dwarf - They are small only because they are accustomed to
lifestyles underground in low caverns. They have
excellent night vision, plus they have great strength
and can generally hit harder tan a normal human. Most
are also machinery-inclined, making them very competent
engineers, blacksmiths and the like (Origin, God of
Dwarves in ToP, embodies this principle very well, see
how easily he forges the sword and fixes the rings?)
However, contrary to ToP, Dwarves are not magically-
inclined and generally shun magic. They produce high
quality weapons, but they almost never produce
enchanted ones, only Gnomes are an exception.

Banshee - In Gaelic mythology, a female spirit whose screeching
foreshadows death. In Tales of Phantasia, the Banshees
are just enemies you meet.

Basilisk - Also known as Cockatrice, a reptile that had the body
of a bird and the tail of a snake. The Greeks and
Romans thought that looking into this monster's eyes
was fatal. In Tales of Phantasia, the Basilisk in just
enemy you meet.

Cerberus - The dog with three heads and the tail of a snake that
guarded the land of death. Cerberus would prevent dead
people from escaping while keeping the living outside
(just in case someone wanted to enter for some obscure
reason ^_^). In Tales of Phantasia, Cerberus is just
another enemy.

Charon - Bargeman who operated the boat that transports the
souls of dead people to the underworld. In Tales of
Phantasia, Charons are normal enemies.

Chimera - An imaginary monster with the head of a lion, the body
of a goat and the tail of a dragon. In Tales of
Phantasia, a Chimera is just an enemy.

Gorgon - In Greek mythology, woman with snakes instead of hair,
who turned men who looked at them into stone. In Tales
of Phantasia, the Gorgons are just enemies you meet.

Harpy - In Greek mythology monsters with the heads of old women
and the bodies of birds. They were very fierce and
vengeful. In Tales of Phantasia the Harpies are just
enemies you meet.

Mandrake - A poisonous plant. Its thick roots remind the form of a
human. This was probably the source of many Medieval
myths, such as such as believing it to be an evil plant
which brought luck to thieves and enlightened
sorcerers. The Mandrake is just an enemy in Tales of

Seraphim - In the Bible and Hebrew mythology, a particular class
of angel. In Tales of Phantasia, Seraphim in just an

Wyvern - A Dragon with four limbs (two wings and two legs, that
is). In Tales of Phantasia, the Wyvern is the monster
who guards the treasures of the Dwarves at the bottom
of the Moria Gallery.

Lilith - According to a Hebrew legend, Lilith was Adam's first
wife. Because she wanted to be Adam's equal, he
banished her from the Garden of Eden, and she then
consorted with demons, even breeding hideous
half-demons. God then created a woman in front of Adam,
part by part. When she was finished, Adam rejected her,
as he had seen the rather crude creation process. God
was forced to destroy this woman without even giving
her a name and finally gave Eve to Adam. In Tales of
Phantasia, Lilith is the name of Edward Morrison's

Livingston - Dr. David Livingstone was a famous man who went
through and discovered the deep jungles of Africa. He
found quite a few medicines and foods, and some
interesting places. When he disappeared, the New York
Herald sent a reporter called Henry Stanley to look for
him. The names were somehow combined to create Dr.
Stanley Livingston, who creates the Airbirds in ToP.

Maria - She is Cless' mother in Tales of Phantasia. Maria is
the Spanish for Mary, just like the mother of Jesus in
Christianity. However, I don't think Cless' mother's
name has any real meaning (or at least, not a meaning
related to this).

Miguel - Cless' father in Tales of Phantasia. Miguel means
Michael in Spanish. Michael is the name of one of the
three Archangels mentioned in the Bible. He is the one
to defeat Satan in the Apocalypse. He also referred to
as the 'Prince of the Heavenly Army' sometimes. Being a
warrior, he is usually represented in art wearing an
armor and using his sword to defeat Satan.

Flamberge - Also referred to as the Flamberg or Flammberg. The
Flamberge is a form of the two-handed sword popular in
Germany between the 15th and 17th centuries with a
wavy, flame-like blade (the purpose of this is not
clear as there is no demonstrated advantage to such an
edge). Often, the Flamberge was used as a court weapon;
since undulating blade was far more attractive than a
plain blade. In Tales of Phantasia, Flamberge is the
name of the legendary weapon of the ancient nation of

Mah Jongg - A game originated in China in which four people play.
There 152 tiles (or blocks) with certain designs (also
called suits and combinations). The game's actual
objective is to complete a winning hand combination;
that combination is called the Mah Jongg. It like a
card game of sorts. The blocks are designed like one to
nine of sticks, one to nine of balls, etc. The winning
hand combinations may vary. In ToP, there's an item
called Mah Jhong, that makes Mah Jongg pieces fall on
the enemies when you use it in battle.

Vorpal - The Vorpal Sword appeared in the book 'Through the
Looking Glass' by Lewis Carroll, as part of the famous
poem 'Jabberwocky'. Many of the words in this poem were
made up by Carroll, and 'Vorpal' is no exception.
However, unlike the others, it holds no clear meaning;
Carroll himself said: "I am afraid I can't explain
'Vorpal Blade'...". In Tales of Phantasia, Vorpal is
the name of the legendary weapon of the ancient nation
of Fenrir.

VI.4- Voice Actors

I got the inspiration for this section from a Tales of Destiny guide.
This information could be especially interesting for those who like
anime. All the information here is from Hitoshi Doi's Seiyuu Database,
which is huge. I was surprised about the information I found.

The list of the works the seiyuus have done is not by any means
complete, I only listed the series and games I have heard about and
consider important. If you think that I'm missing a significant anime
or game which involves them, just let me know.

NOTE: 'Anime' is the name for Japanese Cartoons. With the information
for each Seiyuu (Japanese voice actor) is a list of some of the
animes they have worked in.

Takeshi Kusao
Character: Cless Alvein and Chester Barklight
General Info: Kusao Takeshi was born on November 20th in Saitama.
His blood type is B. He is 165 cm tall and weighs 58
kg. His three sizes are 88-76-87. His shoe size is
25.5 cm. He works for Aoni Production.
Anime: · 'Dragon Ball Z' as Trunks
· 'Gundam F-91' as Drell Rona
· 'Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou' as Mirazawa Hiroyuki
· 'Record of Lodoss War' as Parn
· 'Saint Seiya' as Wolf Nachi
· 'Shoujo Kakumei Utena' as Saionji Kyouichi
· 'Slam Dunk' as Sakuragi Hanamichi
· 'Video Girl Ai' as Moteuchi Youta
Games: - 'Langrisser' I and II for the PSX as Erwin
- 'Tales of Phantasia' for the PSX as Cless Alvein

Satomi Koorogi
Character: Mint Adnade
General Info: Koorogi Satomi was born on November 14th, 1966 in
Tokyo. Her true name is Kourogi Satomi. Her blood type
is A. She is 146 cm tall and weighs 37 kg. She works
for Production Baobab.
Anime: · 'Kimagure Orange Road' as Chie
· 'Love Hina' as Moe (episode 20)
· 'Macross 7' as Pedro
· 'Pocket Monsters' (AKA Pokemon) as Togepi
· 'Rayearth' as Sera (episode 15)
· 'RG Veda' as Aizen
· 'V Gundam' as Suzy Lilane, Karuruman Dukartus and
Connie Francis
· 'Virtua Fighter' as Liliana
Games: - 'Magic Knight Rayearth' for the Sega Saturn as Sara
- 'Puyo Puyo-n' for the Dreamcast as Harpy

Kazuhiko Inoue
Character: Klarth F. Lester and Tornix D. Morrison
General Info: Inoue Kazuhiko was born on March 26th, 1954 in
Yokohama, Kanagawa. His blood type is O. He is 173 cm
tall and weighs 67 kg. His shoe size is 26.5 cm. He
works for Ohsawa Jimusho.
Anime: · 'Blue Seed' as Kusanagi Mamoru
· 'Candy Candy' as Anthony
· 'Captain Tsubasa' as Carlos Santana
· 'Fushigi Yuugi' as Rokou
· 'Ranma 1/2' as Sanzenin Mikado
· 'Shoujo Kakumei Utena: Adolesence' as Saionji
· 'Urusei Yatsura' as Ozuno Tsubame
· 'X' as Kigai Yuuto
· 'Z Gundam' as Jerid Mesa
Games: - 'Langrisser' I and II for the PSX as Lance
- 'Tales of Phantasia' for the PSX as Klarth F. Lester

Mika Kanai
Character: Arche Klaine
General Info: Kanai Mika was born on March 18th, 1964 in Tokyo. Her
true name is Yamadera Mika Her blood type is O. She is
154 cm tall and weighs 38 kg. Her three sizes are
78-56-79. Her shoe size is 22 cm. She works for Ken
Anime: · 'Gundam X' as Tifa Adelle
· 'Pocket Monsters' (AKA Pokemon) as Purin, Mariru and
· 'Ranma 1/2' as the panda in the drawing
· 'Sailor Moon' as Shiratori Mikan
· 'Sailor Moon S' as Mimete
· 'SD Gundam' as Fairy Kikka
· 'Sonic The Hedgehog' as Sara
Games: - 'Langrisser III' for the Sega Saturn as Tialis
- 'Tales of Phantasia' for the PSX as Arche Klaine

Kaneto Shiozawa
Character: Dhaos
General Info: Shiozawa Kaneto was born on January 28th, 1954 in
Tokyo. His blood type is A. His true name is Shiozawa
Toshikazu. He works for Aoni Production. He passed
away on 2000/05/10.
Anime: · 'Bubble Gum Crisis' as Gibson (episode 4)
· 'Detective Conan' as Detective Shiratori
· 'Dragon Half' as Rosario
· 'Dragon Ball GT' as San Shin Long
· 'Ellcia' as Felkis
· 'Gundam' as Cameron Bloom and Ma Kube
· 'Fushigi no Umi no Nadia' as Emperor Neo
· 'Sailor Moon R' as Prince Demando
· 'Saint Seiya' as Aries Mu
Games: - 'Langrisser' I and II for the PSX as Bozel
- 'Langrisser IV' for the Sega Saturn as the
mysterious magician
- 'Metal Gear Solid' as Ninja (Gray Fox)
- 'Tales of Phantasia' for the PSX as Dhaos

VI.5- Extra Tactics

BOSS: Ifrit___________________________________________________________
EXTRA TACTIC (from Patrick Claypool):
When the fight started, I had Arche set on her water spells (you
know, Ice Needle and Ice Tornado) and Cless was equipped with an
Ice Scimitar (gotten from Meia). I had Cless mostly use Psion Kick
and Psion Storm, Mint do healing, and Klarth summon Sylphs (I only
had Sylphs, because I had decided to get Ifrit first). I used
Psion Storm and Psion Kick, they were VERY effective. Arche
favored the Ice Tornado spell, and used it a bunch on Ifrit. after
a few minutes, Ifrit was dead.

BOSS: Gnome___________________________________________________________
EXTRA TACTIC (from Patrick Claypool):
When the fight started, Gnome launched straight into his Rocket
Attack. When he came up, Mint had a Hammer on him, and Arche used
her Fire Wall spell (very effective). Then Cless used Tiger Teeth,
and I repeated this, healing all damage from the Rocket Attack. It
took ten minutes, but I gave it to him!

BOSS: Undine__________________________________________________________
EXTRA TACTIC (from Patrick Claypool):
The fight started, and an energy wave from Undine hit everyone.
Arche cast Eruption, taking care of the Red Slug. Cless killed the
Calamari, and then went for Undine with Tiger Teeth and Psion
Kick, while Klarth summoned Ifrit all the time. Then we pounded on
Undine. As soon as a spell, attack, or Spirit had done it's
damage, another attack would follow instantaneously. And we beat
Undine! Hurrah!

BOSS: Maxwell_________________________________________________________
EXTRA TACTIC (from Arterion Gothic):
I fought him BEFORE reading any walkthroughs, and I must say,
your suggestions are nice, but he's one of those enemies that is
really easy if you know how... He is easily pushed to the right-
hand wall and doesn't attack all the time. Once he's at the wall,
have Cless use the Gale Shield. Since Maxwell cannot be pushed
further back, he will inevitably stay in the 'influence area' of
the skill, taking lots of hits with quite some damage. When I
came up to him the first time, I happened to have the skill in
long range slot, pushed him to the corner, used the skill, and
won... :)

BOSS: Dhaos (First Time)______________________________________________
EXTRA TACTIC (from Henryjin2001):
I was able to kill Dhaos without killing both Evil Lords, so I
didn't have to face all those nasty powerful spells, woohoooo.
Well... here is how I did it. Indignation and Luna both affect
only those that are on screen where the spell is cast. One of the
two Evil Lords has a tendency to get very close to my party. So I
just let him, and Dhaos would be just far off screen enough for me
not to hit the Evil Lord close to my party, and by the end of the
battle, the Evil Lord wasn't even dead yet when Dhaos was!

EXTRA TACTIC (from Tofystedeth)
An easy way to beat Dhaos is to equip a Moon Falux, (just keep
fighting Draygens until you get one). Then keep leveling up until
you get Fury Slash for Cless and Valkyrie for Mint. Now just go
kill all the Evil Lords in the mirrors, it takes 2-3 Fury Slashes
each. Then go fight Dhaos, cast Valkyrie, Acid Rain, and Haste.
This way, Cless does almost as much damage with a Fury Slash
(when I fought him about 5500) as Arche does with Indignation
(roughly 6000). And Dhaos can't heal all the damage as only half
of the damage from the Fury Slash was physical, the rest is light
damage b/c you are wielding a Moon Falux. He died in about 45
seconds this way, and I was able to back him into a corner so he
didn't get to use any spells.

BOSS: Volt____________________________________________________________
When fighting Volt, I found that Magma Rift hurts him greatly! It
makes the battle simple. Get close, have the spellers cast at
him, but use Magma Rift. WITHOUT a Flare Bottle, Cless was doing
690+1980 damage total with it (my Cless had 88 Strength and a Hard
Cleaver equipped...you gotta love Rune Bottles when used on stat
modifying items).

BOSS: Fang Wolf_______________________________________________________
EXTRA TACTIC (from Fábio Pereira Simões):
When the fight started, F.W. started to launch these ice lances
doing a terrible combo about 500 or 600. Of course, Cless died...
But I resurrected him using the appropriated item (a S-Flag in my
Here's the point. While F.W. was spanking Mint, Cless woke up and
used Gale Shield. Fang Wolf was 100% in the field of action of the
G.S. and the blue energy started to pierce him in the same amount
of damage (500, 600 and even a 700). When Gale Shield was
finished, Fang Wolf spanked Mint again giving me time to use
another Gale Shield.
The beast died using 3 Gale Shields in this fight. Of course,
luck is needed to do it... Maybe letting Cless die and use a
resurrection item while F.W. is spanking another character to hit
him in the back with the G.S. could make this strategy work.

EXTRA TACTIC (from Flyingfox)
Choose Magma rift and Firebrand as your two SR skills for F.W.
Then when FW begins to jump around quickly, let him go over Cless
so you are behind FW. After your behind him just use Magma Rift
and Firebrand like MAD Use Mint if Klarth gets to a low HP after
the ass kicking by FW. To make it easier just keep Fire Storm to
aid CLESS. By the way to make this tactic as easy as possible just
use the formation given below:

Mint Klarth Cless

EXTRA TACTIC (from Juan Miguel G de Leon):
I arrived at Fang Wolf's arena with Cless and Mint at around
Level 58-60. I followed most of your suggestions for the magic
users' spells (Arche, Klarth). On Cless I had the very practical
Magma Rift; it was very effective on many enemies in this dungeon
(especially that annoying green caveman). My formation was the
same as well, but I only had one Fairy Ring and one Magical Rune,
both equipped on Arche.
The trick is to let Cless hammer Fang Wolf with the trusty Magma
Rift to buy your spellcasters some time. At L60 Magma Rift does
around 1000-1100HP damage to Fang Wolf with each hit. It's a lot
faster and more effective than the sluggish Gale Shield. With Mint
casting Haste on Cless you can deplete Fang Wolf's HP with just
the Magma Rift in a fairly short amount of time, while Klarth and
Arche kill him with their spells.

BOSS: Dozo and Okiyo__________________________________________________
EXTRA TACTIC (from Joab Hwang):
Actually, there is a much easier way to kill Suzu's parents when
they appear.
From the start of the battle, just use Soul Strike. Since Soul
Strike consists of one hit then Soul Wave, then you teleport back,
the ninja's don't even get a chance to hit you because you're just
too fast!!!!! I did this and I didn't even lose any HP.

BOSS: Neo Dhaos_______________________________________________________
EXTRA TACTIC (from Patrick Claypool):
When the fight started, Neo Dhaos used his invincible spell. I
set Arche and Klarth to passive mode, and Mint into HP over TP
mode. I slashed at ND when he was vulnerable, and then I
accidentally activated Gale Shield (which was in the Short Range
slot). It hadn't been on very long when ND came out of invincible
mode. ND and his arm took a beating (a good one)! And I repeated
the move, and ND and arm were out of invincible mode for a long
time (have Arche cast Meteor Storm and Klarth summon Origin). And
I kept using these tactics until he died.


TACTIC: By Arlieth Tralare

I just got to the Coliseum in Future Euclid, and Cless is at Level
43 with:
· The Moon sword I had since the Twelve Star tower
· All the armor from Midgard (past)
· Moon Crystal (+ 30% TP)
· Persian Boots (+ 30% Defense)

Note: Just to note: I only killed the first 8 guys, not the Wyvern
(I tried it... and got HORRIBLY slaughtered).

Essential Skills: Magma Rift and Lionheart.

As long as you've got Magma Rift, you can deal some massive fire
damage to all the enemies, until you get to the 8th enemy, that
lizard thing.

As for the 7th enemy, the Fe. Golem, use a Flare Bottle and just
keep poking the guy with Magma Rift. After a while though, the
golem pushed me into the corner so I had to drive it away with
2-hit Tiger attacks. Took a long time, but I was able to parry his
special attack with the Magma Rift.

Finally, for the Gorgon, I did Lionheart out of desperation, and
WHOA! It stopped the thing from pulling off its Stone Gaze! It did
600 damage, and after that Cless ran back, and so I did Lionheart
again. After a while, I had to use a Gummy to restore some TP (one
item per round sucks -_-) and kept charging that Basilisk into the
corner. If you have a controller with turbo on it, just leave it on
and wait till the basilisk is dead, because Cless runs back just
far enough out of range for the Lionheart, and you can't use the
tech while running unless you skid first. =P

So it is possible to beat the Coliseum on the first visit to
Euclid. The Golem is the hardest enemy there, next to the wyvern.


TACTIC: By Dreams in Digital
I've been playing Tales of Phantasia for almost a week, I've reached
level 53 and my party is just after the second time travel to the
future (at 'new' Euclid).

I noticed a tournament holding at Euclid's Castle, and I thought one
'has to' duel on it the first time. After some tries, I got very
useful 'tactics' to pass the first 8 rounds suffering only two or
three hits! (200-1100 HP). Even though, I haven't found a way to beat
Wyvern (the 9th round). I can, at best, hurt it 12,000 - 18,000 HP,
not more, and it is 41,000 HP!... a true impossible mission at low

Here you have the details/tricks to defeat the first 8 challengers
easily, no matter what level you are. It only matters to follow the
tactic, and voila!, you're done.

::[ Equip ]::
Weap - Damascus
Body - Mithril Mesh
Shld - Fine Shield
Head - Knight Helm
Hand - Gauntlet
Acc1 - Moon Crystal
Acc2 - Jade Ring
Plenty of Flare Bottles (15)

Most of the Equip is sold in the town, the Moon Crystal is a Black
Onyx transformed by a Rune Bottle, and the Jade Ring is obtained at
Dhaos' Fortress. This is a suggested equip, if you miss something or
can't afford it, just keep this is mind when equipping Cless: TP is
ALL you need.

::[ Skills ]::
SRA - Tiger Teeth
SRB - Eir's Love
LRA - Lionheart
LRB - Phoenix

Tiger Teeth and Lionheart skills are INDISPENSABLE. You can choose
whatever two other skills, but, in my opinion, Bladestorm and Psion
Bolt (and the skills which involves them) are useless.

::[ Tactics ]::

Round 1 - Bugbear.
Hummm... how can I say?... Hit him!... that's all, loma. He'll die at
first hit.

For the rounds 2 to 5, and round 8, we'll use the same tactic,
nevertheless, I wrote down some notes for each one.

The tactic is to use ALL THE TIME the Lionheart skill. This is a Long
Range skill, so, you MUST keep in mind that the Long Range skill is
active only when you are 6-8 bodies away of your enemy, or if you
don't see it in the same screen.

Always give one or two steps backwards at the start of any of these
battles, thus you'll guarantee that the attack is gonna be a Long
Range one, then start attacking.

If you need to use an item, do it ONLY when Cless runs back
immediately after 'tackling' the enemy, this way you wont waste time,
allowing the enemy to reach you. All of these rounds use the 'touch of
death' attacks, this is, even if their attacks does not hurt you
considerably, you are defeated when touched. That's for why we use
this skill, the Lionheart attack is almost impossible to be stooped,
only your delay may allow it. NEVER allow one of these enemies to push
you at he end of the screen, if it happens, sorry, you'll have to
start over again.

Please remember to keep your distance, if you do it, you'll see how
this tournament is a piece of cake. In most cases, you wont see the
enemy in the same screen when Cless runs back, this is perfect!... if
they don't see you, they wont stop you.

Round 2 - Krakken.
Krakken will try to hit you with it s tentacles, if it does, run away
as far as you can and use the Lionheart immediately to push it away
(other skills wont stop it). If it knocks you or if it push you to the
end of the screen, it'll make an infinite attack using all its
tentacles. In other words: Bye-Bye.

If you do the things right, you'll kill it after 10-16 Lionheart
attacks (depends on your level). Remember to use the Flare Bottles,
specially, remember WHEN to use them,

Round 3 - Mandrake.
The same tactic as above, just take care of not to be more than 6
bodies away from it, if it happens, give a couple of steps forward and
continue with your Lionheart attacks. If Cless gets more than 6 bodies
away, Mandrake will have the time to put its 'arms' in front of it
when the Lionheart attack goes by, and, if touched, you'll be

Round 4 - Darkvine.
A very easy one with this tactic. It'll absorb your HP while you're
near, but it'll be a little amount. It should be killed in 3-5
Lionheart attacks.

Round 5 - Draygen.
The easiest of these 'touch of death' pack,
it'll die upon 2-4 Lionheart attacks.

Round 6 - Oak Root.
This is like a 'bonus' round, the Oak Root is so slow that you have
time to use an Orange Gummie (pretty sure you'll need it at this
moment), an Apple Gummie or the Eir's Love skill for healing. The
Phoenix, Lighting Bolt, and all skills that involves them, should kill
it in one or two hits. Just push the button and you're done, not even
waste a Flare Bottle.

Round 7 - Fe. Golem.
In my opinion, this one is the hardest of all rounds. Unlike the
previous battles, here you MUST NOT use the Lionheart attack, unless
you want to die. This tactic opposes the 'hit 'n run' of the
Lionheart, here you'll use a 'hit-hit-hit-hit..' attack. Finally we'll
use the Tiger Teeth, in fact, we'll ONLY use the Tiger Teeth attack.

When the battle starts, walk toward the Fe. Golem, and, when you get
1-2 bodies from him, use the Tiger Teeth skill. Immediately after the
second hit, pop up the menu an pick a Flare Bottle. It'll be knocked
out every 5-8 Tiger Teeth attacks, whenever this happen, is time to
heal, or select a Flare Bottle. If you're ok, then continue with your
attacks (it can stay unconscious for 4-6 times consecutively). DO NOT
use another attack on him, like Bladestorm, Phoenix, Lighting Bolt,
etc.; they're all useless, probably it'll hit you instead.

You'll be always in risk, 'cos if the Tiger Teeth attack fails its
two hits, the Fe. Golem will attack, hurting you for about 1100-2000
HP, and 'throw' you to the end of the screen.

Thanks God it's damn slow, so you can recover from unconsciousness
and even use the Eir's Love skill in front of him.

This battle needs a lot of synchronization, don't feel bad if you
can't the first time, also, don't desperate, if you do things right,
eventually, it'll die.

I killed it with about 26-32 Tiger Teeth attacks, using 4 Flare
Bottles, and it only hits me once.

Round 8 - Gorgon.
After the long-long and tedious battle against the Fe. Golem, now
we're back to the 'hit 'n run' days. The Gorgon is the worst of those
enemies with the 'touch of death', if you fail your attack once, it'll
paralyze you. If you walk near to it, it'll petrify you, and, if you
try to run, it'll reach you (it's extremely faster, not as the
Basilisk you once faced). So, this battle needs the Lionheart
'tactic' of the first rounds, AND the quickness of the battle against
the Fe. Golem. This means, give one step backwards, then attack with
Lionheart, the Gorgon will run to you and make the 'between-space'
shorter. Here comes your synchronization, when Cless runs back, DO NOT
wait till he stops, but press the Lionheart skill button when 5-6
bodies away the Gorgon. Now using the items is more difficult,
remember to use them ONLY when Cless runs back, if you stop at anytime
in this battle, you're dead. It'll die with 16-24 Lionheart attacks.

If you want to try the 9th round, here you have my suggestions.

Round 9 - Wyvern.
I have just one day in this tournament, and, as I dunno what's next,
I'll give up beating this 9th Round.

I've hurt it for about 12,000 - 18,000 HP, but it's not even the half
of its HP. I'll tell you how to do this, maybe you can defeat it and
became the 'master' of this tournament... hehe.

You MUST'VE selected Phoenix and Lionheart skills. When the battle
starts, try to reach Cless' corner as soon as possible, then use
Phoenix (don't give Wyvern a lot of time or it'll cast an explosion
spell that hurts you about 4,000-4,500 HP, and obviously, you'll die).

After the Phoenix attack, use Lionheart, it wont make any damage, but
you'll be on the other corner of the screen. There, press L or R to
change Cless' direction. Now you're at Wyvern's back, use Phoenix
again (twice if you can), and repeat the process: use Lionheart to
reach the other corner of the screen, change Cless' direction and use
Phoenix again.

Yeah!, I know it may sound stupid, but if you do it fast enough, you
can attack it without getting hurt, and, if someone heard your
prayers, you can make this attacks 10, maybe 15 times.


TACTIC: By Evan Behar

The Coliseum in Euclid is not all that hard, interestingly enough.
I arrived with Cless at level 37 and managed to defeat every enemy,
including the Wyvern. Your results may vary: I transformed all my
Sage to Red Sage, and even converted some Savory to Red Savory and
then to Red Sage, in addition to giving Cless a lot of Red Savory, so
Cless's HP was around 6650 and his TP was up in the 800s. That
notwithstanding, this is what I hit with:

Short Range: Tiger Teeth, Fury Slash
Long Range: Phoenix, Flare Talon

Flare Talon ended up not being of consequence, but the others were

Weapon: Damascus
Armor: Mithril Mesh
Shield: Fine Shield
Head: Knight Helm
Hand: Gauntlet
Acc 1: Battle Rune
Acc 2: Mental Ring

In retrospect, the fairy ring would have really helped by doubling the
amount of techniques I could use. Not that with 800 TP I really
needed it, but if you have around 200 or 300 it gives you effectively
400 or 600, which is nice.

For reference: Cless's attack was 491 for Slice and 458 for Stab.
I should note that the Damascus was key to winning, because it has no
elemental endowment. That's a big plus.

NECESSARY ITEMS: Chrono Glasses. Lots of them.

This is a guide for the first time around only! Also, check to see if
the Chrono Glasses work in the Coliseum for you, because it might
just be a bug in my copy. If not, you're set. Have fun. :)

Round 1: Bugbear. No help necessary.

Round 2: Krakken - Hit it with Phoenix right away. Keep your distance.
Four or five hits of Phoenix will send it away, they do between 1700
and 1900 damage. If it gets too close, hit it with Tiger Teeth to
knock it back, it only does about 300 per swipe but it's still useful.
If you think you can pull it off, try a Fury Slash for around 1500.

Round 3: Mandrake - Keep your distance and hit it with Phoenix, it
does about 1500. If you get too close and it hits you, you could end
up a statue, so be careful. If it pins you into a corner, use a Fury
Slash, it does around 1900 damage. Three Phoenix's and two Fury
Slashes killed it.

Round 4: Darkvine - Use Phoenix Twice. Next.

Round 5: Draygen - If you can pull of a Phoenix, it'll be nearly dead.
An extra swipe will kill it, but if you're forced to, you can use
Tiger Teeth or Fury Slash to kill it.

Round 6: Oakroot: Phoenix twice again. Next.

Round 7: Fe. Golem - This one is tough, because he's serious. He'll
pummel for 2000 damage, and a regular hit does 1200. Fury Slash does
the best damage, 1700-1800. 2200 on a critical hit. A regular slash
does about 150, and Tiger Teeth hits for 350-400 per swipe. Hit him
until he dies and try not to get pummeled to death. Heal if

Round 8: Gorgon - Easy, just don't use Phoenix or Flare Talon, it will
heal it. Use Tiger Teeth to keep it too far for its Stone Gaze (or if
you've equipped a Gorgon Amulet, forget the Stone Gaze entirely), and
then pound it with a Fury Slash. It has a mean 21850 HP, and a Fury
Slash does about 1700, but keep at it and it'll die eventually.

Final Boss: Wyvern - This is where those Chrono Glasses come in handy.
Maybe it's a bug in my game, but I was allowed to use the Chrono
Glass. Phoenix hits for 1001 damage, so what do you do? Use a Chrono
Glass. Phoenix until it wears off. Use another. Lather, rinse,
repeat. It'll die.


TACTIC: By Jean-François Duret

I beat the coliseum at level 54 the first time I even got there. My
equipment was a Damascus sword, a Plate Mail, a Fine Shield, a Knight
Helm, some gauntlet, a Black onyx(30% more hp) and a mental ring. My
skills were for short range magma rift and gale shield and my long
range skills were Eir's love(you know, the one that heals HP) and

My strategy is pretty simple, I just used the 4 Hourglasses and the
awesome power of Gale Shield. I just let the wyvern approach me and
then used a Hourglass to pass behind him and cast a first Gale Shield.
Once it was stuck in the corner I used Gale Shield again and again.
All you have to do is repeat the Hourglass-Gale Shield combo until it


TACTIC: By Tofystedeth

This is how I beat the coliseum almost immediately after arriving at
the future. First I went to Venezzia and bought the Hard Cleaver (this
axe has HUGE slashing damage). Then I equipped a Battle Rune (this is
really the only essential accessory, though a Black Onyx could be
useful too). Then I fought as far as I could through the coliseum to
level up Cless. He was at that point about level 52. The skills that
are absolutely essential are: Fury Slash (as I have found that there
are very few enemies that are immune to being hit really hard with a
sharp heavy object) and Magma Rift for short range, and Earth's Rage
and Lightning Bolt for long.

On enemies like the Krakken, tree enemies, and plant enemies, use
Earth's Rage, it hurts them really bad. They die very quickly. On the
Gorgon use a Flare Bottle immediately then use Fury Slashes, each one
should take between 3000 - 5500 damage and kill the Gorgon very
quickly. The Fury Slash also keeps you just out of range of the
petrification and really long teeth moves. On enemies like the Fe
Golem, Solomond and others, just keep doing simple slashes until you
back them into a corner. Just keep up a steady rhythm of slashing and
they should never get to attack (once on the Fe Golem I managed to
jump over him when I did a jump slash, and ended up basically in the
same place as him, he was a little behind me, so I just keep slashing
and managed to hit him and he never got to do anything).

On the Wyvern, Earth's Rage, Lightning Bolt, and Magma Rifts are the
techs to use. Earth's Rage hits him for about 3000-4000 total, not bad
when he only has 41000 HP. Magma Rift takes about 1500 and Lightning
Bolt is about the same. If he begins to chase after walk away as far
as you can and hit him when he lands. If you stun him walk under him
and heal up, then use Earth's Rage as it takes him a while to turn
around sometimes(I once used it 5 times before he realized where I
was) he also may pause to cast Cure, the perfect opportunity to beat
him up. If he backs you into a corner use Magma Rift like there is no
tomorrow. Most of the time he will hit the fire before he hits you,
and will be knocked back, the other times, you may get hit. Eventually
he will pause in mid air to cast his little fireball wall thingy, just
walk under him and then repeat the mauling from behind and far away
tactic discussed above.

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VII.1- Clearing Things Out

In this section I put additional info that you might want to know.
These questions weren't really asked, I'm just putting this here
because it didn't fit anywhere else.

Q - If you are not a native English speaker, then, where are you from?

A - I'm from Argentina, a South American country. I live in the city
of Bariloche, a tourists center, so maybe some of you have been
here sometime (not quite likely). By the way, the language spoken
in Argentina is Spanish.

Q - Then why make a FAQ in English?

A - Because not many Spanish speaking people play RPGs, thus the FAQ
wouldn't be worth writing.

Q - Your spelling and grammar suck!

A - Well, I'm working on that, that's what writing FAQs is all about
for me: English practice! Please do not hesitate to send any
corrections, especially for grammar (Microsoft Word is not very
good when it comes to that).

VII.2- Game Related Questions

Q - The Captain of the ship that is supposed to take me to Demitel's
Island won't take me there, why?

A - You probably forgot to talk to the people in the City Hall of
Venezia. You MUST listen to a conversation between two people
who mention that Demitel used to live in the city, but he works in
an island to the west now.

Q - The ship that is supposed to take me to Undine's Cavern will only
take me to Demitel's Island, why is that?

A - Just like when you have to go to Demitel's Island for the first
time, you must talk to a certain person, so your characters know
where to go and tell the Captain. You have to talk to a person in
Alvanista's Magic Research Lab, the one who mentions the location
of Undine's Cavern.

Q - I can't get the Eruption spell from Lenios!

A - I hadn't noticed this before, but you MUST talk to Lenios' twin
brother in Venezia's City Hall, and THEN talk to Lenios himself.
Only then he will notice Arche is a magician and give her the book
of spells.

Q - My party won't separate at White Forest and I can't find the
Unicorn! Mint dreamed about her childhood and told the party, yet
nothing happens.

A - In order to have Mint and Arche separate at the White Forest, you
MUST talk to a woman who mentions that the Unicorn will only
appear before pure girls. This woman can be found in the northern
half of Midgard.

Q - I'm stuck at Volt's Cave! In the big room with the invisible
barrier, where you have to run to get through a door. I get to the
door while it is still open, but I can't go through, how come?

A - This has been happening to an increasing number of people lately.
I really don't know what the problem is (probably just a corrupted
ROM), but I do have a solution: Standing right below the door, use
this code: 7E2145B9 and walk through the door (literally). STOP
RIGHT AFTER THAT, or you will get stuck in the wall. Now turn the
code off and just walk right a bit and use the door to leave the
room normally.

VII.3- Patch Related Questions

Q - Where can I get the Patch?

A - You can get a copy from De-Jap's site at .

Q - How do I apply the Patch on the ROM?

A - The best and easiest way to apply the patch is with Zsnes'
Auto-Patching feature. All you have to do is change the file name
of the IPS file (the patch) to the match name of the ROM (the
game) and put both files in the same folder in your computer.


ToP.078 <-- Name of the ROM file.
ToP.ips <-- Name of the Patch file.

When you load the game, the emulator will apply the patch for you
without modifying your rom, meaning that if you need the original
Japanese version one day (to apply a new version of the patch, for
example), you just have to delete or rename the IPS file.

If for some reason you want to modify the ROM permanently, use
'ips.exe' to apply the patch on the rom. You can get this little
program at Zophar's Domain . It's really easy to

Q - The currency in the game is Gold, how come you call it Gald all
the time?

A - Actually, the currency is Gald, but for some reason it was changed
by the translators. I'm just sticking to the original ^_^

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Pablo Rossi - My friend, who indirectly introduced me to the RPG
world (long story...). He also introduced me to
PSX world. He did many other things for me but it
would be too much for this section. And for you
people who love anime, he's also the Webmaster
of (going through some
changes right now).

Marina Roncoroni - It was really silly of me not to include her in
this section originally, I just didn't realize.
Anyway, she's my English teacher, who prepared me
for the FCE Cambridge Test without any self-
interest. Please give a round of applause to her!

Ignacio de Lucas - For letting me use the Disclaimer from his
Xenogears FAQ (an excellent FAQ if you want my

Kao Megura - Original writer of the Disclaimer (remember to ask
for his approval if you want to use it). Also, he
is the one who wrote one of the best FF 7 FAQs

GameFAQs - For publishing my FAQ of course! Thanks a lot!

Al Amaloo - For publishing this FAQ on his personal server,

De-Jap - For translating the game, of course! Also, they
allowed me to put pieces of the script in the FAQ.
Thanks a lot, guys! You can visit their site at

Diego Campano - For pointing out a mistake in the FAQ about what
Elwyn's father says and some other things.

Ângelo Braz - For caring enough to point out a few misspells and
insisting about them when I thought he was wrong!
Really, thanks a lot, Ângelo.

Alexiyies - For pointing out something about ROMs and legal
stuff, thanks a lot. Oh yeah, and for explaining
the meaning of a certain expression ^_^

Frosty840 - For giving me the probable reasons for Tales of
Phantasia not being released in America and for
his support.

Arterion Gothic - For sending a tactic to defeat Maxwell.

Dragonmaxter - For pointing out a mistake in section 3.3 of Part

Stefan Zammit - Super special thanks to him: For sending the
meaning of 'Artemis', 'Ifrit', 'Harpy', 'Sylph',
'Basilisk', 'Lilith' and 'Moria' for section VI.3
(Part II). He also sent many corrections for both
grammar and orthography. Finally, he is working on
the HTML version of the FAQ. Truly, more than a
contributor, a friend.

Tyson Anderson - For pointing out that I hadn't put the classical
cheat to get lots of Gald for section VI.2 and for
making me notice a glitch produced by turning off
the 'No Random Battles' code while in a town or
area where there are usually no battles.

Sam Chen - For making me notice a mistake regarding where to
place the Elemental Spirits in the 10th level of
the Moria Gallery.

Chris Morgan - I can't thank him enough! He sent the Item
Modification Codes. Actually, more than 75% of
the cheats file available at Gamefaqs is his
work. Pretty amazing for a contribution, isn't it?

Jeay-Thomas PEGUY - For telling me that you get 50,000 Gald from the
king of Midgard if you defeat the boss at the
Valhalla Plains in less than one day (see section

Seventh Force X - For giving me the idea of making the Skill Master
codes and for sending his Infinite TP codes
(although I had added my own some time before).

Kimura Soichiro - For pointing out a mistake the Moria Gallery
walkthrough (see section 3.15).

Jeffrey Tam - For allowing me to use his great Skill Activation
Codes and his list of PAR values for the Item
Modification codes. THANKS A LOT!

Henryjin2001 - For sending a tactic to win easily the first
encounter with Dhaos.

Larry Leow - For sending tons of useful bits of information, as
well as the definition of 'Dwarf' for section VI.3
of Part II

Firestarter - For sending some information about one of Kazuhiko
Inoue and Mika Kanai's roles for section VI.4.

El OscurO - For tons of info on mythology for sections VI.2
and VI.3. Especially for the detailed info on the
Moria Mines in 'Lord of the Rings'.

Arlieth Tralare - For sending a tactic to win at the coliseum at low

Fábio P. Simões - For sending a tactic to defeat the Fang Wolf.

Nathan J. Britton - For sending several corrections for expressions.

5parrowhawk - For some information on 'Maxwell' and 'Seraphim'
for sections VI.2 and VI.3 and for some other

Bonehead - For telling me about two chests at the Treant's
Forest that I had missed.

Giovanni Marcon - For telling me about the happy ending to Elwyn and
Nancy's story.

Jez - For the information on 'Mah Jongg' for section

Joe.J.Glogowski - For finally confirming that the backup of games IS

Daniel Orner - For allowing me to use some information from his
Tales of Phantasia Shrine. You can visit the
Shrine at .

Joab Hwang - For sending his tactic to defeat Dozo and Okiyo
(see section VI.5).

Dreams in Digital - For sending a detailed tactic for the Coliseum
(see section VI.5).

Flyingfox - For sending a strategy for Fang Wolf (see section

Patrick Claypool - For sending a strategy to defeat Neo Dhaos, Ifrit,
Gnome and Undine (see section VI.5).

Juan M. G de Leon - For sending his strategy to defeat Fang Wolf (see
section VI.5).

Eon Dreamer - For a little bit of info about Mount Moria (see
section VI.3).

Evan Behar - For sending his strategy for the Coliseum (see
section VI.5).

Jean-F. Duret - For sending his strategy for the Coliseum (see
section VI.5).

Philip1701 - For some info on 'Luna' for section VI.3.

Eoin.Mcloughlin - For a few corrections on spelling and grammar.

Xinyu Li - For a small correction regarding Dr. Livingstone
for section VI.3.

L. Lloyd - For pointing out a few mistakes I committed in
certain parts of the walkthrough.

Tofystedeth - For two strategies for section VI.5.

REMEGSEB@aol.com - For sending s strategy for Volt (see section

Lord Niko - For translating the FAQ into French!

Greg Davis - For hosting the FAQ at his site, The RPG Realm

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11.Октябрь 2013
Part 1 FAQ

13.Октябрь 2013
Guide FAQ

11.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
engl. Walkthrough für/for Tales of Phantasia
engl. Walkthrough

18.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
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