Broken Sword

Broken Sword

13.05.2008 16:52:35
Broken Sword hints and tips :

Remember - the right mouse button allows you to look at people and objects!

Act 1: Paris

1.How do I open the manhole in the alley?

2.How do I talk Nico into giving me her address?

3.How do I persuade the concierge to talk?

4.How do I get into Nico's apartment?

5.Where do I go once I've got to Nico's apartment.

6.How do I find out the Assassin's adddress?

7.How do I get the key to the Assassin's hotel room?

8.What do I do with the Assassin's ID card?

9.How do I get the manuscript out of the hotel?

Act 2: Ireland

10.How do I get Sean Fitzgerald to talk?

11.How do I get behind the bar at the pub?

12.How do I mend Mick Leary's fuse?

13.How do I get past the farmer at the castle?

14.How do I get past the goat?

15.What do I do in the underground chapel?

16.Where do I get the water?

17.Where do I get the towel?

Act 3: Paris 2

18.What do I do after returning from Ireland?

19.How do I get to see Marquet in the hospital?

20.How do I get past Nurse Grendel?

21.Where can I find a disguise?

22.How can I get away from the irritating patient?

23.What use is the device which the nurse gave me?

24.What do I need to do in the museum?

25.How do I escape Flap and Guido in the museum?

Act 4: Montfauþon Catacombs

26.How do I get into the sewers?

27.How do I get rid of the juggler?

28.How come my juggling act had no effect?

29.What do I do in the sewer with the boat?

30.How do I make the hole in the plaster bigger?

31.What do I do with the cog?

32.How do I avoid getting killed by the Templars?

33.What do I do in the main chamber?

Act 5: Spain

34.How do I get into the house?

35.How do I get upstairs in the house?

36.What do I do in the mausoleum?

37.What's the significance of the chess board?

38.How do I solve the chess puzzle?

Act 6: Syria

39.Okay - I made it to Syria. What now?

40.Why can't I get into the toilet at the Alamut?

41.What do I do in the market?

42.Where can I get the $50 to pay Ultar?

43.How do I get the statuette from Nejo's shop?

44.Do I really want to walk around with a toilet brush in my pocket?

45.How come Duane doesn't want the statuette?

46.How can I help Ultar fix his truck?

47.What do I do at the Bull's Head?

48.How do I escape from Khan?

Act 7: The church at Montfaucon

49.What help can the priest offer me?

50.What's the significance of the statue with the scroll?

51.What do I do with the lens?

Act 8: The excavation at the Institut Neraval

52.How do I get into the excavation?

53. How do I fool the guard with my obviously fake key?

54.How do I distract the painter?

55.What do I do in the excavation room?

56.How do I get my revenge on that creep Lobineau?

Act 9: Return to Spain

57.What do I do now I'm back in Spain?

58.How do I get the candle in the mausoleum?

59.How do I find the well?

60.What do I do at the bottom of the well?

61.Where do I get the mirror?

Act 10: On the train

62.Nico and the old lady aren't telling me anything. What now?

63.How do I rescue the women?

64.How do I escape from Eklund?

65.How do I get off the train?

Act 11: Scotland

66.What do I do at the church?

67.How do I foil the Grand Master's scheme?

That's all folks!


1.You'll need the workman's tool from his toolbox. He's a compulsive gambler.

2.You'll need to convince her with some evidence. Check out the sewers where
you'll find two items dropped by the Assassin. Get the concierge's story.

3.Convince him you're a figure of authority. He has enormous respect for law
and order. He saw the clown after he'd changed out of his costume. The
clown had changed into a distinctive suit.

4.Talk to the flower seller.

5.Show her the evidence you found in the sewers.

6.Use the photograph which Nico gave you. Show the photograph to the
costumier at the RisÚe du Monde. Telephone Todryk the tailor.

7.You can't, but you can get the key to the adjacent room. Try taking the
key. Talk to Madame Piermont about her personal life. Show Madame Piermont
the photograph of the Assassin Explain to her about the key and she'll
create a distraction.

8.Show it to both the clerk and Madame Piermont.

9.Go back to the ledge and drop the manuscript into the alley.

10.Maguire and Doyle know all about Fitzgerald. Talk to all three repeatedly
until Fitzgerald gets jumpy and runs out.

11.After Fitzgerald's disappearance, turn off the beer pumps using the switch
outside. Ask the landlord for a drink. Now show him the ID card.

12.You'll need the poacher's snare. Wait until he leaves it on the table and
grab it while he sneezes.

13.You can't until Fitzgerald has left the pub. When he has, simply tell the
farmer about the incident.

14.Simply provoke the goat by approaching it to the right of the trough. After
Fleecy knocks you down, click on the plough on the far left. George will
run to the plough and move it, causing Fleecy to become trapped.

15.Tip the statue forward into the sand to make a mould. Fill the mould with
plaster from the sack. Wet the plaster with water.

16.Soak the towel using the tap in the pub cellar. An alternative solution to
this problem was going to involve drinking seven pints of Leary's stout,
but we decided against it...

17.It's under Doyle's elbow.

18.Go back to the police station and ask Sergeant Moue about Jacques Marquet.

19.Ask the receptionist in the hotel about Marquet. You'll need to show her
something which you found in the hotel... ...and if you persevere, she'll
give you directions to the ward.

20.You'll need to disguise yourself as a doctor.

21.There's a white coat in the cupboard in the corridor. You'll need to
distract the cleaner by sabotaging Mr Shiny...

22.Benoir the junior doctor can help you here...

23.Give the blood pressure gauge to Benoir and ask him to use it on Eric

24.When the guard isn't looking open the window. While he's closing it, find a
hiding place...

25.Push the totem pole!

26.You have to get rid of the juggler.

27.Talk to him and try your hand at juggling...

28.You'll need to improve your act. The gendarme will help if you show him the
correct object...

29.There's a weak spot in one of the arches which can be smashed with the
correct tool...

30.Pull the lever behind the plaster and then examine it.

31.Try using the winch on the boat: by attaching the chain to the cog you can
pull down the wall.

32.There's a hole in the wall outside the main chamber through which you can
you spy on them. Make sure they've left the chamber before you enter.

33.Use the gem and the tripod to reveal the next clue.

34.Use something to block the gardener's hose...

35.When you've got the dogs barking, find a hiding place quickly.

36.Didn't you find the Bible?

37.Ask the Countess.

38.The white pieces can only be placed on the middle column. Place the bishop
at the top, the knight in the middle, and the king immediately below the

39.The carpet seller is concealing the entrance to an exclusive
establishment... He'll let you in if you show him your credentials.

40.There's a sign on the door which explains everything. Unfortunately you
can't read it, but Ultar will help.

41.Take a LOOK (right mouse button) at the kebab seller and then try talking
to him. Now ask Nejo about him. Give Nejo something to play with.

42.There's a fellow tourist in the market who'll gladly pay for an antique

43.When Nejo is playing with his ball and the cat is sitting on the shelf, try
ringing the bell.

44.That's between you and your analyst, but you really should return the brush
to its owner.

45.He's not completely stupid, but maybe if you disguised the statuette in
some way...

46.Give him the towel which you'll find in the toilet of the Club Alamut.

47.To descend the cliff you'll need a stick and the remains of your towel.

48.You'd do well to remember what's the better part of valour, and then give
him a shock when you shake on the deal.

49.He'll shine your chalice.

50.Have you tried looking through the scroll?

51.It will change the way you look at things.

52.You'll need a key. The guard will allow you to use the wash room, and while
you're in there you'll find all you need to make a fake key.

53.He won't notice it's a fake if the plaster key is painted and he's wearing
his gloves. Look for a way of dropping the temperature...

54.A call to Nico will do the trick.

55.Something curved and polished is all you need.

56.You'll have to wait for the sequel to Broken Sword!

57.You'll need a mirror and a bible to complete this section. The Countess
will look up the references you found in Montfauþon.

58.You can't, but you can light it. First, you need to shut the window, then
put the tissue on the end of the window hook. Light the tissue, then the

59.Lopez knows all about dowsing, but you'll need a twig of hazel. When you've
found it, show the twig to Lopez.

60.LOOK (right mouse button) at the lion's head, then pull the tooth.
IMMEDIATELY move away, then LOOK at the exposed wall. The mirror is useful

61.From Lopez's utility room just off the hallway of the villa.

62.Try searching the rest of the train. You'll be interrupted several times,
but look everywhere you can, then go back to your compartment.

63.The man in the next compartment will help you once you've got the window

64.As soon as Khan has dealt with Flap, find a way of stopping the train, but
be quick!

65.You need to untie Nico first.

66.Turn the handle on the wheel mechanism. Take the cog and spindle. Keep
LOOKING (right mouse button) at the rubble until you find a second cog,
then use both cogs on the statue of the demon. Finally, use the handle on
the demon.

67.When Guido and the Grand Master appear, throw the nearest torch on the

Thanks again from everyone at Revolution for playing Broken Sword!


Modifications by :
Pierre-Andre Mudry

Originally taken from the
Revolution Web Site

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