Darkstalkers 3

Darkstalkers 3

13.05.2008 16:52:35
- Full Moves List / Short Combo / Explanation FAQ V1.4
Copyright(C) 1998 by Gouki of Gouki's Page Of Whatever.
This FAQ is not for any profit-making purposes.

Please ask for permission for distribution to anywhere.
This FAQ may NOT be published in any other form like magazines and
other form or articles without approval of the author.


This is just a short guide to what you can do with the game (in the
Training and Original Character Modes), the differences between the
modes and also acts as a full moves list. Please note that this is based
on the Japanese version of the game, and certain features might not be
available in the US version.



V1.1: More descriptions of the Original Character Mode and Options.
Corrections to General Moves.
V1.2: Correction to Damage Gauge in Regular Options.
V1.3: Corrections to Anakaris and Q-Bee's Moves List.
V1.4: Added in extra moves for Oboro, corrections for Anakaris, Pyron and Huitzil,
and better explanations for obtaining endings.



The Main Menu allows you to choose from Arcade, Versus, Training, Original
Character, Collection and Option.

I don't think anyone doesn't know what these are. Versus mode will load
the character select screen all the time unless you turn short-cut on.

In the training, you pick a character, and an opponent and you can train
your moves. Several options are available here.

This is actually the Edit Character mode, where you can name, color and play
as your "pet" character. Can come up with some insanely powerful characters,
if you're good at it.

Use this to view all 32 artworks of the game (or you can just pop the CD into
the CD-ROM of your PC and load the pics up). At the start, you can only access
Page 1 out of 4. To get the other 3, you have to play the Original Character

The options screen. At first you can only access the default Options Screen.
After completing the requirements in the Original Character Mode, you can access
the DX Options and EX Options by pressing either L1 or R1.


In the training mode, you can train all your combos and moves in here. By pressing
START to pause the game, and then pressing Select, you will be brought to an option
screen. Select Training Options, and you will be given a further choice of options.
Select Normal Mode and you will be given the following attributes to change.

What the opponent does. Can be set to Stand, Crouch, Jump, CPU or Human.

SS GAUGE: Either normal or infinity.

SPEED: Either normal or turbo.

On or Off. Determines if the CPU opponent blocks after being hit
(like most other CAPCOM training modes)

Either AD Guard, Guard Cancel, Chain Combo or Off. If set, your
character will blink red if he/she is doing that particular move
(i.e. when doing chain combo).

On or off. The listing of hits and damage on the top right hand
corner of the screen.

Either HEX8, HEX16, HEX32 or Off. If on, this will produce a grid
over the fighting area. The bigger the number, the bigger the
squares. Not sure what this is used for.

On or Off. Displays the life bar and Super Meter.

On or Off. Displays the commands being input (i.e. UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, etc.)

Only available when using Lilith. Can be set to Off, or No.1 to
No.6. Each one represents a certain sequence of buttons to be pressed
during her Puppet Show EX Special.

Recording Mode will allow you to record your training session, and then replayed
using the Replay function. Change Character brings you back to the character
select screen and you can choose someone else to use.

Another attempt by CAPCOM to provide players to "make" their own characters.
This one is generally better than the one found in Super Gem Fighter [Pocket
Fighter], as you get to control the "pet" character, instead of just watching
the computer play. Here's how the thing works.

You pick your character to use from the list given. Oboro needs you to hold
SELECT over Bishamon to be accessed, Shadow requires you to press SELECT
5 times at Random, and Marionette needs 7 SELECTS at Random. Once you've
chosen your character, you will then be given the choice of DF Change or
DF Power. Select well, as you can't change this after your character's

Next you will have to name your character in 10 letters. After that, you will
be given the chance to color your character. The character in the middle
shows the current color conditions of your character. The shadow on the right
will have brighter dots, showing which pixel is currently associated with
the color you're dealing with at the moment. Move UP or DOWN to select which
color of the pallete to edit. Then hold the corresponding buttons shown at
the bottom and move LEFT or RIGHT to alter the color. You can press L1 or R1
to change to the next pre-determined color. However, one press of it, and
your own color combination will be erased. Pressing L2 and R2 will alter
the base color of the shadow.

Each character is given 3 characteristics:

This determines the damage you character inflicts for his/her moves.
Starts at 1.

The number of lifes (or rounds) that your character has. Starts at 1.

The level on your Super Meter that your character starts with for each battle.
Starts at 0.

Your edited character is born after you approved of it, and then it will be
known as the Guest character. Select 1P Battle, and then select Guest to use
your edited character.

Here's how it goes. You will actually play the arcade version with your Guest
character. Meaning, you will fight the boss (and mid-boss, if you can get it)
at the very end (7 stages, like the arcade). But then, no matter what your
current characteristics are, your opponent will ALWAYS have a set number of lives
and start with 0 Levels on the Super Meter. You can continue as many times
as possible. Each characteristic of your character has their own Experience
Points. The more battles you won, the more you gain. How much you gain is
also determined on the difficulty level you play on, with higher levels giving
you more experience points at one go.

For each characteristic, there will be a certain Experience Point that will
bring that characteristic to the next level. Once you hit this point, that
characteristic upgrade (i.e. getting 2 lives instead of 1). However, the
more you level up, the more Experience Points you need to reach the next
level. Also, there is a limit to how much your character can gain up to.
When a particular characteristic can no longer be improved, it will be
written "MAX". How many of each characteristic you can get before hitting
MAX depends on how you play the game. Certain criteria like using EX Specials,
or not using EX Specials, how fast you win, how many times you lost, etc.
will effect the amount of Experience Points gained, and also how much
you can gain up to. So, a proper balance and skill would be needed if you want
a incredibly powerful character.

Apart from this 3 characteristics, there is another that is not really labelled.
It is shown by a brooch-like icon. This will tell the "general" level your
character is in. By gaining a certain total of Experience Points, your "general"
level will level up. The first time you're playing this, each level up will
open up a certain part of the game.

1st LEVEL-UP: Collection Mode Page 2
2nd LEVEL-UP: EX Option Mode
3rd LEVEL-UP: Collection Mode Page 3
4th LEVEL-UP: Collection Mode Page 4
5th LEVEL-UP: DX Option Mode

You can also fight against another Original Character by loading into
the 2P's Guest Entry. With this, you can fight it out with a friend and
see who's "pet" is better. You can store up to 3 different characters
at a time in each Memory Card.

The usual settings of the options.

DIFFICULTY : Set from 1 to 8.
TIME LIMIT : On or off.
DAMAGE : Set from 1 to 4. This determines the number of lives (rounds) you have.
TURBO SPEED : Set from 1 to 8. Only activated when you select Turbo
after choosing your character.
KEY CONFIG : Press CIRCLE to access.
SHORT CUT : On or off.
VIBRATION : Choose from 1P OFF 2P OFF, 1P ON 2P OFF, 1P OFF 2P ON
or 1P ON 2P ON. The Dual Shock will shake if it is activated.
SOUND MODE : Stereo or Mono.
BGM TEST : There's 2 choices. The first choice is to choose the group
of songs to play from. The second choice is the particular
song to be played. Press CIRCLE to start, 'X' to stop.
SCREEN ADJUST: Adjusts the screen location.
MEMORY CARD : Allows you to save and load data.

Press R1 at the Regular Options after obtaining it from the Original Character Mode.

1P (VS ONLY) : Sets whether 1P is human or computer controlled in VS Mode.
2P (VS ONLY) : Sets whether 2P is human or computer controlled in VS Mode.
1P SS GAUGE : Sets the starting level on the Super Meter for 1P.
2P SS GAUGE : Sets the starting level on the Super Meter for 2P.
COCKPIT : Select from Default, Below or None. Default is the usual setup
of the life bar and Super Meter. Below has the life bar slightly
lower, while None does not show any life bar or Super Meter during
SYSTEM : Selects from Vampire Savior, Vampire Savior 2 or Vampire Hunter 2.
Each system comes with different color schemes for the screen layout.
MUSIC TYPE : Sets from Default, Vampire Savior, Vampire Hunter 2 or Vampire.
Default will play the songs according to the system. When you set
to the others, it will play the character's theme when you fight
them. If the character you fight don't have their own theme (i.e.
Jedah, Q-Bee, Lilith, B.B.Hood), they will start playing the tunes
from Vampire Savior. When set to Vampire, Hsien Ko and Donovan
will have their theme from Vampire Hunter 2 played.
ENDING : The collection of endings. You need to win with them first before
they are accessible.
B.B.HOOD to OBORO: Win with those characters in Vampire Savior system.
ANITA: Win the secret last boss, Oboro in arcade mode in any system.
To fight him, you would have to win 2 opponents with a
predetermined EX Special Move for each character, and not
lose a round. Oboro will challenge you after your last boss.
VAMPIRE SAVIOR 2: Win with any character other than Jedah in Vampire
Savior 2 system.
VAMPIRE SAVIOR 2 (JEDAH): Win with Jedah in Vampire Savior 2 system.
VAMPIRE HUNTER 2: Win with any character other than Pyron in Vampire
Hunter 2 system.
VAMPIRE HUNTER 2 (PYRON): Win with Pyron in Vampire Hunter 2 system.
VS/VS2/VH2 STAFF: Win in respective systems.
VS/VS2/VH2 SHADOW MARIONETTE: Win with either Shadow or Marionette in
respective systems.

Press L1 at the Regular Options after obtaining it from the Original Character Mode.

1P DX CANCEL : Sets DX Cancel active for 1P. DX Cancel allows you to cancel into
Special / EX Special Moves after certain moves that are not normally
able to (i.e. D + HK for most characters).
2P DX CANCEL : Sets DX Cancel active for 2P.
1P SECOND JUMP: Enables 1P to jump twice in the air.
2P SECOND JUMP: Enables 2P to jump twice in the air.



After selecting a character, you will be given the choice of Normal, Turbo, Auto
or Auto & Turbo. After choosing that, you will be given the choice (except for
Image Talbain and Marionette) of either DF Change or DF Power. Each DF mode
have their own effects.

- DF Change
Basically, the same as the arcade version. All moves in the arcade are
usable in this mode. Nothing more, nothing less. Activating your Dark
Force will make your character gain a special ability and it takes
1 Level to be executed.

- DF Power
The new mode to play with. The main difference in DF Power is your
character's Dark Force. Every character has the same Dark Force, and
it requires 2 Levels to be started. What it does is that, during the
time period of your Dark Force being active, all your attacks will
do permanent damage (red bar). Also, if you use attacks that require
the use of the Super Level, it will cause greater damage. Another
bonus is that, most characters can upgrade one of their EX Special
to have more features, apart from having more damage. ESpecial Moves
will have the character blinking red instead of the normal blue.
However, most characters still have their DF Change Dark Force by using
a certain motion. But then, unlike in DF Change, the character will
lose the ability once they get hit, or the time expires. But it does
last longer than the ones in DF Change.



Special Moves = Moves done using a certain motion.
ESpecial Moves = Upgraded Special Moves (done by pressing more than 1 button)
Character will be glowing blue (or red in DF Power) when
executing this. Will be referred to as ES (name of Special Move)
in the following sections. Most Special Moves can be ESpecial-able
but not all.
EX Special Move = Moves done with a certain command. Character will be changing
multiple colors when executing this. Will have the letters
EX followed by the number of levels needed to execute
(i.e. EX1 would require 1 level to be executed).
Guard Reversal = Reversal move that cancels the block animation frame into
a Special Move. Done by instantly doing F, D, DF + P (OR) K
(depends on character) after a block. Moves labelled with
GR in the moves list will mean it can be used as a Guard
Reversal. (GR ONLY) means the move can ONLY be done as
a Guard Reversal. (GR) means the move can be done anytime.
DF Power = Certain moves are usable only in DF Power. These are marked
with (DFP). Also, in DF Power certain EX Specials are upgradable
when used during the Dark Force. These are marked as (DFP-X)



The following is an example of what the layout used below means:

EX1 A/G Special/Super Move Name COMMAND (WHERE [ ] MEANS CHARGE)

LEGEND: (GR) : Guard Reversal move. Available also anytime.
(GR ONLY): Move available only as Guard Reversal.
(DFP) : Move only available in DF Power.
(DFP-X) : Move upgradable when using Dark Force in DF Power.


G Dash B, B (OR) F, F
A/G Dash (for certain characters) B, B (OR) F, F
EX1 G Dark Force (P + K), (P + K) AGAIN TO STOP
- Certain characters have
different Dark Forces
in DF Change depending on
the strength of the buttons

EX2 G Dark Force (DFP) (P + K)

A/G Coffin Slam D, D + P (OR) K
A Mummy's Curse D, DF, F + P
A/G Projectile Catch D, DB, B + K
D, DF, F + K
G Cobra Strike B, F + P
G Grand Wrap D, DF, F + P
G Dancing Taunt HOLD 3P, START
G Pit of Blame WHEN ON THE FLOOR, F, D, DF + K

EX1 G Word Of Truth (GR ONLY) F, D, DF + 2P
EX1 G Hellhole (DFP-X) B, DB, D, DF, F + 2K
EX1 A/G Judgment Stand MK, LP, D, LK, MP
EX2 A/G Judgment Stand 2 HK, MP, D, MK, HP
EX3 A/G Judgment Stand 3 HK, MP, LK, D, LP, MK, HP

EX1 A/G Anakaris Split (DFP) LP, LP, D, MK, HK

DARK FORCE: Anakaris Split (splits into two).

G Smile & Missile (High) [B], F + P
G Smile & Missile (Low) [B], F + K
G Happy & Missile (Air) [D], U + P
G Cheer & Fire F, D, DF + P
G Jealousy & Fake (GR ONLY) F, D, DF + K
G Merry Go Round F, DF, D, DB, B + P
G Stalking D + 3K

EX1 G Cool Hunting B, DB, D, DF, F + 2P
EX1 G Grandma Memory B, DB, D, DF, F + 2K
EX1 G Apple Grenade (DFP-X) F, DF, D, DB, B + 2K

EX1 G Walking Time Bomb (DFP) B, D, DB + 2K

DARK FORCE: All punches launches missile.
DF POWER NOTES: - Grandma Memory has longer start-up time.

A/G Spirit Hold B, DB, D, DF, F + P
F, D, DF + P
G Iai Giri (High) [B], F + P
G Iai Giri (Low) [B], F + K
G Torture Slash 360 (OR) F, D, U + P

EX1 G Spirit Crusher F, DF, D, DB, B + 2P
EX1 G Enma Seki B, DB, D, DF, F + 2K

DARK FORCE: Bishamon gains super armor.

A/G Chaos Fire D, DF, F + P
G Demon Cradle (GR) F, D, DF + P
G Angled Demon Cradle DURING DASH, F, D, DF + P
A/G Fallen Angel D, DB, B + K
G Stake Crush 360 (OR) F, D, U + P

EX1 G Midnight Bliss D, F, DF + 2P
EX1 G Demon Pillion (DFP-X) D, F, DF + 2K
EX2 G Midnight Pleasure LP, MP, F, MK, MK

EX1 G Bat Helpers (DFP) B, D, DB + 2K

DARK FORCE: Demitri calls two bats for help.

G Sword Impale D, DB, B + K
G Sword Release AFTER SWORD IMPALE, D, DB, B + K
G Thunder Sword AFTER SWORD IMPLAE, D, DB, B + P
G Ice Sword D, DF, F + P
G Flame Sword (GR) F, D, DF + P
G Lightning Sword B, D, DB + P, TAP PUNCH
G Swinging Sword F, DF, D, DB, B + P

EX1 G Crushing Stomp (DFP-X) B, DB, D, DF, F + K
EX1 G Inner Demon MP, LP, B, LK, MK

EX1 G Spinning Dhylec (DFP) B, D, DB + 2K

DARK FORCE: Dhylec spins around and attacks when Donovan does.

G Rolling Buckler D, DF, F + P, THEN PUNCH
G Ball Catch F, D, DF + P
G Delta Kick (GR) F, D, DF + K
G Scratching Post F, DF, D, DB, B + K
G Meter Charge D, D + HOLD 2K

EX1 G Rolling Fury (DFP-X) B, DB, D, DF, F + 2P
EX1 G Cat Call B, DB, D, DF, F + 2K

EX1 G Cat Helper (DFP) B, D, DB + 2K

DARK FORCE: Felicia has a helper that attacks with her.

G Dark Artillery D, DF, F + P
A/G Reversal Gong D, DB, B + P
A/G Cyclone Blade (GR) F, D, DF + P
G Spectral Slicer F, DF, D, DB, B + P

EX1 G Tombstone Blades B, DB, D, DF, F + 2K
EX1 G Iron Rain LK, HK, MP, MP, U
EX1 G Time Bomb (DFP-X) B, DB, D, DF, F + 2P

DARK FORCE: Hsien-Ko gains super armor and dashes instead of walking.

G Ice Beam (High) D, DF, F + P
G Ice Beam (Low) D, DF, F + P
A/G Missile Launch D, DB, B + P
A Electric Mine D, DB, B + K
G Circuit Breaker F, DF, D, DB, B + P
G Genocide Falcon B, D, DB + P
G Tech Shield (GR ONLY) F, D, DF + P

EX1 G Gatling Assault (DFP-X) F, D, DF + 2K
EX1 G Taser Field B, D, DB + 2K

EX1 G Ray of Doom (DFP) D, F, DF + 2P

DARK FORCE: Huitzil calls for 2 robot helpers who fires beams when
he attacks.

A/G Saw Blade D, DF, F + P
G Imprisoning Claw D, DB, B + P
A Falling Impaler F, DF, D, DB, B + K
A Falling Saw Spin F, DF, D, DB, B + K, THEN PUNCH
G Decapitation (GR ONLY) F, D, DF + P
G Exploding Pump F, DF, D, DB, B + K

EX1 G The Contract (DFP-X) B, DB, D, DF, F + 2K, THEN K
EX1 G Underworld D, D + 2P

EX1 G Flight (DFP) B, D, DB + 2K

DARK FORCE: Jedah gains the ability to fly.
DF POWER NOTES: - Decapitation can be done anytime.

A/G Luna's Hammer (Forward) D, DF, F + P, THEN DIRECTION + P
G Luna's Hammer (Upwards) (GR) F, D, DF + P, THEN DIRECTION + P
G Climb Laser D, U + K
G Nunchaku Flail D, DB, B + P, TAP PUNCH
G Eclipse Roll F, DF, D, DB, B + K
G Short Hop D + 3K

EX1 G Dragon Cannon B, DB, D, DF, F + 2K
EX1 G Moment Slice (DFP-X) LP, MP, F, LK, MK

EX1 G Dragon Cannon (DFP) B, DB, D, DF, F + 2P
EX1 G Multiple Images (DFP) B, DB, D, DF, F + 2K

DARK FORCE: Talbain has multiple images for extra hits.

G Soul Flash D, DF, F + P
G Shining Blade (GR) F, D, DF + P
G Merry Turn D, DB, B + K
G Bow & Arrow F, DF, D, DB, B + P
G High Jump D, U

EX1 G Splendor Love (DFP-X) F, D, DF + 2K
EX1 G Luminous Illusion LP, LP, F, LK, HP
EX2 G Gloomy Puppet Show B, DB, D, DF, F + 2K

EX1 G Double Illusion (DFP) LP, LP, F, MP, HP

DARK FORCE 1: Lilith makes an image that follows behind her.
DARK FORCE 2: Lilith makes the image behind the opponent.

A/G Spinning Copter D, DB, B + K
A/G Death Dance D, U, + K
G Death Phase (GR ONLY) F, D, DF + K
G Hell's Gate B, DB, D, DF, F + K
G Coffin Maker F, DF, D, DB, B + P

EX1 G Evil Slash (DFP-X) F, B + 2P
EX1 G Death Voltage F, DF, D, DB, B + 2K
EX1 G Hell Dunk F, D, DF + 2P

EX1 G Le Malta Saw (DFP) B, D, DB + 2K

DARK FORCE: Raptor turns Le Malta into a saw and attacks.

A/G Soul Fist D, DF, F + P
G Thrust Blade (GR) F, D, DF + P
G Vertical Dash D, U (OR) DASH, THEN HOLD UP
G Hell Ride F, DF, D, DB, B + P

EX1 A/G Valkyrie Drill F, DF, D, DB, B + K, THEN KICK
EX1 A/G Darkness Illusion (DFP-X) LP, LP, F, LK, HP
EX1 G Missile Launcher MP, LK, B, LK, MK
EX1 G Needle Impaler F, HP, MP, LP, F

EX1 G Double Illusion (DFP) LP, LP, F, MP, HP

DARK FORCE: Morrigan conjures an image of herself behind the opponent.

G Iai Giri (High) [B], F + P
G Iai Giri (Low) [B], F + K
G Rushing Slash B, DB, D, DF, F + P
G Sword Slash (GR) F, D, DF + P
G Rushing Poke F, D, DF + K
G Leaping Torture Slash D, DF, F, UF + P
G Leaping Slash D, DF, F, UF + P, THEN ANY BUTTON
G Torture Slash 360 (OR) F, D, U + P

EX1 G Spirit Crusher F, DF, D, DB, B + 2P
EX1 G Enma Seki B, DB, D, DF, F + 2K

EX1 G Spirit Punch (DFP) B, D, DB + 2P

DARK FORCE: Oboro gains super armor.

A/G Flaming Rock D, DF, F + P
G Zodiac Fire (GR) F, D, DF + P
A Orbital Blaze D, DB, B + K
G Burning Planet F, DF, D, DB, B + P
G Teleport B, D, DB + P (OR) K

EX1 G Cosmic Disruptor (DFP-X) B, DB, D, DF, F + HOLD 2P (OR)
EX1 A Cosmic Destroyer F, D, DF + 2K

EX1 G Image Helper (DFP) D, F, DF + 2P

DARK FORCE: Pyron make an image of himself that attacks when he does.

- Q-BEE -
A/G C->R (Rushing Grab) B, DB, D, DF, F + P
A/G Delta A (Flying Sting) F, DF, D, DB, B + K
G R.M. (GR ONLY) F, D, DF + K
G C.M. (Giant Sting) F, DF, D, DB, B + P

EX1 A/G Qj (Royal Jelly) F, D, DF + 2P
EX1 A/G +B (Bee Swarm) B, DB, D, DF, F + 2K

EX1 G Flight (DFP) B, D, DB + 2K

DARK FORCE: Q-Bee gets flying abilities.

G Sonic Wave [B], F + P
G Swamp Gas [B], F + K
G Trick Fish (GR ONLY) F, D, DF + K
G Frenzy Rage F, DF, D, DB, B + P
G Oyster Pearls F, DF, D, DB, B + K

EX1 G Rage of the Sea B, DB, D, DF, F + 2P
EX1 G Water Jail F, D, DF + 2P
EX1 G Aqua Spread (DFP-X) F, DF, D, DB, B + HOLD 2P (OR)
EX3 G Scissor Smash D, D + 2P (ONLY ORIGINAL COLOR)

DARK FORCE: Water rises while Rikuo rides on the sea shell.
DF POWER NOTES: - Trick Fish (F, D, DF + K) can be done anytime.

G Ice Breath D, DF, F + P
G Typhoon Kick (GR) F, D, DF + K
G Ice Fortress D, D + P
G Deep Freezer F, DF, D, DB, B + P
G Big Swing 360 (OR) F, D, U + K

EX1 G Big Freeze B, DB, D, DF, F + 2P
EX1 G Thin Ice (DFP-X) B, DB, D, DF, F + 2K
EX1 G Sleigh Ride 720 + 2K
EX1 G Banana Peel B, DB, D, DF, F + START

EX1 G Penguin Bombs (DFP) B, D, DB + 2K

DARK FORCE 1: Sasquatch gains super armor.
DARK FORCE 2: Sasquatch calls some penguins that acts like bombs.

G Giga Fist [D], U + P
G Giga Smash [B], F + P
G Giga Knee (GR) F, D, DF + P
G Giga Shock D, DB, B + P
G Mega Shock D, DF, F + K
G Power Bolt Throw 360 (OR) F, D, U + P
G Short Hop D + 3K

EX1 G Thunderstrike [D], U + 2K
EX1 G Gerdenheim 720 + 2K

EX1 G Rushing Punches (DFP) F, D, DF + 2P
EX1 G Great Gerdenheim (DFP) (DFP-X) B, DB, D, DF, F + 2P, THEN GRAB

DARK FORCE 1: Victor starts the Great Gerdenheim.
DARK FORCE 2: All attacks are electrified.

Shadow and Marionette are not normal characters. They will use the
other characters to fight. Shadow will take the form of the character
that you last defeated (except the first). Marionette will always use
the same character as your opponent.



Well, actually, the game's combo system is rather easy, and mostly everyone
should be able to come up with their own combos. The general combos that
everyone can do are the chain combos done with

LP -> LK -> MP -> MK -> HP -> HK

All characters can do the chain combo above, but how effective are
they depends on the character. You can start the chain combo from any
button and als skip any move in the middle (i.e. MP -> MK -> HK). So,
with this, you can find which combination your character does best.
The moves will surely chain (i.e. your character will execute them),
but whether it's in range to hit is another question.

Once you started a chain combo into the MP or MK region, you cannot
cancel them into a Special or EX Special Move (unless you set DX Cancel
on), unless they are part of a button combination EX Special. Therefore,
Special Move combos are done with the following

LP -> LK -> Special Move

Again, you can skip start with any part and skip the middle parts. This
also applies to the following combos below. The good thing about CAPCOM
start anywhere within the combo.

A -> B -> C -> D

The above example can be done either from A to D, or B to D, or just
C and D. Use this method to find and create your own combos. That would
be the main fun in playing the game anyway.

But if you need any combos, here are just some that I found, that requires
some practice to pull it off. If you can do these flawlessly, congratulations.
I'll try to add more combos if I find anything else interesting. But,
seriously, the most fun you get out of the game would be to find your
own ways of attacking.

ES Saw Blade (D, DF, F + P), move forward a little, LP, ES Imprisoning Claw
(D, DB, B + P), ES Pursuit Attack
- Rather simple. However, the hit counter won't show it's a
combo because of the delay of the ES Imprisoning Claw

ES Saw Blade (D, DF, F + P), The Contract (B, DB, D, DF, F + 2K, K)
- The Contract has to be done VERY fast, or else the opponent
might be able to escape.

ES Saw Blade (D, DF, F + P), Underworld (D, D + 2P), ES Pursuit
- Like the above, it has to be done VERY fast.

ES Fallen Angel (D, DB, B + K), MK, ES Chaos Fire (D, DF, F + P), Dash
forward, ES Demon Cradle (F, D, DF + P), ES Pursuit
- The MK must be pressed exactly when Demitri touches the floor.
Timing is very crucial.

ES Fallen Angel (D, DB, B + K), ES Demon Cradle (F, D, DF + P), ES Pursuit
- Shorter version of the above combo. The ES Demon Cradle has
to be done exactly when you touch the floor.

ES Fallen Angel (D, DB, B + K), MK, ES Chaos Fire (D, DF, F + P),
Midnight Bliss (D, F, DF + 2P)
- It's not really a combo, it's very hard to escape this trick.
Furthermore, the Midnight Bliss in unblockable.

ES Fallen Angel (D, DB, B + K), Midnight Bliss (D, F, DF + 2P)
- Easier...

Jump in, HK, land, Midnight Bliss (D, F, DF + 2P)
- Even easier...

Jump in, HK, land, LP, MP, (F, MK, MK)
- Do the bracket moves quickly and you'll surprise your opponent
with the Midnight Pleasure.

Multiple Images, Jump in, HP, land, LP, ES Nunchaku Flail (D, DB, B + P)
- An easy 27 hit combo, if you get most of the hits.

Jump in, HP, land, LP, MP, (F, LK, MK)
- The best way to hit with the Moment Slice. The LP, MP will
be a combo, stunning the opponent, and if you do the moves
in parenthesis quickly, he'll connect into the Moment Slice.

Missile Launcher (MP, LP, B, LK, MK), Darkness Illusion (LP, LP, F, LK, HP),
ES Pursuit
- This only works if the opponent gets hit by the Missile
Launcher very close to you (not more than 1 character distance)
Start the Darkness Illusion near the end of the Missile Launcher
and Morrigan will go straight into the move.

Missile Launcher (MP, LP, B, LK, MK), Needle Impaler (F, HP, MP, LP, F)
- If you hit the opponents from across the screen with the Missile
Launcher, do this instead. It'll hit if you time it right. However,
the opponent must first be hit by the Missile Launcher while
standing on the floor.

Valkyrie Drill (F, DF, D, DB, B + K, THEN KICK), Darkness Illusion (LP, LP, F, LK, HP),
ES Pursuit
- The best move for Morrigan. Works best when your opponent's in
the corner, especially when they're stun doing some move. You
have to time the Darkness Illusion like the Missile Launcher
combos, and both moves will connect.

Jump in, HP, land, LP, LP, F, LK, HP
- Very easy move to connect the Darkness Illusion.

Jump in, LP, LP, F, LK, HP (all in the air)
- Even easier...

Jump in, HP, land, LP, LK, HK (MP, MP, U), ES Knockdown
- Rather hard combo. The MP, MP, U has to be done FAST or else
the opponent could recover and block. Also, it depends on the
distance between you and your opponent as well. If it's too
far, the spiked balls would not hit the opponent.

ES Bow & Arrow (F, DF, D, DB, B + P), Luminous Illusion (LP, LP, F, LK, HP)
- Very easy combo. It'll hit while in the air.

ES Soul Flash (D, DF, F + P), Luminous Illusion (LP, LP, F, LK, HP)
- Can only be done in the corner, and you must be VERY close
to the opponent. And you have to start the Luminous Illusion
instantly after your Soul Flash's stun frame finishes.

ES Bow & Arrow (F, DF, D, DB, B + P), Gloomy Puppet Show (B, DB, D, DF, F + 2K)
- Very much like the first combo.

ES Bow & Arrow (F, DF, D, DB, B + P), Splendour Love (F, D, DF + 2K)
- Not as good as the previous ones, as it hits very little.

Not much of a combo, but strategy. Since the Water Jail (F, D, DF + 2P)
only allows one extra hit when hit, it would be best to use the Aqua
Spread (F, DF, D, DB, B + 2P (OR) 2K) right after that. This would give
you more time to move around before the opponent can move. If you have
more Super Levels, time it right so that, when you release another
Water Jail, it would be very hard for them to escape. A trick is to
release a Water Jail very close to them, and if it appears behind the
opponent, hit them to push them into the Water Jail.

Again, not a combo but tip. When using the Flying Ability, have Q-Bee
float slightly above the floor (tap UP lightly). Then, keep holding forward
and tap LP, LK, MP, MK, HK, and repeat. This won't do much good if the
opponent blocks, but it kinda pressures them a little. You can could
them but come back to the ground and grab them once they are confused.
By holding forward all the time, you will be sticking to the opponent,
and would not distance yourself from him/her when attacking like usual.
Also, DO NOT press HP while flying, as it will automatically bring you
up higher.

Milo D. Cooper, milo@milos-chalkboard.net -
for pointing out the errors in Anakaris and Q-Bee's moves list.

Ed Derus, Cderus@worldnet.att.net -
for the extra moves for Oboro and pointing out a few errors.

Those are the short combos and the information I can gather from the
game so far from the time I've played. If anyone has any extra information
or correction, please inform me about it. Hope this helps.
Produced by Gouki of
Gouki's Page of Whatever

(C) 1998 Gouki's Page Of Whatever
MAIL: rolento@geocities.com

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