Darkstalkers 3

Darkstalkers 3

14.10.2013 10:53:10
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Dingo Jellybean 3 333333333
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Version Last 5/19/00 3333 3333333
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-+- Capcom(www.capcom.com)
Thanks to Capcom for making one of the best fighting games of all time!

-+- S "Akuma" Rotondi(http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/game/20007.html)
I urge you to check out his FAQ, it has a lot of juicy details on the
massive game and some really nice secrets that I never even knew about!

-+- Tiger Tiger of the Wind(tiger_of_the_wind@altavista.com)
Thanks for some info regarding the game, even though it was mainly
trivial than game related.

-+- CJC(www.gamefaqs.com)
Thanks to his hardwork on the site for allowing people to read guides
without buying them.

-+- Dingo Jellybean(www.vfaqs.net)
And me for typing the FAQ.


Version 1.00: Initial release, contained practically everything that I knew
of in the game.
Version Last: Didn't add much, this is to note that I will not be updating
the guide anymore.


This FAQ was solely intended for the public use on the www. It cannot be
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This document is (C) Dingo Jellybean; 2000

==============================End of Copyright===============================

- Game Engine

- Moves available to all
- Combo System

- Movelists

- Quick Reference(Shortened Movelist)
- Anakrais
- B.B.Hood
- Bishamon
- Demitri
- Donovan
- Felecia
- Hsien-Ko
- Huitzil
- Jedah
- J.Talbain
- Lilith
- L. Rapter
- Morrigan
- Pyron
- Q-Bee
- Rikvo
- Sasquatch
- Victor
- Oboro

- Combos
- Endings
- Miscellaneous
- Credits

----------------------------- [ Game Engine ] -------------------------------

Well every fighting game has a game engine, simply a fighting game cannot
exist without an adequete fighting engine. Luckily Darkstalkers 3's engine
is pretty darn good.

Guard Cancel: F,D,DF+P/K

This allows the character to counter attack or push block when they are
blocking an attack. You can't just press punch or kick, you will have to
refer to the movelists to see which button to press. Also note that the
Guard Cancels take up absolutely no levels of super whatsoever.

Advancing Guard: P/K Rapidly

When you are blocking an attack go crazy on your controler or Joystick and
you will push your opponent back. This is basically push blocking, its
pretty useful at times if your opponent puts the pressure on you. However,
try not to do it too often, often you might find yourself getting counter-
attacked rather than push blocking because you might do the Advancing
Guard too early.

Dash: F,F

This is your basic dash, note that sometimes your character can dash
through a character, but that all really depends on which character that
you choose to use. However unlike the crossover series you CANNOT dash
with the 3 punch button exemption.

Blocking and Air Blocking: Hit opposite direction of attack

The most essential thing in fighting games is blocking. You can't have a
good offensive without a good defense. You can block in the air as well
as on the ground, when the opponent jumps at you from above block high,
and when the opponent tries to sweep you block low. Also note that your
life bar will decrease a bit if you take block damage, luckily all
block damage incured can be recovered gradually.

Throw or Grab: F/B+MP/FP/FK/RK(close)

When your opponent jsut can't seem to stop blocking all day, you should
try to throw them. Throws and grabs are always unblockable, for grabs go
crazy on your joystick or controller to get more hits out of it. You
can't really do anything after you have thrown the opponent besides the
persuit attack, but you can knock out of a throw or grab before the
damage is done.

Throw or Grab escape: F/B+P/K rapidly

This is basically known as a technical hit, but its just called differently
in this game. You can either reduce the damage of the throw or the grab or
you can escape the damage from the throw or the grab all together. It
all really depends on how early or how late you do the motion.

Retreat and Stand: F/B+P/K

This is basically an escape when you are knocked to the ground either by
an attack or a throw or a grab. Depending on which directional button you
press will determine where you will go and depending on the strength of
the punch or the kick button you press will determine the distance of your
Retreat and Stand, the stronger the button used in the motion the farther
you will roll. Note that you should use this often, especially when you
are trying to escape from a persuit attack.

Defensive Fall: F/B+MP/FP/FK/RK

This is basically to soften your landing from either a throw or a ground
sweep. It will reduce the damage taken from falls and there is basically
no disadvantage to using it.

Basic Chain Combo: JP,SP,FP/SK,FK,RK(sequencially)

The basic chain combo goes from the weakest punch to the strongest punch,
its pretty much like the magic series in the crossover games, I'll
elaborate on this a little more in the combo engine section below.

Taunt: Select

This is basically a taunt that a character will do, its more here to tease
rather than any defensive or offensive tactic. Note that you can cancel
into a taunt but you cannot cancel out of it, so use it wisely...heck
what am I saying? Using it isn't even wise at all!

Dark Force: P+K(same strength)

Dark Force in this game allows your character added enhancements or allies
or whatever to thier already standard arsenal of offense and defense. In
this game all Dark Force Change can be initiated by hitting the same
strength attack buttons. The Dark Force Power however are initiated by
pressing a certain motion and you can only bring one Dark Force to battle
with you, and these Dark Forces lasts about 6 seconds or so. The difference
between the Dark Force Power and the Dark Force change is that the Dark
Force Power adds a higher attack power when you initiate the Dark Force,
however you cannot recover any life guage once you incur, basically there
is no white bar that follows your red bar, the same goes for the damage
that you incur to your opponent. Dark Force Change takes up one EX bar
and the Dark Force Power takes up two EX bars, and the Dark Force Power
makes some of your supers more powerful than they already are.

Auto Block

When you choose "Auto" from your character selection menu, your character
automatically blocks without you having to input the blocking command.
However, you are still susceptible to throws and when your opponent catches
you in the midst of your attack, your auto blocking will not go into
effect. Also the supers that are unblockable remain unblockable as well
and you incur block damage from regular attacks and nearly double the
amount of block damage from special attacks, but the block damage is
always recoverable.

Life Recovery

In battle you might incur damage, even when blocking. However there is a
white life guage that follows behind the red bar, the red bar will refill
up to that white bar where it stops and basically you are given more than
100% of your life in battle so to say. You have to wait a second or two
for your guage to start refilling back up to the white life bar. Even
if you you block a hit, the guage stops moving.

Persuit Attack: After knockdown, U+P/K

This is similar to OTG, but not quite exactly since this is an actual
move rather than just any old OTG. Once you have knocked your opponent
down hit the motion for the Persuit Attack and your character will jump
above the fallen opponent and attack them from the air. Sometimes your
character might do drill attacks that cause as much as five hits. But
all attacks deal the same amount of damage overall, you should always use
this attack, you can always try to get some extra damage in.

ES Persuit Attack: After Knockdown, U+3P/3K

This is much like the regular Persuit Attack except this will consume one
level of your super meter and each character has a much more different
animation than the regular Persuit Attack and it does A LOT more damage
as well, nearly 3-5 times as much damage than the regular Persuit Attack,
though you can miss with it and just waste your level of super.

------------------------------[Combo Legend]---------------------------------

This is the combo legend that I will be using for this FAQ created by the
Fabulous James Chen with the modifications of Miguel Rustia!

, is used to indicate normal move chaining
--> indicates Special Move cancellation
/\ indicates that you cancel the current move with a Super Jump
\/ indicates that you land after the last move and continue on the ground
S. stands for standing
C. stands for crouching
DN. stands for holding down on the controller while attacking during a jump
UP. stands for holding up on the controller while attacking during a jump
T. stands for holding towards on the controller (direction you are facing)
J. stands for jumping
SJ. stands for Super Jumping
D. stands for Dashing before performing the move
AD. stands for Air Dashing
F. stands for Flying
(OTG) means this will hit opponent "off the ground" hence the term "OTG."
AC - Air Combo
AC Finisher - A move that will end an air combo by initiating the FS

All moves shown at the bottom are from the left side, if you are on the
right side just switch the motion of the joystick.

You can get more hit out of comboes by basically using the weaker
punches/kicks but they do less damage then there stronger counterparts.

------------------------------[Combo System]---------------------------------

The game's combo system is basically the same as the crossover series'
combo system. It comprises of the wonderful magic series where all you have
to do is press the buttons in sequencion and a combo will come out.

Weak Start Magic Series: JP -> FP/RK/FK/SP, SK -> FP/RK/SP/FK

This part of the magic series comprises of just two hits out of the combo
chain. The most you can get out of this is just two hits and you cannot
start from a strong or forward to any stronger or weaker attack.

ZigZag: JP -> SK -> SP -> FK -> FP -> RK

This series allows you to chain in all 6 attack buttons, but sometimes
your attacks push the opponent back before all six of your attacks
ever chain. So usually you might get four or five hits max sometimes. Note
that the majority of the characters in this game have a this magic series
on the ground.

Stronger: SK - > SP -> FP, JP -> FK -> FP

Basically with the stronger you go from the weakest chain to the strongest
chain, its the basic chain combo the most characters can do in this game.

NOTE: No character in the game has a None, Punch to Kick, or Kick to Punch
magic series, so I will not need to elaborate on that.


---------------------------[Character Movelists]-----------------------------

------------------------------- [ Anakrais ] --------------------------------

Mummy Drop: D,DF,F+P
Coffin Fall: D,D+P/K
Royal Curse: D,DF,F+P(air)
Cobra Blow: B,F+P
Inhale: D,DB,B+K
Discourge: After Inhale, D,DF,F+K
Ax Kick: F/B+FK
Moving Drop Kick: F/B+RK
Float: U,U(hold Up the 2nd time)

Gate of Hell: B,DB,D,DF,F+K
Pharaoh Magic: FK,JP,D,SK,MP
Pharoah Salvation: RK,SP,D,FK,FP(level 2)
Pharoah Declaration: RK,SP,SK,D,JP,FK,FP(level 3)

Serpeant Blow: B,F+3P
Coffin Drop: D,DF,F+3P
Pharaoh Curse: D,DF,F+3P(air)

Pharaoh Split: JP,JP,D,FK,RK

---------------------------------[ B.B.Hood ]--------------------------------

Smiling Missile: B(charge 2 sec.)F+P/K
Happy Missile: D(charge for 2 sec.)U+P
Cheer of Fire: F,D,DF+P
Shy Strike: D,DB,B+P
Guard Cancel: Jealousy Fake: F,D,DF+K
Basket Thurst: F/B+SP
Knee Thrust: F/B+FK

Cool Hunting: B,DB,D,DF,F+3P
Apple for you: F,DF,D,DB,B+3K
Beautiful Memory: B,DB,D,DF,F+3K

Jealousy Strike: D,DB,B+3P
Wonderful Missile: D(charge for 2 sec.)U+P
Cheery Missile: B(charge for 2 sec.)F+3P
Killing Time: P+K(same strength)


Soul Stun: B,DB,D,DF,F+P
Soul Summon: Perform Soul Stun, B+P
Storm Slash: Perform Soul Stun, D,DF,F+P
Upper Slash: F,D,DF+P
Quick Slash: B(charge for 2 sec.)F+P

Soul Torment: Knock Opponent Down, D,D+3P
Stone Sentence: B,DB,D,DF,F+3K

Soul Choke: F,DF,D,DB,B+3P
Spirit Stun: D,DF,F+3K
Soul Split: Perform Spirit Stun, D,DF,F+3P
Lightning Slash: B(charge for 2 sec.)F+3P
Tornado Slash: F,D,DF+3P

Super Armor: P+K(same strength)

Chaos Flare: D,DF,F+P
Demon Cradle: F,D,DF+P
Bat Spin: D,DB,B+K

Demon Horde: D,F,DF+3K
Midnight Bliss: D,F,DF+3P
Midnight Pleasure: JP,SP,F,FK,FK(level 2)

Demon Flare: D,DF,F+3P
Chaos Cradle: F,D,DF+3P
Chaos Spin: D,DB,B+3K

Dark Side Master: B,D,DB+3K


Kill Shred: Release Sword: D,DB,B+K
Kill Shred: Call Sword: Release Sword, D,DB,B+K
Kill Shred: Thunder: Release Sword, D,DB,B+P
Blizzard Sword: B,DB,D,DF,F+P
Flame Sword: F,D,DF+P
Lightning Sword: B,D,DB+P

Spirit Crusher: B,DB,D,DF,F+K
Change Immortal: SP,JP,B,SK,FK

Kill Shred: Return Sword: Release Sword, D,DB,B+3K
Kill Shred: Flash Lightning: Release Sword, D,DB,B+3P
Freezing Sword: B,DB,D,DF,F+3P
Blaze Sword: F,D,DF+3P
Thunder Sword: B,D,DB+3P

Slay Shred: B,D,DB+3K


Rolling Buckler: D,DF,F+P
Rolling Buckler Uppercut: Rolling Buckler, then P
Delta Kick: F,D,DF+K
Cat Spike: F,D,DF+P
EX Charge: D,D+2K
Guard Cancel: Delta Kick
Where are you?: Jump on opponent's head
Wall Jump/Hang: Jump to Wall, B/F

Dancing Flash: B,DB,D,DF,F+3P
Please Help Me: B,DB,D,DF,F+3K

Flashing Buckler: D,DF,F+3P
Delta Flash Kick: F,D,DF+3K
Feline Spike: F,D,DF+3P


Weapon Throw: D,DF,F+P
Reflect Gong: D,DB,B+P
Guillotine Swing: F,D,DF+P(rapidly)
Full Extension: F+FP

Rising Soul Blade: B,DB,D,DF,F+3K
Spikes from Heaven: LK,HK,MP,MP,U
Chinese Bomb: B,DB,D,DF,F+3P

Flashing Weapon Throw: D,DF,F+3P
War Gong: D,DB,B+3P
Massacre Swing: F,D,DF+3P

Dark Force: Soul Sister: P+K(same strength)


Plasma Beam: D,DF,F+P/K
Missile Launcher: D,DB,B+P
Genocide Vulcan: B,D,DB+P
Plasma Trip: D,DB,B+K(air)
Guard Cancel: Reflect Wall: F,D,DF+3P
Gear Thrust: F+FP
Gear Extension: F+RK

Final Guardian B: B,DB,D,DF,F+3P
Energy Sphere: B,D,DB+3K

Plasma Ray: D,DF,F+3K/3P
Turrican Vulcan: B,D,DB+3P
Plasma Sweep: D,DB,B+3K(air)

Dark Force: Ray of Doom: D,F,DF+2P


Dio = Cega: D,DF,F+P
Nero = Fautica: D,DB,B+P
Ira = Spinta: F,DF,D,DB,B+K(air)
Spregio: F,D,DF+P

Purova = Dél = Cervo: B,DB,D,DF,F+3K, then K
Finale = Russo: D,D,+3P

Dio = Cega: D,DF,F+3P
Nero = Fautica: D,DB,B+P
Ira = Spinta: F,DF,D,DB,B+3K(air)
Spregio: F,D,DF+3P

Dark Force: Santu Arrio: B,D,DB+3K


Beast Cannon: D,DF,F+P/F,D,DF+P
Climb Razor: D,U+K
Million Flicker: D,DB,B+P(rapidly)
Quick Dash: D+3K

Dragon Cannon: B,DB,D,DF,F+3K(DFC)/B,DB,D,Df,F+3P(DFP)
Razor Slice: JP,SP,F,SK,FK

Flashing Beast Cannon: D,DF,F+3P/F,D,DF+3P
Billion Flicker: D,DB,B+3P(rapidly)
Mountain Razor: D,U+K

Dark Force: Mirage Body: B,DB,D,DF,F+3K(DFP)


Soul Flash: D,DF,F+P
Shining Blade: F,D,DF+P
Soul Spin: D,DB,B+K
High Jump: D,U

Splendor Love: F,D,DF+3K
Luminous Illusion: JP,JP,F,SK,FP
Gloomy Puppet Show: B,DB,D,DF,F+3K(Level 2)

Soul Blink: D,DF,F+3P
Bat Spin: D,DB,B+3K
Mirage Blade: F,D,DF+3P

--------------------------------[L. Rapter]----------------------------------

Death Hurricane: D,DB,B+K
Skull Blade: D,U+K
Hell's Gate: B,DB,D,DF,F+K
Extended Chainsaw: F+FP/RK

Evil Scream: F,B+3P
Hell Dunk: F,D,DF+3P
Death Voltage: F,DF,D,DB,B+3K

Doomed Hurricane: D,DB,B+3K
Splitting Skull Blade: D,U+3K

Dark Force: Ultimate Undead: B,D,DB+3K


Soul Fist: D,DF,F+P
Shadow Blade: F,D,DF+P
Vector Drain: F,DF,D,DB,B+P
Air Dash: D,U

Darkness Illusion: JP,JP,F,SK,FP
Valkerie Turn: F,DF,D,DB,B+K, then K
Finishing Shower: SP,JP,F,FK,SK
Cryptic Needle: F,FP,SP,JP,F

Spirit Fist: D,DF,F+3P
Darkness Blade: F,D,DF+3P
Vector Slam: F,DF,D,DB,B+3P


Soul Smasher: D,DF,F+P
Zodiac Attack: F,D,DF+P
Orbiter Blaze: D,DB,B+K(air)
Galaxy Trip: B,D,DB+P/K

Cosmo Disruption: B,DB,D,DF,F+3P/3K

Soul Crusher: D,DF,F+3P
Zodiac Crusher: F,D,DF+3P
Solar Blaze: D,DB,B+K(air)
Shining Gemini: B,D,DB+K


C -> R: B,DB,D,DF,F+P
Delta A: D,DB,B+K
S by P: K(rapidly)

Qj: F,D,DF+3P
Plus B: B,DB,D,DF,F+3K

C -> R: B,DB,D,DF,F+3P
Delta A: D,DB,B+3K
S by P: 3K(rapidly)

Dark Force: I2: B,D,DB+3K


Sonic Wave: B(charge for 2 sec.)F+P
Poison Breath: B(charge for 2 sec.)F+K
Tricky Fish: B,B+K(DFC)/F,D,DF+K(DFP)
Sea Haven: F,DF,D,DB,B+SP/FP(close)
Shell Storm: F,DF,D,DB,B+K(close)

Aqua Spread: F,DF,D+3P/3K
Water Jail: F,D,DF+3P
Sea Rage: B,DB,D,DF,F+3P

Super Sonic Wave: B(charge 2 sec.)F+3P
Bio Breath: B(charge fore 2 sec.)F+3K
Magic Fish: B,B+3K(DFC)/F,D,DF+3K(DFP)
Ocean Haven: F,DF,D,DB,B+3P
Pearl Storm: F,DF,D,DB,B+3K

Dark Force: Ocean Range: P+K(same strength)


Big Breath: D,DF,F+P
Big Blow: F,D,DF+P(hold P then release)
Typhoon Kick: F,D,DF+K
Ice Towers: D,D+P
Big Swing: 360+K(close)
Big Gulp: F,DF,D,DB,B+P(close)

Big Freezer: B,DB,D,DF,F+3P
Big Ice Burn: B,DB,D,DF,F+3K
Big Sledge: 360x2+3K(close)

Giant Breath: D,DF,F+3P
Giant Blow: F,D,DF+3P
Whirlwind Kick: F,D,DF+3K
Frozen Towers: D,D+3P
Giant Swing: 360+3K
Giant Gulp: F,DF,D,DB,B+3P

Dark Force: Super Armor: B,D,DB+3K


Mega Forhead: B(charge for 2 sec.)F+P
Mega Fist: D(charge for 2 sec.)U+P
Giga Knee: F,D,DF+K
Gyro Crush: D,DB,B+K
Mega Shock: D,DF,F+K
Small Hop: D+3K

Thunder Break: D(charge for 2 sec.)U+3K
Gerdenheim 3: 360x2+3K
Giga Brute: F,D,DF+3P

Giga Forehead: B(charge for 2 sec.)F+3P
Giga Fist: D(charge for 2 sec.)U+3P
Terra Knee: F,D,DF+3K
Gyro Smash: D,DB,B+3P

Dark Force: Great Gerdenheim: B,DB,D,DF,F+3K


Soul Stun: D,DF,F+P
Soul Summon: Perform Soul Stun, B+P
Storm Slash: Perform Soul Stun, D,DF,F+P
Upper Slash: F,D,DF+P
Quick Slash: B(charge for 2 sec.)F+P/K
Spinning Slash: B,DB,D,DF,F+P
Dashing Soul Blade: F,D,DF+K

Soul Choke: F,DF,D,DB,B+3P
Stone Sentence: B,DB,D,DF,F+3K
Soul Torment: D,D+3P

Spirit Stun: D,DF,F+3K
Soul Split: Perform Spirit Stun, D,DF,F+3P
Lightning Slash: B(charge for 2 sec.)F+3P
Tornado Slash: F,D,DF+3P
Deathspin Slash: B,DB,D,DF,F+3P
Dashing Flash Blade: F,D,DF+3K

Dark Force: Super Armor: P+K(same strength)

------------------------------- [ Anakrais ] --------------------------------


"All excellent souls should kneel before me."

- Those who follow his will shall be protected, and those who oppose him
will be destroyed. No matter when or where, that rule is unshakable.

--------------------------[Mummy Drop: D,DF,F+P]-----------------------------

This move is a grab move, it doesn't have much range as you can expect
but it does do a lot of damage and it cannot be blocked. You can even
combo in this move as well, although the count guage does not count it as
a hit, it can still combo in pretty easily. You have to watch out for your
opponent though, they can easily jump over this and you will be in for a
combo. This won't catch your opponent in the air, but you can catch your
opponent from across the screen, you can use the fierce version to reach
across the screen, but if your opponent is not at the end of the screen
he/she will not get caught in the Royal Curse, so you will have to watch
out for that, timing and distance is very critical in using this move.
There is also little start up delay on this move and very little recovery
time on this move as well.

--------------------------[Coffin Fall: D,D+P/K]-----------------------------

This move is a bit odd, but its still a very effective move to use and it
does a lot of damage. This will have Anakrais drop a giant mummy coffin on
his opponent, and depending on which button you press determines where the
coffin will land on the opponent, basically the stronger the attack button
used the farther the coffin will drop. Note that you can use this as an
anti-air attack, but it has a bit of a start up delay but usually the
coffin will fall on the opponent first before your opponent can attack
you. You should use this often, not only does it keep your oppoenent away
but it assures basically a flawless victory, but then again using this
move is rather cheap anyways.

-----------------------[Royal Curse: D,DF,F+P(air)]--------------------------

This move is a bit odd, it can only be used in the air and what it does
if it connects is that it will turn your opponent into a bat. However this
move does very little damage but you can also attack your opponent while
they are in bat form. This move is a bit odd, I'm not really sure about
this move but it seems like it is unblockable. The stronger the punch
button the longer your opponent will stay in bat form and the longer
your projectile will go. Not much you can do about this move though, but
it has very little start up delay and very little recovery time.

---------------------------[Cobra Blow: B,F+P]-------------------------------

This move is basically his fierce punch, nothing more. The only difference
is that it just just a tad bit more damage and that it hits twice, its
just as comboable as his fierce punch anyways so I really don't see a
point in using this move or even why this move is here anyways. IT will
however keep your opponent away as this move has half a screen's reach,
but then again so does your fierce button.

------------------[Inhale: D,DB,B+K/Discourge:D,DF,F+K]----------------------

This move is a bit odd, personally I don't even know how its suppose to
connect but I have seen it happen. You basically have to be near your
opponent, then Anakaris will absorb his opponent and then inhale his
opponent, then as you hold your opponent do the Discourge motion to release
your opponent. This move does good damage but it cannot be comboed and it
will leave Anakrais open to attack if he misses. Once again this move, its
pretty hard to connect with because I don't even know how to connect this

-----------------------------[Ax Kick: F/B+FK]-------------------------------

This move is soewhat useful, it can be used as a semi-anti air attack.
It does good damage and has massive range and for those of you familiar
with Ryu's Ax Kick, this is basically how it looks like with very little
difference in animation.

------------------------[Moving Drop Kick: F/B+RK]---------------------------

This is basically his roundhouse drop kick, except it moves him just a
little bit. This can catch opponents by surprise for those who try to dash
in on him, there is very little start up delay and recovery time from this

---------------------[Float: U,U(hold Up the 2nd time)]----------------------

This is his floating manuver, it will have some pretty odd effects to it
though. Your feet come from the bottom but your punches come from the
top, its really confusing towards your opponent, but try not to use it too
often though.

------------------[EX Super: Gate of Hell: B,DB,D,DF,F+K]--------------------

This move is a pretty effective move, however its distance is isolated to
just a short distance in fornt of Anakaris. However this EX Super is also
unblockable, and basically what this will do is have Anakaris send up a
giant beam from the ground and if the opponent gets caught he or she will
fly upwards(with some goofy sound effects) and then drop down into a
portal on the ground below and get shot back up into the air and drop down.
This move does quite a bit of damage but its major disadvantage is that
if the opponent is right next to Anakaris or if the opponent is far away
from Anakaris then the opponent will remain completely unscathed, which
will allow them to counter attack Anakaris up close and it will basically
leave him open to attack for like 2 seconds or something. This move has
bad start up delay and the recovery time on this move really sucks, try
not to use it too often otherwise you will be eating the end of the raw

------------------[EX Super: Pharaoh Magic: FK,JP,D,SK,MP]-------------------

This move is also unblockable, what this will do is that once his opponent
is caught, he will perform all 4 Earth elemental attacks comprising of
fire, lightning, ice, and a giant coffin that will drop on the opponent
(which is Earth). IT does a good amount of damage, but it cannot be comboed
and it also doesn't have a high success rate of catching the opponent
either. Just watch out when you are using this move, its a bit risky since
your opponent can counter attack as you come down. The real disadvantage
of this move is that friggin motion, its so hard to do at times that it
can cost you the match when you attempt to do the move in the middle of the
match sometimes. IT has little start up delay and it has decent recovery
delay, but its usually enough time for your opponent to counter attack you
as you land from your EX Super.

------------[EX Super: Pharoah Salvation: RK,SP,D,FK,FP(level 2)]------------

This is basiclaly the same move as above except its a much more fancier
version of the attack. This is also unblockable and what this will do is
have Anakaris send small spirits towards his opponent and if it catches
his opponent, it will start his attack, which comprises of a meteo shower,
then a series of elemental attacks and end the attack with a giant coffin
which does more damage than the last one for a total of 15 hits. Its a
pretty fancy super to use, but like above it doesn't have a high success
rate of catching the opponent and the recovery delay and the start up
delay is fair, but it still gives your opponent enough time to attack

--------[EX Super: Pharoah Declaration: RK,SP,SK,D,JP,FK,FP(level 3)]--------

This move is basically the same as above, what this move will do is hit
for a total of 7 hits and the total damage is much greater than the last
level. But this motion is just so friggin hard to do in battle without
thinking about it. Like above it has a little success rate and it has
a lot of recovery time and start up delay, try to be careful when you are
using it because it takes up a lot of super from your guage.

---------------------[ES Super: Serpeant Blow: B,F+3P]-----------------------

This is a pretty good super to use, not only does it have massive range,
it also does a lot of damage and it can combo as well. This super comes
out by surprise a lot of time and it can bring in a total of six hits. Try
to use this as a horizontal defense against a dashing opponent and it
will usually catch them. The range is like 3/4's the entire screen's length
and this move has very little recovery time and start up delay, if any
for that matter. I think if you can time this move right you can use it
as an anti-air attack.

---------------------[ES Super: Coffin Drop: D,DF,F+3P]----------------------

This move is a very quick move and it will easily combo against an
opponent. This has a lot of range, maybe 4/5's the entire screen's distance
as it will catch the opponent within your reach. It does a lot of damage
and if you whirl the joystick or the directional pad along with it, there
will be more momentum that gains, but sadly it doesn't do any more damage
than it already can do now. The recovery time is pretty bad if missed,
but because of the length of the super its hard for Anakaris to get
countered if the opponent doesn't jump over this move.

------------------[ES Super: Pharaoh Curse: D,DF,F+3P(air)]------------------

This move doesn't do much damage but will leave your opponent in bat form
for the longest time. This can be the most damaging super because once
you pin your opponent in the corner with this move just keep pressing the
roundhouse button and you will have literally taken down about 85% of your
opponent's life! It has little start up delay and fair recovery delay but
the success rate of this move isn't exactly like a projectile, use it
wisely and you can find yourself winning the match quite often.

------------------[Dark Force: Pharaoh Split: JP,JP,D,FK,RK]-----------------

This is somewhat of an odd move, this will have Anakaris split himself up
into his upper body half and his lower body half. However his lower half
can only attack if you hit the kick buttons, note that you cannot use
any supers while you are in this mode and that your feet will continue to
walk across the screen passing your opponent if you do not attack, what
you can do is wait for your feet to reach behind your opponent and then
attack, it will confuse your opponent in blocking the wrong way because
his feet will turn around and attack you.

------------------------[Overall Strategy: Anakaris]-------------------------

Anakaris has a lot of throw range with his special moves, what you should
do is try to get close to your opponent and then use your special grabs.
This will deal out a lot of damage towards your opponent without them
even knowing, just make sure that you guard well because defense and
offense isn't exactly Anakaris' protege. You will have to watch out for
a lot of ground projectiles and stay in the air and try to fool your
opponent air attacks, his attacks come from the ground even though he
is in the air. One thing about Anakaris is that his motions for his EX
supers are pretty darn hard to do. He is also one of the slowest people
you will ever have to contend with, and it will take a lot of time to
master somebody like Anakaris.

---------------------------------[ B.B.Hood ]--------------------------------


"The bounty will be mine."

An expert dark hunter from the human world, B.B. Hood has the same dark
soul as the Darkstalkers. Summoned to the Dark Dimension, she decides to
take advantage of this new hunting ground and hunt Darkstalkers.

-------------------[Smiling Missile: B(charge 2 sec.)F+P/K]------------------

This move is basically her projectile, its comes out pretty fast and it
does a good amount of damage. It can also combo after the roundhouse and
its an excellent counter against horizontal attacks. The problem with this
move is that you have to charge for it, which can usually result to a lot
of projectiles battle where you lose often. The stronger the punch button
the farther the missile will go, also when you use the punch button the
missile will travel high at head height and the kick button version will
travel low, however the kick version must be blocked low if you wish to
avoid extensive damage. The overall start up delay is pretty bad compared
to other projectiles but its hard to attack Baby Bonnie Hood before she
releases her missile. The recovery delay is pretty good though.

------------------[Happy Missile: D(charge for 2 sec.)U+P]-------------------

This is also her projectile except its a pretty odd, and albeit useless
projectile to use. What this basically is, is that it has B.B. Hood will
jump up in the air and throw a missile at the opponent, the missile goes
diagonally downwards. It's basically a surprise move, mainly because it
doesn't combo and its not that quick of an attack, however I think she
is invincible on her way up while using this move though. Also note that
the success rate of this move actually connecting against an average human
opponent is very slim. The recovery time on this move isn't really too good
though, but then again your opponent will have a hard time trying to
counter attack you on the way down because they had to worry about the
missile earlier.

-------------------------[Cheer of Fire: F,D,DF+P]---------------------------

This move is basically her anti-air attack move. It does good damage but
lacks a lot of horizontal range, even if it is an anti-air attack. What
this basically is, is that B.B.Hood will hold up a flame thrower and make
some cat noise, this move does good damage and will connect if the opponent
is extremely close to B.B.Hood. It can also combo after a jab or a short,
the recovery delay of this move is pretty good. However the opponent will
usually counter attack before she finishes her attack because this move
will miss a ground opponent 95/100 times. There is little start up delay
on this move as you can expect, but you should only use this against an
air opponent. Usually I would wait until the last second to bust this move
out since the horizontal range sucks. Note that a good timed attack from
your opponent will over power the Shy Strike.

---------------------------[Shy Strike: D,DB,B+P]----------------------------

This move is a bit odd, it looks more like a regular attack than anything
else. What this will basically do is have B.B.Hood swing her basket at
the opponent while at the same time she makes some funny noise. You can
hold onto the punch button to charge for this move, her basket will get
bigger and bigger until she attacks or until you release the punch button.
However, even if it charged the overall damage isn't even significant and
it really puts you in a more vulnerable spot than your opponent. The
recovery time on this move is pretty average and it easily allows your
opponent enough time to counter attack. You can combo this after her fierce
if you cancel quick enough, but other than that its a pretty useless move
to use because the start up delay is bad(if you charge it of course) and
the priority of this move isn't even that good, plus the overall damage
incured by this move is pretty average. The only advantage this move has
really is just horizontal range, it can reach 1/3 of the screen's total

-------------------[Guard Cancel: Jealousy Fake: F,D,DF+K]-------------------

Well you cancel into this move, she will blow a missile at you, it will
push the opponent back pretty good. You shouldn't try to use this too
often because its a good bet that your opponent will be able to easily
counter your attacks.

--------------------------[Basket Thurst: F/B+SP]----------------------------

This is just a regular attack, but it does have good range and it does good
damage. The recovery time and the start up delay is barely noticable as it
will be near impossible to counter attack her. The priority on this move
is pretty good but its more average than anything else, you can also combo
this move but you can't combo after it since it would push the opponent
back too far plus you can't cancel after executing this attack.

---------------------------[Knee Thrust: F/B+FK]-----------------------------

This move is a lot like Guile's old Bazooka Knee from Super Street Fighter
2. You should use this as a quick attack to possibly follow up on your
projectile. It has a lot of range for a regular attack and it comes out
quickly and the recovery time is very minimal. The only wierd thing about
this move is that a wierd cat noise comes out whenever she does this move,
really odd if you ask me.

-------------------[EX Super: Cool Hunting: B,DB,D,DF,F+3P]------------------

This super is a pretty powerful super, but the problem with this move is
that your opponent must be really close to you when you start this move.
Probably no more than two steps away, B.B.Hood will start blowing her
machine gun and if you get caught by the machine gun it will bounce you
into the missiles that the two giant hunters shoot behind B.B.Hood. Its
one of the coolest looking supers in the game and it comes out pretty fast
but it can't combo for some odd reason. If you time this early you can
counter an opponent's missed anti-air attack(like a Shining Blade) for
some good damage. However I advise not using this from a distance, even
though the two giant hunters behind her shoot missiles with unlimited
horizontal range, even large opponent like Huitzil or Sasquatch can stand
and still not be tall enough to take the gun fire, which allows them to
counter with a beam super of their own. The recovery time on this move
is pretty good, but during the duration of the super she is left vulnerable
to attacks for a long time when you miss with the super. I advise not
using this super at all.

------------------[EX Super: Apple for you: F,DF,D,DB,B+3K]------------------

This super is one of the oddest and funniest supers you will ever see. It's
also comboable if you cancel quick enough from your attacks and what
B.B.Hood will do is come up to the opponent and give her opponent an apple
and then quickly jump away and lie flat on the ground holding her head,
like she was waiting for an explosion. Then the apple explodes in front of
her opponent's face causing a lot of damage. The start up delay is barely
noticeable and the recovery time on this move, well its not so good. This
will usually combo after a quick Jab to Short combo though, but make sure
you cancel quickly, otherwise your opponent will be able to quickly jump
out of its range. Note that this super is unblockable and you will usually
catch even an average Darkstalkers 3 player with this move. Try not to use
this thing from a distance because it travels pretty slowly and it doesn't
have much horizontal range.

----------------[EX Super: Beautiful Memory: B,DB,D,DF,F+3K]-----------------

This is her auto super and it can combo pretty well up close, even though
the guage for the total hits does not come up. When B.B.Hood connects with
this super she will catch the opponent and hold em up(like the Big Show
does with his Body Press) and then throw the opponent down in the waters
and the opponent will fly back up out of the waters and fall down to the
ground. This super does a lot of damage and its a pretty cool super to
look at. The problem with this super is that like her Apple for You super,
it lacks horizontal range and also speed. An opponent that is a good
distance away is unlikely to get caught by the super. Your best bet is to
catch the opponent up close with the super during a combo, it will quickly
combo off a Jab -> Short combo, but you must cancel as quickly as possible
otherwise your opponent will easily escape from it. Note that this move is
unblockable, but it doesn't have much(or any for that matter) priority.

-------------------[ES Super: Jealousy Strike: D,DB,B+3P]--------------------

This super is basically the stronger version of her Shy Strike. However
she cannot combo in this move and she cannot charge for the move like she
can with her Shy Strike. This move has even more start up delay time and
recovery delay time than her Shy Strike, but this move does have more
horizontal range than her regular Shy Strike. Just make sure you know when
to use this move because the priority on this move is pretty average and
its really too slow to strike immediately, so try to time this move early
so that it will connect.

-----------[ES Super: Wonderful Missile: D(charge for 2 sec.)U+P]------------

This super is also the super version of her regular Happy Missile. This
move comes out a bit faster than the Happy Missile and it does up to three
hits. However the start up delay time on this move isn't really too good
and she can be hit on the way upwards while she does this super and the
recovery time is also a little worst as well. This super does however have
more horizontal range than the Happy Missile but it goes lower to the
ground which gives your opponent more of a chance to jump over the super
and attack you as you are coming down. I personally would stay away from
this move because it does no more damage than two of her regular Happy
Missile and its pretty much a waste of super since it can't combo and the
overall success rate of this move basically sucks cheese.

------------[ES Super: Cheery Missile: B(charge for 2 sec.)F+3P]-------------

This is basically the super version of her Smiling Missile, it will hit
three times and it will knock the opponent down. You can't combo in this
super because it has a bit of a start up delay and the recovery time on
this move sucks. This projectile will travel pretty fast though but
opponents will usually jump over and attack you from above. I personally
wouldn't waste a level of super for this move because its not that much
stronger than a regular Smiling Missile, probably 50% stronger and that's
about it.

----------------------[Dark Force: P+K(same strength)]-----------------------

This Dark Force is a bit odd, it takes away all her combo possibilities
involving punches but her punches become missile attacks, and yes they even
do block damage as well. You should use this quite often, you can still
combo with the kicks though and you can cancel into a missile before you
finish your last kick. You can also play a little keep away with this,
but I would try avoid using this against an expierienced or blocking
opponent because you cannot throw while you are in Dark Force mode.

--------------------------[Strategies: B.B.Hood]-----------------------------

Well B.B.Hood has to charge often, she can really get into a good offensive
game if she can keep firing away at the opponent. Also note that she in't
much of a combo character but she does have good range on her attacks and
its better if you play offense with her instead of defense because her
Cheer of Fire isn't exactly the best defense against jumping in attacks.
You should try to keep a distance and fire your projectiles and try to
keep the opponent away at times, but I would usually try to throw my
opponent if they get near me. Also note that her priority isn't really too



"My name is...yes...the evil samurai, Bishamon!"

A vengeful ghost assumed human form and took possession of the armor. When
it revived, it was in the Dark Dimension, which was saturated with the
aroma of blood.

-------------------------[Soul Stun: B,DB,D,DF,F+P]--------------------------

This move is Bishamon's projectile, however it has a lot of range and it
travels pretty quickly. The damage done overall isn't really too good, but
you can follow up with several attacks after connecting this against the
opponent. Once connected your opponent is stun for quite a while and it
should allow you to perform various attacks, which will be listed below.
You can use this in the air, but instead of using a special attack
afterwards you can jump in for a combo. Note that when you use this in the
air you will bounce back, so you will have to try and hurry up to catch the
opponent before they snap out of it. Also note that you cannot combo this
in because you cannot cancel attacks with Bishamon and also this move has
a bit of a start up delay, he will reel back before actually throwing the
projectile which can become a dead giveaway for the opponent. The
recovery time on this move is pretty bad, Bishamon will have to wait a
while before the souls actually return to him, any opponent that blocks
or jumps over will have enough time to counter attack, so try to be careful
when you are using this move. Also take note that even if you catch your
opponent in the air with the Soul Stun, they will not be stun as they will
fall to the ground, but you can follow up with a Pursuit attack or the
Soul Torment.

--------------------[Soul Summon: Perform Soul Stun, B+P]--------------------

This move will basically bring the opponent closer to you. Once you have
caught the opponent in your Soul Stun, perform the motion and the souls
will bring back your opponent closer to you. However as you bring them back
you can catch them in the air for a quick attack, much like a one hit
juggle combo. Personally I don't find much use for this since what are you
going to do if you are near the opponent anyways? I would settle for the
other attack instead.

-----------------[Storm Slash: Perform Soul Stun, D,DF,F+P]------------------

This move will have Bishamon storm across the screen and slash his opponent
twice, it does a lot of damage and its great for setting up your opponent
for a super as well. It starts out and finishes pretty fast as it is the
better alternative to using the Soul Summon. The only thing you can really
do after the attack is the Persuit Attack and the Soul Torment, but other
than that he will slash twice with his blade zooming across the screen.

--------------------------[Upper Slash: F,D,DF+P]----------------------------

This move is a bit odd, not because of the move itself but the actual
motion of the move. The move is listed in the manual as using a Dragon
Punch motion, but yet I find it extremely difficult to pull this move off,
but I can pull other moves off more easily like the Cheer of Fire. But
this move is a very good anti-air attack as it has excellent priority
against airbone attacks and when up close to the opponent, this will hit
multiple times dealing out good damage. The start up delay on this move
is very minimal but the recovery time on this move stinks, your opponent
will be able to easily capitalize on your mistakes. However, the only time
I have ever been able to use this move is when I am close to the opponent,
but listed in the manual you can do this move after performing the Soul
Stun. Apaprently I have a cheap controller(which I don't) or Capcom
screwed up somewhere along the line in terms of the movelist or Bishamon's

-------------------[Quick Slash: B(charge for 2 sec.)F+P]--------------------

This is basically a quick attack. It will have Bishamon slash quickly
towards the opponent, but the slash will cover half a screen's distance
horizontally, but yet I still haven't found a way to combo it since
Bishamon can't seem to cancel into special attacks from his regular
attacks. This will hit up to two times and you should use it to catch the
opponent when they are off guard, also the recovery time on this move is
pretty good, there isn't a lot of delay time. The start up delay time is
pretty good as well, it'll be hard for the opponent to catch you once you
have started this move, unless of course they jump over you and attack from

------------[EX Super: Soul Torment: Knock Opponent Down, D,D+3P]------------

This super will do a lot of damage for a single hit. This will have
Bishamon jump near his opponent and then briefly cut them in half, however
if he finishes the opponent off with the super, the opponent remains cut it
half though. You should use this often, it has a pretty high success rate
and its an excellent addition to a combo. But since your opponent can roll,
there is a chance that you might waste a level of super. However, even
as your opponent gets up and your in the midst of your attack, you can
still connect with the super! Its also unblockable as well as your opponent
will have to jump out of the way to avoid this super if they do manage to
get up in the middle of the Soul Torment.

-----------------[EX Super: Stone Sentence: B,DB,D,DF,F+3K]------------------

This super is a bit odd, and funny too. This can only be blocked low and
once connected your opponent will already be tied up and sitting on top of
the wooden block you sent kneeling. Then three cinder blocks will drop from
the guy and right onto your opponent's knees! Its a pretty funny super, but
it does a lot of damage and it can be used as a quick counter against
missed anti air attacks and some supers. You can't combo it though and the
start up delay is noticable and punishable as well. The recovery delay time
is horrible, if Bishamon misses he will be left stuck in his animation
pose for a while and allow the opponent enough time to counter attack.
Be careful when you are using this super, your opponent can easily jump
over and attack from above.

-------------------[EX Super: Soul Choke: F,DF,D,DB,B+3P]--------------------

You can't combo this move, but its a rather powerful super. You will have
to roll the joystick and ram the buttons to get extra damage out of this.
Basically what this will do is a have a giant arm come out of the armor of
Bishamon and it will squeeze the opponent, each hit does the same amount of
damage, but like earlier just go crazy on your controller or joystick to
get some extra damage out. The range on this move isn't really too good,
the maximum length for this move is like 1/5 of the entire screen's length.
There is little start up delay from this move, but yet it still doesn't
combo, even if you cancel early. The recovery time isn't too bad, but its
more than enough time for your opponent to counter attack quickly. I would
usually avoid using this move because the success rate is low and it leaves
Bishamon open to attack. However, on the bright side this super is also
unblockable, so turtlers will have to find a new plan!

---------------------[ES Super: Spirit Stun: D,DF,F+3K]----------------------

This super is much like the Soul Stun, but except it does a bit more damage
and it will hold the opponent in place longer. You can still perform the
regular moves like the Storm Slash or the Soul Summon after connecting with
this move. However, there is a little bit more start up delay time and a
little bit more recovery delay time. Unless you are positive you are going
to connect with this move, I would just stay away from using this move.
However you can also use this move in the air and I think this move is
unblockable, but not really sure since everytime I seem to block I get
caught, but there are a few times when I am able to block it. Note that
there is one other move that you can do only while using the ES Super
version of this move and that is...

-----------[ES Super: Soul Split: Perform Spirit Stun, D,DF,F+3P]------------

Once after you have performed the Spirit Stun, perform the motion of the
Soul Split with THREE PUNCH BUTTONS at the same time, otherwise you will
get the Storm Slash to come out. Once you have performed this move Bishamon
wil perform a quick stab to the opponent, once it connects a spirit above
your opponent's head will laugh and quickly slash your opponent with an
energy force, which does quite a bit of damage. You should use this ALL
the time because it's basically the most sensible move to use.

------------[ES Super: Lightning Slash: B(charge for 2 sec.)F+3P]------------

Well this super is a more hyped up version of the Quick Slash. It will
basically go half a screen's distance horizontally. However, I still don't
you can combo in this move because it has a bit of a start up delay and
the recovery time of this move sucks. This move will do just a little bit
more damage than the regular Quick Slash. But other than extra block
damage, you should stick with his primary supers than this move.

--------------------[ES Super: Tornado Slash: F,D,DF+3P]---------------------

This move will hit about 6 times when you are up close to the opponent.
Also note that this move has a bit of horizontal range than his regular
Upper Slash. This is a fairly good anti-air attack because it won't
neccessarily go straight up in the air more actually it will move
horizontally first and then go upwards, which can easily miss an opponent
if the move is timed too early, so you might want to practice on your
timing on this move.

----------------[Dark Force: Super Armor: P+K(same strength)]----------------

Not much of a Dark Force but it will have Bishamon absorb some hits before
he actually feels the effects of them, meaning that you can pile through
attacks just so long as the attacks are weak and non consecutive.

---------------------------[Strategies: Bishamon]----------------------------

Well Bishamon is pretty slow, despite being a medium built character in the
game. You should jump in with your kicks often, all of your punches will
basiclaly go over your opponent's head. Just combo your opponent often and
try to catch them by surprise with the Soul Torment as you knock them down.
Bishamon's throw range is pretty average as I suggest you avoid trying to
throw an opponent because most likely you will get reversed thrown. The
Upper Slash is a pretty hard move to do(I think the motion is different
from the Dragon Punch as the manual says), so you may want to time your
standing fierce early to catch an opponent out of the air as it has pretty
good priority.



"I shall let them know...I'm the ruler of this world."

The night before his final battle with Morrigan to decide who will be the
true ruler of the Dark World, Demitri's castle is drawn to the Dark
Dimension by a mysterious power.

-------------------------[Chaos Flare: D,DF,F+P]-----------------------------

Basically a classic Ken/Ryu projectile. You can also use the Chaos Flare
in the air as well, but the odd thing about this projectile when used in
the air is that it will only travel straight instead of diagonally
downwards like the rest of the projectiles in the air. You can use this in
a combo and also as a horizontal defender, the projectile will travel
pretty quickly across the screen as it is one of the faster projectiles in
the game. The nice thing about this projectile is that it will stun the
opponent for a short while because of the bat that attacks the opponent
after the Chaos Flare connects, this means that you can attack the opponent
for a few more hits, which can result in a huge combo or a highly damaging
combo. However, it is seldom that you will be able to combo in the Chaos
Flare because it has a bit of a start up delay which can make it easier
for your opponent to jump over and attack you but there is little recovery
time to the Chaos Flare though.

--------------------------[Demon Cradle: F,D,DF+P]---------------------------

This is basically an anti-air attack, but the problem with this move is
that is has so little horizontal range that it is only limited to the width
of Demitri. So that basically means that you will miss your attack when you
try to counter horizontal dashing attacks. You should only use this move as
an anti-air attack, it has excellent priority(just as much as Morrigan's
Shadow Blade) and it does a good amount of damage. However, like mostly
all anti-air attacks in this game there is quite a bit of recovery time
on this move if you miss with the attack as you can be hit on your way
down. You can combo in the move as it comes out extremely fast, but
probably after a jab or short ONLY, mainly because the horizontal range
(as said before) on the Demon Cradle sucks. When you use this as a Guard
Cancel, it does a very good job of keeping the opponent at bay since it
comes out extremely fast and is hard to block, you should use this as a
Guard Cancel against mainly anti-air attacks, even though there is more
horizontal range in the Guard Cancel version of the Demon Cradle.

----------------------------[Bat Spin: D,DB,B+K]-----------------------------

This move is much like Smoke's teleport kick from MK2(yes, I know, I said
a bad word, let me wash my mouth). This will have Demitri teleport to
his opponent and do a drill of some sort as Demitri turns his bat wings
into a drill. It will hit three times and does a good amount of damage. The
kick buttons will determine where Demitri will go, the stronger the kick
button the frather the distance. The short version will make Demitri go
just about 1/4 the screen's distance, the forward version will go about one
half the screen's distance, and the roundhouse version will go the full
screen's distance. You can't combo the move because of the huge start up
delay though, and the recovery time is pretty bad since it will have
Demitri bounce off the opponent unable to block(if he connects against a
blocking opponent) until he lands, but luckily Demitri bounces off so far
away from the opponent that they don't have much of a chance to counter
attack. This move is also usable in the air, but it really won't make much
of a difference besides being more of a surprise attack.

---------------------[EX Super: Demon Horde: D,F,DF+3K]----------------------

This move will have Demitri turn himself into multiple bats and then fly
through the opponent doing MASSIVE damage. You can't combo in the move
but you can use it as both an anti-air attack and also an anti-dash attack.
This will hit about 16 times max and it does A LOT of block damage as well,
use this when your opponent misses with an attack, especially an anti-air
attack. The priority on this move is pretty dominating since Demitri is
virtually invincible when you are using this move, but he can be hit out
of the move by a projectile or by a super, if it is timed early enough.
The move has little recovery time and the move has little start up delay
as well, but like I said, it's near impossible to even combo in this move.

-------------------[EX Super: Midnight Bliss: D,F,DF+3P]---------------------

This move is a bit odd, however it is unblockable and does A LOT of damage.
The horizontal range on this move isn't too great, it probably moves
about 1/3 the screen's distance. Once connected Demitri will turn the
opponent into various people, either from a little girl, to a grown girl
to a small cat to a bat to anything else in the game. He will then choke
you as blood comes pouring down(the blood is white in this game by the
way, probably to keep it a Teen rating I guess). You can't combo the move
and it moves a bit slow, probably just as fast as the Shun Goku Satsu.
Once Demitri starts this move, he is left in a very vulnerable position
to be attacked, virtually anything will break him out of it, there is
little recovery time on this move and little start up delay but anytime
between that he can be attacked pretty easily. Usually a quick jab will
have the opponent break Demitri out of the Midnight Bliss.

------------[EX Super: Midnight Pleasure: JP,SP,F,FK,FK(level 2)-------------

This move is much like the Midnight Bliss, however this move does more
damage and it has Demitri invincible during the duration of this move. Once
you start this move Demitri will sorta do his dash(which is completely
invincible) to the opponent and then once he catches the opponent he will
bte their neck a few times and then finish off the super with a small four
hit combo, all while turning himself into a demon of some sort. Its not
a real flashy super but it gets the job done, the only way to escape this
super is to either jump out of the way or to stay out of its range.
There is little start up delay on this move and if you cancel quickly off
of a close strong quickly, you can connect with this move. Note that there
is a bit of a recovery delay, while your opponent is unlikely to counter
attack, if an opponent jumps upwards and waits for you to come, they can
attack you as they come down and as you recovery, so try to make sure that
you connect, and note that the success rate on this move isn't too high.

---------------------[ES Super: Demon Flare: D,DF,F+3P]----------------------

This move is basically the beefed up version of the Chaos Flare. This move
isn't comboable but if you do get it to connect this will do good damage
and it will stun the opponent a little longer than the Demon Flare meaning
that you can easily add in more hits after the super prjectile, if you are
close enough. You can also use this in the air and it will travel straight
horizontally. There is little start up delay and little recovery time on
this move, which can make Demitri vulnerable to attack. It can work as a
horizontal defense if you time it early but the start up delay really
deters from the move as being an effective horizontal defense.

---------------------[ES Super: Chaos Cradle: F,D,DF+3P]---------------------

This super does a tremendous amount of damage, while it still lacks a lot
of the horizontal range like the regular Demon Cradle, it still is an
excellent anti-air attack defender that can hit up to eight times. However
you can only combo this after one single regular attack, it's basically
near impossible to combo in this move after two or more regular chain
attacks since the first attack can only oush you away so far. You should
use this after the Chaos Spin IMMEDIATELY for some excellent damage and
it can work as a great horizontal defender if you can time it at the last
minute. However the recovery time on this move isn't too good, it will
leave Demitri open to attack when he misses, so make sure you only use
this move in certain situations.

----------------------[ES Super: Chaos Spin: D,DB,B+3K]----------------------

This move will have Demitri teleport out of the screen and then come down
using his bat wings as a drill, but unlike the regular Bat Spin this move
won't stop until Demitri reaches the floor so you can get about 6-9 hits
out of this move, and the nice added bonus about this move is that you can
add a small combo after this move, but you should use the Chaos Cradle
after this move since it will do the most damage, however the Midnight
Bliss and Midnight Pleasure can be put in after the Chaos Spin if you are
quick enough, this move will do decent block damage but Demitri will
bounce away from the opponent if the opponent is blocking. There is little
start up delay to this move and a small amount of recovery time, but it's
basically impossible to counter attack the move since Demitri will bounce
away so far from the opponent and will land so quickly that it's near
impossible for any chance of countering.

------------------[Dark Force: Dark Side Master: B,D,DB+3K]------------------

This Dark Force is rather odd, but a VERY effective Dark Force. Once
activated two bats will form around Demitri, then whenever he attacks with
any form of offense(supers, regular attacks, specials, even Guard Cancels)
the Bats will shoot some kind of beam or smoke at the opponent, so you can
basically turn a four hit combo into a 9 hit combo! I hardly see any
disavantages from using the Dark Force at all, however if you use the
Midnight Pleasure super in the middle of your Dark Force, it will stop
after a few hits, but it will still do the same amount of damage, it's just
that the super will stop once the bats attack the opponent.

----------------------------[Strategy: Demitri]------------------------------

Demitri can be played much like a Ken or Ryu, his moves don't differ too
much from either Shatoken and he is easy to adapt to. He has good combo
ability and an almost impenetrable defense, his Bat Spin is a great way to
turn tides to his favor and his dash is much like a teleport, he is
basically completely invincible while using it and it's a really great set
up for his two supers, the Midnight Bliss and Midnight Pleasure. With
Demitri you should basically go on offense, it's better than playing
defense because your opponent can block your anti-air attacks and then
land before you and attack you as you come down.



"Am I...in Anita's mind, or...?"

Donovan heard a strange voice from Anita's body sleeping beside him. Then
his soul was pulled from her consiousness. It was the beginning of their
entangled fate and furous warfare.

--------------------[Kill Shred: Release Sword: D,DB,B+K]--------------------

This move will have Donovan release his sword and it will land on the
screen closest to the wall behind Donovan, regardless of where Donovan may
be when he positions himself for this move. There is a bit of a start up
delay when you use this move since it takes time for the sword to move into
position of the blade. There is practically no recovery delay time on
this move though, but Donovan can be hit during the duration of this move
at any time, but once you do this move you can do one of two things:

-------------[Kill Shred: Call Sword: Release Sword, D,DB,B+K]---------------

This move is basically calling back Donovan's sword. What this move will do
is that once Donovan has initiated the Release Sword he can repeat the
motion for the Release Sword and the sword will come spinning its way back
to Donovan's hands. Anytime when the sword releases from the ground and the
reutrn back to Donovan's hand, the sword will hit the opponent about three
times, it does good damage and Donovan can sorta steer the direction of
where the sword will go by moving around, think of this move much like a
boomerang. So basiclaly when you call your sword back just go bonkers crazy
on your opponent and go on the offensive with your attacks. There is a bit
of a start up delay on this move obviously, but you really shouldn't have
to worry about it since even if your opponent gets the offensive jump on
you, you can have your sword to attack the opponent as it comes back. You
are free to move during the duration of this move but it's best if you
go completely offensive, this way your sword can come back and add a few
more hits to your combo.

---------------[Kill Shred: Thunder: Release Sword, D,DB,B+P]----------------

This move is more like a trap rather than an offensive or a defensive
attack. Once you perform the Release Sword motion, do the Thunder motion
and a stroke of thunder will strike where the sword blade is placed on
the ground. It doesn't do much damage though, probably as much as a jab or
a short but it's a really pesky manuver to use sometimes against your
opponent. Think of it as a bit of a shield against offensive attacks from
your opponent, and the stroke of thunder will nullify projectiles as well.
However, it doesn't come out lightning quick, it has a bit of a start up
delay time on the move and it can really put Donovan in trouble if you miss
time the move. There isn't much recovery time to the move but the start up
delay is what realyl will get you if you are not careful when using the

-----------------------[Blizzard Sword: B,DB,D,DFF+P]------------------------

This move is basically Donovan's projectile, but a rather crappy projectile
at that though. It has a lot of start up delay making it virtually
uncomboable and it travels rather slow and it travels downwards diagonally
when you are on the ground. Once Donovan starts this move up a giant
figure behind him will throw a medium sized snowflake at the opponent.
Donovan can be hit rather easily during the duration of this super and
the recovery time on this move isn't too good either, your opponent will
have ample time to counter attack. Just basically try to avoid using the
move because it has a very low success rate of connecting.

--------------------------[Flame Sword: F,D,DF+P]----------------------------

This move is a pretty good move to use, it mainly serves as his anti-air
attack but it has great horizontal range that it can be used as part of a
combo or even a horizontal defender. Once initiated another figure will
appear behind Donovan and then swing a giant flaming sword at the opponent
and it will sorta slash upwards. It can fill up about 1/3 the entire
screen's distance and it does a good amount of damage. Try to use this
move a bit early when you want to use it as an anti-air attack because if
the opponent can sorta go behind the sword and attack you first before the
flaming sword will reach your opponent. There is a small amount of start up
delay on the move and you can combo it after a strong punch or stronger,
the recovery delay isn't too much though but it does give your opponent an
ample amount of time to counter attack.

------------------------[Lightning Sword: B,D,DB+P]--------------------------

This move is a pretty good anti-air attack as well, what this move will do
is have yet another figure appear behind Donovan and then his sword and
Donovan's sword will create a small force of electricity around Donovan,
both covering the top, right and left of Donovan, so even if your opponent
manages to jump over you, you can still attack them or at least not worry
about a counter attack from behind(like a super or a combo). You should
use this move at the last minute, mainly because the move doesn't have as
much vertical range as the Flame Sword. The Lightning Sword doesn't combo
as well as the Flame Sword but it does have good horizontal range and it
comes out fairly fast and it also has good recovery time as well. However
it will not deflect ot nullify any projectile, so you may want to use this
move when your opponent is either close to you or if your opponent is in
the air.

------------------[EX Super: Spirit Crusher: B,DB,D,DF,F+K]------------------

This move will summon a giant spirit(literally) and the spirit will stomp
on the opponent with his foot. It's a pretty funny super though, but does
A LOT of damage. The stronger the button used the more horizontal distance
this move will go, but be noted that this move only has a pinpoint position
and does not move like a projectile or anything else. The short version
will make the foot land just in front of Donovan(but an opponent close to
Donovan will remain unscathed), the forward version will land almost half
way across the screen and the roundhouse version will land almost the full
screen's distance. You can't combo the move because it has so much start
up delay but you can use this move as an anti-air attack if you can get the
timing right and if you can pinpoint and use the right version of the
Spirit Crusher. There is little recovery delay time to this move, but if
you miss with this move(meaning if you miss the opponent completely) then
you will be in for a counter attack.

-----------------[EX Super: Change Immortal: SP,JP,B,SK,FK]------------------

This move is a it hard to do, but if you get the motion down to pat it can
be a very lethal and also a very useful weapon to use. What this super will
do is have Donovan change into a demon spirit of some kind and then have
him fly QUICKLY towards the opponent and attack them(he picks them up,
attacks the opponent and drops him or her). It does a lot of damage, just
not as much damage as the Spirit Crusher though. You should really try to
use this super as a quick counter, it comes out immensely fast and I don't
think it is blockable though, since I've always been hit by the move
(stupid brother). There is little recovery time if you do miss with the
move though and the nice thing about this super is that it will follow the
opponent until Donovan either catches the opponent in the super of if he
gets knocked out of it.

-------[ES Super: Kill Shred: Return Sword: Release Sword, D,DB,B+3K]--------

This move is a much more efficient move than the regular Call Sword. Once
your perform the Release Sword motion, use the Release Sword motion with
three kicks and the blade will fly very fast towards the opponent
horizontally and then come back at the opponent horizontally, each hitting
the opponent three times and it will cut the opponent in half, and if you
finish with the move your opponent will remain cut in half. However it
doesn't combo both times, usually your opponent will get hit by the second
hit because they usually think that the first it is it. You should try to
add in some hits before the sword reaches back into Donovan's hands to
create a big and nasty combo. It does good damage, and the start up delay
on this move isn't too bad either and Donovan can move at anytime during
the duration of when the sword picks off the ground and then returns back
to Donovan's hand.

------[ES Super: Kill Shred: Flash Lightning: Release Sword, D,DB,B+3P]------

This move is much like the regular Lightning attack, place your sword down
on the ground and then perform the motion and a giant shock will immense
around the blade. It does twice as much damage as the regular Lightning
attack but it still doesn't do adequete damage to be fitting of using up a
level of super. However there is a large amount of start up delay on this
move and it the recovery time isn't too great either, I suggest you use
this as early as possible against an air opponent, but I think this move
can hit Demitri out of his dash! That might bring a little ring to some
people's ears. However, I would avoid using this move completely since your
opponent is more likely to block then to be hit by the move.

----------------[ES Super: Freezing Sword: B,DB,D,DF,F+3P]-------------------

This move is very similar to the Blizzard sword except for the fact that
three snowflakes come out instead of one(ooohhhh...). Sadly the overall
damage on this super doesn't even warrant the waste of the level of super
this attack uses. It comes out diagonally downwards and it just allows the
opponent to easily escape. The projectiles travel slowly and the damage is
about 1/3 more than the regular Blizzard sword, the only main difference
in this really is just the added projectiles. The start up delay is pretty
bad within itself because you can't combo it and the recovery time isn't
too good either, so you will have to watch what your doing when you use
this move because it literally stinks.

---------------------[ES Super: Blaze Sword: F,D,DF+3P]----------------------

This move is a pretty good and powerful move to use. It does good damage
and it can be comboed. The only difference separating this super from the
regular attack besides the overall damage done is that this attack will
hit twice and it will juggle the opponent on the second it. It has a lot
of range and will go one third the entire screen's distance. Try to use
this as an anti-air attack, but time it early. However you can't juggle
the opponent while they are in the air, and note that this move can work
as a great horizontal attack defender if you time it early or late, the
move comes out extremely quick and it coems out the quickest of the three
elemental sword attacks. The recovery time on this move isn't too bad and
in my opinion, I feel its the best sword out of all three.

-------------------[ES Super: Thunder Sword: B,D,DB+3P]----------------------

This super is a pretty effective super as well, in its own right. It does
a decent amount of damage and twice as much damage as the regular Lightning
Sword. This move has good range, probably covering half a screen's distance
and it does more hits than the regular Lightning Sword. If you ram the
buttons and shake the joystick you can get some extra hits and some extra
damage out of the super. However try not to overuse the super because it
easily becomes predictable. The start up delay time isn't too bad though
and the recovery time is pretty good, but unlike the regular Lightning
Sword this super will block out regular projectiles and even super

--------------------[Dark Force: Slay Shred: B,D,DB+3K]----------------------

This Dark Force is a highly effective Dark Force to use. Once Donovan
initiates the Dark Force his sword becomes a swinging blade that attacks
the opponent once Donovan attacks, it can lead to some BIG combos and it
also does block damage as well. I hardly see any disadvantage to using this
super at all as it can even work as a defense mechanism against both
anti-air attacks and horizontal dashing attacks.

----------------------------[Strategy: Donovan]------------------------------

Donovan is a pretty well rounded character with good foot speed and a high
octane offense. His defense is pretty effective and his sword gives him
TREMENDOUS range on his attacks. However jumping is not Donovan's specialty
as his jumping attacks have little priority since some of them come at an
awkward angle. Its best if you try to play defense on your opponent, wait
for them to attack and veer up the Flame Sword or Blaze Sword ready. Just
try not to throw your opponent often, his throw range is pretty bad.



"How can everyone be happy?"

Felicia was disoriented when she was first summoned to the Dark Dimension.
But she finally realized she had to preserve, recalling her mother's secret
of how to achieve happiness.

-------------------------[Rolling Buckler: D,DF,F+P]-------------------------

This move will have Felicia roll into a ball towards her opponent, this
move comes out pretty quickly and does good damage. The stronger the punch
button the farther the horizontal distance this move will go. Its
comboable and its an excellent counter against horizontal attacks. You
have to watch out when using this move though, because if you use this move
and miss with it against a blocked opponent, Felicia will bounce off the
opponent just in front of them leaving her vulnerable to an attack. The
priority on this move is pretty good though, it will knock out any other
attack and over-prioritize it. The start up delay time on this move is
barely noticeable as it is quick enough to to combo off a jab or a short.

-------------[Rolling Buckler Uppercut: Rolling Buckler, then P]-------------

This move is basically Felicia's anti-air attack. It does a lot of damage
and it has excellent priority against air borne attacks. It has pretty
good start up delay time, meaning there is barely any start up delay time.
The recovery time is pretty bad though, once she misses she will fall back
to the ground unable to block for a brief second, but most likely the
opponent will be able to attack before she lands. To use this move perform
the Rolling Buckler and then press P at any time prior to the end of the
Rolling Buckler, if up close you can get two hits out of this move, one
from the Rolling Buckler and one from the Uppercut. What you can do is
hesitate and pull off the Uppercut at the last minute, that's the nice
thing about this move since you can actually control when you want the
Uppercut to come out.

---------------------------[Delta Kick: F,D,DF+K]----------------------------

This is also Felicia's anti-air attack except this also hits on the way
down and you cannot block this move while blocking low. This will have
Felicia jump up with a kick and come down diagonally with a kick, it hits
two to three times up close and it does a good amount of damage and it can
be used as a chipper. The recovery time isn't too bad, its going to be
pretty darn hard for your opponent to try and counter attack this move as
it is. This move comes out very fast and can combo basically off of
anything. The priority is pretty good, but if it knocks the opponent out of
the air, she cannot hit the opponent on the way down. You should use this
often against turtlers, it works everytime (^_^).

----------------------------[Cat Spike: F,D,DF+P]----------------------------

This move will have Felicia throw a cat ball at the opponent and then she
will jump forward to the ball and pop it with her claw. This move does
good damage and has good horizontal range, it won't combo but it will go
through low attacks since she jumps over them. This move has very little
to no start up delay time and has very little to no recovery delay time,
but the priority on this move isn't the best. Your opponent(if he or she
is quick enough) can attack Felicia before she reaches the opponent so you
may want to watch for that.

-----------------------------[EX Charge: D,D+2K]-----------------------------

This move is a bit odd but it will gain you some EX super meter. What this
will do is have Felicia get into a catlike stance(you know when a cat
is about to claw you with the back humped and the sharp claws out) and
yell "Kitty!" Obviously the bad thing about using this move is that it will
leave you open to an attack if you are not careful. This move doesn't
last very long though, probably one third of a second, but if your not
careful, you will be countered.

-------------------------[Guard Cancel: Delta Kick]--------------------------

This is one of the best Guard Cancels in the game, its quick, has high
priority and is basically unescapable once it starts. You should use this
often because it has very little tono recovery time and it does very good

------------------[Where are you?: Jump on opponent's head]------------------

This move is basically for mere distraction of your opponent, however it
can work to a huge advantage for you. Once you sit on top of the opponent's
head, each character in the game will have a different reaction, but the
funny thing is that your character will pose for as long as you stay on
their head and it leaves them open to attack! Basically once you land on
the opponent's head you can hit any attack button to get off, or you can
jump off the opponent's head. Its really wierd, but it has huge advantages.
It's best if you use this against a cornered opponent, so your attacks
will hit 100% of the time since your opponent usually won't be able to
block in time (^_^).

---------------------[Wall Jump/Hang: Jump to Wall, B/F]---------------------

This move is actually a technique that she does. Once you jump to the wall
you can do one of two things:

A) Press the opposite direction of the wall and she will bounce off the

B) You can hit the direction of the wall you jumped to, she will hang
there for a while and then start to skid down, you can also here claw
marks, then when she reaches a little low to the ground she jumps off
it to the opponent. You can attack once she jumps off, and you can
make her jump off by letting go the directional pad as well.

------------------[EX Super: Dancing Flash: B,DB,D,DF,F+3P]------------------

This is one of the coolest supers in the game! Once connected Felicia will
begin a barrge of combos on the opponent and then end it off with the
Rolling Buckler Uppercut, it hits for 11 times total and is very easily
comboed. You have to watch when you use this super though, once she misses
against a blocking opponent she takes some time to recover from it leaving
her vulnerable to an attack. However, this move comes out lightning quick
and has a lot of horizontal range, but it won't catch the opponent out of
the air though, it will only knock the opponent down. What you can do
though is chain this into a combo after the first four hits of her ZigZag
magic series and if you cancel quick enough, you will have done about 30%
damage! Note that sometimes when I try to do this move, I sometimes end up
doing the Flashing Buckler, so you may want to practice a little on the
motion sometimes to avoid that mistake from happening in the middle of your

-----------------[EX Super: Please Help Me: B,DB,D,DF,F+3k]------------------

This super is one of the strongest and most powerful supers in the game,
the real drawback from this move is if she misses, the recovery time on
this move is the worst in the game, your opponent will have about two to
three seconds to attack if she misses. However, once it connects a swarm
of cats jump the opponent and claw them to bits, usually shedding their
clothes as Felicia stands out of the way and covers her head. You can't
combo this move, but it does come out very quickly, its best if your back
is to the corner and immediately pull this move out once your opponent
tires to jump in and attack you at the last minute. The nice thing about
this move is that its not really too obvious if you haven't used it often,
a little cat will come out quickly and try to catch the opponent, often
even some novice players mistaken this for just a regular attack, even
though there is no regular attack in relation to this EX Super at all.
But be careful about using this move, the recovery time on this move is
enough to get you many losses very quickly.

------------------[ES Super: Flashing Buckler: D,DF,F+3P]--------------------

This move is basically the same as the Rolling Buckler, however it comes
out a bit slower than the Rolling Buckler. This super is about 50% stronger
than the other move, but it hits multiple times and is an excellent
chipper. Like the Rolling Buckler, this move has pretty bad recovery time
since the opponent can easily counter attack once they block it, try to
avoid using this unless you can chip your opponent to death or you decide
to put it in a combo because it will connect in a combo just as so long
you cancel quickly and early enough. Also you can do the Uppercut if you
press punch, its best to delay the move as much as possible then wait till
the last possible second and press punch, you can get at max, seven hits
out of this move.

------------------[ES Super: Delta Flash Kick: F,D,DF+3K]--------------------

This move is a much more souped up version of the Delta Kick, this move can
hit up to seven times total and is a very good chipper. It does a lot of
damage and it comes out extremely fast and there is basically little
recovery time delay from using this move. Once again, its also unblockable
while blocking low and its also a pretty effective anti-air attack against
airborne opponents as it has more priority than the Delta Kick.

--------------------[ES Super: Feline Spike: F,D,DF+3P]----------------------

This move is basically the enhanced version of the Cat Spike. However I
would try to avoid using this if I were you. This is because this super
does no more damage than the regular Cat Spike with the exception of one
or two pixels. You should stick with the regular one though, but the
advantage with this is that Felicia will jump high into the air and throw
a little Ball of yard(I guess) at the opponent, while it won't hit the
opponent up close it does have a lot of Horizontal range and it will
bounce off the ground as well.

------------------[Dark Force: Kitty The Helper: B,D,DB+3K]------------------

This Dark Force will have Felicia call on her cat buddy, this Dark Force
can help you out in a lot of ways. Each time you attack the Kitty will
jump on the opponent and attack them as well, but it takes time for the
Kitty to come back and attack again, but still though this Dark Force can
set up some MAJOR combos if you know what to do with it.

----------------------------[Strategy: Felicia]------------------------------

Felicia is one of the best combo characters in the game, she has amazing
speed with both good defense and offense. You should always play an
offensive game with her, try to avoid staying away from an opponent with
projectiles. You should still keep an eye for opponents in the sky, your
crouching fierce or close standing roundhouse should be able to counter
attacks, but your Rolling Buckler Uppercut and Delta Kick should be able
to out-prioritize more attacks.



"Joined body and soul, as twins we wander the Dark Dimension"

They had the same unsettling dream on their sixteenth birthday. Soon after,
they were driven to unfamiliar space. Bewildered by their new ability so
unexpectedly bestowed, they advanced in the dark.

--------------------------[Weapon Throw: D,DF,F+P]---------------------------

This move is much like Norimaro's projectile in Marvel Super Heroes vs.
Street Fighter, it acts the same way as well as Hsien-Ko will throw out
a random weapon at the opponent. There is a slight arc on the move, but
even with the arc the move can still hit a low ducking opponent no matter
where they are, but depending on the strength of the button used on this
move the higher the arc that it will go, you can use the fierce button
as a pre-emptive anti-air attack. If your close you can combo in this move
as it has very little start up delay and little recovery delay.

--------------------------[Reflect Gong: D,DB,B+P]---------------------------

This move is a bit odd, the only thing its really good for is bouncing
back projectiles. So if you can time it right, you can bounce back your
opponent's projectile and it should still do the normal damage that
projectile will do. However it doesn't work against all projectiles,
Huitzil's projectile is one of the few projectiles that can break through
this defense. You have to watch out for a few things with this move
though, mainly that the range is very weak and that your timing must be
PRECISE. Otherwise you will not be able to bounce back the projectile and
end up eating the projectile yourself, however if your opponent is close
to this attack, it will actually do damage. Also you can bounce back
attacks, but mainly you will push back the opponent as it can also be
used in the air.

--------------------[Guillotine Swing: F,D,DF+P(rapidly)]--------------------

This move is one of the most unique and most effective moves in the game.
Not only does it do an amazing amount of damage, it has A TON of range
for a non-projectile type of move. What this move does is have Hsien-Ko
swing around the ceiling turning herself into one giant guillotine gear.
It hits coming back as well, your opponent will have to switch block when
they are blocking this move because on the way back if the opponent is
blocking the wrong way they will get hit. Also the faster and harder you
press the punch button, the faster and longer she stays on the Guillotine
type movement. There is a bit of a start up delay but if canceled quickly,
the move can combo after a close fierce or a close roundhouse. The recovery
time on this move isn't too bad, but it is pretty easy to counter if your
quick enough.

NOTE: This is also her Guard Cancel.

---------------------------[Full Extension: F+FP]----------------------------

Woah! This move goes like half the screen's distance! This move is a great
horizontal defender against dashing attacks. You can combo it if you are
quick enough though, you can cancel after this move, and while you can't
neccessarily combo this move in all the time, you can keep the pressure on
your opponent though.

-----------------[EX Super: Rising Soul Blade: B,DB,D,DFF+3K]----------------

This is one of the coolest and most exstravagant moves in the game! Think
of this move as somewhat of a reverse Magnetic Shockwave, but instead
replace the waves with rising spiked sword blades. This move will juggle
the opponent around to the end of the screen, the maximum amount of hits
that I have ever gotten with this move is six. This super does good damage
and if timed quick enough after the standing fierce you can combo this
up close. Also when it hits the opponent in the air, most likely the
opponent will not be juggled and will fall after one hit assuming of course
that he or she is not blocking, but there is a slight possibility that this
super will juggle an air opponent. There is slight start up delay on this
move, and a bit of recovery time on this move as well, but the blades
should push the opponent back far enough away to prevent your opponent from
doing anything.

----------------[EX Super: Spikes from Heaven: LK,HK,MP,MP,U]----------------

This super is a pretty good super, however its motion for the initiation
of the super really warrants someone from not trying to use this super.
Once started, Hsien-Ko will call upon a bunch of spiked balls to drop from
the ceiling(sky) and about 20 of them will drop to the floor, if you can
get enough of these to connect you can do about 25% of your opponent's life
bar here. The problem with this super is that, while it does a lot of block
damage, it has a bit of a start up delay that makes this move nearly almost
impossible to combo. The recovery time isn't too bad though, but I would
most likely try avoid using this super since the motion is too friggin
hard to use without thinking and the fact that it has a very low success
rate and it doesn't even reach across the screen makes this super pretty
useless. However if the opponent jumps over you, she can still hit her
opponent with the Spikes from Heaven assuming of course the opponent gets
crossed up and blocks the wrong way.

------------------[EX Super: Chinese Bomb: B,DB,D,DF,F+3P]-------------------

This super is kinda funky, think of this super as something similar to
those platform bombs in Mega Man 8. Hsien-Ko will yell "Chinese Bomb!" and
will throw out a odd looking bomb with a small digit at the bottom right
corner of the bomb, that's the counter for when the bomb will be set off.
However, this super can effect you as well, your opponent can kick this to
you and you can kick it back to your opponent, this super is unblockable
and does quite a bit of damage too. Obviously you can't combo it, but the
start up delay on this move and the recovery delay time on this move is
pretty good though, just make sure you can kick this to your opponent at
the right time. Also note that this super can go off screen and not damage
anybody on the screen at all, resulting in a waste of super, so you may
want to think carefully about using the Chinese Bomb, her best super
obviously is the Rising Soul Blade.

----------------[ES Super: Flashing Weapon Throw: D,DF,F+3P]-----------------

Well not much to say about this move here, it only does a tad bit more
damage than her regular weapon throw and it has a bit more start up delay
time than her regular Weapon Throw. You can still combo this move in after
a close fierce or a close roundhouse if you cancel quick enough, otherwise
your opponent will easily block this move. The recovery time on this move
isn't too bad I guess, its rather long but oddly its hard for your
opponent to counter.

----------------------[ES Super: War Gong: D,DB,B+3P]------------------------

This super isn't much either, however this move will bounce back super
projectiles, like the ES supers of Huitzil or Morrigan. You can combo this
move up close after you cancel QUICKLY after the strong and also note that
this move has a bit more recovery time then the Reflect Gong, which can be
a pain to use sometimes as you risk a high chance of being counter-
attacked. You can use this in the air as well and bounce back air

-------------------[ES Super: Massacre Swing: F,D,DF+3P]---------------------

This is actually Hsien-Ko's best super(excluding the Rising Soul Blade of
course). It does A LOT of damage and it can be comboed if canceled quick
enough after the close fierce or roundhouse. Not only that but this is
also quite an effective anti-air attack as she is a bit invincible during
the initial frames of start up. This also does HUGE block damage and
if you press the punch button rapidly she will swing back and forth more
rapidly, causing more hits and more damage. There is a bit of a start up
delay on this move, but the recovery time is pretty bad since Hsien-Ko
sometimes sucks in the opponent with this move and they can counter once
she comes out of the super.

----------------[Dark Force: Soul Sister: P+K(same strength)]----------------

This Dark Force will have Hsien-Ko call out Lin-Lin(her twin sister) and
her sister will dance, it really doesn't to much in terms of effects, but
it will have Hsien-Ko vary her attacks. In this mode she is a bit more
combo effective, while it doesn't really do much, at least its better than
her standard forms of attack. There really isn't much use to use this
Dark Force anyways, while her combo ability goes up, she cannot use supers
or special attacks.

---------------------------[Strategy: Hsien-Ko]------------------------------

Well for Hsien-Ko, you should really stay on the offensive side, her
attacks have a lot of reach and her supers can do pretty good damage.
One thing you have to watch for is her throw range, it sucks badly, she
can easily get reverse thrown. Try to stay away from using her Dark Force,
it won't help much in winning her battles and its not too effective either
and its basically a waste of your EX super meter.



"My master...order...please."

The boy Cesil lost his way and wandered deep into the ruins. At that
moment Huitzil, the ultimate guardian, was reactivated to protect its new

-------------------------[Plasma Beam: D,DF,F+P/K]---------------------------

This move is Huitzil's projectile and it has maximum range and does good
damage. There is a bit of start up delay on this move as it is uncomboable
and your opponent will usually be able to counter attack before Huitzil
can throw this projectile out(if your opponent is close to you). The
punch button will make Huitzil throw the projectile at head height and the
kick button will make Huitzil shoot the Plasma Beam at foot height, however
the kick button version can be blocked high, but the problem with these
two projectiles is that the punch version can be easily ducked under and
the kick version can be jumped over pretty easily as well. Also note that
just because this move is a projectile, that doesn't mean you can use
this effectively as a keep away move.

------------------------[Missile Launcher: D,DB,B+P]-------------------------

This move is a pretty good move to keep your opponent away, this will have
Huitzil throw out a set of missiles from his back, it sorta floats a bit
and stays in the air pretty long(for a projectile) and its usually hard
to escape. You can't combo in this move but it does come out pretty quickly
and the recovery time on this move is very minimal on the ground. You can
also use this move in the air as well, in the air there is more of an arc,
but it will sail over an opponent's head if he is close to Huitzil. The
stronger the punch button the more horizontal range it has on the ground
and air, in the air the stronger the punch button will also increase the
arc of the missile, but by just a bit.

-------------------------[Genocide Vulcan: B,D,DB+P]-------------------------

This is one of the baddest and coolest moves in fighting games to date!
It does a good amount of damage and once he catches the opponent, Huitzil
will grab the opponent and toss them into the air and shoot them for a
total of eleven hits. This move is unblockable and it can also be comboed
as the total hits will add up in the hits guage. You should use this move
often when you are close to the opponent because it has virtually no
start up delay time and virtually no recovery delay time, making it hard
for your opponent to counter. Note that the range on this move is really
small, probably no more than a few steps in front of Huitzil is the
maximum range for this move.

-------------------------[Plasma Trip: D,DB,B+K(air)]------------------------

This move will have Huitzil throw out a small little Plasma Bomb, it will
sorta roll towards the opponent and then explode when it reaches a certain
distance on the ground. Once it explodes it shocks the opponent and knocks
them down. The stronger the kick button the farther this move will go
horizontally, and note that this move DOES NOT deal out damage on contact
like most moves do. There is very little start up delay time on this move
and a little recovery delay time on this move as Huitzil comes down from
this move. You can't combo this move, but it is a nice way to fool your
opponent from time to time.

-------------------[Guard Cancel: Reflect Wall: F,D,DF+3P]-------------------

This move will basically push the opponent away, if the opponent throws a
projectile at you and if you can time the Reflect Wall correctly and on
time, you will bounce back the projectile towards your opponent. Basically
this move will push the opponent back away from you, its a pretty good
Guard Cancel to use, especially against projectiles, but note that it
only works against all non-super projectiles.

----------------------------[Gear Thrust: F+FP]------------------------------

This move basically allows Hutizil to extend his fierce punch farther
horizontally against the opponent. It has about one third screen's
distance, little recovery time but a bit of a start up delay. Use wisely.

--------------------------[Gear Extension: F+RK]-----------------------------

This move is one of the better anti air attacks in Huitzil's arsenal. This
move will have Hutizil extend his arm towards the opponent but then go
upwards, it has about one third screen's distance range and it does good
damage and will hit twice when you are up close to the opponent.

----------------[EX Super: Final Guardian B: B,DB,D,DF,F+3P]-----------------

This has got to be one of the sweetest supers in the game, this will have
Huitzil throw out a small energy sphere and once it touches the opponent it
will stun them with electricity and then hold them in place as Huitzil
prepares to fry the opponent with a series of cannons for a total of 34
monster hits! This super will do a lot of damage, but it has a bit of
a start up delay that makes it very tough to combo unless you cancel
quickly after the roundhouse. There is a bit of a recovery delay time if
the opponents block this move though, so try to use it only when the
opponent misses with an anti-air attack or if they try to attack you up
close as you are invincible to attacks during the first few initial frames
from start up.

--------------------[EX Super: Energy Sphere: B,D,DB+3K]---------------------

This super is probably one of the supers that you will have to try and
avoid using, mainly because it doesn't explode on contact, it takes the
entire screen's distance and explodes once it moves the full screen
distance, if you are standing anywhere in the middle of the screen, your
attack will move off screen and probably never even touch the opponent.
There is a bit of a start up delay on this move though, its uncomboable
but it can set up A LOT of sweet and fancy combos though. It all depends
if your opponent is dumb enough to fall for this move, and if your human
opponent falls asleep standing up then yes, your opponent will EASILY
fall for this...(^_^).

--------------------[ES Super: Plasma Ray: D,DF,F+3K/3P]---------------------

This super will hit up to three times, it still has the long start up delay
time as well. There is also more recovery delay time on this move as well,
it does about 60% more damage than the regular Plasma Beam and if you use
the punch versions, you will do a high Plasma Beam and if you use the
kick version you will do the low Plasma Beam. Try to avoid using it unless
you are sure it will connect.

-------------------[ES Super: Turrican Vulcan: B,D,DB+3P]--------------------

This super is much like the Genocide Vulcan, however it only does one
extra hit and the last extra hit has Huitzil shooting a small bomb or
missile of some kind. It does only a tad bit more than the regular Genocide
Vulcan, but its cool to see Huitzil flash though. This can combo up close
and it also has good range(for a throw type move) and excellent priority
up close. The recovery delay time and the start up delay time are both
pretty good as well.

------------------[ES Super: Plasma Sweep: D,DB,B+3K(air)]-------------------

This super is one of the more powerful supers in Huitzil's arsenal, it does
a good amount of damage and this super will have Huitzil drop two Plasma
disks to the floor, but they will only explode after a certain distance
rather than on contact. You really have to use these from full screen's
distance to actually connect with this move. You can't combo this move and
it can only be used in the air, however I would avoid using it because
its highly unlikely that this move will connect, no matter where you
throw it. The recovery time is pretty bad since Huitzil can only recover
when he falls back on the ground, but there is basically minimal start up
delay time though.

--------------------[Dark Force: Ray of Doom: D,F,DF+2P]---------------------

This Dark Force is one of the best Dark Forces in the game, once initiated
two other robots come to Huitzil's aid. Even if you taunt these two robots
will shoot out a beam at the opponent, having this Dark Force on can lead
to some MAJOR comboes! However, the beams take time to shoot out, and you
can't just keep attacking an expect the beams to come out, however it is
still a MAJOR convience to have them and it can really turn the favor on
your side. Note that the beams will do block damage as well.

----------------------------[Strategy: Huitzil]------------------------------

Well for Huitzil what you should do a lot is mainly toy with your opponent
using a lot of projectiles, mainly your Plasma Trips. Try to be offensive
minded when using Huitzil because his defense isn't too well rounded.
Your ES supers are actually more effective than your EX supers surprisingly
but then again Huitzil's supers aren't too effective overall. His supers
are mainly there to do the damage instead of being effective at the same
time. Use your Dark Force often, it gives Huitzil a HUGE advantage over
his opponent as it has them running scared.



"I shall be the one to unite every dispirited soul."

Jedah resurrected to save the Dark World from being ruined by uniting all
souls to himself. He summons the Dakrstalkers to the Dark Dimension, the
battle field he created for his own salvation.

---------------------------[Dio = Cega: D,DF,F+P]----------------------------

This move will have Jedah throw out a spinning blade(the blade looks pretty
painful). There is a lot of start up delay time on this move as it cannot
combo in, however this move does do good block damage and once it reaches
a certain distance, the blade will spin there momentarily for about a
second, which can act as a defense against both air attacks and horizontal
attacks. There is very little recovery time to this move and it can act as
a projectile as you can nullify projectiles with this move in exchange for
yours. Try not to use this too often though, it becomes easily predictable.
In the air this move will come down at an angle and the stronger the punch
button used the more horizontal range this move will have.

-------------------------[Nero = Fautica: D,DB,B+P]--------------------------

This move is much like a surprise attack agaisnt horizontal attacks and
dashing opponents. Once your opponent is caught, they will be encased in
a flesh bubble(I guess that's what it is) and Jedah will slash at the
opponent. This move does good damage but you can't combo the move in. There
is also little recovery time from this move, even though if Jedah misses
he will do his slash pose. Also there is little range on this move, you
will have to be fairly close to the opponent when you want to connect with
this move, probably about at maximum, one fourth the screen's distance

---------------------[Ira = Spinta: F,DF,D,DB,B+K(air)]----------------------

You can only use this move in the air and when you do, Jedah will sorta
float in the air a short while, and then he will swoop down and then fly
the opponent up with him and then send them down, drilling them in the
back. This move does a lot of damage and can really make an opponent
nervous since Jedah takes so long to hesistate before he pulls off the
move. This move is unblockable, but the long delay time makes this move
hard to connect against an opponent. The short version barely has any
horizontal range, the forward version will go about 1/3 the screen's
distance and the roundhouse version will go about three fourth the screen's
distance. Be noted that Jedah can be hit with practically anything and this
throw has virtually no priority at all, but it does come down pretty fast
on the opponent though.

----------------------------[Spregio: F,D,DF+P]------------------------------

This move is Jedah's projectile, but it doesn't have much range, it will
go about 1/3 the screen's total distance. You can combo in this move though
as it comes out pretty fast and it can be used as an anti-dash attack. Just
make sure that you time it early enough to catch dashing opponents. Also
note that the recovery time on this move is pretty quick, which allows
Jedah to use this move without fear of retaliation since Jedah can block
afterwards. This is also Jedah's Guard Cancel and you can only use this
move freely in Dark Force Power, in Dark Force Change, this move is Jedah's
Guard Cancel and Guard Cancel only!

----------[EX Super: Purova = Dél = Cervo: B,DB,D,DF,F+3K, then K]-----------

This super is one of Jedah's two unblockable supers. Once you perform this
move, a waving purple hand from the ground will flow, however if you do not
press the kick button, your super will have been wasted. Once the hand is
near the opponent press kick and then the hand will grab the opponent, then
it will proceed to slam the opponent back and forth and then paste the
opponent onto an old scroll. It's a pretty fancy looking super and it does
a lot of damage. Note that this super cannot grab opponents out of the air
and you cannot combo it in. The recovery time on this move isn't too bad
but Jedah can be countered attack if the opponent jumps over from above.

---------------------[EX Super: Finale = Russo: D,D,+3P]---------------------

This super is also unblockale, once you connect with this move your
opponent will fall to the pit below and a bunch of hands will hold your
opponent and then hit them 13 times. It does good damage and it comes out
fairly quick, but it becomes predictable a lot of times and the recovery
time is pretty good as well. I would try to use this super after a missed
attack and such, or even as an anti-dash counter. Also this super works
pretty well against projectile fighters, you can easily reach them across
the screen and catch them before their projectiles reaches you!

----------------------[ES Super: Dio = Cega: D,DF,F+3P]----------------------

Much like the regular Dio = Cega, this move will have Jedah throw out a
spinning blade and it will spin a little longer momentarily once it reaches
a certain position. The spinning blade has a much larger diameter than the
regular move and it will hit up to five times, and it will do a lot of
damage. There is a bit of a start up delay time on this move which can
leave Jedah open to attacks just prior to Jedah releasing the blade. The
recovery time on this move isn't too bad though and in the air, Jedah will
release the blade diagonally downwards.

---------------------[ES Super: Nero = Fautica: D,DB,B+P]--------------------

A more souped up version of the regular move, this super will encase your
opponent in a giant purple bubble and then Jedah will perform a small combo
hitting up to five times. You can use this against dashing attacks and also
note that the range is lacking on this move as well. It will go about one
fourth the screen's distance and the recovery time on this move isn't too
bad either, but it still allows the opponent ample time to counter attack.

-----------------[ES Super: Ira = Spinta: F,DF,D,DB,B+3K(air)]---------------

This move is much like his normal special throw, you can only use this move
in the air and once you catch your opponent with this move, Jedah will fly
up into the air and then send the opponent down drilling them in the back
more than his regular Ira = Spinta. It still does a lot of damage and you
can't combo it in. This move does have a lot of range and will virtually
reach the entire screen's length. Just try not to use this move too often
because your opponent can easily knock you out of the air with an anti
air attack.

-----------------------[ES Super: Spregio: F,D,DF+3P]------------------------

This super is much like his regular Spregio, however this super will hit
three times and knock the opponent down. It does decent damage but it can
be put in combos and will eat out other regular projectiles. There is
little start up delay time to this move and little recovery time, but you
can also use it against horizontal attacks and dashing opponents, but be
warned though, if you miss against a blocking opponent, they will have an
adequete time to counter attack.

---------------------[Dark Force: Santu Arrio: B,D,DB+3K]--------------------

This Dark Force isn't neccessarily a very good Dark Force. Once initiated
Jedah will fly as easily as you move the directional pad around. There is
no other advantage that Jedah holds when you use this Dark Force, it's
sometimes hard to control him because he can't jump and your combos don't
work very effectively unless your feet are firmly planted on the ground.
Basically I would just try to avoid using this move altogether.

-----------------------------[Strategy: Jedah]-------------------------------

Jedah is a pretty decent character to use, he doesn't have a lot of supers
of good combos, but he can deal out the damage with his supers. You should
use his supers often because they are unblockable and can deal out a lot
of damage quick. Just note that Jedah has very bad defensive skills and
he cannot really dish out much punishment on offense unless he connects
with his supers.


"What is this blood burning feeling?"

On a night of a full moon, he trembles with fear, sensing the existence of
a brutal animal within himself. "This cannot be true...the curse must have
been expelled. I must have been reborn as a human!"

----------------------[Beast Cannon: D,DF,F+P/F,D,DF+P]----------------------

This move is a pretty quick attack, it makes J.Talbain's body into a wolf
cannon of some sort as he howls whenever he does this move. The fireball
motion will make J.Talbain travel striahgt horizontally and the dragon
punch motion will make J.Talbain travel upwards diagonally, which can be
used as an anti-air attack. The nice thing about this move is that it can
also serve as an air dash, you just perform the move in the air and voila!
You can perform two of these in a row but you cannot juggle the opponent
with the move. However, note that your opponent will usually go crazy with
the Beast Cannon, its more likely to happen in the game than anything else.
If you can cancel quick enough off the fierce or the roundhouse you can
combo in the move, the recovery time on this move is pretty good, not too
long and not lomg enough for your opponent to counter attack, which is a
good thing. The anti-air attack version has a little bit more recovery
delay but you can always bust out a second Beast Cannon. Once this move is
used in the air, J.Talbain will attack diagonally downwards, no matter
which motion you use for the move. Also note that the Beast Cannon has
EXCELLENT priority in attacks and it does good overall damage.

---------------------------[Climb Razor: D,U+K]------------------------------

The Climb Razor is a very sweet looking attack, it does good damage and it
comes out immensely quickly. You can combo this move even off of a jab
punch or a short kick. What this move will do is have J.Talbain jump into
the air and very quickly slash a front kick forward. The Climb Razor can
work as an effective anti-air attack, even an attack that has more priority
than the dragon punch version of the Beast Cannon. The stronger the kick
button the higher J.Talbain will go into the air, however you have to note
that the recovery time on this move isn't too good, once he starts to fall
down, he is vulnerable to an attack. The horizontal range on this move
isn't too great though, it sucks like cheese and you will really have to
combo the move off of a close opponent. The priority is pretty good and it
should have no trouble knocking down an air opponent.

---------------------[Million Flicker: D,DB,B+P(rapidly)]--------------------

This move is a pretty good move to use. It does good damage and it does a
tremendous amount of block damage. Once you perform the motion press the
punch button rapidly and J.Talbain will do the Million Flicker longer.
This move will have J.Talbain swing a mechedi(sp?) around in a rather
torrent manner. Think of it much like E.Honda's Hundred Hand Slap except
that the move does more damage and hits A LOT more. You can combo this move
off of a strong or anything stronger if you cancel quickly. The Million
Flicker can work as a great horizontal defender because it comes out so
quickly, you can also use it as an anti-air attack. There isn't much
recovery time on this move, it all really depends on when you release the
punch button, note that if you use the Million Flicker while you are in
your Dark Force, you can get some SERIOUS damage and hits out of this

-----------------------------[Quick Dash: D+3K]------------------------------

This technique is a pretty useful one, however it can only go a small
distance. Once you start the move J.Talbain will dash on all fours at his
opponent, but if you are close to your opponent you will end up on the
other side of the opponent. You can go under projectiles with this move
if you can time the dash right, you will have to watch out when using
this move though, it's pretty hard to time the dash because you will have
to time the dash at the last second so that you can dash under the
projectile. This is helpful since you can really surprise your human
opponent and then get the jump on your opponent before they can recover
from the move. I think J.Talbain is invincible during the duration of
this move, but I'm not really sure, I'll have to check!

------[EX Super: Dragon Cannon: B,DB,D,DF,F+3K(DFC)/B,DB,D,Df,F+3P(DFP)]-----

This super isn't as what is sounds like, this is mainly a projectile super
that has J.Talbain summon a swirling tube of fire at the opponent, it comes
out pretty quick but it has bad start up delay and you can't combo the
move. It chips about three pixels of damage, however your opponent can duck
under the cannon, but mostly the small and medium sized characters. The
recovery time of this move is pretty good, it can be an effective anti-air
attack if you can time the Dragon Cannon at the last minute. You must use
the kick buttons if you are in Dark Force Change and you use the Punch
buttons if you are using the Dark Force Power versions. You will have to
watch for air attacks if you do not time the Dragon Cannon at the last
second, the overall damage won't do much as compared to his other supers
but it does do adequete damage though.

-------------------[EX Super: Razor Slice: JP,SP,F,SK,FK]--------------------

This super is unblockable, but it lacks a lot of range, once he starts the
move he will take one quick vertical swipe in front of him. This will cut
the opponent in half, and if you finish the opponent off with the move they
will remain cut in half. Try to use this move as quick counter against
missed attacks, much like anti-air attacks. The overall damage done on this
move is pretty good, heck it does a lot of damage. However the motion on
the move can really make the player fustrated because its hard to do, even
with a lot of practice(like me). You cna combo this move in the corner
after you cancel quickly off of either a fierce or a roundhouse kick.
The start up delay isn't too bad, but you usually won't catch a close
opponent in time unless you counter attack a missed attack, the recovery
time on this move is pretty bad though, once he misses he will pose for
about a second, leaving him vulnerable to attack.

-----------[ES Super: Flashing Beast Cannon: D,DF,F+3P/F,D,DF+3P]------------

This super is ONE OF THE WORST supers in the whole friggin game! Know why?
The regular Beast Cannon does more damage than this move! It doesn't do
good block damage but it does come out fast and you can combo it pretty
easily. The fireball motion will make J.Talbain travel horizontally and
the dragon punch motion will make J.Talbain travel diagonally upwards,
which can work as an excellent anti-air attack because of its priority
and its speed. You can also use this move in the air, but when you use it
in the air J.Talbain will travel diagonally downwards at his opponent in
a 65 degree angle. However it doesn't matter what motion you use in the
air since it will make J.Talbain do the same move, you can also use the
Flashing Beast Cannon in succession after another but other than that the
move doesn't really old much of an advantage over the regular Beast Cannon.
The only thing that this move does hold is that it travels higher
vertically and farther horizontally, but if you miss with the dragon punch
version of the move you can expect a counter attack, however like the
regular Beast Cannon you can treat this sorta like an air dash, just jump
into the air and perform the motion, and I would usually use this move to
get over to the otherside of my opponent.

---------------[ES Super: Billion Flicker: D,DB,B+3P(rapidly)]---------------

Okay corny name for the super, I admit it but do you have anything better
in mind? This super is the enhanced version of the Million Flicker(gee
figure that out by yourself? :) ) and it will do a A LOT of damage. You
can use this as a horizontal defender and it can work pretty well against
anti-air attacks if you can time the Billion Flicker at the last minute.
Once you perform the motion, press the punch button to add A LOT more hits
and more damage, and even if your opponent blocks the move they will lose
a lot of damage, but it is recoverable though. You can combo in this move
if you cance quickly from your attacks, but what I have found out is that
when you use the Dark Force along with this move, you can score about 30+
hits using a rapid-fire controller!!! That can result in about 50% of your
opponent's life if you connect! It does 10% block damage!! There is little
start up delay and the recovery delay depends on when you release the punch
button. Overall, it is one of J.Talbain's supers.

----------------------[ES Super: Mountain Razor: D,U+K]----------------------

Much like the regular Climb Razor, this move will do more damage and the
overall damage is pretty good. It can hit up to three times and yes, can
even be made stronger using your Dark Force along with this move. It's
mainly here as an anti-air attack and it comes out pretty qucikly, quick
enough to counter attack missed forward and strong attacks and it has
high priority and you won't see much or anything break through this
defense. There is more horizontal range on this move than the regular
Climb Razor but it still is lacking in horizontal range and if you miss
with the move you will be countered attack since the recovery time on the
Mountain Razor isn't all too good.

----------------[Dark Force: Mirage Body: B,DB,D,DF,F+3K(DFP)]---------------

This Dark Force has got to be the best Dark Force in the game! Once
initiated J.Talbain will go on a Berserker Fury, much like Wolverine with
the Power Gem in Marvel Super Heroes. J.Talbain will have mimicking mirror
images trail every move that he does and attack like J.Talbain does in
succession! Meaning you can turn any old 4 hit combo into an 11 hit
monster! This also super hypes his special attacks and supers as well!
Just use the Billion Flicker and ram the buttons and see what happens! You
will be amazed! Its a Dark Force that you must definitely use! It has no
disadvantages and the advantages are amazing!!

----------------------------[Strategy: J.Talbain]----------------------------

J.Talbain is literally a 'beast' on the battle field. He has excellent
combo ability and he has such amazing speed and his Dark Force...oh man!
This guy is one tough customer for any opponent, beginner or expert, he
has good defense and can counter quicker than anybody else in the game.
Having no projectiles in his possession doesn't even hurt him one bit since
he doesn't have much trouble against those keep away players as he can use
his Dragon Cannon or he can constantly dash under projectiles and attack
the opponent. Basically with J.Talbain just keep attacking and slashing
offensively, you should play offense most of the time even though J.Talbain
does have a pretty solid overall defense.



"I long to be of one soul and body."

Lilith is another embodiment of Morrigan's soul, which was sealed by
Berial. After 300 years, she recieves a transient body, and fights to
recover her true body.

--------------------------[Soul Flash: D,DF,F+P]-----------------------------

This is baiscally Lilith's projectile, and much like Ken's in the later
crossover series, her projectile has pretty pathetic range. Her projectile
will only go about 1/3 the screen's distance. It does about the same
amount of damage as the Soul Fist, but the projectile travels slower
though. You should mainly use this in combos only, you won't win many
projectile fights with this and the recovery time is awfully bad. I would
most likely avoid this if I were you(but then again, I'm not you!).

-------------------------[Shining Blade: F,D,DF+P]---------------------------

This move is basically Lilith's anti-air attack, and much like Morrigan's
there is basically little start up delay time and it has excellent
priority. There is little that your opponent can do to try and over power
this move, you should use this in combos up close but the horizontal
range isn't too good so you will have to quickly cancel into this after
about one or two hits from a combo. Like most anti-air attacks, the
recovery delay time isn't too good as she can be hit in the air as she
falls down from the move.

---------------------------[Soul Spin: D,DB,B+K]-----------------------------

This move will have Lilith spin with her bat wings towards the opponent
much like Ryu's Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku. Its very comboable and does good
damage as it hits multiple times. You should use this often in combos and
as a horizontal defender against dashing attacks, there is basically little
start up delay time on this move and also little recovery time. However
the priority on this move isn't too great, but it will out prioritize many
ground attacks, just watch for air opponents because that's one of the
problems this move is vulnerable to.

-----------------------------[High Jump: D,U]--------------------------------

With this move Lilith can play a bit of a keep away game of her own. This
move allows Lilith to super jump to a point almost out of the screen and
you can use your directional pad to steer her direction of where she wants
to go. This move is much like Morrigan's Air Dash, just given a different
name. Use this to avoid keep away fights or to stay away from the opponent
a while to recover some of your loss white bar. Note that Lilith can be hit
out of the High Jump if the opponent attacks her as she is not invincible
during anytime of the duration of the High Jump. Also note that you must
input the command for the High Jump VERY QUICKLY, otherwise it will not

-------------------[EX Super: Splendor Love: F,D,DF+3K]----------------------

This move is a pretty good super that has very little start up delay but
for some reason you can't combo it. What this will do is turn Lilith's
current garment into many numerous green bats that surround her, making
her virtually invincible. Don't worry folks, you won't see all of her
(you silly peepers you :) ). This does a lot of block damage and good
overall normal damage, but the recovery time is horrible, try to avoid
using it unless you are certain that it will connect. However, watch for
EX and ES projectiles, some of them will knock Lilith out of the Splendor

----------------[EX Super: Luminous Illusion: JP,JP,F,SK,FP]-----------------

This super is much like Morrigan's Darkness Illusion, but it only does
21 hits, however the overall damage is still the same. Its still a pretty
cool version of Morrigan's super as you can also use it in the air and
you can also combo it in, even after a jab or a short. You should only use
this move in combos only or to counter missed attacks, I think this move
will pass through projectiles through the first few frames of initial start
up, but definitely not EX or ES projectiles. When Lilith misses with the
super she will bounce off much like Morrigan will, so while the recovery
time on this move is pretty bad, your opponent will have an improbably time
trying to counter this move if they block it since Lilith bounces so far
away from the opponent, usually out of the reach of any of their attacks.

-----------[EX Super: Gloomy Puppet Show: B,DB,D,DF,F+3K(Level 2)]-----------

This is quite possibly the funkiest and funniest super in the game. Lilith
will throw a hat towards her opponent(which is blockable by the way) and
if she catches the opponent, her opponent will be set foot on a small stage
much like the ones they use in a circus. Once your opponent is on the stage
you can press any one of your six attack buttons and each one of them will
force your opponent to do a different pose, if you can get the poses in
a certain order(try pressing your buttons in a ZigZag sequension) then you
will have points totaled up at the end, depending on the amount of points
you get, the total damage will escalate. You can score as much as 50 pts.
and as low as zero points, but you will still do damage even if you don't
press anything, so try to press the ZigZag motion as fast as possible and
you should easily score about 30 pts, keep repeating it though. The
recovery time on this move isn't too good though, so try to watch out for
a few things, use this against ground opponents only, if you knock an
opponent out of the air they will not be caught in the super.

----------------------[ES Super: Soul Blink: D,DF,F+3P]----------------------

This is much like Lilith's Soul Flash except for the fact that it travels
a bit slower, however Lilith recovers before the projectile will hit the
opponent(if you throw the projectile super away from the opponent), which
can lead to some big combos. Use this mainly as a combo starter, also you
can use this in succession in your Dark Force, it really ticks the crap
out of a human opponent when you have enough EX Super meter to keep
throwing them out against a cornered opponent (^_^). The start up delay
isn't too bad, but you can't combo in this super though.

-----------------------[ES Super: Bat Spin: D,DB,B+3K]-----------------------

This super will have Lilith spin a bit higher upwards diagonally than her
regular Soul Spin. It does a lot of damage and can be used in a combo as
it is quick enough to combo off of a jab or a short. You should use this
mainly as a chipper when your opponent is close to losing or in a combo
only. Its a great horizontal defender as well but it doesn't fare to well
against airborne attacks. The recovery time is horrible though, so try to
be careful when you are using this move.

---------------------[ES Super: Mirage Blade: F,D,DF+3P]---------------------

This super is a pretty cool super to watch, it does a good amount of damage
and it can be used in a combo, but watch for the horizontal range, although
it may look like it has a lot of horizontal range, it really doesn't. You
have to be really close to your opponent when you use this move, as you can
combo it after a jab, short, or a jab to short combo. Just make sure that
it connects, otherwise you can expect a painful counter from your opponent.
What this super looks like, is it will have three flashing images of Lilith
come up from the ground all coming up one at a time.

----------------------------[Strategy: Lilith]-------------------------------

For Lilith, you mainly want to have an offensive game going, she's a pretty
quick and agile character to use. She has a very good defense and a potent
offense. However, her throw range is lacking somewhat and she is usually
out-prioritized when she tries to throw her opponent. Keeping your opponent
away obviously won't work, try to use combos to win and avoid throws and
keep aways. Use your High Jump to get over those pesky keep-awaying

--------------------------------[L. Rapter]----------------------------------


"Interesting! New enemies worthy of death!"

Followed by Le Malta, a beast in the Dark World, the self-professed "King"
strums his guitar. A wild guitar riff that announces the beginning of his
homicidal live show echoes through the Dark Dimension.

------------------------[Death Hurricane: D,DB,B+K]--------------------------

This move is much like Lilith's Soul Spin, this move will have L.Rapter
spin his body around and there will be some sort of blade that revolves
around him. The stronger the button the more distance that this move will
go both vertically and horizontally since this move travels diagonally
upwards. You can combo in this move pretty easily since it comes out so
quick, the recovery time isn't too bad though even though L.Rapter has to
jump into the air. This move has good priority and will travel pretty
quickly and it travels a good distance, probably about one half the
screen's distance. However I would use this move as a surprise move, and
while it does travel diagonally upwards the attack is a very poor anti-air
attack. It works much better as a horizontal defender, mainly because of
its priority and quick speed.

---------------------------[Skull Blade: D,U+K]------------------------------

This move is much like Bison's Foot Stomp in the Street Fighter series.
Once you perform this move L.Rapter will turn his legs into a spinning saw
and jump up and come downwards diagonally on the opponent's head. This move
does pretty good damage, but when L.Rapter jumps up into the air, it's
practically a dead(was that the correct term for this guy?) give away since
there is so much start up delay on thsi move that you can't even combo in
the move. I would probably use it once in a while when my opponent isn't
expecting it, but other than that I would try to avoid using this move
altogether. There is so much start up delay that it gives your opponent
a chance to use their anti air attack special(if they have one of course)
and knock you out of the air before you even get the chance to use this
move. The recovery time on this move isn't too bad though, just hope that
your opponent doesn't knock you out of the air before you land.

------------------------[Hell's Gate: B,DB,D,DF,F+K]-------------------------

L.Rapter's teleport is a pretty nifty move to use, although it sounds like
an attack of his repetoire, obviously it's not. The stronger the kick you
use the farther the distance L.Rapter will go. The short kick version will
make him go just 1/5 of the screen's distance, the forward kick version
will make L.Rapter go about one third the screen's distance and the
roundhouse kick version will make L.Rapter go three fourth's the screen's
distance and when you press all three kicks L.Rapter will go the full
screen's distance. L.Rapter is completely invincible when he is doing this
move, once he starts the move he will go underground and then come back
upwards, there is very little start up delay(if any) and the recovery delay
time is pretty good and is near improbably for your opponent to counter,
just make sure that you do not teleport into a super or during the middle
of the super unless you teleport behind your opponent, otherwise you will
just fall right into your opponent's hands.

-----------------[Death Phase: F,D,DF+K(GUARD CANCEL ONLY)]------------------

This move can only be used as a Guard Cancel only, once you use it L.Rapter
will use his guitar and sing it loudly as you can see the sound waves that
come off of his guitar. It does decent damage on the opponent and will push
the opponent back a little bit as well. A pretty good move to use though,
there is little disadvantage and it even works well against air borne
opponents as well!

------------------------[Extended Chainsaw: F+FP/RK]-------------------------

These attacks will give L.Rapter an immense amount of horizontal range,
you can combo them in pretty easily. The fierce will have him throw out his
long sword blade and his roundhouse will have him extend his chainsaw, and
his chainsaw can go as far as half the screen's total distance! There is a
tiny bit of start up and little recovery delay time on both attacks. Mainly
use these as horizontal defenders against attacks.

----------------------[EX Super: Evil Scream: F,B+3P]------------------------

This move will have L.Rapter move is chainsaw blade at the opponent and it
will cut the opponent in half and if you finish off your opponent with this
super then your opponent will remain cut in half after the battle has been
won. This move has good range(reaching about 1/3 of the screen's distance)
and it does a lot of damage. The real problem with this move is that you
can't combo it in, even though it does come out pretty fast. The recovery
delay time isn't all too great since he still extends his chainsaw even
after the opponent was blocking the attack. You should mainly use this
attack against counters or crap stupid opponents(like my brother...hehehe).
Personally I don't see much good coming from this move, it's easy to do
but against small time veterans, they can easily avoid the attack and yes
it is blockable!

----------------------[EX Super: Hell Dunk: F,D,DF+3P]-----------------------

The manual says its Hell Drunk, but since this super involves L.Rapter
dunking the opponent, I would assume the 'R' was a typo...pretty smart eh?
Well basically this move will turn the opponent into a basketball, and
Lord Rapter will dunk the opponent on a set up hoop made by his other
partner(or friend or whatever his friggin name is...I forgot). It does A
LOT of damage and this super is sometimes pretty unfair at some parts
because you can't block the move and it has unlimited horizontal range.
Not only that but it travels pretty fast and you don't even see it
sometimes, a figure will glide across the floor and then catch the opponent
by the foot. Usually this will catch even the most expert of opponents
because it is just simply unfair to use, you can literally deal out mucho
damage within a blink of an eye.

------------------[EX Super: Death Voltage: F,DF,D,DB,B+3K]------------------

This move will have L.Rapter result in sending a shock through his
opponent's body. Once start L.Rapter will trun his body into a moving
electrical field house and will shock the opponent to a crisp. This move
will come out extremely quickly and can easily combo off a jab or a short
kick. I would use this often as a quick horizontal defense attack and as a
quick anti-air attack, it has a lot of width and the electricity will
surround L.Rapter, which makes him virtually invincible to any form of
non-projectile attack. This move will only do one hit but that one hit will
do a lot of damage and the recovery time isn't too heavy either, which can
give L.Rapter time to recover from his moves. This move also has a lot of
priority and the quickness of the move can be atributed to it, it will
nearly dominate any move in the game, even some supers as well like the
Darkness Illusion or even the Demon Horde!

-------------------[ES Super: Doomed Hurricane: D,DB,B+3K]-------------------

A suped up version of the Death Hurricane, this move will do good damage
and is definitely worth the level of super. It comes out very quickly and
can be comboed in rather easily and your opponent will have little chance
of counter attacking. This move will hit three times and will knock your
opponent down if connected and it does decent block damage. This move still
isn't a very good anti-air attack even though it goes diagonally upwards
but it can be used as a pretty good horizontal defender against attacks.
The range is about 2/3 the screen's distance and it has very good priority
and will even trade hits with some of Sasquatch's special attacks. I would
sometimes use this move to travel over projectiles, however you will have
to time the move so that somewhere in the middle of the duration of the
move L.Rapter will sail over the projectile because he can be hit anytime
during the initial start up of the super. Treat this much like Ryu's
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku, you can sail over projectiles and hit opponents
as they are throwing the projectile, which can make for an excellent
counter attack.

------------------[ES Super: Splitting Skull Blade: D,U+3K]------------------

Much like the Skull Blade this move will have L.Rapter jump up and then
turn his feet into a spinning saw blade and come down diagonally downwards
at the opponent's head. You can't control the distance of this move but
it does good a very good horizontal distance and it has excellent priority
against basically any ground attack. However, like the Skull Blade it is
a dead give away when L.Rapter jumps into the air as your opponent will
have about a long split second to knock L.Rapter out of the air. Obviously
the long start up delay will deter any chance of you trying to combo in
this move and the recovery delay time is pretty bad since L.Rapter will
land in front of his opponent if he misses, leaving himself momentarily
vulnerable to an attack, super, or combo. This move does do about 75% more
damage than the regular Skull Blade and will do three hits and does good
block damage as well.

------------------[Dark Force: Ultimate Undead: B,D,DB+3K]-------------------

A pretty odd Dark Force, however I wouldn't use it if I were you. This
will comeplately change the attacks of L.Rapter and will only limit him
to just three attack animations, yes you got it, just three attack
animations on the ground. It makes L.Rapter slower as well, but it gives
him a chainsaw and he will do significantly more damage with his attacks,
but he will lose much of his combo ability and the ability to use special
attacks and supers. The real advantage from this move is the range that
L.Rapter recieves because at anytime you can pick up a chainsaw you will
obviously have a lot of range! I would just stick with his original
repetoire though.

----------------------------[Strategy: L.Rapter]-----------------------------

L.Rapter is a pretty decent character overall, he doesn't have good range
on his attacks, but is a good combo character. He really has to rely on
hits that do damage and then run away, his combos won't do much damage and
the lack of ability to combo in supers really hurts his repetoire. I would
suggest that you try to attack your opponent with strong attacks and force
them to miss with some of their attacks, then just counter attack.



"Good timing...I just needed a new playground."

Her castle was suddenly teleported to the Dark Dimension. She hears a
sorowful cry from nowhere that echoes in her mind, recalling a familiar

----------------------------[Soul Fist: D,DF,F+P]----------------------------

This is the basic Ryu type projectile, it has good speed and good range.
This move can be comboed when you cancel quickly off the stronger attacks.
This move has a bit of a start up delay, so you will have to time the
projectile because it's not an instant deal like the Hadouken. When you
use the Soul Fist in the air, Morrigan will bounce up into the air a bit,
the projectile will go down at a digaonaly distance, much like Akuma's
Zankuu Hadouken. The recovery time on the air isn't too good, it will take
her a while to come back to the ground. Try to use the Soul Fist in combos
and as keep away only, it won't do much as a horizontal attack defense.

---------------------------[Shadow Blade: F,D,DF+P]--------------------------

This is the basic anti-air attack in the game, it has tremendous priority
and the only attack that can probably neutralize the Shadow Blade is
possibly air projectiles. However, while it has a lot of priority, she
is not invincible during the initial frames of start up. You also have to
take note that this move comes out extremely quick and it will most likely
combo off of anything. Like most anti-air attacks, the Shadow Blade has a
considerable amount of recovery time and has poor horizontal range. The
stronger versions of the Shadow Blade will hit multiple times if you
attack up close.

------------------------[Vector Drain: F,DF,D,DB,B+P]------------------------

This move is basically a throw, think of it much like T.Hawk's Stormhammer
from SSF2. You must be really close to your opponent for this to connect.
Once Morrigan catches her opponent, she will fly upwards with her opponent
and then send them spinning downwards, and while it looks painful its
far from it. It does only a decent amount of damage but the two advantages
coming from this move is that its unblockable and the total damage that it
does, it virtually leaves no white bar left, making 95% of the total damage
of this move unrecoverable. You can also use this move in the air, and
again you will have to be close to the opponent. But when you are away
from the opponent, Morrigan will show no sign that you have actually
performed the move, so its basically useless and serves no disadvantage
when you use the Vector Drain out of range.

-----------------------------[Air Dash: D,U]---------------------------------

Well this is all it is, an air dash but the nice thing about this move is
that it isn't just any old air dash. Morrigan can basically travel to
anywhere on screen that she wants, but you must move the directional pad
after your perform the move, Morrigan will fly to where you want her to.
But you must be VERY QUICK in performing the motion, otherwise the air
dash will not come out. Note that she will only fly in the air for about
one second, use this to get around the opponent or to escape from an
opponent's cornering attacks and such. Be careful how you time the move
though, your opponent can hit you out of the air dash at any time since
you are not invincible at any time during the dash.

----------------[EX Super: Darkness Illusion: JP,JP,F,SK,FP]-----------------

This super, while it has a pretty difficult motion, is a very powerful
super and comes out extremely quickly, so quick that it can combo off a
jab or a short. This move has a bit of a recovery delay, she will bounce
off a blocking opponent, but its very difficult to counter attack if not
impossible. This move will do a sweet 27 hits total on the ground and 21
hits if done in the air as the movements and the eye candy of this
super varies both on the ground and in the air. However, while the hits are
basically significantly different, both the air version and the ground
version does basically the same amount of overall damage. If you finish
off your opponent with this move, they will be shown sliced in half.

--------------[EX Super: Valkerie Turn: F,DF,D,DB,B+K, then K]---------------

This move will have Morrigan go off screen for a quick second and then come
in and use her bottom half body and turn it into a bat drill of some kind
and will hit the opponent several times. But YOU MUST PRESS K when you
enter the screen, otherwise Morrigan will be left hanging in the air and
will do nothing and your opponent will easily be able to counter attack
without any threat of retaliation. You can also combo after this move as
well, which can lead to some BIG combos ESPECIALLY IN YOUR DARK FORCE mode.
Try to use this move as a set up for your bigger combos, this move can
also do A LOT of block damage and there is basically no start up delay on
this move as she is completely invincible during the initial start up of
this move until she reaches out of the screen. And if you can combo after
the move, then obviously there is basically little to no recovery time.
The kick will determine the height she comes in at and the stronger the
kick the higher she will come in from the screen, note that your opponent
will easily be able to block this because of the time it takes for her to
start the move and then come back in and note that it is pretty easy for a
human opponent to jump over this move or completely avoid it all together.

-----------------[EX Super: Finishing Shower: SP,JP,F,FK,SK]-----------------

This super is one of the strongest supers in the game, if not the
strongest. What this move will do is have Morrigan veer up and while the
start up delay is pretty long, she will unleash a series of projectiles
from her bat wings(I guess) and it will hit up to 15 times doing an
ABSURD amount of damage, even more than her Darkness Illusion. Note that
you cannot combo this move and your opponent will be able to easily attack
Morrigan out of the move just before she can release her projectiles.
This move will do a lot of block damage but if you have your Dark Force
on, you will only get one more extra hit out of this move, despite the
extra image. Try to use this as a chipper when your opponent is close to
losing because it does a lot of block damage, but try to avoid using this
move because the start up delay is just horrible, there is about 2.5
seconds of start up delay on this move, unless you are POSITIVE that you
will connect with this super, try to avoid using it.

-----------------[EX Super: Cryptic Needle: F,FP,SP,JP,F]--------------------

This move is basically her fierce throw, it's nothing really fancy but it
does do a good amount of damage. You can use this move from as far as
three quarters of a screen distance away. I'm pretty positive that this
move is unblockable so your opponent will have to jump or duck to avoid
this move. You can shake the control and ram the buttons to get a bit more
extra damage out of it, but other than that there really isn't anything
that you can do to increase the damage, and the damage will pretty much
take away about 80% of the white bar, which is good if you don't want your
opponent to recover. However, note that the start up delay on this move
sucks as you will be easily countered from an air attack, try to avoid
using it unless you are confidently ahead.

---------------------[ES Super: Spirit Fist: D,DF,F+3P]----------------------

This super will do a lot of damage(for an ES Super) as it comes out pretty
quickly and can also be used in the air. However the start up delay is
pretty bad for a projectile, the ONLY WAY you will combo in this move is
if you use your Dark Force and combo it off a close roundhouse kick. In
the air she will also bounce up just a bit and it will go diagonally
downwards, but it has a bit more horizontal range from the air than her
regular Soul Fist. It does a decent job as a chipper, but I would save
this super for something else.

--------------------[ES Super: Darkness Blade: F,D,DF+3P]--------------------

This super is an excellent super to use, especially in combos. This will
hit up to eight times AND IF YOU ARE QUICK ENOUGH, you can use this super
to juggle the opponent after the Spirit Fist in DARK FORCE ONLY. This is
much like her Shadow Blade much has more horizontal range and has an absurd
amount of priority. It does a number on block damage as well and its
usually best if you use this move in combos. The start up delay is barely
non-existant but the recovery time delay is pretty bad since it takes time
for her to recover as she lands from the air.

-------------------[ES Super: Vector Slam: F,DF,D,DB,B+3P]-------------------

This move is much like the Vector Drain, it will have Morrigan take her
opponent up into the air and then slam her back to the ground. However,
this super doesn't do much more damage than her regular Vector Drain, it
only does about 5 pixels of extra damage. It will however, take away about
95% of the white bar, making the Vector Slam's total damage virtually
unrecoverable. And like the Vector Drain you can use this in the air when
you are up close to the opponent and when you perform the motion out of
her range, she will not show any motion whatever.

---------------------------[Strategy: Morrigan]------------------------------

Morrigan is porbably what you can call "Ryu" of Darkstalkers 3. She has
an excellent projectile and a powerful and high priority anti-air attack.
You should mainly play offenisve with Morrigan because she's primarily the
best character in the game. She has good speed and unbelievable combo
ability, if your familiar with using Shatokens, then you should be familiar
with using Morrigan.



"May there be maximum excitement in my endless life."

Pyron detected Jedah's plan to collect "valuable souls." He headed to Earth
once again and stealthily slid into the entrance of the Dark Dimension.

--------------------------[Soul Smasher: D,DF,F+P]---------------------------

This move is much like Pyron's projectile. However the odd thing about this
move is that only the jab version acts like a real projectile. The jab
version will go straight forward much like the Soul Fist, the strong
version will go forward a little bit(about 1/4 screen's distance) and then
fly almost straight upwards at an 80 degree angle, the fierce version is
almost exactly like this except it travels 1/5 the screen's distance and
then go upwards at an 85 degree angle. The strong and fierce versions can
be used as an anti-air attack if you can time the projectile early but the
jab version is what you should really use throughout the battle. The
projectile will travel pretty fast no matter what version you use and it
can be comboed if you cancel off stronger attacks quickly. There is little
start up delay on this move and there is little recovery time, just make
sure that you use the projectiles from a distance and make sure you
connect against an opponent, even if they are blocking since when they
block at that time you are recovering from the projectile!

--------------------------[Zodiac Attack: F,D,DF+P]--------------------------

A blazing fast attack that can turn the tides to Pyron's favor. This move
will turn Pyron's matter type 4(plasma) body into a moving wheel of burning
destruction towards the opponent. It comes out pretty fast and it can be
comboed in pretty easily, you will have to watch for projectiles though
since you cannot absorb or nullify them while you are in this state.
I would use this as a quick anti-dash horizontal defense attack as it comes
out very quickly and has good range, covering nealr 3/4 of the entire
screen's length. This move does good damage, but the recovery time is
pretty bad. Once Pyron initiates this move and he uses it against a
blocking opponent, he will still roll as if he is still hitting the
opponent but not hit the opponent more than once, which will leave him open
to attack. This move works great as a Guard Cancel attack, it will push
the opponent back and will deal adequete damage and even though its
basically a 90% horizontal attack, it works pretty well in countering
anti-air attacks as well.

----------------------[Orbiter Blaze: D,DB,B+K(air)]-------------------------

An aerial attack that does good damage and has good priority. You can ONLY
use this move in the air as it will come down diagonally downwards. This
move can't be comboed but it does have pretty good range and the range can
be increased by the stronger kick buttons that you use. There is little
start up delay time on this move and little recovery time on this move as
well, even if you do hit a blocking opponent you will land in time to avoid
counter attacks that may come your way. However the disadvantage about this
move is that it sorta has Pyron float a bit, meaning that his attack will
make it obvious for the human opponent to know what he is doing, and in
the air your opponent can quickly jump up and knock you out of your attack
and that is where Pyron is the most vulnerable and susceptible to attack.

-------------------------[Galaxy Trip: B,D,DB+P/K]---------------------------

This is Pyron's teleport move, however unlike basically all other teleports
this teleport lets Pyron teleport in succession as many times as he wants
without having to pause to take a break to land or recover even while he is
in the air. You can use either kick or either punch button, the jab version
will make him land to the top left of the screen, the short version will
make Pyron land on the bottom left of the screen, the strong punch version
will make Pyron land at the top middle portion of the screen, the forward
kick version will make Pyron land ont he bottom middle of the screen, the
fierce punch version will make Pyron land at the top right of the screen,
and the roundhouse kick version will make Pyron land at the bottom right of
the screen. There is almost no start up delay time on the teleport and
nearly and barely no recovery time on his teleport, which can really make
it tough for an opponent since Pyron can teleport across the screen and
just attack and run. If you can repeat the teleport motion fast enough you
can virtually become invincible! I see very little disadvantages to using
this teleport and it can get your out of corner traps and other tight
situations as well.

--------------[EX Super: Cosmo Disruption: B,DB,D,DF,F+3P/3K]----------------

The punch version will go about half of the screen's distance while the
kicks version will go almost the full screen's distance. However this move
does not hit until it reaches a certain distance, much like Huitzil's
Energy Sphere attack, your opponent must be at a certain distance for this
move to connect. The effects are pretty spectacular for this move but it
only hits twice for decent damage. You can't combo in this move but you
can quickly combo during this move and after this move, but you must be
quick about doing so since it can explode pretty quickly and you will have
to be a certain distance when you are using the Cosmo Disruption. It's
not a very useful or effective super to use overall but the recovery delay
time is basically non-existant and you can use this to probably scare your
opponents into blocking, then when they are blocking get up close to your
opponent and then throw them! It's rather cheesy and can lose its
effectiveness rather easily but if you use it sparingly, it will become a
pretty invaluable tool.

----------[EX Super: Piled Hell: F,D,DF+3K(DARK FORCE POWER ONLY)]-----------

Note that you can only use this EX Super while you are using the power
Dark Force. However don;t be disappointed if you don't get a chance to use
this move because frankly it stinks. When Pyuron starts this move, he will
turn into a long vertical tower of energy with his face in the middle of
the vertical tower, it has so little horizontal range that it's not even
funny, in fact the horizontal range on this move is even less than the
width of his body. this move can be used as an anti-air attack but you MUST
time the move at the last possible second since the range is so lacking.
It comes out pretty quick and does a good amount of damage but the lack of
range really hurts this move from being useful.

---------------------[ES Super: Soul Crusher: D,DF,F+3P]---------------------

This move is much like his regular Soul Smasher. This projectile comes out
pretty fast but it does pitiful damage for a super since it does no more
damage than the regular Soul Smasher. The projectile will travel like the
jab version, it will go straight across the screen but it cannot go
diagonally upwards like the strong or fierce version of the Soul Smasher.
There is a little more start up delay tome on this move and a little more
recovery time on this move but if you use this move quickly or early, then
it can be used as an anti-dash attack. However opponents usually will jump
over this move and attack you from above, just basically try to avoid
using this move in general, the damage sucks, the start up and recovery
delay time sucks and the whole move just plain old sucks.

-------------------[ES Super: Zodiac Crusher: F,D,DF+3P]---------------------

A pretty quick blazing attack that does great damage and it does tremendous
block damage, in fact its one of the heaviest chippers in the game! This
move will hit about eight to ten times while your opponent is blocking, but
it will only hit fives time if your opponent is not blocking. This move
comes out rather quickly and acts as a great horizontal defender and also
as an anti-dash attack. I would mainly use this in combos since it does do
good damage in combos, but try not to overuse the move. If Pyron misses
with this move he is in a lot of trouble, Pyron will still continue to do
this move even after he finishes his attacks against the opponent meaning
his animation is still apparent but he doesn't attack. This gives your
opponent a rock solid opportunity to attack before Pyron can recover and
your opponent will usually counter attack with a super. Try to avoid using
this move too often unless you want to chip away your opponent who is
close to death.

-------------------[ES Super: Solar Blaze: D,DB,B+K(air)]--------------------

This move basically will have Pyron turn his body into a spining
destruction wheel at his opponent. However, unlike the regular Orbital
Blaze, this move will hit up to three times and it will knock the opponent
down. You can't combo this move in the air but it does have good priority
and good speed after it gets started. However, like the regular Orbital
Blaze, this move does have a lot of start up delay and since it can only be
used in the air your opponent can knock you out of the air before you can
even use the move. So you will have to be a bit careful when you are using
the Solar Blaze, also note that even if your opponent is about one third
the screen's distance away from you, you can still sail over your
opponent's head with this move since it has such a high angle when it falls
down diagonally. There is little recovery time to this move and it does
decent block damage as well.

-------------------[Dark Force: Shining Gemini: B,D,DB+K]--------------------

This Dark Force is ONLY MEANT FOR DARK FORCE CHANGE, his other Dark Force
Power is meant for the motion described above. In Dark Force Change,
Pyron will call on a second image, this image is rather useful as it acts
much like Lilith's Mindless Doll Dark Force. However when Pyron does a kick
on the ground, the mirror Pyron will do the Zodiac Attack and if he uses
a punch on the ground the mirror Pyron will do a Soul Smasher. In the air
the punch will result in a air Soul Smasher and the kick button will result
in a Orbital Blaze attack, however the attacks are pretty weak but it does
boost up that combo guage counter though. On Dakr Force Power you can only
use a regular Pyron and he will deal damage that CANNOT be recovered, even
the block damage as well.

-----------------------------[Strategy: Pyron]-------------------------------

For Pyron, you really have to get into a game of teleporting and surprising
your opponent with quick attacks. I would mainly try to avoid playing
defense, he really can't push opponents back away from him, he doesn't fare
to well on offense but he does do better on offense than he does on
defense. His Dakr Force is a lot of help, especailly his Dark Force Change.
With it, you should basically go on a combo fury since you can always have
a back up attack to follow up on your attacks, just in case you might miss
with your attacks or if your opponents trades or over powers your hits.
Mainly overall, Pyron is just an average character.



"Your soul looks tasty."

Q-Bee is the leader of the Soul Bee tribe and works with Jedah to collect
other souls. She instinctively leads her swarm to the honey of life -
enough to satisfy any appetite.

--------------------------[C -> R: B,DB,D,DF,F+P]----------------------------

This move is Q-Bee's grab move, it has a good amount of distance for a
throw, it basically covers about 1/3 the screen's distance. Once Q-Bee
catches your opponent in this move, she will hit them with her stinger a
few times and then throw the opponent, it does a good amount of damage
and it can even be comboed, but it won't add to the hit guage, it will
only stop it. Q-Bee can also use this move in the air, and note that this
move is unblockable and comes out pretty quickly, the recovery time isn't
too bad though. Did I mention that this move is also unblockable as well?

----------------------------[Delta A: D,DB,B+K]------------------------------

This move will have Q-Bee jump back to the wall and hit the opponent with
her stinger, this is ALMOST EXACTLY like Adon's Jaguar Tooth. Once she
performs the move, she will jump off the wall and hit the opponent, the
stronger the kick button used the more horizontal distance that she will
have, but it also means the longer it takes to reach the opponent, at times
she may even go over the opponent's head. The short version will have her
attack just in front of her, the forward version will have her attack at
about the middle of the screen and the roundhouse version will have her
attack at 3/4's the screen's distance. There is a buttload of start up
time on this move making it virtually uncomboable but the recovery time is
small. Note that she can also use this move in the air as well.

----------------------------[S by P: K(rapidly)]-----------------------------

This is can mostly be compared to the Lightning Kick of Chun-Li, basically
it is the lightning kick except Q-Bee uses her stinger. Another difference
that this move has is that it will only hit twice and no more, this is
because just after a few hits Q-Bee will get pushed back so quickly that
she won't be able to tack on any more hits. You can use this in combos and
it is also a great horizontal attack defender. Its also a very potent
weapon in the air and it will have her slowly float downwards if she
continuosly uses it. There is basically no start up delay time on this move
and very little(if any) recovery delay on this move, making it very
comboable and safe to use, just so long you know when to stop pressing the
kick button so rapidly.

---------------------[R.M.: F,D,DF+K(GUARD CANCEL ONLY)]---------------------

Note that you can ONLY use this move as a Guard Cancel, this move will have
Q-Bee do a handstand kick type of move, much like Cammy's close standing
roundhouse in other games. It's a pretty good counter against attacks
because it works really well against anti-air attacks and it has a lot of
priority. However, it might miss a horizontally attacking opponent because
of the lack of horizontal range on this move. The recovery time on this is
very minimal though.

--------------------------[EX Super: Qj: F,D,DF+3P]--------------------------

This is one of the oddest, but most effective supers in the game, if you
can get it to connect of course. Once you connect this against an opponent
they will become incased in some kind of honey bee mucus, leaving them
vulnerable to attack for a while, you shouldn't try to combo your opponent
once they are cught in this because they will be caught and then be hung
in the air a bit inside the mucus, and you can only juggle the opponent
with one hit in this game. You should use any other super that you may
have when your opponent is caught, heck this super alone does quite a bit
of damage for just covering your opponent in mucus. However this super is
blockable(dang) and if she misses with it the first time, the mucus sphere
will bounce along the walls and floors until it touches one end of the
screeen and then it will go out of the screen. The recovery time on this
move isn't too bad though. Note that she can use this super in the air.

---------------------[EX Super: Plus B: B,DB,D,DF,F+3K]----------------------

This super is a bit odd, but is VERY PAINFUL. This will have Q-Bee float
in the air a bit and then hold out a giant beehive and send out about
twelve medium sized bees at the opponent, once the opponent is caught it
will hit for a total of twelve times and you can see them with bumps and
bruises along with bits of clothes shredded. You can't combo this move but
you can use it as a quick counter against missed attacks if you time them
correctly. The bees will follow the opponent a bit, but its pretty easy
to remain unscathed if your opponent is standing right next to you. This
move isn't much different from the air either, it does do about a pixel
of damage when blocked, so its pretty much a useless chipper.

---------------------[ES Super: C -> R: B,DB,D,DF,F+3P]----------------------

This super is actually MUCH different than her regular C -> R. Once she
catches the opponent, she will entise them into a stone oval sphere of
some kind, she will then disappear and then promptly pop out out of the
stone oval sphere(not sure why though). This does A LOT of damage to the
opponent and it is also unblockable. You can also combo in this move as it
will stop the hit guage, however it will weaken the move a bit if you
add a lot of hits prior to the move. There is a good horizontal distance
from this move, mainly like half a screen's distance. Also there is little
recovery time on the move and you can use the super in the air.

-----------------------[ES Super: Delta A: D,DB,B+3K]------------------------

Much like the regular Delta A, this move will have Q-Bee jump off the wall
behind her and then jump off the wall and then hit the opponent with her
stinger. This move will hit three times, but the downside is that it will
only go full screen horizontally, meaning that anybody who is half a
screen's distance away or closer will easily remain unscathed. There is
a lot of start up delay time on this move, making it virtually uncomboable
without help from the Qj super. If I were you, I would much less avoid
this move than anything else.

-----------------------[ES Super: S by P: 3K(rapidly)]-----------------------

This move is much like the regular S by P, it acts a lot like the Lightning
Kick. This move will do about 2-4 hits, but it will do a lot of damage out
of the few hits. You won't get anymore hits than that because the first
few initial hits pushes Q-Bee away far from the opponent. There is
basically little recovery time and little start up delay on this move,
making it both very comboable(even after a short or a jab) and a very safe
move to use.

-------------------------[Dark Force: I2: B,D,DB+3K]-------------------------

Basically one of the half baked Dark Forces in the game. Once initiated
Q-Bee will have the ability to fly around with the screen, basically use
your directional pad to move her. However she must be on the ground if you
want to cancel out of the Dakr Force. That's all there is to the Dark Force
basically, nothing else besides unrecoverable damage if you use the Dark
Force Power version.

------------------------------[Strategy: Q-Bee]------------------------------

With Q-Bee, you have to be on an offensive game of some sort. Her fierce
is a great way to keep the opponent at bay, even though it might not have
the range that you may like, it can act as a short projectile both on the
ground and in the air. Her defense is her weak spot, never let your
opponent get the jump on you, otherwise it's basically a done deal for your
opponent. Try to use your Qj super and trap the opponent and use the Plus
B super or the C -> R super for some really cheap damage.



"He must be in here...I'll come save you, Alba!"

The loss occured suddenly - his only son Alba disappeared! After a frantic
search, Rikvo finds an entrance into a dark tunnel blocked by furious
ocean currents. His rescue attempt has just begun.

--------------------[Sonic Wave: B(charge for 2 sec.)F+P]--------------------

This move will have Rikvo shoot out rings of sound, once they connect on
an opponent, it will leave the opponent momentarily stunned for a short
while. You can't combo in this move but it does work like a projectile and
will nuffily projectiles on its own. There is a bit of a start up delay
time on this move, which can lead to your opponent counter attacking
before you even get the chance to use this move. You should mainly use this
as a counter attack against missed attacks, it won't catch an air opponent
though. Try to time this move early so that dashing opponents will get
caught into this move the moment they try to attack, it can work several
times just so long as you don't become so redundant about it. The recovery
delay time on this move isn't too bad, but it isn't too good either, it's
pretty average, fifty percent of the time your opponent will be able to
counter and fifty percent of the time your opponent will not be able to
counter attack.

------------------[Poison Breath: B(charge for 2 sec.)F+K]-------------------

This move is very similar to the Sonic Wave, there is very little
noticable difference besides the different animation. This move will have
Rikvo spit out a cloud of gas at the opponent, however close opponents
will completely avoid this move since the initial start up doesn't attack
the opponent at all. The stronger the button the more range this move will
have. There is little start up delay time on this move but you can't combo
it in and it still will not catch air borne opponents. Your opponent can
easily jump over this and attack from above but the recovery time on this
move is pretty minimal, leaving very little chance for your opponent to
counter attack. Try not to use this move too often though, it's not a very
good move to use because like the Sonic Wave the overall damage is pitiful
and it doesn't even hold the opponent in stun motion long enough for you
to even set up for a good combo.

-------------------[Tricky Fish: B,B+K(DFC)/F,D,DF+K(DFP)]-------------------

This move will have Rikvo jump back a bit and then quickly attack lounging
his body forward in an awkward spiral. There is a bit of a start up delay
on this move since Rikvo has to jump back and then jump at the opponent,
you can't combo in the move but it does good damage and can be used as an
anti-air attack if you time the move early. There first very few initial
frames of animation of the Tricky Fish are invincible meaning that he can
pass through projectiles during the very early start up of this move. Try
not use this move too often, it gets predictable and is often blocked, even
though the recovery delay time on this move is very minimal. Its mainly
here as a surprise move, Rikvo doesn't have any special attacks that you
can combo in.

--------------------[Sea Haven: F,DF,D,DB,B+SP/FP(close)]--------------------

Obviously, you will have to be close to your opponent to use this move.
Once you grab the opponent Rikvo will take the opponent up into the air
with him and then nibble at the opponent and then send them back flying
downwards. This move does a lot of damage and even if you miss, there is no
miss animation that Rikvo does, making it a pretty safe move to use. Note
that you cannot use this move with the Jab, this is because jab is not
considered a throw button. You should use this move with every chance you
get since the throw range and the throw priority on this move is pretty
good as well.

---------------------[Shell Storm: F,DF,D,DB,B+K(close)]---------------------

This is another grab move from Rikvo. You will have to be close to the
opponent to use this move and once you connect with it, Rikvo will toss the
opponent into the air and bring out or turn into a clam and then spit
pearls at the opponent. This move will do a lot of damage like the Sea
Haven and even if Rikvo misses, he will not go into any type of miss
animation like Sasquatch and Victor does. You should use this move often
when you are up close because it has excellent throw range and very good
throw priority.

--------------------[EX Super: Aqua Spread: F,DF,D+3P/3K]--------------------

This move will have Rikvo send out a pole of water very similar to
Anakaris' Gate of Hell. This move will send the opponent flying straight
up into the air, you can't combo in the move but it can be used as an anti-
air attack if you time the move early. You should watch out when you are
using this move, mainly because it's very easy to miss with this move and
your opponent will be able to counter attack. The start up delay isn't
too bad but its enough that you can't combo in the move, the recovery
delay time on this move isn't too good though, once Rikvo misses with the
move he will still be stuck in his start up pose and your opponent will
have the opportunity to counter attack.

-----------------------[EX Super: Water Jail: F,D,DF+3P]---------------------

This move will have Rikvo send out a little water bubble and it will
travel to the opponent and once they are caught, they will be floating
inside the water bubble as it rises to the ceiling, and once it reaches
the ceiling, the bubbles pops and the opponent falls back to the ground.
Surprisingly this super does deal out a lot of damage, but you can tack
onto that damage by using any super or by hitting the opponent as they are
floating upwards. Try not to over use this move too often because it starts
out rather slow and the bubble will move very slowly across the screen and
it is pretty easy to avoid. There is little recovery time to this move, and
you should take advantage of that by quickly following up on the water
bubble and advancing and attacking the opponent.

--------------------[EX Super: Sea Rage: B,DB,D,DF,F+3P]---------------------

This super will have Rikvo send a giant wave of water to the opponent,
much like the Dragon Cannon except that it hits lower. This super does good
damage and it will basically over power anything in it's path. The super
does no more than eight hits total and it does good block damage. You can't
combo in the move because of the initial start up delay nor can you combo
after it, but if you cancel quickly after you connect with the Water Jail
it will hit the opponent, but for only one easly little hit, the same thing
happens against an air borne opponent as well. The recovery time on this
move is pretty decent, but thanks to the water wave that pushes your
opponent back, your opponent will have little chance of counter attacking
you. You should use this move often, it can eat some projectiles and will
over power anything your opponent throws at you.

-------------[ES Super: Super Sonic Wave: B(charge 2 sec.)F+3P]--------------

This super isn't any better than the regular Sonic Wave. This move will
hold the opponent down a tad bit longer but nothing really too noticable
as it has a lot of start up delay and it cannot be comboed. The overall
damage done on this move is basically no more than the regular Sonic Wave
as it does pitiful damage for a super. There is little recovery delay
time on this move, but your opponent can easily jump over the Sonic Wave
and attack from above, and the SSWave moves pretty slowly anyways.

-------------[ES Super: Bio Breath: B(charge fore 2 sec.)F+3K]---------------

This move isn't much different than the regular Poison Breath. This move
does have more range than the Poison Breath as it will go about three
quarters' of the screen's distance. The width of this move is bigger too,
but I would try to avoid using this move altogether as well. The recovery
time on this move is pretty good, but its so easy to avoid and predict that
it's not even worth the amount of super. The overall damage done on this
move is pretty weak, sometimes your forward kick does more damage than this
super! The start up delay time on this move isn't too good, as you can't
combo in the move and your opponent can very easily attack you from above.

-------------[ES Super: Magic Fish: B,B+3K(DFC)/F,D,DF+3K(DFP)]--------------

This move is much like the Tricky Fish, Rikvo will jump back and then
lunge himself at the opponent turning his body into an awkward spiral
spear. This super will hit three times and it will do good damage, the only
problem with this move is that it has a bit of a start up delay time where
Rikvo will have to extend back and then jump at the opponent. This move is
mainly used as a surprise attack and it can work as a pretty good anti-air
attack just so long as you time the move early enough so that Rikvo jumps
at the opponent as they are attacking. This super also has good priority
and very little to almost no recovery time, it's near impossible for your
opponent to counter attack when you miss with this move, making it a very
safe move to use.

-------------------[ES Super: Ocean Haven: F,DF,D,DB,B+3P]-------------------

Much like the Sea Haven, Rikvo will catch the opponent and then jump with
them up into the air and then start biting on the opponent and then throw
them down. However this time Rikvo will bite on the opponent a couple of
more times(ohhh!!) and then throw the opponent down. This throw can only
be used up close as it will do a lot of damage and it has excellent throw
range and throw priority as well. You should use this often because even
if you miss with the super, there is no miss animation and you won't have
wasted a super, so the only time your super meter can be used up is when
you actually do connect with this move!

------------------[ES Super: Pearl Storm: F,DF,D,DB,B+3K]--------------------

This super will have Rikvo throw the opponent up into the air and then
shoot about seven or eight pearls at the opponent and then finish the super
off with his Tricky Fish move. This throw will do A LOT of damage and it
has excellent throw priority and excellent throw range. You should use this
throw often because much like the Ocean Haven, Rikvo does not have a miss
animation that he goes into if he misses with the move. You have to be
close to the opponent when you use this move though, otherwise the move
won't come out. And you should use this super often, just as much as the
Ocean Haven because the only way you use up a level of super meter is when
you actually do connect with the Pearl Storm throw.

----------------[Dark Force: Ocean Range: P+K(same strength)]----------------

This Dark Force will have Rikvo ride an awkward looking fish and then use
it as a surf board of some kind. Rikvo can basically travel anywhere on the
screen simply by moving the directional pad, but there are certain moves
and supers that you cannot do. Mainly the Tricky Fish and Sea Rage are the
moves that you cannot do while you are in this mode. I wouldn't use this
too much if I were you, mainly because it doesn't give Rikvo much of an
advantage anyways.

-----------------------------[Strategy: Rikvo]-------------------------------

Rikvo is a very good combo character, some of his attacks hit twice which
can lead up to some big combos. You should try to play offensively with
Rikvo and avoid the defense because Rikvo doesn't have good defense. He
also has very good throw range on his special grabs, you should over-
prioritize basically any throws with his special grabs. You should stay
away from his charge moves and the Dark Force as well.


-Mountain Behemoth-

"There must be something who has an evil design."

With great power, Sasquatch leaps into a shadowy crevice that leads to the
Dark Dimension. He doesn't know what fierce battles for his soul are
waiting beyond the dark.

--------------------------[Big Breath: D,DF,F+P]-----------------------------

This move is probably the closest thing to a projectile that Sasquatch has
besides his EX Super. The overall range on this move isn't too good, your
opponent must not be more than probably 6 steps away from Sasquatch in
order for this move to connect. This move will have Sasquatch blow out a
breath of frozen vapor, once it comes in contact with a non blocking
opponent it will freeze the opponent for a while and depending on the
button you press the opponent will become frozen longer, the stronger the
button the longer your opponent will be frozen but also the longer the
start up delay time on this move. Try not to use this often because
although this move looks like it can serve as a pretty good anti-air
attack, truth is it doesn't. There is little start up delay to this move
and little recovery time but your opponent can jump over this pretty easily
and attack from above.

------------------[Big Blow: F,D,DF+P(hold P then release)]------------------

This move will have Sasquatch spin his hand fast and then hit the opponent
much like charging up for a move. However if you hold down the punch button
you can charge for a bigger punch, however the charge will take about two
seconds and that will leave you in a very vulnerable position to be
attacked. Even if you do connect with the Big Blow charged up fully it
still doesn't do more damage than if you had done a non charged up Big Blow
since when you charge up the move fully it only does four more pixels of
extra damage. The start up delay time on this move isn't too good but the
recovery time is almost unnoticable, the overall damage done is a lot but
you can't combo in the move and it doesn't have much priority. You can use
it as a horizontal defender just so long as you do not charge for the move
and that you start the move off early.

-------------------------[Typhoon Kick: F,D,DF+K]----------------------------

This move is much like the Big Blow except with his foot. However you
cannot charge for the move and it does a little more damage than the Big
Blow. You can't combo the move but it does come out a little quicker than
the Big Blow but the only disadvantage from the Big Blow that this move has
is the horizontal range, and while it's range is pretty good, it just ends
up short compared to it's arm brother. You can use this as a quick
horizontal defense since it has a lot of priority and the recovery time on
this move isn't too bad. You will have to watch for airborne attacks since
this move does not protect well against jumping attacks. I would try to use
this move as a counter attack since there is just two frames on
invincibility on this move during start up, but you can still be hit by
projectiles if you miss or if the projectiles comes out first.

---------------------------[Ice Towers: D,D+P]-------------------------------

This move is probably as close as you can get to Sasquatch's anti-air
attack. Once you start this move Sasquatch will duck and then a few upside
down icicles will pop up, several of them in fact and a ground opponent
will be frozen momentarily and then flip like a dirty shoebag. This move
can also be used as an anti-air attack but since this move doesn't have
much vertical range you MUST time this move late otherwise your opponent
will attack you before you even have the chance to use the move. You can
combo this move in after a close forward if you cancel quickly enough and
it can hit multiple times I think but even if it does it won't really boost
the overall damage by much or any for that matter. The start up delay isn't
very apparent as the move coems out pretty quick, but the recovery time is
enough for your opponent to counter attack since if Sasquatch misses with
the attack he will be stuck in his Ice Towers pose with icicles still
standing out, giving his opponent ample time to attack.

-------------------------[Big Swing: 360+K(close)]---------------------------

This move is a pretty funny move, once you connect with the move Sasquatch
will grab the opponent and swing them around like some cheap McDonalds
employee! You can roll the joystick or spin the directional pad to maybe
get an extra swing out of the move and do more damage. The nice thing
about this move is that it's unblockable and does A LOT of damage and can
combo if you hesistate off of a quick jab or short. You should use this
move often against turtlers but if you miss with this move Sasquatch will
go into a funny pose, as if he is about to fall over with a giant
expression on his face. Try not to overuse the move too much since it ONLY
works when Sasquatch is close to the opponent, but the throw priority is
pretty good and will over prioritize basically all throws, except for other
special grabs.

----------------------[Big Gulp: F,DF,D,DB,B+P(close)]-----------------------

This move wasn't listed in the manual, but a pretty nifty move name eh?
You must be close to your opponent when you perform this move and once you
do, Sasquatch will grab the opponent and then swallow him or her and then
spit him or her out and they will be frozen, you can quickly attack them
for a quick combo and you can also use this move as a counter attack
against missed attacks up close, and it has more range than you think.
However the range is still pretty sappy and will only grab a ground
opponent and it has little priority against attacks but it does have good
throw priority. If Sasquatch misses with this movehe will go into a pose
exactly like the Big Swing miss pose where he is about to tip over with
a giant expression on his face.

-------------------[EX Super: Big Freezer: B,DB,D,DF,F+3P]-------------------

This is much like the other beam supers in the game, maybe Sasquatch
borrowed a thing or two from Huitzil? Anyways this move will have Sasquatch
fire out a giant flashing ice beam at his opponent, once it connects it
will freeze the opponent momentarily and then have them pop into the air
and fall back to the ground as the ice that surrounded them breaks apart.
It comes out pretty quick and can reach full screen's distance in a hurry,
but you cannot combo in the move and its a rather lowly directed beam
meaning that your opponent can easily jump over the beam super. The
recovery time on this move isn't too good as your opponent will easily
jump over and attack you from above. You will have to watch out for that
but luckily Sasquatch is invincible during the duration of the first few
frames of start up, so you can at least out prioritize your opponent.

------------------[EX Super: Big Ice Burn: B,DB,D,DF,F+3K]-------------------

This move will have Sasquatch blow a small forzen lake of ice below the
opponent's feet similar to Sub-Zero's Ice Slide in those early Mortal
Krappy games, but this is an auto super and CANNOT be blocked. Once he
connects against the opponent with this move they will begin to slip and
slide around and then the ice beneath them will crack and then the ice pool
will shoot the opponent up into the air as they fall back to the ground.
However, evn though this super is unblockable, you cannot immediately get
an opponent who is about to get up from a sweeping attack because there is
a small momentary pause that allows the opponent to escape from this move.
There is little start up delay but you cannot combo the move and you should
mainly reserve it for missed attacks and counter attacks, but the recovery
time delay on this move isn't too great though as Sasquatch will be sorta
stuck in a pose of some sort as he blows the ground frozen.

-------------------[EX Super: Big Sledge: 360x2+3K(close)]-------------------

This move is a pretty funny super but does A LOT of damage. Once you catch
the opponent Sasquatch will use the opponent as a sled! Then the dogs will
drag your opponent across the screeen three times really fast and then
Sasquatch gives his opponent a giant bottom that sends the opponent flying
across the screen. It's a pretty funny super and it gets the damage done
but the motion is pretty hard to do, however if you miss with the move
Sasquatch will go into that pose where he is about to fall over with that
giant expression on his face, leaving Sasquatch open to attack. The move
does have good throw range and throw priority but it can only catch a
grounded opponent and basically anything can knock Sasquatch out of the
super. Even though the overall damage is pretty heavy, I suggest you try
and avoid this move unless you like to embarrass your opponent (^_^).

---------------------[ES Super: Giant Breath: D,DF,F+3P]---------------------

This move will have Sasquatch blow out his ice breath at his opponent, but
it will hold the opponent longer and will give your more time to combo the
opponent. You can repeat this super two times in a combo but you can't
repeat the super more than that, maybe because Capcom didn't want to
involve any infinites in this game? This move has little recovery time but
it has a bit of a start up delay, however it does have a little more width
on the move and it can be used as an anti-air attack against air borne
opponents. Try to use this move at the last possible second to catch air
borne opponents. This move won't do that much more damage than the regular
Big Breath but it does hold the opponent longer though.

----------------------[ES Super: Giant Blow: F,D,DF+3P]----------------------

This move is much like the Big Blow that Sasquatch has. The only real
difference is that this move does more damage and it does more damage if
you charge for the move. However, this move does have more recovery delay
and more start up delay time giving your opponent more chances to attack
before and after Sasquatch uses the Giant Blow. The significance of this
move being charged and the move not being charged is very little, you will
do about only 6 more pixels of damage if you charge for the move and it
doesn't even do that much more damage than the regular Big Blow to begin
with. This can work as a great horizontal defender if you can time the
move early and it has pretty good priority, something that the Big Blow
didn't offer. You can't combo in this move since it's so slow but it does
have great reach, probably reaching as far as half a screen's distance

--------------------[ES Super: Whirlwind Kick: F,D,DF+3K]--------------------

This move is much like the Typhoon Kick, except for the fact that this
move is a bit stronger than the Typhoon Kick. Try to use this move against
horizontal attacks, much like a quick attack against anti-dash attacks.
The range on this move will reach about one third the screen's distance
but you can't combo the move since there is so much start up delay. The
recovery time on this move isn't too good though but the priority on this
move is pretty darn powerful, it will counter basically any attack your
opponent throws at you and I think the Whirlwind kick will absorb regular
projectiles(excluding beam projectiles like Huitzil). This move will
have Sasquatch spin his foot for a moment and then kick the opponent with
his foot, nothing really fancy but it does get the job done.

---------------------[ES Super: Frozen Towers: D,D+3P]-----------------------

This super, obviosuly(am I becoming redundant?), is much like the regular
Ice Towers. However this move has more horizontal range and more vertical
range than the Ice Towers, in fact nearly twice as much range on both axis.
You still can't combo in this move but it does come out pretty fast and
does quite a bit of damage as it will hit multiple times. It covers a lot
of ground and is an EXCELLENT anti-air attack with good range and very good
priority. This move will have Sasquatch duck and then throw out icicles
and icicle waves along the floor. There is little recovery time to this
move and it does good block damage, just watch for a close blocking
opponent though since they can counter attack rather easily if you miss.

----------------------[ES Super: Giant Swing: 360+3K]------------------------

This move can often get you confused with the Big Sledge move since you
only have to repeat the 360 motion twice to get his other super. It's
actually preferred that you use the other super but this super does do a
lot of damage in its own right as well. You must be close to the opponent
when you are using this move and once you do, Sasquatch will grab the
opponent and then swing them around and around(a little longer than the
regular Big Swing) and then toss them across the screen like a cheap sack
of potatoes. Once he misses he will go into his miss pose which will allow
the opponent to attack him, you can combo this move off of a close jab
and then hesistate and then perform the motion and you will grab the
opponent with little hesistation.

-------------------[ES Super: Giant Gulp: F,DF,D,DB,B+3P]--------------------

This super is much like the Big Gulp. You have to be close to use this
move and once Sasquatch catches the opponent, he will swallow the opponent
whole and then spit the opponent out frozen. It will hold the opponent
frozen for quite a long time leaving you time to combo the opponent. There
is little start up delay on this move since it's a throw, you can grab
the opponent immediately since this move is unblockable but if you miss
Sasquatch will go into his miss pose and be left open to attack. You can
also combo in this move after a quick jab followed by a hesistation, but
this super like his regular Big Gulp is much like a combo starter and your
opponent will be lay frozen for about 1 second or so, which is plenty of
time to get your combo 'groove' going.

-------------------[Dark Force: Super Armor: B,D,DB+3K]----------------------

This Dark Force will have have Sasquatch call out his little Penguin
buddies and each time Sasquatch attacks the opponent those little penguins
will come after the opponent and self-destruct when they are close to
the opponent. Also the other Dark Force(Dark Force Change) will have
Sasquatch have Super Armor, much like Oboro and Bishamon, he can take
several hits before feeling the effects of the attacks, which can be
pretty useful since his Super Armor works in the air as well.

---------------------------[Strategy: Sasquatch]-----------------------------

Sasquatch is much like a Zangief and a Morrigan combined, he's both a
throw character and a combo character. He can move pretty quick for a big
guy but his size can make him an easy target for combos and other attacks.
You should mainly be on the offensive with this guy since his defense isn't
really at the top of the class, however his throw priority is pretty good
and he can really out-throw prioritize many of his opponents, it's just
that his overall throw range isn't too good.



"All souls...return to one."

Victor thought Jedah's phrase "collectiong souls" eant a resurrection of
life. He headed to the Dark Dimension, believing his sister Emily would be
returned to life after the battles.

-------------------[Mega Forhead: B(charge for 2 sec.)F+P]-------------------

This move will have Victor use his forehead and try to ram the opponent.
His head animation just grows twice as big and it becomes electrified as he
moves forward. This move has little start up delay and a lot of priority
against basically all regular horizontal attacks, however it will not
absorb projectiles. The move has pretty good horizontal distance, it can
go about half a screen's distance. The recovery time is pretty good as
well, but when he misses he will leave his head stuck out for a brief
split second, but usually Victor can recover before he is attacked. You
can combo this move off of a close forward if you cancel quickly and you
can also use this move as a horizontal defense attack or an anti-dash
attack. You can use this move as an anti-air attack as well, but you must
cancel quickly and try to time the move early, otherwise your opponent
will have the jump on you.

--------------------[Mega Fist: D(charge for 2 sec.)U+P]---------------------

This move will have Victor jump up into the air and then clamp both his
two fists and hit the opponent above with electricity using his fists. The
move does good damage and has a lot of range, it will reach an opponent
half a screen's distance away, which is pretty good range for a non-
projectile type of move. It does good damage and has excellent priority,
even against some anti-air attacks like the Climb Razor. Try to use this
move as a surprise attack because you cannot block this move low as the
move will come from above. There is a lot of start up delay on this move
and its usually a dead give away for your opponent since Victor has to
jump up into the air and he will have to charge his arm a little bit, which
can lead to more start up delay. The recovery time isn't too good, Victor
will block only when he lands.

---------------------------[Giga Knee: F,D,DF+K]-----------------------------

This is much like the Bazooka Knee of Guile's in Super Street Fighter 2
Turbo. This will move Victor forward a bit with his knee extended, it has
about one third the screen's distance and it will do good damage and it
has pretty good priority. The move comes out very quickly and it can be
used as a horizontal defense and an anti-dash attack. It doesn't work as a
good anti-air attack even though it might look like it is an anti-air
attack because the knee goes diagonally upward. You can pretty much combo
in this move as it will pretty much counter any attack, the recovery time
on this move is pretty good as well, there is basically little to no
recovery time on this move as once the knee connects against a blocking
or non blocking opponent or not, he can IMMEDIATELY recover from the move.

---------------------------[Gyro Crush: D,DB,B+K]----------------------------

This move is much like Zangief's Spinning Lariat, this move does good
damage and it has a lot of priority. The jab version will only have Victor
spin around once and hit only once, the strong version will have Victor
spin around twice and hit twice, the fierce version will have Victor spin
around four times and will only hit three times. There is basically no
start up delay time on this move and the recovery time on this move isn't
that bad either, in fact you can easily go through projectiles with this
move, much like Zangief's Spinning Clothesline. There is good range on this
move as it will go about half a screen's distance on both sides of Victor
and this move can be used as an anti-air attack, it works pretty well as
it has a lot of priority against airborne attacks as well as horizontal
ground attacks.

---------------------------[Mega Shock: D,DF,F+K]----------------------------

This move is a grab move, you will have to be close to your opponent when
you do this move. Once you grab the opponent, ram the buttons and roll the
joystick to get more hits out of the move. This move will have Victor grab
his opponent and then constantly squeeze his opponent with electricity,
although there really isn't much of a significance of ramming the buttons
on this move since you won't increase the overall damage by much anyways.
You should mainly use this as a counter attack against missed attacks up
close, the throw priority on this move is pretty good as is the throw
range. However if you miss with this move, Victor will go into his sorta
miss pose, it will only last for a brief second but it still leaves him
open to attack. Note that there is no ES Super version of the Mega Shock,
it be pretty pointless to do so anyways since the regular one does a lot of
damage already.

----------------------------[Small Hop: D+3K]--------------------------------

This move is just a small hop, or a small jump to the opponent. You can
sail over projectiles with this move and then quickly attack the recovering
opponent, but other than that, that's about it. There is little start up
delay time and minimal recovery time to this move, or if any for that

-------------[EX Super: Thunder Break: D(charge for 2 sec.)U+3K]-------------

This move will have Victor jump up into the air and then come down to the
ground crushing the ground that sends a pulse of electricity along the
ground, covering a lot of horizontal range both in front of Victor and
behind Victor. You can't combo in this move but it does do good damage and
will nullitfy projectiles, just so long as the projectile is low enough
to the ground, otherwise the projectile will sail over the wave of
electricity. There is a lot of start up delay just prior to the move
connecting on the ground. It will reach half a screen's distance on both
sides of Victor, however you will have to watch from above as your opponent
can easily jump over you and attack from above. Try not to use this move
too often because you leave a lot of risk of your opponent jumping over
your head. The recovery time on this move isn't really too bad, but if
your opponent is blocking up close, ten they will have ample time to
counter attack.

---------------------[EX Super: Gerdenheim 3: 360x2+3K]----------------------

This move will have Victor grab his opponent but his buttock(yes you heard
me), and then he will repeatedly squeeze the opponent with electricity and
then he will knock you back with his ass, much like Sasquatch. This move
does a lot of damage and it has excellent throw priority and throw range.
You should mainly use this move as a counter attack against missed attacks
as that is usually the best way to use this move. However, I would try to
avoid using this move because you will most likely be unsuccessful in
pulling off the move, and if he misses he will go into his miss pose and
be left vulnerable to attack. Try to jump in on the opponent and begin the
motion in the air and when you land, you will grab the opponent, just so
long as you quickly cancel into the motion, otherwise you'll miss.

---------------------[EX Super: Giga Brute: F,D,DF+3P]-----------------------

This move will have Victor spin three times with hsi fist extended, this
move also has little start up delay and will do A LOT of damage. Try to
use this move in combos since it comes out pretty fast and has a lot of
priority. You can use this move as an anti-dash attack and as a horizontal
defender since it has a lot of range, reaching past full screen's distance
but you cannot juggle an air opponent with this move. You should mainly
use this move in combos and only combos. There is little that is a
disadvantage to using this move, just watch for air borne opponents though,
Victor is left vulnerable to air attacks while he uses the Giga Brute.

-------------[ES Super: Giga Forehead: B(charge for 2 sec.)F+3P]-------------

This move is a more suped up version of of the Mega Forehead, this move
will have Victor charge at the opponent with his electrified head that has
been blown twice as big. Try to use this move in combos, it coems out
pretty quickly and has massive range, reaching nearly three quarters of
the entire screen's length. This move will do a lot of damage and hit up
to three times and it can act like a horizontal defense attack since it
comes out so quick, but if your opponent blocks this move or if Victor
misses with the Giga Forehead, his head lays extended for a brief period
of time which will leave him vulnerable to attack.

---------------[ES Super: Giga Fist: D(charge for 2 sec.)U+3P]---------------

This move is much like the Mega Fist, however this move will hit up to
three times and is a guaranteed knock down if the move connects. I would
mainly use this move as a surprise attack against low blocking opponents
since this move cannot be blocked low. There is a lot of start up delay
time on this move since Victor will jump up into the air and then extend
his arm to the opponent, and sometimes your opponent can knock you out of
the air before Victor can even do his move if your opponent is quick
enough. This move has a lot of range though, it can reach an opponent from
half a screen's distance away, which is pretty good for a non-projectile
type of move. The recovery time on this move is pretty bad though, Victor
can only block when he lands from this move.

----------------------[ES Super: Terra Knee: F,D,DF+3K]----------------------

This move will have Victor hop a little bit forward and then extend his
giant knee. Much like the Bazooka Knee from Guile in early Street Fighter 2
games, this move can be comboed and it comes out pretty quick. You can use
this move as a quick counter against attacks and missed attacks. This
move isn't a good anti-air attack though and it will hit three times
against an opponent and knock them down, and you should follow up with a
persuit attack. There is very little start up delay on this move and
very little recovery time on this move, you should mainly stick to using
this move in combos and combos only.

----------------------[ES Super: Gyro Smash: D,DB,B+3P]----------------------

This move is much like the Gyro Crush, except this move will have Victor
end this move using a strong forward punch to the opponent. This move can
be used as an anti-air attack and also an anti-dash attack and its has a
lot of priority. You can use this move in combos as it comes out pretty
quickly, and even the recovery time on this move is quick as well. Once
you perform the move you can move Victor back and forth using the
directional pad.

---------------[Dark Force: Great Gerdenheim: B,DB,D,DF,F+3K]----------------

This Dark Force will have Victor summon a spirit of some kind and the
spirit will lay over head of him. After that any punch that he does will
result in a special throw that can only be used during this Dark Force
mode. Each grab will do about 25% damage, and if you can connect with
three of them you will have depleted a significant amount of life from
your opponent as this is one of the strongest Dark Forces in the game, but
you must be close to your opponent to use this.

----------------------------[Strategy: Victor]-------------------------------

Well Victor isn't much of a combo character, but he does have powerful
combos. Mainly with Victor you want to be close to your opponent because
Victor is a grappler's character. Try not to do too much with Victor, he
has good defense but a lot of slow recovering moves which can result in his




The true form of Bishamon's other self. It wakes up to find itself in
the Darkstalkers realm, a place where Hannya can be easily seen as a vital
threat to all Darkstalkers...can anyone stop him?

NOTE: To select Oboro, hold select over Bishamon and press any button, Oboro
has eight sets of different colors from Bishamon(most of them rather
cool) and while the name is not changed to Oboro during battle, you
should notice that it is Oboro with his intro, Bishamon will be shown
and then the armor will wrap itself around Bishamon.

---------------------------[Soul Stun: D,DF,F+P]-----------------------------

This move is much like Bishamon's, it will stun the opponent and Oboro
will have the chance to attack the opponent with a series of moves at his
disposal. This move can be used in the air, and while that may be just
a general significance, you also notice that when you use this in the air
you can quickly come in for a combo. Think of this move(while using it in
the air) as like Spider-Man's Web-ball in the crossover series, it will
stun the opponent and allow you to quickly attack, and the stronger the
button used for the Soul Stun the longer the opponent will be held. However
note that when you use the stronger versions, there will be more delay time
at start up depending on which button you press, which can make it
uncomboable and will usually allow the opponent to attack you or for them
to easily avoid your Soul Stun. Once you have connected with the Soul Stun
you can...

--------------------[Soul Summon: Perform Soul Stun, B+P]--------------------

This move will have Oboro bring his opponent back to him, however as the
opponent comes back, Oboro must be quick in about hitting him before he or
she hits the ground. Although its not neccessary, its best that you attack
the opponent as they come to you, you must be quick about it though and
most likely a fierce or a roundhouse will not connect since they are too
slow. The only good thing about this move is that it brings an opponent
closer to you, but when your trying to play keep away, then I suggest you
use the...

----------------[Storm Slash: Perform Storm Slash, D,DF,F+P]-----------------

This move is the better alternative to the Soul Stun, what this move will
do once the opponent is caught in the Soul Stun, Oboro will come after
the suspended opponent and then take two slashes as him or her. This move
does good damage and will hit the opponent anywhere on the screen just so
long as the opponent is caught in the Soul Stun. Definitely the better
alternative to the Soul Summon.

--------------------------[Upper Slash: F,D,DF+P]----------------------------

This move is a pretty good anti-air attack, and unlike Bishamon, this move
is actually a lot more easier to execute(for some strange reason) and it
does a good amount of damage and will hit up to three times if you are
close to the opponent. This move is quick enough to combo and surprisingly
for an anti-air attack, there is very little recovery time from this move
as Oboro comes downs, just so long as the opponent doesn't knock you out
of the air first. The priority of this attack is pretty good, but try to
time this move when you use this as an anti-air attack, mainly because
Oboro will go horizontally a bit first and then slash up into the air, so
if you use this move too early you will most likely get attacked before
pulling the move out or you will completely miss the opponent.

-------------------[Quick Slash: B(charge for 2 sec.)F+P/K]------------------

This move is basically as the move's name intends it to be, a "Quick Slash"
as you will. This move has a bit of a start up delay but will combo if you
cancel quickly after either the close fierce or the close roundhouse. Note
that the punches will make Oboro slash at head height, which is duckable
by the opponent, and the kick version will make Oboro slash low at shin
height, which is easily jumped over by the opponent. The distance of this
move is pretty good for a nonprojectile type of move, it will reach about
half a screen's distance horizontally and its a great surprise move for
horizontal defense. The recovery time on this move isn't too bad, but it
isn't too good either.

-----------------------[Spinning Slash: B,DB,D,DF,F+P]-----------------------

This move is one of the many moves Bishamon does not have. This is one of
the best moves in the game as it is comboable and it comes out very
quickly. Once started Oboro will do a spinning Quick Slash across the
screen and then end the move with a Upper Slash JUST SO LONG AS YOU PRESS
PUNCH. Well you don't have to press punch, but you can press punch whenever
you choose and anytime you press punch during the duration of this move
Oboro will do the Upper Slash, but try to delay the move till the last
minute and you will get extra hits and extra damage out of it. Just watch
for the recovery time on this move if Oboro misses though, its easily

-----------------------[Dashing Soul Blade: F,D,DF+K]------------------------

This move will have Oboro dash at his opponent with his sword extended
horizontally, this is an excellent move to use ESPECIALLY in combos as it
can hit as much as 7 times and after either the Jab or Strong Dashing Soul
Blade you can pull off a quick and small combo IF YOU ARE QUICK ENOUGH,
otherwise your opponent will be able to block. There is little recovery
time to this move and its a great horizontal defender against dashing
opponents. The overall range of this move isn't too great, but it has
enough range to hit opponents quickly from half a screen's distance.

-------------------[EX Super: Soul Choke: F,DF,D,DB,B+3P]--------------------

This super is quite powerful, once your opponent is caught Oboro's armor
will squeeze the opponent, doing a lot of damage and if you ram the buttons
and rattle the joystick or directional pad in a continuous motion, you will
get a bit more hits out of this move and a little bit more damage. Try to
use this move as a counter attack against missed attacks, you can't combo
this move because you can't catch the opponent when they are stunned by an
attack. The overall range of this move isn't too great, the maximum range
is about 4 or 5 steps away from Oboro horizontally and it will not catch
an airborne opponent nor will it effect them one bit. Luckily this move
is unblockable but the recovery time is pretty bad and there is little
Oboro can do about jumping attacks if the opponent attacks him when he
misses with this move.

---------------------[Stone Sentence: B,DB,D,DF,F+3K]------------------------

This move is much like Bishamon's super, but with one difference and ONE
DIFFERENCE ONLY. Oboro will send a stone towards the opponent and once the
opponent is caught they will lie on their stomach rather than sit on
their knees as three cinder/stone blocks fall on them. As far as I can see
it, there is almost no difference to this move at all, the damage is the
same and the speed(which is pretty fast) is the same, basically everything
is the same. This move will travel the full screen's distance horizontally
and it will do a good amount of damage. You can't combo this move in though
but it comes out rather fast(as if you can combo it).

--------------------------[Soul Torment: D,D+3P]-----------------------------

This move is like an OTG super, once you have knocked the opponent down
perform the motion and Oboro will go over the opponent and then slice
the opponent, empherally cutting them in half. However if you finish off
the opponent with this move the opponent remains cut in half, but there's
no blood(that's the reason with the "T" rating). You should try to use
this super often as you are given quite a bit of time to use it, however
if you use this a bit too late then you will not hit the opponent as you
can only damage the opponent is on the ground and ONLY the ground.

---------------------[ES Super: Spirit Stun: D,DF,F+3K]----------------------

This super is much like the Soul Stun, but except it does a bit more damage
and it will hold the opponent in place longer. You can still perform the
regular moves like the Storm Slash or the Soul Summon after connecting with
this move. However, there is a little bit more start up delay time and a
little bit more recovery delay time. Unless you are positive you are going
to connect with this move, I would just stay away from using this move.
However you can also use this move in the air and I think this move is
unblockable, but not really sure since everytime I seem to block I get
caught, but there are a few times when I am able to block it. Note that
there is one other move that you can do only while using the ES Super
version of this move and that is...

-----------[ES Super: Soul Split: Perform Spirit Stun, D,DF,F+3P]------------

Once after you have performed the Spirit Stun, perform the motion of the
Soul Split with THREE PUNCH BUTTONS at the same time, otherwise you will
get the Storm Slash to come out. Once you have performed this move Oboro
wil perform a quick stab to the opponent, once it connects a spirit above
your opponent's head will laugh and quickly slash your opponent with an
energy force, which does quite a bit of damage. You should use this ALL
the time because it's basically the most sensible move to use.

------------[ES Super: Lightning Slash: B(charge for 2 sec.)F+3P]------------

Well this super is a more hyped up version of the Quick Slash. It will
basically go half a screen's distance horizontally. However, I still don't
you can combo in this move because it has a bit of a start up delay and
the recovery time of this move sucks. This move will do just a little bit
more damage than the regular Quick Slash. But other than extra block
damage, you should stick with his primary supers than this move.

--------------------[ES Super: Tornado Slash: F,D,DF+3P]---------------------

This move will hit about 6 times when you are up close to the opponent.
Also note that this move has a bit of horizontal range than his regular
Upper Slash. This is a fairly good anti-air attack because it won't
neccessarily go straight up in the air more actually it will move
horizontally first and then go upwards, which can easily miss an opponent
if the move is timed too early, so you might want to practice on your
timing on this move.

-----------------[ES Super: Deathspin Slash: B,DB,D,DF,F+3P]-----------------

This move is just a little more flash and damage and hits to the regular
Spinning Slash. This move is just as comboable as before and does a lot
of damage and has little recovery time, however that doesn't mean Oboro
can't be hit when he is in the air. You should try to combo this often,
it basically combos off of anything and its a great horizontal defender
against dashing attacks. You can delay the Upper Slash by pressing the
punch button at the last possible second.

------------------[ES Super: Dashing Flash Blade: F,D,DF+3K]-----------------

This super is basically the same as the regular Dashing Soul Blade, it
does a lot of damage and its extremely quick and is a quick counter against
horizontal attacks. You should try and combo this move often, if your
quick enough you can pull off a small combo afterwards. The horizontal
range on this move isn't too great, it can go about 2/3 screen's distance.
The recovery time on this move isn't that bad, but its long enough for your
opponent to counter attack.

------------------------------[Strategy: Oboro]------------------------------

For Oboro, he's literally a significant improvement over Bishamon in terms
of attacks and combo ability. ALL OF HIS ATTACKS CAN VARY IF YOU PRESS
he has a 18 attack arsenal on the ground excluding special attacks, which
gives him a lot of options. He has more attacks and more supers than
Bishamon, and he is primarily an offensive character. Try to stay on the
offense with Oboro with a lot of combos and corner traps, Oboro isn't
a very good defensive character, despite the fact that he has his Upper
Slash with him as an anti-air attack.




1. S.Short, S.Forward --> Cobra Blow

2. S.Jab, S.Short --> Royal Curse


1. In Corner: J.Jab, J.Short \/ S.Short, S.Forward, S.Fierce

2. J.Roundhouse \/ S.Jab, S.Short --> Beautiful Memory

3. J.Roundhouse \/ S.Jab, S.Strong --> Cheer of Fire


1. J.Short, J.Forward \/ S.Jab, S.Short --> Upper Slash

2. J.Roundhouse \/ S.Short, S.Strong --> Quick Slash

3. In Corner: J.Short, J.Forward \/ S.Jab, S.Strong, S.Forward, C.Roundhouse
--> Soul Torment


1. In Corner: Chaos Flare, C.Roundhouse --> Persuit Attack

2. Demon Spin \/ Midnight Pleasure/Midnight Bliss

3. Demon Spin \/ Chaos Cradle

4. J.Roundhouse \/ S.Jab, S.Short, C.Roundhouse --> Persuit Attack


1. J.Roundhouse \/ C.Short, C.Forward, C.Roundhouse --> Persuit Attack

2. Initiate Dark Force: J.Jab, J.Short \/ S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Fierce
--> Spirit Crusher
This combo will work if you can cancel early enough, sometimes the sword
will swing around your opponent and stun them long enough for the Spirit
Crusher to connect, it really is a devastating combo!


1. J.Jab, J.Short \/ S.Jab, S.Strong --> Rolling Buckler

2. J.Jab, J.Short \/ S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, C.Roundhouse --> Persuit

3. Initiate Dark Force: In Corner: J.Jab, J.Short \/ S.Jab, S.Short,
S.Strong --> Flashing Delta Kick \/ Dancing Flash
MONSTER combo! Your little kitty will hit the opponent every here and
there and will stun the opponent long enough for both supers to connect!


1. Chinese Bomb, Kick Chinese Bomb to opponent 3 seconds before impact,
S.Jab, S.Short, S.Roundhouse, Get Back and Boom!
Odd combo but it works! You don't neccessarily have to get back when you
finish the combo but sometimes you get too close and the bomb blows you
up as well.
2. J.Roundhouse \/ S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward, S.Roundhouse


1. S.Jab, S.Short, S.Fierce

2. S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong --> Genocide Vulcan

3. Energy Sphere, S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, Wait, S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong
--> Genocide Vulcan/Turrican Vulcan
For this combo to work, you must be far away from your opponent, as much
as possible. Then attack with the first three hits just prior to the
Energy Sphere erupting, then after that get closer and finish off the

4. Initiate Dark Force: Energy Sphere, S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, Wait, S.Jab,
S.Short, S.Strong, S.Roundhouse --> Final Guardian B
Just like the combo above, use the Energy Sphere from far away and then
combo, then let there Sphere attack and then finish off the combo with
the Final Guardian B!!! The two other robots will fire beams that stun
the opponent long enough for the combo to connect! This is 55 monster hits


1. J.Jab, J.Short \/ C.Short, C.Roundhouse --> Finale = Russo
The point is to trick your opponent into the super, your roundhouse won't
knock the opponent down but if you can quickly cancel into the super,
they will be caught.


1. J.Fierce \/ S.Jab, S.Short --> Climb Razor

2. Initiate Dark Force: In Corner: Jab --> Billion Flicker
Half your opponent's life guaranteed if you ram the buttons. Just quickly
cancel into the attack and voila!


1. J.Jab, J.Short \/ C.Jab, C.Strong, C.Roundhouse --> Persuit Attack

2. In Corner: J.Jab, J.Short, J.Strong \/ S.Roundhouse --> Luminous Illusion
The roundhouse should hit four times, cancelinto it immeidately once you

--------------------------------[L. Rapter]----------------------------------

1. J.Roundhouse \/ S.Jab, S.Forward --> Death Hurricane

2. J.Fierce \/ S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong --> Death Voltage


1. J.Jab, J.Short \/ S.Roundhouse --> Darkness Illusion
Much like Lilith's combo, the roundhouse should hit four times and then

2. Initiate Dark Force: J.Jab, J.Short, J.Strong \/ S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong,
S.Forward, S.Fierce, S.Roundhouse --> Spirit Fist/Darkness Blade

3. Initiate Dark Force: Valkyrie Turn \/ S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward,
S.Fierce, S.Roundhouse --> Darkness Illusion
Monster 68 hit combo! Practice it and watch!


1. J.Roundhouse \/ S.Short, S.Strong --> Zodiac Attack

2. Cosmo Disruption, Piled Hell
The two supers in one combo, you will have to time the super at the very
last possible second for this combo to work though.


1. S.Jab, Strong --> C -> R

2. Qj, Plus B
This super does a lot of damage and once your opponent is caught in the
mucus, use your other super!

3. J.Roundhouse \/ S.Jab, S.Strong --> S by P


1. J.Jab, J.Short, J.Strong \/ S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong
Although it may not look like it, this is actually an eight hit combo
because some of Rikvo's attacks are double hits.

2. Water Jail, Sea Rage
Cancel quickly, otherwise the Sea Rage will not connect.

3. Water Jail, Aqua Spread, S.Fierce
Once the Aqua Spread connects, press fierce and you will hit your opponent
for a juggle.


1. J.Jab, J.Short \/ S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong --> Giant Breath, J.Jab,
J.Short \/ S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong --> Giant Breath
This isn't an inifite but it is a nice 12 hit combo though. Your opponent
must be in the corner for this combo to work.


1. J.Short, J.Forward \/ S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong --> Gyro Crush/Giga Knee

2. J.Short, J.Forward \/ S.Jab, S.Strong, C.Roundhouse --> ES Persuit Attack


1. J.Short, J.Forward \/ S.Jab, S.Strong, S.Strong --> Short Dashing Soul
Blade, C.Short, C.Roundhouse --> Soul Torment
A really nice combo from Oboro, you will have to be close to your opponent
and in the corner when you want this combo to connect fully, make sure you
hit the short after the Soul Blade as quickly as possible and then finish
off the combo.

2. J.Short, J.Forward \/ S.Jab, S.Strong, S.Roundhouse --> Spinning Soul



- The cast of Darkstalkers 3 lie on a table, apparently all beaten. Bishamon
however still lingers around the table, Anita is seen standing at the end
of the table and then summons a giant water wave and washes the rest of the
Darkstalkers 3 cast away, later she picks up a head and walks past a flower
to the right screen.


The ending shows Anakaris over a pyramid, he sinks the pyramid(presumably
into another dimension) and the scene switches to Earth present day. A kid
stumbles into a light and gets sucked in and later Anakaris tells him
that he has been deemed worthy to live with "us" here in the lower

- "Too many pathetic species polluting the Earth..."
- "They are on a fool's quest...They will destroy themselves!"
- "Hmm... I will not let my country share my fate."
- "In a town, thousands years later...'What is this light?'"
- "Wa! Uwaaahhh
- "W...what is this? W...where am I?"
- "Rejoice! You have been deemed worthy to live with us here!"
- "Praise King Anakaris! He shall be your savior!"


The ending has monsters watching television, on TV is the current news
where they talk about B.B.Hood(but they don't mention her name) and it
appears that the mass murders among the town are responsible due to a small
young girl with a red hood. Later the young monsters are scared, but their
father tells them that they'll be safe. Later just outside their house
has B.B.Hood standing and watching the house not far away

- "On a quiet night, in a small house, deep inside the woods.
- "...next up, another story on that horrible serial killer...
- "I'm switching over to our lady on the field Shoji...Ready??"
- "Hello and welcome, as the inspection goes on..."
- "The witness say the villian was a small child with a red hood."
- "Police are saying that this was a ruthless massacre
- "Oh mummy! I'm so scared!"
- "Don't worry sweetie. We're okay. Daddy is always with you."


This ending reminds me of the ancient from Ronin Warriors. What this
ending is about is Bishamon(the one who is not in the armor) and as
Bishamon wishes to devour the souls of the planet, Bishamon comes in and
stops him. It appears that he has stopped him, but in the end it shows that
it was merely temporary. Cool ending though!

- "Ha ha! This was only the begining!"
- "I shall devour all the souls inside this pathetic world!"
- "No! I can't let you do that! You must be stopped!"
- "Fool!! What do you want now?!?
- "You must release those lost souls monster...NOW!!"
- "Uwooooh.....!"
- "Bishamon stopped the curse and sealed the armor."
- "He has finally regained his sanity and peace..."
- "Or did he...!?"


It appears that Morrigan finally is Demitri's, however she resists his
power and she turns into stone. However back at his throne room(?) he tells
her that he will get into her closed mind and he has all eternity to do
so...or does he?

- "So it's over...Now Morrigan, I'll make you mine."
- "Ha ha ha, you are indeed from the proud Aensland clan."
- "To resist my power, you've turned yourself into stone."
- "You should know that resistance is futile."
- "With my power, I'll reach in your closed mind."
- "I have patience, we have time...in fact we have forever."


Anita is shown lying either dead or unconcious, Donovan holds his Dyrek
blade over her. He seems to want to defeat all the Darkstalkers and rid
the evils of the human world, only then can he let Anita choose her own
destiny freely.

- "With Jedah defeated, the devil's dimension vanished."
- "...ake...up...ita..."
- "...wake...up...Anita..."
- "Anita's soul was touched by Donovan's Dyrek Blade
- "Waking from the nightmare, they return to the real world."
- "Anita...is your destiny also a severe burden upon you?"
- "In that case, let's go together."
- "Until the Darkstalkers are defeated and the world is safe,"
- "I will look after your life, in the name of mankind's blood."
- "You can decide the fate of your life, after that has been done."


Felicia opens up the Felicity House, a place for orphans. Later after the
students have finished their duties they want Sister Felicia to sing them
a song. So she does "Happy, happy joy joy...!"

NOTE: Those posts in front of the Felicity House looks like Meowth from
Pokémon. (^_^)

- "After enjoying great success as a dancer,"
- "Felecia opned an orphanage called "Felicity's House."
- "She wanted to help those would would not helped themselves."
- "Sister! Sister! We've just finished our studies!"
- "Please sing a song for us! Please!"
- "Well...OK! Today's a great day to dance and sing!"
- "Happy...Happy...Joy...Joy...!"


The ending starts of with Hsien-Ko and Lin Lin floating in pit black, later
an unknown figure sends them back to Earth. They walk home and after a long
walk they finally reach their family, and it appears their real mother must
be happy now. So maybe we can assume that the "angel" that saved them was
actually their mother? Yes!

- "Where are we...? Can we go back?"
- "Hsien-Ko, Lin Lin... Please listen to me..."
- "Ohh...I've seen you in a dream..."
- "Follow this path my darlings. Go now!"
- "Wait! Who are you!?"
- "Aah!!"
- "Everything is OK now..."
- "Hey, I wonder if we are close yet...I'm so tired."
- "Don't worry sis, we're almost there..."
- "Ah!"
- "Look! It's mom and dad! Yes! Finally!"
- "The two have returned to their loving family."
- "Their real mother must be happy now..."


Huitzil appears to be badly damaged, not as severe as Jedah, but he sends
information to the other robots. It appears there are millions of them.
The army seems useless against them and the robots searcht he planet to
classify all life forms.

- "Damage level over limit:"
- "Unable to maintain present form... breaking down."
- "Transmitting orders and program code to an identical model."
- "Huitzil was damaged and finally broke down while fighting."
- "However the command, "protect the boy" was still operational."
- "Many unidentified robots unit approaching!" Airspaced breached!"
- "Who are they!?"
- "Our weapons are ineffective! I cannot explain why!"
- "Perform maximum range scan of area:"
- "Classify all life forms as enemy targets or protected:"
- "Commence attack once classifications are defined:"
- "3600 seconds until completion of search...:"


The ending has Jedah going back into time, the cities collapse in fire
and chaos. Later Jedah is seen priding himself in front of a giant red
baby with no skin. Later a picture of the baby is shown, but later the
eyes and fangs of the baby opens up as a evil cry echos...

- "...It is said, that all life began with one life form."
- "To correct the errors of this world, I shall go back..."
- "It's time to save the world...Time to recreate life!"
- ".........."
- "...But...I think...there is still something left...
- "To have this world of darkness as the primary world,"
- "I'll have to destroy the other world...the human world..."
- "before their ruler...before she fully awakes..."


John Talbain sees another wolf at the edge of the cliff, however he wonders
to himself should he stay or go? Its a pretty tough decision, later his
friends(or kids?) are talking and wonder when John will be back as they sit
in front of a campfire. The scene laters shifts towards the moon and fades

- "That guy..."
- "I've finally found him... He's the one I've searched for..."
- "He has the answer, but I can't return once I know the truth."
- "What should I do!? Do I go back?? Or do I stay!?"
- "I wonder what John is doing? He is late, isn't he...?"
- "...hey, but John is coming back right?
- "Of course he is...remember, he promised..."
- "to teach us martial arts. Right?"
- "John never breaks his promise!"
- "...that's right... I'm sure he'll be back soon..."


Lilith is desperately trying to reach Morrigan's body. She later vaporizes,
later Morrigan holds a pendant on her left hand and it appears that Lilith
has entered Morrigan's body. Later Morrigan is seen next to one fugly dude
next to her, she wears the ring and a pretty provactive dress(whew!
Morrigan must stop wearing those dresses, I swear she would bake a potato
in a second!...um, ignore what I just said).

- "My... my body...!"
- "I... I'm almost there...!"
- "The Isis ring, it's proofto the master of Aensland family.
- "Madam Morrigan... you've finally worn the ring..."
- "I... I don't know why...but I feel like doing it now."
- "I can feel my left hand's desire to wear it, but why?..."

----------------------------------[L. Rapter]--------------------------------

L. Rapter has just unleashed Jedah's power and he feels a major rush of
amazing power. His little buddy goes off to a distance, later a giant
explosion goes off as L. Rapter's head flies off next to his little buddy.
Apparently he got greedy and couldn't handle the power.

- "Loot Marta! Jedah's power has been unleashed! It's awesome!"
- "Gya hya hya hya! I'm gonna take all of it!
- "Uwooooh! I can feel the power dude!"
- "Boooooooooom..."
- "Damn! I got greedy again!"


Lilith is down, but all she ever wanted was a body to stay in. Morrigan
finally decides to let Lilith inside her body, lady she flies above the
skies of the cities and she has never felt this way before.

- "I... only wanted to have a...a body to live in."
- "...You want this body, don't you?...You need me....
- "All right then, come inside me... Now..."
- "..............!!"
- "Ahhh... I feel new inside...everything looks different..."
- "The world looks so beautiful. I feel like I can do anything."
- "Is all of this because of that girl??"


Pyron slowly scrolls onto the screen, the background shows people being
burned in fire. Later a picture of the Andromeda galaxy is shown, it seems
to be Pyron's next target.

- "So... it is a devil world."
- "The universe is space, having different laws and chronology."
- "A very interesting world...I must apologize..."
- "If its destruction were not to be, it should have been mine."
- "There is nothing to obtain from here."
- "Perhaps I will head for Andromeda next..."


Q-Bee stands over the fallen Jedah, he seems confused why his servant
Q-Bee would interfere in his plans, then he dies. Later a giant catacomb
looms over the mountain at the demon world and there are swarms of Q-Bees,
but will they suffer from over-population?

- "You.. Why have you interfered with me..."
- "I had almost completed... my perfect world!!"
- "I hear a voice saying 'Generate and prosper...'"
- "You're just an insect at heart. You can never understand me!!"
- "As their number kept increasing explosively..."
- "They built a huge empire at the center of the demon world.
- "Will their invasion of the demon world ever end?"
- "What will it ultimately lead for them?"
- "Are they doomed because of over population!?"


Rikvo is shown in front of a waterpool, later he finds his son with another
girl. He then finds all the fallen planes and downed ships in front of his
home, later he talks with his other family members and friends as the
ending fades off.

- "W... what's this! Can I go home now...!?"
- "!? That voice...!!"
- "Ricky, are you OK!! Dad!!"
- "Who's that girl...?"
- "Her name is Micky. We're best friends."
- "Oh look, there is my home!"
- "W... what happened here!?"
- "'Sargasso', it's been isolated due to a mysterious power."
- "Its inhabitants have also been isolated for centuries."
- "Without Jedah's power, the barrier has fallen..."
- "Leaving the two sister species to live together."


Sasquatch is shown next to his little snowmen buddies, he then breaks down
the gate his friends are in but comes to a shock when he finds his friends
alive and well eating bananas as Sasquatch seems confused.

- "I won't forgive anyone who tries to hurt my people!"
- "Wait for me friends... I'll help you all!"
- "Fungaaaaahhh!!"
- ".........!!"
- "Sasquatch you're just in time in time. Jedah invited all of us here."
- "Try these bananas. They taste so good."
- "Jedah is such a nice guy. He's been so kind!!"
- "Uwahahahahahahahahaha!"


Victor finds Emily unconcious, he then puts Emily in an electric bed in
hopes of bringing her back to life. He does, but at the expense of his life
and he dies off happily. Sad ending, it kinda makes you see the
contradiction in Victor.

- "Dr... It was lighting that made me work..."
- "Why can't it make Emily work too?"
- "...The lightning is not powerful enough...?"
- "I can generate more electricity than lightning."
- "If I can sacrifice myself for Emily, I'll do it."
- "It will make me happy knowing she is alive!"
- "Wake up...Emily...!!"
- "...Victor...Victor...?"
- "Having used up all his energy to save her, Victor is silent."
- "But at least, he appears to be happy..."


Bishamon dispatches himself from the Hannya, the Hannya explodes. Later
a scene depicting the stage of the giant red baby is shown, except without
the baby. There is apparently an evil more greater than Hannya.

- "It all began on that day..."
- "I can be released from you at last."
- "Farewell...!"
- "..........."
- "Gwoooooooh..."
- "The souls were separated and the Hannya became a mere shadow."
- "'Now the evils will remain quiet for a while.'"
- "'Until my life ends at least... This mistake can't be repeated!'"
- "But Bishamon knew that the day of relief may never come."
- "As long as human souls carry the darkness, 'the devil's world'"
- "will always appear in a form of a more dreadful 'Hannya'..."

-----------------------------[Vampire Savior 2]------------------------------

This ending stars off with Jedah gleering through the window, later the
scene shifts towards Jedah's stage(the one with the giant red baby), then
a picture of Donovan and B.B.Hood is shown.

NOTE: For all you perverts out there, there is a 1 in 8 chance of seeing the
pic with Morrigan and Lilith hugging each other, apparently
clothesless...Enjoy! You just repeat the ending again from the
Options menu.

- "The ceremony of 'relief' conducted by the savior, Jedah, has ended in

And this space, the evil dimension, has disappeared with Jedah.

However, 'the sacred entity' that he had prepared still remains."

In the near future...with the mere passage of time, the savior of Hades
will revive.

His mission is to unite all the souls of this world, in order to create a
demon world as the one and only perfect society in this dimension.

All life forms will return to where they belong.

The savior will return again and again, until the mission is done..."

-------------------------[Vampire Savior 2 (Jedah)]--------------------------

This ending shows Jedah in front of his stage in rejoice. And like above,
there are other pics that show after the Jedah scene, mainly Donovan and
B.B.Hood. The other pics include Lilith and Morrigan and Hsien-Ko and

"Jedah stans victorious after the fierce battle.

Is this his true soul, or just an illusion?

The evil dimension is completed, and is ready to accept the precious souls
of the world. The ginal step is to create 'the sacred entity'needed for

The message from the King od Hades is now being sent to the demon world.

All souls, unite with my being. This will be your absolute, and only

-----------------------------[Vampire Hunter 2]------------------------------

This ending shows a picture of Pyron in front of the Dark Force background.
Then it fades to the various portraits of the characters.

"'You don't understand the beauty of my plan... It's a rather silly

Pyron feels his body being weakened gradually.

Afterall, Pyron was just another mental food to 'him' since he was captured
in this dimension.

'He' is the master of dark intent' who was released from subordination to
an unwilling death that lasted for 100 years. His soul scattered all over,
and the remains are starting to converge in the outskirts of the demon

Can you hear 'his' voice calling from the bottom of the darkness?"

------------------------[Vampire Hunter 2 (Pyron)]---------------------------

"'You see? I'm the true ruler, Pyron. everything in this world, including
space and the demon world, they are all designed to be mine.'

Pyron is victorious and happy with his big victory. But he made a big

The former king of the demon world arranged to be revived, had accelerated
'his' awakening.

Pyron did not notice the fact that his body was being assimilated with the

Soon his will shall be taken over by 'him.' He who has the intention of
'saving all the souls.'

At that time... the true victor will be decided."


The other endings are credit scrolls of the producers for the various
segments of the games(now and then). Some may include pictures, but they
all contain different theme music for each credit scroll.

Vampire Savior Staff, Vampire Savior 2 Staff, Vampire Hunter 2 Staff,
Savior Shadow Marionette, Savior2 Shadow Marionette, Hunter2 Shadow


In Darkstalkers 3 there is an Original Mode, you select any of the 18
characters that you may wish to use. You will have to have a FINISH
condition, you can unlock the following:

- Unlock all images in the Gallery

Although these are just only two things that are mainly unlocked, you will
DEFINITELY find the DX and EX Options menu a real blast to use.


You can fight against Oboro, he is much like Bishamon but has a lot of
extra moves. He is a tough custmoer and to reach him you must:

- Select any character of your liking
- Win all battles w/o continues, w/o losing rounds, and finishing your
opponent with any super.
- Defeat Oboro and you will get Anita's 'MvC Secret Character' like ending.


There are a load of different variations of characters that you can use in
the game, here they are:

- To use Oboro in battle, go over Bishamon and press select and then press
any button. Oboro has a whole new set of snazzy colors and he has a
different intro than Bishamon.

- To use Vampire Savior J.Talbain, go over J.Talbain, hold select and press
any button. He has slight variations in a few of his moves and also a
few set of snazzy colors.

- To use Aensland Lilith, move your cursor over to Lilith, hold select and
press any button. Her outfit is different in battle.

- To use Vampire Hunter 2 Donovan, hold select over him and press any
button. When you use the Dark Force Change, the blade will lay out
extended a bit and cause more damage, other than that he's not really
to different besides lack of animation on some of his attacks that
Donovan has, this is his old version so some animation has been reverted.

- To use Vampire Hunter 2 Huitzil, hold select over him and press any
button. This is the mode where he has not seen Cecil before, back before
the DS3 storyline so Cecil isn't apparent.

- To use Vampire Hunter 2 Victor, hold select over him and press any
button. He has his old moves subtracting the new moves from this game.

- To use Vampire Hunter 2 Rikvo, hold select over him and press any button.
He no longer has to charge for his moves as you can replace them with
the fireball motion(D,DF,F+Attack).


- To enhance your character with Shadow, press select five times over the
'?' mark box and hit any button. You will see a male shadow figure over
your character. You can modify your character by press select over your
preferred character three times, then go over to the '?' question mark
box and press select five times and press any button.

- To enhance your character with Marionette, press select seven times over
the '?' mark box and hit any button. A female shadow figure will etch
behind your character. To modify a Marionette character, look above.

Note that with these figures on, the damage inflicted is greater and
the damage taken is lessened, females should go with Marionette and
males should go with Shadow for the best results.


- Win poses in this game can vary when you hold select and press any button
at the end of the match. Also note that whenever you select either Dark
Force Power or Dark Force Change, you will have different win poses, but
it usually is directed to one pose and doesn't really effect the overall
win poses in the game.



-+- Capcom(www.capcom.com)
Thanks to Capcom for making one of the best fighting games of all time!

-+- S "Akuma" Rotondi(http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/game/20007.html)
I urge you to check out his FAQ, it has a lot of juicy details on the
massive game and some really nice secrets that I never even knew about!

-+- Tiger Tiger of the Wind(tiger_of_the_wind@altavista.com)
Thanks for some info regarding the game, even though it was mainly
trivial than game related.

-+- CJC(www.gamefaqs.com)
Thanks to his hardwork on the site for allowing people to read guides
without buying them.

-+- Dingo Jellybean(www.vfaqs.net)
And me for typing the FAQ.


Time of Completion: 28 hours, 3 minutes, 52 seconds

Dingo Jellybean (C) 2000

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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