

10.10.2008 14:05:25

The Complete Walkthrough:

Gregminster Castle
As the story begins, you and your father Teo are called upon by Emperor Barbarosa for a
special mission in the ongoing war. As your character stands forward, you are given
your first choice. Assuming that you agreed to the Emperor's request (top choice), he'll
praise you for your courage. You'll then get control of your character.

Proceed downstairs. As you head down the hall on the first floor, Teo will stop you to
tell you that Kraze will be your mentor while he's gone. Go and talk to Kraze (left room)
and he'll tell you to come back first thing in the morning for a little mission.

Your House
Upon entering your house, Gremio, one of your servants, will be waiting for you and Teo.
Gremio is also one of your protectorates and one of the key characters in the game.
Explore the rooms. Go upstairs and meet Ted.

He asks you to tell him what happened at your castle. Go to your room (first on left).
He'll then ask you a favour. He wants to join your party. Assuming you chose to let him,
you then proceed to explain what happened at the castle.
Take your seat at the dining table. A conversational sequence will take place. In the
morning, Gremio will wake you up, reminding you to go to Kraze's chambers at the
castle. He'll join your party. Go downstairs and Pahn and Cleo will join you. Head
towards the door and Ted will also join you.

Explore the town and its shops. Go up over the drawbridge and into the castle to Kraze's
chambers. Kraze will tell you that there is an island where you must obtain the Astral
Conclusions from the sorceress, Leknaat. He will test if you were listening carefully. Pick
the top choice (Northeast of Gregminster).

Kraze will then go on to explain that a dragon rider will be waiting for you in the
castle's courtyard to take you to the island. Go outside and to the courtyard (right side of
the castle). Talk to Futch, the dragon knight, and he will take you to the island.

Magician's Island
Make your way through the forest, where you'll encounter your first battles. Look out for
treasure chests. At the end you'll meet Luc who will test your fighting abilities by
summoning a Rock Golem.

Once it's defeated, he'll take you to see Leknaat, the mystic sorceress. Make your
way up the castle and meet her. Follow Leknaat to her chamber, where she will give you
the Astral Conclusions and a fire crystal.

Leave her chamber and talk to your friends. Leknaat will reappear and have Luc
teleport you back to Futch and the dragon. You'll then head back to Gregminster to
deliver the Astral Conclusions to Kraze.

Report back to Kraze. He will then give you instructions for the second mission. This
entails going to the village of Rockland (located east of Gregminster) to obtain tax
revenue from the head village official. Kraze will have the cowardly Kanaan go with you
to oversee the mission. Before heading to Rockland, consider saving the game at the
hotel in town.

Explore the town. You'll meet Marco who asks you to play a gambling game. By
guessing which cup the coin is under, you can win some easy cash by betting 1,000 bits
a time.

Go to the house located at the top right of the village. There, the head official (Grady)
will tell you the taxes have been stolen by bandits hiding out in Mount Seifu. Bring the
two rebels back to the head official and you will be given the money. Head to the
mountains located to the east of Rockland.

Mount Seifu
Make your way through the mountain. Look out for treasure chests and fight every battle
to gain as much experience as you can. Deep inside the caves, a Queen Ant will block
your way. After a few rounds of fighting, the party will step back and Ted will cast a spell
to kill it (so don't waste your magic).

Continue on and save at the blue globe. Proceed outside where you'll find the two
bandits, Varkas and Sydonia. You'll have to fight them. After defeating them, take them
back to Rockland.

Return to Grady's house (you can kill the guards beating up the little boy on the way, if
you like). Grady will take the bandits into custody and give you 10,000 gps which
Kanaan will take from you. Now head back to Gregminster.

Kanaan will tell you to return to your house, as he will report to Kraze himself (and take
all the credit). He also tells Ted to come with him to see Kraze. Visit any stores you want
to, then head back to your house. After leaving the dining room, head downstairs to find
the badly wounded Ted lying on the ground. Choose to help him and he'll explain what
went on at the castle. He'll then ask you to keep hold of his soul gem, known as the Soul
Eater which bestows you with its magical energy.

You will suddenly hear the door being broken down. Head downstairs to meet Kraze
and Pahn who has turned traitor! Ted then comes out to surrender himself. Upon
escaping, go to the hotel, where you will find shelter for the night.

Go downstairs to the bottom main floor. This may be a good spot to save the game (talk
to the receptionist). Go to the dining tables and talk to Viktor. Now head towards the
door. A little sequence will follow. After bumping into the two guards, Viktor will help you
escape if you choose to trust him.

Outside, follow him and he'll join your party. He'll ask you to meet a friend of his in
Lenankamp, located south of Gregminster, so head there.

Explore the town. Consider upgrading your weapons at the blacksmith's. Now head
towards the hotel and spend the night there. There will be a little sequence. It doesn't
matter whether you choose to fight the guards or not (you won't). A secret passage will
be revealed under the clock and you'll meet Odessa, who takes you through to an
underground hideout.

Follow Odessa to meet a group of rebels: Viktor, Flik, Humphrey and Sanchez. You can't
decide whether to join their Liberation Army, so head back the way you came. You will
find a injured rebel lying on the ground.

He requests Odessa's help in rescuing two captured rebels, Varkas and Sydonia!
You'll have to admit it was all your fault and go on a rescue mission (accompanied by
Viktor). Leave the sewers via the hotel. You may want to better equip Viktor before
heading for Rockland.

Head towards the house of the village official. Viktor will set a decoy fire to enable you to
enter. Make your way through the house (check every room for treasure) and outside to
rescue Varkas and Sydonia.

Talk to Varkas, then go back through the house and you'll confront Grady. Once
outside, Varkas and Sydonia go their own way. Head back to Lenankamp.

Go back to the underground hideout via the hotel room and talk to Odessa. She will ask
you to undergo another mission: to take the blueprints of the Fire Spears to the Secret
Factory. She'll then join your party.

Head north from Lenankamp and west. About halfway between Lenankamp and
Gregminster there's a bridge. Go over and then up onto Mount Tigerwolf.

Mount Tigerwolf
Make your way along the mountain pathway. You will encounter Ledon, who will insist
that you rest at his hotel. You will then be offered some tea: this bloke is worse than Mrs
Doyle, so you have to drink it! Of course, it's drugged so you all collapse.

Kessler enters and, recognising Odessa, gets Ledon to administer an antidote.
Leave the hotel and continue over the mountain. Head toward the village of Sarady.

Go to the hotel and save, then spend the night there. A sequence will follow. Talk to
Odessa (it doesn't matter what answers you give). You will also meet the ninja Kage,
who will deliver the blueprints. Go back to sleep. Now head back to the underground
hideout in Lenankamp to meet with the others.

Go to the hotel. Something is wrong. The Gregminster guards have found the secret
underground headquarters! Follow Odessa and fight the guards. When you find Odessa,
she's fatally wounded. Hankies at the ready for her death scene. She asks you to take an
earring to Mathiu in Seika, and also to put her body into the water so that no-one knows
she is dead.

Head towards the Fortress at Kwaba, located south of Lenankamp.

Fortress At Kwaba
There will be a little sequence here, where you must select a fake name to disguise your
identity from the guards (it doesn't matter which you choose). Forgive Gremio for being
rude, then talk to the merchant Chandler remember to come back for him later.

The village of Seika is located south of the Fortress At Kwaba. You can't miss it.

Explore the village. If you go to the hotel you'll meet Marie (from Gregminster) and
Antonio. You'll also find Onil in one of the houses. Remember to come back here later to
recruit them.

Talk to the guy standing in front of the temple (he is Mathiu). Go up the stairs and into the
house. Talk to the three children. Go back and talk to Mathiu again. Follow him and talk
to him, then leave the house. Follow the guards which arrive. Help Mathiu and fight the

Go into the house and talk to Mathiu. Select the top choice and he'll give you the
earring back it's the Liberation Army leader's ring. Choose to become the new
leader and he'll tell you about the abandoned castle by the lake. He'll tell you to go to a
town called Kaku, located southwest of Seika, by the water.

Explore the town. If you haven't upgraded your weapons yet, do so now you'll
need it. There are several characters in this town that will join you. Some require that you
do something for them first. Save the game at the hotel.
Go to the pub, located at the bottom right of the town. Talk to Camille (the red-headed
lady). There will be a little sequence between Camille and Gremio (he owes her money).
before she's recruited.

Go down the stairs in the pub. There you will find the fishermen Tai Ho and Yam
Koo, who can provide you with the transportation for your soon-to-be castle. But first you
must beat Tai Ho at the dice game.

Once you have, he'll meet you by the docks. (However, before going there you're
recommended to return to Seika to buy and attach a water crystal, and sharpen
Camille's weapon.) You can then sail to the island castle.

Castle Of Toran
Tai Ho and Camille will accompany you into the castle. Get the Mega Medicine from
outside (bottom right) before going in. Make your way through the caves, populated by
tough enemies (save your magic for later). Save at the blue orb. Upon reaching the
dragon's lair, unleash all the power attacks and spells you've got (healing your
characters when necessary): the dragon has about 5,000 HP.

After defeating the dragon, you will have the privilege of naming your castle. As you
meet with all your current party, Leknaat will appear, advising that you should now start
gathering new recruits for your army (she give you the stone tablet). Luc will appear and
join you.

Your Castle
Three months later... Explore your castle and get accustomed to its structure. Find Luc
and learn to use the stone tablet as a guide for your cast of characters. Talk to Mathiu. He
advises you to go to the town of Kouan and find a guy named Lepant. Cleo, Viktor, and
Gremio will accompany you on this mission: choose two other characters.

However, before proceeding, it's worth stopping off to collect a few more recruits...

Go to the pub and talk to Sergei. Let him join your army and he'll go and install a lift at
your castle!

If you go down the stairs in the pub, you'll find Gaspar. For now, he is inaccessible,
but remember to come back to him later. In front of the hotel, you'll meet Meg she
won't join until you have Juppo in your party. Head back to the village of Seika.

Go to the hotel and talk to Marie. Now you have a castle, she will join your army and set
up a hotel there.

You will also find the chef Antonio, but he won't join yet. Go to the house of Onil and
she'll join. Now return to the Fortress At Kwaba.

Fortress At Kwaba
Talk to Chandler and he will join your army (and set up a hardware shop in your castle).

Now you can head towards the village of Kouan, located in the southwestern area
from Kaku.

Explore the town check out the excellent weapons shop. In the hotel, you will find
Lorelai and Krin. Lorelai won't join you until you are at a fairly high level. Talk to
Giovanni, who is standing in front of the large house on the left he won't let you in.

Go back to the hotel and talk to Krin. He will offer to help you meet Lepant. Listen to
his plan (stealing Lepant's sword) and then meet him by the side of Lepant's house.

Talk to him. Make your way through the house. You will find Rock in the room with
two treasure chests. Talk to him and he will offer to join you (he'll open a handy vault at
your castle).

You'll come across a room with five guards, which is the first puzzle. Make your way
through it by not walking in front of guards: so go right past the first two, then left, up, right
to go round the back of the third. Then go up past the back of the fourth, then right and
down behind the last guard.

You will also meet the trickster Juppo, who'll join you. Around the corner there's a
room with a roulette wheel. You just have to keep riding it until you can reach the other
side (the '?' gives you dragon seal incense and fortune rune pieces, so you may want to
keep riding).

Get the sword. Leave the house. A sequence will follow. You will finally meet
Lepant, who demands his sword back. Explain your situation to him, then return his
sword. Another sequence will reveal that Lepant's wife has been captured by Imperial
guards. Follow Lepant and help him fight the guards (if you have six characters, you'll
need to take one out). Proceed through the house. It's Kraze: fight his guards. You can
then choose to kill Kraze or let him go (it doesn't matter, since he's not a recruitable

Talk to Lepant: he and Eileen will join your army (Giovanni, Krin, and Juppo will
have also gone to your castle). Talk to Pahn and forgive him.
Now's a good time to drop by the village of the Great Forest (in the southeast) to pick up
some more recruits.
Great Forest
Go to the blacksmith's and talk to Maas. He will offer to join your army. Go to the house,
left of the blacksmith's. Talk to Sansuke and recruit him (he'll build some baths at your
castle). Now head back to your castle.

Your Castle
Go to the 1st floor. Varkas and Sydonia will join your army. Mathiu will come in and
suggest that you celebrate the first gathering of your recruits, so throw a banquet. Leave
the dining room and you'll be attacked by an assassin. He doesn't do much damage. Go
to sleep.

Explore your castle. Note that you can now save your game here by talking to Marie
on the 1st floor. Go outside and you'll find Kirkis, an elf, lying on the ground. He will ask
you to help save his elven village. Agree to help and he'll join your party.

Talk to Mathiu and choose three other characters to take along. Drop any items you
don't need at the vault, and buy medicine etc from Chandler.
Leave the castle and go to the town of Kaku. Go to the pub. Go downstairs. Gaspar will
now be accessible. To have him join your army, you must win at least 5,000 gps at the
dice game he's hopeless, so you can hardly lose.

Head towards the village of the Great Forest (you may want to stop off at Seika to
buy more armour and crystals).

Great Forest
Go to the passage located on the right side of the village. Make your way through the
forest. Upon crossing the log bridge, you'll meet Viki. She will offer to join your army
(she'll run the teleport in your castle dungeon).

Kobold Village
Upon entering the Kobold village, you will encounter Kuromimi. Leave and head
southeast to the Elven Village Tree.

Elven Village Tree
Use the save point here. Climb the ladder. A sequence will follow. Go into the main elven
house, located at the northern end of the village. Talk to the elf leader he'll have
you all imprisoned!

In the dungeon cell, talk to Valeria (the red-headed woman). She will tell you about
the powerful 'dark mirror' that could destroy the village with a single blast. Check the cell
gate on the right. Sylvina will free you.

Valeria will meet you outside and join you. (you'll need to drop a member). Head
northeast to the Dwarf Village to obtain help from the dwarf general. You must first pass
through the mountains.

Dwarf Trail
Make your way through the mountain and open the treasure chests. You will meet
Kuromimi again. Head towards the Dwarf Village.

Dwarf Village
Explore the town. Go to blacksmith's and talk to Meese (in the green suit). He will join
your army.

Upgrade your weapons and buy better armour (you'll need to for the upcoming boss
in the dwarf underground). Go to the house at the top right and talk to the dwarf leader.
He will challenge you to try to steal an artefact from the Dwarves' Vault. Take up the
challenge and head for the Vault, located north of the village.

Dwarves' Vault
Make your way through the underground passage. You will come across a lever puzzle.
Starting from the right, flip them all and go and get the treasure. Now flip them all back
and then flip the right and left ones to get through.

Next you have a pretty simple maze: just go through and get the treasures, then exit
by the other door. The second puzzle has sliding platforms. Simply use trial and error to
solve this easy one.

The third puzzle involves two floor switches. Step on them in this order to turn on all
the lights: L, R, R, L, L, L, R, R.

Now go right and down long corridor and down steps there, then right and up narrow
corridor. The two-side Gigantes boss will be waiting for you in the very last room. Just
take your time and remember to heal. Get the Running Water Root and head back to the
Dwarf Village.

Dwarf Village
Go and talk to the dwarf leader. He'll now agree to help you. Head back to the Elven
Village Tree (via Dwarf Trail).

Elven Village Tree
The whole village has been burnt to a cinder. Watch the sequence.

Leave the village and re-enter it. You will find Templeton, who will join your army
and give you the Suiko map (a sort of radar scanner which helps you navigate). Save
your game and head back to the Kobold Village.

Kobold Village
You will meet Kuromimi once more. A bunch of Imperial guards surround you. Valeria
will offer to surrender if the guards let the others go unharmed. Whatever you choose,
Valeria will be captured. After she's taken away, Kuromimi will join your party.

You then have to fight the guards. Mathiu will rescue you: watch the sequence. He
tells you that you must attack the castle of Kwanda Rossman, one of Barbarosa's
generals. Whatever you choose, you'll end up returning to castle to engage in battle.
Fight General Kwanda's army (see Army Battle tips).

Pannu Yakuta
Once you've won the battle, watch the sequence. Head into the castle and make your
way up to the roof, defeating a dragon en route take your time and heal when
needed. On the roof, you will meet general Kwanda Rossman. He will challenge you to a
duel (see Duel tips).

After defeating him, a sequence will follow. You will soon learn that General Kwanda
was acting under the influence of Windy's evil black rune. You can either kill him or
spare his life do the latter and you can then recruit him. Watch the little sequence.
Kuromimi, Valeria, Stallion, Kirkis, and Sylvina will officially join your army. You can now
either return to your castle or stay back. Do the latter as you'll want to pick up some more
recruits in the Kobold Village.

Kobold Village
Go to the bottom house. Gon, another kobold warrior, will be there. Talk to him. As
Kuromimi is with you, he will be recruited. Go to the top-right house. Talk to Fu Su Lu (the
tiger man). He will join you only if you pay 10,000gps for his dinner!

You will also find Rubi (the elf) there, but she won't join you unless Kirkis, Stallion,
and Sylvina are in your party and at level 30+. Before heading back to your castle, stop
by the town of Kouan to pick up Lorelai at the hotel. By now, you should be at around
level 30, so she'll join you. Now head back to your castle.

Your Castle
After a little sequence, you will appear in your room. Head down to the 3rd floor. Go to
the main meeting hall. Everyone will be waiting for you. Mathiu will come in. He will later
ask you if he may tell everyone of Odessa's death. When you agree, Flik will object to
you being the new leader of the Liberation Army and go off in a huff to Kaku. Sanchez
and Humphrey will join your army (although Sanchez is not one of the 108 stars). Add
Lepant and Juppo to your party, then go to Kaku.

Go to the house on the left, where the two guards are standing. Talk to Flik. He still won't
acknowledge you as the leader, but he will ask to join to help the Liberation Army. Let
him and he will head back to your castle.

Pick up Meg outside the hotel (as you have Juppo with you). Before you head back
to your castle, go to the village of Seika for some more recruits.

In the hotel you'll see Antonio again. If he won't join, try again later (when the cooking at
the castle becomes too much for Marie).

You will also find Sheena, who is sitting at the table, chatting up a girl. Talk to
Sheena. You will find out that he is Lepant's son. As Lepant is with you, he'll join up.
Go to the house at the top right, where Mathiu used to live. Apple, the young girl with the
glasses, will be there waiting for you. Talk to her and she will join your army (she is a
strategist during major battles). Now head back to your castle.

Your Castle
Go to the meeting room on the 3rd floor. Talk to Flik, who has a battle plan. Assuming
you chose to battle, you will be facing an enemy army of 6,000 troops. After defeating the
army, a little sequence will follow. You will be facing Milich's army next. No matter what
you do, you can't win this one as Milich's 'flower power' magic is too strong (you'll need
Liukan to counter it).

After losing the battle, another sequence will follow on the Garan bridge. Viktor and Flik
will accompany you, while Gremio will insist on coming along too. Talk to Mathiu to
choose two more characters. Leave the bridge and return immediately to meet Quincy (a
blond geezer honest, he is). He won't join you until you have 80+ characters in
your castle. However, you can recruit Kai (your old martial arts master).

Now leave by the left side to explore the new area. Head towards the town of Teien,
located just to the west.

Go to the hotel. Talk to Hellion and she'll join your army. Open the two treasure chests:
the one on the right contains a special mirror that will let you teleport to and from any
location (very handy).

Go to the first house at the top left. You will meet Gen. He won't be recruited until
later. Explore the town. Talk to the people in the town and they'll tell you where Liukan
is. You will also find Eikei (bald buy with moustache). He won't join you until you are at a
fairly high level (50+). Leave the town. Try out your new blinking mirror to teleport back to
your castle.

Your Castle
Explore your (now enlarged) castle. Assemble the party of your choice (you'll only need
four members). Now head back to the town of Teien (to save time, you can ask Viki in the
basement dungeon to teleport you there).

After teleporting (or walking) to the town of Teien, head south to the village of Rikon.

Go to the hotel and save your game. Go up the stairs (on the right) and you'll find Lotte.
She won't join you until you find her pet cat (remember the cat that was wandering
around the town of Kaku?). You'll have to come back to see her later, when you've got it.
Go to the pawn shop (with the sign of the magnifying glass). Jabba, the shopkeeper,
won't join you unless you find an item that he can't identify. The 'Nameless Urn' is
randomly obtainable by fighting the enemies around that area. Once you give him the
urn, he will go to your castle and appraise any antiques you find. (If you can't find the
Nameless Urn yet, try again later in the game).

Go to the hotel. You can randomly find Clive there and recruit him. If you do happen
to find him, consider yourself lucky. (If not, regularly come back here until you do
you may have to wait till later in the game.)

Go to the boat and sail to the southern area. Go to the spot where the whirlpool is.
Touch it and then return to Rikon. Now head back to the town of Teien.

Go to the top-left house and talk to Gen. Ask him for a special boat to cross the rapids. He
will then join your party.

Go to the house next door and watch the little sequence. You will meet Kamandol.
Follow him inside the house. Talk to him and he'll join your party. Now that you have a
new engine for your boat, go back to the Rikon.

Watch the sequence. Leave the hotel and sail the boat south. You can now cross the
rapids and get to Liukan's Hermitage.

Liukan's Hermitage
Talk to Liukan and watch the sequence as he is captured by Milich. Go into the house to
pick up the treasure (black paint). Now teleport back to your castle.

Your Castle
Go to the 4th floor and talk to Mathiu. He will tell you to go to a town called Antei and find
his two forger friends, Kimberly and Tesla. Teleport to Teien, then head west to Antei.

Go to the hotel and talk to Mina, the dancer. She will join you if you will dance with her.

To dance, you'll need toe shoes which can be bought from the local armoury. So go
there and you'll recruit Chapman (who sets up an armoury at your castle). Buy the
shoes, equip them, and return to the hotel to dance with Mina. Upstairs you'll meet
Esmeralda who won't join until you bring her an opal ring. Leave the hotel and talk to
Qlon, the little boy he won't join you until later. Go to the house right above the
hotel. You will find the seductive Kimberly there. Talk to her and she will join your party.
Watch the sequence as she insists on taking Flik to dinner!

Now go to the house right above it and talk to Tesla (he'll give you a false name at
first) to recruit him. Go to the rune shop and talk to the lovely Jeane (the shopkeeper).
She will join your army and set up shop back at your castle now head back there.

Your Castle
Go to the 4th floor and talk to Mathiu. You will receive a forged letter to gain entry to
Soniere Prison, where Liukan is being held. Assemble a good fighting party, including
Pahn (you'll need to beef up his experience level for later). Go to the Soniere Prison,
located south of Antei (you may meet some nasty monsters on the way).

Soniere Prison
Make your way through the building (up and round to left) to the dungeon cells, fighting
many enemies en route (the opal which Esmeralda requires is gained randomly here
if you don't find it this time, come back later and try again.)
Fight the guards and free Liukan. If you want, you can fight your way into the other two
cells for: Sound Setting 0 (give it Melodye when she joins your castle) and half helmet.

Leave the castle dungeon. (Note: If you have Gremio equipped with anything
valuable, take it off of him before you reach the main floor.) Watch the sequence as
Milich unleashes man-eating spores. Gremio will stay behind to pull the lever to close
the door and save you whatever you choose, he will die (hankies at the ready).
Mathiu eventually comes to the rescue and you return to your castle.

Your Castle
Talk to Mathiu. Liukan will join your army. You will now fight Milich's army of 12,000
troops. After winning the battle, you will proceed to Milich's mansion (Scarleticia).

Viktor and Flik will accompany you: pick four other characters for your fighting party.
Make your way through the house. You will come across Ivanov (on the bottom floor) and
Kasios (on the top floor). On the balcony, you'll find Milich. You can choose to kill him or
forgive him do the latter and them let him join you. Now return to your castle.

Your Castle
Save your game, then go to the 4th floor. Mathiu and some other characters are
gathered in the meeting room. However, before talking to them, make sure that Pahn is
at least level 32. Sharpen his weapon as much as possible and give him the best
armour and items for defence (bump it up with any defensive runes you have). When
Pahn is ready, talk to Kasumi (the ninja in the red suit), who will join your army.
The day has come for you to finally confront your father, General Teo. You have to fight
Teo's army of 14,000 enemy troops. Note: This battle is set up so that you will lose, so
just get it over with.

Watch the little sequence. Pahn will ask you to escape with the others, as he stays
back to hold off Teo. You will have to let him do it. Pahn will then challenge Teo to a duel
(hence the need to beef him up earlier). To win, simply defend every turn: you will take
minimal damage from normal attacks, while Teo will be seriously hurt if he tries a
desperate attack. (If Pahn does die, best reload from the last save point).

Back at your castle, save the game. Go to the 4th floor meeting room and talk to
Mathiu. He will tell you to take a rest for a while. Go to your room, located to the far left of
the 4th floor. There will be a sequence as Leknaat comes to see you.

Go back to the meeting room and talk to Flik, who has a plan. He will suggest that
you use the Fire Spears to beat Teo's army. You'll thus need to visit the Secret Factory to
get them. Get Tai Ho in your party, then go outside and talk to Gen. Sail the boat north to
the seaport of Kirov.

Explore the town. Go to the hotel, where you will find Georges. Talk to him. He will join
you if you can win a game of matching cards. Keep trying until you beat his record time.

Leave the hotel. You will find Sarah, who is washing the clothes. She won't join you
unless you get her a soap bar. This is a convoluted process. Directly north of her is a
man that has soap, but needs soy sauce. The guy a little south and west of this one, has
soy sauce, but needs salt. The one to the right of Kun To's house has salt, but needs a
yardstick. There's a guy at the inn in a room that has a yardstick, but needs sugar.
Luckily you can buy some sugar at the store here. Go get it and make the rounds once
more and give Sarah her soap.

You will also find Melodye, who is standing in the bottom-left corner of the town. She
won't join until you give her a sound crystal. Come back for her later. Leave the town and
head north to the dead town of Kalekka.

Enter the first house. You will find Leon Silverburg (Mathiu's brother) there. He won't join
your party yet, so you'll need to come back later. Make your way through the town,
collecting all the treasure the house on the right contains the sound crystal for
Melodye. Towards the northern edge you'll find Blackman, the farmer. As long as you
don't step on his plants he will join your army (if you do, leave and return). Leave the
dead town and head north to the Secret Factory.

Secret Factory
Watch the sequence. Talk to Kessler and Ledon to recruit them. Head into the factory.
You will find Kage standing in the top-left corner. Talk to him and he'll agree to join you if
you pay him 20,000 gps. Pay him the money.
Now talk to Mose (in the red suit) to receive the Fire Spears. Head back to the seaport of

Go to the large house located on the front of the seaport. You will meet the (unfortunately
named) Kun To. Talk to him to recruit him.

Watch the sequence. Mose And Ronnie Bell will join you. Before leaving, go to the
little houses either side of the washing line (where Sarah was). Enter them both and
taste the two stews. Go back into the large house on the front of the seaport. You will now
find the chef Lester and recruit him.

Also, don't forget to see Melodye at the bottom-left corner of the town. Give her the
sound crystal you found in Kalekka to recruit her. Now head back to your castle.

Your Castle
After resting, go to the main meeting room and talk to Mathiu. You'll be facing Teo's army
once again. This time, use the strategists to power up your attack, then just keep
charging (anything else is useless).

After winning the battle, Teo will come and challenge you to a duel you'll have to
accept. He should attack every time, so use the desperate attack to beat him.

After defeating Teo, watch the death sequence. He will ask his two best guards, Alen
and Grenseal, to join your party. Your Soul Eater spell will also be raised to level 3.
Back at your castle, go to the 4th floor meeting room and talk to Lepant. He will suggest
that you attack the fortress of Lorimar. Assuming you choose to proceed with the plan, a
sequence will follow.

Viktor And Cleo will accompany you pick three other characters. Lorimar has been
abandoned, so leave, then re-enter. You will now find Kirke there. Talk to him to recruit
him. Leave Lorimar at the bottom and head south to the Warriors' Village.

Warriors' Village
Watch the sequence. You will meet Hix, Tengaar, and Zorak. Follow them to their house.
Talk to Zorak and watch the sequence.

Talk to Viktor, then go to sleep. Leave the house and watch the sequence as the
vampire Neclord turns up: you will then fight him. (Note: This is set up so that you will
lose you can't do any damage to Neclord yet.)
Watch the sequence as Neclord takes Tengaar away to be his 70th bride! When you
wake up, talk to Zorak. He will tell you to go to the temple of Qlon.
Before leaving, visit the local armoury for some top gear. You will find Marco, the little
gambler, in the village. She will offer to join your army if you can win at least 5,000 gps.

Go to the house above where Marco was standing. You will meet the blacksmith
Moose. He will only join your party only if you bring Mace, Maas, and Mose so
come back for him later. Leave the village and head west to the temple of Qlon.

Enter the temple and talk to the priest, Fukien (blimey, I though 'Kun To' was a dodgy
moniker!), to recruit him.

He will then tell you to search for a mystic sword in the nearby caves that holds the
power to repel Neclord's spells. Enter the caves. (Note: This is the one of the best places
to push up your characters' experience levels. You'll also find a war scroll in one of the
chests which is needed to recruit Hugo.)
Go to the right and save. Go up to the next room, then down the stairs. Go around to the
next set of stairs and go up and get the treasure chest. Equip the crimson cape. Go back
down and go to the right. Go up and get the two treasure chests in there. Go back out
and go down. When you enter this room, go straight ahead to the wall. You'll see a flat
part: this is the entrance to one of two secret passages. This one has the window crystal
that you need to recruit Window.

Now go back out and continue to the right. Go up the stairs and get the treasure
chest there. Go down the stairs and continue right. Go up through the door and get the
chest in there. Go out and continue down. Go to the left to get the chest then go up the
stairs and through door. Get the chest and then go down the stairs there.
Go down through this short hall and into the next room. Go straight ahead to the wall and
look for the flat area on it. This second secret passage isn't straight, so you'll have to
move left and right a bit. It leads to Crowley, who won't join you yet, but at least now you
know where he is. Go back out and continue all the way to the right. Go through the door
there and get the war scroll from the chest (needed to recruit Hugo). Go back out and
take that passage down. Go through the door to the right and get the two chests in there.
Go out and take the passage upwards. Go down the stairs and through the door and get
the chests. Go out and continue to the right. Enter that door and then go down the stairs.
Follow this passage around till you reach the platform. Go up the stairs to it. Here's the
item you've been looking for: the Star Dragon Sword. It'll talk to you and send you back
in time to a village.

You will meet Ted (remember him?) when he was young. He will ask you if you
came to steal their village treasures. Say no and follow him and talk to the village chief.

Follow them into the house and talk to the chief. After the scene here, walk around
the path and you meet up with Yuber and Neclord. Before leaving the burnt out village,
go back into the chief's house and leave by the back door to the path again to reach the
treasure chest, then go back. Pop into the next house to get another chest., then leave
the village at the top. No matter what you decide about Ted, he won't be with you on the
other side.
Go to the Star Dragon Sword. Viktor will take it. Leave the caves. Upon leaving the cave,
you will find Zen (the farmer). He (or is it a she? there's no telling in this game!) will
only join you if you bring three lots of seeds: red, blue, and yellow (these are sold at
various hardware shops). Come back later with them.

Enter the temple. Talk to Hugo (standing in front of the book shelves). Talk to him
and give him the war scroll you found in the caves. Hugo will now join your army (and
open a library at your castle).

You will also find the blind Morgan (we told you what'd happen, Paul!). Talk to him to
recruit him. Leave the temple and head back to the Warriors' Village.

Warriors' Village
Talk to Zorak and watch the little sequence. Go to the hardware shop, where you'll find
Window. Give him the window crystal you found in the Qlon caves to recruit him. Talk to
the shopkeeper and buy a red seed.

Now, before heading out to Neclord's castle, let's pick up some more recruits (you
can leave them till later if you prefer). Teleport back to your castle.

Your Castle
Go to the 4th Floor and talk to Sanchez/Mathiu. Remove three members of your party
and replace them with the three blacksmiths: Mose, Maas, and Meese. Return to the
Warriors' Village.

Warriors' Village
Talk to Moose to recruit him (since you have the other blacksmiths with you). Return to
your castle.

Your Castle
Go to the 4th floor and talk to Sanchez/Mathiu. Remove the three blacksmiths from your
group and replace them with the three elves: Kirkis, Stallion, and Sylvina. Note: You
must get them above level 30 in order to recruit Rubi, so fight enemies until you do so (a
good place is in the Qlon caves), then go to the Kobold Village.

Kobold Village
Go to the hotel and talk to Rubi to recruit her. Now teleport (via your castle) to Kaku.

It's time to catch Lotte's cat (as long as you've already talked to her once). Push it into the
corner, then press the 5 button. Now go to Rikon.

Go upstairs at the hotel and talk to Lotte. As you've returned her cat, she will join your
army. Return to your castle.

Your Castle
Go to the 4th floor and talk to Sanchez/Mathiu. Remove the three elves from your party
and replace them with Milich and two other characters. Teleport to Scarleticia.

Find the painter Ivanov (on the 1st floor). Talk to him to recruit him.

Find the singer Kasios (on the 2nd floor). Talk to her and she'll join your army. Leave
the mansion and head east to the town of Antei.

Talk to Qlon (the little boy) to recruit him (all he does back at your castle is tell you the
name of it!).
Go to the hotel and up the stairs. Give the opal (found by fighting the enemies in Soniere
Prison) to her to recruit her. Now go to the town of Teien.

Find Eikei (the bald guy in the top-right corner) and talk to him. Since you should be
around level 40 to 50 by now, he will join your party.

Before leaving town, go to the hotel/hardware shop and buy a yellow seed (you can
also buy yellow paint here to give to Ivanov). Return to your castle.

Your Castle
Go to the 4th floor and talk to Sanchez/Mathiu to restore your favourite fighters to your
party. Since you now have both the yellow and red seeds, all you need is the blue seed.
This is sold at the village of Rikon, so go there and buy one. Then go to the temple of

Go to the top-right and talk to Zen. After giving him the three seeds, he'll join you. Return
to your castle.

Your Castle
After that little diversion it's time to visit Neclord's Castle, so select a party of five (Hix will
join you there), including some high-level magic users (preferably with three different
elemental runes). Stock up with mega medicine, and take some extra armour etc for Hix.

Neclord's Castle
Watch the little sequence. Hix will insist on accompanying you equip him with the
extra items you brought.

Once inside, go through the first door on the left and down the stairs to save the
game. Make your way through the castle, fighting lots of tough enemies and opening all
the chests. You will come across a room with four paintings. Click on them paintings in
this order (numbered left to right): 3, 2, 4, 1. A secret passage will appear on the left.

Upon reaching Neclord's chambers, watch the sequence. Make sure you're ready:
Neclord is one of the tougher bosses. Use mucho magic (apart from your own which is
ineffective) once Viktor's got a hit in. Don't let any character get too low on HP or they'll
be knocked out by Neclord's bat attack after this, use antitoxin and mega medicine
on victim.

After defeating Neclord, there will be another sequence. Leave the castle. Viktor will
tell you that he needs to visit his home village for a while, so let him go. Tengaar and Hix
will then join you. Return to your own castle.

Your Castle
Go to the main meeting room on the 4th floor. Talk to Mathiu, who has a plan. Once you
choose to act on it, Humphrey and Flik will accompany you. Your mission is to go to the
Dragons' Den located to the northwest of Scarleticia. Make sure you put Liukan in your
venturing party, as you'll need him later.

Dragons' Den
The dragon guard will not let anyone into the cave. So go to the town of Antei, located in
the southeast area.

You will meet Vincent de Boule. Watch the little sequence. You'll be given a choice
select either. Now head back to the Dragons' Den.

Dragons' Den
Talk to Vincent. He will join your army and tell you about a secret passage. Go to the
stone statue and choose to enter the secret passage.

Make your way through the dragon cave. You will meet Milia and Futch (remember
him?). Follow them, then head west to the Dragon Castle.

Dragon Castle
Before entering, you will find Fuma (the ninja) hiding beside the castle on the right. Talk
to him to recruit him.

Enter the castle. You'll find Kreutz at the top left. Talk to him and he'll join your army.
(You can rest and save game by talking to girl at top right.)
Go upstairs and watch the sequence. (There's a chest at the rear left of this room
containing a window setting. Go to the bookcase behind the table to the right and look
there to find Old Book Vol 4.)
Select either response and watch the sequence. Liukan will examine the dragons, who
have been poisoned with sleeping potion. Your mission is to get the ingredients Liukan
needs to create a healing potion: moonlight weed, black dragon orchid and... a mystery

Milia will join your party (you may wish to teleport to your castle to better equip her).
Return to the Dragon Castle, where a red dragon will take you to your destination.

Seek Valley
Make your way through the mountain. At the path fork, the left road leads to a chest,
while the right leads to the house of Mace (he won't join you until you return with the four
other blacksmiths). At the end of the central path, a Crystal Core will block your way.
Fight and defeat it it's far deadlier when it goes small!

You will then meet Windy and Ted by the moonlight weed. Ted will ask you to give
back the soul gem (either response will have the same result). There will be a little
sequence (again, choose either response). Ted will sacrifice himself and give the last
energy of his soul power to you. Your Soul Eater spell is raised to level 4. Watch Ted's
final scene (sob!).

Leave the mountain. With the moonlight weed collected, head back to the Dragon

Dragon Castle
Enter castle and go upstairs. Talk to Joshua. You will learn that Futch went off alone to
obtain the second ingredient. In the following scene, you'll control Futch in the Imperial
garden. Get the lilac plant on the right side. Watch the sequence.

Back at the Dragon Castle, go upstairs and talk to Joshua, who will join your army.
He will then ask you to take care of Futch as well. Milia will offer to take you back to your
castle by dragon (take a ride if you like).

Your Castle
Go inside and there will be a sequence with Kasumi and Krin. Krin suspects there's a
traitor in your army. Go to the 4th floor and watch the sequence with Taggart, explaining
that his master Warren and Viktor have been captured. Agree to Mathiu's suggestion of a
military training programme.

Before continuing, let's pick up some more recruits (you can leave them till later if
you prefer). Put Tai Ho and Yam Koo into your venturing group, along with three other
strong fighters. Get on the boat and sail to Pirates' Fortress on an island located far west
from your castle.

Pirates' Fortress
You will meet Anji, Kanak, and Leonardo. Talk to Anji (the one in the middle). He will join
your army if you beat them in a fight, so accept the challenge and kick their pirate butts.
Return to your castle.

Your Castle
Go to the 4th floor. Remove Tai Ho and Yam Koo and replace them with your usual
venturing characters. Now go to the Garan bridge, where you first met Kai.

Quincy (remember him?) will still be there. By now you should have enough members in
your army to persuade him to join. Now go to Neclord's castle.

Neclord's Castle
Go up through the castle to Neclord's chamber. Pesmerga will be there. Talk to him and
he'll join your army. Leave the castle and head for Qlon.

Enter the caves and go to the secret passage (after going down through short hall)
where Crowley is. Talk to him to recruit him. Go back to your castle.

Your Castle
Go to the 4th floor and put Mose, Maas, Meese, and Moose into your venturing group.
Now go to the Dragon Castle and ride the dragon to Seek Valley.

Seek Valley
Go to the house where Mace lives. As you have the four blacksmiths with you, he will
now join your army (enabling you to sharpen your weapons to a higher standard). Leave
the mountain and head back to your castle.

Your Castle
Go to the 4th floor and restore your party to your usual fighting characters. Now go to the
dead town of Kalekka.

Go to the house where Leon is. Talk to him, then return to your castle.

Your Castle
Go to the 4th floor and talk to Mathiu. He will give you a letter for Leon. Go back to

Talk to Leon. Mathiu will turn up and persuade his brother to join your army. Head back
to your castle.

Your Castle
Go to the 4th floor, to your own quarters. Watch the sequence. (You will be given a
question: select the bottom choice.) Go to Mathiu and talk to him. Watch the sequence.
Instead of the planned training exercise, you'll be mounting a surprise attack on 3,700
enemy troops easy peasy.

After defeating Griffith's army, spare his life and recruit him. You will then return to
your castle. Griffith will now help you get into Moravia castle by pretending to have
captured Mathiu. Kasumi and Krin will accompany you: choose three other good

Watch the sequence. Inside the castle, go to the right first and get the treasure chest.
Now go to the left and just follow the way, going through the windows and across the
rooftops when necessary. Upon reaching the prison cell, you'll free Viktor and Warren
(who joins up).

Back upstairs, Kasim will also agree to join your army. After the sequence, go back
up round to the prison cell to free Vincent, who then joins. Head back south to the
checkpoint where you met Griffith's army.

Northern Checkpoint
You will meet Max and Sancho, who will join your army. (Get Old Book Vol 7 from the
chest.) Head back to your castle.

Your Castle
Go to the 4th floor meeting room and talk to Mathiu (select the bottom choice). Sit back
and watch the long sequence (including Viktor giving you Gremio's hatchet). Go outside
the castle, where your army's boats are ready. Mathiu will ask if you are ready to battle.
Assuming you say yes, you'll be facing 17,000 enemy troops. After defeating Sonya's
army, you will proceed to her castle (Shasarazade).

Use the save point (leave and teleport to castle to equip Viktor and four others with
armour, sacrificial buddhas, mega medicine etc). Viktor will accompany you: pick four
other characters to join you (the ones you just equipped in the castle!).
Head into the castle and go down the stairs. make your way round, opening the chests
and fighting battles. You'll eventually face a giant clam. Yes, I know it sounds daft, but it's
got some really powerful magic and thus takes some beating. However, don't use all
your best spells yet there's another fight to come.

Upon defeating the giant clam, watch the sequence as Viktor closes the floodgates.
Before exiting, you will meet Sonya who will question your actions (select any choices)
and then attack you she's well 'ard, too.

After defeating Sonya, go back outside and you will find Mathiu injured. You find out
that Sanchez was the traitor.

Your Castle
Go to the basement dungeon and listen to the conversation, then talk to Sonya. Ask her
to join your army.

Save the game and take a look at the stone tablet to make sure you have all 108
stars (apart from the blacked-out Gremio).
Go to the 4th floor meeting room and talk to Mathiu. He will suggest that now is the time
to battle Gregminster's army. Assuming you agree, watch the sequence. During the
great gathering, Leknaat will appear. If you've recruited all 108 stars, she will revive

Talk to Mathiu and choose to get ready for battle. You will face 20,000 enemy troops
(once Leknaat and Joshua have done their magic) keep using your ninjas to find
out their next move.

After defeating the army, head into the town of Gregminster. Flik and Viktor will come
with you pick three more then teleport back to castle to equip them well.

At the castle drawbridge you will be confronted by Ain Gide who boasts powerful
magic, so use everything you've got to defeat him.

Then return to your castle to rest and stock up (it's a good idea to have at least three
different types of elemental magic and a good healer, plus give them all mega medicine
and sacrificial buddhas).
Return to Gregminster and make your way through the Imperial castle, fighting tons of
guards (don't waste too many high-level spells on them, although you may as well use
your Soul Eater ones). Look out for save point in the top-left room before the final long
Finally, in the Imperial Garden, you will find Emperor Barbarosa. Watch the sequence
and fight his three-headed dragon form.

Note that the head on the left is immune to wind spells, the middle one to lightning,
and the right head to fire. Concentrate on the left and right heads with high-level spells
(your Soul Eater ones are ineffective, though). They will regenerate if you're not quick
enough, so watch to see which attacks do the most damage and use them as much as
you can. Combining different elements (eg earth, wind, and fire) is particularly effective,
inflicting extra damage. Always heal your characters when below 200 HP
Crowley's Rising Wind spell proves very handy. Once the left and right heads are gone,
finish off the middle one to defeat the dragon.

Watch the Windy and Barbarosa sequence. The evil Windy tries to take your soul
gem, but it rejects her.

Barbarosa then reveals that he was not under the power of Windy's evil black rune
after all, but merely blinded by love. Realising his terrible mistake he grabs Windy and
they both plunge to their deaths.

Walk back through the crumbling castle, fighting the remaining guards Viktor and
Flik stay behind to fend some off.

Then sit back and watch the ending sequence (including a special part if you collected
all 108 stars).

Game Over
Everyone assembled acclaims your glorious victory. If you successfully collected all 108
stars, a special sequence shows what happened to the characters afterwards,
accompanied by some top choral music. Following a long list of programmer credits,
you'll see the hero and Gremio going outside to watch the sunset.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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14.Oktober 2013
Ende des Spiels.

17.Oktober 2013

12.Oktober 2013
Tips and Tricks

13.Oktober 2013
Stars Guide

16.Oktober 2013
Special Items Guide

13.Oktober 2013
Magic Guide

18.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
English Version Guide

13.Oktober 2013
Duell Guide

11.Oktober 2013
Combination Attacks

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Character Combo Guide

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

09.Oktober 2013
engl. Lösung
10.Oktober 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Oktober 2008
Special Items
engl. Hinweise
10.Oktober 2008
General Tips
engl. Hinweise 2
10.Oktober 2008
Kampftips als HTML-Datei
engl. Hinweise 3
10.Oktober 2008
Infos über die 108 Sterne
engl. Hinweise 4
10.Oktober 2008
13.Mei 2008
Game Script

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