

12.10.2013 12:27:20

Suikoden FAQ & Walkthrough (For PSX)
made by Kildread2 (
Updated on 2K/09/22

"My E-Mail address is ONLY to be used by people who have worthwhile
contributions or comments even questions, this address is NOT to be used as a
mean of advertisement, I DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT YOU OFFER!!! I do FAQs for
nothing, just to help gamers, so you have no reasons to advertise me!! If this
continues, I may undertake serious accusations toward any webmaster or site
guilty of this." Clear?!?!



1. Updates
2. Introduction
3. Stars of Destiny
4. Runes & Unite Attacks
5. Ultimate Rune Attacks
6. Walkthrough
1. The beginning....
2. Leknaat the seer
3. Petty thieves
4. The hunt for the Soul Eater
5. Rescuing thieves
6. On to Sarady
7. Meeting Mathiu
8. Toran's castle
9. Recruiting Lepant
10.Meeting the elves
11.Mountains to Dwarf Land
12.Dwarven Safe
13.Kwanda's Attack
14.Reckless atttacks.....
15.Reaching Liukan
16.Not-so-impenetrable Prison
17.Raid at Scarleticia
18.Invulnerable Army
19.Teo's Fated Hour
21.The Star Dragon Sword
23.Visit the dragons
24.Search for a cure.
25.Rescue party
26.The Floating Fortress
27.The Empire's Final Breath.
7. Helmets list
8. Armors list
9. Shields list
10.Others list
11.Items list
12.Special Items list
13.War groups
15.Credits & Legal Stuff

PS: sections with a * are not completed yet...


1. Updates

2K/09/22 : Added an item to the Items List, Dragon Seal Incense. (Thanks to
JohnnyBlaze363 for this)

2K/09/16 : Walkthrough COMPLETE!. Completed the Ultimate Runes Attacks section.
Added characters' respective fates. Made the Conclusion. This FAQ is now
considered complete, feel free to submit any corrections, but no new sections
will be added unless a very good idea is given.

2K/09/12 : Updated Stars section (Morgan, Meese, Milia, Pesmerga, Quincy,
Moose, Sansuke, Sergei, Tengaar, Warren), this also completes the character

2K/09/04 : Updated Stars section (Alen, Kamandol, Varkas, Eikei, Gon, Griffith,
Grenseal, Hellion, Kasumi, Kanak, Kessler, Kwanda, Lotte, Leonardo, Rubi,
Milich, Maas, Mace). Added Runes.

2K/08/27 : Updated Stars section (Gen, Meg, Sylvina, Ronnie, Luc, Liukan, Fu Su
Lu, Kage, Fuma, Kirke, Mina, Blackman, Sarah, Lester, Antonio, Kasim, Crowley,
Clive, Sonya, Anji, Futch). Added Runes. Expanded the lists.

2K/08/19 : Updated Stars section (Fukien, Sydonia, Kai). Added Runes.

2K/08/18 : Updated Stars section (Hix, Sheena, Mose).

2K/08/17 : Updated Stars section (Humphrey, Kimberly, Kreutz).

2K/08/16 : Updated Stars section (Lepant, Juppo, Krin).

2K/08/15 : Updated Stars section (Yam Koo, Stallion, Lorelai).

2K/08/14 : Updated Stars section (Valeria, Eileen, Kirkis). Added Runes.

2K/08/13 : Updated Stars section (Kuromimi, Camille, Tai Ho). Added Runes.

2K/08/12 : Walkthrough after beating Ain Gide. Updated Stars section (Pahn,
Viktor, Flik, McDohl, Gremio, Cleo). Added Runes. Expanded the lists.

2K/08/11 : Walkthrough up to Gregminster, Final Dungeon. Added Stars. Added
Runes. Added War Groups. Expanded the lists.

2K/08/10 : Walkthrough up to Shasarazade. Updated Stars. Added War Groups.
Expanded the lists.

2K/08/09 : Walkthrough up to Freedom Castle, before attacking the Floating
Fortress. Added Stars. Expanded the lists.

2K/08/08 : Walkthrough up to Northern Checkpoint. Added War Groups. Added
Stars. Expanded the lists.

2K/08/07 : Walkthrough up to Freedom Castle after returnign from Dragons
Knights' Fortress. Added Stars. Added Unite Attacks.

2K/08/06 : Walkthrough up to Dragons Knights' Fortress, after returning from
Seek Valley. Added Stars. Added Runes. Expanded the lists.

2K/08/05 : Walkthrough up to Seek Valley. Added Runes. Added Ultimate Rune
Attacks. Expanded the lists.

2K/08/04 : Walkthrough up to Dragons Knights' Fortress, before heading to Seek
Valley. Added Stars. Expanded the lists.

2K/08/03 : Walkthrough up to Dragons Knights' Fortress. Added Stars. Added
Unite Attacks. Expanded the lists. Added Runes.

2K/08/01 : Walkthrough up to Warriors' Village with Star Dragon Sword. Added
Stars. Added Unite Attacks. Added Runes. Expanded the lists.

2K/07/31 : Walkthrough up to Temple of Qlon. Added Stars. Added Runes. Added
Unite Attacks. Expanded the lists.

2K/07/30 : Walkthrough up to Warriors' Village, before heading to the Temple of

2K/07/28 : Walkthrough up to Warriors' Village. Added Stars. Added Runes.
Expanded the lists.

2K/07/27 : Walkthrough up to Lorimar. Added Stars. Added Runes. Added Unite
Attacks. Added War Groups.

2K/07/26 : Walkthrough up to Kirov, with Fire Spears. Added Stars. Expanded the

2K/07/24 : Walkthrough up to Secret Factory. Expanded the Lists. Added Stars.

2K/07/22 : Walkthrough up to Kirov. Added Stars. Added Runes. Expanded the

2K/07/21 : Walkthrough up to after defeat against Teo's Army. Added Stars.
Added Runes.

2K/07/20 : Walkthrough up to Freedom Castle, before Teo's Attack. Expanded the
lists. Added Runes. Added Stars. Added Unite Attacks.

2K/07/19 : Walkthrough up to the entrance of Scarleticia Castle. Expanded the
lists. Added Stars. Added War Groups. Added Unite Attacks.

2K/07/18 : Walkthrough up to Soniere Prison. Added Stars.

2K/07/17 : Uh? 2 weeks with no daily updates? Is he dead? Nah.. I'm not
gone...... yet. I have been busy with a few rented games (RE:CV, Carrier,
Vagrant Story, Vanguard Bandits) and now I'm back for more updates!

Now... let's get down to business.....

Walkthrough up to Antei. Added Stars.

2K/07/01 : Walkthrough up to Rikon, time to go to Liukan's. Added Stars. Added
Unite Attacks.

2K/06/30 : Walkthrough up to Rikon. Added Special Items. Added Stars. Added

2K/06/25 : Walkthrough up to Teien. Added Special Items. Added Stars. Added

2K/06/24 : Walkthrough up to Garan Fortress, after recruiting a bunch of
people. Added Stars. Added Unite Attacks.

2K/06/23 : Tiny bit 'o walkthrough (1 sentence, heh). Updated Stars. Added
Unite Attacks.

2K/06/22 : Walkthrough up to Garan Fortress. Added Stars. Added Runes. Expanded
the lists.

2K/06/20 : Walkthrough up to Pannu Yakuta Castle. Added Stars. Added War

2K/06/19 : Walkthrough up to Burnt Village of the Elves.

2K/06/18 : Walkthrough up to Village of the Dwarves after breaking into their
vault. Added Runes. Expanded the lists.

2K/06/17 : Walkthrough up to Village of the Dwarves, on the way to the vault.
Updated Stars list.

2K/06/16 : Walkthrough up to Village of the Dwarves. Added Stars. Added Runes.
Expanded the lists.

2K/06/15 : Walkthrough up to the Dwarf Trail. Added Runes. Expanded the lists.

2K/06/14 : Walkthrough up to the point where Valeria joins. Added Stars. Added

2K/06/12 : Outfitting everyone at every step of the game is long....... Added
Runes. Expanded the lists.

2K/06/11 : Tiny walkthrough update..... been busy outfitting all those
characters with the best stuff..... and it takes HOURS. Added Runes. Added
Stars. Expanded the lists.

2K/06/09 : Walkthrough up to Village of the Elves. Added Stars. Expanded the

2K/06/08 : Walkthrough up to Great Forest. Added Stars. Added Runes. Expanded
the lists.

2K/06/07 : Tiny walkthrough update up to out of Freedom Castle after coming
back with Lepant. Added Runes. Added Stars. Added Unites Attacks. Expanded the

2K/06/05 : Walkthrough up to Return to Toran's Castle with Lepant. Added Stars.

2K/06/04 : Walkthrough up to Saving Eileen. Added Stars. Added Runes. Expanded
the lists.

2K/06/03 : Walkthrough up to Kouan. Added Stars. Added Runes. Expanded the

2K/06/02 : Walkthrough up to Great Forest. Added Stars. Added Runes. Expanded
the lists.

2K/06/01 : Walkthrough up to after taking possession of Toran's Castle. Updated
Runes. Added Stars. Expanded the lists.

2K/05/31 : Walkthrough up to inside Toran's Castle. Updated Stars section.
Expanded the lists.

2K/05/30 : Walkthrough up to Toran's Castle, beginning of. Added Tai Ho to the

2K/05/29 : Walkthrough up to Kaku. Added Camille to the Stars. Expanded the

2K/05/28 : Walkthrough up to Seika. Added Runes.

2K/05/27 : Walkthrough up to return to Lenankamp. Added Runes. Expanded the

2K/05/26 : Walkthrough up to Sarady. Expanded the lists.

2K/05/23 : Walkthrough up to Mt. Tigerwolf. Expanded the list. Added runes.

2K/05/22 : Walkthrough up to Return to Lenankamp. Expanded the lists and
updated the characters' section....

2K/05/20 : Walkthrough up to Lenankamp. Expanded the lists. Added Viktor to the
Stars. Added runes.

2K/05/20 : Walkthrough up to return to Rockland.

2K/05/19 : Walkthrough up to Mt. Seifu. Added Runes, expanded the lists.

2K/05/18 : Started the FAQ, mostly arranged the future sections, not much is in
it right now. More to come tomorrow.


2. Introduction

I thought about making this one for a time..... Now let's see if I'll
succeed..... This should be good, I'll include all items and locations of
characters along with the walkthrough. Be sure to send contributions!


3. Stars of Destiny

This section will pinpoint all the Stars' locations and weapons (If applicable)
stats & name through various levels.


How do recruit: You start with him! It's YOU!!! And I shall refer to him as
such (You or McDohl).

Weapon (M): Wolf Fang Staff= 5/7/9/12
Dragon Fang Staff= 20/25/32/39/47/57/68
Heaven Fang Staff= 91/103/117/136/158

Fate: Become the President of the Toran Republic, and....


How to recruit: He'll join right after you save his wife, just talk to him

Weapon (S): Kirinji= 16/20
Kirinji 2= 33/40/48/59/70/80
Kirinji 3= 102/115/134/150

Fate: Returns to Kouan with his family and lives in peace.


How to recruit: Simple, he joins you automaticly when you overtake Toran's
Castle. He's not a fighter, but your war strategist and advisor.

Fate: Hearing of the victory, he rests in peace.


How to recruit: He joins you in the meeting after overtaking Toran's Castle. A
good magician, but weak physically.

Weapon (S): Wind Rod= 7/10/13/17
Gale Rod= 28/33/38/44
Gust Rod= 60/70/85/100/114/130

Fate: Disappears with Leknaat.


How to recruit: He'll join up right after the 3 months break although nothing
says so.

Weapon (S): Murasame= 34/41/49/59/70
Masamune= 93/105/119/138/160

Fate: Leaves Toran Republic with Futch.


How to recruit: After you free Viktor & Warren in Moravia Castle, he'll join in
the scene right after. I think you need to have recruited Milich to recruit
him..... not sure though.

Weapon (S): Emerald Moonlight= 105/119/138/160

Fate: Become the Commander in Chief and protect the Border.


How to recruit: In Pannu Yakuta, at the top of the castle, defeat him in a
one-on-one duel with McDohl and choose the following answers after that (If you
don't, you'll miss your chance at recruiting him): "Something's wrong." and "I
want you to join us.". He'll join then.

Weapon (M): Alkaid Hatchet= 32/37/42
Mizar Hatchet= 67/77/86/95/106
Alioth Hatchet= 130/150/170

Fate: Become Commander-In-Chief of the Republican Army.


How to recruit: Once you killed Neclord and went back to Freedom Castle to talk
to Mathiu. Head back to Neclord's Castle and go all the way back to where you
killed Neclord. Talk to Pesmerga there to recruit him.

Weapon (S): Death Crimson= 34/41/49/59/70
King Crimson= 93/105/119/138/160

Fate: Still in search of Yuber, he leaves the country.


How to recruit: He'll join you in Teo's house when you head to get your first
assignment. He'll die along the way, but he'll beback at the endif you collect
all 107 Stars of Destiny before a certain point.

Weapon (M): Axe= 9/14/18/23/28/32/37/42
Copper Axe= 67/77/86/95/106
Axe Of The Oath= 130/150/170

Fate: Follows McDohl.


How to recruit: He'll join once you've freed him from Moravia Castle.

Weapon (M): Odin= 97/107/119/136/150

Fate: Become the 1st Chairman of Toran Republic's Congress.


How to recruit: He's in Kirov once you went to talk to Mose in the Secret
Factory. Talk to him and Tai Ho will get him to join you along with lending you
the boats to ferry the Fire Spears back to your base.

Fate: Wields power as head of the Merchant's Guild.


How to recruit: She joins you automaticly with Gremio in the house, as soon as
you head downstairs. Another easy character to recruit!

Weapon (L): Air Sword= 6/8/11
Air Moon Sword= 20/25/31/35/39/45
Air Moonstar Sword= 69/78/89/99/113/128/150

Fate: Tired of fighting, continues to protect Teo's mansion.


How to recruit: He joins you when you're trying to escape of Gregminster. Just
talk to him once he's outside of the inn.

Weapon (S): Taia Sword= 11
Shiko Sword= 22/27/34/41/49/59
Black Dragon Sword= 75/83
King Dragon Sword= 109/112/143/163/185

Fate: Missing in action in the final battle.


How to recruit: She's in the Village of the Elves and end up imprisoned. She'll
join at the entrance of the town once you escape from prison.

Weapon (S): Seven Star Sword= 33/40/48/59/70/80
Conqueror Star Sword= 102/115/134/150

Fate: Becomes a Platoon Commander and mediator with the Elves.


How to recruit: Just after the Northern Checkpoint battle, choose "Recruit." in
the event after that battle to recruit him, otherwise you can't recruit him
anymore sicne you'll have killed him!!

Weapon (S): Black Blade= 40/48/59/70/80
Black Sword= 102/115/134/150

Fate: Begins a business.


How to recruit: He appears sometimes in the inn of Rikon, I could only make him
appear when I had a castle of maximum size so I'm not sure if it's a
requirement. Anyways, if he's not there and you have a maximum size castle,
exit the town and re-check the inn. He's in the room to the left, in the
upper-right corner and dressed in black. Talk to him when you see him to
recruit him.

Weapon (L): Tornado= 99/113/128/150

Fate: By the time the war was over he was gone.


How to recruit: After your defeat at Scarleticia Castle, he'll join up.

Weapon (S): Odessa+= 48/59/70/80
Odessa++= 102/115/134/150

Fate: Disappears during the final battle.


How to recruit: She's in the bar in Kaku. Just go to her and talk to her. After
some scene.... she'll join up automaticly.

Weapon (M): Galm= 19
Fenril= 27/33/40/47/56/66
Loki= 88/97/107/119/136/150

Fate: Become the lancing instructor of the Republican Army.


How to recruit: He's inside theDragons Knights' Fortress. Talk to him with
Humphrey in your party to recruit him.

Weapon (S): Big Denta= 49/59/70
Kamui= 93/105/119/138/160

Fate: Leaves the country.


How to recruit: After recruiting Kwanda, he'll join in the scene afterwards.

Weapon (L): Bow Of Shiva= 35/42/48/54/63/70/81
Bow of Vishnu= 105/117/132/155

Fate: Departs to become the fastest man in the world.


How to recruit: He's hanging inside the secret factory, pay him 20,000 bits to
earn his services until the end of the game.

Weapon (L): Second Sword= 45
Third Sword= 69/78/89/99/113/128/150

Fate: Saying his contract was up, he disappears.


How to recruit: He's in the inn in the Kobold Village once you've beaten
Kwanda's army. Pay 10000 bits for his food and he'll join up.

Weapon (S): Double Axe= 32/37/42
Double Big Axe= 67/77/86/95/106
Double Battle Axe= 130/150/170

Fate: Was in Kobold for a while, then set off on a journey.


How to recruit: He'll be on the pier of the castle the day after you come back
with Lepant. He joins once you agree to help.

Weapon (L): Light Bow= 18
Shine Bow= 35/42/48/54/63/70/81
Elfin Bow= 105/117/132/155

Fate: Works for rebuilding the Village of the Elves.


How to recruit: After getting rid of his army and going to burn his flowers.
He'll come along, answer "This man is not at fault!" and "I understand." in
this order to both choices to recruit him.

Weapon (S): Rose= 20
Marguerite= 33/40/48/59/70/80
Orchid= 102/115/134/150

Fate: Spends his life protecting the graves of Barbarosa.


How to recruit: He joins the party at Teo's house along with Cleo and Gremio,
but it will become official when you forgive him after saving Lepant's wife.
IMPORTANT: I can't stress how it is important to keep him strong and
well-equipped, because he has a one-on-one duel to fight in the game and he
dies if he doesn't win.

Weapon (S): Claws= 22/28
Super Claws= 46/55/64/75/86/95/110/130
Ultra Claws= 170

Fate: Embark on a journey to improve his imperfect self.


How to recruit: Once you've stormed Shasarazade, head to the basement of
Freedom Castle and talk to her in the cell. Ask to recruit her and answer "I
don't mind." to her next query to get her on your side.

Weapon (S): Turquoise Blue= 70/80
Royal Blue= 102/115/134/150

Fate: Become Admiral of the Republican Navy.


How to recruit: He's on an island to the north of Teien, put Tai Ho & Yam Koo
in your party and go talk to him once your castle is level 3. You'll have to
fight all 3 pirates in 5 turns or less. He'll join once you succeed (You can
retry as many times as you want).

Weapon (M): Demon God Speed= 40/47/56/66
Demon Army Spear= 88/97/107/119/136/150

Fate: Plans to go into the shopping business and make a bundle.


How to recruit: After recruiting Camille, head downstairs and talk to Tai Ho to
the left (You must have 1000 bits on you, at least). Play the game of dice
against him and win at least 1000 bits off him so he'll sail to Toran's Castle.
Talk to him at the pier to go there and he'll join once you arrive at

Weapon (M): Satsuki= 15/19
Akemi= 27/33/40/47/56/66
Mizuki= 88/97/107/119/136/150

Fate: Returns to Kaku and enjoy a carefree life.


How to recruit: He'll join at the same time as Anji.

Weapon (M): Sickle & Chain= 19
Steel Sickle & Chain= 27/33/40/47/56/66
Copper Sickle & Chain= 88/97/107/119/136/150

Fate: Goes into business with Anji.


How to recruit: Joins right after taking possession of Toran's Castle. No
notice, nothing, he just appears as one of the available characters.

Weapon (M): Uranami Spear= 15/19
Seigetsu Spear= 27/33/40/47/56/66
Matsukaze Spear= 88/97/107/119/136/150

Fate: Lives by the shore of Lake Toran, and enjoys fishing.


How to recruit: He'll join at the same time as Anji.

Weapon (M): Horse-Killer Hatchet= 28/32/37/42
Killer Steel Hatchet= 67/77/86/95/106
Killer Big Hatchet= 130/150/170

Fate: Goes into business with Anji.


How to recruit: Once you're about to enter Neclord's castle to save Tengaar.
He'll join at this point.

Weapon (S): Tengaar+= 59/70/80
Tengaar++= 102/115/134/150

Fate: Accepted as a "True Warrior", he departs on a journey.


How to recruit: Once you've killed Neclord and exited his castle, she'll join

Weapon (L): Ray Knife= 28/33/38/44
Shining Knife= 60/70/85/100/114/130

Fate: Follows Hix on his journey.


How to recruit: He'll be waiting on the first floor of the castle when you
return from recruiting Lepant. He'll join automaticly.

Weapon (M): Lightning Hatchet= 28/32/37/42
RockBreaker Hatchet= 67/77/86/95/106
Leppa Hatchet= 130/150/170

Fate: Named Captain of the Border Guard.


How to recruit: He joins at the same time/place as Varkas.

Weapon (L): Ryuseisui= 31/35/39/45
Mikagetsusui= 69/78/89/99/113/128/150

Fate: Disappears.


How to recruit: She will join along with her husband after you save her from
Kraze, although the game doesn't hint that way.

Weapon (L): Ruby Darts= 20/25/31/35/39/45
Crystal Darts= 69/78/89/99/113/128/150

Fate: Always by Lepant's side.


How to recruit: He's in Kalekka and your castle needs to be of maximum size
(Head inside by boat and if a banner is in front, it's at maximum size). Go
into the house closest to the south entrance of the town and talk to Leon
inside. He'll tell you to go see Mathiu. Go out of town and use the Blinking
Mirror to get back to Freedom Castle. Head to the 4rth Floor and talk to Mathiu
in the room to the south & right. He'll give you a letter for Leon, go talk to
Viki in the basement to warp back to Kalekka and talk to Leon to recruit him

Fate: Spends the remainder of his life in his hometown.


How to recruit: He's in the inn in Kirov, talk to him and beat him at his
Matches game to recruit him. The game seems somewhat easier for me at 5
matches, but I noticed people might have an easier time at other numbers. Feel
free to experiment! He'll be in the castle, wanting to play his game against

Fate: Disappears north, Saying he found a good business.


How to recruit: He's in Scarleticia Castle, once you've recruited Milich, go
talk to him to get him on your side. You can give him all the Paints you've
collected to make a picture. Once the picture is completed, he'll give you the
Binoculars that enables you to mess around the camera angle in battles.....

Fate: Sets off on a journey to find "the color of freedom".


How to recruit: Once you got 45 members in your army, head to Antei and talk to
her in the Rune Shop and she'll join. She'll set up a Rune Shop in your castle.

Fate: Resumes her career as runemaster at Antei.


How to recruit: He's hanging on the harbor in Teien, you can recruit him only
after McDohl has reached level 40 or above. He will not join before.

Weapon (S): Wolf= 22/28
Tiger= 46/55/64/75/86/95/110/130
Dragon= 170

Fate: Departs on a journey in search of worthy opponents.


How to recruit: He'll be in the Northern Checkpoint after you've rescued Warren
from Moravia Castle. Recruit him there.

Fate: Retires from Knighthood.


How to recruit: Max's follower, he'll join with him obviously.

Fate: Happily continues to serve his master.


How to recruit: He'll join once you defeat Teo in duel.

Weapon (S): Lightning Sword= 33/40/48/59/70/80
True Lightning Sword= 102/115/134/150

Fate: Appointed Co-Commander of the Republican Guard.


How to recruit: He'll join once you defeat Teo in duel.

Weapon (S): Flame Sword= 33/40/48/59/70/80
True Flame Sword= 102/115/134/150

Fate: Appointed Co-Commander of the Republican Guard.


How to recruit: Once you've recruited Kimberly, head to the hosue a little
north from hers' and talk to "Albert" there. Viktor will trick Tesla out of his
crummy disguise and he'll join.

Fate: Become the Secretary-General of the Toran Republic.


How to recruit: He's the appraiser in Rikon, talk to the man outside his shop 2
times so he mentions a Nameless Urn and head out of town. Fight Holly Fairies
until you get a Nameless Urn and go back to Jabba. Recruit him once he fails to
appraise the urn, he'll be the appraiser at your castle.

Fate: Placed in charge of the Republic's finances.


How to recruit: She's in the inn in Kouan. Talk to her to recruit her, but the
hero needs to be at least level 25 for her to accept.

Weapon (L): Short Bow= 18
Silver Bow= 35/42/48/54/63/70/81
Magic Bow= 105/117/132/155

Fate: Sets off to another land to find another adventure.


How to recruit: He's at the north end of Kalekka, approach him without steping
on his plants (From the right) and talk to him to recruit him. If you step on
his plants, he won't join. Do so afterwards from left to right to hear the Rice
Krispies sound! (Snap! Crackle! Pop!) hee hee....

Weapon (M): Seeding How= 18/23/28/32/37/42
Mowing How= 67/77/86/95/106
Harvest How= 130/150/170

Fate: Returns to his fields.


How to recruit: He'll join your cause when you talk to him right after waking
up the dragons.

Fate: Returns to Dragon's Den to coach junior.


How to recruit: He's in the Temple of Qlon and can be recruited by talking to
him... easy.

Weapon (S): Talons= 22/28
Hooked Talons= 46/55/64/75/86/95/110/130
Hawk Talons= 170

Fate: Returns to Qlon Temple and resumes his studies.


How to recruit: Once you,ve recruited Kun To, he'll join after the Fire Spears
are loaded in the boats. He can sharpen your weapons up to level 12.... I
think. Also can fight on your side.

Weapon (M): Titanium Hammer= 47/56/66
Iron Hammer= 88/97/107/119/136/150

Fate: Works for rebuilding the new capital of Gregminster.


How to recruit: Fight the Nightmare enemies in Soniere Prison until you get
ahold of an Opal. Go talk to her on the 2nd floor of the inn in Antei and
she'll join your side. She's the Goddess of Uselessnity, which is not a word, I

Fate: Lives a comfortable life with a garden full of roses.


How to recruit: Once you,ve gotten the Sound Crystal in Kalekka, go talk to him
in Kirov, give him the Sound Rune and you'll get him on your side. Give him the
various Sound Settings you find to change cursor sounds.

Fate: Departs to collect all sounds of the world.


How to recruit: Head to the Armory in Antei and talk to him. He'll join then,
he'll set up an Armory in your castle where he'll sell the stuff at previously
visited Armories.

Fate: Retires from the armory and successfully opens a theater.


How to recruit: After you rescue him from Soniere Prison, he'll be in the
castle, he'll officially join your cause when he gives you the antitoxin for
the poison flowers at Milich's castle.

Weapon (S): Stick= 5/7/10/13/17
Oak Stick= 28/33/38/44
Ebony Stick= 60/70/85/100/114/130

Fate: Opens a clinic, where he saves many lives.


How to recruit: He's in the Temple of Qlon and you only need to talk to him
once you get there to recruit him.

Weapon (S): Super Punishment= 38/44
Ultra Punishment= 60/70/85/100/114/130

Fate: Return to Qlon Temple.


How to recruit: He joins right after Joshua.

Weapon (S): Sigmund= 56/66
Sigurd= 88/97/107/119/136/150

Fate: Departs with Humphrey on a journey.


How to recruit: She joins you at Freedom Castle right after recruiting Milich.
She's the one who warns you of Teo's Army's approach.

Weapon (L): Big Sakura= 31/35/39/45
Max Sakura= 69/78/89/99/113/128/150

Fate: Returns to the secret hidaway at Rokkaku.


How to recruit: The blacksmith in the Great Forest, talk to him to recruit him.
He can sharpen weapons up to level 5 and fight with you.

Weapon (M): Wooden Hammer= 15/19
Stone Hammer= 27/33/40/47/56/66
Rock Hammer= 88/97/107/119/136/150

Fate: Dissatisfied with his work, he resumes his studies.


How to recruit: He's hidden inside the cave behind the Temple of Qlon, can only
be recruited once your castle is of maximum size (Banner in front when arriving
in boat). Hear is a small walkthrough to the secret passage inside the cave: Go
north and go down the stairs there. Follow the path to an intersection and head
to the right. Go to the south at the next intersection and continue along the
path up to an intersection. Go to the south and go up the stairs to the
previous screen (Stairs on the left). Go down the nearby stairs and go down to
the next screen. Go through the secret passage through the wall to the south
and talk to Crowley at the end to recruit him.

Weapon (S): Comet Rod= 5/7/10/13/17
Meteor Rod= 28/33/38/44
Cosmo Rod= 60/70/85/100/114/130

Fate: Despising the world, he returns to the caverns.


How to recruit: He hangs on the right side of the Dragons Knights' Fortress.
Talk to him there to recruit him.

Weapon (L): Ultra Shuriken= 78/89/99/113/128/150

Fate: Invited to Rokkaku.


How to recruit: Bring Maas, Meese & Mose with you to Warriors' Village and talk
to Moose to get him to join your party. He can sharpen your weapons to level 15
I think.......

Weapon (M): Copper Hammer= 97/107/119/136/150

Fate: Becomes master Blacksmith.


How to recruit: In the blacksmith's house in Village of the Dwarves, he'll join
if Maas was recruited, but he doesn't need to be in the party. He can sharpen
your weapons up to level 9 along with fighting on your side.

Weapon (M): Chrome Hammer= 56/66
Tin Hammer= 88/97/107/119/136/150

Fate: Goes to the Village of the Dwarves to improve his skills.


How to recruit: After taking possession of Toran's Castle, just talk to him in
the bar in Kaku for him to join. He'll put an elevator in the castle and can
fight in your party.

Weapon (S): Wrench= 10/13/17
Iron Wrench= 28/33/38/44
Killer Wrench= 60/70/85/100/114/130

Fate: Becomes rich off his inventions.


How to recruit: She lives in Antei, once Liukan has been abducted by Milich, go
see Mathiu at Freedom Castle and he'll give you a letter for her. Talk to her
in Antei and she'll join after a dinner with Flik. She only appears on the
Tablet once you've received the Fake Orders from Mathiu though.

Weapon (S): Silver Kitchen Knife= 40/48/59/70/80
Gold Kitchen Knife= 102/115/134/150

Fate: Forces her way into Tai Ho's household.


How to recruit: He's flirting in Seika's inn after you come back with Lepant.
Talk to him with Lepant in your party and Lepant will recruit him.

Weapon (S): Rapier= 20
Silver Rapier= 33/40/48/59/70/80
Platinum Rapier= 102/115/134/150

Fate: Wandering around and having a good time as usual.


How to recruit: He's waiting at the entrance of the secret factory. Once you
get there, talk to him to recruit him. Easy.

Weapon (M): Battle Axe= 67/77/86/95/106
Ogre Axe= 130/150/170

Fate: Named Captain of the Toran Republic Patrol Corps.


How to recruit: Once you meet him in Warriors' Village, win 5000 bits at his
little game to recruit him. 100 bits is too slow, 1000 bits is kinda too fast
(For me anyways). I usually go for the risky 10000 bits and save at the inn.
Pick a random cup, if it's not it, reset & retry. He chooses the right cup
often so a good guess is this one. He'll wittle time at the castle, awaiting
for people to come and play his silly game.

Fate: Leads a vigorous life.


How to recruit: He's in Teien, go talk to him after bumping into the rapids on
the way to Liukan's house and ask about a boatthat can beat the rapids.

Weapon (S): Regular Steel= 49/59/70
Heavy Steel= 93/105/119/138/160

Fate: Returns to Teien, where he contineus to build ships.


How to recuit: He's in the Temple of Qlon and seeks the War Scroll, which can
be found in the cave behind the temple. Use the walkthrough to find it, it's
pretty obvious also. He'll be the one collecting the Old Books you got back at
the castle, makes some reading you can do.

Fate: Appointed the Republic's first Chief Justice.


How to recruit: In the inn in Teien, go talk to her and recruit her by
accepting her deal. She'll let you have the Blinking Mirror which is very
useful along with Viki's power.

Weapon (S): Land Rod= 7/10/13/17
Earth Rod= 28/33/38/44
Gaia Rod= 60/70/85/100/114/130

Fate: Succeeds Leknaat as Seer.


How to recruit: Head to Antei and equip McDohl with Toe Boots, which are sold
in the Armory in Antei. Talk to Mina at the inn and after an automatic dance
sequence, she'll join the party.

Weapon (S): Lovely Shawl= 25/32/39/47/57/68
Sexy Shawl= 91/103/117/136/158

Fate: Becomes the most popular dancer in the Republic.


How to recruit: She's in the Dragons Knights' Fortress. She will join your
cause after you take Liukan to examine the sleeping dragons.

Weapon (M): Valhalla= 56/66
Brunhildt= 88/97/107/119/136/150

Fate: Returns to Dragon's Den, where she resumes her duties.


How to recruit: You must first recruit Gen, once that's done, head to the hosue
to the right of his'. Listen to the scene and enter the house. Talk to Kamandol
there to get him to join your side.

Weapon (S): Steel Rod= 7/10/13/17
Master Rod= 28/33/38/44
Rod Of Hermes= 60/70/85/100/114/130

Fate: Still preoccupied with alchemical studies.


How to recruit: He kinda appears in your army after you return from recruiting
Lepant. Guess meeting him in Lepant's house automaticly recruits him.....

Weapon (L): Iron Gear= 20/25/31/35/39/45
Metal Gear= 69/78/89/99/113/128/150

Fate: Departs on a journey to find a bigger "trick."


How to recruit: She's in Scarleticia Castle on the 2nd floor. Go talk to her
once you've recruited Milich, be sure to put him in your party also. She'll
join then, she can sing some of the tunes of the game back at the castle.

Fate: Departs to spread the Liberation Army's songs.


How to recruit: Appears in the Great Forest when crossing a log over a
waterfall. You can recruit her then. She can teleport you to any city you
already finished.

Fate: Failed at teleportation, she disappears without a trace.


How to recruit: He's in the Kobold Village to the north of the Village of the
Elves. You can recruit him once Kirkis is at level 40, talk to him with Kirkis
in your party to recruit him at that point.

Weapon (L): Bow Of Garuda= 35/42/48/54/63/70/81
Bow Of Ashra= 105/117/132/155

Fate: Welcomed into the restored Village of the Elves.


How to recruit: He's in the same cell as Warren in Moravia Castle, once you've
rescued Warren. Go back to the cell and talk to Vincent to recruit him.

Fate: Returns home and claims his inheritance.


How to recruit: She's hanging outside Kaku's inn, once you have Juppo on your
side, go talk to her with Juppo in your party to be able to recruit her.

Weapon (L): Assassin's Dagger= 31/35/39/45
Silver Dagger= 69/78/89/99/113/128/150

Fate: Leaves home, saying "Adventure calls."


Joins right after rescuing Viktor.

Fate: Becomes assistant to Warren.


How to recruit: Employed by Lepant, he joins along with him even though the
game doesn't mention it. Another useless character! Hooray.

Fate: Starts his own business.


How to recruit: She's in the Fortress of Garan.... but you can only recruit her
once you have recruited 80 other Stars of Destiny. Hence, not the first time
you're at Garan.

Weapon (L): Lightning= 31/35/39/45
Holy Thunderbolt= 69/78/89/99/113/128/150

Fate: Returns to the forest.


How to recruit: She's in Mathiu's house in Seika after you've returned to
Freedom Castle in the 3-months break. Answer anything to her question and
she'll join. She's yet another useless character.......

Fate: Goes off to collect material for a biography of Mathiu.


How to recruit: He's at the entrance of Garan, just talk to him once you've
taken control of Toran's Castle for him to join you.

Weapon (M): Conjurer's Staff= 39/47/57/68
Exorcist's Staff= 91/103/117/136/158

Fate: Appointed Martial Arts Instructor.


How to recruit: She's on the 2nd floor of Rikon's inn, go talk to her once you
recruited 45 of the 108 Stars of Destiny and she'll ask to find her cat. Head
to Kaku and corner & catch the cat running around there. Return to Rikon and
talk to Lotte to recruit her.

Weapon (S): Silver Rod= 10/13/17
Moon Rod= 28/33/38/44
Star Rod= 60/70/85/100/114/130

Fate: Lives in a small house with Mina the cat.


How to recruit: He's in a cabin in Seek Valley. Go talk to him with Maas,
Meese, Moose & Mose in your party to get him on your side. He can sharpen your
weapons to their max level (16).

Weapon (M): Platinum Hammer= 136

Fate: Lets Moose succeed and retires.


How to recruit: In an house in Seika, talk to her after taking possession of
Toran's Castle to recruit her. She's a useless character, but a Star of Destiny
anyways so.........

Fate: Still loves to gossip.


How to recruit: Joins you in Kobold Village after seeing the burned-down
Village of the Elves.

Weapon (S): Sword= 20
Good Sword= 33/40/48/59/70/80
Excellent Sword= 102/115/134/150

Fate: Becomes Village Chief of Kobold.


How to recruit: After beating Kwanda's army, head to the Kobold Village in the
Great Forest and talk to him in the south house with Kuromimi in your party to
get him to join you.

Weapon (S): Cool Sword= 33/40/48/59/70/80
Very Neat Sword= 102/115/134/150

Fate: Working hard to become the No. 1 warrior in Kobold.


How to recruit: You need to have recruited Marie before recruiting him. Go talk
to Marie at her inn multiple times without resting until she mentions that she
needs a cook. When she does, go to Seika's inn and talk to Antonio to recruit
him since you'll now have the option. He'll obviously provide food for your
army as well as being able to fight by your side.

Weapon (M): Milk Pan= 14/18/23/28/32/37/42
Frying Pan= 67/77/86/95/106
Ceramic Pan= 130/150/170

Fate: Still the cook at Marie's inn.


How to recruit: He's in Kirov, somewhere. To make him appear, head in both
houses to the left & right of Sarah's position. Examine both stews inside and
head to the big house to the south of the village. Talk to Lester who will have
magically appeared there and he'll join your cause.

Weapon (M): Pan= 18/23/28/32/37/42
Pot= 67/77/86/95/106
Wok= 130/150/170

Fate: Opens a restaurant specializing in stews.


How to recruit: Once you got to the Fortress of Lorimar for the first time, go
outside and back inside. Talk to Kirke on the left side of the Fortress and
answer his 2 queries positivly to recruit him.

Weapon (S): Death= 22/27/34/41/49/59/70
Judgment= 93/105/119/138/160

Fate: Throws away his scythe and becomes a farmer.


How to recruit: He's inside Lepant's house, talk to him when you're breaking in
the house to recruit him. He'll manage a vault in the castle where you can
store items.

Fate: Asked to design a giant safe for dwarfs, he sets to work.


How to recruit: He's waiting outside the secret factory, talk to him once you
get there and he'll join automaticly.

Fate: Enjoys success after opening an honest inn.


How to recruit: After recruiting Kwanda, she'll join in the scene afterwards.

Weapon (L): Night Bow= 18
Moon Bow= 35/42/48/54/63/70/81
Elfin Bow= 105/117/132/155

Fate: Marries her childhood sweetheart Kirkis.


How to recruit: She will join at the same time as Mose, hence, when she
finishes loading the Fire Spears in the boats in Kirov.

Weapon (S): Claw= 28
Tiger Claw= 46/55/64/75/86/95/110/130
Dragon Claw= 170

Fate: Said to be training for homemaking.


How to recruit: He's in the basement of the bar in Kaku. Go see him after the
3-months break (or, if you prefer, after beating Kwanda's army). Play at the
dice mini-game against him and win 5000 bits to get him on your side. He'll
stay in the castle, awaiting gamblers to challenge him (Great source of

Fate: Still tossing dice at Kaku.


How to recruit: He's in the Item Shop in the Warriors' Village. You must bring
him the Window Crystal for him to join. The Crystal is in a secret passage in
the cave behind the temple of Qlon, use the walkthrough to find it. He can
change the window settings back at the castle, providing you bring him some
sets first.

Fate: Accepts an offer to design stained glass windows.


How to recruit: After taking possession of Toran's Castle, go talk to her in
Seika's inn to recruit her. She'll open a low-cost inn in your castle.

Fate: Reopens her inn at Gregminster.


How to recruit: Near the cave in the back of the Temple of Qlon. Brign the
Blue, Red, & Yellow Seeds to hi mto recruit him. They are sold in Warriors'
Village, Teien & Rikon.

Fate: The Ancient Castle of Toran is still full of flowers.


How to recruit: Rather a silly get item from point A and go trade it at person
B. Etc....... Anyways, Talk to Sarah and try to recruit her, she'll ask for
some Soap. Talk to the guy walking near the Armory, he will ask for Soy Sauce
to give you some Soap and go talk to the guy near the center of the town, he'll
ask for some Salt to give you some Soy Sauce. Talk to the girl in the bottom
right of the town and she'll ask for a Yardstick to give you some Salt. Head to
the inn and talk to the guy in the room on the right, he'll ask for some Sugar.
Head to the Item Store and buy some Sugar. Backtrack through all the characters
to accomplish the trading sequence for the Soap. Head back to Sarah and she'll
already have some (*grumbles*). She'll join then.

Weapon (L): Throwing Knife= 8/11
Laser Knife= 20/25/31/35/39/45
Slash Knife= 69/78/89/99/113/128/150

Fate: Working as maid at Marie's inn.


How to recruit: A bath maker in Great Forest, talk to him in the leftmost house
to recruit him. He'll make baths in your castle and fight on your side.

Weapon (S): Long Saw= 22/27/34/41/49/59/70
Giant Saw= 93/105/119/138/160

Fate: Keeping busy designing new bathtubs.


How to recruit: He'sin Antei and says the town name. Once you've gotten Milich
on your side, the dumb town names will have switched back to the old ones.
He'll be thankful and you'll be able to recruit him by talking to him. He'll be
at Freedom Castle...... telling the name of the place. What a purpose....... or
lack there of, your pick.

Fate: Gladly accepts an offer to be keeper of Toran Castle.


How to recruit: In the Burnt Village of the Elves, enter and watch the scene.
Go out and wander back in. He'll be there, talk to him to recruit him and he'll
lend you a Suiko Map (Which is a World Map).

Fate: Departs for the sea in search of the edge of the world.


How to recruit: Another character that doesn't appears to join, but does. He'll
be on your side after you come back from recruiting Lepant.

Weapon (L): Needle= 8/11
Gold Needle= 20/25/31/35/39/45
Super Needle= 69/78/89/99/113/128/150

Fate: Steals Gregminster Palace's treasure and vanishes.


How to recruit: After taking possession of Toran's Castle, go talk to him at
Kwaba's gate and he'll join. He opens an item shop in the castle, he can only
sell merchandise from previously visited item shops though.

Fate: Finally succeeds in opening his own store.


4. Runes & Unite Attacks

This is where all the runes and their attacks wil be, along with the
characters' Unite Attacks. Be sure to report any that are missing!


Boar Rune (Pahn's Rune): A berserk flurry of punches and kicks hits 1 enemy,
makes Pahn dizzy for the next turn.

Fire Rune (Given on Magician's Island): Flaming Arrows= Energy is being charged
and a row of fire burns a column of enemies.
Firestorm= Flames accumulate over the caster and launches in the air. The
flames falls on the target and sends flame rows in a + pattern.
Dancing Flames= Sparks flies from the caster to the sky. A pillar of fire
bursts from the enemies' side and expands as a circle of fire.
Explosion= A fiery-red dome grows around the enemies and charges energy inside.
Explosions abound inside the dome, damaging the enemies and the dome

Soul Eater (Given in Gregminster): Deadly Fingertips= A vortex opens underneath
the target and absorbs it into infinity, doesn't work on bosses.
Black Shadow= A black dome appears in the middle of the enemies and gradually
grows...... damaging all of them.
Hell= A dome of black energy grows to surround all the enemies, it slowly
morphs to a circle around the enemies as it twirls the substance around......
swallowing all enemies present.
Judgment= A pentacle of light surrounds the target and 4 angels appear around
it. The pentacle swirls around while light strike the enemy, damaging it

Wind Rune (Odessa's rune): Wind of Sleep= A burst of feathers erupts on the
battlefield and a strong wind swirls them around, sending the enemies to sleep.
The Shredding= Energy centers on the caster and 2 wind blades are thrown at the
Healing Wind= A light-blue sparkle descends from the sky and heals the targeted
character in a bright pillar of light.
Storm= A long wind blade appears in front of the caster and cuts through the

Clone Rune (Found on Mt. Tigerwolf): The character executes a more powerful
version of his/her normal attack, but gets dizzy for the next turn.

Holy Rune (Sold in Kaku): Enables dashing (O button) to move faster, only 1
active party member needs to have it to work.

Hazy Rune (Toran's Castle): Lowers the chances of the enemies to land a hit on
the bearer of that rune.

Water Rune (Sold in Sarady): Drops of Kindness= A light-blue pillar surrounds
and heals the targeted character.
Fog of Deception= Fog surrounds the enemies, blocking their vision and lowering
their accuracy.
Rain of Kindness= A circle of light expands under the party and bathes all its
members in healing light.
Water of Kindness= Rain pours on the party and a white pillar of light
surrounds your characters, healing them.

Counter Rune (Sold in Great Forest): Increases the chances of counter attacks
from the bearer of the rune.

Earth Rune (Eileen's Rune): Clay Guardian= Light appears overthe caster and a
pillar of light forms on the target, reducing the damage dealt on it.
Voice of Earth= A hole opens under the enemies and absorbs them. The hole
closes and earth shakes. The hole re-opens to spit out the enemeies.
Copper Flesh= A circle expands under the target and a brownish dome surrounds
it. The target bathes in circles of light before the dome re-opens and the
circle disappears. Increases defense.
Earthquake= Rocks fall in front of the enemies and bounce across the
battlefield, hitting all enemies.

Lightning Rune (Sheena's Rune): Angry Blow= The screen flashes and a lightning
bolt strikes the target.
Rainstorm= The screen grows dark and lightning bolts showers all around the
battlefield. Lightning then strikes all the enemeies.
Raging Blow= Lightning strikes multiple times in 4 directions around the
target, closer at each strike. Slight pause and blue lightning bolts
electrocute the target.
Ball Of Lightning= 6 bolts of lightning strike around the target, forming a
pentacle, the pentacle closes in on the enemy and a huge bolt of lightning
strike it.

Phero Rune (Dropped by Beast Commander): Increases defense of the bearer.

Trick Rune (Juppo's Rune): A toy falls from the sky in front of the target and
kicks the targeted enemy.

Falcon Rune (Valeria's Rune): A berserk fury of stabs from her sword followed
by a downward vertical slash.

Killer Rune (Dwarf Trail): The chances for the bearer to deal a critical hit

Turtle Rune (Sold in Village of the Dwarves): The bearer of this rune is immune
against status anomalies.

Sunbeam Rune (Dwarves' Vault): The bearer regenarates a small part of its
energy at each turn.

Gale Rune (Pannu Yakuta): The bearer has speed equal to the double of his
normal speed stat.

True Holy Rune (Stallion's Rune): Same effect as the normal Holy Rune, with an
added power, you can dash on the World Map.

Mother Earth Rune (Hellion's Rune): Voice of Earth= A hole opens under the
enemies and absorbs them. The hole closes and earth shakes. The hole re-opens
to spit out the enemeies.
Copper Flesh= A circle expands under the target and a brownish dome surrounds
it. The target bathes in circles of light before the dome re-opens and the
circle disappears. Increases defense.
Earthquake= Rocks fall in front of the enemies and bounce across the
battlefield, hitting all enemies.
Guardian Of Earth= Yellow light circles glows and surrounds your party.
(Unknown effect).

Spark Rune (Scarleticia Castle): "Change order of attack" (......uh?)

Shrike Rune (Kasumi's Rune): She grabs the target and jumps with it in the air.
She smashes it on the ground.

Fortune Rune (Sold in Kirov): Gives the bearer 2x Experience at the end of each

Hate Rune (Ronnie's Rune): She launches a huge fireball at the enemy....

Rage Rune (Alen's Rune): Firestorm= Flames accumulate over the caster and
launches in the air. The flames falls on the target and sends flame rows in a +
Dancing Flames= Sparks flies from the caster to the sky. A pillar of fire
bursts from the enemies' side and expands as a circle of fire.
Explosion= A fiery-red dome grows around the enemies and charges energy inside.
Explosions abound inside the dome, damaging the enemies and the dome
Final Flame= Flames goes upward from the caster and a meteor showers the
enemies. A glowing dome surrounds and burns them after the shower.

Thunder Rune (Grenseal's Rune): Rainstorm= The screen grows dark and lightning
bolts showers all around the battlefield. Lightning then strikes all the
Raging Blow= Lightning strikes multiple times in 4 directions around the
target, closer at each strike. Slight pause and blue lightning bolts
electrocute the target.
Ball Of Lightning= 6 bolts of lightning strike around the target, forming a
pentacle, the pentacle closes in on the enemy and a huge bolt of lightning
strike it.
Thunder God= Bolts of lightning strikes all around the enemies and leaves balls
of light at the impact point. The balls lift into the sky and a huge pillar of
lightning storms the enemies.

Champion's Crystal (Sold in Warriors' Village): No more weak enemies will be
encountered while the bearer of that rune is in your party.

Resurrection Rune (Fukien's Rune): Scolding= A ray of black energy focuses on
the target and damages it.
Yell= A pillar of light surrounds the targeted charatcer and a japanese symbol
appears in the screen. The japanese symbol splits in two on goes out of the
screen, the charatcer revives.
Scream= A bright pillar of light surrounds the party and a japanese symbol
appears. Light flashes inside the pillar to heal your party.
Charm Arrow= A japanese symbol is hurled at the target and literally melts into
it, damaging the target.

Double-Beat Rune (Eikei's Rune): The bearer of the rune attacks 2 times during
a single turn.

Flowing Rune (Qlon Cave): Fog of Deception= Fog surrounds the enemies, blocking
their vision and lowering their accuracy.
Rain of Kindness= A circle of light expands under the party and bathes all its
members in healing light.
Water of Kindness= Rain pours on the party and a white pillar of light
surrounds your characters, healing them.
Mother Ocean= A blue circle grows under the party and a dome surrounds it.
Sparkles of blue light appear in the dome and restore the party.

Cyclone Rune (Crowley's Rune): The Shredding= Energy centers on the caster and
2 wind blades are thrown at the target.
Healing Wind= A light-blue sparkle descends from the sky and heals the targeted
character in a bright pillar of light.
Storm= A long wind blade appears in front of the caster and cuts through the
Shining Wind= 2 pillars of light appear on the battlefield, one surrounding
your party and the other surrounding the enemies. Rose petals blow across the
battlefield as light bathes both groups. The enemies are heavily damaged as
your party is restored.


Talisman Attack (Gremio & Pahn): Gremio hits the target with his axe while Pahn
double-punches it.

Fisherman Attack (Tai Ho & Yam Koo): Tai Ho jumps to the left of the screen and
Yam Koo to the right. They attack the enemy targeted with a X-shaped hit and
get dizzy for the next turn.

Couple Attack (Eileen & Lepant): Both jump in front of the targeted enemy,
Eileen charges Lepant with fire energy and Lepant blasts through the target.

Bandit Attack (Varkas & Sydonia): Varkas dashes at the target, passing through
it and sending it in the air. Sydonia then comes down and hits the target back

Wild Arrow Attack (Kirkis & Sylvina): The 2 jump in front of the party and each
fire a volley of arrows that hit all enemies. Leaves both dizzy for the next

Trick Attack (Juppo & Meg): Both jump in front of the party and a row of toys
falls in front of them. The toys bounces forward, trampling the enemies.

Bumpy Attack (Krin & Humphrey): Krin jumps in front of the target and throws
something at it. Humprey leaps behind Krin and hits him, sending him on the

Master Pupil Attack (McDohl & Kai): Both jumps in front of the party and warp
next to an enemy, each hit their target, repeat until all enemies were hitten.

Kobold Attack (Gon & Kuromimi): Both jump in front of the target and bounce
toward it. They both slash it at the same time.

Fatal Attack (Gen & Kamandol): Kamandol jumps in the line of sight of the
target and makes a sign. Gen attacks the target, quickly followed by Kamandol's

Carpenter Attack (Gen & Sansuke): Both jump in front of the target and hits it
at the same time.

Pirate Attack (Anji, Leonardo & Kanak): All 3 jump in front of the target and
all of them hit at the same time.

Kobold + 1 Attack (Kuromimi, Gon & Fu Su Lu): Kuromimi & Gon jump in front of
the target and Fu Su Lu jumps behind them. All 3 bounce towards it and Kuromimi
& Gon attack the target. Fu Su Lu jumps in front of it and whacks it 2 times
with his weapon.

Lepant Family Attack (Eileen, Lepant & Sheena): All 3 jump before a row of the
party. Sheena jumps at the target and attacks it, knocking it back. Lepant does
the same and Eileen throws a projectile at the target last.

Beauty Attack (Cleo, Eileen & Valeria): All 3 jump in close formation toward
the enemy and they do a sign. Hearts cover the battlefield and renders the
enemies inactive for this turn.

Elf Attack (Kirkis, Stallion & Sylvina): All 3 jump in front of the party and
they fire an arrow each at the target at the same time.

Beat'em Up Attack (Pahn & Ronnie): Pahn jumps at the target and pummels it with
many punches and kicks. He then knocks it up with an uppercut and Ronnie
launches a huge fireball at it once it drops back down. The fireball drags it
away and it falls down into place after that. Pahn will be dizzy for the next

Pretty Boy Attack (Alen, Grenseal & Flik): All 3 jump in front of the party in
a row and make a sign. Then all 3 dash at the target, bursting through it, one
at a time.

Flash Attack (Kai, Liukan & Fukien): All 3 jump in front of the party and light
emanates, filling the screen in white and hiding your view. Hits are heard and
the light dissipates, all 3 were hitting the target. They will all be dizzy the
next turn.

Martial Arts Attack (Pahn, Eikei & Morgan): All 3 jump in front of the party
and choose each a random target (3 enemies in all). They pummel it with punches
& kicks before knocking it up with an uppercut.

Warriors Attack (Hix & Tengaar): Both jump in front of the target and Tengaar
creates a ring of fire above Hix. Hix hurls the ring of fire at the target.

Ninja Attack (Fuma, Kasumi & Kage): Kage & Fuma jump to the left & right and
Kasumi grabs the target and launches high into the air. Crashes it in the
ground and Fuma & Kage execute an X-Strike attack on it.

Dragon Knight Attack (Futch & Milia): Both jump high in the air, land in front
of the target and hit it at the same time.

Pretty Girl Attack (Camille, Kasumi & Tengaar): Camille jumps at the target and
hits it, Kasumi grabs both the target & her and jumps high in the air. Crashes
the enemy in the ground and Tengaar and launches an attack against the target
after this. Kasumi is left dizzy for the next turn.

Blacksmith Attack (Maas, Meese, Mose & Moose): All of them rush and attack the
target in this order: Maas, Meese, Mose, Moose.


5. Ultimate Rune Attacks

This is the section where the Rune magic combination attacks will take
place...... Each with the respective Rune elements combination.

To cast a combined runic spell... you must use the 4rth spell of 2 "harmonic
runes", the harmonic runes are listed below. The 2 spells must be used on the
same turn, the rest will be done automaticly. You can use the advanced
(Flowing, Cyclone, etc...) Runes' 4rth spell too.

Lightning (Ball Of Lightning) & Fire (Explosion): A black triangle appears
under the enemies and 3 pillars of fire burts at the points. Lightning strikes
in the triangle multiple times.

Fire (Explosion) & Earth (Earthquake): A bright yellow circle grows under the
enemies and rocks/flames shoot to the sky from it. Rock crash around the circle
and the circle itself vanishes.

Earth (Earthquake) & Wind (Storm): A pack of big boulders come swirling over
the enemies and form a whole. A blast of winds spread them on the enemies and
they explode upon impact.

Wind (Storm) & Water (Water Of Kindness): A yellow cone appears over your party
and a black cone covers the enemies. Stars swirls in the black cone and petals
swirls in the yellow cone. Blue boulders crash around the black cone and your
party is healed before both cones vanish.

Lightning (Ball Of Lightning) & Water (Water Of Kindness): A blue dome forms
around your party and a huge bolt of lightnign strikes the target. Energy flows
throguh the dome, healing your party while the target gets hit by 3 huge bolts.


6. Walkthrough

This is the official walkthrough, separated in various steps. I'll try to make
it as detailed as possible.

Items: NONE.

Talk to Teo, it's the man neaby when you begin and you'll go meet the meperor
Barbarosa. Teo will be given the emperor's sword and you'll be asked a
question. The best answer is: "Yes, Your Highness.". YoU,ll be on your way
after that. Follow the corridor down the stairs and pass on the red-carpet
corridor. You'll be stopped by Teo, go talk to Kraze to the left (He's such an
arrogant fellow) and go back to Teo.

You'll automaticly wander back home and be greeted by Gremio. Head out of the
house and go gear up the main character at the armory. Return to your house
after that and talk to everyone (Don't forget to scare up Pahn!!). Go upstairs
to meet up with Ted and go into the room to the left. Agree to let him join the
party (Of course.) and you'll be called for supper.

Go seat yourself on the empty seat and you'll be going to sleep after some
talk. Watch the small sleep in Black & White and Gremio will wake you up next
morning. Gremio will join the party there and go downstairs after that to get
Pahn & Cleo to join. Try to leave and Ted will come and join the party. Head to
the castle and speak to Kraze.

The answer to his question is (Northeast of Gregminster). Leave the castle and
a scene will be triggered. I suggest you leave the town and battle to gain
money to equip all the members of your team with thebest stuff, but it's not

Items: Medecine x6, Leather Coat x1, Fire Crystal x1.

Go to the stables to the right of the entrance to the castle and speak to Futch
(The man near the Black Dragon). You will depart to Magician's Island. Go up to
another screen and follow the path to the next screen. Collect the Medecine to
the left and head back to the right. Follow the path to the next screen and
take the path to the right at the intersection for a Leather Coat.

Go back to the intersection and go to the left this time. You'll encounter Luc
who will send a Golem after you. Use Talisman Attack from Gremio & Pahn for big
damage against it, it shouldn't pose a threat. Follow the path in the castle
and up the stairs. Speak to Leknaat at the top and go up after that. Listen to
Leknaat making her prophetic speech and go back down to reunite with the party
(Leknaat will give a Fire Crystal to Cleo).

Luc will warp you back to the shore of the island and you'll head back to
Gregminster. Head into the castle and talk to Kraze there. You'll give him the
Astral Conclusions from Leknaat and you'll be sent to Rockland with Kanaan the
coward. Save & Rest at the inn and head out of town.

Items: Boots x1, Medecine x12, ? Pot x1, 1000 bits, Defense Rune Piece x1,
Escape Talisman x1, Leggings x1, Thunder Rune Piece x1.

Head to the right between the mountains to Rockland. Go to the armory to outfit
your characters with the best possible equipment. Go into the house in the back
of the village and you'll be asked if you want to get rid of the bandits by
Ted. Answer "Of course." and go out of town (Saving & Resting before, if

Go to the right and on the mountains you'll see, that's Mt. Seifu. Go up the
road and Kanaan will do a little speech. Continue inside a cave and go to the
right at the intersection for Boots along with Medecine. Head back to the left
through the cave entrance and go to the screen to the left for a ? Pot.

Go back to the previous screen and take the leftmost path leading up for 1000
bits. Go backto the previous screen and take the 3rd path from the left,
leading up for a Defense Rune Piece. Go back to all the paths and take the 2nd
one from the left, leading up to another screen. Continue to the next one and
go collect the Escape Talisman along with the Medecine to the left. Collect the
Leggings to the right and go up to the next screen.

Go up the stairs to the next floor and follow the path to battle against the
Queen Ant. Just focus on killing the never-ending flow of small ants until the
battle interrupts itself. Ted will ask to try something, accept (OK, Ted.) and
he'll kill the Queen Ant using an unknown power. Continue along the path until
you come to an intersection, go up for a Thunder Rune Piece and head to the
next screen down below. Save at the crystal there.

Go up the stairs and you'll encounter the thieves (Varkas and Sydonia). You'll
have to dispose of a group of Bandits (See? I told you Kanaan was a coward!).
they shouldn't pose a problem. You'll have to fight Varkas and Sydonia right
after that. Get rid of Sydonia first and don't forget to make use of the
Talisman Attack! Use the Fire Rune on Varkas for big damage too.

This fight should be a breeze. You'll capture the bandits and head back to the
beginning of Mt. Seifu. Leave the area to the World Map and head back to
Rockland to the left. Go Save & Rest at the inn and sell un-necessary stuff.
Head to the house at the end of the town and Kanaan will be gifted with 10000
bits (grumble, grumble) for "capturing" the bandits. Leave the town and head
back to Gregminster to the left.


Listen to the scene when entering (Kanaan and Ted will leave the party) and
head to McDohl's house. You'll automaticly go to eat and go talk to Gremio when
he enters the room. Go down on the first floor and you'll find Ted lying on the
doorway, wounded. OF COURSE, choose to Help Ted!!!! Ted will relate the events
when he comes around and you'll learn about the Soul Eater.

Go talk to Pahn outside the room after that and Ted will wake up, explaining a
little about the Soul Eater. Say "What is it, Ted?" to his question first and
answer "I'll take it, Ted. Don't worry." to his request. The cursed rune "Soul
Eater" will be bestowed upon you and something will happen. Go at the front
door to see Pahn brought the Imperial Guards and Ted will want to surrender
himself to the Imperials.

Say "All right." since you can't advance otherwise. You'll escape through the
back door, go to the inn and you'll rest up there. Go down to the 1rst floor of
the inn and talk to the first man at the table there (Viktor). Try to leave to
encounter Imperials, I personnaly like to tell them "Shut up, you fool.", but
that's just me. Viktor will stumble in to bail you out and leave.

Follow him and talk to him again. Answer "All right. Help us out." to his
question and Viktor will join the group. Go outfit him at the armory and go to
the town's gates. Viktor will arrange something with the guard there and you'll
pass through. Viktor will ask you something (Answer "It's a promise.") and
you'll leave the town. Head to the south to Lenankamp and head to the inn to
rest. You'll watch a scene and the Imperials will burst in the inn.

Answer his question however you want (I like "Let's fight." better though) and
examine the clock to uncover a secret passageway. Go into the second room on
the way down and watch the scene. Answer "Maybe I should join the Liberation
Army." to Gremio's question and talk to everyone. Go back to the stairs to find
a wounded man, you'll learn that the bandits you captured worked for the
Liberation Army. Say "It's our fault." (Be honest) and go back up to the town.

Items: Medecine x6, Brass Armor x1, ? Ornament x1, 1700 bits.

Head to the local blacksmith's shop to sharpen your weapons to level 5 and go
to the Armory to equip yourselves. Go out of own and head to the north to
Gregminster. Don't enter the city and go to the right to Rockland. Head to the
door at the back of the village and talk to the guard in front of the door.
Viktor will create a diversion and you'll be able to enter the house.

Do so, go to the left and you'll battle 2 Empire Soldiers (Easy). Collect the
Medecine in the room and continue to a room where you'll battle 2 Empire
Soldiers. Go in the next hallway and enter the first room to the right to
battle against 3 Empire Soldiers along with an Empire Captain. Collect the
Brass Armor after that and go into the next room to the left for a battle
against 3 Empire Soldiers along with an Empire Captain.

Go into the next room to the right for a ? Ornament and go into the next
hallway. Go into the room to the right for 1700 bits and go into the room to
the left to battle against 5 Empire Soldiers along with an Empire Captain. Go
outside and talk to Varkas. They'll join you (Temporarly, and not in battle)
and backtrack through the mansion.

Listen to Grady near the entrance and go outside. Varkas & Sydonia will leave
and go out of town right after them. Go to the left to Gregminster and go south
to Lenankamp. Go to the leftto Gregminster and go south to Lenankamp. Go sell
un-necessary stuff and Save & Rest at the inn. Go into the hideout under the
clock in the inn and talk to Odessa. You'll be asked a choice, answer "My
father goes his way, I go mine" and Odessa will join the party.

Items: Circlet x1, Medecine x12, Gloves x1, Wind Rune Piece x1, ? Pot x1, Clone
Crystal x1, 1000 bits.

Go back in town and outfit Odessa with the best equipment from the armory. Go
out of town and go to the northwest. Cross the bridge there and continue to a
mountain path to the north. That's Mt. Tigerwolf, listen to everyone and go
collect the Circlet nearby. Go to the next screen to the right and continue to
the next screen to the north, collecting the Medecine along the way.

Continue along the path and collect the Gloves to the left of the screen.
Continue to the next screen to the north and continue farther north to another
screen. Go to the left for a Wind Rune Piece and continue along the path to the
next screen to the north. You'll come by an inn and be greeted by Ledon. Answer
"Me too." and answer "Just a taste, then." to the other choice once you're

You'll all fall asleep due to thetea and Kessler will make Ledon wake you up.
Go talk to Kessler in the night and everybody will wake up. You can go back
inside to Save after that. Head north 2 screens after the inn to a small
intersection and collect the ? Pot to the right. Go to the next screen to the
north and collect the Medecine to the left. Head to the next screen by the
right path and collect the Clone Crystal there. Go back to the previous screen
and go up the stairs to the left.

Collect the 1000 bits to the right along the way and leave the area by the
north. Go to Sarady to the north and listen to the party. Eneter the building
to the right and rest there. Go talk to Odessa on the balcony in the night and
answer "What is it?" to her question. Answer "I don't understand." to her next
question and Kage will come along to get hold of the Fire Spear blueprints. Go
back to your bed and you'll be on your way back after that. Save at the inn and
leave the town.

Trek all the way back to Lenankamp, through Mt. Tigerwolf again. Head to the
inn there and you'll find the innkeeper, wounded. You can save by talking to
the downed innkeeper. Go to the hideout under the clock in the right room and
battle the 5 Empire Soldiers to the left. Go in the next room to the south to
battle another group of 5 Empire Soldiers and go south again. Odessa will yell
and you'll have to battle another 5 Empire Soldiers.

Go to Odessa after that and she'll be dying. She'll give you an Earring and
answer "As you wish." to her final request, it's heartless, but it's the only
way. You'll now have the spell "Deadly Fingertips" for the Soul Eater. Save &
Rest at the inn after that and head out of town.

Items: NONE.

Go to the south to Kwaba and listen to the party. Choose whatever fake name you
want and you'll sound like an idiot anyways. Go south to meet the guards and
Gremio will put up some act so you may pass. Listen to the party on the other
side and answer "I understand, Gremio." to the choice you'll be given. Leave
the area and enter Seika to the south.

Go talk to Mathiu to the north-west, before the steps and go in the house up
the steps. Go talk to the kid near the paper on the wall and return to talk
with Mathiu outside. He'll head back ito his house and go talk to him there.
Leave the house and listen to the party. Imperials will head to Mathiu's house,
follow them and you'll have to choose again. Choose "Help them, of course." and
answer "Survivors of the Rebel Army." to the Imperial's question.

Fight the 3 Empire Soldiers and go talk to Mathiu after that. Answer "But
Odessa...." to his question and answer "I'll do it." to his request. He'll tell
you about an abandoned castle in the middle of Lake Toran, go to the inn to
Save & Rest and leave the town.

Items: Mega Medecine x3, Toe Shoes x1, Antitoxin x8, 2000 bits, Power Rune
Piece x1, Pointed Hat x1, Medecine x6, Hazy Crystal x1, Wind Crystal x1.

Go to the left to a lake and go south to Kaku. Save & Rest at the inn and go
outfit yourself at the armory, go sharpen your weapons if they're not level 5
already. Head to the bar and talk to the girl near the counter (Camille).
She'll pick on Gremio and Viktor will offer her a deal, she'll join the party
there. Go outfit her at the armory (She's very poorly equipped) and go sharpen
her weapon at the blacksmith.

Go talk to the bartender in the (obviously) bar and go downstairs. Talk to Tai
Ho to the left of the room and play the game with him, remember that you must
have at least 1000 bits to do so. Listen to the rules and beat him at this game
to get him to sail to Toran's Castle. Talk to Tai Ho at the pier and you'll
sail to Toran Castle. Tai Ho will join you there. I suggest going back to town
so you can outfit him with the best equipment and sharpen his weapon to level 5
since he's rather weak now.

Save & Rest at the inn and return to Toran's Castle. Follow the port to the
right for a Mega Medecine and enter the cave. Follow the path to an
intersection by a lake, go to the south, passing by the lake to reach the chest
for a pair of Toe Shoes and return to the previous intersection. Follow the
path to the right to the next screen and go north to the 4-way intersection for

Go south for 2000 bits and continue to the right after that to the next screen.
Go up the stairs and go to the next screen to the right. Go down the 2 set of
stairs for a Power Rune Piece and continue to the last intersection to the
right. Go to the north for a Pointed Hat and go to the south for Medecine.
Continue to the next screen to the south and go up the stairs there. Go to the
next screen to the left and follow the path to the end for Antitoxin.

Save at the save point there. Go to the next screen to the north and go up the
stairs there. Go to the next screen to the right and go through an hidden
tunnel to the south for a Hazy Crystal (A bit tricky to reach). Continue along
the path to a wall, find a place to pass through for a Wind Crystal and go to
the next screen to the south. Go down the nearby stairs all the way to a boss,
Zombie Dragon.

Use everything you have against it, it's fairly rough. It's weak against the
fire element. The fog will dissipate after the battle, you'll have to decide
for a name (I choose "Freedom Castle" and I shall refer to it as such from now
on) and you'll have a meeting after that.

Leknaat will appear and she'll give you the Stone Tablet of Promise (To keep
track of who you have recruited) along with a new member, Luc. Mathiu will tell
about Lepant and you'll wake up the next day. Go talk to Mathui to the far
right and Viktor will join along with Cleo. Choose 2 other party members and go
out on the pier. Head back to Kaku and Save at the inn.

Items: Shoulder Pads x1, Medecine x6, Counter Crystal x1, Speed Rune Piece x1,
Fire Rune Piece x1, Leather Armor x1, White Paint x1, Water Rune Piece x1, ?
Ornament x1, 700 bits.

Go outfit your new characters at the armory and sharpen their weapons to level
5. Head to the bar and talk to Sergei at the counter. Just talking to him will
get him to join your army, he'll install an elevator in your castle. Go outfit
him and sharpen his weapons if you want. Go out of town and head to Seiko to
the north a little to the right. Continue to Kwaba to the north and talk to
Chandler there to recruit him, he'll open an item shop in your castle.

Head to Seika to the south and enter the inn. Talk to Marie to recruit her and
she'll open an inn in your castle. head to the house to the north of the inn
and talk to Onil to recruit her useless presence. Head back to the castle and
to the 1rst floor. Talk to Marie multiple times WITHOUT staying until she
mentions that she needs a cook then, return to Seika. Enter the inn and talk to
Antonio there to recruit him, he'll just be providing food for your growing

Go outfit Antonio and charpen his weapons to level 5. Go to the south to Great
Forest and Save & Rest at the inn. Head to the blacksmith and talk to Maas to
get him to join your side. He can sharpen your weapons to level 5. Go outfit
him and sharpen his weapon if you want. GO in the house to the left and talk to
Sansuke to recruit him. He'll make baths in your castle. Go outfit him at the
armory in Kaku if you want. Go to the north and to the left of the Great Forest
to get to Kouan.

Save & Rest at the inn. Go outfit your characters at the armory and go identify
your items at the appraiser. Head to Lepant's house to the left and up. Talk to
Giovanni in front of the door and you'll be told to bug off *subtedly*. Go talk
to Krin at the inn and answer "Tell me what you have in mind." to his question.
Listen to Krin's plan and you'll be in the night after that.

Go talk to Krin to the right of Lepant's house and go up the rope. Go down the
ladder to the left and go collect the Shoulder Pads you'll see there. Head to
the screen to the south and go down the ladder there. Talk to Rock there to
recruit him, he'll manage a vault in your castle. Collect the 700 bits and
Medecine nearby. Go through the door Rock went through and you'll have to avoid
some robots. Pass under the first two, go up past another one. Go to the left
past 2 and go up past 1.

Go to the right past one and continue up past the last one. Go collect the
Counter Crystal to the right and go through the door to the north. Go collect
the Speed Rune Piece in the room to the right and continue south, down the
stairs. Go in the room to the north of the stairs for a Fire Rune Piece and go
in the next room to the left for a Leather Armor. Go in the next room to the
left for Medecine and the next room after this one for White Paint.

Continue to the left and talk to Juppo, he'll run off. Head in the next door to
the left and try your luck at the wheel until you get to the other side. Go up
to the sword and take it. Head all the way back to Krin and you'll go back to
the inn. Krin will offer some tea (yeah, right....) and end up sleeping after
some scene. Lepant will break in the inn and answer "Um, Mathiu recommended
you." to his query.

Answer "I understand. We'll return your sword." to his next query and Giovanni
will come in. You'll learn that the Imperials took Lepant's wife hostage, Save
& Rest at the inn and head outside. Head up the stairs to the north and watch
Lepant break inside the house. Go through the door and Lepant will go even
farther. Go into the room to the south for a Water Rune Piece and go in the
room to the north after that. You'll have to kick out a member of your party
for Lepant to join and battle 6 Empire Soldiers.

Go up the stairs and follow the path through 2 doors. Go in the left room for a
? Ornament and head in the right room after that. You'll encounter Kraze there
and you'll have to battle 6 Empire Soldiers. Kraze will hold Eileen hostage and
call out..... Pahn! Pahn will ward off Kraze and you'll have a choice, choose
"Get the hell out of here." if you feel grateful, but I don't think the
decision affects the story since you won't see him again.

Talk to Lepant after this and he will join along with his wife. Talk to Pahn
after this and answer "Pahn, lend us a hand." to recruit him, also KEEP HIM
STRONG. Very important, since he has a crucial battle (Life or Death) to fight
in the game. Now, head back to Freedom Castle and go to the first floor to meet
Varkas & Sydonia again. They'll join the army along with Juppo/Krin who both
kinda tagged along it seems.

Answer "Let's do it." to Mathiu's suggestion and you'll end up holding a
banquet. Go out of the room and you'll be attacked by an Assassin. Dispose of
it quickly, Deadly Fingertips DOESN'T work, by the way. He'll run away. Go to
bed after that and you'll wake up the next morning.

Items: Gauntlet x1, Escape Talisman x1, Needle x1, Water Rune Piece x1, Fortune
Rune Piece x1.

Head to the pier and you'll find Kirkis there, half-drowned. You'll take him
inside (Yes, it's a he) and he'll ask something. Answer "Of course." and Mathiu
will decide on the best COA (Send a reconnaissance party, you). Kirkis joins
here and choose the remaining members you want on your side. Head back to the
pier and outside. NOW, should be a good time to outfit all those new characters
you got, no?

Once all characters are outfitted or if you plainly want to continue onward, be
sure to return to Freedom Castle. Put Juppo & Lepant in your party and Save &
Rest at the inn. Head to the pier and out to the sea. Go to Kaku and talk to
Meg near the inn to get her to join (Thanks to Juppo). Head out of town and to
the north & right to Seika. Enter the inn and talk to Sheena to recruit him
(Thanks to Lepant).

Now, go outfit those 2 new charatcer if you want and head to select your party
to head to the elves' town. Now, head back to Great Forest (To the far south of
Kaku) and a villager will "greet" you. Go Save & Rest at the inn after that. Go
to the left into the forest until a scene triggers itself. Follow the path to a
log over a waterfall in the next screen.

Viki will appear when you attempt to cross the log and you'll be albe to
recruit her. Go to the next screen to the right (Go past the stairs gor a
Gauntlet and go down the stairs you went past. Go to the next area to the right
for an Escape Talisman and go cross the log to the left to another screen.
Collect the Needle there and the Water Rune Piece a little to the south. Go to
the right from there to the next screen and continue to the next one after
that. Collect the Fortune Rune Piece and continue to the next screen to the

Continue to the Kobold Village after that and Kuromimi will show up. Go out to
the right and head to the south to a small path between forests. Enter the
special tree you see there to get in the Village of the Elves. Use the crystal
there to Save. Go up the rope ladder and watch the scene there. Go Save & Rest
at the inn and go outfit your characters at the armory. While doing so, McDohl
will most likely reach level 25. When he does, head back to Kouan to the north
& left of Great Forest and enter the inn.

Talk to Lorelai there, she'll examine you (Check your level, to be more
precise) and join if you're level 25 or higher. Go outfit her and return to
Village of the Elves. Head to the biggest house at the end of the Village of
the Elves and watch the scene there. Once Sylvina stops talking, talk to the
elder and you'll end up being imprisoned. Talk to Stallion near you and to
Valeria to the left.

You'll learn about Kwanda's plan from her and walk around after that to trigger
an event (Usually by going to the right door). Sylvina will come along and
she'll free you all. Stallion will make a run for it and answer "I agree." to
Kirkis' question. Head out of the village and Valeria & Sylvina will catch up
at the entrance. Valeria will join there, go outfit her at the armory.

Items: Feather x1, Karate Uniform x1, Sacrificial Buddha x1, Guard Robe x1,
Killer Crystal x1, Medecine x6, Fortune Rune Piece x1.

Leave the town and head to the right to Dwarf Trail. Follow the path to the
next screen and pass in the hidden path to the left for a Feather. Continue to
the next screen to the north and take the hidden path to the right for a Karate
Uniform. Continue to an intersection and go to the left for a Sacrificial
Buddha. Return to the intersection and head to the right this time.

At the next intersection, continue up the rope ladder for a Guard Robe and go
to the right. Pass through the hidden path to the right for a partly-hidden
Killer Crystal and go up the second rope ladder. Follow the path to an
intersection, collect the Medecine to the south and head to the next screen to
the north. Go straigth ahead for a Fortune Rune Piece and follow the path to
the next screen to the north.

You'll see Kuromimi here and he'll run right past you all. Continue to the next
screen to the north and Save at the crystal there. Go to the next screen to the
right and follow the path outside. Go to the north to Village of the Dwarves.

Items: Sunbeam Crystal x1, Medecine x12, Magic Robe x1, Blue Ribbon x1, Thunder
Rune Piece x1, Pointed Hat x1, Skill Rune Piece x1, Mega Medecine x3, Escape
Talisman x1, Defense Rune Piece x1, 5000 bits.

Go Save & Rest at the inn and go talk to Meese over the blacksmith's place. If
Maas was recruited earlier on, he'll join. Go outfit everyone at the armory and
sharpen your weapons to level 9. Head to the house to the north & left corner
of the town and talk to the dwarf elder there.

He'll ask to prove your ability to break into their vault, answer "Let's give
it a try." and he'll ask you to bring back something from their vault, as proof
of your deed. Go Save & Rest at the inn and head out of town. Go to the north
and enter Dwarves Vault. Talk to the dwarf there and go down the stairs. Go
down all the sets of stairs and take the doorway to the south at the bottom.

Flip all 3 levers there (From left to right) and take the rightmost path down.
Collect the Sunbeam Crystal along the path and take the southern doorway. Go
down all the sets of stairs and take the north doorway at the bottom. Turn to
the right and take the next path to the north. Go past a passage to the right
for a Medecine and go take the passage you passed by for a Magic Robe.

Return near the beginning of this screen and take the first path to the south.
Go to the left, past a passage to the north, for a Blue Ribbon and go take the
passage you went past to get to the next screen. Go down all the sets of stairs
and take the south doorway at the bottom. Take the rightmost platform, the left
platform and south platform for a Thunder Rune Piece.

Go back 2 platforms, take the south one and exit via the southern doorway. Go
down all the sets of stairs and take the north doorway. Go to the right and
take the last passage south for a Pointed Hat. Take the passage to the north a
little before for a Skill Rune Piece and take the next passage to the north.
Collect the Medecine along the way and continue to the next screen. Press on
the 2 switches in this order: Left, right, right, left, left, left, right,

The door will open, go inside and go to the left at the intersection for a Mega
Medecine. Go to the right for 5000 bits and go north after that. Go down the
stairs there and go to the south. Go to the left of the stairs there for an
Escape Talisman and godown the stairs after that. Continue to battle Gigantes.
Here's my strategy:

Viktor= Clone Rune.
Pahn & Gremio= Talisman Attack.
Valeria= Falcon Rune.
McDohl= Attack or Healing.
Kirkis= The Shredding (Wind Rune), switch to healing when out of MP.

That takes care of him rather quickly. Pass to the next screen and collect the
Defense Rune Piece to the left. Collect the Running Water Root in the middle
room and use an Escape Talisman to get out (You should have plenty of them).
Head back to Village of the Dwarves to the south and Save & Rest at the inn
(Don't forget to sell all the un-necessary stuff you got).

Head to the north & right house and talk to the elder there. You'll learn about
the Firewind Cannon and you'll be sent back to Village of the Elves.

Items: Steel Shield x1, Thunder Rune Piece x1, Half Armor x1, Gauntlet x1,
Medecine x6, Old Book Vol.1 x1, Gale Crystal x1.

Go out of town and to the south & left to Dwarf Trail. Backtrack all the way
through it (Refer to the previous walkthrough on this area if you want, but it
goes the other way through it). You'll see a forest fire in the distance while
coming back. Head out of the area by the next exit and head to the left to
Burnt Village of the Elves. Watch the scene and Save at the save crystal after

Go out of the area and go back in. Talk to Templeton there to recruit him and
he'll give you a map to guide you around the world. Head back out and go to the
north to Great Forest. Kuromimi will be there, surrounded by Imperials. Answer
"Stop it, Valeria" to her query and she'll leave the party anyways. You'll be
double-crossed (Never saw that coming, eh?) and Kuromimi will join your party.

Battle the 6 Veteran Soldiers (Blah there) and Mathiu will arrive with all your
forces. Sylvina will show up and Stallion too. Answer "All right, all troops
forward." to Mathiu's query and you'll be prompted to Battle at Pannu Yakuta

Make sure nobody dies in a battle like this, if it happens, restart the battle
from scratch. Use the Thieves to see the opponents' next move. Charge is beaten
by magic, magic by bow and bow by charge. Use your strongest teams first.
Enhance the power of Charge with the Strategists (Only when Charge is to be
used). Should be an easy battle.

Kwanda will try to use the Burning Mirror and the dwarves will break it before
anything happens. The party from there will be chosen automaticly (It's a good
party anyways). You can head back to Village of the Dwarves to outfit Kuromimi,
but it's uneeded. Continue straigth ahead and enter the castle. Go in the door
to the right to rest and go in the door to the left for a Steel Shield.

Go up the nearby stairs and go north for a Thunder Rune Piece. Enter the nearby
door and go down to the first floor. Go in the upper room to the left for an
Half Armor and go in the middle room to the right for a Gauntlet. Go back up to
the second floor and go in the upper room to the left for a Medecine. GO into
the upper room to the right for Old Book Vol.1 and go in the lower room to the
right for a Gale Crystal.

Go up to the 3rd floor and enter the door there. Go straigth ahead to battle
against Dragon, here's my strategy:

Viktor: Clone Rune, healing when unbalanced.
Kuromimi: Attack, healing when needed.
Valeria: Falcon Rune.
McDohl: Attack, healing when needed.
Gremio: Attack, healing when needed.
Kirkis: The Shredding (Wind Rune), switch to Attack & Healing when out of MP.

That should dispose of it easily. Make sure McDohl is healed fully, head
through the door behind the throne and head upwards. Head through the door to
the south and confront Kwanda. You'll have to battle him in a one-on-one duel
with McDohl. Tell his next move by his sayings, if he says something
aggressive, it's a Desesperate Attack, something neutral, an Attack or
something fearful, Defense.

Use Defense to counter Desesperate Attack, use Attack against everything
else..... (You can try Desesperate Attack agaisnt Attack, if you think that's
what is coming). Once he's down for the count, watch the scene and examine
Kwanda's body after that. Answer "Something's wrong." to Kwanda (Hold back your
blood lust, he's one of the 108 Stars after all) and answer "I want you to join
us." to his query.

He'll join the Liberation Army to regain the righteous rule of the Empire.
You'll return at the entrance of the castle, watch the scene and Kirkis will
officially join there. Along with Sylvina and Stallion. Also, Kuromimi and
Valeria will officially join too. Answer "Let's go, then!" to Mathiu's query
and you'll be back to Freedom Castle. GO inside and you'll end up in the
highest floor of the castle.

Items: None.

Go down one floor and head in the room to the right. Watch the sceneand answer
"You're right." to Mathiu's request. Viktor will join there, go down to the
basement and take the boat. Go to Kaku to the right and enter the hosue to the
north of the pier. Talk to Flik and answer "Of course." to his request.

He'll join there, along with Humphrey, although nothing says so. Head back to
Freedom Castle and go to the room on the 3rd floor. Talk to FLik and answer
"Prepare to depart." to Mathiu's request. You'll enter Battle at Fortress of
Garan. Use the same strategy as the first war battle and it should go fine.
Don't forget that NOBODY must die in a war battle.

Remember, Magic beats Charge, Bow beats Magic and Charge beats Bow. Watch the
scene after the battle and you'll enter Battle at Scarleticia Castle. You'll
lose whatever you do so.... accept the defeat. Watch the scene after that and
answer "Okay. Come with us." to Gremio's query. Choose the remaining members of
the party by talking to Mathiu.

Go outfit all the new charatcers you just got. Head back to Freedom Castle and
put Kuromimi in your party. Head out of the castle and to the right to Kaku.
Enter the bar and head to the basement. Talk to Gaspar there and accept the
challenge. It's the same mini-game as with Tai Ho, but you must win 5000 bits
now. Once you succeed, he'll join up.

Head out of town and to Seika to the north & right. Enter the upper-right house
and talk to Apple there. Answer "Because Mathiu wanted to." to her query and
she'll join. Head out of town and to Kouan to the south of Kaku. Go to the left
from there to Garan and talk to Kai there. He'll join right away. Head back out
and go to Great Forest to the south & right of Kouan.

Go through the forest to the Kobold Village and enter the hosue to the south.
Talk to Gon to recruit him (Thanks to Kuromimi) and go back out. Head to the
inn and talk to Fu Su Lu. You must pay for his food (10000 bits) to recruit
him, do so. Return to Freedom Castle and outfit these new characters.

Items: Mega Medecine x3, Blinking Mirror x1, Black Paint x1.

Go back to Garan Fortress and go across it. Head to Teien to the left and go
buy the Yellow Flower Seeds & Yellow Paint at the item shop. GO in the inn and
talk to Hellion. Recruit her by talking to her. Collect the 2 chests, Mega
Medecine and the VERY useful Blinking Mirror. Sharpen the weapons of your
charatcers if you can and head out of town.

Go to the south to Rikon and buy Blue Flower Seeds along with Blue Paint at the
item store. Go to the inn and talk to Lotte on the 2nd Floor. She'll ask to
find her cat, head back to Kaku and catch the cat there. Return to talk to
Lotte in Rikon and she'll join. Go talk to the man in the lower-left corner of
the village twice and head out of town.

Fight enemies until you obtain a Nameless Urn (Dropped by Holly Fairy), go back
in Rikon and make Jabba try to appraise the Nameless Urn. He'll fail and you
can recruit him so he becomes the appraiser at your castle. Go Save & Rest at
the inn. Take the boat to the south of the town and follow the river to the
south all the way to some Rapids.

Return to Rikon and watch the scene. Head out of town and north to Teien. Enter
the first house to the north of the town and talk to Gen there. Answer "We need
a boat that can beat the rapids" to his query and he'll join. Go to the next
house to the right and watch the scene. Enter the house once Kamandol is
finished bablling and talk to him again. Kamandol will join there and you'll
have to carry the hefty engine.

Head out of town and to the south to Rikon. Listen to the scene there and go
out of the inn the next morning. Watch the scene and board the boat. Use the
Blinking Mirror to get back to Freedom Castle and put Tai Ho & Yam Koo in your
party. Head out of the castle and sail to the north of Teien to the Pirates'

Talk to Anji and choose to Fight. You must dispose of all 3 pirates in 5 or
less turns, so use the most powerful techs at your disposal. They'll join once
you beat them. Return to Rikon after that and Save & Rest at the inn. Head to
the boat to the south of the town and follow the river south, past the rapids
to Liukan's Hermitage. Enter his house and collect the Black Paint there.

Go back outside and talk to Liukan. Milich swoops by on a flying dragon and
abducts Liukan before you come to enough sense to stop him. Now ya gonna rescue
him from Soniere Prison.. oh bother......

Items: Silver Necklace x1, Old Book Vol.6 x1, Antitoxin x4, Half Helmet x1,
Sound Setting 0 x1.

Exit the place and use the Blinking Mirror to return to Freedom Castle. Head to
the 4rth floor and speak to Mathiu in the room to the right. He'll give you a
letter and send you to meet Kimberly in Antei (Or Bier Blanche... ick). Head to
the basement and talk to Viki. Warp to Teien and go out of town.

Head to the left to Antei and head to the inn. Make sure McDohl is equipped
with Toe Boots (Accessory.... sold in the Armory in Antei) and talk to Mina.
Accept to dance with her (It's automatic dancing, just watch) and she'll join
afterwards. Head to the Armory and talk to Chapman to recruit him, he'll set an
Armory in your castle.

Go outfit everybody at the Armory and head to the Rune Shop. Talk to Jeane to
get her to join your growing army. Happy be you! You got a Rune Shop in your
castle now! Head to the inn to Save & Rest. Head out ofthe inn and to the small
house directly behind the inn. Talk to Kimberly and you'll automaticly give her
the letter. She'll join after a dinner with Flik (AKA, Pretty Boy, heh heh

Head out of this house and head in the bigger one a tad bit north. Talk to
"Albert" there and Viktor will trick him out of disguise. He'll join, head out
of town and use the Blinking Mirror to get back to Freedom Castle. Head to the
4rth floor and talk to Mathiu in the room to the right. He'll give you the Fake
Orders to enter Soniere Prison.

Note: In Soniere Prison, there are Nightmare Enemies that will drop Opals
sometimes, be sure to get one so you can recruit Esmeralda.

Head to the basement and talk to Viki. Warp to Rikon and head out of town. Go
to the left to Soniere and try to enter the prison. The guards will block your
way and Viktor will show them the Fake Orders. Enter the prison and go to the
right at the intersection. Go down in the bedroom for a Silver Necklace and go
back up to save at the crystal.

Head back to the left and follow the path for the Old Book Vol.6. Continue
along the path, activate the lever to open the door and continue to the next
floor. Go down all the set of stairs until you come to the bottom and follow
the path to an Antitoxin. Continue along the path past all the cells to the
next floor and you'll have to battle 3 Veteran Soldiers. Once they're out of
the way, you will open the door, continue to battle 3 Veteran Soldiers to open
the next door.

Battle the 5 Veteran Soldiers directly south of there to access an Half Helmet,
go battle the 5 Veteran Soldiers guarding the cell to the left of this one for
the Sound Setting 0. Go to the next cell to the left and a scene will trigger.
Flik will open the cell (Rather easy, no? Liukan should have walked right
out......, oops, those guards before....) and Liukan will join the entourage
(not party).

Now, backtrack all the way to the first floor (Escape Talismans don't work and
with a reason). Milich will trap you in the small room with the lever and free
man-eating spores that will eat you alive. Gremio will sacrifice himself for
your safety and Mathiu will come back later to free you. Whatever you yell at
Gremio will have no effect, he won't open the door no matter what. You'll be in
Freedom Castle after this sad event and you'll now be able to use the "Black
Shadow" spell of the Soul Eater.

Items: Red Paint x1, Magic Robe x1, Spark Crystal x1, Window Setting x1, Magic
Rune Piece x1.

Head to the right, talking to everyone and go to the north & right room there.
A scene will trigger, Liukan will give the Antitoxin against the poison flowers
and will join your cause. Say "All right. Let's begin asembling the troops." to
begin the attack and use the same strategies as before to win the war battle.
Remember, NOBODY must die.

Once you've won Battle at Scarleticia Castle, you'll be at its entrance, choose
the party and head outside first. Use the Blinking Mirror to return to Freedom
Castle and warp to Antei. Go to the second floor of the inn and talk to
Esmeralda. She's a yet ANOTHER useless character......

Return to Scarleticia Castle and head inside. Go into the small room to the
left for Red Paint and return to the entrance. Go to the right this time for a
Magic Robe and go in the room to the left of there. Go toward the picture and
say "Milich, too, is a victim..." to see a secret passage. Head inside for the
Window Setting 1 and a Magic Rune Piece. Go back out of the room and head to
the next floor to the north in the middle. Head in the room to the left for a
Spark Crystal and continue south to the poison flowers. Mathiu & the rest come
along and you burn the nasty flowers.

Milich will come along to stop you.... and Lady Windy's rune will fade away,
freeing him from under her control. Here is another vital choice, you MUST
recruit Milich if you want all 108 Stars, answer "This man is not at fault!"
and Milich will ask to join your cause. Answer "I understand" and you'll have
another character on your side, good thing you held back that blood-lust of
yours, heh?. Stallion will come along and you'll learn that Teo's army is at
your doors.

You'll be back at Freedom Castle, head to the 4rth floor and talk to Sanchez to
change your party. Put Milich in your party and head back to Viki in the
basement. Warp to Scarleticia and head inside. Go to the right room and talk to
Ivanov to recruit him. You'll be able to give him all the paints for some

Head to the second floor and to the room on the right. Talk to Kasios there and
she'll join (Thanks to Milich). She will sing some of the tunes of the game
back at the castle. Return to Freedom Castle now and go give all the Paints
you've collected to Ivanov, he's on the 3rd Floor of the castle. Now go back to
Viki in the basement and warp to Antei, talk to Qlon to recruit him. Return to
Freedom Castle and Save & Rest at the inn (It is VITAL to save at this point).

Items: Yardstick x1, Salt x1, Soy Sauce x1, Soap x1, Earth Rune Piece x1, Old
Book Vol. 8 x1, ? Painting x1, Sound Crystal x1.

Go up to the 4rth floor and go in the room to the right. Talk to Kasumi there
and you'll learn Teo's Army is approaching your location. She'll also join your
cause. Gen will run in to warn you about the arrival of Teo's Army and answer
"Fine." to Mathiu's question. You'll enter Battle with Teo, you're destined to
lose this one, no matter what you try, he'll wipe you out.

You'll be forced to retreat and Pahn will ask to hold them off, answer "Good
luck.". Pahn will head to challenge Teo on a one-on-one duel, hopefully, you
kept him strong and well-equipped so the standard tactics will work
easily...... Defend agaisnt his Desperate Attacks and attack against everything
else. Remember.. Pahn MUST win to survive.... and to get a complete save he
MUST survive.....

After the battle, Teo will retreat.. for the time being and you'll be back in
Freedom Castle. Head to the 4rth floor and talk to Mathiu & co in the room on
the right. Head to the left after that and rest in your room. You'll be waken
by Leknaat in the middle of your sleep and say "Why must I?" to her. She'll
tell you about Windy, the True Runes and you'll wake up next morning.

Head to the right and in the room to the north & right. Talk to Flik there and
you'll learn about the Fire Spears. Go out of the screen and back. Talk to
Sanchez to the left and make up your party (Put Tai Ho & Yam Koo in it). Head
to the basement and to the pier. Talk to Gen and answer "Yes, I'll take a test
ride." to go out with the new boat.

Sail to the north until you hit land, don't enter Sharaszade, but go to the
left. Navigate between the islands and cross the rapids to get to Kirov. Go
talk to Sarah in the middle of the village (She is the one washing clothes) and
try to recruit her, she'll ask for some Soap. Talk to the guy walking near the
Armory, he will ask for Soy Sauce to give you some Soap and go talk to the guy
near the center of the town, he'll ask for some Salt to give you some Soy

Talk to the girl in the bottom right of the town and she'll ask for a Yardstick
to give you some Salt. Head to the inn and talk to the guy in the room on the
right, he'll ask for some Sugar. Head to the Item Store and buy some Sugar.
Backtrack through all the characters to accomplish the trading sequence for the
Soap. Head back to Sarah and she'll already have some Soap (*grumbles*). She'll
join at this point.

Head in the house to the left of where Sarah was and examine the cooking stew.
Go back out and head in the house to the right of where Sarah was. Examine the
stew there also and head to the big house to the south of the village. Talk to
Lester there and he'll join your army.

Head to the inn and talk to Georges there. Beat him at his Matches game to get
him to join you. Head to the Armory and outfit everyone. Save & Rest at the inn
and head out of town. Go directly north to Kalekka and enter what was an Item
Store to the right for an Earth Rune Piece. Go back out and pass throguh the
ruined house to the north. Go in the Tavern there and collect the Old Book Vol.
8 there. Go out by the next door to the left.

Enter the nearby house for a ? Painting and go back out. Follow the path up and
go in the house to the right for the Sound Crystal. Go back out and go talk to
Blackman near the exit (DON'T step on the plants in front of him!!!!!!!). Talk
to him to recruit him, he'll join if you didn't step on his plants. Go out of
town after that, use the Blinking Mirror to return to Freedom Castle and talk
to Viki to warp to Kirov.

Go talk to Melodye in thetown and he'll join becuase of the Sound Crystal you
have. You can now give him all the Sound Settings you collect. Head back to
Kalekka and walk right to the other side. Head to the Secret Factory to the

Items: Window Setting 0 x1.

Enter the Secret Factory and watch the scene there. Say "Hey, it's Ledon &
Kessler." and answer "Yes." to Tai Ho's question after that. Talk to Kessler to
get him to join and talk to Ledon to recruit him as well. Head inside the
factory itself and watch the scene. Go talk to Kage on the left and pay 20,000
bits to recruit him (If you're short on money, go battle a few enemies in

Go collect the Window Setting 0 to the right and go talk to Mose. Say "Odessa
is... She's... gone.", because you have no other choice and give you the Fire
Spears. Head out of the Factory and use the Blinking Mirror to return to
Freedom Castle. Talk to Viki to warp to Kirov and go in the house near the
pier. Talk to Kun To inside and he'll agree to lend 10 boats to you, thanks to
Tai Ho (And also join the Liberation Army in the process).

Ronnie will load the Fire Spears in the boats and Mose will join then. Ronnie
joins right after, board the boat and head to Freedom Castle after that. Head
to the 4rth floor and talk to Mathiu in the room to the right. Say "Order all
troops to advance." and you'll enter Battle with Teo. Use the Strategists to
boost Charge Attack and use Charge over and over to atomize Teo's army with
Fire Spears.

You'll be challenged at a one-on-one duel with Teo after the battle, answer "I
accept" and use the same strategy as in other duels.... Defend against
Desesperate Attack and attack against everything else. You'll withstand Teo's
death after this duel....... You'll now have acess in the 3rd spell of the Soul
Eater, Hell. Alen & Grenseal will join too and you'll be back at Freedom

Items: NONE.

Go to the 4th floor and in the room on the right. Talk to Lepant and answer
"Let's attack the Fortress of Lorimar!" to Viktor's query. Nobody will be in
the fortress, choose the party once you're given the choice and exit to the
south. Go back inside Lorimar and talk to Kirke there. Recruit him by answering
positivly to his 2 queries.

Exit by the south and head to Warriors' Village to the south. Watch the scene
there and go talk to Marco to the right. Win 5000 bits from him to recruit him.
I recommend doing it on 1000 bits so you don't go nuts before you succeed......
you can also try the risky way by betting a whole 10000 bits and picking a cup
at random.. it's a 1/3 chance..... Once you recruited him, head out of town and
use the Blinking Mirror to return to Freedom Castle.

Head to the 4rth floor and put Maas, Meese, Mose in your party. Head back to
the basement and talk to Viki to warp back to Warriors' Village. Go talk to
Moose in the north & right house to recruit him, thanks to the blacksmiths with
you..... You can return to Freedom Castle to switch back to a better party
after that. Be sure to buy the Red Flower Seeds from the Item Shop after that.

Head to the Armory after that and outfit everybody. Go Save & Rest at the inn
after that. Head to the house to the north & left of the town and talk to Zorak
there. Watch the scene and you'll be preparing to rest after that. Go talk to
Tengaar and advance to listen to Cleo & Hix. Continue to the bedroom and talk
to Viktor.

You'll go to sleep and get waken up by Cleo the next morning. Go outside and
you'll have an event with Neclord. You'll start a fight against him, do
whatever you want, you can't hit him no matter what..... and you'll lose.
You'll wake up in Zorak's house, go talk to him on the left and you'll need to
head to the Temple of Qlon.

Items: Old Book Vol.3 x1, Crimson Cape x1, Medecine x12, Flowing Crystal x1,
Window Crystal x1, Head Gear x1, Old Book Vol.2 x1, Escape Talisman x1, War
Scroll x1, Silverlet x1, Skill Rune Piece x1, Mega Medecine x6, Champion's
Crystal x1, Boar Rune x1, 5000 bits.

Save at the inn and head out of town. Head to the left to the Temple of Qlon
and enter the temple itself. Talk to Fukien and he'll open the way to the cave
behind the temple along with joining the army. Go back inside the temple and go
in the north & right corner. Talk to Morgan there to recruit him and go search
the bookshelves to the left for Old Book Vol. 3.

Make sure you have the Red, Blue & Yellow Seeds on you (If not, go fetch them
at the castle's vault, if you left them there) and go talk to Zen to the right
of the cavern behind the temple. He'll join after you give him the seeds. You
should have more than 80 recruits now, go outside the temple and use the
Blinking Mirror to return to Freedom Castle.

Talk to Viki to warp to Garan and recruit Quincy there. Return to Qlon and
enter the cave to the north & right. In this cave, it's easy to get to level
40, get McDohl & Kirkis to level 40 or beyond and return outside. Use the
Blinking Mirror to get back to Freedom Castle and talk to Viki to get to Teien.
Go talk to Eikei to the right of the town and you'll be able to recruit him if
McDohl is level 40 or more.

Head out of town, use the Blinking Mirror to get back to Freedom Castle and
talk to Viki to warp to Burnt Village of the Elves. Go out of there and to the
Kobold Village to the north. Go in the inn and talk to Rubi. He'll join if
Kirkis is level 40 or above. Head back to Qlon after that and enter the cave to
the north & right. Go save at the crystal on the right and continue north.

Go down the stairs there and follow the path to an intersection. Go up the
stairs on the left for a Crimson Cape and go back to the intersection. Head to
the right this time and to the north at the next intersection. Collect the
Medecine along with the Flowing Crystal at the end and return to the
intersection. Go to the south and pass through the wall to the south for the
Window Crystal.

Go back out of the secret passage through the wall and continue along the path
up to a small set of stairs. Go up those for an Head Gear and continue along
the path to an intersection. Go to the north for the Old Book Vol.2 and go back
down to the next screen. Collect the 5000 bits to the left and go up the stairs
to the previous screen. Collect the Escape Talisman there and go down the
nearby stairs.

Go down to the next screen and be aware of the secret passage through the south
wall that leads to Crowley, useless right now since you can't recruit him yet.
Continue past the secret passage and go past a passage to the south to get the
War Scroll at the end. Go back to take the passage to the south you went past
(Not the secret one, the one after this one).

Follow the path until a cave entrance is to your right, enter there and collect
the Medecine along with a Silverlet. Go back out and continue along the path to
go down some stairs. Follow the path to another cave entrance, go inside and
collect a Skill Rune Piece along with a Mega Medecine. Go back outside and
follow the path all the way to the Star Dragon Sword (The path is linear so no
problem there....).

You'll be warped in a distant past, in a small town. Go to the north & right
and you'll glimpse a small boy, continue toward the house there and he'll flee
south. Go talk to him to the south and answer "What treasure?" to his query.
Answer "He did remind me of Ted." to Cleo's query after that and go talk to the
old man near the house to the north & right.

Enter the house after them and collect the Mega Medecine there. Talk to the old
man again and the town will be attacked by Windy & co. The old man will use the
Soul Eater (That he happens to have, you notice that now) to bail everyone out
and pass the Soul Eater to Ted. You'll exit the house by the back entrance, go
back in and exit by the front. Go inside the door to the south of there and
collect the Champion's Crystal there.

Go back to the behind of the house you warped in earlier and follow the path to
encounter Yuber. You'll be back in the middle of the village after that, listen
to the scene and go back where you encountered Yuber for a Boar Rune behind
there. Go back to the small temple in the middle of the village (From where you
popped out) and go in the light there.

Answer "We can't bring him along." to Viktor's query and you'll be back in the
cave of Qlon. Go south and listen to the scene. Viktor will now acquire the
Star Dragon Sword (Which is quite a smart-mouth.. for a sword, heh). Use the
Ecaspe Talisman you got in the cave to exit. Enter the temple and talk to Hugo
in the north & left corner. You'll recruit him by giving the War Scroll to him.
You can now go and give him all the Old Books at the castle.

Go out of the area and use the Blinking Mirror to get back to the castle. Talk
to Viki to warp to Warriors' Village and go in the Item Shop. Talk to Window
there to recruit him (By giving him the Window Crystal), you can give him all
the window sets back at the castle. Go Save & Rest at the inn. Go out of the
inn and talk to Zorak in the middle of the town.

Items: Full Helmet x1, Antitoxin x8, Sound Setting 1, Medecine x6, Earth Boots
x1, Green Paint x1, Earth Rune Piece x1, Magic Rune Piece x1, Cape Of Darkness

Go out of town and head to Neclord's Castle to the south & left. Go at the
entrance and some scene will trigger itself. Answer "All right. Come along." to
Hix's query and he'll join. You'll enter the castle after that, go into the
door on the right for a Full Helemt (A zombie is there too and can be paid for
info on the castle). Go back out and take the left door to Save at the crystal
there. Go back out and go up the stairs in the middle.

Go up to the next floor and follow the path to the balcony. Go to the left and
enter the door below at the end. Follow the path to the next floor and go into
the room to the right for an Antitoxin. Go back out and take the path below the
stairs you arrived from to get the Sound Setting 1. Go back to the previous
room and go in the other one to the south for a Medecine.

Go back out of this one and go through the door to the north. If we number the
portraits there from right to left by 1 to 4, look at them in the following
order: 2, 3, 1, 4. Enter the passage that opens after that and follow the
balcony to the next part of the castle (The sun is setting!). Follow the path
through a door and go into the room to the south for Earth Boots.

Go back outside and go into the 2nd room to the left for Green Paint. Go back
outside and go into the room right to the right of this one. Go through this
room and go up to the next floor. Enter the room to the right for an Antitoxin
and go back outside. Enter the room to the south for an Earth Rune Piece and go
back outside. Go up along the right wall and go through the door at the end.

Follow the balcony to the next part (Sunset is approaching) and go down to the
next screen. Go into the room to the right (Go around the wall before it) for a
Magic Rune Piece and go into the room to the south of there for a Cape Of
Darkness. Heal up your HP before going any further. Go up to the next floor by
the stairs on the right and watch the scene.

You'll have to battle Neclord, here are my strategies, on the first turn, have
everybody defend, except for Viktor, use anybody to heal up if needed. The
first attack from Viktor lets you damage Neclord in the following turns.

Pahn: Boar Rune, heal when unbalanced.
Hix: Attack/Healing.
Viktor: Clone Rune, heal when unbalanced.
McDohl: Black Shadow, Attack/Healing when out of MP.
Cleo: Explosion/Dancing Flames, Attack/Healing when out of MP.
Kirkis: The Shredding, Attack/Healing when out of MP.

I had quite a bit of trouble in this battle... probably because of his
all-party attacks. If you have a better strategy, let me know. Anyways, Viktor
will deal the final blow, killing Neclord. Backtrack all the way out of the
castle after this (Escape Talismans DON'T work) and answer "All right. Come
back soon." to Viktor's query (He'll be back later on anyways).

Tengaar will join at this point and go out of town. Use the Blinking Mirror to
go back to Freedom Castle. Head to the 4rth floor and talk to Mathiu in the
room on the right.

Items: Goldlet x1, Old Book Vol.5 x1, Power Gloves x1, Window Setting 2 x1, Old
Book Vol.4 x1.

Answer "Let's go meet these Dragon Knights." to Mathiu's query and head to the
1rst floor of the castle. Go out by the boat and go back inside. You should see
the castle with a banner in front, this means the castle is at his maximum
size. Go talk to Viki in the basement and warp to Kalekka. Go into the house
closest to the south entrance of the town and talk to Leon inside. He'll tell
you to go see Mathiu.

Go out of town and use the Blinking Mirror to get back to Freedom Castle. Head
to the 4rth Floor and talk to Mathiu in the room to the south & right. He'll
give you a letter for Leon, go talk to Viki in the basement to warp back to
Kalekka and talk to Leon to recruit him there (Thanks to Mathiu). Head out of
town and use the Blinking Mirror to get back to Freedom Castle.

Talk to Viki to warp to Qlon and head inside the cave behind the temple. Go
north and go down the stairs there. Follow the path to an intersection and head
to the right. Go to the south at the next intersection and continue along the
path up to an intersection. Go to the south and go up the stairs to the
previous screen (Stairs on the left). Go down the nearby stairs and go down to
the next screen.

Go through the secret passage through the wall to the south and talk to Crowley
at the end to recruit him. Use an Escape Talisman to get out (Assuming you have
one, if not, walk out) and use the Blinking Mirror to get back to Freedom
Castle. Talk to Viki to warp to Neclord's Castle and make your way back to
where you fought/killed Neclord. Talk to Pesmerga there to recruit him. Walk
all the way back down and out.

Use the Blinking Mirror to get back to Freedom Castle and talk to Viki to warp
to Rikon. Check the inn if Clive is there (Room on the left, upper-right
corner, dressed in black), if he isn't, exit the town and re-enter. Repeat the
process until you see him there and talk to him to recruit him (Might take many
tries). Exit the town and use the Blinking Mirror to get back to Freedom
Castle. Go Save & Rest at the inn.

Head to the basement and talk to Viki to warp to Scarleticia Castle. Head out
and north to the cave to Dragon's Den. Talk to the guard at the entrance and
you'll be told off. Exit and use the Blinking Mirror to get back to Freedom
Castle. Talk to Viki to warp to Antei and to Vincent De Boule at the entrance.
Answer "Greetings, sir." to Vincent's query and he'll run away. You lose 200
bits to pay for his meal (Wow.... that is SSSOOOO much ).

Head out of town and use the Blinking Mirror to get back to Freedom Castle.
Talk to Viki to warp to Dragon's Den and talk to Vincent there. He'll show you
an hidden path behind the carved rock near the main entrance. In this cave, the
Sunshine King enemies carry the Window Setting 3, try to get it if you can.
Push toward it to enter and follow the path to a path to a Goldlet to the

Follow the path up to Old Book Vol.5 and continue along the path to the next
floor. Go north to an intersection and head to the right for Power Gloves. Head
back to the left and continue to the next screen. You'll fall among the
sleeping dragons, watch the scene and head out by the left passage. Go to the
left to Dragons Knights' Fortress and Go north to the side of the castle.

Talk to Fuma hidden there (You see his head) to recruit him and go inside the
castle. Go talk to Kreutz to the north & left to recruit him (Thanks to
Humphrey) and go up to the second floor. Listen to the scene there and answer
"We need your help." to Joshua's query. ¸You'll be hinted to bring Liukan
there. Before doing that, go pick up the Window Setting 2 in the chest on the
left and collect the Old Book Vol.4 in the right bookshelf.

Head out of the castle and use the Blinking Mirror to get back to Freedom
Castle. Go to the 4rth floor and put Liukan in your party. Go to the basement
and talk to Viki to warp back to Dragons Knights' Fortress. Head back to talk
to Joshua on the second floor and watch the scene. You'll end up in Dragon's
Den and Milia will join to replace Liukan. Head back to Dragons Knights'
Fortress and Save & Rest at the inn.

Items: Sound Setting 2 x1, Mega Medecine x3, Cyclone Crystal x1, Gold Necklace

Get out of the castle and embark on Thrash to get to Seek Valley. Head to the
right for a Master Robe and head south to the next screen. Head up the stairs
there and go to the left for the Sound Setting 2. come back to the last
intersection and head to the right this time to another intersection. Go past
the path on the left for a Mega Medecine and return to take this path right
after that.

You'll have to fight a rather easy boss there, Crystal Core, here's my

Pahn: Boar Rune, use as healing when unbalanced.
Flik: Ball Of Lightning/Raging Blow, Attack/Healing when out of MP.
Humphrey: Attack/Healing.
Milia: Attack/Healing.
Cleo: Explosion/Dancing Flames, Attack/Healing when out of MP.
McDohl: Black Shadow, Attack/Healing when out of MP.

This should be a cakewalk fight compared to Neclord...... After the battle,
collect the Cyclone Crystal to the left and Save at the crystal nearby. Head to
the north to an intersection and go to the left for a Gold Necklace. Head back
to the right and you'll find the Moonlight Weed. Windy will appear and answer
"Don't return Soul Eater." to Ted's query.

Listen to Ted when he speaks and answer "I will not give you the Soul Eater."
to Ted's query. Ted will give his soul to the Soul Eater (Enabling the use of
the last of its spells, Judgment) and you'll collect the Moonlight Weed. You'll
go back a screen, backtrack all the way to the red dragon on which you came
there to return to Dragons Knights' Fortress.

Save & Rest at the inn there and go up to the second floor. Talk to Joshua
there and watch the scene. The scene will switch to Futch in the Floating
Garden, go to the south and examine the strange flower to the right of the
road. The emperor will come by and tell you to leave with the flower. Head
north back to Black and you'll shot down by Windy. Futch will end back at the
castle and the dragons will have been restored, at a price, Black is now dead.

Go up to the 2nd floor once you regain control of the party and talk to Joshua.
He'll join your cause at this point and Futch also. Answer "Please." to Milia's
query to fly back to the castle and head out of the castle. You'll fly back to
Freedom Castle. Go inside and watch the scene there. Go up to the 4rth floor
and listen to the scene there.

Items: Old Book Vol.7 x1, Pink Paint x1, Taikioku Wear x1, Mega Medecine x3,
Needle x4, Mother Earth Crystal x1.

Taggart will tell you about Warren and you'll have to go rescue him. Answer "I
agree." to Mathiu's claim and go change your party members after that. Put
Maas, Meese, Mose, Moose in your party and head to the basement to talk to Viki
to warp to Dragons Knights' Fortress. Ride Thrash to Seek Valley and follow the
directions to Mace's place.

Just follow the path to an intersection and head to the right to a cabin. Enter
and talk to Mace to recruit him (Thanks to all the Blacksmiths in your party).
Head back to Freedom Castle and to the 4rth floor. Head to your room on the
left and Mathiu will come to talk with you. Answer "As you wish." to his query
and you'll wake up next morning.

Head back to the right and talk to Mathiu in the 2nd room on the right. Answer
"Good. Let's go." to his query and you'll end up attacking the enemy instead of
practicing. Watch the scene at the northern checkpoint right after and you'll
enter Battle at the Northern Checkpoint. They're highly outnumbered and easily
beatable, you probably know the strategies at this point so I won't repeat

You'll be in the Northern Checkpoint after the battle, answer "Recruit." to
Griffith's plead to recruit him (duh.) and you'll get back to Freedom Castle.
Form the party that will head to Moravia Castle and you'll immediatly get back
to the Northern Checkpoint. You'll leave the place via the northern exit,
re-enter and collect the Old Book Vol.7 to the right.

Exit by the northern exit and head to Moravia Castle to the north. Go toward
the guards at the entrance and watch the scene there. Go into the room to the
right for Pink Paint and go into the room to the north of this one to Save &
Rest (Talk to the guard). Head to the left after that and collect the Taikioku
Wear you come across. Head to the north after that and continue north to the
next screen.

Follow the path from now until you get outside of the castle on a balcony and
re-enter the castle by the entrance to the right. Follow the path to a Mega
Medecine and go out by the exit to the left. Krin will put a rope there, go
across and enter the entrance at the end of the roof there. Collect the Needle
there and go out via the exit to the right.

Re-enter by the next entrance to the right and you'll free Viktor & Warren.
Warren joins your cause at this point and now you'll have to watch a scene.
Kasim will join during this scene and you'll exit the area. Go back inside and
return to where you freed Warren & Viktor. Talk to Vincent remaining in the
cell and he'll join your cause. Collect the Mother Earth Crystal to the right
and walk out of the area.

Go to the south to the Northern Checkpoint and you'll recruit Max & Sancho
there. Exit the area and use the Blinking Mirror to get back to Freedom Castle.
Head to the 4rth Floor of the castle and talk to Mathiu in the room to the

Items: Chaos Shield x1, Guard Ring x1, Master Garb x1.

Answer "All right. Let's get to work." to Mathiu's query and watch the scenes
that follow. Once you wake up the next morning, head to the basement and go to
the south to the pier. Listen to the scene and answer "All right, move
forward!" to Mathiu's query. You'll enter the Battle at the Floating Forteress
Shasarazade, just use the same strategy as in the other battles to win this

Note: The Siren enemies in Shasarazade carries the Sound Setting 3, try to get
it while you're there. (Don't put it back to later... you'll soon know why)

You'll be in Shasarazade after it, go toward the main group and choose your
party. Go save at the crystal on the left and enter the castle. Go down the
stairs on the left and go around the river for a Chaos Shield. Follow the path
south to the next screen and cross the bridge there. Go to the left and collect
the Guard Ring there. Head to the south for a Master Garb and head to the next
screen on the right.

Go down the stairs there and head to the left. Continue past a passage to the
south for a Mega Medecine and backtrack to take the passage to the south that
you passed by. You'll have to battle Shell Venus there, DON'T use your magic
there!!! There is an harder boss after this battle..... I only used physical
attacks, but some basic magic might be useful too (Just keep your strongest
spells for the battle after).

Viktor will close the floodgate after this, collect the Thunder Crystal to the
left and backtrack all the way to the first set of stairs. Sonya will come by
then and answer "What you are saying is not true." to her query. The castle
will burst into flames and Sonya will attack. Here's my strategy (You DID keep
your strong magics, no?)

Pahn: Attack/Healing.
Viktor: Attack/Healing
Valeria: Falcon Rune/Healing.
McDohl: Judgment/Black Shadow, Attack/Healing once out of MP.
Kirkis: Storm/The Shredding, Attack/Healing once out of MP.
Cleo: Explosion/Dancing Flames, Attack/Healing once out of MP.

If you can cast 2 Judgment spells with McDohl, this battle will be far easier
than it could be (Sonya is VERY fast and makes healing up a tad bit harder). Go
up the stairs and out of the castle after that. Watch the scene and you'll be
back to Freedom Castle after that. Head to the basement and watch the scene
there. Enter the cell and talk to Sonya to recruit her.

Before going along the walkthrough, make sure you have all 107 Stars (Except
Gremio) on your side, if there is a few missing, head to the fourth floor of
the castle and talk to Sanchez on the left to change party members if needed,
but DON'T talk to Mathiu. Once everybody is on your side, go talk to Mathiu on
the right and answer "March to the capital." to Mathiu's query.

Items: Windspun Armor x1, Horned Helmet x1,

Watch the scene before the battle and Leknaat will appear out of nowhere. She
will bring Gremio back to life at this point if you have the 107 Stars
recruited here, say "Victory!" after this event and watch all the scenes after
this. Talk to Mathiu after that and answer "All right. Let's go!" to his query.

Watch the scene after that and answer "The Soul Eater...." to Leknaat's query.
You'll enter The Last Battle, use the same strategies as with the previous war
battles to win. Watch the scene after the battle and choose your party after
that. Outfit everybody at the Armory and head into the castle. You'll have to
beat Ain Gide at the entrance, here's my strategy:

Pahn/Gremio: Talisman Attack/Healing.
Viktor: Attack/Healing
Flik: Ball of Lightning/Raging Blow, Attack/Healing when out of MP.
McDohl: Judgment/Black Shadow, Attack/Healing when out of MP.
Cleo: Explosion/Dancing Flames, Attack/Healing when out of MP.

NOTE: I heavily recommend that you don't use ANY magic spells in regular
battles, keep the damaging spells for the end boss and use Hell to dispose of
the Imperial Guards groups along the way easily.

2 Judgments spells should make this battle way easier. Go back to Freedom
Castle to heal up after the battle and return to Gregminster past Ain Gide.
Enter the castle straigth ahead and go through the passage on the right. Go in
the room to the south for a Windspun Armor and return to the red carpet at the

Follow it north and you'll have to battle 4 Imperial Guards, use Hell from the
Soul Eater to dispose of them easily. Go to the north end of the passage and
head up the stairs on the left. Follow the path past all the rooms to a red
carpet. Follow it north to the throne and follow the path after the doorway to
the left. Go up the stairs at the end.

Go to the right to a red carpet and follow it north. Dispose of the 4 Imperial
Guards with Hell and use Hell for the 4 Imperial Guards a little higher again.
Go north to the next screen and dispose of ANOTHER group of Imperial Guards
with Hell (That spell is very cheap...). Continue north and dispose of another
group of Imperial Guards (With Hell, remember?).

Continue north and dispose of another group of Imperial Guards (You should run
out of Points to cast Hell at this battle). Either return to the castle to heal
up or press on (A few more groups of guards are waiting for you). Anyways, go
through the passage on the left and you'll be engaged by 5 Imperial Guards.
Kill them all without using your damaging spells and head to the left after
that to battle another group of 5 Imperial Guards.

Kill them all and continue to the left for ANOTHER group of 5 Imperial Guards.
Dispose of them and continue to the left, battling another group of 5 Imperial
Guards (Sounds repetitive, doesn't it?). After you're done with them, go on to
the left and kill the last group of Imperial Guards. Go up the stairs and
follow the path until you encounter another group of Imperial Guards (I DID say
the last one for the previous floor... not finished yet, but almost).

Continue to the right for an Horned Helmet and return to where you killed the
previous group of guards. Go to the north to an intersection and head to the
left for a Power Ring. Save at much-needed save crystal there and return to the
intersection. Head up the stairs to the right and follow the path all the way
to the end of the garden.

Barbarosa will challenge you there and morph into a 3-headed Golden Hydra. You
must kill all 3 heads, here's my strategy:

Flik: Ball Of Lightning/Raging Blow, Attack/Healing when out of MP.
Viktor: Attack/Healing.
Valeria: Falcon Rune/Healing.
McDohl: Judgment/Black Shadow, Attack/Healing when out of MP.
Cleo: Explosion/Dancing Flames, Attack/Healing when out of MP.
Kirkis: Storm/The Shredding, Attack/Healing when out of MP.

Kill the left head first (Revives the other heads if you don't), right head
after and middle head last. The left head is invincible to Wind, right head is
invincible to Fire and middle head is invicible to Lightning. Enjoy the ending!
(And keep the savegame if you have all 108 characters since it lets you unlock
a secret in Suikoden 2).

You need to exit the castle at this point, backtrack all the way out (Use the
walkthrough, but backwards). Viktor and Flik will stop along the way to secure
your escape.


6. Helmets List

Listing of the game's helmets, along with thier stats, the effect (If
applicable) and the first appearance of it in the game. They are listed in
order by defensive power.

| Name | Stats | Effect | First location |
| |
| Bandanna Defense +1 *N/A* McDohl's basic equip |
| |
| Headband Defense +2 *N/A* Sold in Gregminster |
| |
| Circlet Defense +3 *N/A* Cleo's basic equip |
| |
| Pointed Hat Defense +5 Balloon Sold in Lenankamp |
| defense |
| |
| Half Helmet Defense +9 *N/A* Sold in Village of the |
| Dwarves |
| |
| Head Gear Defense +14 *N/A* Odessa's basic equip |
| |
| Full Helmet Defense +20 *N/A* Sold in Warriors' |
| Village |
| |
| Silver Hat Defense +27 Auto Recover Sold in Last |
| HP Gregminster |
| |
| Horned Helmet Defense +35 *N/A* Gregminster (Final) |
| |


7. Armors List

Listing of the game's armors, along with thier stats, the effect (If
applicable) and the first appearance of it in the game. They're listed by order
of defensive power.

| Name | Stats | Effect | First location |
| |
| Robe Defense +1 *N/A* Sold in Gregminster |
| |
| Tunic Defense +2 *N/A* McDohl's basic equip |
| |
| Leather Coat Defense +4 *N/A* Sold in Gregminster |
| |
| Brass Armor Defense +5 *N/A* Sold in Lenankamp |
| |
| Guard Robe Defense +7 Magic bonus Sold in Kaku |
| |
| Karate Uniform Defense +10 *N/A* Sold in Kouan |
| |
| Leather Armor Defense +14 *N/A* Sold in Kouan |
| |
| Half Armor Defense +18 *N/A* Sold in Village of the |
| Dwarves |
| |
| Magic Robe Defense +22 *N/A* Sold in Village of the |
| Elves |
| |
| Ninja Suit Defense +28 Speed Bonus Sold in Antei |
| |
| Dragon Armor Defense +34 *N/A* Sold in Kirov |
| |
| Master Robe Defense +37 Auto Recover HP Crowley's basic equip |
| |
| Full Armor Defense +45 *N/A* Sold in Warriors' |
| Village |
| |
| Taikioku Wear Defense +48 Speed Bonus Dropped by Rock Buster |
| |
| Master Garb Defense +55 Skill Bonus Shasarazade |
| |
| Windspun Armor Defense +63 *N/A* Dropped by Phantom |
| |


8. Shields List

Listing of the game's shields, along with thier bonuses, the effect (If
applicable) and the first appearance of it in the game. They're listed by order
of defensive power.

|Name | Stats | Effect | First location |
| |
| Wooden Shield Defense +2 *N/A* Sold in Rockland |
| |
| Steel Shield Defense +13 *N/A* Sold in Kouan |
| |
| Chaos Shield Defense +27 *N/A* Sold in Kirov |
| |
| Earth Shield Defense +45 *N/A* Dropped by Magic |
| Shield |
| |


9. Others List

Listing of the game's other equippable items, along with thier effect, and the
first appearance of it in the game. They are listed in order by defensive stat.

|Name | Stats | Effect | First location |
| |
| Wooden Shoes Defense +1 *N/A* Sold in Gregminster |
| |
| Gloves Defense +2 *N/A* McDohl's basic equip |
| |
| Cape Defense +2 *N/A* Gremio's basic equip |
| |
| Leggings Defense +2 *N/A* Sold in Rockland |
| |
| Boots Defense +3 *N/A* McDohl's basic equip |
| |
| Shoulder Pads Defense +4 *N/A* Sold in Kaku |
| |
| Gauntlet Defense +4 *N/A* Sold in Kouan |
| |
| Blue Ribbon Defense +6 *N/A* Dropped by Beast |
| Commander |
| |
| Necklace Defense +7 *N/A* Sold in Village of the |
| Elves |
| |
| Emblem Defense +8 Magic bonus Sold in Kouan |
| |
| Star Earrings Defense +8 Auto Recover HP Eileen's basic equip |
| |
| Fur Cape Defense +8 *N/A* Sold in Village of the |
| Dwarves |
| |
| Toe Shoes Defense +9 *N/A* Toran's Castle |
| |
| Feather Defense +9 *N/A* Dropped by Roc |
| |
| Silver Ring Defense +11 *N/A* Dropped by Kobold |
| |
| Silverlet Defense +11 *N/A* Sold in Kirov |
| |
| Speed Ring Defense +13 Speed bonus Luc's basic equip |
| |
| Rose Brooch Defense +13 *N/A* Sold in Antei |
| |
| Cape Of Defense +13 *N/A* Sold in Warriors' |
| Darkness Village |
| |
| Wing Boots Defense +14 Speed bonus Sold in Gregminster |
| |
| Power Ring Defense +14 Power bonus Dropped by Colossus |
| |
| Guard Ring Defense +15 *N/A* Sold in Antei |
| |
| Power Gloves Defense +16 Power bonus Dragon's Den |
| |
| Silver Necklace Defense +17 *N/A* Soniere Prison |
| |
| Earth Boots Defense +18 *N/A* Neclord's Castle |
| |
| Goldlet Defense +18 *N/A* Dragon's Den |
| |
| Crimson Cape Defense +21 *N/A* Qlon Cave |
| |
| Gold Necklace Defense +25 *N/A* Seek Valley |
| |


10. Items List

Listing of the game's items, along with thier effect and the first appearance
of it in the game. They are listed in the order I found them.

|Name | Effect | First location |
| |
| Medecine Restores 100 HP McDohl's items |
| |
| Antitoxin Dilute poison Sold in Gregminster |
| |
| Celadon Urn Antique Dropped by BonBon |
| |
| Escape Talisman Escape dungeon Sold in Rockland |
| |
| Defense Rune Defense up Mt. Seifu |
| Piece |
| |
| Thunder Rune Enchant weapon with Mt. Seifu |
| Piece lightning attribute |
| |
| Vase Antique Mt. Seifu |
| |
| Earth Rune Enchant weapon with Earth Dropped by Crows |
| Piece attribute |
| |
| Wind Rune Piece Enchant weapon with Wind Mt. Tigerwolf |
| attribute |
| |
| Water Rune Enchant weapon with Water Dropped by Killer |
| Piece attribute Slime |
| |
| Mega Medecine Recover 500 HP Toran's castle |
| |
| Power Rune Power up Toran's Castle |
| Piece |
| |
| Needle Recovers Balloon Sold in Great Forest |
| |
| Hex Doll Antique Grady's Mansion |
| |
| Octopus Urn Antique Mt. Tigerwolf |
| |
| Lover's Garden Antique Dropped by Empire |
| Soldier |
| |
| Peeing Boy Antique Dropped by Killer |
| Rabbit |
| |
| Speed Rune Speed Rune Lepant's house |
| Piece |
| |
| Fire Rune Enchant weapon with fire Lepant's house |
| Piece attribute |
| |
| Japanese Dish Antique Dropped by Killer |
| Rabbit |
| |
| Fortune Rune Luck up Great Forest |
| Piece |
| |
| Flower Painting Antique Dropped by Holly Boy |
| |
| Graffiti Antique Dropped by Holly Boy |
| |
| Sacrificial Sacrifice Dwarf Trail |
| Buddha |
| |
| Skill Rune Skill up Dwarves' Vault |
| Piece |
| |
| Magic Rune Magic up Scarleticia Castle |
| Piece |
| |
| Failure Urn Antique Dropped by Larvae |
| |
| Blue Dragon Urn Antique Dropped by Larvae |
| |
| Knight Statue Antique Dropped by Ivy |
| |
| Dragon Seal Recovers all personals HP Lepant's house |
| Incense slightly |
| |


11. Special Items List

Listing of the game's Special Items, along with thier use, and thier location
in the game. They're listed in no particuliar order.

Paints: Give to Ivanov once you recruited him.

Old Books: Give to Hugo once you recruited him.

Seeds: Give to Zen to get him to join up.

Nameless Urn: Try to appraise at Jabba's to recruit him.

Sound Settings: Give to Melodye once you recruited her.

Opal: Give to Esmeralda to recruit her useless presence.

Window Settings: Give to Window once you recruited him

Basic Items: To accomplsih the sily trading sequence to recruit Sarah.

Sound Crystal: Give to Melodye to get her to join.

Window Crystal: Give to Window to get him to join.

War Scroll: Give to Hugo to get him to join.

**************************SPECIAL ITEMS********************************
|Name | Use | Location |
| |
| White Paint Material for mural Lepant's house |
| |
| Yellow Paint Material for mural Sold in Teien |
| |
| Blue Paint Material for mural Sold in Rikon |
| |
| Black Paint Material for mural Liukan's house |
| |
| Red Paint Material for mural Scarleticia Castle |
| |
| Green Paint Material for mural Neclord's Castle |
| |
| Pink Paint Material for mural Moravia Castle |
| |
| Old Book Vol.1 Book 1 Pannu Yakuta |
| |
| Old Book Vol.2 Book 2 Qlon Cave |
| |
| Old Book Vol.3 Book 3 Qlon |
| |
| Old Book Vol.4 Book 4 Dragons Knights' |
| Fortress |
| |
| Old Book Vol.5 Book 5 Dragon's Den |
| |
| Old Book Vol.6 Book 6 Soniere Prison |
| |
| Old Book Vol.7 Book 7 Northern Checkpoint |
| |
| Old Book Vol.8 Book 8 Kalekka |
| |
| Yellow Flower Seeds Sold in Teien |
| Seeds |
| |
| Blue Flower Seeds Sold in Rikon |
| Seeds |
| |
| Red Flower Seeds Sold in Warriors' |
| Seeds Village |
| |
| Nameless Urn Antique Dropped by Holly |
| Fairy |
| |
| Sound Setting 0 Sound 1 Soniere Prison |
| |
| Sound Setting 1 Sound 2 Neclord's Castle |
| |
| Sound Setting 2 Sound 3 Seek Valley |
| |
| Sound Setting 3 Sound 4 Dropped by Siren |
| |
| Opal Beautiful jewelry Dropped by Nightmare |
| |
| Window Setting Window 1 Secret Factory |
| 0 |
| |
| Window Setting Window 2 Scarleticia Castle |
| 1 |
| |
| Window Setting Window 3 Dragons Knights' |
| 2 Fortress |
| |
| Window Setting Window 4 Dropped by Sunshine |
| 3 King |
| |
| Sugar Sweet Sold in Kirov |
| |
| Yardstick Yardstick Kirov |
| |
| Salt Salty Kirov |
| |
| Soy Sauce Spicy Kirov |
| |
| Soap Bubbles arise Kirov |
| |
| Sound Crystal The sound Kalekka |
| |
| Window Crystal Window maker Qlon Cave |
| |
| War Scroll Historical Book Qlon Cave |
| |


12. War Groups

This is where the abilities/attacks of the different war parties are.


Members= Max, Sancho and Qlon.
Effect= Charge Attack
Attack power= 30


Members= Lepant, Eileen and Sheena.
Effect= Charge Attack
Attack power= 26


Members= McDohl, Pahn and Gremio.
Effect= Charge Attack
Attack power= 26


Members= Humphrey, Alen and Grenseal.
Effect= Charge Attack
Attack power= 24


Members= Kai, Lukian and Fukien.
Effect= Charge Attack
Attack power= 24


Members= Kreutz, Morgan and Kirke.
Effect= Charge Attack
Attack power= 24


Members= Viktor, Warren and Taggart.
Effect= Charge Attack
Attack power= 23


Members= Anji, Leonardo and Kanak.
Effect= Charge Attack
Attack power= 23


Members= Kasim, Griffith and Valeria.
Effect= Charge Attack
Attack power= 22


Members= Kwanda, Eikei and Gaspar.
Effect= Charge Attack
Attack power= 21


Members= Blackman, Zen and Ivanov.
Effect= Charge Attack
Attack power= 21


Members= Varkas, Sydonia and Kessler.
Effect= Charge Attack
Attack power= 21


Members= Tai Ho, Yam Koo and Kimberly.
Effect= Charge Attack
Attack power= 19


Members= Flik, Tengaar and Hix.
Effect= Charge Attack
Attack power= 17


Members= Marie, Onil and Sansuke.
Effect= Charge Attack
Attack power= 16


Members= Maas, Meese and Moose.
Effect= Charge Attack
Attack power= 15


Members= Gen, Kamandol and Tesla.
Effect= Charge Attack
Attack power= 14


Members= Mose, Ronnie and Sarah.
Effect= Charge Attack
Attack power= 14


Members= Fu Su Lu, Kuromimi and Gon.
Effect= Charge Attack
Attack power= 13


Members= Juppo, Jabba and Meg.
Effect= Charge Attack
Attack power= 6


Members= Kirkis, Sylvina and Stallion.
Effect= Bow Attack
Attack Power= 21


Members= Clive, Pesmerga and Mace.
Effect= Bow Attack
Attack Power= 19


Members= Lorelai, Quincy and Mina.
Effect= Bow Attack
Attack Power= 17


Members= Antonio, Lester and Rock.
Effect= Bow Attack
Attack Power= 14


Members= Sergei, Hugo and Templeton.
Effect= Bow Attack
Attack Power= 12


Members= Rubi, Georges and Marco.
Effect= Bow Attack
Attack Power= 8


Members= Crowley, Luc and Lotte.
Effect= Magic Attack
Attack Power= 25


Members= Jeane, Hellion and Viki.
Effect= Magic Attack
Attack Power= 20


Members= Sonya, Cleo and Camille.
Effect= Magic Attack
Attack Power= 20


Members= Milich, Vincent and Esmeralda.
Effect= Magic Attack
Attack Power= 18


Members= Kasios, Melodye and Window.
Effect= Magic Attack
Attack Power= 14


Members= Joshua, Milia and Futch.
Effect= Dragon attack. Yield to bow.


Members= Kun To, Chapman and Chandler.
Effect= Make the enemy turn traitor.


Members= Kage, Kasumi and Fuma.
Effect= Check the enemy's strategy. Will definitely succeed.


Members= Krin, Ledon and Giovanni.
Effect= Check the enemy's strategy. Fails sometimes.


Members= Mathiu, Leon and Apple.
Effect= Boost charge attack power.


13. Conclusion

Hopefully, here is a complete game to Suikoden and will empty out everything
that is possible to do..... Feel free to report stuff that I have missed or
additions, but no new sections unless it's really good....


14. Credits & Legal Stuff

Thanks to JohnnyBlaze363 for submitting the location, data of the Dragon Seal
Incense item.

Thanks to Konami for bringing a short, but enjoyable RPG!

This FAQ is Copyright to Kildread2, you cannot take all or only a small part of
this FAQ for your own. This is MY work so do not steal it ok? I hope I made
myself clear. I put too much time to get my info to only get my FAQ stolen by a
stupid person.

This work is supposed to appear on the following sites:

GameFAQs :
Console-Gamer :
The Cheat Empire: Guide to Video Game Strategies :
RPG Vortex :

If you have any questions, information or comments, mail me at

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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14.Oktober 2013
Ende des Spiels.

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Tips and Tricks

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Stars Guide

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Special Items Guide

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Magic Guide

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15.Oktober 2013
English Version Guide

13.Oktober 2013
Duell Guide

11.Oktober 2013
Combination Attacks

16.Oktober 2013

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Character Combo Guide

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engl. Cheats

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engl. Lösung
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engl. FAQ
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Special Items
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General Tips
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Kampftips als HTML-Datei
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Infos über die 108 Sterne
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Game Script

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