Double Dragon

Double Dragon

16.10.2013 17:35:07
Double Dragon
Written by Vince Nusunginya of "The InterNESt"
If there is something you would like added or changed, mail to

Type: Martial Arts Competition
Objective: Kick lots of Shadow Warrior butt and rescue your girlfriend
Layout: The screen scrolls horizontally
Hero: Billy.... that's like... you, Dude.
Enemies: Shadow Warriors. These are not nice guys. They kidnapped your girl. Make them pay.


Mission 1: Your enemies always attack from the same place in the same numbers. At the
beginning of Mission 1, your best bet is to kick them. You could get hurt punching them,
as it gives them time to retaliate between beatings. Continue kicking through the level
until you get to these weird looking bad guys. You'll know who they are, because one of
them is holding a barrel over his head. I'll leave the his desired destination for the barrel
to your imagination. Just move farther up or down the screen to avoid his barrel and run
up, pick it up, and throw it back. After you're done messing up these guys real good...
continue kicking your way through the level until you find a door that opens after all the
bad guys are dead. Enter it by pressing "up". You'll find yourself in a strange room with
a conveyor belt. A really fun, yet slightly dangerous thing to do here is get on the belt
and kick the enemies down so that they end up getting tossed down into the pit. After
you dust the two guys in the room... Abodbo will come out, wanting to do nothing less
than rearrange your face. Show him the way down to the conveyor belt, and, if you're good,
you can dust him with one well place kick to the crotch. Watch his surprised face as he falls.

Mission 2: Here you will earn a really cool new move... The Uppercut. I personally prefer
kicking, still... but others seem to find the uppercut useful. Do whatever your heart desires
with this, but heed my warning... In this level, advance forward through the level as far to
the middle of the screen as you can get. If you stay too close to the right of the screen as
you advance, you'll be surprised with a "Williams" chucking a stick of dynamite at you.
(Or a knife, or a baseball bat. It's always a good idea to look where you're going from now
on) All three of these will hurt you A LOT! So, avoid wherever possible. When Will
actually does throw his dynamite, you have three options... 1. You can ignore it and go kick
his butt the normal way... 2. You can move around so that he steps over his own dynamite
as it goes off..... or 3. You can pick it up and throw it back. Number three can get you hurt
if you're not fast. Next, climb up the fence and get the bat from the next "Williams" Feel
free to get creative with it at this point. Next, keep going right with the bat, and jump
off the fence when you get to the end. DO NOT CLIMB DOWN!!! JUMP. Here, if you want
to, you can do a "cheat" that I discovered that will get you scads of points, plus all seven
additional abilities. Read on...

CHEAT: Jump down the fence. Notice the pile of red girders near the top of the screen?
Walk up there so you're a close to them as you can get. Your feet will be level with the
bottom of the pile. When the two Wills come after you, wait until one of them is level on
the screen where you are (As far up as you can go). Wait a second for him to start coming
after you. Now, run to the left and climb up the fence. Will will be paralyzed. Remember
where he is paralyzed at. Now, go left to where you first climbed up the fence and jump
down. When you are as far left as you can go, start going right again. Climb back up the
fence, and jump down to where Will was paralyzed. He'll be gone. Start hitting that spot
where he was... Did you see that? The score went up. Keep hitting that spot over and
over until you have all seven hearts.... and you're done. (Note: In order for the cheat to
work, the third Will must be alive and off screen. It also won't work if you killed either of
the two Wills before doing it.)

Mission 2, Continued: If you don't want to do that cheat, than just beat up the Williams
like you normally would. Watch out for the dynamite. If you haven't done the cheat,
than right about here you will be rewarded with the jump kick. (If you did do the cheat,
you already have it, plus the other four abilites that come after). Continue fighting until
you come to a ladder up a building. Climb up the ladders, beating the Lindas as you go.
When you reach the top, "Chintai" will come out. There are two ways to beat him. 1....
You can slaughter him with a barrage of Jump Kicks and Uppercuts.... 2. You can cheat
and climb back down the ladders. You will automatically advance to the next level.

Mission 3: Hmmmmm.... I seemingly pastoral forest-land. How peaceful... Just watch
out, 'cuz the first enemy you'll find has a knife and will throw it at you. You should
make it your mission in this level to MAKE SURE that you are NEVER hit by a knife,
dynamite, or a bat. All three of these will ruin the level for you, so watch out, and stay
away from the front of the screen! Also DO NOT attack the enemy until the knife is
thrown. Also, do not forget, DO NOT GET HIT BY A KNIFE, A BAT, OR A
DYNAMITE!!! I know I already said that... but.... that's just how important it is. Watch
carefully for enemies at this point. Soon, you will be rewarded with "The Hair Pull Kick"...
A devestating maneuver, which also allows you to throw your attackers by the hair.
Now, you'll find a bridge with... guess what? Nope, not a troll... but another William
wielding a bat. Kick the bat out of his hand and beat him with it. Now, it seems that
someone broke the bridge in half. Jump kick across the gape and move up, or down on the
other side to avoid the knife of another Will. REMEMBER... DO NOT GET HIT BY IT.
Now, go kick his butt. The rest of the level will be a piece of cake. You'll come across some
more Chintais, but they're easy now. Just keep your guard up, and don't give them an inch!
They'll take a mile.

Mission 3, Continued: Now, finish going through the level. You'll find a part of this level is
empty, and quiet. This "quiet" is the quiet commonly referred to as.. a "Lull". Two "Abodbos"
will crash through the rock wall in the background and will make mincemeat out of your face if
you give them the chance. Your best bet here is to jump kick them, so you won't get hurt too
badly. Make absolutely sure that you don't get between them. The best thing is to keep them in
the middle of the screen with you one either side from them. Be relentless, and keep them
centered. At about this point, you'll be rewarded with your fifth power.

Mission 3, Continued Still: After the Abodbos are defeated, enter one of the caves they erupted
from. Walk forward, and be careful not to be hit by any stalactites that fall from above. Time
your steps carefully. Next up will be some moving platforms. When the first one is directly
above you, jump straight up. No matter what, do not jump forward. Next, wait until the highest
moving platform is directly above the one you're on. Jump. Now, when the platform moves as far
as it can go right... jump off and land back on solid ground. Make sure you land on the
platforms as squarely as possible. Go right and some Chintais will come out of the door.
After fighting them, enter the door. You'll have to dodge rocks, jump cliffs, and fight baddies
here, but it's nothing worse than what you've faced before. Just wait until you meet the green
Abodbos. Dispose of them as you usually do.

Mission 4: There are two things to keep in mind in this mission. One is, when you're fighting
the Williams on the ladders, don't kill him, and his buddies won't appear. And, when you come
to the Abodbo at the end, DO NOT FIGHT HIM! TURN AROUND AND RUN! Climb up the wall to your
left to get away. But now for some walkthrough. When you get to the part with the blocks that
slide out of the wall and try to knock you down... You can pass them by waiting for the nearest
block to slide out twice. When it does, run to the right. None of the others will hit you.

Mission 4, Continued: Here's a great strategy for going up against the Willaims here. When you
fight the Chintais, use a drop kick to beat them. See the knife? When the last Chintai blinks
for the fourth time, pick up the knife. It will be transformed into a club. Use the club in
your battle with the Lindas, but, before you kill the last one, let her disarm you. Finish her
off, and when she blinks for the fourth time, pick the club back up. It will be transformed into
a secret weapon. At the end of all this, you will find the Shadow Master, who is nobody else
but Billy's twin brother, Jimmy (Who Knew?). He's just as strong and talented as you. Only the
best player can beat him.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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