Double Dragon

Double Dragon

17.10.2013 09:51:58
"Derek's Double Dragon FAQ, v1.0"


"How to Double your Dragon when your Dragon
is in dire need of being Doubled."


1. Version History / Disclaimer
2. Intro
3. Fighting (moves, strategy, enemies)
4. Walk-thru
5. Credits / Contact Info


10/26/01: First (and possibly final) edition of FAQ.


This FAQ is (c) Derek Knisely. If you wish to use it, or
post it on your website, such usage is allowed in the
specific circumstance that the FAQ remain unedited, and
that credit be given to the author. If you run an NES or
Double Dragon site, please be kind enough to email me and
let me know that you are using the FAQ - I'd just like to
know, OK? If I find out that any of this has been
violated, I will personally send a Green Abodo to your
house, to rough you up. You WILL be sorry.


If, in the year 2001, you have not heard of, or played, a
Double Dragon game, you are indeed missing out. You've
probably lived under a rock for quite some time, or you are
simply one of today's younger gamers who thinks Nintendo 64
is "old school." Anyhow, Double Dragon is the first in a
series of games, started way-back-when in 1987, originally
appearing in Arcades and then on the beloved NES (in 1988).
For it's time, Double Dragon was actually a pretty good
arcade-to-NES-port, and it's graphics/music/soundFX easily
stood up to the games of that time. The controls are
intuitive (three basic "action" commands on a two-button
controller), and the play mechanics are unique (albeit
stupid). This is the ONLY game in the Double Dragon series
where you must earn different fighting techniques, one at a
time (represented by the number of hearts at the bottom of
the screen), based on the points you earn.

Over the entire history of the brother's Lee, gamers have
been treated to several recurring themes that invariably
hold true in every Double Dragon game. Remarkably poor
plot, hilariously muscle-bound enemies, frequent battles
against seemingly endless clones, and ALWAYS a tremendously
challenging last level.

That said, a very in-depth history of Double Dragon can be
found here:


{3.1} Moves
Your ability to do certain Martial Arts maneuvers depends
on the number of hearts you have. Hearts are earned as you
earn points by beating up your enemies. You start the game
with one heart.

1st heart: Punch, Kick, Jump, Headbutt
2nd heart: Uppercut, Roundhouse Kick
3rd heart: Jump Kick
4th heart: Hair Pull
5th heart: Reverse Elbow Smash
6th heart: Tackle (hit 'em while they're down)
7th heart: Jumping Roundhouse (referred to in this FAQ as
the Retard Leap)

All abilities are kept as hearts are added.

-JUMP- A+B buttons, simultaneously.
Absolutely useless. Unless you enjoy looking like a
retard. But believe me, there'll be plenty of other
chances to make Billy Lee look like a retard.

-HEADBUTT- Tap forward twice.
Automatic knock down. But, usually enemies duck it or you
eat their first before you can land it. Plus, you look
like a retard when you do it! If you can really nail the
timing, you might find some use for this move. But I bet
you won't.

-KICK- B button.
Standard kicks are definitely the move you will use the
most often, as they have the best reach and speed. Your
Kicks have an "optimum range" - LEARN IT. You will do much
better in this game if you throw all your Kicks IMMEDIATELY
as an enemy enters your striking range. This is very
important against Abodo and Chintai. With well timed
Kicks, it is possible to defeat Abodo and Chintai without
taking damage. This will be explained further in the
"Enemies" section of the FAQ.

-PUNCH- A button.
Only throw Punches when you're one on one against a REGULAR
enemy, and you know you can take a few hits and still get
to the next area alive.

-UPPERCUT- A button (used automatically).
Uppercuts are thrown after a few Punches, when your enemy
is buckled over in pain and you are close enough to
connect with it. It will also knock anybody else down who
happens to wander into the path of your fist of fury.

-ROUNDHOUSE KICK- B button (used automatically).
The Roundhouse Kick seems to be the kicking equivalent of
the Uppercut - it comes out when your enemy is buckled
over in pain, and you are close enough to connect with it.
Also, if another enemy wanders over while you're putting
the hurt on his friend, he too will eat Kick.

-JUMP KICK- A+B, simultaneously.
The Jump Kick works OK when getting up, but don't rely on
it as a regular offensive move because it is frequently

-HAIR PULL- B button (used automatically).
The Hair Pull is actually 3 moves in itself. Once
attained, you will grab enemies by the hair after kicking
them once or twice. Once you have your enemy in the Hair
Pull, the B button knees them in the face, and the A button
throws them over your shoulder. You can throw 5
knee-bashes before they fall, and you can do the shoulder
throw any time before that. So the best combination (kills
many enemies immediately) is:
Kick, Kick, Hair Pull, Knee Bash (4 times), Shoulder-throw.
The only time to NOT use this combo is when there is a
ledge to throw somebody over, or when closely surrounded.
In the case of being surrounded or having a ledge, just go
immediately to the shoulder-throw. ANYHOW, this is the
most important move. Abuse this move. Like I said before,
normal enemies expire after one round of it, and from level
2 on, you can use it to throw enemies off of ledges,
defeating them ever-so-quickly. Stand with your back to
the ledge, far enough away so that if you get knocked down,
you don't fall over the edge. As enemies approach, kick
them until you pull their hair, and toss 'em. Repeat.

-REVERSE ELBOW SMASH- A button, attacks behind you.
Once obtained, if you are throwing punches while your back
is turned to an enemy, you will throw an elbow behind you.
Useful in that it scores a one-hit knockdown on every
enemy, but tough to use because it is frequently ducked
and you almost always get knocked down at the same time.

-TACKLE- Down+A over a fallen enemy.
Actually pretty useful when enemies avoid your Hair Pull
and get knocked down by Punches/Kicks. Hurry over to them
and finish them off before they can get up and cause you
more trouble. Be careful, if you try it on a Chintai, they
will often kick out.

-RETARD LEAP- B button (used automatically).
When throwing Kicks in close, this ability will allow you
to jump in the air, spin, and throw a devastating kick,
dealing huge damage and knocking everybody within range to
the ground. Amazing! Or so it sounds... The move is
executed automatically (just like most of the bonus moves)
and always comes out at the worst time. 7 times out of 10,
you will get punched in the middle of your leap, and end up
lying on your back. Once you have this move, you'd best be
careful not to get in close and throw Kicks, because you'll
be sorry. Nobody is afraid of the Retard Leap. Not even

{3.2} Strategy

I recommend a Turbo controller for this game. It's not so
much the speed that is helpful, but the consistency. I can
jam on the B button as fast as anybody, but since
succeeding in this game relies so heavily on always
Kicking, all the time, and always throwing 3 Kicks in rapid
succession when an enemy is just barely close enough to
hit... Well, you get the point. If you think a Turbo
controller is cheating, then I hope you are REALLY good at
consistently triple-kicking. Because Abodo will look at
you and say "No turbo? Eat my fist."

An important thing to note about the fighting engine in
this game is that when using slower attacks, such as the
Whip, or regular Punches, or the Retard Leap, you are very
likely to "trade hits." That is, during a flurry of
Punches, you and your opponent will trade punches, very
slowly sapping your life meter, or even knocking you down.
With Punches, as long as the enemy is a regular enemy, this
is usually not a problem. Against Abodo, it's suicide.
With the Whip, just make sure you are swinging it from far
enough away. With the Retard Leap, you will quickly see
why I call it that. You would be smart to avoid kicking in
close once you have the ability to do the Retard Leap,
because you'll automatically do it and (especially in
mission 4) you will get knocked down.

I've found the most useful strategy is to use Kicks, and
lots of them. Kicks are your fastest attack, and they have
the greatest range. The only reason to use Punches is when
you want to earn points faster, which is explained in the
walk-thru. You should set out to quickly determine your
maximum range when Kicking an enemy - right when an enemy
sprite is within range of the heel of your
kicking-animation. Make it second nature to know what this
range is, against particular enemies. 3 Kicks in rapid
succession will knock down any enemy, and the strategy of
using this will be called "triple-kick" in this FAQ.

Once the Hair Pull is obtained, it is the best way to kill
most enemies quickly. When the "Hair Pull combo" is
mentioned, this refers to the full length Hair-Pull attack
mentioned earlier:
Kick, Kick, Hair Pull, Knee Bash (4 times), Shoulder-throw.

{3.3} Enemies

Basic thug. Sometimes throws Dynamite or Knives, or wields
a Baseball Bat. ALWAYS beware the Williams who has
Dynamite or a Knife, getting hit by either of these will
ruin your day. They take something like 40% of your
health, so beware. NEVER attack an armed Williams - wait
until they've thrown the Dynamite/Knife, dodge, and then
attack. If he has a bat, wait for him to come to you, and
Kick him before he swings it. For the regular old unarmed
Williams, kick the heck out of him. Williams will die
with one full-length Hair Pull combo. In the case that
Williams starts using Jump Kicks, get out of his way and
wait for him to come to you.

Really butch looking girls, usually traveling in gangs and
always (very strategically) sending the one with the Whip
to fight first. Usually best to triple-kick them, and
then Whip them as they get up. If you want to earn points
faster, stick with Kicks. Lindas also die after one
full-length Hair Pull attack.

Usually a pushover. Sometimes they will throw boxes or
barrels. Wait until they start to throw it, dodge, and
then punish them. Sometimes Roper goes on a Jump Kick
frenzy, if he starts this just get out of his way and
then crush him when he's done. These are usually your
best bet for using Punches, if you need to rack up some
points, or if your legs are tired from throwing so many
Kicks. Just like Linda and Williams, one time around
with the Hair Pull maneuver, and these guys are finished.

The second "boss" character you meet, who thereafter is a
regular enemy, and in Mission 4 is quite a pain. Remember
when I told you to get used to your optimal Kicking range?
It's important against Chin. If you Kick a bit too early,
he'll drop you with a leg thrust. If you Kick too late,
he'll claw you in the face. Against these guys, the Hair
Pull will become your best friend. Yes, you CAN have the
Hair Pull ability BEFORE you meet the first Chin - I'll
talk about that in the walk-thru. It will take two full
Hair Pull attacks to kill Chin. Or, of course, you can
heave him over a ledge. Watch out for the Chin who has a
knife! Also, Chin is the most likely to double-team you.
Be very careful about getting into a Hair Pull, with
another Chin behind you.

Huge, dumb, ugly looking thing. Abodo is pissed at you
because he is wearing the same size pants as you.
Definitely not good for poor Abodo. Also, even though
Abodo is lending his brawn to the Shadow Warriors, they
make him hide in little rooms and in dark caves. Poor
Abodo. Lengthy exposure to dark locations even tends to
make Abodo catch a nasty skin condition, leaving him green
and irritable. Never ever get cornered while fighting
Abodo, and in the unfortunate instance you are fighting two
Abodos at once, NEVER get between them. To kill Abodo,
remember that the first time you Kick him, he often will
fall in only one or two Kicks. Once down, well placed and
well timed Kicks can save you alot of energy and
frustration. Get used to standing about one body width
from a fallen Abodo. Here's how to figure out the right
place.. Throw Kicks as Abodo is lying there, and get close
enough so that your foot, during your Kick, is right above
his feet as he lays there. At the very INSTANT you see his
first frame of "getting up" animation, Kick three times,
very fast. You should knock him down again without him
ever having the chance to attack. This is the very best
way to fight Abodo one on one. When Abodo double-teams
you, use the fact that you can get the first knock-down in
one Kick to your advantage. If you get lucky, both Abodos
will fall on almost the same spot, and just as you are
Kicking one back down, the other will be getting up. If
the Abodo brothers surround you, then try running
up-and-to-the-left, triple-kick that one, and then run
down-and-to-the-right, and triple-kick that one. Keep it
up, have very well-timed Kicks, and you should do fine.

Fight these guys exactly like you would Abodo. Just be
careful, as they are much stronger and take many more
hits. Detailed strategy will be discussed in the

In case you were wondering, yes, your brother is the final
boss, and yes, that makes the title "Double Dragon" seem
rather pointless. But fear not, Jimmy sees the error of
his ways (after you pound his face into the ground) and
joins you on all your future quests. If that's not
brotherly love, I just don't know what is.



"How to Hair Pull the first Chintai you meet."


"The necessity of getting past the Green Abodo onslaught
with all your lives."

Upon starting a new game, you will be treated to an amazing
intro in which a gang of thugs punches an ugly girl in the
stomach and carries her away. Even without being told so,
I guess it is relatively logical to assume that she must
have been your girl, and that the point of the game is to
get her back. But dude, what the heck are you dating a
girl with such a nasty right leg for? That's disgusting.

(apologies to anybody who is actually dating a girl, in
real life, who has a really nasty right leg)

Anyhow, if you think the intro is super-cool, then work
hard to beat this game. The ending is done in the same
style as the opening. If you think the intro sucks, you'd
best not get your hopes up for the ending. 'Nuf said.


If you're like me, every time you watch those thugs punch
your grotesquely-legged girlfriend, you get so angry you
can barely wait to start busting some Shadow Warrior butt.
As soon as this first mission starts, you've got two
Williams just asking to get Kicked. So Kick them. 3 good
Kicks should knock 'em down, and the 2nd time they fall
they'll stay down. A 3rd Williams will then appear - Punch
the heck out of him 'til he dies. A helpful hitch-hiker
thumb will notify you to proceed. Wait until the screen
advances itself, and then get going. Hug the upper wall,
and as soon as you walk past the door, turn around and
start Kicking. You should flatten two Lindas, and also
knock a Whip out of one of their hands. Pick it up and
finish them off. Again let the screen scroll, and get
going. Now you'll come up against a Roper, give him a few
triple-kicks, and the next guy should be ready to hurl an
oil drum at you. Don't attack him, just get in front of
him and when he throws it, dodge it and let him have some
nice triple-kicks. Next up should be two of his buddies,
and as you should usually do when there are two enemies on
the screen, run to the closest, triple-kick him, then to
the other, and back again. If you're doing really well on
health, it's a good idea to Punch one of them. Next up is
another Whip-wielding Linda. Standard fare here -
triple-kick her, take her Whip, finish her off. Do the
same to her gang, and if you want extra points, just use
Kicks and forget the Whip. Now go through the open door.
Immediately move up, past the conveyor belt, and
triple-kick the closest Roper. Triple-kick his buddy,
then finish the first one off. Best thing to do now is
move up by the door, finish off the remaining moron with
some Punches, and then immediately start kicking so you
can catch Abodo off guard when he comes through the door.
This is the best Abodo to practice your "kick him right as
he gets up" technique. Remember to get close enough so
that your foot (during your Kick animation) is swinging
right over top of his, as he lays there. Start a Kick
frenzy RIGHT as you see him getting up. Continue 'til he
dies. Jump up and down.


Immediately triple-kick the Roper in front of you, dodge
his twin's box, and do the same. Repeat. And repeat
again. Once you see the hitch-hiker thumb, advance very
carefully. From this point on, enemies will sometimes be
armed. A Williams will appear, holding some Dynamite.
Stand still, and as he starts to throw it, move down to
dodge. Kick him until he is able to throw Dynamite no
longer. Be careful of the big hole, and climb up the
fence. This Williams will have a bat - don't rush him,
wait for him to approach you and Kick him right as he's
close enough. FORGET the bat. Finish him off and keep
moving. At the end of this ledge, you can either climb
down the fence, jump off the end, or if you want a nice
bonus: this is one of the best places to make Billy Lee
look like a retard. Simply walk off the end, watch, and
get a good laugh. Anyhow, advance carefully, for there
will be yet another armed Williams, and his twin. Dodge
the Dynamite, and let them eat Kick. If you're feeling
confident, let the last one have some Punches. Next up is
a Linda with a whip, and her gang. You'd be best served to
just stick with triple-kicks here. Take out the three of
them and hurry up the ladder, and take out two more Lindas.
There will be one more on the level above. Get rid of her,
and go to the top to face your first Chintai. Now, if
you've followed my directions up to this point, sometime
during the fight with the Lindas you should've earned your
4th heart, and you can now do the Hair Pull. Once on the
top girder, wait right at the ladder and let Chin come to
you. Let him have some Kicks right as he gets close
enough, and you should do the Hair Pull. Press A and toss
him off the ledge. Giggle as you watch him fall to his


Far and away the longest Mission in the game, and with the
requisite being that you must finish and still have all
of your lives (if you want to have ANY chance in Mission
4), arguably the hardest Mission. You'll start off in some
beautiful forest scenery, and take on a few Williams.
Again, one has a Knife, so avoid the far right of the
screen, and don't attack him until you've dodged his Knife.
After you advance, you will find a Williams who thinks he
can get you by hiding in a tree and surprising you. Kick
him and give him a nice Hair Pull and see if he still
thinks so. Now you will see the hitch-hiker thumb again.
Keep moving, but stay back from the far right, as the next
3 characters you fight will be Chintai. Thankfully, one at
a time. If you haven't figured out your optimum Kick range
yet, these Chin's will show you why it's important. If you
have, you should be able to give them each a couple of Hair
Pulls, and move on. You will come to a bridge, guarded by
a baseball-bat wielding Williams. Trash him, and leave the
bat. Go to the very top of the bridge, and jump from the
very end, and you should make it. Let the Williams with a
Knife move up towards you, and dodge down when he throws
his Knife. Rip him up (be careful not to get knocked back
into the water). Now, this is your first major opportunity
to practice fighting a group of enemies, when there is a
ledge that can be used to your advantage. In this case, it
is the water beneath the bridge. Go to the right far
enough to lure out two Williams - one with a Knife, one
without. Now go back and stand with your back to the
water, far enough away that if you get knocked down, you
don't fall in. Dodge the knife, Kick him, and once you
Hair Pull, throw him in. Do the same to his buddy. Good
job! Do as the hitch-hiker thumb says, and get going.
Next up should be 4 Ropers, the first two by themselves and
the last two together. Show 'em how it's done. Ok, see
the big rocky wall there? Go up close to it, and advance
'til you see a fence. Turn around as soon as the screen
stops moving, and the wall starts blowing up. Out pops two
Abodos, pissed at waiting in that cave for all this time.
And they're going to take it out on you. Remember not to
get between them, and that if you stay as close to the wall
as you can, they may walk slower than normal. Get in sync
with doing the triple-kick right as they get up. If you
don't get lucky and have them lined up, and one starts
dropping you as you hit his buddy, start moving up and
down, taking them on one at a time. It's important you
kill 'em both without losing a life. Once they both die,
DON'T go to the right. From this point in the game on,
WHENEVER you kill an enemy that comes out of a wall or door
that stays open, you go through that opening after you kill
them. IF you go to the right, the level scrolls and you
repeat it from the beginning. Very much not fun. So go up
into the cave. And immediately start moving to the right,
as fast as possible. There will be stalactites, pouring
from the ceiling. There isn't a very discernable pattern,
but you will get the hang of when to stop, or when to back
up a bit to avoid being hit. BE CAREFUL not to get "tap
happy" in controlling Billy Lee - he'll do a Headbutt. So
you'll not only look like a retard, you'll get spiked in
the head by an evil stalactite. Once you get through, you
will stop and the screen will scroll ahead by itself. The
key here is PATIENCE. Only jump straight up to a platform
that is directly above you. So, wait until the first
platform is above your ledge and jump straight up. Then
wait until it goes directly under the second, and jump
straight up. From the second, you can skip the third, just
jump to the right at the end of the track. Be careful to
JUMP and not fall off. Advance past the door until it
opens, and teach the two Chintai a lesson. DON'T go
forward - after you kill the last Chin, go through the
door. You will quickly see you are surrounded by twin
Williams. The one on the left should have Dynamite -
approach him until he throws it and back up to dodge.
Kill him before the Dynamite blows, and before he can pick
it back up. Then take out his buddy, and get ready for
more Williams. There WILL be more Dynamite. Just
remember, it would be better to take some punches than it
would to get hit by the Dynamite. Once you finish these
guys off, go ahead to the right. When the screen advances
itself, keep holding right, and Jump Kick from the very
edge ASAP. Keep moving to the right, jumping each ditch -
there should be boulders bouncing behind you. After the
last ditch will be a very short section of falling
stalactites - you should run straight through without any
trouble at all, because again the screen will advance
itself, and you'll have to make quite a leap. Before your
jump, you'd better get mentally prepared for the Green
Abodo onslaught. This is a major check-point in the game.
If you can get past this without losing any lives, you
have a good shot at beating the game. Anyhow, as soon as
you land, IMMEDIATELY turn left and start kicking.
Hopefully you drop Abodo before he gets an attack off. Go
right into your routine of triple-kicking him right as he
gets up. Continue 'til he's sorry he ever blamed his skin
condition on you, and his buddy will arrive to avenge him.
Stand right about where the cave opening is - not too far
back as to get cornered, but not so far forward as to
knock Abodo off the screen when he falls over. Give him
the triple-kick treatment, do your best to not let him get
up. Once he's dead, go through the cave opening the first
Abodo opened up for you. Now you're outside the cave, and
there are lots of ledges and places you can climb up and
down. The fastest (and best) way to clear this is to run
immediately right and Jump Kick off of the ledge. You'll
land right above the level's exit. Now just wait for the
Lindas to pile out of the little doorway, and Hair Pull and
toss 'em over the edge. It'll be a fun time. Once you go
through several of them, the door below will open. Climb
on down, and give Billy Lee a big "CONGRATULATION!" for
completing the longest level in the game.


Be very careful as this mission starts, not to be touching
any directions on your controller. You start out on a very
narrow ledge. Move up close to the wall, and inch forward
towards the large brick wall. Stand there right before it,
and you'll notice that the bricks suddenly stick out, in a
seemingly random pattern. They will bust on you HARD, and
if they get you in a loop where as soon as you get up, you
get hit again, you will die very quickly. That said, stand
there and wait. I have the best luck if I wait until the
center block (2nd from the bottom) pops out, followed
immediately by the next block up (3rd from the bottom)
popping out, and then I go for it. There will be a second
wall, again stop and wait. When you see the same signal
(2nd from bottom pops out ONCE, and right after that the
3rd from the bottom also pops out once), go for it. Whew.
Ok, now you're in for what is a very dangerous fight, but
with some good strategy, and a little luck, you can get
through unscathed. As you walk forward, you should see
that the platform you are on has widened, and that there
are odd statues in the background. From these statues, you
will be viciously attacked by Chintai. Keep towards the
bottom of the screen, and get to the right where there is a
convenient pit to throw the many Chintai into. Beware the
first one to the right - he will have a Knife. If you are
lined up close (but not too close) to the pit, he may wait
(almost like he's stuck). As a Chin comes near, Kick him
at the right time, and as soon as you do a Hair Pull, give
'em the heave-ho. Do this to all of them, being careful of
the ones who carry Knives. If you get this far, and beat
all the Chin's, and you still have both your reserve lives,
you are doing great. Go ahead and move along to the right,
and jump the little hole. You'll see a climbable section
of wall, and an Abodo will decide to crash through the wall
to the right of it. Ignore him, and climb up the wall
immediately. Once up top, get to the right ASAP, and set
up to throw all of the Roper's over the ledge. Don't get
knocked off! Once you clear them all out, congratulate
yourself, and go up into one of the doors. You will be
IMMEDIATELY attacked by the most ruthless Williams in the
game. These guys WILL gang up on you, and they will Jump
Kick you, and they WILL blast you if you attempt the Retard
Leap. Keep calm, and be sure to Kick them from your the
maximum distance. Hair Pulls work great here, and if
somebody falls from regular Kicks/Punches, do the Tackle
move to finish him off. Once you send them all packing,
it's time to get serious. You'll walk to the right, and be
in an almost triangle-shaped room. This is the final room.
You will be up against twin Abodos right away. Remember
to try and triple-kick right as they're getting up, and if
they are split up, only take on one at a time. When you
kill the 2nd one, don't be near the door at the top. Two
Chintai will emerge, one holding a Knife. Dispose of them
as usual, taking care not to get stabbed. It's best to be
right by the door as you finish them, and then start
throwing Kicks (aim so your foot is hitting the center of
the door). You should drop a couple of Lindas, and then
two Ropers. When you kill the last Roper, MAKE SURE you
are up by the door, and Kicking right at the center, before
WILLIE comes out. This dude is armed with a machine gun,
so you definitely don't want to let him get the first hit
in. You CAN and WILL do the Hair Pull on Willie. Fight
him like you would an Abodo - once you knock him down, get
close enough so that your extended foot is above his, and
do a triple-kick IMMEDIATELY as you see him getting up. If
he hits you or gets away from you, maneuver so that he MUST
move directly down or up to get to you. Move so that you
can triple-kick him as soon as he's beside you, don't give
him room to start shooting. He may seem impossible, but if
you're good at doing the triple-kick right as he's getting
up, you can crush him. Once you see him doing the "blink
of death" try and get up beside the door before it opens,
and start Kicking. Out will pop JIMMY LEE. He looks just
like you, but with red clothes, and can do just about every
move you can do. The only move I haven't seen him try is
the Hair Pull. Good thing, too. Fight him just like Abodo
or Willie - keep away from him, and make him come to you.
Once you get a good triple-kick in, or knock him down, set
up to do continuous triple-kicks, every time he gets up.
Stick to this strategy, and you can put him away. My first
time fighting him, I almost beat him with less than half
my energy bar. He got me though, but I had a life left,
and the game picks up right at him, so I had a full life
meter with which to combat him. He really isn't very
difficult, the hard part is getting to him alive.

Anyhow, now that you've taught your brother that it isn't
nice to be in charge of mysterious gangs who kidnap your
grotesquely-legged girlfriend, you get to see Billy Lee
reunited with his long lost love. Push the B button to do
the "brag about how tough you are and how many dudes you
had to beat up to rescue her" move. Gals always love that.
Oh, and try not to stare at her putrescent right leg - you
know she's self-conscious.


Thanks go to...

Technos: for making such cool video games.
Nintendo: for giving us the NES, and the subsequent
opportunity to play so many rad video games.
Tourniquet: for making such incredible music.
You: for playing, and reading this FAQ.
Josh C: for being my test-audience for this FAQ, and
also for being my late-nite Double Dragon
(and other games) partner.
Jesus: for Eternal Life, and that's better than any
Invincibility power-up, any day.


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suggestions, adoration, comments about my webpage,
comments about Abodo, comments about Tourniquet, or just
a general "I think your FAQ sucked" or "I think your FAQ
rocked" message to:


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