Betrayal in Antara

Betrayal in Antara

14.10.2013 19:09:37
Version 1.5
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This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyright of Alan Quirino (

You must agree these terms in order to read/put on a page this document:

1) You make no credit for this, this work is a result of many hours of gameplay and writting, so
please do not steal.

2) You keep this document exactly as it is, you must NOT change anything, font, number,

3) If you do wish to put this in your web page, you must contact me first saying so.

4) You may use some info of this document as long as I give you permision to do so, but only a
small paragraph.

5) If you think or know someone stole from this, please contact me, as I said, this is the
result, of someone's hard work and a lot of time, so please, don't steal.

6) If you feel I missed something in this or you have a suggestion, contact me, but I will not
accept hate-mail, I will just problably ban your e-mail adress if you do so.

7) I will respond most questions concerning this game, as long as IT IS _NOT_ detailed in here,
so please check first, if the question is detailed here, i will just problably erase the
mail, if didn't respond it was problably because the question was already detailed here, if
you insist I will ban you, and don't try making another account and keep asking!!!!

Please, read them.

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2.-Spells Basic
3.-Long Range
4.-Hex Area
5.-Front Space
6.-Full Range
8.-Non battle


I must admit that Betrayal in Antara isn´t the best game on the world, at first glance
I liked it but then I started to hate it, I decided to check a FAQ for spell but couldn´t
find one so I decided to make one and I started to play it a long time until I got all the

2.-Spells Basic

I won´t explain what you need to get the spells, that would take hours and hours and hours
and hours and hours and.......... Any way, there are 5 icons in a circle shape:

\ 2 / 1: Has an eye and an arrow, I´ll call ´em Long Range (Sect.3)
1 \ / 3 2: Has a grid in it, I´ll call ´em Hex Area (Sect.4)
______\/_____ 3: Has a person and some dots, I´ll call ´em Front Space (Sect.5)
| 4: Has a hand and some drops, I´ll call ´em Full Range (Sect.6)
4 | 5 5: Has a shield in it, I´ll call ´em Anywhere (Sect.7)
Power dots are the circle dots in the circle the more, the more
powerful and life taking, not all spells have. To cast spells
you use your own life, you don´t have MP or anything so you should
check your life frequently. If it has Power dots I will list only
the first level, in "Raises" it shows how much Power and Life
increases from dot to dot. Max means at max power.

All the spells TEXT was taken from the game.
2.-Spells Basic
3.-Long Range

This spells affect anyone you want except your allies, I haven´t see that one spell can´t
target some one save for 1 or 2 that have some requisites... There are 7.

1.-Emulsify: 11 points of power. Targets: Enemy in line of sight.
Crumbles target´s bones, reducing DEFENSE by 20% until target´s next action.

1st Power: 20 Damage, 10 Life.
Raises: 2 Damage, 1 Life.
Max: 40 Damage, 20 Life.

2.-Ligthninig Bolt: 1 point of power. Targets: Enemy in line of sight.
Summons lightning from the sky to strike an opponent. Only metal wielding
enemies are valid targets.

1st Power: 40 Damage, 12 Life.
No raise and max.

3.-Fireball: 20 points of power. Targets: Enemy in line of sight.
Shots a exploding ball of flame dealing full damage at ground zero, 30-50% damage
1 space away, 10-25% damage 2 spaces away. Explosion damages wood and leather

1st Power: 3 Damage, 1 Life.
Raises: 3 Damage, 1 Life.
Max: 60 Damage, 20 Life.

4.-Hootfoot: 20 points of power. Targets: Enemy.
Lights a fire under a target, who is moved to a ramdom adjacent space if 10 or
more points of damage are taken.

1st Power: 1 Damage, 1 Life.
Raises: 2 then 1 then 2...Damage, 1 Life.
Max: 30 Damage, 20 Life.

5.-Lavasphere: 30 points of power. Targets: Enemy in line of sight.
Shoot an explosive ball of lava doing full damage at ground zero and lesser
damage within a 2 space radius. Victims and/or equipped wood and leather items
may suffer burn damage.

1st Power: 2 Damage, 1 Life, Plus burn damage.
Raises: 3 then 2 then 3...Damage, 1 Life.
Max: 75 Damage, 30 Life, Plus burn damage.

6.-Coldcut: 7 points of power. Targets: Enemy in line of sight.
Shoots shards of ice at target.

1st Power: 7 Damage, 4 Life.
Raises: 7 Damage, 4 Life.
Max: 49 Damage, 28 Life.

7.-Geyser: 15 points of power. Targets:Enemy in line of sight.
Creates a torrential geyser of water beneath the target, quenches flaming weapons,
and cancels active fire-based spells.

1st Power: 3 Damage, 2 Life.
Raises: 3 Damage, 2 Life.
Max: 45 Damage, 30 Life.

3.-Long Range
4.-Hex Area

This spells affect any hex in battle 1 or 2 gives info without the hex but...Some can affect
your allies...Some might have "Phases" under the Power listing, that means the turns it last
in play before dissappearing. There are 9.

1.-Scent of the viper: 1 point of power. Targets: All that match.
Detects enemies carrying poisoned weapons or arrows.

1st Power: 0 Damage, 5 Life.

2.-Chocking Cloud: 10 points of power. Targets: Everyone that touches.
Creates a ring of choking gas around the caster. Gas does 1 poison damage
at the start of every phase and reduces DEFENCE, MELEE, ARCHERY and SPELL
ACCURACY by 10%.

1st Power: 5 Phase, 10 Life.
Raises: 1 Phase, 1 Life.
Max: 15 Phase, 20 Life.

3.-Toxic Cloud: 10 points of power. Targets: Hex in line of sight.
Creates a toxic cloud 3 spaces in diameter, doing 1-2 poison damage each phase.
Anyone in or passing through the cloud has 25% chance of becoming poisoined.

1st Power: 1 Phase, 1 Life.
Raises: 1 Phase, 1 Life.
Max: 10 Phase, 10 Life.

4.-Moonless Night: 10 points of power. Targets: Hex in line of sight.
Creates a dome of darkness 3 spaces wide, increasing DEFENSE by 20% and
reducing MELEE, ARCHERY and SPELL ACCURACY by 40%. Movement through the
dome is halved.

1st Power: 5 Phase, 5 Life.
Raises: 1 Phase, 1 Life.
Max: 15 Phase, 15 Life.

5.-Swarm: 30 points of power. Targets: Enemies around the caster.
Summons a swarm of bitting, stinging insects to surround the caster.

1st Power: 4 Damage, 1 Life.
Raises: 4 Damage, 1 Life.
Max: 120 Damage, 30 Life.

6.-Lightning Storm: 1 point of power. Targets: Every metal-wielding enemy.
Creates an electrical storm until the end of combat. Lightning bolts from
this storm may strike any metal-wielding enemy.

1st Power: 25 Damage per strike, 30 Life.

7.-Blizzard: 7 points of power. Targets: Any hex.
Creates a moving cloud of ice and snow 3 spaces wide. Anyone in the blizzard
takes the blizzard´s strenght in damage, which decreases every other phase.

1st Power: 2 Phase, 4 Life, 8 Initial Strenght.
Raises: 2 Phase, 4 Life, 8 Initial Strenght.
Max: 14 Phase, 28 Life, 56 Initial Strenght.

8.-Web: 9 points of power. Targets: Hex in line of sight.
Creates a randomly shaped adhesive web. Anyone moving into or out of a webbed space
uses all remaining movement to do so.

1st Power: 10 Phase, 5 Hexe, 6 Life.
Raises: 0 Phase, 1 Hexe, 3 Life.
Max: 10 Phase, 13 Hexe, 30 Life.

9.-Monsoon: 10 points of power. Targets: Any space.
Creates a moving cloud of torrential rain 3 spaces wide doing random damage up to
its current strenght and doubling electrical damage. Monsoon cancels any fire-based

1st Power: 1 Phase, 3 Life, 3 Initial Strenght, double electrical damage.
Raises: 1 Phase, 3 Life, 4 Initial Strenght.
Max: 10 Phase, 30 Life, 39 Initial Strenght, double electrical damage.

4.-Hex Area
5.-Front Space
These spells affects only enemies and some also affects allies in front of you. There are 9.

1.-Venom: 1 point of power. Targets: Adjacent enemy.
Poisons target.

1st Power: 7 Life.

2.-Static Discharge: 1 point of power. Targets: Adjacent enemy.
Releases a shocking burst of electricity.

1st Power: 25 Damage, 10 Life.

3.-Combust: 10 points of power. Targets: Adjacent enemy.
Causes target to burn with magical fire.

1st Power: 5-8 Damage per phase, 2 Phase, 2 Life.
Raises: 0-0 Damage per phase, 1 Phase, 2 Life.
Max: 5-8 Damage per phase, 11 Phase, 20 Life

4.-Deep Freeze: 1 point of power. Targets: Adjacent enemy.
Send a wave of cool through the target´s body, doing increasing damage for
each metal item the target is equipped with (and damaging those items).

1st Power: 30-45 Damage, 15 Life.

5.-Nullify: 1 point of power. Targets: Adjacent enemy or ally.
Dispells all temporary magical effects from target and target´s equipment.

1st Power: 20 Life.

6.-Rachel´s Song: 8 points of power. Targets: Adjacent enemy.
Causes target to change sides and fight for the caster. Charm only works
while the target still has uncharmed allies.

1st Power: 4 Target´s Action, 9 Life.
Raises: 1 Target´s Action, 3 Life.
Max: 11 Target´s Action, 30 Life.

7.-Clarity of Purpose: 1 point of power. Target: Adjacent enemy or ally.
Cancels the effect of a charm spell.

1st Power: 10 Life.

8.-Shove: 10 points of power. Targets: Adjacent enemy or ally.
Shoves the target backwards.

1st Power: 1 Space, 4 Life.
Raises: 1 Space, 1 Life.
Max: 10 Space, 13 Life.

9.-Dehydrate: 1 point of power. Targets: Adjacent enemy.
Removes water from target´s body.

1st Power: 24 Damage, 12 Life.

5.-Front Space
6.-Full Range

This kind of spells can target anything ANYWHERE, allies, enemies, you name it, it targets it.
Generally, this are for stats boost like DEFENSE... but some are not.

1.-Purification: 30 points of power. Targets: Caster or Ally.
Reduces caster´s or ally´s poison percentage by 1 point per point spent.

1st Power: 1 Percentage, 1 Life.
Raises: 1 Percentage, 1 Life.
Max: 30 Percentage, 30 Life.

2.-Unseeing eye: 1 point of power. Targets: Enemy.
Blinds the target, reducing DEFENSE, MELEE, ARCHERY and SPELL ACCURACY by 40%
and RANGE by 50%.

1st Power: 5 Phase, 5 Life.

3.-Gift of Sen: 30 points of power. Targets: Ally.
Transfers health from caster to target ally. The cost of this spell is paid in
health, not in stamina.

1st Power: 2 Health, 1 Life.
Raises: 2 Health, 1 Life.
Max: 60 Health, 30 Life.

4.-Adrenaline: 19 points of power. Targets: Caster or Ally.
Increases target´s strenght. Adrenaline fades away by 2 points on each of the
target´s actions.

1st Power: 4 Strenght, 2 Life.
Raises: 2 Strenght, 1 Life.
Max: 40 Strenght, 20 Life.

5.-Muscular Decay: 6 points of power. Targets: Enemy.
Reduces target´s strenght (to a minimum of 0). Target regains 2 points of
strenght on each of its actions.

1st Power: 20 Strenght, 10 Life.
Raises: 4 Strenght, 2 Life.
Max: 40 Strenght, 20 Life.

6.-Imperious Passage: 6 points of power. Targets: Caster or Ally.
Gives target freedom of movement and action in enemy zones of control.

1st Power: 3 Action, 3 Life.
Raises: 1 Action, 3 Life.
Max: 8 Action, 18 Life.

7.-Quicksilver: 5 points of power. Targets: Caster or Ally.
Increases target´s speed up to twice target´s normal level. Increases MELEE and
DEFENSE by an equal proportion. Each phase, target loses 1 stamina per point
of increased SPEED.

1st Power: 1 Speed, 8 Phase, 4 Life.
Raises: 1 Speed, 0 Phase, 4 Life.
Max: 5 Speed, 8 Phase, 20 Life.

8.-Tortoise Bind: 12 points of power. Targets: Any enemy.
Halves the target´s SPEED and RANGE. Reduces MELEE and DEFENSE by 25%.

1st Power: 1 Phase, 5 Life.
Raises: 1 Phase, 1 Life.
Max: 12 Phase, 16 Life.

9.-Communion: 1 point of power. Targets: Enemy in line of sight.
Reveals full diagnostic information about the target.

1st Power: 5 Life.

6.-Full Range

These spells produce barriers, domes and things like that. They can be put anywhere save for
1 or 2. There are 10...

1.-Metabollic Stasis: 20 points of power.
Caster or target ally cannot become poisoined for 1 phase per point
spent. Has no effect on poison already in the target´s system.

1st Power: 1 Phase, 1 Life.
Raises: 1 Phase, 1 Life.
Max: 20 Phase, 20 Life.

2.-Forcedome: 30 points of power.
Creates a protective dome 3 spaces wide, absorbing all damage from outside
attacks. The dome collapses after absorbing its capacity.

1st Power: 3 Capacity of damage, 1 Life.
Raises: 3 Capacity of damage, 1 Life.
Max: 90 Capacity of damage, 30 Life.

3.-Armorlight: 11 points of power. Targets: Caster or Ally.
Protects caster or target ally from damage.

1st Power: 4 Phase, 10 Life.
Raises: 1 Phase, 1 Life.
Max: 14 Phase, 20 Life.

4.-Aura of Insulation: 10 points of power. Targets: Caster or ally.
Protects target from electrical damage.

1st Power: 1 Phase, 1 Life.
Raises: 1 Phase, 1 Life.
Max: 10 Phase, 10 Life.

5.-Winter´s Kiss: 10 points of power. Targets: Caster or ally.
Protects target from fire damage.

1st Power: 1 Phase, 1 Life.
Raises: 1 Phase, 1 Life.
Max: 10 Phase, 10 Life.

6.-Blazing Barricade: 20 points of power.
Creates a circular wall of fire 3 spaces wide. The wall does damage equal
to its remaining duration to anyone crossing it.

1st Power: 1 Phase, 1-1 Damage.
Raises: 1 Phase, 0-1 Damage.
Max: 20 Phase, 1-20 Damage.

7.-Thermal Envelope: 10 points of damage. Targets: Caster or ally.
Protects target from cold damage.

1st Power: 1 Phase, 1 Life.
Raises: 1 Phase, 1 Life.
Max: 10 Phase, 10 Life.

8.-Cloak of the Magi: 9 points of power. Targets: Ally.
Renders the target immune to all magical damage and effects, including
beneficial ones from armor, poison, etc. Dispells existing potion or
spell effects.

1st Power: 1 Phase, 6 Damage.
Raises: 1 Phase, 3 Damage.
Max: 9 Phase, 30 Damage.

9.-Eternal Void: 10 points of power.
Creates a zone 5 spaces in diameter in which no new spells or magical effects
can be initiated or created.

1st Power: 2 Phase, 10 Life.
Raises: 1 Phase, 2 Life.
Max: 11 Phase, 28 Life.

10.-Kagro´s Filter: 10 points of power. Targets: Caster or ally.
Protects target from Chram spells.

1st Power: 1 Phase, 1 Life.
Raises: 1 Phase, 1 Life.
Max: 10 Phase, 10 Life.


As the name suggests, this spells can´t be used in battle, these can only be used outside
battle. The ring icon is like a current of water. There are 4.

1.-Moonglow: 12 points of power.
Surrounds the party with moonlight.

1st Power: 1 Hour, 5 Life.
Raises: 1 Hour, 1 Life.
Max: 12 Hour, 16 Life.

2.-Resonance of fortune: 5 points of power.
Detects raw gemstones in rock formations.

1st Power: 2 Hour, 1 Life.
Raises: 1 Hour, 2 Life.
Max: 6 Hour, 9 Life.

3.-Seventh Sense: 10 points of power.
Detects trapped chests before they are opened.

1st Power: 1 Hour, 5 Life.
Raises: 1 Hour, 1 Life.
Max: 10 Hour, 14 Life.

4.-Spelunker´s Star: 1 point of power. Can only be used in caves!!
Reveals nearby passages while underground.

1st Power: 15 Life.



Me. Alan Quirino. For making this. (
Sierra. For making somewhat of a game. (Beats me)
You. For reading this. (Who knows)

This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyright of Alan Quirino (

You must agree these terms in order to read/put on a page this document:

1) You make no credit for this, this work is a result of many hours of gameplay and writting, so
please do not steal.

2) You keep this document exactly as it is, you must NOT change anything, font, number,

3) If you do wish to put this in your web page, you must contact me first saying so.

4) You may use some info of this document as long as I give you permision to do so, but only a
small paragraph.

5) If you think or know someone stole from this, please contact me, as I said, this is the
result, of someone's hard work and a lot of time, so please, don't steal.

6) If you feel I missed something in this or you have a suggestion, contact me, but I will not
accept hate-mail, I will just problably ban your e-mail adress if you do so.

7) I will respond most questions concerning this game, as long as IT IS _NOT_ detailed in here,
so please check first, if the question is detailed here, i will just problably erase the
mail, if didn't respond it was problably because the question was already detailed here, if
you insist I will ban you, and don't try making another account and keep asking!!!!

That's all.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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