Betrayal in Antara

Betrayal in Antara

14.10.2013 06:52:49



Chapter 1

This is a fairly straight forward chapter. The object is to get Aren and William to
Panizo so that Aren can study with the Escobar mage Finch. You start off in the
town of Briala. Just as a matter of course, you should speak with Aren's father Tyre
Cordelaine (he is just in front of the inn) and Laura, who is supposed to be Aren's
future wife (and Aren isn't too happy about that). A good suggestion for people who
are starting off slowly, sleep at Tyre's inn, you won't be charged for staying there
and there is no food used when staying at an inn. This will get Aren's spell skills up,
it takes a while but you will be able to learn more spells more quickly. Just south of
town, as you are traveling to Aspreza there are some men harassing a woman
(Kaelyn Usher). You must defeat these men in battle and then Kaelyn will join your
group. From there it is just a matter of traveling to Panizo. The shortest route is the
best if you're in a hurry. It is Briala to Aspreza to Balmestri to Sortiga to Panizo.
Once again I will warn you that you miss out on much of the game this way. When
you get to Panizo, simply click on the Escobar Estates and the chapter will be over.

Chapter 2

This chapter starts getting things more complicated. Your first order of business is to
find the mage Finch so that he may train Aren. Finch is located directly West of the
town of Panizo in a little cleft in the mountains. Go to Finch and he will tell you that
he will teach Aren if you can find him a cup of Chailan Tea. Go the Peerless
Importers in Midova. Order the tea with the shopkeeper. Sleep in the inn for a week.
Go back to the shop and you will discover that everything has been stolen including
your order of Chailan Tea. Talking to the merchant leads you to the fact that the tea
was taken by a man named Antoni who owns the City Financiers (also in the same
city). Go to him and he will tell you that if you collect on an old debt for him that he
will give you the tea back. In order to collect on this debt you must find a mystic
named Enkudi. He was last seen in Montari Territory. This territory is located just
to the east of Sortiga. If you head down to Sortiga and take the road to the east you
will come to a fork. Take the fork to the North. You will meet up with Enkudi on the
road just north of there. He will give you the gems that Antoni wants back. (Just a
side note here, take the quest that Enkudi offers you, it will give Aren the skill of
WATER.) Take the gems back to Antoni and give them to him.

There seems to be some confusion on how to give items to NPC's so I will explain
it. When you are in the NPC screen (i.e. the background is meshed out and the NPC
is on the screen with the topics in the top right corner) bring up one of the
characters inventory screen. Notice that in the box where your food and burlas is
listed there is a man. That is the NPC. Drag the gems onto this portrait. Antoni gives
you the Chailan tea. Take this to Finch. Next he will tell you that in order to teach
Aren, William must watch his eggs and he asks you if you will do that - do not click
on anything, a Yes or No option will come up, it takes a second or two. Click on Yes
and Aren will study with Finch. Finch teaches Aren the following: SELF/ALLY and
RESIST skills, three other spell skills will go up by 5 points each as will his spell
casting skill. After all this, you must get our heroes to Ticoro. In order to go West,
you must cross a bridge, but the one on the road that is shown on the map is not
useable. You must cross at a bridge which is south of where Finch is located. The
bridge is in a little gap in the mountains, you either have to look for it or navigate next
to the mountains in the overhead map view. Once you cross the bridge proceed to
Ticoro. Once you are in the gates and you meet up with Raal, Kaelyn's friend, the
chapter is over. One hint, take a look at the Ticoro map in the town section, you
must get to the inn that you can stay at quickly. There are many battles in the streets
of Ticoro and you will need a place to heal. The Henne's Shadow Inn is the only
place to rest in Ticoro.

Chapter 3

This chapter is where you finally begin your quest for the consort which is a part of
the main story. First you must go to the North Gate house (you can get the locations
of everything mentioned here by looking at the Ticoro Town Map). Talk to the
Captain of the Guards. Nothing will come of this, but as you are leaving you mention
to your companions that you saw a hole that hasn't been fixed right above the room
that you were in and that you might be able to listen in from up there. In order to do
this you must get on the Ramparts. There is, of course, a gate which blocks you
from doing this. You need to get the key. Go to the Keys and Bolts shop and speak to
the owner. He will give you a copy of the key if you can discover who has been
popping his "unpickable" locks all over the city and giving him a bad name.

It turns out that it was his former apprentice who is responsible for picking the locks.
He is located in the south-east corner of the town map (after you talk to the owner
of the Keys and Bolts). After talking with him, go back and talk to the owner of the
Keys and Bolts and he will give you a copy of the Rampart Key. Take this to the
gate and open it. Go up and walk along the ramparts until you are above the gate
house. You will see the hole. Click on it and you will discover that the consort is
staying at The Green and White Inn. After you have discovered this, go to the inn
and try to get in. After this (you can't get in) return to your room and go to sleep.
This ends the chapter. At this point Caverton's guards will burst in and take you
from your room.

Chapter 4

This chapter is a long and twisting chapter. It is thus far, the longest chapter that
there is. First, Raal breaks you out of prison and tells Kaelyn that her father has
disappeared and that Raal's pack leader has a request to make of her. She leaves
with Raal. This will split the part up for the next 3 chapters (you get back together
again at the end of chapter 7). For this chapter, you stay with William and Aren.
Your goal is simple: Get into the Shepard's Headquarters. Unfortunately you have
no idea where to start, you don't even have a Shepard's Medallion anymore
because Lord Caverton's men took the one you had. So here's what you have to do.

First go north to Isten. There you need to get into the theatre to meet Maria Liana.
In order to do that you need to get tickets to the theatre as the amphitheatre is all
sold out. The tickets are located in a bead chest just to the south of Isten. If you find
this difficult just beat the Lord in the inn at cards and he will give you his ticket.

After you get the tickets, go to the theatre. Talk to Maria Liana and she will tell you
that Simon is her son and that he is presently a Child of Henne and he is stationed in
Durst. That is all the info you need from her. When you get to Durst you will meet a
Child of Henne named Jhana (she is located in the local Temple of Henne). You
discover that Simon was reassigned by the Hand of Henne. This is an NPC that you
met in Ticoro. Head back to Ticoro and you will meet him at the crossroads at the
gate of Ticoro. He will tell you that he reassigned Simon to the Chapel in Ravenne.
Upon going to Ravenne you will find his house because you are attacked by several
imperial guards.

You must defeat them. You will find a letter inside Simon's house that he has gone to
officiate at a wedding in Levosche. When you get to Levosche, you will find Simon.
He tells you the location of the Shepard's Headquarters (it is located just north of
Ticoro by a lake there). He tells you that you need a Shepard's Medallion to get in.
He buried his in his garden in Ravenne. Go there and double click on the garden and
you will get the Medallion. Take this to the Shepard's Headquarters and use it to
open the door. Look under the quest page to discover how to open the door using
the medallion. Once the door opens,the chapter ends. One major hint, before you go
through that door, you need to stock up on food and torches if you are going to
explore the caverns, you run low quickly.

Chapter 5

For this chapter you trade in William and Aren in for Raal and Kaelyn. Your
objective in this chapter is to find Kaelyn's father and talk with Raal's Pack Leader.
Kaelyn's father is located north of Darvi in The Waste. When you head up there,
you will run into the pack's leader (just north of Darvi). The pack leader will tell you
that there are Wraith's in the Waste and that there is no way to kill them (at this
point, you should not attempt to fight them as you cannot kill them). After talking
with him, continue north and you will find Kaelyn's father's house in the Waste.
There is a note there telling you that he is in a cave to the north of the waste. Head
to the north west and you will find the entrance (note, it is easier to find on the
overhead map). Make sure you have torches with you. He is located in the back of
the cave. He tells you that he is a mage and he came up with a formula that can kill
wraiths. You apply it to your weapons. You can now kill the wraiths. For the next
part of this chapter, you must kill all the wraiths. They are all in the Waste. After
that, go back to Kaelyn's father. That is the end of this chapter.

Chapter 6

This chapter again returns us to William and Aren. The are inside the Shepard's
Headquarters. The first goal is to find the way out - difficult because you can't get
there until you win the chapter. First, you must open the word lock chest in the south
eastern part of the cave system. The answer to this chest is Malkere. Inside, you
will find a lantern of sorts. All the way to the east of the cave system (you should
use Spelunker's Star to find your way) is a door with a series of buttons on it. In
order to get the correct code, place the lantern over the flame and certain buttons
will be circled with blue. Push all of these buttons and the door will open. After that
there is a series of passages which will eventually take you to the leader of the
Shepards. After you speak with him, you discover that the consort was kidnaped
from them. The mage that kidnaped him shows up just as you are leaving. You must
fight this mage and win. She is fairly powerful, so a good solution is to send William
up to her so that she is in his zone of control (i.e. he is facing her) so that she cannot
cast any spells. Then use Aren to finish her off with a spell or two. After this, make
your way to the secret exit which previously had bars over it, but the leader opened
it when he went to make his escape from the Imperial Guards which stormed the
Headquarters. From this point you must find the Consort. Start by going to Ganath,
and ask about Kaleth at the Pearl Spittoon (have some Halder's Brew with you, you
can find some in the hole located just outside where you escaped the Shepard's
Headquarters, or buy it in Ligano, or find it in a hut in Brikal). He will tell you to go
see Lokath in Choth. He is located in front of the inn. As a test for you, he will tell
you to deliver supplies to Birge in Imazi. Go to Birge in Imazi (he is in front of Lord
Garson's House) and he will tell you that they are trying to overthrow Lord Garson
but that they can't get in. Click on the hole that they started digging and you will
come up with the idea for the Montari to tunnel under the moat.

Go see Chee, the Gold Montari in the Montari cave system located east of Sortiga.
Then go back to Imazi and talk to Birge. He will send you back to Lokath with a
report on your performance. Lokath will then send you to Kaleth. He is located just
outside of town surrounded by tents (they look like stones). He gives you a potion
for swamp walking and tells you to meet up with his men and get the consort. His
men are located just south of Darvi (and I do mean just south). Give them the potion
and you will find the consort in a cabin that is right there in the swamp. This ends.

Chapter 7

This chapter again returns us to Kaelyn and Raal. This time the goal is to join up
with William and Aren and the Consort. To make life easy and quick just journey to
Durst and take a carriage to Isten. If you try to walk it you will find out that the
bridge is out and it's a whole hassle to go the long way. Just pay for it and live with it,
money isn't all that important anyway. Before you leave Isten, stop and pick up a
Rope (8) and Oil (5). Then, travel on the road to the east. At the juncture of the
three roads (to Teal, to Durst and to Isten) you will find William and Aren and the
Consort. You have to come up with a distraction for the mercenaries in the area so
that they can get the consort to Antara. This is how you do it, join the rope and the
oil 5 times. It will create explosive flasks (5 of them). Go up to the individual
mercenary groups (i.e. there are 5 of them) and use the flasks (i.e.go to the
inventory, click on them once and then click on the hand in the lower right corner)
and then click on a mercenary. When you do that to all 5 groups the way will be
clear and Kaelyn will say so. After that, simply go to the gates of Antara. At this
point the chapter is over.

Chapter 8

After the Consort and the Princess are taken by the Wraith, you are set loose to find
the culprit. This part of the journey takes place in the northeast corner of the map.
The goal here is simple, get to Nathby. You need to find out as much as you can
about Gregor. You start out in Breland. A big hint, go to the store there and buy
Fidali Leaves and Senwater. In Nathby, go to the docks and talk to the captain of
the ship that sank. He sends you to talk to Poul at one of the inn's there (he's in the
Lusty Maiden). He will tell you about a woman in Beluckre named Misha who runs
the local Brothel. She will tell you about Gregor, only if you get her sencream. At the
local mercantile store they tell you that they are waiting for the ingredients for the
sencream before they can make more. Go to the inn at Beluckre and buy some fatty

Take this and the Fidali Leaves and Senwater to the merchant. Give all three items
to the man and he will mix you a jar of sencream. Take this to Misha and she will
give you the key to Gregor's room in Havesly. Next, journey to Havesly. There are
several things to do in Havesly. First, go to the Mantigua Holding Company. There
you will examine Lord Sheffields books. Next, go to the tailor. After that talk to the
lighthouse keeper and then go to the lighthouse where you will get two interesting
letters. After that, go talk to Lord Sheffield. After you talk to him, go to the inn there.
Talk to the bartender and hand him the key that Misha gave you (again while your
talking to him go to the inventory screen and drag the key onto the man above the
food and burlas). He will let you into Gregor's room. After you read the information
in the book, go back and talk to Lord Sheffield. You never actually get that far as
everyone at the castle has been killed.

Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine, the last Chapter of BIA, begins with an invasion of pirates. The
pirates have captured Sheffield Manor and they have been merciless, killing
everyone except for the Sheffields themselves, who are hiding in the locked cellar.
Your first task is to find the cellar key. This is on the top floor in a unlocked,
untrapped chest just south of the northwestern staircase. Return downstairs and
use this key to unlock the portcullis in the northeastern corner. Once downstairs,
locate the Sheffields in the far southeast segment of the cellar. They will clear up
most of the mysteries in the game. After the events in the cellar come to a head, you
must pursue the Sheffield mage Bryce into his lair in the Wastes. Before you attempt
this, rest fully, and buy plenty of food, torches, and Senwater. You must also have
some rope. Don't be stingy with your money - this is the end of the game and you
can't take it with you. The entry to Bryce's den is behind Sheffield Manor, in a cave
system. Enter the caves,making sure to save your game in case you forget
something you need later.

In the first section of the cavern, you will encounter deep pits that prevent forward
movement. You can shimmy across these by clicking on them with a length of rope.
Pursue this tactic until you find Bryce's study, which is in the northern part of the

Once in Bryce's study, open the chest you find a corner of the room. Within is
Bryce's diary, complete with details of his diabolical master plan. The diary also
explains the method behind summoning a Wraith from Etherea. Study this magic,
but don't worry about obtaining any of the ingredients, since they will be provided
for you when there is a need.

Exit Bryce's study through the passage to the north, which deposits you in the
Wastes. Here you will have to face lots of nasty fire-breathing Hellhounds, which,
fortunately, are all cursed with bad aim. Bryce expects visitors and is laying in wait.
You can find an entrance to his lair in the center of the Wastes, at the north of a vast
canyon. Once in his lair, you will find him to the northeast. The spell Spelunker's
Star will help you enormously here.

Once you locate Bryce, he will set you against some pet Hellhounds, and then turn
on you himself. Bryce and his party are using a Carluda's Chain, which distributes
damage evenly among them. This is really to your advantage, since it means you
don't have to kill Bryce directly. The key to this battle is to prevent Bryce from
casting his devastating spells. Keep him occupied by attacking him physically at all

When Bryce is vanquished, you have almost completed the game. Follow the
wounded Bryce into his workroom, which is behind the nearby door. Inside, Bryce
will die after a few bitter comments about the Imperial Shadows. Now you must
summon back the Wraith that stole the souls of the Emperor's daughter and her
Consort, and convince it to return them.

Open the chest located in the bottom-left corner of the screen. Then add the
following ingredients to the cauldron in this order: Senwater (1), Nudberries (1),
TrKaa Feather (1), Talicor Dust (1), Hardening Fluid (1). The spell is then complete
and the game is at an end.


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