Monkey Island 4

Monkey Island 4

15.10.2013 02:47:43
|| ||
|| Monkey Kombat Help File ||
|| Version 1.0 ||
|| 8th December 2000 ||
|| ||
|| Created by David Moore ||
|| ||
|| ||

This is a little help file for the Monkey Kombat section of Escape From Monkey
Island. I've heard a lot of people say how this spoiled the game... but I have
to say that I kinda liked it. All thats needed is a little preperation, and
the taking down of notes (unfortunately the game is random with what beats
what and how to do the moves)


You first learn about Monkey Kombat from Jojo in the village on Monkey Island.
He will give you a little introduction to it, about how it's played, and he
also gives you the great advice of doing "Monkey See Monkey Do". You can't
battle Jojo immediately... you must first go away and battle some monkeys just
outside the village to master the art of Monkey Kombat. After defeating the
Timid, Smelly, Strapping and then eventually Brawny Monkeys, you can battle
against Jojo. The reward for defeating Jojo is a Bronze Hat.


Monkey Kombat is an advanced version of Paper, Scissors, Rock. However, there
are 5 positions in Monkey Kombat, with each position losing to 2 other
positions, beating 2 other positions, and drawing with itself. the 5 positions

Anxious Ape
Bobbing Baboon
Charging Chimp
Drunken Monkey
Gimpy Gibbon

The hard part somes with how to get to each position. There are 4 Monkey words:


To move from one position to another, a combination of three of the words must
be said. It's these combinations of words, and how these combinations change
your position that you need to take note of. This can be easier said than done.

The first thing to know is that any one of the words said three times
makes Guybrush stay in the same position. This is useful to stay in a winning

The second thing to know is that a combination of words that move you from
position A to position B, when said again will make you change from position
B back to position A.

Both Guybrush and the enemy Monkey will start with a certain amount of
hitpoints (displayed as bannanas), and with each round that you win, the
enemies hitpoints will start to go down. Whoever loses all of their bannanas


The way I completed this puzzle was to draw out tables quickly using Excel,
but ASCII tables will have to do for this guide. Copy the tables and print
them out. If you don't have a printer, just draw a rough sketch on a piece of

Table 1
| | Ape | Baboon | Chimp | Monkey | Gibbon |
| Ape | ---- | | | | |
| Baboon | | ---- | | | |
| Chimp | | | ---- | | |
| Monkey | | | | ---- | |
| Gibbon | | | | | ---- |

Table 2
| Ape | loses to | | and | |
| Baboon | loses to | | and | |
| Chimp | loses to | | and | |
| Monkey | loses to | | and | |
| Gibbon | loses to | | and | |

Table 1 is where you write down how to get to each position from every other
position. You fill in this table by watching the enemy Monkeys who fight
against you. If the enemy Monkey changes from an Anxious Ape to Bobbing
Baboon with the words "Ack Eek Oop", then goto the Ape row and follow it along
until you reach the Baboon columb, and then write Ack Eek Oop in that column.
Then goto the Baboon row and follow it along until you reach the Ape column,
and write Ack Eek Oop there as well.
You would then get something looking like this:

| | Ape | Baboon | Chimp | Monkey | Gibbon |
| Ape | ---- |Ack Eek Oop | | | |
| Baboon |Ack Eek Oop | ---- | | | |
| Chimp | | | ---- | | |
| Monkey | | | | ---- | |
| Gibbon | | | | | ---- |

Filling in table 2 is much simpler than filling in table 1. After the enemy
has made their move, note what their final position is, and what your position
is, and if it wins or loses. If the enemy uses the Drunken Monkey move, and
Guybrush was in the Anxious Ape position, and Guybrush gets hurt, then in one
of the spaces next to Ape write "Monkey".
You would then get something looking like this:

| Ape | loses to | Monkey | and | |
| Baboon | loses to | | and | |
| Chimp | loses to | | and | |
| Monkey | loses to | | and | |
| Gibbon | loses to | | and | |

This is very important when playing the game... because if the enemies current
position is the Anxious Ape, and you know that it loses to the Drunken Monkey
and the Charging Chimp, you have to change Guybrushes position to one of those
two winning moves.

Don't expect to be able to win many battles at the start.... because right now
it's all about learning. Keep following the same methods to fill in as much of
table 1 as you can be bothered to do (about 75% of it should get you through)
and all of table 2. Alternate between which table you fill out, so you don't
get TOO bored :P

Over time you should find that you have enough knowledge to win battles. When
it's your turn to move, look to see what position your enemy is in, then look
at table 2 to see what position you have to get Guybrush in to win. Then check
to see what position Guybrush is in, look at table 1 and the row of that
position... and find out what you have to say to get into a winning position.
It sounds kinda complicated at first, but once you get into it you'll find
that the tables will be of great help and save you loads of time.

Just a quick note, after you get the bronze hat, don't throw away your
tables just yet... they may become useful again....

Happy Kombating

Timber & Vism for their walkthroughs to the game, which helped me through
those VERY frustrating times on Lucre Island, and a few other puzzles which
I couldn't work out.

Also thanks to them and their walkthroughs for the information about the
purpose of Monkey Kombat which I used for this guide :o)

| Copyright 2000, Dave Moore ----------------------------------------------
| This help file may only be used on your website if credit is given to me |

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Dt. Lösung im pdf-Format

18.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

15.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Lösung für die Demoversion

18.Oktober 2013
Ermöglicht es Video-und Audio-Dateien aus dem Spiel zu extrahieren

16.Oktober 2013
Savegame und dt. Lösung für den Monkey Kombat

17.Oktober 2013
Lösung im UHS-Format

15.Oktober 2013
Hilfe für Monkey-Kombat im Word format
Engl. Hinweise

02.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung im Word-Format
Engl. Lösung

14.Oktober 2013
Lösung für die Monkey Kombat-Rätsel als Excel-Datei

13.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

15.Oktober 2013
Monkey Kombat Help File
Engl. Hinweise

15.Oktober 2013
Dt. Hinweise im Word-Format (Anmerkung: es sieht so aus als ob der Monkey Kombat doch zufallsgesteuert ist)

04.Oktober 2013
Affenkampf-Hinweise im Word-Format
Engl. Hinweise

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Lösung im Word-Format

15.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

14.Oktober 2013
Beleidigungen und Lösung für die Demoversion

17.Oktober 2013
Meest populair
30.December 2013
07.Maart 2014
19.Februari 2014
04.Maart 2019
28.Februari 2016
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
25.Juni 2019