King's Quest 1 - Quest for the Crown

King's Quest 1 - Quest for the Crown

17.10.2013 06:23:03

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 18th August, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
3. Walkthrough
3.1. The Magic Mirror
3.2. The Magic Chest
3.3. The Magic Shield
3. Command Walkthrough
4. Maps
5. Point List
6. Character List
7. Item List
7.1. Information
7.2. Descriptions
8. Easter Eggs and Secrets
9. Debug Information
9.1. Items
9.2. Locations
10. Death List
11. Copyright Information


1.1: 18th Aug, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 24th Mar, 2000 (First version)


1. Introduction


Three treasures which gave the kingdom of Daventry its power were stolen. The
magic mirror had the power to read the future, the shield protected the kingdom
from attack even against powerful armies and the chest had always remained full
of coins. King Edward the Benevolent had ruled over the kingdom for many years,
but remained without a son or daughter to inherit his throne. In his last days,
the King summons his favourite knight Sir Graham to this throne room. He tells
Graham about the treasures that were stolen, and that only the recovery of the
three items will restore power back to Daventry. Graham is promised that he
will become King over all of Daventry if he succeeds in this task.


3. Walkthrough


2.1. The Magic Mirror

The game starts outside of Daventry castle, where a nearby bridge leads over a
moat containing two vicious alligators. Our first aim is to cross the bridge.
Start by using the arrow keys to move Graham down toward the bridge. Pressing
the same arrow key a second time stops Graham walking in that direction. Make
sure to walk onto the bridge from the top side, and not from the right side
which will often make Graham fall into the water. If it makes things easier,
you can use the end key and page down to walk diagonally over the bridge.

After safely making it over to the other side of the bridge, continue west to
the next area. Walk up the carpet to the doors and open them to enter the main
hall of the castle. Go north to the corner and then west to the throne room.
Approach the bottom step in front of the old King and bow to him. Talk to the
king next, and he will explain that he wants Graham to prove himself worthy of
the throne by bringing three items back to the castle: A magic mirror, a magic
shield and a magic chest. Press any key to return to the game.

Walk east and then south twice to exit the castle. Walk west across the bridge,
remembering to stay at the top of the bridge to avoid falling into the water,
and then continue west to an area with a rock in it. Walk behind the rock and
push it to reveal a hole in the ground. Make sure not to push the rock from the
front as it will crush Graham. Take the dagger from the hole and then walk
north to the large tree in the next area. Climb up the tree to see a golden egg
in a nest. Before doing anything else, save the game by pressing F5.

With the game saved, walk carefully across the branch making sure to stay away
from the edges. Graham will not die if he falls from this branch, but saving
the game prevents you from having to climb up the tree again. The page up key
can be used to good effect here to walk diagonally up the branch. If you do
fall down from the tree at a certain point, F7 can be used to restore the game.
Get the egg from the nest in the middle of the tree. With the egg in the
inventory you can now walk off the branch to fall to the bottom of the tree.

Walk east, then north to a peaceful lake area where an elf should be walking
around. If he doesn't appear, leave and return the area until he does. Talk to
the elf and he will give Graham a ring that has the power to turn its owner
invisible. Before he leaves, the elf warns that the ring can only be used once.
Walk west twice to the well area. Walk behind the bucket in the well and cut
the rope using the dagger from the hole. The bucket will be added to Graham's
inventory. Walk to the top-right corner of the well and lower the rope.

The rope now dangling down into the darkness of the well, so climb on the rope
and then press the down arrow key to descend into the well. The rope ends
above a pool of water at the bottom of the well. Continue down to the bottom of
the rope to fall into the water. As with all calm water in the game, Graham
will splash about helplessly until you tell him to swim. With Graham now calmly
swimming in the water at the bottom of the well, dive into the water.

An old bottle and a can litter the ground at the bottom of the pool, but they
can't be picked up. The hole at the bottom-left corner of the water looks more
interesting, so swim into it. Graham exits the water to find himself in the
cave of a fire-breathing dragon. Walk east to the water area to refill the
bucket and then return to the cave. Type the command to throw the water but
don't enter it yet. Walk up close to the dragon and then press enter to throw
the water over the dragon. The dragon leaves in a sulk, moving a big boulder on
the way. With the dragon gone, get the mirror near the boulder.

2.2. The Magic Chest

The bucket is currently empty as it was used to extinguish the flames of the
dragon, so walk back through the hole at the right side of the cave to fill it
up with water again. Swim west back into the cave. Walk west through the hole
at the side of the boulder and then continue west to exit the cave. Outside,
walk south twice to arrive in an area with a stump. Look in the stump to see an
old pouch inside. Get the pouch and open it to see diamonds inside.

Walk west once to see a calm lake. You shouldn't need to get too close to the
edge of the lake, but if you do fall in then just start swimming. Walk north
twice from the lake area and then west once to arrive in a field with a group
of clovers. Collect the four leaf clover from the middle of the group. Go south
to the next area. A fairy may appear in this area to cast a spell on Graham,
protecting him temporarily from the effects of monsters. If the fairy does not
appear, just keep exiting this area and returning to it until she does.

Walk west and get a carrot from the garden. Walk north twice to an area with
rocks near a river. Be careful not to drop into the river, as it is flowing too
fast for Graham to be able to swim in it. Walk west to the next area and get
the bowl on the grass. Read the bowl to see that a word has been written on the
bottom of the bowl. Walk west again and get the walnut below the tree. Open the
walnut to see that to discover that it contains a nut made of pure gold.

From the walnut tree, walk north one screen and then east one screen. Walk onto
the beach near the powerful river and get a handful of pebbles. Walk north to
see a mushroom on the other side of the river. Walk west three times to see a
woodcutter's house. Enter the house and give the bowl to the woodcutter. He is
puzzled why Graham has placed an empty bowl on his table, so say the word fill
to fill the bowl with stew. Very grateful, woodcutter and his wife offer their
fiddle to Graham. Get the fiddle from the corner and then exit the house.

Walk south twice to see a gingerbread house in a clearing. Walk to the front
of the house and eat it. Open the door to enter the house. Quickly walk over to
the bedroom at the right side of the house and wait in the bedroom. A witch
should enter the house. If the witch doesn't appear, exit the house and then go
back in to the bedroom again until she does. The witch will move over to the
stove after she enters the house. Walk up to the witch and push her. With the
witch gone, the house is now safe to explore.

Open the cupboard and get the cheese on the shelf. Walk into the bedroom and
take the note on the table. Exit the house and walk west once, then south twice
to an area with a goat pen. Open the gate and enter the pen. Show the carrot to
the goat and it will start to follow Graham. Exit the pen and walk south three
times, then west once to see a bridge. Cross the bridge and the goat will butt
the troll off the bridge. The bridge is now safe to cross, so continue west to
the next area to see an old gnome walking around. Talk to the gnome and he will
challenge Graham to guess his name in three tries.

An old fairy tale had a character named Rumplestiltskin that also asked that
his name be guessed in three tries. Entering this name, the gnome mentions that
the guess is close but not quite right. Read the note found in the gingerbread
house, which mentions that it may be wise to think backwards. Rumplestiltskin
when spelt backwards gives Nikstlitselpmur which doesn't work. The key is to
reverse the letters of the alphabet, so that A would become Z for example. When
this method is used on the word Rumplestiltskin, the gnome's name is shown.

Tell the gnome that his name is Ifnkovhgroghprm and he will be astounded that
his name was guessed. He exits the area, leaving some beans on the ground. If
his name was not guessed, he leaves a key on the ground. Get the beans or the
key and then walk east twice to an area where flowers are growing in the soil.
If you have the beans, plant the bean to see a beanstalk grow. Climb onto the
beanstalk and prepare for one of the most difficult sections of the game. In
the first screen Graham will not die if he falls, but there are another three
screens above this where Graham can die if he falls. Save frequently, and at
the top of the beanstalk Graham will step onto the Land of the Clouds.

If you didn't guess the gnome's name, then a different route has to be taken to
reach the Land of the Clouds. From the beanstalk soil, walk south twice to the
area where the bird appears. Walk east three times to see a door built into the
bottom of a mountain. Use the key on the door to enter a cave with steps which
lead up to the Land of the Clouds. It is very easy to fall off the edge, so be
sure to save frequently on the way up. Use the page up key when walking up the
first set of steps, and the end key on the second set of steps. Go through the
cave exit at the top of the steps to enter the Land of the Clouds.

The beanstalk route leads to a cloud at the west side of the land, while the
mountain steps route leads to a cave exit at the east side of the land. From
the top of the beanstalk, walk east twice, south and then east twice to see a
hole in a tree. From the cave exit, just go south one screen to arrive in the
area with the hole in the tree. Look in the hole and get the sling. Walk north,
then west to see the fierce giant that guards the magic chest.

If you have the magic ring from the elf, you can wear it and rub it to turn
invisible. One disadvantage to this method is that when the ring disappears,
three points are taken off the score. The giant will be unable to find Graham
and will walk around until he falls asleep. If you don't have the ring, hide
behind the tree at the top-left corner of the area. It will be easier to enter
this area from the left side, as the giant starts further away. Another way of
getting the magic chest is to use the slingshot and pebbles. This defeats the
giant quickly but does not give as many points. Either way, the giant will fall
onto the grass holding the chest. Get the chest.

2.3. The Magic Shield

Walk east to the next area. Enter the cave and save at the top of steps. Use
the page down key to walk down the first set of steps, and the end key to walk
down the second set of steps. Exit the cave and then walk east to an area near
a lake. If you didn't talk to the elf in this area earlier, then talk to him
now to receive the magic ring. His main purpose in the game is to make things
easier when waiting for the giant to fall asleep, but at this point in the game
you may have already done that by hiding behind the tree. Collecting the ring
is also required when going for a maximum points.

Walk west four times, swimming through a lake on the second screen, to return
to the exit of the cave where the mirror was found. Exit and return to this
area until a bird appears and flies around the area. Walk behind the rock at
the right side of the area and jump when the bird flies down above Graham. The
bird carries Graham and drops him off in an area on the other side of a river.
Walk west and get the mushroom. Walk back to the east and fall down the hole.

Graham lands in a cave after falling through the hole. Walk south and then west
to see a rat running about in front of a door. The rat is dangerous, so save
the game at this point. Walk up close to the rat and give it the cheese. It
scrambles into a hole in the wall and disappears. The message which appears
about counting your fingers after the rat has been given the cheese is a valid
command, and Graham says that he is relieved to see he still has all of them.

Open the door to enter a room with two leprechauns that are under the power of
the fourleaf clover that is being carried. Play the fiddle and the leprechauns
will dance out of the cave. Walk south to the throne room. Before the fiddle
was played, eleven normal leprechauns and the King leprechaun were here, and
the King's magic prevented Graham from getting close to him. After the fiddle
has been played, only the King remains. Seeing that all of his followers have
left the cave, he leaves as well, but forgets to take his sceptre with him.

Get the sceptre and the shield near the throne. Walk west up the steps to see a
small hole that Graham can not climb through due to his size. Eat the mushroom
and Graham will shrink to the size of a mouse. Before the effects can wear off,
walk through the hole to exit the cave. Almost immediately, Graham returns to
his original size. Walk east, north twice and then east to return to the castle
entrance. Carefully cross the bridge and then open the door. Walk north, then
west to the throne room. Approach the steps and bow to the King.

In the ending, The King smiles and then rises from his throne. Graham walks up
to the throne and the King commends him on recovering the three treasures. As
the King walks forward, he stumbles and falls to the floor. In his dying words
he praises Graham for being a good and faithful servant, telling him that his
reward is well deserved and that the kingdom of Daventry is now his. Edward the
Benevolent then dies, and Graham begins his reign as the King of Daventry.


3. Command Walkthrough


West. "Open door". North. West. "Bow". East. South. South. West. "Push rock".
"Get dagger". North. "Climb tree". "Get egg". Down. East. North. "Talk elf".
South. West. West. West. "Cut rope". "Lower rope". "Climb rope". Down. Down to
the water. "Dive". Enter the hole. East. West. "Throw water". "Get mirror".
East. West. West. West. South. South. "Look in stump". "Get pouch". "Open
pouch". West. North. North. West. "Get clover". South. West. "Get carrot".
North. North. West. "Get bowl". West. "Get walnut". "Open walnut". North. East.
"Get pebbles". North. West. West. West. Enter the house. "Give bowl to
woodcutter". "Fill". "Get fiddle". Exit the house.

South. South. "Eat house". "Open door". Enter the bedroom and wait for the
witch. "Push witch". "Open cupboard". "Get cheese". "Get note". Exit the house.
West. South. South. "Open gate". "Show carrot". South. South. South. West.
West. "Talk gnome". "Ifnkovhgroghprm". "Get beans". East. East. "Plant beans".
"Climb beanstalk". Up. Up. Up. East. East. South. East. East. "Get sling".
North. West. Wait until giant falls asleep. "Get chest". East. East. Down.
Down. Down. West. West. West. "Jump" under the bird. West. "Get mushroom".
East. Down. South. West. "Give cheese to rat". "Open door". "Play fiddle".
South. "Get sceptre". "Get shield". West. "Eat mushroom". West. East. North.
North. East. "Open door". North. West. "Bow".


4. Maps



________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
| | | |Woodcutr|Woodcutr| | |Leprchns|
| Bridge | Bridge | Lake | House | House | Ogre |Mushroom| Cave |
| | | | | | | | |
| Gnome | Bridge |Beanstlk| Lake | Hole | Dwarf |Pebbles | River |
| | | | Witch | | | | |
| Bridge | River | Meadow | House |Sorcerer| Walnut | Bowl | River |
| | | | | |Mountain| | |
| Clover | Lake | Bird | Witch | Lake | Door | Elf | Cliffs |
| | | | | | | | |
| Fairy |Goat Pen|Goat Pen| Well | Wolf |Oak tree| Garden | Garden |
| | | | | | | | |
| Lake | Lake | Pouch | Lake | Lake | Dagger | Castle | Castle |

+-----------------+ +---------------+
+-----------------+ +---------------+

________ ________ ________
| Throne | | | |
| Room | Hall | | Rope |
|________|________| ________ ________|________|
| | | | | |
| Hall | | Cave | Dragon | Water |
|________| |________|________|________|


________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
| | | | | | |
|Beanstlk| Clouds | Forest | Giant | Cave | Steps |
| | | | | | | |
|Beanstlk| | Forest | Forest | Sling |/ | Steps |
|________| |________|________|________/________|________|
| | /| |
|Beanstlk| | Steps |
|________| ________|________|
| |
| Steps |


| |
| Cave |
________ ________|________|
| | | |
|Leprchns| Rat | Cave |
| | Throne |
| Cave | Room |


5. Point List


1 1 Open the door to the castle.
4 3 Bow to the king in the castle.
6 2 Push the rock from the north side.
11 5 Get the dagger from the hole.
13 2 Climb the large oak tree.
19 6 Get the gold egg from the nest.
21 2 Cut the rope on the well.
22 1 Climb down the rope into the well.
26 4 Dive into the water at the bottom of the well.
27 1 Swim into the hole at the bottom of the well.
29 2 Go back to the water and refill the bucket.
34 5 Throw the bucket of water at the dragon.
36 2 Go back to the water and refill the bucket.
44 8 Get the mirror from the dragon's cave.

45 1 Look in the stump to see the pouch.
48 3 Get the pouch from the stump.
51 3 Open the pouch to see the diamonds.
53 2 Get the four-leaf clover.
55 2 Get the carrot from the garden.
58 3 Get the bowl east of the walnut tree.
61 3 Get the walnut on the grass below the walnut tree.
64 3 Open the walnut to see that it contains gold.
65 1 Get the pebbles from the beach.
68 3 Give the bowl to woodcutter in his house.
70 2 Fill the bowl on the table.
73 3 Get the fiddle from the woodcutter's house.
75 2 Eat the front of the witch's house.
82 7 Push the witch into the stove.
84 2 Open the cupboard in the witch's house.
86 2 Get the cheese from the cupboard.
88 2 Get the note from the witch's house.
93 5 Show the carrot to the goat in the pen.
97 4 Watch the goat butt the troll off the bridge.
98 1 Read the note from the witch's house.
103 5 Correctly guess the name of the gnome.
107 4 Get the beans dropped by the gnome.
109 2 Plant the beans to make the beanstalk grow.
111 2 Get the sling in the Land of the Clouds.
118 7 Wait until the giant falls asleep.
126 8 Get the chest from the sleeping giant.

129 3 Talk to the elf to get the ring.
132 3 Jump under the bird outside the dragon cave.
133 1 Get the mushroom after dropping from the bird.
135 2 Give the cheese to the rat in the cave.
138 3 Play the fiddle to the leprechauns.
144 6 Get the sceptre from the leprechaun cave.
152 8 Get the shield from the leprechaun cave.
154 2 Eat the mushroom at the leprechaun cave exit.
155 1 Go through the hole to exit the leprechaun cave.
156 1 Open the door to the castle.
159 3 Bow to the king in the castle.


6. Character List


Found one screen north-west of the well. If Graham jumps under the bird, it
will carry him over to the other side of the Raging River.

Found in the cave at the bottom of the well. Guardian of the magic mirror,
the dragon can have its flames extinguished with a bucket of water. It can be
killed with the dagger, but less points are given this way.

Found one screen north of the walnut tree, and on the steps leading up to the
Land of the Clouds. The dwarf will steal a treasure that Graham is carrying.
If no treasures are being carried, the dwarf will leave Graham alone.

Found one screen north-east of the tree with the gold egg. When Graham talks
to the elf, he will give Graham a ring which can make the owner invisible.

Found one screen south of the clover tree. The fairy casts a spell that will
temporarily protect Graham from enemies.

Found in the Land of the Clouds, the giant guards the magic chest. He can be
killed with the slingshot, although more points are given if he falls asleep.
This is done by hiding behind the tree at the top-left corner of the area.

Found on the other side of the bridge two screens north of the clover tree.
The gnome will ask Graham to guess his name in three tries. If the answer is
correct, magic beans are given. If the answer is incorrect, a key is given.

Found in the goat pen one screen west of the well. When shown a carrot, the
goat will follow Graham to an area where it will butt a troll off a bridge.
On the way, the goat can scare off many enemies.

The main character of the game. As the King's favourite knight, Graham has
been asked to retrieve three stolen treasures from the land of Daventry.

Found in the leprechaun cave, they are harmless when Graham is holding the
four-leaf clover. If he does not hold the clover they are deadly, as they
will kill him if they catch him. The leprechauns enjoy music.

Sitting on his throne in the leprechaun cave, the leprechaun King will only
leave the cave when all of his guards have danced off due to Graham's fiddle
playing. He leaves behind a magic shield and a sceptre.

Found in the throne room of the castle. This elderly King has requested that
Sir Graham should recover three magic treasures from the kingdom of Daventry.

Found one screen south of the area where the dagger was found. Graham can
stand in front of the bush or the tree stumps to avoid being caught. The ogre
will crush Graham if he catches him, but will stay away if he has the shield.

Found one screen east of the witch's house. The sorcerer casts a spell that
freezes Graham to the spot, although he will be able to move again after a
while. Graham will be safe from the sorcerer if he has the shield.

Found outside the entrance to the leprechaun cave. This hungry rat will run
off after he has been given a piece of cheese. A treasure can also be given
if Graham doesn't have the cheese, although this gives less points.

Found on all of the bridges surrounding the area with the gnome. He blocks
the way, but will not harm Graham. The goat can butt the troll off the edge
of the bridge. For less points, the troll moves when he is given a treasure.

Found one screen north of the well and in the gingerbread house, the witch
was responsible for stealing the magic chest. After hiding when the witch
enters her house, Graham can push her into the stove to defeat her.

Found one screen east of the well. A fast enemy, it is best to either avoid
the area that the wolf inhabits or to walk walk at the bottom of the area so
that an escape can be made if he appears. The shield will protect Graham.

Found in the house two screens south of the well. The man and his wife give
Graham the fiddle in exchange for a bowl that can be filled by saying a word.

Found in the house two screens south of the well. Sitting at the table with
the woodcutter, they let Graham have the fiddle in exchange for the bowl.


7. Item List


7.1. Item Information

Found by correctly guessing the gnome's name within three tries. They are
planted in the soil two screens east of the gnome to make a beanstalk grow.

Found in the garden one screen north of the castle entrance. It is shown to
the goat one screen west of the well to make it follow Graham.

The bowl is found two screens north and one screen west from the garden. It
is given to the people in the old house for the fiddle.

Found in the cupboard in the witch's house. It is given to the rat in the
room with the door outside the cave with the leprechauns.

Found in the Land of the Clouds when the giant falls asleep. It is one of
the three treasures of Daventry that King Edward has asked to be recovered.

Found in a hole under the rock one screen west of the castle entrance. It is
used to cut the rope attached to the bucket in the well.

Found by filling the bowl on the table in the woodcutter's house. It is
played in the leprechaun cave to make the leprechauns dance out of the cave.

The clover is found one screen north-east from the left side of the goat pen.
It is used to protect Graham from the leprechauns in the leprechaun cave.

Found in a nest at the top of a large oak tree one screen north of the area
where the dagger was found. It is not used.

Found by opening the walnut. Although probably valuable, the only purpose
in finding the gold in the walnut is for extra points as it is not used.

Found by failing to correctly guess the gnome's name within three tries. It
is used to unlock the door one screen north of the tree with the gold egg.

Found in a hole in a tree one screen south-east of the giant in the Land of
the Clouds. It can be used to fire pebbles at the giant.

Found by talking to the elf one screen north-east of the tree with the gold
egg. It can be worn and then rubbed by Graham to hide from the giant.

Found in the dragon cave at the bottom of the well. It is one of the three
treasures of Daventry that King Edward has asked to be recovered.

Found in the area one screen west from the location where the bird drops
Graham. It is eaten to walk through the exit in the leprechaun cave.

Found on the table in the witch's house. The note is read, and mentions a
clue that is helpful in guessing the name of the gnome.

Found on the beach one screen north-east from the walnut tree. They can be
fired at the giant in the Land of the Clouds using the slingshot.

Found in the stump one screen south-west from the well. The pouch is opened
to see that it contains a collection of diamonds.

Found by opening the pouch. Although the diamonds are probably valuable, the
only purpose in viewing them is for extra points as they are not used.

Found in the throne room of the leprechaun cave, the sceptre can only be
collected when the leprechauns have danced out of the cave. It is not used.

Found in the throne room of the leprechaun cave. It is one of the three
treasures of Daventry that King Edward has asked to be recovered.

Found on the grass one screen south-west of the beach where the pebbles are
found. The walnut is opened to make the gold walnut.

Found by using the dagger to cut the rope attached to the well. It is filled
with water from the bottom of the well and is then thrown on the dragon.

7.2. Item Descriptions

BEANS "They look like plain, ordinary beans."

CARROT "This is one of the tastiest looking carrots you have ever

CERAMIC BOWL "You notice a word on the bottom of the bowl."

CHEESE "The Swiss cheese looks fresh and moist."

CHEST "You admire the workmanship of the beautiful chest."

DAGGER "It's handle is beautifully carved; the blade is bronze
and very sharp!"

FIDDLE "The fiddle is fashioned from polished cherry wood."

FOURLEAF CLOVER "You have a perfectly shaped four-leaf cover."

FULL BOWL "The bowl is full of a delicious looking stew."

FULL BUCKET "The old bucket is full of water."

GOLD EGG "The smooth golden egg shines brightly in the sunlight."

GOLD WALNUT "You proudly admire your gold walnut."

LEATHER SLINGSHOT "The sling was made by a fine craftsman."

KEY "You take the key from your pocket and take a long look at

MAGIC MIRROR "As you are holding the magic mirror, you look into it and
see a vision of yourself with a crown on your head."

MAGIC RING "The ring is gold with a breathtaking tiger's eye stone
perched on top."

MUSHROOM "This is a large, grey mushroom."

NOTE "There is a message written on the note."

PEBBLES "The pebbles are worn smooth by the Raging River."

POUCH "The tattered pouch is made of a coarse canvas."

POUCH OF DIAMONDS "The diamonds, in the pouch, glisten beautifully in the

SCEPTRE "The elegance of the sceptre is incomprehensible."

SHIELD "It is made from titanium and edged with emeralds."

WALNUT "It seems to be a good, solid walnut."

WATER BUCKET "The bucket is old and weathered."


8. Easter Eggs and Secrets


It is possible to finish the game with 159 out of 158 points, one point above
the maximum amount. When the bowl is found one screen east of the walnut, do
not read the word inside it. If the word inside the bowl has been read before
it is put in the table in the woodcutter's house, then you will receive one
point for reading the word and no points for putting it on the table. If the
word has not been read, then you will receive two points for putting the bowl
on the table. So, do not read the bowl to get higher points.

Giving the cheese to the rat outside the leprechaun cave gives a message that
says you might want to count your fingers. When this command is entered, a
message replies that Graham is relieved to see that he still has all of them.
The same message appears even if Graham hasn't give the cheese to the rat.

When the gnome asks Graham to guess his name, typing Mikel gives the message
"What do you think I am, a car? This also won't get you a raise. Nice try.".
This refers to the character Michael Knight in the TV series Knight Rider,
which was made in the early 1980s. There is no more information on the raise
comment, as it seems to have been a joke between people working on the game.


9. Debug Information


Hold Alt + D to access debug mode. Type "Get object" followed by a number to
collect any item in the game, or "TP" followed by a number to teleport to a
new location. "Pos" can be used to move Graham around in a room.

9.1. Items

1 Dagger 11 Water Bucket 21 Shield
2 Chest 12 Full Bucket 22 Fiddle
3 Carrot 13 Pebbles 23 Walnut
4 Gold Walnut 14 Leather Slingshot 24 Mushroom
5 Key 15 Pouch of Diamonds 25 Beans
6 Note 16 Pouch 26 Water
7 Magic Ring 17 Sceptre
8 Fourleaf Clover 18 Cheese
9 Ceramic Bowl 19 Magic Mirror
10 Full Bowl 20 Gold Egg

9.2. Locations

1 Castle exterior east side 41 Bridge north from the gnome
2 Castle exterior west side 42 Bridge south-west from the trunk
3 Dagger below the rock 43 Lake south from the stump
4 Lake west from the rock 44 Woodcutter's house exterior west
5 Lake east from the stump 45 Woodcutter's house exterior east
6 Pouch in the trunk 46 Ogre
7 Lake west from the stump 47 Mushroom
8 Lake east from the castle 48 Leprechaun cave entrance
9 Fairy 49 Cave above the well water
10 Goat pen west side 50 Dragon cave west
11 Goat pen east side 51 Dragon cave east
12 Well 52 In the well water
13 Wolf 53 Castle throne room
14 Base of tree with the gold egg 54 Castle hall north
15 Carrot garden west side 55 Castle hall south
16 Carrot garden east side 56 Land of the Clouds
17 Lake west from the clover 57 Land of the Clouds west
18 Elf 58 Land of the Clouds giant
19 Door to Land of the Clouds 59 Land of the Clouds east
20 Lake west from the door 60 Land of the Clouds south-west
21 Witch 61 Land of the Clouds south
22 Dragon cave exit 62 Land of the Clouds slingshot
23 Lake east from the clover 63 Top of the tree with the egg
24 Four-leaf clover 64 Top of the beanstalk
25 Bridge south from the gnome 65 Witch's house interior
26 River north-east from the clover 66 Land of the Clouds cave steps
27 Field west from the witch's house 67 Land of the Clouds cave steps
28 Witch's house exterior 68 Land of the Clouds cave steps
29 Sorcerer 69 Land of the Clouds cave steps
30 Walnut 70 Beanstalk first screen
31 Bowl 71 Beanstalk second screen
32 River east from the bowl 72 Beanstalk top
33 River north-east from the bowl 73 Leprechaun cave below hole
34 Pebbles on the beach 74 Leprechaun cave east from rat
35 Dwarf 75 Leprechaun cave rat
36 Leprechaun cave exit 76 Leprechaun cave with leprechauns
37 Lake east from the beanstalk soil 77 Leprechaun cave throne room
38 Beanstalk soil 78 Leprechaun cave exit
39 Bridge east from the gnome 79 Woodcutter's house interior
40 Gnome 80 Carried by the bird


10. Death List


Action: Fall into the moat with the alligators.
Location: Outside the castle.
Message: Misfortune strikes and you have fallen into the moat. Your
struggles and cries have attracted hungry alligators. They do not
want to let you go.
Animation: Graham falls into the water and both alligators swim toward him.
Information: This can be a frequently seen death scene as the bridges on either
side of the moat can be difficult to walk across. Even if it looks
like Graham will fall into the water, walk straight onto the top
of the bridge to avoid falling into the moat.

Action: Push the rock from the south side.
Location: One screen west from the castle entrance.
Message: This moving rock rolls downhill and you, unfortunately, are in the
Animation: The rock moves back and leaves Graham flattened below it.
Information: Avoid seeing this scene by pushing the rock from the north side.

Action: Don't swim while in calm water.
Location: In any area with calm water.
Message: You splash around in the water for a while but seem to have
forgotten how to swim. Unfortunately, you drown.
Animation: Graham splashes for a few seconds before disappearing.
Information: Just swim to avoid this death. You may want to set the speed of
the game to slow whenever Graham falls into the water, as at
fast speeds you will have to swim much more quickly.

Action: Get caught by the wolf.
Location: One screen west from the tree with the egg.
Message: It seems the wolf caught up with you and is discussing dinner
Animation: A dust cloud is shown as Graham and the wolf fight.
Information: The wolf is very fast, and can easily catch Graham if he moves
toward the middle of the area. Stay at the edges of the screen so
that Graham can make a quick exit if the wolf gets too near.

Action: Jump into the well.
Location: Two screens west from the tree with the egg.
Message: What a mistake you made! This well is too deep to jump into. You
should be more careful before trying that next time!
Animation: Graham somersaults down to the water at the bottom of the well.
Information: Actually quite a rarely seen death scene, as most people usually
attempt more sensible methods before jumping straight into the
well. Get into the bucket to avoid this death.

Action: Swim on the surface of the well water for too long.
Location: One screen east from the dragon cave.
Message: Your arms are like lead... from swimming. You find it
impossible... to swim any longer. You sink to the bottom... of
the well...
Animation: Graham disappears.
Information: Just dive as soon as possible to prevent this scene.

Action: Dive for too long in the water under the well.
Location: One screen east from the dragon cave.
Message: Not even you can hold your breath forever. The well bottom has
become your eternal resting place.
Animation: Graham floats down to the sand at the bottom of the well.
Information: Don't stay still in the well water. Just keep on swimming toward
the hole at the bottom-left corner to avoid this death

Action: Get caught by the dragon.
Location: In the dragon cave at the bottom of the well.
Message: You should know about these fire-breathing dragons! Maybe next
time you will be a little more careful!
Animation: Graham gets burnt and falls to the floor.
Information: This scene can be tricky to avoid, as you need to get close to the
dragon in order to throw the bucket of water at him.

Action: Get caught by the dragon while holding the shield.
Location: In the dragon cave at the bottom of the well.
Message: Your shield melted from the intensity of the dragon's flames! You
should know about these fire-breathing dragons! Maybe next time
you will be a little more careful!
Animation: Graham gets burnt and falls to the floor.
Information: Even the magic shield won't stand up the strength of the dragon's
flames. Looks like the old bucket of water trick will have to do.

Action: Fall into a river.
Location: Any area with a river.
Message: (Various)
Animation: Graham splashes for a few seconds before disappearing.
Information: The Raging River is seen in many locations in Daventry, and each
location has a different death message. If Graham falls into the
river, even trying to swim won't save him.

Action: Get caught by the ogre.
Location: One screen west from the mushroom.
Message: You were warned to be careful around this fierce creature! Maybe
next time you will be able to elude the beast.
Animation: The ogre grabs Graham in his harms and throws him to the floor.
Information: Just exit the screen to avoid this death.

Action: Fall into the hole.
Location: Inside the woodcutter's house.
Message: These poor people can't even afford to repair the floor! Sorry
about that.
Animation: Graham drops straight down into the hole.
Information: Carefully walk around the edges of both holes to avoid this scene.

Action: Get caught by the witch.
Location: One screen south from the witch's house.
Message: The witch swoops down, grabs you by the neck, and carries you off
to a fate worse than death. Ouch! As the wicked witch flew over
her house, she dropped you... into her cage! If you can't get out,
you may become the secret ingredient in this witches' brew! Try as
you will to escape, your labor will be in vain.
Animation: The witch keeps hold of Graham as she flies through the sky on her
broomstick. She then drops Graham into the cage.
Information: A difficult scene to avoid, as the witch is so fast. At first it
may seem like Graham is okay, as you still have control of him for
a few seconds after he lands in the cage. But then the message is
shown, and Graham stands still until the game ends.

Action: Get caught by the witch.
Location: Inside the witch's house.
Message: She pokes and pinches you, then states, "This one is too scrawny,
so it's into the cage until you fatten up (smack, yum!)".
With a flash, you hear her joyously exclaim, "This has made me
feel like flying!".
Animation: The witch walks into Graham and he arrives in the cage.
Information: Avoid this scene by leaving the house if the witch is there.

Action: Get caught by the witch after hiding.
Location: Inside the witch's house.
Message: Rats! She has cast some spell to keep you from escaping! The witch
remarks, "Oh, how nice of you to come for dinner (cackle,
cackle)". She pokes and pinches you, then states, "This one is too
scrawny, so it's into the cage until you fatten up (smack, yum!)".
Animation: The witch walks into Graham and he arrives in the cage.
Information: With the witch at the stove, you can even walk right up to her and
she will still ignore Graham. Don't push it though, because she
will turn her attention to Graham as soon as the stove is heated.

Action: Fall off the beanstalk.
Location: Second, third and fourth screens of the beanstalk.
Message: (Various)
Animation: Graham falls down through the sections of the beanstalk until he
hits the soil. The screen shakes after he lands.
Information: Expect to frequently see this death scene, as climbing up the
beanstalk is one of the most difficult tasks in the game. Each
section of the beanstalk has a different death message.

Action: Fall off the edge of the clouds.
Location: Any location in the Land of the Clouds.
Message: (Various)
Animation: Graham somersaults off the edge.
Information: Though Graham is safe to walk on the cloud at the top of the
beanstalk, Graham cannot walk on any of the other clouds. Each
area in the Land of the Clouds has a different death message.

Action: Get caught by the giant.
Location: In the area with the giant in the Land of the Clouds.
Message: Be a little more careful next time. This giant is mean!
Animation: The giant instantly flattens Graham when he walks into him.
Information: A frequently seen death when tyring to hide from the giant. Slow
the speed down and hide behind the tree at the top-left corner.

Action: Fall off the edge of the steps.
Location: At the top of the cave with the steps.
Message: (Various)
Animation: Graham somersaults off the edge of the steps.
Information: The steps are angled so it can be easy to fall off the edge. Use
the home, page up, page down and end keys to walk diagonally on
the steps. Each area on the steps has a different death message.

Action: Get caught by the rat.
Location: In front of the door outside the leprechaun cave.
Message: Be careful around this rat next time! He's dangerous!!
Animation: Graham lies on the floor with his clothes torn.
Information: Graham is safe at the right side of the room, although he needs
to get close to the rat in order to give him the cheese. Set the
speed to slow or normal when approaching the rat.

Action: Get caught by the leprechaun while not wearing the ring.
Location: Leprechaun cave.
Message: The leprechaun catches you and holds you with his small, but
strong arms. I don't think the leprechaun will ever let go.
Animation: Graham stays still.
Information: Make sure that Graham has the clover to avoid this scene, as the
leprechauns will ignore him when he is carrying it.

Action: Eat the mushroom but stay in the cave.
Location: Leprechaun cave.
Message: You seem to be stuck in these underground caverns. As you have no
way of leaving, it looks like you'll spend the rest of your life
Animation: Graham stands still.
Information: Graham should have the mushroom before entering the cave. After
eating the mushroom, go through the exit as quickly as possible.


11. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2000-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at
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