King's Quest 1 - Quest for the Crown

King's Quest 1 - Quest for the Crown

16.10.2013 16:45:36
King's Quest

Part I

One word of caution before you start: Never drop anything until you're told to
do so. Once an item is dropped in this game, you cannot pick it up again. For
some reason, you're never weighed down by too many items; so you should be able
to pick up and carry every item with you at all times. Also, in order to get
maximum points, you must pick up everything you can and look at it, read it, or
whatever is required. (I lost 2 points for pouring some water on the ground!)
Enough said.

Begin your quest by going northwest to the garden. Once there, pick a carrot
and go west to the other side of the garden, south to the left of the castle
and west to the rock. Stand on the north side of the rock and move it. Doing so
reveals a dark hole. Look in the hole and then get the dagger. Then go west and
swim west across the pond (both screens). Once out of the pond, go north to the
well and west to the gate in the corral.

Open the gate and enter the corral. When you see the goat, show it the carrot.
Now he'll follow you wherever you go. This is important as you'll soon see.
Exit the corral and head west twice. You may or may not see a fairy godmother
handing out blessings. If you do see her, she'll give you a short lived
protective spell. If you don't see her, no problem. She'll pop up every now and

Now go north to the clover patch and get a clover. This is a four-leaf clover
and will protect you from Leprechauns if the need arises. Go north to the
wooden bridge. (Goat still with you?) As you start to cross the bridge, an ugly
troll bars the way and refuses to let you pass unless you throw him a treasure.
However, your goat, which hates trolls, rushes the troll and butts him off the
bridge! The troll is swept downriver, never to be seen again. The goat, having
fulfilled its use, strolls away. So wave goodbye and cross the bridge and
continue north.

You've found a crotchety old gnome and when you talk to him, he informs you
that he has something to give you that might be useful...but only if you can
guess his name! The crusty old fellow gives you three chances. Type
"IFNKOVHGROGHPRM" and the gnome, in amazement, says "That's Right!" and leaves
a handful of magic beans laying on the ground. The gnome's name, by the way, is
a cryptogram. The alphabet's been reversed and the new letter set has been
substituted for "Rumpelstiltskin".

Get the beans and go east to another wooden bridge. Be careful you don't fall
in the gorge! Cross the bridge and go east to the flower patch. Plant the beans
here and all of a sudden, a huge beanstalk stretches up out of sight into the
clouds! Don't climb it yet, though. Go east and swim east across the lake. When
you exit the lake, continue east Look in the hole in the big rock as you
pass...what an odd green glowing!) Go east again. A little dwarf may come and
make a quick inspection of your possessions to see if there's anything of
value. You don't have anything of note and he leaves. Now go east once more to
the little beach by the river. Get the pebbles you see laying here then go west
back to the beanstalk. CAUTION! Save your game here. Climbing the beanstalk is
a risky business and you'll most certainly fall off it many times before you
reach the top.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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