From the main menu, go to Options -> KEYBOARD/MOUSE -> Allow Developer Console and set it to
Enabled. Now type in to activate the cheat mode:
sv_cheats 1
Now you might also type in:
god Invincibility
buddha Player can take damage but won't die
noclip Lets you go through walls and fly around
notarget Turrets won't shoot at you= Invisibility
host_timescale # Changes speed of game, 0.1 = 10% of original game speed, 2 = twice the
original game speed (default=1)
firstperson Changes view to first person
thirdperson Changes view to third person
sv_gravity # Lets you change the gravity in the game (600=normal)
cl_showfps 1 Shows FPS rate
sv_portal_placement_never_fail # Place portals anywhere (1 or 0 = ON/OFF)
ent_create_portal_companion_cube Creates a Companion Cube
ent_create_portal_reflector_cube Creates a reflector cube for lasers
ent_create_paint_bomb_portal Shoots conversion gel out of your face
ent_create_paint_bomb_speed Shoots propulsion gel out of your face
ent_create_paint_bomb_jump Shoots repulsion gel out of your face
ent_create_paint_bomb_erase Shoots water out of your face
In den Optionen gehe zu Keyboad/Mouse erlaube die Entwicklerkonsole. Dann tippe einmal ein
sv_cheats 1
Das aktiviert den Cheatmodus. Nun hast Du folgende Codes:
god Unbesiegbarkeit
buddha Spieler nimmt Schaden, stirb aber nicht
noclip Durch Wände gehen und herumfliegen
notarget Unsichtbarkeit
host_timescale # Spiel-Speed ändern (z. B. # = 0.1: ein Zehntel des Speeds oder # = 2:
doppelt so schnell, demnach ist # = 1 der normale Speed.
firstperson Ego-Shooter-Sicht
thirdperson Sicht von hinten
sv_gravity # Schwerkraft ändern (600 = normal)
cl_showfps 1 Framerate anzeigen