Civilization 4

Civilization 4

18.10.2013 05:09:36
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Author: Warfreak
Version: 0.9
Day Started: 12/4/07

Table of Content
[1] Introduction
[1.01] Introduction
[1.02] Version History
[2] Starting Up
[2.01] The World
[2.02] The Climate
[3] The Meanings
[3.01] Food
[3.02] Production
[3.03] Commerce and Wealth
[3.04] Using Wealth
[3.05] Culture
[3.06] Happiness
[3.07] Health
[3.08] Specialists
[3.09] Technology
[4] The Basics
[4.01] Nations
[4.02] Leaders
[4.03] Terrain
[4.04] Bonuses
[4.05] Buildings
[4.06] Religion
[4.07] Projects
[4.08] Improvements
[5] Bigger Basics
[5.01] Great People
[5.02] National Wonders
[5.03] Special Wonders
[5.04] World Wonders
[5.05] Technology Mk 2
[5.06] Civics
[5.07] Units
[5.08] Promotions
[5.09] Other Stuff
[6] Patch Changes
[6.01] v1.09
[6.02] v1.52
[6.03] v1.61
[7] Playing the Game
[7.01] Basic Guide
[7.02] Peace

[A] Contact Information
[B] Webmaster Information
[C] Credits
[D] Sites FAQ is on
[E] Copyright
[1.01] Introduction

Welcome to my 11th FAQ. It seems like a lot but in reality, it isn't. Compare
me to A I e x and you'll see. Anyway, this is a guide for the game
Civilization or (Civilisation) IV by Firaxis games.

[1.02] Version History

Version 0.1 [12/4/07]
Guide Started. Period.

Version 0.2 [13/4/07]
More work being done

Version 0.3 [14/4/07]
More Work

Version 0.4 [17/4/07]
Progress. No more on Chapter 4, All things will be added to chapter 5, as
harder basics, which doesn't make sense.

Version 0.5 [18/4/07]
Need to try to finish this by the end of the week.

Version 0.6 [19/4/07]
More work done.

Version 0.7 [20/4/07]
Wow, nearly finished.

Version 0.8 [21/4/07]
Complete basically the whole thing.

Version 0.9 [25/4/07]
Completed basically.

Version 1.0 [1/5/07]
Minor update.

[2.01] The World

As you would see, the world in Civilisation IV is able to be created by you.
You can choose to create a world of your own choosing.

Terra worlds are those worlds that are similar to Earth. It will consist of
large and small land masses with all types of terrain.

Continential worlds are simply two or more large landmasses seperated by
water. A navy is a must here.

Archipelago worlds are harder than most maps because they feature more small
islands isolated by oceans. A navy is needed for survival.

Pangaea worlds are just one single landmass surrounded by a ocean. You want
a place next to the ocean since being landlocked is quite dangerous but being
near the coast needs a navy.

Ice age is one of the hardest simply because there is not a lot of resources
for you to develop on. Fights of resource rich areas are a common sight.

Oasis worlds are large landmasses with lots and lots of deserts with the
oasis to provide water for food. Quite difficult for a beginner.

Lake worlds is similar to Pangaea but it contains a large amount of lakes on
the landmass.

The size of the map is also important. The order is set from Duel to Huge.
Please note that the upper options such as Duel and Small are for small
matches, not for 12 civs to fight it out. And vice versa, don't have 3 civs
fighting on a Huge map. There would be a lot of micro needed.

[2.02] The Climate

The climate is another thing you need to know. This will effect on the
terrain and the resources available here that you can procure.

Temperate is the average climate here. It consists of all terrain, from grass
land to desert to tundra. There is a good mix and all resources would appear.

Tropical is where the climate is warmer, leading to more jungles at the
expense of tundra. Bear in mind that fur and deers tend to appear on tundra.

Arid is where the climate is dry, leading to more deserts at the expense of
lakes and rivers. It would be harder to plant crops and find crop boosters

Rocky is where there would be lots of hills and peaks, making it lovely for
hammer production, but at the expense of lowland areas for planting crops for
the cities.

Cold is the opposite of temperate where the world would be covered in more
tundra at the expense of deserts and jungles.

[3.01] Food

Lets face it, Cities need food to survive. For a larger city, it would need
more food than a small city before there are evidently, more people. A city
can harvest food from tiles that are within their city boundaries.

Every turn, a "person" will need to consume two food to survive and produce
resources for the city. When the city has an excess of food, where there is
more production of food than consumption, the city will store food. The city
will store the food in slowly build up to create another worker for the city.
The time needed to create another worker can be seen in the Food Bar in the
city screen, which is below the population of your city. Once the food bar is
filled, there would be a new worker and the food bar is reset. However, if you
have a granary in your city, half of the food used to create a new worker,
will be stored for the next worker.

However, it is possible to have a shortage of food. When this happens, the
food stored in the food bar will decrease, which you can see with the red
slide back. Once the bar is completely empty, one population point will be
deducted from your total as people are starving. This will continue until you
develop enough food to sustain and support your population.

The best ways to have a large food input is to quickly develop food resources
that are near you. Corn, wheat, rice, pig, sheep, cow, deer are quick basic
sources of food for you. Farm, pastures and camps these resources. Grassland
is the best place to farm since it provides a +2 bonus to food. Flood plains
are also food but will deduct from the health total. This is all found on
land. Deer are mainly found in the tundra area as well. Another point worth
noting is that being next to fresh water for any of the above resources will
provide a +1 food bonus, and this bonus also applies to farms as well.

In the sea, fish, clams and crabs are the basic sources of food. Each ocean
tile produces +2 food, with clams and crabs giving +2 when improved and fish
+3. It would be handy for a coastal city to position itself where there is
nearby access. The lighthouse building also adds +1 food production in water

On the city screen, food per tile is represented by a slice of bread. One
slice of bread means that the tile is producing one unit of food. A bread loaf
means that it is producting 5 units of food, making these places a must have
for any city.

Health of a city also has an effect on your city's consumption of food. If
your city is unhealthy, for every point of unhealthlyness (or those who can't
figure it out, it is for every cross < sick green face), your city will
consume an extra food unit per turn. This can add up so make sure it is
healthy while it is growing.

Your Government Economic Civic can also be a factor. If you use the State
Property civic, you get an extra +1 food production from the workshop and
watermill improvement.

[3.02] Production

After you finish worrying about the food in the city, you city has to
develop improvements or build units. Those items can only be produced by
production, or hammers or to long time players, Shields (hehe, Civ 2). When
you choose to produce something in a city, the production of the city can be
seen under the food bar. On the main screen, it is the second bar, the blue
one, with orange being food and growth. On the city screen, the Production
Bar is the one below the food bar. This details how many more turns it will
require, what you are producing, and the amount of hammers you are producing
per turn. When you establish a city, you will be prompted on what to build.
After the completion of a project, the prompt screen will show on what to
build next.

You cannot have a shortage of hammers, like you can in food. However, if you
delay a project too long, the hammers will start to decay a little. To have
hammers, you can develop upon certain tiles. Plains, hills and forests are
the best place to start on developing, with upgrades of a mine to boost it.
Later on, you can build lumbermills, workshops, mills and such to boost your
production. Resources will also boost production with resources like stone
and marble available to quarry, iron, copper to mine. Later in the game, you
have more access to production resources such as coal and aluminum.

What the old Civilisation players will realise is that the production bar
doesn't carry over when you change what you are producing. Lets take for
example you are building a barracks. You are halfway there when you realise
that you need a worker. So you change production to worker, but the hammers
from the granary doesn't carry over. You have to start anew when you change
production. But don't worry, the production bar for the barracks will stay
the same, like your construction of the barracks on hold or something like

You can also hurry the production of the production bar to finish the
production of the product. There are several methods of hurrying the
production. Some are permanent such a Forge which will increase productivity
by 25% or Wonders such as the Three Gorges Dam, which increases productivity
by 10%. You can also train engineers who will produce +2 hammers per turn.
Or you can sacrifice great engineers who will add a large amount of hammers
to the current project.

Several civics will influence the production of your city. Universal Suffrage
is the best civic since it will allow +1 production from a developed cottage
which is called a town. It also allows you to pay gold to hurry the project.
The amount of gold you have to pay is dependent on the amount of hammers
still needed. This can be done if you have the gold and click hurry
production on the city management menu, which is next to the build menu on
the right and is the upper right button.

Slavery will allow you to sacrifice population points to complete a project
but remember, you can't get those people back, they have to grow back via the
food bar. Bureaucracy will increase productivity and commerce in your capital
by 50%. Organised Religion will allow a 25% bonus in productivity in a city
where the state religion is present.

The amount of productivity on a square is monitored by the amount of hammers
on that square. One hammer means one point productivity per turn while the
anvil means 5 units of productivity per turn.

[3.03] Commerce and Wealth

Before I start this topic, one thing has to be clear here, commerce is your
wealth. Commerce will turn into wealth after you pay your obligations. The
amount of wealth that is generated by commerce is dependant on your choice,
Commerce can be sent to become research, culture or wealth.

Commerce is the lifeblood of your cities. It pays the maintain your people,
to pay your people and your standing army. It also pays for items you don't
have that others do, and to protect yourself from wars, or stop other wars.
As they say, money talks.

Commerce is developed from several sources. The most important is from the
land or in some cases, the sea. The coasts and the ocean both produce commerce
initially as well as the terrain feature of the oasis. Also, the resources
that spread all over the terrain also provide commerce. The one you really
want is gold, gems or incense. The latter you have to research Calendar to
develop upon. Rivers will give extra commerce to grassland terrain as well.
Some improvements such as cottages will generate commerce. Cottages will
slowly provide +1 commerce but once it slowly develops into a town, it will
provide up to a +7 commerce bonus.

Civics will also help you generate commerce. Bureaucracy will help you
generate 50% more commerce in your capital city alone, Free Speech will
provide towns to give you +2 commerce per turn. Buildings can also help you
generate commerce with buildings such as grocers and markets providing more
gold. Wonders can also generate commerce such as the Colossus which generates
one more commerce on water tiles.

Tribal villages will sometimes give a gift of gold to removing them from the
map. Pillaging a tile will also provide gold but you will destroy that
improvement. Towns are the best to pillage as they provide upwards of 20 gold.
When you are at war, if you capture an enemy city, you will seize the gold
in that city. A large developed city will provide enormous amounts of wealth.

Trade routes will also generate gold. Trade routes are routes where you trade
with your own cities or foreign cities. The most profitable routes will be
used to provide commerce. The amount of gold depends on the size and resources
of the trading city. Once your nation signs the open border treaty, you will
be able to trade with that country, allowing for profitable routes to develop
at once. Buildings, wonders, technologies and civics will have an influence
on the amount of trade routes that you can have while other buildings such
as the harbour will increase the income generated from trade routes. The
income of the trade routes will add to your base commerce in that city. Note
that you have to have some way to trade, such as a river, road, sea, air.

Merchants will generate money for you. They provide 3 gold every turn. If you
decide to sacrifice a great merchant, they will provide 6 gold for you every
turn. The merchants also can Conduct Trade Missions in a city. By sacrificing
themselves in a foreign city, they will generate large sums of gold depending
on the size, length and wealth of the target city.

The final way is to use diplomatic channels to acquire wealth. You can trade
resources which you have and they don't for gold, technologies, cities,
treaties and even the world map for money. Be careful what you trade though.

[3.04] Using Wealth

The continuation of the last topic, mainly because it was getting long and it
was only half way. Anyway, there are many ways that you have to spend your
wealth in this game.

The first way to spend your wealth is maintenance of your city. This is
automatic and cannot be changed. The amount of maintenance that your city
has to pay depends on several factors. The size of the population in that
city, the distance away from the Palace and the number of cities that you have
in your empire. This is automatic and is deducted automatically and cannot
be increased or decreased.

The civic that you have chosen to adopt will also influence the amount of
gold you have to expend. When you choose your civic, there will be a listing
on how high the upkeep of the civic is. The higher the upkeep, the higher
some of gold per turn you have to pay. The amount you have to pay is also
dependant on the size and population of your empire. Also, you have to spend
gold on hurrying producting if you are using the Universal Suffrage civic.

There will also be inflation in the game. This is represented by the
continued growth and size and therefore, it becomes more expensive to
maintain. You have to develop more wealth or expand your empire to counteract
this problem.

The amount of commerce you spend on research and culture will reduce the
amount of wealth you would receive. The more on research, the less on wealth
and so forth.

Your units sometimes require upkeep due to the use of some civics. This will
be a drain on your. Also, upgrading your units into stronger units will also
cost you gold to upgrade. For example, you upgrade an archer into a cross-
bowman, it will cost you to upgrade.

Diplomacy is the final way to rid yourself of wealth. You might have to pay
for many things, such as resources, technologies, peace, treaties or just
bribes to keep them happy. Like I said above, money talks.

If you run out of money, your cities will go on strike, after all, no one
wants to work for free. They will ruin the city and not produce anything
till you get your financial state into a better condition. At this stage, it
might be advisable to figure out what is wrong and do a check on the other
civs. Lower costs by now is a must.

[3.05] Culture

Culture in Civilsation IV refers to a Civilisation's accomplishments in the
field of literature, the arts, music, movies, etc. Each city has their own
culture level, defining the refinement and intellect of each city. Those
cities that have a higher culture value do better than their less
intellectual neighbours and hence, control land that is being divided between
the two. Culture is always represented as the purple musical note.

Culture is generated in many ways. You will find that in the establishment of
a city, the population would be more focused on surviving than producing fine
art, so it doesn't develop any culture. Once you start building some buildings
what generate culture, it would develop more culture. The most common form of
generating is through buildings. Once you have developed the Drama technology,
the culture bar will allow you to develop commerce into culture. This is
allowing you to shift commerce from wealth and research to develop culture.
The development of the music technology will allow all your cities to build
culture. This will allow you to set individual cities to develop culture.

Another form of generating culture is by building Wonders, which has a larger
Culture generation rate than normal buildings. The Specialists in the cities
can also generate Culture for you. An Artist will generate 4, a great artist
will generate 12. Of course, you can use the one off ability of a Great
Artist, which is create a Major Work for a city (the one they are in). This
will give the massive one off boost of 2000 to 6000 culture points. The amount
depends on the mode you are playing in. However, you will sacrifice the Great
Artist by creating a Major Work.

Culture also gives a defensive bonus to units fortified in the city. This is
because enemy soldiers will find it hard to attack a great city of such
beauty. Culture also rules how much land you can control. The more culture a
city has, the more land that city can dominate over another city. If there is
an opponent, who has a city, the land may be contested. The person who has
more cultural influence will control the land. You need at least 51% cultural
influence on the land to be your. Sometimes, your culture may be so great that
you may surround someone else's city. Soon, when your cultural influence
becomes extremely high, the city will revolt. The ownership of the land will
return to the original owner but a second cultural revolution will allow the
city to change hands, allowing you to keep or pillage the town.

There are several levels of culture. After reaching a certain amount of
culture points, your cultural boundaries will expand. Below will show what
level means what size.

0-10 Culture Points (Poor)


8 Squares to Develop on

11-100 Culture Points (Fledging)


20 Squares to Develop on

101-500 Culture Points (Developing)


36 Squares to Develop on

501-5000 Culture Points (Refined)


60 Squares to Develop on

5001-50000 Culture Points (Influential)


88 Squares to Develop on

50001+ Culture Points (Legendary)


120 Squares to Develop on

If you look from the side, it sort of looks like an eye.

As a minor point, Barbarian land is consider land and therefore, it can be
subjected to cultural boundaries.

[3.06] Happiness

Happiness is what drives the citizens asnd denizens of your cities to work.
Even if you are a harsh slave driver, you have to make your citizens happy
to work. If the citizens are happy, they will work, if they are unhappy, they
won't work.

An unhappy citizen in a city is caused when you have more red angry faces than
happy yellow faces. An unhappy citizen will consume 2 food per turn like any
other population point, but they do not provide any output whatsoever. This
will prove to be a drain on a city as they will lower output and can lead to
non productive farms, mines and so on. This can sometimes lead to lower output
in production, commerce and sometimes, starvation. This can prove to be a
massive problem. The best way to stop unhappiness getting out of control. you
should limit the growth or get some specialists.

There is one chronic cause of unhappiness. That is overcrowding your cities.
You will get one angry face for every population point that you have. This is
always present and you cannot get rid of it. There is no solution, so you have
to work around this.

Another factor is war weariness. This is when your nation is at war with
another nation and the war keeps dragging on. This only occurs when your
nation is at war so try to avoid war. Also, the recently captured cities that
you have gained from the war would definitely be suffering from this because
the saw lots of people die, and aren't too pleased over it.

Being weaker in terms of Culture will be a problem. Sometimes, they will
want to join the Motherland, which means that there is a nearby foreign city
that is culturally superior to your city.

Being Undefended by any military units will cause Unhappiness. This can only
be solved by stationing military units there. This will cause more problems
during wars, especially if you are fighting a war with a nation which borders
your nation.

Your Civics can also become a factor. Slavery is not really nice, no citizen
likes being sacrificed to get the job done faster. The nationhood civic is no
different either. No citizen wants to be conscripted in to the army. Also, if
you don't have Emancipation as your civic and other countries do, you will
suffer one unhappiness because you don't have it.

As there is unhappiness in a city, you will get an angry face when you see the
city on the main map.

There are several ways to obtain happiness in the city.
Buildings are the main way to increase the happiness. Such buildings such as
the Collessum and the Theatre will provide happiness towarsd your city. These
are permanent effects upon your city, unless the improvement is destroyed.
Jails will also eliminate some unhappiness caused from war.

Resources are another way to increase the happiness in your city. Many, many
resources will provide happiness to every city, provided there is access to
that resource. Most of these items are luxary resources such as gold, silver
and gems but also sugar, spice and wine. This effect can be doubled when
you develop some buildings such as a forge and a theatre.

Religion and Religious buildings are good sources of happiness. When you have
a state religion, you gain +1 Happiness in cities that have that religion
in their society. Religious buildings also help by providing +1 Happiness for
that religion.

Wonders can work wonders for happiness. Most wonders will make more people
happy in the city. Religious wonders will provide +1 Happiness from Incense.
One national wonder is the Globe Theatre, which will eliminate all unhappiness
from the city it is built it. You can only have 1 though.

Civics will provide happiness for you. Free Religion will provide +1 Happiness
in a city for every religion. Hereditary Rule will provide +1 Happiness for
every military unit stationed in the city. The Police State will also remove
50% of war weariness in cities.

Culture can also make people happy. Once you research Drama, if you devote a
certain amount of commerce to Culture, you will receive some happy people for
it. Some buildings such as broadcast towers and theatres will even enhance
this cultural rate even more.

One technology will enhance it even more. Future Tech will increase happiness
by one everytime it is researched. And you can keep researching it forver.
With this tech, soon, Unhappiness will be obsolete.

If you have more happy faces than the angry faces, your city is happy and
pleased by your performance. However, if there are more angry faces than there
are happy faces, then you must do something about the happiness of your

[3.07] Health

The health of a city is important and vital to its growth. A city which is
healthy will grow better than a unhealthy one which will linguish. The point
of healthiness is that a unhealthy citizen will consume one more food that
usual because of the upkeep. This might mean the difference between growth
and decay.

There are several causes of unhealthiness. The first main contributor is the
use of factories and power plants. Some buildings in your cities will pollute
while in the job of providing benefits. For example, the coal power plant will
pollute 2 unhealthy points per turn while giving a 50% boost to hammer

The next contribution to unhealthiness is the terrain. If you situate yourself
next to a flood plain or a jungle, it will be less healthy than building on
a grassland. Also, nuclear fallout isn't exactly healthy for any city, so
that might need to be worked with.

The largest contributor to unhealthiness is the population. Every population
point will contribute one point to unhealthiness. This cannot be changed and
is just like happiness.

There are many more ways to improve the health of the city.

The first is the difficulty you are playing on. The lower difficulties will
only provide 3, the medium ones 2, and the hardest one, only 1 bonus to

The next source is from wonders and buildings. Some wonders will improve the
health of the city or empire, such as the Hanging Gardens. Some buildings will
provide bonuses, such as the aqueduct providing 2 health or eliminate sources
of pollution, such as a recycling centre which removes all unhealthiness
produced by buildings.

Resources will also provide health benefits. Some food resources such as fish,
clams, crabs, wheat, corn and rice will provide +1 health bonuses when they
are improved. Some buildings such as the harbour and the supermarket will
double this bonus.

The next source is from forests. They will provide a extra boost to your
city's health as well as fresh water.

The final source is from your civics. The Environmentalism civic will give a
massive +6 boost to Health in all cities.

The secret boost to improve health is researching Future Tech which produces
1 health boost every time it is researched. And it can be researched till the
cows come home.

The health of a city is represented by the Red Cross icon and the un-
healthiness of the city is represented by Mr Green Sick face. It is measured
by the number of points for and against. If you have more red crosses than
sick faces, the city is healthy. If there are more sick faces than red
crosses, the city is unhealthy.

[3.08] Specialists

When any city is developed, the city must work on the basics of survival. As
the city grows larger, the city can devote some of its population to become
specialised in some tasks. They will perform these tasks better than normal
citizens can perform these tasks. The use of these specialists will allow
the city to engage in more rewarding goals.

When you want to employ a specialist, you must open the city screen and go
to the lower right hand side where you can see some faces. Ignore the ones
with the stars for the time being. Those faces represent the specialists that
you can hire. When you hire a specialist, you will lose a worker from the
field to become a specialist. Be careful when hiring specialists since it
might lead to a food shortage and we don't want that now do we?

You city can use up to 20 squares on the map within the city radius. Remember,
only up to 20 squares. The rest will be sent to become specialists. If there
are no spots open in the other professions, the citizen profession will be
chosen. You can open up the other specialist professions by building certain
buildings and wonders, as well as your civics. Bear in mind that your
specialists still consume food, drain your health and your happiness factors
as well. Because these guys still consume food, your cities that are rich
in food will have many specialists while a city struggling with food will
probably have no specialists.

Once a city has drained all available land that it can use, the city will
automatically create specialists. Bear in mind, if you have survived this
long, either it is a non-military victory target or the other player, AI, has
absolutely no luck in finding you. And by this time, its time to get your
ICBMs to be ready to fire.

The most basic specialist is the citizen. He is probably the most useless
and you don't want to convert a worker in the field to this guy. This guy
only produces 1 hammer per turn. Heck, I can produce more in a cottage or a
hamlet than this guy. However, his guy is a prerequisite for the other
professions, so sooner or later, you have to use him. The good thing is that
you can have as many as you want, and you need to meet no requirements to
have these guys.

The Artist is your next specialist. He is far more handy than your average
citizen. Every turn, his guy will produce 1 research point to your research
and 4 culture points for the city. He also adds +3 to the Great Person
growth rate. This is one of the more useful specialists. They will also make
the next Great Person spawned more likely to be a Great Artist.

Note for Following Tables
(NW) = National Wonder
(WW) = World Wonder
(SW) = Special Wonder

Buildings that will allow you to have Artists:
Broadcast Tower : 2 Citizens = 1 Artist
Theatre : 1 Citizen = 1 Artist
Globe Theatre (NW) : 3 Citizens = 1 Artist

The Engineer is not as useful as the Artist, but still nice when you have
run out of production slots. This guy will grant you 2 Hammers per turn and
add +3 to your Great Person Growth Rate. Once you have an Engineer, you will
be more likely to spawn a Great Engineer from the city.

Buildings that will allow you to have Engineers:
Factory : 2 Citizens = 1 Engineer
Forge : 1 Citizen = 1 Engineer
Ironworks (NW) : 3 Citizens = 1 Engineer

The Merchant will be your mini-money-maker. They don't rake in tons of money
but someone for nothing is still better than nothing for nothing. Every turn,
he will generate 3 gold towards your city for free, or for 2 food. He will
also generate +3 Great Person points towards your city and increases the
chances of a Great Merchant spawning in your city.

Buildings that will allow you to have Merchants:
Grocer : 2 Citizens = 1 Merchant
Market : 2 Citizens = 1 Merchant
Wall Street (NW) : 3 Citizens = 1 Merchant

The Priest is the holy man, and he is the easiest Specialist to generate
because of the amount of buildings that can produce him. Every turn, he will
produce 1 Hammer and 1 Gold towards your city. He will also generate +3 Great
Persons points towards your city. This will also increase the chance of your
city generating a Great Prophet when it next spawns a Great Person.

Buildings that will allow you to have Priests:
Buddhist Stupa : 2 Citizens = 1 Priest
Buddhist Temple : 1 Citizen = 1 Priest
Christian Cathedral: 2 Citizens = 1 Priest
Christian Temple : 1 Citizen = 1 Priest
Confucian Academy : 2 Citizens = 1 Priest
Confucian Temple : 1 Citizen = 1 Priest
Hindu Mandir : 2 Citizens = 1 Priest
Hindu Temple : 1 Citizen = 1 Priest
Islamic Mosque : 2 Citizens = 1 Priest
Islamic Temple : 1 Citizen = 1 Priest
Jewish Synagogue : 2 Citizens = 1 Priest
Jewish Temple : 1 Citizen = 1 Priest
Taoist Pagoda : 2 Citizens = 1 Priest
Taoist Temple : 1 Citizen = 1 Priest
Angkor Wat (WW) : 3 Citizens = 1 Priest
The Chruch of the
Nativity (SW) : 3 Citizens = 1 Priest
The Dai Miao (SW) : 3 Citizens = 1 Priest
The Kashi
Vishwanath (SW) : 3 Citizens = 1 Priest
The Kong Miao (SW) : 3 Citizens = 1 Priest
The Mahabodhi (SW) : 3 Citizens = 1 Priest
The Masjid
al-Haram (SW) : 3 Citizens = 1 Priest
The Temple of
Solomon (SW) : 3 Citizens = 1 Priest

As the name suggests, the Scientist will specialise in the art of producing
research points for your empire. Every turn, he will produce 3 research points
for you as well as 3 Great Person Points. Having him will make it more likely
for your city to generate a Great Scientist when the next Great Person is

Buildings that will allow you to have Scientists:
Laboratory : 1 Citizen = 1 Scientist
Library : 2 Citizens = 1 Scientist
Observatory : 1 Citizen = 1 Scientist
The Great Library : 2 Free Scientists upon Completion

There are also some wonders that will enhance the abilities of the specialists
in this game.

Angkor Wat
Effect: +1 Hammer from Priest in All Cities

The Sistine Chapel
Effect: +2 Culture per Specialist in All Cities

The Statue of Liberty
Effect: +1 Free Specialist in All Cities on the Continent

There are two civics that can improve the use of the Specialists.

The Caste System
You can have unlimited artists, merchants and scientists in a city.

All specialists have a +3 Research production bonus.

[3.09] Technology

Man, by himself is not the strongest species. We don't have the keenest senses
nor do we possess the most strength. Man has ever only been as good as the
technology that he uses. That is mankind's speciality over the other species,
our ability to manipulate the surrounding environment to empower us. For
example, two technologies, primative and still used today, manipulates the
environment to their environment. These are the discovery of fire and the
development of the Wheel.

There are many ways to discover technology. Lets go through the lesser used

Starting technologies are given to your Civilisation. What starting
technologies are given to you are based off your Civilisation. These are
primative technologies and can easily by Civilisations that lack it.

Tribal villages can also give you technologies, as well as give them maps,
money or attack them. The amount of these villages are limited so you have to
be quick before someone else pays a visit.

Diplomacy can be a good option if Technology Trading is enabled. You can trade
or buy technologies off other Civilsations that you don't possess. It also
works the other way, you can make money by selling technologies you possess
which others don't.

However, the most common method is researching. You will find it easier to
survive if you are more technologically advanced. Your army may outnumber
another army by 10 to 1, but if you have a bunch of warriors and archers and
your opponent has Mechanised Infantry and Modern Armour, you don't stand a

A technology will require you to develop research points before you can
acquire the technology. The more research points you generate, the faster your
Civilisation can acquire new technologies. The amount of research points that
you can generate is a percentage of your commerce output. You can adjust this
rate by changing the investment percentages. There are also other ways to
increase the resource point output. You can have Specialists, such as the
Scientist to give a boost, as well as building libraries, observatories and so
forth to provide a boost. You can change your Civics to increase the output
of research points. You can increase your commerce output and you can increase
your wealth output, which can allow you to invest more in science.

When you start, you will be prompted to choose a technology to research. This
will occur every time you finish researching a technology. Some technologies
will have prerequisites before you can research. That means that you need to
have knowledge of a certain technology before you can research another. At
other times, you can change the technology required and substitute it with
another one. As one of the developers put it, could one develop Rocketry by
discovering Flight or be inspired by Artillery? These are called alternate
paths or gates.

You can press F6 to view the Tech Tree. This will show you the technologies
that you can research, the one is researching and the ones you have and can
research. Click on a tech and the game will develop the quickest path to
reach that tech. You can view the amount of turns needed to develop the
technology at the top of the screen with the technology and a number in
brackets, representing the turns still needed. The green bar is the progress

You can also change the technology researching by clicking on the progress
bar on the top of the screen. This will allow you to pick another one to
research. Just click on the icon of the technology you want to research. Your
progress with the cancelled technology will not be removed and will be still
there when you resume. However, starting the second technology will be to be
started from the beginning.

[4.01] Nations

Note: Do not take my opinion as the holy word, it is my opinion on the race.
Everyone has their own preference and its up to you which nation you
want to use. I prefer the Chinese but other use the English, the Spanish
and others. Choose a nation, and practice till perfect.

The American Empire

Franklin Roosevelt
George Washington

Special Unit
Navy Seals (Gunpowder Unit)
Replaces the Marine
Strength = 24
Movement = 1
* 1-2 First Strikes
* +50% attack against machine guns
* +50% attack against artillery
* Starts with Amphibious and March
Requires Industrialism and Rifling

Starting Technologies

My Opinion
The Americans are excellent if you are playing on maps where food resources
are important early game. This would help you build a larger population in the
beginning, which can help significantly throughout the game. Their navy seal
units are quite powerful with their abilities because, with a large navy, you
can get your forces to establish a powerful force. They also heal while moving
which can help.

The Arabian Empire


Special Unit
Camel Archer (Mounted Unit)
Replaces the Knight
Strength = 10
Movement = 2
* Immune to First Strikes
* Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses
* Can Withdraw from Combat (25% Chance)
Requires Guild
Requires Horseback Riding and Archery

Starting Technologies
The Wheel

My Opinion
Their access to the wheel at the start can help acquire resources quickly with
the ability to build roads and their mysticism can help establish several
religions quickly, allowing a city where that religion is formed in your
nation. Their camel archers are handy due to the immunity but don't pick this
race to spam archers.

The Aztec Empire


Special Unit
Jaguar (Melee Unit)
Replaces the Swordsman
Strength = 5
Movement = 1
* +10% City Attack
* +25% Jungle Defence
Requires Iron Working

Starting Technologies

My Opinion
The Aztecs are handy as well with their access to Mysticism and hunting is
nice to have a boost from fur and deer, but a reminder that fur will become
obselete after a long while. Their Jaguar unit are powerful in tropical maps
due to the jungle defence and their bonus. Reminder that swordsman are quite
slow and the Jaguar is no exception.

The Chinese Empire

Mao Zedong
Qin Shi Huang

Special Unit
Cho-Ko-Nu (Archery Unit)
Replaces Crossbowman
Strength = 6
Movement = 1
* 2 First Strikes
* Cause Collateral Damage
* +50% attack against Melee Units
Requires Machinery
Requires Archery
Requires Iron

Starting Technologies

My Opinion
I like the Chinese because their starting technologies are quite handy. After
developing the wheel, their access to resources will prove a significant
factor. Their special unit, the Cho-Ko-Nu, is extremely useful due to their
double first strike, their collateral damage and their bonus against melee
units, which at that current point in time, will make the backbone of any

The Egyptian Empire


Special Unit
War Chariot (Mounted Unit)
Replaces Chariot
Strength = 5
Movement = 2
* Immune to First Strikes
* Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses
* Can Withdraw From Combat (20% Chance)
Requires The Wheel
Requires Horse

Starting Technologies
The Wheel

My Opinion
Their access will be unrivaled in terms of accessing argicultural resources
such as rice, corn and wheat. This will secure a stable, large flow of food
as well as the health bonus that comes with the granary. Their chariots are
good scouting units that are hard to take down with their immunity and their
chance to withdraw from combat.

The English Empire


Special Unit
Redcoat (Gunpowder Unit)
Replaces Rifleman
Strength = 16
Movement = 1
* +25% attack against Mounted Units
* +25% attack against Gunpowder Units
Requires Rifling

Starting Technologies

My Opinion
The British are better in terms of special unit than anything else. Their
starting technologies can help in having a boost in sailing and accessing
the seas, but you can't access the harbour till later, making a health boost
not a factor in choosing. Their redcoat units are useful in their age, and
even later on since mounted and gunpowder units are the armies of the

The French Empire

Louis XIV

Special Unit
Musketeer (Gunpowder Unit)
Replaces Musketman
Strength = 9
Movement = 2
Requires Gunpowder

Starting Technologies
The Wheel

My Opinion
Their starting technologies are the same to the Egyptians so read above. The
musketeers are useful for one reason. Their movement is TWO. This makes it
have the same movement as a mounted unit. This can lead to two attacks or
two pillages instead of one. And makes a good unit to escape if you don't want
to lose a valuable promoted unit.

The German Empire


Special Unit
Panzer (Armoured Unit)
Replaces Tank
Strength = 28
Movement = 2
* Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses
* +50% attack against Armoured Units
* Starts with Blitz
Requires Industrialism
Requires Rifling
Requires Oil

Starting Techonologies

My Opinion
The Germans opening technologies are useful in conditions where there is a
large amount of tundra or you are next the top or bottom of the map. Their
panzers are basically anti-tank units. Their blitz ability can let them a
attack several times and their strength is quite high. These are not to be
taken lightly.

The Greek Empire


Special Unit
Phalanx (Melee Unit)
Replaces Spearman
Strength = 5
Movement = 1
* +25% Hill Defence
* +100% attack against Mounted Units
Requires Hunting
Requires Copper or Iron

Starting Technologies

My Opinion
It seems the Greek empire starting techs are dealing with killing animals.
This is even more useful in tundra conditions where there would be fish in the
sea and deers to hunt. Their phalanx are useful for killing enemies with
horses, while they hide up in the hills. Something you shouldn't send your
horse riders against.

The Incan Empire

Huayna Capac

Special Unit
Quechua (Melee Unit)
Replaces Warrior
Strength = 2
Movement = 1
* +25% City Defence
* +100 attack against Archery Units

Starting Technologies

My Opinion
Their opening techs seem not well matched but along with other nations with
the mysticism start, they can found a new religion. Useful only of you want
to have that religion's wonder in your city. Their special units make good
archer killers, which would take a while to develop.

The Indian Empire


Special Unit
Fast Worker
Replaces Worker
Movement = 3
* Can Improve Tiles

Starting Technologies

My Opinion
Their technologies are the same for the Incans, they seem a bit mismatched.
Their real skill is in their fast workers. They are indeed that they seem,
they are fast with 3 movement spaces. On a railroad, that means they can
travel 30 spaces. Thats is for most people, from one side of their empire
to another. This would teach the others to knock out your improvements.

The Japanese Empire


Special Unit
Samurai (Melee Unit)
Replaces Maceman
Strength = 8
Movement = 1
* 2 First Strikes
* +50% attack against melee units
Requires Civil Service
Requires Machinery
Requires Iron

Starting Technologies
The Wheel

My Opinion
I don't know why you would want the wheel with fishing. But still, the wheel
allows early access to resources, so it is handy none the less. Fishing is
only useful if you need it, or have access to the sea. Their special units
are handy as they can defeat units of equal strength or even above.

The Malinese Empire

Mansa Musa

Special Unit
Skirmisher (Archery Unit)
Replaces Archer
Strength = 4
Movement = 1
* 1-2 First Strikes
* +50% City Defence
* +25% Hills Defence
Requires Archery

Starting Technologies
The Wheel

My Opinion
These starting abilities allow you to access the mines and dig for gold, or
silver, or whatever you find. Great if you need some gold or money early on
to complete works. Their archer units are quite useful to defend yourself
early on in the game, especially if you have raging barbarians in the game
which can ruin you before you can even get established.

The Mongolian Empire

Genghis Khan
Kublai Khan

Special Unit
Keshik (Mounted Unit)
Replaces Horse Archer
Strength = 6
Movement = 2
* 1 First Strike
* Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses
* Ignore Terrain Movement Costs
* +50% attack against Catapult
Requires Horseback Riding
Requires Archery
Requires Horse

Startingd Technologies
The Wheel

My Opinion
Great if you like to go hunting, but there are only three resources. Fur, deer
and ivory. But then again, ivory is extremely rare in games, and acquiring it
first should give you an economical advantage. Their special units are useful
as they ignore terrain costs, important if you have jungles or hills and the
such to move through.

The Persian Empire


Special Unit
Immortal (Mounted Unit)
Replaces Chariot
Strength = 4
Movement = 2
* Can Withdraw from Combat (30% Chance)
* +50% attack against Archery Units
Requires The Wheel
Requires Horse

Starting Technologies

My Opinion
Their starting techs are a bit mismatched but can help you acquire the rare
hunting resources and a stable supply of food. Their immortals are useful in
that they can withdraw from combat and kill archers. But there is one
weakness in these chariots. They only have 4 strength, which can be kicked
with 2 warriors if luck goes in the proper direction.

The Roman Empire

Julius Caesar

Special Unit
Praetorian (Melee Unit)
Replaces Swordsman
Strength = 8
Movement = 1
Requires Iron Working
Requires Iron

Starting Technologies

My Opinion
This guy really has it going for him. His starting techs can allow him to
take the fish and the gold. However, the starting techs are not as useful as
the praetorian. The strength of that unit is higher than the swordsman and
equal to the maceman. So, this could give you the edge against a higher tech

The Russian Empire


Special Unit
Cossack (Mounted Unit)
Replaces Calvary
Strength = 18
Movement = 2
* Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses
* Can Withdraw from Combat (30% Chance)
* +50% attack against cannons
* +50% attack against mounted units
Requires Military Tradition
Requires Gunpowder and Horseback Riding
Requires Horse

Starting Technologies

My Opinion
The Russians are having problems with their skills as hunting is basically
useless, bar the fact of the deer resource and accessing archery. The mining
is useful but not fully used unless there are roads. The cossacks are powerful
as they have 3 more strength than their calvary counterparts. And they have
an extra bonus against mounted units, which sooner, would be useless.

The Spanish Empire


Special Unit
Conquistador (Mounted Units)
Replaces Knight
Strength = 10
Movement = 2
* Immune to First Strikes
* +50% attack against Melee Units
Requires Guilds
Requires Horseback Riding
Requires Horse
Requires Iron

Starting Technologies

My Opinion
Their access to religion early on can give them a religious advantage in
keeping your population happy, but their special unit is a lot weaker. They
only have an extra bonus against melee units which at this stage, shouldn't
be much of a problem.

[4.02] Leaders

Before we can start the leaders, you will need to have to understand what the
traits of each leader are. They are 8 different traits with each leader only
have a combination of 2. Their favourite civic does actually have a use. If
you don't use their favourite civic, they might pressure you to adopt it or
suffer some diplomatic penalties.

Effect: Free Combat I promotion for all melee and gunpowder units
Barracks and Drydock constructed at half cost

Effect: +2 culture per turn per city
Colloseum and Theatre constructed at half cost

Effect: +2 health per city
Granary and Harbour constructed at half cost

Effect: +1 commerce on squares generating 2 or more commerce
Bank constructed at half cost

Effect: +50% wonder production
Forge constructed at half cost

Effect: -50% civil upkeep cost
Courthouse and Lighthouse constructed at half cost

Effect: +100% Great Person birth rate
University constructed at half cost

Effect: No anarchy
Temple constructed at half cost

The Leaders

Roosevelt (America)
Trait 1: Industrious
Trait 2: Organised
Favourite Civic: Universal Suffrage

Washington (America)
Trait 1: Financial
Trait 2: Organised
Favourite Civic: Universal Suffrage

Saladian (Arab)
Trait 1: Philosophical
Trait 2: Spiritual
Favourite Civic: Theocracy

Montemuza (Aztec)
Trait 1: Aggressive
Trait 2: Spiritual
Favourite Civic: Police State

Mao (China)
Trait 1: Philosophical
Trait 2: Organised
Favourite Civic: State Property

Qin Shi (China)
Trait 1: Industrious
Trait 2: Financial
Favourite Civic: Police State

Hatshepsut (Egypt)
Trait 1: Spiritual
Trait 2: Creative
Favourite Civic: Hereditary Rule

Elizabeth (England)
Trait 1: Philosophical
Trait 2: Financial
Favourite Civic: Free Religion

Victoria (English)
Trait 1: Expansive
Trait 2: Financial
Favourite Civic: Representation

Louis (France)
Trait 1: Industrious
Trait 2: Creative
Favourite Civic: Hereditary Rule

Napoleon (France)
Trait 1: Aggressive
Trait 2: Industrious
Favourite Civic: Representation

Bismarck (Germany)
Trait 1: Expansive
Trait 2: Industrious
Favourite Civic: Representation

Frederick (Germany)
Trait 1: Philosophical
Trait 2: Creative
Favourite Civic: Universal Suffrage

Alexander (Greece)
Trait 1: Philosophical
Trait 2: Aggressive
Favourite Civic: Hereditary Rule

Huayna (Inca)
Trait 1: Aggressive
Trait 2: Financial
Favourite Civic: Hereditary Rule

Asoka (India)
Trait 1: Spiritual
Trait 2: Organised
Favourite Civic: Universal Suffrage

Gandhi (India)
Trait 1: Spiritual
Trait 2: Industrious
Favourite Civic: Universal Suffrage

Tokugawa (Japan)
Trait 1: Aggressive
Trait 2: Organised
Favourite Civic: Mercantilism

Mansa (Mali)
Trait 1: Spiritual
Trait 2: Financial
Favourite Civic: Free Market

Genghis (Mongolia)
Trait 1: Aggressive
Trait 2: Expansive
Favourite Civic: Police State

Kublai (Mongolia)
Trait 1: Aggressive
Trait 2: Creative
Favourite Civic: Hereditary Rule

Cyrus (Persia)
Trait 1: Expansive
Trait 2: Creative
Favourite Civic: Representation

Caesar (Rome)
Trait 1: Expansive
Trait 2: Organised
Favourite Civic: Representation

Catherine (Russia)
Trait 1: Creative
Trait 2: Financial
Favourite Civic: Hereditary Rule

Peter (Russia)
Trait 1: Philosophical
Trait 2: Expansive
Favourite Civic: Police State

Isabella (Spain)
Trait 1: Spiritual
Trait 2: Expansive
Favourite Civic: Police State

[4.03] Terrain

There are different terrains in the game that you would have to pass through
or build upon. Understanding what each terrain does will give you an idea on
where to build and how to make the most of the land.

Food: 1
Production: 0
Commerce: 2
Defensive Bonus: 10%
You cannot build cities on this square

Food: 0
Production: 0
Commerce: 0
Defensive Bonus: 0%
When next to a river, 10% bonus to commerce
Improvements take 25% longer to build

Food: 2
Production: 0
Commerce: 0
Defensive Bonus: 0%
+1 commerence when next to a river

Food: 0
Production: 0
Commerce: 0
Defensive Bonus: 0%
Improvements take 50% longer to build

Food: 1
Production: 0
Commerce: 1
Defensive Bonus: 0%

Food: 0
Production: 0
Commerce: 0
Defensive Bonus: 0%
Impassible Terrain

Food: 1
Production: 1
Commerce: 0
Defensive Bonus: 0%
+1 commerce adjacent to a river

Food: 1
Production: 0
Commerce: 0
Defensive Bonus: 0%
+1 commerce when adjacent to a river
Improvements take 25% longer to build.

So far, you can see that the grassland is the best place to build farms to
produce food as it has 2 food production. The coast is excellent to place and
develop cottages into large towns. Plains are your average terrain. Oceans is
exactly what you find in the sea. The desert and the ice do nothing so don't
farm there hoping to find food. Peaks cannot be passed or built upon. Tundra
is unavoidable if you are up north or south.

Terrain Features
Terrain features is exactly what you will find on the terrain. Sometimes there
would be hills or a wild jungle. Not all the land will be flat or rolling with
lush green grass.

Food: -3
Production: -3
Commerce: -3
Defensive Bonus: 0%
Costs 2 movement points to enter
Cannot build imporves until fallout is cleared
Clear with Ecology technology
Caused by a nuclear meltdown or a ICBM
-0.5 health in nearby cities

Food: +3
Production: 0
Commerce: 0
Defensive Bonus: 0%
+1 commerce when next to a river
-0.4 health in nearby cities

Food: 0
Production: +1
Commerce: 0
Defensive Bonus: 50%
Costs 2 movement points to enter
+0.5 health in nearby cities

Food: -1
Production: +1
Commerce: 0
Defensive Bonus: 25%
Costs 2 movement points to enter
+1 commerce when next to a river

Food: 0
Production: 0
Commerce: 0
Defensive Bonus: 0%
Impassible Terrain

Food: -1
Production: 0
Commerce: 0
Defensive Bonus: 50%
Cost 2 movement points to enter
-0.25 health in nearby cities

Food: +3
Production: 0
Commerce: +2
Defensive Bonus: 0%
Costs 2 movement points to enter
Fresh Water source
Cannot build cities or improvements here

[4.04] Bonuses

These are the resources that you will find on the terrain that you can
improve and develop. These will provide more production, food or commerce than
a normal tile without this resource. Also, there are perks owning these
resources because some buildings and units require these resources, such as
horses for horse archers. Another perk is that some buildings have their
construction time halved with access to this resource. Note that you have to
have connection via road or rail to the resource in order to access it. You
don't see corn flying to the main city here, nor in real life. Or does it?
The improved bonus is combining the upgrade and the base bonus together. Note,
some of the improved bonus may add up wrong since there may be problems. All
this information is direct from the game itself.

NOTE: The effects such as meeting unit requirements, additional effects and
halving construction time requires only one of each resource. There is
no stack bonus, unfortunately, but bonuses still apply.
NOTE: All effects are from the 1.61v of Civilisation IV, not the original.

Tech Revealed By : Industrialism
Tech Required to Access : Mining
Improvement Required : Mine
Base Bonus : +1 Production
Improved Bonus : +4 Production, +1 Commerce
Units Requiring Aluminum : Jet Fighter (and oil), Modern Armour (with oil)
Stealth Bomber (and oil)
Construction Speed Halved: Space Elevator, SDI, Apollo Program

Tech Revealed By : Always Visible
Tech Required to Access : Calendar
Improvement Required : Plantation
Base Bonus : +1 Food
Improved Bonus : +2 Food
Additional Effects : +1 Health with Plantation

Tech Revealed By : Always Visible
Tech Required to Access : Fishing
Improvement Required : Fishing Boat
Base Bonus : +1 Food
Improved Bonus : +2 Food
Additional Effects : +1 Health with Fishing Boats

Tech Revealed By : Steam Power
Tech Required to Access : Mining
Improvement Required : Mine
Base Bonus : +1 Production
Improved Bonus : +3 Production
Unit Requiring Coal : Ironclad (and iron)
Additional Effects : Required to construct railroads

Tech Revealed By : Bronze Working
Tech Required to Access : Mining
Improvement Required : Mine
Base Bonus : +1 Production
Improved Bonus : +3 Production
Units Requiring Copper : Axeman (or iron), Maceman (or iron), Phalanx (or
iron), Spearman (or iron)
Construction Speed Halved: Buddhist Stupa, Confician Academy, Taoist Pagoda,
Colossus, Status of Liberty, The Internet

Tech Revealed By : Always Visible
Tech Required to Access : Agriculture
Improvement Required : Farm
Base Bonus : +1 Food
Improved Bonus : +3 Food (+4 if Irrigated or with Biology, +5 if you
have both Irrigation and Biology)
Additional Effects : +1 Health with farm

Tech Revealed By : Always visible
Tech Required to Access : Animal Husbandary
Improvement Required : Pasture
Base Bonus : +1 Food (+2 if next to fresh water)
Improved Bonus : +1 Food (+2 if next to fresh water), +1 production
Additional Effects : +1 Health with Pasture

Tech Revealed By : Always Visible
Tech Required to Access : Fishing
Improvement Required : Fishing Boat
Base Bonus : +1 Food
Improved Bonus : +2 Food
Additional Effects : +1 Health with Fishing Boats

Tech Revealed By : Always Visible
Tech Required to Access : Hunting
Improvement Required : Camp
Base Bonus : +1 Food (+2 if next to fresh water)
Improved Bonus : +2 Food (+3 if next to fresh water)
Additional Effects : +1 Health with Camp

Tech Revealed By : Always Visible
Tech Required to Access : Calendar
Improvement Required : Plantation
Base Bonus : +1 Commerce
Improved Bonus : +4 Commerce
Additional Effects : +1 Happiness with Plantation

Tech Revealed By : Always Visible
Tech Required to Access : Fishing
Improvement Required : Fishing Boat
Base Bonus : +1 Food
Improved Bonus : +3 Food
Additional Effects : +1 Health with Fishing Boat

Tech Revealed By : Always Visible
Tech Required to Access : Hunting
Improvement Required : Camp
Base Bonus : +1 Commerce
Improved Bonus : +3 Commerce
Additionl Effects : +1 Happiness with Camp
*Obsolete with Plastics

Tech Revealed By : Always Visible
Tech Required to Access : Mining
Improvement Required : Mine
Base Bonus : +1 Commerce
Improved Bonus : +1 Production, +5 Commerce
Additional Effects : +1 Happiness with Mine

Tech Revealed By : Always Visible
Tech Required to Access : Mining
Improvement Required : Mine
Base Bonus : +1 Commerce
Improved Bonus : +1 Production, +6 Commerce
Additional Effects : +1 Happiness with Mine

Hit Movies
Tech Revealed By : Not Visible
Tech Required to Access : Hollywood Wonder (Produces 7)
Improvement Required : None
Base Bonus : 0
Improved Bonus : 0
Additional Effects : +1 Happiness

Hit Musicals
Tech Revealed By : Not Visible
Tech Required to Access : Broadway Wonder (Produces 7)
Improvement Required : None
Base Bonus : 0
Improved Bonus : 0
Additional Effects : +1 Happiness

Hit Singles
Tech Revealed By : Not Visible
Tech Required to Access : Rock n' Roll Wonder
Improvement Required : None
Base Bonus : 0
Improved Bonus : 0
Additional Effects : +1 Happiness

Tech Revealed By : Animal Husbandary
Tech Required to Access : Animal Husbandary
Improvement Required : Pasture
Base Bonus : +1 Production
Improved Bonus : +2 Production, +1 Commerce
Units Requiring Horses : Calvary, Chariot, Conquistador (and iron), Cossack,
Horse Archer, Immortal, Keshik, Knight (and iron),
War Chariot

Tech Revealed By : Always Visible
Tech Required to Access : Calendar
Improvement Required : Plantation
Base Bonus : +1 Commerce
Improved Bonus : +5 Commerce
Additional Effects : +1 Happiness with Plantation

Tech Revealed By : Iron Working
Tech Required to Access : Mining
Improvement Required : Mine
Base Bonus : +1 Production
Improved Bonus : +3 Production
Units Requiring Iron : Axeman (or copper), Cannon, Cho-No-Ku, Conquistador
(and horses), Crossbowman, Frigate, Ironclad (and
coal), Knight (and horses), Maceman (or copper),
Phanlax (or copper), Pikeman, Praetorian, Samurai,
Spearman (or copper), Swordsman
Construction Speed Halved: Eiffel Tower

Tech Revealed By : Always Visible
Tech Required to Access : Hunting
Improvement Required : Camp
Base Bonus : +1 Production
Improved Bonus : +1 Production, +1 Commerce
Units Requiring Ivory : War Elephant
Additonal Effects : +1 Happiness with Camp
*Obsolete with Industrialism

Tech Revealed By : Always Visible
Tech Required to Access : Masonry
Improvement Required : Quarry
Base Bonus : +1 Production
Improved Bonus : +1 Production, +2 Commerce
Construction Speed Halved: Hindu Mandir, Islamic Mosque, Hermitage, Heroic
Epic, National Epic, Great Library, Hagia Sophia,
Oracle, Parthenon, Sistine Chapel, Taj Mahal,

Tech Revealed By : Scientific Method
Tech Required to Access : Combustion
Improvement Required : Well, Offshore Platform (need Plastics)
Base Bonus : +1 Production
Improved Bonus : +2 Production, +1 Commerce
Units Requiring Oil : Battleship (or uranium), Bombmer, Carrier (or
uranium), Destroyer (or uranium), Fighter, Gunship,
Jet Fighter (and aluminum), Modern Armour (and
aluminum), Panzer, Stealth Bomber (and aluminum),
Submarine (or uranium), Tank, Transport (or

Tech Revealed By : Always Visible
Tech Required to Access : Animal Husbandary
Improvement Required : Pasture
Base Bonus : +1 Food
Improved Bonus : +3 Food (+4 if next to Fresh Water)
Additional Effects : +1 Health with Pasture

Tech Revealed By : Always Visible
Tech Required to Access : Agriculture
Improvement Required : Farm
Base Bonus : +1 Food
Improved Bonus : +2 Food (+3 if Irrigated or have Biology, +4 if you
have both)
Additional Effects : +1 Health with farm

Tech Revealed By : Always Visible
Tech Required to Access : Animal Husbandary
Improvement Required : Pasture
Base Bonus : +1 Food
Improved Bonus : +2 Food (+3 if next to Fresh Water), +1 Commerce
Additional Effects : +1 Health with Pasture

Tech Revealed By : Always Visible
Tech Required to Access : Calendar
Improvement Required : Plantation
Base Bonus : +1 Commerce
Improved Bonus : +3 Commerce
Additional Effects : +1 Happiness with Plantation

Tech Revealed By : Always Visible
Tech Required to Access : Mining
Improvement Required : Mine
Base Bonus : +1 Commerce
Improved Bonus : +4 Commerce
Additional Effects : +1 Happiness with Mine

Tech Revealed By : Always Visible
Tech Required to Access : Calendar
Improvement Required : Plantation
Base Bonus : +1 Commerce
Improved Bonus : +1 Food, +2 Commerce
Additional Effects : +1 Happiness with Plantation

Tech Revealed By : Always Visible
Tech Required to Access : Masonry
Improvement Required : Quarry
Base Bonus : +1 Production
Improved Bonus : +2 Production
Construction Speed Halved: Christian Cathedral, Jewish Synagogue, Mount
Rushmore, Oxford University, West Point, Angkor
Wat, Chichen Itza, Hanging Gardens, Kermlin, Notre
Dame, Pyramids, Spiral Minaret, Stonehenge

Tech Revealed By : Always Visible
Tech Required to Access : Calendar
Improvement Required : Plantation
Base Bonus : +1 Food
Improved Bonus : +1 Food, +1 Commerce
Additional Effects : +1 Happiness with Plantation

Tech Revealed By : Physics
Tech Required to Access : Mining
Improvement Required : Mine
Base Bonus : +0
Improved Bonus : +3 commerce
Units Requiring Uranium : Battleship (or oil), Carrier (or oil), Destroyer
(or oil), ICBM, Submarine (or oil), Transports
(or oil), Nukes
Construction Speed Halved: The Manhattan Project

Tech Revealed By : Always Visible
Tech Required to Access : Optics
Improvement Required : Whaling Boat
Base Bonus : +1 Food
Improved Bonus : +1 Production, +2 Commerce
Additional Effects : +1 Happiness with Whaling Boats
* Obsolete with Combustion

Tech Revealed By : Always Visible
Tech Required to Access : Agriculture
Improvement Required : Farm
Base Bonus : +1 Food
Improved Bonus : +3 Food (+4 if Irrigated or have Biology, +5 if
you have both)
Additional Effects : +1 Health with Farm

Tech Revealed By : Always Visible
Tech Required to Access : Monarchy
Improvement Required : Winery
Base Bonus : +1 Commerce
Improved Bonus : +1 Food, +2 Commerce
Additional Effects : +1 Happiness with Winery

[4.05] Buildings

There are many buildings that you can add to your city to improve its
population, its food, its production, etc. These are important on many levels.
This will be listed in alphabetical order. All effects are only in the city
it is in, not for the entire empire.

Cost : Special, You can create by sacrificing a Great Scientist
Requirements : Great Scientist
Effects : +50% research generated by the city
+4 culture per turn

Cost : 250 Hammers
Requirements : Flight Technology
Effects : +1 Trade Route
Can airlift 1 unit per turn
-1 Health in the City

Cost : 100 Hammers
Requirements : Masonry, Mathematics
Effects : +2 Health
Required To : Build The Hanging Gardens
Available Free: After starting in the Industrial age or later

Cost : 200 Hammers
Requirements : Banking
Effects : +50% more gold income in the city
Required To : Build Wall Street
Available Free: After starting in the Modern age or later

Cost : 60 Hammers
Requirements : None
Effects : New Land Units Receive 4 more Experience
Required To : Build Heroic Epic

Bomb Shelters
Cost : 100 Hammers
Requirements : Electricity, Manhattan Project
Effects : -75% damage from nukes (ICBMs)

Broadcast Tower
Cost : 175 Hammers
Requirements : Mass Media
Effects : +50% more culture generated in the city
+1 Happiness per 10% culture rate
Can turn 2 citizens into an artist
+1 Happiness from Hit movies, musicals and singles

Buddhist Monastary
Cost : 60 Hammers
Requirements : Meditation, Buddhism
Effects : +10% Research Output
+2 Culture per turn
Required To : Train Buddhist Missonary
*Obsolete with Scientific Method

Buddhist Stupa
Cost : 300 Hammers (Halved with Copper)
Requirements : Music, Buddhism, 3 Buddhist Temples
Effects : +50% more Culture produced in the City
+2 Happiness in the city if Buddhism is State Religion
Can turn 2 citizens into a Priest
+1 Happiness with Incense

Buddhist Temple
Cost : 80 Hammers
Requirements : Priesthood, Buddhism
Effects : +1 Happiness
+1 Culture per turn
Can turn 1 citizen into a Priest

Cost : 100 Hammers
Requirements : Electricity
Effects : -75% damage from Air Units

Cost : 100 Hammers (Halved with Stone)
Requirements : Engineering, Walls
Effects : +50% defence from non-gunpowder units
+1 Culture per turn

Christian Cathedral
Cost : 300 Hammers (Halved with Stone)
Requirements : Music, Christianity, 3 Christian Temples
Effects : +50% more Culture generated in the city
+2 Happiness in the city if Christianity is state religion
Can turn 2 citizens into a Priest
+1 Happiness with Incense

Christian Monastary
Cost : 60 Hammers
Requirements : Meditation, Christianity
Effects : +10% Research Output
+2 Culture per turn
Required To : Train Christian Missonary
*Obsolete with Scientific Method

Christian Temple
Cost : 80 Hammers
Requirements : Priesthood, Christianity
Effects : +1 Happiness
+1 Culture per turn
Can turn one Citizen into a Priest

Coal Plant
Cost : 150 Hammers
Requirements : Assembly Line, Factory, Coal
Effects : Provides power for factories with Coal
-2 Health in City

Cost : 120 Hammers
Requirements : Construction
Effects : +1 Happiness
+1 Happiness per 20% Culture Rate

Confucian Academy
Cost : 300 Hammers (Halved with Copper)
Requirements : Music, Confucianism, 3 Confucian Temples
Effects : +50 more Culture Generated in the City
+2 Happiness in the City if Confucianism is state religion
Can turn 2 Citizens into a Priest
+1 Happiness with Incense

Confucian Monastary
Cost : 60 Hammers
Requirements : Meditation, Confucianism
Effects : +10% Research Output
+2 Culture per turn
Required To : Train Confucian Missonary
*Obsolete with Scientific Method

Confucian Temple
Cost : 80 Hammers
Requirements : Priesthood, Confucianism
Effects : +1 Happiness
+1 Culture per turn
Can turn one Citizen into a Priest

Cost : 120 Hammers
Requirements : Code of Laws
Effects : -50% Maintenance Cost
Required To : Build Forbidden Palace

Cost : 120 Hammers
Requirements : Steel
Effects : New Water Units receive +4 Experience Points
Water Units Constructed 50% faster
-1 Health in the City

Cost : 250 Hammers
Requirements : Assembly Lime
Effects : +25% more hammer production
+50% more hammer production if powered
Can turn 2 Citizens into an Engineer
-1 Health in the City
Required To : Build Coal, Hydro and Nuclear Power Plants

Cost : 120 Hammers
Requirements : Metal Casting
Effects : +25% more hammer production
Can turn 1 Citizen into an Engineer
+1 Happiness from Gold, Gems or Silver
-2 Health in the City
Required To : Build Ironworks, The Colossus, Effiel Tower, Statue of Liberty
Available Free: After Starting in the Modern Age or Later

Cost : 60 Hammers
Requirements : Pottery
Effects : Stores 50% of Food after Population Growth
+1 Health from Corn, Rice and Wheat
Available Free: After Starting in the Renaissance Age or Later

Cost : 150 Hammers
Requirements : Guilds, Currency
Effects : +25% more gold production
Can turn 2 Citizens to a Merchant
+1 Health from Bananas, Spice, Sugar or Wine
Required To : Build Supermarket
Available Free: After Starting in the Industrial Age or Later

Cost : 80 Hammers
Requirements : Compass
Effects : +50% more Commerce from Trade Routes
+1 Health from Clams, Crabs and Fish
Available Free: After Starting in the Modern Age or Later

Hindu Mandir
Cost : 300 Hammers (Halved with Marble)
Requirements : Music, Hinduism, 3 Hindu Temples
Effects : +50% more Culture Production in City
+2 Happiness in City if Hinduism is the State Religion
Can turn 2 Citizens into a Priest
+1 Happiness from Incense

Hindu Monastary
Cost : 60 Hammers
Requirements : Meditation, Hinduism
Effects : +10% Research Output
+2 Culture per turn
Required To : Train Hindu Missonary
*Obsolete with Scientific Method

Hindu Temple
Cost : 80 Hammers
Requirements : Priesthood, Hinduism
Effects : +1 Happiness
+1 Culture per turn
Can turn 1 Citizen into a Priest

Cost : 200 Hammers
Requirements : Medicine
Effects : +3 Health in the City
Heals Damaged Units an Extra 10% per turn
Required To : Build Red Cross

Hydro Plant
Cost : 200 Hammers
Requirements : Plastics, Factory, Next of Tile of Water
Effects : Provides Power for Factory

Islamic Monastary
Cost : 60 Hammers
Requirements : Meditation, Islam
Effects : +10% Research Output
+2 Culture per turn
Required To : Train Islamic Missionary
*Obsolete with Scientific Method

Islamic Mosque
Cost : 300 Hammers (Halved with Marble)
Requirements : Music, Islam, 3 Islamic Temples
Effects : +50% more Culture Generated in the City
+2 Happiness in the City if Islam is the State Religion
Can turn 2 Citizens into a Priest
+1 Happiness from Incense

Islamic Temple
Cost : 80 Hammers
Requirements : Priesthood, Islam
Effects : +1 Happiness
+1 Culture per turn
Can turn 1 Citizen into a Priest

Cost : 120 Hammers
Requirements : Constitution
Effects : -25% War Unhappiness
Available Free: After Starting in the Modern Age or Later

Jewish Monastary
Cost : 60 Hammers
Requirements : Meditation, Judaism
Effects : +10% Research Output
+2 Culture per turn
Required To : Train Jewish Missionary
*Obsolete with Scientific Method

Jewish Synagogue
Cost : 300 Hammers (Halved with Marble)
Requirements : Music, Judaism, 3 Jewish Temples
Effects : +50% more Culture Generated in the City
+2 Happiness in the City if Judaism is the State Religion
Can turn 2 Citizens into a Priest
+1 Happiness from Incense

Jewish Temple
Cost : 80 Hammers
Requirements : Priesthood, Islam
Effects : +1 Happiness
+1 Culture per turn
Can turn 1 Citizen into a Priest

Cost : 250 Hammers
Requirements : Computers, Observatory
Effects : +25% more Research Output
+50% spaceship Production
Can turn 1 Citizen into a Scientist
-1 Health

Cost : 90 Hammers
Requirements : Writing
Effects : +25% Research Output
+2 Culture per turn
Can turn 2 Citizens into a Scientist
Required To : Build University, National Epic, Great Library

Cost : 60 Hammers
Requirements : Sailing, Next to Ocean
Effects : Water Tiles produce +1 Food.
Required To : Build Great Lighthouse
Available Free: After Starting on the Industrial Age or Later

Cost : 150 Hammers
Requirements : Currency
Effects : +25% more Gold income
Can turn 2 Citizns into a Merchant
+1 Health from Fur, Ivory, Silk or Whales
Available Free: After Starting on the Industrial Age or Later

Nuclear Power Plant
Cost : 250 Hammers
Requirements : Fission, Factory, Uranium
Effects : Provides factory power with Uranium
Small chance of Nuclear Meltdown

Cost : 30 Hammers
Requirements : Mysticism
Effects : +1 Culture per turn
*Obsolete with Calendar

Cost : 150 Hammers
Requirements : Astronomy
Effects : +25% Research Output
Can turn 1 Citizen into a Scientist
Required To : Build Laboratory

Recycling Centre
Cost : 300 Hammers
Requirements : Ecology
Effects : No Unhealthiness from Buildings

Cost : 150 Hammers
Requirements : Refrigeration
Effects : +1 Health from Cow, Deer, Pig or Sheep

Taoist Monastary
Cost : 60 Hammers
Requirements : Meditation, Taoism
Effects : +10% Research Output
+2 Culture per turn
Required To : Train Taoist Missionary
*Obsolete with Scientific Method

Taoist Pagoda
Cost : 300 Hammers (Halved with Copper)
Requirements : Music, Taoism, 3 Taoist Temples
Effects : +50% more Culture Generated in the City
+2 Happiness in the City if Taoism is the State Religion
Can turn 2 Citizens into a Priest
+1 Happiness from Incense

Taoist Temple
Cost : 80 Hammers
Requirements : Priesthood, Taoism
Effects : +1 Happiness
+1 Culture per turn
Can turn 1 Citizen into a Priest

Cost : 50 Hammers
Requirements : Drama
Effects : +1 Happyness per 10% Culture Rate
Can turn 2 Citizens into an Artist
+1 Happiness from Dyes
Required To : Build Globe Theatre

Cost : 200 Hammers
Requirements : Education, Library
Effects : +25% Research Output
+3 Culture per turn
Required To : Build Oxford University

Cost : 50 Hammers (Halved with Stone)
Requirements : Masonry
Effects : +50% defence against Non-Gunpowder Units
Required To : Build Castle

[4.06] Religion

Through the ages, people have believe in a higher being on a different plane.
There have been many religions throughout the history of Earth and 7 of them
have been covered in Civilisation IV. But there are some things that have to
be cleared up first.

A state religion is the religion that your State believes in. When you
discover the necessary technology to access a religion, you have the ability
to make that your state religion. When a city believes in a religion that
happens to be the state religion, the city will enjoy a boost in productivity,
happiness and gold.

You can also spread a religion. Religious buildings will spread the religion
to other cities, but you can also have a part to say in where the religion
is to be spread. This can be done through the will of the missionary (nearly
wrote mercenary). The religion will spread to cities that it has trade routes
with, with religious buildings quickening the boost.

Missionaries can be built in two ways. You can have the organised religion
civic which allows you to have the ability to build missionaries or you can
build monasteries to build missionaries. Once a missionary is trained, the
unit will cost two gold to maintain every turn. The missionary can be moved
like any other unit, cross through unclaimed and neutral territory but can
only move within another civilisation when you have signed an open borders
agreement with them.

When the missionary reaches a target city, you can try to spread the religion
using the "Spread Religion" ability. The success of the missionary is
dependant on several factors.

1) It is far easier for a missionary to spread a religion in a city with few
or no religion in it. This is because one religion does not have to compete
with another religion.
2) It is easier to spread a religion in your own civilisation if you own the
missionary. The owner's civilisation will find it easier to convert their
own people.
3) Even if there are a fair number of religions in a city, a city can house
all 7 religions, except it will be more hard to spread on each new

There are also benefits of having a religion.

1) By having a religion in a city, you have the ability to develop 3
religious buildings in your cities. This will provide a boost in the
happiness, the wealth and the culture from your cities.
2) It provides 5 culture per turn if you have the holy city of a religion
that happens to be the state religion.
3) It provides +1 Happiness and +1 Culture per turn if the state religion
is present in a city.
4) A city without a religion cannot have the priest specialist.
5) If you have a Holy City with the developed Shrine upon it, if any players
have that specific religion as a state religion, you can spy upon their

There are also religion specific buildings. There are 4 of them, the Temple,
the Monastery, the Cathedral and the Shrine.

The Temple
Require the religion of the temple you want to build and the technology of
Priesthood. It is primative and produces 1 Culture and 1 Happiness. It allows
for 1 Citizen to become a Priest.

The Monastery
It is more advanced than the temple, requiring Meditation and the religion
of the monastery. It provides 10% more research points a turn as well as 2
culture per turn. It's the only way to produce a missionary bar the Organised
Religion civic. It will be obsolete with Scientific Method.

The Cathedral
The most advanced of the religious buildings. It requires Music, the religion
and 3 of those Religion's temple. Its construction speed can be halved with
certain resources. If will give +2 Happiness if the religion is that state
religion, turn 2 Citizen points to a Priest and gain +1 Happiness from the
Incense resource. It +50% your culture production as well. You have to have
3 temples to produce 1 Cathedral. For example, if you have 21 Temples, you
can only have 7 Cathedrals as most.

The Shrine
It can only be established in the Holy City of a certain religion. It gives
4 culture per turn, +1 Gold for every city with that religion and can turn
3 Citizen points into a priest. The addition of every city with that religion
shows the importance of the missionary to spread the word to as many cities
as you can.

The Beliefs
There are 7 Beliefs in the Game. Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity,
Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Taoism. There are a few things you need to note
down. If you have the Holy City of the State Religion, you get a +4 bonus to
your culture. If you have a City with the Religion the same as the State
Religion, you will get a small +1 culture bonus. All religions will give a
missionary upon development except Buddhism, Judaism and Hinduism

Technology Required: Meditation

Technology Required: Theology

Technology Required: Code of Laws

Technology Required: Polytheism

Technology Required: Divine Right

Technology Required: Monotheism

Technology Required: Philosophy

[4.07] Projects

Projects are pieces of work that can allow you to use revolutionary technology
or construct it. There are two types of projects, Team Projects that are
shared between team mates and there are World Projects that are shared between
the entire world.

Apollo Project
Type of Project : Team
Requires : Rocketry
Hammers Needed : 1600 Hammers
Description : The Apollo project was the American/NASA project to have man
walk on the moon. It was created simply to beat the Soviet
Union up there.
Effects : Required to Create SS Casing, SS Thrusters, SS Cockpit, SS
Docking Bay, SS Engine, SS Life Support, SS Stasis

Type of Project : Team
Requires : Satellites
Hammers Needed : 1000 Hammers (Halved with Aluminum)
Description : The SDI or Strategic Defensive Initiative is a research
program by the United States to use satellites to intercept
missiles, especially nuclear ones.
Effects : 75% Chance of intercepting Nukes
Requires Someone to have The Manhattan Project

The Internet
Type of Project : Team
Requires : Fiber Optics
Hammers Needed : 2000 Hammers (Halved with Copper)
Description : Ah, the Internet, without this, you won't even be reading
this. The internet is a massive computer network linked by
by hard wire, telecommunications and satellites. All the
computers speak the same language, allowing for fast
transfer of information.
Effects : Grants all Technologies by 2 Known Civilisations

The Manhattan Project
Type of Project : World
Requires : Fission
Hammers Needed : 1500 Hammers (Halved with Uranium)
Description : The Manhattan Project was the code name for a secret project
between the United States, Great Britain and Canada during
World War 2. The result of this project was, The Atomic
Bomb. The explosion paved way to the use of nuclear power,
for both the energy, and the fear factor.
Effects : Can Build Nukes
Can Build Bunker
Required before SDI

SS Casing
Type of Project : Team (5 Allowed)
Requires : Apollo Project, Rocketry
Hammers Needed : 800 Hammers (Halved with Aluminum)
Description : The exterior casing of the SS is extremely ready for the
travel of space. Made of an aluminum-titanium alloy based on
on layed ceramic with high density polymers, it is ready for
the debris within the star systems and able to withstand the
radiation. Built with sensors, it allows full navigation of
the stars.
Effects : Required for Space Victory, 5 needed
Space Victory must be enabled

SS Cockpit
Type of Project : Team
Requires : Apollo Project, Fiber Optics
Hammers Needed : 1000 Hammers (Halved with Copper)
Description : The command centre of the SS, this is where the pilots make
the decisions on where to go. It contains shielding from
unwanted radiation but also system computers which handle
interstellar travel and colonisation whil providing for the
long term needs of its occupants.
Effects : Required for Space Victory, 1 needed
Space Victory must be enabled

SS Docking Bay
Type of Project : Team
Requires : Apollo Project, Robotics
Hammers Needed : 2000 Hammers (Halved with Aluminum)
Description : The Docking Bay is the marvel of technology which handles
the transfers of material and resources between the SS and
its future colonies. It will be converted into a space
station to handle the exploration of the new worlds.
Effects : Required for Space Victory, 1 needed
Space Victory must be enabled

SS Engine
Type of Project : Team
Requires : Apollo Project, Fusion
Hammers Needed : 1600 Hammers
Description : A four part launch vehicle that enables the SS to travel
through the space-time bends and the vast emptiness of the
space surround the destination, Alpha Centauri. Acting like
20th century rockets, there will be boosters that will be
jettisoned after a temporary boost to exit the Earth's
Effects : Required for Space Victory, 1 needed
Space Victory must be enabled

SS Life Support
Type of Project : Team
Requires : Apollo Project, Ecology
Hammers Needed : 1000 Hammers (Halved with Copper)
Description : The Life Support System is the provider of food, water
and heat to the colonists inside the SS. Recycling is the
key, no organic waste is to leave the SS. Waste is processed
with algae which consumes the waste or processes it into
fertilizer for the Hydroponics Garden. The garden provides
food, oxygen, and other necessities.
Effects : Required for Space Victory, 1 needed
Space Victory must be enabled

SS Stasis Chamber
Type of Project : Team
Requires : Apollo Project, Genetics
Hammers Needed : 1200 Hammers
Description : The problem with the trip on the SS was that it would take
decades, if not centuries, so that would be a problem for
the engineers. How to stop the aging process? Advances in
cyrogenics have allowed to deep freeze bodies without much
harm and to heat the bodies up automatically by computer
when the time came to colonisation.
Effects : Required for Space victory, 1 needed
Space Victory must be enabled

SS Thrusters
Type of Project : Team (3 Allowed)
Requires : Apollo Project, Satellites
Hammers Needed : 1200 Hammers (Halved with Aluminum)
Description : Thrusters are designed like engines, to provide speed to the
SS. When the boosters for the thrusters are empty, they are
jettisoned. When this occurs, powerful electromagnets
help accelerate the charged particles of the ion drive to
activating it, allowing it to travel near the speed of
Effects : Required for Space Victory, 3 needed
Space Victory must be enabled

[4.08] Improvements

While on the map, you can see squares with resources or terrain that you think
to yourself, how do I make the most of it? You have to improve it of course.
Improvements are built by workers, who can keep building them. This is unlike
settlers, who are just one off builders.

You can only build improvements within your cultural borders, but a good idea
is to build them within your city radius so you can actually access the
resources and the production benefits. To build improvements, you have to move
your workers over a certain tile that you can build an improvement on and
select the improvement that you want. Note that you can only build it if you
have the necessary technology. Work boats are the same as workers, they are
the workers of the water, where your workers can't go.

You can also build roads and railroads by manually selecting them to where
to build or you can use the route to button to make them buuild roads to a
selected point.

Improvements take time to complete so be patient. It isn't an overnight job
you know. You can interrupt construction by selecting the worker and giving
him a new job to do.

Military units can pillage your improvements for gold. If there are multiple
improvements such as a farm and a railroad, you can only pillage one at a
time. Note that the roaming barbarians will happily pillage your improvements.

NOTE: Cottage can only be buits, then grows to Hamlet, then to Village and
ends at Town

Requires : Hunting
Improvements : None
Bonus Yields : +2 Food from Deer
+3 Commerce from Fur
+1 Production, +1 Commerce from Ivory
Pillage Value : 5 Gold Coins
Effects : None

City Ruins
Requires : N/A
Improvements : None
Bonus Yields : N/A
Pillage Value : 0 Gold Coins
Effects : Only built when a city is pillaged.

Requires : Pottery
Improvements : Commerce +1
Bonus Yields : None
Pillage Value : 10 Gold Coins
Effects : Becomes Hamlet in 10 Turns

Requires : Agriculture
Improvements : +1 Food from Irrigation
+1 Food from Biology
Bonus Yields : +3 Food from Corn
+2 Food from Rice
+3 Food from Wheat
Pillage Value : 5 Gold Coins
Effects : Carries Irrigation
Only built on Flatlands

Fishing Boats
Requires : Fishing
Improvements : None
Bonus Yields : +2 Food from Crabs
+2 Food from Clams
+3 Food from Fish
Pillage Value : 5 Gold Coins
Effects : Only Built on Water

Requires : Mathematics
Improvements : None
Bonus Yields : None
Pillage Value : 0 Gold Coins
Effects : +25% Tile Defence

Requires : Pottery
Improvements : Commerce +2
Bonus Yields : None
Pillage Value : 15 Gold Coins
Effects : Becomes Village in 20 Turns

Requires : Replaceable Parts
Improvements : Production +1
Commerce +1 (When next to River)
Production +1 with Railroads
Bonus Yields : None
Pillage Value : 5 Gold Coins
Effects : None

Requires : Mining
Improvements : Production +2
Production +1 with Railroads
Bonus Yields : +3 Production, +1 Commerce from Aluminum
+3 Production from Coal
+3 Production from Copper
+3 Production from Iron
+3 Commerce from Uranium
+1 Production, +4 Commerce from Silver
+1 Production, +5 Commerce from Gems
+1 Production, +6 Commerce from Gold
Pillage Value : 10 Gold Coins
Effects : Small Chance of discovering Aluminum, Coal, Copper, Iron,
Uranium, Silver, Gems, Gold

Offshore Platform
Requires : Plastics
Improvements : None
Bonus Yields : +2 Production, +1 Commerce from Oil
Pillage Value : 10 Gold Coins
Effects : Only Built on Water

Requires : Animal Husbandry
Improvements : None
Bonus Yields : +2 Production, +1 Commerce from Horse
+1 Food, +2 Production from Cow
+3 Food from Pigs
+2 Food, +1 Commerce from Sheep
Pillage Value : 5 Gold Coins
Effects : None

Requires : Calendar
Improvements : None
Bonus Yields : +2 Food from Bananas
+4 Commerce from Dyes
+5 Commerce from Incense
+3 Commerce from Silk
+1 Food, +2 Commerce from Spice
+1 Food, +1 Commerce from Sugar
Pillage Value : 5 Gold Coins
Effects : None

Requires : Masonry
Improvements : None
Bonus Yields : +1 Production, +2 Commerce from Marble
+2 Production from Stone
Pillage Value : 5 Gold Coins
Effects : None

Requires : Pottery
Improvements : Commerce +4
Commerce +1 from Printing Press
Commerce +2 from Free Speech
Production +1 from Universal Suffrage
Bonus Yields : None
Pillage Value : 25 Gold Coins
Effects : None

Tribal Village
Requires : N/A
Improvements : None
Bonus Yields : None
Pillage Value : 0 Gold Coins
Effects : Can provide maps, Gold, units or may attack you

Requires : Pottery
Improvements : Commerce +3
Commerce +1 from Printing Press
Bonus Yields : None
Pillage Value : 20 Gold Coins
Effects : Becomes a Town in 40 turns

Requires : Machinery
Improvements : Production +1
Commerce +2 with Electricity
Production +1 with Replaceable Parts
Food +1 from State Property
Bonus Yields : None
Pillage Value : 5 Gold Coins
Effects : Requires to be Built next to River
Only be Built on Flatlands

Requires : Combustion
Improvements : None
Bonus Yields : +2 Production, +1 Commerce from Oil
Pillage Value : 10 Gold Coins
Effects : None

Whaling Boats
Requires : Optics
Improvements : None
Bonus Yields : +2 Production, +1 Commerce from Whale
Pillage Value : 5 Gold Coins
Effects : Can Only be Built on Water

Requires : Machinery
Improvements : Food +1
Commerce +1
Commerce +1 with Electricity
Production +1 with State Property
Bonus Yields : None
Pillage Value : 5 Gold Coins
Effects : None

Requires : Monarchy
Improvements : None
Bonus Yields : +1 Food, +2 Commerce from Wine
Pillage Value : 10 Gold Coins
Effects : None

Requires : Metal Casting
Improvements : Food -1
Production +1
Production +1 with Guilds
Production +1 with Chemistry
Food +1 from State Property
Bonus Yields : None
Pillage Value : 5 Gold Coins
Effects : Can only be Built on Flatlands

[5.01] Great People

Once every now and then, a Great Person will be born, changing the way we
think. People such as Homer, Newton, Curie, Einstein, etc will come long and
change the way history things. In Civilisation IV, there are five different
types of Great People. Great Artists, Great Scientists, Great Merchants,
Great Priest and Great Engineers.

Great People are generated from Great People points. Each city has its
seperate pool of Great People points. There are many generators of these
points, including Specialists, Civics, Buildings and Wonders. The amount
needed to generate a Great Person originally starts at 100, and once a Great
Person is generated, it will increase by 100. Of course, with different game
speeds, it costs more or less to generate such a Person. The amount of points
need is the same for all the cities in your empire.

There are several influences on the type of person to be produced. Whenever
you have a specialist, it will be more likely to generate a Great Person
based on their specialisation. Wonders will also change the odds of the
Person. When you hover over the Great Person Bar on the city screen, you can
view the odds of Generating such a person. Increasing the amount of a certain
amount of specialists, you can change the person generated.

There are several abilities that a Great Person can do. These abilities are
the same for all Great People.

Discover a Technology
You can sacrifice a Great Person to help you research a technology. The
technology that they can help research will generally be in their field of
expertise, such as a Prophet researching a Religious technology or a Merchant
researching an Economic technology. In the earlier ages, while the technology
costs are relatively low, the Great Person should discover it straight away
but in the newer, futuristic technologies, they can only contribute a portion
of the technology.

Starting a Golden Age
You can use two or more Great People, sacrifice them to produce a Golden Age
for you, which will be elaborated on later.

Settling in Cities
You can sacrifice your Great People to have them settle in your cities to
become a super specialist. They have the same traits as a normal specialist
but their rate of production is higher and better.

Great Artist
This guy is a super artist, with a whopping 3 Gold per turn and producing
12 culture points for the city every turn.

Great Engineer
This guy is a bigger engineer, who produces 3 Hammers per turn for the city
and 3 Research points towards your research.

Great Merchant
This person is indeed a Great Merchant providing a special commodity to your
city. He provides 6 Gold per turn and 1 food unit per turn. So in essence, he
only consumes 1 food a turn.

Great Prophet
This person is an advanced priest. He can produce 2 Hammers per turn as well
as 5 Gold per turn for your city every turn.

Great Scientist
This smart person is a powerful brother to the normal scientist. He can
produce 1 Hammer per turn as well as 6 Research points per turn towards your
scientific research.

There are also specific abilities for each Great Person. The ability is user
specific, and they don't share abilities.

Great Artist - Create Major Works of Art
By creating a Major Work of Art, the sacrifice of the Great Artist will
provide a boost of 2000 to 6000 points in a city as a one off bonus. The
amount depends on the game speed you are using. This is extremely useful to
save your city if it desperately needs to expand or needs to war off a
cultural war.

Great Engineer - Hurry Production
Great Engineers can hurry the production of Wonders. In the earlier ages, the
Great Engineer will be able to complete the wonder in one fell swoop, but in
the later ages, he can only significantly hurry the speed of construction and
not finish the major work.

Great Merchant - Trade Mission
The Merchant will be able to initiate a trade mission in a foreign city. The
trade mission involves you moving the Merchant into a foreign city and using
his ability in the city. This will give you Gold in return. The more
wealthier a city is, the more powerful it is and the further away it is, will
provide you with more gold. Take those facts before you use his special
ability. Amounts can be in the hundreds with the most I have gotten is about
5.6k or 5600 Gold.

Great Prophet - Special Wonder
This is what the point of establishing a religion first is. By establishing
a religion first, one of your Cities will be the founder of the religion.
When you have a Great Prophet, you can move it over to the founding city and
create a Special Shrine to it. For example, if you are the first to find
Christianity, one of your cities will be the founding city. You can move your
Great Prophet and create the Church of Nativity in that City.

Great Scientist - Academy
The Great Scientist can create the academy, which is a building in your city
that can enhance your research point output per turn. This is a great building
when technology is lagging behind in your empire.

There are several ways that you can increase the production of these points.

National Wonders

National Epic
Effect: Increases Great Person Points Production by 100%

World Wonders
The Parthenon
Effect: Increases Great Person Points Production by 50%

Artist : +3 Great Person Points
Engineer : +3 Great Person Points
Merchant : +3 Great Person Points
Priest : +3 Great Person Points
Scientist : +3 Great Person Points


Effect: +100% Great Person Growth Rate for Cities with State Religion

Some technologies will also give you free Great People. The first to research
the technologies will receive the Great Person. There is only one for each

Economics = 1 Great Merchant
Fusion = 1 Great Engineer
Music = 1 Great Artist
Physics = 1 Great Scientist

[5.02] National Wonders

National wonders are wonders, but it isn't for the entire world. You can have
one national wonder per empire. For example, you build a national wonder in
your empire, another civilisation can build the same wonder in their empire.
It isn't global, but one thing remains, you can only have two national wonders
in a city.

All National Wonders will produce +1 Great Person point per turn in the city
that is it built in.

Forbidden Place
Cost : 200 Hammers
Requirements : 6 Courthouses, 8 Cities
Effects : Reduces maintenance in nearby Cities
+4 Culture per turn
More Likely To: Generate Great Merchant

Globe Theatre
Cost : 300 Hammers
Requirements : Drama, 6 Theatres
Effects : No Unhappiness in the City
Can turn 3 Citizens into an Artist
+6 Culture per turn
More Likely To: Generate Great Artist

Cost : 300 Hammers (Halved with Marble)
Requirements : Nationalism
Effects : +100% Culture Rate
More Likely To: Generate Great Artist

Heroic Epic
Cost : 200 Hammers (Halved with Marble)
Requirements : Literature, Barracks in City, Level 4 Unit
Effects : +100% Military Production in the City
+4 Culture per turn
Can only be Built in the Renaissance Era or earlier
More Likely To: Generate Great Artist

Cost : 700 Hammers
Requirements : Steel, 6 Forges
Effects : +50% Hammer Production in City if connected to Iron
+50% Hammer Production in City if connected to Coal
Can turn 3 Citizens to an Engineer
-2 Health in City
More Likely To: Generate Great Engineer

Mount Rushmore
Cost : 500 Hammers (Halved with Stone)
Requirements : Fascism
Effects : -25% War Unhappiness in all Cities
+4 Culture per turn
More Likely To: Generate Great Artist

National Epic
Cost : 250 Hammers (Halved with Marble)
Requirements : Literature, Library in City
Effects : +100% Great Person Birth Rate
+4 Culture per turn
Can only be Built in the Renaissance Era or earlier
More Likely To: Generate Great Artist

Oxford University
Cost : 400 Hammers (Halved with Stone)
Requirements : Education, 6 Universities
Effects : +100% Research Rate in City
Can turn 3 Citizens into a Scientist
+4 Culture per turn
More Likely To: Generate Great Scientist

Palace (No Great Person Points)
Cost : 160 Hammers
Requirements : 4 or more Cities
Effects : Makes this city your Capital City
Reduces maintenance in nearby Cities
+2 Culture per turn
+1 Happiness

Red Cross
Cost : 600 Hammers
Requirements : Medicine, 6 Hospitals
Effects : Free Medic I promotions for units built in the City
+2 Culture per turn
More Likely To: Generate Great Scientist

Scotland Yard
Cost : 500 Hammers
Requirements : Communism
Effects : City can train Spy Units
More Likely To: Generate Great Scientist

Wall Street
Cost : 600 Hammers
Requirements : Corporation, 6 Banks
Effects : +100% gold output in the City
Can turn 3 Citizens into a Merchant
More Likely To: Generate Great Merchant

West Point
Cost : 800 Hammers (Halved with Stone)
Requirements : Military Tradition, Level 5 Unit
Effects : +4 Experience Points for Units trained in the City
More Likely To: Generate Great Engineer

[5.03] Special Wonders

These Special Wonders are those that cannot be constructed normally. These
following structures can only be constructed by Great Prophets. Yes, these
are the Special Shrines to the religions. There are 7, one for each religion.
NOTE: These can only be build in the Holy City of each religion. Once you find
or found a religion, one of your Cities become a Holy City for the discovered

The Church of the Nativity
Religion : Christianity
Culture : +4 Per turn
Effect : +1 Great Person Points per turn
+1 Gold for Every City with Christianity
Spreads Christianity

The Dai Miao
Religion : Taoism
Culture : +4 Per turn
Effect : +1 Great Person Points per turn
+1 Gold for Every City with Taoism
Spreads Taoism

The Kashi Vishwanath
Religion : Hinduism
Culture : +4 Per turn
Effect : +1 Great Person Points per turn
+1 Gold for Every City with Hinduism
Spreads Hinduism

The Kong Miao
Religion : Confucianism
Culture : +4 Per turn
Effect : +1 Great Person Points per turn
+1 Gold for Every City with Confucianism
Spreads Confucianism

The Mahabodhi
Religion : Buddhism
Culture : +4 Per turn
Effect : +1 Great Person Points per turn
+1 Gold for Every City with Buddhism
Spreads Buddhism

The Masjid Al-Haram
Religion : Islam
Culture : +4 Per turn
Effect : +1 Great Person Points per turn
+1 Gold for Every City with Islam
Spreads Islam

The Temple of Solomon
Religion : Judaism
Culture : +4 Per turn
Effect : +1 Great Person Points per turn
+1 Gold for Every City with Judaism
Spreads Judaism

[5.04] World Wonders

There are buildings that have withstood the test of time, and survive today.
They changed the path of time since its establishment. They require much work
and time from your cities, but they are well worth it.

There are two types of wonders, National and Great. National wonders have
already been exaplained above. Great wonders are so unique that only one can
be built, no more. If a Great Wonder is destroyed through the capture of a
city, that Wonder is lost forever, and cannot be rebuilt. Whoever constructs
a wonder first will reap the rewards.

Losing the race to construct a wonder will lead to your lost hammers turning
into gold. Your construction of the wonder will be discontinued immediately.
National Wonders aren't a problem since each civilisation can have one.
Wonders can be built like any other buildings and some resources can halve the
construction time necessary. Those leaders with the Industrious trait can
build Wonders at double the speed one would normally produce. However, over
time, as you develop more technology, they will become obsolete.

Angkor Wat
Country Located Today : Angkor, Cambodia
Construction Cost : 500 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : Stone
Requirements : Philosophy
Culture Produced : +8 Per Turn
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : +1 from Priests in All Cities
Can turn 3 Citizens into a Priest
More likely to Generate : Great Prophet
*Only be Built from Renaissance or earlier starts

Country Located Today : New York, United States
Construction Cost : 800 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : None
Requirements : Electricity
Culture Produced : +50% Culture Output in City
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : Provides Hit Musicals
+1 Happiness from Musicals in all Cities
More likely to Generate : Great Artist

Chichen Itza
Country Located Today : Yucatan, Mexico
Construction Cost : 500 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : Stone
Requirements : Code of Laws
Culture Produced : +6 Per Turn
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : +25% in all Cities
More likely to Generate : Great Prophet
*Only be Built from Medieval or earlier starts
* Obsolete with Rifling

Country Located Today : Los Angeles, United States
Construction Cost : 1000 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : None
Requirements : Mass Media
Culture Produced : +50% Culture Output in City
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : Provides Hit Movies
+1 Happiness from Movies in all Cities
More likely to Generate : Great Artist

Notre Dame
Country Located Today : Paris, France
Construction Cost : 650 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : Stone
Requirements : Music
Culture Produced : +10 Per Turn
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : +1 Happiness for All Cities on the Continent
More likely to Generate : Great Artist
*Only be Built from Renaissance or earlier starts

Rock N Roll
Country Located Today : Graceland, United States
Construction Cost : 800 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : None
Requirements : Radio
Culture Produced : +50% Culture Output in City
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : Provides Hit Singles
+1 Happiness from Singles in all Cities
More likely to Generate : Great Artist

Country Located Today : Southern England
Construction Cost : 120 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : Stone
Requirements : Mysticism
Culture Produced : +8 Per Turn
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : Free Obelisk in Every City
Centres the World Map
More likely to Generate : Great Prophet
*Only be Built from Classical or earlier starts
*Obsolete with Calendar

The Colossus (of Rhodes)
Country Located Today : Destroyed, Formally Rhodes, Greece
Construction Cost : 250 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : Copper
Requirements : Metal Casting, Forge, Coastal City
Culture Produced : +6 Culture
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : All Water Tiles +1 Commerce
More likely to Generate : Great Merchant
*Only be Built from Medieval or earlier starts
*Obsolete with Astronomy

The Eiffel Tower
Country Located Today : Paris, France
Construction Cost : 1250 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : Iron
Requirements : Radio, Forge
Culture Produced : +6 Per Turn
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : Free Broadcast Tower in Every City
More likely to Generate : Great Merchant

The Great Library (Library of Alexandria)
Country Located Today : Alexandria, Egypt
Construction Cost : 350 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : Marble
Requirements : Literature, Library
Culture Produced : +8 Per Turn
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : 2 free Scientists in the City
More likely to Generate : Great Scientist
*Only be Build from Medieval or earlier Starts
*Obsolete with Scientific Method

The Great Lighthouse (The Pharos Lighthouse)
Country Located Today : Alexandria, Egypt
Construction Cost : 200 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : None
Requirements : Masonry, Lighthouse, Coastal City
Culture Produced : +6 Per Turn
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : +2 Trade Routes in all Coastal Cities
More likely to Generate : Great Merchant
*Only be Built from Classical or earlier starts
*Obsolete with Corporation

The Hagia Sophia (Church of the Holy Wisdom)
Country Located Today : Istanbul, Turkey
Construction Cost : 550 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : Marble
Requirements : Engineering
Culture Produced : +8 Per Turn
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : Workers build Improvements 50% faster
More likely to Generate : Great Engineer
*Only be Built from Medieval or earlier starts
*Obsolete with Steam Power

The Hanging Gardens (of Babylon)
Country Located Today : Babylon, Iraq
Construction Cost : 300 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : Stone
Requirements : Mathematics, Aqueduct
Culture Produced : +6 Per Turn
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : +1 Health for Every City
+1 Population Point for Every City
More likely to Generate : Great Engineer
*Only be Built from Medieval or earlier starts

The Kremlin
Country Located Today : Moscow, Russia
Construction Cost : 800 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : Stone
Requirements : Communism
Culture Produced : None
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : -33% Hurry Cost
More likely to Generate : Great Artist
*Obsolete with Fiber Optics

The Oracle
Country Located Today : Delphi, Greece
Construction Cost : 150 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : Marble
Requirements : Priesthood
Culture Produced : +8 Per Turn
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : 1 Free Technology
More likely to Generate : Great Prophet
*Only be Built from Classical or earlier starts

The Parthenon
Country Located Today : Athens, Greece
Construction Cost : 400 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : Marble
Requirements : Polytheism
Culture Produced : +10 Per Turn
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : +50% Great Person Growth Rate in All Cities
More likely to Generate : Great Artist
*Obsolete with Chemistry

The Pentagon
Country Located Today : Washington DC, United States
Construction Cost : 1250 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : None
Requirements : Assembly Line
Culture Produced : None
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : +2 Experience Points for new units in All Cities
More likely to Generate : Great Engineer

The Pyramids
Country Located Today : Giza, Egypt
Construction Cost : 450 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : Stone
Requirements : Masonry
Culture Produced : +6 Per Turn
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : Enables all Government Civics
More likely to Generate : Great Engineer
*Only be Built from Classical or earlier starts

The Sistine Chapel
Country Located Today : Rome, Italy
Construction Cost : 600 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : Marble
Requirements : Theology
Culture Produced : +10 Per Turn
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : +2 Culture per Specialist in All Cities
More likely to Generate : Great Artist
*Only be Built from Renaissance or earlier starts

The Space Elevator
Country Located Today : ... Doesn't Exist
Construction Cost : 2000 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : Aluminum
Requirements : Robotics
Culture Produced : None
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : +50% Spaceship Production in All Cities
More likely to Generate : Great Scientist
*Only be Built if Space Victory is Enabled
*Only be Built with Maximum Latitude of 30 Degrees

The Spiral Minaret
Country Located Today : Samarra, Iraq
Construction Cost : 550 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : Stone
Requirements : Divine Right
Culture Produced : +8 Per Turn
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : +1 Gold from all State Religion Buildings
More likely to Generate : Great Prophet
*Only be Built from Renaissance or earlier starts
*Obsolete with Computers

The Statue of Liberty
Country Located Today : New York, United States
Construction Cost : 1500 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : Copper
Requirements : Democracy, Forge
Culture Produced : +6 Per Turn
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : +1 Free Specialist in All Cities on the Continent
More likely to Generate : Great Merchant
*Only be Built from Industrial or earlier starts

The Taj Mahal
Country Located Today : Agra, India
Construction Cost : 700 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : Marble
Requirements : Nationalism
Culture Produced : +10 Per Turn
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : Starts a Golden Age
More likely to Generate : Great Artist
*Only be Built from Industrial or earlier starts

The Three Gorges Dam
Country Located Today : Hubei Province, China
Construction Cost : 1750 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : None
Requirements : Plastics
Culture Produced : None
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : Provides power for All Cities on this Continent
More likely to Generate : Great Engineer

The United Nations
Country Located Today : New York, United States
Construction Cost : 1000 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : None
Requirements : Mass Media
Culture Produced : None
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : Triggers Global Elections
Guarantee Eligibility for Diplomatic Votes
More likely to Generate : Great Merchant
*Only be Built if Diplomatic Victory enabled
*Requires at least 3 Civilisations

Country Located Today : Paris, France
Construction Cost : 800 Hammers
Construction Speed Halved : Marble
Requirements : Divine Right
Culture Produced : +10 Per Turn
Great People Points : +2 Points Per Turn
Effects : Reduces Maintenance in Nearby Cities
More likely to Generate : Great Merchant
*Only be Built in Industrial or earlier starts

[5.05] Technology Mk 2

There are 7 ages in Civilisation, representing the technology of each of the
different times. Once you have researched all the technologies for one age,
your civilisation will advance an age. The 7 ages comprise of the Ancient age,
the Classical Age, the Medieval Age, the Renaissance, the Industrial Era, the
Modern Era and the Future.

NOTE: To build some units, you might need to meet some other specifications.

Ancient Age
You only have your Starting Technologies and have to research all the
Classical technologies to move onto the Classical Age

Quote : Oh Farmers, pray that your summers be wet and your
winters clear. - Virgil
Research Points Cost: 60
Required : None
Leads To : Animal Husbandary, Pottery
Effects : Can build a Farm

Animal Husbandary
Quote : Blessed shall be the fruit of thy cattle, the increase
of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep. - The Bible
Deut 28:4
Research Points Cost: 100
Required : Agriculture or Hunting
Leads To : Writing, Horseback Writing
Effects : Can Build a Pasture
Reveals Horses

Quote : Do not throw the Arrow which will return against you. -
Kurdish Proverb
Research Points Cost: 60
Required : Hunting
Leads To : None
Effects : Can Build: Archer, Skirmisher, Longbowman, Crossbowman,
Cho-Ko-Nu, Horse Archer, Keshik, Camel Archer

Bronze Working
Quote : It is entirely seemly for a young man killed in battle
to lie mangled by the bronze spear. In his death, all
things appear fair. - Homer
Research Points Cost: 120
Required : Mining
Leads To : Iron Working, Metal Casting
Effects : Can Chop Down a Forest
Reveals Copper
Enables Slavery
Can Build Axeman

Quote : Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a
man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. - Lao Tzu
Research Points Cost: 40
Required : None
Leads To : Pottery, Sailing
Effects : Can Work Water Tiles
Can Create Fishing Boats
Can Build Work Boats

Horseback Riding
Quote : If you speak the truth, have a foot in the stirrup.-
Turkish Proverb
Research Points Cost: 250
Required : Animal Husbandary
Leads To : None
Effects : Can Build: Horse Archer, Keshik, Knight, Camel Archer,
Conqustador, Cavalry, Cossack

Quote : If you chase two rabbits, you will lose them both. -
Native American Saying
Research Points Cost: 40
Required : None
Leads To : Archery, Animal Husbandary
Effects : Can Build a Camp
Can Train Scout, Phalanx, Spearman

Quote : It is from their foes, not with friends, that cities
learn the lesson of building high walls. - Aristophanes
Research Points Cost: 80
Required : Mining or Mysticism
Leads To : Monotheism, Construction
Effects : Can Build a Quarry
Can Build Walls, Aqueduct
Can Build The Pyramids, The Great Lighthouse

Quote : Meditation brings wisdom, lack of meditation leaves
ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what
holds you back. - The Buddha
Research Points Cost: 80
Required : Mysticism
Leads To : Priesthood, Philosophy
Effects : Can Construct Monastery
First to Discover Founds Buddhism

Quote : The man who moves a mountain beings by carrying small
stones. - Confucius
Research Points Cost: 50
Required : None
Leads To : Bronze Working, Masonry
Effects : Can Build a Mine

Quote : I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt have no other gods
before Me. - The Bible, Exodus
Research Points Cost: 120
Required : Masonry and Polytheism
Leads To : Theology, Monarchy
Effects : Enables Organised Religion
First to Discover Founds Judaism

Quote : Nature herself has imprinted on the minds of all the
idea of God. - Cicero
Research Points Cost: 50
Required : None
Leads To : Masonry, Polytheism, Meditation
Effects : Can Build Obelisk
Can Build Stonehenge

Quote : Not at all similar are the race of the immortal gods and
the race of men who walk upon the earth. - Homer
Research Points Cost: 100
Required : Mysticism
Leads To : Monotheism, Priesthood, Literature
Effects : First to Discover founds Hinduism
Can Build The Parthenon

Quote : Hath not the potter power over the clay, to make one
vessel unto honor, and another unto dishonor? - The
Bible, Romans
Research Points Cost: 80
Required : The Wheel, Fishing or Agriculture
Leads To : Metal Casting, Writing
Effects : Can Build a Cottage
Can Build a Granary

Quote : The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face
to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift
up his countenance upon you and give you peace. - The
Bible, Numbers
Research Points Cost: 60
Required : Meditation or Polytheism
Leads To : Monarchy, Code of Laws, Writing
Effects : Can Construct Temples

Quote : You can't direct the wind, but you can adjust your
sails. - Unknown
Research Points Cost: 100
Required : Fishing
Leads To : Calendar, Compass
Effects : Enables Trade Routs on Coast
Can Train Galley
Can Build Lighthouse

The Wheel
Quote : Put your shoulder to the wheel. - Aesop
Research Points Cost: 60
Required : None
Leads To : Pottery
Effects : Can Build a Road
Can Train Chariot, War Chariot, Immortal

Quote : True glory consists in doing what deserves to be
written; in writing what deserves to be read. - Pliny
the Elder
Research Points Cost: 120
Required : Priesthood or Animal Husbandary or Pottery
Leads To : Code of Laws, Alphabet, Mathematics, Theology,
Effects : Enables Open Borders
Can Build a Library

End of Ancient Age
You Have Reached the Classical Age!

The Classical Age

Quote : Words have the power both to destroy and heal. When
words are both true and kind, they can change our world.
- The Buddha
Research Points Cost: 300
Required : Writing
Leads To : Literature, Drama
Effects : Enables Technology Trading

Quote : For everything there is a season and a time for every
purpose under heaven. - Ecclesiastes
Research Points Cost: 350
Required : Sailing and Mathematics
Leads To : Astronomy
Effects : Centres World Map
Can Build Plantation
Obsoletes Obelisk
Obsoletes Stonehenge

Code of Laws
Quote : To bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, so
that the strong should not harm the weak. - Hammurabi's
Code; Prologue
Research Points Cost: 350
Required : Writing and Priesthood or Currency
Leads To : Civil Service, Constitution, Philosophy
Effects : Enables Caste System
First to Discover founds Confucianism
Can Build Courthouse
Can Build Chichen Itza

Quote : The wisest men follow their own direction. - Euripides
Research Points Cost: 400
Required : Sailing and Iron Working
Leads To : Optics
Effects : Can Train Explorer
Can Build Harbour

Quote : And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is
Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty,
and despair!" Nothing beside remains. - Percy Bysshe
Research Points Cost: 350
Required : Masonry and Mathematics
Leads To : Engineering
Effects : Can Train War Elephant, Catapult
Can Build Collesseum
Enables Bridge Building

Quote : Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for
it. - Publius Syrus
Research Points Cost: 400
Required : Mathematics
Leads To : Code of Laws, Banking
Effects : Can Build Market and Grocer
+1 Trade Route per City
Enables Gold Trading via Diplomacy

Quote : All the world's a stage, And all the men and women
merely players. They have their exits and their
entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts. -
William Shakespeare
Research Points Cost: 300
Required : Alphabet
Leads To : Music, Philosophy
Effects : Can Build Theatre, Globe Theatre
Can Adjust Culture Rate

Iron Working
Quote : You should hammer your iron when it is glowing hot. -
Publius Syrus
Research Points Cost: 200
Required : Bronze Working
Leads To : Compass, Steel
Effects : Can Remove Jungle
Reveals Iron
Can Train Swordsman, Jaguar, Praetorian

Quote : Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and
some to be chewed and digested. - Sir Francis Bacon
Research Points Cost: 200
Required : Polytheism and Alphabet
Leads To : Music
Effects : Can Build Heroic Epic, National Epic
Can Build The Great Library

Quote : If in other sciences we should arrive at certainty
without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us
to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics. -
Roger Bacon.
Research Points Cost: 250
Required : Writing
Leads To : Music, Calendar, Currency, Construction
Effects : Workers produce +50% hammers while Chopping
Can Build a Fort
Can Build an Aqueduct
Can Build the Hanging Gardens

Metal Casting
Quote : And them that take the sword shall perish by the
sword. - The Bible, Matthew
Research Points Cost: 450
Required : Pottery, Bronze Working
Leads To : Machinery
Effects : Can Build Forge
Can Build The Collessus
Can Build a Workshop

Quote : A multitude of rulers is not a good thing. Let there be
one ruler, one king. - Herodotus
Research Points Cost: 300
Required : Priesthood or Monetheism
Leads To : Divine Right, Feudalism
Effects : Enables Hereditary Rule
Can Build a Winary

You have advanced to the Medieval Age

The Medieval Age

Quote : Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing
armies. - Thomas Jefferson
Research Points Cost: 700
Required : Currency and Guilds
Leads To : Economics, Replaceable Parts
Effects : Enables Mercantilism
Can Build a Bank

Civil Service
Quote : The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the
expanding bureaucracy. - Unknown
Research Points Cost: 800
Required : Code of Laws or Feudalism
Leads To : Nationalism, Paper
Effects : Farm Spreads Irrigation
Enables Bureaucracy
Can Train Maceman, Samurai

Divine Right
Quote : I am the State. - Louis XIV
Research Points Cost: 1200
Required : Theology, Monarchy
Leads To : Nationalism
Effects : First to Discover founds Islam
Can Build Versailles, The Spiral Minaret

Quote : A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when
there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing
left to take away. - Antoine de Saint-Expury
Research Points Cost: 1000
Required : Machinery and Construction
Leads To : Chemistry
Effects : +1 Road Movement
Can Train Pikeman
Can Build Castle
Can Build The Hagia Sophia

Quote : I will to my lord be true and faithful, and love all
which he loves and shun all which he shuns. - Anglo
Saxon Oath of Fealty
Research Points Cost: 700
Required : Writing and Monarchy
Leads To : Civil Service, Guilds
Effects : Enables Vassalage, Serfdom
Can Train Longbowman

Quote : People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for
merriment and diversion, but the conservation ends in a
conspiracy against the public. - Adam Smith
Research Points Cost: 1000
Required : Feudalism and Machinery
Leads To : Banking, Gunpowder
Effects : Workshop +1 Hammer
Can Train Knight, Camel Archer, Conquistador
Can Build Grocer

Quote : A god from the machine - Menander
Research Points Cost: 700
Required : Metal Casting
Leads To : Guilds, Printing Press, Engineering, Optics
Effects : Can Build a Windmill, Watermill
Can Train Cho-Ko-Nu, Crossbowman, Samural, Maceman

Quote : If music be the food of love, play on. - William
Research Points Cost: 600
Required : Mathematics and Drama or Literature
Leads To : Military Tradition
Effects : First to Discover receives a Great Artist
Can Construct Cathedal

Quote : One doesn't discover new lands without losing sight of
the shore. - Andre Gide
Research Points Cost: 600
Required : Compass and Machinery
Leads To : Astronomy, Ecology
Effects : +1 Sight Across Water
Can create Whaling Boats
Can Build Caravels

Quote : I cannot live without books. - Thomas Jefferson
Research Points Cost: 600
Required : Theology or Civil Service
Leads To : Education, Printing Press
Effects : Enables Map Trading

Quote : I have gained this by philosophy: that I do without
being commanded what others do only from fear of the
law. - Aristotle
Research Points Cost: 800
Required : Meditation and Code of Laws or Drama
Leads To : Nationalism, Liberalism
Effects : Enables Pacifism
First to Discover founds Taoism
Can Bulid Angkor Wat

Quote : Two cities have been formed by two loves: the earthly
by the love of self; the heavenly by the love of God. -
St Augustine
Research Points Cost: 500
Required : Writing and Monotheism
Leads To : Divine Right, Paper
Effects : Enables Theocracy
First to Discover founds Christianity
Can Build Sistine Chapel

You have reached the Renaissance Age

The Renaissance Age

Quote: : Astronomy compels the soul to look upwards and lead us
from this world to another. - Plato
Research Points Cost: 2000
Required : Calendar and Optics
Leads To : Scientific Method, Physics
Effects : Can Build Galleon, Frigate
Enables Trade Routes on Ocean
Can Build Observatory
Obsoletes The Colossus

Quote: : Chemistry means the difference between poverty and
starvation and abundant life. - Robert Brent
Research Points Cost: 1800
Required : Engineering and Gunpowder
Leads To : Scientific Method, Biology, Steam Power, Steel
Effects : Can Train Frigate, Grenadier
Workshop +1 Hammer
Obsoletes The Parthenon

Quote: : No free man shall be taken, imprisoned, or in any other
way destroyed, except by the lawful judgement of his
peers. - The Magna Carta
Research Points Cost: 2000
Required : Code of Laws and Nationalism
Leads To : Democracy, Corporation
Effects : Can Build Jail
Enables Representation

Quote: : Corporation, n. An ingenious device for obtaining
individual profit without individual responsibility. -
Ambrose Bierce
Research Points Cost: 1600
Required : Constitution, Economics
Leads To : Assembly Line
Effects : Can Build Wall Street
+1 Trade Routes per City
Obsoletes The Great Lighthouse

Quote: : It has been said that democracy is the worst kind of
Government except all the others that have been tried. -
Winston Churchill
Research Points Cost: 2800
Required : Printing Press, Constitution
Leads To : None
Effects : Can Build Statue of Liberty
Enables Emancipation, Universal Suffrage

Quote: : Compound interest is the most powerful force in the
universe. - Albert Einstein
Research Points Cost: 1400
Required : Education and Banking
Leads To : Economics
Effects : Enables Free Market
First to Discover receives a Great Merchant

Quote: : There is no wealth like knowledge, no poverty like
ignorance. - Ali ibn Abi-Talib
Research Points Cost: 1800
Required : Paper
Leads To : Liberalism, Economics, Gunpowder
Effects : Can Build University
Can Build Oxford University

Quote: : You can get of what you want with a kind of word and
a gun than you can with just a kind word. - Al Capone
Research Points Cost: 1200
Required : Guilds or Education
Leads To : Chemistry, Rifling
Effects : Can Train Musketman, Musketeer, Cavalry, Cossack

Quote: : Any society that will give up a little liberty to gain
a little security will deserve neither and lose both. -
Benjamin Franklin
Research Points Cost: 1400
Required : Philosophy and Education
Leads To : Communism
Effects : First to Discover receives a Free Technology
Enables Free Speech, Free Religion

Military Tradition
Quote: : Victorious warriors win firstand then go to war, while
defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to
win. - Sun-Tzu
Research Points Cost: 2000
Required : Music and Nationalism
Leads To : None
Effects : Enables Defensive Pacts
Can Train Cavalry, Cossack
Can Build West Point

Quote: : A man does not have himself killed for a half-pence a
day or for petty distinction. You must speak to the soul
to electrify him. - Napoleon Bonaparte
Research Points Cost: 1800
Required : Civil Service and Divine Right or Philosophy
Leads To : Military Tradition, Constitution, Fascism
Effects : Enables Nationhood
Can Build Hermitage, Taj Mahal

Printing Press
Quote: : What gunpowder did for war, the printing press has done
to for the mind. Wendell Phillips
Research Points Cost: 1600
Required : Machinery and Paper
Leads To : Democracy, Scientific Method, Replaceable Parts
Effects : Village +1 Commerce
Town +1 Commerce

Replaceable Parts
Quote: : The whole is more than the sum of its parts. - Aristotle
Research Points Cost: 1800
Required : Banking and Printing Press
Leads To : Rifling, Steam Power
Effects : Can Build a Lumbermill
Watermill +1 Hammer
Windmill +1 Hammer

Quote: : Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. - Mao
Research Points Cost: 2400
Required : Gunpowder and Replaceable Parts
Leads To : Artillery, Rocketry
Effects : Can Train Rifleman, Redcoat, Infantry, Marine, Navy
SEAL, Mechanized Infantry, Tank, Panzer

You have reached the Industrial Age

The Industrial Age

Quote: : Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a
vulgar brawl. - Frederick the Great
Research Points Cost: 4000
Required : Physics, Steel, Rifling
Leads To : Rocketry
Effects : Can Train Artillery

Assembly Line
Quote: : People can have the Model T in any color - so long as
it's black. - Henry Ford
Research Points Cost: 5000
Required : Corporation and Steam Power
Leads To : Fascism, Industrialism
Effects : Can Train Infantry
Can Build Factory, Coal Plant
Can Build The Pentagon

Quote: : It is not the strongest of the species that survive, but
the one most responsive to change. - Charles Darwin
Research Points Cost: 3600
Required : Chemistry and Scientific Method
Leads To : Ecology, Medicine, Refrigeration
Effects : Can Build Farms without Irrigation
Farms +1 Food

Quote: : Everything in life is somewhere else, and you get there
in a car. - E.B. White
Research Points Cost: 3600
Required : Railroad
Leads To : Flight, Plastics
Effects : Obsoletes Whale
Can Build a Well
Can Build Transport, Destroyer, Submarine

Quote: : When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When
I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a
communist. - Dom Helder Camara
Research Points Cost: 2800
Required : Liberalism and Scientific Method
Leads To : None
Effects : Can Train Spy
Enables Permanent Alliance
Enables State Property
Can Build Scotland Yard, The Kremlin

Quote: : We will make electricty so cheap that only the rich will
burn candles. - Thomas Edison
Research Points Cost: 4500
Required : Physics
Leads To : Fission, Industrialism, Radio, Refrigeration
Effects : Windmill +1 Commerce
Watermill +2 Commerce
Can Build Bunker, Bomb Shelter
Can Build Broadway

Quote: : The great masses of the people ... will more easily fall
victims to a big lie than to a small one. - Adolf Hitler
Research Points Cost: 2400
Required : Nationalism and Assembly Line
Leads To : None
Effects : Enables Permanent Alliance
Enables Police State
Can Build Mt Rushmore

Quote: : If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once
into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the
Mighty One ... I am become death, the Shatterer of
Worlds. - J Robert Oppenheimer, quoting "The Bhagavad
Research Points Cost: 5500
Required : Electricity
Leads To : Ecology, Fusion
Effects : Can Build ICBM
Can Build Nuclear Power Plant
Can Build The Manhattan Project

Quote: : There is one rule for the industrialist and that is:
Make the best quality of goods possible at the lowest
cost possible, paying the highest wages possible. -
Henry Ford
Research Points Cost: 6500
Required : Electricity and Assembly Line
Leads To : Plastics
Effects : Obsoletes Ivory
Reveals Aluminum
Can Train Marine, Navy SEAL, Tank, Panzer, Battleship

Quote: : As to diseases make a habit to two things - to help, or
at least, to do no harm. - Hippocrates
Research Points Cost: 4500
Required : Optics and Biology
Leads To : None
Effects : Enable Environmentalism
Can Build Hospital, Red Cross

Quote: : To every action there is always opposed an equal
reaction. - Issac Newton
Research Points Cost: 4000
Required : Astronomy and Scientific Method
Leads To : Electricity, Flight, Artillery
Effects : Reveals Uranium
First to Discovers receives a Great Scientist

Quote: : I fooled you, I fooled you, I got pig iron, I got pig
iron, I got all pig iron. - Lonnie Donegan, "Rock Island
Research Points Cost: 4500
Required : Steam Power, Steel
Leads To : Combustion
Effects : Can Build Railroads
Can Train Machine Gun

Scientific Method
Quote: : I do not feel obliged that the same God who has endowed
us with sense, religion, and intellect has intended us
to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
Research Points Cost: 2400
Required : Printing Press and Astronomy or Chemistry
Leads To : Communism, Physics, Biology
Effects : Obsoletes Great Library
Obsoletes Monastery
Reveals Oil

Steam Power
Quote: : You would make a ship sail against the winds and
currents by lighting a bon-fire under her deck? I have
no time for such nonsense. Napoleon, on Robert Fulton's
Research Points Cost: 3200
Required : Chemistry and Replaceable Parts
Leads To : Assembly Line, Railroad
Effects : Can Build Ironclad
Obsoletes The Hagia Sophia
Workers Build Improvements 50% Faster
Reveals Coal

Quote: : Before that steam drill shall beat me down, I'll die
with my hammer in my hand. - From John Henry, the
Steel-Driving Man
Research Points Cost: 2800
Required : Iron Working and Chemistry
Leads To : Artillery, Railroad
Effects : Can Build Cannon, Ironclad
Can Build Drydocks, Ironworks

You have reached the Modern Age

The Modern Age

Quote: : The world is greater than the sum of its parts. -
Research Points Cost: 7500
Required : Plastics and Satellites
Leads To : Future Tech
Effects : Can Build Modern Armour, Jet Fighter, Stealth Bomber

Quote: : Never trust a computer you can't throw out the window. -
Steve Wozniak
Research Points Cost: 6500
Required : Radio
Leads To : Gentics, Fiber Optics, Robotics
Effects : Can Build Modern Armour
Can Build Laboratory
Obsoletes Angkor Wat
Obsoletes Spira Minaret

Quote: : We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we
borrow from our children. - Native American Song
Research Points Cost: 5000
Required : Biology and Plastics or Fission
Leads To : None
Effects : Can Scrub Fallout
Can Build Recycling Centre, SS Life Support

Fiber Optics
Quote: : There is a single light of science, and to brighten it
anywhere is to brighten it everywhere. - Issac Asimov
Research Points Cost: 7500
Required : Computers and Plastics or Satellites
Leads To : Fusion
Effects : Obsoletes The Kremlin
Can Build The Internet, SS Cockpit

Quote: : For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth
with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been
and there you will long to return. - Leonardo Da Vinci
Research Points Cost: 5000
Required : Physics and Combustion
Leads To : Rocketry
Effects : Can Train Gunship, Carrier, Fighter, Bomber, Jet
Fighter, Stealth Bomber
Can Build Airport

Quote: : Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistingiushable from magic. - Arthur C. Clarke
Research Points Cost: 8000
Required : Fission and Fiber Optics
Leads To : None
Effects : First to Discover receives a Great Engineer
Can Build SS Engine

Quote: : Soon it will be a sin for parents to have a child which
carries the heavy burden of genetic disease. - Bob
Research Points Cost: 7000
Required : Refrigeration and Computers
Leads To : Future Tech
Effects : +3 Health in All Cities
Can Build SS Statis Chamber

Mass Media
Quote: : The only thing worse than to be talked about is not
being talked about. - Oscar Wilde
Research Points Cost: 3600
Required : Radio
Leads To : None
Effects : Can Build Broadcast Tower
Can Build Hollywood, United Nations

Quote: : I want to say just one word to you, Just one word:
plastics. - Calder Willingham, The Graduate
Research Points Cost: 7000
Required : Combustion and Industrialism
Leads To : Ecology, Composites, Fiber Optics, Robotics
Effects : Obsoletes Fur
Can Create Offshore Platform
Can Build Hydro Plant, The Three Gorges Dam

Quote: : Then one fine mornin' she puts on a New York station.
You know her life was saved by Rock n' Roll. - The
Velvet Underground, "Rock and Roll"
Research Points Cost: 6000
Required : Electricity
Leads To : Mass Media, Computers, Satellites
Effects : Can Build Bomber, Submarine
Can Build Eiffel Tower, Rock n' Roll

Quote: : Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you
are. - Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (Iron Chef Quote :) )
Research Points Cost: 4000
Required : Biology and Electricity
Leads To : Genetics
Effects : +1 Extra Moves for Water Units
Can Build Supermarket

Quote: : The real problem is not whether machines think, but
whether men do. - B.F. Skinner
Research Points Cost: 8000
Required : Plastics and Computers
Leads To : None
Effects : Can Build Mechanized Infantry, Stealth Bomber
Can Build Space Elevator, SS Docking Bay

Quote: : The Earth is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot
eternally live in a cradle. - Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky
Research Points Cost: 5000
Required : Rifling and Flight or Artillery
Leads To : Satellites
Effects : Can Train SAM Infantry, Gunship, ICBM
Can Build Apollo Program, SS Casing

Quote: : Beep ... beep ... beep ... beep ... - Sputnik I
Research Points Cost: 6000
Required : Radio and Rocketry
Leads To : Composites and Fiber Optics
Effects : Reveals World Map
Can Build SDI, SS Thrusters

The Future

Future Tech
Quote: : The future will be better tomorrow. - Dan Quayle
Research Points Cost: 10000
Required : Composites and Genetics
Leads To : None
Effects : +1 Health in All Cities
+1 Happiness in All Cities

[5.06] Civics

Civics the various forms of Government and their position to their people.
They can be despots or presidents, have absolute or no control over the
economy and choose what religions you have to believe in.

Each civic has a different effect. Some are more useful in some situations
while the other civics are more useful in other situations. You will start
with the most basic civics and have to research more powerful forms of

There are 5 different sorts of Civics: Government, Labor, Legal, Economy and

Each civic has an upkeep of no, low, medium or high. This is the cost on your
economy to employ each civic. Generally speaking, the higher upkeep it costs,
the more useful and powerful the civic is. But being powerful doesn't mean
much if you can't afford to keep it that way. In fact, some civics are better
because they require no cost. The cost will depend on the amount of cities
and the population. The larger of either of them, or both, the more upkeep you
will have to pay.

When you want to change civics, you have to go to your domestic advisor and
change the civic you want by clicking on it. Then you have to go through a
revolution. You may experience anarchy but if you have the spiritual trait
in a leader, you won't. When you move through an anarchy period, citizens will
not produce anything, no food, no research, no production, no commerce. After
your turns of anarchy, your citizens will be back to normal and produce the
resources as normal. There will be a delay period before you can have another
revolution. Change can only be adapted to after a period.

Government Civics

Upkeep : Low
Requires : Nothing
Description: The most basic of the Civics. This is the form of Government
where there is an absolute ruler who wields all the power.
Despite the negative connotations, there are some leaders who
are despots who have been benevolent rather than corrupt.
Effects : None

Herditary Rule
Upkeep : Low
Requires : Monarchy
Description: It is a kind of rule where leadership passes down from one family
member to the next in line, generally a male. This is normally
associated with Monarchic rulers but can appear in despots and in
Communist countries, for example, North Korea.
Effects : +1 Happiness for every Military Unit Stationed in a City

Upkeep : Medium
Requires : Constitution
Description: It is where there is an representative Government where there are
representatives to represent the people, who vote them in. These
representatives are there to represent for a limited amount of
time and work through forming groups such as Senates, Parliaments
and Councils.
Effects : +3 Research Points per Specialist
+2 Happiness in the Six Largest Cities

Police State
Upkeep : High
Requires : Fascism
Description: When there is a Government under a police state, the Government
maintains strict control over its people through the police force
and then, a secret police force. Civil liberties are denied and
those who speak out disappear or get punished.
Effects : +25% Military Unit production
-50% War Unhappiness

Universal Suffrage
Upkeep : Medium
Requires : Democracy
Description: Universal suffrage means that everyone and everyone can vote,
regardless of age, gender, race, creed, or whatever. There is no
discrimination. However, even the most universal suffrage is not
completely universal. For example, some countries require people
to be at least 18.
Effects : +1 Hammer Production from Towns
Can spend Gold to Hurry Production

Legal Civics

Upkeep : Low
Requires : Nothing
Description: There is where there is no justice. The strong take what they
want from the weak and suffer no ill consequences. They can take
money, possessions to spouses and children. Disputes are settled
the old fashioned way, by combat.
Effects : None

Upkeep : High
Requires : Feudalism
Description: This is the feudal system where person enters a contract with
their lord, agreeing to protect and serve the lord in return for
monetary rewards or sovereignty over a parcel of land. The
contract is binding both religiously and politically.
Effects : New Units receive +2 Experience Points
Lower Unit Support Costs

Upkeep : Medium
Requires : Civil Service
Description: Bureaucracy is where a professional class manages the day to day
operation of the Government. They will collect the taxes, build
the railroads, do whatever it is that the ruler wants done on the
day. For example, the motor registry is an example of a
Effects : +50% Hammer Production in Capital
+50% Commerce Production in Capital

Upkeep : None
Requires : Nationalism
Description: There is where everything in the legal system is done for the
good of the nation. People who speak against the nation will be
dealt with.
Effects : Can Draft up to 5 Units per turn
+2 Happiness from Barracks

Free Speech
Upkeep : Low
Requires : Liberalism
Description: Free speech is the notion that people can say whatever they want
where ever they want unless it causes harm to the person or those
around them, or in some cases, until they get beaten up. Still,
even in the freest society, you want go walking down the street
and yell "BOMB!"
Effects : +100% Culture Production in All Cities
+2 Commerce from Towns

Labour Civics

Upkeep : Low
Requires : Nothing
Description: There is where everyone works for the good and the survival of
the tribe. It shows the importance of the tribe and no one has
any rights, each man, woman and child does everything for the
good of the tribe. In a tribe, nothing is unknown.
Effects : None

Upkeep : Low
Requires : Bronze Working
Description: Slavery is where some people are judged as inferior to others
and as such, treated as objects and possessions that can be used
in trade. Great cities such as Athens and Rome has slaves and in
some cases of history, entire races were enslaved.
Effects : Can Sacrifice population to finish Production in a City

Upkeep : Low
Requires : Feudalism
Description: Serfdom is the advanced form of slavery. The master does not have
all the power and the serf, who replaces the slave, is afforded
some rights. The rights of the serf depends from place to place,
in some cases, the serfs had no rights, except they could not be
killed without a just reason, while others could marry.
Effects : Workers Build Improvements 50% faster

Caste System
Upkeep : Medium
Requires : Code of Laws
Description: This is the system where your parenthood will determine your role
in society. If your parents were blacksmiths, that was your job
as well. If they were merchants, so were you. Marriage was only
within one caste, while inter-caste marriage was illegal. You can
advance within your own caste, and thats the amount you can go.
Effects : Unlimited Artists, Merchants and Scientists

Upkeep : Low
Requires : Democracy
Description: Emancipation means the abolition of slavery, serfdom and the
caste system. All members are treated as the same, it does not
matter if you are rich or poor, had good parents or didn't have
good parents. All that matters is how smart and cunning you are
to advance within the labour system.
Effects : +100% growth for Cottage, Hamlet and Village
-1 Happiness for Civilisations without Emancipation

Economic Civics

Upkeep : Low
Requires : None
Description: This is where the Government does not attempt to manage or change
every aspect of production in the economy. They allow the farmers
to grow what they want, and how much they want. Factory owners
choose what to manufacture, and how much of it.
Effects : None

Upkeep : Medium
Requires : Banking
Description: This is the opposite of decentralisation where the Government
tells the farmer what to produce, and how much of it. They tell
who to do what, and if you don't like it, well too bad. They may
ban imports into their country.
Effects : +1 Free Specialist per City
No Foreign Trade Routes

Free Market
Upkeep : Medium
Requires : Economics
Description: This is similar to a decentralised market where the Government
lets the market produce what is needed and wanted based on the
theory of supply and demand. If someone wants it, ie, demand,
someone will have to supply it but is someone supplies it, it
does not mean someone has to demand it.
Effects : +1 Trade Route per City

State Property
Upkeep : Low
Requires : Communism
Description: This is the system where everything is owned by the State and the
public owns nothing. The State owns the farms, the factories, the
everything. The citizens may decide what clothes they want or the
food they want, but everything else is given by the state, or
taken away by the state.
Effects : No Maintenance Costs from Distance to Palace
+1 Food from Watermills and Windmills

Upkeep : Medium
Requires : Medicine
Description: This is the economic policies that everything is done to ensure
the survival and protection of the Environment. More research and
money is spent on renewable Resources and clean technology and
everything possible is recycled. However, this is near impossible
given the amount of crap we've given the Earth.
Effects : +6 Health in All Cities
+1 Happiness from Jungles and Forests

Religious Civics

Upkeep : Low
Requires : None
Description: This is where the people worship everything around them, from the
Sun to the Earth, from the wind to the sand. However, they tend
to worship certain concepts and ideas and beings. Pagans can
believe in many Gods, doing many things, such as rising the sun
or to causing a comet to crash into Earth.
Effects : None

Organised Religion
Upkeep : High
Requires : Monotheism
Description: An organised religion is where there is a central authority which
intreprets everything to a theology, which is sent to the
public. It appoints holy men to ensure the religion is following
the path that it wants. The central authority can be a rigid
group or a group of elders.
Effects : Can Build Missionaries without Monasteries
Cities with State Religion construct Buildings 25% faster

Upkeep : Medium
Requires : Theology
Description: A theocracy is where there are or is holy men or a holy man in
charge of Government. The Government is to benefit the people
but the ultimate goal is to act in accordance to their
Almighty whose wishes are intrepreted by such men.
Effects : +2 Experience Points to New Units in Cities with State Religion
No Non-State Religion Spread

Upkeep : None
Requires : Philosophy
Description: This is the religion that violence, of any kind, is against the
will of God. Man must not fight against a fellow man, if you get
hit, you must turn the other cheek, under the presumption that
it also will get it. If you get attacked, for not fighting back,
you will receive your reward in heaven, or your next incarnation.
Effects : +100% Great Person Growth Rate in Cities with State Religion
+1 Gold Support Cost for each Military Unit

Free Religion
Upkeep : Low
Requires : Liberalism
Description: Free religion means simply that, there is no state religion and
everyone is free to believe in what they want to believe in. This
encourages people of other faiths to immigrate to that country
due to the free religion.
Effects : No State Religion
+1 Happiness for each Non-State religion
+10% Research Point output in All Cities.

[5.07] Units

Your army needs units to fight. Therefore, you must train units to fight on
the land, the high seas and in the air. You have to defend your land from the
barbarians, from rivals, but to attack those you make a mockery of you. Or
else, you can have end game building tons of nukes, launching so many that it
will defeat the SDI.

Air Units

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 100 Hammers
Technology Required : Flight, Oil
Strength : 12
Movement : 1 (6 Range)
Effects : Can Intercept Aircraft (50% Chance)
Can destroy Improvements
Can Bombard Cities (-5% Per Attack)

Jet Fighter
Unique : No
Hammers Required : 150 Hammers
Technology Required : Composites, Flight, Oil, Aluminum
Strength : 24
Movement : 1 (10 Range)
Effects : Can Intercept Aircraft (70% Chance)
Can destroy Improvements
Can Bombard Cities (-10% Per Attack)

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 140 Hammers
Technology Required : Radio, Flight, Oil
Strength : 16
Movement : 1 (8 Range)
Effects : Causes Collateral Damage
-50% Against Water Units
Can destroy Improvements
Can Bombard Cities (-15% Per Attack)

Stealth Bomber
Unique : No
Hammers Required : 200 Hammers
Technology Required : Composites, Flight, Robotics, Oil, Aluminum
Strength : 20
Movement : 1 (12 Range)
Effects : Can Evade Interception (50% Chance
Causes Collateral Damage
-50% Against Water Units
Can destroy Improvements
Can Bombard Cities (-20% Per Attack)

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 500 Hammers
Technology Required : The Manhattan Projecy, Rocketry, Fission, Uranium
Strength : 1
Movement : 1 (Umlimited Range)
Effects : Can Nuke Enemy Lands
Creates a 3X3 Fallout Square if successful

Archery Units


Unique : No
Hammers Required : 25 Hammers
Technology Required : Archery
Strength : 3
Movement : 1
Effects : 1 First Strike
+50% City Defence
+25% Hills Defence

Unique : Yes (Mali)
Hammers Required : 25 Hammers
Technology Required : Archery
Strength : 4
Movement : 1
Effects : 1 First Strike
+50% City Defence
+25% Hills Defence

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 50 Hammers
Technology Required : Feudalism, Archery
Strength : 6
Movement : 1
Effects : 1 First Strike
+25% City Defence
+25% Hills Defence

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 60 Hammers
Technology Required : Machinery, Archery, Iron
Strength : 6
Movement : 1
Effects : 1 First Strike
+50% Against Melee Units

Unique : Yes (Chinese)
Hammers Required : 60 Hammers
Technology Required : Machinery, Archery, Iron
Strength : 6
Movement : 1
Effects : 2 First Strikes
+50% Against Melee Units
Causes Collateral Damage

Armoured Units

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 180 Hammers
Technology Required : Industrialism, Rifling, Oil
Strength : 28
Movement : 2
Effects : Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses
Starts with Blitz

Unique : Yes (Germans)
Hammers Required : 180 Hammers
Technology Required : Industrialism, Rifling, Oil
Strength : 28
Movement : 2
Effects : Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses
Starts with Blitz
50% Against Armoured Units

Modern Armour
Unique : No
Hammers Required : 240 Hammers
Technology Required : Composites, Computers, Oil, Aluminum
Strength : 40
Movement : 2
Effects : 1 First Strike
Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses
Starts with Blitz

Gunpowder Units

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 80 Hammers
Technology Required : Gunpowder
Strength : 9
Movement : 1
Effects : None

Unique : Yes (France)
Hammers Required : 80 Hammers
Technology Required : Gunpowder
Strength : 9
Movement : 2
Effects : None

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 110 Hammers
Technology Required : Rifling
Strength : 14
Movement : 1
Effects : +25% Against Mounted Units

Unique : Yes (England)
Hammers Required : 110 Hammers
Technology Required : Rifling
Strength : 16
Movement : 1
Effects : +25% Against Mounted Units
+25% Against Gunpowder Units

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 100 Hammers
Technology Required : Chemistry
Strength : 12
Movement : 1
Effects : +50% Against Rifleman

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 140 Hammers
Technology Required : Assembly Line, Rifling
Strength : 20
Movement : 1
Effects : +25% Against Gunpowder Units

SAM Infantry
Unique : No
Hammers Required : 150 Hammers
Technology Required : Rocketry
Strength : 18
Movement : 1
Effects : Can Intercept Aircraft (40% Chance)
+50% Against Helicopter Units

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 160 Hammers
Technology Required : Industrialism, Rifling
Strength : 24
Movement : 1
Effects : +50% Attack Against Machine Guns
+50% Attack Against Artillery
Starts with Amphibious

Unique : Yes (America)
Hammers Required : 160 Hammers
Technology Required : Industrialism, Rifling
Strength : 24
Movement : 1
Effects : +50% Attack Against Machine Guns
+50% Attack Against Artillery
1-2 First Strikes
Starts with Amphibious, March

Mechanized Infantry
Unique : No
Hammers Required : 200 Hammers
Technology Required : Robotics, Rifling
Strength : 32
Movement : 2
Effects : Can Intercept Aircraft (20% Chance)
Starts with March

Helicopter Units

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 160 Hammers
Technology Required : Rocketry, Flight, Oil
Strength : 24
Movement : 4
Effects : Cannot Capture Enemy Cities
Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses
Ignore Terrain Movement Costs
Can Withdraw from Combat (25% Chance)
+100% Against Armoured Units

Melee Units

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 15 Hammers
Technology Required : None
Strength : 2
Movement : 1
Effects : +25% City Defence

Unique : Yes (Inca)
Hammers Required : 15 Hammers
Technology Required : None
Strength : 2
Movement : 1
Effects : +25% City Defence
+100% Against Archery Units

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 40 Hammers
Technology Required : Iron Working, Iron
Strength : 6
Movement : 1
Effects : +10% City Attack

Unique : Yes (Aztecs)
Hammers Required : 35 Hammers
Technology Required : Iron Working
Strength : 5
Movement : 1
Effects : +10% City Attack
+25% Jungle Defence

Unique : Yes (Rome)
Hammers Required : 45 Hammers
Technology Required : Iron Working, Iron
Strength : 8
Movement : 1
Effects : None

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 35 Hammers
Technology Required : Bronze Working, Copper or Iron
Strength : 5
Movement : 1
Effects : +50% Against Melee Units

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 70 Hammers
Technology Required : Civil Service, Machinery, Copper or Iron
Strength : 8
Movement : 1
Effects : +50% Against Melee Units

Unique : Yes (Japan)
Hammers Required : 70 Hammers
Technology Required : Civil Service, Machinery, Copper or Iron
Strength : 8
Movement : 1
Effects : 2 First Strikes
+50% Against Melee Units

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 35 Hammers
Technology Required : Hunting, Copper or Iron
Strength : 4
Movement : 1
Effects : +100% Against Mounted Units

Unique : Yes (Greek)
Hammers Required : 35 Hammers
Technology Required : Hunting, Copper or Iron
Strength : 5
Movement : 1
Effects : +25% Hill Defence
+100% Against Mounted Units

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 60 Hammers
Technology Required : Engineering, Iron
Strength : 6
Movement : 1
Effects : +100% Against Mounted Units

Mounted Units

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 25 Hammers
Technology Required : The Wheel, Horse
Strength : 4
Movement : 2
Effects : Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses
Can Withdraw from Combat (20% Chance)

War Chariot
Unique : Yes (Egypt)
Hammers Required : 25 Hammers
Technology Required : The Wheel, Horse
Strength : 5
Movement : 2
Effects : Immune to First Strikes
Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses
Can Withdraw from Combat (20% Chance)

Unique : Yes (Persia)
Hammers Required : 25 Hammers
Technology Required : The Wheel, Horse
Strength : 4
Movement : 2
Effects : +50% Against Archery Units
Can Withdraw from Combat (30% Chance)

Horse Archer
Unique : No
Hammers Required : 50 Hammers
Technology Required : Horseback Riding, Archery, Horse
Strength : 6
Movement : 2
Effects : Immune to First Strikes
Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses
+50% Attack Against Catapult

Unique : Yes (Mongol)
Hammers Required : 50 Hammers
Technology Required : Horseback Riding, Archery, Horse
Strength : 6
Movement : 2
Effects : 1 First Strike
Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses
+50% Attack Against Catapult
Ignore Terrain Cost

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 90 Hammers
Technology Required : Guilds, Horseback Riding, Horse, Iron
Strength : 10
Movement : 2
Effects : Immune to First Strikes
Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses

Camel Archer
Unique : Yes (Arabs
Hammers Required : 90 Hammers
Technology Required : Guilds, Horseback Riding, Archery
Strength : 10
Movement : 2
Effects : Immune to First Strikes
Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses
Can Withdraw from Combat (25% Chance)

Unique : Yes (Spain)
Hammers Required : 90 Hammers
Technology Required : Guilds, Horseback Riding, Horse, Iron
Strength : 10
Movement : 2
Effects : Immune to First Strikes
50% Against Melee Units

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 120 Hammers
Technology Required : Military Tradition, Horseback Riding, Gunpowder, Horse
Strength : 15
Movement : 2
Effects : Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses
Can Withdraw from Combat (30% Chance)
+50% Attack Against Cannon

Unique : Yes (Russia)
Hammers Required : 120 Hammers
Technology Required : Military Tradition, Horseback Riding, Gunpowder, Horse
Strength : 18
Movement : 2
Effects : +50% Against Mounted Units
Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses
Can Withdraw from Combat (30% Chance)
+50% Attack Against Cannon

War Elephant
Unique : No
Hammers Required : 60 Hammers
Technology Required : construction, Ivory
Strength : 8
Movement : 1
Effects : Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses
+50% Against Mounted Units

Naval Units

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 50 Hammers
Technology Required : Sailing
Strength : 2
Movement : 2
Effects : Cargo Space = 2
Cannot Enter Ocean

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 60 Hammers
Technology Required : Optics
Strength : 3
Movement : 3
Effects : Cargo Space = 1
Can Explore Rival Territory

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 80 Hammers
Technology Required : Astronomy
Strength : 4
Movement : 4
Effects : Cargo Space = 3

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 90 Hammers
Technology Required : Chemistry, Astronomy, Iron
Strength : 8
Movement : 4
Effects : Can Bombard City Defence (-10% Per Attack)

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 100 Hammers
Technology Required : Steel, Steam Power, Iron, Coal
Strength : 12
Movement : 2
Effects : Cannot Enter Ocean
Can Bombard City Defence (-10% Per Attack)

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 125 Hammers
Technology Required : Combustion, Oil or Uranium
Strength : 16
Movement : 5
Effects : Cargo Space = 4

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 200 Hammers
Technology Required : Combustion, Oil or Uranium
Strength : 30
Movement : 8
Effects : Can See Submarines
Can Intercept Aircraft (30% Chance)
Can Bombard Cities (-15% Per Attack)

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 225 Hammers
Technology Required : Industrialism, Oil or Uranium
Strength : 40
Movement : 6
Effects : Causes Collateral Damage
Can Bombard Cities (-20% Per Attack)

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 150 Hammers
Technology Required : Radio, Combustion, Oil or Uranium
Strength : 24
Movement : 6
Effects : Invisible to Most Units
Cargo Space = 1
Can Pass through Impassable Terrain
Can Explore Rival Territory
Can Withdraw from Combat (50% Chance)

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 175 Hammers
Technology Required : Flight, Oil or Uranium
Strength : 16
Movement : 5
Effects : Cargo Space = 3 (Fighters)

Recon Units

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 15 Hammers
Technology Required : Hunting
Strength : 1
Movement : 2
Effects : Better Results from Tribal Villages
Can Only Defend
+100% Against Animals

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 40 Hammers
Technology Required : Compass
Strength : 4
Movement : 2
Effects : Can Only Defend
Better Results from Tribal Villages
Ignore Terrain Movement Costs
Starts with Guerilla I, Woodsman I

Siege Weapons

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 40 Hammers
Technology Required : Construction
Strength : 5
Movement : 1
Effects : Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses
Can Withdraw from Combat (25% Chance)
Causes Collateral Damage
Can Bombard Cities (-15% Per Attack)

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 100 Hammers
Technology Required : Steel, Iron
Strength : 12
Movement : 1
Effects : Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses
Can Withdraw from Combat (25% Chance)
Causes Collateral Damage
Can Bombard Cities (-20% Per Attack)

Machine Gun
Unique : No
Hammers Required : 125 Hammers
Technology Required : Railroad
Strength : 18
Movement : 1
Effects : Can Only Defend
1 First Strike
+50% Against Gunpowder Units

Unique : No
Hammers Required : 150 Hammers
Technology Required : Artillery
Strength : 18
Movement : 1
Effects : Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses
Can Withdraw from Combat (25% Chance)
Causes Collateral Damage
Can Bombard Cities (-25% Per Attack)
+50% Against Siege Weapons

[5.08] Promotions

In battle, you will find that your battle harden troops will survive better
than your new green recruits. They are better than your new troops and better
seeing that the other guys gets beaten up badly.

Your units will be able to get promotions by acquiring the necessary XP points
to level up. There are several sources of XP points.

The barracks will grant your troops +4 Experience Points for every new land
unit created. Drydocks are the naval equalivant. The West Point Academy will
grant you +4 Experience points for every unit in that city created. The
Pentagon will grant +2 Experience Points in all cities. The civics can also
give a boost. Vassalage will grant all new units with 2 Experience Points
while Theocracy will grant +2 Experience Points to all units created in
cities with the State Religion

The most common way for units to gain Experience Points is through combat.
For destroying an enemy units, regardless of what it is, you will have the
victorious unit gain an XP.

Some units will start with promotions depending on what it is. Most will be
special units. An example is the Navy SEAL of the American Empire who will
be given March. Some Wonders will give a promotion, such as the Red Cross
who will give the Medic I promotion for all units created in that city.

Requires : City Raider I or Barrage I
Available To : Siege Weapons
Special Abilities : +10% City Bombard Damage
Leads To : None

Requires : Combat II
Available To : Siege Weapons
Gunpowder Units
Armoured Units
Helicopter Units
Special Abilities : +25% Against Armoured Units
Leads To : None

Requires : Combat II
Available To : Recon Units
Archery Units
Mounted Units
Gunpowder Units
Melee Units
Siege Weapons
Special Abilities : No Combat Penalty for Attacking from Sea
No Combat Penalty for Crossing River
Leads To : None

Barrage I
Requires : None
Available To : Siege Weapons
Armoured Units
Naval Units
Special Abilities : +20% Collateral Damage
Leads To : Barrage II, Accuracy

Barrage II
Requires : Barrage II
Available To : Siege Weapons
Armoured Units
Naval Units
Special Abilities : +30% Collateral Damage
+10% Against Melee Units
Leads To : Barrage III

Barrage III
Requires : Barrage II
Available To : Siege Weapons
Armoured Units
Naval Units
Special Abilities : +50% Collateral Damage
+10% Against Gunpowder Units
Leads To : None

Requires : Combat III
Available To : Armoured Units
Mounted Units
Helicopter Units
Special Abilities : Can Attack Multiple Times per Turn
Leads To : None

Requires : Combat II
Available To : Mounted Units
Armoured Units
Melee Units
Helicopter Units
Special Abilities : +25% Against Siege Weapons
Leads To : None

City Garrison I
Requires : None
Available To : Archery Units
Gunpowder Units
Special Abilities : +20% City Defence
Leads To : City Garrison II

City Garrison II
Requires : City Garrison I
Available To : Archery Units
Gunpowder Units
Special Abilities : +25% City Defence
Leads To : City Garrison III

City Garrison III
Requires : City Garrison II
Available To : Archery Units
Gunpowder Units
Special Abilities : +30% City Defence
+10% Against Melee Units
Leads To : None

City Raider I
Requires : None
Available To : Melee Units
Siege Weapons
Armoured Units
Special Abilities : +20% City Attack
Leads To : City Raider II, Accuracy

City Raider II
Requires : City Raider I
Available To : Melee Units
Siege Weapons
Armoured Units
Special Abilities : +25% City Attack
Leads To : City Raider II

City Raider III
Requires : City Raider II
Available To : Melee Units
Siege Weapons
Armoured Units
Special Abilities : +30% City Attack
+10% Against Gunpowder Units
Leads To : None

Combat I
Requires : None
Available To : All Units
Special Abilities : +10% Strength
Leads To : Combat II, Cover, Shock, Pinch, Medic I

Combat II
Requires : Combat I
Available To : All Units
Special Abilities : +10% Strength
Leads To : Combat III, Formation, Charge, Ambush, Amphibious

Combat III
Requires : Combat II
Available To : All Units
Special Abilities : +10% Strength
Leads To : Combat IV, March, Blitz, Sentry

Combat IV
Requires : Combat III
Available To : All Units
Special Abilities : +10% Strength
Heals Extra +10% Damage per Turn in Neutral Land
Leads To : Combat V, Commando

Combat V
Requires : Combat IV
Available To : All
Special Abilities : +10% Strength
Heals Extra +10% Damage per Turn in Enemy Land
Leads To : None

Requires : Combat IV
Available To : Recon Units
Archery Units
Mounted Units
Melee Units
Gunpowder Units
Armoued Units
Special Abilities : Can Use Enemy Roads
Leads To : None

Requires : Combat I
Available To : Archery Units
Melee Units
Gunpowder Units
Special Abilities : +25% Against Archery Units
Leads To : None

Drill I
Requires : None
Available To : Archery Units
Armoured Units
Helicopter Units
Naval Units
Siege Weapons
Special Abilities : 1 Extra First Strike Chance
Leads To : Drill II

Drill II
Requires : Drill I
Available To : Archery Units
Armoured Units
Helicopter Units
Naval Units
Siege Weapons
Special Abilities : 1 Extra First Strike
Leads To : Drill III

Drill III
Requires : Drill II
Available To : Archery Units
Armoured Units
Helicopter Units
Naval Units
Siege Weapons
Special Abilities : +2 First Strike Chances
Leads To : Drill IV

Drill IV
Requires : Drill III
Available To : Archery Units
Armoured Units
Helicopter Units
Naval Units
Siege Weapons
Special Abilities : +2 First Strikes
+10% Against Mounted Units
Leads To : None

Flanking I
Requires : None
Available To : Mounted Units
Armoured Units
Helicopter Units
Naval Units
Special Abilities : +10% Withdrawal Chance
Leads To : Flanking II, Sentry, Navigation I

Flanking II
Requires : Flanking I
Available To : Mounted Units
Armoured Units
Helicopter Units
Naval Units
Special Abilities : +20% Withdrawal Chance
Immune to First Strikes
Leads To : Mobility

Requires : Combat II
Available To : Mounted Units
Archery Units
Melee Units
Gunpowder Units
Special Abilities : +25% Against Mounted units
Leads To : None

Guerilla I
Requires : None
Available To : Archery Units
Recon Units
Gunpowder Units
Special Abilities : +20% Hills Defence
Leads To : Guerilla II

Guerilla II
Requires : Guerilla I
Available To : Archery Units
Recon Units
Gunpowder Units
Special Abilities : Double Movement in Hills
+30% Hills Defence
Leads To : None

Requires : Combat III or Medic I
Available To : Recon Units
Melee Units
Mounted Units
Archery Units
Siege Weapons
Gunpowder Units
Special Abilities : Can Heal while Moving
Leads To : None

Medic I
Requires : Combat I
Available To : Recon Units
Archery Units
Mounted Units
Melee Units
Gunpowder Units
Naval Units
Siege Weapons
Special Abilities : Heal Units in Same Tile 10% Damage Per Turn
Leads To : Medic II, March

Medic II
Requires : Medic I
Available To : Recon Units
Archery Units
Mounted Units
Melee Units
Gunpowder Units
Naval Units
Siege Weapons
Special Abilities : Heals Units in Adjacent Tiles 10% Damage Per Turn
Leads To : None

Requires : Flanking II
Available To : Mounted Units
Armoured Units
Special Abilities : -1 Terrain Movement Cost
Leads To : None

Navigation I
Requires : Flanking I
Available To : Naval Units
Special Abilities : +1 Movement Range
Leads To : Navigation II

Navigation II
Requires : Navigation I
Available To : Naval Units
Special Abilities : +1 Movement Range
Leads To : None

Requires : Combat I
Available To : Mounted Units
Armoured Units
Gunpowder Units
Helicopter Units
Special Abilities : +25% Against Gunpowder Units
Leads To : None

Requires : Flanking I or Combat III
Available To : Recon Units
Mounted Units
Helicopter Units
Naval Units
Special Abilities : +1 Visibility Range
Leads To : None

Requires : Combat I
Available To : Archery Units
Mounted Units
Melee Units
Siege Weapons
Special Abilities : +25% Against Melee Units
Leads To :

Woodsman I
Requires : None
Available To : Recon Units
Melee Units
Gunpowder Units
Special Abilities : +20% Jungle Defence
+20% Forest Defence
Leads To : Woodsman II

Woodsman II
Requires : Woodsman I
Available To : Recon Units
Melee Units
Gunpowder Units
Special Abilities : +30% Jungle Defence
+30% Forest Defence
Double Movement in Jungles
Double Movement in Forests
Leads To : None

[5.09] Other Stuffs

This section will contain the other stuff I couldn't fit elsewhere.

There are roaming animals that will attack whoever they want. They will attack
your units, making settlers and workers at risk. You will have to protect
them with your military. As more of the world is claim, they will disappear.

These are roaming humans looking for something to steal. In constrast to the
animals, they will come into your land and attack you. They are far more
dangerous and can even start cities, developing the land around them.

Golden Age
This is when your civilisation is slowing with extra knowledge. During this
period, your farms produce more, your mines produce more, everything will be
increased in produciton. It lasts for 8 turns. It is started by the Taj
Mahal wonder and by sacrificing 2 Great People.

[6.01] v1.09

- increased cost of Apollo Program...
- increased SS parts cost...
- Animal Husbandry reveals Horses
- tweaked Rifling, Chemistry, Steel, and Railroad tech costs...
- increased late-game tech costs...
- can now add two specialists in size 1 city with Mercantilism...
- final score is now modified by difficulty level...
- Speed up load times
- Global performance enhancements

- Include WB map size in the description field
- Save login name
- Added password encryption
- Added regenerate Map Button to World builder Map Mode...
- checkbox for using low resolution textures
- more logging for init failure
- minspec / video memory checking
- Added ability to change to and from fullscreen while in-game
- holding during startup will clean out the cache
- improved bink playback, added ini options

- ATI issue Failed to Init Renderer Fixed
- Multiplayer Lobby list jump problem and lobby crash fixed
- fixed war weariness calculation bug...
- units maintain their name when upgraded
- fixed Gold-for-Gold diplo exploit...
- fixed no research choice overflow exploit...
- Fix for voice initialization crash
- Fix addressing takeover AI and retirement OOS.
- Fixed issue with diplomacy text being always used in its first form in the
- Popups, screens, and diplomacy properly cleared when exiting from main
- Games protected by admin passwords (only) cannot be loaded if the version
is different from the one that created the save
- Fixed bug where player could not offer any deal to other human in
- Sorting by date on domestic advisor now works.
- fixed bug where settlers could not move if the strategy layer was selected
- fixed Ironworks...
- fixed AI units not obeying open borders rules on declaration of war...
- fixed bug that prevent placing of units in world-builder
- fixed bug that prevented gifting of units to a human player
- stack attack infinite loop fixed
- Civic screen update fix (wasn’t showing the right maintenance and anarchy
- ctrl-g crash fix, optimized city bar art
- fixed right-click menu crash
- Intro movie crashing problems

[6.02] v1.52

v1.52 is a major upgrade to Civ IV and includes numerous optimizations for
memory usage that should help performance on all machines but are tailored to
especially improve performance on machines at or near the minimum

Major memory reductions include:

-Shared low-level graphics buffers
-Removed many unused fonts and reduced interface memory usage
-Paged out units which are not visible
-Reduced terrain data size and overhead
-Reduced route data size
-Created a set of low-res movies for machines without dynamic texture support
(this will be available as a separate download)

These changes not only reduced the amount of system memory required, but
lowered video memory usage extensively. Also, the rate at which the game
consumes memory in the late-game has decreased, which is extremely important.

Suggestions for optimal performance:

Increase AGP memory size in your BIOS settings to 128 or 256 if necessary.
Go to and apply updates
Update graphics and sound drivers
Close other background applications
Turn graphics to low and use low-resolution textures in the options screen
Turn off Antialiasing in your display properties

- Tech cost rebalancing
- Improved city attack AI
- Moved MaxAutosaves to ini file
- Slower Great People name generation
- Hide health bars during combat
- Increased late-game tech costs
- Waypoints now invisible when city screen is up
- AI more willing to trade cities for peace
- AI stays at war longer
- Cottages no longer grow durring anarchy
- Combat info now shows odds of success
- WBS's now contain unit damage
- Score from land doesn't count until you own land for 20 turns
- Better invasion AI
- Slavery: No Upkeep
- Emancipation: Low Upkeep
- Tweaked AI civic values
- Filled in missing diplo entries for Frederick
- Praetorians: 40->45 hammers
- Jaguars: 40->35 hammers
- AI turn optimizations
- Interface game messages are now flushed at end of turn
- Environmentalism moved to Medicine
- Increased industrial era tech costs
- Environmentalism is medium upkeep
- Free Speech is low upkeep
- Forests give 0.5 health
- Firepower in combat now based on max strength
- Lobby sorting improvements
- Clearing the table in the MP diplomacy screen resets the "They accept/They
do not accept" text
- Dawn of man screen closes with ESCAPE just like all the other interface
- The hall of fame now shows only games that have been played with the
currently-loaded mod
- When trying to build an item that it not allowed in a city, you will get a
production popup asking for a build instead of leaving production empty
- Wonder Movies and other popups may appear in PBEM/Hotseat
- Incremented save version to 102
- Simplified city billboard placement. This should fix the weird billboard
offsets and scaling.

- Lobby chat and buddy lists from staging rooms
- Combat odds now shown in combat turn log
- ALT-S now allows you to place signs
- Added "Leave Forest" option for automated workers
- Added Marathon game speed (longer than Epic)
- Added NoTechSplash ini setting
- More communication about autopatch failures
- Domestic advisor remembers which cities you had selected last time screen
was up.
- Added "no cheating" game option for single-player
- In addition to tradeable techs, techs that are not allowed to be traded to
you are also shown, provided that you can research them yourself at the
- Added event and replay messages when a human founds a city. This got broken
when we added city renaming
- Support for Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard
- When you zoom to a city from the domestic advisor, you return to the
domestic advisor after you exit the city screen
- Updated Info Screen with changes 'borrowed' from one of the forum modders

- Unit attack move bug
- Civ naming bug in sp
- No longer keep your gold and techs when regenerating a map
- Missing civic name from popup help
- Minimap now appears correctly after regenerating map
- Unit cycling bug
- Load game freeze bug
- Movement freeze bug in si-move
- Unit cycling bug in PitBoss and HotSeat
- Missing plot list buttons bug with large stacks
- Pathfinding bug involving defensive terrain and group movement
- Bug with AI attacking over rivers
- Can no longer see spies on caravels
- Group attack bug
- Group attack bug with gunships
- GS lobby ignoring game settings bug
- Disappearing popup help bug
- Diplo city trading bug
- Wonder movie/zoom to building crash
- No camera adjustment to city screen bug
- User profiles with build queues no longer crash
- No more negative gold in diplo screen
- Fixed gifting bad cities to AI exploit
- AI issues with Always War and Always Peace
- Units not moving into tiles after combat bug (graphical only)
- Pathfinding reuse fix
- Fixed pathfinding bug
- Fixed SHIFT-selecting multiple cities
- End score not matching up with timed winner bug
- Fixed bug allowing selection of disabled techs in tech chooser
- Fixed Sentry promotion visiblity bug
- Fixed AI city targeting bug
- Fixed AI healing bug
- AI city attack bug
- No more message lag in single-player
- Fixed bug with gunship stacks attacking cities
- Random seed bug (causing duplicate world maps...)
- Unit health bars no longer show up in city screen
- Two-palaces-from-culture-flipping-capital bug
- Foreign Advisor: Gold available for trade does not show up when there cannot
be a trade for gold
- Diplomacy screen fix for gold popups not appearing properly
- Foreign advisor: Resources for active player are shown multiple times if you
have more than one instance of a resource to trade.
- Fixed weird little bug with Unit Categories page in Civilopedia
- Diplomacy bug for PBEM/Hotsesat
- Removed some cheats from password-protected games that should not have been
allowed in the first place
- Fix for competitive games: Password-protected saves can no longer be easily
stripped of their passwords, and the assets checksum in the save can no
longer be modified by external means
- Fixed vanishing yield symbols in multiplayer
- Fixed some PBEM/Hotseat issues when there is just one human player
- River and Wind sounds are now properly classified as ambience. This fixes
inconsistent behavior in audio options
- Minimized or No Interface no longer reverts to normal after entering, then
exiting city view
- You can no longer duplicate deals with the AI from the "Active deals"
section of the diplomacy screen
- Out of memory message problem on machines that don't allocate small textures
- Assert error for software vertex processing only machines
- Bug where you could draw strategy lines and signs outside of globe view
- "globe view buildings disabled" option now hides buildings in globe view

[6.03] v1.61

The most useful of the patches.


- randomized processing order when multiple players try to move on the same
turn slice...
- only the host can set the admin password...
- Horseback Riding now a classical tech...
- Kremlin now gives -33% hurry production cost...
- can't airlift from foreign cities...
- expanded subject for PitBoss e-mail...
- lightened the color of some civs' text...
- mp retire fix...
- less hammers from chops the farther away from a city...
- reduced hammer yield from forest chops to 20…
- Mathematics increases forest chop yields by +50%...
- SDI cannot be built before the Manhattan Project...
- increased SDI cost...
- Marines and SAM Infantry now upgrade to Mech Infantry...
- Better AI-to-human diplo in team games...
- no more diplo penalty for helping to end wars...
- city production popups stay on city when entering/exiting...
- can now set units to Sleep and Intercept in wbs...
- Continents map script now produces large continents
- game options and victory conditions now saved in ini file...
- invalid buildings now removed from city queues...
- Free Trade: Medium Upkeep
- State Property: Low Upkeep
- Representation: +2 happy in X biggest cities
- Hereditary Rule: Low Upkeep
- Representation: Medium Upkeep
- Slavery: Low Upkeep
- Nationhood: No Upkeep
- Firepower is now average of curr and max strength...
- Gunships now move faster over rails...
- No Cheating option renamed to Lock Modified Assets...
- city management no longer uses "forced" specialist states when not
- Expansive: +3 Health
- Financial: No longer give production bonus for Banks
- Prompt for admin password when loading a game containing one in LAN,
Internet, or Pitboss play
- Don't allow players to play non-playable civs in Pitboss
- Do not display SP only mods in Pitboss
- Allow hotseat/PBEM scenario host to select which civ s/he will play
- Force non-playable civs to be AI in Hotseat/PBEM games
- Allowing for AI slots in player defined scenarios for Hot Seat, PBEM, and
Pitboss games
- Do not display duplicate buddy request popups from the same guy
- Peer address handling improvements
- Number keys perform leaderhead actions on Civilopedia leader screen.
- Custom game SP screen remembers difficulty level last played
- Reduced rounding error for population and land victory condition test
- Loading a multiplayer game as a PBEM/hotseat converts it to non-simultaneous
- When the city names of your civ are all taken, choose a default name from a
random civ
- Timelines more uniform across game speeds
- Military Advisor shows Barbarians
- Tech chooser screen now observes CvGameInterface.cannotResearch() and
shows the tech in a red pane if the function returns true
- Fixed American Revolution scenario to work with Pitboss
- PBEM password reminder popup no longer disappears when the game starts
- Wonder description on Wonder Movie screen more legible
- Top Civs screen no longer appears in online multiplayer
- Civilopedia main page sorted in columns rather than in rows
- Pressing escape when selecting goto points now cancels the goto waypoints
- Military advisor now works like foreign advisor: clicking on leader buttons
clears previous leader selections unless you hold down the shift key.
- Teams in multiplayer once again share all the players' starting techs, not
just the last player's
- Great person point generation from Wonders continues after Wonder has
become obsolete
- quicksave doesn't prompt for overwrite

- exploit fix that allowed multiple players to extract the same gold/resources
from the AI...
- Don't set localhost address as public addr for peers on same computer
- fixed gunships capturing cities bug...
- game doesn't end on ties...
- fixed mp UN voting bug...
- Leaderheads on a radeon 9000 64mb - fix for strange skin shading.
- Fixed crash that happened when a spy sabotaged an improvement outside
cultural borders.
- The full mod path is no longer stored in the save when the mod is installed
under the user folder.
- Double-clicking on a save of a mod now loads the proper DLL.
- fixed Out-of-Sync from exiting to main menu...
- fixed anarchy/specialist resetting bug...
- fixed bug where environmentalism doesn't affect new cities...
- fix for missing head mission crash...
- fixed stack attack bug with groups of units with more than one move...
- fixed premature end-turn unit cycle bug...
- fixed State Porperty cumulative effect in team game...
- fixed plot list button scrolling for multiple resolutions...
- fixed some AI attitude issues for team games...
- Strip chat messages of color tags before displaying in Pitboss
- Fixed logic bug that determines the number of open slots in a Pitboss game
- Improving how the host determines if the game is full - number of
connections rather than number of players - before, the host wasn't
considering joining players when determining if the game was full
- Set status to CLOSED when a computer player dies in the game
- The full mod path is no longer stored in the save when the mod is
installed under the user folder.
- Load proper DLL when a mod is specified in the ini file
- fix for tech chooser showing known techs as unknown
- Clear map data (like latitudes) when you exit to main menu
- Fixed error in combat calculations when a zero-strength unit was involved.
- Fixed bug in Info screen "rival worst" calculation
- End of game sequence plays correctly for hotseat/pbem
- Diplomacy screen no longer allows end-turn events to go through
- Diplomacy screen gold popups respond to ESCAPE and RETURN
- Right-click select-all no longer causes large stacks to slide off the screen
- No longer possible to attempt to take over unplayable civs in multiplayer
- Fixed PBEM infinite movement exploit
- Fixed rush production per population for game speeds other than normal
- GNP graph is now consistent with demographics table
- Fix Gunship being almost invisibile in Frozen mode
- fix mod name in progress bar
- New DX9 code takes screenshot without requiring lockable back buffer
- Fixed the vertically launching torpedo for the submarine unit
- Movie playback optimized
- Significant reduction in video and system memory usage
- Fixed some memory leaks
- Fixed crashes with modified SDK
- Fixed XML failures with non-default locale
- Many translation fixes
- Memory related crash fixes
- Fixed diplomacy crash fix (when expanding an empty tree control with space
- Internet lobby -> LAN fix
- fixed pedia and menu buttons disappearing after leaving tech chooser
- PitBoss no longer crashes on victory
- can no longer see number of units in darkened tiles by moving the flag
- No more Archers holding all their weapons and Workers holding all their
- No more fog of war missing from the southern ice and from trees/jungle on
the dateline
- Pushing "go back" while joining a mp game, no longer causes background music
to disappear
- Wonder movie effect and zoom no longer happens when you have disabled
Wonder movies
- City billboards no longer choke on text formatting
- Many tutorial issues fixed…
- Fixed checksum folder order difference between NTFS and FAT32 filesystems
- Many worldbuilder issues fixed…
- Fix: Black eye shadows
- Fix: Some leaderheads appear to have white eyes when the low-res textures
option is on
- fixing crack in huge globe view maps
- fixes the problem where animals were not animating in the fog
- Prevent Terrain crash when reloading EarthMap twice
- fixed crash on too quick quickload
- fixed city yields being revealed in FOW
- fixed ability to see cities in FOW via defense modifiers
- ICBM no longer flips upside-down when fortified/awaken
- Fix for combat bug across a map seam

- PitBossSleep ini setting...
- unit cycling optimization...
- Africa, Europe, East Asia, Eastern U.S., and South America maps
- Fantasy_Realm, Fractal, and Shuffle map scripts
- unit health bar for plot list buttons...
- Require Complete Kills game option
- No Movies is now a graphical option (instead of an ini option)...
- Warn all users when a player with a different version of files joins the
- Display a popup warning the host when a joining player has different
versions of XML/Python files so he can make sure this guy can be trusted
- Indicate which players have an active turn in the Pitboss admin screen
- Synch Logging now an .ini option
- Able to load mods from the Pitboss
- Hotseat and PBEM scenarios
- Display name of peer you are contacting in join screen if available
- Saving DirectIP join address
- Added culture rate popup help to culture bar in city screen
- Added Admin password field in PBEM/Hotseat staging screens
- Added HideMovieBackground ini option for further movie speedup
- Added HideOutOfVRamWarning ini option
- Exposed many more functions to Python
- Hooked up modern whaling boats
- support for movies in customAssets folder

[7.01] Basic Guide

When playing a custom game, you will receive two units, a warrior unit and
some settlers. Settle next to some resources, food resources being the most
useful. By settling next to food resources, you don't have to worry about food
for the moment. Set your warriors to explore the world around you, especially
those squares about 5 tiles away from your established city. This is because
you sooner or later have to start a new city, and some rare resources. You
should first build a worker for one reason. To make your tiles more productive
and produce more. You first objective is to improve tiles next to water, a
plop a farm there if not obstructed by a rare resource. Constantly improve the
land. Your next unit to train is settlers.

Once you have decided where to build the next city, construct it. Theres a
tip about cities. Inland cities generally have good access to one of the two
things. Food or production. Building a city next to a river will provide far
more food than one in the middle of the desert. Building a city next to a
wealth of hills will certainly provide a large amount of hammer. These will
be your most productive cities in terms of hammers. Then there are coastal
cities. Generally speaking, half of the squares a city could use are located
in the sea. Although they don't provide a lot of resources, a fish, crab or
clam resource will provide enough food for at least 2 people. There are also
upgrades to make it more productive.

Another type of city is a grassland city, a city surrounded generally by
grassland. These are the best places to put cottages and farms as they will
produce far more. Plain cities are your average cities as they provide a
little food, a little production. Desert cities are those, well, stuck in the
middle of the desert. There will be come rare resources like incense and ivory
but no food unless there is an oasis nearby. Tundra cities will have fur, deer
and some mining goods but unless there is a river or a source of fresh water,
they won't survive unless saved by some resources in the sea.

[7.02] Peace

Thats the only thing you will need to survive to mid game, peace. You will
need to be friendly with all your neighbours to survive. You should
concentrate on your economy and your citys production. Use the ability of
technology really quick and level up your units. After all, several strong
knights will easily defeat an army of warriors. Gold is your friend, use it
to get maps and friends. After all, the more people to defend you, the less
likely a rogue nation will attack you. And please, fortify your cities and
your rare resources with units so in case you get attacked, you can defend
yourself. Defensive Pacts are very useful.

[A] Contact Information

Before you E-Mail me, read the guide first. If the answer is not in here, then
E-Mail me. If it is, don't bother as I won't reply.

To contact me, e-mail me at
hillsdragon13 [at] hotmail [dot] com

Replace at with @ and dot with .

Don't add me to MSN Messenger List because if I don't know you, I won't accept
you, simple as that.

E-Mail me (and anyone else you want to e-mail) with courtesy and respect as
we are living people like you. Have a title of what you are sending so I know
what is going on. If you try to send attachments, I won't open them so stick
the information in the E-Mail.

Please write in English or anything close to it. It can't understand foreign
languages so please don't give me a page long quite in Mexican or Antarctic
penguin language cause I don't understand.

Don't write in sloppy English. I mean, who the hell would understand "Hwo Od
Yoi Di Tjih Ni Cvilztin Flr?" Don't be too formal, a question is not a freakin
business agreement so don't say "Dear Sir, In accordance to your Walkthrough
to the PC Game, Civ IV, ..." it makes me wonder if I'm talking to a freak
the President of the United States of America or Bill Gates or Donald Trump.

I will credit you if your send me information about this game that is not in
the FAQ. I will also be grateful if you see this FAQ somewhere else other than
Gamefaqs or a site which has my permission. If you do, tell me so I can kick
their ass to Pluto and make them bounce off to the other side of the Universe.

I will not respond to:

* Spam
* Bill Gate's Spam (He gets spam of up to 4 million per day)
* Something not related with this
* Something already covered
* Illegal stuff, like CD-Keys and Pirated Versions
* Technical Problems

Technical Problems will not be answered as they should be sent to Firaxis not
me. I didn't design the game so I shouldn't know what's wrong with it, its
your game not MINE.

[B] Webmaster Information




[C] Credits

This section is where you see your name. It will be long. The names are either
Board Names from the Boards or your e-mail so if your name is Bob Rob and
another Bob Rob posted the message, the First Bob Rob will not be credited so
in short, someone around the world who shares the same name as you will not
be credited for your work.

CJayC for hosting this FAQ
Me for writing it
Firaxis Games for developing it
2K Games for distribution

[D] Sites FAQ is on

Current FAQ is On will always have the latest versions

May be Outdated will have a version of this FAQ

[E] Copyright

This game is Copyright 2005 Firaxis Games and 2K Games. All Rights Reserved

This document is copyrighted by US and Canadian and Australian Laws. This FAQ
is for personal use only. This is not to be used for commercial or personal
gain. Websites publishing this guide without permission will face punishment
under the law. All sites except GAMEFAQS are not allow to host this FAQ
without my permission.

This document is protected by the copyright laws that were founded in the
Bernes Copyright Convention in 1968. It states that:

The expression “literary and artistic works” shall include every production
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form of its expression, such as books, pamphlets and other writings; lectures,
addresses, sermons and other works of the same nature; dramatic or
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musical compositions with or without words; cinematographic works to which
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This document is copyright 2007. All Rights Reserved.
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18.Oktober 2013
Ressourcen FAQ
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für Geld, Erfindungen und unbegrenzte Bewegung (für die v1.0, v1.09, v1.52, v1.61 und v1.74)

17.Oktober 2013
Geldtrainer (für v1.61)

08.Oktober 2013

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